Company launches new XBowling 2.0 mobile app McCluskys team


Company launches new XBowling 2.0 mobile app McCluskys team
N o v em ber 2 0 13
V o l u m e 5 – I ssu e 6
Spare Time with…
Brett Cunningham
Brett Cunningham has traveled across the country to bowl
on the national stage. Last month, the 25-year-old was in Las
Vegas competing in the PBA’s Scorpion, Viper and Chameleon Championships, which are among five pro tour events that
compose the PBA World Series of Bowling V at South Point
Bowling Center.
Although he didn’t cash at any of the events, Cunningham has
had some success. This year, he won’s 9-pin
Tournament, a side tournament held at Grand Sierra Casino and
Resort in Reno during at the USBC Open Championship from
February to July. He’s also finished third four times at PBA regional tournaments. On the Southern Missouri Bowlers Tour,
Brett Cunningham has been
Cunningham has one win and is second on the points list.
traveling the country bowl“I have really worked on in the last year is my grip pressure,”
ing in tournaments since
Cunningham said. “It’s made significant improvements to how
graduating from Lindenmy ball rolls on medium to long patterns, where I tended to
wood University last May.
struggle before.”
Despite competing at national and regional events, Cunningham, of Clay, finds time to bowl
full-time in two local leagues at Lakeview Bowling Center in Liverpool: the PBA Doubles
with Joe Petrowski and on Thursday nights with Jimmy Zimmerman, Todd Hass, Andy Szpak Sr. and Tom Cline.
Cunningham, who graduated from Lindenwood University (Missouri) last May, answered
some questions about his bowling career and the game itself. Here’s what he had to say:
Bowling idol: It would be my father. He taught me everything since I was little. One
day I hope I can accomplish what he has in this sport.
Bowling style: I would describe my bowling style as a tweener, not really a hook guy
but not super straight either.
Favorite aspect of bowling: That there is always more to accomplish and there is
always somebody better than you that you can work to get better than.
What I would change about bowling: I would like to see house patterns become
harder for leagues so that people who average 230-240 don’t think they are better than
the professionals who bowl on TV on Sundays. The other thing is like to see is the
PBA Tour get back to an actual tour and allow more than just a couple of guys be able
to make a living at it.
Most embarrassing moment: That would be when I was a junior in college. Over
winter break I had to have my appendix removed and took two to three weeks off.
When I started bowling again, for whatever reason, I tripped over my own feet in my
approach three or four times over the next couple weeks. I had to look like a complete
idiot laying there on the approach every time.
Number of bowling balls: I own too many bowling balls. I usually carry 15 to 20 in
my car at any time, but I have a ball rack in my basement at home that is about full
and probably holds 30 to 40 balls.
My first bowling
ball: It was a
duckpin ball. It was
blue I believe. Dad
got it for me when I
was born or shortly
One thing you’ll
never see me do on
the lanes: Is have a
complete meltdown.
I may get frustrated
or upset, but I will
keep a cool head
and try to figure
out what we can’t
see in front of us,
hopefully before
Brett Cunningham in action from a 2011
everyone else does tournament in St. Louis.
that day!
McCluskys team up for
Van Wie title
Sherry and Josh
McClusky finished
with a 10-2 record
in head-to-head
match play to win
the fourth annual Van
Wie Open Handicap
Doubles Tournament
Nov. 17 at B’ville
Sports Bowl.
The mother and son team of Sherry and
Josh McClusky rolled past the competition
to capture the fourth annual Van Wie Open
Handicap Tournament at B’ville Sports Bowl.
The two-day finals were held Nov. 16-17.
Josh McClusky led all players with an
impressive 251 average for 12 games including
a 300 game on Nov. 16. Hall of famer Sherry
McClusky chipped in with a 218 average in the
finals. The pair cashed $1,000 for first place.
Sherry McClusky is also the reigning Van Wie
Women’s champion with Tina Fabrizio.
“It’s fabulous to win this with him,” Sherry
McClusky said. “I’m so proud of him.”
“I consistently bowl well here,” McClusky
said. “It’s all about reading the lanes.”
The McCluskys had a 10-2 record in the
finals and finished with 127.16 Peterson Points.
Alice Wikoff and Chris Liberty were a distant
second with a 121.42 point total. Defending
champions Derek Magno and Kayla Roth did
not compete this year.
Josh McClusky had the only perfect game in
the finals but three players earned 11-in-a-row
awards. They were: Joe Bethmann (279 game),
Jim McCarthy (290) and Dakota Hyde (298).
The tournament drew 63 entries and the
five-game qualifying round was held Nov.
9-10. Re-entries were allowed with a different
partner. The Senior Van Wie Division was
eliminated this year due to declining entries.
The tournament was changed to either two
men, two women or mixed teams as long as the
maximum team average did not exceed 440.
Two-time defending Van Wie Senior champion
Mike Cottrell finished third with his partner
Tom Rurka.
Joe and Anne Bethmann, who are expecting
their first child in March, were the tournament’s
top qualifiers. The Bethmanns combined for
a 2,479 handicap total with Joe Bethmann
rolling a 299 game en route to an 815 opening
three-game series. Anne Bethmann kept pace
with a 230 scratch average for five games.
Chris Prestia led all players in qualifying
with a 264 average. He posted the only perfect
game in qualifying. Joe Bethmann and Tina
Fabrizio both had 299 games. Fabrizio had the
top female average for five games with a 248.
Van Wie Men’s, Women’s or
Handicap Tournament
At B’ville Sports Bowl
Final results (Peterson Points)
Sherry and Josh McClusky 127.16,
Chris Liberty/Alice Wikoff 121.42,
Mike Cottrell/Tom Rurka 118.29, Anne
and Joe Bethmann 118-16, Bob Gray/
Buddy Amidon 115.33, Mary-Lee and
Chris Prestia 114.28, Mallory and Scott
Stachnik 114.24, Tina Fabrizio/Steve
Kuss 112.36, Dakota Hyde/Dan Jenkins
112.03, David Travers/Luke Dunler
109.11, Heather and Jim Tarby 108.30,
Bill Recore/Jim McCarthy 105.18
High averages: Men: Josh McClusky
251, Buddy Amidon 238, Joe Bethmann
236, Chris Prestia 234, Scott Stachnik
234, Mike Cottrell 233, Chris Liberty 231
Women: Tina Fabrizio 224, Sherry
McClusky 218, Anne Bethmann 207
Qualifying results (Top 15)
Nov. 9-10
Joe and Anne Bethmann 2,479; Heather
and Jim Tarby 2,419; Dan Jenkins/Dakota
Hyde 2,407; Jim McCarthy/Bill Recore
2,376; Sherry and Josh McClusky 2,370;
Steve Kuss/Tina Fabrizio 2,369; Chris
Liberty/Alice Wikoff 2,365; Scott and
Mallory Stachnik 2,352; Tom Rurka/
Mike Cottrell 2,333; Luke Dunler/David
Travers 2,322; Buddy Amidon/Bob Gray
2,321; Mary-Lee and Chris Prestia 2,316;
Alex DiGenaro and John Monaghan
2,285; Kevin Perison and Dave Sherman
Sr. 2,282; Ted Thompson/Sue Krawiec
and Dan DeVaul and Sean Amico 2,281
Top averages: Chris Prestia 264, Dan
Jenkins 252, Jim Tarby Jr. 249.6, Josh
McClusky 249.0, Tina Fabrizio 248,
Scott Stachnik 245, Joe Bethmann 244,
Jennifer Creno 243, Nick Goodfellow
242.8, Brian Schalk 242.8, Jamie Dupee
High games: Chris Prestia 300,
Joe Bethmann 299, Tina Fabrizio 299,
David Travers 288, John Monaghan 287,
six tied at 279.
Company launches new XBowling 2.0 mobile app
Sports Challenge Network, a metro Atlanta-based
technology company, has announced the release of its
updated mobile application XBowling 2.0 for the bowling
The fully redesigned app, available for free in Apple and
Google app stores, is the most comprehensive bowling and
general recreational sports offering in the market today.
The app features a new user interface, greatly optimized
user experience, and redesigned cloud architecture to record
millions of ball throws simultaneously. Players will find it
easy to navigate and quickly locate game information, credit
and point balances, leaderboard status, user statistics, live
bowling scores across all XBowling-enabled centers, and
industry news.
With real-time integration with scoring systems in over
270 bowling centers in the US, Europe, Asia, and Latin
America, XBowling offers bowlers multiple opportunities
to compete against themselves and each other regardless of
their location and when they bowl. XBowling’s call to action,
“Bowl. Have Fun. Win Prizes.,” now takes on new meaning
as players can enter a variety of challenges, such as XBowl
Mania, Lotto Bowl, or Beat Your Average, and challenge one
or many players to a Head-to-Head competition. Winners
get SCN Reward Points that are redeemable for great
merchandise and sports gear quickly and easily through the
app itself.
“With the bowling industry, I was amazed to see a sport
that has been around for so long, is so large, yet lacked major
innovations to drive growth based on new technology and new
types of player experiences,” said Sports Challenge Network
founder and CEO, Tim Minard. “The question for us then
became, how can we add value and increase participation
and excitement in the sport utilizing technology in new ways
and create an exciting experience to bring in more bowlers
more often to the bowling center and to create new players?”
The answer Minard came up with is to use mobile
technology, smart devices, loyalty and reward programs,
major brand involvement and social network integration to
energize the game for both serious and recreational bowlers.
Bowling is the largest recreational sport in the world with
over 130 million annual participants globally. In the US
alone, 70 million people bowl at least once a year, 10 million
continued on page 2 ☞
No v e m be r 2013
Here’s a list of award scores submitted by the Syracuse Bowling Association:
300 Games
Oct. 20 Tom Minnegan/Bowling Green
Oct. 23 Danny Jenkins/Green Acres
Oct. 25 Jim Tarby Jr/Strike N Spare
Oct. 28 Ben Goodfellow/Sports Bowl
Oct. 30 Ryan Calkins/Green Acres
Oct. 30 Sean O’Keefe/Lakeview
Oct. 31 Ben Goodfellow/Sports Bowl
Oct. 31 Todd Fenchel/Sports Bowl
Oct. 31 Dickie Donegan/Erie
Nov. 1 Lonnie Rush/Sports Bowl
Nov. 2 Greg Hudson/Lakeview
Nov. 5 Paul Hawkins/Erie
Nov. 7 Jim Zimmerman/Lakeview
Nov. 10 Steve Wesikopff/Lakeview
Nov. 11 Jake Eddy/Green Acres
Sep. 20 Ken Willis/Bowl Mor/299
Sept. 25 David Hurry Sr/Lakeview/298
• • • HONOR ROLL • • •
Todd Fenchel: While subbing in the Coop’s Mixed Trio
League at the B’ville Sports Bowl on Oct. 31, Fenchel fired his first
career 800 series. Fenchel opened the night with his sixth career 300
game and followed by a 279, bridging 23 straight strikes over two
games. He rolled a final game of 266 and finished with an 845 series.
