La French Tech is back To Vegas!


La French Tech is back To Vegas!
La French Tech
is back to Vegas!
The Business France Delegation
of startups at CES 2016
Introduction ....................................................................................................................................................................... 3
35 startups in Eureka Park at the French Tech Pavilion ............................................................... 4
Many thanks to our sponsors ............................................................................................................................. 5
Some of La French Tech events at CES 2016 ......................................................................................... 7
Venue Map .......................................................................................................................................................................... 8
35 innovative French startups
Consumer Tech
10-VINS ........................................................ 12
BIXI (BLUEMINT LABS)........................ 13
BLUE FROG ROBOTICS........................ 14
C-WAY............................................................. 15
SMARTy crew......................................... 16
WEZZOO – OOMBRELLA..................... 17
3D SOUND LABS...................................... 18
DESIGN SCREEN...................................... 19
IMMERSIT.................................................... 20
PHONOTONIC............................................. 21
PRIZM............................................................. 22
AIR SERENITY........................................... 23
FEETME ......................................................... 24
LSEE................................................................ 25
ROMY-PARIS.............................................. 26
Smart Home/Green Tech
DRUST............................................................ 32
8 alumni & partners startups
on Eureka Park
ZHOR TECH................................................. 34
DJIT.................................................................. 35
EMIOTA ......................................................... 36
FAMOCO ....................................................... 37
MYBIODY BALANCE – BBRC ........... 38
PRYNT............................................................ 39
SMART ME UP ......................................... 40
STARTUP-MARKET.IO .......................... 41
5 startups on Eureka Park Next
ACTILITY....................................................... 42
ARKAMYS..................................................... 43
BLUETENS.................................................... 44
ELIOCITY – XEE ....................................... 45
QWANT........................................................... 46
BELL & WYSON ........................................ 27
ENERBEE....................................................... 28
QARNOT COMPUTING.......................... 29
SENSORWAKE .......................................... 30
SEVENHUGS............................................... 31
France is at the cutting edge of innovation..........................................................................................48
Bonjour, Las Vegas!
France is here, and we mean business.
France is more than just Edith Piaf, Yves Saint Laurent and Château Margaux. We’re Blabla Car, Sigfox, Ingenico,
Weezevent, Criteo, Visiomed, Bluefrog Robotics…
France still knows how to create l’art de vivre, and we will never lose our “French Touch.” But today, we’re also
developing a reputation for “La French Tech”: connected objects, video, e-health, cybersecurity, mobility and
more. One of our startups, for example, has developed a technology that brings a glass of Bordeaux to the
perfect temperature in less than a minute.
We’ll drink to that.
Last year, 120 French companies—including 70 startups—presented their wares at CES, making France the
biggest European presence at the technology trade show. Thirteen won awards.
That was no fluke. This year, there will be more than 200 companies representing France at CES 2016, an
increase of 65% . Eureka Park will host more than 120 French startups, a leap of 71% from last year. In fact,
30% of Eureka Park’s startups are French this year, making us the second biggest foreign delegation behind
China yet far ahead of Israel, the UK, Germany and Japan!
With a highly talented labor pool, government support for innovation, a strong infrastructure and eager investors,
French Tech has its foot firmly on the accelerator.
35 startups in Eureka Park
at the French Tech Pavilion
The Business
France Jury
For the 3rd consecutive year, Business France is proud to organize
the French Tech Pavilion at CES 2016, where France based startups
will showcase their innovation.
The success of ‘’La French Tech’’ at CES is partly due to the high
caliber startups selected by Business France to be part
of the French Tech Pavilion, a special showcase gathering
some of the finest of La French Tech.
Pascal Cagni,
Founder & Partner at C4 VENTURES
Myriam Beque,
Project Director for Innovation Enterprises
Development at BNP PARIBAS
Olivier Ezratty,
Innovation Strategy Consultant
And guess what? The rooster is back in 2016!
• More than 200 French exhibitors
• 128 startups within the Eureka Park alone, that is 30% of
all startups exhibiting there!
• The 1st European delegation
Éliane Fiolet,
Co-founder of ÜBERGIZMO
Mark Menell,
General Partner at PARTECH VENTURES
Hervé Naudin,
ORANGE Partner and Startup Program
Open Innovation & Customer Development
Pascal Ribot,
Strategic Marketing and Market
Éric Morand,
VP Tech & Services at BUSINESS FRANCE
Among the 128 French startups located in Eureka Park, 35 startups
are part of the Business France delegation for CES 2016. 22 of
those startups have been selected out of 130 by a jury of 8
experts. They have been chosen for their product innovation
and for their potential to run a business in the U.S market. 13
additional startups have been elected outside the jury contest to
be part of the delegation:
• 8 startups Alumni & Partners on Eureka Park
• 5 mid-stage startups on Eureka Park Next
Many thanks to our sponsors
dedicated to the success of the startups
Consumer Tech
Blue Frog Robotics
Smarty Crew
3D Sound Labs
Design Screen
Air Serenity
Smart Home/Green Tech
Bell & Wyson
Qarnot Computing
Some of La French Tech events
at CES 2016
on the French Tech Pavilion
• Wednesday January 6th, 9:00 am – 10:00 am
• With Orange: How can a big company support the startup ecosystem?
La French Tech Night at the Linq Hotel (10 min walk from the Sands Expo)
• Wednesday January 6th, 7:00 pm (TBC) – 10:00 pm
• Meet the French Tech-ers and relax after a hard day at CES with good food, drinks and
French beats (by invitation ONLY).
on the French Tech Pavilion
• Thursday January 7th, 4:00 pm – 5:00 pm
• With Bank of the West: How can a bank support the startup ecosystem?
“In the Cloud” on the French Tech Pavilion
• Friday January 8th, 9:00 am – 10:00 am
• With OVH: How can the Cloud serve startups’ needs?
The Air France Lottery: Don’t forget to scan your CES badge or leave your business card
at the French Tech Lounge when you pay us a visit: you could win a round trip with AIr France
to anywhere you wish!
