Graduation Invite Booklet 2016
Graduation Invite Booklet 2016
U N I V E R S I T Y O F B O LT O N Te a c h i n g In t e n si ve , Re se a rc h Informed D E G R E E C O N G R E G AT I O N S 2016 I N V I TAT I O N P RO G R A M M E G R A D U AT I O N PAV I L I O N situated at “ T H E S WA R D ” U N I V E R S I T Y O F B O LTO N C O N G R AT U L AT I O N S We are delighted to invite you to the University of Bolton degree congregation ceremonies in July. The dates and times for your particular course graduation event are included in this booklet, along with details of how to register for graduation (graduands) and book tickets for your friends or family (guests). There is also information on how to order your academic dress and photos for on the day. Graduation is a very special occasion – the culmination of all your hard work and the highlight of the University year. We hope you will be able to make it to your degree congregation ceremony and we look forward to welcoming you back on campus soon and sharing in your celebrations! Prof. Stephen Hardy Head School of Law Anna Fitzpatrick Head School of Sport & Biomedical Sciences Gill Waugh Head School of Education & Psychology Jane Howarth Head School of Health & Human Sciences Prof. Jim Snaith Head Bolton Business School Andy Smith Head School of Engineering Sam Johnson Head Bolton School of the Arts Simon Wiggins Head School of Creative Technologies CONTENTS Congregation dates and times 4 How to book your tickets 11 How to book your academic dress 13 How to book your photographs 14 What else to do before graduation 16 What happens on graduation day 18 Academic dress: gowns, hoods & hats 20 Checklist 23 Bolton Alumni Association 25 Useful contacts26 How to find us27 C O N G R E G AT I O N D AT E S A N D T I M E S The degree congregation ceremonies will be held at the University of Bolton, Deane Road, Bolton, BL3 5AB. C O N G R E G AT I O N 1 S C H O O L O F C R E AT I V E T E C H N O LO G I E S Wednesday 13 July 2016 10.30am Business Software Development Computer Games Software Development Computer Networks Computer Networks and Security Computing Computing and Website Development Film Production for the Music Industry Games Art Games Design Games Programming Internet Communications and Networks Live Events Production Media Production Media, Writing and Production Sound Engineering and Design Special and Visual Effects for Film and Television Special Effects Development Special Effects for Film and Television Visual Effects for Film and Television 4 C O N G R E G AT I O N 2 B O LT O N B U S I N E S S S C H O O L S C H O O L O F L AW Wednesday 13 July 2016 2.45pm Accountancy Accountancy and Financial Management Business Administration Business Information Systems Business Management Business Management (Business Information Systems) Business Management (Marketing) Business Studies Events Management Executive MBA Human Resource Management International Management International Tourism Management Law Logistics and Supply Chain Management Master of Business Administration (Graduate) Master of Business Administration (Top up) Project Management Public Administration Research Business Studies Research Law Research Management Supply Chain Management 5 C O N G R E G AT I O N 3 SCHOOL OF ENGINEERING S C H O O L O F S P O RT & B I O M E D I C A L S C I E N C E S Thursday 14 July 2016 10.30am Advanced Materials Advanced Materials (Medical and Healthcare) Advanced Materials (Technical Textiles) Advanced Microelectronics Advanced Microelectronics for Industrialists Architectural Technology Automobile Engineering Automotive Performance Engineering Biology Biology (Animal Biology) Biology (Molecular Sciences) Building Surveying and Property Management Civil Engineering Construction and Surveying Construction Management Electrical and Electronic Engineering Fashion Product Development Health and Safety Management Mathematics Mechanical Engineering Mechatronics Medical and Healthcare Devices Motorsport Technology Quantity Surveying and Commercial Management Research Construction Research Electronic Engineering Research Engineering Research Materials Science Sport and Exercise Science 6 Sport Development and Coaching Sport Rehabilitation Sports Development Sports Science and Coaching Strength and Conditioning Systems Engineering (Electronic) and Engineering Management Systems Engineering (Mechanical) and Engineering Management Systems Engineering (Mechatronic) and Engineering Management C O N G R E G AT I O N 4 S C H O O L O F H E A LT H & H U M A N S C I E N C E S Thursday 14 July 2016 2.45pm Advanced Practice (Health and Social Care) Clinical Practice Community Public Health Nursing Community Specialist Practice (District Nursing) Community Studies Complementary Therapies Early Childhood Studies Early Years Childhood Studies Health and Social Care Health and Social Care Assistant Practitioners Leadership in Health and Social Care Professional Studies (Complementary Health) Professional Studies (Health and Social Care) Public Health Practice Safeguarding and Promoting Children’s Wellbeing Specialist Community Public Health Nursing (Health Visiting) Youth and Community Work 7 C O N G R E G AT I O N 5 S C H O O L O F E D U C AT I O N & P S Y C H O LO G Y Friday 15 July 2016 10.30am Certificate in Education Cognitive Behavioural Therapy Counselling and Psychology Criminological and Forensic Psychology Education and