Fenchel bowled with a Storm Lucid on lanes 15-16.
Sept. 26 Brian Russell/Bowl Mor/290
Sept. 26 Jim Chase/Bowl Mor/298
Sept. 28 Joe Coppola. Jr/Bowling Green/299
Oct. 16 Tim Talaga/Flamingo/297
Oct. 19 Gene Clark/Lakeview/290
Oct. 28 Steve Weiskopff/Lakeview/290
Oct. 30 Nick Goodfellow/Green Acres/279
Oct. 31 Ed Clark/Erie/299
Nov. 1 William Allen Jr/Sports Bowl 298
Nov. 4 Kevin Roskopf/Bowling Green/279
Nov. 6 Brian Schalk/Bowling Green/290
Nov. 8 Ted Melnky/Bowl Mor/298
800 Series
Oct. 31 Todd Fenchel/Sports Bowl/845
Oct. 31 Ed Clark/Erie/803
Nov. 1 Matt Neuser/Strike N Spare/803
Nov. 1 Bill Allen Jr/Sports Bowl/814
Nov. 1 William Allen Jr/Sports Bowl/814
Nov. 8 Kevin Smith/Lakeview/816
Here’s a list of award scores from the Fulton Bowling Association:
Bowled at Lakeview Lanes Fulton
Oct. 25 Cheyenne Carvey 300 Friday Night Mens
Oct. 25 Rick Nichols 290 Friday Night Mens
Oct. 28 Dennis Miller 300 Lakeview Pro Shop
Oct. 28 Mike Whitney 300 Lakeview Pro Shop
Nov. 1 Dennis Kimball 290 Friday Night Mens
Nov. 2 Dennis Kimball 834 Lakeview Sunday Adult/Jr.
Nov. 4 Mike Whitney 300 Lakeview Pro Shop
Nov. 9 Dennis Kimball 300/805 Lakeview Sunday Adult/Jr.
Bowled at Lighthouse Lanes
Sept. 4. Daniel Cliff 300 Davis Brothers League
Sept. 18. Gregory Phelps 290 Davis Brothers League
Sept. 19. Robert Free 298 Canale Insurance League
Oct. 16. Craig Tyrell 300 Davis Brothers League
Oct. 23. Todd Redhead 300/810 Davis Brothers League
Nov. 11. Richard Dietz 279 (11-in-a-row) Port City Seniors League
Here’s a list of award scores from the Auburn Bowling Association:
Bob Clarke / 805 / 11/2/2013 / Saturday 4:30 Mixed / Rainbow Lanes
Chuck Ostrander / 300 / 10/28/2013 / Commercial League / Rainbow Lanes
Bob Dellostritto / 300 / 11/6/2013 / Fred York Memorial League / Falcon Lanes
Bob Dellostritto / 815 / 11/6/2013 / Fred York Memorial League / Falcon Lanes
Tim O’Connor / 290 / 11/6/2013 / Fred York Memorial League / Falcon Lanes
Darrin Emparato / 298 / 11/6/2013 / Finger Lakes League / Starlite Lanes
Tim Pidlypchak / 300 / 11/4/2013 / Luke Bianco Memorial League / Starlite Lanes
Todd Fenchel
Nick Moro Sr.: Moro tied his house record with an 866 series
Nov. 13 at Bowling Green. Moro rolled games of 278, 299 and 289.
His series is also the top three-game set in the city to date. A full
article on Moro’s achievement will appear in the next issue of The
CNY Striker.
Triplicates: Lance Hinman, bowling in the Daytime Seniors League at Erie Blvd.
Lanes, posted a 202 triplicate Nov. 7. At Rainbow Lanes, Michael Sheehan rolled three 220
games in the Ira Watkins League on Nov. 8.
Dennis Kimball: Kimball scored two 800 series in seven days at Lakeview Lanes in
Fulton. Kimball rolled an 834 series Nov. 2. Then a week later, he fired a perfect game en
route to an 805 series Nov. 9. For both award series, Kimball used a new Brunswick Platinum Ringer which was drilled at Lakeview Lanes Pro’s Approach Pro Shop.
Chet Wisniewski: The 89-year-old Wisniewski narrowly missed a 600 series bowling in the Daytime Seniors League at Erie Blvd. Lanes the week of Oct. 22. Wisniewski
rolled a high game of 225 and finished with a 596.
***Do you know of a bowling achievement or milestone that deserves recognition?
Please send the information with a contact number to [email protected].
The 25th annual SWBA Senior’s Singles Tournament
Company launches new XBowling 2.0 mobile app
(continued from page 6)1
bowl at least once a month, and 7 million games are bowled each day. And over the last two
years, the XBowling 1.0 platform has recorded over 750 million balls thrown at XBowlingenabled centers.
With XBowling 2.0, SCN expects those numbers to grow even higher.
Sports Challenge Network was established in 2010 with the goal of increasing participation
and creating new types of experiences and competition within recreational sports by
harnessing the power of mobile and social technology. SCN apps offer players and fans new
game experiences through personalization, challenges and contests, rewards, and social
connections. SCN will be the primary destination in the app universe, and on the Web, for
fans, players, and other participants who want to compete and have fun with their favorite
sports in new ways.
Five division champions were crowned Nov. 10 at the 25th annual SWBA Senior’s Singles
Tournament at Erie Blvd. Lanes. The division winners (and their three-game handicap total)
were: (left to right) Class AA (80-over) Barbara Stauffer 571, Class B (age 69-74) Pat Blazek
607, Class A (age 75-79) Rudy Smith 654, Class C (age 63-68) Rosetta Andrews 604 and
Class D (age 55-62) Denise Gravius 640
Photo credit: Shirley Lafaver
win Lakeview
doubles event
Your free copy of The CNY Striker is courtesy of
your local bowling centers and other advertisers
that appear in this edition. We thank them for their
To send story ideas, upcoming events, league
scores or to inquire about advertising, please email
us at [email protected]. The opinions expressed in this paper are those of the authors and
not necessarily those of The CNY Striker or the
local bowling associations.
Mike Tryniski and Joe Petrowski placed first at the Over/Under Doubles Tournament held at
Lakeview Bowling Center in Liverpool on Nov. 10.
715 Old Liverpool Road
Liverpool, NY 13088
The scratch tournament drew 27 entries and teams were made up of one person over 50 years
of age and one person under 50. Qualifying consisted of three games with the top six teams
advancing to the finals. The top two qualifiers received a first round bye.
Email: [email protected]
Editor/Writer.............................Fran Piraino
Design/Layout/Production... Joyce Rougeau
Advertising coordinator........John Rougeau
Distribution coordinator........ Robert Ripka
Contributing writers......... Seline Weiskopff
.............................................Richard Trapnell
...................................................... Dan Smith
.................................................Kevin Peirson
Contributing photographers
...............................................Shirley Lafaver
...............................................Patricia Trudell
............................................ Seline Weiskopff
Bookkeeping/Finance............. Sandy Adiano
................................................... Sandy Argus
By Dan Smith
Mike Tryniski (left) and Joey Petrowski won
the Over/Under Doubles Tournament on Nov.
10 at Lakeview Bowling Center in Liverpool.
There were some exciting final matches and many came down to the 10th frame. Special congratulations goes out to Chuck Pitts for an 824 series, RJ Blanchard for his 299 game/809 series
and Tim Becker, Ron Marshall and Ro DiFlorio, who all had perfect games.
Jeff Francisco and John Smith did a great job helping with the tournament, and a big thank you
to the staff at Lakeview Bowling Center.
1. Mike Tryniski/Joe Petrowski___________________________________________ $1000
2. Steve Anderson/Joe Bethman __________________________________________ $500
3-4. Chuck Pitts/Tim Becker and
Dave Dempero/RJ Blanchard __________________________________________ $150 each
5-6. Jim Bero/TJ Mento and
Mike Daley/Anne Bethmann ___________________________________________ $100 each
Joe Bethmann (left) and Steve Anderson
took second place at the Over/Under
Doubles Tournament on Nov. 10 at Lakeview
Bowling Center in Liverpool.
N o v em ber 2 0 13
Syracuse Hall of Fame Members
Members of the Syracuse Women’s Hall of Fame who attended the
dinner were: (seated, left to right) Fran Piraino, Carole Barr, Martha
Cameron, Shirley Lafaver, Sandy Kitching, Esther DiFlorio, Ruth
Cranfield, Sandy Adiano. (Standing, left to right) Rosanne Bretzer,
Veronica Adams, Jennette Adams, Evelyn Price, Barbara Stauffer,
Tina Fabrizio, Teri Gonzalski, Sherry McClusky, Roseann DiFlorio,
Sharon Sitar, Maria D’Imperio, Dianne Korrigan, Rosa Moro and
Alice Rees.
Members of the Syracuse Men’s Hall of Fame that attended the
dinner were: (seated, left to right)) Ono Moro, John Scaia, David
Damon, Dom Cefalo, Gus Russo and Louis Scrimale. (Standing, left
to right) Sam Ventura, Ted Melnyk, David Demperio, Andy Melnyk,
Sonny Pickard, Mike Tryniski, Karl Reester, Mike Cefalo, Chuck
Trudell, John Savage, Gary Cunningham and Ed Batruch.
Photo credit: Patricia Trudell
No v e m be r 2013
Syracuse Hall of Fame Dinner — November 2, 2013
continued on page 5 ☞
(left to right) AnneMarie Reed, Jim Zimmerman, Chris Zimmerman and Derek
Magno pose prior to the start of the Syracuse Hall of Fame ceremony. Jim Zimmerman was honored as The CNY Striker Male Bowler of the Year and also high
SBA average for 2012-13.
