InterStandox 71


InterStandox 71
Interstandox 71
the world of vehicle refinishes
New technology for greater success
Standoblue sets the standard
Commitment to Formula One
MERCEDES GP PETRONAS trusts in Standox
New effect colours
exclusivelineXL for distinctive finishes
2 contents
title story
Standoblue for greater business success . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4
Luxury coachbuilder CARAT paints with Standoblue . . . . . 6
j o u r n a l . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 7
workshop management
exclusivelineXL for distinctive finishes . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 9
Attracting new customers with Classic Color Partner . . . . 10
Viewing classic car colours on the Internet . . . . . . . . . . . 10
Standoblue is the new basecoat
technology that unites past and
present. With many tens of thousands
of colour formulations, the evolution
of colour identification takes
on a new dimension. Page 4
Standofleet Color Tools . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 11
The clearcoat for fast-track processes . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 11
MERCEDES GP PETRONAS trusts in Standox . . . . . . . . . . . 12
Blazing the trail: Heckendorn AG paints with Standoblue . 14
Alubeam: an exclusive paint finish . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 15
The world of vehicle refinishes
Interstandox is intended solely
for internal use. We would be
glad to grant approval to requests
for reproduction.
Published by the
Interstandox Editorial Board
Standox GmbH, 42285 Wuppertal, Germany
E-Mail: [email protected]
Responsible for content:
Sandra Piwonski
Concept/copy editing:
K1 Gesellschaft für Kommunikation mbH,
Ulf Kartte, Cologne
Graphic design, image processing:
230Volt, Axel Helmus, Düsseldorf
Title picture: Standox GmbH
Standox® is a registered trademark.
As the official Team Supplier to the
Standox is the exclusive source of
colours for the Silver Arrows in the
2011 Formula One season.
Page 12
The extraordinary colours of the Standox
exclusivelineXL not only give cars that
special something. They can also add
style and a distinctive finish to items
such as helmets, motorcycles, furniture
and smartphones.
Page 9
editorial 3
Technologies and
strategies for your success
Repair shops are faced with ever tougher demands. On the one hand, there's the need
for investment to sustain a high standard of service and repair in the face of spiralling
costs. On the other hand, the constant changes in service and repair market means
managers have to make the right investments now for a profitable future.
Some companies have made use of the last two years to consolidate their position,
while others have focused on boosting sales and productivity. Together, these two
Zvonimir Simunovic,
Brand Manager Standox GmbH.
strategies help create better performance today and more opportunities tomorrow.
The two keys to success in this context are high capacity utilisation and a solid
capital base. With Standoblue, Repanet and worldwide approvals from leading
car manufacturers, we provide the innovative products and services that give our
customers the support they need.
In addition to saving material, our new Standoblue basecoat technology is also a key
source of time savings for professional refinishers. With suitable training and an
adjustment of process times, bodyshops are able to expand their capacity with minimal
investment and reduce repair times as a consequence. In this connection, our
international Repanet repair network helps create the best capacity utilisation with
such measures as “Color for Life”, a life-long paint warranty. Providing customised
assistance to bodyshops, Standox Consulting delivers tailor-made strategies and
services to help make workshop processes faster and more efficient.
Colour identification is one of the most important activities in any bodyshop. This
is why we focus increasingly on highly advanced electronic aids like our Genius
spectrophotometer and Standowin software. On top of this, we have developed Color
Tools especially for Standoblue that help the refinisher to arrive at the right colour
quickly and reliably. Often it’s little things that make a big difference.
Zvonimir Simunovic
4 title story
Standoblue: A new technology
for greater business success
Standox has been developing innovative and forward-looking paint systems for over 50 years. The Wuppertal-based
paint manufacturer has now launched Standoblue, a basecoat system that sets new standards with its outstanding
product properties. Standoblue has been successfully launched on the important European markets and many
customers are already reaping the benefits of the new system.
