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ff - iFPHC.org | Flower Pentecostal Heritage Center
SEPTEMBER 26 , 196 5
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lik(· a lin}" sparkling jewel hidden among the great now!}
gem .. : like a get1il ... sloping hill ()\'cr~hado\\"cd hy a gi~
gamic lowering 1l1O\11l1ain ,c,1H.,:h i ... the Hook of Titll:;.
There in the Divine l.illrar.\' are the incomparable legal
RQ/JIl/lls. the 1I1l~l1ri'a .. "ahl(; _,.,own' of Chnslian (\i"('ipline,
Conllf"iaJ!.~. the The,,-;:.loni<111 leiter" With their clarion
call oi the Sc{"one! ('(lIlling. the SfJlll1<1 arhi:.ory epi_~tle:; of
Timo/hy: and the heautifully comparati\'c /-/c[Jrcl,J!i. It
i<- among tllc!;.(' towering giant::; of sacred literature that
we find the small nook of Titlls.
"cry !'ieldo!ll does OIlt: 1war a sermon preached from
its texts, and kw arc the writers who choose to pen
exhortation ... fr0111 its pages. Yet here is an inexhaustible
yource oi matcrial. a gold mine of exten::;iv(! knowledge
which greatly enriches th<: soul. Its teachings trace the
orl\\-ard and upward movement of the whole inner !llan
under the g"lIidance of God's Holy Spirit.
The Book itself is a letter which was written hy tlre
aged Paul a shurt tinre hefore his hand was .<;tille<1 by
the execl1tioner's sword. The words were penned to the
young- Creek minister. Titlls, lIe had heen cO!H'erted
under Paul's ministry and had journeyed with the apostle a numher of times. lIe was pastor of the Corinthian
Church when Paul WI"Ok the Second Epistle to the
Corinthians, and later he hecame pastor and bishop of
Cn::le. IY au \ addresses Titus in tire 1110st endearing terllls
";\Iine own son after the curnmo n faith," ":,Iy partner
and fello\\'~ht'\per"-and of him the apostle .<;ays , "\Valked
we not in the same spirit - walked we not in the same
steps ?"
I would ]ike especially to draw your attention to the
second chapter of the Book where the wnter gi\'es a
most eloquellt dissertation Oil practical godliness, lifting
the theme to a. glo rious climax with the words, ., For
the graee of God that hringeth salvation hath appeared
to all men, teaching us that. denymg ungodliness and
worldly lusts, we should li\'e soberly, righteously. and
godly. in this prc:.cnt world; looking for that blessed
hope. and the glorious appearing of the grrat Cod and
our Sa\'iour jesus CbrL"t.'·
In the first instance we are told that the gospel is
for all men! This is the glory of the gospel. that it is
not a hidden mystery. but it is to he proclaimed to the
whole eanh. Simeon, holding the Holy Babe in his arms.
hurst forth in ecsta:.y at the revelation. ';)'line eyes have
seen thy salvation. which thou hast prepared hdore the
face of all people." The sins of the whole world were
expiated; and the only reason this doe~ not affect tht
salvation of tvery man is hecause some reject it. ~o
man is outside the mercy of God untess he deliherately
places himself there.
Paul now holds up the high objecti\'e, the gloriou:.
hope. the preeminent incentive of the Christian Church.
the seCO.ld coming of Christ. The majestic splendor of
this described even t is then !)rought within sight and
realization of the humblest child of God- within the
handclasp of the newest recruit in the "army of the
saverl"-as Paul proceeds to name the three steps to
the Rapture at the second coming of Christ. Three steps?
Yes, only three, and these hold the secret of participation
in that grand "jubi lee oi all ages."
Concisely, briefly, and without mincing words, the
apostle gives forth the requisites and declares that the
grace of God "teaches" us the same. In the original
Greek the word u sed for t(,aching implies the idea of
a disciplining process-bringing into subjection our llllman nature and thereby refining it until the objectionable portions are submerged by those attributes brought
to us in the ncw life of God breathed into us at sal\'ation. I t is a regulation of this new life which has
been born from above.
A ll three of the "teachings" arc disciplinary measures
and have to do with our lives in thi s present worldou r contacts of all kinds in the p rocesses of life.
The first step is described by the word soberly. Thi s
word entails a very minute examination of all desires,
ambitions, and the pnrposes that arise in our hearts.
Christianity is a malleI' of the individual heart before
it is a matter for the street. The word so(>('y as here
used is one associated with wakefulness-watchfulness
- vigilance. Paul elsewhere enjoins. "Let us watch and
be sober." Peter also admonishes thu s.
Cah'in said. "\\'e an' commanded not merely to moderation in eating and drinl,.ing', hut to spiritual sohriety.
rather. when we shut in all our sellses. that they do not
intoxicate them~el\'l!s with the unla\\'ful things of the
world." \\'e nl\!!>t not allow the things of the world to
draw us into a state oi unnatural excitement or lull
us into a stul)()r. Born in tiloug-ht, ilhcit desires. If har4
hored. will re!>ld! in deeds: and these. if cOlHmitted. will
shape: into an undone eternity.
\\'hat an ex amp\(' of this foregoing descnption j" found
in the expression. "),fy Lord delaycth his t"OI111ng." in
relation to an expected return of a master. It is illustrated
hy a Lo! in Sodom, by a Balaam beiore a H,dak. and
hy a mess of 1X)tt:l.ge accepted for a hirthrig'ht I ~o
\\'onder our Lord warned. "Take heed to \,oflYsrft'I's , ..
The Inward look wilh discipline will hrin!! the upward
look with assurance. \\'e stand no\\' atOp the fir.~t ~ll'p.
"RighteoJlsly" is the next step. l{ig'hteou~nes:. i:. the
outward !l.l<lnifest:l.tion and expression of a holy hl.'art
~o \\'e have the sequence of thest' words placed \cry
correctly by Paul: first ourselns. and then our relatiol1
with others. This latter is the point where we tollch the
world. j lere we sec the sin. the shame. the ~()rrow. and
the heanache; at work we are surrounded hy it. on the
!-treet almost encompassed with it. and yet the Christian
meets the world with a heart nlld life COlllpleldy separated frOIll the desire for it or participation in it. There
l11ust he a spi ritu al separation and phy:.ical r(·nunClaUOll.
This triumph is like a jo:.eph in Egypt. !i"ing in the
simplicity of holiness. showing- tu an un~cr1Jp\llolis
Egyptian a righteous life by refusing to defile himself:
like Shadrach, ~Ieshach, and Abednego. in the midst of
pagan idolatry, !i\'ing righteously and refusing to bow
the knee to the image. Triumphant righteous li\,jng is
based on one foundation-a cleansing of the heart in
sober, individual , disciplinary living.
\Ve have but to take one more step of this insep,'lrabk
triumvirate of experience. "Codly." There must come a
"ery practical realization of the presence of God and a
yielding to Hi s claims in Ollr daily life.
A Ilumber of years ago Charl<,s ),1. Sheldon realized
Ihis, and wrote a hook. ill His St('ps. of wh ich more
copies ha\'e been sold than any other except the Bible.
In that book he applied the question . in practically all
the circumstances of everyday liic. ';\\111at \Vollid
jesus Do?"
John \\'esley was criticized with the words, ;'l-ie has
taken religion out of the parlor and placed it in the
kitchen," And rightly so for true Christia!1!ty Tllust bring
a knowledge of the presence of God 24 hours of tht'
day, SC\'en days a week. and ::.2 w('('ks a year. in and
through all circumstances of life. We shollid ever enjoy
the gloriolls privilege of livi ng under the cyes of God.
QUI' lives should he lived \\'ith God. for God. and in God.
Then as we successfll lly mount the three steps. "soberly." "righteously," and ';godly," we sha11 await the COI1 sl1!lHllation, lhe glorification, the "glorious appearing of
the great God and our Sav iour. Jesus Christ: who gavc
himself for us, that he might redeem us from all iniquity,
and purify unto himself a peculiar people. zealous of
good works."
luez Sturgeon aud her husband, F. A. Sturgeon, recently movcd
to Orangev<llc, Calif. (near Sacr;JlllentoL to he ll:l.stor<; of the
First Assembly of God thcre.
Tell Them the Truth!
It's rally lime ill .-\menca-lIllle ior a great Sunday ~cho()l rally 111
cn;-ry church-time 10 rally all our forces and reap the ripened grain
\h:l\ is so precious to tht Lord of the harvc"t. .\11<1 if the puhlic
opinion polls arc c() rrcCI , the Amcrican people arc Illor t rcady to
accept an invitation to SUTH!ay school and church today than c\cr hdorc.
t\ poll take!! this "lIIlllTle r hy the I-Iarri~ Survey of \\'ashington found
that 97 percent of the achl1t population p rofess a belief in God; 72.
percent, a helief ill an nfter life. Only Ollt Olll of 100 calls hirn':>clf an
athci~t tod:\y (th~H is, says he doc ... 1101 helieve in the ('xi..,tcncc of
God), and on ly two 011\ of 100 call lhcll1~ck('s ag!lostic~ (that IS.
they say the existe nce of God is unknown , and p robahly unknowahle)
The \'a~t ma jority claim ~ol11e kind of re\igiou!; faith.
But the poll also rc\"{:alcd that only about half of the American people attend religions se f\'ice ~ as ofteH a~ once a week. ,\lillions of 1)(:0pic who claim to believe in God "c1dom, if ever, darken a church door.
When interviewed hy po lltakers, many of them appeared to be plagued
by a had l.:ollsciellce c01H:crning the depth of their religions I.:Olllm itment.
and expressed the hope that their children will he 'more religions than
•\\ayb(' they <Lre hoping their childre n will attend Sunday school
and church reglllarly , en:n if they thell1sehes do not. This is wi shful
thinking I Om job is to enroll the emire family in Sunda y school.
Thi s lIlay he th e rellledy for the had parent ..\! I.:onscience.
The fact that more people nrc attending church today than a generati on ago is no reason to relax our soul -winning effort s. On the contrary.
we need to pause and ask what kind of preaching they arc getting whcn
they go to chllfch. Docs their church preach the gospel? ;\re they
told they need a )Jew Birth? Do they hear the pure W ord of God?
Or is their pastor Olle of the "new breed" of clergymen who talk
more about race than righteousness, who preach on universal peace
rather than individual peace with Cod, who are more concerned with
the war 011 poverty than with man's battle against sin? '\Iany people
are fed up with the social gospel. They hunger for "old-timc rdigioll .,
A ttending a church that has a form of godlincss but denies the
power of God (sec 2 Timothy 3 :5) may he more dangerous than
attending no church at all. It can gi\'e people a false sense of security.
\Ve need to double our efforts to Imng people in touch with the
truth. \Vc need to warn th em that hea\'en is real: that hell i~ real:
that they tllllst repent, turn away from their sins. and have a re:ll
experience of sa lvatioll if they would miss the place of eternal tormellt and gain a home in heavell.
This is a day when preachers like to talk abont God's goodness hut
seldom mention His severi ty. The Bible teache::; hoth. all the way
through. In the Old Testament. God revcaled Himself to \Ioses as
One who is "me rciful and gracious." willing to forgive sin. but also
as One who " will by no means clear the guilty" (Exodus 34 :6. 7 ) .
In the New, Jesu s stressed God's 10\'e for mankind hut also emphasized
lIis hatred o f sin . and said, "Except ye repeni, ye shall all likewi se
During I\ational Sunday school weck, which begins today, we need to
gather people of every age into Sunday school And wh en they come. let
liS tell them the truth ahout the future life- al)Qllt the \\"<1\' of sah'ation
to escape the dC\'il"s hell, and ahOllt the Spirit-filled life of holiness
which will lead thelll to God's heaven. They need not perish \Ve
must offer thern the \Vord of Life.
SE PTE MB ER 25. 19"', -_ ,0, -_
Offklal Voice of the Auemhliu <II Cod
IHS B""nvlUe Avenue. SpTinllfield, Mi ne",ri ti'502
BERT \VEBB, E:rerJl tir'c Dlrertor
R. G. CHAMI'IO:-'-, Mouogi11g Editor
NORMA:" PEARSALl., Art Editor
CARl. G. CONNER, Cirw/o lioH Manager
P(P"'''' TME~T '''L
1<1hn G~r1ock, For~ign :\li ..io,,.; i!ulh Lyon, I10me
:\Ii ..ion s ; F. W. Cotb~ulI"h, Hadio; D. V. Hu rs t,
LH.. - Evangdism; !Jurto" W. Pierce.
:\Ien's Fellow s hip; Joh"",e Batnu, I(oyal RanKen; E"erett J ames, Lig ht for t he Lou; Vu"e
~lacKinney. Speed·the·li~h t; Fra nc., Fo . ur, Boy .
~nd Gi rls 1\Ii uiona ry Cru,ade; A nn ,\ hlf, Women' ,
Mi uionn ry Couneil; Charlotte Schumitsch. 1\Ii . ·
.; oneUe •.
Ben Webb (Chairm~n). E. W. Bethany . G. R.
Carl'on. N. D. Davidson. G. \\'. 1!ardCHtle, Sr.,
D. H. :\IcL"ughlin, Kermit Reneau . R. IT. We.,,1
Tho,. F. Zimmum"n (Gon. Su p t.). Bort Webb .
Gayle l' Lowis. C. W. 11. Scott. H. S. Uu oh .
J. 1'. HOK~n, Bartlolt Peterson. ~1. D. Netul.
E. \\'. Both~ny, G. R. Call.on. N. O. O",.id.on.
G. W. Ibrdc~ ~ tl~. Sr .. D. It. :lld.,'Ul(hlin, K erm it
Reneau, R. II. We~d .
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"T AT E "~~T
\\"E BEll EVE the Bi ble to he the iu .p i"d
an d onl y inl al1ih1e and authoritativo Word of God.
WE IlEUEVE thaI there is one Go d, eternally
~~istont in three person s: God the F ather. God
the Son . and God the Holy Ghos t. WE nr:I.!EVE
in the deity of our Lord ]e~u . (" hr,OI, in Hi .
virgin hirth. in Hi . sinl..,. life . in Hi . miracle.,
in lIi s ,·ic,.i ou . ""d atoni"l{ death, in Hi. hodily
'·c.\ lIrrection. i" Hi s ascension to the right h.,nd
o f thc Father, and in IIi . personal luture reo
tllrn to thi s e.'t!h in power and Rlory to rule ~
tll0l1 •.",,1 ye~,". WE BELIEVE in the file,.ed
!lope, which i. the Hapture of the Cburch 01
Christ'. con,i"K. WE BELIEVE that th e only
me,,,, , of being cleansed from sin is lhrollgh
repentance and Inith in the preCiOIlS blood of
rhrist. WE BELIEVE that reg eneration by the
lIo1y Spirit i. ah ..,hlle ly eHe nti,1 for personal
soh-at ion . WE Df:UEVE that the redemptive
work of Ch ri .t on the cro ss pro\"idu heaHng
of th e human body in an . wer to bdie~ing pra)'er .
WE I1(SLlEVE th.,t tho hapti.m 01 the Holy
Spirit . acC()rdin~ to '\CIS 2:4 . is I/i"en t o he ·
liev ers who a . k for it. WE DELIEVE in the
,""ct ifyi ng pOwel of the Holy Spirit by whos e
illdwdHng the ChrIStian i. onahlell to liv. a hotr
life . WE IlELIEVE in the re . urreclion 01 both the
sav.d and the lost, the one t o everla sting life
and the other to e"er1asti,,~ damnation.
Copyrlshl INS by the General Cound! of the
As semh lie. of God, 1445 Doonville Avenue, Spring '
field, Mo. Printed in U.S.A. Second·dan po.tage
paid at Spring field, Mo.
M .\ . .
for he IS an eternal ;;Qui linng
in a lllortal hody. \Ve read in 2 Corimhians 4'16,
Ihal "though ollr outward man perish, yet the inward
Illall is rcne\\"('c1 day hy day"
Sometimes yOll ha\'e a hard week, with trememloll:-'
b.."lulcs. Your mind reels under tht: imp..1.ct of Sntan'"
attacks. You find yourself just simply weary-weary in
mind. wc:uy in hody: and you go to God's hOt1~c needing something fn:sh frOIll hc~\Ycn,
The oul ward man is perishing. I t is getting older
\Vc cannot stop 'hat. because old age is one of the resuits of man's fall into sin. "But though OUf outward
man perish, yet Ihl' inward m<ln is rcncwcd day hy day,"
\Vc arc so constituted physically that we need the rhythm
of eati ng, working, and resting ill staled periods. \\'e
cannot cat on(.: enormous m<.;al that will sustain ll:S for
a whole week. This would cause terrihle imligestion.
We would have feas t , then famine.
We know this is not practical for the physical hody.
yet it is exactly \. . hat some IX'op1c try to do spiritually
They will cOllle to church OIl Sunday morning. and will
sit back in their scats . fold their arms, and look a t the
preacher as if to say ... Feed me!" But no minister can
feed you enough to last you a week. You have to read
the Word of God every day. You have to let your milld
and thoughts dwell 0 11 spiritual things e,·ery day. Theil
if you C:\llIlot get to church for evcry sen·ice, thank
God you do not ha\'e to become :t spir itual weakling.
This is not to discredit church attendancc. God forbid!
\Ve need to meet tOKether: "Not iorsaking Ihe assembling
of ourselves together." \\·c need Christian fellowship .
\Ve nced to hear the Word of God. UU! God has pllt
in our own hal Ids I lis wonderful \Vord. and lie ha~
given us thc IllcallS of access 10 the thronc of gr:lc<.;
so that wc do not have to sta n'~' just becal1SC we Ca ll110!
get together with other saint s.
As we get I1p in years, the body gi\"cs 011t. The 011t ward man is perishing. IJm Christ docs Ilot leave liS at
a certain age. \Ve can go from strength to strcl1Kth in
the namc of the Lord so Ih:1I e\"ell in auf old age we
shall know llim in a most wonderful and heautiful way .
II; ,\ ""il.ADOX,
"Feed thc flock of God." Peter WfotC. \\'e need '11l
appetite for spiritual things. That is why I like to dig
into the Word of God and set a spiritual tahle.
··J{'SltS has a 'able spread
Where Ihc S(lillls of God an' fed,
He invi/es /lis choSi"1 pcoplc, COlJlt 1II1(/ dim'.
IVith /lis 1II0nllO H e dolh feed
And supplies ou r
'tis S7i.'ccl 10 SliP with Jeslts all the tilllc."
How is your appetite? When you get sick physica!1y
YOll say , "I don·t want to eat." \Vc11. if ),011 don·, feel
like eat ing spiri tually , there is something wrong 100.
Yon are spiriltlally siek.
\Ve need to lOve the \'Vorcl of God. \Ve do not wam
to remai n in t hat bahy state where we ha\"e to have
the milk bailIe all the ti me, to he fcd and entertained.
But, bless God, we need to he fed with the strong meat
of the Word!
;-Jaw it IS nccessary that you gel your spiritual ""itaSEPTE MBER 26. 1965
Pa stor, Minn t apol is GOlpel To bernocle
M inn eapo li l , Minnesoto
mins," \\"e h:H'C a lot of \·ita1llins in the \Vonl of (;od,
Isaiah say:-,. "F..,'cn the youths shall faim and II<: \\cary.
and thc young' men shall I1Iterly fall: hut the) that wait
upon t he Lord sha!! ren('w their strength: they shall
mOllnt up with wings as cagles; they shall fun, and not
he wcary: thcy ~hall walk . amI 110t mint'· (40:31).
Therc arc plenty of \·it:uniI1S. minerals, protein s am\
thaI is what we need. C;o Ollt and say like David, "For
hy thee I ha\c n1l1 thrOI1Kh a troop; hy 1l1\' (;0<1 havl'
1 leapeu o\C r a waiL"
Sat:l11 is a rcal cnemy. and we arc in a real warfan'
\\'c can either fight or nlTl. So many in .\merica han'
chosclI to take tranquilizer:-. In order to forget their
worri<.;S. But. thank (;od, lie can tift the hl1rdens of
J I is saints. \\'hen yOI1 cast your burdens on the Lord,
lie will Mistain YOIl That i<; a real tr:11lquili7.er. and it
ciocs the mO:-.t good when taken ill :1(1\';111('(' of each
day·s hattk.
YOIl need 10 ll1<.;ct Cod and 1"e:l(\ llis \\'on\ ("'er~
1110rning. Sometimes we arc so tired at night tha t all
we do is ]'Ioim 10 the Bihle and say. "Lord, thcm's my
sentiments !" Then wc fall into bed. We have gone all
day and left the last tired mOJllents of the evening for
a littk devotion. Israel had to gather manna early in
the morning'. becausc when the SIIIl came up it evaporated
and was gone Tha t is typical of ou r gelling' spiril!lal
food from Cod at the beginning of the day. We need
to rcad the Word. feed Oil it, make it a pan of u s.
