1943 Articles - Church of Christ


1943 Articles - Church of Christ
0, Savior,
i s T where?”
h y Church,
I heard
a n d then
t h e Icry,
“EIere i s ?Jy Church
keep y o u in IIis love.
its establishment l a s t spring. I held a five nights
meeting a t Montebello, Oct. 2s-Nov. 1, with one restoration.
Nov. 2, we began a week’s mceting a t El Ce‘ntro, which res u l t e d i n s i x baptisms, t h r e e of whom were B a p t i s t s a n d one
a Methodist. T h i s meeting was well attended. Nov. 9-12, I
preached f o u r nights a t Poinona, Calif., where I held a m e e t i n g
t h e first half of September a n d which i s t h e youngest congregation in Califoinia. T i k r contribution h a s n o t fallen u n d e r
$ 1per
~ ~ o r d k~ a since
t h e meeting a n d h a s even been almost
twice that. Yet only a b o u t 1 6 nieiiibers meet f o r worship. We
began a meeting a t Poplar, Calif., yesterday with t h r e e services and basket lunch. Noveniber 29, t h e Lord willing. I will
be with t h e Lodi, Calif., church in a meeting. We plan to
leave California, Decenibcr 20. and begin a meeting. December
27, a t t h e Lakeviem Church of C h r i s t of San Angelo, Texas.
~ I C S Ssince
-Chas. D. Palmer, Alabama.
“Find money enclosed f o r a sub. to the OPA.
the paper.”
-Mrs. L. T. Cryer, Texas.
“Here is a sub. The OPA is a fine paper, and
we enjoy reading it very much.”
-Alfred Walker (colored), Mississippi.
“I am sending our renewal t o t h e OPA, f o r we
do not walltto be without it.??
-Stella Barnes, Arkansas.
‘‘Send t h e OPA t o us 11~1-e. 1 l<nom quite a numbpr of t h e menlb$rs of tile cilurch of Christ, who
i31v t h e OPA. 2nd they like it. We have met
r e w i w r l 1 i i . r n a p r r todav. and I enjoyed reading i t v e r y
E v a Cobbs was born August 13, much. I w a s s o r r y t o l e a r n t h a t y o n r a n s h o r t of p a p e r s
S m i t h , Mississippi.
1902 ; departed this life November 10, 1942, bew t n t t o tell 011 t h e O P A renders t h n t I enjoy reitding
l7 t h i“Is paper,
ing 40 years Of age* She Obeyed
because i t contains so ninny good articles a n d reyears ago, and has been a 1-eLWlar attendallt at ports. w r i t t e n b y t h e f a i t h f u l in Christ. and I belicve i t s
t h e worship at n’Ia1101-y Chapel. She was t h e Only teaching is i n h a r m o n y with t h e truth.”
member of h e r family who obeyed t h e gospel, but
-F. K. Reeves, Louis$a.
“ H e r e is our imwwnl. €01. w e don’t w a n t t o m i s t a n i s s u e
oppositicn did not cause her t o falter.
Q ~ . A Tve 1 1 0 ~ 0
finds YOU a n d family well. a n d
To mourll lle
T. husband, two
we are wishing yon a long. happv, and useful l i f e i n t h e
sons, and a host of other relatives and friends. services of t h e ~ ~ pray
~ f do r us.”
-w. E. M ~ Calif.
Our deepest sympathy is extended t o those who
“I send 117y renewal t o t h e paper. I t h i n k tKe OPA is a g o o d
miss her most. “Blessed are t h e dead who die in l i t t l e paper, a n d w e a r e always anxious t o see i t conic each
t h e Lord” ( R ~ 14
~ 9. 3 ) . ~~~~~~l services WeTe nionth.” -Leslie Cato, Georgia.
“ P l e a e , c h a n z e o u r address, f o r w e arc always s o anxious
ccnducted by t h e writer.
Spl.ing Hili, w. Va. ’ to r e w i v e 0111‘ g a p e r a n d look f o r w a r d t o i t each month.”
N o o r e , Alabama.
CaEey--sistel* northy Caffeyj daughter Of
‘IJcre i s niy renewal to t h e OPA, which I have neglected. .
and Mina Carden, of Phillipsburg, Mo.,was bcrn w e have been meitinx t o h e a r if
couici conic f o r our
Novembei- 4. 1913 ; departed this life Novembc1- meeting.” -Pauline Rowlett, Olilahoma.
“ I received t h e OPA t o d a y a n d was v e r y glad t o see a n 12, 1942, being 29 years and 8 days of age. I n
o t h e r copy of it. Here i s m y renewal. May God bless you
1939 she was united in matrimonyto E~~. caffey,in
y o u r work.” -Geo. W. McCain. Calif.
t o which union a son was born, October 31, 1942.
Bill sendinz o u r renewal
r n j o v every issue,,,
S h e obeyed t h e gospel under t h e preaching of Bro.
€1. G. Reynolds, Texas.
T. I?. Thomasson in 1931.
“Here a r e two r e n e w a l s t o t h e OPA. May God bless you i n
‘Sister Dorthy leaves to, mourn h e r passing, a y o u r \vOrIi in these t r y i n q times, is my prayer. P r a y f o r us.”
Louie J. Early, Alabama.
husband, infant son, father, mother, five sisters,
o u r sub. to t h e OPA. We certainly don’t w a n t t o
and a number Of Other
and friends* She m i“Renew
s s a single issuc of it. It seenis t h a t t h e November issue
From studying the Scriptures we learn t h a t
“crosses” and “crowns” are both literal and figuratwe. Cruden’s Concordance tclis us t h a t “crosses were so common among t h e Romans as a penalty, t h a t pains, afflictions, troubles. and unprosperous afYairs, were called crosses.” We are alsp
told t h a t “crowns,” in a figurative sense, “siglllfies honor, splendor or dig11lty, a11cl \$,as given to
conquers and those who had Lvon cel.tain
orcler: first, the
torles.” But tiley are ill a
t h e crowll. our ~~~~l obtainecl
crown by first sufl‘ering a cross. In Philippians
2:S, we read: “And being found in fashion a s a
man, he humbled himself, becoming obedient even
unto death, yea, t h e clcath of the cross.” Yet, in
the next verse me find, “Wherefore also God hath
highly exalted him.” We see t h a t now He is being exalted, and in Rev. 19:12, we see hirn as t h e
“King cf kings, and Lord of lords.” aid on his
head is many crowns. Thus it was, t h a t through
t h e cross h e obtained the crown.
(1 Pet. 2:21) “Christ also sufPeter tells
fered for us, leaving us an esample t h a t we shoulcl
follow in his steps.” Then, why should the Christians think some strange thing had happened to
them, when they meet with trouble and afflictions? Why should many turn and “walk no
more with their Lord,” when the crosses seem
heavy? Our JAord tells us in Matt. 1624, “If
any man will come after me. let him deny himself, and take up his cross and follow me.” He
also says in t h e tenth chapter, thirty-eight verse
of t h e same Book. “He t h a t taketh not his cross
and followeth after me, is not worthy of me.”
We must deny ourselves of all the sinful pleasures
t h a t Ive would desire. n7e must submit to whatscever afflictions and persecutions might be
thrown upon 11s. Jve sometimes must even submit to death itself.
Petel- wi-ote unto the Christians (1 Pet. 4:12),
“Beloved, think i t not straiigc concerning the
fiery trials which is l o come upon you as though
some strange thing llappened unto you, but rejoice, insomuch as ye are parta1;ers of Christ’s
sufferings.” He thcn tells us in, verse sisteen,
how meny pains we suffer for Christ, if they are
not for the right purpose, in right way, they will
avail us nothing. For in 2 Tim. 2:5 “a man is
llot crowllecl
he strive lawfully.,, so, ~ v e
shoulcl examine ourselves and see if the crosses
that ~~e are
they brillg
As we daily bear t h e crosses and grow weary
and faint. we should find ccurage enough to keep
following on, by reading those consoling words in
Rom. &:IS: “I reckon t h a t the sufferings of this
present time are not worthy t o be compared with
the glcry t h a t shall be revealed in us.”
In Rev. 2 :8, 10. there is a message to the church
of Sniyrna from Jesus Christ. He informs those
Dcople t h a t he is aware of the crosses t h a t they
1:acl borne for his name: they were poverty stricken, (yet rich), they mere suffering tribulations,
and they were the victims of blasphemy. He also
informs them of the forthcoming sufferings t h a t
they must endure: they were to be cast into priscn, they were to suffer more tribulations, but he
closes the letter by encouraging them t o “be
faithful unto death,” and he promises them a
Crown of life.
Paul was also a bearer o l many crosses for t h e
Lcrd. In 2 Cor. 2328, he enumerates the crosses
he !lad borne. (Are we bearing any greater t h a n
these? Then why should we give u p ? ) . Yet, when
came his time to depart and be with Christ and receive his everlasting reward, h e wrote to Timothy
and said: “I am now ready t o be offered, and t h e
time of my departure is a t hand. I have fought a
good fight, I have finished my course, I have kept
the faith; henceforth there is laid up for me a
crown of righteousness, which the Lord, the righteous judge, shall give me a t t h a t clay. And not
to me cnly, but unto all them t h a t love his appearing.” (2 Tim. 4:G. S ) .
As we go upon this earthly pilgrimage, and O W
crosses and trials are many. we should look away
with the eye of faith t o the beautiful crown t h a t
awaits the faithful in t h a t glorious home of God.
“Look away from the Cross to the glittering crown
From your cares weary one. looli awiy.
There’s a beautiful home where 110 S0rr0’iv can
The co!or t h a t is in your soul gives t h e world a
words i s in no
i s cheap. I t i s
JANUARY 1, 1943
If any man among you seem to be religious, and
bridleth not his tongue, but deceiveth his own
h e a r t ; this man’s religion is vain.-James 1:26.
More than seventy-five percent of Christians I
know (and I t r y to make friends of the best) use
one or more of the following expressions: “What
t h e deuce,” “dickens,” “golly,” “heavens,” or “for
heaven’s sake,” “goodness,” “goodness gracious,”
and “gee.” Many more could be mentioned, but
these will justify our subject.
When you say, “What the deuce,” you are really
saying, “What the devil.”- (See Webster’s New
International Dictionary.)
“Dickens” is another euphemism for the devil.
A euphemism as described by Webster is “a way
of describing an offensive thing by a n inoffensive
“Darn,” according to Funk and Wagnalls’ Practical Dictionary, means “to damn.”
Webster defines “gosh” as a substitute for God
used in oaths. Therefore, if we use this word we
transgress the second commandment “Thou shalt
not take the name of the Lord thy God in vain, for
t h e Lord will not hold him guiltless t h a t taketh
his name in vain” (Exo. 20 :7).
“Golly is another euphemism for the profane
use of God and is recognized by language authorities as meaning God.
Many who throw up their hands in horror
when they hear the word “hell” in a n oath, repeatedly say, “Oh, heavens:” or “for heaven’s
sake,” which is much worse, for i t gets closer to
God and His throne: “And he t h a t shall swear by
heaven, sweareth by the throne of God, and by
him t h a t sitteth thereon” (Matt. 23 :22). Webster
says the phrases, “for goodness sake” and “goodness gracious,” refer originally to the goodness of
God. Jesus said, in Luke 18:19, “None is good,
save one, t h a t is , God.” “Gee,” commonly thought
of as slang, is listed in Webster’s dictionary with a
capital letter and said to be “a form of Jesus used
in minced oaths.” Authorities on etymology have
traced these words to their origin. All disputes
a r e settled by consulting the dictionary.
“And now, brethren, I wot t h a t through ignorance ye did it” (Acts 3:1‘7), t h a t very few have
been guilty of “presumptuous sin,.” and therefore
we hope and pray this little ray of light on the
subject may help many t o reverence the name of
Jesus and God.
But someone may say, “I don’t mean it that way
when I use those words.” I gladly grant very few
mean it t h a t way ; but it is just as true t h a t many
unsaved people who use the name of God in vain do
not mean it, but do it from force of habit. “Thou
shalt not take the name of t h e Lord thy God in
vain for the Lord will not hold him guiltless t h a t
taketh his name in vain.” We take it in vain,
whether we dress it in Sunday clothes or speak
plainly. Certainly you would never think of taki n g the precious name of Jesus in vain.
“If any man offend not in word, t h e same is a
perfect man, and able also to bridle the whole
3odv” (James 3 :2).
“Out of the same mouth proceedeth blessing and
One asked me, “What can I say then, if ‘I can’t
use any of these words?” Therk ,ace’ 400,000
words in the English language, :and I tlare;as,sert
ninety-five per cent of them would be safe to, have
on your lips when you are dying.’ -(In A. C. R.)
(Matt. 25:35)
I am thinking of our faithful boys in the C.P.S,
camps. I a m told t h a t they are being fed by three
denominational churches and t h a t this set-up is
.only for this year. I do not know what will happen after t h e first year, but I do believe, t h a t we
owe it to these boys to support them. They are
sacrificing about everything for their faith, and
we should show our appreciation of their faithfulness to t h e Lord and His word.
I believe most of the loyal churches of Christ
really want to help these. boys, but it seems t h a t
little has been done about it, possibly, because
they do not know how to go about it.
I shall offer a few suggestions and will be glad
to hear from others on the matter.
It is possible t h a t the S. S. and cups brethren
will take care of their own boys. If not, we should
do all ‘We,can for them, too. This, I believe, should
who is willing to see after t h e matter, the funds
be inquired into. I believe t h a t our boys should
all be treated alike.
+Whernme have s o m ~ o n eliving ncar the camp
should be sent to him t o be distributed to the
boys. I t might be better to have someone a t each
camp. . If this would not work, then I would suggest t h a t somecne act as distributor for all the
c a m p and all contributions be sent to him. This
coulcl be sent to one of the boys and divided among.
I do nct h o w of a better way for congregations
t o spend their contributions than this way, and
we could a!l have fellowship in the work.
It does not make much difference to me how
this wcrk is done (so long a s i t is scriptural), but
it surely is time for us to ACT and ACT NOW!
-Homer A. Gay.
By Ervin Waters
We have Christian boys in three C. P. S.
Camps; a t Lyndhurst, Va., Magnolia, Ark., and
Santa. Barbara, Calif. These boys have. braved
t h e multitudes in order “to obey God rather than
men.” They have no income and work for nothing. The Church of the Brethren sponsors these
three camps and, assumes t h e financial responsibility for them,. This includes food, heat, lights,
etc. The expenses will average over $30 per man.
Our boys, who have no income, cannot pay this
and the Church of t h e Brethren h a s been paying
it when they couldn’t. They haven’t even asked
the boys for money but, brethren, are we going
to refuse to. (‘care for our own” and leave them
to t h e charity of a denomination? “Bear ye one
another’s burdens, arid so fulfil the law of Christ”
(Gal. 6:2). Can we discharge our Christian responsibility and refuse to help them?
I am glad to report that there has been some
response from the kind hearts of the brethren.
Individuals and congregations have sent to “their
necessity” but we have felt sure that others
would, when they understood the need and knew
what means to use. One small congregation at
Lodi, Calif., has given and pledges itself to give
$25 per month to this work. God will reward
them “according to their works.”
We have selected Bro. Carl N. Nichols, 849
Wilcox Ave., Hollywood, Calif., to take charge of
these contributions. The contributions can be
sent to him by individuals or by congregations.
He will send them mcnthly to the Brethren Service Committee, Elgin, Illinois, so that they will
be used to support these boys. Then he will make
a monthly report to the Old Paths Advocate concerning -contributions received, the amount and
source. Bro. Nichols is a business man of integrity. He is one of our foremost leaclers in
church work and is the father of o u r young Evangelist, Paul Nichols. He will accept contributions
from the Pacific Coast and from all over the brotherhood, if no others are selected elsewhere to
do this job. We couldn’t find a more competent
man. Let’s responcl to this work. I personally
know boys in all three of these camps and have
visited the camp a t Santa Barbara, Calif. We
expect more of o w boys to be in these camps
scon and our responsibility will increase. May
God bless those who are enduring for his sake and
those who are sharing with them the blessings
from on high!
Note:-I would suggest that one of the Christian boys from each camp report to us the number of strictly loyal boys and the number of boys
who advocate cups and the S. S. in each camp.
Find out, too, if possible, if their brethren are
helping to support them, t h a t we may know whether to include them in the contributions sent to
us. The brethren in the Carter church, near Davidson. Okla., have recently sent me $25.00 to
be sent out equally to the boys, which I shall do
as soon as a definite plan is worked out. Brother
Burley F. Black, of Ottumwa, Iowa, writes that
they are interested in helping, and suggests that
one boy in each camp be designated to receive the
contributicns. But, we hope to make further investigations into the management, etc. of these
camps, how financed, etc.. and the best method of
getting our contributions to the boys, if possible,
without giving the glory to a human institution.
-Homer L. King.
Brother Paul 0. Nichols, 849 Wilcox Ave., Hollywood, Calif.. was born Sept. 5, 1922, a t Alamogordo, New Mexico. Shortly afterwards. his
family rcovscl tc. El Paso, Texas, and in 1930, they
moved to Hollywood, Calif. Paul was indeed
blessed in that he was “brought up in the nurture and admcnition OF the Lord” (Eph. 6:4) in
the midst CP a wonderful family. Like Timothy,
“From a child he 1:as known the holy scriptures”
(2 Tim. 3:15). and, like Timothy, the unfeigned
faith that is in him was “first in his granclinother
and in his mother” (2 Tim. 1:5). His father, Bro.
Carl N. Nichols, has been one of the leaders of
the Siskiyou church for years, is an excellent
teacher of God’s word, and is zealous “unto every
good work.” Paul obeyed the gospel in 193‘7, under the preaching of Brc. Homer L. King and
preached his first sermon Oct. 20. 1940. He graduated from high schod June 26, 1941, and t h a t .
night left with me on a three months tour through
fifteen states.
In April of 1939, Bro. Paul, being only sixteen,
said to me, “I think that I will be a preacher of
the gospel.” He said it quietly and resolutely
and at that time began preparation for an evangelist. He has never been known to deviate from
that decision or be deterred from his course. He
is now twenty years of age and has preached in
California, Oregon, Texas, Louisiana, Mississippi,
Oklahoma, Missouri, and Iowa. He is one of the
most conscientious young men I have known. His
sober demeanor and humble manner “adorns the
James R. Stewart, Rte. 5, Temple, Texas. Dee. doctrine” which he preaches. Most of the preach7.-I have recently preached a t Temple, White ers are acquainted with him and he is rapidly beHall, and Waco, with good attendance a t all coming acquainted with most of the brotherhood.
places and one confession of faults a t Waco. Bro. Paul is a talented singer and his articles in the
Clovis Cook has just closed a good meeting a t Old Paths Advocate, with which he stands in the
Waco. So. 4th St. Some confessed faults. I had fight against digression, attest to his ability as a
the pleasure of being with him through most of writer. To know him is to appreciate him.
Ervin Waters.
the meeting. He did some good preaching. I
plan t o do considerable mission work in Texas in
Note:-I want to say, Amen! to the above con1943. More and more we see the need of such
c e n i n g Paul. -Homer L. King.
work. Note the change in my address above.
-Entered as s e c o n d d a s s nlatter March 24, 1932. at t h e postoffice at Lebanon, Nissouri, under t h e Act of March 3, 1S79.
HOMER L. ICING _____________________________.Lebanon,
Lebanon. Mo.
HOMER L. KING _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ R 2,
o u Lebanon,
EL E. ROBERTSON, Assistant __________ _ _ _ - Phi l l i ps bur
SINGLE SUBSCRIPTION SIX YEARS ___________________ $5.00
-- Printed
by Laycook P r i n t i n g Co., Jackson, Tenn.
By Raymond Bray
As some of you have already heard, we have a t
last, started a plan for mission work in this state.
A number of brethren met at Sulphur, Nov. 1,
1942, and the following plan was adopted:
1. Select a preacher to conduct from 4 to 6
mission meetings, then change preachers? giving
each preacher a chance to conduct meetings f o r
established congregations, also, Bra. Kirbo is to
begin the work.
2. The preacher is to receive adequate support,
plus incidental expenses; viz., such as rent f o r .
building, lights, etc.
3. Length of meetings to be left to the option
of the preacher.
4. piaces for the meetingsare to be designated
by participating congregations or members.
5. The contributions for such
are to be
reported each month.
6. Raymond Bray, Rte. 1, Box 2000, Seminole,
Oklahoma, was selected to do the correspondence,
reporting, and receiving the contributions.
Here is 0~11-first report, beillg for the month of
November :
Council Hill, Oklahoma-$49.00; Equal Rights
-$10.00 ; Healdton-$15.00 ; Oklahoma City$43.00 ; Sulphur--$10.00 ; Washingto11-$15.00 ;
Seminole-$6.24; McAlester-$10.00.
The suggestion was made at. Sulphur t h a t if
anyone knows of a good place for a mission meeting to report it to me, that 1 may let the preacher
know. Let US have your suggestions, that t h e
work begin a t once.
Due to tire and gas rationillgs i t is my opinion
t h a t it will be best to conduct the meetings in
thickly settled communities, rather than in the
country, as we want to do the most good possible.
By Ervin Waters
Since I have been chosen by you to labor in
t h a t field next year I would like to have the name
and address of at least one leader in each corigregation in Missouri with whom I can carry on correspondence concerning the work. Will each congregation select such a man so that he may write
me soon? I am scheduled to take over the work
April 1, and I think it proper for us to make some
JANUARY 1, 1943
plans immediately. I will spend a month o r more,
if necessary, visiting all the congregations in Missouri before launching into the meetings. We
would like to become acquainted with all whom we
do not personally know. Remember that we are
“laborers together.”
906 So. 27th St.
Temple, Texas
“The December issue of the Old Paths Advocate
was the best of all yet published. May God help
us t o stand true to Him, not fearing what man
shall do unto us. Surely, this is a trying time.’’
-Carlos B. Smith, Miss.
“We do not want to miss a n issue of the OPA,
for i t is certainly a good paper, and we enjoy
M. Graham, Okla.
reading it very much.”-A.
“We are renewing our sub. to the OPA, and
we appreciate your sending i t on to us, because
we do not want to miss it, as i t does give encouragement in these trying times. Love and regards to all.”-Mrs.
Hazel Nelson, Ia.
‘‘Send my OPA t o the new address. 1 certainly
do miss it, and 1 think it such a grand paper.”
-Mrs. Adolph Beekey, Texas.
“we certainly do not wantto miss an issue of
the OPA. I hope t h a t you and family are well.”
- D ~Sexton,
“Find enclosed my renewal to the OPA. I appreciate your sending the last issue. Don’t ever
stcp the paper to us. for I want every issue of it.
Keei).the good ~ 0 1 - kWing, Era- King, and I hope
t h a t you are in the best of health. May 1943 be
t h ? best year f01. YOU.” -Nimrod Case, Miss.
“Find my renewal enclosed. I enjoy this paper
\’my much.” -Mrs. Opal Norman, Texas:
‘‘We are sending Some subs- to the OPA, and
we will t r y to send several more soon. We are
glad l o know Bro. Gay is improving, and we hope
he can soon bc prcadiing again. I wish the OPA
c c d d be enlarged 01. come oftener.” -MrS. R.R.
Kl-amer, Pa.
“Find my renewal to the OPA enclosed. Best
wishes to you and all the faithful.” -L. B. Badget& Texas.
“Change our address, for we certainly do not
want t o miss an issue Of t h e Paper. We read every word in it.” -Mr. and Mrs. H. E. Bates, Okla.
‘‘Here is our renewal. We surely do enjoy reading the good articles in the OPR.” -Alfred Finto,
“MY husband has now been Seven months in
foreign service. The months we lived in Missouri
were the happiest of our lives, for which we are
deeply indebted to you.” - Mrs. E. E. Miller,
“Here is our renewal to the OPA, and keep the
good work going. Best wishes to all.” -L.
Smith, Miss.
“Thanks for the extra copies of the OPA. I
am placing them where they will do the most
good. I would like very much to see you.” -Tom
E. Smith, Okla.
“I am enclosing ten dollars for my renewal and
two other subs. Keep t h e rest for your good
.JANUARY 1, 1943
work. May the Lord bless you and keep you in
good health tha’i YOU may carry on. Many thanks
;tor the paper, and kind regards to you and your
family.” -Ruth Cohea, Calif.
“I am sending two new subs. I like the OPA
so well, that I wish I were able to put it in every
home in this part.”-Dora
Barker, Ark.
“Enc:osed you will find my sub. for another
year. Use the rest t o the best advantage. I wish
I could do more for the Lord’s cause and the good
old OPA, for I do enjoy every bit of it. .Some
Limes I re-read it. I wish it could be twice its
;ize.” -Martha Gallemore, Calif.
“Thanks to Bro. Barney Welch for sending us
the OPA. It is a wonderful paper. I know you
are busy, but drop me a line when you can.”
-Travis Cogburn, Lyndhurst, Va.
“As I have read a number of copies of the
OPA and find them a great help in Bible study,
please send i t to me for one year. Also, send me
a copy of the Clark-King Discussion on the number of drinking vessels used in the Communion.”
-E. A. Newman, Calif.
“Here are a few subs. ( 5 ) , Bro. King. We
didn’t know we did miss it so much, until we failed
to get the Nov. issue. We pray for you and
yours. Give our best regards to Bro. Gay and
family.” -Mrs. J. E. Jones, Texas.
“I know you are very busy and I appreciate
hearing from you. I often think of the work you
have to do, and I hardly see how we can appreciate you enough. We can now see the need of
studying the Bible and of taking a firm stand.”
-Sam Smith, Miss.
“Here is my dollar for the OPA. I think it is
the best paper t h a t a Christian can take. Love
to you and family.” -Clarence Kessinger, W. Va.
“I am very sorry that I have no subs. to send
this time, but I hope that I will not be without
them another month. Yours in faith, hope and
love.” -Barney Welch, Texas.
“I see a red mark on my paper; that means
danger, so I better get busy, for I do not want t o
miss a n issue.” -E. A. Lowry, Tenn.
“I appreciate the articles in the OPA on Carnal
WarPare very much. I still stand and preach the
same as for the past five years, being opposed to
ali man-made theories.” -T. R. Chappell, Texas.
“Find a dollar for my renewal. I don’t want to
miss and issue of it, for I read some good things
in it. I hope we may hold out faithful to the end.”
-W. H. Gill, Texas.
“Here are two dollars for two renewals. If YOU
stopped our papers we would become offended.
We are wishing you much success.”
-W. M.
Rollins and Family, Okla.
“Here is my renewal and another sub., also five
dollars to help you keep the good work going.
May the Lord bless you and help you to keep the
good work in progress.” -0sie Callaway, New
(Thanks a lot to all for the many encouraging
- wcrds and, especially, for the subscriptions and
financial help. May God bless you all and keep
YOU in His love and protection in the most trying
times I have ever experienced. Surely, this is a
sifting time, when the wheat is being separated
from the chaff. Which are we? My only refuge
and hope is in the Rock of Ages. Let us pray
and read often. Remember me and mine to the
Merciful and “Great High Priest, Who can be
touched with the feelings cf our infirmities.”
W. M. Rol!ins, Purcell, Oklahoma, Dee. 12.-In
spite of the “perilous times,” we have had a prosperous year here, for which we are v e ~ ythankful.
“God is not slack concerning his promise.”
W. ‘H. Gill: Eola, Texas, Dee. 12.-A few of us
here are trying to carry on the fight, but at times
it seems rather discouraging and hard t o do. I
hope that we may continue faithful unto the end.
Frances Kimbler, Rte. 1, Seminole, Oklchoma,
Dee. 16.-The past year has been a very discouraging one here, but I am glad the gas rationing
has not hurt us, even if some of the members do
live 15 miles away. I pray that the new year
may bring peace and joy to all.
T. R. Chappell, Eola, Texas, Dee. 16.- The
church here is getting along splendid, with large
crowds and interest each Lord’s day. Bro. Joe
Castleman is to preach for us this week-end. I
am preaching about every Lord’s day. I still
stand where I have for the past five years, against
all man-made things or ways. Pray for me that
I may remain steadfast.
Emmett A. Lomry, 4923, 15th Ave., Chattanooga, Tenn., Dee. 8.-I have been writing almost
constantly, providing for the clays, when I have
passed: in hope that my children, grand children,
and great grand children may have something
Scriptural to read. I have seven children. four
girls and three b3ys (I am sorry we did not have
another boy) ; twenty-two grand children, eleven
each of boys and girls; eight great grand children,
four each. Can you beat it?
Tom E. Smith, Box 893, Healdton, Oklahoma,
Dee. 9.-I was a t Equal Rights, Nov. 29, and a t
the Bit Shop, last Lord’s day. I don’t know whether I shall be able to continue t o go to my appointments until I hear from my application for
extra gas. We met and discussed mission work
at Sulphur, and we decided to put a man in the
field. All seemed interested in the work. Brother
Fred Kirbo will begin the work, starting Jan. 1.
L. B. Badgett, 648 DeQueen Blvd., Port Arthur,
Texas, Dee. 15.-I found crowds much larger this
year than usual, especially in meetings in Ark.
and Okla., but not very many baptized. I am
ncw preaching on Lord’s days about 44 miles from
home, trying to establish a new congregation. I
‘am unable to reach all winter calls, but I am plan-
ning for work in the Ozarks next summer as usual. Best wishes to all.
Fred Kirbo, Davis, Oklahoma, Dee. 20.-I
receiicly preached a t Wichita Falls, Texas, restoring
one; last Lord’s day a t Seminole, restoring one; I havebeen busy preaching most of the time iast
at Ada today, restorihg one. We were glad to summer, preaching in a number of new places to
have Brethren Paul Nichols and Ralph Mustard me, making new acquaintances, which I apprevisit in our home. We love them for their work’s ciated. I held but one mission meeting this year,
sake. The brethren in Oklahoma are to put a where the gospel had not gone; the nearest conpreacher in the mission field, beginning January gregation being about 20 miles away. The result
1. I am glad t o see this good work begin. May was one baptized, and the worship being attended
we realize our duty in spreading the gospel, and I regularly. My last effort was at Drury, Mo.,
where the church is only about two years old.
pray for the success of such work.
They have grown in strength and ability, but not
Homer A. Gay, Lebanon, Missouri, Dee. 18.much in number. While we face many obstacles
We were glad to have Bro. Paul Nichols with us in carrying on the work this coming year, yet we
recently. I think he bids fair to make a good need to realize the harder the fight, the greater
preacher. We are now enjoying a visit by our is t h e need to press the battle.
-beloved Bro. M. J. Buffington, who is to preach
here over next Lord’s day. He, too, is a good
M. J. Buffington, Green Forest, Ark., Dee. 7.young preacher. They should be kept busy I am now in a mission meeting at this place, with
preaching. I had the pleasure of baptizing my gcod attendance and prospects for success. Bre-‘
oldest sister last week. I have been helping with thren Barnes and Clayton are faithful leaders
t h e teaching in the home church. I think I am here. Since Nov. 18, I visited the following places
improving in health, and I hope to make a few en route here: Sand Grove, two nights; Marlow,
calls this winter and t r y to get back in t h e evan- near Cameron, Texas, where I am to return next
gelistic field in the spring. I was glad t o have year ; Shreveport, La., for an enjoyable visit ;
Bro. Barney Welch visit us on his way to Calif. Monroe, La., where I am to return for a mission
I appreciate the interest some are taking in se- meeting next summer; last Lord’s day a t Faircuring subs. for the paper. Let us be faithful.
view, near Marion, La., visiting in t h e homes of
Brethren King Reeves and Brashier, leaders.
Clarence Kessinger,. Box 42, Spring Hill, W. Va., Here I met Bro. G. A. Canfield (colored), a faithDee. 17.-Recently I have preached a number of ful gospel preacher and a humble Christian, who
times a t Spring Hill and a t Mallory Chapel. We should be supported, t h a t he may preach to his
are sorry Bro. Barney Welch left us this week. race. I go next to Lebanon, Mo.
May God bless his efforts in Calif. He is a good
preacher and a fine singer. Bro. Cobbs is getting
Barney Welch, Temple, Texas, Dee. 18.-I am
Bro. H. C. Welch for the year 1943, for work in here en route t o Calif., from Spring Hill, W. Va.
this part. I was pleased with meeting Bro. Tra- We closed a short meeting a t Mallory Chapel revis Cogburn, of Lyndhurst, Va. I hope to get out cently, resulting in one baptism. We were hininto the field to preach more next summer. Pray dered by t h e cold and rainy weather. I delivered
for us and the work here.
two lessons at Spring Hill the 13th. inst., leaving
them to carry on the work. They are to soon be
Ray Nichols, 849 Wilcox Ave., Hollywood, Calif., assisted in t h a t field by H. C. Welch, my father.
Dec. 14.-I a m a young man in my late teens, just May t h e Lord bountifully bestow His many blessstarting out on a life devoted to preaching the ings upon t h e fine brethren there in their labor of
gospel of Christ. I realize to some extent the ob- love. I was accompanied to Texas by Travis Cogstacles which confront me,.but knowing this, I born, and I enjoyed his company very much, John
still want to preach the word. The last- time I Lancaster being unable to make the trip. We had
preached was to the congregation in Montebello, a wonderful visit in Missouri with preaching breCalifornia. I hope t h a t the brethren will pray for thren, King, Cook, Gay, Robertson, and their famme and I pray t h a t the Lord will bless my efforts. ilies. I hope to visit Bro. Waters in San Angelo,
(Yes, Ray, I am certain the Lord and the brethren en route to t h e great work in Calif. May God help
will assist you t o be a faithful servant of Him in us t o carry on.
these “perilous times.” Here is our hands and
prayers. -H.L.K.)
Clovis T. Cook, Lebanon. Mo., Dec. 15. I closed
the Waco, Texas, meeting with three confession
Travis Cogburn, C. I?. S. No. 29, Lyndhurst, Va., of faults. Good crowds attended throughout the
Dec. 14.-There are a few Christian boys here, meeting with the ex:eption of one or two nights.
who are trying to serve God a s we best know how I met some young men there as well as my old
in carrying on the worship. We need the prayers, friends t h a t are really trying to develop their talhelp, and encouragement of our brethren, who are ent. I believe t h a t this congregation meeting on
in the field in t h e work of the Lord. Thanks to 4th St., in Waco, has a chance now to even grow’
Bro. Barney Welch for having the OPIA sent to all more and expand in the work of the Lord. “Havof us here, for it is a wonderful paper. Send me ing a mind willing to work“ they built a new
a copy of t h e “Clark-King Discussion.” I am Church house and should soon have i t paid for. I
glad to accompany Bro. Barney Welch as f a r as was glad to meet Bro. James R. Stewart, again
Raymond Bray, Rte. 1 Box 2000, Seminole, Oklahoma, Dee. 5.-We moved here from Oklahoma
City, recently, and we are meeting with the little
congregation out of town. About three weeks
ago we met with the church in the City, and they
.are planning to move to a new location in the
N. W. part of the City, which should help. They
should have a strong church in so large a town.
They seem determined to see the cause grow and
expand, and are greatly interested in the mission
efTort now being put into action in Oklahoma.
Brother Fred Kirbo is to hold the first series OP
meetings under t h e plan adopted a t Sulphur. Congregations are contributing rather freely to this
worthy cause.
Paul 0. NichoIs, 849 Wilcox Ave., Hollywood,
Calif ., Dee. 13.-The meeting a t Oklahoma City.
which closed November 15, resulted in one baptism and one restoration. From there I went to
Ottumwa, Iowa, for a short meeting where I met
some fine people. I then went to Missouri. While
there I preached at Lebanon, three services, restoring four, and a t Lee’s Summit several services. I appreciated getting to associate with
several of our faithful preaching brethren who
live in t h a t part of the country, including Brethren King, Robertson, Cook, Gay, and Lee. A t
present I am a t McAlester on my first visit. This
morning I preached, which resulted in one restoraticn. Tomorrow I am to leave for my home
state, California. Let us continue to “hold forth
the word of life that in the day of Christ we may
rejoice t h a t we have not run in vain, neither labored in vain.”
Ralph Mustard, 234 W. Cherokee St., McAlester, Okla., Dee. 13.-Nov. 22, I began a meeting
f o r the faithful a t Sulphur, Okla. Crowds were
gcod and we had two restorations, and we trust
the church was made stronger. Dec. 2, I began
with the faithful few a t Dougherty, Okla. Bad
weather, sickness, and worldly pleasures among
Ihe young hindered much. Dec. 13, I had the
):leasure of hearing Bro. Paul Nichols preach a
fine sermon a t the morning hour of worship. I
preached a t the night service. The brethren in
Oklahoma are really getting behind the mission
work. From here, wife and I go to Wichita Falls,
for several days, then possibly to Carter and
Washington churches. I hope that all our preachers will be as fortunate in getting supplemental
gas as I was. I mean t o use it wisely in the work
of the Lord. Let us press the battle.
Irom the C. P. S. Camp was with us all day and
talked some on the lesson a t the morning service.
Next Lord’s Daq will b t our last in California for
a long time t o come. We plan to worship a t Siskiyou St. church in the morning, be a t the singing a t Montebello in the afternoon, and a t Montebello a t the night service where I will preach.
Dee. 27, we will, the Lord willing, begin a meeting
at the Lakeview church of San Angelo, Texas.
h a y for us.
Homer L. King, Rte. 2, Lebanon, Missouri, Dee.
21.-For the past month, I have been assisting in
the work with the home church over Lord-s days.
However, I plan to visit other near-by congregations this winter. I am to be with the faithful
few at Richland over next Lord’s day. They are
now meeting in Sister Lacey’s home in town, but
they plan to build a house soon. We have been
quite fortunate in the coming of young preachers
to this part this fall and winter. Our young and
beloved brethren, Paul Nichols, of Hollywood.
Calif.; M. J. Buffington, of San Antonio, Texas;
Ralph Mustard, of Montebello, Calif., have all
visited us and preached for us, which was much
appreciated. Then, our beloved Bro. Barney
Welch, wife and daughter, accompanied by Bro.
Travis Cogburn, recently spent the night with us,
en route to Texas from W. Va. We love them all,
and are aiways glad to have our friends and brethren stop over with us. We are anticipating with
anxiety the corning soon of Bro. Clarence Kessingcr, of Spring Hill, W. Va.. for a visit and some
preaching. He is mother young n a n starting out
in the work. We “thank God and take courage”
to see these fine young men enter the great work
of saving souls. May they ever have the courage
and stamina to “endure hardness as good soldiers
for Christ,” “contending earnestly for the faith,
cnce delivered.” Pray for me and mine.
Many, many thanks tc all for the interest shown
by sending us one o r more subs. for the month
cnding Dee. 20. Will you not put forth a greater
effort this month? The paper needs your help
and the brethren need the paper.-Publishers.
Ervin Waters-S; Mrs. R. R. Kramer-7; Mrs.
5. E. Jones-5; Homer L. King-5; Mrs. T. G.
Cohea-3 ; T. F. Thomasson-3 ; Dora Barker-2 ;
W. M. Rollins-2; Mrs. Osie Callaway-2; Herschel Massie-1 ; Ralph Meents-1 ; C. C. Kessinger-1; Mrs. J. V. Speights-1; Mike Shaw-1;
L. B. Badgett-1;
Mrs. Opal Norman-1;
Nichols-1 ; Clayton Fancher-1 ; Nimrod Case1; John Spradley, Jr.-1; W. H. Gill-1;
E. A.
Alfred Finto-1;
L. J. Smith-1;
Ervin Waters, 907 S..27th St., Temple, Texas, Lowry-1;
fDec. 15.-The
meeting a t Poplar, Calif., closed Ralph Mustard-1 ; Mrs. Carl N. Nelson-1 ; L. I.
NOV.22, with no additions. We had basket lunch Ooley-1 ; Floyd Caffey-1 ; Total-56.
and three services both Lord’s Days. Nov. 25, I
I had no shoes and complained-until I met a
preached at Siskiyou St. church and Nov. 29, began a meeting at Lodi, Calif., which closed De- man who had no feet.-Arabian Proverb.
The Bible does not teach “natural immortality”
nor does i t teach natural resurrection. , A n d i t
does not teach conditional immortality any more
than it teaches conditional resurrection. It teaches neither.
The Bible says: “For since by man came death,
by man came also the resurrection of the dead.
For as in Adam all die, even so in Christ shall all
be made alive,” I Cor. 15:21, 22. And t h a t all die
in Adam i t is again made plain by saying:
“Wherefore, as by one man sin entered into the
world, and death by sin,” Rom. 5:12. And the
resurrection is just as unconditional-“the
and the unjust,” Acts 24:15; “All,” John 5:28,
29; Rev. 2O:ll-15.
Now, “With what body do they come?” -1
Cor. 15:35. “Eow are the dead raised up? and
with what body do they come?” The “body” can
be killed, Mt. 1 0 2 8 . It is subject to death, hence
“mortal” (Rom. 6:12; Rom. 8 : l l ; 2 Cor. 4 : l l ) .
Hence, “It is sown. in corruption; it is raised
in incorruption,” 1 Cor. 15:42. “It is sown a natural body; i t is raised a spiritual body,” v. 44.
Then “they,” “the dead” are raised up with an
“incorruptible,” “spiritual body.” This is t h e
Jane%-Brother Chas. Edward Janes was born.
Nov. 16, 1863, a t Richmond, Tesas; departed this.
life Nov. 14, 1942, a t his home in Waco, Tesas,
being 79 years of age. In 1884 he was united in
matrimony to, Miss Alice Gray, of Robinsonville,.
Brother Janes obeyed the gospel in 1936, being
baptized by Bro. Homer L. King. He lived a
faithful Christian life until the end.
Those left to, mourn his pLssing are his wife,
‘8 children, 31 grand children, and 11 great grand
children. Our. sympathy goes out to Sister Janes
and the rest of the family; The writer spoke,
words of comfort to the bereaved.
-James R. Stewart.
We can never break God’s laws, we can only
break ourselves against them. -George Adam
There is no moral worth in sorrow. It is of
value only when it works repentance.-a. changein our hearts and lives.
a wheel” (Eze. 1:16). Daniel said that the Messiah t h a t was represented as a stone cut out of
the mountain without hands, should break in
pieces the image which represented the four universal empires (Dan. 2 :44-46). These empires
were the only universal empires that ever existed,
and they are completely consumed. History emfirms t h a t fact. The outside wheel that Ezekiel
saw represented these empires. When the Messiah, or stone cut out without hands, came on the
scene, t h e inside wheel, or rebellious nation to
whom Ezekiel was sent (Eze. 2:3) were subjects
of the Roman Empire, and although their law and
all the prophets proved Christ to be the Messiah,
they rejected Him and became so strenuous that
they wanted Him put to death, but they could not
do this without the consent of the Roman Courts,
of which they were subjects. So, they took Him
before Pilate, t h e Roman governor, and through
false accusations got him to consent to His death
(Matt. 27:13-25). So, He was put to death on
Calvary, was buried, but rose again the third day,
and proved His divinity, also his divine right to
organize a new nation.
Christ was now ready to go back to His Father
corrupting the worship. When we see.so much
incansistency we do not wonder a t the confusion,
ill feeling, hatrecl, and malice that exist. One will
rise up and oppose one unscriptural thing and
scmetimes be so strenuous in his opposition as to
make a hobby out of it and then preach and prac-.
tice some other thing, that is just as unscriptural
as the one he opposes. Some oppose instrumental
music and aid societies, and then endorse cups
and Sunday School and many other things just
as unscriptural as that.
If God should send Ezekiel to this nation, he
probably would come with the same instructions
he had a t first, when he said,.“I send thee to a
rebellious nation that has rebelled against me”
(Eze. 2:3), or as He said by Isa., “The ox knoweth
his owner and the ass his master’s crib, but Israel
doth not know ; my people doth not consider. Ah,
sinful nation, a people laden with iniquity, a seed
of evil doers, children that are corrupters. They
have forsaken the Lord, they have provoked t h e
Holy One of Israel to anger; they are gone away
backward” (Isa. 1:3-4). The final, “Cast into Hell
with the nations t h a t forget God”!
Zl., 23.
. .. .
“But what things were gain ‘to me, those I
counted loss for Christ.”-3 :7.
“For ye know the grace of our Lord Jesus
Christ, t h a t though he was rich, yet for our sakes
he became poor, that ye through ,his ,poverty
might be ricn” (2 Cor. 8:9).
b o live - - sustained and soothed
By an unfaltering trust, approach thy grave
Like one who wraps the drapery of his couch
About hi.m, and lies down to pleasant dreams.
“For we are made partakers of Christ if we
hold the beginning of our confidence steadfast
unto the end.”-Heb. 3:14.
“Let us labor therefore to enter into t h a t rest,
lest any man fall after the same example of unbelief.”-Ib.
Why the “if”? Because a child of God can fall
from grace and be finally lost. Paul was a Christian (Acts 26:28, 29), and taught the truth. But
as surely as one lives for Christ, to die will be
gain. Yes, “Blessed (happy) are the dead that
die in the Lord”-Rev. 14:13.
Words of Encouragement.-We
received many
encouraging letters the past month, but due to the
press of other matters, we shall have to leave
them for the next issue. Thanks to all for your
kind words of appreciation and of encouragement,
and for anyLhing you have done for the paper
and for me.
Our Helpers.-We
appreciate very much the
continued interest shown in the paper and the
encouraging number of subscriptions you continue to send us. Keep t h e good work going. We
are continuing the special price to new subscribers
of 50c per year; $1.00 the year for renewals.
friends will be glad to know
t h a t the paper continues to make progress in its
influence and circulation. We now have over
eleven times as many readers or subscribers as
we had when we took over the publication ten
years ago. Too, our financial status is the best
it has ever been. We have been able to meet the
increased expenses and closed t h e year, 1942, with
a n encouraging balance. Thanks t o all the friends
of the paper and the Lord.
Changing Publishers.-I
reluctantly took over
t h e responsibility and obligation of publisher ten
years ago, with the hopes t h a t i t would be possible to turn the paper to someone else in a short
time. But, that time has not been so shortten years. When I mentioned this a few months
ago, it was my desire t h a t we would be able to
find someone with talent and a n inclination for
. H. C. Harper
such work, to whom we could t u r n the publication
Better than gold, on a dying bed,
by the end of 1942, but we have failed to make
Is the hand that pillows the sinking head:
the arrangements to date. and we are still looking
When the pTide and glory of life decay
for the man. I shall continue for a limited time,
And earth and its vanities fade away,
trusting that we may be able to train someone
The prostrate sufferer need not to be told
this year for the work. It should be done, that
. That trust in Heaven is better than gold.
we may have someone ready to take over, should
sickness or death remove us. God has wonder“For me to live is Christ, and to die is gain. . . . fully blessed the mesent publisher with health
having a desire t o depart, and be with Christ; and strength for t h e past ten years, in that he
xzrhih is f a r better: nevertheless t o abide in the has never been unable to prepare t h e copy at the
flesh is more needful for you.”-Paul, in Phil. 1: appointed time, for which we are, indeed, thank-
By E. A. Lowry
“AndNadab and Abihu the sons of Aaron took
their Censers and put fire therein, and put incense
thereon, and offered strange fire before the Lord,
which He commanded them not, and there went
out fire from the Lord and devoured them, and
they died before the Lord” (Lev. l O : l , 2 ) . “God,
the Lord, spake unto Moses saying: Take thy
rod, and gather the assembly together, and Aaron
thy brother, and speak unto the rock before their
eyes; - - - - and Moses took the rod from before
the Lord, and called them togeth.er; and said:
Hear now ye rebels ; must we bring you water out
of this rock? And he lifted up his hand and
smote the rock with the rod. And the Lcrd
spake unto Moses and Aaron: Because ye believe
me not, to sanctify me not in the eyes of the children of Israel, therefore ye shall not bring this
congregation into the land I have given them”
(Num. 20:7-12). Now read as a sequel, the conelusion of this story in Deut. 32:49-51.
Read about the Spies, (Num. 13:51) ; A man
picking up sticks, (Num. 15:32). Korah & co.
Buried alive (Num. 16). These are all very interesting stories, and they will show you how God
dealt with bad beople who would not obey Him.
And Dlease get THE LESSON. Now, we go to the
New -Testament.