Venue Map
Meet the French Tech-ers of Hall G:
10-Vins................................................................ 80642
3D Sound Labs............................................... 80442
3DRudder........................................................... 81631
5V - All In One HC........................................ 81151
7 Medical.......................................................... 81040
Abeeway............................................................. 80463
Actility.................................................................. 81322
Air Serenity....................................................... 80543
The AirBoard.................................................... 81232
Airspek................................................................. 81137
Akoustic Arts.................................................... 81449
ALLPRIV (DISLM)......................................... 81951
Alpwise................................................................ 80922
AMA........................................................................ 81141
Anatoscope....................................................... 81849
Ansamb............................................................... 80663
Arkamys.............................................................. 81319
Aroma Therapeutics................................... 80941
Aryballe Technologies.............................. 81234
Aykow................................................................... 81639
Bell & Wyson................................................... 80539
BeSpoon.............................................................. 81327
Bidul and Co. .................................................. 81932
Biomouv.............................................................. 81851
Blinksight........................................................... 81038
Bloomizon.......................................................... 80340
Blue Frog Robotics...................................... 80644
BlueBeep SAS................................................. 82427
Bixi (Bluemint Labs).................................. 80540
Bluetens France SAS................................. 81320
Breaz It................................................................. 81750
The Bubbles Company.............................. 80838
Business France
La French Tech............................. 80640, 80641
C. TEXDEV S.A.S.......................................... 81043
Canhegat............................................................ 80840
Carpyz................................................................... 80837
Cité de l’objet connecté Angers....... 8 0843
COMWATT.......................................................... 81946
Creative Data.................................................. 81037
Customer Labs............................................... 80942
C-way.................................................................... 80440
De Rigueur........................................................ 81239
Design Screen................................................ 80443
Deuros.................................................................. 80759
DJIT........................................................................ 80742
Drust...................................................................... 80438
E.Sensory........................................................... 81142
Echy........................................................................ 80943
ELA Innovation............................................... 81953
eLichens............................................................. 81233
Emersya.............................................................. 81850
Emiota.................................................................. 80743
Enerbee............................................................... 80538
Engie................................................... 81222, 81223
ENKO..................................................................... 81950
Enlaps................................................................... 80920
E-prospects....................................................... 81952
Equisense.......................................................... 81656
EtherTrust........................................................... 81021
EXPERT TELEPORTATION........................ 81163
Famoco................................................................ 80739
Feeligreen......................................................... 81144
FeetMe................................................................. 80544
Fenotek................................................................ 81140
France Craft Automobiles....................... 80437
FRUITION SCIENCES SAS ...................... 81949
Fundatrix............................................................ 81044
Gaspard............................................................... 81231
Good Morning Planet
(Activkonnect)................................................. 81335
GreenWaves Technologies.................... 80563
Hardware Club.............................. 80343, 80344
HDSN (Home Detection
Sensor Network)........................................... 81123
HL2......................................................................... 82122
Holi......................................................................... 81225
Immersit............................................................. 80444
In&motion.......................................................... 80858
Kalkin.................................................................... 81434
keecker................................................................ 80931
KipYou.................................................................. 80848
KIWI BOX............................................................ 81640
Klaxoon............................................................... 81143
LAOVILAND....................................................... 81848
Lefort..................................................................... 81242
LETI........................................................................ 81333
Levels3D............................................................. 80362
Lick......................................................................... 80740
LSee....................................................................... 80542
Mapwize.............................................................. 80839
Marbotic.............................................................. 81121
Maskott................................................................ 81238
MyBiody Balance - BBRC........................ 80744
MyBlueShip SAS........................................... 81644
Mycdesk. Com................................................ 82320
NanoSense........................................................ 81557
Novadem............................................................ 80939
Novathings........................................................ 81237
Optinvent............................................................ 80341
Optis World....................................................... 80938
Oree....................................................................... 81852
Otio......................................................................... 81643
Paris Region Enterprises........................ 80842
Perfect Memory............................................. 81241
PhiLOCK.............................................................. 80860
Phoceis................................................................ 80562
Phonotonic........................................................ 80638
PLUSSH............................................................... 81853
Prizm..................................................................... 80441
Prynt...................................................................... 80741
Qarnot Computing........................................ 80537
Qowisio............................................................... 80844
Qwant.................................................................... 81323
Romy-Paris....................................................... 80639
SensorWake..................................................... 80541
Sevenhugs......................................................... 80637
SIGFOX Toscana............................. 3710, 81224
Smart Me Up.................................................... 80738
Smart & Blue................................................... 80735
Smarty Crew.................................................... 80439
So Numerique................................................. 81039
Soyhuce............................................................... 81041
SP3H...................................................................... 80940
Spin-Off............................................................... 81139
Tangible Display........................................... 80763
TapCards............................................................. 81243
Technopôle de l’Environnement
Arbois-Méditerranée.................................. 80937
Thelia.................................................................... 81240
Think and Go.................................................... 81138
TicaTag................................................................ 81122
Videostitch........................................................ 81120
VIRDYS................................................................ 81947
Voxtok................................................................... 81948
VRV Prod............................................................ 81042
Ween..................................................................... 80635
Wo3........................................................................ 80944
Xee (Eliocity)................................................... 81321
XTIM...................................................................... 82331
Zhor-Tech........................................................... 80737
35 innovative
French startups
Consumer Tech ..................................................................... 12
Audio/Video ............................................................................ 18
E-Health/Wellness............................................................... 23
Smart Home/Green Tech ............................................... 27
Automotive/Mobility ......................................................... 32
8 alumni & partners startups
on Eureka Park...................................................................... 34
5 startups on Eureka Park Next................................ 42
Consumer Tech
D-Vine, the connected sommelier, is a wine tasting device
that lets you enjoy wine by the glass in the perfect
conditions of temperature and decantation, in less than
1 minute. The data for each of our wines is contained in a
microchip (RFID) embedded on our 10cl wine flacons. The
microchip also gives access to videos of our wine maker
partners and the advices of our oenologist, such as wine
pairing directly without the need of application through
NFC technology.
The D-Vine, Sommelier at home, is a tasting machine serving your glass of wine in the perfect
conditions of temperature and oxygenation in less than one minute. The data for each reference
of wine are recorded in an electronic chip (RFID) disposed on our 10cl flacons (equivalent
1 glass of wine each). The RFID chip also gives access to our winegrowers-partners and our
oenologist tips videos, such as the wine and food pairings, with no need of a specific
application but the Near Field Communication (NFC).
The machine was created for the wine enthusiasts who enjoy a glass of wine, with a perfect
serving, without being experts. Besides, the 10cl packaging allows the wine lovers to appreciate
a glass of wine without opening a full bottle, and everyone can chose the wine they want to
savor, “à la carte”, like in restaurant.
The added value of this product consists in the panel of services. The customer can order the
flacons on the website, have access to the online videos, to the web-tastings, and enhance the
wines with the D-Vine. We base our offer on 2 strong market trends.
First, the consumers are expecting professional quality but with a simple use, at home. This is
true for coffee, sodas, appliances, cooking shows… Paradoxically, nothing existed in the wine
field, which is very appreciated but mysterious and expensive.
Furthermore, the wine by the glass is expanding in the catering sector, because everyone wants
to choose their nectar. 10-Vins has taken care of this market, and has decided to offer a friendly
option, easy to use and suited to enjoy deeply the experience of wine by the glass at home.
Tel.: +33 (0)2 51 66 10 58
[email protected]
La French Tech is back to Vegas!
Consumer Tech
Bixi by Bluemint Labs
Bluemint Labs presents Bixi: the first ultraportable contactless smart object that
simplifies connected life using intuitive
gesture recognition. This compact and robust
companion allows users to interact with their
connected environment when the hands are
occupied (e.g. cooking, driving, etc.), covered with
gloves (e.g. biking) or dirty (e.g. cleaning, gardening, etc.).
Bluemint Labs Bixi is the world’s first ultra-portable, fully contact-less gesture-control device
for smart objects. Compact, light and robust, this innovation allows users to interact with their
devices (smartphones, tablets, room lights, action cameras, etc.) intuitively even when their
hands are occupied or covered.
At the heart of this innovation lies intelligent gesture recognition. Users only need to make
simple, natural hand movements above Bixi to manage their smartphones, tablets, personal
computers or other connected objects such as Philips Hue or a GoPro.
Bixi supports 7-8 intuitive hand gestures (to start with) that require no learning. Care has been
taken to ensure a high level of accuracy and to avoid accidental commands.
Bixi works directly with many existing applications, with a great battery life lasting for weeks. It
will come with accessories like bike mounts and clips to expand the use cases to other activities
such as sports and creative passions.
In terms of design, Bixi draws its inspiration from a Chinese mythological turtle of the same
name depicting robustness, wisdom and longevity. Its back is incredibly sturdy, made of
hardened glass that communicates with users through light-emitting diodes (LEDs), for example
when navigating using Maps application.
Other uses include controlling your music, scrolling through your recipe, taking a selfie,
controlling action cameras, connected lights, garage doors and much more.
