Asociacion Diexman Uruguay [1]


Asociacion Diexman Uruguay [1]
Asociacion Diexman Uruguay [1]
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Alfredo Meurer Jr.
100 paíes DXCC mais raros segundo ARRL
Glenn Hauser
Logs May 16-17, 2014
Alfredo Meurer Jr.
Fenomeno - Radioamadorismo
Arnaldo Slaen
Articulos de Grupo Radioescucha Argentino
Grupo Radioescucha Argentino Conexión digital Nº 771
Jorge Isacc García Rangel
Vatican Radio dismantles MW towers
Alfredo Meurer Jr.
A52JR DXpedition de brasileiros
Glenn Hauser
Logs May 17-18, 2014
Anatoly Klepov
“RUS-DX” # 768
Glenn Hauser
Logs May 18, 2014
Ghbu Gabriel
El Mundo de la Electronica 24 Capitulos Completos
Radio Heritage Foundation Thank you for donating in May
Ontario DX Club
New file uploaded to odxa
Migdiel Cruz
ETON: Radios, radios y más radios
Radio Habana Cuba
Concurso Sobre El Mundial De Fútbol
Migdiel Cruz
Sobre antenas para recepción
Glenn Hauser
Logs May 18-19, 2014
Anderson José Torquato
Meu blog
Jorge Isacc García Rangel
VOA Radiogram
Glenn Hauser
Logs May 20, 2014
Oscar de Céspedes
Noticia Local De Miami
Claudio Galaz
Frecuencias periodo A-14
Claudio Galaz
Programa: "Escucha Chile"
Michael Bethge
Migdiel Cruz
Antena para HF
Glenn Hauser
Logs May 21, 2014
Migdiel Cruz
Desmantelarán instalaciones de proyecto HAARP
Phil, KO6BB
Source for Shortwave station Email addies?
Glenn Hauser
Logs May 21-22, 2014
Migdiel Cruz
Diagrama completo para montar convertidor de 455 a 12 KHz, y poder recibir DRM
Anker Petersen
José Ronaldo Xavier
Hironori Takeuchi
Claudio Galaz
Cesar Perez Dioses
Rafael Rodríguez R
Alfredo Meurer Jr.
Manuel Méndez
Roberto Pavanello
Hector \(Luigi\) Perez
Jorge Isacc García Rangel
Rudolf Grimm
Migdiel Cruz
Miguel Castellino
Rodolfo Tizzi
Daniel Wyllyans
Arnaldo Slaen
Caputo Floyd
Robert Wilkner
Rubens Ferraz Pedroso
Babul Gupta
Robert S. Ross
Asociacion Diexman Uruguay [2]
Alfredo Meurer Jr.
100 paíes DXCC mais raros segundo ARRL
Boa noite. Aqui está a lista dos 100 países DXCC mais raros de todos, essa lista está atualizada pela ARRL no final do ano passado, mas alguma
coisa irá mudar com as operaççoes que já foram feitas a FT5ZM, XZ1J Myanmar, Amsterdam island, VK9MT Melish Reef que quase terminou em
tragédia há pouco mais de um mês, S01WS on air e a famosa DXpedition a FR5/T Tromelin island mais adiante.
73 a todos, Alfredo Meurer Jr. - ZY1-0001SWL
Asociacion Diexman Uruguay [3]
Glenn Hauser
Logs May 16-17, 2014
** ARGENTINA. 11710.7, May 17 at 0113, RAE fair and in the clear with music, talk in Japanese, as Cairo [see EGYPT] is inexplicably missing from
11710v. Later RAE is spelling out website in English, music in Spanish. There is still a very weak het from some other signal on 11710.0, but nothing
else listed in HFCC, EiBi or Aoki. Or maybe that`s a remnant from Cairo QRP? (Glenn Hauser, OK, DX LISTENING DIGEST)
** BRAZIL. 4775, May 17 at 0051, usual low rumbling het/fast SAH between Perú and Brasil listening in AM, but with USB mode, I`m only hearing
Brazuguese, YL speaking/preaching with reverb, soon mentioning Congonhas a few times, 0053 hymn, fair signal.
4815, May 17 at 0054, encouraged by 4775, I find an even stronger Brazilian here, no doubt Londrina, preacher in Brazuguese, fair vs CODAR. 4885
presumably Pará also in not quite as well, so skip to:
4915, May 17 at 0055, ``Aparecida de Goiânia`` mentioned and then ``Rádio Daqui`` several times. These four were the best on 60m, but by
0125 recheck, all of them had weakened; probably coincidentally a cold front blew thru here (Glenn Hauser, OK, DX LISTENING DIGEST)
** CUBA. 6000, May 17 at 0101, no signal from RHC, as another ragged start to the 6-hour English broadcast; while // 6165 is on but dead air until
modulation comes up at 0105.
6000 is on at 0102 in English --- but it`s CRI by mistake! // tho out of synch with 6020 Albania; as I am checking 9580 to match CRI/Cuba, 6000
switches to RHC English at 0103.
Also, the 6270 leapfrog bears poor but readable Spanish audio at 0102 already, 6060 having saulted over the 6165 carrier, another 105 kHz higher
** DIEGO GARCIA. 12759-USB, May 17 at 0119, JBA music, a sure sign of AFN; first trace of it since April 5 & 8 logs as in DXLD 14-15 (Glenn
** EGYPT. 11710, May 17 at 0113, *no* signal from Cairo to het Argentina [q.v.]; then I check other Cairo frequencies: 12070, 9965, 9315, and
they are ALL off! Big problem at the sites? Still nothing at 0128 recheck.
Egypt just started DST of UT+3 on May 16 (more light for evening demonstrations?) but only until Ramadan *June 29 (maybe will resume a lunar
month later when there will still be plenty of summer?). This could have confused studios and transmitter operators, but some frequencies should still
be on air even if programming one real hour earlier by mistake (Glenn Hauser, OK, DX LISTENING DIGEST)
** GREECE. 7475 fair // 9420 very good // 15630 poor, Avlis on all three, May 17 at 0104 with Greek music. An even weaker signal from
something else on 15650; see UNID (Glenn Hauser, OK, DX LISTENING DIGEST)
** INDIA. 11620, May 17 at 0112, S Asian songs, in AIR Urdu service, still/again here; Bruce Fisher in New York had found it apparently on 11650
instead, May 14 at 0025.
11985, May 17 at 0115, AIR Sinhala service from Delhi/Khampur, fair signal with big hum, program modulation over; earlier heard same music on
11740 GOA (Glenn Hauser, OK, DX LISTENING DIGEST)
** KUWAIT. 17550, May 16 at 2050, R. Kuwait Arabic service is fairly audible, partly music, and accurate timesignal at 2100, news; while 15540
English until 2100 was inaudible, presumably below the LUHF now, unless off the air. The 2 MHz separating these always makes a big difference in
propagation, reception (Glenn Hauser, OK, DX LISTENING DIGEST)
** MEXICO. A bit of sporadic E TVDX May 16, not above channel 2, UT:
1630 on 2, first sign of some weak video, in and out
1850 on 2, retune to find CCI poor with antenna SSW, music
1853 on 2, novela, Azteca-13 bug in UR
1900 on 2, building stronger
1901 on 2, recheck, now a studio show with a bunch of icons for social media across the bottom; maybe different station, or program change
1905 on 2, fading out; nothing at 2045 recheck, or later today
** PERU. 5025, May 17 at 0057, R. Rebelde is off, but there is a JBA carrier, presumably Quillabamba, but not enough to audiblize (Glenn Hauser,
** PERU. 5980, May 17 at 0059, R. Chaski carrier still suffering from 5990 CRI/Cuba splash. Then some modulation making it, but I`m just
listening to carrier with BFO to time its cutoff tonight: 0111:25.5* which is 6 seconds later than yesterday (Glenn Hauser, OK, DX LISTENING DIGEST)
** SRI LANKA. 11905, May 17 at 0115, no signal from SLBC, tho India and Diego Garcia [qq.vv.] are making it. Finally poor carrier on a few seconds
before *0120; by 0124 just barely modulated (Glenn Hauser, OK, DX LISTENING DIGEST)
** U A E. 11640, May 17 at 0113, SW Asian language, poor with flutter; Aoki shows RFA Uighur service northeastward from UAE; so jamming is not
audible here for a change (Glenn Hauser, OK, DX LISTENING DIGEST)
** U S A. 5085 is off and 9930 is still on, from WTWW-2, May 17 at 0057, and also after 0100; likewise 5830 off and 9475 still on; plus 12105 still
on at 0119 May 17 with TOM // 9930. Apparently 0200 UT is still the night QSY time, altho this morning the QSY shifted back from 1400 to 1300
Asociacion Diexman Uruguay [4]
** U S A. 7490.2, May 17 at 0106, WBCQ with `AWWW` trying to reach Mal; 5-stepping the offset BFO on DX-398, I notice exactly the same het on
WRNO, which happens to match on 7505.2. Previously, `BCQ had been considerably on the low side, so maybe will drift downward again (Glenn
** U S A. 7555.04 approx, May 17 at 0107, KJES with Spanish catechisms is somewhat off-frequency, obviously as compared to on-frequency 7570
WRMI et al. (Glenn Hauser, OK, DX LISTENING DIGEST)
UNIDENTIFIED. 15650, May 17 at 0104, weak broadcast signal noticed here as I was checking Greece on 15630; I would have paid more attention
had I known that nothing else at all is listed on 15650 except as an alternate Grecian frequency, but all three of its transmitters are accounted for
Alfredo Meurer Jr.
Fenomeno - Radioamadorismo
Boa noite Rudolf e Paulo, o Rudolf escreveu uma coisa que realmente é uma aberração, aIinda mais se tratando de um filme feito nos EUA, que
detêm o maior numero de radioamadores atuantes e não no planeta Terra, a maior associação de radioamadores do mundo ARRL, o inicio dos
radioamadores na história da humanidade começou nos EUA nos anos 1910, os maoires e mais cobiçados diplomas para radioamadores e para
SWL são americanos, as maiores revistas sobre radioamadorismo estão nos EUA, enfim, eu não vi esse filme, mas pelo que o Rudolf contou foi uma
falta de total interesse do produtor do filme ter pelo menos o mínimo de bom senso de ter pego um radioamador atuante nos EUA e ver como se faz
esse hobby sem pilérias ou estereótipos.
Mas o Paulo comentou uma coisa que é muito comum em filmes até de conquistas de muitos Oscar, são tantos os erros grosseiros que foram feitos
que eu sei que existe um livro sobre erros de Hollywood, mas não sei se ele existe à venda no Brasil.
Por exemplo; no famoso filme A Lista de Schindler, quando numa cena aparecem os homens judeus nús andando para a morte, eles não são
circunsidados, eles são apenas figurantes que poderiam perfeitamente passarem por judeus europeus, mas não são circunsidados como se faz na
religião judaica com um bebê menino antes do seu setimo dia de vida.
Um erro desses é grotesco, sem falar em tantos outros que a gente vê nas mega produções e passam totalmente desapercebidos por grandes
diretores que muitas vezes estão mais interessados nos muitos milhões de $$$ que a sua produção vai render.
Aqui no Brasil, o radioamador sempre teve o estereótimpio de um ser desequilibrado, maluco, cheio de tiques norvosos, neurótico, que mastigava a
dentadura ao falar, um sujeito anti social que vivia numa espécie de catacumba onde ficavam os seus radios que eram todas as fontes de
interferências da vizinhança, mesmo quando ele, por exemplo, estivesse viajando por algum motivo, todo e qualquer tipo de interferências nas
antigas Televisões brasileiras eram sempre atrribuída ao Sr. fulano, aquele velho maluco que vivia o dia todo enfurnado num quarto soturno,
normalmente nos fundos de seu quintal, eternamente perturbando a vida dos outros.
Eu vi isso muito bem de perto quando eu era criança na rua que eu morava, havia um Sr que era radioamador e era chamado de Seu Filhinhho, toda
hora tinha uma Sra em frente a casa dele reclamando dos "fantasmas" que a TV dela estava pegando, tudo era culpa do Seu Filhinho, até quando
ele ia viajar com a esposa por mais de uma semana, iam à casa dele reclamar porque a sua TV estava ruim, ou isso ou aquilo.
Arnaldo Slaen
Articulos de Grupo Radioescucha Argentino
AFSCA autorizó radios municipales en diferentes ciudades del país
El directorio de la Autoridad Federal de Servicios de Comunicación Audiovisual (Afsca) autorizó el funcionamiento de radios de frecuencia modulada
y de servicios de televisión en distintas localidades de todo el país.
Lanzan radioteatro en Radio Provincia de Buenos Aires con Pepe Cibrián y Nora Cárpena
Con motivo de grabarse el radioteatro de Radio Provincia en la Casa de la Provincia, el actor Pepe Cibrián manifestó que “es maravilloso porque
tiene que ver con la imaginación. “En una época en que el hemisferio izquierdo del pensamiento no se usa, porque la gente no lee, la imaginación
desaparece porque para imaginar hay que leer o escuchar la radio”, subrayó en diálogo con Radio Provincia.
Lanzarán en la provincia de Misiones nuevas radios impulsadas por el gobierno
Funcionarios en la localidad de San Vicente participarán de la presentación de 8 emisoras iniciado por el programa del Ministerio de la Nación.
Comenzó a transmitir Radio Municipal, Larroque, Provincia de Entre Ríos
La radio municipal de Larroque se encuentra en la 88.1 mhz y los estudios se localizan en el edificio “Eva Perón” de la ex Fachal donde tiene su sede
el Anaf.
La emisora chilena Radio Natales celebró un nuevo aniversario
Hasta las dependencias de Radio Natales se acercó el gobernador José Ruiz Santana con el fin de transmitir un mensaje de agradecimiento a todos
quienes integran la emisora, destacando la gestión informativa, social y educativa que en estos 20 años de vida sus miembros han sabido transmitir
a la comunidad.
LT17 Radio Provincia de Misiones celebra medio siglo de existencia
Radio Provincia celebró su cincuentenario como se debe, llevando información, música, opinión y debate a toda la geografía misionera. compartió
con el plantel del turno mañana las primeras horas de la mañana y llevó el saludo por un nuevo cumpleaños.
El Senado de Chile aprobó ley que obliga a radios a transmitir música nacional
El Senado chileno avaló este martes el proyecto de ley sobre Fomento de Música Chilena que establece que las radioemisoras chilenas deberán
emitir 20% de música chilena y de raíz folclórica en sus contenidos y acomodar los temas a su línea editorial.
Robaron por tercera vez en el año a Radio 21 Tucumán AM 1120
Asociacion Diexman Uruguay [5]
El director de “Radio 21 Tucumán” AM 1120, que tiene su planta transmisora en Los Vallistos, Banda del Río Salí, ya no sabe qué hacer para evitar
volver a caer en manos de delincuentes. “Es el robo número 15 que tenemos que soportar y el tercero en lo que va del año”, lamentó el
periodista Germán Valdez.
Por Alejandro Daniel Alvarez lu8ydnqn*
La provincia de La Rioja cuenta con una extensa y rica historia radiofónica a pesar de haber tenido solo dos emisoras en onda media.
La radio pública griega celebra un año de existencia
La cadena pública de radio y televisión griega celebra su primer año de transmisiones.
Tan sólo unas 600 personas trabajan allí ahora. Son parte de Nerit, la cadena sustituta, y consideradas traidoras por parte de sus ex compañeros:
“Es muy doloroso recordar aquellos días. Perdí a una amiga muy cercana porque veía las cosas diferentes”, lamenta Jrisa Ramelioti, empleada en
Se realizó el Encuentro de Medios Públicos de América latina
Trece países se reunieron en el Encuentro de Medios Públicos de América latina. La cumbre, que reunio a responsables de radios y televisoras
públicas de la región, fue inaugurada por la ministra de Cultura, Teresa Parodi, quien aseguró que “el rol de los medios es definitorio a la hora de
construir nuestros países”.
La Policía de Bolivia ya tiene su propia emisora de radio
El ministro de Gobierno, Carlos Romero, recibió días pasados la Licencia de Funcionamiento de la radio policial de manos de la Autoridad de
Regulación y Fiscalización de Telecomunicaciones y Transportes, medio de comunicación destinado a interactuar con la sociedad de la capital
Entró en vigencia en Chile la Ley que crea el servicio de radiodifusión comunitaria
El pasado viernes 13 de junio entró en vigencia de la Ley que creó el servicio de radiodifusión comunitaria, la cual establece importantes cambios en
el dial al ofrecer nuevas frecuencias a las radios de mínima cobertura.
Perú plantea la incorporación de la radiodifusión para sistema de alerta temprana
El congresista aprista Javier Velásquez Quesquén propuso este miércoles en sesión del pleno del Parlamento Nacional la incorporación del sistema
de radiodifusión de frecuencia modulada en el sistema de alerta temprana ante casos de desastres.
Fuertes recortes presupuestarios en la BBC
La cadena pública británica BBC anunció que eliminará 200 empleos en sus cadenas de radio hasta 2017, el 15% del total en esa división, ante la
necesidad de reducir costes.
Alerta Bomberos es la primera emisora de FM del país que trasmite desde un cuartel de bomberos
Alerta Bomberos es la primera emisora de FM del país que trasmite desde un cuartel de bomberos. Está en la localidad correntina de Tatacuá.
La visita a LRA15 la pude concretar el día 24 de febrero aprovechando la escala en la zona para conocer mejor la provincia. Me recibió su actual
director Ramiro Rearte quien ocupa ese cargo desde mayo del año 2011 habiendo cumplido antes la función de coordinador periodístico desde el
Radio Paula cambia su frecuencia de transmisión
Durante el verano, incluso un poco antes, el equipo de Radio Paula supo que pronto debería dejar el 106.9, dial que ocupa desde hace seis años,
por un reordenamiento del espectro de frecuencias. Por ley, en los próximos días, las radios comunitarias ocuparán en Santiago desde el 105.9 al
La Corte Suprema de Justicia de la Nación desestimó la posibilidad que telefónicas operen emisoras de radiodifusión
La Corte Suprema de Justicia de la Nación desestimó recursos presentados contra una resolución de la Cámara en lo Contencioso Administrativo
Federal que prohibe a las compañías de telefonía brindar servicios de radiodifusión e impide al Estado Nacional otorgar licencias a tal fin.
Presentaron oficialmente en México a AM1560 Indie AM
Con padrinos de luAñadir nuevajo y mucho rock, el locutor Alejandro Balcazar presentó de manera oficial la nueva estación de radio Indie AM (1560
AM). En octubre del 2013 inició transmisiones esta nueva estación que pretende darle oportunidad a los grupos de rock locales e independientes, y
difundir otras corrientes alternativas como reggae, hip hop, world beat, y ska.
“Salimos al aire desde octubre del año pasado, pero hemos estado presentes a través de las redes sociales, y por fin hacemos nuestra presentación
oficial”, dijo Balcázar al Diario.
Denuncian dos radios ilegales en Puno y Juliaca
Dos radios, están operando ilegalmente en las ciudades de Puno y Juliaca, para ello en los próximos meses se estaría procediendo con la
La AFSCA dio a conocer el listado de frecuencias disponibles para todo el país
Desde el primero de junio se encuentra disponible en la web oficial de la Autoridad Federal de Servicios de Comunicación Audiovisual (AFSCA) la
nómina completa de las frecuencias de FM disponibles, para que las y los interesados puedan consultarla y pedir un nuevo llamado a concurso
Inauguraron en Brasil un Centro de Transmisión que acogerá 86 radios y televisoras de 41 países
El secretario general de la FIFA, Jerome Valcke, inauguró el Centro de Transmisión del Mundial (CTM), ubicado en Río de Janeiro y donde se
instalarán 86 emisoras de radio y televisión de 41 países del mundo durante el Mundial de fútbol.
Radio Bahia Blanca celebra su 82 aniversario
La radio LU2 celebra su 84º aniversario y lo festeja con programas especiales, extrabajadores que se presetarán a lo largo del día y visitas guiadas
en tandas, organizadas por hora
Continuen leyendo estas notas ampliadas y en forma completa en
Nota: Estos artículos expuestos aquí, es únicamente un paqueña parte de todo su contenido, y muchas gracias a Arnaldo y camaradas por su
trabajo, em ucal podemos apreciar día a día.
Asociacion Diexman Uruguay [6]
Grupo Radioescucha Argentino
Conexión digital Nº 771
POR TODOS LOS MEDIOS EN LA ONDA MEDIA por Rubén Guillermo Margenet [email protected] [email protected]
Captaciones de Jose Kucher,
Kucher desde Neuquen, Argentina. Recibida en Neuquen AM 1070 KNTH “The answer” Texas EEUU , compartiendo el canal con
Radio Santa Fé de Colombia
Captaciones de Miguel Castellino,
Castellino desde Mendoza después de las 04:00 UTC se escuchaban muchas emisoras peruanas, algunas con excelente
caliidad. Las que pude identificar hasta que me venciera el sueño fueron las siguientes:
RPP, Juliaca
1010 R.Cielo, Lima
1170 RPP (hace mucho que no la escuchaba en esta fq)
1320 Bacan (posible)
1360 Nueva Q
En estos días estamos teniendo, por lo menos en esta zona, condiciones muy favorables para la recepción de emisoras peruanas en MW. Lo que he
notado, y lo pongo como disparador del tema de propagación del que muchas veces hablamos, es que las condiciones, a diferencia de otros años,
se están dando mucho mejor a la noche (después de las 03:00 UTC e inclusive antes) que a la madrugada (09:00 UTC). Por ejemplo anoche
entraban varias estaciones peruanas (no menos de 5 imponiéndose en el canal), siendo lo más destacable Chami Radio de Otuzco en 1140 y esta
mañana volví a hacer sintonía y solamente un par podían distinguirse nítidamente. Años anteriores, por lo menos en esta zona, era a la inversa y la
madrugada era casi la única oportunidad de escuchar estas emisoras.
Captaciones de Roberto Pavanello, desde Italia
1026 5/5 21.55 R. Reus - Catalano ID e pubblicità locale buono
SINTONIZANDO EL DIAL Todas las colaboraciones deben ser dirigidas a CONEXION Digital: [email protected]
ERNESTO PAULERO [email protected] (Redactor honorario)
Captaciones de Zacharias Liangas, desde Grecia
6600 V o People 1849 S5 with talks in Korean S5
15190 WRMI with ToM? 2141 religious prg S7
6205.4 possibly Tango 2134 with bossas S7
9335 CNR jammer for sure on 2155 with S10
9410 CAiro? 2157 with talks in English in a garbled modulation and signal S10
2158 QRM from CRI in Portuguese starting after 2200 S20
9420 IRIB in the freq of ERA on 2202 with nasyid song . ON 2206 with ID
9471 !! un IDed 2212 with seemingly greek trad song but them with series of afghan songs There is a rec here . Strong QRM rom CNR /CRI rec
here :
11765 SRDA 2225 with talks in PP Signal S4 Also on 12/5 on 0505 with S4
11725 RNZI 0500 clock , ID and news S5
11780 R N Amaz at S2
my radio shack: (all my pages )
APARTADO QSL por Arnaldo Leonel Slaen [email protected]
Radio Wadloper 1642 KHz - [email protected] con QSL elettronica allegata in 69 giorni. (Roberto Pavanello, Italia)
ABORDAJE DEL DIAL / REPORTE CLANDESTINO por Arnaldo Leonel Slaen [email protected] Redactor Honorario: Gabriel Iván Barrera
Captaciones de Jose Ronaldo Xavier, desde Brasil
07460 05/08/2014 *CLA R.Payem e-Doost,r.Kishined,MDA,PER,clandestine stn.presents a Persian lang.;music,Id.,45443.
11510 05/08/2014 0302 *CLA Denge Kurdistan, Kurdisk lang.;traditional kurdish songs,35432.
Captaciones de Roberto Pavanello, desde Italia
3905 9/5 19.20 Skyline R. Int. - [email protected] EE ID e MX buono
6205 9/5 19.10 R. Tango Italia - [email protected] IT ID e tanghi Buono
6240 9/5 19.40 R. Experience - [email protected] EE ID e MX buono
6803 9/5 19.45 R. Pink Panther - [email protected] EE ID e MX buono
Asociacion Diexman Uruguay [7]
Jorge Isacc García Rangel
Vatican Radio dismantles MW towers
Radio Vaticano desmantela torres de transmisión de onda media.
Vatican Radio has started to dismantle the transmitting station it had on Italian territory at a place called Santa di Maria di Galeria, northwest of
Rome. The MF antenna Vatican which used to operate on 1530 kHz consisted of four towers. each surrounded by a cage of six ropes. The design gave
a coverage of fade free groundwave propagation for up to 100 km from the Vatican site. Further signs that DRM as a technology is not going to fly.
Alfredo Meurer Jr.
A52JR DXpedition de brasileiros
Amigo Fabricio,
Que maravilha ler que você foi um dos que tiveram a satisfação de escutar a estação A52JR lá de Bhutan, trabalhando em condições muito
desfavoráveis, antenas verticais e baixa potência, além da péssima propagação que reina no momento atual .
Como Bhutan era o único País DXCC que me faltava para completar todo o sudeste asiático, pois eu não confirmei a antiga A51PA que operou em
1988, não enviei qsls para o manager naquele época, o operador daquela Dxpedition, um amador japonês já SK há muitos anos, então eu estava
muito, super focado nessa A52JR e eu precisava dele confirmado e montei um esquema de busca em bandas que me ofereceram as melhores
oportunidades de uma escuta real e somente em 40m e em 12m isso foi possivel.
O Samuel Cássio PY2604SWL conseguiu pegar ele em 7160 no nosso pôr do sol, o melhor momento de escuta de A52JR para nós daqui dessa
região do sudeste do Brasil na banda de 40m dadas as precárias condições que A52JR estava transmitindo.
Eu tentei muito pegá-lo na banda de 10m, a minha banda preferida junto com 40m, mas não consegui, 10m estava literalmente fechada para
aquele região nos momentos de maximo de chances de escuta dele em 10m eu não o ouvi, paciência, um dia num futuro um outro amador estará lá
e poderei ter a chance de ter A5 em 10m.
A minha melhor escuta dele foi em 12m, 24945 em dois dias seguidos no mesmo QTR, qsos com americanos, seu sinal em 12m variava entre 42 a
53, tenho QRM praticamente zero aqui em 15m, 12m e 10m.
Tentei 15m sem sucesso, eu ouvia o pile up menos ele, 20m estava completamente fechada, nada dele também nos 20m.
- eu ouvi A52JR duas vezes nos 40m, sendo que a primeira escuta foi péssima, eu praticamente não pegava ele falando indicativos completos, só
pedaços de indicativos com apenas dois completos, mas a segunda escuta foi melhor, seu sinal variava entre 31 a 43 (QSB) e nessa segunda escuta
foi ótima, pois seu audio era quase cristalino R4 e com o maximo de sinal S3 deu para anotar ele varias vezes bem.
Receptores usados;
- 40m Sony 7600G e antena dipolo de meia onda para 40m em 7150
- 12m Degen De1103 e antena vertical modelo PT5 de 5/8 de onda para 28500 que também oferece muito bom rendimento nos 12m.
Obs. o receptor De1103 tem melhor sensibilidade nas bandas de 12m e principalmente 10m que os sony 7600G e GR, além de não ter o problema
do SSB chorado dos 7600G e GR em 10m.
Obs com a dipolo de 40m eu não ouvia nada de A52Jr nos 12m, apenas como informação de como uma boa antena é importante.
Recebi apenas um único QSL com as duas escutas; 40m e 12m, o mesmo QSL do Fabricio.
Eu descrevi aqui o relato das minhas escutas de A52JR como uma forma de talvêz incentivar os colegas a mostrarem como foram as suas escutas
das estações mais raras e mais difíceis, pois muitas vezes, como foram as minhas escutas de A52JR, choradas e sofridas, teremos relatos de outros
colegas em outras localidades do Brasil que poderão ter tido escutas muito melhores dele e de outras estações, dado ao tamano continental do
Brasil e de suas muitas latitudes, desde a latitude 5° norte a latitude quase 34° sul, uma extenção territorial imensa e sem dúvida, nesse
continente que vivemos que é o Brasil, com certeza o que é muito difícil para uns, será bem mais fácil para outros.
Samuel, posta aqui a sua escuta chorada e sofrida de A52JR em 7160 para termos também o seu relato de como não é nada fácil termos esses
países DXCC raros conquistados.
Vejam aqui o relato do operador PP5JR sobre a expedição a Bhutan, como foi difícil para eles essa rara DXpedition.
Parabéns Fabricio por mais um DXCC de ponta e desejo a todos muito sucesso e realizações no seu hobby.
Asociacion Diexman Uruguay [8]
Glenn Hauser
Logs May 17-18, 2014
** ALGERIA [non]. 11985, May 17 at 0623, Qur`aning, poor-fair. It`s RTA via FRANCE during this hour only (Glenn Hauser, OK, DX LISTENING
** ANGUILLA [and non]. 1610, May 17 at 0555 UT, can barely make out from the southeast PMS // 6090, as well as harp music from the northeast,
surely CHHA Toronto. Usually these very weak signals are both blocked by IBOC from 1600s in St Louis and Denver; can both of those be off IBOC
now, or forever? Again no IBOC from either angle around 0155 UT May 18 (Glenn Hauser, OK, DX LISTENING DIGEST)
** BOLIVIA. 5580.3, May 18 at 0108 not only a carrier but some music audible, from presumed R. San José, allegedly only 250 watts per WRTH
2014, with closing varying around 0200. I check for this most evenings, but seldom anything detectable. There is still too much local line noise to
copy anything, but the carrier is still there at rechex 0119, 0132, 0141, 0153 (Glenn Hauser, OK, DX LISTENING DIGEST)
** BRAZIL. 11925v, May 18 at 0127, ``Minute Waltz`` is playing with het; // 9645v with no het, so surely R. Bandeirantes (Glenn Hauser, OK, DX
** CHINA. CNR1 jammer at unusual time:
17790, May 17 at 0609, CNR1 jammer, poor; victim is RFA Chinese via Saipan during this hour only, per Aoki
12910, May 17 at 1233, CNR1 jammer, fair, with ``CJKT/ZRGD`` ID; none in the 10s, 13s, 142, 16s, 17s, 18s (Glenn Hauser, OK, DX LISTENING
DIGEST) See also TIBET [non]
** CYPRUS. 9958-9973, May 18 at 0101, OTH radar pulsing, presumed from here, quite strong, and no 9965 Cairo to impede it; 9955 WRMI strong
enough not to be bothered (Glenn Hauser, OK, DX LISTENING DIGEST)
** EGYPT. 11710, 12070, 9965, 9315, May 18 at 0101, once again tonite, all four R. Cairo frequencies are absent like 24 hours ago. In the
meantime, or anytime since, has anyone heard any other Cairo broadcasts? (Glenn Hauser, OK, DX LISTENING DIGEST)
** HONDURAS. 18135-USB, May 17 at 0615, HR2DMR, Dan, making contest contacts with Japan, Romania, etc., as the band is quite open here in
the nightmiddle. Says he is listening 5-up. Here`s the page of Dan Mejía R.: (Glenn Hauser, OK DX LISTENING
** MEXICO. 770, May 18 at 0158 after a SW monitoring session for an hour, I check for KKOB NM, but stronger signal is in Spanish, full ID with 25
kW, street address in Monterrey NL, telephone numbers, ``770-AM, una emisora más del Grupo Fórmula``, then rejoining net for item about
Colonia del Valle en México DF. So it`s XEACH but its night power is allegedly only 1 kW (Glenn Hauser, OK, DX LISTENING DIGEST)
** MEXICO. Sporadic E analog TV DX, May 17, UT:
1345 first check, nothing
1426 on 2, Sabadazo program bug in LL, from net-2, I think, but can`t see a net bug; CCI. Zero 6m ham activity is showing in North America on the
Dxmap and the G7IZU map!