“Whosoever shall be ashamed of me and my
words. in this adulterous generation, of him shall
t h e son of man be ashamed, when he cometh into
t h e glory of his Father and His hclg angels”
(Mark 8 :38). “He t h a t is of God hearcth God’s
words; ye therefore hear them not because ye are
not of God” (John 8:47). “He t h a t rejecteth me
and receiveth not my words; hath one that judgeth him; the word t h a t I have spoken, the same
shall judge him in the last day” (John 12 :48). He
that loveth me not, keepeth not my sayings, and
t h e word which ye hear is not mine, but t h e Father’s who sent me” (John 1 4 2 4 ) . ‘‘And I saw
the dead, small and great, stand before God;-and
the books were opened, and another book y a s
opened which is the book of life; and the dead
were judged out of those things which were written in the books according to their works” (Rev.
20 :12).
Then, let us be careful to follow the teaching
of Christ, and let others .do as they will.. “But
whoso looketh into the perfect law of liberty, and
continueth therein, he being not a forgetful hearer, but a doer of the work: t h i s m2n shall b? blessed in his deeds” (James 1%).
FEBRUARY’ 1, 1943
O l d . Paths Advc~sote
Below you will find the names of’the ones who
have sent us subscriptions Dee. 20 to Jan. 20, also
number of subs. received by u s following each
Entered as s e c o n d 4 a s s m a tte r March 24, 1931. a t t h e postname. Many, many thanks to all for the nearty
office at Lebanon, Xissonri, under the Act of March 3, 1879.
cooperation 111 assisting us to increase . t h e . in-.
fluence and circulation. of the paper.
HOXEP, L. ICING ______________________________Lebanon,
ltaiph Mustard-10 ; Paul Nichols-8 ; Ervin
HONER A. GAY _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ LMo.
e b a n o nWaters-7;
B. F. -Aeonard-6; W. J. Clayton-4;
Hcmer L. King-4; Nova Hicks-3; D. E. Stone
HOXER L. KING _________________ _ _ _ _ _ R 2,
o uLebanon,
-2; M. W. Sanders-2; Clarence Snodgrass-?;
H. E. ROBERTSON, Assistant ______________ Phillipsburg, 310.
J. B. Spradley-2;
Josie Mae Smith-2;
E. J.
Smith-2 ; Earl Johnson-2 ; James R. StewartSUPSCRIPTION R.4TES .
2 ; Mrs. I. D. Russell-2; Carlos B. Smith-2; W.
SINGLE SUBSCRIPTION SIX TEARS _ _ _ _ _ _ - _ _ _ _ - _
$ 5- ~_1_0_ H.
_ _ Gill-1 ; Buster Boyd-1 ; J. L. Sirns-1 ; L. L.
Red-1 ; G. H. Turnbull-1 ; Lynwood Smith-1 ;
Printed by Laycook P rinting Co., Jackson, Tenn.
Mrs. Alfred Welch-1; L. A. Corbell-1; N. C.
Jackson-1 ; Barney Welch-1 ; Dayton Clous+“THE LORD’S SUPPER”
Much recently has been said upon this vital sub- 1; Alfred Walker-1 ; Mrs. C. A. Allen-1 ;. Mrs.
Elbert Phillips-1; G. A. Canfiekl-1; B. F. Chasject. A few issues back in the OPA, I insisted tain-1
; A. J. Bunderson-1 ; Far1 W.Carter-1 ;
t h a t the Communion service should be observed
. Roberts-1
; A. E. Cogburn-1 ; Alfred
by the followers of Christ, once each week, and
only once, t h a t each congregation should have a Walker-1 ; Pete Howard-1 ; Mrs. W. Wilkerson
regular place of assembly, and t h a t this service -1 ; Sam Smith-1 ; Hulon Smith-1 ; Total-87.
should be observed a t such place.
In the December 1 issue of the OPA, Bro. E. A.
Evidently, there is some trouble in the overLowry, in a very able article on this subject, concludes t h a t it was observed in the homes of the worked postal system, which may be the cause,
Christians by a few families together, a5 was and we advise that if you are having trouble getting your paper regularly, inquire of your postdone in the rassover, etc.
Now, let me call your attention to 1 Cor. 11:22, man or a t the post office. Also, send us the cor“What? Have ye not houses to eat and drink rect address of both your old and new locations,
in?” Note here t h a t our houses or homes are the when changing, and do this before you make the
places to take our regular meals, and not for the change, if possible. We admit t h a t due to being
purpose of taking the Communion. I do not say over-worked, shortage of help, etc., t h a t we make
that we cannot pray and offer thanks for our mistakes in the OPA office, but I don’t think we
all tliat are being made, as some have writmeals, read our Bibles, sing songs, however. In malie
Acts 20:7, the “disciples came together to break ten u s about their failure to get their,papers, and
bread.” In Heb. 10:25, “not forsake the assem- an investigation shows that they a r e . correctly
bling of ourselves together.” Brethren, we can- listed, and should be getting their papers. But we
not stay at home on Lord’s day, communing with want everybody to get value received for their
ourselves, and still meet the Lord’s requirements. money, and if you, or if you know.of others not
It would be too much of a n individual affair, like getting t.heir paper, write us, giving correct ad-,
dress, etc., and we shall mark them up whatever
using the “individual ( ?) communion cups.”
-J. C. Falkner, Wesley, Ark. time they have lost. Help us to keep our,record
Sister T. L. Modgling, Wocdlawn, Ll., Dee. 27,
1942, writes as follows:
Though I’ve not sent in a report for some time,
“I take this means of thanking all for the en- yet I have not been idie. In the last .two months
couraging letters I have received, during thess of 1942, I visited t h e foilowing named, places:
perilous times, and for t h e letters you have writ- Fruitland, Texas, where Bro. Fred Kirbo, last
ten Roy Bill, my son, although he may not have fall did some mission work. By the help of the
received them yet, as it has been mon’ihs since he church a t N. 6th in Wichita Falls, and others. But
has heard from me, but I hear from him quite this I do know, i t was well done and done well.
often. His failure to receive mail has been due Here I found t h e number few, but the spirit, zeal
t o his being transferred so often, but we hope he and courage t h a t only strong faith can give.
will be stationed f o r awhile now, as he has now
I made two visits to Carter, near Davidson,
reached North Africa. His address is Pvt. Roy Okla. There I found the brethren holding f a s t
B. Modgling. No. 18084877, 38th. Hq. & Hq. t o the “faith once delivered to the saints.” I love
Squadron, 38th. Service Gp. A. P. 0. 528, c/o those brethren for their faith and zeal.
Postmaster, New York, N. Y. He is in the nonI was with the church a t Sentinel, Okla., t h e
ccmbatant service. My other son, T. L., is now 3rd Lord’s day in December. The wczther was
i n the same service. I ask the prayers from all cold and bad,,but there were a good niimber out
faithful brethren for the safety of my boys and a t the morning service and the night service also
t h a t they may be able to withstand all t h e trials considering the weather. This visit was a pleasand temptations while away.”
ure t o me; as. I had ‘in years past,labored’so.me.
.. .
FEBRUARY 1,.1943
with these brethren. While there were Some new life Dee. 12, 1942. He was a member,,-of ,the
iaces to me and some of those whom I was asso- churcli, havlng been baptized about two years
ciated with in the work, when there before, have ago. He is survfved by his wife, a st.ep+on,.both
gone to rest, but their works do follow them.” of Sanger, and two brochers and a sister of’ LeitchI J ~ O S . I. H. Bills and Isaac Smith were both able
field, Ky. r’unerai services were conducted.,by the
dotenders of t h e faith and their going was a real writer.
--James ‘W. aussell, Fresno, Calif.
loss to the church there. I was glad to find Sister
W. Higgins, McAiester, Okla.,
Bills in reasonably good health. I was glad t o
find Bro. Bill Roden endeavoring to give his best born eb. 9, lS/O ; deparcecl this life Dee. 21, 1942,
to the study of the scriptures that he might be a being a little over ‘(2 years of age. His departure
workman approved of God, by handling aright came after an illness of several weeks, which was
the word of truth. May God ever bless him and borna paciendy.
‘BrotHer kiiggins obeyed t h e gospel in,early life,
ins co-laborers.
The first Lord’s day in 1943 I was with the bur; was led into error ot the S. ‘b. and cups, but
faithful at Hardin in Coleman Co., Texas. This about two years ago he canie in contact with Bro.
little band of brethren have had their battles and Lee 8. Williams who taught him the truth on
.have not always won the victory a t the first at- these matters, after which he was a faithful worktack, but not willing to give up, they, have con- er for the cause.
tinued to fight on until they have triumphed in
Those left t o mourn his passing are his wife,
some of t h e worst battles. Brethren who have a Sister Higgins, two daughters, two sons, twentychance to pass t h a t way will do well t o write Bro. two grand children, ten great grand children, and
Sam Baker at Gouldbusk, Texas, and let him know a hast of friends. Our deepest sympathy goes
when they can be there. You will be giad you out to Sister Higgins and all the other bereaved
ones. May we ail look beyond the tomb to the
Brethren, I am ready to preach the Gospel t o resurrection day. “Blessed are the dead who die
the lost on every opportunity, but I must depend in the Lord.” Funeral services were conducted by
-Ralph MUstard .
upon the brethren to help me to know the place the writer.
and time where and when we can do the most
I was called upon to congood in our efforts. My address is; Rt. 2. Box
108. Iowa Park, Texas. May God help us to work duct the funeral services f o r Brother Chas. Frankto save souls as hard as Satan’s hosts are working lin, of Kansas City, Kansas, formerly of the Lees
-E. J. Smith.
Summit community and church, and weil known
t o cause souls t o be lost.
there. I was assisted by Brethren Cook and Lee.
Brother Franklin had been a member of the
Church of Christ for many years. Our sympathy
“The work is closing up.
and prayers are for the bereaved children and
here.” (Adventist in P. T. M., Nov. 23, 1933).
other relatives. May we be prepared, when our
Reply: So said Wm. Miller in 1843, almost one time to depart shall have come, that we may meet
hundred years ago; and so said the Catholic our Lord in peace.
-Homer L. King.
Church as dominated by the Pope in the year one
thousand after Christ, as any good history or en1rvin.-Bro. John Eli Irvin died a t his home in
cyclopedia will s h o y you. “Soon,” means “in a
short time, quickly. Now, tell us, is a hundred Flemington, Pa., Dee. 27, 1942, a t the age of 77
years soon? Is 1,000 years soon? Is one year years. It was my privilege to baptize this grand
mon? Of course, the coming of Christ is n e a r x old man in 1‘340 (I believe it was). He was very
than it was a year, a month, a day, an hour,, or a hard of hearing and did not get much out of trysecond ago. But when the “long sufferlng of ing to hear the preaching, so I toak my Bible and
Gccl” t h a t gives “time” for “repentance” (2 Pet. went into his home and taught him the plan of
3:O) will cease, and Christ will come, no m e salvation, which he accepted gladly. All he wantlrnows : and “time setters” have thrown discredit ed was what the Bible says. After talking with
upon that great event by pretending to know. him two or three days he made the confession one
The teaching of the whole of the New Testament n i i h t and asked to be baptized the “same hour of
on this theme is: “Therefore be ye also ready; for the night.” Even though i t was near zero weain such a n hour as ye think not the Son of man ther, and lots of ice in the water, he did not shrink
corneth.” (Mt. 24:44) Again: “For you know from his duty. After his baptism he was a faithu l member of the loyal church of Christ in Flemperfectly t h a t the day of the Lord so cometh as a fington
until his death. He read and appreciated
thief in t h e night. . . . But ye, brethren, are not
His faithful Christian wife, who is
in darkness, that that day should overtak-2 you
as a thief.” (1 Thes. 5:2-4) YOU see, not that herself bed-fast, remains, together with their nine
they know when, but the fact that they do not children.
Irvin will be greatly missed by the faithknow when, is what keeDs them always ready. In fulBro.
band in Flemington. He was a kind and loving
fact we should emphasize death as closing opporfather, husband, and neighbor-being loved and
tunity for repentance as well as the c o m w of the respected
by all who knew-him. I dearly loved
Lord. (Lk. 12:16-21; 2 Pet. 3:9).
and appreciated him and always enjoyed being
-H. C. Harper.
in his home, and fully intend to meet him “over
there.” My deepest heart felt sympathies go out
t o the bereaved ones left behind.
MTathen. -Brother Wm. J. Wathen, Sanger,
-Homer A. Gay.
Calif., born Dee. 16, 1865, in Ky.; departed this
3. L. Sims, R t e . 4, Ada, Oklahoma, Dee. 30.-I a m certain
you will be glad t o know t h a t t h e Gth St. church h e r e is carl y i n g on t h e work. Uevotaon and attendance a r e holding up
well, a n d we have gained some i n number b y some placing
membership. As we pass through t h e s e troublesome times,
we should strive to live closer to God..
J a m e s Winchester, 425 Yo. Sacremento, Lodi, Calif., Dec. !29.
church here is doing quite well a t present. W e a r e
g i v w i n z in number a n d knowledge. P r a y f o r us and t h e
work here.
P e t e Howard, Dora, Missouri, Jan. 17.-We
a r e still on t h e
firing line here. I a m glad to h e a r of B r o t h e r W a t e r s coming
t o Mizsouri t o t a k e up mission work. We would like f o r him
t o g e t down t h i s way.
Bill Roden, Sentinel, Okla., Jan. 3.-Recently
I have visited
t h e brethren a t Carter. Lugert, a n d I a m t o be with t h e church
in Oklahoma City, t h e 17th of t h i s month, t h e Lord willing.
I a m asked t o come t o Lugert monthly.
Clarence Snodgrass, Tuscola, Texas, J a n . 12.-For
the last
f e w Lord s days I have been with t h e home church, b u t I was
unable t o preach t h i s week-end, as 1’was sick of t h e flu. I a m
working with cups congregations, b u t t h e y have Scriptural
worship, however, they have been supporting cups preachers.
I shall t r y t o p u t t h e OPA i n every home. I w a n t t h e p r a y e r s
of all f a i t h f u l brethren. Let us press t h e fight even a m o n g
f a l s e brethren.
James R. Stewart, 1102 So. 58 St., Temple, Texas, Jan. 7.L a s t month I w a s with t h e brethren i n Abilene, Texas, f o r a
series of meetings, r e s u l t i n g in t h r e e confessions of f a u l t s a n d
t h e church strengthened. They are f e w i n number b u t t r u e
and faithful. Bro. Geo. Masser is t h e i r leader. I preached at
Temple l a s t Lord’s day, baptizing one. W e a r e now i n a mission m e e t i n g a b o u t 4 miles o u t of Temple, with s m a l l crowds,
d u e t o bad weather.
E l b e r t Miller, 902 Murphy Ave., LaGrange, Ga., J a n . 5.Although I b e a r t h e name of a preacher, y e t I am n o t a pulpit
preacher, y e t t h e r e a r e n o t many preachers who do a n y more
teaching t h a n I. I spend considerable time in making c h a r t s
on Bible subjects, from which t o teach t h e word of God. I a m
sending Bro. King one as a present. Every Christian should
have one, I think.
E a r l Johnson, 308 W. Gth St., Ada, Okla., J a n . 3.-Our congregation on West Gth St., is progressing nicely, as we continue t o worship God in t h e Bible way. W e a r e moving o u r
church house f a r t h e r back on t h e lot and a r e repairing a n d
improving t h e building. Bro. Sims gives us a lesson every
Lord’s day. He i s a n able teacher, giving u s nothing b u t
God’s word. Rro. Patterson has moved away, a n d we miss
him very much. L e t us study t h e Bible more, brethren.
D. E. Stone, 2511 S. Passons B l v d . Rivera, Calif., Dee. 21.Bro. W a t e r s was with us a t Montebello, l a s t Lord’s day. W e
had a fine singing in the afternoon; large crowd and e x t r a
good singing. Bro. Waters preached his closing sermon t h a t
night, t o a large audience. Hi; d e p a r t u r e f r o m Calif. b r o u g h t
a l o t of t e a r s , f o r we learned to love him and his wife dearly.
We include a l l t h e f a i t h f u l in t h e success of t h e work here,
f o r all a r e united. We a r e looking forward to t h e coming of
Bro. Welch with anxiety. L e t u s n o t forget t o pray these
t r y i n g times.
B u s t e r Boyd, 2101 N. W. 23rt1, Oklahoma City, Okla., Dee.
am still a civilian, b u t I am expect in^ anytime to be
called t o t h e zervice of t h e government. P r a y f o r ine t h a t
I may remain f a i t h f u l i n t h e g r e a t e s t fight of all-“the fight
of faith.”
W. €1. Gill, Eola, Texas, Dec. 23.-We
a r e still s t r u g g l i n g
along here, b u t since certain ones “crept i n unaware” and divided t h e church, we have b u t a f e w left. However, i n spite
of a l l obstacles, we mean to press on i n t h e Scriptural work
a n d worship.
L. N. Byford, Box 72, Bellmead, Texas, J a n . 4.-Everything
is going well with us. Every s e a t in t h e n e w house was filled
yesterday, and we had fine services both times. Some from
t h e S. S. church a r e meeting with u s now. The members are
interested, willing and anxious to work. Bro. Gillis Spradley
i s teaching singing once a week.
Geo. Rozzell, Oklahonia City, Okla., J a n . 18.-The
f e w h e r e a r e still t r y i n g t o keep house f o r t h e Lord. W e
a r e blessec in having Bro. Raymond B r a y a n d wife back i n
o u r midst. Bro. Bill Roden, of Sentinel, was with us l a s t
r.ord’s day, giving u s a good lesson (Jno. 14). P r a y f o r u s
t h a t we may continue f a i t h f u l u n t o t h e end.
A. E. Cogburn, DeLeon, Texas, Jan. 7.-We
had good a t Bro. Geo. Hughs came by a n d
tendance a t services today.
gave u s a s h o r t talk. W e still m e e t every Lord’s day st Ramsey. T h e r e are n o t s o many of t h e old members h e r e now.
Remember u s and o u r boys in t h e camps, when you p r a y t o
t h e F a t h e r , W h o watches over all.
i s m y first
Walter Gray, Hartshorn, Okla., Jan. 18.-This
report t o t h e OPA, b u t I a m very happy t o make i t , because
i t means s o much t o me. Through t h e help of God, f a i t h i n
His word, and t h e efforts of Bro. Ralph Mustard, w e were
able t o establish a loyal congregation a t Gawen, Okla. They
meet f o r worship in the American Legion hall, 2:30 p. m. Any
loyal b r e t h r e n passing t h i s way will find a welcome w i t h them.
We love and appreciate Bro. Ralph and his wife f o r t h e noble
work. L e t u s strive f o r t h e unity of t h e faith.
George McCain, 440% W. Leamon, Monrovia, Calif., J a n .
17.-I was glad t o receive t h e OPA and t o note t h e work being
done. This church was established by Bro. King, and we
miss hini much and welcome h i s r e t u r n a n y time. W e would
like to know if i t is wrong to s i n g a s o n g while t h e collection
is being attended t o on Lord’s day. Please give Scripture
i e f e i e n c e t o show how t h i s should be done a n d t o establish
your position. B r e t h r e n P a u l Nichols, Barney Welch, a n d
Carl Nichols were over t o s e e u s recently.
W. J. Clayton, Rte. 4, Berryville, Ark., J a n . 11.-We
still meeting f o r worship i n my home. B r o t h e r Buffington,
of San Antonio, Texas, closed a meeting here Dec. 4, a f t e r
t e n days. T h e weather was bad a n d t h e crowds small, b u t
t h e r e s u l t s were one ronfession of f a u l t s a n d s o m e good
pieaching. W e appreciated Bro. Buffington here. I would
like to h e a r from Bro. C. C. Rawdon, as I have l o s t t r a c k of
him. W e want to help t h e boys i n t h e C. P. S. camps a s
soon as we know where to send it.
R. L. Baker, Cameron, Texas, J a n . %-We
a r e still meeting
f o r worship as t h e Lord has t a u g h t us. The l i t t l e church here
seems more interested in t h e Lord’s work t h a n ever before.
W e had Bro. Buffington with us recently with two sermons
over Lord’s day. We plan t o have him f o r two weeks in duly,
t h e Lord willing. W e a r e interested i n g e t t i n g Bro. King :or
a series of meetings i n Cameron n e x t fall. W e have not f o r gotten t h e good preaching h e did h e r e last fall.
Clovis T. Cook, Rte. 2, Lebanon, Missouri, Jan. 19.-We
j u s t recently enjoyed a visit and preaching by B r o t h e r Clarence Kessinger, of Spring Hill, W. Va. H e gave us two very
interesting lessons while here. He is j u s t s t a r t i n g o u t i n
t h e preaching of t h e gospel, and h e seems t o have t a l e n t i n
t h a t work. I have been assisting i n t h e teaching, singing,
etc., i n t h e home church f o r t h e past month o r two, since
coming i n f r o m t h e evangelistic work.
Clarence Kessinger, Lebanon, Missouri, J a n . 17.-I
recently preached a number of times at S p r i n g Hill, W. Va.,
with two restored. I certainly enjoyed m y v i s i t w i t h t h e
Lees S u m m i t brethren, especially t h e preaching brethren,
King, Cook, Gay, Robertson, a n d Lee. I m a d e m y home with
Bro. Cook. r preached two sermons t o t h e Lees S u m m i t
church over Lord’s day, t o good audiences. I hope t o r e t u r n
sometime f o r a longer s t a y a n d more preaching.
G, A, @anfield, (colored) Rte. 1, Marion, La., Jan. 3.-As
we have been blessed to e n t e r t h e new year, l e t us t a k e a
new determination to, do, more f o r t h e cause t h a n last year.
W e ’ h a d goo? pervices. today, which was enjoyed, and we mean
to “draw nigh, t o G o d ” . (Roni. 4:8).
If t h e people were as
interested in the.salvatipn of souls as they a r e in t h e salvation
01 the.countiy, t h e r e would be .many.obey t h e gospel, and one
s o u l is w o r t h ’ h o r c ’ t h a ’ n all t h e world [Mark 8::3G, 37). I plan
to do all t h e preaching t h i s . y e a r t h a t I can reach, anywhere
I am called, f o r my .people certainly do need it.
,\Ifred Walker’ (colored), Box 146, Brookhaven, Niss.: Jan.
response t o the appeal in t h e OPA f o r help t o build ;.I
house o f worship, by.Bro. Carlos B. Smith, f o r the colored
brethreniin Brookhaven, we wish to acknowledge donations as
follows: Clyde Middick, Davidson, Okla., $15.00; G. A. Canfield, Marion, La., $9.10; Carlos B. Smith, Wesson, Miss., $5.00;
Sam Smith, Wesson, Miss., $2.00. We thank these brethren
very much f o r their kind consideration a n d liberal donations.
We t h a n k Bro. Canfield and Bro. Carlos Smith f o r their a p peals f o r help to build.
George illasser, Abilene, Texas, Dec. 28.-Brother
James R.
Stewart j u s t closed a iceeting a f t e r one week here, with t h r e e
restorations. . W e feel the church was made stronger. We
nppreciate the congregations a t Temple and White Hall f o r
supporting t h i s mission work. Brother Glen Bray, of Oklalionla City, is stationed a t Camp Barkley, Texas, and he is
liiuch help t o u s i n leading t h e songs and o t h e r items of worship. I preached at Cisco, Dec. 27, to t h e small, but loyal
band of brethren. May we ever press on i n t h e work .of t h e
Lord as servants of Him.
Sam Smith, Wesson, Miss., Jan. 25.--Brother
Homer L.
King is now with us, doing some wonderful preaching. Although, he has made a number of trips to this p a r t in p a s t
years, we have learned t o love and appreciate him more
than ever before. There a r e none better, I think. He accompanied me to Hatticsburg, where I had a hearinx before
a representative of t h e Board of Appeals. Saturday, he accompanied Carlos and others to Hammond, La., assisting in
the work there. He preached again Sunday night a t New
Salem, and will close a t Brookhaven with a sermon t o t h e
colored brethren Tuesday night.
J. B. Spradley, 2819 May St., Fort Worth, Texas, Jan. 11.I would like t o see t h e churches in Texas take u p the responsibility of spreading t h e gorpel in mission fields. If one
church should a t t e m p t to support a praecher all t h e time in
such work, it would be a burden, b u t if a number co-operate
i t will n o t be a burden, f o r “where there is unity there is
strength.” Too, I have been thinking of t h e boys in t h e
C. P. S. Camps, and since reading about t h e m a t t e r in t h e
OPA, I realize t h a t we have neglected them. I think t h a t i t
is a shame t h a t t h e Church of Christ would neglect a p a r t
of i t s own body, allowing t h e denoniinations to take care of
a p a r t of i t s own body. Perhaps, if more of us had been
confronted with t h e question of whether to take u p a r m s o r
go to one of these camps, we would not have been so negligent. L e t 11s help hear one another’s bnrdens.
Lynwood Smith, Rte. 3, Box 144, Brookhaven, bIiss.. Jan.
have been s t u d y i n g hard to make a preacher. being
more interested t h a n ever before. I plan to travel some when
school i s out. if I a m n o t s e n t away into t h e camps. The
first Lord’s day, inst., I preached at New Salem. Last week
Bro. Carlos and I preached f o r t h e little church a t Hammond,
La. They worship in a private home of one of the brethren.
‘ihey seen? anxious to continue t h e work of t h e Lord. We
cxpect t o r e t u r n in ti:o weeks t o have a private discussion
. w i t h two Mornian elders, who have been handing out t h e i r
literature i n t h a t part. They proposed t h a t we discuss 01.11‘
differences privately, which we accepted. I an1 to graduate
from high school this year, and I am anxious t o enter t h e
work of prroching t h e gospel. P r a y f o r m e .
Bill Van Stavern, Lebanon, Missouri, Jan. 20.--We
been f o r t u n a t e i n having Brethren Paul Nichols, Ralph Mustard. J o e Howard, and M. J. Buffington, t o stop over and
preach a f e w sermons f o r us, during t h e past few !nnn+hs.
While we knew Bro. Howard and had heard hini preach. Yet
i t was t h e first time t o meet t h e young preachers, b u t we
can now commend them t o t h e brotherhood as f a i t h f u l gOSpel preachers, capable of doing much good in t h e service pf
the Lord. W e hope to have all of them back wlth 11s agaln
Foon. Bro. C. H. Lee i s t o be with us next Lord‘s day.
have recently h a d two additions t o t h e leadership, which we
appreciate. T h e y a r e f a i t h f u l workers. P r a y f o r US, brethren.
Ralph E. Mustard, 234 W. Cherokee, McAlester, OkIa.-Since
last month’s r e p o r t the work has been advancing ,i.n’, this
State-by leaps a n d bounds. In t h e p a s t few weeks,’wrt haGe
visited various congregations such as Ada;. McAlegte,; alid
O k l a i Hill,
o m b has
gotten under
way. The niissiofi
-The ‘.I
in bowen, Ukla. ‘I’here I S only a f e w loyal .menibers.in s h a t
vicinity, but 1 believe t h e cause can be firm1y:es’tablished.
had to do most of t h e song leading, praying, preaohing. waiting on the table, and dismissing, but preachers shouldn’t
let tilings of t h i s nature bother, because t h a t i s t h e work 3f
an evangelist. We need t o preach t h e p u r e unadulterated
word of God in more such places. We miss the brethren i n .
California, and we long to s e e them and be associated with
them i n t h e work of the Lord. Pray f o r me.
Lewis Cogburn, C. P. S. Camp, Yagnolia. Ark., Jam. lG.-I
noticed..in the OPA, where Bro. King requested a report from
each of the camps, containing Christian boys, s o t.his report
from me. There a r e 23 niembers of t h e Church of Christ i n
this camp; 10 of whoni endorse the S. S.. and 12 of whom
advocate the cups. I. alone. aiii from t h e strictly loyal
church. I meet with t h e cups boys. as they use b u t one cup,
and we g e t along fine. Both t h e S. S. and cups brethren a r e
helping to support these boys. N. 0. White takes care of t h e
contiibutions i G r the cups boys and one of the boys in t h e
camp, together with the “pastor” of t h e Waldo, Ark.. church,
f o r t h e S. S. boys. There a r e really a fine lot of boys here,
155 in- all, .22, denominations represented. I appreciate t h e
6P.A very much and wi-h t h a t extra copies could be sent.
here each month. If I can be of any help in any way, feel
f r e e t o call on me. I appreciate t h e interesc t h a t .‘s being
taken in Christian work of late.
Paul 0. Nichols, S40 Wilcox Ave.. Hollywood, Calif.. Jan.
a n extensive t o u r of eleven states, beginning September 11, and having preached in s i r of them, Texas, Oklahonia, Louisiana, Mississippi, Missouri, and Iowa, I arrived
home December 16. One week of this time was spent a t
home i n October. On this trip I met n i m y new people, whom
I learned to love, and also I was blessed with t h e opportunity
of being with many of my old friends. f o r which r was thankful. I hope t h a t we shall again be together in o u r labor of
lo.ve in the near future. Since returning home I have preached
a t Siskiyou, Montebello, and Poplar, baptizing two. Next
Lord’s d?.y I intend to be a t Xonrovia f o r worship. Monday
morning Bro. Barney Welsh, who is here in this s t a t e to resume t h e evangelistic work where Bro. Waters l e f t off, and
I will leave on a tour of the several congregations, t h e Lord
milling. Let u s always press the battle, following Christ,
t:re captain, of o u r salvation.“ He will lead u s to victory
if we will follow his commands.
Carl N. Nichols, F49 Wilcox Ave., Hollywood, Calif., Jan.
Ervin Waters and his wife a r e gone from o u r . m i d s t .
He preached t h e gospel in this s t a t e f o r the past t h r e e years,
and much good was rreoniplished by his u n t i r i n g efforts. He
never “shunned to declare the whole counsel of God” a t any
time. We appreciate Bro. Waters and believe him to be
aniong the most Able men of the brotherhood to defend t h e
t r u t h . We a r e going t o miss him. b u t we know he will be
preaching t h e gospel elsewhere, and others will g e t to h e a r
the Word. Our prayers go with hini and his devoted wife,
:lnd we asked them t o prfiy f o r us. Bro. Barney Welch and
fatilily have arrived i n California. He i s here f o r t h e p u r pose of doing evangelistic
.k a s Bro. Waters did. I am
hinq and singing ability, and
sure t h a t with his finc p
his pleasing personality, he will accomplish much in spreading
t h e gospel in this state. We intend to give him o u r full cooperation in t h e work. Last Lord’s day he delivered a fine
discourse a t Siskiyou t o a splendid crowd, having most every
seat filled despite gasoline rationing.
On with t h e work,
Joe Castleman, Rte. 1, Milano, Texas, Jan. IL-After
delay, I am reporting to the paper again. b u t I have not been
o u t of work, as all niy time has been given to preaching t h e
gospel, which shall continue, t h e Lord willing. . I have held
several meetings this winter and have met some fine brethren,
of whom a r e preachers. Most of my preaching this year
will be in t h e west.and southeastern p a r t s of Texas. I stand
firlllp..with t h e OPA, concerning t h e Lord’s Supper. and t h a t
a r e . t RIy
o “keep
d r a f t t hboard
e ordinances
granted as
me delivered”
“4-D” classification,
( 1 Cor. 11:2,
which I an1 thankful.
Anyone desiring me may write a t t h e
above address. “Let us go on u n t o perfection’’ (Heb. G:l).
M. J . Buffington, 434 P o r t e r St.. San Antonio, Texas, J a n .
closing t h e meeting a t Green Forest, Ark., r went
t o Lees Summit, n e a r Lebanon, Missouri. I had t h e privilege
of preaching three times t o t h e congregation there. My visit
with t h e Lees Summit brethren was a very enjoyable one;
especially with t h e preaching brethren; King, Gay, Cook,
Roberson, and Lee. My next was a t Ottumwa, Iowa, where I
held a meeting. The brethren t h e r e are really zealous in doi n g mission work. After leaving Ottuniwa, I cam2 back t o
Lebanon, Missouri, and preached f o r t h e congregation t h e r e
on Wednesday and Sunday nights. On Lord’s day morning,
Bro. King and I went toRichland, Mo., where I enjoyed hearing
him preach again. At this writing I am a t home. I preached
l a s t Lord’s day morning a t Fairview, Texas, and preached t h a t
n i g h t here a t my home congregation i n San Antonio. I will
leave f o r Oklahoma soon. “The Lord Will.”
Homer A. Gay. Lebanon, Mo., J a n . 19.-The
home congregation, Lees Summit, seems t o be g c t t i n g along p r e t t y well.
Our young men and boys a r e conducting t h e services on Sunday nights. and are doing real well. I have been helping
with t h e teaching on Lord’s days. I hope t o see t h e f a i t h f u l
f e w at Kansas City soon, as I a m t o go back t o t h e hospital.
X hope t o visit t h e church i n Ottuniwa, Iowa, when I go t o
Kansas City. We had two good sermons from Bro. Clarence
Kessinger, of West, Va., l a s t Lord’s day a n d night. I recently
received sample copies of t h e “Christian Soldier” (Calif) a n d
“Sound Doctrine” (Ala.). I appreciate very much t h e s t a n d
these brethren take with regard t o %he relation of Christians
t o Civil Governments.
Homer L. King, Brookhaven, Miss., J a n u a r y 25.-I
visited t h e faithful f e w a t Richland, Missouri, preaching one
sermon to a f a i r crowd. I was accompanied by Bro. M. J.
Buffington, who assisted i n t h e services. The church t h e r e
now meets i n a private home, b u t they have plans to build a
house soon. I am now a t t h e above place, in answer t o a n
u l g e n t call t o a s s i s t in preaching and questions concerning
elassification of some of t h e members as “Conscientious Objectors.” All seems to be working o u t nicely in t h a t respect.
1 preached a number of times a t New Salem, which I enjoyed
very much, together with t h e visits in t h e good homes of t h e
brethren. I preached on Lord’s day (24th) a t Hanimond. La..
where t h e night before, Bra. Carlos Smith met a Yoraian
‘.elder” in private discussion on soiiie of t h e differences. It
\+as a n easy virtory f o r truth, and 1 enjoyed listening to ic.
I am to preach Tuesday night to t h e colored brethren i n
Brookhcven, departing immediately a f t e r f o r home, where I
shall probably remain u n t i l t h e early spring, when t h e cvangelistic work is t o begin. Let us press on in spite of t h e
obstacles, knowing we “labor n o t in vain in t h e Lord.” We
certainly enjoyed t h e preaching by Bro. Xessinger recently.
Ervin Waters, YOG So. 27th St., Temple. Texas, J a n . 13.-We
worshipped Dec. 20 a t Siskiyou St. Bro. P a u l Nichols. Bro.
Carl Nichols, 2nd I’ talked on t h e lesson. We hod two bap-’
t i s m s and one restoration there. Bro. P a u l did t h e baptizing.
A f t e r basket lunch a t Siskiyou St., we had a splendid singing
a t Montebello i n t h e afternoon. I preached my last sermor.
i n California a t Montebello t h a t night. We l e f t a f t e r services
f o r San Angelo, Texas. It was a. s a d parting. T h e work
a n d brethren in t h a t s t a t e a r e my “joy a n d crown of rejoicing.”
The meeting with t h e Lakeview church of San
Angelo continued from Dec. 27 t o Jan. 10. The Eola brethren
cooperated commendably with us i n t h i s effort. T h i s congregation in Lakeview h a s done well considering i t s youth and
size. We are now visiting with my Wife’s folks here. W e
were overjoyed t o have Bro. Barney Welch and f a m i l y - w i t h
u s f o r two nights during t h e meeting. They were on t h r i r
way to California t o t a k e u p t h e work there. May God bless
t h e i r labors. We go next t o visit my folks a t Temple, Texas.
T h e Lord willing, we will a s s i s t t h e Gth St. church i n Wichita
F a l l s i n a meeting t h e first half of March. Then t o Missouri
t o lab& in t h a t field.
Barney Welch, 136 S. 4th S t , Montebello, Calif.. Jan. 15.I am now i n the section of country where t h e earth’s coat of
salt seems to be t h e thickest ( M a t t 5:13). There i s a shorta g e of t h a t preservative here, b u t it i s l o t as acute as i t is i n
s o m e places. Recently at San Angelo. Tex.; we enjoyed some
of t h e most liberal hospitality t h a t could be shown. There
I m e t a n d associated with m a n y brethren from whom I h a d
long been separated. Among t h a t n u m b e r was m y fellowlaborer i n Christ. Ervin Waters. T h a t visit shall long be
~ c i n e m b e r e d . I arrived h e r e to find t h e highest s p i r i t exhibited f o r t h e upbuilding of t h e cause of Christ t h a t I have
n.tnessed. Last Lord’s day we had t h r e e services a t Siskiyou
Yt. church, two meals on t h e premises, and a splendid nttendance. I wish everyone could see t h e love shown one for
a n o t h e r at this place. Monday morning, J a n u a r y 18, I plan
t o start ‘on a t o u r of all t h e established congregations in
this s t a t e t h a t I possibly can, accompanied by Bro. Pau:
Nichols, t h e young evangelist who i s following closely in t h e
footsteps of t h e Apostle P a u l of old. On with t h e bloodstained banner waving high with God as our helper!
I€ you will obey the Lord when those about you
Are making their own Creeds to go by ;
If you will do just what He has told you to do,
Never stopping t o argue His reason why.
I€ by fzith and not by sight you keep walking,
Just continue to work, watch, and pray.
If you will make the Lord your o d y master
And remember Heaven is the Christians aim,
When troubles and trials come they are not disasters,
Ju.st be thou strengthened in Jesus name.
If you will set your affections on things above you,
F u t envy, strife and jealousy all behind.
Christ died because He loved you.
Christian, will you always keep this in mind.
If you are willing to give your life to teIl His
Adding the Christian graces to yours as you go.
Never taking unto yourself t h e honor and glory,
From the One that loved you so.
If you will live every passing day
As though it should be your last one,
A t t h e end you will hear the master say :
“Enter into thy rest, my servant, well done.”
-Mrs. L. N. Byford.
Upon the 30th day of December, I united in
matrimony Chas. A. Everett, Maud, Okla., and
Geraldine Howell, Cabiness, Okla., in the home of
the groom’s uncle, Lee R. Yi!!iems, McAlester,
Okla. They plan to make their home in San An-.
tonio, Texas.
-Ralph E. Mustard.
t h e Christians live.
“Thus s a i t h t h e Lord, ‘Stand ye i n t h e ways. a n d see, and ask f o r t h e Old Paths, where i s t h e good way, a n d walk therein, a n d y e s h a l l find r e s t for Your souls.” (Jer. G:16) “And they t h a t be of Thee shall build t h e old waste places: thou
s h a l t , r a i s e up t h e foundations of many generations; and thou s h a l t be called. The Repairer of t h e Breaeh, T h e Restorer
of P a t h s t o Dwell in.” (Isa. 58:12).
I n the January issue of the paper Bro. Waters
stated that I would take care of all contributions
given in behalf of our boys in the Public Service
Camps. I will do this, if it is agreeable with all,
until some other arrangements are made. To date
there has been given twenty-five dollars by t h e
Lodi congregation here in California for the supp w t of these boys. May others respond to the
need of these faithful soldiers of the cross. Remember the Apostle Paul said, “As we have,
therefore, opportunity, let us do good to all men,
especially unto the household of faith.” (Gal. 6:9).
-Carl N. Nichols.
have received $25.00 from the brethren at Davidson, Okla. ; $3.00 from Sister Louise
Lacey, Richland, Mo.; and $5.00 from Bro. R. L.
Baker, Cameron, Texas ; for the boys mentioned
above. AS soon as we have a definite plan worked
out, I shall turn i t over to the proper ones. We
are looking into the matter, by taking i t up with
the ruling powers.-H.
L. K.
Val. XVI
- MARCH 1, 1943
(Matt. 6:33)
“But seek ye FIRST the kingdom of God, and
his righteousness; and all these things shall be
added unto YOU” (Matt. 6:33) is one of the most
sublime injunctions of Christ’s sermon on the
mount, which sermon surpasses any that ever
fell upon t h e ears of decaying mortality in its
scope of t r u t h embraced and in its depth of truth
fathomed. No wonder the “people were astonished at his doctrine” (Matt. 7:28) and “great multitudes followed him” (Matt. 8:l) !
People then as now were prone to measure their
worth and condition in terms of physical comfort
and material wealth. With one decisive stroke
Jesus unveiled the shallowness of this philosophy
and gave to humanity the measure by which true
worth is judged. “Is not the life more than meat,
and t h e body than raiment“ (Matt. 6:25) ? Those
who t r y to excuse themselves from assemblies of
the church by saying, “I have no clothes good
enough t o wear,” have no cloak behind which to
hide for they are placing clothes first rather than
the kingdom. Some, instead of being “given t o
hospitality” (Rcm. 12:13), offer the excuse, “My
home isn’t good enough for others.” “A man’s
life consisteth not in the abundance of the things
which he possesseth” (Lk. 13:15). This great
teacher of Nazareth whose life left such an indelible imprint upon the face of the ages and whose
teaching ushered in the glorious sunlight of the
Christian era” had not where to lay his head”
(Matt. 8 : Z O ) . Let us place the spiritual above
the physical and material.
There are many things in life which it is not
wrong for us to do or to have if we do not place
them first or before the kingdom. It is essential
that we get the accent on the right syllable. We
may mispronounce a word with every syllabi::
present because of placing the accent on the
wrong syllable. Some things in life are not only
permissable but necessary and yet they are secondary to the kingdom. It is necessary that we
eat and t h a t meals be prepared but if we allow
our eating o r the preparing of a meal to cause U S
to be late to the assembly of the church 01’ to
miss t h a t assembly we are not “seelring first the
kingdom.” It is necessary to be “given to hospitality” but if we absent ourse!ves from assemblles
of the church to entertain company we are not
placing t h e kingdom first. It is necessal-Y that a
man work to “provide for his house” but if he
allows t h a t work to prevent either himself O r his
family from worshipping on the first day of the
No. 3
week he is placing physical comfort above t h e
kingdom and his eternal welfare. “For what is
a man profited, if he shall gain the whole world,
and loose his own soul” (Matt. 16:26) ?
This lesson is forcefully taught in Lk. 9:59-62.
Srst to’Follow
go and me.
bury And
my fahe
“And Lord,
he said
ther.” It was not wrong for the man t o bury his
father. Sanitation and decency demanded that he
be buried but th:s man said, “suffer me FIRST”
to do it. He was placing some legitimate act of
life before his service t o Christ. “And another
said, Lord, I will follow thee; but let me first go
bid them farewell, which are at home a t my
house.” Who would say it was wrong for the
man to bid his folks farewell? But this man said,
“Let me FIRST” do it. He placed a permissable
act of life before his service to Christ. “And Jesus
said unto him, No man, having put his hand to
plow. and locking back, is fit for the kingdom
We are commanded to “give.” Do we place the
kingdom “first” in giving or last? When we are
paid do we first purpose a certain amount of i t t o
the Lord or do we buy what we want and pay our ’
bills first and then a t the last think about the
Lord and give him something if anything is left?
I have heard members say, “When I get out o f
debt I will give more.” Is this placing the kingdom first? We can always contrive to be in debt..
If I can’t live on what is left AFTER giving t o
the Lord what belongs t o Him, then I shall not
take from the Lord and make His cause suffer.
If we all just gave a tenth of our net income (I
couldn’t be satisfied to give less) what could be
done, and what doors of opportunity would open.
to 11s would astound us all.
The kingdom should be first in importance, first
in time. and first in our affections. We love our
parents, our wives, our husbands, our children,
and our brethren. We are commanded to love
them. But Jesus said, “He that loveth iather or
mother more than me is not worthy of me” (Matt.
10 :27). As much as we love those who are so
dear to us we cannot place them first or before
the kingdom. Wc cannot afford to be like the
man who offered the excuse, “I have married a
wife and therefore I cannot comp” (Lk. 14:20).
Jesus said, ‘(So likewise, whosoever he be of YOU
that forsaketh not all t h a t he hath, he cannot be
us acquire,
we do not possess, the spirit
which animated the apostle Paul when he said,
“But what things were gain to me, those I counted.
. .
. ....
. .... . . ......., ... ...
r .Christ. Yea doubtless and I count all
things but loss for t h e excellency of the knowledge of Christ Jesus my Lord: for whom I have
suffered t h e loss of all things, and do count them
but dung, t h a t I may win Christ” (Phil. 33’43).
I n these days when the sound of the-w-ar drums
roll around the nations and people are engulfed
i n perplexity let us increase our,output of effort
and strengthen our confidence in God’s promises.
If we leave all and follow Christ we will “ receive
a n hundredfold now in this time, - - - ; and in
t h e world to come eternal life” (Mk. 1 0 3 0 ) .
Every one is building something. It is not a
question of whether you are building, but HOW
and WHERE are you building? The question is
f o r every member of the church, and especially
preachers. Are you a wise and careful builder?
As preachers, do we realize our responsibility in
building houses for God? Do we reauire aold.
silver and precious stone, or can wood, nay and
stubble be used? ARE WE BUILDING HOUSES
ACCEPT THEM? I bought a house from a man
one time, and he said every piece of lumber that
went into it.was carefully inspected. I thought
h e used good judgement. Isn’t our work more important than his? He was building for time. We
are building for eternity. Suppose you hire a
carpenter to build you a house in which you intend t o live, and he hangs some doors t h a t can’t
be closed, puts in several windows t h a t won’t
raise, builds a chimney t h a t won’t draw, puts a
roof on it t h a t won’t t u r n water, and, though he
had a good level and square, yet he overlooked
t h e importance of using them. After looking the
j o b over, would you say, “well done”? Let us
think on this, and remember t h a t God has furnished us a pattern, laid t h e foundation, and nsw
says, “Let every man take heed HOW he buildeth
thereupon.” Except the Lord build t h e house,
t h e y labor in vain that build it.” To preachers
then, both old and young, I would insist that we
study our blue-print, the Bible. Meditate upon
it day and night, putting on. the whole ai-mour of
God, then we shall be vessels unto honor, sanctified, and meet for the Master’s use, and prepared
unto every good work.
-H. C. Welch.
Up at Union City (Ga.) there lives a young man,
I am told, whose name is Cecil Abercrombie. I
have never had the pleasure of meeting this young
man b u t I would count it a real treat if I could
meet him and sit at his feet as a student. I have
longed to meet a modern Solomon, if, perhaps
there be one, and feast from deep things of the
Scriptures, as revealed by such.
But poor old Brother W. L. S. - who is somewhere in his sixties was not able to defend himself, so this modern Soloman had to come to his
rescue. Also, all in one operation, he was defending
a younger man (M. E. B.1 who lives at Thomas-
. .- .,
to&’ Ga. This young man ‘from “Thomast
his hand’in debate w i t h ‘me:on ‘the!,“$ups’! question at. Colquitt; Ga., ;‘and made ‘such a miserable
failure that his brother,‘ B. B. said;..after .the, debate, t h a t he was not satisfied :,witg.’tlie.debate
and, that, he was going to get ‘a stronger man,t o
meet me.
A COPY of The Church, Messenger (Nov.:15,
1942) was handed to me t,oday, and on page eight,
I noticed an article from this Brother ,Abercrombie, under the title, “THE CUP.” He represents
t h a t “The church of the first-born has been’ torn
by another heresy-the
vain .and unreasonable
doctrine t h a t the’ ‘cup of the Lord’ is a solid in
Matt. 26 :27.”
For the moment we shall just pass this up and
see this young scribe standing face t o face with,
not only Thayer but others whom we all consider
as being the ripest scholars of the land, as we
shall show later in this reply. But we shall finish
quoting t h e paragraph: “It is pitiful and heartbreaking t h a t we have brethren who seek a,,following, the praise of men, and the love of other
‘things to the extent of dividing the church, and.
all of this a t t h e sacrifice of truth and common
sense. Gospel preachers should teach the truth
in an intelligent, cnderstanding manner, logical
in every way. The ‘‘cups” brethren do not meet
these requirements on the Lord’s cup. They are
taking new polike the S. S. brethren-always
There is one statement made in t h e above t h a t
qualifies the whole, paragraph and places the
blame where i t belongs-on t h e .“cups brethren.”
