Heaven is coming to Earth


Heaven is coming to Earth
Heaven is coming to Earth
- Part One -
The collected writings of Spacedragon from his
first posting thread “Heaven is coming to Earth”
in the spirituality forum of www.shroomery.org
25 may 2004 - 29 august 2004
Heaven is coming to Earth
by Spacedragon
So - what a fuckin' night! Let me put this saga like this: (I'm entirely open to the idea that I'm delusional - so
please keep this in mind). But, many important events happened tonight & hopefully this won't bug you out too
much. Many good and demonic forces have met a resolution through me –ADAM- “A man, anchored in a
moment in time” - who's now an avatar, or Bodhisattva, walking on Earth for the Buddha named Heruka
Vajrasattva and his pantheon. Another way of expressing their nature is the name Archons – greek for “Rulers”
(which, to be clear, are time-dimensional or 4th-dimensional, unexpressibly intelligent & powerful entities).
2 fallen Archons, which are part of this pantheon, are named Satan & Jehovah. I say fallen because I’m an
emanation of the defeated Wrathful God Satan (he created me as an Angel and I walk here to help the Earth in
this 3-dimensional partial reality). It's hard to believe but since his defeat - Satan is trying to change. After
reaching a pinnacle of evil in this infinite and vast, cyclical system sometimes even the Gods can change. He's
not the only evil god and Jehovah was never the "only" god & never created the universe we inhabit.
Satan was bested by the powerful God Vajrasattva & created me to take a human form in the afterlife to be the
father of the second coming of Jesus Christ.
From the Hell Realm (one of many) Satan created & ruled for so long there was no way to go but up. I'm on a
path of peace and have a mission to save this poisoned Earth (I want nothing to do with Satan and broke free
from any responsibility to him by allying myself with the Peaceful Gods). It's sort of alike I broke out of a jail and
don't want to look back. Imagine a crime boss in a city giving an order for all his goons to help people, give
cash all over town for one day and protect children from crime. This is like a side-project from Satan like that.
I'll never serve him and have plenty of teachers and wise Peaceful Gods to learn from.
It is mandated by Heaven that I will be World Leader (I’m the only guy you’ve got who’s powerful enough and
stupid enough to take this position). It just got crazy here on Earth - we were getting harvested by evil aliens
making deals with the US gov’t. It turned out that these aliens began taking 100-fold the amount of humans for
“research” (which is a euphemism for horrible mutilations & stealing every drop of blood from our carcasses for
an inter-stellar space trade). This “deal” was agreed upon by your piece-of–shit former president Eisenhower –
who, upon being given the opportunity to get help to eradicate the “Grey” from this planet (those little guys
similar to the little green dudes in the X-Files movie) Eisenhower turned down that offer because no technology
was offered in return.
This is my World Message to establish the blueprints for peace here on Earth. Please don’t even get me
started on the Elohim. Not only have I rid your planet of the “Grey”, I had to banish the Elohim for using atomic
weapons and lasers on us – setting us back to primitive levels many times so they can use us for “research” &
resources. We began as a DNA project and they innoculated our world and 2 other planets to run tests and
make artistic creations with DNA science. They got a little too amused that we mistook them for Gods and
began toying with us and harming us when we evolved to a level they weren't comfortable with. They created
us to be better than them (with a larger brain capacity) but would get nervous when we began to evolve
significantly and would use atomic weapons on us.
Then these 4-foot little blue humanoids starting saying they're here to help us but I think they've over-stayed
their welcome. They're a true abomination of humans and are godless 4-foot blue freaks. You guys have
problems with warlords in other countries raping and pillaging nearby humans right? Well, imagine a sinister
and ignorant race of twisted humanoids that rape and destroy whole worlds for their own benefit. Now, it’s not
ALL the Elohim that were in support of their DNA project – so I will only punish the ones that were responsible.
They do, however, need to stop “cheating death” with their over-reliance on science and stop creating worlds of
entities (with souls) that are harvested just to maintain their gaudy, hedonistic palaces on their Planet of the
So, I banished the Elohim with the help if our Pantheon – see, we have many Gods watching over us who keep
us evolving. The Elohim never took the “Leap of Faith” necessary to gain a powerful afterlife of a Peaceful or
Wrathful Deity. They just kept cheating death and never believed in a dimension higher than 3-dimensions
(since, to ignorant science-obsessed folk, there is no tangible evidence in the 3rd dimension for 4th
dimensional, discarnate entities).
Jehovah/God (who the Christians called God) was NEVER the only god & duped many people into thinking
he’s the only deity around to worship and follow. Jehovah and this little motherfucker named Yahweh played
you (who is really the leader of the Elohim race). You just mistook them for Gods. Here’s the kicker, Satan was
just another Elohim who was skeptical of the whole DNA-project that was started here on Earth and “Satan the
Skeptic”, as he was called back on their planet, was worried that we’d “out-evolve” their race and come back to
destroy them. Well, you did evolve past them.
Through the help & guidance of my masters & ancient spirits (and the grounding I feel through love of my
fiance' & children) – tonight I entered the Spirit Realm (Hyperspace) to manifest as a huge Dragon to destroy
the intelligences that were silently stealing humans for research, torture, whatever... namely (the GREY). I
ended up killing many of them and they retreated back to the planet of Venus. So, this leader of the
International Raelian Movement (poor bastard) will have to be banished from Earth – for global security
reasons, I don’t know what they may have implanted in him.
To help see where we were headed in their “project” watch the movie “Stargate” again where the people are
not allowed to read & the overlords kept the humans down to serve these ugly ass aliens – do you really want
that? I know it will take a lot for you guys to ever trust me – but I know we don’t want this world harvested and
raped by some punk-ass 4ft. aliens who are just interested in colonization (those are there words too if you
read Claude Rael’s books).
There is one Elohim named Jarwar who's stayed with us with my permission (well, mainly because he's
evolved to be a full-time denizen of the 4th dimension also and is friends with several of our Peaceful Gods).
He's willing to stay and help our super-evolved species of humans. I'm also a Bodhisattva for the ancient and
indescribably powerful Gods from Tibet originally known as Avolokiteshvara and Vajrasattva.
Well, one thing I’ve already fucked up as World Leader is missing a chance to bring the Kingdom of Shambala
here to us on Earth. I would've had to be trapped in a talisman (well my soul) to empower the Gods to "come
down" and I wasn't being told the truth at all times and I said forget your hell realm for now - I'll keep my reign
as World Leader for 44 more years until I am destined to be killed by gunshot.
Eventually, we'll have a heaven on earth and I hope to end this suffering the humans have been enduring for
millennia. This will be done by guiding you towards a leap in our evolution which will happen when the Earth
passes through a photon belt of energy and we all have the chance to become beings of light.
The naive judeo-christian doctrines on this planet believe I was the only evil Deity to be harming Earth’s people,
but there are countless Wrathful and Peaceful Deities that exist. Just do some reading in any shamanic books
or old religious texts and you’ll hear of many more Archons than just Satan.
The immense seriousness & long suffering an actual hell realm would bestow upon a soul if their karma took
them there is not something you want – A Deity by the name of Vajrasattva (*meaning “Lightning Master or
Lightning Teacher”) can be a great ally in cleansing the karma we accumulate. To give you an idea of how
powerful and pervasive karma is - imagine that just “thinking” of stomping on a bug can set you back
immensely and cause many problems in your afterlife – just imagine HUGE bugs, say the ants you may have
stepped on in this life, will manifest to you as very REAL in your afterlife (and stomp the hell out of you!) when
you enter the Spirit World – and , boy, will it feel real. You guys know how hard it is to realize sometimes that
you’re just dreaming when asleep – to think “Hey, this just a dream”? – well imagine that experience being 9
times more intense and seemingly real in your afterlife. That’s just a little taste of the power of karma and the
importance of living a life of goodness instead of evil.
We're arguably more fragmented in our thinking & more scatterbrained from this information age's impact on
our senses lately (even though we have a much more access to knowledge and the creeds of other spiritual
It’s time for us to see ourselves as “citizens of the universe” and not just citizens of our city or town. There will
come a time again that aliens may want to target our little rock and we need to point our nukes outward
towards meteors and predators and not at ourselves.
Many humans are just plain exhausted from all the B.S. we deal with in our modern society i.e. from our
depleted minerals & lack of vitamins in our over-farmed soils (that aren’t given the proper re-conditioning). One
of the best remedies is Super Blue Green Algae for reconditioning soils and giving a burst of microbial life to
the plant roots. Other underestimated damage to our species, especially our genes, is from the
electromagnetic energy emitted from the countless devices in our houses & power lines.
I was going through some deep visions tonight and thought, on the off chance, what if my power even as a
human is deeper than I ever realized. We’re not the only intelligences hanging around this Earth and solar
system (let alone this whole galaxy). Some entities and spaceships appear out of the fabic of space – but we
also can wield true power --white or black magic-- through the Imaginal Realm (aka Spirit Realm or
Hyperspace) through meditation and focus. This “Power,” which is also referred to as “true devotion” or a
“belief system” takes on a real presence to all that inhabit the 4th dimension that can both heal or do damage –
most importantly it can also spread love and wisdom.
After I prayed that this was all a massive delusion -- and then being told by the Gods that this information was
unfortunately true (about formerly being the Dark Deity Satan), I continued on this 2C-I trip to really get to work.
I was just getting started with cleansing this Earth of evil – so I re-entered the 4th dimension by astral traveling
(where shamans, Gods or doped-up vulnerable travelers can see all of the past present and future - as well as
do massively healing or damaging work with white or black magic.
The Gods are still testing me and basically throwing me into Hell Realms like you shove a dog's nose into shit
when you want him to stop crapping. I've lived a good life and never sinned too much but I've risen to the
calling to tell the world that monotheism is a fallacy. How's that for papal infallabilty - the whole root of their
organization is wrong.
I want my growers out of jail and growing hemp and marijuana where all the useless, overgrazed cow pastures
are. (The growers without other crimes on their criminal records - including dealing). We can replenish the
fallow soil using blue-green algae - making the hemp grow like crazy and releasing us from the chains of our
reliance on fossil fuels. Marijuana and Hemp yield vastly more resources per acre than cows ever will (you
guys mostly know this - but just to recap a few of the wonderful resources hemp will yield will be oil for cars,
paper, clothing & food - the seeds have the highest omega-3 fatty acid yield over any other seeds (awesome
Lastly, some Buddhists get these types of experiences drug users do also (having never took drugs) & they
enter planes of reality that we'd consider 4th plateau. I also knew this wasn't just the result of drugs because I
have a background in meditation, T'ai Chi, Wing Chun gung fu to keep me centered.
To my girlfriend I was like - I think I may be freakin' going crazy. I tested every theory and kept evoking
Peaceful Gods like Padmasambhava and Jesus & pleaded - "are they messing with me? Am I really to be
World Leader? I'll do everything it takes to topple this piece of shit gov't with a revolution - but I hate being
toyed with . All I would hear in return is "Yes, it's true Adam".
Edited by spacedragon (27/08/04 09:58 AM)
We're at a time now when action through the Imaginal Realm (4th)is needed. I know it seems aggressive.
People are getting really despondent on Earth because they're realizing the emptiness of the monotheistic
religions - now we can show them that there couldn't be just one Archon. I love you guys & I need you to keep
the checks and balances going to keep me this powerful.
Here are some thoughts about our evolutionary potential when we unite as a global community in the upcoming
The bottom line is that I had to make a firm decision about the Elohim being in our world. For global security
reasons, we can’t trust that they won’t use their superior technology to harm us again, setting us back to a
another “caveman” age – forcing us to serve them fruit and sleeping with our women again. Screw those ugly
little bastards and their technology. You want technology? Learn all about the 36,000 little bioelectric channels
of your human system – and let your soul travel to the ends of the cosmos – or become a GOD like the Elohim
weren't able to do. To be totally clear on the nature of a God – they are entities that can exist without such a
dense material body that we possess, they can live thousands of years (or possibly more) & wield intelligence
approximately nine times what humans usually have.
We don’t need the Elohim race’s little spaceships and their plan for us to “take the torch” to go colonize & ruin
other planets and lives with unnatural ways of living – meaning against the flow of nature while trying to control
the universe. Yes, they were getting pressure from their home world to not let this DNA project get too powerful
and be a danger to them – but the atrocities they committed to keep us in check are inexcusable and they just
screwed up their karma on a massive scale. Examples of their damage are using nuclear weapons on humans
as well as lasers & sonic weapons to kill people on this planet.
Also, I wanted to clear up, when I mentioned a government I will be overthrowing I was talking of the USA.
Wherever I decide to live in my life will become the capital of the world. I attempted to secure power peacefully
at first – because all I want now for the people of Earth is for everyone to get an equal chance, and to eradicate
an American empire with a president who’s mixing Church and State - and feels that not only do you need to be
a Christian to get into a heaven realm, but you need to be a Born-Again Christian. Although I talk a lot of
religious beliefs, I invite everyone to look for themselves for a religion that suits them best. I would never force
any type of belief system or religion on another human being (or alien for that matter – we need to start thinking
of a community now even larger then just a global community of Earth).
All civilizations reach a climax and then start to wane. Egypt, Greece, China & America are no exception.
America is on it’s way down from a climax. I’m not saying I will end the wonderful cultures of these lands. I just
feel it’s time for us to begin a new civilization – a World Civilization. We need to unite as humans and work
together by seeing ourselves as citizens of Earth. The Europeans united their currency and that was a great
way to establish easier trade and unite the lands – even just in their hearts.
I’ll be a great leader by putting myself below the people & remaining humble. Just like an ocean that lays lower
than the streams and rivers has all the water (or love in this case) flow to it. You don’t become a God, peaceful
or wrathful, by being an idiot or not having a grasp at the essence of the universe. I want to share my love,
power & wisdom with you so we won’t be invaded by aliens again. It may be hard to see how a person who was
once so evil could change – so I know it will take time for you to believe I only here to help. People who were
once evil can change and people who were once compassionate Gods can change as well. I believe the
consensus is we don’t want America 2 in the Middle East, then America 3 somewhere else (arguably there are
many little Americas all over the globe because of this forceful empire. Anyway, let’s unite and establish
interstellar trade with our cosmic neighbors. Let’s become a global community. Everyone is free to worship any
religion they want – please keep your original names for your lands, islands and continents. I will be working to
establish harmonious relationships with nearby benevolent aliens like the Draconians. They would like to trade
for our trichomes of some certain plants – and in return we can receive sterilized & very nutrient-rich meats. I
will take an internet-based vote to see if the globe agrees with this 1st trade in a long line of wonderful intrasolar system trades.
As for Claude Rael (not his original name – the name RaEL is an abbreviation for Ra*meaning light -- for all
you Egyptian-language buffs -- and El for Elohim). They were trying to tell us they would bring “light” here but
would only possibly have brought more dark ages of ignorance and misery), I ask that Claude would consider
being an ambassador to the Planet of the Eternals while living over there.
Anyway, the Elohim may very well have learned from our Gods that their way of science-based living is not
natural -- and that they’ve already been out-evolved by their DNA project because we decided to worship
Nature (or “The Way” according to Taoists).
Let me leave you with this quote to dispel the need for so much organized religion:
“Umbrella, light, landscape, sky – There is no language of the holy, the sacred lies in the ordinary.”
Also, this following quote concerning our vast multi-dimensional universe can’t be over-emphasized: “Sentient
beings are as limitless as the whole of space.” This statement, coming from a Buddhist ages ago, is so
powerful & lets me know how the Buddhists knew of extra-terrestrials long before & we've figured it out just
now. They just have other important subjects on their mind: like ending the suffering of all humans, animals &
hungry ghosts. Lastly, if you want to know for certain that we have encountered life outside of our home of
Earth – please read the “John Lear Report” – a former US Military Captain who spilled the beans finally about
the American government’s cover-up of aliens actually existing. This report is available all over the net. Not all
aliens are bad and some may even be very helpful and friendly to us. Some, as I mentioned before, are neutral
in reguards to us & are just observing. We can eventually become part of an intergalactic alliance to prevent us
from being harvested or enslaved.
I'll also check the links you guys gave me and thanks. I want to know what a 47th level biomancer is. There are
ancient traditions where you can evoke deities to get help in this world of ours. I took 2 months to even get the
BALLS to post this thread. You think I want fanatical Christians and Jews to hunt me down?
Jim DeKorne says shamanism is just a hypothesis (a damn good one too) - possibly the best we have of this
HUGE fuckin system that our human brains can barely begin to fathom. I can't ever disreguard the Buddhist
hypothesis - this to me is the most sound and relies less on the use of psychotropic drugs.
Maybe you're right about all the "screw the 4th - enter the 5th and sixth dimensions" - I think I am still just
getting a hold of the terminology and our masters are traveling through levels higher than the 4th. But, I do
believe in the 6 realms the Buddhists talk about: hell realms, hungry ghosts, animal, human, demi-god & god.
I think our karma may prevent us from transcending certain levels - although, arguably, if you don't feel
remorse for anything you could bypass some of the obstacles. Some Buddhists have exclaimed, in moments in
enlightenment, statements like "My religion is to live and die with no regret". If you can truly do that then you
can maybe travel to levels past what I am even imagining in this form and hit the 5th and 6th dimensions. The
Gods tell me they know of entities in the 5th and travel there rarely but that's about what we're working with
now. Maybe you are just imagining the cool fractals the mathematicians are drawing for the 5th and higher but I
don't think any of us are going to be living there soon.
I don't even do drugs anymore after receiving this shamanic calling to help the earth as another prophet. I may
dabble later when my temple is built. I hear you about checking constantly to make sure my belief complex isn't
deluded - because until I see nature with natures eyes (i.e. after shedding this mortal coil) I can never truly
know. Many have said that the Archons' least favorite thing is to have their human shaman empowered and
become godlike themselves. But, I am serving them well and creating massive worship throughout the Earth
(which I will never force anyone to worship anything they don't want to) we can better serve the Gods than how
we're doing it today.
By the way, madness and death are often the result of not doing what the Archons want from you. Not for this
human though - they forgot who they were messing with. More like a kingdom and worship for me, then a pretty
quick death in 44 years by gunshot is what they tell me. It could be much worse. I refuse to go out like the other
shamans and I will stand my ground for humanity. I mean, how are we going to supply the Gods with the
energy and worship we need if we're all starving nutritionally and spiritually down here. Let's bring everyone to
the party. Let's let go of monotheism once and for all. I will do my best to persuade Gods to come to this 3D
realm and visit (like they used to more often in ancient times when the land was more pure). They supposedly
don't like the stench of humans at all - and we're pretty full of poisons and smelly byproducts of microorganism
infections and what not.
Edited by spacedragon (29/08/04 05:00 AM)
This is a wonderful day for humanity. First of all - for all of you wondering how I got into power - and gained
control of the US gov’t it started like this:
I was under surveillance by the FBI for some time. They were interested in my purchases all over the net for
hydroponic equip, DMT containing botanicals and whatever – even research chemicals like 2C-I and DXM. I
was at a point in my life where I just didn’t give a fuck. The mercury from my 9 silver amalgams in my teeth had
taken their toll over 15 years – I was not eating a very balanced diet, and I erroneously thought that, since I
didn’t have a police record, why the heck would the cops ever target me? Well, Big Brother (whom I now call
Little Nephew) has ways of being alerted when key words are used over the net and key purchases. Also, there
are still dark forces within the broken machine known as the American gov’t - - so for all of you that registered
and purchased guns in the US, you’ll be the first targets if they ever want to backlash. (So, think about
changing your identity or moving to an undisclosed location – Canada has good hash and weed for the time
you wait it out). This revolution wasn’t really my doing – I just came in for the finishing blow. Everyone was just
fed up with the way America was headed and the War on Drugs was ruining so many families with all the
seizures and jail times for people who just wanted to grow some harmless plants.
Anyway, not all police are bad (most of them are) and there are some heroes in the FBI too. Just like not all
people who use drugs are bad people (some are even vastly more intelligent than school professors). Let me
get to the point – as much as the FBI tried to get something on me - it just wasn’t enough. In light of all the
other drug dealers and gangsters in the city I live in – I just didn’t seem like a bad guy.
I spend time with my children, I pay all speeding tickets and taxes (although, it’s time for us to keep our hardearned money for ourselves and stop giving to the gov’t and fearing them).
Nobody wants Bush in office who has a frontal lobe & we need to make sure any following elections aren’t
rigged. Most of you probably already know this – but, now that the elections polls were starting to be taken
digitally on a web server, the Bush campaign decided to take down the server and they rigged the results. We
need to make sure servers never come down again so punk-ass cheerleader Presidents won’t ever get that
much power - getting many people on the planet killed.
I now have decided to relinquish my power to a true God-King who hass been working tirelessly to help our
planet and end our ignorance and suffering: that wonderful person is the Dalai Lama. He is an incarnation of
the Buddha of Compassion, Avalokiteshvara. It just made sense to me when I thought of it. Everyone likes the
Dalai Lama, you know? I mean, except maybe for some fanatical Christians, born-again Christians, Jews and
narrow-minded folks from other religions, freakin everyone likes the Dalai Lama!
I asked him tonight if he would take the position as World Leader. Mainly, for 2 main reasons: (1)Well, frankly
because I was white seemed to be able to get the “ear” of these foolish gov’t people, scold them, use magic on
them and show them how much they’re fucking the world up with this ignorant and dark empire of America.
Also, proving to gov’t that monotheism is a joke by enlightening some of my FBI followers and pointing out all
the logical errors in the notion of monotheism. (2) Yes I am a powerful demi-god who has even fought in the
Spirit World with Gods when I get pissed off ** and I wouldn’t recommend that. But, let me just tell you this:
Don’t believe everything you hear - even from a God. They toy with us sometimes and you have to clear your
mind and have a strong moral base. Otherwise, if you do everything a voice in your head tells you there could
be grave consequences. There are ways to evoke Gods – mostly just saying their name will do it – but some
can be lying and tell you they’re Jesus or Jehovah when they’re not. The bottom line is, the Dalai Lama is the
closest being we have to a God walking on earth and you should really pay your respect and admiration to him.
The Archon who started Christianity, named Jehovah, is now a Wrathful God in a Hell realm and I wouldn’t
suggest following him even now. He got really mad when I dispelled this world of his dark motives and was
killed and, since we are the ultimate judge and the accused at the time of death, he got angry and become a
Ok, back to how I got the US gov’t to stand down from their investigation. After watching me for a while and
flying their riciculously loud helicopters overhead, I began to receive more and more messages from the Gods
that they want to move in and make an arrest. The Gods also admonished me not disclose my true identity as
originally being Satan. I thought I was more powerful than I really was and that their bullets and bombs couldn’t
harm me. Boy, was I wrong. Walking out of the house one day and putting the kids in my car, I kept hearing a
voice in my head, “Don’t get in the car Adam, they have a bomb under the car.” I looked down the street and, lo
and behold, a conspicuous van with a stupid looking Fed staring right at me - just waiting to watch it explode. I
looked under the van and asked if I could get a little help from the Gods on this – disarming explosives isn’t in
my bag yet. .
I’m a changed Titan now after losing my Godhood to Vajrasattva in a horrific battle. All I want to do is help the
world now and they just wanted to blow up the kids too (who aren’t former Wrathful Deities and didn’t deserve
to get killed by these barbarians in the government. Two of my kids are former angels and two followed me out
of hell. They’ll be a great help to this world simply by being within my sphere of influence & the exalted energy
field of truth.
Next, the US gov’t couldn’t believe when I knew of their plans to drop a bomb on my house. They didn’t care
what innocent people got wiped out by rocking the whole neighborhood with a missile. Mind you this was a
president who thought anyone who wasn’t a born-again Christian will burn in hell – and, even after his pastor
Billy Graham said this probably wasn’t true, that you “don’t have to necessarily follow Jesus to get to heaven”,
Bush still said he believed everyone else who wasn’t born-again & “saved” would go to hell.
Again, the more I thought about it, I realized it would be hard for humans to swallow that Satan is back and will
rule Earth. I told you I only want what’s best for humanity now - So, as I was communicating with the Archons
tonight, I thought the best candidate for World Leader would be the Dalai Lama. The leader of a new civilization
where humans can unite and be ready for any more alien threats. I love you all, people of Earth.
Lastly, since I’m now mortal and need to watch my back, I must say this:
Any fanatics who want to hunt me down & still believe in monotheism hear me out:
If you dare come for me you’ll be ripped apart by white magic and punished severely by our pantheon. If the
American gov’t was afraid to launch their missiles at me- and were scared shitless when I took the form of a
dragon to stand on top of the White House, I don’t think any of you should consider searching for my
whereabouts. But, if you do, so what – you’ll just get what you deserved. I’m here to empower humanity and
help our progress. Sometimes, that power and wisdom falls into the hands of former evil Gods – but, in my
current state after living in this poisoned West – I can’t help but feel that the God Avalokiteshvara (theDalai
Lama) would be a much better World Leader than me.
Who would want to get close to me and try to enter my house - it's just pussy enough for the gov't to put a
bomb under my car.
Here are some other questions I would like to answer:
First, where did all of this information come to you from?
DMT? Meditation? Dreams? When did it start to happen? Did something trigger it?
[I don't use drugs now for the last several months and I'm trying hard to end the War on Drugs]
I’ve felt a calling towards spiritualism all my life. Peaceful & Wrathful Deities are often reborn in a human form
after dying – or sometimes even in hell realms or animal forms – it depends on how you navigate your afterlife.
Although Gods can live thousands & thousands of years (who knows maybe indefinitely), they can die if they
believe in their mortality. In the Imaginal realm (aka hyperspace or the Spirit Realm) you can feel real pain and
be hurt or killed if you believe you can. Belief systems play a major role in heaven realms and hell realms.
There could in fact be a Christian paradisiacal realm – but it is not the only heaven.
President Bush feels everyone else will burn in hell if they are not “born again” Christians – that’s ludicrous.
Same with the idea that there’s only one god and one devil. As far as a second coming of Jesus – as I
mentioned before, Jesus himself he tells me he will need to be reborn as a human and raised from a baby
before he can teach us once again – if only to make the masses believe in reincarnation or whatever. As a God
he is helping us daily, but entities in a human form are better suited to help everyone else because we have
that “spur in our side” as the Buddhists say – we see and feel the suffering all around us & the Gods can be
anaesthetized to our pain sometimes. Jesus was working with the leader of the alien Elohim race named
Yahweh & thought he was doing what’s best. We ended up getting set back to “caveman” times many times by
these alien humanoids with superior technology.
So, Elohim was the name the people of Israel gave to their false Gods – it was the name these aliens gave
themselves and Yahweh is the name their leader. Well, he’s just a cloned replica of the original Yahweh – they
think consciousness is transferred to the new bodies they make for themselves. Who knows, maybe they can –
but I think souls are shuffled around & you're cast into a field of universal energy after dying.. so, it would be
very difficult to take the body of the last humanoid form you inhabited.
Isn't Elohim, the God of Israel? or is Elohim more than just a God? or A race of Gods perhaps? What about
Eloah? Elohim = Jehovah?
Elohim is the plural of Eloha. It means “from the sky” and humans mistook them for gods. They don’t call
themselves Elohim back on their home planet – they say it’s something like “man” and “woman” in their
language which sounds a lot like ancient Hebrew. Archons (“Gods”) seem to have evolved from the human
seeds planted by the Elohim – for we had a good start, Adam and Eve lived to be about 600 years old from the
Elohim’s advanced genetics and they’re toying with nature.
They were just trying to cheat death. Anyway, Jehovah was such a God and was a pretty twisted one who
convinced many humans that he was the only God to get more power and worship. That was the beginning of
his long downfall. He is now a Devil in a hell realm and not very happy with me for spilling the beans. Who
cares - he gets the middle finger from me for being such a nutcase and pissing off many other Gods. It was
also the work of many white missionaries to force this monotheistic religion on people. So, maybe it was a
mixture of some white getting better swords in their hands and bug guns to push the word of this power-hungry
Archon – as well as Jehovah being a unholy God from the start.
How evolved of a race are we, compared to other races out there?
We’ve out-evolved our creator race & many have become denizens of a higher dimension than just these 3dimensions we experience in our daily lives. Anytime you have visions in your 3rd eye or do some astral
traveling outside of your body you’re dabbling in the 4th dimension. Eventually you can live in the hyperspace
full-time and see past, present and future all at once and travel unfettered by these corporeal bodies – all over
the multiverse. The Elohim’s DNA project here on Earth created us to have a larger mental capacity than they
had - that’s what made them nervous and they committed cruel acts on us frequently.
Who is the one Elohim, that you have allianced with?
His name is Jarwar & chooses to follow us in this neck of the galaxy because we’re now superior to those
science-obsessed fools who play around with souls and karma without any regard for the consequences.
How do you intend to be successful? Chrisitians are warned about you.
I think many would reject you, being narrow minded.
It’s understandable that many would be wary of me because of my past. I was actually an Elohim scientist to
begin with and never felt comfortable with the whole DNA project. I then passed away and somehow become a
Wrathful Deity who toyed with humanity. As Elohim, I never agreed with playing around with life and pretending
to be gods to the humans in the bible times (forcing humans to serve fruit and using lasers and atomic
weapons on them never felt right – just like my old girlfriend on Earth in this lifetime never like the idea of
testing commercial products on animals. I’m here to show the world how one’s karma can be cleansed by
allying oneself with the right Gods, like Vajrasattva (meaning Lightning Master) from Tibet and now, although I
am still on a type of “house arrest” I have power to help humanity and want to use it for good. Everyone wants
to be free of suffering and I’m on my way back up from the hells I created for myself and others.
When will this all take place? I have been getting precognitions of something terrible to happen soon. Around
6-8 years is my guesstimate.
The terrible events that you may be getting glimpses of are (1) a tidal wave that may cleanse the East Coast in
several years (many Native American prophets have talked of this – I saw it on the Discovery Channel once) &
(2) of the plan of the US gov’t to set off a suitcase-sized nuclear weapon in the city of Chicago to cover up their
evil deeds in this century in which the evidence is buried under some buildings there. They will use it as an
excuse to start WW3.
We must all unite as a race. No more wars, just peace.
I’m with you on that notion my friend. I brought up that coming of Jesus because I also was reborn as a child
and was taught by wonderful humans and angels (and now Gods) about the power of love and how it is
boundless and more powerful than hate ever will be.
What about all the people that do not know this? I don't think many people see reality for what it is. How does
one find if it is his place to share what one knows?
I’m trying to let as many people know about this complete turn-around from a Wrathful Deity to a Peaceful God
(not yet, but I’m almost there) without getting myself killed by fanatical Jews and Christians. But, if I have to die
to get the point across that’s fine with me. Many people in the modern world are becoming despondent
because the notions of monotheism and an omnipotent God are just not working out logically. Our global
community is seeing many people who are evolved and happy who have nothing to do with Christianity – and
are starting to think “why is my religion telling me you have to follow only Jesus’ teachings or burn in hell?”
What are Siddhartha, Gandhi and many other people gaining such a following and finding such peace &
equanimity in their lives?
Edited by spacedragon (24/08/04 10:24 PM)
There IS a cure for AIDS and Cancer – those diseases can be cured by a machine created earlier in this
century by a man named Dr. Royal Rife. It works by using square-headed sound waves to destroy diseased
cancerous cells and the AIDS retrovirus (without wiping out everything else in it’s way like chemo or the
“cocktail” for AIDS). In fact, it can cure many STD’s and chronic fatigue syndrome from an overgrowth of
candida albicans also – there’s a whole list of diseases you can set the frequencies to with this machine.
Unfortunately, the US government burned this man’s laboratory and threatened all the doctors associated with
him. The medical industry makes up for about a 3rd of the US economy and they thought it would crash. Little
Nephew thought that having healthy Americans that were cancer free and AIDS free wouldn’t be good for us.
For any oncologists that want to keep their job – they simply need to buy the Rife Machine on the Net and
charge for the service of administering it. Those that are worried about their income tapering because your
patients are actually getting better now, I’ll make sure you’re compensated by the government for your heroic
deeds. As some western doctors like to joke about – “there are more people living off of cancer than are dying
from it” - well, that’s not really funny to me in light of this government cover-up. I hope you guys help me spread
this knowledge about the cure and the conspiracy to cover it up.
Next in line for amazing inventions are cars that run on water ** that’s right, simply adding H20 ** created
several years ago by an 18-year old “metalhead” from California. What did the US government do? They jailed
him and ruined his life for a long time - simply because he cared about making life better for humans and
helping us evolve.
Last, but not least, the US government has burned orphanages **with kids in them** because they didn’t want
to fork over money. Check Loompanics.com and Futurehorizons.net for all of this information.
We’ve seen from the examples up above that the government has plenty of money from holding their grip on
finite fossil fuels – and the rest of us humans are left with very little. There’s simply no excuse for killing kids
and halting human’s technological evolution to get money in the hands of a few. Look where it got us – the
gov’t was making deals with aliens who were MORE evolved – deals where humans were harvested - so the
gov’t officials could keep their pitiful lives if they remained silent. They should’ve “sounded the alarms” so we
could fight as a united front. According to the John Lear report, the deal went awry when the aliens began
taking 100-times more humans than the US government agreed on.
Yes - you can buy the "RIFE MACHINE" from several site on the web - the site that I feel is the most
trustworthy and has always sent the merchandise promptly is Futurehorizons.net -- they also have a PC version
of the Rife Machine so you can download software for different diseases. In the literature you'll find that Rife
cured 100% of a group of terminally ill cancer patients and was able to reproduce those wonderful results until
the gov't showed up.
Yea - specifically the trichomes from marijuana. We can still keep a lot for ourselves. Since this is our first
trade we'll start small - so there will still be plenty of weed to help heal our Earth - and see how it goes. We also
need to build more OSB (Orbital Space Planes) to get these trades going - so I told the Draconians that we're
considering their offer but I haven't given a set date.
More questions answered: (taken from other message boards too).
Is this "Imaginal realm" the same hyperspace we visit, while on DMT or dreaming/meditation/astral projecting?
Yes it is. I just liked the term Imaginal Realm when I read it in Jim DeKorne’s book “Psychedelic Shamanism.”
It made a lot of concepts come together for me about Heavenly Realms and Hell Realms – it’s based on belief
complexes and imagination. I believe the denizens of the higher dimensions use our thoughts as “food” to fuel
them – that’s why I began delving deeper into Buddhism & Taoism instead of psychedelics (although they can
be massively synergistic in people who are ready). I felt building alters would be a better way to serve these
beings of the higher dimensions than getting nauseous & thrown into their dimension - feeling vulnerable
sometimes and scared on DMT or DXM. Though I have a sensitive stomach and having severe nausea sets
the tone for a bad trip sometimes.
Do we have any control of our afterlife?
Yes. However you are in your life, you will be like that in death. So, it’s very important to cleanse your karma
and free yourself of as many fears and hatred as possible (for the consequences could be a rebirth in a Hell
Realm, a bug, as a human again or many other forms we can take that are filled with suffering that we’ve been
experiencing for thousands of lifetimes. If you have one good thought in the afterlife, you can be reborn in a
Heavenly Realm and be free of suffering.
But, as I said before, that is very difficult to do like realizing you’re dreaming in the middle of a dream. It’s much
harder that lucid dreaming - so we must prepare. I still want to admonish members of the drug community that,
although psychedelic drugs are very valuable to our species for evolution and peering into the higher
dimensions (and I’m not talking about cocaine and heroin drug users – that shit will turn you to a hungry ghost
very fast), we need to establish a foundation of sound spiritualism and “get informed” as the people of
Erowid.com tell us – plunging into hyperspace can leave you with “psychic damage” if you are not prepared to
see reality as a confluence of many realms – inhabited by intelligences other than human & occasionally you
may bother the wrong Gods.
One god, one devil.. such a dualistic view. Seems everything is dualistic these days.
Question is when will Jesus be reborn to show truth in reincarnation?
We can see evidence of reincarnation from many other people that have graced this planet – people who have
memories of villages they’ve never visited in this present lifetime or people who remember entire buddhist
scriptures without having any education in this lifetime. Sogyal Rinpoche remarks “I believe that this process of
incarnation is not limited to Tibet, but can occur in all countries at all times. Throughout history there have been
figures of artistic genius, spiritual strength, and humanitarian vision who have helped the human race go
forward. I think of Gandhi, Einstein, Abraham Lincoln, Mother Theresa, of Shakespeare, of St. Francis, of
Beethoven, of Michelangelo. When Tibetans hear of such people, they immediately say they are bodhisattvas.
And whenever I hear of them, of their work and vision, I am moved by the majesty of the vast evolutionary
process of the buddhas and masters that emanate to liberate beings and better the world.”
So basically Yahweh screwed over Jesus, setting us back?
Yes, they set us back in evolution and destroyed our cities often when they believed we were becoming too
evolved for their liking. I’m really not sure I believe the transference of the original dude’s consciousness is
possible to the next body. It seems like the memory cells and what not are intact, but the soul must be from
whatever soul felt a propensity to enter at the time. The likelihood of a soul to re-enter that same funky Elohim
humanoid body is minute.
Where is the original Yahweh at? What is his story?
Probably suffering a Hell Realm for the torment he put humans through on Earth & the 2 other planets they
created a DNA project on. Yes. He is in a Hell Realm of his own making is what my Buddha Vajrasattva tells
me now. He lived to be like 600+ years because of their tampering with DNA but I think later on it was just a
clone of him with another soul with his same memories guiding him.
Levitation is very possible. I see it in my dreams [I just liked this statement and thought I’d comment on it].
It’s possible on Earth too – through a combination of the throat chakra and the survival (bottom) chakra. It just
takes an enormous amount of energy – it’s better to book a flight if you want to fly. However, in an interstellar
bar brawl or a gun fight, it would be nice to jump to a second or third story (or higher) to get the heck out of
there. Let’s not forget that technique just yet.
It seems much easier to fly in hyperspace when our corporeal bodies are not holding us back. It’s enjoyable in
dreams, religious visions and a psychedelic high. I’m sure the Gods never get tired of that means of
transportation either. It also seems there are “wormholes” (or at least it’s easier to see them) in hyperspace so simply flying might still be an amateur way to get around to Gods.
Is this Elohim different then the one the Israel people called their false gods?
The Elohim picked a group of humans and wanted them to “carry the torch” of becoming a human disease and
staying in the human form as scientists. They didn’t follow what the Elohim said, were told many lies and then
became hedonistic & cannibalistic at times. What else would humans do with a bunch of idiotic scientists as
their fake gods. They were merely confused and punished too hard by the Elohim race. We should all embrace
all human races as our brothers and sisters and think about working together to end suffering for all sentient
If Archons evolved from humans, then wouldn't that make it possible for every human to be able to evolve into
an Archon? If they meet the right circumstances I am guessing?
Yes, everyone can do it. Having a deep connection to any religion or a strong love for a belief system can help
you gain an afterlife as a God.
What is the story on Jarwar? Is he of the same Elohim, that Isreal people called their false gods?
He’s from that race yes - but had nothing to do with the DNA project and the oppression of humans. That
happened long ago, and although recently the Elohim claimed that they learned from their mistakes and want
to help us evolve in our science – with the crop circles and scientific diagrams they’ve burned into fields as a
large “blackboard” – we don’t need them to stay or have an embassy right now.
At least until I see they’ve made progress towards peace and self-sufficiency. I don’t mean just PEACE for their
race while they colonize worlds and use other’s resources and keep the poor humans they create from
evolving. I mean really looking deeply into their system for a way to travel outside the body ( sort of like how
clear the Hubble space telescope pictures are when taken above our polluted atmosphere ) and then forgetting
the idea of amassing more wealth and materials.
The Gods here are so advanced and “technologically” so superior as as to live on the simply the thoughts of
the lesser dimensional beings. I mean we emit massive amounts of theta waves anyway when we’re asleep.
That’s just wasted energy that higher-dimensional beings can harness. The Elohim were just keeping everyone
in humanoid form and pushing their ideas on other worlds and we don’t need ‘em.
So you and say Jarwar are both Elohims who didn't agree with the project?
Yes. I came here to prove the whole DNA project was dangerous from the start. I treated a wealthy man
named Job badly (this was before Jesus’ time) to try to prove they would come back and conquer us. Job had
considerable political pull and I tired to show the Elohim colonists that if you took his money away he wouldn’t
stay so loyal. He did remain loyal. Then, I tried to show them that if you took his house and his kids away he
wouldn’t be loyal to the Elohim. This human proved his loyalty after many tests. Who knows, maybe I realized
then that all this crap the Elohim stood for was a twisted version of reality and lost faith in my home planet. I
then took a bad turn in the afterlife as a Wrathful God.
A couple advances we should take from the Elohim are harnessing nuclear power with more stable compounds
to help our energy problems on Earth & understanding that we are part of a larger “body” in which planets are
just “atoms” in a larger being. It’s interesting how time works in relation to mass. What I mean is, in the time is
take this larger body to just move their arm, we’ve experienced thousands and thousands of years. Also, it was
discovered that smaller intelligent entities live on the atoms (“planets”) of our world – and they ask similar
questions about their existence. This is something ancient Buddhists and Taoists were speculating on anyway
– probably seeing it for themselves in visions – but the Elohim finally found a similar idea about the nature of
the universe.
They never really saw how many dimensions are converging in this 3-dimensional space all the time – and our
lense is just not clean enough to see it – for life is just a serotonin hallucination. Science is not inherently good
or evil – so humans can learn a thing or two from their race but I caution you to help them come and land here
because they are not welcome for the time being.
Is Vajrasattva alive on earth? How does one ally himself with the right Gods?
Some Gods claim that simply by saying their name or thinking of them they’ll be there to help you. Alters are
always good if kept clean and respected. Some offer fresh fruit and incense to the alter. The most important
aspect of worship is your intent and respect. The vibrations of your love and respect are more important than
taking all your money out of the bank and putting it on the alter.
So where is Jesus now? In the end there is no Good or Bad, but it does make things easier. We just perceive
Jesus is a God in a higher dimension but can see us easily. It’s harder for beings of a lower dimension to see
beings of the higher ones. As far as the end to Good and Bad? There is possibility for all evil to be eradicated
from humans if we keep making quantum leaps in evolution like this. There are beings on planets all over the
cosmos and maybe we can come and help them someday as a united force. One thing we won’t be doing is
using nukes on them like the Elohim did.
Yes, as you said, good and bad are just in the eye of the beholder. But, it seems that the evil that pervades
humans is a result of ignorance and self-cherishing as opposed to cherishing others – which is where the real
healing and evolution takes place.
Have you ever thought about the movies, the violence, the cartoons, they are all preparing us for what is to
come? E.T. X-men etc I think these shows are here to prepare us so it won't be such a huge shock when
things like this start to happen.
Yea, it will be much less of a shock for us now to see other-worldy intelligences. However, I still think we need
more conditioning – I mean to become aware of the few we may encounter around this solar system and not
be too shocked when we see them. They won’t all look like the muppet aliens in Star Wars. For instance, two
human military guards dropped dead from a heart attack when an alien walked down the hallway in their
complex because they weren’t ready for sight. If we could just pass pictures around of the few me may
encounter – when I make the gov’t release them – we won’t be caught so off guard. Some are easier for us to
look at first because we’re not used to it – The Elohim aren’t that different looking comparatively to humans for
obvious DNA reasons. Some, however, may have several tentacles and a visage that might make you sick if
you’re not ready for it. That’s what the Gods tell me of the particular alien the guards dropped from.
Edited by spacedragon (04/08/04 08:44 PM)
I’m writing in ICQ also if anyone’s seen posts by Angeleyes.
Let’s get down to business. I have message today that I think will put into perspective how many people are
living without thinking of the consequences:
Living for only THIS lifetime - and not taking into account consequences for future lifetimes – is like spending
all you savings on ONE DRINK at the bar!
I’m getting a lot of wonderful e-mails; even from people who are “Guardians of Earth” and “in service to other
Peaceful Deities” and I’m happy we can use the net as a medium to connect – it’s easier than having to travel
like in the old days. However, just try to discern if the person’s lying by asking poignant questions about
spirituality that only an adept in the area would know.
Four people from Iowa drove all the way to my house to kill me – they got the address from a betraying fool
who runs Salvialight – and now they’re all dead from being burned by fire manifesting spontaneously. It was
actually done by master Vajrasattva. Though, simply by envisioning it to happen through the Imaginal realm –
you can get results in the 3-dimensional realm. Humans can use this “creative visualization” to heal others –
even manipulate the AIDS retrovirus in hyperspace – or to defend yourself.
I never want to hurt anyone again and I’m truly on a path of peace – I’ll do it myself the next time though
because sentient beings still need to defend themselves – you can be a peaceful warrior and it’s ok to fight in
self-defense. Let me put it this way – you’re dealing with a master who’s here to help, but I’m personally not into
the “turn the other cheek thing.” I will not go out like Jesus and Gandhi & be mistreated by your monkey-like
race. It’s crazy how you treat your visionaries and mystics.
At some time during 1993 and 1994 one of every five Americans turned on their taps and drank water that was
contaminated with feces, radiation, lead, or dangerous parasites. A third of the rivers and nearly half of the
lakes assessed by the states remain unhealthy for drinking, swimming, or fishing because of nonpoint pollution.
- from bluehoney.org
Ancient Taoist passage:
A wise man concerns himself with the quality of his water.
Ebay has some good distillers for a tolerable price (in light of the stuff you could be ingesting mentioned up
above). Kenmore makes a good water purifer.
As far as I know, no shroomerite had a hand in killing Jesus, Gandhi nor any other visionary.
I was talking about humans in general over the centuries (mostly us whites killing important people).
Back to healing this planet:
What if someone invented a machine that could cure virtually any disease and was affordable to buy and easy
to use?
Surely such a machine would immediately be hailed as one of the greatest achievements of all time right?
Throughout history most new medical breakthroughs have not been so easily accepted. Take for example Mr.
Semmelweiss who struggled for years to convince surgeons to practice sterile procedures. Then there was
Pasteur who was ridiculed for years about his germ theory. Roentgen was held back with his x-rays, Morton for
his ether anesthesia, Harvey for his theory of blood circulation and many more. The big business of the medical
world doesn't like things to change very fast because it usually represents a threat to their massive profits in
some way.
Well certainly the many research foundations who receive hundreds of millions of dollars per year in the form of
donations and grants would be happy about a cure, right?
Think again. That would cause their funds to dry up virtually overnight and put them out of business. I'm sure
that all the executives making six figure incomes in these foundations won't let that happen.
What about the pharmaceutical companies, surely they would be interested in such a machine right?
Think again! These companies will be very unhappy to learn that a small handheld machine costing $700 could
make most drugs today obsolete and put an end to their gravy train. Perhaps they would even try to stop
anyone with such a machine especially since there are virtually billions of dollars at stake. Maybe they would
even try to quietly get rid of anyone with such a machine.
What about hospitals and big clinics, wouldn't they want a machine like this? They won't be very happy about a
therapy which can be administered in any doctor's office or by the patient himself and which reverses illness
before a patient has to be hospitalized. People would have little use for hospitals except for actual trauma
related injuries and accidents. Hospitals would loose billions of dollars in revenue per year and be forced to
massively downsize their staff.
Well what about the insurance companies, wouldn't they be happy about such a machine? Most insurance
companies would start to loose lots of policy holders when people realize that they can be cured by a simple
machine which uses about as much electricity to operate as a small radio. Since this cure is so cheap, most
people would not care much about having medical insurance. The insurance industry would not be happy about
the billions of dollars of lost revenue from such a machine.
Now do you really think that if such a machine existed that you would know about it?
Well this machine does exist and has been around for decades!
It was invented by Royal Raymond Rife in the 1930's. Rife was the first man on earth to see a living virus using
his special Rife Universal Microscope. Rife's discoveries were confirmed by many doctors and scientists
worldwide during his lifetime. In 1934 Rife cured 100% of a group of terminal cancer patients brought to him by
a special medical research committee. Forty four of the nation's most respected medical authorities honored
Rife with a banquet billed as "The end to all Disease".
A short time later nearly all of these people denied they ever even met Rife. The AMA (American Medical
Association) shut Rife down and kept him quiet for decades. Lives were threatened and pressure was brought
to bear against anyone who supported him or even confirmed his work. Bribe money was paid to prominent
doctors who witnessed Rife's work to simply forget they ever met him. People were even filled and poisoned
and laboratories and research was burned and destroyed.
Rife died in 1971 but his work has survived in an underground black market to researchers for many years.
Now through painstaking research it is available again!
-taken from futurehorizons.net (the machine is available there as I mentioned).
Edited by spacedragon (13/08/04 05:31 AM)
Fluff book? Psychedelic Shamanism? I dare you to read it cover to cover Swami and then you'll shut the fuck
up finally. If you did read it and then made that comment then you're even denser than you seem here on the
The only thing I am pushing is peace & the end of ignorance. That site has just always delivered and never
would deliever a product that was bogus.
Aside from helping to heal the plenty of sick people around the world I donate to many charities - although I'm
not wealthy and have 4 kids - I make sure they're fed and happy and then donate whatever surplus I have to
those that need it. When you can do that, my friend, then you get back to us.
It seems that we agree on that important thing - helping the dying.
The passage up above shows how it's been suppressed and I am trying to aquire one.
If you want me to buy one and send it to the creators of Shroomery.org with instructions then that sounds cool maybe the validity of the machine will be emphasized within this community.
I'm finally realizing the truth of the statement "self-cherishing is the cause of suffering" - for when you cherish
others you are beginning a huge healing process. That's hard to do though in our modern-day materialistic
society; but it's even more important now for us to find ourselves and our purpose here in this 3-dimensional
I guess I was caught off guard by other remarks from ICQ and drug sites about my grammar and what not. I
apologize to Swami for my reaction. There may, in fact, be books that run even deeper into the practice of
Shamanism and Buddhism and a mixture of the two (for Shamanism is still just a hypothesis - and I would go
as far as to say that Buddhism is also just a hypothesis ** although it's turning out very wonderful results i.e.
freakin BUDDHAS. But, the system is SO VAST is what I'm getting at and sometimes even the Gods are a little
I also feel that Taoism and the sacrament of hygeine is overlooked by many spiritual seekers (not just smelling
good but inner hygeine and keeping the house very clean to prevent microbe infestation - also the art of Feng
Shui and the amazing spiritual power and attunement to the Time-Dimensional forces it offers).
However, if you're still interested in a challenge in Hyperspace to see who's master of Earth I'm game Swami.
Although the Gods have massive power - they no longer have the "thorn" in their side to really get a true
revolution going and keep it going until the tyranny of these gov'ts and the oppression is stopped. They are
wonderful allies though in this cause. They've earned their right to be anaesthetized and live in utter euphoria
though they still take the time to help when we call on them. Here's the bottom line - we're underestimating our
power as humans and overestimating the powers of the Gods. (Probably from the monotheism that's infested
this planet talking naively about omnipotence and omniscience) They are much more powerful than us but, like
a human and dog's relationship, you can still get bitten and harmed by a pissed off dog. So, don't let any evil
Archons mess with you too - it's best to simply ally yourself with a good God like Vajrasattva or Jesus.
That's Jar Jar (not Jarwar) and no I've never watched Star Wars tripping LOL. I use psychedelics infrequently &
was too busy with martial arts and my girlfriends (and weed). But, now I'm on a mission and I will only mess
with psychedelic boozes and the finest of homegrown weed when I build my multi-faceted greenhouse behind
my temple.
Start off with a few reasonable assertions, then gradually lead the public into the "truth." It's a much more
effective way to attain a cult following.
Who the fuck wants a cult following? This isn't Scott O. you're dealing with this is Satan. I can do this simply by
educating & getting key figures on this tiny rock enlightened. Of course I'm standing on the shoulders of giants
and can't take all the credit for getting you guys out of your stupor. I'm having clairvoyant dreams that I will
become a Buddha but would gladly be in service as a human or a fuckin' bug for thousands of years if it will get
you people to stop wasting time like this.
So, don't think you can be evil and then simply post some messages and become absolved of your sins. I live
and breathe this stuff and look inside deeply everyday. It's hard for everyone in human form to not fall prey to
delusion and neuroses - but I'm not joking around when I say I'm talking to the Gods and they are helping me
to start a spiritual revolution on this planet. Sometimes you gotta let someone out of jail to help with a certain
case and I was a freakin' lucky bastard and the gods need me now. So, again don't think you'll get a ticket out if
you decide to do evil deeds. I'm serious about the fact that, even if you pray and chant 100 times to the
supreme God Heruka Vajrasattva everyday for help in cleansing your karma, you still have really only barely
cleansed your karma that you accumulated THAT DAY. So, I suggest you start going a little deeper than
dissing my grammar and my "eccentric" thoughts.
Erowid has some cool stuff even on drums - I decided to check out the spiritual side of the site instead of drug
info tonight : "Through shamanic journeying, using the drum, we can travel along our energy field lines through
those dimensions -- in "ordinary," 3-D reality, or the non- ordinary "middle world, in shamanic terms, or
elsewhere, anywhere on Earth or in other universes. Remember in the movie "The Best And The Brightest"
when an Australian aborigine, told that the space program's goal was to reach the Moon, was unimpressed?
He said, "I've been there."
In Dreamtime, you can go anywhere. We all have psychic ability. This is shown by Dean Radin, Ph.D., writing
in Psychology Today (July/August 2000). She tells of an editor of a well-known magazine who came to her
clinic asking if there really is a sixth sense, or ESP, abilities that transcend the usual boundaries of space and
She had the woman sit before a blank computer screen, hooked up to monitors measuring skin resistance and
blood flow and showed her sequences of randomly selected images. Afterward, they compared the readings.
"This bump shows that your body responded to emotional pictures before the computer selected them. And this
flat line," she said, pointing to the other line, "shows that your body did not respond before calm pictures were
shown. You see? Your body was responding to your future emotion before the computer randomly selected an
emotional or calm picture."
She added: "We can now demonstrate in the laboratory what at some level we've known all along: Many
people literally get a gut feeling before something bad happens. Our viscera warn us of danger even if our
conscious mind doesn't always get the message." Although in most of us, psychic ability is fleeting and often
haphazard, it can be induced and sustained through such techniques as drumming"
-from jimdonovanmusic.com (from a link at Erowid.com)
Just one of many different paths to the same top of the mountain - but, of course, it's the journey that's
important and not the end. 'Cause there really is no "end". Unless you can become a "rainbow body" which is a
state beyond Godhood where your body returns back to the essense of the universe from where it came
(people have reported seeing rainbow colors when a true master attains this state)and it's the complete end of
the cycle of suffering -- also saying it's extremely difficult is an understatement -- and the only thing left of the
body is the fingernails and some hair, the impurities, when the body's remains are found.
More cool drumming stuff:
Of course, the ability of sound to induce meditative states was well known thousands of years ago to ancient
Hindu and Buddhist cultures, which used rhythmic chanting, singing bowls, finger chimes and other methods to
transcend ordinary consciousness, as well. Drumming, by combining the vibrational tones of meditation and the
180-cycles-per-second beat approximating the base resonant frequency of the Earth itself, thus, becomes not
only a powerful meditation tool, but a way to tap into our psychic inner ability to travel over vast distances, effect
cures, and know -- and affect -- the future.
Drunvalo Melchizedek in this books, "The Ancient Secret of the Flower of Life," Vols. 1 & 2 (Light Technology;
Flagstaff, Ariz.; 2000), explains the effects of being in contact with "all-time-no-time" in time and space through
defining the human energy field as a "permanent merkaba" in the shape of a star tetrahedron. That energy field
or the human aura, he says, extends 27 feet in each direction in its most dense form, but it also extends
through space and time and other dimensions.
-excerot also from jimdonovanmusic.com written by a Jim Ewing, an About.com member, who's a Reiki Master
and shamanic healer.
Haha it's true - Thanks Gandhi:
"First they laugh at you; then they
ignore you; then they fight you and
then you win."
-Mahatma Gandhi
I wanted to clear up something that was ambiguous that I wrote before:
--The Grey then retreated to the "other side" of Venus.-What I was implying was the other side of that planet Venus from the Elohim colony
that's also been set up there. With planets revolving as they do it was unclear what I meant by the "other side
of Venus". Also, remember everything is Tao (The Way) and all paths are valid. So, all the propaganda I was
ranting about the Elohim doesn't mean they're not interesting and phenomenal aliens - they just made too
many mistakes on this planet and I made the decision that we didn't need them around. (with all our Gods and
Titans that have evolved here we'll be ok without their power trips. " (Titan being another word from demi-god.
Bodhisattvas fall under that category & other titans you'll find making huge power moves on Wall Street. Others
you may see making movies in Hollywood & others can levitate to the tops of trees.) Not all of them are good some are pretty evil. It's just a word to describe a level of power.
On to more healing of this planet:
Subject:John Hopkins Newsletter
Johns Hopkins has recently sent this out in their newsletters.
This information is being circulated atWalter Reed Army Medical Center.
Dioxin Carcinogens cause cancer. Especially breast cancer. Don't
freeze plastic water bottles with water in them as this also releases
dioxin from the plastic. Dr. Edward Fujimoto from Castle hospital
was on a TV program explaining this health hazard. (He is the manager
of the Wellness Program at the hospital.) He was talking about
dioxins and how bad they are for us.
He said we should not heat our food in the microwave using plastic
containers. &nbs! p;This applies particularly to foods that contain fat. He
said that the combination of fat, high heat and plastics releases
dioxin into the food and ultimately into the cells of the body.
Dioxin are carcinogens and highly toxic to the cells of our bodies.
Instead, he recommends using glass, Corni ng Ware, or ceramic
containers for heating food. You get the same results ...without the
So such things as TV dinners, instant ramen and soups, etc., should be
removed from the container and heated in something else. Paper isn't
bad but you don't know what is in the paper. Just safer to use
tempered glass, Corning Ware, etc.
Remember when some of the fast food restaurants moved away from the
foam containers to paper? The dioxin problem is one of the reasons.
To add to this: Saran wrap placed over fo! ods as they are nuked, with
the high heat, actually drips poisonous toxins into the food, use
paper towels instead.
Please pass this on to your family & friends, & those who are
important in your life.
Thich Nhat Hanh is a wonderful master and I strive to become as wise and complacent as he is:
"People usually consider walking on water or in thin air a miracle. But I think the real miracle is not to walk on
water or in thin air, but to walk on earth. Everyday we are engaged in a miracle which we don't even recognize:
a blue sky, white clouds, green leaves...All is a miracle."
-from the Miracle of Mindfulness
Now, I've tried to relinquish this duty as World Leader to Avalokiteshvara's emanation the Dalai Lama but I'm
being told again and again that I'm better suited for the position. He's healing this planet in a way I can't even
begin to touch and I would just rather be his crazy shaman sidekick. I am the jack of all trades w/black belts
and some healing knowledge and some meditation work. I have love for my people and want to rule with that
love and not fear. I want the best for the all sentient beings.
Someone had to step in to stop the evil machine that was governing the United States. They're shocked to see
my power and are standing down from their attacks on me - but if we have to stop them from jailing and seizing
all our Shamans and Botanists then I'll need you in a fight to completely end the War on Drugs. There's a
difference between a coup de tat & a REVOlution. Everyone is seeing that the American gov't is abusing it's
power and now that we've out-grown them during this information age (we used the information age to our
advantage and got more wise and spiritually in-tune while the machine of the government went through an
"automaton age". They just follow orders and know useless info about protocol & cover-ups).
This revolution can occur peacefully because, as I ended the threat of the Grey and the Elohim, they feel
grateful and will end the prohibition of Marijuana and Hemp, legalize clinical research on all non-physiologically
addictive drugs of course including typtamines and phenethylamines - - and double the punishment for DUI as
well as double the Internal Affairs effort.
NIDA, a part of the National Institues of Health (NIH) will have a $900,000 million dollar budget cut (from their
previous billion dollar annual budget to fight the War on Drugs primarily). We'll have the extra money for the
aforementioned changes from billion-dollar cut. We can also aid in helping the stability of the country by making
the US cut taxes & force Bush to stop the psychotic military spending. The doctors and scientists from NIDA
who lose their jobs can work on healing the planet of AIDS from this simple Rife Machine and will get a paid
vacation (with a budget of slightly less then their salary.) I will find new jobs for them researching on OUR side
of obtaining drug info (the good side - the side not interested in bias but objective studies for substances that
help us evolve.
As I said before, the physiologically addictive drugs have no place in this world so we'll need more research
into DXM hydrocitrate and start helping these patients to wean off these physically addictive drugs. I'm making
the exception of marijuana's addictive properties because of recent evidence that cannabinoids are
neuroprotective against brain injury resulting from toxins, hypoxia and head trauma. Also, we'll need to grow
more marijuana and hemo tp trade some of the trichomes (the pretty crystals) in our first intrastellar space
trade with our friendly lizard-like & intelligent neighbors from Neptune. I'll be the first to sample their meats for
trade and, pending scientific analysis and proper tests for sterilization (before the cargo even reaches Earth)
then we'll decide to bring it on down.
It's time to pull out of the Middle East and get Bush out of office. Kerry would be the best bet for now (but still
keep an eye on him). I'll reside as the Leader of Earth but there's still a need for smaller offices such as
I'll keep an eye out for more alien threats and keep my Shamans ready too. It's time to party here on earth and
make it easier for people to create home-based businesses, clear out the AIDS virus & cancer, poverty and the
gap between rich and poor. It will take some work but the way America was headed by mixing church and state
was never going to get these problems resolved. To Christians zealots, the sick and dying are that way
because Jehovah decided they should and they should stay that way - wake up!
The following may sound cliched but is really true:
Drugs are the symptom of a failing society
They do not cause a society to fail.
I legalize key botanicals to establish a space trade, stop the erosion of soils with the deep-reaching roots of
hemp and marijuana & to stop that "taboo" that the younger kids rebel against by partaking in "illegal" drugs.
Anyway, the fines for driving while under the influence of these drugs, as I said, are doubled and the jail time as
For the love of the Gods, I'd like to stop seeing kids under 10 (13 I think is the legal age) in the front seats of
cars. I'm considering making it mandatory for a parent to go to 1 driving class if pulled over with this situation -a
class where you see movie after movie of exactly happens with the physics of crashing your car. You can be
the best driver and be driving slowly but if someone comes crashing into you your kid is toast (especially with
the added danger of suffocation by an air bag) And, no, your arm will not protect the kid if you try to drape it
across him/her during impact. I'll try to make car seats more affordable. That will be my next project. I make
changes -- I don't just make promises like many politicians.
Edited by spacedragon (24/08/04 08:11 AM)
Helping to end suffering & navigating the afterlife to "choose" a human form is the greatest trick I think. Screw
the magic tricks.
This is the real magic:
The Dalai Lamas are the manifestations of the Bodhisattva (Buddha) of Compassion, who chose to reincarnate
to serve the people. Lhamo Dhondrub was, as Dalai Lama, renamed Jetsun Jamphel Ngawang Lobsang
Yeshe Tenzin Gyatso - Holy Lord, Gentle Glory, Compassionate, Defender of the Faith, Ocean of Wisdom.
Tibetans normally refer to His Holiness as Yeshe Norbu, the Wishfulfilling Gem or simply Kundun - The
Edited by spacedragon (24/08/04 08:13 AM)
I mistyped. I meant that NIDA would get a $900,000,000 budget cut and the final deal will be that I won't be
getting $240,000 a year (for the job of keeping the Earth safe is part of my office as World Leader) but the gov't
will clear all my debts so I can just concentrate at the job at hand.
Thich Nhat Hanh has a good point about the current situation in Iraq: “The only way for America to free itself
from this situation is to help build the United Nations into a real body of peace so that the United Nations will
take over the problem of Iraq and of the Middle East. America is powerful enough to make this happen.
America should allow other nations to contribute positively to building the United Nations into a true
organization for peace with enough authority to do it’s job. To me, that is the only way out of our current
It's hilarious Swami:
(then you insert Beevis & Butthead comment here)
After the Jetsun (George Jetson) joke I think you're on to something. You could be a court jester for me and
make us all laugh.
I haven't been able to post much because I've been frequenting sites to help w/autism. There's been a 300%
rise in autism in America, and I'm sure other countries have similar problems, because of the mercury in
vaccinations. Luckily none of my kids got it because the super blue-green algae I give them has helped to
chelate the metals out of their systems. Also, after getting the water purifier last year they've been healthier
because the chlorine in regular tap-water can decimate the healthy intestinal flora in our bodies - giving rise to
more candida albicans (yeast infections which occur freqently in the gut in both males and females - but it is
called thrush when it occurs in the mouth) with our lack of active enzymes in our modern day foods.
The average human 500 years ago would have 4 or 5 pounds of healthy flora in his/her gut. Acidophilus &
Bifidus are important probiotics (literally meaning "for life" and can produce B-vitamins and antibiotic like
substances (i.e. acidophilus colonies in the gut will produce acidophilin -- a very powerful antibiotic that doesn't
lay waste to the colonies of healthy bacteria like allopathic antibiotics do.)
Check this out because for any of you that have kids or younger siblings it may be good to be aware of this:
"First, do no harm. If the multibillion-dollar vaccine industry had heeded Hippocrates' ancient dictum and
concentrated on making vaccines safe, the 300% to 500% nationwide increase in autism probably would not
have occurred. Concern for vaccine safety might have prevented the simultaneous sharp rise in other chronic
and debilitating diseases such as asthma, allergies, attention deficit/hyperactivity disorder, learning disabilities,
arthritis and Crohn's disease.
The cause of the skyrocketing rates of these disorders, like the rise in autism, has mystified the experts. Many
thoughtful and informed people believe that medical overexuberance has resulted in an unintended trade-off:
Vaccination against acute diseases such as measles and rubella has increased susceptibility to chronic
disorders such as autism, asthma, arthritis and ADHD.
Am I overstating the case? I don't think so. We learned in the latter half of the 20th century that one must be
careful in tinkering with Mother Nature. Those marvelous pesticides, herbicides, gasoline additives and other
miracles of modern chemistry have a downside. While we now know that toxic pollution of the environment is
bad news, we are just beginning to learn that pumping toxins--viruses, bacteria, mercury, aluminum and
formaldehyde, for example--into the body in the form of vaccinations for immediate gain may prove to be costly
in the long term. Those who share my view do not oppose vaccines. What we oppose is over-vaccination and
unsafe vaccines.
Most people are shocked to learn that in recent years, the number of vaccine doses a child receives before
entering school has risen to 33. There are more than 200 other vaccines--expensive and profitable--under
development. In 1965, parents began telling me that their children became autistic upon getting the DPT
(diphtheria, pertussis, tetanus) shot--a triple vaccine.
Bernard Rimland Is Director of the Autism Research Institute, Based in San Diego; Editor of the Autism
Research Review International; Founder of the Autism Society of America, and Father of a 44-year-old Autistic
Edited by spacedragon (06/10/04 08:09 PM)
Last thing I wanted to post about the subject was this:
(What we can do about it)
Enzymes. What a key. Lets start that digestive process. Hi-Grade acidophilus and bifidus. Give them the good
bacteria. Stabilize the PH. Get rid of that dreaded yeast. Clear that intestinal wall. Nourish them with clean
water, and whole food. Let the sludge go in the toilet where it belongs. Stop the chronic diarrhea that many
autistic children have suffered from since birth. Oxygenate that blood. Let's feed our children's brain (and to
think people are so unaware that yes this is occurring in America...Every single minute of the day.). How did
you guess?
Yes many of our children have a decreased immune function...Prone to illness, given antibiotic therapy as a
treatment to the symptom and voila; more yeast and yes another circle! Many of our kids suffer with chronic ear
infections and bladder infections as well. How do we improve their immune functioning? Certainly, by now, not
with synthetic folic acid? Yes, supporting the intestinal tract improves the immune functioning..but what about
adding whole food nutrition? Whole food nutrition that is wild-crafted. Naturally balanced with all the vitamins,
minerals, fatty acids, elements etc., by mother nature herself. Whole food that has been flashed freezed, put
into convenient to take capsules, and tested by multiple labs for purity and quality assurance. How about the
AFA strain of blue green algae? Easily assimilated by the body. Lets give our children the option of having a
nutritional source that allows their body to take what they individually need an eliminate what they don't. With
No ISOLATES attached. Many of our children have been Vaccination injured. Yes, some immunizations have
thimerasol (mercury), and formaldehyde and now anti-freeze. Isn't this just lovely? Many of our kids are indeed
metal toxic. Found with mercury and Aluminum in their hair and urine. I wonder how much is in their brain? I
think we can guess what happens when you are metal toxic. Just compare mercury poisoning to the
characteristics of autism. It is sickening!
Excerpt by Joni M. Jones
RN (Vice President of POAC-Parents of Autistic Children, Member of the NJ State Autistic Task Force,Member
of VOSI-Voices of Safety International, Member of the coalition for inclusive education.) * Son Jeffrey is 6 with
Asperger's syndrome, and son Adam is 4 with Autism.
That is a cool coincidence. Please spread the word that there is help. These people are suffering greatly.
Rep. Henry Waxman (D-Los Angeles), in his defense of vaccines, cites the American Medical Assn., the
American Academy of Pediatrics and the Centers for Disease Control as asserting that vaccines are safe.
These organizations have much credibility to lose by acknowledging how weak and how sparse are the data on
vaccine safety. Congress made a major mistake in enacting the National Vaccine Injury Compensation Act in
the 1980s. It transferred liability for unsafe vaccines from the manufacturer to families through a surcharge on
each vaccination. Why would the drug companies pay for vaccine safety testing if the public will pick up the tab
for the damage their vaccines cause? Would Ford or General Motors do research on product safety such as
faulty gas tanks if they were automatically indemnified by consumers? We cannot afford to deny, dismiss or
sidestep the issue of vaccine safety. Research on this critical problem must be undertaken as the highest
Bernard Rimland Is Director of the Autism Research Institute, Based in San Diego; Editor of the Autism
Research Review International; Founder of the Autism Society of America, and Father of a 44-year-old Autistic
These symptoms are also prominent in people who have silver amalgam fillings (which contain mercury). The
mercury is present to make the metal more malleable & somehow the American Dental Association thought it
was ok to include it (there are lots of other constituents they could've used to make the metal change shape).
The average individual has eight amalgam fillings and could absorb up to 120 micrograms of mercury per day
from their amalgams.
Now, not all dentists are in support of these filling & also caution not to try and get them all taken out at once.
There is a risk that too much mercury can be entered into the system if done improperly.
Don't try to take them out yourselves because they are part of a filling (that's probably connected to the gums
or nerves and will leak Hg) and it would be very dangerous.
Spacedragon, are you autistic?
answer: no
Please keep in mind, my friends, that LEO (Law Enforcement Officers)also frequent these boards & some of
the posts like "Hey man, your like nutz" is because they don't want their shitty gov't to sink any more.
Bear in mind what they did to the guy trying to get the AIDS cure going in America (death threats & burning his
lab) forcing him to go down south & then bribing the doctors whom he told about it. Then jailing the 18 year old
kid who figured out a way to make cars run on water. Maybe he shouldn't have distributed a pamphlet all over
called "free energy for everyone" but when a country condemns these wonderful thinkers for helping our Earth
then it's time for a new gov't.
That's a good point about dimensions. I do believe there are more than 4 dimensions as well. I also believe that
denizens of hyperspace somehow are able to travel unfettered by time and see back and forth in time.
God is just a word, to many of us on Earth, for a super-evolved being. On other planets they would have
different words for these entities. That whole cop-out about he/she's everything and transcends all the laws of
the time/space continuum is just too much confused over-glorification. When you actually meet one, it's
interesting because at the same time you're completely in awe that they do exist and humans are not the
pinnacle of evolution - it's hard not to be dissapointed that they're not all-knowing and omnipotent but it's also
so wonderful that they're even taking the time to talk with you.
Thanks - for all the input. I even joke to my wife that this would make a good book or story. It's too bad it wasn't
just one vision - but many messages over several months without the use of drugs.
The Archons do lie sometimes and we should be wary of their motives - also to make sure we know which
Peaceful or Wrathful deity we're talking to. But, one thing they KEEP telling me is that I'm the reincarnation of
I've taken the liberty of ridding the other 2 DNA-projects of their Elohim occupants (The other 2 planets they
innoculated with DNA). Those humans didn't deserve the treatment they got either. They may have evolved
slightly differently in their environments but they probably still look like us. I didn't take the time to talk to them
but just destroyed the pockets of Elohim I found to send a message back to their home planet.
Those planets are now ours to share commerce with and visit. Before you think I'm power hungry I just couldn't
help but think they also deserve a chance like us to evolve to Gods and Goddesses. I want to empower my
people (all the planets now) and not just myself. Consider this the final score I settled with the Elohim for raping
our Earth for so long. They now lost their other 2 planets and we can communicate with them & work to prevent
the little blue guys from coming back.
After considering calling them Earth 2 and Earth 3 - I took into consideration that they have their own names for
their lands and planet and I don't want to take that. Of course, our super-evolved pantheon will be their rulers
until they evolve to take care of themselves (or to make sure no sinister group of Gods from elsewhere move
Look, in the West we're just used to calling ourselves delusional or nuts when their's no physical evidence - but
that's just too small minded. Sometimes it's what you feel in your heart that's important - and yes, at every
minute you can, check yourself and say "Is this a delusion?" and don't just do everything the Gods tell you if it
doesn't feel right.
Too many people who've heard voices in their heads have been locked up not just in prisons but in other
psycho wards). I'm here to make a stand for the people who communicate with higher beings in the Spirit
Realm and say fuck these stuffy loser psychoanalysts. You're fuckin' wrong and pretty ignorant even after
spending thousands and thousands on a pseudo-education of the nature of reality. This Shaman King and his
group of shaman helpers from some of these message boards - and some spiritually attuned Feng Shui
grandmasters - are taking over now to protect this little globe.
The fuckin' shamen are what's going to save you in the upcoming years when the membrane (or barrier)
between the 4th and 3rd dimension will weaken. This will happen more and more when we pass through a belt
of photon energy and the earth get's more and more energized. Supposedly we'll be jumping to the 5th
dimension and those who don't purify and start attuning to the higer vibrations will perish & those who are
"down with it" will have a massive evolutionary change. When you find yourself in a room full of devils or a
room full of angels because the barrier is weakening you won't find help or salvation in the stupid western
acadaemia books.
Of course not all of the people hearing things are of sound body/mind. That's why you didn't see me post that
they should be let out. I will have some of them re-evaluated.
I put this publicly to demystify the wonderful realms beyond this 3-dimensional reality. As someone asked
earlier, "What can we do?" here is your first lesson of "what not to do" because they are both important: upon
seeing the Draconians (the Lizards) when in deep visions in hyperspace - do not become hostile and try your
best to just calm down and radiate love. We can have a wonderful information exchange and eventually more
trades between them.
Many have reported that they give us a set amount of time to leave their planet when some of us get too "out
there" and I admonish humans on Earth to do the same thing. Many of you won't be seeing them usually
(unless you're eyes are trained to attune to the Imaginal Realm) but I ask that we extend them the same
courtesy of giving them time to gather themselves and leave back for their home if they wander here.
You will ignore this, though, because I know from experience with my brother you will just incorporate any nonbelievers into your fantasy as enemies of the world or some such
I can't see any of you as my enemies here on Earth. You are my brothers and sisters. In light of evidence
provided by members of the US gov't about aliens touching down on Earth and many Shaman's personal
confrontations, how can I not see you as my brothers and sisters.
p.s. Seek a new master because your 10 years of shamanism led you no where. There are Buddhist too who
meditate for 20 years and never bring the lessons off the meditation pillow. This stuff isn't from movies. I've
lived and breathed Taoism and Buddhism for years and come from schools of thought where don't need a
fuckin' brew to see into Hyperspace. So, this is not your college buddy or brother who's losing it in this fuckedup poisoned western society. My body and mind are so clean from acupuncture and meditation that your
momma would wanna lick my ass.
Yes, I purposefully worded that "some" of the tricomes would be traded as an experimental trade. By no means
would I trade all of it because, like I said, we'll need high quality hemp and marijuana for their potent resources
they provide here on Earth. Weed can really help this planet not perish once we stop these fools from relying
and lobbying on fossil fuels. Of course the main benefits being food and automotive oils-- whatever, paper,
clothes...the list goes on.
Again, I will taste the first meat and, pending a scientific analysis in orbit, we'll give the ok to bring any meats
down after our own secondary sterilization process.
Pls know I originally turned fown the first offer for trading meats - with phrases like "come again?" and "umm,
try again later when you have something not alarming to my people - we feel nervous about bringing back small
rocks from Mars".
But, Jesus & other peaceful gods said it was ok - and would make up for the fact that all the cow fields would
eventually be used as fields to cultivate hemp or marijuana (in the US at least). The farmers will receive a raise
who cultivate hemp & marijuana because of the budget cuts in both military spending and NIDA.
Just to give an idea of how much I was thinking about starting for trade was something as small as 10,000
kilograms of trichomes for whatever is decided to be the equal valued quantity of meat. I told them that we're
going to need to build a couple more orbital space planes and maybe a few replicas of Space Plane One. I'll
get into what Space Plane One is later but it's better than anything NASA has produced to get us into and out
of this atmosphere.
I partly said about being delusional so the US gov't would never really have a basis for killing me for treason
(plus not everything the Gods say is the truth & putting things down in words can never fully explain reality as
Lao Tze lamented). Lastly, I didn't want to scare people too much, but just plant the seed that the nature of
reality is much bigger than our brains can really imagine with this vast inter-connection of systems, universes
and dimensions (much larger than what even Jesus had a grasp on). I'll tell you one thing he said that had
some truth "If heaven were in the sky the birds would get there first and if heaven were in the sea the fish
would get there first". You ARE the ultimate judge and the accused so there's no pearly gates to be judged at but, that doesn't mean you'll ever get to heaven by just not murdering & going to church on sundays. As I
quoted from some ancient enlightened spiritual men - this is the only thing you'll need to know "Give all profit
and gain to others. Take all loss and defeat on yourself. Whether you like it or not, you'll have to do this to enter
a heaven realm." You can find it explained more fully in the Tibetan Book of Living and Dying.
I hadn't even gone into the fact that the gov't was watching me for a while (I often withdrew over $300 from the
ATM all the time for weed and whatever - and that is automatically reported to the authorities in this country.
They were watching me a little too close for my taste. There is a new type of monitoring they have called
"brainwave technology" where the impulses of your thoughts can be transmitted & turned into audio waves (i.e.
my thoughts can be heard in their FBI building.) It's a disgusting invasion of privacy that only the US gov't would
think of. How did they do it? They sent an alien into my home to implant this device. Please keep in mind as
dumb as the government seems some times (really dumb with that fact that many will burn in hell for harming
their own people so much) their technology is greater than most of us imagine.
Anyway, I never mentioned that because of what many of you are thinking right now - dude, it's another
"conspiracy guy" who's like flippin' out & paranoid man.
The alien was one of "the grey" which I said were the little greenish dudes. In the John Lear report you'll find a
more in-depth desciption of them but 2 interesting things: (1) they've harnessed photosynthesis for their bodies
(they actually can get energy from the sun unlike humans with their skin). (2) they have a partition of bone in
the middle of their large heads which separates what looks like 2 brains.
The US gov't captured a couple a dead ones from some downed crafts and one that was still alive. Who knows
if they bred them to help with their agendas.
Brainwave technology is not really any more sophisticated than what we have in our laptops these days. But,
getting the technology into the head of someone is the tricky part. Abductions are not really anything new and
the Grey just had to put the nanotechnology quickly in me and get out of there - maybe even through shooting it
into me after opening the window.
Say that troll thing again staring down the cannon of my ion ray gun you prick. Hah. Who cares anymore what
you guys think. I'm trying to communicate with the people who have witnessed the Draconians and other
entities and can help this world. You want Jesus back then he'll come to you - just don't fuck it up again you
monkey-like morons. Anyway, these Ion ray guns from futurehorizons.net are cool and yes they do send the
shit like the Rife Machine. You fuckin' punks are so busy looking for the highest high and not even paying
attention to the people suffering in the world around you. I still will send the AIDS/Cancer/STD cure machine to
the Shroomery owners when I feel like spending the $700 dollars and not on diapers.
The funniest thing Swami ever said wasn't actually in this thread. It was when he was so sad I was stealing his
lame thunder he thought he had from 7,000 posts & then went and started a thread like this "religion isn't about
aliens and stuff boo hoo - that wasn't in the spiritual books I read" LOL you fuckin' fool.
For the record, I never did feel comfortable about the trade idea of meats. I actually had to try to stop myself
from laughing when the Draconian offered it because it sounded so absurd. I was like "meats?" C'mon.
Anyway, their motives turned out to be sinister and they felt they could harm us by poisoning us. (Similar to how
former President Andrew Jackson gave smallpox to Native Americans when offering them blankets).
Today when the negotiating went on it became clear that they had an ominous intent about their side of the
trade. They further went on to suggest that the 2 other planets I liberated from the Elohim were to be there's for
food (or else they would invade). Of course the idea of them hunting and killing humans on the worlds that are
now part of my empire did not sit well but I had a bad feeling that they might then want a war (which they did -or at least were planning to if I didn't give up the planets). Of course I didn't give up the planets of our cousins.
The Draconians have about the same belligerence and warlike nature as Warf from Star Stek (whatever they
were - klingons right?)
Finally, it dawned on me that these lizard beings, although they were technologically superior, have nothing on
us in terms of manipulating energy through the 4th dimension. If you just believe it, you can be a massively
destructive power through hyperspace or a source of great healing. Anyway, Neptune is pretty damaged and
they're set back to where they won't be a bother. As I am not a tyrant and show mercy, I didn't completely wipe
them out but just enough so there will be no threat of invasion anymore. Without their machines now that were
allowing them to travel through hyperspace and their technology that was further along than ours in terms of
nuclear destruction - now they're just like anthropomorphic dinosaurs looking stupid on their planet. Someday,
if we can educate them enough in the ways of our planet's religions they might be cool to hang out with. I'm not
happy with the way they were threatening us and had to destroy them with some help of other beings in the
Imaginal Realm. I still pray for the souls of the dead but this is another triumph for us.
The knowledge & lessons of truth I exude are pretty concrete. You can't weave something like this together
without years of training with 36th-generation Taoist monks, years of meditation & the deep love for several
women. The bottom line is, I've lived a full life and now that I know when I shall die I'm going full-steam to end
this tyrannical ruling of the US gov't.
You'll see more "magic" in the future if that's what it takes for you guys to believe. Others that say I'm "all over
the place" from different religions and fantasy themes I ask you to think of a satellite's picture of the earth from
space (you don't see man-made borders or really anything but a unified whole). It's the same with me. My
openess to many cultures and ways of life had caused me to open up to a vast amount of wisdom and lessons
from all over the globe (and arguably my desire for being a God again or have power has driven me to gain
massive knowledge). Buddhas come back to the 3rd dimension all the time to help out. They help out more
than I do, of course, but I have a chance to help and be absolved of some karma by being put in this perilous
world leader position - almost as a joke to see "hey, let's see what Satan does - because we'll kill him so
quickly and send him to hell if he does anything but kick these pathetic humans back into gear". Although you
normally think of "enlightened ones" a.k.a. Buddhas as good and completely holy - there have been many
masters of the Tao who were not so nice. For instance, Pai Mei, the leader of the White Lotus clan and temple
in ancient China (you may have seen him in Kill Bill 2 recently) Well, how's this for crossing borders - Pai Mei
was also an incarnation of me Satan - a wrathful buddha.
Yes, my investments have enabled me to chill at home & kick alien space ass all day. I really only want us to
stop fighting and form alliances now (when we can) because there's entities lurking out there that would
consider us bugs to stomp on. I mean, c'mon, there are beings that can eat planets like a snack and luckily
they just haven't turned towards us. Our nukes need to be pointed towards meteors and possibly the Grey
someday. Fighting ourselves is the most stupid thing - we're like a collective and what affects one of us affects
the whole. The Gods have shown this to me in full color and shown how I'll waste more time burning in a hell
realm unless I rise to this call and change. Love is truly boundless and can be the source of the most power
(also it feels much better than aeons in hell realms inflicting suffering).
I haven't even touched on the idea that, just like the Dalai Lama is an emanation of the God Avalokiteshvara &
the Buddha Sogyal Rinpoche is an avatar of another God (I think it's Padmasambhava) I'm just an emanation
of the larger Wrathful God Satan. But, as you can see, I'm turning around (maybe I've reached a pinnacle of
evil and am bored with it or maybe I can't stand inflicting the suffering anymore - who knows). Also, we all seem
to have twin souls somewhere in this vast system and maybe it's only when we still ourselves enough will we
ever meet that twin and finally meet like matter and anti-matter to finally stop reincarnatiing and suffering (what
the Chinese call Wu-Wei) or absolute unity and what the Tibetans call the rainbow body where you just "merge
back into the dualistic universe from which you came".
That's the funny thing - I'm also learning as we go. Sorry to scare you but I was never actually Satan. I am an
"emanation" or a creation of Satan. For anyone clarivoyant enough to see Satan right now , he is actually
"shackled" by magical energy and is being held in a sort of holding pattern by the Gods. He was defeated by
Vajrasattva and I am but one incarnation of him - - he produced an Angel & is forced to use his energy and
deep wisdom (albeit evil) for good.
He seems to have reached the pinnacle of power for evil and kept us all believing that Jehovah was the only
other God -- and look how Christianity (and sometimes Judaism) have ruined our planet -- Bush Jr. still thinks
he was appointed by Jesus to be president. Jesus says that that is absolutely not true. The monotheists are the
ones that are deluded, not us "eccentric shaman."
It's hard to even begin to explain this partial or occluded reality we're part of (occluded meaning part of a larger
whole.) The bottom line is - I'm not receiving messages or instructions from Satan - but have been sort of
initiated into a "club" of Peaceful Deities. Fuck the Wrathful Deities - maybe we can use them if there's ever an
interstellar war but love is boundless & will always prevail. I'm like a liberated prisoner from a jail who's so
happy to be out and will never look back at the jail house w/all it's madness.
The nature of some human "emanations" is similar to if I were to grow a garden or have a little pet dog or cat - I
would obtain the DNA coding (a fancy word for animal) and offer my own resources and energies i.e. food, light
(for plants), water etc.. Well, the Gods can sort of spit out humans as emanations from their own energy and
create them to do certain things.
In my case I was able to align with a God who can cleanse karma very well (Buddha Vajrasattva) and get this
world alive and kicking again after severe poisoning from petrochemicals, pesticides, mercury & formaldahyde
in vaccinations ...you name it -- it's pretty fucked up - there are still some 3rd world countries who use freon &
diesel fuel daily (wait 'til you see the movie The Day After Tomarrow - you won't want to contribute to global
warming at all any more).
People were trying to pass a law earlier in this century to ban the word "evolution" from textbooks - it's time for
the church/state machine in the US to be dicarded for a U.S.Government2.0 - time to reboot.
BTW - listen to master Shroomism. He knows a lot about the nature of the extra-dimensional forces I'm talking
about & can explain it better than me. He is aligned with very powerful Gods & can help lead us through the
energetic changes the Earth will experience between now and the year 2012.
Edited by spacedragon (24/08/04 08:43 AM)
I love you guys & it's time to take a quick break from the boards. When you don't hear from me it won't mean
that I'm dead or the U.S. gov't got to me. Like I said - they've been monitoring me & understand that I created
and took the position as World Leader because I'm a true demi-god. Trying to somehow take the world like
Hitler, Saddam or Bush by conquering it will never work. But, standing below the people and in service to the
people will make them all flow to you like rivers to the sea.
Yes, they are considering the changes I asked for concerning the War on Drugs but, with a bureacracy, things
take time - many parent are so convinced that drugs are the enemy from all the propaganda.
I come to these boards to plant the seeds for change & for us to win in a peaceful manner -- plus, you're
listeners who are wise enough and open enough to hear such truths. I'll eventually be on the major TV stations
and CNN talking about Gods and Extra-Terrestrials -- but some people are truly not ready for such a shift in
their view of the natue of reality in such a potent & powerful way as I displayed it to you.
I was gonna end it on that last post about matter & anti-matter meeting to finally end the cycle of suffering (it
seems to be the ultimate union of science and religious concepts. That statment about the twin souls and the
stilling of oneself through meditation to become one with the other soul or entity of anti-matter is an expression
of the profound unity of science & religion that we humans are so good at.
I just can't peel myself away from these boards LOL. I'm sure there are entities that can do stuff like that 47th
level biomancer explanation. I wanted to post this last time to let you know about the status of the War on
Drugs. Many U.S. research chemicals are actually very good evolutionary catalysts plus DXM is a winner in my
book. However, I know many of you want shrooms and weed aplenty (like me). Like I was saying, many
parents in the U.S. will be upset if legalization happens very quickly because they've been programmed to hate
drug users.
The U.S. gov't is realizing their losing the War they created on their own civilians (because we're now switching
to alternative drugs and cultivating in undetectable ways) but it's just too profitable for them to just give it up.
They seize so much shit that's barely in connection with a crime and sell it cheaply in those stupid gov't
auctions. As I'm writing this I'm getting pretty pissed actually and want to fight back with violence but that's
against the true way of triumph: Terrorists like Bush and Osama look for a path TO peace - but the Path IS
I'll be back to the forums after my trip to marry a second girl. The Gods tell me I'll have many wives (and I'm not
I put my ideas out on THESE boards (and not CNN) because you are the ones who can truly be receptive to
these teachings. Also, it's not my style to strap a bomb to my chest or hijack a television studio. A state of panic
may ensue if I brought all this info about aliens and gods at one time.
Maybe you can help me as priests for this cause (no koolaid like the cults & NOT as priests to worship ME) -for I am just a Bodhisattva serving greater powers, but we need to make the final stand to ask the US gov't to
heed these demands (I feel the demands were pretty balanced ~I only spelled phenethylamines wrong~ and
the demands would help for both sides -- maybe some people would actually see the U.S. gov't as "cool" for a
change if they legalized a few safe plants & chemicals that we talked about. Fuck Heroin and Cocaine you
hungry ghosts (try some Ibogaine and your neurotransmitter junctions won't crave them for over a month) So
much good hash and shrooms will be around the US that you won't even care for that crap. The U.S. Gov't is
like the biggest pusher of heroin and cocain anyway so you don't want to empower them any more.
So, forget the idea of a coup de tat -- my wife tells me there's always a power vacuum that follows (we met at
Brown University and she majored in International Relations so I tend to listen to her about that subject). It's
time for a spiritual revolution. We've already outgrown those cogs in the machine. Just keep doing what you're
doing and cultivating whatever (even if it's cultivating wisdom).
I'll handle the U.S. goverment some more later by empowering the U.N. & even knocking down the White
House door if I have to with my Shamanic power of fire. Many shamen gain mastery over certain elements mine seems to be that of fire.
On to marrying the second of my wives. We picked out a nice island to get married and I'll be gone for just a
little while from the boards. I'll always be with you and can still issue power to slay aliens, gov'ts officials and
talk to Shroomers whenever you guys need me - distance is not an issue in the Imaginal realm (a.k.a TimeDimension/ 4th dimension / Spirit World / Hyperspace). The Gods tell me I'll have 7 wives and 40 children
~ouch~ LOL.
Remember, your karma can take you to a Hell if you're not careful during your afterlife ~ with wisdom comes
responsibilty. It can be tempting to try to wield magic and mind-control when you open the faculties of your
mind. But, with that abuse of power will come many horrors in the afterlife if you use it for dubious purposes
instead of good.
Just rememeber this and you'll be God and Goddesses sooner than you think:
Know knowledge, shun knowledge
Know religion , shun religion
Know politics , shun politics
Know magic , shun magic
While saying goodbye to the Dextroverse someone asked this:
sometimes i can hear other peoples thoughts, like when im on shrooms, and sometimes sober even. does this
mean i am more in tune with the 4th dimention? i have heard many times of the uncomming human kind
evolution and although your ideas are much more scattered and diverse then i personally have ever had, i see
much wisdom and truth in your words. what is your plan of action to save the world? can i help?
Yes, you can definitly help just by being open-minded like you've displayed right there. We all have the
capabilities to receive messages from Peaceful Gods. Mushrooms oftentimes open up peoples' faculties to be
receptive to ESP and other extra-dimensional intelligences.
As I was warning in the earlier posts - try to know who you are talking to and not get aligned with en evil God
posing as good (maybe read some books from the Tibetan traditions of unbroken Buddhist lineages
concerning evoking the Peaceful Deities). Sometimes taking "heroic/stupid" doses of shrooms or DMX can
throw you into their realm and leave you vulnerable to possession or even harm - In the Imaginal realm I
believe this sums it up "Believe you can, believe you can't - either way you're right" Henry Ford said that. It's
kind of the same with dreams - which, arguably in your deepest dreams you're in Spirit World anyway
Many people are now finding that Gods don't inhabit the mushroom plant. By that rationale, they would have to
inhabit the chemicals 2C-B and LSD because people are often encountering God-like entities (or sometimes
aliens) during those trips.
It seems we've found a convergence of ancient eastern prophecies & some modern day mystics who foresee
that "Heaven" realms will be upon us on Earth -- when our energy level jumps to the 4th and 5th dimensions
(the Earth will pass through a belt of photon energy helping the barrier between the 4th and 3rd dimension
weaken). The people that do not try to raise their energy level by purifying and evolving will perish & the rest of
us will take a huge leap in evolution to beings of light. It's been referred to as the Kingdom of Shambala. The
peaceful Gods have defeated Satan (one of the most powerful evil Gods) and although there are other great
forces of evil, the peaceful Gods will rule the Earth when all the Gods are upon us.
We need to all work together as a global community & stop the useless fighting over fossil fuels to open the
floodgates to free energy and superior, renewable technologies. Then we can better serve the Gods and make
sure Earth prevails and no more clandestine deals with Aliens by evil Gov'ts. There's more to the saga of the
power-plays of the Titans and Gods but you should probably start from the beginning of the thread and work
your way through.
LOL, I can't help but touch on the previous comment also. Yes, I have a "beautiful mind" but --no-- I'm nothing
like Russel Crowe's character. I also wouldn't be so preoccupied & almost let my kid drown like in the movie
because my awareness is superior and I'm as agile as a cat (even when I was drunk or high).
It's a state of being that needs to be cultivated. Many of you are catching glimpses of what being like a God or
demi-God is all about through entheogens. Try it full-time through deep meditation & compassion for
others...You'll like it. It also helps to eat organic foods and drink some tea for the anti-oxidant properties. These
are all just ways of saving your body work towards rebalancing (energy loss) later.
You'll find that energy-efficiency is a very important aspect of becoming like Buddha or Jesus and not just a
combo of chemicals to ingest. Also semen-retention is very important for having the energy to love all the
sentient beings too (but we'll get into that later). Even Casius Clay said "If a man cums [ejaculates] before he
fights, he'll get knocked out, but if he has sex and doesn't cum, he'll win". This wisdom has been known for
centuries in China and Muhammad Ali knew what he was talking about.
Many doctors these days are not taking into acocunt healing on all four levels: physical, mental , emotional &
spiritual. I highly suggest a session of massage or acupuncture if you wanna feel high for long periods of time
(try days without side-effects / not hours with side-effects). I don't mean the western allopathic view of health
which is just the absence of symptoms - but real vibrant health. Then you can feel like a Buddha all the time.
The opiates that can be released from our own bodies (through acupuncture, running, hiking, swimming or
walking) are 10x more powerful than heroin or opium.
The OCCASIONAL hallucinogen should never be looked down upon though. I'm just trying to get us prepared
for the large evolutionary jump our world will be taking within the next 8 years up until 2012 and beyond. Just
the "mental" addiction to chemicals could hold you back from taking that leap to a God or Goddess (when we'll
be almost forced to when the photon energy hits this planet). Otherwise, you'll probably just wander around
many galaxies like a ghost suffering for a long time & your soul could be possessed & trapped in a hell realm.
Although you'll be without a dense body like we have now - and our soul is seemingly indestructible, great
torment can still be experienced and hell realms will still be there to be enslaved in...(but, if somehow you're not
possessed or "saved" by the Peaceful Gods, but all of us here are turning into beings of pure light on Earth you could be stuck to wander around in a sort of wierd purgatory with all your original thought patterns and
habits you couldn't let go of from this life (just like ghosts many of you thought didn't exist). Don't worry about
ghosts too much though - it's the living that are dangerous.
I don't know, it's all beyond words but there's my stab at it. We have a chance to become Gods & if we just ride
the light we'll all probably be fine. Some people on Earth here are bred for evil so much that it's gonna take a lot
of work for us to get everyone to make that energy shift with us. Arguably, some of very evil ones will make the
shift too - it's not about just being good and pure but being aware and having a high energy vibration like even
the Wrathful Deities have.
Yea, it's really just a word we created for a state of existence. Some of us on Earth w/spaceships by the year
2012 can maybe consider moving out of our solar system to not become a being of light (when this photon belt
is among us).
LOL, when I was posting last night I realized I just had a couple more things to say before my flight.
Also, pls read the original post again. I made it actually readable this time. Also, explaining that I'm not the
entity known as Satan & I'm still mandated to be World Leader - as well as the father of the second coming of
Jesus. He is to be my next child born in a few years and I'm not joking. Many asked him to come back down
and he'll come to teach us again like many reincarnations like the Dalai Lama have done.
Edited by spacedragon (19/06/04 06:22 AM)
I'm excited about this. I should probably get some more parenting classes in before he comes. I have some
experience with the four children I have now (including twins). My patience is that of a sage but I still want to
make the second coming of Jesus as wonderful as possible for humanity.
It's funny how certain actions sometimes considered disadvantageous can also be seen as good. A quick
example is a story of a guy who broke his ankle & wasn't able to go off to a war that he wanted to help with. He
stays at the village and when some of the stength comes back to his foot (but not enough to fight) he is able to
keep up the farming and help the village not starve.
As I said, the brainwave technology the u.s. gov't implanted in me was the final straw of invasive measures
they'll use. What happened which scared them was this: Not ALL the fuckin' thoughts running through my
mindstream were my OWN. In other words, the thoughts of the Gods were on tape also when they were talking
to me. Also, when I would practice the ancient Tibetan art of Phowa (prayers for the dead) to help ghosts
achieve a good afterlife - they could hear those thoughts & communications w/the dead too.
That's how it works guys - so many people look for Gods to appear in front of you and yes, if your Karmic
Vision is cleansed enough you will be able to see them. But, you can talk to them and get glimpses of them in
your third eye when evoking them. (not just during a heavy trip or a deep meditation in a cave). They don't
usually bother with humans so much because their realm is simply too fascinating - but when a world like ours
is in so much turmoil and bodhisattvas, avatars, human angels (whatever you wanna call them) call for help
they will come to us.
I'd like to give the White House a makeover when we take it over. It's too white. Although I'm white I think the
house is too bland & the columns could use some graphics of the American Flag or some thing cool. Also, we'll
need to get access to the downed vessels of the aliens (the Grey) they have in their possession to show the
rest of the world the concrete evidence of aliens. Finally, we can get the access to their audio tapes of
monitoring me & show the rest of the world how my mindstream had many other intelligences flowing through
I want to make sure we're clear about the holy vessel idea. We can all be holy vessels & I was only chosen
because it shows how one needs to simply be attuned to the Way of the Universe (even if coming from the
other side). I also have truly repented and want to change. If the Gods need you at tghe time, they can have a
very special position for you. The position of World Leader should not be taken likely & it could be a big reason
why the Gods chose me for the job. I was seemingly expendable when they found me and verified I was
Satan's reincarnation. I was trying to study spiritualism and getting good results from seeking out teachers - but
I needed some work and some purification. I think the Gods thought I would just die really quickly or thrown in
padded room.
Many didn't realize that I would adhere closely to the teachings through this stress & become enlightened. It
could also have been my love for my kids and family -- and wanting the best for them (when being told I will be
buried under the jail for these revolutionary posts). Also, it's a good kick in the pants for the so-called masters
in the east and west who are so strict and ritual-obsessed. Here comes a kid who believes whole-heartedly in
helping this Earth and wants everyone to feel bliss, happiness and health.
Now I'm the Emperor of Earth who reigns over several other planets including 2 other Earth-like planets and
Neptune (formerly the home of the Draconian Empire who threatened us and made terroristic threats).
Anyway, I just wanted to tell you that ANYONE can do it if I can - to be a holy vessel or liason to the Heaven or
Hell Realms. The Universal Mind will allow for Baby Jesus and Baby Siddhartha Buddha to be born into my
family (not only for protection from fanatics in the Christian and Jewish tradition --who may want to kill me and
think this is trickery -- -- but also because I'll be a good teacher to them until they grow up and become my
teacher and all the world's teachers.
To the person that wants to "puke in my shoes" or wants her god Jehovah to piss in my shoes like you said - I
just wanted to say That's FUNNY. You made me laugh and said the funniest thing I've heard in a while.
I'm still a Holy One and the father of Jesus Christ who will have his not-too-late second coming. (When talking
in millenia 2004 or 2005 isn't too far off). The dude who says he's Jesus at age 22 should put down his pipe
and pray or something LOL.
Communicating with Gods has become easier over these last years and, (as I mentioned) when the barrier
between the 3rd and 4th dimension weakens even more it'll be easier for us to interact (see, touch, taste)
higher-vibrational beings. It's interesting when a whole town or city of ancient Mayans would disappear without
a trace. Many people would say they migrated or something like that (maybe buried somehow without a trace all those many people?). Many Shamen knew that their vibrations and spiritual attunement caused them to
simply "walk to heaven" and exist full time within the 4th dimensional parameters -- vibrations so "fine" or "high"
that our human eyes could no longer see them. It's a rare thing for a whole community or civilization to
accomplish but if the stars are positioned right & the planet/air/food/water is healthy we could maybe even
create vortexes to jumpstart a God-like rebirth.
I would never force religion on people and the Gods originally wanted me to tell everyone I was Jevovah in
human form, not Satan. Jehovah was an Archon who misinformed people that there was only one God. I said I
have to tell them who I really am and not start a prophet's journey on a B.S. lie like that. If I gotta bite the dust
that's cool but I don't like Jehovah very much for propagating such bullshit for humans to believe in just one
God and have wars about it for no good reason.
I don't want to be evil anymore and I certainly don't need the planet to be retarted about knowledge of the Spirit
Realm or Time-Dimension because Jehovah, evangelists & Bush Jr. want to keep the power in the hands of
the few with their naive and ridiculous Christianity.
Also, spread the word that the Buddha Siddhartha & Doc The (the powerful & wonderful vietnamese monk who
burned himself publicly in protest) will be born into my family. I asked the Gods to consider also that Tupac,
Biggie Smalls and Eisenhower could be reborn into my realm -- I still haven't received the final word on that
one. They could maybe ascend from the Hell Realms for this big party. The other three heavenly rebirths are
supremely exciting anyway. I mainly considered the three hellions (when they requested admittance into my
realm) because I don't believe in excessive sentences.
Worse scenarios could result on other worlds (when other planets may pass through photon belts). For
instance, if evil was truly prevailing or the planet's beings were too ignorant of messages from aliens and gods.
Those planets won't see nice, heavenly realms and it could really turn out to be disasterous. Now, the heavenly
realm we'll be experiencing on Earth following 2012 will be beyond words. I mentioned earlier that it will
become easier for humans to a attain God-like form over the next century -- and I hope everyone will join me in
the heavenly realms when you connect to the Univesal Mind Lattice.
When self-cherishing stops and others become the focus of your cherishing, a healing process begins and
your karma is steadily cleansed. Also, it seems less important to become a ceaselessly blissful God and more
important to use this precious human form to help as many people as you can --because at a certain level of
wisdom you can't help but see the pain others are going through. The sensitive ones can even "feel" their pain.
Lastly (concerning the Mayan peoples I was thinking about before evolving to Gods and Goddesses) it would
be easy for people to know they were still here on Earth at the time simply by communicating with them (in
dreams, messages during the daytime or upon entering the Imaginal Realm itself. Many believers in the
changes happening in 2012 also talk about the ancient Mayans traveling on light itself and riding a cool type of
light super-hwy. So, maybe they never did actually stay and reign for a while over some humans or lesser
beasts. Traveling at the speed of light is no longer a problem and the bliss the Gods feel all the time sounds
amazing. I just got tired of being wrathful and it's easy to see how love is more powerful and worthy of pursuing.