(Later I notice that Sabadazo is on Univisión in the USA Saturday at 17-21 UT: watch a bit of it: insipid studio variety show, with kids, clown at the
moment mentioning which woman has the best legs.)
1429 on 2, Televisa net-5 promo, CCI, animation with feline creatures, net 5 bug in LR. Soon fades out; occasional traces of video later in morning
but nothing more. Now there is some very minimal 6m ham activity on the maps (Glenn Hauser, OK, DX LISTENING DIGEST)
** NETHERLANDS [non]. 9925, UT Sunday May 18 at 0131, The Mighty KBC, with Kim`s Radiogram, he said a plug for NASWA, 1 minute and 3
seconds. 0145, an Italian novelty song playing, probably Kraig Krist`s feature. Since WTWW-2 has been reactivated on 9930, and since evening
extension to 0200, instead of moving to 5085 at 0000, now there is mutual adjacent interference, especially when either or both are in music. As
time goes on, WTWW weakens a little, but not enough (Glenn Hauser, OK, DX LISTENING DIGEST)
** NIGERIA. 15120-AM, May 17 at 0607, VON is audible but undermodulated with whine, YL talking, presumably news (Glenn Hauser, OK, DX
** NORTH AMERICA. 6935-USB, May 18 at 0116 novelty song, poor-fair; 0117 ID? But couldn`t copy it, 0118 back to music, seems all music past
0130; at 0134 ID with a address, more music, still going at 0155, to very poor level. This thread,17041.0.html says it`s Northwoods Radio (Glenn Hauser, OK, DX LISTENING DIGEST)
** NORTH AMERICA. 6950.0-USB, May 18 at 0133 I notice that a much stronger pirate than 6935 has come on, with jazz/jive/YL scat song. Bet it`s
Wolverine Radio. Yes, per 2-word ID at 0138 after ``Do That Shake Dance, Mama`` at 0136; after another song, at 0140 ``Save the Last Dance for
Me``, so tonight`s theme is songs about dancing, and/or with dance in the title. Bet we never hear ``Dance of the Hours`` -- what have these
pirates got against classical music?? Turned out this was widely heard by DXLD yg monitors, catching several other ``dance`` songs. I`ve been
monitoring on the porch, with reel-out antenna plugged in, but as I go inside at 0157 ID, this is sufficiently strong to keep listening past 0200 on the
PL-880 with whip aerial only (Glenn Hauser, OK, DX LISTENING DIGEST)
** OKLAHOMA. 4600, May 18 at 0112, JBA modulation from local Enid mix // 1390 KCRC ESPN audio. But our other strong signal, 960 KGWA has
Asociacion Diexman Uruguay [9]
to be involved. Formula: 4 x 1390 = 5560, minus 960 = 4600 (Glenn Hauser, OK, DX LISTENING DIGEST)
** PERU. 5460, May 18 at 0109, JBA carrier here, probably R. La Voz de Bolívar, which WRTH says runs until 0130. With BOLIVIA in on 5580, always
check for its companion WOOB South American (Glenn Hauser, OK, DX LISTENING DIGEST)
** PERU. 5980, May 18 at 0105, R. Chaski carrier and some talk modulation until chopoff at 0111:31.5* which is 6 seconds later than yesterday
** SPAIN. 15160, May 18 at 0138, American-accented talk in English for most of a minute about ``letting too many people into the lifeboat``, i.e.
refugees; must be Australia? No, not // 17840, and when I get back to 15160, YL in Castilian is taking over. So it was just REE Spanish with a long
English clip, which I don`t think was directly translated (Glenn Hauser, OK, DX LISTENING DIGEST)
** SRI LANKA. 11905, May 18 at 0114.4 tune-in, OC already on, 0114:46 drumming starts, 0115:17.5 the 2+1 timesignal ends, SLBC opening
Bangla; fair with flutter, soon down to poor (Glenn Hauser, OK, DX LISTENING DIGEST)
** TIBET [non]. 19000, May 17 at 1242, CCI audible along with the Wadley Loop MHz birdie, i.e. CNR1 jammer and/or VOT via Kuwait, which during
this hour is on Saturdays (and Wednesdays) uses 19000, per Aoki (Glenn Hauser, OK, DX LISTENING DIGEST)
** U S A. WORLD OF RADIO 1721 monitoring: missed checking WTWW-2, 9930 at 2330 Saturday May 17, but at 0025 May 18, Brother Scare was
playing so since Ted Randall`s QSO show was absent, WOR probably was too; right? WOR 1721 confirmed on WTTW-1, 5830, UT Sunday May 18
from 0400:26. The WRMI-14, 9495 airing, UT Sunday May 18 at 0030 was however, again a replay of previous show 1720. Next: UT Monday 0300
on Area 51 via WBCQ, 5110v-CUSB (Glenn Hauser, OK, DX LISTENING DIGEST)
** U S A. 7490.1, May 18 at 0124, WBCQ as expected has drifted down since yesterday on 7490.2; and now it no longer matches the offset of
WRNO, still on 7505.2 (Glenn Hauser, OK, DX LISTENING DIGEST)
UNIDENTIFIED. 960, May 17 at 0502 UT, the ``Let It Be`` station again, playing instrumental-only version of the Beatles` song at the same hour as
previously heard a few times, so a midnite ritual? Perhaps a (pseudo?)-Catholic station? This time it`s strong enough that I can get a rough bearing
on it underneath the KGWA Fox-hole open-carrier, not just at the KGWA null --- and it`s sort of north/south, which rules out WABG in Mississippi. That
would fit for XEK Nuevo Laredo, but we already know and frequently hear it playing the Mexican NA and/or XEW chimes at this time. KGKL in TX and
KMA in IA are ruled out, since they both run ABC News during this pentaminute, sometimes reverbing against each other.
KNEB in Scottsbluff NE, 350 watts, is also on ABC network, but not sure what they are doing; C&W format listed in NRC AM Log 2013. KIMP in Mount
Pleasant, NE TX is SS:Nostalgia, with 75 watts at night, not logged yet. Further ones N/S-ish with less than 100 watts night are KFLN in Baker MT,
C&W Real Country, Fox; KLTF, Little Falls MN, talk, Fox, etc. There is another Mexican a little further beyond XEK: Saltillo, Coahuila, XEKS,
ranchera/internacional format, per IRCA Mexican Log 2013. There`s some internet resource identifying which stations are playing which music, but
I`ve never tried to use it, especially if must be in real time, and I don`t see how it can be anywhere near complete (Glenn Hauser, OK, DX LISTENING
UNIDENTIFIED. 1120, May 17 at 0603 UT, no sign of the Spanish/music station in KMOX null that I was hearing during this hour May 15, nor was it
there on May 16, making me suspect KEOR OK more as an occasional nighttime cheater. KTXW has supposedly been calling itself ``La Zeta 1120``, rather than ``La Nueva 11-20`` which is what I thought I heard (Glenn Hauser, OK, DX LISTENING DIGEST)
UNIDENTIFIED. 2660.02 approx, May 18 at 0142, JBA carrier a smidge on the hi side, which I suspect is KGLD Tyler TX harmonic as previously heard
on 2 x 1330. Noise level not too bad here; my streetlight does not ignite until *0147/0148 (Glenn Hauser, OK, DX LISTENING DIGEST)
Anatoly Klepov
“RUS-DX” # 768
Broadcasting of Russia, countries of CIS and Baltiya - Sunday / 18, May 2014 - Information bulletin of Russian DX League
Electronic versión - Time : UTC –Editor : Anatoly Klepov - QTH : Moscow, Russia
E-mail : [email protected] Web site : (Russian / English)
Groups : (Russian / English)
Public radio broadcasting internal Russian
Radio Russii
Frequency kHz / kW / Location / Regional Transmission
567 / 500 / Volgograd, Russia / GTRK " Volgograd "
567 / 75 / Kyzyl, Tuva Republic / GTRK " Tuva "
576 / 50 / Khabarovsk, Russia / GTRK "Dalniy Vostok "
585 / 150 / Perm, Perm / GTRK "Perm"
594 /40 / Izhevsk, Republic of Udmurtia
621/ 50 / Makhachkala, Dagestan / GTRK "Dagestan"
621 / 50 / Syktyvkar , Komi Republic / GTRK "Komi"
Asociacion Diexman Uruguay [10]
639 / 75 / Omsk, Russia / GTRK "Irtysh"
657 / 150 / Murmansk, Russia / GTRK " Murman "
693 / 150 / Ufa, Republic of Bashkortostan
711 / 7 / Naryan-Mar , Nenetskiy AO / GTRK "Zapolyarje"
738 / 25 / Palana, Kamchatka Region / GTRK "Kamchatka"
738 / 40 / Chelyabinsk, Russia / GTRK " Yuzhny Ural "
792 / 25 / Abakan , Republic of Khakassia / GTRK " Khakassia "
792 / 50 / Aleksandrovsk -Sakhalinsk , Russia / GTRK "Sakhalin"
810 / 150 / Vladivostok , Primorsky Krai / GTRK " Primorye"
846 /40 / Elista , Republic of Kalmykia / GTRK "Kalmykia "
855 / 50 / Penza, Russia / GTRK " Penza "
873 / 25 / Kaliningrad, Russia
873 / 250 / RC "Lesnoy" , Moscow region
873 / 100 / Samara, Russia / GTRK "Samara"
873 / 75 / Saint-Petersburg , Russia
918 / 150 / Arkhangelsk, Russia / GTRK " Pomorje "
936 / 5 / Matveyevka , Orenburg region / GTRK "Orenburg"
945 / 40 / Novocherkassk , Rostov region / GTRK " Don-TR "
963 / 20 / Zakamensk , Buryatia / GTRK " Buryatia "
1008 / 1 / Tuapse, Krasnodar region
1080 / 100 / Kovylkino , Mordovia / GTRK " Mordovia "
1089 / 5 / Tilichiki , Kamchatka Region / GTRK "Kamchatka"
1089 / 5 / Nikolsk , Vologda Region / GTRK " Vologda"
1116 / 30 / Sochi, Krasnodar Krai / GTRK "Kuban"
1251 / 7 / Cherkessk, Karachay-Cherkess Republic / GTRK " Karachay-Cherkessia "
1287 / 50 / Grozny, Chechen Republic / GTRK "Vainah "
1350 / 2x5 / Ust- Kan and Ust- Ulagan Altai Republic / GTRK " Gorny Altai "
1395 / 1 / Buguruslan, Orenburg region / GTRK "Orenburg"
1458 / 7 / Kudimkar , Perm / GTRK "Perm"
1476 / 20 / Onguday Altai Republic / GTRK " Gorny Altai "
1485 / 2x1 / Kamenskoe and Keys , Kamchatka Region / GTRK "Kamchatka"
1602 / 1 / Ust -Barguzin , Buryatia / GTRK " Buryatia "
Radio station "Mayak"
828 / 75 / Kyzyl, Tuva Republic
918 / 50 / Makhachkala, Dagestan / GTRK " Dagestan "
Radio station "Vesti FM"
1089 / 1200 / Tbilisskaya, Krasnodar region
1215 / 1200 / Sovetsk, Kaliningrad region
1413 / 500 / poselok Mayak, Prednestrovie
Data as of March 2014 to change.
Dmitry Medvedev dismissed Andrew Bistritsky as chairman of the "Voice of Russia ".
Prime Minister Dmitry Medvedev dismissed Andrew Bistritsky as chairman of "Voice of Russia " in connection with the liquidation of the company.
The corresponding decree was signed on Wednesday , May 14 , was published on the official web portal of legal information.
"Free Bistritsky Andrew IG as chairman of State Organization Russian State Radio Company " Voice of Russia " in connection with the liquidation of
the institution ," - says the order. Decree abolishing the " Voice of Russia" Vladimir Putin was signed in December 2013 . Radio with RIA Novosti will
be included in the agency "Russia Today " under Dmitry Kiselyov. On the night of April 1, 2014 Internet radio stopped their work , and a Russian site
stopped updating. Bystritskii led state broadcaster " Voice of Russia" since 2008. Before that, he served as Deputy General Director of FSUE VGTRK .
In February 2014 Bystritskii headed a department of Communication , Media and Design School of Economics . (
Moscow / Crimea
Dmitry Shirokov , editor broadcaster " RTV -Moscow" : Moscow regional radio started broadcasting in Crimea.
Seventh of May radios in several cities of the Republic of Crimea sounded unfamiliar to residents calls. It began its work " RTV Moscow ." As
described in the service of Radio , Crimean experience - the first in the field of broadcasting in other regions. And the work in this direction is still a lot
. The plans by 2015 to cover the entire peninsula broadcasting ... (
Tatrstan. Alvrtjevsk.
New FM station. Yumor FM. 100,2 MHz (
Tyumenskaya oblast. Khanty-Mansiysk.
New FM station. Radio Dacha. 104,8 MHz WEB : (
Asociacion Diexman Uruguay [11]
Internet .
Moscow .
Internal numbering ( for free use within an enterprise ) .
From May 2014 in Moscow metro you can listen to radio stations " of the Broadcasting Corporation " Prof-Media "( PMBC ) - " Autoradio "," Yumor
FM », Radio ENERGY, Radio Romantika, CITY -FM, Detskoe Radio, Comedy Radio and Relax FM. Connecting train cars in the network Wi-Fi, Moscow
subway passengers are automatically granted access to information and entertainment portal " In Metro » -, where in the " Live Radio" and
placed radio PMBC . Project to provide the Moscow metro passengers wireless Internet access was launched late last year . First began Kakhovskaya
and Ring line and then free Wi-Fi at the Kalinin and earned Sokol'nicheskaya lines. All lines of the Moscow subway system will be equipped with Wi-Fi
by the end of 2014. It is expected that in the second quarter of 2014 with free Internet access will provide passengers Lublin-Dmitrov ,
Zamoskvoretskaya , Tagansko- Krasnopresnenskoj and Kaluzhsko-Riga line . And in the third quarter of Wi-Fi will work on Fili , SerpukhovskoTimiriazev , Arbatsko Intercession and Butovskaya lines. (
Nothing from Radio Dnieper Wave, only Ukrainian Radio in Ukrainian was observed on 4 May 2014 * 0600-0800 * on 11980, better on
11980.2USB. For the all seasons before RDH was heard only in the last 3-4 minutes of each hour - the other 56-57 minutes were with UR1
programme always. (Rumen Pankov , Sofia, Bulgaria for RUS DX PLUS bulletin 11 may 2014).
Radio station "Autoradio" started broadcasting in Spain.
"Autoradio" brand expands its presence in the international market - from May 2014 radio program on the air resounded Spain.
Today "Autoradio" you can listen to the cities along the Mediterranean coast and the islands of the Mediterranean Sea :
- Barcelona - frequency 98,5 FM;
- Tarragona - 106,1 FM;
- Valencia - 107,3 FM;
- Calpe and Javea - 100,9 FM;
- Benidorm and Alteya - 99,9 FM;
- Alicante - 90,4 FM;
- Torrevieja and Oriuella - 98,8 FM;
- Palma de Mallorca - 101,6 FM.
And from 1 June 2014 to the network broadcast "Autoradio " added Deniya and Gandia . Here, the radio station will broadcast on frequency 92,2
FM. Potential audience of the Russian-speaking population in the region more than 250 thousand people.In addition, Spain - one of the favorite and
desirable places for travelers and tourists from around the world . This amazing country is famous for its spas , where year-round warm weather
persists great , hits the sunny beaches and beautiful cities with ancient architecture. Last year alone, visited Spain more than 1.6 million tourists from
Russia. In relation to the 2012 growth rate of 34%. It is expected that this year the flow of Russian tourists to Spain increased. "Autoradio" , is the
leader of one of the industry leaders - " Broadcasting Corporation " Prof-Media "( PMBC ) - and one of the country's most popular radio stations .
Station sounds throughout Russia and the CIS countries and abroad. Format Features "Autoradio" brand name and allows you to customize the
radio to meet the needs of almost any audience and the specifics of any country. (
Vatican / Belarus.
Received QSL card from the Belarusian edition of Vatican Radio for receiving 22.04.2014, 17.00-17.19 UTC on frequency 11715 kHz. On the card
chapel Of the Annunciation. The report was sent by e-mail: bela @ . Worth a stamp the Belarusian service. (Dmitry Kutuzov,
Ryazan,Russia / “deneb-radio-dx”)
SHORTWAVE BULLETIN - Issue no. 1797, 11 May,
May, 2014. edited by Thomas Nilsson, Sweden
4765,04 May3 0030 Tajik R 1, Yangiyul Tajik romantic sentences from man and woman with stringmusic
45243. It had nearly faded out at 0120 AP-DNK
DXDX-Window No. 505 from the Danish Shortwave Club International Greve, Denmark
Editor and Distributor: Anker Petersen - May 14, 2014
9677. 6, Ictimai R, Stepanakert, 0905-0959, Mo May 05, local programme. (Ivanov in Patreshko village)
CLANDESTINES and other Target Broadcasts
7530, Voice of Martyrs (Freedom), via Toshkent, Uzbekistan (100 kW / 065 degrees) on this new frequency from May 06: 1600-1730 Korean to
North Korea, ex 7505, with 2nd harmonic 15060. (Ivanov, May 08)
9300, North Korea Reform R, via Toshkent (100 kW / 070 degrees), new time and frequency from May 01: 1430-1530 Korean to North Korea, ex
1500-1600 on 9380. (Ivanov, May 04)
9945, CMN Cambodia Media Network R, via Dushanbe, from May 06 on this new frequency in Khmer, ex 9940 heard at 2300-2324, Su May. (Ivanov
in Patreshko village)
Asociacion Diexman Uruguay [12]
11550, R Free North Korea, via Dushanbe, 1530, May 02, Korean to East Asia. (Ivanov in Patreshko village)
11560, Democratic Voice of Burma, via Tajikistan, 1429, May 02 and 03, tone on and off, then a longer tone to *1430, sign-on with Burmese music,
ID in Burmese, 25332. (Ivanov in Patreshko village and Sellers)
11595, Democratic Voice of Burma, via Dushanbe, 0009, May 05, Burmese to Southeast Asia. (Ivanov in Patreshko village)
1089 MW, Vesti FM, via Armavir, Krasnodar, 0738, May 01, in Russian .
(Ivanov in Patreshko village)
1413 MW, Vesti FM, via Grigoriopol, 1932, May 02, Russian, plus 2nd harmonic on 2826. (Ivanov in Patreshko village)
7325, The only SW station from the Russian Federation seems to be R Maykop of Adygey Republic heard 16-23 Apr via Krasnodar, Armavir
Tbilliskaya transmitter site, on Fr 1700-1800 and Su 1800-1900 in Adygeyan, and Mo 1700-1800 in Adygeyan, Arabic, Turkish (and some items
also translated in Kurdish). . (Pankov, Apr 27). 1089 MW QSL card. On the front side Photo radiotelebashni
and the inscription Krasnodar Krayevoy Broadcasting Center. Russian radio and television. Krasnodar region. KRTPTS. "Dear Anatoly thanks for your
letter and a report on the hearing of a radio station that broadcasts of pos.Oktyabrsky, Tbilisi district of Krasnodar region. Program "Vesti FM". Date
01.04.2014 year. Broadcast time 2100-2200 UT. Frequency of 1089 kHz. PB-681 transmitter. 1200 kW. Antenna ARRTZ. Circular pattern. Best
wishes, good luck and Aether ! The return address on the envelope:
KRTPTS, ul. Radio 3-A, 350038 Krasnodar, Russia. (Victor RU6AX in RUS-DX, Apr 27). Also heard at 1800, Su May 04, Adygeyan. (Ivanov in
Patreshko village)
Russian service "Voice of Russia" published a schedule of broadcasting on the FM band:
Also there is a DAB- broadcast in Switzerland and 3 communications satellite:
(Diadischev, Ukraine / "deneb-radio-dx", via RUS-DX no. 766, May 04)
4765.04, Tajik R 1, Yangiyul, 0008-0040, May 01 and 03, Tajik romantic sentences from man and woman with stringmusic, 45243. It had nearly
faded out at 0120, . (Ivanov in Patreshko village and Petersen)
4765, Tajik R, Yangiyul, 1845, Jan 02, Tajik anns and music, 35443. (Beryozkin)
90.5 FM, Voice of the People's Republic of Donetsk (Radio Republic) broadcasts in Donetsk can be heard with live broadcasts at . In radio news broadcasts, information about the
referendum announcement Council DNR, special treatment to local law enforcement officers, music, as well as direct relay Radio Vesti FM from
Moscow. Station ID: "You listen to the official voice of the People's Republic of Donetsk - Radio Republic ". (Sosedkin, via RUS-DX No. 767, May
11). The long link above is due to the Cyrillic words ”Republic Donetsk”, but the website is well received here in Denmark. (Ed)
11980.09, R Dniprovska Hvylya, Zaporizhia, *0600-0800*, Fr May 02 and 09, and 0625-0757, Sa May 03, Ukrainian, soft singer "I love you", ex
0700-0830, S=6 just above threshold. (Bueschel and Ivanov)
HardHard-CoreCore-DX Digest, Vol 137, Issue
ETH odd v7236.950 kHz.
UZBEKISTAN 7530 Voice of Martyrs from Tashkent UZB here bcast 1600-1730
UT, mixed music and talk program in Korean language. Fair S=7 or -83dBm signal strength, fluttery signal, heard downunder in Australia on remote
SDR unit. (wb, wwdxc BC-DX TopNews May 13)
RE MIX NEWS # 852 - from Georgi Bancov and Ivo Ivanov.
Sofia, Bulgaria
TAJIKISTAN(non) Frequency change of CMN Cambodia Media Network Radio:
2300-2330 on 9940 DB 200 kW / 125 deg SEAs Khmer Sun/Tue/Thu till May 4
2300-2330 NF 9945 DB 200 kW / 125 deg SEAs Khmer Sun/Tue/Thu from May 6
UZBEKISTAN(non) Frequency change of Voice of Martyrs from May 6:
1600-1730 NF 7530 TAC 100 kW / 065 deg to KRE Korean, ex 7505 // 2nd hx 15060
HardHard-CoreCore-DX Digest, Vol 137, Issue 15
[harmonics] distorted signal of R Cairo 15535.088 kHz
Asociacion Diexman Uruguay [13]
TAJIKISTAN 15612 kHz Probably more outlet at 1430-1445 UT via Dushanbe, Tibetan of Voice of Tibet, Dalai Lama often mentioned. NOT hit by CHN
jamming. S=8 -78dBm. Still heard at 1452 UT in progress. But 2 kHz whistle interference of adjacent US WEWN signal 15610 kHz.(wb, wwdxc BC-DX
TopNews May 14)
BCBC-DX 1161, 15 May 2014 -edited by Wolfgang Bueschel, Germany
KYRGYZ REPUBLIC 5129.970 Footprint, S=6 -86dBm signal from Bishkek, Radio Sedaye Zindagi in AFG/Dari program. Listened on Perseus SDR
unit at Uwe's location in Eastern Thailand. (wb, wwdxc BC-DX TopNews May 8)
RUSSIA Voice of Russia boss sacked; VoR itself to be liquidated. "The head of the government of the Russian Federation Dmitry Medvedev
dismissed the head of the "Voice of Russia" Andrei Bystritsky in connection with the liquidation of the radio station. The corresponding document
was posted on the official portal of legal information." (14 May) (Chris Greenway-UK, dxld May 15)
TAJIKISTAN 15612 kHz Probably more outlet at 1430-1445 UT via Dushanbe, Tibetan of Voice of Tibet, Dalai Lama often mentioned. NOT hit by
CHN jamming. S=8 -78dBm. Still heard at 1455 UT in progress.
But 2 kHz whistle interference of adjacent US WEWN signal 15610 kHz.
15612 Voice of Tibet still heard up to 1500 UT in progress.
TX CUT OFF - midst on male announcer speak at 15.00:45 UT. (wb, wwdxc BC-DX TopNews May 14)
Frequency change of CMN Cambodia Media Network Radio
2300-2330 9940 DB 200 kW 125 deg SoEaAS Khmer Sun/Tue/Thu till May 4
2300-2330 NF9945 DB 200 kW 125 deg SoEaAS Khmer Sun/Tue/Thu from May 6 (Ivo Ivanov-BUL, via wwdxc BC-DX TopNews May 14)
UKRAINE 11980.086 A small 300 watt hobby station of the Ukrainian technicians on FM&TV tower at Zaporizhia heard regularly, but with different
signal strength each day. Noted at 0620 UT on May 9th just above threshold. Dniprovska Khvylia Zaporizhia contained female voice announcing
followed by Russian? soft singer "You loub you" - "I love you", S=6 at -88dBm and suffered heavily by adjacent RTA ISS HQ prayer on 11985 kHz
even. (wb df5sx, wwdxc BC-DX TopNews May 9)
UZBEKISTAN 7530 Voice of Martyrs from Tashkent UZB here bcast 1600-1730 UT, mixed music and talk program in Korean language. Fair S=7 or 83dBm signal strength, fluttery signal, heard downunder in Australia on remote SDR unit. (wb, wwdxc BC-DX TopNews May 13)
Frequency change of Voice of Martyrs from May 6
1600-1730 NF7530 TAC 100kW 65deg to KRE Korean, ex7505 \\ hx 15060 (Ivo Ivanov-BUL, via wwdxc BC-DX TopNews May 14)
Moscow Information DX Bulletin - Weekly electronic publication - # 889 - May 13, 2014 - Editor of the current issue: Vadim Alexeev. Russia
“Duchevnoe Radio” (" Spiritual Radio" ) opened today at the broadcast frequency of 105.7 MHz (a city in the source is not specified, probably Minsk
- Ed.) . In the coming months , reported radiyschiki , " Duchevnoe Radio " to hear residents of Gomel frequency 106.0 MHz and Grodno at
88.2 MHz. " We did a radio broadcast in which the clock can hear the songs you want to sing along . Our goal - to brighten the day students and
create an atmosphere of cordiality , lightness and celebration in your car , home, office, or a picnic in the country . We are convinced that the
atmosphere important styles, " - said the director Anatoly Chepikov . Format " Duchevnoe Radio " - Russian-speaking and western hits of the 80 's,
90 's and 2000 's. (, published on: 08.05.2014 -
pirate broadcast
Manage Roskomnadzora Saratov region together with the FSB and MVD Russia interested group of hams from the village Turks Saratov region. Head
of the department of control and supervision in the sphere of communication Roskomnadzora Lygin Alexander said that recently at a frequency
allocated to aviaperegovorov appeared voice interference. It was obvious that aired out radiohuligany . Signals were two - when both sources have
calculated , we found two transmitting stations . Their company has collected Turka adolescents. Lygin says that to get to that accident frequency is
impossible - it requires a special radio-electronic components , antenna and fine tuning . Young people could collect these devices specifically to
interfere with conversations pilots. Initiated four administrative cases , transmitters seized. Reader comment Okrut ( 09/04/2014 - 14:20 ) :
Madhouse in our country . Well, from the guys to know that it is forbidden frequency . In Soviet times, encouraged the hams , and now this is
happening . If I could have called the guys , I would write an article about them would . Our settlement should be proud of such minds.
(, sent Sergei Sosedkin )
May 7 in Russia marks Day of radio - Day of all communication industries . It is symbolic that on this day , May 7, 1964 , the first regional program of
Radio Russia GTRK "Irtysh" - began to broadcast radio from home . The building was built and commissioned exactly 50 years ago. In the jubilee
year Omsk radio switches to digital broadcasting. The house radio will have the most modern equipment . Today radio GTRK "Irtysh" - that's four
hours everyday full broadcasting and most importantly interesting people .... (, sent Sergei Sosedkin)
In my order got a copy of the letter that the Committee on Television and Radio Broadcasting of the Government of the Republic of Tajikistan sent to
the Presidential Administration . In this document , in particular , states ( published abridged ) :
Asociacion Diexman Uruguay [14]
" Committee for Television and Radio Broadcasting of the Government of the Republic of Tajikistan is a reliable partner FSI " Voice of Russia "and in
rebroadcast of the territory of Afghanistan , India, Pakistan, Iran , Tajikistan and other countries of Southeast Asia . Middle East and Africa . Despite
considerable interest radio programs and their relevance , with January 1, 2014 on the initiative of the Russian side was stopped broadcasting in
(SW) range, and with the April 1, 2014 - and in the medium wave band (MW) , which immediately caused a wave of discontent some listeners .
Concluding an agreement on the provision of equipment for the year 2014 for the dissemination of programs FGBI " Voice of Russia ", JSC "
Teleradiocom " from April 1, 2014 was left without funds for maintenance of existing facilities and maintenance employees in the amount of the
terminated contract. Costs 3-5 million dollars a year for the Russian budget is relatively small audience with a desire to obtain reliable information
and to properly evaluate the steps of Russia in international affairs . This situation does not meet the interests of both Russia and Tajikistan. Cut
programs in Russian and East HF bands deprives a significant part of the audience information about Russia's position on certain issues .
Undoubtedly , the creation based on modern technology multimedia hubs is necessary and timely . At the same time , as international practice , in
contrast to the NE and SW broadcasting , Internet accessibility for recipients sometimes easily restricted to a particular region or country.
Introduction of new technologies is usually done gradually , without applying damage to the existing order .
Information vacuum does not happen: Russia will not be broadcast , to be replaced by other broadcasters come Western countries who continue to
work actively to spread their programs in the region. Including in the HF bands and CB actively using technical means of " Teleradiocom " Committee
for Television and Radio Broadcasting of the Government of the Republic of Tajikistan . If you currently limit Russian broadcasting is not known what
to expect losses in the future. We ask you to consider the possibility of resumption of broadcasting radio programs in Russian and East HF bands
using technical means the Republic of Tajikistan . " Letter sent in late April. According to unconfirmed information from official sources, it has
become one drop which still resulted in a huge effort of the state company "Russian television and radio networks" Resuscitation powerful
broadcasting in practice. Question about the powerful broadcasting in Russia ranges NE -SW should be raised at a meeting of the Russian Security
Council , which will take place a few days ago . Specialists have a timid hope to believe that the funds for these purposes yet to be allocated .
( Vadim Alexeyev , Moscow)
Acting President of Ukraine, Chairman of the Verkhovna Rada Oleksandr Turchynov signed the law number 1227-VII "on public television and radio
broadcasting." UNIAN was informed in the press service of the President. The law creates a legal basis for the Public Television and Radio
Broadcasting of Ukraine determines the principles of the National Public TV and Radio Company of Ukraine.
Dynamics of the radio music floats . And suddenly bursts into the usual sounds : "I - Daisy ! Kruchu their records they heard ? I - Daisy " . Jarring
sounds tiresome climb ears. And then the same voice devoid of amenities again begins to chant something . From " Daisies " escape impossible, its
artisanal products radio pursues both annoying fly. Most often it is a tune up to the holes musical wastepaper .
Such radiohuligany there are in our city. They carved radios without permission , illegally aired and that hinder the work of departmental radio
interfere with radio and television interfere rest í . VS Bykov was caught , fined 50 rubles and stripped of all radio equipment. If a second violation
penalty will increase to 150 rubles, and then perhaps to attract and criminal liability.
