
Bosnia and Herzegovina
R e p u b l i c of S r p s k a
Teslic municipality
2010- 2015.
Teslic, March 2010
Table of contents
Review by PhD Professor Nikola Vukmirovic……..……………………………………………
Introduction by Mayor and president of CfMDP……………………….………………………..
I. Local community analysis……………………………………………………………………..
1.1. Geographic position……………………….………………………………………………...
1.2. Demographic analysis…………………….………………………………………………....
1.2.1. Population structure by age……………………………………………………………
1.2.2. Population living abroad...…………………………………………………………….
1.3. The labor market ……………………………………………………………………………
1.3.1. Introduction…………………………………………………………………………...
1.3.2. Unemployment………………………………………………………………………..
1.4. Infrastructure……...…………………………………………………………………………
1.4.1. Transportation infrastructure………………………………………………………….
1.4.2. Communication and media……………..……………..……………………………....
1.4.3. Electric energy and communal infrastructure……..……………………………...
1.4.4. Urban planning and development ……………………………………………………..
1.5. Economy, entrepreneurship and business...……………………………………………...
1.5.1. Natural resources and opportunities for economic development……………….
1.5.2. Privatization in the Teslic municipality ……………………………………..........
1.5.3. Industry…...…………………………………………………………………………...
1.5.4. Construction…...………………………………………………………………………
1.5.5. Transportation and other services...………………………………………………..
1.5.6. Small enterprises…………………………………………………………………….
1.5.7. Agriculture and forestry………………………………………………………….....
1.6. Tourism.……………………………………………………………………………………..
1.6.1. Diversity and tradition of tourism in Teslic municipality……………………………..
1.6.2. Spa tourism-Banja Vrucica spa...…………………………………………………….
1.6.3. Mountain tourism…………………………...……………………………………….
1.6.5. Congressional tourism…….……….………………………………………………..
1.6.6. Tourist manifestations…….………………………………………………………..…
1.6.7. Tourism and the inclusion of citizens. …………………………………………….
1.6.8. Tourism organization, human resources and long-term needs of tourism in
1.7. Education and culture………………….…………………………………………………..
1.7.1. Education…………………………………………………………………………….. Pre-school education……………………………………………………………… Primary education…...……………………………………………………………… Secondary education………………………………………………………………...
1.7.2. Culture……………………………………………………..…………………………. Cultural institutions………………………………………………………………… Cultural events and activities…………………………………………………….
1.8. Youth and sports …………………………………………………………………………….
1.8.1. The current position of Youth.…………………………………………………….. Institutional framework…………………………………………………………... Facilities designated for youth ….…………………………..……………………….
1.8.2. Sport………………………………………………………………………………….. Sports clubs…………………………………………………………………………. Competitions………………………………………………………………………. Sports Events……………………………………………………………………… Sports facilities……………………………………………………………………. Financing sport…………………………………………………………………….
1.9. NGO sector………………………………………………………………………………...
1.9.1. NGOs - important socio-economic actors in the community……………………
1.9.2. NGO Activism…………………………………………………………………….....
1.9.3. NGOs, Teslic municipality and budget …………………………………………....
1.9.4. Current NGO projects with foreign partners of social and economic importance
1.10. Social care and health……………………………………………………………………
1.10.1. Social welfare………………………………………………………………………
1.10.2. Health….……………………………………………………………………………
1.11. Local administration …………………………………………………………………...
1.11.1. The structure of local administration and employees ….………………………
1.11.2. Communication with citizens and reception hall ………………………….........
1.11.3. Municipal Budget…………………………………………………………………..
1.11.4. Public institution founded by the Teslic Municipality and financed from
municipal budget…………………………………………………………………………...
1.11.5. Public institution founded by the Teslic Municipality and partially financed
from municipal budget…………………………………………………………………….
1.11.6. Development of human resources and regular training of employees in the
local administration………………………………………………………………………...
1.11.7. Local settlements...…………………………………………………………………..
1.11.8. Inter-municipal cooperation……………………………………………………….
II SWОТ-Analysis………………………………………………………………………………
2.1. General SWОТ Analysis……………………………………………………………….
2.2. Summarized narrative (maxi-maxi) analysis of the socio-economic status of
Teslic municipality…………………………………………………………………………
III Teslic municipality Development Vision statement …………………………………………
IV STRATEGIC DIRECTIONS………………………………………………………………
V PROGRAMS…………………………………………………………………………………
5.1 Strategic direction 1………………………………………………………………………..
5.2. Strategic direction 2………………………………………………………………………..
5.3. Strategic direction 3………………………………………………………………………..
5.4. Strategic direction 4………………………………………………………………………..
5.5. Strategic direction 5………………………………………………………………………..
5.6. Strategic direction 6………………………………………………………………………..
VI Table of projects with implementation dynamic and responsible parties for implementation
VIII Annexes……………………………………………………………………………..
8.1. Members of CfMDP and Partner Group ………………………………………………...
8.2. Evaluation criteria for projects……………………………………………………………….
Teslic municipality Development strategy
for the period 2010 – 2015
This review has the purpose of assessing and valuing, using scientific methods, Teslic
Development strategy for the period 2010-2015. Appling appropriate scientific methods
evaluation has been conducted impartially, objectively, so the professional opinion has been
given on all the qualitative and quantitative elements of the Strategy.
Teslic development strategy for the period 2010-2015 has been given on 64 pages,
systematically and consistently presented in the eight chapters and twenty groups of tasks.
The methodological basis for the Strategy is given below.
Overview of strategic directions and priority development projects and their implementation
timetable by years in the period 2010-2015 has been presented in 11 related tables.
Strategy content consists of the following chapters: 1) Local community analysis 2) SWОТAnalysis of strengths and opportunities (maxi-maxi analysis) 3) Teslic municipality
Development Vision statement 4) Strategic directions for development, 5) Development
programs (six strategic directions ) 6) Projects with estimated dynamics and implementation
parties; 7) Monitoring and evaluation; 8) Annexes (members of CfMDP and partner group,
evaluation criteria for projects).
Critical analysis of Teslic Development strategy for the period 2010-2015 has been
approached as to the key development document that aims to create a local framework for
creating dynamic, competitive and export-oriented economy in the next five years.
This strategic development document of Teslic municipality has been evaluated in the context
of strategic development documents of the Republic of Srpska, development framework
documents of Bosnia and Herzegovina and the EU guidelines and directives related to
development and economic policy of countries that are in pre-accession phase of the
membership procedure to the European Union and countries who will use Union’s preaccession funds for development.
Purpose and goals of evaluation of the Teslic municipality development strategy for the
period 2010-2015.
The most important social and economic effects to be achieved with successful
implementation of the Strategy are: increase in employment, increase in exports, faster
development of underdeveloped (rural) areas of the municipality and the strengthening of
material base for education, health, sport and other important social activities. Analysis of the
situation in the Teslic municipality economy with the proposed measures for improving
business conditions, which represents a starting point for the Strategy, shows that the strategic
goals are realistic and attainable.
It is expected that the achievement of the objectives of the Strategy will be reached by
implementing incentives for companies in various activities, especially in the sectors of
tourism, agro-food processing, wood processing and metal processing activities, and various
other small business activities. The strategy assumes that for the development of the
economy, particularly the development of SMEs, the priority importance is on creating
innovative/development environment at the local level, so the strategy paid great attention to
development of local institutional and entrepreneurial infrastructure: local agencies,
information desks, business zones and other initiatives.
Also importance was given to the adequate development of: education, culture, sports, NGOs,
social and health care and particularly local government.
Special importance is given to following issues: 1) building institutional support to small and
medium enterprises (in particular: the development of SME development strategy, the
formation of clusters of wood processing subjects, establishment of credit guarantee fund at
municipal level), 2) building entrepreneurial infrastructure (development of industrial zone
"Lanara" etc.), 3) building institutions and human resources in agriculture (establishment of
“mechanization rings” in agriculture and etc), 4) development of programs for processing
capacities (construction of cooling storage unit for fruit and building fruit drying unit), 5)
development of urban infrastructure and environmental protection (development of city
streets and hiking trails, creating local environmental action plan, construction of sewerage
networks and facilities for filtering waste water), and etc.
Adequate attention in the Strategy is devoted to the part related to the development of
integrated, dynamic and attractive community with a developed partnership relations between
local administration, local self - government and citizens, private and public sector, increasing
efficiency and transparency of local administration and public sector as a whole; development
of human resources in all segments of local community, and sustained development of human
resources in the public sector and private businesses.
In implementing the concept of local development, the need has been realized to establish the
strategic management for development and the necessity of defining the developmental
perspective by establishing strategic objectives and priority development projects that will
lead to such goal achievement. The task of the Commission for Municipal Development
Planning (CfMDP) and partner group for the development of municipal strategy of the Teslic
municipality for the period 2010-2015 was, with the application of modern methods in the
development of strategic documents of local development, to offer generally accepted and
realistic Teslic Municipal Development Strategy until the year 2015. Analysis of current
situation has shown that Teslic municipality has significant development resources. However,
the need to efficiently manage available resources has been noted. SWOT analysis showed
that the strength of the Teslic municipality is in available resources and growing local energy
and motivation, which, with the European Charter on Local Self-Government, as the broader
development framework, should be used and thus create the basis for long-term growth and
development in all segments relevant to citizens.
Development strategy of Teslic municipality is based on creation of flexible economic
structure, development of labor market, the maximum utilization of natural and created
resources and potential, developed partnership relations between public and private sector, the
concept of transparent and efficient public administration, and balanced development in all
areas of the Teslic municipality.
During the work on SWOT analysis following data was taken into account: the geographical
location of the municipality, the state of the labor market, economy, infrastructure, education,
social and child protection, local administration, culture, sports. Also opportunities and
strengths, which the Teslic municipality has, have been described as well as weaknesses, and
threats. Based on this analysis the strategic directions of development of Teslic municipality
for the period 2010-2015 have been identified. After extensive analysis has been made, the
team established a vision, and proposed development programs and projects for the realization
of strategic objectives.
The proposed document gives emphasis on its implementation in practice, because it provides
the methodology of monitoring, implementation and evaluation of programs and anticipated
projects. With this, document has received its liveliness and reality.
The attached evaluation criteria for projects is very useful because it can also be used for
monitoring of the implementation and realization of Teslic Development strategy for the
period 2010-2015.
Conclusion of this review gives: the critical, objective and scientifically based judgment and
evaluation of Teslic Development strategy for period 2010-2015.
Based on the previous text the assessment can be given that strategy includes enough new,
original and interesting results applicable in practice, that the structure is relevant to the
issues, that there are no ambiguities and errors in displaying the expected results of Strategy.
Also, the next part of the text gives suggestions for possible improvement of the content of
the Strategy during its transformation into operational programs of measures to encourage
1. It would be useful to establish new forms of promotion of services in public
administration: the introduction of electronic administration, simplification of procedures of
processing applications submitted by citizens to start their own business and the introduction
of other innovative procedures,
2. It is suggested to establish additional forms of collaboration and networking with
relevant authorities and institutions at the level of RS / B&H and linking Teslic municipal
Development Strategy with development strategies at the level of the RS and B&H,
3. Among the priorities of development programs recommendation is on the emphasis
on the programs that represent a generator of development which require development of
special incentive measures for their implementation,
4. It would be useful to develop sectors and sub-sector analysis, with the aim to make
significant changes to the structure of the economy, in order to increase its competitive ability
at the domestic and foreign markets,
5. It is recommended to undertake the development of detailed analysis of
demographic structure, with a focus on age groups 15 to 40 and from 40 to 65 years old, to
foresee new incentive measures for improving the existing demographic structure. It is
primarily aim at measures to attract and retain young people aged 15 to 40 years, who are
willing to learn and develop their knowledge of new technologies, and for categories from 40
to 65 years to develop various forms of informal education, for additional professions and
starting of their own business in the third period of life
6. Based on the analysis of unemployment it is visible that the highly skilled, college
degree and university degree professionals make together, within the overall structure, 2, 4%.
This is an alarming data that requires special programs to stimulate the return of skilled and
educated people in the Teslic municipality,
7. Some programs have to be additionally elaborated and specific detailed measures
for their implementations have to be presented. For example, in human resources, determine
the specific program of education through scholarships in developed areas, with the obligation
to return after education, along with programs of providing housing and other needs,
8. Since the integrated rural development in the EU and other parts of the developed
world has special attention, especially at the local level, Teslic Development strategy should
give greater importance to this problem. Especially application should be placed on the
implementation of model of integrated development of rural areas. This means that by
encouraging the development of agriculture it will encourage complementary activities and
improve living conditions in rural areas in order to ensure the return of the younger
9. Operational goal no 6.1. (Management and human resource development in the
segment of public entities), as one of the key instruments for improving the efficiency of the
public sector it should be given additional attention. This is primarily related to education and
other forms of improving managerial skills of local staff, as well as possibility of attracting
outstanding personnel from the surroundings, particularly from developed economic area with
the aim of achieving high efficiency in the economy, social activities and administration.
These proposals, suggestions and remarks will serve to even more clearly recognize the
benefits of this Strategy and in particular to: a) adequately valorized: geographical location,
demographic factors, quality of labor markets and natural resources as well as with the present
resources created in the Teslic municipality b) recognize increasing importance of competitive
advantage (based on new knowledge, new technologies and efficient management) in relation
to the comparative advantage (based on natural resources); c) put in focus the development of
the tourism sector which has large multiplicative effects on the development of numerous
economic, social and sport/recreational activities in both the public and the private sector.
Bearing in mind the foregoing, Teslic Development strategy for the period 2010-2015
can significantly contribute to the successful management of long-term development
policy of the Teslic municipality, especially if the abovementioned proposals and
suggestions are, to significant extend, implemented. Therefore, to the competent
authorities of the Teslic municipality is suggested to unreservedly adopt this Strategy.
PhD Prof. Nikola Vukmirovic
In Banja Luka, 15.3.2010
Introduction by the Mayor and President of CfMDP
Dear reader,
It gives me great satisfaction to present to you the Proposal of Teslic Development strategy,
which determines the strategic directions of municipal development in the next five years.
Positive aspirations in the surroundings, complemented by natural potentials of the
municipality and good geo-strategic position, as well as conscious decisions of local selfgovernment to accept the concept of governance that is based on the integration of positive
experiences with new opportunities create conditions for the inclusion of the municipality
Teslic in the development process.
Starting from the basic strategic orientation of our municipality, which includes strengthening
and professionalization of local administration that will lead to endorsement of other
priorities: infrastructure development and regional networking, integration of villages in all
developmental and social activities with the preservation and constant promotion of
sustainability principles.
In implementing the concept of local development, we realized the need to establish the
strategic management of development and the necessity of defining the developmental
directions by establishing strategic objectives and priority development projects that will lead
to achieving these goals. The task of the Commission for Municipal Development Planning
(CfMDP) and partner group for drafting Teslic municipal development strategy for the period
2010-2015 years was to apply modern methods in the development of strategic documents of
local development and to offer generally accepted and realistically applicable strategy for
Teslic municipal development until 2015. Particularly emphasis is on the maximum of stake
holder’s unity in achieving the vision and achieving the development objectives of the
municipality, as well as return effect of the strategic document with regard to creative,
innovative and entrepreneurial formulation of specific activities.