(Left to right) John Monaghan, Andy Melnyk and new HOF member Mike Cefalo
share a story before the ceremony. Monaghan was honored for high SBA series
in 2012-13. Melnyk served as co-master of ceremonies with Jennette Adams.
New HOF member Sandy Kitching (left) chats with Cathy LaManna (center) and
Elaine Stroman before the ceremony.
A crowd of close to 200 people attended the Syracuse Hall of Fame ceremony
including (left to right) T.J. Mento, Mike Carno, Derek Magno and Jeff Francisco.
Steve Kuss (left) stands new HOF member Tina Fabrizio (center) and their
daughter, Taeler, before the ceremony.
New HOF member Mike Tryniski (center) hangs out with Matt Chetney (left) and
Dean Distin (right) before the ceremony.
Hall of famers Ruth Cranfield and Alice Rees enjoyed the annual ceremony at
New HOF member Mike Cefalo (second from right) celebrated his big night with
his daughters (left to right) Carrie Cefalo, Michele Connor and Renee Sager.
N o v em ber 2 0 13
1777 Brewerton Road | 315-454-9788
Road |behind
inside AMF Strike-N-Spare
lanes 47-48
located inside
Strike-N-Spare behind lanes 47-48
[email protected]
striking [email protected]
— George Cavanaugh/owner
George Cavanaugh-owner
Like us on Facebook for up-to-date information and specials | Follow us on
open Monday thru Saturday 12 – 8 PM
Like us on Facebook for up-to-date information and specials
Storm: Reign On & Byte
Columbia: Eruption Pro
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1777 Brewerton Road | 315-454-9788
1777 Brewerton Road | 315-454-9788
located inside AMF Strike-N-Spare behind lanes 47-48
located inside AMF Strike-N-Spare behind lanes 47-48
striking [email protected] |
striking [email protected] |
Ebonite International
Pro Shop Gold Member
George Cavanaugh-owner
George Cavanaugh-owner
open Monday thru Saturday 12 PM – 8 PM
open Monday thru Saturday 12 PM – 8 PM
Like us on Facebook for up-to-date information and specials
Like us on Facebook for up-to-date information and specials
Xtreme Dealer
Syracuse Hall of Fame Dinner — November 2, 2013
(continued from page 4
New Hall of Fame member Sandy Adiano
(center) was joined by her mother, Theresa,
and her brother, Joe, at the annual Syracuse
Hall of Fame ceremony Nov. 2.
Joe Cordone (left) and hall of
famer Louis Scrimale attended
the annual Syracuse Hall of Fame
ceremony Nov. 2.
Lori Pientka holds her plaque
for high three-game series in the
SWBA for the 2012-13 season. She
received her award at the annual
Hall of Fame ceremony Nov. 2.
The 2013 Syracuse Bowling Hall of Fame Ceremony
Nearly 200 people attended the annual combined Syracuse Hall of Fame dinner and ceremony Nov. 2 at Barbagallo’s Restaurant in East Syracuse.
The evening’s highlight was the induction of new hall of
fame members. Mike Tryniski (Outstanding Bowler), Chuck
Trudell (Meritorious Service) and Mike Cefalo (Outstanding Veteran) were inducted into the Syracuse Men’s Hall
of Fame. The Syracuse Women’s Bowling Association inducted Tina Fabrizio (Outstanding Bowler), Sandy Kitching
(Outstanding Veteran) and Sandy Adiano (Meritorious Service).
New York State USBC President Pat Zonneville was
among the special guests at the dinner. Hall of famers Andy
Melnyk and Jennette Adams served as emcees for the ceremony.
SBA president John Rougeau announced directors David
Pringle Sr. and Veronica Adams were this year’s winners of
the Bill Bernstein Award. The Bernstein Award is given to
a SBA director in recognition for their outstanding service.
Jim Zimmerman (240) and Tina Fabrizio (223) were recognized for 2012-13 high male and female average, respectively. John Monaghan Jr. won male high series with an 867
while Lori Pientka had the female high series with an 841.
Zimmerman and Fabrizio were presented commemorative
clocks for being named The CNY Striker Male and Female
Bowlers of the Year, respectively.
Roseann DiFlorio (left) stands with her mother,
Esther (center), and Teri Gonzalski at the annual
Syracuse HOF dinner Nov. 2. All three ladies are
members of the SWBA Hall of Fame.
No v e m be r 2013
Bowl Mor
Nov. 2.
Bumper Buddies: Trey Borkowski 83/150,
Shaun Petrocci Jr 88/166, Preston Petrocci
104/193, Anthony Messina 64/128, Alexander
Wilson 76/143
Juniors: Zachary Gonyea 90/202. Kobie Gibson
150/311, Daniel Sojewicz 114/321, Alex Flood
86/248, John Messina III 107/278, Hope Wright
Majors: Beth Piston 237/615, Haley Youker
222/520, Brad Delavan 206/586, Kyle Patterson
122/350, Delsean Griffith 219/563, Casey Smith
Nov. 9.
Bumper Buddies: Alexander Wilson 77/152,
Trey Borkowski 116/207, Shaun Petrocci Jr
99/177, Preston Petrocci 108/216
Juniors: Chiara Messina 82/205, America
Carhart 114/261, TJ Fitzpatrick 121/313, Evan
Hill 70/185, Hunter Borkowski 127/337
Majors: Brad Delavan 233/670, Sean Timmons
179/446, Robert Briscoe 182/485, Delsean
Griffith 267/618, Nate Piston 286/681, Casey
Smith 253/607, Beth Piston 247/652
Green Lakes
Saturday Juniors
Week of Oct. 27. David Antinelli 234/644 Josh
Cloute 236/623 Ricky Williams 243/616
Kaitlen Antinelli 176/510 Taylor Puttkamer
174/405 Jaime Jones 117/311
LakeviewBowling Center
Nov. 2
Bumper Buddies: Grace Weiskopff 75,72
Tommy O’Connell 67,66 Gavin Skinne 92,99
Dominick Russell 96,98 Jayden Fay 77,79
Abrianna Barry 61,80
Juniors: Zackary Ormsby 167/432 Brandi
Harmon 75 Zach Doing 115 Jake Ciccarelli 116
Tanner Rozyczko 166 Bryonna Euson 33
Megan Natello 114 Kayla Petrusch 88
Seniors: Brooke Flask 159 Makenzie Streeter
176 Britni Flask 208/552 Jordan Bartholomew
224/626 Alex Caiello 242/575 Eric Tangredi
200/545 Isaiah Days 215/592 Matthew Ryder
193 Cameron Wilson 168 Nick Petrusch 143
Jordan Smith 138 Jimmy Santy 144 Anthony
Ingalls 152 Justin Morris 113 ~Mariah Birdslow
121 Jessica Birdslow 162 Natalie Taylor 139
Danielle Maher 177~Stephen Weiskopff Jr. 174
Connor Wasowaty 256/628 Josh Winzens 130
Alex Winzens 212/576 Cody Ryder 85 Andrea
Petrusch 165 Musette Weller 109 Jesus Alejo 96
Mike Flynn 153 Tyler Doing 181 Kenny Kopp
148 Austin Masters 175
Nov. 9
Bumper Buddies: Grace Weiskopff 89,76
Tommy O’Connell 86,68 Gavin Skinner 86,79
Jayden Fay 88,71
Juniors: Zackary Ormsby 173/423 Devin
Robeson 153 Deacon Robeson 82 Brandi
Harmon 82 Austin Burch 88 Zach Doing
168/406 Jake Ciccarelli 110 Tanner Rozyczko
113 Megan Natello 116 Kayla Petrusch 78
Seniors: Brooke Flask 147 Makenzie Streeter
147 Britni Flask 195/536 Jordan Bartholomew
184/524 Alex Caiello 168 Eric Tangredi 172
Isaiah Days 212/567 Matthew Ryder 172 Nick
Petrusch 160 Jordan Smith 141 Jimmy Santy
173 Anthony Ingalls 182 Justin Morris 124
Mariah Birdslow 160 Jessica Birdslow 171
Danielle Maher 164 Stephen Weiskopff Jr.
198/523 Connor Wisowaty 203/537 Josh
Winzens 159 Alex Winzens 229/595 Cody
Ryder abs Andrea Petrusch 116 Musette Weller
120 Jesus Alejo 126 Mike Flynn 128 Tyler
Doing 175 Kenny Kopp 160 Austin
Masters 176
Jay Whiteside 165-465, Hunter Towers 145-380,
Ryan Whiteside 129-379, Zachary Tong 133-370,
Dylan Wilder 135-363, Christopher Russo 150363, Nick Flynn 356, Kyle Franceschelli 145332, Nick Ball 265, Ryan Baldwin 251,Tony Cole
233, Katelyn Franceschelli 187-488, Jennifer
Hoffman 119-326, Sara Workman 113-284, Alicia Workman 107-283, Alexis Colbert 104-282,
Ariel Mead 113-279, Brianna Alnutt 111-276,
Audra Nelson 123-263, Olyvia Mead 92-235,
Makayla Hastings 125
Rainbow Lanes
Howard Lawver Junior League
Nov.2. Terrence O’Donnell 201-490, Jay W.
191-442, Keith Flynn 151-425, Christopher
Russo 157-394, Jordan Jewett 141-387, Zachary
Tong 125-364, Dylan Wilder 127-348, Nick
Flynn 128-335, Hunter Towers 121-332, Kyle
Franceschelli 129-327, Ryan Baldwin 280,
Jason Noll 258, Ryan Fedigan 252, Nick Ball
236, Zac Tratt 213, Ryan Tratt 184, Tony Cole
137, Katelyn Franceschelli 178-490, Alexis
Colbert 138-389, Jennifer Hoffman 156-353,
Sara Workman 131-317, Ariel Mead 117-291,
Alicia Workman 105-280, Olyvia Mead 99266, Brianna Alnutt 86-193
Nov. 9. Keith Flynn 185-517, Terrence
O’Donnell 175-504, Jordan Jewett 176-481,
Travel League
Lakeview Fulton
Oct. 19. Nate Piston 174 229 226/629, Alex
Winzens 212 230 186/628, Zach DelBrocco 220
205 178/603, Matt Clemons 203 200 222/625,
Ricky Willams180 245 199/624, Pat Walsh 255
195 277/727 Kendra Tryniski 233 224 213/670,
Mikayla Guernsey 145 235 255/635, Taeler Kuss
257 205 173/635
Sports Bowl
Oct. 26. David Antinelli 266 224 234/724,
Brandon Grant 184 235 146/565 Jarrod Willams
221 212 170/603, Frank Mento 187 235 241/663
Billy Clifford 185 219 176/580, Tyler Watchus
204 214 199/617, Taeler Kuss 234 194 163/591,
Isaiah Days 202 191 234/621, Kevin Goodale 265
227 173/665, Mikayla Guernsey 201 193 224/618,
Stephen Weiskopff Jr. 212 153 187/552
Bowl Mor
Nov. 2. Stephen Weiskopff Jr.158 225 148/531, JJ
O'Connell 113 181 241/535 Kevin Goodale 198
223 213/634, Zach DelBrocco 202 215 266/683,
Matt Clemons 203 213 237/653, Jarrod Willams
213 200 192/605, Nick Joss 219 225 177/621, Pat
Walsh 238 202 238/678, David Antinelli 190 224
23/647, Bryce Guernsey 202 171 230/603, Brian
Whorrall 198 172 242/612, Mike O'Connell Jr.