;"lcditate on it day hy day, so that as one wonderful
(Co nlinurd
0 11
pflyr t11"' III.\'-0IIr J
The following is a spontan eo us e xpression
of what the Holy Spirit hos don e in the life of
one Spirit-boptiud believer ,
Tu,lock, Coli' o," io
1011\11'. IX'OPJt. a~k. "\\'hal gl.lod i~ th(·
hapli ... JlI of tilt 11 !l1} SI,mt?" The BaptislIl hring..;
:1I1 oH'r\\'hl'hllilll-: lo\(' and (I()~cnns 10 )c ~l1~_ Th('ft'
is ann\'. d ('('!, 10\(' fIJI' (;od. fur my church. and 111\'
ft'J](J\\·l1W J1. )nlJ' h;h lot'('{!I1](' a li\111g' j>CI\\'cr ill my lif..:
a 1l('W (('aliI}
I han' fOlllld the loapti'i11l of Ihe Iioly Spirit has a
rC\'oltl!iOllary t'ffect ill 111 0111), ways. It hrings:
1 II .\'(,1.' /}/'sjr( Jor I/II1I1J11ll1tiUJ! oj God's Word
a. Ther(' i~ a lIew ('3g-('ruess to know what lie says
aholll questions Ihat ari~l'_
II, Thl' \\'ord hOI ... ht'C01t1t-' new :l1ld living.
c. :\ew truths, new hlesslIlgs arc discovered daily in
this rich stvr('hou ~l' o f treasures.
d. There IS OJ. COIl'itant fca st at His hountiful h:mquct
2. .. I Nl"I.l' CUJI(f't ll Jor Others
a. [t brings increased compassion and love for those
without Christ.
h. There is a ncw tendl'rness and concern for tllOse
(If the "hou ... ehold of fai th ."
MO\lll 'JI
.3. A
Qui(~,t'lll'd CO/luiI'll(/'
The inward sl'archlight of the Iioly Spirit has sta rtled
me many timcs hy Ilis rcvclations of things I never
knew l'x i!.tcd in thl' inncrmo!.1 recesses of my heart in
~J!ch areas as spiritual pride. intellectual pridc, self·
centcn:d!les~. a ~taid stu ffiness. Hi s searchlight penetra tes
('\'erything j( we let it :"hinc.
4 .. -/ XI" .I "illli'IISioll 10 LiJe
There is a new spirit of discernment. understanding.
insight, and dl'~tin)'. and a greater scnse of well-heing .
5. P01('CY 10 01'1'1'(0 ''' 1' Temptations
One actually Ix"(:omes scnsiti\'e to any slight tcndency
to comprol11 i;.c. "Be ye trausformed" has a new Illeanmg
in cn"ry area of m)' life.
6. Strnlyelhellfd Iwd Enlarged Faith
:1. There is spiritual growth: with stronger faith T
pre;.s onward and Ilpward.
h. I ha\e learned to exp..:ct definite manifestations of
Il is lo\'(~ and powcr daily.
7, /I N('1t, Sf! oj Vallles
Wilh each li tl[c pmchase I find myself asking, "Is
this really needed ?" "Will it bring blessing?" "Wi1\ it
glorify Ill)' Lord ?" The result is a new a nd wholesome
set of va [lies. II actually is a delight to give to the
Lord. I have learned what giving "cheerfully" (hila riollsly) means.
8. /I Lot!e Jor All Bclievers
a. Everyone who really loves the Lord Jesus. regardless of race or church affiliation is truly my brother
or sister ill the Lord.
h. Pn.'Concei\·ed notions. ideas, theological training, personal dogmas are all upset. rn place of relying on former
te;\chings. J go directly to the \\·ord. asking the Holy
Spirit to give nl(' His answer.
c. ":\ s the heavens are h i/.!"her than the earth, so are
11l.\- ways than ~-our ways. and my thoughts than your
thoughh" (ba iah 55 :9).
d. Former cri ticisms and 01<1 prejudices and <,kepticisms
\ ani~h in Ili s presenc('.
/"descriflabfc Joy. Peace. alld Love
a "\f)' Ctlp runneth o\e r" \nd til(' more it o\'crflows, the lIlorc lie pour~ in.
h. I thought f knew a little ahout the abundant life
in Christ; now I realize J am barely touching the outside
fringe s as richer blessings come daily from Hi s hand.
10. NI"w f'ou'/'I' lIlId Fre edom 10 IYit lJ ess
;I , An ('agtrness to make the Lord known super sedes
all former h('sitation and ineffectiveness.
II. \Vh creas once I was rcluctam to speak for my
Lord, I now find it difficult to kcep C]uiet about Him
and I II ... matchless love for all.
II. A Xl'1.\' .h.'lIrl'lJl'ss oj "God's Tilllc Clod'"
a. I li\'(' in joyous expectancy of His "ery soon return.
b. lie has givcn mc full confidence that lIe will supply the power and grace I need to stand truc regardless
of IXhsiblc trials vr persecutions.
12. "Itrll si/ied Prl1'j'er LiJe
:: The rich blessings resulting from a minist ry of
intercessory prayer 011,- nriceless.
Sometimes it is costly to 'he body and strength. es·
pecinlly when I am awakened in ~he night with i.I terrific hmdcll oj prayer for n certain person. or problem,
or situation that the Lord places upon my heart.
Somctillles the hurden lifts shortly: at other times it
continues two or three hours. There have heen instances
when [ have tried to go hack to rest, only to continlle
praying lIntil He has given a certain calm, peace, and
];. The J loly Spirit has taught me to be specific in
petilions, as \\'ell as in praise and adoration. where
forl11erly I often prayed in generalities. sometimes with
little real concern.
c. Praying in the Spi rit continues to he a trcmendOllS
experience a humhling and melting before the Lord in
the consciou sness that the Holy Spirit i ~ directly inter·
ceding hefore the Throne of Grace,
I \\'ould say, in conclusion, the Spiri t-filled life is
JOYOIlS, sol id. and enduring.
I. It hecollles sweeter and mo,e preciolls daily.
2. There is a release from fears, doubts, and guilt.
3. :\Iy spirit once bound, captiye, is gloriousiy free
soaring into new heights, new depths of joy. power,
ami faith in thi s new love of the Lord.
4. Each day brings ad\'emure in the way s of the Lord.
a. T hese tremendous blessings ca\lse me to pray: "Lon!..
enlarge my capacity to receive, as well as to share with
01 hers the wonde rs of Thy grace."
D. Xo thrills of thi s world can possibly hold a candle
to the thrilling experiences afforded by the i><lpti slll of
Ihe Holy Spirit.
c. This is for everyone who hungers and thirsts, who
asks for iL obeys H im ill complete surrender, believes,
and is willing to receive.
.I( A Y
• 5e'''tccmcn', Rcprul;' nta t i"l!
I~' \\j')(1'
\. "111"" \1 ,'11 ,plain ROl1a[j\ lk lInd,
wrote fro"1 Da :\·al1~ . .":'"uth \'i(,lll<1111 .. \n . \".
semblie:,> of (;()(\ lad was hrolll!hl il1\o our fit'ld htl"pilal
already dead €In arri\'al 11(" \\":1." Kenrwth \\. Parker.
lanct' t'orporal. L :-:.. ~ I.C.. i r(J1ll J)t:, tt'r, ~ I i,,~ou fI "
.\nother I('tler ,';Ltl1(' to the !-'('n'iCt'lllell's Division irom
\Vaync, a ~Iafln{' 111 Chu 1..;11. ~()\l1h \'it'tnalll. l'o...luo1\(,d
atop a hunk("r O\'('rlooking tlw China Sea he wrote .. [
was \"try glad !O f('cei\"(~ your leuN. Lctters mean ('V{,1l
non: in this dc,.,olation caileel \'il'tnam 1 am \'t'I"\' thankiul
:or the work you :l.rt' doing, \I~ "piritllal ~tatt1S has
:lecil greatly jeopardized. It i.~ riifiicult just \() slay ali\('
:1('re. The only other Chrbuan I know, \lanl1(' L;lIlce
:orporal Ilol<lcr '\'as killed 111 \1;1\' 18 111 ill allack
)" the Viet Congo IIis mother and father :11"(' both
nClllbers of tht' \.~sell1blies oj (;0<1."
rhe Sen'lcelllen s Oi\'isio11 OJ the \sscm1lli(· ... 01 Cot!
·erves as a link bctw('ell til(' soldicr and thc hOIllt.· cburch.
It IS charged with the ohligatlon to alert the il'ilowship
to its spiritual responsibilities to Tllohilized youth. ,\pathy
WIll he disastrous. It secrns that tht., scream of each lit:\\"
headline urges us to hasten in this effective minist r\" to
the mi lit ary.
An increasing- !lllluher of our churches across the count ry are displaying the ccrtificate, Our .1Iissioll to
.Hilitary. Thi" beautiful certificate is pre"entcc\ to each
church which indudes the Servicemcn's Di\';sion in its
regular budget.
Thc Servicemen's Div ision, a ministry of thc national
you th departmcnt (Ch rist's ,\mhassadors) of the Assemblies of God. is perforlllill~ a great sen'ice on bt'half
of all our churches. It is extending Ollr full-gospel llIini!>t ry into a military COll11l1Ulllty of more than t\\"o ami
a half million men and their familics.
According to thc sel"\'icetl1cn's rcpresclltati\'c in the
U.S .. Rohe rt R. Way. the goal of this mini~'>1fy is twofold:
( I ) To reach every unsaved scrviccman with til{' gospc! message; and
( 2 ) To encourage every Ch ristian scrdccman 10 li\·c
a victorious spiritual Iifc during his tour of acti\'e duty.
To accompl ish t hesc aims a \'ariely of literature is
cont inually mack a\'ailahlc hoth to the local church and
the serv iceman.
T he chu rch may rccl'i\'c thc Serviccme n's lIonor Hol\
to ket:p its service pcrsonnel before the congregation for
prayer. Also, Prayer lVarrior is sent to those who ag-r('c
to carry a prayer burden for ollr peace-keeping forcc:;.
For military personnel. the Scnicemen's Di\'ision provides free of charge ;\ se ries of t racts, helpful booklets.
ser mons, guidance pamphlets , a guidebook for !lew
Chr isti ans (No1!' If"lwt.?) , a paperback hook (Th(' Cross
and tile SU'ifellb/ad£'). Bible study manuals on \lark ami
Cori nthians, and OIher current productions.
Letters s t ream from the Division ill a constant flow,
:\early 65,0Cl0 pieces of mail annually carry encouragement ;"Illd the offer o f help 10 the recruit and carccr
' 'I'
SEPT EMBER 26 , 1965
~oldit'r alike Tl1l' n'plil'~ tt'll (Ii tho ... (· wh" ha\'\' hc'TLl
",;\\.(,(\ ami ~Jlirituali.\· hk~"t(l.
... It Fasj', a tjuarh:rly puhlication. i,., "{'Itt to all whtht'
11;\111('" arc.' on otlr mailIng: li:-;(
kn.·,'iJh' I,., periodically
pfondt'd to all arnlt"d iurn'" l'{:r~onnt'1 \\"ho can t"iit'(ti\'el~
U"'l' it.
TIlt' ~en Kl'lllt:n':-; n'l'rt'''l'lHatlH' III Europe (R.ichard
]). Fulml'r) Im~ org-;tnl/ed ,:;:; idIO\\"hip gruup:- of Sl'r
\'il't'IlWIl who !lWt"t lI\ l1Iolltbl~ g-:tt!iell!1L{s ior ~piritt1al
..,trt'll~thl'llillg awl l'\·'1I1gl'lism. From 1\:-; oiiiCl' in ~pring
fil"ld. )'Ii..,,,o(lri, tilt" :-;\'I\i('ull('Il ' ~ 1)1\'bHlII prondt"~ \":1111
ailit' as"btanC(' to the European l'r0t.:f;nll ami II! thl' \\"or111f till' \""l"1I1\)I,('" tli (;,lci cJ\apl:tII\" :lnlllllli thl' W\lrld.
Th(' .";("f\ICt'IIlt'II'S J)in"'lOlI dq>t.'II\I~ n:l collfributlOib
irolll tilt' churcht'''' and Illtl'rt,,,tnl !l1rb\"ltlllal~ to fWallct'
!h g-oo(( work. ("h\!n:he~ Will n'cei\~' l1lt~~\()nary credit
jor their oij{'rings. [)fJt'~ yOllr chll1"\'h',., hlllle!in hoard
dl~pla\' the identif\"l\lJ.{ n'rtlficalc. Onr II'.IJIOII III Ih,'
.11 ilitllr.\"
DOIt'Il m the swamp paddy ul/llrr the sky,
,·1 plaCl' full of hmror 10 liN (If to die .
B/lmmg by day 1/1 the heat of thl' S/lII,
SJllv'rmg by IlIght tdlUl the day's Co/41st"
Snlpmg at em?lIIleS as plalles roar o'rrheod,
We slIccor the lll'mg; I/'e bury the dNUI
DOI/.m in the rice paddy, (/eolh all around.
PUmes in the bit/(' sky, bombs on the ground,
Terror ami darkness art tnth liS at wRh(,
EI'il stalks tl'nyu'hcre It! broad daylight,
No hope for a 1e.(plte Il'Ilni the day 1.\ dOlle ,
No place oul of wllge of the nfh' or glnl.
/Jow " III the I'lel 51(,(lIlIP, far fro III OIH friends,
The flaSh of fI nfle mlather life euds.
Fel'fT and agile wrack body (nul soul,
Life is a tor/me m tillS dIsmal hole,
Fet u'e're buoyed up m 0/11 femhle phght;
For God IS still Inlh us, alld our C(w~e is flRhl
Down In Ihe Slfomp hole Inth olle Itle 10 gll'e:
Freely 1["05 given thai Ireedom lIIay /II'e,
Closer alld closer we C/l11R to the earth,
Dreaming of home mid Ihe laml 01 oza blrlh;
JIll' stOlid by our comrat/es. 110 foes call dIVide;
W e're true to 0141 buddies who fight by Ollr side.
DO/PI", the rice paddy, IIl1df'T t he HIm,
Hoping 0141 eflorts will IIOt be HI ,'aitl,
Bem/rlg /he bnmt 01 an Im ewli ll ~ fight,
Doing am 14 /most 101 God alld th e rig ht
A meTlcuns, pray lor your SOli S 0/1 I he lille:
B e true to yO ItT COlmlry; seek gl4idall ce dwilll'
.\" :UH,npnj>lh ,\mt'r;can ~~T\';('eTllall in ~"Ulh \'ictllarn Jl<:llIIcd
line,. Tht:y \\t'f(' ~uhmittcd to the .-\~~{"lIIblic~ 1)£ God SCf_
for IlllblicatilJll.
s:ml!' pc.-TlI'.-' a IIltH'h ... mall('r 1I\111111('r
Highlighting the Genera l Council Reports ...
Tlt'w e'1I1rrht·s wen" {ijICLW
111 rI,l
and 11H'1llt.(·rslul' l1\ tIl(" \""('1111, WS 01
',or! 1tI tlus C"lIntrv lIlrr('a'('d K 1 1'1'1"
('('III (from ;; 14 ..:;.~2 to ~~5.()I}21
__ igl1ificall! ;Hh-;IIl{"t'S \\1'1('
hilt in hon\!' nllS~IOn!l lbo. ')fit'rinl!
fur liUIll!' mi ..... iomi It 'wi all all·
ll11W hll!h. with" ·10 IX n'nl im'rea",'
were :111l"1lJ.:" ! Il{' hig:hligflh
111 till' n'l'0rt whieh til{ ('('t1l"r;\1
]J('ril1lt·lJ(knt. T I i'illl1lll'fJll;tn. pn'
_('l1tl'r! at lIlt' (rclinal CII111wd ",(·~sillll'
111 1).", \loi11('''. Iowa, 1;,"1 Illonth
"TIl\" 110ly ""int h at w/)rk, 1\Tt'S'
lIlg "ou]., frol1\ 11l(> "m'IlIY and pn'
panllj:!' .. Hrilk Tllr 'IIIr \\''111,l''rilll.
J-OOIl-{"1)11I11lg: I.ord." .. aid IIrlltl\<'r IUll111{'l"Inan
• • •
TIll' (;t'Il('ral Slll'trint('1H\I'nt nut
lu1t'd tlw ll1nctilm.. (If Iht, 1\('\\
Spil'ltl1al 1,Ife Evangelism Commission which has heen \'('1'\ actin' in
rec(,llt mon ths,
Tilt, Iltw Cll1111ni"sion l~ ('oordinal
ing t11(' {'\'allge1i~11l thrust of all dt:partlllf'llts: assisting 111 \arinus !'ffnrts
to win tht' lost, plann11lg' alld promoting slIch spiritual ('mpha .. ('s a .. Ill("
\\'(,(·k of Prayt'r, Bihk reading, :Iwl
family dC\'Oliolls; and prtH'idinJ.:" ser\'ice~ for our full-tinw ('v:lngeli .. h_
Another fl1nc tio ll is 10 pro\'id(' a
plaCI'11lt'ni sen' ice 10 a .. si"t 101.\'111('11 who
are will ing to IllOW' \0 a nt'w nren
nml hl'lp support it piom'('r church.
In thi.. . cOlllwetion. a \ Iohili/al ion ;\1111
PlaC{'Ill(' Il \ ~(:r\'ict' (\I .. \ p~) IS now
in emhryo, Certain steps ha\'c already
hccn lakcn, 11(' said, including th(' dcvclopmc nt of a Jist of ad\'antageous
ta rget a reas fo r new cil11 rche . . nl \'a n Oll S dist ricts,
• • •
Brothe r Zinlillc r ma n a nnounced Ihat
the Assembl ies of God III Crent
Br itai n and Irela nd. as well ns the
Pentecostal :\ sselllhlies of Canada, \nll
JOIII with L~.
\s~mhlics III oh8
'-('r"1II1; tl\(" 111\"('r -I \\ ('el oj I'rave
lal1l1<.r, 2-9, l/f,(,. II! als( ll1entlonf'd
illt' 11(-;'" ,l!m!hlv I,ul,hcatloll ,Jdi.'(Huc
wl11('h Will Iw 11ltrodl1ced 111 Octo]'.'\'.
(k"IJ,:llt'd sp<'C1fKall\' jor 11liuist . . rs anrl
dl\lrdl kad('r~, a1lf1 lilt' .... 111pha~ls on
l,..r~(>1lal ('I-,1ngdi"'lll, II" llch will hI'
chnrch-wHlt, during' Tr;l1llin~
\Iomh f _1;llll1ar~' I(I(~I
I{dl'rring 10 the prny('r COllf('TI'I1('('~
C'r>millcl('d 111 "\"t'n aTl'a~ b.~1 \\'lllI('r
Iw "aid
TiH'~(' tillll'~ oi pray1.'r :tnd
\\'aitlng 011 C,,,,[ wC'rt" all I1bl)lrat 'I
tnt! 111I'""ing til thost, of U~ who at
1ended_ "
I It- add('rI' "\ broad, coordinakd
("-;I11j:!;('hstic l!tn ... t i~ heing drafted to
pro\'id(' a whnJto-churt"ll-family participa\llJl1, in\'oh-ing our 111('n. WOIll('II.
and youth, \\'(' \lrg-.. . our 1'Iltlrc fellowship to be much ill prayer that 111
t'\'(~rr way w(" \\"ill hav(' the mind oi
tlw SpIrit in Ih(',,(' plans:'
• •
Ilartlett 1'<:\('rSOIl, Ge neral Sccn'tary, told til(' General COlillcil t hai
duri llg" til(' pa~t two yea rs lIet gaim
\\"l're mark in the ml1nher of churches
and mini!'lh.'rs, a~ well as church 11\('m·
here;. Theft' arc now R.452 chtlrche~
with 5:-:-.()92 ll1('mb('rs- -and 10.2.17
ordainf"d mlnisl('r.... I low{'\-('r, Broth('1
l'<"tcrsOI1 cxpressl'd concern o\'cr til("
r('lati,-('I." "mall n1l111I1('r of per"ons hl'il1J.:" added 10 our list of licensed mi nisters, O nly ,19 have heen gained in
the past two years,
Ill' pointed out that " many of our
ordaincd ministers ha\'e no\\" reached
an age hrackct 111 which a much la rger
11ul11l1('r of tlt'aths occur. \ \ 'hile it is
tru(, tha t o rdaincd ministers who come
to us from other f{'l1ow~ hi ps a rc on
the increase, the \lumher of m{'n C0111ing up in ou r ranks is insuffic ient
to l11ainta in {'\ell a sta tu s quo ill t he
ordained list.