Particularly significant, was the participation of Teslic municipality citizens, representatives
of the private, public, educational, health, social, cultural, sports, civil and non-governmental
sector. A large number of citizens of the Teslic municipality, in various ways participated in
drafting of this document, which gives it a particular specific gravity, especially in general
acceptance of development strategy.
There were several reasons for development of this strategic document, related to
globalization, the competitiveness of the municipality, strengthening the democratization of
society in terms of individual rights and interest groups, rights of choice, directions for
economic development and etc.
Analysis showed that the municipality Teslic has significant development resources.
However, the need to efficiently manage the available resources was noted.
SWOT analysis showed that the strengths of the municipality Teslic is in available resources
and growing local energy and motivation, which, with the European Charter on Local SelfGovernment, as well as the broader development framework should be used and thus create
the basis for long-term growth and development in all segments relevant to citizens.
Teslic Development strategy is based on creating a flexible economic structure, developed
labor market, the maximum use of natural and created resources and potential, development
of a partnership between public and private sector, the concept of transparent and efficient
public administration, and balanced development in all areas of the Teslic municipality.
As with any development strategy, this one as well is a "living matter" that, with the passage
of time, will require development and adaptation in accordance with the needs of the wider
social and community development projects, that realistically can be implemented within the
stipulated time.
Miodrag Lukic, M. Sc.
Mayor of Teslic municipality
Savo Kasapović B. Sc.
Methodological basis for drafting of the document
Teslic Development strategy for the period 2010-2015 is the result of work done by local
administration and the Organization for Security and Co-operation in Europe, and its
department for democratization and various other institutions and individuals, and
organizations that helped in collecting and analyzing data.
The primary objective of this document is to show a clear direction and try to identify
strategic directions for the future development of the local community.
Related to this, the Municipal Assembly Teslic in the session held on 15.04.2009 deciding on
the motion by the Mayor, formed a Partnership Group for drafting of Teslic Municipality
Development Strategy, which consists of representatives of the Administrative Service of the
municipality, representatives of the private sector, public sector representatives and
representatives of non-governmental sector (NGOs). Beside partnership group, the
Commission for Municipal Development Planning (CfMDP) was formed, which was directly
engaged in the development of the Strategy document.
The team went through several instructive seminars, and then collected a comprehensive
collection of various data and documents on socio-economic conditions of Teslic
municipality, then performed a SWOT analysis and defining strategic directions, and finally
defined programs and projects.
During production of SWOT analysis all data was take into account: the geographical location
of the municipality, the condition of the labor market, economy, infrastructure, education,
social and child protection, local administration, culture, sport, Also opportunities and
strengths, which the Teslic municipality has, have been described as well as weaknesses, and
Based on this analysis the strategic directions of development of Teslic municipality for the
period 2010-2015 have been identified. After extensive analysis has been made, the team
established a vision, and proposed development programs and projects for the realization of
strategic objectives.
During the work on this document CfMDP on several occasions has exercised harmonization
with the partner group on proposals and solutions proposed, so that it could be said that the
final material is a joint work of the wider circle of stakeholders who were involved in
collecting and data processing, analyzing the situation and giving suggestions, directions and
development programs.
The proposed document has passed the procedure of public debates, as no other document of
municipal assembly has done before, during which all stakeholders used the possibility of
adding amendments (companies, institutions, settlements, NGOs and citizens), so the final
proposal of Teslic Development strategy for the period 2010-2015 adopted all reasonable
comments and suggestions. Therefore, we can rightfully say that this Strategic document
belongs to the entire community.
The proposed document gives emphasis on its implementation in practice because it provides
the methodology of monitoring, implementation and evaluation of programs and anticipated
projects. With this, document has received its liveliness and reality.
1.1. Geographic position
Teslic municipality is located in the northern part of central Bosnia and belongs to the
Republic of Srpska entity. Municipality spreads over the area of 846 km2 and by the size of
the territory is one of the largest municipalities in B&H.
Municipalities that Teslic borders are: Prnjavor, Doboj, Tesanj, Maglaj, Zepce, Zenica,
Travnik, Kotor Varos and Celinac. Teslic City is located on the main road Doboj-Teslic-Kotor
Varos-Banja Luka in a gentle valley of the Velika Usora at an altitude of 204 m.
From the major cities that provide important position of Teslic the nearest are: Banja Luka 85
km, Sarajevo 180 km, Belgrade 300 km and Zagreb 300 km. Road system with them is in
very good condition. The nearest highway is 100 km away from Teslic.
With the construction of 5C highway and highway Banja Luka - Doboj nearest highway will
be located just 25 km from the center of the municipality.
The nearest railway corridor is 25 km away from the Teslic town and via Doboj links it with
Picture 1
Natural beauties of Teslic municipality
According to the configuration of the terrain municipality belongs to the hilly-mountainous
region of the Republic of Srpska because over 60% of the municipal territory is in the
mountain region.
Municipality area consists of two physical-geographical units as follows: Sub-Pannonian edge
which includes the 40% of the municipal territory on its northern part, consisted of the Valley
Usora, Mala Usora, Mala Ukrina, foothills of Javorove with altitude range from 300 to 500 m,
and the Dinaric area (about 60 % of the municipality) in the southern part which includes the
mountain Borja, Ocaus, Trogir and northern branches of Vlasic where the altitude reaches up
to 1400 m. This river basin includes series of smaller rivers and streams, especially in the
hilly part, which makes municipality very picturesque. Municipality territory is rich in natural
springs and thermal waters.
Particular importance for tourism and culture has monastery Liplje established by Nemanjic
and located at a distance of only 10 km from the main road Teslić-Banja Luka from the place
Famous Rastusa cave contributes to natural beauties of the municipality; cave is rich with
decorations and a large colony of endemic bat.
The climate is moderate-continental, with slightly sharper winters due to mountainous areas.
Temperature range from 38 Celsius during summer to -20 Celsius in winter. The average
rainfall is about 1000 l/m2 per year.
This climate favors the development of agriculture, especially fruit growing and cattle
breeding and tourism and many other branches of the economy.
Therefore, Teslic really has something to offer:
summers and winters
wide offer
for all generations
Spa Vrućica - Hajdučke Vode
1.2. Demographic analysis
Teslic municipality consists of 50 residential area organized in 49 settlements with a total of
53,000 inhabitants. Teslic Municipality is one of the less populated municipalities in Bosnia
and Herzegovina, with only 60 inhabitants/km2 which is below the average of B&H, which
has an average of about 75 people per km2.
Teslic municipality has a low degree of urbanization, the fact that 79% of the population lives
in rural areas confirms this statement.
Approximately 10 500 residents live in urban area. Population of Banja Vrućica is about
3,000 residents, and others inhabitants live in rural part of the municipality. Although with
predominantly rural population, we can not say that agriculture has been the dominant
occupation in municipality.
In the previous period, agricultural production was present, but its main feature was
extensively small scale organization and orientation towards satisfying the needs of the
households. Most of the population has achieved revenues in state enterprises and institutions
and throughout "temporary work" abroad.
According to the census from 1991 municipality had 59,632 inhabitants. Broken down by
numbers: the Serbs 32,953 or 55%, the Muslims 12,801, or 22%, the Croats 9549 or 16%, the
Yugoslavs 3427 or 5% and the others 1002 or 2%.
War had resulted in large migrations of population, and shortly after the war municipality had
approximately 45,000 inhabitants. According to current estimates of the population,
municipality has around 53,000 inhabitants, which tells about the significant number of
The national structure is as follows: the Serbs about 80%, the Bosniaks about 17% and the
Croats only 3%.
Contributing to ethnic diversity of our community are national minorities that are not
characterized by abundance of the population but the present number of minorities. In the area
of the municipality for more than a century resides Roma minority, then there are the Italians,
Germans, Poles and Jews who arrived in Teslic during construction of the first factory in the
late 19th and early 20th century as a professional and qualified workforce.
National structure 1991
National structure 2009
Figure 2. The change of population structure by nationality
1.2.1. Population structure by age
over 65
Number of citizens
16 %
70 %
14 %
100 %
It is very important fact that of the total number population 70% belongs to the work capable
population, which is an indication that we have significant resource potential in the
Municipality has about 4 300 pensioners.
In the category of the work incapable population falls about 980 disabled people as the
consequence of the recent war.
What is particularly worrying is the negative trend in the numbers of total population. It is a
consequence of negative birth rate and slow emigration.
1.2.2. Population living abroad (diaspora)
In other countries currently lives and works over 6500 citizens of our community, or
approximately 11.5% of the total population of the municipality Teslic. Among the members
of this population there are significant differences in opinion regarding the relationship to
return from abroad. The difference should be made between diaspora "temporarily working
abroad” and the diaspora, which is permanently moved to other countries without serious
intentions to permanently return to the area of our municipality.
It is assumed that emotional connection with Teslic certainly strengthens the ones who intend
to return, but certainly both categories of citizens can be counted as a potential in planning of
strategic development.
Visits of the diaspora occur mainly during religious holidays and during holiday season. Then
the town lives its full capacity and the full potential of what could happen if conditions for
employment of these categories in the municipality could be created is shown.
Much of annual vacation time is used to visit relatives and friends, as well as
meet the health, tourism, religious, administrative and other needs.
Your partner in health
Professionally and with a smile!
Spa Vrucica
However, if there is no possibility for employment of diaspora in the local community the
effort should be placed on support of the maximum efforts to create conditions for their own
businesses development or utilize them as promoters of our tourism. They are certainly real
and honest promoters of beauties which the Teslic municipality has. As such, they represent
an important segment of partnerships abroad in terms of a strategic partner of this city. So one
of the strategic directions of our community should be building connection with the diaspora
and its involvement in strategic development.
1.3. Labor market
1.3.1. Introduction
Teslic has a long industrial tradition since the first factories were built in the late 19th century.
Accordingly, there is a tradition of creating a qualified workforce. A major contribution to
that gives the Secondary School Center in Teslic which already, for decades, creates
professional and skilled workers of different educational backgrounds. Therefore, in the labor
market, the largest numbers of total number of unemployed workers have certain
qualifications, while the number of unskilled workers is considerably lower. Of the total
number of workers who are on the records of the Bureau for employment the most numerous
are skilled workers (1,429 or 38%), followed by workers with the HSD (675 or 18%), and
lowest number are the workers with university degree (36 or 1%).
Most skilled occupations are in the groups of: mechanic, locksmiths, electricians and
carpenters. In the group of workers with HSD are wood technicians who are the most
numerous, followed by economic technicians, medical technicians and electric technician.
Economists are the most numerous group with university degree.
The variety of professional and skilled labor:
Teslic’s advantage for potential investors.
1.3.2. Unemployment
According to current indicators, the number of registered unemployed at the Bureau for
Employment is 3729 of which 2188 men and 1541 women.
Specific structure of the unemployed is given in Fig. tables:
Active labor supply from the record of unemployment and changes in the records
for May 2009 Teslic Municipality
Age structure
Totally unemployed
From 15 – 30 years old
From 30 – 50 years old
From 50 – 65 years old
Participation in the structure
100, 00 %
58, 68 %
41, 32 %
23, 80 %
54, 68 %
21, 52 %
100, 00 %
According to the qualification structure of the labor supply is as follows:
Unqualified 1404 or 37.65%, PCW and LCW 131 or 3.51%, CW 1429, or 38.32%; HSDW
675 or 18.10%, highly skilled 33 or 0,88%, with college degree 21 or 0.56%, and with
university degree 36 or 0.97%.
The structure has wide variety of occupations because workers and job-seekers have very
different qualifications.
1.4. Infrastructure
1.4.1. Transportation (Road) infrastructure
For the Teslic municipality the importance of road communication is essential, because in its
connection to the inside and the outside it fully relies only on them. The importance of the
road network is so much greater if we take into account the fact that the territory of the
municipality is extremely large and with significant dispersion of settlements on its territory.
Unfortunately, despite the importance, we can not say that the road network is well
Teslic municipal roads are:
Main road M-4
Teslic municipality, meaning city and populated settlements Vrela, Žarkovina, Stenjak,
Ružević, Baric, Djulici, Gornji Teslic, Buletić and Pribinić are located along the main road
M-4 which connects the Doboj and Banja Luka, and it can be said to have a good link with
neighboring municipalities, entity and state. M4 roadway passes the municipality in the length
of 26 km and is covered by a modern road surface. For the Teslic municipality its importance
is as road no. 1
Regional roads
The regional roads categories have two roads:
a) Tedin Han-Bistricak (R-473) which covers the North-South direction in the length of
55 km and connects the sites Stupe, Čečava, Ukrinica, Osivica, Donji and Gornji
Rankovic, Gornji Ruzevic, Baric, Teslic-city, Banja Vrućica , Studenci, Kamenica,
Slatina, Rajseva, Blatnica and Jasenica. Asphalt surface covers the length of 52 km;
b) Klupe-Snjegotina (R-476) length of 14 km of which only 6 km are covered with
asphalt linking settlements Klupe, Lukavac, Koscuk, Ladjevac, Gornja Snjegotina and
Local Roads
Teslic municipality has 10 local roads with a total of 99 km, of which 50 km are with asphalt
surface and 16, 5 km are prepared for paving. The rest is gravel covered.
Uncategorized roads
The total length of unclassified roads is 625 km, of which only 60 km are paved.
Based on the pace of modernization of the network of local and unclassified roads in the last
few years it is estimated that even with the participation of the citizens, the update of the
entire road network could be completed in fifteen years.
Sidewalks and pedestrian paths
All the main streets and most side streets in the city have constructed sidewalks. The total
length of sidewalks is 10,890 m. There are hiking trails at the spa Vrućica, Buletiću and the
urban area at the stadium site. The total length of constructed paths is 3696 m.
In addition to the aforementioned track; the design of bicycle-pedestrian path of 6700 m has
been made at the following locations: Vrućica, towards Gomijenici in Pribiniću, and Krajiska
Street on both sides).
1.4.2. Communications and Media
Telecommunications in the Teslic municipality are relatively well developed resulting with
good connection of the people with the world. This conclusion is based on the indicators of
the development of fixed and mobile telephony as well as the prevalence of internet
Fixed telephony covers about 93% of the territory of the municipality. Basically it is a modern
cable network with 2 main and 15 local telephone exchanges centers. Capacities of these
centers meet current needs, estimate shows even 10% greater capacity than the demand. Fixed
telephony included 11,045 households. Total number of subscribers is 12,090, of which 582
numbers are legal entities.
Cellular signal covers about 90% of the territory of the municipality. In addition to M-tel, the
BH Telekom and Eronet networks are present in the municipality but with less coverage.
According to estimates municipality has 22 000 mobile phone users of the total population
(53,000) which is more than satisfactory.
Internet and television
Number of users who are connected to the internet is about 2200, of which 102 are
companies, and 5 users are institutions, 1090 users are connected to fast internet connection
and current capacity can satisfy the needs of 1344 connection with the possibility of
expansion to about 6700 connections. Because of mountain terrain configuration, TV signal
coverage is not satisfactory in the area of municipality.
