vairforce - Monza Motion


vairforce - Monza Motion
Old Cars Weekly 2012 Golden Quill Award Winner!
2012 Tony Fiore Chapter Newsletter Award 2nd Place Winner!
Volume 40
Number 10
October 2013
Bay State Corvairs VairForce
October 2013
Membership Chair:
Ray Bombardier
6 Kraft Road
Milford, MA 01757
(508) 473-7026
[email protected]
Chuck Leonard
4 Tyson Road
S. Easton, MA 02375
(508) 238-0455
[email protected]
Peter Roca
51 Everett Street
N. Attleboro, MA 02760
(508) 316-1661
[email protected]
David McMillan
33 Woodhaven Blvd.
N. Providence, RI 02911
(401) 231-0784
[email protected]
Tech Advisor:
Tech Advisor:
Lionel Bernard
27 MacArthur Drive
Millbury, MA 01527
[email protected]
Jim Bengiovanni
6 Allen Road
Milford, MA 01757
[email protected]
CORSA Representative:
MAAC Representative:
NECC Representative:
Karl Haakonsen
Roslindale, MA
(617) 469-2692
[email protected]
Tom Russ
Milford, MA
(508) 478-6678
[email protected]
Bob Sedani
Brockton, MA
(508) 584-7792
[email protected]
Refreshment Coordinator:
Cathy McCafferty
N. Attleboro, MA
(202) 957-4326
[email protected]
Event Coordinator:
Sharon Leonard
S. Easton, MA
(508) 238-0455
[email protected]
On the Front Cover: Cameron Guillou took
[email protected]
On the Back Cover: Jerry and Diane Tho-
this photo from the top of the hill at the
Fall Classic at Clark’s Corvair Parts.
Bay State Corvairs VairForce
Event Coordinator:
Elaine Sedani
Brockton, MA
(508) 584-7792
mas accept the “Cal Award—Best of Show”
trophy from Cal Clark.
October 2013
A View From the Front
From the Editor’s Laptop. . .
By Ray Bombardier, BSCC President
Well, another Fall Classic at Clark’s has come and
gone and with the fall season indeed upon us, so are the
winds of change for our chapter. You’ll understand what
I’m referring to once you’ve read Ray’s and Chuck’s submittals on pages 6 & 7. It’s been a great run for the existing executive board, but the time has come for some
‘mixing it up’, so to speak. Working on the executive
board is extremely rewarding and a great way to keep
your finger on the pulse of the chapter. As Ray and Chuck
say in their articles, Peter and I will stay on to ensure the
transition is smooth. That being said, per the club bylaws, the nominations for the 2014 executive committee
will be accepted till the deadline of the October monthly
meeting. If you or someone you know has some good
ideas or thoughts about how Bay State can improve and is
interested in running for one of the positions, this is the
time to do it. I’m sure there will be discussion at the upcoming September monthly meeting. Be sure to attend!
I hope a lot of you are planning to attend the 12th Annual Fort Adams in the Fall car show in Newport, RI
(9am-3pm) The registration fee is $15. They have a Corvair class. While being a great show, this is also a chance
to take a tour of the fort ($12/adult) and view the quarters
where the officers and their families lived. There are also
underground tunnels that the tours go on. Cruisin’ Bruce
will provide the entertainment and will announce the class
winners. This has always been a good take for our members, especially if Tina brings her pie! There is food sold
there, but bring something to share with our group and
we’ll make a picnic out of it. Oh, and be sure to bring a
canned good for their food drive.
The following weekend is the Cruise to Provincetown
via Route 6/6A. A group of us participated in the inaugural event last year and we had a very good time. Some
folks drove only a segment, but we went all the way to PTown, spending a few hours window shopping through
the streets there. It turned out to be a very nice day. John
Teixeira has said that he’s looking to organize a group to
start from the Middleboro Rotary. We’ll discuss at the
monthly meeting and there will be e-mails...stay tuned for
the details as the date draws near! No e-mail? Contact
John Teixeira at 508-822-6138.
Many thanks to Dave Silvia for providing his multitude of Fall Classic pictures, and thanks to Cameron Guillou for his picture for the cover shot.
ALSO, many, many thanks to all
who sponsored me in the PanMass
Challenge this year. I raised $9053 for
a six year total of $40,555!