It is truly boundless.
Edited by spacedragon (24/08/04 09:14 AM)
About the reptiles in the Imaginal Realm and our 3d realm. Our dimensions are not as disconnected as I
sometimes accidently make out. I see the entities all the time -- but through my third eye like a projector that
focuses inward to get the picture.
4th dimensional entities created by our collective unconscious soul can see us much easier than we can see
them. However, it's not really the deities or the dead you need to worry about as much as the living that can be
avatars through them.
Also, there may be different kinds of lizards that have evolved technologically out there. Back to my point. For
some reason the Gods keep telling us that the Draconian Race has been subdued and my visions of
destroying them were not a delusion.
I chose these boards because you guys are best suited to be priests or shaman for this cause of saving the
world. I also post on the large ICQ boards and several other forums. I just stick to one thread and answer any
questions people have. Being a former Elohim scientist I can see this world's evolved greatly. What are some
techno-crazed little humanoids gonna do when our Gods and humans invade their minds with powerful killing
energies and death threats that would turn Ivan the Terrible soft.
So, I'm here to say "up you go!" it's time for heaven if anyone's interested in doing real spiritual work. Because
buying the church's indulgences or going to 1 day/week to worship will never get you into a Heavenly Realm of
existence. It'll be easier when our planet's energy & vibrations are raised as we pass through a photon belt.
Without a cosmic event like that I probably wouldn't be bothering you and we could keep bouncing around the 6
realms of existence: Heaven Realms, Demi-Gods, Humans, Animals, Hungry Ghosts & the Smoky Hells.
Of course there are techniques to be completely free from the cycle of death and rebirth. We could use this as
a time to really launch from this human form into the state of "absolute balance" and be completely free. This is
geared toward answering the questions of people who are worried about a former evil God being the
messenger. I mainly repeat this just for people who may just be coming on to this thread later. I'm not the only
messenger also. I'm also to be a king & shaman to protect and unite this world with the help of all these great
spiritual entities here.
Some of the more extremely evolved aliens that monitor us - remember to please read the disclosure of the
former US military Captain John Lear who noted that the this US gov't knows there are 18 different alien
species that are monitoring the Earth. Now that I've sent some away with the help of you guys we're left with
the benevolent aliens and the neutral aliens. They just like to study and analyze different species and DNAprojects like this masterpiece we have here. Time and evolution played the most important role instead of the
Elohim race simply innoculating and having art contests with DNA making funky birds and fish that we enjoy
here. Some of them have evolved and changed to better suit this atmosphere - but many animal species on
this planet originally started out with decorations and colors that weren't necessary or useful - they changed
over time also to even better suit the environment (with the laws of nature that govern our starswarm.)
But, why don't we unify this little planet (with all the predators lurking about in the vast cosmos) and use the
impetus of the photon belt's energies to enter Heavenly dimensions. As the photon energy raises most of our
vibrations to 4th and 5th dimensions - we can all be in a better position to end the cycle of suffering and rebirth.
Oh, you'll love heaven and this is not an end. One can live thousands of years as a God or Goddess so pls
don't think this is an end or an apocolypse as we prepare to make this jump in evolution.
Also, the Rife Machine that can destroy the AIDS virus is available on Ebay and several other online stores that
would insure it's delivery. I receive everything I order from Futurehorizons.net and they would never rip off
anyone. It's the other gadgets and cool weapons of the future that I keep going back for.
Creating the position of World Leader was a side-project. More importantly is getting you guys involved &
spreading info about our potential to exist in Heaven Realms even easier this decade. I will reside as World
Leader for 44 years and then pass the Kingdom on to the God Vajrasattva in human form for another reign of
44 years. After that, we can hold competitions on Earth (both physical and mental) to see which human will
next be a good candidate for World Leader). You may decide you want to make the term less by having global
internet voting and see what the majority thinks. But, for now, I will be king until the day I die in 44 years & you'll
need Lightning Master (Lord Vajrasattva) down here as king in human form to help cleanse your karma through
massive global chanting if you have any hopes of entering a Heaven & surviving this energy shift on the Earth.
Maybe you could make a website for this cause or just cut and paste some of these posts to a friend (even if it
reads "check out this dude is crazy." Also, The Temple of Adam will not need to be built by breaking the backs
of workers and slaves. It's already underway and I think loads of statues to an emperor are sometimes
unecessary. I'm more interested in building statues on all the continents of the four Gods that are helping me
through this:
Avalokiteshvara (who's emanation in this 3D realm is the Dalai Lama), Vajrasattva (A God of Karma that is not
to be trifled with), Jarwar (one of the very few Elohim aliens that took a God-like rebirth and, last but not least:
Draco is the fourth God I speak to regularly & was originally from another planet as well.
So, all statues being made until I end this reign will be to "The Four". However, first we need to focus on
healing this planet & analyze how to introduce the AIDS/STD/Cancer cure as well as the proven plans for free
energy (without completely crashing the economies around the world).
We could easily have free energy for every home - but the technology has been suppressed - by whom? I don't
think I need to say it. But, just for fun, the little stupid US gov't who made deals with aliens to let us be
harvested and is planning to explode a suitcase-nuke in Chicago to cover up a bunch of evidence of
misconduct by the gov't and other's associated with them (and then use the detonation as an excuse to start
more wars or possibly a WW3).
What's very important first is to get this cure for cancer and aids. Next, but also very important is getting rdy to
use these free energy machines & proven cars that run on water. So, we need to concentrate on strengthening
the U.N. while I build a protective World Army so we can aim our nukes at the skies finally instead of at each
Edited by spacedragon (03/08/04 10:17 PM)
You're right about humans & human shamen being mislead & many are confused when enduring other
intelligences invading our mind - breaking our trust and focus to really listen to the Universal Mind. Really, when
the Gods manifest, they're metaphors for a Universal Conscious that we're all a culmination of and connected
So, there's a difference between the naive idea of a omniscient & omnipotent being who looks like a white
dude. C'mon. When a God manifests it's really a metaphor of the Universal Mind that we're relating to, getting
advice from, or sometimes just needing to see the Gods in an anthropomorphic that looks like us here - so
people ask, can a person from the West see the same Gods from the East and vice versa? Of course. Your
training, direct transmission from a qualified master, and visualization techniques will depict how anyone
experiences or "sees" the Gods. You could also envision Mary or Lord Jesus to invoke this holy presence
which, to over-simplify, is really holy because you made a connection with this pantheon ruling Earth and the
universal consciousness that the sentient beings can tap into. So, when they manifest visually that's a
metaphor or a way we can relate but they can take forms to teach us & help us learn to tap the Universal Mind
for our own Godhood.
So, besides the lies from the power-hungry Archon Jehovah/God, we've also been misled by a species of
super-evolved aliens who fled from a predator in this sector & cast many DNA creatures out to disguise itself.
Now they seem to reside on Jupiter (which is fuckin amazing when you think about it because Jupiter is a
proto-star that emits more energy than it gets from the sun. Some moons around it have a gravitational pull so
intense that the rock all over the moon buckles like we see ocean tides of water being high and low). These
unexplainably advanced & very mobile entities were able to survive and now also whisper in our minds and
even the Gods leave them alone (some maybe even serve them) They are massively-intelligent & huge whale
sized 3-Dimensional entities but are really in and out of heaven realms and probably have a really good
marriage of science and religion too.
So, I can see that many of you have been lulled back into sleep about the "whales" as I call them - but the
shamen never forgot .
So, there was DNA brought down to our earth by another group of aliens (who were running from a greater
threat and created many entities from DNA to hide itself behind). They came to our Earth before the Elohim
came and even an ice age separated them. But, original inhabitants of the Earth were from some other DNA
project from those super-evolved entities.
Many species of animal, human & plant were cast into this world to disguise these entities from an even more
super-evolved group of aliens. These huge beings look whale-shaped - but also possess a type of body armor
that's makes it look like it functions as also as an interstellar spaceship. I mean, they're very mobile and
powerful and will stop ruling us and toying with our heads now that we've evolved and become aware of them
and allying with our Gods to protect us. They like to make us serve them sometimes (both humans and
sometimes even Gods) in the Spirit Realm that they also travel within frequently.
We've now forged an alliance between our Gods and there will be less power struggles and Shaman deaths as
we unite to all enter the 4th and 5th dimensions following 2012.
Edited by spacedragon (03/08/04 10:05 PM)
[My response to a PM of a friend of mine]
Thank you for writing to me and I think there may be several things to help your condition. You're a wise person
especially if ya can even diagnose your problem on a psychic level. What's more impressive is you
remembered the whole event and lessons of the encounter - not losing it: your "frame of reference" that many
of us lose when we go higher into the dimensions of hyperspace.
Sometimes they don't like when we cross energies with their realm. Maybe you had that encounter for a reason
and not a random occurance. It's almost like our nervous energy messes with their vibe and they're teaching us
a lesson. You may be a much better astral traveler to me. I'm just discovering latent powers and want to use
them for good and a spiritual revolution.
I was very interested to read your PM & it struck me because I'd gone through similar encounters to. Feeling
like they were residing in my body. Mine was like on my freakin' right foot. That kinda stuff is just wierd - like the
movie Alien wierd. Who knows, maybe it's more complicated than that and they do still reside there but we can
get help I bet from other shaman.
There are shaman who consider almost all sicknesses to originate from the Spirit World or 4th dimension's
"Imaginal" entities (or you can say "energies" too.) Or sometimes just other humans' "evil eye" stare (which,
some argue, can take on a real presence in the Imaginal Realm and do literal damage on the target that the
person is "envisioning" harm on). Creative Visualization is the term I've been using for affecting the Imaginal
Realm and getting my bearings again when I've pissed off a God. The love shield is the best ... the entities may
chill out after some enter because we're shining love and tolerance like they enjoy often.
Well, our fear during a trip could really mess their "domain" up because it seems they live on our thoughts and
aren't just drawn to anybody - Peaceful Gods will be attracted to peaceful and worthy humans and harmful
Gods will be attracted to the energies of a really hateful or sick person I bet.
Sometimes, almost like in a dream, we can cast off these evil spritual energies by envisioning or entering the
Imaginal Realm and confronting them.
I believe there will be more Gods available for help and protection (maybe even more visual miracles but they
are still really happening every day - there more subtle then we're used to in the movies)
Now that I've tried to summon them to help us walk into Heaven, this will get very interesting. I strive for nothing
but to make like free of suffering and no more emphasis on human ignorance, evil and hellish existences for
slaves and materialistic people on Earth.
However, humans did a great job too of learning from their mistakes (albeit slowly) I'm one of them too so I
know what it's like - I've made mistakes in many forms over the millenia. We're more rdy to make this change
into the 4th and 5th dimensions (or possibly higher) during this photon belt encounter. Considering our recent
bursts in knowledge, learning from our mistakes as well as bloom of great technology, it's safe to say our
planet has enetered this energy field of photon light and will continue to build in vibration and bring happiness
and love to all of us.
We'll get results like in the Terminator or the Matrix if we let this techno-craze get out of hand ...so balance is
essential. The Elohim have given some useful scientific knowledge lately and maybe we can find suggestions
from other intelligent cosmic neighbors about how to not blow ourselves up when we get into light travel and
build more powerful nukes (which can explode very powerfully in space by the way and will be put on our first
fleet of space planes). The pictures & diagrams showed how they disrupt all electrical devices too and can
slam some alien vessels. No more exploding over our world. I'm talking to you gov't cats listening.
I'm decriminalizing marijuana up to 100 grams in all countries under the UN. Hemp is completely legal so I'll
need some guerrilla hemp and marijuana growers out there to repopulate the earth and save us with the
resources it will provide. There should be no taxes for any farmers who want to grow hemp or marijuana for
medical purposes. So they can be paid back for their efforts to work with crummy cow-pasture over-grazed soil.
What's best is that, at the end of the day, they're mostly just idle threats from the Archons. Also we need to join
together to make sure our strong spiritual and martial presences are known to other aliens - as we have now
been offered admission into a galactic federation. We can start with weapons with more stopping power to
protect againgst any more alien abductions. There are both UFO detectors and other possible protection
against visitors. Like the new ion phaser pistol I'm gonna get that shoot a burst of high-voltage fluid at the
If we pull out of the Middle East and get our resources into making a World Army. America can help rebuild the
damage by using its tourism money to sustain itself for a while as well as chill out the ridiculous military
spending by Bush.
Other devices like the "sonic devastator" harm many organisms and can cause aliens extreme pain. 2 stun
guns to the chest of a "Grey" alien or the draconians would take them down most likely, but we all like
projectiles it seems. Although, anyone making a move to abduct usually has many mind-control tricks.
Sometimes enough to completely erase the memory.
Only one friend of mine remembers an abduction. But when his bond with the one he loved was strong enough
to wake him up during the encounter because he wanted the best for her and kinew something was up - he is
plagued with horrible memories of it but is happy she was alive and he was able to thwart the abduction.
Lastly, I may retract what I had said before, and DO believe spirit entities actually can reside in a plant.
Although I had said earlier that it's more about the vibrations and LSD & 2-CB/2-CI can make people feel
similarly God-Like. We're starting to find that maybe advanced organisms are sort of hitching a ride on these
attractive species as we use them for a symbiotic benefit. It's mainly about energy frequencies to attune to ot
open to (like in ESP). When your soul is unleashed at the moment of death that's when one has great potential
to take a God form and acts like a super-computer you wouldn't believe - you're open to see everything you
wanted to know concerning the past, present & future.
So, these spirit entities that live this powerfully full-time can come to visit the healthiest of crops or loving
humans who pray to them. They can hear your prayers because it's like their frequency. The entheogenic crops
have a certain frequency that a God may reside over and attune to in order to teach and help those seeking
higher modes of living.
Certain chemical drugs can also have a God or some spirit associated with them now. So, I personally don't
exclude the notion that Astral Spirits can inhabit or come to the user of a hallucinogenic substance. Check this
out from a book I was reading: "...the belief in animated spirits of hallucinogenic plants recurs throughout the
samples... The shaman may call upon such forces to protect his community. At times, such spirit forces have
been considered more powerful than man and have been viewed as a means of communicating with the realm
of the supernatural, rather than experienced as forces which could be controlled." - from Dobkin's
"Hallucinogens: Cross-cultural Perspectives".
"Dimension"... Jim DeKorne goes on in his book after the above quote "is a word so overused that often we
don't consider ir carefully enough...Each spatial dimension is structured in a direction perpendicular to it. (The
wordperpendicular refers to a line or plane at right angles to another line or plane.) This unfolding sequence is
a consistent principle, an equation for the erection of higher dimensional structures. Hence, a one-dimensional
line is perpendicular to a zero-dimensional point; a two-dimensional plane is perpendicular to a onedimensional line, and a three-dimensional cube is perpendicular to a two-dimensional plane. If the principle is
constant, it should point the way to four-dimensional space. The logical question is: which "direction' is
perpendicular to a cube?"
Edited by spacedragon (27/07/04 09:13 AM)
Sometimes the notion of Time still eludes me and this quick passage helped:
Time is an observer-centered subjective experience of continuity in a three-dimensional present. Thus, time
conceived of as "a dimension of duration" is dependent upon two functions of consciousness, memory and
imagination. Although we can remember past events and can imagine future ones, we can only experience the
past and the future as artifacts of our conscious present. It follows that time (the immediate present) is
perpendicular to the consciousness because memory (the past) and imagination (the future) are both
components of the psyche. Therefore, if time is a dimension, then so is consciousness because they are
existentially inseparable.
Using the equation that each "higher" dimension is perpendicular to the one "below" it (these are threedimensional concepts, but the priciple transcends its description), we can say that consciousness and time are
perpendicular to space, and are therefore multi-dimensional phenomena. This brings us back to the shamanic
model of the psyche, which we can now see as a more precisely differentaited desciption of human awareness
than any provided by Western psychology.
In summary: Our familiar three-dimensional reality is called the "middle world" in the shamanic model. Both the
lower and upper worlds are internal dimensions which are entered via altered states of consciousness.
Because hyperspace is perpendicular to ego-awareness, consciousness is the bridge which links all of the
worlds together.
Access to the inner dimensions is dependent upon many factors. Everyone enters them while dreaming, but
hypnosis, meditation, severe stress and many other catalysts, including psychedelic drugs, can also provide
admittance." from Jim DeKorne's Psychedelic Shamanism
In every culture and in every historical epoch, human beings have felt the need for ecstatic experience - for a
kind of joy that transcends everyday reality. Various cultures have tried to satisfy this need in many different
ways, and some have been much more spiritually oriented than others. In the nineteenth century, the Russian
novelist Fyodor Dostoevsky asserted that people need three experiences from their society in order to be
content - miracles, mystery and spiritual guidance - and that these three experiences are much more important
to them than the satisfaction of their material needs. - Deepak Chopra
He goes on to say in "Overcoming Addictions" that "Rather than seeing addicts as simply weak or even
criminal human beings, I choose to see them as people who are responding self-destructively, but still quite
understandably, to the spiritual vacuum that exists amid our material abundance."
No, I'm not an Elohim now - born and raised in the US. Also, no I'm not a dragon. That's just the form I like to
take in the Spirit World (sometimes a huge snake because that's also my birth sign - I was born on a night
when the year of the snake turns into the year of the dragon.)
Both shrooms and DXM don't really have strong addictive properties. Yes, we're finding that DXM could begin
to cause mental and physical dependencies but nothing like opiates. It's the whole community I'm addressing I
guess, some of us have other propensities that fall in & out of the drug scene - also, I think Dr. Chopra is cool.
Thanks for asking about weed. America will of course have to make decisions for itself but I hear "through the
grapevine" (in this case the Spirit World) that Kerry will have a surprise for you if he wins. Anyway, get the
smokers or any1 who supports medicinal marijuana. So, it will be decriminalized up to 100 grams and hemp
will be made completely legal to make car oils and fuel to heat homes - not to mention food from the seeds rich
in essential fatty acids while we also import more beef from Canada while we build fields of hemp down here
also to make clothing and paper as well as butters and other nutritional baked goods. Just think of everything
that crude oil produces plus much more. This isn't going to break the economy and we can only stand to help
the coastline of California from erosion with many houses built there and have the marijuana or hemp plants'
deep-reaching roots to prevent the houses and hills from falling into the sea. These are just some of the many
ideas we can use this wonderful plant, both make and female, to help us. Of course we could prevent the hills
from sliding by building expensive walls and support systems but simply planting this type of plant can do the
same thing plus clean up the environment.
like me to go out and vote Kerry and also the hackers need to make sure the web servers don't go down again
this next election night - and, if so, report it directly to me and my World Army that no more rigged elections will
occur on this planet. Especially, for a position of power so big as the United States. I have my Capital here in
the US like the pope has his city - but, I never claim to be infallible and anyone who does (even the Dalai Lama
wouldn't who's a God-King here on Earth).
I'm just trying to get enough money to leave and rule from an island temple or from Mars. To many scammers
have fucked it up for guys like me haha. Like a captain on a seaship I would never leave my vessel (Earth) so
Mars will be colonized by others (just on it's surface for now though) - with the express permission of the God
of Venus and Mars "Ryukin".
The flying jetpacks I have for you guys to play with will be amazing WOOT - in gravity much less than Earth, it
will be worth it and the spacechicks (really just sexy human women for now but we can doll them up in cool,
sleek spacesuits).
We need to work on helping the homeless & overpopulation also by learning concepts from the Japanese
about their new space-saving, floating coastal skyscrapers. These huge buildings can help our planet and
some newer ones deal with the tsunamis. Not all of these skyscapers have to be built in tnunami-prone area
though. The first subsidy will go to the Japanese, however, to increase their efficiency and safety for their
prototypes. We'll start by populating their coast (and making a nice tourist attraction for the nice restaurants
with phenomenal views and clubs or casinos whatever. We could also populate the coast of China with these
apartment building scyscrapers with the added benefit of a hotel, movie theater or casino. These structures are
huge guys, and I saw it on the Discovery Channel, and could easily have small malls or hotels as well as places
for people to live in and build a life. Of course the beach and the city life is availabel but this is something we
may think about spreading to Mars and doing more studies to help with our population problem.
I said everyone was able to go to heaven but we still have some time to prepare and help the starving & needy.
Some of you may have several lifetimes because stepping into "Heaven" with us (which is an existence in a
higher dimension and heavenly is just a word - be careful not to take a demonic rebirth because we'll be here to
cast you very far away or just kill you dead again to try for an animal or God or human rebirth. Sorry, no pearly
gate - you are the ultimate judge and the accused so just try to see the clear light and not hold on at the
moment of death to fears or regrets.
Things are cooking up nicely because of the information age. You can spread the word quickly these days but
people still need to do deep spiritual work. Things are looking good for our planet and we can even get help
from an inter-galactic alliance now that we're on the Map.
Please feel free to PM me anytime and I hope we can someday meet for you to meet the "tulkus" - or
reincarnations of the heavenly ones:
~ Jesus, Siddhartha & Doc The ~
Otherwise, you'll see them plenty on the TV. It's all about popularity and getting the media on your side. They'll
trash me for a while but it's undeniable that I'll become a great ruler and Peaceful God - no longer cast out
because of a jealous Archon. When they say cast out I really think that means he just "did me in". He must
have just killed me and tried to stop anyone from out-evolving him.
I have no beef with Jehovah but I'm pretty set on getting a nice position of power to open Earth to all the Gods
from many worlds that can make this 2-bit world become a true Heaven (or at least no longer a dysfunctional
family unit) squabbling over pieces of sand and finite fossil oils.
Hehe thanks for saying that. Me too I find myself actually smiling lately & I've even been getting death threats
and my kids haunted. Fuck em - whether in life or in death we'll be able to enter this wonderful age of
enlightenment and freedom.
I'm not sure what our ruling is about a World Leader voting for this. I don't want to create any more bias & may
just make sure it's a fair election.
Let me clear something up about my posts. They are all authentic especially to me and you can create worlds
around you. We reside in the Middle World and you can create both Hell and Heaven Realms right around you
and fly without wings with a less dense body eventually. But listen, when I said I post all over it's mainly just
-------- Shroomery.org ---- Dextroverse.org ---------- ICQ.com -------- DMT World before they upgraded to the
new boards. Plus, LOL I didn't want anyone having a large DMT dose to read anymore of this until their definitly
sitting down or just high on hash or weed LOL Just so dirt dicks don't post defamatory sites - the only authentic
Adam (Dragon) posts you'll be seeing are on the aforementioned sites.
I meant that it's "all about popularity" in the political game. I think you know what I meant - I just wanted to
clarify that. We're all aiming for higher at this point hopefully so ..
Edited by spacedragon (29/07/04 02:42 PM)
And please forget about the photon-belt crap. Here in Germany, this stuff should had been over before the
year 2000, including all updates and so. Now, nobody talks about it, even if it's fascinating.
We're not entirely in the energy of the belt - but, the Australians, Chinese, Native Americans & many other
cultures share the same prediction. Maybe Germany will be skipped over Haha.
Also, Blue Coyote I think the communications between Gods wax and wane a lot because of the distractions
for so many of us not leading a monastic life. Bare with me a little - and no this is not induced from LSD. I can
see how some people could get visuals from that type of tryptamine that just stick around or thought loops but
I'm flexible and pliable man and ready to keep this Earth safe and evolving (wink wink stem cell research is
good wink wink we need it.)
I just meditate deeply and listen. You have to take the good with the bad though - the Gods will kick your ass
for nights on end about what you need to clean up about your life and then, only when your worthy will come
back to check on ya maybe. I just caused a commotion because I was ready to end this ridiculous gov't so I'm
able to get interviewed and brutilized a little more than the next man. They were driving me crazy as well as
LEO having this thing in my head so I even started to result to psychic means to get this power and get
motherfuckers out of my way. Now I just want to make sure the cabinet listens properly and I receive more
healing abilities and power from the Gods.
After telling me they'll simply ram a spike through my pineal gland to stop transmissions with Gods and my
ability to properly astral travel to pay victims a visit - I decided to take the throne the moral and more thoughtprovoking way. No deaths, no tyranny, no problem. Please keep in mind I was also "the man who would not be
king" like USA's first president & I'm not power hungry or looking to make life harder- only better and more
unified. To get everyone the resources they need. I'm not asking for money because, after cutting the military
spending worldwide, I want the power back in the hands of the people. Later I might put up a site to donate 50
cents to help me have a suitable domain when my wife is pregnant with Baby Jesus.
I'll die for you to protect this Earth. For now I need to do some more cleaning up of this planet & get rdy for
Vajrasattva to come down. There are great new technologies for excess landfills, helping our atmosphere and
getting free energy (utilities) for peoples homes as well as free fuel for their cars.
Edited by spacedragon (31/07/04 09:13 AM)
Read the whole thread then - it's not about trolling for hits or posts. I feel we can make this Earth a better place.
Also, I forgot to mention that many star systems have been discovered to have Jupiter-sized planets in a
decaying orbit around similar suns (maybe the pinnacle of DNA expression for the 3rd dimension can live on
such energy-rich planets.) As I said, it is believed that there's intelligence dwelling on this planet we call Jupiter
that's huge and 300X the mass of Earth.
We are developing a uniquely personal, yet worldwide phenomenon of channeling the deepest archetypes of
the human psyche. Because it reveals consciousness in context with it's source, shamanism is our oldest
model for the exploration of the inner dimensions (4th , 5th, 6th etc.) It's also humanity's most ancient form of
religion, as well as the precursor of both psychology and medicine...The key ideas here are that the shaman
can alter his or her consciousness at will (either through innate skill or using psychotropic drugs); that he is a
master if the out-of-body experience (that is, he can go where he wills in other dimensions of reality, and
understands how to deal with the forces he meets there); and, last but not least, he serves the needs of the
The shaman's worlds and levels are more than interconnected. They are holocoenotic; that is every part affects
every other part. Shamans believe that these interactions can be perceived and affected by one who knows
how to do so and that the shaman, like the spider at the center of a cosmic web, can feel and influence distant
In accordance with the principles of dimensional progression, we have seen that higher dimensional observers
can discern the lower dimensions more "objectively" than the other way around. Any world is subjective until we
can perceive it from the next higher level. This principle enables the shaman to cure an illness "from the other
side," to manipulate its symbolic likeness in the imaginal realm. Because he has learned how to project his
awareness into higher-dimensional regions, the shaman is empowered to act on 3-dimensional space in ways
we have traditionally labeled as "magical," as the work of a supernatural being. "Supernatural," of course, is
just a word which defines the limits of our current understanding.
-Thank you Master DeKorne. Those last passages were a compilation of awesome thoughts from his books.
Edited by spacedragon (29/07/04 02:38 PM)
Thanks - just keep me informed. I can't believe I didn't know this guy supported the Skull & Bones too. Look
he'll be impeached if he keeps any more ties with them and we'll see what his vice pres does - otherwise, we'll
just start a new election over. Who knows? I could ask the Universal Mind but many people seem to be upset
with me so I'm going to wait out this election - and then possibly force the US to decriminalize marijuana up to
100g anyway - hemp is already legal and I want guerrilla growers out there spreading seeds.
It follows that upon consciously entering the realms of mind-space [dimensions higher than our 3-dimensional
partial reality] a well-integrated personality will encounter a different dimension (or at least perceive it
differently) than a less integrated one. One of the most common ordeals of shamanic iniatiation is the symbolic
dismemberment and reintegration of the apprentice. This universal theme is emblematic of a deep
psychological unification...
The "consummation of the Great Work" is an archaic Western equivalent to shamanic initiation. An extreme
rarity in any time or culture, the attainment of such knowledge represents a personal breakthrough of the
highest order. Yet, assuming an eternal continuity of consciousness in the dimensions of mind-space, the
concept is unavoidably obvious:
Existence is to be reguarded as an unbroken flux of life, subject to incessant transition and change. Life in a
fleshly form on Earth, life in the subtle after-death body in the Heaven-worlds, in Hells, or in the Intermediate
State, and the life which seems to take birth through the womb-doors is in reality one.
The Shaman is one who has attained communication with the supernatural (a spirit world, in most shamanistic
conceptions) and may act as a mediator between spririts or gods and man, making the desires of each known
to the other. In this, he may be called a primitive prophet. Apparently his ecstasy is not for himself but for
others: his patients, his disciples, or the community at large. Yet we must not forget that in his becoming a
mouthpiece of the gods he fulfills his calling - and some reports indicate that a shaman that has no occasion to
shamanize tends to become ill
- excerpt from Evans-Wentz's Tibet's Great Yogi Milarepa also more passages from DeKorne's book.
Fuck all that last stuff about getting sick. I have my women to massage me and provide acupuncture so we can
really get this world jumping off.
Edited by spacedragon (31/07/04 09:36 AM)
Pause for a moment and try to imagine four-dimensional space. It is right next to you, but in a direction you
can't point to. No matter how well hidden you may be, a four-dimensional creature can see you perfectly well,
inside and outside...
Leaving aside for a moment the probability that some entities, such as UFOs, can "holographically" project
themselves into our physical space, the only higher-dimensional entities that human beings usually encounter
are internal [where the fourth dimension is - and also even higher dimensions] ...
The fact that consciousness is a subjective trans-dimensional bridge linking many realms, explains why
shamanic states cannot be measured in three-dimensional terms; although our imagined protocols may be in
some sense "objective," it is impossible to objectify the consciousness trying to measure itself by them! It is
precisely because consciousness is multi-dimensional that it is inaccessible to adequate measurement in this
No being created all the Heavens and the planets. It couldn't happen with with just one humanoid that you
portray. I'm not ruling out that there are super Gods who've even out-evolved some of our Gods.
So, maybe some entity is capable of creating a branch of the multi-verse by someow redirecting massive
energy and matter through the hugest of wormholes with lots of DNA goodies. Or just made with thoughts in
the spirit world and doesn't take that much energy to create worlds of bliss and share fun times with Gods and
Goddesses. For lack of a better analogy, like creating your own game level in Neverwinter Nights for friends to
play on and enjoy. That would be an amazing state of evolution I would love to witness).
My spiritual path is just beginning to gain momentum again & I only want to be a support for this world. Maybe I
can get a chance to take a positive rebirth to help people. Speaking to the Christians and Jews who are afraid
to spell God here. You're pretty much speaking to one now as well. Call me Adam. I'm just playing sometimes I
get a little ahead of myself.
So - we don't think there's a strong probability that there's just one creator of all this universe we observe. Not
one person & not in seven days. The higher probablility was that Jehovah was lying to all of you and we had an
interrogation - and he got so pissed & started to believe in his own mortality even as a God and worried that we
would hunt him so he died & took a Demonic rebirth. Also jailed and controlled like Satan is.
Before us of course was a "big bang", which was proven,(and may have been a smaller "bang" from another
huger one - also we could be living in a "pulsating" universe that expands and contracts and will turn into a "big
crunch" that you may have heard about). It could be many things but the evidence is pointing in NO way to a
guy that created this in 7 days. Sorry to have to get so rudimentary very quickly but we've discovered that the
Hubble "red shift" (originally had blue shift doh!) we see in the skies occurs because the universe is expanding
and the stars & galaxies are moving away from us.
Now, doesn't it seem absurd that a guy made some sort of "puppet theater" that's not moving at screaming
speeds through space? The only way we're surving comfortably as humans is our insanely sophisticated
human body/mind with vast protocols of DNA to keep a balance. It's interesting in optometry that says the
human eye is best suited for the color of our sun's wavelength of yellow. So, it's our sophisticated organs and
organisms that have been built from thousands of years of evolution that got us & the Gods to this point. Man
evolves constantly into Gods, God/Jehovah did not create man. Rarely, an animal will take a real nice rebirth
as a God (something nice like it was enjoying a wonderful sunset or just a deep love for it's surroundings and
family and just died so serenely.) We can do that too if we're given a chance to have peaceful deaths in
hospitals (just with less noise and some white noise or soft music.) That's a very important thing for a society
as well as praying for our friends and deceased ancestors. Even if they've taken a rebirth by now it's good to
share that deep love and connection in the spirit world.
Lastly - many doctors, scientists & I agree that abortion should be illegal, but after one-month & a half when the
soul is believed to enter the body (and that coincides with the exact day --47th-- of pregnancy that the first
signs of the pineal gland appear). Many don't believe that's just a coincidence so I rule that any UN country is
allowed to perform abortions up to the 45th day. Two days ahead of the 47th day to play it safe. Not only do
many Western doctors believe this to be true but many medical traditions in the East believe the soul enters the
body at that time.
I may chill on the boards for a while because I don't want to drive people away and maybe I will go to
Shroomism's new boards that he created for World Peace and other cool stuff.
The more I read of the cool idea that there's even a God associated with shrooms & Gods and Titans are
among us on these boards (even just through humans typing as Avatars.) I want to just share my love & pay
my respects by not hurting this board and it's safety in any way. Long live humans & their symbiotic friends the
magic mushrooms. I'll be back & around probably later next week - you know I love these boards
Edited by spacedragon (29/07/04 11:16 PM)
DXM I believe has a super-evolved entity associated with it. Some argue that it's a God that calls himself
Jesustussin. Anyway, the Dextroverse board is awesome. Before I take a break to check on the Army I'd like to
make sure I'm clear about apologizing for the comment about "sending you back to death" if you take a
demonic rebirth during this Kingdom of Shambala event. I was being overzealous and it's YOU who are the
ultimate judge at the moment of death. You're the judge & the accused.
It's difficult to describe but many of us have felt that experience when having a "life review" during a bad trip or
a near death experience. At that point it's very hard to not see both the bad & good you've done. It rocks you
sometimes in a way that bar brawls won't & those who get up from it and dust themselves off will triumph (or
have a more likely chance of seeing the radiance of the true nature of mind at death) and become a God. It
doesn't matter if you are the cleanest of monks in a temple experiencing an afterlife or a dirty old bum in New
York - everyone can attain a God-like rebirth if they just listen and let go during the afterlife with a good thought.
The important thing to remember, and often the hardest, is to live & die with no regret - that will help you greatly
to create & enjoy (or enter someone's already created Heaven Realm.) I'm still not sure exactly how it works but maybe you gotta "get in the club" and live in other Gods' thought complexes and belief systems first before
you start making your own or - well I still really don't know how it works in the imaginal realm. I know it's starting
to maybe sound grim but I just honor this quote by Siddhartha Buddha "Of all the footprints the elephant's is the
greatest, and of all the meditations, that on death is the greatest." So we can be alive, be truly alive. =) of
course this is b4 they unearthed the dinosaur footprints but the lesson is timeless.
How you act & behave in life will be the same in death - with all your same behaviors, thoughts & memories &
anyone (from all walks of life) has the chance to attain this Godhood if they have just one good thought about a
spiritual connection or a loved one - which is much easier said than done. As I mentioned before, it's difficult
like realizing your dreaming when sleeping but it's even harder in the afterlife. So, you'll review your lifetime for
approximately 47 days (exactly the amount of time the zygote is in the womb - like I mentioned before). At that
point it is believed the soul enters the human body - that's the closest we got (with scientific proof & the link of
the pineal gland and behaviors of what we would call "soul activity"-- the pineal is very important for both
communications with Gods and Astral Traveling).
During the afterlife - when your life is reviewed by you in living color and all the reverberations it caused and the
people who were hurt by you - even when you didn't know it or were actually trying to help. Also, you'll see all
the good because of you & and the people you helped or loved or simply smiled at one day.
Edited by spacedragon (30/07/04 03:07 PM)
Robotics can be a great ally for human evolution. We may need to impose more strict regulations or send the
real robotic science (and the attempts at making human-like AI) to Mars. That may provide a safeguard in case
some are ever programmed to be militant or take over. There's no way to fully get robots off this planet now
anyway - robotics are in everything from medical robotic surgical arms to bomb-squad robots (well, they're
really more like RC units but they look enough like a robot.)
As far as Western (Allopathic) medicine is concerned: Iatrogenic disease is at an all time high (a disease you
contract from the "therapy" of your doctor. Iatros means physician in Greek, and -genic, meaning induced by, is
derived from the International Scientific Vocabulary. Combined, of course, they become iatrogenic, meaning
Each day, hundreds of medical discoveries are published in internationally recognized scientific journals. Only a
few of these life-saving findings are ever made available to patients. The result is that people suffer and die
while effective therapies already exist to alleviate or cure their condition. One reason for this travesty is that
today's physicians are overwhelmed with a crushing burden of bureaucracy and patient load. Hurried doctors
cannot possibly keep up with the abundance of new information bursting out of the scientific arena.
Physician ignorance and apathy has created a hostile backlash that is motivating a growing number of
Americans to turn away from conventional medicine.
Meditation is a great supplement to any health care therapy. Also, those looking for an alternative to meditation
if they find it frustrating or difficult I suggest the ancient art of Chi Kung. One practice that is particularly useful
is the Microcosmic Orbit. This dynamic Tao meditation starts in the belly, flows up the spine and down the
chest. It creates an "energy wheel" that unifies the body's three major centers (similar to yogic "chakras") AND
all of the acupuncture meridians of your body. It is also known as "Opening the Golden Flower" and "Embryo or
Womb Breathing."
When your Orbit opens, your Original Spirit can begin to breathe more easily in your body. Your vital organs get
fed, and every level of your physical being feels healthy & grounded. It's practical -- many people
spontaneously quit smoking or stop obsessing about food or drugs. When you are fed inside, you stop seeking
stimulants outside.
Feeling connected with your heart smiling and chi (energy) flowing while standing in line at the grocery store,
walking the dog, or talking to your in-laws. If you thought meditation was boring or frustrating, this offers a fresh
On the subject of our neighbors who originally colonized the earth. At a time before an ice age happened (one
of many)and before the Elohim arrived with DNA. Also, when we mention DNA that is brought to Earth, that
doesn't mean some prokaryotes and eukaryotes and other simple organisms. I mean they came down and
made humans, wolves, evolved fish & other species that are way up on the "tree" of that cool triple-amino acid
code that's superior to the binary language. Though, the Elohim could only take their evolution so far by
tinkering and messing with nature by genetically modifying themselves to live 600 years (like the original Adam
and Eve did who were created by the Elohim.) They both lived super long - same with the leader of the Elohim
race Yahweh - he's like 900 years old but it's not the original guy who originally inhabited his body, the original
soul of the first one named Yahweh. The memory cells were intact with the new brain they created from their
"matter machines" to make a new body exactly like the old but much younger. So, with the memory cells intact
the dude acts and talks just like the old Yahweh but the soul is of someone else. The matter machines simply
need a cell of your DNA and can completely replicate a person's body and brain completely. It still needs that
animating force, or at least some "software" uploaded to it with a "purpose." Their science might be able to
animate a person to do their menial chores or cram info through their computer systems - but I think we have
something greater here on Earth, and that's an enormous opportunity to take a heavenly rebirth if we're born
here as humans.
There are many great spiritual teachers, scientists, lovers, fighters & I'm proud our way has superceded the
Elohim - we're no longer kept in the dark by them about science and space travel (as the Elohim crushed many
rebellions here on Earth when we simply wanted to evolve to a comfortable level and thrive like any being
does.) They would keep setting us back to primitive technological states and force us to serve them fresh fruit,
all the while writing in their lame space journals how amusing it is that "they actually mistake us for Gods and
worship us". But, it wasn't funny when they killed many humans with nuclear holocausts.
Their kind keeps making new bodies for their elders to attempt to enter upon dying, but when they die I still
think their soul is cast into a field of universal energy that makes it very hard to simply enter the little blue body
of their choice. That time in the afterlife is confusing to say the least and, if they can somehow reincarnate into
the new "body" made for them, that'll impress me greatly and maybe there's hope for them to lead a spiritual
life too. But, why were they worrying about their "DNA project" coming back to kill them if they claimed that "any
sentient beings who make it to the stars are peaceful because they solved this and that problem on their home
planet." Well, as much as I'd like to think so - there are some strange aliens lurking around and some are even
just bred to be killers (i.e. The God Ryuken's race of "The Grey" over there on Venus). I mean, why did the
Elohim feel the need to use sonic and nuclear weapons on us if they were so superior with their
cloning/reincarnations (which they call immortality - but, they're more like the "walking dead" compared to us.
While they cheat death, none of their species take a superior form as incorporeal spirits who can be vastly
more intelligent & energy efficient than 3-dimensional beings. Emphasis on energy efficient. Although the
Elohim planet is huge and they have something like 11 billion beings, we have less space, more souls &
something more important - traditions of balance & adhering to the laws of the universe & "listening" to our
inner voices (which are turning out to be highly evolved entities talking to us & not just some "inner voice").
Though sometimes that "wise voice" in your head can be your own - sometimes you can channel the deepest
power & wisdom of your soul even here in the middle world & become God-like before entering Heaven.
Back to the original DNA innoculators of earth who still lurk in this solar system and rule us somewhat. Some of
our shaman have encountered these masters and what was reported:
Now I was virtually certain I was about to die. As I tried to accept my fate, an even lower portion of my brain
began to transmit more visions and information. I was "told" that this new material was being presented to me
because I was dying and therefore "safe" to receive these revelations. These were the secrets reserved for the
dying and the dead, I was informed. I could only very dimly perceive the givers of these thoughts: giant reptilian
creatures reposing sluggishly at the lowermost depths of the back of my brain, where it met the top of the
spinal column. I could only vaguely see them in what seemed to be gloomy, dark depths.
Then they projected a visual scene in front of me. First they showed me the planet Earth as it was eons ago,
before there was any life on it. I saw an ocean, barren land, and a bright blue sky. Then black specks dropped
from the sky by the hundreds and landed in front of me on the barren landscape. I could see that the "specks"
were actually large, shiny, black creatures with stubby pterodactyl-like wings and huge whale-like bodies. Their
heads were not visible to me. They flopped down, utterly exhausted from their trip, resting for eons. They
explained to me in a kind of thought language that they were fleeing from something out in space. They had
come to the planet earth to escape their enemy.
The creatures then showed me how they had created life on the planet in order to hide within the multitudinous
forms and thus disguise their presence. Before me, the magnificence of plant and animal creation and
speciation - hundreds of millions of years of activity - took place on a scale and with a vividness impossible to
describe. I learned that the dragon-like creatures were thus inside of all forms of life, including man. They were
the true masters of humanity and the entire planet, they told me. We humans were but the receptacles and
servants of these creatures. For this reason they could speak to me from within myself....
I was afraid that somehow my soul might.... through processes unknown but felt and dreaded, be aquired or
reaquired by the dragon-like denizens of the depths. I suddenly felt my distinctive humanness, the contrast
between my species and the ancient reptilian ancestors..."
-From Michael Harner's The Way of the Shaman
This shamanic desciption of an inner perceptual dimension inhabited by Archon-like entities is pure gnosticism
- humans are the "receptacles and servants" of archetypal forces which are personified in Harner's
consciousness as dragons. Interestingly enough, these beings dwell in that section of his brain which meets
"the top of the spinal column," a precise description of the so-called "Reptilian Complex," the most primitive
part of the brain, which is associated with aggressive animal behavior.
In light of modern research, Jung's original concept of archetypes (also referred to as a "spiritual goal") is
needlessly complex, and less useful than the more "primitive" notion of extra-dimensional entities, the gods and
demons of classical mythology. Jung himself was apparently prepared to consider this hypothesis - - from
Jung's Letters:
I once discussed the proof of identity for a long time with a friend... He admitted that, all things considered, all
these metaphysic phenomena could be explained better by the hypothesis of spirits than by the qualities and
peculiarities of the unconscious. And here, on the basis of my own experience, I am bound to concede he is
right. In each individual case I must of necessity be skeptical, but in the long run I have to admit that the spirit
hypothesis yields better results in practice than any other.
Edited by spacedragon (31/07/04 09:08 AM)
Now when the bardo of dying dawns upon me,
I will abandon all grasping, yearning and attachment,
Enter undistracted into clear awareness of the teaching,
And eject my consciousness into the space of unborn Rigpa;
As I leave this compound body of flesh and blood
I will know it to be a transitory illusion.
At the moment of death, there are two things that count:
Whatever we have done in our lives, and what state if mind we are
in at that moment. Even if we have accumulated a lot of negative
karma, if we are able really to make a change of heart at the moment of death, it can decisively influence our
future and transform our karma, for the moment of death is an exceptionally powerful opportunity for purifying
If we die in a positive frame of mind, we can improve our next birth,
despite our negative karma. And if we are upset and distressed, it
may have a detrimental effect, even though we may have used our
lives well. This means that the last thought and emotion that we
have before we die has an extremely powerful determining effect on
our immediate future.
Just as the mind of a mad person is usually entirely occupied by one obsession, which returns again and again,
so at the moment of death our minds are totally vulnerable and exposed to whatever thoughts then preoccupy
us. That last thought or emotion we have can be magnified out of all proportion and flood our whole perception.
This is why the masters stress that the quality of the atmosphere around us when we die is crucial. With our
friends and relatives,m we should do all we can to inspire positive emotions and sacred feelings, like love,
compassion, and devotion, and all we can to help them to let go of grasping, yearning, and attachment.
The ideal way for a person to die is having given away everything,
internally and externally, so that there is as little possible yearning,
grasping, and attachment.
The Earth is not coming to an end. I give this spiritual help for the dying because we've been doing this for
thousands of lifetimes & reincarnations. We might as well get abreast of this information now. Maybe some of
you know a person with a terminal illness who may need some love and support in their life.
In Tibet the masters, before they would leave their bodies, would indicate what they would like to offer to other
teachers. Sometimes a master who was intending to reincarnate in the future would leave a particular group of
objects for his reincarnation, giving a clear indication of what he wanted to leave. I am convinced that we
should also be exact about who is going to receive our possessions or our money. These wishes should be
expressed as lucidly as possible. If they are not, then after you die you may see your relatives squabbling over
your goods or misusing your money, and this will disturb you.
Sometimes people should bear in mind that the mere presence of loved ones may invoke strong feelings of
attachment in the dying person, which make it harder than ever for him or her to let go. Sometimes this may be
extremely difficult for families to understand... Cry together, express your love, and say goodbye, but try to
finish with the process before the actual moment of death arrives. If possible, its best if friends and relatives do
not show excessive grief at the moment of death, because the consciousness of the dying person is at that
moment exceptionally vulnerable. The Tibetan Book of the Dead says that your crying and tears around a
person's bedside are experienced like thunder and hail. But don't worry if you have found yourself weeping at a
deathbed; it can't be helped, and there is no reason to upset yourself and to feel guilty.
As I said, I'm trying to have us meditate on the process of dying briefly to elucidate the point about truly
appreciating life - and having compassion, respect & love for those suffering on this planet we share. We will
unite. It's time to really let the balanced and loving energy reign over this planet for a while and not have our
technology or evolution set back any further by the alien Elohim & Bush Jr.
Edited by spacedragon (01/08/04 12:45 AM)
There's a bioelectrical route that can be completed by placing the tongue to the roof of the mouth. I say this to
warn people sometimes of building too much heat in their heads when using techniques like kundalini yoga.
People have reported the top of their hair turning white and just too much heat and stuck energy is burning it
up. Like I was telling the guys in the other thread - that doesn't attract the ladies too much with a big skunkedout white patch in a ring on the top of your head.
Thanks for posting that picture though. It's helping to set the mood and I couldn't have gotten this far without so
many of you - I'm sorry to sound so arrogant at times. I'm trying to get us ready for a wonderful spiritual
revolution and we may have to confront fears and do some real purification work on our karma. One of the
greatest practices to help - and get us prepared here in the West to confront the subject of death and dying
more openly - is the ancient art of phowa. Then we can get a deeper understanding that death is just a part of
life and consciousness doesn't end so it's part of an unbroken cycle or flux of life. It's when you take this
knowledge & use it to harm people that your karma get's messed up more than not knowing you're harming
and not being greedy - even when politicians order murders & don't have to see the outcome of families being
slain from their money - that's when there's hell to pay and you should be afraid. Because you'll have to
confront it in the afterlife and all the people you hurt by killing the families and the grief of all their loved ones.
Edited by spacedragon (03/08/04 05:05 AM)
Now when the bardo of dharmata dawns upon me,
I will abandon all fear and terror,
I will recognize whatever appears as the display of my
own Rigpa,
and know it to be the natural appearance of this bardo;
Now that I have reached this crucial point,
I will not fear the peaceful and wrathful deities, that arise
from the nature of my very own mind
Yea, for BB posts they get long. Consider it like an e-pamphlet. If it's too much for you maybe your Mom could
read it as a bedtime story. LOL Anyway, I do help the community and donate money worldwide (not just
dropping bombs with these posts to help this world - I mean that in a good way with bombs for people who are
unaware of street language these days). I'm glad I could use my reputation to help me gain this power - but I'm
really a nice guy if you get to know me!
I mentioned earlier that DXM I believe has a super-evolved entity associated with it. A guy from the
Dextroverse helped me with that one:
Of course. This "entity" goes most commonly by the Name Set. He is also known by the names Odhinn, Pan,
Shiva, Krsna, 'Shade', etc. He's quite an Amazing Individual. You should talk to Him sometime.
Thanks The Dark Phoenix
Damnit LOL. I know "Shade" a little bit but didn't he was also the JesusTussin entity. I've been talking to him
because he & Lord Vajrasattva were sometimes wrathful entities. Because I asked them, is there a full
spectrum of deities and some, like humans are nice at times, but when you piss them off they can go crazy and
even do some killing? They reply by saying Yes and the name before our Lord Vajrasattva's name [Heruka] I
believe means "wrathful". But, he is the God of karma and on our side now to help Earth. When I asked him to
come down to rule as king for a while it's because we really need to have like a spiritual "boot camp" around
here. No one will be forced to do anything or worship specific religion - but, we're gonna need to stop being lax
about letting corruption, ignorance and greed seep into our economic and political structures.
Everything was beginning to fall like a deck of cards and so we needed the last biblical prophet - the second
coming of Adam. There will be many other chapters in the Earth's histories. But, maybe just consider this the
latest of Testaments by one that was really there in the spirit world ruling with Jehovah and then things fell
apart -- at least for me. I felt betrayed when he killed me and I was beginning to ask that, although he was
massively powerful, why lie and say you created Earth and all of the Universe and Heaven and no other life
forms around our "block" in this sector - which we're finding is bursting with life like many other galaxies are. He
couldn't have created all of the Heavens and massive universe that is "smaller than an electron & contains
uncountable galaxies."
Now that many great spirits & gods are visiting the planet and all the planets of the seven sisters and us (the
eighth) I believe are aligning - another ancient prophecy from many of Earth's traditions including the Chinese,
the Australians, modern day Americans even, and Native Americans.
We can most likely travel those super-highways of light and have love and bliss greater than our human
"container" bodies can feel. There's no rush though like I said, I'm just getting my shaman and priests aware
and realize that you can also be messengers to spread this word so we don't fail at letting any evil entities seep
back in and rule the Earth with darkness. And I'm not just talking about the US gov't.
I asked Shade several times to stop messing around in the Middle East & please just go rule the Elohim's large
planet to make them aware of extra-dimensional entities and kick their ass a little to prepare my throne over
their. As you can see, I have scores to settle but only love for humans and just have to settle this with the
Elohim and Jehovah. I'll rule the Elohim planet after I die here - I may take one of their human bodies and have
my disciples bring my meditation and Rife healing machine. I also may just stay here for the bliss of Shambala
but I don't want to upset many people who still don't like me for sure & it's understandable.
Edited by spacedragon (02/08/04 09:52 PM)
Thanks for the PM though about the upcoming shift in the Earth's vibrations & energy level. It always strikes a
chord with me if something is also proven scientifically (and then we have the shaman telling us something big
is happening.)
Photon energy is like saying "light" energy and it is believed that, from the other side of the fabric of space, dark
matter or energy is somehow blasted out the other side in the form of photons or light. There are websites
about it and I'll try to send you some links when I go check for the authentic ones. You might be able to tell too but the ones that are quoting sources from worldwide beliefs would be a good place to start because that
seems pretty open minded. But, some could try to weave in that there's gonna be something bad happen or an
apocalypse. I've never seen that because all the other ones were from people who really believed this will be a
great shift in our evolution.
Maybe some of you can explain it here better on this dynamic forum - which I think is a nice way to
communicate Heaven's messages & also making speeches is fun too.
A great Feng Shui master talks about how his art (painting) helps and he is a doctor also:
...manifested from original sensations and subconscious feelings. They are images beheld by my third eye -the eye of awareness that opens when one is in deep meditation or when one communes with divine power
and sees the world on spiritual dimensions.
Ancient mantra diagrams are often integrated into my work to invoke energizing effects. Mantra diagrams are
charms made of specific signs and symbols based on cosmic frequencies that were recorded, charted and
studied by ancient sages (which create the basis for the Yi-Jing). These paintings can help everyone sensitive
to their condition, release stress, create a loving home, increase business fortune and ultimately, help us reach
our fullest potential. My purpose is to help mankind overcome physical and mental disease, ignorance,
negative karma and the many levels of suffering that occur when we have lost connection to our spiritual
-- Grand Master Chi-Jen Liu
Now I've bought paintings from this man & received wonderful advice concerning placement in my home to
have a harmonius environment.
The "Wealth" painting with fish being caught and dragons swimming through the clouds is awesome and has
helped to increase my fortune. But, feng shui is as much about symbolism as it is about placement. I've made
adjustments in my home to help with my kids and changed colors to sooth their brilliant minds.
Another great talisman I bought from him is a 5-tier windchime (but you have to make sure they're these hollow
metal chimes & it's hanged over my stove to double my fortune.) There are many, many other areas of your life
you can help with this ancient art of energy work. Sex - just to name a fun area of peoples' lives- can be
helped. Your "sex life" I mean & your ability to attract a nice smart & sexy mate.
I'm aquarius & recently the age of aquarius had begun. My Dragon sign enables me to take this power and
command the greatest army the world has seen. Please take a look at this picture because it is instilled with
mantras and other powerful means for us to gain this power & help change the world:
Pls click on it though if you have time...
It's cool that the feng shui master has this ability to see the spirit world so well. I mean, drugs are a great
catalyst but it would be cool to have this ability all the time. Or at least several times a week while creating art.
Some botanists and entheogen experimenters / drug users can also get to these levels - so I love talking to
both of you and many other people and their paths that reach similar heights. This feng shui grandmaster also
spends a lot of time doing feng shui consultations & and his daughter Jenny is even a true master.
They're very rich, very healthy & very happy (and help others live that way with their powerful 8,000 year old
practice) and I think it's just a wonderful way of life, very attuned to the Tao. Not to mention power and political
pull in their community over there in Cali -- and also being humble as to not arouse jealously or envy.
Edited by spacedragon (03/08/04 07:58 PM)
Well, that's a good idea - what would you suggest is a good currency for me to have for us to enter heaven?
Seriously, I like to hear your ideas. Because sometimes the currency evil people use is a dangerous game of
stealing human blood (energy) and human mutilations that alien technology uses to suck the blood out of a
All these aspects of heaven can be obtained through currency. Someone who wants to bring everyone to
heaven first needs to obtain currency.
The super-evolved Dak Zhin - - dragon's with pterodactyl-like wings - - are happy to have some trichomes and
will keep us protected while our neighbors on Jupiter travel with us through this photon belt event. Yea, even
the Grey will be going through this - maybe they can be great allies some day if they're interested and intelligent
enough to join the inter-stellar alliance.
Yes, sometimes the currency is simply faith & maybe we can get many people to help heal this planet and get it
ready with me. Love, and the vibrations that come with that will help to heal these people from the poisoning
the Earth has experienced through pollution and materialism.
Also to help healing, I want to honor the national Tai Chi day and extend the event to anyone who wants to
send out healing waves of energy through this form of Chi Kung martial arts weekly as a worship. That way
more healing energy waves will be available and I can try to offer this blessing to make it a full-blown religion
All that talk about human sacrifices and taking the heart out to offer to a warlike God is true & they're able to
somehow get energy from those offerings - - and the energy people bring to the gatherings really I guess is
important to some of these extra-dimensional entities. Please just understand that there will be more police to
help keep peace for a while but not "in your face" because we'll have all our military men and women home &
feel secure again without Bush.
More police will monitor psychic activity and halt of the beginnings of militias - especially in the United States
now that people may come for an assasination while I'm protecting the planet - mainly from the skies & talk to
alien intelligences to negotiate peace and alliances. We'll not pursue the Elohim with warcraft like the American
Gov't did earlier this century. We've decided to end the War on Drugs (concerning hemp/marijuana & the nonaddictive drugs mentioned in the TIKHAL & PIKHAL books by Shulgin ...
this war they waged against us civilians. Hemp is now hereby legalized by the World Government and,
following the presidential election - I will decide whether or not I'll force America to decriminalize marijuana up
to 100 grams.
Edited by spacedragon (03/08/04 05:22 AM)
I'm glad to be talking to you guys because some botanists and cultivators don't even take drugs that much and aren't so preoccupied with an addiction of some sort. Also, doing some spiritual work when high is fun or
just kicking back & getting laid, sitting by a fire or walking through a garden. However, I believe that addiction
and its consequences are the most serious health problem now facing our society. Cardiovascular disease,
respiratory illnesses such as emphysema, many forms of cancer, and AIDS are just a few of the conditions that
derive, directly or indirectly, from addiction.
Many believe that your "cleansing" during a trip is directly proportional to how much your body needs to clean
out when taking drugs (like mescaline.. but many others in the typtamine family are reported to do this.) So,
some of these guys can eat peyote buttons like chips or candy while many of us are puking our guts out. In
conclusion, it's not always the drugs that are making a person ill - it's the unpleasant cleansing process on the
start of the journey (or throughout the whole journey...who knows how much cleansing is needed.)
Edited by spacedragon (03/08/04 05:55 AM)
I'd be the first to POST loud & clear that this was starting to seem like bullshit. One really cool thing Einstein
said when asked how he felt about the book entitled "99 scientists against Einstein" he said "Why 99 - if 1 could
prove me wrong then that would suffice."
I do post some teachings that would seem to make no sense without a foundation in a spiritual tradition - I'm
just trying to give a nice cliff notes version now in case the energy shifts start to become more intense on Earth
(or, hopefully not, if the internet goes down or the energy grids).
Which, I'm sure won't happen but I want to cram as much as I can in this experimental way of spreading the
message. I've been on many sites and many people are starting to feel that worship of nature or the Tao is
going to be very powerful when preparing to become a God.
If the US gov't wants to backlash and somehow ban religion or drugs harder, we should be ready to fight back.
I'm fed a lot of threats and lies because I was an evil God. So, just so you know I'm not lying at all on purpose at times Vajrasattva and Shade get a kick out of screwing with my head. But, I also talk regularly to Lord Jesus,
Padmasambhava, Gaia, Jehovah and the many others I conjured for my salvation. I said "just do it now and kill
me then" & don't make me lie to the people or steer Earth into any calamity. You'll find that many of the
statements are very true & some are prophecies of future events to happen.
Edited by spacedragon (09/08/04 12:52 AM)
Don't head over to the church of satan please. This post is in reguards to another message board post -- but I
thought I'd make this loud and clear:
You know how I feel about christian churches right? I feel the same way about any ridiculous organized
religions. They're probably an offshoot of all the Christian mythical theology & we've already shown that aliens
named the Elohim were in charge of Jesus' teachings along with the Archon Jehovah. Those organized
churches are not very helpful for looking deep inside and becoming a peaceful warrior yourself. Some are
entirely money making schemes as we can see clearly when they can't hide their large corporate buildings.
Might I suggest a meditation class, preferably buddhist, to get centered and realize your potential - as well as a
kung fu, aikido, yoga, chi gung, or t'ai chi class.
I want all of you to look into Rife healing machines and alternate forms of weapons to protect yourselves when
the barrier breaks open some more. Many of the entities that come through or project themselves
holographically, with their insanely advanced technologies, will be able to affect things in our realm. We will
also be able to wield more spiritual power and psychic power. I'm sorry to let it get out of hand like this. I want
to stand along side you & make sure the gov'ts don't try to hold us back any longer - while angels and hell
hounds start making their way into the Earth's 3d world. We're also experiencing a time where it's becoming
easier to become a God and join on the peaceful gods' side to help our Earth stop suffering. Easier because of
both the energy vibrations being raised here & our access to more information outside of what our wonderful
human body's DNA provides (extra-genetic information as Carl Sagan put it.)
I hear many of you are taking these teachings and gaining new heights. Some people have decided to go back
to their monotheism because I'm not the most eloquent speaker Lol.
Many of you already know that antibiotics can do nothing for a virus. Luckily, we just stopped administering
them in the West for viral infections. I mentioned earlier that an Indian doctor discovered anti-biotic substances
that are released from healthy intestinal flora known as Acidophilus. When a human has healthy intestinal
colonies of "good" or beneficial bacteria they can produce B-vitamins and release an antibiotic-like substance
known as acidophilin. This seems superior to an antibiotic program, unless it's a very advanced condition - but
the drawback is always the wiping out of the good bacteria with anti-biotics and chemo. I implore that you look
into "probiotics" as the acidophilus and bifidus cultures are being called, (the healthy bacteria), as a supplement
to any adult or child's program of anti-biotics. You can also get these healthy flora from certain yogurts.
Early this century this wasn't a problem because many of our foods weren't tampered with & the active enymes
were still present as well as beneficial bacteria. Also, cooking destroys alot of these enzymes, forcing our
spleens to use their energy reserves to break down our foods. I suggest taking a supplement of blue-green
algae at least until you make the switch to organic, whole foods from foods grown w/steroids, hormones and
yes, manure, that's fed to the cows and chicken for nutrition. Try free range chicken and beef - - they've seen
the light of day and were able to run around to get energy & nutrients to their muscles. I suggest going to the
health food store just for the meat and then get the rest at the regular supermarket.
A man by the name of Dr. Strickland did a study of how blue-green algae is a nutrient powerhouse (and
available at all health food stores). Just look at the difference in vit B-12 assimilation in humans:
"The study showed 10 percent with Centrum and 97
percent with our [super blue-green] algae, compared to another brand algae of 50 percent
assimilation results of VitB12."
Edited by spacedragon (09/08/04 02:23 AM)
I am a little bit anti-christ because he bought into an alien race's scheme to rule Earth with their technology. I
heard Jesus also studied along the "silk route" near central asia and maybe went even further east. But, why
didn't he stop and think that the Gods are more important to serve & follow than blue little 4-foot aliens. The
Elohim dazzled him with their lasers & suits that could fly & weapons making fire was shooting out of their
hands. Also, how else could he have seemingly broken Newton's law that energy can be neither being created
or destroyed - what I mean is, we found out when Claud Rael stepped forward and said he was spoken to by
the Elohim race- we were told that the bread Jesus supposedly mutiplied was actually dehydrated bread the
Elohim had in their spaceship nearby and gave to Jesus when more people showed up than expected.
So, he mistook them for Gods as well as the archon Jehovah whispering in his ear from the Spirit Realm in
cohorts with Yahweh, the leader of the Elohim alien race. They wanted everyone to worship them and serve
them, leaving some other Gods pissed until the reckoning I laid upon Jehovah & sent him to a Hell Realm.
So, some say I may be the anti-christ but I'm more than that. I'll be your shaman king with both of my eyes
intact and ready (even with my 3rd eye) to stop any more alien invasions & wicked gov'ts here on Earth. I need
the help of my shamen and priests though but I just wanted to tell you my plan.
But if we observe the law of karma and awaken in ourselves the good heart of love and compassion, if we
purify our mindstream and gradually awaken the wisdom of the nature of our mind, then we can become a truly
human being, and ultimately enlightened.
Albert Einstein said:
A human being is part of a whole, called by us the "Universe," a part limited in time and space. He experiences
himself, his thoughts and feelings, as something separated from the rest - a kind of optical delusion of his
consciousness. This delusion is a kind of prison for us, restricting us to our personal desires and to affection for
a few persons nearest us. Our task must be to free ourselves from this prison by widening our circles of
compassion to embrace all living creatures and the whole of nature in its beauty.
Edited by spacedragon (09/08/04 05:02 AM)
Anyone honestly looking at life will see that we live in a constant state of suspense and ambiguity. Our minds
are perpetually shifting in and out of confusion and clarity. If only we were confused all the time, that would at
least make for some kind of clarity. What is really baffling about life is that sometimes, despite all our
confusion, we can also be really wise!
This shows us what the human bardo (experience) is: a continuous, unnerving oscillation between clarity and
confusion, bewilderment and insight, certainty and uncertainty, sanity and insanity. In our minds, as we are
now, wisdom and confusion arise simultaneously, or, as we say, are "co-emergent." This means that we face a
continuous state of choice between the two, and that everything depends on which we will choose.
I speak of innumerable worlds in different dimensions - there may even be many worlds very like, or just like
ours - and several modern astrophysicists have developed theories about the existence of parallel universes.
How can we possibly say definitively what does or does not exist beyond the bounds of our limited vision?
Looking at the world around us, and into our own minds, we can see that the six realms definitely do exist.
They exist in the way we unconsciously allow our negative emotions to project and crystallize entire realms
around us, and to define the style, form, flavor and context of our life in those realms. And they also exist
inwardly as the different seeds and tendencies of the various negative emotions within our psycho-physical
system, always ready to germinate and grow, depending on what influences them and how we choose to live.
The quality of life in the realm of the gods may look superior to our own, yet the masters tell us that human life
is infinitely more valuable. Why? Because the very fact that we have the awareness and intelligence that are
the raw materials for enlightenment, and because the very suffering that pervades this human realm is itself the
spur to spiritual transformation. Pain, grief, loss and ceaseless frustration of every kind are there for a real
purpose: to wake us up, to enable and almost force us to break out out of the cycle of samsara and so release
our imprisoned splendor!
Edited by spacedragon (09/08/04 05:41 AM)
To the person who suggests I am possessed. It's rare to see this clairvoyant of a master but I did make the
personal breakthrough of the highest order & the stars were in my favor. Of course I'm asked by both humans
& gods if I want what's best for humanity & the answer is Yes.
What kind of Archon (GOD) wants to make a person feel completely empowered & knowing all the attacks that
will comes to him, fortune telling, the amount of money, when it's coming - which is my first kid I will have to
bury, how many wives (7) and kids I will be having 40(ish). So, I don't think it's lies from Vajrasattva, Jarwar,
Avalokiteshvara & and the Draconian God I answer to. THE 4FOUR4 are truly amazing indeed and I am their
bodhisattva. There are indeed Gods but let's not forget they're a metaphor, when they manifest, for a Universal
Mind they've tapped into to enjoy blissful realms or hellish realms more extremely than humans.
It's time for a real demi-god, eventually to become a god, to rule this place to bring true peace & change. To err
is titan of course as well as human. But, you are teaching me so well & I'm not lying when I said I asked if Baby
Jesus & Baby Buddha could be reborn in this 3-dimensional realm to teach us & give more solid signs of the
majesty of Shambala. The answer is yes, and pending further negotiations - the father of at least one of them
will be me.
Edited by spacedragon (09/08/04 10:40 AM)
There's this girl I like at the Dextroverse Shhh - this is the PM I sent back to her... she originally wrote me a
long PM after reading my thread "Heaven is Coming to Earth" and we've been talking:
I hope you still want to talk to me!
You seem really cool & I enjoyed your PM's before. I know I laid it on heavy to the world but it would've been
worse if I went to CNN or local news stations to talk about these Eastern & Western prophecies. I had to bring
it to you guys first because you can understand this & have love for your people - not just lots of nukes & guns.
That doesn't impress me.
The real leaders & heroes (and heroins) of this revolution will be the peaceful warriors and clairvoyant priests.
Not the controlled US soldiers who blow people away while listening to rock music & told it's just like a video
game to make it even easier to blow away these poor Middle Easterners.
This is all so Bush can allow a pipeline over there and make more deals with the Saudi Arabians, who thanks
to him, own vast amounts of "shares" of the US (by shares I really mean huge corporations trading on the New
York Stock Exchange - so in essence they own a significant portion of America. These are the murderous people that Bush deals
with and gets money from- while allowing jobs to be outsourced to India and letting more immigrants in from
down south to take our jobs for cheaper wages.
Edited by spacedragon (09/08/04 11:16 AM)
Here are some more in depth forms of Deity worship..and, again, I strongly recommend that you choose a
Peaceful God if you have a propensity to live that way or want to live like that - or whatever wrath will come
forth is a valid path as well. We just won't stand for it on Earth while we enter the Heaven Realms in the next
few centuries.
Yet another facinating essay I thought you guys might enjoy from the Temple of Set website--TheDarkPhoenix
"On Communication With Set---by Don Webb V°
Imagine if you will a PH.D mathematician being told that she has an hour to give her last year's research to a
group of people. She composes her notes, creates and speech and walks in to find the audience composed of
four year olds.
This would be Set's dilemma in interacting with us. The medium with which our hypothetical professor has to
work—the language and attention span of a four year old—is not unlike the medium Set has to Work with—the
contents of our minds gathered randomly through the course of our lives.
Set can communicate in the fashion of a concentrated Greater Black Magical Working, but these
communications are rare and usually leave the Worker with more questions than he had before.
The last time I talked with Set he suggested that I run the Heb-Sed Working for the Temple. It took six months
to research, a year to do, needed twelve articles for the Scroll of Set, caused me to found an Order in the
Temple, and required that I make trips to the British Museum and then Oasis of Las Vegas. I learned a great
deal about myself, the world and Temple through this—and the *real* meat of the Communication wasn't in the
twenty minutes of reception of the Book of the Heb-Sed but in the processing of all that I did in the eighteen
months that followed. I am still processing it, and expect that I will be throughout my earthly incarnation.
Just as an average magician may write a talisman on a piece of parchment, Set writes His talismans on certain
hard-won human qualities such as Courage, Curiosity, Determination, Play, and Creativity. Just as the human
magician uses his talisman to draw wealth or love into manifestation in the Objective Universe from the
Unmanifest, which the profane call the Future, Set uses his talisman to draw Xeper from the Unmanifest.
Set's Purpose does not require communication. His method for Working in the Objective Universe is by
providing an insight into the nature of personhood. This insight given through the medium of his Aeon is
Firstly there is the observable fact of the Xeper of Setians. This takes years to see, but when you've seen
former street people getting their Ph.D.s or average guys from Dallas re-creating the Runic tradition; you
discover that the limits that you have placed on yourself are false. Average people, who have been purposeless
dreamers all their lives, have learned to achieve. The Need for seeing this is why the Temple, Set's chief (but
by no means only) Tool in the Aeon exists. We see other people getting better, and we know that getting better
is possible. Our Bond between the Living and Dead (sometimes referred to esoterically as the Bond of the Nine
Angles) is that we will in our turn become such sources of inspiration to those that come after us. Thus our
biographies are Set's talismans.
Secondly there is the observable fact of the genius of your own creation. There are moments when you exerted
Will and became what you are now. (Will is the process of choosing between two or more desires). You draw
inspiration for future adventures based on Knowledge of your past states. This process is called Xeper = "I
Have Come Into Being." Desiring more of such Knowledge the self is impelled to start new tasks. This is the
source of further Will, and defines the object of that Will.
Thirdly there is the observable fact that others have used the powers of magic through out history, and gained
a Victory over evil. (Let us recall that for the Setian Evil = Stupidity). By study of their methods and results we
can obtain Knowledge of the nature of Set, and of *ourselves* for we are the products of such magic.
Fourthly there is the observable fact of the magic of the Aeon, which is that when sincere intelligent people get
together to discuss the Ideas that feed or are fed by Xeper, the general level of brilliance goes up. That there is
in fact a "quickening" of the minds involved as they benefit not only from their hard Work and the thoughtprovoking ideas of their fellows, but actually from an otherwise hidden force.
These methods of communication with the Prince of Darkness are much more profund and subtle than what
may be experienced in the emotional aspects of the ritual chamber. Learning to Hear and Heed the Law as we
can best understand it through these personal and difficult methods, is the process of Awakening to the Aeon.
Facilitating these arenas is the job of the Priesthood of Set, and because of their own success with these
methods they have Become Sacred to and Consecrated by the Prince of Darkness.
No, I've never posted as Timetravel_0
I post as Angeleyes on ICQ though. I work through different forums there from medical discoveries to atheism
to buddhism.
What I said about our brave soldiers over in the Middle East.. (many of whom didn't really want to fight Bush's
war in the first place) I want to offer a better explanation. They deserve my respect and gratitude. No one said
anything to me about it - but I was thinking about it after I posted and didn't like what I wrote. I get angered over
what Bush is doing & sometimes see his army as the same entity, but they're not.
I said the stuff about fighting mindlessly because I fear the government is making it too simple to kill so many
of our kind, desensitizing the soldiers (making killing even easier with joysticks like in videogames) & even
telling them lies to make them still hate the enemy (when the real reason their fighting is for oil and political
power it seems - not to erradicate the kingpin terrorists.) They're just not doing anything that's worth the billions
of our tax money spent.
The Unmanned Arial Vehicles loaded with nukes should have been enough to take down the major thugs over
there. I will not dignify many of their positions with anything other than the word thugs for now - we are
beginning a new era of peace and co-operation & no longer will stand for underhanded dealings &
backstabbing. The way the US gov't goes in and talks to these people is ridiculous. Trying intimidation tactics,
while not even listening oftentimes to the other side, or just dishonorably siding with the opposing militia gang
factions to bring whomever down.
The notion of a "Christ" complex comes from the ignorant view that no one else has the potential to become
god-like, so you feel no one should be talking like this. Anyway, go back in the thread if you really want to know
what Jesus was about & where his power derived from: Aliens
Since "ego" is the cause of most of the world's dimemnas; also the 2 traps of "hope" and "fear" in this human
condition - I will address that now:
Lifetimes of ignorance have brought us to identify the whole of our beings with ego. Its greatest triumph is to
enveigle us into believing its best interests are our best interests, and even into identifying our very survival with
its own. This is a savage irony, considering that ego and its grasping are at the root of all our suffering. Yet ego
is so convincing, and we have been its dupe for so long, that the thought that we might ever become egoless
terrifies us. To be egoless, ego whispers to us, is to lose all the rich romance of being human, to be reduced to
a colorless robot or brain-dead vegetable.
Ego plays brilliantly on out fundamental fear of losing control, and of the unknown. We might say to ourselves:
"I should really let go of ego, I'm in such pain; but if I do, what's going to happen to me?"
Ego will chime in, sweetly: "I know I'm sometimes a nuisance, and believe me, I quite understand if you want
me to leave. But is that what you really want? Think: If I do go, what's going to happen to you? Who will look
after you? Who will protect and care for you like I've done all these years?"
And even if we were to see through ego's lies, we are just too scared to abandon it...Again and again we cave
in to its demands with the same sad self-hatred as the alcoholic feels reaching for the drink that he knows is
destroying him.
Yet however hard ego may try to sabotage the spiritual path, if you really continue on it, and work deeply with
the practice of meditation, you will begin slowly to realize just how gulled you have been by ego's promises:
false hopes and false fears. Slowly you begin to understand that hope and fear are enemies of your peace of
mind; hopes deceive you, and leave you empty and dissapointed, and fears paralyze you in the narrow cell of
your false identity.
Edited by spacedragon (12/08/04 02:21 AM)
As ancient man slowly developed his intellect, he relied less and less on instinct and intuition for survival...and
eventually believed that instinct and intuition were no longer important. Look where it's gotten us lately - - we've
built enough arms to completely blow up the face of the planet over several hundred times. The late Carl
Sagan was warning us about this over three decades ago & here we are still fighting each other daily
somewhere on the planet. Science is necessary for evolution as well as this "energy work" to tap our intuition
(communicating with the Universal Mind). Again, I propose the "middle path" as Siddhartha Buddha taught after
hearing a sitar teacher instructing his student: "If you tighten the string on the sitar too much, it will snap..and if
you let the string become too loose, it won't play."
Eventually man accepted as complete reality only those things that he could touch, taste, see, etc. As science
developed, mankind chose to ignore those things that could be instinctively or intuitively sensed. But although
these intuitive abilities have lied dormant for thousands of years they were not lost, only forgotten. Intuition lies
within every one of our subconscious minds waiting to be used and awakened.
Many miracles are nothing more than people who have been able to manipulate these forces to help them in
their lives. A way of tapping into psychic energy is through the use of prayer. Meditation is another way of
accessing the psychic force and strengthening the connection with it. Milarepa is a good example of how
meditation can be used to develop psychic ability. He was once an evil sorcerer like me and changed to
become a very powerful and peaceful God. Milarepa was known as the ancient Tibetan superman and was
born in Tibet around 1038AD. He lived in seclusion in a cave within the mountains of Tibet. He devoted his life
to meditation and learning the art of sorcery. He managed to endure harsh winters by generating psychic heat
known as Tumo to counteract the freezing temperatures. He could generate intense body heat at will, has
extraordinary physical strength and supposedly traveled at super speeds by making his body extremely light.
His death was reportedly accompanied by comets blazing across the sky and flowers falling from nowhere.
The ancient Hindus had a deep understanding of magical and psychic energy. They believed that the air we
breathe is charged with life energy called prana, meaning "absolute energy." They believe that this prana is
absorbed into the nervous system as we breathe and that it is used up by thoughts, willpower and our mental
efforts. All yoga breathing techniques are based on the concept of breathing in prana and its distribution into
various channels within our bodies. The channels are called Chakras and are points of dense life force energy
of higher potential than the rest of our life force. The Chakras affect the aura which is the energy field that
surrounds our body. The Brahamaranda, or crown chakra at the top of our head, is associated with the pineal
gland which is believed to be the psychic organ.
The pineal gland is a small gland deep within the center of our brain. Some animals and even reptiles have this
gland as well. In many animals it is a light sensitive gland under a thin area of the skull. In reptiles it is covered
by a small flap of skin. A second century AD physician named Galen believed it regulates the flow of thought.
Philosopher Rene' Descartes called it the "seat of the soul". Aaron Lerner of Yale University discovered in 1958
that it actually produces melotonin, a hormone that acts as a sedative and controls our sleep cycles. This third
eye is where psychic information enters into our minds. It is the power behind sending and receiving telepathic
messages as well. The third eye concept was believed to have originated from ancient Hindu and Buddhist
-These excerpts were taken from The Magick Power of Radionics, Psionics and Orgone.
Edited by spacedragon (13/08/04 05:25 AM)
So a giant spacelight is going to fry the lot of us, and the options'll be your body sizzles, then your soul fries or
else your body sizzles, then spontaeious enlightenment? I mean, I see the sense it what your saying, but I still
have one problem with it...
What makes you so sure we're all gonna fry come 2012?
No one is going to "fry" or be "sizzled." It'll be a mild sensation when we fully enter the photon belt. The people
who don't want to change with the intensity of the energy shift may find themselves getting sicker. But, even at
that point, our doctors of the future can maybe help them along with the superior way medicine will be in the
future (mixing the best of the East & West)
As the mind journeys to the advanced level, it reaches altered states of consciousness and experiences
different perceptions of reality. In this advanced chi kung (energy work) state of mind, the mind transcends time
and space, and may even shuttle between energy and matter. Hence it can perform feats that ordinary minds
cannot, and which lay people, depending on their attitude, refer to as miracles or fakery.
Psychic powers and other special extraordinary abilities, such as clairvoyance, prediction, psychokinesis,
distant healing and astral travel are possible. The great chi kung master of China, Yan Xin, could change the
molecular structure of various liquids 2,000 kilometers away! The great American psychic, Edgar Cayce,
diagnosed and healed literally thousands of patients he had never met! It is understandable that most people
would dismiss these cases as impossible, yet Yan Xin's experiments were carried out under the strict
supervision of China's top scientists, and Cayce's documents (thousands of them) are still available for public
investigation at the Association for Research and Enlightenment, Virginia.
The highest stage of meditation is the divine level, where a person accomplishes his greatest achievement,
and where, as described above, the great teachers of the various religions attained their union with the Divine.
Because of historical, linguistic and cultural differences, this spiritual fulfilment is described in different terms by
people of different cultures. Muslims call it the return to Allah; Hindus, the union of atman with Brahman;
Taoists, the unity with the cosmos; Buddhists, the attainment of nirvana or Buddhahood.
A good way to combat sweatshops is by investing in companies in the National Green Pages that is provided
by Co-op America. By becoming aware of the companies that don't promote sweatshops & white-collar crimes
we can even work the economy to make this planet more stable & harmonious. Through these Green Pages,
you can buy socially responsible products from "green businesses" to help invest in healthy community
development ..boycott corporate criminals .. and change the way America does business. Hopefully more
international "green pages" will pop up but this is a good start.
These 50,000 Co-op America members are using their buying power to create a more just and sustainable
society. So, if you feel like you have no choice but to buy vegetables grown with poison or clothing made in
sweatshops please consider this reference of good businesses. Because today, "business as usual" at too
many corporations still menas polluting our air and water - and exploiting women, minorities and children.
Your posts aren't really worth responding to dude. The sacred lies in the ordinary as I said. If the idea of people
enslaved to work for absolutely no wages isn't esoteric enough spiritually for you to spur your development
further then I suggest you hit the road.
None of my posts are useless & some are downright prophetic. Yes, I'm giving a worldy approach to
shamanism that has to start with shamanism 101 to bring everyone up to speed.
The Australians have also predicted this energy shift in the next decade so maybe you'd do better to ask
people there. I'm just trying to unite the communities that I post on & get the right astral traveling, ass-kicking
shaman priests to protect this world from further invasion.
Also, the space programs on Earth have been a joke since they suppressed alternative fuel sources - especially in America. If we were to harness more ion propulsion engines & nuclear-fueled spaceships we
could stand a chance to meet an enemy head-on before they even touch ground. As dangerous as a nuclear
space travel program sounds, there are 2 or more "cut-off" switches to protect the nuke from ever igniting until
ground command gives the signal for it to activate. So, even if a nuclear-propelled spaceship were to have a
mishap during take-off, the nuke wouldn't even go off. All this info is available at Space.com & NASA's site.
We also need to start moving away from anti-depressants in this modern age. There are many side-effects &
some unknown long term side-effects that aren't properly researched when most of the pharmaceutical
industry is about profit & not about healing.
Is it possible that we have demonized hallucinogens because we fear the contents of our own minds? When he
tried mescaline for the first time, the chemist Sasha Shulgin found "the world amazed me, in that I saw it as I
had when I was a child. I had forgotten the beauty and the magic and the knowing-ness of it and me." He
realized the tiny amount of white powder he had ingested could not have caused such profound visions. It had
only revealed what was inside of him. He understood that "our entire universe is contained in the mind and the
spirit. We may choose not to find access to it, we may even deny its existence, but it is indeed there inside us,
and there are chemicals that can catalyze its availability."
I'm not saying that psychedelics provide an instant answer ... but they offer a different set of lenses through
which to look at the problem. These days, most people are far more suspicious of plant compounds safely
ingested by human beings for tens of thousands of years than they are of selective serotonin reuptake
inhibitors (SSRI's) or other powerful, utterly synthetic, mood and mind-altering drugs created in the last
decades by a pharmacological industry motivated by profit.
-Excerpt taken from "Breaking Open the Head : A Psychedelic Journey into the Heart of Contemporary
Shamanism" by Daniel Pinchbeck.
You're a joke man & your sentiment about:
Quote: why worry about something that is not in your life at this very moment., when referring to the
situation people in sweatshops are going through, reflects a dangerous apathy showing you're nothing like a
true sage.
I just donated to the Red Cross relief effort for the hurricane that hit Florida. Tens of thousands of people have
lost their homes & some have lost their lives or their children. I ask that the people of Shroomery.org please
consider donating as well - even a small donation.
I happen to get the MJ Morningshow radio program in my state & they're based in Florida. The President of the
US has declared Florida a disaster area & they really need help.
Around 700,000 are thought to be without power amid physical damages to buildings and trees.
Yes, of course it's not just the money you give but also good works. The vibrations of love are very purifying.
For me, specifically, when I stopped "cherishing myself," as we tend to do in the West, and began to cherish
others I began to gain deeper spiritual insights. A true shaman is ecstatic for his/her people to gain bliss &
heaven & not just gunning for himself.
I do like your title you give yourself as sage/warrior. Let's see you grow into that position over the years
because I see you have potential.
My ancient eastern swordplay would make your sword go limp just watching me so let's not begin again with
who's really the sage/warrior here.
ABA commission cites over-reliance on incarceration, calls for new “smart on crime” approach.
A report issued by a special American Bar Association commission finds that America’s criminal justice system
relies too heavily on incarceration, and echoes FAMM’s [families against mandatory minimums]latest call to
find “smart on crime” solutions.
“For more than 20 years now, we have gotten tougher on crime,” said ABA President Dennis Archer. “Now we
need to get smarter. We can no longer sit by as more and more people - particularly in minority communities are sent away for longer and longer periods of time while we make it more and more difficult for them to return
to society after they serve their time. The system is broken. We need to fix it.”
“The federal government’s approach on mandatory sentencing stands in stark contrast to many states that are
discovering mandatory sentencing laws send the wrong people to prison and waste valuable dollars,” said Julie
Stewart, president of Families Against Mandatory Minimums (FAMM.) “The federal government should
consider smart-on-crime solutions and address the reality of a prison system packed with non-violent and lowlevel offenders, including too many substance abusers, disproportionate numbers of people of color and a
rapidly growing population of women.”
Stewart was one of many national sentencing and corrections experts who testified before the ABA special
commission and provided information on the impact of mandatory sentencing laws.
The report recommendations, the result of nearly a year-long review of issues confronting state and federal
criminal justice systems, address four primary sets of issues: sentencing and incarceration, racial and ethnic
disparities in criminal justice systems, prison conditions and prisoner reentry, and pardons and clemency
processes. The recommendations in the report will be considered by the ABA House of Delegates for adoption
as policy at its annual meeting in Atlanta, Aug. 9 - 10.
Justice Kennedy Against Minimum
Prison Terms
SAN FRANCISCO, California (AP) -- Supreme Court Justice Anthony M. Kennedy has said that prison terms
are too long and that he favors scrapping the practice of setting mandatory minimum sentences for some
federal crimes.
"Our resources are misspent, our punishments too severe, our sentences too long," Kennedy told the annual
meeting of the American Bar Association, his remark met by long applause.
"I can accept neither the necessity nor the wisdom of federal mandatory minimum sentences," Kennedy said.
"In all too many cases, mandatory minimum sentences are unjust."
Kennedy is a moderate conservative placed on the court by former President Ronald Reagan. His criticism
puts him at odds with Attorney General John Ashcroft, who wants prosecutors to closely monitor which judges
impose more lenient sentences than federal guidelines recommend. Such oversight, critics say, could limit
judicial independence.
Kennedy said he agrees with the need for federal sentencing guidelines. The 15-year-old system gives judges
a range of possible punishments for most crimes and eliminates some of the disparities in terms imposed by
different judges for the same crime.
Still, the guidelines lead to longer prison terms than were common before, Kennedy said.
"We should revisit this compromise," he said. "The federal sentencing guidelines should be revised downward."
Prosecutors often ask for sentences at or near the top of the guideline range, and defense lawyers ask for
terms at or even below the bottom. Judges have some freedom to "downwardly depart," from the guidelines
and hand down a lesser punishment.
Ashcroft recently directed U.S. attorneys to promptly report to Justice Department headquarters any such
departures that are not part of a plea agreement in exchange for cooperation.
"The Department of Justice has a solemn obligation to ensure that laws concerning criminal sentencing are
faithfully, fairly and consistently enforced," Ashcroft wrote in a memo issued July 28.
Kennedy did not address Ashcroft's directive.
The justice asked the ABA to lobby Congress to repeal mandatory minimum sentence laws, even though they
have withstood court scrutiny.
"The court on which I set and other courts have upheld long sentences, but please remember because a court
has said something is permissible does not mean it is wise," Kennedy said.
Kennedy voted with the Supreme Court majority this year to uphold California's toughest-in-the-nation law
mandating 25-year minimum prison terms for three-time felons.
Kennedy also urged the ABA to consider working to extend pardons for state and federal prisoners serving
harsh terms.
"The pardon process, of late, seems to have been drained of its moral force. Pardons are infrequent," Kennedy
said. "A people confident in its laws and institutions should not be ashamed of mercy."
Kennedy asked lawyers to think about the consequences of the current prison system, including what he called
its "remarkable scale" of about 2.1 million people behind bars nationwide and the fact that about 40 percent of
the prison population is black.
"It is no defense if our current system is more the product of neglect than of purpose," Kennedy said. "Out of
sight, out of mind is not acceptable for any part of our justice system."
Swami plus three more Swamis couldn't create this
As my teacher of Bagua martial arts tells me ("eight direction" fighting & philosophy of the I-Ching) "The
universe is always moving .. therefore, we must always keep moving to avoid getting sick - - also this pertains
to our internal organs & fluids, humors & orgone (chi, prana, bioelectric energy) - - making sure they're always
flowing & in motion. Similar to how a fast moving river doesn't stagnate & often has clear water as opposed to
swamps where algae & other bacteria can grow. Inside the human body, the very same thing happens when
blood, energy, or fluids stagnate: bacteria or any other pathogens can easily proliferate as well as cancerous
cells not getting the proper oxygen & nutrients to become well again.
Another thing he taught me, which is of timeless importance, is "move 3 things always and you'll never get
cancer or get sick at all: Move your breath, Move your body & Move your bowels." Many diseases originate in
the gut & it's an important "garden" & source of spiritual power for both martial & healing purposes.
Edited for typos like most posts (or grammar). Sometimes I have to bite my tongue though & retract a
venomous blow. Not this time =)
Edited by spacedragon (18/08/04 08:10 AM)
This is the Last Testament as I said. I'm following up the Old Testament and New Testament to close the
chapter on this biblical saga & the gamut of misinformation reguarding Jehovah, Jesus, Satan, Yahweh & his
Elohim race of aliens.
I love you guys & thanks for all the input to keep me razor sharp. I will become a God in this Middle World &
challenge any human to try to destroy me either in Hyperspace or in this 3-dimensional realm. And, for the love
of the Heavens, pls understand that when I mean "Final Chapter" that's only concerning the Bible story & era -Not the human race. There will be MANY more chapters in human history. So, for the people coming late in this
thread, there will be no apocolypse - - not on my watch.
I'm also looking for candidates to be fathers or mothers of the holy Tulkus "reincarnations" to grace our planet
(Of course I will be the father of Jesus Christ)
Siddhartha Gautama Buddha
The Empress of the Americas
Martin Luther King, Jr.
Doc The
Tupac Shakur
Biggie Smalls (Shawn Wallace)
Dwight D. Eisenhower
Edited by spacedragon (24/08/04 10:39 PM)
The paradox is interesting where I'm filled with the knowledge & full-potential of my spirit, but I couldn't have
reached certain levels if I didn't "empty" myself. Just like a disciple in Asia seeking a master centuries ago
looked for a famous master deep in the mtns. and wanted to ask for more instruction. He approched the
master and stated "I have studied with this master and that famous master & learned all these lessons &
techniques so WHAT could you possibly teach me?" The master calmly listened & poured some tea into a cup
-- and when the tea began to reach the top he kept pouring & the tea began to pour onto the table. Eventually,
the student couldn't hold it any longer and said "Master, what are you doing .. the tea is going all over the
place!" The master replied "Just like this cup, you're over-filled & need to 'Empty Your Cup' for me to teach you
any further."
I know it gets hazy sometimes about the history of those times & the prophecy of his return. But, the likelyhood
of Jesus walking "out of heaven" is very low. When the masters of the Western & Eastern traditions are over
here identifying Master Jesus Christ, it's gonna be only you guys and the sound of crickets over there waiting
for him to "poof" into the Middle World.
hungry ghosts
smoky hells
Edited by spacedragon (23/08/04 05:04 AM)
Yea, I like what tnecseda said. It's important to be in the present moment & let go of preconceived notions
while visiting a spiritual master. Also, this philosophy can work well in self-defense. "If you anticipate the
outcome of a fight.." as Bruce Lee taught, you have a big chance of becoming distracted... or if you try to
perform "katas" while in a real fight you could get leveled. Katas are the long string of "forms," or martial
combinations of movements, or "dances" if you will for training. But, the caveat Bruce Lee left us was they run
the risk of "solidifying what was once fluid" like the true nature of Tao.
One must also train yielding & balance (even mentally) to become attuned to the Way & never be defeated. By
yielding you cause the opponent to lose balance & fall over (or be flipped) and then you strike hard to their soft
"pressure" points for knock-outs .. a good area is the many pressure points on the chin or "glass jaw".)
Ummm...little Gods? I don't believe there is such a thing. I mean there is a hierarchy but there is no omnipotent
or omnisicient entity. That was proven when Jehovah's not been there for many people when needed ...
Also, the vatican had to change their story after they first said god/jehovah made humans out of clay & nothing
else had a soul but humans. Then, when we found that 97% + of primate DNA is similar to our's & there's very
likely a soul animating these friends of ours. The vatican then was like uhhhhh.....yea the soul was put by God
into humans at the moment they changed from monkeys to humans. Shut the fuck up is what I'm thinking
during this bullshit in Sunday school.
Some PM's I just gotta explode out into cyberspace (and hyperspace because the Gods are listening -- not just
one of them)... Also the Elohim have super-computers on their vessels that can monitor even thoughts &
brainwaves but they are only guarding our planet now until 2012. Following 2012, for any spirits here needing
extra help to make a quantum-leap in evolution .. It sucks, but some people are going to take my words and
see them as pure evil or mind-games to confuse you (not believing a person or god can change) but you can
see the clarity & my compassion for life & earth now...
Here on this planet, the Elohim could provide medical help & anaesthesia for the people who grow sicker with
this higher-vibrational energy (when the body is clean however & the mind is rdy to let go it'll be easy to adjust)
-- also you'll feel better without energy being wasted so often fighting micro-organism infections by eating right
& exercising! As their ailments & cancers could grow at exponential rates _ we're lucky to have our cosmic
neighbors now forming an alliance (I still claim the 2 other DNA-filled planets now in my Empire but will allow
the Elohim to work for us on the 3rd Earth and possibly mate with humans to make superior hybrids ready for
longer space traveling missions.
If you guys have a super-serious problem with that pls PM me -- I'm open to suggestions. Mars will have a
wonderul colony as well as the other two Earths. We have the priviledge of colonizing the surface of Mars as
the God of Venus uses the core of Mars as his lair & energy "re-up" station. As long as we don't pollute the
surface too much & cause massive techtonic plate disruptions from over-drilling or bombing eachother - he will
help our civilization & tell the Grey aliens to leave us alone.
Consider the Elohim like that holographic doctor on "Deep Space Nine" who's harmless & has access to
massive medical healing machines & lasers for surgeries...Even long distance surgeries they've mastered like
we're just beginning to use now. Simply using a telescoping lense & sophisticated lasers, the Elohim were
healing lepers from their vessel while Jesus appeared like he was healing them.
Anyone thinking I'm making up the interactions between the aliens & Jesus please take a quick look through
the International Raelian Movement website (translated in over 20 or 30 languages.) The aliens revealed to
Claude Rael that Jesus never healed the lepers & never would've walked on water without the "ice laser" being
used and a little addition of their "anti-gravitational beam laser."
Here's the PM ... I got sidetracked:
Thanks for posting in my thread "Heaven is coming to Earth." Pls tell me more master .. are you indeed "Jesus"
because we could at least have a proper worldwide identification (and protection) & party in your honor.
What the Gods are telling me however, is that you may not be Jesus & he is in God form now. Please tell me
all of your visions & recent interactions with Gods or spirits. Do you talk to spirits or light beings when you trip or
meditate? I'd like to here what traditions you've studied in this lifetime because I always enjoy learning new
I believe in the lesson when the ancient sage walked down the road he thought to himself "If I encounter just 3
people on the road -- one of them could be my teacher in some subject. And it's important to remain
humble..although coming from me that sounds absurd with how confident & arrogant I am sometimes HAHA.
Before any1 becomes a master, he must first be a student!
-Dragon (Adam)
I'm willing to believe this fellow is an "avatar" of Lord Jesus & is doing good works as a bodhisattva of the God
Buddha Jesus Christ. Also, we need to recognize that , if this guy is Jesus now, he could be destined to die &
come to me as part of the prophecy. Some buddhists have nighttime rituals before going to bed as if it were
their last night & there's no way to be sure when you could die. I'm being told about many future events
because I have people listening from many walks of life -- even the FBI & CIA have been reading this Final
But, the Gods tell me he is not Jesus himself (Jesus has tapped the deepest levels of his spirit -- of course
more powerful than me at this time) and took an after-life in a God form. He is not a human now until I summon
him. I'll ask if we can make it an "immaculate conception" but the Raelian leaders are saying it never happened
with Jesus anyway (the Elohim impregnated Mary with a genetically-altered human zygote.)
Let me clear everything up about the AIDS cure. It works and the brilliant man who discovered how to destroy
these pathogens, by finding their "mortal oscillitory rate" using soundwaves, (similar to a glass breaking from a
singer's voice) should be honored & statues made for him.
Even to this day electron microscopes crush everything dead that they're looking at. Dr. Royal Rife discovered
a way to monitor a virus while the virus was alive (using a very specialized/customized microscope) & was able
to perform tests on these live specimens to find ways to control or kill it.
Many doctors & scientists were totally amazed by him discovering the cancer & aids cure. After using his
modified microscope to see a live virus up closely, he knew what to do with them using square-headed
soundwaves at specific frequencies that would "shake up" and shatter the structures of these pathogens killing
Dr. Rife discovered a way to make a simple hand-held device humans can use to destroy AIDS, Candidiasis,
mononucleosis, Hepatitis A, B & C & many forms of cancer. Many doctors held a banquet that year called "The
End of all Disease."
At the time earlier in the century, taking flights out to the west coast of the US wasn't very feasible for many of
these scientists to see the amazing customized microscope up closely. Therefore, many didn't believe it in
spite of the hundreds of well-respected scientists & doctors claiming they saw the cures being administered.
The gov't sent in agents to work in Rife's facility under-cover & the bastards stole parts of his modified
microscope & fucked his lab up.
I can't stress these points enough for us to get the AIDS/Cancer cure to these dying people:
The End to All Disease
What if someone invented a machine that could cure virtually any disease and was affordable to buy and easy
to use?
Surely such a machine would immediately be hailed as one of the greatest achievements of all time right?
Throughout history most new medical breakthroughs have not been so easily accepted. Take for example Mr.
Semmelweiss who struggled for years to convince surgeons to practice sterile procedures. Then there was
Pasteur who was ridiculed for years about his germ theory. Roentgen was held back with his x-rays, Morton for
his ether anesthesia, Harvey for his theory of blood circulation and many more. The big business of the medical
world doesn't like things to change very fast because it usually represents a threat to their massive profits in
some way.
Well certainly the many research foundations who receive hundreds of millions of dollars per year in the form of
donations and grants would be happy about a cure, right?
Think again. That would cause their funds to dry up virtually overnight and put them out of business. I'm sure
that all the executives making six figure incomes in these foundations won't let that happen.
What about the pharmaceutical companies, surely they would be interested in such a machine right?
Think again! These companies will be very unhappy to learn that a small handheld machine costing $700 could
make most drugs today obsolete and put an end to their gravy train. Perhaps they would even try to stop
anyone with such a machine especially since there are virtually billions of dollars at stake. Maybe they would
even try to quietly get rid of anyone with such a machine.
What about hospitals and big clinics, wouldn't they want a machine like this? They won't be very happy about a
therapy which can be administered in any doctor's office or by the patient himself and which reverses illness
before a patient has to be hospitalized. People would have little use for hospitals except for actual trauma
related injuries and accidents. Hospitals would loose billions of dollars in revenue per year and be forced to
massively downsize their staff.
Well what about the insurance companies, wouldn't they be happy about such a machine? Most insurance
companies would start to loose lots of policy holders when people realize that they can be cured by a simple
machine which uses about as much electricity to operate as a small radio. Since this cure is so cheap, most
people would not care much about having medical insurance. The insurance industry would not be happy about
the billions of dollars of lost revenue from such a machine.
Now do you really think that if such a machine existed that you would know about it?
Well this machine does exist and has been around for decades!
It was invented by Royal Raymond Rife in the 1930's. Rife was the first man on earth to see a living virus using
his special Rife Universal Microscope. Rife's discoveries were confirmed by many doctors and scientists
worldwide during his lifetime. In 1934 Rife cured 100% of a group of terminal cancer patients brought to him by
a special medical research committee. Forty four of the nation's most respected medical authorities honored
Rife with a banquet billed as "The end to all Disease".
A short time later nearly all of these people denied they ever even met Rife. The AMA (American Medical
Association) shut Rife down and kept him quiet for decades. Lives were threatened and pressure was brought
to bear against anyone who supported him or even confirmed his work. Bribe money was paid to prominent
doctors who witnessed Rife's work to simply forget they ever met him. People were even filled and poisoned
and laboratories and research was burned and destroyed.
Rife died in 1971 but his work has survived in an underground black market to researchers for many years.
Now through painstaking research it is available again!
Edited by spacedragon (24/08/04 07:37 AM)
I know it will take some time for you to trust me or support until some evidence is presented -- like baby Jesus
-- or some magic or miracles are brought forth. I have some clairvoyance & foresight, dabbling mostly in minor
sorcery; but Jesus was given a staff by the Elohim that could locate water & repel water & Noah a staff to part
the river. I'm cooking something up =)
When you talk about your empires,why yours,and why control?
I feel that someone had to step in & the Gods make me feel guided & focused on this important task of getting
the Earth united.
If jesus played his part in ruses to fool people,why would i trust him at all?
You can trust Jesus & he thought he was doing what's best. Those little guys are spellbinding with their mini-jet
packs on their wrists & lasers that can melt trees and shit. You couple that with a shimmering space suit that
glows a bit from the little force field around - so, you're damn sure it's gonna seem God-like back in his time.
They didn't have all these movies & other stuff like the internet to prepare them. Also, Jesus dabbled in magic
& meditated often so he was also talking to Jehovah who was in the 4th dimension.
if the fbi and cia are watchign you,does that mean they're watching me?
Yea, it was my little way of saying you guys should watch what you say but I'm going full-steam until I die
(Haha) fuck it!
I think its great that your support cures for diseases,i think its kind of cool that you push the rife
machine,i mean i don't have experience with it,but why do you push it so much?
Ummm, dude it's the AIDS cure, plus it also cures Hep A, B & C and other "incurable" STDs that people are
suffering & dying from every day. Not to mention it's the CURE FOR CANCER that modern-day allopathic
medicine does not have access to (but they have no qualms charging over $200,000/year from these poor
families for ineffective therapies.)It's a one-time payment of $700. We have to at least find a medium between
the two prices damnit.
Edited by spacedragon (29/08/04 01:18 AM)
Forget a medium price. The price stays at $700 and because I'm letting this info flood into the world slowly, we
can work at healing these patients & charging a small fee for it. Trust me they'll thank you from the bottom of
their heart. You just saved them from a "terminal" illness & saved them financially. [now I see where it looked
like I was trying to sell it -- I have never sold one & I do not sell these items]Guys, the economy could crash if
we brought it in too fast. That's why I say it needs to be administered steadily but now worldwide now so the
technology is never lost. These gov't officials tried to stamp it out but the evidence is in many scientists' hands.
The machine is also great because the freq of 20Hz stimulates brain funtion & strengthens one's aura. It can
be used for post-operative infection control, destroys mononucleosis & the watered-down version of the
bubonic plague that many Europeans can still carry in their lymph glands.
Edited by spacedragon (27/08/04 07:27 AM)
Back to the end of the War on Drugs. The very psychologist that started the D.A.R.E. program (drug
awareness resistance education) said that he believes, in hindsight, that the program was ineffective. He
doesn't even support it. But this program still rages on as police officers make it to your kids school to
brainwash them. It has aimed at turning children into "Brownshirts" like in nazi germany to "rat" out their
parents if they notice any drug use.
Some people were a little worried when PM'ing me about the feds (LEO) on the boards. Don't worry, they're
only concerned with monitoring activity that would suggest a violent course of action. You've been talking about
deep spiritual insights & they would see you "in their eyes" as just someone who fell under my spell or
something. It's cool, I'll take all the responsibility on myself & they can come after me. They've even told me a
beheading would be best for them because they could have their implant back w/the brainwave technology &
GPSatellite tracking device.
