Databasics - May 2014


Databasics - May 2014
DATABASICS Expense Reporting
Partnership Introduction
 Part One
 Why & How?
 Part Two:
About DATABASICS Expense
 Why Partner with us!
Why ? Because we consistently hear…
 Companies &TMCs want a better alternative to Concur.
Today’s Situation & Questions Should Be:
 Who is creating the message?
 End-to-End?
 Who’s platform?
Let’s Redefine T & E
The T for is for Travel,
you are the experts, the TMC,
and DATABASICS is the E,
the experts for Expense!
It’s NOT your eco-system!
How do we, DATABASICS…solve it?
Solving it is Easy– Support the Customer Needs
 Lower Cost, functionality to meet the customers
requirements, stronger product, superior support, and
non-threating alliance.
 And it’s your Tech-stack – not someone else’s platform
or ecosystem
How do we match others and Concur’ s end-to-end?
How do we match others & Concur’ s end-to-end?
 We integrate with the TMC directly via the mid & back office,
such as Cornerstone and other data access and via GetThere
and AeTM – yes, even Concur-travel!
 We deliver the customers and TMC more options when selecting
a booking solution, and gives the customer an integrated travel
and expense offering.
 Additionally, when it comes to “end to end” we first focus on the
customers issues and then take into account the customer’s
accounting solution, HRIS, payroll, and any other system where
we can create the most value in a true “integrated end to end”
 Concur’ s solution should really be called “Point to Point” as they
really stress a closed or their environment for Travel and
Expense, where as we think end to end should include the
complete corporate ecosystem.
Yes! And We Have Done This Before…
 97% of our clients operate
with integration between
our solution and “their”
 Integrations include feeds
from (and in many case
to): TMCs, direct vendor,
FEDEx, HERTZ, Amex etc.
Corporate Cads, G/L, A/P,
Project Accounting and
Payroll Systems for ACH.
Part Two
 About DATABASICS Expense
 Why Partners with us!
Introduction to DATABASICS
 Founded 1983 by Alan Tyson – Consulting Firm / Systems
Integration (HQ – Reston, Virginia)
First Products (DATABASICS Time & Expense) -1997
First Fortune 100 Customer –1999
Over 500 Customers Globally
Private / Profitable
Focus on Customer’s requirements, Integration, and
Strong, Stable Customer Base
91% of our new business in 2013 were
Companies switching from another solution,
many from Concur.
Why DATABASIC Expense?
Simple, Yet Powerful
Seamless TMC Integration
Tailored, End-to-End Solution
Global Capabilities
Mobile Access
DATABASICS Expense Highlights
• Fast & Easy to Use
• Web & Mobile
• Global Capabilities
• Project Orientation
• Accounting Integration
• Imaging Capabilities
• Audit
• Powerful Reporting
Mobile Views
Common integrations
Why Customers Chose DATABASICS?
 Easy for Everyone to Use
 “Yes!” to thier Requirements
 Unmatched Support
 Low Monthly Cost
 Comprehensive Global Solution
 A True Partner
Why TMCs Partner with DATABASICS?
 Generate New Incremental Revenues
 Keep and Win Business
 Value Added Offerings
 Compete and Differentiate
 Lead Sharing
Partnership Requirements
Commitment from Senior Management
Access to Sales and Account Mangers/Teams
Quarterly Review/Check-in
Access to Targeted TMC Sponsored Events &
Generate a Minimum of One Lead per Month
Getting Started is Easy…
Your Commitment
Work with Us to Develop a Tailored Go-MarketStrategy for Your TMC
Select a Launch Date for Account and Sales
2014 TMC Partnership Overview
 Pre-qualified Lead Exchange
 Lead Generation Incentives
 Closed Sale Incentive
 Recurring Revenue Share
 Kick-off Meeting
 Co-Op Webinars
 Meet the team – location/date
 Meet with prospects/virtual
 Materials – co-branded PPTs &
 Best Fit and How to
 FAQs For Account and Sales
 What Qs to ask?
 Setting Intro and demos
 We do the “selling
Copyright 2014 DATABASICS Inc. | All Rights Reserved
 Announcements –
 Press Releases
 Contribute Newsletter Content
 Guest Speaker & Presenter
2014 Quick Start Additional Benefits
 Qualify with six consecutive months, sharing one lead
each month (or any six leads within six months, which
ever comes first) and we will set-up for your own use,
a complimentary expense site for your company’s
employee T&E automated expense reporting!
 For any lead that closes before the end of the year, we
will double your commission, plus $1000!
 That’s a QUICK START!
Next Steps and Questions?
Michael Jacques
Director, Business Development & Partnerships
[email protected]
636 448 0667-m
DATABASICS Expense Reporting
Partnership Introduction
Why DATABASIC Expense?
Simple, Yet Powerful
Seamless TMC Integration
Tailored, End-to-End Solution
Global Capabilities
Mobile Access
Supporting the TMC and the complete Expense Eco-System
• Travel Bookings
• Multiple Card Data
• Employee & Vendor
• Budget Tracking
• Audit / Compliance Controls
• Analytics
• Corporate & P Cards
• Project (split) Tracking
• Accounting
• HR / Payroll & ERP
• Reimbursement (ACH)