The 2013 Clark’s Fall Classic Weekend is now in the
record books. Just like Christmas morning, the months of
planning are over in such a short time. For those that made
the pilgrimage to Clark’s, I know you were not disappointed. All the work that we did in preparing for the show
paid off. We ended the day with 95 registered Corvairs; not
a record but certainly a very respectable number. The weekend began with 2-3
Corvair caravans leaving from different locales ending Friday
afternoon at the Red
Roof Inn in South
Deerfield, our host
hotel. After checking
in, some of us drove
up to Clark’s to help
set-up what we could.
Although only scat“...the rains came down while
tered showers were
the big top tent was going up.”
forecast, the rains
came down while the
‘big top’ tent was going up. Cal’s crew has that down to a
science and it was up in short order. Next they brought out
the picnic tables and those were set up under the big tent.
It was decided that it was too wet to bring out our 8 – 8’ tables and we’d wait until the morning to do that. Back to the
hotel to get ready for our Welcome Party. When we arrived
back, cars from all over the northeast were arriving as well
as 2 cars from Ontario, Canada. I wanted to get a little rest
before the party but I had to see many of the beautiful cars
that were arriving on a steady pace. There were many old
Vairy truly yours,
(VFTF—Continued on Next Page—4 )
Bay State Corvairs VairForce
October 2013
(VFTF Continued From Page 3)
were up bright and early and off to Shelburne Falls although not as early as Chuck and Sharon who woke up the
friends and familiar faces as well as some first timers mixed local roosters on their way out to post the signage along the
in. Due to the showers that many folks hit on the way up,
roadways to Clark’s. When we arrived tables were getting
the hotel provided a car wash area out behind the hotel just set up, electric lines were being laid out, Registration was
outside the indoor pool. I saw several people taking advan- getting power out to run their computers, Scott Abrahamtage of this. After the Friday arrivals got settled in we
son was arriving to set up the DJ equipment and he also
drifted down to the indoor pool area where we were setting transported all the beautiful baskets on the Chinese Auction
up for the big Welcome Party. It didn’t take too long beTable for us. Everyone had his/her assignments and like a
fore the room was
well-tuned orchestra, all the puzzle pieces started to fall tojumping with over 70 gether. Coffee was brewing when the 1st cars started to arpeople. There were
rive. Tom Russ made a ton of chock blocks to assure that
all kinds of snacks
we didn’t lose any cars over the embankments this year due
imaginable set out on to a poorly applied e-brake. Before long the place was
2 long tables for folks buzzing. Soon the smell of fresh hot popcorn was wafting
to share and enjoy. A through the air and by 11 AM that was joined by the aroma
little later we sent out of onions frying in butter signaling that the lunch line was
for 13 large pizzas
officially open! Head chef Chuck was thrilled with the new
and as those were go- 6 burner grill that Cal Clark recently purchased as it cooked
ing so fast an addithe burgers and hot dogs to perfection. He had George Detional order for 6
Darrell and Janet Varley
Valk & Lionel Bernard assisting with a number of the gals
more was called in
Of Cobblestone Crossing
from the club working the food line. We had so many Door
and just about all of Prizes that Scott was kept busy calling out numbers
the 19 pizzas went; no one left hungry! Before our great
throughout the day.
entertainment got underway, (Darrell & Janet Varley from
Many of the attendees were treated to a number of tours
the group Cobblestone Crossing), we had given everyone a of the various buildings around the Clark’s campus. I know
Door Prize ticket. We called off several numbers and these many of our BSCC members have never had the opportuwere just some appreciation gifts only for those who came nity to take any of the Clark’s tours as we’re usually so
on Friday to our party. There were plenty more for the
busy working the show. It would be a treat to do this at
show on Saturday. Darrell and Janet played different guisome point in the future. Sales at the Chinese Auction Tatars, mandolin and banjo. They sang for about 2 hours invit- ble were brisk this year. That table is headed up Lynda
ing everyone to join in on some tunes and were very enter- Teixeira and my Kathy B. Around noon the call was made
taining. They’re Corvair owners from Binghamton, NY and to bring your Valve Cover Racer down to the lower warebelong to the Central NY Corvair Club. We were also
house to be inspected and weighed before the 1st heat went
treated to 2-3 tunes featuring our own Tucker Boyden on
off at 12:30. Wayne Cox, Co-President of the Central NH
guitar who at only 15 was amazing! We thank them all for Corvair group, hauled their track down to the show so we
sharing their time and talents with our group. The party was could have this event and other members of their club
a huge success and the enterhelped run it and keep track
“. . . This is what it’s all about.”