Edited by spacedragon (24/08/04 09:40 PM)
Yea, any machine under the price I stated might not work. A Rife Machine is available at many companies,
online and off, so I won't recommend any because it may place too much of a burden on the one I mentioned. I
don't work for them & they don't even know me.. I'm a pretty new customer. Before all this, I was writing emails
to NASA about the flaws in their space programs & just started checking out all the amazing flying craft that
has also been suppressed and the plans available at that same company.
Otherwise, we'll get more scientific proof to people that the machine destroys the AIDS retrovirus & many viral
diseases that aren't helped by Western medicine. People suffering from any of these afflictions should at least
consider the anti-viral properties of Chamomile tea; otherwise, aside from the very toxic vaccinations
(containing both formaldyhyde & mercury to name a few highly toxic chemicals) is nothing that allopathic
medicine can do unless they embrace this technology of electromedicine.
I ask that you consider alternative medicine if you're getting little to no help from your doctor these days. It is
difficult to diagnose disease, but easy to prescribe. These doctors are being told what to give their patients
from their pharmaceutical company. Also, the pharmaceutical companies leave out many of the symptoms
associated with the medication because there are just too many & they wouldn't want to burden the doctors
with all that to remember. I say why not? These are guys that took MCATs (as you know 2 DAYS in a row of
major testing.) They can remember plenty. I think it's because they don't want the doctors to have to tell their
patients all those side-effects and bother them with the fact that they're harming them (or making them MORE
sick) with drugs not tested for long-term side effects.
Edited by spacedragon (27/08/04 07:30 AM)
Hey if they do work...(i highly doubt)...get it here...
You want me to send you a machine or something? I told the Shroomery I will send one and even Frog (but
she has access to verification from her collegues.) I have no desire to sell them or do anything but prove this
technology. I can only send out three total or I will have to give up mine. I'm busy healing people near me with it
(well, letting them use the machine -- the mild buzzing in your hand is as pleasant as a Sharper Image store
chair massage -- if you let them do it "for experimental purposes only" then there's no legal problem with it.)
Also, many cultures have talked about this upcoming event causing a positive shift in our evolution. Maybe it
would be a good time to look up the sites I mentioned from Erowid to Futurehorizons to CNN for the Raelian
messages. Please only buy electromedicine machines from reputable dealers. Other American doctors &
scientists will keep saying it's a scam because they're still suppressing it. That's why I'm asking you to just wait
until the Shroomery verifies it also.
Well, I think Jehovah was telling these guys what to write at times. There are many correlations in the Bible of
beings from the sky & the Elohim race mentioned.
Imagine a crime boss in a city giving an order for all his goons to help people, give cash all over town for one
day and protect children from crime. This is like a side-project from Satan like that. I'll never serve him and
have plenty of teachers and wise Peaceful Gods to learn from. I just felt I had to clarify how I'm not bent on
world power or anything and have just been created to help the world get rid of this dark ignorance and
movement towards invasive conditions for u.s. citizens (it'll be more invasive than Stalinist Russia & many other
horrible regimes like Hitler's.)
Edited by spacedragon (27/08/04 10:31 AM)
So, I want to get this healing machine out there to as many people as possible for free. All these ideas have
been great that were thrown around on the boards. I just wanted to say that. I appreciate the support given by
other members of the community when the thread got flamed like that.
I've seen it being sold on Ebay (and they will back up some purchases or at least you can read their feedback
first - very important to some power sellers) & everything I ever ordered from that company I mentioned earlier
has been sent promptly including these items:
(just trying to make sure you know a place that actually sends it - but I will be sending one to a few members of
the community for scientific proof for you guys as well.)
A Sonic Devastor (smaller version not the riot-control version)
Ion Ray Gun
Rife Healing Machine (non-PC version)
various other meditation & astral traveling devices
Throughout my entire first thread you'll notice this as well:
I've mentioned scores of companies & I'm not affiliated with any of them. Just a customer. As the Dalai Lama
explains he's just "passing through" like explorers or experimenters in this 3-dimensional reality.
Edited by spacedragon (27/08/04 11:53 AM)
I personally can say I destroyed all the candidiasis, mononucleosis & sinusitis/rhinitis infections with it since I've
had it. It has frequencies that overlap with the meditation machines I also have to strengthen mental focus &
empower your aura & facilitate astral traveling. I've never felt better in other words.
So, I know many things from this electromedicine have worked for me. But, I understand that's not good
enough and it shouldn't be. Not to mention using the freqs to make sure any watered-down version of the
european bubonic plague aren't still hiding out (because they said you may get a little swelling in your armpits
after you get rid of them.) Also, the "adjustment" happened to me when your body is ridding itself of the billions
of dead carcasses of these microorganisms - simply drink a lot of water & it's just a mild cleansing that's easy
to handle (much more tolerable than the side effects of these "cocktails" or chemo.)
But, there's a dude who wants one because his grandmother has cancer & yes, I want to schedule a clinical
test that I can fund -- so the Shroomery can either see the results or I mean some of the administators can
witness it or something. Otherwise, if I just send one to them & they run tests that should suffice.
Edited by spacedragon (28/08/04 06:07 AM)
Look at what happened to Jesus, MLK, Gandhi and others.
Letting the lessons be told & dying for it is worth it. If the machine doesn't complete a full cure for cancer I'll
take it all back (concerning the statements about the machine) -- but I still have faith in the many American
doctors & scientists that originally supported it before the gov't stepped in.
Edited by spacedragon (29/08/04 08:17 AM)
Every form of life has "mortal oscillitory rates" even humans but they're much different frequencies than the
ones used to destroy these pathogens. Rife found how to use sound waves to destroy the structures of these
micro-organisms. It doesn't emit any EM waves that are harmful to the body. They are set frequencies in the
devices & you don't even have to fluctuate the freqs like Dr. Rife had to - it's all done digitally now. There's info
around the net but the following is from the literature I received from the company where I got the machine:
The brilliant man who discovered how to destroy these pathogens, by finding their "mortal oscillitory rate" using
soundwaves, (similar to a glass breaking from a singer's voice) should be honored & statues made for him.
Even to this day electron microscopes crush everything dead that they're looking at. Dr. Royal Rife discovered
a way to monitor a virus while the virus was alive (using a very specialized/customized microscope) & was able
to perform tests on these live specimens to find ways to control or kill it.
Many doctors & scientists were totally amazed by him discovering the cancer & aids cure. After using his
modified microscope to see a live virus up closely, he knew what to do with them using square-headed
soundwaves at specific frequencies that would "shake up" and shatter the structures of these pathogens killing
Dr. Rife discovered a way to make a simple hand-held device humans can use to destroy AIDS, Candidiasis,
mononucleosis, Hepatitis A, B & C & many forms of cancer. Many doctors held a banquet that year called "The
End of all Disease."
At the time earlier in the century, taking flights out to the west coast of the US wasn't very feasible for many of
these scientists to see the amazing customized microscope up closely. Therefore, many didn't believe it in
spite of the hundreds of well-respected scientists & doctors claiming they saw the cures being administered.
The gov't sent in agents to work in Rife's facility under-cover & the bastards stole parts of his modified
microscope & fucked his lab up.
Edited by spacedragon (29/08/04 01:47 AM)
Yea, I'm grounded in science too. It's a nice vantage point here ya'll should try it.
I highly recommend the way of growing called "HIGH IN THE SKY" that many people have had great results
with. It fucking rules and you don't have to use any of your "grid" energy to grow (and the fuzz can't detect it
because their helicoptors are made to look for high-energy light signatures.) Simply put buckets of whatever
you're growing tied up in the trees & bark on the bottom. When looking up it's very hard to detect & many have
planted on Gov't soil to repay their favor of USING us for profit.
Pls check out the book (I found one on Amazon.com) called Invisible Marijuana & Psychedelic Mushroom
Gardens. This guy is brilliant & made up to $600,000 a year from the bomb yields of this technique.
Edited by spacedragon (29/08/04 04:17 AM)
Sorcerers describe their knowledge, their pursuit, as the capacity to see energy directly, see the essence of
things. What we do in the world of everyday life is to perceive what we already know. We revalidate the world.
Socialization gives us the concepts of what things are, and thus, we never really perceive what is actually there.
We know "truth" a priori and all we do from then on is validate it. Sorcery is the act of erasing the a priori. Our
world is real because, collectively, we have all agreed to it...Sorcerers know that something far more vast exists
than what we have agreed to let our senses perceive.
Psychic powers and other special extraordinary abilities, such as clairvoyance, prediction, psychokinesis,
distant healing and astral travel are possible. The great chi kung master of China, Yan Xin, could change the
molecular structure of various liquids 2,000 kilometers away! The great American psychic, Edgar Cayce,
diagnosed and healed literally thousands of patients he had never met! It is understandable that most people
would dismiss these cases as impossible, yet Yan Xin's experiments were carried out under the strict
supervision of China's top scientists, and Cayce's documents (thousands of them) are still available for public
investigation at the Association for Research and Enlightenment, Virginia.
The highest stage of meditation is the divine level, where a person accomplishes his greatest achievement,
and where, as described above, the great teachers of the various religions attained their union with the Divine.
Because of historical, linguistic and cultural differences, this spiritual fulfilment is described in different terms by
people of different cultures. Muslims call it the return to Allah; Hindus, the union of atman with Brahman;
Taoists, the unity with the cosmos; Buddhists, the attainment of nirvana or Buddhahood.
Well, I liked the case of the man changing the chemicals & even if the guy's healed only 50% or 30% of the
targets - that's a cool magical healing era ready to blossom.
Very curious are the reciprocal cases of OBE {out of body experiences} and apparition: the OBE subject, aware
the he is operating in some kind of duplicate body, travels to a distant location where he sees a person and is
aware of being seen by that person; this person confirms that he saw an apparition of the OBEer at the time
that the OBEer claimed to be in his presence. Thus the two experiences corroborate each other.
But the truth must be told. The fact that the earth revolves around the sun was successfully suppressed by the
church for over 200 years. It eventually caused major upheaval in the church, government and thought - a
realignment of social and traditional values. That was in the 1800's.
Now about 400 years after the first truth was pronounced we must again face the shocking facts. The "horrible
truth" the government has been hiding from us over 40 years. Unfortunately the "horrible truth" is far more
horrible than the government ever imagined.
In its effort to protect democracy, our government sold us to the aliens. And here is how it happened. But
before I begin I'd like to offer a word in the defense of those who bargained us away. They had the best of
intentions .[my addition - keep an open mind at least until you see Alien VS Predator == We might wanna side
with these Elohim for the time being]
Germany may have recovered a flying saucer in 1939. General James H. Doolittle went to Sweden in 1946 to
investigate reports of "ghost rocket" UFO's - 1000's of which had been sighted over a 7 month period.
The "horrible truth" was known by only a very few persons. They were indeed ugly little creatures: shaped like
praying mantises and who were more advanced than us by perhaps as much as a billion years. Of the original
group that were the first to learn the "horrible truth" several committed suicide - the most prominent of which
was Defense Secretary James V. Forrestal who jumped to his death from a 16th story hospltal wlndow.
Secretary Forrestal's medical records are sealed to this day.
President Truman qulckly put a lid on the secret and turned the screws so tight that the general public still
thinks that flying saucers are a joke. Have I ever got a surprise for them.
In 1947 President Truman established a group of the 12 top military and scientific personnel of their time . They
were known as MJ-12 . Although the group exists today, none of the original members are still alive. The last
one to die was Gordon Gray, former Secretary of the Army, in l984. As each member passed away, the group
itself appointed a new member to fill the position. There is some speculation that the group known as MJ-12
expanded to at least several more members.
There were several more saucer crashes in the late 1940's: one in Roswell, New Mexico; one in Aztec, New
Mexico; and one near Loredo, Texas, about 30 miles inside the Mexican border.
Consider if you will the position of the United States government at that time. They proudly thought of
themselves as the most powerful nation on earth having recently produced the atomic bomb, an achievement
so stupendous that it would take Russians 4 years to catch up and only with the help of traitors to democracy.
They had built a jet aircraft that had exceeded the speed of sound in flight. They had built jet bombers with
intercontinental range that could carry weapons of enormous destruction. The cold war had brought economic
prosperity and the future seemed bright.
Now imagine what it was like for those same leaders, all of whom had witnessed the panic of Orson Wells'
radio broadcast, "The War of the Worlds," in 1938. Thousands of Americans panicked at a realistically
presented invasion of earth of beings from another planet. Imagine their horror as they actually viewed the
dead bodies of those frightening looking little creatures with enormous eyes, reptilian skin and claw-like fingers.
Imagine their shock as they attempted to determine how these strange saucers were powered and could
discover no part even remotely similar to components they were familiar - with no cylinders or pistons, no
vacuum tubes or turbines. The stories are legendary of transporting crashed saucers over long distances,
moving only at night, purchasing complete farms, slashing through forests, blocking major highways,
sometimes driving 2 and 3 lo-boys in tandem with an extraterrestrial load a hundred feet in diameter.
It doesn't matter my friend they don't have to read it. I'm just about done here but wanted this important
"classified information" to come out.
Advice noted
I usually make spaces in between paragraphs to make the reading easier. Later, I'll just write a book or send
pamphlets out for the Church of the Tree of Life plus books on that "High in the Sky" technique.
Oh yea,
You mean like different threads. I can't really flood the Main Index with but eventually I'll have my own site. This
was an experimental way of getting my World Message out there. Currently, the way to reach more intelligent &
less "controlled - by - the - media' s - lies" people is on the NET so I hope you guys will seriously consider
joining our Church of the Tree of Life when it gets up & running. Well it's already begun & the National T'ai Chi
day was already created worldwide -- I just proposed people also practice every WEEK to send out the healing
waves of energy.
This is why we REALLY need to be aware of these lizard-like creatures on our planet:
Termination of individuals who represent a threat to the continuation of their activity. Effect genetic engineering
Impregnation of human females and early termination of pregnancies to procure the crossbred infant.
-Lear Report
The Chinese can very much help us to become liberated also & I'm looking forward to all nations helping our
leap in evolution to avoid being harvested again:
Gods & Goddesses of China
Kuan Ti - God of War, the Great Judge
Kwan Yin - Goddess of Mercy and Compassion
Lei Kun - God of Thunder; chases evil away
P'an-Chin-Lien - Goddess of Prostitutes
Ti-Tsang Wang - God of Mercy
T'shai-shen - God of Wealth
Tsao Wang - God of the Hearth and Family
Yeng-Wang-Yeh - Lord of Judgment and Death
Yu-Huang-Shang-Ti - God of the Sky, Father of Heaven
Gods & Goddesses of India
Gauri - Goddess of Purity and Austerity
Hanuman - Monkey God, provider of Courage, Hope, Knowledge, Intellect and Devotion
Kali - Goddess of Destruction
Krishna - God of Power and Bravery
Lakshmi - Goddess of Prosperity, Purity, Chastity, and Generosity
Rama - Hero God, Preserver of Families, Destroyer of Evil
Sarasvati - Goddess of Speech, Wisdom and Learning
Shiva - God of Giving and Happiness, Creator
Vishnu - God of Courage, Knowledge and Power; Also known as Hari the Remover
Gods & Goddesses of Africa
Ani-lbo - Goddess of Birth, Death, Happiness and Love
Leza - Creator who is Compassionate and Merciful (Rhodesia)
Ngai - High God, Creator and Giver of All Things (East Africa)
Nzambi - Unapproachable God, Sovereign Master
Obatala - Goddess of Earth and People, Creator
Raluvhimba - God of the Heavens, Creator
Gods & Goddesses of Egypt
Amun - King of the Gods
Anubis - God of the Dead
Atum - First God, God of Perfection
Bastet - Goddess of Protection
Bes - Goddess of Childbirth and Family; Protection for Children, Pregnant Women and Families
Geb - God of the Earth
Hathor - Goddess of Love and Joy
Horus - God of the Sky, Ruler of Egypt
Isis - Goddess of Protection and Magic
Ma'at - Goddess of Truth, Justice and Harmony
Nephthys - Goddess of the Dead
Nun - God of Water and Chaos
This concludes the first thread of "Heaven is coming to Earth"
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Heaven is coming to Earth
- Part Two -
The collected writings of Spacedragon
from his second posting thread
“Heaven is coming to Earth *the sequel*”
in the mysticism forum of www.shroomery.org
27 august 2004 - 15 april 2006
Heaven is coming to Earth *the sequel*
by Spacedragon et al
(not FDA approved)
27/08/04 12:15 AM
Heaven is coming to earth *the sequel*
Does anyone think this is actually possible? Will there ever be a time when peace,
understanding, and tolerance will reign on the planet or is it all just a pipe dream?
People have been dreaming about it as long as there have been people. Authors write books
describing a future utopia or a past one.
Is this life destined for perpetual strife with pockets of peace and tolerance or are we destined
for something greater in this lifetime?
27/08/04 12:21 AM
Thanks for reposting this thread my friend. I think Kaiowas got scared or something & locked it
up. Yes, I do believe we can make this world much better & stop being lulled to sleep by the
u.s. gov't & tv becoming mindless drones. Don't even get me started on the Patriot Act.
So, there will be no beheading. I already discussed it with the u.s. gov't months ago. I was just
trying to show you how these barbaric idiots are still fighting to keep their reign of terror from
slipping more -- and would even kill a modern-day messiah to "cover-up" their deeds again
(like attempting to kill me even after I've been helping people, spreading the word of goodness
& donating to charities before they were even monitoring me.)
I guess you could say I put the "fear of god" in them. But, not your deluded idea of a
monotheistic god but a fucking god evolving here on your planet.
There were emperors in China who had so much power that, for all intents and purposes, they
were living gods here on earth ... because the lift of a finger could make changes to help
thousands of people or destroy many people. Some of them were wretched idiots & steered
their country into problems & chaos. So, as my power grows further than any of these
emperors harnessed, I will use it to only help this world. My only other choice is to be
destroyed & sent to a hell realm. Finally, you guys are catching on a little bit & I don't blame
you for being skeptical.
I'm going to put a picture of me in the "avatar" to the left soon along with a pic (underneath it)
of one of the alien races that are zooming around this starswarm. Then I will change the pic of
the alien every month so we can get acclimated slowly to what the aliens look like. The pics
are difficult to obtain of all the 18-20 alien races we know of so far - so I will have a
professional artist sketch some drawings of the aliens from the descriptions found in the "John
Lear Report" to fill in the rest. Claud Rael has some pictures & sketches of the Elohim race of
humanoids on his "Raelian" websites & I will provide the rest.
I don't care. I didn't ask anyone to DELETE anything. There are no punches pulled in this
game. I want what's best for you and me.
Also, I am not selling the machine! For the last time. I am not selling anything.
(Student of the Universe, Life)
27/08/04 12:34 AM
Personally, I thought the other thread was fun, and so will be this one if it carries the same
ideas. If anyone is frightened by it, don't lock it down. Just don't read it.
(old hand)
27/08/04 12:37 AM
Why did the mods lock it up? I thought it was nonsense personally, but there were
occasionally interesting things. I agree with nothing you say, but I will stand up for your right to
say it anyday.
(Eggshell Walker)
27/08/04 12:38 AM
I think Kaiowas got scared...
Scared? Maybe of the negative influence of fantasy, but that is about it. Of alien
repercussions? Not even close!
I will have a professional artist sketch some drawings of the aliens
If you just had an amateur do it I would not believe it, but a professional - now that gives
greater credence. Concurrently I will post some sketches made of the Bogeyman in my
27/08/04 12:54 AM
Don't bad mouth the k-man.
(old hand)
27/08/04 12:58 AM
My Bogey man would even pose for a portrait. He is soooo vain!!!
(Savior of Mankind)
27/08/04 01:07 AM
I guess you could say I put the "fear of god" in them. But, not your deluded idea of a
monotheistic god but a fucking god evolving here on your planet.
....You are not scaring anyone...THE ONLY PEOPLE YOU DELUDE ARE THE ONES THAT
"Some of them were wretched idiots & steered their country into problems & chaos.
....You are a wretched idiot for giving them power Oh Mighty Retard.
"My only other choice is to be destroyed & sent to a hell realm."
People like you are already in hell...I was the one who brought up your scam trying to pull a
quick one on some of the gullible people here. We do not think you are a god because you do
not speak the truth.
I'm going to put a picture of me in the "avatar" to the left soon along with a pic (underneath it)
of one of the alien races that are zooming around this starswarm.
.....I bet its his pareents, nah mother, she is the one who gave him the "Fear of God" effect....
"pic of the alien every month so we can get acclimated slowly to what the aliens look like. The
pics are difficult to obtain of all the 18-20 alien races we know of so far"
.....Can you make some alien porn??? I know about your alien porn with Eborica from
saturn..or was that and Eborico with the 10 in probe?
(not FDA approved)
27/08/04 01:08 AM
Don't bad mouth the k-man.
Is that a threat? Should we watch what we say in this forum in case we offend someone or
someone's idea of the truth?
Spacedragon may be a little "out there", but has not violated any S&P rules that I'm aware of.
If someone doesn't like him fine, but don't lock his thread arbitrarily. S&P relies upon the free
exchange of ideas, no matter how bizarre.
(Student of the Universe, Life)
27/08/04 01:11 AM
Only the people who are attacking him are scared. Usually, when people are afraid of
something, they attack it. Otherwise, if this is all nonsense, why aren't y'all just ignoring it and
smirking quietly?
(Savior of Mankind)
27/08/04 01:13 AM
Frog, this guy tried to trick people into buying a magic device to cure all diseases. He is a tick,
mosquito, leach person posing as GOD in your eyes.
Well here is something to help you understand "WHY?"
Because each person has independent experiences and mine led me to not sit back smile or
smirk like you do when you hear bullshit news on the tv or computer.
(You Are All Infallible Popes)
27/08/04 01:15 AM
i think he should have the right to speak as long as he's not pimping some overpriced voodoo.
(Student of the Universe, Life)
27/08/04 01:17 AM
Okay, look, I know I can be gullible and I usually trust everyone. I don't know why, but I am just
this way.
Please, I'm asking seriously. Where is he asking you guys to buy this equipment?
I have seen this equipment with my own eyes, at an attorney's office in San Juan Capistrano.
It was given to him by a client of his for whom he did some good work. The client had used it
and was cured of something, I just don't remember what. So the client gave one to the
attorney. Everyone in the office was excited to use it. I never used it because I basically got
fired from doing project work for that guy. They like me, but I was a little too ADHD for them.
(tee hee)
I don't recall him saying he would sell it to anyone. I read his words as saying that he was
familiar with this machine and where it could be purchased.
Aside from that, yeah, some of his views are out there but hey, so are some of mine. I like to
live and let live. Can't everyone believe what they want?
If this guy's a fraud, cite the evidence and let's have a trial.
27/08/04 01:19 AM
So let me get this straight space dragon. You are now a self proclaimed "modern day
messiah". What gives you the right to call yourself this? Because you donate to charities and
help people?
I have donated to charities. I have helped old people load grocery's into their cars. I have done
good things for people many times in the past. Does this make me a messiah also? Does this
mean that the government is "monitoring" me also because of my good deeds?
Yes, I do believe we can make this world much better & stop being lulled to sleep by the
u.s. gov't & tv becoming mindless drones. Don't even get me started on the Patriot Act.
So, there will be no beheading. I already discussed it with the u.s. gov't months ago.
There are VERY many people who share your same views, some intelligent, some simple
minded as I would call myself. Does this mean that they will all be beheaded by the US
government if they don't contact them immediately? This is not nazi-era Germany buddy, this
is the 21st century and here in America there are such things as "Human Rights" whether we
practice them abroad when in battle or not. They are practiced here in our homeland. When is
the last time there was a beheading?
I guess you could say I put the "fear of god" in them. But, not your deluded idea of a
monotheistic god but a fucking god evolving here on your planet.
Does this mean that every televeangelist out there has put the fear of god into the government
scaring them to the point where they are sentenced to death with a beheading? I think not.
There were emperors in China who had so much power that, for all intents and purposes,
they were living gods here on earth ... because the lift of a finger could make changes to help
thousands of people or destroy many people.
So because Adolf Hitler had many followers in his madness he is now proclaimed as god-like?
So, as my power grows further than any of these emperors harnessed, I will use it to only
help this world. My only other choice is to be destroyed & sent to a hell realm. Finally, you
guys are catching on a little bit & I don't blame you for being skeptical.
Your power grows further than any of these emperors harnessed? Tell me. Why is it I have
only heard of you on this internet web-forum. You are a faceless nobody.
Catching on to what? That you are trying to grab attention from a bunch of people on a webforum? What are you mini-Charles Manson recruiting your "drones"?
I'm going to put a picture of me in the "avatar" to the left soon along with a pic (underneath
it) of one of the alien races that are zooming around this starswarm. Then I will change the pic
of the alien every month so we can get acclimated slowly to what the aliens look like. The pics
are difficult to obtain of all the 18-20 alien races we know of so far - so I will have a
professional artist sketch some drawings of the aliens from the descriptions found in the "John
Lear Report" to fill in the rest. Claud Rael has some pictures & sketches of the Elohim race of
humanoids on his "Raelian" websites & I will provide the rest.
I assume you have contacted the Alien Races as you have the U.S. government and pleaded
with them also? Am I correct in assuming this?
I am sure you do not want a copyright issue somewhere deep in the universe for posting
copyrighted pictures of these Aliens.
To sum things up, I suggest you take yourself over to... hmmm.. maybe try hipforums.com? I
hear a bunch of 12, 13, 14 year old kids there that might buy your B.S.
I wish you no ill-will, just have a nice day.
27/08/04 01:22 AM
I'm defending a friend, that's all.
27/08/04 01:24 AM
To me it isn't about him trying to sell his equipment, that is only a small part of why he irks me.
Although that's what he wants. He wants attention, any attention he can get his hands on he
will take. I am guessing he is a very lonely person.
Scared of him?? No. I just don't sit back when I see utter B.S. like this, someone proclaiming
they are a messiah. I call them on it.
(Student of the Universe, Life)
27/08/04 01:25 AM
I have a good idea. I'm going to email that attorney and ask him if they ever used the machine
and what were the results.
(Eggshell Walker)
27/08/04 01:25 AM
S&P relies upon the free exchange of ideas, no matter how bizarre.
S&P relies upon the free exchange of spiritual and philosophic ideas.
(high voltage)
27/08/04 01:29 AM
zorbman said:
Don't bad mouth the k-man.
Is that a threat? Should we watch what we say in this forum in case we offend someone or
someone's idea of the truth?
Spacedragon may be a little "out there", but has not violated any S&P rules that I'm aware
of. If someone doesn't like him fine, but don't lock his thread arbitrarily. S&P relies upon the
free exchange of ideas, no matter how bizarre.
Hey may not have violated S&P rules, but there is some question about violating site rules.
Specifically: you are not allowed to solicit items for sale outside of the Marketplace. If you want
to become a Shroomery Sponsor that's ok, but you have to take that up with the Admin.
I have not had time to read the entire thread, but the last page is a bunch of garbage. If I
reopen the thread, you can expect that last page to be missing.
(Eggshell Walker)
27/08/04 01:30 AM
Only the people who are attacking him are scared. Usually, when people are afraid of
something, they attack it. Otherwise, if this is all nonsense, why aren't y'all just ignoring it and
smirking quietly?
(Student of the Universe, Life)
27/08/04 01:33 AM
Well, can we be nice about it? You can call someone on their bullshit without being an
asshole, and I don't mean you personally. I mean people who are just plain out saying some
pretty mean things.
If it's bullshit, ask him questions and let his answers trip him up. See, if it's bullshit, the smell
will "out" him.
And if he's just seeking attention, and it's bullshit, just ignore him. He'll go somewhere else to
get attention, right?
Some of his ideas are good ideas. The other ideas I can leave. But I don't understand
attacking a fellow human being, no matter how wacky his ideas may be.
(not FDA approved)
27/08/04 01:36 AM
S&P relies upon the free exchange of spiritual and philosophic ideas.
Yes, and that's what that thread was all about until people derailed it when they started
bitching at spacedragon. Kind of like now.
Tolerance. It's what the world (and S&P) needs. You can disagree with another's ideas, but do
it without being rude and mean spirited.
(Savior of Mankind)
27/08/04 01:36 AM
Man the last page is the best one.
Spacedragon finally took off his mask if you bring it back i insist you leave the last page for a
day atleast.
27/08/04 01:36 AM
Cool, thanks for bumping this back on up to the top guys. Now I look further into this thread &
see Trendal calls a whole page of mine garbage Nice touch ..I'm quoting & exalting the Earth's
sages & never asked for money once (I see where the wording was ambiguous but you
flamers can pretty much go eat shit I'm not selling anything.)
In a family where I have 4 kids I'm not looking for any more attention. I even would have
preferred a life in the mountains away from this "world of dust". Anyone can be a prophet or
messiah to the heaven or hell realms. I wouldn't suggest buying a Rife Electromedicine
machine for under $700 because they may not be "top of the line." Yes, they do work and NO I
never asked anyone EVER to send me money. If you clowns must know, the Shroomery
thanked me profusely for my generous contribution to them because very few of you are
actually donating.
I don't know if it was Kaiowas.. I actually think it was Trendal who locked it up. Anyway, one of
them called me a jack-off and I dare you to say that to may face or my entourage. Haha I said
I'm not a peaceful buddha. In the east they would say "fighting buddha" or wrathful buddha.
You guys can just call me the anti-christ or Adam.
This other gentleman says I'm "faceless" guy. He knows nothing... I'm in a movie coming out.
It was cool during filming because I got to meet the actor from Lord of the Rings' dwarf Gimli
at the set (he's in the movie too and is much taller in real life hehe he was playing a dwarf on
his knees to look short in the LOTR Trilogy), the actor from American Beauty "the kid next
door main character", & some guy from Home Improvement but it was my first movie & but
was cool to get paid for that kind of work...
It's called The Game of Their Lives about America being the underdog but winning the World
Cup when the English were favored to win. 5 guys from St. Louis whip the American Team
into shape. Yea, and I'm from St. Louis too if you wanna know .. that burgeoning town
w/amazing culture really -- I grew up on the east coast originally & moved here some years
ago. Great clubs, convention centers, Hip Hop ( Nelly, Chingy (Ching-a-ling), P-Dub, Murph
Dirt (Murphy Lee.) {My Wife grew up with Murphy Lee (Tori) in the next door house} The
singer named Truth Hurts actually grew up & started to blow up here too before rockin' LA;
we've got Superbowls & this new baseball stadium plan that'll make others seem like farm
league. Overall great TOWN. So I'm living my life to the fullest & trying to HELP the Earth now
as much as I can.
[This is like a short version of my resume which is not necessary for this first office taken as
World Leader. I created it, put my neck on the line, stood up to the us gov & illuminati & will
allow none other than me as WORLD LEADER.]
I'd been a bookworm, martial arts instructor & peer counselor for years through high school;
then attended an Ivy League school, paid to DJ parties & love that shit. I've traveled all over __
places in particular I loved were the South Pacific & Amsterdam. The trip down to Polynesia
(South Pacific) was amazing -- it was for an Earthwatch scientific expedition.
We still got down to business & charting coral reefs to help their ecosystem; but the food,
beaches & tropical drinks were great & I plan to build my main Temple on an island down
there. Not until I feed the needy, heal massive amounts of AIDS etc .. It's easy to stay
connected by laptop from the beach & I want to stay out of peoples' way unless they need me.
The Earth women attract me too much I need to chill down there on the beach with less
are hardly aware that he exists.
Next best is a leader who is loved.
Next, one who is feared.
The worst is one who is despised.
If you don't trust the people,
you make them untrustworthy
The Master doesn't talk, he acts.
When his work is done,
the people say, "Amazing:
we did it, all by ourselves!"
Anyone looking for a new type of scripture with timeless & valuable lessons I recommend the
Tao Te Ching if you're tired of ambiguity in the Old & New Testaments.
(Student of the Universe, Life)
27/08/04 01:37 AM
Swami said:
Only the people who are attacking him are scared. Usually, when people are afraid of
something, they attack it. Otherwise, if this is all nonsense, why aren't y'all just ignoring it and
smirking quietly?
Oh, sweet Jesus, Swami. Do you really think that the writings displayed by Space Dragon are
going to result in all of us drinking kool-aid????? If there are people on this forum who may be
led down that path, they should not be here. And personally, I haven't seen evidence of a
bunch of weak-minded people on this forum. Quite the opposite, actually.
27/08/04 01:39 AM
zorbman said:
Yes, and that's what that thread was all about until people derailed it when they started
bitching at spacedragon. Kind of like now.
Tolerance. It's what the world (and S&P) needs. You can disagree with another's ideas, but
do it without being rude and mean spirited.
Bitching? I put a heart at the end of my original message Fachrissakes.
(Savior of Mankind)
27/08/04 01:39 AM
I'll say it to your face anyday you fraud. You bleed just like i bleed. Your entourage? Get at me
with you 4 children.
I can't believe people are defending him???
(Student of the Universe, Life)
27/08/04 01:40 AM
Trendal, I finally read that thread the other day. There's some good stuff in it, and there's
some funny bullshit. (Bullshit in my eyes.)
But that's what this forum is about...everyone expressing their views on the world, from a
philosophical and religious perspective.
Go read the thread, Tren. It's pretty good. It's entertaining, anyways. No harm in it.
(You Are All Infallible Popes)
27/08/04 01:40 AM
for the record, jonestown victims were found with injection marks on their shoulders.
(old hand)
27/08/04 01:41 AM
How about we just drink some Kool-Aid and chill out on this subject?
(not FDA approved)
27/08/04 01:42 AM
Bitching? I put a heart at the end of my original message Fachrissakes.
More people than just you have posted here, my friend.
(Savior of Mankind)
27/08/04 01:43 AM
Frog buy his machine and then come back to the forum then we'll see how you feel.
(not FDA approved)
27/08/04 01:45 AM
I can't believe people are defending him???
I am not defending him, I am defending his right of free expression. You can respond, but
please attack the idea, not the person. Name calling and the like are not cool.
27/08/04 01:46 AM
The one you speak of is me space dragon, and I fear nobody. As somebody stated above, you
bleed just as all of us do. Wrathful Buddha? Isn't that totally against YOUR proclaimed
In my opinion you are a complete jack-off, whether I say it here, or right in your face, you are
what you make yourself out to be. No disrespect intended. But in my opinion you are full of
shit, and you really irk me.
27/08/04 01:47 AM
Look man, no one is attacking ideas. He attacked kaiowas.
(high voltage)
27/08/04 01:49 AM
Ok guys, lets steer the conversation away from flames eh
Like zorbman said, it is much easier to just point a finger and scream "NO! YOU'RE
WRONG!" than it is to actually prove someone wrong. Try giving a reason for WHY you think
someone is wrong, and the reason shouldn't be "you're a nutcase" or "you are a complete
jack-off". If you can't actually prove someone wrong, using at least SOME logical reasoning,
then how do you know they ARE wrong?
(Savior of Mankind)
27/08/04 01:49 AM
(Student of the Universe, Life)
27/08/04 01:50 AM
Philanthropist said:
Frog buy his machine and then come back to the forum then we'll see how you feel.
I'm not buying anything until someone tells me if it works or not. And he didn't say it was his
machine, did he? Does anyone have proof that it's his machine?
I have an email currently out to that attorney for whom I worked last year. I'll bug him until he
responds. If he says the machine works, I'll fuckin' buy it and then I'll treat people myself.
(Student of the Universe, Life)
27/08/04 01:51 AM
zorbman said:
I can't believe people are defending him???
I am not defending him, I am defending his right of free expression. You can respond, but
please attack the idea, not the person. Name calling and the like are not cool.
(Savior of Mankind)
27/08/04 01:52 AM
Frog if you actually kept up on Spacedragon you would have seen that it doesn't work.
27/08/04 01:54 AM
He has the right to post his opinions, I havent seen one person deny him of that. However
there are obviously forum rules that you must go by, and IMO it is very disrespectful to bash
on a MOD/ADMIN, they are all good peoples.
He is proclaiming he is the next messiah, a god-like being, and whatever else he has stated
that I overlooked. You Frog, have the right to listen to him, believe him, stick up for his views,
etc.. I have the right to disagree with him, think that he is full of utter B.S., and call him on it.
Edited to add: I apologize for seeming to flame on him. I was just stating my opinions.
Space Dragon, if you are a god-like being, a messiah, whatever else, let us all see some of
your god-like being powers. What miracles have you performed to give you such a title? There
are people who do good deeds all day long, and they do not proclaim they are the next
messiah, a living god on earth, etc.
Let us all see your AWESOME powers.
27/08/04 01:56 AM
Where's ss7 when you need him.
(Student of the Universe, Life)
27/08/04 01:58 AM
Philanthropist said:
Frog if you actually kept up on Spacedragon you would have seen that it doesn't work.
Philanthropist, please quote the evidence that proves it doesn't work.
And please tell me in what manner I was supposed to have "kept up" on Spacedragon.
27/08/04 02:01 AM
Can I see some quoted evidence that this machine that space dragon didn't even invent
actually does indeed work? He is speaking of man-made machines that were created by
someone other than him, and calling himself a GOD, for donating to charities, etc. ~shruggs~
Edited to add: That's why I am not concerned with his talk of the invention, because he did not
even invent this machine even if it does work. Dr. Rife did. IMO I am calling him out on his
statements of being a god-like being. Why can't he show me some Awesome powers. Why
don't you reply to me space dragon?
(not FDA approved)
27/08/04 02:03 AM
(Student of the Universe, Life)
27/08/04 02:03 AM
mattzdope said:
He has the right to post his opinions, I havent seen one person deny him of that. However
there are obviously forum rules that you must go by, and IMO it is very disrespectful to bash
on a MOD/ADMIN, they are all good peoples.
He didn't specifically bash kaiowas. (And for the record, I like kaiowas and have great respect
for his mind.) He came close, but he did not bash him.
He is proclaiming he is the next messiah, a god-like being, and whatever else he has stated
that I overlooked.
So what???
You Frog, have the right to listen to him, believe him, stick up for his views, etc.. I have the
right to disagree with him, think that he is full of utter B.S., and call him on it.
But nicely!!! Or whatever word you want to use. When I go into court against these lying fucks
that I often have to battle, I don't get to scream to the judge, "He's fucking lying and he's a
fucking dirtbag!"
I have to calmly state that there are discrepancies and then show the judge the evidence.
Can't we do something similar here?
And yes, you absolutely have the right to disagree and think he's full of shit. I agree that he
sounds like he's full of shit in some areas, to put it bluntly, but maybe he's off his meds? But
we don't have to say he's full of shit. We can just say we disagree that he's the next messiah,
can't we? I don't believe he's the next messiah.
Space Dragon, if you are a god-like being, a messiah, whatever else, let us all see some of
your god-like being powers. What miracles have you performed to give you such a title? There
are people who do good deeds all day long, and they do not proclaim they are the next
messiah, a living god on earth, etc.
See? That's much better!!!
(Savior of Mankind)
27/08/04 02:04 AM
Go buy it, believe him i already posted it and i don't feel like looking it up and post it again.
Now is a time where i smirk and go on to spend my time for the betterment of mankind, a
truthful messiah, human. Just gotta call - This girl just got back to college and its time to score
froggy style, just for you FROG!!!
(high voltage)
27/08/04 02:05 AM
I have to calmly state that there are discrepancies and then show the judge the evidence.
Can't we do something similar here?
Exactly, Frog! Nice to see at least some of us understand proper debating techniques
(Student of the Universe, Life)
27/08/04 02:08 AM
Philanthropist said:
Go buy it, believe him i already posted it and i don't feel like looking it up and post it again.
Now is a time where i smirk and go on to spend my time for the betterment of mankind, a
truthful messiah, human.
I am not going to buy it yet. I am waiting for an email from my attorney friend, Mr. Negrete.
And LOL at Zahid....Why do we need SS7 for this discussion??
27/08/04 02:10 AM
zorbman said:
What kind of dialogue is that?
27/08/04 02:11 AM
His title comes to mind at times like these. :-)
27/08/04 02:18 AM
I'm thinking I'll just go write the book "The Last Testament" or "The Final Testament." If those
names are already taken I'll call it "Get up into the Heavenly 4th dimension or I'll kick you in
the behind while we pass through this Photon (Light) Belt" Hehe. I can understand why some
people are flipping out & there are a lot of emotions involved. I'm not going to flame the
Philanthropissed back because I think he's the dude who said his grandmother died of a
terminal illness ... and it's hard to believe that, after searching everywhere, there isn't a cure
but there IS.
Coming later into the thread people might miss the statement that "I may be delusional" in the
first paragraph. More & more teachings then came to me & I grew with you guys. Now I
KNOW I'm a fucking prophet and the word of the Heavens is coming through me.
I feel a Buddhist message boards might understand that Wrathful Deities can change
(especially when you align yourself with the God of Karma Vajrasattva.) Many of you have
taught me great things & I'll be coming back at least to PM.
Tell me what you think of this idea:
The “Church of the Tree of Life” is an organization that has declared many of America’s legal
mind-altering drugs as Sacraments (also it can protect the members from legal problems
down the road.) I intend to add cannibus, the tryptamine family & phenethylamines back to the
I ask that you pls consider supporting this org because it sounds fun. I’m not looking to be
worshipped; and you know I think over-ritualization and “organization” leads to a devolution of
great spiritual traditions. But, now would be a good time for us to make a strong “church” and
deal with this War on Drugs by beating their stupid system. This church can be mainly
internet-based; so, it would be great if anyone with skills in web-site design would make
websites to honor our cause.
The funny thing is, when I sent a self-addressed/stamped envelope to these guys in San
Francisco, I never heard anything in return. So, I’m going to begin a new chapter of “Church of
the Tree of Life” and give away lots of free goodies, PR materials & maybe even subsidize
anyone who’s serious about creating an actual church for people to congregate at.
I’ll whip up some message boards, "official" website & a nice new “mission statement” after I
talk to the original creators of the “Tree of Life” church.
Two Commandments for the Molecular Age
1. Thou shalt not alter the consciousness of thy fellow men.[new "truth serums" being forced
on suspects by FBI & eventually cops will use it]
2. Thou shalt not prevent thy fellow man from altering his or her own consciousness.
(that's a good start but we can create a lot more for the mission statement of this church.)
(not FDA approved)
27/08/04 02:27 AM
zorbman said:
What kind of dialogue is that?
A subtle response (note the rolling eye emoticon I included) to the following posted by a
spacedragon critic:
As trendal, myself, and frog have pointed out just saying something doesn't make it so. Name
calling and typing in CAPS does nothing to convince a reasonable person. One needs to
actually present an argument instead of resorting to petty personal attacks.
(Savior of Mankind)
27/08/04 02:34 AM
As a Zorbman critic too:
Zorbman lacks prior knowledge to this argument and makes himself look foolish in our eyes.
27/08/04 02:35 AM
I think you've got it backwards.
It started off as heaven, and is turning into hell.
Many believe there is no avoiding this.
(high voltage)
27/08/04 02:35 AM
As a moderator in this forum:
Stop jumping on your fellow posters and try to actually PROVE something. Your lack of proof
makes you look foolish in our eyes.
(Savior of Mankind)
27/08/04 02:41 AM
I already proved it and this garbage shouldn't even have come up again...Thats why it was
deleted in the first place.
(not FDA approved)
27/08/04 02:43 AM
It started off as heaven, and is turning into hell.
For a minute there I thought you were referring to this thread.
Seriously, I will follow trendal's lead and avoid further derailment of this thread.
So you believe we are inevitably locked into a downward spiral? Hasn't mankind actually made
progress, painfully slow and difficult as it is? For example, slavery was commonly practiced in
the ancient world, but now it abolished in 99% of the world.
Isn't that spiritual progress?
27/08/04 02:47 AM
Think objectively, there is obviously alot of tension in this thread.
27/08/04 02:48 AM
Back up your claims.
27/08/04 02:53 AM
I didn't say I believe we are inevitably locked into a downward spiral. I said many believe..
And if you think slavery is really abolished in 99% of the world then you have a lot of waking
up to do in my opinion.
Anyway my point was that when life on Earth started (not mankind... life), it was heaven. The
heaven progressed for a while and then the complicated creatures started fucking it up and
now we've even created our own tools and machines and stuff that are capable of fucking
things up even faster.
I still have faith in this planet though. I don't think Earth will be heavenly for a long long time
though - when there are people in numerous countries being paid full-time to figure out how to
create bigger and better explosions, we are fueling the fires of hell and spreading negativity
throughout the land, trying to label it as positive..
The less research and communication we do the easier it will be for those who believe in the
apocalypse to create it without even realizing it.
(not FDA approved)
27/08/04 03:11 AM
I didn't say I believe we are inevitably locked into a downward spiral. I said many believe..
And I was merely asking if you share their belief.
And if you think slavery is really abolished in 99% of the world then you have a lot of waking
up to do in my opinion.
Wake me up then. True slavery is a very, very rare thing these days. There are a great many
people being exploited to be sure, but actual slavery is almost unheard of today.
I share your hope and faith that things will get better. And yes, it will take probably eons before
we achieve world peace and enlightenment. In the meantime we can only do what we can
where we are.
27/08/04 03:17 AM
I think slavery has evolved to the point that it is more prominant worldwide than it ever has
been, and we don't even realize that WE are slaves.
(not FDA approved)
27/08/04 03:18 AM
27/08/04 03:25 AM
Space Dragon. You have yet to reply to any of my previous posts so I am going to give up
trying to prove my point, seeing as you have already proved it for me.
I stand correct that you cannot prove to me that you are a god-like being.
I stand correct that you are here looking for attention.
My comment about you being a mini Charles Manson also stands correct seeing as you are
now talking of starting a church based on mind altering substances. Also proving my point of
you looking for attention, gullible followers, whatever you may call it, for a second time.
I am done with this thread and will not be back unless he decides to answer some of my
questions, and proves himself as (quoted from his first post) "a fucking god evolving here on
your planet", and "a modern-day messiah".
Edited to add:
"Now I KNOW I'm a fucking prophet and the word of the Heavens is coming through me."
Definition of a prophet: "A person who speaks by divine inspiration or as the interpreter
through whom the will of a god is expressed"
What exactly is god telling you? How do you know what you are hearing is god and not your
own delusional mind? Prove yourself. You sit here and say all of this, but where is YOUR
(mndfrayze's peppet urme)
27/08/04 03:36 AM
no..I didn't lock this thread, I stated openly that I wanted to, but all I did is unstickied it, and it
was for a good reason.
spacedragon said: " Anyway, one of them called me a jack-off and I dare you to say that to
may face or my entourage."
I didn't call you that...trendal???
here's what I saw
"Ummm, dude it's the AIDS cure, plus it also cures Hep A, B & C and other "incurable" STDs
that people are suffering & dying from every day. Not to mention it's the CURE FOR CANCER
that modern-day allopathic medicine does not have access to (but they have no qualms
charging over $200,000/year from these poor families for ineffective therapies.)It's a one-time
payment of $700. We have to at least find a medium between the two prices damnit"
Forget a medium price. The price stays at $700 and because I'm letting this info flood into the
world slowly, WE can work at healing these patients & charging a small fee for it. Trust me
they'll thank you from the bottom of their heart. You just saved them from a "terminal" illness &
saved them financially.
Otherwise, tell your friends about it. The machine is also great because the freq of 20Hz
stimulates brain funtion & strengthens one's aura. It can be used for post-operative infection
control, destroys mononucleosis & the watered-down version of the bubonic plague that many
Europeans can still carry in their lymph "
this is my thing...I had absolutely no problem with the thread until I started seeing selling. who
is this WE that would charge these people. If I had this kind of object, and knew it worked, I
wouldn't sell it. I would actively go out and help others, with no cash in mind. even if it cost me
that money, I still would have bought it myself and used it on people, for free. that's
compassion! dude, have you seen a person suffer from that kind of thing. it's horrible, and I
wouldn't charge anyone for a cure. just give it to them, because that the "right thing to do"
sure you never said send me money, but who are we to send this money too?
why is it you offered to pay the shroomery 300 bucks to keep that thread stickied for 3
months? it seemed really fishy to me, and so I unstickied and furthermore, expressed my
interest in locking it.
zorb..I never attack spacedragon, that's totally against my character as a person what I did
attack were the ideas.
here's another point...that thread could have done without him talking about this laser, and the
empahsis on the price. why 700? etc etc
(Student of the Universe, Life)
27/08/04 03:37 AM
Good questions and comments.
(mndfrayze's peppet urme)
27/08/04 03:40 AM
check out the prison system. prisoners are the new slaves.it is profitable to have
prisons..no..so that they can make things and not really get paid for it. it's a new type of
well I mean, have you ever read the grapes of wrath?
notice how much they charged the workers then...it's the same price they charge the people
who pick the grapes now. companies make a huge profit like that, taking advantage of
27/08/04 03:41 AM
Thank you. Sorry I got a little upset earlier in the thread, some of the things he is saying really
hit home, and bothered me. I should of been acting in a more mature way then I was though.
No ill feelings intended towards you Frog, you seem like a very cool person, and are a fellow
shroomery brother/sister.
(high voltage)
27/08/04 03:41 AM
Prison "labor" is one of the fastest-growing sectors of the US economy....
(mndfrayze's peppet urme)
27/08/04 03:43 AM
"Thank you. Sorry I got a little upset earlier in the thread, some of the things he is saying really
hit home, and bothered me. I should of been acting in a more mature way then I was though.
No ill feelings intended towards you Frog, you seem like a very cool person, and are a fellow
shroomery brother/sister. "
awesome!!! see, that's what I'm talking about!!! learning from mistakes!!
honesty, while may be tough in the beginning paves an even road in the end.
27/08/04 04:07 AM
Yea, it wasn't Trendal or Kaiowas who called me a jack-off. I just heard that all these flamers
said crap in the locked thread (and some got deleted btw) and so I started rattling off in this
thread as well very pissed.
Never did I EVER say I was a GOD. Demi-God would be a more suitable name for Jesus,
Siddhartha, Adam, and many other avatars all over this globe (including Dennis McKenna at
one point.) I'm not sure what he's up to now but he was pretty convincing as a demi-god in the
book "True Hallucinations."
Did you guys even read my thread? Although, all of you are potential Gods & Goddesses with
these immutable souls we have. I don't believe it's a downward spiral either and I only want to
help this planet. The 6 realms are still alive & kicking (with this jump in energy levels some of
the realms will converge like the God & human realm.) Although there may be some entropy,
or whatever it's called, reguarding the universe expanding & becoming more chaotic - we will
evolve to deal with it. It's a rare and fabulous event that we're passing through this highvibrational photon belt.
I WILL become a God (just not there yet)in this Middle World as a miracle & have many more
magical feats to achieve. Please stay tuned or at least do some of your own spiritual work to
see the realms I'm seeing & looking beyond this serotonin hallucination. This human condition
is usually filled with suffering and I want to end that for us. Do you guys flame all day? I guess
I just struck a chord like some people stated.
(Chill the Fuck Out!)
27/08/04 04:10 AM
Zahid said:
Where's ss7 when you need him.
I'm here. What'd I miss?
(mndfrayze's peppet urme)
27/08/04 04:15 AM
"" Anyway, one of them called me a jack-off and I dare you to say that to may face or my
the person who made snide comments towards you has been warned.
"Never did I EVER say I was a GOD. Demi-God would be a more suitable name for Jesus,
Siddhartha, Adam, and many other avatars all over this globe (including Dennis McKenna at
one point.) I'm not sure what he's up to now but he was pretty convincing as a demi-god in the
book "True Hallucinations." "
who are you referring to here?
"Did you guys even read my thread? Although, all of you are potential Gods & Goddesses with
these immutable souls we have. I don't believe it's a downward spiral either and I only want to
help this planet. The 6 realms are still alive & kicking (with this jump in energy levels some of
the realms will converge like the God & human realm.) Although there may be some entropy,
or whatever it's called, reguarding the universe expanding & becoming more chaotic - we will
evolve to deal with it. It's a rare and fabulous event that we're passing through this highvibrational photon belt."
who are you referring to?
"WILL become a God (just not there yet)in this Middle World as a miracle & have many more
magical feats to achieve. Please stay tuned or at least do some of your own spiritual work to
see the realms I'm seeing & looking beyond this serotonin hallucination. This human condition
is usually filled with suffering and I want to end that for us. Do you guys flame all day? I guess
I just struck a chord like some people stated. "
who are you referring to?
(Student of the Universe, Life)
27/08/04 04:15 AM
I have no ill feelings toward anyone here, either. I'm just having a hell of a good time. Thanks,
(not FDA approved)
27/08/04 04:16 AM
zorb..I never attack spacedragon, that's totally against my character as a person what I did
attack were the ideas.
I don't believe I said that you did.
check out the prison system. prisoners are the new slaves..companies make a huge profit like
that, taking advantage of immigrants.
That's exploitation for sure, but not slavery. You may have missed the part of my post (*see
below) where I mentioned that. I knew someone would mention exploitation as slavery, that's
why I wanted to make it clear up front that that's not what I was referring to.
Let me be more clear: I'm talking about classic slavery where someone captures an innocent
person, ripping him from his home and family and forces him to work for nothing under the
threat of physical abuse or death. You hardly ever see that anymore, when it used to be
Is that progress? I think so.
My point in using that example is that things are getting better ever so slooooowly. We are
right to have faith and hope that conditions will improve in this world. But the changes happen
over the course of a long, long time and only after a mighty struggle.
* There are a great many people being exploited to be sure, but actual slavery is almost
unheard of today.
27/08/04 04:16 AM
A whole lot of people who were not chilled the fuck out.
(Student of the Universe, Life)
27/08/04 04:22 AM
Zahid said:
A whole lot of people who were not chilled the fuck out.
So. Zahid. Who ya votin' for?
Hi, SS7. Join the fray! I mean...fun!
(mndfrayze's peppet urme)
27/08/04 04:23 AM
"I don't believe I said that you did."
true not explicitly, but you did say this...
"Yes, and that's what that thread was all about until people derailed it when they started
bitching at spacedragon. Kind of like now."
the only criticism that came at the end of that thread was from myself, aka "the moment the
thread was 'derailed'"
and that criticism was spacedragons ideas, not himself.
27/08/04 04:24 AM
we're way off-topic by now dude.. research corporate slavery and research conditioning and
brainwashing and desensitization and the american dollar and research how there is only a
handful of people controlling everything happening in this world and tell me we're not fucking
slaves. It makes me sick that not many realize this, and that is exactly why it works so well.
You: oh that's crazy dude - I'm no slave man I work for my dad's cabinet-making company.
Me: ok that's fantastic. now its time to research where your taxes are going, and research the
consitution and how YOU are supposed to be in charge of your government. You don't pay
taxes? oh that's great then you will definitely realize you're a slave when they throw you in a
REAL cage.
You: oh that's crazy dude.. I'm no slave you're just a paranoid freak!
Me: At least I know I'm a paranoid freak. The Gas-Station attendant has no idea he is a slave,
and it works perfectly.
(Chill the Fuck Out!)
27/08/04 04:26 AM
Zahid said:
A whole lot of people who were not chilled the fuck out.
Maybe this will help:
27/08/04 04:45 AM
Strumpling that was awesome dude.
Seriously Thanks! I'm trying to get these people to believe that we need to wake up. There are
many corporate criminals getting away with having too much power to cover up crimes &
murders. The power is getting into the hands of a few...
Yes, I was referring to Dennis _ the brother of the legendary Terrance McKenna. They both
have offered so much to humanity to strive for amazing dimensional understandings that I
can't put into words. I'm referring to the time where the ESR (electron spin resonance)sounds
were connecting the 4th dimension with our own so intensely & it was Dennis that channeled
it. I've only gotten that far in the book so I'm willing to understand that it was Terrance's
wonderul connection with his brother that made them both Godlike - which is a stupid way of
saying Gods for a moment. Well, true demi-gods but I only have gotten that far in the book as
I said.
(not FDA approved)
27/08/04 04:47 AM
the only criticism that came at the end of that thread was from myself
I'm sorry you somehow got the impression I was singling you out.
Here are a couple from that thread from people other than yourself:
"why you have such a bad paranoia."
And I understand one or more may have been deleted as well. Anyhoo..back on topic..
27/08/04 04:57 AM
I don't care. I didn't ask anyone to DELETE anything. There are no punches pulled in this
game. I want what's best for you and me.
Also, I am not selling the machine! For the last time. I am not selling anything.
(not FDA approved)
27/08/04 04:58 AM
The Gas-Station attendant has no idea he is a slave
Sigh. Does no one read anymore?
I'm talking about actual slavery. For the benefit of those who somehow missed it, here once
again is the relevant phrase from my post:
"True slavery is a very, very rare thing these days. There are a great many people being
exploited to be sure, but actual slavery is almost unheard of today."
Someone who lost their freedom because they committed a crime and is being paid peanuts
to make license plates may indeed be being exploited, but that is not slavery! That is not what
I'm talking about here as I have clearly stated several times now.
We've banned slavery in almost all of the world and that is indeed progress. It does takes a
long, long time to spiritually evolve the planet, but let's not lose sight of the fact that it is
(mndfrayze's peppet urme)
27/08/04 05:04 AM
indeed, awesome question.
"Does anyone think this is actually possible? Will there ever be a time when peace,
understanding, and tolerance will reign on the planet or is it all just a pipe dream?"
no, it's not a pipe dream at all. it is a dream that many of us have, but because it hasn't
happened yet, I think that we have lowered our standards a bit. the more people who believe
this will be possible, the larger the effort will be towards achieving it.
a change in ideas and/or consciousness would have to be in order
we would need to accept each other, even when our ideas difference, a respect should be
there. this i think is a first step, and it'll be huge if we get there!
pipe dream...no
a long way off..maybe
but that's doesn't mean we shouldn't try
I think we are worth it, don't you!?
27/08/04 05:08 AM
...waiting for something other than words...
*Jeopardy music plays in background*
(birther to none)
27/08/04 05:10 AM
to everyone here on the entire board:
everybody has made a good point about everything that was taked about.i see things now i
didn't see.
but i say that spacedragons thread be unlocked,be sticky,just as long as the rife machine is
not mentioned for anytype of profit,but can be if he mentions it in a way as a way to guide
people to information.
and if he does have any involvment,a shroomery sponer should be added,and if the product
works,the shroomery could greatly expand and suppor this website and also there would be
many many more people exposed to this machine that could ptentially be the cure of majjor
if someone actually sat down and thought for longer than 5 minutes about this,flaming would
occur.everyone here needs common sense,including me very often.i sih i read spacedragons
thread more carefully and maybe i owuld of seen the pushing of a product.i see it as selling
and informing.but not at the same time.so its just like this.spacedragon cut the crap out if the
machine is bullshit,and if isnt i suggest tohave a shroomery sponser that could help out the
world and this site.
i am a god,spacedragon is a god.he is a god.she is a god.they are gods.we are gods.
it just so happens we get carried away and forget all of our full potential and what we are.i'm
not there yet.i don't think spacedragon is either,hes just closer than some and just getting
used to calling himself what he is.Its just self-impowerment.it could be interpreted as
egotistical but maybe its just help for his self realization.its nice that everyone chilled out,now
is the time to think about what you said and how you actually feel about each other.
its quite clear that everyone here should be in a state of love.and in that state of love,or
claiming to be,how dare some of you not try to help spacedragon.i mean we can't help
everyone as of yet,maybe not even our selves,but if we see something that has a type of
unadjustment and requires service or help,and we are able to do so,then as an act of love,we
should help them.now if spacedragon is delusional,or egotistical,and we realize that,it is our
duty within our ability to help spacedragon realize his trueself.i do not make these claims of
spacedragon and i respect him.i talk of him as only as an example.now let our purpuse
follow.love and help each other to the deepest of your abiltity.and your deepest of ability is
infinte.lets try to realize this.i even need help with that.help our selves little by little so together
we can help the big problems.so if spacedragon has a solution,let him not be half assed and
have the support of us.but for purpose of this thread,the people who claim spacedragon as
bullshit:they need proof.and as for spacedragons claims:we all need proof.because as
someone who will devote their life to the great cause that i have not found completly yet as a
physical,i would help in a cause as deep as spacedragons.spacedragons and the people who
have proposed arguments in favor of him and against him,i am fond of your views.
all we can anyone here on this entire site is to not bullshit anything.
you can and will mislead people.for those who you mislead,you will be mislead as well.when
you realize those terms,your realize its better love.
(mndfrayze's peppet urme)
27/08/04 05:13 AM
horse poo is worth more than Federal REserve Notes.
the notes are a fiat money, in which they have no backing. so they really aren't "worth"
what we have is worse, we get paid by something we cannot redeem, ie, if there is a great
depression, or recession, many poeple would lose their retirements, not to mention things
owuld be so ourageously "expensive" that people wouldn't be able to get food or clean water
they need. you can't get bullion from it, because it's not real! so when things go bad, you have
no chance. think...why is a coin before 1965 worth more?
moreso, it's about having to "pay" in order to live somewhere, to make food, because of being
dumbed down and dependent on the system. And... if you don't pay the IRS (which is
shouldn't be there in the first place) we have the idea that it is right for them to come and take
things away for "payment" especially when the IRS shouldn't be there, that it is
unconstitutional for the federal reserver to "mint money" (yet they do). this means, those in
power (the govt) can print however much they want, but remember, YOU CAN'T HAVE THAT
POWER. only THEY can.
and if you don't comply, the police are there to "keep the peace"
(mndfrayze's peppet urme)
27/08/04 05:17 AM
you're right....
"it just so happens we get carried away and forget all of our full potential and what we are.i'm
not there yet.i don't think spacedragon is either,hes just closer than some and just getting
used to calling himself what he is.Its just self-impowerment.it could be interpreted as
egotistical but maybe its just help for his self realization.its nice that everyone chilled out,now
is the time to think about what you said and how you actually feel about each other."
judging spacedragon is not the thing to do. judging someone gets no where in discussion, or
any of lifes happens for that matter.. I lvoe how you put potential, got me sitting back and
"i mean we can't help everyone as of yet,maybe not even our selves,but if we see something
that has a type of unadjustment and requires service or help,and we are able to do so,then as
an act of love,we should help them.now if spacedragon is delusional,or egotistical,and we
realize that,it is our duty within our ability to help spacedragon realize his trueself.i do not
make these claims of spacedragon and i respect him.i talk of him as only as an example.now
let our purpuse follow.love and help each other to the deepest of your abiltity.and your deepest
of ability is infinte"
again great points.
(birther to none)
27/08/04 05:18 AM
if we ever fall into a depression,consider it a blessing.we could get to the masses about love
before the government and the elite world power,consider it.it would be a breakthrough for
love.it worked in many countries,such as previous nazo germany.i think a depression is a
miracle waiting to happen for people waiting to spread the word about love.trust me there will
be a depression to help us into war.but lets trick them.lets fuck them over.think they're getting
what they want,but work against them for what we need.there are more people in this world
hungry for love instead of bread.
(Student of the Universe, Life)
27/08/04 05:22 AM
Okay, I don't really mean that what spacedragon wrote is bullshit. What I meant is that some
of the things he says just don't jibe with my beliefs. But this doesn't mean that my beliefs are
right, and his are wrong. So I'm interested in reading what he has to say.
A lot of things he says coincide with things that I have read in other places, and I find
credence in those things. And some of the things he said were just plain good advice.
I am not going through that thread to drag out quotes cuz I don't have time, but one of the
things I like was something along the lines that we do things, engage in activities, that might
be interfering with our ability to communicate, in whatever manner, with the spiritual world.
This caused me to think of the things I do to my body that aren't good for me, and how if I
gave up some of the things to which I am a prisoner, I would be more "pure" and receptive.
But this too may be bullshit, or in other words, not true. But no harm in trying to become a
better human being, if that is the only result of believing this, right?
27/08/04 06:47 AM
"I'm talking about actual slavery."
1. The state of one bound in servitude as the property of a slaveholder or household.
a. The practice of owning slaves.
b. A mode of production in which slaves constitute the principal work force.
2. The condition of being subject or addicted to a specified influence.
3. A condition of hard work and subjection: wage slavery.
I'm talking about actual slavery as well. We are bought and sold on a regular basis (1) we are
slaves to the products that we ourselves work to create and the rich profit off of (2) and we are
definitely 'wage slaves' too (3).
You have got to realize that there is a small percentage of humanity out there that is still
actually not involved with money or modern politics or even modern science, and they are
happier than we will ever be, consistantly (until we rip down all the nature surrounding them
and force them into our club).
We were (are) raised as consumers and workers. We are slaves to the people creating this
reality. You are pummelled with advertisements from a very early age, and sometimes when
you're walking past a store or restaraunt, you'll go in and get something you don't need. You
are a slave to consumption... capitalism. Some asshole makes a profit every time one of our
diseased, zombie-asses buys some french fries at 3:00 in the afternoon "kuz they're good."
Those fries aren't good dude they're fucking poison! poison for your body and your mind. They
do not care though because it keeps us buying - we are addicted to consumption because we
were intentionally raised this way. We are bought and sold to make the few wealthy people
here on earth even wealthier.
OK so take political action! aww bummer it looks like the businesses not only own YOU and
ME, but they own the fucking politicians too!! This is a small handful of people tossing us
around in a stupor, sending us out to find happiness, conditioning us to think that the fries will
contain happiness, or the new car, or hey buy a giant airplane if you have the money!! Come
on you know you want one! It burns jet fuel like the best of 'em!
We are fucking addicts. We are whores. It is only "not our fault" until we realize it, which is why
people have such trouble accepting it, because then "holy fuck what have I DONE?! oh this
has to be a dream its so comfortable in this couch there's not a problem in this world that
concerns me.."
I say FUCK ME man. FUCK ME for not doing anything about it! And FUCK YOU if you see
that we're all slaves too but you don't do anything about it.
The revolution is not being televised, but it is happening right now. It is not being faught with
bullets and explosions, it is being faught with INFORMATION. Wake up your fellow man, and
constantly spread the word - spread the word like there is no tomorrow because there might
not be if we don't wake eachother up and start making some fucking NOISE!
***ahem!*** oh excuse me.. did I say something?
(not FDA approved)
27/08/04 07:25 AM
This thread seems destined to be hijacked, and the original was reopened so maybe it has
served its purpose.
27/08/04 07:28 AM
hey I'm saying that earth started as heaven and is descending to hell while we sit back and
watch on television as if it weren't real.
If we want heaven, we have to discuss the hellish situation we are in IMO.
Anyway, you triggered my responses
(Student of the Universe, Life)
27/08/04 07:35 AM
Well, I hate to change this into a "free will" thread, but doesn't everyone have the free will to
do what they want? To buy french fries or not? To work as a slave or to engage in free labor?
To make as little or as much as they want?
I just don't see the world the way you see it. I see the world as a big huge gigantic opportunity
to do anything I want, to buy or not, to eat or not, to live in a house or not, to obey ads or not,
ad nauseum.
I don't believe that we are slaves. I believe we are free to make choices. Most of us are just
27/08/04 07:48 AM
Nice, that put it into perspective for me. Thanks for all your support & ideas. If the Rife
machine electromedicine worked for these many test subjects, I hope you will administer it
non-profit (like me) or just a $20, for the people that can afford it. I mean we gotta get to the
person's house or whatever -- or just for free is great! and cure this planet of that wretched
virus & then be rdy for any further retrovirus strains the gov't or any natural evolutionary
situation can cook up.
Also, I'd like to hear more of your ideas about the program getting off this planet with both
ionic propulsion & more stable nuclear engines. Earlier I mentioned that there are 2 cut-off
switches for the nuclear rocket to leave the atmosphere -- and there would be no reason for
the nuke to go off because the ground control would never activate it until it got into outer
space. The power it'll give our exploratory capabilities would be similiar to switching from a
really poor dial-up connection to "broadband." The vessel can do a lot more and, as we're
realizing that our souls are the ultimate star travelers, we need to get more ships up there to
thwart an enemy attack in the future.
Fuck saying I'm paranoid. I'm trying to not only feed the needy with this enzyme-rich
powerhouse nutrient super blue-green algae by donating & giving to the poor in the ghettos
here (great in both vitamin form & snack bar form.) Notice how I didn't say a brand of this
microalgae nor where to purchase it (lots of different brands of it at health food stores.) Also
very important on the list is this AIDS cure & getting our space program working full-potential
with the GEOBAT models & emulating more SpaceShipOne flights for military purposes.
27/08/04 07:51 AM
NASA already uses these engines & I'm just interested if you think we should ask for more
technology from the Elohim about more stable nuclear devices they have or compounds we
can create here.
Also, please read about the Searl Disc. It's a craft that can use the energy from the fabric of
space around it for propulsion. We have some amazing things here & the gov't just wanted to
cover up the alien life and the 7-mile tower on the moon so we they launch these ridiculous
craft out into space that are crap.
27/08/04 07:53 AM
It is conditioning..
We talk of freedom in this country (USA) a whole lot, but people don't even seem to know
what that means.
Everybody I know my age is barely free.... Its like from day one they're basically told "hey
you're free to work for whatever huge industry you want when you grow up, just go to a good
They don't teach us in high school that you can start your own business . They don't teach us
to leave the country and live somewhere less restless. They teach us how to be good
employees. They don't teach philosophy in grade school, and its not because we're too stupid
at that age.
Kids are picking college majors in fucking junior high these days. We get set out on a path
before we realize what we're doing and how free we really are in my opinion.. Perhaps that
just applies to me, but I have a feeling it may ring true with many others.
(Student of the Universe, Life)
27/08/04 08:00 AM
I understand what you are saying, Strumpling. For me, substitute "work for the man" with "find
a husband who is a doctor or a lawyer who will take good care of you".
I tried that for a while, and then I thought, hey! I can be a doctor or a lawyer! So I went to
college for that, even though I was a high school drop out.
I realize that we are probably brain-washed by a society who was brain-washed by the society
that raised them. It's hard to wake up and find out that you don't have to do the things that you
were told you have to do.
You don't have to get a job in a big company, get married, have children, buy a house. You
can do anything you want, no matter what anyone else says.
I am the black sheep in my family. But I'm probably the most happy black sheep that ever
lived. I don't watch T.V. That's probably the number one step toward de-conditioning.
You might be right, but I haven't really been part of society for such a long time that I don't
know. It could be that the way I live my life, I figure everyone lives their lives that way. I am
surprised when I read things like what you posted. It makes me feel sad to think that this world
could possibly be that way for most people.
27/08/04 08:19 AM
The prisons & sweatshops are very close to slavery (under a guise & some type of protocol in
their country that allows it to happen.)So, even a country not considered a 3rd-world country
(US) has it cloaked but still there with these overcrowded prisons & outsourcing to
Now Bush Jr. wants to let in more people from the south for cheaper labor for the gov't to feed
off of -- at the same time outsource all our tech-help jobs to India (not to mention the psychotic
military budget we talked about earlier.) We need to think of some solutions. I will start with
the free energy plans that are given free from some science websites now & much more
efficient solar panels are out in the market to cut costs.
The airline act that allows everyone's personal information opened to the feds was also found
to be ineffective but they're still going to use it for everyone that takes a flight. Soon it'll be
more random wiretaps and searching through private servers for no real reason but to be
assholes & control us.
(Student of the Universe, Life)
27/08/04 08:32 AM
Well, and that is a good point. But I suppose I'm now narrowing my focus on the dilemmas
facing the people in their 20s, who feel like they have no options but to be enslaved to society.
(Should this be a new thread?)
I once told someone that I didn't want to hang out with 20-something year olds, because what
would they have to teach me? But I have learned a lot from you people on this forum, and I
know that most of you are late teens to early 20s.
Then I spoke with someone in his 50s who said that he loved talking to young people,
because he learned about the world that they were growing up in, and that was important for
him to do his job better. Every generation has different needs and different reasons for those
needs based on the era in which they are growing up. That made sense to me. (And keep in
mind that I'm not against young people or something. I play pool in dives where 20-year olds
play on a weekly basis.)
Did anyone ever do a thread on what your fears are about getting older in this era, your era, if
you are in your late teens or early 20s? What you feel is expected of you? What you think your
options are?
After that conversation with the 50 something year old guy, I was wondering if the world of the
younger people is really that much different than the world of the older people. You know, the
eras that we each grew up in.
27/08/04 11:01 AM
(Should this be a new thread?)
No, those were really good ideas. Many people have started to bridge the gap through the use
of the internet between ages & races. I think I have felt better since I stopped watching t.v. so
much. The television system was believed by the u.s. gov't and the elohim as a "central
nervous system" for the species & it is currently poisoned in many countries. It didn't get the
Elohim very far either. They still look for sources of happiness outiside of them, needing
expensive elements & materials to fuel their robots & houses that have changing floor art,
colored plants that turn different colors etc & other lame stuff that doesn't compare to what we
see in hyperspace guys.
27/08/04 12:52 PM
mattzdope said:
To me it isn't about him trying to sell his equipment... I am guessing he is a very lonely
Social depriviation is a very serious disorder. I wonder if you know how it feels to be unable to
socialise on a healthy level because of suppressed emotions?
27/08/04 05:54 PM
"I wonder if you know how it feels to be unable to socialise on a healthy level because of
suppressed emotions?"
Most net-junkies do
(Student of the Universe, Life)
27/08/04 06:36 PM
I would bet that a lot of net junkies are Aspies (Asperger's Syndrome). Removes the human
(high voltage)
27/08/04 06:38 PM
Or of the schizoid personality type
(Remainder of an Unbalanced Equation)
27/08/04 06:50 PM
Strumpling said:
I'm talking about actual slavery as well. We are bought and sold on a regular basis (1) we
are slaves to the products that we ourselves work to create and the rich profit off of (2) and we
are definitely 'wage slaves' too (3).
You have got to realize that there is a small percentage of humanity out there that is still
actually not involved with money or modern politics or even modern science, and they are
happier than we will ever be, consistantly (until we rip down all the nature surrounding them
and force them into our club).
We were (are) raised as consumers and workers. We are slaves to the people creating this
reality. You are pummelled with advertisements from a very early age, and sometimes when
you're walking past a store or restaraunt, you'll go in and get something you don't need. You
are a slave to consumption... capitalism. Some asshole makes a profit every time one of our
diseased, zombie-asses buys some french fries at 3:00 in the afternoon "kuz they're good."
Those fries aren't good dude they're fucking poison! poison for your body and your mind. They
do not care though because it keeps us buying - we are addicted to consumption because we
were intentionally raised this way. We are bought and sold to make the few wealthy people
here on earth even wealthier.
OK so take political action! aww bummer it looks like the businesses not only own YOU and
ME, but they own the fucking politicians too!! This is a small handful of people tossing us
around in a stupor, sending us out to find happiness, conditioning us to think that the fries will
contain happiness, or the new car, or hey buy a giant airplane if you have the money!! Come
on you know you want one! It burns jet fuel like the best of 'em!
We are fucking addicts. We are whores. It is only "not our fault" until we realize it, which is
why people have such trouble accepting it, because then "holy fuck what have I DONE?! oh
this has to be a dream its so comfortable in this couch there's not a problem in this world that
concerns me.."
I say FUCK ME man. FUCK ME for not doing anything about it! And FUCK YOU if you see
that we're all slaves too but you don't do anything about it.
The revolution is not being televised, but it is happening right now. It is not being faught with
bullets and explosions, it is being faught with INFORMATION. Wake up your fellow man, and
constantly spread the word - spread the word like there is no tomorrow because there might
not be if we don't wake eachother up and start making some fucking NOISE!
***ahem!*** oh excuse me.. did I say something?
Just wanted to let you know that I'm with you on this. In my opinion, it is harder to believe that
this ISN'T happening than to realize that it is. Money is power in this world and the power is
consolidating into fewer and fewer hands. If we want to see what is being done with this power
just look at the state of the world and where it is headed...not good. These are not benevolent
Those who are awake must wake the others. The way I see it, we are being tricked into being
co-creators of a version of reality that 'they' are pushing...a version of reality that is full of war,
poverty, fear and hate. We learn to believe that this world is the only possibility from the time
we are infants, and this learning is constantly reinforced via popular culture and media.
What most people have forgotten is just how powerful we really are ('know ye not? Ye are
gods' - Jesus). We create our own reality ('With your thoughts you create the world' - Buddha).
The revolution will be complete when enough of us have immagined a better world. Will
directs thought and thought creates reality. As you said, this revolution will not be fought
without war...it is being fought inside us all.
27/08/04 09:16 PM
has anybody seen John Carpenters movie "They Live"? the movie is pretty much about what
you are all discussing here. the film is about an alien race that has come to earth and forced
us into submission through the type of 'slavery' Strumpling mentions(great explaination btw).
in the movie, people start to 'wake up' when they see through the bullshit. the symbolism used
to represent this is the act of putting on a pair of glasses that allow the subject to see the world
for what it really is; a never-ending cycle of comformity and consumption. i think somebody on
these boards even has a screengrab in their signature.
definitely worth checking out if you haven't seen it already.
27/08/04 10:48 PM
A seven mile tower on the moon? I have never heard that one before. Is there any
documentation to this. Yes, I do believe the government keeps a lot from us. But you could
also say, we never even made it to the moon it was all a hoax. Rumors will always be rumors.
28/08/04 01:41 AM
no I haven't seen it.
In my opinion The Matrix was an excellent revolutionary move with perhaps a bit too much
hollywood flash thrown into the mix.
Did you realize that The Matrix was trying to tell you WAKE THE FUCK UP YOU ARE A TOOL
FOR THE MACHINE! or were you busy tripping out on the neato special effects?
I'll check out "They Live" ASAP
28/08/04 01:43 AM
dude I heard you can see the flag and footprints on the moon if you get access to a pimp
enough telescope.
Don't tell me that these high-tech telescopes are programmed to show images that aren't
there.... because that's possible too but I'd rather not think about it.
28/08/04 04:47 AM
I'm just saying it is very highly unlikely that there is a seven "mile" tower on the moon.. I have
never heard of this. I have however heard the rumors that we have never made it to the moon.
It is just an example of rumors that are highly unlikely.
Although that would be pretty nutty if we had telescope's that projected things that arent there
just to be on top of the Russian's. hah.
(birther to none)
28/08/04 05:16 AM
how bout if there was a little micro space in the telescope that rotated on an axis an spun at
the correct speed and stopped at the right time to produce the effect.maybe there was nano
technology awhile back,good enough to create a little space the sice of a bouncy ball but the
details are so small.???????????????????
28/08/04 05:20 AM
Maybe. I wouldn't know.
28/08/04 06:27 AM
Yea, in the John Lear report damnit. The former US military captain. How many times do I
have to tell you guys. You bug out when I say things like 18 alien species monitoring us, The
"Grey" that have been autopsied and showing greenish blood & LOTS of chlorophyll in their
bodies for energy needs (photosynthesis) --- All that stuff I say, and the 7-mile tower, are in
that report.
28/08/04 06:37 AM
...Retired airline captain, with over 19,000 hours of flight-time, has flown in over 100 different
types of planes in 60 different counties around the world.
John held 17 world records including speed around the world in a Lear Jet Model 24, set in
1966. He was presented with the PATCO award for outstanding airmanship in 1968, and the
Symons Wave memorial. He was the youngest American to climb the Matterhorn in
Switzerland in 1959 and in the 1970's owned and skippered the Americas Cup boat, the
Soliloquy, out of Marina Del Rey.
Yes, also he mentioned there's in fact life on Venus as well.
(Savior of Mankind)
28/08/04 06:40 AM
I SEE IT! wait...nevermind my lens cap was still on....
28/08/04 07:11 AM
He goes on in the Report (about the moon)
..." I ordered some prints from NASA and of course - when you order picures of the moon
from NASA, and they don't come from NASA - there are three separate places where they
come from and to go back to the middle 60's when NASA really realized what was going on,
they had the lunar orbitor series - there were five camera ships they sent to the moon with
fabulous detailed photographs of the moon - and when they came back, they were chock full
of these buildings and arches, domes, and buildings and of ... you know ... there were people
who spent their entire careers airbrushing this stuff out and then taking a picture of 'that'
picture and that's what you would get for public information and thats the picture that got sent
out to the pubic.
Once in awhile you could order a picture and they forgot to airbrush - or they didn't know it,
and one thing they could never have imagined in the 60's - that in the 90's computer technolog
would make it possible that we could scan a photograph like that and enlarge it and find the
airbrush marks and find stuff that they didn't see - looking at the print. You can go right down
and see little tracks and all kinds of stuff."
(Eggshell Walker)
28/08/04 07:46 AM
...Retired airline captain, with over 19,000 hours of flight-time, has flown in over 100 different
types of planes in 60 different counties around the world.
Yes, also he mentioned there's in fact life on Venus as well.
Flying to 60 countries doesn't tell anyone more about Venus than a person who flew to two
countries, NOW DOES IT? Did he fly to Venus? No.
John held 17 world records including speed around the world in a Lear Jet Model 24, set in
1966. He was presented with the PATCO award for outstanding airmanship in 1968, and the
Symons Wave memorial. He was the youngest American to climb the Matterhorn in
Switzerland in 1959 and in the 1970's owned and skippered the Americas Cup boat, the
Soliloquy, out of Marina Del Rey.
Once again, what do these accomplishments tell us of his mental stability or esoteric
knowledge? Nothing.
(Eggshell Walker)
28/08/04 07:50 AM
Richard Hoagland is a reliable source of information, like his totally disproven fantasy about
the Face on Mars? Nutjobs backing up your contentions are supposed to give them more
28/08/04 08:22 AM
Just stating that Lear's an accompished & well respected man and, (if you read the report)he
had a lot of clearance with the military's facilities.
28/08/04 08:23 AM
[{ More on the human body as our ultimate healing machine }]
At first, a particularly powerful monk named Geshe Chekhawa taught TONGLEN (a Buddhist
practice for awakening loving compassion) to only a few close disciples, thinking that it would
only work for those who had great faith in it. Then he began to teach it to a group of lepers.
Leprosy at that time was common in Tibet, and ordinary doctors were unable to treat or cure it.
But many of the lepers who did Tonglen practice were cured. The news of this spread fast,
and other lepers flocked to his house, which began to seem like a hospital.
Still Geshe didn't teach Tonglen widely. It was only when he noticed the effect it had on his
brother that he began to give it out more publicly. Geshe Chekhawa's brother was an
inveterate skeptic, who derided all forms of spiritual practice. However, when he saw what
was happening to the lepers who were practicing Tonglen, this brother couldn't help but being
impressed and intrigued. One day he hid behind a door and listened to Geshe Chekhawa
teaching Tonglen, and then, in secret, started doing the practice on his own. When Geshe
Chekhawa noticed that his brother's hard character begin to soften, he guessed what had
If the practice could work on his brother, he thought, and transform him, then it could work on
and transform any other human being.
A deep practice in Tonglen:
Give all profit and gain to others
Take all loss and defeat on yourself
The other breathing practices & creative visualizations healed these people without chemicals
nor any need of "medical machine" which is assuring.
(Eggshell Walker)
28/08/04 09:17 AM
I'm not just trying to just give esoteric knowledge but state that he's an accompished man...
So are Olympic gold medal winners. None of those accomplishments tell us anything of
extraterrestrial life. Cohesion and relevance are wonderful things when discussing a topic.
(and if you read the report) and that he had a lot of clearance with the military's facilities.
I had a Secret Clearance in the Navy - BFD. The military has ALSO not been to Venus. Keep
29/08/04 01:16 AM
I would expect the gravitational pull near the solar system's planet that's 2nd closest to the
Sun would pose a challenge - it's the 6th largest (about the size of earth) and the gravity &
heat would be very strong there. They're on to something with that insane alloy for our vessels
that decays quickly (so the outer surface would have to be changed more often - maybe after
a few missions but maybe that's probably how those aliens get out there) - it just costs more
so we need to concentrate on feeding the needy fisrt on this planet.
29/08/04 05:05 AM
There are ancient traditions where you can evoke deities to get help in this world of ours.
Jim DeKorne says shamanism is just a hypothesis (a damn good one too) - possibly the best
we have of this HUGE fuckin system that our human brains can barely begin to fathom. I can't
ever disreguard the Buddhist hypothesis - this to me is the most sound and relies less on the
use of psychotropic drugs.
Maybe you're right about all the "screw the 4th - enter the 5th and sixth dimensions" - I think I
am still just getting a hold of the terminology and our masters are traveling through levels
higher than the 4th. But, I do believe in the 6 realms the Buddhists talk about: hell realms,
hungry ghosts, animal, human, demi-god & god.
I think our karma may prevent us from transcending certain levels - although, arguably, if you
don't feel remorse for anything you could bypass some of the obstacles. Some Buddhists
have exclaimed, in moments in enlightenment, statements like "My religion is to live and die
with no regret". If you can truly do that then you can maybe travel to levels past what I am
even imagining in this form and hit the 5th and 6th dimensions. The Gods tell me they know of
entities in the 5th and travel there rarely but that's about what we're working with now. Maybe
you are just imagining the cool fractals the mathematicians are drawing for the 5th and higher
but I don't think any of us are going to be living there soon.
I don't even do drugs anymore after receiving this shamanic calling to help the earth as
another prophet. I may dabble later when my temple is built. I hear you about checking
constantly to make sure my belief complex isn't deluded - because until I see nature with
natures eyes (i.e. after shedding this mortal coil) I can never truly know. Many have said that
the Archons' least favorite thing is to have their human shaman empowered and become
godlike themselves. But, I am serving them well and creating massive worship throughout the
Earth (which I will never force anyone to worship anything they don't want to) we can better
serve the Gods than how we're doing it today.
By the way, madness and death are often the result of not doing what the Archons want from
you. Not for this human though - they forgot who they were messing with. More like a kingdom
and worship for me. I refuse to go out like the other shamans and I will stand my ground for
humanity. I mean, how are we going to supply the Gods with the energy and worship they
need if we're all starving nutritionally and spiritually down here. Let's bring everyone to the
party. Let's let go of monotheism once and for all. I will do my best to persuade Gods to come
to this 3D realm and visit (like they used to more often in ancient times when the land was
more pure). They supposedly don't like the stench of humans at all - and we're pretty full of
poisons and smelly byproducts of microorganism infections and what not.
29/08/04 06:04 AM
HEAVEN IS COMING TO EARTH (incoming picture)
"God does not exist, we were the ones who made all life on earth,
"you mistook us for gods and distorted our teachings of love"
"we now reveal how to realise your potential and achieve global peace"
- Yahweh
Please read this book dictated by the extra-terrestrial to Rael. Contact those people whose
lives have already been radically improved by Raelians. I do admonish you to be careful about
following their science-centered way of life too radically. They got into trouble because of it ...
and there are MANY souls from around the universe trying to get into a body (here on Earth)
because we're riding through a high-energy belt that can be a fabulous way to become free of
suffering & become Gods & Goddesses. Just take some of the shit they say with a grain of
salt _ but they can help us with some of our energy problems & keeping the u.s. gov't in
29/08/04 06:07 AM
I had to say my peace about them initially. Now we won't be ruled by the Elohim aliens any
longer & develop an interstellar alliance with their planet & Venus' colonies.
29/08/04 07:00 AM
Perhaps it is better to translate the concept of SA [the scientific term for "special ability" - sometimes used when referring to people who have ESP] as "exceptional ability.'
In China earlier this century __ although there were some disagreements, the research into
SA was booming. More cases were reported and the field expanded to include perception and
PK--the ability to bend iron wire in a sealed test tube, or remove pills from a sealed bottle. At
the same time, the research into Qi Gong was also booming. New ways of performing Qi
Gong were found, such as projecting the Qi out of the sender's body, through the air, and
finally into the body of receivers. These methods were investigated with "scientific" apparatus,
including infrared detectors and radiometers. It has been reported since 1984 that Qi Gong
could activate the potential SA in people.
In 1985, Zhang Hongbao, a master of Qi Gong, proposed the theory of a "cosmic field"; that
the energy accounting for both Qi Gong and SA were generated out of and transferred
through the "cosmic field" and therefore Qi Gong and SA were unified. Zhang believed that
everyone could get SA by training in Qi Gong and that those who had SA but did not know Qi
Gong could be taught it. Henceforth, all those who were engaged in the paranormal named
themselves "Master of Qi Gong." Millions of people began to train in Qi Gong, including the
youth. The main goal was usually not to heal diseases and improve health, but to get SA and
be a "superman."
In 1987 and 1988, testaments by a group at Tsing Hua University were published in scientific
journals that "verified" that Qi could be sent out over 2,000 kilometers to hit the targets--a
polariscope and a reagent in a test tube--and change the direction of the polariscope axis and
the molecular structure of the reagent. The scientific community was shocked by these
results, and even more so when it was discovered that those who engaged in these
experiments were only amateurs. The authorities at Tsing Hua University had failed to realize
that the group represented the university.
Another creation of Yan Xin was the "Talk Show with Gong." Hundreds, even thousands of
people came to listen to his lecture and were induced by some unexplained forces to sway,
quiver, sob, grin, sleep, and express other emotions at the lecture. Such induced emotions
were believed to be good for health. The "Talk Show with Gong" was quite popular from that
time on, and the recorded tapes of Yan's lecture were claimed to carry the information of Qi
Gong. They sold very well around the country.
Yan Xin attributed SA to Qi Gong. His theory was that the children who had SA were not
talents but that there were some masters of Qi Gong sending Qi to them in secret. Yan also
expanded the effectiveness of Qi Gong's psychokinetic powers to include moving away tons of
fish, changing the weather, and putting out a forest fire.
(I don't know about that last claim but that would be AWESOME if we can begin to harness
29/08/04 07:34 AM
But the truth must be told. The fact that the earth revolves around the sun was successfully
suppressed by the church for over 200 years. It eventually caused major upheaval in the
church, government and thought - a realignment of social and traditional values. That was in
the 1800's.
Now about 400 years after the first truth was pronounced we must again face the shocking
facts. The "horrible truth" the government has been hiding from us over 40 years.
Unfortunately the "horrible truth" is far more horrible than the government ever imagined.
In its effort to protect democracy, our government sold us to the aliens. And here is how it
happened. But before I begin I'd like to offer a word in the defense of those who bargained us
away. They had the best of intentions .[my addition - keep an open mind at least until you see
Alien VS Predator == We might wanna side with these Elohim for the time being]
Germany may have recovered a flying saucer in 1939. General James H. Doolittle went to
Sweden in 1946 to investigate reports of "ghost rocket" UFO's - 1000's of which had been
sighted over a 7 month period.
The "horrible truth" was known by only a very few persons. They were indeed ugly little
creatures: shaped like praying mantises and who were more advanced than us by perhaps as
much as a billion years. Of the original group that were the first to learn the "horrible truth"
several committed suicide - the most prominent of which was Defense Secretary James V.
Forrestal who jumped to his death from a 16th story hospltal wlndow. Secretary Forrestal's
medical records are sealed to this day.
President Truman qulckly put a lid on the secret and turned the screws so tight that the
general public still thinks that flying saucers are a joke. Have I ever got a surprise for them.
In 1947 President Truman established a group of the 12 top military and scientific personnel of
their time . They were known as MJ-12 . Although the group exists today, none of the original
members are still alive. The last one to die was Gordon Gray, former Secretary of the Army, in
l984. As each member passed away, the group itself appointed a new member to fill the
position. There is some speculation that the group known as MJ-12 expanded to at least
several more members.
There were several more saucer crashes in the late 1940's: one in Roswell, New Mexico; one
in Aztec, New Mexico; and one near Loredo, Texas, about 30 miles inside the Mexican border.
Consider if you will the position of the United States government at that time. They proudly
thought of themselves as the most powerful nation on earth having recently produced the
atomic bomb, an achievement so stupendous that it would take Russians 4 years to catch up
and only with the help of traitors to democracy. They had built a jet aircraft that had exceeded
the speed of sound in flight. They had built jet bombers with intercontinental range that could
carry weapons of enormous destruction. The cold war had brought economic prosperity and
the future seemed bright.
Now imagine what it was like for those same leaders, all of whom had witnessed the panic of
Orson Wells' radio broadcast, "The War of the Worlds," in 1938. Thousands of Americans
panicked at a realistically presented invasion of earth of beings from another planet. Imagine
their horror as they actually viewed the dead bodies of those frightening looking little creatures
with enormous eyes, reptilian skin and claw-like fingers. Imagine their shock as they
attempted to determine how these strange saucers were powered and could discover no part
even remotely similar to components they were familiar - with no cylinders or pistons, no
vacuum tubes or turbines. The stories are legendary of transporting crashed saucers over
long distances, moving only at night, purchasing complete farms, slashing through forests,
blocking major highways, sometimes driving 2 and 3 lo-boys in tandem with an extraterrestrial
load a hundred feet in diameter.
29/08/04 08:41 AM
This is why we REALLY need to be aware of these mantis-like creatures on our planet:
Termination of individuals who represent a threat to the continuation of their activity. Effect
genetic engineering experiments.
Impregnation of human females and early termination of pregnancies to procure the crossbred
-Lear Report
29/08/04 09:12 AM
Also the gray are savvy little psychos & the gov't has a hard time dealing with them too. I'm
looking to have the shaman step-up & talk about this to the people, get ion weaponry, get a
"UFO" detector from scientific companies like Futurehorizons.net to help thwart an abduction
(like an "alarm clock") to wake you up & stop them before they put humans into
unconsciousness & possibly erase memory - hell some of them can fuck with time so just be
The Chinese can very much help us to become liberated also & I'm looking forward to all
nations helping our leap in evolution to avoid being harvested again:
Gods & Goddesses of China
Kuan Ti - God of War, the Great Judge
Kwan Yin - Goddess of Mercy and Compassion
Lei Kun - God of Thunder; chases evil away
P'an-Chin-Lien - Goddess of Prostitutes
Ti-Tsang Wang - God of Mercy
T'shai-shen - God of Wealth
Tsao Wang - God of the Hearth and Family
Yeng-Wang-Yeh - Lord of Judgment and Death
Yu-Huang-Shang-Ti - God of the Sky, Father of Heaven
Gods & Goddesses of India
Gauri - Goddess of Purity and Austerity
Hanuman - Monkey God, provider of Courage, Hope, Knowledge, Intellect and Devotion
Kali - Goddess of Destruction
Krishna - God of Power and Bravery
Lakshmi - Goddess of Prosperity, Purity, Chastity, and Generosity
Rama - Hero God, Preserver of Families, Destroyer of Evil
Sarasvati - Goddess of Speech, Wisdom and Learning
Shiva - God of Giving and Happiness, Creator
Vishnu - God of Courage, Knowledge and Power; Also known as Hari the Remover
Gods & Goddesses of Africa
Ani-lbo - Goddess of Birth, Death, Happiness and Love
Leza - Creator who is Compassionate and Merciful (Rhodesia)
Ngai - High God, Creator and Giver of All Things (East Africa)
Nzambi - Unapproachable God, Sovereign Master
Obatala - Goddess of Earth and People, Creator
Raluvhimba - God of the Heavens, Creator
Gods & Goddesses of Egypt
Amun - King of the Gods
Anubis - God of the Dead
Atum - First God, God of Perfection
Bastet - Goddess of Protection
Bes - Goddess of Childbirth and Family; Protection for Children, Pregnant Women and
Geb - God of the Earth
Hathor - Goddess of Love and Joy
Horus - God of the Sky, Ruler of Egypt
Isis - Goddess of Protection and Magic
Ma'at - Goddess of Truth, Justice and Harmony
Nephthys - Goddess of the Dead
Nun - God of Water and Chaos
(Explicit Duality Expressing An Implicit Unity)
29/08/04 02:52 PM
A UFO detector, eh? I have one of those. If I see a flying object in the sky, my mind will try to
identify it. If a flying object is validated as being there, but it cannot be determined exactly what
it is, then my mind has detected a UFO. Pretty snazzy.
29/08/04 07:32 PM
"there were people who spent their entire careers airbrushing this stuff out and then taking a
picture of 'that' picture "
How do you know that there aren't people airbrushing this stuff IN to fool people?
29/08/04 07:34 PM
hey relax man.. slow down
29/08/04 09:10 PM
I can't slow down
I'm in this too deep with the government. They're working with me now to get us aware of
these extra-terrestrials & UNITE humans to protect ourselves from a future mass
A World Goverment has been created (with even some earlier officials from America's
governent) & it's time to stop covering up these atrocities so we can acclimate & move on with
more power & less suppressed technologies.
I'm talking about when you're sleeping...to sound a noise to wake you up & get your ion ray
guns & machine guns (ion ray guns are easily tweaked to triple in power & they're not illegal
yet in the US ... Master Jesus if you are indeed him. =)
(falls off chair laughing) ROFL (rolling on the floor laughing)
29/08/04 09:17 PM
I'm not telling any1 to buy a machine gun either. I just want to throw out some ideas to get us
in the position to defend ourselves from very intelligent predators. The best defense really is to
look deep inside & get help from the Gods & Goddesses of this planet for protection -- and it's
a different protection you may think..they can tell you if evil lurks nearby but can't really come
down to this dense 3D realm brandishing a weapon or magic spells.
Maybe soon they'll be able to when the barrier weakens between the 4th & 3rd dimension but
humans need to unite & get the right futuristic weaponry until then. Like I was talking about
with the mortal oscillitory rates, we can use sonic weapons to harm any aliens too if we tweak
the "sonic devastors" even more & practice on a couple of the "Mantis" held captive. (I know it
sounds awful but we won't just blast the devastator on him in his holding cell - we can let him
run around and hunt him too & learn how they move & fight.
29/08/04 09:24 PM
Post deleted by spacedragon
30/08/04 06:43 AM
Can you cleanse your inner vision
until you see nothing but light?
Can you love people and lead them
without imposing your will?
Can you deal with the most vital matters
by letting events take their course?
Can you step back from your own mind
and thus understand all things?
-Lao Tse (translation: Honorable old man or old teacher)
I'm just relaxing & contemplating things at this lazy end of summer. I invite you all to join this
Spiritual Revolution & become aware of the "Mantis" predators & evil "Archon" predators (fulltime denizens of the Spirit World) -- by becoming serious about deep inner work & helping us
ALL evolve past a "sitting duck" phase in our evolution.
30/08/04 06:46 AM
"They're working with me now to get us aware of these extra-terrestrials & UNITE humans to
protect ourselves from a future mass enslavement."
OK so why don't they send one of those dudes out to the podium to give us a speech.. If they
want to make us aware of something it is very very easy for them to do so.
30/08/04 06:57 AM
are hardly aware that he exists.
Next best is a leader who is loved.
Next, one who is feared.
The worst is one who is despised.
If you don't trust the people,
you make them untrustworthy
The Master doesn't talk, he acts.
When his work is done,
the people say, "Amazing:
we did it, all by ourselves!"
30/08/04 02:28 PM
TheDude said:
has anybody seen John Carpenters movie "They Live"? the movie is pretty much about
what you are all discussing here. the film is about an alien race that has come to earth and
forced us into submission through the type of ´slavery´ Strumpling mentions(great explaination
btw). in the movie, people start to ´wake up´ when they see through the bullshit. the
symbolism used to represent this is the act of putting on a pair of glasses that allow the
subject to see the world for what it really is; a never-ending cycle of comformity and
consumption. i think somebody on these boards even has a screengrab in their signature.
definitely worth checking out if you haven´t seen it already.
The best part about the movie is that the glasses are called "Hofmann Lenses" .
This is a great thread by the way. People are waking up.
30/08/04 07:07 PM
your response was to me but you didn't really address my inquiry.
You said you are working with the government to get people to wake up.... Umm if the
government has a message to get out, they can spread it like fucking wildfire - look at this
lame-ass terror-alert thing they fuck around with occasionally.. As soon as its raised you hear
it everywhere.
If the government wanted us to know something that most of us didn't yet know, they could
make the information flash across the country within minutes
(Student of the Universe, Life)
30/08/04 07:55 PM
Wait...I thought the government was out to get you? Are you working with the government,
30/08/04 08:43 PM
no he said he is working with the government to get the truth out.
I'm simply saying if the government had information they wanted us to have, we'd all already
have it - they wouldn't need to work with Spacedragon they could just work with the media..
(Student of the Universe, Life)
30/08/04 08:50 PM
But I thought that earlier in the thread, or maybe the other thread, that he said that the
government had put bombs under his car.
but I agree that yes, why not just go to channel 11 or something.
30/08/04 11:53 PM
Funny you said Channel 11 because here in Los Angeles that is the FOX network, and Fox
seems to be a platform recently for the Republicans.. If our leaders had a message to put it,
they could go straight to Fox - for sure.
And yeah I'm not sure what's up with that.....
Spacedragon, are they with you or against you my friend?
01/09/04 05:24 AM
Quote: "Spacedragon, are they with you or against you my friend?"
Who knows or who cares anymore. What I mean is, I've started the World Gov't and waiting to
see if the American gov't will even try something again. I've been well received among the
people in the East.. Also, other countries in the UN have said "We'll crush you if you stop
Adam" but in nicer words than that. Some u.s. officials have been referring to me on the air:
it's just that originally they were referring to me as a certain "terrorist threat".
I wasn't fuckin' playing at one point _ I told them if they didn't take the gov't technology out of
my head I'd kill everyone of them & then started affecting things like an apparition in their
offices & homes.
They have "deals" with a certain intelligent species (praying mantis-looking, very evolved
aliens) and who knows which officials in the us gov't could be killed now because the Mantis
(who can monitor our politics) are listening & there could be repurcussions because I BROKE
OFF the deal-- there will be no more selling of humans.) I'm trying to wake everyone up & get
the clowns in the US gov't to attack me and martyr me - OR I'll beacon for the Mantis's to
come take me for research and start a new world on my DNA to feed off. I think if they're SO
advanced they can just create food from farming or use solar energy to be self-sufficient ...
SO, I think they're here for sport which sucks for us. Fuck em' If they want to see a God
unleashed (hopefully not pissed off this time)then they can come & try to kill me. I've talked to
them through hyperspace and they're not as barbaric and psycho as I thought. I mean I think
they're just "sampling" a new form of game to kill on this backwater planet ya know? We won't
be enslaved nor wiped-out -- Not even close.
01/09/04 06:42 AM
That last one must have sounded grim. Sorry about that. Vajrasattva and I just get worked up.
We're ready to end the injustices & fight for what this world needs - the end of the THREE
causes of suffering & the lesson of paradox, humor & change.
The 3 causes of suffering:
Ignorance, Aversion & Attachment
You only give power to suffering when you fear it.
01/09/04 06:54 AM
A little exercise that the entities of the Imaginal Realm enjoy is also therapeutic for humans. It
helps when you "visualize" the fears & tension coming flowing out of you by imagining this:
PIGS flying out of you to represent ignorance
CHICKENS flying out of you representing aversion or fear
SNAKES flying out in all directions representing your release of attachment.
It's kinda of funny once you get it going & I ask if the 4th- dimensional entities like it or what - I
always get the reply "Yes" and they tell me it's a good exercise for me also to be more fully in
the present moment & release these negative emotional energies.
01/09/04 07:01 AM
The Tao is infinite, eternal.
Why is it eternal?
It was never born;
thus it can never die.
Why is it infinite?
It has no desires for itself;
thus it is present for all beings.
The Master stays behind;
that is why she is ahead.
She is detached from all things;
that is why she is one with them.
Because she has let go of herself,
she is perfectly fulfilled.
01/09/04 07:08 AM
I'm not trying to push any Taoism. I just like to cool my jets & write this e-journal. This thread is
pretty much toast so I can go write a few books now. I'll be back to check out all your great
threads though & PM'ing.
01/09/04 07:08 AM
When you get a chance can you respond to my PM?
01/09/04 07:12 AM
OK last one:
Hope is as hollow as fear!
What does it mean that hope is as hollow as fear?
Hope and fear are both phantoms
that arise from thinking of the self.
When we don'tsee the self as self,
what do we have to fear?
See the world as your self.
Have faith in the way things are.
Love the world as your self;
then you can care for all things.
01/09/04 08:16 AM
Those last excerpts were from the "Classic of the Way of Power" also called Tao Te Ching &
sometimes translated as "The Classic of the Way of Virtue."