Mob.: +33 (0)7 88 48 48 00
[email protected]
The Business France Delegation of startups at CES 2016, JANUARY 6-9, 2016
Consumer Tech
Blue Frog Robotics
Co-founded by robotics pioneer Rodolphe Hasselvander,
BLUE FROG ROBOTICS develops BUDDY, the revolutionary
companion robot accessible to everyone that improves
your everyday life. BUDDY protects your home,
entertains all the family and helps you stay connected
with the ones you love.
Blue Frog Robotics, developer of BUDDY “The Companion Robot Accessible to Everyone”, was
co-founded in 2014 by former CRIIF (Robotics Lab) Executive Director Rodolphe Hasselvander.
The goal at Blue Frog Robotics is to design and develop robots that are accessible to everyone
and help people live easier and safer, and have fun.
BUDDY is a revolutionary, affordable companion robot that connects, protects, and interacts
with each member of your family. BUDDY protects your home, entertains your kids, and helps
you stay connected with the ones you love.
At school, BUDDY introduces the world of digital technology to children – a fun & engaging
learning process.
BUDDY is also ideally suited for seniors and less mobile people who will not only benefit from
BUDDY’s companionship but also from the robot’s ability to help with day-to-day activities.
In addition to being a companion robot, BUDDY is also a modular platform that can be infinitely
built upon and expanded with accessories. Because BUDDY is built on an open-source
technology platform, developers across the world can easily collaborate to build hardware and
software for it.
Blue Frog Robotics chose recently crowdfunding as the route to market for BUDDY to give early
adopters the chance to test BUDDY before it hits the mass market in 2016. Blue Frog Robotics
exceeded its fundraising goal by more than six times - raising $617,830.
For more information, visit:
Tel.: +33 (0)1 81 70 99 40
[email protected]
La French Tech is back to Vegas!
Consumer Tech
C-way is an innovative startup that
wishes to revolutionize the connected
world of 3 to 10-year-olds. Our smart
and scalable connected devices give
practical and joyful answers to kids’
growth and autonomy.
C-way - Children Where Are You? - is an innovative startup developing connected devices for
3 to 10 years old kids.
C-way came up with the 1st Plug & Play GPS wearable locator specially designed for kids.
Parents can check their kids’ whereabouts on a smartphone App giving kids more autonomy in
their everyday life. Locate, text and safezone with the C-way app!
Thanks to the Lego® platform, kids can plug a range of cool add-ons such as Lego® figurines
or even wear a fancy watch. When the watch is plugged on the wristband, plenty of information
- time and date, text messages, icons schedule reminder, battery life - is instantly displayed on
the screen. Isn’t it just magic? It’s fun to play with, it’s educational and boost your kid’s
The plug & play concept makes the C-way wearable locator unique in the world. The range of
add-ons is endless.
The C-way wristband is also a kid scheduler which reminds kids of their daily timetable with
small icons popping up on the watch and alerts parents on their smartphone whether their
children are where they are supposed to be.
Fully designed for the little ones, the wristband has no button (no On/Off button) otherwise kids
could turn off their locator or press the SOS button by accident.
Mob.: +33 (0)6 48 27 89 25
[email protected]
The Business France Delegation of startups at CES 2016, JANUARY 6-9, 2016
Consumer Tech
Smarty Crew
Never lose the cuddly toy! Oliba looks after the cuddly
toy for you and helps you locate it with the Oliba App.
Turn every bedtime into a magical moment! At night,
Oliba teams up with teddy bear to soothe kids to sleep,
reassuring them through the night with lullabies and
stories (Oliba library).
Oliba is a smart owl, easy to fasten to any cuddly toy. Oliba turns any regular cuddly toy into a
connected smarter toy. Its App makes it fully customizable so Oliba grows up with children from
0 to 5 years old.
Oliba is a buddy for parents: it is a smart cuddly toy tracker. The Oliba App helps parents to
locate the cuddly toy and makes sure they don’t forget it anywhere while on the go (100 feet
range tracker). With Oliba, no more “Where is my cuddly toy?”, no more forgetting Teddy at the
supermarket and no more last-minute hunt for the favorite plush.
Oliba is a magic storyteller: it helps children foster their creativity from 0 to 5 years old. Oliba
knows great stories. Parents can pick in the App the story they like or even record their own
story with their voice. Once stored in Oliba, children can activate the latest saved story anytime
with a long press on Oliba’s face.
Oliba is a buddy for children: it protects their dreams. Oliba glows in the night and sings
lullabies, frightening nightmares and taming the monsters that live under the bed. Parents can
set up all the content with the App. Once the settings stored in Oliba, children can activate Oliba
manually, without requiring any phone, just by pressing Oliba’s face. So yes, Oliba works on its
own at the kindergarten or at the grandparents’ place.
Mob.: +33 (0)6 83 14 36 29
[email protected]
La French Tech is back to Vegas!
Consumer Tech
oombrella is a smart umbrella. It’s
unforgettable: it sends you a “forget me not”
notification if it’s likely to rain and a ‘’don’t
leave me now’’ alert when you leave without
taking your oombrella. Furthermore, it acts as
a personal portable weather station sharing
real time data with the community.
Umbrellas are too often forgotten at home when they are the most needed! Is there a worse
feeling than when you are soaked because you forgot to bring it with you?
Meet oombrella, the first smart umbrella.
Working with the wezzoo App, oombrella keeps you updated about the weather conditions at
your place. When it’s forecasted to rain outside soon, oombrella will send an alert to your
smartphone and you will never get wet again!
oombrella is not a disposable object, you own it and you’ll never be separated from it. Never
lose your precious oombrella at the restaurant or anywhere else. Your smartphone notifies you
when you stray away from it. We saw too much abandoned umbrellas and we want to stop it
with oombrella ;-)
With oombrella, you are part of the community. While you open the smartest umbrella ever
seen, you share live data with the wezzoo community and allow other users not to get wet!
It is a matter of give and take and we hope you love this idea as much as we do!
Everything happens on the handle of oombrella and more precisely on the “capsule”.
It is the brain of oombrella. This is where it feels, where it thinks and where it does the magic!
With its sensor panoply, oombrella is well-informed about temperature, pressure, humidity and
This collection of sensor talks with your smartphone thanks to the Bluetooth® low energy
Mob.: +33 (0)6 88 22 64 40
[email protected]
The Business France Delegation of startups at CES 2016, JANUARY 6-9, 2016
3D Sound Labs
3D Sound One is the world’s first smart 3D audio
You will get 3D Audio for movies, video games, music and for the first time, in virtual reality.
Thanks to the real-time head trackers, you will be immersed in your movie/game/music. This is
the most realistic sound experience. You can hear the sound like in real life. We are working a
lot on our technology. We want to be more and more realistic… You should come to CES to test
something very new.
Tel.: +33 (0)1 40 60 75 37
[email protected]
La French Tech is back to Vegas!
Design Screen
DESIGN SCREEN HD True innovation: the
only projection screens in the world
that fold away behind your customized
picture frame, for your living room or
your meeting room at work. These
screens are the only ones in the world
to open out like triptych and then fold
away, occupies just one third of the
wall space. Enjoy HD projections in all
situations, with all HD video
DESIGN SCREEN HD presents “THE new generation of projection screens” for use your living
room at home or your meeting room at work. These screens are the only ones in the world to
open out like triptych and then fold away, hidden behind a customized picture frame or artwork.