",\ few )'ear~ ago a la rger pe rcentage of our ),outh felt called to the
ministry. It is noticeable that our pres('lit hroader emphasis includes other
purHI1IS in life, and that during this
(.ur \"outh h c'nh:rtllg till' 1l\illi~lry
IS ; tflU" of 0111 hi~tory as it IS
tll(· 111~toT\ I.i otiwr (.-IHlrches 1)('IOf{' us, that ill(" church product'S what
... Ill" pn:ach('s, lias a tll11(, arfl\{'d when
• stml\- should h(' made of this inlportant suhj('cl with a \'it,\\- to re('\-aluat;oll )f 0111" din'ctillll:'''
• • •
\1 B. '\ctzcl. f '~'l1cral Treasun-r
f('p0rlt·d that ofi('ring's Tln-inri for
all pUTJIII .. t·,.., \11c1uding- mi ... -;i01h. \11l"feased 111 J!1(.t ami again III 1%5,
as did abo till' \'olulll(' of ~ales by
Ihl' (;ospl'l l'nhlislllllg' Iioust'. l'sing
tht, fiscal year ItJ':;c, a ... a hasis for
('omparison, h(' said nff('rillgs ill 1965
111cl"t':ls('d 7':; IH.'ft'('11l and (;ospcl Publishing I louse ...ales incn·:l-;(·d {~.9 perc('nt,
III' stat("d that ].ondt'd iwkhtcdness
the \cilllllli ... lratinl1 Builciing at the
natIOnal hC'<l(iqu;lrtcrs III ~1)ringfi('ld.
\\hid\ amlll1!lI\'d origina!I~' to S2,OOO,()('() bas been retil1('('d to $1,188,000.
• • •
Brothel' (\('tlel cited th(' churches
of thre(' <listricts for oll!.~ta1Hhng parlicipation in tht' Coop('fat;\·(' Plan. fn
I<)hl Xorth Dakota led all thc <1i5trict~ ill this regard with W.95 per('t'nt (approxilll:tl{'ly om'-half) of all
churches ill the statc participating,
Xe\\' Jersey was second. with -l5.7
percent. and :\ l il111{'sota third, with
3'; .1 percellt.
The top threl' chmch<:s il1 Cooperati\'e Plan gi\'illg for It)(rt were:
Calvary Full Gospel ;\ss(,I111>ly of
C od. Inglewood, Calif. (:\ Jarcl1s Gaston, p.1,stor)
Bethel Temple, Los ;\ng('i('s, Calif.
,,\rne H . \'ick, p.1swr)
(~Iad Tiding~ Tahcrnacl{', Xcw York
City pfarie E. Brown and R Stanley
Be rg, p<"1stors)
,\l the 31st (jeneral Council tll"O ne \\'
weTe e1ttted 10 the executive'
presbytcry, T. E. Gan non \\ a~ chosen to
fill the \'acanc), left by Ihe reti rement
of G, F. Lewis, an a ~~ i ~ l ant general
,uperintendent; and J 05cph R. FlOlI"er
was elected to succeed the late Richard
J. Rergstrom as a nonresident executive presbyter.
Watch the Et t(mgl'i for detailed reports and photos from the General Council in the weeks ahead, A number of the
Council ~efmons will alll)('ar also, depending on the amount of space available,
1I1 e m hcT~
R,'1';1'alliml' IS \lOW h('<lnl 1,~ 11 /)IT
I)('opl(' than ('\I'r ',dnn', Tlw \lUll1L~'r
of stations rdcasm~ II as. Ii \pril
was -t(H,
;t11-11IIlC' high. In til\"
t wo yt."ar ... II m'w slatllln .. )Ubldt" lilt"
\H'rt' addtO(1.
• • •
II ~ last \:\1
211. ) ~1-\ (Omolled
~lig:ht I!llf(·l ... t
\\"If L
r 11 I \'s .lId tlrls f 'It" "'unit.; ~
.-.('ho"j,; StO,
\\' ree ru I ~ J::i\ ing
~-l.".';()2!l; Oil
I )a\
Hll\s utd 1;1 S l '1111 contiue t'
the \anUI cii:trHb 11 '~A \t('11
gr~'lt ','lrim; 1
Tht !alt",1 ~unda\' ...dtool 'q)(Irl:>
from l ' S. dmll..-iws .. !to\\" I,Oi),,",.C}7('nrol1t-d, an men·a ..,· I 4,11"\1 ,)\er tW)
years a~l). Tlwrt· .fl' ,",'I;?'} ~l1ndn
schuob. an 1Ill·n·a~, If 37 :-;uul!-o \\"on
to Chn"-t In tht· :-;l1mby schoo\:; 111
I!)()I 1lL1I1l1wll'd ",q.2tXl
Utlwr 11lt •.·re-ILlIJ.:" 'ol:tti!-otlt,; ,'acatlon
Hih1e ~cllU()! .. \\"("1'1' ("(lndl1elt'd It, J.;
-; )
\11:' t
1\(' I Uld
I ;ul\
"I rit
)\. \-1-.03-l
o;fI' \\
(1 wIth
'~\.1111[1'" :It 1(1~
1"":( I \\ 01 ,r
\J ).,
,0 ~
JIll It'll
t" 1)("
g:1\ \'
( Until.:
Helll" olt'l1 T
l °11 1111 n
!Jamt 1 c
( l\.:t-e-
c .lIt
n 1-\; 1 ~ l :t~
t. tIll' (t'1\·I.,1
I) I
" '" IIj1lell
" " , ,n d" ", " II,·hili I:
,,1\11; "
dl ' ~h , 'I
'J{: le,
, ",
, n
" qlt· " < , I, "
'" I
n "I
• • •
~1)()r l"
'11 )dl'lin~
10ani!!' ,
Executive Presbytery of the Assemblies of God /1965-67/
T. F. Zimme,man
Be,t Webb
H. S. Blish
C. W. H. Scott
Gen. SlIpt.
Anista nt
Gen. Supt .
Gen . SlIpt
T . E. Gannon
Gen . SlIpt
J . P. Hogan
Gen . Supt.
Kermit Reneall
South Central
B. Peterson
R. H. Wead
Great Lakes
M . B. Nehel
Gene,a l
D. H. Mc:Lallghlin
N. D. David$on
A, ea
G. W. Hardcastle
Gllif StotCI
G. R, Ca,hon
No,th Central
J . R. Flower
E. W. Betha ny
RAU OF GROWTH IN THE U.S.A . 1914~ 196 5
___ ,. .
, ,
.... .
added to l1etham
Ilolllt', 1.akeland, Fb.
~" '+
• • •
The Trnth for YOl1tll progra.m of
personal cvang(,lism has \)('COI11(,: an
olltstanding f('atll1'C of the Christ ">
Amhnso;<1dors pn ;g- r<1!ll. In two years
the young people distrihuted 9.2,iR,.
693 gospel tracts,
They gave $312...+74 to Speed-the·
Light last r<:<1r, Total Speed-the-l.ight
gi\'ing nOw exccf'ds fi\'e 111illio11 dol ·
SUlllmer c<lmps for youth 1l~I.\'e he·
COI11(' very popular I ,as\ year 64 YOllih
camps report('(\ a total enrollment of
I 0,637 ca!l1pc r ~ :md 2.169 workers.
At Ihese camps. 1,114 young peoplc
made decisions for Christ alld 1.601
received the hapti:.nl of the Il oly Spirit.
• • •
As of April. 2.1 ,\ssemhlies of God
ministers were doing acti\'e duty as
military chaplaillS, They reported ap·
proxima tely 4.000 indi\'ieluals professed pcrsonal com'crsion to Christ
through this ministry to the armed
services in the past fiscal year.
• • •
~ :;.-:"..
Enrollment at
.... ,.,.-0;. ,
.-- '
,. ·
-I- -' 0-••
-- ..
/- "
- '/.' 'l
..". .n. ,"
/.:';' ."
t-/ '"
~." "
',':" A
_0-v' / +-
. ..
.. ,..T', ,
of God
Bible and liheral arts college~ last fall
was 3,613. an increase of 13.9 l.ercelll
ove r the previou :- n-.: ar. [\hotH 60 perccm of the !)tt1dent~ :lre in tllt'ol ogital
programs a nd 40 percent ill the :lIb
and sciences.
Correspondence cOl1rses offered Inthe Bereall Schoo l of th(· Bihle C(lll·
timle to find wide fa\'or, ,\bOUI hali
of the ('mollct's arc minis\('rial students: the remainder arc Chri.o;lian la~
workers, In 1964 the Berean School
issued 762 certificates for COlllpltll:d
courses. an an:!rage of I S per week.
Central Bible Institute h;lc! 634 SIUdents enrolled last year. an increase
of 14,2 percelll over th e pre\'iotls yea r.
There were 93 gradl1ates in the class
of '6S.
Eyangel Co1\cge had 786 students
enrolled and reported 102 graduates
in its cbss of '65,
• • •
World ~rissio!ls offerings rccei\'ed
in 1964 tOlaled $..'3.750,000 st'tting a
new r('cord in gifts to Assemblies of
Goel !1Iissioll~. AI1I111al per capita giv·
ing \\'as SI':;.73, In other words, the
tOlal contributions to missions aver·
agcd out to $1,31 per mOlllh for each
than five cent" pe"
• • •
,, ,• " "" .," , • • ," •, ,, , • .", ·, . ,, ,• •" .•
•+ r •r • r • • • • + •r • r •r • .."
," ,
, '"
there wen' 89'
and 372 hOmt1111S~lOnarte~
.\ll1ong th{' hOI11(, n1l';sionarie:. wert
()H III ,\Iaska, I~U for .\mcrican Tn,
dian:;, tI ior thl ./ews. ,=i4 mimstc ring
to the c\t·af. I to riw hhnd. and Iltlll1erot1~ Te('11 Chall(,l1g(' workers,
• •
\len" 1'c1lo\Yshil' l)eparl1~ll·llt re
ported a good growlh in ~TF memhership. and abo in giits 10 r,ighl
tor·tht·I,o:;t '[, here arc no\\' 1.582
eharterNI group:- oj H()~'a l Ranger~
with IQ.187 men and hoys enrolled
Thls I" douhle t he numher rcponed
a year ago. I Towe\·cr. it is estimated
then' arc an addi tiona l 3.500 Roya l
Rangt'rs !(rOllpS not n't cha rtered Ie-Ill
pha"l"; IS heing placed upon leadersh Ip
training al t he p rcscl1I time Ahou t
2.700 11\('11 an' now ('nrolled I!i l<.ova
]< a ngers correspondenc(' courses oi
leadershi] , training,
• • •
])urini!' the bie nnium ,;27.507 order,
wen' proc('s::;ed at the Cospel Publishltt~ House I an ltlcreaSt· of 12l )
Tht' !)ak of Bible::;, boob,
and otht" church sllpphe~ increased
The ;'dllS1c DiviSIOn, Sli11 compara
tively ne\\'. ha ~ developed a largt
repertoire of choir hooks, sheet music,
allt]J('!ll ~ . ;lml (Ilstrumen \al lllusic. Reccnth- the \llIsic Division released its
first 'hi ·fi album, a selecti On of choral
arrnngc11lellts cntitled. To Cod Bi' the
Glor.\'. fcawrin g l ht- choir of First
,\sseIllhly In ~leI)1phis directed by Paul
Ferrin .
Fou r n('w puhlication s were mtrodl1ced by the Church School Litera ·
l\1re !)taff. hringing the IOt;1lto 43. :\e \\
icatures ha\'e been int rouuced in oth·
er publications , including a broader
(sevc n·ycar) cycle of uniform Sun·
day school lessons on adult. youth ,
and junior high levels,
• • •
The paid circulation of The [Jel lt C'
costa! Et'aI!{!ri increased fro m 182"
361 in :;.,tarcl 1%~ to 188,336 In
April ]96s' Approximately 11 mill ion
copies were printed in the past year,
One issue, a special Crusade Jssue
puhli~hed in )'Tay 1964, had a total
priming of a million copies, a new
all-time record for any single issue
of the E7I(1nge!.
(CoHli lll!rd Ol! patjr t'i ,·mty·jlvr)
\ DAY! Saturday" July Ii, was ont: oi th" ... t'
most hlessed days here ill Calcutta when OHr heart ... wt·n·
filled to overflowing with the joy of the I.orc!. \\'e
have witnessed ovcr 600 non-Chri!:iti:l!1 young men sit
and listcn for o\'cr three hour~ to the gloriou ... go;.pel
of Jesus Christ.
This \\'a'i our second Liglll-for-the-Lost rally of the
\\"e51 Bengal Bible Corre~pondcnce ~choo1. \\'e had invited sollle of the student:. li\'ing in and around Calcutta
to he presellt. ;\Iany of those who carne had already
completed the 13 lessons of the course and thus hac!
some knowledge of the Bihle and the !'erson of Jcsus
Everyone sat attentively while D. P. Roychoudhur)
presented the deeper and precious truths of God's \\'or<1.
One Uengali brothe r. a cOllverted ilin ciu. gave his testimOllv of how he had found Christ as his Sa\·iour. Ilis
testi;nony was most impressive ill convincing these young
men of the reality of s,.l\":\lion.
LTnlcss you have lahored in a non-Christian place. you
will find it difficult to understand the keen excitement
of such a rally' as this. Yml know how difficult it can
be to hore with an electric drill a hole in a piece of metal.
The drill hums and slows down. Only with great patience and pcrSC\'cra nce arc yon ahle to accomplish the
task. This is the way it is working for God in a pag-an
land" The people are schooled in hcathen philosophy
which scoffs at the idea of a Saviour; fetlered by fear~
and superstitions ; misguided by deluded and deceh'ingpriests. On top of all Ihi s, they are bewildered hy the
pleasing propaganda of the Communists. It takes nothing less than a mighty visitation of the Holy Spirit to
hring togethe r such a crowd of seekers as we saw in
this rally.
Many of these young men stayed hehind for further
counseling and prayer. They fined the prayer chapel
and were standing five deep around the walls.
Our correspondence school covers a vast area. :\lany
of the 4.000 students live in remote jungle areas where
Indion mUlicions ploying instruments during the
Light_for_the_Lolt roily in Colcutto .
their onl.l opporlmnt.\' of rect'i\ in!! and ... tmlyrng {rod':.,
\\"on! is through cOl"n'spondence. Brother ~tanll":V Swar!laker. in chargT of our B('ugair cour ...e. i ... a yOlrng lawyer
who ha~ In ... m:l~ter'~ degrel' III .1;"1\\' atlll i ... prescntly
"tndying ior his haci1l'lor of <ilnlllty dCf,:rtt· III an
\!lg"lican colkg(·. 11(' i~ thoroughly 1\'nt('Co~tal ;lIld ha~
a prombmg futun' 111 the sen' ice of the I .on\.
The progre~ ... of till" \\·l'st Bengal Bihle Corre"polI(\ence
School i ... made IX) ...... ,hk hy literature from l.ight·forthe-Lost. Both of Ollr C\-.Hlg-t'li ... tic teall1~. the K11Ig'" :\Ien
and the Light-and-l.ift team. go Ollt \\c('kl~' armed wl\h
tracts and gosptls pr()\-itit'd by Light-for-tlre-Lo~L E\'ery
tract is prillt('d \\'i th ;\11 lm'itation to ('moll 111 th(' corre ... pondence .school. This is our only IIlCath of makingthe~t' \':lluahlt· contacts.
Our prt'SCl1t big J.Ight-for-lhe-Lo"t proj<'Ct .... the DUIll
Dum Crusadc. Dum Dum is the area :lround the Calcutta
airport. the large ... t air terminal between Tokyo and London. Land is heing purchased for a new church building,
:ltl{\ the area is heing opened up hy a IItcrature campaign. EXC1tt'1lIent for the project is nlmlinf,: high E\erVO!lC is hlh\ filling 125,000 pla ... tic hOI!!" with tfaCb
:tn"" booklch n;"dt: possihle hy Light-for-the-Lo..,t
Dum Dum i~ Oil the t'dge of llH'tropolitall Calcutta
and is 40 miles from the Pakistan horder. It sen'es a
multimillion population. and we arc helining: <;ocl to help
us huild a lighthouse for lIim right in the heart of ih
residential area.
All of thi s c\"angclistic fen'or and achien'lllent could
ncver have hccn accomplished without the trelllcndou'"
hel p from Light-for-the-Losl. \\·e here at the crossroad"
of the East can only thank God from the hottom of
ou r hearts for ('\'cry Asscmbli('s of (;od layman who is
making this great literature program I>ossibie. On behalf
of the Pentecostal helic\"ers here in Calcntta. lIlay I
thank you in the name oi the l..onl.
Ov~, 600 people list~ " ed ottentively to D. P. Roychoudhury during
the roily of th~ West B ~ ngol Bible Correspondence School.
Kodiak, Alasko, located in the nort heast co,ne ' ot Kodiak IsIClnd, is the oldes t city in Alaska.
Ministering In
Ihe King Crab Capilal orlhe World
PClstor, Assembly of God in Kodiok , Alasko
l":OI)IAI--:. ' \1.\~K.\. IS the largest sellkltlCnt oi the Kodiilk
Is1:tnd grollp :tlHl is the oldest ('ity in the state. It is
sitlla\(~d al the foot of J'ilbr \1/)II11\ain on the shores
\if Saml l'all1"s Bay. in thc northeast corner of I\:ocliak
Islaml. wbic11 1Ill":tSllrt·" 1"ollghly 1.::;0 !Jli1t:s.
ThIs histone 1O\\'n i~ dul' north of 1101101\1111 and due
west of JUIlCal!, beillg slighlly farther north than Glasgo\\"
C01)etlhagen. and \Ioscow.
The 1"ecord<:d 11l:>lory of "odlak dales hach: to 174 I
\\·hen the Hering Expcdition skirted these shores on their
return to Rl1ssia aftcr explor ing the 11l:ullland of Alasb.
T he slln'\\"ors of this ('xp("d tt iotl lOok a fc\,' of the sea
Ol1er skins hack \\"ith thel11. and 111(" sight oi thi,; fahliloll~
I)C\t callsed eXC1!Cl11elll among" fur traders I1l1eCju;\lcd l""ell
I,y the famou;; gold rllsh of a latc r date.
The local econom.,· today. ho\\"en::r. is hased brgely on
the fishing industry. Ihe most puhlicized of which is the
)\: o(ilak king crab.
The work of the . \s~e111hl!e...; of Cot! 111 this histone
clIy . ho\\"c\"er. is on)r ahOIiL 10 \'('ars old. III 19.; ';.
Hrolher amI ~ister Char1c~ O. Ilirschy felt led to hcgin
a ful1-gospel \\"orl..: in I": oel lak The~' rented a hUllle and
hegan to hold sen'iccs 111 their living room. I .aler on
they \\"ere able to pl1rchase a ll\t111her of fille lots and
hegin COW5I1"I1Clion of the present church huilding.
I n JU lle. 1960. my \\"i fe and 1 "'ere appoimed paslors
of the r\:od iak .\ssemhly and cont in11ed the COllStrl1Cl ioll
of the huilding . . \1 the preselll lillle we ha"(, eight lots
and the nearly completed com hi nation ch11rch-parsonage.
Ollr congregation . hJ..:t many .\laskan congregal ions,
is cont inually changing. \ \·c 111inistcr 10 S0111e from tlw
Kodiak :'\ a\'al lIase . located fi\"{' m iles Otlblde the tOWI1.
The average sen'iceman and his famih- arc here for two
William Cummins, shown with his wife ond five so ns (on othe r
son wos born in July ), has pasto.ed Ihe KodiClk Auembly since 1960 .
Picturc d abo ... c orc the chi ldren '. Sundo y sc hool claues with th ei r te ach e . l, ond a t th e right
il t he o ttroctiv e combination ch u .ch. po. lo no ge 0 1 Kod iok ,
vears, . \1 the prt:st:1lI, howt: \'er , 0\11' cong-I'cgation is la rgt'Iy Ill:l.de up of local people, and the possihilities for a
strong work here appear to be excellent.
(;od has wonderfully pro\'idcd oyer the years, \\'c h,l\c
a lw ays had a ch\lrch pian ist, a 'sunday school staff. and
\ BS workers, Quite a suhstantial numher ot propk han'
1Ieen sa\'cd, and during the past Yl;ar we h;\\'c sccn an
i!lcrea~w<1 interl;st in the fili I gospe1. \\'(' haw' a full ~ospcl pr;l ycr uwetlng each T1Hlr.~(!:l.) ('\'rning esp{'cially
for thost.: int eresled in Ihe haptism of the Iioly Spirit.
SinCt' the :"1;lfch, 1964, ranhCj\l:lJ.:c' and tidal wa\'e,
regiofl:l.1 All Tnhes Indian Hih\('
S.chool, with Don I{, Ibmsc)' as pre~>!(knt. opened Septemher 20 in Phorni x , .\rizon:t, The school has heefl
remodeled and all space lIIilizeci. The school ter m will
end in :"[ay,
t\ TBS is pro\'id ing a three-ye:l. t' graded course !ll
BIble suhjects and a stress OIl langu:l.gcs ( l1:1ti\'e as well
as English), :"1 !!sic is o ptio nal Ther(' ;\re four morning
study classes,
During' tir e afternoons stude nts arc t:xpected to work
,It jobs in the city to finance their Hlble education, Johs
are arranged and foll o w -u ps arc made hy school pNsonne!.
