Chaplains Newsletter PAGE #1


Chaplains Newsletter PAGE #1
It has been awhile since we’ve had the chance
to publish a newsletter. In fact, for almost
one quarter of our chaplains, this is the first
newsletter published since they joined the
Deanery! My personal thanks to Chaplain Trombitas and Chaplain
Martin for this current publication. Also, in the area of communication, has been joined two ‘repeater’ websites, and
With these websites, you now have the opportunity as a Deanery
Chaplain to have an e-mail account courtesy of these addresses.
Contact your coordinator for more information.
Amanda Price has been working as my Administrative Assistant
since August of 2009. Amanda is completing her Masters education and began working as a High School Science teacher last
month. Amanda steps away from The Right Reverend Derek LS Jones
the Deanery this month. Join me Bishop, Deanery for the Chaplaincy
in passing to her our thanks and ACNA Bishop Suffragan t
888-460-5556- Ext.228
blessings… +DJ <><
(e-mail) [email protected]
ACNA/CANA News-Archbishop Duncan Joins Leaders at All Africa Bishops
Last Month, Archbishop Robert Duncan was included with
the other Anglican primates during the opening Eucharist,
and shared in the distribution of communion, as did the
Archbishop of Canterbury, Rowan Williams.
Bishops from all of Africa as well as Anglicans from around
the world met in Entebbe, Uganda, for the second All Africa
Bishops Conference. The conference, which is organized by
the Council of Anglican Provinces of Africa (CAPA), calls
together bishops and archbishops from 400 dioceses in
Africa. Invited guests from around the Anglican world were also present. Archbishop Robert Duncan, Bishop Martyn Minns, Bishop John Guernsey and Bishop Bill Atwood were among the Anglican Church in North America leaders who attended the event. “The Anglican Church is expanding
everywhere in Africa. Archbishop of Canterbury, Rowan Williams, said, “There are now some 400
dioceses spread across the continent. As Archbishop I am here to learn and to stand in solidarity
with this vigorous gospel mission.”
CANA News– Fundamental Declarations
As a founding member of the Angli-
of His words of institution
same, as a standard for Anglican doctrine
can Church in North America,
and of the elements or-
and discipline, and, with the Books which
CANA upholds the "fundamental
dained by Him.
preceded it, as the standard for the Angli-
declarations" of the ACNA. It is
“Remember Our
Core Beliefs and
can tradition of worship.
helpful at times to re-visit and re-
3. We confess the godly
member our core beliefs and com-
historic Episcopate as an
7. We receive the Thirty-Nine Articles of
mitment. The opening article of
inherent part of the apos-
Religion of 1571, taken in their literal and
the ACNA's Constitution (2009) is
tolic faith and practice, and
grammatical sense, as expressing the An-
on these declarations and states:
therefore as integral to the
glican response to certain doctrinal issues
fullness and unity of the
controverted at that time, and as ex-
Body of Christ.
pressing fundamental principles of authen-
As the Anglican Church in
North America (the Province),
tic Anglican belief.
being a part of the One, Holy,
4. We confess as proved by
Catholic, and Apostolic Church
most certain warrants of
In all these things, the Anglican Church in
of Christ, we believe and confess
Holy Scripture the historic
North America is determined by the help
Jesus Christ to be the Way, the
faith of the undivided
of God to hold and maintain, as the Angli-
Truth, and the Life: no one
church as declared in the
can Way has received them, the doctrine,
comes to the Father but by Him.
three Catholic Creeds: the
discipline and worship of Christ and to
Therefore, we identify the fol-
Apostles', the Nicene, and
transmit the same, unimpaired, to our
lowing seven elements as char-
the Athanasian.
5. Concerning the seven
We seek to be and remain in full com-
Councils of the undivided
munion with all Anglican Churches, Dio-
1. We confess the canonical
Church, we affirm the
ceses and Provinces that hold and main-
books of the Old and New Tes-
teaching of the first four
tain the Historic Faith, Doctrine, Sacra-
taments to be the inspired
Councils and the Chris-
ments and Discipline of the One, Holy,
Word of God, containing all
tological clarifications of the
Catholic, and Apostolic Church.
things necessary for salvation,
fifth, sixth and seventh
and to be the final authority and
Councils, in so far as they
unchangeable standard for
are agreeable to the Holy
Christian faith and life.