tainment was certainly ‘the
of the winners in both Junior
icing on the cake.’ I looked
and Senior divisions. Kids of
around the room and saw
all ages get a kick out of the
folks from NJACE, LICA,
Valve Cover Races either by
CNYCA, Capitol District,
actually racing a car or just
by watching. John Teixeira
Ontario, CT CORSA, Colowas all over the grounds donial Corvairs, some PA
ing a great job in 50/50 ticket
group, (Lehigh Valley?) and
sales. Food sales were brisk
of course our own Bay State
for a few hours.
Corvair Club all sharing in
(VFTF Continued on Next
great Corvair fellowship and
camaraderie. I looked
around the room at this and
said to Chuck Leonard, “this
is what it’s all about.”
The next morning we
Bay State Corvairs VairForce
October 2013
So Cathy McCafferty, I guess all the tears from cutting
up 13 pounds of onions was worth it. Our Treasurer
Peter Roca did double duty as he and Cathy M. were in
charge of buying the food and then he made sure all
the cash boxes had seed money plus he made cash pick
-ups throughout the day. Dave & Debi McMillan and
Elaine Sedani were on Registration and kept things
humming there. I could go on as most of the positions
also had back up volunteers. It really was a club effort
and as I said at the end of the show, I didn’t want to
start naming all the individuals as I’d feel terrible if I
missed anyone so a HUGE thank you to everyone in
the club who throughout the year has helped out in any
way to make this year’s 2013 Fall Classic the rousing
success it was. (Peter Roca should have the official
figures for us all at the September Monthly Meeting.)
After all the Chinese Auction Baskets were drawn and
Lynda Teixeira ready to sell, sell, sell!
hind my car. The diagnosis; really weak springs
were the cause making the bearing wear out prematurely. He recommended 2 new springs, 2 rear axle
bearings, u-joints and seals. That was unexpected.
They gathered everything I’d need and put it in my
trunk. Cal said Cathy would figure out the cost and
send the bill along later. How nice of them to even
take the time to make sure my car was OK to drive
home and to give me all those parts on ‘good faith’.
Not only that, I got a call from Cathy to make sure I
got home with no trouble. This is why the Clark’s
organization has been in business for over 40 years.
As it should be, when the last of our group left late
Saturday afternoon, you would never know that a
major car show event had just been there.
A well deserved second place for Tom & Tina Russ
Cal gets under Ray’s car
awarded we moved onto the Class Awards. John
Teixeira was again our go to man for the trophies
and Class Award Plaques and they looked great.
This is usually the highlight of the day ending with
the top prize of Cal (or Joan’s) Pick as Best of
Show. After that award, I presented Cal with the
gift from our club to him and Joan for their help
both physically and financially with the show. As
the show broke up, many in our group geared up to
help with the clean-up and break down of tables and
tents, trash barrels dumped and all the supplies
packed mainly into Jon Tex’s truck plus a few other
support cars for the trip home. Just before we left,
Chuck noticed my back wheels leaning out at the
bottom. Odd, he thought, and Cal agreed, asking
one of his crew to get the car jack and before long
all I could see was Cal’s legs sticking out from be-
Bay State Corvairs VairForce
(VFTF Continued On Page 14)
October 2013
It’s Time
Greetings Everyone! Rather than use space in my regular column, A View From the Front, I felt this month that
column would best be served to cover the 2013 edition of
the Clark's Fall Classic. What I have to say here is very
hard for me to put into words. I have made the difficult
decision to step down as our Club's President after 9 terms
in that office. I've been blessed with a fantastic Board that
you chose to lead our club during that period.
Chuck Leonard has been a rock solid co-leader and
friend throughout the past 9 years. He has added integrity
to our Board. Coming from a business background, Chuck
also had the ability to take common
sense approaches to solve problems
that occasionally crop up. Chuck
took on the added responsibility a
few years back as our club's Membership Chairman. He has also been
Mr. 50/50 at the Monthly Meetings
for 9 years. I know he's always been
there for me and he's just a phone
call away if I or anyone needs
help. Both he and Sharon have
opened up their home and hosted
most all of our Mid-Month Board
Meetings for nearly a decade and for
that they have my sincere thanks and appreciation.