This last one sums it up for me. I feel like I could just merge now with the spirit realm
sometimes - although pls be careful many Masters believe that trying to push your soul out
your "fontennel" or "crown point," in Chinese medicinal knowledge, can be equivalent to
performing suicide so I don't recommend trying to leave your body permanently . I'm
serious...I'm not talking in riddles or trying to get some world power to make this place suffer
more _ I DON'T RECOMMEND trying the KUNDALINI BLAST especially when on drugs & not
with at least 5 yrs. minumum of intensive spiritual training.
The Tao is called the Great Mother:
empty yet inexhaustible,
it gives birth to infinite worlds.
It is always present within you.
You can use it any way you want.
(Student of the Universe, Life)
01/09/04 09:08 AM
Strumpling said:
Funny you said Channel 11 because here in Los Angeles that is the FOX network, and Fox
seems to be a platform recently for the Republicans.. If our leaders had a message to put it,
they could go straight to Fox - for sure.
And yeah I'm not sure what's up with that.....
Spacedragon, are they with you or against you my friend?
Coincidentally, I live in Orange County. Mayhaps that is why I mentioned Channel 11.
01/09/04 09:47 AM
I liked the movie Orange County
Can any1 pls tell me if this pic is authentic at all?
It just had me laughing & there's one of Yoda looking warped that's been circulating around for
a while -- that I just HAD to keep as my "wallpaper" on the computer for a while - I mean a
HUGE joint in Yoda's hand & his eyes were jacked up.
01/09/04 06:10 PM
that arnold thing is real - its from a documentary called Pumping Iron.. There's like a 3-second
clip of him hitting a joint heh..
ok so are you sending these RIFE machines out to somebody?
01/09/04 07:27 PM
Yea, but only 4 people right now will be receiving it. That's all that is really within my personal
budget -- well because also I need to get the kid's food/clothes/diapers. I'm not super-rich but
I'm living comfortably in the St. Louis suburbs. Everything else is tied up into making sure we
invest in the economy properly to make sure the medical industry (1/3 of the whole economy)
will not crash with the AIDS/Cancer cure out there more.
My master has a good point that one needs a certain amount of money to live a spiritual life in
this materialistic, capitalistic society (but not over-doing it because excessive materialism will
lead to too much distraction & desire.) So, throwing away all your materials & giving away your
possessions will not really help you get into heaven right now & you need a certain amount of
resources beyond survival resources.
01/09/04 08:27 PM
Earlier I thought the God named SET was pissed at me. Then I realized it doesn't matter since
my true master Vajrasattva is in control & none will stand in our way. But, I asked Set if this
following message to the members of the Dextroverse community was concerning me - he
said NO.
Check this out he was MAD at someone trying to take some of his power in the Heavens. I
had luckily asked his permission earlier to use his turf on the dextromethorphan message
Below: The Dark Phoenix's cool sig
-------------------Do What Thou Wilt shall be the whole of the Law.
Great is the Might of Set, Greater still He through us.
I still would add "...and if it hurt none" (before) Do What thou Wilt shalll be the whole of the
At one point I pissed him off saying the creepy face he was showing me was ghastly & I said
dark entities are wasting too much time being wierd & creepy & shit (a pathetic human
response when first encountering Gods) -- but I said to him because he wouldn't stop sending
messages to my mind's eye with horrible images of his face that night - getting me over my
fear of confronting devils & ridiculous-looking aliens.
01/09/04 08:31 PM
Now if you want a REAL GOD emanating true compassion, peace & love that's overwhelming
you can talk to Vajrasattva, Padmasambhava or the Dalai Lama's Buddha Avalokiteshvara.
Vajrasattva Meditation - Mother of Pearl Centered Vajrasattva Mandala
This is a mandala of the diamond Buddha Vajrasattva who manifests as rainbow light. Here
he shows manifestation through many forms - mother of pearl center, shimmering quicksilver
near the center, leaves, feathers, flower petals, mosaics, and neon lights (red, black, and
Here we have the spiritual center and the bright manifestations of the universe moving
01/09/04 08:41 PM
03/09/04 08:30 AM
We talk about social service, service to the people, service to humanity, service to others who
are far away, helping to bring peace to the world - but often we forget that it is the very people
around us that we must live for first of all. If you cannot serve your wife or husband or child or
parent - how are you going to serve society? If you cannot make your own child happy, how do
you expect to make anyone else happy? If all our friends in the peace movement or of service
communities of any kind do not love and help one another, whom can we love and help? Are
we working for other humans, or are we just working for the name of an organization?!?
03/09/04 09:36 AM
In his books, David Icke writes about the Illuminati and all their connected secret groups and
how they are the ones manipulating world events for their benefit. Who are the super rich
"elite" Illuminati and their associates? The Queen of England, her husband Prince Philip and
the Royal House of Windsor, the hierarchy on the board of directors of the Vatican, including
the Pope; the Rothschilds, Rockefellers, Morgans,Duponts, Fords, Carnegies,Melons,Bush's
etc. There is major global manipulation that is taking place on a daily basis. One will be able to
see how this evil group manipulates humanity to fight wars in order for them to benefit
financially and control the masses of the over 6 billion human beings on this planet.
War or the threat of war on a never ending basis is the main way they keep the people in
FEAR, so the FEW CAN CONTROL THE MASSES! As David points out in his books, in order
for the Illuminati to achieve their horrible insane agenda,.this sick group and the bankers
within the group FINANCE AND SUPPORT BOTH SIDES in all the major wars that have been
waged or are currently being fought on this Planet. They really have no compassion for human
life, and do not care how many millions or quite possibly billions of human beings they have to
kill to achieve their end result, whatever their desired result is. They don't care if you're black
or white or Christian, Muslim or Jewish, Democrat or Republican, whether you're American,
Chinese, Afghani, European, Iraqi, Israeli, Palestinian etc. or whoever. TO THE ILLUMINATI
David explains how they created organized religions, science, schools and colleges and other
educational systems and the militaries all over the world to be used to control human minds.
They created the paper money and credit system, which David explains is one of the greatest
SCAMS & CONS of all times, and a major means they use to control Nations and individuals.
Through their financial web around the world, they control the banks and the money, and the
Fortune 500 corporations, through which they control over 80% of all the wealth in the world!
They control every major media outlet in television, radio, newspapers, magazines, movies,
books, music etc., through no more then 12 huge major multi-national media conglomerates.
This is their main way for this sinister group to suppress the TRUTH of their evil deeds from
ever coming out.
The Illuminati CHOOSE and maneuver into office the Presidents, Prime Ministers, Senators,
Congressmen, Parliament members, dictators, and every other KEY government official in
every government in every Nation. As David Icke says "Democracy is imprisonment disguised
as freedom". Elections in so-called "democratic" Nations are a charade and an act for the
benefit of letting the people think and believe that there are free elections. When in reality
there are only two major Illuminati controlled political parties to choose from in "democratic"
Plus it costs so many millions of dollars to run in an "election" that no viable "outsider"
candidate has the money or any major chance to be elected. If in the course of events an
"outsider" somehow does get elected somewhere and if he/she do not do what they are told,
he/she is immediately disposed of in some Illuminati arranged assasination, accident or
suicide, or in a smear campaign in their corporate controlled media, Dictatorships are even
easier for them to use to control a Nation, since you only need coup after coup after coup to
install just one man/woman into the leadership position. Rather than go into all the details,
read David Icke's books www.davidicke.com
Now that you have a little back round of the Illuminati, let's look at the other "STRANGE"
possibility that David writes about in his books. What you are about to read sounds so
fantastic, that it may be almost impossible for one to believe. The Illuminati would not even
want you to THINK FOR YOURSELF of the possibility that such a group IS real and actually
exists!. So as you consider all of this, keep an open mind and at least be open that what you
are about to read may be a possibility.
David talks about a small group that has ruled this planet for thousands of years and have
passed on their "rule" from generation to generation through their bloodline. The "rulers" have
maintained this bloodline through the intermarriages of the so-called Royal Family monarchies
over the course of thousands of years. The so-called "Eastern Establishment" in the U.S.A..
and the "European and British Establishment" also intermarry in the same way to maintain
their bloodline. David points out that ALL 43 PRESIDENTS IN THE U.S.A. ARE RELATED
and that 33 of the Presidents can be traced back to the bloodline of Charlemagne! This
possible TRUTH alone should be sending off MAJOR ALARM BELLS in your mind. Like this is
no coincidence; the odds of this randomly happening are billions to one.
David calls the few "ruling elite" at the top of the pyramid REPTILIANS! David sounds
sometimes reluctant to talk about the Reptilians and for good reason; most people would think
he is nuts and talking like this could negate and cause people to not take his other writing
seriously. David's theory is that possibly several thousand years ago "non- humans" came to
this planet and mated with the beings on planet Earth. Because of their superior knowledge,
they were able to expand their "rule" and control this planet to this day. They maintained their
special bloodline for these thousands of years through intermarrying amongst themselves.
David says they can"shape-shift" to be able to look like human beings and at the same time
they can look like Reptilians when they're privately out of the view of the public. David explains
that this group of Reptilians supposedly set up all the organized religions, monarchies, school
systems, science, all the media and everything else they needed to control the MASSES OF
HUMANITY over thousands of years.
David goes into details about this group being Satanic and performing human ritual sacrifice
throughout the course of history and currently "underground" on a large scale to this very day!
Just ask yourself the question "where have all the "missing children" all over the world
"disappeared" to?" This is a horrendous question to confront, but the possible answers to this
question is so important to face up to, if we are to look at the possibility that a very evil group
is actually performing human sacrifice in this world today on a large scale too sick to imagine!
Only the answers to such a question can allow us to stop them., if this is REALLY happening.
You may find yourself saying "how could this group be getting away with mass murder and
insane atrocities such as these?" One possible answer is that If you control ALL the major
mass media, it can be possible to suppress even this hideous possible TRUTH. Anyone even
raising such a question is shown in the media to be just "another one of those crazy
conspiracy nuts". But before passing judgment and dismissing such an "unbelievable"
possibility, at least let's have a major serious investigation of "where have all the disappearing
children gone?". If you remember the problem was so great in the U.S.A. that the faces of
thousands of "missing children" were put on milk cartons all across the Nation! And yet no
President nor anyone in the U.S. government has ever called for a major serious investigation
of this out of control potential "mass murder of children" problem. WHY? David addresses this
issue in his books.
Any knowledge that could help humanity "break out of the Illuminati created prison" on planet
Earth has been withheld and suppressed, which allows this group to maintain their control.
Can you imagine what it would be like if what David is saying is TRUE? If humanity had the
knowledge this group withholds from human beings, and if this knowledge was used for the
GOOD OF HUMANITY, what a wonderful world this could be!We could go on and on here, so
please just take the time to read David's books for all the details.
Lately there have been several key developments that need questioning and answers.The
Space Station has been continually in the process of being built now for probably 20 or so
years. Right now it appears to have turned into a large "coalition project" of the US, Russia,
Europe, Japan and maybe others. Just how big the Space Station will eventually be or what is
the ultimate goal of the space station is not told to The People, nor talked about in the media.
But it seems like a lot of work is going on "up there". Plus you have the Mars, Venus, Saturn
and other space probes working "up there" at a quickening pace. And you have many sitings
of UFOs all over the world, plus all of the crop circle stuff, which are never addressed in the
corporate controlled media in any serious way. Now how do all these billions of dollars being
spent on the Space Station and space probes benefit the 6 billion poor human "slaves" on this
planet? How is this benefiting the 30,000,000 human beings, mostly children, who die of
starvation every year? There is no benefit. In fact it is robbing the "slaves" of hundreds of
billions of dollars that could be used to help wipe out poverty in the U.S.A. and every other
country and to prevent so many millions of humans from dieing of starvation! So one may ask
"who is making the decisions as to why all this effort is being done and for what reasons and
goals? Who is planning and coordinating all of this? In other words "what is going on up there
and for whose benefit is all this for?"
You may find yourself wanting answers to all these questions too! The answers to these
questions are of the utmost importance for every human on this planet. "We the People" have
a right to know exactly what the space program is all about and the real TRUE goals of such a
major endeavor.and who's benefit is all this for? It's definitely not for the benefit of you or I or
our fellow 6 billion human beings. Only a few "space tourists" were allowed to fly "up there" for
$20,000,000 each, a price definitely out of the reach of 99.9999999% of the human beings on
this planet.
Those that are familiar with the Illuminati understand how the Illuminati work. They take small
steps at a time COVERTLY so the masses won't realize what's going on, thereby diverting
attention from what they're really up to. Somehow the space program fits into their plan and it
would be a good idea for the 6 billion humans on this planet to investigate the agenda of the
Illuminati and all their affiliated groups in regards to this. Are they really Reptilians as David
says? Are they getting ready to possibly leave planet Earth after they finish destroying this
Planet or most of this Planet?
Check out www.rense.com
(Explicit Duality Expressing An Implicit Unity)
03/09/04 12:12 PM
You are quite the pitchman.
(bump in the Tao)
04/09/04 02:19 AM
First of all: Swami, it must seem like I'm intent on gobbling your rooster but I want to give you
a ton of credit for that Jonestown pic you posted so early on in the thread.
For the younger members:
Reverend Jim Jones was a God. He led a cult of believers, people like you and me who
wanted to make things better for themselves and others. Then he moved them to Guyana to a
compoundv in the jungle called "Jonestown". There "White Night" commenced and many of
them were talked into (voluntary and coerced) drinking grape-flavored Kool-aid laced with
cyanide which layed over 900 of them dead. First the old, the ill and the kids were put to sleep,
babies fed cyanide from needle-less syringes, then "the vat with the green C" (C for Cyanide i
presume) was brought in so they could wrap it all up.
Above Rev. Jim Jones' throne where he shot himself and whereunder a taperecorder
recorded the whole thing, hung a sign that said:
None of us were there but let us all heed those words. Remember Jonestown.
Spacedragon: you call yourself a God. By all means you are, just like we all are. You however
cloak this universal God-ness by making yourself stand out as "special".
As did Jim Jones.
You are trying to raise a Temple and gather a flock of believers.
As did Jim Jones.
You are talking about a form of doomsday where we must fight the Great Wrong.
As did Jim Jones.
You are profoundly upset by the way the world is, there's going to be an Apocalypse, "but you
are not urging us to buy machineguns", in your words.
As did Jim Jones.
You exhibit signs of personal frustration with the way of the world, promise miracles in
exchange for wealth and take on so many topics that you brush past them and never seem to
drive one home with the masses.
As did Jim Jones.
So we have conspiracies, we have personal frustration, we have Apocalypse and the mention
of armed struggle in self defense and this from a God who wants to set up a Temple and who
wants to sell miracle and wonder from a machine. (Deus ex Machina?)
Your philosophies have got sc*entol*gy all over them. Perhaps you have been audited quite
often in the past and achieved the level where these alien conspiracies are revealed.
Said cult would not agree with the bad press that a possible Spacedragontown would bring, if
you indeed have been among them.
Neuroleptic medications are your friend. In a low to moderate dose they will do nothing but
provide an inner calm which enables you to focus on one topic at the time and to really work it
through so you get results that are true to your character.
I do not want to castrate your God-Consciousness but i see great suffering within you that you
are pushing back and rationalizing off. If you keep at this the bubble will burst, and the higher
the pressure the harder it will pop. If the pressure is sufficiently high it may take you out with it.
If the pressure rises beyond that it may take out anyone you hold dear within a one-mile
radius, like it did in Jonestown.
I do not want to belittle you, castrate your spirituality or flame you. I just want to say that I see
your pain, I feel your pain and I see potential for the unthinkable: that your inner pain may lash
out against your flock and make those last moments into that Hellish Realm you so dread,
because it would then be on you.
You are like a Bodhisatva: partially enlightened, but partly human as well. You did not yet shed
your selfdestructive tendancies nor the anger inside of any human.
You need to slow down bigtime. If you cannot do that by yourself you as I see it are indicated
to call in the aid of neuroleptics.
I do not mean you are insane but I mean your mind moves at such great velocity that the
quality of its output, in my view, suffers because of it.
You indeed are a God. You have great potential. But your ability to be the archetypal Messiah,
the Leader-Protector-Teacher, is being undermined by the excitement and unrest in your soul.
Calm down. And after you have calmed down, bring forth your message. It will be more of you,
thus move others more positively than you now seem to do. And you need to work hard to
face that agonized suffering within and deal with it, not fight but truce it.
I, a true shaman who has stared Death in the face, God of my own universe, am writing these
things to you as my equal, a God-to-God talk, and therefore I judged I can omit overly evasive
polite wordings and be quite direct.
Face your Demon. Embrace your Demon.
You can not 'fight the universe' and emerge victorious.
Reach inwards before you reach outwards.
I have spoken.
04/09/04 08:12 AM
Read the whole thread before you make these assumptions. Who said I want anyone at my
temple. You think I'm going to hurt my first wife of all my kids my other wives? I appreciate that
you set it straight to the younger crowd about what a cult leader does but I'm not that way -I'm a holy & proficient shaman / demi-god my friend. I was just pointing out that I had
negotiated with top officials on this planet & was the new World Leader. Not to get peoples'
money or their kids. Yea, I said the machine guns because there's fuckin' mantis creatures on
this world. I really don't think your seeing the point that I'm trying to unite the human race &
proctect ourselves as a PEOPLE.
Spacedragon: you call yourself a God.
No I'm not punk-ass. But, you just did. Look, we're merged with our Gods as avatars & are
both amazingly speaking the holy truth about our love for evolving & humanity. Anyway,
people pls follow your heart I'm not looking for worship or recruits. Remember the inter-net
based idea I had to protect the last legal mind-altering botanicals? -- what the fuck I only
started just with that I'm not trying to snatch up people nor have them come with me to a sick
devilish demi-god world like that dick-face Jonestown guy was. I want our whole world to be
free of suffering or needing & hopefully a jump to the 5th dimension like these real shaman
talk about.
(Joyfull Rebellion)
04/09/04 08:44 AM
Spacedragon this is my first time responding to any of your stuff, but what the hell lets jump on
the bandwagon.
1. You might well be an enlightend and all powerfull being. We all can be. Even the fact that
your ideas sound totally nuts to me (and not ALL of them do, your doing good in some places)
doesnt mean they arent functonally true for you. That said your idea of wisdom and
enlightenment varies greatly from mine. The fact that you tell flamers to eat shit and spend so
much time trying to impress people with your minor movie roles to prove your importance
shows me that 1. You rely on others for self validation and 2. you dont really control your own
base emotional responses well, which in my book are the two things that an enlightend sage
should NOT have.
2. If you are actually doing enviromental work and making financial contributions to charities
and the shroomery, than Good fucking work. I think that is awesome, and shows a willingness
to act on your apparent beliefs , and that you care. Good job on that
also if you are more powerfull than the emperors, or ever become so please honour my
modest requests, and tell me ANYTHING i can do to help
1. stop the shortsighted plundering of our ecosystems and habitats, and halt the rapid loss of
2. Stop the disgusting economic filtration process that leaves a handfull of whites with
obscene wealth while children starve by the thousands.
3. Get rid of the fucking nukes, and talk the united states into ceasing their practice of sinking
50% of their insane wealth into pointless weapons of war.
4. Disolve borders and nation states and establish a world of universal love and tolerance,
where all have what they need and give what they can.
Thanks a bunch
04/09/04 08:47 AM
I mention the places I've traveled & the movie to give a 'resume' sort of. A position of World
Leader is not to be taken lightly.
If you don't like the word Temple then I shall call it a Palace or Castle (Castle sounds lame
though). You can call it the Presidential Office. World President got it? The fools got tricked
into not killing me (those that are controlling the Illuminati & the Bush family) because I was
like "I'm Satan, I'm Satan" _ because they actually make sacrifices to Satan like idiots. Most
probably it's Set they're now making these ghastly human sacrifices to or some other wrathful
gods. Set's just smart enough to pose as Satan so maybe these clowns are about to look the
the biggest idiots on the planet.
(Joyfull Rebellion)
04/09/04 08:53 AM
yeah pretty nuts fosho
if nothing else your paradigm seems absurdly clunky and complex. I believe true
understanding is both immeasurably powerfull and incredibly simple, and once grasped it
renders all this minutiae about karma and alien species and world presidents and set and
satan and ghosts and demons totally irelevant, while at the same time explaining them to my
total satisfaction, and accounting for their occasional existance.
Were all in our own worlds, and sometimes those worlds are very wierd and silly sounding ^^^
Also, minor acting roles and meeting the dwarf from lord of the rings is not high on my list of
criteria for world president.
04/09/04 09:18 AM
Yea, I also mentioned the college & scientific expeditions. Whatever you want to think friend.
Someone had to step in & take the perilous World Leader position & try to wake everyone up even if it's a little at a time like on these message boards. I'm not forcing anyone to read
anything & feel no need to go to CNN with my messages. I know who to talk both in the u.s.
gov't & the spirit world so it's going to work out for our species. Although, I couldn't have done
anything without the help of everyone else here. I also appreciate the posts here on this thread
& the PM's.
(Joyfull Rebellion)
04/09/04 09:52 AM
"In his books, David Icke writes about the Illuminati and all their connected secret groups and
how they are the ones manipulating world events for their benefit. Who are the super rich
"elite" Illuminati and their associates? The Queen of England, her husband Prince Philip and
the Royal House of Windsor, the hierarchy on the board of directors of the Vatican, including
the Pope; the Rothschilds, Rockefellers, Morgans,Duponts, Fords, Carnegies,Melons,Bush's
etc. There is major global manipulation that is taking place on a daily basis. One will be able to
see how this evil group manipulates humanity to fight wars in order for them to benefit
financially and control the masses of the over 6 billion human beings on this planet.
War or the threat of war on a never ending basis is the main way they keep the people in
FEAR, so the FEW CAN CONTROL THE MASSES! As David points out in his books, in order
for the Illuminati to achieve their horrible insane agenda,.this sick group and the bankers
within the group FINANCE AND SUPPORT BOTH SIDES in all the major wars that have been
waged or are currently being fought on this Planet. They really have no compassion for human
life, and do not care how many millions or quite possibly billions of human beings they have to
kill to achieve their end result, whatever their desired result is. They don't care if you're black
or white or Christian, Muslim or Jewish, Democrat or Republican, whether you're American,
Chinese, Afghani, European, Iraqi, Israeli, Palestinian etc. or whoever. TO THE ILLUMINATI
David explains how they created organized religions, science, schools and colleges and other
educational systems and the militaries all over the world to be used to control human minds.
They created the paper money and credit system, which David explains is one of the greatest
SCAMS & CONS of all times, and a major means they use to control Nations and individuals.
Through their financial web around the world, they control the banks and the money, and the
Fortune 500 corporations, through which they control over 80% of all the wealth in the world!
They control every major media outlet in television, radio, newspapers, magazines, movies,
books, music etc., through no more then 12 huge major multi-national media conglomerates.
This is their main way for this sinister group to suppress the TRUTH of their evil deeds from
ever coming out.
The Illuminati CHOOSE and maneuver into office the Presidents, Prime Ministers, Senators,
Congressmen, Parliament members, dictators, and every other KEY government official in
every government in every Nation. As David Icke says "Democracy is imprisonment disguised
as freedom". Elections in so-called "democratic" Nations are a charade and an act for the
benefit of letting the people think and believe that there are free elections. When in reality
there are only two major Illuminati controlled political parties to choose from in "democratic"
Plus it costs so many millions of dollars to run in an "election" that no viable "outsider"
candidate has the money or any major chance to be elected. If in the course of events an
"outsider" somehow does get elected somewhere and if he/she do not do what they are told,
he/she is immediately disposed of in some Illuminati arranged assasination, accident or
suicide, or in a smear campaign in their corporate controlled media, Dictatorships are even
easier for them to use to control a Nation, since you only need coup after coup after coup to
install just one man/woman into the leadership position. Rather than go into all the details,
read David Icke's books www.davidicke.com
David talks about a small group that has ruled this planet for thousands of years and have
passed on their "rule" from generation to generation through their bloodline. The "rulers" have
maintained this bloodline through the intermarriages of the so-called Royal Family monarchies
over the course of thousands of years. The so-called "Eastern Establishment" in the U.S.A..
and the "European and British Establishment" also intermarry in the same way to maintain
their bloodline. David points out that ALL 43 PRESIDENTS IN THE U.S.A. ARE RELATED
and that 33 of the Presidents can be traced back to the bloodline of Charlemagne! This
possible TRUTH alone should be sending off MAJOR ALARM BELLS in your mind. Like this is
no coincidence; the odds of this randomly happening are billions to one. "
totally fascinating, and at least indicative of an actual horrible truth, that the world is (probably
irrevocably) controlled by political and economic groups so insidious that we will not even
notice them controlling world affairs above our heads and behind our backs.
"David calls the few "ruling elite" at the top of the pyramid REPTILIANS! David sounds
sometimes reluctant to talk about the Reptilians and for good reason; most people would think
he is nuts and talking like this could negate and cause people to not take his other writing
seriously. David's theory is that possibly several thousand years ago "non- humans" came to
this planet and mated with the beings on planet Earth. Because of their superior knowledge,
they were able to expand their "rule" and control this planet to this day. They maintained their
special bloodline for these thousands of years through intermarrying amongst themselves.
David says they can"shape-shift" to be able to look like human beings and at the same time
they can look like Reptilians when they're privately out of the view of the public. David explains
that this group of Reptilians supposedly set up all the organized religions, monarchies, school
systems, science, all the media and everything else they needed to control the MASSES OF
HUMANITY over thousands of years. "
and here it falls apart entirely. All the evidence about the illuminati doesnt point towards reptile
masters. Thats just random
"I know who to talk both in the u.s. gov't & the spirit world so it's going to work out for our
thank god. Seriously im glad to hear that. I have attained some degree of awareness and
personal power, let me know if i can help!
but also.....
04/09/04 11:20 AM
I'm glad you read it & reposted it... if it's even a possibility to be happening with the human
child sacrifices then we need to demand a serious change. Again, I like the middle path. I'm
willing to believe we have cosmic neighbors & have begun contact with several because I've
tapped my ESP & astral traveling abilities.
04/09/04 11:22 AM
The Elohim race of aliens can be an ally to us. The other intelligent aliens around here like the
Mantis, Draconians & Gray are more interested in forming an alliance than suck us dry for
profit. The Gray are still not to land on this planet as well as any Draconian Lizards until further
04/09/04 11:37 AM
The human race & elohim now rule this planet. Emphasis on us humans, your President
Adam and the Gods that rule our planet. Look, whether or not they simply want to do business
or feel some remorse for using weapons on us since biblical times - the Elohim aliens are
going to help their old friend, the Elohim scientist named satan to bring global unity & peace to
our planet. We need to stop helping the US gov't & supporting these wars. They fund BOTH
sides guys _ well the Bush family & their leaders in the Illuminati __ they freakin' fund BOTH
sides of the war. We're fucked unless you listen to the messages of Yahweh & your World
Giving money & power to these government officials is
like giving whiskey & car keys to young boys!
I don't need any more money or power. Like a true Sage or Buddha "You can't give anything
to me nor take anything away from me."
04/09/04 12:09 PM
Yes, these were good points. Do you want to know the very first few things I told the Gods I
would change when being put in the position of World Leader?
Feeding the hungry
Halting Rainforest destruction worldwide
Freeing Tibet & rebuilding their Temples
That's just the beginning before I got started
on proposing legalization for university research into phenethylamines,
tryptamines, and MDMA for the psychological symbiosis that
Harvard MD Dr. Andrew Weil speaks of.
Legalizing CANNABIS (which includes both hemp & marijuana)!
Stopping corporate terrorism & outsourcing to sweatshops which
plunders & ruins their countries in the long run with these evil men.
Gas every week that's lower in price. Maybe free because we
are starting to build cars that run on water.
04/09/04 12:22 PM
Efforts will be made to swiftly compensate crude oil workers & gas station staff as well as the
oncologists who's industry will switch over to alternative fuels & better healing machines.
05/09/04 02:20 PM
Maybe you can help me as priests for this cause (no koolaid like the cults & NOT as priests to
worship ME) -- for I am just a Bodhisattva serving greater powers, but we need to make the
final stand to ask the US gov't to heed these demands (I feel the demands were pretty
balanced ~I only spelled phenethylamines wrong~ and the demands would help for both sides
-- maybe some people would actually see the U.S. gov't as "cool" for a change if they legalized
a few safe plants & chemicals that we talked about.
Fuck Heroin and Cocaine you hungry ghosts (try some Ibogaine and your neurotransmitter
junctions won't crave them for over a month) So much good hash and shrooms will be around
the US that you won't even care for that crap. The U.S. Gov't is like the biggest pusher of
heroin and cocain anyway so you don't want to empower them any more. Bush Jr. has been
known to insufflate cocaine via a nasal mister & the side-effects of that drug include
PARANOIA so this war didn't need to happen. Also, we're now finding that his family is linked
to the illuminati & child sacrifices to satan which is ridiculous; because you're talking to Adam,
your World Leader here now, who's been through 2 human lifetimes already since my death
as the Wrathful God Satan - and I'm stamping out the illuminati with the help of the technologically super-evolved race
"from the sky" (Elohim means from the sky in their language) who are here to help us. They
tell me the lizard race that controls these pathetic humans such as the Queen of England &
George Bush Jr's family are laid to rest. They were simply technologically advanced lizards
from the sky who probably got twisted here with their power & lust for Satan's wisdom. It was
no problem for the Elohim to find pockets of the illuminati & destroy them. I just had to point
them in the right direction it seems.
So, forget the idea of a coup de tat -- my wife tells me there's always a power vacuum that
follows (we met at Brown University and she majored in International Relations so I tend to
listen to her about that subject). It's time for a spiritual revolution. We've already outgrown
those cogs in the machine. Just keep doing what you're doing and cultivating whatever (even
if it's cultivating wisdom).
05/09/04 02:59 PM
For people worried about the laws being changed or any type of anarchy - everything is all
going to remain the same globally. Meaning the various Constitutions like our Constitution of
the United States will all be followed exactly the same -- with one nice minor change -- scores
of university students will be paid to analyze every law starting backwards, since there are
sometimes over 50 new laws added every day (I think the statistic is higher than that but I'm
playing it safe.) So when THESE MANY new laws are added on daily -- that most of the
population nor lawyers can completely keep up with -- then the laws need to be changed. So, I
simply propose we keep all the laws in our countries the same but I ask all nations to look
from the most present law added -- back to your original constitutions & ask if these laws are
needed, or just another way to shave money off your people.
(Explicit Duality Expressing An Implicit Unity)
05/09/04 04:26 PM
spacedragon said:
They tell me the lizard race that controls these pathetic humans such as the Queen of
England & George Bush Jr's family are laid to rest.
What would be the point of controlling the Queen of England? I'm interested to hear what you
have to say on this.
(Explicit Duality Expressing An Implicit Unity)
05/09/04 04:35 PM
Also, have you heard of peak oil? I'm interested in your thoughts on this, and how this will
effect the world on all levels, and if it might fit in with what you have been saying recently.
What do you see in the immediate and the not-so-distant future concerning oil, not only
dealing with our energy situation, but more deeply, the huge role that oil plays in maintaining
the majority of lives and their way of living, and the possibility that we are facing very shortly a
continous, exponential increase in the prices of oil, as its availability continues to decline? I
really appreciate your thoughts and explorations on this! I'm sorry if this might seem
somewhat off-topic, but I assure you I see this as fitting in perfectly, if not quite that obviously.
06/09/04 05:33 AM
To answer your first question right from the previous page _ I'm saying they're all related in
this inbred, funky family spanning centuries. There are around 30 presidents of the u.s that
are related by blood. Also, I feel happy that the technologically super-evolved race of
humanoids will help us prevent the illuminati from growing any more.
06/09/04 05:56 AM
OK, yes to answer the 2nd question I believe oil (and fossil fuels in general) are very valuable
to our species. Also, we have tons of engines that are built around them. I never want to see
anyone lose jobs. Like when someone's really rude at a reception desk or waiting a table ~ as
much as I want to tell them to F.off & call their manager -- I just don't like messing with
people's lives & getting them fired like that it just sucks. I'm mainly saying that the alternative
technology will not be suppressed any more ... for various people or corporations to make
money off while we go broke from gas money every week & other bills including utilities.
As a result of the crude fossil fuel oils being FINITE _ it's causing wars to erupt while we're
also pillaging & raping our home's (EARTH 1) ecosystem when drilling. There are many more
renewable resources that are wonderful. I understand there's another part of the war that's
completely immersed in holy/unholy reasons & a certain "holy land." Don't these guys know
that any good geologic "hotspot" would be great to build spiritual energy for a temple & adept
monks/bodhisattvas. The art of feng shui can teach us how to locate these areas of positive
energy that promotes balance & spiritual strength.
The only reason I mention that about finding another hotspot is, in light of the evidence from
the Elohim aliens, Jesus was helped by technology so advanced it was indistinguishable from
magic. This wasn't an "enlightenment" under the Bodhi Tree or the time when the monk
Milarepa caused rainbows & flowers to appear upon dying. These amazing acts were
accomplished by understanding the true nature of this universe. Unfortunatly, Jesus was
misinformed by Jehovah & Yahweh & only walked on water from the alien Yahweh's advanced
anti-gravitational laser technology that helped him walk on top of the surface of the water that
The Egyptians & many other cultures have a rich heritage concerning the good geological
placement of buildings for business or temples. The placement of burial grounds is also
important to them -- Sometimes, cool catacombs lead not only to treasure but VAST wisdom
of the afterlife & magical medicine (not to mention good folk medicine w/herbs & other antiviral & anti-bacterial tonics.)
06/09/04 10:47 AM
The "Illuminati" is a very interesting topic indeed. Although I have a couple of questions for you
Almighty -ADOM-.
1. Why hasn't this David Icke (sp?) disappeared mysteriously, committed suicide, gotten into a
car accident and died, etc. etc, and end result of all possibilities listed, sacrificed to Satan?
2. Why are these conspiracy websites still up and running? Why have the websites not been
torn apart by Illuminati-funded hax0rs, and the web servers they are running on sacrificed to
3. Even though the media MAY be controlled by the government, people come out and say
every other god damn thing under the freedom of speech act in the bill of rights, why is there
no talk of this Illuminati? I am sure the Illuminati doesnt control Comedy Central, and their
private endeavors, I rest uneasy that South Park has not mentioned this
Crisis/Conspiracy/Mass Control theory yet. heh
4. It seems as if a lot of these conspiracy nuts contradict themselves constantly. One major
contradiction being that Illuminati means Enlightened or Illuminated. Supposedly as you stated
above some consider them Reptilians or w/e. Point I'm trying to make tis, they supposedly
understand that there is no "god" or "satan" only the Elohim/Draconians/ZaGggOooLAas/ etc
etc. Why exactly are they sacrificing all of these things to Satan?
5. I suppose Napolean (sp?) and Hitler were great threats to the Illuminati??
6. Read over Wiccan Seeker's post please. It may help you find peace and understanding
within yourself.
06/09/04 05:46 PM
They're not "enlightened" or illuminated..it just turns out they were a group of retarted lizards
named the draconians. They were beginning to "shapeshift" from humans back to their lizard
form & it would've been very dangerous if they grew more in numbers & wealth. It's like we
just had to point out the bully in the playground & the Elohim finished it up. Their power was
growing way to much, the murders kept growing & being covered up (not to mention control of
the media where you haven't seen much about them.)
Point I'm trying to make tis, they supposedly understand that there is no "god" or "satan"
only the Elohim/Draconians/ZaGggOooLAas/ etc etc. Why exactly are they sacrificing all of
these things to Satan?
Yea, they wanted Satan's power. The Peaceful & Wrathful Gods STILL EXIST - it's not just
aliens I speak of -- these funny looking aliens we're seeing more of these last decades are
sometimes of considerable power & can even align with divine entities.
06/09/04 11:15 PM
Ok so there are gods then according to the almighty RaeL???
After reading your posts I was under the impression that what we perceived as gods way back
when were just the Elohim misrepresented.
According to your posts (and RaeL's notes) the Elohim created all life, and we mistook them
as gods.
The Elohim created what we perceived as the Garden of Eden in a big warehouse type
building with advanced technology,first life,etc, etc.
Satan was supposedly a ""rebel"" Elohim who disagreed with the others and used "superior
nuclear weapons" to blast the earth to shit, etc etc.
Therefore negating gods existance. Supposedly God never existed.
Now you say that there are in fact "god's"? Please do explain and clear up all of these
contradictions for you and your master RaeL.
It seems as if your own hullucinations are unfolding here.
As for the Illuminati, you should do some more research.
il·lu·mi·na·ti ( P ) Pronunciation Key (-lm-nät)
1. People claiming to be unusually enlightened with regard to a subject.
2. Illuminati Any of various groups claiming special religious enlightenment.
The Illuminati are supposedly enlightened, and know more about this universe than any of us
regular human beings. As to where they get there knowledge is unknown. Some believe
SATAN gives them their knowledge.
As with any other conspiracy there is no proof to any of this, or that they control the world. Or
according to the websites I have read, their own websites would in fact be hacked by
Illuminati-Funded Hackors, and Satan would be chomping on the sacrificed Web Servers, and
the Teenie-Boppers who made them. Along with that Dack Icke on a platter for desert.
There is proof however that these royal family's have some very serious issues concerning
Incest/Inbreeding. Maybe they should seek professional help regarding this matter. But who
are we to judge?
Until there is some real proof, this will always be what it is, a conspiracy. If there was any real
proof, YES the world would probably be in an uproar.
Until there is any proof to go along with Your own, RaeL,David Icke, all the other conspiracy
nuts out there regarding the Illuminati, the Elohim, the Draconians, The LizArdOs, and
ZaGgOoLLLLAAAZzzZ they will only be your own non-drug induced hullucinations, and
They are however very good fictional readings. You would be a very good childrens book
06/09/04 11:33 PM
It is funny that the jealousy of some people drive them to the point of madness, and non-drug
induced hullucinations.
It is not a legal crime to inbreed (in some areas). It is also not a legal crime to pass down
wealth from generation to generation, it happens all over the world man.
I suppose Albert Einstein, Alexander Graham Bell, Thomas Edison, Eugene Bourdon, and
anyone else who had a good head on their shoulders are somehow tied into this Illuminati
I suppose Bill Gates is also one of the Reptilians because of all the money he posesses?
The list could go on and on.
What it comes down to is the jealousy of a few people, driving them mad. IMO.
07/09/04 08:38 AM
OK, I don't know who you're referring to as jealous. However, since I'm locked down in the
gravitational pull on this planet with a guy like Bush Jr. I will fuckin topple mountains to end
this bullshit happening here.
How am I a conspiracy nut because I want to look deep into an evil dynasty on the planet
called the Illuminati (with masterminds that are most likely non-human.) Now you guys are just
fuckin' being ridiculous or we're starting to get more & more feds / fanatics logging into the
07/09/04 08:40 AM
No, they're not enlightened. Just because they give themselves that homo name doesn't mean
shit to me. These are humans aligning with reptiles & praying to an evil God. Shut the fuck up
& learn something.
07/09/04 08:41 AM
BTW, yes I was originally Elohim but then became a Dark God for a few thousand years. So,
yes this is a big pill to swallow, but we are encountering NOT ONLY Wrathful & Peaceful
deities on our planet here but extra-terrestrials. Some of those extra-terrestrials, as I
mentioned, are vastly superior in their science & sometimes in their spirituality -- and probably
can't help but chuckle at the way we think & the reasons we go to war (when they observe us
neutrally.) When some aliens try to rule us & fund both sides of the gulf wars with their horrible
illuminati family (to keep the earth's population living in fear & milk money from us) I find that
very disconcerting.
"An emergent new psychophysics is allowing our species to manifest very peculiar properties:
language, writing, dreaming and the spinning of philosophy.
Like rattlesnakes and poplar trees, human beings are made by DNA. Yet we trigger the same
energies that light the stars. We do this on the surface of our planet. Or we can create a
temperature of absolute zero. We do these things because, though we are made of mush and
mud, our minds have taught us how to extend our reach through tools. With tools we can
unleash energies that normally only occur under very different conditions. The center of stars
is the usual site of fusion processes.
We do such things using mind. And what is mind? We haven't a clue. Twenty-thousand years
from nomadic hunting and gathering to cybernetics and spaceflight. And we are still
accelerating. There are yet more waves to come [waves that will cause an ingression of a new
set of laws] From the Model- T Ford to the starship: one hundred years. From the fastest man
on earth being able to move thirty miles per hour to nine miles per second: sixty years.
The maximun ingression of novelty, or the end of the wave, will occur on DECEMBER 22,
2012. Strangely enough this is the end date that the Mayans assigned to their calendar
system as well. What is it that gives both a twentieth-century individual and an ancient MesoAmerican civilization the same date upon which to peg the transformation of the world? Is it
that both used psychedelic mushrooms? Could the answer be so simple? I don't think so.
Rather, I suspect that when we inspect the structure of our own deep unconscious we will
make the unexpected discovery that we are ordered on the same principle as the larger
universe in which we arose. This notion, surprising at first, quickly comes to be seen as
obvious, natural and inevitable."
--From Terrance McKenna's "TRUE HALLUCINATIONS"
(Spinning Chakras)
07/09/04 08:46 AM
i am in awe of this thread.
07/09/04 09:10 AM
Lately, people are noticing an uncomfortable & painful stomach disorder happening more
often. Many times putrid belching is accompanied w/the stomach discomfort & nausea.
There's an actual clinical term for it; I was surprised that there WAS one when reading: it's
called food leukocytosis & it's very annoying & has shared symptoms with salmonella food
poisoning. This is happening more & more because the foods we eat lately are completely
lacking "active enzymes" to break down the food; so, the food just sits there & putrifies waiting
to be digested (like meat left on the counter all day.) The "leukocytosis" part refers to an
increase in white blood cells from this food putrifying in our stomachs releasing poisons. Then
the body begins to over-tax it's immune system by having to fight off the infection that began
when the bacteria already present in the stomach attacks the food that's sitting idle there
(releasing harmful gases & other byproducts causing bloating & nausea.)
If you were to look inside an average, healthy human 5,000 years ago they would have 4
POUNDS of healthy intestinal flora in their gut. The foods they ate were not overcooked & the
vegetation contained these active enzymes (and no pesticides/fungicides etc.) These active
enzymes are needed to break down foods into usable chemicals. Nowadays, our spleens are
forced to supply these enzymes to break down many junk foods or other "conventional" nonOrganic food lacking natural enzymes.
A great remedy for this ailment is a class of nutraceuticals called "PROBIOTICS." If you think
it sounds like a new fad that's not been tested, I can assure you that many Chinese, Mayans &
Africans have been enjoying the rich benefits of probiotics & blue-green algae for millenia.
One way to be introduced into this wonderful world of stomach & gall bladder health (gall =
courage. In Traditional Chinese Medicine the Gall Bladder is said to give an individual courage
and initiative when healthy) is through the use of this nutraceutical blue-green algae. Any
brand of blue-green algae you find at the health food store should be o.k. so I'm not talking
about bacteria or fungus you see in a swamp. These are very clean, wild-crafted microalgae
that supply more assimilable vitamins than any brand of synthetic vitamins on the shelves
these days. Another way to get probiotics is at ANY food store -- not just the health food store
-- by buying DANNON yogurt or some yogurt that reads on the side "contains live cultures L.
Acidophilus or Bifidus." Those live cultures of probiotics are very good for the health of the
stomach and, I can't stress the importance of this enough, Acidophilus cultures in the gut will
PRODUCE B-VITAMINS to help to fight off infections & boost immunity before infections in
the digestive tract can grow out of control.
07/09/04 01:38 PM
I want some Godly food. Wish i could get my hands on a loaf of bred from the kings kitchen
3000 BC. Or some real apples.
I can't understand why people still buy those things they call apples in supermarkets. Infused
with nitrogen, polished, frozen, defrosted, pestecided, then 'delivered fresh to your table'
Lol, or those strawberies. I ate a pack of them from Scotland, gorwn in greenhouse under
HPS, it looks like strabery, but it takes like ...... nothing. There is no tatse. The soil they grow
in is like nothing but sintetic nitrogen. Its redicelouse, you might as well close your eyes and
grasp air and pretent your eating strawberies
07/09/04 09:07 PM
You seem to be very confused as to what is fiction, and what is non-fiction. You can't believe
everything you read... and hear.. I think you should talk to a psychologist about the whole
""Evil God"" past life theory you have in your head. Maybe it would help you to straighten some
things out??
I feel for you..
07/09/04 09:33 PM
Don't feel for me or feel bad for me. As you guys watch with your mouth open while the world
NEEDS a unifier or WORLD LEADER -- you'll see that I'm not crazy & simply the illest shit
(coolest/greatest/most loving & powerful Emperor/Leader)to hit this planet in a long time.
Also, when I read a theory or look at some evidence of a conspiracy -- I then go and ask our
Gods whether or not it's true. You may be used to people saying everything is a delusion or a
hallucination when you think outside the bun - but this is the real deal here. I'm going to topple
the whole lame system of controlling our media that the inbred group of monarchs &
presidents are trying to keep the illuminati from falling.
(in between)
07/09/04 10:18 PM
Please don't label your gods as our gods. Your gods do have very little meaning for me. As I
already stated, I scrambled through the 'horde'.
Either way, I liked your enzym-probiotic post.
08/09/04 04:28 AM
The very wise & loving Gaia, Jesus, Set also fall into those categories. When I say "our" Gods
I'm referring to the Earth's pantheon of Gods. C'mon this is thinking too small to say your
Gods & my Gods. I mean Peaceful or Wrathful -- they DO RULE us (the word Archon in greek
means "Ruler." Whether they travel from star system to star system & bless us or terrorize us
from time to time, we can stick together & do a better job by working together as a species -saving this planet from true wreckage from our use/abuse of the environment & release of
toxic byproducts of fossil fuels (where the evidence of destruction was overlooked in order to
make profit.)
The Elohim don't really have Gods & are helping us & protecting humans as we head towards
2012 & other leaps in evolution. This solar system is the "PLACE TO BE" because of this
great cosmic event. But yes, I will say MY Gods to make sure it's known that the Universal
Mind Lattice is not just one God -- but a culmination of many wonderful spirits & Archons
"Deities" that inhabit the 4th, 5th 6th dimensions. Perhaps the most startling discovery for
many shaman is that the higher dimensions are within!
08/09/04 10:03 PM
A NEW Planet has been picked by a super-evolved entity known as the Stropharia Cubensis
spirit. There are other species similar but this one is very powerful & helpful to Earth. Listen,
their mycelial networks are very fine & run deep into the Earth (much deeper than what we
see with the naked eye or when we see the mushrooms pop out of the ground. This species
has harnessed HYPERLIGHT communication & star travel. Hyperlight means faster than light
& it would be nice for our species to have it ... when we're rdy of course quoth the spirit... I was
able to negotiate this beautiful symbiotic Empire to expand & help our overpopulation but the
spirit says we're not ready just yet for the hyperlight travel unless we first make this expansion.
Here's how it works:
The Other or Stropharia spirit has picked out a gorgeous planet with an archipeligo of islands
and -- well, a most wonderful tropical planet & stable star system for both of us to share. The
travelers going there can run experiments, plant the species to proliferate (as we humans are
so good at) -- and prove to the spirit we're rdy for hyperlight communication & star travel.
That's a side-project...'cause the Elohim will also teach us interstellar travel & ways to balance
our World. We have many great teachers. I was just informing you of the strategy & the
majesty of a mushroom species teaching us the ways of the universe. I don't personally take
any magic mushrooms _ but again the Gods including my divine friend & Master Jesus have
informed me THIS is the way I shall steer the human species for the benefit of mankind. Also
there are many other stategies on Earth to get everyone opportunities & money & enrichment
through a re-awakened worldwide spiritualism. ( strategies that aren't as eccentric as this
particular scientific expedition.. but I assure you this is purely scientific in nature when talking
of light travel or hyperlight travel.)
I expect everyone to pay respects to their master and President of the Earth by simply thinking
positively about me every day, as I will of my fellow humans. I have cleansed my karma & will
rule this Earth with love & respect. I also want to serve humanity & make this place filled with
the spirit of love & prosperity again.
Of course I'm not telling you what to think though. I believe in the statement "intolerance to
ambiguity is the sign of authoritarianism." I will listen to the people. I'll get a chance to be
saved completely if we all can unite as one civilization on this planet. Even if I fail I'm happy
that I'm planting the seeds now. Also, you're all sharing some great ideas that are sometimes
inspired from divine sources we can tap into referred to as the Akashic Records.
That's what I love about humans, we think for ourselves & you saw many signs of the
revolution coming & rose to the occasion also. It was becoming crazy on this planet with
overlords that were not even human and downright EVIL with their cohorts in the White
House. Yes, the Elohim got a little crazy with their masterpiece DNA project & harmed
humans here on Earth -- but they have begun a process of deep spiritualism being united with
their advanced technology I.E. They're helping WHOLE WORLDS to become advanced &
peaceful sentient beings with a chance for larger alliances & wonderful trades.
(in between)
08/09/04 11:24 PM
No problem. Perhaps we just mean something different with the word god. For me this word
just doesn't refer to some minor spiritual entities.
That doesn't mean I don't appreciate some of them, or their greatness But I won't call them
gods for me.
And yes, I would love to point out, that all these 'entities' lead or accumulate in 'one'...the 'one',
by being facettes or fractals of his/her/its completeness.
But thanks for your reference.
09/09/04 12:14 AM
There's no entity that created the Heavens & this Earth -- and certainly never created humans
out of clay. Get that b.s. out of your head & we can really become beings of light & travel, or
"transcend," to higher dimensions; and even become greater & more powerful beings of light
than that liar Jehovah who started the Judeo-Christian scene.
I'm talking about continual jumps in evolution that we're ready for -- not sitting around
wondering what the fuck the jews were thinking when writing the Kaballah & the hearsay
interpreted from Matthew, Mark, Juke & John.
09/09/04 02:33 AM
I realize the decision to reach the new planet sounds like mixing church & state. I only ask the
Heavens for advice because Gods are more intelligent concerning space travel & ionic
propulsion. Again, the expedition is purely scientific because I want us to explore new worlds
& gain access to hyperlight travel.
Oh LOL (laugh out loud) when I say saved that's FAR from the Born-Again & fanatical
Christians/Jews idea of saved when they crusade to force their belief system on people. I
mean saved like LETTING GO of past resentment & the negative accumulation of karma;
from taking a wrong turn as an evil deity in a past life.
09/09/04 03:07 AM
People ask what are the first issues I'll be working on as World Leader:
Aiding in finding a resolution for the rabbit hole problem in the Middle East & ending the profitmaking war on civilians under the guise of a "War on Drugs" was first on the list. The U.N. will
be strengthened more & more and we'll all work together & establish more fair trade bewteen
countries. Meeting an agreement for the War on Drugs was the only feasible solution. So
HEMP is legal fully everywhere. When cops pull you over with 20 pounds of it - who knows
why - nothing will happen. The other drugs already prohibited will still be illegal for the time
Halting of rainforest destruction is another very important task. The rainforests have ample
medicines & frankly things we can trade in various interstellar alliances. We will not overharvest; and definitly need to find alternatives & stop cutting down the trees daily. Feeding
more of the needy & lowering taxes for many countries after we resolve the problem in the
Middle East are also extremely important. This will not turn into a 100 year war -- more & more
Americans will begin getting conscripted into the services unless we do something now &
listen to different leaders.
Marijuana will follow suit to be legalized globally up to 100 grams. Also, university-based
studies for tryptamines & phenethylamines will be allowed after applications are approved (not
by the FDA ... they have other things they can be concentrating on instead of the war on
drugs.) There will be a new global extra-dimensional science team that will handle all the
applications for these two non-physiologically addictive classes of chemicals.
ESP & 4th dimensional travel are just a few things to be explored in this scientific / spiritual
The u.s. gov't has their soldiers target ghettos & black people in particular to almost coerce
the new recruits to fight this war that's essentially to allow a pipeline to be built for Bush,
Bandar fuckin' Bush (a gay-ass pet name for Prince Bandar bin Sultan, Saudi ambassador to
the United States)& their other creepy Saudi friends. So, it's not really a war on terror. There
are terrorists on both sides.
(bump in the Tao)
09/09/04 04:23 AM
fuckin' Bush (a gay-ass pet name
That's demeanor unbecoming a world leader in my view. I don't see why you feel the need to
put down an oppressed minority that has taken much abuse in the past already.
That isn't a Leader-Protector watching over and guarding his own, but rather a political
statement that elevates one minority group while stomping down on another.
We are over five hundred million strong. 120 million of us live an openly same-sex oriented
existance, even in Teheran, Mombasa and Brasilia. Over five-hundred million people. That's
half a race.
So how's about it? What will this new world order look like for those who are destined to
persue the love between members of the same gender? Where do those who are destined for
the love between those of the same gender stand in the grand order of things?
09/09/04 04:45 AM
Gay - Ass is just a thing I say; a colloquialism in America. A lot of times we say something is
gay to denote that it's lame. If you thought I was singling out homosexuals I was not trying to.
That's why these boards are so great -- talking to you guys helps me to become refined as a
World Leader.
09/09/04 04:46 AM
Can you check your PM's again :P
09/09/04 04:57 AM
By the way, some of you may have have missed my ruling earlier in the thread that I'm o.k.
with same sex marriages & and will legalize them in all nations that have signed up for the
I'm waiting to gauge the repurcussions of legalizing some drugs while also making abortion
ILLEGAL after 45 days (approx 1 1/2 months.) We'll get into it later about 45 days being the
time before a soul enters the human body. Or you can look back through the thread.
Also, I realize that endorsing the Church of the Tree of Life would be dancing a little too close
to church & state mixture -- so I will only acknowledge it's right to exist like all religions & will
make a statement that I follow the tradition as well as a Taoism / Buddhism hybrid. Those are
my personal religious beliefs & they won't become involved with my political decisions.
09/09/04 05:06 AM
What are you waiting for then? Step up and claim your position now and prove to us you arent
bullshitting about all of this!
09/09/04 05:07 AM
Thanks for the encouraging words. In this new century during 2004 you're not going to see as
much Lincoln / John Wilkes Booth action where I get my head peeled back by a sniper bullet.
I've claimed the position as the World's Emperor & couldn't use the U.S. Governments /
Illuninati's controlled television network to reach you.
Anyone who wants to attack me knows I'll melt their face off with ion weaponry, guns, sonic
weapons and, if you're lucky for the honor, the twin swords are drawn for your afterlife to
The only reason I talk so arrogantly is that I have hordes of Elohim alien ships hovering in orbit
that will ruin the last of the monarchs or presidents that give orders to harm me or my
09/09/04 05:46 AM
Yea, I'll go check PM's again. Thx for reminding me.
(high voltage)
09/09/04 05:50 AM
The only reason I talk so arrogantly is that I have hoards of Elohim alien ships hovering in orbit
that will ruin the last of the monarchs or presidents that give orders to harm me or my
Can you ask them to PAY ME A VISIT TONIGHT!!! I've been "calling" them for months now
and they refuse to show, so I am forced to conclude that they either (a) don't exist (most likely
case) or (b) don't want me to know they exist (why?).
I wonder if you could intervene on my behalf and see if they'll agree to a meeting?
09/09/04 05:53 AM
When will mary jane be legalized?
09/09/04 06:01 AM
They want us to know they exist & are slowly getting the world ready. They started with crop
circles & we need to be prepared mentally for their appearance & cooky vessels. I did finally
give the Royal (Presidential rather) authorization of the Elohim Embassy. I even offered my
land I'm buying in Aerial Acres, (southern) California and we will begin to trade ideas &
technology while preventing more visits from the aliens called the Gray. Eventually I'd like to
open more communications with the Gray but they've attacked our world on occasion & no
one will allow them to land until I say so.
09/09/04 06:06 AM
Yes, some crop circles are fake. Before anyone get's worried that I mention such a shaky
piece of evidence. However, the Elohim & His Holiness Claud Rael have revealed that MANY
"crop designs" are scientific secrets -- we'll learn much about evolution & ourselves with their
healing machines & defensive weaponry. Now that we have a more sound spiritual basis we
can become a harmonious planet & use this advanced technology properly without harming
our fellow humans.
Besides the fake ones, some crop "designs" are done with such astounding precision it's been
said that a laser of some sort must have been the tool from up above. They're a good place
for a "blackboard" & the Elohim have been using them worldwide.
09/09/04 09:17 AM
Where are these Elohim ZAFFGGGGooGGALLLAZZZ located bro???? I'm starin up at the
sky right now and have yet to locate 1 ship.. I looka t the sky star gazing quite frequently
almost every night to be exact and have yet to see the elohim . Hey Iv got a question. RaeL
said the Elohim agreed to meet if we build a embassy for them. Has this embassy been built
as of yet?? And if so where are the Elohimn??? The Elohim are so far technically advanced
that they can make their space ships invisible to the naked eye I am guessing ?????
Ye who came from the SKY.. Kinda reminds me of The one who walks behind the rows from
children of the corn.. You would be one hell of a nonfiction righter!
(in between)
09/09/04 10:17 PM
I don't talk of anyone who calls himself yehowa or made humans out of clay literally. I never
mentioned the word jew anyways (even if they perhaps were one of the first, who
intellectualised such a kind of concept).
I don't wonder about the kaballah.
I sadly recognice, that you miss any concept of that 'one' of what I intend to speak. What has
no name, as I said before.
So for me, you, in no way have the power and ability to come near any of your claimed goals
as 'world leader'. Not material, not spiritual.
Everybody can see this, within your struggling about 'your' many 'gods'.
But keep rambling.
10/09/04 07:54 AM
Gee, thanks DICK. What, do you have to buy your way into leadership positions these days. I
took the position fair & square knowing that people are tired of the american empire &
illuminati. So, keep doing whatever it is you're doing for this world which seems like nada Fuck
I was thinking it's about time for a museum honoring Martial Arts -- also, Hip Hop & Rock if
there's not already a big one for Rock. I don't say Rock & Roll because there are now so many
types of amazing ROCK like heavy metal, hardcore, classic rock & hybrids and then there's
funk so we need a HUGE museum for that one. We'll start with some in America to boast a
new tourist attraction (20% of the proceeds will go to FAMM (Families Against Mandatory
Minimums -- now that I think about it.)
OK, so I finished the McKenna book which was wonderful & helped to expand my knowledge
of the ancient Chinese philosophy of the I-Ching also(Book of Changes.) The mysteries of
shamanic encounters with an ancient symbiotic form of mushroom called Stropharia Cubensis
have been explained to me with crystal clear precision (and Terrance was the mentor for my
most heralded author on the subject of shamanism Jim DeKorne.)
Terrance McKenna has been taught by this ancient master that we'll call The Other -- we've
learned from his upper-dimensional journies about the freedom & technology we'll harness in
this new century. These are people who can "gaze" into the future or ancient past & are
It's been said that spirituality and humor are sometimes very close & overlap. When
something is "right on the money" it can be humorous at times. When I try to be funny it
usually doesn't work but other people have said my posts are roaringly hilarious. I tried to take
that as a compliment & he assured me he meant it was a moving performance. I'm tearing
down all the bullshit & the systems of repression & these politicians couldn't be funnier with
their games & lies. Well, it wasn't funny when we were being oppressed but now seeing them
squirm & run for the border is hilarious.
DENNIS McKenna has a very interesting publication called DMT Nature's Ubiquitous
Hallucinogen. First of all, I think the title sounds majorly interesting because of the word
ubiquitous. It's also a root word for a important co-enzyme for the body called Coenzyme Q10
(also known as UBIQUINIONE.) So, I'll be getting that book next.
The word ubiquitous means "existing or being everywhere, or in all places, at the same time."
Many doctors have stated that taking the important supplement CoQ10 (UBIQUINIONE)will
help your bodies cells (trillions of them) to act like little "batteries" producing energy the body
My job as leader here is to help all humans work together exactly how the little powerhouse
batteries behave (in unison.) Now, that doesn't mean I want everyone to "fall in line" and act
just like everyone else (that's what Bush, the Illuminati & the NWO wanted.) I actually tend to
caution against students getting too involved w/the personality of their master -- and seeing
the teachings for themselves. When I say I want everyone to be working together I mean
making people healthy & productive & empowered like all the cells in a body ( and not just a
few getting power & health while the others are left out - without the other "cells" getting
necessary ingredients.)
Now, here's where the astounding revelation came together tonight. Thinking of the McKenna
brothers' scientific theories concerning the hallucinogens contained in certain bug species -and how they use the NN-DMT (NATURES UBIQUITOUS HALLUCINOGEN) chemical to
"hone" in to one another through their sounds, chemical signature & vibrations -- well, there's
more we need to study in the area but their DMT is like using an antaenna & to communicate
with the "group". So, there's a possibility that humans can manipulate this chemical for "tuning
in" and contacting higher-dimensional entities & all LOGOS (definition : "Cosmic Being who
ensouls a planet (Planetary Logos), a solar system (Solar Logos), a galaxy (Galactic Logos)
and so on to infinity BABY. My son just loves the movie Austin Powers so I thought I should
add that last part for him.
(in between)
11/09/04 04:33 PM
I am nor the one with this forename and I refuse do get down to your lowest spiritual levels.
So you lost, what was left of your little reputation.
I quit arguing with a fool and hope, many now recognice your untrustworthyness.
I at least try to be reasonable and argueable instead of blast out any anal stuff. And surely you
don't know what I am doing to make this world a lovlier place instead of rambling around and
using anal words.
Continue to be the worldleader, leader of the universe, contacting aliens or the government in
your dreams.
Or...just get some medical aid.
22/09/04 07:07 AM
I don't need any medical or spiritual aid.
Yea, I guess you could say this is a self-fullfilling prophecy -- but I also had been talking to the
FBI & several gov't officials for some time before this World Message hit the boards. I come to
the boards to let off steam & have fun sharing ideas.
I'm known to the top officials in this world & that's what really matters (but my priests &
shaman are just as important to me!) They needed someone to bail them out of this mess
that's been made on Earth & they've known of the Elohim race for some time (and many other
spiritual leaders acknowledge the Elohim are mentioned frequently in the Bible & are here to
help us gain global peace). Also, you may have missed the info that members of the US gov't
are tied with the Illuminati & Satanic worship so it's time to pay attention.
A true Master or Sage would really want to make himself obsolete...and not engage any longer
in the "World of Dust" or "World of Men" accumulating more negative karma advertantly or
inadvertantly with their various decisions. All the Pharoahs, Tsars or other leaders of
civilizations who forced slaves to build frivolous & expensive statues & buildings could not
have been settled in their minds & spirits _ and I'll make them look even more impotent in
hindsight with my vast Empire.
I only ask that you help me eradicate other evil secret cults on this planet by helping to shine
the light of TRUTH on their darkness in this age of information. Sometimes you gotta "take
one for the team" & get this info out there so your kids or grandkids won't live in a horrible
society w/microchips in your hand & ridiculous cults whispering in the ears of so-called leaders
like Bush Jr. or the British Gov't.
OK guys here's the bottom line. Not to freak ya out or anything -- but we've got like 8 YEARS
(really about 7 years) left before this 3-dimensional reality begins to go bye-bye. That does not
mean an end for your consciousness or your soul or your happiness for that matter! It just
means there will be a great shift in energy & we need to begin preparations to move many
people in the upper latitudes further south in case an ice age results of the 2012 polarity
energy shift.
27/09/04 06:25 AM
"...The Heart ( Upper Burner, Fire ) and the Kidney ( Lower Burner, Water ) keep each other in
check and are dependant upon one another. The Spirit of the Heart and the Essense of the
Kidneys cooperate in establishing and maintaining human consciousness...
The most beautiful expression
of consciousness is Love.
Although some of the emotions, like love, can act to uplift us, most of the emotions and
desires lead us to the evil and ugly side of life, the side of human disaster. If we learn to
strengthen the wisdom mind we can gain calmness and peace, and this can help us to
develop patience, perseverence, strong will, and a sense of justice and harmony. These
virtues enable us to overcome the disasters created from the emotional mind. Part of our
nature is greedy and selfish, and causes us to struggle for money and power. When the moral
part of our nature is suppressed, our minds seem to become evil - murder, theft, rape..[it
becomes horrible...]
Throughout history, many people have worshipped as heroes those who could kill, conquer,
and enslave others. Today's movies and TV programs are filled with stories of killing and
violence. The younger generations are continually being educated into this mindset when they
watch these programs, and even [the same violent lessons] in history classrooms. In this way
the seed of the ugly side of human nature is planted and continually nourished. This seed will
grow, and the next generation will perpetuate the violence, hatred and greed.
Grandmaster ( Dr. ) Yang, Jwing-Ming
from the book The Root of Chinese Qigong
27/09/04 07:32 AM
In summary: Our familiar three-dimensional reality is called the "middle world" in the shamanic
model. Both the lower and upper worlds are internal dimensions which are entered via altered
states of consciousness. Because hyperspace is perpendicular to ego-awareness,
consciousness is the bridge which links all of the worlds together.
Access to the inner dimensions is dependent upon many factors. Everyone enters them while
dreaming, but hypnosis, meditation, severe stress and many other catalysts, including
psychedelic drugs, can also provide admittance." from Jim DeKorne's Psychedelic
(You Are All Infallible Popes)
27/09/04 02:21 PM
if you're Emporer Of The World why don't you get all the ignorant white folks out of Iraq so the
people there can try to rebuild their homeland?
03/10/04 12:13 AM
Yes, that's a very important issue. There are many military forces (big & small) over there
w/pressures from all sides -- people are becoming confused. Even the US soldiers who were
interviewed over there reported that "sometimes we don't know if we're the 'good guy' or 'bad
guy' anymore." And then there's that prison molestation scandal a few months ago. Not
good ... someone give Bush a copy of Sun Tsu's Art of War.
This is a screwed up situation for these soldiers over there & now they want to start reinstating
the draft. So many soldiers would be extremely happy to see their families & I want the fighting
to stop. I was waiting to see how the election turned out & will now step in and make decisions
for Bush if I need to concerning the War on Terror.
Simply forcing the US to pull out may prove to be futile. Sort of like a tick that's hard to pull out
of the skin I'd like to make the U.N. more of a peacekeeping force w/the "muscle" to do it's
job. People are somehow buying into this barbaric rhetoric about good vs. evil and the
reasons why we should drop bombs on these people.
I don't wanna get too much into the suspicions that the U.N. has been infested or infected by
the Freemasons & Illuminati for a long time...and it may be already too late. But, we can have
a good ol' fashioned witch hunt and clean it up.
03/10/04 12:15 AM
Synopsis from an article called "Age Of Light" by Barbara Hand Clow
Photons are light particles. She began researching photons in 1985. An article by gravitational
physicist Brian Swimme triggered some idea. Asked to speculate, he said he needed to report
on the "central scientific discovery of the 20th century- the discovery of background radiation
or photons in the microwave spectrum of the electromagnetic spectrum". Swimme
commented that since 1961 and radical increase in photon has been evident and that the
photons arrived here "soaked in news". She then had an vision of an "Atlantean scientist
'reading' photons and decoding the information in them by means of human DNA". In 1991,
Robert Stanely reported a discovery of satellite instruments in Unicus magazine in an ariticle
called ' The photon Zone- Earth's Future Brightens'.
According to Stanely, these excess photons are being emitted from the cetner of our galaxy.
Our solar system enters this area of the galaxy very 11,000 years and stays in this band of
space for 2000 years. This band is described by Stanley as a "cloud of photons that rotate at a
90 degree right angle to our (solar system) horizontal orbit. Stanley, and other writers including
astronomer Otto Hesse, Sir Edmund Halley, and Shirley Kemp, link the entry into the photon
belt with an age old speculation that we are the eighth star in the Pleiadian sytem of stars.
This is further confirmed by the Billy Meier contacts with Pleiadian space beings. In her
research the most compelling source she came up with was "Los Calendarios Mayas Y Hunab
K'U" by mayan astronomer/ astrologer Hunbatz Men. H. Men decoded much the 17 Mayan
calenders. Of these, the calender " Calendario edel Tzek'eb o Pleyades" which describes the
timing and meaning of our Sun's orbit around the central star of the Pleiades, which is
According to this, our Sun has 26,000 year cycle around Alcyon and each one of these great
cycles is equivilant to one of the Ages of Sun in the Aztec calender. We will complete a 26,000
year cycle accrding to the calender in Dec of 2012. We will also be completing a larger
104,000 year cycle and begin "El Quinto Sol". In this cycle, those who stay will become a
cosmic humanity and contact with other worlds will be possible. Notice, she says, how closely
26,000year orbit of Sun, the 26,00 year photon cycle,and our precession of the equinoxes
correspond closely to timing of glacial cycles from core sample taken at the poles. The first
time the earth's orbit entered the photon belt was in March of 1986. Every year since we
spend a week longer on either side ( entering and exiting ).
This means we right NOW ( Feb95) in the photon belt ( since early Jan) and will exit in early
May. By the year 2001 will be in more of the year than out. By 2012 earth's entire orbit will be
in the photon belt. The most intense part of the transition will be when our Sun moves fully into
the Photon Belt in late 1998 or early 1999 - the apex of the predicted earth changes. The
action of the photon belt, will also have significant effect on the pineal gland. that's why
everyone's psychic energy is starting to ramp up. Barbara HC theorizes that the photon action
will have alot to do with unlocking and decoding our DNA for the next leap in evolution.
Understanding these cycles is crucial to the awakening process we are all experiencing and
will help reduce the physical, mental and emotional shock of this transition.
03/10/04 12:32 AM
In today's society it has become taboo to present the expansion of consciousness by the use
of any kinds of drugs/plants in a positive light. Such is the case when one discusses
government or religion (or any other societal norm) in a negative light. While I have nothing
positive to say about heroin, highly refined Coca leaf (coke, crack), or amphetamines (crank),
I feel that a blanket assessment of all drugs as being DIRTY is not only unfair, but a classic
case of dis-information, since plants are not refined drugs, and, unlike refined drugs, human
culture has indeed evolved in a close symbiotic relationship with sacred plants. A war on
traditional sacred plants is a war on traditional tribal human culture, as any Native American,
or Native African, can tell you. The political implications are obvious.
PLS read original if you want at http://www.shamanshop.net/mushrooms7.htm (GREAT PICS)
Plant drugs, in the psychedelic category, are commonly referred to these days (by those in the
know) as "Entheogens", meaning simply; "the generation of God within"; for the experiencer,
"the realization of God within ones own consciousness".
The facts are that there are many plants that have been known to expand consciousness,
increase awareness of self, and initiate one into the nature of spirituality. Thousands of PhD.
professors all over the world (in fields such as botany, ethnobotany, entheobotany,
archaeology, anthropology, philology, philosophy, psychology, as well as a plethora of other
inter-related fields) have written thousands of books/papers on the investigation and study of
psychedelic plants.
For millions of years on our planet, humanity has been involved in a symbiotic relationship with
plants. Not only have plants supplied mankind with a never ending food-source, the necessary
nourishment for our bodies and life itself, but they have also served us in another way: an
extremely important and intricate one, yet an often overlooked one. I am referring to those
plants which, traditionally, have been known to pharmacologically expand human
consciousness into the mystical/spiritual states.
The study of these plants is called "Entheobotany", or "Ethnobotany". A sub-field (of this
study), known as "Ethnomycology" is specifically dedicated to mushrooms which have
consciousness expanding qualities, and therefore deep roots imbedded in the religious
traditions, writings and indigenous knowledge of mankind. The term, "Ethnomycology" was
coined by its father, the late Gordon Wasson. This line of study is constantly expanding as
more and more correlations come to light regarding the usage of mushrooms in a particular
culture or religion.
03/10/04 12:33 AM
The experience attained by the Entheogenic [En(in)theo(God)gen(generation)] use of this
mushroom is extremely valuable, yet the rules for experimentation of this type are unforgiving.
NEVER eat ANY mushroom, unless you are absolutely certain that it is the one you want.
VERIFY its identification with an expert mycologist. This is not a recreational experience. The
Shamanic "DEATH (and REBIRTH) EXPERIENCE" is called that for a very good reason (it is,
what it is). When experimenting with entheogenic mushrooms, always have a few friends
along (as monitors) in case you need to be assured that you are not dying. RESEARCH this
before experimenting. Plan a full day for your experience. This is not a scheduled substance responsible and careful use will keep it that way. BE SMART, Ever onward. Most of all, JUST
SAY KNOW. James.
These writings have dealt with the use of such substances by spiritual practitioners in most
every religion formed on the planet. Throughout history, each tribe/culture has looked for
leadership and insight to the local Holy-man, or otherwise known as the Shaman, Healer,
Priest, Mage, Sage, Yogi, Magician. The insight these leaders possessed was largely due to
their experience and understanding of pharmacopeia (use of plants) and the insight offered by
the use of these things.
The Spanish (Catholic) inquisition and witch hunts (the murdering of over eight million people,
tried as witches, and the stealing of their land and other properties done in the name of God
by the Church-government up until the 19th century) were prime examples of the power-driven
demonization of tribal values for the purpose of industrial enslavement. Also related to this
church jealousy and greed is the matter of millions of indigenous Central Americans murdered
(exterminated), bringing about the near extinction of the Aztec/Inca/Mayan peoples, AND the
all-to-similar fate of indigenous North Americans. The underlying agenda is the repression of
the knowledge of Entheogenic plants which, if it succeeded, would insure the people's loyalty
to established religion in all matters pertaining to God, primarily due to the inability of
experiencing God for, in, oneself. Since government and religion are the controllers of the
world, an independent Shaman/Priest/Mage/Magician/Prophet is a threat to their power. Crazy
Horse was a Shaman.
The sacramental use of Entheogens has only come into a bad/dirty light recently. This is
largely due to the lumping together of any and all substances used by people (whether used
for spiritual or recreation purposes) and then classifying them as "bad" (for you), "evil", "vile",
and/or "dirty". This prohibition is the propaganda of the inept, corrupt, and oppressive
(monetary based) war on drugs. In realty, despite the incredible amount of evidence that
humanity's origins of spirituality are inseparably linked to entheogens, governmental
prohibition continues to rob each individual of their human right to directly access and
understand the nature of spirituality through the traditional and ancient means provided by
mother earth.
The agenda of the propaganda-pushers is not only sad but actually quite sickening because of
the way it tends to lead the mindless masses of sheep right down the road to foolishness,
causing them to become the unknowing pushers of the very same oppressive dis-information
and propaganda which imprisons them, whilst believing the whole time that they are being
right, proper, clean purveyors of the truth. As you will see, this subject is absolutely a matter of
religious practice, and as such, it must be protected by Constitutional rights.
As Timothy Leary put it so well, "Psychedelics often produce psychotic and even violent
behavior in those that have never used them".
One more thing before we get going...
It's the use of heroin, crack, and crank that the government throws on the table to cause panic
in the minds of people, that has allowed them to erode the Constitution away into a now
historical document, by passing unbelievable laws all under the guise of stopping the use of
drugs and saving our precious children from the "vile drug-pusher", while all along it's been the
O.S.S. and then the C.I.A. in bed with the Mafia and local government officials that bring the
highly addictive drugs (Heroin/Crack), that destroy peoples lives, into the Country, and then
distribute them locally. If you don't think this could be true, then take a look drugwar.com. This
site links to a mountain of hard evidence of military-intelligence drug dealing for the
institutionalized purpose of covert arms financing.
It is the highly addictive properties of these drugs that are exactly what make the
Mafia/C.I.A./Government wet their lips from excitement (due to huge profits involved), not
caring what damage they do to people. Also the natural plant Entheogens are not a hot
commodity for them, partly because they actually make you think, which is one of the things
those agenda-driven, power & money-hungry monsters would prefer you didn't do. Our
favorite free-thinkers and musicians, by taking certain plants, and smoking certain herbs (also
with a long religious history) should be praised for the insight and understanding they have
received in life through these things, not be condemned and thought of as dirty for their use of
the same.
03/10/04 08:02 AM
Magick & the use of a pendulum to foretell one's future are still new areas to me (in this
lifetime). Luckily, we have greater access to information lately and the lessons of eastern &
western Masters. Even Nostradamus, in his quatrain about the end of the world as we know it,
said in 1999: "and it will rain no more, but in 40 years, all will be normal." In aboriginal
mythology it is said "Men were different to what they are now, we had a bridge to the stars." In
all their stories if they fell out with the Chief or Elder, they fled to the sky. So did the Greeks. It
appears that space travel is simple within the photon belt. The year 1962 was the year that we
came within the influence of the Photon Belt. 1962 was a year of great UFO activity. Did we
come within range of space travelers using the Photon Belt?
As we hurtle closer and closer, will more UFO's look us over before our rebirth into the years
of LIGHT. It would seem that this is already happening. Erich Von Daniken, when visiting
South America, discovered a tribe with an object given to them by Sky People thousands of
years ago. They were told to keep it clean and "when it hums like thousands of swarms of
bees, we will return." It started humming softly three years ago (i.e., 1978). A cosmic alarm
clock alerting us to the coming of the light? It would seem some civilizations may live
permanently with The Light. When our Planet leaves this period of light and returns to the
10,000 years of darkness, do THEY return to the LIGHT and wait our eventual re-entry. It
seems likely.
The Mayans departed hurriedly with the message also of their return, which scholars say is
now imminent. Rock carvings around the world show drawings similar to the system of
Alcione. Ball lightning...a phenomena about which little is known, is it perhaps little pockets of
the Photon Belt? To all UFO researchers, these craft always show an interest in nuclear
installations. What will happen to a reactor within the Belt? I think our scientists are way out
ahead. Photon energy seems to be the energy of the future. Many UFO reports seem to
indicate Photon rockets on experimental craft "the headlights were at the back." The reports at
hand indicate slow, cumbersome craft; but within the Photon Belt, I think we have craft for
immediate unlimited space travel.
It is conceivable that many people will not survive the initial jolt if they are not prepared for it. If
the ice extends to latitude 40, that covers half the USA, and most of Europe and Asia. That is
a lot of people without a home. Will they be accepted in other countries? In a limited space of
fertility, will it be possible to support untold millions?
We'll make it through just fine. OF course it won't be easy for the people who's land is in the
upper latitudes. Like I said, as World Leader I have so many wonderful plans to share with you
- beginning with majorly cool housing (developed by the Japanese) to help house the people
fleeing the upper parts of America/Europe/Asia - which will be most likely covered in ice within
a decade. Although the Elohim were able to adjust the atmosphere of this little planet using
detonations and various terraforming techniques ages ago (environment-altering techniques
which take time) this shift in energy is too great for even Heaven's greatest masters to
intervene and no one would want to.
These huge skyscraper apartments will also have large parks to stroll in, casinos, movie
theaters, malls etc. [NOTE: This plan is primarily for people who may lose their land in 2012 -I'm NOT trying to get everyone to live the same way or be in a religious commune.] These
indoor "cities" are just to help w/overpopulation & the possible weather problems we'll be
having beginning Dec. 2012.
By the way, I told you I would've been happy with 3 or even 2 new planets within my Empire
for us to spread out & expore the galaxies -- however, the super-evolved LOGOS spirit/god of
the Stropharia Cubensis strain has assured of 500 planets W O W ! we'll be expanding to with
the help of the Elohim hyperlight star vessels.
Can you see it now? We could stay in this darkness and keep bombing each other and
fighting over sadly small amounts of real estate -- OR, you can realize the power of being
humble and listening for a change ... Watch me take this symbiotic Empire (with our
technologically super-evolved cosmic neighbors called the Elohim & the hyperlight harnessing
'shroom Gods) to FIVE-HUNDRED stable planets in dozens of new star systems for us to
(holding the light of a thousand candles)
03/10/04 08:23 AM
hey, spacedragon... id like to read up all your posts cause i missed a lot and i think its
do you think you could paste them all into one document file that you could post? that would
be spiffy.
03/10/04 05:26 PM
Spacedragon. It seems to me that you are putting too much shit on the wonderful words. That
is a bad thing. I do not appreciate it at all.
Anyway, is there anybody interested in implementation of the heavens on the Earth?
05/10/04 11:28 AM
THIS FOLLOWING SCENERIO may very well be true. Look, I think Jesus did a great part in
helping humanity. I also think he's alive and well in God form because of help from the Elohim
from the sky (using machines on him to boost his intelligence & possibly wisdom for Heaven's
sake. This race of extra-terrestrials is amazing. They've tapped into spiritualism also & will
now help in this age of less war & suffering - SPIRITUALISM will reign in an even greater form
-- meaning all of us can be beings of light and my priests, shaman & extra-terrestrial fathers
from the sky are NOT trying to leave ONE SOUL left out of these heavenly, blissful realms.
The trick is you have to do it for yourself though & we're only trying to make the Earth a more
peaceful & prosperous place.
Yes, love & spirituality will reign! We should aim for like 50/50 spirituality & science for now _
unless I see my fellow humans not caring for one another & not sticking up for each
other...So, if we don't stop the murdering and ignorance & aggression oftentimes as a result of
governments' misinformation - - Then, we're gonna have a purification (not really with people
per se) but with this system of capitalism. We would have to use the Laws of Dharma for a
trial period & then proceed to adopt the Elohim views & strategies of attaining global peace if
we have to. So, go ahead with your capitalism but be warned that if these corporation supergiants start growing any bigger & using hit-men for evil purposes I'll tear the economy down &
rebuild with one currency & Elohim economics. Now, as for these LAWS OF DHARMA: Look
it up on google if you don't know what it is.
Now, we wouldn't want to experience that abrupt change in law with this evidence of an
imminent ICE AGE -- on only P A R T S of our planet of course -- NOT ALL of our precious
planet will be covered in ice. So, don't get too worried we'll have great housing for them
(ALSO, the people who lose their land will get first dibs on the tropical island PLANET we've
found w/no worries but planting specific mushrooms for me & drinking MAI TAI's with a little
The coordinates are set and I'm trying to get 500 ships up and running to 500 planets but
we're not close to the Elohim home planet's ship-making factories to gain immediate access to
that wonderful, superior technology. We'd need to turn many of our factories into spaceshipmaking facilities - BUT, again we first need to feed the malnourished & under-paid humans on
our planet.
Aside from renewable & cost-efficient technologies coming out more daily - we need to step
back a second from materialism & breathe for the good of not destroying this planet. More
people could consider home-based businesses when the World Government offers more
subsidies for that type of work & even better tax breaks. I'd like to accelerate the use of these
free resources for power, heat & the easy machine which converts SEA WATER into pure
water which will help us for the next 30 years or so. These renewable technologies will help
the hard-working people save money on bills & business costs and THE POWER WILL BE IN
Please don't forget that I love Jesus who's now in his higher-dimensional God form. I love this
Holy, Enlightened Deity with all my heart. Now, the following is about Jesus' consciousness
being tied to the PHOTON belt also.
Try to make it to the end of this post for the connection of the more frequent "ball lightning"
phenomenon & it's link to our friendly photon belt. O K check this chart below about how Earth
will enter the belt and raise us to higher dimensions.It's not as intricate as it seems & the chart
has information that is WELL worth looking at:
By Virgil Armstrong
The Photon Belt is allegedly something far greater than astronomical or scientific postulates
as to how the Solar System and its planets rotate around Alcione, our Central Sun, and how,
in this process, our Solar System and planets experience 21,860 years of darkness and 4,000
years of light. The whole process is a profound sequential spiritual experience, dealing directly
with the Christ consciousness.
The Photon Belt and the manasic radiation have a greater impact than one might imagine.
From the scientific point of view, it is the procession of our Solar System and its
accompanying planets around the Central Sun, called Alcione, located in the constellation of
Pleiades. This counter-clockwise cyclic procession around Alcione requires 25,860 years to
make one complete orbit. Our present-day sun, moon, and planets must twice pass through
the Photon Belt during this time, that is, once to the North and once to the South.
During this cycle, there are two periods of darkness and two periods of light. The periods of
darkness, which constitute the vast majority of the rotation around the Central Sun, consist of
two periods of 10,500 years each, plus an additional, seemingly optional 430 years for both of
the 10,500-year periods. (i.e., 10,500+430 = 10,930 years, times 2=21,860 years).
Following each period of 10,500 years of darkness, we then emerge into 2000 years of total
light, which actually constitutes the Photon Belt. In review, we then have 21,860 years of
darkness and 4,000 years of light (21,860 + 4,000 = 25,860 years, or one complete
cycle/orbit). Again, please refer to the diagram below.
Another way of viewing this phenomenon is that in one complete orbit, we have five sixths
darkness and approximately one-sixth light, or a 5:1 ratio, with darkness being predominant.
Surprisingly enough, we are now, as a Solar System and planet, once again emerging from
10,500+ years of darkness and preparing to merge into 2000 years of light, which we will
begin to experience in the year 2000.
As in all things in the Creators omni-universes, everything has divine purpose and reason. All
aspects are in synchronicity with one another: the higher with the lower, the lower with the
higher; or, to quote Kabalistic law, "as it is above, so shall it be below; as it is below, so shall it
be above." It is important to understand that divine law has intent and purpose. What 1 am
about to relate spiritually will lend greater individual understanding and acceptance of what
would otherwise appear to be punitive and unreasonable.
The reason we experience five-sixths more darkness in our journey around the Central Sun is
because the divine powers, in concert with those of us who were chosen, agreed to create
and experience a world of negativity (darkness), polarities, and illusion encrusted with fear,
judgments, control, hate, greed, death, and much more. This was a contrived plan which
facilitated the Creator's desire to better understand the true nature of negativity, or its shadow
self This explosive and unpredictable world, likened to a veritable mine field, is designed to
test the mettle of all associated with this special planet, Planet Earth. We are the vehicle
through which the divine can experience itself; and through our individual and collective
experiences, can master the intricacies and dangers of darkness. We have been selectively
chosen to come here.
We are unique, one of a kind. We are the chosen vehicle (planet) to collect, assimilate, and
transform all negativity for our entire Solar System. We are the dumping ground and refuse
holding area for the whole Solar System. Through our thoughts, actions, and reactions, we
serve as transformers for all negativity being thrust upon us. What a task! So you see that
what might be adjudged as something totally negative and uncalled for is, in truth, endowed
with Spirit and its divine mission here on Earth. That mission is to experience through us the
negativity for self and in the process, learn how to dispense with it more expeditiously and
permanently, making all else a better place to live and work. So, you see, we and our planet
are unique and special.
The Photon Belt and accompanying manasic radiation are in and of themselves vehicles of
transformation and transmutation. They are the guardian barrier and vehicle to see that none
of the negativity of Earth escapes and contaminates the higher levels of consciousness.
Presiding over all of this is the Christ, and upon knowing this, we can quickly see that the
Photon Belt and the manasic radiation are the eminence of the Christ and its christed
energies. Unless we are in accord with these energies, as we approach and enter the Photon
Belt, we cannot hope to be a part of it and escape the negative influences of Planet Earth.
In that sense, we would have to return to the third dimension and do it all over again. Ironic as
it may seem, before each of us came to Planet Earth, we were fully aware of the inherent
dangers of coming to Earth and living and experiencing its gross negativities. We were also
informed that we could not escape the influence of negativity until we had mastered it, which,
of course, was the divine intent all along, for how can the divine learn and experience self
other than through us? Unfortunately some are slower learners than others, and it takes
repeated turns around the wheel (the Central Sun) before the lesson is learned. Usually about
one-third of the planet's then total population is successful in each 10,500-year period.
The Christ and its energies are repeatedly mentioned in ancient texts, indicating that unless
we can become one with these christed energies, we cannot hope to survive the coming
calamities and pass through the Photon Belt. The Mayan prophecies clearly signal this in a
profound statement which says, "government, science and religion will collapse unless they
are prepared to accept and facilitate the incoming Christ consciousness." Once again, this is
an oblique reference to the Photon Belt and its christed energies (the manasic radiation).
All things obsolete, archaic, and negative, including YOU, will break down in the face of the
incoming Christ energies unless you and it will accept and live these sacred truths. The great
avatar, Jesus, while on Earth made this abundantly clear when he said, "1, through the Christ,
shall separate the wheat from the tares, the sheep from the goats." Implied was that humanity,
as it approaches the end days and the Photon Belt, will be divided into two camps, that is,
those who can and will accept the incoming Christ consciousness (the wheat and the sheep),
and those who will not or cannot (the tares and the goats). As we near the entrance into the
Photon Belt, which will take place in or about the year 2000, all of this will become abundantly
clear. Note that the year 2000 also marks our entrance into the fourth dimension as a peoples,
planet, and consciousness. Be reminded that it is destined that our planet be assured safe
passage into and through the Photon Belt. The only question is, will you and I receive the
same accord? The answer is yes, only if we, too, can accept, accommodate, and act out the
incoming Christ consciousness.
The Photon Belt is nothing new. In ancient history there are many references, particularly by
the Greeks and Romans, to a Golden Age wherein there was nothing but light, love, peace
and tranquility, a place where death, war, famine, disease, and poverty were unknown. These
ancient philosophers were obviously alluding to the Photon Belt, that 2000-year period of light.
Once again we are at that point where we are about to enter into this phenomenal period of
light, the Golden Age of the past and the future. We are emerging from our oppressive cocoon
of darkness and, like the butterfly, can emerge as something extremely beautiful, that is, our
light bodies and our total communion with the Christ. That cocoon of darkness, despite its
oppressiveness and negativity, has been our teaching and learning vehicle to qualify us once
again to return from whence we came, the Photon Belt.
This transition takes place in 2000. By the year 2005, five years into the Photon Belt, we will
have reached our ultimate objective, the fifth dimension! An interesting fact: the Lost Books of
the Bible, that is, the original and unabridged version of our current Bible, states that "The
second coming of the Christ will occur in the year 2005." This then implies that we will witness
and experience the second coming of the Christ only after we have attained the fifth
dimension of consciousness. We will by then have long abandoned our bodies of density and
will be wearing our garments of light, just as the Christ always has.
According to Barbara Hand Clow and others - we are moving into a zone in space that is band
of photon energy. Our star moves into that band for about 2000 years and this event happens
about every 11000 years. The last time we were in was Atlantis. The 11000th year out of the
photon belt she calls the Galactic Night. Our star system is the 8th star in the Pleadian star
group. Our star cirles the star Alcyon, as do the other pleadian stars. Alcyon is in the phton
belt all the time. Others are in and out for varying periods of time depending on their orbit. The
experience we have on Earth at this time is extremely valuable for the range of experience
moving between dimensions that happens as we move into and out of the photon belt.
Trillions of souls are trying to get into a body for this ride.
We are starting to move into the photon belt now and will be totally in the belt all the time by
2012. In the photon belt the walls between the different dimension becomes increasingly thin
or non existent. One of the things that has to happen as we move into the photon belt is that
we have to master the 4th dimension and integrate it into this planet. The transition into and
out of the photon belt is characterized by radical weather patterns, earth changes, and this will
particulaly be interesting as the 4th dimensional world begins to precipitate onto our own 3rd
dimensional reality. The elements of the 4th each of will attract individually, be able "see", and
interact with depends entirely on our consciousness. We could attract a room full little devils
with pitch forks or a room full of angels. The 4th dimension is polarized much like the 3rd
dimension and beings on the 4th dimension level have there own agendas.
From assisitance and blessing to outright interference with our development. Our state of
consciousness IS the MOST IMPORTANT THING. She empahisizes this throughout. She
also stressed "BEING HERE NOW". She said timing for this event is not important as we are,
from a consciousness perspective, we are already in it. Timing, will also, will shift to our
perception. She did say the apex of earth changes activity would be from 1998 to 2001. She
talked about the dimensions this way: 1st dimension- mineral kingdom- the consciousness of
resonating the earth "mother" accessed through crystals 2nd- the plant kingdom- the
consciousness of feeling the earth mother accessed through interaction and communication
with plants: i.e. Findhorn 3rd- time and space- the consciousness of linear time mastery
through "being here now" polarized pos and neg 4th- the nonphysical kingdom of archetypes,
guides, and nonphysical beings. Accessed through guides, archetypes, angels - also polarized
into pos and neg 5th- the consiousness of cosmic cycles and patterns accessed though
awarness of cosmic patterns 6th- the consciousness of "web weaving" or ceremonial
precipation of certain consciousness patterns. i.e. crop circles precipitating are glyphs and
symbols meant to awaken certain patterns of consciousness in us. Sacred work at world
power spots another. 7th-consciounsess of oneness- door way to other higher dimensions.
The sacred work here is to find and be re-unified with our twin soul. She said is it important to
realize that there is no hierarchy of dimensions, one is not better or more important than
Once in the photon belt, we will have access to all these dimensions of consciousness. THE
PHOTON BELT STORY People all over the world are grasping, reaching out for little pieces of
knowledge, enlightenment, hope for the future of their children in a world of growing
degradation, drugs, rape, murder, etc. The Prophets of Doom preach of physical horror and
annihilation. It is like a great vortex, a great sucking spiral, ever downward, blackness,
despair. You look upwards, can see the light at the top and grasp and claw your way to get out
of that ever quickening pull of despair. The truth sometimes is so simple that we look past it,
ignore it and try to find a much more complicated answer, when all the time, it is there, staring
you right in the face, your passport out of the vortex into the future.
It all starts with a little atom and the group of little electrons which orbit around it. English
physicist Paul Adrain Maurice Dirac, said that for each type of particle, an anti-particle will
exist. In 1932, Carl David Anderson discovered the anti-electron and called it a positron. In
1956, the anti-proton and anti-neutron were discovered. When an anti-particle is formed, it
comes into existence in a universe of ordinary particles, and it is only a matter of time... a
fraction of a second... before it meets and collides with an electron. The charges cancel, the
total mass of the pair is converted into energy in the form of PHOTONS. This offers a new and
unprecedented powerful source of energy.
The PHOTON is about to become your way of life in the very near future. A PHOTON BAND
was discovered in outer space in 1961 by means of satellite born instruments. We will now
move onto the PLEIADES.... The Seven Sisters... an estimated 400 light-years from here.
This group of stars is the basis of mythology in many countries... the Greek Gods, Australian
Dreamtime, Chinese mythology. To quote from just a few Astronomers: Jose Comas Sola
made a special study of the Pleiades and discovered that they form a system, of which our
sun is a part and also several other suns; and all, apparently, have their own Planetary
systems. Freidrich Wilhelm Bessel showed that members of this group had a proper motion of
5.5 seconds-of-arc per century in the same direction. Isaac Asimov..."We can assume that all
the stars in this cluster are the same chronological age." Edmund Halley, studying the position
of the stars, noted that at least three stars were not in the spots recorded by the Greeks.
The difference was so great that it was unlikely that either the Greeks or Halley could have
made a mistake. It seemed very clear to Halley that these stars moved within a system. Paul
Otto Hesse also made a special study of this system, of which our sun is a part, and
discovered, at absolute right angles to the movements of the suns, a PHOTON BELT or
MANASIC RING, a phenomena which scientists have not yet been able to reproduce with
laboratory experiments. It takes our sun 24,000 years to complete an orbit, (of this system)
and it is divided into sections. The 10,000 years of darkness is the period as we know it now,
daytime, nighttime; the 2,000-year period of all light; again, 10,000 years of darkness; and
2,000 years of light
WE ARE NOW POISED TO ENTER THIS PHOTON BELT between now and the end of this
century. We have completed the full circle and are back at the beginning. It is described in
detail in the bible, by books on mythology, by Nostradamus, and by modern day scientists. If
the Earth enters first into the PHOTON BELT, the sky will appear to be on fire, but be assured,
this is cold light, so there will be no heat. If the sun enters first, there will be immediate
darkness, which, computed by our speed through space, will last 110 hours. The interaction
between the Solar Radiation and the PHOTON BELT will make the sky look as if it is full of
falling stars. As the Earth enters this radiation belt, all molecules will become excited, all
atoms will change, things will become luminescent, THERE WILL BE CONSTANT LIGHT.
There can be no darkness, not within the deepest cave, not within the human body. A quick
look at the Christian bible: "All the stars will fall from the sky and the sky will be no more...." It
is expected that the rotation of the Earth may diminish a little. Because of the reduced Solar
Radiation, the temperature is expected to become cooler and the ice caps are expected to
extend to about latitude 40 in both hemispheres. Your history books will tell you that at least
five ICE AGES have been recorded, and they seem to last about 2,000 years. It may be noted
that world communication centers, fixed satellites, U.S.-bases and experimental sights are
within the 'safe zone.' Design or accident? What about you?
There are three types of people in our cosmos: corporeal, like us, solid, human;
atmospherean, also solid to a point, but the molecular structure is quite different; ethereans,
no mass at all. When we enter the Photon Belt, a normal healthy person is expected to feel a
jolt similar to putting your finger in a live light socket, and the transformation will be complete -you will have just changed from a corporeal person to an atmospherean person ("and ye shall
be changed to immortality without the separation of death in the twinkling of an eye").
Theologians have written at great depth on Bible characters, and assert that they have lived in
this period of light. The sky and atmosphere was different and apparently it never rained.
Nostradamus, in his quatrain about the end of the world as we know it, in 1999: "and it will rain
no more, but in 40 years, all will be normal." In aboriginal mythology it is said "Men were
different to what they are now, we had a bridge to the stars." In all their stories if they fell out
with the Chief or Elder, they fled to the sky. So did the Greeks. It appears that space travel is
simple within the photon belt. The year 1962 was the year that we came within the influence of
the Photon Belt. 1962 was a year of great UFO activity. Did we come within range of space
travelers using the Photon Belt?
As we hurtle closer and closer, will more UFO's look us over before our rebirth into the years
of LIGHT. It would seem that this is already happening. Erich Von Daniken, when visiting
South America, discovered a tribe with an object given to them by Sky People thousands of
years ago. They were told to keep it clean and "when it hums like thousands of swarms of
bees, we will return." It started humming softly three years ago (i.e., 1978). A cosmic alarm
clock alerting us to the coming of the light? It would seem some civilizations may live
permanently with The Light. When our Planet leaves this period of light and returns to the
10,000 years of darkness, do THEY return to the LIGHT and wait our eventual re-entry. It
seems likely.
The Mayans departed hurriedly with the message also of their return, which scholars say is
now imminent. Rock carvings around the world show drawings similar to the system of
Alcione. Ball lightning...a phenomena about which little is known, is it perhaps little pockets of
the Photon Belt? To all UFO researchers, these craft always show an interest in nuclear
installations. What will happen to a reactor within the Belt? I think our scientists are way out
ahead. Photon energy seems to be the energy of the future. Many UFO reports seem to
indicate Photon rockets on experimental craft "the headlights were at the back." The reports at
hand indicate slow, cumbersome craft; but within the Photon Belt, I think we have craft for
immediate unlimited space travel. Because the radiation of our sun will be modified by the
Photon energy, is this why our scientists only pay small lip service to the development of solar
energy? Let us think about our planet coming out of the light and into the darkness. Aboriginal
mythology says "we were cast out into darkness and were much afraid, so the Gods gave us a
Sun to warm us and a moon to see at night." If the ice caps form within the light years, then
the increased Solar radiation when leaving the belt must surely melt the ice... Floods. If it does
not rain within this period of light, it is understandable why Noah was so awed by the sight of
that first rainbow. The Gilgamesh talks of a great flood, but it was apparently about 10,000
years before Noah's flood. We have thought about our world and the effect on a single
person, but what about humanity as a whole?
It is conceivable that many people will not survive the initial jolt if they are not prepared for it. If
the ice extends to latitude 40, that covers half the USA, and most of Europe and Asia. That is
a lot of people without a home. Will they be accepted in other countries? In a limited space of
fertility, will it be possible to support untold millions? I think not. And so tomorrow....
The photon belt was first discovered by scientists (Paul Otto Hesse) in 1961 near the vicinity
of the Pleiades by satellite instrumentation. The photon belt is a huge torroid shaped object
composed of photon light particles The solar system and the photon belt are moving toward
each other Our solar system and the photon belt will merge sometime between March, 1995,
and the end of 1996 The thickness is approximately 2,000 solar years or 759,864 billion miles
Earth is now completing a 24,000-26,000-year cycle with this photon belt Before the photon
belt arrives, the Sirians will be making mass landings on Earth to help us through the
experience of the photon belt (The mass landings will occur 2-6 months before the photon belt
reaches us) Going Through the Photon Belt Day 1 Enter the null zone Alter body type of all
living things Non-operation of any electical device . Once the pumps quit and water tanks are
empty, water will not run and toilets will not flush. Lights cannot be turned on. Cars will not
When the collapse of the planet's electrical and magnetic fields occurs, it will also allow all
atoms on Earth to be changed. The atoms in our bodies will be modified to form a new body-a body that is semi-etheric--and the veil of consciousness around us will be removed.
We will no longer be living in the limited 3rd-dimensional reality. We will now have physical
and psychic gifts that we were meant to have Total darkness (for 2-3 days) . The sun will have
disappeared from view and we will be unable to see stars in the pitch black sky Day 2
Atmosphere is compressed and everyone will feel bloated . This aspect is also beginning to
happen now as noted by the increase in seismic activities that stretch from the 1960s to the
present time. This can also be seen by the dramatic change in our planetary weather patterns.
The big danger will be from nuclear materials since there is the possibility for either nuclear
chain-reactions or huge and deadly radioactive explosions of fissionable materials. Therefore,
to avoid these dangers, the Galactic Federation will allow a special landing of technical ships
and personnel so that these potential nuclear dangers can be alleviated. Sun cools down
Earth climate cools (ice age type of climate) . This will occur because the sun will be
undergoing a change in its interdimensional polarity which will prevent the sun's heat from
reaching planet Earth's surface. Day 3-4 Atmosphere dimly lit (like dawn) Start photon effect.
This photon effect is very important because it will allow us to have a new energy source. This
new energy source will permit the end of our planet's fossil fuel dependency. It will also allow
the capability for space travel since photon drive technology is the power system for all
starships operated by the Galactic Federation. Photon energy devices are operable Stars will
reappear in the sky Day 5-6 Exit the null zone, enter the main photon belt zone Transition into
a 24-hour daylight period Every living thing is invigorated (Humans will go back to having 12
strands of DNA) Earth climate warms Photon beam-powered ships can travel in space
Incredible psychic abilities are reclaimed (eg telepathy, telekinesis, etc) We will now be living
with what we have called "Extraterrestrials" 17 years later (2012-2013) Normally going through
the photon belt would take 2000 years However at this time our solar system will enter an
interdimensional rescue bubble that will thrust it out of the photon belt
Our solar system will be put into a position about 3 light years from the Sirius star system (at
present Sirius is approximately 8.3 light years from Earth) Then this will be the end of our 24hour daylight experience and bring the return of an approximate 12-hour daylight/12-hour
nighttime schedule We will now be fully 5th dimensional beings It is a time when you will be
one with the Earth's spiritual hierarchy. It is also a time when you will return to work
cooperatively with your planet's cetaceans to be co- guardians of Earth, and eventually with
your rehabilitated solar system as well. You will as a planet go through a minimalized three
days of darkness and cold and then three days of light and mellow warmth, for this is
necessary to bringing awareness to everyone, but there will be no fear. Rest assured: All
consideration has been taken under extreme advisement. No part of life will be upset.
05/10/04 11:29 AM
The Christ and its energies are repeatedly mentioned in ancient texts, indicating that unless
we can become one with these christed energies, we cannot hope to survive the coming
calamities and pass through the Photon Belt. The Mayan prophecies clearly signal this in a
profound statement which says, "government, science and religion will collapse unless they
are prepared to accept and facilitate the incoming Christ consciousness." Once again, this is
an oblique reference to the Photon Belt and its christed energies (the manasic radiation).
All things obsolete, archaic, and negative, including YOU, will break down in the face of the
incoming Christ energies unless you and it will accept and live these sacred truths. The great
avatar, Jesus, while on Earth made this abundantly clear when he said, "1, through the Christ,
shall separate the wheat from the tares, the sheep from the goats." Implied was that humanity,
as it approaches the end days and the Photon Belt, will be divided into two camps, that is,
those who can and will accept the incoming Christ consciousness (the wheat and the sheep),
and those who will not or cannot (the tares and the goats). As we near the entrance into the
Photon Belt, which will take place in or about the year 2000, all of this will become abundantly
clear. Note that the year 2000 also marks our entrance into the fourth dimension as a peoples,
planet, and consciousness. Be reminded that it is destined that our planet be assured safe
passage into and through the Photon Belt. The only question is, will you and I receive the
same accord? The answer is yes, only if we, too, can accept, accommodate, and act out the
incoming Christ consciousness.