( E. Mikhailov, Lieutenant Colonel , the newspaper " Evening Rostov " , April 1964 ,, sent Sergei Sosedkin )
HardHard-CoreCore-DX Digest, Vol 137, Issue 17
Radio City & EMR Relays
Every Saturday evening there is a separate programme via Radio Merkurs in Riga, Latvia on 1485 kHz at 19 - 20 GMT.
Our address remains [email protected];
Article posted May 5 including link to previous article from March 2013 on jamming.
(Mike Barracklough, May 8, dxldyg via DX LISTENING DIGEST)
SERBIA(non) From the several days no signal of International Radio Serbia
1800-1830 on 6100 BIJ 250 kW / 310 deg to WeEu Russian (Ivo Ivanov QTH: Sofia, Bulgaria Equipment: Sony ICF-2001D 30 m. long wire)
How did the invention of the radio , which ultimately changed the world .
Alexander Popov, the inventor of radio , Russian nugget. From the Urals , as befits a nugget . Where Mistress of Copper Mountain and locomotive
Cherepanovs brothers . Stalin's campaign against " kowtowing to the West " made of a shape somewhat stilted Popova . When looking at the figures
below pathos turned into anecdote Lomonosov invented everything before everyone else, Mendeleev " composed " vodka Polzunov gathered steam
engine , Popov invented the radio ... However, if skolupnut cheap paint with bronze bust of the same Popov , then under it , under this paint , you find
a plaster mask of the hero of ancient tragedy ... But more on that below . A photograph made by Oka shallows near Nizhny Novgorod. Here , in the
village Rastyapino Popov with his family for several years rented cottage, arriving at the same time earn some money to the plant Nizhny Novgorod
Fair , which was in charge of the summer months. On weekdays, he lost the power plant, and walked off with the children in Oka beaches, swim and
fish . The photograph of our hero in boots and a bowler hat - close sons and a daughter. Background - a tug - wheeler ... And here is another picture of
the same period , it is made by Popov. In the picture - storm over Nizhny Novgorod , on the mouth of the Annunciation monastery in Oka. Here are a
fan converged meanings. Well, about the Oka is clear - there is giving, then work . And love for rivers - even from childhood , when Sasha Popov fond
building all kinds of water dammed Ural engines streams and rivers . Childhood and monastery motif - Alexander of clerical family , at one time he
Asociacion Diexman Uruguay [15]
graduated from a religious school , walked into the seminary . And finally - a thunderstorm. This is the main theme. It is in the Nizhny Novgorod Popov
built his storm indicator - and a year later , in 1896 , received a diploma at him held in Nizhny Novgorod, Russian art and industrial exhibition .
According to legend, Alexander Popov fulfilled an order fair merchants who wanted to learn in advance of the approach of a storm to protect the
goods from a fire caused by lightning . Anyway , but returned in 1895 from the Lower St. Petersburg , Popov made a report on the storm indicator ,
during which demonstrated radio communication between the physical and chemical corps university transferred wirelessly telegram telegraph
alphabet at a distance of 250 meters . Popov figured out how to automatically restore the sensitivity of the receiver after the arrival of the signal came a wave of sintered grains of powder in the tube coherer , he began to conduct current and closes the circuit , an electric bell rang ( informing
about the arrival of the wave) - a hammer blow call again shaking the phone. Powder crumbled - and the unit was ready to receive the next signal .
Popov contribution to the already known structure Branly - Lodge seemed to be not so great , but it was the grain of sand that caused an avalanche of
further applications and improvements. Popov was for Marconi, gives all of the radio American sweep .
A first radio message Popov in 1895 consisted of just two words : " Heinrich Hertz ". Tribute to the great German physicist from junior colleagues .
After all, contrary to popular belief it was Popov physicist , not an engineer. He followed the news of science - one of the first in Russia Roentgen
repeated the experiment with X-rays , edited translation of Maria Skłodowska -Curie " Radium and radioactivity ." Corresponded with Brown Branly ,
Riga , met with Dmitri Mendeleev and Leonid Mandelstam .
It later it like Odysseus tied to the mast Navy Department - listen to the sirens of high science , he still could respond to them - no longer exists . All his
time , all the forces from this time were given fleet. Experiments on the relationship between the courts on the transports "Europe" and "Africa " , the
Black Sea hiking on warships , improvement coherers ( first registrars radio waves ), the development of spark transmitters and antennas.
In anticipation of the Russian -Japanese war, Popov was charged equipping ships radio installations . Somehow naval authorities decided not to
install the station Ducretet , French partner Popova and system of German firms . And it all went bad and slow ... And sudden death of Admiral
Makarov on the battleship "Petropavlovsk" , blown up by a Japanese mine ... And then like thunder in a clear sky - Tsushima , when installed on the
Russian cruisers transmitters have not earned - whether because of errors hastily assembling , or even why. Of course , Popov Tsushima suffered
defeat as his own . And then there's the student unrest - and predictable reaction to them powers. Death Popova , then director of the Institute of
Electrical after Alexander III, was the result of a stroke on the eve of the new , 1906 , after the separation at the Interior Ministry in connection with the
student unrest at the institute. Two months before the council met under the chairmanship of the Institute of Electrical Popov. Popov also signed
decision of the board : "Any violent incursions by the authorities in the life of the Institute can not give sedation, and will only worsen the state of
affairs . Sedation education can only be achieved through major political changes that can satisfy public opinion throughout the country. Such
transformations , according to the undersigned , are immediate and unconditional guarantee of freedom of assembly , freedom of speech and
integrity of the person , the immediate convocation of the Constituent Assembly, abolition of the death penalty and amnesty of political prisoners . "
Approaching storm - and Popov with accuracy once they invented the device noted her approach . At stake were not products of Nizhny Novgorod
merchants and Russian Science of Russia itself . There was the culmination of classical tragedy , which was announced at the beginning.
Hero said his monologue , which, however, had no effect . Hero crushed impossibility of duty - duty teacher and scholar . Hero broken - it must be
remembered , and Tsushima was recently. He returns home - and suddenly dies . Popov's death - and no other word - rhymes with the death of
Admiral Makarov . Five years earlier , they exchanged telegrams. Then, thanks to the new product in the Navy - radio - icebreaker "Ermak" failed to
promptly remove a torn ice floes in the Gulf fishermen dying . " On behalf of all the Kronstadt sailors salute you with brilliant success of your invention
! " - Telegraphed Makarov . "Thanks to Yermak and wireless telegraph was saved several lives - this is the best reward for all my work ," - replied
Popov . Heard the last sounds of the choir - it's choir students who came to farewell the teacher. Leading parties - the closest disciples Ribkina and
Trinity , they whatnot have time to do for the development of radio. But Popov finished piece . Electromagnetic impression of his being separated from
the body. For a split second oscillation reaches of the Ural Mountains (where he studied Popov seminarian "popular physics" Gano ) , then Yenisei (
photographed here Popov solar corona during an eclipse in 1887 ) , then America (where our hero met with Tesla to " Columbian " exhibition in 1893
in Chicago ) , then wrap the globe - again Petersburg - and finally dispersed in space . (
85 years ago in Sverdlovsk radio center was created .
Exactly 85 years ago , May 14, 1929 , by order of the management of communications in the Ural Sverdlovsk radio center was organized .
Simultaneously receiving station was built in the village of Istok to improve audibility and reduce interference with the existing broadcasting station
RV- 5 . Most power station increased to 36 kilowatts. By 1931, the CM -5 links not only with Russia , but also from Central Asia and Siberia .
During the Great Patriotic War broadcasting transmitters Sverdlovsk for 30 thousand hours worked without accidents and marriage. Total
broadcasting during the Great Patriotic War was spent 60,000 hours. Team radio center perform combat tasks to eliminate the enemy Nazi radio axis
Tokyo - Berlin . Furthermore, transmission radios provide task suppression of anti-Soviet German broadcasting stations , trying to sow panic
messages by various rumors . An important role for information about the events of Soviet citizens at the front played Sverdlovsk radio unit . The
building on the street Radyshcheva , 2, Yuri Levitan transmit reports " Sovinformburo ." On special courses organized at the Sverdlovsk branch
DOSAAF radio operators prepare for the front and rear. In 1956 was built specifically secret complex, which until 1988 was engaged exclusively in
ECM . In 1968, the short-wave transmitters Sverdlovsk radio center round the clock "close " Live Czechoslovakia in 1980 - Poland and other Eastern
European countries , North Africa, Middle East. In 1988, the jamming of "enemy " votes were discontinued. Radiocenter started broadcasting
transmission Moscow radio . Currently in Yekaterinburg Russian broadcasts about 60 radio stations. Signals about a third of them are broadcast from
the TV tower on the street Lunacharsky. (
Glenn Hauser
Logs May 18, 2014
** BRAZIL. 11750 & 11810, May 18 at 0545, big dirty parasitic spurs of extremely distorted music obviously // and emanating from 11780 RNA
transmitter which itself is slightly overmodulated. Also can hear a JBA second-order one another 30 kHz up at 11840, but not at 11720 (Glenn
** CHINA. 17855, May 18 at 0539, very poor signal in Chinese, another E.T. transmission to go with CRI German on 17820? No, HFCC shows 05-06,
Asociacion Diexman Uruguay [16]
CRI English, 500 kW, 288 degrees from Beijing site. BUT that`s a false lead since in Aoki we find what else is there: RFA Chinese at 03-06, 100 kW,
310 degrees from SAIPAN and thus *jammed, likely the latter we are hearing.
17735, May 18 at 1306, CNR1 jammer during pop music show, good // 11785. This one is vs BBC Uzbek via Thailand at 1300-1330 only.
19010, May 18 at *1308 very good open carrier comes on, 1308:45 adding CNR1 modulation. At 1307 I had been unable to hear any RFA Tibetan
via Kuwait on 19010 or any other frequency on this band, but the ChiCom must have found it. Per Aoki, 19010 is its Sunday-only frequency at 11-12
& 13-14. CNR1 jammer 19010 still in well at 1336.
17300, May 18 at 1336, CNR1 jammer, good with Chinese pop music show
16920, May 18 at 1336, CNR1 jammer, good
15565, May 18 at 1354, CNR1 jammer, poor, no hets audible
15265, 15195, 15115, May 18 at 1337, usual CNR1 jammers, vs targets
14600, May 18 at 1339, CNR1 jammer, good with C-pop; none in 13s, 12s
11805 & 11785, May 18 at 1340, usual CNR1 jammers, vs targets
** CYPRUS. 15804-15827, May 18 at 0540, OTH radar pulsing, presumed from here (Glenn Hauser, OK, DX LISTENING DIGEST)
** EAST TURKISTAN. 17820, May 18 at 0538, in German about China, and Chinese music, poor with flutter; it`s CRI via Urumqi at 05-07, 500 kW,
308 degrees (Glenn Hauser, OK, DX LISTENING DIGEST)
** SUDAN [and non]. 15550, May 18 at 0542, multiple tones jamming, and hardly anything audible from R. Dabanga itself, via UAE. Just like on
11650 via Vatican (Glenn Hauser, OK, DX LISTENING DIGEST)
** TAIWAN. On May 1, Keith Perron notified us that the first tests of PCJ Radio`s own 20 kW transmitter in Taiwan would be Sunday May 18 at 13-14
UT on 11765; so we were looking for it: at 1257, JBA carrier, probably end of RTI Vietnamese as scheduled; after 1300 and some further chex, zero,
but could be on and not making it here, also heavy RHC on 11760.
Later we learn that the test frequency was changed to 15680, but Keith never told us, just put it on Facebook. Too late for us to check 15680. Before
posting a reminder of the ``11765`` test, I had looked for any update at but found nothing at all about it (nor any link to
Facebook). Info limited to Facebook does NOT reach everyone in the DX world, including yours truly. Alan Pennington in UK pointed out that 15680
was occupied by R. Farda, via Lampertheim, Germany site. Sei-ichi Hasegawa in Japan was able to hear PCJ fair to good on 15680, not Lampertheim,
and he adds, ``Probably 15680 kHz is thought to be the same transmitter and antenna in QSY from 11765 kHz Paochung 100 kW 205 degrees``
which would not be PCJ`s own unit (Glenn Hauser, OK, DX LISTENING DIGEST)
** U S A. 5830, WTWW-1 fair and 5085, WTWW-2 poor, still on at 1343 Sunday May 18, and 12105, WTWW-3 not on yet. So they`re back to 1400v
for the change to 9475 and 9930, having done it circa 1300 on May 16; still undecided (Glenn Hauser, OK, DX LISTENING DIGEST)
** VATICAN. 15570, May 18 at 0541, VR very good in Luso Portuguese to Africa; while 15595 with Latin mass is much weaker. Per Aoki the
difference is:
15570, 500 kW at 175 degrees
15595, 100 kW at 107 degrees (on Sundays, but 250 kW other days) (Glenn Hauser, OK, DX LISTENING DIGEST)
Ghbu Gabriel
El Mundo de la Electronica 24 Capitulos Completos
Enciclopedia De Electronica para Estudiantes 24 Tomos + Proyectos
Hola, En esta ocasion les traigo a todos este excelente aporte, compilado por mi para toda la comunidad!
Sabemos que este aporte contiene algo de las FE DE RATAS (Es broma, asi le digo a los de SABER ELECTRONICA) pero en realidad es de los pocos
que tiene muy buena informacion... aunque no profundiza, nos da una idea (Vaga?) de los temas de electronica.
Esta Enciclopedia conteniendo 399 paginas a todo color contiene:
Teoria – Practica – Recomendaciones- Ejercicios - Comentarios. Descarga:
Asociacion Diexman Uruguay [17]
Radio Heritage Foundation
Thank you for donating in May - May 19 2014
Hello.If you're able to make a donation towards our operating costs for May, we would be very grateful if you would do so.
Our costs for the month are $1,993 and we have $1,127 to go and currently we have only 7 supporters acknowledged for May, so if you can join them
this month, it would be very helpful. Very helpful!
We don't charge membership or supporter fees, the website is free to use, we get no government or radio industry grants and advertisers are hard to
find, but we know folks like what we do, and visits to the website continue to go up and people write nice things to us...........and we have new
research for new features currently ongoing........we'd like to keep on sharing with you:
More Retro Radio features exploring the world of radio in 1953, the famous Silk Road by Shortwave, The Call of the Friendly Islands, All Through the
Night....and regular updates to the famous PAL Pacific Asian Listener Guide, the New Zealand Radio Guide, and the Australian Radio uide..... with the
Hawaii Radio Guide on the way.
Thank you if you can make a donation this month. The easiest way is via the Paypal link at and we're proud to always add
donors to the Roll of Honor, and move regular donors higher up.
Radio Heritage Foundation - Donations are towards the monthly operating costs of the entire project of which the website is a
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In the meantime, thanks for bearing with us.
Ontario DX Club
New file uploaded to odxa
Hello, This email message is a notification to let you know that a file has been uploaded to the Files area of the odxa group.
File : /ODXADX.pdf Uploaded by : luckywimpy [email protected] Description : The May long weekend edition of the ODXA DX Report.
You can access this file at the URL:
To learn more about file sharing for your group, please visit:
Migdiel Cruz
ETON: Radios, radios y más radios
ETON: Radios, radios y más radios... En producción, próximos a salir al mercado mundial....
Eton Satellite, The Eton Satellit is the culmination of 50 years of Satellit models. This latest version delivers the great radio reception and audio
quality you have come to expect from Grundig and Eton radios. The radio provides full reception of longwave, medium wave [AM band], shortwave and
FM broadcast. Additionally, it covers the civil VHF aeronautical band. It also functions as a clock radio. 700 memories store your favorite stations.
The Sync Detector features improves the radios sound quality by reducing distortion and fading.
6.6 x 4.1 x 1.2 inches. Availability: Summer 2014.
The Eton Field is keeps you in touch with the world where ever you are. It receives AM, FM and complete international shortwave coverage from 1.7 to
30 MHz. There is a built in digital clock timer. This radio features RDS - Radio Data System that enables FM broadcasters to deliver more than just an
analog audio signal, but also to transmit digital data, like the station’s call letters, style of music, song title, artist and more. It can even display the
temperature. Operates on four D cells (not included) or supplied AC adapter.
12.4 x 6.9 x 3.0 inches. Availability: Summer 2014.
Radio Habana Cuba
Concurso Sobre El Mundial De Fútbol
La Revista “Cuba Online” auspicia un concurso en saludo al Mundial de Fútbol, a celebrarse en Brasil desde el 12 de junio hasta el 13 de julio de
Lo invitamos a participar y responder la siguiente pregunta:
¿Cuántos títulos han ganado los equipos latinoamericanos en Copas Mundiales de Fútbol?
Se entregarán tres premios y los ganadores se darán a conocer en la mencionada Revista.
El plazo de admisión vence el próximo 12 de julio.
Usted puede enviar sus cartas o correos electrónicos a la dirección: [email protected] o escribir a:
Radio Habana Cuba, Revista “Cuba Online”, Apartado 6240, Habana, Cuba
Cordialmente, Rosario Lafita Fernández. J’Dpto. de Correspondencia Internacional Radio Habana Cuba
Asociacion Diexman Uruguay [18]
Migdiel Cruz
Sobre antenas para recepción
Sobre antenas para recepción, qué les parece esta Wideband Antenna???
Glenn Hauser
Logs May 18-19, 2014
** BRAZIL. 11750 & 11810, May 19 at 0546, distorted parasitic spurs from 11780 RNA are still here 24 hours later than first heard, but much
weaker; that`s progress (Glenn Hauser, OK, DX LISTENING DIGEST)
** CHINA. CNR1 jamming morning of May 19; no Firedrake heard:
18930, May 19 at 1321, CNR1 jammer, JBA vs RFA Tibetan via Kuwait
18870, May 19 at 1321, CNR1 jammer, fair-good // 18930, vs RFA via SOH
17480, May 19 at 1322, CNR1 jammer, poor, not synch with 18870; no 19s
17170, May 19 at 1323, CNR1 jammer, fair-good // 18870
16100, May 19 at 1324, CNR1 jammer, poor
15265, 15195, 15115, May 19 at 1325, usual CNR1 jammers; no 14s, 13s, 12s (Glenn Hauser, OK, DX LISTENING DIGEST)
** CUBA. 15400, May 19 at 1309, RHC with poor but readable signal on the leapfrog spur of 15340 over 15370, both very strong; matching one on
15310 JBA. Also // 15230 is undermodulated as usual (Glenn Hauser, OK, DX LISTENING DIGEST)
** EGYPT. After missing the past two nights, R. Cairo is back in business UT May 19 at 0112 in Spanish with no improvements: 12070, very distorted;
11710v, less distorted but still useless; 9315 undermodulated, at first thought no modulation, but just a long pause. Also back on 9965 with Arabic
service humwhine and music.
13850, May 19 at 0543 is also on with distorted Arabic toward North America, poor with flutter (Glenn Hauser, OK, DX LISTENING DIGEST)
** GUAM. 15240, May 19 at 1313, S Asian language to 1314* mentioning Adventist, I thought, in contact info, but must not have been, as Aoki
shows this is really KTWR, daily in Santhali at 1300-1315 (Glenn Hauser, OK, DX LISTENING DIGEST)
** MEXICO. Earlier in the day on May 18, 6m Es maps were showing big opening across central USA; should have reached some of the three Ontario
channel 2 TV stations allegedly still in analog, so aiming there for a few hours, I see nothing. Finally Mexico opens up for hours, all times and dates
2222 on 3, VG signal with promo for Notivisa on XHBC, Mexicali BCN. Does that news name apply to any other stations? Not to my knowledge. Then
in B&W movie there is continuous square blue bug in LR, 3, with calls XHBC running vertically at its left edge from bottom to top, i.e. you need to tilt
your head 90 degrees to the left to read it directly. Below the block, digital clock in PDT. Often snow-free until abrupt fade-out at 2300. Numerous
photos attempted, including close-ups of the bug.
Glad that Tijuana`s 3 is long gone, no more zero CCI.
Even when 3 is strongest, no sign of the other Mexicali station, XHAQ on 5. Has it already migrated to DTV 28, or MUF just not up to it? Still on
Hepburn`s map:
2222 on 2, much weaker signal with movie, bug in UR I can`t make out yet. Closest 2 to XHBC is Ensenada. 2235 ad briefly in English for Rosé, back
to Spanish. Fades in a bit stronger and now I see there is a continuous ID bug in the UR corner: XHENT CANAL 2 ENSENADA BC
The font is a little fancier and larger than the tiny IDs some stations flash briefly, but is lite if not white, and needs a dark background to be more
legible. To the left of the lettering is the generic Azteca logo which also is part of the Azteca-13 net bug, but this one is listed as an Azteca 7 affiliate:
no `7` bugs seen. Fades out abruptly at 2300 along with XHBC-3.
2346 on 2, something fades in briefly after half a sesquihour break.
UT May 19, the Mexican opening is back with greater force, I find after a SW monitoring session at 0110-0130.
0134 on 2, B&W Mexican musical movie with sombreros, peaks southwest rather than WSW as earlier from BCN. Gala swirl bug in LR, Spanish ads;
little audio yet; 0136 promo for Televisa. 0138 zero CCI such that I am getting video from one station, unmatching audio from another for a little
while. Without local ID, I conclude this must be XHHMA, 30 kW in Hermosillo, Sonora, the only Televisa-9 listed on 2 in and also correlates
0138 on 4, soccer on Azteca 13 net, bug in UR. There are several possibilities, but correlating with ch 2, figure it`s likely XHHSS, 100 kW, in
Hermosillo, Sonora.
0158 on 5 and 6, now MUF up to here with CCI. I also check lower Hermosillo FM frequencies but no Es ever heard: 88.9 and 89.7 are blocked
locally; 90.7 best bet; 91.5 and 92.3 with ACI.
0211 on 2, still same movie from XHHMA but now some CCI.
0214 on 4, strange video CCI, almost zero beat, but somewhat diagonal from a station with horizontal out of synch compared to XHHSS. Stronger at
0215, the video clash making an audio het. Salsa music from somewhere.
0215 on 3, something showing video, unlike earlier
Asociacion Diexman Uruguay [19]
0231 on 3, XHBC Mexicali is back with same bug as described above but now it`s in the upper right instead of lower right; IFE government PSA
0240 on 2, 3, 4, 5, mostly CCI, too many stations at once
0251 on 3, large orange 3 bug in UR, not XHBC, with clock below it in CDT: 21:52 28 C; and from same one, Gala swirl in LR. NO Gala = Televisa 9
listed on 3 in but the bug matches Oglethorpe`s channel 3 gallery, now updated as of May 2014, for XHPN, Piedras Negras, Coahuila, which is a Televisa-local, which means partial relays of any of its
national nets including Gala (and no fulltime Gala in that market??). None shown in, but: by state does NOT list XHPN on 3 in Piedras Negras:
But is in the list by channel as 42.91 kW:
0252, heavy CCI briefly on 5, but nothing on 6
0302 on 6, video only, movie, briefly, unknown bug in UR
0305, the 3 and Gala bugs from XHPN are still visible, now with a variety show.
0310 on 4, movie in color featuring an `Indian` female character; Gala swirl in LR, but no other bug in UR. lists only one net 9 on 4:
XHGK-TV, 100 kW in Tapachula, Chiapas, but I doubt it, too far. Listed are three generic/local Televisas in Morelia, Oaxaca and Puebla
0324 on 4, CCI from soccer: is this one still Hermosillo?
0337 on 4, movie? with Azteca 7 bug in UR; red background to the 7, in and out. lists only two:
XHNCI, Manzanillo, Colima, 19.86 kW
XHPSO, Matías de Romero, Oaxaca, 40 kW
Oaxaca is pretty far, beyond the region I have been getting
0354 on 4, Azteca promo for the Mundial on that network
0438 on 2, still with movie, ads, 0440 promo Gala TV with that name flashing full screen for only split seconds; Hermosillo presumably
0440 on 4, movie with Azteca 13 bug in UR, Hermosillo?
0453 on 2, movie with strobe dancing scene, Gala bug LR, Hermosillo?
0500 everything fades out, thankfully, as I am fading out at local midnite. Turn off TVs quickly (Glenn Hauser, Enid OK, DX LISTENING DIGEST)
** PERU. 5980, May 19 until 0111:37.5*, R. Chaski carrier cut, which is 6 seconds later than yesterday (Glenn Hauser, OK, DX LISTENING DIGEST)
** SAUDI ARABIA [and non]. 15170, May 19 at 0542, Qur`an, very poor with rumbling SAH from even weaker station. During this hour, both BSKSA
and CRI are inadvertently aimed USward: Riyadh at 355 degrees, and Jinhua at 59 degrees, per Aoki (Glenn Hauser, OK, DX LISTENING DIGEST)
** SOUTH AFRICA. 11790, May 18 at 1959, hilife music, 2000 BaBcoCk music loop IS until 2001.5*, poor-fair. HFCC shows AWR Fulfulde via
Meyerton at 1930-2000, 250 kW, 317 degrees, so also USward. (Aoki shows azimuth for this as 170, which can`t be right) (Glenn Hauser, OK, DX
** SOUTH CAROLINA. As of May 19, we are *still* hearing nothing but canned announcements from Brother Scare himself on The Overcomer
Ministry frequencies via various stations whenever checked; otherwise, only other voices which have no interest in spelling out their own names. This
is highly abnormal, as TOM has been an extremely personal ministry of Ralph G. Stair. *He* is the ``last day prophet of God``, not various acolytes.
Yet he`s hardly mentioned by anyone else. Something`s up in Walterboro. I can`t imagine BS voluntarily relinquishing control and predominant
presence on the air.
Could there be clues in the Daily Word from the Prophet? current one, ``Be Sober and Very Watchful`` is dated May 13, 2014
but just with the usual apocalyptic nonsense (Glenn Hauser, OK, DX LISTENING DIGEST) See also USA: WTWW
** SRI LANKA. 11905, May 19 at 0114, SLBC carrier, poor with flutter; 0114:47 music; 0115:17.5 ends the 2+1 mistimesignal (Glenn Hauser, OK,
** TIBET [non]. 18930, May 19 at 1321, JBA signal is // 18870, so CNR1, thus jamming the Monday-only 13-14 frequency of RFA Tibetan via
Kuwait (Glenn Hauser, OK, DX LISTENING DIGEST)
** U S A. 15730 // 17530, Sunday May 18 at 2008, super signals off the back from Greenville with VOA French to Africa, blues/jazz show, 2009
``Where Did You Sleep Last Night?`` (in English) (Glenn Hauser, OK, DX LISTENING DIGEST)
** U S A. 12105, May 18 at 1959, this WTWW frequency is off. At 0544 May 19 check, it`s on with TOM, hallelujahs // 5085. Just before 1400 UT
May 19 I find that 5830 and 5085 are still on, with the latter barely audible until 1401.5* but 9930 does not come up shortly and still off at 1426;
nor does 12105, but at 1414 recheck it`s on with TOM. 5830 cuts off at 1400.5* and by *1401, 9475 is on (Glenn Hauser, OK, DX LISTENING
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Anderson José Torquato - Garopaba-SC
Asociacion Diexman Uruguay [20]
Jorge Isacc García Rangel
VOA Radiogram
VOA Radiogram : The pilot project started by the Voice of the United States of America, which is broadcast on short-wave digital signal coded to be
picked up by enthusiastic listeners worldwide . These signals then be decoded by software installed on our computers can decode texts and digital
photographs. The Radiogram is a form of listening that is still very popular among those who love listening to shortwave, and many international
broadcasters and begin to use it as an information medium .
Here's an audio clip of Radiogram program produced and presented by my friend Kim Andrew Elliott , from Washington , United States of America. In
the photo below you can see Kim ( first left) with my former student communication Lourdes Guarino , and another official of the VOA , serving them as
a guide in the VOA studios last year. Lourdes also appears in one of the studies of the VOA .
VOA Radiogram: Es el proyecto experimental llevado por la Voz de los Estados Unidos de América, donde se emite por la onda corta señales digitales
codificadas para ser captadas por entusiastas radio escuchas de todo el mundo. Estas señales luego de ser decodificadas a través de un software
instalado en nuestros computadores, pueden descifrar textos y fotografías digitales. El Radiogram es una modalidad de escucha que se esta siendo
muy popular entre los amantes de la escucha de la onda corta, y ya muchas emisoras internacionales comienzan a utilizarlo como medio de
He aquí un fragmento de audio del programa Radiogram producido y presentado por mi amigo Kim Andrew Elliott, desde Washington, Estados
Unidos de América. En la foto de abajo pueden apreciar a Kim (Primero a la izquierda) junto a mi ex alumna de comunicación Lourdes Guarino, y otro
funcionario de la VOA, sirviendoles de guía en los estudios de la VOA en año pasado. También aparece Lourdes en uno de los estudios de la VOA. - con Lourdes Guarino.
Glenn Hauser
Logs May 20, 2014
** BRAZIL. 11720, 11750, 11810, 11840, May 20 at 0551, RNA 11780 transmitter is still putting out distorted spurs at plus and minus 30 and 60
kHz, much stronger on the closer ones, and 11780 itself is increasingly distorted (Glenn Hauser, OK, DX LISTENING DIGEST)
** CANADA. 1610, May 20 at 0558 UT, again no IBOC from 1600 KATZ St. Louis to block: ``CHHA, Radio Voces Latinas, 1610-AM`` ID; 0559 plug
for ``su noticiero Panorama, de lunes a viernes``, promo some 21 de mayo event in Toronto.
And no IBOC either from KEPN Lakewood CO at a right angle to block Anguilla. Holding breath/crossing fingers that both be gone for good, but one is
often ultimately disappointed in such cases (Glenn Hauser, OK, DX LISTENING DIGEST)
** CHINA. CNR1 jammers, morning of May 20:
15555, May 20 at 1234, CNR1 jammer, very poor, het+, // 18990
16100, May 20 at 1231, CNR1 jammer, poor
17480, May 20 at 1328, CNR1 jammer, poor-fair with ID. New frequency not in Aoki, nor any target listed at this time. However, EiBi shows Cairo in
English to SE Asia until 1330, possible victim? Normally on 17870, so 17480 an alternate?
18870, May 20 at 1320, CNR1 jammer, poor; none higher yet
18980, May 20 at 1325, CNR1 jammer, fair, vs unheard RFA Tibetan via Kuwait`s Tuesday & Friday frequency during this hour
18990, May 20 at 1233, CNR1 jammer, good with CJKT, ``Chung-kuo Chi-sheng`` IDs, here to block inaudible RFA Tibetan via Kuwait on its Tue &
Fri jump-channel during this hour only. No others 16-20 MHz
** EGYPT. 9315, May 20 at 0121, R. Cairo open carrier/dead air, then just barely modulated, presumed Spanish. Other Spanish on 12070, awful
distortion with hum; 11710v distorted but mostly readable, over het from Argentina. 9965 is very strong in Arabic (Glenn Hauser, OK, DX LISTENING
DIGEST) See also CHINA: 17480
** INDIA. 11985, May 20 at 0115, AIR carrier following Sinhala service is still on with nothing but hum (Glenn Hauser, OK, DX LISTENING DIGEST)
** KURDISTAN [non]. 17870, May 20 at 0548, fair signal talking about Ukraine, in Farsi, maybe? No, it`s Kurdish per HFCC: VOA at 0500-0600,
100 kW, 85 degrees from Biblis, GERMANY (Glenn Hauser, OK, DX LISTENING DIGEST)
** OKLAHOMA. RF 31 & 32, KXOK-LD Enid and intercity relay, May 20 at 1417 UT, TVOK is *finally* showing something else besides endless
repeats of `Discover Oklahoma` and `Outdoor Oklahoma` episodes --- some human intervention has finally occurred. It`s infomercials! Jillian
exercise hard-sell; 1500 UT something about fishing lures, 1530 UT pushing videos of ancient Dean Martin comedy roasts.