2. We confess Baptism and the
6. We receive The Book of
Supper of the Lord to be Sacra-
Common Prayer as set
ments ordained by Christ Him-
forth by the Church of Eng-
self in the Gospel, and thus to
land in 1662, together with
be ministered with unfailing use
the Ordinal attached to the
acteristic of the Anglican Way,
and essential for membership:
Michael Baumann-Family Life Chaplain Training - I am currently stationed at Fort
Hood as a student in the Family Life Chaplain Training Center. I am earning an MS in Counseling Psychology (Marriage and Family track) and working at the center as an intern therapist. When I am finished here in Aug . 2011, I will be assigned as a family life chaplain to some garrison or division. My responsibility at that point will be to train subordinate Chaplains in counseling and assist them with more
difficult issues with clients. I will also take the Marriage and Family Therapist exam and the professional
counseling exam at the end of my studies, which will license me as an associate therapist. I look forward to finishing my studies and taking on this exciting new ministry opportunity.
Brice Ullman at Trinity and attached to the 402nd Quartermaster Battalion- Brice has
completed his work at Georgetown and is now at Trinity on a full scholarship!! He is attached to the 402nd Quartermaster Battalion and drills with them once a month. Recently Bruce conducted his first service as a Chaplain
Candidate. “It did go very well. It was for one of our detachments (326th) who has not had a religious service for
probably over a year, so I am very excited to continue providing this support for them.” Chaplain (LTC) Mark
Nordstrom, USA, gave him the Oath of Office and signed his commissioning certificate for the United States
Army. So, if you’d like to drop 2Lt Brice Ullman, USA, a note, his e-mail is [email protected] .
Meet Kim Strifert, LEM - Kim and her husband David reside in Alabama where she assists Fr. Ed Robinson as a lay reader, server, and on piano for services at St. Joseph's in the Clay-Trussville area. Kim’s outreach
ministry is with incarcerated youth and she has been working with the girls at the Chalkville facility. “This ministry is such a blessing for me and I love it. Based on the Cursillo model, we have three day walks with the youth
and then visit them on Thursdays for their ‘fourth day’ experience.” The next girls walk is scheduled for Oct. 2930. Please add Kim and the youth to your daily prayers especially for those dates. In August Kim submitted her
thesis for a doctorate degree in Christian Literature.
The Benedictine Order of St. Alcuin Grows- At the Annual
Council of the Convocation of Anglicans in North America (CANA) July 19-24,
2010, three postulants of the Order professed their Perpetual Vows. On Wed.,
July, 7/21/10, the Rev. Chaplain (Maj.) James Mc Neely professed his Vows prior
to leaving early for a DC meeting. On Thursday evening at the completing of Solemn Evensong, the Reverends Julie and Justin Baldwin’s Perpetual Vows were
heard by The Rt. Rev. David Bena (CANA Suffragen Bishop and Bishop Visitor of
the Order) with Order Superior, The Rev. Mother Katherine Mary Martin, O.S.B., assisting. Rev.
Canon Felix Orji, OSB of El Paso, Texas and Archdeacon Howell Sasser, OSB were in attendance. The Benedictine way of life is both ancient and contemporary. Fifteen hundred years ago
Saint Benedict established what he called “the school of the Lord’s service.” In this school the goal of every monk is no different
than any other Christian: to know, love and serve God. But for the monk this purpose is heightened by following the Rule of St.
Benedict, which emphasized the command of Christ, to love. The Order is composed of 20 men and women who have Professed
Perpetual Vows living throughout the world, 78 non-residential scholars of the Alcuin House Seminary, 21 friends of the Order and
5 Postulants are currently in formation for Perpetual Vows. A commitment to leave self and move toward Christ and neighbor
helps develop the monk both spiritually and psychologically. To choose to live out to the Rule of Benedict is to live, love and serve
in community. This is done through the old and wise practice of prayer, community, mission and formation.
Newly Ordained to the Priesthood: Mark Nordstrom,
Doug Yates, Kelly O’Lear. Congratulations to Michael Williams elevated to Canon and Tim Trombitas to Bishop’s
Chaplain ! We also praise God for our newest additions
to the Deanery: Rick Moore, Dave Ward, James Rouse,
Brice Ullman, Colin Larkin, Simon Howson Richard Bates,
Thomas Collier, John Ellington, Tim Blanton, Steve Lybrand
Nanette Mueller, Ric Renne, Charlie Woods, April Morris, Alan Morris and Kua Apple !!