205 166 155/526, Kenny Kopp 158 207 163/528
Green Acres
Nov. 9. Mikayla Guernsey 199 223 197/619,
Stephen Weiskopff Jr. 221 162 147/530, Ricky
Willams 150 257 221/628, Bryce Guernsey 235
196 204/635, Ryan MacCombie 189 201 217/607,
Sean Gavan 174 256 209/639, Haley Youker 208
182 191/581, Matt Clemons 248 200 221/669 tops
one million
page views, the official website of the PBA
Tour, exceeded 1.2 million page views during the four animal pattern tournaments that
led off the PBA World Series of Bowling V
program at South Point Bowling Center in
Las Vegas.
Over the four-day span when the Cheetah,
Viper, Chameleon and Scorpion Championships were conducted, stats
✘ 70,993 unique visitors
✘ 195,589 total visits
✘ 1,252,594 page views (average 6.4
pages per visit)
✘ An international audience included
visitors from Australia, Canada,
Sweden, United Kingdom, Finland, Germany, Japan and Denmark.
N o v em ber 2 0 13
Pin-Breaking News
from the Youth Desk
by Seline Weiskopff, Association Manager
It’s been a busy couple of weeks! Thank you to all the parents, friends and family for your
Youth bowlers had a chance to meet PBA bowler Ryan Shafer at Lakeview Bowling Center
this month. He spent time with each one of them and answered any questions they had. He also
gave them a few drills they could take home and practice. Thank you Ryan and everyone at
Lakeview Bowling Center who helped make this event happen.
Thank you Margie Chetney for your bowling ball donation!
Junior Travel League Schedule 2013-14
— Practice Begins @ 12:50 League Starts @ 1:00 —
19th – Lakeview Fulton
26th – Sports Bowl
2nd – Bowl Mor
9th – Green Acres
16th – Lighthouse
23rd – Lakeview Fulton
30th – Sports Bowl
7th – Green Acres
14th – Strike N Spare
21st – Strike N Spare
28th – Bowl Mor
1st – Sports Bowl
8th – Lighthouse Lanes
(Banquet )
4th – Lighthouse
11th – Lakeview Fulton
18th – Bowl Mor
25th – Green Acres
If you need an entry form, any info on the upcoming tournaments or balls please contact me
at: [email protected]
Good luck and good bowling!
Ryan Shafer (center) worked with local youth bowlers this month at Lakeview Bowling Center
in Liverpool. Attending the clinic were (left to right): Haley Youker, Ryan MacCombie ,Steve
Weiskopff Jr. ,Brandon Grant, Ryan Shafer, Billy Clifford, Kaitlyn Grant, Jessica Birdslow and
Danielle Maher
Photo credit: Seline Weiskopff
Annual Veteran’s Day tournament held Nov. 11
By Seline Weiskopff
Area youth bowlers took part in the annual
Charlie Kratz Veteran’s Day Alibi Tournament on Nov. 11. Half of the bowler’s entry
fee was donated to local veterans. The event
was held at Lakeview Bowling Center.
A special thanks to Gary and Jill Vincitore
for donating the lanes again this year. Great
job to all who came to participate!
Here’s a list of the place winners.
Bantams (4-8 yrs)
1st – Cadence Malicdk
Preps (9-11 yrs)
1st – Richard Wituszynski
Juniors (12-14 yrs)
1st – Haley Youker
2nd – Kenny Kopp
3rd – Donovan Marriot
Seniors (15-20 yrs)
1st – Daniel Marriot
1st – Nate Piston
Cadence Malicdk won the Bantams Division.
Richard Wituszynski won the Preps Division.
Local youth bowlers took part in the Kratz Veteran’s Day Tournament Nov. 11 at Lakeview Bowling Center in Liverpool.
No v e m be r 2013
Past, present and
future of the sport that
means so much to me
by Richard “Trap” Trapnell
(Editor’s note: This is the first in a series of editorials about local bowling by
a bowler who remains passionate about the integrity of game.)
In the last five years, the game has
changed because of new technology by bowling ball manufacturers.
Those changes include bowling balls,
the type of lane surface and how the
lanes are oiled.
For bowling balls, the weight block is
bigger and the shells are more porous
which means they grip the lane surface better for more hook. Take that
with the way they oil the lanes, a longer and narrower pattern, it’s much
different than when I started in bowling. The problem may be that today’s
bowling balls eat the oil on the lane
unlike it did in the past.
You have to admit with more oil on
the lanes than there used to be back
in my day, there is a big difference in
how long the oil holds up. One thing
you need to remember -- oil is there
to protect the lane surface not to make
you a better bowler. This article by no
means is meant to take anything away
from some of the great bowlers we
have today, many of whom have put in
the time to learn today’s lane surfaces
and ball reactions for their game. I
have posted pictures of many of those
bowlers on my Facebook page.
Bowlers of today who are of the opinion
that a ball will make them a great bowler
will likely be disappointed. I say that because I hear bowlers that compete in tournaments and finish with very low scores.
They usually say, “They don’t know how
to oil lanes.” It’s a bad mind set to think
you can win a title without practicing on
a harder condition although bowlers may
be able to throw higher scores without
practice using today’s equipment on easy
lane conditions.
I realize that all league bowlers will
never bowl tournaments but why not
strive to get better? There are some
league bowlers today who think that
bowling centers should oil for them
individually. That would be impossible.
Everything in this article (and in my
previous article) is just my opinion. I
am sure there are lots of people out
there who will disagree with me. It’s
their right to have an opinion too. So
here is something else to disagree
with. I love no smoking in bowling
The Mixed Trio Handicapped Tournament
— 2 guys, 1 girl or 1 guy, 2 girls —
Friday, November 29th – 7 PM
Saturday, November 30th – 12 PM & 3 PM
Sunday, December 1st – 11 AM…finals – 2 PM
Guaranteed 1st Place Prize – $1200
Entry Fee — $75 per team
Handicap based on 90% of 220
NOTE: please use highest book average from the past 2 years…if none, bowl scratch
Tournament Sponsored by…
The Mixed Trio Handicapped Tournament — Entry Form
Bowler’s Name
Phone No.
Hi-Book Avg
1 ___________________________________________________________________________________________________
M&D Financial
Retirement & Insurance
for all your outdoor electronic needs!
Securities offered through Hazard & Siegel, Inc.
5790 Widewaters Parkway
PO Box 157 - Syracuse, NY 13214
2 ___________________________________________________________________________________________________
3 ___________________________________________________________________________________________________
Submit Entries to: Village Lanes, 201 E. Manlius St., E. Syracuse, NY 13057 or
Call (315) 299-6612 for reservations (Spots are LIMITED)
Christmas Mixed Doubles Tournament
Saturday, Dec. 14, 2013
12:30 p.m. Start (Noon check-in)
• $500 Top Prize! (Based on 48 entries)
• $50 Entry Fee per Team
• Qualifying: partners bowl 3 games across 6 lanes
• Top 12 teams (1 in 4) qualify for match play
• Handicap: 90% of 225
• Lunch Buffet after bowling
For more information or to reserve a spot, call
(315) 437-4767 or email: [email protected]
Entry forms @
201 Highland Ave., E. Syracuse, NY 13057 / (315) 437-4767 / WWW.BOWLMOR.NET
All Black Friday Ball Specials include drilling. Order on Friday, receive delivery in
one week. Taxes, grips & slugs extra. Open 10:30 a.m. to 6 p.m.
Blockbuster Special!
Purchase these items separately or all
together as a package:
Columbia White Dot .......................$49.99
or Package with a Single Ball Bag
and one Accessory* for $79.99!
Normal retail for package is $106.49!
Ball Deals!
Storm Byte
Black Friday Price: $160
Storm Hyroad Pearl
Black Friday Price: $125
*Accessories: choose from Towel, Buff-aBag, Rosin Bag, Tacky Glove.
Roto Grip Totally Defiant
Shoe Specials!
Dexter Men’s &
Women’s SST8s!
Bowl Mor Black
Friday Prices:
(Suggested Retail:
Also choose Storm
SP2 900s, SP800s,
SP2 601 and 602 at
great prices too!
Black Friday Price: $150
Brunswick Mastermind
Black Friday Price: $135
Pro Shop at Bowl Mor
201 Highland Ave. • E. Syracuse, NY 13057
(315) 433-1372
Pro Shop Hours:
Mon. & Wed.: 10:30-6:00
Tues., Thurs., Fri.: 10:30-6:30
Sat: 9:30 a.m.-2:30 p.m.
No v e m be r 2013
Notable High Scores
* * * AT T E N T I O N L E A G U E S E C R E TA R I E S ! ! ! * * *
The CNY Striker wants your league scores and it’s easy to report them.
Here’s what to do:
Compile the top 10 scores, with first and last names followed by their series, in paragraph form in a Word Document or in the body of an email.
Please include the name of the league and the date the league competed at the beginning. Then send them to: [email protected]. It’s as simple as that to help your league bowlers get recognized!
