St. Louis de Montfort R. C. Church


St. Louis de Montfort R. C. Church
St. Louis de Montfort R. C. Church
75 New York Avenue
Sound Beach, NY 11789
October 16, 2016
To proclaim the good news of Jesus Christ’s love
through our active involvement as a parish family in
works of Charity, Faith, Worship, Justice and Mercy.
ALL ARE WELCOME! No matter what your present
status is in the Catholic Church. No matter your family situation. No matter your practice of faith. No matter your personal history, age or background. YOU
are invited, respected and loved at St. Louis de Montfort.
Pastoral Staff:
Rev. Msgr. Christopher J. Heller, Pastor
Rev. Lennard Sabio, A ssociate Pastor
Rev. Charles E. Papa, Pastor Emeritus
Rev. Francis Pizzarelli, S.M.M., Parish A ssistant
Mr. Joseph T. Bartolotto, Deacon
Mr. Gary F. Swane, Deacon
Mr. Robert M. Mullane, Deacon
Mr. John J. McNamara, Rel. Ed. Coordinator
(Grades K-3; 9-12)
Mrs. Kathleen Sweeney, Rel. Ed. Coordinator
(Grades 4-8)
Mrs. Claudette M. Kosciuk, Music Director
William H. Roslak, A ssociate Music Director/
Mrs. Jane Guido, Outreach Coordinator
Mr. Andrew J. White, Business Manager
Support Staff:
Mrs. Patricia J. Kretz, Parish Executive Secretary
Mrs. Patricia J. Murray, Financial A dministrator
Mrs. Patricia F. Noto, Rel. Ed. Secretary
Ms. Madeline R. Giannino, Rel. Ed. Secretary
Mrs. Susan Walsh, Preschool Coordinator
Mrs. Chris Harrison, Sacristan
Mr. Richard Richardsen, Custodian
Parish Trustees:
Mr. John C. Gallagher
Mr. George J. McBride
“Let us love one another
As Jesus has loved us.”
29th Sunday in Ordinary Time
Our Sacramental Life We celebrate the Eucharist:
Saturday Vigil Mass at 5 pm;
Sundays at 7:30 am, 9:00 am, 10:30 am and 12 noon.
Weekday Mass: Monday through Friday at 8:30 am in the
Holy Days: as announced.
We celebrate Baptism:
On most Sundays at 1:30 pm, Please call the Parish Office
to arrange an appointment for an interview. A prebaptismal meeting for parents and godparents, held on the
first Monday of the month at 8:00 pm in the Chapel, is
required. Godparents must be confirmed, practicing Catholics.
We celebrate Confirmation:
The Bishop presides at this sacrament each year, usually
during the month of May. For information and preparation
requirements, please call the Religious Education Office,
We celebrate Reconciliation:
Confessions are heard from 4 to 4:45 pm on Saturday; or
by appointment with any of our priests.
We celebrate Marriage:
Marriages should be arrange at least six months in advance. Participation in Pre-Cana is essential. Please call
the Parish Office to schedule an appointment with one of
the priests or deacons before making catering arrangements. Weddings are celebrated at 11:30 am, 1 pm and
2:30 pm on Saturday; and 3:00pm and 4:30 pm on Sunday.
Nuptial Masses on Saturday only.
We celebrate the Anointing of the Sick:
For parishioners who are seriously ill or who are planning
to enter the hospital for elective surgery, please call the
Parish Office to arrange for a priest to administer this sacrament for the sick. All of our local hospitals are served
by specially assigned Catholic priest chaplains.
We celebrate Holy Orders:
Any gentleman interested in exploring the question of vocation to the priesthood or the permanent diaconate should
contact one of the parish priests or deacons. We will also
be happy to direct persons interested in living their lives as
Religious Sisters or Brothers.
PARISH Office: 744-8566; FAX: 744-8611
Office Hours: Monday to Thursday 9 am to 8 pm.
9 am to 4 pm.
Saturday: 9 am to 5 pm. Closed on Sunday.
“Msgr. John A. McGuire Parish Center”)
744-9515; FAX: 821-6089. Office Hours:
Monday to Thursday, 9 am to 5 PM. CLOSED FRIDAY.
Parish OUTREACH Office: (Please enter
through Rel. Ed. Office, in the lower church) 2090325; FAX: 821-6089. Office Hours: Monday to
Thursday, 9 am to 3 pm; and Wednesday, 6 pm to 8
Our Lady of Wisdom Regional School: 473-1211.