This is on 31-1; 31-2 has resumed full-screen color bars with M-FOX PSIP, and 31-3 is once again active but black instead of any Azteca. Silence on
both audiowise, and as a matter of fact, so is main channel 31-1, except for some hum, still such as 1545. However, Suddenlink Cable ch 15 in Enid
Asociacion Diexman Uruguay [21]
does have sound on KXOK, so must not be picking it up off the air even tho transmitter is only a block away in downtown Enid! What a sorry excuse for
a TV station, Enid`s only (and no translators active here either, tho there are CPs for some and other LPTVs; KSBI`s K45EJ continues to be imaginary
for years even tho on their RF 51 ID slides) (Glenn Hauser, Enid, DX LISTENING DIGEST)
** PERU. 5980, May 20 at 0109, R. Chaski carrier and some modulation, but when I spy my watch to time the cutoff, find it`s lost a minute: battery
must be dying. No way to time it exactly on short notice. But Chaski goes off somewhat before 0112, and since it was 0111:37.5* yesterday, today it
would be about 0111:43 (Glenn Hauser, OK, DX LISTENING DIGEST)
** SOUTH CAROLINA [and non]. 12105, May 20 at 0116, via WTWW, Brother Scare himself has come back to life on The Overcomer Ministry, after
some weeks` absence except for canned contact announcements. Now he is talking about Pentecost on Sunday June 8, which matches for 2014y, so
presumably current. He`s planning a service in the tabernacle at 10 am (even tho it`s not the Sabbath), when ``the power of God will come to power
us`` and anticipates ``visitation from our God``. That should be neat! Walterboro, center of the universe. Also gives e-mail as
[email protected] Then back to an unID clip, but further random chex find BS himself orating, not the other unID subguy(s) we have
been hearing for weeks (Glenn Hauser, OK, DX LISTENING DIGEST) See also USA: WTWW
** SRI LANKA. 11905, May 20 at 0114, SLBC open carrier, 0114:47 music starts, 0115:17 mistimesignal (Glenn Hauser, OK, DX LISTENING
** U S A. 9475 & 5830, May 20 at 0119, WTWW-1 is missing from both frequencies. The BS service is on both 12105 and 5085, so this date, 9930
is already off by 0100 instead of 0200 some nights such as UT May 18, QRMing 9925 The Mighty KBC at 0000-0200.
At 0544 recheck May 20, 12105 is still on with BS but down to poor signal level. At 1403 May 20, 9930 WTWW-2 is on with BS, but 12105 WTWW-3
is not (Glenn Hauser, OK, DX LISTENING DIGEST)
** U S A. 9330.88 approx., May 20 at 0125, WBCQ is almost 1 kHz off-frequency, on this transmitter now active only in the evenings. ``This ministry
is supported by viewers of discovery partners`` -- and I thought this was a radio station!
5110-, CUSB, UT Tuesday May 20 at 0132, WBCQ again playing an `Allan Weiner Worldwide` episode, as he is explaining his studio- and other
cams people are invited to web-watch during live broadcasts, which this is not. The schedule at continues to show nothing before 0200 UT Tue-Sat, Good Friends Radio Network
** U S A. A bit of tropo enhancement from the north heralded by 90.1 KHCC Hutchinson, Radio Kansas overcoming KUCO Edmond OK, May 20 at
1350, continuing with NPR instead of Marketplace on KUCO. So I soon rotate TV antenna north and check for signals:
RF 45, May 20 at 1417, KSNW Wichita, the #1 signal from there is in but not above breakup level with NBC on 3-1. Until recently, the KSNW
subchannels had been fallow, what a waste! Now there is a 3-2 with Telemun as in the PSIP (add -do), during steamy soap opera `Decisiones`. The
NBC affiliation probably led to this. I compare it to KTUZ-29 in OK, and find during a commercial break with local ads in OKC, KSNW is running PSAs. does not list a single Telemundo (sub)channel anywhere in Kansas or even Missouri, but now can add this one. (And only one other in OK,
RF 11, KSWO 7.2 Lawton. So not on KUOK RF 35 Woodward either, despite sharing KTUZ transmitter with rival Univision?) (Glenn Hauser, Enid OK,
** VATICAN [non]. 15440, May 20 at 1228, 1 kHz tone stops, dead air; 1230 upcut join in progress Vatican Radio theme, `Laudetur Iesus Christus`
ID in Russian and then in English, ``You are listening to Vatican Radio`s Russian-language program``. Relay via IBB, Tinang, PHILIPPINES, as the
USG continues to grant preferential treatment only to the RCC, violating SoChaS (Glenn Hauser, OK, DX LISTENING DIGEST)
UNIDENTIFIED. 17089.2 // 17179.2, May 20 at 1331, clix exactly once a second, sounding like WWV and in fact synchronized with it, but no
markers on the minutes or announcements. Some coastal station idling? (Glenn Hauser, OK, DX LISTENING DIGEST)
Oscar de Céspedes
Noticia Local De Miami
Noticia Local De Miami Relacionada Con Las Telecomunicaciones. Copiado De Youtube
Claudio Galaz
Frecuencias periodo A-14
Frecuencias periodo A-14
Asociacion Diexman Uruguay [22]
Claudio Galaz
Programa: "Escucha Chile"
Así era el aún recordado programa: "Escucha Chile" que emitió la Radio Moscú:
Nota del Editor: Gracias Claudio, escuchado, bajado y guardado, mut recoendable a los amigos que otros lo guarden y se perserve estos sonidos
testimoniales para todos, y cada año se aprecia mucho mas estas grabaciones.
Michael Bethge
Dear OM, Below please find our DX MAGAZINE News for the month of May. Best wishes and good DX until June, Michael Bethge
WORLDWIDE DX CLUB, Postfach 1214, D-61282 Bad Homburg, GERMANY
Fax: +49 6172 123117 E-Mail: [email protected] Internet:
Walter Eibl - Postfach 15 45 - D-91005 Erlangen - GERMANY
11710.722 RAE Buenos Aires in English, but heard only Spanish language Latin American music songs, very smooth music. At 0210 UT on April
12. (wb, wwdxc BC-DX TopNews April 12)
11710.660 kHz RAE Buenos Aires in Japanese at 0135 UT April 17. Bandoneon music. Excellent music from downunder South America. S=9+20dB
or -55dBm strength. Female locutora in Japanese language.
15345.280 RAE Buenos Aires scheduled 1700-2400 UT, heard with Italian language sce at 1923 UT April 17, S=9+15dB or -63dBm signal
strength, steadily reinforcing. (wb, wwdxc BC-DX TopNews April 17)
Shortly after WOR 1718 was finished, we heard from Horacio Nigro that according to the station's Facebook, since April 22 schedule is now 18302130 UT, still M-F only. Its FB had been inactive since November 29, but now the 2014 Dotación [crew] is in place, with a new logo (gh, WOR
1719, DXLD)
15476 R Nacional Arcángel San Gabriel ATA, Base Esperanza, 1935 23 Apr, px mx + ID, 23333. (Mauro Giroletti, Italy, yg via DXLD)
15476 LRA36. April 24 again heard an open carrier with no audio, but weaker than yesterday's decent signal strength; heard as early as 1258 and
still on at 1435. Believe my reception on 23rd was strong enough that if they had audio I would have had some trace of it, so this is just a
case of the transmitter being on for an extended time? April 25 no carrier heard, with propagation that seemed normal; checked at 1306
and 1334. (Ron Howard, Asilomar State Beach, E1 & CR-1, dxldyg via WOR 1719, DXLD)
There has been a minor change to the Radio Australia shortwave schedule, affecting a relay service provided by Babcock Communications at Al
Dhabbaya UAE.
Effective 0100 UTC Thursday 17 April 2014.
The existing 9610 kHz at 2200-2300 UT transmission is moving to 9900 kHz from 17 April 2014. The move is necessary to avoid
interference from an adjacent channel service on 9615 kHz. [? probably to avoid CNR1 jamming on 9615 kHz ? 9900 kHz registered now
with 500 kW of power, - and shortened by 30mins at 2300-2330 UT too, wb.] (Gary Baxter-AUS, Transmission Planning Executive,
Communications Networks Division; via Andreas Volk-D ADDX Munich Germany, via wwdxc BC-DX TopNews April 17)
A-14 shortwave schedule of Radio Australia:
9660 Br
010 kW 010 deg to NPAC
12005 SNG
250 kW 340 deg to SEAs
12080 Br
010 kW 080 deg to EPAC
15240 Sh
100 kW 030 deg to NPAC
15415 Sh
100 kW 355 deg to EAs
17750 Sh
100 kW 329 deg to SEAs
17795 Sh
100 kW 050 deg to EPAC
17860 Sh
100 kW 070 deg to EPAC
19000 Sh
100 kW 065 deg to EPAC
9660 Br
010 kW 010 deg to NPAC
12080 Br
010 kW 080 deg to EPAC
15240 Sh
100 kW 030 deg to NPAC
15415 Sh
100 kW 355 deg to EAs
17750 Sh
100 kW 329 deg to SEAs
17795 Sh
100 kW 050 deg to EPAC
17860 Sh
100 kW 070 deg to EPAC
19000 Sh
100 kW 065 deg to EPAC
9660 Br
010 kW 010 deg to NPAC
11780 SNG
100 kW 340 deg to SEAs
Asociacion Diexman Uruguay [23]
12080 Br
15160 Sh
15240 Sh
15415 Sh
17750 Sh
17795 Sh
17840 Sh
9660 Br
12080 Br
15160 Sh
15240 Sh
15415 Sh
17750 Sh
17795 Sh
17840 Sh
9660 Br
12080 Br
15160 Sh
15240 Sh
15415 Sh
17750 Sh
17795 Sh
17840 Sh
9660 Br
12080 Br
12080 Br
15160 Sh
15240 Sh
15240 Sh
15300 Sh
15300 Sh
15415 Sh
17750 Sh
17840 Sh
9660 Br
12080 Br
15160 Sh
15240 Sh
15300 Sh
15415 Sh
17750 Sh
17840 Sh
9660 Br
12080 Br
15160 Sh
15240 Sh
15300 Sh
15415 Sh
17750 Sh
17800 HBN
17840 Sh
9660 Br
12080 Br
13630 Sh
15240 Sh
15300 Sh
15415 Sh
17750 Sh
21725 Sh
9660 Br
11945 Sh
12080 Br
13630 Sh
15240 Sh
15415 Sh
010 kW 080 deg to EPAC
100 kW 065 deg to EPAC
100 kW 030 deg to NPAC
100 kW 355 deg to EAs
100 kW 329 deg to SEAs
100 kW 050 deg to EPAC
100 kW 070 deg to EPAC
010 kW 010 deg to NPAC
010 kW 080 deg to EPAC
100 kW 065 deg to EPAC
100 kW 030 deg to NPAC
100 kW 355 deg to EAs
100 kW 329 deg to SEAs
100 kW 050 deg to EPAC
100 kW 070 deg to EPAC
010 kW 010 deg to NPAC
010 kW 080 deg to EPAC
100 kW 065 deg to EPAC
100 kW 030 deg to NPAC
100 kW 355 deg to EAs
100 kW 329 deg to SEAs
100 kW 050 deg to EPAC
100 kW 070 deg to EPAC
010 kW 010 deg to NPAC
010 kW 080 deg to EPAC
010 kW 080 deg to EPAC
100 kW 065 deg to EPAC
100 kW 030 deg to NPAC
100 kW 030 deg to NPAC
100 kW 070 deg to EPAC
100 kW 070 deg to EPAC
100 kW 355 deg to EAs
100 kW 329 deg to SEAs
100 kW 050 deg to EAs
010 kW 010 deg to NPAC
010 kW 080 deg to EPAC
100 kW 065 deg to EPAC
100 kW 030 deg to NPAC
100 kW 070 deg to EPAC
100 kW 355 deg to EAs
100 kW 329 deg to SEAs
100 kW 050 deg to EAs
010 kW 010 deg to NPAC
010 kW 080 deg to EPAC
100 kW 065 deg to EPAC
100 kW 030 deg to NPAC
100 kW 070 deg to EPAC
100 kW 355 deg to EAs
100 kW 329 deg to SEAs
100 kW 270 deg to SEAs
100 kW 050 deg to EAs
010 kW 010 deg to NPAC
010 kW 080 deg to EPAC
100 kW 050 deg to EPAC
100 kW 030 deg to NPAC
100 kW 070 deg to EPAC
100 kW 355 deg to EAs
100 kW 329 deg to SEAs
100 kW 329 deg to SEAs
010 kW 010 deg to NPAC
100 kW 100 deg to SoPAC
010 kW 080 deg to EPAC
100 kW 050 deg to EPAC
100 kW 030 deg to NPAC
100 kW 355 deg to EAs
French Mo-Fr
English Sa/Su
French Mo-Fr
English Sa/Su
French Mo-Fr
English Sa/Su
Asociacion Diexman Uruguay [24]
17750 Sh
100 kW 329 deg to SEAs
21725 Sh
100 kW 329 deg to SEAs
7410 Sh
100 kW 030 deg to NPAC
9475 Sh
100 kW 353 deg to EAs
9660 Br
010 kW 010 deg to NPAC
9710 Sh
100 kW 355 deg to EAs
11945 Sh
100 kW 100 deg to SoPAC
12080 Br
010 kW 080 deg to EPAC
13630 Sh
100 kW 050 deg to EPAC
15240 Sh
100 kW 030 deg to NPAC
5995 Br
010 kW 010 deg to NPAC
7410 Sh
100 kW 030 deg to NPAC
9475 Sh
100 kW 353 deg to EAs
9580 Sh
100 kW 080 deg to EPAC
9710 Sh
100 kW 355 deg to EAs
11945 Sh
100 kW 100 deg to SoPAC
12080 Br
010 kW 080 deg to EPAC
15240 Sh
100 kW 030 deg to NPAC
5995 Br
010 kW 010 deg to NPAC
6080 Sh
100 kW 005 deg to NPAC
6150 Sh
100 kW 030 deg to NPAC
9475 Sh
100 kW 030 deg to NPAC
9580 Sh
100 kW 080 deg to EPAC
9710 Sh
100 kW 355 deg to EAs
11945 Sh
100 kW 100 deg to SoPAC
12080 Br
010 kW 080 deg to EPAC
5995 Br
010 kW 010 deg to NPAC
5995 Br
010 kW 010 deg to NPAC
6080 Sh
100 kW 005 deg to NPAC
6080 Sh
100 kW 005 deg to NPAC
6150 Sh
100 kW 030 deg to NPAC
6150 Sh
100 kW 030 deg to NPAC
9475 Sh
100 kW 030 deg to NPAC
9475 Sh
100 kW 030 deg to NPAC
9580 Sh
100 kW 070 deg to EPAC
9710 Sh
100 kW 355 deg to EAs
9710 Sh
100 kW 355 deg to EAs
12065 Sh
100 kW 070 deg to EPAC
12080 Br
010 kW 080 deg to EPAC
12080 Br
010 kW 080 deg to EPAC
5995 Br
010 kW 010 deg to NPAC
6080 Sh
100 kW 005 deg to NPAC
6140 SNG
100 kW 013 deg to SEAs
6150 Sh
100 kW 030 deg to NPAC
9475 Sh
100 kW 329 deg to SEAs
9580 Sh
100 kW 070 deg to EPAC
12065 Sh
100 kW 070 deg to EPAC
12080 Br
005 kW 080 deg to EPAC
DRM mode B, 64 QAM, 10 kHz, 20.5 kBits/sec.
12085 Sh
100 kW 329 deg to SEAs
5995 Br
005 kW 010 deg to NPAC
6080 Sh
100 kW 005 deg to NPAC
6140 SNG
100 kW 013 deg to SEAs
6150 Sh
100 kW 030 deg to NPAC
9475 Sh
100 kW 329 deg to SEAs
9580 Sh
100 kW 070 deg to EPAC
12065 Sh
100 kW 070 deg to EPAC
12085 Sh
100 kW 329 deg to SEAs
5940 Sh
100 kW 334 deg to SEAs
5995 Br
005 kW 010 deg to NPAC
6150 Sh
100 kW 030 deg to NPAC
9475 Sh
100 kW 329 deg to SEAs
9580 Sh
100 kW 070 deg to EPAC
9965 HBN
100 kW 318 deg to EAs
12065 Sh
100 kW 070 deg to EPAC
Pidgin Mo-Fr
English Sa/Su
Pidgin Mo-Fr
English Sa/Su
Pidgin Mo-Fr
English Sa/Su
Pidgin Mo-Fr
English Sa/Su
Pidgin Mo-Fr
English Sa/Su
Pidgin Mo-Fr
English Sa/Su
English DRM
Asociacion Diexman Uruguay [25]
12085 Sh
5940 Sh
5995 Sh
9475 Sh
9580 Sh
9965 HBN
12065 Sh
12085 Sh
5940 Sh
5995 Sh
9475 Sh
9580 Sh
12065 Sh
12085 Sh
5940 Sh
5995 Sh
9475 Sh
9850 Sh
12065 Sh
12085 Sh
5940 Sh
5995 Sh
9475 Sh
9850 Sh
11880 Sh
12085 Sh
5940 Sh
5995 Sh
9475 Sh
9540 SNG
9850 Sh
11880 Sh
12085 Sh
5940 Sh
5995 Sh
9475 Sh
9850 Sh
11880 Sh
12085 Sh
5995 Sh
9475 Sh
9580 Sh
9820 Sh
11880 Sh
12085 Sh
5995 Sh
6080 Sh
9475 Sh
9580 Sh
9820 Sh
11880 Sh
6080 Sh
9475 Sh
9580 Sh
9710 Sh
9820 Sh
11880 Sh
6080 Sh
9580 Sh
9710 Sh
9820 Sh
11660 Sh
11880 Sh
6080 Sh
9580 Sh
100 kW 329 deg to SEAs
100 kW 334 deg to SEAs
100 kW 030 deg to NPAC
100 kW 329 deg to SEAs
100 kW 070 deg to EPAC
100 kW 318 deg to EAs
100 kW 070 deg to EPAC
100 kW 329 deg to SEAs
100 kW 334 deg to SEAs
100 kW 030 deg to NPAC
100 kW 329 deg to SEAs
100 kW 070 deg to EPAC
100 kW 070 deg to EPAC
100 kW 329 deg to SEAs
100 kW 334 deg to SEAs
100 kW 030 deg to NPAC
100 kW 329 deg to SEAs
100 kW 040 deg to NPAC
100 kW 070 deg to EPAC
100 kW 329 deg to SEAs
100 kW 334 deg to SEAs
100 kW 030 deg to NPAC
100 kW 329 deg to SEAs
100 kW 040 deg to NPAC
100 kW 050 deg to NPAC
100 kW 329 deg to SEAs
100 kW 334 deg to SEAs
100 kW 030 deg to NPAC
100 kW 329 deg to SEAs
250 kW 340 deg to SEAs
100 kW 040 deg to NPAC
100 kW 050 deg to NPAC
100 kW 329 deg to SEAs
100 kW 334 deg to SEAs
100 kW 030 deg to NPAC
100 kW 329 deg to SEAs
100 kW 040 deg to NPAC
100 kW 050 deg to NPAC
100 kW 329 deg to SEAs
100 kW 030 deg to NPAC
100 kW 329 deg to SEAs
100 kW 070 deg to EPAC
100 kW 353 deg to EAs
100 kW 050 deg to NPAC
100 kW 329 deg to SEAs
100 kW 030 deg to NPAC
100 kW 005 deg to NPAC
100 kW 329 deg to SEAs
100 kW 070 deg to EPAC
100 kW 353 deg to EAs
100 kW 050 deg to NPAC
100 kW 005 deg to NPAC
100 kW 329 deg to SEAs
100 kW 070 deg to EPAC
100 kW 030 deg to NPAC
100 kW 353 deg to EAs
100 kW 050 deg to NPAC
100 kW 005 deg to NPAC
100 kW 070 deg to EPAC
100 kW 030 deg to NPAC
100 kW 353 deg to EAs
100 kW 065 deg to EPAC
100 kW 050 deg to NPAC
100 kW 005 deg to NPAC
100 kW 070 deg to EPAC
Asociacion Diexman Uruguay [26]
9820 Sh
11650 Sh
11660 Sh
12080 Br
15515 Sh
9580 Sh
11650 Sh
11660 Sh
11695 Sh
12080 Br
15415 Sh
15515 Sh
9660 Br
11650 Sh
11695 Sh
12080 Br
13630 Sh
15415 Sh
15515 Sh
17860 Sh
9660 Br
9855 UAE
9900 UAE
11695 Sh
12080 Br
13630 Sh
15240 Sh
15415 Sh
15515 Sh
17860 Sh
9660 Br
9855 UAE
11695 Sh
12080 Br
15240 Sh
15415 Sh
17795 Sh
17860 Sh
19000 Sh
9660 Br
9855 UAE
12080 Br
15240 Sh
15415 Sh
17750 Sh
17795 Sh
17860 Sh
19000 Sh
100 kW 353 deg to EAs
100 kW 030 deg to NPAC
100 kW 065 deg to EPAC
010 kW 080 deg to EPAC
100 kW 050 deg to NPAC
100 kW 070 deg to EPAC
100 kW 030 deg to NPAC
100 kW 065 deg to EPAC
100 kW 329 deg to SEAs
010 kW 080 deg to EPAC
100 kW 355 deg to EAs
100 kW 050 deg to NPAC
010 kW 010 deg to NPAC
100 kW 030 deg to NPAC
100 kW 329 deg to SEAs
010 kW 080 deg to EPAC
100 kW 065 deg to EPAC
100 kW 355 deg to EAs
100 kW 050 deg to NPAC
100 kW 070 deg to EPAC
010 kW 010 deg to NPAC
500 kW 090 deg to SEAs
500 kW 105 deg to SEAs
100 kW 329 deg to SEAs
010 kW 080 deg to EPAC
100 kW 065 deg to EPAC
100 kW 030 deg to NPAC
100 kW 355 deg to EAs
100 kW 050 deg to NPAC
100 kW 070 deg to EPAC
010 kW 010 deg to NPAC
500 kW 090 deg to SEAs
100 kW 329 deg to SEAs
010 kW 080 deg to EPAC
100 kW 030 deg to NPAC
100 kW 355 deg to EAs
100 kW 050 deg to NPAC
100 kW 070 deg to EPAC
100 kW 065 deg to EPAC
010 kW 010 deg to NPAC
250 kW 090 deg to SEAs
010 kW 080 deg to EPAC
100 kW 030 deg to NPAC
100 kW 355 deg to EAs
100 kW 329 deg to SEAs
100 kW 050 deg to NPAC
100 kW 070 deg to EPAC
100 kW 065 deg to EPAC
(RA PDF file, A14v1.1, April 17)
English ex9610
BELARUS - Summer A-14 SW transmissions from Belarus Belarussian Radio 1 (incl.relay Radio Stalitza, Radio Grodno):
11930 MNS
125 kW 072 deg to EaEUR
7255 MNS
125 kW 072 deg to EaEUR
6080 MNS
100 kW 127 deg to NE/ME
Radio Belarus Minsk:
11730 MNS
11730 MNS
11730 MNS
7255 MNS
7255 MNS
11730 MNS
7255 MNS
11730 MNS
7255 MNS
100 kW 246 deg to WEu
100 kW 246 deg to WEu
100 kW 246 deg to WEu
125 kW 252 deg to WEu
125 kW 252 deg to WEu
100 kW 246 deg to WEu
125 kW 252 deg to WEu
100 kW 246 deg to WEu
125 kW 252 deg to WEu
German Tue/Wed/Fr
German Tue/Wed/Fr
French Sa-Mo/Thu
Asociacion Diexman Uruguay [27]
11730 MNS
7255 MNS
11730 MNS
7255 MNS
11730 MNS
7255 MNS
11730 MNS
7255 MNS
11730 MNS
(unid via RUSdx April 20)
100 kW 246 deg to WEu
125 kW 252 deg to WEu
100 kW 246 deg to WEu
125 kW 252 deg to WEu
100 kW 246 deg to WEu
125 kW 252 deg to WEu
100 kW 246 deg to WEu
125 kW 252 deg to WEu
100 kW 246 deg to WEu
French Sa-Mo/Thu
Spanish Sa-Mo/Thu
Spanish Sa-Mo/Thu
English Tue/Wed/Fr
English Tue/Wed/Fr
BOLIVIA - 4716.65, Radio Yatun Ayllu Yura, Yura, 0020 to 0025 lively vocal 25 April (Robert Wilkner, Pompano Beach, South Florida, 746Pro
Modified, Drake R8, Sony 2010XA, 120 meter dipole, and XM, Cedar Key, South Florida, NRD 525D - R8A - E5, DXLD)
6134.76, Radio Santa Cruz, 0945 solo flauta andina instrumental. 1005 "Transmite Radio Santa Cruz desde S. C. Bolivia". 24 April (Robert
Wilkner, Pompano Beach, South Florida, 746Pro Modified, Drake R8, Sony 2010XA, 120 meter dipole, DXLD)
BRAZIL - 3364.84, Brasil, Rádio Cultura, Araraquara, SP, 2333 fading in, 2341 vocalist in Portuguese followed by 2346 Joplin'esque singer,
sounded similar to Janis, 2350 om dj briefly over music. Same OM breaking in at 2352 and 2358 then blues like vocal, at 0002 into pop rock music
and at 0027 alto female vocalist with fading signal. 22/23 April.
3375.1, Brasil, Radio Municipal São Gabriel da Cachoeira, 0935 om in Portuguese 0940 music, fair signal with some fading and QRN. 24 April.
(Robert Wilkner, Pompano Beach, South Florida, 746Pro modified, Drake R8, Sony 2010XA, 120 meter dipole, DXLD)
6059.782 SRDA ZYE726 Curitiba PR longtime sermon prayer in Brazilian Portuguese lang. 0940 UT April 27.
6180.004 RNB Brazilia with station ID in Portuguese at 0959 UT, also website URL and e-mail address given. S=8-9dB or -72dBm.
4875.035 ZYG810 Rádio Dif. Roraima, Boa Vista, RR, Portuguese light smooth music. S=8 or -90dBm, some mx pieces from Canada. Observed on
remote SDR unit in NY-USA. (wb, wwdxc BC-DX TopNews April 27/28)
4785, R. Caiari, Pt.º Velho RO, 2152-2205, 05/4, relato de encontro de futebol; 25331. 4785 idem, 2212-2224, 06/4, anúncio sobre saúde,
indicação da freq. OM, 1430 kHz, seguindo-se futebol; 45433.
4864.4, R. Alvorada, Londrina PR, 2159-2209, 03/4, texto, A Voz do Brasil, às 2200; 23341, QRM de CODAR.
4875.1, R. Dif.ª de Roraima, Boa Vista RR, 2138-2145, 04/4, texto; 23331, QRM de CODAR. Sinal razoável em 05/4, pelas 2200.
4875.07, idem, 2145-2204, 06/4, rubrica dos Alcoólicos Anónimos, anúncio do n.º de telef. dos AA, canções anúncio da freq. 590 kHz, ao que se
seguiu propaganda religiosa; 44433.
6105, R. Filadélfia, Foz do Iguaçu PR, 2154-2201, 03/4, canções, seguindo-se-lhes A Voz do Brasil, às 2200; 44422, QRM da China, às 2200, o
que "matou" a continuação da observação.
9586.4, SRDA, São Paulo SP, 2143-2155, 03/4, prolongado anúncio de programa dominical, a ser apresentado por Davi Miranda; 45433.
9635v, R. Aparecida, Aparecida SP. Durante o período de 3 a 6/4, apresentou sobremodulação, que já notara numa observação anterior, feita em
Lisboa, v.g. em 01/4, 2103-2120, SINPO DE 44433 (QRM adj.), em que difudiram a rubrica de propag. relig. Caminhando com Maria, no programa
Cantinho Sertanejo, sendo que a freq., nesse dia 01/4, foi 9636 - e não é "peta" de 1 de Abril; foi mesmo 1 kHz acima da freq. nominal.
9665.6, R. Voz Missionária, Camboriú SC, 2104-2122, 04/4, canções, pedido de donativos e indicação do n.º da conta banc.ª; 55444 .
9818.8, R. 9 de Julho, São Paulo SP, 2107-2125, 04/4, anúncios para a Campanha da Fraternidade, seguindo-se a rubrica Giro Franciscano, às
2111; 44533, QRM adj., da CHN, em 9820.
11764.75, SRDA, Curitiba PR, 2050-2112, 04/4, canções e propaganda religiosa, com frases traduzidas para castelhano; 55544.
11856.35, R. Aparecida, Aparecida SP, 1906-1928, 04/4, programa musical (Brasil Sertanejo?); 25442, melhorando para 55544, pelo menos,
por volta das 2100.
11894.9, R. Boa Vontade, Pt.º Alegre RS, 2139-2154, 03/4, propaganda religiosa "temperada" com peças musicais; 35432 (!); // 9550 com
sinal fraco e sob alguma QRM.
15191v, [R. Inconfidência], Entre 03 e 07/4, tentei várias vezes os 15191v, mas nunca obtive um sinal mìnimamente decente, mercê da QRM em
15190 [WRMI]; nem mesmo a Beverage apontada ao Brasil ajudou q.b.
(Carlos Gonçalves, PORTUGAL, radioescutas yg via DXLD)
BULGARIA - 11600 QSL Bible Voice Broadcasting Persian / Farsi BCB to Asia via Kostinbrod. Full data (w/site indicated) "reaching Nations-one
person, at a time, multi-colour QSL card for a e-mail report. Initial, I sent a Postal Report to there Toronto address, but it came back marked as
"Undeliverable - Moved". So a sent a E-MAIL REPORT, RECEIVED A REPLY, AND ALL FUTURE reception reports are to be sent to this address:
H.A.G.C.M., P.O.Box 95561, Newmarket, Ontario, L3Y 8J8, Canada.
V/S: Joan Shorthouse.