Learning Educational Management Postgraduate Certificate in Education Professional Development in Early Years Professional Development in Education Professional Diploma in Education Professional Graduate Certificate in Education Professional Graduate Diploma in Education Psychological Studies Psychology Research Education Studies Teaching and Learning Teaching and Learning in Higher Professional Education Teaching Assistants (Primary) 8 C O N G R E G AT I O N 6 B O LT O N S C H O O L O F T H E A R T S Friday 15 July 2016 2.45pm Animation and Illustration Art and Design Children’s Literature and Culture Creative Writing English Fine Art Graphic Design Interior Design International Multimedia Journalism Performance Performing Arts Photography Professional and Commercial Dance Research English Textiles and Surface Design 9 H OW TO B O O K YO U R TICKETS GRADUAND TICKETS If you wish to attend your degree congregation, please use our online booking system to register (graduand tickets are free but you still need to register) no later than midnight on Friday 27 May 2016 – it will not be possible for us to process any late applications. To register, visit then click ‘Register for Graduation’ and log in to your Student Record using your username and password. If you have any difficulties, please contact the help desk on 01204 903444 or email [email protected]. Please also indicate if you wish to attend the drinks reception following your graduation. GUEST TICKETS Once you have confirmed your attendance to the degree congregation via your Student Record (see above), you can book up to three (four for PhD students)* guest tickets for your family or friends to see you graduate. You can book guest tickets online from Monday 20 to Sunday 26 June 2016. Guest tickets cost £12.50 each – this includes a seat in the venue, entrance to the drinks reception following your graduation and a souvenir 11 brochure. (*If extra tickets become available, you will be notified by email after Monday 27 June 2016. These tickets will be sold on a first come, first served basis.) Your guest ticket(s) will be emailed to you. It is important that you print these out and bring them with you on graduation day. Students who have registered but then unfortunately do not complete their studies will be invited to graduation the following year. If, for some reason, you book guest tickets which you subsequently no longer require, please notify us by emailing [email protected] no later than Friday 1 July 2016 and we will issue a refund via PayPal. SPECIAL REQUIREMENTS Please inform us when registering for your graduation of any special requirements you or your guests may have (e.g. wheelchair user, mobility problems, blind/partially sighted or deaf/hearing impairment), and we will make every effort to accommodate you. We will contact you to discuss arrangements, but if you have any queries, call our Disability Team on 01204 903478. 12 CHILDREN Degree congregation ceremonies are joyful occasions, but the proceedings are formal and are not suitable for children under the age of five. However, should they attend, please be advised children aged two and over will be included in your allocation of guest tickets at a charge of £12.50 each. Children under the age of two do not incur a charge – contact [email protected] to book an infant ticket. OTHER Visit the University website at or email [email protected]. H OW TO B O O K YO U R ACADEMIC DRESS All graduands are entitled to wear academic dress (a gown, hood and hat) and in our experience most students choose to do so. Robes can be hired from William Northam Robemakers & Photographers either online via or by calling 0870 240 1852. Queries regarding academic dress should be made directly to them and further information on robes can be found on page 20. Hat sizes can be obtained by measuring the circumference of the head one inch/2.5 centimetres above the eyebrows, level round; please state measurement when booking. The correct form of dress to accompany an academic gown is: 13 • For men, a dark suit with a shirt and tie. • For women, a dark suit with a white blouse or a dark dress. • National dress. Safety pins and hair grips can be useful on the day, to attach your hood and hat. H OW TO B O O K YO U R PHOTOGRAPHS The University’s official photographers, William Northam, will be present at the University before and after the degree congregation ceremonies, to take photographs of graduates in their academic dress. In addition, a photograph will be taken (where possible) as you are presented on stage during the degree congregation ceremony. If you want an official photograph please pre-book. Visit the William Northam website ( or call 0870 240 1852. Should you decide not to pay in advance it is still possible to pay at the sales desk on the day. The William Northam website will be closed from Wednesday 29 June. Terms and Conditions William Northam’s refund policy states that should you wish to cancel your academic dress and photography order, you can do so free of charge within 14 days of your order being placed. Should you wish to cancel after the 14 day ‘Cooling off Period’ you may still do so however a £1.50 administration charge will be deducted. All refund requests must be received at least 7 days before your graduation ceremony date. To cancel please visit and log into ‘My Account’ or email [email protected] 14 W H AT E L S E TO D O B E F