Technical Visit to the Natural Park of Albufera of Valencia


Technical Visit to the Natural Park of Albufera of Valencia
Visit to the Natural Park of Albufera of Valencia-May 6, 2016
Program Technical Visit
09:00 am: Departure from the Sports Complex of Petxina (the conference venue)
09:30 am: Arrival at the start point of the tour with public buses from the EMT (Municipal Company of Transport of Valencia)
1st Stop: To view the results of the Project LIFE
Dune and LIFE Juniper that were executed between 2002 and 2008, involving the recovery of
the first dune front of the Devesa and the habitat
restoration of the marine juniper (Juniperus macrocarpa).
2nd Stop: The coastal scrub of mock privet and privet (Phillyrea angustifolia-Rhamnetum).
The great plant diversity which is based on the fixed
dunes of the Devesa will be observed (more than 200
plant species make up this ecosystem).
3rd Stop: The Interpretation Center Racó de L'Olla.
In 1984 the City Council of Valencia recovered this area (ancient hippodrome of Valencia)
and reconverted it into an interpretation center where the different landscapes of the park are
reproduced. Today is one of the most important areas of wading birds in Europe, with established colonies of seagulls and terns. The Common shelduck (Tadorna tadorna) nets here
and you can observe different waterfowl species linked to water and salt.
1 Technical Visit to the Natural Park of Albufera of Valencia-May 6, 2016
4th Stop: Boat ride on the lake of Albufera.
Arrival to the Mata of Manseguerota, a central
island of the lake, formed naturally by heliophile
plants (reed, bulrush, purple loosestrife Lythrum
salicaria, etc.) and suffered a sharp decline in
the 80’s and 90’s due to water pollution. Actions
have been carried for the recovery of the island
with very acceptable results.
5th Stop: Mallada Llarga.
It is a depression between dunes inhabited by
halophyte vegetation (Salicornia spp, Suaeda
spp. Juncus spp.) that is in very good condition.
6th Stop: Mallada Redonda, depression between dunes which was filled in the 70s with
sand from the dunes that were removed to
build boardwalks, and planted with eucalyptus
trees to prevent waterlogging. The eucalyptus
trees have now been removed and sand has
been extracted. At present is in its early recovery stage because sand was removed in late
7th Stop: Recreation area. It is a very popular
area where visitors picnic.
14:30 pm: The visit finishes in the Saler, village from Valencia, where we will eat paella and
other typical local dishes (all i pebre).
2 Technical Visit to the Natural Park of Albufera of Valencia-May 6, 2016