Yes, Jv-ith the “s” added to what the Bible calls
a “cup.” YCS, they do t h a t in their practice. SO,:^
q v a e wit!i him when .he s a d i “The ‘cups’ brethren do not meet th-ese-requirements on the Lord’s
cup.” So, unintentionally, perhaps, Abercrombie
comcs out against t h e “cups” brethren.
“One will say i t is a solid, others a solid and , a
liquid.” Yes, and. the ‘‘cups’’ brethren say it is a
liquid seperate and apart from a solid, called “a
cup.” I am now calling on Brother Abercrombie
as I did Brother Busby. to demonstrate how the
liquid can be passed to the congregation without
a solid.
“They stand on everything but the truth on
this question. The L,ord’s cup is no more a solid
than his blood. How much glass, tin 01- silver
composed the blood of Christ?” Answer. J u s t as
much as did grape juice, Brother. Now, you please
tell us how much grape juice composed the blood
‘of Christ. Will you piease tell u s ? Christ did not
choose t h e cup to represent his blood, but the contents. But he did say t h a t t h e “cup is the New
Covenant in my blood” (Ratified by my blood)
(Luk. 22:20).
“Our materialistic %uppers” cannot drink the
Cup they contend for.” Yes we can, Brother Abercrombie. We “drink the cup by drinking its contents and in no other way.” (N. L. Clark) We
drink “of” the cup or “from” the “cup” as the
Scriptures teach. Now, let Abercrombie deny this.
Nor.do we have to drink both the solid and liquid
.. . a solid,
as you say, but we drink the’liquid. from
a cup. Will you deny?
“Some.,.month,s.ago tw.0. of these materialistics
came to the.little church near Colquitt, Georgia,
and preached their warpped ideas. On one Lord’s
1 - l waited ‘on the table, stating
day Brother. P
that he would do just what the Lord did. ‘He poured out t h e fruit .of the vine into a glass, gave
thanks, and passed it around; i t so happened that
h e did not pour out enough to go around. What
does he do? The cup of the Lord, if a solid, is
still there; if i t takes both the fruit of the vine
and the solid to make the Lord‘s cup, as some conpoured
tend, then, i t is gone. Brother P.
out some more.-fruit of the vine-that which had
not been blessed-and
passed it around to the
rzmainder of the people without giving thanks
for it. This is a fair sample of their absurd position. Tfle best argument against their position,
they make i t themselves-in practice they die.”
Why do you not tell the truth-the whole truth
in this matter, Abercrombie??? The truth is that
Cecil Abercrombie was not there and does not
know anything about that transaction only as
some one told him. Why did they not tell him
the truth, as several eye witnesses say they bedid drink the
lieve t h a t Brother M. E. B.
fruit of the vine so low, purposely, t h a t it would
not go. around-(?) Or did they tell you? Did
they tell you what M. E. B. _ _ _ _ said when the
over the matter,
contention arose by B. B.
that, “I want to drink enough to feel it.” He said
it, brother. The fact that you brethren keep
Farwing on that, confirms our belief that he did
do it, to t r y to make a point.
You say that “the church was divided over the
cup question to a certain degree near Colquitt.”
Who divided it, Brother Abercrombie? May I
ask, who started the church there? If I remember aright, out side of Brother B. B.
and Erother B. H.
and wife, there were no
members there 2t all until Brother Palmer and I
went over there and conducted a series of meetings and baptized more than as many again as
the? had before going there. Another fact is
that B. B. _ _ _ _ stood with us on the cup question,
when we were in that meeting and did till Bro.
M. E. B. _ _ _ _ came down and preached on it. He
toIrl me and Brother Palmer so in so many words.
Talk about “fair samples”! I consider the tricks
mentioned ab0v.e as “fair samples” of their ungodly means of trying to make a point.
-W. H. Reynolds.
(continued. in next issue) .
N. Nichols, 849 Wilcox,
Hollywood, Calif.
Note: The Church of Christ, Wichita Falls,
Texas, by Bro. C. R. Fancher, sends $25.00 to
me to be sent direct to the boys in the camps.
I am sending the $33.00, acknowledged in the
Feb. issue, and the $25.00 to the loyal boys in the
three c a m p as repcrted to me viz.; Lyndhurst,
Va. ( 3 ) ; Magnolia, Ark. ( 2 ) ; Santa Barbara,
Calif. (3). The total number of loyal boys reported are 8 thus far.
S h c e s a n e of the brethren would rather send
direct to the boys in the camps than through
other sources, I would make this suggestion for
the time being a t least: All who wish t o send
to headquarters for the payment of board, etc., as
was arranged by the denominations, may send
their contributions to Brother Nichols, above.
But, all who wish their contributions to go direct
t o the boys in the camps, for their personal needs,
may send to the Old Paths Advocate, or to me.
until further notice.
We wrote to the President of the U. S. A., Mrs.
Eocsevelt, Paul V. NIcNutt, and Senator Truman,
c/f Mo., and received considerable information concerning the operation, management, etc., of these
camps. If you would like to know more about it,
send f o r a booklet, “The Conscientious Objecf.015c per copy; address National Service Boarcl, For
Religious Objectors, Washington, D. C.
I shall expect one boy, to whom I send contributions for all the boys in his camp, to report
each month, and to acknowledge receipt of the
contributions. Keep us informed about any new
ones coming into the camps, that all may share
-Homer L. King.
Over a year ago the Lees Summit and Lebanon
churches decided to put into effect a plan of
mission work, similar to the work in California.
We at that time asked the co-operation of all other
loyal churches in the state, and we still desire all
to co-operate fully in the good work. The time
.. .
set to begin is April I, 1943. Brother Ervin
..Waters was selected to carry the burden of the
preaching in such work. I think, due to his sucOn..January t h e , 6 t h , 1943, I united in matri- cessful experience in Calif. and elsewhere, we
mony Bro. Leroy C. Six and Sister Anna Doris were fortunate in securing his services. He inLasater, ,of. Temple, Texas. The ceremony was
us t h a t he expects to be on the job by April
J. B.home,
of t h e brideIs
. .
parents, forms
a n d s i sin
t e rthe
1. He will be ready to start a meeting a t that
time, if that is the desire of the brethren. NOW,
other Six was recently baptized and .is a fine let all get behind the work as never before. Help
boy. -.!he bride, too, is a.fine Christian girl. We us locate suitable places for meetings, where
. h ...for.
. them.- a,long
and happy life.
there are a few struggking-brethren, or places in
reach of an established congregation.
Work, pray, and talk up ,the good work.
am sofry this w
-Homer L. King.
, I .
H O N E R L. KING ----_----_---_________________Lebanon, $TO.
HOMER A. GAY --------------_________________Lebanon,
H O N E R L. KING _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ R o2,u tLebanon,
H. E. ROBERTSON, Assistant
phillipsburg, M ~ .
__________________ $1.00
___________________ $6.00
relatives and friends.
Let us ((sorrow not even as others who have no
hope." Bro. Jesse Stegall spoke words of comfort to t h e bereaved. We realize we have lost a
helpel- f o r truth and right, but we must carry on,
earnestly contending for the faith.
-F. K. Reeves.
Thomas Fred Woods, Van.
zant, Mo., was born at Harrison, Ark., ~ u g 1,
1877; departed this life Jan. 23, 1943, being over
65 years of age.
YOU will find below the names of those who
On Jan. 1, 1900, he was united in matrimony to
have sent US subs. from Jan. 20 to Feb. 20, and Mattie H. Leach; to which union four children
following the names the number o f subs. received were born; two having uled in infancy. He is
by.us. May the Lord bless you for your kind as- survived by his wife, one son, and one daughter,
slstance in keeping the OPA on the "firing-line." also eight grand children, one sister, and a host
Will YOU not send us a nwe list every month. The of other relatives and iriends. He obeyed the
price to new subs. remains 50c per year; $1.00 the gospel in middle lLe, being faithful to the end
year for renewals.
(Rev. %:lo). The writer tried to speak words 01
B. F. Leonard for the church a t Huntington. comfort.
-C. H. Lee.
C. H. Elliott for the Crosshollows
church-11; Mrs. J. E. Jones-7; Mrs. Lila PhilStewart.-Mrs.
Elizabeth Stewart, wife of a
1 i p s - 4 ; Carlos B. Smith-3; Ralph E. Afustal-dfaithful gospel preacher, and mother of our- Bro.
3; Mrs. L. L. Ladd-3;
James W. Russell-3;
i , a6 the family home, 749
James R. S ~ e ~ h rdied
Homer L. King-3; J. W. Bowmer-2; M i x Oliver Willow St., Abilcne, Texas, Jan. 18, 1943, after a
Shaffer-2; Tom E. Smith-2;
Sam Finto-2;
long iliness of t h e past two years, being confined
Ervin Waters-2 ; Mrs. E. W. Bever-2 ; James R. to her bed since last Nov. 29.
Stewart-2 ; ME. Ethel Johnson-2 ; J. T. Broseh
'Funeral services were conducted by t h e writel-';
Mrs- John Rogers-l;
J. w. Stermel--l;
beside the grave of her husband, who preceded
s-E. Weldon-1 ; E. H. Miller-1 ; Ferd Roberson her in death, N ~ 29,~ 1938.
-1; Henry Jones-1;
Paul Nichols-1; Barney
to mOurn her. passing,
H- Re>rgolds-l ; Edgar claywellt,vo
Scarborough, theyBuffington-l
J. H. Lackey-1 ; Dora eline, wyo., and Mrs. T. M.. Turner,
Abilene, TexBarker-1; H. C. Welch-1 ; M ~ s Zella
Mullin-1 ;
as ; three sons, -T. F., of Abilene, James R., of
- Mrs. Pansy Turner-1 ; Total-100.
Temble, and Joe, of Orange; eleven grand chilclren, and many other relatives and friends.
-George Masser.
X i n d e r l S i s t e r Rhoda Ellen Kinder, of Spring
Beesley. - Sister Rachel Elizabeth (Grain)
Hill, died February 9, 1943, being 59 years of age.
She was considered a faithful member of the Beesley, Vanzant, Bfo., born Jan. 8,1860; departed
Church of Christ, Spring Hill, W. Va. Thjs be,ng this life Feb. 13, 1943, being a little over 83 years
true, she may rest from hcr labors, with the of age. In 1877 she was united ia matrimony to
blessed assurance t h a t her works will follow, and W. R. Beesley, who preceded her in death in 1933.
- -
P r i n t e d by Laycook P r i n t i n g Co., Jackson, Tenn.
R. Stewart.
6. H. Niller, 1003 T r u i t t Ave., LaGrange, Ga., Jan. %.-The
chuich here is doing nicely, and we are looking folward t o a
successful year in planting the precious seed of the kingdom
into many hearts, and praying t h a t i t will bring forth f r u i t
to perfection in due season. The church here as ZI whole
secnis satisfied with t h e use of one cup. May we all strive
carnestly f o r t h e unity of t h e faith.
S. E. VJeldon, 1461 Edwin, Beaumont, Texas,
health i s very bad d u e t o rheumatism. 1' wish
noble young preachers ,voull{locatehere, as 1
we have po loyal church in this part. Pray f o r
r u ~ ; y R i , ~ ; ; ~ ' u ~ ~ f : : ; :h
.Jan. 30.-3fY
Some of Our
shut-in, and
6th St. B r o t h e r Ervin Waters i s to begin
scrips of llleet!n@
liere March 5th. All a r e invited t o attend.
was with
t h e Fairview
Rte. 3, Box
144,a tBiookhaven.
Marion, La., Miss.,
l a s t WeekFeb.
end. preaching f o u r sermons. I enjoyed t h e visit very much.
The brethren there a r e resolved t o p u t u p a Stronger fight
dld enjoy Bro. King's Visit here.
f a r t h e truth. \ve
~okla.,l Feb.
Lee R, Williams, 234 W. chcrokee, ~
home, b u t We
church here meets for worship in
are looking for another location. I have been going t o ?owen,
here Bra. Mustard preached a week, every Lord's dap afteron these t n p s , whlch
noon. Bra. Gray and ,,.ife
Rte'of brethren,
Mo'l Jan'
have aat
f?:thfnl little
Crcsshollows. We have n o t missed a Lord's day since Marell
3841. We failed to g e t anyone to hold o u r meeting i n 1?4%
e w e~ a r e ~t i u s t i n~g we~ shallN be able
to~ arrange
f o~r BrO.
writers to hold our meeting this year. We have 13 members.
Bra. Verlin Elliott and wife meet with U S nOxVv,
he where
is a good
is a member.
We are sending t h e OPA to every
J. W. Bowwer. 240 S. Corral1 Ave., Stockton. Calif., .Tan.
Lord w;lllng Brethren Barney Welch and Paul Nichols will be w<th us Jan. 30 and 31, a t Stockton, s. Cax'roll
Ave. and Washington St. All loyal brethren a r e invited t o
atte,,ll each Lord's day a t 10:30 a. 111. We ask the prayers of
to, t h e end t h a t we remain in unity and
~ faithful
t h a t there be no s t r i f e Or division among us.
all t h e faithful brethren everywhere, and
th-ir p a r t and work in t h e "One body." that
un;t? and co-operation of a l l the parts.
2 great, great grandchildren, and many other rela-
"Dearest Mother, thou has left us, and our loss
we deeply feel,
But 'tis God Who has bereft us, H e will all our
P. C. Edwards, Marion, La. ;
sorrows heal ."
1866; departed this life Jan. 29, 1943, being
Brother C. H. Lee and 1 were called to conduct
Over 76 years of age, after an illness Of high blood
the funeral of Sister Beesley. Brother Lee con-
C. Welch.
~d~~~ claywell,
587 w.4th St., Pomona, Calif., Feb. 8-.
14, Barney
next Lord,s
is t night,
o beginthe
a series
Lord willing.
of meetings
All here
xay Nichols, 849 wilcox Ave.. Hollywood. C a l i f , Feb. 10.Since t h e l a s t time reported I h P V C had the dendid
cordial,y invited to attend and cooperate. The congregation
here is doing nicely. W e a s k t h e prayers of 811 t h e f a i t h f u l
brethren i n behalf of u s and t h e Cause here.
t'lnity congrecation.
of h r a r i n c Bra.
H e Barney
i s a good man preach
and I again.
holieve atmuch
Nill be a c c o p , n l i s h ~ ~tlh r o u e h his efforts i n California. On
Lord's D~~ night, Jan. 24, I preached a t Pomona. Thev a r e
I preached a t Montebello, Calif., Jan. 31.
R. L, Baker, canlei-011, Texas, Feb. 12.-Brother
stewart was with US over l a s t Lord's day. and we
did enjoy his good lessons. M~ son, ~
~ was~ s e ndt t o ,t h e
c. p. s. Camp, Magnolia, Ark., J ~ 25.~ ,H~ writes t h a t h e
J. E. Jones, S a n k Fe Hospita*l
The church here i s doing very we11, i t
Texas* Feb. 13'and interest is
--‘‘I received the OPA, and I think the Jan. issue
t h e best out yet. I like to keep in touch with t h e
loyal brethren.”-Travis
Cogburn, C. P. S.,Va.
t i c k in t h e OPA.
----“I have certainly missed the OPA since I have
been out here.” -Robert Falvey, Calif.
‘‘Here are two new subs. for the OPA. No one
Ethel Johnson, ,Ark.
gets it here but us.”-Mrs.
“I am sending a sub. for the OPA. I am wishing you success in your noble fight for the truth.
We still think and talk of t h e good preaching you
did while here.” -Carlos -B. Smith, Miss.
“I don’t want to miss a single issue of your little paper, the OPA. It is almost like hearing a
good loyal gospel sernon each nip;nth. Will try
to send more subs, next month. -Mrs. Dora
Barker, Ark.
“I do not want to miss a n issue of the OPA, a s
we all enjoy reading it very much.” -Sam Finto,
“Where is T h y Church,
0, Savior, where?”
I heard t h e cry,
and then I heard:
“We enjoy t h e paper so much, t h a t we regret
May the Lord bless you 101‘
years LO come.” -D. A. lvioore, Ala.
to niiss an issue.
Corbell, Texas.
“I am enjoying the reading of the OPA. I wish
it could become a weekly. 1 am wishing you best
or success.” -Pete Howard, Missouri.
“I will keep trying for the OP’A., as I wish t h a t
I could put i t in every home in America. Let US
press the fight.” -Clarence Snodgrass, Texas.
“Here is my renewal to the OPA, as I do not
want to be without it.” -Alfred Walker, Miss.
“Find my renewal, also a dollar t o use as you
see fit. Thanking you and wishing you success
“We enjoy the paper very much, and we hope it .in t h e spreading of the gospel.”-B.
F. Chastain,
will continue.” -Edgar Claywell, Calif.
“We certainly did enjoy the Jan. issue of t h e
OPA, and we miss it much, when we fall to get it.”
-J. T. Broseh, Texas.
turn my face to
“Thanks for the extra copies of t h e OPA. We
have given them all out. Possibly, I can get several subscriptions now.” -The Byfords, Texas.
“I am wishing you and family the best of
health. I have confidence in you as one of our
best teachers, also as a good man. I a m wishing
a successful year.”-Nimrod
Case, Miss.
“Here is our sub. to the OPA. We always enjoy
netting it and reading it.” -Mrs. Alfred Welch,
W. Va.
“We are sending the OPA to every home where
“We enjoy reading t h e paper so much, and we
there is a member here. Here is money for 11 certainly do miss it, when it fails to come.” James Winchester, Calif.
subs.” -C. H. Elliott, Missouri.
“We just do not want to miss a n issue of t h e
OPA. May God bless you and yours during the
new year.” -G. H. Horton, Oregon.
“Here is my renewal to the OPA. We need
“I don’t want to miss a n issue of the‘OPA, for
good reading in these trying times, based on
I certainly do enjoy reading it:’’
-Mrs. R. T. facts from
the GoodBook.”-Mrs. C. A. Allen, Pa.
Mathews, Calif.
“I have been receiving the OPA for about four
“We are sending our renewal to the OPA. The
and I am very thankful for it.” -Lewis
whole church sends best regards, trusting the’ months,
Ccgburn, C. P. S. Camp, Ark.
Heavenly Father to send you back to us in the
“Here are two subs. to 1,he OPA. Best wishes
near future.” -Mrs. Laura (Kennedy) Furgerson
to you and yours.” -D. E. Stone, Calif.
and Family, Tenn.
tiful pictures, surely Jesus of Nazareth is the
Master of them all.
that we paint as the artist of our own lives clePends UP011 US and the Model 01’ Models that we
use. For instance if we choose to associate with
the evil and wicked people, we naturally have then?
as our models and are aFt lo. become more and
more like them as we continue our association together. I n such cases the Devil is our model, and
the picture of life will be poor indeed and terrible
to look upon. It TvoLlld not be fit t o be hung- in
any home 01- public place. On the other halid if
we permit Jesus t o llose as our model, we can
paint a picture that $!\rill bear the approval of God
and be fit t o be hung in the great Eternal halls
of t h a t Heavenly City.
‘.‘We have enjoyed reading the OPA very much,
and T am sending two subs.” -Mrs. Oliver Shaffer, Oklahoma.
“I a m sending three subs. I am always glad
when t h e OPA arrives. for I enjoy it so much.”Mrs. L. L. Ladd, New Mex.
“Please, renew our sub. to the.OPA, and many
thanks for sending it on. We should have renewed two months ago. If you are. ever passing
.this way, be sure t o stop over with us.’’ Mr. and
Mrs. John Rogers, Oklahoma.
It has been said: “Sow a thought, reap an ac-
are going to
either for the
good or bad. we should therefoye l~isely select
the paint we us&-our thoughts. “Whatsoever
things are lovely, pure etc.,
on these things,,
(Phil. 4:s). Let’s erase our worrying, etc.
In using Jesus a’s O W model. let U S notice the
things which appear in the pictur? of his life.
Let us remember that the EIBLE is the canvas
which contains the picture. Jesus was obedicnt.
In Heb. 5:S, the writer says: “Though he were a
son, Yet learned he obedience by the things which
he suffered.” NOW if 1 use Christ as my model, f
reproduce his life in mine, and am therefore obe-
APRIL 1, 1943
APRIL 1, 19-12
sion and prayer.
May God help u s all in the painting of the pict u r e s of LIFE.
. (Matt. 5:13-16)
“You are the salt of the earth; but if the salt
have lost its savor, wherewith shall it be salted?
It is thenceforth good for nothing, but to be cast
out and trodden under foot of man” (Matt. 5 :13).
Salt has been used from time immemorial as an
agent in the preservation of meats. The multitudes which heard Jesus were familiar. with its
use in curing fish. “The pickled fish of Galilee
were known throughout the Roma
Smith) .- It is worthy of note t h a t
estine gathered from the marshes is‘ not pure.
Because of foreign substances,,jn it, it loses its
saver and becomes insipid and useless, when exposed to the sun and air, or when permitted for
any considerable time to come in contact with the
ground; but pure salt does not lose its savor. The
verse teaches us t h a t God’s people keep the world
from putrefaction and corruption. There was
not salt enough in
antediluvian world to save
it from the flood.
odom to save i t from fire,
nor in Canaan to preserve its people from dedoes experience,
struction. It also teaches-as
t h a t a disciple may lose those qualities which
made him salt.
Verse 14: “Ye are the light of the world. A
city set on a hill - - - - - cannot be hidden.” As
light dispels darkness and enables a man to see
his way, so the Christian, by his teachings and
example, removes ignorance and prejudice, and
discloses the way of life. The Church, reflecting
the light of Christ, is of necessity a conspicuous
body, so t h a t neither its blemishes nor its beauty
can be concealed. For air and for protection.cities
were frequently built upon hills. Jerusalem and
Samaria were both hill cities.
Verses 15 and 16: “Neither do men light a
lamp, and put i t under a bushel, but on a stand;
and it shineth unto all that are in the house.
Even so let your light shine before m r n : that
they may see your good works, and Zlorify your
Father who is in heaven.” The liqht of a Chr;stian is to shine not ostentatiously but naturally
and unavoidably. It is to shine not only in his
teaching or profession. but in such works and
actions as unprejudiced men must acknowledge
to be real excellencies. Moreover, i t must SO
shine t h a t it shall not win praise for itself, but
for him who kindled it. Men do not praise the
street lamps which protect them from robbery
and assault, but they praise t h e municipal administration which furnishes the lamps.
-Selected by Clarence C. Kessinger.
“Be ye followers of me, even as I also am of
Christ” ( 1 Cor. 11:I).
“Walk so as you have us for an example” (Phil.
‘‘Leavi1.g us an example that ye should follow
his steps” ( 1 Pet. 2 :21).
“There is therefore now no condemnation t o
them which are in Christ Jesus who walk not after the flesh but after the spirit” (Rom. 8 :I).
“Your body is the temple of the Holy Ghost”
(1 Cor. 6:19).
‘‘11 ally man defile the temple of God, him shall
God destroy” (1 Cor. 3.17).
“Glorily Gsd in your body, and in your spirit,
which are God’s” (1 Car. 6:20).
“Let us cleanse ourselves from all filthiness of
the flesh and spirit” (2 Cor. 7 : l ) .
“But I keep under my body, and bring it under
subjection” (1 Cor. 9 :27).
‘*I€ye live a€ter the flesh, ye shall die” (Rom.
8 :13).
“Be not conformed to this world” (Rom. 12:2).
‘‘Keep himself unspotted from the world”
(James 1:27).
“They that are Christ’s have crucified the flesh
with the affections and lusts” (Gal. 5 :17-26).
“Ncither filthiness, nor foolish talking, nor
jesting (joking)” (Eph. 5 :4).
“Ye are my friends, if ye d3 whatsoever I
command you” (Jno. 15 :14).
“Blessed are they t h a t do his commandments”
(Rev. 22 :14).
Since me must be followers of Paul and Christ,
we should heed the scri3turcs mentioned abov?.
Don’t go where they would not go. Don’t say
what they would not say. Don’t drink what they
would not drink. Don’t chew what they would
not chew. Dcn’t s n o k e what they would nct
smoke. Con’t din what thcy would not dip.
“Think cn these thinzs” (Phil. 4:s).
-A. A. Patterson.
Ralph E. Mustarcl
C z t h r c n , are we seeking for an infallibly sa€c
way? We have found it, and now the question
ar-scs, Will YOU FOLLOW I T ? Some say that
i t r ~ 2 yb? right or i t may be wrong to wear MAN
MADE NAMES, but the Bible teaches u s in Acts
4:12 that, “there is none other name under heaven
given among men. whereby we must be saved.”
So, we will all have t o admit t h a t t h e name, Christ.
is the right name for the Church. Let us lay
aside all man made names and use only t h a t which
can be found in the Bible. It may be right or it
may be wrong to make and use human creed, but
we will all admit t h a t the cnly safe way is to take
the Bible as our only RULE of FAITH and Fractice. Sprinkling may be right (for arguments
sake) o r i t may be wrong. All admit immersion
t o be the sure and valid way, so why not leave off
the man-made way and take the way which Christ
delivered? It is the only SAFE and SURE way.
If any one knows of a better way I would like t o
know. If you are in doubt as to your baptism you
can surelv remove t h a t doubt bv being immersed.
(Acts 2:3S; Acts 8:37-36). Man makes the divisions, not Christ. Remember, friends and brethren, the divisions of Christendom a r e wrong.
John 17:Zl and 1 Cor. 1 : l O will prove it.
It is the duty of every Christian to live and
work for a reunion of all Christians as was taught
by the Apostles. It pleases Satan to the utmost
to see God’s forces divided. “United we stand.
divided we fall.” Psa. 133:1, “Behold how good
and how pleasant i t is for brethren to dwell togetlier in unity.”
Will you do your part in striving to restore the
New Testament Church, in name, in ordinance,
and in life? We may do, this by IZEFUsING to
preacn any otrler gospel than Christ, by refusing
to wear any other name than Christ, by refusing
to take any other creed than that given by Christ,
and by retusing to take any other rule of faith and
practice other than the Bible. To restore the
New Testament Church will mean that all unholy
practices and divisions will be rooted out and
done away. It will OBLITERATE all arbitrary
and needless distinctions that separate our common humanity. It will give a new IMPETUS to
missionary efforts. It will also enable us to use
our, forces in a good, profitable work, rather than
an injurious work. It will help u s to take a firm
stand against all evil. It will bring forth a more
delicate conscience concerning our relation to
Christ and t h e Church. And above all i t will hasten the glad day for which Christ prayed, and for
which all faithful Christians are looking Brethren, may we all unite our forces and work to
this end.
I have ieceived the following contributions for
the expenses of the loyal boys in the C. 1’. S.
Camps :
Church of Christ, Lock by Bro. James Winchester-$25.00 ; A brother, Siskiyou St. Church, Los
kngeles-$10.00 ; Church, Hood River, Oregon,
by G. H. Horton-$20.00; A sister, Siskiyou St.
From Ramona (No name) $2.00 ; Sister Kate York, Bowie, Tesas-$2.00 ;
Sister Mildren Osburn, Siskiyou St. Church, $2.00; Sister Nichols, Siskiyou St. Church $10.00 ; Church, Greenfield - $20.00 ; Total $101.00.
Now, I hear t h a t some are wondering if our
boys will actually get credit for the money we
send to t h e head of these camps. Indeed, they
will. These people are honest in what they are
doing, it seems. They know our bays by namewho they are, and where they are. They are sending me information, as to. whom they give the
credit for our donations, etc.
Let us remember t h a t these people have teken
care of our boys for many months, without demanding any money from them or their parents;
nor have they complained to the church. I believe it will be a fine thing if we can show our
appreciation to these people by supporting our
“vn boys, a t least. If the donations from us
could be enough to support the faithful few, it
would remove any stigma, which might be placed
upon t h e Church of Christ from now on, upon the
grounds that we would not “provide for our own.”
Where would our boys be now, if it were not for
these camps?
-Carl N. Nichols, 849 Wilcox Ave.,
Hollywood, Calif.
Note: I have letters from all (three) camps,
acknowledging receipt of donations sent by me as
follows: Santa Barbara, Calif., by Batsell Moore,
for three boys--$21.75; Lyndhurst, Va., by
- -
C W u r n , for three boys - $21.75; Magnolia,
Ark., by Lewis Cogburn, for two boys-’$14.50
(since znac report, anotiter, Leonard Hendrickson,
1 . h ~been inducted a t Magnolia). For the personal
n C d s OL the boys, 1 have received from Church,
,b‘erryville, Ark., by Bra. W. J. Clayton-$12.00,
with the promise of monthly contributions from
them ; Sister Clauda Humble, Ballinger, Texas$1.50.
L. King.
Bro. Falkner seems to think I have “messed it
up” by saying that back in early years when, and
where, they had few houses that they “met from
house to house tor break bread.” And that was
similar to taking the Passover. Then, God commanded that if, and when, a family was too small
to eat the lamb, they would join with other families. .But, I suppose these brethren. did not know
tkiat. NOWwiil Brother’ Falkner, Bro. Case, or
some other objector, tell a long waiting public and,
especially, ignorant ME, how 5,000 men, besides
perhaps, 2,000 women, to,ok the supper, and see
if they can make I t any better.
Brethren, I have made i t a rule not to criticize
one, without being able to give him something
better. Is that not fair? Nd<v I insist that Bro.
F. tell in the very next issue. for I have been waiting for 60 years for that very thing. Then, suppcse he turns to, and reads, Rom. 16:3-5; then
tell us that they did not take the Supper a t Aqullla’s house.
Note here: In his third paragraph, that he
says: “our houses are the places to take our regular meals, and NOT for the purpose of taking the
communion.” He should have said “My house.”
I have taken the Supper in private houses, in old
cabins, out in the open, on lumber piles, and sawmill seats, and anywhere a little bunch of Christians could get together. And, those were the happiest times of my life.
0, but the boys are excusable. I’m really glad
this came up. It gives me a chance as one has.
said: “To explore my splatterments.”
Come again. Brother Falkner; always glad t o
see you.
-E. A. Lowry.
Bro. Will H. Ferguson and Sister Laura Kennedy were united in the bonds of matrimony, Jan.
18, a t the home of Bro. Ferd Roberson, Lawrence-J. B. Lasater, Jr.
burg, Tennessee.
Fenn.-sister Winnie Fenn, of Portales, N. M.,
1;assed away Feb. 9, 1943, being 46 years of age.
‘Shewas baptized at the age of 14 years by her father, John Thomas Phillips, who died last May.
She was the mother of 7 children, 5 of whom are
still living. All of the living children, except the
youngest who is only 9 years old, are Christfzns.
She was a hard working woman and a faithful
Christian. Bro. Jack Bledsoe, of Abilene, Texas,
spoke words of comfort a t her funeral.
-Lila Phillips.
Entered as second-class matter March 24, 1932, a t the pastoffice a t Lebanon, Missouri, under the Act of March 3, 1S79.
8. E. ROBERTSON, Assistant.
__________________ $1.00
___________________ $5.W
Printed bv Laveook‘Printinz Go.. Jackson. Tenn.
‘‘On June ’29th, I closed about one month of
H. R.) with this
work (Destructive woi-k-W.
little church, and with the help of Brother M. E.
Busby of Thomaston, Ga., seven were persuaded
to confess their sons, and one was baptized.” Who
were their “sons,” Brother Abercrombie? I’m
sure t h a t this was a slip of the pen or a mistake
of yours, but you should be careful how you
criticize others. I very often make such mistakes
myself, and would not mention it if you had not
threatened to expose my English, when we go into debate.
“All of this contentioil seems t o have arisen
when one of our “smart” (?) preachers found
t h a t Mr. Thayer in defining t h e Greek word “poterion” to mean literally a drinkinq vessel-nis
conclusion was, “The cup is a solid, t h e Lord‘s
c y ~ ”Who was that %mart ( ?) preacher” ? Why
did you not name him? When did that “smart ( ?)
preacher” say “The cup is a solid, the Lord’s
cup”? Did you hear him say it? Mr. Thayer gave
us what the word literally means when it stands
alone.” Wonderful information ! “when it stands
alone.” Should you hand me a j u g filled with
water and say, drink of it, and then if I should
tell my friend that you handed me a jug and ask
me to drink of it, would you conclude t h a t I did
not mean that it was a literal j u g ? Or if I should
say that I mean a literal jug, that I meant t h a t
i t “stands alone”? Such nonsense! ! Mr. Thayer’s
first definition of the word. “poterion” is. “a cup,
a drinking vessel”; and under prop: “Matt. 26-27)
23:25; Mk. 7:4, 8 ; 1 4 2 3 Luk. 11:39; 22:17, 20;
1 Cor. 11:25; Rev. 17:4; 1 Cor. 11:28; 1 Cor. 10:
16: with a gen. of the thing with which t h e cup
is filled.’’ No “stand alone” to it. So, Cecil Abercrombie stands face to face with Mi-. Thayer, denying the definitions as given by Thayer, of the
word “poterion.” No one that I know says that the
word “poterion” means “only and always a drinking vessel.” However, i t does mean “a cup, a
drinking vessel” in Matt. 26:27, if Thayer is a reliable witness. Here is where the great Abercrombie might give me some information. Is
Thayer a reliable witness?
Brother Abercrombie says t h a t : “Thayer does
not believe as our literal cup brethren.” Well, does
he believe as our literal fruit of the vine brethren?
Does he believe as you do on baptism? Does he?
ilk. Thayer does not give his theology in his
APRIL 1, 1043
Lexicon, but gives his definitions, as a scholar.
I shall not mention all the references given by
him, but when he comes to Rev. 17:4, he crosses
Mr. Thayer. Thayer gives Rev. 17:4 under prop.
Hence, Abercrombie against Thayer.
He says: “He who cannot see t h a t the cup of
the Lord is the fruit of the vine is in need OP t h e
divine eye salve.” Well, let Dr. Abercrombie apply the salve, (bring the evidence). He has not
“Thayer believes wc drink the cup, not “lick or
suck of it.” (Who does believe we should “lick
or suck of it“ W. H. R.?) “On page 533 he says,
‘By metonomy, of the container for the contained,
the cpntents of the cup, WHAT IS OFFERED TO
BE DRUNK.” Yes, the container, Brother, the
cup, but you try (in vain) to dispense with t h e
container. What was the “contained” in Matt.
26, 27? What was the “containel-”? Was t h e
container named? If so, what was i t called? Yes,
may I ask, the “contents” of what?
“If I should say, “That is the church of Christ,”
pointing toward the building where the disciples
meet, would you understand t h a t Christ died for
that building, when I should say, “Christ died for
his church?” No, no, Brother, but I would think
that you were awfully ignorant or t h a t you fibbzd,
That is the way the denominations
talk. But your answer to your own question is.
“NO, you would not. I would be using t h e figure
of speech, known as metonomy.”, Is t h a t so? In
t h a t case you pointed a t a material (solid) building. And what did you call i t ? The “church of
Christ,” Is t h a t Metonomy? I say NO, and demand the proof. When you point t o t h a t building,
should y m say: “That is the “House of God,” if,
of course, the church is there, then i t would be a
metonomy. What is a Metonomy? “Metonomy is
a figure of speech in which an object is presented
to the mind, not by naming it, but by naming
something else t h a t readily suggests it.” (William
Williams. B.A., Page 220) On the same page, under “KINDS O F METONOMY,” he says:
“3. Container and thing contained; as “Tne
kettle (water) boils’.’’
Remember, i t takes both the kettle and the water, not by naming the water, but by naming t h e
kettle to suggest it, (the water). Your illustraticn could be a figure of speech called a “metaphor.” but not “metonomy.”
If there were no kettle, we could not use the
figure, “metonomy” and say,” the kettle boils.”
So i t is with the fruit of the vine, if there is no
cup present that contains t h e fruit of the vine,
we could not call it (the fruit of the vine) a “cup”
by the figure of speech caller1 “metonomy.” The
word “cup” is used sometimes in t h e Bible by a
figure known as a “metaphor.)’ For example,
Matt. 26:30. But, if Thayer and other scholars
are reliable witnesses, the word “cup” in Ch. 26:
27 is neither a “metaphor” nor a “metonomy,”
but is used in a prop. sense..
In his last paragraph
uld say, in answer, to
take your own medicic
will do YOU good and
save your soul. Here is the correction for which
you ask.
-W. H. Reynolds.
though few in number. Here is a good saying:
“Any pleasure which takes and keeps the heart
from God is sinful and: unless forsaken, will be
fatal to the soul.”
W. H. Jones, Rte. 1, Alta Vista, Kansas, Feb.
a r e still meeting each Lord‘s day and
are carrying on the worship of the Lord. We are
few in number, but, when we read the OPA, it
makes us feel t h a t we are a part of a larger number. May all the brethren stand fast in the faith.
W. I. Blanton, 2934 Redwood, Stockton, Calif.,
March 12.-I certainly do enjoy reading the good
articles and reports from the fields in the OPA.
I am glad to hear about the different states putting preachers in the field, and I hope more
churches will co-operate in the mission work.
Grover White, Long Bottom, Ohio, March 13.I ‘ a m at home now, after having been a t Canton,
Ohio, since last November, working in a factory.
I plan to, f a r m some this year. I a x not preaching so mcch now, but I am keeping u p with my
studies. I a m glad to know that Bro. Gay is improving.
Raymond Bray, 24171h N. W. 16th St., Oklahoma City, Okla., March 9.-We had Bro. Ralph
Mustard with u s during the most of February. A
mission meeting was held a t Choctaw, without
visible results. Bro. Mustard pTeached a few
nights i n the City, giving some good edification.
Ero. Tom E. Smith preached for us March 7. Bro.
Elhert Phillips, of Council Hill. is living here now.
He and his wife are fine Christians and much help.
Batsell Moore, Camp Los Prietos, Santa Barbara, Calif., March 17.-I had another fine week
end a t Los Angeles. I spent much time with Bro.
Barney Welch. He was beginning a meeting a t
Siskiyou St. We had good crowds a t all of the
services. Several of us talked on the lesson Sunday morning and Brother Barney preached a fine
sermon a t the night service. The congregation
had new song books for the singing.
Travis Cogburn, C. P. S. 29, Lyndhurst, Virginia, March 7.-We boys realize it would be harder to remain in camp, if it were not for our brethren behind us encouraglng us. I speak for the
three of us here in expressing our thanks to the
brethren for the money donated to us. We are
still striving to do our best here in keeping with
God’s word. I hope that Bro. H. C. Welch will
come over some week end and preach for us.
Ira Baker, Csmeron, Texas, March 13.--BrOther Stewart meached for us over Lord’s day in
Febru-ary, and we enjoyed his visit very much.
We a r e looking forward to oui- meeting in July,
Clovis T. Cook, Rt. 2, Lebanon, Missouri, March
with Bra. Buffington doing the preaching. VJe 24.-I began a singing school with the Ottumwa.
1, continuing
one someweek.
are also looking forward to hearing Bro. King in IIowa,
March very
the school
much and for
? mission meeting in Cameron this fall.
est, attendance, and results. The seats were all
full last night, and we are making arrangements
more. We arc edikying the brethren, and “the
p o x have the gospel preached unto them.” This
1s a great worli, and comes as the result of liberal,
faithful churches cooperating in spreading the
gospei. Brethren, let no one discourage you to
give, by saying the work is “unscriptural.”.. If
the brethren had not adopted this plan, perhaps,
I would have been still in t h e “corn-field,” and
this work undone. We are establishing a fine
congregation in Ardmore. Let us all pull together
in the great work.
st mission meet
this entire year.
preached for us.
preached. March
d a t the moriling
d a t the evening
with u s several
days and will preach part of the time. He plans
to visit t h e Claxton congregation next Lord’s Day.
Let us press toward t h e mark!
M. Z. Buffington, Rte. 3, Box 61, Floresville,
Texas, March 16.-I preached last Lord’s day at
Faiwiew, Texas ; the brethren there, though few
in number, are not shunning to “declare the
WHOLE counsel of God.” I intend to visit the
Congregation a t Lubbock, Texas. the first of April,
the Lord willing. I have several meetings to
hold this year ; my first will be about the 28th of
May. Note my change of address.
James R. Stewart, Temple, Texas, March 15.The faithful brethren in Abilene, Texas, are meeting in a private home for worship. The house in
which they were meeting was sold. One of the
brethren is giving a lot, and they plan to build
soon. But they will need financial help, and any
help will be appreciated vei’y much. They worship the Bible way. %r,Z all donations’to Tom
Turner, 750 Willow St., Abilene, Texas.
Chas. D. Palmer, Kinston, Alabama, March 19.
-1 have been so busy t h e past few months t h a t
I have not had time t o report to the OPA., but I
am now situated so that I can do more preaching,
hence I shall report more often. During t‘ne wint e r months, I have been preaching alternately
on t h e subject of “Love.” I was at. Black. Ala..
Feb. 19, 20, being my third visit in t h a t part, a n d
I meached once a t Esto. Fla. I am the first gospel preacher to preach in t h a t part. . The Deode
seem more interested, inviting me back. I plan
t o visit them again this week-end.
Fred Kirbo. Davis. Oklahoma, March 22.-The
mission meeting in Ardmore is growing in inter-
T.’ F. Thomasson, Trechado, New Mex., March
1.-I do not have much to report, as I have not
done any preaching the last few months, except
teaching the lessons on Lord‘s days in t h e worship. I am enjoying t h e quiet of my mountain
cabin, in Western New Mex. This is a ranch
country, thinly settled, and since some have been
allured by high wages to leave, we have but few
left, but we carry on every Lord’s day. I hope to
get out to do more preaching, when the weather
mill permit, as we have lots of snow in this part.
J. W. Allsup, Richland, Mo., -March 17.-Although a reader of the OPA for sometime this
is my first report. We have been meeting for
worship in Sister Lacey’s home, since in December. She donated us a lot for a church building,
and the building is under construction. It is to be
sand-stone construction, and is about one-third
completed, expenses paid to date. Era. S. J. Gay
is setting the stone. He made an appeal for help
in the OPA, recently. We do not wish to beg, but
any donations will be appreciated and acknowledged through the OPA. Rte. 1, Box 93.
G. A. Canfield (colored), Rte. 1, Marion, La.,
Feb. 27.-I
plan every year, t h a t with t h e help
of God and the good white brethren, I will do more
for the cause of Christ than ever before, for the
wcrld is in a critical condition. All the world
may iurn away from the faith, but I will never
do so. (Under date of March 17, the following) :
I want to thank all for t h e donations to the colored brethren in Brookhaven, Miss., to help them
build a place 3f worship, in response to the appeals by Bro. Carlos Smith and me a few months
past. Bro. Alfred Walker wrote me they plan t o
s t a r t the building soon. One confessed faults here
ias t Lord’s day.
Geo. Bowman, 1579 So. Garey, Pomona, Calif.,
March 8.-Bro.
Barney Welch has been doing
some preaching for us. We believe he is a true
gospel preacher, and we all learned to love him
and his good wife. Last summer in August we
began meeting in my home, six Qf us. I n September, we rented a hall, and Bro. Waters held u s
a meeting, encouraging us so much t h a t we rented
t h e hall for a year, and now we have about 1 5 regu l x attendants. The brethren at Montebello and
Siskiyou St. have helped us much. Bro. Ray Nichol meets with us much, and he is a fine young
man and can make a good talk.
APRIL 1, 1943
J. B. SPl-adleY, 2819 May St., Fort Mrorth, Texas, March 15.-We have a t last beguii a system 01
mission work in Te:cas. Some had already begun
t o support Bra. Stewart in mission meetings, and
now Wichita Falls, the Carter Church, near Davidson, Okla., and possibly others, mean to see
ti-is work through. V5ie do not intend t c allow glcat I-,
anything to hinder this work in Texas. ~ r o Sie.
be hear1
wal-t’is to report to Bro. C. R. Fancher, 1304 N.
6th St., Wichita Falls, Texas, the contributions
h:! receives, also his expenses. Then Bro. Fancher will send him enough money to give him a
living wage for t h a t month. We want every
church in Texas to help in this g o d work, and you
may send your contributions to Ero. Faneher, as
he has been chosen to look after that part, and
he will make public, reports of money received and
paid out. I want to urge all to help in spreading
the gospel, t h a t we may put other men in the
field as soon as possible.
besn establishecl by cur beloved Bi-o. Ervin
James R. Stewart, 1102 So. 53 St., Temple, Tex- VaLcrs, it is iapidly developing into one of the ;
as. March 11.-The meeting a t Jones Hill was a wcrking congregations in this state, because ’the
siiccess. We had good attenctance by bnth saint ~ i ~ ~are> markin2
b ~ ~harmoniously
together. . On
:-nd sinner. Brethren attended from White Ilall,
T m p l e , and VJaco. We baptized one and the
church took on new life. I am to return for another effort in the summer. Feb. 28, I visited the
brethren a t Wichita Falls. Ero. Rowden. a young Rankin and family, near Taft. From Taft I went
gospel preacher, spoke Sunday morning. He is a t o Corcoran where I preached the night of Feb.
good preacher. I Dreachecl a t night. I visited the 27. I was a t Poplar for worship Feb. 28, where
hrethren in Fort Wortl9.. in the home o f Bro. J. B. T clelirered two cl ~courses.March 2, I mas with
Smadley, together with Bro. Ervin Waters and the congregation a t Sanger for one sermon, and
vife. I visited one n;yht in Bro. Waters’ meeting f he mxt night a t Fresno for one lesson. From
in Wichita Falls. Last Lord’s day, I visited bre- Fresno I went t o Stockton, where I preached
+hren a t Sentinel. Okla.. meeting fine brethren. March 5 . Finally, I arrived a t Marysville and
Mv next will be a t Austin. Texas, then t o Eagle started a meeting March 7. I sincei-ely enjoyed
Pass. Interest in mission work is gaining.
visiting these congregations, and thc wonderful
hospicality that was shown me. I appreciate it
Barney D. Welch, 186 So. 4th St. Montebsllo, v:iy much. Such hospitality is truly a charac‘Calif.-The meeting a t Pomona closed Feb. 28. !-;.istic of the Christian. The brethren here have
One fine man was restored to the told. March 2 , r1eri:led to l i e ~ ome for a t least two more weeks.
I visited in the home of Brother and Sister Britton Let us FIGHT ON!
Rubush a t Oceanside, meeting a number of the
Ralph E. Mustard, 234 W. Cherokee, McAlester,
brethren there. March 3-4, in San Diego, visiting
and making arrangements for a meeting. which Okla., March 21.-Since
my last report t o the
is t o begin t h e 23rd. Their new meeting place is gccd paper, I have been doing some good preachJO’h and C Streets. in the Y M‘ C A building. ing. Jan. 17,I closed a mission meeting at Gomen.
March 5, I bepan a meeting a t El Centro, a grow- Okla.. where we established a congregation of 10
ing congrepaticn. Three put on their Lord in nicnibers. I plan to assist them in another meetbaptism. We need morp such men 8s Bro. T. E. ing before returning to Calif., in August. The
W-right, and others. a t El Centro. The moet;ng n x t mission meeting was a t Choctaw, resulting
closed March 12, I l-etllrlled home the 13th, b2- in one restoration. The crowds were good the first
pinning a meetins with the Siskiyru St., Los An- week, but smaller the second week due to oppopeles, congregation. mhich is now in progress sition by the S. S. people. After this, I visited the
with fine attendance. These congregations and faithful a t Washington, preachillg one sermon.
others in this state realize that there is greater Feb. 24, I began a short meeting at Healdton, conwork to be done, higher goals to be reached. May tinuing for six nights. Feb. 28, I preached one
all true Christians possess that Same spirit. “Let sermon for the brethren in SLllphL1r, restoring 0%
a t the morning servi-es. At this writing, wife
us not sleep as do others” -(1 Thess. 5:6).
and I are in Lebanon, Mo., enjoying a visit with
__brethren in this Part. 1 mean to preach a few
H~~~~ A. G ~ Lebanon,
~ ,
MO., March 21.-Last
Lord’s day, I was with the brethren a t elaxton. ScrmoilS here before departing for Iowa. BreI enjoyed being with, and talking for. these good thren King and Kirbo are blessed with nice big
brethren. They are SOnlk of the Lprd’s finost. I baby boys in their homes. I will be free to
was with t h e brethren in Lebanon today.