In the mountain area settlements the quality of the TV signal is very poor, including the
national and entity broadcasters TV B&H and RTRS. Local TV stations coverage (“Channel
3” and TV “Jungle”) is even worse, although these houses broadcast news regarding the local
events, which is very interesting for the local population.
1.4.3. Electrical energy and infrastructure Electric grid
Teslic municipality has supply of electric energy via two 110 kV power lines (from the
direction of Prnjavor and from the direction of Doboj). Previously there was a third 35 kV
power line - from the direction of Jelah as a reserve.
By capacity, the main substation 110/35 kV 20 MVA transformer and two 35/10kV 8MVA
are completely sufficient for the needs of consumers. The only problem is the lack of reserve
transformer of 110/35kV in case of failure by existing ones. In the field, in addition to the
aforementioned, there are three 35/10kV substations and 240 10/04kV substations and 32
substations which are companies owned. With this configuration sufficient quantity of
electricity to all consumers in the municipality has been provided, with the possibility of
meeting the much larger needs. The municipality has 17,500 consumers of which about
16,500 are households. Their total annual consumption of electric energy is approximately
84,000,000 kWh. Average monthly spending by households is on the level of the average
consumption in Republic of Srpska (350-400 kWh / month).
Electrical energy is distributed to the user, with 300 km of 10kV transmission lines and 1,200
km of low voltage network. Modernization and reconstruction of low voltage network, as a
whole, is making good progress since the last few years investing in its modernization and
reconstruction, with approximately 1,200,000, 00 KM per year has been made. In this way,
the modernized of over 35% of the total network has been made (concrete pillars and cable
bundles placed instead of wooden poles and wires).
Public lights cover the entire area of the city, all major centers of settlements and all the
important places and intersections (public lights covering 30 sites). Water supply
Water supply of the city and suburbs is provided by the water intake on river Usora, 8 km
upstream from the town of Teslic. Water production is done through a filter-station, located
along the river Usora. Distribution of water is carried through the pumps and the second
altitude zone is supplied by pre pumping stations. The urban water supply has about 7,000
residential users and about 600 businesses users. Utility service company "Rad" Teslic
manages water supply.
The capacity of urban water supply is insufficient in the critical days of summer, when
consumption is increased, and in some areas there is a reduction in the supply of water.
In rural areas there are several quality local water supply systems, such as water supply and
water intake in Buletic, Pribinic, Vitkovci, Blatnica and Kamenica, which ensure a quality
supply of healthy drinking water for people. Somewhat worse solutions in water supply have
Ocaus, Mladikovine, Liplje, Šnjegotina and wider area of Cecava settlement. Quality of water
from these water supply systems has not received necessary attention and hasn’t or very rarely
has been controlled, this should be immediately changed.
It has been estimated that the various water supply systems use about 10,000 households and
that the springs and wells are used by about 3,500 households. Sewage system
The sewage system of Teslic and Banja Vrucica is interrelated and represents a "mixed
system", given that the same sewerage network collects surface water and sewerage. There is
a possibility of extending the sewerage network in the suburbs Stenjak, Donja Vrućica,
Djulici, Rudnik for which projects are generally completed. Toward Rudnik and Djulić a part
of sewage collector has already been done.
Removing of expressed defects in sewerage network, such as bottlenecks, partially outdated
network and some other disadvantages has to be given appropriate attention.
PUC "RAD" Teslic manages complete sewage system. Collection and transport of waste
Collection and transport of waste is organized as a regular activity for the city and all suburbs
as well as major settlement’s centers (Pribinic, Cecava, Blatnica).
For other settlements transport of waste is done by request.
Removal and disposal of waste is done by PUC “Komunalac” Teslic. The company has 4
trucks specializing in garbage removal which are sufficient in capacity to meet existing needs.
Garbage is collected and transported in the classic way without separating the useful waste so
the collecting of recyclable materials is reduced to the collection of old iron and other metals.
Trash is deposited on an open city dump "Lucinac" 4 km away from the city with the daily
deposit of approximately 100 m3 of nonselective waste from the Teslic Municipality.
According to the currently available space and quantity of waste deposited daily, site
“Lucinac”, with good maintenance of the landfill, can accept waste for up to 5 years. To
expand lifecycle of the landfill it is necessary to selectively gather waste with complete
separation of valuable waste.
1.4.4. Urban planning and development
Urban plan of Teslic municipality has been adopted in 2004 and refers to the period until
2015. The urban plan for the area of Banja Vrucica has been adopted as far back as the 1987.
The master urban plan for a single area of Teslic has been adopted in 1971.
At this point in the development is a new revitalized Teslic Urban Plan which should be
completed by the end of 2010.
Most of the urban plan has been developed into the Regulation plans for urban zones and
most of these plans have been revised to the current situation and needs. Here it is important
to note that the largest parts of industrial zones are defined by regulation plans, noting that the
ongoing process of revision and harmonization of the regulatory plan for utility-work zone in
which the planned locations for new plants in the field of small business, service, craft and
processing are defined.
Municipal decision on construction land specified 6 zones for rent and 5 with the levy on
development of a construction land.
There is no record of illegally constructed buildings, but it is known that illegal construction
is almost negligible. A considerable number of buildings were built long time ago without a
permit, when such approvals were not required, today, based on the decision on the
legalization of illegally constructed buildings these buildings were legalized. It can be said
with certainty that illegal construction does not jeopardize the development plans.
The war period left area of Teslic municipality of 3,650,000 m2 under mines, with 811
identified locations and 11,885 mines. Till 31.12.2008, 29 mines removing projects were
carried out and 552,655 m2 of land were cleared of mines.
1.5. Economy, Entrepreneurship and Business
Teslic Municipality till 1992 was placed among group of medium developed economic
communities. This was mainly contributed by the developed industry (wood, chemicals, metal
processing, shoe industry, and others) and construction, transportation and trade. The tradition
of industrial production and a relatively large number of employees has been one of the
reasons for the relatively poor development of private entrepreneurship and small business.
People have relied primarily on searching for the existence in state-owned enterprises and
security that such employment provided. Relatively good natural resources, especially in the
forests have been the basis for manufacturing capacity and employment.
With the stagnation of large companies (because of poor privatization and bad business
spending) the employment base, made by the companies, was gone. So people have turned to
private business, establishing important private economic entities (the three major companies
in the wood sector, two companies in the metal industry, successfully privatized firms in the
construction industry and chemical industry as well as very important HTC Banja Vrucica).
In the last 5 years, the number of small entrepreneurs with small businesses, independent craft
and stores has increased, so slowly commitment to turn to private business is increasing.
1.5.1. Natural resources and opportunities for economic development
The previous development of the economy of our community was mostly leaned on the
natural resources we have. Forests, i.e. tree as our greatest natural resource is the basis on
which the Teslic city has been created. In fact, the first factory, built in the late 19th century,
was in the field of chemical and mechanical wood processing (today’s “Destilacija” company
and Borja).
Around these factories settlements grew, creating Teslic city.
The second most important resource are healing mineral waters on which Banja Vrucica and
health tourism has developed as excellent commercial potential. These two main and most
important resources are still the basis for economic development.
Agricultural land is an important natural resource for the Teslic municipality, with dominant
hilly-mountainous configuration of terrain. Of the total area of the municipality (84,600 ha) in
agricultural land falls 34.5% or 29,182 ha. Of these 19,947 ha, or 68, 4% of total agricultural
land is arable land. The agricultural land in the private possession is an important resource in
the production of food, particularly bio food. Agricultural land is the basic prerequisite for the
development of cattle breeding and fruit growing production with good possibilities for
development in the Teslic municipality.
Richness in forest rivers and streams as well as a number of springs is a significant potential
in terms of preserving a healthy environment and tourism development, particularly rural.
Mineral resources in the Teslic municipality have been explored in the past in detail and
exploited. Coal mine and magnetite mine had been functioning. In addition to mineral
magnesium, the existence of limestone as a raw material for cement industry has been found,
and dolomite as raw materials for the construction industry, granite as construction material
with excellent building qualities, beside limestone as the most common material, gravel and
sand as “Usora products” that are constantly renewed have been exploited. There are traces of
decorative stones on a larger area of Liplje-Snjegotina.
For some of these minerals research has not been completely finished and it should continue
to show if there are economically viable quantities to exploit. There are proven cost-effective
quantity of granite "Gabbro" for which the exploitation has been recently approved with
concessions as well as for the limestone as building stone, reserves are found in the "Crna
Rijeka" with over 2,000,000 m3 and the "Gradina" with roughly the same amount.
Exploitation of granite has not started yet, while three concessionaires of limestone as a
building stone have already started with operation.
1.5.2. Privatization in the Teslic municipality
The process of privatization of state enterprises (all collective enterprises were with a special
law inaugurated into the state property) in the Teslic municipality was not performed
according to the envisioned plan. Several privatized companies failed to reach the expected or
contracted results. With two larger collectives ("Masinstvo" and "Demos" shoe factory)
production has not resumed nor were workers' rights realized because all workers lost their
jobs. The aforementioned entities had employed about 560 workers. The situation is almost
identical with companies "Tena", "4.Septembar" UTP "Borja" and "Autotransport" - Teslic.
From these companies about 300 workers were practically left on the street.
Poorly executed privatization process has been with production-trade company “Promtes” and
"Merkur." In these two companies about 100 workers lost their jobs.
For other privatized companies such as. "Graditelj", "Niskogradnja", "Destilacija," HTC
Banja Vrućica and several smaller companies it can be said that privatization was successfully
carried out. They have, more or less successfully, continued to operate and maintain a
relatively good level of employment.
The largest company, WI "Borja" Teslic was finally privatized in a way that the Government
of the Republic of Srpska purchased the claims of the creditors in the bankruptcy proceedings,
which lasted almost three years and thus became the owner of the largest company in the
Teslic municipality.
Following the plan of the production revival in this company 150 workers are expected to be
employed, and in next three years around 450 workers will be employed, a significant result
for Teslic municipality.
Non privatized companies are:
1. UCP "Komunalac" Teslic - disposal of waste etc.,
2. JV "Planina" Blatnica - Teslić - agricultural activities
3. JV "Rad" Teslić - Purification and distribution of water
4. JV "Zrak" Teslic - Production
1.5.3. Industry
The industry has long been the backbone of Teslic whole economy and the holder of a local
development. Since the inception of industry in Teslic, population has been turning in search
for the existence in industrial companies. Even today it has been a very important place in the
life of the local community primarily because of tradition, the existing economic resources
and the number of workers who are employed in this sector.
Teslic has following industries:
1. Wood Industry
2. Metal industry
3. Chemical Industry
4. Textile industry
5. Footwear industry
6. Food Industry Wood processing Industry
Timber industry has been and remains the most important economic activity in the Teslic
municipality. Four big and several small sawmills facilities realize about 55,000,000.00 KM
in total revenue and have nearly 800 employees. But all of them have not yet reached the
importance of this activity which timber industry had prior to 1992. In that period, "Borje"
itself employed about 1,500 workers in wood processing industry. Expecting the activation of
this collective, bought by Government of the RS, the realistic assumption is that the total
number of employees in this business would grow to the figure of 1.200.
Insufficient level of final products production- with the exception of "Lignakona" that
produces the final product (chairs production), is a basic feature of our timber industry. This is
particularly true of exports of finished products. Unfortunately, main production is still
dominated by the semi-finished products such as lumber, elements for furniture industry,
panels of solid wood, flooring, chair seats, components for latoflex beds and related finished
products. The final production in the industry is labor-intensive and with its development the
value of output will grow as well as employment.
Significant capacities in the industry are:
- “Drvokomerc” d.o.o.Pribinic, with 250 employees, “Elgrad” with about 240 employees,
"Lignakon” with 190 employees," INTERLIGNUM with 62 employees and "Lignum" with
10 employees.
- Other processors are generally small sawmill that cut material for construction with a total
processing capacity of about 10,000 m3 of logs annually.
21 Metal industry
Long ago second-largest industry by the importance for Teslic with about 800 employees in
the transition period largely lost its significance. One of the reasons is the poorly executed
privatization of some enterprises ("Masinstvo", "Dial," TKO, "4 September") and unfinished
privatization ("Zrak"). Production in some factories has been shut down and in some
significantly reduced. A considerable number of skilled workers have moved from this area,
and the technology is so outdated that it now only employs, about 200 workers in the metal
Significant capacities in the industry are:
"Masinstvo", long ago our biggest metal-processing facility, does not produce, but is the
owner of a large manufacturing space, TKO- is producing compression equipment and
currently has 43 employed workers, "Zrak" is still not privatized and has managed to keep the
product line (this is a targeted production) but in a much smaller scale of production, and
employs only 56 workers. "Metal" Ltd. is a private company for the production of hot-water
boilers, and currently has 30 employees. "Eurometal” Ltd. produces buckets for loaders and
excavators. At the moment employs 20 workers.
Other metal processing facilities are mostly small craftsmen with few employees and most of
them work in the metal processing services of smaller scale. Textile industry
Textile industry has, in the last decade, significant participation in the economic structure of
the municipality.
The company "Devic-textile” Ltd. Teslic began working in 2001 as direct foreign investment
of company "Devic" Ltd. Zagreb, by the 2004 the modern factory for underwear production
has been built which today employs 350 workers.
Technologically speaking in the Republic of Srpska and Bosnia-Herzegovina this is fully
encircled textile factory that has fully completed the process of production which includes
knitting yarn, knitting, finishing, cutting, sewing, lace making, quality control and packing of
finished products. Finished products are high quality underwear made of cotton. Daily
capacity is 40,000 units of underwear. Capacity is mainly used in full.
The total export has reached excellent 98%.
Mission of Devic-Textiles Ltd Teslic has the basic purpose of its existence that is reflected in
the ability to create consumer, meaning, creating products that will represent the value of its
quality for consumers and create new customers. Because of this, forthcoming investment in
the latest technology in the value of about 2.500.000,00 KM has been expected. Leather and footwear industry
Within this industry there are three manufacturers of which two are important. It is a company
"Verdi" and company "Skrebić-company" engaged in the production of finished leather
footwear. Capacities of these producers are about 420,000 pairs of shoes per year
which companies had realized. All production is intended for export. The main characteristic
of this production is that it is a lon-business for foreign customers-mostly Italians. Anticipated
investment by company, "Verdi," which is planning to implement in the next 2 years is related
to the construction of production plant of 2.200 m2,
to create conditions for better production and expansion of production (current production is
carried out in rented inadequate premises). This branch of production employed about 300
workers. Chemical Industry
Teslic chemical industry is generally related to the CI "Destilacija" as a synonym for
inception of chemical industry in B&H. "Destilacija" has been established as far back as the
1896 with basic aim - the production of acetic acid (essence) based on dry distillation of
wood. The by-product is charcoal, and these two products have, to date, remained a major
product. The product range on the basis of acetic acid has been extended to alcoholic vinegar,
wine vinegar, apple vinegar and flavored vinegar, and coal briquette production has extended
to production of briquette from small wooden particles. Beside these products manufacture of
powder for hardening steel has been adopted.