Bowling Green
N. Syracuse, NY
Scores from the week of Oct. 27
BG Retiree’s: Karl Reester 279/742 Jack Cain
259/726 Tino Amodei 695
Don Parks Memorial: Geoff Bremner 789
Anthony Rizzo 300/773 Dave Lambertson 758
Kevin Smith 300
BG Tuesday Night Ladies: Kristin Vicik 247/663
Kelly Monette 639 Gizelle Fatcheric 233/606
Chandlers Miles Sabine Memorial: Sean LaValley
278/760 Karl Reester 258/730Kevin Smith 253/727
Miles Sabine Memorial: Chris Kilburn 287/795 Ed
Batruch 713 Tom Sims 703
Meghan Murphy’s/Roma Tile: Chris Kilburn 757
Mike Moro 739 Vinnie Santiguida 734 Tom Minnegan 300/720
Thursday Nights Men’s: Ed Batruch 266/678 Tom
Cowan 674 Hugh Kingsley 664
BG Friday Seniors: Tom Rougeau 686 Jack Cain
249/674 Jack Roche 653
Blue Ribbon Ladies: Erin Taylor 228/594 Kandy
Mills 567 Tiffany Taylor 565
CJ Kurtz Memorial Every other Saturday:
Mike Hayes 279/774 Chris Taylor 269/723 Andrea
Antinelli 245/652 Cathy Burleigh 235/593
Saturday Night Mixers: Bill Ukrainec 712 Chris
Bohm 275/689 Jessica Phillips 557 Renee Hansen 547
Scores from the week of Nov. 3
BG Retiree’s: David Starling 269/750 Brian
Sweeney 258/717 Steve Kuss 701
Don Parks Memorial: Kevin Smith 290/796 anthony Rizzo 748 Dave lambertson 738
BG Tuesday Night Ladies: Karen Wacht 236/656
Kelly Monette 651 Pat Blazek 233/604
Chandlers Miles Sabine Memorial: Sean LaValley
289/730 Matt Foley 277/728 Karl Reester 701
Miles Sabine Memorial: Anthony Paparo 718 Steve
Temple 717 Mark Hanley 716
Meghan Murphy’s/Roma Tile: Mark Guarentee
290/789 Andy DeFlorio 724 Brian Schalk 290/719
NS Faculty: Walt Mueller 242/672 Tim Elmer
250/624 Kathy Shuman 179/487 Pat Giarrusso
Thursday Nights Men’s: RJ Vault 280/711
Gary Baronick 699 Tony Lennox 683
BG Friday Seniors: Tom Rougeau 277/744 Joe Valentino 704 Rose Iozzia 201/563 Carol Romeo 182/480
Blue Ribbon Ladies: Heather Tarby 279/672 Gizelle
Cox 224/648 Pat Blazek 225/619
Dewey’s Every Other Saturday: Tom Stagnitta
266/686 Tony Noreault 254/668 Janice McCarthy
264/596 Deb Spencer 194/565
Saturday Night Mixers: John Schmidt 254/707
Steve Walts 258/704 Jessica Phillips 254/651 Sandy
Kitching 236/639
Bowl Mor Lanes
E. Syracuse, NY
Alexander & Catalano Trio
Oct. 30. Gregg Cavanaugh 245/705, Rick Leonardo
235/679, Robert Youker 247/678, Jack Vault 234/675,
Tino Amodei 236/672, Mark Peck 248/657, Michael
Piston 249/647, Joseph Piston 235/643, Kevin Reilley
242/624, Robert Dexter 235/623
Nov. 6. Mark Peck 267/707, Ron Foraker 237/688,
Michael Piston 237/686, Jack Vault 253/677, John
Turbeville 228/675, Robert Dexter 245/661, Rick
Leonardo 221/630, Ronald Seagfrid 214/617, Gregg
Cavanaugh 225/608, Kevin Reilley 222/591
Nov. 13. Mark Peck 264/ 709, Rick Leonardo
252/671, Michael Piston 233/665, Gregg Cavanaugh
224/644, Tino Amodei 227/639, Kevin Reilley
224/635, Peter Barbagallo 206/603
Fairmount Saturday Mixed
Nov. 2. Stars of the week: Denise Felder 629 and
Myron Zindle 721. Christine Episcopo 546, Linda
Nichols 528, Michele DeLong 514, Nicolle Comstock
570, Tania Sokolowski 516, Dawn Forget 513, John
Rhode 697, Brian Schalk 710
Nov. 9. Stars of the week: Kelly Monette 278-663,
Robert Meade Jr. 246-698. Nicolle Comstock 561,
Christine Episcopo 573, Linda Nichols 523, June
Staley 503, Valerie DeLong 511, Tania Sokolowski
537,Denise Felder 551. John Rhode 661, David Kratz
678, Gregg Draper 651, Brian Schalk 652, Malcolm
Merritt 681, Jeff Fortuno 685
Thursday Ladies
Oct. 24. Dianna MacDonald 215-554, Diane Ackerman 232-525, Fran Piraino 194-527, Chris DiFlorio
177-515, Rose Iozzia 181-500
Oct. 31. Dayna Piraino 214-585, Barb Walker 219584, Diane Ackerman 224-577, Fran Piraino 204-543,
Betty Bathke 193-530, Cynthia Clark 179-520, Tanya
Williams 188-511, Rose Iozzia 179-504, Marsha Mills
Nov. 7. Joan Dulmage 211-571, Betty Bathke 201-506,
Fran Piraino 213-577, Angie Madonna 215-533, Chris
DiFlorio 223-510, Tayna Williams 181-532, Marsha
Mills 182-540, Diane Ackerman 182-533, Dayna
Piraino 189-541
Thursday Men
Oct. 31. Ryan Bertrand 738, Montrelle Rice 729,
Steve Salce 716, Steven Walker 288-713, Nick Bova
279-704, Brian Russell 698, Bob Meade Jr. 691, Darrel Vanhoose 685, John Balian 680, Aaron Strusienski 675
Nov. 7. Steve Salce 268-767, Chris Oakley 267-754,
Sean LaValley 737, Dave Filipski Jr. 722, Patrick
Kohanski 718, Tom Buffum 712, Paul Raulli 711,
Nicole O’Brien 279-707, Tom Cusumano 700, Ryan
Bertrand 697, Mike Bundrage 693, Nick Bova 688,
Kelly Brown 677
Friday Men
Oct. 25. James Miner 276/779, Kenneth Willis
264/755, Shawn Cook 279/725, Ryan Bertrand
255/725, Don Brush 245/718 Bobby Moro 259/717,
Peter Moro Jr. 258/715, Stephen Weiskopff 277/709,
Kevin Osgood 243/698, Theodore Melnyk 258/693
Nov. 1. Peter Moro Jr. 249/722, Bobby Moro 268/718,
Jeffrey Matty 266/718, Theodore Melnyk 268/715,
Marty Piraino 277/709, Bob Piraino 245/707, Shawn
Cook 256/703, Lowell Hill 264/702, Dan Block
247/692, Don Brush 268/688
Monday Trio Mixed
Nov. 4. Vince DiFlorio Jr. 267-707, Dan DiFlorio 248703, Bill VanDyke 246-676, David Allen 248-628,
Tom Mosley Sr. 235-624, Jim Zubrowski 245-601,
Fran Piraino 211-560, Mary Groth 192-506
Cavalry Club Ladies
Nov. 5. Fran Piraino 201-510, Noreen McLaughlin
188-441, Suzanne Alberici 164-432, Dolores Selbach
Nov. 12. Fran Piraino 184-516, Noreen McLaughlin
169-452, Judy Rivizzigno 158-413
B’ville Sports Bowl
Baldwinsville, NY
7-E Construction League
Oct. 30. Ryan Kratz 749, Nick Goodfellow 735, Dave
Johnson 716, Kris Goodfellow 298-699, Cliff Saliba
690, Ryan Calkins 663, Todd Fenchel 645, Stacey
Finnigan 540. Grace White 524, Tina Harkins 522
Nov. 4. Corey Walts 724, Luke Dunler 691, Mike
Phelps 674, Mike Conroy 670, Dan Sidon 645, Ben
Ryther 644, Dave Sherman Sr. 643, Nick Santore 643,
Dave Sherman Jr. 638, Tim Lewis 638
Nov. 11. Dave Sherman Jr. 752, Matt Hemmingway
277-721, Tim Lewis 287-712, Russ Hempel 683, Nick
Santore 669, Gary Peterson 664, Luke Dunler 657,
Corey Walts 656, Nick Petta 632, Chip Pettitt 631
Foxfire Thursday Night Mens
Oct. 24. Dan Sidon 288-773, Shaun Goodfellow
279-728, Mike Tompkins 719, Ben Goodfellow 686,
Todd Fenchel 278-681, Al Wood 689, Dave Francisco
680, James Dougherty 651, Tom Liadka 645, Ryan
Hawthorne 643
Oct. 31. Mike Tompkins 279-768, Dan Sidon 277-743,
Ben Goodfellow 300-738, Shaun Goodfellow 705
Nov. 7. Dan Sidon 278-746, Todd Fenchel 278-709,
PJ McCleery 704, Ken Sprague 698, Jim Dougherty
692, Ryan Hawthorne 684, Jehn Lell 689, Mike
Tompkins 668, Al Wood 669
Warm Morning Insulation Mixers
Oct. 30. Nick Goodfellow 279-748, Ryan Calkins 300744, Kris Goodfellow 670, Jeff Cooper 656, Phil
Iemma 643, Nick Santore 627, Brenda Vendetti 590,
Renee Hanson 558, Gale McArdell 551, Grace
White 540
Nov. 6. Kris Goodfellow 774, Ryan Calkins 720, Jeff
Cooper 700, Ryan Kratz 687, Nick Goodfellow 673,
Nick Santore 657, Todd Fenchel 651, Phil Iemma 637
Renee Hanson 535, Stacey Finnigan 524
Clear-A-Way Territory Mgt. Challenge
Oct. 25. Tim Lewis 770, Kevin Rode 299-753, Dan
Jenkins 747, Tina Fabrizio 744, Gary Peterson 279729, Cliff Saliba 719, Jay Champion 707, Paul Legnetto 679, Paul Allen 679, Andrea Peterson 268-677
Nov. 4. Bill Allen Jr. 298-814, Paul Allen 279-763,
Cliff Saliba 280-750, Tim Warner 735, Dan Sidon
734, Jet Tetrault 722, Jay Champion 716, Dan Jenkins
710, Lonnie Rush 300-705, Todd Fenchel 697
Nov. 8. Cliff Saliba 762, Dan Sidon 279-741, Lonnie
Rush 721, Gary Peterson 279-715, Ryan Kratz 700,
Corey Walts 690, Craig Rockwell 689, Kevin Rode
680, Liz Forsythe 563, Amy Wolford 518
Coop’s Mixed Trio
Oct. 24. Mike Conroy 732, Dan Sidon 728, Gary
Peterson 706, Jason O’Brien 641, Mike Williams 637,
Loren James 612, Scott Laffin 612, Deb Sidon 573,
Sharon Sitar 552, Sue Matteson 540
Oct. 31. Todd Fenchel 300-279-266 845, Jason Champion 283-785, Jason O’Brien 685, Dan Sidon 680,
Mike Smith 664, Sharon Sitar 647, Gary Peterson 636,
Kevin Peirson 626, Deb Sidon 563, Ruth Russell 535
Nov. 7. Jason O’Brien 726, Gary Peterson 720, Todd
Fenchel 290-703, Tina Fabrizio 688, Scott Laffin 673,
Brian Russell 663, Mike Conroy 665, Dan Sidon 660,
Kevin Peirson 626, Mike Williams 624, Sharon Sitar
574, Tracy Champion 566
Erie Blvd. Bowling Center
Syracuse, NY
Daytime Seniors
Nov. 5/7. Lance Hinman 268-649, John Yandon
246-637, Herb Grimm 223-627, Lance Hinman 202
(triplicate)-606, Ron Grant 211-594, Dave Reals 245591, Ron Grant 217-585, John Yandon 226-568, Mike
Vrabel 221-568
Nov. 12/14. John Yandon 243-625, Lance Hinman
230-603, Charles Tolbert 228-601, Ron Grant 217601, Tim Shore 220-588, Mike Vrabel 212-578, Dave
Reals 223-575, Bob Valentine 215-571, Walt Buck
192-555, Otto Boylan 194-520
Tuesday Men
Oct. 29. Andy DeFlorio 255-759, Kevin Osgood
278-737, Ken Collins 246-731 , Don Hurry 290-724,
Don Barry 268-704, Frank Valentine 245-703, John
Maselli Jr. 238-700, Steve Walker 300-695, Ted
Niedzwiecki 258-688, Pasquale Barbato 265-683,
Shaun Jennings 236-681, Chris Prestia 245-679, Greg
Hudson 244-675
Nov. 5. Paul Hawkins 300-758, Christopher McDonald 267-718, James Smith 250-714, Tom Sullivan
287-706, Andy DeFlorio 259-686, John Maselli Jr.