114-116 Myrtle Avenue, Port Jefferson, NY.
Mr. John W. Piropato, Principal
Preschool: 744-9515, ext. 500. Monday to Friday 9:30
am to 3:30 pm. Mrs. Susan Walsh, Coordinator.
Small Christian Communities: 744-0289
Parish Library: Hour s ar e the same of those for the
Religious Education Office.
Family and Marriage Counseling: 243-2503,
George Giuliani, Ph.D.
MUSIC Office: 744-9396; FAX: 821:6089.
Mailing address for the PARISH Office and Rectory: “ 75 New York Avenue, Sound Beach, NY 11789”
Mailing address for RELIGIOUS EDUCATION, OUTREACH, and MUSIC Offices: “ P.O. Box 626,
Sound Beach, NY 11789”
New parishioners are requested to register at the Parish Office.
Please stop by to fill out a registration form. We are happy to welcome you! Also, if your are moving, please
notify the Parish Office.
Saturday, October 15th to Sunday October 23, 2016
5:00 PM
Henry Kirby
7:30 AM
Jacob Engel
9:00 AM
Joan Cady
10:30 AM
Antonio Sementilli
12:00 PM
Parishioners of St. Louis de Montfort
8:30 AM
Andrew Pouder
John Laurie
8:30 AM
Frances Barone
Donna Marinello
8:30 AM
Carol Lagala
Patrick Clune
8:30 AM
Lawrence Cornelius
Cassandra Cleary
8:30 AM
Margaret Maguire
Dorothy Santella
5:00 PM
Adele Broderick
7:30 AM
John Q. & Theresa Barry
9:00 AM
Joseph Comito (15th Anniversary)
10:30 AM
Dominic Trionfo
12:00 PM
Parishioners of St. Louis de Montfort
The next Baptism Preparation November 7th, at 8:00 PM, in the
Chapel. If you are planning a Baptism in the near future, please contact
the Parish Office at 744-8566 to set
up an appointment with one of the
James Milillo & Alisha Sussman
Rosary: The Rosar y is pr ayed after the 8:30 AM
Mass each weekday. We invite all who attend to stay
and pray with us.
Twenty-ninth Sunday in Ordinary Time
October 16, 2016
I lift up my eyes toward the mountains;
whence shall help come to me?
My help is from the LORD,
who made heaven and earth.
— Psalm 121:1 2
Eucharistic Ministers
Team Schedule
Oct. 15/16
Oct. 22/23
Oct. 29/30
Nov. 5/6
Nov. 12/13
Nov. 19/20
Team 5
Team 1
Team 2
Team 3
Team 4
Team 5
Prayer Group
Pray for the Sick
Janeen Rosado, Erin Marie Hurley, Irene Pigozzi, Mary Markott, Ammen McArdle, Kourteny Somoza, Mary Gagliano,
Rachele Cappelli, Jerome A. DelliBovi, Gerry DuBrino, Scarlett
Bowne, Geri Mahoney, Jamie Canning, Grayce Gartland, Sophie DiSanto, Cecilia Schneyer, Maria Messina, Susan Horowitz, Beatrice Kos,Veronica Buckley, Joan Popp-Maniuszao,
Ronald Starke, Sr.,Vicky Re, Miles Bender, Peter Randazzo,
Jim Lawrence, Bill Winiarski, Gus Borrico, Matthew Iaria,
Thomas Zatter, Martha Jaramillo, Michele Michelon-Kane, William Sciortino, Maria Messina, Jeanine Megias ,Jack Doherty,
Phillip Kuczewski, Elka Bennett, Gus Mosser, Christopher
Longitano & Michael Grennan.
Please Pray for the Deceased:
The Ladies Prayer Group meets every Tuesday at 10
AM in Classroom #3. Please come and join us.