Peter Roca took over the position of our Club's Treasurer in January of 2007 after John Wingle stepped down
from that office having served under 3 Presidents. Since
assuming the Treasurer's office, Peter has brought our club
into the new millennium. For
the first time ever our club's
Treasury was deposited in our
own Club checking account. He took extra monies
from our 2010 Clark's Fall
Classic to purchase 2 CD's. A
few years back Peter began
printing out Quarterly Financial Reports for the Board
showing us where all the
money was received and spent and
year-end Financial Reports along with pie charts explaining what various percentages of our club expenses went to,
as well as a chart showing in what percentages our income
came from. He has really taken the Treasury Office to the
next level and I can assure you that the club is in very capable hands with my good friend Peter Roca in that position.
Finally, Dave McMillan, our Club's Secretary and Web-
master but most of you think of him
as our multi-award winning Editor
of our club's VairForce Newsletter. Dave took over that position from
Rick McDonald in December of
2005. Far and away Dave has the
most difficult, the most important and
the most rewarding position on the
Club's Board. It's a never ending job; I
know, I held that office tor 3 years
under Joey Smiley. As soon as you
put one issue to bed, you're collecting
articles for the next issue. I know too
well the huge number of hours of
work it takes to put out any club newsletter
but for Dave to put the kind of time and
passion he puts into producing the high quality newsletter
he does every 30 days, boggles my mind. A good newsletter is the 'life blood' of any club and thankfully Bay State
Corvairs has the best in the business. I'm so glad that a few
years back CORSA decided to review all the chapter newsletters and to recognize the editors for their efforts. I'm
proud to say that Dave has been in the top 3 every year
since the Tony Fiore Chapter Newsletter Award has been
in place. Not only that, but Dave has been recognized nationally by Old Cars Weekly every year with their Golden
Quill Award. This is an amazing accomplishment for a
guy who already holds down a job with a very heavy
workload. At one point I suggested to Dave that he cut
back to 8 issues, doubling up issues during the off-peak
months but he wouldn't even consider it; rather he went
from a 10-12 page newsletter to an 18-20 page monthly
newsletter. Dave is certainly going to be a tough act to
follow should he ever decide to step down.
It will be extremely difficult to replace the synergy we
all shared for nearly a decade but I feel the time has come
for me to step aside. Chuck has retired and I know he and
Sharon are looking forward to spend well deserved months
away at their condo in Ft. Meyers, FL and like the Leonard's, my very patient wife Kathy is hopefully retiring the
end of February and we'd like to do some traveling as well
without working around club mid-month or monthly meetings as we've done for the past nine years. In all that time
I've missed less than 5 meetings. I've always tried to
put our club first. Chuck, Peter, Dave and myself have
grown in our positions and with that growth the club has
flourished, more than nearly tripling in size since
2005. We were just a little CORSA Chapter in southeastern MA meeting out of an old library in E. Walpole. Through the last decade we've 'opened our borders'
and become one of the biggest and most active clubs in the
northeast. Bay State Corvairs was a huge presence in the
2012 CORSA International Convention which gave us national recognition.
(Continued On Next Page)
Bay State Corvairs VairForce
October 2013
It’s Time (Continued From Page 6)
This was enhanced with our own Jason Cesana who rose
through the national CORSA club ranks to serve as
its President until July '13. How cool was that!
I want to publicly thank my fellow Club Officers for the
untold hours they've donated for the betterment of our club
as well as all the folks that have held appointed positions
in the club throughout these past 9 years. Your commitment really is the glue that makes our club run so
smoothly. Many of you know, but for those who are not
aware, last month I had Gastric By-Pass Surgery, (I know about time), but this is a life altering procedure and it is not
as easy as I thought. Yes, you do lose a lot of weight but
they operate on your stomach and not your brain. This
surgery is just 'a tool' to assist in losing but it still takes a
lot of determination to make it successful. It should take
about 18 months from the date of surgery for your body to
get to where your weight will level out and (hopefully)
with this surgery my excess weight won't come back. This
is another factor in my decision to step down. I'm taking
this time away for me to rebuild physically and mentally in
my 'new' body. Rest assured I will still be around, I'm not
going anywhere. I'm just not going to be the day to day
'go to' guy. I think of you all as my extended family and
love you all. Peter Roca and Dave McMillan will carry on
in their positions helping the new officers work into the
same family friendly club we've worked so hard to create. I wanted to give you all this heads-up to review the
Club's By-Laws and if you feel you can meet the criteria
for the office then by all means, please throw your hat in
the ring at the October monthly meeting. Rest assured,
whomever steps up and is elected will have my full support and I hope the support of all our members. Thank
you all for allowing me to serve you as your President for
9 terms.
