Lesson Plan - gozips.uakron.edu


Lesson Plan - gozips.uakron.edu
Name: Rome Fiedler
Lesson Plan Title: Personal Qualities / Tagxedo
Subject Area(s): Job Development / Life Skills
Grade Level(s): 10-12
Ohio Content Standards:
Unit 1: Social and Emotional Intelligence
BIL: E Competency 1.2: Recognize personal qualities and external supports for best
BIL: E Competency 1.7: Develop personal traits to foster career advancement
Standard 2: Technology and Society Interaction
Benchmark A: Interpret and practice responsible citizenship relative to technology
Benchmark B: Demonstrate the relationship among people, technology and the
Standard 3: Technology for Productivity Applications
Benchmark B: Identify, select and apply appropriate technology tools and resources to
produce creative works and to construct technology-enhanced models
Standard 4: Technology and Communication Applications
Benchmark A: Apply appropriate communication design principles in published and
presented projects
Prior Knowledge/Prerequisites
General Use of Computer and the ability to navigate the Internet.
Identify and Discuss Pedagogical Decisions
Pre-Assessment-No, limited time and have been observing students behavior over last
several weeks. They have the required skills.
Formative and Summative Assessments
How will you evaluate the students? Formatively observe that students are able to
navigate to the proper places and use the tools required.
Summative: Students submit a finished product in the time allowed.
Why have you chosen these methods? This is more of an exploration learning activity to
start them thinking about their personal and marketable qualities.
Is technology used for or included in the evaluation process? Yes, the use of the
computer and internet.
How will you share data with students/others and why? The students will show others
their completed projects and explain why they chose their qualities and talk about their
goals and dreams.
Models of Instruction/Instructional Strategies
Direct Instruction and Modeling.
What activities have you planned? Students will identify their own personal and
marketable qualities and identify their dreams or goals. They will then create a Tagxedo
Word cloud describing them.
1. Review the importance of personal and marketable qualities for a resume and job
2. Pass out Personal Qualities Identification sheet, students will check off all that
apply to them.
3. Students will select the top tem most important
4. Students will write at the top of their page their dream or goal they wish to
5. Turn on Computers and Navigate to the Internet, preferably through Google
Chrome, however any browser will work.
6. Navigate to www.tagxedo.com
7. Show students examples of word clouds.
8. Explain to the Students how they will enter words:
a. Enter First name and assign value of 200
i. Rome:200
b. Enter Dream/Goal and assign value of 100
i. Teacher:100
c. Have students Enter Top 10 Personal Qualities Identified and assign a
value from 1-99 based on importance to them or their goal/dream.
i. Analytical: 50
ii. Kind: 45
iii. Considerate: 35 etc…
d. Remind them that the larger the number the larger the font
9. Students will experiment and explore changes in font, colors and shapes to
individualize their word cloud.
10. Once students have the Word Cloud they want, save to external drive and print for
EXTENSION: If students complete in the time allowed. Invite them to visits a
website, such as AtoZ Lyrics, that identifies the lyrics to their favorite song.
Then copy and paste the lyrics in to Tagxedo and create a word cloud. This will
allow them to see all the words used in the song and identify themes.
Identify and Discuss Technological Decisions
What resources do you need to support the activities? Computer with Internet
Connection, printer, USB drive
How do the resources help students achieve the objectives? Using these resources
students will be able to complete a word cloud that identifies their own personal and
marketable qualities for future jobs and resumes.
Technology Resources
I chose Tagxedo over other word cloud programs as it was a little easier to navigate for
these students that have minimal exposure to such sites. Additionally, it offers an easier
way to save and print the word clouds for other uses.
Lesson Reflection
Discuss your thought process in the development of this lesson. After learning about
TPACK how has this knowledge influenced the way you developed this lesson?