Thanks to a new, superior basecoat technology, Standoblue to achieve with the aid of Standoblue Hardener – without
always produces immaculate results, regardless of working time-consuming flash-off. This also gives perfect film properconditions, climate and painting techniques. To make this ties and high resistance to mechanical damage.
possible, specially selected pigments have been integrated in
a forward-looking basecoat technology with outstanding flow. The very latest Color Tools for rapid colour identification
For the finest metallic gradations, a new process has been Standox is responding to the growing importance of electronic
specially developed. With its excellent product characteristics, aids in colour identification with a package of useful
the new system delivers exceptional and, more importantly, Color Tools. Genius, the electronic spectrophotometer, the
consistent colour accuracy, brilliant colours and an impeccable Standowin colour search software and the Digital Color Display
finish. Standoblue’s special pigments not only ensure represent an excellent combination for paintwork with
cloud-free finishes, but also support tens of thousands of unrivalled colour accuracy. Standox has also developed Color
easily mixed colours and variants.
Tools specifically for Standoblue:
Simple, flawless application
•The Standoblue Color Box in which the possible variants of
Standoblue works well in a broad range of application
OEM car colours are neatly stored in swatches.
conditions, is simple to apply and thus helps cut overall •Barcodes on the colour chips and a barcode reader so that
job times. The refinisher mixes the colour, adds Standoblue
colours can be read in and identified by Standowin even
Viscosity Adjuster and applies the basecoat in one and a half
coats. Thanks to the carefully designed orientation of the •The Effect Navigator with swatches in original Standoblue
pigments, cloud-free finishes and with immaculate flow are
materials. Combined with Genius, this helps to correctly
now possible. The product’s special characteristics ensure
assess the light and effect gradations of a scanned metallic
flawless application. However, should a dust particle be
trapped in the paint film, it can be swiftly removed with •The user-friendly computer scale with a touch-sensitive
straightforward sanding and repainting.
and high-resolution monitor for the best-possible colour
For blending-in on small areas or into adjoining vehicle parts, •The Colormix Poster that simplifies identification of the
ready-to-spray Standoblue Color Blend is employed – the
colour position in the colour space for each mixing base.
results are always excellent and without visible boundary marks •Magnetic stickers for clear marking at the mixing bench.
or colour differences. Interior and 3-stage finishes are easy
title story 5
Training for effortless use of Standoblue
It is Standox’s claim to always give its customers the best
training available on the refinish market. And this applies
particularly to a new paint system like Standoblue. To ensure
that bodyshops worldwide are always trained to the same high
quality standards, the international instructor team subjects
technicians and instructors in various countries to in-depth and
“The results are always perfect” –
What customers say about Standoblue
“With Standoblue, it simply doesn’t make
a difference any more who does the
painting – the results are always perfect.”
Michael Schäfer, Lackier- und Karosseriezentrum Schäfer (Germany)
continuing training in the use of Standoblue. This means
instructors are aware of, and can communicate, the system’s
huge potential. Businesses that want to switch to Standoblue
have the chance to try out the new materials and working
methods at special Standoblue seminars in national Training
Centers. There they can afford the luxury of making mistakes
without the usual consequences in the workplace. In addition
to this, Standox application specialists can also visit bodyshop
premises during changeover. Since the launch of Standoblue,
about 1,000 bodyshops overall have been introduced to the
“Colour accuracy with Standoblue is truly
Arne Hansen and Dennis Karlsen (right),
Industrivejens Autolakering A/S (Denmark)
new technology.
“Standoblue is easier to apply, and you
only need a single sweep of the spray gun.”
Raymond Dubbeldam,
Autoschade Dubbeldam & van Noordenne
“Overall, the entire painting process is
faster and less susceptible to flaws.”
Monika Tschallener and Johann
Weiskopf, Auto Haid GmbH (Austria)
6 title story
Standoblue brings a shine to luxury
If James Bond, the legendary British film hero, really existed, his car would probably come
from luxury coachbuilders CARAT Duchatelet in Belgium. And it would certainly be finished
in Standoblue.