- had
. . more meetings after the last of J ~ l y .
a good crowd and a good service. Bro. Kalph
Homer L. King, Lebanon. Missouri, March 22.Mustard is there and will preach for them tonight.
. -
have died without the knowledge of the t r u t h ? He
wills t h a t all be saved, but man has to do somethinrr
in order
to be saved.
--Universalism assumes that there are three
classes made alive, and these are: (1) Christ the
first fruit (in the past), (2) Those who are
Christ’s (at His presence), (3) The balance of
mankind (at the consummation). The scripture I am about to quote alone proves that universalism is wrong. Rev. 2123, “But the fearful, and
unbelieving, and the abominable, and murderers,
and whoremongers, and sorcerers; and idolaters,
and all liars, shall have their part in the lake
which burneth with fire and brimstone which is
the second death.” Some will be saved and some
will be destroyed.
What will become of those t h a t do not fear God,
or, I would rather put i t in this way, What will
become of those t h a t do fear God? Acts 10:35,
“But in every nation he t h a t feareth him, and
morketh righteousness is accepted of him.”
What will become of those t h a t do not call upolr
the name of the Lord? Rom. 10:13, “For whosoever shall call upon the name of’lhe Lord shall
bz saved.” Then what mill become of those t h a t
do not call upon the name of the Lord? If all will
be saved, why persuade men to do the will of the
Loid ? All will not be saved. and, if we believe all
of the Bible, we will know i t is senseless t o believe
in universalism. 2 Cor. 5 :Il, “Knowing therefore the terror of the Lord, we persuade men.”
What will become of them t h a t do not believe?
1 Cor. 1:21, “It pleased God by the foolishness of
preaching t o save them t h a t believe.” If preaching is to save them that believe, what will become
of them t h a t do not believe? For if we do not believe in God we will transgress his laws, and
therefore will be cast into t h a t lake which burns
with fire and brimstone.
What will become of those t h a t will not obey?
Heb. 5:9, “And being made perfect, he became the
author of eternal salvation unto all them that
obpy him.” The same fate t h a t is in store for
them t h a t do not believe is in store for thein that
do not obey, and t h a t is Hell.
If all men will be saved, why discriminate between the righteous and the wicked? Prov. 1 4 3 2 ,
“The wicked is driven away in his wickedness,
but the righteous hath hope in his death.” This
means those that are righteous have hope of everlasting life in heaven. But those t h a t are wicked
have no hope after death. I Pet. 4:18, “If the
righteous scarcely be saved; where shall the ungodly and the sinner appear?’’
If universalism were true, how should the Bible
read? “Blessed are the dead t h a t died out of the
Lord” (Rev. 14:13). “He t h a t believeth and is
baptized shall be saved, and he t h a t believeth not
shall be saved also” (Mark 16:16). How ridiculous t h a t is, and, if we take the whole Bible, we
will plainly see t h a t universalism is absurd. For
t h e close of this article I would like to leave this
scripture in your thoughts, Rev. 20:15, “And
whosoever was not found writte; in the book of
life was cast into the lake of fire.
Ask your friends to subscribe for the OPA.
MAY 1, 1943
. The following amounts are the contributions
.:€or the expenses of the loyal boys in the C. P. S.
Camps :
J. H. McKaig,’Siskiyou St. Church, $2.00
Sister Nichols, Siskiyou St. Church, $10.00
A brother, Siskiyou St: Church, $10.00
A sister, Siskiyou St. Church, $10.00
-Carl N. Nichols, 849 Wilcox A ,ve.,
Hollywood, Calif.
Note: I have received the following for the
personal needs of the C. P. S. loyal boys: $15.00
by the McMullen Family, Gatesville, Texas, with
these words: “Enclosed i s our little bit for the
boys in bonds, to be sent directly to them. We
want to send part of our contributions for this
worthy cause, for we are thankful for such faith.”
$10.00 by Geo. Rozzell for the Okla. City church;
$25.00 by C. R. Fancher for the 6th St. church,
Wichita Falls, Texas; $10.00 by G. P. Davis for
the Sand Grove church, neac Milaao, Texas;
$25.00 by Clyde Middick, Davidson,’ Okla., for the
Carter church ; $8.40 by E. J. Barnes, Green Forest, Ark., for the Clayton Home church; $28.00 by
Mrs. Nola Milner for the Hugh Milner Home
church, Middleton, Ohio ; Total $121.40.
We received $28.00 from Brother and Sist?r
Hugh Milner as a donation to the Missouri mi+
sion fund. This was a part of their contribu~l;ioas
saved froin the worship in their home, in Xidclktown, Ohio, during the past few months. I want
to commend them for their liberalit:! and clcrotion to the Lord and His cause, even thc1ljih isolated from the home church. The to$.a!. a m o u ~ t
sent by them for the two above causes x i s $56.90.
Nay the Lord bless snch f2.it.h z n : ~ze:~l. al?:l majr
we all be more liberal towxy:.l the 111t117y l*;iort’tijr
needs now before us is my humble desire.
-€Iomer L. King.
Brother E. F. Leonard, 1714 Jackson Ave.,
Huntington, W. Va., writes me t h a t they have
purchased a lot in Huntington, on which to build
a house for worship. They have been renting a
store building, which was not as desirable as they
wished. They now plan to build a more suitable
place this summer, bv.t they will not have sufficient funds t o do so. As I remember the congregation numbers around 30 members, general1j r
people of mo3erate means of the laboring class.
Brother B. F. Leonard, I believe, is looked t o ns
one of the main leaders. He impressed me a s being one of the best men I ever met, being patient,
hospitable, liberal in giving, kind and lovable. Furthermore, he is strictly loyal, being a very good
Eriend and supporter of the OPA and its teachings, also most of the rilembers read and appreciate the paper. Brethren Clovis Cook, Barney
Welch, myself and other loyal preachers have labored for them, and I a m certain they endorse
what I say in the behalf of this cause, and I believe these brethren are worthy of your assistance in a financial way, if you a r e able t o do so.
Brother Leonard wishes to acknowledge receipt
of the following donations on t h e building fund:
The church in Flemington, Pa., $35.00; Long
Bottom, Ohio, $25.00 ; Point Pleasant, Ohio,
MAY 1, 1943
$15.00 ; Commodore, Pa., $5.00 ; Elmer Lucas,
$4.00 ; Perry Collicoat, $1.00, Brother Leonard
wishes to thank all the brethren for the kind and
liberal donations received. Send. all donations t o
B. F. Leonard, 1714 Jackson Ave., Huntington,
I am t o begin a series of meetings with these
brethren May 9, to continue for two weeks. We
invite all in reach t o attend.
-Homer L. King.
- _-
also all the loyal preachers and the cause of
Christ.” -Dora Barker, Ark.
“I am enclosing a dollar for the OPA, We think
Bro. Cook is a fine man and we enjoyed his message very much. I trust this will find you in the
best of health.” -Mrs. Clint Jarrett, Missouri.
“Here is my renewal to the OPA. I certainly do
enjoy reading it.” -Earl Johnson, Oklahoma.
“I am sending our renewal, and I want to thank
you for sending it to us, f o r we don’t want to miss
an issue.” -Annie Hensley, Tenn.
“I am sending four subs. t o the OPA. The April
issue was real good.” -Chas. D. Palmer, Alabama.
“I a m sending our renewal to the OPA, and soon
“I am sending our renewal and four other subs.
I want to send some new subs. We certainly do en- We clo not want to miss an issue, as we enjoy
joy the paper, as it is the only connection we have reading it very much.”-A. J. Mason, Calif.
with the congregations, being away from them.”
“Bro. Waters’ article in the OPA was certainly
-Mrs. Nola Milner, Ohio.
fine. I am sending a new sub. on the strength of
“The paper is coming fine. The only impi-ove- it.” -A. D. McNiel, Texas.
ment t h a t I can see would be a little more of it. I
“We appreciate your work in the gospel, trustpray God’s blessings on you and yours and all the ing that some clay we may make the acquaintance
faithful.”--?’. F. Thomasson, New Mexico.
of you and your family. It would mean much t o
“Find one dollar for the OPA, and I thank you us if you would spare us a few words in your
for sending i t on to me. I want you to know that prayers. Grace be with them that live our Lord
I have not forgotten you.” -F. T. Harrison, Ala- Jesus Christ in sincerity.” -The McMullen Fambama.
ily, Texas.
“Here is a sub. for the OPA. We certainly do
enjoy getting the paper very much, and here is
our renewal. We are praying for the work everywhere.” -J. T. Broseh, Texas.
Henrietta Katherine Irvin, wife
“I recently sent in six new subs. and my renew- of the late Brother John E. Irvin of Flemington,
al. I wish the paper could be enlarged or come of- Pa., died February 19th. Bro. Irvin passed away
tener. I a m hoping that you may do much good last December and Sister Irvin, being sick a t that
for Christ.” -Mrs. R. R. Kramer, Pa.
time never did get any better. Sister Irvin was a
“Find my renewal enclosed I do not want t o wonderful Christian-always
ready t o obey the
miss a n issue. The OFA is a fine paper.”-Guy
Lord in all things. I think she and Bro. h v i n were
Mallory, Jr., West Virginia.
the most devoted couple t o each other that I ever
“Here is my renewal, as I do not want to miss saw. She had been a member of the Church of
an issue. It gets better all the time, and I certain- Christ for a number of years, ancl had worshiped
ly do enjoy the good articles in it, which teach with the Wright St. church in Flemington for 13
us to live right. May God bless in these trying years-always being faithful and zealous. She was
times.” -Mrs. Minnie Foster, Texas.
greatly loved by all who knew her. This closed t h e
“I certainly did enjoy the article by Bro. Bar- long and faithful race of Bro. and Sister Irvin.
ney Welch in the April issue. May God bless YOU But their works will long live to honor them f o r
in your noble fight for the right, and may you live their good deeds. Sister Irvin was 75 years old.
long to defend the cause.” -Carlos .B. Smith, The funeral was conducted by Bro. Rob. Cramer.
My heart felt sympathy goes out to the little
“I am enjoying the OPA, and I wish i t could congregation at Flemington, Pa., who will miss
come each week. I wish you best of success.’’ - her so much, and to the bereaved children, left
Pete Howard, Missouri.
behind t o mourn her passing. Through the tears
‘‘I still enjoy the paper very much, and I wish may we look to Him who alone can rob cleath of
it came oftener. I look forward to receiving i t each its horrors.
time.” -Wyvonee Perrin, Calif.
-Homer A. Gay.
“I am sending you three subs., and I want to
Green.-Brother J. 0. Green was killed in a car
send you more tomorrow. I am sorry I couldn’t
send more. I love you.” -Fred Kirbo, Oklahoma. accident and was buried a t Grafford, Texas, April
. “Please extend my time a year t o the OPA, as 8th. Bro. Green obeyed the gospel in early life. He
I find much of interest in the paper.” -Burley F. is survived by his wife and two small daughters.
his mother and one sister, Mrs. J. C. Jones of
Black, Iowa.
“I thank you for sending the paper t o me. I cer- Shreveport, La. The family wishes to express
tainly did enjoy the articles by Brethren Barney their appreciation for the kindness shown them
by the Velva St. Church of Christ,, in Shreveport.
Welch and E. A. Lowry.”-R. L. Baker, Texas.
May God’s richest .blessings rest upoil the be“I am sending two new subs. for the paper. I
cannot. express my appreciation of the paper, for reaved ones and upon all of the Lord’s faithful.
--J. C. Jones.
I never hear a loyal sermon, as there are not
enough loyal members to have a preacher here.
The OPA needs your support. You and your
How I need the prayers of the faithful. Bro. King,
I remember you and your work in my prayers, friends need the paper.
MAY 1, 1945
obey Christ; t h a t they be born of water; but too
often His emphasis upon the Spirit has been overlooked. The new convert must be wrapped in
prayer; immersed in the very spirit of Jesus
Entered as second.class m a t t e r March 24, 1932, a t the postChrist, live henceforth by the Spirit. What does
office a t Lebanon, Missouri, under t h e Act of March 3, 1879.
it mean to baptize men ‘into t h e name of Father, Son and Holy Spirit?’ It is not to immerse,
overwhelm men, to surround men with all t h a t
HOMER L. KING ______________________________Lebanon,
HOMER A. GAS _______________________________Lebanon,
Mo. the Loving Father. the Redeeming Son and the
Guiding Holy Spirit should mean and can mean
to them ? A superstitious attitude toward baptism
o uLebanon,
HOMER L. KING _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ R 2,
H. E. ROBERTSON, Assistant ____________‘_-Phillipsburg, Mo.
is too prevalent. People say, ‘I want to get baptized,’ as though an outward ceremony is the
goal of Christ for men. Apart from spiritual surSINGLE SUBSCRIPTION O X E S E A R __________________ $1.00
render we see no value in it.”
SINGLE SUBSCRIPTION SIX SEARS ________________-__ $5.00
-The W. F News.
Printed by Lagcook P r i n t i n g Co,
Reply : Yes, “apart from spiritual surrender, ”
haptism, Greek baptisme which means “immersion’’ (See Thayer, p. 94), is of no value, unless
J. B. Lassater, Jr.
It isn’t hard to realize why there is so much talk i t be t h a t of “the putting away of the filth of the
of war now since the whole world is in carnal com- flesh,” I Pet. 3:21. It takes a baptism, immerbat and being torn up thereby. Furthermore, the sion, preceded by faith in Christ a s t h e Son of the
homes of many are being disrupted and divided. living God, Acts 16:31; Rom. 10:9, 1 0 ; repenWar is confusion and tumult of which our Saviour tance, a change of mind and purpose with a view
is not the author. “God is not the author of con- t o a reformation of life, Luke 24:47; Acts 2:38;
L: confession, openly, of Christ as the Son of the
fusion, but of peace” (1 Cor. 14:33).
Romans 13 teaches us to obey “the higher pow- living God, Matt. 10:32; Rom. 10:9, 1 0 ; Acts
ers,” for “the powers t h a t be are ordained of S:37 ; and, on the part of t h e sinner, “in or upon
God.” Let us, in subjecting ourselves to the high- the name of Jesus Christ,” Acts 2:38, t h a t is,
er powers, begin with the very h‘ighest, obeying placing one’s hope and t r u s t in Christ, Thayer,
I t first and then the lesser powers. Jesus Christ p. 94; and “for the remission of sins,” Acts 2:38,
said, “All power is given unto me in heaven and t h a t is, “to obtain the forgiveness of sins,” Thayin earth” (Matt. 28:lS). Undoubteclly This is the el:, p. 94; and on the part of the baptizer, or immost supreme power Tvith whom mail comes in merser. where he obey the command, Matt. 28 :19,
“baptizing, immersing, them into the name of
He commands us to love t h e brotherhood (1Pet. the Father and of the Son and of the Eoly Ghost,
2 :l‘i; Heb. 13:1;I Thes. 4 9). Certainly we could SFiYit.” This is a Scriptural baptism.
And since, baptism, baplisma, is “immersion”
not fight our brethren in Christ while loving them.
Christians must love their enemies (Lk. 6:27 ; (Thayer, Standard Lexicon of the New Testa3:14; Rom. 12:18) ancl “do violence to no man” ment Greek, p. 94), I fail to see hm; one can be
(Lk. 3 :14) .) . The above scriptures will be clisobey- “Immersed But Not Baptized,” especiz!iy so since
it is a law of language t h a t the dcfinition of a
ecl if we war against our enemies.
The position of the Christian agkinst carnal word can be used in a passage instead of the
warfare and for peace is recorded in Rom. 12:lS- word defhed. And a s to “want to get baptized,”
21, “If it be possible, as much as lieth in you, live immersed, the eunuch evidently wanted to “get”
peaceably with all men. Dearly beloved, avenge this, Acts 8:36, and the penitent sinners on the
not yourselves. but rather give place nnto wi-ath; clay of Pentecost wanted to “get” this, Acts 2:38for it is written, Vengeance is mine; I mill reray, 42 ; and we find in all other cases they wanted to
saith the Lord.”
“get” this. And we do not fincl t h a t any alien sinA Christian cannot engage in carnal warfare, ner “got)’ saved, Mark 16:16, remission of sins
because, (1) He could not be assured of scriptural Acts 2:38 forgiven, Col. 2:12, 13, made free from
worship every Lord’s Day, (2) He could not love sin, Rom. 6:4, 17, 18, without it anymore than
his enemy or fellowman after taking a n oath to Naaman “got” free from leprosy, 2 Kings 5:14.
kill them, and (3) He could not comply with 2 Cor. without it; and here we have baptizo in t h e Greek
1C:.?-4, “For though we walk in the flesh, we do Septuagint, the word Jesus used in givinq lhe
not war after the flesh.” It all sums up to this one command in his commission to baptize, and in dothing; we cannot use force in this world for we ing this, he “dipped.”
have no part in it. Our reward is not of this world,
-H. C. Harper.
but of the world to come.
Homer A. Gay, Lebanon, Mo., April 21.-I have
been helping with the teaching service a t home
“One reason for membership losses lies in the here of late. We are studying t h e book of Revelafact t h a t there are many church members who tion and not many of the brethren will attempt to
have been immersed, but not baptized. Jesus teach on it. I am to go to Pennsylvania, about the
plainly said: ‘Except a man be born of water and. middle of May ’for some work in t h a t state, and
of t h e Spirit he cannot enter t h e Kingdom of also in Indiana. I am to spend t h e month of July
God.” The church does well to insist t h a t men in Sireveport, La.
_- 1, 1943
O l d Paths AdvecorBte
we are doing nicely. We are still contending earnestly for the word of the Lord in the little church,
near the above place. All the faithful here extend
Guy Mallow, Jr., Route 7, Charleston, W. Va.,
March 23.-The churches here are getting along
very well. Bro Welch has been giving us some fine
sermons. I have been seriously ill of pneumonia,
but am better now.
Geo. W. McCain, 440lh W. Lemon Ave., Monrovia, Calif., April 16-Brother Paul Nichols gave
us a good lesson recently. He is developing rapidly. A young Bro., Robert Falvey, preached twice
for us recently. He is making his home with Bro.
Nichols. We rejoice to learn that Bi-0. Chester
King is entering the field. We shall be behind him
with our prayers and pocket books. He is to preach
f o r us next Lord’s day. We are to have singing in
the afternoon. All are invited to worship with us.
F. T. Harrison, Rte. 2, K i i k o n , Ala., April 3.The church at Lowery is doing well. One is to be
Clovis T. Cook, Lebanon, Missouri, April 21. baptized tomorrow, and several are coming back ;
two having made confessions last Lord’s day. I visited the brethren a t Richlancl, Mo., the third
Sunday, inst., preaching two sermons to fair
Pray for LIS here.
crowds, especially, the morning service. They are
E. H. Miller, 1003 Truitt Ave., LaGrange, Ga., now meeting in their new house in town, and the
April 3.-Brother W. H. Reynolds, of Alabama, is prospects are favorable for an increase in attenwith me now and will preach here next Lord’s dance and membership. The second Sunday, inst.,
clay. The church is doing fine; someone has been I attended Brother Waters’ meeting in Springfield, Mo., where he is trying to establish a loyal
baptized every week for the past four weeks.
church. I enjoyed the services very much.
Clyde Middick, Davidson, Okla., April 1.-The
third Sunday last month, Bro. Bill Roclen, of
Clayton R. Fancher, 1304 N. 5th St., Wichita,
church a t 1318 N.
Sentinel, preached for us, giving us a good lesson. Falls, Texas, April 20.-The
I think he will make a good preacher. Bro. Clay- 6th St., is progressing nicely. We hacl a good
ton Fancher preached for us last Sunday, giving meeting. with Brother Waters doing the preachus a good lesson. I-Iere is $25.00 for the C. P. S. ing. I am glad to see the mission work in Texas
in progress as x a s reported by Ero. J. B. Spraclley
in the April issue. We are looking forwarcl to the
John Rogers, Daviclson, Okla.: March 22.-M7e
all-day meeting here July 4, and to a series of
are still getting along nicely at the Carter church. meetings encling that clay by Brother King. The
Brother Bill Roden preaches for us every third church here is sending a donation of $25.00 for
Lord’s day. We enjoy his sermons very much. We the C. P. S. boys.
izivite all loyal Christians to stop ancl worship
with us, when passing this way.
Clras. E. Palmer, Kinston, Alabama, April 15.Brother F. T. Harrison talked in the home church
J. T. Broseh, Dublin, Texas, April 14.-TI7e are last Lord’s day ili March, and had one confession
still contending for the faith here. Brother George‘ for baptism and two confessions of faults. Brother
Hughes preaches for us on third Sundays. I still Reynolds and I plan to visit Block, Ala., and Esto,
preach a t Ramsey every first Sunday. We are Fla., this week-end. We plan to visit a number of
praying for the work everywhere. We ask an in- other palces in the near future. We have prosterest in the prayers of the faithful for the work pects of converting some to the truth a t these
in this part.
points. The “fields are white to harvest ancl the
laborers are few.”
Herman Stafford, Box 714, Greenfield, Calif.,
March 20. -We ere “fighting the good fight of
B. F. Leonard, 1714 Jackson Ave., Huntingdon,
faith” here. Brother Barney Welch is to begin our
meeting April 4, and probably continue until the W.Va.. April 16-The church here is doing very
16th, the Lord willing. We hope much good may well. We are planning to lsililcl a meeting house
be done. Don’t forget to mention us in yoLlr pray- soon, and we are trusting t h a t the brotherhood
will assist us to finance it. By the time this
reaches our readers Brother King mill have beRay Nichols, 849 Wilcox, Ave., Hollywood, gun a series of meetings here. We invite all in
Calif., April 15.-Since the last time I reported to reach to hear him beginning May 9, and continuthe O.P.A. I have had the pleasure of preaching ing for about two weeks.
to the congregation a t Montebello, Calif., on March
T. F. Thomasson, Trechado, New Mex., March
30. MY prayers go with Bro. Chester King who is
here are very quiet, as just a few of
being put in the field here by the brethren a t 30.-Things
us remain, but we never fail to meet for worship,
Sisikiyou and Montebello. Let us all pray for him having
a good Scriptural lesson, which we enjoy.
in the Lord’s work.
We may learn what the world is doing through
Ferd Roberson (colored), Rte. 2, Box 58. Law- the press and radio, and we do not have to be vexrenceburg, Tenn., April 20.-We
thank the Lord ed in seeing them do it. I pray God’s blessings
for His blessings and we are glad to report that upon all the faithful brethren in Christ.
Joe W. Castleman, Houston, Tex., April 17.The church here is at peace and doing nicely. A t
present we meet three times a week, but we hope
t o have meetings more often since the weather
has warmed up. Bro. M. J. Buffington is t o begin
a meeting for us April 22, to continue indefinitely.
I surely do enjoy reading the reports of t h e work
each month in the OPA. It seems t h a t we a r e
gaining ground on all fronts. Let us press the battle in Jesus’ name.
J. C. Jones, Shreveport, La., April 5.-We have
recently baptized three and restored one at Velva
Street Church. The work is moving along nicely.
Most members attend all services regularly.
Brother Hampton is developing into a good
preacher, we all appreciate him. Many are becom-.
ing dissatisfied with sectarianism and innovations
in the church, and we have a wonderful opportunity to do good. We are looking forward to our
meeting in July, with Brethren Gay and Cook.
MAY 1, 1943
“Love,!’ which we all need so much. We were sorry
to have Bro. Welch leave us, and I hope he may
return sometime. Pray for me and mine.
Clarence Snodgrass, Tuscola, Texas, April 8.-I
a m now in a mission meeting in Stamford, Texas.
There are about 500 S. S. brethren here, but many
of them do not attend the S. S., as they do not believe in it. One family has already started worshiping with us. We a r e having a hard fight. For
the work, we have received $27.60 to cover the expenses, by the 4th St. church in Wichita Falls;
$20.00 by Bro. W. W. Wilks; $1.00 by Bro. J i m
Castleman; $5.00 from church in Dublin; $0.60
Bro. A. Loudermilk. I a m in the mission field, and
any brethren desiring t o help may do so.
A. D. McNiel, Milano, Texas, March 29.-The
church at Sand Grove is getting along very well.
Bro. Castleman, of Houston, preached f o r us Saturday night and Lord’s day, March 20-21. All enjoyed his talk very much, and we hope h e can visit us again in the near future. Brother Fred Kirbo
is to hold our meeting this next summer, beginning August 8. We all are anxious to meet him
and hear him preach. Bro. Ervin Waters’ article
in the OPA was just fine. We desire t h e prayers
of the saints everywhere.
Ervin Waters, care, H. L. King, Rt. 2, Lebanon,
Missouri, April 19.-March 28, I preached at Lebanon during the morning service, and t h a t night
I preached at Lees Summit. April 1, we came to
Springfield and completed the arrangements f o r a
mission meeting. April 4, the mission meeting began. Preaching brethren, Clovis Cook, H. L. King,
Chester King, 849 Wilcox Ave., Hollywood,
and H. E. Robertson, have visited the meeting.
Other brethren from Lees Summit and Clio con- Calif., April 17.-I a m very thankful t o report
gregation have been with us also. The attendance t h a t I a m now able t o spend all of my time in
has been small. But let us never grow weary in preaching the gospel. The Montebello and Los An.geles churches have decided to use me in the miswell doing.
sion field the rest of the year and in 1944. The
Alfred Walker (colored), Box 146, Brookhaven, work continues to grow in spite of t h e obstacles.
Miss., April 8.-Recently Brother Homer L. King Attendance has been good at the home church. I
preached two wonderful sermons to the colored a m to be with t h e brethren at Monrovia the 18th.
brethren here a t Jerico. They were very upbuild- inst. I a m very glad t o co-operate with Bro. Baring and much enjoyed. We still contend earnestly ney Welch in the work, also Brethren Paul Nichfor the faith, and we a r e growing in numbers, ols and Ralph Mustard. We appreciate t h e honesty
having baptized two already in 1943. We a r e very and goodness of Bro. Welch. May more be done in
g r a t e h l to the brethren and the Lord for the do- His name.
nations to help us build. We received $5.00 from
W. W. Wilks, Rte. 4, Dublin, Texas, April 2O.-The
Bro. Carlos Smith; $20.00 from Carl Nichols; and Lord’s
day, I preached f o r t h e b r e t h r e n a t H a m i l t o n ; t h e l a s t
914.20 from the Jerico Church of Christ (colored Lord’s d a y a t S t a m f o r d , t h e Swenson St. church, r e c e n t l y
established. B r o t h e r S n o d g r a s s preached a t t h e m o r n i n g s e r brethren), Wesson, Miss. Thanks t o all.
George Rozzell, Rte. 3, Box 363, Oklahoma, City,
Okla., March 30.-The
church here is getting
along nicely. Brother Tom Smith preached for us
March 7, and Bro. Bill Roden preached for us
March 14, and again on March 28. Bro. Roden
plans to make his home here, and we a r e very
thankful for that. Bro. Phillips, of Council Hill,
Okla., also is planning to move here, and we a r e
very thankful to have these brethren. We ask the
brethren to pray for us t h a t we may grow in number and faith, standing firm for the truth.
Clarence Kessinger, Box 42, Spring Hill, W. Va.,
April 15.-I have recently preached a number of
Stop 12, Spring Hill, March 28, with
good attendance. April 4,I was at Mallory Chapel
f o r the morning service, and at Rumba for the afternoon. Brethren Clifford Massey and Hudson
are t o be commended f o r their able leadership.
April 12, I was back t o Spring Hill, preaching on
vice. H e is a noble, e f f i c i e n t gospel preacher. It h a s been int i m a t e d t h a t h e f a v o r s a “ s e t o r d e r of worship,” b u t t h a t i s
n o t t h e case. H e does, however, believe i n p r e a c h i n g t o every
c r e a t u r e a n d p r a y i n g f o r all men. I s t a n d f o r t h e S c r i p t u r a l
oneness of God’s people i n f a i t h , i n works, a n d i n worship. If
I can h e l p you, call me.
Clarence Snodgrass, Tuscola, ‘Texas, March 30.-Have
recently preached a t Munday, Wichita F a l l s ( 4 t h St. C h u r c h ) ,
a n d a t Tuxedo, all i n Texas, with good a t t e n d a n c e at a11
places. W e a r e t o begin a m e e t i n g i n S t a m f o r d , T e x a s , N.
Swenson Ave., April 3, a n d with t h e h e l p of t h e L o r d w e hope
to establish a loyal church. T h e b r e t h r e n t h e r e hope t o build
a h o z s e soon. Sonic of m y b r e t h r e n s a y I h a v e been p r e a c h i n g
f o r ~flisloyalchurches. J a n i e s s a y s if you “convert a s i n n e r
f r o m t h e e r r o r of h i s way, l e t him k n o w h e s h a l l s a v e a s o u l
from d e a t h a n d s h a l l h i d e a niultitude of sins”. r promise t h a t
wherever I preach I s h a l l “speak a s t h e oracles of God”. May
w e all do likewise.
K. G. Wilks, Box 595, E a g l e Pass Texas, April 18.-Our
m e e t i n g h e r e canie t o a c!ose, S u n d a y n i g h t ; B r o t h e r J a n i e s R
S t e w a r t doing t h e preaching. I t h i n k t h e t e a c h i n g t o t h e
church o n C h r i s t i a n d u t y a n d living w a s t h e p l a i n e s t a n d
k i n d e s t a n d m o s t of it I h a v e e v e r heard. W e needed t h i s
t e a c h i n g a n d more. W h i l e t h e r e w e r e n o a d d i t i o n s o r r e s t o r ations, some seemed i n t e r e s t e d a n d should h a v e accepted.
MAY 1, 1943
:\tost of t h e membership heard Bro. S t e w a r t discuss t h o cups
classes, a n d sollie were from DeI Rio. Some subscribed
f o r the OPA, a n d t h i s w i t h t h e private talks, may yet bear
i i i i i t . W e mean t o s t a y w i t h t h e Bible in spite of being unpopular.
C. C. Brown, I3ox 355, “aches, Washington, March 22,JVe
a l e t r y i n g t o c a r r y o n t h e Communion in o u r honie, j u s t a s
wc d i d in t h e public assembly. I note t h a t P a u l didn’t say
‘.public assembly", n o r “private” in Heb. 10:25. i wonder how
the brdthren could have worshiped during t h e 1260 years of
the d a r k ages, since t h e y were n o t allowed to meet in public
“Il’here t w c o r t h r e e a r e gathered together in my name”-dcsus.
Wesley D. Ballard, 2011 Spring St., Waco, Texas, April 19.-.-.
Since my l a s t report, I have preached f o r t h e local churches,
where they a r e s t i l l pressing on. I have decided to devote all
niy time to t h c c a u s e of Christ. I am 25 y e a r s of age and
have been p r e a c h i n g f o r five years. I stand opposed to all i n .
novations a n d hobbies, a n d 1 w a n t t o bc introduced to thlbrotherhood t h r o u g h t h e best paper I know, t h e O l d P a t h s
Advocate. Tf a n y desire my services, I am ready to go. I re.
cently niet Ero. M. J. Buffington, a n d I think he is fine.
Carlos B. Smith, Wesson, Miss., April 12.-The
church at
New Salem is doing fine-all a t peace and worshipping as t h e
Bible directs. W e all were delighted to have Bro. King with
u s ?.gain f o r a f e w nights t h e l a t t e r part of Blarch, doing, as
he always does, good preaching. He was called here to preach
the Coniniencenient sernion at the high school, which hc did
well. I .do n o t find many like hini. He is willing to “condcscent1 t o inen of low estate“, preaching twice to t h e colored
bkcthren, which w a s much appreciated. Opposition and persecuEion d o n o t secni t o discourage him. but only niake him
stionger. May he live long to defcnd the cause he h a s espouscd. E r c t h r e n Lynmood and Sam Smith pave u s good lessons
rcccntly. “ L e t us n o t be of those who draw back, b u t believe
to t h e saving of t h e soul.”
N. J. Buffington, Rte. 3, Box 61, Floresville, Texas, April
18th..-On April 4th, I preached a t Lubbock, Texas, f o r t h e
little congregation on 3rd, and Teniple Ave. From t h e r e I
went to Wichita Falls, a n d preached f o r t h e 6th. St. congregagation o n Wed. night. I certainly enjoyed my visit with t h e
coiigregation nicntloneci above. i will go to Iiouston, Texas,
ncxt week f o r a s h o r t meeting, “The Lord Will.”
Louis P. Howsman, 0.19 Sierra St., Yuba City, Calif.. April 2.
--We closed a house to house meeting of t h r e e weeks duration,
recently. T h e members were greatly strengthened, even though
t h e r e wcre no additions. W e regrettcd to see Bro. Paul leave,
b u t o t h e r s needed h i s help. I think no church will go wrong
i n calling hiin f o r meetings. We a r e to have another meeting
beginning May 2, with Bro. Barney Welch doing t h e preaching. W e hope all i n reach will attend. If you go to a shon.
you will have t o pay admission, b u t not s o with these meetings. So, w h y n o t go where you can hear t h e gospcl without
Barney Welch, 136 So. 4th St., Montebello, Calif., hlarch 21.
closed a tv:o-Lord’s-day meeting a t Siskyou St. Los Angelcs, with fine i n t e r e s t throughout. This congregation realizes i t s Goal is ahead, ( n o t hehind) and they a r c niaking
haste in t h a t direction, I t is a shanie t h a t some congregations
21s a whole, o r i t s members seeni to have n o particular GOAL
toward which t h e y are very eager to travel. March 23, I began a meeting a t S a n Diego, which was handicapped greatly
f o r t h e lack of a meeting place. Bro. 3larvin Fisher is developing spcedily into a TRUE Gospel preachcr. H e is a fine
s o n g leader, a n d f a r froill being LUKE-WARM when i t conies
to t h c teaching. T h i s meeting closed the 30th. 3Ist, I attended
song practice a t Oceanside, a n d April lst., niet with and talked .for t h e Monrovia church. 1’ visited the CPS canil) t h e 2nd.
T h e n to Greenfield f o r a meeting 4th. through 11th. This congregation i s siiiall i n n u m b e r b u t strong in faith. I an1 now i n
a nieeting a t Aroiiias with f a i r crowds daily.
A. J. Mason, Rte. 1, Box 48, Acampo, Calif., March 30.-The
church a t Lodi, i s holding f a s t t o t h e f a i t h , growing i n numb e r a n d i n f a i t h . We a r e glad t o have Bro. Barney Welch with
t h e churches i n t h i s state. Bro. P a u l Nichols i s ilnproving rapidly a n d i s m a k i n g a n excellent preacher. IIe is t o be h e r e t o night. We c e r t a i n l y d o miss Bro. Ervin W a t e r s and wife,
whom w e loved v e r y
H i s preaching was n o t in vain. T h e
c h u r c h e s in Missouri a r e very f o r t u n a t e t o have hini in t h e l r
mission field. W e love all t h e preachers who a r e satisfied with
the Bible alone, I a ~ na f r a i d illany of us do n o t “fear God” a5
we should. We f a i l t o teach o u r children a t home; we f o r sake t h e assembly in order t o satisfy o u r fleshly desires; we
t a i l to give a s we have prospered; we f a i l to cook a f t e r t h e
weak biethren, the sick, widows, orphans, “and t o kcep o u r selves unspotted froni t h e world.” L e t u s quit playing with
Christianity and look to J ~ S U S and obcy Him!
C. C. Cleary, Rte. 1, Box 83, Wichita Falls, Texas. March 25.
10, 1942 we moved back t o o u r old taberna.
1318 N.
6th St.,. having remodeled t h e building. We a r e striving t o
y o r s h i p a s t h e Lord has t a u g h t us. The building is nearly always full, and we continue t o gain new members. Last s u m m e r
a n d f a l l we were in Oklahoma and on t h e way to Los Angeles,
Calif. We were with t h e brethren a t Siskiyou St., a n d a t Poniona, and I met a nuniber of t h e members froni t h e Montebell0 church. They all co-operate in t h e work, and i t i s growi n g nicely. W e stopped over in Yunia, Ariz., and visited some
old time friends. We returned to W. F., March 21, o u r honie
where Bro. Waters had j u s t closed a good meeting. On Lord’s
day following, f o u r renewed their first love. I wish t h a t all
loyal brethren would give their location of meeting so t h a t
traveling brethren could meet with them.
Paul 0 .Nichols, 849 Wilcox Ave., Hollywood, Calif., April
14.-The niecting a t Marysville lasted twenty-two days having
closed March 2s. There were no additions, but we feel t h a t t h e
congregation was strengthened; i t seemed to havc been l e f t
Wit‘h renewed and boundless zeal and unconquerable deterniination to do t h e will of t h e Lord. They a r e to have a n o t h e r
iiiecting in May with Bro. Barney Welch doing the preaching,
Maicn 29 through April Znd, i was with t h e following congregations: Lodi, one service, Stockton, two services (one confesred f a u l t s ) , Fresno, one service, Sanger. one service. April
4, I worshiped a t Poplar, where I delivered two discourses.
O n t h c following night Bro. Jim Russell and I, preached a t
Coreoran, where I preached again t h e next night. The reniainder of the week i visited in the honie of Bro. John Ranliin a n d
family. April 11, I worshipped with t h e little congregation of
Taft, where Bro. €:ankin has be?n carrying on the work so
fait!ifully, h e being t h e only male member. I truly appreciate
t h e generous hospitality t h a t \vas shown iiic by all very much.
The Siskiyou St. a n d Montebello congregations have made a r rangcnients t o put Bro. Chester Ring into the evangelistic
field i n California for. t h e remainder of t h i s yzar a n d iiext
ye:lr also. Let us contil-:be to fight with undaunted courage
the 5ght t h a t we have before us!
]?‘xed Iiirbo, Davis, Oklahoma, April 1L-Y began t h e mission
r o i k in Ardmore, Okln., >larch 13. The Equal rights congregation wanted to nrove t h e i r nieeting place t o town, which
l a v e us a s t a r t . Two were baptized and a number canie over
I’rom the S. S. brcthren, niaking about 12 additions t o t h e
Equal rights number, which all told niakes a nice congregation of about 3.5 t o 40 members. The crolvds and i n t e r e s t
were fine. In fact, the l a s t night I had to stand up. The b r e t h ren co-operated nicely. making i t possible f o r this good work
t o progress. This new congregation in Ardniore nlcets f o r Morship a t the corner of €1 and 2nd. N. W. I closed April 2, a n d
b e p n a mecting i n the city hall of Davis, -4pril 5 . The
crowds a r e good, and we baptized t h r e e t h e other n i g h t i n
the little stream flowing through o u r f a r m where Bro. K i n g
end I used to catch perch. I a m expecting t o go back t o t h e
creek tonight, f o r sevcral a r e interested, and I a:n prcaching
t h e old gospel with all m y might. We appreciate t h e co-oper2e:on of the liberal congregations. who a r e making t h i s good
work possible. I think the plan is a good work, and P a u l says
to “be ready unto every good work”. Brother, a r e you r e a d y ?
If not, get ready, f o r the time is too precious, hell i s too hot,
eternity t o o long. f o r u s t o stand back a n d do nothing. Awake!
Janies R. Stewart, 1102 So. 53 St.. Tenlple, Texas, April 13.The mission work in Texas is moving along nicely. T h e b r e t h ren a r e showing more interest i n t h e work, a n d we t r u s t t h i s
will he a profitable y e a r in the work. I appreciate t h e s u p p o r t
and co-operation by all. I have recently preached at Temple,
Belton, Austin, and Eagle Pass. I held a series of meetings
a t t h e l a s t nanied place, with no visible results, y e t I believe much jiood was done. T h e church t h e r e seemed much
strengthened. Many were t a u g h t against t h e cups, S. S., etc.,
and were willing t o worship t h e Bible way. T h i s i s t h e home
of Bro. K G. Wilks, a loyal and t r u e brother, who is doing a
g r e a t work, Plans a r e being made f o r o t h e r meetings. March
25. Bro. E. J. Smith preached f o r us a t Temple, which we
enjoyed, as well as h j s h e l p t o t h e church otherwise. H e
should b e k e p t busy i n t h e work. Call him out, brehren. May
w e keep “sounding t h e word.”
Ralph E. Mustard, P. 0. BOX 232 Lebanon, Mo., April 1s.March ZS, t h e wife a n d r were with t h e loyal b r e t h r e n a t
Claxton, Rfo., f o r t h e first time, preaching one sermon. My
n e s t was with t h e Church in Lebanon, Mo., preaching several
ser4nons. These b r e t h r e n a r e U P a n d a t t h e Lord’s work.
Thi-ough t h e i r u n t i r i n g e f f o r t s I p r a y t h a t much good will
be accomplished. More power t o t h e m ~ s s i o n e f f o r t s t h r o u g h - ,
o u t t h e country. April 4th, w e mere with the b r e t h r e n a t
Richland, Blo., where we preached two sermons t o good
ciowds. I am to hold theni a meeting in August.’At t h i s w r i t i n g we a r e in a good iiieeting with t h e brethren In Ottuniwa,
Iowa. T h e crowds have been good considering t h e cold weather. To-date t h e r e h a s been no visible results, b u t we a r e
looking f o r w a r d to results. In t h e past s i x months we have
m e t many fine people whom me learned t o love a n d respect.
I w a n t to t a k e t h i s m e a n s t o t h a n k t h e fine b r e t h r e n in Calif.
f o r t h e assistance t h e y have given, a n d a r e giving m e in helpi n g nie t o g e t established firmly in t h e field. Their a s s i s t a n c e
i s deeply appreciated b y both 1 1 1 ~ wife a n d I.
While I n
Lebanon I had t h e glad opportunity of being with niost of
t h e preaching b r e t h r e n , a n d s t u d y i n g t o g e t h e r with then1 t h e
“Contribution” a n d “Leadership“ questions. As we can s e e
a n d realize t h a t me are living in t h e l a s t days, b r e t h r e n , m a y
me come to t h e realization of t h e importance of these outs t a n d i n g questions a n d s t u d y t h e m m o r e carefully.
Homer L. King, Lebanon, Missouri, April Zl.-March
mas called t o preach a baccalaureate sermon t o t h e g l a d u a t i n g class i n t h e high school, n e a r Brookhaven, Jliss. T h e
crowd was u n u s u a l l y large, a n d I t h i n k some g o o d mas ac-,
complished. T h i s being in t h e comniunity of t h e New Salem
church, I remained f o r a f e w sermons there, one sertilon t o
t h e co!ored b r e t h r e n a t Jerico, ancl one sermon t o t h e colored brethren in Brookhaven. T w a s glad t o know t h a t all are
continuing w i t h zeal a n d a ~ & x m i n a t i o n t o fight on a g a i n s t
all obstacles. Bro. Carlos S m i t h i s to be coinniended f o r h i s
u n t i r i n g e f f o r t s t o build u p all t h e churches in t h a t p-rt,
even t h e colored churches. T h e second Sunday, inst., ~ ~ 0
Robertson and I w e r e called to t h e Cross Hollows community
( a b o u t 100 miles a w a y ) to baptize a n invalid boy, who h a d
been confined t o h i s bed f o r 13 years, being unable t o walk
ner gear to new subscribers:
C. Thomas-1; 7&-s. Minnie Foster1 ; Mrs. Nola Milner-1; A. D. McNiel-1; E. 0.
Evitt-1 ; F. T. Harrison-1 ; Ervin R. Boss-1 ; C.
T. Springs-1; Burley F. Black-1; R. L. Baker1; Mrs. Clint J a r r e t t l ; Earl Johnson-1;
; c* Brown
-1; Herman Staffird-1 ; John Rogers-1 ; c. c.
Kessingei- 1; M. J. Buffington-1 ; Total 66.
In 1 Tim. 6:16 Paul says, “ . . . who only h a t h
immortality.” and materialists have used this in
attempting to show t h a t materialism is taught in
the Bible. Chas. T. Russell’s “Bible students,” Adventists, and Rutherford‘s ‘ Jehovah’s Witnesses”
have worked this no little, (seeRussell-White D ~ bate and Nichol-Bradley Debate, for example.)
And a writer in P. T. M. O f April 5, 1934, says,
“ ‘who only bath immoi-tality’ (referring to God)
I Tim. 6:16.”
They Sayt “This passage plainly says t h a t man
is wholly mortal by saying that God alone h a s
immortality.” (See in debates above.)
This view has been
they have hit ~ ~ 0 1a 1new view in trying to
escape. The author of this new view (P.T.M., Apr.
5, 1934) points Out, as we have often done, that
view “makes the text deny
to Christ and all the angels,” And he argues, “It
is Jesus Christ oui- Saviour, and concerning him
Paul says, ‘who only bath immorta]ity’-that
Of kings and lords, he is t h e only imtill hthe~ count
mortal one.” (See P.T.M., April 5, 1934.)
But now in trying to escape the drowning whirl
of Charybdis, he has wrecked on t h e rock of
which all d e c l a r e
“Lo C h r i s t i s here.
Lo C h r i s t is there.”
“Where is T h y Church,
0, Savior, where?”
I heard t h e cry,
and then I heard:
Your s t r o n g e r proofs
divinely give
And show m e w h e r e
t h e C h r i s t i a n s live.
To t a k e Me a t My word.”
“ H e r e i s X y Church
where men still dare
’ “Thus s a i t h t h e Lord, ‘Stand ye i n t h e ways. a n d see, a n d ask f o r the Old Paths, w h e r e is t h e good way, a n d walk t h e r e -
Lindsay Allen
Perhaps when Some Of
readers see the above
caption to this article they We ready to throw
the paper down with disgust with the idea that
the subject Of the movies is being Overdone*
fact, I think I know some who feel t h a t way. Some
of these are preachers, too. But
what our sentiments or attitucles may be regarcling the movies, abundance of facts ancl consequences show conclusively that the question of
the movies is one of the most fearful that Christians face today. After prayerful ancl careful
study we have
to the conc~usion
t h a t Christians cannot under any circumstance attend ol.
give their support to this insiclious institution
Satan. The reasons are obvious and we propose
to give a few of them here.
First of all, Christians callnot afforcl to patrollize the movies becauslz of the people that make
them. I t
not have to be prove11 t h a t those
who make the movies are, generally speaking,
wicked, sinful alld
in the extreme allcl
pattelell ancl eshence al.e wholly ullfit to be
ample. It is a fact that it is impossible to separate the movies from the people that make them.
Those who make the movies have but little, if ally.
of morality anclCOmnlOll del-egarcl for
of the advertisements of
cency. A careful
from four to six hours a week. We conclude, therefore, t h a t such people are unfit for the companions and associates of Christians.
Second, Christians cannot afford to give their
presence or support to the movies because of the
kind of pictures produced. But let me say first of
all, that we are not opposec] to the mechanism ol^
the machinery (first cliscoverecl by Thomas Eclison) for use in visual education. It has been proveil that visual education is one of the most effective means of imparting knowledge. That is t h e
reason I use the blackboard and charts in m y
preaching. In t h a t way we are able to reach both
the eye and the ear. That is the l*e~sOllt h a t
movies are dangerous-the moclern movie reaches
both the ear and the eye. The impressions made
are lasting. Scientific surveys show that t h e human mind retains a large percent of t h a t which is
thrown on the screen before the human eye. Since
the material ancl scenes t h a t characterize the moclern movie are
wholll’Of the
appeal to the lower ancl baser passions of human
flesh, t h e consequences become even more
clangerous. But what are the movies showing‘? An
analysis of 115 films taken a t random found t h a t
in 22 pictures illicit love appears as the goal of 35
leacling characters. Sex, crime ancl impure lor?
scenes comprise the p~incii)al part of moclerll
movies. Remove these three and Rloviedom will
JUNE 1, 1943
“If you will send me some sample copies, I will
see what I can do to get some subs. for the OPA,
as I am entering the field full time. I often think
of you, Brother King, and I hope to be with you
in a meeting sometime.”
Entered a s second-class m a t t e r March 24, 1932. a t t h e postoffice at Lebanon, Missouri, under t h e Act of March 3, 1879.
H O X E E L. KING -----__--_____________________Lebanon, Mo.
HONER A. GAY -------_-----____-____________.Lebanon, &.lo.
Recently, Brother B. F. Leonard, of Huntington,
W. Va., sent us 30 subscriptions, about all new
as a About
means the
of same
Elliott, of Cassville, Missouri, sent u s the money
HOMER L. KING ------_----___________Route 2, Lebanon, 110.