Capacity in the production of vinegar is about 500 tons per year, and 11,000 tons of coal and
briquettes. This volume of production has been achieved on the basis of processing of
100,000 m3 of raw wood for distilling. The existing facilities are used with 100%. 61% of the
total production value is exported to the world market.
“Destilacija” employs 350 workers. Food Industry
The food industry has three facilities of which two are dairy facilities and one is the bakery
“Natura Vita” is the largest capacity in the field of food industry in the municipality, with an
annual processing of 30,000,000 liters of milk which represents about 33% of installed
The main products include yogurt, sour cream, fresh and creamy cheese and pasteurized and
UHT-sterilized milk. Full production is sold on the domestic market. Currently employs 102
DTD Dairy Company -Snjegotina another significant capacity in the food industry, which has
a processing capacity of 30,000,000 liters of milk annually. Currently in use is 30% of
capacity which means that each year about 10,000,000 liters of milk is processed. Company
produces 30 kinds of products with an emphasis on cheese as a main product. Currently
employs 45 workers.
Unitas by size and importance is the third food processing capacity that produces all kinds of
bread. Daily capacity is about 100,000 units, of which in use is about 60%. Complete
production is intended for domestic consumption. Currently has 45 employees.
1.5.4. Construction
Construction industry is traditionally developed in Teslic, practically since the beginning of
factories construction. Industry has regularly educated numerous master builders many of
whom have found employment abroad as good masters. Industry always had a high-rise and
civil engineering companies. The largest construction company in the field of high-rise is
"Graditelj." Beside this company, there are several smaller companies such as “Singrad","
Vukadinovic", which are also engaged in building construction, and a number of smaller
construction trades. In addition to large civil engineering company, "Niskogradnja" there are a
few minor
subjects dealing with civil engineering. It is estimated that construction industry in the
municipality now employs about 450 workers.
Despite respectable local capacity in the construction sector, the area of the municipality
Teslic has presence of construction companies from other places ("Mind", "Dobojputevi",
"Famusgradnja", "Džunglabeton" and others). This is partly due to lack of equipment and in
part because of the lack of competitive ability.
1.5.5. Transportation and other services
In pre-war period, road freight transports had been very developed, due to a large quantity of
goods that have been produced by our companies. We had three freight traffic companies with
capacity of 1500 tons in one load with about 140 employees.
Now the situation is quite different. Freight transport companies had been closed and all the
needs for transportation of goods have been mainly provided by private carriers. There are
currently 59 registered independent carriers.
As for public transport the situation is similar to that of pre-war period. There is one large
carrier "Teslic-transport", which was privatized by Bobar Company, and two smaller carriers.
Beside them, there are 49 registered taxi drivers. Although municipality has complex territory
and very bad roads public transport service is on satisfactory level.
1.5.6. A small entrepreneurship
A small entrepreneurship creates one of the most vital and most important segments of the
economy in the Teslic municipality. Development of this economic activity greatly contribute
to faster growth of large enterprises with large enterprises being the backbone of
development, and small businesses employ a work force according to their needs and
directions of their own default investment development.
In the official records of the Teslic municipality 941 independent entrepreneurial activities
and small enterprise are present, in all economic branches of the municipal economy:
agriculture, industry, commerce, handicrafts, catering, construction, transportation.
Of the total number of entrepreneurial activities, most of them involved trading activity, a
certain number involved service activities, and a smaller number are engaged in the
As for the other services (driving schools, services, advocacy services, accounting services,
catering services, commercial services, technical services) they have developed differently.
While on one hand there are too many retail outlets - stores and restaurants on the other side
there is lack of service and technical services (car repairs shops, appliances repair shops etc.)..
The total number of entrepreneurial activities registered until 31.12.2008;
- ICS 230 independent shops
- ICTS 47 independent shops
- ITS 369 independent shops
- IFS 175 independent shops
- Transportation of things 59 independent shops
- Taxi transportation of persons 49 independent shops
- Auto School 11 independent shops
- Transportation of persons by bus 1 independent subject
TOTAL: 941 independent shops
The total number of employees in the enterprise according to BfE Teslic is 1787 workers.
Regarding the analysis of private entrepreneurship it is a significant fact that the HS "Nikola
Tesla" Teslic in school 2008/2009 year enrolled 308 students in 12 different trades.
1.5.7. Agriculture and forestry Agriculture
Of the total 846 km2 of Teslic municipalities under the agricultural land is 29,182 ha (34.5%
of total area). Dominates lands in private ownership-25,958 ha or 88.9%, while the state
owned is only 3224 ha or 11.1%. According to the Republic Geodetic Administration the
structure of land is dominated by fields with a 68.4% (19,947 ha), followed by pasture (5324
ha), meadows (2517 ha) and orchards (1395 ha). But the factual situation on the ground
significantly altered especially in areas of orchards which are much smaller.
Currently, in the municipality, there are activities to intensify the development of certain areas
and in that sense the situation is as follows:
The most important and most developed branch of the production is cow's milk production.
Currently municipality has about 110 farms with more than 5 dairy cows, which in total is
about 750 heads. This is a consequence of the presence of two manufacturing facilities
(dairies) in the municipality. However, due to ongoing problems with the purchase of milk,
one part of the manufacturer decides to change the production activity or reduce the herd.
Problems burdening intensification of this production, in addition to the unstable and irregular
payments of already taken milk, are cattle composition, the poor facilities and poor housing,
and lack of machinery and equipment for food preparation and milking.
- The sheep farming has trend of steady decline in production, caused by the depopulation of
areas where the sheep farming was dominant and the emergence of brucellosis which
decimated herds. Currently there are about 20 herds of over 100 animals.
- The pig farming faces permanent presence of turbulence due to unregulated markets, so that
the number of farmers who are producing is changing.
- In poultry farming there are 5 subjects involved in the production of one-day chickens,
broilers and eggs. Currently the construction of two large building for fattening is on the way.
- During 2009, production of bio vegetables has started. Currently, production involves 13
producers in the area of over 5 hectares.
- The plant farming has permanent development in the way of preparing food due to new
techniques and equipment, especially for silage preparation. Progress is hampered by the lack
of new and modern machinery, especially combines, corn pickers, equipment for silage and
The fruit production has witnessed in the last 3 years activities in rising of new and modern
orchards. In that sense there is a steady growth in interest of citizens for establishment of new
production that will follow the modern trends. Fruit production is represented with apples,
plums and raspberries plantations. About 10 hectares are currently under modern orchards.
In general, the most serious problems and challenges that slow the development of agriculture
- Pronounced migration of population to urban areas, aging of the active agricultural
- Lack of big machinery, disorganized purchase of manufactured goods, except for milk and
organically produced vegetables, lack of affordable credit funds, land fragmentation and
unresolved property-legal relations and the traditional approach to manufacturing.
- Poor educational structure and lack of education of farmers
- Poor network of local roads is also problem for development of agriculture
In the past two years the training program has started through practical and theoretical
lectures organized by the municipal department of agriculture. Forestry
Teslic municipality under forests has 46,213 hectares of state-owned and 4711 acres of
private owned property. The structure is dominated by high forest with natural forest
restoration (34,401 ha) which is an important natural resource.
Forests are managed by a public company-Forestry of the Republic of Srpska – division,
"Borja" Teslic. Privately owned forests are managed by the owners in accordance with
municipal decision on forestry.
Forestry division "Borja" Teslic has 174 employees of which 33 are graduate forestry
engineers. In addition to growing and maintaining forests FD "Borja" deals with the
exploitation of forests with their own machinery.
Both sectors, public and private, have adopted rule policies by which the forests are managed
and are in good measure respected.
Annual logging is about 105,000 m3 of wood of which 63,000 m3 falls on firewood, about
2,000 m3 on pulp and 40,000 m3 of wood on the technical wood which represents relatively
poor structure of forest inventories that we have.
The problem that increases the normal forest management is still large areas of forests that
have mine fields. Around 4024 ha of forest land or 7, 77% of the forest are mined area and are
almost completely demolished. Besides the problem of mined areas the problems are
unopened sectors for exploitation as well as fulfilling all the conditions of FSC certification
that places an obligation on the application of all applicable laws and regulations, the
application of the principles of sustainable forest management and conservation of biological
diversity. It also means relocation of tractor train from intermittent streams and rivers and
removal of illegal dumps from the forests.
1.6. Tourism
1.6.1. Diversity and tradition of tourism in Teslic municipality
Teslic municipality is an interesting tourist destination. This is a result of geographical
location, exceptional natural beauty, cultural and historical values and
suitable climatic conditions. Teslic municipality has natural opportunities for development of
different types of tourism such as: mountain, spa (the wealth of radioactive thermal springs
and mineral water were in the early historical period subject of exploitation for the purpose of
medical treatment), religious, cultural and historical (monastery Liplje, tombstones) hunting
and fishing (preserved nature, rich rivers, all kinds of wild animals, are a tourist attraction).
Rastusa cave is known for its beautiful ornaments and cave colony of endemic species of bat,
cave enriches the tourist attraction of Teslic as a tourist destination.
Tourism for Teslic development had, and still has, a very important role. Spa tourism, which
now has a dominant role, was for many decades the only form of tourism that has developed
here. It has been thriving because of healing mineral water springs and good staff.
Mineral water beneficially influence treatment of cardiovascular disease, enlargement of
veins, metabolic diseases, Bezel’s disease neuralgia (sciatica), sore joints, chronic catarrh of
the stomach, impaired kidney function and liver, anemia, sterility, the consequences of
poisoning and so on. The greatest successes were achieved in the treatment of enlarged aorta,
reduction of high and increase of low blood pressure.
Spa mineral water acts preventively against cancer, because it contains radium and
magnesium salts, and regulates the function of liver and kidneys, as well as the function of all
major glands.
Since there are sufficient quantities of mineral water, they could be, except for therapeutic
purposes in treatment of various diseases, used for heating of the hotel and part of the
settlement, and green houses. This would achieve significant savings in energy.
1.6.2. Spa tourism-Banja Vrucica
Today HTC “Banja Vrucica” has five hotels: Kardial", "Posavina", "Hercegovina", "Srbija"
and "Krajina". These are hotels of different categories to meet the needs of tourists with
accommodation, food and entertainment.
The largest and most important is certainly a hotel “Kardial” which has 59 single rooms, 117
double rooms with 234 beds of which 48 French beds and 18 suites with 36 beds and three
studio apartments with 9 beds. It is a hotel with 4 stars with the Wellness Center of 1600 m2
with a fitness center, pools and saunas, various types of massage and relaxation programs. In
addition it has a large congress hall with 300 seats, four-lane automatic bowling alley and
night bar and a luxurious restaurant with terrace capacity of 400 places and snack bars.
Hotel "Posavina" (267 beds), hotel "Hercegovina" (164 beds) and hotel "Srbija" are B class
hotels with a total of 613 beds and have additional facilities such as pizzeria, salons, movie
theaters and a complete medical facilities with complete diagnostic and therapeutic
Hotel "Krajina" is a "C" category hotel (144 beds), which has a TV lounge and hot tubs with
mineral water. In order to receive guests, the hotel needs renovation.
Modern sports facilities for sports have recently been built at the Banja Vrućica, in
preparation is construction of a large soccer field with artificial grass and a large swimming
Sports and recreation tourism can be combined with healing spa tourism in this case.
Spa and mountain tourism in the municipality can complement each other.
Just one place for additional information, please visit. Vrućica spa Web-site:
1.6.3. Mountain tourism
The area of Teslic has all the natural conditions for development of mountain tourism. In
addition to that goes the fact that one-third of the territory makes the terrain more than 500
meters above sea level. It is important that there are large areas higher than 800 meters above
sea level, and the plateaus and mountain slopes that correspond with the development of ski
Motel "Hajducka Voda" (85 beds) is located on the mountain Borja, along the main road
Teslic - Kotor Varos - Banja Luka. It is an integral part of the same sports and recreation
center. In the immediate vicinity of the motel and in the motel itself tourists have at their
service: universal sports courts, fitness room, disco hall and children's amusement park.
In addition to mountain tourism, because of geographic diversity of the area, great prospects
and opportunities for development has a rural tourism. This is certainly a possibility of which
to think in the future and use future period for the development of infrastructure - especially
roads and education of the local population to qualify for the provision of services in rural
1.6.4. Congressional tourism
In view of the tourist attraction in the Vrucica Spa vicinity, high-category hotels, other
facilities, as well as the fact that every year there is increase of number of domestic and
international meetings, congressional tourism here has its own future and can contribute to
achieving higher revenues during the year. Meetings are organized in the preseason and post
season, which contributes to better utilization of accommodation facilities and the use of other
tourism services.
Congressional tourism as a form of event tourism needs to develop even more because the
spending by the participants is several times higher (3 - 5) than by other tourists. Participants
except for accommodation and food, spend a lot in shops and other services.
Renewed Kardial hotel offers many modern services for congressional tourism, fairs,
meetings with the necessary infrastructure, high quality gastronomy, and attractive
opportunities for additional socializing programs.
1.6.5. Tourist manifestations
In addition to these events Teslic hosts high rank chess competitions. There is also the Art
Colony and traditional manifestations “Folk Creativity Fair”.
All these and other events organized in this area complement spa and mountain tourism. They
should be in the future utilized for presentation of Teslic tourism possibilities.
Mass religious events (the sanctuary of St. Mary Kondžilo, Ilindan Teslic,
Fair for St. Peter’s Day in Pribinic, a large gathering at the monastery Liplje Ilindan and
others) can attract a large number of visitors from abroad.
1.6.6. Tourism and the inclusion of citizens
It should be emphasized that Teslic as a tourist destination and as municipality with tourism
potential, if it wants to make benefit - and certainly want to - needs to specifically monitor the
whole aspect of citizen involvement through education and motivation. Every citizen must be
aware of how he/she can:
a) Benefit from tourism personally- through selling of local food, an additional number of
customers at the hairdressers and dentists and etc.
b) How much can he/she contribute with - a nicely maintained garden, this will benefit the
entire community, tourists will feel that the community is attractive and advertise it, which
ultimately increases municipal revenues and its ability to support those who need it,
performing something beneficial;
c) How much damage to the community, the economy and thus to himself and his children in
the long run pollution can create, as the example clean environment is directly related to the
attractiveness of tourist destinations, and thus economic development.
1.6.7. Tourist organization, human resources and long-term needs of tourism in Teslic
Teslic municipality in June 2009 established tourism organization that has jurisdiction to
bring together all relevant actors to develop tourism and to animate their cooperation.
Through their networking, it identifies new needs and promotes them to the community.
A special emphasis of the tourism organization is on communication with citizens to actively
participate in development. These are, for example actions as "the most beautiful garden,"
"clean environment - attractive for guests - new jobs” and etc.
Tourist organization is a central player in the promotion of community in terms of providing
marketing support to all businessmen involved in tourism in the wider sense.
It should be emphasized that Teslic as a tourist destination and as municipality with tourism
potential has to develop appropriate specialized human resources, which are directly related to
the tourist activities, or indirectly (for example) in the area of health tourism.