The Photon Belt is nothing new. In ancient history there are many references, particularly by
the Greeks and Romans, to a Golden Age wherein there was nothing but light, love, peace
and tranquility, a place where death, war, famine, disease, and poverty were unknown. These
ancient philosophers were obviously alluding to the Photon Belt, that 2000-year period of light.
Once again we are at that point where we are about to enter into this phenomenal period of
light, the Golden Age of the past and the future. We are emerging from our oppressive cocoon
of darkness and, like the butterfly, can emerge as something extremely beautiful, that is, our
light bodies and our total communion with the Christ. That cocoon of darkness, despite its
oppressiveness and negativity, has been our teaching and learning vehicle to qualify us once
again to return from whence we came, the Photon Belt.
This transition takes place in 2000. By the year 2005, five years into the Photon Belt, we will
have reached our ultimate objective, the fifth dimension! An interesting fact: the Lost Books of
the Bible, that is, the original and unabridged version of our current Bible, states that "The
second coming of the Christ will occur in the year 2005." This then implies that we will witness
and experience the second coming of the Christ only after we have attained the fifth
dimension of consciousness. We will by then have long abandoned our bodies of density and
will be wearing our garments of light, just as the Christ always has.
According to Barbara Hand Clow and others - we are moving into a zone in space that is band
of photon energy. Our star moves into that band for about 2000 years and this event happens
about every 11000 years. The last time we were in was Atlantis. The 11000th year out of the
photon belt she calls the Galactic Night. Our star system is the 8th star in the Pleadian star
group. Our star cirles the star Alcyon, as do the other pleadian stars. Alcyon is in the phton
belt all the time. Others are in and out for varying periods of time depending on their orbit. The
experience we have on Earth at this time is extremely valuable for the range of experience
moving between dimensions that happens as we move into and out of the photon belt.
Trillions of souls are trying to get into a body for this ride.
We are starting to move into the photon belt now and will be totally in the belt all the time by
2012. In the photon belt the walls between the different dimension becomes increasingly thin
or non existent. One of the things that has to happen as we move into the photon belt is that
we have to master the 4th dimension and integrate it into this planet. The transition into and
out of the photon belt is characterized by radical weather patterns, earth changes, and this will
particulaly be interesting as the 4th dimensional world begins to precipitate onto our own 3rd
dimensional reality. The elements of the 4th each of will attract individually, be able "see", and
interact with depends entirely on our consciousness. We could attract a room full little devils
with pitch forks or a room full of angels. The 4th dimension is polarized much like the 3rd
dimension and beings on the 4th dimension level have there own agendas.
From assisitance and blessing to outright interference with our development. Our state of
consciousness IS the MOST IMPORTANT THING. She empahisizes this throughout. She
also stressed "BEING HERE NOW". She said timing for this event is not important as we are,
from a consciousness perspective, we are already in it. Timing, will also, will shift to our
perception. She did say the apex of earth changes activity would be from 1998 to 2001. She
talked about the dimensions this way: 1st dimension- mineral kingdom- the consciousness of
resonating the earth "mother" accessed through crystals 2nd- the plant kingdom- the
consciousness of feeling the earth mother accessed through interaction and communication
with plants: i.e. Findhorn 3rd- time and space- the consciousness of linear time mastery
through "being here now" polarized pos and neg 4th- the nonphysical kingdom of archetypes,
guides, and nonphysical beings. Accessed through guides, archetypes, angels - also polarized
into pos and neg 5th- the consiousness of cosmic cycles and patterns accessed though
awarness of cosmic patterns 6th- the consciousness of "web weaving" or ceremonial
precipation of certain consciousness patterns. i.e. crop circles precipitating are glyphs and
symbols meant to awaken certain patterns of consciousness in us. Sacred work at world
power spots another. 7th-consciounsess of oneness- door way to other higher dimensions.
The sacred work here is to find and be re-unified with our twin soul. She said is it important to
realize that there is no hierarchy of dimensions, one is not better or more important than
Once in the photon belt, we will have access to all these dimensions of consciousness. THE
PHOTON BELT STORY People all over the world are grasping, reaching out for little pieces of
knowledge, enlightenment, hope for the future of their children in a world of growing
degradation, drugs, rape, murder, etc. The Prophets of Doom preach of physical horror and
annihilation. It is like a great vortex, a great sucking spiral, ever downward, blackness,
despair. You look upwards, can see the light at the top and grasp and claw your way to get out
of that ever quickening pull of despair. The truth sometimes is so simple that we look past it,
ignore it and try to find a much more complicated answer, when all the time, it is there, staring
you right in the face, your passport out of the vortex into the future.
It all starts with a little atom and the group of little electrons which orbit around it. English
physicist Paul Adrain Maurice Dirac, said that for each type of particle, an anti-particle will
exist. In 1932, Carl David Anderson discovered the anti-electron and called it a positron. In
1956, the anti-proton and anti-neutron were discovered. When an anti-particle is formed, it
comes into existence in a universe of ordinary particles, and it is only a matter of time... a
fraction of a second... before it meets and collides with an electron. The charges cancel, the
total mass of the pair is converted into energy in the form of PHOTONS. This offers a new and
unprecedented powerful source of energy.
The PHOTON is about to become your way of life in the very near future. A PHOTON BAND
was discovered in outer space in 1961 by means of satellite born instruments. We will now
move onto the PLEIADES.... The Seven Sisters... an estimated 400 light-years from here.
This group of stars is the basis of mythology in many countries... the Greek Gods, Australian
Dreamtime, Chinese mythology. To quote from just a few Astronomers: Jose Comas Sola
made a special study of the Pleiades and discovered that they form a system, of which our
sun is a part and also several other suns; and all, apparently, have their own Planetary
systems. Freidrich Wilhelm Bessel showed that members of this group had a proper motion of
5.5 seconds-of-arc per century in the same direction. Isaac Asimov..."We can assume that all
the stars in this cluster are the same chronological age." Edmund Halley, studying the position
of the stars, noted that at least three stars were not in the spots recorded by the Greeks.
The difference was so great that it was unlikely that either the Greeks or Halley could have
made a mistake. It seemed very clear to Halley that these stars moved within a system. Paul
Otto Hesse also made a special study of this system, of which our sun is a part, and
discovered, at absolute right angles to the movements of the suns, a PHOTON BELT or
MANASIC RING, a phenomena which scientists have not yet been able to reproduce with
laboratory experiments. It takes our sun 24,000 years to complete an orbit, (of this system)
and it is divided into sections. The 10,000 years of darkness is the period as we know it now,
daytime, nighttime; the 2,000-year period of all light; again, 10,000 years of darkness; and
2,000 years of light
WE ARE NOW POISED TO ENTER THIS PHOTON BELT between now and the end of this
century. We have completed the full circle and are back at the beginning. It is described in
detail in the bible, by books on mythology, by Nostradamus, and by modern day scientists. If
the Earth enters first into the PHOTON BELT, the sky will appear to be on fire, but be assured,
this is cold light, so there will be no heat. If the sun enters first, there will be immediate
darkness, which, computed by our speed through space, will last 110 hours. The interaction
between the Solar Radiation and the PHOTON BELT will make the sky look as if it is full of
falling stars. As the Earth enters this radiation belt, all molecules will become excited, all
atoms will change, things will become luminescent, THERE WILL BE CONSTANT LIGHT.
There can be no darkness, not within the deepest cave, not within the human body. A quick
look at the Christian bible: "All the stars will fall from the sky and the sky will be no more...." It
is expected that the rotation of the Earth may diminish a little. Because of the reduced Solar
Radiation, the temperature is expected to become cooler and the ice caps are expected to
extend to about latitude 40 in both hemispheres. Your history books will tell you that at least
five ICE AGES have been recorded, and they seem to last about 2,000 years. It may be noted
that world communication centers, fixed satellites, U.S.-bases and experimental sights are
within the 'safe zone.' Design or accident? What about you?
There are three types of people in our cosmos: corporeal, like us, solid, human;
atmospherean, also solid to a point, but the molecular structure is quite different; ethereans,
no mass at all. When we enter the Photon Belt, a normal healthy person is expected to feel a
jolt similar to putting your finger in a live light socket, and the transformation will be complete -you will have just changed from a corporeal person to an atmospherean person ("and ye shall
be changed to immortality without the separation of death in the twinkling of an eye").
Theologians have written at great depth on Bible characters, and assert that they have lived in
this period of light. The sky and atmosphere was different and apparently it never rained.
Nostradamus, in his quatrain about the end of the world as we know it, in 1999: "and it will rain
no more, but in 40 years, all will be normal." In aboriginal mythology it is said "Men were
different to what they are now, we had a bridge to the stars." In all their stories if they fell out
with the Chief or Elder, they fled to the sky. So did the Greeks. It appears that space travel is
simple within the photon belt. The year 1962 was the year that we came within the influence of
the Photon Belt. 1962 was a year of great UFO activity. Did we come within range of space
travelers using the Photon Belt?
As we hurtle closer and closer, will more UFO's look us over before our rebirth into the years
of LIGHT. It would seem that this is already happening. Erich Von Daniken, when visiting
South America, discovered a tribe with an object given to them by Sky People thousands of
years ago. They were told to keep it clean and "when it hums like thousands of swarms of
bees, we will return." It started humming softly three years ago (i.e., 1978). A cosmic alarm
clock alerting us to the coming of the light? It would seem some civilizations may live
permanently with The Light. When our Planet leaves this period of light and returns to the
10,000 years of darkness, do THEY return to the LIGHT and wait our eventual re-entry. It
seems likely.
The Mayans departed hurriedly with the message also of their return, which scholars say is
now imminent. Rock carvings around the world show drawings similar to the system of
Alcione. Ball lightning...a phenomena about which little is known, is it perhaps little pockets of
the Photon Belt? To all UFO researchers, these craft always show an interest in nuclear
installations. What will happen to a reactor within the Belt? I think our scientists are way out
ahead. Photon energy seems to be the energy of the future. Many UFO reports seem to
indicate Photon rockets on experimental craft "the headlights were at the back." The reports at
hand indicate slow, cumbersome craft; but within the Photon Belt, I think we have craft for
immediate unlimited space travel. Because the radiation of our sun will be modified by the
Photon energy, is this why our scientists only pay small lip service to the development of solar
energy? Let us think about our planet coming out of the light and into the darkness. Aboriginal
mythology says "we were cast out into darkness and were much afraid, so the Gods gave us a
Sun to warm us and a moon to see at night." If the ice caps form within the light years, then
the increased Solar radiation when leaving the belt must surely melt the ice... Floods. If it does
not rain within this period of light, it is understandable why Noah was so awed by the sight of
that first rainbow. The Gilgamesh talks of a great flood, but it was apparently about 10,000
years before Noah's flood. We have thought about our world and the effect on a single
person, but what about humanity as a whole?
It is conceivable that many people will not survive the initial jolt if they are not prepared for it. If
the ice extends to latitude 40, that covers half the USA, and most of Europe and Asia. That is
a lot of people without a home. Will they be accepted in other countries? In a limited space of
fertility, will it be possible to support untold millions? I think not. And so tomorrow....
The photon belt was first discovered by scientists (Paul Otto Hesse) in 1961 near the vicinity
of the Pleiades by satellite instrumentation. The photon belt is a huge torroid shaped object
composed of photon light particles The solar system and the photon belt are moving toward
each other Our solar system and the photon belt will merge sometime between March, 1995,
and the end of 1996 The thickness is approximately 2,000 solar years or 759,864 billion miles
Earth is now completing a 24,000-26,000-year cycle with this photon belt Before the photon
belt arrives, the Sirians will be making mass landings on Earth to help us through the
experience of the photon belt (The mass landings will occur 2-6 months before the photon belt
reaches us) Going Through the Photon Belt Day 1 Enter the null zone Alter body type of all
living things Non-operation of any electical device . Once the pumps quit and water tanks are
empty, water will not run and toilets will not flush. Lights cannot be turned on. Cars will not
When the collapse of the planet's electrical and magnetic fields occurs, it will also allow all
atoms on Earth to be changed. The atoms in our bodies will be modified to form a new body-a body that is semi-etheric--and the veil of consciousness around us will be removed.
We will no longer be living in the limited 3rd-dimensional reality. We will now have physical
and psychic gifts that we were meant to have Total darkness (for 2-3 days) . The sun will have
disappeared from view and we will be unable to see stars in the pitch black sky Day 2
Atmosphere is compressed and everyone will feel bloated . This aspect is also beginning to
happen now as noted by the increase in seismic activities that stretch from the 1960s to the
present time. This can also be seen by the dramatic change in our planetary weather patterns.
The big danger will be from nuclear materials since there is the possibility for either nuclear
chain-reactions or huge and deadly radioactive explosions of fissionable materials. Therefore,
to avoid these dangers, the Galactic Federation will allow a special landing of technical ships
and personnel so that these potential nuclear dangers can be alleviated. Sun cools down
Earth climate cools (ice age type of climate) . This will occur because the sun will be
undergoing a change in its interdimensional polarity which will prevent the sun's heat from
reaching planet Earth's surface. Day 3-4 Atmosphere dimly lit (like dawn) Start photon effect.
This photon effect is very important because it will allow us to have a new energy source. This
new energy source will permit the end of our planet's fossil fuel dependency. It will also allow
the capability for space travel since photon drive technology is the power system for all
starships operated by the Galactic Federation. Photon energy devices are operable Stars will
reappear in the sky Day 5-6 Exit the null zone, enter the main photon belt zone Transition into
a 24-hour daylight period Every living thing is invigorated (Humans will go back to having 12
strands of DNA) Earth climate warms Photon beam-powered ships can travel in space
Incredible psychic abilities are reclaimed (eg telepathy, telekinesis, etc) We will now be living
with what we have called "Extraterrestrials" 17 years later (2012-2013) Normally going through
the photon belt would take 2000 years However at this time our solar system will enter an
interdimensional rescue bubble that will thrust it out of the photon belt
Our solar system will be put into a position about 3 light years from the Sirius star system (at
present Sirius is approximately 8.3 light years from Earth) Then this will be the end of our 24hour daylight experience and bring the return of an approximate 12-hour daylight/12-hour
nighttime schedule We will now be fully 5th dimensional beings It is a time when you will be
one with the Earth's spiritual hierarchy. It is also a time when you will return to work
cooperatively with your planet's cetaceans to be co- guardians of Earth, and eventually with
your rehabilitated solar system as well. You will as a planet go through a minimalized three
days of darkness and cold and then three days of light and mellow warmth, for this is
necessary to bringing awareness to everyone, but there will be no fear. Rest assured: All
consideration has been taken under extreme advisement. No part of life will be upset.
05/10/04 11:30 AM
According to Barbara Hand Clow and others - we are moving into a zone in space that is band
of photon energy. Our star moves into that band for about 2000 years and this event happens
about every 11000 years. The last time we were in was Atlantis. The 11000th year out of the
photon belt she calls the Galactic Night. Our star system is the 8th star in the Pleadian star
group. Our star cirles the star Alcyon, as do the other pleadian stars. Alcyon is in the phton
belt all the time. Others are in and out for varying periods of time depending on their orbit. The
experience we have on Earth at this time is extremely valuable for the range of experience
moving between dimensions that happens as we move into and out of the photon belt.
Trillions of souls are trying to get into a body for this ride.
We are starting to move into the photon belt now and will be totally in the belt all the time by
2012. In the photon belt the walls between the different dimension becomes increasingly thin
or non existent. One of the things that has to happen as we move into the photon belt is that
we have to master the 4th dimension and integrate it into this planet. The transition into and
out of the photon belt is characterized by radical weather patterns, earth changes, and this will
particulaly be interesting as the 4th dimensional world begins to precipitate onto our own 3rd
dimensional reality. The elements of the 4th each of will attract individually, be able "see", and
interact with depends entirely on our consciousness. We could attract a room full little devils
with pitch forks or a room full of angels. The 4th dimension is polarized much like the 3rd
dimension and beings on the 4th dimension level have there own agendas.
From assisitance and blessing to outright interference with our development. Our state of
consciousness IS the MOST IMPORTANT THING. She empahisizes this throughout. She
also stressed "BEING HERE NOW". She said timing for this event is not important as we are,
from a consciousness perspective, we are already in it. Timing, will also, will shift to our
perception. She did say the apex of earth changes activity would be from 1998 to 2001. She
talked about the dimensions this way: 1st dimension- mineral kingdom- the consciousness of
resonating the earth "mother" accessed through crystals 2nd- the plant kingdom- the
consciousness of feeling the earth mother accessed through interaction and communication
with plants: i.e. Findhorn 3rd- time and space- the consciousness of linear time mastery
through "being here now" polarized pos and neg 4th- the nonphysical kingdom of archetypes,
guides, and nonphysical beings. Accessed through guides, archetypes, angels - also polarized
into pos and neg 5th- the consiousness of cosmic cycles and patterns accessed though
awarness of cosmic patterns 6th- the consciousness of "web weaving" or ceremonial
precipation of certain consciousness patterns. i.e. crop circles precipitating are glyphs and
symbols meant to awaken certain patterns of consciousness in us. Sacred work at world
power spots another. 7th-consciounsess of oneness- door way to other higher dimensions.
The sacred work here is to find and be re-unified with our twin soul. She said is it important to
realize that there is no hierarchy of dimensions, one is not better or more important than
Once in the photon belt, we will have access to all these dimensions of consciousness. THE
PHOTON BELT STORY People all over the world are grasping, reaching out for little pieces of
knowledge, enlightenment, hope for the future of their children in a world of growing
degradation, drugs, rape, murder, etc. The Prophets of Doom preach of physical horror and
annihilation. It is like a great vortex, a great sucking spiral, ever downward, blackness,
despair. You look upwards, can see the light at the top and grasp and claw your way to get out
of that ever quickening pull of despair. The truth sometimes is so simple that we look past it,
ignore it and try to find a much more complicated answer, when all the time, it is there, staring
you right in the face, your passport out of the vortex into the future.
It all starts with a little atom and the group of little electrons which orbit around it. English
physicist Paul Adrain Maurice Dirac, said that for each type of particle, an anti-particle will
exist. In 1932, Carl David Anderson discovered the anti-electron and called it a positron. In
1956, the anti-proton and anti-neutron were discovered. When an anti-particle is formed, it
comes into existence in a universe of ordinary particles, and it is only a matter of time... a
fraction of a second... before it meets and collides with an electron. The charges cancel, the
total mass of the pair is converted into energy in the form of PHOTONS. This offers a new and
unprecedented powerful source of energy.
The PHOTON is about to become your way of life in the very near future. A PHOTON BAND
was discovered in outer space in 1961 by means of satellite born instruments. We will now
move onto the PLEIADES.... The Seven Sisters... an estimated 400 light-years from here.
This group of stars is the basis of mythology in many countries... the Greek Gods, Australian
Dreamtime, Chinese mythology. To quote from just a few Astronomers: Jose Comas Sola
made a special study of the Pleiades and discovered that they form a system, of which our
sun is a part and also several other suns; and all, apparently, have their own Planetary
systems. Freidrich Wilhelm Bessel showed that members of this group had a proper motion of
5.5 seconds-of-arc per century in the same direction. Isaac Asimov..."We can assume that all
the stars in this cluster are the same chronological age." Edmund Halley, studying the position
of the stars, noted that at least three stars were not in the spots recorded by the Greeks.
The difference was so great that it was unlikely that either the Greeks or Halley could have
made a mistake. It seemed very clear to Halley that these stars moved within a system. Paul
Otto Hesse also made a special study of this system, of which our sun is a part, and
discovered, at absolute right angles to the movements of the suns, a PHOTON BELT or
MANASIC RING, a phenomena which scientists have not yet been able to reproduce with
laboratory experiments. It takes our sun 24,000 years to complete an orbit, (of this system)
and it is divided into sections. The 10,000 years of darkness is the period as we know it now,
daytime, nighttime; the 2,000-year period of all light; again, 10,000 years of darkness; and
2,000 years of light
WE ARE NOW POISED TO ENTER THIS PHOTON BELT between now and the end of this
century. We have completed the full circle and are back at the beginning. It is described in
detail in the bible, by books on mythology, by Nostradamus, and by modern day scientists. If
the Earth enters first into the PHOTON BELT, the sky will appear to be on fire, but be assured,
this is cold light, so there will be no heat. If the sun enters first, there will be immediate
darkness, which, computed by our speed through space, will last 110 hours. The interaction
between the Solar Radiation and the PHOTON BELT will make the sky look as if it is full of
falling stars. As the Earth enters this radiation belt, all molecules will become excited, all
atoms will change, things will become luminescent, THERE WILL BE CONSTANT LIGHT.
There can be no darkness, not within the deepest cave, not within the human body. A quick
look at the Christian bible: "All the stars will fall from the sky and the sky will be no more...." It
is expected that the rotation of the Earth may diminish a little. Because of the reduced Solar
Radiation, the temperature is expected to become cooler and the ice caps are expected to
extend to about latitude 40 in both hemispheres. Your history books will tell you that at least
five ICE AGES have been recorded, and they seem to last about 2,000 years. It may be noted
that world communication centers, fixed satellites, U.S.-bases and experimental sights are
within the 'safe zone.' Design or accident? What about you?
There are three types of people in our cosmos: corporeal, like us, solid, human;
atmospherean, also solid to a point, but the molecular structure is quite different; ethereans,
no mass at all. When we enter the Photon Belt, a normal healthy person is expected to feel a
jolt similar to putting your finger in a live light socket, and the transformation will be complete -you will have just changed from a corporeal person to an atmospherean person ("and ye shall
be changed to immortality without the separation of death in the twinkling of an eye").
Theologians have written at great depth on Bible characters, and assert that they have lived in
this period of light. The sky and atmosphere was different and apparently it never rained.
Nostradamus, in his quatrain about the end of the world as we know it, in 1999: "and it will rain
no more, but in 40 years, all will be normal." In aboriginal mythology it is said "Men were
different to what they are now, we had a bridge to the stars." In all their stories if they fell out
with the Chief or Elder, they fled to the sky. So did the Greeks. It appears that space travel is
simple within the photon belt. The year 1962 was the year that we came within the influence of
the Photon Belt. 1962 was a year of great UFO activity. Did we come within range of space
travelers using the Photon Belt?
As we hurtle closer and closer, will more UFO's look us over before our rebirth into the years
of LIGHT. It would seem that this is already happening. Erich Von Daniken, when visiting
South America, discovered a tribe with an object given to them by Sky People thousands of
years ago. They were told to keep it clean and "when it hums like thousands of swarms of
bees, we will return." It started humming softly three years ago (i.e., 1978). A cosmic alarm
clock alerting us to the coming of the light? It would seem some civilizations may live
permanently with The Light. When our Planet leaves this period of light and returns to the
10,000 years of darkness, do THEY return to the LIGHT and wait our eventual re-entry. It
seems likely.
The Mayans departed hurriedly with the message also of their return, which scholars say is
now imminent. Rock carvings around the world show drawings similar to the system of
Alcione. Ball lightning...a phenomena about which little is known, is it perhaps little pockets of
the Photon Belt? To all UFO researchers, these craft always show an interest in nuclear
installations. What will happen to a reactor within the Belt? I think our scientists are way out
ahead. Photon energy seems to be the energy of the future. Many UFO reports seem to
indicate Photon rockets on experimental craft "the headlights were at the back." The reports at
hand indicate slow, cumbersome craft; but within the Photon Belt, I think we have craft for
immediate unlimited space travel. Because the radiation of our sun will be modified by the
Photon energy, is this why our scientists only pay small lip service to the development of solar
energy? Let us think about our planet coming out of the light and into the darkness. Aboriginal
mythology says "we were cast out into darkness and were much afraid, so the Gods gave us a
Sun to warm us and a moon to see at night." If the ice caps form within the light years, then
the increased Solar radiation when leaving the belt must surely melt the ice... Floods. If it does
not rain within this period of light, it is understandable why Noah was so awed by the sight of
that first rainbow. The Gilgamesh talks of a great flood, but it was apparently about 10,000
years before Noah's flood. We have thought about our world and the effect on a single
person, but what about humanity as a whole?
It is conceivable that many people will not survive the initial jolt if they are not prepared for it. If
the ice extends to latitude 40, that covers half the USA, and most of Europe and Asia. That is
a lot of people without a home. Will they be accepted in other countries? In a limited space of
fertility, will it be possible to support untold millions? I think not. And so tomorrow....
The photon belt was first discovered by scientists (Paul Otto Hesse) in 1961 near the vicinity
of the Pleiades by satellite instrumentation. The photon belt is a huge torroid shaped object
composed of photon light particles The solar system and the photon belt are moving toward
each other Our solar system and the photon belt will merge sometime between March, 1995,
and the end of 1996 The thickness is approximately 2,000 solar years or 759,864 billion miles
Earth is now completing a 24,000-26,000-year cycle with this photon belt Before the photon
belt arrives, the Sirians will be making mass landings on Earth to help us through the
experience of the photon belt (The mass landings will occur 2-6 months before the photon belt
reaches us) Going Through the Photon Belt Day 1 Enter the null zone Alter body type of all
living things Non-operation of any electical device . Once the pumps quit and water tanks are
empty, water will not run and toilets will not flush. Lights cannot be turned on. Cars will not
When the collapse of the planet's electrical and magnetic fields occurs, it will also allow all
atoms on Earth to be changed. The atoms in our bodies will be modified to form a new body-a body that is semi-etheric--and the veil of consciousness around us will be removed.
We will no longer be living in the limited 3rd-dimensional reality. We will now have physical
and psychic gifts that we were meant to have Total darkness (for 2-3 days) . The sun will have
disappeared from view and we will be unable to see stars in the pitch black sky Day 2
Atmosphere is compressed and everyone will feel bloated . This aspect is also beginning to
happen now as noted by the increase in seismic activities that stretch from the 1960s to the
present time. This can also be seen by the dramatic change in our planetary weather patterns.
The big danger will be from nuclear materials since there is the possibility for either nuclear
chain-reactions or huge and deadly radioactive explosions of fissionable materials. Therefore,
to avoid these dangers, the Galactic Federation will allow a special landing of technical ships
and personnel so that these potential nuclear dangers can be alleviated. Sun cools down
Earth climate cools (ice age type of climate) . This will occur because the sun will be
undergoing a change in its interdimensional polarity which will prevent the sun's heat from
reaching planet Earth's surface. Day 3-4 Atmosphere dimly lit (like dawn) Start photon effect.
This photon effect is very important because it will allow us to have a new energy source. This
new energy source will permit the end of our planet's fossil fuel dependency. It will also allow
the capability for space travel since photon drive technology is the power system for all
starships operated by the Galactic Federation. Photon energy devices are operable Stars will
reappear in the sky Day 5-6 Exit the null zone, enter the main photon belt zone Transition into
a 24-hour daylight period Every living thing is invigorated (Humans will go back to having 12
strands of DNA) Earth climate warms Photon beam-powered ships can travel in space
Incredible psychic abilities are reclaimed (eg telepathy, telekinesis, etc) We will now be living
with what we have called "Extraterrestrials" 17 years later (2012-2013) Normally going through
the photon belt would take 2000 years However at this time our solar system will enter an
interdimensional rescue bubble that will thrust it out of the photon belt
Our solar system will be put into a position about 3 light years from the Sirius star system (at
present Sirius is approximately 8.3 light years from Earth) Then this will be the end of our 24hour daylight experience and bring the return of an approximate 12-hour daylight/12-hour
nighttime schedule We will now be fully 5th dimensional beings It is a time when you will be
one with the Earth's spiritual hierarchy. It is also a time when you will return to work
cooperatively with your planet's cetaceans to be co- guardians of Earth, and eventually with
your rehabilitated solar system as well. You will as a planet go through a minimalized three
days of darkness and cold and then three days of light and mellow warmth, for this is
necessary to bringing awareness to everyone, but there will be no fear. Rest assured: All
consideration has been taken under extreme advisement. No part of life will be upset.
05/10/04 11:51 AM
It's very interesting to me that the last excerpt shared the same view with Barbara Hand Clow
about a "central" sun we revolve around (not the yellow ball heating up this solar system) - but
pertaining to a larger system of stars in a gravitational "waltz". I can't delve too deeply into the
Imaginal Realm and mind-space right now right now but pls read Psychedelic Shamanism if
you're interested.
The following is interesting (mind blowing really.) It's fantastic to see the marriage of science &
religion that many are embracing while we approach these years of enlightenment &
happiness with this powerful photon energy __ or we could refer to it as "fuel" for the science
According to this, our Sun has 26,000 year cycle around Alcyon and each one of these great
cycles is equivilant to one of the Ages of Sun in the Aztec calender. We will complete a 26,000
year cycle accrding to the calender in Dec of 2012. We will also be completing a larger
104,000 year cycle and begin "El Quinto Sol". In this cycle, those who stay will become a
cosmic humanity and contact with other worlds will be possible.
-Barbara Hand Clow
06/10/04 10:41 PM
Taoism and the sacrament of hygeine is overlooked by many spiritual seekers (not just
smelling good but inner hygeine and keeping the house very clean to prevent microbe
infestation) - also the art of Feng Shui and the amazing spiritual power and attunement to
Time-Dimensional forces it offers.
Drunvalo Melchizedek in this books, "The Ancient Secret of the Flower of Life," Vols. 1 & 2
(Light Technology; Flagstaff, Ariz.; 2000), explains the effects of being in contact with "alltime-no-time" in time and space through defining the human energy field as a "permanent
merkaba" in the shape of a star tetrahedron. That energy field or the human aura, he says,
extends 27 feet in each direction in its most dense form, but it also extends through space and
time and other dimensions.
-excerpt also from jimdonovanmusic.com written by a Jim Ewing, an About.com member,
who's a Reiki Master and shamanic healer.
My spiritual master has a good point about the current situation in Iraq: “The only way for
America to free itself from this situation is to help build the United Nations into a real body of
peace so that the United Nations will take over the problem of Iraq and of the Middle East.
America is powerful enough to make this happen. America should allow other nations to
contribute positively to building the United Nations into a true organization for peace with
enough authority to do it’s job. To me, that is the only way out of our current situation.”
06/10/04 10:51 PM
If the Earth enters first into the PHOTON BELT, the sky will appear to be on fire, but be
assured, this is cold light, so there will be no heat. If the sun enters first, there will be
immediate darkness, which, computed by our speed through space, will last 110 hours. The
interaction between the Solar Radiation and the PHOTON BELT will make the sky look as if it
is full of falling stars. As the Earth enters this radiation belt, all molecules will become excited,
all atoms will change, things will become luminescent, THERE WILL BE CONSTANT LIGHT.
There can be no darkness, not within the deepest cave, not within the human body.
The photon belt was first discovered by scientists (Paul Otto Hesse) in 1961 near the vicinity
of the Pleiades by satellite instrumentation. The photon belt is a huge torroid shaped object
composed of photon light particles The solar system and the photon belt are moving toward
each other Our solar system and the photon belt will merge sometime between March, 1995,
and the end of 1996 The thickness is approximately 2,000 solar years or 759,864 billion miles
Earth is now completing a 24,000-26,000-year cycle with this photon belt Before the photon
belt arrives, the Sirians will be making mass landings on Earth to help us through the
experience of the photon belt (The mass landings will occur 2-6 months before the photon belt
reaches us) Going Through the Photon Belt Day 1 Enter the null zone Alter body type of all
living things Non-operation of any electical device . Once the pumps quit and water tanks are
empty, water will not run and toilets will not flush. Lights cannot be turned on. Cars will not
When the collapse of the planet's electrical and magnetic fields occurs, it will also allow all
atoms on Earth to be changed. The atoms in our bodies will be modified to form a new body-a body that is semi-etheric--and the veil of consciousness around us will be removed.
Again, we will no longer be living in the limited 3rd-dimensional reality.
We will no longer be living in the limited 3rd-dimensional reality. We will now have physical
and psychic gifts that we were meant to have Total darkness (for 2-3 days) . The sun will have
disappeared from view and we will be unable to see stars in the pitch black sky Day 2
Atmosphere is compressed and everyone will feel bloated . This aspect is also beginning to
happen now as noted by the increase in seismic activities that stretch from the 1960s to the
present time. This can also be seen by the dramatic change in our planetary weather patterns.
07/10/04 12:38 PM
Have you ever thought about the movies, the violence, the cartoons, they are all preparing us
for what is to come? E.T. X-men etc I think these shows are here to prepare us so it won't be
such a huge shock when things like this start to happen.
Yea, it will be much less of a shock for us now to see other-worldy intelligences. However, I
still think we need more conditioning - I mean to become aware of the few we may encounter
around this solar system - and not be too shocked when we see them. They won’t all look like
the muppet aliens in Star Wars. For instance, two human military guards dropped dead from a
heart attack when an alien walked down the hallway in their complex because they weren’t
ready for the sight. If we could just pass pictures around of the few me may encounter - when
I make the gov’t release them - so we won’t be caught off guard. Some are easier for us to
look at. The Elohim aren’t that different looking comparatively to humans for obvious DNA
reasons. Some aliens, however, may have several tentacles and a visage that might make
you sick if you’re not ready for it. That’s what the Gods tell me of the particular alien the U.S.
guards dropped from.
We're gonna start with the more human-looking masters from the sky & then work our way to
funny "Pizza-the-Hut" Spaceballs looking real alien pics:
I showed a picture of our creator race (Elohim) earlier & what the science-god Yahweh truly
looks like. Now, here's a drawing of the super-evolved light-traveling aliens named Sirians.
They will come to help us & make the transition more smooth for our planet. It would be nice
to maybe enter the photon belt in a nice spaceship or facility with like soothing music or
something hehe - but I think all music & electricity will be down for a minute.
A great project I'd like to encourage the human race to work for is considering using a mantra
or chant from your specific religions at the time -- it may help to protect you (at least from fear)
so no one feels alone. So the darkness won't be lonely - it's a only a couple days so talk to
someone who's ever been on a meditation retreat. The spirit masters will wait through the
2012 with us & ESP psychic communication will be more possible for aliens & gods to give
encouraging words through the few days without light (none from the sky nor from electricity who knows maybe a candle will work but I don't know what our atoms will be experiencing at
the time. We may all be sorta passed out or some of us may just swiftly take an ETHEREAL
form and be like ZING !!! OUTTA HERE !!! Time to be a God!!!
07/10/04 02:26 PM
We're all Gods as well as these aliens; deep down in the programming of our spirits that is.
Humans & all the humanoid-aliens (or anything in a corporeal/meaty body in this 3D realm for
that matter) just didn't happen to take a rebirth of a deity - but we have a real chance in this
human form to help all others gain happiness & heaven as well.
Our genetic code can be helped deeply with this other-worldly technology & apparently we've
already been "externally corrected" over ten times by extra-terrestrials. This type of energyefficiency & superior evolution will help free up some more time for some peaceful spiritual
Back to a deeper look into mycology:
Many eastern Shaman felt this strain, Amanita Muscaria, to be gift of immortality and
transcendence. Soma, and Amrta (Hindu/Buddhist), are also considered the waters of life.
The attributes of which bestowed enlightenment. The churning - of - the - milky - ocean is to
(metaphorically) produce this substance. The waters of life are also synonymous with the
blood of the god in the sacramental analysis.
Vajrayana; which is considered the lightning fast method (small boat) to enlightenment. The
Vajrayana meditation implement of choice being the Vajra (Dorje) which is a metal object
round at both ends with a connecting piece in-between which is held and focused upon as a
tool for quickly attaining Nirvava. Vajra means the Lightning-bolt which moves quickly, hence
the speedy enlightenment.
Now to me, the Vajrayana, lightning fast method seems like the most promising. It is this Vajra
(Lightning) that holds the key, and hence the very name Vajrayana. The mushroom's
association with lightning has seed mythological import. In ancient mythologies it was
imagined that where lightning struck, there would grow the mushrooms (and some even still
hold to this belief). Lightning (as mythologically used) is always a result of clouds, rain and
also that all important element for mushroom growth, water. As an example; Thor throws his
hammer (mushroom) to earth and in a flash of lightning accompanied by a thunderous crack it
appears on the ground. A look at the hammer will back this up, if it seems unlikely that the
hammer is the mushroom. It can be thought of as the Buddhist Vajra , which also resembles a
mushroom, and is associated with lightning. Understand; this lightning-fast enlightenment is
brought about by the deathlike experience attained through the Vajra/Mushroom initiation.
Meditation and visualization techniques are commonly represented as a complete form of
practice, and certainly they are effective in themselves to a certain extent yet I am certain that
the different techniques were actually developed in order to expedite the processes one goes
through while in the Amanita realms of consciousness. The centering, focusing, concentrating
and controlled visualization is very helpful when time dissolves and the soul is put through the
proverbial ringer.
07/10/04 05:51 PM
It's almost a mandatory test and is well worth it to experience the symbolic dismemberment of
the Apprentice. At the time it may suck hehe but the theme is emblematic of a deep
psychological unification, and is a mandatory precondition for the skillful navigation of the
imaginal realms.
I also love where science can take us so I enjoy that the thread encompasses every subject
we can think of.
Any world is subjective until we can perceive it from the next higher level (dimension). These
teachings I got from Jim DeKorne and here's where it gets magical: The Shaman cures illness
from the "other side" or higher dimension to manipulate its symbolic likeness in the imaginal
realm. Because he has learned how to project his awareness into higher-dimensional regions,
the shaman is empowered to act on three-dimensional space in ways we have traditionally
labeled as "magical."
It follows that upon consciously entering the realms of mind-space, a well-integrated
personality will encounter a different dimension (or at least perceive it differently) than a less
integrated one.
Since it obviously takes more competency to climb the dimensional ladder than to descend it,
it's easy to see why neophytes using psychedelic drugs easily get in over their heads. A poorly
integrated personality is no better equipped to manipulate the forces of mind-space than it is
those of this world. Serious inner work, however one defines the concept, is therefore an
essential prerequisite for anyone seeking access to the higher dimensions.
Lastly, although the fully initiated shaman has access to powers which are incomprehensible
to most people, it is bought at a price that few are willing to pay. In traditional cultures the
shamanic calling is never lightly undertaken, indeed, it is frequently resisted by those whom
the spirits have chosen as their channels!
07/10/04 06:29 PM
Here's the pic of the Tibetan lightning instrument of enlightenment. Also included is the
comparison to an attempt at 4th dimensional imagery. Your master is giving you a crash
course for achieving ultimate unification & a rebirth as a God or Goddess in a heaven or hell
07/10/04 07:10 PM
Also, it bears a resemblance to this attempt at 4-dimensional imagery (the pic on left is not a
picture of the Dorje on the right - it was just a cool coincidence these guys noticed when
playing with higher-dimensional imagery.) In the last few decades humans were highly
intrigued to find a singularity or Black Hole at the center of galaxies. Super-Massive Black
Holes to be precise. We're hanging out on the fringes on an "arm" of this spiral galaxy. Sort of
a "backwater" planet but not any less important than the other sentient alien civilizations
already initiated into these amazing galactic alliances.
Imagine the gigantic & highly advanced worlds these masters are living in towards the center
of the "hub" of our galaxy which has stars 300X the size of ours swirling w/energy so great
that, if it could be harnessed by a being or beings, would be indescribably powerful &
beneficial to surrounding civilizations. Also, meeting our twin soul could have something to our
complete unification & progression to a God Realm. A twin soul could have something to do
with dark matter or anti-matter. Remember, becoming a powerful God or Goddess is not the
absolute highest achievement because the emotion associated w/rebirth in a Buddha realm is
that of pride, the emotion causing a rebirth in the titan/demigod realms are for those who felt
jealousy when enticed to be reborn. Igorance is the emotion & the bluish-color energy is
experienced when a soul is about to take a Human form in the womb. So, this ULTIMATE
absolute balance or Wu-Wei as the Taosists call it. That's possibly when you meet your antimatter /opposite self in this particular dualistic universe.
(The Silence is louder then you think)
07/10/04 07:10 PM
How can this happen? I mean, how can all people around the world change their psychology
all the sudden? A person has to be willing to change it.......Unless this great change forces
everyone to all the sudden "let go". I see this highly unlikely.
08/10/04 04:05 AM
Many religions can reach the same pinnacle of achievement & enlightenment. That's why
you'll never see me telling people to join a certain religion or discard the religions they
currently follow.
I have the opportunity to make real changes & will not be referred to as a terrorist any longer
by these sniveling, backstabbing U.S. politicians. My kingdom will grow in such a manner that
the stories will reach the ends of the galaxy & beyond.
(The Silence is louder then you think)
08/10/04 04:26 AM
08/10/04 05:20 AM
Some may have missed the original power-packed thread of HEAVEN IS COMING TO
EARTH so here it is:
An omnipotent God does not exist
We were the ones who made all life on earth,
You mistook us for gods and distorted our teachings of love
We now reveal how to realise your potential and achieve global peace
- Yahweh
So - what a fuckin' night! Let me put this saga like this: (I'm entirely open to the idea that I'm
delusional - so please keep this in mind). But, many important events happened tonight &
hopefully this won't bug you out too much. Many good and demonic forces have met a
resolution through me -ADAM- “A man, anchored in a moment in time” - who's now an avatar,
or Bodhisattva, walking on Earth for the Buddha named Heruka Vajrasattva and his pantheon.
Another way of expressing their nature is the name Archons - greek for “Rulers” (which, to be
clear, are time-dimensional or 4th-dimensional, unexpressibly intelligent & powerful entities).
2 fallen Archons, which are part of this pantheon, are named Satan & Jehovah. I say fallen
because I’m an emanation of the defeated Wrathful God Satan (he created me as an Angel
and I walk here to help the Earth in this 3-dimensional partial reality). It's hard to believe but
since his defeat - Satan is trying to change. After reaching a pinnacle of evil in this infinite and
vast, cyclical system sometimes even the Gods can change. He's not the only evil god and
Jehovah was never the "only" god & never created the universe we inhabit.
Satan was bested by the powerful God Vajrasattva & created me to take a human form in the
afterlife to be the father of the second coming of Jesus Christ.
From the Hell Realm (one of many) Satan created & ruled for so long there was no way to go
but up. I'm on a path of peace and have a mission to save this poisoned Earth (I want nothing
to do with Satan and broke free from any responsibility to him by allying myself with the
Peaceful Gods). It's sort of alike I broke out of a jail and don't want to look back. Imagine a
crime boss in a city giving an order for all his goons to help people, give cash all over town for
one day and protect children from crime. This is like a side-project from Satan like that. I'll
never serve him and have plenty of teachers and wise Peaceful Gods to learn from.
It is mandated by Heaven that I will be World Leader (I’m the only guy you’ve got who’s
powerful enough and stupid enough to take this position). It just got crazy here on Earth - we
were getting harvested by evil aliens making deals with the US gov’t. It turned out that these
aliens began taking 100-fold the amount of humans for “research” (which is a euphemism for
horrible mutilations & stealing every drop of blood from our carcasses for an inter-stellar space
trade). This “deal” was agreed upon by your piece-of-shit former president Eisenhower - who,
upon being given the opportunity to get help to eradicate the “Grey” from this planet (those
little guys similar to the little green dudes in the X-Files movie) Eisenhower turned down that
offer because no technology was offered in return.
This is my World Message to establish the blueprints for peace here on Earth. Please don’t
even get me started on the Elohim. Not only have I rid your planet of the “Grey”, I had to
banish the Elohim for using atomic weapons and lasers on us - setting us back to primitive
levels many times so they can use us for “research” & resources. We began as a DNA project
and they inoculated our world and 2 other planets to run tests and make artistic creations with
DNA science. They got a little too amused that we mistook them for Gods and began toying
with us and harming us when we evolved to a level they weren't comfortable with. They
created us to be better than them (with a larger brain capacity) but would get nervous when
we began to evolve significantly and would use atomic weapons on us.
Then these 4-foot little blue humanoids starting saying they're here to help us but I think
they've over-stayed their welcome. They're a true abomination of humans and are godless 4foot blue freaks. You guys have problems with warlords in other countries raping and pillaging
nearby humans right? Well, imagine a sinister and ignorant race of twisted humanoids that
rape and destroy whole worlds for their own benefit. Now, it’s not ALL the Elohim that were in
support of their DNA project - so I will only punish the ones that were responsible. They do,
however, need to stop “cheating death” with their over-reliance on science and stop creating
worlds of entities (with souls) that are harvested just to maintain their gaudy, hedonistic
palaces on their Planet of the Eternals.
So, I banished the Elohim with the help if our Pantheon - see, we have many Gods watching
over us who keep us evolving. The Elohim never took the “Leap of Faith” necessary to gain a
powerful afterlife of a Peaceful or Wrathful Deity. They just kept cheating death and never
believed in a dimension higher than 3-dimensions (since, to ignorant science-obsessed folk,
there is no tangible evidence in the 3rd dimension for 4th dimensional, discarnate entities).
Jehovah/God (who the Christians called God) was NEVER the only god & duped many people
into thinking he’s the only deity around to worship and follow. Jehovah and this little
motherfucker named Yahweh played you (who is really the leader of the Elohim race). You
just mistook them for Gods. Here’s the kicker, Satan was just another Elohim who was
skeptical of the whole DNA-project that was started here on Earth and “Satan the Skeptic”, as
he was called back on their planet, was worried that we’d “out-evolve” their race and come
back to destroy them. Well, you did evolve past them.
Through the help & guidance of my masters & ancient spirits (and the grounding I feel through
love of my fiance' & children) - tonight I entered the Spirit Realm (Hyperspace) to manifest as
a huge Dragon to destroy the intelligences that were silently stealing humans for research,
torture, whatever... namely (the GREY). I ended up killing many of them and they retreated
back to the planet of Venus. So, this leader of the International Raelian Movement (poor
bastard) will have to be banished from Earth - for global security reasons, I don’t know what
they may have implanted in him.
To help see where we were headed in their “project” watch the movie “Stargate” again where
the people are not allowed to read & the overlords kept the humans down to serve these ugly
ass aliens - do you really want that? I know it will take a lot for you guys to ever trust me - but I
know we don’t want this world harvested and raped by some punk-ass 4ft. aliens who are just
interested in colonization (those are there words too if you read Claude Rael’s books).
There is one Elohim named Jarwar who's stayed with us with my permission (well, mainly
because he's evolved to be a full-time denizen of the 4th dimension also and is friends with
several of our Peaceful Gods). He's willing to stay and help our super-evolved species of
humans. I'm also a Bodhisattva for the ancient and indescribably powerful Gods from Tibet
originally known as Avolokiteshvara and Vajrasattva.
Well, one thing I’ve already fucked up as World Leader is missing a chance to bring the
Kingdom of Shambala here to us on Earth. I would've had to be trapped in a talisman (well my
soul) to empower the Gods to "come down" and I wasn't being told the truth at all times and I
said forget your hell realm for now - I'll keep my reign as World Leader for 44 more years until
I am destined to be killed by gunshot.
Eventually, we'll have a heaven on earth and I hope to end this suffering the humans have
been enduring for millennia. This will be done by guiding you towards a leap in our evolution
which will happen when the Earth passes through a photon belt of energy and we all have the
chance to become beings of light.
The naive judeo-christian doctrines on this planet believe I was the only evil Deity to be
harming Earth’s people, but there are countless Wrathful and Peaceful Deities that exist. Just
do some reading in any shamanic books or old religious texts and you’ll hear of many more
Archons than just Satan.
The immense seriousness & long suffering an actual hell realm would bestow upon a soul if
their karma took them there is not something you want - A Deity by the name of Vajrasattva
(*meaning “Lightning Master or Lightning Teacher”) can be a great ally in cleansing the karma
we accumulate. To give you an idea of how powerful and pervasive karma is - imagine that
just “thinking” of stomping on a bug can set you back immensely and cause many problems in
your afterlife - just imagine HUGE bugs, say the ants you may have stepped on in this life, will
manifest to you as very REAL in your afterlife (and stomp the hell out of you!) when you enter
the Spirit World - and , boy, will it feel real. You guys know how hard it is to realize sometimes
that you’re just dreaming when asleep - to think “Hey, this just a dream”? - well imagine that
experience being 9 times more intense and seemingly real in your afterlife. That’s just a little
taste of the power of karma and the importance of living a life of goodness instead of evil.
We're arguably more fragmented in our thinking & more scatterbrained from this information
age's impact on our senses lately (even though we have a much more access to knowledge
and the creeds of other spiritual tradition.
It’s time for us to see ourselves as “citizens of the universe” and not just citizens of our city or
town. There will come a time again that aliens may want to target our little rock and we need
to point our nukes outward towards meteors and predators and not at ourselves.
Many humans are just plain exhausted from all the B.S. we deal with in our modern society i.e.
from our depleted minerals & lack of vitamins in our over-farmed soils (that aren’t given the
proper re-conditioning). One of the best remedies is Super Blue Green Algae for
reconditioning soils and giving a burst of microbial life to the plant roots. Other underestimated
damage to our species, especially our genes, is from the electromagnetic energy emitted from
the countless devices in our houses & power lines.
I was going through some deep visions tonight and thought, on the off chance, what if my
power even as a human is deeper than I ever realized. We’re not the only intelligences
hanging around this Earth and solar system (let alone this whole galaxy). Some entities and
spaceships appear out of the fabic of space - but we also can wield true power --white or
black magic-- through the Imaginal Realm (aka Spirit Realm or Hyperspace) through
meditation and focus. This “Power,” which is also referred to as “true devotion” or a “belief
system” takes on a real presence to all that inhabit the 4th dimension that can both heal or do
damage - most importantly it can also spread love and wisdom.
After I prayed that this was all a massive delusion -- and then being told by the Gods that this
information was unfortunately true (about formerly being the Dark Deity Satan), I continued on
this 2C-I trip to really get to work. I was just getting started with cleansing this Earth of evil - so
I re-entered the 4th dimension by astral traveling (where shamans, Gods or doped-up
vulnerable travelers can see all of the past present and future - as well as do massively
healing or damaging work with white or black magic.
The Gods are still testing me and basically throwing me into Hell Realms like you shove a
dog's nose into shit when you want him to stop crapping. I've lived a good life and never
sinned too much but I've risen to the calling to tell the world that monotheism is a fallacy.
How's that for papal infallabilty - the whole root of their organization is wrong.
I want my growers out of jail and growing hemp and marijuana where all the useless,
overgrazed cow pastures are. (The growers without other crimes on their criminal records including dealing). We can replenish the fallow soil using blue-green algae - making the hemp
grow like crazy and releasing us from the chains of our reliance on fossil fuels. Marijuana and
Hemp yield vastly more resources per acre than cows ever will (you guys mostly know this but just to recap a few of the wonderful resources hemp will yield will be oil for cars, paper,
clothing & food - the seeds have the highest omega-3 fatty acid yield over any other seeds
(awesome nutrition).
Lastly, some Buddhists get these types of experiences drug users do also (having never took
drugs) & they enter planes of reality that we'd consider 4th plateau. I also knew this wasn't just
the result of drugs because I have a background in meditation, T'ai Chi, Wing Chun gung fu to
keep me centered.
To my girlfriend I was like - I think I may be freakin' going crazy. I tested every theory and kept
evoking Peaceful Gods like Padmasambhava and Jesus & pleaded - "are they messing with
me? Am I really to be World Leader? I'll do everything it takes to topple this piece of shit gov't
with a revolution - but I hate being toyed with . All I would hear in return is "Yes, it's true
09/10/04 04:04 AM
hey, spacedragon. Did you get my PM? Please let me know, thank you.
10/10/04 09:16 AM
Although my view is as spacious as the SKY
my actions and respect for cause and effect are
as fine as the grains of flour.
These wonderful quotes have helped me greatly during what the Tibetans call "THE
DANGEROUS STRAITS OF THE BETWEEN." It's from the Tibetan Book of Living & Dying by
Sogyal Rinpoche. Look into the quote's deep meaning; and look into the art of "non-doing"
a.k.a. meditating or "sitting still, doing nothing" in this wonderful time of reflection before we
become Gods of Light. The "Energy Efficiency" that meditation offers cannot be not stressed
enough... and how it's important to feed the brain and aura (complete with the chakras
"spinning energy wheels.") It's important to not get obsessed in a religion's rituals but to LET
GO, try to rest in the "gap" between thoughts, and let your true Godlike nature arise as the
photons are slowly making this a 4th dimensional reality more & more -- then we will jump to
the 5TH dimension which is even harder for me to express in writing.
Another way of expressing our nature in 8 years will be Hyperlight Traveling & Communicating
Masters from the sky - that's what the beings on other planets will see us as ... they'll be in
complete awe of humans (well, no longer humans but Energy Gods of Light.) This fairly
complete evolution for our race to 5th dimensional Archons "RULERS" won't be as difficult as
it was for the brave spiritual masters earlier in Earth's history. We're being much more bathed
in this photon energy now and our spirits are "reacting" with increased astral traveling &
glimpses into the higher dimensions with our 3rd eye.
We can all do it. Don't worry about things on Earth getting too much worse - we're READY, as
these Gods and Aliens say, for our next jump in evolution. This time it happens to be into
more extreme dualistic heaven/hell dimensions and no longer will we experience this dense 3dimensional trap that some humanoid aliens have mastered. Yes, technically, some of us can
escape the whole event by asking some of the aliens to give you a ride. But, WHERE, your
"family" is back here on Earth and we all want to share the power & love of this evolutionary
leap. If you're mad at certain people or the ways things on earth have become, pls consider
coming back to visit the new Earth's beings of angellic and godlike nature.
Others, like me, will use my new Light Body to travel to the Elohim home planet: The Planet of
The Eternals to begin my reign as the new Elohim Emperor taking Yahweh's place. He's man
enough to abdicate after I united this world & sent out an intergalactic "party invitation", so to
speak, because of my Enlightenment. This is the true path of evolution; the Elohim took
science too far and discarded religion for millenia. Also, there's a huge chance that they never
were fortunate enough to enter a photon light belt such as ours. They sure picked a good
planet to start with their DNA science. From that seed evolved our Gods & more power in the
Elohim Empire.
Please forget any more black magick attempts on me... My Presidential Office is sometimes
not even on Earth - but most of the time I'm in my temple on Earth with enough defensive
energy to make it a waste of time. Concentrate your gifts more on helping the planet's kids
and your relatives or grandkids who need your support, bravery & focus when the lights go out
and the belt hits us _ let's stop squabbling with each other and fighting our fellow humans.
Since these Gods from the Sky & the Higher dimensions (which exist within us and our whole
collective) are here to help us and are clearly among us -- they'll guide us to become free of
energy needs or wars. I want you all to start thinking of yourselves as Rulers as well...
we're all here in this "dark" area of the galaxy approaching a wonderful phenomenon many
aliens have been calling the Manasic Belt or Photon Light Belt. Your soul can "TAKE IT"...
Many novice spiritual seekers know that intellectually but now try to feel it completely in your
heart. Others will be there to guide you. At least to give you a smile after the dark period ends
- and you'll find that many of you exist in an Astral/Light Body that can travel all over the
cosmos without need of a spaceship, travel back and forth through time and, to top it off, you
can be a ruler of however many planets you desire before pissing off too many other Gods.
We've all been brave & dedicated to live through this world of darkness. Supposedly it was for
a purpose that we lived in this area for "research" and now we can live bathed in this photon"
fuel which makes it very easy for our spaceships or travel long-distances and also very easy
for our soul to explore the galaxy.
These aliens took a look at our situation right & realized it's a planet in distress. Just last
month an Iranian woman took her husband to court pleading that they order to her husband to
"only beat her once a week instead of every night. " The judge proceeded to order the man to
stop beating her altogether.
Our planetary leap in evolution will be helped by the Sumerians as well as the Earth's DNAwielding Fathers from the Sky (E L O H I M - the almond-shaped eyed, Angel race with
technology that makes Rambo from the movies w/his AK-47 look like a caveman with a club.
By "angels" I mean seriously; they've created a unique marriage of science & spiritualism (with
evidence we have that that they still meditate and clear their minds... and can heal or save a
dying world if they get their act together and stop their hedonistic tendencies. They also have
the power to blow up a sinister lizard-inhabited worlds if need be. This is what happened in the
past as well as my order to ignite the nukes hovering over Neptune we had in orbit. I said it
was "magic" when we destroyed the Draconian homeland but it was really my power to control
the military might in 3D here on Earth & stop these lizards and their Illuminati from raping our
Earth any more.
I need humans to unite & empower your Demi-God King to become a full God-King Adam. I
mentioned earlier that my shaman should consider delving deeper into protective white magic
-- and also getting yourself protective talismans to ward any psychic attacks on yourselves.
Also, you can help me by not resisting the Elohim when they land on Earth more often. I need
the Free Masons, Illuminati & Presidents to NOT give any orders to wage war our alien friends
(or human race for that matter) any longer.
If the "Grey" aliens & "Mantis" don't stop trying to milk our planet... then we'll have to stop
them. For instance, if they attempt to start a human-stealing program again for an interstellar
trade. Fear not, our interstellar alliance is growing & the technology is becoming "ONE", so to
speak, because we all now realize the beauty & suffering-free environment of leaving this 3-D
for the 5TH Dimension.
That's COLD LIGHT that we'll be entering -- it won't burn. It WILL get cold here except for
around the equator so consider moving 6 years down the road (down south) or join my
Empire's Paradiscial Realm we will be creating down in Polynesia when I purchase hundreds
of islands for my disciples to party & enjoy. All renewable and recyling technologies so no
harm will be done to the environment. I want to stay in the States now. Before I move to the
tropics I want to cure more cancer & aids. I'm also busy with plans for the Elohim embassy
now & haveve given a few plots of land to these star traveling saviours. The only rerason I go
as far as to say saviours is because, what the fuck, this ridiculous world was on a crash
course for disaster.
The free masons are so fuckin' deep in the U.N. as well as wierd fuckers from the Skull &
Bones clan (that Bush has been a member of) who threaten blacks & native americans -- and
there's other politicians who support the ku klux clan. The Illuminati also has ties with officials
in the United Nations. I'm here to tell you this system was gonna crash on it's own - but I'm
here to make the crash less harsh & consider taking that internet vote about (1) Should we
move with this "one currency" situation soon (2)Should North & South America unite into one
land as an experimental union to prepare for a massive southern migration before this 2012
Remember, I'll consider making my reign here on Earth shortened to 4 years so I can become
a divine Archon Shaman for the next decade to prepare everyone for entering Heaven ..
.... Only if you humans can do one thing: unite with 1 world currency. That's a way of saying
O.K. Adam we got it from here .. then it will be time for the tournaments to begin for the next
World Leader.
So, the U.S. President shouldn't get involved with negotiations with these super-evolved
visitors from the sky .. especially, if he's not big enough to admit the Middle East was for profit.
We all know the part about Terror or the War On Terror was a failure (also for our economy
but let's not forget the many people who were killed) Then I can watch Bush Senior, Bush Jr.
with some Saudis in Michael Moore's movie living it up while raping the U.S.) {I}will negotiate
peace for our planet because we can't even begin to fathom the technology of our visitors -which superceeds humans by +40,000 years (Elohim) and rumors of up to a billion years
ahead (The Mantis species).
Listen to me, there's no need to stay here in the 3D realm. Don't laugh too hard if members of
the Illuminati & Free Masons try to leave the planet with their tails between their legs.. they will
still get what's coming to them for their systematic killing & murdering here on Earth...haha
some of them are thinking I'm lying and the Earth will end because I'm Satan...However, I'm a
changed Archon and will die a 1000 times over to save this civilization and help all humans of
Earth reach heaven. The Illuminati don't want to lose their precious power here on earth and
are actually taking it rather well. Their wicked but their smart enough to know when the power
is in my hands & I have built an alliance greater than their slimy lizard masters can ever hope
The Illuminati & the Freemasons see the evidence that a Photon Belt will be engulfing the
Earth but are still skeptical. They're obviously not happy that I call the shots now and that the
planet THAT THEY Fuckin RUINED will be filled with Gods, Angels & Devils that have no
room for weasels, snitches, killers & racist cults.
I will personally send them to hell realms for their systematic killing
(one of the few perks of being a master shaman).
I'm trying to be an understanding & compassionate Leader but I no longer have time for the
of the Feds now. Mainly I'm mad because they tapped my home and dared to talk "into" the
brainwave device they had implanted in my head. It bad enough to "listen" to someones
brainwaves by implanting a device to translate brainwaves into audio sounds - but to try to talk
into the device to control my mind was when I screwed their lives up & turned off all their FBI
building lights with black magic and terrorized them for a night with setting their computers,
microwaves, light switches & t.v's on fire.
Also, I will no longer stand for any black magickal attempts to stop or harm me. I have the
clairvoyance now to know exactly who's committing this crime and you'll be punished. Yes, I
made psychic attacks illegal (it may already be included in one of America's laws but I wanted
to make it clear that that it will become illegal worldwide.) Yes, you can murder & heal through
long-distance interactions _ you'll be traced by my Shaman & the Elohim Angels ending your
ability to use any magick or maybe even jail you. We will end your ability to use magick or
astral travel (or function properly in your social life for that matter) with any further attempts to
attack me or fellow humans -- except when used in self-defense.
Later, with further offences you'll be stopped by nailing a spike through your pineal gland. It
stops human magic but there are still sorcerers who can get around that. There are new
machines for electrical magic, psionics & radionics and we'll eventually need laws control the
use of these magick electrical devices. These new machines no longer require someone to
need a chicken or goat for sacrifice with their spell or incantation - the machine is calibrated by
you and plugged in for the spell's benevolent or malevolent effects to take place. So, be
careful, I want you all to evolve as much as possible but don't get tempted by the mind-control
power or killing/disease-causing magick.. or you'll receive puishment. Whether it's in the form
of a bad trip, bad dream, jail, hell or my World Army is for me to decide. There won't be a draft
for the World Army, Navy or Air Force because we already have so much protection from the
highly-evolved aliens (Sumerians, Elohim, Plaedians & about 15 others that are not interested
in attacking us. This is a good opportunity while they watch the skies because we need to
concentrate on the internal dimensions of the 4th, 5th, 6th etc. to really gain mastery of our
our S O U L !
The 5th dimension is more than we could ever dream of. Travel to other planets simply by
"willing" yourself for starters _ as well as our new hyperlight spaceships taking off from Earth
to harness resources from parts of our solar system. These new spaceships will be gifts to our
planet from the Sumerian aliens & Elohim masters. To put the situation simply - we're all going
to be guided towards self-sufficiency & bliss by our Gods & God-like Alien messengers from
the sky. We won't need to worry about paying bills nor worry about what new invasive
measure the bitch named Big Brother has in store. The hateful, dark & deceitful souls will get
what they deserve in 8 years and perish to a hell realm. That'll be good for a nice laugh when
we enter the 5th as beings of benevolence, power & bliss.
10/10/04 09:58 AM
P.M.'s that were very interesting:
This guy sent me a link to an interesting movie & site exposing further the global "elite"
terrorists at INFOWARS.COM
Hello Friend,
Thanks very much for sending the link. That movie had a lot of information I needed. I know
this sounds a little loco...but, I have friends from the sky who are going to end this reign of
murder and terror with the NWO, Skull & Bones, Freemasons and Illuminati.
Can you tell me if those clans overlap or if any of of them are associated with the clan? I want
them all gone or simply jailed to have to time to chill & repent before their judgement in 2012.
By judgement I mean they have a life review at the moment of death. There's no pearly gates
and there's not just one heaven. For the Christians or Jews just logging in: You the human are
the ultimate judge and the accused - not some power-hungry Archon named Jehovah or G /
Whether or not I decide to kill these pathetic New World Order terrorists and associated
demons. We can be helped by embracing the ELOHIM race of humanoids and not listen to
the evil Illuminati's & Bushs leaders anymore ( who are a group of reptilian aliens called the
Draconians our controlling our media.) I could maybe show the human traitors from the New
World Order some mercy & simply send them to another planet to be hunted down by
unarmed Elohim soldiers (for fun.) But, the carnage needs to stop.
The systematic killing of humans, raping of our women & children and interim "concentration"
camps still alive here in the U.S. WILL stop when we embrace the Elohim technology and I
teleport all those "elite" terrorists off this planet maybe into cold space to be entombed.
_More P.M. logs____________________
I have questions.
Are you........him? THE........MESSIAH?
are you truly him?
do you come from the house of David?
What is your nationality?
If you are indeed the Messiah, then surely you already know who I am.
please get back to me. Thank you
Bless you.
My reply: Hello Friend. My real name is Adam and I'm the World Leader
or World President of Earth now. I have near professional Shaman skills _ To make matters
more preplexing I'm the reincarnation of the Deity Satan. I have truly cleansed my karma & I
have the power to fight with everything I've got to start a real spiritual movement on Earth
before a civil war or ww3 erupts. We'll be making a jump off this prison/police-state planet
soon anyway so they can stay in the darkness as long as they want.
To answer your questions I am just one of many demi-gods on this planet. You've heard my
story because I have immaculate timing when it comes to taking power - it's part of my sign of
being born in the year of the snake.
If these gov't officials were to attack me to kill me, I know how to skillfully navigate the afterlife
where I could take the form of a GOD here in this dense 3D realm ... because the barrier is
weakening between the 3rd and 4th dimension.
Umm, my nationality is a mix of northern european ethnicities. You could say I look somewhat
There's not just one messiah to answer your question. I will build a World Empire so great it
will seem like I'm "THE ONE"but I could never have done it without all the great spiritual
masters. Thanks for your support my friend.
We can see evidence of reincarnation from many other people that have graced this planet people who have memories of villages they’ve never visited in this present lifetime or people
who remember entire buddhist scriptures without having any education in this lifetime. Sogyal
Rinpoche remarks “I believe that this process of incarnation is not limited to Tibet, but can
occur in all countries at all times. Throughout history there have been figures of artistic genius,
spiritual strength, and humanitarian vision who have helped the human race go forward. I think
of Gandhi, Einstein, Abraham Lincoln, Mother Theresa, of Shakespeare, of St. Francis, of
Beethoven, of Michelangelo. When Tibetans hear of such people, they immediately say they
are bodhisattvas. And whenever I hear of them, of their work and vision, I am moved by the
majesty of the vast evolutionary process of the buddhas and masters that emanate to liberate
beings and better the world.”
10/10/04 06:59 PM
hey spacedragon, I sent you another PM. Please reply back to me in privately, please. Please
read it, thank you.
11/10/04 10:45 PM
We can become "Guardian Angels" & truly become Gods within this decade. The Elohim are
becoming Gods as well through this photon energy belt.
Guardian angels can act upon senses and imaginations - not upon wills, except by working on
the intellect, and thus upon the will. Like gods and demons, angels have gone through many
phases, ranging from intimate portions of a man or woman to immaterial, celestial entities like
lesser deities.
Each person quite possibly has an individual guardian angel or daemon which could appear in
animal form. There are no really well-defined distinctions between angels, demons, familiars,
fairies, elves, saints, genii, ancestral gods, or pagan gods. Remember how I said it's a
"metaphor" for the Universal Mind Lattice with intelligences that can manifest in MANY forms
so... a demon doesn't always look like a minotaur or a skeleton necessarily ... that's just the
form he/she's taking at the time.
To command the assistance of angels is a basic idea of spiritual power. The 'Magic Papyri'
(Egypt) contain many spells to secure just such help and protection of angels. From magic
traditions arose the concept of the guardian angel.
Jesus himself announced that he could summon 72,000 guardian angels whenever he cared
to (Matthew 26:53). The belief in guardian angels can be traced throughout all antiquity.
The concept of "The One World," on the other hand, is holistic and integrative and describes a
unification endorsed by both religious doctrine and psychological theory. The shamanic state
of consciousness represents an evolutionary advance of cosmic proportions, since those rare
individuals who have attained it have transcended the human condition as it is usually
experienced and understood.
12/10/04 01:11 AM
I have sent some of these blessed talismans out to disciples. Anyone who wants me to send a
protective magical dragon pendant you can Personal message me. It's easy to fight these
loser evil cults.
We'll have a stronger alliegence or coalition & we'll bear the emblem of your Master
represented by the Dragon. It's when the pentagram is turned upside down it represents the
horns of my evil past Satan. That's dead but my power isn't (Siddhartha ~ He who finds the
deepest of peace is the envy of even the Gods -- and also sometimes their teacher but the
Gods are unbelievably more powerful in a different way as they act through humans & live off
mere theta waves (thought) and other higher-vibrational energies.
The necklace doesn't turn around anyway so use it appropriately or you're no longer in the
non-secret Cult. We'll tell everyone what we're doing; we'll not have thugs like the Illuminati
have admitted to nor the Free Masons who give power positions to complete morons.
12/10/04 06:05 AM
1st dimension: Mineral kingdom- the consciousness of resonating the earth "mother"
accessed through crystals 2nd: The Plant kingdom- the consciousness of feeling the earth
mother accessed through interaction and communication with plants: i.e. Findhorn 3rd- Time
and Space- the consciousness of linear time mastery through "being here now" polarized pos
and neg 4th- The Nonphysical Kingdom of Archetypes, Guides, and Nonphysical beings.
Accessed through Guides, Archetypes, Angels - also polarized into pos and neg 5th- The
Consiousness of Cosmic Cycles and patterns accessed though awarness of cosmic patterns
Whooo hoooo!!!
6th- The Consciousness of "Web Weaving" or ceremonial precipation of certain
consciousness patterns. i.e. crop circles precipitating are glyphs and symbols meant to
awaken certain patterns of consciousness in us. Sacred work at world power spots another.
7th-Consciounsess of Oneness- Door Way to other Higher Dimensions. The sacred work here
is to find and be re-unified with our twin soul. She said is it important to realize that there is no
hierarchy of dimensions, one is not necessarily more important than another!!
(Resident Cynic)
12/10/04 06:48 AM
Are the Elohim the ones that do those anal probe thingies? 'Cause I think I met one in a bath
house in San Francisco. Three days later, I set off the metal detector at the airport and they
found one of these...
Homeland security said that it was transmitting a homing beacon.
(mndfrayze's peppet urme)
12/10/04 06:52 AM
they had to use lots of lube to get that sucker out
(Resident Cynic)
12/10/04 07:04 AM
They locked me in a room with 3 gallons of sour milk, a case of raisin bran, a tube of ky and a
6 gallon bucket... you do the math.
12/10/04 06:48 PM
Wow that was boring ^
Subject: John Hopkins Newsletter
Johns Hopkins has recently sent this out in their newsletters.
This information is being circulated at Walter Reed Army Medical Center :
Dioxin Carcinogens cause cancer. Especially breast cancer. Don't
freeze plastic water bottles with water in them as this also releases
dioxin from the plastic. Dr. Edward Fujimoto from Castle hospital
was on a TV program explaining this health hazard. (He is the manager
of the Wellness Program at the hospital.) He was talking about
dioxins and how bad they are for us.
He said we should not heat our food in the microwave using plastic
containers. &nbs! p;This applies particularly to foods that contain fat. He
said that the combination of fat, high heat and plastics releases
dioxin into the food and ultimately into the cells of the body.
Dioxin are carcinogens and highly toxic to the cells of our bodies.
Instead, he recommends using glass, Corni ng Ware, or ceramic
containers for heating food. You get the same results ...without the
So such things as TV dinners, instant ramen and soups, etc., should be
removed from the container and heated in something else. Paper isn't
bad but you don't know what is in the paper. Just safer to use
tempered glass, Corning Ware, etc.
Remember when some of the fast food restaurants moved away from the
foam containers to paper? The dioxin problem is one of the reasons.
To add to this: Saran wrap placed over fo! ods as they are nuked, with
the high heat, actually drips poisonous toxins into the food, use
paper towels instead.
Please pass this on to your family & friends, & those who are
important in your life.
Thich Nhat Hanh is a wonderful master and I strive to become as wise and complacent as he
"People usually consider walking on water or in thin air a miracle. But I think the real miracle is
not to walk on water or in thin air, but to walk on earth. Everyday we are engaged in a miracle
which we don't even recognize: a blue sky, white clouds, green leaves...All is a miracle."
-from the Miracle of Mindfulness
Now, I've tried to relinquish this duty as World Leader to Avalokiteshvara's emanation the
Dalai Lama but I'm being told again and again that I'm better suited for the position. He's
healing this planet in a way I can't even begin to touch and I would just rather be his crazy
shaman sidekick. I am the jack of all trades w/black belts and some healing knowledge and
some meditation work. I have love for my people and want to rule with that love and not fear. I
want the best for the all sentient beings.
12/10/04 07:26 PM
Space Dragon.
Why arn't you writing for hollywood? This 4th dimensional duality drama war of good against
evil stuff sells like hot cakes! It also perpetuates the illusion as well. You arn't helping it to
heal, you are amplifying it to remain.
Hey, ask your people if they know the 4thdimension/astral plane has already collapsed into
this one? Ask them if they are coming from your linear past relative to this time line.
You be time jumping dude to be getting this stuff and the info is old and out dated. Risidual
energy is all that is left realtive to the physical experience.
There's nothing new about taking the lead in spreading fear or in the war of good against evil.
Its an old game packed with archetypes and world leaders.
Why not time jump into the future and ask your linear future self how to integrate the collapse.
Then, you'll be able to use your abilities to see into the non polarized realms where the split is
mended and healed. If you took a lead from there, you'd do a lot more good if that is your true
Just something constructive to consider.
21/10/04 04:03 AM
When in the arena ( ~business or otherwise)
Yield not to the aggressor.
When outside the arena,
Affirm compassion.
This world and this society are competitive. Tao uses the metaphor of the warrior to meet that
competition. Warriors never yield to their opponents. They may sidestep, but they do not give
Whether you are a lawyer, police officer, fire fighter, doctor, business person, athlete, or any
one of numerous other professions, you compete against either other people or natural forces.
But there is a right way and a wrong way to compete. Avoid anger and greed. Use
concentration and awareness.
Coincidentally, concentration and awareness are also necessary for spirituality. That is why
the follower of Tao incorporates the way of the warrior into training. The warrior and the sage
both seek to transcend emotion and petty thinking, to perfect themselves, and to live lives of
the deepest truth.
But when outside the arena, do not forget to be kind. Leave behind competitive aggression.
You must still have awareness, concentration and reflex, but the expression will be different.
Your compassion must not falter. That is why the combination of the way of the warrior with
the way of Tao is the ultimate symbol of versatility. Such a follower of Tao commands the
extremes of the universe.
Diet. Herbs. Clothing. Recitation.
Movement. Meditation. Creativity. Teaching.
And most important: Compassion.
Worship is not a matter of making an obeisance to a god. It is a matter of achieving godlike
qualities in yourself. This is done through cultivation of the nine areas:
~Diet should be moderate, healthy, and of living foods. If you want to be sustained, eat things
that themselves sustained life.
~Learn to use herbs, for they heal and maintain health.
~Be moderate in your clothing; wear natural fibers.
~Recitation includes prayer, song, chanting, and finally, the
practice of silence. What you say becomes reality.
~Stretch, move, and exercise every day. The universe moves;
so too should the energy within your body.
~Meditate every day - once in the morning and once in the
evening if possible. Only then will you attain tranquility and
triumph over your dilemmas.
~Be creative. Thus we contribute, and thus we elevate our souls.
~Aquire a good education. Treasure what you learn, and
preserve it so that it may be passed on to others. Never be
selfish with what you know.
~Above all, be compassionate. This is a stand against all evil,
and it opens your spirit.
People ask, "How can I worship properly?" Cultivate these
nine fields.
21/10/04 04:31 AM
WE'LL have HEMP legalized & MARIJUANA decriminalized first.
It's the use of heroin, crack, and crank that the government throws on the table to cause panic
in the minds of people, that has allowed them to erode the Constitution away into a now
historical document, by passing unbelievable laws all under the guise of stopping the use of
drugs and saving our precious children from the "vile drug-pusher", while all along it's been the
O.S.S. and then the C.I.A. in bed with the Mafia and local government officials that bring the
highly addictive drugs (Heroin/Crack), that destroy peoples lives, into the Country, and then
distribute them locally. If you don't think this could be true, then take a look drugwar.com. This
site links to a mountain of hard evidence of military-intelligence drug dealing for the
institutionalized purpose of covert arms financing.
It is the highly addictive properties of these drugs that are exactly what make the
Mafia/C.I.A./Government wet their lips from excitement (due to huge profits involved), not
caring what damage they do to people. Also the natural plant Entheogens are not a hot
commodity for them, partly because they actually make you think, which is one of the things
those agenda-driven, power & money-hungry monsters would prefer you didn't do.
21/10/04 04:43 AM
There's stuff getting deleted from these boards so I have to re-post the important shit. Try to
print out as many pages as possible sometime so we don't lose this info.
It will be wonderful when we have more results from international science teams concerning
the Rife machine. I stopped talking about the eletromedicine device but I've also gotten great
results from light electrical impulses added to acupuncture needles which is another form of
My master tells me that any electrical current from the wall is "crude" energy compared to the
more refined human bioelectric energy. A real master can heal more powerfully by touch or
stimulating the acupuncture needle to help the blocked energy to flow once again. Also, it
greatly helps the immune system when the Chi Gung master emits "Sha Qi" or killer energy
from his hands to destroy pathogens within the body.
Back to the cult haha which needs no name & will SHINE over the Illuminati, Free Masons,
Skull & Bones and all the other dark clans...
Succeeding at being my disciple can be easy -- or you can take the hard way. You only need
to practice ONE exercise for me. To master it could take you until all the way up to Dec. 22,
2012. This prayer for the dying & the dead will cleanse your karma to give you a real chance
to become Gods & help others do the same.
You will practice this at least monthly and then move up to weekly & daily. At the time of the
2012 energy belt enveloping the Earth I will want all my disciples practicing this constantly:
Recite this aloud
Do not fear the Peaceful or Wrathful Deities
They are only manifestations of your innermost essense
Do not be attracted to the colored realms of reincarnation;
They only will lead to the 6 realms and more suffering: the hell realms,
hungry ghosts, animal, human, titan & god. We have been enduring
this cycle of reincarnation for thousands of lifetimes.
If you have just one good thought in the afterlife; whether its a spouse, a
child, family connection or a deep spiritual connection you can be reborn in
complete heaven & bliss.
-Pause for a moment if you want (try to establish a deep connection with
the ghost or spirit you're talking to) Oh, son or daughter of an enlightened family
You're more receptive to these teachings now than
I am!
Your clairvoyance and intellect is 9 times stronger than the
living. Do not fear the Wrathful or Peaceful Gods.
If you have just one good thought in the afterlife, you can reborn in a
wonderful Buddha realm.
Keep repeating it for 15 - 20 minutes. Work up to several hours like the night I summoned
68 dead from the Florida hurricane disaster to send them to a Heaven Realm.
Some powerful monks get pictures of the dead to pray to them. Pictures that a friend monk
may have or has so many that he sends them to his brother. So, practice the ^ above ancient
art called Phowa and even try it in it's original Tibetan language for fun. It's cool but it doesn't
matter what language you're speaking because the dead can feel the emotions and the
intention. Say, for instance, as a ghost you were summoned by monks and you pick up the
energy signature because of your kodak picture & you see that they're praying for you and
have so much love. It would be very moving... So, it doesn't really matter the language you
use -- the dead will know you love them & it can greatly help them to achieve Heaven.
21/10/04 04:45 AM
Crown Ornament of Buddha Jewels as extensive as space, you are surrounded by all the
great spiritual guides, Buddha's, Bodhisattvas, and Dharma Protectors, like the full moon
surrounded by stars. O Consort to the second Buddha of this fortunate aeon and to
Vajradhara at his heart radiating infinite light in ten directions, please accept as offering a
perfect and pure universe filled with inexhaustible wells of pure water, clear light, sweet
smelling incense, perfume and delicious food, all of which are emptiness, which are actual
offering, and which are inner offering. May these offerings have no end like the continuum of
buddhamind, and may they fill you with constant delight. Please pour down your inspiring
blessings so that I may liberate myself and all living beings who, like an ocean, populate
emptiness in samsara.
Prayer to Vajrasattva
(The Silence is louder then you think)
21/10/04 04:51 AM
Man, what are you babbling about?
Why is it you have the time to type this stuff that no one asked about, tho you wont answer
anyones questions?
Uummm?? delusional? think about it man, maybe you are listen to everything youv'e said,
also it not being correct...... how can you consider yourself world leader? If you have that kind
of power, you should easily convince people to follow you, (if you say the right things),
21/10/04 06:16 AM
i read quite a bit of this thread.
and what a load of b/s. you give a lot of info. no direction or how one can overcome anything
in life.
i see that you talk about sweatshops, oil companies, and corperate america and to not buy
anything from them, how about giving advice on to buy things that they need instead of what
they want, like desinger clothes and such.
you say that you are a leader. i think that you are just someone looking for recognition in life to
make yourself special. though we all are special. a true leader inspires people to change, and
to let them be themselves, and go after their dreams.
how is knowing of aliens, photon belts, possible near end earth disasters going to change daily
life, how about concentrate your energies in giving direction on inner knowing and healing
instead of focusing on external reality??? i know they go hand in hand but thats how all
change starts, within the self.
you say that masters don't speak they act... wheres your action????
having verbal diarrhoea doesn't mean that you are a leader and all things that you say that you
are and what is going to be true or what are true..
but gotta give credit where is due what an entertaining post, maybe concentrate on hollywood
(Resident Cynic)
21/10/04 06:58 AM
I didn't know they had internet connections in psych wards these days... Tell me, where are
you being treated?
21/10/04 07:12 AM
i don't mind though, this is more entertaining than the idiot box...
22/10/04 07:50 PM
I've maintained very strong spiritual power with the help of a nutraceutical called
aphanizominon flos. aquae (AFA.) It's the most nutrient-packed, healthiest & cleanest of the
blue-green algae family. It can be taken in place of synthetic multi-vitamin supplements & is
absorbed at an amazing rate. The body sees the algae as a food while the pharmaceutical
fillers and pharmaceutical glaze added to the synthetic brands can cause nausea (with much
less of a vitamin assimilation rate).
I showed you the results earlier of the Centrum vs. AFA Blue-Green Algae study for the
absorption of B-vitamins. The differerence is huge so we might as well get our money's worth
when purchasing nutraceuticals (remember the organs are reservoirs of spiritual energy.
There's much more our human bodies can do when we get a competent allopathic western
healthcare system.)
Just take a look at the PDR Physicians Desk Reference & almost every drug you see starts
with ANTI- Anti-(this symptom ) Anti-(that symptom) and it's all "symptom management." It's
all based on profit & the healing and compassion has gone out the window as well as our
health & the dignity of the triad of the pharmaceutical, doctor & insurance companies.
One of the AMAZING nutrients provided by this microalgae is called chlorophyll. It strengthens
the blood & facilitates a cleaning of the immune system especially endocrine system (with the
swollen lymph nodes as well.) The way it strengthens the blood is in the following quick
excerpt but it has to do with the chemical structure of hemoglobin being almost identical to
chlorophyll except for an atom of iron (Fe) in the blood & an atom of Magnesium (Mg). Also,
Supplementary Enzymes for our diets are very important:
Supplementary Enzymes are generally aquired through the foods we eat; raw fruits &
vegetables are packed with live active enzymes. However, these supplementary enzymes are
easily destroyed when we cook or even freeze our foods. The enzymes within the body are
further destroyed by stress, fatigue, chemical pollutants, even pregnancy & possibly an
extraordinary strenuous excercise regime. Thus, the thousands of live acive enzymes within
wild blue-green AFA algae can contribute to a substantially healthier life.
Wild blue-green algae is rich in all kinds of botanical pigments. A pigment is a molecule
capable of absorbing wavelengths of light, and then reflecting it as a recognizable color.
A prominent pigment is chlorophyll, the green substance of plants. Wild blue-green algae is a
higher source of chlorophyll than any other plant or algae. Chlorophyll is the lifeblood of AFA
algae. It is similar in molecular structure to heme, the oxygen carrying red pigment of human
blood. However, chlorophyll contains magnesium at its cell center, whereas blood contains
iron. Chlorophyll within the algae is a power oxygenator for human beings. And without
sufficient oxygen, we can develop symptoms of low energy, sluggish digestion and low
metabolism. Dr. Otto Warburg, the 1931 Nobel Prize winner for physiology and medicine,
concluded that oxygen deprivation was a major cause of cancer.
In the early 20th century, chlorophyll was reguarded as a crucial weapon against various
common health complaints. Many physicians used it in the treatment of pain relief, skin
disorders, ulcers and even as a breath freshener. However, after World War II, chlorophyll
was replaced by chemical anti-septics. Today there is a renewed interest in chlorophyll.
This renewed interest is certainly justified. Chlorophyll's health benefits are indeed numerous:
helping the body obtain more oxygen, aiding digestion, acting as an anti-inflammatory, healing
gum disease, preventing infection, minimizing the effects of pollution and accelerating wound
healing. According to biochemist Lita Lee, Ph.D, "Chlorophyll appears to stimulate the
regeneration of damaged liver cells, and increases circulation to all organs by dilating blood
vessels. In the heart, chlorophyll aids in the transmission of nerve impulses that control the
contraction. The heart rate is slowed, yet each contraction is increased in power, improving
the efficiency of cardiac power."
{Now the following is also important - and the same epiphany comes to many cultivators when
starting their first psychedelic gardens or even Hemp gardens -- The very important growing
tecnique of watching the pH.}
AFA's chlorophyll also helps to balance alkalinity, thereby reducing acidity in the body. Stress,
excess protein and fat in a diet can make your body acidic, free radical formation and
oxidative damage increase, thus raising the risk of disease.
22/10/04 08:00 PM
Yes, I have been distributing the nutraceuticals for free especially to the families who need it
most in the ghettos here. Also, I'll be curing AIDS in the projects more when the U.S. gov't
releases more access to cures i.e. funding MONEY & take the hyperspace superhighway with
us to higher technological levels than their bumbling conglomerate can hope for. I demand
that they release the cures & let the electromedicine shine as Dr. Rife intended this machine
to do.
This is not all I do to help the communities (concerning the sweatshops I talked about & other
important topics like the Revolution.) I come here to "cool my jets" so don't read it if you don't
want to. Whether you like it or not - I've summoned the same angels that Jesus dealt with who
created us as DNA project and are now in-and-out of the 3-dimensional & hyperspatial
realities. Some people report seeing them in the TV set when turned off & talking to them
through ESP.
Of course this is better than TV. It's the revolution & I am your new King of Earth.
22/10/04 08:06 PM
When in the arena ( ~business or otherwise)
Yield not to the aggressor.
When outside the arena,
Affirm compassion.
This world and this society are competitive. Tao uses the metaphor of the warrior to meet that
competition. Warriors never yield to their opponents. They may sidestep, but they do not give
Whether you are a lawyer, police officer, fire fighter, doctor, business person, athlete, or any
one of numerous other professions, you compete against either other people or natural forces.
But there is a right way and a wrong way to compete. Avoid anger and greed. Use
concentration and awareness.
Coincidentally, concentration and awareness are also necessary for spirituality. That is why
the follower of Tao incorporates the way of the warrior into training. The warrior and the sage
both seek to transcend emotion and petty thinking, to perfect themselves, and to live lives of
the deepest truth.
But when outside the arena, do not forget to be kind. Leave behind competitive aggression.
You must still have awareness, concentration and reflex, but the expression will be different.
Your compassion must not falter. That is why the combination of the way of the warrior with
the way of Tao is the ultimate symbol of versatility. Such a follower of Tao commands the
extremes of the universe.
Diet. Herbs. Clothing. Recitation.
Movement. Meditation. Creativity. Teaching.
And most important: Compassion.
Worship is not a matter of making an obeisance to a god. It is a matter of achieving godlike
qualities in yourself. This is done through cultivation of the nine areas:
~Diet should be moderate, healthy, and of living foods. If you want to be sustained, eat things
that themselves sustained life.
~Learn to use herbs, for they heal and maintain health.
~Be moderate in your clothing; wear natural fibers.
~Recitation includes prayer, song, chanting, and finally, the
practice of silence. What you say becomes reality.
~Stretch, move, and exercise every day. The universe moves;
so too should the energy within your body.
~Meditate every day - once in the morning and once in the
evening if possible. Only then will you attain tranquility and
triumph over your dilemmas.
~Be creative. Thus we contribute, and thus we elevate our souls.
~Aquire a good education. Treasure what you learn, and
preserve it so that it may be passed on to others. Never be
selfish with what you know.
~Above all, be compassionate. This is a stand against all evil,
and it opens your spirit.
People ask, "How can I worship properly?" Cultivate these
nine fields.
22/10/04 08:09 PM
WE'LL have HEMP legalized & MARIJUANA decriminalized first.
It's the use of heroin, crack, and crank that the government throws on the table to cause panic
in the minds of people, that has allowed them to erode the Constitution away into a now
historical document, by passing unbelievable laws all under the guise of stopping the use of
drugs and saving our precious children from the "vile drug-pusher", while all along it's been the
O.S.S. and then the C.I.A. in bed with the Mafia and local government officials that bring the
highly addictive drugs (Heroin/Crack), that destroy peoples lives, into the Country, and then
distribute them locally. If you don't think this could be true, then take a look drugwar.com. This
site links to a mountain of hard evidence of military-intelligence drug dealing for the
institutionalized purpose of covert arms financing.
It is the highly addictive properties of these drugs that are exactly what make the
Mafia/C.I.A./Government wet their lips from excitement (due to huge profits involved), not
caring what damage they do to people. Also the natural plant Entheogens are not a hot
commodity for them, partly because they actually make you think, which is one of the things
those agenda-driven, power & money-hungry monsters would prefer you didn't do.
There's stuff getting deleted from these boards so I have to re-post the important shit. Try to
print out as many pages as possible sometime so we don't lose this info.
It will be wonderful when we have more results from international science teams concerning
the Rife machine. I stopped talking about the eletromedicine device but I've also gotten great
results from light electrical impulses added to acupuncture needles which is another form of
My master tells me that any electrical current from the wall is "crude" energy compared to the
more refined human bioelectric energy. A real master can heal more powerfully by touch or
stimulating the acupuncture needle to help the blocked energy to flow once again. Also, it
greatly helps the immune system when the Chi Gung master emits "Sha Qi" or killer energy
from his hands to destroy pathogens within the body.
Back to the cult haha which needs no name & will SHINE over the Illuminati, Free Masons,
Skull & Bones and all the other dark clans...
Succeeding at being my disciple can be easy -- or you can take the hard way. You only need
to practice ONE exercise for me. To master it could take you until all the way up to Dec. 22,
2012. This prayer for the dying & the dead will cleanse your karma to give you a real chance
to become Gods & help others do the same.
You will practice this at least monthly and then move up to weekly & daily. At the time of the
2012 energy belt enveloping the Earth I will want all my disciples practicing this constantly:
Recite this aloud
Do not fear the Peaceful or Wrathful Deities
They are only manifestations of your innermost essense
Do not be attracted to the colored realms of reincarnation;
They only will lead to the 6 realms and more suffering: the hell realms,
hungry ghosts, animal, human, titan & god. We have been enduring
this cycle of reincarnation for thousands of lifetimes.
If you have just one good thought in the afterlife; whether its a spouse, a
child, family connection or a deep spiritual connection you can be reborn in
complete heaven & bliss.
-Pause for a moment if you want (try to establish a deep connection with
the ghost or spirit you're talking to) Oh, son or daughter of an enlightened family
You're more receptive to these teachings now than
I am!
Your clairvoyance and intellect is 9 times stronger than the
living. Do not fear the Wrathful or Peaceful Gods.
If you have just one good thought in the afterlife, you can reborn in a
wonderful Buddha realm.
Keep repeating it for 15 - 20 minutes. Work up to several hours like the night I summoned
68 dead from the Florida hurricane disaster to send them to a Heaven Realm.
Some powerful monks get pictures of the dead to pray to them. Pictures that a friend monk
may have or has so many that he sends them to his brother. So, practice the ^ above ancient
art called Phowa and even try it in it's original Tibetan language for fun. It's cool but it doesn't
matter what language you're speaking because the dead can feel the emotions and the
intention. Say, for instance, as a ghost you were summoned by monks and you pick up the
energy signature because of your kodak picture & you see that they're praying for you and
have so much love. It would be very moving... So, it doesn't really matter the language you
use -- the dead will know you love them & it can greatly help them to achieve Heaven.
26/10/04 05:33 AM
Also, it's good to know that RNA and DNA are repaired by this food-based medicine AFA
(aphanizominon flos. aquae). We need the top mental & physical Masters in this World
Government. I will take the first term of a long line of Earth Presidents.
You have no idea do you - Well, some of you do. 2,000 years of light and happiness for this
prison of angels. Then this planet goes back to 10,000 years of darkness & you can choose
not to ever come back to this type of reality with duality (good/bad.) I mean, unless you do
something to really piss off some Gods. Flightless angels & Gods haha I love the mental
agility & mastery of memory you have here ... as well as physical feats of amazing Kung Fu,
Kara Te (meaning "empty hand or fist") & the boxing of the West will get ya if that doesn't.
I love you w/all my heart. I'll give a chance for the rest of the Earth's champions in 4 years to
become World Leader. We will hold competitions to test both mental & physical prowess.
You're all amazing & I'm proud to be an original citizen of the creator race (species) of
humanoid masters from the sky ELOHIM; the DNA fathers that created us.
Way to take the PLANET back for yourselves like so many colonized people can't do!
I love you all.
-A D A M
27/10/04 08:39 AM
Anyone interested in the Church of the Tree of Life hear this!
LAWS I have created for the People of Earth:
(1) Though shalt not alter thy fellow man's consciousness {Concerning new truth serums
being forced on suspects by the FBI -- and eventually Cops will be using it more frequently.}
Forget squabbling about Church & State on this matter...It's just not right; no one will be forced
to endure a truth serum injection unless they agree to it .. Only if there's hard evidence sitting
in the evidence room pointing to the perpetrator will it be allowed without consent. Until further
notice no truth serums will be given to U.S. Citizens without evidence from a crime scene.
Whatever investigations are underway w/foreign suspects will continue for now until the cases
are run across my desk.
The WorldLeader .Gov website is still under construction. It will have movies of my
paranormal Gods & "Familiars" which are stronger versions of ghosts - stronger mentally
focused & magical spell casting compared to the powerful emotional energies of ghosts that
can leave an off-guard shaman in a hell realm of indescribable horror. You'll see video of me
with these spirit-gods hanging around like a heavenly family reunion. Well,sort of... they put up
with me * I may prove to be one the safest persons to be around in the upcoming decade
when Angels and demons begin to assume form in our 3-dimensional reality. With the gov't
site we'll slowly have pics of the autopsies of aliens that the U.S. Gov't possesses.
Really, it'll be my "Mindstream" on audio tape with visual hookups to my cerebrum to elicit
tangible images for the public to see the 4th and 5th dimensional Gods ~ and I want to share
these internal Heavens with all of you like my brothers & sisters on these boards showed me
to do. "Messages" from me now will be on the Internet & in the form of news footage; from the
current World's Capital St. Louis. In these boards I simply repeat what I've been telling the fbi
& cia. I've e-mailed the president about religious matters go ask him. I want my inner circles of
shaman & priests to know all about about the plans for hyperlight travel (faster than light) &
vessels that'll bring indescribable fortune & technologies home from nearby GALAXIES. We're
talking about interstellar space trade (and information exchange also through the higher,
internal dimensions.)
~So, if you catch the moon some night.. you can know that all your fellow humans who see
that same moon will be able to tell their kids about exploring many planets beyond that rock.
We have found many star systems that are capable of sustaining human life. It's not easy to
find such stable systems and, almost humorously, we've found such intelligence from a superevolved spirit that travels from many galaxies to other star systems (a super-evolved
mushroom species) that's created a branch of it's "hyperlight network" here -- As Paul
Stamets so brilliantly mentioned -- it creates a "Natural Internet" with myecelial fibers that run
deep into mother Earth. This spirit-god has faster-than-light communication abilities & spacetravel power beyond our greatest supercomputers & rocket ships. The Spirit has rested here
on Earth for longer than many can remember. (also called The Other or the Stropharia
Cubensis 'Shroom Spirit-God. And its just the "tip of the ice burg" of the organism when you
see the mushrooms sticking out of the ground.)
Our World Government now has plans to end the wars on the planet, feed the starving people
and lower taxes at home (for the nations of the U.N.) after the wars settle & we end this War
on Terror by letting it eat itself up. They should receive no more "skyhigh" tax spending from
our hard-earned money for their $20 billion dollar war budget that's failing miserably.
What was the bumpersticker quote?
Let the schools get the funding they need & the government can hold a BAKESALE to buy
some B2 Bombers. Although I speak of just the U.N.'s Nations when I address the world, I
invite all nations to join me in the Civilization of Earth by keeping your country's names,
traditions & religions and also unite with us under my World Gov't w/no draft & very little taxing
- like a dollar a year to your Emperor isn't too bad.
This $1 tax will appear on your current country's tax bills; so you will not only be coerced to
pay by your local gov't but also it seems you'll meet meet my alien angel/comp tech wizards
hackers who hail from a different planet and created you from DNA. Don't think for a second
you'll not pay your $1 to your Emperor to my paypal account by the end of next year. The skies
will be lit up with your own missiles & nukes and some presents will arrive (i.e. E.M.P. bursts
to knock out all electricity for the night -- sorry Leno & Letterman will have turn in early that
night.) So, you will make sure your local gov't provides me with exactly one dollar for every
individual's I.D. number (for example Social Security #). Anyway, that just gives you an
example of my power -- this simple one dollar payment will not be required until a year from
Dec 31, 2004 . So, that's the beginning of our construction of a pre-Heaven. Our Earth's
humans deserve this after 10,000 years of "darkness" -- not living within the wonderful energy-
rich photon band. It may sound rough but 100 pennies is the least can you do; you pathetic,
spiritually-devoid "shadows" of human champions .. you should be happy to provide for your
Emperor of Earth. Of course, if I were in your shoes I would grumble too but a buck is nothing
& I will demand it even from the draconian lizard race we conquered on Neptune.
2ND Law of the Church of the Tree of Life
(2) Thou shalt not prevent thy fellow man from altering his own consciousness.
Next and most importantly;!! Who makes up the Church of the Tree of Life ? -- We're a
FAMILY of traditions whose practitioners focus on voluntarily entering altered states of
consciousness in which they experience themselves, or their spirit(s), traveling to other realms
at will and interacting with other entities in order to serve their community.
That was just the first mission statement of the organization. Though, I'm not a priest of the
Church of the Tree of Life. I'm now a full-time politician & king. Some Pharoahs would act as a
mediator for Gods more full-time but, as you can see, this World has a lot of cleaning up that's
needed -- from within the corridors of Washington to the smack-dealing FBI in nyc/st. louis/los
angeles wherever it's all over because there's huge money in covert arms dealing &
The results could have been a spiritual wasteland / "Matrix" robot microchip-in-your-hand
WORLD... if some of these brave shaman / priests / politicians didn't keep centered & protect
our Mother Earth. Not just protection from aliens but from Big Brother/KGB/whatever
Canada's got...you get my drift. Those guys have been dirty for ages & the power kept going
into the hands of just a few until I brought it back to the people. We need to unite for this
spiritual revolution & use White Magick if we've got to -- GOT IT!! WINK WINK I've been trying
to get you guys the whole time to visualize this revolution happening & take steps to secure a
unified peaceful globe yourselves (praying, relaxing & not panic'ing). We don't have to deal
with these losers in 7 years (i.e. prison-warden type high school teachers/parents, big brother
illuminati moron thugs etc...) We might as well laugh in their faces for now. I'm going for broke
& we will win this war on drugs & legalize hemp to save the planet & decriminalize marijuana
up to 100 grams worldwide.
Now, the U.N. knows there NEEDS to be a change - so there will be a release of cancer/aids
cures & hemp/marijuana law reform. Now, here's the interesting thing that I guess no one
thought of: If you read closely you'll see that I only mention curing AIDS in project buildings &
trailer parks first (not just because they need it the most) because that way the economy won't
crash. O.K.
You'll see that we can save this planet from environmental & physical destruction if we work
together and trust in the perpetual energy technologies available now all over the net. As I'm
trying to swiftly give compensation to Oncologists & Crude Oil industry workers for these
helpful changes -I can't help but laugh about many corporate groups, syndicates & gangs who would want to
assassinate me now about this money lost. Keep in mind I'm also fighting head-to-head
against a U.S. Military-orchestrated drugs for huge guns ring. Luckily for you, I am the most
powerful Emperor to live on this planet & the Elohim will crush your entire human
organization's existence after my human special forces bouncers get at you.
We will make these changes slowly; Cancer/AIDS will be cured in dilapidated areas that
wouldn't have been able to fork the $100,000+ for the allopathic therapies {therefore, not
causing the field of oncology & the entire medical industry (approx. 1/3 of the economy here in
America at least) to plummet nor hurting our economies over all.} So, this isn't just happening
in America. I'd like to tell all the politicians who are receiving these messages from my
warriors - of all the countries- that you too will look objectively into the Rife Electromedicine
machine, ozone machines & plasma ray tubes and give a report to me by the vernal equinox
of next year (I was going to say "new years day" but its different on different continents.) If
your findings are that there was absolutely no health benefit from these extremely cheap
medical machines, then I won't force you to have 10 of them in the hospitals at all times like
other medical hospitals. Other issues concerning our global society are my decision to raise
the life-expectancy for the elderly if they give up driving from ages 60-65.
psst...(I'll still raise the life-expectancy but I was just hoping I could get them off the road LOL
hailing from NJ originally I just like to get as many people off the roads & into the air as
possible w/smaller mass transportation airlifts, ferries & and "trams" in these cities as we
clean them up with the Elohim. They will provide help in towing garbage to the very middle of
the ocean (which they assure me is the lesser of two problems compared to trying to lift
"millions" of tons of trash into space to hurl at the sun!)
Next, we will create amazing housing; based on Japanese architectural ideas -- making the
coasts of our continents sparkle & shine with these high rises containing whole city-sized
communities. These high rises will have movie theaters/teen clubs/casinos/parks and various
other attractions within these American,Japanese,Indian,Chinese "sky"rise super-structures.
The reason I mention this so often is to prepare those of higher latitudes (who don't wanna sit
tight for 7 years) to house them first before they even need to blink from the photon energy
shift. Everyone else will have their houses & cars intact (maybe not nuclear power plants) but
the upper latitudes will be covered in ice.
mr crisper
27/10/04 12:11 PM
Next, we will create amazing housing; based on Japanese architectural ideas
what... we all live in shoeboxes? beehives for humans? have fun being a mindless drone.
the best thing about posting on this thread is that snapdragon is completely oblivious to any
comments or questions.
i used to have a 6 gauge prince albert, i don't wear it any more, but in summer my piss comes
out two holes! its great neh?!?
gotta go....theres a rat's head stickin outta my ass.
29/10/04 08:54 AM
While I may be one of the last souls to accept a single entity as a creator of an entire universe
(part of this vast multi-verse,) I look forward to ruling with an iron-fist & waking you up. I want
exactly what many other humans on this planet want: an end to suffering and a chance for
heaven; or at least the 2,000 years of light and photon engine technology.
The 2004 presidential election might not be flawed like the last one was; it might be even
worse. Communities across America are purchasing electronic voting (e-voting) machines, but
the technology has serious security problems that aren't being addressed. Most of the
machines use "black box" software that hasn't been publicly reviewed for security. Almost
none provide voter-verifiable paper ballots to detect fraud. A recent analysis by several
academic researchers outlines the many and varied ways that anyone from a technically
proficient insider to an average voter could disrupt an e-voting system to defraud an election.
The response of some of the companies that make e-voting machines has been even more
upsetting. Instead of embracing close technical review and public interest in its products, one
of the three major manufacturers of these machines has embarked upon a campaign of
sending cease-and-desist letters to those who criticize it. The company first sent one to the
academic researchers and then later sent many to individuals and groups who republished
internal email messages that reveal both the problems with the systems and employee
attempts to cover up those problems.
E-voting technology is promising, but its benefits should not obscure its dangers. Without
basic auditing checks, these machines dramatically increase the chances for undetectable
election fraud. This archive is a resource in the fight for accountable elections and responsible
voting technology.