H. E. ROBERTSON, Assistant ______________ Phillipsburg, &lo.
SISGLE SUBSCRIPTION O m PEAR --_---____________
Printed by h y c o o k P r i n t i n g Co., Jackson, Tenll.
By Loomis 0. Hiiitoli
Spencer, Incliana.
alll sending oL,l^ new adclress, and we have
llevel. missecl an issue of the paper. I sent the
OPA to Roy Bill yesterday. I know he will be
very happy to see all the names of the writers.”
--Ml-s. T. L. Modgling, Illinois.
“1 received the OPA this month, and I certainly did enjoy the fine articles, especially the one
by Bra. Welch. I received the Clark-King Discussion, and I really enjoyed it.” -Lewis cogburn. Arkansas.
“Here are a couple of new subs. for the paper
a dollar for anything liecessary you may clesire t o use it. I woulcl like t o be with you some
this fall.”-Sam Smith, Mississippi.
have beell
the OPA, so here is
clollar to reinstate me. I hope all are fine with
you.” -Elmer Meeker, Missouri.
two llew subs. to the OpA,
‘‘I am
Uncle, and please write me a line. Love to you.7j
-Chester King, California.
“I am sencling my renewal to the OPA- I enjoy the paper very much. Keel) the good work
going.” -Ernest Montgomery, Mississippi.
“Find our renewal enclosed, and forgive us for
jleing so slow. ITre enjoy reading its pages. \Ire
trust YOU a l ~ yours
are well.” -George Hughes,
For years i t has been the custom for the brethyen in Oklahoma and North Texas to have an
all-day meeting on J ~ l y4. Last year the place
selectecl for the meeting in 1943 was the North
6th St. Church of Christ, Wichita Falls, Texas.
One of the best of such meetings ever held was
in Wichita Falls, and we hope to see another this
year. If you desire any information about a place
to stay 01- about the meeting, write Clayton R.
Fancher, 1304 N. 5th St., Wichita Falls. I am to
conduct a meeting there, beginning June 27.
closing July 4. We hope t o see many of our fellow
preachers and song leaders, as well as many other
brethren, in t h a t meeting. Make your plans to be
with us now, and then come!
-Homer L. King.
subs., hence let all put
When brethren Send in
months without a sub.,
they have forgottell the
forth a greater effort.
reports months after
naturally, we wonder if
of the paper.
Anna E. Cogburn, wife of
the deceased N. J. Cogburn, De Leon, Texas, was
born Feb. 10, 1874; departed this life February
15, 1943. In 1881, she obeyed the gospel, continuing faithful t o the end.
Sister Cogburii was the mother of 15 children.
ten of whom survive. The sons are: Charles.
Earnest, Buforcl, of DeLeon ; Fate, Newt, of Lubbock; and the claughters are:
xerman Foster. M ~ s .H. A. Kinmy, Mrs.
s. Glovel*y Mrs.
R. L. Kooner, am1 Mrs. Carrie Lacey. Besides
these, she is survived by 55 g1*~ln~1~hil~11*en,
great grandchildren. and 6 great great grand
FLineral services were conducted by the writer.
and interment was iii the Oliver Springs Cemetery. 0~11- sympathy is elitelidecl
to all Hughes.
the bereaved.
The following contributions are for the faithful boys in the Civillian Public Service Camps:
Church of Christ, Stockton, Calif.-$25.00 ; A bro.
they in the Siskiyou St. church-$10.00; A sister
in the Siskiyou St. church-$30.00;
Sister Nichols, Siskiyou St. church--$10.00.
Many thanks to all for remembering these boys.
-Carl N. Nichols, 849 Wilcox Ave., ,Holly\voocl,
Note: I have received the following donations
for the personal needs of the boys above, since
last issue:
Frank Trayler, Chaplain U. S. Army, Caixp San
Luis, Abispo, Calif.-$5.00; From individual brethren, San Antonio, Texas, - $20.00; Clayton
Faneher f o r the church, N. 6th St., Wichita Falls,
Texas, -$25.00 ; A sister in Ada, Oklahoma,
$5.00; Herschel Massie for the Lees Summit
church, Lebanon, Missouri,-$25.00 ; A sister for
the faithful few in Kansas City, Missouri, -
. ...
Barney D. Welch, 136 So. 4th St., Montebello, Calif., May
17-1 closed a s h o r t meeting a t Aromas. April 15th, with one
Confession. I t h e n w e n t by my home a n d visited a p a r t of two
d 2 v c lui+h n , ~ r f n m i l v
a n ‘vnsxt,,
work, we give o u t t h i s information. On May 2, I met with t h e
where eve
brethren in Fresno, from V ~ ~ I O Ucongregations,
t h i n g pertaining t o t h e work was discussed. a n d I agreed GO
give up my job t o accept t h e work. We shall be ready t o
-*-A - L :
.” ^..”_
~~... ....
a t Pomona, April 26, to a very nice.’audience, with B r e t h e r n
of t h e Lord and a l l t h e f a i t h f u l brethren and t h e i r prayers, we
P a u l Nichols a n d Chester King each giving a good lesson.
shall be able uo accomplish much f o r t h e Kingdom of Christ.
A f t e r assisting Bro. C h e s t e r King i n t h e conducting of a I, mean t o hide myself .behind t h e Cross of Christ, preaching
T I”f+
A” ”
~ . . ~ ~
. _ . . .
a * A ~ S C & . ~ -*
I ~
J~ L -L )~V L S L = ,
S W Y P I I I ~ over a r r r n o r n l n g DUC me p u r e gospel. 1 deslre t h e prayers 01: ?- 1L 7J
t h e following places ‘one nirrht each: T a f t . Greenfield.
- .- . .
- --- pvervwhere
mas (baptizing- one). Crocke; f o r Lord’s Day morning, beginn i n g the same night, a t Marysville, (May 2). T h e b r e t h e r n are
Homer L. King, Huntington, W. Va., May 24.-I
closed a
f u l l of enthusiasm, a n d denionstrated i t by t h e i r wonderful
series of meetings w i t h t h e f a i t h f u l in this city, May r 3 ,
cooperation throughout t h e meeting. I closed t h e r e l a s t n i g h t
embracing t h r e e Lord’s Days. We baptized two a n d t h r e e
(&lay 16). Six were baptized; 5 confessions a n d restorations.
were restored. One of t h o s e baptized was a n elderly lady
W e a r e more t h a n h a p p y t h a t Bro. Chester King h a s been
(70 y e a r s of age), who had been a Methodist since childhood.
p u t in t h e field. T h e r e a r e more brethern who should be enThe attendance was f a i r , considering t h e obstacles i n t h e
of a l l meetings t h i s year, as t h e r e s u l t of t h e w a r a n d
gaged f u l l time. T h e harvest is ripe.
war regulations. T h e b r e t h r e n a t t h e above places are plan, Claredce Snodgrass, Tuscola, Texas, May 8-The mission ning t o build a house f o r worship in t h e n e a r f u t u r e , having
meeting a t Stamford, Texas, closed April 13, with a small
purchased a lot a n d raised considerable 1noney. Bro. B. F.
Leonard i s to be commended f o r his u n t i r i n g zeal t o build
congregation established. Brother John Snow is t h e leader.
U P t h e cause in t h a t part. On Lord’s day after-noon, May 23,
T h e brethern t h e r e wish t o build a house f o r worship.
Donations will be appreciated a n d should be s e n t t o Bro.
I preached a t Point Pleasant. Ohio, t o a f a i r crowd. W e were
Snow, Box 211, Stamford, Texas. I have preached twice f o r
glad t o have Brethren Cook and Kessinger with us, as me11
them since t h e meeting. L a s t Lord’s Day, I preached f o r my
a s a n u m b e r from Huntington. I an1 to begin a t Spring Hill,
home congregation, baptizing SIX. I have received t h e followYay 24, to continue a b o u t two weeks t h e r e and a t Malloly
i n g f o r mission work d u r i n g t h e m o n t h of April: Church at
Chapel. J u n e 13, I an1 t o begin a t t h e 4th St. church, in Waco,
Eola, Texas, $28.00; Church a t Popular, Calif., $25.00; Sam
Texas, continuing f o r a b o u t two weeks; then t o Wichita
Baize, $25.00; Nouel Baize, $15.00; Church, W ~ c h i t a F a l l s
Falls f o r a week, closing J u l y 4, a n d beginning a t t h e C a r t e r
(4th St.), $20.00; Bentley Baize, $ll.ZS; Kirby Wilks, $5.00; church, n e a r Davidson, Okla., J u l y 5. &fay a l l be ready a n d
E. 0. Evitt, $2.50; W. JV. TVllks, $2.00; E. A. Cogburn, $2.00;
may t h e Lord bless i n t h e good work. If you wish t o send
Church, Dublin, Texas, $5.00; Jim Castleman, $1.00; Joe Cabm e m a t t e r f o r publication in t h e n e x t issue of t h e paper,
tleman, $5.00; Albert Loudermilk, $O.GS; Berdie Hicks, $5.00;
you m a y address nle directly a t Box 72. Bellmead, Texas,
R. B. Fomler, $1.00; T o t a l $l53.GG. All donations were much
J u n e 13-25. Please, do n o t f o r g e t t h e paper.
appreciated. I hope t o do much mission work. a n d I plan t o
s t a y i n t h e field permanently. Pray f o r m e and t h e work.
/ A n d snow me wnere
- t h e Christians live.
11 11
f -1
of P a t h s t o Dwell in.” (Isa. 58:12).
JULY 1. 1943
- - ~
“If any man offend not in word, the Same is
a perfect man, and able to bridle his whole body^"
(Jas. 3 :2). This teaching by the inspired Apostle
James carries with it a deeper meaning than the
average person seems to grasp.
First of all, it implies that it is entirely possible
for one to cause offence by what he may say. And
no matter how small the offence may seem in OUY
own sight, remember that Christ said, Woe to
t h a t man by‘ whom the offence cometh.” (Matt.
18:~).Although there are those of the world (yes,
and even of the church) who have their “feelings
sticking out” like feelers of a n animal, we should
be very careful to refrain from offending them.
No. 7
for us as Christians, but is also offensive to t h e
pure minds of the true followers of Christ.
Some who would in no wise nor under a n y condition get into a n intoxicated or drunlren condition
would stoop to the contamination of telling stories
or jokes unfitting for people of God. Can you imagine the Savior, the Son of God, or the great old
Apostle Paul engaging in such “pleasure”? No?
Well Paul said, “Be ye followers of me, even as I
also am of Christ,” (1Cor. l l :l ).“ E v i l surmising”
is condemned in 1 Tim. 6:4. But there a r e persons
who imagine or infer on slight grounds (evil surmising-Webster)
to the degredation of t h e reputations of others. It seems t h a t our preaching
brethren are the target of abject criticism. Many
slanderous remarks have been made about those
trampled in the filth of idle gossip and jealous
it wrong. That is the same way with what we
us all t r y t o encourage t h e young men, who a r e s t r i v i n g t o
live t h e Christian life, and especially t h e ones who are willing
to give t h e i r lives to t h e service of t h e Lord in preaching
t h e gospel. We a s k t h e p r a y e r s of a l l loyal Christians f o r our
continued f a i t h t o t h e end.
John B. Snow, Box 211, Stamford, Texas, A p ~ i l27.-Since
B r o t h e r Clarence Snodgrass held a mission meeting i n Stamford, we have a congregation there, with nine m e ~ l l b e r s f o r
Communion each Lord’s Day, a n d prospects of others i n t h e
n e a r future. W e m e e t ~n a s t o r e building on N o r t h Swanson
Ave., b u t we plan t o build a house f o r worship (40x50 ft.)
soon, and we shall appreciate a n y contributions f r o ~ ncongregations of individuals. since we a r e b u t f e w a n d poor tvorki n g people. B r o t h e r Snodgrass invited B r o t h e r Buford Ham-
No grey day shall darken
The sunshine of my soul;
No storm shall drench
The gladness that now rolls.
God meant me to be hungry,
SOI shall seek t o find,
Wisdom, t r u t h and beauty
To satisfy my mincl.
God meant me to be lonely,
Lest I should wish t o stay
In some green e a r h l y eden
Too long from Heaven away.
God meant me to be weary,
That I. should yearn t o rest,
This feeble aching body
Deep in t h e earth’s dark breast.
(Selected by MYS. Elbert Phillips)
John L. Reynolds, G. D., Ceres, California, &fay G.-T~ a l l
t h e brethren n o r t h of Bakersfield, I a m making this announcemerit and report, especially. Since t h e brethern in t h a t p a r t
bearing one another, and forgiving one another; if
JULY 1, 1943
killings committed because of a few unnecessary
The time is not f a r off when the silver and gold
words. “Behold, how great a matter a little fire will be thrown to the moles and bats, as written
-(Isaiah 2 :17-22).
kindleth,” (Jas. 3 : 5 ) .
It behoves the disciples of Christ to keep close
The situation in those conquered and enslaved
tab on the things t h a t they say, t h a t they may countries determines the object as well as the
each be considered “a perfect person, able to bridle degree of their devotion.
his whole body,.” t h a t they may all be in t h a t
Material possessions heretofore held in idol-
of escape.
T h e r2zsm is obvious, No man can.
JULY 1,1943
start coming in. This is a work of faith, and
(aith is taking God a t His Word. Let u s on with
the work, and work with and for the glory of
Almighty God, in the up-building of the cause in
Christ Jesus our Lord.
about in t h e Bible, and I want to learn more and
more of God’s word and spend my life preaching
i t to others.”
Several years ago Bro. Ross had, what he
thought was a “special work of grace,” later
ceived it” (Acts 2). Bro. Ross has a good education, a very pleasing personality, with ability t o
Fllll cooperation is what God expects from every meet and talk with strangers. He will be associatmember of His
He has provided us with
with the brethren at Mahaffeyy
evangelists whose piety, zeal and ability are ade- ed
and Flemington, where he will still learn more
quate to cope with a situation of this magnitude.
to them* He is to
The amountof money, time, and prayer we put truth and will be a great
when I
into this effort, determines the extent of the har- back there and we hope and pray that
he may
vest or increase. Let u s not be deceived, “God is soon be well acquainted Over the country with t h e
not mocked, for whatsoever a man soweth, that churches of Christ. I have great hopes of his being
we have a
shall also he reap,,, (Gal. 6-71.
in the East-(Maybe7 the Lord
therefore opportunity let us do good unto all men.” spared my life so t h a t I could teach and baptize
We cannot close this survey without directing Bra. Ross* to preach in
attention to the bearing of these facts on our
-Homer A. Gay
Faith and Hope as Christians.
Can it be t h a t in the past we have failed to
properly evaluate oui Opportunities?
a t the Ball School house,
We all criticise the sects, yet their zeal and contribution f a r exceeds our own. Whose is the great- near Dora, Missouri, the S. S. and cups innovators
were stirred up to the extent that they tried in
e r sacrifice, theirs or ours ?
Broadly speaking, people want the exact truth, vain to defend their practice with Bro. Ervin
to get this message Waters in three debates. Their first attempt was
We have it, and it is UP to
by putting up a Bro. Mitchell, who did not so muc?i
to the people.
In the past, have we been practical and sought as manifest the spirit of a gentleman, much less
out God’s way: or did we follow our own rebellious a Christian, and after one night of defeat, his
way? our fault Seems to be a n old one, we have brethren refused to let him continue the second
‘‘robbed Gody7who has promised to open unto us night. They brought in a Bro. Morrison to affiriii
the second night on the cups. He made his first
the “Windows of Heaven.”
talking but 1 6 minutes. Brother Wa5Preachers have to be sent, on the basis of this affirmative,
ers tied him up so completely in his negative, that
fact, the responsibility is squarely up to
he talked but 6 minutes in his second speech and
of us. The Mission Work Is Now Under Way.
quit the debate, saying that he broke down. Then.
Question: Bros. and Sisters, are we going to do the leader of the S. S. and cups church 0r3se ac:!
our part? Now is the or90rtunity all have waiteil said: “There has got to be something done.” So,
for. Victory in Jesus!
he tried to defend the cups, but he lasted but a
-J. M. McKaig
few minutes.
7505 Santa Fe Avenue
By this time things were looking bad for the
Huntington Park, California.
innovations, hence they set out for Arkansas for
Joe Blue, who boasts his debating ability to be
second to Warlick and J. D. Tant. Bro. Blue came
While in Pennsylvania, I had the pleasure of and debated the S. S. and cups with Bro Waters.
meeting and baptizing Bro. Floyd 0. Ross, of But, to my way Of thinking, Blue made the weakMahaffey, Pa. is statement follows: “In April est effort SO f a r as arguments are concerned. I
of this year I became acquainted with Bra. J. D. ever heard, and 1 believe it was a great victory for
Corson, a minister of the Church of Christ. In our the truth*
I moderated for Brother Waters in all these dediscussions on the Bible I found that he always
was with the Bible, and thus I decided to t r y to bates.
-Joe H. Howard. Dora, Mo.
learn more of the teachings of this church. Bro.
Corsoii and I went to Flemington to attend Bro.
Homer A. Gay’s meeting where I learned many
I officiated in uniting in the
truths of God’s word t h a t I had not known before.
I went to his meeting at Commodore, and spent bonds of matrimony Brother W. F. Brock and
a day with Bro. Gay, discussing the Bible. I learn- Sister Minnie Belle Icilgore, in the home of t h e
ed t h a t even tho I had been preaching for sis bride.
Brother Bmck is a fine old Christian gentleman,
years-all the time feeling that I was saved and
trying to save others, t h a t I had never been for- having been a member of the Montebello cong1-egiven of my sins, for I had not been baptized for gation for years. Sister Kilgore is a fine Christian
the remission of, them. So, I made the “good con- woman. having obeyed the gospel a few years ago.
fession” and was baptized by brother Gay t h e 8th We wish for them a very happy marriecl life in
of June. J count i t a great privilege to be a member serving the Lord together.
-Paul 0. Nichol;
of the Church of Christ-the only one we can read
JULY 1, 1943
. Entered as second-class matter March 24, 1932, a t the postoifice a t Lebanon, Missouri, under .the Act of March 3, 1879.
oracles of God ( 1 Pet. 4:11), and I stand for the
faith (Jude 3 ) . 1 do not believe in women teachers
in t h e church or in the S. S. system. I opPose.the
use of instrumental music in the church. I belleve
in one container to convey the fruit of t h e vine
in the Communion. I believe the fruit of t h e vine
should be grape juice, like the bread, unleavened.
I believe that each communicant should break t h e
eat. I do not
other in
t hany
a n the
set order
order of
Printed by Laycook Printing Co., Jackson, Tenn.
took Communion
the bread and
in like manner
by Christ,
also when
t h e cup.
N. Nichols
My desire is to teach the truth and establish the
cause in new places. How can they preach except
they be sent ?”.
I have confidence in t h e steadfastness of Bro.
Snodgrass, having battled error and evil by his
side. He has been “tried in the fire” and h a s not
been found wanting. I commend him to YOU.
-Ervin Waters
L. King
For the past few years there has been considerOf putting Out a book of Sermons by t h e
various preachers, who stand with the OPA in t h e
fight against the innovations troubling the church
today. Those innovations would receive consideration in some of the sermons. In addition to a
Sermon by each preacher, there should be the
biography of each Preacher. SO, i t
has been suggested- we wonder if t h e brotherhood
Carlos B. Smith, 1 0 ; Homer A. Gay, 1 0 ; J. 1.1.
fifcKaig, 9 ; Homer L. King, 8 ; Clarence Snodgrass,
; Ervin Waters, 6 ; Ray Nichols, 3 ; J. H. Lackey,
J- BLIffingtOll, 3 ; A . ,D. McNiel, 3 ; Woodard
Clause, 3 ; w. p. persel., 2 ; Fred Kil.bo, 2; F. K.
Reeves, 2 ; James R. Stewart, 2; Ben Fl.entrup, 2 ;
Sam Smith, 2; ~~~i~ p. H
~ 2 . Barney
~ D. ~
TVelch, 2 ; Jesse ~ i ~ l2 ~
; M~ .~ Marvin’Cabaniss
,~ .
Edgar Claywell, 1; Cecil Abercrombie,
Jaunita Woodruff, 1; w, w. Wilks, ; J. s. ;Shelly
1; Ira Baker, 1; M ~ ~l~~
~ . R
~ ; Sidney
Gray, 1 ; Fe1-d Roberson, 1; ~i~~~ Campbell, 1;
J. J. Reece, 1; M ~ waller
~ . Sanderson,
: B. ~ , -
R. Stewart, Texas.
Clovis T. Cook, Wilson, Oklahoma, J u n e 16.--I‘
am now in a
s e r i e s of meetings a t Healdton, Okla., with prospects. good.
T h i s is m y f i r s t e f f o r t s here. T h e 13th inst.. I w a s privileged
t o a t t e n d a meeting a t Sulphur, Okla., i n t h e i n t e r e s t of mission work. I was favorably impressed b y t h e zeal a n d i n t e r est i n s u c h good work. May t h e Lord bless in t h i s l a b o r of
love. I go next to Temple, Texas, f o r a meeting e m b r a c i n g t h e
f i r s t two Lord’s days i n July. T h e l a s t two Lord’s days. I a111
t o be a t Marion, La. T h e f i r s t half of Aug. I a m to be a t
Rinston, Ala., with t h e Earlytown congregation, a n d t h e l a s t
half of Aug., a t Washington, Okla.
Clayton Fancher, 1304 N. 6th. St., Wichita Falls, Texas, J u n e
a r e expecting a good crowd a t t h e all-day nieeting
J u l y 4. We have a t e n t f o r t h e e n t i r e meeting J u n e 27 t o J u l y
4 , with Bro. King doing t h e preaching.
J. S. Shelley, Gunter, Texas, J u n e 11.-I would like to help
s o m e loyal b r e t h r e n t o g e t located in o r n e a r Gunter, t h a t
w e may establish a congregation t h a t would carry on t h e wors h i p in t h e Bible way. Tf interested w r i t e me.
Batsell Moore, Box 34. Pitcher, New York, J u n e &-Three
us boys have m e t f o r worship in my room each Lord’s day,
except f o r one time, when we went to t h e woods f o r worship.
T h e r e is s t i l l one loyal boy i n t h e camp a t S a n t a B a r b a r a ,
Chester King. 211!$ Poppy Ave., Monrovia, Calif., May 19.-
I closed a m e e t i n g of two weeks duration a t Monrovia, May
15, with two restorations. Bro. P a u l Nichols and I are i n
B l y t h e now, investigating prospects f o r a mission meeting. My
h o m e a d d r e s s i s t h e above,
F e r d Roberson, (colored), Route 2, Lawrenceburg, Tenn.,
J u n e 9.-We
a r e doing nicely here, a n d w e a r e s t i l l keeping
h o u s e f o r t h e Lord in H i s Own appointed way. We w e r e all
certainly glad t o h e a r t h a t B r o t h e r Chas. R‘aller had r e t u r n e d
t o t h e fold.
Lewis Cogburn, Magnolia, Arkansas, J u n e 2.-We
received t h e contributions by Bro. King f r o m t h e b r e t h r e n ,
JULY 1, 1943
“Here are two subs. May the Lord bless you, and
let me find a place in your prayers.”-Sam Smith,
“Here is a renewal for the paper. We still enjoy
i t very much. We especially enjoyed the article by
Lindsay Allen and all the reports.”-Ira
“The articles in the OPA are good, but we need
more to hand out to the lost. I would like to visit
with you.” -E. H. Miller, Georgia.
“We always look forward to the paper, and we
certainly do appreciate it.” -Daniel A. Moore,
“I certainly thank you all for sending the OPA
on to me. I don’t know what I would do without
i t here. I can keep up with the church news
through the OPA.” -Jaunita
(Cook) Woodruff,
‘‘I received my first issue of the OPA a few days
ago, I certainly did enjoy it.” -Howard Peacock,
“Here are five subs. for the OPA, and I hope
to have more soon.” -Clarence Snodgrass, Texas.
“Bro. King, I received the OPA yesterday, and
I mean t h a t I was surely glad t o get it. I don’t want
to miss a n issue.” -John J. Vanstavern, Texas.
JULY 1,1943
a n d we a r e thankful. W e meet each Friday n i g h t f o r a lesson
i n t h e Bible and each Sunday morning f o r t h e worship. We
are very glad Bro. Howard K i n g came to this camp, as he is
a l o t of s t r e n g t h t o t h e loyal boys. H e is t o have charge of t h e
worship next Sunday.
Travis Cogburn, Lyndhurst, Va., J u n e 3.-I
received t h e
money s e n t u s by Bro. King, f o r t h e loyal boys here, a n d I
wish t o express m y appreciation a n d t h a n k s t o all who a r e
contributing to US. One of o u r loyal boys h a s been released
to go home, d u e t o h i s poor health. H e is Bro. J o h n Lancaster,
Salado, Texas, Rte. 1. T h a t leaves b u t two s t r i c t l y loyal boys
F. K. Reeves, Marion, La., May 30.-We a r e continuing i n t h e
work of t h e Lord here. B r o t h e r Lynwood Smith, of Brookhaven, hfiss.. was with u s April 24 a n d 25, giving u s s o m e
very good lessons. We need t o p u t him o u t in t h e field a l l
t h e time. We a r e expecting Bro. Clovis Cook f o r a m e e t i n g
t h e l a t t e r p a r t of July. We invite a l l who can t o b e with us.
J o e Castleman, 1312 Cleburne Ave.. Houston, Texas, May
M. J. Buffington closed a s h o r t meeting f o r us,
May 8, without visible results, b u t all enjoyed t h e preaching
a n d t h e church was strengthened. We a r e expecting h i s ret u r n in September. T h e church h e r e continues to grow a s n e w
ones move into t h i s part. W e . i n v i t e a l l f a i t h f u l b r e t h r e n t o
nieet with us, as well as loyal preachers to preach f o r us.
W. P. Perser. R o u t e 2. Lubbock, Texas, May 17.-We
expecting Bro. F r e d Kirbo to begin o u r meeting J u l y 11. which
will probably continue f o r two weeks. B r o t h e r M. J. B u f f i n g ton a n d his mother were with us a f e w weeks past. H e preached f o r us twice, a n d w e enjoyed t h e good lessons. B r o t h e r
Phillips was with us also. We invite all f a i t h f u l b r e t h r e n t o
visit a n d worship with us a t 2012 T h i r d St., Lubbock, Texas.
J. C. Moore. Box 73. Bellmead. Texas, May 16.-The
h e r e is doing fine. except f o r some contention over t h e w a r
question. We have had some additions recently. B r o t h e r J o h n
Staley, a - y o u n g preacher, recently took his s t a n d with us,
s a y i n g he could no l o n g e r worship with t h e cups. Batsell was
with u s l a s t Lord‘s day, giving us a good talk.
Ervin W a t e r s , Box 410, Lebanon, Missouri, J u n e l5.-0n
morning of May 16 I preached a t Odom school house, n e a r
Dora, Mo., where a f i n e little congregation worships. T h a t
night I preached a t H i g h View school house, and, May 17, I
began a meeting a t “The Ball” school house, five miles f r o m
Odom, where a S. S. a n d Cups congregation meets. On t h e
night of May 23 t h e y brought H. M. Mitchel, a cups preacher,
i n to t r y to s t o p me. As I was beginning t h e sermon, h e a r o s e
a n d challenged m e t o discuss t h e cup question t h e n a n d
there. I accepted, w e a g r e e d o n a r r a n g e m e n t s a n d propositions,
a n d within t e n m i n u t e s he w a s a f f i r m i n g t h a t t h e s c r i p t u r e s
teach a plurality of cups. ’Without exception h e w a s t h e
most ribald a n d v u l g a r m a n I have m e t in debate. Although
t h e discussion w a s scheduled t o continue t h e second night,
his own b r e t h r e n were so ashamed of his efforts t h a t t h e y
would n o t u s e him. B u t t h e y b r o u g h t a n o t h e r preacher, Ulyssus Morrison, in t o challenge me. He waited u n t i l m y s e r m o n
was over a n d made t h e challenge. I accepted and, May 25, we
discussed the cup question. He was only able to use t w e n t y
minutes of his time. One of his b r e t h r e n arose, said s o m e t h i n g
had t o b e done, a n d h e tried to do it. H e made bad m a t t e r s
worse. I closed this meeting May 27 with one baptism a n d
t h r e e restorations. T h e one I baptized canir f o r w a r d a t t h e
close of t h e debate with Mitchell. May 28, I heard Bro. Robertson preach a t Richland, Mo. May 29-30, I preached a t D r u r y
a n d on t h e n i g h t of May 30, I preached a t Citampion. T h e
S. S. a n d Cups b r e t h r e n a t “The Ball” had s e n t two m e n t o
Arkansas a f t e r J o e Blue, whom t h e y consider t h e i r s t r o n g e s t nian in Arkansas o r Missouri. May 31-June 1. h e a n d I
discussed t h e Cup a n d S. S. questions. H e w a s a s t r o n g
d e b a t e r b u t he j u s t didn’t have t h e t r u t h on his side. I challenged f o r none of t h e s e debates b u t I did n o t r e f u s e t o def e n d t h e t r u t h . June 2-13, I held twelve n i g h t s mission m e e t i n g
a t Champion, baptizing two. T h e f e w m e m b e r s t h e r e h a v e
promised t o worship r e g u l a r l y u n d e r t h e leadership of Bro.
Ivy Hutchison. Rt. 2, Norwood. Missouri. May 26. while Bro.
J o e Howard preached a t “The Ball,” I preached a t Grogan,
Mo., n o r t h of Willow Springs. J u n e 2, I visited Dogwood, BIo.,
f o r several hours d u r i n g t h e day, took two confessions of
f a u l t s , a n d received t h e i r assurance t h a t t h e y would worship
regularly. I will begin a mission m e e t i n g t h e r e tomorrow.
Raynlond Bray, 2417!i NW. 16th, St., Okla. City (7). Okla.,
J u n e 1.-The
c h u r c h h e r e i s doing fine, a n d w e a r e planning
to move t h e m e e t i n g location t o a more s u i t a b l e place. Glenn
a f u r l o u g h l a s t month. H e w a s f o r t u n a t e in
getting a j o b i n t h e office. Bro. Kirbo h a s been doing some
good preaching i n t h e mission field, baptizing a number a n d
establishing congregations.
Jesse C. F r e n c h , 610 So. 8th. St,, Abilene, Texas. J u n e 12.The brethren h e r e are building a new church house. a t l.ith
and Oak Streets. T h e house is t o b e of rock s t r u c t u r e , 20 f t .
by 36 f t . B r e t h r e n Clarence Snodgrass and T a l b e r t S t e w a r t
have been preaching f o r us. We have a b o u t 20 members who
meet every Lord’s day. Bro. J a m e s R. S t e w a r t preached f o r U s
recently. Any donations t o help us build will b e m u c h appreciated.
Fred Kirbo, Davis, Oklahoma, May 2O.-In
t h e mission meeting at Davis t h r e e were baptized, a n d Bro. Johnson baptized
two more since. T h e S. S. b r e t h r e n a t t e n d e d a n d showed intere s t in u n i t i n g w i t h us a f t e r t h e meeting. T h e b r e t h r e n a t
Davis plan to build a house of worship. T h e S u l p h u r b r e t h r e n
donated $100.00; Bro. S a n d e r s $50.00; Mr. C h e r r y $50.00; a n d
o u r contributions made $32.00; T o t a l $232.00. B u t w e need
more money. Will you h e l p ? Send y o u r contributions t o me,
Rte. 1. Davis. I baptized 4 at Fittstown.
M. J. Buffington. Rte. 3, Box 61. Floresville. Texas, May 19.
rec‘ently closed a meeting at Houston, Texas. T h e b r e t h r e n
t h e r e , a r e very zealous in t r y i n g to build u p a loyal church.
If interested in t h e c h u r c h t h e r e o r i t s location. write J o e
Castleman, 1312 Cleburne Ave. I have recently preached f o r
the b r e t h r e n a t Sand Grove, Texas. My next is t o b e a nieeting a t F o r t W o r t h , beginning t h e 28th. inst. P r a y f o r me and
t h e work.
B. F. Leonard. 1714 Jackson Ave., Huntington, .W. Va.. J u n e
a r e s t i l l pressing on in t h e work in t h e name of t h e
Lord, a n d we a r e going forward in o u r plans t o build a
meeting house. We received more donations a s follows: Mt.
Nebo, W. Va., $25.00: New Salem Church. n e a r Wesson. Miss.,
$22.00. We are very t h a n k f u i f o r such liberality, and we praise
the Lord f o r p u t t i n g i t into the h e a r t s of H i s people to help
in time of need.
Jesse Miller, Box 157, Graton, California, J u n e 15.-We
still assemble every Lord’s day h e r e to worship God according
to the teaching of t h e New T e s t a m e n t , which is plainly revdaled. Our p r a y e r s a r e f o r t h e loyal b r e t h r e n everywhere, and
especially, f o r t h e loyal preachers who a r e proclaiming t h e
full a n d u n a d u l t e r a t e d gospel. May God bless all th’e e f f o r t s
of the f a i t h f u l ones everywhere to build u p t h e church according to t h e will of t h e Lord.
Ray Nichols, 840 Wilcox Ave., Hollywood, Calif.. J u n e 15.On May 16, I assisted with t h e teaching and s o n g service a t
the Siskiyou St. Church. my home congregation. T h e r e was
one confession of f a u l t s . J u n e 6 , I preached f o r t h e m again.
June 13. I preached at Foniona. w h e r e we h a v e one of t h e
most z e d o u s congregations in Calif. Let us a l l wake UII t o 3
realization of o u r d u t y and show more zeal f o r t h c cause of
the Lord in t h e s e “perilous times.”
Alfred Walker, ( c o l o r e d ) , Box 146, Brodlihaven. Miss.. >far
t h a n k t h e Lord f o r H i s wonderful blessings, and wc
a r e s o glad t o r e p o r t t h a t B r o t h e r Clarencc Kessinger. S p r i n g
Hill, W. Va., s e n t U S $15.00, and Bro. C. W.Yanstavern. Lebanon, Missouri, $10.00 to apply on o u r building f u n d . Many
thanks t o all t h e b r e t h r e n f o r t h e i r kind contributions. Thc
total a m o u n t we have received s o f a r is $135.80.
J. B. Lasater, dr., Rte. 1, Lawreneeburg, Tenn., J u n e 14.The churches a t Chapel Grove a n d L o n g Branch continue in
the faith. \Ve had t h e f l e a s u r e of h e a r i n g Bro. Lynwood
Smith. of Brookhaven, Miss., f o r a f e w days rerently. We
enjoyed h i s lessons very much, and we think h e is a talented
~“ O--.._
I I T I L ‘ ’.*
n r p_..-..
arhnr W
t r h -n-d t--o e n r a..r e him f o r a meeting in
.. n i.the near future. we appreciate y o u n g nien who a r e not
ashamed t o “declare t h e whole council of Cod.”
__. -
Lawrenceburg, Tenn., known as Chapel Grove, a n d o n e s e r m o n
a t Long Branch. I enjoyed t h e v i s i t with t h e s e b r e t h r e n . MY
n e x t was at Lebanon, Missouri. w h e r e I f o u n d B r e t h r e n Lee
a n d Robertson in a meeting. J u n e 16. I preached a t Lebanon.
I plan t o s t a y h e r e u n t i l l a t e i n June, t h e n r e t u r n t o Miss. i n
t i m e to preach a t New Salem, J u l y 4.
E. II. Miller, 1003 T r u i t t 4ve.. LaGrange. Ga., J u n e ‘i.-The
ehureh h e r e i s doing fine. I baptized a Catholic soldier last
Lord’s day. H e said h e knew t h e Church of C h r i s t is right. 1
pray t h a t o t h e r s will f i n d out before too late. I t h i n k w e need
m o r e articles i n t h e O P A suitable t o hand o u t to t h e lost, as
well as more t o t h e saved to keep them s t r e n g t h e n e d . (Note:
T h e mission of t h e O P A h a s been in t h e main t o stem t h e
tide of digression in t h e church, calling h o n e s t h e a r t s back
t o t h e Old Paths.-Publishers.)
Howard Wayne King, Magnolia, Arkansas, J u n e 4.-I
quite settled h e r e now, a n d I like i t fine, since g e t t i n g acquainted. T h e r e a r e really a f i n e bunch of boys here, a n d t h e y
t r y t o help one o u t as much a s they can, being very friendly.
We have a b o u t 12 boys m e e t i n g f o r worship in t h e S c r i p t u r a l
way. on Lord’s d a y mornings. We have a mid-week m e e t i n g
each Friday night. Bro. Leonard Hendrickson h a s c h a r g e of t h e
lesson tonight. a n d I n e x t Sunday.
J o e Howard, Dora. Missouri, J u n e 13.-The m e e t i n g a t Fieldstone, n e a r Vanzant, Mo., closed without visible results, b u t
I was called home on t h e account of sickness of my wife a f t e r
one week. I w a s with Bro. W a t e r s i n a mission meeting a t t h e
Ball school house, which resulted i n one baptism a n d two
restored, a l s o t h r e e d e b a t e s reported elsewhere in t h i s issue.
J u n e 6, I preached a t D r u r y , a n d t h a t night a t t h e Champion
school house, w h e r e Bro. W a t e r s i s i n a mission meeting. T h e
19th inst., I a m t o go t o Caufield where we have a f e w loyal
members. Two came over f r o m t h e S. S. a n d Cups since t h e
d e b a t e a t t h e Ball.
P a u l 0. Nichols, 849 W i l c o s Ave.. Hollywood, Calif., J u n e 15.
19, Bro. C h e s t e r K i n g and I investigated prospects f o r
a mission meeting a t Blythe, a n d t h e following night. we
preached a “double header” a t Fresno, about 460 miles distant.
May 23. we preached a n o t h e r “double header” a t Ceres. a new
congregation, .now t h e home of Bro. John L. Reynolds. a
gospel preacher, with whom we visited while there. T h a t n i g h t
I preached a t Marysville. where two were baptized a n d one
confessed f a u l t s . May 26-27, I enjoyed good preaching by Bro.
Barney Welch, a t Montebello. I’ began a m e e t i n g a t Eola,
Texas, J u n e 6, where 1’ an1 now, with one baptized. J u n e 20
I an1 t o begin a t Portales, N. hl.
31. J. Buffington. R t e 3. Box 61, Floresville. Texas, J u n e 12.
--I hove recently closed t h e f i r s t half of a s e r i e s of meetings,
which is b c i n g held a t 2704 Vaughn Blvd.. F t . W o r t h , Texas.
I held t h e f i r s t two weeks. e n d Bro. JIcBride i s n o w holding
t h e l a s t two. T h e a t t e n d a n c e was much b e t t e r t h a n we expected. a n d although t h e r e were no additions, we believe t h a t
much good was accomplished. I an1 now in a good m e e t i n g a t
t h e above place which is to l a s t u n t i l the 20th of t h i s month.
I will begin a two weeks meeting a t Ottuniiva, Iowa, t h e 23rd
inst. Brethren. I will be available f o r meetings a f t e r t h e 27th
t h c Scptcmbcr.
Lord‘s cause.
L e t u s work and pray f o r g r e a t e r t h i n g s f o r
Guy Nalory, Jr., 1:104 N. 5th St.. Wichita Falls, Texas, Sunc
have been in T e x a s a b o u t two months. I have had t h e
plcasure of being with t h e b r c t h r c n in Lonieta, Belton, Temple,
and W a r o . m a k i n g talks a t each place. r have enjoyed m y s t a y
i n Texas. a n d hope t o come back in t h e f c t u r e . B y t h r time
t h i s reaches o u r r e a d e r s I will be back home in S p r i n g Hill,
W. Vn. P r a y f o r me and m y work. I go n e x t t o Wichita Falls,
T e x a s with Bro. Kin&
Clarence l i e s s i n g e r , Box 42, S p r i n g €Iill, W. Va., J u n e 15.We enjoyed Bro. Icing’s meetings a t Mallory Chapel a n d S t o p
12. K e h a d f a i r crowds. one being baptized a t S t o p 12. W e
a r e looking f o r w a r d t o a much longer meeting n e x t year. W e
appreciate Bro. Ciovis Cook t a k i n g over t h e work i n t h e s e
, p a r t s f o r a year. T h e r e is much work here a n d much good t o
be done. May we all s t r i v e t o do b e t t e r t h a n we have i n t h e
past. P r a y f o r u s a n d t h e work here.
Lynvjood S m i t h , Lebanon, Missouri, J u n e 17.-1’ recently
preached a t Temple Hill, Miss,, a n d t h e next S u n d a y a t a Bro. ’
R o b e r t Taylor, Rte. 13, Eos 130. Houston. Texas, JIay 28.Hall’s. June 10, I bex:an a s h o r t m e e t i n g at a place n e a r I T h e l i t t l e c h u r c h h e r e is s t i l l growing. a n d w e a r e very
Ervin Waters
ary 1, which I hope t o do.
Brethren, how many of us are “redeeming the
time,, with which we are blessed? Franklin Once
said, “If time be of all things the most precious,
the wasting
of timespends
is theso world‘s
The world
much time
seeking the elusive pleasures alld most, having
vain folly,
to death unspent theirto lives
sear the conclusion
Solomon, who sought ‘,what was good for t:le
of men, which they should do under the heaven all the days of their life” (Eccl. 2:3), “Let US
hear the conclusion of the whole matter: F ~
God, and keep his commandments; for this is the
whole duty of man” (Eccl. 12:14).
should be “laborers together.”
I rejoice with “joy unspd<able” when I receive the encouraging reports from t h e fleld. We
are marching forward. But a maximum output
of our energies would almost be “life from the
dead.” We are facing increasing opportunities
as the world spellds its w a k h alicl power in the
throes of universal conflict. People will need the
stimulus of Christian faith. h o w , and charity to
lift them from the ashes and I.uiliS of t h a t which
“perished with the using.” May God grant that
~ are
~ equal
to the task of Yedeeming the time !
As preachers are being sent into the fielcls by
an awakening church. God is raising up others to
AUGUST 1, 1943
increase the force. “The night is f a r spent, the the Son and the Holy Spirit”? Do you hear him,
day is a t hand; let u s therefore cast off the works after he had gone back to the Father, had been
of darkness, and let us put on the armor of light” seated a t t h e right hand of God, when He, as if He
(Rom. i3:12). Let us refrain from any activity felt He might not be understood, said, “Let him
which is a hindrance to spiritual growth and “set that heareth say, come”? This is His third comour affections on things above” (Col. 3 2 . Let mission, and we a r e included in it.
u s study and meditate on the word of the Lord
(Selected by M. J. Buffington).
day and night. .Let us lift our eyes “up” from
whence “cometh every good and perfect gift”
(Jas. 1:17) and be oft in prayer and watching.
Elbert Phillips
Let u s “remember t h a t the days are‘ evil” and
that we must “redeem the time” for soon our iife,
“These things write I unto thee, hoping to
which is “as a vapor,” will vanish. May God come unto thee shortly: But if I t a r r y long, t h a t
grant t h a t the ghosts of neglected opportunities thou mayest know how thou oughtest to behave
thyself in the house of God, which is t h e church
will not haunt u s in t h e judgment day!
of the living God, the pillar and ground of t h e
“Of all sad words
truth” (1 Tim. 3:14-15).
Of tongue or Den.
One of t h e purposes of assembling on the Lord’s
The sad&& are‘ t h k e ,
Day is to commemorate t h e Lord’s death, “For a s
It might have been.
often as ye e a t this bread and drink this cup, ye
-Box 410, Lebanon, Missouri. do shew the Lord’s death till he come” (1 Cor. 11 :
26). We manifest our recognition of the worth of
his sacrifice. A t this time we should review t h a t
The Christ heart is one of compassion. He sym- life of purity which Christ lived, by faith hear
pathized with suffering, ignorant, misdirected, .the beautiful prayer He prayed in the garden, and
sin-cursed humanity. He had a feeling with and see Him as His chosen apostle betrays Him and
for, all who needed his help. He was “touched the others forsake Him. We should remember how
with the feelings of our infirmities.” He saw the they condemned and crucified the Son of God and
individual and t h e multitude. It is hard for us to how, when with an aching brow and parched lips
see the multitude. We a r e narrow in our vision, from intense suffering, He kindly asked for a
and our heart seems to be only large enough to drink, they gave Him vinegar mingled with gall.
take in those of our own home 01- community. With words of love and compassion, after endurChrist’s heart throbbed in sympathy for t h e ing the.pain and agony of the cross, He said,
whole world. We must have His heart if we a r e “Father, forgive them; for they know not what
His disciples. We dare not sit in our own little they do” (Lk. 23 :34). Surely this merits our love
garden and give ourselves to admiring i t ; we ancl respect beyond t h a t of any earthly friend or
Kust get a vision of the entire field, which is t h e loved one.
In 1886 a t the Alamo, 182 brave Texans resisted
world, and we must feel t h a t we are, in a measure:
resronsible if the summer ends and t h e harvest the attack of 2,500 Mexicans under Santa Anna
from Feb. 11 to Mar. 5, a period of 22 days. Only
is lost.
five were alive after t h e f o r t was stormed and
Christ finished his work-He
completed His taken, and these were commanded to be shot. Only
mission. He committed the work into our hands. a n infant girl escaped. Because of the love f o r
He gave it over to us in good condition. If we freedom and liberty, the sacrifice made, and the
fail to carry out his will, then we make Christ sacredness of the spot where they made it, visitfail. The gospel has in it the germ of divine life. ors remove their hats when entering, and it is so
It is the only thing t h a t can transform this old quiet one could hear a pin drop.
world. It must be planted in the hearts of men
How different when most of us attend t h e worand women, otherwise it can not bring forth the ship
of t h e church in memory of our Savior who
desired results. The soil is in good conclitionpoured
His soul unto death for “sins t h a t were
men and women are anxious to know the way. not Hisout
own.” !
The lost world is struggling now for life, and it
When we show last respect for a loved one, we
must perish if t h e gospel is not given to it. We are careful to select appropriate songs t h a t can be
wonder if there has ever been a time in the his- sung correctly. There is no joking among those
tory of this world when sin was so rampant and present. Every act is carried out in solemn reverwhen humanity was so much in need of a Saviour. ence. Whc would dare to cause a disturbance?
The old earth has been drenched in human blood.
How different we often conduct the memorial
The “inhumanity of man has made countless mil- service for our Lord! Too often we are careless in
lions mourn,” and from all sections of the globe
attitude ; sometimes even during prayer and
those who were made in the image of Jehovah a r e aour
s the emblems are being passed, possibly forgetbegging for help. It has been demonstrated t h a t ting t h a t Christ is in our midst. The songs someeducation can not lift t h e human race. There is times
sung make us wonder who could sing them
only one seed t h a t possesses the elements of the with the
spirit and t h e understanding. The spiritdivine life, has in it t h e power to-lift, and t h a t is ual
would be far. greater if we
the sospel. Listen! Do you hear t h e last words wouldstrengthening
and maintain t h e solcontrol
of T - u s ringing in your ears--“Go ye into all t h e
emnity and sacredness that should prevail. Let us
irrnrld. and preach the Gospel unto every crea- refrain
from merely going through a form, but
fur0 ” and. “GO make disciples of all the nations, let u s “worship
i;l spirit and in truth” putting
ba-+izing them into the name of t h e Father and our hearts and souls
into His service.
-AUGUST 1,1943
my personal check for $25.00 to helg
I have j u s t finished reading the OPA for June,
in which I find a number of things very interest- defray expenses in a mission meeting. May your
ing. to me. (Of course. the OPA is always interest- efforts for good be blest.” -Mrs. H. C. harper,
ing, but especially this time).
“I received my OPA yesterday and read every
It is a %pleasureto notice t h a t Bro. Chester
King is now putting in full time in preaching. He word, some twice and three times before I could
is a good boy and a good preacher and singer, and stop. It was all very good, especially the article by
Bro. Paul Nichols. I shall t r y harder to keep
the cause of Christ will profit by his efforts.