At the coachbuilders in Liège, high-security, individually film thickness is necessarily thicker than on normal vehicles,”
equipped limousines and off-road vehicles are built – by hand. he explains. “There aren’t any flaws in the clearcoat despite the
The company’s customers include businesspeople, celebrities, thicker film. It has excellent gloss and flow, dries well right
politicians and heads of state from all over the world. Every through and is easy to polish.”
single vehicle is fully dismantled here before being rebuilt,
armoured, individually equipped and resprayed in the colour For the paintwork of an armoured luxury limousine, Delayer
of choice. The 150 employees build about 50 custom vehicles needs an average of ten to twelve litres of Standoblue Basecoat
and about ten litres of Standocryl VOC 2K Clearcoat. Each
this way each year.
armoured component is sprayed individually before being
The 40 employees in the paintshop know from their own subsequently polished and reassembled. The fact that no
experience that armoured vehicles place special demands on transitions are visible at all on the fully assembled vehicle is
application and drying. At the same time, the special product attributable to innovative Standoblue technology, which
properties of Standoblue have impressed senior painter ensures uniform pigment orientation in the paint. Clouding
Jean-Paul Delayer and his team. “On the vehicles we build, the during application or colour changes during drying are thus
excluded. And it is precisely this that makes the new Standox
technology ideal for the challenging painting work at CARAT:
“We owe it to our customers and our reputation to deliver this
high quality. And that’s why we use Standoblue,” Purchasing
Manager Patrick André explains.
Images: CARAT Duchatelet
The interior of an armoured vehicle
partitioned-off from the front part of
the vehicle. The rear door area has
been stretched by 30 cm.
You can’t tell at first glance that this noble
Rolls-Royce limousine is armoured. The front
and rear doors have also been lengthened and
the roof raised.
Interstandox 71
journal 7
2011 car colour trends – worldwide
Colour trends: Black and silver
neck and neck
the majority of vehicles are silver, black, grey and white. Next
in line are red and blue, shades of beige and brown, as well as
Global colour trends show that black and silver are jostling for shades of green, gold and yellow. Standox’s experts don’t
the top slot in popularity. This is one of the results of the annual expect preferences to change radically in the coming years.
Standox analysis of current colour trend data. Grey and white However, the spectrum of colours will broaden. Even today, the
are joint third at 16 per cent each. A comparison of the leading various colour groups are invigorated by countless variants and
colours in different countries reveals changes of position, but nuances with new, unusual hues.
the overall colour picture remains uniformly “achromatic”, i.e.
Relics of paint history
The “Swinging” Sixties are currently being brought back to life at Standox’s
headquarters in Wuppertal. This is where visitors can admire, among other things,
the perfect miniature model of a Mercedes repair shop of the period. The model repair
shop lovingly hand-crafted by Wuppertal artist Dirk Patschkowski (pictured) is just
one of many exhibits enabling visitors to relive Standox company history.
“Be it old paint cans or colour charts – if seemingly trivial objects aren’t collected in
time, they’ll one day be gone for good,” explains Andreas Keller, Head of Technical
Service at Standox. He has been rummaging around in the company and among
dealers and customers for old documents, photos, paint cans and tools. And the haul
is impressive. His collection covers everything from paint cans from all stages of
Standox history via price lists from the Sixties to a restored Goggomobil TS 250 built
in 1967.
20 years of Standox in Estonia
Benefit AS has been the Standox distributor in Estonia and the leading supplier to the country’s
bodyshops since 1990. The anniversary was celebrated by 100 guests – dealers, customers and
business friends – at a conference centre near Tallinn. Many customers arrived in their
immaculately restored classic cars to underline the high quality of Standox paint systems and
Benefit’s classic car expertise.
8 journal
Standox presents “The Art of Color”
In a new image campaign, Standox is restating its claim to be
the premium supplier of refinish paints. The campaign’s main
theme “The Art of Color” takes up and re-interprets the
brand slogan of “The Art of Refinishing”. The high-grade artistic
images present seemingly accidental spills of paint reminiscent
of Rorschach ink blots. A closer inspection, however, reveals
their affinity to the familiar Standox philosophy. This is backed
up by brief texts explaining the brand values and benefits to
the customer and drawing attention to further information
on the Internet. The images revolve around the spheres of
expertise that underpin Standox’s position on the market:
Colour expertise, high-grade product systems, and training
skills. The first images of the international campaign entitled
“Blue Woman”, “Shell” and “Two Men” are already in use.