:\ student Heed nOt be a high-school graduate to qualify
for enrollment al A T BS, ,\ lso, a stucknt 111:1:<1 [J ot han:
a call to pUlpit l\lini st r)' to find the school \'a\uahle for
spirilllal Christian training, An Imlial1 interpreter, a pa,,lOr, o r an c \'a n~ e1is t should he ahle to follow Ins calling'
with confidence iollow ing cOlllp1etion of the three-year
course, J7ield trips and preachmg tottI'S wi ll he sclwdliled
frC'(lllen tly,
T ire school will ha\'e n111(, staff lllembers, lnc1ud1llg
Kodiak has lH:1.'1l 111 the process oi n,h.'lhne rdlll1lding
which includes complete !lew waterirOnl :l.nd downtown
areas, new st reets. and many new homl.'S. I am reminded
of the words of the 1)""lmist, "Excql1 the I.onl l'lIil<1
Ihe hOll~C tlre.1 lah,)r in \'ail\ that build it I''t'ept t h ~' I ,unl
keep the cit~, tlw watchman waketh but in \;\111," (;0<\
h,\s a lready c\t't1lollstr;l1ed to Kodiak that the works or
1ll\:'[J':- hand~ can he swept awa~' in a IlI0111l'llI o f tinll'
\'ra~ tlrat then' wiJ1 he a g'rca tcr acceptance oi the lllCS *
"ag-e of the Cross that will I'nahk' lllen to lay up the
truc nchcs that cannot he sl\ept a\\'al-,
tht: prc:>idelll (who is al:;o an imtructor ). Other ~taii
11H.::mbcrs arc: \'ice-presidenl Joe Ila nna (also an ill ~trl1ctor ) : Bel1Y lia nna, instructor; \ 'irgim:l Ram~ey,
hus iness manage r Paulmc :"Iastries, gi r ls' dormitory Sll pe r\'l Sor , host('~s. and !llusic instructor: Ro} :"likesel1.
plant main tenance foreman: and Barh,lra \\'i\lo\\,sby,
head cook Two other positions are yet to h(' iil1ec\
• • •
TIlE :-;'EWI.Y OR(;:\:-;'JZEIJ
2, 6 ,
\'irgil and Eunice ~ilmpson hal'e acccpted tlit" pasto rat e of the Phocnix Indian ,\s:-.e1l1hly, TI1('Y \\'il1 co '
urd inate their congregational sen'ices with thos ..: of \1\
Tri bes In dia n Blhle school. IIrolher Ra1l1!>ey will act as
~cnior topa,;\O r of til(' school a1\(1 !lli~~I(ln
,\nyo ne wishing to spomor a .o;wde1l1 hy cOlltrihlllingS40 a month SIO for tllitiun :l.od S30 for room and
hO:1 rcl- Illay sClld hIS offering 10 the 11()!1le :'I!i~siolls
J)epant1WI1I, 144;; Boom,ille ,ht.:"
6;;R02, clearly desig nated for: j)/rocllix, ,l r i:;ou(I, /mii(!ll
Biblc School Stud('nt Fund _
O fferings for Il omc ~ I iss;ons (including I, ulian, :\!as ka,
Dcaf, Blind, FOfeign- l.an!(uage, P rison, T een Cha llenge,
;ll1d Jewi.~h llIi ni~l ri es) shou ld lit, mailed to
144 5
A. V E "
MO ,
Babies on the t-Iavaha Indian reservatian in
th e Sauthwelt remai n in a cradle
board until they are old enaugh ta .... alk.
~~W~~(Dl~ ~liTI ~~® @W~liTI~ ~~liTIW(DlliTI ~W®~
\YM@liTI~ ~~~®mru~~~®~ (Dl~ @(Dl~ ~~~W~~
the Little Colorado River cOJl1munity
of Cameron, Ariz., hav~' petitioned
their Tribal Council at W indow I~ock
headquarters for a mission land gratH
on which to build a new Assemhlies
of God church.
The congregation, by fai th, has
started a huilding fund and has obtained a 42-p<.ssenger bus for transporting- families to church Specd-theLight funds helped the cong rcgalion
pl1 rchase the latc-model vehicle.
I3rothcr and Sister Don Ramsey
have been ministering 10 the congregation since July, 1%1. They had
moved to Tuba City, A riz .. a nearby
reservation cOtl1munity in 1960. Feel ing led of God to initiate a new mission in the area. the Ram scys traveled
to se\'eral nearby communities attempting to locate a group of lndians
open to the message of the gospel.
In 1%1, they met an Assemhlies of
God lady, Ruth Bradford. who was
anxious to see her community reached
with the full gospel.
When the Bradfords moved to
Cameron in 1959 to take a secular
job, there were no church services
conducted by any group. There was,
though. a small Sunday school class
sponsored by one of the neighbors.
Sister Bradford suggested that they
hegin jointly conducting Wednesday
night services. The neighbor ag reed,
;md soon her house space was too
small for those attending.
Sister Bradford began transporting
two of th e Indian fami lies to Tuba
Paint Sublime an th e narth rim af th e Grand Canyon .
City on Sundays for church serv Ices
there. The distance between the two
C011lmunities is 25 miles, but this was
the closest full -gospel work to Camcrol! . The Rradfords and Ra mseys
agreed to join forces in instituting
regular evangelistic services at Cam('rOll .
\Veekly Satmday evening services
were started III a lean-to at the
Sema11 ie family camp on the north
side of the Little Colorado River canyon. \·Vithin a few weeks other families began to appear for services, and
Ih(' cOllgrl'(!:qioTl gn'\\ 10 apl,nlxi11lah'
PfRSPf[lIYE ~ ·
I) .lO.
\\'1\('11 cold \\'('atlwr forccd Ihl' g-rtltlP
Cod movl'd on the hl'art~ oi
a \'oung :\a\'aho ("oupll' 10 opc'n Ihl'lI'
hOlI1(' for tht' ~1·nKI'S. Thl' Hq.:a\~
(1\\III,.'d Ihe larg-t'~1 h0111e in tht· ('orn'
1Jll1nity, and h~ spring Iht'lr li\ill(!
rOO11l \\"a~ accommodating all an'ragc'
of iO, SOOl1 til(' Ikgay hOl11e \\"a:-. IfK)
:-.111:111 for Ihe g'rowing cOIlg'rl'galU'l1
\ Cltholic man. Charlit· 111I~kon,
IIt'gall attl"mhllg ~t'n'icl'~ ami t'm'our,
Olg-l'<i the 1I11~~lflllaf\' to apply ior 1"l'11I:1.1
oi the 11('\\,1\ con:-.lrllCled Call1l'ron
Chaptl'r 11011 ~t' 1('011111 Hl1l1t Y buildingHrothcr lbm~('y w:\.., granted l)('rI111"
~ioll to n.'nt IhlS in:' Sl1nd:1\ S('r\'1C{,~
for S2() :1. month. TIl(" congrl'/!"aliorl
lIa.., Iwcn permitted tf! lI~e H rq!lllark
\:\'('r SlnCl',
The mi"siOIl nO\\ n1l1l1~tl'r.., to mon'
than ,~O f;l!nii1l'''' in Iht' c011lnIt11l1t~,
:111(1 weekly :lU{,lIdOlnc(' OI\'crag-cs 100,
:\\lll1hers of X:l\·;tll0s han' heell san'l!
and healed: and two young married
couples ha\'(' 1)('('11 iilkd \\'ith the Iloh'
Spirit within the p..'lst year. Two camp
Illeetings ami "'t:\'l'ral ..,pecial m('('ting'"
conducted during the past 10\'0 years
produced ex("ellent results.
, \ 11umher Ilf Xavahos han' becn
haptizcd and are growing in grae('.
One young 1I1al1, Thorna~ Bq;ay, act:-.
a~ the mission intcrprett'r hecatl~c of
the tribal languag(' barrier . Sister
J{radford conducts children's c1mrch.
spo nsors a :\Ii~siotlt:ttcs group, and
docs \'isitatioll Brother Bradford contrihutes mechanical ahililies, drives the
hus, and hclp~ with thc Tllu~ical arrangc11lcllts.
The 1111SSIOn has sl'veral X;\\(lho
song leaders and others who as:.;"1
Ihe missionary 111 \·ariol.ls ways, A
youth group is headed hy HrOlher
Begay and c:ollsists oj approxit11all'l~
-10 young peoplt: SOI11C yet 111lsan·d,
The church also ha.., \\'c<!nesclay C\('11111g' prayer sc r\'1ces.
pastoring thc
Brother and SiSter ' I~ a!llscy aSSUll1cd
a share of respo nsihility for re1casedtimc instruction o f ,\ss("mblies of Cod
students at Ihe Tuba City Boardin,!::
School. FiH years ago thcre were IlO
registered, \sscmhlics of God ..,llldc11ls
in this school. Brother Ram..,c)' ('11cour:lgcd parents to enroll their children as preferring Assemhlies of (;od
teaching. Xow approximately 100 stud ents attend Thursday and Sunday
sen'ices sponsored by the ,\sscmhlies
of God, ":\Iall}' of these children have
been saved and haptized.
SEPTEMBER 26, 1965
.... !'lIor
.. :111
Do n Romsl.'y tll9htl ond on Ind'on member
of the Comeron COn9'1.'90toOn stond bl.',
side th e bus,
1~('n'l1th Iholilel" [\;JlIhl'\ \\a~ m·
lil('d II' a~~Il11h' din'C1or,..I;;!' oi Illl'
\11 Trilol'~ Ili\.1I- ~('h/)o! 111 PllOl'IlI'_
, \nz. I ~n' Iltt: aruck fill tilt" pnTl"d
In.(! 1':1/.:"('
:\kmiwr" oi Ih· Cameron
cOllt.:"rl·gaIl0!l .ore prayillJ.:" lanlt' .. !,\ th:ll
(;()(I \\'ill "l'IHI Ihel11 ,!1Hltlll'r lla~tnr
who i~ hurdt'll('d fnr I tubal: ~oub
orl(' \\'ho 1\'\11 help ol'lain Ill(' m'ec\ed
land and build a m'\\ \~"I·l11hllt·~ oi
(;011 church at Cameron Till' an',
I,n'~l'nt~ gn':n po~~i"ililll'
for COll·
111l11(,c\ !ull'g"o"'\,I'1 llli111.,tr~
Baby Healed
"r;I1"(' tht' 1,IIrd ior Ill(' \\<Iwleriul
11Ilrack lit- pl'rtorl11ec1 lor my bah\
:\11 ~(In I\a .. b(,rn \\1Ih a ("lwlill0n in
hh Iwek thai mad\, H i111P<l~~;hll' lor
him 1(1 hold hh Iwa<l ('n'n II \\"11\11<1
flop jrolll ~irle \(1 ~id(' IIr f, 'r\\'ard 1111
111~ elll°"\'
[)nring ;! n'\1\al crn ..adl' al "l1r \'
~1·11\hly. 1·:I;tIlg"l'h .. \ (;('Ol"g'l' 1{lllrin and
I'a~t/)r Ill'rlll'rt pran·d illl' tilt' hall\
In:t ft·,,· 111i1l\1I('~ 11(' ht·ld hh Iwad ('r('CI
,lIl,1 l~ no\\' normal. :\lr..
'1 ('ITI'
\llpkln, 111l .. tfltllfl\l·n, Pa
( /: "dor.,·cd /tv f({/\,I//olld" 1/ al'crl.
/."""'1/1/>,,' of (;od, TJ,n- .\/,1'1111/., 1'(1. 1
Mrs . Terry Appleby
. . . . NOT
'f' fl
r 1t· l·'It'n'
was tn tll'h'l
IK,~ .. t'''''I''l1
I' ral·
\\'Ilt"rc tbvlt, h
\ bl1111
\l'u,n. tlll'f\' 1
1\,1 ...
...... ~t·~~1tlll
III thl'('
II il 1
dll11"ch 1"H'n~HIII \1\11 h"IlII' 1ll; ..... 11111
tin ".'ll'l\I I, ('U' PCI,. .. t'~~I01
I('fur.llt· 11 ;1"\1I'\'I1WI1' " 011 n"I"I.
\r\dlllllll u: 111 all'lagt' oj 2nro 11('\'
dlllrc1w,.; (':\cl1 .\I·ar '''I' 3,; ~·ear:.. ;t
ha ... 1'l't'l1 tht· C\~(' 111 ollr l11()\T!l1('r1~
,'\'namh' hl'~Ill"ak~ ;, :-:'pirit-loq!(lllt'l
\'I~l<H. Hut n'n'n' C'''I'I'nl'fl{"' ... IIIlIll
,kepi- C01K,'rn 11
l' "I"\'II\
md1l':tk a dllllilll..,hlllj 'hl<ll I 'lInn<'
11I1i-J WI' :lIld(," "tll\ 12 lln~ dl1lrrlll'
SInn' 'hHIIl h ~1l\'n'!1lt'i\' llnportam.
what can hl' done to n'n\"(' 1I ~
\'I~1(111 ami Iiil' an' ~I!1l11Ita11l'ml"
In th\' pity"ic:lI ~t'mt' 1\ h po~~ihlt, to
ht· J,lim\ and yt" Ioc' \\'1"\' 111I1("h :lInt
Hut "p,rittlal \",jOll and ~pl1"1ttla\ lift'
ian \ng'I,tl1l'r
wlwfl" \i~lon I,.. lacking- ;111(\ when'
.. p(l..,,,\· ... ~i()n 01 lilt" land" !S no longer
tl1(' ('OIK('1"11. prHll"lt.v altl'ntlOn n1l"'\ In
1!1\"{'!1 to th\' "'pirltu;!1 lift' 01 Ih()~I' III
It i ... 1)oI")"'~lhlt- til ba\l' ~{1od 1,ut lln~
dlrt·tted \"'1011, Till' (.'llI'hl1a! mal
han' a \1~J(HI ior thl' g;lonn II! Ih!
C0l11lng kingdol11, al!!1 ;11 Ihe ~allW lillI'
han' no \'i~i()n for Iltll~l' who ,tn' 1(",
in Iht' hingdo11l" oi 1111~ \\or1d .11·~1I ~
di,..("n'I'I"l'd Ihb 11I'(IIoI\'!ll 111 lit.., dl~
cipk~. Tllt·\ had gn':tl "1 "Inn jor -;0
"hal"\l· .. 1 hOI nt," 1,"1 110 'I~HlT1 inl Itll
It:tl'\"('~1 lId!!. T" l"'nn'l Ihi" Ito ... u ..
lIl'Ikn·d "('~(' \'\.('1"('1'1''' "I.ift 11]1 YOl1r
I'\t'.., and look on Ih~' field~, ior thl'\
an' whilt: already to ltanT~t"
Th'Il, too. Iht'n' I~ 110 h('w,'r ... t111!t1
la11l til "pinlwll n-"1I1 than Ih,· 11111\
"'pirit. "Y'lI1r ym111g I11l'n ~hatl ~('l'
Jo('/ prophe~I(,c\ w!tl'n Itt'
forb:;" the coming" (If the! loly ~pirtl.
\11(1 Ihe hi.... lOry of til(' Pl'nteco..,tal
O1ltpollring' fn'lll it s 1';lrlil'~1 hegll1!llllg
tlmil today i ... I"tp!t'lt' with snplxlrIlIlg
Ttwrl' i~ a gn';jt land yO 10 bt, I)(h'
~l'~~l'd. T11I:r(' i~ a "i~i()ll 10 ht' had
God's Touch on Taiwan
pp lED 8Y ~08ERT E:lLTON
The Ancmb liu of God in Taiwan
, e cently conducted 0 se riel of e yong elil.ie com paign s which hove proyed
very '.uitful . Students from
Toikuong Bible Institute (onducted
street m eeti ng s in the city of
KCloh,iun9, ottrocting large crowds
of interested ToiwClnuc. In
conj unction with the se meetings,
Ih e st ud e nt! also distributed mor c
thon 50, 000 pieces of Light-fo"
Ih e- l olt literature in two
and (I half weeks.
. ~'t
One of the highlights of the Toi .... on compaigns we' the dedlcotlon of 0 new church
01 Feng.hon !leftl. hong,III' AI Re id (below, cen,e,l conduded 0 week of
meUing. in 'he new church . H. then mo¥. d to 1'I(!o.by Choo- m,n9 and preoched '0'
four doy. ,n Q ",/log e which hod hod no p'.",o,,, gospel wi'nen.
An e ltomple of th e tangibl e results of Ih e Choo-ming compoign WO$ Q Po,wo n l oen-ogcr
(le ft ) who ""01 l ov e d lind bap, i,.c d. Three of the ,c, .. ices in Choo. m ing we ••
hcld at n ig ht. Out in th o open ai. , Evo ngeli,t Reid prea ched fr om 0 low coweo. t .
Mcny pe o pl e pressed th' o ugh the c ro wd to be p ra yed fa . by Ih e no ng eli".
res ponding with trU lt to h i. WCI .m comp<lIsio n (lnd 10vI! ' o r th e m . God', hll n d is
on 0 rece ptive To iwQ n ; will you h e lp th e e ffo ... of its m issio no. iu
o"d "otionol work e •• with YOII. p,ore ,.?
Till': WORD SUII/I I~ o~t:
wmm III which the I)(lpular 1l1t";!11differs irom Its ~'ss('lItlal Illt"<lmllg' ill the Xcw T('stamt"nl.
\Yhell !'alll addr("~"t'd his Epl"II(' to th(' I{OlllaTh to
"tht" callt-I! of F'su!l Christ
h~·IO\l'd of God. called
to 11(' saint!." (i<orn:tm I fl, i . ..,(,(. abo 1 Corinthians
1:2; Ephe!.ians 1:1), he wrole to firm!! persom, to thost,
who would hear his words !"('ad in a Christian ass('mhly
hy all elder.
Sonw ('hurches havc tllt'ir own '')It>(ial onil.:r of ... aints
which includes 1)1IIy thost' who arc dt'ad and who. aft('r
clost· \1I\t':.tig:ation, art' r\t"("I1Wr\ worthy to he canonizl'd.
But til(' Bihle gin's 110 "'allctio1\ whatevcr 10 a douhlt'
... tandard of qimilooci. ,\11 lru~' helii.'vcrs an' known as
samts in the ~l"W T('st;1Il1t'nt
"Tlwrl' IS no ari!.tocracy in the Christian Church which
desencs to ha\"C Ihe fal111l" narne of .willl gi\'ell cspe('ial
I)' to it. Such lilies as <lint this or Saim that cannot
he \\Scd witholll darkt'ning thc truth that Ihis honor ami
ohligation of hcing ...aints helong t'ljually 10 all who 10\'e
Je!-.l1s Chrisl," declared Dr. \1exander :\!ac1arcn.
The word saint IS nt'\'('\" apphl'd to imli\'iduals as such.
It is usually u,>eci in Ihe plural. Only twice i~ it used
in the singula r as applied to persons (Philippians 4 ,2 1 :
I~ e \'e\ation 22 :11), wherc, however. Ihe "saini" (holy
one) is regarded as a memhe r of a conlllmnity.
The word saini in the t-:ew Testament is Ihe English
equivalent of "holy" a.') applit'd to til(' individual. Jesus
alone is called "Ihe 1I0ly One of C;od" (\ Iark 1:24).
The fundamental idea of holy is that the man, thing,
or place that is hOly (sec Exodus 39:30, 41; 40 :9) helongs to God. and is, Ilwrdon'. <;eparate frOIll that which
is profane or common prop<'rt)', \\'hat belongs to God
pmt :lkes of the di\'inc characH'r and nature (2 PetN 1 ;4).
The s:l im is a hdie\l'r in the Lord Jeslls Chrisl as
his only ~a\'iour. I~ehc\"l:rs arc now the "helo\'cd of
God called 10 he saints" (1 Corinthi;1I.1S 1:2 ) . ;\11(] arc
under a sacred ohligation to 1'e\'e,,1 Ihei r "high calling"
:Ii> "children of the lIighest " ( Luke 6:35) hy walking
in "holincss and Ion'." \\'e are God's own possession
bought with a great pricc. e\'en Ihe precious hlood of
Chri!>t (I Peter I :I~. 19: and see I Corinthians 6:19,
20 ). He has set u!> apart for Himself thaI lIis holy
purposes !liar he fulfilled in and through liS.
Our calling nnd duty as saints are dearly and simply
sUlllmed lip in 1 Peter I :IS. 16: ":\s he which called
you is holy. so he ye holy in all manner of COll\'ersa·
lion: because it is written. 13e ye holy: for I am holy."
True saintlincss spring!; from a closc relationshi p with
Christ. a readiness 10 know and do llis will, a decp
ycarning to he conformed to His image ( Romans 8:29).
As we fully COllscrrate our lives. our time. our talents
to Christ. and walk in the Spirit, so shall we unconsciously reveal the heautiful virtues and graces li:.led
1.\· Paul as til(' "fnllt of Ihe Spirit" {( ,;tlal1<tn ... 5:22.
23) \\"(' are sN apart to ""how forth Ih(' pr;u~i:',; oi
hllll who hath c<lIl('c1 you out oi darknn... InlO hi'"
man(,lnu!> light" (I I'uer 2:9).