259-685, Don Barry 269-685, Ken Gardiner 257-677,
Robert Dexter 255-676
Thursday Men
Oct. 31. Ed Clark 299-803, Greg Walczyk 268-716,
Dickie Donegan 300-696, Jeremiah Nielsen 247-688,
Teddy Neidzwiecki 239-687, Mike Piston 279-687,
Rick Rossen 247-685, Brendan Connor 280-672, Tim
Hall 237-656, Doug Sprague 227-645
Nov. 7. Jim Prevo 279-765, Anthony Dyer 268-721,
Mike Piston 239-697, Bob Fedigan 279-694, Doug
Sprague 248-675, Joe Piston 261-674, Rick Rossen
238-663, Jeremiah Nielsen 247-651, Joe Hudgins
242-646, Ed Clark 266-645
Flamingo Bowl
Liverpool, NY
CNY Ladies Classic League
Nov. 5. Jennifer Creno 257-708, Lori Pientka 279694, Sherry McClusky 240-669, Jennette Adams
286-645, Teri Gonzalski 233-635, Michele Edick
213-621,Mary DelVecchio 233-617, Janice McCarthy
Nov. 12. Sherry McClusky 244-704, Jennifer Creno
239-656, Joanna Carter 225-636, Lori Pientka
224-631, Nicole O’Brien 215-625, Seline Weiskopff
Bethmann Russell Financial Services
Nov. 7. John Monaghan 270/740, Mike Daley
277/724, Alex DiGenaro 253/723, Tim Mills 264/719,
Brad Jordan 269/716, Adam Elsner 248/714, Zach
Pannozo 256/711, Dick Trapnell 257/687, Adam
Schremph 278/675, Russ Griffo 258/660, Robert
Raison 256/660, Buddy Amidon 238/658, James
Zubrowski 233/658, Tim McDonald 225/652
Nov. 4. Ted Melnyk 246/679, Greg Heidelberger
236/654, Andy Melnyk 236/640, Craig Moore
234/638, Karl Reester 216/633
Flamingo Ladies
Nov. 4. Jamie McNamara 227/581, Shirley Bialobre
191/532, Mary Hall 222/498, Cathy Hudson 177/468,
Melissa Michaels 168/468, Beth Morison 158/461,
Lynn Pinard 179/460, Linda Zuccaro 156/450
Nov. 11. Jamie McNamara 202/523, Cathy Hudson
190/495, Megan Rutledge 177/471, Dawn Marie
Harris 181/462, Robin Wranesh 159/458, Melissa
Michaels 173/454
Monday Bud Doubles
Nov. 4. Joe Conti Jr. 258/722, Greg Hudson 238/692,
Howard Jones 235/692, Thomas Clark 258/684, Steve
Walker 266/656, Robert Dexter 236/639, Joe Conti
Sr. 235/638, Antwan Johnson 223/633, Michael Fedor
Nov. 11. Joe Conti Jr. 259/670, Steve Walker 257/720,
Walter Fedor 245/682, James Smith 256/670, Robert
Dexter 217/633, Joe Conti Sr. 218/621, David Pringle
Sr. 212/616, Theresa Pryce 214/616, Leo Jernigan 211/
615, Heather Tarby 216/612, Gary Branch 223/610,
Howard Jones 209/608, Greg Hudson 225/602,
Keenan Vick 227/601
Lockheed Martin
Nov. 6. Jim Bero 268/697, Tim Talaga 246/670, Mike
Daley 235/663, Dennis Dykeman 246/648, Don
Hall 234/646, Kyle Whalen 215/631, Daniel Uzunoff
234/629, David Roberts 225/627
Mixed Up Birds
Nov. 3. Rick Hernandez 243/677, Tom Stone 236/653,
Brian Miller 232/650, George Fuller 214/613, Pete
Testa 223/589, Rachel Thompson 236/598, Korynne
Burns 233/571, Stacey Lane 203/564, Stacy Hernandez 198/534, Sue Dickerson 212/513, Stacey Finnigan
Nov. 10. Tom Stone 279/783, Brian Miller 234/678,
John Ingram 287/674, Rick Hernandez 256/663,
Vince Giocondo 232/655, Bob Morse 247/651,
George Fuller 237/602, Rachael Thompson 246/643,
Stacey Finnigan 195/519, Nancy Polge 185/510, Korynne Burns 185/495
Tuesday Funtime Mixed
Nov. 5. Teddy Starr 246/691, Mike Bowman 245/678,
Steve Touron 246/676, Dave Ernestine 247/661,
Jeff Wilkinson 236/625, Liz Bowerman 201/588,
Monique Bowman 187/506, Kelly Michaels 171/458
Mark Stoetzel Memorial
Nov. 2. Rick Rossen 253/693, Jack Hamlin 268/650,
Tony Hamlin 237/580, Cheryl Herzog 182/477, Jessica Lardeo 166/401
Nov. 9. Jack Hamlin 244/653, Tony Hamlin 212/621,
Doug McMaster 210/587, Mitch Duell 200/573,
Cheryl Herzog 187/508, Kerri Beaman 188/474, Mary
Jo Hamlin 179/451
Green Acres
Central Square, NY
Saturday Nite 7:30 p.m.
Nov. 2. Steve Skinner 258/656, Bryan Harders
238/638, Josh Marsden 242/636, Allen Decker
248/630, Steve Homer 214/616, Brandon Moeller 258,
Ashley Skinner 204/557, Judy Gardenier 208/544,
Lori Lenchert 195/503
Nov. 9. Ashley Skinner 255/636, Jason Rogers
232/634, Justin White 256/624, Mike Mellor 245/620,
Nicole Palmer 190/542, Carrie Begley 196/540, Steve
Homer 225/608
Saturday 5 p.m. Mixed League
Nov. 2. Earl Becker Jr. 269/716, Mitch Miller 267/676,
Bill Cronk 264/779, Sam Curcie 243/622, Steve
Homer 235/637, Mary Fellows 223/554, Nancy Bean
201/532, Nicole Palmer 194/527, Cathy Noel 185/494,
Tammy Hoff 184/494
Nov. 9. Bill Cronk 287/703, Kevin Somers 258/691,
Tim Ryant 252/570, Matt Hoffman 246/725, Earl
Becker Jr. 246/695, Tammy Hoff 198/519, Nancy
Bean 191/475, Nicole Palmer 177/492, Glenda Montanaro 172/484, Wendy Schauer 167
Lakeview Bowling Center
Liverpool, NY
Lakeview Doubles
Oct. 31. Nedal Ibrahim 256/718, James Jones
226/664, Don Sorbello 254/662, Joe Conti Sr 257/656,
Maurice Jackson 235/651; Marni Vincitore 279/784,
Pat VanDyke 235/592, Kelly Spaulding 185/548, Ann
Marie Hotaling 224/544, Martha Hudson 221/517
Nov. 7. Maurice Jackson 269/755, Doug Banks 256/
736, Don Hurry 246/726, Nedal Ibrahim 269/701,
William VanDyke 258/675; Martha Hudson 213/566,
Jackie Buczek 203/562, Kathy Schilling 210/557,
Marni Vincitore 194/553, Donna Branch 188/538
Painters and Decorators
Oct. 31. Butch Vangordan 280/725, Kevin Rode
246/723, Jim Zimmerman 246/713, Al Turner Jr.