NOTE: More information on all litigation related to verified voting is available at
» Help E.F.F. Verify the Vote! www.eff.org
> Electronic Frontier Foundation
(Defending Freedom in the Digital World)
29/10/04 09:44 AM
Next, we will create amazing housing; based on Japanese architectural ideas
what... we all live in shoeboxes? beehives for humans? have fun being a mindless drone.
I'm talking about asking the Japanese for their expertise in building efficient & stable high
rises. I know what you're speaking of with the awfully small "cubicles" that are lived in. These
are different buildings that I talk of now (and they looked really cool on the Discovery
Channel.) These gigantic buildings will house many people who may lose their home in 2012.
02/11/04 03:31 AM
I want to make sure we're clear about the idea of me being a holy vessel. We can all be holy
vessels & I was only chosen because it shows how one needs to simply be attuned to the
Way of the Universe (even if coming from the other side). I also have truly repented and want
to change. If the Gods need you at the time, they can have a very special position for you. The
position of World Leader should not be taken likely & it could be a big reason why the Gods
chose me for the job. I was seemingly expendable when they found me and verified I was
Satan's reincarnation. Even if you’re united against me at least you’re united!
I was trying to study spiritualism and getting good results from seeking out teachers - but I
needed some work and some purification. I think the Gods thought I would just die really
quickly or thrown in padded room.
Many didn't realize that I would adhere closely to the teachings through this stress & become
enlightened. It could also have been my love for my kids and family -- and wanting the best for
them (when being told I will be buried under the jail for these revolutionary posts). Also, it's a
good kick in the pants for the so-called masters in the east and west who are so strict and
ritual-obsessed. Here comes a kid who believes whole-heartedly in helping this Earth and
wants everyone to feel bliss, happiness and health.
Now I'm the Emperor of Earth who reigns over several other planets including 2 other Earthlike planets and Neptune (formerly the home of the Draconian Empire who threatened us and
made terroristic threats).
Anyway, I just wanted to tell you that ANYONE can do it if I can - to be a holy vessel or liason
to the Heaven or Hell Realms. The Universal Mind will allow for Baby Jesus and Baby
Siddhartha Buddha to be born into my family (not only for protection from fanatics in the
Christian and Jewish tradition --who may want to kill me and think this is trickery -- -- but also
because I'll be a good teacher to them until they grow up and become my teacher and all the
world's teachers.
One of my masters says: "We practice in such a way that Buddha is born every moment of
our daily life, that Jesus Christ is born every moment of our daily life."
-Thich Nhat Hanh (TNH,) from GOING HOME
(old hand)
02/11/04 03:33 AM
"Now I'm the Emperor of Earth who reigns over several other planets including 2 other Earthlike planets and Neptune (formerly the home of the Draconian Empire who threatened us and
made terroristic threats)."
So, who are you appointing as president tomorrow?
02/11/04 04:04 AM
Man, you guys wouldn't even believe me about Bush Jr. being dead and a clone being made
of him a while back. The Elohim cloning machines are great especially when you clone hotties
like Halle Berry & Diane Lane. I killed him with black magick during my less-than-subtle
shamanic reintegration...
Humans haven't ruled this planet for a long time. Now, finally as a gift I have this planet for us
to enjoy. It's going to take some time to clean it up but it's ours.
The Elohim will help our transition into the photon belt as well as the Sumerians and other
benevolent aliens. The lizards of the Illuminati were running the show before the Elohim
stepped in (so Bush Jr. was never making decisions really but these fucked up lizard aliens
were the ones causing the problems in the Middle East - REMEMBER they fund both sides of
the war! These Draconians didn't care about us at all and made a huge profit from our planet
before the Elohim came back to see how their DNA project was doing.)
Also, the Illuminati made sacrifices to Satan (human and lizards) so they were ALL taken
aback when I entered the scene with some sorcery skills & clairvoyance of their covert
02/11/04 04:06 AM
Feasting is the flame in mid-winter
That kindles the fire of friendship
And strengthens the community.
In the past, feasting was a way to bind the community closer together. The same is true today.
Whether they are cultural gatherings, times of group worship, or even special dinners
w/friends, we all need moments where we come together and reaffirm the importance of our
The cheer we feel is essential both to the collective and the individuals involved. A good
gathering requires participation - the efforts of organization, work, and attendance - and in turn
gives back sustenance for body and soul, a sense of belonging, and the accomplishment of
something that could not be done by the individuals alone.
Like any other human endeavor, the feast is vulnerable to manipulation and politics, the selfish
maneuvering of cynical individuals. This is difficult to avoid completely, for it is impossible for
any group to truly be united. The only way to mitigate this is for the collective to keep its
intentions strictly on its purpose & for the leaders to be as enlightened as possible.
I just can't get enough of these reflective Taoist passages. I will add them occasionally as I
see fit; although pls keep in mind Taoists do not necessarily worship specific Gods and then
again some worship many Gods. I will use Taoism's secular guidlines to keep my mind
centered & my power focused on re-balancing this planet.
Seeing the planet as a biological "cell"or an "organic" whole has proven to be more effective
than running countries like machines or computers. It's a more accurate & complex analogy
when envisioning our whole Earth community like a "garden" or "immune system." It's
important to cultivate our technology & intelligence but not losing our "Spirit" or at least our
humanity in the process......
The latter approach, mixing Science & tolerant Religion, will take us much further than
pushing these cubicle-workers & hard laborers over the edge & providing unfit wages.
As the current U.S. military spending continues to take much of the countries vital resources,
it'll just make the nation even more exhausted. The U.S. should set an example for the world
& put down their military arms & bring the troops home to secure U.S. borders - or, at least aid
the homeless in Florida after the tropical disaster.
Images on the alter,
Or imagined within:
We pray to them,
But do they answer?
The wise tell us how important adoration is. So we kneel before altars, give offerings, and
make sacrifices. In our meditations, we are taught to see gods within ourselves & to make
supplications to receive power and knowledge. This we do w/great sincerity, until the masters
then say there are no gods. Then we are confused.
The statue on the altar is mere wood & gold leaf, but our need to be reverent is real. The god
within may be nothing but visualization, but our need for concentration is real. The attributes of
heaven are utopian conjectures, but the essense of these parables is real. The gods, then,
represent certain philosophies & extraordinary facets of the human mind. When we devote
ourselves to gods, we establish communication with these deeper aspects.
The thought that we are worshiping symbolism may make us uncomfortable. We are
educated to accept only the tangible, the scientific, and the material. We doubt the efficicacy
of adoring the merely symbolic, and we are confused when such reverence brings about
genuine personal transformation. But worship does affect our feelings & thoughts. When the
wise say that there are no gods, they mean that the key to understanding all things is within
ourselves. External worship is merely a means to point within to the true source of salvation.
02/11/04 04:20 AM
So, to answer your question..I want the people to vote. I guess I got side-tracked thinking of
my cloned Hot Girls waiting for me.
(old hand)
02/11/04 04:37 AM
Thanks, we appreciate the illusion of independance.
02/11/04 05:41 AM
We're not necessarily totally independent just like most countries import as well as export.
But, finally this is our little Earth is what I mean.
The Gods have given me a chance to rid this planet of the evil within the machine of the US
gov't and begin a new era of peace and prosperity for all of us. Not all the officials in the gov't
are evil (similar to the kids who entered the 3rd Reich in Germany and fell under the spell of
Hitler's propaganda - many were just following orders and didn't know any better).
But, making deals with aliens and sending our men and women overseas to fight for finite
fossil fuels, while suppressing alternative and superior technologies at home, was the
beginning of their downfall. I'm thinking of having the cloned Bush and his members of the
Skull & Bones Society (a little punkass group of clowns who threaten the Native Americans
even to this day and other minorities to keep them oppressed) and putting this group on a
space colony on the moon.
02/11/04 08:57 AM
please kill me with your black majick. i give you my life to end if you will.
if you had so much power you would be actually doing something about how fucked up
everything is in this world, or if you had so much wisdom you wouldn't be here talking about it.
everything you have talked about through your posts means shit i haven't still seen one
practical piece of advice. if you have so much power and wisdom please direct us in life.
please enlighten us through wisdom and power...
03/11/04 05:29 AM
"...The Heart ( Upper Burner, Fire ) and the Kidney ( Lower Burner, Water ) keep each other in
check and are dependant upon one another. The Spirit of the Heart and the Essense of the
Kidneys cooperate in establishing and maintaining human consciousness...
Although some of the emotions, like love, can act to uplift us, most of the emotions and
desires lead us to the evil and ugly side of life, the side of human disaster. If we learn to
strengthen the wisdom mind we can gain calmness and peace, and this can help us to
develop patience, perseverance, strong will, and a sense of justice and harmony. These
virtues enable us to overcome the disasters created from the emotional mind. Part of our
nature is greedy and selfish, and causes us to struggle for money and power. When the moral
part of our nature is suppressed, our minds seem to become evil - murder, theft, rape…
Throughout history, many people have worshipped as heroes those who could kill, conquer,
and enslave others. Today's movies and TV programs are filled with stories of killing and
violence. The younger generations are continually being educated into this mindset when they
watch these programs, and even [the same violent lessons] in history classrooms. In this way
the seed of the ugly side of human nature is planted and continually nourished. This seed will
grow, and the next generation will perpetuate the violence, hatred and greed.
Grandmaster ( Dr. ) Yang, Jwing-Ming
from the book The Root of Chinese Qigong
03/11/04 05:41 AM
Although my view is as spacious as the SKY
my actions and respect for cause and effect are
as fine as the grains of flour.
These wonderful quotes have helped me in this human form during what the Tibetans call
"THE DANGEROUS STRAITS OF THE BETWEEN." It's from the Tibetan Book of Living &
Dying by Sogyal Rinpoche. Look into the quote's deep meaning; and look into the art of "nondoing" a.k.a. meditating or "sitting still, doing nothing" in this wonderful time of reflection before
we become Gods of Light. The "Energy Efficiency" that meditation offers cannot be not
stressed enough... and how it's important to feed the brain and aura (complete with the
chakras "spinning energy wheels.") It's important to not get obsessed in a religion's rituals but
to LET GO, try to rest in the "gap" between thoughts, and let your true Godlike nature arise as
the photons are slowly making the planet enter a 4th and 5th dimensional reality more & more.
Another way of expressing our nature in 8 years will be Hyperlight Traveling & Communicating
Masters from the sky - that's what the beings on other planets will see us as ... they'll be in
complete awe of humans (well, no longer humans but Energy Gods of Light.) This fairly
complete evolution for our race to a 5th dimensional Archon "RULER" won't be as difficult as it
was for the brave spiritual masters earlier in Earth's history. We're being much more bathed in
this photon energy now and our spirits are "reacting" with increased astral traveling & glimpses
into the higher dimensions with our 3rd eye.
We can all do it. Don't worry about things on Earth getting too much worse - we're READY, as
these Gods and Aliens say, for our next jump in evolution. This time it happens to be into
more extreme dualistic heaven/hell dimensions and no longer this dense 3-dimensional trap
that some humanoid aliens have mastered.
I want you all to start thinking of yourselves as Rulers as well...
We're all here in this "dark" area of the galaxy approaching a wonderful phenomenon many
aliens call the Manasic Belt or Photon Light Belt. Your soul can "TAKE IT"...
Many novice spiritual seekers know that intellectually but now try to feel it completely in your
heart. Others will be there to guide you. At least to give you a smile after the dark period ends
- and you'll find that many of you exist in an Astral/Light Body that can travel all over the
cosmos without need of a spaceship, travel back and forth through time and, to top it off, you
can be a ruler of however many planets you desire before pissing off too many other Gods.
We've all been brave & dedicated to live through this world of darkness. Supposedly it was for
a purpose that we lived in this area for "research" and now we can live bathed in this photon
“fuel” which makes it very easy for our spaceships to travel long-distances and also very easy
for our soul to explore the galaxy.
These aliens took a look at our situation & realized it's a planet in distress. Just last month an
Iranian woman took her husband to court pleading that they order to her husband to "only beat
her once a week instead of every night. " The judge proceeded to order the man to stop
beating her altogether.
Our planetary leap in evolution will be helped by the Sumerians as well as the Earth's DNAwielding Fathers from the Sky (E L O H I M - the almond-shaped eyed, Angel race with
technology that's baffling. By "angels" I mean seriously; they've created a unique marriage of
science & spiritualism (with evidence we have that that they still meditate and clear their
minds... and can heal or save a dying world if they get their act together and stop their
hedonistic tendencies. They also have the power to blow up a sinister lizard-inhabited worlds if
need be. This is what happened in the past as well as my order to ignite the nukes hovering
over Neptune we had in orbit. I said it was "magic" when we destroyed the Draconian
homeland but it was really my power to control the military might in 3D here on Earth & stop
these lizards and their Illuminati from raping our Earth any more.
That's COLD LIGHT that we'll be entering -- it won't burn. It WILL get cold here except for
around the equator so consider moving 6 years down the road (down south) or join my
Empire's Paradiscial Realm we will be creating down in Polynesia when I purchase hundreds
of islands for my disciples to party & enjoy. All renewable and recyling technologies so no
harm will be done to the environment. I want to stay in the States now. Before I move to the
tropics I want to cure more cancer & aids. I'm also busy with plans for the Elohim embassy
now & haveve given a few plots of land to these star traveling saviours. The only rerason I go
as far as to say saviours is because, what the fuck, this ridiculous world was on a crash
course for disaster.
The free masons are so fuckin' deep in the U.N. as well as wierd fuckers from the Skull &
Bones clan (that Bush has been a member of) who threaten blacks & native americans -- and
there's other politicians who support the ku klux clan. The Illuminati also has ties with officials
in the United Nations. I'm here to tell you this system was gonna crash on it's own - but I'm
here to make the crash less harsh & consider taking that internet vote about (1) Should we
move with this "one currency" situation soon (2)Should North & South America unite into one
land as an experimental union to prepare for a massive southern migration before this 2012
Remember, I'll consider making my reign here on Earth shortened to 4 years so I can become
a divine Archon Shaman for the next decade to prepare everyone for entering Heaven ..
.... Only if you humans can do one thing: unite with 1 world currency. That's a way of saying
O.K. Adam we got it from here .. then it will be time for the tournaments to begin for the next
World Leader.
So, the current U.S. President shouldn't get involved with negotiations with these superevolved visitors from the sky .. especially, if he's not big enough to admit the Middle East was
for profit. We all know the part about Terror or the War On Terror was a failure (also for our
economy but let's not forget the many people who were killed) Then see Bush Senior, Bush
Jr. with some Saudis in Michael Moore's movie living it up while raping the U.S.) {I}will
negotiate peace for our planet because we can't even begin to fathom the technology of our
visitors -- which superceeds humans by +40,000 years (Elohim) and rumors of up to a billion
years ahead (The Mantis species).
Listen to me, there's no need to stay here in the 3D realm. Don't laugh too hard if members of
the Illuminati & Free Masons try to leave the planet with their tails between their legs.. they will
still get what's coming to them for their systematic killing & murdering here on Earth. Some of
them are thinking I'm lying and the Earth will end because I'm Satan...However, I'm a changed
Archon and will die a 1000 times over to save this civilization and help all humans of Earth
reach heaven. The Illuminati don't want to lose their precious power here on earth and are
actually taking it rather well. They're wicked but their smart enough to know when the power is
in my hands & I have built an alliance greater than their slimy lizard masters can ever hope
The Illuminati & the Freemasons see the evidence that a Photon Belt will be engulfing the
Earth but are still skeptical. They're obviously not happy that I call the shots now and that the
planet THAT THEY RUINED will be filled with Gods, Angels & Devils that have no room for
weasels, snitches, killers & racist cults.
I will personally send them to hell realms for their systematic killing
(one of the few perks of being a master shaman).
I'm trying to be an understanding & compassionate Leader but I no longer have time for the
of the Feds now. Mainly I'm mad because they tapped my home and dared to talk "into" the
brainwave device they had implanted in my head. It bad enough to "listen" to someones
brainwaves by implanting a device to translate brainwaves into audio sounds - but to try to talk
into the device to control my mind…that’s when I got pissed.
Yes, psychic attacks are illegal (it may already be included in one of America's laws but I
wanted to make it clear that that it will become illegal worldwide.) Yes, you can murder & heal
through long-distance interactions. You'll be traced by my Shaman & the Elohim Angels
ending your ability to use any magick or maybe even jail you. We will end your ability to use
magick or astral travel (or function properly in your social life for that matter) with any further
attempts to attack me or fellow humans -- except when used in self-defense.
Later, with further offences you'll be stopped by nailing a spike through your pineal gland. It
stops human magic but there are still sorcerers who can get around that. There are new
machines for electrical magic, psionics & radionics and we'll eventually need laws control the
use of these magick electrical devices. These new machines no longer require someone to
need a chicken or goat for sacrifice with their spell or incantation - the machine is calibrated by
you and plugged in for the spell's benevolent or malevolent effects to take place. So, be
careful, I want you all to evolve as much as possible but don't get tempted by the mind-control
power or killing/disease-causing magick.. or you'll receive puishment. Whether it's in the form
of a bad trip, bad dream, jail, hell or my World Army is for me to decide. There won't be a draft
for the World Army, Navy or Air Force because we already have so much protection from the
highly-evolved aliens (Sumerians, Elohim, Plaedians & about 15 others that are not interested
in attacking us. This is a good opportunity while they watch the skies because we need to
concentrate on the internal dimensions of the 4th, 5th, 6th etc.
--D R A G O N
03/11/04 05:51 AM
The brilliant scientist Carl Sagan's books & videos had amazing ideas concerning entities that,
if they lived on Jupiter or other large planets like Saturn, would be very massive & advanced.
For Jupiter, he hypothesized these city-sized organisms that would look somewhat like a giant
jelly fish that could ride the tides of the massive atmospheric forces on the proto-sun (star).
It's not too much of a stretch to believe there are large serpents capable of living there. Many
planets have a modicum of species - -very similar entities to Carl Sagan's city-sized, jellyfish
looking entities may also live on Jupiter now as well . The super-intelligent entities, the
"Dragons of the Depths" I was talking about from Jupiter named the Dak Zhin, could've even
changed the atmosphere to their liking on Jupiter. Their technology is vastly superior and they
are becoming our allies instead of our masters for us to enjoy the vibrant and powerful energy
of photon light - which has already begun to raise our energy level here.
03/11/04 07:02 AM
Chi Kung (Energy Work)
In addition to developing mental abilities, meditation enables us to link our mind with the
Universal Mind, so that we can tap into the limitless wisdom of the cosmos. Inspiration, insight
and creativity are enhanced. Indeed, all the great works of art, science and philosophy were
produced in a meditative state of mind.
In Taoist chi kung terminology, the advanced stage of chi kung attainment is called "training of
the spirit to return to the cosmos". It means that our spirit is so pure and well developed that
we, in our spirit, have liberated ourselves from our personal, individualized limitations and that
we are no longer restricted by the everyday constructs of time and space. This is the Taoist
attainment of immortality! But long before this spiritual fulfilment, the adept would have
developed many special extraordinary abilites.
06/11/04 04:44 AM
Never doubt that a small group of thoughtful,
committed citizens can change the world;
indeed, it is the only thing that ever does.
-Margaret Mead,
American Anthropologist
Corporations have been taking over countries more than people care to think. A good way to
combat sweatshops is by investing in companies in the National Green Pages that is provided
by Co-op America. By becoming aware of the companies that don't promote sweatshops and
white-collar crimes we can even work the economy to make this planet more stable &
harmonious. Through these Green Pages, you can buy socially responsible products from
"green businesses" to help invest in healthy community development ..boycott corporate
criminals .. and change the way America does business. Hopefully more international "green
pages" will pop up but this is a good start.
These 50,000 Co-op America members are using their buying power to create a more just
and sustainable society. So, if you feel like you have no choice but to buy vegetables grown
with poison or clothing made in sweatshops please consider this reference of good
businesses. Because today, "business as usual" at too many corporations still means polluting
our air and water - and exploiting women, minorities and children.
06/11/04 05:16 AM
Understanding and compassion are very powerful sources of energy. They are the opposite of
stupidity and passivity. If you think that compassion is passive, weak, or cowardly, then you
don’t know what real understanding and compassion is. If you think that compassionate
people do not resist and challenge injustice, you are wrong. They are warriors, heroes, and
heroines who have gained many victories.
When you act with compassion, with non-violence, when you act on the basis of non-duality,
you have to be very strong…compassion grows constantly inside of you, and you can succeed
in your fight against injustice. Mahatma Gandhi was just one person. He did not have any
bombs, any guns, or any political party. He acted simply on the insight of non-duality, the
strength of compassion, not on the basis of anger.
Human beings are not our enemy. Our enemy is not the other person. Our enemy is the
violence, ignorance, and the injustice in us and in the other person. When we are armed with
compassion and understanding, we fight not against other people, but against the tendency to
invade, to dominate and to exploit. We don’t want to kill others, but we will not let them
dominate and exploit us or other people. You have to protect yourself.
Being compassionate does not mean allowing other people to do violence to themselves or to
you. Being compassionate means being intelligent. Non-violent action that springs from love
can only be intelligent action.
07/11/04 03:58 AM
I speak of innumerable worlds in different dimensions - there may even be many worlds very
like, or just like ours - and several modern astrophysicists have developed theories about the
existence of parallel universes.
Looking at the world around us, and into our own minds, we can see that the six realms
definitly do exist. They exist in the way we unconsciously allow our negative emotions to
project and crystallize entire realms around us, and to define the style, form, flavor and context
of our life in those realms. And they also exist inwardly as the different seeds and tendencies
of the various negative emotions within our psycho-physical system, always ready to
germinate and grow, depending on what influences them and how we choose to live.
The quality of life in the realm of the gods may look superior to our own, yet the masters tell us
that human life is infinitly more valuable. Why? Because the very fact that we have the
awareness and intelligence that are the raw materials for enlightenment, and because the very
suffering that pervades this human realm is itself the spur to spiritual transformation. Pain,
grief, loss and ceaseless frustration of every kind are therew for a real purpose: to wake us
up, to enable and almost force us to break out out of the cycle of samsara and so release our
imprisoned splendor!
07/11/04 04:48 AM
Excess photons are being emitted from the center of our galaxy. Our solar system enters this
area of the galaxy every 11,000 years and stays in this band of space for 2000 years. This
band is described as a cloud of photons at a 90 degree right angle to our solar system's
Horizontal Orbit.
Stanley, and other writers including astronomer Otto Hesse, Sir Edmund Halley, and Shirley
Kemp, link the entry into the photon belt with an age old speculation that we are the eighth star
in the Pleiadian sytem of stars. This is further confirmed by the Billy Meier contacts with
Pleiadian space beings.
There is very compelling research concerning "Los Calendarios Mayas Y Hunab K'U" by
Mayan astronomer/astrologer Hunbatz Men who decoded much of the 17 Mayan calenders.
Of these, the calender "Calendario edel Tzek'eb o Pleyades" describes the timing and
meaning of our Sun's orbit around the central star of the Pleiades, which is Alcyone.
According to this, our Sun has 26,000 year cycle around Alcyon and each one of these great
cycles is equivilant to one of the Ages of Sun in the Aztec calender. We will complete a 26,000
year cycle according to the calender in December of 2012. We will also be completing a larger
104,000 year cycle and begin "El Quinto Sol". In this cycle, those who stay will become a
cosmic humanity and contact with other worlds will be easy.
(old hand)
07/11/04 06:00 AM
zorbman said:
Does anyone think this is actually possible? Will there ever be a time when peace,
understanding, and tolerance will reign on the planet or is it all just a pipe dream?
We live in the world.
The world is real; perfection is immaginary.
The world is unique; there are as many perfectinos as there are people, and more.
The world does not and will never match our notions of what should be.
09/11/04 02:05 AM
Master Vajrasattva
These statements are mostly from your World Leader's (ADAM'S) heart - but I keep Master
Vajrasattva's name at the top always because he guides me in some posts to help us reach
perfection; or as close as we can get.
The power of a deeply wise Demi-God (ADAM aka Satan's reincarnation) and the God of
Karma VAJRASATTVA resounds through the galaxies! This following little quote helped to
calm my massive destructive shamanic
power when the U.S. government was getting killed one-by-one when I was pissed off.
I hold my face in my two hands
Two hands protecting,
Two hands nourishing,
Two hands preventing
my soul from leaving me
in anger.
This was written after Thich Nhat Hanh heard about the
bombing of Ben Tre and the comment made by an American
military man, “We had to destroy the town in order to save it.”
As the Dalai Lama says, Thich Nhat Hanh “shows us the connection between personal,
inner peace, and peace on Earth.
Lastly, this brought me some solace the other day concerning how to properly run a global
A disciple asked Confucius about government.
Confucius said, “See to it that there is enough food, enough arms, and the trust of the people
in government.”
The disciple asked, “If one of these unavoidably had to be omitted, which of the three would
be first?”
Confucius said, “Omit arms.”
The disciple asked, “If one of the remaining two unavoidably had to be omitted, which would
go first?”
Confucius said, “Omit food. Since ancient times people have died, but nothing can be
established without the trust of the people.”
PLS keep in mind food will not run out here on Earth with our modern farming; but I just
wanted to make the important point that I care about earning the trust of the People.
11/11/04 04:32 PM
Master Vajrasattva
As she stood in front of her 5th grade class on the very first day of school, she told the
children an untruth. Like most teachers, she looked at her students and said that she loved
them all the same. However, that was impossible, because there in the front row, slumped in
his seat, was a little boy named Teddy.
Mrs. Thompson noticed that he did not play well with the other children, that his clothes were
messy and that he constantly needed a bath. In addition, Teddy could be unpleasant. It got to
the point where Mrs. Thompson would actually take delight in marking his papers with a broad
red pen, making bold X's and then putting a big "F" at the top of his papers.
At the school where Mrs. Thompson taught, she was required to review each child's past
records and she put Teddy's off until last. However, when she reviewed his file, she was in for
a surprise.
Teddy's first grade teacher wrote, "Teddy is a bright child with a ready laugh. He does his work
neatly and has
good manners.... he is a joy to be around.."
His second grade teacher wrote, "Teddy is an excellent student, well liked by his classmates,
but he is troubled because his mother has a terminal illness and life at home must be a
His third grade teacher wrote, "His mother's death has been hard on him. He tries to do his
best, but his father doesn't show much interest and his home life will soon affect him if some
steps aren't taken."
Teddy's fourth grade teacher wrote, "Teddy is withdrawn and doesn't show much interest in
school. He doesn't have many friends and he sometimes sleeps in class."
By now, Mrs. Thompson realized the problem and she was ashamed of herself. She felt even
worse when her students brought her Christmas presents, wrapped in beautiful ribbons and
bright paper, except for Teddy's. His present was clumsily wrapped in the heavy, brown paper
that he got from a grocery bag. Mrs. Thompson took pains to open it in the middle of the other
presents. Some of the children started to laugh when she found a rhinestone bracelet with
some of the stones missing, and a bottle that was one-quarter full of perfume.. But she stifled
the children's laughter when she exclaimed how pretty the bracelet was, putting it on, and
dabbing some of the perfume on her wrist.
Teddy Stoddard stayed after school that day just long enough to say, "Mrs. Thompson, today
you smelled just like my Mom used to." After the children left, she cried for at least an hour.
On that very day, she quit teaching reading, writing and arithmetic. Instead, she began to
teach children.
12/11/04 02:22 AM
Master Vajrasattva
We practice in such a way that Buddha is born every moment of our daily life, that Jesus
Christ is born every moment of our daily life.
The wise tell us how important adoration of the gods is. So we kneel before altars, give
offerings, and make sacrifices. In our meditations, we are taught to see gods within ourselves
& to make supplications to receive power and knowledge. This we do w/great sincerity, until
the masters then say there are no gods. Then we are confused.
The statue on the altar is mere wood & gold leaf, but our need to be reverent is real. The god
within may be nothing but visualization, but our need for concentration is real. The attributes of
heaven are utopian conjectures, but the essense of these parables is real. The gods, then,
represent certain philosophies & extraordinary facets of the human mind. When we devote
ourselves to gods, we establish communication with these deeper aspects.
The thought that we are worshiping symbolism may make us uncomfortable. We are
educated to accept only the tangible, the scientific, and the material. We doubt the efficicacy
of adoring the merely symbolic, and we are confused when such reverence brings about
genuine personal transformation. But worship does affect our feelings & thoughts. When the
wise say that there are no gods, they mean that the key to understanding all things is within
ourselves. External worship is merely a means to point within to the true source of salvation.
13/11/04 01:08 AM
Master Vajrasattva
As my teacher of Bagua martial arts ("eight direction" fighting & philosophy of the I-Ching) tells
me: "The universe is always moving .. therefore, we must always keep moving to avoid getting
sick - - also this pertains to our internal organs & fluids, humors & orgone (chi, prana,
bioelectric energy) - - to keep them always flowing & unblocked. Similar to how a fast moving
river doesn't stagnate and often has clear water as opposed to swamps where algae & other
bacteria can grow. Inside the human body, the very same thing happens when blood or
energy stagnate: bacteria and other pathogens can easily proliferate as well as cancerous
cells not getting the proper oxygen & nutrients to become well again.
Another thing he taught me, which is of timeless importance, is move 3 things always and
you'll never get cancer or get sick at all: Move your breath, Move your body & Move your
bowels. Many diseases originate in the gut & it's an important "garden" & source of spiritual
power for both martial & healing purposes.
As the mind journeys to the advanced level, it reaches altered states of consciousness and
experiences different perceptions of reality. In this advanced chi kung (energy work) state of
mind, the mind transcends time and space, and may even shuttle between energy and matter.
Hence it can perform feats that ordinary minds cannot, and which lay people, depending on
their attitude, refer to as miracles or fakery.
Psychic powers and other special extraordinary abilities, such as clairvoyance, prediction,
psychokinesis, distant healing and astral travel are possible. The great chi kung master of
China, Yan Xin, could change the molecular structure of various liquids 2,000 kilometers
away! It is understandable that most people would dismiss these cases as impossible, yet Yan
Xin's experiments were carried out under the strict supervision of China's top scientists.
The highest stage of meditation is the divine level, where a person accomplishes his greatest
achievement, and where, as described above, the great teachers of the various religions
attained their union with the Divine. Because of historical, linguistic and cultural differences,
this spiritual fulfilment is described in different terms by people of different cultures. Muslims
call it the return to Allah; Hindus, the union of atman with Brahman; Taoists, the unity with the
cosmos; Buddhists, the attainment of nirvana or Buddhahood.
13/11/04 01:29 AM
Master Vajrasattva
Looking at the world around us, and into our own minds, we can see that the six realms
definitly do exist {{hell realms, hungry ghosts, animal, human, demi-god and blissful god
realms}}. They exist in the way we unconsciously allow our negative emotions to project and
crystallize entire realms around us, and to define the style, form, flavor and context of our life
in those realms. And they also exist inwardly as the different seeds and tendencies of the
various negative emotions within our psycho-physical system, always ready to germinate and
grow, depending on what influences them and how we choose to live.
The quality of life in the realm of the gods may look superior to our own, yet the masters tell us
that human life is infinitly more valuable. Why? Because the very fact that we have the
awareness and intelligence that are the raw materials for enlightenment, and because the very
suffering that pervades this human realm is itself the spur to spiritual transformation. Pain,
grief, loss and ceaseless frustration of every kind are therew for a real purpose: to wake us
up, to enable and almost force us to break out out of the cycle of samsara and so release our
imprisoned splendor!
(i'm left. you all can bite me)
13/11/04 01:41 AM
Re: Master Vajrasattva
there are actually 7 "realms" see you forgot about the jesus intention realm. in your schema
this one would be between the human realm and demi-god realm.
13/11/04 05:52 PM
Master Vajrasattva
Sounds cool! I'm also open to believe that an entity "ENSOULS" the photon belt we'll be
entering (energy dubbed Christed Energies). So, my utmost respect goes to Jesus. I'm now
just a humble Shaman King of the Humans.
The skirmishes going on in the Middle East are sadly similar to a "gang" war when, over time,
it's sometimes forgotten who struck first...
You’ll see the King of the Elohim (Yahweh) and the King of the Humans (Adam) forcefully end
the occupation of the U.S. in the Middle East. I’ve managed to change the mind of our creator
race’s leader Yahweh – convincing him that there are many geologic hotspots w/power to
build temples on. He originally was in support of Christians taking over Jerusalem or whatever.
We’ll still be able to properly welcome the 2nd coming of Jesus Christ at other sacred places.
It’s time to give the land back to it’s aborigines.
Info to help end the War on Drugs
In today's society it’s become taboo to present the expansion of consciousness by the use of
drugs/plants in a positive light. While I have nothing positive to say about heroin, highly refined
Coca leaf (coke, crack), or amphetamines (crank), I feel that a blanket assessment of all
drugs as being DIRTY is not only unfair, but a classic case of dis-information. Plants are not
refined drugs, and, unlike refined drugs, human culture has indeed evolved in a close
symbiotic relationship with sacred plants. A war on traditional sacred plants is a war on
traditional tribal human culture, as any Native American, or Native African, can tell you. The
political implications are obvious.
PLS read original if you want at http://www.shamanshop.net/mushrooms7.htm (GREAT PICS)
The fact is, there are many plants that have been known to expand consciousness, increase
awareness of self, and initiate one into the nature of spirituality. Thousands of PhD. professors
all over the world (in fields such as botany, ethnobotany, entheobotany, archaeology,
anthropology, philology, philosophy, psychology, as well as a plethora of other inter-related
fields) have written thousands of books/papers on the investigation and study of psychedelic
For millions of years on our planet, humanity has been involved in a symbiotic relationship with
plants. Not only have plants supplied mankind with a never ending food-source, the necessary
nourishment for our bodies and life itself, but they have also served us in another way: an
extremely important and intricate one, yet an often overlooked one. I am referring to those
plants which, traditionally, have been known to pharmacologically expand human
consciousness into the mystical/spiritual states.
The study of these plants is called "Entheobotany", or "Ethnobotany". A sub-field (of this
study), known as "Ethnomycology" is specifically dedicated to mushrooms which have
consciousness expanding qualities, and therefore deep roots imbedded in the religious
traditions, writings and indigenous knowledge of mankind. The term, "Ethnomycology" was
coined by its father, the late Gordon Wasson. This line of study is constantly expanding as
more and more correlations come to light regarding the usage of mushrooms in a particular
culture or religion.
The experience attained by the Entheogenic [En(in)theo(God)gen(generation)] use of this
mushroom is extremely valuable, yet the rules for experimentation of this type are unforgiving.
NEVER eat ANY mushroom, unless you are absolutely certain that it is the one you want.
VERIFY its identification with an expert mycologist. This is not a recreational experience. The
Shamanic "DEATH (and REBIRTH) EXPERIENCE" is called that for a very good reason (it is,
what it is). When experimenting with entheogenic mushrooms, always have a few friends
along (as monitors) in case you need to be assured that you are not dying. RESEARCH this
before experimenting. Plan a full day for your experience. This is not a scheduled substance responsible and careful use will keep it that way. BE SMART, Ever onward… Most of all,
13/11/04 06:07 PM
14/11/04 03:21 AM
Master Vajrasattva
A very important medical concept that allopathic medicine has yet to understand concerns
“Winds.” We’re not just talking about the wind your grandpa rips in his special chair.
If you’re unfamiliar with Taoist concepts about the body, mind and spirit – then let me clue you
in on the most powerful and cost efficient style of healing on our planet… at least until we get
more “healing machines” from the Elohim aliens.
There’s an invisible energy called Chi that powers the body. Many refer to it as bioelectric
energy in the West or “orgone.” Another important aspect of the Taoist understanding of the
human body is that “changes or blockages in the organs can generate varying emotions.” 3rd:
Pulses in the wrist can reveal the condition of the internal organs. Lastly, there are winds
circulating inside your body, affecting your health and emotional life. These winds are created
inside and outside of the body. The idea of outside winds affecting us is not as foreign as you
may think. The people of Southern California dread the late summer arrival of the “Santa Ana
winds,” which arise in the desert and are felt to be the cause of accidents and psychological
problems. The serenity of people living in many valleys of Switzerland is often disturbed by the
annual arrival of strange winds that descend on peaceful valleys.
Wind is Chi that can enter from the exterior of the body or can arise in the interior of the body.
Winds enter and exit through the navel, back of the head, forearms and lower legs. Good wind
is Chi that is healthy and good for you. The ancient Taoists identified unhealthy, abnormal,
and foul winds as winds that are pathological and perverse and called them evil winds. Evil
winds become trapped as toxins, blockages, and energy that can’t move. Chi composes these
winds, and when they are expelled from the body, the Chi becomes healthy again. The Chi
itself is good, but it is in a bad situation. It is like having a room in your home that normally is
full of good air, but if there is a dead fish or dead mouse in that room, then the air becomes
unbearable and foul. Remove the offending cause, open the windows, and the air becomes
pleasant again.
Nature’s winds arise from a difference in atmospheric pressure that moves the air from low
pressure regions to high pressure regions, and by differences in temperature which move the
wind from cold to hot regions. (Who can control them? Sometimes even the Gods have
trouble with that.)
Within the body there are different pressures as well. They arise at places of congestion,
hyperactivity, obstructions, and movements. Different temperatures arise in hyper (high) and
hypo (low) activity areas. The bodies internal organs thrive at different temperatures and
moistures: When the body is balanced the heart is hot, the kidneys are cold, the lungs are
cool and dry, the liver is warm and moist, and the spleen is damp and warm. The mixture of
the “weather” in the body is pleasant. The organs maintain a homeostasis in the body by
balancing each other automatically. The conditions of the organs are rarely ideal, and the
organs are always going through different temperature changes. Such changes affect the
body’s “weather” and could cause winds or breezes to develop internally.
Winds carry toxicity out of the body. When winds exit the body often exist as burps, flatulence,
a yawn, or a pop in the joint. Sometimes, the wind gets trapped in the body and cause
hiccups, wandering pain, itching, fevers, pain in the joints, heaviness, sluggishness, cramps,
headaches, vertigo, and in extreme cases, gout, paralysis, and arthritis. Winds can cause the
hands and limbs to feel heavy and numb. Cramps are winds that are trapped around nerves,
pulling on them and causing pain. Winds also cause migraines, eye pains, kidney pains,
muscle pains, and poorly functioning organs.
Skin rashes are the clearest sign of wind problems. This can be a good sign, since it indicates
that the winds are leaving the body. However, they are having a difficult time exiting, and you
need to do more detoxification work. ~
I’m not forgetting how effective the emergency procedures are within allopathic medicine. If
my father had a heart attack, believe I’d have him in the nearest western hospital for
emergency heroic procedures. It’s the Eastern, Naturopathic, Complementary and Alternative
medical traditions that are superior for long-term chronic degenerative diseases and offer little
to no side-effects (not just symptom-management like Western medicine has devolved to,
trying to cover up the uncomfortable symptoms so you leave a partially satisfied customer.)
A very important study in medicine these days concerns blood type. It can point to how to eat,
exercise and even who’s a good spouse for you. A leading proponent of this field is a man
named Toshitaka Nomi. Although the Japanese sometimes take it to an extreme level, this
man has some amazing ideas and his book contains personality profiles – even right down to
what you should do for a living, whom you should marry etc…
When I talk about them taking it to extremes, the Japanese system of blood-type analysis
ketsu-eki-gata can sometimes take ominous undertones. Once you say, “Type A is this,” or
“Type B is that,” the unavoidable next step is to say, “Type B is superior,” or “Only a Type O
can be president.” Caste systems develop. A variation of this happens every day in Japan- for
example, when a company advertises that it is looking for Type Bs to fill middle management
Anyway, the study of blood types is a next step in evolution and can really help the human
race become healthy again. There’s a good middle path without fanaticism that we can really
reap the benefits from. For example, I eat according to my blood type and have become much
stronger. Type Os thrive on intense exercise and protein based (acidic) foods where the types
A and B thrive on vegetable and grains (high in starch – more alkaline) and less-intense
exercises like yoga and walking.
14/11/04 03:57 AM
Re: Master Vajrasattva
Succeeding at being my disciple can be easy -- or you can make it hard for yourself. You only
need to practice ONE exercise for me. To master it could take you until Dec. 22, 2012. This
prayer for the dying & the dead will cleanse your karma to give you a real chance to become
Gods & help others do the same.
You will practice this at least monthly and then move up to weekly & daily. At the time of the
2012 energy belt enveloping the Earth I will want all my disciples practicing this constantly:
Recite this aloud
Do not fear the Peaceful or Wrathful Deities
They are only manifestations of your innermost essence
Do not be attracted to the colored realms of reincarnation;
They only will lead to the 6 realms and more suffering: the hell realms,
hungry ghosts, animal, human, titan & god. We have been enduring
this cycle of reincarnation for thousands of lifetimes.
If you have just one good thought in the afterlife; whether its a spouse, a
child, family connection or a deep spiritual connection you can be reborn in
complete heaven & bliss.
-Pause for a moment if you want (try to establish a deep connection with
the ghost or spirit you're talking to) Oh, son or daughter of an enlightened family
You're more receptive to these teachings now than
I am!
Your clairvoyance and intellect is 9 times stronger than the
living. Do not fear the Wrathful or Peaceful Gods.
If you have just one good thought in the afterlife, you can
be reborn in a wonderful Buddha realm.
14/11/04 04:01 AM
Master Vajrasattva
Throughout history, many tribes/cultures have looked for leadership and insight to the local
Holy Man -- otherwise known as the Shaman, Healer, Priest, Mage, Sage, Yogi, Magician.
The insight these leaders possessed was largely due to their experience and understanding of
pharmacopeia (use of plants) and the insight offered by the use of these things.
The Spanish (Catholic) inquisition and witch hunts (the murdering of over eight million people,
tried as witches, and the stealing of their land and other properties done in the name of God
by the Church-government up until the 19th century) were prime examples of the power-driven
demonization of tribal values for the purpose of industrial enslavement. Also related to this
church jealousy and greed is the matter of millions of indigenous Central Americans murdered
(exterminated), bringing about the near extinction of the Aztec/Inca/Mayan peoples, AND the
all-to-similar fate of indigenous North Americans. The underlying agenda is the repression of
the knowledge of Entheogenic plants which, if it succeeded, would insure the people's loyalty
to established religion in all matters pertaining to God, primarily due to the inability of
experiencing God for, in, oneself. Since government and religion are the controllers of the
world, an independent Shaman/Priest/Mage/Magician/Prophet is a threat to their power.
There are three types of people in our cosmos: corporeal, like us, solid, human;
atmospherean, also solid to a point, but the molecular structure is quite different; ethereans,
no mass at all. When we enter the Photon Belt, a normal healthy person is expected to feel a
jolt similar to putting your finger in a live light socket, and the transformation will be complete -you will have just changed from a corporeal person to an atmospherean person ("and ye shall
be changed to immortality without the separation of death in the twinkling of an eye").
Theologians have written at great depth on Bible characters, and assert that they have lived in
this period of light. The sky and atmosphere was different and apparently it never rained.
(i'm left. you all can bite me)
14/11/04 04:01 AM
Re: Master Vajrasattva
Can you be more specific what this energy belt enveloping the Earth is supposedly going to
be? By the way I have no idea what the jesus intention realm is it was just something I made
up. I wasn't trying to be clever or anything I just wanted to know what you'd say.
14/11/04 07:49 AM
Master Vajrasattva
We're all here in this "dark" area of the galaxy approaching a wonderful phenomenon called
the Manasic Belt or Photon Light Belt. The energy here on Earth will jump from our 3dimensional reality to the 5th dimension. Your soul can "TAKE IT"...
Many novice spiritual seekers know that intellectually but now try to feel it completely in your
heart. Others will be there to guide you. At least to give you a smile after the dark period ends
- and you'll find that many of you exist in an Astral/Light Body that can travel all over the
cosmos without need of a spaceship, travel back and forth through time and, to top it off, you
can rule however many planets you desire before pissing off too many other Gods.
We've all been brave to live through this world of darkness. Supposedly, we volunteered for it
for research for God (others say we were condemned.) Anyway, it was for a purpose that we
lived in this area for "research" for a higher being & now we can live bathed in this photon
“fuel” which makes it very easy for our spaceships or travel long-distances and for our soul to
explore the galaxy.
These aliens took a look at our situation right & realized it's a planet in distress. Just last
month an Iranian woman took her husband to court pleading that they order to her husband to
"only beat her once a week instead of every night. " The judge proceeded to order the man to
stop beating her altogether.
Our planetary leap in evolution will be helped by the Sumerians as well as the Earth's DNAwielding Fathers from the Sky (E L O H I M - the almond-shaped eyed, Angel race with
technology that makes Rambo from the movies w/his AK-47 look like a caveman with a club.
By "angels" I mean seriously; they've created a unique marriage of science & spiritualism (with
evidence we have that that they still meditate and clear their minds... and can heal or save a
dying world if they get their act together and stop their hedonistic tendencies.
While I may be one of the last souls to accept a single entity as a creator of an entire universe
(part of this vast multi-verse,) I look forward to ruling with an iron-fist & waking you up. I want
exactly what many other humans on this planet want: an end to suffering and a chance for
heaven; or at least the 2,000 years of light and photon engine technology.
An omnipotent God does not exist
We were the ones who made all life on earth,
You mistook us for gods and distorted our teachings of love
We now reveal how to realise your potential and achieve global peace
- Yahweh
14/11/04 08:20 AM
Master Vajrasattva
Each day, hundreds of medical discoveries are published in internationally recognized
scientific journals. Only a few of these life saving findings are ever made available to patients.
The result is that people suffer and die while effective therapies already exist to alleviate or
cure their condition.
One reason for this travesty is that today’s physicians are overwhelmed with a crushing
burden of bureaucracy and patient load. Hurried doctors cannot possibly keep up with the
abundance of new information bursting out of the scientific arena.
Physician ignorance and apathy has created a hostile backlash that is motivating a growing
number of Americans to turn away from conventional medicine.
14/11/04 08:29 AM
Master Vajrasattva
There are mainly 3 types of entities in our cosmos: corporeal, like us humans & our alien
neighbors, solid;
atmospherean, also solid to a point, but the molecular structure is quite different;
ethereans, no mass at all.
When we enter the Photon Belt, a normal healthy person is expected to feel a jolt similar to
putting your finger in a live light socket, and the transformation will be complete -- you will
have just changed from a corporeal person to an atmospherean person ("and ye shall be
changed to immortality without the separation of death in the twinkling of an eye").
Theologians have written at great depth on Bible characters, and assert that they have lived in
this period of light.
14/11/04 11:46 PM
Master Vajrasattva
The Elohim aliens have evolved to a certain point with their advanced science. But, it was at
the cost of many of their lives as they turned into emotionless automatons and lost
compassion for their people and especially handicapped citizens. A blend of science and
spiritualism proves to be superior because these science-obsessed folk have lost any sense
of creativity and passion.
We don’t need all this “sophistication” in order to live in harmony with the universe, to evolve
to Gods of Light and be the envy of the most technologically advanced creatures from the
stars. Our involvement in society (as many wise sages call the world of dust) blinds us to this
fact. Knowing oneself, and the nature of the higher dimensions within oneself, will take you to
much higher levels of evolution than lasers, spaceships and computers can.
The Elohim and the automatons in the u.s. gov’t ignore the natural order of their world and
their own body/minds – closing themselves to the point that only war, drugs and sex are
stimulating enough. They lament that they are lost and alienated. Ironically, the answers are
right nearby. If you just go to the nearest tree and contemplate, you will easily see the secret
to natural living.
14/11/04 11:49 PM
Master Vajrasattva
A very important medical concept that allopathic medicine has yet to understand concerns
“Winds.” We’re not just talking about the wind your grandpa rips in his special chair.
If you’re unfamiliar with Taoist concepts about the body, mind and spirit – then let me clue you
in on the most powerful and cost efficient style of healing on our planet… at least until we get
more “healing machines” from the Elohim aliens.
There’s an invisible energy called Chi that powers the body. Many refer to it as bioelectric
energy in the West or “orgone.” Another important aspect of the Taoist understanding of the
human body is that “changes or blockages in the organs can generate varying emotions.” 3rd:
Pulses in the wrist can reveal the condition of the internal organs. Lastly, there are winds
circulating inside your body, affecting your health and emotional life. These winds are created
inside and outside of the body. The idea of outside winds affecting us is not as foreign as you
may think. The people of Southern California dread the late summer arrival of the “Santa Ana
winds,” which arise in the desert and are felt to be the cause of accidents and psychological
problems. The serenity of people living in many valleys of Switzerland is often disturbed by the
annual arrival of strange winds that descend on peaceful valleys.
Wind is Chi that can enter from the exterior of the body or can arise in the interior of the body.
Winds enter and exit through the navel, back of the head, forearms and lower legs. Good wind
is Chi that is healthy and good for you. The ancient Taoists identified unhealthy, abnormal,
and foul winds as winds that are pathological and perverse and called them evil winds. Evil
winds become trapped as toxins, blockages, and energy that can’t move. Chi composes these
winds, and when they are expelled from the body, the Chi becomes healthy again. The Chi
itself is good, but it is in a bad situation. It is like having a room in your home that normally is
full of good air, but if there is a dead fish or dead mouse in that room, then the air becomes
unbearable and foul. Remove the offending cause, open the windows, and the air becomes
pleasant again.
Nature’s winds arise from a difference in atmospheric pressure that moves the air from low
pressure regions to high pressure regions, and by differences in temperature which move the
wind from cold to hot regions. (Who can control them? Sometimes even the Gods have
trouble with that.)
Within the body there are different pressures as well. They arise at places of congestion,
hyperactivity, obstructions, and movements. Different temperatures arise in hyper (high) and
hypo (low) activity areas. The bodies internal organs thrive at different temperatures and
moistures: When the body is balanced the heart is hot, the kidneys are cold, the lungs are
cool and dry, the liver is warm and moist, and the spleen is damp and warm. The mixture of
the “weather” in the body is pleasant. The organs maintain a homeostasis in the body by
balancing each other automatically. The conditions of the organs are rarely ideal, and the
organs are always going through different temperature changes. Such changes affect the
body’s “weather” and could cause winds or breezes to develop internally.
Winds carry toxicity out of the body. When winds exit the body often exist as burps, flatulence,
a yawn, or a pop in the joint. Sometimes, the wind gets trapped in the body and cause
hiccups, wandering pain, itching, fevers, pain in the joints, heaviness, sluggishness, cramps,
headaches, vertigo, and in extreme cases, gout, paralysis, and arthritis. Winds can cause the
hands and limbs to feel heavy and numb. Cramps are winds that are trapped around nerves,
pulling on them and causing pain. Winds also cause migraines, eye pains, kidney pains,
muscle pains, and poorly functioning organs.
Skin rashes are the clearest sign of wind problems. This can be a good sign, since it indicates
that the winds are leaving the body. However, they are having a difficult time exiting, and you
need to do more detoxification work. ~
I’m not forgetting how effective the emergency procedures are within allopathic medicine. If
my father had a heart attack, believe I’d have him in the nearest western hospital for
emergency heroic procedures. It’s the Eastern, Naturopathic, Complementary and Alternative
medical traditions that are superior for long-term chronic degenerative diseases and offer little
to no side-effects (not just symptom-management like Western medicine has devolved to,
trying to cover up the uncomfortable symptoms so you leave a partially satisfied customer.)
A very important study in medicine these days concerns blood type. It can point to how to eat,
exercise and even who’s a good spouse for you. A leading proponent of this field is a man
named Toshitaka Nomi. Although the Japanese sometimes take it to an extreme level, this
man has some amazing ideas and his book contains personality profiles – even right down to
what you should do for a living, whom you should marry etc…
When I talk about them taking it to extremes, the Japanese system of blood-type analysis
ketsu-eki-gata can sometimes take ominous undertones. Once you say, “Type A is this,” or
“Type B is that,” the unavoidable next step is to say, “Type B is superior,” or “Only a Type O
can be president.” Caste systems develop. A variation of this happens every day in Japan- for
example, when a company advertises that it is looking for Type Bs to fill middle management
Anyway, the study of blood types is a next step in evolution and can really help the human
race become healthy again. There’s a good middle path without fanaticism that we can really
reap the benefits from. For example, I eat according to my blood type and have become much
stronger. Type Os thrive on intense exercise and protein based (acidic) foods where the types
A and B thrive on vegetable and grains (high in starch – more alkaline) and less-intense
exercises like yoga and walking.
14/11/04 11:50 PM
Master Vajrasattva
Falluja plunges into a humanitarian crisis
~The US gov’t is proving to be the biggest morons in the world yet again~
It gets to a point where anger is futile and I just pray that their hell realms won’t be too harsh
and too long to endure. We’d like to see you someday within our heavenly, cosmic civilization
after you absolve your karma.
Saturday 13 November 2004, 1:52 Makka Time, 22:52 GMT
Aid groups are awaiting US approval to deliver medicines
Aid agencies have called on US forces to allow them to deliver food,
medicine and water to Falluja's besieged citizens, calling the situation in
the city a big disaster.
The Iraqi Red Crescent Society, which receives support from foreign
agencies including the Red Cross and Unicef, said on Friday it had asked US
forces and Iraq's interim government to let them deliver relief goods to
Falluja and establish medical centres there.
But it had received no reply, it said.
"We call on the Iraqi government and US forces to allow us to do our
humanitarian duty to the innocent people," said Red Crescent
spokeswoman Firdus al-Ubadi.
"This is their responsibility," she said, adding that, judging by
reports received from refugees and pictures broadcast on television, Falluja
was a "big disaster".
(i'm left. you all can bite me)
14/11/04 11:58 PM
Re: Master Vajrasattva
What if the U.S. allows the aid workers in and loads of em get kidnapped by nutty Muslims.
Then the muslims get to say "hey either you piss off and leave us alone or we will saw these
people's heads off with big knives." They've been really doing that quite a bit, it's not just
15/11/04 01:00 AM
Master Vajrasattva
That reminds me of a plan backfiring when the US was actually trying to give aid in the Middle
East -- Afganistan I think it was. When we dropped food from high altitudes it crashed and
burst open causing contamination. To make it worse, the foods contained in the boxes were
these processed, nutritionally-empty junk foods that their digestive systems couldn't deal with.
They actually thought we were poisoning them. As an article writer of Loompanics.com
mentioned "One $50 bag of rice could have fed an entire family for a month." So, we should
really consider dropping rice instead of american junk food.
Yes, as you mentioned, there is a problem when warlords steal the food and medicines. Hmm,
does the U.S. military care? I've been trying to get them to see all this ridiculous fighting from
a new perspective.
15/11/04 01:03 AM
Master Vajrasattva
Knowing we’re in a “prison for angels” it seemed brilliant & hilarious when Jim DeKorne
mentioned this following view of our world:
“How many times a day do we say ‘God Damn’? It must be the most common epithet in the
English language – a phrase used so often we cannot see its ironic deeper meaning. Are we
truly damned by the gods to a cruel and demeaning servitude in return for an occasional
condescending stroke? Who feeds whom here?
…Maybe it’s time to reverse the order and damn the gods instead. Or at least grow up enough
to declare our independence from their authority. The only thing keeping us from freedom is
our belief that we need them to feed us.
If the imaginal realm is real, then it is time to begin making it conscious. No longer the arcane
pursuit of seers and mystics, the survival of our species may now depend on its capacity to
live in the unus mundus.”
Lastly, he closes the book with this awesome reflection: “It now seems possible, by the use of
the psychedelic tryptamines, to venture into the death state before we die to accustom
ourselves to that state. This is the path of the shaman and the spiritual warrior. At death, when
the transition is finally and irrevocably made, the psychedelic explorer will enter a realm he or
she knows from previous experience, and will, hopefully, not be swept away by fear and
ignorance.” Quote from Meyer, P. (1993) Discarnate entities induced by dimethyltryptamine
(DMT),” Psychedelic Monographs and Essays, No. 6
Please keep in mind I’m not suggesting anyone should try psychedelics. Any knowledgeable
Buddhist can tell you that these altered states of consciousness can be achieved through
meditation, dancing, drumming or other art forms.
(i'm left. you all can bite me)
15/11/04 01:10 AM
Re: Master Vajrasattva
spacedragon said:
Hmm, does the U.S. military care? I've been trying to get them to see all this ridiculous
fighting from a new perspective.
I'm not sure too many pentagon officials or field generals have been keeping up with The
Shroomery these days.
15/11/04 01:23 AM
Master Vajrasattva
You missed out on the last few months when I became World President. The FBI, Elohim
aliens, Mantis species, Sumerian aliens and the U.N. were monitoring me because I claim to
be Satan's reincarnation. My shamanic power through the imaginal realm is dangerous indeed
but I have allied myself with the God of Karma VAJRASATTVA and cleansed my karma to
love again as Satan used to be an Arch-angel.
Gold dawn disk edges purple cliffs.
Old woman bends to sweep temple steps.
She bathes each stone with loving care.
How many worshippers think of her work?
Any Taoist poems or philosophical words are either inspired by or direct quotes of my spiritual
master of The Way, Deng-Ming Tao.
I went at dawn to a magnificent temple. Its architecture was such a supreme expression of the
human spirit that it was a treasure. Generations of worshipers had left offerings at the shrine,
hundreds of monks had reached their enlightenment on the consecrated grounds, and
thousands had been blessed in life and in death in the venerable halls.
Yet my most moving observation was an old woman silently sweeping the steps. Her
concentration was perfect. Her devotion was palpable. Her thoroughness was complete. Her
uncelebrated act showed a true holy spirit.
Later in the day, wealthy people came to worship. Children with brightly colored toys ran over
the gray stones. The abbot walked to his ceremonies. Monks passed in silent prayer. Of all
who passed, how many were aware of the saintly service that had made their own devotion
When the Way is all we have to walk, those who prepare the way should be truly honored.
- from 365 TAO
15/11/04 01:30 AM
Master Vajrasattva
are hardly aware that he exists.
Next best is a leader who is loved.
Next, one who is feared.
The worst is one who is despised.
If you don't trust the people,
you make them untrustworthy
The Master doesn't talk, he acts.
When his work is done,
the people say, "Amazing:
we did it, all by ourselves!"
15/11/04 01:53 AM
Master Vajrasattva
Anyway, the u.s. gov't had been selling humans to aliens for some decades now.. and I had to
put a stop to it. I summoned the Elohim aliens to help me stop that space-trade. Jesus Christ
also received help from the Elohim alien race who created our human race with DNA science.
Jesus only walked on water with the use of a sophisticated anti-gravitational laser beam. Also,
Christ never mutiplied bread which would violate Newton's law that matter can neither be
created nor destroyed-- it turned out to be dehydrated food from the nearby Elohim alien
The u.s. president and his dirtbag father have been raping our country and selling it to the
saudis... so, my next project is to condemn them to a space colony on the moon.
15/11/04 02:15 AM
Master Vajrasattva
Wherever I decide to live in my life will become the capital of the world. I attempted to secure
power peacefully at first – because all I want now for the people of Earth is for everyone to get
an equal chance. We will eradicate an American empire with a president who’s mixing Church
and State - and feels that not only do you need to be a Christian to get into a heaven realm,
but you need to be a Born-Again Christian.
Although I talk a lot of religious beliefs, I invite everyone to look for themselves for a religion
that suits them best. I would never force any type of belief system or religion on another
human being (or alien for that matter – we need to start thinking of a community now even
larger then just a global community of Earth).
All civilizations reach a climax and then start to wane. Egypt, Greece, China & America are no
exception. America is on it’s way down from a climax. I’m not saying I will end the wonderful
cultures of these lands. I just feel it’s time for us to begin a new civilization – a World
Civilization. We need to unite as humans and work together by seeing ourselves as citizens of
Earth. The Europeans united their currency and that was a great way to establish easier trade
and unite the lands – even just in their hearts.
I’m a worthy leader because I put myself below the people & remain humble. Just like an
ocean that lays lower than the streams and rivers has all the water flow to it. You don’t
become a God, peaceful or wrathful, by being an idiot or not having a grasp at the essence of
the universe. I want to share my love, power & wisdom with you so we won’t be invaded by
aliens again.
16/11/04 03:24 AM
Master Vajrasattva
No, I'm not delusional about our cosmic neighbors & Bush Jr. being tied to the evil Illuminati.
You would need the scales that they weigh whales to measure the size of my fuckin’ Cajones
(balls.) I’m the King of all the humans… It’s as simple as that. I’m enlightened and although
I’m not as nice as Jesus and Siddhartha or Gandhi, I have a message to spread to the world.
Even in death my messages will continue to flow through the human race and the nearby
aliens who call me Master as well.
Your new Shaman King has arrived and we have no room on this planet for evil cults like the
Freemasons and the Illuminati. They were planning on taking over the world and putting the
power into the hands of very few while we all suffered and died (or a lot of the minorities) -=and they wouldn’t have cared.
There are many other brave fighters for this revolution & powerful demi-gods. Now, Adam
enters the scene. I will give power back to the people and prepare you for a planetary jump in
evolution. We are guided by the pantheon of Gods that rule Earth and nearby benevolent
aliens who understand that this photon band (really in the shape of a toroid – a fancy word for
donut) that will cause our world to enter the 5TH dimension. That’s a reality beyond even the
Kingdom of Archetypes (aka The Spirit World or 4th dimension).
Also, I remain balanced mentally & spiritually as a result of practicing Guru Yoga every day which is merging the mind with your spiritual master’s mind, Hatha Yoga -- as you know is the
art of physical postures -- Dream Yoga, which is great for lucid dreaming, and Sexual Yoga
which is self-explanatory. All of these are keeping me centered and my power rdy to destroy
all those standing in my way.
The quote I see around N. America says it all : BUSH ’04 Leave no child a dime. He’s a fuckin’
idiot and I’ve told him that.. and the FBI and CIA when they were monitoring me. Bush Jr. now
lets in tons of people from south-of–the-border for cheaper labor for the gov't to feed off of,
causing people in the U.S. to lose more jobs -- at the same time he’s pushing to outsource all
our tech-help jobs to India.
We need to think of some solutions. I’ll start with the free-energy plans I have & would be
willing to send to anyone that asks for free. Enough of these little gadgets (easily put together
from radio shack parts) will power your home for free. These plans are also given out at some
science websites. Also, there are many cheaper, efficient solar panels out in the market to cut
costs and live off the grid.
The airline terrorist act, that allows everyone's personal information opened to the feds, was
also found to be ineffective in fighting terrorism - but they're still going to enforce it for
everyone that takes a flight in the U.S. Soon it'll be more random wiretaps and searching
through private servers for no real reason but to be assholes & control us.
Many people have started to bridge the gap between races and ages through the use of the
Web. I have felt better since I stopped watching t.v. so much. The television system was
believed by the u.s. gov't and the elohim as a "central nervous system" for the species & it’s
currently poisoned in many countries. It didn't get the Elohim very far either. They still look for
sources of happiness outside of them, needing expensive elements & materials to fuel their
robots & houses that have changing floor art, colored plants that turn different colors etc &
other lame stuff that doesn't compare to what we see in hyperspace.
No, I don’t just make posts at this puke-colored site. Man, I need to change the skins. Anyone
who peruses ICQ.com will see me posting as AngelEyes. Also, the Dextroverse.org is the
bomb. Most of my subsidies to fight the war on drugs go to the best drug vault this side of the
spiral galaxy – EROWID.COM
16/11/04 05:48 AM
Master Vajrasattva
Hope is as hollow as fear.
What does it mean that hope is as hollow as fear?
Hope and fear are both phantoms
that arise from thinking of the self.
When we don't see the self as self,
what do we have to fear?
See the world as your self.
Have faith in the way things are.
Love the world as your self;
then you can care for all things.
Source made this post earlier in the thread and I think it’s really worth re-stating:
Money is power in this world and the power is consolidating into fewer and fewer hands. If we
want to see what is being done with this power just look at the state of the world and where it
is headed...not good. These are not benevolent people.
Those who are awake must wake the others. The way I see it, we are being tricked into being
co-creators of a version of reality that 'they' are pushing...a version of reality that is full of war,
poverty, fear and hate. We learn to believe that this world is the only possibility from the time
we are infants, and this learning is constantly reinforced via popular culture and media.
What most people have forgotten is just how powerful we really are ('know ye not? Ye are
gods' - Jesus). We create our own reality ('With your thoughts you create the world' - Buddha).
The revolution will be complete when enough of us have immagined a better world. Will
directs thought and thought creates reality. As you said, this revolution will not be fought
without war...it is being fought inside us all.”
Can you cleanse your inner vision
until you see nothing but light?
Can you love people and lead them
without imposing your will?
Can you deal with the most vital matters
by letting events take their course?
Can you step back from your own mind
and thus understand all things?
-Lao Tse (translation: Honorable old man or old teacher)
Quote: "Spacedragon, are they with you or against you my friend?"
Who knows or who cares anymore. What I mean is, I've started the World Gov't and waiting to
see if the American gov't will even try something again. I've been well received among the
people in the East.. Also, other countries in the UN have said "We'll crush you if you stop
Adam" but in nicer words than that. Some u.s. officials have been referring to me on the air:
it's just that originally they were referring to me as a certain "terrorist threat".
I wasn't fuckin' playing at one point _ I told them if they didn't take the gov't technology out of
my head I'd kill everyone of them & then started affecting things like an apparition in their
offices & homes.
They have "deals" with a certain intelligent species (praying mantis-looking, very evolved
aliens) and who knows which officials in the us gov't could be killed now because the Mantis
(who can monitor our politics) are listening & there could be repurcussions because I BROKE
OFF the deal-- there will be no more selling of humans.) I'm trying to wake everyone up & get
the clowns in the US gov't to attack me and martyr me - OR I'll beacon for the Mantis's to
come take me for research and start a new world on my DNA to feed off. I think if they're SO
advanced they can just create food from farming or use solar energy to be self-sufficient ...
SO, I think they're here for sport which sucks for us. Fuck em' If they want to see a God
unleashed (hopefully not pissed off this time)then they can come & try to kill me. I've talked to
them through hyperspace and they're not as barbaric and psycho as I thought. I mean I think
they're just "sampling" a new form of game to kill on this backwater planet ya know? We won't
be enslaved nor wiped-out -- Not even close.
The Tao is infinite, eternal.
Why is it eternal?
It was never born;
thus it can never die.
Why is it infinite?
It has no desires for itself;
thus it is present for all beings.
The Master stays behind;
that is why she is ahead.
She is detached from all things;
that is why she is one with them.
Because she has let go of herself,
she is perfectly fulfilled.
Hope is as hollow as fear!
What does it mean that hope is as hollow as fear?
Hope and fear are both phantoms
that arise from thinking of the self.
When we don't see the self as self,
what do we have to fear?
See the world as your self.
Have faith in the way things are.
Love the world as your self;
then you can care for all things.
16/11/04 08:57 AM
Re: Master Vajrasattva
You missed out on the last few months when I became World President. The FBI, Elohim
aliens, Mantis species, Sumerian aliens and the U.N. were monitoring me because I claim to
be Satan's reincarnation. My shamanic power through the imaginal realm is dangerous indeed
but I have allied myself with the God of Karma VAJRASATTVA and cleansed my karma to
love again as Satan used to be an Arch-angel.
must of missed the election too..and the past few months of the news aswell
18/11/04 05:48 AM
Master Vajrasattva
Screw an election - your pathetic prison world sucks and you needed a real spiritual leader. At
this point, I don't even care if you want me as leader or not. Try and stop me.
America’s beef is rotten and washington couldn’t care less
To start this tragic tale:
One of the U.S.D.A’s first actions after bush took
office (last disasterous term) was to halt the salmonella
testing of ground beef purchased for the national school
lunch program.
That disgusting Greeley slaughterhouse in the movie Fast Food Nation
had been producing meat tainted with E. Coli for nearly two years.
Eric Schlosser remarks:
My book Fast Food Nation describes how the centralization and industrialization
of our food system has accelerated the rise of food-borne illnesses, how the growing power of
fast-food chains and agribusinesses has thwarted effective government regulation, and how
federal agencies created to oversee these food companies have fallen under their control…
Since 2000, America’s agribusiness firms have donated more than $140 million to candidates
running for Congress and the presidency. Almost three-quarters of that money has gone to
Republicans. So far this year, the McDonald’s Corporation has given 77 percent of its political
donations to Republicans; the National Cattleman’s Beef Association, 81 percent; and the
National Restaurant Association, 90 percent. In return, critics say, the Bush administration and
the Republican majority in Congress have worked to serve these private interests at the
expense of public health.
18/11/04 05:55 AM
Master Vajrasattva
When Swami gets back from posting on other threads like:
"Hey, what do you guys think of Smurfette?" He'll be back here flaming and bitchin'...
It's amusing now. Don't worry, you guys will find me posting here less and less. And, for the
record, I only said I was Satan to stop the retarted Illuminati from killing me so I could go
through with this spiritual revolution all the way. Wake up people! Fuck capitalism, you can't
bring your dense material possessions to the 5TH dimension when the Ice Age hits in 7 years,
the magnetic polarity of the Earth switches, and there is a complete ingression of a new set of
universal laws.
(Mysterious Stranger)
18/11/04 06:34 AM
Re: Master Vajrasattva
You are a fraud. I am the leader of the world and I will command my legions to crush you and
all other incarnations of the dark side. Tempt not my flock with your bewitching tales meant to
divert them from the path of righteousness. Beware of the powers that you mock in your
insolence, I will summon many advanced races from 5th dimension wormholes to keep you
from enslaving my people with the mark of the beast. Check the lunar cycles on the calendar
in your evil lair, for your days are numbered, the end is nigh.
18/11/04 06:41 AM
Master Vajrasattva
Heheh what a loser. You're like from the wrong century dude.
I didn't even want the position of World Leader when the super-evolved aliens & the gods
offered it to me. The Illuminati & Free Masons have always been wicked assholes tied to
reptilian masters. Who cares about your 5th dimensional legions.
I want nothing more than to let the people know what's going on in this world and how the
Illuminati plans to take over the entire world.
I love how the mods are OK with the several death threats towards me on these boards. But,
they lock up my thread when I say something that's beyond their shroomy little existences.
18/11/04 06:49 AM
Master Vajrasattva
Haha, he said check the calendar in my evil lair. I live in a nice, pretty house in the suburbs
you chump. I'm not even Satan and would never side with a loser Wrathful Deity that the
Iluuminati makes sacrifices to. They steal American children and sacrifice them to fuckin'
Satan. I want nothing to do with the mark of your beast. If you're telling me to stop making fun
of your little club, the Free Masons and the Illuminati then your sorry ass wears the mark of
the beast. I've cleansed my karma in this human form (the only infallibility in this world :
karma) FUCK GOD. His sentence for us was too long. Peace out.
18/11/04 07:00 AM
Master Vajrasattva
America’s beef is rotten and washington couldn’t care less
To start this tragic tale:
One of the U.S.D.A’s first actions after bush took
office (last disasterous term) was to halt the salmonella
testing of ground beef purchased for the national school
lunch program.
That disgusting Greeley slaughterhouse in the movie Fast Food Nation
had been producing meat tainted with E. Coli for nearly two years.
Eric Schlosser remarks:
My book Fast Food Nation describes how the centralization and industrialization
of our food system has accelerated the rise of food-borne illnesses, how the growing power of
fast-food chains and agribusinesses has thwarted effective government regulation, and how
federal agencies created to oversee these food companies have fallen under their control…
Since 2000, America’s agribusiness firms have donated more than $140 million to candidates
running for Congress and the presidency. Almost three-quarters of that money has gone to
Republicans. So far this year, the McDonald’s Corporation has given 77 percent of its political
donations to Republicans; the National Cattleman’s Beef Association, 81 percent; and the
National Restaurant Association, 90 percent. In return, critics say, the Bush administration and
the Republican majority in Congress have worked to serve these private interests at the
expense of public health.
18/11/04 07:03 AM
Master Vajrasattva
And, for the record, I only said I was Satan to stop the retarted Illuminati from killing me so I
could go through with this spiritual revolution all the way. Wake up people! Fuck capitalism,
you can't bring your dense material possessions to the 5TH dimension when the Ice Age hits
in 7 years, the magnetic polarity of the Earth switches, and there is a complete ingression of a
new set of universal laws.
I base my observations in scientific fact - you go by some watered-down crap you heard from
the testaments which were hearsay in the first place. Damn, you don't even know that Yahweh
is the leader of the Elohim race of aliens who started us as a DNA-project. 2 other worlds just
like ours were inoculated with DNA.
18/11/04 07:06 AM
Re: Master Vajrasattva
so when all this shit doesn't happen in 7 years are you going to check yourself into a mental
18/11/04 07:06 AM
Master Vajrasattva
You have my word that I'll take some time to chill with Dr. Andrew Weil and take tons of
MDMA for psychotherapy; then over to Dr. Rick Strassman to take a few shots of DMT. After
that, I'll do the Kundalini blast and enter the 5th dimension myself to become an Archon for
ANY other world than this one!
We're here in this "dark" area of the galaxy approaching a wonderful phenomenon called the
Manasic Belt or Photon Light Belt. The energy here on Earth will jump from our 3-dimensional
reality to the 5th dimension. Your soul can "TAKE IT"...
Many novice spiritual seekers know that intellectually but now try to feel it completely in your
heart. Others will be there to guide you. At least to give you a smile after the dark period ends
- and you'll find that many of you exist in an Astral/Light Body that can travel all over the
cosmos without need of a spaceship, travel back and forth through time and, to top it off, you
can rule however many planets you desire before pissing off too many other Gods.
We've all been brave to live through this world of darkness. Supposedly, we volunteered for it
for research for God (others say we were condemned.) Anyway, it was for a purpose that we
lived in this area for "research" for a higher being & now we can live bathed in this photon
“fuel” which makes it very easy for our spaceships or travel long-distances and for our soul to
explore the galaxy.
These aliens took a look at our situation right & realized it's a planet in distress. Just last
month an Iranian woman took her husband to court pleading that they order to her husband to
"only beat her once a week instead of every night. " The judge proceeded to order the man to
stop beating her altogether.
Our planetary leap in evolution will be helped by the Sumerians as well as the Earth's DNAwielding Fathers from the Sky (E L O H I M - the almond-shaped eyed, Angel race with
technology that makes Rambo from the movies w/his AK-47 look like a caveman with a club.
By "angels" I mean seriously; they've created a unique marriage of science & spiritualism (with
evidence we have that that they still meditate and clear their minds... and can heal or save a
dying world if they get their act together and stop their hedonistic tendencies.
While I may be one of the last souls to accept a single entity as a creator of an entire universe
(part of this vast multi-verse,) I look forward to ruling with an iron-fist & waking you up. I want
exactly what many other humans on this planet want: an end to suffering and a chance for
heaven; or at least the 2,000 years of light and photon engine technology.
An omnipotent God does not exist
We were the ones who made all life on earth,
You mistook us for gods and distorted our teachings of love
We now reveal how to realise your potential and achieve global peace
- Yahweh
18/11/04 08:14 AM
Master Vajrasattva
Who are the Freemasons? Centuries old, they have penetrated every strata of the modern
world. Is there a conspiracy to establish a one-world ruling government headed by the
Masonic hierarchy? What have so many influential men found in Freemasonry that has made
them join despite opposition from church & state?
Masonic origins are cloaked in mystery & their ultimate purpose never disclosed. Go behind
the scenes of "The Craft" & uncover the world's oldest & largest secret evil society.
18/11/04 08:29 AM
Master Vajrasattva
Secret Societies of America's Decadent Elite
From the Son's of Liberty and the Masons to Skull and Bones, secret societies are said to
have played crucial roles in building the fortunes of America's most powerful families. These
covert societies continue to wield power today. These dark alliances have tremendous
influence on democracy, current events, and world history in the making. These hidden powerbrokers expand their wealth through evil means (i.e funding both sides of the war in the Middle
East) and use fear to influence and dominate the world.
But, don't take my word for it:
Will the World End in 2012 (No, as I've clarified -- we'll make a jump in evolution to a cosmic
civilization and these doomsday losers who say "the end is nigh" can go choke on a dick.)
However, we need to be prepared:
As predicted by ancient Egyptian and Maya texts and modern geological evidence, Earth will
soon reverse its magnetic field as it has every 10,000 years. The last field reversal caused an
Ice Age that brought the extinction of thousands of species and shifted entire continents
northward in a matter of days. Scientists contend that the reversal also caused the Great
Flood of Genesis and the destruction of Atlantis. The great astronomers of Atlantis predicted
thwe previous cataclysm and were able to escape to South America and Africa.
18/11/04 08:55 AM
Re: Master Vajrasattva
However, we need to be prepared:
As predicted by ancient Egyptian and Maya texts and modern geological evidence, Earth will
soon reverse its magnetic field as it has every 10,000 years.
it ain't going to happen by 2012 the last one that was predicted to happen was 780 000 years
scientists have found that it could happen in 1500 to 2000 years.
19/11/04 01:28 AM
Master Vajrasattva
The comp data from McKenna's books as well as the 7 Mayan calendars are more accurate
than your hunches. But, thx though. I wish it weren't so. Actually no, the 5th dimension will be
indescribably better than this dark 3D realm.
Understanding and compassion are very powerful sources of energy. They are the opposite of
stupidity and passivity. If you think that compassion is passive, weak, or cowardly, then you
don’t know what real understanding and compassion is. If you think that compassionate
people do not resist and challenge injustice, you are wrong. They are warriors, heroes, and
heroines who have gained many victories.
When you act with compassion, with non-violence, when you act on the basis of non-duality,
you have to be very strong…compassion grows constantly inside of you, and you can succeed
in your fight against injustice. Mahatma Gandhi was just one person. He did not have any
bombs, any guns, or any political party. He acted simply on the insight of non-duality, the
strength of compassion, not on the basis of anger.
Human beings are not our enemy. Our enemy is not the other person. Our enemy is the
violence, ignorance, and the injustice in us and in the other person. When we are armed with
compassion and understanding, we fight not against other people, but against the tendency to
invade, to dominate and to exploit. We don’t want to kill others, but we will not let them
dominate and exploit us or other people. You have to protect yourself.
Being compassionate does not mean allowing other people to do violence to themselves or to
you. Being compassionate means being intelligent. Non-violent action that springs from love
can only be intelligent action.
19/11/04 03:13 AM
Master Vajrasattva
This new pendulum I’ve bought is cool for foretelling the future – sheesh, even winning the
lottery ...just kidding about the latter idea because it’s illegal - or should be. It’s funny that it
can be done though.
Pendulums and dowsing rods were used by the U.S. military during the Vietnam conflict.
Underground land mines made life difficult for American commanders because of their
extreme danger to soldiers and the military’s inability to accurately detect them so they
eventually turned to divination. Marines at Quantico were successfully trained to locate
underground mines, ammunition dumps, enemy tunnels, and track enemy movements all
using the power of divination. Their accuracy was staggering according to a 1967 New York
Times article that was later reprinted by hundreds of large and small newspapers across
In 1959 during a demonstration for high-ranking naval officers using only a map and
pendulum, expert diviner Verne Cameron was able to determine the exact position of every
American naval submarine deployed throughout the world. The officials were astonished when
Cameron was then able to determine the exact position of every Russian submarine.
Cameron was apparently so highly skilled with the pendulum that it took him less than an hour
to locate all the American and Russian subs.
There are numerous reports of divination being used successfully by companies both large
and small and by many scientists throughout the world.. although discretely for finding ideal
drilling locations for oil wells, water wells, for finding ancient archeological sites, finding
missing persons, [important for stopping the Illuminati’s satanic child sacrifices] diagnosing
medical conditions, finding underground electric wires and pipes, and for various types of
mining operations. Many of the individuals who perform these divination services are quietly
paid hefty sums of money.
-From the Magic Power of Radionics, Psionics and Orgone
19/11/04 03:48 AM
Master Vajrasattva
What are the features of out-of-body (OB) vision?
In the late 1960s Charles Tart began the first laboratory tests with subjects who could have
OBE’s (out-of-body experiences) voluntarily. In addition to his physiological research he also
tested subjects’ ability to see a target hidden from their normal sight. His first subject, Miss Z.,
was tested in a laboratory where a target was placed on a shelf about five and a half feet
above the bed where she lay. The target was a five-digit number prepared in advance by Tart
and placed on the shelf. Miss. Z slept in the laboratory on four occasions. On the first she had
no OBE; one the second, she managed to get high enough to see the clock, and on the third
night she had an OBE but traveled elsewhere. However, on her fourth and last night she
awoke and reported that she had seen the number and it was 25132. She was right on all five
digits which was a probability of only one in 100,000 of being right by chance.
--From the literature I received with an Astral Projection Kit from Futurehorizons.net (also
came with a CD containing subliminal and non-subliminal instructions to explore the cosmos.)
However, many variables could have come into play during this laboratory research; and even
higher-dimensional entities or ghosts could have whispered the numbers in her ear or mind.
Who knows? Nothing in this study was truly definitive but I thought you might think it was
19/11/04 04:56 AM
Master Vajrasattva
CBS Report (Warning)
Keep a watch out for people standing near you in the checkout line at
retail stores, restaurants, grocery stores, etc who have a camera cell phone in hand.
With the camera cell phones, they can take a picture of your credit card, which gives them
your name, number, and expiration date. CBS reported this type of identification theft is one of
the fastest growing scams today.
(Joyfull Rebellion)
19/11/04 05:06 AM
Re: Master Vajrasattva
"I'm not even Satan "
well thats a relief.
ladies and gentlemen, straight from the horses mouth, space dragon is not satan.
rest easy
19/11/04 05:45 AM
Re: Master Vajrasattva
Now thats there's an openning, can I play the reincarnation of Santa, I mean Satan next?
(Mysterious Stranger)
19/11/04 06:14 AM
Re: Master Vajrasattva
You're quite touchy for someone so powerful, it must be because I wrote the truth. You are a
fraud, you are the leader of the Illuminati, you are the general carrying out the dark lords plan
to enslave the masses of humanity. Satan is the father of lies and you are his dearest son. It is
no coincidence that the thread now carries the label "Master Vajrasattva" which as written
here takes up 6+6+6 spaces and you are in control of this thread. You are unmasked for all to
welcome in this sanctuary of enlightment, go back demon, go back to your burning pools of
evil and lie to us no longer.
20/11/04 03:26 AM
Master Vajrasattva
I do get touchy when the Christians start making death threats on these boards. Haven't you
guys had enough from killing and enslaving millions of people on this planet? 8 million or so
just from the inquisition alone - now moving to billions on this planet.
No, I'm not the leader of the Illuminati although lately they've been asking me about being their
new leader...they feel like "if you can't beat em' -- join em" ..and I said FUCK OFF. I'd rather
cut off my own eyelids. I'm just a humble monk like the Dalai Lama. Adding up all your 6's is
getting boring to the intelligent humans. As Yahweh stated clearly, unless the pope becomes a
pauper and gives up all his jewelry and gold to walk among us and truly help - the alien creator
race of our planet (Elohim) will work to end your pathetic, violent religion.
20/11/04 03:27 AM
Master Vajrasattva
Terrorists like Osama Bin Laden & Bush Jr. look for a path TO peace – but the path IS peace!
“The course America has chosen since 9/11 has not made the world safer or more peaceful…
Only deep listening and gentle communication, he tells American leaders, can remove the
wrong perceptions that are the foundation of violence.”
“The only way for America to free itself from this situation is to help build the United Nations
into a real body of peace so that the United Nations will take over the problem of Iraq and of
the Middle East. America is powerful enough to make this happen. America should allow other
nations to contribute positively to building the United Nations into a true organization for peace
with enough with enough authority to do it’s job. To me, that is the only way out of our current
-Thich Nhat Hanh
A blanket assessment of all drugs as being DIRTY is not only unfair, but a classic case of disinformation. Plants are not refined drugs, and, unlike refined drugs, human culture has indeed
evolved in a close symbiotic relationship with sacred plants. A war on traditional sacred plants
is a war on traditional tribal human culture, as any Native American, or Native African, can tell
you. The political implications are obvious.
The fact is, there are many plants that have been known to expand consciousness, increase
awareness of self, and initiate one into the nature of spirituality. Thousands of PhD. professors
all over the world (in fields such as botany, ethnobotany, entheobotany, archaeology,
anthropology, philology, philosophy, psychology, as well as a plethora of other inter-related
fields) have written thousands of books/papers on the investigation and study of psychedelic
For millions of years on our planet, humanity has been involved in a symbiotic relationship with
plants. Not only have plants supplied mankind with a never ending food-source, the necessary
nourishment for our bodies and life itself, but they have also served us in another way: an
extremely important and intricate one, yet an often overlooked one. I am referring to those
plants which, traditionally, have been known to pharmacologically expand human
consciousness into the mystical/spiritual states.
The study of these plants is called "Entheobotany", or "Ethnobotany". A sub-field (of this
study), known as "Ethnomycology" is specifically dedicated to mushrooms which have
consciousness expanding qualities, and therefore deep roots imbedded in the religious
traditions, writings and indigenous knowledge of mankind. The term, "Ethnomycology" was
coined by its father, the late Gordon Wasson. This line of study is constantly expanding as
more and more correlations come to light regarding the usage of mushrooms in a particular
culture or religion.
The experience attained by the Entheogenic [En(in)theo(God)gen(generation)] use of the
Amanita Muscaria mushroom is extremely valuable, yet the rules for experimentation of this
type are unforgiving. NEVER eat ANY mushroom, unless you are absolutely certain that it is
the one you want. VERIFY its identification with an expert mycologist. This is not a
recreational experience. The Shamanic "DEATH (and REBIRTH) EXPERIENCE" is called that
for a very good reason (it is, what it is). When experimenting with entheogenic mushrooms,
always have a few friends along (as monitors) in case you need to be assured that you are not
dying. Research this before experimenting. Plan a full day for your experience. This is not a
scheduled substance - responsible and careful use will keep it that way.
20/11/04 03:52 AM
Master Vajrasattva
Let's move on. I'm writing the new scriptures and the Christian religion tried and failed screwing up the planet (simply because they got to the bigger guns first - that doesn't impress
anyone who has any intelligence.) Similar to a particular king in Hawaii who tried to unite all
the islands when he got his hands on several guns from the whites _ there is now a "blood"
river named after the battle because it ran with his own kin's blood for so long after the fight.
The islands were never the same after that.
Jesus should really be ashamed for tricking people and never telling them he was in cohorts
with the Elohim alien race to do his "magic" - I'm telling you straight, I have the ELOHIM
ALIENS by my side and they are providing seemingly miraculous protection because their
super-computers are amazing and they can thwart any punk-ass Christian crew before their
plans to attack me begin to take form. By the way, Jesus never cured lepers. There was a
long-distance laser beam used to fool people yet again from the nearby alien ship...similar to
how doctors today can operate over the telephone using computer-aided laser surgery. This
was just a surgery from the Elohim vessel using a laser and a telescope to see better.
Autonomous is merely confused like the Jews are as well - their true fathers are the Elohim
aliens. The Jews were chosen to be messengers of the aliens and are pretty intelligent folk they've just been lied to like we all have from those aliens "from the sky" ELOHIM. Now the
Elohim are here to help us and attain global peace. They were amused for a while that we
mistook them for gods. Maybe they simply don't like that the draconian lizards are ruining our
planet and enslaving our people through the Illuminati - or my summoning to them (usually
they talk to Claud Rael) meant something to them - our planet was heading towards ruin.
At first, a particularly powerful monk named Geshe Chekhawa taught TONGLEN (a Buddhist
practice for awakening loving compassion) to only a few close disciples, thinking that it would
only work for those who had great faith in it. Then he began to teach it to a group of lepers.
Leprosy at that time was common in Tibet, and ordinary doctors were unable to treat or cure it.
But many of the lepers who did Tonglen practice were cured. The news of this spread fast,
and other lepers flocked to his house, which began to seem like a hospital.
Still Geshe didn't teach Tonglen widely. It was only when he noticed the effect it had on his
brother that he began to give it out more publicly. Geshe Chekhawa's brother was an
inveterate skeptic, who derided all forms of spiritual practice. However, when he saw what
was happening to the lepers who were practicing Tonglen, this brother couldn't help but being
impressed and intrigued. One day he hid behind a door and listened to Geshe Chekhawa
teaching Tonglen, and then, in secret, started doing the practice on his own. When Geshe
Chekhawa noticed that his brother's hard character begin to soften, he guessed what had
If the practice could work on his brother, he thought, and transform him, then it could work on
and transform any other human being.
A deep practice in Tonglen:
Give all profit and gain to others
Take all loss and defeat on yourself
20/11/04 04:29 AM
Master Vajrasattva
Let's not lose the BIG PICTURE though. By bringing DNA molecules to this planet and 2 other
planets nearby for scientific experiments, the Elohim aliens thought they were playing
"God"...but the soul is that which animates the bodies of humans and animals -NOT a "computer program" as the Elohim scientists saw it. They believed in an existential
type of death of nothingness and blackness. It took Earth's shaman and reincarnations to
show them that we still have memories from past lives & some powerful monks tell their
brothers exactly where they will be reborn and they are found there as a reincarnation - also,
many monks have a tradition of setting items in the village or area they were planning on
reincarnating and then seek those items out from their own memory.
Now, this is where it gets interesting. The name G O D is as arbitrary as the name Bob or Jim
when you think about it. Other sentient beings in different parts of the multiverse quite possibly
have an entity that created the universe for them. So, in this neck of the woods when we
witness anyone of the higher dimensions with significant power we say is a "God." Here's what
I'm getting at: all the aliens from the sky and the beings down here on Earth WERE spawned
from one entity by the name of GOD. I have received visions from him myself. Some spiritual
men have been getting so mad at me because I talk of many of powerful deities & alliances.
However, all of the Elohim aliens, Mantis, Draconian Lizards, Plaedians and other sentient
beings in this "dark" part of the galaxy are brood of this creator of this branch of the
We'll soon rejoin the Light Beings in a cosmic civilization when we reach the Manasic Photon
Belt. We have been put in a "prison for angels" for 10,000 years and it is almost over. So, I'm
not being a heretic by saying there are aliens and we were not really created from "clay." Even
God claims the Christian religion has DEVOLVED to a point of disgrace. To "rejoin" God does
not require you pay the Christians or only salute Jesus - but you must find love & compassion
and put down your FUCKIN' WEAPONS.
20/11/04 04:38 AM
Master Vajrasattva
Let's move on. I'm writing the new scriptures and the Christian religion tried and failed screwing up the planet (simply because they got to the bigger guns first - that doesn't impress
anyone who has any intelligence.) Similar to a particular king in Hawaii who tried to unite all
the islands when he got his hands on several guns from the whites _ there is now a "blood"
river named after the battle because it ran with his own kin's blood for so long after the fight.
The islands were never the same after that.
Jesus should really be ashamed for tricking people and never telling them he was in cohorts
with the Elohim alien race to do his "magic" - I'm telling you straight, I have the ELOHIM
ALIENS by my side and they are providing seemingly miraculous protection because their
super-computers are amazing and they can thwart any punk-ass Christian crew before their
plans to attack me begin to take form. By the way, Jesus never cured lepers. There was a
long-distance laser beam used to fool people yet again from the nearby alien ship...similar to
how doctors today can operate over the telephone using computer-aided laser surgery. This
was just a surgery from the Elohim vessel using a laser and a telescope to see better.
Autonomous is merely confused like the Jews are as well - their true fathers are the Elohim
aliens. The Jews were chosen to be messengers of the aliens and are pretty intelligent folk they've just been lied to like we all have from those aliens "from the sky" ELOHIM. Now the
Elohim are here to help us and attain global peace. They were amused for a while that we
mistook them for gods. Maybe they simply don't like that the draconian lizards are ruining our
planet and enslaving our people through the Illuminati - or my summoning to them (usually
they talk to Claud Rael) meant something to them - our planet was heading towards ruin.
At first, a particularly powerful monk named Geshe Chekhawa taught TONGLEN (a Buddhist
practice for awakening loving compassion) to only a few close disciples, thinking that it would
only work for those who had great faith in it. Then he began to teach it to a group of lepers.
Leprosy at that time was common in Tibet, and ordinary doctors were unable to treat or cure it.
But many of the lepers who did Tonglen practice were cured. The news of this spread fast,
and other lepers flocked to his house, which began to seem like a hospital.
Still Geshe didn't teach Tonglen widely. It was only when he noticed the effect it had on his
brother that he began to give it out more publicly. Geshe Chekhawa's brother was an
inveterate skeptic, who derided all forms of spiritual practice. However, when he saw what
was happening to the lepers who were practicing Tonglen, this brother couldn't help but being
impressed and intrigued. One day he hid behind a door and listened to Geshe Chekhawa
teaching Tonglen, and then, in secret, started doing the practice on his own. When Geshe
Chekhawa noticed that his brother's hard character begin to soften, he guessed what had
If the practice could work on his brother, he thought, and transform him, then it could work on
and transform any other human being.
A deep practice in Tonglen:
Give all profit and gain to others
Take all loss and defeat on yourself
20/11/04 04:40 AM
Master Vajrasattva
Secret Societies of America's Decadent Elite
From the Son's of Liberty and the Masons to Skull and Bones, secret societies are said to
have played crucial roles in building the fortunes of America's most powerful families. These
covert societies continue to wield power today. These dark alliances have tremendous
influence on democracy, current events, and world history in the making. These hidden powerbrokers expand their wealth through evil means (i.e funding both sides of the war in the Middle
East) and use fear to influence and dominate the world.
But, don't take my word for it about 2012:
Will the World End in 2012 (No, as I've clarified -- we'll make a jump in evolution to a cosmic
civilization and these doomsday losers who say "the end is nigh" can go choke on a dick.)
However, we need to be prepared:
As predicted by ancient Egyptian and Maya texts and modern geological evidence, Earth will
soon reverse its magnetic field as it has every 10,000 years. The last field reversal caused an
Ice Age that brought the extinction of thousands of species and shifted entire continents
northward in a matter of days. Scientists contend that the reversal also caused the Great
Flood of Genesis and the destruction of Atlantis. The great astronomers of Atlantis predicted
thwe previous cataclysm and were able to escape to South America and Africa.
(Mysterious Stranger)
20/11/04 04:40 AM
Re: Master Vajrasattva
"I do get touchy when the Christians start making death threats on these boards."
Why is this directed at me? I am not a Christian and I did not make a threat. Your mystical
powers have failed to bring this to your attention as well. Kenneth, what is the frequency? Do
you know the answer?
"No, I'm not the leader of the Illuminati although lately they've been asking me about being
their new leader..."
More lies, more lies, is that all you can do is lie to everyone on these boards? You are
transparent as air, we all know what you're about. Multiple posts of excessive words creating a
labyrinth of nonsense does not hide this fact from us, in fact it makes it crystal clear. Kenneth,
what is the frequency? Come now, you should be picking it up.
20/11/04 04:43 AM
Master Vajrasattva
The whole paragraph that he took snippets from was: "No, I'm not the leader of the Illuminati
although lately they've been asking me about being their new leader...they feel like "if you can't
beat em' -- join em" ..and I said FUCK OFF. I'd rather cut off my own eyelids. I'm just a
humble monk like the Dalai Lama. Adding up all your 6's is getting boring to the intelligent
humans. As Yahweh stated clearly, unless the pope becomes a pauper and gives up all his
jewelry and gold to walk among us and truly help - the alien creator race of our planet (Elohim)
will work to end your pathetic, violent religion.
Read the posts my brother - you'll see evolution happening. The lies are in the old and new
testaments. The Elohim told people in biblical times what to write. They recently translated it
for us and Yahweh and the word Elohim were referring to aliens.
Who are the Freemasons? Centuries old, they have penetrated every strata of the modern
world. Is there a conspiracy to establish a one-world ruling government headed by the
Masonic hierarchy? What have so many influential men found in Freemasonry that has made
them join despite opposition from church & state?
Masonic origins are cloaked in mystery & their ultimate purpose never disclosed. Go behind
the scenes of "The Craft" & uncover the world's oldest & largest secret evil society.
20/11/04 04:46 AM
Master Vajrasattva
The Elohim told people in biblical times what to write. They recently translated it for us and
Yahweh and the word Elohim were referring to aliens.
Yes, you're talking about "don't tempt my flock" and mark of the beast. I simply thought you
were another ignorant Christian like Bush Jr.
20/11/04 05:07 AM
Master Vajrasattva
Understanding and compassion are very powerful sources of energy. They are the opposite of
stupidity and passivity. If you think that compassion is passive, weak, or cowardly, then you
don’t know what real understanding and compassion is. If you think that compassionate
people do not resist and challenge injustice, you are wrong. They are warriors, heroes, and
heroines who have gained many victories.
When you act with compassion, with non-violence, when you act on the basis of non-duality,
you have to be very strong…compassion grows constantly inside of you, and you can succeed
in your fight against injustice. Mahatma Gandhi was just one person. He did not have any
bombs, any guns, or any political party. He acted simply on the insight of non-duality, the
strength of compassion, not on the basis of anger.
Human beings are not our enemy. Our enemy is not the other person. Our enemy is the
violence, ignorance, and the injustice in us and in the other person. When we are armed with
compassion and understanding, we fight not against other people, but against the tendency to
invade, to dominate and to exploit. We don’t want to kill others, but we will not let them
dominate and exploit us or other people. You have to protect yourself.
Being compassionate does not mean allowing other people to do violence to themselves or to
you. Being compassionate means being intelligent. Non-violent action that springs from love
can only be intelligent action.
20/11/04 05:09 AM
Master Vajrasattva
America’s beef is rotten and washington couldn’t care less
One of the U.S.D.A’s first actions after bush took
office (last disasterous term) was to halt the salmonella
testing of ground beef purchased for the national school
lunch program.
That disgusting Greeley slaughterhouse in the movie Fast Food Nation
had been producing meat tainted with E. Coli for nearly two years.
Eric Schlosser remarks:
My book Fast Food Nation describes how the centralization and industrialization
of our food system has accelerated the rise of food-borne illnesses, how the growing power of
fast-food chains and agribusinesses has thwarted effective government regulation, and how
federal agencies created to oversee these food companies have fallen under their control…
Since 2000, America’s agribusiness firms have donated more than $140 million to candidates
running for Congress and the presidency. Almost three-quarters of that money has gone to
Republicans. So far this year, the McDonald’s Corporation has given 77 percent of its political
donations to Republicans; the National Cattleman’s Beef Association, 81 percent; and the
National Restaurant Association, 90 percent. In return, critics say, the Bush administration and
the Republican majority in Congress have worked to serve these private interests at the
expense of public health.
20/11/04 05:10 AM
Master Vajrasattva
An omnipotent God does not exist
We were the ones who made all life on earth,
You mistook us for gods and distorted our teachings of love
We now reveal how to realise your potential and achieve global peace
- Yahweh
20/11/04 05:12 AM
Master Vajrasattva
Pendulums and dowsing rods were used by the U.S. military during the Vietnam conflict.
Underground land mines made life difficult for American commanders because of their
extreme danger to soldiers and the military’s inability to accurately detect them so they
eventually turned to divination. Marines at Quantico were successfully trained to locate
underground mines, ammunition dumps, enemy tunnels, and track enemy movements all
using the power of divination. Their accuracy was staggering according to a 1967 New York
Times article that was later reprinted by hundreds of large and small newspapers across
In 1959 during a demonstration for high-ranking naval officers using only a map and
pendulum, expert diviner Verne Cameron was able to determine the exact position of every
American naval submarine deployed throughout the world. The officials were astonished when
Cameron was then able to determine the exact position of every Russian submarine.
Cameron was apparently so highly skilled with the pendulum that it took him less than an hour
to locate all the American and Russian subs.
There are numerous reports of divination being used successfully by companies both large
and small and by many scientists throughout the world.. although discretely for finding ideal
drilling locations for oil wells, water wells, for finding ancient archeological sites, finding
missing persons, [important for stopping the Illuminati’s satanic child sacrifices] diagnosing
medical conditions, finding underground electric wires and pipes, and for various types of
mining operations. Many of the individuals who perform these divination services are quietly
paid hefty sums of money.
-From the Magic Power of Radionics, Psionics and Orgone
(Mysterious Stranger)
20/11/04 05:12 AM
Re: Master Vajrasattva
spacedragon said:
Read the posts dickface - you'll see evolution happening. The lies are in the old and new
testaments. The Elohim told people in biblical times what to write. They recently translated it
for us and Yahweh and the word Elohim were referring to aliens.
Who are the Freemasons? Centuries old, they have penetrated every strata of the modern
world. Is there a conspiracy to establish a one-world ruling government headed by the
Masonic hierarchy? What have so many influential men found in Freemasonry that has made
them join despite opposition from church & state?
Masonic origins are cloaked in mystery & their ultimate purpose never disclosed. Go behind
the scenes of "The Craft" & uncover the world's oldest & largest secret evil society.
Good thing there's that quote function, so we can see your enlightend flaming. Aliens,
shmaliens..."Help me Mr. Wizard"
"Drizzle, drazzle, dradle, drone time for this one to come home."
20/11/04 05:15 AM
Master Vajrasattva
I changed the word dickface to my "brother" before you just quoted it _ the word was
unbecoming of a World Leader.. but you're pushing it by talking about getting my frequency
and what not. Trying to hack my comp, send me a bomb or track me down will prove to be
very fatal.
20/11/04 05:17 AM
Master Vajrasattva
Well, FATAL is FATAL. So, saying very fatal doesn't really make sense.
(Mysterious Stranger)
20/11/04 05:29 AM
Re: Master Vajrasattva
I got your number Kenneth, what is the frequency? I see where you're coming from, do you
have anti-virus software? Have you checked your computer for the latest spyware? Don't
bother, it's too late, it's locked in now Kenneth, what is the frequency? Bombs are messy,
watch your back, only go out around crowds, put mylar or aluminum on your windows to reflect
some of the waves, but really you'll need several inches of lead otherwise the process will just
be slowed down and more painful. Try not to sleep without a watcher, the red tide is coming,
there is no place safe even if you know how to swim... how long can you tread water?
I have to leave now, I may be gone for several days but I'll be seeing you soon enough, good
20/11/04 05:47 AM
Master Vajrasattva
This guy is a hell bent moron. Haven't people killed enough in the name of this Christ
character? Also, enslaving millions of people on this planet by the use of sword or gun? 8
million or so just from the inquisition alone.
The photon energy could cause more and more people to begin to become ill unless they
purify their bodies. The photon light wave/particles will begin to raise the human organism's
energy vibrations and the body will need to be in a healthy condition as we approach 2012.
Well, you can still achieve an astral light body with the vibrations of love & proper breathing
practices I bet - so, people with terminal illnesses fear not.. we'll be there to help during the
time when the planet enters the photon belt and you can relinquish your material body for an
atmospherean or ethereal body.
(Mysterious Stranger)
20/11/04 07:25 AM
Re: Master Vajrasattva
"This guy is a hell bent moron."
Who? Spacedragon?
"Haven't people killed enough in the name of this Christ character? "
What are you rambling incoherently about? You're the only one mentioning Christ, I'm not.
"Also, enslaving millions of people on this planet by the use of sword or gun? 8 million or so
just from the inquisition alone. "
"The photon energy could cause more and more people to begin to become ill unless they
purify their bodies. The photon light wave/particles will begin to raise the human organism's
energy vibrations and the body will need to be in a healthy condition as we approach 2012.
Well, you can still achieve an astral light body with the vibrations of love & proper breathing
practices I bet - so, people with terminal illnesses fear not.. we'll be there to help during the
time when the planet enters the photon belt and you can relinquish your material body for an
atmospherean or ethereal body."
You're not a physics or biology major are you?
I've been able to send three men in may place, so I'll be trying to keep you occupied at the PC
until they arrive. What's that darn frequency Kenneth?
Say your prayers little one
Don’t forget, my son
To include everyone
Tuck you in, warm within
Keep you free from sin
Till the sandman he comes
Sleep with one eye open
Gripping your pillow tight
Exit light
Enter night
Take my hand
Off to never never land
Something’s wrong, shut the light
Heavy thoughts tonight
And they aren’t of snow white
Dreams of war, dreams of liars
Dreams of dragon’s fire
And of things that will bite
Sleep with one eye open
Gripping your pillow tight
Exit light
Enter night
Take my hand
Off to never never land
Now I lay me down to sleep
Pray the lord my soul to keep
If I die before I wake
Pray the lord my soul to take
Hush little baby, don’t say a word
And never mind that noise you heard
It’s just the beast under your bed,
In your closet, in your head
Exit light
Enter night
Grain of sand
Exit light
Enter night
Take my hand
We’re off to never never land
21/11/04 08:31 AM
Master Vajrasattva
Vajrasattva is a deity whose practice is performed to purify negative karma and when done
well, can purify even the heaviest negativities. In this practice of confession and purification,
one aspires to reconnect with one’s own inherent wisdom and compassion in order to benefit
all sentient beings.