~aintli!1(''''''' .... to he ... (·Ul rn (1I1r dail~ \"om\lIrl and
charactn in the 11/1I1lt' :ltld in our daily \·ocation. The
!If(, of s('paration d('manded of tho~(' in Chri~t (2 Corinthians ():I·~-IK) is a life oi ~('parati()r l frqlll ~in and
from til(- world with all its enticelll('nts
Thousands lin' as :\ r('c1I1~(,. shuttlllg thellh('lu's up in
a monasH'r), Such a life finds no sanction in ':;'cripture.
for if \\e art' to earn our daily hr('ad and 10 he "the
~all of Ihe ea1'lh" Olatthcw S:13) to "a\c it irom total
('orruption, \\(' nHht mingle with sinner ... (I Corinthian!.
.:; :10 I. TIl(' '>t'p.1ralion cnjoincd hy l'a\1] is ~pirilua1. A
Chri~tial1 has I() sit in an office, to engag-e in husin ess,
\0 \\ork in a factory or ~Iore "hcre he may he Christ's
only \\'1\11('''';. Life can he "cry hard and lonely for the
lwli('\'('r: y('l \\'h('11 wc live for Chri~t. however sinful
Ih(' emiron1l1('nt, wt' shall influl'nce someone for Christ.
Th('re are those \\"ho are \\'atching- us daily, in the
home. al ("()ll('ge, 111 our daily \·ocation. They arc quick
to discern whether we ha\'c the mind and !-.pirit of Christ.
They ha\"e Ih('ir own standards hy which they judge
whelher a profes ... ing Christian is real or a mere fo r malist.
The po(,t say!';. "\\'e needs mllsl 10\'e the hig-he!';t when
we !-.('e it." ,\ frif·nd. who lost hi!> sight through malIlutrition wh('n a prisoner of war in Japan. told lI1e there
was 011e lIIali who was so genuine and to whom Christ
was so rt·a!. that thev turned 10 him when all seemed
lost. Thi . . l11al1's faith, cheerfulness, self-sacrifice, and
kindness g-a\'(' tlll'rn !lew hope and courage.
Therc is nothi!lg sanctimonious or Ilnnatural ahOllt
tho!>e who ar(' not only "called to he l'aints" bllt are
;;nintly in conduct and ('haracler. Dr. \Vilfr('d Crenfell.
in his hrief aUlobiography . 11'1/(/( Ch J' i.~t ,\1('(1115 10 ,\Ie.
p..,id a \'cry Iwalltif!!l tribule to his mother's saintlines!-.,
"\\'e boys." he said. "l1e\'cr once knew her deeds to belie
her words: we never knew her to act in anger or unJustly. She had a knowledge of the truth we did not
have, and the inner light which comcs from fo11owing
in Christ's footsteps." The memory o f her quict. \'irtuous
lifc was a source of inspiration and strengt h throughout
his own heroic and sacrificial service for Christ in
The true saint of God is humble and 100 deeply conscious of his own sinfu lness to regard hirllseif as a saint.
Pridc, love of publicity . and desire for the praise of men
rC\'ea!cd the Phari sees 10 lie hypocrites and godless. They
worshiped Cod wilh their lips. hlll thcir hearts were far
from Hilll (:\Ial thcw 15:8). Our Lord likened them to
sepulchres which were whitcwashed outside but within
were full of corruption (l\Jalthew 23 :27-33), Jesus
:.tartled His hearers on the :\Iount hy saying. "Except
you r rightcousness shall ('xc('('d til(' nghtcoI'Snt'~'" 01 tht·
~rilK'''' and Phari!>ee~. yc ~hall 11\ liD ca!>e enter into the
kingdom of heaven" (:o. l atthcw :; :20).
The closer our relationship to Gorl, the clearl'r will
be our conception of Hi s holiness and our own sinfulness.
and the more we will fee l our need of the ckansing
hlood of Christ. The greater our knowledge of our OWIl
heart s the hetter we arl' ahk to understand what ~ome
of GO(rS choicest sa ints sa id of themselves.
Sam uel Rutherford. a wry saintly man. said ... ;"Iy
salvat ion is to me Ill}' Saviour'" J.:rt·atest miracle."
The last entry of T homa!> Chalmers. a renowned
Scottish preacher. in his journal was, ';\\'hat would 1
do if God did not just ify the ung-odly!"
It h:'ls heen said that "t he saint s of God :'Ire too sharpsighted fo r their OWI1 self-s:nisfaction.'· Our consolat ion
A~ J.; LlH·: RL" CIiRISTlA~ t.,\I)" LOST A SOK through an
indus trial acciden t. Her daughter-in-law wrote to teU me
of the loss and added that althollgh the mother was
taking medication for several phy sical ailment s, "there
arc no pills fo r he:'lrtache."
\ [1I11lanit y has always heen well :lcquai nted with so rrow
and g rief. Joh sa id out of the depths of his misery,
"Although affliction cometh 1I0t forth of the dust, neither
doth trouble spring out o f the ground; yet man is horn
unto trouble as the sparks fly upward" (Job 5:6, 7).
The very nature of human relationships, coupled with
the hrevity of life, makes sorrow ine\·itahle. The P salmist
ohserved that "God setteth the solitary in families"
(Psalm 68 :6) . Yet several millenniums previou sly God
was sympathetic to Adam's solitude CVCII amid the beauty
of the garden of Eden and said: "I t is not good that
the man should he alone: I wi11 nlake him an help
meet for him."
The story of family life is an unending cycle. Two
young people decide they will share the joys and sorrows of life together and take their \"ows of loyalty.
Soon the home is hlessed with the patter of little fcct
and the fleeting years that follow are fi lled with the
activities of a growing family.
One by one the children leave to take iheir placcs in
li fe, and mother and dad arc left a lone with their
memo ries! As a pastor visits eldcrly people he is so
often shown pictures on the mantle of grown SOilS and
daughters who arc away from home.
The final portion of the story is always a sad one.
Death takes one of the parent s and the children stand
at the graveside beside the other with heavy hearts. The
SEPTEMBER 26. t965
h(".~ III lilt' fact that, unworthy though wc I..now our..chc... to I..... Chri~t know" the .. inc('rity of our lo\'e to
l1im (Jollll 21 .Hi. 17 Tho\l~h ··our lwart condemn liS.
God i~ g-rcater than our heart. and knowl·th :'111 thing ....
(I John 3:20)
Our ~('cl1rity for tillll' and eterni ty n'~h not 011 our
saimline"s. f(lr ~ah':ltioll is 1I0t of works \est an~' ma ll
~hot1ld 11(1:1 ... t (EJltll'~ial1s 2:K 9 ). It n'~t~ in th{' pc.'rfect
righteot1sl1e..~ { I f our Lord and :-;a\"iour .kslts Chnst and
in the full atOllt'tll('ot 11(' made for our ~In~ h\ offeringlIimself (1I('hr('w~ q :2()-2~) .. \11 whn an' in O;rist Jesus
~talld c\ot ll('d in J lis ~p()lle~ .. r ighteou"IIl'~s, Out oi love
and gr:ltitude tn 11 1111 we are to ~trin' to grow 11\ lib
likeness (I P('tt'r 2 :21 ). knowing that one da~' through
grace \\ e shull he like him: for \\"t' ~hal1 "t't' him :lS
11(' is" (1 John 3:2).
fond ~!ld('aring 1'('lall0I1">hip;, of home ca nllot II(: hrokcn
without a great scnse of loss. I t is III this hour of 1)'1.il1
th:ll the disco\"{'ry I.~ lIl:lde there arc no pil1~ for heartache!
Bu t wait , there IS a healin!{ halm! \\"hell the child oi
(;od enters the <,xperience of ;,errow \U' IS nOt "as
others \\'hich have 110 hope" ( 1 T hessalonians 4 : 13).
Panl wrott' in the midst of great personal anguish.
"Blessed he (;0<1, evell Ihe F ather of our Lord J esus
Christ, the Father of me rcies and the God of all C01l\fort: who comfort<'t h us in all our trihulatioll, that we
may be ahle to comfort them which arc in all)' trouhle,
hy the comfort wherewith we oursel\"{'s arc comforted
of God " ( 2 Corinthians 1:3. 4).
God has a purpose in conSOl ing Iii !> people evell beyond
their own immediate peace and rest of mind. One writ er
has summed it up this way: "God COlll forts liS, not to
make u s eomfo1'tahlc. but to make li S ahle to comfort."
There is a great minis try in sympathy and compassion
which evcry child of God may exercise. [I docs 110t
requirc eloqllence of ~pccch or profolll1d kn()\\ ledge to
have an understanding heart. Cnllli'1c Ch ris/iall s)' mpathy CUll /,re/,M/" hearls 10 recei... 'e the gospel ;'1 a <tI(.lY
IIral li D ocquir('(/ to /;' 1I1 cO llld accom plisll .
In e\'ery community there are people lonely and in
need. Thei r condition should challenge e\"Cry belicver.
Hecently J conducted a funeral under unusual circumstances. There were only five of us at the graveside
service and none had known the lllan whose funeral we
were attendi ng. There were no next of kin to shed a
tear- no known relat i \"(~s to So1.y fa rewell with a sense
of loss. P rior to hi s passi ng, thi s 69-year-old man li\'ed
alone. There were no friend s nearhy to ch('Cr him with
their \·isits.
Jesus Christ was acquainted with grief, and lli s church
i ~ intended to represent TIis understanding compassion
in a world afflicted with heartache. sin, and sorrow.
The apostle J allles wrote, "Pure religion before God and
the Father is this , to visit the fatherle ss and widows in
their affliction. and to keep himself unspotted from the
world" (James 1 :27) .
There arc 110 pil1s for heartache. But there is hahn
for sorrow. \Ve do wel\ to search our heart s as individuals
and churches and see how we measure up to our com.,;
mission to minister that halm-in Chri st's stead.
hon<is wCnt to a Biblt· school, :mcl the rCM to tIl(' I rome
\ris~ions !)epanJlWllt, of his denominatioTl.
"\fter his death, the Dihle school was able to offer
~en'ral scholarships hecause of his gift. The sltulents who
were helped in this war hcca1l1(' missionaries and Christian workers, winning mall)' souls to the r,orc!. These
in turn WOII others, and the chain reaction goes 0 11 .
The Home .\li"sioIl5 Oepartlllent used its portion for
the support of missionaries and workers alllong the EskinlOS and the .\IlI{'ricall Indians. :\'ew churches were
~tartcd, souls were ~ayed.
Other spiritually hellciicial projects were started with
the funds designated hy this faithful steward to God's
work. Truly. the passage.
and their works do follow
thcm," is litc rally flllfilled by this kind of stewardsh ip.
This is an cxample of c()nn:rsion of materi"l wealth into
heavcnl .... funds. The careflll designation of a part or all
(jf one's estate to God's work is an investm(,nt that
hrings ('t{'rnal dh"iclends.
It is tragicaHy true that many of God's people who
\\ mIld lik(' to set' their ('state usecl for the glory of God,
arc neglecting to take the !\('cess;\ry steps to insure this.
Don't let the de\'il cheat yOIl out of investing your
life's sa\·ing-.~ or material gaillS in the work of the Lord
through procrastination or indecision . .\Iake a proper in\ C.~trllellt. COII\'ert your a..-sets into lleg-otia1>le cxchange.
You can tak(; your Illoney, your real estate, and other
holdings with you by furthering' the work of the King.
clOlll, if you act now and im'est wisely in God's work.
Ask God for guidancc as to where your il1\·estmellt
should he made. Local ch urches, world missions, 13ible
school s, and many other facet s of God's work arc all in
the great heavenly hanking and investment department
of God's kingdom.
"Lay !lot up for yourselves treasures upon earth, where
1I10th and rust doth corrupt, a1l(1 where thieves break
through and steal: hut lay up for YOllfscl\,es treasures
III he,wen" (.\Iatthew 6:19.20).
\\'hat would happcJI 10 yom est ale if you were to be
called to meet the Lo rd tonight? Whether it is large 01'
';lIlall. plan now to il\\'('st it for eternal di\·idends. Don't
wait. You may lose all tomorrow if you hesitate to
:nn.. ~t ill Cod's proVr:1Il1 today.
H •••
COl'l:TRARY 10 "OI't'LAR OI' I XIQ!\', it is possihlc to take
your wealth with ),ou Ill'yond the /-:,ravc. [n Ihe past,
American IndiallS, Egyptian 1llonarchs, and pl.."Oplc of
variolls 0111\..,]' cultures heli(:vcd that aft er death the departc(\ soul still needed food. companion,,!!ip. money, and
other things cOIJlTlIoniy IIsed ill this life. As a rule,
,hese items W('!'l' pro\'idcd for the deceased hy relatives
::!.1l(1 friends. Tomhs ill many pans of the world reveal
huried trl'<I!;un', utcnsil!>. and in sOllie cases ('\,('11 the
skeletons of persons who had b('('l1 buried alive for the
plcnsurc and comfort of the departed.
\ Ve do flot helieve that departed soul s arc interested
in any of thl' material things left in their tomhs, much
less afC :lhl<' to enjoy or IItilize anr of the mater ial,
physical pka.'>urt.'s of tlwir earthly life. Hut we have
reason to believe that it is pos~ib1c to transfo rm mate r ial
wcalth imo hean'nly curren,y to he used to good ad·
\"alltage in eternity,
Ila\'e yOIl cvcr thought ahout the fact that God makes
eac h of liS rc~pOII" ihle for the mater ial gain that has
COIllC to liS? \\le will he expected to give aCCOl1n t of
our stcward:-.hip,
Jesus grl\'c liS a kc)' to good stcwardship when 1fc
sai d, " I rc that saveth his life shall lose it, and he that
10sel 11 his lift' for Illy sake shall find it." If .we hoard
material gain ollly for selfish purposes, wc shall lose it
all and ollr souls as well. Bill if ,\'e invest faithfully in
God 's work, we COllyert our material gains into hea\·eu· ...
currency. Thc Christ ian's stewardship of his eanhly pos·
sessions does IIOt eml wi th Ihis life, but includes the
plans he makes for thc disposal of his estate aftcr hc
is gone.
A man who had scnral thol1 sa nd dollars, some rcal
cstate, stocks, and bonds, ga\'C careful cOllsideration to
this matter. As a result, in drawing up his will, after
making equitable pro\·isioll for the mcmbers of his family,
he remembered the work of the r ~orcl. I Ie left a generous
cash gift to his home ch urch. Part of his stocks and
Walking with
the WORD
Sunday-Psalms 112, 113
Mandoy-I Timothy 1
T uesdoy-I Timothy 2
Wednesdoy- I Timothy 3
TIlursday_ 1 Timothy 4
Fridoy_1 Timothy 5
Soturdoy- Psolms 114, 115
Sundoy- Psolms 116, 117
ner Man
5:~::g~ ~N
THE 1965
\'erst goes through your Il11l1d all day it hecomes TI('\\
;'\nd God shows you truths in it that \"0\1 n('YCf saw hdort'
\\'c arc renewed hy waiting' t1jXlll God 1!1 prayer. ThaI
was what we read in Isaiah. "They that wail upon the
I.ord shall rellew the;r ... ,rength." Hut waiting' upon ( ;0(1
docs not always require beIng 011 ollr k!lce", I h;\\"(' beet!
ahle to wait on God while dri\illg my C:lr <lnd han~ had
!l1an'clOl1~ comml1nion with I-jim. 1 han.' Tllccii{3tcd 011
I rim while I was 011\ \\';"\!king' . . \:; \011 do your daily
ta sks. keeping' your mind on the [.on\. you arc rencwing
your inller man It takes the drudgery ollt of life \\-hell we
afC ahle to have Stith com111\111i01l with God whatever
we arc doing.
The inlle r man is also rcnewed by fresh infil!ings of
the j loly Spirit. 1 pray lilat we all may ha\'e a fresh
tOllch frOIll God. I like 10 scc the Spirit of the Lord
fall 011 our pcople. with manifestations of His presence.
It is right for \I S to 11l:l.nif('st this thing we ha\·e. \Vhen
God anoints liS with fresh oi l, it takes the squeaks out;
it makes the maebine ry fun rig-ht. hless God. and c\·erything goes well.
\Ve need to be renewed III OUI" minds. Sometimes onl"
thinking goes wron g. \\'e get melancholy. depressiv<'
thought s. It is sad 10 he ill lhm cOlldition. H.omans 12 :2
spea ks about the renewing of om minds, when God
comes and crases the old things and gives us fresh !lew
thoughts from ahovc. TheIl wc arc through with our
worries and free from all those depressing things that
come to weigh us down. and wc arc ready to go Otlt
and face the world in the name of the Lord.
\Vhal you think is important. Palll tells us how we
:-.houkl think: ·'Finally, brethren. whatsoever things arc
lrne. whatsocver things are honest. whatsoever things arc
just, whatsoever things arc pure, whatsoe\·cr things arc
lovely . whatsoever things arc of good report: if there he
any virtue._ and if there bc any praise, think on these
things" (Philippians 4 :8).
"\Ve1l," yOIl might say, "I cannot always think on
these things: my mind gets off on something else." You
rnay have to exert will power to do it. You e"en may
have to quote a Scripture. or pray out loud. to get yom
thoughts in the right channel: hut :l.S you determinc to
discipline your mind and control your thonght life. God
will help you.
Paul goes on to usc the '1t'ord of actio'l. After you
think . do somethillg. Tn \'crse 9 he ~;Iys . ·'Tho:-;e thing~.
which ye ha\'e both learned. and received. and heard,
and seen in me, do: and the God of peace shall he
WIth you ."
There is a spirit of defeatism that can get Oil us.
The ten spies experienced thi s when they looked over
the Promised Land. They brought back a negative report: "\Ve were in QU I' Own sight as grasshoppers . and
so we were in their sight.·' \Ve11. that inferiority complex is from the devil. You will !lever win if you feel
like a grasshopper: but when you gct the anointing of
19 65
the Holy Ghost and faith in the living God, yOI1 WIll
ha\"(:, other thonghts. You will expcf1t'"ncc what Daniel
saw: ;'Thc people that do know their (;0<1 ~hall he
strong, and do exploits."
\\'e arc 110t a defeated people. dear iriends The out~
ward man Illay perish and return to du,,!. but there is
something in I1S that is eternal. IJcatb cannot tollch It;
Satan cannot tOllch it. [t is an eternal renewal of the
inner man that came frOIll God in our new lmth. \Ve
are horn-:tg:tin Christians, redecmcd hy I [is hlood, \\'c
belong to Jesus. Tklllk the Lord. Satan is a defeated
foe right no\\". Let us go on III the namc of the Lord
and in thc victory of J('sus to win and to do thil\g:~
for our God
Hilly lhay'~ whole life \\'a~ "l .... ·l1t in prai~lng the Lord.
and for the mOSt part aloud. 11e couldn·t help IUlllsclf:
with a heart always in tUlle. e\·l'ry inf1ul'IlCl'. e\ery breath
shoo)..; from its trcmulous chord" some note of thank,,·
".\s [ go along the ~ tnTt'" he said. '., lift up one
foot, and it seellls to ~ay 'Glory!· and I lift up the
other. and it seelns to say ',\men!· ami they keep on like
that all the time' walk."
CSllally one would find hill! si nging ... Hless the Lord.
I can sing .. · he \\"ould ~ay ... [ can't sing so sweetly as
::.Ol\le, but Illy Father likes to hear me sing. r-.ly Father
likes to hear the crOw a.~ well a" the nightingale, for
I Ie l1\;ldl' 111("1\1 hoth"·
whilc men arc busy
with the common pursuits and cares of life. and everything is rolling on tis accustomed course· unheralded,
1111\)elie\'ed, and unknown to the gay world. herc one,
and there another, shall secretly disappear. They will
he "canght up" like Enoch, who was not found bccause
God had translated him. Invisibly, noiselessly, miraculously, they shall vanish from the company and fellowshi p of those about them and ascend 10 their returning
Lord. Strange annOlll1Cel11Cnts of the missing ones Tllay
be ill the morning papers. Strange accounts wil! be whi spered around ill circles of husiness and socicty. Apostate
Christendom and the slow ill heart to helieve aU that the
prophets have written will havc thc truth brought homc
- that 110 such half-Christianity as theirs is sufficient
to put l1Ien among the favorites of the Lord.
\ltle \\'ord~ to capture tIlt" .mention of the Jew: (1)
Jesus is a descendanl of David to whom God promised
that his descendant would rule Israel (2 Samuel 7: 1310): (2) Jeslls descended fmm \1)rahaI11 WhOll1 God
had made father of the chosel1 na\1on throug-h which
:\Iessiah wOl1ld come (GcTlcsi~ 12 :2, 3: compare (;abtians
J :16).
.\lInt/n\' .\clrool L('.!Son for Oc/ohcr 3, 1%5
! :lR-25
taken ch iefly
Gosp<"\ of ~1atthew. haY(' as tileir theme, Christ-Kill{J
0'1(1 SCI'l/iour. Our first lesson pertains to the cn:nts
C011nected with ,he bi rth of the King.