Mon., Oct. 17: Ephesians 2:1-10; Luke12:13-21
Tues., Oct. 18: 2 Timothy 4:10-17b; Luke 10:1-9
Wed., Oct. 19: Ephesians 3:2-12; Luke 12:39-48
Thurs., Oct. 20: Ephesians 3:14-21; Luke 12:49-53
Fri., Oct. 21: Ephesians 4:1-6; Luke 12:54-59
Sat., Oct. 22: Ephesians 4:7-16; Luke 12:1-9
Oct. 23rd: 30th Sunday in Ordinary Time
Sirach 35:12-14; 2 Timothy 4:6-8; Luke 18:9-14
Upcoming week in the Music Department:
Children’s Choir:
Monday, Oct. 17 – REHEARSAL –6:30 to 7:30PM
Sunday, Oct. 23 – The Children’s Choir will sing at the
9am Mass
Youth Choir :
Monday, Oct. 17 – No Rehearsal
Adult Choir
Tuesday, Oct.18 – NO Rehearsal
Sunday, Oct. 23 –The Adult Choir will sing at the
10:30am Mass
Hymns for the 30th Sunday in Ordinary Time – October
23 – Readings #1037
“Let Us Go to the Altar (JS #800)
PreparaƟon: “Only This I Want” (JS #766)
Communion: “The Cry of the Poor”(JS #847)
“A Circle of Love” (9am)
“The One” (10:30am)
“We Are Called” (Gather #301)
We invite all parishioners to take the opportunity to
make an offering for (1) the bread and wine; and (2)
the altar candles used at the weekend Masses. The
donation for each will be twenty-five dollars. Names
of the donors and intentions will be printed in the
Sunday Bulletin., For example:
This week’s bread and wine are donated
In memory (honor) of
Requested by
Harold and Virginia Lee
Stop by at the Parish Office to make arrangements.
Check should be made out to: “St. Louis de Montfort
Have a Blessed Week!
The Commemorative Gift Program remains
opened. If you wish to dedicate a hymnal, please
contact Claudette Kosciuk at the Music Office:
744-9396, ext. 401.
2016 Catholic Ministries Appeal
Serving God by Serving Others
Total Pledged to Date:
Total Payments to Date:
Number of Donors:
% of Goal:
WE HAVE REACHED OUR GOAL! Not only is your gift
fully tax deductible. After we hit 80% of goal we start to get
rebates to St. Louis de Montfort. Thank you!
VIRTUS Training: We will be offer ing the VIRTUS Program (required for all Church Volunteers
along with the Background Check and Code of Conduct) on Thursday, December 15th, at 10 AM or 7:30
PM, at St. Anthony’s All Saints Froom in Rocky
Point. To register for this training, please go to the
diocesan website ( and click on the VIRTUS
Training Calendar link. After you create a user ID
and password, you can then register for this session
on the calendar.
Our Financial Stewardship
It is everything we do after we say we believe
Weekly Financial Report
10/09/16 Collection:
Faith Direct:
Total Collection:
$ 2,138.20
St. Louis de Montfort—Parish Renovation Campaign
Thank You for your generous financial support and
“Grateful for Our Past...Planning for Our Future”
for all you do for our parish! Did you know that our
parish receives approximately 65% of our total inTotal Pledged:
come through the weekly collection? Additional inPaid to Date:
come is received through program fees, candle dona% of Cash received:
tions, poor boxes and weddings and funerals. Thank
# of Gifts:
you for your continued support!
% of Goal:
Remembering Our Parish
A gift to the parish in your will or trust affirms your everlasting commitment to the parish’s life and works. You
can instruct your attorney to use this wording: “I hereby
give, devise and bequeath to St. Louis de Montfort parish,
with offices at 75 New York Avenue, Sound Beach, NY
11789, the sum of $
to be used for its most urgent
needs.” As an alternative, you can make a gift of what
remains in your estate or living trust after all other bequests and expenses have been paid: “I herby give, devise
and bequeath to St. Louis de Montfort parish, with offices
at 75 New York Avenue, Sound Beach, NY 11789, all the
rest, residue and remainder of my estate (trust) to be used
for its most urgent needs.” For more information about
remembering the parish in your will or living trust, contact
Andy White at 744-8566, ext. 102 or Barbara Kilarjian at
516-379-5210, ext. 229.
The IRA Charitable Rollover is back and is now permanent! What’s called a r ollover is actually a
“qualified charitable distribution” that can be made to our
Parish. IF….You are at least 70 1/2 years old on the date
you make your gift; Your IRA is a traditional or Roth; You
don’t exceed your personal maximum of $100,000 per
year in qualified charitable distributions. Your will not
have to report your distribution as income. It will be
free of federal and New York State income tax, and it
will count toward your required minimum distribution
(RMD). This infor mation is not intended and should
not be construed as legal, tax or investment advice. For
such advice, please consult an attorney or tax advisor.
You are the Hands and Heart of Jesus! Next week,
we will celebrate World Mission Sunday. Its theme
this year is “mercy Changes the World.” Pope Francis
invited the entire Church to support the young mission
dioceses in Africa, Asia, the Pacific Islands, and parts
of Latin America and Europe, where priests, religious
and lay leaders serve some of the poorest of the poor.