More will follow in the course of the year.
Standoblue captures the
imagination at “Auto & Korjaamo”
Over 10,000 bodyshop professionals visited
numerous customers that have so far been
“Auto & Korjaamo”, the biggest international
using Standohyd decided to switch during
exhibition for vehicle workshops, parts and
the exhibition,” explains Veikko Nieminen,
accessories in the Nordic countries. HL Group
Brand Manager Standox at the HL Group:
OY, Standox distributor in Finland, took part in
“And plenty of users of other makes of paint
the three-day fair in Helsinki with a 270 m²
couldn’t help being immediately impressed by
stand. The main attraction of the stand was
Standoblue, the new Standox basecoat
system. “The advantages are so obvious that
Virtual tour of the Standox Center
At, visitors and potential
From there it is possible, with further clicks, to
customers can now find out on the Internet how the
change the angle, zoom in and out and move about
Information Center in Wuppertal looks and where
the building. What is particularly innovative is that
everything is located. Users simply navigate with
the tour is also possible by using a smartphone.
the mouse. Clicking one of the red dots on the
ground plan opens up a view of the desired room.
Interstandox 71
workshop management 9
for distinctive finishes
Standox has launched its exclusivelineXL, a series of to their subtle play of colours that often call for a
special effect colours that follows on from the Exclusive Line closer inspection, they really catch the eye. Further
range, so popular with lovers of custom paintwork. The information on exclusivelineXL is available on the Internet
select colours not only give cars that special something, but at Here a photo gallery and information
they can also add style and a distinctive finish to items such on the various colours can serve as inspiration for one’s
as helmets, motorcycles, furniture and smartphones.
own designs. Aided with folders of original paint charts,
bodyshops can introduce interested customers to the
Two years of development work have gone into Magic special effect paints.
Magenta, Atomic Orange, Shifting Carbon, Urban Bamboo,
Explosive Gold and Python Green. The paints certainly live
up to their names. They light up in the sun and, thanks
exclusivelineXL App
The new Standox App gives interested cus-
When it is moved, the phone display shows how
tomers and professionals the chance to view
the colour shifts in changing light conditions.
the fascinating colours of the exclusive paint
The App also includes sample objects painted
edition on mobile phones. The smartphone
with exclusivelineXL colours and thus supplies
serves effectively as a digital panel.
plenty of inspiration for personalised design
finishes. Developed for Android smartphones,
the App is free of charge and can be downloaded
10 w o r k s h o p m a n a g e m e n t
Attracting new customers
with Classic Color Partner
The market for classic vehicles is growing rapidly. With a new marketing strategy,
Standox is giving bodyshops the chance to bring their skills to the attention of
owners of classic cars.
The vehicle registration statistics say it all. The vehicles can be efficiently solved with Genius, the
number of motorists that own vehicles more than opto-electronic spectrophotometer from Standox.
20 years old or classic cars at over 30 years old is
growing. In Germany, for instance, there are more By introducing Classic Color Partner, Standox is now
than 1.6 million registered vehicles over 20 years going a step further. To appeal to owners of classic
old. Their owners often have an emotional automobiles, the company has developed a series
attachment to their vehicles. The maintenance and of attention-grabbing marketing tools. These include
care of such vehicles is elaborate and requires sample letters for personalised direct mailings,
expert knowledge.
advertising copy for placement in the local media,
the Classic Color Partner logo in various file formats.
For professional repairs, Standox offers bodyshops There are also a door name-plate, banner display
advanced and cost-effective paint systems that are and flag enabling businesses to draw attention to
also particularly suitable for the painting of classic their special skills at the entrance to their premises.
cars. The problem of identifying the colours of older A repair video and a brochure graphically show the
various steps of a professional repair process.