Thanks to our patented technology, your projection screen of movie theater quality, occupies
just one third of the wall space when not being used. It blends in seamlessly with your own
home interior decoration. The patented mechanism ensures a perfectly smooth cinema screen
surface; no trace of any creasing or folding. It’s no longer necessary to have a dedicated room or
lots of space, no more unsightly roll-up screens on the ceiling nor electric cables to hide. Our
projection screens are concealed behind your favorite picture frame among a large range of
finishing: aluminum frame with Perspex for posters (poster not provided), wood frame,
stretched canvas printed artwork or a made-to-order stretcher frame for you to have your own
artwork. Your projection screen becomes something more than just a screen; the personal piece
of your living room, conference room, luxury hotel or yacht. For all new HD video projectors:
2D, 3D, 4K. DESIGN SCREEN HD: The New Generation of Projection Screens, Made in France.
Tel.: +33 (0)2 47 56 48 16
[email protected]
C : 30
N : 80
C : 10
N : 50
C : 10
N : 10
The Business France Delegation of startups at CES 2016, JANUARY 6-9, 2016
C : 10
Immersit turns your couch into
one which will enable you to
physically feel everything taking
place on your screen.
Immersit starts vibrating and moving based on the film you are watching or the game you are
playing and throws you right in the middle of all of the action. Imagine seeing some of the most
timeless movies again and live the experience as if you were watching them for the first time.
Imagine playing Call of Duty and feeling the helicopter’s engine rumbling underneath you and
the tilting of your couch when you are on the fly. Immersit take games and movies to the next
Valentin FAGE
Tel.: +33 (0)1 41 09 95 59
[email protected]
La French Tech is back to Vegas!
Phonotonic develops smart musical objects.
Our first product is a new way for everyone to
make music: it is easy, personal and fun. It
consists of a wearable and an App that turn
movement into music. Phonotonic changes
today the way we make, listen and enjoy music.
PHONOTONIC: Changing the way we make, listen and enjoy music.
Until now, there was only one way of making music: you had to be an expert, with your
instrument or your laptop. Today with PHONOTONIC everyone can express their talent in a way
that’s easy, personal and fun.
PHONOTONIC changes the way we make, listen and enjoy music.
The first product is a smart object that translates your dance moves - and basically all your
moves - into beats.
How does it work? The object talks to the App via Bluetooth® and tracks the way you move
using motion sensors. The App then turns the data into music in real time. In the Solo mode,
you can use one Phonotonic to control the beat and the melody of a given song, or let the App
play along with you. You can remove the sensor from the object and place it somewhere else
– bigger, smaller – or put in your shoes and rock out. The Duo mode lets you use two
Phonotonic and split the rhythm and melody for more interactivity and fun.
Phonotonic is for would-be musicians who can’t play instruments and also for performers and
dancers looking for something fresh.
The first products went on sale in December 2014 and sold out in three weeks. Following a
rapid growth, PHONOTONIC is retailed today in more than 500 major stores in Europe, Tokyo
and NYC. The goal for CES 2016 is twofold: develop the US Market distribution and unveil the
next generation of their product.
Mob.: +33 (0)6 67 92 78 76
[email protected]
The Business France Delegation of startups at CES 2016, JANUARY 6-9, 2016
Prizm is a music brain. It plays the perfect
music on your speakers. Thanks to sensors
and algorithms, Prizm identifies people in the
room, and automatically adjust music to
their tastes. Prizm can also understand the
context of the room (are you partying with
your friends or having a romantic date?) to
adapt the music. You no longer need a
smartphone or computer: just press one
button to enjoy the perfect music.
Prizm is a new kind of music player you can plug to any speakers. By considering who is in the
room, what their music preferences are and the current mood, Prizm always knows what track to
play on your Hi-Fi.
When you meet Prizm for the first time, it already knows you, thanks to the playlists on your
streaming account. Then it gets better: as you listen to music and interact with it, Prizm learns
and remembers your tastes and habits. You’re alone on a working day morning? Prizm knows
you’ll like Pop music. Coming back from work? It remembers you could appreciate some Jazz.
Prizm rethinks the experience of enjoying music together. It recognizes you, your lover and your
friends to adapt the music, according to your tastes. Thanks to sensors and algorithms, Prizm
understands the mood in the room, to adapt the music accordingly. From now on, everyone
loves the music played.
Prizm cleverly explores your favorite streaming service’s songs catalog, to select the bests
according to your tastes. You no longer need to use your smartphone or laptop to enjoy great
music. Just press the play button and music starts instantly.
When you hear something great, just touch the heart button. The song is added directly into
your Deezer or Soundcloud playlists, so you can enjoy it later again.
Mob.: +33 (0)7 63 13 74 20
[email protected]
La French Tech is back to Vegas!
Air Serenity
Air Serenity - Breathe Better, LiV Better!
LiV device hosts Air Serenity patented technology. It purifies air thanks to a
breakthrough process: particulate matter, allergens, VOCs, bad smells, etc.
are captured and firmly stored into a cartridge. The device is connected, so that you can pilot it,
see the air quality in real time, and get advice.
LiV air purifier contains a breakthrough purification technology providing an unmatched
efficiency: particulate matter, allergens, VOCs, smells, etc. are absorbed into a cartridge which
captures tightly over 30 families of pollutants. Of course, LiV measures the air quality and
informs you on your mobile about improvement.
Purifying indoor air is critical at home and in your office: it is 10 times more polluted than
outdoor, because it cumulates particulate matter, numerous chemical pollutions (due to cleaning
products, paint, smoke, cooking …), virus, pollens and fungi. This generates bad smells, lack
of concentration, but also allergies, asthma, cancers… Currently, 1/3 of population has
breathing difficulties. It was 1/10 in the 80’s and it will be 1/2 in 10 to 15 years! Protecting the
children with clean air is therefore critical.
Air Serenity patented technology combines two exclusive innovations within a cartridge: a blend
of specific « sponges » to capture more than 30 kinds of chemical pollutions (including
formaldehyde and benzene), and a plasma flash to destroy microbes without releasing ozone.
The technology, combined with a HEPA F7 filter, enables to capture all these pollutions during
their very first pass in the cartridge: this unmatched efficiency lasts one year!
LiV is connected to the cloud: a mobile App enables you to see the quality and improvement of
air you are breathing, to pilot and program LiV, and to get dedicated advice. Scientific
measurements are made understandable.
LiV is eco-designed: bio-material is used, cartridges are 90% recyclable, and it only requires
30W to purify air in a 50 sq. meter room.
It’s good for you; it’s good for the Planet!
Mob.: +33 (0)6 27 09 41 15
[email protected]
The Business France Delegation of startups at CES 2016, JANUARY 6-9, 2016
FeetMe provides smart inner soles that map
foot pressure in real time.
FeetMe provides smart inner soles that map foot pressure in real time. Initially targeting diabetic
patients who have lost sensation to help avoid ulcers that can lead to amputations, Feetme is
expanding into athletics to give runners detailed information about their running to avoid
injuries. Connect your smart soles via Bluetooth® to any smartphone for real-time analytics on
your movements.
Tel.: +33 (0)5 49 85 20 31
[email protected]
La French Tech is back to Vegas!
LSee is a disruptive solution that includes a
connected device that measures metabolism in
real-time and a mobile App that analyzes
results to adapt your behavior in order to
achieve your weight loss goals. With LSee,
consumers can now personalize their diets
and exercise routines based on their body
needs to efficiently reduce body fat.
Over 1B people are overweight, spending $6B on inefficient diets and workout programs that
ignore genetic and metabolic diversity. Similarly, spending on tracking devices or scales are on
the rise while these devices can’t measure diet or workout efficiency.