I notice t h a t Bro. John L. Reynolds is to give those things in mind. Everything in the paper was
all of his time to preaching. He, too, is a good very good. The all-day meeting, July 4, was the
Huey Coo.k,
m a n and a good preacher and singer and capable best, I believe, I ever heard.”-Mrs.
of doing much good. God’s word will be preached Texas.
“That June issue of the OPA, in my estimation,
where ever he goes, whether it be to a multitude
or to one individual. California, a few years ago, takes the cake. I hope that every member not only
could hardly get a preacher out there long enough reads, but studies, ‘The Modern Movies’ and ‘Killto hold a meeting, is now f a s t pushing forward in ing Our Babies’. Let us shun these two evils.’’spreading t h e gospel and good preachers are grow- C. W. Van Stavern, Missouri.
“The OPA came yesterday. It was a good issue,
ing up among them of their own boys, who will be
and I enjoyed reading it.”-Homer A. Gay, Mo.
a blessing to the nation.
“I received the June issue of the OPA, and I
I note with interest the care t h a t is being shown
Cogburn, Arkanto our boys in the C.P.S. camps, and the liberal certainly did enjoy it.”-Lewis
contributions being given them. God will bless sas.
“I am doing all I can for the paper. I wish you
them for their faithfulness and loyalty to God,
and He will also bless those who help to care for much success. Pray for us.”-Mrs. W. L. Rawdon,
them while they are there, where they cannot care Tennessee.
“Here is a donation for the CPS boys. May
f u r themselves. The congregations and individual
members should see that they have at least $30.00 God bless you and yours in His service.”-Burley
per month each, to pay their way-they deserve F. Black, Iowa.
“I am enclosing four subs. to the OPA. I think
i t and the churches are able to pay it.
It is also interesting to note t h a t the brethren it is a good paper, and it is upbuilding to the cause
at Huntington, W. Va., are well on the road to- of Christ.”-Guy Mallory, W. Va.
“We have just received our OPA, and we enjoy
ward building a new meeting house. I am glad to
see brethren want to have a respectable place in every issue.”-Mr. and Mrs. Amos Phillips. New
which to worship and to which to invite people out Mex.
to hear the gospel. So many times we find brethren
“Here are two subs. I hope to get more names
who live in nicely furnished homes and drive new soon. I hope you can send me some samples.”-automobiles, willing to worship in j u s t any kind of Mrs. R. R. Kramer, Pa.
a n old tumbled clown shack in a back alley-and
“ H e r e j s my renewal to the OPA. I always look
then complain because people will not come out to forward to receiving the paper. I always enjoy
hear the gospel preached.
hearing you preach.”-Mrs. C. G. King, Texas.
It is interesting to see the meeting place of the
“I read Bro. Batsel Moore’s OPA while he was
loyal congregation in San AntGnio Texas: in the here,
ancl I enjoyed it so much that I am subscribOPA. Brethren should let the public know where ing for
as it is about the only way I have of
their meeting places are- we might “entertain knowingit,what
is going on, and I do enjoy the line
angels unaware.”
so much. I am praying for i t to continue
It is interesting to hear t h a t Bro. Buford Ham- articles
good work. Pray for me.” -Houston Martin,
brick has told somebody t h a t he does not believe the
Acts 2:42 is a set order of worship. But after all
“Here is my renewal to the OPA. We enjoy
the confusion made about its being the order t o
follow on Lord’s day, i t would be much more reading it very much.”-J. F. Graham, Missouri.
“Here is my renewal. I do not want to miss a n
desirable t o see him come out in the open in The
Truth, of which he is assistant publisher, and issue. We enjoy reading i t so much. We like all the
say that Acts 2:42 is not a n order of worship to articles. Send me a copy of the Clark-King Discusfollow on Lord’s day. This would eliminate a lot sion.”-Mrs. Wade Tindall, Texas.
‘‘I am sending my sub. as I wish to be a regular
of confusion and trouble and might eliminate a
subscriber to the 0PA.”-Lucy E. Turley, Califordivision in t h e church there.
It is also interesting to see t h a t Brethren Jim
Stewart and Clarence Snodgrass, both of Texas,
“Here are some subs. May Go:l bless you in
work and keep you healthy.”-Ervin Waters,
a r e being supported so t h a t they can give all of your
their time to preaching the gospel. We have no
better men among us t h a t Bro. Stewart and I a m
“Here is my renewal to the 0P.k I enjoy readtold t h a t Bro. Snodgrass is also a good man and ing it very much and especially of the good meeta good young preacher.. George Hughes is another ings. May God bless you in your work. I like to
who shoud be kept busy all t h e time hear vou
P. Whigham, Alabama.
some subs. for the paper
Well, I hope t h a t all enjoyed t h e June issue of
Bray, Oklahoma.
t h e OPA as well a s I did.
AUGUST 1,1943
_ -
Entered as second-class m a t t e r March 24, 1932, a t t h e postoffice at Lebano?, Missouri, under t h e Act of March 3, 1879.
HONER L. KING -_____________________________Lebanon, &lo.
HOBIEIi -4. GAY. - - _-__________________________Lebanon,
_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ R o u t2,
e Lebanon, 310.
H. E. ROBERTSON, Assistant
Phillipsburg, Bfo.
a person, and in the
t e the spirit, as in Mt.
the body. The body, beIng mortal (Rom. 6:12; 2 Cor. 4 : l l ; Rom. 8:11,
1 Cor. 15: 54) can be killed, but they are not
able to kill the soul (spirit), says Jesus.
-H. C. Harper
Here are the donations I have received this
month for the expenses of the boys in the CPS
Printed by Laycook P r i n t i n g Co., Jackson, Tenn.
Camps :
J. H. McKaig, $2.00; A Siskiyou St. brother,
$10.00; A sister of Siskiyou St. church, $10.00;
Sister Carl Nichols, Siskiyou St. Church, $10.00;
A writer in the p’ T’
(Adventist) Of
30, 1933, gives us the following:
Total $32.00.-Carl N. Nichols, 849 Wi1co.U Ave.,
Hollywood, Calif.
The shortest and most con&wive argument
from reason and logic is a s follows.
Donations Sent To OPA: Herschel Massie for
“It is popularly said t h a t the body and not
the Lees Summit Church of Christ, Lebanon, Mo.,
the soul is that which sleeps. Suppose for the
$50.00 .(For two months) ; Clyde Middick for the
sake of argument we admit this to be true.
Carter Church of Christ, Davidson, Okla., $25.00 ;
What follows? Nothing more or less than
G. P. Davis for the Sand Grove Church of Christ,
$5.00; Leo Turner for the Temple Church, $10.00;
Burley F. Black for Ottumwa, Iowa, Church of
Sleep produces a change in the body but
not in the soul or mind. But sleep produces
Christ, $25.00; Carlos B. Smith for New Salem
unconsciousness. Therefore the body and not
Church, Brookhaven, Miss., $10.00; E. J. Barnes
for the Clayton Home Church, Greenforest, Ark.,
- soul is conscious.
Let the lmmaterialiest who furnish the pre$5.00; Total $130.00.
mises admit the conclusion, and thus end the
I am sending all the boys $30.00 each this
month, which will be t h e full amount of theiy
Eeply: But this whole thing is “as full of error expenses, if they should turn i t ali over to the
as an egg is of meat.” Look at it. Major premise: director, but since Bro. Nichols is turning what is
Sleep produces a change in the body but not in sent him to the management of the camps, i t will
the soul or mind.” This is false, and he evidently not be necessary to turn i t all to the directors
knows it; but he needs a “straw man.” What is this time. I am very glad the brethren are respondsleep ? “Sleep, to rest with the voluntary exercise lng to this need in a very libera! way. The most
of the powers of body and mind suspended.” convenient way as well as systematic is to sencl
(Webster) Both body and mind can act in sleep, your contributions monthy. -Homer L. Icing,
and sleep can produce a change in both body and Rt. 2, Lebanon, Mo.
Minor premise : “But sleep produces unconsciousness.” This is not true. I n the first place
There is to be a “Get-Together Meeting” of all
conscience is a power of the soul, or mind. It is the congregations in the state of California, a t
“The power of the soul to know its own acts and Fresno, September 6, 1943. It is important t h a t
states itself as the knower.” (White) And sleep all be represented that we may outline and plan
but suspends the voluntarv action.
the work.for the future. We want to keep t h e good
Neither is his conclusion “Therefore the body work going, and we want all to have a voice in
and not the soul is conscious“ legitimate even if how much we shall undertake and whom we shall
his primises were true. There is no way he can select to do the work. So, plan to be there, and
logicaly get from “~~nconsciousness~’
to “con- then come! -Carl N. Nichols.
Granting his premises a r e true f o r illustration,
his conclusion comes out thus:
we called attention t o the con1. Sleep produces a change in the body but
sideration of putting out a new book of sermons,
not in the soul or mind.”
discussing the worship, first principals, Christian
2. “But sleep produces unconsciousness.”
3. Therefore, sleep produces unconsciousness in living, etc., with pictures and biographies of all
t h e loyal preachers who would care to participate
the body, but not in the soul, or mind.
And he can not get any other legitimate con- in t h e making of the book. Quite a number of
brethren responded favorably, but not sn m s n v nf
clu_si?n __from these premises.
attend a good meeting. We went t o Lowery, J u l y 1, to services
there, b u t t h e crowds were small, a s many have moved away,
a n d many of t h e boys have been called to t h e a r m y o r camps.
Many others are j u s t careless or- have gone back into t h e
John Spradley, Jr., I-Iouston, T e x a s , ‘ J u l y 15.-We
a r e confident t h a t t h e new congregation here will progress steadily.
Brother S t e w a r t was with u s recently.
Clayton Fancher, 1304 N. 5th St., Wichita Falls, Texas,
J u l y lij.-Brother
Homer L. King closed a good meeting h e r e ,
J u l y 4, with five baptized a n d f o u r confessions of f a u l t s . T h e
crowds and i n t e r e s t were good
throughout. T h e all-day
meeting July 4, was a wonderful success. Brethren were h e r e
froni Tennessee, California, W e s t Virginia, Missouri, Mississippi, Oklahonia, and various p a r t s of Texas. W e invite a l l
back next year.
S. E. Weldon, 1461 Edwin St. Beaumont, Texas, July 13.I am still affllicted, b u t can be up some. I a m still without a
place of worship. W e have two others, who a r e Christians, but
one is unwilling t o . m e e t f o r worship. If anyone knows of any
loval brethren here, tell them t o call a t t h e above address,
t h a t we may a r r a n g e f o r t h e worship.
church h e r e is
G. P. Davis, Milano, Texas, J u l y 7.-The
moving along nicely. W e a r e looking forward t o our meeting,
beginning August 8, with Brother F r e d Kirbo doing t h e preaching. W e hope t h a t all will be ready t o attend, and we invite all
loval congregations to cooperate with us in t h i s . meeting.
pray f o r s; a n d t h e good work.
Toni E. Smith, Box 893, Healdton, Oklahoma, J u l y 12.O u r meeting a t Healdton. closed J u n e 27, resulting in t h r e e
baptized and one restored, and we believe t h e entire congregation strengthened. T h e meeting will long be remembered.
Bro. Clovis Cook did t h e preaching, which was fine, a n d h e
endeared himself t o us a l l by his f a i t h f u l and consecrated
life. The f o u r t h of July meeting was t h e b e s t ever.
Carlos B. Smith, Rte. 1, Box 150, Wesson, Miss., July 14.Brother Chas. Waller (colored) is here now, and he is doinp
some good preaching among t h e colored. He h a s baptized six
and restored four. W e a r e glad h e is doing s o much good. We
are very t h a n k f u l f o r t h e help t h a t has been s e n t Bro.
Alfred Walker, f o r building a house f o r worship, which will
soon be built.
J. F. Graham, Longrun, Missouri, J u l y 9.-Brother
Waters recently preached f o u r sermons f o r us,. a n d we certainly did enjoy h i s preaching. W e think h e a n d his w i f e a r e
fine Christians, and we did enjoy t h e i r visit s o much. We
appreciate them very much f o r t h e i r work’s sake and labor
of love. P r a y f o r u s i n building u p t h e cause here.
Carl N. Nichols, 849 Wilcox Ave., Hollywood, Calif., J u l y 14.
company with others, I attended t h e :~ll-di~ymeeting
July 4, a t Wichita Falls, Texas. T h a t i s one 4th of J u l y t h a t I
shall never forget. I’ j u s t cannot find words t o express j u s t
how niuch I enjoyed t h a t t r i p and meeting. t h e hospitality,
a n d edification by various ones.
. _prayers,
A. A . P a t t e r s o n , Devol, Okla., July l.i.-We
closed a meetitig
of one week, with B r o t h e r J a m e s R. Stewart doing t h e preaching. Three were restored, and we had good lessons t o both
s a i n t and sinner. T h e i n t e r e s t increased t o t h e close, and
we hope niore good was done t h a n was visible a t t h e time.
Raymond Bray, 2417% W. W. lGth St., Okla. City, Okla.,
J u l y 20.-The
mission work in t h i s s t a t e will have been without a preacher f o r t w o months by September 1. when Brother
Homer L. King is t o t a k e over f o r t h r e e months. W e have a
number of prospects f o r meetings. b u t t h e f i r s t . i t seems,
is t o be a t McAlester, Okla. The church in t h e City is going
forward. a n d t h e s i n z i n g i s improving as me practice each
Wednesdav night.
E. E. W r i g h t , Gen. Del., Lubbock. Texas, July lS.--I certainly
did enjoy t h e visit with t h e church a t Wichita Falls ( N . Gth
St.), J u l y 4. I m e t many of t h e preaching brethren, and I
enjoyed t h e visit in t h e Clayton Fancher home. The second
Sunday in July, I m e t with t h e Fruitland, Texas, church,
also visited in t h e R. L. Cansler home. B r o t h e r Kirbo i s now
in a good meeting in Lubbock, and h e i s doing sonlo good
teaching as t h e Bible directs. May we always strive t o do
His will.
wish t o
Newton C. Reeves, Lyndhurst. Va., 3une 26.-We
express o u r sincere t h a n k s f o r t h e i n t e r e s t you a n d t h e
brotherhood a r e t a k i n g in us.‘ W e received t h e check froni
Brother King, a n d we p r a y t h a t t h e Lord will repay each
participant bountifully. B r o t h e r J o h n Lancaster, one of t h e
loyal boys here, has been released from t h i s camp on t h e
account of physical disability. Please, remember u s i n your
J. P. Whigham, Georgiana, Ala.. J u l y 14.-I have j u s t been
reading in t h e O P A of t h e good meetings. I wish t h a t I could
Guy Mallory, ,Jr., Rte. 7, Box 330, South Charleston, W. Va.,
J u l y 19.-I
have j u s t r e t u r n e d home from a t r i p into Texas.
I notice t h a t in t h e small congregations, as a rule, we have
niore unity and love. We have a small congregation a t Mallory
Chapel, my home. I have made t w o talks h e r e since r e t u r n i n g
home. It seems t h a t t h e brethren a r e working more i n various
ways. May we all be perfectly joined together in unity.
Ben Frentrup. 1028 Nolan St., San Antonio, Texas, J u l y
meeting w i t h t h e church a t Catalina a n d Viendo
S t r e e t s closed J u n e 27, with one baptized into Christ. L e t us
remember t h a t t h e r e i s “rejoicing in Heaven over one s i n n e r
t h a t repenteth”, hence o u r labor was n o t i n vain. B r o t h e r
Fred Kirbo delivered some splendid sermons to t h e church,
a n d we believe much good was done f o r t h e cause of Christ.
Leo T u r n e r , 51s So. 27th St., Temple, Texas, J u l y lG.-We
recently closed a very good meeting. with Bro. Clovis Cook
doing the preaching, resulting in one baptism and one confession of faults. In my estiniation Clovis is one of o u r best.
who fearlessly t h r u s t s t h e sword of t h e spirit. We appreciate
his efforts here, and we a r e thankful f o r o u r young preachers,
*Joe Castleman and Lynwood Smith, who were with u s t h r o u g h
t h e meeting. May t h e i r zeal continue in t h e work of t h e
Xmos Phillips, Rte. 2 , Portales, New Llex., J u l y lZ.-Brother
J a c k Bledsoe closed a t h r e e weeks meeting here April 14,
with six baptized and much good othermise done. Bro. P a u l
N’ichols recently canie by f o r f o u r days of preaching, a n d
returned J u n e 20, f o r 13 days of preaching, which helped us
very much. These a r e very f i n e boys, a n d we hope t o have
them with us again soon. We invite all f a i t h f u l members t o
visit u s in passing t h i s way. We a r e located on t h e n o r t h
side of t h e R. R. tracks.
I-loustun Martin, Los Prietos Camp, S a n t a Barbara, Calif.,
are b u t two of us left in t h i s camp, b u t me
July l2.-There
have the worship in camp j u s t t h e sanie. TVe would appreciate
having a n y of t h e b r e t h r e n passing this way. I was certainly
t h a n k f u l f o r t h e check by Bro. King f r o m t h e f a i t h f u l
brethren. LIy home is a t Lowery, Ala. You will f i n d us u s i n g
b u t one cup here. I w a n t t h e OPA s e n t t o me here, a s i t i s
about t h e only way I have of knowing w h a t is going on. Please
remember me in your prayers.
Fred Kirbo, Davis, Oklahonia, J u l y 1G.-I
recently closed
a ineeting a t San Antonio, Texas, with one baptized. T h e
crowds and i n t e r e s t were good. I enjoyed t h e hospitality
of those good brethren a n d t h e way they cooperated i n t h e
meeting. Brethren J a m e s and Perkins, as well as o t h e r s , are
t o be commended f o r t h e i r u n t i r i n g e f f o r t s t o build up t h e
church there. I ani now a t Lubbock, Texas, i n a meeting, a n d
I go next t o Saxd Grove, Texas, f o r a meeting. T h i s place i s
n e a r Temple, and we would be glad t o have a l l cooperate
i n t h e work.
John L. Reynolds, Box 201, Ceres, California, J u l y 16.-
I a m in a good meeting a t Corcoran, with t h e good b r e t h r e n ,
who a r e very zealous i n t h e work. While tine crowds a r e small,
y e t t h e i n t e r e s t i s good. W e have had t h r e e preachers t o a t t e n d
Dwanza Burd, daughter of GUY
Burdl Rte. 2, Lebanon, Missouri, W a s born June
20, 1927; departed this life June 6, 1943, being
nearly 16 years of age- The end came after a
lingering illness, said by the physicians to be
internal cancer.
Sister Dwanza obeyed t h e gospel in 1941 under
the preaching of Brother Fred Kirbo, at the Lebanon Church of Christ, where she held membership for a while, but was also a member of t h e
Lees Summit church a t t h e time of her death. She
was a lovable and devoted Christian and will be
missed in the home and in the church.
Dwanza leaves to mourn her passing, her father,
one sister, Mrs. Paul Triplett; three brothers, Bert
Vernon, and Dennis ; her mother having preceded her in death. Our very tender sympathy is extended to all the bereaved.
Funeral Services were conducted by the writer
in the Lees Summit church and interment was in
t h e New Hope Cemetery--Homer L- King.
Garrison. -Mary Lutisha Garrison was born
April 30, 1856; departed this life July 19, 1943,
being over 87 vears nf
-- a w
In-1872 she was unyre; in matrimony to John
Henson; to which union two children were born,
Lucy Jane and Lafayette.
. Her husband and daughter preceded her in
death. She leaves to mburn her passing, her son,
five grand children, four great grand children, a
number of nieces and nephews, among whom is
Bro. H. E. Robertson; also a number of other
relatives and friends. She was loved by all who
knew her.
Funernl services were conducted by the writer,
and interment was in the Phillipsburg cemetery.
Our sympathy to the bereaved.
-Homer L. King
Wells.-Pvt. Robert Adson Wells was born Feb.
23, 1908; departed this life June 1, 1943; having
resided in Carter County for t h e past 30 years.
He obeyed the gospel in 1936. In 1931, he married
Miss Daisy Mae Pa-vton.
He leaves behind, his widow, parents, four
brothers, one uncle, three aunts, and a number of
other relatives and friends. Our‘ sympathy is
extended t o t h e bereaved.
-Tom E. Smith
No grey dawn shall darken
The sunshine of m y soul;
No storm shall drench
The gladness that now rolls.
Here are the subs. received by u s f o r the past
month and the names of our helpers. Many thanks
to all for their faithful interest in t h e welfare of
t h e paper. It would greatly increase our readers
and strength if all who can could send at least two
new subs. every month. We continue t h e special
trial offer of 50c for the first year; $1.00 to all renewals.
M. J. Buffingtoll-8;
James R. S t e w a r t 8 ;
Barney Welch-5; Homer A. Gay-5; Homer L.
King-5 ;
Mrs. w. L. Guy
Mrs. T.Ervin
L. Modgling-2;
Carlos Smith-2;Paul Nichols-2 ;E. J. Smith-2 ;
Fred K i r b h Z ; Mrs. Cora Campbell-2 ; R. L.
Baker-2; Mrs. R. R. Kramer-2 ; Clovis T. Cook
-2 ; c. W. Carson-1; L. C. England-1 ; LUCY E.
Tur-ey-1; C. C. Cleary-1;
Estilene Voyles-1;
Ray Nichols-2; Miss Inez Cope-1; L. S. Clements-1; M‘s. Wade Tindall-1; J. F. Graham-1;
Mrs. C. G. King-1 ; J. p. Whigham-1;
Mrs. E.
W. Bever-1; Houston Martin-1;
E, E. Wright
-1; C. H. Lee-1;
Total 77.
The all-day meeting, July 4, at Wichita Falls,
Texas was a great success. There were eight
states represented, from West Virginia to Caliand from Nebraska to t h e Gulf of Mexico.
. fornia,
Many preachers were present, and although
they were limited to 10 minutes each in t h e afternoon, i t is doubtful if all had an opportunity to
speak..Unity and Purity of Life were the subjects stressed. The singing was very uplifting,
and there was a lot of it.
A t t h e morning service, H. C. Welch, Tom E.
Smith, and James R. Stewart spoke to edification.
Barney Welch served at the Lord’s Table. It was
reported t h a t 250 people were present at t h a t
meeting, and 183 Communed. One loaf and one
‘drinking vessel a s the Bible authorizes were used,
and the collection was over $138.00, I believe.
The North Sixth Street Church of Christ is to
be commended for the hospitality manifested in
taking the many brethren into their homes,
especially the ‘ones who came from a distance,
arriving one or two clays before t h e all-day meeting. Let all brethren everywhere take note and
follow the example.
The next such meeting was decided to be held
again at the same place, as Wichita Falls is a good
central location.
-Paul 0. Nichols
God meant me t o be hungry,
SO I shall seek t o find,
Wisdom, truth and beauty
To satisfy m y mind.
God meant m e t o be lonely,
Lest I should wish to s t a y
rn some green earthly eden
Too long from Heaven away.
God meant m e to be weary,
That I should yearn to rest,
This feeble aching body
Deep-in the earth’s dark breast.
(Selected b y Mrs. Albert Phillips)
AUGUST 1, 1943
July 3, 1943, at Wichita Falls, Texas, I officiated in uniting in Holy bonds of matrimony, H. C.
Welch, Jr., and Bessie Marie Titlow. both of Belton, Texas.
They are well trained. Both a r e devoted Christians, having been reared by Christian parents.
As they launch out into the activities of companionship, we wish for them a long, prosperous, and
happy life, as they toil together in t h e vineyard of
their Master. We pray t h a t they may face the
obstacles of t h e future bravely and faithfully.
-Barney D. Welch.
Your stronger proofs
divinely give
And show m e where
h o Chriqtinns
.. ..
“Here is My Church
where men still dare
To take Me a t My word.”
- -..-
“Thus saith the Lord. ‘Stand y e in the ways, and see, and ask f o r the Old Paths, where is the good way, and walk therein, and y e shall find reat 101. your souls.”(Jer. 6;lG) “And they that be of Thee shall build the old waste places: thou
shalt raise up the ioundations of many generations; and thou shalt be called, The Repairer of the Breach, The Restorer
of Paths t o Dwell in.” (Isa. 58:lZ).
. 1943
I note in t h e last few years a number of congregations a r e awakening to the crying need of having the gospel preached and are trying to do something about it. In different localities congregations have cooperated in their ettorts to support
the evangelist while he does the preaching.
This, like every other move, t h a t h a s ever been
made by the church to spread the gospel, has been
opposed by some who see only the mistakes that
may come from such work.
We always find some who are opposed to any
one doing anyr;hing, which they themselves are
not doing. It would be easy for u s to allow ourselves to think, t h a t we are the only ones who
know exactly how t o do everything, but then, how
could we “teach and admonish each other”?
Personally, I believe t h a t if every congregation
t h a t is financially able (and most of them a r e ) ,
would support a preacher and keep him out in the
evangelistic field all t h e time, it would be a wonderful work. But where one congregation is not
able and two or three others agree to cooperate
with them in the work, I do not see that i t is an
organization, but merely a cooperation as was
practiced by the churches in Paul’s day. He says,
in 2 Cor. 12:13, “I robbed other churches, taking
wages of them to do you service.” Notice that the
churches (plural), More than one congregation
contributed to this missionary effort. Another
thing I nould like for u s to notice right here is
that they supported Paul here, even after a congregation was established. Some of the brethren
seem to think that t h e only place a preacher does
mission work is out in the back-woods, where they
have never hcard of the gospel. But, Paul visited
the cony*egations again and again, confirming
them in the gospel. We wish to notice. too, that
Paul said he “took wages” from these congregations. This seems to be the most objectionable
part of the work now being done by a number of
the brcihren, is, they feel t h a t it is wrong for the
preacher to know anything about how much he
is to get for the work. They say, “If he knows
he is going t o be paid, then he makes i t a money
-:proposition, and will refuse to go and preach unless he knows he is going to receive his pay.”
But, that is the fault of the preacher, and not of
the ylan. Preachers may, and often do, get into
the same habit in holding pi-otracted meetings,
that i 4 hunt for t h e good paying congregations,
and neglect those who are less able to pay, but
that c?oes not make it wrong to hold protracted
No. 9
I woulcl like to say right here t h a t when any
preacher reaches the point where he is afraid or
ashamed to work with his hands, he is too proud
to be a gospel preacher. Of course, when he is
kept busy preaching all of the time he does not
have the time to do other work, and the brethren
who keep him busy preaching owe him for his
time, for “the labourer is worthy of his hire” (Lk.
10:7). I have always felt that if a preacher invites himself to a place to preach he should not
expect the brethren to pay him, but when brethren hire him they are duty bound to pay him his
wages. Too many times the preaching of the gospel does not have the effect the brethren expect,
all because the evangelist is broke, “thumbs a
rkle” and is poorly clad, and this all because the
brethren did not pay him his wages, that were
justly due him, Many brethren will pay a painter
$1.50 per hour to beautify their home, when they
would not think of giving the preacher a dollar a
week to t r y to save the souls of his children!
I believe the grace and duty of giving should
be taught and stressed until every gospel preacher
in the brotherhood is supported and kept busy
preaching the gospel. Then will souls be converted to the Lord; churches will be built and the
brethren will not be ashamed of their ministry.
But as long as the preachers are kept in poverty,
and the members are untaught on the subject of
giving, we will be confronted with the things we
have gone through with for the last twenty-five
years, an? more. When the brethren go out to
work for the preacher, they want to know how
much he is going to pay, and when; but with some
i t is a horrible sin if the preacher knows anything
about how much he is going to be paid for his
service. If the preacher could satisfy his merchant and banker by saying, “the brethren will
help me,” it mould be different, but they know
better than to believe the brethren on this point.
So, brethren i t looks to me like it is time for the
congregations to get behind the preachers and pay
them a decent wage, and’let them get out on the
“highways ancl byways of sin” and find those
souls who are lost in sin ; establish new congregations. and build them up. The labourers are so
few” a t the most; cannot we keep all of them
In 2 Cor. 10:15-16, we read: “But having hope
when your faith is increased, t h a t we shall be
enlarged by you according to our rule abundantly,
t o preach the gospel in regions beyond you.” So,
Paul said it was the rule of the Apostles for the
congregations to support the preacher and let
him preach the gospel to others.
Written in love of the cause, and with a hope
of causing all to think and talk and write more
upon the subject-whether you agree with me or
-Homer A. Gay.
P. S. No, I am not wanting a job. I have a living.
H. A. G.
(The following letter was sent to me by the father of the writer, and we pass it on to you who
are on the outside, enjoying the blessings of God
in the freedom of worship, elc.)
“I would like for the true members of the
Church of Christ to read a short article from a
boy in uniform ; t h a t despite the terrible conditions which he faces, is trying to live according
to the Holy Scriptures.
When I registered at my local board, I signed as
a C. 0. to combative military duty. My local
board refused to give me much consideration in
the matter, but later did recommend me for noncombative service.
I trained seven months with sn infantry rifle
company, the hardest and most rigid training, I
believe, that any soldier undergoes. I went to my
officers time and again, asking for a transfer to
noncombative duty. The transfer was finally
granted, having been put through by my company
commander, who was a sympathetic man, and
who understood my position, and I was transferred to the Medical Detachment.
When in camp there is no worship conducted
according to the Scriptures. I met a member of
the Church of Christ, and we arranged to use one
room of the chapel for the Communion service. We
both kney it was our duty to honor our Lord in
the memorial service, whenever possible. We had
with us, part of the time, two Baptist boys, who
were willing to come together with us to study
the Bible. I trust the Lord will look down on our
feeble efforts to serve Him in mercy and accept it.
Possibly, before too long, God will create in the
hearts of the rulers of the world to bring this horrible conflict to a n end. Meanwhile, we all should
strive with all our might t o live’our best, as directed by God’s holy word. Let us all dwell together in love, praying for one another, for in so
doing we will all be strengthened and given courage and grace to endure unto t h e end in faith.”
P.F.C. Kirby Wilks, 5th Inf.,
Medical Detachment,
Camp Carson, Colorado.
SEPTEMBER 1 , 1 9 4 3
so awfully boresome; almost like being in prison,
isn’t i t ?
I hope you can spend as much time in school as
possible, for foreign service is not a lot of fun.
Many times it is quite bitter. I would advise you
not to yearn for it. You a r e very fortunate t o be
able to go to town one night each week.
When you think your chow is rugged, o r your
bed hard, o r t h a t you a r e not getting off enough,
j u s t think of men 10,000 miles from home, in a
foreign country, living in pup-tents, sleeping on
the ground, eating out of mess kits; feeling it is a
luxury to have a piece of hard French bread, f o r
a change from t h e hard army biscuits (dog-biscuits is really what they look like), with spom
and spinach the leading diets. Flies and mosquitoes are so think t h a t you have no peace day nor
night. Flies attack by day and dive-bombing mosquitoes by night. Sand blowing so thick at times
you can’t see 5 feet ahead of you; feeling it sift
down your neck, getting i t between your teeth,
and eating i t in your chow.
Yes, you fellows back there a r e having it pretty
tough, but you can find a lot for which to be
thankful, really. Of course, I could go on until
midnight telling you what i t is like here, but 1.
guess there is no use. But, don’t be ungrateful and
don’t forget there is a war going on.
-Pfc. R. B. Modgling, 1032nd Sig. Go. Sn. Gp.,
A. P. 0. 528, % Post Master, New York City.
Magnolia, Arkansas, August 3,1943.
Dear Brother King:
Enclosed Y ~ J U will find a receipt for $30.00 acklzowled,aiiig the contribution f o r my maintenance
here in C. P. S. This contribution will be shown
on our books for t h e month of August, 1943.
Until lately I have been very much ashamed
and greatly embarrassed because of the slothfulness of the church in regard to the support of
C.P.S., but we don’t support it. We talk about it
and preach it from t h e pulpit, and we all realize
t h a t to enter C.P.S. is to take a stand against t h e
devil and his forces; yet, we do nothing especially,
to make the movement successful. Personally, I
believe in applied Christianity-we have too much
of the other kind in the world now. A great many
of us have worked in war plants, and a great many
more have helped to build arms, which actually is
nothing more nor less than supporting the war
effort. On the other hand, how many have helped
to support the Peace Effort? Are we always practical and consistent in what we preach and believe, or do we sometimes hesitate to inconvenFROM ROY BILL
ience ourselves in order t h a t we may help t h e
of Christ? I am thankful t h a t some of m y
(Since Bro. Roy Bill Modgling, formerly of Seminole, Oklahoma, but now somewhere in North brothers in Christ believe as I do; t h a t if a thing
Africa, ( I suppose), is well known t o many ,of is right, it should be supported. It is one thing
our readers; I know his remarks will be of inter- to hear the Gospel of Christ, and another thing t o
do t h e Gospel of Christ. Only a few Christians
est to all who know him.
today seem to realize t h a t war is putting into our
From a recent letter to his younger brother, minds hatred where there should be love, drunkenT. L.:
ness where there should be sobriety, and lying
“It seems a s if the war would go on forever. I (propaganda) where there should be truth.
am l o o l h a for at least four years more of it, and
This contribution t h a t I a m now acknowledgI am vondering if I can bear-up through i L i t is ing indicates to m e t h a t there a r e a few thinking
and acting Christians, who have come to realize think we all enjoy it more since we are here and
the t r u t h about war. Bro. King, I appreciate do not know what is going on over the brothermen like you. Without men of your type our hood. The brethren seem to be waking u p to their
stand here in C. P. S. is doomed. I am certainly responsibility concerning this work. We certaingrateful to you and the brethren, who have c m - ly did enjoy the visits by the brethren.” -Howard
tributed t o the maintenance of us boys, and are W. King, Arkansas.
“I a m thanking you for sending the OPA on,
helping to keep in existence these camps for all
Church of Christ boys, who a r e faithful and loyal and I a m enclosing my renewal.” -Mrs. R. J.
Alsip, Texas.
to t h e New Testament teachings.
“The July issue of the OPA was th’e best yet, I
-Leonard Hendrickson.
believe. I a m glad to note the work and interest
by the preachers and churches. Pal, .I would like
to see you and talk with you.”-Chas.
D. Palmer,
I have learned t h a t many are greatly handicap- Alabama.
ped by lack of a sufficient place to meet. This is
“You will find my renewal enclosed, for I do
a general condition. With t h e world as it is, these not want to miss a n issue. I hope you and family
things a r e almost beyond our control.
are well.” -Mrs. M. F. Paslay, Oklahoma.
brethren in this state are confronted with the
“We certainly did enjoy the last two issues of
same problem, but do not let that prevent you the OPA. I hope you preachers do put out a book
from carzying on.
of sermons, for I certainly want one. I pray t h a t
can, and pray for the better conditions. There are you a r e well and will stay that way. We mean
some who can build. Those who a r e meeting in to send our contribution to help in the work soon.”
Huntington, W. Va., can. May I encourage all -Mrs. Nola Milner, Ohio.
who can to help these brethren. I have labored
“I surely do enjoy reading the OPA, and I don’t
with them. They need a place. They have zeal, want to miss a n issue of it. Find my renewal.”
but are financially handidapped. Bro. Leonard -Gerelene Gentry, Oklahoma.
has been tried and proven to be “true gold.” Can
“Here are two subs., and I hope to send in more
we help bear their burden? Also, I learn t h a t at in,the future. Best wishes to you and all.” -Mrs.
Abilene Texas, they are trying to build. May the A. B. Coble, Missouri.
Lord help us t o use wisely the finances we have.
“I have enjoyed the .OPA very much, and I
-Barney Welch.
don’t want to miss an issue.’’ -J. R. Brown, New
“I received two copies of the OPA and appreMuch interest is being manifested in both the ciated i t very much. Please, send i t to my huschurch directory and the proposed book of ser- band.” -Mrs. E. E. Miller, Ky.
mons by.the loyal preachers. We ask that you
“We surely enjoy reading your paper, and me
urge the brethren to send us t h e exact location of would appreciate getting it.”
-H. Fitzgerald,
-their meeting place and the hour of the day they Arkansas.
meet t o “break bread.” Furthermore, more in, :
terest is being shown by every body else than you
preachers in t h e proposed book of sermons. Now,
Rolison and Mountain.-I have recently learned’
since t h a t 1 am not a mind reader, unless you tell
what you think of the idea, I have no way of of the death of Sister Pearl Rolison, and of Bro.
knowing. So, wake up and speak up, t h a t I may John Mountain, both of Ottumwa, Iowa. They
were loyal, faithful members of the church of
know your attitude and desire in the matter.
Too, we a r e considering compiling a new song Christ and will be greatly missed from their
book in the near future, since it is pretty difficult places. Sister Rolison died July 21st, and Bro.
to get what we want otherwise. Are gou inter- Mountain died July 28th. Bro. Mountain was a
ested? Don’t forget to n-ork for subs. whesever brother-in-!aw to our beloved Brother Burley F.
E!ack, and Sister Rolison was Bro. Black‘s sister.
you go, please.
-Homer L. King.
My deepest sympathies go out to the bereaved
ones, and niay we realize now a s never before t h a t
Jeshs alone can give comfort in death ancl a hope
the grave. -Homer A. Gay.
The expiration of my sub. is very near, and I beyond
J. W. Moore, Stockdale, Texas,
do not want to miss a single issue, so here is my was born March 28,
1854; departed this life Aug.
renewal. You are doing a fine work with the pa1943. being 89 years of age. She obeyed the
per. My prayers a r e t h a t you will continue.” - 2,
gospel a t the age of 14 in the state of Tennessee.
E. A. Newman, California.
Her husband preceded her in death October 16,
“Here is the money for t h e subs. May the joy 1941. To t.his union 10 children were born. She
of God’s blessings be with you, always.” -B. F. leaves to mourn her passing, 8 children, 28 grand
Leonard, West Va.
“We enjoy the paper more every month. May children, 31 great grand children, and 3 great,
great grand children. Our sympathy goes out to
we be remembered in your prayers.’’ -Edgar
the bereaved ones. Funeral services were conClaywell, California.
ducted by the writer.
“I am enclosing a sub. to t h e OPA.
-James R. Stewart.
-W. C.
how soon you can be back with us.”
Skeens, West Va.
Ask your friends to subscribe for the OPA.
.‘‘I have been looking for t h e OPA to arrive, I
the debate
by be
like to make a trip real soon
Robert Falvey, Wesson, Miss., Aug. 6.-I arrived home July
3, a f t e r spending eight months in Calif. I especially enjoyed
being in the good Christian home of Bro. Carl N. Nichols.
If all homes were like this one, t h i s world would be i n better
condition. I preached a t New Salem, J u l y 4. J u l y 10-15, I
preached a t Itammond, La., July 18, at Red Oak Grove, and
July 26, at New Salem again. I am enjoying t h e meeting by
Bro. Robertson.
Leonard Hendrickson, Box 31, Magnolia, Arkansas, August
3--we have enjoyed having Brethren Clovis Cook and
Homer Gay, and Lynwood Smith t o visit and teach us i n the
camp. w e want a l l faithful ones t o know that we not
invite them, but t h a t we insist on t h e i r doing so. I am certainlY grateful t o Bro. King and t h e brethren who have contributed to the maintenance of US, which is helping to keep
in existence these camps f o r all faithful and loyal boys in
t h e Church of Christ.
0.Ross, Flemington? Pa., Aug. 1 4 . 4 am now holding
a n o t h e r mission meeting near Flemington, Pa. I recently
held one week meeting at Love Joy, with f o u r baptized. I
am 'lad to do what I can in the Master's Vineyard. I received my Old P a t h s Advocate and enjoyed reading i t very
am looking forward to being with Bra. Gay in his
meetings in this s t a t e the month of September. I plan t o be
the time he is here.
God bless all of t h e
faithful in Christ.
F* K. Reeves, brarionp La., July 21.-we
a r e in a good meeting, with Bra. clOvis Cook doing t h e preaching, and Brethren
Lynwood Smith and Newt C. Reeves (my son) a r e assisting
in the singing and otherwise a s needed. We a r e glad to have
like these i n Our services. May t h e Lord bless a l l in
the good work. We are looking for Brethren Homer A. Gay,
Hamptonp and J.
Jones* Of ShrevePort, t o be with us t h i s
week-end' ,May we
continue to contend earnestly f o r t h e
E. A+ Newman, 320 N. Cherokee Lane, Lodi, Calif., J U I Y 21.
wife and I worship with the Lodi Congregation, which
is growing and doing
All loyal preachers a r e invited
to preach for " 9 and a'' brethren will receive a h e a r t y welcome with US- I am very much in favor of t h e book of
mentioned by Bro. King, also the church directory. we
d o need the
t h a t a l l f a i t h f u l brethren may
find the Scriptural
wherever i t may be. I will help
finance the book of sermons.
Joe W - Castleman,
Milano, Texas, Aug. 13.-Since
Preached at Houston, Temple, White Hall, San Antonio*
heard Fairview* Marlow, and Sand Grove. In addition, I
wart* the followfng preachers in meetings: James R. SteJ. Buffingtonf ClOVis Cook, Lynwood Smith, and Fred
Kirbo* who is
holding a meeting at Sand Grove. There
is One confession of f a u l t s t o date; others expected, All
appreciate the humble, forceful way oi Bro. Fred's preaching.
"y next effort Will be at White Hall, beginning
15, then
La* I have been
in t h e work since early
wring. P r a y f o r me.
c. H.
Rte2, Cassvi1ler 'lo., August IO.-Brother
Ervin Waters
a meeting of 12 days duration, JUIY 27,
at Cross HO1lOwsWere t h r e e baptized a n d
three confessions Of
The church took on new life and
The next Lord's day every member was present. Our
contributions have just about doubled, and w e a r e able t o
Jim Stevens, Sentinel, Oklahoma, August lZ.-We
have j u s t
c h e d a two-weeks' meeting here, with Bro. Homer L. King
doing the preaching, and Bro. Ray Nichols assisting in the
song leading. We think the meeting was very successful, with
a fine man baptized.
The attendance and interest were
good. Bra. King did some of the best preaching I ever heard,
and t h i s was his f o u r t h meeting here. Several of t h e s. s.
and CUPS people attended, and we have heard a lot of favorable
Comment on the meeting since i t closed, hence we believe
much good was done. Bro. Ray did a good j o b of private
teaching while here, and i t seems to have gotten results.
and I am available f o r meetings.
Chas. D- Palmer, Kinston, Alabama, Aug. 20.-Brother
T- Cook has j u s t closed a Series of meetings at the Early
here. H e really did some good preaching and
a'1 seemed to enjoy it. Visible results were t h r e e confessions
Of faults. Bra. Reynolds and I held a week's meeting at &to,
F1a., Closing JUlY 1% with t h r e e baptized and t h e best interest
SO f a r manifested there.
We held a s h o r t mission meeting at
Pansy, -41% with one baptized and two confessions of faults.
I am now situated so t h a t I can devote more time to preaching. I am glad to note the interest the churches are showing
in supporting the work+
James R. Stewart, 1804 W.
H, ~
~ ~ ~
recently visited t h e faithful at Jones Hill, with one sermon, and. the church seemed strengthened. A~~~~~ 1, I closed
a series of meetings at Abilene, with one baptized and four
restored. T h e brethren have their new church building about
half completed, but they Will need more money, and any help
will be much appreceited by them. Send a l l donations to J. c.
French, 610 SO. 8 t h St., Abilene, Texas. I visited one night
with the brethren a t Houston, assisting in the services.
next will be a t Buda, near Austin, Texas, beginning Aug. 6.
Joe H. Howard, Dora, &lissouri, ~~~~t 15.-The
meeting at
Long Branch, n e a r Lawrenceburg, T ~ ~resulted
~ . , in Seven restored, but we met with much opposition from the s. s. and
cups advocates. The meeting at Chapel G~~~~ is one week
old, with large crowds and a fine interest. One has been
baptized to date. T h e Baptists a r e trying to arrange a debate with me here. I mean to be at home the first half of
September, while Bro. Ervin Waters is conducting our home
meeting. L e t US take advantage of every oFportunity to do
good, and remember a failure upon our part
an opportunity for the devil.
11. J. Buffington, Rte. 3, B~~ 61, ~ l ~ ~ ~
~ ~ i l 12.l ~ ,
1, r closed a series of
at ~
~ Texas, ~
with f o u r baptized and t h e church strengthened. we were
glad to have Bro. Joe Castleman with U S in the singing and
teaching. Aug. 10, I closed a good meeting a t Ramsey, Texas,
with six baptized and one restored. Bro. Broseh, a faithful
gospel preacher, assisted in the teaching, and h e informs me
t h a t he intends to give all his time to preaching this fall. I
am now on my way to Green Forest, Ark. f o r another meeting.
August 29, Bro. Joe Castleman and I a r e t o begin a mission
mqeting: a t Monroe, La. Anyone wishing t o contribute to the
effort, may send to Will F. Davis, West Monroe, La.
W. H. Reynolds, 12 Cole St., oPp.~ l ~A~~~~~
. ,
ClOViS T, Cook closed a ten-days meeting a t t h e Early
Rte. 2, Kinston, Ah., l a s t Sunday night. It had been five
years since I had heard him, and I do not recall knowing
man to make t h e improvement i n preaching that he has.anyI
as a loyal
predict f o r him a great
of the
to labor with him
gospel. To s a y t h a t i t j s a
Speaking mildly. Bro. c. D. palmer and I
held a
weeks meeting each a t Esto, FIa., and pansey,
with three
P r a y f o r me.
go next to Washington, Okla., for two weeks of debated the wine question two years ago. I was
preaching ;then to Spring Kill, W. Va., t o continue glad to note t h a t the good brethren, who then conthe work in that part.
tended for the wine, had given it up and are now
contending for the t r u t h on t h e question, and all
Homer L. King, Lebanon, Missouri, August 22. a r e worshipping together in peace. Leaving
-1 closed a series of meetings at Sentinel, Okla- Shpveport JUIY 31, I went to Magnolia, Ark.,
August 8, after two Weeks- The brethren where I met with and preached for the boys in
had.done a good job of advertising and making t h h a m p , a t 8:30 A.M.; then spoke to the whole
preparations for the meeting, and our crowds were camp a t the 11 o’clock service. There are about
generally good, considering everything. We hap- sixteen members of the Church of Christ in t h e
tized a man with a good reputation, head of a camp; some S.S., some f o r t h e cups, and some
family, and we think he will be much. help to the truly loyal. However, they conduct the worship
Church. This W a s my fourth effort with the good scripturally so t h a t all can worship together.
brethren, and I enjoyed i t as usual- They asked Would it not be grand if all members of the church
me to return in 1944. Bro. Ray Nichols was with would be that considerate? I go next to Pennsylme and assisted in t h e singing and otherwise, vania for the month of September.
which I appreciated. I began a series of meetings at Council Hill, Okla., August 19, which
starts off with fair attendance. We are to continue until the 29th inst. I am to begin a mission California:
LOS Angeles, 3535 SiskiYou St-; 10 :30 a.m.
meeting somewhere in Oklahoma the first Sunday
Montebelh 136 so. 4th St. ; 10:30 a.m.
in September, probably, a t Davis. It Seems t h e
Pomona, 1022 w- 2nd St., Towmend Hall; 10 :3O
second effort will be at McAlester. w e urge brea.m.
thren to help u s locate suitable places for mission
Marysville, 10th and D Sts., Women’s Club
meetings in Oklahoma. Write me as above, Rte.
Building; 10:30 a.m.
2. Pray for me and mine.
Greenfield, Palm and 10th Sts.; 9:45 a.m.
Barney Welch, 136 So. 4th St. Montebello, Calif., Texas :
July 15.-Bro. Chester King and I had the pleasEagle Pass, American Legion Hall, Hillcrest ;
ure of hearing Bro. John Reynolds, at Corcoran,
10:30 a.m.
July 18, I preached a t Siskiyou St. L. A.; went to
Waco, South 4th St.; 10:30 a.m.
Monrovia for afternoon services and then to PoWichita Falls, North 6th St.; 10:30 a.m.
mona to attend the beginning service of Bro.
San Antonio, Catalina Ave. and Viendo St.;
10:30 a.m.
Ralph Mustard‘s meeting. I learned there that
Bro. Ralph has been and is making great progress Missouri :
Lebanon, West Pierce St. ; 10 :30 a.m.
in preaching the Gospel. July 21, Chester King
and I began a mission meeting a t Waterford
Lees Summit, 11 miles southwest of Lebanon;
which continued through Aug. 1, leaving a good
1 1 : O O a.m.