(Edward Kusalik-Alb-CAN VE6EFK, DXplorer April 27)
BULGARIA / FRANCE / GERMANY / U.K. /U.S.A. - Updated summer A-14 shortwave schedule of Brother Stair TOM:
0000-0100 3185 WRB 100 kW 045 deg to ENAm English
0000-0100 5085 TWW 100 kW 180 deg to SAm English
0000-0100 7490vBCQ 050 kW 245 deg to ENAm English Mo-Sa
0000-0100 7730 YFR 100 kW 044 deg to WEu English
0100-0200 3185 WRB 100 kW 045 deg to ENAm English
0100-0200 5085 TWW 100 kW 180 deg to SAm English
0100-0200 7490vBCQ 050 kW 245 deg to ENAm English Mo-Sa
0100-0200 7730 YFR 100 kW 044 deg to WEu English
Asociacion Diexman Uruguay [28]
0100-0200 7570 YFR 100 kW 315 deg to WNAm English
0200-0300 3185 WRB 100 kW 045 deg to ENAm English
0200-0300 5085 TWW 100 kW 180 deg to SAm English
0200-0300 7490vBCQ 050 kW 245 deg to ENAm English Mo-Sa
0200-0300 7570 YFR 100 kW 315 deg to WNAm English
0300-0400 3185 WRB 100 kW 045 deg to ENAm English
0300-0400 5085 TWW 100 kW 180 deg to SAm English
0300-0400 5890 WCR 100 kW 090 deg to ENAm English Tue-Sa
0300-0400 7570 YFR 100 kW 315 deg to WNAm English
0400-0500 3185 WRB 100 kW 045 deg to ENAm English
0400-0500 5085 TWW 100 kW 180 deg to SAm English
0400-0500 5890 WCR 100 kW 090 deg to ENAm English
0400-0500 7570 YFR 100 kW 315 deg to WNAm English
0400-0500 15190 YFR 100 kW 087 deg to NoCAf English
0500-0600 3185 WRB 100 kW 045 deg to ENAm English
0500-0600 5085 TWW 100 kW 180 deg to SAm English
0500-0600 5890 WCR 100 kW 090 deg to ENAm English
0500-0600 7570 YFR 100 kW 315 deg to WNAm English
0500-0600 9955 YFR 100 kW 160 deg to CeAM English
0500-0600 15190 YFR 100 kW 087 deg to NoCAf English
0600-0700 3185 WRB 100 kW 045 deg to ENAm English
0600-0700 5085 TWW 100 kW 180 deg to SAm English
0600-0700 5890 WCR 100 kW 090 deg to ENAm English
0600-0700 7365 HRI 250 kW 047 deg to WEu English
0600-0700 7570 YFR 100 kW 315 deg to WNAm English
0600-0700 9955 YFR 100 kW 160 deg to CeAM English
0600-0700 15190 YFR 100 kW 087 deg to NoCAf English
0700-0800 3185 WRB 100 kW 045 deg to ENAm English
0700-0800 5085 TWW 100 kW 180 deg to SAm English
0700-0800 5890 WCR 100 kW 090 deg to ENAm English
0700-0800 7365 HRI 250 kW 047 deg to WEu English
0700-0800 7570 YFR 100 kW 315 deg to WNAm English
0700-0800 9955 YFR 100 kW 160 deg to CeAM English
0700-0800 11600 SOF 050 kW 030 deg to EaEUR English Su-Fr
0700-0800 15190 YFR 100 kW 087 deg to NoCAf English
0800-1000 3185 WRB 100 kW 045 deg to ENAm English
0800-1000 5085 TWW 100 kW 180 deg to SAm English
0800-1000 5890 WCR 100 kW 090 deg to ENAm English
0800-1000 7570 YFR 100 kW 315 deg to WNAm English
0800-1000 9955 YFR 100 kW 160 deg to CeAM English
0800-1000 11600 SOF 050 kW 030 deg to EaEUR English Su-Fr
1000-1100 3185 WRB 100 kW 045 deg to ENAm English
1000-1100 5085 TWW 100 kW 180 deg to SAm English
1000-1100 5890 WCR 100 kW 090 deg to ENAm English
1000-1100 7570 YFR 100 kW 315 deg to WNAm English
1000-1100 11565 HRI 250 kW 245 deg to AUS English
1000-1100 11600 SOF 050 kW 030 deg to EaEUR English Su-Fr
1100-1200 3185 WRB 100 kW 045 deg to ENAm English
1100-1200 5085 TWW 100 kW 180 deg to SAm English
1100-1200 5890 WCR 100 kW 090 deg to ENAm English Mo-Fr
1100-1200 9495 YFR 100 kW 181 deg to CARR English
1100-1200 9690 YFR 100 kW 285 deg to MEXI English
1100-1200 11565 HRI 250 kW 245 deg to AUS English
1100-1200 11600 SOF 050 kW 030 deg to EaEUR English Su-Fr
1200-1300 3185 WRB 100 kW 045 deg to ENAm English
1200-1300 5085 TWW 100 kW 180 deg to SAm English
1200-1300 9495 YFR 100 kW 181 deg to CARR English
1200-1300 9690 YFR 100 kW 285 deg to MEXI English
1200-1300 9980 WCR 100 kW 090 deg to ENAm English Mo-Fr
1200-1300 11600 SOF 050 kW 030 deg to EaEUR English Su-Fr
1300-1400 9370 WRB 100 kW 045 deg to ENAm English
1300-1400 9400 SOF 050 kW 030 deg to EaEUR English
1300-1400 9690 YFR 100 kW 285 deg to MEXI English
1300-1400 9930 TWW 100 kW 180 deg to SAm English
1300-1400 9980 WCR 100 kW 090 deg to ENAm English Mo-Fr
Asociacion Diexman Uruguay [29]
1300-1400 15770 YFR 100 kW 044 deg to WEu English
1400-1500 9370 WRB 100 kW 045 deg to ENAm English
1400-1500 9400 SOF 050 kW 030 deg to EaEUR English
1400-1500 9690 YFR 100 kW 285 deg to MEXI English
1400-1500 9930 TWW 100 kW 180 deg to SAm English
1400-1500 9955 YFR 100 kW 315 deg to WNAm English
1400-1500 9980 WCR 100 kW 090 deg to ENAm English
1400-1500 13810 NAU 100 kW 130 deg to N&ME English Mo-Fr
1400-1500 13810 ISS 100 kW 120 deg to N&ME English Sa/Su
1400-1500 15420 BCQ 050 kW 245 deg to ENAm English Sa CUSB
1400-1500 15770 YFR 100 kW 044 deg to WEu English
1500-1600 9370 WRB 100 kW 045 deg to ENAm English
1500-1600 9400 SOF 050 kW 030 deg to EaEUR English
1500-1600 9690 YFR 100 kW 285 deg to MEXI English
1500-1600 9930 TWW 100 kW 180 deg to SAm English
1500-1600 9955 YFR 100 kW 315 deg to WNAm English
1500-1600 9980 WCR 100 kW 090 deg to ENAm English
1500-1600 13810 NAU 100 kW 130 deg to N&ME English Mo-Fr
1500-1600 13810 ISS 100 kW 120 deg to N&ME English Sa/Su
1500-1600 15420 BCQ 050 kW 245 deg to ENAm English Sa CUSB
1500-1600 15770 YFR 100 kW 044 deg to WEu English
1600-1700 9370 WRB 100 kW 045 deg to ENAm English
1600-1700 9400 SOF 050 kW 030 deg to EaEUR English
1600-1700 9690 YFR 100 kW 285 deg to MEXI English
1600-1700 9840 HRI 250 kW 025 deg to ENAm English
1600-1700 9930 TWW 100 kW 180 deg to SAm English
1600-1700 9955 YFR 100 kW 315 deg to WNAm English
1600-1700 9980 WCR 100 kW 090 deg to ENAm English
1600-1700 11590 SOF 100 kW 306 deg to WEu English
1600-1700 15420 BCQ 050 kW 245 deg to ENAm English Sa CUSB
1600-1700 15770 YFR 100 kW 044 deg to WEu English
1600-1700 17610 HRI 100 kW 315 deg to NoWeAM English
1700-1800 9370 WRB 100 kW 045 deg to ENAm English
1700-1800 9690 YFR 100 kW 285 deg to MEXI English
1700-1800 9840 HRI 250 kW 025 deg to ENAm English
1700-1800 9930 TWW 100 kW 180 deg to SAm English
1700-1800 9955 YFR 100 kW 315 deg to WNAm English
1700-1800 9980 WCR 100 kW 090 deg to ENAm English
1700-1800 15770 YFR 100 kW 044 deg to WEu English
1700-1800 17610 HRI 100 kW 315 deg to NoWeAM English
1800-1900 7730 YFR 100 kW 044 deg to WEu English
1800-1900 9370 WRB 100 kW 045 deg to ENAm English
1800-1900 9690 YFR 100 kW 285 deg to MEXI English
1800-1900 9930 TWW 100 kW 180 deg to SAm English
1800-1900 9955 YFR 100 kW 315 deg to WNAm English
1800-1900 9980 WCR 100 kW 090 deg to ENAm English
1800-1900 15770 YFR 100 kW 044 deg to WEu English
1800-1900 17610 HRI 100 kW 315 deg to NoWeAM English
1800-1900 21600 HRI 250 kW 085 deg to CAf English Mo-Fr
1900-2000 9370 WRB 100 kW 045 deg to ENAm English
1900-2000 9690 YFR 100 kW 285 deg to MEXI English
1900-2000 9930 TWW 100 kW 180 deg to SAm English
1900-2000 9955 YFR 100 kW 315 deg to WNAm English
1900-2000 9980 WCR 100 kW 090 deg to ENAm English
1900-2000 15770 YFR 100 kW 044 deg to WEu English
1900-2000 21600 HRI 250 kW 085 deg to CAf English Mo-Fr
2000-2100 9370 WRB 100 kW 045 deg to ENAm English
2000-2100 9690 YFR 100 kW 285 deg to MEXI English
2000-2100 9840 HRI 250 kW 025 deg to ENAm English Mo-Fr
2000-2100 9930 TWW 100 kW 180 deg to SAm English
2000-2100 9955 YFR 100 kW 315 deg to WNAm English
2000-2100 9980 WCR 100 kW 090 deg to ENAm English
2000-2100 15770 YFR 100 kW 044 deg to WEu English
2000-2100 21600 HRI 250 kW 085 deg to CAf English Mo-Fr
2100-2200 9370 WRB 100 kW 045 deg to ENAm English
Asociacion Diexman Uruguay [30]
2100-2200 9930 TWW 100 kW 180 deg to SAm English
2100-2200 9955 YFR 100 kW 160 deg to CeAM English Mo-Fr
2100-2200 9980 WCR 100 kW 090 deg to ENAm English
2200-2300 7730 YFR 100 kW 044 deg to WEu English
2200-2300 9370 WRB 100 kW 045 deg to ENAm English
2200-2300 9690 YFR 100 kW 222 deg to CARB English
2200-2300 9930 TWW 100 kW 180 deg to SAm English
2200-2300 9955 YFR 100 kW 160 deg to CeAM English
2200-2300 9980 WCR 100 kW 090 deg to ENAm English
2300-2400 7730 YFR 100 kW 044 deg to WEu English
2300-2400 9370 WRB 100 kW 045 deg to ENAm English
2300-2400 9930 TWW 100 kW 180 deg to SAm English
2300-2400 9955 YFR 100 kW 160 deg to CeAM English
7490v = 7490.480 kHz
(Ivo Ivanov-BUL, via wwdxc BC-DX TopNews April 17)
CHINA - Summer A-14 unregistered frequencies of China Radio International
0201-0257 17505 KUN 500 kW 234 deg to SAs Tamil
0701-0757 17875 KUN 500 kW 175 deg to SEAs Cantonese
0831-0927 15115 KUN 100 kW 175 deg to SEAs Indonesian
0831-0927 17705 KUN 500 kW 177 deg to SEAs Indonesian
(Ivo Ivanov-BUL, via wwdxc BC-DX TopNews April 30)
3950.00, 1650-1700, CHINA, 19.04, Xinjiang PBS, Urumqi. Chinese announcement, Chinese pop songs 35333 // 5060 (35343) and 5960
3990.00, 1655-1705, CHINA, 19.04, Xinjiang PBS, Urumqi. Uighur interview, time signal at 1700 and interview continued, QRM HCJB 3995
34233 // 4980 (35232) 6120 (45333) 7205 (35433)
4500.00, 1700-1710, CHINA, 19.04, Xinjiang PBS, Urumqi. Mongolian talk with short musical interlude of local orchestra music. 35243 // 6190
(43443) (Anker Petersen, AOR AR7030PLUS with 28 metres of longwire in Skovlunde, Denmark, via Dario Monferini, playdx yg via DXLD)
COLOMBIA - 5910.060 ... x.070 Alcaraván Rádio, Lomalinda, Puerto Lleras, Meta, Colombia, nice trumpet music at 1022 UT April 28, logged on
remote unit in Edmonton-Alb-CAN. TX ist NOT stable, frequency hopping 10-15 Hertz up and down. Dulce canciones. (wb, wwdxc BC-DX TopNews
April 27/28)
CUBA - More and more frequency changes of Radio Habana Cuba for A-14
1930-2000 NF 11840 HAB 100 kW / 053 deg to WEu French, ex 17720
2000-2030 NF 11840 HAB 100 kW / 053 deg to WEu Portuguese, ex 17720
2030-2100 NF 11840 HAB 100 kW / 053 deg to WEu Arabic, ex 17720
2100-2300 NF 11840 HAB 100 kW / 053 deg to WEu Spanish, ex 17720
2100-0400 NF 13740 HAB 100 kW / 130 deg to SoAm Spanish, ex 17705
(Ivo Ivanov, April 9, dxldyg via DXLD)
5025, April 26 at 0544, R. Rebelde is off. Also off April 27 at 0120 check, with the 5040 leapfrogs.
5025, April 28 at 0130 and 0540, R. Rebelde is off again, and with it the leapfrogs on 5010, 5055
5025, April 29 at 0056, R. Rebelde is off again; 4765, April 29 around 0100, R. Progreso is on, but again can't hear the four spurs around it (gh,
Radio Rebelde, Cuba, has been absent from 5025 kHz until 0600 UT. Presume the two are connected, as when 5040 transmitter closed at 0600, a
few seconds later Rebelde on 5025 fired up.
RHC on 5040 did have a transmitter problem a week ago when I checked (21 April) with poor audio, so presume this transmitter is out of action, and
5040 and 5025 are sharing the one transmitter at present?
(Alan Pennington, Caversham, UK, Sony 7600GR +telescopic, April 29, BDXC-UK yg via DXLD)
EGYPT - 9965 relatively clean Radio Cairo Arabic service from Abu Zabaal site, hit a lot to adjacent RMI Okeechobee FL 9955 kHz at 0150 UT April
17. Scheduled 0030-0430 UT, though low modulation, but signal like powerhouse of S=9+40dB or -33dBm field strength. (wb, wwdxc BC-DX
TopNews April 17)
FRANCE - New summer A-14 schedule of R France Internationale in Russian:
1500-1600 13630 ISS 500 kW 055 deg to EEu, ex1500-1530
1500-1600 15215 ISS 500 kW 080 deg to CAs, ex1500-1530
1800-1900 11795 ISS 500 kW 055 deg to EEu, no change
1800-1900 13620 ISS 500 kW 080 deg to CAs, no change
1300-1330 15160 ISS 500 kW 055 deg to EEu, cancelled
1300-1330 17850 ISS 500 kW 080 deg to CAs, cancelled
(Ivo Ivanov-BUL, via wwdxc BC-DX TopNews April 14)
GERMANY [KUWAIT / MARIANA ISL {Saipan Tinian} / PHILIPPINES / SRI LANKA / UAE] Asociacion Diexman Uruguay [31]
VOA Deewa Radio from April 8
0100-0400 NF13840 IRA 250 kW 315 deg to WAs Pashto, ex 9370
Voice of America from April 13
1400-1500 NF12110 PHT 250 kW 270 deg to SAs English, ex12150 Mon-Fri
1500-1600 NF12110 PHT 250 kW 270 deg to SAs English, ex12150
Radio Liberty from April 8/12
1500-1600 NF13745 Lam 100 kW 068 deg to EEu Russian, ex 7270
1600-1700 NF13745 Lam 100 kW 068 deg to EEu Russian, ex 7270
Radio Free Asia from April 8
2330-0030 NF13835 SAI 100 kW 285 deg to SEAs Vietnamese, ex13850
(Ivo Ivanov-BUL, via wwdxc BC-DX TopNews April 12)
INDIA - All India Radio on SW in frequency order - Home & External Services - A-14 schedule of 8 Apr 2014:
kHz kW Station UTC (Target Area)
3945++ 50 Gorakhpur 0130-0230 Nepali (NPL), 0230-0300 HS,
1330-1430 Nepali (NPL), 1430-1735 Urdu (PAK)
4760 7 Leh
s0130/w0213-0430 1130-1630
4760 8.5 Port Blair 2355-0300 1030-1700 (Sat, Su 1730)
4775 50 Imphal
s0000/w0030-0215 1030-1700/1730 (Irregular)
4800 50 Hyderabad 0020-0215 1130-1744
4810 50 Bhopal
0025-0215 1130-1742
4820 50 Kolkata 0025-0215 1130-1745 v
4830++ 50 Jammu
0025-0445/Su 0450 1030-1741
4835 10 Gangtok 0100-0500 1030-1600
4840 50 Mumbai
2355-0400 1230-1730
4850 50 Kohima
0000-0415 1000-1600/1630/1700 (Irregular)
4860 50 Shimla
0025-0200 1300-1741
4870 100 Delhi Kingsway 0230-0330, 1330-1415 Nepali, 1430-1530
4880 50 Lucknow 0025-0430 (Su 0415v), 1215-1741
4895 50 Kurseong 0055-0400 (Sat Su 0430) 1130-1700(Sat Su 1741)
4910 50 Jaipur
0025 0430 (Su 0530) 1130-1741
4920 50 Chennai 0015-0245 1200-1739
4940++ 50 Guwahati s0000/w0025-0415 1135v-1700(Sat 1741)
4950++ 50 Srinagar s0030/w0120-0215 1120-1743, (2130-2245v for Ramzan Special
4960++ 50 Ranchi 0025-0445 1100(Su 1130)-1741
4970 50 Shillong 0025-0400 1056-1630
4990 50 Itanagar 0020-0400 1000-1630 (Irregular)
5010 50 Thiruvananthapuram 0020-0215 1130-1745
5040 50 Jeypore 0025-0445, 1130-1741
5050 10 Aizawl
0025-0400 1130-1630
5965++ 50 Jammu
5985++ 50 Ranchi 0630-1000
5990 250 Delhi Khampur 0100-0200 Sindhi (PAK)
6000 7 Leh
0700 (Su 0630)-0930
6020 50 Shimla
0215-0410, 0700-0930 (Su 0415-1000) 1130-1230
6030 250 Delhi Khampur 0200-0228,1215-1430 (Uttarakhand program)
6040 50 Jeypore 0446-0915
6045 100 Delhi Kingsway 1430-1930 Urdu (PAK)
6065 50 Kohima
0430-0510 0700-0900 (Irregular)
6085 10 Gangtok For special broadcasts in day time
6100 250 Delhi Khampur 0730-0830
6100 50 Delhi Khampur 0900-1200 (Vividh Bharati, $ DRM NVIS ant)
6110++ 50 Srinagar 0225-0501 (Su 1115), 0600-1115
6150 50 Itanagar 0700-0900 (Irregular)
6155 250 Aligarh 0015-0430 Urdu (PAK)
6155 500 Bengaluru 1430-1930 Urdu (PAK)
6165 250 Delhi Khampur 1230-1500 Sindhi, 1500-1600 Baluchi (PAK)
7210 50 Kolkata 0230-0400, 0730 (Su 0700)-1001
7225 250 Aligarh 0215-0300 Pushtu, 0300-0345 Dari (AFG, PAK)
7230 50 Kurseong 0620-1030
7240 50 Mumbai
0430 (Sat, Su ) /0530-0930
7250++ 50 Gorakhpur 0700-0800 Nepali (NPL), 0830-1130 Urdu (PAK)
1130-1140 HS
7250 250 Panaji
1615-1730 Hindi, 1730-1830 Malayalam (ME)
Asociacion Diexman Uruguay [32]
7270 100 Chennai 0000-0045 Tamil, 0045-0115 Sinhala (Sri Lanka)
0130-0430 HS 1000-1100 English 1115-1215 Tamil
1300-1500 Sinhala (Sri Lanka)
7280++ 50 Guwahati 0600 (Su 0530)-0930 0945-1130
7290 50 Thiruvananthapuram 0230-1000 (Sat, Su 1030)
7295 10 Aizawl
7315 50 Shillong 0656-0931
7325 50 Jaipur
7335 50 Imphal
0225-0400 (Su 0430), 0630(Su 0600)-1000
7340 100 Mumbai
0015-0430 Urdu, 0830-1130 Urdu, 1130-1140 HS,
1230-1500 Sindhi, 1500-1600 Baluchi (PAK)
7370 100 Delhi Kingsway 0100-0200 Sindhi (PAK)
7380 50 Chennai 0300-0930 (Su 1130)
7390 8.5 Port Blair 0315-0400 (Sat 0415, Su 0500),
0700-0900 (Su 0930)
7420 50 Guwahati ++ 0130-0230 Nepali, 0230-0300 HS, 0300-0430 Bangla
0700-0800 Nepali, 0800-1100 Bangla,
1215-1330 Tibetan, 1330-1430 Nepali,
1445-1515 Bangla, 1515-1600 HS, 1600-1730 Bangla
7420 50 Hyderabad 0220-0930 (Su 1030)
7430 50 Bhopal
7440 50 Lucknow 0700 (Su 0430)-1000, 1005-1006
7550 500 Bengaluru 1745-1945 English, 1945-2045 Hindi,
2045-2230 English (WEu)
9425 250 Delhi Khampur 1320-0043 (National Channel)
9445 250 Delhi Khampur 1615-1730 Hindi (ME),
1745-1945 English (We.NoWeAF)
9445 500 Bengaluru 2045-2230 English (WEu)
9470 250 Aligarh 1320-0043 (National Channel)
9575 500 Bengaluru 1215-1330 Tibetan (Tibet)
9595 250 Delhi Khampur 0015-0430 Urdu (PAK), irr. sometimes on 9950
9595 100 Delhi Kingsway 0700-0800 Nepali (NPL), 0830-1130 Urdu (PAK)
9620 500 Bengaluru 1615-1715 Russian (EEu)
9620 250 Aligarh 0100-0200 & 1230-1500 Sindhi,
1500-1600 Baluchi (PAK),
1615-1730 Persian, 1730-1945 Arabic (WAs),
1945-2030 French (We.NoWeAF)
9635 250 Aligarh 0100-0200 Sindhi (PAK)
9690 500 Bengaluru 1330-1500 English, 2245-0045 English (EaSEAs)
9705 250 Panaji
2245-0045 English (EaSEAs)
9810 250 Delhi Khampur 0130-0230 Nepali (NPL)
9810 250 Panaji
1115-1215 Tamil, 1215-1245 Telugu (SEAs)
9820 250 Delhi Khampur 1300-1500 Sinhala (Sri Lanka)
9835 100 Delhi Kingsway 0000-0045 Tamil (Sri Lanka)
9870 500 Bengaluru 0025-0435 0900-1200 1245-1740 (Vividh Bharati)
9910 250 Delhi Khampur 0215-0300 Pushtu, 0300-0345 Dari (AFG, PAK)
9910 250 Aligarh 1315-1415 Dari, 1415-1530 Pushtu,
1530-1545 English (AFG, PAK),
2045-2230 English (AUS NZL),
2300-0000 Hindi, 0000-0045 Tamil (SEAs)
9950 250 Delhi Khampur 1515-1615 Swahili, 1615-1730 Hindi (EAf, MAU)
9950 50 Delhi Khampur $ DRM mode: 1745-1945 English, 1945-2045 Hindi,
2045-2230 English (WEu)
11580 250 Aligarh 1745-1945 English (We.NoWeAF)
11620 500 Bengaluru 0015-0430 Urdu (PAK)
11620 250 Delhi Khampur 0830-1130 Urdu (PAK), 1130-1140 HS,
1330-1500 English (EaSEAs), 1515-1600 Gujarathi (EAf)
11620 500 Bengaluru 1615-1715 Russin (EEu)
11620 500 Bengaluru $ DRM mode: 2045-2230 English (AUS NZL)
11645 50 Delhi Khampur $ DRM mode: 2245-0045 English (NoEAs)
11670 250 Aligarh 0400-0430 Persian, 0430-0530 Arabic (ME)
11670 250 Aligarh 0530-0600 (Urdu) (Haj Service to Saudi Arabia)
11670 500 Bengaluru 1115-1200 Thai (SEAs), 1745-1945 English,
1945-2045 Hindi, 2045-2230 English (EUR)
11710 250 Delhi Khampur 1215-1315 Burmese (Myanmar), 1615-1730 Persian,
Asociacion Diexman Uruguay [33]
1730-1945 Arabic (ME)
1945-2030 French (WeNoWeAF),
2245-0045 English (EaSEAs NoEAs)
11715 50 Delhi Khampur $ DRM mode: 0130-0230 Nepali (NPL)
11740 250 Aligarh 0215-0300 Pushtu, 0300-0345 Dari (PAK AFG)
11740 250 Panaji
# 1315-1415 Dari, 1415-1530 Pushtu (AFG, PAK)
(ex via Bengaluru)
11740 250 Panaji
2045-2230 English (AUS NZL), 2300-2400 Hindi,
0000-0045 Tamil (SEAs),
0045-0115 Sinhala (Sri Lanka)
11775 250 Panaji
1215-1330 Tibetan (Tibet), 1330-1430 Nepali (NPL)
11840 250 Delhi Khampur 0315-0415 Hindi (WAs),
1145-1315 Chinese (NoEAs)
11850 100 Delhi Kingsway 0700-0800 Nepali (NPL)
11935 100 Mumbai
1745-1945 English (EAf)
11985 250 Delhi Khampur 0000-0045 Tamil, 0045-0115 Sinhala (Sri Lanka)
11985 500 Bengaluru # 0215-0300 Kannada (ME) (ex 13695)
12025 250 Panaji
1615-1730 Hindi, 1730-1830 Malayalam (ME)
13605 500 Bengaluru 1000-1100 English, 1145-1315 Chinese (NoEAs),
1515-1615 Swahili, 1615-1730 Hindi (EAf)
13605 500 Bengalurur $ DRM mode: 2245-0045 English (EaSEAs NoEAs)
13640 500 Bengaluru 1515-1600 Gujarati (EAf), 1615-1730 Persian,
1730-1945 Arabic (ME), 1945-2030 French (WeNoWeAF)
13645 250 Aligarh 1115-1200 Thai (SEAs)
13695 500 Bengaluru 0315-0415 Hindi (ME),
1000-1100 English (AUS NZL),
1115-1215 Tamil, 1215-1245 Telugu (SEAs),
1745-1945 English (EAf)
13710 500 Bengaluru 1330-1500 English (EaSEAs)
13795 500 Bengaluru 0000-0045 Tamil, 2300-2400 Hindi (SEAs)
15030 250 Aligarh 1000-1100 English (NoEAs)
15040 500 Bengaluru 1215-1315 Burmese (Myanmar)
15050 For special broadcasts
15050 250 Delhi Khampur 1115-1215 Tamil, 1300-1500 Sinhala (Sri Lanka)
15120 500 Bengaluru 0215-0300 Kannada, 0315-0415 Hindi,
0415-0430 Gujarati, 0430-0530 Hindi (ME)
0315-0415 Hindi (ME)
15140 50 Delhi Khampur $ DRM mode: 1615-1715 Russian (EEu)
15175 250 Panaji
1515-1600 Gujarati (EAf)
15185 250 Panaji
0315-0415 Hindi, 0415-0430 Gujarati,
0430-0530 Hindi (EAf, Mauritius)
15210 250 Panaji
0400-0430 Persian, 0430-0530 Arabic (ME)
0530-0600 (Urdu)
(Haj Service to Saudi Arabia Sept-Oct 2013)
15410 500 Bengaluru 1000-1100 English (NoEAs)
15410 250 Panaji
1115-1200 Thai (SEAs)
15770 250 Delhi Khampur 0400-0430 Persian, 0430-0530 Arabic (ME)
15770 250 Delhi Khampur 0530-0600 (Urdu) (Haj Service to Saudi Arabia)
15770 250 Aligarh 0845-0945 Indonesian, 1115-1215 Tamil,
1215-1245 Telugu (SEAs)
15795 500 Bengaluru $ DRM mode: 1145-1315 Chinese (NoEAs)
17510 250 Delhi Khampur 0845-0945 Indonesian (SEAs)
1000-1100 English (AUS NZL),
1115-1215 Tamil (Sri Lanka)
17670 250 Delhi Khampur 1515-1615 Swahili, 1615-1730 Hindi,
1745-1945 English (EAf)
17715 50 Delhi Khampur $ DRM mode: 0315-0415 Hindi, 0415-0430 Gujarati,
0430-0530 Hindi (EAf, Mauritius)
17875 500 Bengaluru 0845-0945 Indonesian (SEAs)
17895 500 Bengaluru $ DRM mode: 1000-1100 English (AUS NZL)
HS = Home Service, S = Summer, W=Winter, V=Varies
++ Off Air $ DRM mode: Digital Radio Mondial
(Jose Jacob-IND VU2JOS, DXindia April 8)
Asociacion Diexman Uruguay [34]
KYRGYZ REPUBLIC - 4820.67 Kyrgyz R 1, Krasnaya Rechka, at 0040-0050 UT on April 6, Kyrgyz speech, best in USB, weak heterodyne from Xizang
4820 kHz fading out, 44333 \\ 4010 kHz (55444).
(Anker Petersen-DEN, dswci DXW via RUSdx April 20)
4010.063 Kyrgyz Radio 1, Bishkek Krasnaya Rechka, very tiny signal on downunder AUS remote unit. 1550 UT April 21. (wb, wwdxc BC-DX TopNews
April 21)
MADAGASCAR [INDIA] - 5009.857, Most probably wandering signal of R Magasikara Tananarivo MDG. Wandered some 20-30 Hertz up and down.
And hit by approx. 150 Hertz interference BUZZ tone too, from 5010.008, AIR Thiruvananthapuram from Madras site. Latter Tamil language poor
signal at 1630 UT April 21.
(wb, wwdxc BC-DX TopNews April 28)
MADAGASCAR (non) - Additional frequencies of R.Tamazuj/R.Dabanga from July 1:
Radio Tamazuj
0400-0430 on 7205 MDC 250 kW / 320 deg to EAf Sudanese Arabic from July 1
0400-0430 on 11650 SMG 200 kW / 145 deg to EAf Sudanese Arabic as scheduled
0400-0430 on 15550 UAE 250 kW / 240 deg to EAf Sudanese Arabic as scheduled
1500-1530 on 11805 MDC 250 kW / 350 deg to EAf Sudanese Arabic from July 1
1500-1530 on 15150 MDC 250 kW / 335 deg to EAf Sudanese Arabic as scheduled
1500-1530 on 15550 SMG 200 kW / 139 deg to EAf Sudanese Arabic as scheduled
Radio Dabanga
0430-0600 on 11650 SMG 200 kW / 145 deg to EAf Sudanese Arabic as scheduled
0430-0600 on 15550 UAE 250 kW / 240 deg to EAf Sudanese Arabic as scheduled
0500-0530 on 15150 MDC 250 kW / 350 deg to EAf Sudanese Arabic from July 1
1530-1630 on 15150 MDC 250 kW / 335 deg to EAf Sudanese Arabic as scheduled
1530-1630 on 15550 SMG 200 kW / 139 deg to EAf Sudanese Arabic as scheduled
MEXICO - 6185, April 11 at 0106, XEPPM in the clear! No ACI with BRAZIL q.v. gone from 6180, instead making big mess from 6148 to 6170.
Undermodulated but sufficiently readable fair signal, YL talking about pueblos indígenas, e-mail I think went <[email protected]>
so it's still separate during the evening from MW 1060 XEEP. (gh, DXLD)
MOLDOVA [to IRAN] - Summer A-14 of Radio Ranginkaman Radio Rainbow via Grigoriopol Maiac broadcasting site in Pridnestrovie - Transnistria.
1600-1630 7575 KCH 100 kW 100 deg to WAs Farsi Mo/Fr till Sept 26
1700-1730 7575 KCH 100 kW 100 deg to WAs Farsi Mo/Fr from Sept 29
(Ivo Ivanov-BUL, via wwdxc BC-DX TopNews April 14)
PAKISTAN - A-14 season frequency change of Radio Pakistan 17830 kHz Urdu sce noted at 0125 UT April 6th, S=4 like -102dBm in Edmonton CAN
on remote SDR unit, and \\ 15730 kHz scheduled at 0045-0215 UT, Urdu singer before 0130 UT at S=5-6 or -94dBm signal level.