Please keep the Missions in your prayers and be generous in next week’s collection.
Faith Direct Update
Special Thanks to 76 families who make their regular offertory
contributions and 79 families who make their capital campaign
payments thru FAITH DIRECT. Faith Direct enables you to
give electronically by using your credit or debit card.
Faith Direct contributions of October (4 weeks):
Regular Offertory Collection:
Capital Campaign
$ 60.00
Total Faith Direct for October: $10.750.50
Thank you!
Signing up for Faith Direct is easy, online please visit, pick up an enrollment form at the parish
office or call the parish office at 744-8566 and speak with Andy
White. Our parish code is: NY314.
“whatever you did for one of these least brothers and sisters of Mine, you did for me.”..Matthew 25:40
Outreach Coordinator: Mrs. Jane Guido (631-209-0325)
E-mail address: [email protected]
The Outreach Office is located in the Lower Church. Please enter through the Rel. Ed.
Complex. Drop offs can be made on Monday-Thursday 9 AM to 3 PM, or you may
use the receptacles located inside the front door of the Church.
L.I. Women’s Coalition:
Victims Information Bureau of Suffolk:
Child Abuse:
Brighter Tomorrow:
The Retreat (Hotline for Domestic Violence): 329-2200
Seabury Barn:
Catholic Charities (Food Stamp Info):
Fidelis (Family Health Plus):
Contact Good Shepherd Hospice:
Hope House Ministries
Alcoholics Anonymous 24-Hour Hotline
Suicide Prevention
Women’s Help Line
Support Group for Victims/Survivors of Domestic
Violence: You ar e not alone! We meet ever y
Thursday from 7:30 to 9:00 PM. No fee/completely
confidential. Call 631-698-2074 to register. 24 hour
hotline 631-666-8833.
BRING THE EUCHARIST TO THE HOMEBOUND. If you are a Eucharistic Minister and are
interested in this very important ministry, please call
Millie Bartolotto at 474-9299.
Journeying Through Grief
Our Bereavement Team can assist in bringing you
healing and comfort following the death of a loved
one. We offer one-on-one sessions throughout the
year and plan group support sessions in the Spring
and Fall. In these sessions we journey together as a
small community. Help is available through the compassion and caring of others. Please call Deacon Gary
Swane at 516-241-6520 for further information and/or
to register. All information is confidential.
PANTRY NEEDS: Kindly help our families when
you go food shopping. Presently we need: KETCHUP, mayo, pancake mix, pancake syrup, cake mix,
frosting, juice, toothpaste, detergent, shampoo,
tissues & paper towels. PLEASE NOTE: Please
make sure the expiration dates on food items are
current. We can accept unopened food items only.
Thank you for feeding the hungry.
Due to limited space, the Outreach Office cannot
accept any more toys or household items. Please
bring these items to St. Gerard’s Thrift Shop on
Terryville Rd. in Pt. Jefferson. Thank you!
Religious Education Office will be open from 9 AM to 5
PM Monday through Thursday and Wednesday evenings from 7 to 9 PM. We are closed on Fridays.
Adult Learning
Bible Studies:
Monday nights: The Letter s of the New Testament, 8 to 9 PM; St.
Mark’s Church in Shoreham (Parish Center Meeting Room, weekly):
on October 17th. We are currently studying the First Letter of Peter.
Tuesday afternoon: The Gospel of Matthew, 12 to 1:30 PM; St.
Louis de Montfort (The Joseph McDonnell Meeting Room) first Tuesday of the month; continuing on November 1st.
Wednesday morning: Ecumenical Bible Study: J ewish, Pr esbyter ian, Baptist, and Catholic; on The Zeal of Phinehas (Numbers 25:6 to
18); 9:30 to 11:30 AM; St. Mark’s Church in Shoreham (Parish Center
Meeting Room, 2nd Sunday Wednesday of the month); on November
Thursday morning: The Book of Psalms, 10 to 11:30 AM; St. Anthony’s Church in Rocky Point (Music Room-first Thursday of the
month); on November 3rd.
Tuesday afternoon Adult Faith Formation Roundtable: J oin us on
Tuesday, October 18th, from 12 to 1:30 PM at the Joseph McDonnell
Meeting Room at Louis de Montfort for our roundtable during which
our participants share their reading and reflections on our Catholic
Faith. Present class is on Christian and Islamic Theology with Prof.
Gabriel Said Reynolds from Notre Dame University.
