August 9, 2015


August 9, 2015
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Schedule of
Masses/ Horario de Misas:
5:00 PM-English
7:00 PM-San Isidro (Sundown)
9:00 AM-English
11:30 AM-Español
4:00 PM -Youth Mass (English)
Weekday Mass/ Misa entre semana::
Monday-Wednesday, Friday: -8:15am
Thursday: 7:00 PM
Holy Hour:
Thursday at 8:15 AM (English)
Tuesday at 7:00pm (Español)
Saturday/Sábado: 4:00PM-4:45PM Or by
appointment/o con cita
Pastor: Fr . Er nesto Lopez
Associate Pastor: Fr . Raj
RCIA: Deacon Leo Cottenoir
Marriage and Family Life Ministry:
Deacon Juan Cavazos & Deacon Sergio
Lifeteen: Will & Dee Per ez
CCE & Edge: Gr acie Ruiz
Patricia Sanchez 891-8308
Administrative Assistant: J oanna Per ez
Parish Registration: Mar la Cottenoir
Maintenance: J immy Gr anados
Janitorial: Lour des Gr anados
Office Hours:
Monday– Friday 8:30am-5:30pm
Parish Office: 894-2268
Fax: 894-9348
Rectory: 568-0566
319 E. Washington, Levelland, Texas ; San Isidro Mission: 201 E. 5th Street, Sundown, Texas
First Reading -- After resting and taking nourishment twice, Elijah is strengthened to walk to the
mountain of God, Horeb (1 Kings 19:4-8).
Psalm -- Taste and see the goodness of the Lor d
(Psalm 34).
Second Reading -- Be sealed by the Holy Spir it of
God so as to be imitators of God and live in love
(Ephesians 4:30 -- 5:2).
Gospel -- J esus pr ofesses that he is the living
bread and whoever eats this bread will live forever
(John 6:41-51).
Everyone recognizes the truth of good proverbs, and
so they endure from generation to generation. The
Russians have a surprisingly bold one that fits this
Sunday's Gospel: "Bread is the beginning of
Judging from the first reading, Elijah might have felt
that it was too late for bread--too late for life itself.
This great prophet was at the end of his rope and
endurance. Then, not one, but two angels visit him.
One offers food and drink. The other gives startling
directions. For Elijah, this food from the angels is
bread for his journey. On the strength of the heavensent gift of food, he walks to the mountain of God.
In today's Gospel, Jesus offers himself, not just as
bread for the journey, but as bread for life itself. He
gives his flesh as life for the world. "I am the bread
of life" (John 6:48). He is the beginning of
Copyright (c) J. S. Paluch Co.
2015 Jamaica
St. Michael’s Annual Jamaica will be held on Sunday, September 27. Please contact us if anyone is
interested in making donations such as paper goods,
Bingo items, Silent auction items, kid game prizes,
food, money, or if you would like to work a booth.
Everything will be greatly appreciated.
Raffle tickets are now being sold right after the
Masses in the foyer. Stop by and purchase tickets or
to pick up books to sell.
Items to be raffled are:
1st Prize- $2,000 Gift Card
2nd Prize– Tractor Lawn Mower
3rd Prize- 60” VIZIO Smart TV
4th Prize– Surface Pro Tablet
5th Prize– YETI Tundra 75 Cooler
Thank you for your cooperation! Help us make this
Jamaica a huge success.
If you are interested in helping any of the subcommittees please contact the leaders listed below.
Booths- Marina Castillo
Music– Elia Patino
Games– Jacob Velardez
Raffle– Bernardine Mendez
Grounds– Christy Muñoz
Advertisement– Selena Torres
If you have any questions please contact Deacon
Juan or Deacon Sergio at 894-2268.
Training for Lectors and
Extraordinary Ministers of
A training for ministers of Communion and lectors
will be held on August 22nd starting at 10am in the
Activity Hall.
Hora Santa
Acompáñenos a celebrar Hora Santa cada martes a
las 7pm en español y cada jueves a las 8:15am en
Holy Hour
Join us for Holy Hour every Tuesday at 7pm in
Spanish and every Thursday at 8:15am in English. .
San Isidro
San Isidro Community Meal
San Isidro Community Meal Every 3rd Saturday of
the month. . Please bring a dish or dessert to share
with the community. Everyone is invited.
La comida para la comunidad será el tercer sábado
de cada mes. Por favor traiga un plato o postre para
compartir con la comunidad. Todos están invitados.
Mass Intentions
Sunday, August 9th@ 9:00am
+Bob Veretto by Car ylon Ver etto
Sunday, August 9th @ 11:30am
+Beatriz Saucedo by J oe & Mar ina Castillo
+Bertha Camacho by Consuelo Ramir ez
Fiesta de Colores
A cursillo for men in English will be held on
September 3-6 at the Catholic Renewal Center in
Lubbock. For more information contact Juan López
at 773-9606 or Manuel Guerra at 477-6143.