Claxton, near Competition; 11:OO a.m.
band of brethren meeting regularly there. I attended morning worship Aug. 1, at Montebello,
Richland, North side of town, 1 1 : O O a.m.
and preached at L. A. t h a t night to a full house.
Note: We suggest t h a t every loyal congregaAug. 8, Ralp Mustard and I preached a t Pomona tion send us their location of meeting place and
in the morning, and I preached at Montebello t h a t the hour they meet for t h e Lord’s day worship.
night, to another full house. Aug. 15, the Mon- If there are any mistakes in t h e above as we gave
rovia meeting began with a big all-day spiritual them, please correct.
feast. We are now having good crowds and very,
very happy to have Bro. Jack Bledsoe and H. C.
“THE LORD PASSED MY WAY AGAIN Welch, Jr., with their wives, with u s each evening.
Homer A. Gay, Lebanon, Mo., Aug. 16.-In all, I
was with the Velva Street Church of Christ, in When I arose this morn, from m y sleep, and rest,
Shreveport, for four full weeks, preaching the I found a new day; at its very best.
first two weeks, and the last two weeks I taught a As a book with pages all clean and white,
vocal music school. Bro. H. E. Hampton, who It is up to me, to fill them rjght.
lives in Shreveport, was with me through this With kindness, I’ll try to bring joy to a heart.
work and was a great help, especially in the meet- That will be a small measure of m y part.
ing. He lead the singing the most of the time and With sympathy, I’ll t r y to dull the pangs of sorpreached one night for me, while I rested. Bro.
Hampton has done a good work and still is doing And row.
help someone to face tomorrow.
a good work there. Through his efforts a number have been added to the congregation this year. It takes the watchfulness of all t o foresee danger,
We had a number of visitors, including Howard So I will t r y to help both friend and stranger.
King and Lewis Cogburn, from the C.P.S. camp When I read my Bible and kneel to pray,
at Magnolia, Ark., and Bro. G. C. Carroll, from I will thank the Lord t h a t He came my way.
Freeport, Texas. One night during t h e singing
-Mrs. L. N. Byford. .
school a number of u s drove to Marion, La. to.be
.with Bro. Cook in his meeting. It .was m y first . Love is a ladder on which we climb to a likeness
time to be back since Bro. Freeman Jones and I with God.
I heard
0, Savior,
the cry,
and then I heard:
is men
My Church
still dare
Your stronger proofs
divinely give
And show m e where
the Christlans live,
To take Me a t My word.”
“Thus saith the Loid, ‘Stand y e in the ways, and see, and ask f o r the Old Paths, where is the good way, and walk therein, and y e shall find rest f o r your souls.”(Jer. 6;lG) “And they that be of Thee shall build the old waste places: thou
c h n l t raise un the foundations of many generations; and thou shalt be called, The Repairer of the Breach, The Restorer
Eo-6 well in.” (Isa, 58:12).
Val. XVI
1, 1943
No. 10
(Jas. 4:4) “Whosoever, therefore, will be a friend
of the world is a n enemy of God.” Jno. 18:36, Je(Lk. 2:1-7)
sus says: “My kingdom is not of this world.” It
In the days of Caesar Augustus, (the first of is little wonder then t h a t when a citizen of God’s
the Roman Emperors) there went out a decree kingdom begins to lend his infiuence to build-up c
t h a t all the world should be taxed, “all the world,” and perpetuate the kingcloms of this world tha:
probably meaning the vast Roman Empire. This “he is a friend of the world, the enemy of God.
taxing was first in the days when Cyrenius was How then can a Christian associate his duty to
governor (senator) of Syria, which was about ten God with the political affairs of this world? When
years after the decree had been issued. The cle- he goes so f a r as to vote for a member of t h e
Cree read, “that all must go up to their own city kingdom of this world, he becomes a friend of t h e
to enroll or register.” Joseph and his espoused world, and furthermore, he is a friend of a politiwife, Mary, were caught in this draft, so they cal organization t h a t operates in many ways, conwent up to their own city, “the city of David,” trary to God’s government. Do you think t h a t
called “Bethlehem,” for he was of the house of you can do this and not be a friend of the world,
David, this being the proper place for them to “the enemy of God”? I doubt if God chose .to
register. Due to the condition of Mary, (for the “rule in the kingdoms of men” through the Church
days for her deliverence were about to be accom- members. No room for Jesus in the worldly, politplished) traveling was very slow and difficult for ically minded.
them. Probably being among the last ones to
No. 4. No room for Jesus in the mind of the inarrive, they found that the hotels were already
Inconsistent: (webster) “Contradictfilled.
ing, illegal, incongruous, and unfit.” Jesus said :
’ While they were there t h e Christ was born.
“If you love me you will keep my words ;” some 01
“Wrapt in swaddling bands,
words are found in Matt. 7:3-5. “You hypoAnd in his manger laid,
crite! take the plank out of your own eye first,
The hope and glory of a!l lands
and then you will see porperly how to take the
Is come to the world’s aid.”
splinter out of your brother’s eye” (Moffatt), I
When they had properly treated the Child, they think, a man is more consistent who preaches
laid him in a manger for there was NO ROON error and lives it, believing it to be right, than he
FOR THEM IN THE INN. Little did Caesar who preaches the truth, but doesn’t t r y to live
realize, t h a t when he issued the order that he was it. Romans, second chapter, shows t h a t if a man
causing Joseph and Mary to fulfill prophecy. Je- teaches another and yet doeth the same things
sus has been crowded out from the beginningt h a t he is “inexcusable.” He would not even have
among society there is little if any room for him. to be guilty of the same but the equivalent, verses
Not many are willing to move over and make room 22 and 23. Does it not seem inconsistent then for
for the Lord; not many are willing to clean out one to preach a thing to be right, to be God’s rule,
their hearts (minds) that the Lord may have a and yet be weak enough to say, there “are places
decent place to dwell. In Jno. 14:23, Jesus says: and times t h a t it would not do to practice it”?
“If a man love me he will keep my words ; and my God’s rule will work anywhere t h a t men have faith
Father will love him, and we will come unto him enough to put it into practise. “Consistency where
and make our abode with him.” Consider!
a r t thou?” It has been said, “two wrongs never
No. 1. The sinner doesn’t love the Lord, for make a right”; but, brother, it puts you in bad
he keeps not his words. The Lord is crowded out light to condemn another’s habits or vielvs, when
you have some, perhaps, t h a t are equal. (Matt.
of his life-no room for Him there.
No. 2. The back-slider doesn’t love the Lord, 15:l-10) The Scribes and Pharisees, accused the
for he “counts the blood of the covenant unholy” deciples of “breaking the law,” Jesus answered,
and “looking back” becomes unfit for the kingdom “why do you ALSO break the law”? The Lord
did not say the disciples were not guilty, b u t t h a t
of God-no room for Jesus here.
No. 3. No room for Jesus, in the mind of the the Scribes and Pharisees, since they had also
worldly Church member, for he has set hie mind broken the law, were not the ones to accuse them.
Let us not preach one thing and contradict it
011 things of the world instead of heavenly things.
our own practise. Would it not be j u s t as
(Col. 3:l-Z), “Set your mind or. things above and
not on things of the earth.” In so doing Christ will inconsistent (contradicting) to fall short, as it
establish his abode with you. It is so easy for us would be to go beyond? In 2 Jno. 9, we are taught
to allow things of the world to crowd out Jesus. t h a t it is wrong to “go beyond” or “to fall short.”
OCTOBER 1, 1943
and not for the innocent;” and the preaching of
the Gospel is the means used, and recommended,
for t h e salvation of sinners.
All the modern day sunday schools have to
divide the audience into classes. Friends and
brethren, there is not, one time mentioned, such
a thing as dividing t h e assembly into classes to
teach the Bible or any thing else.
The church meetings, with the exception of
preaching, are regulated in 1 Cor. 14, and t h e
law was for “one t o speak at a time,” edifying the
whole assembly.
In these meetings the women were to keep
absolutely quiet and not even ask a question.
However, our modern S‘mday school perverts
the women and children, supplants the man, parent, the Bible, and the Church. ( h a . 3:12).
Today your Sunday school literature comes in
the front door of t h e Church and the Bible goes
out the back door. Everyone might have a right
to teach by writing, but woe to the church t h a t
adopts any uninspired creed, Catechism; or writings of faith, a s a basis of study or teaching
for the Church, (assembly).
Another thing t h a t springs from the Sunday
school, is t h a t when this “children’s church” is
In the beginning of this article, let me lay “dismissed,” t h e children go home, and miss the
down a principle that appears to me axiomatic: work and worship of the church after God‘s “due
In co-operative work, in order to uniformity, we order” ( 1 Chron. 15:13).
must be guided by rules of action. These rules
The most effectual and practical edification is
must be either human or divine. As human laws in t h e church meetings, working as described in
a r e variable, they produce only temporary uni- the following chapters: Eph. 4:16; 1 Cor. 14; or
in the mission field in connection with scriotural
Just now, the churches are torn asunder over evangelists.
the question of Sunday School, evidently because
Now for the sake of PEACE and LOYOLITY,
we have no divine laws for governing them. Pro- I d e a d for a return to t h e New Testament order.
fessing to “speak where the Bible speaks,’’ they J&. 6:16. “0, Israel! stand and ask for the old
have a n institution, and methods of conducting paths, and walk therein, but they said, we will
it, positively unknown to the Scriptures.
not walk therein.”
Now, the Lord ordained the church as the only
I write this article for the benefit of all t h e
co-operative institution, and gave the divine laws new subscribers to the 0-P-A. as well as all who
to govern it. Psa. 127:l “Except the Lord build may read it. Let us walk in the footsteps of the
the house, they labor in vain who build it.”
In a n article published in 1908, a n old brother
-Ralph E. Mustard.
by the name of Barnes was asked to “dismiss” a
Sunday School : This was his answer ; “Brethren,
what is this thing which you are letting loose?”
It has ever been m y intention to work with
The very best answer we could possibly give
is t h a t it is humanism, based upon the “Sanctified the people of God. I have never had the desire to
common sense” of the large numbers who profess caus2 any division at all. therefore I take this
to be Christians, and who profess wholly to be mcans to t r y and correct a misunderstanding
led by the Bible.
among a number of brethren a s to where I stand.
It is errouniously claimed by some t h a t special I have never failed to worship on Lord’s days untraining in the Bible, other than by t h e parents, less sickness hindered, and in each case the woris needed for the smaller children; and t h a t the ship has been carried out as it is in most conclass method is best for such training.
gregations that report to The Truth and Old Paths
What does t h e Bible answer? What obligation Advocate. Though for a while I was not working
is placed upon the parents? Eph. 6:4 “And, ye with some of the preaching brethren. I believe,
fathers provoke not your children to wrath: but the result was a misunderstanding. F o r nearly
bring them up in the nurture and admonition of two years Bro. Fred Kirbo and I have been trythe Lord.”
ing to build-up the cause of Christ in Davis, and
2 Tim. 3:15 “And t h a t from a child thou hast I believe with much success. Bro. King is now
known the holy scriptures, which are able to make in a meeting here with much good being done.
thee wise unto salvation through faith which is I have done my best t o make this a good meetin Christ Jesus. (See Gen. 18:19; Deut. 11:19). ing. He and I have talked things over, and I can
The parent should sit by t h e child in Church, say t h a t I am thankful, that we can work toguarding it agairzst any possible “heresay” or gether again in t h e Lord’s work. To all I say,
any words I have spoken to offend, any thing I
have done t h a t caused strife, forgive me of these,
If I believed that some things that my Brother
did were so wrong t h a t it had been necessary
to disfelowship him or divide a congregation
over it, I don’t believe that you would see me,
for special occasion, drive a hundred miles or
so and worship with them. Brethren, “have we
not left off some of the weightier matters”
(Matt, 23:23)? Are we not wasting time in
discussing matters of indifference? Let us not
press a Scripture beyond its meaning. (Rev. 3:20)
“Behold, I stand at the dood, and knock.” When
we think that all is well and the Ldrd has come
and made His abode with us, and yet we have beer;
described in t h e above, we find that He is on the
out-side, asking you to make room €or Hiiil. ”If
any man will hear my voice, AND OPEN THE
DOOR, I will come in to him, and will sup with
him, and he with me.” The Lord said: “The Eoses
have holes, and the birds of the air have nests,
but the Son of man hath not where to lay his
head” (Matt. 8 2 0 ) . H e is pleading for a plaee to
abide, will you make room for him?
-Clovis T. Cook.
OCTOBER 1, 1943
and pray God t h a t we may all work together to
gain souls to Christ. I hold no malice toward any
of my preaching brethren. Pray for me.
-0rvel Johnson,
Davis, Oklahoma.
. ‘
Relative to the above statement by Brother
Orvel Johnson, I wish to confirm the fact that
we have talked over all our differences, personal
or doctrinal, and they have been removed. So
f a r as I know nothing remains between us to
hinder a full fellowship and co-?peration in the
work of the Lord, for which I am, indeed, thankful to the Lord. I have always loved and appreciated Bro. Orvel, and I believe he is a Pine Christian boy, able to do much good in the gospel work.
We need him, and I extend a hearty welcome to
him in the columns of the OPA and as a fellow
preacher of the gospel. I thank God and take
courage, to learn t h a t he has resolved to cease
all contention, publicly or privately, on the order
of worship question, that we may join hands and
hearts in the great work of saving souls and
building up t h e church in unity. I freely commend
him to the faithful brotherhood and our readers,
and I hope the brethren will call him out to assist
in the work. May the Lord bless his humble and
sincere efforts, is my humble petition.
-Homer L. King.
Fifteen congregations in joint session, in an
all-out effort for the upbuilding of the CAUSE
O F CHRIST on the coast.
As we undertake to record the transactions of
this epoch making event, we do so knowing i t
to be the most memorable meeting ever held in
the state of California.
The meeting began with a song service, indeed noteworthy, deeply spiritual and inspiring,
that really set t h e “joy-bells” ringing. After
prayer, the morning service was given over to
the evangelists.
The opening address by Barney Welch, was
forceful and well received. “FORWARD WITH
GOD” was his theme. The brotherhood was surprised and delighted by the cheerful presence of
Irvin Waters. whose dynamic message of hope,
cheer and brotherly kindness was indeed timely.
Evangelists, Chester King, Jack Bledsoe. John
Reynolds, Ralph Mustard, Paul and Ray Nichols.
gave ten-minute sermons of great worth to the
mission effort here and elsewhere.
In the afternoon, the service was in the hands
of the leaders of the various congregations, for
study and discussion ; the principle item, that
of securing evangelists, for the years 1944-45
was gone into with great thoroughness.
What undoubtedly constitutes one of the most
outstanding example of cooperation, brotherly
love, and confidence, in the administration of thi:
mission work in t h e West, was the unanimous tlecision to carry on the work in the same manner,
by the same brethren, in whose capable hands the
affairs have been.
The significance of this, and the conclusions
arrived at, will be of real value to the CAUSE.
The evangelists, are equally at the service and
call of each congregation, when, and wherever,
they need them most.
Seeking “First t h e Kingdom of God and His
Righteousness” was made the basis of this great
meeting, and the fact was stressed that this, is
only the beginning, and is truly a work of FAITH,
where SELF and SELFISHNESS are forgotten.
To the congregation at Fresno, we all owe our
profound thanks and appreciation for the hospitality, and Christian spirit manifested in receiving u s into their homes.
The evangelists engaged for 1944 are Barney
Welch, James Stewart, Chester King, and John
Reynolds; for 1945 Irvin Waters and Paul Nichols.
Attendance was 325. The LORD willing, there
will be another meeting a t the.same date in 1944.
It was through the untiring efforts of Carl
Nichols, who occupied the “chair,” much of t h e
credit is due; it was a hard job well done. Bro.
Nichols is one of the leaders a t the Siskyou St.
church, L. A., Calif.
-J. H. McKaig.
Note: A similar report was sent us by Bro.
James ‘CV. Russell.
Contributions for expenses of boys in C.P.S.
Camps :
Church of Christ at Lodi, Calif. _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ 50.00
Church of Christ at Greenfield, Calif. _ _ _ _ _ 20.00
Bro. a t Siskiyou St. Church of Christ _ _ _ _ _ 10.00
Sister a t Siskiyou St. Church of Christ _ _ _ _ 20.00
Sister Nichols _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ - _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ 10.00
Total . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . $110.00
Reported by Carl N. Nichols, 849 Wilcox, Hollywood, Calif.
Lees Summit Church of Christ, by Herschel Massie ____________-_________-__________$zs.OO
Sister Presha Turk, Ada, Oklahoma
New Salem church, Wesson, Miss., C. B.
Smith . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 10.00
Temple, Texas, church, by Leo Turner ____ 15.00
Sister L. N. Byford, Bellmead, Texas _ _ _ _ _ 3.00
The Clayton Home church, by E. J. Barnes - 8.00
Temple, Texas, church, (Aug. 23), by Leo
Mrs. F. N. Newman, Choctaw, Oklahoma _ . 3.00
Church, Sand Grove, Texas, by G. P. Davis 5.50
Total _______________-__-_________ $84.00
For the past two months, I have been able to
send the boys $30.00 each, monthly, but unless
more money comes in within the next few days,
I shall be unable to do t h a t this month. Recently
Junior Kessinger, Spring Hill, W. Va., was inducted a t Lyndhurst, Va., and Kenneth Triplett,
Phillipsburg, Mo., was inducted at Magnolia, Ark.
Take notice, brethren.
-Homer L. King.
Ask your friends to subscribe for t h e OPA.
O M Patbs Advocate
- .-
Entered a s second-class m a t t e r March 24, 1932, a t t h e postoffice a t Lebanon, Missouri, un,der t h e Act of March 3, 1879.
HOAIER L. KING ._____________________________Lebanon,
HOMER A. GAY ________________________________Lebanon, Mo.
OCTOBER 1, 1943
immediately. This is a NEW field and needs the
gospel preached. If there are those who would
like to contribute t o this effort i t would certainly
be appreciated.
-Ralph E. Mustard,
221 E. Cleveland Ave., Montebello, Calif.
West Virginia:
Spring Hill (Stop 12) ; 10:30 a. m.
HOMER L. KI’NG _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ R
1901 Jefferson Ave.; 10:30 a. m.
1-1. E. ROBERTSON‘, Assistant ..._ _ _ _
Rumble, Community Building; 2:00 p. m.
Winifred (Junction) 2:00 p. m.
Mallory Chapel (Near Spring Hill) ; 10:30 a.m.
SINGLE SUBSCRIPTION ONE YEAR _-_______________ $1.00
Pennsylvania :
Commodore, Love Joy; 1O:OO a. m.
Printed by Laycook P r i n t i n g Co., Jackson, Tenn.
Lock Haven, Wright
Street (Fleminaton)
- . :,
1O:OO a. m.
Mahaffey, 5. D. Corson Home; 10:30 a. m.
Why Your Paper Conies Later.--Due t o the
shortage of labor in the postal system, they are
Alta Vista (3Yi North of Town) ; 10:30 a. m.
forced to use “green” help, the rail roads, buses,
etc., a r e over-worked. Hence, your reports, etc, California
Monrovia, Corner Colorado and Shamrock ;
reach me a day or two later; i t takes a day or
10:30 a. m.
two longer fsr the bundle of papers to reach me
from the printers; i t takes a day or two longer Texas:
Dublin, E a s t Blackjack St. (Near Depot) ; 10 :30
for my home office to get the papers out of their
a. m.
office on the road to you; and all told, i t means
your paper is about a week later. There seems Louisiana:
little we can do about the matter, except for all
West Monroe, Cheniere Road (:)& miles off
to be patient and remember “there is a war goShreveport Highway) ; 1 1 : O O a. m.
ing on.” One thing will help some, if all sending
Shreveport, Velva Street; 10:30 a. m.
reports and matter for publication, will mail them
Note-Please, send us the information of where
to me between the 12th and 15th of each month.
Too, if you are not getting your paper, notify us, and when you meet for worship; co-operate with
giving correct address, also inquire at your home us to give the brotherhood this information.
office or postman. Notify u s of all changes of
addresses, giving both old and new addresses.
New Song Book.-Yes,
i t is our intentions now
to get out a new song book, compiled by brethren
t h e most encouraging lists of
supporting the OPA. We hope to have i t ready
within a few months. Better wait and get the subs. ever to reach the OPA office. Words fail ils
latest. But, if you cannot wait, we still sell the as we try in vain to express our thanks and apSlater books. However, “Songs of Zion” has been preciation for the interest being manifested in
our plea for the “Old Paths,” a return to the Bible
Book of Sermons.-The
interest being mani- way. Keep up the good work, and we shall be
fested in this book, now seems to justify oLir go- able to give YOU a better paper. We continue the
ing forward with plans to put i t out just as soon special trial offer of 50c for the first year; $1.00
as possible. This will require more labor than the to renewals.
Homer L. King-26; J. H. McKaig-10; Closong book, possibly.
Boil It Down.-Since we have so many report- vis T. Cook-10 ; Clarence Snodgrass-8 ; James
ing to the OPA now, and we a r e glad to get all of R : S t e w a r t 8 ; M. J. Buffington-4; B. F. LeonDora B a r k e r - 4 ; Mrs. F. N. Newmanthem, but we mould like to request all t o be as ard-4;
brief and pointed a s possible in your field reports 3 ; Chester King-3 ; Orvel Johnson-3 ; Wilson
Carlos E.
Mrs. W. L. Rawdon-2;
-“boil i t down.”
-Homer L. King. Smith-2 ; Ervin Waters-2 ; Paul Nichols-2 ;
Mrs. I. D. Russell-2 ; S. E. Weldon - 2 ; Cyrse
Holt-2 ; Tim Dougherty-1 ; Homer Smith-1 ;
Rene Phillips-1 ; Marvin E. Fisher-1 ; Robert
Falvey-1; A. R. McMullen-1; Mrs. A. F. Pruit
I take this means of reaching all loyal brethren -1 ; Leota Fancher-1 ; Mrs. R. L. Chapman-1 ;
in the above mentioned states: I am with the the Louis Howsman-1;
Mrs. E. V. Dinnington-1;
help of God, going into these states with the pur- Lynwood Smith-1 ; Millard Orear-1 ; W. H.
pose in mind of doing mission work and saving . Jones-1 ; 0. C. Mackey-1 ; Geo. W, McCain-1;
many souls. I have the addresses of a few loyal Presha Turk-1;
Wyvonee Perrin-1;
Joe Homembers in Oregon, but if any one knows of any ward-1 ; Guy Mallory-1 ; C. C. Brown-1 ; Ruth
loyal brethren in the above states, please send Hobgood-1;
Mrs. Otis Whitaker-1;
Pete Hothem to me without delay, so I can contact them ward-1 ; Total-124.
OCTOBER 1, 1943
Gay’s article on the Evangelist and Mission
Work.”-Mrs. Huey Cook, Texas.
Johnnie Harrison Crabaugh
“I am very much interested in the book of
was born in Barry County Arkansas., October 14, sermons
and the church directory. As soon as the
1862, departed this life at his home near the book is ready,
want two of them. Here is my
Lees Summit Church, Lebanon, Mo., August 26, renewal to the I0PA.”-George
W. McCain, Cali1943 ; at the age of 80 years ten months and ten fornia.
“Here are two subs. The paper comes to me
Jan. 11, 1893, he was united in marriage to
Sarah Jane Richardson, to which union was born regularly, and after reading every word of it, I
five children. The wife and children survive. He pass i t on to others to read. We love every child
obeyed the gospel many years ago and liver1 a of God, and we work and pray for the lost and
_._.erring. We work and pray also for the OPA. Pray
faithful life. He was loved and respected by all
for our little band of members. I pray for the
who knew him.
We burried Bro. Crabaugh in the New Hope boys in camps. A lot of thanks to you, Bro.
cemetery August 29th. I spoke words of comfort King.”-Mrs. I. D. Russell, Texas.
“I received the contribution, for which I a m
and warning to the very large crowd that was
very thankful, also the OPA was very good. I
Our loving sympathy goes out to the bereaved always look forward to its coming.. I have just
re-read i t for the fourth time. My prayers a r e
for the paper, for you and the good work, and for
-Homer A. Gay
all the faithful ones. Pray for me.”-Houston
Martin, Califocnia.
“Keep the gospel preaching and the mission
“Here are four subs. for the OPA. I sincerely work going, if possible, and keep the OPA comhope you and family are well. We remember you ing every month.”-C. H. Elliott, Missouri.
in our prayers. I think the book of sermons would
“Here are eight subs. for the OPA. Send me
be just fine. I shall be glad to co-operate.”-M.
some samdes. and I’ll get
- some subs.”-Clarence
J. Buffington, Texas.
Snodgras; Texas.
“Keep up the good work, Brother King, and let
“We received the OPA today, and I have read
us not slacken now. I a m interested in the church all of i t and enioved i t so much. We hope you and
directory and the proposed book of sermons.”-J.
family are well.”-The Byfords, Texas.
T. Broseh, Texas.
“Here I am with four new subs. to the good old
“Here is a sub. I was waiting to get more, but OPA. Send i t to these names.”-Dora
I cannot afford t o cause anyone to miss an issue Arkansas.
“I am sending my renewal to the OPA, i t i s
of such a paper. I am eager to receive mine for
this month. May the Lord bless your efforts in the only way we have of hearing from most
the fight for the right.”-Wyvonee
Perrin, Cal- of the brethren we like to read after. We like
very much to read the little paper, and we shall
if ornia.
“Change my address. The paper means so much be glad when i t can be enlarged. Best wishes to
to me, and I have enjoyed each issue, so don’t YOU in your work. Pray for us.”-E. V. Dennington
and wife, Texas.
fail to send i t to me.”-Batsell Moore, Colorado.
“Find my renewal to the OPA. May the good
“Here is a renewal to the OPA. I enjoyed the
- these trying
- - times.”
article by Leonard Hendrickson in the last issue. work continue on through
-W. H. Jones, Kansas.
May God bless these boys in the camps.”-Guy
“We are sending our renewal for the OPA. It
Mallory, Jr., West Va.
“Here is my renewal. I don’t want t o miss an was good to meet you, Bro. King, in the meeting
issue. I hope this finds you enjoying the best in in Waco, ancl we hope we may meet more often
in the future. I think we would be interested in
Falvey, Mississippi.
“There were some very good suggestions in the book of sermons. Pray for us, even a s we
R. McMullen, Texas.
the July issue of the OPA. and we certainly hope also do for you.“-A.
“We enjoy the OPA. It is a grand paper. May
they will be carried out. We would like to get
quite a number of the books of sermons to hand God bless YOU.”-M. T. Orear, California.
“The OPA is gaining very rapidly in this part.”
H. Clouse, Missouri.
“Brother King, I a m much in favor of the pro- -Isaac Hayes, Texas.
“We are very much pleased with the paper.”posed book of sermons, and the churches are in
need of a song book.”-Joe Castleman, Louisiana. Louis P. Housman: California.
“The OPA just arrived; we sat down and read
“Here are eight subs. for the OPA. We enjoy
every issue, and if i t were possible, we would 48 live field reports, that show more zeal, activity.
say t h a t it. gets better all the time.”-James R. and determination t o scatter the seed of loyal
Christianity than ever before. The front page
Stewart, Texas.
“Here are three subs. I liked Ervin’s article article by Bro. Gay is right on the beam. P u t me
very much in the last issue. I hope all will con- down for a copy of that book of sermons. We may
sider i t for themselves instead of passing i t on be able to help you finance it, if i t would be expedient.”-J. H. McKaig, California.
to the other fellow.”-Chester King, California.
“We heartily endorse the proposal for the OPA
“I am very anxious for t h a t book of sermons to
get on the market. I received my OPA this morn- to nut out a new song book, also the book of
ing, and as usual, I didn’t stop until I had read
i t all. Isn’t i t good now? I certainly did like Bro.
“Here i s My Church
coniplished. On August ZSth, Bro. Joe Castleman a n d I began
a mission meeting a t Monroe, La..After having preached o n e
week we baptized f o u r a n d restored four. Bro. Castleman i s
still laboring with t h e brethren there, and they need his
help f o r sonie time yet, as t h i s i s a new congregation.
Brethren if you would like t o support Bro. Castleman, a n d
is would
help keep him t h e r e f o r two o r ) t h r ~ e ~ m o n 8 sI’m’iure
be greatly appreciated. You may s’eAd contributions t o J. W.
Castleman, yo Will F. Davis, Rte. 1, W e s t Monroe, La. They
would like t o build a small church house there. Any contributions t o this effort may be s e n t t o Will F. Davis, Rtc. 1,
West Monroe, La. A t t h i s writing I am a t home. Bro. S t e w a r t
a n d I will hold a twenty day meeting a t Houston, Texas soon.
1, 1943
Paul 0. Nichols, 849 Wilcox- Ave., Hollywood,
Wednesday night. Brethren, let us intensify our
efforts for right..
generations; and
Ervin Waters
“Set your affection on things above, not on
things on t h e earth” (Col. 3 2 ) is an admonition
the neglect of which is the cause of many lethargic
tendencies among us. This neglect has retarded
our progress. Contrariwise, heeding it would have
such an accelerative effect ’on the Lord‘s work
t h a t our subsequent growth would surprise all of
US. The above command is both positive and negative in t h a t it points out the things on which we
should and the things on which we should not
set our affection. k t us first consider the negat.ive command.
the world” can be observed in the case of Dernas,
“Demas hath forsaken me, having loved this
present world” (2 Tim. 4:lO). Let us stamp out
worldiness in the church because it is destructive to
(3) Praise Of Men-“Nevertheless
among t h e
chief rulers also many believed on him; but because of the Pharisees they did not confess him,
lest they should be put out of the synagogue: For
they loved the praise of men more than t h e praise
of God” (Jno. 12:42-43). A love of praise on t h e
Part of many has caused them to remain in sin’s
bondage. It has caused others to forsake the Lord.
Some preachers so love popularity that they either
“shun to declare the whole counsel of God” o r
advocate a n error in order to stay with t h e many.
salt before we can be exalted light. You will find
that nearly every sin is rooted in selfishness. L e t
11s be selfless, not selfish.
But On Things Above
“Set your affection on things above” (Col. 3:2)
and “Seek ye first the kingdom of God” (Matt.
6:33) teach us t h a t our mind and our affection
. . . . .
. . . . . . . . . . .
. . . . . . . . . .
. . . .
in word. Alas !
“I certainly enjoy reading the OPA, and here i s
my renewal. I want one of the sermon books, when
they a r e ready. I trust YOU and yours a r e enjoying
Entered as second-class matter Blarch 24, 1932, a t the postoffice a t Lebanon, Missouri, under the Act of March 3, 1879.
the best of health.”-Garland
T. Smith, Miss.
“I think the OPA is the best paper that was
ever put out by our brethren. It is free from strife
Lebanon, Mo.
HOMER A. GAY _____-_______
1_______ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ L e ba no
Mo.n, and discord, and I a m renewing my sub.”-Frank
Cobbs, West Va.
“I believe the OPA is the best paper in circulaHOMER L. KING - _ _ - _ _ _ _ _
Route 2, Lebanon, Mo.
H. E. ROBERTSON, Assistant
Phillipsburg, Mo. tion. Enclosed you will find my renewal.I’-Perry
Allen, Calif.
“Here a r e three subs. to the OPA. May the Lord
bless you in every undertaking in the furtherance
of His cause.”-Joe
Castleman, Louisiana.
Printed by Laycook Printing Co., Jackson, Tenn.
“I am sending my renewal and a-new sub. t o
I $ I O not want t o miss a n
m e r t h a t I love you.”-Chas. D.
Palmer, Ala.
“Here is my renewal for the paper. Keep t h e
We are going forward with the work on this
book. Many of the songs have been selected, and good work going. We think Bro. Waters is a fine
we hope to have i t ready early in December, pos- preacher, and we need more like him.”-Petc
sibly, the latter part of November. There will be Howard, Missouri.
“Find my renewal to the OPA. May the good
192 pages of songs, suitable for all church services, both old and new. Some songs, never pub- work continue through these trying times. Best
W. Fenter,
lished in any book, will be in the new book. From wishes- for you in your work.”-A.
the songs selected and already in my hands, I Texas. _“We enjoy. the paper very much. Find our rea m convinced t h a t i t will be one of the best books,
ever put out by our brethren. We hope t o keep newal. Love to you, Bro. King.”-Orville Cotterll,
the price as low as other books of the same size. Oklahoma.
“Here is a dollar for my renewal t o the OPA,
We hope t h a t we can sell i t for about the same
price a s the last book, “Songs of Zion,” adver- and many thanks to you for sending the paper on
L. M. Pond, Calif.
tised in this paper, but we cannot be certain j u s t to me.”-Mrs.
“I see in the OPA, t h e things planned t o do will
require some financial help, so find check for
R. Boss,
$60.00 to use as YOU see best.”-Irvin
‘‘I am enclosing my renewal to the OPA, for
It is quite certain t h a t we shall begin work
on this book, just as soon a s the song book is in we don’t want to miss a single issue.”-Jimmy E.
the hands of the printers. As t o the subjects to Campbell, Calif.
“I received the check for my support here, and
appear in the book, writers, etc.*.’At the proper
time, we shall notify all who have expressed a I appreciate it. If you are ever coming this way,
willingness to cooperate with us, by writing a be sure t o drop by :to.see me, or if you know of
sermon. It might be well for all the preachers who any other brethren coming this way, tell them.”
will write a sermon, to go ahead and have your -Houston Martin, Calif.
“I think i t would be fine t o , h a v e a book of
news cut made, if you do not have one,.as this
will save delay, as you should know, we plan to sermons, to show where we stand, and t h a t we
run a picture of every preacher. who writes -a are not asleep.”- E. E. Wright, Texas.
“I a m sending our renewal t o the paper. We
sermon for the book.
enjoy reading i t very much. Remember us in your
Ola Russell, Texas.
“We a r e enclosing five dollars for the boys in
Now, here is a kind of co-operation t h a t really CPS, and three dollars for the OPA needs. May
F. Orten,
the Lord bless you and yours.”-W.
counts and t h a t we certainly do appreciate:
“I see in the October issue of the OPA, the Tenn.
“Accept this contribution ($5.00) f o r the breththings planned to do, will need some financial
support. Enclosed find a check f o r $60.00, to use ren in CPS Camps. I shall t r y to send t h a t much
as you see fit.”-Irvin
R. Boss, Pekin, Indiana. each month. Who knows but t h a t I may be.in one
And, from W. F. Orten, Lawrenceburg, Tenn., of those camps one day.”-Rolland Everett, Oklacomes $3.00. From Bro. and Sister B. N. Rue- homa.
‘‘I have just received the OPA and enjoyed i t
bush, Oceanside, Calif., comes $5.00. Thanks a
as usual. I wouldn’t be without it. I a m sending
million to all for such thoughtfulness and I&eial- my
renewal and two new subs. I hope you pubity. We mean to make this do double sen-rcefirst, to help finance the song book, and sedodd, lish the book of sermons, for I certainly want
S. Jackson, Oklahoma.
the book of sermons, after the song books have one.”-H.
“The OPA i s t h e best paper I know, but i t has
been sold. May God bless you all.
one fault-there
is just not enough of it. Find
-Homer L. King.
my renewal.”-A. E. White, Indiana,
“Find enclosed my receipt of the check. I certainly appreciate the effort that is now being
put forth by the brethren in behalf of us boys.
illy hope is t h a t I can return such love in even
a greater degree.”-Leonard
Hendrickson, Ark.
“I received the contribution, and many thanks
for it. I certainly do like i t here.”-Fred Kessinger, Jr., Virginia.
“I received the address of the OPA from a
song book, Church Hymnal, and we received our
first number Saturday, and we enjoyed it very
P. B.
much. Here are two more names.”-Mrs.
Fowler, Texas.
“Here is ~y rensyal for the paper. I don’t
want to miss a single issue, for i t means so much
t o me. We look forward to its coming each month.
May God bless you in your work, and may He
bless your family.”-Mrs. L. J. Early, Alabama.
“I a m sending three renewals to the OPA and
$28.00 for you to use in spreading the gospel
somewhere in someway, where you think i t will
do the most good. We desire the prayers of all
t h e faithful.”-Wilson
Chapman, Ark.
“Here is a check for $50.00 for the boys in
CPS camps, We all enjoy reading the 0PA.”-D.
0. Francher, Texas.
“Here is my renewal and two new subs. Sincerely, I enjoy reading i t very much. May the
V. A.
Lord bless you in your good work.”-Mrs.
Dunlop, Okla.
“We miss the OPA, so here is our renewal. We
sincerely hope you will live many years to preach
the gospel in its purity.”-Mrs. E. E. Barnes, Ark.
“Like the paper fine and enjoy reading every
work of it. I do not want to miss an issue. Here
is my renewal.”-Roland Everett, Oklahoma.
“I cannot do without the paper, and it seems
t h a t each issue is just a little better. I am glad
to note the interest in spreading the gospel, and
if we ever needed to spread it, this certainly is
the time. It is shocking to see how t h a t so many
church members are allowing the war effort to
crowd Christ and the church out of their lives;
I wonder to whom they will look for their reward.
-Madge Murphy, West Va.
“Enclosed you will find my renewal to the
paper. May God’s blessings be with you and
yours.~’-S.-W. Lea, Miss.
“I endorse the proposal to get out a song book
and a book of sermons, also the church directory.”
-F. T. Harrison, Alabama.
NOVEMBER 1, 1943
E. H. Miller, 1003 Truitt Ave., LaGrange, Ga.,
Oct. 12.-The church here is doing a good work.
I baptized one this week-end. Brother Gillis Prince
baptized three over in Alabama, recently.
and 1 baptized. Bro. Ray Nichols preached one
sermon for us. The church seems strengthened.
Let us work as never before, brethren. Pray for
US. I hope we can continue the mission work.
Clovis T. Cook, Box 42, Spring Hill, W. Va., Oct.
11.-I closed a meeting at Rumble, W. Va., the
2nd. inst., without additions. There are some fine
people at that,place, and I learned to love them
more. I a m now in a meeting at Mallory Chapel.
People in this busy valley are rather unconcerned
about religion, which maKeS the work much harde r for the preacher.
Geo. Rozzell, Rte. 3, Box 363, Okla. City, Okla.,
Oct. 8.-We are getting along very well in spite
of the opposition. We have moved to our new location, 1836 NW 7th St. We had a good crowd last
Lord’s day, with some visitors from Sulphur. Bro.
Bill Rhoden preached for us, giving a good lesson. Pray for us t h a t we may grow stronger in
grace and knowledge of the Lord.
Jesse Ennes, Galena, Missouri, Oct. 16.-\Ve
have heard a lot of good preaching this summer.
Bro. Paul Nichols has just closed a meeting here.
He is now a t Cross Hollows in a meeting. We all
like Bro. Paul. We a r e expecting Bro. Waters
back for a meeting a t Lone Elm in November.
Why do we not have a “get-together meeting”
in Missouri and plan to continue this mission
work? We want to keep this work going, for i t
certainly has done a lot of good in this part.
Jesse E. James, 2122 Santa Monica, San Antonio, Texas, Oct. 4.-We plan to have a meeting
the first part of November, Bro. Robertson doing
the preaching. We are trying to keep busy, assisting in mission work, helping some of the new
congregations to get started, etc. I a m glad to
note that the brotherhood is contributing more
liberally toward the support of the loyal boys.
Fred Kirbo, Davis, Oklahoma, Oct. 15.-I
now in a meeting in Lebanon, Missouri; having
good crowds and good interest. I am enjoying t h e
fellowship of preaching brethren, Ray Nichols,
Ervin Waters, Chester King, C. H. Lee, Homer
Gay, and H. E. Robertson. I go next to Eola, Texas,
for a short meeting.
Ray B. Nichols, 849 Wilcox Ave., Hollywood,
Calif., Oct. 15.-Since returnlng to Missouri, I
was in a meeting with Bro. Waters at Longrun.
There were no additions, but the church was
taught the “way of the Lord more perfectly,”
hence gave up the system of “verse about reading” for the truth. I attended four nights of my
brother Paul’s meeting at Dogwood. My next was
a t Dora with Bro. Waters for ten days. I a m now
at Lee’s Summit with Chester King in a meeting.
Let u s continue to fight for the right.
Frank Cobbs, Spring Hill, W. Va., Sept. 20.Brother Cook is preaching good lessons. He is be. ginning a meeting at Rumble soon. We are hindered some in the work in the mission effort due t o
war regulations which makes it hard on t h e
Pete Howard, Dora, Missouri, Oct. 12.-Our
and the church, too. I a m sending conmeeting closed the 10th. inst., with Bro. Waters preacher
doing the preaching. The results were 4 restored tributions f o r both Spring Hill and Mallory ChapeI
for the boys in CPS. I think we should look aftel.very',w.ell;
Boys,' 'The c$urchks,'herd'hr$'"gtting
L':,, 1 I.*:.
these 'loyal
. . . . .
Joe W. Castleman, West Monroe, La., Oct. 9:The church, here is, doing-fine. We are expecting
BrO. Buffington' to' arrive 'soon ' t o assist' us on
kiuildirig o'ur, chapel.' My, plans'are, 'the'C6id: 'will:
ing,. to,'stay heee 'anotlier 'month;' ak'1east;''until.
the' cause is firmly"e,$ablishe'd:' I, want,' to comiimend, Bro. King' for. his' 'untiring' effort, to el@
the, faithful boys in t'hS CPS Campsi'I a m 'en:
closing a'cbntriljution for them.' . ":-'
e r y and- Early, ' a r e
0wery)'plans .to do
se soon. Too, they
ission work, for.
ure. to work-with,
growing .in. zeal.
e t h e past week- .
end, where we have some fine bre$hren.!lI!plan ,to
visit the brethrenJaeWesson,.Mi'ss:itlie'23-24, inst.
shall,'.prob&bly' d s i t . some places: in Louisiana
and'Texas' soon';'I want.to spendlimore time.preach;.
ing:If you need me, ,write me at my home.address.
_ . I .
. especially that .we all got together to. continue the
great work, in Calif.. Four good men ,were chosen
for preaching the gospel in this state in 1944.
Pray for us.
1 ' 1 ,
Paul 0. Nichols, 849 WTcox Ave., Hollywood,
BaTney D. Welch, i36. So. 4th. St,:, Montebello,
was,' with {he, &$arysville Calif :, Oct. 18.-The mission ,meeting atqDogwood,
Calif ., Sept. A7'-2,6.-1.
Bqethren, in a, meeting. TWO confessed the.eri+% M~o:,"cloS~d0%3.>The next' two' nights I.!attendof .their. way and one baptized: T$is"is certainly ed' Bra; ' Waters' .meeting at 0dum:ischool .house,
a zealous y.ourig. congregation. F0.r the' past two where I preached one sermon.' There 1.met .Bra.
xveeks.we have. been studying t h e book of Romans, Joe Howard for the first time. My.next was at
here. ?t Mont;ebello. These. meetings 'h,ave 'certain- Cfoss'Road$, 'closing Oct. 32; without ,visible re2
ly been edifyin,g, with se.ve.ra1, of. the Brethren sults, yet some seemed convinced. I a m now at
a t Siskiyou St. and -Montebell0 assistin$' .in' 'the' Cross Hollows; with good attendance. Let uwcon.......
' '1.i
teaching. I'expect to leave soon for lots'of needed tinue to press the: battle. '
,: :,, , :! .,..
work; Pray without ceasing for me and the work.
M. J. Buffington, Rte: .+Box 61, Floresville,
at home for about two
Texas, Oct. 18.-Being
W. N. Wilks, Rte. 4, Dublin, Texas, Oct. 19.October 3, I preached for the church, 27.04 Voughn weeks after the work in La., .I visited-in the home
Blvd., Fort Worth; Texas, two sermons; Oct. 10, I of Bro.' dames, R:Stewart, Temple, Texas, where
XTorshiped a t m y home church, Dublin; Oct. 17, nearby he and I .didisome mission work.. Oct -10,
Bfo."James'.Stewart -and. I--were-at C.ottonwood, we preached at White Hall, with 'one. restored.
where four brethren weKe- restored, dug'-'mainly That 'night' I .visited. in: .Bra. ',LynwoodI Smith's
t o his help. Brethren,' I 'stand -for '.'.one faith,!' .meeting at Waco. He is one:of our fine.young men,
th e simple Scriptural- worship, t h e oneness of and I ,really learned-to love him: After this I visited F o r t Worth and Wichita Fa1ls:I am now. in
. . . ~. people
;.. . . on
. ."It. is'written"
(Matt. 4':lO).
. .
:Pray for me:and
:.. . , _ . .
Lee R. Williams, 234 W. Cherokee, McAlester, . . . . . .
.. , .
Okla.,' Oct: '17.-Our meeting closes tonight; havJames R. Stewart, 1804 W.*Ave. H, Temple,
ing' continued over three, Lord's' days; with Bro;
Homer L.' King. doing' the 'preaching. -The'results .Texas, Oct. 11.-Since cloSin$ at Dub;lin,':I .have
ivere a preacher, Bro. T. :A'. 'Jenson;',restored. We been prospecting f o r missionl meetings. . Sept:.,l.g,
believe he' ii4l be much help to' th'e' caus'e'kiere,.is .at n$arlowt with good 'crowds .and' in.terest..-That
night :J -preachecl? a t my,-home .church; Temple.
we need his ability as' a-*
Sept: 25;';at - Budail three sermons.:::;T$e 'croycds
believe th'e little church w
good, ,and they are growing in number. Oct.
rejoice ,over the results:'
h . to tfiank' the were
3, in Abilene, morning andlnight.; in theafterdoon
it '$ossible'for U&to
at 'Cedar. Gap...with good interest' a€'.both-.places.
. .
. meeting.
Oct. 7 and 8::X visited.Bro. Lynwood. Smith's.meetNelson Nichols, 849 Wilcox Ave., Hollywood, ing in Waco, and he %readied-twd diflg'sermons,
was glatl t o hive' Bro::BufCalif.-I am attending school, and I want to get while I was t.here. -I
aU I .c,pgp t of it, beSorG'r'sTart preaching. $ wdnt finnton visit in my home. We preached'at White
. . . . .I. rpreachecl
Hall. Oct. 1 0 ; one confession.^! .faults.
$0 .be .a prea+@r :a&&e all! 'other"&mbi,fions'. ,but
I'll 'have ' t o grow-info' t h a t 'posi,ti@n 'wifhin 'th? at Temple last night.
.- ...
n.ext 'few yea%: .We .$ad- wonderful. 'meeting ,Sept.
111, Brownwood,
6.'ivliich $as .been reported 'in' the 'OPA. Brethren Tex&'s-Tt
hds *Ij'een some 'time' since I have) reCKester .and B.arney' ,have ,been preaching 'pretty poi;teg t o the'
but-'I have been doihq. *what
steadi1y:Pray'for me ;;!'the 'prayer$ bf.the righte- I-cbuld for .theOPA,
cause:"&bou't f o u r .years'*agoI had
. .
<,. . .
t o 'quit t h e 'e'vkngelistic ;fiela; on' :account of fim
conditions; "and seek' .other+employriient.
iom. E. .Smi,th, Healdton, ,Oklahoma, ,Oct. 11.
-Brother H. E; Robertson h a s,j u s t cldsed a good but I am.now'readg'to answer .calls for.meetings
meeting at the. Bit Shop, with one baptized. and anvwhere. I have been preaching on Lord's days
on9 ,restored t h e following .Lord's day. Since pro. as I had the opportunity, but seeing the need of
'more..'preachers.'in'-the field, like. 'Paul "1,: am
3m ': S mi t h .has .moved .to .Qregon,' T a m 'meeting 'ready"
,'to go' anywhere; preaching: t h e sa;ing gosiwith,tlie,se 6.rethre.nl"a.ndt,we.%ope to :build' up"the
blessea !Lord: O n with the good work!
cause there, as"they seem t o .have ,talien on new
. .
. . . . . . . . ._
!zeal. .We:Ibv.e 'Bro: .Ro$ert,son :for his wbrrli's dare.