Young Adults (18-35)
Bible Study and Faith Sharing for our Young Adults: J oin us
on Monday, October 17th, for our Bible Study at St. Mark’s in
Shoreham from 8 to 9 PM. We will be gathering in the Meeting
Room in the Parish Center and planning social, spiritual and
service opportunities for our Young Adults.
For Our Teens-Affirming Faith Youth Program (after Confirmation):
Youth Sharing Groups: To sign up for one of our many
Youth Communities (small groups of 8 to 10 teens with two
adult leaders), you can register at the Religious Education Office.
Youth Mass: 12:00 Noon Mass on Sunday, October 23rd.
Youth Leaders to Meet: All of our Affir ming Faith Youth
Leaders are invited to meet together in the Joseph McDonnell
Room #3 in our Margaret Galvin Battillo Rel. Ed. Center on
Tuesday, October 25th from 7 to 8 PM for prayer and planning.
Teens Together: Sunday, October 23rd, we will gather together in the Parish Center to celebrate and share together!
Teen Retreats: On Wednesday, October 26th fr om 7:30 to
9:00 PM all of our teens are invited to our Parish Center for our
Youth Retreat to grow in their spiritual lives.
Called to Serve: All of our teens ar e invited to join our Affirming Faith Service Program. Please register and pick the area
of service that you would like to join: WE NEED YOU!!!!!
Thursday morning: The Holy Longing, join us on Thur sday, October 20th, fr om 10 to 11:30 AM for our study of The Holy Longing
by Fr. Ronald Rolheiser, O.M.I., as we take a look at spirituality for
today. We will be meeting in the Music Room at St. Anthony’s Church
in Rock Point.
For Adults who are seeking to receive one or more of the Sacraments of Initiation (Baptism, Confirmation, and/or Eucharist) or
who wish to become Catholic: We meet to shar e the teachings of
the Catholic Church and to prepare adults to receive one or more of the
Sacraments of Initiation. Tuesday evenings either once or twice a
month from 7 to 8 PM; Room Two in the Parish Center –Church basement; on October 18th.
Mass in Sign Language: For an updated schedule
of masses both in sign language and those interpreted
in sign language, please call Mr. McNamara at 7449515, ext. 200.
R.C.I.A. Team Meeting: Our R.C.I.A. Team will meet together on
Tuesday, October 25th, from 7 to 8 PM in the Joseph Mcdonnell Meeting Room.
To register for any of our Adult Faith Formation Classes, or prepare to receive one or more of the Sacraments of Initiation or one
of our Saturday morning Retreats: Contact J ohn McNamar a, Coordinator of Adult Faith Formation, at , at 744-9515 ext. 200 or email
him at [email protected]
Babysitting Available for pr eschooler s in the Lower Church during the 9:00 AM Mass. Please stop
downstairs before and 9:00 Mass and see one of the
volunteers if you have any questions.
For our Children (3 years old to 8th Grade)
Family Mass: Is celebr ated each Sunday at 9 AM; our children are called up to participate in the homily by our celebrants.
Family Religious Education Program: Our par ents guide
their children in learning about our Catholic Faith. We meet on
Saturdays after the 5 PM Mass from 6 to 6:40 PM (on October
22nd; on Sunday’s after our Family Mass and Bagel Br eakfast from 10:30 to 11:10; and before our 12 PM Mass from
11:20 to 11:55 AM (on October 23rd); Monday afternoons
from 5:15 to 6 PM (on October 17th); Tuesday evenings from
6:15 to 7 PM (on October 18th); and Wednesday afternoons
from 5:15 to 6 PM (on October 19th). Come and learn together!!
Parent Seminars: We offer a monthly Par ent Seminar for
all of the parents of our children in Religious Education to give
them an opportunity to grow in their understanding of our beloved Catholic Faith. The seminars consist of a twenty minute
presentation on a specific aspect of our Catholic Faith and how
this relates to our role as parents an opportunity for our parents
to share together, and a prayer experience. Our next Parent
Seminar will be offered on Tuesday, November 1st, from 10 to
11 AM . We will meet in the Church (or in the Chapel if there
is a Mass of Christian Burial in the Church).
Teacher Meeting: Tuesday, October 25th, fr om 10 to 11
AM or 7 to 8 PM (Grades Pre-K through 3 and 9 through 12).
Registration for the 2016/2017 Religious Education Program: We will have Registration for our 2016/2017 Religious Education Program on Monday and Tuesday this
week from 9 AM to 5 PM. A Baptismal Certificate is needed for first time registrants.