LSee is a disruptive solution that includes a connected device that measures metabolism in
real-time and a mobile App that analyzes results to adapt your behavior in order to achieve your
weight loss goals. With LSee, consumers can now personalize their diets and exercise routines
based on their body needs to efficiently reduce body fat.
While many diets and sport activities are derived from generic recommendations, LSee
identifies your body’s needs by analyzing your unique metabolic profile. LSee lets you
understand your metabolism in real-time, so you can smoothly and efficiently adapt your food
intake and physical exercise to reach your overall weight loss goals.
By using the LSee system, you can burn fat the efficient way.
Mob.: +33 (0)6 88 24 95 05
[email protected]
The Business France Delegation of startups at CES 2016, JANUARY 6-9, 2016
After 5 years of R&D, ROMY-Paris has unveiled
FIGURE, its connected skincare formulator,
able to create instantly at home, the right
dose of ultra-personalized face care. New
cosmetic brand Made in France, ROMY-Paris
marks a break in the market of luxury
ROMY-PARIS creates the connected cosmetics
ROMY-PARIS, the young cosmetic brand has unveiled its connected formulator, FIGURE, for
delivering instantly at home, the right dose of face care adapted to your skin and environment.
After 5 years of R&D, ROMY-PARIS has launched FIGURE, a machine that marks a break in the
personal care and which represents the future of cosmetics.
FIGURE is a real mini personal laboratory. Thanks to the connected technologies, this
connected formulator delivers on demand, at home, customized serum or cream for the needs of
the skin.
FIGURE is linked to the “ROMY” App that analyzes, in real time, the user’s personal data (local
weather, pollution levels , sports , sleep...) to best determine the needs of the skin. An advice is
then proposed, from over 1,000 possible combinations.
Supplied by “creams / serum” bases and several collections of active ingredients packaged in
airtight mini-capsules, the formulator FIGURE blends and delivers the prescribed dose of care
in seconds.
Active ingredients are packaged in airtight mini-capsules that keep intact their active potential
until their delivery. They are suitable for all skin types, that of women as that of men, and each
New object, Made in France, FIGURE is an item with neat and chic design that fits perfectly into
the world of the bathroom or the bedroom.
Mob.: +33 (0)6 22 67 21 57
[email protected]
La French Tech is back to Vegas!
Smart Home/Green Tech
Bell & Wyson
The BW1.1 protects your family and lights your
home with just the right ingenuity, technology,
ergonomic and design to turn a simple LED
bulb into your guardian of domestic fire
prevention with notification on smartphone.
LED bulb low consumption + Wi-Fi + smoke
detector integrated.
The ConnectLed BW1.1 protects your family and lights your home with just the right ingenuity,
technology, ergonomic and design to turn a simple LED bulb into your guardian of domestic fire
prevention with notification on smartphone.
Design, easy to install, no hole in the celling, no installation required, the multi-awarded
ConnectLed BW1.1 lights and warns you in case of smoke detection (alarm 85 dB + notification
on smartphone).
Easy to connect to a Wi-Fi network and to use via free App (iOS/Android) with simple functions
- Switch On/Off + Color temp (from white to yellow) + Alarm test - the App – LED SMOKE –
manages up to 20 ConnectLed BW1.1. The ConnectLed BW1.1 can also be switched On/Off
with a regular power switch and smoke detector is independently powered with a 3V Lithium
battery. Convenient, cost effective with 2 devices in one, the LED technology allows also
substantial energy savings (9W) for a 60W lighting equivalent. Multi-users and multi-location,
the ConnectLed BW1.1 will warn you in case of smoke detection whether you are or not at
Stéphane BURLON
Mob.: +33 (0)6 09 97 82 15
[email protected]
The Business France Delegation of startups at CES 2016, JANUARY 6-9, 2016
Smart Home/Green Tech
EnerBee is a company developing a
ground-breaking micro generator
enabling to replace batteries in
consumer and industrial smart objects
using the power of motion.
The company aims to commercialize its first product, a battery-less and wireless dimmer for the
mainstream market, at the end of 2016.
EnerBee is a company developing a ground-breaking micro generator enabling to replace
batteries in consumer and industrial smart objects using the power of motion. EnerBee intends
to leverage this technology to become the pacesetter for autonomous smart-objects power
The company is targeting an enormous market encompassing several billion Internet-connected
or wireless-communicating objects — wristwatches, handheld medical or sports devices, smart
homes and buildings, RFID tags, automobile sensors, industrial systems and more — where
demand for autonomous power supplies is soaring, and an economical and environmental
revolution is starting.
The EnerBee micro generator implements a world unique and multi-patented technology,
enabling to harvest energy from an object in variable motion (fast or slow, regular or irregular)
to power that object. EnerBee has therefore developed right-sized micro generators compatible
with traditional manufacturing processes.
EnerBee dimmer module is a derivate product, which can wirelessly control residential or
commercial lighting without the need for batteries or modification to existing wiring. Such a
device can simplify wiring designs, reduce installation and maintenance costs, and provide
greater future flexibility for commercial and living spaces.
EnerBee is backed by leading European investors and industry veterans, and won several
prominent awards: The Worldwide Innovation Challenge, presented by the French Presidency
and the Ministry of Industry, The iLab contest, presented by the French Ministry of Research
and EDF Pulse presented by EDF.
Tel.: +33 (0)4 58 00 54 07
[email protected]
La French Tech is back to Vegas!
Smart Home/Green Tech
Qarnot Computing
At Qarnot, we heat people for free with computers.
Qarnot designed the Q.rad, the first computing
heater using microprocessors as a heat
source. Present in every room and embedding
more than 20 sensors, Q.rads also make buildings
smart. This alternative solution addresses forthcoming
challenges related to our global digital growth with
radical energy savings.
The heat generated by all the data centers in the world could already heat half of American
households. Today, data centers consume 3% of the world’s electricity, and it doubles every
5 years. At Qarnot, we heat people for free and ecologically with computations’ wasted heat.
Qarnot designed the Q.rad, the first computing heater embedding microprocessors as a heat
source and connected to the Internet.
Since 2014, more than 100 French households are heated for free with Q.rads, computing
remotely for major banks, 3D animation studios and research labs. Qarnot provides a cloud
computing service through this totally disruptive and distributed infrastructure where computing
power is no longer deployed in concentrated data centers, but split throughout the city in the
form of Q.rads.
Deployed in every room and embedding more than 20 sensors, the Q.rad also overcomes the
main issues encountered by Smart Home and Building infrastructures: power supply, network
access and on-site computing capacity.
With the Q.rads, Qarnot provides a unique user experience with computing heaters integrated in
every room. It already implements services like air quality and presence monitoring, smart
alarm systems, voice recognition and entertainment payloads. The Q.rad brings a unique added
value to elder care facilities, hotels, commercial agencies networks, and more generally, to any
Smart Home or Smart Building.
Praised by the American economist Jeremy Rifkin, Qarnot provides an alternative and disruptive
solution to forthcoming challenges related to our global digital growth with radical energy
Hélène LEGAY
Tel.: +33 (0)1 49 85 81 23
[email protected]
The Business France Delegation of startups at CES 2016, JANUARY 6-9, 2016
Smart Home/Green Tech
Sensorwake conceives, develops and
commercializes an innovative smell-based
alarm clock, waking you up happily and making
you enjoy every morning.
Sensorwake conceives, develops and
commercializes innovative olfactory products
aimed at improving well-being.