Bodyshops that are interested can obtain further
information from their Standox partner.
Viewing classic car colours
on the Internet
With the Classic Color documentation, manufacturers at the time. The documenclassic car fans can now find out all about tation gives a good impression of the
the original colours of their favourite colours available at the time and how
models. To this end, the Wuppertal paint classic vehicles may have looked in
manufacturer has digitised its historic their original paintwork. The data can be
colour documentation and posted it on downloaded at
the Internet. Organised by country, the
total of eight volumes cover the colours
of European car brands from Auto
Union to Volvo, as supplied by vehicle
Interstandox 71
Standofleet Color Tools for better
commercial vehicle repairs
Standofleet from Standox not only gives a high-grade mixing chromatically sorted colour swatches, matting swatches and
base system for painting commercial vehicles, but also the the Colormix Poster are now being supplemented increasingly
tools that bodyshops need to quickly and reliably find the right with electronic Color Tools. Hypermodern tools like the Genius
colour. Also the task of efficiently identifying colours has spectrophotometer, Standowin colour software and convenient
become more demanding in the commercial vehicle sector. online colour searches make it possible to identify colours and
Such tried-and-tested aids as the Standofleet Color Box with convert them straight into the equivalent mixing formulations
with the minimum of effort. Whether a colour is scanned by the
refinisher with Genius and then read into Standowin or tinted
and adjusted with the aid of the Standofleet colour poster
makes no difference, because all the Standofleet Color Tools
are mutually complementary and can be combined as
Information on the available Standofleet aids can be found in
two brochures. “Step by step to the right colour. Standofleet
Color Tools” presents an overview of the various tools, while
“The Color Poster for correct tinting. Standofleet” visually
demonstrates how to tint colours with the aid of the Color
Poster. Further information can be found at
The clearcoat for fast-track processes
Standocryl VOC Express Clearcoat is a
Thanks to its energy-saving features
high-grade 2K clear for spot repairs and
such as reduced drying time and tempe-
partial and complete resprays. It is
rature plus its improved air-drying
versatile in its application and hardens
performance, it boosts bodyshop
very quickly. High-performance, high-
productivity and profitability. In only
yield and easy to polish, it reliably
15 to 30 minutes at 50 to 60 °C object
produces impeccable results even in dif-
temperature, it hardens sufficiently for
ficult processing and drying conditions.
body reassembly. Overnight air drying
and extra-fast infrared drying are also
It is applied in a single pass and can
be perfectly adapted to the particular
application conditions with the appropriate Standox VOC hardeners and
thinners. There are certain specific
combinations for different types of
12 g a l l e r y
trusts in Standox
As the official Team Supplier to the MERCEDES GP PETRONAS race team, Standox is the exclusive
source of colours for the Silver Arrows in the 2011 Formula One season.
Paint finishes in Formula One have to satisfy tough require- properties in extreme conditions. The technicians at Standox
ments. The Standox paint system is renowned for its visual have made special efforts to make the paint as light as possible
impact so that the race vehicles make the best possible in order to facilitate compliance with the strict weight limits. In
impression on the media and spectators. Standox paints are addition to painting the race cars, all the show cars and trucks
also distinguished by their high strength and hard-wearing of MERCEDES GP PETRONAS, cooperation with Standox also
extends to technical training for the team. This enables them
to carry out any necessary repairs to Formula One vehicles on
the spot after the race.
Images: Mercedes GP Petronas
“Looking forward to the cooperation and the opportunities arising
from it: Nick Fry (CEO Mercedes GP Petronas), Anthony Cashel
(Marketing Support Manager DPC Refinish Systems), Jodie Henly
(Brand Marketing Specialist Standox UK), Zvonimir Simunovic
(Brand Manager Standox GmbH) (from left to right).”
Interstandox 71
g a l l e r y 13
“Zvonimir Simunovic talking to Andrew Moody (right).”