1.7. Education and culture
1.7.1. Education
Teslic municipality in the area of the education has one preschool institution, eight central, 27
branch elementary schools and two secondary schools. Pre-school education
The only institution which continuously works with children of pre-school age is kindergarten
The primary goal of this type of education for children (105 children) from 4, 5-6 years old is
socialization and children separation crisis management, which affects the dynamics of
teaching in the early months of first grade.
Capacity of preschool institution is not sufficient to receive all children that parents want to
accommodate in the preschool education, and the main reason
for impossibility of inclusion of children from rural areas in the institution is territorial
complexity of the municipality. Primary education
During the academic 2008/2009 in the area of the Teslic municipality have worked eight
central schools and 27 branch schools, of the branch schools two are nine-grade schools
Gornja Šnjegotina and Kamenica.
The total number of pupils in primary education in the Teslic municipality is 4195.
The condition of school buildings:
School premises most directly affect the work in the schools and most schools has sufficient
space to work with students, but the quality and condition of some school buildings, teaching
aids and equipment are still not satisfactory as a whole.
Staff and professional representation:
As for the human resources it is at a satisfactory level despite lack of personnel for German
and the English language, music and fine arts, class teaching, technical education,
mathematics, chemistry and physics. The lack of primary school teachers is most prominent
although this number is reduced to a minimum.
All primary schools have the libraries for students and teachers with a fund of 57,445 books. Secondary education
Teslic municipality has two high schools, one of which is mixed school "Jovan Ducic" with
809 students and the other is a mixed school ''Nikola Tesla'' with 606 students.
The educational profile of both schools are in: economic, trade and catering culinary
technicians with four years education and three-year undergraduate education, mechanical
engineers, technicians of the final wood processing, road transport technicians and electronics
technicians, and three years education with the acquired knowledge for the profession:
locksmith , mechanic, welder, fitters, metal cutters, carpenters and electricians.
Education of students is not fully consistent with the needs of the local labor market.
1.7.2. Culture Cultural institutions
The only public institution in the field of culture in the Teslic municipality is People’s Library
"Danilo Kis".
Other cultural institutions, the Serbian educational and cultural society "Prosvjeta” and
Bosniak`s Cultural Society" Preporod ", are financed from municipal budgets but do not have
the status of a public institution, in the formal-legal sense they are the civil association. The
same can be said for the Amateur Drama Theatre "Branislav Nušić, provided that it is only
recently registered and therefore not funded from the budget for 2009.
Teslic municipality has sufficient facilities that are allocated to cultural activities. In addition
to the People’s Library premises, there is the recently renovated and expanded building of
urban theater, used by SECA “Prosvjeta”. There are also properties of amphitheater in
Secondary School and the newly built sports hall that can serve for mass cultural events and
performances. Cultural events and activities
Teslic municipality is committed to create environment for the development and affirmation
of culture and cultural events. Some of the important cultural events are Folk Creativity Fair,
now the traditional regional events, then “Teslic summer”, newly started event that has
several cultural events throughout the summer including the outdoor two-night concert with
rock and pop music, other cultural events to celebrate anniversaries or holidays, art
exhibitions twice a year, prepared by local visual artists (unfortunately art colony has ceased
to function).
But even with all the above-mentioned it can not be said that the cultural life blooms in
Teslic. It seems that the main reason for the inadequacy is lack of personnel to deal with the
organization of cultural activities as well as small funds to finance large scale cultural events,
and manifestations.
In addition to public library as an independent cultural institution, SECA “Prosvjeta” has it
own library, the cinema hall and a smaller gallery. This organization has art and music
section. Theatre Section operates under the wing of amateur theater, and for several years
dance section of Dance Club "Bolero" from Banja Luka exists in Teslic. Also, except for
"Prosvjeta" music section there is also the People’s Library "Danilo Kis" music section as the
part of the Music School from Prnjavor.
1.8. Youth and sports
1.8.1. The current position of Youth
Teslic municipality is actively committed to ensure to young people adequate conditions for
the sport in accordance with the financial capabilities of municipalities, to make it an
attractive community for young people directed toward future in all areas, and thus provide
opportunities and a vision of sustainable development.
The research conducted in the 2008 with the aim to develop the document „Teslic Municipal
Youth Policy", showed quite realistic snapshot of the current situation in areas related to the
life and work of the youth.
The register of youth organizations, which is led by the Department of Economic and Social
Activities of Teslic Municipal, has 6 registered youth organizations with its programs of work
with youth.
Teslic Municipal Budget for 2009 provides 20,000 KM to support youth programs, which is,
compared to other municipalities insufficient for the implementation of quality programs and
activities. On the other hand, the existing youth organizations are not sufficiently engaged to
jointly promote and increase the existing budget allocation and its quality distribution.
Although on several occasions youth organizations as well as the Youth Council of the
Republic of Srpska proposed mechanisms for improving the situation for young people,
includes a number of different "bodies" for the youth, they have not been completely
implemented nor were these recommendations followed. Institutional framework
In terms of organizational strengthening only Youth Committee associated with the Municipal
assembly has been formed and is active but does not consist of representatives from registered
youth organizations. Local administration has office with the staff in charge of youth policies.
All other "bodies" (Youth Advisory Board, the Mayor’s Adviser for Youth and the local
Youth Council, etc.) to date have not been established or such initiative considered. Facilities designated for youth
Currently, there is no adequate space to serve the youth for their activities in all segments of
youth activism. There are several offices that were given to youth organizations for use, but
they can be used for a minimum number of activities. Also, there are no sufficient
playgrounds that young people can use to spend free time.
1.8.2. Sport
At the municipal level sport is organized through clubs and societies, but there is no organized
sports union at the municipal level. Sports Council should serve as the umbrella organization
for the sport activities and function as coordinator for sports activities. Sports Council has
been recently elected so it has not taken a full capacity.
Council must as soon as possible prepare and propose plans and programs for development of
sport and on the basis of plans and programs make a financial plan that will be proposed to
the Municipal Assembly as the largest financial supporter of sport. Sports clubs
Teslic municipality has 12 organized clubs and four associations. The most common sports
are the soccer and karate.
There are 3 football clubs, athletic club, 2 karate clubs, basketball club, bowling club,
handball team, women's handball club, shooting club, chess club and 4 sport-hunting-fishing
associations with a total of 36 coaches, 42 sections, 701 male athletes and 301 female athletes
It is strange that there is no organized club for volleyball, although, volleyball used to be
popular in Teslic. Competitions
All Teslic clubs take an active part in competitions and in very strong leagues. Starting from
the RS First League in football (“Proleter”), Shooters (air rifle, guns) compete in the First
League of B&H, basketball team compete in Second Republic league, the Athletic Club has
performed at regional, national and international competitions, as well as both karate club
have competed at regional , national and international competitions.
They all have very good results and trophies, some of them are international. Worth
mentioning is the fact that our most successful and most rewarded club Shooting club
“Geofon” has been many times champion of Bosnia and Herzegovina in the senior and junior
composition, and now we have a champion of B&H
in the women's shooting section. Clubs won a significant number of medals, awards in men's
and women's competition in all sports organizations (handball, bowling, chess, etc.) Sport Events
Despite the developed club sports in Teslic there are not many significant sporting events.
Traditional are: the best person in sports award, street racing, a few tournaments in football,
"cross" competitions are organized every year in primary school, karate tournament, chess
tournament. Sports facilities
A lot of problems create a lack of adequate facilities for training and competition of athletes
and teams. This problem will be overcome by the activation of the new sports center which
will greatly improve conditions because it can house trainings and competitions for
basketball, handball, volleyball players, karate and judo teams.
Center will be able to receive 1400 spectators in the fixed seating area and some 600 of extra
places. Sports Funding
It can be said that sport in Teslic is 90% financed from the municipal budget. Athletes have
responded to it by achieving good results and contributing to the promotion of the Teslic
In 2008 budget allocation for sport was more than 250,000, 00 KM in 2009 that amount is
300,000, 00 KM. Bearing in mind the total amount of municipal budget, it is evident that the
allocation for sports is not small.
1.9. Non-governmental (NGO) sector
1.9.1. NGO - Significant socio-economic role in the community
Every modern society and communities are based on mutual cooperation and coordination of
activities between public, private and NGO sector. NGOs have an important role in
articulating the needs of society regarding socio-economic status of all citizens of the local
Since 1996 onwards, Teslic municipality has expansion of an NGO organization, with its
actions based on the principle of sustainability, which excludes the financing only from
budget funds, but introduces a dimension of an active relationship when it comes to
fundraising. It further implied organization capacity building and especially when we talk
about human resources. The largest qualitative shift occurred, related to the active
involvement of NGOs, when it comes to the realization of certain projects in different spheres
and that contributed to the development of community.
1.9.2. NGO activism
Teslic municipality has 34 registered non-governmental organizations according to
information obtained from the Department of Economic and Social Affairs. Of these, 14
are sports organizations, 3 are in the field of culture, 2 working on protecting the rights of
pensioners, 3 are hunters organizations, 1 works on protection and promotion of the rights of
women, 1 deals with the protection of the rights of children with special needs, 6 gather the
young and deal with recreational sports and educational activities with the development of
voluntary segments, one deals with the issues of return and the diaspora and at the end three
organizations that deal with different user groups, but only through project activities.
1.9.3. NGOs, Teslic municipality and Budget
Through various forums, round tables, focus groups, and contacts between local governments,
NGO sector, the conclusion has been reached that the NGOs and associations should not be
financed by a "preference" system rather a system of real assessment of their activities
achievements and capacity should be used, that would achieve high quality implementation of
the above-mentioned activities. This way of functioning, with maximum transparency would
contributed to a better understanding of the role of civil society, understanding that is still
insufficient or wrong, and also would contribute to establishing partnerships between different
actors as a precondition for new trends in design and execution of projects especially when
talking about the period before us that will open opportunities for active participation in preaccession EU funds. In this context, the development of the NGO sector should be viewed as
a process of comparative advantage and the process that will lead from "competitive" to
"partnership" relationship.
1.9.4. Current NGO projects with foreign partners of social and economic importance
Projects that are currently active in the Teslic municipality and realized by the NGOs and
1. "From gray to green" - implementing "Futura plus" funded by SIDA
2. "Monitoring children's rights at the local level - implementing" Futura plus "funded by
3. "Incubator station - production of one day chickens" - "Bona Fida" funded by the Japanese
4. "Open school of football" - implementing FC "Proleter" - funded by the SSSPA and
Teslic municipality
5. "Promotion of green house production - implementing POLJOTES Association - funded by
the Italian provinces Di Belluno and Teslic municipality
6. "We're here too”- implementing the Association for children with special needsFinanced by Teslic municipality
Compared to the surroundings municipality Teslic has a relatively well-developed NGO
sector but also, there is still plenty of room for its improvement.
1.10. Social care and health
1.10.1. Social welfare
The number of persons in the Teslic municipality who can be considered socially vulnerable
group is 16,624, which represents over 31% of the total population. This data is very worrying
and presents the challenge for the entire local community. The number of welfare users by
is as follows: 301 persons use health care benefits assistance, 442 people use the financial
assistance for someone else's care and support, 268 persons use financial assistance.
Structure of persons who are considered socially vulnerable group
- Elderly – 1070
- Refugees and displaced persons - (The Center does not keep records)
- Unemployed – 3800
- Disabled – 2142
- Children without parental care – 32
- Children users of the children’s financial assistance – 9580
The amounts of basic financial assistance
According to the amendments of the Law on Social Protection (Official Gazette No. 110
dated 20.12.2003) the amount of financial assistance per month is 41.00 KM for individual
and 82.00 KM for a five-member and large families. Financial assistance for someone else's
care and support is 41.00 KM.
Center for Social Work Teslic is the only institution of social protection in the municipality of
Teslic, founded by the Municipality.
Municipal budgets finance social welfare centers in the RS. Allocated funds are not sufficient
to cover all the needs of its users.
According to the Rulebook, professional staff and accommodation requirements of the Center
for Social Work (Official Gazette No. 4 dated 25.01.2002) Center for Social Work performs
- Social protection,
- Child’s protection
- Family-law protection, guardianship and adoption,
- Criminal-law protection of minors
In terms of staffing structures at the Centre for Social Welfare Teslic is as follows:
- Seven social workers employed in the social protection affairs
- A lawyer,
From the above facts it can be seen that staffing structure at the Centre for Social Welfare
does not meet the norms of the Rulebook because the center lacks psychologist, specialized
teacher and educator.
1.10.2. Health care
Teslic health organizational structure is based on the Health center St. Sava, which in addition
to primary health care (family medicine, general dentistry, emergency medical support,
diagnostic and laboratory tests, specialist-consultative services, hygienic and epidemiological
protection) has a department for physical rehabilitation and service for mental health.
In addition to the Health Center health care is provided to citizens by 6 renowned private
clinics of various specialties and 3 private dental clinics. Unlike some other local
communities, Teslic’s citizens are lucky enough to be able to use health services of the
renowned health care Health-Resort Spa Vrućica.
In summary Teslic has remarkable health facilities that can provide health care to its citizens.
But many people do not have access to the offered opportunities because an estimated 10,000
inhabitants are without health insurance. In fact, many family members of
those who currently work abroad in countries that have not signed bilateral agreements with
the RS on health insurance do not have formal health insurance. Then there are people who
had never been insured and people who have kept insurance in FB&H.
One of the reasons health care insurance irregularities lies in the fact that there are still some
employers who do not provide insurance for their employees or make irregular paid
contributions for health insurance.
Human resources of the Health Center as the main carrier of the primary health care services
are respectable. They currently have 140 employees, of which 23 doctors-14 specialist
doctors, 8 doctors of general medicine and a resident. Besides them, there are 4 dentists and a
psychologist, 5 senior medical technicians and 65 medical technicians employed.
Given the fact that the health reform accepted model of family medicine, the municipality has
set up 25 family medicine ambulances of which 12 of them are in the city and 13 is suburbs.
Because it was financial not viable, two field clinics were closed and we now have a total of
23. Because of the need to cover so many family medicine ambulances, the lack of doctors is
still evident and that raises the problem of rationality. All ambulances are equipped with
sufficient technical materials and from that side there is no problem. The problem arises in
obtaining the prescribed drugs for patients because field clinics do not have pharmacies with
most basic medicines and the patient does not benefit from having a doctor at hand, given that
patient has to travel more than 20 km to obtain prescribed medicines.
1.11. Local administration
1.11.1. The structure of local administration and employees
Teslic municipality is the basic unit of local self-government, in which citizens directly and
through their freely and democratically elected representatives, participate in the realization of
common interests and where the bodies of municipality within the law manage the affairs
from the independent authority of the municipality and execute state administration affaires
transferred to them by law.
Municipal bodies are: the Municipal Assembly, as the decision-making and policy-making
body and the Municipal Mayor as the executive authority.
To perform tasks within its competence, respecting specific law on local self-government and
the Municipal Statute Teslic, Mayor, adopted decision on establishment of municipal
administrative services Teslic, consisted of 7 departments:
1. Department of General Administration with the legal aid service;
2. Department of Urban Planning;
3. Department of Housing - Communal Affairs;
4. Department of Economic and Social Affairs;
5. Department of Veterans - disabled protection;
6. Department of Finance;
7. Department of Inspections;
and 3 organizational units:
1. Municipal assembly support service;
2. Mayor’s Office (cabinet),
3. Service for common affairs.
Rulebook on organization and systematization of work places in the Municipal
Administrative Service Teslic systematized the positions of all employees stating the job
description they perform.