15730 0045 0215 49-51,54 250 118 urd
17830 0045 0215 49-51,54 250 118 urd
15235 1330-1530 37,38 250 282 urd, ENG
17550 1330-1530 37,38 250 282 urd, ENG (wb, in dxld, wwdxc BC-DX TopNews April 9)
PALAU - All transmissions of Brother Stair TOM via Palau have been cancelled from April 12. These changes are not mentioned in the website
< >
0100-0300 15660 HBN 100 kW / 270 deg SEAs English nothing from Apr 12
0700-0800 9930 HBN 100 kW / 318 deg EAs English nothing from Apr 12
0700-1100 9965 HBN 100 kW / 345 deg NEAs English nothing from Apr 12
1500-1800 9930 HBN 100 kW / 318 deg EAs English nothing from Apr 12
1600-1900 9950 HBN 100 kW / 270 deg SEAs English nothing from Apr 12
(Ivo Ivanov, QTH: Sofia, Bulgaria, Apr 14, dxldyg via DXLD)
PAPUA NEW GUINEA - 3204.96 NBC Sandaun. After being off the air for about a week, heard again April 23, 24 and 25; end of news at 1206 UT.
3905 NBC New Ireland, on 1405* UT on April 24, but not broadcasting at all the next day.
(Ron Howard-CA-USA, dxld April 25) mostly 1 Hertz down lower side, wb.
3905 NBC New Ireland, at 1345-1403* UT on April 26. Pop songs in English; in Tok Pisin/Pidgin except for promo in English; off with the usual
children singing Anthem; poor. My local sunrise was at 1320 UT.
7324.95 Wantok Radio Light (presumed). Earlier this month several reports of the reactivation of WRL, but during my recent monitoring in the 1400
to 1430 UT time period (a time when there are no other stations on 7325 kHz, so there is a good window of opportunity to catch WRL if they are on the
air), I had not even a hint of a faint open carrier, but April 26 finally had success. Tuned in at 1409 UT to clearly hear non-stop Christian songs with no
announcements on their usual unique frequency until covered at 1424 UT by tx turned on for the RFI programs that started at *1430 UT. Has been a
long time since I last heard WRL, so am rather pleased to catch them again. (Ron Howard-CA-USA, wwdxc BC-DX TopNews April 26)
PERU - 4985.5, Perú, Radio Voz Cristiana, Huancayo, 0025 to 0033 in Spanish, major interference by rtty station on 4985. Narrow filter 1.2k usb
needed. 24 April. (Robert Wilkner, Pompano Beach, South Florida, 746Pro modified, Drake R8, Sony 2010XA, 120 meter dipole, DXLD)
Asociacion Diexman Uruguay [35]
5024.915, Apr 26 2304, R Quillabamba weak here. R Rebelde off at this time and still off at 0026 (Thomas Nilsson, Sweden, SW Bulletin April 27
via WOR 1719, DXLD)
Radio Mix, Urubamba, was heard on Radio Chaski's SW frequency of 5980 on April 20 around midnight. An audio clip was sent to me by Mike
Shcherbakov. The phone number, web address and postal address of the station were given on the air along with Andean cumbias and ads for
establishments in Urubamba, one them for solar panels with further info available at the Radio Mix studios. Pedro F. Arrunátegui in Lima noted Radio
Mix again on April 22 at 1114. Programming with relays of Radio Red Integridad and Radio Trans Mundial is now reportedly back to normal. Radio
Mix seems to be a new name and format for previous Radio Fortaleza and Radio Stereo Sur, also listed on 96.3 FM. One will have to ask the studio
operator for an explanation. Did he listen to the new Radio Mix while inadvertently feeding their audio into the Chaski SW transmitter at the same
time? (Henrik Klemetz, Sweden, April 28, dxldyg via DXLD)
SAO TOME - 15580, VOA, Pinheira, 20-Apr-14, 1416 - English broadcast, excellent signal via long path.
(Brandon Jordan, Fayette County, TN, WinRadio G33DDC, WinRadio G313-e, RFSpace SDR-IQ, Icom R75, Eton E1, DX Engineering NCC-1 Phased
Dual Active Verticals, Array Solutions AS-SAL-12 Shared Apex Loop, Array Solutions AS-SAL-30 Shared Apex Loop, dxldyg via DXLD)
Dawn to night in Eu good as well with African music, mostly // 6080 (some QRI). (we)
SOUTH AFRICA - 7360 Confirm recent 5 kHz up of BBC Meyerton WS En relay daily at 04-05 UT, ex7355 kHz.
Was early on air and program - approx. 0358 UT, report of tornado occured? in OK/MI-USA and hit Arkansas too? Followed by political and spionage
observers on Ukraine clashes around 0401 UT. Signal S=9 -70dBm here in S. Germany. (wb, wwdxc BC-DX TopNews April 28)
TURKEY - 11980, TRT Emirler in Turkish presented a powerhouse distorted signal in 11966 to 11994 kHz range. S=9+30dB or -41dBm here in
southern Germany. 0456 UT April 28. (wb, wwdxc BC-DX TopNews April 28)
UNITED KINGDOM (U.K.) - IBRA broadcasts via Woofferton / England, Babcock provider
7425 1900-1930 Ar
9490 1930-2000 Ar
11875 1900-2000 5 vernac langs
12045 1700-1730 Ar
12070 1930-1945 4 Sahel? langs
5905 IBRA R 0000-0030 1234567 Bengali 100 131 Tashkent UZB BAB
6180 IBRA R 1700-1730 1234567 Somali 250 215 Dhabbaya UAE BAB
7510 IBRA R 1730-1800 1234567 Silte 300 192 Yerevan-Gavar ARM BAB
9390 IBRA R 1500-1530 1234567 Bengali 100 131 Tashkent UZB BAB
9550 IBRA R 1800-1927 1234567 Arabic 250 30 Kigali RRW BAB
9630 IBRA R 1700-1730 1234567 Oromo 250 30 Kigali RRW BAB
9630 IBRA R 1730-1757 1234567 Tigrinya 250 30 Kigali RRW BAB
9820 IBRA R 1630-1700 1234... Tigrinya 250 230 Dhabbaya UAE BAB
9820 IBRA R 1630-1700 ....567 Amharic 250 230 Dhabbaya UAE BAB
11610 IBRA R 1700-1730 1234567 Tigrinya 100 15 Meyerton AFS BAB
11610 IBRA R 1730-1800 1234567 Oromo 100 30 Meyerton AFS BAB
11655 IBRA R 1600-1627 1234567 Afar 250 30 Kigali RRW BAB
12125 IBRA R 1600-1630 1...567 Amharic 300 192 Yerevan-Gavar ARM BAB
12125 IBRA R 1600-1630 .234... Guragena 300 192 Yerevan-Gavar ARM BAB
12125 IBRA R 1630-1700 1234567 Amharic 300 192 Yerevan-Gavar ARM BAB
7425 IBRA R 1900-1930 1234567 Arabic 250 140 Woofferton G BAB
9490 IBRA R 1930-2000 1234567 Arabic 300 102 Woofferton G BAB
11785 IBRA R 1730-1800 1234567 Swahili 250 220 Dhabbaya UAE BAB
11875 IBRA R 1900-1930 1234567 Fulfulde 300 182 Woofferton G BAB
11875 IBRA R 1930-1945 1234... Moore 300 182 Woofferton G BAB
11875 IBRA R 1930-1945 ....567 Tamajeq 300 182 Woofferton G BAB
11875 IBRA R 1945-2000 123..67 Jula 300 182 Woofferton G BAB
11875 IBRA R 1945-2000 ...45.. Malinke 300 182 Woofferton G BAB
12045 IBRA R 1700-1730 1234567 Arabic 300 114 Woofferton G BAB
12070 IBRA R 1930-1945 12..... Sara Ngambai250 140 Woofferton G BAB
12070 IBRA R 1930-1945 ..34... Zaghawa 250 140 Woofferton G BAB
12070 IBRA R 1930-1945 ....567 Shuwa 250 140 Woofferton G BAB
15510 IBRA R 1730-1800 1234567 Arabic 250 140 Woofferton G BAB
15510 IBRA R 1800-1830 1234567 Beja 250 140 Woofferton G BAB
15510 IBRA R 1830-1900 1234567 Fur 250 140 Woofferton G BAB
(R.Sadaye Zindagi)
6125 IBRA R 0230-0300 1234567 Dari 250 45 Dhabbaya UAE BAB
6125 IBRA R 0300-0315 1234567 Hazaragi 250 45 Dhabbaya UAE BAB
Asociacion Diexman Uruguay [36]
9390 IBRA R 1500-1530 1234567 Dari 300 100 Yerevan-Gavar ARM BAB
9390 IBRA R 1530-1600 1234567 Pashto 300 100 Yerevan-Gavar ARM BAB
(Voice of Forgiveness)
15260 IBRA R 0800-0830 1234567 Arabic 250 115 Moosbrunn AUT BAB
(from Aoki Nagoya list April 13 - wb, wwdxc BC-DX TopNews April 21)
1300-1400 NF17830 MDG 250 kW 032 deg to EAf Somali Sat BBC, ex17870
1300-1400 NF21470 UAE 250 kW 205 deg to EAf Somali Sat BBC, ex21660
Inactive at present transmissions:
1600-1700 6195 UAE 250 kW 335 deg to WAs Farsi BBC
1600-1700 15310 NAK 250 kW 300 deg to WAs Farsi BBC
1700-1730 11610 RSA 100 kW 015 deg to EAf Tigrinya IBRA Radio
1715-1730 11785 UAE 250 kW 220 deg to CAf Swahili IBRA Radio
1930-2000 9490 WOF 300 kW 102 deg to NE/ME Arabic IBRA Radio
(Ivo Ivanov-BUL, via wwdxc BC-DX TopNews May 4)
UKRAINE - R Dniprovska Hvylya was noted on Fri, May 2 + Sat/Sun as scheduled:
0600-0800 on 11980.1 ZPR 0.3 kW / non-dir to UKR Ukrainian CUSB, ex 0700-0830
(DX MIX 851)
U.S.A. - Frequency change of WHRI Angel 1:
1400-1500 NF21600 HRI 250 kW 085 deg CAf En Su , ex17730
1500-1600 NF21600 HRI 250 kW 085 deg CAf En Sa/Su , ex17730
1600-1745 NF21600 HRI 250 kW 085 deg CAf En Daily, ex17730
1745-1800 NF21600 HRI 250 kW 085 deg CAf En Su-Fr, ex17730
1745-1800 NF21600 HRI 250 kW 085 deg CAf En Sa Eternal Good News, ex17730
1800-2000 NF21600 HRI 250 kW 085 deg CAf En Su , ex17730
1800-2030 NF21600 HRI 250 kW 085 deg CAf En Sa, ex17730
1800-2100 NF21600 HRI 250 kW 085 deg CAf En Mo-Fr Brother Stair,ex17730
(Ivo Ivanov-BUL, via wwdxc BC-DX TopNews April 9)
Updated summer A-14 shortwave schedule via Okeechobee including:
WRMI programs,Brother Stair,Radio Africa,Family Radio,TruNews,RTI,NHK
0000-0100 on 5850 YFR 100 kW / 355 deg to ENAm English TruNews+Music
0000-0100 on 7455 YFR 100 kW / 285 deg to Mexico English TruNews+Music
0000-0100 on 7730 YFR 100 kW / 044 deg to WEu English Brother Stair
0000-0100 on 9495 YFR 100 kW / 181 deg to CARR Various WRMI programs
0000-0100 on 9955 YFR 100 kW / 160 deg to CAm Various WRMI programs
0100-0200 on 5850 YFR 100 kW / 355 deg to ENAm English TruNews+Music
0100-0200 on 7455 YFR 100 kW / 285 deg to Mexico English TruNews+Music
0100-0200 on 7570 YFR 100 kW / 315 deg to WNAm English Brother Stair
0100-0200 on 7730 YFR 100 kW / 044 deg to WEu English Brother Stair
0100-0200 on 9955 YFR 100 kW / 160 deg to CAm Various WRMI programs
0200-0300 on 5850 YFR 100 kW / 355 deg to ENAm English TruNews+Music
0200-0300 on 7455 YFR 100 kW / 285 deg to Mexico English TruNews+Music
0200-0300 on 7570 YFR 100 kW / 315 deg to WNAm English Brother Stair
0200-0300 on 9955 YFR 100 kW / 160 deg to CAm Various WRMI programs
0300-0400 on 5850 YFR 100 kW / 355 deg to ENAm English TruNews+Music
0300-0400 on 7455 YFR 100 kW / 285 deg to Mexico English TruNews+Music
0300-0400 on 7570 YFR 100 kW / 315 deg to WNAm English Brother Stair
0300-0400 on 7730 YFR 100 kW / 222 deg to Mexico Spanish R.Taiwan Int.
0300-0400 on 9955 YFR 100 kW / 160 deg to CAm Various WRMI programs
0400-0430 on 5985 YFR 100 kW / 222 deg to Mexico Spanish R.Japan NHK W
0400-0500 on 5850 YFR 100 kW / 355 deg to ENAm English TruNews+Music
0400-0500 on 7455 YFR 100 kW / 285 deg to Mexico English TruNews+Music
0400-0500 on 7570 YFR 100 kW / 315 deg to WNAm English Brother Stair
0400-0500 on 9955 YFR 100 kW / 160 deg to CAm Various WRMI programs
0400-0500 on 15190 YFR 100 kW / 087 deg to NCAf English Brother Stair
0500-0600 on 5850 YFR 100 kW / 355 deg to ENAm English TruNews+Music
0500-0600 on 7455 YFR 100 kW / 285 deg to Mexico English TruNews+Music
0500-0600 on 7570 YFR 100 kW / 315 deg to WNAm English Brother Stair
Asociacion Diexman Uruguay [37]
0500-0600 on 9955 YFR 100 kW / 160 deg to CAm English Brother Stair
0500-0600 on 15190 YFR 100 kW / 087 deg to NCAf English Brother Stair
0600-0800 on 5850 YFR 100 kW / 355 deg to ENAm English TruNews+Music
0600-0800 on 7455 YFR 100 kW / 285 deg to Mexico English TruNews+Music
0600-0800 on 7570 YFR 100 kW / 315 deg to WNAm English Brother Stair
0600-0800 on 9955 YFR 100 kW / 160 deg to CAm English Brother Stair
0600-0800 on 15190 YFR 100 kW / 087 deg to NCAf English Brother Stair
0800-1000 on 5850 YFR 100 kW / 355 deg to ENAm English TruNews+Music
0800-1000 on 7455 YFR 100 kW / 285 deg to Mexico English TruNews+Music
0800-1000 on 7570 YFR 100 kW / 315 deg to WNAm English Brother Stair
0800-1000 on 9955 YFR 100 kW / 160 deg to CAm English Brother Stair
1000-1100 on 7570 YFR 100 kW / 315 deg to WNAm English Brother Stair
1000-1100 on 9955 YFR 100 kW / 160 deg to CAm English WRMI programs
1100-1300 on 9495 YFR 100 kW / 181 deg to CARR English Brother Stair
1100-1300 on 9690 YFR 100 kW / 285 deg to Mexico English Brother Stair
1100-1300 on 9955 YFR 100 kW / 160 deg to CAm Various WRMI programs
1300-1400 on 9690 YFR 100 kW / 285 deg to Mexico English Brother Stair
1300-1400 on 9955 YFR 100 kW / 315 deg to WNAm Various WRMI programs
1300-1400 on 15770 YFR 100 kW / 044 deg to WEu English Brother Stair
1400-2000 on 9690 YFR 100 kW / 285 deg to Mexico English Brother Stair
1400-2000 on 9955 YFR 100 kW / 315 deg to WNAm English Brother Stair
1400-2000 on 15770 YFR 100 kW / 044 deg to WEu English Brother Stair
1400-2000 on 17790 YFR 100 kW / 087 deg to NCAf English Radio Africa
2000-2100 on 9690 YFR 100 kW / 285 deg to Mexico English Brother Stair
2000-2100 on 9955 YFR 100 kW / 315 deg to WNAm English Brother Stair
2000-2100 on 15190 YFR 100 kW / 087 deg to NCAf English Radio Africa
2000-2100 on 15770 YFR 100 kW / 044 deg to WEu English Brother Stair
2100-2200 on 9955 YFR 100 kW / 160 deg to CAm English Bro Stair M-F
2100-2200 on 9955 YFR 100 kW / 160 deg to CAm Various WRMI pgms SaSu
2100-2200 on 15190 YFR 100 kW / 087 deg to NCAf English Radio Africa
2200-2300 on 5850 YFR 100 kW / 355 deg to ENAm English TruNews+Music
2200-2300 on 7455 YFR 100 kW / 285 deg to Mexico English TruNews+Music
2200-2300 on 7730 YFR 100 kW / 044 deg to WEu English Brother Stair
2200-2300 on 9955 YFR 100 kW / 160 deg to CAm English Bro Stair M-F
2200-2300 on 9955 YFR 100 kW / 160 deg to CAm Various WRMI pgms SaSu
2200-2300 on 15190 YFR 100 kW / 087 deg to NCAf English Radio Africa
2300-2400 on 5850 YFR 100 kW / 355 deg to ENAm English TruNews+Music
2300-2400 on 7455 YFR 100 kW / 285 deg to Mexico English TruNews+Music
2300-2400 on 7730 YFR 100 kW / 044 deg to WEu English Brother Stair
2300-2400 on 9495 YFR 100 kW / 181 deg to CARR Spanish Family Radio
2300-2400 on 9955 YFR 100 kW / 160 deg to CAm Various WRMI programs
2300-2400 on 13695 YFR 100 kW / 151 deg to NSAm Spanish Family Radio
1000-1100 NF21495 TIN 250 kW 295 deg to CAs Tibetan Wed, ex18950/17495
1000-1100 NF21485 TIN 250 kW 295 deg to CAs Tibetan Thu, ex18960/17495
1100-1200 NF18980 KWT 250 kW 078 deg to CAs Tibetan Tue, ex18940/17495
1100-1200 NF18990 KWT 250 kW 078 deg to CAs Tibetan Wed, ex18950/17495
1100-1200 NF19000 KWT 250 kW 078 deg to CAs Tibetan Thu, ex18960/17495
1200-1300 18990 KWT 250 kW 078 deg to CAs Tibetan Mo, May 6th
1200-1300 NF18990 KWT 250 kW 078 deg to CAs Tibetan Tue, ex18950/13795
1200-1300 NF19000 KWT 250 kW 078 deg to CAs Tibetan Wed, ex18960/13795
1300-1400 NF18980 KWT 250 kW 078 deg to CAs Tibetan Tue, ex18940/13795
1300-1400 NF18990 KWT 250 kW 078 deg to CAs Tibetan Wed, ex18950/13795
1300-1400 NF19000 KWT 250 kW 078 deg to CAs Tibetan Thu, ex18960/13795
1400-1500 NF13635 TIN 250 kW 287 deg to EAs Cantonese Mo, ex12095
1400-1500 NF13700 TIN 250 kW 287 deg to EAs Cantonese Tue, ex12095
1400-1500 NF13635 TIN 250 kW 287 deg to EAs Cantonese Wed, ex12095
1400-1500 NF13700 TIN 250 kW 287 deg to EAs Cantonese Thu, ex12095
1400-1500 NF13635 TIN 250 kW 287 deg to EAs Cantonese Fr, ex12095
1400-1500 NF13585 TIN 250 kW 287 deg to EAs Cantonese Sa, ex12095
1400-1500 NF13595 TIN 250 kW 287 deg to EAs Cantonese Su, ex12095
Asociacion Diexman Uruguay [38]
Voice of America
0000-0100 NF13630 UDO 250 kW 324 deg to CAs Tibetan Mo,ex9340 from May 3
0000-0100 NF13640 UDO 250 kW 324 deg to CAs Tibetan Tu,ex9340 from May 3
0000-0100 NF13670 UDO 250 kW 324 deg to CAs Tibetan We,ex9340 from May 3
0000-0100 9340 UDO 250 kW 324 deg to CAs Tibetan Thu, exDaily from May 3
0000-0100 9340 UDO 250 kW 324 deg to CAs Tibetan Fr, exDaily from May 3
0000-0100 9340 UDO 250 kW 324 deg to CAs Tibetan Sa, exDaily from May 3
0000-0100 9340 UDO 250 kW 324 deg to CAs Tibetan Su, exDaily from May 3
0030-0100 NF 7425 KWT 250 kW 082 deg to SAs Learning En, ex7430 from May 7
1200-1230 NF15565 PHT 250 kW 283 deg to SEAs Burmese,ex15555 from May 3
1200-1500 NF 7460 PHT 250 kW 021 deg to EAs Korean, ex7225 from May 7
1500-1530 NF11810 KWT 250 kW 046 deg to CAs Uzbek, ex9580 from May 2
1500-1530 NF17600 KWT 250 kW 046 deg to CAs Uzbek, ex15100 from May 2
1630-1700 NF11995 NAU 250 kW 150 deg to SDN Sudan. En Mo-Fr, ex11620 fr May 4
1830-1900 NF 9810 IRA 250 kW 279 deg to CAf French, ex9815 from May 2
1900-1930 NF 9810 BOT 100 kW 010 deg to CSAf French Mo-Fr,ex9815 fr May2
1900-2100 NF 5915 PHT 250 kW 021 deg to EAs Korean, ex5900 from May 7
1930-2000 NF 9810 BOT 100 kW 010 deg to CAf French, ex9815 from May 2
(Ivo Ivanov-BUL, via wwdxc BC-DX TopNews May 3)
U.S.A. [non] - TIBET [non] - Frequency changes of Voice of America effective Apr 23:
0300-0400 NF 21600 PHT 250 kW / 315 deg to CAs Tibetan Mon, ex 21500
0300-0400 NF 21610 PHT 250 kW / 315 deg to CAs Tibetan Tue, ex 21500
0300-0400 NF 21620 PHT 250 kW / 315 deg to CAs Tibetan Wed, ex 21500
0300-0400 NF 21630 PHT 250 kW / 315 deg to CAs Tibetan Thu, ex 21500
0300-0400 NF 21640 PHT 250 kW / 315 deg to CAs Tibetan Fri, ex 21500
0300-0400 NF 21650 PHT 250 kW / 315 deg to CAs Tibetan Sat, ex 21500
0300-0400 NF 21660 PHT 250 kW / 315 deg to CAs Tibetan Sun, ex 21500
0400-0500 NF 21610 PHT 250 kW / 315 deg to CAs Tibetan Mon, ex 21530
0400-0500 NF 21620 PHT 250 kW / 315 deg to CAs Tibetan Tue, ex 21530
0400-0500 NF 21630 PHT 250 kW / 315 deg to CAs Tibetan Wed, ex 21530
0400-0500 NF 21640 PHT 250 kW / 315 deg to CAs Tibetan Thu, ex 21530
0400-0500 NF 21650 PHT 250 kW / 315 deg to CAs Tibetan Fri, ex 21530
0400-0500 NF 21660 PHT 250 kW / 315 deg to CAs Tibetan Sat, ex 21530
0400-0500 NF 21600 PHT 250 kW / 315 deg to CAs Tibetan Sun, ex 21530
0500-0600 NF 21620 PHT 250 kW / 315 deg to CAs Tibetan Mon, ex 21510
0500-0600 NF 21630 PHT 250 kW / 315 deg to CAs Tibetan Tue, ex 21510
0500-0600 NF 21640 PHT 250 kW / 315 deg to CAs Tibetan Wed, ex 21510
0500-0600 NF 21650 PHT 250 kW / 315 deg to CAs Tibetan Thu, ex 21510
0500-0600 NF 21660 PHT 250 kW / 315 deg to CAs Tibetan Fri, ex 21510
0500-0600 NF 21600 PHT 250 kW / 315 deg to CAs Tibetan Sat, ex 21510
0500-0600 NF 21610 PHT 250 kW / 315 deg to CAs Tibetan Sun, ex 21510
1400-1500 NF 17485 UDO 250 kW / 321 deg to CAs Tibetan Mon, ex 17740
1400-1500 NF 17515 UDO 250 kW / 321 deg to CAs Tibetan Tue, ex 17740
1400-1500 NF 17485 UDO 250 kW / 321 deg to CAs Tibetan Wed, ex 17740
1400-1500 NF 17515 UDO 250 kW / 321 deg to CAs Tibetan Thu, ex 17740
1400-1500 NF 17485 UDO 250 kW / 321 deg to CAs Tibetan Fri, ex 17740
1400-1500 NF 17515 UDO 250 kW / 321 deg to CAs Tibetan Sat, ex 17740
1400-1500 NF 17515 UDO 250 kW / 321 deg to CAs Tibetan Sun, ex 17740
1600-1700 NF 15495 Bib 100 kW / 085 deg to CAs Tibetan Mon, ex 15115
1600-1700 NF 15505 Bib 100 kW / 085 deg to CAs Tibetan Tue, ex 15115
1600-1700 NF 15495 Bib 100 kW / 085 deg to CAs Tibetan Wed, ex 15115
1600-1700 NF 15505 Bib 100 kW / 085 deg to CAs Tibetan Thu, ex 15115
1600-1700 NF 15495 Bib 100 kW / 085 deg to CAs Tibetan Fri, ex 15115
1600-1700 NF 15505 Bib 100 kW / 085 deg to CAs Tibetan Sat, ex 15115
1600-1700 NF 15505 Bib 100 kW / 085 deg to CAs Tibetan Sun, ex 15115
(Ivo Ivanov, QTH: Sofia, Bulgaria, April 28, dxldyg via DXLD)
UZBEKISTAN - 9900 on April 15 at 0114 UT, poor signal with South Asian language, music, address ending in.
First I check Aoki which has nothing around this time! Then HFCC A-14 shows:
9900 0030-0130 41 TAC 100 131 0 156 daily 3003-261014 Mul UZB NEW RAM
Then to EiBi for the full answer: TWR to India at 0030-0130 UT in 5 different languages, on UT Tuesdays at 0115 going from BJ to DZ, which means
Bhojpuri (spoken in Bihar) to Dzongkha (Bhutanese). (gh, dxld April 15)
Asociacion Diexman Uruguay [39]
Text of reportby website of London-based Zimbabwean SW Radio Africa on 25 April
The Gweru-based Voice of Zimbabwe (VOZ) radio station is facing closure, due to a combination of obsolete equipment and undercapitalization. VOZ
whose mission is described as "to tell the Zimbabwean story from Zimbabwe, by Zimbabweans" was set up by government essentially to counter
foreign-based independent radio stations like SW Radio Africa and Voice of America.
But according to a ZBC report the shortwave radio station has not been transmitting any signal since October 2013 due to the breakdown of
transmitters. The report said the ZBC board, which toured the station this week, expressed dismay at the national broadcaster's failure to rectify the
Reporters told SW Radio Africa that the station was on the verge of total closure due to poor funding. They said so serious is the problem of
undercapitalization that their monthly salaries were recently cut from 600 dollars to 300 dollars. Since October, they have continued to produce
programmes but most of them remain unaired while some of them have been used by other ZBC radio stations.
Last year ZBC workers went for seven months without getting their salaries. In March this year Information Minister Jonathan Moyo said ZBC should
have closed a long time ago because it was insolvent. The MDC-T MP for Mabvuku, James Maridadi, said the development at VOZ was inevitable
because "there has not been any investment into the transmission equipment for ages." He added: "Before we even start talking of the issue of
improving transmission we need to put the ZBC into the black. From the red of 47m dollars we need to invest as much so that they come on to zero
and that is when we can start talking about improving the problem of poor transmission."
Maridadi said there was also a danger that Zimbabwe may fail to meet the June 2015 international deadline for digitalization. Two years ago
Zimbabwe failed to meet the SADC deadline. The SADC countries had set their own deadline of 31st December 2013 but only Mauritius, Namibia,
South Africa and Tanzania were able to comply.
ZBC's technological problems date back to many years ago. In 2009 former information minister Webster Shamu told parliament that ZBC needed
approximately 70m dollars to replace its obsolete equipment. He said all the transmitters in the country had outlived their lifespan by more than 25
Source: SW Radio Africa website, London, in English 25 Apr 14
(via BBCM via WORLD OF RADIO 1719, DXLD)
Editor's info desk was closed for this edition on May 10th, 2014, at 06:00 UTC.
Please visit also our website for lists of broadcasts in German and English, updated regularly.
Sources & Contributors:
A-DX - e-mail exchange - Austria.
Alokesh Gupta - New Delhi - India.
BCDX - News Bulletin by Wolfgang W. Bueschel (wb) - Stuttgart - Germany.
CONEXION - CONEXION Digital - Buenos Aires - Argentina.
Dr. Hans-Jörg Biener (hjb) - Nuremberg, Germany.
DX MIX NEWS = DX RE MIX NEWS - from Georgi Bancov & Ivo Ivanov, Bulgaria.
Others as stated in contribution.
Any items from Glenn Hauser, DX LISTENING DIGEST, and/or World of Radio may be reproduced or broadcast only if full credit be maintained at all
stages, from the original source through DXLD, and publications quoting are made available to gh in exchange.
Items from this file may be reproduced or re-reproduced only if full credit is maintained at all stages.
with name of station:
BC / bc = Broadcaster, Int. = International, R = Radio, tx = Transmitter, Vo = Voice of, QRG = frequency
Location of transmitters with frequency:
Al = Aligarh/India, ALB = Albania, Arm = Armavir/RUS, Ban = Bangalore, Be = Beijing/China, Bib = Biblis/DL, BIH = Bosnia-Herzegowina, BLR =
Byelorus, BOT = Botswana, Br = Brandon/Aus, CHN = China, CLN-Ira = Sri Lanka Iranawila, CLN-Trm = Sri Lanka Trincomalee, CTR = Costa Rica, Du
= Dushanbe/TJK, Dw = Darwin/Aus, ERV = Erivan/Armenia, F = Issoudun/France, Fl =Okeechobee Florida/USA, GAB = Gabun, GUF = French
Guyana, HAB = Habana/Cuba, Ho = Hohhot/CHN, HRI= WHRI Cypress Creek/USA, IK = (IRK) Irkutsk/Siberia, Jin = Jinhua, Kash = Kashgar/CHN, Ka
= Kingsway (Delhi), Kh = Khampur (Delhi), KOR = (South) Korea, Ku = Kununurra/Aus, Kun = Kunming/CHN, KWT = Kuwait, Lam = Lampertheim/DL,
M =Moscow (Taldom), MCO = Monaco, MDA = Moldavia, MDG = Madagascar, MNG = Mongolia, MRA = Northern Marianas, N = Nauen/DL, Nn =
Nanning/CHN, Pan = Panaji/India, RRW = Ruanda, RSA = Meyerton/South Africa, RUS = Russia incl. Sibiria, SAI = Saipan (MRA), SEY = Seychelles,
Sh = Shepparton/Aus, SNG = Singapur, STP = Sao Tomé, SWZ = Swaziland, TH = (NAK) Nakhon Sawan/Thailand, TIN = Tinian (MRA), TJK = Tajikistan,
TWN = Taiwan, UAE = Al Dubbaya/United Arab Emirates, Ur = Urumchi/CHN, Vla = Vladivostok, Wof = Woofferton/GB, Xi = Xian/CHN, Ya =
Mostly within round brackets target areas as known:
Af = Africa, Am -= America, As = Asien, Aus = Australien; Eu = Europe, ME = Middle East, Pac = Pacific Region; C = Central, E = East, N = North, S =
South, W = West
Ar Arabic - Ch Chinese - Du Dutch - E, En English - F French - G, Ge German Gr Greek - I Italian - J Japanese - K Korean - P Portuguese - R Russian - Sp Spanish - Turk Turkish
Asociacion Diexman Uruguay [40]
Technical hint with frequency (QRG):
(*) = Digital Radio broadcast (DRM)
v = variable
irr = irregular
/USB = upper sideband, /LSB = lower sideband, alt.: (QRG) = alternative frequency
Walter Eibl (we), P.O. Box 1545, 91005 Erlangen, Germany.