Although I will remain an active member of
BSCC, I am not running for Vice-President at the
end of 2013.
Sharon and I will be away a good part of the
year to do some long overdue traveling. I want to
thank you for all your help and support over the
last nine years.
Now is the time for you to step up to the plate and
GET INVOLVED. Bay State Corvair is an exceptional club because of its members and their families. The board members that will continue on
make up a great team and will make for an easy
transition. They know the ropes. So - throw your
hat in the ring – October 30th nominations for
2014 BSCC board members. Corvair strong!
Chuck Leonard
Ray Bombardier
Bay State Corvairs VairForce
October 2013
Light Housings
By Steve Silvia
The last time I looked in the engine compartment of the 66 I noticed that my tail light housings were simply painted black. This was done
when I was getting the car on the road 6 years ago
in an effort to clean up the engine bay, as it was
really grimy. A simple fix to make the bay look
correct is to remove the housings from the car and
thoroughly clean them with soap and water. Once
they are dry, they can be sprayed to resemble to
correct anodized finish with Eastwood brand
Golden Cad. Eastwood makes some great paints
and this product will do the trick. The retaining
nuts should also be sprayed aluminum and reinstalled to make the hardware look stock.
Many times when replacing Corvair housing
such as these, the sockets will also be in poor condition. Should you need to replace any, look
around for a good used one as many of the aftermarket units are poor in quality and do not fit
well in the housing. If you want, the inside of
the housing that has the bulb recessed can be
painted silver to provide some additional reflection for the bulb. This will really make a difference and actually make your car safer. And after
all, Corvairs need all they help they can get to be
safe! When all is dry, simply replace the units
and lenses. This is a small detail but will make a
difference when they are installed and keep the
original appearance in mind.
Bay State Corvairs VairForce
October 2013
September Meeting!
Phil & Martha Domser from
Utica, NY. They own a 61 Rampside, a 61 Loadside, a 64 Corvan, a
64 Spyder coupe, and a 64 Monza
Gary & Rebecca Parker from
Rochester, NH. They own a
1963 Monza convertible.
Patrick Weston of North Attleboro.
He owns a newly acquired 1967
Madeira maroon Monza coupe.
John & Carol Peterson from Halifax, MA. They own a 1965 black
1965 Monza 4-door sedan.
Richard and Carla Stafford from
Wayland, MA
The Meeting will be held on Wednesday,
September 25th. Refreshments will be
provided by Chuck & Sharon Leonard.
Guest Speaker for the
October Meeting!
Paul Zangari from AM790 radio station in Providence will be our guest
speaker for the meeting on Wednesday,
October 30th.
Deepest Sympathy
To the Connors family. Jerry Connors’
mother Edna (Robbins) Connors passed
away on Thursday, September 12th.
She was 103.
John & Marian Ryall from Dartmouth, MA
Paul & Mary Botelho of Taunton,
MA. They are looking for a vair!
The 2013 Membership
is now at
Get Well Soon!
Paul Raia had a scheduled quadruple bypass surgery a few weeks ago with no
complications and is recovering well.
Got anything to say? Send any special announcements, photos and articles to the editor
at [email protected] or a call at 401-243-3884.
Bay State Corvairs VairForce
October 2013
“My wife and I would like to thank your club at how well received
our Corvair dune buggy was at your show. It was our first show and
I really didn't know if it would be accepted as it is a little out of the
norm. We had a great time, met many Corvair People. Also purchased a new door and rear seat panels for our 1964 Monza 900
convertible. Thanks again.”
Thomas and Barbara Hall Old Orchard Beach Me.
"We enjoyed ourselves
immensely, and it was
great to be with our
BSC friends
again!" Scott Abrahamson, 2013 Clark's
Show DJ
"We had a BALL! Bay State
put on one of the best shows
In addition to my guys talking
about the great time- Friday
was a blast!"
Brian O'Neill, President
I know how much work is entailed to put on a
big show, and can only imagine the difficulty
of doing it 100 miles away!"