Within the Municipal Administrative Service Teslic Department for Development has been
formed, with task, among others, to participate in the preparation of municipal development
strategies, as well as in the definition and implementation of policies of local and regional
The total number of employees in the Municipal Administration Teslic is 114 as follows: 2 MA, 53 with university degrees, 11 with college degrees, 29 with high school degrees, 10
with primary school, 6-QW, 3-HSW.
1.11.2. Communication with citizens and Reception Hall
Teslic municipality administration has built a reception hall within the GAP project, which
began operations in November 2006. This has overcome numerous problems, and citizens
have received more efficient service. With its opening hall created much easier access for
citizens to exercise their rights and now they can get all the necessary information in one
Process of receiving and issuing documents has been shortened so the administration became
more efficient and faster with increase of citizen’s satisfaction. Due to the introduction of
electronic documents monitoring system it is possible to know, at any time, the case process
stage, who is the person in charge and completion date of the case.
Municipal administration officials are trained to work and are qualified for the new program
as it has been confirmed by surveys conducted by representatives of the GAP. Survey says
that citizens' satisfaction with the services of the municipal administration has increased by 16
index points, or from 68.59% increased to 84.74%, which is a very high percentage.
Teslic municipal administration is still committed to be a modern and professional partner to
the citizens and all other partners. Everything that happens and ongoing events at the
municipal level can be found on modern municipal web-page:
The above Web site is increasingly becoming a means of communication with citizens.
Working on its modernization, updating and its usefulness (from on-line information to the
opportunities that citizens via a web site can track the movement of their requests, or sending
a request to obtain a decision or response) is the next stage in the development of
communication with citizens.
The aim of the establishment, use, connections and exchange of databases is the quality of
customer satisfaction and service staff and municipal management, improvement of work
organization and management. The main task of the administration and its staff is:
- Improving the general administrative procedure, the simultaneous application of the highest
possible standards of individual and collective cultural of employees performance with the
understanding of all legislation and all this to reach the main goal-achieving full quality of
communication with citizens.
In order to meet established goals and achieve a stated citizen’s satisfaction following has
been done:
1. Provide services in one place (reception hall)
2. Conduct computerization of services (train employees and input data into the database)
3. Establish Info desk and clarify its role.
All this has been achieved in a relatively short time and in a satisfactory manner so that we
can now say:
Municipality TESLIC
Professional development partner
in a dialogue with citizens!
Additional burden that may make difficult and slow realization of the goals is outdated and/or
the lack of urban planning documentations, unresolved property-legal relations and
unregulated land record databases. New land survey is also delayed.
1.11.3. Municipal Budget
The municipal budget is a very important tool in directing the development of the
municipality and the fulfillment of various social needs. In some aspects of life in the
community it has a crucial role. This is especially true in the sphere of social components and
development of administrative human resources. For all that it is necessary to consider the
budget options for needs servicing, particularly those related to the development. Character of
administrative spending and its commitment to the development has been shown in the basic
structure of budgetary expenditures in recent years:
1. Budget Revenues
2. Budget expenditures
Administrative service
Communal services
Economy incentives
Social welfare
Budget users
Primary school
Infrastructure projects
Plan 2010
The structure clearly points to the disproportion in the movement of expenditure between final
consumption and development. Funds for administration, social and other budget users have
in the last five years doubled at the annual level, while funding for incentives in the economy
and infrastructure development projects remained at almost the same level. Allocation for
culture is quite low which is unacceptable for the city with a long cultural tradition which
dates back to Austro-Hungarian period.
Also, the very small allocations are for health and education. Previous budget planning has
been inadequate for current socio-political moment in which we are. There is no broader
community involvement, interest groups-organization, nor was there sufficient public
discussion of the proposed budget, which indicates the undeveloped awareness of rights and
1.11.4. Public institution founded by the Municipality of Teslic and financed from
municipal budget
Municipal budget funds following institutions:
1. Center for Social Work
2. Fire Department
3. Red Cross
4. Kindergarten, "Palcic"
1.11.5. Public institution founded by the Teslic Municipality and partially financed from
municipal budget
1. Mixed School "Nikola Tesla"
2. Mixed High School "Jovan Ducic.
3. People’s Library "Danilo Kis".
1.11.6. Development of human resources and regular training of employees in the local
Development of human resources and raising awareness in this respect is of great importance
for the development and improvement of local administration. In this sense, the local
administration have undertaken the ventures so as to achieve a satisfactory level in the field of
human resources development, namely: a general computer course, the government
accountability project-GAP (Programs education Docunova , Datanova, Panel), working with
the OSCE, cooperation with the Swiss Red Cross (within the cooperation seminars were held
in several stages, with the following topics: administrative responsibility, development of
local governance, increase citizen participation in policy processes, Office operations ...).
Taking into account the number of employees in local administration it is in accordance with
the standards and systematization which it defines. The educational structure of employees is
also satisfactory and is in accordance with the above standards. As for the age structure of
employees, we can state that most of them are middle age and seniors and that recently trend
of youth employment, mostly at the end of traineeship has been present in the municipality.
However, despite the above information the fact is that there is much room for improvement
of human resources in local
administration and primarily on the basis of permanent training of the personnel that takes
place not only through organized group activities, but also by developing awareness of the
need for individual training. This kind of training should be related to the issues of the
profession and the general issues that would allow employees to easily utilize new trends.
Topics such as leadership, teamwork, management, development of communication skills, a
code of conduct, media and promotional activities, information systems, development of
program and project development methodology, should become an integral part of
development for each employee within their domain. Also, it is evident that a very small
number of administration employees' has knowledge of foreign languages and taking into
account the real need when this becomes unavoidable, the municipality Teslic must come up
with a way to animate human resources for the improvement in that direction.
1.11.7. Local settlements
On the 30.05.2007 The Municipal Assembly Teslic decided on education, affairs and
financing of local communities in the municipality of Teslic. This decision sets 49 local
settlements as follows:
Centar, Novo Naselje, Mala Usora, Banja Vrucica , Banja Vlajic, Bardaci, Baric, Blatnica,
Buletic, Vitkovci, Vlajic, Vrela, Gornji Buletic, Gornja Radnja, Gornji Rankovic, Gornji
Ruzevic, Gornje Liplje, Gornji Teslic, Gomijenica, Gusti Teslic , Donja Vrucica, Donji
Rankovic, Donji Ruzević, Djulici, Zarkovina, Irice, Jasenica, Kamenica, Komusina, Lug
Baric, Lug Markovic, Mladikovine, Osivica, Ocaus, Parlozi, Petkovic, Pribinic, Radesici,
Rajseva, Rastusa, Rudnik, Slatina, Stenjak, Studenci, Ugodnovic, Uzvinska, Ukrinica,
Čečava, Šnjegotina Gornja.
Settlements are forms of direct citizen participation in local government and thus influence
the decision-making by the Teslic municipal bodies.
However, current practice has shown that a considerable number of the settlements do not
exercise activities that contribute to the promotion of local self-government or achieve
satisfactory communication with the municipality. Also, there are examples where
representatives of settlements and citizens of these areas are very agile in local affairs and the
realization of local projects and achieve good cooperation with municipal authorities.
The municipal administration has a position of the Coordinator for the settlements so that
settlements representatives can direct their problems.
Citizens of the Teslic municipality are also involved in the decision-making through other
forms of direct participation in local government through a referendum, the assembly of
citizens, civic initiatives.
1.11.8. Inter-municipal Cooperation
Teslic municipality cooperates with other municipalities through the Union of Municipalities
and Cities. This type of cooperation is carried out through Union organized activities and
through individual contacts, and initiatives of municipalities. These activities are generally
defined by law and by regulations. Teslic municipality in this way has been included in the
process of networking of municipalities and the creation of decisions from the domain of the
According to the division of economic regions and municipalities using the EU criteria Teslic
has been placed in the economic region of Central Bosnia (REZ), and on that basis cooperates
with the municipalities of Zenica-Doboj Canton and Central Bosnia Canton. This structure
includes 17 municipalities. The biggest advantage of this cooperation is reflected in the
exchange of information, creation of ideas at the regional level and better communication.
Through the program activities in the field of agriculture Teslic municipality is included in
cooperation with six north-west municipalities in Republic of Srpska, activities involve the
establishment of a common foundation to support programs in the field of agriculture.
In addition Teslic municipality participates in inter-municipal and regional cooperation at the
international level. In this sense, cooperation has been achieved with the following
municipalities and regions:
- In Serbia, with the municipalities, Kula, Tutin and Titel
- In Croatia, with the municipality Borovo
- In Italy, Di Belluno Province
- In Norway with the Sandnes region
This cooperation is reflected in the economic, cultural, sporting and educational activities.
Beside the comprehensive cooperation, which includes a multitude of users it is very
important to emphasize that Teslic municipality through partnerships beyond the borders of
Bosnia and Herzegovina creates the preconditions for cross-border cooperation within the
framework which has relevant partners for joint programs and projects funded from the
European funds.
II-SWOT Analysis
2.1. General SWOT analysis
-Geographical location of the Teslic municipality
-The relative proximity to large consumer centers
-The natural beauty and tourist potential for the development of rural and religious tourism
-The number and variety of skilled and low-cost labor
-National and social diversity of the population
- Population with experience gained working abroad and a large number of people in the
diaspora who are potential investors
-The rich natural resources (especially the mineral water and forests)
-A relatively well-developed infrastructure
-Good performance by small and medium-sized enterprises that have survived the transition
-The tradition of industrial production
-Well-developed trade and growth of enterprises that have the conditions for faster
-Climatic and spatial conditions for the cultivation of agricultural crops and livestock
-Increased awareness in the rural area that the well-organized market-oriented agricultural
production can support normal life
-The tradition in the development of health tourism and its under-utilized resources
-Well organized and capable institutions dealing with social and health of the population
-Developed NGO sector that is ready to cooperate with local authorities
-Developed potential in culture and sports (organizations, companies, properties-premises)
Well-organized local administration aimed at following modern trends in service delivery and
partnership with citizens
-Lack of development of human resources in certain sectors of society
-Unfavorable age and educational structure in rural areas
-The education system is not sufficiently adapted to the needs of the labor market
-Underdeveloped SME sector
-Low level of utilization of natural and economic potential
-Unresolved property-legal relations
-Small scale agricultural production with the lack of market orientation
-Lack of affordable financing for economic activities
-Underdeveloped communication with citizens, public institutions, NGO sector and economy.
-High rate of unemployment
-Lack of strategic documents by sectors
-Low-level of economic activities particularly in the metal industry
- Delayed and poorly implemented privatization in the industrial sector
-Deterioration and technological obsolescence of the industrial capacities
-Lack of developed business climate (procedures, incentives and infrastructure) for opening a
-Lack of adequate spatial plans and urban plans
-Undeveloped infrastructure in rural areas
-Underdeveloped cultural environment
-Youth issues (employment, organizing, financing) inadequately resolved
-Lack of knowledge by foreign investors on investment opportunities in the municipality
- Activation of production in WI "Borja" Teslic
- Use of the diaspora as a partner in the development
- Development of industrial zone "Lanara"
- Adopting decision about the incentive opportunities for investment by foreign partners and
our citizens from the diaspora
- Intensify programs and implement population education program in the preservation of the
environment, cleaning polluted environment and development of environment for the
purpose of tourism development
- Human Resource development in Tourism Organization will fully contribute to the faster
development of tourism as a strategic industry
- Organization of easy and quick re-training school for human resources
- Education of a larger number of farmers
- More relationship between education and industry
- Construction and reconstruction of the local road network
- Increasing the area provided with the water supply and drainage of waste water
- Establishment of the Agency for SME Development
- Strengthening of cooperation with the NGO sector
- Using the youth capacity
- Maximum use of local administration capacities
-The reduced aid from donors
-The delay in creating the appropriate conditions for foreign and strategic investments
-Slow and inefficient legal resolution of property issues
-Brain–drain and trend of youth migration
-Emigration of population from rural to urban areas
-Insufficient activities on sustainable return
-Reduction of Republic’s sources of funding for support of municipal infrastructure projects
-More expensive bank capital, and lack of means to stimulate development of
-Free import of all kinds of low quality and low price products
-Increasing energy prices
-Inflexible education towards labor market
-Lower income in settlements lead to slowing down of culture and sport development
-Lack of procedures for cooperation of NGOs - public and private sectors as well as
unwillingness to deal with new social situation
-Local community is not prepared for the absorption of funds from EU pre-accession funds
-World Economic Crisis
-Political instability in the region
-Notable general insolvency
2.2. Summarized narrative (maxi-maxi) analysis of the socio-economic status of Teslic
Favorable geographic location of the municipality. The fact that the municipality Teslic is
located in hilly-mountainous region of the central of Bosnia and Herzegovina, relatively close
to major consumer centers, gives us an advantage that we use and that we can use even better.
This primarily refers to the use of natural resources resulting from a favorable geographic
location, such as forests, fertile soil, thermal springs and mineral raw materials. Favorable
geographic location provides a good potential, particularly for the development of tourist
activities (health tourism, rural tourism and mountain tourism).
Proximity to the European transport corridors such as Highway 5C and a main road
connecting the Teslic municipality with it is an important, positive fact for potential
National diversity of the population is an additional element that helps to better connect with
the surroundings and provides greater possibilities of realization of regional projects in
partnership with neighbors.
Significant resource of educated and skilled workers that the Teslic municipality has is a
very important resource that can have a major role in attracting investors to the new programs.
In the register of employment office there are over 3,700 job seekers, of which 2325 with
different qualifications, which is important information for future investors in order to ensure
an adequate labor force for their activities.
The infrastructure is relatively well developed with good public communication. This
primarily refers to: sufficient capacity of telephone and internet connections, developed
electric grid, water, main roads that pass through the industrial zone, which is a significant
advantage in attracting potential investors.
Industrial production in Teslic has a long tradition, especially in wood and metal sector. As
a result, in the prewar period, has reached a significant level of industrial culture in various
aspects, especially in terms of skilled workers in these areas and particularly in terms of
quality and market distinctive products. All this provides a broad basis for an upgrade in
various directions: the diversification of production, increasing the quality of existing
products or creating new products.
A small entrepreneurship, the so-called small business sector in the past didn’t have greater
tradition. This was partly contributed by the excessive dependence on higher industrial
production capacity that we had. Last year, this sector, shows a positive trend, given that more
and more people are included in the small enterprise and more and more people are looking
for self-employment solutions. According to data from 2008 municipality has about 930
entrepreneurs with more than 1700 employees. Incentives programs for entrepreneurship
development, contribute to its rapid development.
Agriculture as a manufacturing industry is becoming increasingly important for the
municipality. People have recognized the important resource of agricultural land which they
posses and have realized that by applying modern methods in agricultural production, they
may ensure existence for themselves and their families. Climatic advantages and suitable
land, enables a wide variety of production with emphasis on livestock and fruit production,
significant results have been already
achieved. Existing processing facilities provide a further incentive to the development of
livestock production. Incentives for agricultural production provided by municipal budget and
the ministry are the additional stimulus for its development. Farmers increasingly recognize
the importance of association of cooperatives and agricultural associations. The newly
established Foundation – is an instrument of agricultural support and a good base for funding
and support of development programs in agriculture.