The meditation upon Vajrasattva and recitation of his mantra is fundamental among all forms
of purification practice employed in Tibetan Buddhism. Like many Tibetan Buddhist practices,
Vajrasattva practice is most beneficial if the practitioner has received the empowerment from
a qualified lama.
21/11/04 09:25 PM
Master Vajrasattva
Bush appointed the founder of an anti-condom group to his President’s Advisory Council on
HIV/AIDS and appointed Dr. David Hagar to the Reproductive Health Drugs Advisory
Committee of the FDA.
So, he mainly appointed this a-hole Dr. Hagar to help him mix church & state – causing more
women to say “leave my uterus alone” including my mother’s friend who sent her this e-mail:
Dr. Hager is a practicing OB/GYN who describes himself as "pro-life" and refuses to prescribe
contraceptives to unmarried women. Hager is the author of "As Jesus Cared for Women:
Restoring Women Then and Now." The book blends biblical accounts of Christ healing
women with case studies from Hager's practice. In the book Dr. Hager wrote with his wife,
entitled "Stress and the Woman's Body," he suggests that women who suffer from
premenstrual syndrome should seek help from reading the bible and praying. As an editor and
contributing author of "The
Reproduction Revolution: A Christian Appraisal of Sexuality Reproductive Technologies and
the Family," Dr. Hager appears to have endorsed the medically inaccurate assertion that the
common birth control pill is an abortifacient.
Hagar's mission is religiously motivated. He has an ardent interest in revoking approval for
mifepristone (formerly known as RU-486) as a safe and early form of medical abortion. Hagar
recently assisted the Christian Medical Association in a "citizen's petition" which calls upon the
FDA to revoke its approval of mifepristone in the
name of women's health. Hager's desire to overturn mifepristone's approval on religious
grounds rather than scientific merit would halt the development of mifepristone as a treatment
for numerous medical conditions disproportionately affecting women, including breast cancer,
uterine cancer, uterine fibroid tumors, psychotic depression, bipolar depression and Cushing's
Women rely on the FDA to ensure their access to safe and effective drugs for reproductive
health care including products that prevent pregnancy. For some women, such as those with
certain types of diabetes and those undergoing treatment for cancer pregnancy can be a lifethreatening condition. We are concerned that Dr. Hager's strong religious beliefs may color his
assessment of technologies that are necessary to protect women's lives or to preserve and
promote women's health. Hager's track record of using religious beliefs to guide his medical
decision-making makes him a dangerous and inappropriate candidate to serve as chair of this
committee. Critical drug public policy and research must not be held hostage by antiabortion
politics. Members of this important panel should be appointed on the basis of science and
medicine, rather than politics and religion.
21/11/04 09:44 PM
Master Vajrasattva
Stem cell transplant helps woman walk again.
A Brazilian woman who suffered a brain haemorrhage that left her
paralysed on one side has regained her ability to walk and talk after undergoing a stem cell
transplant, hospital officials say. Doctors injected the stem cells into the brain of Maria da
Graca Pomeceno, 54, five days after a brain haemorrhage left her a hemiplegic.
The cells had been extracted from bone marrow in her pelvis. The new therapy is being tested
for the first time in Brazil. Hans Fernando Dohmann, director of Rio's Pro-Cardiaco Hospital,
says it appears to show that stem cells could help patients recover from vascular
"I would say that we have entered a new era in treating this
condition," he said. "We are still at a stage where we are focusing on the safety of the
procedure and trying to avoid potential side effects. "The next phase will be to test the
treatment's effectiveness."
The experimental treatment used by Rio's Pro-Cardiaco Hospital and the
Federal University of Rio will be tested on 14 other patients. Dr. Dohmann says that by 2006,
the research should be complete. If all goes well, the treatment can be used safely in as little
as five
to seven years from now.
Local television stations show Ms. Pomeceno walking up the stairs of her house and talking.
The brain haemorrhage had made it difficult for her to understand
speech and left her completely unable to talk.
Dr Dohmann says he supports the use of embryonic stem cells in
research. "Embryonic cells are much stronger than adult stem cells, but we must learn how to
control these cells before implanting them in humans," he said.
He says that the bioethics legislation proposed by the Brazilian Senate is "good" for the
country. "It allows researchers to obtain the necessary knowledge, using only embryos that
would be frozen and eventually destroyed," he said.
21/11/04 09:51 PM
Master Vajrasattva
For the Ladies: You might feel an affinity for this wonderful Deity and her story.
The Origin of Tara
In the past, many eons ago, during the time of Buddha Dundubhisvara (Drum-sound), in the
Universe called Manifold Light, there lived a princess by the name of Moon of Wisdomknowledge. She was a very devoted disciple and would daily set out many offerings to the
Buddha and His Sangha. Eventually she generated bodhicitta, the aspiration to attain
Enlightenment and become a Buddha herself, in order to help all living beings.
I love this particular image when MAXIMIZED. It's such a beautiful smile. When the pic is
small you can't see it really.
Some monks came to know of this, and urged her to dedicate the merits she had created to
be reborn as a male. However, the princess rejected this advice, saying:
"Here there is no man, there is no woman,
No self, no person, and no consciousness.
Labeling "male" or "female" has no essence,
But deceives the evil-minded world."
She went on to make the following vow:
"There are many who desire Enlightenment in a man's body, but none who work for the
benefit of sentient beings in the body of a woman. Therefore, until Samsara is empty, I shall
work for the benefit of sentient beings in a woman's body." From that time onwards the
princess dedicated herself to winning full and complete Enlightenment. Once she
accomplished that goal, she came to be known as Tara, the Liberator.
21/11/04 11:12 PM
Master Vajrasattva
I loved reading this at the end of Jim DeKorne's Psychedelic Shamanism:
“How many times a day do we say ‘God Damn’? It must be the most common epithet in the
English language – a phrase used so often we cannot see its ironic deeper meaning. Are we
truly damned by the gods to a cruel and demeaning servitude in return for an occasional
condescending stroke? Who feeds whom here?
…Maybe it’s time to reverse the order and damn the gods instead. Or at least grow up enough
to declare our independence from their authority. The only thing keeping us from freedom is
our belief that we need them to feed us.
If the imaginal realm is real, then it is time to begin making it conscious. No longer the arcane
pursuit of seers and mystics, the survival of our species may now depend on its capacity to
live in the unus mundus.”
Lastly, he closes the book with this awesome reflection: “It now seems possible, by the use of
the psychedelic tryptamines, to venture into the death state before we die to accustom
ourselves to that state. This is the path of the shaman and the spiritual warrior. At death, when
the transition is finally and irrevocably made, the psychedelic explorer will enter a realm he or
she knows from previous experience, and will, hopefully, not be swept away by fear and
ignorance.” Quote from Meyer, P. (1993) Discarnate entities induced by dimethyltryptamine
(DMT),” Psychedelic Monographs and Essays, No. 6
Please keep in mind I’m not suggesting anyone should try psychedelics. Any knowledgeable
Buddhist can tell you that these altered states of consciousness can be achieved through
meditation, dancing, drumming or other art forms.
21/11/04 11:17 PM
Master Vajrasattva
For the Ladies: You might feel an affinity for this wonderful Deity and her story.
The Origin of Tara
In the past, many eons ago, during the time of Buddha Dundubhisvara (Drum-sound), in the
Universe called Manifold Light, there lived a princess by the name of Moon of Wisdomknowledge. She was a very devoted disciple and would daily set out many offerings to the
Buddha and His Sangha. Eventually she generated bodhicitta, the aspiration to attain
Enlightenment and become a Buddha herself, in order to help all living beings.
I love this particular image when MAXIMIZED. It's such a beautiful smile. When the pic is
small you can't see it really.
Some monks came to know of this, and urged her to dedicate the merits she had created to
be reborn as a male. However, the princess rejected this advice, saying:
"Here there is no man, there is no woman,
No self, no person, and no consciousness.
Labeling "male" or "female" has no essence,
But deceives the evil-minded world."
She went on to make the following vow:
"There are many who desire Enlightenment in a man's body, but none who work for the
benefit of sentient beings in the body of a woman. Therefore, until Samsara is empty, I shall
work for the benefit of sentient beings in a woman's body." From that time onwards the
princess dedicated herself to winning full and complete Enlightenment. Once she
accomplished that goal, she came to be known as Tara, the Liberator.
23/11/04 06:00 PM
Master Vajrasattva
Let's not lose the BIG PICTURE though. By bringing DNA molecules to this planet and 2 other
planets nearby for scientific experiments, the Elohim aliens thought they were playing
"God"...but the soul is that which animates the bodies of humans and animals -NOT a "computer program" as the Elohim scientists saw it. They believed in an existential
type of death of nothingness and blackness. It took Earth's shaman and reincarnations to
show them that we still have memories from past lives & some powerful monks tell their
brothers exactly where they will be reborn and they are found there as a reincarnation - also,
many monks have a tradition of setting items in the village or area they were planning on
reincarnating and then seek those items out from their own memory.
Now, this is where it gets interesting. The name G O D is as arbitrary as the name Bob or Jim
when you think about it. Other sentient beings in different parts of the multiverse quite possibly
have an entity that created the universe for them. So, in this neck of the woods when we
witness anyone of the higher dimensions with significant power we say is a "God." Here's what
I'm getting at: all the aliens from the sky and the beings down here on Earth WERE spawned
from one entity by the name of GOD. I have received visions from him myself. Some spiritual
men have been getting so mad at me because I talk of many of powerful deities & alliances.
However, all of the Elohim aliens, Mantis, Draconian Lizards, Plaedians and other sentient
beings in this "dark" part of the galaxy are brood of this creator of this branch of the
We'll soon rejoin the Light Beings in a cosmic civilization when we reach the Manasic Photon
Belt. We have been put in a "prison for angels" for 10,000 years and it is almost over. So, I'm
not being a heretic by saying there are aliens and we were not really created from "clay." Even
God claims the Christian religion has DEVOLVED to a point of disgrace. To "rejoin" God does
not require you pay the Christians or only salute Jesus - but you must find love & compassion
and put down your FUCKIN' WEAPONS.
23/11/04 06:04 PM
Master Vajrasattva
I went at dawn to a magnificent temple. Its architecture was such a supreme expression of the
human spirit that it was a treasure. Generations of worshipers had left offerings at the shrine,
hundreds of monks had reached their enlightenment on the consecrated grounds, and
thousands had been blessed in life and in death in the venerable halls.
Yet my most moving observation was an old woman silently sweeping the steps. Her
concentration was perfect. Her devotion was palpable. Her thoroughness was complete. Her
uncelebrated act showed a true holy spirit.
Later in the day, wealthy people came to worship. Children with brightly colored toys ran over
the gray stones. The abbot walked to his ceremonies. Monks passed in silent prayer. Of all
who passed, how many were aware of the saintly service that had made their own devotion
When the Way is all we have to walk, those who prepare the way should be truly honored.
- from 365 TAO
23/11/04 06:12 PM
Master Vajrasattva
Taijiquan embodies the essense of Chinese martial arts and the ancient Chinese civilization.
Practicing for health teaches us to lead the Qi (human bioelectric energy) in order to
strengthen our immune system and raise our spirit. Practicing for martial arts will teach us to
use our mind to lead our Qi for martial applications. The ultimate goal of Taijiquan is to
harmonize our energy with that of the natural universe.
Taiji is a richly rewarding journey; combining the benefits of meditation, martial arts and health
24/11/04 01:42 AM
Master Vajrasattva
The United States government, at all levels, has fallen under the control of the wicked New
World Order clan. The events of Sept 11th mark the initiation of the final sick push of the
illuminati to consolidate their one world order and transform earth into a prison planet. The
master plan of the blood-thirsty elite to financially, physically and spiritually imprison not only
America but the world.
The nightmare rise of the Homeland Security dictatorship, Patriot Acts 1 and 2, the Total
Information Awareness Network, government-run white slavery rings, the new prison
surveillance economy are subjects I’m trying to bring to the forefront just for starters. The very
future of humanity depends on exposing government-sponsored terrorism and how the
globalists pose as our saviors when in fact, they are the terrorists.
The mainstream media is whitewashing and lying about what really happened on Sept 11th.
Alex Jones’ amazing video 911: The Road to Tyranny is shaking the foundations of
Washington, DC as the definitive film on what really happened on Sept. 11th and who stands
to gain.
The Government needed a crisis to convince the people to willingly give up their liberty in
exchange for safety. Now the painful facts are in. The dark forces of global government are
funding, training and protecting terrorist networks worldwide. 911: The Road to Tyranny
documents the ruthless history of governments orchestrating terrorist attacks against their
own people to scare them into total submission. In this brutal expose you will witness the birth
of a global police state that surpasses Orwell's nighmarish vision. It's all here: the history of
government-sponsored terrorism, the modern implementation of fear-based control and, most
frightening of all, the New World Order's future plans. .
Info is available on the net concerning the execution of the September 11th attacks and the
ensuing whitewash, the cashless society control-grid, implanted microchips, mind-control,
militarization of police, concentration camps, foreign troops massing on US soil, the USA
Patriot Act, and Homeland Security taking over the states.
Nixon, Eisenhower, and Reagan were members of a messed up secret cult. The Bush Family
Maintains a strong involvement also to the following cult and its practices. Now, for the First
Time in History, Alex Jones brings you video from his infiltration of Bohemian Grove. View the
elite compound and witness world leaders conducting bizarre occult rituals. The club at
Bohemian Grove is located inside a 2,700 acre redwood grove. At this unholy place a 3,000
year-old Caananite cult is being revived.
Each year at Bohemian Grove, members of this all-male ultra-elite club don red, black and
silver robes and conduct an occult ritual wherein they worship a giant stone owl, burning a
human being "in effigy" as a sacrifice to their owl god.
Now, for the first time in history, an outsider has infiltrated bohemian Grove with a hidden
video camera and caught the ritual on tape. That man is Alex Jones.
The corrupt central government has already implemented the first stages of an oppressive
Police State -- Martial law is here!
I'm taking this position of World Leader to put a stop to this enslavement. Alex Jones, Claude
Rael and others are fighting tirelessly for this cause.
Alex Jones exposes the problem-reaction-solution paradigm being used to terrorize the
American people into accepting a highly controlled and oppressive society. From children in
public schools being trained to turn in their peers and parents, to the Army and National Guard
patrolling our nation's highways, Police State: The Takeover reveals the most threatening
developments of Police State control in our age.
The powerful central government is gearing up for the TOTAL TAKEOVER
Alex Jones exposes the growing relationship between the military and police. Witness US
marines training with foreign troops and learning how to control and contain civilian
populations as practiced during Operation: Urban Warrior. You will see special forces
helicopter attacks on south Texas towns, concentration camps, broad unconstitutional police
actions, search and seizure and more...
Find out how the sovereignty of the United States is being subordinated to the globalist
interests, through such examples as the Foundations at the Presidio and the Panama Canal.
See United Nations and Chinese Interests are affecting our nation. Witness the United
Nation's indoctrination of America's children. Interviews with witnesses of the Oklahoma City
Local, State and Federal governmental institutions own over 70% of the stock market!
Alex Jones interviews Walter Burien, Commodity Trading Advisor (CTA) of 15 years about the
biggest game in town. There are over 85,000 Federal and regional governmental institutions:
school districts, water and power authorities, country and city governments -- and they own
over 70 percent of the stock market. This is an absolute must-see to pull back the curtain of
lies on the private takeover of our society. This tape also includes an interview with Joe
Banister, former IRS Special Agent exposing how the IRS is a collection agency for the
private, run-for-profit Federal Reserve.
Concentration camps in America? Feds set to toss millions of innocent Americans into
gruesome factories of torture and death?… Could it be? Sounds preposterous. Yet…in this
video, Texe Marrs marshals overwhelming evidence so convincing it boggles the mind.
25/11/04 02:22 AM
Master Vajrasattva
I'm going to buy several more of those videos and begin circulating them around the
Shroomery community, AOL's boards, ICQ, Dextroverse, Yahoo's boards, DMTWorld etc.
This new era of information is preventing these tyrannical bastards from covering their evil
deeds up anymore.
That guy's got some guts for infiltrating the Bohemian Grove occult ceremony. I'd like to see
more gung-ho action if you want to help us fight the wardens of this prison planet. I'm not
saying go undercover to occult rituals -- but at least CUT & PASTE this stuff above and get
some universities involved in the INFOWARS.COM web site and also support the people at
ADBUSTERS magazine.
(i'm left. you all can bite me)
25/11/04 02:26 AM
Re: Master Vajrasattva
I think you should just use your executive powers as world president to do some of this shit.
Also you could probably get a free salad at Red Lobster.
25/11/04 06:08 PM
Master Vajrasattva
Diet. Herbs. Clothing. Recitation.
Movement. Meditation. Creativity. Teaching.
And most important: Compassion.
Worship is not a matter of making an obeisance to a god. It is a matter of achieving godlike
qualities in yourself. This is done through cultivation of the nine areas:
~Diet should be moderate, healthy, and of living foods. If you want to be sustained, eat things
that themselves sustained life.
~Learn to use herbs, for they heal and maintain health.
~Be moderate in your clothing; wear natural fibers.
~Recitation includes prayer, song, chanting, and finally, the
practice of silence. What you say becomes reality.
~Stretch, move, and exercise every day. The universe moves;
so too should the energy within your body.
~Meditate every day - once in the morning and once in the
evening if possible. Only then will you attain tranquility and
triumph over your dilemmas.
~Be creative. Thus we contribute, and thus we elevate our souls.
~Aquire a good education. Treasure what you learn, and
preserve it so that it may be passed on to others. Never be
selfish with what you know.
~Above all, be compassionate. This is a stand against all evil,
and it opens your spirit.
People ask, "How can I worship properly?" Cultivate these
nine fields.
25/11/04 06:11 PM
Master Vajrasattva
Raelians from around the world file a lawsuit against the Vatican for crimes against humanity.
VATICAN : After the lawsuits for pedophilia,
Geneva, November 18th, 2004
It is irrefutable that the Vatican,
represented by the Pope Jean-Paul II, contributes to the proliferation
of the HIV virus (AIDS) on all the planet: by asserting that condoms let the AIDS virus through:
December 1, 2003 - declaration of the cardinal Alfonso Lopez Trujillo, President of the
Pontifical Council for the family; by prohibiting the use of condoms to its faithful. In 1995, in
Kenya, Catholic and Moslem authorities burned condoms
publicly; In 1996, Jean-Marie Untaomi Comparoé, archbishop of Ouagadougou in BurkinaFaso, launched the slogan: "to fight AIDS, let us first fight against the condom, because it
prevents one from having a global conception of the sexual intercourse as sign of love and of
In spite of the international pressure, the Vatican still did not
correct the criminal statements that were made and the number of people infected by AIDS
increases each day. Currently, more than 8 000 people (a youth every 14 seconds) are
contaminated each day by the AIDS virus.
In front of the Vatican’s silence, several tens of people, in particular in Africa, lodge a
complaint against the Pope, with the International Penal Court of the Hague, for Crime against
The Raelian Movement supports this courageous action and denounces,
also, these untrue allegations, which take part in the proliferation of a disease that continues
to cause the death of thousands of victims, obeying criminal and guilty precepts. After the
sexual abuse of pedophiles, can we let one of the largest sects in the world encourage the
expansion of the AIDS pandemic?
Raelians support the complaint lodged with the International Court of
the Hague against the Pope, for Crime against Humanity.
An important file of testimonies and incriminating elements were
gathered. This file will join the complaint deposited with the
International Penal Court of the Hague, by the plaintifs.
Claude Rael ( www.rael.org ) has just named Bill Gates "Honorary Priest" of the International
Raelian Movement (also known as "Guides"). Mr. Gates has just arranged to give yet another
$3 billion to charitable trusts which are promoting greater equality in global health and
It is also no surprise that so many of the richest people on earth realize that education is the
key to helping the poor help themselves. Charities which only feed the poor only perpetuate
this sad situation but giving them access to education will solve it. Education and basic health
should be the rights of all peoples.
25/11/04 06:17 PM
Master Vajrasattva
This world and this society are competitive. Tao uses the metaphor of the warrior to meet that
competition. Warriors never yield to their opponents. They may sidestep, but they do not give
Whether you are a lawyer, police officer, fire fighter, doctor, business person, athlete, or any
one of numerous other professions, you compete against either other people or natural forces.
But there is a right way and a wrong way to compete. Avoid anger and greed. Use
concentration and awareness.
Coincidentally, concentration and awareness are also necessary for spirituality. That is why
the follower of Tao incorporates the way of the warrior into training. The warrior and the sage
both seek to transcend emotion and petty thinking, to perfect themselves, and to live lives of
the deepest truth.
But when outside the arena, do not forget to be kind. Leave behind competitive aggression.
You must still have awareness, concentration and reflex, but the expression will be different.
Your compassion must not falter. That is why the combination of the way of the warrior with
the way of Tao is the ultimate symbol of versatility. Such a follower of Tao commands the
extremes of the universe.
25/11/04 08:54 PM
Master Vajrasattva
Even the greater Gods are not infallible prophets. It is impossible for anyone to truly foresee
the future. The FUTURE IS A CHAIN OF CONSEQUENCES arising from people's (and
alien's) actions and the forces of nature. No one can foresee what has not happened, not
even the Great Spirit. So...when I say we'll unite our civilization with our 7 sister (Plaedian)
planets and re-enter the photon belt to become godlike beings of light - yes, it may sound
prophetic because I’m referring to the future, but it's just a highly intelligent calculation of one
possibility of where we're headed. Many scientists don't know if a supernova could blast us off
that path or an alien civilization could evacuate our planet for their own ends. But, we're on a
good course for the Manasic belt and have a chance of entering the 5th dimension to become
atmospherean or ethereal beings.
I’m not the “false prophet” and I’m definitely not the anti-christ. I joked around and said yea
“I’m anti-jesus christ” because he lied and worked with a group of aliens to appear to have
magic (and took a lot of psilocybin-containing mushrooms which may or may not help a
person’s spiritual life) – probably making him a little delusional but a deep philosopher
nonetheless. There’s plenty of evidence that the “last supper” contained a large amount of
magic mushrooms.
Just remember this and you’ll find the peace many sentient beings are looking for: ALL things
that are born must die; work hard for your freedom from sorrow. –Siddhartha Gautama
The Tao was never born, thus it will never cease. Smaller than an electron, it contains
uncountable galaxies!
25/11/04 09:04 PM
Re: Master Vajrasattva
I'll be honest, truth be told you are NOT a god my friend.
You are a delusional Human, who has mixed half-truths with falisy.
I hope none of you on these boards are taking this hipocrit seriously.
(Dreaming of Damage)
25/11/04 09:15 PM
Re: Master Vajrasattva
Nice story though
25/11/04 09:43 PM
Master Vajrasattva
I never said I was a god - go back and find the quote where I said that. You'll probably learn
something while sifting through.
America (the book) with John Stewart is a totally hilarious read. An interesting factoid the book
reminded me of is:
Jesus was a steadfast pacifist…More people have died “in his name” than any other human in
recorded history.
Also: The continent of America was named for Amerigo Vespucci, the little known Italian
navigator half the world is named after!
25/11/04 10:11 PM
Master Vajrasattva
Looking at the world around us, and into our own minds, we can see that the six realms
definitly do exist {{hell realms, hungry ghosts, animal, human, demi-god and blissful god
realms}}. They exist in the way we unconsciously allow our negative emotions to project and
crystallize entire realms around us, and to define the style, form, flavor and context of our life
in those realms. And they also exist inwardly as the different seeds and tendencies of the
various negative emotions within our psycho-physical system, always ready to germinate and
grow, depending on what influences them and how we choose to live.
The quality of life in the realm of the gods may look superior to our own, yet the masters tell us
that human life is infinitly more valuable. Why? Because the very fact that we have the
awareness and intelligence that are the raw materials for enlightenment, and because the very
suffering that pervades this human realm is itself the spur to spiritual transformation. Pain,
grief, loss and ceaseless frustration of every kind are there for a real purpose: to wake us up,
to enable and almost force us to break out out of the cycle of samsara and so release our
imprisoned splendor!
I speak of innumerable worlds in different dimensions - there may even be many worlds very
like, or just like ours - and several modern astrophysicists have developed theories about the
existence of parallel universes.
25/11/04 10:32 PM
Re: Master Vajrasattva
I just dislike your attempts to discredit Jesus as a wayshower to Truth.
The reason I consider him a teacher, and you a crazy bafoon, is simple.
Jesus had technique, discipline, and hardship. He worked for what he taught. He worked for
what he learned. He died for his message to be spread.
What have you done?
You are sitting in the comfort of your own home, in AMERICA, the country you speak so
harshly against.
You have your security, and yet are egotistically claiming to be something special.
Honestly people, there is no need for action without Love.
26/11/04 03:48 PM
Master Vajrasattva
It's funny actually that this chump's name is Supermarket. That's exactly what the true
masters of the East call our way of spiritualism in the West and much of Europe. A shallow
SUPERMARKET where people just sample here, and sample there and don't know a thing
about real spiritual work. It's fitting for you really. The words go above your head because you
have no foundation. One encounter with an otherworldly intelligence on shrooms isn't shit. I've
taught meditation classes, martial arts classes, astral traveled without the use of drugs and
put in my work - ready to die for my people - to end this tyrannical New World Order clan.
Check the Raelian site (tranlated in about 30 languages) to see what Jesus was really up to.
Again, more people died in "his name" than any other man in recorded history - this
"wayshower" you talk about was in cohorts with an advanced alien species who brought DNA
molecules here called ELOHIM.
26/11/04 03:48 PM
Master Vajrasattva
ENERGY WORK may be roughly classified into five major categories, according to our
purpose; maintaining health, curing sickness, prolonging life, martial skill, or enlightenment.
These theories have been passed down through the centuries from generation to generation,
and are based on actual experience, and constitute the root of Qigong.
According to Chinese Medicine, only when the Yin and Yang of the body balance each other
harmoniously can we aspire to have a vibrant and radiant well being. Circulating Qi (orgone or
“bioelectric energy”) in the body and nourishing Qi in the mind are the methods of achieving
and maintaing ‘real health’.
26/11/04 03:59 PM
Master Vajrasattva
We practice in such a way that Buddha is born every moment of our lives; that Jesus Christ is
born every moment of our daily lives.
(i'm left. you all can bite me)
26/11/04 07:19 PM
Re: Master Vajrasattva
spacedragon said:
~Be moderate in your clothing; wear natural fibers.
Moderate in my clothing? What on Earth does that mean?
Natural fibers? When it's raining and I wear my waterproof jacket, am I committing evil against
the universe?
(Dreaming of Damage)
26/11/04 07:24 PM
Re: Master Vajrasattva
You gotta remember that this guy admitted he was delusional
27/11/04 06:43 PM
Re: Master Vajrasattva
It's funny actually that this chump's name is Supermarket.
where people just sample here, and sample there and don't know a thing about real spiritual
Insulting someone by calling them 'chump' seems unenlightened, unspiritual, and egoic,
especially coming from someone who makes claim to all the things you do.
27/11/04 07:01 PM
Re: Master Vajrasattva
Diploid said:
It's funny actually that this chump's name is Supermarket.
where people just sample here, and sample there and don't know a thing about real spiritual
Insulting someone by calling them 'chump' seems unenlightened, unspiritual, and egoic,
especially coming from someone who makes claim to all the things you do.
Jesus walked on Water and Healed the Blind. This guy posts on message board dedicated
towards Psychadelics and other various mind-altering substances and expects to be taken
seriously. He's far too prideful to be Righteous. And far too hypocritical to be Englightned.
You think Jesus called anybody a "Dickface?"
27/11/04 10:42 PM
Re: Master Vajrasattva
spacedragon - I am not doubting your martial arts skills. I have not seen them, nor are they an
I am not doubting your astral travels, nor your success per session. I will take your word for it,
I am not calling you a liar.
What I am doubting, is much like EgoTripping said, which is your "desire to save humanity"
You seem like a man of conflict, a man of fear, and you definately do not seem to be on a
higher state of consciousness.
I believe , like I said, that you are being lied to. Wether it be by your own mind, or by
disincarnate spirits of a desirious nature, you are not being accurately prescribed Truth.
I think you are on a spiritual path, and that is good. But the ego seems to be driving you on
that path, and ultimately you need to distinguish between your motives.
28/11/04 05:22 PM
Master Vajrasattva
If you guys only knew how we're just pawns of several extremely advanced aliens -- and the
ONLY thing that ever seems to keep them at bay are the enlightened views of the nondualistic heaven realms of the Buddhas and the end of Samsara (the dualistic good vs.bad
view of life which causes suffering, wars and desires)...Jesus had a couple of good ideas but
his god has been exposed to be (Yahweh) the leader of the Elohim aliens.
So, the fact that I'm still alive and ranting about being World Leader, the importance of
meditating and experimenting with mind-blasting psychedelics --which are a threat to the New
World Order's power-- and after having my phone and home tapped by the American
Government means I AM YOUR KING.
So, I'm still here teaching the people that want to learn (and not just on this puke-colored site
but many other non-drug based forums as well.) I am the Earth's Emperor and have not been
destroyed because my ideas transcend the aliens and humans desires for technology and
So, yea I'm not as peaceful as Buddha and Jesus but I am the King Of Earth and I can talk
however I want.
28/11/04 05:23 PM
Master Vajrasattva
What A Long Strange Trip It's Been ©1999 RA Kris Millegan
" . . . these same secret societies are behind it all," my father said. Now, Dad had never
spoken much about his work.
What is Skull and Bones?
The Order of Skull and Bones is the oldest of several senior secret societies that are unique to
Yale University. The "Order" was founded in 1832 by William Huntington Russell and
Alphonso Taft.
Members of Order of Skull and Bones have had a great impact upon our society. "They" have
friends in very high and very low places. They occupy key positions in the worlds of
commerce, communications & media, diplomacy, education, espionage, finance, law and
politics. Their impact on professional associations and the philanthropical fortune-controlling
foundations has been very profound.
There have been two Skull and Bones Presidents with a possible third, George W. Bush (S&B
1968), looming on the horizon; at least ten Senators; two Chief Justices of the Supreme Court
and many U.S. representatives and state governors. "Bonesmen" have held a myriad of lesser
appointed posts and positions, with a particular affinity for Secretary of War/Defense;
diplomatic posts to Europe, Russia, China and the Philippines; and in the national security
state/intelligence apparatus.
Gordon Gray was the first director of the Psychological Strategy Board, having been installed
by the "Harriman security regime" in the early 50's. Gray and his four elite Jupiter Island,
Florida, neighbors Prescott Bush, Robert A. Lovett, C. Dillion Read and "Jock" Whitney, are,
along the Dulles and Harriman brothers considered by some historians to be the "fathers of
this permanent covert action monolith". The "secret government" in the shadowy realms of
intelligence operations that cloaks its actions with cries of national security.
28/11/04 05:24 PM
Master Vajrasattva
The Martial Way and its Virtues.
Through the millenia, man has been subject to aggression & violence from other men, and
has pondered ways to meet such hostility. The source of man's ceaseless conflict lies in our
nature. Many are just not content with the simple life. We want what we do not have and lust
for what others possess.
" Empires wax and wane; states cleave asunder
and coalesce. Thus it has ever been. "
-Three Kingdoms (Chinese Novel 1400 A.D.)
Ironically enough, the modern civilized world promotes many alternatives
for conflict resolution in place of overt violence. As a result, physical strength,
mental determination and emotional endurance have lost their urgency in today's
popular society. Are we a generation self-absorbed in the absence of routine and
While the martial arts revolve around the way of personal combat, it also demands that
its adherents live in accordance with a certain warrior code of conduct and honor.
The Martial Way promises a long and arduous journey. It is an invitation to the
subordination of self, the endurance of sustained practice and the cultivation of the body and
the mind.
Martial arts without compassion and honor promises only violence. Stripped of its
spirituality, it threatens injury and suffering to both its victims and it's
practitioners. In the end, the higher ideal is what separates the warrior from the predator.
28/11/04 05:29 PM
Master Vajrasattva
We practice in such a way that Buddha is born every moment of our lives;
that Jesus Christ is born every moment of our daily lives.
29/11/04 02:01 AM
Master Vajrasattva
The reptilian bloodline I talked about and the correlation with the illuminati’s obsession with
ritual needs to be expanded on. This is where my powerful shaman come in. We can beat
their murderous & mind-controlling ways.
In between "worlds"
The reptilian and other entities, which are manipulating our world by possessing "human"
bodies, operate in frequencies between the Third and Fourth densities. These are referred to
as "hidden spaces and planes unknown to man", in the apparently ancient Emerald Tablets,
which I quote from in "Children of the Matrix". For simplicity, I refer to this "between world" in
my books as the lower fourth dimension.
It is from here that they police our vibrational prison - the Matrix - and seek to addict and
restrict us to the dense physical senses. This world was once far less dense than it is today
and the "fall" down the frequencies, caused by the manipulation of incarnate consciousness
and DNA infiltration, has made it so much more difficult to maintain a multi-dimensional
connection while in physical form. We are now in a cycle of change when the vibration of this
"world" will be raised out of dense physicality and return to where it once was. In doing so, the
reptilians' ability to manipulate our physical form will be removed and this is why they are in
such a panic at this time to prevent this shift from opening the vibrational prison door.
As things are looking up, there are benevolent aliens here to help us more. The Sirians have
helped for a long time.
Early on we were kept sub-human and not really allowed to think or write (the DNA was
brought here from the Elohim) and we were forced to mine gold for aliens. Now, modern
humans are influencing government more and more.
29/11/04 02:10 AM
Re: Master Vajrasattva
Hey Space,
Did you ever consider that many souls wanted to experience richer and deeper planes of
density and others are just serving that plan?
Did you ever consider that from a dense polarised perspective, those serving the plan to bring
light into dense experiential matter ONLY look manevolent from a dense dualised
Beleive what ya want, I'm just asking you to consider it and then read what jaques wrote in the
Darkness post.
29/11/04 02:43 AM
Master Vajrasattva
OK, those are good ideas -- I'm looking to have all of us, AS A SPECIES, outgrow this penal
colony. You guys can head on up to higher and higher planes than the 4th and 5th. Pls don't
let me hold you back. There are many people on Earth who haven't even heard of dimensions
higher than this one -- so, I'm trying to get a solid group of shaman to stop the malevolent
mind-control and get us back to a "less-dense" plane of existence for starters.
You may have caught my earlier posts about the ultimate goal being BEYOND GODHOOD
and completely free of suffering that Tibetans call the Rainbow Body. Your soul is completely
released & will merge back into the dualistic universe from which it came -- all that's left is the
hair and fingernails but even deities in their discarnate forms can attempt the transition.
Raelians from around the world file a lawsuit against the Vatican for crimes against humanity.
VATICAN : After the lawsuits for pedophilia,
Geneva, November 18th, 2004
It is irrefutable that the Vatican,
represented by the Pope Jean-Paul II, contributes to the proliferation
of the HIV virus (AIDS) on all the planet: by asserting that condoms let the AIDS virus through:
December 1, 2003 - declaration of the cardinal Alfonso Lopez Trujillo, President of the
Pontifical Council for the family; by prohibiting the use of condoms to its faithful. In 1995, in
Kenya, Catholic and Moslem authorities burned condoms
publicly; In 1996, Jean-Marie Untaomi Comparoé, archbishop of Ouagadougou in BurkinaFaso, launched the slogan: "to fight AIDS, let us first fight against the condom, because it
prevents one from having a global conception of the sexual intercourse as sign of love and of
In spite of the international pressure, the Vatican still did not
correct the criminal statements that were made and the number of people infected by AIDS
increases each day. Currently, more than 8 000 people (a youth every 14 seconds) are
contaminated each day by the AIDS virus.
In front of the Vatican’s silence, several tens of people, in particular in Africa, lodge a
complaint against the Pope, with the International Penal Court of the Hague, for Crime against
The Raelian Movement supports this courageous action and denounces,
also, these untrue allegations, which take part in the proliferation of a disease that continues
to cause the death of thousands of victims, obeying criminal and guilty precepts. After the
sexual abuse of pedophiles, can we let one of the largest sects in the world encourage the
expansion of the AIDS pandemic?
Raelians support the complaint lodged with the International Court of
the Hague against the Pope, for Crime against Humanity.
An important file of testimonies and incriminating elements were
gathered. This file will join the complaint deposited with the
International Penal Court of the Hague, by the plaintifs.
Claude Rael ( www.rael.org ) has just named Bill Gates "Honorary Priest" of the International
Raelian Movement (also known as "Guides"). Mr. Gates has just arranged to give yet another
$3 billion to charitable trusts which are promoting greater equality in global health and
It is also no surprise that so many of the richest people on earth realize that education is the
key to helping the poor help themselves. Charities which only feed the poor only perpetuate
this sad situation but giving them access to education will solve it. Education and basic health
should be the rights of all peoples.
29/11/04 02:56 AM
Re: Master Vajrasattva
Why not stay in this wonderfully rich plane and just start seeing beyond duality? if you did or
could, you would see the reptilians in a new light. Not all reptillians served in the manor Icke
describes either.
I realise, you are trying to reach people who will be happy to shift from blaming our
government and satan for their problems over to the reptillions.
Space Dragon, doesn't that just serve shifting the focal point through the lens of duality still?
Doesn't that just perpetuate the hate blame something to fear and fight against game.
Why not just teach and preach understanding the good in all and its purpose?
teach and preach what ya want, i'm just asking.
29/11/04 03:10 AM
Re: Master Vajrasattva
He still isn't understanding. All too often we come across "extremists" like this one, who claim
to be "IT"
hence his quote "means I AM YOUR KING. "
No, my friend. You are NOT my king. Regardless of what unholy beings have been feeding
your consciousness, you do not hold any true power over me or anyone on this planet,
besides maybe your wife and kids. If you abuse THAT power, hopefully our evil, corrupt
"government" will put you behind bars, so you can rethink about using your "power"
You speak out of anger, and frustration. All things that are worth having, come from peace,
and understanding, your vibrations are just NOT right man.
I can see you clearer than most people I think do, and this is the ONLY reason I have not
completely ignored you. It's because I KNOW for a fact that you more or less ARE being
contacted........because much of the knowledge you have/share I have received as well.
However, I do not believe you are being informed, and I'm asking you to perphaps STOP
contact for a while, in order to see clearly with your OWN mind.
29/11/04 03:14 AM
Re: Master Vajrasattva
I know everything I've said to him goes right over his head and he's back at it. I'm not asking
the questions for him to answer anymore. I am asking them for his readers to answer for
themselves. wink wink
29/11/04 03:14 AM
Re: Master Vajrasattva
spacedragon, How about you relax, step back, and stop trying to change the world on such a
large scale.
If you are so great, why are you NOT spreading vibration of love and peace, only anger and
Can you not see that you are aligning yourself with dark, evil energies? They are confusing
you man, keeping you from seeing truth.
I dont think you are crazy, just misled.
29/11/04 03:19 AM
Master Vajrasattva
Quote: Can you not see that you are aligning yourself with dark, evil energies? They are
confusing you man, keeping you from seeing truth.
Sorry, you are the one misled..or just unfamiliar with the compassionate God of Karma named
Vajrasattva. Cleansing one's karma is a VERY important thing and why shouldn't I step this up
to a global level. If you're happy in your house hiding out that's cool with me.
I'm not trying to teach to fear or hate the lizards GettinJiggyWithit. (The draconians I believe
are the name of the lizard species...) Maybe the picture was a little intense. I'm just saying let's
be aware and now prevent these mental attacks (not just mental attacks but physical and
spiritual attacks really when you think about it -- they're attacking every bit of us and trying to
make the plane more dense and confusing.) I appreciate when some of you say things like
"What's good and Bad just go with the flow man (not referring to you GettinJiggy) -- but if
these people are getting punched in the face do they say the same thing? or do they try to
move out of the way of the punch or defend themselves? I mean, let's get to the point...
humans are under attack by these illuminati entities. Before this year I didn't know this type of
mind-control was even happening. The internet is a good tool to become aware of this assault
on our body/minds.
Say, for instance, one is standing on the street & then starts getting trash dumped on them
from an apartment up above. Wouldn't you want to side-step the trash and find a less
disgusting area of the street? I just want to let these people know there's trash being dumped
"into" them in the form of mind-control, fear/terror tactics from the illuminati clan that funds
BOTH sides of the war in the middle east.
29/11/04 03:28 AM
Re: Master Vajrasattva
You are still my brother, and I still love you , regardless if we see things differently.
Just please, speak with more love or you will confuse more hearts than help them.
29/11/04 03:30 AM
Master Vajrasattva
If you read the post about the illuminati you'll maybe realize that they're the ones who are evil
and murdering and lying ... and all I'm doing is trying to start a spiritual revolution and help
raise our consciousness to the multi-dimensional level it deserves.
29/11/04 03:36 AM
Re: Master Vajrasattva
very well.
I will agree with you brother, there are EXTREMELY dark forces working TOGETHER to
enslave us, mentally, physically, emotionally.
I have pierced through the veil they have created, and seen the horrors of their workings, you
are not lying.
I have only GLIMPSED at it, and it put fear and disgust in me for quite some time.
I don't accuse you of consciously trying to hurt or limit anyone, I'm just trying to bring to your
attention that the way you are presenting yourself is faulty, especially when you say I AM
Thats an egotistical statement, how many people do you feel will accept you as their KING?
Like I said, it seems to me you are mixing some truths , with some fraud, unintentionally.
Just remember, evil creeps in through the backdoor.
If you are not speaking out of Love, you are NOT helping the cause.
29/11/04 03:38 AM
Re: Master Vajrasattva
Thats there job, like guns for higher in service to the ONE though. get to know and understand
the dracomian before the grand plan? Fuck If you won't come across grander beings that
make you cry in awe in their love for us.
Once you understand, the jig is up. One by one, people figure it out and then know the truth of
them and are no longer part of that game. As every one individual now comes to understand
one of them gets pulled back out of the game too and its wrapping itself up in this way.
You talk like something can be done to you against your higher will? Hog wash! For all you
babble about , you have to know how frequency planes work and how no one ends up in the
fear freqs by "accident" but by free will choice to experience this plane.
Some one had to play devils advocate to pull this off. Some one had to first volunteer to fall
into separation and forgetfullness and be waiting in ambush for the others who would then fall.
It was all a part of the plan.
SOMEONES had to volunteer to scare the living hell out of us figuratively and literally. You
know this shit is of the illusive nature. The whole lot of us have always been safe and in love.
Its a game and though its real, its not lasting and in the end, its a win win.
We are all on the same team, there has only ever been the ONE.
I am not writing this to you cuz your really stuck as its probably in your blue print to be at this
time. I'm writing this for your readers as well.
if someone doesn't doesn't rob from you, how are going to learn to overcome ego attachments
while in individuation?
if someone doesn't kill your friend how are you going to learn to allow for free will through
forgiveness as above so below while in individuation.
The hell has to come out of us first before we can truly become conscious co-creators in the
larger game beyond the one of duality.
If you havn't noticed Space, you are playing the role of scaring the hell out of people. LOL You
also share some heavenly stuff.
Nukes wake people up from their slumber don't they? Are they bad or good?
A rapist on the loose in the neighborhood brings people back into vigilant cognition and out of
auto pilot. Is that bad or good.
we have choice, and one is to see the good or the bad in things or both and another choice is
to appreciate it all.
Choices choices choices, doesn't free will rock!
29/11/04 03:40 AM
Master Vajrasattva
Yea, I know it seems wild to say your World President or King. But, I asked the gods for
assurance plenty of times before I even posted it on the boards. The denizens of hyperspace
and the leader of the elohim yahweh said the words first: World Leader..Adam.
What?? Are you serious?
Yes Adam.
The Gods, both Peaceful and Wrathful said things like yea, why not (they're so good with our
planet's colloquialisms) - the peaceful aliens like the Sumerians and the Elohim are like "sure,
let the boy give it a try."
Now, by claiming I'm approaching Buddhahood or full enlightenment brought out the big
gunners and you'll see me eventually for what I am .. simply a king who wants to learn and
keep learning -- never to rule with fear. But, there is definitly some problems in this world that
we need to root out. Maybe even with massive hyperspatial magick or at least getting you
guys cutting and pasting the info concerning the illuminati and the racist skull & bones clan
that the Bush family has strong ties to.
29/11/04 03:45 AM
Master Vajrasattva
The reptilian bloodline I talked about and the correlation with the illuminati’s obsession with
ritual needs to be expanded on. This is where my powerful shaman come in. We can beat
their murderous & mind-controlling ways.
In between "worlds"
The reptilian and other entities, which are manipulating our world by possessing "human"
bodies, operate in frequencies between the Third and Fourth densities. These are referred to
as "hidden spaces and planes unknown to man", in the apparently ancient Emerald Tablets,
which I quote from in "Children of the Matrix". For simplicity, I refer to this "between world" in
my books as the lower fourth dimension.
It is from here that they police our vibrational prison - the Matrix - and seek to addict and
restrict us to the dense physical senses. This world was once far less dense than it is today
and the "fall" down the frequencies, caused by the manipulation of incarnate consciousness
and DNA infiltration, has made it so much more difficult to maintain a multi-dimensional
connection while in physical form. We are now in a cycle of change when the vibration of this
"world" will be raised out of dense physicality and return to where it once was. In doing so, the
reptilians' ability to manipulate our physical form will be removed and this is why they are in
such a panic at this time to prevent this shift from opening the vibrational prison door.
As things are looking up, there are benevolent aliens here to help us more. The Sirians have
helped for a long time.
Early on we were kept sub-human and not really allowed to think or write (the DNA was
brought here from the Elohim) and we were forced to mine gold for aliens. Now, modern
humans are influencing government more and more.
(prophet of God)
29/11/04 03:48 AM
The USA is in the process of creating heaven on earth.
29/11/04 04:02 AM
Master Vajrasattva
Wait a minute - you guys say I am trying to spread fear. The television is full of lies about
things that aren't even happening like red, orange, yellow alerts designed to suck money from
us. I go to speicific boards where open-minded and sometimes enlightened people come to
speak their mind.
Again, from 9/11 and before that, the illuminati has funded both sides of the war and have
been spreading fear on a GLOBAL SCALE - now, THAT is what messes with the density of
the plane. Spacedragon gets on some boards and says hey, I'm the unifier of the people
(even if you unify against me at first) and will rule masterfully:
When the master governs, the people
barely even know he exists.
Next is the leader who is loved
Then the leader who is feared
and the worst is the leader who is despised
I am the master who will govern without many knowing I exist -- well, I admit the word got
around... so I'm dancing between being loved and the others until I grow a little older and
Others will just think it was a joke and calm down later _ but if you see the ideas I've entered
in this thread - about expanding our civilization to the stable star system that the Spirit God of
the Stropharia Cubensis picked out (which is a very beautiful planet with an archipeligo of
islands surrounding the equator -- that will be very wonderful to go to plant the symbiotic
species and help lessen the population load) plus there are many other ideas for leading this
civilization contained in my writings.
The US has had presidents who were tied to the evil clans and tried to forge plans to "work to
lessen (i.e. kill) the world's population down to 2 billion so the First World people can live a
certain way." Too bad I have to be the messenger showing of the other side of this dualistic
drama -- I'll try to concentrate on the good side a little more and spread vibrations of love and
happiness as you guys suggested
29/11/04 07:16 AM
Master Vajrasattva
In 1959 during a demonstration for high-ranking naval officers using only a map and
pendulum, expert diviner Verne Cameron was able to determine the exact position of every
American naval submarine deployed throughout the world. The officials were astonished when
Cameron was then able to determine the exact position of every Russian submarine.
Cameron was apparently so highly skilled with the pendulum that it took him less than an hour
to locate all the American and Russian subs.
There are numerous reports of divination being used successfully by companies both large
and small and by many scientists throughout the world.. although discretely for finding ideal
drilling locations for oil wells, water wells, for finding ancient archeological sites, finding
missing persons, [important for stopping the Illuminati’s satanic child sacrifices] diagnosing
medical conditions, finding underground electric wires and pipes, and for various types of
mining operations. Many of the individuals who perform these divination services are quietly
paid hefty sums of money.
-From the Magic Power of Radionics, Psionics and Orgone
29/11/04 07:17 AM
Re: Master Vajrasattva
"...and spread vibrations of love and happiness as you guys suggested"
thats all I ask
29/11/04 07:39 AM
Re: Master Vajrasattva
All I suggested was that from time to time, you and your readers check themselves and realise
the drama for what it is, actors wearing costumes playing roles in the grand illusion of duality
to serve the further growth and self realisation potentials of THE free willing ONE.
The dracs and who who ever chooses to wear the ugly masks and creepy costumes and play
the sinister roles are just actors, light beings behind the mask like everyone else in the drama.
Sure, like watching a horror flick or good versus evil dramas like Star Wars, if you can
suspend the rational mind and let imagination sink in to beleive it for a time, it's really exciting
to watch and experience vicariously or actively.
When the show is over, you don't bring it home with you like it was real. You know, they were
scripted actors, playing parts wearing costumes for your entertainment.
I just wanted to throw in a re-minder of this.
We now return back to your regulary scheduled space drama.
30/11/04 03:18 AM
Master Vajrasattva
I enjoy when you speak of being part of THE ONE and how this drama shouldn't be played
into as much. It's just that many people are starving and dying as a result of the evil "actors."
Yes, they could be light beings somewhere deep down in the programming of their souls but
are very lost and karmically screwed... many sometimes enjoy causing that suffering because
of their ignorance.
We need to educate as much as possible and not just let these illuminati take their evil course
anymore. They get super rich off economic crashes of the world and fund both sides of a war
on terror and many of us are left confused with their lies and propaganda on t.v.
30/11/04 03:19 AM
Master Vajrasattva
Another important ruling besides expanding our population to planets in stable star systems
(instead of killing our own people for population control as the New World Order does) is
making abortion ILLEGAL after 45 days. So, that's a month and a half for a woman to decide
unless their are serious medical complications in later trimesters.
47 days is believed by many scientists and spiritual masters to be the day the soul inhabits the
body and enters the "seat of the soul" in the pineal gland.
The supplement CoQ10, I'd like to add, is very important & possibly as important as a daily
supplement as Vit.C.
Dennis McKenna has a very interesting publication called DMT Nature's Ubiquitous
Hallucinogen. The title sounds majorly interesting because of the word ubiquitous. It's also a
root word for that important co-enzyme I just mentioned Coenzyme Q10 (also known as
The word ubiquitous means "existing or being everywhere, or in all places, at the same time."
Many doctors have stated that taking the important supplement UBIQUINIONE CoQ10 will
help your bodies cells (trillions of them) to act like little "batteries" producing energy the body
NN-DMT (NATURES UBIQUITOUS HALLUCINOGEN) may help humans "hone" in to multidimensional consciousness. There are many other paths to the same top of the mountain. I
suggest a foundation in meditation first of all or not trying DMT at all. It can ice you if you're not
prepared for intelligent, discarnate entities that are not necessarily from Earth and are not
always benevolent. So, there's a possibility that humans can use this chemical for "tuning in"
and contacting higher-dimensional entities & all LOGOS (definition : "Cosmic Being who
ensouls a planet (Planetary Logos), a solar system (Solar Logos), a galaxy (Galactic Logos)
and so on to infinity.
30/11/04 06:17 AM
Master Vajrasattva
These are just preliminary talks before global rulings are enforced. The U.N. is listening to
what I have to say..for heaven's sake, even extra-terrestrials have tapped my home. It's was a
perfect trap I lured the gov't into -- by buying lame cultivation equip and just barely touching on
potentially illegal activity (DMT containing Mimosa Hostilis, 2C-I and DXM from American
Chemical Supply & buying hydroponic set-ups) to get them listening to me and monitoring my
Then I just did major Phowa practices for the dead, prayers to the god Vajrasattva and
channeling very powerful spirits to freak the crap out of them... scolding them all night
because I knew my house was bugged.
The Homeland Security dictatorship, Patriot Acts 1 and 2, the Total Information Awareness
Network, government-run white slavery rings, the new prison surveillance economy are
subjects I’m trying to bring to the forefront just for starters. The very future of humanity
depends on exposing government-sponsored terrorism and how the globalists pose as our
saviors when in fact, they are the terrorists.
The mainstream media is whitewashing and lying about what really happened on Sept 11th.
Alex Jones’ amazing video 911: The Road to Tyranny is shaking the foundations of
Washington, DC as the definitive film on what really happened on Sept. 11th and who stands
to gain.
The Government needed a crisis to convince the people to willingly give up their liberty in
exchange for safety. Now the painful facts are in. The dark forces of global government are
funding, training and protecting terrorist networks worldwide. 911: The Road to Tyranny
documents the ruthless history of governments orchestrating terrorist attacks against their
own people to scare them into total submission. In this brutal expose you will witness the birth
of a global police state that surpasses Orwell's nighmarish vision. It's all here: the history of
government-sponsored terrorism, the modern implementation of fear-based control and, most
frightening of all, the New World Order's future plans. .
Info is available on the net concerning the execution of the September 11th attacks and the
ensuing whitewash, the cashless society control-grid, implanted microchips, mind-control,
militarization of police, concentration camps, foreign troops massing on US soil, the USA
Patriot Act, and Homeland Security taking over the states.
Nixon, Eisenhower, and Reagan were members of a messed up secret cult. The Bush Family
Maintains a strong involvement also to the following cult and its practices. Now, for the First
Time in History, Alex Jones brings you video from his infiltration of Bohemian Grove. View the
elite compound and witness world leaders conducting bizarre occult rituals. The club at
Bohemian Grove is located inside a 2,700 acre redwood grove. At this unholy place a 3,000
year-old Caananite cult is being revived.
Each year at Bohemian Grove, members of this all-male ultra-elite club don red, black and
silver robes and conduct an occult ritual wherein they worship a giant stone owl, burning a
human being "in effigy" as a sacrifice to their owl god.
Now, for the first time in history, an outsider has infiltrated bohemian Grove with a hidden
video camera and caught the ritual on tape. That man is Alex Jones.
The corrupt central government has already implemented the first stages of an oppressive
Police State -- Martial law is here!
I'm taking this position of World Leader to put a stop to this enslavement as well as Alex
Jones, Claude Rael and others fighting for this cause.
Alex Jones exposes the problem-reaction-solution paradigm being used to terrorize the
American people into accepting a highly controlled and oppressive society. From children in
public schools being trained to turn in their peers and parents, to the Army and National Guard
patrolling our nation's highways, Police State: The Takeover reveals the most threatening
developments of Police State control in our age.
The powerful central government is gearing up for the TOTAL TAKEOVER
Alex Jones exposes the growing relationship between the military and police. Witness US
marines training with foreign troops and learning how to control and contain civilian
populations as practiced during Operation: Urban Warrior. You will see special forces
helicopter attacks on south Texas towns, concentration camps, broad unconstitutional police
actions, search and seizure and more...
Find out how the sovereignty of the United States is being subordinated to the globalist
interests, through such examples as the Foundations at the Presidio and the Panama Canal.
See United Nations and Chinese Interests are affecting our nation. Witness the United
Nation's indoctrination of America's children. Interviews with witnesses of the Oklahoma City
Local, State and Federal governmental institutions own over 70% of the stock market!
Alex Jones interviews Walter Burien, Commodity Trading Advisor (CTA) of 15 years about the
biggest game in town. There are over 85,000 Federal and regional governmental institutions:
school districts, water and power authorities, country and city governments -- and they own
over 70 percent of the stock market. This is an absolute must-see to pull back the curtain of
lies on the private takeover of our society. This tape also includes an interview with Joe
Banister, former IRS Special Agent exposing how the IRS is a collection agency for the
private, run-for-profit Federal Reserve.
Concentration camps in America? Feds set to toss millions of innocent Americans into
gruesome factories of torture and death?… Could it be? Sounds preposterous. Yet…in this
video, Texe Marrs marshals overwhelming evidence so convincing it boggles the mind.
01/12/04 04:18 AM
Master Vajrasattva
The Way has to be known with the entire self, not through words.
What does one do in the face of the most fundamental flux in existence that is Tao? Well, you
could either stand in one place and let it all go through you, or you could take advantage of
your free will and try to act within the flux.
Some spiritual systems hold that a deity comes first. Therefore, they encourage obedience
over perception – you have to know what the laws are, but you don’t have to know why. But
the ancients taught a different perception of reality. They felt that the cosmos was great, but
impersonal. There was little chance to influence the workings of time and nature according to
the wishful thinking of humans. Thus the methods of Tao are not ones in which one tries to
conform with what Big Mother or Big Father tells people to do. Instead, it studies ways to act
wisely within a constantly shifting dynamic.
This makes perception paramount. One needs to become sensitive and experienced in
operating within an always developing set of surroundings. What counts then is neither dogma
nor obedience to some divine ruler. What counts is perceptive action within the allencompassing flux of Tao.
01/12/04 04:57 AM
Master Vajrasattva
Sometimes, by choosing any one deity or religion -- choosing any one path -- we limit
ourselves to one set pantheon rather than utilizing each and every aspect of each and every
individual God/Goddess, thereby lessening our magickal abilities and therefore greatly
oppressing the magickal effects.
Some believe that the true nature, form and even name of the God/desses are unknown; that
the names given to mankind were not their true name, but rather summoning names to use.
To give us their true names would be to bestow upon us, as a race, dominion over the
God/desses. This is an assignment we do not believe has happened, and should NOT
They seem to have the ability to assume any form they wish, including, but certainly not limited
to human, animal and that of the elements.
We believe that the Gods and Goddesses of our planes, dimensions and realms do, can and
will lend their energies to our workings, our lives and our intentions when properly asked.
The quality of life in the realm of the gods may look superior to our own, yet the masters tell us
that human life is infinitly more valuable. Why? Because the very fact that we have the
awareness and intelligence that are the raw materials for enlightenment, and because the very
suffering that pervades this human realm is itself the spur to spiritual transformation. Pain,
grief, loss and ceaseless frustration of every kind are there for a real purpose: to wake us up,
to enable and almost force us ALL to break out of the cycle of samsara and so release our
imprisoned splendor!
I speak of innumerable worlds in different dimensions - there may even be many worlds very
like, or just like ours - and several modern astrophysicists have developed theories about the
existence of parallel universes.
01/12/04 05:00 AM
Master Vajrasattva
Sometimes, I re-post important points to catch the eye of people just coming to the thread.
The name of the thread itself is catchy but the important stuff may be missed with so many
pages. I don't go around spamming other threads but just keep a solid rhythm to this one.
(Dreaming of Damage)
01/12/04 05:14 AM
Re: Master Vajrasattva
maybe you should write some sci fi or someting
01/12/04 05:54 AM
Re: Master Vajrasattva
Ummm, you might have said this in an erlier post but what are the entities so concerned with
keeping us down?
YOu mentioned the reptilions wanting density, but when I pit that against my empirical
conclusion that the world is just more crowded now due to infromation sharing (More people,
more tv, more radio, etc etc etc.), It seems as though the idea of reptillions needing violence is
absurd. Ive read what ex CIA people have to say about the money on both sides in the
gulf...im convinced its just shitty planning.
My same empirical thoughts make me tend to believe that any threat of secret socsiety is as
not as big and bad as you think. While I do beleive it would be easy to nudge the workings of
our socsiety and some people enjoy playing games that do this for power and money. I do not
believe that these are anything more then some bad habits poeople were passed on from thier
family, friends, etc (their culture).
A secret socsiety would imply people in power. Spacedragon if you ignore everything else in
this post please consider this point:
People personify everything, it is just a process the self uses in relating it to ourselves. Make
sure you do not misjudge the flow of history which ends with the current status quo. I think the
ancient romans in thier quest for the good (the perfec status quo was the goal for socsiety) are
responsible for the inequities we see today.
Spacedragon....I challenge you to convince me that this 40 pages of posts aren't just your
imagination at work, and thier is something bigger going on. I don't want crackpot links, I want
dialogue from you telling me what these seperate entities are tryiing to do to earth and how we
are all pawns to rtier will. While I might just be stubborn, ...as of now I plain don't believe you.
Please....try to convince me.
04/12/04 07:09 AM
Master Vajrasattva
Many decades of lies in textbooks is difficult to unravel I know..
If tomorrow the Arabic nations decide to create a new oil embargo, America will invade Saudi
Arabia to get the oil and a vast majority of Americans will support it... That's democracy at
100,000 iraqis have been killed and the majority of americans support it. Guantanamo is a
concentration camp with torture and abuses and the majority of americans support it... Israel
is building a wall and colonizing Palestinian land and the majority of americans support it...
We’re witnessing an imperialist power that’s democratically supported. The last time we’ve
seen something this appauling was Hitler’s reign. Millions of ignorant Americans feel good
about voting for this bush/emperor when they are citizens of the empire benefiting from the
fruits of the looting taken by brute force.
The USA only represents 5% of the world population and yet it dominates the whole world and
has military bases in 120 countries...The only hope for the poor and weak victims of such an
imperialist american power is the rise of a new superpower able to oppose US domination.
China may be the new hope for the 95% of the world which is not american and yet who is
dominated by it. The recent signature by Iran of an agreement to provide oil to China for 10
years may be the most significant event of this counter-power that the world desperately
needs. But, this new superpower is also a nuclear power...it must be as long as the USA
is...and that’s not very positive for the future of humanity ... And the USA cannot even envision
asking China to get rid of its weapons of mass destruction as long as they have them
That's why the Elohim say that we have an 85% chance of self destruction. Let’s not forget
how many times Yahweh, their awful leader, blew up the face of the earth because we were
evolving too fast for his liking. Yahweh’s no better than a cotton-pickin’ plantation owner and
most humans have discarded those evil ways -- but he still seems to justify nuclear holocausts
through his science and lack of understanding of reincarnation, karma and the soul that
animates all living things.
Anyway, america needs to be humbled…I’ll start by proposing we strengthen the U.N. as well
as weed out their illuminati members. 2nd, we should ask that the U.N. kicks out the united
states for a 3 month suspension if they do not pull out of the middle east by Jan 1, 2005.
04/12/04 07:15 AM
Re: Master Vajrasattva
Also, it is very important for this planet is to begin construction of many “sky”rise apartment
buildings in preparation for 2012. These are HUGE buildings that I’ve mentioned earlier in the
thread inspired by Japanese engineering. They are very space-efficient for the millions and
millions that can find a home before a very likely hemi-global Ice Age.
An important topic I’d like my inner circle of priests and shaman to familiarize themselves with
is the 5th dimensional Pleiadian beings and their civilization. Some have claimed that Jesus
Christ was a Pleiadian who was born with his memory intact. As I’ve mentioned before, the
three main types of entities in this universe are material, atmospherean and ethereal beings.
The ancient lizard race is becoming more and more atmospherean and controlling many
humans through the 4 dimension/density. We need to step up our understanding of
hyperspace and consider less haphazard drug-use for our community and more intense
meditation training for defensive measures.
These lizards/draconians can invade your mind and even pose as deities to control one’s
decisions for malevolent reasons. Please don’t listen to every voice that runs through your
mindstream. I’ve told you about researching more Buddhist books about summoning
compassionate gods for your info. It’s exciting to open your faculties for ESP and astral
traveling but not everyone talking to you is necessarily G O D or some helpful deity.
04/12/04 07:17 AM
Master Vajrasattva
Great Spirit, Tao, and the word God are all similar in definition by several cultures. There are
clashes though when some churches or synagogues claim God is some anthropomorphic
entity hanging out in Earth’s clouds listening to us all day. If anyone’s doing that it’s the aliens.
I feel similar about being part of a larger intelligent whole – but I also feel we have something
called FREE WILL. Once a religion convinces people that they’re actors in a grand “play”
that’s already dictated for us humans (some meant to be evil and some meant to be good)
that is a dangerous and false notion. As human beings we are different from the animals in
that we are “sentient” meaning aware of our existence and have free will to decide what to do.
Some will always seek the dark side because of the way they’ve been taught or the souls
they’ve contacted or been possessed by.
When we’re told humans are just “cells” in a massive brain of a dude named GOD, we can be
left vulnerable to have our minds controlled by priests. We do have free will.
The martial art I’m mastering has an exercise where you walk a circle during part of the form
with thousands of possibilities of attacks and defenses within the form/kata (series of
movements.) The essence and philosophy of these movements encompass that idea of
humans having this free will and can walk in (BAGUA) “eight directions” of the compass and
decide for themselves which path to choose.
Many spiritual people believe inanimate objects also have “intelligence” among their molecular
structure. Although, many intelligent people are realizing that our planet and its molten iron
core are just bits of stardust thrown out from massive explosions and we are just beginning
our wonderful trek through the universe (Earth’s humans starting point was from the DNA
molecules brought here by our forefathers the Elohim.) Last decade scientists discovered
MANY Jupiter-sized planets in a decaying orbit around other stars. Some having more than
one Jupiter-sized planet. What I’m getting at is life is everywhere, first of all, and many
governments of this world have encountered and negotiate with these beings from other star
(Light of Jahovah)
04/12/04 03:36 PM
Re: Master Vajrasattva
You need to relax a bit...and maybe get to know some one before you conclude that they're
ignorant, because pre-judging is a pretty ignorant act itself...which makes for not only an
ignorant person, but a hypocrate too. make sense? maybe i'm wrong to think so.
(Light of Jahovah)
04/12/04 03:54 PM
Re: Master Vajrasattva
why would "god" post on shroomery? fuck it Janet Jackson knows how to get a point
across...surely spacedragons' god complex thought it to be too complex to actually provide
ANY reason to believe anything he says, because I still dont give a fug who he thinks he
is...after all the posts and ranting about aliens etc., i still would rather watch the halftime show
and think "malfunction?? i see no problem with the outfit myself!" ~~really not sure where i
was going with that but hey a bit of advice for Spacedragon: maybe you should think globaly,
maybe after another 300 some odd attempts to make someone believe you.....well nope. that
wont work either. give it up. write sci-fi put your imagination to some useful form.
04/12/04 10:34 PM
Re: Master Vajrasattva
how come you didn't answer redeye's post? if you can right 23 pages of absolute crap surely
you can write a couple of post to tell him what he wants to know.
05/12/04 06:31 PM
Master Vajrasattva
Never said I was god. People flaming me are just afraid to think outside the bun. Someone
comes along who's trained all their life to attain healing powers, martial prowess and
meditation skills to navigate distant realms and they have a god complex?
As king I am close to being divine but I'm still humble to the 4th and 5th dimensional rulers
who help our planet.
So, no I'm not your false god Yahweh. Just posting here on several message boards to let
people know I'm the King of Earth - not your DNA-wielding 4th dimensional Archon Yahweh.
As for bush.."If you're not appauled, you're not paying attention." He tells people he's trying to
keep the u.s. safe from terrorism; when actually he's causing and funding the terrorism from
the cults he belongs to. Bush Jr. and his father are making a killing off of America and selling
it to the Saudis while preparing for a global takeover.
I'll make sure that will never happen.
05/12/04 06:33 PM
Master Vajrasattva
Raelians can be FUN people to hang out with!
We all know that it's a sin for an Islamic male to see any woman other than his wife naked,
and that he must commit suicide if he does. So this Sunday at 4:00 PM Eastern time, all
American women are asked to walk out of their house completely naked to help weed out any
neighborhood terrorists.
Circling your block for one hour is recommended for this antiterrorist effort. All men are to
position themselves in lawn chairs in front of their house to prove they are not terrorists, and to
demonstrate that they think it's okay to see nude women other than their wife and to show
support for all American women.
And since the Koran also does not approve of alcohol, a cold six-pack
at your side is further proof of your antiterrorist sentiment. The American Government
appreciates your efforts to root out terrorists
and applauds your participation in this anti terrorist activity.
05/12/04 06:58 PM
Master Vajrasattva
Claude Rael, founder of the RAELIAN MOVEMENT, is so deeply moved by all the pro-peace
American citizens who are depressed by George Bush’s victory and are thinking about leaving
the USA to emigrate in Canada, that he is giving them another much more powerful idea:
create a new nation which would regroup all the pro-Kerry states: The New United States of
His Holiness stated: "Looking at the USA map you see clearly that all the richest and most
modern states on both the west and east coast voted in a vast majority for John Kerry,
sometimes by more than 70%. It 's only the central, rural USA who voted for Bush.
Instead of leaving the USA to let pro-war George Bush continue his bloody campaign, all propeace American citizens should stay in the USA and start a process in which all the pro- Kerry
states would leave the USA in a new secession, create the “New United States of America”
(NUSA) and unite the "blue states" which were largely from both coasts. These states are
certainly financially and culturally rich enough to create a powerful independent nation.
I know that for many years there have been people in California who already wanted to
secede from the USA and with a federation of all the blue states they could create an even
more powerful new confederation lead by John Kerry - and let the citizens of the "red states"
enjoy being governed by George Bush. The American citizens could then truly be free, having
the choice to live in a modern pro-peace, pro-stem cells, pro-choice, pro-gay marriages New
United States or choose to live in conservative pro-war, anti-gay, anti-abortion, pro "patriot act"
and anti-freedom conservative USA. This action would also show the rest of the world the true
America – that most US citizens are against this totally unjustified war and don’t want to follow
a president who claims to be Christian while killing over 100,000 innocent people”.
For all interviews, please contact our press office:
Sylvie Chabot : 514-366-3734
-Taken from Rael.org
07/12/04 06:38 PM
Master Vajrasattva
Working with the dying and the dead gives a spiritual aspirant a direct opportunity to practice
compassion in action, and in the situation that it is probably most needed of all.
Your compassion can have 3 essential benefits for the dying person: First, because it is
opening your heart, you will find it easier to show the dying person unconditional love, and
which they need so much. On a deeper, spiritual level, I have seen again and again how, if
you try to embody compassion and act out of the heart of compassion, you will create an
atmosphere in which the other person can be inspired to imagine the spiritual dimension or
even take up spiritual practice. On the deepest level of all, if you do constantly practice
compassion for the dying person and in turn inspire them to do the same, you might not only
heal them spiritually, but perhaps even physically too. And you will discover for yourself what
the spiritual masters know, that the POWER OF COMPASSION has no bounds!
The first act of devotion is offering.
People on a spiritual path look to gain the abundance of that path. But how can we gain
spiritual gifts unless we are receptive? After all, nothing spiritual can occur if we are occupied
with self-reguard. Therefore, worship needs an act that will signify a willingness to put aside
self-centered occupations in favor of receptiveness to the divine. That is why all worship
involves offering.
07/12/04 06:50 PM
Master Vajrasattva
In olden times, those who followed the Tao were sometimes called crazy. Others lived in silent
mountain abodes. Still others were artists (sometimes drunk) shouting and muttering while
wildly flinging ink.
Also without a doubt, many who followed Tao in the past were highly educated and cultivated
people. It's just that the ancient masters saw through the futility of social accomplishments
and operated on a mental level so deep that they appeared quite mad. They were simply
interested in levels of human existence so far beyond the common perception that they
appeared crazy. In cases where the teachers were bothered by shallow petitioners seeking
secrets of immortality or details of political strategy, they might even have feigned madness in
order to be left alone.
But which is worse, the "madness" of following Tao or the madness of an existence without
-Deng Ming Dao Everyday Tao
If you want to know strategy, know when and how to destroy the root.
If you want to knock something down, go to the root.
If you want something to stand, establish the root.
(The Silence is louder then you think)
07/12/04 07:27 PM
Re: Master Vajrasattva
its called delusional schetrophrenia, being so deep in ones own mind, that nothing will change
their point of view. When an individual reaches a certain point in their life, all the frustration,
ideas, thoughts, images, all adds up and the ego is formed, while for most its a positive thing,
but there are cases were one cannot see it another way. They are stuck in their own mind.
Searching for answeres in their own mind, making the real world invisible. Its ok, happends to
all of us
07/12/04 07:58 PM
Re: Master Vajrasattva
Mental illness in large part, in my opinion, is the result of a very open mind which, despite
itself, clings desperately to its ego.
07/12/04 09:18 PM
Re: Master Vajrasattva
the_phoenix said:
Mental illness in large part, in my opinion, is the result of a very open mind which, despite
itself, clings desperately to its ego.
And a closed mind does not cling desparetly to ego and is healthy?
I know the board loves one liners and doesn't find them to be vague, but I am implication
challenged sometimes, especially today it seems. I didn't understand your message. Can you
(Light of Jahovah)
07/12/04 10:52 PM
Re: Master Vajrasattva
space dragon i have sent you a couple PM's about the masons and some other chit. i would
really like it if you read them and gave me a reply. any knowledge you have would be helpful.
(Light of Jahovah)
07/12/04 10:55 PM
Re: Master Vajrasattva
i read about a man in Tibet who shut himself in a cave for over 40 years alone. the only way
his family knew he was alive was because his hair still grew. they brought him new clothes
once a year.....is that guy still holding on to his ego? is that the only thing stoping him from
death and rebirth?
07/12/04 11:04 PM
Master Vajrasattva
The middle path would be a good place to start. Shamans say that seeing too much at one
time could bring madness (i.e. the many, many dimensions and entities (and times) that
converge at once -- or the Mantis species of aliens, that freaked out the U.S. gov't officials so
much when looking upon their cadavers, that several men killed themselves thinking about
them harvesting us and impregnating our wommen.) I could go on but I'm trying to let you
guys know enough to not cause panic, but not too little that we're caught off guard.
I refer you again to the John Lear Report available on the web; rael.org and davidicke.com
INFOWARS.com will give you enough of a dose of reality to get the pulse pounding. Maybe
choose one site a day so you don't get too freaked.. of the real truth of our penal colony planet
(Set up originally by your God/Yahweh alien character. He didn't allow humans to read or write
for a while and humans mistook him for a god with his shiny suit and wrist rockets that could
make him and his "angels" fly.
I'm trying to liberate ALL of us, not just a few in a retarted cult like bush's illuminati. I want all
my brothers and sisters to know the truth and be set free of the chains of human ignorance.
07/12/04 11:12 PM
Master Vajrasattva
Some spiritual systems hold that a deity comes first. Therefore, they encourage obedience
over perception – you have to know what the laws are, but you don’t have to know why. But
the ancients taught a different perception of reality. They felt that the cosmos was great, but
impersonal. There was little chance to influence the workings of time and nature according to
the wishful thinking of humans. Thus the methods of Tao are not ones in which one tries to
conform with what Big Mother or Big Father tells people to do. Instead, it studies ways to act
wisely within a constantly shifting dynamic.
This makes perception paramount. One needs to become sensitive and experienced in
operating within an always developing set of surroundings. What counts then is neither dogma
nor obedience to some divine ruler. What counts is perceptive action within the allencompassing flux of Tao.
(Dreaming of Damage)
07/12/04 11:14 PM
Re: Master Vajrasattva
anwser this,
did you or did you not admit last month that you were delusional?
08/12/04 07:26 AM
Master Vajrasattva
No I did not. 5 months ago when I started the original thread (before the sequel) I covered my
A$$ and said I "could be delusional" so I could rant any statements borderlining on treason
and just say it was a bad trip. We need to stop this george's empire from crushing the whole
world into the total garbage heap it's becoming.
I am your King and you should be careful what you say to me. My Elohim servants are
dangerous and when you guys keep talkin' shit it's wasting time from this revolution..they have
already paid several of you a visit and you beg for mercy and come back to flame like homos
08/12/04 07:27 AM
Master Vajrasattva
Last month, researchers at Brown University reported on the a new neuro-circuit technology's
success in a 25-year-old quadriplegic from Massachusetts. After electrodes were implanted in
his brain, the man was able to access e-mail, play video games, turn on lights, and change
channels or adjust the volume on a TV.
The UW researchers are one of a handful of groups that have had success this year in
implanting electrodes on the surface of the brain, said Daofen Chen, program director for
neuro circuit research at NIH's neurological disorders and stroke institute.
"This is a significant development," Chen said.
The accomplishment highlights an amazing new technology that in the last year has created
the distinct possibility that severely disabled people may soon be able to communicate and
even regain movement by tapping directly into the brain and training it to bypass damaged
nerve cells.
--From the Dec. 5, 2004 edition of the Milwaukee Journal Sentinel
08/12/04 07:45 AM
Re: Master Vajrasattva
why should one be careful what they call you? i could call you some the rudest and crudest
words and statements and there would be nothing you could do about it.
08/12/04 08:43 AM
Master Vajrasattva
Coming from the guy who said my talks about suffering kids in sweatshops bore him..you are
a flaming neophyte with no spiritual root. Go ahead and do your worst _ Call me whatever. I'm
all things to all people at the end of the day. Anyone who seeks to eventually be a god should
aspire to do the same. I'll help an old lady cross the street.. and then turn around and knock
out some punkass muscleman for picking on little kids.
www.nopedo.org : Stop child abuse by catholic priests: child abuse by sexually starved priests
is rampant in the catholic church and yet covered up and ignored by the authorities
08/12/04 08:51 AM
Master Vajrasattva
God does not exist.
We were the ones who created all life on earth
You mistook us for deities and distorted our teachings of love
We now reveal how to realize your true potential and
attain global peace.
08/12/04 08:58 AM
Master Vajrasattva
Some spiritual systems hold that a deity comes first. Therefore, they encourage obedience
over perception – you have to know what the laws are, but you don’t have to know why. But
the ancients taught a different perception of reality. They felt that the cosmos was great, but
impersonal. There was little chance to influence the workings of time and nature according to
the wishful thinking of humans. Thus the methods of Tao are not ones in which one tries to
conform with what Big Mother or Big Father tells people to do. Instead, it studies ways to act
wisely within a constantly shifting dynamic.
This makes perception paramount. One needs to become sensitive and experienced in
operating within an always developing set of surroundings. What counts then is neither dogma
nor obedience to some divine ruler. What counts is perceptive action within the allencompassing flux of Tao.
www.nopedo.org : Stop child abuse by catholic priests: child abuse by sexually starved priests
is rampant in the catholic church and yet covered up and ignored by the authorities
08/12/04 09:02 AM
Master Vajrasattva
God does not exist.
We were the ones who created all life on earth
You mistook us for deities and distorted our teachings of love
We now reveal how to realize your true potential and
attain global peace.
The only desirable fanaticism is that of freedom.
Last month, researchers at Brown University reported on a new neuro-circuit technology's
success in a 25-year-old quadriplegic from Massachusetts. After electrodes were implanted in
his brain, the man was able to access e-mail, play video games, turn on lights, and change
channels or adjust the volume on a TV.
The UW researchers are one of a handful of groups that have had success this year in
implanting electrodes on the surface of the brain, said Daofen Chen, program director for
neuro circuit research at NIH's neurological disorders and stroke institute.
"This is a significant development," Chen said.
The accomplishment highlights an amazing new technology that in the last year has created
the distinct possibility that severely disabled people may soon be able to communicate and
even regain movement by tapping directly into the brain and training it to bypass damaged
nerve cells.
--From the Dec. 5, 2004 edition of the Milwaukee Journal Sentinel
08/12/04 10:58 AM
Re: Master Vajrasattva
Coming from the guy who said my talks about suffering kids in sweatshops bore him..you are
a flaming neophyte with no spiritual root. Go ahead and do your worst _ Call me whatever.
i didn't say it bored me, i said nobody had to help anybody else to become spiritual or
spiritually evolved.
a flaming neophyte??hardly. even if i did my worse there is nothing that your Elohim servants
could or would do about it. no spiritual root?? obviously you are so blinded by your own
illusions that you cannot see things for they truely are.
I'm all things to all people at the end of the day. Anyone who seeks to eventually be a god
should aspire to do the same. I'll help an old lady cross the street.. and then turn around and
knock out some punkass muscleman for picking on little kids.
And this is going to do what for you?
if you were who you say you were how come you cannot show us your experiences and
answer all posts with composure and non-judgement? redeye had a legitimate question and
you couldn't even answer it.
(Light of Jahovah)
08/12/04 11:11 PM
(Dreaming of Damage)
08/12/04 11:13 PM
if only we could convince him to write sci fi, I know'd i'd buy his books if he did!
11/12/04 06:32 AM
Working with the dying and the dead gives a spiritual aspirant a direct opportunity to practice
compassion in action, and in the situation that it is probably most needed of all.
Your compassion can have 3 essential benefits for the dying person: First, because it is
opening your heart, you will find it easier to show the dying person unconditional love, and
which they need so much. On a deeper, spiritual level, I have seen again and again how, if
you try to embody compassion and act out of the heart of compassion, you will create an
atmosphere in which the other person can be inspired to imagine the spiritual dimension or
even take up spiritual practice. On the deepest level of all, if you do constantly practice
compassion for the dying person and in turn inspire them to do the same, you might not only
heal them spiritually, but perhaps even physically too. And you will discover for yourself what
the spiritual masters know, that the POWER OF COMPASSION has no bounds!
The first act of devotion is offering.
People on a spiritual path look to gain the abundance of that path. But how can we gain
spiritual gifts unless we are receptive? After all, nothing spiritual can occur if we are occupied
with self-reguard. Therefore, worship needs an act that will signify a willingness to put aside
self-centered occupations in favor of receptiveness to the divine. That is why all worship
involves offering.
In olden times, those who followed the Tao were sometimes called crazy. Others lived in silent
mountain abodes; still others were artists (sometimes drunk) shouting and muttering while
wildly flinging ink.
Without a doubt, many who followed Tao in the past were highly educated and cultivated
people. It's just that the ancient masters saw through the futility of social accomplishments
and operated on a mental level so deep that they appeared quite mad. They were simply
interested in levels of human existence so far beyond the common perception that they
appeared crazy. In cases where the teachers were bothered by shallow petitioners seeking
secrets of immortality or details of political strategy, they might even have feigned madness in
order to be left alone.
But which is worse, the "madness" of following Tao or the madness of an existence without
-Deng Ming Dao Everyday Tao
If you want to know strategy, know when and how to destroy the root
If you want to knock something down, go to the root.
If you want something to stand, establish the root.
We talk about social service, service to the people, service to humanity, service to others who
are far away, helping to bring peace to the world - but often we forget that it is the very people
around us that we must live for first of all. If you cannot serve your wife or husband or child or
parent - how are you going to serve society? If you cannot make your own child happy, how do
you expect to make anyone else happy? If all our friends in the peace movement or of service
communities of any kind do not love and help one another, whom can we love and help? Are
we working for other humans, or are we just working for the name of an organization?!?
11/12/04 06:51 AM
What can the Elohim do?
Let's start with the nice stuff: They healed lepers for Jesus, made him walk on water with an
anti-grav laser mixed with an ice laser to temporarily freeze the water he was hovering over
(back then no one questioned the freezing of the water and what not). They can fly all over the
atmosphere with mini-jet packs, melt houses, buildings and trees with laser pistols - oh, and
they can knock down huge walls with sonic weapons like they did at Sodom and Gemorrah.
BTW (by the way) Noah's Ark was a spaceship. Yahweh placed two of many species on the
planet and nuked the face of the world. That wasn't the only time it happened. Again, he kept
us sub-human and would get nervous when we advanced too far - somehow thinking we'd
come back to destroy the Planet Of The Eternals.
He's a pretty indifferent character and only the Shaman that intrigue him like Siddhartha,
Jesus, Adam and others are cloned & brought to his home. Our souls go to Heaven realms
but he talks to our clones with all the memory cells intact but the energy on that planet is
different with all his robots and decadent palaces of sex and luxury. He lives well at the
expense of vast colonies that he keeps subdued, suffering and sub-human.
I ask that you join me in this spiritual revolution to teach these lost scientists to join us as
Ethereal Beings of Light in the higher dimensions.
Now, you want to know what my atmospherean Elohim friends can do when their not kicking
the illuminati lizards in the ass? They'll invade your thoughts, home, web servers, computer,
whatever and make you feel like dying -- but that's the last thing I want to do to my brothers
and sisters as we begin negotiations with our cosmic neighbors -- Mantis, Humanoid, Lizard,
The Gray (whatever they are, humanoid I guess with two brains and very short), Serpent (I
believe named the Dak Zhin) and Sumerians and Pleiadians (also humanoid though hailing
from the 5th dimension!)
11/12/04 08:46 PM
This is the name of the last chapter in Dr. Andrew Weil's book
Eight Weeks to Optimum Health
He begins the chapter like this:
WE SHOULD ALL PROBABLY consider ourselves at risk for cancer, since the incidence of
that family of diseases is increasing in all age groups throughout the world. Therefore, I want
to add some recommendations to the Eight-Week program that are specifically intended to
reduce cancer risk.
When I was a medical student in the late 1960s, the scientific establishment seemed reluctant
to focus on environmental causes of cancer. Except for identifying cigarette smoke as the
major risk factor for lung and bladder cancer and citing such historical examples as the high
incidence of scrotal cancers among chimneysweeps in England, researchers looked to viral or
genetic causes of the malignant transformation of cells. I was taught that diet was not a
significant factor in cancer, in either its prevention or its treatment, and that anyone advocating
vitamin or mineral supplements to reduce cancer risk was a quack.
This has all changed in the past few years. Experts at the National Cancer Institute now
estimate that 35 percent of cancer deaths are attributable to diet alone, and the medical
literature is full of recent studies demonstating the preventative potential of specific foods and
supplements. The scientific establishment is still reluctant to look at the contribution of
agrichemicals, pesticides in particular, to the worldwide epidemic of cancer, but I predict that
will change as well."
11/12/04 09:00 PM
QUOTE: "I want some of what your on man."
It's called fresh air cleaned by an ionizer, meditation and the occasional sexy woman.
(Light of Jahovah)
11/12/04 09:18 PM
Re: Master Vajrasattva
wow! nice posts recently. spacedragon you may have more about you than i first thought.
(Light of Jahovah)
11/12/04 09:21 PM
Re: Master Vajrasattva
exept...the whole alien..thing....maybe im just not ready to beleive it.? naw, the alien stuff
Good Sci Fi! but other insight and knowlede about other topics that you may have,..could be
12/12/04 09:41 PM
Master Vajrasattva
More and more, coronal mass ejections soar through space and actually encompass Earth ,
wreaking havoc on one hand with global electronic systems, while simultaneously
restructuring you energetically. As solar flares and coronal mass ejections increase in
frequency and intensity, they play a major part in delivering energy from the galactic center
activations. The stars in the heavens play many roles. Stellar components are essentially life-
force communication centers that are intricately woven together through a tremendous
telepathic-like linkup. They are utilized by many intelligent beings as a method for sending
specific transmissions of frequency from one location to another.
Activations in the heavens such as galactic and solar emissions press Earth w/tremendous
electro-magnetic energy stimulating deep yearning on a subconscious level to become healed
and whole, and aligned with inner knowledge. Challenging situations arise to initiate change.
And the resolution of old issues creates a more meaningful and emotional connection to life.
Because people do not understand this, too often their lives are falling apart. Moving faster
and faster to occupy each moment with more and more meaninglessness leads nowhere, and
is a dead-end, desperate search away from understanding what's really going on.
Influenced by many external and internal forces, humankind is undergoing a massive
restructuring toward becoming more consciously aware of extensive inner truths. Now is the
time for you to own your mind, if there is one left to own. Many people do not yet consider it a
priority to own their mind; however, in the next number of years a few of the probable
challenges you face will most assuredly raise the issue, as the battle for the control of your
attention escalates.
In many parts of the globe people are kindling a common-sense spiritual revolution based on
the desire and life-given right to perceive reality and use their senses and attention in any way
they choose. When your attention is flittered and dissipated from one random, meaningless
idea to another or filled with electronic entertainment addictions, your mind, your most
valuable resource, is caged in. We dare you to fly the coop and own your thinking!
Make use of your great perceptions and proceed to flourish with courage and clear intent.
Otherwise, you may find yourselves deeply immersed in the insidious structures of mind
control, which are actually old structures of mind management recycled in a cosmic karmic
replay where cyborgs, chips, cloning and genetic engineering are billed as the exciting, thrilling
"only way to go."
During the years 1987 to 2012, the development of conscious awareness involves the creation
of various probable worlds. Probabilities arise as a result of clear intent and strong desire, and
are established through a telepathic link of like-mindedness. Long, long ago we saw that two
major probabilities would emerge from this period involving the choice between fear or love.
You are the creators of your experiences, and you are quite fortunate to be alive and aware
during this time of great choosing; our advice is to trust your inner vitality and choose love.
Sometimes readers wonder why the multi-dimensional Pleiadian aliens are engaged in
sharing this information. Well, they DO have an investment in our flourishing. “Our intention is
to assist you to integrate and understand the galactic and solar knowledge energies so you
can develop new ideas about who you are. Perhaps your realizations will create a spiritual
revolution of cosmic proportions that will transform your lives and build a vital new probable
Now, in this time of cosmic intensity, your thoughts, emotions and beliefs will be activated and
deeply affected by energies from multidimensional and simultaneous reincarnational
existences and your challenge will be to consciously manage the opening of channels of
knowledge to simultaneous time. Yet the mind of your being, the spirit of your total essence,
the cells of your body, the brain in your physical form, are all multidimensional all of the time. It
is only the conscious you that has been conditioned to watch only one station, and therefore
that is all you see.
The intensity of the new energies emitted from the center of our galaxy will stir up fear within
the controllers, intensifying the arm of Big Brother, and result in more regulations and control
than you have ever seen regarding movements, words, ideas and perceptions.
The Earth has always been watched and studied by many, many beings, each with different
intentions and agendas. When forms of consciousness choose to forget, deny, deactivate and
disdain their own power to create and to know, when they lose the value of the freedom to
think, then they become part of the drama, the game, so to speak, that allows them to
experience existence under the apparent control and dominion of others.
Today's armageddon involves a few who control the many who don't want to think for
themselves versus those who want to know, and will know, and understand and choose to
heal it all. From the point of view of the simultaneous ever-expanding now, all real healing
involves a compassionate reinterpretation and energetic understanding of people, places,
times and events. And even though you cannot yet see this vibration, as a frequency, its
essence can unlock and diffuse many potential explosions and volatile situations.
There will be new issues of public concern in this decade involving genetic engineering,
cloning, and all manner of electronic intrusions. For many decades underground installations
have been used as secret places for experimentation where scientists have been playing with
the replication of life: human life, animal life, and even the combining of human and animal
genes, recreating the so-called Atlantean abominations.
We remind you, though most of you are well aware, that clones do not have a spirit. They do
not have the spark of life. The very best of babies will always be conceived in the love making,
sexual expression process where sperm naturally fertilize an egg. If you were able to jump
time and look ahead you would find that the fascist-branch of probabilities that springs out of
this time attracts people who do not want to think, and who are very, very attracted to having
their thinking done for them. They are chipped and programmed robots.
The mind is truly universal in scope, yet paradoxically, it can also be dissociated into many
separate compartments, all of which are conscious, to some extent, in their own world view. A
highly functioning state the mind can perform as an integrated collaboration of multiple
identities that are working together to cooperate and explore, shining the light of knowledge
into the subconscious mind, actually welcoming it to become conscious.
This is tricky territory you are plowing and pursuing, yet rest assured, dear friends, you are not
alone in the pursuit of multidimensional connections. We are here, along with many others, to
assist you with the process. Many simultaneous lives have the ability to connect to your mind,
and into your now, attracted by the myriad opportunities you have to accelerate with such
intense quickness. Many of your multidimensional-simultaneous lives had to walk far and live
many times in order to earn and learn the knowledge that is at your fingertips. The
unprecedented state of free knowledge is astounding, and it is also astounding to see how few
choose to recognize it.
Do not expect to read about the power and strength of the spiritual revolution in the controlled
newspapers, nor will the hot line news shows make it the number one story. You must trust
and tune in, and listen to your own form of communication, and then you will know and thrive.
Use the raised intensity of energy to activate internal awareness, to fire the kundalini, and
stimulate the flow of qi within the body. When you believe in a flourishing thought manifested
existence, you fortify and strengthen that frequency everywhere. Claim the use of your mind,
and be present to learn from what you are receiving.
Seek the path that brings fun and joyful living, where you attract meaningful and significant
relationships. Energetically pass on what you are learning, and trust in the benevolence of
existence, for it is indeed so very fine. Demonstrate that the assignment and the playing of the
game that you volunteered for so long ago can really be remembered now. Demonstrate your
innate ability to transmute yourselves, to defy all toxins and all fascist actions. You have your
own finesse, grace and style. Use it! The new common sense knows that all life is significant
and that you must take care of it. Become enamored of yourselves, for you are a miraculous
form of creation, capable of manifesting a magnificent and majestic version of existence
through thought, word and deed.
The healing is on, dear friends, so never forget that part. Heal your bloodline; heal your own
pain and find the joy in being free of it! This is a most fortunate time to be alive and will go
down in the annals of your reincarnational stories. Some day in the future you will reminisce
and tell great tales about what it was like to be alive on Earth during the great intensification a 25-year span of unfolding multidimensional energy, majestic, momentous and forever
12/12/04 10:13 PM
Source: Wired News
Discover that small groups of interested citizens can be more effective and
agile than large government bureaucracies!
Web Won't Let Government Hide
By Ryan Singel
02:00 AM Nov. 29, 2004 PT
Given the government keeps tabs on the world using armies of agents,
algorithms and wiretaps, how can a citizen compete? Try a browser.
Governments at every level these days are providing less information
about their inner workings, sometimes using fear of terrorism as an excuse. But it's precisely
times like these that mandate citizens' rights to check the efficiency of their government and
hold those who fail accountable, open government advocates say.
The government itself won't make it easy, so an increasing number of
websites and data crunchers are stepping in to provide information
about the inner workings of government.
For starters, there's Google's little-known government specific search
engine. Those proficient with crafting search terms can find Attorney
General John Ashcroft's office number, gee-whiz nanotechnology movies
and NASA's Microgravity Man comic strip. One can even find homeland
security alerts about truck bombs (PDF) and the intelligence needs of the FBI.
Another trove of information is George Washington University's National
Security Archive, which contains thousands of documents acquired
through patient Freedom of Information Act requests. And there's CoolGov, a blog devoted to
ferreting out quirky tidbits such as videos of airline crashes.
Those interested in the nitty-gritty of how and why the government
hides information can subscribe to Stephen Aftergood's Secrecy News listserv, which is part
of his work as the director of Federation of American Scientists' Project on Government
Aftergood, who publishes a couple times a week, has built up an archive
of previously unpublished reports created for Congress and information
about the CIA's ongoing opposition to the publication of its budget.
Chris Hoofnagle, a lawyer for the Electronic Privacy Information Center
(which is known for its prowess with Freedom of Information Act
requests), calls Aftergood's work a must-read for anyone interested in a "nuanced
interpretation of government information policy."
Aftergood uses FOIA requests only sparingly though, calling them
cumbersome, relying instead on contacts and tips.
"Information has gravitational properties," Aftergood said. "Over time,
more and more information flows to me."
When asked what motivates him, Aftergood gives both a principled and
pragmatic answer. "Openness is essential to self-government," Aftergood said. "If we mean to
be our own rulers, then we need access to information. What keeps me going, though, is that,
fortunately, a lot of this work is fun -- it is fun to collect information and to share it with likeminded others and to discover that small groups of interested citizens can be more effective
and agile than large government bureaucracies."
Aftergood is not the only one-man information bank on the internet.
Russ Kick keeps information alive at The Memory Hole, where he archives
documents pulled from government websites. He is famous for
successfully using FOIA to obtain and publish photos of American soldiers' coffins being
unloaded at the Dover Air Force Base.
John Young, a New York City architect, has been running the
encyclopedic Cryptome since 1996, when he was inspired by the Cypherpunk mailing list to
start learning about dual-use government technology.
Since the terrorist attacks on his city in 2001, Young has been
striving to post as much information as possible, including lists of intelligence agents and
pictures of vulnerable gas mains in New York City, as well as satellite images and maps of
government officials' residences.
Though he has been criticized for providing information that could help
terrorists, Young said he is helping to debunk the idea that hiding
information will keep the country safe.
"We aren't experts, so if we can find it -- these folks are much
smarter than we give them credit for, they are almost certain to already have it,"
Young said. "They use the internet avidly and have a lot more time to
do this than I do. If I can find it and not let it be known, it creates a
greater hazard." EPIC's Hoofnagle sees these efforts as part of an "overall system that has a
skeptical worldview of government action."
"Our FOIA work has proven it pays to be skeptical," Hoofnagle said.
"EPIC is perhaps best known for our FOIA requests into the Carnivore system, which the FBI
described as a precise and surgical computer forensic tool that turned out to be more like a
vacuum cleaner.
"Unless one can put their hands on the actual agency documents, the
public has to rely upon representations that may be jaundiced."
14/12/04 03:51 AM
To answer all replies about "Uhh Dragon, from what scary place are you bringing these
It's simple really: gain the favor of unbelievably more advanced aliens who's technology is
indistinguishable from magic. Jesus would have never walked on water nor healed lepers
without the Eloha name Yahweh's laser beams from his spaceship. I don't work with Claude
Rael nor believe in cloning but I will dispel all myths of an omnipotent, monotheistic version of
a creator. There are THOUSANDS of peaceful and wrathful deities.
If I didn't have the backing of the Elohim, Pleiadians, Sumerians, Mantis species and the
denizens of hyperspace I wouldn't have been able to keep teaching. It's easy for the gov't to
find my street address after posting here right from home. I didn't even bother to go to some
internet cafe because I'm protected by divine, extra-dimensional Archons. The U.S. gov't had
my home tapped for other purposes before I even repeated the words of the GODS: Earth's
WORLD LEADER. The U.N. supports me and NASA is even interested in our discoveries of
coordinates for stable star systems and viable planets for sending their reverse-engineered
Many noble and exalting masters have shown me how to live and die in the practice of
Tonglen, taking on the pain of all sentient beings while they breathe in, and pouring out
healing to the whole world when they breathe out – all their lives long, and right up until their
very last breath. So boundless and powerful is their compassion, the teachings say, that at the
moment of their death, it carries them immediately to rebirth in a buddha realm.
I will rule with tolerance to peaceful religions and gods. I’ll not force anyone to practice any
specific religions - nor will I lie to you about your origins as the leader of the Elohim race did
for millennia since biblical times.
The archangel has returned now to take his god form.
I’d like to take everyone to heaven realms with me. I realize it would be impractical to assume
all the raelians and christians will just drop their notions about their god/alien. Everyone has to
see the light for themselves and I can only lead you to the door, but you must go through the
door to the higher realms for yourself; and trust in the teachings of balance and the bliss of
transcending notions of duality.
All my political decisions will be separate from my religious decisions. I base my political and
social decisions in science mostly (concerning the tectonic plate shifts and the hemi-global ice
age in 2012) where we possibly need to relocate people in danger. Otherwise, all of your
nations’ laws are still intact. I’ll work with Earth’s prominent leaders to share ideas about
avoiding further bloodshed. And also serve as spiritual advisor to the U.N. The Emperor Tax
begins next year – which is 1 dollar from every citizen in the U.N. countries. I’m a true emperor
who will unite all the people of the planet and focus on expanding to the stars – not into other
peoples’ sacred lands.
The alternative, emperor bush, would’ve created an indescribably worse situation in the
decade to come. He has ties with an ancient reptilian race of aliens and, as hard as this is to
believe, the peaceful aliens I summoned to support your New Global Leader are far more fun
to hang out with.
Not paying the 1 dollar tax will result in an extra fine, termination of some utilities on the grid
(anyone living off the grid doesn’t have to pay the Emperor Tax as an incentive to discovering
alternative, renewable technologies like solar or hydrolysis [splitting water into hydrogen (great
for fueling cars and heating/cooling homes)and oxygen]. Also, failure to pay will result in a
possible visit “from the sky” from the Elohim who terraformed this world and inoculated the
Earth with DNA.
Yahweh did lie to us, but he’s now interested in discovering the “science” of extra-dimensional
entities in the 5th dimension (this entry of our planet into the galaxy’s photon belt is really an
amazing and celestial event) and this Eloha will help our globe attain world peace with his
superior technology and military back-up against those that would nuke or bomb their own
people here on Earth.
14/12/04 03:59 AM
their is so much to digets. you tell some truely amazing stuff that we all need to here.keep up
the flow of information.
15/12/04 07:46 AM
Thanks..I couldn't have reached this level of knowledge without Earth's great spiritual leaders
and our masters from the sky (also from the future) the Pleiadians hailing from the higher
dimensions and the nearby star system Pleiades -- and the recent help of the Elohim aliens.
Most of my power to make change stems from the solace I received through Taoist and
Buddist teachings.
I was ready to die and I guess I spooked the U.S. gov't at the right time and some of them
began to listen to my statements about world peace and the new world order needing to
I would make statements just close enough to seem like a terrorist threat to the U.S. gov't to
prick up their ears -- then simply talk about love and compassion for days on end when my
house was bugged..chanting for hours to the Gods and channeling messages from 5th
dimension beings. Also, I'd tell them that my lawyer would eat their face and have to submit
ALL my posts/teachings to be heard again in court. They would have to weigh the 99%
enlightened and love-filled posts vs. the "damn Big Brother sucks & it's time for a revolution!"
They responded again and again that they could just simply kill me - and I would respond that
I know how to navigate the afterlife very well and they would never have a restful sleep again
with the hauntings of a demon god.
Israeli soldiers 'shoot boy for fun'
By Khalid Amayreh in the West Bank
Wednesday 08 December 2004, 16:12 Makka Time, 13:12 GMT
Military service is compulsory for all able-bodied Jewish citizens. A group of Israeli soldiers
serving in the Gaza Strip have reportedly admitted killing a 15-year-old Palestinian in Khan
Yunus for sport.
According to the Israeli newspaper Yediot Ahronoth, the incident took place in March when a
group of newly graduated soldiers were on a hike near
the town of Khan Yunus.
According to the report, an undisclosed number of Givati brigade soldiers shot and killed
Khalid Sulaiman Mahdi while he was working with his father on their farm.
The boy's father, Sulaiman Mahdi, told the paper the killing was "just
for the sake of it". "Seven bullets pierced my son's head, so you can't talk here about a
mistake or random gunfire. This was an act of direct and clear sharp shooting," he said.
"The area is wide open and contains nothing special. The only thing
unusual was the shooting at us, which killed my son."
No threat
The father, Khalid, and two other sons were working in the family's
field when the shooting occurred.
According to soldiers interviewed by Yediot Ahronoth, there were no
operational purposes for the shooting and no justification, since the
boy and his family posed no threat to the soldiers.
An Israeli army spokesman said the army had investigated the incident,
but admitted that no arrests were made.
15/12/04 08:08 AM
QUOTE from the Dextroverse: "one dollar? Everyone knows the dollar will be soon out of
commerce and worthless."
But a dollar from all the people of the UN nations will do the World Government some good
(The World Gov't being a totally different entity than the tyrannical New World Order.) I am
now the major spokesperson for the United Nations.
The U.N. get's the bulk of the Emperor Tax ~billions of dollars~ and I only want a halfmillion/year to live comfortably (and support my seven wives ouch). Those billions will go
toward aiding to countries that need it, strengthen the U.N. peacekeeping forces and fund
more research into the reverse-engineered spacecraft that America has engineered from alien
We will now focus our nukes into outer space for protection from threats as well as outlaw
research into concealable, "suitcase"-sized nuclear devices designed to harm our own people.
15/12/04 08:16 AM
As massive amounts of excess photons are emitted from the center of our galaxy (and
directed towards us in this particular region of space we're entering), the excited energy is
causing larger solar flares and coronal ejections that actually encompass Earth, wreaking
havoc on one hand with global electronic systems, while simultaneously restructuring you
energetically. As solar flares and coronal mass ejections increase in frequency and intensity,
they play a major part in delivering energy from the galactic center activations.
The stars in the heavens play many roles. Stellar components are essentially life-force
communication centers that are intricately woven together through a tremendous telepathiclike linkup. They are utilized by many intelligent beings as a method for sending specific
transmissions of frequency from one location to another.