In developing this lesson, I wanted to be able to bring something different to this group of
students. Much of their day is spent doing drill and practice and I wanted to show them
something that would be new to them but beneficial at the same time. While my content
area is Math and most of these students struggle in math, it seemed likely that this was
the route to go. However, in assessing their current Content Knowledge, I determined that
they are all at different levels in math and there would not be one lesson that would
benefit all of them. So since job development is a part of their curriculum, I felt this
approach with technology was more beneficial to the students and I would provide one on
one tutoring for Math. I did find in my search for a Math lesson that much of the content
of Math is best learned by actually doing problems and working through them and found
it difficult to integrate a technology, other than a calculator, into the curriculum for this
particular group of students.
How is the development of your planning with the use of technology changed in terms of
how you integrate technology into your classroom?
The difficulty I had in finding a math lesson for this group helped me to see that the
technology should not come before the learning objectives. While I found neat things to
show these students with technology in math, much of the content was not suitable for
them. I think using technology is valuable, however it is imperative that the learning
goals come first. In this lesson students were working on identifying their own personal
and marketable qualities and were having difficulty. This is important in integrating
technology in to the classroom.
How do you measure the impact that technology has on your student learning?
In this lesson the impact technology had was measured by an informal poll of students.
Many students really enjoyed the activity and asked if they could do things like this more
often. These students are often sitting and working out of workbooks all day, if
technology was integrated a little more they may get more out of the learning. They are
interested in technology and want to learn, however they are not given the opportunities.
Since you will not be able to actually implement this lesson, write a scenario of what you
predict will happen when the lesson is implemented. Include a student sample product
and what you predict your data collection will look like.
I did implement this lesson as best I could for the circumstances. I would have liked to
follow up with this and have them refer to it going forward creating their resumes.
Additionally, I would like for them to use it in a writing lesson to evaluate the writing
they are doing so they can see trends and patterns in their writing.
Identify Personal Qualities Decide it. Experience it. Live it. This exercise is designed to help you identify qualities and traits you possess.
This task will be useful for describing yourself to employers in interviews and cover letters.
Instructions: 1) Place a check mark next to each word you feel describes you.
2) Review the items you have checked and circle the 10 words that best describe you.
3) Review these 10 items and prioritize them (1 as most descriptive, 10 as least descriptive).
_____ accommodating _____ dynamic _____ possess a good _____ accurate _____ eager sense of _____ adaptable _____ efficient humor _____ adventurous _____ empathetic _____ possess common _____ ambitious _____ energetic sense _____ analytical _____ enjoy challenges _____ practical _____ appreciate _____ enthusiastic _____ precise diversity _____ entrepreneurial _____ process-­‐oriented _____ appreciate _____ ethical _____ productive feedback _____ fair _____ professional _____ approachable _____ flexible _____ punctual _____ articulate _____ friendly _____ a quick learner _____ assertive _____ generous _____ rational _____ authentic _____ goal-­‐oriented _____ reliable _____ autonomous _____ hard-­‐working _____ resourceful _____ calm under _____ helpful _____ realistic pressure _____ honest _____ resilient _____ candid _____ imaginative _____ respectful _____ cautious _____ inclusive _____ results-­‐oriented _____ cheerful _____ independent _____ responsible _____ collaborative _____ industrious _____ responsive _____ compassionate _____ influential _____ seek challenges _____ committed to _____ innovative _____ self-­‐aware integrity _____ intelligent _____ self-­‐motivated _____ competitive _____ intuitive _____ self-­‐sufficient _____ confident _____ inquisitive _____ self-­‐reliant _____ congenial _____ level-­‐headed _____ sincere _____ conscientious _____ loyal _____ spontaneous _____ conservative _____ mature _____ tactful _____ considerate _____ methodical _____ take direction well _____ consistent _____ observant _____ take initiative _____ cooperative _____ open-­‐minded _____ team-­‐oriented _____ cost-­‐conscious _____ optimistic _____ tenacious _____ creative _____ organized _____ thoughtful _____ curious _____ outgoing _____ thorough _____ decisive _____ passionate _____ tolerant _____ dedicated _____ patient _____ trustworthy _____ dependable _____ perceptive _____ values-­‐oriented _____ detail-­‐oriented _____ persistent _____ versatile _____ determined _____ personable _____ visionary _____ diplomatic _____ persuasive _____ willing to take
_____ disciplined _____ pleasant _____ discreet _____ poised _____ driven _____ polite