12-1 waq
I certainly' appr.ecizited Bro: ,Gay'& article on mis- glacyto .be' with ;Bra. -Gay'dutingOct.
the. .morith of
.siOn work. &&t',us,have :more' of ':that.;l?in,d.' :'
I was
with the.brethren at
. . . . .
. . ..: ...... ........
-,; .
for the ,evening .meeting.
We a r e planning to .becin Blairsyille for $,'mission . .Chest:er ' King, ,Rte. ' 1, Pliiili$burg, MissoLiTi,
October 22.-The
meeting"at F'resrio,; Calif..' remeeting
- a Dart
- of the month of November.
,. ship, and. qt! Flemington
. . . . . . .
-..St.).,1$1Ob00;Temple, Texas, $10.00; A. J. Wright, ;
Merkel, Texas, $5.00; E. 0. Evitt, Dublin,*Texas,
Your stronger proofs
erating grace.
vary little from those in all other camps, where
I have been. But, for us, I think i t is much better
in a way. One of the greatest reliefs to me is that
we are not a burden on anyone. I find the food
If we‘ do no service to a brother
better here. All work clothes needed are furnishWe’ve wasted our years in vain,
ed. Work conditions are satisfactory. Four reWe are strengthened by helping others,
cently came there from Xagnolia. We have severLet‘s do it in Jesus Name.
a1 good singers, and we want to have a singing.
-Mrs. L. N. Byford.
school this winter. The work project here. is
mainly a large irrigation dam, which will take 2
years to complete. We are five miles from Man~i~~ us the man who can be insulted, and llot
cos 6 0 0 POP*)-We have located no loyal church retaliate; meet rudeness, and still be courteous;
in this part as yet.
the man who, like the apostle Paul, buffeted and
disliked, can yet be generous, and make allow-
also appear with Him in glory” (Col. 3 :4).Therefore, to die is gain; to live is to lose. The sinner
is dead (separated from God), while he lives in
sin (transgression of the law). “She is dead while
she lives in pleasures.” If we are born twice, we
die once, born once we die twice. Positively, by
volunteer action (full and free consent on our
part) are we ever regenerated. We come forth
from that liquid grave a new creature, “born of
the water and of the spirit.’’ Into a new and
Heavenly order, “Ecleesia,” the called out ones,
the body of Chi-ist, and church of the living God,
wherein dwells the spirit and the life.
‘‘From the heart,” we obeyed. To the heart is
applied that “form of doctrine” (law), i.e., “A rule
of action eminating from the Diety, governing
human conduct.”
Broadly speaking, the new covenant, ratified
the tongue of an angel from Heaven, could’ describe the radiant splendor of,” glory to God in
the highest” (Lk. 2:14).
Just whom did God honor, with the great and
holy privilege of hearing and seeing this glorious
Heavenly scene: Did Pilate, Caesar, or Herod,
receive an invitation? Was the Roman Senate
summoned? The High Priest, Sanhedrin, or the
Scribes; were they present? Was any of the noble chosen? No, no, just the shepherds keeping
watch over their flocks by night. For “God has
chosen the weak things of the world to confound
the things that are mighty” (I Cor. 127).
“It is appointed onto man once to die.” Also,
there is a second death, and two resurrections.
By the attainment of the first resurrection the
second death is avoided. The interval of time
separating the two is given by John in “Rev. 20:
5.” If Christ lives with us here, we will live with
Him hereafter, and there is a timely statement to
t h a t effect, “the harvest hereafter will be, according to the seed time here.”
True light unto the Gentiles arose, not under
Saul, the persecuter, but under Paul the persecuted. When Paul taught the Jews religion, he
persecuted the Christians. When he taught
Christianity, the Jews persecuted him.
Christ’s first coming was like a lamb; His second like the Lion of Judah. The great purpose
of God is Christ on the throne of His Father, David, and “reign over the house of Jacob for the
age” (Lk. 1:32-33), and of His kingdom there
shall be no end. “For the Lord’s portion i s His
people, Jacob is the lot of His inheritance” (Deut.
32 :9). For two thousand years Satan has sought
to dim this truth. From Eden down through the
ages, Satan has been a liar and deceiver. He is a
theist, not an atheist, and all his imps of the infernal regions believe and tremble, yet he is teaching hundreds of millions of people to believe there
is no God. Whole nations have succumbed to his
subtility. He is a plague and a scourge, trying to
regulate to oblivian God’s holy word. Never in the
history of nations have things been so terrible; the
stored up evil of past ages has broken lose, and
out of bounds. Seems he is getting ready to release all his organized hellish legions ; thereby,
meeting his own doom. God will put a chain on
him (rendering him powerless) casting him into
the bottomless pit (unfathomable). Read “Isa.
14 :12-17.”
Yes, dear souls, there is a n opposite to tinis
third age, t h a t like the preceeding ones, ended so
violently; one of joy, happiness and peace, coming with the “Prince of Peace.” There is the
strongest reason to believe i t is nearer thall we
think. And the “crown of righteousness is laid up
for all of them also t h a t love His appearing” (2
Tim. 423).
The Bible is a book of contrasts. Both Old and
New Testaments contain history, law, and prophecy; of, to, and for, the people called by His name.
It contains nothing about Mohammed, Confucius,
or Buddah, other than condemnation of false prophets and the curse of idolatry.
The sermon on the mount, and t h e beautitudes
of Matt. 5:6, are full of contrasts hnder t h e law.
Fundamentally, they reappear in the teaching of
the’Epistles. We have called attention to a few
of these most noticeable, and we humbly hope this
survey will cause us to‘esteem others, rather than
ourselves, and remember to thank God, t h a t we
are all one in Christ Jesus, the Almighty, which
was and is, and is t o come, who said (Jno. 4:14) ;
“We know we have passed from death unto life,
because we love the brethren.”
-J. H. McKaig
A writer in the Christian Worker (June 6,
1935) says: “Some say t h a t her hair should be
as long as nature would let i t grow. The book
does not say that.”
The Book does say that. It says: “The hair
is given to her instead of a veil” (I Cor. 11:15).
Here we have koma, hair-natural,
uncut hair.
Anti, instead of. And peribolain, veil. Who gave
i t to her. God, in creation. If I give a man a
rake instead of a hoe, he has a rake by my will.
And woman has hair-natural,
uncut hair, by t h e
will of God; and he gives i t to her instead of a.
veil. And if she does not wear i t so, she would
a s well be shaved or shorn,-have it shaved off
or cut close to the head. Xurao, to shave; keiro,
to shear. (v. 6.) But “since it is shameful to a
woman to be shorn or shaven, let her be veiled”
(v. 6). And her natural hair is given to her instead of the veil. And this requires her to let i t
be “as long a s nature would let it grow,” for i t
is koma (hair, natural hair) t h a t God has given
her “instead of a veil.” It is her token, God-given,
of her feminine sphere. Hence, “if a woman have
koma (hair, natural, uncut hair), i t is glory to
her” (v. 151, f o r thereby she displays obedience to
God and respect for man. She honors her *‘head,”
man. There is no “hat, cap, or bonnet” in it. Nei“greater length than her
ther is there any-just
husband‘s’’ t h a t satisfies the requirement of God.
But the writer in C. W. caps the climax of absurdity in his “no such custom a s being contentious about such things,” as though i t is all right
to disregard this divine law. Bless you, no; Paul
cuts loose the man-made regulation of wearing
a veil, but he binds what God has given: “hair
(natural, uncut) as “given to her (of God) instead of (anti) a veil.” And C. W. in making
“saved” ( I Tim. 2:15) physical “saved” (not t o
die then), is wide of the truth. It is “saved” in
doing her work in the home sphere (Titus 2:2-6
and I Tim. 5 :14, 15, f o r example), eternally saved,
as men a r e in their sphere, God-given.
-H. C. Harper.
(Editor’s note: The above unusually good article appeared in the March, 1936, issue of the
OPA, but we have many new readers who did not
read it, and they may want it. I have seen nothing t h a t equals it.)
Sunday, Sept. 19, 1943, Magnolia, Ark.
Dear Bro. King:
I wish to again thank you and the brothers and
sisters for the remittance t h a t you turned in to
this camp f o r the maintenance of myself. We
boys here greatly appreciate the interest and
assistance t h a t is being shown and given us, and
hope t o be able to reimburse the churches and
members in some form or another after the war
is over. If we cannot do it financially, we hope
to be able to return it in service at least.
While at home this last time on my furlough I
was told t h a t there were some who were undecided as to whether or not we boys should be stood
back financially. It seems t h a t some were of the
opinion t h a t the Government was at least partly
paying our way down here, and t h a t their obligation, if it is that, had ceased. Now, I personally
am not expecting or asking assistance from the
church, and in no wise do I want to cause the
church to feel t h a t it is obligated to me, but I
do feel t h a t the church should consider itself
DECEMBER 1, 1943
A few have shown it. Several have only
under obligation to help maintain a place where
and love.
we can go with a clear conscience when we are said
With brotherly love,
drafted, instead of throwing its hands up and
-Leonard Hendrickson.
saying, “you can go to the army or prison-take
your choice.” So, for the benefit of those who do
not have the C. P. S. set up clearly in mind, I am
going: to point out the following expenses and California:
Yuba City; Woman’s Club Building; 10:30 a. m.
explain how they are taken care of:
Lodi; Hillborn and Garfield Sts.; 10:30 a. m.
Wages: No wages in the form of money is paid
any draftees. TKe Brethren Church has figured Louisiana :
Marion; 3 miles west (Fairview) ; 11:OO a. m.
t h a t i t is costing them approximately $27.50 per
Hammond; 600 E. Merry St.; 10:30 a. m.
month to keep each man, and in addition to this
West Monroe; Cheniere, y! mile S. Hwy. 80; . ’
cost they give each assignee $2.50 for spending
10:30 a. m.
money per month, which makes a total cost of
$30.00 per man per month. Several of the Church
Sand Grove, Texas; 10 miles S. Milano; 2:OO
of Christ boys do not accept the $2.50 allowance as they do not want to be further obligated
p. m. Buchannon and Doughty Sts. 10:30
to the Brethren Church.
a. m.
Food: Every pound of food t h a t is eaten by a Mississippi :
draftee is paid for by the Brethren Church.
New Salem; 8 miles W. of Brookhaven, JackTransportation : Each individual enrollee pays
son-Liberty Road; 1 1 : O O a. m.
all of his transportation costs. The Government Iowa:
doesn’t even furnish transportation to church serOttumwa; Finley and Adella Sts.; 10:30 a. m.
vices on Sunday and Sunday night. The Govern- Tennessee:
ment did furnish transportation to camp a t the
Chapel Grove; 10 miles N. Lawrenceburg; 10:30
time we were drafted, and i t is generally supa. m.
posed t h a t they will pay our way home when
this is all over.
Water: Water t h a t is used in the preparation
Contributions for Expenses of Boys in C. P. S.
of our meals, the laundry of our clothes, the wash- Church, Stockton, Calif ., Bro. J. W. Bowmer$25.00
ing of government trucks, and all other uses Church, Marysville, Calif., Bro. M. T. Orear 5.00
around the camp is paid for by the Church of A Sister, Siskiyou St. Church ___________ 20.00
the Brethren.
A Brother, Siskiyou St. Church _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ 10.00
Electricity: The electricity used in the refrig- A Couple, Siskiyou St. Church __________ 10.00
eration of our food, the lighting of the camp Cedar Gap, Texas, Church, Clara Snodgrass 5.00
buildings and grounds, and t h a t used by the
(Correction in Nov. report : “Tuscola Church”
laundry motor and other motors on the grounds should have read, “Cedar Gap”)
is paid for by the Brethren Church. Both the
-Carl N. Nichols, 849 Wilcox,
water and the electric bills run into f a r more
Hollywood, Calif.
money than the average person could even
in C. P. S. Needs of Bovs
- -- imagine.
Doctor and Medical: All medicine, shots, vac- Lees Summit, near Lebanon, Mo., Herschel
cinations, minor operations, and examinations are
Massie ________-_-_________________ $25.0d
paid for by the Brethren Church.
Hill-Mallory Chapel, W. Va., J. F.
Laundry: Laundry equipment is furnished by
__________-_________________ 30.00
the Brethren Church and all laundry is done free New Cobbs
Salem, Wesson, Miss., Carlos B. Smith 10.00
for the enrollees by the camp. The boys furnish New Salem,
Wesson, Miss., Carlos B. Smith
their own ironing equipment and pressing equip(Too late for Nov.) _ _ - _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ 10.00
ment and do this work themselves.
Wesson, Miss., Carlos B. Smith _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ 2.00
Place to worship : Made possible by the Brethren Ottumwa, Iowa, Earl Butts _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ 20.00
Church. .
Texas, Individuals,
Recreation : All recreation equipment is furnish- San Antonio,
by Jesse E. James _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ - _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ 15.00
ed by the Church of the Brethren.
Temple, Texas, Leo Turner ______________ 15.00
Educational supplies : Either furnished by each Sand Grove, Texas, G. P. Davis _________ 7.00
individual or the Brethren Church. Classes are Marlow, Texas, R. L. Baker ______________ 5.00
quite often made possible at the expense of the Electra, Texas, F. M. Cox ______________ 2.00
Brethren Church, and a fairly complete library Homer L. King, Lebanon, Mo. __________ 3.75
is furnished by them.
K. G. Wilks, Eagle Pass, Texas __________ 4.00
Most of us boys realize t h a t if we had depended Total _-__---_-----_--___--___-__-___-$148.75
upon our own church for a place to go in prefer- Balance carried over __________________
ance to the army or prison t h a t we would be in Grand Total ___--_-_---__--___________
one or the other of the two places. We would never Amount sent to six boys, $25.00 each -_-_$150.00
have had this choice. The Brethren Church has
Note: Lewis Cogburn and Howard King are
said t h a t it believed in peace and love. It has then
transferred from Magnolia, Ark., to Marion,
gone ahead and shown t h a t it really did believe
i n peace and love. We (members of the Church of Virginia, hospital work.
-Homer L. King.
Christ) have said t h a t we too believe in peace
DECEMBER 1, 1943
gation intends to keep on using and supporting
Bro. Gay.
Now, what I wanted to suggest is this, that the
congregations that know Bro. Gay, know that
Entered as second-class matter Xarch 24, 1832, at the post- he has always gone to any and all places to preach,
office nt Lebanon, Missouri, under the Act of March 3, 1879,
regardless of the money or conditions. But, he is
not physically able now to do this. If the congregations, where Bro. Gay can have the proper
care, stay in one place, have the proper diet and
good lights, would use him in their meetings, he
HOMER L. Kl’NG--______-______-______
Route 2, Lebanon, Mo. may live many years yet to wield the power.
.H. E. ROBERTSON, Assistant ______________ Phjllipsburg, &lo. There are younger men, who are physically able
to go to the out of the way places and endure
hardships that Bro. Gay has been enduring
SINGLE SUBSCRIPTION SIX YEARS __________________ $5.00 for thirty years, and they are willing to do it.
So, let us send and support these for this work
Printed by Laycook Printing Co., Jackson, Tenn.
and try to keep Bro. Gay where he will take care
of his health. We need him too bad to allow him
to take any chances with his health by overdoing
Favorite Spiritual Songs is the name of our new himself.
-J. C. Jones.
song book, 192 pages, containing old, tried, and
new songs, many of which are the favorite seWORDS OF ENCOURAGEMENT
lections of our song leaders and preachers, who
support the OPA. It is the first song book, so
“I have just received the OPA, and I was real
f a r a s I know, compiled and edited by strictly glad to get it. I was made happy by the good reloyal brethren. It should be ready this month. ports.” -Elbert D. Miller, Ga.
We are ready to receive advance orders, and we
“I have been reading about your success in the
are making this attractive price to a11 who order OPA, and I desire greatly that I could be with
by January 1, 1944: 35c per copy; $3.75 per you.” -Bill Harmon, Texas.
dozen; $13.50 for 50; $26.00 for 100; postpaid.
“Please, enter my sub. f o r the OPA, as I cerSend all orders t o Old Paths Advocate, Rte. 2, tainly do enjoy the paper. The “church direcLebanon, Missouri.
tory’’ should be in the hands of every Christian.”
-Albert H. Fenn, New Mex.
“I have j u s t received a copy of the OPA, and I
Below you will find the names of our helpers enjoyed i t very much. Find my renewal enclosed.”
for the past month and the number of subs. re- -C. C. Rawdon, Mich.
“Find my renewal enclosed. It is such a wonceived by us. We are very thankful for this very
encouraging list of subs. Please keep up the good derful paper, that I do not want to miss a n issue.
work. Yes, we continue the trial offer of 50c for P u t me down for a copy of the book of sermons.”
-Clara Snodgrass, Texas.
new subs., but one dollar to all renewals.
“The OPA has just arrived, and i t is fine, but
Ervin Waters-16 ; Homer L. King-10 ; F. M.
Cox-9 ; Woodard Clouse-9 ; Homer A. Gay-7 ; i t doesn’t come often enough. I don’t have any
Barney D. Welch-7; The Byfords-5; Alto Bax- subs., but here are three dollars to use as you see
l e y - 4 ; Mrs. J. P. H i n e - 4 ; Mrs. L. H. Blanken- fit. I hope you and family are enjoying good
ship-2; Mrs. Marie Menasco-2; Chas. D. Pal- health.”-Robert Falvey, Miss.
“Here are seven subs. for the OPA. I may
mer-2; E. A. Newman-2;
W. E. Murry-2;
Clarence Snodgrass-2 ; R. L. Baker-2 ; John send in some more in a day or two, if you don’t
mind. True Christian love.”-Barney D. Welch,
L. Reynolds-2; W. W. Bates-2; G. P. Davis-2;
K. G. Wilks-2 ; C. H. Elliott-2 ; N. C. Smith-2 ; Calif.
“We are having the paper sent to nine families.
F. K. Reeves-2; Mrs. Hugh Hinton-1; L. B.
B a d g e t L l ; C. C. Rawdon-1 ; Clara Snodgrass I think it would be fine if each issue contained
-1; Mrs. W. E. Campbell-1; Funderbush Li- articles to both saint and sinner. We pray that
brary-1 ; John Spradley, Jr.-1 ; John A. Crow God will continue to bless you with health, that
-1; Carlos B. Smith-1;
Mrs. F. P. Kaminsky you may continue the good work.” -’iioodard
Clouse and Family, Missouri.
-1; Mr.s H. E. firpin-1; Willie Condray-1;
“I am sending two subs. I certainly did enjoy
Marvin L. Fitzgerald-1 ; . Joe H. Howard-1 ;
W. H. Gill-1; Albert H. Fenn-1; Clarence Kes- the article by Bro. Ervin Waters, Col. 3:2, and
singer-1; Mrs. Paul Akey-1; H. E. Thompson your blow against digression.” - It. L. Baker,
-1 ; Elbert D. Miller-1 ; Total-119.
“Here are four subs. to the OPA. We certainly
enjoy every issue. We hope to send more subs.
soon. Best regards to you and family.”-Mrs.
Bro. Homer A. Gay closed our meeting at Velva J. P. Hine, Okla.
St. Church of Christ, in Shreveport, and though
“We will certainly be glad to wait for the new
his health is not good and he has to be very care- song books. Yours in ‘the one hope.” - Batsell
ful with his diet, yet his preaching was as good Moore. Colo.
or better than before he got sick, and his congre“I am a reader of the OPA, and we appreciate
DECEMBER 1, 1943
it, too. We hope this little paper grows t o be larger and wider in circulation. We are sending four
new names.”-Alto B. Baxley, Alabama.
“Put us down for 75 of your new song books.”
-W. M. Rollins, Okla.
“Here is my renewal. I certainly do enjoy the
paper. I don’t want t o miss an issue. It is doing
lots of good. God bless you all for the good work
J. P. Hine, Rte. 1, Davidson, Oklahoma, NOV.
this paper is doing.”-Willie
Condray, Texas.
“Here are two renewals to the OPA. We enjoy 9.-Bi-other M. J. Buffington was with us a week,
giving some good teaching, and although no visevery issue.” -W. W. Bates, Texas.
“Thanks for the sample copies of the OPA. I ible results, I believe he did some good.
keep my samples right on the stand while preachW. M. Rollins, Rte. 1, Purceli, Okla., Nov. 14.ing, and a t the close of my sermons, many times We had a good lesson by Bro. Bill Roden last
make mention of the good in subscribing for the Lord’s day. One confessed faults and there was
paper. I tell my brethren that the OPA is the only one f o r baptism. So, we are still growing.
paper I endorse. Pray for me that I may hold
out to continue the fight.” -John L. Reynolds,
Guy Mallory, Jr., Rte. 7, Box 330, So. CharlesArkansas.
ton, W. Va., Nov. 16.-Since I last reported, I
“I must say that I enjoy the OPA very much. have preached at Winefred, Rumble, and SpriEg
I always look forward to its coming. I t is the only Hill, one or more times. Let us not be weary in
way I have of keeping up with what is going on well doing. Pray for me and the work here.
in the church. I was glad t o get the contribution.”
W. F. Davis, Rte. 1, Box 73, West Monroe, La.,
-Houston Martin, Calif.
13.--’iVe now have our new building in shape
“Here are two subs. to the OPA.
for worship in it. We lack $150.00 having
long to carry on the good work.” -W. E. M~irry, it completed.
Should anyone desire to help, send
to above address. Bro. Buffington helped us a
“Here is a renewal to the paper. I am wishing few clays 011 the house and preached for us Lord‘s
you much success in the work. Here are 12 dol- day. We ask the prayers of brethren.
lars for the boys in the C. P. S.”-C. B. Smith,
Jesse E. James, 2122 Santa Monica, San AnMiss.
‘‘I am sending my renewal. I like it, and I want tonio, Texas, Nov. 8 . W e are looking forward to
to keep i t coming. I appreciate your sending it on a meeting by Bro. Robertson in this month. We
are planning a radio program in the near future
to me.” -John A. Crow, St. Louis, Mo.
“Hope you all are doing fine. We are wishing of songs and talks concerning our stand on the
you much success in the work, and we pray that worship and why we take that stand, a s we wish
you may share God’s richest blessings.” -J. C. to do something for the cause in this city. Our
building will be paid out in December.
Jones, La.
“TO my way of thinking the field reports in
John L. Reynolds, Lamar, Arkansas, Nov. 13.
the OPA are of great value to the Christian. We -1 am to begin a meeting tonight a t a school
humbly pray that these may always be continued. house 2 miles from Lamar, and I may hold others
We trust that you and yours, also Howard, are in this part. I have a call for a meeting at Stidham,
getting along fine. I think the idea of a new song Okla., and I hope to hold it. I may make a trip
book and book of sermons is a good one.”-Ben
into Missouri before returning to Calif. this
Frentrup, Texas.
winter. It is my desire t o be with Bro. King in a
“I am enclosing a check for $10.00 to move my meeting somewhere this winter, if possibie. (Unsubscription to the OPA six years in advance, also der date, 11-22-43, wife sick, leaving for home.four other names for a year. Send me one dozen J. L. R.)
copies of ‘Clark-King Discussion,’ and give two
dollars to the C. P. S. boys. I am wishing you
Malcolm Myers, 600 E. Merry St., Hammond,
good health and the OPA success.”-F. M. Cox, La., Nov. 16.-The results of our meeting here
were one baptized and others almost persuaded,
“Here is my renewal to the OPA. I enjoy i t so and the little congregation was strengthened. We
much. I hope that you and your family are well. enjoyed having Bro. Paul Nichols and his preachI would certainly love to hear you preach again, ing. Too, we are glad to have Bro. Albert Fenn,
and may be I can some day.”-Mrs. Hugh Hinton, stationed a t New Orleans Army Air Base, with
us, as we think he is a fine boy and wants to
“Find my renewal enclosed. From the large list do the will of the Lord. All the faithful will find
OP subs listed in each issue and the many good re- a welcome with us.
ports, both t h e paper and the churches seem to be
Raymond Bray, 2417v2 NW 16th., Oklahoma
expanding. Best wishes for the success of ali.”
City, Okla., Nov. 2.-We hope to have our house
L. B. Badgett, Texas.
completed in about two weeks. The church here
‘Ye shall know the truth, and the truth shall is moving along very smoothly. All seem t o realError does not “make ize that t h c e is more to the Christian life than
make you free” -Jesus.
free”; then why not exchange error for “truth”? merely going to services on Sunday. We now
-_-_._--_---PAGE SIX
have over 30 members. Our contributions for the
past month were close to $240.00.
Tom E. Smith, Healdton, Oklahoma, Oct. 31.One confessed faults at the Bit Shop today, for
which we are thankful. Bro. Glen Bray has been
with us for a few days. It was good to have hini
with us again.
Carlos B. Smith, Rte. 1, Wesson, Miss., Nov. 2.
-The-church at New Salem seems to be getting
‘along well. We have good attendance each Lord‘s
day. Bro. W. H. Reynolds preached for us two
nights iyecently. We certainly do miss Bro. Sam
SmiI37siifie he left for the camp. We a r e trying
t o get Bro. Lynwood a 4-D classification, t h a t he
might continue preaching.
DECEMBER 1, 1943
G. A..Canfield, (colored) Route 1, Box 78, Oct.
12.-Brother David Gorden, of Brookhaven, Miss.,
just closed a short meeting with this congregation. The crowds and interest were very good. A t
this writing I am beginning a series of -gospel
meetings, near Brookhaven, Miss. I expect to continue, the Lord willing, for over two weeks. Pray
for me and the work of the Lord.
Floyd 0. Ross, Lock Haven, Pa., Nov. 19.-I
assisted the brethren in Flemington in three
weeks of meetings-one week a t E. end Knittney
Valley and two weeks in the ’home congregation.
One was restored to the faith and others edified.
Nov. 7, I preached to the faithful at Love Joy,
two services, and attendance and interest were
good. Wife and I are making our home in Lock
Haven this winter.
L. B. Badgett, 648 DeQueen Blvd., Port Arthur,
Texas, Nov. 21.-I was called home from the work
Orvel Johnson, Davis, Oklahoma, Nov. 19.in Arkansas and Oklahoma, due to the flood here. Since our meeting at Davis, one has been restored.
I have been preaching some in East Texas over He seems to be a zealous and able worker, and
the week-ends. I baptized one at Votaw; others the congregation, in general, has “a mind to
almost persuaded. I go to Hiwasse, Ark., this work.” I am now in Okla. City, remodeling the
week to assist in erection of church building. I church building, and have preached four times
expect to preach some in Oklahoma and Missouri for the brethren. They have members from a
number of congregations, having recently moved
from there.
to the City. I may go to Mo., to be with Bro.
Sam Smith, Co. D. 55th. Med., Tng. Bn., Camp King in a meeting early in Dec., and may visit
Barkley, Texas, Nov. 21.-I
still have hopes of other congregations in t h a t state.
getting my right classification (4-E). This is a
F. K. Reeves, Marion, La., Nov. ZO.-The church
terrible place for a Christian to t r y to live. Boys,
generally, do not seem to realize there is a here- at Fairview continues to meet each Lord’s day to
after. It takes a lot of faith and courage to live worship the Lord in His own appointed way. We
right. I go to worship every Lord’s day in Abilene. enjoyed having Bro. Carlos B. Smith, of Wesson,
I hear t h a t Bro. Glen Bray is here. Pray for me Miss., with us October 23 and 24. He gave us
some fine lessons. Bro. Robert Falvey was with
t h a t I may never fall by the way.
u s the 6th and 7th of this month, giving us good
I lessons for a boy 17. On the 13th and 14th of
C. C. Rawdon, Wayne, Mich., Oct. 24.-As
have been away from home for sometime, I have this month, Bro. Homer A. Gay, well known here,
not sent a report to the OPA, as I had no news came by and preached for us, which did much
to report. However, I had the pleasure of attend- good.
ing the home meeting, conducted by Bro. Joe
Bill Harmon, 1512 14th St., Wichita Falls, Texas
Howard, who did some good preaching. I a m still
in the fight for victory, but I do not have a loyal Nov. 19.-I have been preaching somewhere about
every Lord’s day f o r sometime, and i t is my dechurch near me at present.
sire to enter the evangelistic field as soon as I
Elbert D. Miller, 902 Murphy Ave., LaGrange, can. I greatly desire to preach the gospel, and I
Ga., Nov. 5.-I think we have a wonderful ton- avail myself of every opportunity to do so. But,
gregation here, as all the members seem to love i t is my desire to accompany a n experienced
and respect the feelings of all. I was made happy preacher for awhile, t h a t I may learn more about
to learn t h a t Bro. Orvel Johnson has lain aside the Bible and the work. Recently, I was made glad
the contention for an order of worship. The church t h a t one was restored t o the fold, as a result of
here sings, prays, teaches the word of God in one my.efforts. Pray for me.
assembly by one male member at a time, “breaks
Batsell Moore, Mancos, Colorado, Nor. 12.-I
rejoice in t h e
bread,” using one loaf and one cup, then give as f a c t t h a t t h e “unity of t h e spirit” prevails a m o n g t h e memprospered.
bers of t h e Church of Christ i n this camp. I would t o God
Marvin L. Fitzgerald, R t e . 2, Mansfield, Mo.,
Oct. 26.-We
have recently moved away from
Dogwood, where we had the pleasure of hearing
Brethren Paul Nichols, Ray Nichols, and Ervin
Waters preach some wonderful sermons. Many
in t h a t part had never heard t h e gospel before,
as there is no Church of Christ there. Since in
June my wife and I have worshiped in our home.
We get lonesome for Christian association. Pray
for us.
t h a t all of t h e n a m e in every congregation would be as f r e e
from contention. Loveta (my s i s t e r ) a t t e n d s o u r services
here, helping much i n t h e singing. I t i s too bad t h a t many of
t h e members of t h e “one body” have gone “war-mad” of
am expecting
Howard King, Magnolia, Arkansas, Nov. 11.-T
t o be t r a n s f e r r e d t o Marion, Va., t o work i n a hospital, soon.
I was .very glad t o receive t h e contribution from t h e b r e t h r e n
last month, and m a n y t h a n k s t o all. Two of t h e boys h e r e
recently l e f t f o r t h e Virginia work, and one i s leaving tomorrow, hence I will know several of t h e boys there. It will
be some satisfaction t o know t h a t I will be doing something
of value a n d will be self-supporting.
Robert Falvey, Rte. 1, Box 151, Wesson, I\.liss., Nov. 13.Recently I had t h e privilege of s h a r i n g Brethren W. H. Reynolds a n d Chas. D. Palmer in s h o r t meetings at New Salem,
and l a t e r I assisted Bro. Palmer in a s h o r t meeting at HaniInond, La. I preached a1 Marion, La., Nov. G , 7, going on to
visit t h e brethren a t W. Monroe. While few i n number, y e t
they a r e loyal to t h e Bible way and a r e worthy of t h e help of
t h e b r c t h r e n i n t r y i n g to build a house f o r worship. All 103’a1 preachers will find a welcome with them. I heard Bro. Paul
Nichols in a meeting a t Hammond, November 9-14.
a r e moving
J o e H. Howard, Dora, Missouri, Nov. lG.-We
along nicely a t Odom. O u r young men a r e making nice talks
on Sunday nights. I am now ready t o devote my entire time
t o preaching t h e gospel. Should anyone need my services,
they may write me a t t h e above address. I w a n t t o a t t e n d
t h e “get-together” meeting in Missouri, a s I a m anxious t o
meet more brethren in my home s t a t e ; and I am anxious to
see t h e work go forward i n t h e various mission points over
t h e state.
Clovis T. Cook, Box 42, Spring Hill, TV. Va., Nov. 18.-The
work here, i t seems, i s a t a “stand-still,” due t o various reasons;. some over which we have no control; viz., t h e draft,
rationing. etc. However, we shall do o u r b e s t to overcome
a l l within our power. We a r c looking forward to t h e initial
appearancc of t h e new s o n g book, which we hope will stimul a t e a n i n t e r e s t in t h e singing, generally. Have you read
Gal. 2:ll-13, as suggested b y Bro. Milner? Have you “boiled
down” t h a t report, as suggested by t h e publisher?
P a u l 0. Nichols, 849 Wilcox Ave., Hollywood, Calif., Nov.
meeting a t Cross Hollows, closed Oct. 27. a f t e r
e i g h t days. r a m t o r e t u r n next y e a r f o r a n o t h e r meeting and
one a t Clio, nearby, Oct. 29, 30, I was a t Cross Roads f o r
two sermons, a n d I worshiped a t Mountain Home, a new
congregation. Next, I enjoyed a week of preaching a t Lees
Summit, by Chester King, also t h e association of Brethren
Gay, King, Robertson, and Lee. My n e x t was a t New Salem,
Miss., i n company with Bro. Gay, where we both preached.
Nov. 8, I began a meeting a t Hammond, La. I am t o close
n e x t Lord’s day.
M. J. Buffington, Rte. 3, Box 61, Floresville, Texas. Nov.
closed a good meeting a t t h e C a r t e r Church, near
Davidson, Okla., Oct. 31, without additions, b u t we believe
much good was done. My n e x t was W e s t Monroe, La., where
Bro. Castleman a n d I established a congregation about two
months ago. They have a nice building p a r t l y completed.
T h e Lord willing. t h e y plan t o f i n i s h i t n e x t spring. I have
recently been associated with B r e t h r e n J a m e s R. Stewart,
Lynwood Smith, a n d Clayton Fancher, gospel preachers.
C. D. Palmer, Kinston, Ah., Nov. 17.-I
h a d a pleasant
visit with t h e New Salem Church, i n Mississippi, preaching
over Lord’s d a y ; a f t e r which Bro. Robert Falvey and I went
to Hammond, La., where I held a s h o r t meeting. My n e x t was
Houston, Texas, preaching over Lord’s day. W e have some
fine brethren there. I was glad t o m e e t Bro. J o e Castleman
there. 1: was’glad t o meet Bro. J e s s e E. J a m e s on my visit t o
San Antonio, a n d I preached once a t Buda, Texas; also two
nights a t Belton. which I enjoyed very much. I a m now a t
Temple, intending t o preach tonight, enroute t o Waco f o r a
s h o r t meeting. Pray f o r me.
Billy Orten, Route 3, Lawrenceburg, Tenn., Nov. 10.-Brot h e r Lynwood S m i t h was with us recently, ‘giving us some
lessons long t o be remembered, a n d one was restored t o t h e
fold. This mas t h e second time f o r Bro. Smith a t Chapel
Grove, a n d we have learned t o love him very much. Our
prayer i s t h a t h e m a y never be hindered from preaching t h e
gospel, which seems t o be his g r e a t e s t desire. W e would be
glad f o r a n y b r e t h r e n passing t h i s way t o stop over and
worship w i t h us. Although, I am b u t 13 y e a r s of age, 1
enjoy t a k i n g p a r t i n t h e public work on Lord’s days. P r a y
f o r m e t h a t I m a y bccome s t r o n g i n t h c Lord.
Clarence Bickford, IIanimond, La., Nov. 13.-We
very glad t o have Bro. Chas. D. Palmer with us and t o
preach f o r us a f e w nights, closing Oct. 30. While t h e r e
were no visible results, we believe t h e seed was sown. W e
t h i n k h e i s a f i n e boy a n d we enjoyed his preaching. May
t h e Lord bless him i n a l l of his Scriptural undertakings in
spreading t h e gospel. W e were also glad t o have Bro. P a u l
Nichols f o r a b o u t a week, closing Nov. 14. We think h e
h a s improved much i n his preaching since l a s t year. We
were glad t o have Bro. Robert Falvey during both meetings.
May t h e Lord bless them all.
Alto B. Baxley, Black, Ma., Nov. 12.--We live in a place
where t h e t r u t h had never been preached until l a s t year,
when Brethren Reynolds and Chas. D. Palmer preached scvera1 scrmons, b u t little interest was shown a t t h a t time.
€lowever, we have kept up some intereat by talking t o t h e
people about t h c sermons preached, until we believe t h a t
some day we may reap a harvest. I hope someone will write
a n article on t h e establishment of t h e church; i t s name,
ctc. W e a r e handing our paper to others t h a t they m a y see
t h e light. P r a y f o r me and my little family.
Lynwood Smith, Rte. 1, Box 150, Wesson, Miss., Nov. 12.October 29-31, I was with t h e brethrcn a t Chapel Grove,
n e a r Lawrenceburg, Tenn. We had f a i r crowds and a good
meeting. I was with t h e brethren at Long Branch one Lord’s
d a y afternoon, preaching f o r them. They have held o u i faitafully, considering t h e opposition from t h e S. S. people, who
nieet t h e r e i n t h e forenoon. We returned t o Chapel Grove
f o r t h e closing service, when onc was restored. Bro. Gay recently preached f o r u s at New Salem. He can still preach,
and we enjoyed it. One confessed faults.
Chester King, Philkipsburg, Missouri, Nov. 20.-I
a series of meetings, embracing three Lord’s days, a t t h e
Lees Summit church, near Lebanon, Mo., October 31. Visible
results were two baptized and two confessions of faults. This
was one of t h e most enjoyable meetings I ever held, being
my old home church where I grew up and where 1‘ obeyed
t h e gospel. I am to s t a r t a meeting a t Sanger, Calif., Dec. 5 .
Woodard Clouse, Rte. 1, Jenkins, JIo., hrov. 21.-We
enjoyed one meeting r i g h t a f t e r another around h e r e all
summer, and we a r e thankful t h a t we were able t o attend
them, and we a r e thankful f o r the good t h a t has been done.
The meeting a t Lone Elm was a success, as souls were added
t o t h e saved, and t h e attendance and i n t e r e s t were good.
Brother Ervin Waters did t h e preaching. We hope the
preaching brethren from around Lebanon will visit us, and
we hope t h a t something will be done t o continue t h e mission
work next year.
J o e Castleman, West Monroe, La., Oct. 12.-Brother
and I are working on our new chapel, under considerable
difficulty, due t o labor shortage. Bro. Buffington i s assisting
us i n various ways, a n d he i s to be commended f o r it. All
h e r e seem zealous a n d willing t o abide by t h e word of t h e
Lord. The Church here wishes t o express sincere thanks
f o r t h e contributions as follows: Jesse E. James f o r t h e
M. R. Milton, church, Wolf
church i n San Antonio-$30.00;
City, Texas-$10.00;
White Hall church-$10.00;
Sand Grove
church, by George Davis--$10.00; Sister Fuller-$5.00;
Rosa Mae Lyons-$5.00;
Mr. and Mrs. Bill Callavvay-$G.OO;
B e r t h a Greer-$1.00.
Amount s e n t f o r my support: Fairview
Clarence Frost-$5.00.
Homer A. Gay, Lebanon, No., Nov. 22. November 5th.,
P a u l Nichols and I went t o Brokhaven, Miss., where P a u l
preached t h e 6th. I preached Lord’s day morning and night,
also Xonday a n d Tuesday nights, with good crowds and
interest. I enjoyed my visit t h e r e very much. I preached t h e
n e s t Saturday night a n d Lord’s day and night a t hlarion,
La. W e had nice crowds and good interest. I w a s much encouraged by these two congregations. I visited i n t h e home
of Bro. J. C. J o n e s i n Shrcveport, l a s t week and preached
Lord’s day, reaching home today. We had a good meeting a t
Lees Summit. I think all appreciated Bro. Chester K i n g and
his preaching. I am to begin a t Eola, Texas, Dec. 4th. While
i n Texas I mi t o preach a t San Angelo, Waco. Ft. Worth,
a n d possibly others.
Louis P. Howsnian, 9-10 Sierra St., Yuba City, Calif., Oct.
church i n Marysville i s moving along i n t h e work
of. t h e Lord. Bro. Barney Welch closed a meeting f o r us
Sept. 27, with one baptized and two confessed faults. Bro.
Ralph Mustard was h e r e t h e l a t t e r p a r t of t h e meeting and
i s expected back f o r a meeting i n January. Bro. P a u l Nichols
is t o hold a meeting f o r us t h e l a t t e r p a r t of November. W e
a r e very thankful f o r t h e t w o young b r o t h e r s here, R. C.
Hamilton a n d A. C. Perrin, who a r e making a good s t a r t
i n t h e work. Each made a s h o r t talk l a s t Wednesday evening.
We now meet f r o m house t o house each Wednesday n i g h t
t o develop t h e talent of the teachers and t o practice singing.
On Lord’s days we meet a t 10:30 a. in. and a t 7:30 p. m. at
10th and D Streets, in the Woman’s Club Building. All a r e
James R. Stewart, 1804 W. Ave. H., Temple, Texas, Nov.
W. W. Wilks and r preached a t Cottonwood, Oct.
16, 17. Four were restored and the church strengthened.
Oct. 24, I preached a t Fruitland t o a crowded house. This is
a mission point, where Bro. Fred Kirbo established a small
congregation about a year ago, and they are growing rapidly
since Bro. Clayton Fancher and his f a t h e r moved into t h e i r
ranks. Oct. 24. I visited Wichita Falls, where Bro. H. E.
Robertson was in a meeting. I was glad to see him and hear
him preach. Oct. 31, I preached a t Jones Hill to a f u l l house.
This, too, is a mission point, having begun a s a result of a
mission meeting I held about three years ago. They a r e
growing. I visited Temple Sunday night, helping with t h e
services. Nov. 7, I preached a t Abilene. also heard young
(12) Bro. Baker preach. In t h e afternoon, I preached at
Cedar Gap t o a good crowd. P r a y f o r me and t h e work,
Clarence Snodgrass, Tuscola, Texas, Nov. 9.-I
havc yecently preached at Robert Lee, Abilene. and Cedar Gap. We
closed a meeting a t Stamford, Oct. 10, with basket lunch t h e
l a s t Lord’s day. Had visiting brethren f r o m Wichita Falls
and Abilene. Although no visible results, we believe the
church was strengthened. I closed a meeting a t Sulphur,
Okla., Oct. 26, with two confessions of faults. We had preachi n g brethren, Kirbo, Orvel Johnson, and Hilton, in attendance p a r t of the time. Bro. Hilton and I had a talk on Acts
2:42, since he believes it to be a “set order of worship.” I
love the brethren a t Sulphur, as they are sound in t h e faith,
etc. I an1 t o r e t u r n t h e r e f o r another e f f o r t in Aug.. 1944.
We a r e preparing to establish a congregation in Merkel,
Tesas, in this month. Bro. Wright i s capable of leading
them on in t h e work. I am trying t o obey 2 Tim. 4:2.
Barney D. Welch, 136 So. 4th. St. hIontebello, Calif.-Oct.
17 I had the opportunity of visiting t h e Monrovia congregation and hearing Bro. Travillion preach in t h e morning,
returning t o Siskiyou St. where I preached a t t h e night service.
Oct. 24, I preached a t Pomona in the morning and blontebello
a t the night service. After taking my wife and “big boy”
from the hospital to t h e Christian home of Carl N. Nichols,
I l e f t f o r Poplar, Calif. to begin a meeting t h e 31st. We
certainly thank the Nichols family f o r t h e i r wonderful hospitality and humble Christian love a s was shown toward
t h e wife and child during t h e i r stay. T h e Poplar meeting
closed Nov. 7. with two restorations. Nov. 9, I began a
meeting a t El Centro. which is now in progress with one
restored t o date and splendid attendance considering conditions. The large house was filled yesterday morning. T r u t h
marches on.
Ervin Waters, Box 410, Lebanon, Missouri, Nov. 15-Oct.
16-31,I preached twelve times a t the Fairview congregation,
4 miles north of Flippin, Ark., baptizing t h r e e and restoring
two, and I preached five sermons in the Christian Church
building in Flippin, Ark. Heretofore t h e Fairview Church
had exercised too much laxity i n t h e kind of preachers they
supported. We have some f i n e brethren t h e r e and they
invited me back f o r another meeting. Nov. 1-14, I held a
mission meeting a t Lone Elin school house, near Jenkins,
Mo., baptizing five. F o u r of these will worship a t t h e Clio
congregation and one a t Mountain Home. The Mountain
Home, Clio, and Cross Hollows churches cooperated splendidly
i n t h i s meeting. I go next to Ellis and Champion. Possibly I
will hold a mission meeting a t Quaker, n e a r Cassville. Mo.,
t h e f i r s t p a r t of December, t h u s ending my mission work in
t h i s state.
Ralph E. Mustard, Rte. 2. Box 244, Hood River, Oreg.,
Nov. 19.--Just before coming here, I was with Bro. Barney
Welch in a meeting a t Marysville, Calif. F o r t h e past two
months I have been laboring considerably with t h e little
band of brethren at Mt. Hood, Oreg. T h e r e are b u t seven
members, b u t t h e y meet fegularly f o r t h e worship each
Lord’s day. They are to be commended f o r t h e i r zeal a n d f o r
t h e i r liberality. We plan t o begin a mission meeting a t Odell,
Oreg., where we have a nucleus from which t o build. We
have secured t h e Christian Church building f o r t h e meeting.
Nov. 17, I went t o Portland, Oregon, t o complete arrangements
f o r a meeting t o begin t h e l a t t e r part of Nov. T have located
t h r e e families of t h e Church of Christ there. They a r e now
DECEMBER 1, 1943
meeting f o r worship i n Sister Saylor’s home. I expect t o
spend several months i n t h i s p a r t next Spring. Remember us
and t h e work in your prayers.
Homer L. King, Rte. 2, Lebanon, Missouri, Nov. 21.-I
continued the mission effort i n Oklahoma, by holding a short
niccting a t Ada, where I established a congregation a few
years ago in a mission effort. I was glad t o find them growing in zeal and number. They have remodeled a s t o r e building on Wcst 6th. St., making a very comfortable and a t tractive church building, having i t paid out, too, I believe.
Bro. Stroud is to be commended f o r the splendid job on t h e
house. They owe much t o Bro. Sims and others f o r t h e able
leadership. I continued there f o r f o u r days, and t h r e e were
restored. I went from there to Dougherty, continuing f o r
eight days, without visible results. Many of t h e members
and sonic of t h e i r best leaders have moved away, leaving
them niuch weakened. It is our hope t h a t they may hold o u t
until something may b e done f o r them. They have a good
house. I spent a few days visiting in t h e homes of t h e faithf u l in Okla. City, where r found much zeal. They are getting
their house a b o u t completed, and it is i n a good location,
1836 NW 7th St. They are now meeting i n it. I a m now at
my home. awaiting the beginning of a mission meeting, near
Shell Knob, Mo., f i r s t Lord’s day in Dec. P r a y f o r m e and
Fred Kirbo, Davis, Oklahoma, Nov. 2Z-r
closed a f t e r one
week a t Eola, Texas, with good crowds and increasing interest. Several came back from t h e cups brethren on t h e
southsidc, seeing t h a t unity could n o t be obtained there, as
they wanted to use t h e cups preachers, who believe i n t h e
“wasp-nest” in t h e Comniunion ( ? ) . I was glad t o be with
Bro. Reed Chappell, one of our faithful young preachers,
who hopes t o give f u l l time t o preaching the gospel in
the near future. Brethren Gill and Claude Williams are to
be coniniended f o r t h e i r work’s sake and faithfulness. I n
all, I think much good was done in t h e meeting i n various
ways. I was well supported, both morally and financially.
Let us all labor f o r the Eternal Rest t h a t awaits t h e faithful
I: the end of this earthly pilgrimage.
Do. not allow yourself to become unduly enthusiastic concerning any man, for the best of
men have failings. Do not allow yourself to become too critical or severe toward any man, for
the worst of men have good qualities. When we
place our faith in the Lord Jesus Christ, our attitude toward all men will be the correct one.
Brethren, while many of you will be spending
many dollars in keepifig a Papal (Catholic) celebration (“Christ-mass,” later “Christmas”) why
not remember to use some of that surplus money
to send the Old Paths Advocate to souls in darkness? How much are you spending for the truth,
to send it to your friends? They need the paper
and the paper needs the circulation.
-H. L. K.
Brother, do YOU work for subscriptions to the
OPA, when in meetings and when you contact
your friends? Have you sent us a list of subscriptions recently? The OPA helps you; do you
help i t ?
“Doubt your doubts, and believe your beliefs.”
Many make t h e fatal mistake of believing their
doubts and doubting their beliefs.
“My son, hear the instruction of thy father, and
forsake not the law of thy mother” (Prov. 1:8).
“He that turneth away his ear from hearing the
law, even his prayer shall be abomination” (Prov.
28 :9).