O R E G R A D U AT I O N C E RT I F I C AT E S Degree certificates will be posted out to your home address within eight weeks of graduation day, following approval by the relevant examination board. It is therefore essential that you advise the University of any change of address by the end of June. You can update your address online at – click Student Record then input your University username and password. Changes after June need to be emailed to Tricia Collier via [email protected]. International students must confirm the address to which their certificate should be posted. Please email [email protected] and include your full name, student ID number and course. Until confirmation has been received, certificates will be held at the University. VISAS International students and their family and friends may need to apply for a visa to enter the UK to attend graduation. Information can be found at If you require a ‘To Whom It May Concern’ letter for your application, email [email protected] or log on to, click on Student Record and select the links under the Student Services heading. 16 A C C O M M O D AT I O N If you need somewhere to stay for graduation, book well in advance. Tourist Information may be able to help: call 01204 334321, email [email protected] or visit A limited number of single occupancy rooms are available in the University halls of residence for graduates and their guests. For details, call the Accommodation Team on 01204 903481 or email [email protected]. G R A D U AT I O N T - S H I RT S & H O O D I E S To pre-register your interest for a branded graduation T-shirt or hoodie, please email the Students’ Union Shop Manager Gill Charters via [email protected]. VISIT OUR WEBSITE TO ORDER YOUR GRADUATION ITEMS BOOK EARLY TO AVOID DISAPPOINTMENT We recommend you place your order at least 21 days before the ceremony to guarantee your items are available. * You will not be entitled to the online discount if you order through the Call Centre. Open Monday to Friday 9am – 4.30pm. Calls may be recorded for staff training. Facilities for the deaf & hard of hearing or those with a speech impairment are available using your Textphone – dial 1800101223861854 to access the RNID Typetalk system. Please see our website for terms and conditions. William Northam, PO Box 367, Waterbeach, Cambridge CB25 9QY Call Centre: 0870 240 1852 W H AT H A P P E N S O N G R A D U AT I O N D AY Please allow two hours to register, collect your robes, have photographs taken (you can also do this afterwards), get to the venue and be seated at least 15 minutes before the start of the ceremony. R E G I S T R AT I O N Congregations 1, 3 and 5 (morning congregations) Graduands must register for the ceremony and collect a student ticket and seat number between 8am and 9.30am. Congregations 2, 4 and 6 (afternoon congregations) Graduands must register for the ceremony and collect a student ticket and seat number between 12 noon and 1.45pm. ACADEMIC DRESS & PHOTOGRAPHY Congregations 1, 3 and 5 (morning congregations) Robes will be available at the University between 8am and 9.30am, and must be returned by 5.30pm. The photography service will be available at the University between 8am and 9.30am and after the ceremony until 5.30pm. Congregations 2, 4 and 6 (afternoon congregations) Robes will be available at the University between 12 noon and 1.45pm, and must be returned by 5.30pm. The photography service will be available at the University between 12 noon and 1.45pm and after the ceremony until 5.30 pm. Please note, when collecting your robes you will need to show the acknowledgement form you were sent by William Northam. 18 GUESTS Admission to the venue is by ticket only. It is very important that your guests bring their tickets with them, as it will not be possible to issue duplicates on the day. Guests do not have seat numbers and may sit anywhere except in seats reserved for University guests and students. T H E C O N G R E G AT I O N At the venue, you will be shown to your seat. The allocation of seats has been carefully planned to ensure that the presentations take place in the correct order. Once you have been shown to your seat, it is essential that you remain there until it is your turn to be presented. You are requested to sit with hat off until a member of staff asks your row to stand, walk to the aisle and put hats on. You will be guided to the edge of the platform and when your name is read out you will be presented on stage. Leave the stage using the steps opposite and return to your seat. We ask that all students and guests remain seated until the procession has filed out. Each congregation is approximately two hours long depending on the number of students being presented. Please note that all mobile phones should be switched to silent during the ceremony. Please note that the University has a strict no smoking policy. 