“Product choice is
extremely important
to us”
Interview with Andrew Moody, Head of Paint and
interstandox: How does the MERCEDES GP PETRONAS paint
interstandox: How exactly does the cooperation with Standox
shop work compare to a normal bodyshop?
Andrew Moody: It is very similar in many aspects, and we use
Andrew Moody: On the technical side, the cooperation
very similar tools and products. The big difference is the way
between Standox and MERCEDES GP PETRONAS is a two-way
that we use them. Although carbon fibre is an inherently
street with constant feedback from both parties. On-site
strong material, it can also be very fragile and it has to be
training with the Standox technical team and use of the
treated with extreme care as some of the bodywork has a
Training Academy in Stevenage have been important parts
final skin thickness as little as 1 mm. Therefore great care has
of our training programme. It is essential that all painters
to be taken whilst abrading these surfaces. This is even more
continue to learn fresh techniques and have refresher
important with “Class A” components such as wings where as courses. But it does not stop there: We are constantly
the slightest piece of damage could compromise the safety
working on new substrates which require different products
of the car and our drivers.
and methods, so it is a constant learning process for both
the Paint Shop and Standox.
interstandox: What special requirements have to be met by
the paint of the Silver Arrows?
interstandox: How does the on-site refinishing of the racing
Andrew Moody: Speed is the most critical requirement. We
cars after the races work?
have very short turnaround and manufacturing lead times
Andrew Moody: After the cars have been stripped, repaired,
so it is vital that we use only products which can offer us
scanned and inspected, they will return to the Paint Shop to
minimum curing times. It is also essential that we can use
be repainted if required. This means weighing the component
the paint in an aero-friendly manner (e.g. no large edges on
and removing existing or damaged paintwork and starting
aero surfaces, so product choice is extremely important to us.
again. This is normally carried out over a three to four day
period and normally means extremely long working hours
interstandox: How important is the paint of the Silver Arrows
for the staff. The car is also constantly evolving with new
for the success of the racing team?
bodywork and wing upgrades. We try to plan these to be ready
Andrew Moody: Weight is everything in Formula One, so the
for when the cars return from a race so that we can spend
paint that we use plays an important role in ensuring that
the turnaround time focusing on the chassis and other
weight is kept to a minimum. We have a written procedure for
homologated parts. The one thing that we never worry about
all of our processes. Part of this entails each component being
is running out work – there is always something to paint!
weighed before and after the paint process followed by an
inspection sign-off.
interstandox: What do the drivers think of the cars new
interstandox: Which and how many vehicles are painted in
Andrew Moody: The feedback from the drivers has been
really good. Everyone seems to love the gloss effect which
Andrew Moody: Our fleet of nine race trucks and six driver
makes the cars really stand out on the track.
scooters are all painted in the MERCEDES GP PETRONAS
livery. There is also an enormous amount of race team
equipment that will be painted every winter before the new
season begins. This includes the garage walls, overhead
lighting systems, grid trolleys, hospitality panels, computer
racks, water chillers – the list is endless!
14 i n t e r n a t i o n a l
The refinishing team
at Heckendorn.
Blazing the trail:
Heckendorn AG paints with Standoblue
The example of Carrosserie Heckendorn AG in Switzerland shows how cutting-edge paint technology
can help to enhance efficiency and quality in the bodyshop.
Andreas Heckendorn, second-generation owner of the family The new system has also impressed the specialists at
business with ten employees in Oberwil near Basel, has always Heckendorn when it comes to what are often problematical
wanted to be technically state-of-the-art: “Blazing the trail is blend-ins. “The results are outstanding,” says sprayer Patrick
not the overriding reason, but we’re happy to pave the way,” Billot, “and you can’t see any transitions or colour differences
he explains with a smile. In 1994, at a time when waterborne between the original paint surfaces and the blended-in
paints were hardly a big talking point, Heckendorn became patches.” At the same time, the paint dries extremely quickly
the first bodyshop in Switzerland to introduce Standohyd, the and thus accelerates the work process. “With Standoblue we
Standox waterborne paint system.
save valuable time in the booth,” says Billot. Electronic colour
identification is very much on the advance at Heckendorn as
Heckendorn was in fact perfectly happy with his Standohyd well. The interplay between Standoblue and Genius, the
system when he heard from paint supplier André Koch AG, the Standox spectrophotometer, is particularly efficient.
