Daily Bull 2011-3-3


Daily Bull 2011-3-3
Thursday, March 3rd, 2011
People demand freedom of
speech as a compensation for
the freedom of thought which
they seldom use.
-Soren Kierkegaard
Column Maze
The Daily Bull is probably not suitable for those under age 18 and should not be taken seriously... like flying out of Houghton/Hancock.
Cartoon Network Trivia
From Braingle
We’ve been told that our mazes aren’t scary enough. Is this one better?
Either way, be glad we gave you something to do in class.
When was Car toon Network first W h a t w a s C a r t o o n N e t launched?
work’s first live action series?
A. October 1, 1992
B. November 1, 1992
Hint: four words
C. December 1, 1992
D. November 1, 1993
When was Cartoon Network’s “Cartoon
What was the first show that premiered Cartoon Fridays” last aired?
on Cartoon Network?
A. May 12, 2003
A. Johnny Bravo
B. May 2, 2003
B. Dexter’s Lab
C. May 12, 2002
C. Bugs Bunny
D. May 22, 2002
D. Cow and Chicken
Where is Cartoon Network’s headquar- What was CCF replaced by? _______
ters? __________________________
What was Cartoon Netrwork’s oldest
A. Cartoon Network: The place where
cartoons live
B. Cartoon Network: The place to watch
C. The best place for cartoons
D. Cartoon Network: The Best Cartoons
When did Miguzi premier?
A. April 1, 2004
B. April 2, 2004
C. April 15, 2004
D. April 12, 2004
E. April 19, 2004
True or False: Cartoon Network’s newest In what year did Adult Swim premier?
slogan as of 2007 was: Cartoon Net- ______________________________
work – Yes!
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Couch Locked? Munchies?
No Problem, The Studio Delivers!
Have fun and be safe on Spring Break!
Daily Bull
Liz Fujita
David Gaming Olson
Simon Mused
Jon ‘Back to the OC’
Stephen Whittaker
Alec Hamer
Liz Fujita, Jeremy “Mr. Sunshine” Loucks, Simon Mused, Jon “Big-O”
Mahan, Alec Hamer, John Pastore, Matt Villa, Mary Kennedy, Ruben
Garcia, Benjamin Loucks, Stephen Whittaker, Sam Schall, Frank
McGuire, Bryne Judy, Bill Melcher, Jeremy Moore, Kyle Roe, Cameron
Long, John Earnest, Olivia Zajac, Jodhbir Singh, and the Dutch East
Indies company.
©2011 by the Daily Bull, a non-profit organization. All rights reserved.
Articles may be freely distributed electronically or on late night talk
shows provided credit is given, and that this notice is included. The
Daily Bull reserves the right to refuse any advertisements or guest
articles without reason. All opinionated letters sent to the editor
(on paper or to [email protected]) will be treated as material to be
published unless expressly stated otherwise by the sender. Original
works printed in the Daily Bull remain the property of the creator,
however the Daily Bull reserves the right to reprint any submissions
in future issues unless specifically asked not to do so by the creator.
If you keep reading this small text, you’ll be hot boxed.
The Daily Bull would like to thank the Daily Bull for
buying our own damn printer that this publication
is printed on. We would also like to thank the Student Activity Fee for helping to pay for our paper
and toner costs.
Advertising inquiries, questions &
comments should be directed to
[email protected]
If you like these games and
want to see them again in
the future, give us a shout
In fact, why don’t you go
ahead and like that, while
you’re at it? For those who
don’t use the F-B, hit up our
email list! Shout to bull@
mtu.edu to be added. =)