19 ACADEMIC DRESS: G OW N S , H O O D S & H AT S BTEC/EDEXCEL Gown: Plain Black. Hood: Simple shape, Cardinal Red and Blue. Hat: Black Flexible Mortarboard. Level of award: HNC HND F O U N D AT I O N D E G R E E Gown: Hood: Hat: Level of award: Plain Black. Simple shape, Cardinal Red outer, fully lined (turned back 2” cuff) in Cardinal Red, top of cuff and neckband edged ½” Yellow. Black Flexible Mortarboard Foundation degree SUB DEGREE Gown: Hood: Hat: Level of award: Plain Black. Simple shape, Cardinal Red outer, fully lined (turned back 2” cuff) in Yellow, neckband Yellow, lined Cardinal Red Art Silk. Black Flexible Mortarboard. CMS (when finishing after one year of MBA) Certificate of Higher Education Certificate in Education 14+ Diploma of Higher Education Professional Diploma in Education BACHELORS Gown: Hood: Hat: Level of award: Plain Black. Simple shape, Cardinal Red outer, fully lined (turned back 2” cuff) in Yellow, cuff has 1” Green tape down the centre (½” light) which continues on to the neckband. Black Flexible Mortarboard. Bachelor of Arts Bachelor of Design Bachelor of Education Bachelor of Engineering Bachelor of Laws Bachelor of Science Graduate Diploma in Psychology 20 P O S T G R A D U AT E Gown: Plain Black. Hood: Simple shape, Cardinal Red outer, fully lined (turned back 2” cuff in Yellow, cuff has ½” Green tape on each edge which continues on to the neckband. Hat: Black Flexible Mortarboard. Level of award: Professional Graduate Diploma in Education Professional Graduate Certificate in Education 14+ Postgraduate Certificate Postgraduate Certificate in Education (M Level) Postgraduate Diploma MASTERS Gown: Plain Black. Hood: Full shape, Cardinal Red outer, fully lined in Yellow, cowl edged inside 25mm Green tape, neckband lined and edged (top and bottom ½” Yellow). Hat: Black Flexible Mortarboard. Level of award: Master of Arts Master of Business Administration Master of Education Master of Engineering Master of Philosophy Master of Research Master of Science DOCTOR OF PHILOSOPHY Gown: Hood: Hat: Level of award: Body of Cardinal Red Panama with 3” Yellow facings, of which the outer edge is faced with 1” Green tape. Full shape, Cardinal Red Panama outer fully lined and cape edged ½” Yellow, cowl edged inside 1” Green tape, neckband lined and edged (top and bottom) ½” Yellow. Black Cloth Bonnet with Green cord. PhD The University’s academic dress takes its colours from the University of Bolton coat of arms. The colours and style of hood vary depending on the level of award. 21 William Northam provides the finest quality graduation photographs whilst offering true value for money. Our experienced photographers will ensure that every image captures the excitement of your special day. To celebrate the occasion, nothing can be more fitting than professionally shot, beautifully presented photographs to treasure for a lifetime. PACKS We have a wide range of photography packs available to incorporate the most popular combinations of products to suit your needs and budget. Our high quality mounts display your portrait making the ideal gift for friends and family. From our Starter Pack to our luxury Showcase Pack, we have options suitable for all. FRAMES Take this opportunity to frame your portrait for a hassle free lasting memento of your special day. Styles range from traditional to contemporary to best complement your portrait and décor. Each frame is presented with an elegant mount displaying the name of your institution. PO Box 367, Waterbeach, Cambridge, CB25 9QY T: 0870 240 1852 E: [email protected] Register online Checklist Page 11 Pay for your guest tickets Page 11 Book the drinks reception Page 11 Order your academic dress Page 13 Pre-book your photographs Page 14 Do you need a visa? Page 16 Arrange certificate delivery Page 16 Organise accommodation Page 17 Join the Alumni Association Page 25 Graduate Celebrate Page 18 U N I V E R S I T Y O F B O LT O N ALUMNI Enrolling as a student at the University of Bolton is just the beginning of a lifelong relationship that is important to us both. After graduation you can stay involved with your university, and your fellow alumni, being part of a network which can prove to be invaluable during your career. Membership of alumni is free and open to all University of Bolton graduates around the world. Education is a life-long journey and there may be ways we could help support your future study aspirations, through professional development course discounts, for example. Our Peter Marsh Library offers a special Library for Life membership scheme for alumni, details of which are on our website. You can help us by telling us your news, so we can share your success journey with others and you can inspire students on their career path. To register for your free membership, quickly and easily, go to 25 U S E F U L C O N TA C T S Congregations Office Tel: 01204 903400 Email: [email protected] Careers Service Help Desk Tel: 01204 903080 Email: [email protected] Learning Information DeskTel: 01204 903444 Email: [email protected] Student Services Tel: 01204 903733 Email: [email protected] Students’ Union Tel: 01204 900850 Email: [email protected] Disability Team Tel: 01204 903478 SMS: 07799 657035 Accommodation Team Tel: 01204 903481 Email: [email protected] Financial Services Tel: 01204 903180 William Northam Web: (Gown hire) Tel: 0870 240 1852 Email: [email protected] William Northam Web: (Photography) Tel: 0870 240 1852 Email: [email protected] 26 Refreshments & Music Registration Senate House Gowns & Official Photography The Sward Graduation Pavilion Chancellor’s Building Graduation Pavilion Bolton College Pay and display car park Bolton One Bolton Sixth Form College M UTC Bolton E LA N OO R University of Bolton Deane Road Bolton BL3 5AB United Kingdom Call +44 (0) 1204 903903 Email: [email protected] Visit: universityofbolton @boltonuni universityofbolton BoltonUni
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