Mark Your Calendar


Mark Your Calendar
Mrs. Kim J. Fillbach, Principal
Sherman Elementary
December, 2014
Principal Notes from Mrs. Fillbach
Sherman Elementary School
5618 North 14 Ave.
Omaha, NE 68110
Mrs. Fillbach
Hello Parents/Guardians:
Mark Your Calendar
 October 5th — Partnership for
Kids (P4K) initial visit –goal setting
Our Sherman Sharks were very busy in September! Thank you to the Sherman community for participating
in our Open House in September. It was a great opportunity for our students to show off their classrooms
and for our parents and guardians to meet the Sherman staff! We had a great showing with over 250
hotdogs served!
 October 8th — Intramural Soccer
Game at Sherman Elementary,
4:30 pm
September was also a time to kick off our Shark soccer intramural program. We played Ponca for our first game and walked
away with a win! Our Sharks showed great team spirit and sportsmanship! Our second game was rained out. Please see the
calendar in the newsletter for the games scheduled for the remainder of the season.
 October 14th — Intramural Soccer
Game at Sherman Elementary,
4:30 pm
Students in K-6 are participating in MAP testing, which is a formative assessment that helps our teachers identify which skills
each child needs so they can target their instruction to meet each child’s individual learning goals. This is a great opportunity
for Sherman and we are only one of two schools within the district to be selected to participate building wide. This will help us
tremendously as we continue to work towards raising achievement at Sherman. The staff at Sherman understands that each
student progresses at their own speed; however, putting the supports in place and aligning our instruction to each child’s
individual learning style will help each student make significant growth! Our P4K partners will be at Sherman this month to
assist our students setting goals for academics and life skills.
 October 16th —Shark of the Month
Luncheon and Rose Theater visit
for grade 2
 October 20th — Rose Theater visit
for grade 1
 October 28th — Fontenelle visit for
grade 3
 October 30th — Sherman Halloween Celebration!
Parent-Teacher conferences will occur 10/21/15 and 10/22/15. Students will not have school on Thursday, 10/22/15 or Friday, 10/23/15. 100% attendance at conferences is the goal and district expectation. If you should not be able to attend our
staff will gladly reschedule at your convenience and/or come to you at home. Ms. McCarthy will be preparing the schedule for
conferences and will be notifying families within the next few weeks.
We are “IN IT TO WIN THE GOLD!” In the coming months, this will take collaboration between our families and school so we
appreciate your ongoing support! It truly takes a village to take our students as high as they can go!
If you have any questions or needs please feel free to contact me at any time!
Mrs. Kim Fillbach, Principal
Check us out on Facebook!
Page 2
Shark Bites
“We are Awesome!” and “We are Important!” with Partnership 4 Kids
Thank you to the great Sherman families that helped make our first Partnership for Kids (P4K) assembly a success! On
Friday, September 11th, Sherman students and families gathered to have our first P4K assembly of the year. Many
students and families left that day with new school supplies and book bags, P4K t-shirts, as well as family certificates to
local restaurants. P4K stresses the importance of family togetherness and support of education by holding prize drawings
not only for students and classes, but for parents and guardians, too! Remember, parents, you must be present to win! Our
next P4K assembly will be on November 2, 2015. Mark your calendars!
Partnership for Kids will help our students by incentivizing academic and behavioral goals (called life
skills goals) that students will create later this year. Also later in the school year, each student will be
partnered with a “goal buddy” who will visit the students throughout the year and give the students
conference and advice on their goals. This will help make sure that each Sherman student stays on track and is able to
qualify for earning prizes at each assembly. In the future, only students who meet their goals will be eligible to win prizes.
For more information, go to
Parent Right To Know Clause
At the beginning of the school year, any District that accepts Title 1 , Part A funding must notify parents that they can request information regarding
their child’s teacher and his/her qualifications, including certification and endorsements. Parents can also request information about
paraprofessionals working with their children. Nebraska requires that Title 1 schools must also provide each parent a timely notice that their child
has been assigned, or has been taught for four or more consecutive weeks by a teacher who is not No Child Left Behind qualified.
Al comienzo del año escolar, cualquier distrito que acepta Título 1, fondos de la Parte A, deben notificar a los padres que pueden solicitar
información sobre los maestros de sus hijos y sus calificaciones, incluyendo la certificación y aprobación. Los padres también pueden solicitar
información acerca de los para profesionales que trabajan con sus hijos. Nebraska requiere que las escuelas de Título 1 también deben
proporcionarle a cada uno de los padres un aviso oportuno de que su hijo/a ha sido asignado/a, o ha sido enseñado por cuatro o más semanas
consecutivas por un maestro que no es calificado por No Child Left Behind (Que Ningún Niño se Quede Atrás).
Sherman teachers are working hard this year to make sure all students are present every day, all students are in class and learning every day, and
that all learning is focused, intentional, and engaging for our students! You can help out, too, by making sure your students arrive to school on
time, well-rested, and ready to learn. If we all work together to make sure Sherman students are receiving the best quality education, we will be
sure to succeed. Thank you to your continued support of Sherman Elementary. We can do it!
Recycling Tips: Lots of the food and drink we buy are in cans made from either aluminum or steel. Did you know aluminum and steel cans can
be recycled over and over again, so recycling your cans is one of the best things you can do for the environment?
* An aluminum can that is thrown away will still be a can 500 years from now!
* There is no limit to the amount of times aluminum cans be recycled.
* We use over 80,000,000,000 aluminum pop cans every year.
* Recycling one aluminum can saves enough energy to run a TV for three hours!!!
October 2015
Intramural Soccer Game
P4K initial visit
Shark of the
Month Luncheon
2nd grade to Rose
1st grade Rose Theater
Fontenelle visit for
3rd grade
No School
No School
Parent Teacher Conferences 4-8
Parent Teacher
Conferences 1-8
3:00 p.m.
Check Out Our Facebook Page
Want to see more of what students are learning in our classrooms? Follow
our Facebook page! We encourage you to visit our Facebook page and “like/
follow” us so you will receive updates on Sherman events.
If you would like quick access, you can scan the QR code at the bottom of
this page.
Above: The second graders in Ms. Grant and Mrs. Goodwin’s
classes have been learning about making graphs. They used this fun
activity with M&Ms to engage students in learning!
To the left: Mrs. Turner’s 4th grade class is a room filled with
positivity. Her door is cleverly decorated to look like a chalk board
with sayings like “We are important!” and “We are leaders!” Way to
go, Mrs. Turner!
Below: Mrs. Nelms, our art teacher, has a minion-themed classroom
this year. She is highlighting student work with minions, using minions to show case famous art pieces (see below), and minion posters
can even tell students what to do when they have extra time in art!
Please like/follow us!
Some of the pictures features here
were pulled from the Sherman
Facebook page. Using the camera
on your phone, use this QR code to
be sent directly to our page!