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Union groups and other Societies in Baltimore, Md
To our numerous appeals only two or three secretaries answered with somewhat superficial
information about their societies, this is why our history of the Polish societies in Baltimore
won't also be exhaustive.
As for trade union Groups, history of these we are finding in the Z.N.P [the Polish National
Alliance] History of Stanisław Osada, but only these groups which were established before the
year of 1905. So we will give the list of the groups and their founders as follows:
Group 60 – founded on the 11th of July, year 1886 as the Society of Henryk Dąbrowski. The
founders were: B. Nagórnowski, John Kowalewski, Emil Klajn, Kon. Orczykowski, Wł.
Welzant, Jozef Mechliński, John Lijewski, Fr. Jegierski, Joseph Sibicki, T. Dobrochowski, Piotr
Marecki, John Galiński, Piotr [Peter] Toczkowski, Joseph Ponicki and Wincenty Nagórnowski.
Group 238 – founded on the 17th of April, year 1894 as the Society of Kiliński and Bartosz
Glowacki. The founders were: Joseph Wyczałek i Anastazy Simon.
Group 339 – The Society of the Polish Industrialists, founded on the 15th of September 1896 (it
should celebrate the 30th anniversary this year). The founder was Władysław Welzant, other are
not mentioned by Osada.
Group 456 – The Society of the Sons of Poland, founded on the 13th January 1901 year by M.
Wiśniewski, A. Banaszewski, M. Różański and F. Hartka, at the national church on Broadway.
Group 487 – The Society of Z. Milkowski, founded on the 15th of September 1899 by
Wladysław Welzant.
Group 602 – The Society in the Name of Rev. Augustyn Kordecki founded on the 15th of
January, year 1903. The founders were: P. Szcerbicki, T. Jarzębowski, P. Twardowicz, J.
Piłachowski, A. Pękalski and J. Karwacki.
Group 692 – the Society of the Uhlans of St. Marcin, founded on 11 April y. 1904. The founders
were: W. Milanicz, F. A. Bautro, J. Szymański.
After the year of 1905 a number of other groups came into existence – Group 727 of Falcon,
Group 918, today the largest in Baltimore, next Groups: 1305, 1369, 1468 in Curtis Bay, and in
recent years two female Groups were established – which numbers are way above 2 thousands.
Together there are today in Baltimore 18 groups, which are combined in two Communes 21 and
The P. R. K. [The Polish Roman Catholic Union] also has a few groups in Baltimore, but only
one sent us the information that is Group 527 – the St. Stanislaus Kostka Benevolent Society
organized in July of 1923 by Wojciech Bielut. It counted 11 members then, and today it is
counting 330. It holds meetings in Rożańcowo (the parish of Our Lady of the Blessed Holy
Cit. [Citizen] Bielut takes also an active part in the Trinity Fraternity and at other Fraternities,
and for past 7 years he works the Charity Society, which exists at the parish of Our Lady of the
Blessed Holy Rosary for some twenty years. This Society was established by [the Rev.] ks.
Barabasz; he draws the funds for the help of poor men from voluntary contributions at the church
and also from balls and picnics etc. Apart from that he has permanent members paying 50 cents
Translated by Barbara Kiedrowska – 2010