EMail: <[email protected]> or <[email protected]>
Used equipment:
Receiver: Communications receiver ICOM IC-R70 (no modification)
Antenna: Hamtronic HT504 selective active antenna, in roof window ca. 15 m above ground
Lo: Herzogenaurach / Germany; 49.567/10.917; 310 m NN
Migdiel Cruz
Antena para HF
Antena para HF: De las antenas pasivas más utilizadas, aquí una versión comercial "homebrew" ... por favor, revisen las fotos, verán que es un
diseño "fácil" de elaborar uno mismo, tipo "End Fed".
Antena SW104-50.- Shortwave, SWL, AM, OC, HAM, Broadcast band, End Fed longwire antenna, 50 foot.
Glenn Hauser
Logs May 21, 2014
** BOLIVIA. 5580.3, May 21 at 0121, JBA carrier, presumed R. San José (de Chiquitos). This offset frequency was also independently measured and
reported by Saverio de Cian & Valter Comuzzi in Italy, April 26 at 2235 via playdx (Glenn Hauser, OK, DX LISTENING DIGEST)
** BRAZIL. 11750 & 11810, May 21 at 0530, distorted spurblobs from RNA are now just barely audible, but enough to match // 11780. This on the
FRG-7 main receiver; earlier on the PL-880 upon the porch with reel-out antenna, at 0101 I could not hear the spurs tho the fundamental was very
strong (Glenn Hauser, OK, DX LISTENING DIGEST)
** CHINA [and non]. 17700, Wednesday May 21 at 0114, very poor signal with flutter, seems Chinese, probably CNR1, but not usually audible here.
Aoki shows 01-02 UT for 17700 from RFA in Tibetan via Tinian, but only on Sundays, so maybe that schedule has changed. There is also a JBA signal
on 17495, which Aoki shows as CRI Amoy via Beijing site.
21690, May 21 at 0545, poor signal in Chinese, presumably CNR1 jammer vs RFA Chinese via Tinian, but could really be its target, as we are now
within a month of Solstice with midnight-sun propagation in the middle of the ``night``. 21725 R. Australia also JBA // 15300. 21690 is also in
Aoki at 0600-0700 for jamming and RFA Tibetan via UAE.
18990, May 21 at 1334, CNR1 jammer with good signal, no CCI but this is the Wednesday (and Saturday) 13-14 UT frequency for RFA Tibetan via
KUWAIT, inaudible. Before 1300 I could also tell there was something on 19000, the Wed & Sat frequency for that hour (Glenn Hauser, OK, DX
** CUBA. 5990, May 21 at 0109, CRI English relay via Habana is playing on wrong frequency, still at 0120 and 0130 rechex! This frequency
normally closes just before 0100 after Spanish, but it`s not been unusual to hear a few minutes of English before cutoff. // 9580 and synchronized.
Not coincidentally, RHC`s own English frequency 6000 is missing all this time, so apparently same transmitter they forgot to switch over. RHC English
is going on 6165 at 0109 check, probably earlier.
6000, no further chex until 0553 when this frequency is now on but with dead air; was it so all evening? English nominal on overkill 5040, 6060,
6100, 6165 (Glenn Hauser, OK, DX LISTENING DIGEST)
** KOREA SOUTH [and non]. 9580, May 21 at 1237, Australia Net television news soundtrack via Radio Australia with a report that there is a
possible strike at KBS, as the staff are upset that the president/CEO of KBS has been carrying out political aims of the ROK president. A
``production boycott`` has already started, causing news programs to be scaled down; the 9 pm show to 20 minutes instead of 60. Poll shows 98%
of staff favor the CEO resigning. Somehow I have the feeling this is all about *television*, tho the word is not mentioned in connexion with ``KBS``,
nor is ``radio``, a mere appendage to What Really Matters (let alone international shortwave radio!).
This causes me to pay special attention to the KBS World Radio English broadcast coming up at 1300 on 15575 direct: 1301 newscast sounds
normal, nothing about this until the final item at 1311: news boycott; chief editor of KBS should resign? more than 240 others resigning? unions to
vote on general strike, 97.9% favor. But KBS management says such striking is illegal.
I wasted time searching R. Australia/Australia Net websites for stories about this; also wasted at KBS World Radio itself. Instead, Google searching
on KBS Strike gets plenty, especially from Korea Herald, latest one being:
The Korea Herald > National > Social affairs
Published : 2014-05-21 20:35 Updated : 2014-05-21 20:36
Asociacion Diexman Uruguay [41]
Two labor unions of the nation‘s largest broadcaster KBS on Wednesday began a vote to decide whether to carry out a full-scale strike, calling for
their company president to step down.
KBS journalists have been boycotting their news production since Monday, demanding the broadcaster’s president Gil Hwan-young resign for
allegedly interfering in news reporting in favor of the government.
The unions, boasting some 2,500 and 1,200 members respectively, said they will hold the vote until Tuesday next week and Friday, respectively.
Gil once again refused to step down, signaling that the crisis could be prolonged. "I‘ll never resign, yielding to a politically motivated instigation," he
said in a statement aired live on the company’s inside broadcasting system. He then vowed to sternly deal with any "illegal strike" by the unionists.
Gil came under fire after Kim Sigon, former bureau chief of KBS news, disclosed last week that Gil yielded to the presidential office‘s pressure to
produce news reports favorable to the Park Geun-hye administration, especially in the coverage of last month’s ferry disaster.
The chief editor said that Cheong Wa Dae officials have repeatedly pressed him for news favorable to the administration while Gil also has directly
ordered him to remove or add particular news items.
Kim said that Cheong Wa Dae also pressed him to refrain from airing news critical of the Coast Guard, the government maritime police agency at the
center of public criticism for its botched rescue attempt following the April 16 ferry sinking. The accident, one of South Korea‘s worst maritime
disasters, left more than 300 people, mostly teenage students, dead or missing.
In the hastily arranged news conference on Monday, the KBS president rejected the allegations, saying that he has no plans to step down. The refusal
prompted the KBS journalists to indefinitely extend their boycott, originally scheduled only for Monday. (Yonhap)``
15575, did not listen next to `Seoul Calling` which might have dealt with this internal matter; but later in the hour, 1338 ``drama lines`` =
language lesson; 1343 music show (Glenn Hauser, OK, DX LISTENING DIGEST)
** PERU. 5980, May 21 at 0102, R. Chaski carrier until chopoff at 0111:49*, which is 11.5 seconds later than a binite ago; my watch has a brand
new battery, so I am all set to resume precise timings, always having employed a correxion factor from WWV within a few minutes of the observation
** SOUTH CAROLINA [non]. 12105 // 9930, May 21 at 0107, both WTWWs with TOM but the other guy, not BS at the moment. Random chex on
these and other frequencies indicate that BS is still not monopolizing all the airtime, but at least twice an hour his promo for the big Pentecost event
is rererereplayed, usually around :15 and :45 (Glenn Hauser, OK, DX LISTENING DIGEST)
** THAILAND [and non]. 15590, May 21 at 0115, no signal from R. Thailand`s North American service, supposedly on here from 0000 to 0230.
Checking because of martial law declaration and reports that broadcast facilities in Bangkok were surrounded; there could be some disruption.
However, this broadcast is seldom audible anyway.
9390, May 21 at 1240, R. Thailand English is audible here, poor-fair, the 1230-1300 SE Asian service better for us than the NAm in evenings!
Missed most of newscast but everything sounds normal including commercial for Bangkok Airways at 1243. Annoying het/carrier on lo side, possibly
of local origin. More informative was a TV report about Thailand at 1254 via R. Australia, 9580 (Glenn Hauser, OK, DX LISTENING DIGEST)
** U S A. WORLD OF RADIO 1721 monitoring: confirmed at 1315 Wednesday May 21 on WRMI, 9955. 1722 should be ready for first airing UT
Thursday 0330 on WRMI, 9955; then Thu 1230 9955.
BACK ON 7490 WBCQ: Allan Weiner says WOR will be aired Wednesdays and Thursdays at 2100 UT, where some time has become available (current
schedule shows both with `Amos & Andy` recreations; so finally done them all?). These timings mean that Wed at 2100 will be a repeat of the
previous week`s WOR, while Thu at 2100 should be a brand-new show (coincidentally at the same time it`s on WTWW 9475). Check whether this
start May 21 at 2100.
Further airings:
UT Friday 0327v on WWRB 5050 (we hope; missing lately)
Saturday 0630 & 1430 on Hamburger Lokalradio 7265-CUSB
Saturday 2330 on WTWW 9930 (we hope; missing lately)
UT Sunday 0030 on WRMI 9495 (may be previous episode)
UT Sunday 0401 on WTWW 5830
UT Monday 0300 on Area 51 via WBCQ 5110v-CUSB
Migdiel Cruz
Desmantelarán instalaciones de proyecto HAARP
Desmantelarán instalaciones de proyecto HAARP!!!, más info en...
ALASKA HAARP Alaska QRT. Bei HAARP wird nun auch besenrein gemacht: The U.S. Air Force gave official notice to Congress Wednesday that it
intends to dismantle the $300 million High Frequency Active Auroral, Research Program in Gakona this summer.
Asociacion Diexman Uruguay [42]
Phil, KO6BB
Source for Shortwave station Email addies?
Hi All, I've been a long time SWL (since the early '50s) and used to send a LOT of reception reports, which of course kept my wallet "nice and skinny"
Anyway, although I've continued to be an active SWL (as well as longwave beacon DXer), I've not sent any reception reports in many years. I used to
log everything I heard, using first DXtreme Version 5, then later SWLog (now defunct and no longer supported).
Well, when my computer 'died' a couple years ago and I had to buy a new one, I loaded SWLog on the new machine, went to restore my logs from the
memory stick I had them on, only to find out that stick was bad and "empty". So all the old logs were gone.
So I uninstalled SWLog as there was no use starting a new log using a defunct program! I started to load DXtreme, then decided it was a wise idea to
wait until I could upgrade to the newest version (ver 5 logs are not compatible with Ver 9).
Well today I upgraded and installed DXtreme version 9, and I must say it is a definite improvement over the older version. I think I'm going to like it
very much. . .
While I'm "playing" with the new program I decided that I'd also experiment with sending some reception reports out again, only this time using
email (CAN'T afford international postage any longer). DXtreme has the ability to create reception report emails (and I'll customize each report, not
just use "boiler type").
The first one I sent out was Radio Australia, a station I listen to several times a week anyway. But I had a LOT of difficulty getting a good email address
for Radio Australia, never did find one and had to use the online "contact form" instead.
The second one was for Radio Habana Cuba. Google eventually found their email addy, the same as what the one they gave on the air sounded like
(I had a hard time catching the "" part of the addy over the air.
QUESTION 1: Is there a good web source for email addresses of most if not all Shortwave broadcasters?
QUESTION 2: What "rate of return" can I reasonably expect from Emailed reports, preferably in "hard print" QSL's? I realize that smaller stations,
such as many of the tropical band ones will need a mailed report with postage included. As an old-timer, eQSLs are OK, but not a big thrill for me.
By the way, I've posted this direct link before, but I have an online QSL Gallery of many old QSLs I received in the past, see it here. . .
73 de Phil, KO6BB (Web Page)
Grundigs: S-350 (~2006), G6 (2011) & S450DLX (2014).
Heathkit: GC-1A "Mohican". Analog Solid State (~1965).
Icom: R-75 With Cascaded 250 & 125Hz CW Filters.
Icom: R-71A With 250Hz CW filter (~1986).
Icom: IC-735 Transceiver With 500Hz Filter (~1990).
Radio Shack: DX-380 digital portable (~1990).
Zenith: Royal-7000 Transoceanic Analog Portable (~1969).
ACCESSORIES: Homebrew LF-MF Pre-Amp, MFJ-993B HF Auto-Tuner. Homebrew 6 Hz Audio Filter.
ANTENNAS: 88' Long Ladder-line fed dipole at 35 feet AGL. Active Mini-Whip at 36 Feet AGL for LF/MW.
30 Foot "Low Noise Vertical" for LF/MW
Merced, Central California, 37, 18, 37N 120, 30, 6W CM97rh
Glenn Hauser
Logs May 21-22, 2014
** ALASKA. 9910, May 22 at 1300, KNLS 8-note IS for two minutes, interrupted by Chinese ID in the middle. Notice the seventh note of the IS
changes from one iteration to the next; 1302 programming starts, poor signal, seems with noise QRM, ute or jamming? I wonder if the KNLS English
hour is really on 9920 at 15-16 and audible, when I am seldom monitoring (Glenn Hauser, OK, DX LISTENING DIGEST)
** BANGLADESH. 15505, May 22 at 1357 JBA carrier, just too weak to detect the BB IS or the misTS. At least it`s on today; Dan Sheedy on Swami`s
Beach, California says they were having transmitter problems May 20, mostly off or unmodulated until 1429* (Glenn Hauser, OK, DX LISTENING
** CANADA. 6m Es maps show central USA activity again, nothing toward Mexico so I retry to get something from Canada with antenna NNE, UT May
22, and finally succeed for the first time this year:
0042 on 2, fade-in ad in English for Sleep Country (mattresses?); in & out, mostly out, weak signal
0106 on 2, Sears ad; 0110 drama with actor credits, in long-delayed opening after lengthy prologue; anvil bangs give it away as `Law & Order`,
which I soon find is what`s scheduled this hour on CTV stations in Ontario.
0117 on 3, L`Oreal ad, and it`s // 2, so another CTV station. 0123 on two TVs I briefly match the audio as synchronized.
Hepburn ch 2 and 3 maps show there are two analog CTV in Ontario on each channel, network key: B. now lacks network info for most
Canadians but has the technical details. On 2 it`s a toss-up which, as they are close to same distance, same power and close enough to QRM each
other, and in fact there is some CCI:
Sault Ste Marie, ON CHBX-TV 100,000 182 - H 46-35-40N 084-21-00W OP
Wiarton, ON CKCO-TV-2 100,000 286 - H 44-56-41N 081-07-54W OP
On 3, Elliot Lake at 1684 km = 1046 mi is closer to the ch 2 stations, but Timmins has 5 times the power, at 1904 km = 1183 mi, which is certainly
possible, but geography probably trumps ERP:
Elliot Lake, ON CICI-TV-1 19,000 122 Z H 46-25-47N 082-40-09W OP
Timmins, ON CITO-TV 100,000 147 +dH 48-32-50N 080-57-08W OP
Asociacion Diexman Uruguay [43]
BTW, on my DTV set I keep hoping for CKPR from Thunder Bay, but still no luck --- Maybe because it`s only 1.2 kW as a ``full-power`` station, which
it really was in the analog era and often seen:
Thunder Bay, ON CKPR-DT 1,200 366 H 48-31-27N 089-06-53W OP
Here the ch 2 and 3 sigs remain weak, in and out, so hardly looks like there could be an MUF into FM --- but I see that Rob Ross in London Ont was
getting North Enid`s KNID 107.1 around 0140; and many others were getting KS/OK DX, so I switch to FM tuning on the porch with PL-880 at 01500200 UT --- but no sporadic E to be heard on the lower part of the band, just some minor tropo from what turned out to be Arkansas; see U S A (Glenn
** CHINA. 15600, May 22 at 1236, poor signal in Asian language with RTTY QRM. Aoki shows it`s CRI Malaysian via Kunming at 1230-1327; tsk2,
CRI getting QRMed!! (Glenn Hauser, OK, DX LISTENING DIGEST)
** CHINA. CNR1 jamming morning of May 22: still quite a while since I have found any Firedrake jamming.
15565, May 22 at 1351, CNR1 jammer, very poor but // 19000; no het audible from V of Tibet; and none in the 18s, 17s, 16s, 14s, 13s, 12s
18980, May 22 at 1240, CNR1 jammer, fair vs unheard RFA Tibetan via Kuwait, the Mon & Thu frequency for the 12-13 hour, per Aoki. None in the
17s, 16s, 14s, 13s, 12s by 1243
19000, May 22 at 1347, CNR1 jammer, good with flutter, vs unheard RFA Tibetan via Kuwait, its Thursday-only frequency during this hour (Glenn
** CUBA. 17730, May 22 at 1349, RHC is just barely modulated; slightly better on // 17580, barely modulated (Glenn Hauser, OK, DX LISTENING
** NORTH AMERICA. 7330-AM, May 22 at 0402, Station YHWH barely audible in the noise level, but recognizable intonation. Would never have
found it without timely tip from Ron Howard (Glenn Hauser, OK, DX LISTENING DIGEST)
** OKLAHOMA. Recently noticed that KSBI RF 51 was displaying as 52-3 and 52-4, no 52-1 or 52-2, strange. Then May 22 at 1409 UT I find that 523 and 52-4 are // rather than separate programming, both with PSIP ID as KSBI-HD, and the middle section of the screen is overtaken by a black box
saying ``KSBI is installing new antenna. Rescan your TV. See``. It`s hard to read on screen due to severe breakup rather than usual
sufficient signal. That website is generic with basic instruxions, promoting up to 39 ``free`` TV channels if you do that.
New antenna? That`s not all: new channel! KSBI had a CP for RF 23 and now it`s on, with no breakup, remapping to 52-1 KSBI-HD and 52-2 KSBISD, the latter with THIS network, not Tuff as in
FCC TV Query shows no change in antenna coordinates, ERP 1000 kW on old and new channels. However, the new antenna is evidently much lower on
the same tower, 330.7 m AAT instead of 457.9 m; will it ultimately be back up on top??
The upper-UHF stations of course are now migrating to lower channels before the upper ones are auxioned off. How does this change area DX around
here? RF 23 has several translators in outlying areas which might now have a QRM problem and be forced to move: Idabel, Ponca City, Strong City,
Tulsa, Weatherford. Idabel is safely in the far SE corner, but closest to OKC are Weatherford and Ponca.
RF51 will soon be open once KSBI turns off its old transmitter; unless they have already migrated too, there are numerous TX stations listed, a couple
with high power; an LP in Tulsa; and a translator in Seiling OK. We assume the LP in Wichita has already turned off 51 as we`ve seen its new lower
BTW, KSBI is to be applauded for more local origination programming than its major-network counterparts (altho KSBI gave up on meteorology and
even news in the face of cutthroat 4-way competition already):
Notably the new `OK! TV`, weekdays at 2:30-3 pm CDT; and `Oklahoma Live!` at 4-5 pm, repeated at 4:30-5:30 am; `Wild Card`, a quiz show at
6:30-7 pm repeated at midnight --- outgrowth of high school and college-level quiz shows already for the past few years (Glenn Hauser, Enid, DX
** OKLAHOMA. RF 31 & 32, KXOK-LD in Enid, May 22 at 1645 UT, still running nothing but infomercials (apparently), and still with no sound! What a
sorry excuse for a TV station. And still same situation on non-Spanish subchannels (Glenn Hauser, Enid, DX LISTENING DIGEST)
** SARAWAK [non]. 15430, May 22 at 1226, presumed Iban talk mentioning ``Berita``, from Radio Free Sarawak via RVA PHILIPPINES, 1228
chanting to 1230*; poor signal, but at least audible today unlike yesterday. No jamming heard here, but S. Hasegawa, Japan says today RFS started
before 1100 on 15430, switched at 1145 to 15420; while jamming started at 1140 on 15420, and at 1156 on 15430, i.e. reverse frequencies;
fooled `em? (Glenn Hauser, OK, DX LISTENING DIGEST)
** SOUTH CAROLINA [non]. 9955, May 22 at 1403, WRMI not with BS/TOM like 9930 WTWW and 9980 WWCR et al., but some other preacher.
Perhaps the same one heard an hour earlier after 1300? (Glenn Hauser, OK, DX LISTENING DIGEST)
** THAILAND. Heard on the news that now it`s official: military coup in Thailand, and normal TV programming has been replaced with loops
announcing the takeover. Unfortunately, I missed the 1230 R. Thailand English broadcast (if any), and at 1400, 9390 with a too poor signal.
Fortunately, Chuck Bolland in FL was listening at 1230 today May 22:
``Thailand, 9390.026, Radio Thailand World Service, presumed, 1227-1259, Noted a weak carrier on 9390.026 prior to 1230. However, on the
half hour Thai music is heard. This continues during the listening period to 1236 when a male person comments. No details are available since the
signal is very weak and being chewed up by an annoying carrier. Following the few comments, the music continues. 9390.026 was the best heard
frequency and only in upper side band. This time slot (1230-1300 UT) for Radio Thailand World Service is reserved for
the English language according to the recent WRTH 2014. I can still see Thailand's weak carrier on the display at 1255, but no audio heard by then.
Thailand's carrier disappears by 1300. Chuck Bolland, May 22, 2014, Excalibur, 26N 081W`` (Glenn Hauser, OK, DX LISTENING DIGEST)
Asociacion Diexman Uruguay [44]
** U S A [and non]. 7457-USB, May 22 at 1310, AF MARS net ``SIM2`` with NCS AFE4TS calling state by state Kentucky, Mississippi, North
Carolina. A few replies, all weaker to inaudible here; such as AFF4MS in Coldwater (that`s helpful, now revealing towns, this one near Senatobia MS,
just south of Memphis TN). AFF4MS is a.k.a. AFA4CL, the State MARS Director. AFE4TS in Tennessee is a.k.a. AFA4NQ, the Division Technical
Services Manager, and the Division Training Manager, both for the Southeast Division. There is also a het from an Asian broadcaster on 7460, tho
weakening; Aoki shows VOA Korean via Philippines (Glenn Hauser, OK, DX LISTENING DIGST)
** U S A. WORLD OF RADIO 1721 monitoring: confirmed on new WBCQ broadcast, Wednesday May 21 at 2100 on webcast, but JBA carrier here on
WORLD OF RADIO 1722 monitoring: confirmed on first SW airing, UT Thursday May 22 at 0330 on WRMI-10, 9955 – barely, as weak signal vs pulse
jamming; tnx a lot, Arnie! Also confirmed on next airing, Thursday May 22 at 1230 on WRMI-10, 9955; also with pulse jamming, TALA, but generally
readable above it. As usual, this airing is disturbed by WRMI itself, turning on the WRMI-11 transmitter about 1257 with open carrier overriding most
of WRMI-10 and the jamming; 1258 adding modulation for one minute of clear WOR until over. 1259 ID by the sports guy, but no `Scoreboard`, just
fill music, and 1300 into unID preacher. Next:
Thu 2100 on WBCQ, 7490v, NEW! (How far does this get out in sprummer?)
Thu 2101 on WTWW, 9475
UT Fri 0327v on WWRB, 5050 (we hope; something else aired last week)
Sat 0630 & 1430 on Hamburger Lokalradio, 7265-CUSB
Sat 2330 on WTWW, 9930 (we hope; missing lately)
UT Sun 0030 on WRMI, 9495 (could be previous edition)
UT Sun 0401 on WTWW, 5830
UT Mon 0300 on Area 51 via WBCQ, 5110v-CUSB
Tue 1100 on WRMI, 9955
Wed 0630 & 1430 on Hamburger Lokalradio, 7265-CUSB
Wed 1315 on WRMI, 9955
Wed 2100 on WBCQ, 7490v, NEW (Glenn Hauser, OK, DX LISTENING DIGEST)
** U S A. 90.7, May 22 at 0152 UT as I am looking for Es from Ontario on reverse path, instead I find Harold Camping on a frequency where I don`t
normally hear him, too steady to be Es; 0158 ``Be Still, My Soul``, 0159 ID for Family Radio, KEAF-FM, Fort Smith AR. WTFDA FM database shows
power as 26 kW vertical only, and HAAT of 636 meters, which is way up there. Must be on a mountain, but not Mount Magazine where KMAG 99.1 is,
per its different coordinates, but achieving only 600m HAAT.
93.1, May 22 at 0157 UT, two ads for something in Batesville AR, i.e., KZLE, 99 kW H & V at 300 meters. A good haul on the portable with whip only,
city-to-city distance of 565 km = 351 statute miles = 305 nautical miles (good to know in case of a flood) (Glenn Hauser, Enid OK, DX LISTENING
Migdiel Cruz
Diagrama completo para montar convertidor de 455 a 12 KHz, y poder recibir DRM
Diagrama completo para montar el convertidor de 455 a 12 KHz, y poder recibir DRM:
DRM-AD9835 . Todos los componentes se encuentran y se pueden solicitar en el formulario de su sitio web.
Años atrás el correo era: [email protected] (Hoy no sé si siga vigente)
Anker Petersen
Dear DX-friends, Last night I woke up and could'nt sleep, so I made a bandscan on the 60 and 49 mb. On the 60 mb only a couple of Latin American
stations were audible, but a few more on 49 mb. The usual Indian stations were heard on 60 mb, while China completely had faded out due to their
early sunrise. My receiver in Skovlunde is AOR AR7030PLUS with 28 metres of longwire at 9 metres altitude.
4800.00 *0020-0030 IND 16.05 AIR Hyderabad AIR IS, Vande Mataram hymn, Telegu (?) ann and native singing 35233 AP-DNK
4810.00 *0025-0030 IND 16.05 AIR Bhopal AIR IS, Vande Mataram hymn 25232 AP-DNK
4840.00 0025-0035 IND 16.05 AIR Mumbai Marathi (?) ann, Indian songs, talk 22222 QRM WWCR AP-DNK
4920.00 0030-0040 IND 16.05 AIR Chennai Hindi interview about the election 25222 AP-DNK
4955.00 0040-0050 PRU 16.05 R Cultural Amauta, Huanta (tent.) very weak signal, language could not be identified, but a song was heard 15221
5010.00 0045-0055 IND 16.05 AIR Thiruvananthapuram Malayalam ann, Indian song without music 33232 CWQRM AP-DNK
5025.00 0050-0100 CUB 16.05 R Rebelde, Bauta IS, Spanish ID: "Rebelde....", time ann, conversation about Europe and Japan, song, time ann,
speech by Antonio Muños 44344 CWQRM in LSB AP-DNK
5952.47 0055-0110 BOL 16.05 R Pio XII, Siglo XX Spanish ann, ID, hymn, ann mentioning Bolivia several times, Bolivian music 35243 AP-DNK
6050.00 0110-0120 EQA 16.05 HCJB, Pichincha Spanish talk 35333 AP-DNK
6080.05 0120-0130 B 16.05 R Marumby, Curitiba, PR (presumed) Portuguese talk, evangelical hymns 25322 AP-DNK
6120.00 0125-0135 B 16.05 Super R Deus é Amor, São Paulo, SP Portuguese religious talk 35233 // 9565 (14321) and 11765 (45233) AP-DNK
6134.90 0135-0150 BOL 16.05 R Santa Cruz, Santa Cruz de la Sierra Spanish talk, adv, phone-in talk 34243 QRM 6135.07 R Aparecida, Brazil
6160.00 0145-0155 CAN 16.05 CKZN, St. John's, New Foundland English interview about sports 45243 AP-DNK
6180.00 0150-0205 B 16.05 R Nacional da Amazônia, Brasilia, DF Portuguese phone-in talk with listeners singing and laughter, webaddress,
ranchera song, 0159 ID, 0200 Portuguese news: "Nacional informa" 55444 // 11780 (45344) AP-DNK
7290 1845-1900* ROU 16.05 R City, via ISSR, via Tigranesti English ann pop songs in Spanish, German and English, 1858 R City ID, 1859 IRSS
Milan ID and address for QSL 55545 AP-DNK
Asociacion Diexman Uruguay [45]
José Ronaldo Xavier
JRX Logs May 1515-16, 2014
COUNTRY (ITU) KHz Date UTC ITU Station,Location/Relay,Programme,SINPO
11560 05/15/2014 0300 *CLA R.Miraya,rly.Grigoriopol,MDA,Id.,mv.presents a English lang;musical prgr.,35443.
11510 05/15/2014 0311 *CLA R.Denge Kurdistan,rly.Grigoriopol,MDA,KUR, Kurdish lang.;traditional kurdish musics;35432.
05980 05/16/2014 0310 AFS Channel Africa,rly.Meyerton,EE, English;News and coms.,35433
11905 05/15/2014 0216 CLN SLBC,Colombo,rly.Trincomalee,HI,fv.presents a Hindi lang.;indian songs;very poor signal:25432 or 35431.
11995 05/16/2014 0203 TWN R.Taiwan Int.,Taipei,rly.Issoudun,F,SS, Spanish;News,weather from Taiwan,Anns.,excellent signal and
09770 05/16/2014 0100 TUR VOTurkey,Ankara,rly.Emirler,SS, Spanish lang.;Id.,News:282 deads in coal mine explosion;45444.
09495 05/16/2014 0035 USA WRMI,rly.Okeechobee,FL,SS,DX Spanish lang."Historias de Radio";Id.,songs,35433.
06175 05/16/2014 0300 VTN VOVietnam,Hanoi,rly.Furman,SC,USA,SS, Spanish,News,QRM by R.Nacional de Brasilia,on 6180 kHz,
JRX Logs May 1818-19, 2014
COUNTRY (ITU) KHz Date UTC ITU Station,Location/Relay,Program Details,SINPO
07475 05/19 0230 GRC ERT3,Atenas,rly.Avlis,GR, Greek lang.;All greek musics,good signal and fair propagation,45433. // 09420 kHz,
very poor log this time,25432. // 15630kHz or 15650kHz,non signal,off air.
11995 05/18 0200 TWN R.Taiwan Int.,Taipei,rly.Issoudun,F,SS, Spanish lang.;Id.,News:highlights and details;very good signal and
09770 05/18 0100 TUR VOTurkey,Ankara,rly.Emirler,SS, Spanish;IS,Id.,freq.schedule;Newsletter:highlights and details;very good signal
and propagation,45444.
13630 05/19 1709 USA VOA,Washington,rly.Selebi-Phik,BOT,PP, Portuguese;News and cms.abt.Luanda and Cabinda policy;fair signal and
propagation,35433. // 15720kHz,VOA rly.Greenville,SC,USA,good signal and fair propagation at this time,45433.
SWL: Jose Ronaldo Xavier (JRX) - Receiver(s): Degen DE1101 -Antenna: Longwire -Location logs: Cabedelo - Brazil
Hironori Takeuchi
QSL: Radio Free Asia a través de Iranawila, 09-mayo-2014, 16:30 UTC, 9940 kHz, el programa en birmano. Tarjeta QSL con datos completos
"Instrumentos musicales de Asia - Đàn Tranh" con sitio como "IBB Sri Lanka", que recibí en 6 días para un informe de recepción por correo
QSL: HCJB Australia, 03-mayo-2014, 10:59 UTC, 15400 kHz, el programa en japonés. Tarjeta QSL con datos completos "MAYO 2014 - Flores del
desierto que florecen en mayo", que recibí en 12 días, junto con PROGRAM NOTE, para un informe de recepción con dos sellos de 62 yenes a HCJB
Japón en Tokio.
Asociacion Diexman Uruguay [46]
Claudio Galaz
11710 RAE 21/05 0145 UT. Servicio en idioma japonés con música de folklore y tango. SINPO: 44554 con leve heterodino, presuntamente de
R.Cairo servicio en castellano.