276/697, Mike Powers 255/691; Lisa Buck 225/608,
Gloria Cruz 171/466
Nov. 7. Tom Szpak 266/767, Pio Parolin 253/733,
Mark Zlotnick 258/731, Jim Zimmerman 300/718,
Tim Morgan 233/691; Lisa Buck 198/542, Gloria
Cruz 154/363
Nov. 1. Paul Suskin 192/536, Keith Osborne 198/535,
Dick Daves 209/522, Bob Sutton 180/504, Herb
Werner 209/499; Sue Roy 166/469, Betty Worden
181/463, Sally Werner 161/446, Eileen Bishop
164/444, Toni Speranza 162/441
Nov. 8. Bob Boivin 234/593, Dave Foster 216/563,
Don Roy 200/563, Paul Suskin 203/558, Gary Bishop
186/538; Sue Roy 183/521, Diana Berube 188/508,
Rosann McNeil 183/485, Debbie Pascarella 180/459,
Sally Werner 179/451
Friday Night Men
Nov. 1. Jeff Williams 299/776, Brad Stone 255/740,
Larry VanWie Jr 269/734, Matt Cargill 245/718, Tom
Griffin 255/708, Chuck Lilly 237/705
Nov. 8. Kevin Smith 279/816, John Schmidt 279/719,
Jim Kissel Jr 267/717, Brian Schalk 279/712, Troy
Nash 245/711, Butch Edwards 259/709
Chuck Jackson Trio
Nov. 2. Ray McClain 268/749, Greg Hudson 300/721,
Howard Jones 256/719, Ted Nedzwecki 258/710,
Nedal Ibrahim 246/701
Nov. 9. Nedal Ibrahim 268/758, Craig Moore
289/739, Steve Weiskopff 235(x2)/701 Dave Brownlee
246/686, Nate Singletary 268/680
Nov. 2. John Hughes 259/718, Maury Hendry
233/661, Jim Gaiannetto 225/623, Steve Kuss 214/622,
Jody Kimball 237/603; Tina Fabrizio 246/623, Peggy
Burnham 179/506, Marsha Lefever 183/470, Robin
McIntyre 163/456, Issy Montague 152/444
Saturday Night Mixed
Nov. 2. Steve Weiskopff 239/713, Kris O’Donaghy
255/691, Larry Elsner 238/684, Dave Sitar 244/669,
Anthony Madonna 249/664; Ramona Mattice
227/674, Andrea Serbun 247/614, Seline Weiskopff
205/580, Jean Foster 231/572, Kasi O’Donaghy
Nov. 9. Don Hurry 279/790, Harry Webb 278/767,
Fred Schenck 259/727, Dennis Kimball 269/714,
Dave Sitar 279/690; Jennifer Wilson 222/605, Jean
Foster 224/598, Seline Weiskopff 201/591, Andrea
Serbun 224/579, Ramona Mattice 210/575
Sunday Weekend Wrap-Up
Nov. 3. Chris Orlicz 300/759, Steve Weiskopff
255/737, Mike Lesio 237/693, Wayne Coulon
279/684, Kris Camarda 224/636; Seline Weiskopff
225/639, Kelly Spaulding 242/582, Deb Kopaczewski 235/565, Kathy Lesio 205/548, Sue Coulon
Nov. 10. Don Hurry 249/713, Steve Weiskopff
300/707, Rich Virginia 224/635, Chris Orlicz
225/618, Chuck Becker 222/610; Kelly Spaulding 235/642, Melanie Angarano 236/564, Seline
Weiskopff 233/561, Paula Garfield 208/560, Linda
Orlicz 182/526
Salina Sizzlers
Nov. 4. Ed Barlow 219/556, Gary Bishop 208/543,
Walt McArdell 201/538, Joe Brisson 190(x2)/532,
John McArdell 214/524, Ron Taylor 202/524, Larry
Woods 189/524
Nov. 11. Aldo Chemotti 236/612, Ron Taylor 213/609,
Ed Barlow 209/598, Walt McArdell 192/542, Gary
Bishop 203/533; Norma Graff 187/460, Sue Roy
162/448, Janet Chemotti 181/441, Rosann McNeil
153/433, Donna Marshall 168/422
continued on page 7 ☞
N o v em ber 2 0 13
(continued from page 6)
Lakeview PBA Doubles
Nov. 4. Mike Tryniski 238/682, Ron Clifford 224/667,
Bennie Applebee 226/659, Derek Magno 235/657, Bill
Timmons 234/657
Nov. 11. Dan Smith 286/682, Dan Guzalak 255/663,
Doug Edmoston 237/656, Butch Vangordon 245/652,
Rick Leonardo 266/647
Monday Night Men
Nov. 4. Tony Vito 258/699, James Smith 235/675,
Ken Pratt 234/669, Bill Cronk 241/666, Ryan Volcko
223/659; Nicole Eustace 194/540
Nov. 11. Tom Mento Jr. 266/724, Brett Cunningham
237/689, Ryan Volcko 237/681, Mike Powers 246/666,
William Sass 226/653
Liverpool Mixed
Nov. 5. Ryan Pickard 222/614, Fran Fedrizzi 173/445,
Barry Kneeskern 143/375, Ken Elderbroom 133/363,
Jim Keating 119/307; Karen Pickard 176/484, Holly
Moran 154/440, Kristi Kneeskern 179/431, Kay Pickard 165/418, Diane Kneeskern 151/400
Nov. 12. Ryan Pickard 198/520, Jim Keating 151/390,
Fran Fedrizzi 136/369; Kristi Kneeskern 198/494,
Millie Flett 157/420, Karen Pickard 161/412, Diane
Kneeskern 154/401, Mary Elderbroom 138/391
Upstate Medical Mixed
Nov. 5. Stan Eldridge 245/673, Joe Noboa 215/629,
Paul Doane 215/611, Steve Chapman 246/604, Keith
Adams 212/587; Nassauma Adams 245/628, Pamela
Corbett 194/538, Ann Marie Hotaling 204/519, Diane
Davidson 185/477, Elaine Hatch 180/475
Nov. 12. Steve Chapman 267/712, Stan Eldridge
232/664, Joe Noboa 209/601, Paul Doane 231/597,
Keith Adams 256/596; Martha Hudson 227/591,
Pamela Corbett 201/530, Nassauma Adams 191/529,
June Crozier 186/506, Ann Marie Hotaling 163/480
A-1 Trophies
Nov. 5. Ralph Dodge 257/716, Michael Hunter
279/703, RJ Blanchard 244/701, Joe Stines 258/675,
John Hughes 247/663; Erin Taylor 234/652, Shelley
Magno 216/516, Dawn Wiktorwicz 163/463, Mary
Paige 169/445, Carrie Higginbotham 173/438
Nov. 12. RJ Blanchard 278/755, Mark Guarante
268/727, Michael Hunter 255/727, Don Jacobson
252/670; Dawn Wiktorwicz 184/534, Shelley Magno
183/471, Mary Paige 156/433, Robin Weeks 157/389,
Alisha Ralston 109/294
Santangelo’s Doubles
Nov. 6. Mindy Santocki 248/682, Marni Vincitore
267/681, Anne Bethman 235/639, Michelle Edick
234/620, Roberta Smith 235/610
Nov. 13. Mindy Santocki 235/686, Marni Vincitore
233/667, Anne Bethman 234/639, Michelle Edick
234/649, Diane Tripp 221/602
Independent Men
Nov. 6. James Smith 279/786, Jamie Torbitt 268/726,
Don Hurry 280/711, Sam Perry 246/697, Stan Williams 260/692
Nov. 13. Tim Bacon 279/726, Dave Brownlee 267/697,
Alvin Henderson 256/697, Brian Benton 258/695,
Greg Hudson 279/691
Lighthouse Lanes
Oswego, NY
Port City Seniors
Nov. 4. Daniel MacDonald 222-623; Wayne Newton
216-620; Richard Dietz 225-603; James Biancavilla
Nov. 11. Robert Brace 278-742; Daniel MacDonald
259-730; Michael Mahaney 247-708, James Biancavilla 242-686; Richard Dietz 279-626; Robert Ramstad
278-620, Beryl Broadwell 223-611; William Chorley
224-607; Paul Kupelian 244-604, Harold Kenyon Jr.
234-603; Michael Coffey 237-600
Rainbow Lanes
Weedsport, NY
Senior Rainbowlers
Nov. 5. Dale Weigand 247-721, Ed Wasilenko 241654, Rick Jordan 579, Walt Joshanski 234-578, Bob
Ball 556, Jerry Francisco 213-555, Stosh Rosetti 547,
Ron Cook 530, Gary Gonyea 529, Sharon Mills 211596, Linda Weigand 190-507, Sandy Loveless 211502, Linda Cuff 193-496, Joan McCarthy 190-489,
Margaret Andrews 166-461, Barb Reney 435, Norma
Ferguson 431, Patty Ball 427
Nov. 12. Gary Gonyea 247-669, Dale Weigand
225-629, Bruce Christopher 235-608, Ed Wasilenko
235-566, Jim Viccaro 222-564, Dick Lees 211-555,
Rick Jordan 555, Walt Joshanski 549, Bob McDuffie
200-541, Sandy Loveless 192-555, Carol Lewis 196512, Barb Reney 185-498, Sharon Mills 188-496,
Gloria Every 479, Linda Weigand 181-479, Linda Cuff
192-466, Katherine Fletcher 466, Barb Cady 452
Thursday Morning Pastimes
Oct. 31. Barb Dennison 243-607, Peg Gilmore 170449, Nadine Szozda 172-445, Lori Hamel 163-423,
Marie Berish 149-415, Mellony Carner 151-398, Barb
McNickol 395, Yvonne Snow 158-394, Midge Hamel
392, Theresa Smithler 383
Nov. 7. Barb Dennison 235-658, Teresa Goldman 193540, Lori Hamel 163-411, Yvonne Snow 404, Brenda
VanNorstrand 400, Barb McNickol 394, Theresa
Smithler 160-385, Mellony Carner 384, Nadine
Szozda 383, Delores Cronin 376
Dale Biss Memorial League
Nov. 6. Matt Thomas 287-767, Mikey Walker II 278766, Jim Melfi 297-734, Steve Suslik 237-690, Mark
Williams, Sr. 248-677, Ron Rizzo 256-670, Steve
Geery 243-665, Barry Marginean 256-664, Ken
Hoalcraft 255-658, Steve Eastman, Sr. 236-654, Ron
Wilson 256-645, Dan Bibbens 245-644, Jerry Blumer
258-642, Matt Bard 247-642, Cory Slater 247-640,
Benny Appleby 243-639, Chet Hoisington 223-638,
Jeff Matty 235-636, Brian Brooks 244-631, Matthew
Short 235-630, Greg Hypes 267-630, Rob Swim
226-622, Greg Bibbens 212-620, Tom Hitchcock, Sr.