Fred & Ann Jones, Dennis, MA
Bay State Corvairs VairForce
October 2013
"What a fabulous weekend! A HUGE thank you to you and all the Bay
State members that worked so hard to make it a wonderful day (really
weekend). We always have such fun mingling and talking with everyone,
catching up with friends."
Ginny Blackmer, Co-President Central NH Corvairs
missed the Clark’s open house but I expect that it was
the success it always is." Jim Diell, Corsa Ontario
"As usual BAY STATE did a FANTASTIC JOB !!!! We always look forward to seeing our
friends there and making new friends. We had a great time.
Please tell everyone that we enjoyed seeing them and give yourselves a pat on the
back for another job well done!" John & Cathy Sunden, Long Island Corvair Assn.
I liked
“virtually everything—already looking
forward to 2015!”
Bob Brown—CNHCA, Chapter 032
Bay State Corvairs VairForce
October 2013
DJ Scott Abrahamson
Chuck passing out tickets
Vairs at the Red Roof Inn!
Junior Division
1st—Abby Abrahamson
2nd—Adler Abrahamson
Senior Division
1st—–Jon Guignard
2nd—Augie Kropa
3rd—Janis Cox
Chuck with George DeValk in the foreground doing their thing at the grill
Bay State Corvairs VairForce
October 2013
Class ‘A’ Early Coupe
First……. Ron Manwaring, Plantsville, CT—1964 Red Spyder
Second…..Robert McShane, Hillsdale, NY—1964 Ermine White Monza
Third…….Mark Kelsey, Hanover, MA—1964 White Spyder
Class ‘B’ Early Convertible
First……..Paul Ardito, Moultonborough, NH—1963 Tuxedo Black Spyder
Second…..Chuck & Sharon Leonard, S. Easton, MA—1964 Azure Aqua Monza
Third…….Robert Raymond, Goshen, MA—1963 Black Spyder
Class ‘C’ Early 4-door sedan
First……..Cathy McCafferty, N. Attleboro, MA—1960 Cascade Green 700 Series
Second…..Dave & Debi McMillan, N. Providence, RI—1964 Desert Beige Monza
Third…….Bob Haworth, Pawtucket, RI—1961 Ermine White Monza
Class ‘D’ Late Coupe
First……...David Main, Fairlawn, NJ—1968 Grotto Blue Monza
Second…...Bill Kolsun, Sunnyside, NY—1965 Madeira Maroon Monza
Third……..Dave Celata, Readville, MA—1965 Yellow Corsa
Class ‘E’ Late Convertible
First……...Jay Bleiler, Melrose, MA—1965 Black Monza
Second…...Diane & Jerry Thomas, Greenwich, NY—1966 Aztec Bronze Corsa
Third……..Fred & Ann Jones, Dennis, MA—1965 Danube Blue Corsa
Class ‘F; Late 4-door sedan
First………John Wingle, Weymouth, MA—1966 Ermine White Monza
Second……Frank Hunter, Ramsey, NJ—1967 Blue 500 Series
Third……..Allan Buda, Stratford, CT—1966 Black 500 Series
Class ‘G’ Forward Control
First……...Steve, Gerri-Lyn & Tucker Boyden—1962 Turquoise Greenbrier
Second……Phil Domser, Utica, NY—1961 Blue Rampside
Third……..Jim & Linda Forgey, Hainden, CT—1964 Aqua Greenbrier
Class ‘H’ Wagons
First……...Kevin Gaudette, Vineyard Haven, MA—1961 Roman Red 700 Lakewood wagon
Second…...Courtney Kissam, LaGrangeville, NY—1961 Maroon Lakewood wagon
Class ‘I’ Specialty/Modified
First……...Boe Kalinoski, Billerica, MA—1966 White/Blue Yenko Stinger
Second…...Tom & Tina Russ, Milford, MA—1969 Black Monza
Third…….Ray Coker, Muncy Valley, PA—1965 Orange Corsa Coupe
Best of Show (The Cal Award) - Jerry & Diane Thomas, Greenwich, NY—1966 Aztec Bronze Corsa ‘vert
Longest Distance - Brad Hal , Brechin, Ontario—556 miles
Hard Luck Award — Linda Hallisey, Columbia, CT—1965 Red Monza
Bay State Corvairs VairForce
October 2013
Safe and Sound in Your Corvair
and soft and comfortable. There are reproduction seat belts
available for the Corvair, but I am not a big fan of repro
By Dave Silvia
stuff. I decided I would purchase a set of aftermarket belts
While the safety of a Corvair has AND a set of original style stickers that were used on my
always been arguable, we as CorCorvair. When I received the new belts I found I really
vair owners we all know that Cor- liked them and when I put the stickers on the belts I was
vairs were no more dangerous or
quite pleased. They are not original, but they look like they
safe than any other car of the same belong there AND they will keep me in my Corvair in the
era. Independent tests were even
event of a tragedy. There are many different stickers availconducted to verify this fact. How- able for the seatbelts making many combinations of “they
ever, Corvairs do lack the safety
look like they belong there” possible.