Its first product, the smell-based alarm clock, wakes you up happy in less than two minutes with the power of smell. The user can choose from a wide range of scents to wake up to: coffee,
hot croissant, bacon, seaside… or even the smell of money! A gentle and enjoyable wake up
ensures that you’ll be in the best mood every morning.
Sensorwake is the invention of a 17 y.o. and was named as one of the Top 15 innovations that
could change the world at the Google Science Fair 2014. It was also awarded “Best Innovation
2014” by the World Intellectual Property Organization.
The company launched its alarm clock on Kickstarter last June 2015, pre-selling $200,000
worth of products in a month to over 1,500 consumers.
The smell-based alarm clock received an Innovation Award at the CES Las Vegas 2016, offering
the company a promising future.
Sensorwake is peering into the future and is now working on the connected evolution of its
alarm clock, and preparing the next generation of olfactory products designed to improve
people’s well-being.
C: 0 M: 48 Y: 92 K: 0
R: 248 G: 152 B:47
Tel.: +33 (0)2 51 85 80 07
[email protected]
La French Tech is back to Vegas!
Smart Home/Green Tech
Sevenhugs is building the
world’s first contextual
remote with a touch screen
that automatically adapts
according to what the user
points to, allowing anyone at
home to control multiple
connected devices with a touch
of a finger.
Sevenhugs is a French startup founded in 2014 by Simon Tchedikian, Stéphane Jaubertou,
Lionel Marty and Olivier Mandine. It offers simple and beautiful smart-home products for all the
family. This vision allowed it to raise €1.5 million in March 2015.
hugOne, its first product dedicated to family sleep and indoor environment quality monitoring,
is already on sale in European retailers and will soon be available in the U.S and other
At the same time, Sevenhugs is building a new user experience for our everyday life at home
with the Sevenhugs Smart Remote. In the context of IoT and smart home, each connected device
is commanded by a mobile application or its own remote control.
They both require numerous operations to send a command to the device making the use of
several smart home solutions very complex. The Sevenhugs Smart Remote solves these issues
by enabling all members of the family to control any connected device in the home by simply
pointing at it. The system automatically recognizes the device and the contextual display adjusts
to offer the appropriate interaction option to the user.
The Smart Remote will be shown during CES on Sevenhugs’ booth and launched through a
crowdfunding campaign in early 2016.
Mob.: +33 (0)6 12 97 93 89
[email protected]
The Business France Delegation of startups at CES 2016, JANUARY 6-9, 2016
Drust is developing the technological
platform for the connected car: thanks to our
AKOLYTTM dongle, the drivers are connected
through their smartphone to the heart of
their car and to the automotive ecosystem.
Whatever happens (driving, maintenance,
breakdown, etc.), AKOLYTTM gives you all the
tips to be a SuperDriver!
Drust was founded in 2014 by three friends and former colleagues from PSA Peugeot-Citroën
(2nd European Car Maker): Michaël Fernandez (CEO), Pascal Galacteros (COO) and Florent
Pignal (CTO). They have been working for seven years on Powertrain Engineering before taking
the plunge into this exciting entrepreneurial adventure.
Their vision? Happy drivers make cheaper, greener, safer and more enjoyable roads!
That is why they decided to build, a driver-centric platform to connect drivers with their
cars and the rest of the automotive ecosystem. Drust provides them with value-added services
through an App so that they become superdrivers. With this mind they developed the live
driving-coach feature. The App can also tell you what is going on under your hood and warns
assistance in case of any problem to offer piece of mind for all drivers.
And it works! Over a 7-month beta-test, they measured actual savings of 30% on gas
consumption, equivalent to a reduction of 0.4 ton of CO2 emissions per year per driver over the
This is great news for our wallet and for our dear Planet!
Mob.: +33 (0)6 78 52 75 78
[email protected]
La French Tech is back to Vegas!
France Craft
FRANCECRAFT launches the first custom-made and versatile Electric Drivable
Modules based on a unique industrial platform for innovation, opened to
every talent. FRANCECRAFT opens up new perspectives thanks to its modular
and digital platform where anyone can innovate and start his own activity.
Electric Mobility is becoming an opportunity to turn your ideas into motion.
Innovate and start your business locally
FRANCECRAFT offers a new, digital and local industrial platform to produce and
innovate differently, liberating the Automotive Industry from its paradigm constraints.
Compose your custom-made module
Our modules and accessories catalog opened to creative talents empowers your
imagination. It has never been so easy to tailor your module on demand:
1. Choose a basic module you need: personal mobility, utility or taxi
2. Specify your daily driving range for autonomy: hybrid or electric
3. Personalize your modules and accessories
4. Configure your digital apps
5. Attend to your module assembly in our workshops, just nearby your place
Live new experiences
With FRANCECRAFT modules, electric mobility becomes an opportunity. The
embedded energy adapts to your driving needs and can be redistributed to your
electric and electronic devices, to work or to live new experiences. You can even
change your experience overtime. All our modules are designed to last and to be
easily replaced, refurbished or recycled. You no longer get bored of your vehicle, now
you upgrade your module along with your desires.
FRANCECRAFT modules are homologated, tested and granted through hundreds of
thousands miles.
Mob.: +33 (0)6 14 18 09 48
[email protected]
The Business France Delegation of startups at CES 2016, JANUARY 6-9, 2016
8 alumni & partners startups on Eureka Park
Zhor Tech
Zhor Tech is specialized in connected footwear technology. Our mission is to
develop and make available technological innovations to transform the
footwear market. The company has a unique expertise at the convergence of
footwear and electronics.
We work with international shoe brands to embed our unique know-how and technologies in
their products. Shoe makers can then offer increased comfort and new features to consumers.
Zhor Tech has notably provided the patented technology underlying the Smart Shoe and the
Warm Series (the first connected heating insole) from its sister company Digitsole.
We also offer companies in multiple fields (health, gaming, shoe makers...) the opportunity to
access user-generated footwear data and interact with end-users to offer innovative services, for
the first time on this market.
Tamim EL Zein
Tel.: +33 (0)3 83 31 08 12
[email protected]
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8 alumni & partners startups on Eureka Park
At International CES 2016,
DJiT – the world’s #10 largest
mobile music application
publisher – announces
the commercial launch of
its first connected device
Packed with amazing new innovations, Mixfader strives to make DJing - this worldwide musical
phenomenon that brings together the new generation - accessible to everyone.
Mixfader reinvents the existing DJ equipment, keeping the same level of performances, without
undergoing its drawbacks: the size, the complexity, the price. Thanks to a patented technology,
Mixfader can be used wireless with a DJ mobile application and lets everyone discover mixing
and scratching techniques on smartphones or tablets.
Mixfader is designed, manufactured and assembled in France.
Mixfader is available for sale online worldwide, at $129.00.
For more information:
Jean-Baptiste HIRONDE
Mob.: +33 (0)9 82 89 80 98
[email protected]
The Business France Delegation of startups at CES 2016, JANUARY 6-9, 2016
8 alumni & partners startups on Eureka Park
More than just a fashion
accessory, Belty Good Vibes is the
very first smart belt integrating
Artificial Intelligence that
contextualizes the activities of
your everyday life.
Made in France from soft calf leather, Belty is a stylish man accessory with the perfect finishing
touches. The elegant silver-tone buckle marks it out as a modern design while integrating a
feedback touch function and Artificial Intelligence that can contextualizes the activities of the
wearer’s everyday life. A wide selection of colors enables the wearer to honor one of the key
rules of male elegance: color-coordinated belt and shoes.