Swiss general distributor for Standox, that Standox had “With Genius, we can measure the colour right at the car
launched a new, groundbreaking basecoat technology. body,” Andreas Heckendorn explains. “The results are highly
A practical demonstration and detailed talks with Philipp dependable even where difficult colours are concerned.”
Bernet, the André Koch marketing manager, then persuaded Overall, the verdict at Heckendorn after changeover is
him and his four-strong refinishing team of the outstanding thoroughly positive: “Thanks to its straightforward application,
quality of the new, VOC-compliant Standoblue system. process security has been enhanced. And we have the
Application required only minor adjustments from the team at assurance of always being able to offer the customer top
Heckendorn. The refinisher mixes the desired colour and quality.”
adds Standoblue Viscosity Adjuster instead of the usual
Demineralised Water. Then the basecoat is applied in one and
a half spray passes in a single work process – without timeconsuming flash-off.
In the Color Box developed
specifically for Standoblue,
variants of standard colors
are neatly arranged on
The basecoat is applied in one and a
half spray passes in a single work
process – without time-consuming
Clearly laid-out posters on
Standoblue application and
blending-in make the work
process easier.
With Standoblue and Genius,
perfect colour identification
becomes reality.
Interstandox 70
i n t e r n a t i o n a l 15
Pasi Paananen,
owner of KELE Design.
Alubeam: an exclusive paint finish
Images: KELE Design
Extravagant design presents the Art of Refinishing at its best. The Finnish designer Pasi Paananen has finished an
exhilarating motorcycle, the Brawl Bike, in Alubeam from Standox. Alubeam is a silver colour with an extreme
metallic gleam that takes a lot of skill to apply.
interstandox: Can you tell us a bit about your career to date?
interstandox: How difficult was the paint finish with
Pasi Paananen: I’m 34 years old and have been running my
own motorcycle design business, KELE Design, in Iisalmi,
Pasi Paananen: It certainly was a challenge. The painting
Finland, for about two years now. Before this I worked as a
itself wasn’t the problem, as the paint is highly impermeable
designer in Austria, at a company called KISKA. There I was
to light and covers well. The difficult thing was preparing the
part of the KTM motorcycle design team. I designed the
surface. Since I don’t use wet-on-wet systems, I had to give all
KTM Stunt 690 concept bike and the KTM 990 SMT series-
the parts thorough preparation. The stopper was wet-sanded
production bike.
with 1500 grit paper.
interstandox: What exactly does your work entail?
interstandox: Where does the unusual name “Brawl”
Pasi Paananen: I give motorcycles a customised design. This
come from?
includes design proper as well as making parts and custom
Pasi Paananen: It comes from the film “Transformers”.
painting. About 50 per cent of my customers are ordinary
“Brawl” is one of the brawling Autobots and it has shiny
bikers, while the others are company customers, i.e.
armour with an aluminium finish. The name aptly describes
motorcycle makers, race teams etc.
the powerful and aggressive nature of this motorcycle.
interstandox: We’re eager to know more, of course, whether
interstandox: You’ve realised a huge range of projects –
you designed the “Brawl” for a specific customer?
which are the ones that really stand out?
Pasi Paananen: I’m afraid I can’t say anything about it. The
Pasi Paananen: There have been many truly challenging
owner is a private customer and doesn’t want any publicity.
projects. If I had to pick one out, it would be the Stunt 690,
which I designed for KTM. That really was something special.
interstandox: What was your contribution to the project?
And how long did it take you?
Pasi Paananen (laughing): At any rate, too long. Seriously,
though, it must have been about nine months. But we
couldn’t always work on the project, so there were breaks
along the way. My main tasks were design, production,
painting and assembling the body. I also replaced the
bike’s suspension, wheels, switches and electrics.
Lutz Menze Design
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Interstandox 71