Catholic Websites: One of our wonder ful par ishioners, Steven Smith, would like to share some of his
favorite Catholic Websites with all of us. Steven was
greatly helped in his personal Faith Journey with
these websites. Check out some great insights from
Kathy McGovern at her website www.thestoryand
Preschool News
Happy Fall! We are beginning our third week of
preschool and our children are settling right in! We
are making new friends and learning all about our preschool/church environment.
If you know someone who is interested in our 4
year-old program, it’s not too late to enroll! Come join
our Preschool family!
The Pre-school is located in the Msgr. McGuire
Parish Center, next to the Chapel. We offer a Threeyear-old Program on Tuesdays & Thursdays and a Fouryear-old Program on Mondays, Wednesdays & Fridays. There are two sessions each day. The morning
session is from 9:30 AM until 12:00 Noon. The afternoon session is from 1:00 until 3:30 PM. Children
should be 3 years old by Dec. 1, 2016 if registering for
the 3-year-old program & 4 by Dec. 1, 2015 if registering for the 4-year-old program.
If you would like to be added to the
mailing list for next year’s enrollment, or if
you have any questions, call Susan Walsh at
744-9515 ext. 500.
Small Christian Communities: You ar e cor dially invited to
come and share the Spirit of Christ! Join a Small Christian
Community here at St. Louis de Montfort. What is a Small
Christian Community? We are members of the parish family
who gather together in small groups to reflect on how the Spirit
of Christ is working in our lives. We reach out to others in that
same Spirit. There are currently several groups meeting at various dates, times and locations within our parish community. We
even have a Moms and Tots group for those of you with little
ones. Join us. “Remain in Him and He in us!” Please call Deacon Robert Mullane at 744-0289 for more information.
You are invited to explore the benefits of a
Catholic High School Education
Oct. 16th
10:30-2 PM
2-4:30 PM
St. John the Baptist
Diocesan H.S.
St. Mary’s H.S.
Living Mercy Conference-A Faith Enriching Experience: You ar e invited to a Confer ence celebrating the Year of Mercy at Kellenberg Memorial
High School on Saturday, October 22nd. Keynote
speakers include Dr. Larry Feingold and Dr. Benedict
Nguyen, as well as Dr. Tim Herrman. There is a $25
Registration Fee which includes a light breakfast at 9
AM as well as lunch at 12 PM. $15 Registration Fee
includes morning OR afternoon session only (lunch
not included). We will close the Conference with a
Mass at 4:00 PM with Bishop Robert Brennan. Register at or call Alex Basile at 516
-292-0200, ext. 342.
“St. Paul cavorted to Christianity. He preached holy acrimony, which is another name for marriage.”
This fall couples that have been married fifty years or
more will be honored at a liturgy on Sunday, November 6th, at the Chur ch of Chr ist the King in Commack. The liturgy will begin at 2:30 PM. Registration forms and complete instructions can be obtained
at the Parish Office. Registration must be received
by the Office of Worship by October 21st for the November 6th Liturgy.
Volunteers Desperately Needed: Monday’s only.
Meet at 9 AM at Trader Joe’s in Lake Grove. Pick up
boxes of food that are moderately heavy, for a soup
kitchen meal. Then deliver them to PJ Village to unload and sort the food. Finished at 11:30 AM. If interested call Lilian at 631-748-1394.
Pilgrimage to the Holy Land January 4-13, 2017:
Travel with St. Joseph’s College faculty members,
Sister Grace Rowland, CSJ and Fr. Francis Pizzarelli,
S.M.M. For a brochure call 631-654-0911.
Lord, hold our troops in your loving hands. Protect them as they
protect us. Bless them and their families for the selfless acts
they perform for us in our time of need. And give us peace. I
ask this in the name of Jesus, Our Lord and Savior. Amen.
If you will call the Parish Office and give us the names of parishioners or close relatives of parishioners who are serving in
the Middle East, we will print them in the bulletin. Please give
us the APO address. Please inform the Parish Office when
Solider has returned home safely.
Gregory Gowrie
Jerome Arnold
William Cannella
Conor O’Malley
Shane White
Ashley Zanetti
U. S. Army
U.S. Army
U.S. Navy
U.S. Army
U.S. Marine
U.S. Navy
Thank you for your prayers.
St. Louis de Montfort Church #001531
75 New York Avenue
Sound Beach, NY 11789
631 744-8566
Tricia Kretz
EMAIL: [email protected]
MSPublisher 2013
Adobe Acrobat XI
Windows 7
Wednesday 1:00
October 16, 2016
1 through 16