Welcome Home Initiative (WHI)
The Welcome Home Initiative is a three-day retreat designed to help bring the ministry of Jesus the Healer to members of our
armed forces from all generations who have served in combat theaters or hostile conflicts, and for their spouses/family members. The WHI promotes understanding and insight into Combat Stress related issues, including Post Traumatic Stress and
Traumatic Brain Injury, through presentations by veterans, trauma specialists and discussion groups. The first WHI – West
will be held at St. George’s Anglican Church, Colorado Springs, 27-29 September. For more information about the WHI West you may contact The Rev. Canon Michael Williams at (719) 649-8764. For general information about the Welcome
Home Initiative, visit the Christ the King Spiritual Center WHI web site:
Many have asked for a video on “Setting of the Communion Table” ….Well here is what you ask for! The Deanery produced a “demo” during our last counsel and We NEED YOUR INPUT! Watch the video and send your
comments, “what’s missing that you’d like to see?” or other-etc. to Bishop Derek or Chaplain Trombitas. The
video can be accessed on You Tube at a secure location.
We are asking for volunteers to view the video. Please contact Chaplain Tim Trombitas.
As we continue to grow and as our opportunities for gatherings increase, it is of paramount importance to your bishop that we thoughtfully integrate our families into the life
of our fellowship. Toward the objective of being intentional about bringing a focused and
purposeful vitality to the family life dimension of our Deanery, Bishop Jones has appointed Father (CH, CAPT, USA) Will Harrison. Father Will’s first task is to develop a
comprehensive “Social Roster.” Please help us in this labor of love by completing the
online form at the following link: (
“ Executive
Notes to Remember
Executive Leadership Seminar: 20-26 March 2011
To be held at the Spring Canyon Conference Center in Buena Vista, CO, the top 20 applicants selected
will be afforded the golden opportunity to attend this first-class leadership education event. The seminar
is sponsored by the CANA Deanery for Chaplains and provided by the John Jay Institute (http:// Registration information will be published on the Deanery website by the end
of September. For more information, call Canon Williams at (719) 649-8764.
Ember Week Reports: Ember Weeks occur four (4) times during the Christian year: 1) the week of
3 Advent; 2) the week of 1 Lent; 3) the week following Pentecost; 4) the week following Holy Cross Day
(14 September). (Ember “Days” are the Wednesday, Friday and Saturday of each Ember Week.) Traditionally, Ember Days are days of fasting and prayer. For CANA-endorsed Chaplains, Ember Weeks are
when your endorsing Bishop expects you each to send a report to your respective “Coordinator.”
Bishop Jones has issued guidelines but no prescribed format for your reports, i.e., your report should
include personal and family events, ministry events, continuing education/training, praises, and requests
for prayers of intercession and thanksgiving.
Website a
We are launching an improved Deanery website which is updated with a special “Portions for
Clergy” section which includes an in-depth “Tithe Guide” and a “Special Clergy Section” full
of useful and important information. Check it out at
Our first Anglican Church History Tutorial convened this past June and will complete its 12th and final session
on 6 December. Each session includes a two-week period to complete the session reading assignments, to craft
and submit a 500-word reflection paper and to join in a conference call discussion over Skype by way of reviewing the session material and bringing that session to completion. Ten of our CANA Chaplains are either enrolled and completing the tutorial as part of their ordination and endorsement process, or are auditing the
course to deepen their knowledge base and understanding of Anglican church history. Of course one cannot
study the history without learning much about the theological developments as well. The next Anglican Church
History Tutorial will begin on 10 January, 2011. Those in the endorsement process will be required to complete the course. Please contact Canon Williams if you’re interested in auditing.
The Rev. Canon Michael Williams
Governmental Agency Chaplains
[email protected]
(719) 649-8764 (Cell)
The Rev. Dave Barrett
Vocational Chaplains
[email protected]
(817) 360-5438
The Rev. Tim Trombitas, Bishop’s Chaplain
Volunteer Chaplains
[email protected]
(407) 252-0704
The Rev. Dr. Katherine Mary Martin, OSB
The Benedictine Order of St. Alciun
[email protected]
(334) 332-7729
Parish Nurse