"The hook of the gener,nion of ]C!'I1S Christ . the SOil
of David, the SOil of Abraham." These words afC perhaps dclihcrmcly ambiguous. The word ql'ncralirm is the
word Yl'Il('sis which may mean gcnc:'llog-y or birth and
is the title of the first hook of the Bihle. lienee the
title may rcfcr to (1) the genealogy foll ow ing it: ( 2)
the actual hirth of les\l~: (3) the hfe history of Jesus:
(4) Ihe era of Itra~c Iisherecl in by Christ al I[i~ fir st
coming. to be con:-;lIJllma ted at His seco nd corning.
i\latthew wrote primarily to show the Jews that Jeslls
of Nazareth was the ;\lessiah promised in the Old
T estament. Thus he makes two important poims in the
:\Iary was betrothed to Jo~eph-a relationship as sacred
and hinding as marriage ilself. \\'hi1c still in the home
of her parents, shc "was found with child" (:'<.Iatlhew
I :IR). An angel had appeared to cxplain to her the
miracle that was to take placl'. Did she tell Joseph' Or
did she feel the Steret too sacred to share:- .\\ any rate
this signal honor was l10t withollt its 3g0ny and suffering.
\\'hat would Joseph think ~ What would the outsidc
world think?
!\latthew explains :'<.Iary's condition ,-cry simply. It
was "of the Holy (;host" (". 18). Thus in a few words
he :-;tate_~ the grcate"t fact in human hi~tory. the greatest
miracle of the ages-the miracle of the Incarnation.
It is (hfficu1t to imagine Joseph's feelings. E.vident!y
hc felt :\lary was guilty of unfaithfulness. yet he st ill
loyed her. But though he lon~d her. he felt he must do
that which the law required and "put her away," ihat is.
di,'orce her. I lis goodness. his lack of "indictivcncss,
his consideration for :\Iary is 11105t praiseworthy. He
\\"ould nOI expose her to public Sh;llllC. hut privately, in
the presence of the two llcces"ary witnesses, hc would
kl.11d her a hlll of cli\-orCellleJ1t
THE INTER V ENTION OF GOO (....... 20 , 21)
If Ol1e walks in all the light he has, more light will
he given. Thus Joseph received the guidance for which
he had such great need . The angel (1) reminded Joseph
of his ancestry, therehy (Illalifying him for the great
honor which was to he his as well as i\fary's; (2)
explained to Joseph that :\fary's conception had been
diYlnely effected by the Holy Spirit : and (3) comll1anded
Joseph not to fear but to proceed with the consullIIllation of the marriage.
"Thot! shalt call his name J ESC'S: for he shall save
his people from thei r sins" (\'. 21l. The word Ch rist
i" really a title mcaning a1l0iJI/rd. and indicates ~des­
siahship. j('Slls. ho\\"c\·er, is a personal name. It is the
same word as lOS/ilia of the Old Testament which means
}cl!ollah is Sm'ioH I" l-lere again -:'Ilatthew is emphasizing
that which is of utmost illlponance-Jesus did not come
prtma rily to set forth :til Ideal way to live. nor 10 becomc a great T eacher: He camc as a Saviour!
" Now all th is was done. that it migh t be fulfilled .. "
(v . 22 ). Thi s expression or its equivalent occms more
than 20 times 111 ::-'f<ltthew's gospel. Here :\Jatthew poin ts
out that the virgin birth was a fulfillment of Isaiah 7 :14.
"They shall call his nalile Emmanuel. which heing in terpreted is, God with us" (\'. 23). "\Iatthew emphasi zes
the deity of Christ . This Son is "God with tis." that is.
God manifested in human flesh. As John p"tS it, "The
\Vord was God ... and the \Vorel was made flesh and
dwelt among us" (John 1:1, 14) Great indeed is "the
mystery of godli ness"! (Sec 1 Timothy 3 :16.)
T he AMPLIFIED NEW TESTAMENT, released in 1958, sent shock
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Over 1,000,000 copies already hove been purchased!
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~@M~cl~ITUITU~ITU~ ~WM~@J~®
~~ @M~~~@JITU~~ITU~ ~Mrc;rc;®~~
concerning- the uniquc
summer soul -winning miniature paperback, What lIappened to J , C.
Perule)'. by Radio Evnngclisl C. ),1.
Already 2OO,()(X) copie'i howe heen
distributed for liSe in personal evangelism, a nd additional orde rs arc heing
received da ily!
Prepared from i\lr. Penney's autobiography, FiJI\' Yl'ors with thl' Goldell Rifle, this is the life story of the
distinguished owner of more than
1,iOO retail stores, who last year was
presenlco the Layman ;"[o,'cmcnt's
highest hOllor, "Letterman in Christian Living ."
M r. Penney was a 1ll;\11 of advanced
years, married for the third time (after losing hi s first I WO wives by death )
before he made his full commitment
to jestls Christ. The disastrous events
preceding his conve rsion, his complete
financial collapse (at the age of 58
he was $7 million in debt), and his
wonderful expe rience of divine heal ing form a grippi ng, challenging story, ideal for personal witnessing.
A R cvivaflimr listener in West All is,
\vis., requested: "Please rush an additional 100 copies of What Happ{!1lcd
to J. C. PC lln C)'. They arc the easiest
thing to hand Ollt in witnessing!"
And in Hot ~pri ng s, S. Dak., a
member of the loca l Assembly told us:
"We wish to order more of the miniature hooks, What Happ ened to J. C.
Penllcy. T his is such a wonderful,
stirri ng testimony . \Ve orde red 100
copies and they were gone in no time.
Now our pastor s..1.ys to order 200
additional copies. We pray we will
win many souls with them. "
One Eastern Christ's Amha s5..1. dors
group has orde red 2,0Cl0 mini ature paperback s to use in their citywide soulwinning crusade! And the Anderson
(Ca lifornia ) Assemhly of God requested: "Please send 500 copies of
the j. C. Penney miniatures. We arc
going to u se them in a special doorto-door revival campaign."
Mr. P enney hiTllself is so impressed
with the treatment of this full-gospel
literature that he has requested a quantity o f them for his own use! He
wrote: "I think this is an excellently
p repared story, and I deeply appreciate
your interest in me. r have heard a
good deal about your fine cont ri hutions via radio . 1\[ay God continue
to bless yotl in the years ahead."
But personal lette rs are not the only
in sta nces in which th is Christian businessman has expressed enthusiasm for
This unusual miniatu.e
pape.back feli.
th e Ito.y of the co n versio n,
heolin9, and peria nal
witnell;n9 af one of AfI1erica'.
g.eatut .etail ",e.chanft,
J . C. Penney. This baok let
i••till ava ilable.
Mr . J . C. Penney
this u1l1qlle hook. A Rc'uivaitilll(' listener in \Vakcfield, Ka ns., testified:
"On a recent trip we stopped 111
I faTlliltoll. ~I(). Whi le there I \'isited
the manager of the j. C. Penney store
and gave him some miniatures. He
recalled :i'o'!r. Penney talking about
them when he visited the sto re earlier
in the sUlllmer. T his is the huilding
where ~rr. PennC'y workerl as a youth.
"Eve ryone to whom I give the mi niatu re hook s seems \'ery interested. T
d istri buted some copies in the laundromat, and placed copies in several other
public places."
Each summe r Rcvivaitilll{' listeners
unite their efforts to turn vacntioll
time into snlvation time. To assist in
this sUlllmer soul-winning crusade
C. ~I . \Vanl annually prepares a salvation-slanted distrihution piece, especially desig ned to catch the eye an d
gl'ip the heart of the unbelie\'er . This
year, as we ente r the fall season, the
gospel miniatures arc still in great dema nd. College studen ts arc eager to
dist ri hute the books among unsaved
classmates. C. A. groups plan to use
them in Street meetings and jail ser\·iccs. ;\[others, unhindered b\" vacationing youngsters, determ ine t~ spend
more timc vi siting unsaved frie nds and
loved ones.
A Brooklyn, N. Y., housewife
wrote: " I want to go into neighboring homes twice a week or oftener,
a nd I believe these miniature books,
placed in the homes of those to whom
I minister, will be richly blessed."
In anticipation of the many requests
for the life s tory of 1M r. Penney,
Rrvivaltime has pri nted an additional
loo,OClO copies. 1£ you have not read
1965 Circulation Total, (per issue) for Engli,h-language Periodical,
The Pentecostal E\"i1ng-d
C. /\. Herald
C A. Guide
Global Conquest
Sunday ~chool Coullselor
Sllpcrintcndcnt's Planner
\dult Teacher
.\dult Student
Youth Student
Tl'aching \'j'\l,Lls
.\!lIma! \dul l Teacher
Adult Teacher SuppkmCllt
lIi-Tecn Instructor
lIi-Tccn Studcnt
J-Ii·Tccll \"isua!,
Teen Teacher
Teen ~tudem
Tecn Visuals
Jr, Hi Teacher
Jr. I-li Student
Junior TC;H;her
Junior Pupil
Bible Explorer
JUnilJT \'i~ual !\id
Ihi:-, unique Illinintlllt' p,lpiCrhack y(!U
Illay ohtain two fr e(, copies by writing
to Rcvivallimc, nox 70, Springfield.
;"lissouri 65801. Quantity prices arc
$3 per 100 copies.
Join RevivallilHl' in witnessing to
the world for Christ. Purpose in your
h('art to influence as man v lives as
possihle through literature distribu~
(Co llliIiIIN/ frolll pa.f}I' Inl)
10 order to keep pace with the increasing demands for literature, the
Gospel Puhlishing lIouse is cont inually huying new and bster equ ipment.
"In the past two years it has spent
$126.401 on new machinery for platemaking, printi ng, hinding . and mai\ing, Ever y possible effort is made to
,~ IM
Now is the time to be 5ure your
Sunday School Checkup is completed
ond sent promptly o n its way. Step
up with 0 Checkup!
Primary Teacher
Primary Pupil I
Primary Pupil 2
Primary \'isual ,\id
Primary Picture Cards
Primary Picture Roll
:-'1)" Picture Paper
Primary Handwork Packet
Beginner Teacher
Beginner \'i,ual Aid
Little Folks' Friend
Beginner Lesson Pictures
Beginner Ilalldwork Packet
"ursery Teacher
:\ursery Picture .\ids
Rcmcmlx-ring Pictures
"~Irscry llandwork Packl't
Lesson Lea ve~
Goo's Word for Today
Deaf Studcnt
l.arge Print Quarterly
Hi Call
Junior Trail~
impro\"t.:: the quality of the puhlic:ttions
and the sen,ice rendered to the church-
Approximately 10 tons of mail lea\'e
the printing plant each working day.
In no area is the blessing of God more
evident in this ministry of the Assembl ies of God than in our books,
magaz ines. tracts, story papers, lesson
quarterlies, and oiller publications.
From the presses at Springfield. ~ro.,
they flow out li ke a mighty river to
the ends of the earth. hoth in English
and in Spanish, to be used not only
in Assemblies of God chu rches bu t in
thOl1sands of other churches as well.
* * *
Through \V l\IC, the women 1II our
assemblics continue to ;'\chicvc g-rea \
things for the kingdom of God .
Th rough thei r ministries 3,287 souls
were saved in the past two years.
Evangelism and prayer have priority
in the \V~I C program . Added to these
acti vities is a wide program of benevolences. WM C's r;""lised $3,576.402
for the \\"ork of the Lord in the past
biennium (over half of this amount
in cash). Th is total inclu des new materials shipped to mission fields and
con tribu tion s to the Department of
Benevolences, district programs, loca l
ministr ies, Bible schools, etc ., as well
as to foreign missions.
?lli iisionettes, the program fo r girls,
has expanded with o\'er 1,000 new
clubs be ing organized in the past two
years. There are approximately 4,CXX>
active :"Ilissionet lC groups, with 45 ,CXX>
Ihe Lord Icav6
hNe," RO-ye:u'-old :\1rs. Knapp,
crippled and h(·dfast. complained to
her pa!>tor.
"Prolmhly," he said. "because God
iSI1't ready to take you . He has some
work for you to do yet. Perhaps lie
wants 10 hear you sing a bit."
~lrs . Knapp stared at him. "\Vork:There's nothing I can do. I can't iron
clothes or mend . Sing? Not anymore.
\Vhat good am I ?"
Gelltly the minister helped her see
that although she was shu t in. she
need not he dormant. J USt as she had
givcn loving- service to the church in
her acti\'(' days, so now in old age
she could still he useful. hl'r life a
IIYlll1l 0/ praise.
Mrs. Knapp lislened to her pastor's
COllllscl and gradually her outlook
changed frOIll hopelessness to expect aTll~y. She came to see that. as :--.ioah
of old. she was also shut in for a
purpose (Genesis 7 :16). She learned
what Paul meant when he said,
"Though our outward humanity is
in decay, yet day by day we are inwardly renewed" (2 Corinthians 4:
16, NEB).
Of course, there were days when
i\lrs. Knapp had too much pain to
think about anything e1se, bu t there
were other days when bedtime came
hefore she had finished what she had
plallned to do. J f you arc a shut-in,
perhaps yOll call try some of the things
she and others have done.
,.] DON'T 1i,1\'(j\\" \\ 11'
the Harvest
YOIl don', 11;1\\' \0 II(' ;t 1:'1'111\-r til
.. h,tn' III Ilaf\(> ... , h· ... \l\a 1. II ,.. :ll'!l1alh
an old-ia ... hiol1ed grlln'f\ -hower jll'o'
dlt' "haling of food \\I\b pt'opl(' II ho do
not IIm'e \0 "ha rt' tht' tWIll'VOI('1l1
hUIlI{'" lIf the \ ...... (·111hlit' ... of Cod
\ 'O l1t 1':1-.101" will hal t' detail ... regard
IIIJ..: J I:tr\'t'~t h·.,,;,;!1 and 111(" part -"(!11
iUI';h'd 10 lake Tht, "olllh·( ('l1lra1
i .. :1 .. J..cd \( ... han' \Iith Ililkrt:'> \
(hilc1n'I1", 110I1lt'. 3125 :\lahl'fll 1':0;\11.
I/o! Spflllg .... \rkall-.a-, 71 1J{)J I{c"i
of the -.olltht,;t ... !t:rll
Stah· ... art' illl;t{'d II! ",01lIr;1 1\1II' (OJ
tkthanl h!cllrt'Il1('Il! I !nlllt', 1,;lhe 111)i ·
I.:lb.: !alld. Florid;1
, .lhl'l" "C{' \1011'"
oi tht·
nHHlIrv art'
n' ·
1j11l'''lt'd 10 rna"-t· ,';1,,11 r(mlrihntion ... for
\\ho!t'~a!l' hu) ill),: ill hOlh homes
;-;l'lId .\"tlur ca~h offnillg to Ilan'I"1
Ft,~t i, al.
1It'partllwllI oi Bl'lle\olellcl'~.
1115 HOllm'ilk Spriugiit·1d. :\Ii~",o\lri
Thi~ i ... \\lur ... ]>t·l:ial im'ilalioll to
Jllil1 llarw~t Fbli\al. Onoht:r IO-16!
1£ you can write brief notes, you
can brighten the day for a lot of
people. Sunday school teachers, leiJ,ders in the church, the minister, young
people. parents, the bereaved- all these
will ieel a lift when they receive a
note of encouragement from you. The
ministry of encouragement is always
in need of workers.
:-"lrs. Broadman. an eld~ rl y woman.
wrote a birthday note to a lively lillie
girl in her church. "r relllcmher when
yOtlr parems brought \'011 to church
the first time. Thcv wcre 0.;0 proud
of you. I p ray that vou will alway"
make them proud."
The child kept thi s lettt'r Ilmd <;he
was growll lip. " Even· t ime [ took
it Out and read it. 1 {i10ng-ilt of how
kind l\lrs. nroadlllilil was 10 think
of 111e, and T wanted to be good."
You ca n write the editor of a magazine or newspaper Ihat is waging a
worthwhile crusade. or write to a radio
or TV station commending some fine
program. If you have access to a telephone, you can call ill yOllr appreciation. :-"'[ ake your caU brief and pleasant.
\Vrite an orphanage for the name
of a child with whol11 you can correspond. A corres ponding "grandmother" would brighten the life of
any orphan child.
Such a simple thing as reading the
Bible to others c.1n be a blessing. ).1 rs.
Petersoll. confined to a home for the
aged but blessed with fairly good eyesight. read the Bible to half a dozen
other women every morning. This
Illeant a great deal to those who were
no longer able to read.
You can give special gifts from
among your possessions so that relatives and fr iends call use and enjoy
them while you are living.
You can do something for the calise
of Christ by checking the investmem
programs of your church. There arc
ways in which yOll can give the
money and yet have the interest income while yOll are living. A t your
death the money will keep on working
for the kingdom of God.
Are you a shut-in who has trouble
sleeping? In his poem. "The Night,"
Henry Vaughan caUs the sleepless
night "God's knocking time." ~inccre
response to God in the night hours
can take yOll in spirit out of the "ick
room into llis spaCiOllS!lCS". The hours
yOll lie awake can he u"cd to pray
for othcrs . Cllitintc an awarencss of
the 110ly Spirit so that l-le can 1111press you with defillite need" for
which intercc:>sion is needed.
You can let the song in YOllr heart
out, so that it lifts ('\'eryonc who comes
into your room ...\ verse of Scripture
is a good way to begin. "This is the
day which the Lord hath made; we
will rejoice and he glad in it" (Psalm
118:24). "The eternal God is Ihy
refuge, and undcflleath arc the evcrlasting arms" (Detlteronomy 33 :27 ) .
[f y Ol1 arc not in the hahit of memorizmg Script\l!"c, try it. Yon are not
too old to lea rn. :\Irs. Lipton was
over 70 when she started. She memorized the entire Resurrcction Story
and now giYes it as a reading for
Y<l n OllS g rou ps.
Let the Bihle ha\'c first place 011
your reading list. Olle modern auihority on the problems of senior citilcns says , "There are no capsule com~
ments to compa re with those of the
Bible." Perhaps yOl1 have yom favori te passage~. bil l why TlOI also read
the less fam iliar po ni ol\~:' You 'll discover new trcasureS.
Think of the places yO ll wish nHl
had \"isiwd when you wl're lwrpendic
111ar. :\cw York City' \(rica' The
Holy Land? _-\sk to haxe hook:> and
articles all these placl's sent to you
from the puhlic lihran' .\ wl'alth oi
interesting informati()l1 IS <\\adahle
SuhscrilW 10 :l.t least one good religious lx:riodical in addition to your
(lenolllinational pal)l'r.
For those \\"ho are unahle to turn
page,>. there af!' l11('("ha1]ical page tl1r1] ers :l.t1d ceiling- projectors. For thos!'
whose e~'esighl is poor. there arc
large-type Bihle',> and Sunday school
quarterlies. talking RilMs. and books
Oil tape recorders. (Braille materia\;;
:md g-ospel tapes arc a\·nilahlc. \Vrile
the ~aliol\al I{ome :\1is~ions Department. 1-1 . 1.; Roon',ille, Springfield. :\10
G5S02. for lnfonnation. )
If God has alloweu you to !i\'e beyond the time of physical activity, be
:'lssured He yet has a work for yOIl
Search your beart and open it to His
gracc. God will help yOll find way"
and the ahility to add to your day
somethl1lg for otllers, for rlim, and
for vow' own en richment. You can
"slill bring forth frllit in old age."
II lII ay /10 1 h a ppen ju s/
bel'O li Se you want it .
I coughl
ylilllpse of he(lvell
He)'ond lhe .mlley deep;
I SG"1.t' (/ meadow swrrt 1('illl flmr'crs,
A shepllrrd 'with his sheep.
I heard tIle angrf voices;
I listened while they sa ll g;
They becko ned to /lie olle by aile
To join tlicir
I 10llged to join thi'ir II!llII ber,
To flee fro III toil and strife,
To cross the stream before me
Alld taste the fntit of life.
Willi jovfu/ heart I tool.' olre step
Illto til(' gelltle sl rl'alll,
! suddl'll/)' awaknwdA 'lId fou nd i/ just (I dr rQm!
But if I /rusl in Jesus
{Vila tool.' Illy place i'l death,
ail e tiny I'll UOH Ihe valley widr
And en/rr ill to rest .
For 1-1e's the 'r esurrecliollHe liz:es now to redeem!
O ll e da y ' shall mval.'Cll
. llId find i/ II Ot {/ dr eam.
- O pal Ma y
".j iller
lIem l11akl'" till"
legal Yolrr plan" fo r lIlt' di~p()sal
of \,Ollr I.:"tate ;\1 \,{Jllr death 1\
i~Il'1 the ~(lrt oj thing" .roll . . ;\\1
trCat l"art"le,,~l~ Y(l11 n{'gkrt 1\
at dw exp<:l1se of your 11)\('d one"
\\'(- can hdp you tllak\·;, ('hris\ia11 will. )lbl ~ho\\ \"(lIlr 1I1tere .. 1
h) mailing- the rOUjllll1 h('lo\\"
6:5B0 2
Pleose send me wltho .,t ob liga t ion
information rela t ing 10:
o Ann., ily
o Wills
ADDRESS ........................ .
CiTy ...................................... ..
STATE ........................ .. ZIP
26 .