Forestry as a business activity in our municipality has over 50,000 hectares under forests, it
is important not only because it employs more than 130 employees, but primarily, because of
the protection and restoration of forests. In addition, it provides raw material for our most
significant manufacturing sector and is the first partner of local community in preserving the
environment and the organization of all economic activity in a large part of the municipality
(hilly-mountainous area that represents 60% of the municipal territory). With the joint
activities and development between municipality and Forest Company in this area will
contribute to achieving set goals.
Tourism, as a prosperous industry in the whole RS, in Teslic it has been proved as one of the
most prosperous industries. Thanks to natural resources, health tourism has been developed,
with Banja Vrucica as a "brand" of spa tourism within the territory of former Yugoslavia. The
richness of resources is the basis for the development of other branches of tourism (rural,
mountain, excursions, religious, sports). With the formation of the Teslic Tourist
Organization, development process should accelerate. All relevant organizations and
institutions should give an adequate contribution to development from municipal services,
local communities, educational institutions, and nongovernmental organizations. In this way,
tourism becomes a strategic direction for development.
Education and culture are important segments of every socio-political community. Teslic
has relatively sizeable student population, a very important factor in the assessment of future
development opportunities. In addition, there is a respectable teaching staff as a force that, if
used creatively and positively can be mobilize in the educational process to achieve a step
higher in quality.
In the period ahead, work on raising the criteria in schools should be done as well as better
cooperation with the economy in terms of educational structure of those jobs that the
economy really needs, organization of a easier process of re-education in the school using
small workshop facilities and organization of various forms of education of citizens so that
education can fulfilled the task in the development which is expected in the community.
Culture as an important factor in creating a pleasant environment for the life of citizens has a
good basis for achieving much higher performance and new cultural content (buildings,
institutions, organizations, societies).
Organizing and forming a Cultural Center as umbrella institution, which would deal with the
planning and organization of cultural life in Teslic and which would maintain spaces for
culture events, will make a huge step in promotion of cultural life.
Youth as the largest force in local community, is significant and unused capacity, Teslic has a
large number of highly educated and creative young people, able to contribute to local
development, which currently are not adequately engaged. It can be said that they are
motivated enough for changes and they express a desire for activity. With premises that they
have available for their activities including sports activities, and with good organization their
participation in social life will be felt far beyond their activity, and it will contribution to
improving the overall living environment. Organization of the Youth Parliament is one of the
tasks in the future which will ensure and imposed youth participation in issues of local
importance. Also, it will secure their voluntary engagement in cultural and cultural-tourism
Sports is activity that particularly occupies young population and is relatively well
developed, the number of organized clubs and sports represented and good results
achievements in many branches of sport testifying about it. Good basis for further
development of the sport are relatively good sports facilities and new sports hall.
In the next period through an organized activity of the sports council new clubs could be
established because now they have all working conditions. More work has to be done on the
popularization of sports and recreational sports also (for the older generation).
Developed NGO sector is an advantage for the overall life of every community. Strengths of
Teslic NGOs are in diverse types of organizations, from sports, environmental, humanitarian
aid to those dealing with protection of rights of certain groups of people. To strengthen this
sector of civil society the need is on the establishing relations of cooperation of the competent
municipal authorities with the NGO sector, human resources strengthening in this sector-in
particular by developing the ability to create projects which could be proposed to various
foundations for funding, and establishing the modalities for the allocation of funds from the
municipal budget using project system.
Social protection is a very important activity in the municipality of Teslic and is relatively
well developed. Centre for Social Welfare, as a carrier of social protection is well-organized.
Significant allocations from the budget each year contribute in development of social welfare
Through the strengthening of cooperation with the municipality, the relevant ministry and the
NGO sector can contribute to further protect of the most vulnerable groups of population.
Enhanced staff training, staffing of missing personnel and with larger appropriation from the
budget could successfully dealt with pressing issues of care for the most vulnerable families.
Health. In the municipality of Teslic, health is reduced to the primary health care, and we can
say that there are necessary resources (facilities, equipment and personnel). The budget needs
to ensure priority treatment for the financing of health activities funded by municipal
according to the law.
Local administration is primarily expressed through the development of the municipal
administrative apparatus and its ability to successfully answer citizens' requests and
development needs of the municipality as a whole. One of the goals of the last strategic plan
was the organization and training of such administration. Now we can say that this goal has
been quite successfully realized.
Improvement was made to the organization of administrative services, work with modern
means and appropriate software programs was introduced, training of most staff for the
application of modern methods of work has been conducted, a universal reception hall has
been established, which became known as a unique service to citizens and whose work was
with the highest ratings from the GAP and the surveyed citizens. Department for
Development to coordinate development activities has been established.
In function is a well-organized municipal Web site, which with direct communication with
reception hall and other services, and up to date publishing of current decisions and
information about the municipality Teslic complements and enriches the communication with
citizens. Web page offers an on-line communication between citizens and administrative
services, in which they can get information about a particular issue or request that is sent to
the administration.
In the future the need is to do more to educate employees through seminars, training, intermunicipal cooperation and visiting instructive seminar organized by the entity authorities. It is
necessary to upgrade Web page so that the page is modern, with current information,
transparent and it is necessary to develop such service options so that every citizen wherever
he/she might be can find in which stage is resolution of their request. Public relation activities
have to be organized in the single place in order to secure more accuracy and transparency.
III Teslic municipality Development Vision statement
A dynamic local community with a developed tourism, agriculture, small and medium
enterprise and with active citizens, who, in a partnership with the public administration create
economically, culturally, socially and environmentally attractive environment for life and
Based on the vision statement and according to the analysis of the local community and in
accordance with SWOT analysis, strategic directions for development of Teslic municipality
1. The development of diversified economic structure in which small and medium enterprises
in manufacturing and processing, tourism and agriculture are bearers of progress and
2. Infrastructure, rural development and ecology as a prerequisite for a stable and prosperous
community and quality of life for citizens
3. Development of an integrated, dynamic and attractive community with a developed
partnership between local administration, local self-government and citizens, economic and
public sector
4. Increasing efficiency and transparency of local administration and public sector as a whole
5. Building a stable, politically mature, culturally advanced and socially safe environment
6. Human resource development in all area of local community
V Programs
Based on the vision statement of the Teslic Municipality and defined strategic direction and
development, Mayor and CfMDP proposed a list of programs on which the future
development of the municipality will be structured and more efficient. Public debate has
supported the proposal of the list which Municipal Assembly need to adopt.
5.1. Strategic direction #1. The development of diversified economic structure in which
small and medium enterprises in manufacturing and processing, tourism and
agriculture are bearers of progress and employment
The reason for defining this direction of development as the strategic directions:
Analysis of the economic situation that is expressed in this Strategy, which is also given in the
analysis of the situation in the field of small and medium enterprises in the Teslic
municipality, adopted by the municipal assembly, indicates that the overall slowdown in the
development of the municipality Teslic primarily is resulting from delays in the development
of the economy. Teslic municipal development strategy for 2005-2010 quite bypassed this
part of the development which certainly influenced slowdown in its progress. Some of the
larger economic entities such as "Borja", "Masinstvo" and "Demos" completely terminated
production which led to severe
situation in terms of employment. Lack of prosperous development programs in existing
businesses as well as the lack of economic infrastructure that should enable the conditions for
the establishment and development of new businesses is also limiting factors that slow the
overall development. The lack of affordable financing only makes this situation even more
difficult. Analysis has shown that certain progress has been achieved by small and some
medium enterprises in the field of production and that it could not be expected that large
economic entities will carry development.
Analysis showed also that the progress has been achieved in agriculture and tourism,
regardless of the difficult business conditions in this transition period. Urgent need is on the
economic development as priority in every respect and that development has to be through the
development of SMEs, tourism and agriculture.
The aim of the strategic direction #1.
First of all, to build a stimulating work environment that will help the survival and
development of existing SMEs, to build a business structure that will be attractive for new
investors and the establishment of new businesses, to build such an administrative apparatus
that will be efficient and quick service to all sector of the economy. Involves the direct
stimulation of the initial business assets in the municipal budget and incentives for
agricultural producers, establishment of the Fund or distribution of grants funds. Involves
actions in the field of tourism development, which the existing tourism organizations,
municipal services, NGOs and citizens themselves have to perform.
The steps in the process of realization of the most important strategic direction
As this is a very complex goal, the range of operational objectives and programs to be realized
is complex.
The first step is to define the operational objectives. As the development of small and medium
enterprises is greatest opportunity for employment, first operational objective is to create a
developed business environment for the smooth development of SMEs. The realization of this
goal is through the implementation of three programs as follows:
1. Program: Building institutional support for SME development,
2. Program: The program of financial support to SMEs
3. Program: Program to create the entrepreneurial infrastructure.
The second operational objective is the development of modern, market-oriented agriculture.
There are great opportunities and possibilities provided by the operating performance of this
objective through the implementation of 6 programs:
1. Program: Financial support for the development of agriculture,
2. Program: Development of infrastructure and human resources in agriculture,
3. Program: Improving livestock production,
4. Program: Improvement of fruit production,
5. Program: Program of production of biologically safe food
6. Program: building processing facilities.
The third operational objective is development of Teslic municipality as attractive tourist
This objective is attainable, given the tradition in tourism through the spa facilities.
It is to be achieved through the implementation of the following programs and projects that
contribute to it:
1. Program: Organizational strengthening and building of human resources,
2. Program: Design and implementation of special programs in tourism
5.2. Strategic direction #2 Infrastructure, rural development and ecology as a
prerequisite for a stable and prosperous community and quality of life for citizens
The reasons this development direction is second in strategic directions:
Infrastructure is one of the most important prerequisites of a stable and prosperous
community in any environment. As Teslic municipality has more than 70% of the population
living in rural areas, infrastructure development, especially in those areas is one of the main
directions of action in the next five years. The analysis showed that the Teslic municipality
infrastructure has about 100 km of local roads, of which only 50% are paved and 625 km of
unclassified roads with only 60 km paved. Many villages in remote areas do not have resolved
the problems of water supply and sanitation. Some remote local community centers do not
have basic infrastructure (water, post office, clinic, pharmacy, veterinary stations, etc.). Due
to poor living conditions in rural areas (including poor infrastructure), we have a situation
where more and more villages remain empty and with older population, and natural resources
remain unused. In addition to rural, some urban areas have insufficient infrastructure, and it
will be necessary to eliminate these problems in planned period, especially in segments that
are of interest to all citizens of the municipality.
Conservation and environmental protection are an important prerequisite for a healthy life, the
issue especially becomes more important when we consider that the EU requires of B&H in
pre-accession period to pay maximum attention to the preservation of nature and health of
The aim of the strategic direction #2
To prevent and correct the negative trends that take place in the rural area, it is necessary to
ensure a quality environment in these areas, which will include improvement of infrastructure
(completion of the modernization of road network, water supply, sanitation, etc.) and creating
a favorable climate for development of small businesses within rural households (especially
the creation of market-oriented farmers and households offering agro-tourism facilities).
We will achieve this through the realization of a series of planned projects. In addition, the
priority in the implementation of specific projects will have settlements with large number of
beneficiaries and the settlements in which residents expressed interest in participating in the
financing of specific projects that are of interest to all citizens of the community and not just
for the population of the metropolitan area.
The steps in the process of implementation of this important direction of development
Since the area of activity related to this strategic direction is broad, it has been divided into
three areas:
- The implementation of infrastructure development program
- The implementation of rural development program and
- The implementation of environmental protection program.
5.3. Strategic direction #3 Development of an integrated, dynamic and attractive
community with a developed partnership between local government, local selfgovernment and citizens of the economic and public sector
The reasons for defining this direction of development as a strategic direction
Integrated, dynamic and attractive community environment is the goal of each and every
community and political option. Because only such communities become “bait” for increased
investment, with young professionals within the population and environment for faster
Such community can be built only in a well-developed partnership between local
administration and settlements, in partnership with the NGO sector, in well-developed
relationships between business and public sector, in the recognizable activism of the citizens
in which citizens become partners of local administration in the implementation of jointly
planned and tailored goals.
As the above processes are not sufficiently developed and are missing it is understandable that
they are included in the strategic directions of development.
The aim of the strategic direction of #3
To change the situation were partnerships are still under-developed, were NGO’s and citizen’s
activism is not achieved sufficiently and were local administration and the entire public sector
does not yet have sufficient transparency, were young people have not yet found its role and
the level of needed activities. The intention is to achieve changes in the situation which
required it, so that the attractive local community becomes a reality.
The steps in the process of implementation of the strategic direction # 3
The realization of planned programs will contribute to significant changes and education of all
partners, who contribute with positive activism, creating attractiveness of the local
1. Program: Improving conditions and improvement of settlements’ work, through the
implementation, conduct training of personnel in settlements to become involved in the
creation of local development, and to initiate the citizens to take an active part,
2. Program: Improving relations with the Diaspora through the realization of which
diaspora should be involved in the development of the municipality,
3. Program: Implementation of the Youth Policy Strategy for the Teslic municipality in
which to secure conditions and initiate the process of achieving more active role of young
4. Program: Improving the organization and work of NGOs, whose active participation in
the implementation of positive social processes in the local community should be visible.
Improvement of public administration and public sector as a whole to contribute to building
of attractive community will be defined in this strategy as special strategic direction
5.4. Strategic direction #4 Increase efficiency and transparency of local administration
and public sector as a whole
The reason for defining this direction of development as a strategic direction #4
The analysis of the situation shows that the Municipality should be organized as a basic unit
of local self-government in which citizens in a democratic way fulfill their interests in the
areas of: culture, education, information, social and health care and meet the needs of local
residents in the area of utilities and services (water supply, electricity, cleaning, etc.).
Municipality should be constituted and developed as a community where public affairs and
finances functions of government are conducted according to the Constitution and the law.
This concept of local self-government presupposes and requires the establishment of various
models of local communities, depending on the social conditions and opportunities of
territory including the number of local residents.
Local administration carries and commences all public activities to meet the needs of local
communities with non-governmental and private sector partnerships make a team in order to
create better conditions and quality of life. Therefore, to satisfy all the needs in the
community the cooperation of public, private and NGO sector is needed, so that this
cooperation could created new democratic solutions tailored for all citizens. Their
responsibility in this process is increasing, according to the dynamics of living and growing
needs and aspirations of citizens in the creation of new community.
Today's conditions of work and activities of public, private and NGO sector is very dynamic,
creative and demanding, compared to the earlier period which was limited to institutionally
defined rules. Non-governmental organizations, civic associations and the private sector have
realized certain interests of the citizens, but in comparison to today's needs it’s still
insufficient. Our natural and human resources impose a common task to make the local
community as much as possible a democratic, richer and more attractive, primarily through
the development of entrepreneurship and business.