equipment of modern cars. My own
66 has seatbelts and that’s it, no
shoulder harnesses, no locking seat (VFTF Continued From Page 5)
Back to the Red Roof; a rest and a shower were in order
backs, no padded stuff, no crumple
zones, and no air bags. In fact, for before folks gathered out front before heading out for dinsome odd reason unlike the padded dash available in early ner. Many chose to stroll next door to Chandler’s in the
Corvairs, the padded dash of a 65-66 Corvair is pretty much Yankee Candle Complex. We’ve traditionally gone there
useless in an accident as the metal dash actually protrudes for many, many years. It is classic dining, always very
tasty with lots of ambiance, as the whole place is illumibeyond the edge of the pad. In an accident your head
nated by candlelight. It is expensive, but you get what you
would hit metal before it ever hit anything padded. That
being said, on the recent drive to the Clark’s Fall Classic, as pay for. If you’re looking for that type of dining experience
I put on my seatbelt in my Corvair, I began to wonder how then Chandler’s is the place to go. Many of those staying at
well they would work in an accident. Sure they look okay the Red Roof on Saturday night chose to go to the Bridge
Side Grille in Sunderland, just 2-3 miles from the motel.
and they are original AND they are nearly 50 years old.
The materials, with which they are made, including the fab- It’s casual dining and I thought it was very good although I
ric and thread, have been subjected to wear and sunlight; all heard that those that went there later found that they had
things that tend to destroy materials. I began to wonder if run out of many dishes due to the higher volume of busithe seat belts would really keep me in the car in the event of ness, (probably all the Corvair people. I saw about 10 Corvairs in their parking lot). Still others split up and went to
an accident.
So, I decided that it might be a good idea to replace the other local restaurants. I just mentioned the two most popular. After dinner, many folks returned to the pool area at
seatbelts. This is a good example of where NOS (if you
could find them) is probably not a good idea, as the threads the Red Roof Inn to chat about the show and swap war stomay have rotted from age and be no better than the ones in ries while enjoying a ‘last chance’ nightcap with old friends
my car. I have used new aftermarket seat belts in other ve- as we’d all be heading home in the morning. In the morning after ‘check out,’ about a dozen or more of us enjoyed
hicles and have been quite pleased with their quality,
breakfast at The Monarchs Restaurant 2-3 miles north of
though they do not look original. My car is nice, not a
the hotel on Routes 5/10. We lingered there quite a while
trailer queen; I drive it and I want to be safe. New seat
knowing when we left the weekend would be over. Just
belts must meet specific safety and strength requirements
and they are tested by the manufacturer. They are also nice one more stop to top the tanks off in Greenfield and our
caravan hit old route 2 east for a slower paced ride home
“ They are not original, but they look like they than taking I-91 to the MA Pike. Route 2 to route 140
south around the Wachusett Reservoir is also a far more
belong there AND they will keep me in my
scenic drive. Once we hit I-495 everyone waved good
Corvair in the event of a tragedy. “
bye. It was an amazing weekend that seemed to go by in
a flash. Our club grew by several members and we made
numerous friends over the weekend. Kudos continue to
come in basically saying that no one puts on a show like
we do and the thanks goes directly to all of you. You all
should be very proud that you are part of our wonderful
Bay State Corvair Club and I tip my hat to you all!!
Be good to one another and I’ll talk to you all next month.
Bay State Corvairs VairForce
October 2013
Bay State Corvairs VairForce
October 2013
Did You Know . . .
There are several large concrete arrows across the
country. Usually found in the middle of nowhere.
August 20, 1920 the USA opened coast to coast airmail delivery. These arrows were put there to mark
the route for the pilots. Every 10 miles a brightly lit
yellow arrow marked the way.
Chuck Cromwell
Map showing the airmail route along with
the scheduling and postage.
