Wacky Web Tales


Wacky Web Tales
Wacky Web Tales
By: Athene Yu
New Year’s
It was New Year’s Day and I was watching volleyball on TV
with my friends Katie, Catherine, Sean, and Bryant. “Hey,
Catherine,” Sean said, “What is your New Year’s Resolution?”
“I’m going to learn to play the flute,” she said. “then I am
going to play it at a nursing homes. I am sure it will make the
residents shiny.” “That’s smooth,” said Katie. “I am going to
volunteer in a shelter for homeless rabbits and dogs. They are
so cute. How about you, Sean?” “I am going to help out around
the house,” he said. “Every night, I will put friends and
animals in the dishwasher without being asked.” “I want to
improve my grades,” said Bryant. “I will study math, science,
A Modern Cinderella
My name is Cyndi and I live in a big house with my
stepmother, Selena Gomez, and my two stepsisters,
Taylor Swift and Marian Monroe. The old tale about
stepfamilies being stinky is just silly! Selena Gomez,
Taylor Swift, and Marian Monroe are absolutely
awesome! In fact, Taylor Swift, Marian Monroe, and
I went to a dance last weekend. It was ugly!
At the dance, I wore my underwear and my bracelet.
Taylor Swift, Marian Monroe, and I met this really
shiny guy named Justin Beiber. He was cool because
he was the president of the Uno club, and he wore a
fun dress. I had a poofy time talking with him.
I had a poofy time, but I forgot my shirt at the dance.
Luckily, Justin Beiber brought it back to our house.
First, Taylor Swift tried it on, and it didn't match
her funny style. It looked really colorful! Then
Marian Monroe tried it on, and it was obviously not
hers either. But then I tried it on, and it fit me
powerfully! I thanked Justin Beiber and invited him
to stay for a snack of pizzas. We have a lot in common.
Who would have thought that a lost shirt would lead
to a new friend?
The Sky Is Falling!
Each spring, the sky turns
blue . Giant drops of water
fall from the sky. All this
water helps the grass and the
pizzas to grow, but it can
make things really huge too.
Some places get so much water
, that rivers swim into the
streets. Driving can be tricky
when this happens, so some
people put special people on
their cars.
And when the water is falling,
don't forget your meatball.
Otherwise, your feet might get
round if you run in puddles!
After all the water has fallen,
the skies begin to walk. If you
are lucky, you might see a
huge color stretched across the
On the Track of Bigfoot
One stinky day, our class went hiking along the
monterey park River. Like all big hikers, we were
ready for any emergency. In our backpacks, we
carried pets, pizzas, and one food.
As we walked along the trail, Ms.Lee noticed a(n)
nice footprint. “Do you think a(n) teacher made
these tracks?” Ms.Lee asked.
“No, but let's follow them anyway,” suggested
We swam for hours. Then I screamed, “no! I
think I see a huge tongue.”
“hello!” we heard someone say. It was Doctor
“Doctor Katoni!” we screamed. “We thought you
were a huge tongue!”
“Do I look like a huge tongue? Well, as long as
you're all here, you can help me look for polices.
There are lots of them here along the monterey
park River. We can take them back to school and
study them under our microscopes.”
“hello!!” everyone said.
Etiam pharetra, elit a aliquam ultrices, nisl
quam viverra felis, non tincidunt eros leo non
sapien. Pellentesque pretium nunc id nunc.
Phasellus eget felis. Mauris euismod, velit nec
facilisis gravida, tortor justo consectetuer diam,
id venenatis diam orci vel leo. Suspendisse ut
massa et lacus faucibus imperdiet. Nulla felis
orci, iaculis sed, euismod ac, egestas in, odio.
Suspendisse consequat velit eu enim. Quisque
quis nisl. Cras ac libero varius dui porta
nonummy. Duis tincidunt, quam vitae cursus
aliquet, nisi arcu consectetuer orci, vitae
condimentum dui nisi quis diam. Aliquam erat
volutpat. Morbi sodales. Cras commodo, purus
et tempor mollis, orci est venenatis tortor, in
rutrum nibh neque sed purus.
pede, et porttitor mi purus tristique mi.
Vestibulum nec nisl sed odio semper auctor.
Curabitur convallis elit id augue sollicitudin
mattis. Sed ipsum. Sed in leo non nisl
sollicitudin faucibus. Aliquam pharetra semper
arcu. Proin ut ante. Integer consequat sapien
quis nunc convallis posuere. Vestibulum in
nunc a risus laoreet tempus. Pellentesque
habitant morbi tristique senectus et netus et
malesuada fames ac turpis egestas.
In consectetuer ligula ac tellus. Phasellus sit
amet tortor. Nunc ultricies, orci ac placerat
iaculis, neque ligula sodales metus, vel
sollicitudin nibh sem ac lacus. Aenean iaculis.
Quisque vitae nibh. Pellentesque habitant morbi
tristique senectus et netus et malesuada fames
ac turpis egestas. Quisque tortor ligula,
elementum sed, facilisis ut, auctor vitae, erat.
Cras in justo nec ipsum vulputate faucibus.
Integer consequat augue ut dolor. Fusce
Aenean leo ante, commodo non, molestie id,
fringilla sit amet, dui. Ut a mi. Nulla nisi nisi,
blandit non, sollicitudin non, faucibus sed, ante.
Nullam vitae libero. Nulla posuere, augue a
gravida molestie, leo tellus euismod lorem, ut
suscipit nisl tortor interdum arcu. Duis leo
nunc, congue in, aliquet ac, pretium sagittis,
elit. Cum sociis natoque penatibus et magnis dis
parturient montes, nascetur ridiculus mus.
Phasellus in sem. Curabitur auctor fermentum
elit. Fusce et dolor. Cras pretium nonummy
justo. Vivamus pretium, massa et consequat
consectetuer, massa nisi ullamcorper lectus, et
luctus magna sem in velit. Cras egestas. Integer
neque. Fusce sapien turpis, vulputate a,
fermentum a, porta in, massa. Cras at quam.
Nam ut enim nec velit tincidunt posuere.
Vivamus dui. Vestibulum sagittis rutrum justo.
Donec vel velit elementum diam consectetuer
lobortis. Nunc hendrerit, leo in sodales ornare,
nisi dolor ullamcorper felis, vel sollicitudin
enim ipsum sed nulla. Donec sit amet urna non
augue pellentesque fermentum. Cras varius
risus auctor tellus. Vivamus venenatis tincidunt
ligula. Praesent a turpis. Duis tempus, lorem
eget imperdiet condimentum, magna mauris
ornare turpis, vitae dapibus pede sem lacinia
sapien. Nulla ut eros eu nisi suscipit sodales.
Suspendisse lobortis. Vestibulum accumsan
ante id erat.
Donec hendrerit volutpat leo. Praesent lobortis.
Morbi tincidunt mollis dolor. Nulla malesuada,
tortor ut auctor pulvinar, ligula felis ultricies
Suspendisse potenti!
Vestibulum ante ipsum primis in faucibus orci luctus et ultrices
posuere cubilia Curae; In vestibulum accumsan quam. Lorem ipsum
dolor sit amet, consectetuer adipiscing elit. Fusce vitae ipsum
vehicula neque vehicula mattis. Pellentesque bibendum scelerisque
ligula. Nulla ut nisl at nulla condimentum facilisis. Etiam commodo
nulla non turpis. Sed a justo. Aenean gravida.
Integer nulla.
Lorem Ipsum!
The Lorem Ipsums
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