Restoration methods and project results at Kis


Restoration methods and project results at Kis
Restoration methods and project
results at Kis-Balaton, Hungary.
Máté, Magyari - Csaba, Megyer
National protection levels
Nature Conservation Area
1951 – 1.400 hectares
Landscape Protection Area
1986 – 14.745 hectares
National Park
1997 – 14.950 hectares
Ramsar Site
1979 – 1.400 hectares
1993 – 14.745 hectares
Natura 2000 site
HUBF30003 (SPA, SCI)
2004 – 13.344 hectares
IBA (Important Bird Area)
2002 – 12.072 hectares
Water Protection System
Phase I: 1981-1985,
1800 hectares,
21 million m3,
average depth – 1,16 m
Phase II: 1984-1993-
5100 hectares,
64 million m3,
average depth – 1,25 m
Embankment: 124 km,
Water retention time: 60
Water quality:
Phase I. = algic lake
Rhapsodic nutrient circulation
Vegetation changing, lack of macrophytes.
Lack of water facilities (for example fish ladders)
Decay of the reedbed in the Ingó-grave:
- Too high water-level
- Flow conditions
- Lack of opportunities for flexible operation
- Lack of the spawning areas
- Lack of natural zonation
Nature Conservation
Vascular plants:
Protected at national level
60 species
Strictly protected at national level
1 species
Community interest - Habitat Directive 2 species
Protected at national level
64 species
Strictly protected at national level
Community interest - Habitat Directive 15 species
Protected at national level
4 species
Strictly protected at national level
1 species
Community interest - Habitat Directive 5 species
Cucujus cinnabarinus
Ophrys insectifera
Natural values
Amphibians & reptiles:
Protected at national level
20 species
Strictly protected at national level
Community interest - Habitat Directive 16 species
Protected at national level
Strictly protected at national level
Community interest - Bird Directive
196 species
51 species
80 species
Protected at national level
25 species
Strictly protected at national level
4 species
Community interest - Habitat Directive 20 species
Water body types & habitats
- river
- canals
- water reservoir
- fens
- marshland
- swampland
- other wetland types
- open water surfaces
- tangle vegetation
- reed & bulrush beds
- marsh & swamp vegetation
- tussock & non-tussock sedge beds
- wet meadows & hay meadows
- willow shrubs & swamp woodlands
Water quality protection
Nature reserve
What can we do…?
Possible sources of conflict: contradiction between
perceived and real professional interests
for example. inland water, vegetation in the creek
bed, hunting activity.
Historical map by Ignác Müller, 1769
Habitat – restoration
Conservation requirements for utilization of
Ensure the survival of the species to be protected
Do not hauled into alien species
Do not be harmful to the environment
Adhere to the ethical standards
Interventions aimed at protecting native fish species
in protected areas
Water movement for the vegetation growth
Fish ladders
establish temporary water covered areas
invasive, non-native species displacement
Realized version of Lake Kis-Balaton
IngóiWater Management system Fenéki-tó
Külső tározótér
Creating opportunities for flexible operation
Continuous control during implementation
and after…
Target or source of danger? Circular dam ripping
New wetlands
Temporary water covered areas.
Same aims?
Creation of temporal water body
Complex wetland
Ingó water level decreasing.
Unexpected situations,
operational solutions.
Ingó 24T 2015.01.30.
Ingó 24T 2015. 09. 17.
Water management,
potential and real problems.
Different possibilities!
2 organization: Water Management Directorate
Balaton-Uplands National Park
Different aims – compromise
5 year test run
Main aim: Well-functioning system!
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