Habrá un Cursillo para hombres en ingles del 3 al 6
de septiembre en el Catholic Renewal Center en
Lubbock. Para mas información llamen a Juan
López al 773-9606 o Manuel Guerra al 477-6143.
Marriage Preparation
Readings for the Week
Monday: 2 Cor 9:6-10; Ps 112:1-2, 5-9; Jn 12:24-26
Tuesday: Dt 31:1-8; Dt 32:3-4ab, 7-9, 12;
Mt 18:1-5, 10, 12-14
Wednesday: Dt 34:1-2; Ps 66:1-3a, 5, 8, 16-17;
Mt 18:15-20
Thursday: Jos 3:7-10a, 11, 13-17; Ps 114:1-6;
Mt 18:21 -- 19:1
Friday: Jos 24:1-13; Ps 136:1-3, 16-18, 21-22, 24;
Mt 19:3-12
Saturday: Vigil: 1 Chr 15:3-4, 15-16; 16:1-2; Ps 132:6-7,
9-10, 13-14; 1 Cor 15:54b-57; Lk 11:27-28
Day: Rv 11:19a; 12:1-6a, 10ab;
Ps 45:10-12, 16; 1 Cor 15:20-27; Lk 1:39-56
Sunday: Prv 9:1-6; Ps 34:2-7; Eph 5:15-20;
Jn 6:51-58
Saints and Special Observances
Sunday: Nineteenth Sunday in Ordinary Time
Monday: St. Lawrence
Tuesday: St. Clare
Wednesday: St. Jane Frances de Chantal
Thursday: Ss. Pontian and Hippolytus
Friday: St. Maximilian Kolbe
Saturday: Assumption of the Blessed Virgin Mary
Baptism Preparation Class
 Must meet with one of the deacons or with one of the
priests at least 6 months in advance
 Must be an active and registered member of the parish
Quinceañera Requirements
 Must contact the office at least 6 months in advance
to check availability.
Family must be active and registered in the parish.
Must have sacraments of baptism and 1st holy communion
Must be in CCE/LifeTeen for at least 2 years prior to
Must attend a Quinceañera retreat
Would you like to donate and dedicate the altar flowers for a
week? It’s easy to do and a great way to celebrate a special occasion or remember a loved one and at the same time beautify
the Church.
 Flowers are used during weekend masses & remain for the
week. Dedication will be listed in the bulletin
 Suggested contribution start at $60.00
 Please make checks payable to St. Michael’s and indicate
“Altar Flowers” on the check.
 Call Parish Office to check date availability
 You may also email your info. To [email protected]
 Donation is tax deductible
Baptism Classes are the 3rd Saturday of each month
at 8:30am. You must register at the office at least 12weeks before class. You must have the official birth
certificate to register.
Once all requirements are met, the
baptism will be scheduled. Baptisms are only held on
the 4th weekend of the month during one of the Mass
Please call the Parish office for more information.
Volleyball League
Team Sign ups for St. Michael’s
Catholic Church Recreational
Co-ed Volleyball League
Season Begins August 16th, 2015
20 game guarantee for teams
Games will be played on Sundays only
Up to 10 players per team
Cost is $250 per team
Cut off at 25 teams
Deadline to Sign up is August 2,2015
To sign up contact:
Stephanie Hadzic or
Vivi Perez
[email protected]
Please have your team name when signing up.
Youth Mass
There will be no 4:00pm Youth Masses during the
Classes will begin on August 17th at 7pm in the
Activity room. Registration forms
Confirmation Classes are set to begin soon. Any teen
that is a Junior or above is more than welcome to
join us in preparation for the sacrament.
Sign ups for Confirmation will be held from
Aug. 16th– September 9th after every weekend
Mass in the foyer of the church.
Parent Information meetings will be held on August
29th and 30th. The time and place will be announced
at a later date.
Then he said to his disciples, “The harvest is
plentiful, but the laborers are few; Matthew 9:37
Do you feel the call to help in the Youth
Ministry? Is God asking you to do more?
We are in desperate need of volunteers in our
youth department. Please prayfully consider
joining the Core Team. Contact the parish
office for further information.
If you are in the hospital or homebound
and need Eucharist, please contact the
church office at 806-894-2268.
If you are new to our parish and/ or just have not
registered, please come by the office to pick up a
registration form. If you have any questions or if we
can be of assistance please contact the parish
office at 894-2268.
Weekly Offering for:
August 1st & 2nd
Children’s (CCE)
Spec. Collection ()
San Isidro
$ 4,906.00
$ 2,995.22
$ 8,222.41
Thank you for your generosity
August 1-2
Must be turned into the parish office by SAT:
5:00 PM:
Tuesday @ 12:00pm
[email protected]
St. Michael Church #624000
316 E. Washington Street
Levelland, TX 79336
806 894-2268
Joanna Perez
EMAIL: [email protected]
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