According to a survey conducted in April 2009, 20% of citizens were very satisfied and 64%
were satisfied with the work of local administration, which indicates that the municipal
administration, in its efficiency and transparency, there is a sufficient level of organizational
and human resources, with further training may be a guarantee of future successful
In addition, the development of IT technology offers opportunities to further increase the
efficiency of municipal administration, through the content modernization and strengthening
of capacities. The municipal administration and improvement of its capacity, is a key link in
the implementation phase of the Development Strategy.
Realization of this goal at an early stage of implementation of the Strategy will create better
conditions for the effective management of development, and set up systems for monitoring
the implementation of projects, implemented through the Strategy.
Comprehensiveness of municipal development Strategy requires acquisition and use of new
sources of investment funding, which through this goal would be realized.
Strategic direction will be implemented through the programs:
1. Program: Creating conditions for effective management of development,
2. Program: Strengthening the service and development components of Municipal
3. Program: New sources of financing investments in the Municipality,
4. Program: Modern and up-to-date web page with On-line service to communicate with
5. Program: Implementation of GAP in the field of urban planning regulations to
improve the mechanism for issuing construction permits,
5.5. Strategic direction #5 Building a stable, politically mature and socially safe
environment with advanced culture and sport
The reasons for defining this direction of development as a strategic direction
Past experience has shown that municipal unstable political situation in which there is no
correct political relations, and in which there is disagreement between the municipal
Assembly and Executive branch of administration, where there is animosity between political
parties, in which the political, lobbying, or private interests are put ahead of the general
interests of the local community, leads to delays in each direction of positive development.
Leading to the slow development of the local community and lack of utilization of all
possibilities that the community has as well as creating the negative public image of the local
Besides that, without a good cultural environment, good general conditions for life of citizens
and socially safe environment there can not be discussion about the attractiveness of the
The aim of the strategic direction #5
First of all, is to build cultural political dialogue, through the application of MPs Code, which
will define the priorities of development policies and take appropriate measures for their
implementation. Includes accelerated development of the cultural environment in general, as
well as increasing level of social security. Includes that in this positive process occurs faster
realization of development objectives and project more respect for local community as a
The steps in the process of implementation of the strategic direction #5
The implementation of planned projects and the adoption of principles that are the basis of
cultural behavior can contribute a lot to achievement of this goal. It is planned to achieve
strategic direction through the implementation of following programs:
1. Program: Promoting political stability and political culture
2. Program: Accelerated development of cultural environment sports will greatly
contribute to attractiveness of the local community.
3. Program: Improving Health Care
4. Program: Improving social security for citizens. This program will contribute to the
improvement of the social status for, at least, those most vulnerable families as well as
access to health care for all citizens.
5.6. Strategic direction #6 Human resource development in all subjects of local
The reason for defining this direction as strategic direction
Development and management of human resources is the foundation and basis for the
successful implementation of Teslic’s municipal development strategy. Without adequate
human resources to carry out development, the success of the implementation of the overall
strategy is questionable.
On the basis of local development vision statement (which in itself implies an intention for
Teslic to become a city of renowned businessmen, diligent and honest farmers, hard-working
and progressive students, city of hospitable employees in tourism and catering, with tolerant
religious leaders, efficient civil servants and the city open to all, city with flower alleys,
landscaped beach, modern hotel, good schools and modern living conditions) and defined
strategic directions, special emphasis has to be placed on management and development of
human resources.
The aim of the strategic direction of #6
First and foremost goal is to achieve sufficient critical mass of skilled and educated people
who can improve the development of the municipality in all segments (economy,
administration, culture, health, education).
The process of development and training of human resources needs to be continuous.
The steps in the process of implementation of the strategic direction # 6
To fully realize strategic direction #6, this direction has been divided into three programs
representing three segments of society in which to carry out activities to develop human
1. Program: Management and development of human resource in the area of public
2. Program: Management and development of human resource in the area of private
economic entities,
3. Program: Management and development of human resources in the segment of civil
society (NGOs, civic associations, etc.).
1. Development and management of human resources involves a systematic process of
adjusting interests, talents and abilities of members of the community with the long-term
objectives, economic conditions and opportunities in the community. Development plan
should include as many public, private and civic entities (citizens' associations, NGOs, etc.),
as possible so that their participation and suggestions lead to a broader support of all citizens
in the implementation of the plan. Local administration is one of the most important factors of
development. A modern, transparent and efficient administrative service can greatly
contribute to the equal development of all segments of society and serve as a link between
citizens, businesses and civil societies (NGOs, civic associations and etc.).
2. Human resource development is essential for qualitative and successful development of the
municipality and requires a certain time and financial resources while the strong economy is
one of the basic prerequisites for development. Educated professionals who run business
entities need to recognize the importance of constant improvement and education of young
people to address issues of ever present unemployment. The danger for the implementation of
the plan lies in the fact that the current expectations of solving the problems of unemployment
and the potentially realistic failure of such results can lead to aversion and rejection of the
plan as something that is unnecessary and a waste of time, money and resources.
In order to overcome this problem plan needs to have long-term systemic solutions but also to
be flexible enough to address the problems and current challenges, to be realistically
applicable given the resources and capacity that community has.
3. Civil society plays an important role in every community as a partner of the administration
and the animator of social change and indicator of community development. Today's time is a
time of strong and dynamic changes with global exchange of information and ideas. All these
changes are the opportunities but also obstacles to the implementation of development plan.
The concept of education that ends after graduation is a huge problem, and retrograde view of
the current reality. The new trend in education is a lifelong education where one is constantly
working on personal and professional development (formal and informal). Even the definition
of literacy has changed, today, in addition to knowing their mother tongue, knowledge of one
foreign language, active use of computers, significantly increases the possibilities of adapting
to the new trends.
Transfer of knowledge as well as exchange of highly educated people with the EU, USA and
other regions of the world is the basis for the successful implementation of new development
methods and technological processes. Improvement of knowledge of foreign languages, the
use of new information technology are basic prerequisites for the acceptance and adoption of
new skills.
Municipal development strategy for Teslic until 2015 is the series of programs and projects
which are in the function of the realization of operational objectives and strategic directions.
Well-placed programs and projects by themselves do not mean that outlined strategy would be
implemented. For the success of the implementation of the Strategy special importance is on
the project implementation and project management.
In order to avoid the consequences of poor implementation and management, and to increase
the chances for the realization of Municipal Development Strategy for 2015, this section
provides a plan of monitoring and evaluation of its implementation and proposed institutions
and mechanisms for regular updates.
Monitoring and Evaluation of Strategy for the municipality Teslic for the period 2010-2015,
are related to support, monitoring and control of all aspects of its implementation.
Monitoring involves collecting and analyzing data on the efficiency and quality of
implementation of the Strategy, in relation to the expected results. As a routine of monitoring
and adjustment of the Strategy throughout the period of its implementation, analysis of all
aspects of the current situation based on collected data and through visits to places of projects
Evaluation is a systematic and objective assessment of the Strategy for the period of
implementation and highlights the need for any modification, according to new
circumstances. It provides a deeper analysis of the effects and impact that has been made. For
the successful implementation of monitoring and evaluation it is necessary to define a suitable
system. For the development and definition of the system, it is important to consider related
development policies, programs, projects and evaluation. Mainly looking for answers to the
following questions:
• What will be measured?
• How often?
• Measurement technique?
• For what purposes research data will be used?
• What information should be provided to the users?
• How to get feedback?
Relations of development policies, programs, projects and evaluating is shown by the
following scheme:
Strategy Formulation - Strategy Implementation – Strategy results - Strategy Evaluation Strategy Review
Programming - Identification of the program goals - Formulation of goals and ways of
implementation - Implementation - Evaluation and revision ... while the monitoring and
evaluation of the implementation of projects will follow following schedule:
Previous audits - Assessment of the implementation - Subsequent evaluations.
The whole process of implementation of Teslic municipal development strategies should be
overseen by the Municipal Assembly, through its executive bodies and specifically
established body-the Commission for Municipal Development Planning (CfMDP).
Of executive bodies of the Assembly, in addition to the Mayor of the municipality as the main
carrier of these activities, monitoring and evaluating of Strategy implementation will include:
- Departments of the Municipal Administrative Service
- Department of Development
- Teslic Tourist organization
The main tasks for these participants in the Strategy monitoring and evaluation are:
• Establishment of appropriate procedures for the management and coordination (ie, defining
the system)
- Securing operation mechanism of public procurement in accordance with legal regulations
• Monitoring the process and assisting in the implementation of the Strategy through the
review of the overall feasibility including new projects and acquisition of additional funding
• Mediation in effective communication between the Municipality and all stakeholders in the
implementation process
• Promoting partnerships of all stakeholders in the implementation of the Strategy
Namely, private sector as a decisive factor for the implementation of the Strategy, would be
main driver of growth and job creation as well as the main carrier of the implementation of
development projects, and establishing partnership relations with private sector is the first
prerequisite of successful implementation and the evaluation of planned projects.
The good partnership is required with the Civil and Public sector, both in terms of ideas
creations and in terms of providing financial support, through participation in international
funding sources, as well as in terms of promoting cooperation in development projects,
including the realization of the project and inclusion of beneficiaries themselves.
The following matrix gives an overview of the key participants in the monitoring and
evaluation of strategy:
Municipal Assembly
Role in the implementation,
monitoring and evaluation of
the strategy
 Approves the draft of Strategy and
the final version of the Strategy
Consider annual reports on
implementation of the Strategy
 Approves the proposal to update
the Strategy
 Adopts key programs and projects
in which the main financier of the
implementation is Assembly
 Issues work orders for projects
 Combines reports from the
monitoring and preparation of draft
reports to the Assembly
 Proposes to the Assembly
proposals for updating the Strategy
 Proposes projects to the Assembly
for adoption
Commission for Municipal  Monitors the implementation of
Development Planning
the Strategy
 Prepares reports on the
implementation of the Strategy
 Provides suggestions for updating
of the Strategy to the Mayor
Department for Economic and Develops and implements projects
Social Affairs
within its jurisdiction
Role in financing
- Approves the budget for
the implementation of the
 Proposes budget for the
implementation of the
 Provides the necessary
co-financing from other
sources (Government of
Foundations EU, Private
Department for Housing and
communal services
Department for Urban
Department for General
Makes systems of indicators for
monitoring and evaluating of
Prepares reports on realized projects
from its jurisdiction
Prepares proposals for updating the
Strategy within its jurisdiction
Development Department
Teslic Tourism organization
Department of Finance
Private Sector
Civil sector
Develops and implements projects
within its jurisdiction
Makes systems of indicators for
monitoring and evaluation of
Prepares reports on realized projects
from its jurisdiction
Prepares proposals for updating the
Strategy within its jurisdiction
realization of certain projects
Prepares data on the implementation
of specific projects
preparation of specific projects
implementation of specific projects
Participates in the implementation of
Monitoring and Evaluation of
and Provides technical assistance in
preparing projects
Directly involved in the realization
of certain projects
Participates in the implementation,
monitoring and evaluation of
specific projects from the Strategy
- Prepares annual budget
- Conducts
related to the capital
market and other new
forms of project financing
projects of the Strategy
projects of the Strategy
VIII Annexes
8.1. Members of Partner group and CfMDP
The Municipal Assembly has appointed Partners Group for preparation of a strategic
development plan of the Teslic municipality for the period 2010-2015 which consists of:
1. Miodrag Lukic M. Sc Ecc
2. Stipo Cosic, B. Sc Ecc
3. Biljana Marjanovic, B. Sc. Lawyer
4. Borislav Predojević, M. Sc
5. Mira Kuzmanovic, B. Sc.
6. Kasim Salkic, B. Sc. Ecc
7. Njegomir Klječanin, B. Sc.
8. Mile Antešević, doc. med.
9. Aleksa Radešić, prof.
10. Dragutin Jelic, prof.
11. Zeljko Perisic, B. Sc.
12. Mehmed Kopic, ecc
13. Miro Dusanic
1. Nedeljko Misic, eng.
2. Stojko Petkovic, B. Sc. eng.
3. Borislav Rakic, B. Sc. Ecc
4. Milorad Vukovic, eng.
5. Marinko Djukic, prof.
6. Mr. Milenko Antešević, B. Sc. eng.
7. Zdravko Ostojic, B. Sc. Ecc
8. Miroslav Zelenković, B. Sc. eng
9. Zoran Đekić
10. Miroslav Arsenic
11. Goran (J.) Petrovic, B. Sc. Ecc
12. Novo Škrebić, B. Sc. ing.
13. Mehmed Đogic
14. Peter Djuric
15. Vjekoslav Jovic
16. Šemso Hodzic
1. Radivoje Radonjić - The farmers' association “Poljotes "
2. Goran Spiric - NGO "Futura plus"
3. Zoran Zelembabić - NGO Ecology
4. Enes Hajdarevic - Youth Ecological Society Kamenica
5. Drakul Biljana - The Association which provides help to children with special needs
6. Neven Rasic - Shooting Sport Club "Geofon"
7. Gordana Anđelić - Serbian educational-cultural Society “Prosvjeta”
8. Idriz Huseinovic - representative of national minorities
Commission for the Municipal Development Planning (CfMDP)
1. Miodrag Lukic M. Sc Ecc – President
2. Stipo Cosic B. Sc. – Member
3. Borislav Predojević M Sc. Eng. – Member
4. Mira Kuzmanovic B. Sc. eng. – Member
5. Biljana Marjanovic B. Sc. lawyer – member
6. Kasim Salkić B Sc. – Member
7. Branko Panic B Sc. – Member
8. Zoran Škrebic B Sc. – Member
9. Cedo Kovacevic B Sc. – Member
10. Dragan Misic B Sc. Eng. – Member
11. Koviljka Špirić B Sc – Member
12 Zeljko Perisic B Sc. Eng. – Member
13. Topic Miroslav B Sc.. – Member
8.2. Projects scoring criteria
When scoring projects used the following matrix:
5- up to 80%
The financial
4- up to 60%
participation of
3- up to 40%
the population
2- up to 20%
Percentage of
population that
will feel the
The impact on
through the
The economic
power of the
population and
level of area
History of
investment (in a
specific area)
Possible donor
Impact on the
benefit from the
The project is of
importance for
Fitting into the
strategic plan of
the municipality
1- only labor
5- above 80%
4- 50-80%
3- 25-50%
2- 10-25%
1- less than 10%
5- more than 10 employees employed
4- 4-9 employees employed
3- 1-3 employees employed
0- no employment
5- undeveloped
3- semi-developed
1- developed
5- fully sustainable
3- requires starting municipal assistance
1- requires municipal assistance for 1-3 years
0- requires constant municipal assistance
5- without capital investment for 5 years
4- without capital investment for 4 years
3- without capital investment for 3 years
1- previous year without capital investment
0- current investment exist
5- up to 80%
4- up to 60%
3- up to 40%
2- up to 20%
1- less than 20%
5-significantly decreases pollution
3-partially decreases pollution
1-no impact on pollution
0-increaces pollution
5-impacts youth in the whole municipality
3- impacts youth in 2-5 settlements
1 impacts youth in 1 settlements
0-no impact on youth
5-fully in accordance with the municipal
3- partially in accordance with the municipal
0-no relation to the strategic plan