1 9 65
L _________________________ ._....
ier{'n("(' bet \\ el'll ~ 1)l1!" \\1,,1)(",
heing carried Ollt ;<t \0111" d{'I11I~I'
;<11(\ your \\"i"hc,> being Ig110red
"l'h;<t smatl i\..:m 1.~ "/11/1" 'i. ,ill. It
probaht~ wuuld takt' k"" than
a11 hour oi yorrr tll11(' tn make
Glimpses of Speciol Ministries of the Home M,ss,ons Deportment
Sfln F rfln c:i . co, C fllifornifl
Teen Ch,l lk()~e work('r, recen l
Iy pickcH'(\ ,I ).:rolll\ of YOUlhful
pilkelcn who ,I f(' a(\\',)I;;llin ).: th e
leg,diling of marijU:l!ln
(;cxl i~ hlc"mg in Iht.' \ <11\101lion o f m;\ny t('('n agl'r~, c <;pcci,,1
Iy boys, Earh on<: i~ a mi racle!
rhe huilding ha~ hc('n filled to
':,II),lcity ~e\'CI',1 1 tunt.'~ in recctll
month' Scyen ooys havc b<:en senl
to tin: Trainmg Ccnter Farm in
Rchr('r~hllrg, Pa" \\hid, i, 'I)()n'
~or{'d by tht, ~t"\\
York 'I"('('n
(h;llkIl8(' I',;ICh I)(,y ~cn t to the
Farm COM\ th e Cl'nter SHM), and
the (('nler tllU,t g uaran lee hi~ r('lurn filte.
Lo. Anll ele . , C.lif orni.
TC1:u Ch"llellge \\orker,
lJla nmng for ,\ T ('{"T1 (h;llIcll).:C
("cnler for ).:irl' and :t Ih'hahi!i,
1,IIion R;u1("11 for bo)" S uch in ,
~ll luI1 011', \\ill I"" a g rt'at a~.;et
to Illl' Teen C hallcngc work on
thc \\'("1 Co.1 ~ t
Thirty dedicated ~\l1l1tT1er ~ Iaff
mem hcrs wcrc hu~)' day and nighl
c\"angelir.ing Irouhled youlh (1Ji.
hie sc hool ~ Iudenl~ a ~~ i ~ t at thc
Center during th e Sllltl1Ucr .) 111111
dr('{h ('If youth resp011{"~d , :-.1arl'otic addicl~ arc Ihro wing ;I\\a)'
thei r "I\ork.," ;,"d arc ea rnC, l lr
~ tudyil1g God's Word OIl Ihe Cen '
It'r. Gang members arc (luitling
II Ie /0:1111/0:' and joinin/o: Ihe Teen
Challt'ng(' Slaff in wi1!t(',,,ing 10
TIl(" )" arc aware: o f a ,pirilual
awah'ning .... herevcr Ihey go
The (('lItcr i., freding 4() young
l\eOlIIe 011111 "ro\'idi1,g clolhmf( and
othcr hdp I" Iho,t' in IIc('i1
\ new field of mini, try 01""111'.1
fen'lItly \\hen Ihe Stale al.proW'fl
TCl'n Challenge a, .. referr;11 agcllCy 10 receil'c p..1rolec~ fro1l1 Cali
f;,rnia', pr i 'ol1~ •.lUd j .. ib.
Teen Challenge h", won wi,k
<l ppr(l';,1 ;l1l1ong lay worken in il..
fidd. Socia l workers, probation of,
fitcr" llOlice, an.1 olhers hale \'isil~.1 to ~ee \\ hat Ihe ~ecret i~.
They ha\'e gone ::I\\ay cn t hmi a ~tic
hacken (If the program.
Sonny :\rguinwni, the fir~t drug
.-d,hrt '<I\'cd Ihrough the mini~tr~'
o f :\ew York T ec n Challengt'. h'h
1"'''\'11 apllOinle(\ ficJd el'iln g eh~t for
tht' I.o~ ,\ngcle~ Cenler Brotlwr
.\rguinlolli i, ,1 graduatc ni thc
[,11m \merican Riblc In'litule,
La Puentc, Calif.
M i,,".i, Flo r idfl
(;abriel Carilie, !""tor of the
Evangelical Refug ee Cenler Chal1cJ
in )'Iiatnl, writes: "1.a ~1 Ileek Iwo
hoab arrivcd from Cuba Ilitll a
tOI;lI of 02 re fugee .. , ,0111<': of whom
ha\'<' already \"i ~ ited Ihe C('lIIer
and ro.!cei\'cd lImch- needed clothing
They report tha I life in Cuha he,
comcs more difficult every day
and thaI food and llledicine arc
hoth difficult to ob tain."
T he Ccnter is still much 111
Ihe lr friend ~.
c\';mgelislic need of u~ed clothing in good conteam, aho ~v(',lk 10 chu rches, dition, 6Pecially clOlhi ng for wom)O\lIh g:r0l11h, ~chool ~, and clubs, l' n and children.
T ee n Cholle ng e work e r. in Son Fronci.co picket
who od"'ocote lego li .. ing morijuona ,
° group
of you th ful
'Ill\" ('I'nlt-f', d'011" .hrn'tor, who Albuqu erque , A ri zonfl
,ufft-re,1 " ,tril)\1- aUlonmbile ae'
The \\"aittr (in';I'l'r, afe no\\"
eidem, i .. 111ud, i1l111rO\'C'<I, though I.a"or~ (If III<' \!llIl'lul'rqur Inrli'11I
)"el unahle to continue on Iti, job. \ ",emllly,
lo. An,ele"
C. liforni.
SeH'llly·fi\·(' ("hil1(',l' allcndcrl :t
SUl1dar ,'ho,,1 Jlicnic 'IKJmorefl hy
Ihe Chine'e ~li .. ,i()ll of Ilhich Billy
\\'"fford i, the ,,"'lor
llrOII1<'r \\'offord rccenlly hapti/l'li fonr >'OUllJ.: iadir, ill \\<lICr,
\II four han' 1)('1'11 'avcl\ umler
Ill' mini .. tfy.
Three (him'", YOUIlJ.: 1'eOI,le
fn,m Ihi .. )'11"ion altenrlcd 011e
of Ihe :-;oullwrH Caliiorni,l ])i"
trin \ol1lh l'0\1111" at Pincl'rc .. t.
,mil all thrn' ren'in'il Iht' 1101)"
M ob~i dge, Sou th Dakot.
J()~'I"l' \\"hitl"lu:ad and Delore,
Sk::lJ.:"IZ', trf)1I1 :--'outlmnto.!rtl BiJ,1e
m \\;";Ihachie. Tex ..
\\orkeli \\ith II1\' I.co BanJ.,;'CJn~
Ihi, ~ummcr in Ihl" IU'\\ ).Iohrill((l"
church, Thlh il hOI, becll I)()s,iblc
fnr the Bank'om to havc four
Sunday ,dwol da"e', ,\IIt:m!ancc
has f('arhed nearly (i),
Brother ll;lnJ.,;~on gut a
time joh in order to ,end ~()me
yotm g )leOllie to camp.
Sko k o mi , I" Wa. h ing t on
The I~o)' :\e]<.ol1' of Cihecue.
\r il." :Ire th e 11CII ll:hIOr, of thc
Skokomi,h [1I(lian a\,embly. following th c re~igll;,tion o f th e
EI"l'r\'l1 ~lcKit1l1cy<;.
S t a nfield , Ariz o na
\ ),1 ("ralhtol1, mi',ionary at
SI,U\ii('1<l, relll'lrt- a wonderful
mOH' of ( ;od in th"ir reccnt In,
dOl) re\'l\"al I\lth Paul Z. Pettitt
o f I~eedle), C alif. ~el'eral came
10 the altar for ,ah':1tiotl and ,ome
for a closer \\alk with God . . \ttcndance al"crat.:t'd hS ,'ach ni ~ ht,
\\ ith R7 all{"ndin~ onc lli):thl.
Whiterive r , Arizona
During )'Ia)", Red Cross nU"Ing
courses \\erc cotltlucted at the
\\' hilerll'er 11Idi,I1\ )'11"ion whcre
the En'in I lillard, arc paslors.
Six of Ihc c ight \pache 1\'01l1Cll
who look t he coursc completed
Ihc1r 1\<1rk and Ilcr(' J.:in-n rc rtil ,
ic,lles al a ceremony in the ch urch.
M c NlI r y, Arizona
The Bert Parker, baplized nine
Indian people julr 4 ,\tlCndallCe
ha. increa<;cd 10 al)()\"c 50 in Sun(by ,chool. The church ha. been
Jo:ril nted onc acre of land and ha.
begun its buildiltg program,
Sanden , A r izo na
Char!\,,, Kumkl". mi"'lonary in
the Burnt "'<lln <lrea. re]!orh ;\
,ucn"'lul IIIO'II'{"tk 1'('I'IV<l1 \\itll
the \\ \\
I larpl'! ,
Four C()U'
I'lTh II'erc ha1'ti7ed ,\uriu,lt a 'I'r
\iCl' ,"\1 \nlt'IO)Jl' I."J..\' On july
.1, nro ther I,umln Iflok ., group
OJ hi, YO\1ll1t pl'ol'll' to \\'indol\'
1~'l\;k au,1 Ihl'), di"rihU\\,d l.JO()
Ir"d, al the ro,ko,
Carol "J"urmT. a yOltng lady from
\\·l'llton. \ril .. ",,1,\(',1 Ihl" "mit
ky, tlli, ,uml1leT,
P r ewitt, A~izo"a
The jerry Ilohkr~ and thl'ir ro·
l,a'lOr" Ihe Cr,<]" ('rO;I'1I1un" ;lrl'
Int,ting (;(1011 In hdl1 Ihem erCC'1
a ~uitahle huilding for I\()r~hill
I",'forc II inler. Thcn' arc al lea,1
I,oon Illdian, in Ihi, afl'a and the
do,,·,t '\'~lll1hlie, of (;nd church
,,~-' mile, awa\ The Cn.;,'lllUlI'
aI,\) do out-talion \\ork among
Ill{" \c0111a,l.agu11;1 Imli;uh,
BI ... nding, U t ... h
])l1e 10 ill health, l{O\\\,IM Cha\'('~
found il llel"e"ary 10 ka\'c thc
Ilork ,he IO \' cd, Dorothy Ill'a ir and
her CO-IIorkC1", .\Ihcrta .\mier,on,
will take dl<1rgl' of lil{" \'.Iandin g
By! ... , Arizona
The \\"illiam l.arC'ia' a,',' 1\0\1
milli-Iering at HI'I",
pnrt- I
E . p a n o la, New Me,,;';'o
lconard El"erh- of Duke, ~,
).It.x .. conducted ';j \lcek". TtI'ival
for i.e_ter ~tal'("t, pa'tor oi Ihe
\"cmhh Ihcn'. Thl' ~pani,h h,
~embh' ,;nd Ihe Four';l)uan' Churrh
l'()<')I('~a t ed. TIl\' SI,irit of (Hili
mOI'e(\ III CI'en' 'l'nice, Imhan folk
from bolh tl;e ~anta Cla r a ,111,1
~an juan
Pm'hlo'" attc11l1\"(1 \
11I,'1I1CI11(" man alll1 hi, Il1ll' \\l'fl'
('o11lerll'd. Catholin'111 l' , t f<)ng 111
thaI Mca, and many "i the PUl'hlo,
art' nOI IlI'illg rcachcd h) cvan
/o: cl1cnl wo rk e r~ .
McDermitt, Nevad"
I'rog'rl'~' in the ).ld)Cf1mt\ ,\"
',mhl\: Ila, been heartwarming.
Ea~h' in the ,111111l1cr Fir,' Chur ch.
' \"\'~llh1i6 of God. Oakland, Cal if.,
under the direction of Pa.,or and
~Ir~. Paul Shod' ami ~lill i .. ter of
Youlh I{obert D. Gorce, ca me "ith
21 yOU l1j;!" people alld did door-IOdoor \"i ~i la tioll. ).Iany re~idl'l1t.
lIerc . Iirred.
In june anothcr dedicated group
Irom First ,\ssembly o f God
Missionory Olline Dingman is pict u red
with th e po inting sh e prese nted to th e Coso
Blanco Indian Mi ssion wh e re th e J . O.
Browns postor. The mountain~ arC sim ilar t o
thc Sacaton Moun tain s nearby. Th e stream
signifies that even as a d ue rt com es
to life wher e water is availabl e, so also
does the dry , thirsty soul come to life when
the Water of Life flow, into il.
<idl' frolll thl' r(>'lgh 'I'a. I".tt h,·.
I"~" h .. {IIJld,d
!~rntlltr, HLirtnT) ,!lvl COl"la,ky
(oj "I \li\"hae1, faught :;-\ ki,1E!"
'almoll, mal1~ \\ ... i~hinE!" /'v{'r ~l)
poul1II" 011 only olle tid.· ~inrl·
thc, ,liol 11,,1 Iwe,! thi~ 1I1,l1\y 1"
r.w j,lr \\ I!\t~r, Ihn· 1:;1\,\· _nTll<"
to til(' F,kimo'
Fl"l~ILlLg til\" Ill'eti tM ;L I·oulh
Tht, log building 111 \\lllrh thc l"tlLll'r at :\CI<;\I"I. !lli"ionar~
l..:cnai c,'ngrq;:atlon wor~hiJls I,a~ Richard RutkdRe ha, ,Lln·ad}" lw
huilt hy Ihe I{u~,ialh hdon· .\Ia, ~UI1 cOlhtnh:tion oj tIll' building
k;1 \\:1', pun·ha,ed by the t· S, The ! fl, e"pel'h it 10 l·o~t ~,-':,OOo.
On Jull' 31 , in ,I )"i11l 'enir('
~(l'TTI\TIR'lIt i~ 11<)\1 takinl: an in·
the \lItit'r_oll (hur,·h, 'e\'('11
Icrhl in thi, huilding, dc,irillg to
H I'
prcS('rn' it for it- hi'l()ri(·al im- F,kimo' \WH· h;ll'till'd
portance, If Ihey do at·quire the \\·il'on, ,uperil1\l'!L,kllt of 11K'
\1a,k;r ""rk. ,Lllt'lHk<l and took
h\llldin~. tIll' K"IMI congrq.:ation
\1 III Imild a lIell' church which !,;ITt ill till' 'l'niCI' k\'\"L"ntl~ tILl'
\, ill h... morc adel]ll<Lte for their Xenana rlmrfh ,q a rt'rorti III
Stmd;LI· ,r!tool 'Il1ell<i;\T1\,\· With .It>
pr,,'l'nt TIll" cycni!L1( ,\'n'),·e :lH·r·
;u;r~' III the 50·,
S tebbinl
The Burtom \\rit" ··(;e1lilllo: our
gro(cric, 111 .\Ia,ka i, not likc Kakt o vik
For the month 01 Julv, the !llel
10 t Ie , oca ,upermar
p;"tor" at l..:"ktm·ik. COli ·
C lal·C 10 on('r a }'f':lr, "IIPP}
at olle tinlL'. tlll'll haul them MOlllld ductcd the Prothlallt 'l'n·ice' at
from St, !llirhael iT) I}();!!>. Ilhicb the local DE\\" I ill\' ,iI,'
i~ a trip of aboUI 20 miks one McCrRth
II:ly. 11 took five bO:ltloads to f("c t
Ken \mlnh l"I"jlortl'd tIlt" large_t
all Ihc ,ul'plie, hne \\\. prai,c Sunday ,rho.,1 atl<'l1<1all("<' 'lIICt'
the Lord that 1I011e of them wa, thl"· han' 111.'("11 at \lrf;ralh
lo~t. for al! the haulillg wa, done
ilrOllin .\lulru, al~o lwld an
ill rvu),(h 't'a~. On IiI(' last trip open·air 'en· icc for the p,:op[" at
around ir011l St. ~licllael. Joe thc \lerlIL\ ii,h ramp'.
CoHn.. an F,kimo 1\ ho hC'"!ped with
\ 111'\\ high "chool ha, ix:e!)
the hauling, ral!t'd ILIC o\·er 10 his providcd in !lle(,rath, ,0 thre~ of
hoat and -aid, ' Look, hoat split.' tile \ndnh hOI, did not have to
lIis boat harl "plit ol){;n on tht' gO ,\II"}" to \ehool this fall.
Orangevale, Calif.. under the dir ect ion of Pastor and ~I f ' , ~ I . L
\ VO()(b, wonsored a gO~l>eI rodeo
Ilh ich was successful. Attendance
reached 70, alld sevcn soul s were
~a l' cd,
The ~I tl)ermi ll congregation is
Cll rrell tl y worship ing in the EpisCOI1.11 ch ur ch The congregation
ha~ fil'e acres on which to build
a chu rch. hut needs finances for
l:On~t ru ct i oll and for d ri lling a \\d\.
S .. n Y.idro, New Mexico
T he \ \" illia lll Ba rharys n:port
t hat nca r ly 5u l)eoplc lXlcked Out
t he room they usc fo r a church
in a recell t scrv ice. They arc much
ill lJeed of ;m adequate building.
·f here arc aho ut 2,500 people up
and down t he va lky, over 1.600
oi thcm india ns. Rut tlle re is no
full -gowel church hui ldi ng ill the
L o wer Brule, South Dakota
~[i ss i ollary Albert Holla nd was
the hospita l thr ee \l eek s til
Jun c. The chur ch is in a btlilding
pr ogra m and needs fund~. T hey
arc urgcnt ly in need of an a(lequate ch ur ch bu ilding bdor e wi nte r.
M e ntone, California
Seve ral rnomhs ago !llrs. Eh ie
II!, \ Va tson wa s in a ser ious a llto
accident. H er hcad a nd fa ce were
badly cut; Ilt~r [cfl \\ rist alld six
ribs we re broken ; a nd he r colla rbo ne lI as b roken on the ri gllt
side. She II a s nca r de ath. T he
wr ist has neve r beell ~e t, al tho ugh
she is beginn ing to be able to u sc
her left hand some . Pray fo r hc r
complete r ecove ry.
Shiprack, N e w Mexico
Numer ous Na\".1ho t r iha l represematins amj local offi cials attend ed th e dedi ca ti on servi ces of
th e new chur ch in S hip rock . K.
Mex., June 22, The ch ur ch was
packcd , It sea ts aOOm 300 and is
olLe o f the fine st Indian ('hurches
in the country. It has a siz:lble
S unda y school annex.
L. Brandt , national home
SEPTEMBER 26. 196 5
$ecret:lry, lIas the gue,t
"1)Caker fo r the o(a~ion Thc elltife ~cn·ice Ila~ in Xavaho \\ hi(h
was translated into English. !II is.
'IOl1arIC, IrOIll IItlITICrOUS ,tallon,
lIT ,~e\\" , e"ICO were pf{"I'nt.
Rema r ka!lle te~lI!n01l16 0.1 rom·
plcte tran.,lormatloll frOIll b·e~ of
drunkcnness ami otllcr II i~kcdnes~
we re j::;il·en by "cI·eral people of
the church . Very deep appreciation
wa, expres,ed to Hro ther and Si,tcr Char1c~ Lee. pa'!or:;,. ior th.eir
great cOlicer.1I ~,nd devotloll wlllch
pro~l uced tl\l' IIIII' Ind~all congregallon and re~u1ted 111 ncctlon
of tile new ch urch.
Flagltaf(, A ri zona
LJPOll the resignatioll of the
Ralph Ha rrisolLs, Brother and Sister Fox of Bylas. Ar iz .. he(a me
the new pasto r s of the Flagst,lff
11Idian Assembly.
T he H arr isom have left the
India n ficld for the preSellt. Brotll- Two WEn:';1!.'· At'I'OI';TEI) hOI1I<: (;()(l (Olltgl'. \\';I~ahachi\', Tn
er I Iarrisoll plans to fu rthe r h is 1I1i"iOll:!ries \\il[ be working- )11 Brothl'r ~mith i.. lie('lI'e,1 \\Ith th~'
thc Indian field. and a couple 1,']1 ;\1'1\ !l1c'<Il'O Di,triu
ed uca tion.
be working in .\la"ka.
,1I~, ,md .1Irs. JimlllY II' I'",..,
,·/I/>er/a .y, .·IIIII,,~slJll "airC;I(1\ an· pn"('IHI~ ,,'rqn!i; 111 lhe \b~ka
working- ill Ihe Blandin!;. Ltah. fidd al \mak
S k agwllY
IndialL ~li,sion as Dorothy Beair",;
\\·hilt ,cn'inlo: \\ilh thc armed
Tile G il !ll eroneys write that co-worker
fort'c'. Brothn l'rin· rompkt",1
the ~he11 of t heir eduC:lti onal ullit
;"IIi" .. \ndcr'()11 is a graduate of OILl' ~ear', \,:oll.·W' '\ork HI· I' ... ,
I~ a h no~t complele. They
wer(' Cemr,11 Bihle ItbtltutC, Springfield. ]>1:r;"ILI'~d in aliatiolL. haling 1)('('11
awa it ing siding and roofing ,up- ~Io. She ha~ p,i,tored four church- a (OI111I1cH·la) pilot [h· hold, min
1)lies 011 th e Tle xt boat.
e, and Il a~ engagc(1 ill cvangcii,tic i,leri:l1 lief'lIsc with the nr('goll
\Iork for thc pa,t fe" year,. Shc Dj,tri.t.