Activations in the heavens such as galactic and solar emissions press Earth w/tremendous
electro-magnetic energy stimulating deep yearning on a subconscious level to become healed
and whole, and aligned with inner knowledge. Challenging situations arise to initiate change.
And the resolution of old issues creates a more meaningful and emotional connection to life.
Because people do not understand this, too often their lives are falling apart. Moving faster
and faster to occupy each moment with more and more meaninglessness leads nowhere, and
is a dead-end, desperate search away from understanding what's really going on.
Influenced by many external and internal forces, humankind is undergoing a massive
restructuring toward becoming more consciously aware of extensive inner truths. Now is the
time for you to own your mind, if there is one left to own. Many people do not yet consider it a
priority to own their mind; however, in the next number of years a few of the probable
challenges you face will most assuredly raise the issue, as the battle for the control of your
attention escalates.
In many parts of the globe people are kindling a common-sense spiritual revolution based on
the desire and life-given right to perceive reality and use their senses and attention in any way
they choose. When your attention is flittered and dissipated from one random, meaningless
idea to another or filled with electronic entertainment addictions, your mind, your most
valuable resource, is caged in. We dare you to fly the coop and own your thinking!
Make use of your great perceptions and proceed to flourish with courage and clear intent.
Otherwise, you may find yourselves deeply immersed in the insidious structures of mind
control, which are actually old structures of mind management recycled in a cosmic karmic
replay where cyborgs, chips, cloning and genetic engineering are billed as the exciting, thrilling
"only way to go."
During the years 1987 to 2012, the development of conscious awareness involves the creation
of various probable worlds. Probabilities arise as a result of clear intent and strong desire, and
are established through a telepathic link of like-mindedness. Long, long ago we saw that two
major probabilities would emerge from this period involving the choice between fear or love.
You are the creators of your experiences, and you are quite fortunate to be alive and aware
during this time of great choosing; our advice is to trust your inner vitality and choose love.
Sometimes readers wonder why the multi-dimensional Pleiadian aliens are engaged in
sharing this information. Well, they DO have an investment in our flourishing. “Our intention is
to assist you to integrate and understand the galactic and solar knowledge energies so you
can develop new ideas about who you are. Perhaps your realizations will create a spiritual
revolution of cosmic proportions that will transform your lives and build a vital new probable
Now, in this time of cosmic intensity, your thoughts, emotions and beliefs will be activated and
deeply affected by energies from multidimensional and simultaneous reincarnational
existences and your challenge will be to consciously manage the opening of channels of
knowledge to simultaneous time. Yet the mind of your being, the spirit of your total essence,
the cells of your body, the brain in your physical form, are all multidimensional all of the time. It
is only the conscious you that has been conditioned to watch only one station, and therefore
that is all you see.
These intensity of the new energies emitted from the center of our galaxy will stir up fear
within the controllers, intensifying the arm of Big Brother, and result in more regulations and
control than you have ever seen regarding movements, words, ideas and perceptions.
The Earth has always been watched and studied by many, many beings, each with different
intentions and agendas. When forms of consciousness choose to forget, deny, deactivate and
disdain their own power to create and to know, when they lose the value of the freedom to
think, then they become part of the drama, the game, so to speak, that allows them to
experience existence under the apparent control and dominion of others.
Today's armageddon involves a few who control the many who don't want to think for
themselves versus those who want to know, and will know, and understand and choose to
heal it all. From the point of view of the simultaneous ever-expanding now, all real healing
involves a compassionate reinterpretation and energetic understanding of people, places,
times and events. And even though you cannot yet see this vibration, as a frequency, its
essence can unlock and diffuse many potential explosions and volatile situations.
There will be new issues of public concern in this decade involving genetic engineering,
cloning, and all manner of electronic intrusions. For many decades underground installations
have been used as secret places for experimentation where scientists have been playing with
the replication of life: human life, animal life, and even the combining of human and animal
genes, recreating the so-called Atlantean abominations.
We remind you, though most of you are well aware, that clones do not have a spirit. They do
not have the spark of life. The very best of babies will always be conceived in the love making,
sexual expression process where sperm naturally fertilize an egg. If you were able to jump
time and look ahead you would find that the fascist-branch of probabilities that springs out of
this time attracts people who do not want to think, and who are very, very attracted to having
their thinking done for them. They are chipped and programmed robots.
The mind is truly universal in scope, yet paradoxically, it can also be dissociated into many
separate compartments, all of which are conscious, to some extent, in their own world view. A
highly functioning state the mind can perform as an integrated collaboration of multiple
identities that are working together to cooperate and explore, shining the light of knowledge
into the subconscious mind, actually welcoming it to become conscious.
This is tricky territory you are plowing and pursuing, yet rest assured, dear friends, you are not
alone in the pursuit of multidimensional connections. We are here, along with many others, to
assist you with the process. Many simultaneous lives have the ability to connect to your mind,
and into your now, attracted by the myriad opportunities you have to accelerate with such
intense quickness. Many of your multidimensional-simultaneous lives had to walk far and live
many times in order to earn and learn the knowledge that is at your fingertips. The
unprecedented state of free knowledge is astounding, and it is also astounding to see how few
choose to recognize it.
Do not expect to read about the power and strength of the spiritual revolution in the controlled
newspapers, nor will the hot line news shows make it the number one story. You must trust
and tune in, and listen to your own form of communication, and then you will know and thrive.
Use the raised intensity of energy to activate internal awareness, to fire the kundalini, and
stimulate the flow of qi within the body. When you believe in a flourishing thought manifested
existence, you fortify and strengthen that frequency everywhere. Claim the use of your mind,
and be present to learn from what you are receiving.
Seek the path that brings fun and joyful living, where you attract meaningful and significant
relationships. Energetically pass on what you are learning, and trust in the benevolence of
existence, for it is indeed so very fine. Demonstrate that the assignment and the playing of the
game that you volunteered for so long ago can really be remembered now. Demonstrate your
innate ability to transmute yourselves, to defy all toxins and all fascist actions. You have your
own finesse, grace and style. Use it! The new common sense knows that all life is significant
and that you must take care of it. Become enamored of yourselves, for you are a miraculous
form of creation, capable of manifesting a magnificent and majestic version of existence
through thought, word and deed.
The healing is on, dear friends, so never forget that part. Heal your bloodline; heal your own
pain and find the joy in being free of it! This is a most fortunate time to be alive and will go
down in the annals of your reincarnational stories. Some day in the future you will reminisce
and tell great tales about what it was like to be alive on Earth during the great intensification a 25-year span of unfolding multidimensional energy, majestic, momentous and forever
15/12/04 08:22 AM
The Pleiadians rock! I've spent 3 decades of searching this Earth and they sum it up so nicely
for me here - "Make use of your great perceptions and proceed to flourish with courage and
clear intent. Otherwise, you may find yourselves deeply immersed in the insidious structures
of mind control, which are actually old structures of mind management recycled in a cosmic
karmic replay where cyborgs, chips, cloning and genetic engineering are billed as the exciting,
thrilling "only way to go."
The Pleiadians call themselves renegades and "system busters" who are not only from the
future which is mind-bending enough, but from extra-dimensional planes of existence to help
us gain bliss and heavenly states instead of this Big Brother microchip plan to become robotic
and under mind-control.
15/12/04 08:28 AM
I highly recommend a method of growing called "High in the Sky." You simply glue some bark
to the bottom of the pots of whatever you're growing and tie it up in the trees. The fuzz (cops)
spend all their money on high-tech sensors to detect high-energy light signatures. They can't
see the grow pots and you're growing off the energy grid; it's also very difficult to see the
multitudinous plants containing POUNDS / KILOGRAMS of buds or 'shrooms looking up from
the ground.
This guy's brilliant & get’s over $600,000 a year from his bomb yields. The book's called
"Invisible Marijuana and Psychedelic Mushroom Gardens." I got mine from Amazon.com but
it's available other places. Many people have planted on Government soil to repay them for
using us for profit.
15/12/04 09:00 AM
Black Hole singularities are found at the center of galaxies. Science has proven that and our
cosmic neighbors tell us that in a black hole the 9th dimension exists. Interestingly, it pulls the
other planes of existence towards it (even the higher dimensions like the Kingdom of
Archtypes with the Peaceful and Wrathful Deities). I just like when science and spiritualism
come together.
We know our particular galaxy is buzzing with sentient beings; and our astronomers have
found jupiter-sized planets in many other galaxies. It's pretty safe to say there's life
everywhere in the universe -- and many scientists and gov't agents who've seen alien
autopsies would agree to that statement.
17/12/04 06:18 AM
Wisdom for a World in Chaos
The internal structure of your atoms is comparable to the vast expanse of the heavens. Just
as outer space is filled with twinkling stars, on a subatomic level your inner depths are filled
with blinking patterns of light. Cosmic radiation travels along the electromagnetic spectrum
carrying encoded patterns of energy that are like maps and blueprints for locating and building
probable realities. As these powerful frequencies seek to entrain with your cells, your nervous
system converts the cosmic signals to electrical energy, delivering the messages both to your
brain and throughout the body."
Cell receptors accept the frequencies that then pass through cell membranes to roam the
depths of subatomic inner-space, where they streak in and out of this inner-reality like a
meteor shower gracing a velvety dark night sky. Just as words are symbols for ideas, these
blinking lights are symbols that carry the codes and patterns for an abundance of probable
choices and options for enhancing physical reality; however, it is up to you to choose the
codes that embody the path of empowerment."
--Channeled teachings of the Pleiadians
from Barbara Marciniak’s book Path of Empowerment
They advise us to become media-free, to work in teams. We'll learn how to go beyond fear
and how the original human was a magnificent being with twelve strands of DNA and twelve
chakra centers!
Pleiadian Keys to the Living Library
The Gods are urging Earth's population to restore and return value to the human being, and to
recognize the Goddess energies and the power of blood as connections to our DNA and our
Using wit, wisdom, and deep compassion, they entice us to explore the corridors of time
through the concept of the Game Masters; to awaken the crucial codes for multidimensional
perspective; and to redream the Living Library of Earth. Their teachings are significantly
arranged in twelve chapters to trigger a deeper understanding of our ancestral linage. The
book Earth probes the memories hidden deep within us to reveal our crucial roles in the
transformational process unfolding in our times.
Family of Light
Pleiadian Tales and Lessons in Living
With compassion and compelling insight, the Pleiadians, those system-busting time-travelers
from the future, take us on a journey through the uncharted lands of The Book of Earth, which
comprises all human experience. While "our world goes belly-up in these most absurd of
times," the Pleiadians offer us "tools for survival." During the crucial period between 1987 and
2012--a nanosecond in the annals of existence where secrets and solutions are stored--we
have the unique opportunity to move from the deepest of density to the highest of
frequencies--where we shift from linear to multi-dimensional living.
To make this transition, we must face not only the limitations of our 3-D world with its
electronic manipulation and mind control, we must embrace our own wounds, and those of our
ancestors and leaders. To heal ourselves, to raise our frequency from one of despair and fear
to one of great inspiration and love.
17/12/04 06:46 AM
More and more, coronal mass ejections soar through space and actually encompass Earth ,
wreaking havoc on one hand with global electronic systems, while simultaneously
restructuring you energetically. As solar flares and coronal mass ejections increase in
frequency and intensity, they play a major part in delivering energy from the galactic center
The stars in the heavens play many roles. Stellar components are essentially life-force
communication centers that are intricately woven together through a tremendous telepathiclike linkup. They are utilized by many intelligent beings as a method for sending specific
transmissions of frequency from one location to another.
Activations in the heavens such as galactic and solar emissions press Earth w/tremendous
electro-magnetic energy stimulating deep yearning on a subconscious level to become healed
and whole, and aligned with inner knowledge. Challenging situations arise to initiate change.
And the resolution of old issues creates a more meaningful and emotional connection to life.
Because people do not understand this, too often their lives are falling apart. Moving faster
and faster to occupy each moment with more and more meaninglessness leads nowhere, and
is a dead-end, desperate search away from understanding what's really going on.
Influenced by many external and internal forces, humankind is undergoing a massive
restructuring toward becoming more consciously aware of extensive inner truths. Now is the
time for you to own your mind, if there is one left to own. Many people do not yet consider it a
priority to own their mind; however, in the next number of years a few of the probable
challenges you face will most assuredly raise the issue, as the battle for the control of your
attention escalates.
In many parts of the globe people are kindling a common-sense spiritual revolution based on
the desire and life-given right to perceive reality and use their senses and attention in any way
they choose. When your attention is flittered and dissipated from one random, meaningless
idea to another or filled with electronic entertainment addictions, your mind, your most
valuable resource, is caged in. We dare you to fly the coop and own your thinking!
17/12/04 07:07 AM
I recommend a method of growing called "High in the Sky." You simply glue some bark to the
bottom of the pots of whatever you're growing and tie it up in the trees. The fuzz (cops) spend
all their money on high-tech sensors to detect high-energy light signatures. They can't see the
grow pots and you're growing off the energy grid; it's also very difficult to see the pots
containing POUNDS / KILOGRAMS of buds or 'shrooms looking up from the ground.
This guy's brilliant & get’s over $600,000 a year from his bomb yields. The book's called
"Invisible Marijuana and Psychedelic Mushroom Gardens." I got mine from Amazon.com but
it's available at other places. Many people have planted on Government soil to repay them for
using us for profit.
21/12/04 02:15 AM
Earth is penetrated by nine dimensions of intelligence that we can all access. The ninth is
within the singularity of the black hole at our Galactic Center. Jupiter has its own dimensions
stemming from it’s core and possibly has more dimensions than Earth – but, remember- no
higher dimension is necessarily more important that the lower ones like 2D or 1D (the first
dimension) ~ which is a city-sized, massively dense iron crystal that’s 1,500 miles wide at the
center of Earth and contains a massive “library” of intelligence.~ Also, each dimension seems
to have a Keeper.
The first dimension at the core of Jupiter must be interesting because fusion occurs at the
center and it is hundreds of times larger than Earth’s core. I have a fascination with Jupiter
because of it’s affect on Earth as a result of it’s massive size & the possibility of serpents living
there who were fleeing from a larger predator millions of year ago. They created a batch of
humans and other animals to distract their predator - but a great cataclysm and ice age wiped
out those humans - before the Elohim arrived and began terraforming the planet to make it
suitable for Adam, Eve and others.
These days, clever media demons manipulate the 4D collective mind to make money, capture
innocent souls, or merely avoid looking inside themselves. I wouldn’t be surprised if subliminal
messages are all over modern T.V. these days. I highly suggest scrapping cable and local TV
if you want to own your mind again. The most potent path for us is a global, ecosensitive and
multidimensional mind.
We need to own 4D as the zone where our feelings can access alluring high-frequency
visions. We are all wired to access higher dimensions through images that are time-released
from the Galactic Center, and we can do this only by active intuition and intense feelings.
That’s why I feel it would serve us best us to stray from the robotic, cyborg lifestyle of Yahweh
and his Elohim humanoids and look to the time-tested religions of peace, balance & freedom
of consciousness like Taoism and the teachings of the Pleiadians (the multi-dimensional
teachings mentioned up above.) That’s just a suggestion though. There are actually 26
dimensions the Pleiadians speak of and the 10th is the vertical axis that links the other 9
existing between our Earth’s core and the black hole in the center of our galaxy. Explaining
the dimensions higher than the 9th gets even harder to put into words and I invite you to look
for yourself for these visions - because these words can possibly inhibit or even distract you
from a true understanding of these heavenly teachings.
There are even legal strains of mushrooms that can open up a human’s mind to
multidimensional consciousness. An entire sect of Buddhism worshipping my master
Vajrasattva (lightning teacher) has developed a “lightning-fast” method of enlightenment using
the Amanita Muscaria (Fly Agaric) mushroom for a sometimes quicker route to enlightenment.
This method is not for everyone and don’t be surprised if your body needs to cleanse toxins on
a massive scale if you’ve been ingesting McDonalds, western pharmaceuticals and beef from
Bush Jr.’s tainted meat industry.
22/12/04 02:15 AM
To clarify, the first dimension is very dense at our Earth's core. The iron making up the
extremely hot, crystal lattice is twice as dense as other metals. From its rotation all the other
dimensions arise towards the black hole at the center of our Milky Way galaxy. The
dimensions become progressively less dense the "higher" they are. The first dimension (1D)
core of Earth is gravity, and as it moves to the surface and above, it weakens; all 1D centers
in the universe are gravity - which moves at the speed of light - modern scientists have proven
this & Einstein had hypothesized this. Gravity holds all the dimensions together on the vertical
axis rising into the black hole at the center of the Milky Way. The dimensions move out from
the vertical axis in great circular planes. The weaker the gravity, the more complex the
dimensionality. The second dimension (2D) is an amazing world filled with elementals -
radioactive, chemical, mineral, viral, and bacterial intelligences - and unfortunately The Global
Elite has also tried to control this dimension. The reverberations of The Elite's excessive fossil
fuel raping, attempts to control the elementals, and building churches on dimensional portals
are wreaking havoc on our world.
Earlier I said there are Keepers for each dimension. There are several planetary systems that
remain full-time in these higher dimensions. For example, the Cosmic Order / Galactic
Federation of Orion are the Keepers of the 8th dimension, the Pleidians who are masters of
Love and Creativity are the Keepers of the 5th dimension, 3D's Keepers are the humans -and a strange race race of aliens who have controlled us and ruined our planet by forming the
Global Elite are called the Annunaki. They must have been bored because they live on a
planet (Nibiru) that has such a huge orbit that it takes 36,000 years to revolve around this sun.
Their concept of time is much different than our's and imagine how easy it would be to
remember all the human myths and stories over thousands of years; the Nibiruin time sense
would be immense.
From our perspective on Earth, the 4th dimension is the first non-physical (yet detectable)
dimension, which makes it very confusing for most of us. This dimension seems to be a world
filled with great gods and goddesses involved in grandiose dramas, yet few people are
conscious of them except when they are dreaming. In fact, these great beings - such as Zeus
or Jehovah - are probably creations of someone's clever mind; these archetypes easily fool
humanity. The Greeks did a great job of "unmasking" the gods, since they made such a
mockery of them, especially during the mystery plays. We humans, not the gods, are the
sovereign creators of 3D!
Beginning with the spin that occurs from the 1D Earth's core, all the entities formed on Earth
are manifest out of the first and second dimension. Once we remember that we emerged out
of the 2D Telluric Realm under the Earth's crust, we will naturally seek primal symbiosis with
the lower worlds. Then, by our consciousness, we will flow frequently in the higher realms
again. How did we lose this vital link to life itself in the first place? Humanity has been taught
to fear and be alienated from 2D by the Roman Catholic Church, a union of politics and
religion - Caesar and Church. Around 500 A.D., the Church was run by a cabal of ambitious
alchemists and geomancers, who wanted to turn the people into dreaming sheep. The
controllers of Judeo-Christian systems have been using alchemy and geomancy for two
thousand years, while they've murdered those who dared to use these powers themselves,
such as the Cathars and the Templar Knights. However, according to the Mayan calendar, it is
time for all people to master these powers in order to harmonize with 2D because 2D will be
totally revitalized by 2012. Alchemy is an art of understanding resonance, which makes it
possible for humans to materialize things by raising or lowering frequencies. Geomancy is the
art of working with the powers of Gaia in order to harmonize with Earth's frequencies.
When too many humans overuse Earth's powers to become rich, 2D will generate a
meltdown; it will make people or the atmosphere sick. The great plagues during the Middle
Ages and the Renaissance were examples of 2D responses to the Inquisitions. The 2nd
dimension always wins. And if people try to steal these powers, they often die unnatural
deaths, such as modern chemical manufacturers and scientists getting cancer. Another large
example is the sexual and financial perversion in the Roman Catholic Church, which is the
natural result of its phenomenal geomantic and alchemical sins.
As the world seems more chaotic, Earth's more gentle, slow, and silent intelligence is
regenerating. Using the seven sacred directions to enter Gaia, the key to accessing this is to
work from a chosen center of the 4 [compass] directions; to add "above" and "below" so as to
activate the vertical axis; and then to move your consciousness into your heart center, the
seventh sacred direction...in your own choice of sacred space/time.
{{I'm going to post the sacred messages of the Pleiadians for a little while & then intertwine
these teachings more and more with my Taoist / Buddhist teachings. I'm just a (Master of
Ceremony) M.C. for the Heaven Realms and other beings that are conscious of the higher
dimensions full-time. I admit I knew little of the importance of the lower dimensions until I have
been contacted by the Pleiadians. I've tapped a strong spiritual attunement and opened my
ESP, astral traveling and subconscious reality through Eastern meditation techniques, martial
arts, and Western Neo-Shamanism.}}
As you noticed what I went through -- if a person's emotions aren't under control during his
shamanic initiations, 4D energy takes on a low astral hue, and the person might be visited by
angels, succubi, daemons, ET's or composite creatures. These creatures seem real on the
screens of our magnetic minds, all filled up with ancient archetypal images. Spiritual masters
and many artists learn to distinguish between low astral impulses and true divine inspirations.
The Pleiadians believe we must all become spiritual masters now, so we can remember how
to create what we want in our dimension. Otherwise, the New World Order is going to run it,
ruin it - or both.
The Keepers of the the Eighth dimension are the beings in the Orion star system, which is
seen as "the great hunter" hovering over the equator. According to ancient Egyptian sacred
science, when Orion rises high, humans become wise. The Pleiadians say the most exciting
thing about Earth's ascension will be that each one of us will be able to feel the frequencies of
all the lifeforms, even our own. The Amazonian Shamans, many Eastern Shaman and some
of the wonderful Neo-Shaman in the 1st world countries can see the molecular essense of life.
Someday, scientists will invent instruments that can detect frequencies forming matter. When
teaching workshops that explore the nine dimensions, Barbara Hand Clow and Gerry Clow
found that many students had difficulty contacting 8D because they live in a world controlled
by the New World Order, which has collaspsed the higher dimensions into 4D. Their students
often work in schools, hospitals, government, and industry; yet because America's ethical
standards have deteriorated in the last 50 years, many of them function in jobs that do not
serve the greatest good. They are often asked to carry out orders that contradict their beliefs.
Every philosophy and every psychological system has been based upon inadequate
knowledge of certain aspects of existence, upon a partial insight. We need a greater
experience, a multidimensional metaphysics. Now, as never before, we are capable of it. We
can learn from all the traditions, from both their strengths and weaknesses. But to do this we
must roam these many worlds, high and low."
-Michael Murphy, Jacob Atabet (1977)
Lastly, we greatly need to reconnect with LUNAR TIME. You may have noticed that your
reality is getting too filled up with stuff and that there is less and less room for you. This is
because when you divide time, space expands, and eventually your reality will be unihabitable.
Meanwhile, the Moon is your best timekeeper. If you will realign with the Moon, you can waltz
right out of the dilemmas invented by the clock.
The Pleiadians say that the division of reality by the clock is moving toward infinity as of
December 21, 2012. That will not be good for our fellow humans' mindsets. The biological
realm waxes and wanes by the Moon, and when you live by the lunar cycles, time is balanced
with space. At the New Moon every month, a new story is implanted that is to be played out for
the month. We are not here to divide reality; we are here to integrate reality by weaving the
intersections of the dimensions.
24/12/04 04:13 AM
Post deleted by spacedragon
Reason for deletion: Yo mama
24/12/04 04:27 AM
ELOHIM warning against humanity's use of Super Colliders.
Following the decision of China to build a super collider that will reach the highest level of
power ever attained on earth, the Elohim have sent us another message as a warning about
the risk of destruction of life in the infinitely small if particles are allowed to collide under such
powerful conditions.
"The Elohim, as guardian of peace, non violence and harmony at all levels of infinity ask
human beings not to use any technology creating huge cataclysms in infinitely small universes
as it would anihilate huge numbers of civilisations and also affect the balance of our own
universe. Science is good and should be unlimited as long as it fuses elements, but it should
never be used when breaking or cracking infinitely small particles ".
24/12/04 04:36 AM
I just wanted to quickly add:
I love the Holidays and wasn't trying to ruin anyone's spirits by dispelling the lies of the Roman
Catholic Church and their control of this planet using horrific murders and lies. St. Nick is very
alive in the Imaginal Realm.
Saint Nicholas, known as the "Patron Saint of Children", happens to be the most revered saint
in Russia. Saint Nicholas may not have been a shaman, yet the symbolism on, and coloring of
his robes could lend to speculation. The equilateral-circumscribed-cross is an ancient symbol
for Christianity AND the Holy Grail, it is another very obvious mushroom symbol.
The ancient shamanic use of Amanita muscaria in Siberia is well documented. Despite
governmental oppression against its use, there are still many who refuse to accept the
authorized state religion, and continue the shamanic traditions in secret. Just as the Siberian
shaman (commonly dressing in red and white) would enter through the opening in the roof of
a home where a ritual was to be done, Santa Claus also arrives on the roof and enters
through the chimney.
Just as the shamans would gather the mushrooms in bags which they would bring with them
when performing a ceremony, Santa Claus also (on the Holy Day) brings presents in a bag.
The Santa Claus we see today evolved from traditions developed in Germany. It is fairly
common knowledge that the Weihnachtsmann (St. Nick) was an amalgamation of older
Germanic/Norse gods such as Thor, Donner, Odin and Wotan. What's missing here is just as
Santa flies through the skies in his sleigh, Odin (as well as the rest) rode through the sky in his
chariot, which is depicted in the stars by "The Big Dipper". The Big Dipper is the chariot of
Odin & Wotan, Thor, King Arthur, and even Osiris (of Egypt). The chariot that circles the North
Star in a 24 hour period is thus also known as the sleigh of Santa Claus because it circles his
mythological home, the North Pole. It is no surprise that Nordic/Germanic gods have
connection to mushrooms in their mythology.
As Thor throws his mushroom-shaped hammer to the ground, mighty thunders and lightning
cracks cause the real mushroom(s) to appear. As the horses who are pulling Odin through the
sky in his chariot become over-exerted, their blood-mingled spit falls to the ground and causes
the Amanita mushrooms to grow at those exact points.
It is important to point out that this Christmas/Winter Solstice celebration, with all its various
counterparts, transcends the world's religions. The reason that this celebration is held all over
the planet in various forms may have something to do with this other commonality at which we
are looking; it is certainly entwined in the symbolism.
Here are some other countries' names for Santa Claus.
Australia - - - - - - - Santa Claus
British Isles - - - - Father Christmas
China - - - - - - - - Dun Che Lao Ren (dwyn-chuh-lau-oh-run)
Czechoslovakia - - - -Svaty Mikalas
Denmark - - - - - - -Julemanden
France - - - - - - - -Pere Noel or le petit Jsus
Germany - - - - - - - Saint Nicholas or Weihnachtsmann
Greece - - - - - - - -Saint Nicholas or Santa Claus
Iceland - - - - - - - Jolasveinar. (13 of them) Stekkjarstaur, Giljagaur, Stufur, Thvorusleikir,
Pottaskefill, Askasleikir, Hurdarskellir, Skyrgamur, Bjugnakraekir, Gluggagaegir, Gattathefur,
Ketkrokur and Kertasnikir.
Italy - - - - - - - - Babbo Natale
Japan - - - - - - - - Hoteiosho
Netherlands - - - - - Sinterklaas
Norway - - - - - - - -Julebukk
Russia - - - - - - - -Saint Nicholas
Scandinavia - - - - - Julenisse
Spain - - - - - - - - Balthazar
Sweden - - - - - - - -Tomte
Wales - - - - - - - - Mari Ilwyd
United States - - - - Santa Claus
This list is by no means complete; it was partially obtained from The World Book
This is only the beginning: only a few of the associations between this mushroom and
Christmas traditions; there are more. Here are some synonymous names and/or terminologies
given to this mushroom throughout history, many of which we will be exploring further. In fact,
there are so many that expounding upon them could take a lifetime, therefore, obviously, this
list is not all-inclusive. The Egyptian term; "the God of a thousand names" begins to make
sense as this research begins to encompass so many other traditions, mythologies and
Amanita muscaria, long associated with the "Flesh of the God" in religious sacraments, was
and is the true Holy Grail. The Grail cup, holding the blood of the god, is an obvious analogy
for the shape of the fully-grown specimen and its juices. Note the look of the fully grown
specimen. The imagery of a cup or fountain are two of the more pronounced symbols used to
keep the understanding of the true nature of the sacrament a secret from everyone but the
"Elite". In its infant (button) state, the muscaria resembles a small white stone.
The pulling of the sword from the stone (a symbol of wielding the power), is another Arthurian
legend connecting the mushroom to the myth. The quest for the Grail itself is the quest for the
knowledge of the mushroom. The Parcival myth depicts paths (traditions), which are to be
explored (but not adhered to), in order to complete the quest. This quest is described in the
myths as a journey into the forest (the world) and finding paths (systems) which one may
follow, for a time, but ultimately one must blaze his/her own trail in order to truly reach the final
goal, the Holy Grail (the discovery and usage of the mushroom).
The search for the Holy Grail is a mythology that has become, through adaptation, a part of
the story of the Crucifixion. Some of the stories incorporate a cup which was used to catch
some of the flowing blood of Jesus as he died on the cross. This cup, like many other relics,
was thereby thought to possess magical powers. Historically, the mushroom has been the
container for the juice of the "elixir of immortality", or the "blood of God", in many myths. The
final shape of the muscaria, with its inverted cap, is the reason that the cup/fountain/grail
symbology is used in the stories. King Arthur, as a child, gained his rightful place as King by
pulling the sword from the stone. This is symbolic for wielding the power of the mushroom.
The stone is a metaphor for the mushroom, and pulling the sword from it is symbolic of being
able to crack the code and possess the power of the magical plant. After Arthur took ill (in his
later years) he was told that he must seek and find the Holy Grail to renew his strength and reacquire his power.
24/12/04 05:16 AM
Human beings are not our enemy. Our enemy is not the other person. Our enemy is the
violence, ignorance, and the injustice in us and in the other person. When we are armed with
compassion and understanding, we fight not against other people, but against the tendency to
invade, to dominate and to exploit. We don’t want to kill others, but we will not let them
dominate and exploit us or other people. You have to protect yourself.
Being compassionate does not mean allowing other people to do violence to themselves or to
you. Being compassionate means being intelligent. Non-violent action that springs from love
can only be intelligent action.
25/12/04 06:19 AM
By their very nature, archetypal forces of the 4th dimension (4D) seek vehicles in 3D for their
inspirations, and this process is increasing exponentially during the closing days of the Mayan
calendar. If they are not "let loose" by us, these forces get frustrated & overamped. Thwarted
creativity collects in 4D when it is not circulated between 3D and the higher worlds, and
eventually cultures get overloaded by black forces, just like overamped electrical circuits that
trip fuses. Astral forces are especially attracted to people who are drugged. The percentage of
people who are drugged (legally or illegally) is very high in the world in recent decades,
making it easy for the Global Elite (NWO) to control people. Yet, we humans are the chosen
circulators of divine inspiration.
Wonderful things happen when working intentionally with divine forces that birth art, visions,
and sacred cultures. The New World Order conspires to dull and stupify humanity to keep it
shut down. Modern culture (especially American) is boring, uncreative, and hideously violent
because it is polluted w/discharging dark energy. We can choose what we want to create in
3D, since we have free will. By not blocking the flow of the rich archetypal stream, sacred
cultures are imbued with art, theater, and music.
Sacred cultures, sych as the ancient Egyptians, the Maya, Minoans, and Celts, spring forth
when masses of people respond to the need for change in the collective mind. Conversely,
when enough people suppress the 4D forces within themselves, then very dark, violent, and
destructive cultures manifest. At this time, Earth's people are screaming for an end to global
domination and violence. Yet screaming for peace doesn't work; it is time to circulate the
archetypal stream.
There are many dimensions higher than the 4th and 5th; but since the NWO has collapsed the
many higher dimensions into the 4th (while they attempt to enslave us to our physical senses
in 3D by pushing drugs and materialism) I want to concentrate on healing this major duality
they've created within these dimensions first.
The fourth dimension looks like a murky canopy over individuals, cities, cultures, and
countries. This is astral energy that resembles gooey frogs' eggs; healers can often see it with
their clients. These canopies are constantly bombarded by waves of energy and light from the
higher five dimensions. When higher-dimensional energy rushes into the curved 4D canopy; it
acts as a lense that splits thought into two possibilities - positive or negative, good or evil,
black or white, right or wrong, and so on, in the consciousness of a human. When people
express only one side or the other of an issue, their minds split, making them unconscious.
The 4D-splitting dynamic exists so that electromagnetic (EM) fields can form in 3D, where 2D
magnetism arrives in the curved crust of Earth and responds to 4D electricity in the
atmosphere. Without this dynamic, things would not solidify into vibrating EM fields in 3D, and
this EM dynamic effects our consciousness, since most people can feel this astral force.
Astral Influences are nothing more than the desires of other humans to invade our minds.
Very often, issues that present themselves in our minds are collective. We may or may not
realize that millions of other people are processing the same thoughts. For example, these
days millions of people are exploring a polarity I call "Judeo-Christianity versus Islam." Some
split this archetype into good or evil, safe or dangerous, while others seek to understand both
sides and become conscious.
Now the Global Elite is working to take over 3D for the next two thousand years during the
Age of Aquarius. Many brave humans have stepped up and end this tyranny (although it
sounds like another dualistic good/bad fight -- they are trespassing on our souls)...and
remember I said in the post up above we have to defend ourselves.. Also, to help us during
these times, 5th dimensional humans from Pleiades guide us & remind us that it's easier to
allow potent 4D forces to flow through ourselves and avoid being dualized. A good way to
"fight" the New World Order oppression is to own your mind and tell others that the NWO
seeks to enslave us to our physical senses. We especially need to be aware now because this
Global Elite pits humans against each other and provides the guns and ammo for both sides -and shamelessly makes money from orchestrating wars and economic crashes worldwide.
25/12/04 07:37 AM
Merry Christmas spacedragon!
26/12/04 09:14 PM
Thank you... Happy New Year as well.
Let's have a festive talk about Lol QUANTUM MECHANICS
Though, I wonder what losers from the New World Order do on their Holidays after killing and
puppeteering all of humanity that year. Or, on Thanksgiving, haha do they give thanks to their
reptilian aliens pals that use mind-control on innocent humans to keep us imprisoned in a
vibrational prison keeping us enslaved to our physical senses and materialism?
I would suggest following Shroomism, Adam, the Buddhas and Pleiadians to Heavenly
Realms of existence. There are many other paths and leaders like Rael and Yahweh pushing
cloning and more cyborg implants - so at least you have a choice now that the NWO's sinister
plan is more out in the open and some of them are giving up.
Quantum Mechanics (QM, or the New Physics) is the science of 4D. QM studies the
properties of light, the microscopic world of atoms and molecules. The discrete particle units
-quanta- function as either particles or waves, and mechanics is the study of their movement.
QM discovered that light functions as either particles (photons) or waves (frequencies), which
fundamentally dualize matter. Barbara Hand Clow is suggesting that particle/wave duality is
the inherent cause of dualistic thought patterns in our minds; it is an electromagnetic
In this century, our 3D world is adrift with in all the things the New Physics has invented televisions, computers, microwave ovens - yet most people don't understand how these things
work. Our consciousness is somewhat hijacked by QM technology. Astrologically, the Age of
Aquarius, which we have recently entered, is ruled by the planet Uranus, which rules EM
frequencies. Being able to imagine that material things are actually visible light can blow open
your mind.
The Global Elite wants to retard public understanding of such vibrational frequencies as long
as possible.
QM is based on the four key forces in the universe as now defined by physics:
electromagnetism, the strong and weak nuclear forces, and gravity. The EM force binds
electrons and nuclei; the strong nuclear force binds quarks, which makes protons and
neutrons; the weak nuclear force causes nuclear decay; and gravity is the weakest force, yet
it's influence is as more effective at greater distances than the other three. The quanta (or
particles) of electromagnetism are photons - particles of light - that have infinite range and no
mass. Light as frequency waves functions over the entire EM spectrum of radio waves,
microwaves, infrared light, light, ultraviolet light, X-ray, and gamma rays.
Various aspects of Quantum Mechanics seem fifth dimensional. Each dimension morphs up
to the next one, and each has lower and higher qualities. Certainly, QM beautifully describes
how 4D dualities widen to polarities out of our consciousness in 3D. Reguarding the unity of
5D above the duality of 4D, our reality flows in 5D waves - the dimension of absolute unity and
synchronicity - where all particles are relational. This can lead us to more studies on the
Gauge theory which is dependent on gauge symmetry: Asserting that particles all have
antiparticles, particles of the same mass but opposite in some other way, such as electrical
charge. When a particle meets an antiparticle, they annihilate each other to produce more
J. S. Bell proved in 1964 that two particles that have been split apart communicate by
telepathy; they are connected in an immediate and intimate way showing that the universe has
consciousness. David Bohm's theory of the implicate order or unbroken wholeness (1970)
demonstrates that the dynamic relations of particles depend on the whole system. That is, it is
impossible to analyze the world by separating it's parts. Scientists can mimic parts in nature,
but it does not explain our world and the cosmos. The New Physics shows that we live in a
holistic and telepathic world instead of being stuck in a Newtonian machine. From that
perspective, it is possible to understand how the universe might worlk. Nonscientists can
understand the universe and realize how they move in the flow by studying QM experiments.
Newtonian physics describes how things obey the laws of gravity, motion, and events in a way
we can visualize; QM does not. This is because Newton's laws are the real laws of 1D to 3D
where we live; QM is the law of 4D; and cosmology operates in 5D through 9D. The New
Physics revelation of the subatomic world shows that our EM brains translate frequency
waves. The collective 4D mind is a huge screen of frequency waves that we detect and read
in our heads, if we learn where to turn the dial and how to adjust the volume. We humans are
like radios.
The Way will test you.
What do you do when life is difficult? You could call for help, but that is not always reliable.
Sooner or later, life will catch you with no one around.
You might be without food or shelter during a time of natural disaster. You might be alone at a
time when help cannot come quickly enough. You may even suffer the tragedy of having all
your friends abandon you. That is why those who follow Tao emphasize the importance of
having many abilities. If you have the self-reliance that comes with having many skills, you will
not lose your equanimity. This cannot be emphasized enough. You cannot truly walk the whole
path of Tao until you can cope with any unknown.
People say that those who follow Tao are serene, but that serenity is not because of some
meditative trancelike state. It comes from the confidence of one who has ability.
26/12/04 09:48 PM
Some people who are unfortunate enough not to have become enlightened by these magical
chemicals we put in our brains would laugh their asses off.
26/12/04 11:15 PM
They claim to know what heaven is like http://heaventour.org/
28/12/04 06:56 AM
IGNORANCE, AVERSION & ATTACHMENT (The 3 causes of suffering)
Anyone looking for an alternative to meditation if they find it frustrating or difficult, I suggest the
art of Chi Kung. One practice that is particularly useful is the Microcosmic Orbit. This dynamic
Tao meditation starts in the belly, flows up the spine and down the chest. It creates an "energy
wheel" that unifies the body's three major centers (similar to yogic "chakras") AND all of the
acupuncture meridians of your body. It is also known as "Opening the Golden Flower" and
"Embryo or Womb Breathing."
When your Orbit opens, your Original Spirit can begin to breathe more easily in your body.
Your vital organs get fed, and every level of your physical being feels healthy & grounded. It's
practical -- many people spontaneously quit smoking or stop obsessing about food or drugs.
When you are fed inside, you stop seeking stimulants outside.
Feeling connected with your heart smiling and chi (energy) flowing while standing in line at the
grocery store, walking the dog, or talking to your in-laws. If you thought meditation was boring
or frustrating, this offers a fresh start!
On the subject of our neighbors who originally colonized Earth: Before the Elohim inoculated
the Earth with DNA and before an ice age (one of many) wiping out most . When we mention
DNA brought to Earth, that doesn't mean some prokaryotes and eukaryotes & other simple
organisms eeventually evolving to humans and beyond (which might happen over time
anyway - given enough time and the right circumstances.) I mean these super-evolved
organisms descended from outer space making humans, wolves, evolved fish & other species
that are way up on the "tree" of that cool triple-amino acid code that's superior to the binary
Some of our shaman have encountered these particular serpents and here's what was
These were the secrets reserved for the dying and the dead, I was informed. I could only very
dimly perceive the givers of these thoughts: giant reptilian creatures reposing sluggishly at the
lowermost depths of the back of my brain, where it met the top of the spinal column. I could
only vaguely see them in what seemed to be gloomy, dark depths.
Then they projected a visual scene in front of me. First they showed me the planet Earth as it
was eons ago, before there was any life on it. I saw an ocean, barren land, and a bright blue
sky. Then black specks dropped from the sky by the hundreds and landed in front of me on
the barren landscape. I could see that the "specks" were actually large, shiny, black creatures
with stubby pterodactyl-like wings and huge whale-like bodies. Their heads were not visible to
me. They flopped down, utterly exhausted from their trip, resting for eons. They explained to
me in a kind of thought language that they were fleeing from something out in space. They
had come to the planet earth to escape their enemy.
The creatures then showed me how they had created life on the planet in order to hide within
the multitudinous forms and thus disguise their presence. Before me, the magnificence of
plant and animal creation and speciation - hundreds of millions of years of activity - took place
on a scale and with a vividness impossible to describe. I learned that the dragon-like creatures
were thus inside of all forms of life, including man. They were the true masters of humanity
and the entire planet, they told me. We humans were but the receptacles and servants of
these creatures. For this reason they could speak to me from within myself....
I was afraid that somehow my soul might.... through processes unknown but felt and dreaded,
be aquired or reaquired by the dragon-like denizens of the depths. I suddenly felt my
distinctive humanness, the contrast between my species and the ancient reptilian ancestors..."
-From Michael Harner's The Way of the Shaman
In light of modern research, Jung's original concept of archetypes (also referred to as a
"spiritual goal") is needlessly complex, and less useful than the more "primitive" notion of
extra-dimensional entities, the gods and demons of classical mythology. Jung himself was
apparently prepared to consider this hypothesis - - from Jung's Letters:
I once discussed the proof of identity for a long time with a friend... He admitted that, all things
considered, all these metaphysic phenomena could be explained better by the hypothesis of
spirits than by the qualities and peculiarities of the unconscious. And here, on the basis of my
own experience, I am bound to concede he is right. In each individual case I must of necessity
be skeptical, but in the long run I have to admit that the spirit hypothesis yields better results in
practice than any other.
28/12/04 07:06 AM
IGNORANCE, AVERSION & ATTACHMENT (The 3 causes of suffering)
Yet another American soldier has stated "This is getting carried away. We don’t know what
our role is in Iraq."
Person of the Year? No, the better description I liked is "whore cheerleader for the New World
The Associated Press
Updated: 8:30 p.m. ET Dec. 21, 2004
WASHINGTON - Internal Army documents describe alleged mistreatment of Iraqi citizens by
U.S. soldiers, including reports of prisoners who died under suspicious circumstances and
soldiers stealing cash and other valuables from Iraqis during searches of their homes.
The hundreds of pages of Army records, obtained by the American Civil Liberties Union,
described one investigation into whether an Army staff sergeant deliberately gave a captured
Iraqi an old handgun to justify shooting him.
A U.S. soldier said the sergeant, whose name was marked out in the documents, warned his
troops, “If he grabs this gun, shoot him!”
The Iraqi, a museum guard initially suspected of firing an AK-47 at troops, refused to take the
gun, investigators said. “I thought he was going to shoot him,” another U.S. soldier told Army
investigators later.
The sergeant denied it. “I can understand they may have misinterpreted what I said to the
detainee,” he told investigators, “but if they said I was trying to give the detainee the weapon
or said to shoot him, then they are lying.”
Another soldier described the sergeant who was investigated as a good soldier. “If someone
was shooting at one of my soldiers, I would be upset also,” this soldier said. He added that,
“This is getting carried away. We don’t know what our role is in Iraq.”
28/12/04 07:57 AM
IGNORANCE, AVERSION & ATTACHMENT (The 3 causes of suffering)
The Bush clone probably won't be gunned down by me on T.V., nor should you hold your
breath for decaying, southern white politicians to kowtow to their true master on the television
airwaves (at least not this first year). Many are too set in their ways & caught up in their
ridiculous systems and beuracracies. I'm a revolutionary first and only decided to become
World Leader when I realized how badly duped the Global Elite has these billions of dreaming
sheep. This is a revolution that will be off the airwaves and within our collective mind to create
a sacred & EVOLVED culture again like ancient Egypt or ancient Maya.
One thing that was fun to learn and share about our place in this galaxy is that Earth is the
Laboratory of Alcyone (Alcyone being the central star of a system our star revolves around);
and our seven sister planets of the Pleiades star system can serve as our Library of Alcyone.
The 5th-dimensional Pleidians are our neighbors in this star system and can travel along a
magnificent spiral or starlight to communicate with us.
Planet Earth (The laboratory of our Alcyone star system) is having many problems. Most of
the world's religions have worked with the Global Elite to control the world. While the Annunaki
and New World Order continue to create wars amongst humans and divide up the world like
real estate, some might want to play the role of an anti-war activist or as a bomber pilot.
However, if you are balanced and processing your own actions, you create new possibilities in
the field just by frequencies you radiate. This can keep 3D from being swallowed up by these
sinister Global Elite, whose favorite scorecards are battlefields and morgues. We can take our
dimension back from the Elite.
If you choose to be aware in 3D, you can follow multidimensional cues and avoid being 4D
When you become balanced and open your heart, higher-dimensional spirits sweep in to help
clear blocked physical and emotional energy; and the larger field of the 9 dimensions is
transformed by your clearance. You can create these miracles as often as you like; these
clearances can cause soldiers to lay down their arms.
Barbara Hand Clow & Gerry Clow bring us records from Alcyone's Library. They inform us that
a new sacred culture - harmonic biology - is seeding in the Milky Way, now that our solar
system has returned to a key location in it's orbit around the Galaxy. Many Earth experiments
are preparing humans to honor the galactic biological laws (by the way, many cultures on
Earth have been founded by Pleiadian aliens although I talk often of the Elohim stirring this
planet back to life after an Ice Age). In the Milky Way, the Divine first entered our dimension
via sound. All the aliens and humans were created from that energy and not in 7 days by
some white haired, white guy. The Elohim "from the sky" alien named Yahweh cleared that up
by saying he told Jesus and others that it took him 7 days to terraform the planet and get
humans replicated and ready to rock.
Anyway, the last time our solar system was in this same location was 225 to 250 million years
ago, and Earth was selected (because it holds nine dimensions in it's field) to be the
laboratory where biological life would be developed in the Milky Way. The Pleiadians say the
new biology will be DISSEMINATED (not decimated) in the Galaxy on December 12, 2012,
like a dandelion releasing silica filaments in the wind. Only life that vibrates in all nine
dimensions will be carried out into the stars.
As of early 2003, astronomers have determined that high-intensity gamma rays come from
hypernovas extremely huge supernovas. According to Quantum Mechanics, photons split into pairs and
travel independently in the universe, yet they are still able to communicate no matter how far
apart they move apart. Photons are conscious in some way This awakening by high energy
gamma rays must be intensifying the frequency ranges in our minds. Gamma rays are an
energy of the highest order we know, which means we're really talking about consciousness
itself. At least this is what the records of Alcyone tell us. (Sounds better than anything I heard
in Catholic Sunday School!)
Gamma ray bursts cause humans to become seers who are conscious in nine dimensions
simultaneously according to the Pleiadians.
28/12/04 08:06 AM
IGNORANCE, AVERSION & ATTACHMENT (The 3 causes of suffering)
Through invocation of Dragons Gods of light and darkness, the Magick User is able to mix a
blend of elements that will bring forth the desired manifestation. Some would scoff at the idea
of a Dragon of Light with mixed energies of a Chaos Dragon or any other "darkly aligned"
Dragon. However, the concept of darkness blending with light makes perfect sense to the
experienced magick user, just as the concept of "tough love" makes perfect sense to a
psychologist. It is the same concept.
Info from http://dragons.elswet.com
{ Quick point I'd like to make - I've covered some Egyptian, Chinese, Indian and South
American deities that fascinate me & I'd like to bring a better understanding of Serpents
who've evolved on other planets and taken a God form in both light and dark manifestations.
Many spiritual seekers believe that the Gods and Goddesses of all paths and pantheons are
the same Gods and Goddesses. Examination of all ancient cultures, including, but not limited
to Chinese, Viking/Norse, Japanese, Celtic, Egyptian, Roman, Greek and South America, all
show us the same base Deities. These Deities were renamed and assigned new functions to
meet the societal needs of different cultures. }
Dragon Deities
The Dragon names listed here were departed unto this man by a dragon god named
DragonKind, "one of my dearest attendant dragons, my friend...my soul mate."
Gneicht...(nyte, long I) Dragon God of the Night, of doorways (both opening and closing them)
and opportunities.
Veaug...(vog) Dragon god of obscurity and that which is hidden; does not like assisting in
hiding actions or objects.
Morthan...(moor'-z'dan) Dragon Goddess of bountiful harvests of all kinds; mother aspect of
Luqueas...(luk-wee-ass, long U, long E) Dragon trickster God; take great care when inviting
His presence.
Tysteal...(tiss'-dell) Dragon shephard Goddess; guardian of the meek; a dragon person's first
line of defense.
Mordak...(moo-ór-dak) Dragon God of war, vengeance and retributions of all kinds; make
dead certain that you are within your magickal rights before calling Him down, as he is not
amused by a fallacious summons.
Davliteau...(dav-lí-too) Dragon God of conjured entities; very helpful in ridding one's self of
"sent" conjurations and the like; benevolent to the core; very helpful and willing attendant
being, though He has little power in other areas.
Ryusan...(rí-u-san, long I, long U) Translates literally to "my dragon." The sex of this Dragon
deity is unknown to me; although I feel a definite feminine presence when it is near me, there
are many male attributes present as well. Ryusan, of the three-headed Japanese variety, is
best at consoling and nurturing a hurt spirit, whether it be in a host body or not. Ryusan has
escorted several spirits on to their next journey for me. I am not sure what else this deity
can/will do, but I do know that Ryusan can not contact those who have passed on, as I have
attempted to acquire Ryusan's assistance in that area to no avail, though I have received
great comfort from Ryusan over the years.
Ouida...(o-weed'-a, long O, soft a) She often assists me when I am in need of direction. I do
not know what She governs, or what aspects She controls, but She has proven Herself
invaluable in the area of guidance.
Solange...(so-londg') Dragon deity of healing. Though Dragons rarely become involved in
human affairs, Solange cares about those who care for others. He will lend a healing touch to
any beneficial healing spell, but there is a price for His assistance. He requires the planting of
fruit trees (three at the least and 9 at the most) for his services. He will also attend to your
herb garden and bless it with His dragon power.
Presently, I have around Me a baby red, a silver (the mate to My bronze), a black dragon [this
guy claims] and geryn™'s green and his blue, a very young gryphon and a chimera who is
keeping her distance from the "RT" DragonFyre Weyr™ for the time being, but who mates
occasionally with the gryphon (can't WAIT to see what the babies will look like!).. The names
of the silver and bronze are secret and cannot be shared.
Most cultures in the entire world have histories of dragons in one shape or another. Some are
depicted as huge wingless serpents, others more like the traditional picture we of the Western
world have of dragons: heavy bodied with wings. Dragons are shown with four legs, two legs,
or no legs at all. Some dragons were said to have arrowhead-pointed tails, while others had a
spiked knob on the end of the tail. Some had twisted horns, others long antennae rather like
those of moths. But the dragon, in whatever form, is there, regardless of the description
attached to it. We have a subconscious knowledge of the dragon and its powers that even the
assumed veneer of civilization cannot remove."
Paraphrased from D.J. Conway's
Dancing With Dragons
Llewellyn Publications, 1997.]
30/12/04 04:51 AM
IGNORANCE, AVERSION & ATTACHMENT (The 3 causes of suffering)
Many of the followers of the "Light Beings" (i.e. Jesus, Siddhartha & Muhammed) will travel to
higher dimensions than the 5th when the Earth fully enters the Photon Belt. I will concentrate
for a little while on 5D because I'm talking of getting all my people of the world out of the New
World Order's clutches of 4D and 3D. However, many will be traveling beyond even the 6th,
7th and 8th dimensions. The best way to understand any dimension is to locate it in our own
bodies. These are amazing days when we can work with 2D elementals and play with 4D
archetypes, as we construct new fields and timelines with our minds.
Choose a current situation that may be bothering you, such as American troops in Iraq. Hold
this in your mind, and once you have a feeling for it, tune into the 2D elementals and the 4D
archetypal beings (A good way to "tune in" is to be aware of the vertical axis (starting in the
first dimension at Earth's iron core) and imagine this axis traveling up your spine that actually
goes all the way to 9D at our Galactic Center. The human body/mind can be aware of all nine
dimensions - and, when you tune into the 2D elemental intelligences and 4D archtypal forces
through this meditation, ask them to come to you. Ask them to have a conference with you;
and that you want to feel and hear what they say. They may want to channel through you, sing
through you, or maybe you will feel like playing music with them. When you can actually feel
them in your space, you might feel, see, or hear a great being. Make some smoke or light
some incense, which encourages them to become more solid and present. You will feel the
pain of Earth. Just allow yourself to cry, rage, or run and feelings through your body, and
remember to breathe.
Pray with the teachers that have come and thank them. You may be impulsed to close your
eyes and see a vision, or examine a favorite altar piece, smoke a pipe, or bless the directions
with corn; just follow your impulses as they show you things.
They are so happy to be welcomed that you may feel like a happy puppy as you sense them in
your own body. Do not worry about this, since you are sovereign in this realm especially if you
make a special altar where you encircle yourself sacred stones, pictures and sacred objects but do feel their cues. They are the true inner story of yourself right now.
Then reemerge and study something in your space, examine a spirutual object, or play as
musical instrument (drums or bells will do). Wisdom and intelligence will come into your mind
& heart when you go in and out of these spirit fields.
As we move beyond the 4th and the Global Elite....
The fifth dimension is light. That is to say it is the field of the whole EM radiation spectrum,
and we are mysteriously embodied in this field. As the photon belt causes our planet to move
into the more subtle realms - 5D through 9D - the Pleiadians say that each higher dimension
has a home in the stars, and they maintain aspects of Earth's field. For thousands of years,
humanity understood reality by mythology, the stories of the stars or star lore. The modern
world has lost this imaginal connection, which is the source of rich ancient traditions. Star lore
is the primordial bridge to the higher dimensions.
Two other Aquarians - Gerry Clow and Barbara Hand Clow - have been reweaving this
tapestry of light by exploring higher worlds with groups. Stars are the cells of the galaxies, just
like the cells in our bodies. Star lore reawakens "cellular memory," memory that is light
encoded in our cells. The Clow's can actually feel themselves living in other places and times
(as other humans can) such as the Pleiades star system or ancient Egypt.
As Alcyone's laboratory, Earth is where love can be experienced in the physical. The energy in
our personal healing fields is directly proportional to the love in our hearts, and we attract
Pleiadian partnership by expanding our hearts.
Pls keep in mind that Pleiadians are extra-terrestrial HUMANS from the 5th dimension. They
are very ancient and have been watching over Earth for millenia. This is no fad cult I'm trying
to start nor will there be any kool aid to drink. These are enlightened human beings coming to
help us take control of our lives and the 3D/4D realm again. The New World Order has evil
practices of controlling people by using samples of our blood for controlling us with magick
(possibly even taking blood samples from our doctors)
--Interestingly, I've been using Wholistic medicine and Acupuncture for so long & maybe I was
even more free from their mind control during their FBI/CIA/NSA investigation because none
of the Global Elite bastards have a sample of my blood!-Let us remember that Christianity came out of Judaism , and Islam came out of JudeoChristianity. If everyone knew that the conflict would would end in a day. The same saints,
gods, sacred sites, and scriptures are the basis of all three religions, yet the believers have
been cleverly split by having their territory divided up. This keeps them fighting. The conflict
has grown huge during the last three hundred years, since the Elite believes the end of the
world is coming - or they think the Annunaki are returning to Earth, or it just wants to make
more money. This is hysterical. The Mayan calendar indicates that the Milky Way is
awakening humanity, and Nibiru is not scheduled to return until 3600 A.D. if at all.
The Babylonian/Sumerian culture and its derivatives were, and are not, Sacred Cultures. They
were dualistic and mired in 4D and became obsessed with time; they divided 3D up with
calendars that are programs for their agendas. They developed the principle of controlling
history by means of artificial timelines. Seeing this differential is critical, since Western
cultures are based on the Sumerian/Babylonian time divisions,(dividing the day into sixtyminute hours), which cause them to be apocalyptic - always watching for the end of time.
Modern astrology is psychodynamic and helps us to pull ourselves out of linear time by
showing us how the drama of life is artificially pressed into past, present, and future. Besides
offering a wide time perspective, astrology teaches people that various planets have different
effects on events and emotions, and links people to higher fields. Once you start thinking this
way, often you are able to access very high dimensions available right inside the feeling and
events going on around you. Feelings are awesome because they intensify 4D, which makes it
easier to detect frequencies from 5D through 9D.
Long ago, the ancient ones knew about the potent effects of sound on consciousness, and
they seemed to know a lot about the science of sound - sonics. They used 7D sound to create
6D geometry to open their 5D hearts, while they spent their day playing with 4D archetypes to
maintain peace and harmony in 3D. That's just a taste. We'll get later into the real story of
Jesus and other equally powerful beings on Earth being potent 9D-conscious masters (also
Jesus did have kids and helped to jumpstart our Earth's bloodlines after cataclysms that our
collective mind hasn't fully recovered from); His bloodline helped bring more masters of 9D
consciousness back onto Earth's surface. Muhammed and Buddha were equally powerful and
helpful. I'm not sure if Muhammed had kids but all these powerful multidimensional humans
have helped us greatly.
Sonics --I seem to be getting off the point -- was highly advanced for thousands of years. This
advanced science is perhaps the best explanation for how prehistoric people constructed
megalithic complexes from stones weighing many tons apiece. Much evidence for ancient
sonics is being discovered at the present time, which is very exciting. We'll learn more about
how they were able to "rearrange" or "realign" the mineral consistency of huge rocks to make
them far less heavy because of their different interaction with the solid iron core of Earth and
it's pull on the heavy items. There's much, more more to the science of sonics i.e possibly
helping our star ships soar even more efficiently w/less fuel as well as other advancements in
construction technologies to be able to lift massively heavy materials simply by altering these
materials with sonic waves.
01/01/05 10:37 PM
IGNORANCE, AVERSION & ATTACHMENT (The 3 causes of suffering)
It may seem outrageous that distant star systems can actually inform us here:
Pleiades in the fifth dimension
Sirius in the sixth dimension
Andromenda in the seventh dimension.
Orion in the eighth dimension
Milky Way in the ninth dimension.
Many of our ancestors were wise and believed that the stars had consciousness and were
repositories of their stories and myths.
Shamans often see serpentine images, especially double ones, which resemble the DNA
double helix. DNA is both single and double just like these mythical serpents the ancient
shamans were seeing. While having visions, shamans must find a way to interpret what they
are seeing; in many cases, serpents are their best representation. In contrast, the biologist
who takes ayahuasca might see strands of actual DNA, with which he or she is more familiar.
DNA is the mechanism for 6D replication in 3D. I believe DNA is the origin of shamanic
Scientists have discovered that DNA emits photons, which are electromagnetic waves in the
narrow band of visible light; these emissions are called biophotons. These emissions have a
high degree of coherence. Researchers say DNA is an ultra-weak laser (a split beam that can
produce holograms), and "a coherent source of light, like a laser, gives the sensation of bright
colors, a luminescence, and an impression of holographic depth" according to scientific
journalist Suren Erkman. Molecular biologists who study biophotons desribe these emissions
as "cellular language," a form of subtle biocommunication between cells. These waves direct
internal systems, and they communicate among themselves, and even between other
Quartz devies are used for the experiments on biophotons, such as the device used to detect
the ultra-weak laser emissions from DNA. Quartz crystals have been used for thousands of
years as tools by indigeonous people to detect frequencies. In fact, they are excellent
receptors of EM waves or frequencies, since they are piezoelectric causing them to flash with
light when you rub them together. Quartz crystals always grow by hexagonal or six-sided
geometry. Coincidentally, the Earth's iron core has a crystalline structure that's hexagonal. I
use quartz crystals to hold data banks. When I'm working on a big data bank, I receive data in
holograms. When my head gets too packed, I send the monad of thoughts into the crystal,
which I keep in my work area, such as one of the quartz Platonic solids. The crystal emanates
it back to me when I need a recall or a quick start. That is, I encode the crystal with time
capsules, and then I can recall the path that acesses the 6th dimensional mist when I want to.
Anthropologist Jeremy Narby suggests that shamans have learned how to defocus their
consciousness to see DNA.
Another form of 6D access is through the practice of astrology, which involves knowing the
archetypal patterns in your natal chart and observing how the movements of the planets,
Moon, and Sun - transits - influence your birth chart. Modern astrology is psychodynamic and
helps us to pull ourselves out of linear time by showing us how the drama of life is artificially
pressed into past, present, and futures. Besides offering a wide time perspective, astrology
teaches people that various planets have different effects on events and emotions, and links
people to higher fields. Once you start thinking this way, often you are able to access very high
dimensions available right inside the feelings and events going on around you. Feelings
intensify 4D, which makes it easier to detect frequencies from 5D through 9D. Cultures ruled
by enchantment taught people how to recognize these influences and express them as a
group in geography, art, astrology, and seasonality.
Now the photon band has joined the star Alcyone near us, our Sun, and the Sirius star system
in a synchronistic flow that started 225 million years ago -- when Earth was selected to seed
the galaxy with its biology. Sacred cultures that mastered multidimensional consciousness in
the past are needed for guidance, such as the Maya, since scientists today are only beginning
to consider multidimensionality by means of superstring theory.
The Keeper of 7D is Andromeda. Andromeda is visible as an exquisite spiral in the night sky
spinning just outside our galactic plane. Within it, there is a planet called Aion, which is like
Earth in every way, with a similar location to its Sun, good climate and atmosphere and lots of
biology that replicates. The only difference between these two solar systems is that Aion did
not experience a great cataclysm, as Earth did 11,500 years ago. Aion's inhabitants are
devoid of collective trauma, and all the higher dimensions freely enhance its biology. Aion
directs its cultures with cosmic sound and light codes by using sacred science. In Andromeda
there is no splitting or separation from God, while in the Milky Way, as we near the end of the
Mayan calendar, we cannot remember Gaia's biological codes.
Ou world is changing because the Galactic Federation has direct access to us now; because
a significant number of us want to function in higher orders. Also, communication with Orion
(the home of the Galactic Federation and the Keepers of the eighth dimension) became easier
when our Earth's sun entered the photon belt a few years back). Stars can be very helpful for
communicating with distant star systems.
Now, two operative worlds exist right in 3D:
(and what each individual contributes is of cosmic significance.)
(1) Those who are working with the Galactic Federation to transmute Earth's biology are
experiencing Earth's ascension -- nine dimensions opening simultaneously in 3D.
(2) Those who do not cherish life are experiencing the Apocalypse described by Saint John of
Patmos in Revelation.
I will break down the Pyramid
Once there was enough money changing hands in America after a hundred years or two,
people in power adopted the pyramid, a system that was invented by European aristocrats
and has been described well by British researcher David Icke. Pyramids are used to organize
large systems, such as banks, corporations, schools, and governments. The pyraminds take
on a life of their own once they get started. Pyraminds force people to do what the Elite wants
and make it very hard to see "who is running the show" when you are in the middle of them yet it all becomes obvious once the pyramids are exposed.
The bottom of the pyramid is occupied by the workers. The workers are supervised by the
lower-level managers, who keep their jobs by obeying orders. The lower managers get their
orders from middle managers, and they must do as they are told. If a middle manager tells a
lower manager to make the workers do something that is dishonest or evil, such as putting the
workers in dangerous or unpleasant working conditions, the lower manager has to obey these
orders or risk being fired. Consequently, the manager becomes ill-tempered, unhappy, and
eventually sick.
Everybody struggles in the pyramid system to keep their jobs, and the person(s) at the very
top reap the benefits. People working in the higher levels of the pyramids have the most to
lose by not obeying their higher-ups. People in the middle and high ranges are forced to dress
and live in a manner befitting their position, and they are usually in debt and cannot quit. It is
easy to force them to do things that are unethical because they are supporting their families.
People in the lower levels are considered dispensable, and they often quit or get fired. Poor
ethics, greed, and control disseminate from the top down, and anybody who does not agree
can always quit.
Everybody is in debt except the people at the top, who have huge amounts of money;
however, these people can be kept in place by black mail. Data on their private lives is
collected, just in case it will be useful later. Whistle-blowers, who often lose their jobs and
sometimes their families, are in great danger. Through pyramids in corporations and
governments, the Elite runs America. This is why the dollar has a pyramid with an "all-seeing"
eye at the top.
Occasionally, people at the top create a fleecing, when a pyramid is collapsed and the
resources are moved elsewhere, as occurred with Enron. This often happens when whistleblowers appear.
I have no problem ripping them a new one because this system is what perpetuates the
outrageous level of human disempowerment in the world today.
09/01/05 01:33 PM
IGNORANCE, AVERSION & ATTACHMENT (The 3 causes of suffering)
Hope is as hollow as fear.
What does it mean that hope is as hollow as fear?
Hope and fear are both phantoms
that arise from thinking of the self.
When we don't see the self as self,
what do we have to fear?
See the world as your self.
Have faith in the way things are.
Love the world as your self;
then you can care for all things.
Source made this post earlier in the thread and I think it’s really worth re-stating:
Money is power in this world and the power is consolidating into fewer and fewer hands. If we
want to see what is being done with this power just look at the state of the world and where it
is headed...not good. These are not benevolent people.
Those who are awake must wake the others. The way I see it, we are being tricked into being
co-creators of a version of reality that 'they' are pushing...a version of reality that is full of war,
poverty, fear and hate. We learn to believe that this world is the only possibility from the time
we are infants, and this learning is constantly reinforced via popular culture and media.
What most people have forgotten is just how powerful we really are ('know ye not? Ye are
gods' - Jesus). We create our own reality ('With your thoughts you create the world' - Buddha).
The revolution will be complete when enough of us have immagined a better world. Will
directs thought and thought creates reality. As you said, this revolution will not be fought
without war...it is being fought inside us all.”
Can you cleanse your inner vision
until you see nothing but light?
Can you love people and lead them
without imposing your will?
Can you deal with the most vital matters
by letting events take their course?
Can you step back from your own mind
and thus understand all things?
-Lao Tse (translation: Honorable old man or old teacher)
Quote: "Spacedragon, are they with you [U.S. Gov't] or against you my friend?"
Who knows or who cares anymore. What I mean is, I've started the World Gov't and waiting to
see if the American gov't will even try something again. I've been well received among the
people in the East.. Also, other countries in the UN have said "We'll crush you if you stop
Adam" but in nicer words than that. Some u.s. officials have been referring to me on the air.
Protection of my "Vatican"-esque home is required by channeling my deepest archetype
(sometimes it's just the God like Padmasambhava, Vajrasattva, or the War God Guan Gong;
and this however is a very powerful and balanced Integration of God and Emperor. And having
a symbiotic yet 24-hour help system was required for this first year since I realized how large
my kingdom really is with the counties, countries
..um CONTINENTS Whoo hoo and want to serve the People well. By cutting the NIDA budget
by 9/10ths this year of 2005 will help to rebalance our eco-system and raise teachers salaries
as well as help with disaster relief efforts. The budget cut will end up being $900 Million so
that's a good help for these school teachers in America who work so hard and other countries
could consider following suit.
I have America in a probation program for 30 days as they continue to occupy the Middle East
and will be on longer suspensions from the United Nations until they become stronger
w/borders at home and bring some soldiers home to protect U.S.A.'s sometimes open
Anyway, I help the Gods also and let them feel through 3D like a ghost sometimes craves but
the Peaceful Deities are the only Gods I answer to.
09/01/05 01:51 PM
IGNORANCE, AVERSION & ATTACHMENT (The 3 causes of suffering)
I've stayed in control & harnessed the "reigns" of this powerful and intriguing planet (a.k.a.
Alcyone's Lab) by having LOVE for the planet's people. A plan like Hilter's, Stalin's or Bush
Jr.'s involving trying to conquer the world will never work -- you build up too many enemies
both alive and in spirit form. As much of this sounds out of the ordinary.. it is!
Gods/Goddesses' human offspring is a wonderful or terrible thing and does not happen every
day. My power and wisdom will be used to help this planet, Gaia, and her people. Sentient
beings have FREE WILL..and, if I can turn around and become a saintly, anyone can.
I demand the term King, Sage or Emperor though. I had mentioned either World President or
World King, but I've decided that King of Earth would work and I'll rule the planets as an
Empire or Kingdom -- not to confuse the masses anymore with the words "World President".
I couldn't have gotten this far into multidimensional consciousness without our planet's great
spiritual leaders and our masters from the sky (also from the future) the Pleiadians, hailing
from the higher dimensions and the nearby star system Pleiades. They're here on Earth to
help & were known by Jesus Christ. And then there's the recent help of the Elohim aliens.
They e-mailed (spammed) me something about supercolliders offsetting the balance of the
universe and I believe we definitly need to take their warning into consideration. Actually, it's
prohibited from now on and you'll have to answer the screams of millions of dying worlds
during your afterlife on top of that.
I say spammed because after clicking once on the rael info site, I've got 3 or more "guides"
now sending many emails daily; this is after clicking unsubscribe already once but I think that
was another email L.o.l.
^The bottom line is...they will need to cease these supercollider projects within the year or
many enemies on the super-atomic level or also the sentient & intelligent worlds of the
subatomic level that can get angry and violent --- possibly ruining our chances for heaven and
a peaceful afterlife. I'm talking about those that will attempt to continue to use dangerous
technology like creating mini black holes and fusion reactions w/super collider . They will
possibly endure a difficult hell realm if they continue to collide these sub-atomic galaxies &
I must have spooked the U.S. gov't at the right time when some of them began to listen to my
statements about world peace and the nwo/global elite needing to collapse. I wouldn't
consider them all gone but a major part of their power (mind control on Earth's humans and
blood magick ritual obsesson with their lizard allies) is leaving us and some are dead.
I would make statements just close enough to seem like a threat to the U.S. gov't to prick up
their ears -- then simply talk about love and compassion for days on end when my house was
bugged..chanting for hours to the Gods and channeling messages from 5th dimension beings.
Also, I'd tell them that my lawyer would eat their face and have to submit ALL my
posts/teachings to be heard again in court. They would have to weigh the 99% enlightened
and love-filled posts vs. the "damn Big Brother sucks & it's time for a revolution!" They
responded again and again that they could just simply kill me - and I would respond that I
know how to navigate the afterlife very well and they would never have a restful sleep again
with the hauntings of a demon god.
Wednesday 08 December 2004, 16:12 Makka Time, 13:12 GMT
Military service is compulsory for all able-bodied Jewish citizens. A group of Israeli soldiers
serving in the Gaza Strip have reportedly admitted killing a 15-year-old Palestinian in Khan
Yunus for sport.
According to the Israeli newspaper Yediot Ahronoth, the incident took place in March when a
group of newly graduated soldiers were on a hike near
the town of Khan Yunus.
According to the report, an undisclosed number of Givati brigade soldiers shot and killed
Khalid Sulaiman Mahdi while he was working with his father on their farm.
The boy's father, Sulaiman Mahdi, told the paper the killing was "just
for the sake of it". "Seven bullets pierced my son's head, so you can't talk here about a
mistake or random gunfire. This was an act of direct and clear sharp shooting," he said.
QUOTE from the Dextroverse: "one dollar? Everyone knows the dollar will be soon out of
commerce and worthless."
A dollar from all the people of the U.N. nations will do the World Government some good (The
World Gov't is a totally different entity than the tyrannical New World Order.) I am now the
major spokesperson for the United Nations.
The U.N. get's the bulk of the Emperor Tax ~billions of dollars~ and I only want a halfmillion/year to live comfortably and support my seven wives (ouch). Those billions will go
toward aiding the most dilapidated countries that need it, strengthen the U.N. peacekeeping
forces and fund more research into the reverse-engineered spacecraft that America has
engineered from alien craft.
We will now focus our nukes into outer space for protection from threats as well as outlaw
research into concealable, "suitcase"-sized nuclear devices designed to harm our own people.
Make use of your great perceptions and proceed to flourish with courage and clear intent.
Otherwise, you may find yourselves deeply immersed in the insidious structures of mind
control, which are actually old structures of mind management recycled in a cosmic karmic
replay where cyborgs, chips, cloning and genetic engineering are billed as the exciting, thrilling
"only way to go."
The Pleiadians call themselves renegades and "system busters" who are not only from the
future which is mind-bending enough, but from extra-dimensional planes of existence to help
us gain bliss and heavenly states instead of this Big Brother microchip plan to become robotic
and under mind-control.
High in the Sky You simply glue some bark to the bottom of the pots of whatever you're
growing and tie it up in the trees. The fuzz (cops) spend all their money on high-tech sensors
to detect high-energy light signatures. They can't see the grow pots and you're growing off the
energy grid; it's also very difficult to see the multitudinous plants containing POUNDS /
KILOGRAMS of buds or 'shrooms looking up from the ground.
This guy's brilliant & get’s over $600,000 a year from his bomb yields. The book's called
"Invisible Marijuana and Psychedelic Mushroom Gardens." I got mine from Amazon.com but
it's available other places. Many people have planted on Government soil to repay them for
using us for profit.
Our world is changing because the Galactic Federation has direct access to us now; because
a significant number of us want to function in higher orders. Also, communication with Orion
(the home of the Galactic Federation and the Keepers of the eighth dimension) became easier
when our Earth's sun entered the photon belt a few years back). Stars can be very helpful for
communicating with distant star systems.
Now, two operative worlds exist right in 3D:
(and what each individual contributes is of cosmic significance.)
(1) Those who are working with the Galactic Federation to transmute Earth's biology are
experiencing Earth's ascension -- nine dimensions opening simultaneously in 3D.
(2)Those who do not cherish life are experiencing the Apocalypse described by Saint John of
Patmos in Revelation.
09/01/05 02:02 PM
IGNORANCE, AVERSION & ATTACHMENT (The 3 causes of suffering)
JUST BY BEING BORN IN GAIA, you have the right to create the realities you want. The Light
simply emanates energy so that each being can experience life. The Divine Mind is more of a
"collective" of both humanoid and more alien-looking compassionate, indescribably intelligent
entities. They exist permanently in the 8th dimension and guide our galactic community and
orchestrate celestial events sometimes.
If you want to have your place back as a person who lives the way you want, practice this
following technique and watch what happens:
With a pad and pencil, go to a quiet place where you will not be disturbed. Make a list of three
to nine things you would like to have or create, and state clear timelines and circumstances
around these events. For example, if you ask for a cleaning lady, make sure you have a salary
limit, how soon she should manifest, and whether you will drive her to work or not.
It's not o.k. to use such high-dimensional techniques to manifest nonessentials like Cadillacs,
fur coats etc... But, if you need a car or a coat to get to work, go for it! You cannot ask for a
specific person, only a partner, and you can specify which gender. In the case of influencing
others w/your mind and trying to summon specific persons is called conjuring and against the
laws of karma; it does not work anyway, and it can really mess you up.
Once you visualize the scenes of receiving these items, housekeepers/cooks, or cars etc..
that you want then say "So be it!"
The DIVINE MIND does not assist you unless you ask.
Things may not manifest the way you think they should because beings of the 8th dimension
use 3D in a way that works from a much greater perspective. Check your list after a few
months and you may be surprised how often things happened in the time frame you listed.
The Moon has a huge influence on what we want because Moon reflects our desires to the
Sun, where our access to the 8D library is located. There are some great lunar techniques for
using the power of our minds, which add the solar power. First, let us see what the Pleiadians
say about how our Moon influences our world:
THE MOON reflects our feelings. That is, the Moon reflects the collective thoughts of
humanity, our feelings, back to us. The intensity of the Moon's light is proportional to human
feelings. Our personal mastery is based on dealing effectively with our feelings, so knowing
about the lunar influence is very helpful. The surface of the Moon is almost devoid of
electromagetism, so that it's vibrations are very ethereal. In our dreams, the Moon transmits
all those luminescent, etheral frequencies containing the records of our subconscious mental
The Moon simply emanates memories to us that modulate our responses to everything. Since
we cannot develop our emotional bodies without memory, the Moon holds our souls memories
lifetime after lifetime.
Because the Sun is 400X larger than the Moon, and the Sun is 400X farther from Earth,
visually the Moon appears appears to be the same size as the Sun.
Pls keep in mind that this planet was picked out as a good spot to support life and everything
concerning creation is not totally random while we're soaring at dizzying speeds through
space/time. It seems we're in a prime location of this cluster of galaxies and we're in the
middle of an orchestrated expansion.
Back to a very important point about the Moon: When we become ill because of negative
emotional patterns, the Moon transmits healing information to us. This makes it possible to
feel what is wrong and know what to do about it. For those who value such acute sensitivity,
Back Flower Remedies and aromatic oils can heal instantly. Whenever we have a lifetime on
Earth, we can consciously work with our lunar subconscious memory banks to clear trauma
and blocks (process our feelings.) We can be lighter, more harmonic and happier.
Now it is time to investigate the 9-dimensional timelines that emanate out of the 9D Galactic
Center, since these are the timelines of all the potential manifestations on Earth. The Milky
Way is the entirety of the 9th dimension that contains the mysterious 9D black hole, which is
continually receiving the force of creation generated generated out of Earth's core in the
vertical axis. According to physics, everything in the universe is omnicentric, which mean
realities unfold from centers. In our omnicentric evolutionary universe, reality unfolds from the
beginning, always centered upon itself at each place of its existence.
The Great Mystery is that the full potency of the black hole is now activating our bodies and
minds. This is happening because the plane of our solar system intersecting the galactic plane
is closely aspected by the Winter Solstice Sun - the galactic Winter Solstice that is. This
galactic infusion of high-frequency energy (caused by the brief alignment) is pulsing down into
our vertical axis of the human body, which is a tunnel (wormhole) into the black hole. The
Pleiadians insist that what's left of Earth's biological intelligence in 2012 will pass through the
black hole, which will be a biological singularity.
09/01/05 02:13 PM
Re: IGNORANCE, AVERSION & ATTACHMENT (The 3 causes of suffering)
Spacedragon you are a prime example of "Dirty Cup Syndrome", you are obviously very
learned in many different fields of S&P. You seem to have mixed all of these philosphies
together in your mixed up little mind and completely missed the essence. My adivce to you
would be to try to resume your beginners mind, clean out your cup and return to ground zero.
Remember its never to late to sort yourself out. Please do this before you reach egohood!
Talking to Master Vajrasattva indeed, please observe yourself a little and youll find your not
enlightened, just a very confused person indeed!
09/01/05 02:16 PM
IGNORANCE, AVERSION & ATTACHMENT (The 3 causes of suffering)
I know exactly what I'm talking about. Since you missed everything and probably think that
kundalini burst is cool up there and not a form of suicide actually, you'll maybe go back in your
hole and see how I'm preparing everyone for heaven realms. The afterlife is difficult to
navigate and only when many of the western neophytes are ready should they attempt it (and
not with drugs and a minimum of 5 years intense meditation experience.)
First dimensional (1D) beginnings: The iron making up the extremely hot, crystal lattice is
twice as dense as other metals. From its rotation all the other dimensions arise towards the
black hole at the center of our Milky Way galaxy. The dimensions become progressively less
dense the "higher" they are. The first dimension (1D) core of Earth is gravity, and as it moves
to the surface and above, it weakens; all 1D centers in the universe are gravity - which moves
at the speed of light - modern scientists have proven this & Einstein had hypothesized this.
Gravity holds all the dimensions together on the vertical axis rising into the black hole at the
center of the Milky Way. The dimensions move out from the vertical axis in great circular
planes. The weaker the gravity, the more complex the dimensionality. The second dimension
(2D) is an amazing world filled with elementals - radioactive, chemical, mineral, viral, and
bacterial intelligences - and unfortunately The Global Elite has also tried to control this
dimension. The reverberations of The Elite's excessive fossil fuel raping, attempts to control
the elementals, and building churches on dimensional portals are wreaking havoc on our
Earlier I said there are Keepers for each dimension. There are several planetary systems that
remain full-time in these higher dimensions. For example, the Cosmic Order / Galactic
Federation of Orion are the Keepers of the 8th dimension, the Pleidians who are masters of
Love and Creativity are the Keepers of the 5th dimension, 3D's Keepers are the humans -and a strange race race of aliens who have controlled us and ruined our planet by forming the
Global Elite are called the Annunaki. They must have been bored because they live on a
planet (Nibiru) that has such a huge orbit that it takes 36,000 years to revolve around this sun.
Their concept of time is much different than our's and imagine how easy it would be to
remember all the human myths and stories over thousands of years; the Nibiruin time sense
would be immense.
From our perspective on Earth, the 4th dimension is the first non-physical (yet detectable)
dimension, which makes it very confusing for most of us. This dimension seems to be a world
filled with great gods and goddesses involved in grandiose dramas, yet few people are
conscious of them except when they are dreaming. In fact, these great beings - such as Zeus
or Jehovah - are probably creations of someone's clever mind; these archetypes easily fool
humanity. The Greeks did a great job of "unmasking" the gods, since they made such a
mockery of them, especially during the mystery plays. We humans, not the gods, are the
sovereign creators of 3D!
Beginning with the spin that occurs from the 1D Earth's core, all the entities formed on Earth
are manifest out of the first and second dimension. Once we remember that we emerged out
of the 2D Telluric Realm under the Earth's crust, we will naturally seek primal symbiosis with
the lower worlds. Then, by our consciousness, we will flow frequently in the higher realms
again. How did we lose this vital link to life itself in the first place? Humanity has been taught
to fear and be alienated from 2D by the Roman Catholic Church, a union of politics and
religion - Caesar and Church. Around 500 A.D., the Church was run by a cabal of ambitious
alchemists and geomancers, who wanted to turn the people into dreaming sheep. The
controllers of Judeo-Christian systems have been using alchemy and geomancy for two
thousand years, while they've murdered those who dared to use these powers themselves,
such as the Cathars and the Templar Knights. However, according to the Mayan calendar, it is
time for all people to master these powers in order to harmonize with 2D because 2D will be
totally revitalized by 2012. Alchemy is an art of understanding resonance, which makes it
possible for humans to materialize things by raising or lowering frequencies. Geomancy is the
art of working with the powers of Gaia in order to harmonize with Earth's frequencies.
When too many humans overuse Earth's powers to become rich, 2D will generate a
meltdown; it will make people or the atmosphere sick. The great plagues during the Middle
Ages and the Renaissance were examples of 2D responses to the Inquisitions. The 2nd
dimension always wins. And if people try to steal these powers, they often die unnatural
deaths, such as modern chemical manufacturers and scientists getting cancer. Another large
example is the sexual and financial perversion in the Roman Catholic Church, which is the
natural result of its phenomenal geomantic and alchemical sins.
As the world seems more chaotic, Earth's more gentle, slow, and silent intelligence is
regenerating. Using the seven sacred directions to enter Gaia, the key to accessing this is to
work from a chosen center of the 4 [compass] directions; to add "above" and "below" so as to
activate the vertical axis; and then to move your consciousness into your heart center, the
seventh sacred direction...in your own choice of sacred space/time.
{{I'm going to post the sacred messages of the Pleiadians for a little while & then intertwine
these teachings more and more with my Taoist / Buddhist teachings. I'm just a (Master of
Ceremony) M.C. for the Heaven Realms and other beings that are conscious of the higher
dimensions full-time. I admit I knew little of the importance of the lower dimensions until I have
been contacted by the Pleiadians. I've tapped a strong spiritual attunement and opened my
ESP, astral traveling and subconscious reality through Eastern meditation techniques, martial
arts, and Western Neo-Shamanism.}}
As you noticed what I went through -- if a person's emotions aren't under control during his
shamanic initiations, 4D energy takes on a low astral hue, and the person might be visited by
angels, succubi, daemons, ET's or composite creatures. These creatures seem real on the
screens of our magnetic minds, all filled up with ancient archetypal images. Spiritual masters
and many artists learn to distinguish between low astral impulses and true divine inspirations.
The Pleiadians believe we must all become spiritual masters now, so we can remember how
to create what we want in our dimension. Otherwise, the New World Order is going to run it,
ruin it - or both.
The Keepers of the the Eighth dimension are the beings in the Orion star system, which is
seen as "the great hunter" hovering over the equator. According to ancient Egyptian sacred
science, when Orion rises high, humans become wise. The Pleiadians say the most exciting
thing about Earth's ascension will be that each one of us will be able to feel the frequencies of
all the lifeforms, even our own. The Amazonian Shamans, many Eastern Shaman and some
of the wonderful Neo-Shaman in the 1st world countries can see the molecular essense of life.
Someday, scientists will invent instruments that can detect frequencies forming matter. When
teaching workshops that explore the nine dimensions, Barbara Hand Clow and Gerry Clow
found that many students had difficulty contacting 8D because they live in a world controlled
by the New World Order, which has collaspsed the higher dimensions into 4D. Their students
often work in schools, hospitals, government, and industry; yet because America's ethical
standards have deteriorated in the last 50 years, many of them function in jobs that do not
serve the greatest good. They are often asked to carry out orders that contradict their beliefs.
Every philosophy and every psychological system has been based upon inadequate
knowledge of certain aspects of existence, upon a partial insight. We need a greater
experience, a multidimensional metaphysics. Now, as never before, we are capable of it. We
can learn from all the traditions, from both their strengths and weaknesses. But to do this we
must roam these many worlds, high and low."
-Michael Murphy, Jacob Atabet (1977)
Lastly, we greatly need to reconnect with LUNAR TIME. You may have noticed that your
reality is getting too filled up with stuff and that there is less and less room for you. This is
because when you divide time, space expands, and eventually your reality will be unihabitable.
Meanwhile, the Moon is your best timekeeper. If you will realign with the Moon, you can waltz
right out of the dilemmas invented by the clock.
The Pleiadians say that the division of reality by the clock is moving toward infinity as of
December 21, 2012. That will not be good for our fellow humans' mindsets. The biological
realm waxes and wanes by the Moon, and when you live by the lunar cycles, time is balanced
with space. At the New Moon every month, a new story is implanted that is to be played out for
the month. We are not here to divide reality; we are here to integrate reality by weaving the
intersections of the dimensions.
09/01/05 02:25 PM
Re: IGNORANCE, AVERSION & ATTACHMENT (The 3 causes of suffering)
Do you really think people need to read this BS. Your wasting your time! I could quite easily
write such shite, but generally people only need to hear the essence. The pure and simple
truth of how it is, not long winded examples of tiresome bullshit. Remember your a human
being, not a prophet!
09/01/05 03:01 PM
IGNORANCE, AVERSION & ATTACHMENT (The 3 causes of suffering)
OK what are you going to do. Hang out while not preparing people for the harmonic biology of
a cosmic civilization, the worm hole, the biological singularity, and the tectonic plate shifts of
massive proportions -- as well as helping to heal a collective trauma the planet has endured
from a cataclysm 11,500 years ago. I'm picking up the slack for you guys! I'm the King of the
Earth and don't need to talk like Buddhas from other centuries.
I’ve been both donating and practicing an ancient art of sending the dead to a heaven afterlife.
Also, the devastation of the earthquake and tsunami is beyond words. Raising or donating
your money to help w/global relief efforts is wonderful. If everyone in the U.S. or the U.N.
Nations donated even just a dollar it would add up to a big help. When donating to the U.N.
World Food Program wfp.org I asked them to consider delivering bags of rice sometimes
instead of nutritionally deficient, processed foods. We learn from these mistakes...For
example, when dropping food aid in Afghanistan, the impact of the containers from the height
dropped (or the poor packaging) caused the food to burst open and become instantly
So, not only was the processed, chemically sprayed "junk food" making their stomachs sick
because it's not food they're used to - but they actually thought American's were trying to
poison them too. It was a waste of time for everyone and a $50 bag of rice can feed a whole
family for a month! These changes may take time because there's a certain amount of
vitamins and necessary minerals each family unit needs but I'll work to change that method.
Clearly, the point is here that the base of the food should be primarily rice and healthy
seasonal spices if possible.
09/01/05 03:10 PM
Re: IGNORANCE, AVERSION & ATTACHMENT (The 3 causes of suffering)
You may be suffering from an acute case of megalomania, or else your just completely crazy!
Either way you need some serious psycological help along with a heavy dose of lithium. Why
not grab a big peice of cardboard, starp it round your body, write on it "THE END IS
COMMING" and be done with it.
You'd probably be more help that way, What you doing here is just supersizing your ego! Your
no prohpet man! Those are just voices in your head, not the words of god!
Save your meaningless preaching and gathering of weak minded individuals for your
megalomaniac cause. And take them somewhere else, as im sure most people here are just
laughing at you!
09/01/05 03:12 PM
IGNORANCE, AVERSION & ATTACHMENT (The 3 causes of suffering)
Sounds sad that you feel no one else can do it. The Bible is full of happenings of DNA
scientists called the Elohim "meaning: from the sky" and you get your info from that hearsay?
And compare me to Jesus. OK I am very close to Buddhahood and becoming the World
Leader has propelled me to a demi-god state because I am making laws here with other U.S.
Gov't officials and U.N. officials. We're moving on from your ignorance I'm not saying the end
of the world. I've already clarified that life will flourish and become very evolved on our planet.
Others will even be able to fly through the cosmos in an astral/light body.
This isn't the only group of message boards I post on. Others like ICQ, Overgrow and
Dextrverse.org are the great. My name is AngelEyes in other forums.
09/01/05 03:20 PM
Re: IGNORANCE, AVERSION & ATTACHMENT (The 3 causes of suffering)
Then its worse than i thought, you really do need some serious help. Has this become an
addcition for you? Have you ever been commited to a mental hospital before? Are you
currently taking medication for your condition?
Seriously man, if you unmedicated go seek some help, their are plenty of qualified
psycologists out their whod' jump at the chance at helping someone as serverly lost as you
But if your beyond help, the best thing for you right now is to stop all this preaching. Its one
thing to have serious problems, it another to call yourself the "King of the Earth" and try to
attract vunlerable people to your unhealthy cause!
Please for the sake of others sanity stop! Your not helping anyone!
09/01/05 03:33 PM
IGNORANCE, AVERSION & ATTACHMENT (The 3 causes of suffering)
Yes, I am helping and not just from the charitable donations we were just talking about. Also,
I'm trying to get others to help cleanse their karma using the ancient practice of Phowa to help
send souls to a peaceful & blissful afterlife. Do you think the U.S. Gov't doesn't know about
me? It's been years and working together has proven a great way to have a witch hunt for the
illuminati/free mason members and create World Peace having a new World's King or World's
Our world is changing because the Galactic Federation has direct access to us now; because
a significant number of us want to function in higher orders. Also, communication with Orion
(the home of the Galactic Federation and the Keepers of the eighth dimension) became easier
when our Earth's sun entered the photon belt a few years back). Stars can be very helpful for
communicating with distant star systems.
Now, two operative worlds exist right in 3D:
(and what each individual contributes is of cosmic significance.)
(1) Those who are working with the Galactic Federation to transmute Earth's biology are
experiencing Earth's ascension -- nine dimensions opening simultaneously in 3D.
(2)Those who do not cherish life are experiencing the Apocalypse described by Saint John of
Patmos in Revelation.
09/01/05 03:42 PM
Re: IGNORANCE, AVERSION & ATTACHMENT (The 3 causes of suffering)
Who gave you permission to teach the powa practice?
As i understand it, you have to have had permission from a qualified master befor you can
give instruction and initiation of that practice. Besides this practice belongs to the Karma
Kagyu tradtion of tibetan buddhism and is not to be used in conjunction with any other
religoius group or teaching. If you are a member of the illuminate group, then im sure you do
not have the nessacarry realization nor permission to be teaching that practice,
Any person practcing the powa without proper initiation from a qualified master can have
serious effects on their energy system and disrupt the spiritual path as well as other damaging
What you are teaching is dangerous, and you are dangerous, so stop what you are doing, you
are damaging people with your ignorance!
(high voltage)
09/01/05 04:42 PM
Re: IGNORANCE, AVERSION & ATTACHMENT (The 3 causes of suffering)
If you personally have a problem with spacedragon or any other member of this board, please
discuss it with them via PM. This forum is not the place for you to call people's sanity into
Why are you trying to stiffle free speach?
09/01/05 04:48 PM
Re: IGNORANCE, AVERSION & ATTACHMENT (The 3 causes of suffering)
I apaologize trendal, it will not happen again!
My intention was not to stifle free speech
But I have no excuse!
(high voltage)
09/01/05 04:49 PM
Re: IGNORANCE, AVERSION & ATTACHMENT (The 3 causes of suffering)
Don't worry about it, then
10/01/05 12:24 AM
IGNORANCE, AVERSION & ATTACHMENT (The 3 causes of suffering)
When I became an avatar of Master Vajrasattva and excelled at helping with other spirits and
their afterlife. This is an integration and not a possession to prepare people for the next
This guy ^ up there wants to be selfish with information that can greatly help people. Or he
fears the thought of practicing with spirits of the dead and loving them even when their
emotional bodies are downright dangerous. People don't have to read these posts and I enjoy
teaching a powerful and necessary practice. It's owned by no one and if your World Leader
says it's ok to practice the art in the Tibetan language, American english, or any other
language then you shall.
10/01/05 12:30 AM
IGNORANCE, AVERSION & ATTACHMENT (The 3 causes of suffering)
Recite this aloud
Do not fear the peaceful or wrathful deities
They are only manifestations of your innermost essense
Do not be attracted to the colored realms of reincarnation;
They only will lead to the 6 realms and more suffering: the hell realms,
hungry ghosts, animal, human, titan & god realms. We have been enduring this cycle of
reincarnation for thousands of lifetimes.
If you have just one good thought in the afterlife; whether its a spouse, a child, family
connection or a deep spiritual connection you can be reborn in complete heaven & bliss.
-Pause for a moment if you want (try to establish a deep connection with
the ghost or spirit you're talking to) Oh, son or daughter of an enlightened family
You're more receptive to these teachings now than
I am!
Your clairvoyance and intellect is 9 times stronger than the
living. Do not fear the wrathful or peaceful Gods.
If you have just one good thought in the afterlife, you can be reborn in a wonderful Buddha
Keep repeating it for 15 - 20 minutes. Work up to several hours like your Emperor.
Some powerful monks get pictures of the dead to pray to them. Pictures that a friend monk
may have or has so many that he sends them to his brother. So, practice the ^ above ancient
art called Phowa and even try it in it's original Tibetan language for fun. It's cool but it doesn't
matter what language you're speaking because the dead can feel the emotions and the
intention. Say, for instance, as a ghost you were summoned by monks and you pick up the
energy signature because of your kodak picture & you see that they're praying for you and
have so much love. It would be very moving... So, it doesn't really matter the language you
use -- the dead will know you love them & it can greatly help them to achieve Heaven.
Now when the bardo of dharmata dawns upon me,
I will abandon all fear and terror,
I will recognize whatever appears as the display of my
own Rigpa,
and know it to be the natural appearance of this bardo;
Now that I have reached this crucial point,
I will not fear the peaceful and wrathful deities, that arise
from the nature of my very own mind
10/01/05 12:31 AM
IGNORANCE, AVERSION & ATTACHMENT (The 3 causes of suffering)
Some spiritual systems hold that a deity comes first. Therefore, they encourage obedience
over perception – you have to know what the laws are, but you don’t have to know why. But
the ancients taught a different perception of reality. They felt that the cosmos was great, but
impersonal. There was little chance to influence the workings of time and nature according to
the wishful thinking of humans. Thus the methods of Tao are not ones in which one tries to
conform with what Big Mother or Big Father tells people to do. Instead, it studies ways to act
wisely within a constantly shifting dynamic.
This makes perception paramount. One needs to become sensitive and experienced in
operating within an always developing set of surroundings. What counts then is neither dogma
nor obedience to some divine ruler. What counts is perceptive action within the allencompassing flux of Tao.
www.nopedo.org : Stop child abuse by catholic priests: child abuse by sexually starved priests
is rampant in the catholic church and yet covered up and ignored by the authorities
10/01/05 12:34 AM
IGNORANCE, AVERSION & ATTACHMENT (The 3 causes of suffering)
Black Hole singularities are found at the center of galaxies. Science has proven that and our
cosmic neighbors tell us that in a black hole the 9th dimension exists. Interestingly, it pulls the
other planes of existence towards it (even the higher dimensions like the Kingdom of
Archtypes with the Peaceful and Wrathful Deities). I just like when science and spiritualism
come together.
We know our particular galaxy is buzzing with sentient beings; and our astronomers have
found jupiter-sized planets in many other galaxies. It's pretty safe to say there's life
everywhere in the universe -- and many scientists and gov't agents who've seen alien
autopsies would agree to that statement.
Wisdom for a World in Chaos
The internal structure of your atoms is comparable to the vast expanse of the heavens. Just
as outer space is filled with twinkling stars, on a subatomic level your inner depths are filled
with blinking patterns of light. Cosmic radiation travels along the electromagnetic spectrum
carrying encoded patterns of energy that are like maps and blueprints for locating and building
probable realities. As these powerful frequencies seek to entrain with your cells, your nervous
system converts the cosmic signals to electrical energy, delivering the messages both to your
brain and throughout the body."
Cell receptors accept the frequencies that then pass through cell membranes to roam the
depths of subatomic inner-space, where they streak in and out of this inner-reality like a
meteor shower gracing a velvety dark night sky. Just as words are symbols for ideas, these
blinking lights are symbols that carry the codes and patterns for an abundance of probable
choices and options for enhancing physical reality; however, it is up to you to choose the
codes that embody the path of empowerment."
--Channeled teachings of the Pleiadians
from Barbara Marciniak’s book Path of Empowerment
They advise us to become media-free, to work in teams. We'll learn how to go beyond fear
and how the original human was a magnificent being with twelve strands of DNA and twelve
chakra centers!
Pleiadian Keys to the Living Library
The Gods are urging Earth's population to restore and return value to the human being, and to
recognize the Goddess energies and the power of blood as connections to our DNA and our
Using wit, wisdom, and deep compassion, they entice us to explore the corridors of time
through the concept of the Game Masters; to awaken the crucial codes for multidimensional
perspective; and to redream the Living Library of Earth. Their teachings are significantly
arranged in twelve chapters to trigger a deeper understanding of our ancestral linage. The
book Earth probes the memories hidden deep within us to reveal our crucial roles in the
transformational process unfolding in our times.
Family of Light
Pleiadian Tales and Lessons in Living
With compassion and compelling insight, the Pleiadians, those system-busting time-travelers
from the future, take us on a journey through the uncharted lands of The Book of Earth, which
comprises all human experience. While "our world goes belly-up in these most absurd of
times," the Pleiadians offer us "tools for survival." During the crucial period between 1987 and
2012--a nanosecond in the annals of existence where secrets and solutions are stored--we
have the unique opportunity to move from the deepest of density to the highest of
frequencies--where we shift from linear to multi-dimensional living.
To make this transition, we must face not only the limitations of our 3-D world with its
electronic manipulation and mind control, we must embrace our own wounds, and those of our
ancestors and leaders. To heal ourselves, to raise our frequency from one of despair and fear
to one of great inspiration and love.
13/01/05 06:30 PM
IGNORANCE, AVERSION & ATTACHMENT (The 3 causes of suffering)
This is a personal letter I'd like to share with people. A letter to the Council of the Eternals
which is a 700 member government of the Elohim alien humanoids. They're cool but they left
me here for a prison sentence and now I shall rise back up the ranks to rule on their Council.
They respected me back on the planet when I was a revolutionary and leader but I never
wanted to be on their government until I found buddhism and the path of the spiritual warrior. I
will rule there as the human, wake them up and stop them from abusing the 4th and 3rd
dimension..after I rule here for a fine 4 year term as Earth's King.
Seven hundred members on the Council of the Eternals and you still can’t understand INTERBEING? Haha…OK listen to this quote from Rael (dictated to him probably by Yahweh) and
realize how ridiculous your God-complexes still are after 3 more millennia: “We created all life
on Earth… The Elohim deserve to be welcomed.” You nuked us several times, kept us subhuman, and flew around with jetpacks claiming you were gods to be worshipped (not to
mention stifling our connection to all dimensions of reality by never letting us consume the
manna or sacred amanita muscaria mushrooms.) You fucking homos should seriously stop
patting yourselves on the back about your work here. Unless I see more Draconian lizards
gone from this world and a few hanged in a noose publicly you have nothing for us and will
never be welcomed here. Just take all the raelians with you because you’ve probably already
started implants and cloning also.
Please listen carefully; you never really created “everything” like you say you created life on
Earth – you brought DNA here in your space vessels and performed some manipulations with
the hugely complex genome. Standing on the shoulders of “giants,” you claimed you were all
powerful and were amused by the humans you bred and their naivety to multidimensional
consciousness and true GODS. You simply toyed with an already intricate gene code that took
thousands of millennia to evolve --and then proceeded to force us to worship you little blue
space freaks. This is coming from the “Serpent.” [For those just tuning in I was an Elohim
scientist in a previous incarnation and don’t really want to be part of their emotionless/robotic
civilization again – however, I’ll live in a cave on their planet or in a jail cell over there before I
have to endure what you fucks did to Jesus Christ…anyway]
You Elohim are clueless about balance and the nature of the universe. Yahweh and your
Council of the Eternals should pack it up and leave. The power of the sun and other celestial
bodies is what created our human bodies…the power and balance of the all-encompassing
Tao, the air we breathed after we were born and the warmth of the sun is what really fueled
and created all the creatures living here.
Take, for example, a tomato coming from a farm before it reaches someone’s plate – it
wouldn’t have become that fully ripened tomato without the energy & heat from the sun, the
CO2 and other trace minerals it absorbed from the atmosphere, and the nutrients it received
through its roots from the ground. The tomato is the culmination of all the universal energies
from this magnificent Tao. You make some little changes to the humanoid genome and this
planet’s surroundings and your scientific civilization thinks you’re deities. So, you do nothing
more than drop DNA on different viable planets, lie to the sub-humans you create, and then go
home with the fruits of our labor to snicker in your ridiculous-looking, hedonistic palaces.
[By the way, Satan and Lucifer were two different Elohim men. The Council of the Eternals
already knows that so I didn’t include it in the letter – Lucifer translates as “light bringer” in the
Elohim language which sounds a lot like ancient Hebrew.]
We inter-exist; the animals, humans, aliens and higher-dimensional gods INTER-ARE. The
finer energies radiating from the cosmos and the 2D energy emerging through Earth’s crust is
what make my organs grow; and what makes my plants grow in my home, and the food grown
on a farm before it reaches our plates. No, you are not gods yet. You’re still mainly stuck in 3D
and 4D.
I truly hope Yahweh hasn’t gone too far this time..being marked for annihilation. There are
entities that lurk the depths of space that would send the whole council crying home to their
robots and luxury palaces. I told you from the beginning to calm down and stop spreading out
so haphazardly (shouldn't you maybe scope out a star system for a minimum of 5 or even 8
years to make sure there's not a ridiculous group of intelligent alien entities that could screw
with us like virus(es) to bring home. I'm not necessarily calling the Mantis insectoid species a
virus as we could make them sick also if exposed without preparation. I'm trying to build an
alliance and ask that, militarily, you begin protecting the Earth from dangerous alien species
and let us begin council and general, casual meetings between the human/elohim empire
(with of course our hyperlight traveling, extremely intelligent shroom spirit gods to lead us also
to stable star systems that are safe from malevolent aliens, wormholes and tyrannical,
mechanical "New World Order" types. Some of those guys literally are just programmed
cyborgs and other aliens are shapeshifting on our planet. You hear from us that the Mantis are
impregnating some human females and you don't step in and show up blazing nuclear
rockets? Stop using them nukes on us and use the weapons of mass destruction to protect
our planet for heaven's sake!
As true spiritual men say on Earth “You can know all of Heaven and Earth without going out
your door.” Many Taoists a