Bay State Corvairs VairForce
October 2013
Bay State Corvairs VairForce
October 2013
To place an ad contact the editor at [email protected]
Grand Sport GT
redials, P215-70original title. Solid and complete car. Barned for the last 45 R14 Mounted on
1960 700 sedan 3 speed, original owner, still have
years. Contact Richard Smith for more info.
[email protected]
1965 Monza convertible one oner car, 44,000 miles
original red paint, white interior, power top. Protecto Build
Sheet. Runs well. $10,500. John Shorten 570-775-9892
Mag wheels, came off
a totaled 64 Corvair.
$300 OBO.
Lou Rowman, Brant
Rock, MA 781-8375826
Dollar Sale. Early and late 13 inch rims $1
ea. Brake drums late front or rear $1 ea. Glass late
2 door, door, 1/4 window, backlight and windshield
$1 ea. Engine shroud pieces $1 ea. Lots more at
great prices. Bernie 413-527-8597
1965 Monza convertible
110 automatic. Air, but not working. White with
white top, light blue interior. 88K miles. Needs
tires. Looking for
$10K OBO.
Contact Paul
[email protected]
Bay State Corvairs VairForce
Miscellaneous Parts—180 hp chrome turbo air
cleaner ($100 firm), intake for turbo ($100 firm),
140 hp chrome air cleaner ($100 firm), 1963 Corvair 110 hp, body very solid, needs 2B restored,
Fred Flintstone floors. ($700 firm), Automatic
transmission ($50 firm), 1960-64 windshield ($50
firm), 9 AM radios ($20 each), 4 carburetors ($60
for set), many, many more. Contact Wooddee
Woodworth, Delmar, NY 518-427-7653. E-mail:
[email protected]
Car Lift—12 Volt rechargeable system. Great for
oil changes, under car work. $700 OBO. Call Paul
O’Shaughnessy 508-942-0161
1 - Used Late Model bare cross-member, solid
unit, needs some scraping and painting, kept in dry
storage since it was pulled from the car in
2000 $125
1 - Used 140HP engine complete, pulled from a
running 1965 Corsa in 2000 and put in dry storage,
engine turned when put away $500
1 - Used 140HP engine complete, bought and put
in dry storage, did not turn at last check $400
Contact Steve Burns 978-902-1437 or [email protected]
October 2013
October 2013
3 Cruise
Janis Cox
Bob Sedani
Celia raia
at the
20 HAPPY 21
Bay State Corvairs VairForce
October 2013
Bay State Corvair Club Calendar of Events
Wednesday, September 25th….Monthly Meeting at the Tavern, Route 1, Plainville, MA 7PM
Saturday, September 28th…….Cruise Season Farewell at A&W on Rte. 44 in Greenville, RI
Sunday, September 29th……….Fort Adams in the Fall, Fort Adam’s State Park, Newport, RI
Thursday, October 3rd………...Cruise Night at Patriot Place—hosted by Mass Cruisers
Saturday-Sunday October 5-6….2nd Annual Route 6 Cruise to Provincetown—Multi Car Club event
Saturday, October 13th………..8th Annual Octoberfest at Briggs Nursery, North Attleboro, MA
Thursday, October 17th……….CruiseNight at Patriot Place—hosted by Mass Cruisers
Saturday, October 19th……….8th Annual Fall Car Show at Phantom Farms, Route 114, Cumberland, RI
Wednesday, October 30th…….Monthly Meeting at the Tavern, Route 1, Plainville, MA 7PM, Officer Nominations!
Wednesday, November 20th….Monthly Meeting at the Tavern, Route 1, Plainville, MA 7PM, Officer Elections!
Saturday, January 18………...Annual Bay State Corvair Holiday Party, Raffael’s, Walpole, MA
Sunday, May 4……………….2014 Spring Brunch at Raffael’s in Walpole, MA
July 21—July 25…………….International CORSA Convention, Tacoma, WA
The Bay State Corvair Club is the original Massachusetts chapter of CORSA (#017 of the Corvair Society of America),
established in 1974. Club meetings are typically held the last Wednesday night of each month (except December)
at 7PM at the Tavern from Tower Square, 119 Washington St., Plainville, MA.
Dues are $20.00 per year. Renewal of Membership occurs in January.
New members joining in October-December will be prorated the next year’s membership.
Bay State Corvairs VairForce Check out the club website at20
October 2013