Belty Good Vibes will monitor the movement and behavior of the wearer focusing on stress
prevention and balancing, while allowing breathing to unload an unhealthy charge. It will also
allow and monitor power naps as way to regain mental energy when needed.
This influence at “gut-level” is direct; it does not pass through the filter of the wearer thinking
he should make an effort to change its breathing pace.
By directly talking to the body through interactive haptic sensations in real time in order to help
the body take immediate charge of the situation, Belty Good Vibes clearly stands out from the
existing wearables. Furthermore, the wearer is in position to dialog with his belt by a simple
touch-gentle finger tapping on the buckle.
Carine COULM
Mob.: +33 (0)9 81 09 25 76
[email protected]
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8 alumni & partners startups on Eureka Park
Digitization has changed the way we consume,
more multichannel retailing, Uberization,
personalized shopping experiences... FAMOCO
provides the first mobile, flexible and secure
Android payment terminal to tackle these new
evolutions. FAMOCO supports all stages of the
buying process by offering a secure and connected
multi-application Android payment terminal.
Today, devices have to adapt to our modern lifestyles - we are more mobile, flexible and
versatile. FAMOCO developed the first Android payment terminal that will have a lasting impact
on shopping habits: improving shopping experiences, offering new mobile services, customized
offers and adapted loyalty programs…
At the CES 2016, FAMOCO and Playpass will unveil the first mobile point of sale certified by
Paypal and designed for cashless event. In the U.S, 32 million people participate in at least one
festival per year - more than the population of Texas! However, payment solutions have often
been problematic on festivals: theft, queuing, wallet losses, lack of cash… FAMOCO terminal is
designed to meet the growing need for cashless event. Thanks to the NFC wristband, festival
guests can access easily to the festival and top up their NFC wristband on the spot. They no
longer need cash and can “Tap & Drink” anywhere!
With offices in Paris, Brussels and Hong-Kong, FAMOCO offers a turnkey solution suitable for
large-scale cashless deployments. Devices are delivered out of the box, very easy-to-use and
there is no need for further configuration. FAMOCO already deployed 27,000 terminals over
25 countries.
Mob.: +33 (0)6 20 50 30 02
[email protected]
The Business France Delegation of startups at CES 2016, JANUARY 6-9, 2016
8 alumni & partners startups on Eureka Park
MyBiody Balance
MYBIODY is the 1st immediate checkup
connected device and benefits from a
precision of data unique in the connected
health device market. Each checkup,
it delivers an assessment of the body,
a personalized analysis, and advices
to improve our shape and health.
MYBIODY is the general public version of Biody Xpert, the professional impedance device used
and validated by medical studies on thousands of people. MYBIODY is an exclusive technology
able to analyze immediately our body health. MYBIODY is multi-users: Enjoy two accounts with
full history and separate and secure dashboards. Conduct the check-ups of those close to you
in guest mode.
More than a simple connected device, MYBIODY is an original solution of the e-health sector
for all the adult members of the family. This prevention and diagnosis technology allows to
monitor closely its health and to follow its physical shape on long term. The App and the
dashboard included with the device allow sharing the checkups with the people of its choice, to
program alerts, and goals for the loss of fat mass or the gain of muscle mass. MYBIODY is
perfect for weight management, amateur or professional athletes, and all those who want to be
in shape and healthy.
Tel.: +33 (0)1 56 90 36 30
[email protected]
La French Tech is back to Vegas!
8 alumni & partners startups on Eureka Park
Instantly Prynt your videos! Simply
attach the Prynt Case to your
phone, take a photo followed by a
short video clip, and tap to print a
physical photo. When you hand your
Prynt to a friend, they can unlock
the hidden video clip, magically
bringing your photo to life!
Prynt reimagines how we share digital content in the physical world with the first-ever
smartphone printer/phone case. Pictures from Prynt have short video clips embedded inside so
you can share your memories in a way that’s tangible and magical.
Our products are built to empower our users’ ability to communicate creatively. To that end, we
build chic hardware and sleek software that’s so intuitive and joyful it will remind you of the
golden days of instant print photos.
The Prynt Case, which raised a fast $1.5 million on crowdfunding website Kickstarter, is now
available for pre-order. The photo-printing smartphone case is fashionable, fun and perfect for
parties or music festivals. Each printed photo is also a sticker! Hand any Prynt to a friend and he
or she can unlock the content inside, bringing your photo to life!
Co-Founders Clément Perrot and David Zhang founded Prynt in June 2014 in Paris, France.
Former engineers with a passion for creativity and photos, the team has grown to 20 working in
San Francisco.
Clément PERROT
Tel.: +33 (0)1 41 55 68 66 31
[email protected]
The Business France Delegation of startups at CES 2016, JANUARY 6-9, 2016
8 alumni & partners startups on Eureka Park
Smart Me Up
Smart Me Up face
recognition enables any
device to react smartly
depending on the profile
of the person, but also her
behavior or her emotions.
It has been optimized to run
on low cost processors
and can thus be embedded
on any type of electronic
The tuning of the face recognition required 3 years of research in Artificial Intelligence, pushing
away the scientific knowledge in this domain. The tools can extract in less than 30ms all the
features of a face (gender, age or emotions) and identify the person. The technology can be
embedded simply in any type of device whatever the camera or processor. It is unique because
of the capacity to go further than the traditional compromise between precision and speed of the
Among the customers, Photomaton uses face analysis in its photo booths to check the
conformity of ID pictures, and Netatmo has embedded identification in its connected camera,
allowing the user to know who is at home. In 2015, new projects in smart home, automotive or
security show an acceleration of demand. On a market valued at $6 billion in 2020, Smart Me
Up wishes to be positioned as a technological and commercial leader.
Based in France (Paris and Grenoble), Smart Me Up employs a team of 8 people.
Tel.: +33 (0)4 56 85 00 21
[email protected]
La French Tech is back to Vegas!
8 alumni & partners startups on Eureka Park is the first marketplace of IOT startups.
Its aim is to support the business development of French Tech startups in
France and internationally, and to enable distributors to easily access the
entire selection of French Tech products online and in store. facilitates the business development of startups among major players in retail
distribution. This marketplace, incorporating all detailed information on French Tech connected
objects, acts as a business accelerator. It simplifies the networking of startups in launching
products among distributors who offer to market and test these new objects among their clients
risk-free. also offers a turnkey and white label e-commerce solution for distributors in
order to provide them with a selection of products from the available stock. Each distributor can
thus generate their own catalogue of “French Tech connected objects” directly on its website,
simply and with no stock management risk, splitting the revenue of each sale with the startup. If
the product is a hit online, the distributor may quickly decide to reference the product in its
stores. is a true digital marketplace dedicated to connected objects which aims to
enable major distribution players to become the leading promoters of French Tech among the
general public.
Mob.: +33 (0)6 61 31 24 24
[email protected]
The Business France Delegation of startups at CES 2016, JANUARY 6-9, 2016
5 startups on Eureka Park Next
Actility is an industry leader
in LPWA (Low Power Wide Area)
large scale infrastructure
with ThingPark™, the new
generation standard-based M2M
communication platform.
ThingPark Wireless Network
Sensors for Oty Bus Service
Smart Home Sensors
Street Lighting Sensors
Smart Parking Sensors
Actility’s ThingPark Wireless network provides long-range coverage for low-power sensors used
in Smart City, Smart Building and Smart Factory applications. Actility also provides the
ThingPark Cloud which provides big data storage for sensor data and exposes sensor function
through open API allowing developers to provide vertical applications on top of rolled out
sensors. To help vendors transform their sensors, Actility provides the ThingPark IoT platform
which includes embedded software solutions and cloud solutions to help devices connect to
innovative applications. Via the ThingPark Store, an online marketplace engine dedicated to the
IoT sensors, applications and network solutions, Actility enables the roll-out of new innovative
IoT services for sensor vendors and network solution vendors. Actility is a founding member of
the LoRa Alliance: the largest, most powerful standards-based effort to enable the Internet of
Things (IoT).