Si,tl'f I'rire h:h had c\J1erienn·
Brot her and Sister P aul E. B i l l ~ is ordaincd \Iith the XCII York
in ;Ler,,!\amicil 1I;1,i~atiun ~hc al
and famill' ha l"e a rri ,·cd in ~omc Di,lr;ct.
""',"H"el/' .1I1110u Smllh IS nO\1 ~ hold, credcnti;L1~ \\ith the On·
to conti m;e thei r missionary work.
They a rc replacing Harrie t Brown mini,tering to tile Indian people gon Di~tr i ct.
The Price, hal"{' a youn g da ughwho has been pastor of ti le -'"ome at ~ l c,(ale I"O, " .. !lIt'x. lie at11"01k fo r some timc. Shc wil l rc- knded Southl\('stern . \ ssembli('~ of t er .
turn to Ca nada and the Lower ~8
for a lIIuch-needed rest.
." ".
P e te rohur g
Ber nard Tewe ll return cd from
the hosp ital June 2..[ and was ad vi sed to spend th e mont h of J ul y
in bed resli ng . H e is now able to
be up more . Eddi e I~i ffey and DOli
T ri glon, student s a t :-':o rth west
Bible Col lege, helped wit h thc ,eri"iees a nd \ ·BS \, hile Brot he r
T ell·ell wa s ill.
-- ,
K, Smith
A. Anderson
J im my R. Price family
God hac cXp£'ricnce(\
with EI";;l.ngclists )r!hnny
Barton and ~[ikc Lasky. In the
3'\\{'ck cru,adt: theft were .30
saved, 20 iillcd \\ith the Huiy
Spirit, and 111,II1y refilit-ll MId
Pa~!or and
:-'1 rs. E\'eret! Ewing Twenty-fivc
new faillilie~ havc been added to
bk~~(',l by thc Lon! the \>a" ~C\'­ thc church, ,lIIeI lhc finall(e~ haye
n ••1 yean, [)urillg the 12 years stabilil.cd and increascr!, The Ewthat Jack \\-l'" w;;l.\ pa~lor, there ings halc rC<'clltly resigncd to I~­
(0111(' \>J.,tors uf the .hselllhly of
II ;.\ a (()11\illUOI1\ inl':athtring of
~()1I1~. and the nell hUl1<1illK ,~at­
(J()(I in 1)"5 ~!oine". \\·ash.
ml-: l,fi)O \\a., cro:ctcd. l:rOlh<::r
Stell art
\\-l'.t i~ n,," cngagcd 111 all ('van- Cit)", ind_. has been elected a~ nCII
SJ'RJ 1\r;I·/ ELf),
;\IO.-Ca1\,ary dcr thc leJ,lcrship of
There wefl' many \'i,ildr~ ami
cro\\'d~ w('re largo.'. Chairs Ilcn'
needed to <lH"mmo<!all' them. .\ gch,tic lllulI,try.
bacbliddcn I'cntccostal preac h God ha, continued to bless
-Clyd,' A. Ilell$OIl, pastQr
.\hembl), here ju~t closed a two-I/IJ";,"-lrd '·um-h. clWfeh SUfe/ar}' week rel'lval \Ii th Evallgciist Jim
reclaimed ;llld IS nOI\
\I'orkinf,,' for Goli ... \ Bapti.t couple
(he \\a, choir kader ;ll1d she was
a pianist in the Bal)tisl church)
were filled II ith the I {ulr Spirit.
Financial prlJ~I ....'rily II 'IS e111phasi~et1 <lnd lilhe~ and offcrinR5
were largest in several year~. In
the du,jng sen·ice, pkdgcs were
taken for <l Ile\\ II<llInnon<l organ.
The church is rej(Jicin~ ol'e r al!
that was accomplished III thi~
reviva1. M:Hly nell' families have
been added 10 the chu rch,
"lIfm('r. pastor
FAI1~ PI.A Y, ~IO_ The Assembly of God here experienced a
preci01.15 move of God recently.
Several found Ci1r15t real to their
hearts, aud other~ received the
f lolr Spirit. James Bugg, Grand
Rapids, 1Iich., ocgan Ihe first
week of \he
forre st
Arno ld and family o i Central Uible
institute, S jlringficJd. ~lo., continued for 111 0 more weeks.
The church c-.:periellced the
greatest Sunday school attcndance
ill 14 years. The rccord attendance of 79 1\3S hroken with IOi
l'r('~cnt on a r"iny Fourth of Jul~
- J. I .. nllnll'li, tustor
.., I \ II
I ollClon
( :~b{)t
"./llllll) j)
26 (kt. 10
1 '",,1
.\ G
I' !fst
On )·8
Scpt 26·0<;1,
, G
, C
' Jtlon;11 Cit)'
C;lh ,uy TClllple
S.1Il Josc
S.11l I,uis Ohispo
\ 'i~ali;1
\\ c'ed
\\ 1],lIlIIgt""
( "JI'"
JJ( ~ '>O'"
lillian Cih
1..1\1 \1 01ine
\ 1.lttoon
I' eklll
Cc·da, ](apid\
h)lt \\ ell Ill'
C."dcn C,t,
\-;1 Ie, Center
\\ jrl;ilJ
n~"':1 1'31k
Battll' CICek
11.1, Cit)'
Crowd Rapids
Rapid Cit)
Fngm Falls
Oct ,·1Oct 3'icP! 29-0ct \0
\~pt 2(, Od, 10
(kL )'(kt. 10
(l(1 ,·8
Sept 26-0d . 3
, C
Glad Il dmg~
Full Gospcl
., G
,\ /G
lhghbnd P'lIk
° Fi,st
A G Tab,
Ful! Gospel
Fonl·Fold Gospel
Clad Tidill~~
Gospd Tab
\\ 'ood",crc G~rden
Calvary Temple
bang, :\ml,
Gosyel Tab.
2~·Oet, 10
2~-()1I 10
26·00 I
Ott 3St·pt. 29·0cl 10
Ort "lOci. ;.J i
Oct 3
Sl'pt 1926
Sept. 2-·(kt. >
Sept. 26·0ct 10
Scpt. 26·0ct. 10
Oct, )·17
Oct 3·17
Oct . ;·17
Sept 26·0ct 10
Scpt 28·00_ 10
Oct j·14
Ocl 322
Scpl 26·0el 10
Sept, 29·0ct 10
Oct.3Oct 5·17
Ocl i·2i
Sept 26·0c(
Sept 29-
Oct.5Sept 28Oct. 5-10
Sept 28·0et ! 0
Oct.)·!OCI. 5·1Oct. 310
Sept 26·0ct 10
Oct, -;:.]7
S~pt, 28·0ct. 10
Oct.3Sept 28·0ct.10
Bllh '" .'''3 :-'ld.can
RoyCe & \l rs. Lowe
c. '" :-'II~
J. c. '" :-d,~
H Ie :-'hll!Oll
J BJlt()n:-'1. I.a\k)
\ (; I>: \I r~_ CJI3\IJ)
D"u JOllC~
1..111) \\ilsoll
\\ R. Hcnton
,\l urph)~ SIl"th
1,,_ Chcshler
I' J Stu/flebcem
\1a "IlISchlllidt
B J! Call1pbcli
1 C. )'hllcI
1- I.. I aWTellCC
I OTlI \1c!roy
Charles Scncchal
Charles \enceh:tl
I)""d 1 tood
HerC1l\ t..:u uhcn
\lan'll> Sdllllidt
, G
Se')lt, 19-0ct. 3
Scpt. :- Oct.
(kt 4·10
J~mc~ L 1 Jeuncs)
J \\. lluchallJn
Jalllc~ \l oms
()( t 11"'q)\. ~-·Ou II)
M.s. Ruth Grov es, Sunday sc h ool
superin te nd e nt ot th e A sse m b ly of
God in Fair Ploy, Mo. , breaks
record over h ead af Pa l to. J. l.
"i r,t
, G
l.i,~ ()J~
I' \C\ l Oll
J.litk 1(0~~
1.\.\;--"CI·,L1S I
" 11ighl~1\(1
, C
Oct ;.) ~
Oct. 3·;
Oct l-15
LI I )orado
1·:1 Dorado
. \ " III
, C
, G
Ilcre ;;avcd and more than 80
filled with the Spirit at Bethel
Temple here in a four-week meeting with EI-angciis!s LO\li~ and
'1I;tnpil', forml"fly S(,llIh,irle .\s'("rnbl)'. here ha\ heel] greatly
J_ Smith
.\nell>: Diane Kilgore
krr" Km bbc
R.. \ _ \\ liso!!. Jr
,",c"lIc &: IklllJh CJI1>01l
L '" 0. KJupa ngn
bill R. Kcc\h
Id Illlndlc,
C '" \1,\ . Robert:;
CIJfI'liJn I!i ld
Bob \\ I)>on
CCII~ lInrl;css
)01111 & I,,,'th Stall;"g,
Kl'll Broadm
BI.ldlc~ ShJ\\
' cttie l'adJaIll
Bob \\ dttcrs
)..; cllllcth 0, Bad
DonJld Boguc
II.mil Lid,lrJlId
J, I, \(gnc
R"'lIIond Olivcr
I cl.uld I-:C)c>
I. L. Kopper
C C. Crace
'Idcn JlJ~>dalc
1.~(}"Jrd 0.ipper
Ckn .\
l.cona,d P. Cults
CCClI \\ Igl[lI1,
1.:lIonr T:I;lor
\\ \. BlIl~
Robert I(" tkdgc
Culpepper·Gombs E'~Jlo:_' 1 Ill, \ \ db", \1~lldigo
\t,~_ ko)cc L Lowe
1.. C. Wade
Ro) ec L. Lo"c
J. DePolo
Doug Johnson
Ibrr)"V. Vibbert
Jnr\' Sle~all
Do" &: DJ~i~ Co~
1':_ T QU:lllabul!t Tealll
Garv Arehn
Il oland & Lc;muJ Iialtic
Flo)d L. Denni,
1. ]) Ra; born
1 C. Wadc
rTll",,,n Smith
H 1 Farquhar
C. I·: Ri cheson
\ I \I~ tclb
htd !e Gottwald
David &\ Irs. Campbell
C. E , Gdbcrl
Koonce & Blackwell Tm
Fred Clrrington
1 -\_ Earl
V,:-'1. & :-'!rs. Duliabaull
Daniel Summa
Joel '" :-'hs. Palmcr
Call E Gamlllci
l!llest \\ 'elk
\ti ehael and Pcggy Lord
K F \ l.!tsclmbt
R. S PctcllOIl
Keelah Jones
Fred iC3(kr
\lJr ie \\aklllt!
I. i Kr immcr
J 0 Rmellbc'g
klr) Slro"p
l~u.\S('ll Quackenbus h
J. F_ Sholt
C.lil Il;~on
C. \\' TrcnuHl
Il cThcrt Eiche r
C. :\ DJ,cnporl
Pa" ill Lec
lhillcl D Roehl
Ikllll'''' \l:1lonc~
\ F Dil)l\l~to '
H I I Dean
.\rthnr&Anna Be,g
F J. i .i ndquist
\1ch·ill I !anson
\\-elch_ Two were reclaimed and
two were hea led. The pastor's son
was healed of Brighfs disease and
a lady was healed of high blood
pressure. The spiritual le\·cl of
the church was lifted_
-Wiley Burks, pastor
Assembly here cnjoyed a move o f
God during a thfce-week revival
crusade with t he Musical Vanns.
About 65 were saved. All existing
attendance records were broken
with 220 in the morning worship
The closing night of the meet·
ing was highlighted by the dedica·
tion of a new ly installed baptist ry
and a baptismal ser vi ce.
-E. C.
.'" JN.l\lcx_
N.C .
S Dak
Ten" .
\V. Va.
Ha waii
S. Wales
Congregotion of First Assembly in Paramount , Calif. , prese nted a
new Cadillac to Pastor and Mrl. T. 5. Singleton in appreciotion af
15 yec"l of lerviee to the church .
\,S,SE:\IllL Y
.\ G
Dc Solo
Scpt 2b·Oll 10
Sept. 260et 10
Oct. 4-17
Sept 26·0ct \0
Oct. 3-10
Sept. 30·0d ')
Oct. 6'iepl 28·0cl 10
Sept. 26Oct 6·1Sept 27Oct. 4-17
Oct ;·17
Sept. 29Oct. ;·10
Oct 1Sept. 26-0(t 10
Sept. 28-0el. 10
Oct S·li
Oct ;.1Oct.3OCI. 3·1;
Oct. 9.2-+
Sept. 2;·Oa 3
Sept. 26-0ct 3
Sept. 26-0(t. 10
Sept. 28-0ct 10
Sept. 29·0ct 10
Oct. 3·10
Sept 22-0et. 3
Scpt. 2--0ct 3
Oct. )·10
Oct. 4Oct 5 17
Oel. )·17
Sept. 29-0ct 10
Oct. 3·17
Oct. 1·3
Sept. 290cI 10
Oct. 6·17
Oct.3Oct. 3Sept 26·0et 10
Sepl26Sept. 28·0et !O
Sept. 28·0ct
Oct. ;.! 7
S~pt. 28-0ct
Oct. 6·17
Oct. I 3
Sept. 28 ·0et. 10
Sepl. 28·0c\. 10
Oct. 5-17
Sept 2;-29
Scpt.29·0et 3
Sept. 26·Nov. 6
Oct 5·10
Oct. 3·6
Sept_ 27-30
Oct. I·;
(lct 5·10
St LOllis
I iamburg
\\ 111.1,01
T ioga
Ti ppCit)
\\' Callolltoll
Okmul gee
Yuk on
Carl tOll
Imlcpc ndcucc
11 :llnlin
Kallle r
Sioux Falls
EI Paso
I hghland5
Frollt Royal
\\ 'ilson Cicek
\ G
llerC:l'J clIlplc
\ G
J rim!)
Glad "Jldllll!:S
,\ G
Bethel Tab
l"aith T~b.
First Pentecostal
\ G
Gospel Tab
Clelllcnt Strect
Kallflll311 Shce!
Full Gospel
Gospel Tab.
BetllJtl) Tab.
Al G
EVJng. Ctr.
Bethel Temple
I' \s rOI{
Loyd I-bddleton
I F l lcmbrce
10111, Dean, & :>htl.l I !cady \rlic Roberts
Robert & !'Ills. I tolland
\I.I~ Francis
:>[110 Harmon
II II. Phillips
Joe I &: :>Irs_ Williams
Rohcrt i\bllol)
F Elsworth KrogslJd
Jllnmr Sl\"aggart
"elsoll Sachs
Dan Krieorian
\11011 Richardson
Da,id I< Patricia lohnson Ronald I'iedillonte
\\emer M. & i\hs. Johnson Ronald 1'lcdmollte
Charles Ogdoll
n G Gunter
Bill;- & Kath)' LOllI!:
Fall G. Valilani
Da,·c & :>Iolla I.ewis
PettI l'igl131050
lIar\C) D. Ferrell
C B L.l"n-ncc
Lee & Bonnie J- Krupnick \IJlllll Kalle,ig
Bob LudWig
\1 F Benl1et!
\\. L Rh\"and
Don & Sharon Parker
Dave & Jan Olshevs~1
Ch"d"ick'" \\c:lver
Arnold & ' \lIit a Scge,1Il311 lloyd ~ IcClellall
R,cllaHI J Pasquale
I! 1.. II.IOIri50n
Ral' C. Eskelin
II :\ Brummett
E.l\lathels:r. l'lmr
Ch~ ter Powell
Curtis V. Brown
C. & B. lIudspeth
C_ Jcffnrs \\'illialllsoll
])on ~1allollgh
Robert Bowden
Tom E. Ifill
G.W_ 1\[i1lton
G. L Cowart
Sid WIlite
C \\' Sh3w
Paul Cain
Ralph \Iidljetl
AndreI\" C. & 1\lrs. Base!! Charles E. j)ce~cI
David F Dcan
11 H COllant
Frcdd}' Clark
E'lrl Ford
Andrew Tcnber
Arthur & Ann~ Berg
DOlle If . 'I hOlllpsol1
C ]) Fdl\"a.ds
I!. Sy,clle Phillips
T. E. Scruggs
,\ C. Clalldcr
C. V Da"is
I!. A. &: 1\lrs. Strangc
Terry johnson
J T B3,less
Tommy \Vibon
au",ie D,wis
LeRoy Fleck
\Vinferd Ma ck
\\'m F lIagem~n
'! onlln)" \Vilson
.\1 ;"1 Otwell
lames \\' I\!orris
li111111)' &: Lcnete ;"lcrritt
R. C. Deanllan
Iblc·Tllfiler Team
Akin ASKins
Al Da"is
Ted Stcphel1\
Duane \"c lsmall
\\' Kcller
Peiffer & l13rdcn Team
T B. Pierce, Sr
Oa,e & I\!ona Lewis
lIarry C. \\'lles
Ir,ing&: i\lar)' L.lloward S Bbir 11311
I'aul Clark F~mil)'
\\ ' G . StlOl1I
"Little loc" Peterson TeJmOlan Kuolt s
"Little IDe" Peterson Team Hnssel \\. l la,.,.. ey
Bcrlie Lindsc)"
Elso \Vikox
lacob C. El'lzel1
D3""1 & Kath)" Ohon
J. \V . & I-hs. Ream
C \\'. Allen
\\'atson Arg\le
Eldon Villcellt
Llmd Percra
C. DJrrell'! !\lekcrhy
W. W & ;"lrs. I-Iartin
Far] A Tavlor
Lloyd Percu
!'rie Dando·
\Vatson Argue
Orcn Paris
"hr~h3111 Ilallec
Oren Paris
\\' I\\orris
!.ucidio Ri\"CTO
Orcn Paris
• Children's Re"ival
Due to printing schedule. announccments must reach The Pentecostal Evancd five weeks in ad"an ce
and ~rrs. T S_ Singleton were
honored junl" 20 for their 15th
anniversary a~ pn~tors of First A$sembly here. The congregation
pre~ented them with a 1965 Cadillac in appreciation for their year,
of service.
Special ministering gueSts \\I"re
Thomas 111 ing, George Branch. nnd
Charles ~[onroe_
The church has grown 10 four
times the size it was in 1950
"hen Brother Singleton accepted
the pastorate here. The prl"scnt
building h3S been improved nnd
land,cape(\, a new educational
building added. and a three·bedroom parsonage built. Several pieces of property next to the church
have ?cen purchased for future
TION of the PentecQ~t:ll Fellow.
ship of N"orth America. Oct. 26·28,
at Beth el Temple Assclllbir
God, Dayton, Ohio.
30TH :\:\\,"I\"ERS:\RY of Kelltueky \)i,tri(t Council-Oct. 19-21
at Evangel Tabernacle, Louisville,
Ky. T
Zimmerman. guest
slK:dkt:r. 1.1 ) E. C. I3redlX'!Ulcr,
district sccro:t<lry-tre'I~llrer.
1I0:-'IECO;"[[NG-Oct.3 at Wise
:-..[ ill Assembly of God, Elba, Ala.
Former pastors speaking at morning sen·iee. Two quar tets to sing
ill aftCTllOOIl_ Pa,\Or completing
10th year with the church.-by
Dallas Bryant, pastor.
I 10!"-1 ECO;\II0.'G-Scpt. 26 at
Lighthouse Assembly of God, /\rd morc, Okla. A 11 former pastors
and members invited. Dinner to
be scrved.-H. H. Davis, pasto r .
1I01llECQMING and 35th Anni vcrsary at the Gospel Tabernacle,
Sioux Falls, S. Oak., Oct. 4.
Brother and Sister Arthur F,
Berg, founders and former p<l9·
tor s, will be g\les! speake r s. WeI·
come to all who have made this
their church home in years past!
- br Andrew S. Teuber, pastor.
N. J.- Robert
Bartlett, direclor of T een Challenge ill Philadelphia, will conduct
special se rvi ces 011 October 2, 3
at the Assembly of God here.
Former addi cts will give their tes_
timonies and sing.-by james Ocdlipil!li, pastor.
HO~I ECO:-'I ING- Hartons Chapel Assembly, ncar Murchison, Tex.,
announces annual homecoming on
Oct. 3. All former pastors, members, families, and friends are invited.-hy H . F. Wolf, pastor.
Aloneness is a chilly word , pathetic , almost ugly . .
It cuts the throbbing heart fro m life;
it crushes t he spirit reachi ng fo r meaning; it cries
to fJlI the big empty hole in every waking hour ; it tires of p laythings
as s ubstitutes for people. Aloneness calls fo r a friend , someone
to be near , a real pe rson to be with .
T rue family spi ri t cont rad icts a loneness. The
fa mil y w r aps it s lo ve
a round each ind ividual
member to warm him ) to
offer understanding, to a fford refu ge, even to provide
meaning. Outside is a loneness; in side is famil y.
God 's love to ma n illustra tes beautifully th e relation ship of a Christian fath er and mother to their
children . To be a member
of God 's fa mily through
faith in Christ is to know
the fullest meaning of family. In fact , to be a child of
God fits one for a meaningful human experience. This
dissolves aloneness.
..", ...."""....,.
...... _