215-618, Mat Grudzien 212-614, Doug Augustine
Nov. 13. Ron Rizzo 257-739, Dan Bibbens 267-738,
Mikey Walker II 268-731, Cory Slater 264-703,
Doug Augustine 285-693, Mike Crowley 245-687,
Rob Swim 248-684, Phil Perkins 247-679, Steve
Geery 245-670, Rick Liccion 246-668, Walt Joshanski 246-655, Jerry Blumer 245-653, Jon Eadon 247648, Matthew Short 236-648, Mike Rouse 232-647,
Steve Suslik 256-637, Jeff Matty 245-636, Mark
Williams, Sr. 232-634, Benny Appleby 246-628,
Bob Ball 231-624, Frank Manitta 249-623, Kevin
Garr 230-607, Ken Hoalcraft 209-606, John Jones
203-604, Ron Wilson 257-603, Mat Grudzien 225602, Jim Melfi 213-600
Commercial League
Nov. 4. Rick Liccion 279-743, Andrew Perkins 269701, Wayne Clarke 255-682, Dale Weigand 258-669,
Gary Reynolds 247-665, Brian Brooks 268-659,
Chuck Akins 257-654, Norm Austin 653, Mike
Ryan 233-650, Steve Rusin 234-642, Lee Burnett
230-637, Cory Slater 248-636, Chris Plis 247-635,
Mike Crowley 236-634, Eric Sidor 247-629, Mark
Hlywa 627, Greg Davis 624, Dave Pidlyphak 624,
Jay Slater, Jr. 616, Charlie Guzewicz 236-613, Ted
Ball 600
Nov. 11. Greg Davis 280-740, Chuck Ostrander
257-719, Dave MacDonald 286-716, Lee Burnett
277-708, Brian Brooks 279-701, Kevin Ashby 248701, Steve Rusin 268-699, Chuck Akins 274-688,
Reamer Fiester 284-681, Ron Rizzo 255-680, Don
Johnson 669, Mike Ryan 658, Cory Slater 656, Dick
Bobbett 242-654, Frank Manitta 237-645, Tom
Ostrander 640, Sean O’Donnell 267-636, Gary
Reynolds 629, Mat Grudzien 256-627, Dan Pilat 614,
Duane Slater, Sr. 244-605, Rick Liccion 237-605,
Mark Hlywa 600
Weedsport Mixed Doubles
Nov. 3. Jamie Compson 241-645, Steve Rusin 248643, Reamer Fiester 223-597, Fuzzy Ponto 219-591,
Jamison Mills 223-587, Carl Harvey 202-558, Jeff
Blumer 204-539, Doug Milton 539, Ted Murdick
517, Tom Hitchcock, Sr. 503, Jake Moore 503, Barb
Dennison 259-679, Sharon Mills 224-623, Roni
Ponto 213-562, Penny Mills 186-500, Linda Hitchcock 456, Anne Rooker 413, Margaux Milton 393,
Jackie MacDavitt 393, Emily Spratt 390, Freeda
Benham 386
Nov. 10. Jamison Mills 235-661, Jamie Compson
255-647, Tom Hitchcock, Sr. 622, Andy Dennison
232-613, Carl Harvey 233-596, Phil Perkins 589,
Steve Rusin 221-581, Fuzzy Ponto 580, Gavin
Dennis 221-578, Jake Moore 224-550, Doug Milton
548, Reamer Fiester 546, David Blumer 537, Ted
Murdick 225-535, William Flynn 503, Sharon Mills
194-543, Roni Ponto 209-536, Barb Dennison 190534, Cindy Dennis 181-467, Linda Hitchcock 172466, Annette Blumer 431, Debbie Sikora 423, Mary
Dennis 170-410, Sarajane Vitale 396, Margaux
Milton 394
Friday Coffee Break League
Nov. 1. Peg Gilmore 193-506, Margie Lowe 204488, Mary Williams 171-465, Rhonda Quimby 168458, Mary Brown 163-450, Linda Morano 443, Sue
Foster 170-441, Linda Cuff 160-437, Barbara Reney
405, Katherine Fletcher 394
Nov. 8. Margaret Andrews 208-512, Jeanie Lober
180-486, Barbara Reney 169-470, Rhonda Quimby
163-463, Katherine Fletcher 167-451, Mary Brown
163-448, Sue Foster 158-432, Barbara Spingler 413,
Maresse Walawender 165-410, Peg Gilmore 152-407
Senior Stars
Nov. 7. Sharon Mills 225-637, Joan McCarthy
209-528, Linda Weigand 184-479, Sandy Loveless
190-474, Ed Wasilenko 237-686, Tom Lloyd Jr.
227-604, Dale Weigand 210-590, Rick Jordan 203563. Bowlers of the week. Sharon Mills +94 and Ed
Wasilenko +92
Nov. 14. Sandy Loveless 191-529, Margie Lowe 182497, Linda Weigand 167-450
Dale Weigand 256-681, Ray Kisor 255-650, Tom
Lloyd Jr. 205-525, Rick Jordan 180-504, Bruce
Lewis 198-495
Ira Watkins League
Nov. 1. John Jones 256-687, Dale Weigand 233-677,
Richard Bump 247-673, Michael Sheehan 268639, Matt Rooker 217-633, Jeff Farrelly 258-626,
Christopher Lugo 217-622, Greg Davis 246-616,
Scott Coomber 204-610, Todd Wilcox 221-609,
Ken Howell 210-604, Jason Lukins 214-603, Kevin
Lukins 225-600
Nov. 8. Doug Comstock 279-709, Tim Lytle 235694, Kevin Lukins 234-691, John Jones 247-691,
Dale Weigand 267-663, Michael Sheehan 220
(triplicate)- 660, Greg Davis 279-655, Ken Howell
259-641, Reamer Fiester 243-632, Jeff Farrelly
228-626, Christopher Lugo 221-626, Jason Lukins
257-613, Richard Bump 212-612, Todd Weigand
229-610, Matt Grudzien 224-601
Fellowship League
Oct. 31. Scott Jewett 253-733, David Ashby 229-681,
Tom Winslow 248-675, Kristopher Harwood 639,
Mike Blumer 243-637, Rob Weatherstone 635, John
Jones 632, Michael Sheehan 235-629, Charles McLaughlin 255-618, Brandon Mettler 246-603
Nov. 7. Scott Jewett 263-673, John Jones 230-668,
Ron Wilson 246-654, Carl Mettler 233-638, Michael
Sheehan 229-628, John Ingram 627, Chad Blaisdell
242-626, John Kensinger 226-621, Brandon Mettler
608, Tim Rathbun 246-605, Rick Grover 234-600
Nov. 5. Kira Mettler 232-638, Kelly Blaisdell 212619, Angie Ryan 223-600, Mary Eastman 211-596,
Loretta Lees 213-571, Lisa Matty 205-566, Candy
Ryan 541, Debbie Squires 527, Amy Franceschelli
211-520, Cyndy Dennis 516
Nov. 12. Angie Ryan 237-642, Kelly Blaisdell
207-605, Loretta Lees 216-602, Mary Eastman 204590, Kay Rizzo 547, Kira Mettler 218-543, Debbie
Squires 214-540, Rebecca Facey 513, Tammy
Williams 480, Candy Ryan 473
Saturday Mixers
Nov. 2. Bob Clarke 278-268-259-805, Gary
Reynolds 277-708, Gary Donalds 278-669, Tom
Winslow 235-651, Ron Rizzo 235-647, Gibby
Gibson 267-632, Benny Appleby 245-631, Scott
Lees 211-604, Michelle Reynolds 269-225-223-717,
Loretta Lees 210-594, Patty Wright 556, Lisa Matty
205-554, Tammy Williams 529
Solvay Rec
Solvay, NY
Geddes Federal Mens
Oct. 29. Nick DeSantis Jr. 235-657, Mike Gasiorowski 224-619, Pete DiGenaro 237-618, Landis
Briggs 219-610, John 223, Veri 247, Mike Pekala
245, John Zollo 235, Bill Bigelow Jr. 224, Mike
Savanovich, Paul Francher 220
Nov. 5. Pete Venuti 265-671, Mike Pekala 259-652,
Steve Kronafel 233-629, Mike Gasiorowski 234603, Danny Ianicello 218, Donnie Moore 214, Bill
Bigelow Jr. 214
Nov. 12. -Pete Venuti 247-654, Bill Michalski 222641, Juice Berda 266-626, Paul Francher 237-626,
Chris DeSantis 245-625, Steve Kronafel 221-620,
John Veri 235-613, Vince Arlukiewicz 223-613,
Mike Pekala 213-607, Tim Geraets 215-606, Rob
Hunt 216, Len Zollo 214, Chris McGilvray 213,
Mike Savanovitch 213
Sat. Night Mixed
Nov. 2. Steve Curtis Sr. 237-667, Ed Curtis 207-536,
John Czuprynski 528, Maureen Lake 201-496, Joni
Ducey 186-484, Anna Curtis 449, Liz Ulmstead 178
Nov. 9. Steve Curtis Sr. 243-624, EJ Curtis 212-541,
Mike Raymond 524, Kyle Ninemiere 204, Dave
Ninemiere 201, Maureen Lake 190-569, Angela
Greco 450, Jeanne Lukins 416
Monday Noon Seniors
Nov. 4. Doc Mitchell 191-486, Frank Czyz 147-420,
Shirley Brandt 172-444, Jane Scaia 180-443, Stella
Walker 418
Nov. 11. Doc Mitchell 145-408, Carol Maestri 200,
Deena Reyes 178-467, Jane Scaia 177-446
Bob’s Tire Senior Men
Oct. 31. Pat Lisi 206-544, Bill Bigelow Sr. 542, Nick
DeSantis Sr. 532
Nov. 7. Mike Delello 255-654, Nick DeSantis Sr.
213-594, Donnie Moore 219-579
Friday Seniors
Nov. 1. Doc Mitchell 178-470, Chet Grzejka
179-461, Bonnie Beware 160-409, Barb Zawacki
Nov. 8. Milton Sease 196-535, Doc Mitchell 191450, Joanne Jones 143-403
Monday Ladies
Nov. 4. Coleen Apps 214-552, Kathleen Wood 514,
Trish DeSantis 512, Sue Matteson 201, Michelle
O’Gorman 197
Nov. 11. Kathy Wood 202-562, Coleen Apps 200553, Diane Platt 202-529, Sue Matteson 201
Tuesday Stars
Nov. 2. Joanne DeStefano 189-497, Carolyn Grund
468, Florence Schuelke 179-467, Doreen Barba 176
Wednesday High Noon Ladies
Nov. 6. Denise Gravius 178-520, Jean Petro 209-497,
Nicole Carron 492
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