Mob.: +33 (0)6 72 71 01 80
[email protected]
La French Tech is back to Vegas!
5 startups on Eureka Park Next
As a recognized leader in audio signal processing, ARKAMYS creates innovative software and
services for automotive, home entertainment, mobile phone and connected objects industries.
Its sound experts are world-renowned for their 3D audio, voice processing and sound
They create cutting-edge solutions that optimize the speech intelligibility and audio quality of
consumer electronics products.
Isabelle MARGUET
Tel.: +33 (0)1 79 97 14 50
[email protected]
The Business France Delegation of startups at CES 2016, JANUARY 6-9, 2016
5 startups on Eureka Park Next
Bluetens is the first connected electro-stimulator, developed by a French
team; Bluetens is medically certified and helps you feel better.
Bluetens generates an electric current that, depending on frequency, intensity and duration, will
treat you, relax you or fortify you in total freedom.
Whether you need a natural pain killer, relaxation after a rough day, an active recovery solution
or to fortify, Bluetens is the solution for you.
Bluetens was born from a simple observation: we all suffer from more or less bearable pain and
tensions created by our lifestyle. Not enough sport, too much computer, stress, poor posture,
injury, there are several roots of the problem. The solutions are often quite demanding and may
not be effective, that is why we created Bluetens.
A connected health object, very small, extremely simple, medically certified and that uses
electrotherapy to help you get better.
How does electrotherapy work?
Electrical stimulation created by Bluetens is a replica of a natural process controlled by the
brain. Every time you move, your brain sends an electrical signal to your muscles to stimulate
them. Bluetens does exactly the same except that we monitor several parameters, which will
allow us to:
• Relieve your pain
• Relax by massaging you
• Strengthen you by toning your muscles
Electrostimulation is a training technique integral to the preparation of athletes, especially for
their recovery.
It is taught during physiotherapy studies and used extensively by practitioners.
It is integrated in numerous pain killer protocols and it is an extremely efficient natural solution
to relieve pain.
Tel.: +33 (0)1 48 07 34 89
[email protected]
La French Tech is back to Vegas!
5 startups on Eureka Park Next
Eliocity - Xee
Xee empowers the Drivers’ lives.
Thanks to the most advanced
technology, Xee creates the first open
ecosystem for connected cars.
The XeeSTORE provides users with web and mobile applications to connect their car. Today,
such Apps mainly aim to secure the car and improve the safety of its passenger. Tomorrow, the
Driver will access to many services such as carpooling, pay-how-you-drive insurance, or
eco-driving. These Apps use XeeCONNECT, a high-tech device that easily fits into any car. It
reads all useful car electronic information and translates it into applications. Xee is unique in
that it offers a platform that is open to everybody (developers, insurers, car rental companies,
motorway managers, maintenance depots, etc.) to develop new services for drivers. XeeCLOUD
platform serves creative developers who will invent services that will make life easier for today’s
and tomorrow’s drivers.
With Xee, enjoy today the car of tomorrow!
Mob.: +33 (0)6 35 15 37 79
[email protected]
Gris foncé :
Vert :
CMJN : 40, 30, 30, 74
CMJN : 56, 0, 100, 0
The Business France Delegation of startups at CES 2016, JANUARY 6-9, 2016
5 startups on Eureka Park Next
Qwant is a European search engine that
respects privacy and offers a new vision of
the Web. Qwant does not track its users.
Qwant has launched Qwant Junior the first secured search engine for children from 5 to 13
years old without tracking, incongruous contents and ads.
Qwant is a European search engine launched in July 2013, which is committed to respecting
privacy and to offer a new vision of the Internet including web contents, social networks, news,
shopping and the media.
Qwant Junior is the first participatory and secure search engine for children. It consists of a
black list excluding incongruous contents and of a white list highlighting the recognized
educational platforms.
Based on the technology and philosophy of it is devoid of tracking, advertising, and
shopping products.
Sophie TREM
Tel.: +33 (0)1 83 64 89 37
[email protected]
La French Tech is back to Vegas!
France is at the cutting edge
of innovation
France is a fast-growing technology hotspot
• The Deloitte Technology Fast 500 EMEA once again ranked France top in 2014 for the
fourth year running with 86 high-growth technology companies.
• It is ranked third in the Thomson Reuters Top 100 Global Innovators 2014, with seven
of the world’s 100 most innovative companies or institutions.
• France is also ranked sixth in the world and second in Europe for gross domestic
expenditure on research and development.
A thriving business landscape
Criteo’s recent IPO on NASDAQ and 1.7 billion dollar valuation as well as Sigfox’s 113 million
dollar capital raising illustrate how dynamic and fruitful the French business landscape is.
As a matter of a fact, 1 billion dollars are invested every year in more than 700 companies, 30%
of them being in the Software and internet sectors. The success of emblematic companies like
Criteo and Sigfox speaks for itself. They deliver sustainable business models while establishing
themselves as leaders in their respective fields. And it all started in France!
Other success stories are illustrated by high profile exits…
• Neolane was acquired by Adobe for 600 million dollars.
• was acquired by Tripadvisor for 140 million dollars.
• Webedia, allociné.fr and were acquired by the Filmalac group for 275
million dollars.
…significant fundraisers…
• BlaBlaCar raised 100 million dollars in June 2014.
• Intersec raised between 15 and 25 million dollars in the past 12 months.
…And sustainable growth models:
• Coyote achieved 120 million dollars in sales last year.
• Archos made a 165 million dollar turnover in 2013.
Business France Delegation
Thomas Delouvrier
[email protected]
Mob.: +33 (0)6 74 03 22 49
Foued Kefif
[email protected]
Tel.: +1 469 432 3002
Valentin Pellissier
[email protected]
Mob.: +33 (0)6 33 03 31 75
Business France
PR & Press Relations - France
Clément Moulet
[email protected]
Mob.: +33 (0)6 75 55 73 19
Des économies sur
le buDget
voyages De
votre entreprise
Gagnez des Blue Credits
à chaque voyage de vos
1 blue credit cumulé = 1 €
À convertir en billets d’avion,
en Carte d’Abonnement ou
en options payantes*.
adhérez sur ou
dans votre agence de voyages
Crédit photo : Getty images
* Courant 2015
BlueBiz est un programme des compagnies
Publication Director: Muriel Pénicaud, French Ambassador for International Investment,
CEO of Business France
Editorial Coordination: Priscille Troyan-Gulli, Valentin Pellissier, Thomas Delouvrier
Design and production: [email protected] – December 2015
Business France is the national agency
supporting the international development of the
French economy, responsible for fostering export
growth by French businesses, as well as promoting
and facilitating international investment in France.
It promotes France’s companies, business image
and nationwide attractiveness as an investment
location, and also runs the VIE international
internship program.
Founded on January 1, 2015 through a merger
between UBIFRANCE and the Invest in France
Agency, Business France has 1,500 personnel,
both in France and in 70 countries throughout the
world, who work with a network of public- and
private-sector partners.
For further information, please visit:
Business France
77, boulevard Saint-Jacques
75680 Paris Cedex 14 - France
Tel.: +33 (0)1 40 73 30 00