15345 RAE 20/05 1220 UT. Locutora habla en portugués sobre codenas del ex dictador Videla y sus violaciones a los derechos humanos. SINPO:
11925 ‘R. BANDEIRANTES 21/05 0111 UT. Música del recuerdo en inglés y francés i.e: Frank Sinatra, Dean Martin, Edith Piaf et al, en el programa
“Chansons D’ Amour”. A las 0019 ID de la emisora y avisos comerciales. SINPO: 53433 con una leve presencia de VOA Radio Ashna en su
servicio en Dari, cono heterodino. ´
R. NUEVE VEINTE 20/05 0455 UT. Vía Temuco. Predicación de un pastor acerca de aquellos que se han perdido de las Iglesias y de su
arrepentimiento. SINFO: 25322.
1110 R.LA FRONTERA. Vía Temuco. 20/05 0520 UT. Música de Salsa y baladas en castellano. SINFO: 33443 por sobre R.Ciudad que se oye cada
23 segundos y con fading permanente.
1440 R.EL SEMBRADOR. 18/05 0350 UT. Vía Chillan. Revisión de música pop anglo actual. SINFO: 34333.
1360 R. UBB. 20/05 0433 UT. Vía Concepción. Avisos de formación continua y música pop en castellano e inglés. SINFO: 33443 con leve
interferencia de Nueva Q de Lima con desvanecimiento
** CHINA [and non]
15120 CRI 22/05 0020 UT. Vía La Habana. Clases de chino en castellano con temas de informática. SINPO: 54554 con ruido de portadora sobre
la frecuencia.
17510 CHINESE FIREDRAKE JAMMER 21/05 0620 UT. Contra RFA-4 en tibetano, la que no se escucha. El Firedrake tiene un SINPO: 45343
1070 R.SANTA FE. 17/05 0651 UT. ID en voz de locutor. Además de cumbias combianas y baladas llaneras. SINFO: 25411 con muy largo periodo
de fading. A las 07 UT mejora SINFO: 35422 cuando locutor entrega ID y hora local: «Son las 2 de la mañana con 2 minutos». No obstante,
R. El Mundo se oye muy baja con respecto a Santa Fe.
10345 HM01 21/05 0610 UT. Lectura de números en castellano. SINPO: 33333.
R. LA INOLVIDABLE. 18/05 0445 UT. Vía Lima. Música pop en castellano de los años 70's. SINFO: 32432 con interferencia permanente de
Radio UC de STGO, CHL.
RED RADIO INTEGRIDAD 17/05 0426 UT. Programa: «Integridad y sabiduria» con el tema de valorar la vida. SINFO: 44444. Con poca
interferencia de LV3.
R.PANAMERICANA. 17/05 0631 UT. ID: Panamericana, alegría todo el dìa y música bailable (salsa y cumbias). SINFO: 43343 con leve
interferencia de R. Carrera de Stgo de Chile que es identificable en periodos de fading, al igual que R.N de Mendoza, ARG.
RADIO LATINA. 17/05 0455 UT. Avisos de vigilia en la sede nacional de la Iglesia Pentecostal «Dios es amor». SINFO: 33443 con algo de
interferencia de Slpendid en los pequeños espacios de fading.
1010 R.CIELO 17/05 0503 UT. Canto de la «Internacional» e inicio del programa: «Vara de hierro». SINFO: 34333.
1130 BACAN SAT 18/05 0540 UT. Cumbias serranas e id. SINFO: 33333
1300 R.COMAS 18/05 0422 UT. Vía Comas. Música chicha y folklore serrano. SINFO: 34333.
5980 R. CHASKI 20/05 0040 UT. Programa «El amor que vale». SINPO: 35343.
12005 VOV 22/05 0117 UT. Vía Woofferton, Inglaterra. Informaciones noticiosas en inglés. SINPO: 35443
21/05 1200 UT. Comienzo del servicio en idioma tibetano, con pequeños mensajes intercalados en espacios musicales. SINPO: 45544
1050 RNU 20/05 0415 UT. Locutor habla en francés sobre política y traduce lo que lee. SINFO: 32432 con interferencia permanente de LV27 de
Sn Fco, ARG. y que se escucha con fading.
** USA
9955 WRMI 20/05 0157 UT. Informe acerca de receptores en el programa «Frecuencia al día» desde México. SINPO:45444
9495 WRMI 21/05 0050 UT. Música de jazz hasta las 0059, cuando se corta la señal. SINPO: 55444
9955 WRMI 22/05 0330 UT. Inicio del programa «World of radio» a cargo de Glenn Hauser con noticias diexistas sobre varios países, destacando
a Radio Bolívar desde Perú. SINPO: 44343 con mucho ruido durante 5 minutos que van desde las 0345 hasta las 0351, presuntamente el
Cuban Noise Jammer.
Claudio Galaz - Rx: Golon RX-221UAR - Antena: Loop - QTH: Barraza bajo, IV región, Chile.
Asociacion Diexman Uruguay [47]
Cesar Perez Dioses
He recibido QSL de TRT Radio La Voz de Turquia y QSL de WWV en 25 Mhz.
Rafael Rodríguez R
5995 ORTM - Radio Mali. Con una inconfundible selección de música africana, llegando con una buena señal desde Bamako, sintonizada desde las
2250, su emisión se extiende hasta las 0000UTC
Alfredo Meurer Jr.
Notícias de S01WS Saara Ocidental. Está mostrado num site de Spots que S01WS parou de transmitir nessa madrugada de hoje do Brasil por volta
das 07:00z e não esteve ativo hoje, não se sabe se ele voltará a operar? esperamos que sim, pois ele não teve ativo nem em 3 dias de operação e se
ele encerrou as suas atividades foi uma pena, pois S0 é um país DXCC rarissimo e esteve off por vários anos e essa DXpedition a S0 seria uma
grande chance de muitos terem confirmado mais um país DXCC na lista dos 50 mais raros.
Samuel Cassio PY2604SWL me informou que escutou nesses 3 ultimos dias parte de um qso de uma estação VK9N? baixíssimo das ilhas Norfolk,
Austrália, país DXCC.
Escuta de madrugada na banda de 20m, mas ele não conseguiu pegar todo o indicativo de VK9N, não sei no momento se ele validou a escuta,
então sabemos via Samuel Cassio, que está ativa uma estação em VK9N, com melhores escutas em 20m de madrugada.
Ela poderia ser perfeitamente muito bem escutada também no nosso nascer do sol em 20m e 15m e no pôr do sol em 20m, 15m, 17m, 12m e
durante o dia e noite, antes do inicio de nossa madrugada em 10m, mas como a propagação está completamente fechada para longas distâncias, a
chance está na nossa madrugada na banda de 20m.
40m nem pensar, não há relatos de escutas de DX tão longos nos ultimos 3 meses aqui no sudeste do Brasil por amadores DXistas nos 40m.
A estação S01WS Saara Ocidental continua ativa, hoje deu ênfase á banda de 6m e ontem a banda de 10m, QRGs preferidas; 28480, 28485, modo
somente fonia. Ela esteve QRT por dois dias mas retornou a sua atividade. Hoje eu não a escutei e ontem também, ela esteve ativa ontem na nossa
tarde, por volta de 21:00z por pouco tempo.
Operação esporádica, na escuta que eu tive dele, ele fala um certo tempo e depois entra em QRT.
Essa é a típica estação; "caça gato e rato", ela aparece, depois desaparece, torna a aparecer horas depois e fica nisso.
Espero que os colegas tenham a sorte de escutá-la, pois S0 é uma estação muito rara e não se sabe até quando S01WS estará realmente ativa no
Saara Ocidental.
Foi transferida para o mês de janeiro de 2015 a mega DXpedition a Ilha Heard Island de indicativo classico VK0H pelos motivos abaixo
mencionados, o custo dessa DXpedition é altíssimo, e por esse motivo ela não pode acontecer como prevista para janeiro de 2014.
VK0H é um dos lugares DXCC mais inóspitos do planeta, ela só pode ser operada em janeiro, verão austral, porque nesse mês a temperatura média
em VK0H está numa faixa suportavel para uma DXpedition, sempre abaixo de zero graus centígrados, e o pior são os ventos gélidos vindo da
Antártida que praticamente congela tudo em pouco tempo, mesmo no seu brevíssimo "verão" austral.
Ter o QSL de VK0H é o sonho de todo amador e SWL que se dedica a esse hobby.
Muito boa a sorte a todos em conquistarem pelo menos um QSL desse raríssimo país DXCC no alto do Top 10.
Manuel Méndez
9820 Radio 9 de Julho, Sao Paulo, 0525-0542, 17-05, religious songs and comments, "Com A Mae Aparecida, Santuario Nacional". 24322.
4765 Radio Progreso, La Habana, 0135-0142, 17-05, Spanish, comments. 24322. (Méndez)
7290 Radio City, via IRRS Milano, 1835-1852, 16-05, pop music in Spanish, German, French and English, identification: "Radio City, the station
of the cars". 34433. (Méndez)
6185 Radio Educación, México, D. F., 0450-0457, 17-05, Spanish songs. 13221. (Méndez)
4976 Radio Uganda, Kampala, 1906-1914, 16-05, English, news. 14321. (Méndez)
Asociacion Diexman Uruguay [48]
Roberto Pavanello
18/05/2014 11:27, [email protected] ha scritto: TIPS
837 14/5 21.45 COPE - Sevilla SS pgr. locale per Sevilla-Benfica ( anche le altre COPE con la stessa partita ma diverso commento ) suff.
1017 12/5 19.35 Media Veneta R. - Piove di Sacco IT ID e MX suff.
1476 17/5 03.15 R. Cosmo - Milano IT MX suff.
3320 17/5 03.20 R. Sonder Grense - Meyerton Afrikaans MX buono
3330 17/5 03.25 CHU - Ottawa EE/FF ID e pip pip buono
3905 17/5 20.00 R. Alice Int. - [email protected] EE ID e MX buono
4052 17/5 03.30 R, Verdad - Chiquimula EE predica suff.
4765 17/5 03.35 R. Progreso - Habana SS MX buono
4775 17/5 03.40 T.W.R. - Manzini Lomwe predica buono
5025 17/5 03.45 R. Rebelde - Habana SS NX buono
5940 17/5 22.45 Voz Missionaria - Camboriu PP MX suff.
5995 17/5 22.40 R. Mali - Bamako FF NX suff.
6160 17/5 22.50 CKZN - St. John's EE MX suff.
6165 14/5 19.40 R. Tchad - N'Djamena FF NX suff.
6210 14/5 19.45 Shortwave Gold - [email protected] EE ID e MX buono
6210 17/5 22.05 R. Flying Dutchman - [email protected] EE ID e MX buono
6215 12/5 20.10 R. Minipower - [email protected] EE ID e MX buono
6220 17/5 19.50 R. Tango Italia - [email protected] IT ID e MX buono
6283 17/5 22.10 R. Odynn - [email protected] EE ID e MX buono
6930 12/5 19.40 Premier R. - [email protected] EE ID e MX buono
9485 18/5 09.00 R. Geronimo - [email protected] EE ID e MX buono
10000 12/5 19.25 Italcable - Viareggio IT MX e segnale orario buono
10000 12/5 18.30 BPM - Lintong Cinese ID e pip pip suff.
11725 14/5 19.35 R. New Zeland Int. - Wellington EE ID e NX buono
11855 17/5 22.00 R. Aparecida - PP ID buono
25345 14/5 19.30 R.A.E. - Buenos Aires SS ID e tanghi buono
Il 19/05/2014 20:01, [email protected] ha scritto: Hitmix 6295 KHz - [email protected] con QSL elettronica allegata in 80 giorni. Roberto Pavanello
Hector \(Luigi\) Perez
Esta mañana 18 mayo, estuve escuchando algunas estaciones en la Onda Corta. WWV en los 15.000 khz como una tromba.
China Radio a las 1058 UTC con una malisima señal y por los 15.250 khz.
Rarisimo, el antiguo Pajaro Carpintero en los 13.580 khz pero en forma ascilante. Un poco cerca, una estacion China ponia una musica suave.
Finalmente... Cuba. Sin comentarios; sencillamente Pewrfgecta en los 11.860 khhz.
Jorge Isacc García Rangel
Radio & Television Malaysia from Wai, Sarawak. Malaysia. RTM Wai/Sarawak FM - 11665 Khz - Malaysian - 1315 UTC (05-18-2014)
Asociacion Diexman Uruguay [49]
Rudolf Grimm
Escutas realizadas em São Bernardo SP (horários em UTC). Rx: Sony ICF SW7600GR Ant.: Loop DZ40 MW (circular)
1180 R. Cultura, Alfenas MG, 19/05 2155. Mx brasileira, id ‘R. Cultura’, 2200 Voz do Brasil, 35443
1390 R. Cultura, Campinas SP, 18/05 1400. Nx ‘O Globo no ar’. Nx locais, nx de esportes. Id da estação: ‘ZYK570 1390 kHz, ondas médias,
Radio Cultura de Campinas, afiliada da Rede Glogo de Rádio’, 35543
A emissora voltou a se identificar como ‘Radio Cultura’. Por um bom tempo, identificava-se como Rádio Globo Campinas.
1360 R. Luzes da Ribalta, Santa Bárbara do Oeste SP, 19/05 2115. ‘Você está ligado em AM 1360 Rádio Luzes da Ribalta, advs, 45433
1390 R. Anchieta, Itanhaém SP, 18/05 1410. Mx cristã, hora certa, id ‘Radio Anchieta, a força da comunicação’, 35553
Ambas as emissoras sem a loop se sobrepõe num sinal fraco de cada uma. Com a loop o sinal melhora muito, separando-se com um
pequeno giro de ângulo da referida antena. Uma antena loop faz a diferença.
1390 R. Sul Fluminense, Barra Mansa RJ, 19/05 2110. Nx esportivo, referências a Barra Mansa, ‘Radio Sul Fluminense’, QRM: várias emissoras,
1460 R. Clube Ararense, Araras SP, 19/05 2100. Px católico, menção a paróquias no centro da cidade de Araras, testemunhos de graças
alcançadas, 45444
1500 R. Fraternidade, Araras SP, 19/05 2045. Mx brasileira, advs de Araras, px ‘Reporter da cidade’, ‘Fraternidade AM’, 45444
1540 R. S8, Botucatu SP, 19/05 2030. Id ‘Radio S8’, px ‘Recanto Sertanejo’, QRM 1540 R. Dif Oeste Osasco, 34533
NOTA: Em alguns dos casos, a redução do QRM de outras emissoras se tornou possível com uma leve variação de ângulo horizontal da antena,
buscando o melhor ponto de recepção.
A emissora de Botucatu identifica-se como F8, e não S8. É uma menção ao antigo prefixo dela.
Recentemente ela confirmou um informe de recepção que enviei.
Migdiel Cruz
Now, my first QSL received from 6Y5WJ in Jamaica!!! confirming CW mode.Ahora sí, mi QSL de radioaficionado (amateur radio) desde Jamaica!!!
Verificando reporte de recepción y decodificación de CW, gracias al Multipsk.Noten lo que indica el para contactar a este radioaficionado:
QSL: DIRECT - US$2 - NO IRC - PAYPAL TO MY EMAIL. Now, my first QSL received from 6Y5WJ in Jamaica!!! confirming CW mode.
QSL recibidas de Radio New Zealand International, confirmando reportes de recepción de modos convencional y DRM!!!, en la tarjeta, en lugar de
poner mis datos personales, pusieron los datos de mi receptor y antena! Fue necesario el envío de $ 2 USD, como lo indica su sitio web:
All postal DX reception reports must contain detailed programme information for verification purposes and be accompanied by two International
Reply Coupons (IRC) or $US2 if a QSL is sought. También comparto el esquema de emisiones y su dirección postal y electrónica....y la foto de mi
paquete enviado...incluido un CD con el audio de DRM recibido y los USD.
Miguel Castellino
Dentro de un panorama bastante pobre, lo más interesante de lo captado fue lo siguiente 19 de mayo:
R.Golfo Nuevo, 10:00 UTC id., Noticias.
R.Nacional, Formosa (posible), 22:00 UTC, cadena con LRA1 en 870.
R.Interamericana, Concepción, 22:30 UTC, Id, invitando a los oyentes que llamaran a la emisora para pedir temas musicales (Anulando
Santiago del Estero con K9AY)
R.Mitre, Corrientes?, 23:30 UTC, partido Rosario Central - Argentino Juniors (escuchada por primera vez gracias a la anulación
de R.Integridad de Viña del Mar con la K9AY)
R.Feliz, Lima (posible) 06:20 UTC, cumbias cristianas.
R.Comunicativa, Ovalle, 19:30 UTC !!!!!, menciones a la cuarta Región.
R.Internacional, Rivera, 22:30 UTC, Ann e Id.
R.Bonaerense 02:30, Id, Ann. de programación y música (escuchada por primera vez).
A Radio Mitre la escuché un rato largo y estaba en paralelo con 790. Lo de Corrientes lo saqué del sitio
Esta mañana 20 de mayo, sobre las 09:30 UTC estaba a la búsqueda de R.Nacional en 640 KHz. y por brevísimos momentos ingresó una emisora
con menciones a Tarija y acento boliviano, que estimo que se trata de R. ACLO de Tarija, escuchada con José Kucher en Balde de Piedra.
Esta mañana 2º de mayo, sobre las 09:40 UTC se escuchó brevemente una emisora en 1220. Estimo que no era R.María que se escuchaba con en
forma intermitente con cantos gregorianos ni Cadena Eco, aunque tengo dudas que pueda ser alguna de estas emisoras. Adjunto el audio. Cualquier
idea será bienvenida.
Nuevamente Tarija en 640, Esta mañana 21 de mayo se escuchaba nuevamente, sobre las 09:15 UTC, R ACLO (posible) con menciones de Tarija,
hasta que se apoderó del canal la emisora de Río Negro. Comparto audio:
Asociacion Diexman Uruguay [50]
Rodolfo Tizzi
Radio Mosoj Chaski (Cochabamba, Bolivia) on 3310 kHz by CX2ABP in Jaureguiberry, Uruguay (GF25hf). May 18, 2014 at 0906 UTC.
Difusora de Congonhas, 4775 kHz. Con el audio levemente sobremodulado y algo de fading al final del clip. Captada a las 0914 UTC:
No puedo identificar esta emisora que escuche en 4965 kHz a las 0941 UTC. Aoki A14 menciona a Radio Santa Monica de Wanchaq, Peru, con 1
kw, de las 0800 a las 0400, y a Radio Alvorada, de Parintins, Amazonas, Brasil, con 5 kW, de las 2200 a las 0200. Eibi A14 solo a
Parintins, de las 0840 a las 0200 horas. No alcanzo a discernir (por el QRN y por lo bajo del audio) si esto
es portugues o que. Alguna idea?
JOZ Radio Nikkei, 3925 kHz. En las ultimas semanas, Radio Nikkei viene poniendo una señal mas que buena en 3925 kHz por estos sitios, al filo del
amaneceer rioplatense (1029 UTC):
La prima volta: 3905 kHz. Pequeños gustos que uno se da en la vida: Papua Nueva Guinea por primera vez, luego de meses de recorrer las
frecuencias tantas veces reportadas
en los clips de los amigos japoneses de Youtube. Y no fue en 90 metros sino en 75... Cosas del DX!
ZP12 Radio Carlos Antonio López, 700 kHz, No se como, me libré un rato de LV3 Radio Córdoba, lo que me permitió escuchar a esta emisora del sur
araguayo, a eso de las 2339 UTC:
Daniel Wyllyans
5.940 Radio Voz Missionaria 10:50 utc sinpo 45444 Nxs/ YL Pimentel Preso na Papuda,alem do mas pediu emprego ao Presidente do Supremo
pimentel foi incerido a um artigo e tambem a pagar Multas. Cxs/ sobre a revista bimestral A Critica,.e a capa com politicos candidatos..
OM/YL 17/05
5.965 Radio Transmundial 0722 utc sinpo 25222 PX rlg OM/ Pregaçao.17/05
5.970 Radio Itatiaia 20:53 utc sinpo 45444 Cxs sobre jogo Transmitido direto do Maracana,Reporter entrevistou o Luiz Fabiano /Cxs com alguns
jogadores. 18/05
6.000 Radio Guaiba 10:52 utc sinpo 45444 CXS Sobre adulteraçao de carro e Cxs sobre produtos no Meio Ambiente PX de Noticiario.. 17/05
6.010 Radio Inconfidencia 10:54 utc sinpo 45444 Unai - MG Entrevistado fala sobre demanda em puniçao de crimes ,Aju ntadas. YL/Nxs 17/05
6.060 Radio SRDA 10:55 utc sinpo 45444 PX/Rlg com Missionario David Miranda Ann domingos e
feriados culto as 2 horas da tarde em SP 17/05
6.080 Radio Marumby 10:56 utc sinpo 45444 Intervalo do GROOG Grupo de Geradores,depois Vinheta MX``Radio Amigo,compa panheiro,Viva o
radio..`` ´17/05
6.080 Radio Daqui sinal OFF em MAIO 14/052014 A 19/05 MAS TRANSMITE DE FORMA INRREGULAR. DESDE GOIANIA- GO
6.090 Radio Bandeirantes SP 11:00 utc sinpo 55555 PX Jornalistico,com um dos OM Joze Paulo andradre,PX Ediçao 26 Un meiro 37 Cxs sobre
manifestaçao. 17/05
6.105 Radio Filadelfia -PR 11:02 utc sinpo 45344 ANNS Comercial da COPEL contas de luz ,ann do governo, e ANN PX ``nosso Proximo progama
e de responsabilidades de seus idealizadores " PX Louvor no Sertao Sertanejo Go spel..mxss Viola.. 17/05
6.120 Radio SRDA 11:04 utc sinpo 35333 MX Cantora Debora Miranda, ``Parecia que estava`` 17/05
6.135 Radio Aparecida 11:06 utc sinpo 33333 ANNS,passou um Slogan ``Radio mais alegria`` 17/05
6.160 Radio Legiao boa vontade. No Sul do Brasil, quem aparece em 6160 kHz é a Super Rede Boa Vontade, de Porto Alegre (RS). - Falando na
Super Rede Boa Vontade, de Porto Alegre (RS), esta emissora religiosa está ativa em outros canais: 9550 e 11895 kHz, conforme pude
constatar em sintonia realizada em Camaquã (RS). Fonte: Celio Romais - Porto Alegre - RS
6.160 Radio Rio Mar ``e hoje, 23 de abril, consegui escutá-la pela primeira vez em 6160 kHz. Podem conferir o áudio da gravação dessa escuta
via You Tube:
Fonte: Lenildo da Silva - Sao Joze – PB
6.180 Radio Nacional da Amazonia 20:55 utc sinpo 55555 Reporter direto do estadio do Maracanan comenta sobre Torcida organizada do
flamengo e o protesto contra saida do Jaime almeida e entrada em Diretoria do Ney franco . Re porter Mauricio , ainda comenta ``Fico
preucupado quando se fala em torsida organizada`` 18/05
9.515 Radio Marumby 11:25 QRM cri sinpo 32222 Cxs / Pr Pericles 17/05]6
9.530 Radio Transmundial 11:27 utc sinpo 45444 Cxs/ sobre o livro `` Casamento a prova de divorsio`` cxs/ sobre Cozinha e uma arte,
comentou sobre alguns aromas. 17/05
9.550 Radio Legiao da boa vontade [ 1 Vez Sintonizada Nessa frequencia por mim nota se o Sinal a partir das 14:00 utc] as 14:42 utc sinpo
25122 OM/ Cxs`` essa e a contagem que as veses regressa``e cxs blibicos. 19/05
9.565 Radio SRDA 11:07 utc sinpo 55555 Oraçoes com Missionario David Miranda 17/05
9.585 Radio Super Deus e Amor 11:08 utc sinpo 45444 Oraçoes com Missionario David Miranda 17/05
9.630 Radio Aparecida 11:28 utc sinpo 45444 reporter falou do Jovem vocaçao, ligue 5093 1581. 17/05
9.645 Radio Bandeirantes 11:09 utc sinpo 45444 CXS Sobre o estado do Maranhao . OMS/ . 17/05
9.665 Radio Voz Missionaria 11:10 utc sinpo 55555 MXS/ Sertanejo Gospel . 17/05
9.695 Radio Rio Mar 14:58 utc sinpo 25222 OM/PX com estilo rapido ,mandou alo ao ouvinte Eliezer, que faria aniversario ? /Comeemoore
Asociacion Diexman Uruguay [51]
amigo. depois passou uma musica do Luan Santana. 19/05
9.815 Radio 9 de julho 20:47 utc sinpo 45444 YL/Cxs sobre exposiçao , de uma cidade no estado da Bahia onde foi fundada em 1849 por causa
dos importantes Portos nas americas . 18/05
10.000 Radio do Observatorio Nacional da Hora - RJ 20:48 utc 18/05 sinpo 45444 YL/ 17 H: 48 M 20 Segundos 17:48:30 HORAS.. ON 17:48:40
Data 18/05
11.735 Radio Transmundial 11:10 utc sinpo 55555 PX/YL Falando sobre receitas do doçe da banana,melancia e sementes de frutas,
tambem teve uma Entrevistada. 17/05
11.765 Radio SRDA Super deus e amor 11:12 utc sinpo 55555 PX A voz da libertaçao com Missionario David Miranda /Oraçao 17/05
11.780 Radio Nacional da Amazonia 17:46 utc sinpo 45444 MX/ `` Vc e tudo pra mim `` 19/05
11.815 Radio Brasil central /``Brasil: Já faz alguns dias que a Rádio Brasil Central de Goiânia, GO, está fora do ar na na freqüência de 11.815 Khz
na banda de 25 metros. A constatação é deste colunista." ==>Leonaldo Ferreira No PX Seguimento Dx de 13/05 Via: h
Fonte: Konrad Kelmer Outra Escuta 15/03/2014 Fonte: Gustavo Marcel Guaita
11.855 Radio Aparecida 11:08 utc sinpo 55555 MX/ ``Jesus ensinou`` por voz masculina. 17/05
11.895 Radio Legião da boa vontade do RS 11:13 utc sinpo 44444 PX/YL cxs sobre ``sabedoria divina`` ligue aqui para gente e faça seu
pedido no 3325 6021 e viva a Jesus. 17/05
11.915 Radio Gaucha 21:04 utc sinpo 55555 jogo Gremio x Fluminense Jogo 1 a 0 OM/Publico pagante 19.329 pessoas total de 31.232 pessoas
Reporter falou com autor do gol Leuzinho o mesmo ainda mandouu um alo aos pais e amigo que estava ouvindo a radio. 18/05
11.925 Radio Bandeirantes 11:25 utc sinpo 55555 BIP da emissora CXS sobre Aldo Rebelo /OM 17/05
15.190 Radio Incofidencia MG 11:20 utc sinpo 55555 MX/ de Violao, ``vou fazer uma serestra´´ 17/05 DANIEL WYLLYANS NOVA XAVANTINA MT
BRAZIL Receptor: Tecsun PL 660 Antena LONG Wire 10 meters Dexista e Radio Escuta PT 9008 SWL
2.380 Radio Educadora de Limeira 08:55 utc sinpo 25122 Om/cxs Sobre centro de lazer ? --> AUDIO RUIM. 14/05
3.365 Radio Cultura de Araraquara 23:44 utc sinpo 55555 MX MPB com samba por cantora``seu olhar``. 13/05
3.375 Radio Municipal saõ grabriel da cachoeira 00:44 utc sinpo 35333 OM/``nosso querido nelson``/MX Normal. 13/05
4.755 Radio Imaculada conseição Do Ms 13:06 utc sinpo 45444 YL/cxs sobre jovens 21/03 NOTA ==> O SINAL ESTA OFF A ALGUMAS
SEMANAS... Daniel Wyllyans Nova Xavantina MT **14/05/2014***
4.775 Radio Congonhas 11:25 utc Sinpo 45333 PX Catolico por OM.cxs local. 14/05
4.785 Radio Caiari de Rondonia 09:45 utc PX Pregaçao catolica,OM ``Deus espera frutos de bomdade`` 14/05
4.805 Radio Difusora do Amazonas 23:14 utc sinpo 45444 NXS/ Por YL Sobre senador do Rio grande do norte. 13/05
4.815 Radio Difusora de Londrina 23:19 utc sinpo 45444 MX Gospel. *** Sinal muito bom as veses fica ate sinpo 5 13/05
14/05 09:20 Utc Jornal com destaques do estado parana e brasil por YL sinpo 45444
4.845 Radio Cultura Ondas Tropicais de Manaus 01:22 utc sinpo 43222 OM/cxs sobre uma reportagem. 13/05
4.845 Radio Meteorologia Paulista 11:22 utc sinpo 44333 ID Geral de radios Jovem Pan,PX Jornal da Manha 14/05
4.865 Radio Verdes Florestas do Acre 01:17 utc sinpo 45333 OM/PX ``alo Para´´,depois leu uma relaçao de nomes de pessoas PX Catolico
4.865 Radio Alvorada de Londrina 11:10 utc sinpo 35222 PX Catolico por YL Teve Oraçao pela locutora. 14/05
4.885 Radio A Voz do Coraçaõ Imaculado (R.Maria) anapolis-Go 20:45 utc sinpo 45333 locutores em Oraçao pela paroquia central./OMs 13/05
4.885 Radio Clube Do Para 08:55 utc sinpo 45444 ID Geral ``Clube, Rede Brasil de Cmunicaçao`` NXS/ sobre prisao de traficantes pela Dele
gada Claudia,atraves do disque denuncia 181 ... 14/05
4.895 Radio Novo Tempo do MS 09:50 utc sinpo 55555 OM/Oraçao para que seu lugar seja o melhor do mundo. 14/05
4.875 Radio Roraima 01:10 utc sinpo 55455 Intervalo, UNILAR Materiais para construçao. revitalizaçao PARQUE AUNAWA Governo de
Roraima, ID GERAL ZYG 810 4875 khz / PX Progama Conexao POP om Locutor Flavio Rodrigues. 13/05
4.905 Radio Relogio Rio de Janeiro 23:39 utc sinpo 55555 Pregaçao Igreja Internacional da Graça Pelo R.R SOARES ...depois passou MX/
4.915 Radio Daqui 23:08 utc sinpo 55555 ``essa e a radio Daqui``,OM/mx aline barros. 13/05
4.915 Radio Difusora de Macapa 08:22 utc sinpo 35333 OM/cxs sobre "Cursos tecnicos como fazer`` 14/05
4.925 Radio Educação Rural 23:46 utc sinpo 34332 PX/OM/mandou alo ao ouvinte no estado do para. 13/05
4.965 Radiio Alvorada De Parintins 09:10 utc sinpo 55455 OM ==> ``6:10 da manha, abraço nelson,Aloo gente querida, Bom Dia amazonia``
PX Nosso Forro ,depois mx avioes do forro. ***NOTA ==> Sinal Exelente, e a sintonia e possivel em todo Pais a partir das 8:40 utc.
Daniel Wyllyans Nova Xavantina MT 14/05
4.975 Radio Iguatemi 01:04 utc sinpo 45444 PX Boa Noite Iguatemi Por Figuereido Junior,depois MXS 13/05
4.980 Radio Brasil Central 23:12 utc sinpo 45333 MX/``Vc pra mim e tudo``por voz feminina. 13/05
5.015 Radio Cultura De Cuiabá MT as 10:27 utc sinpo 55455 PDx jornal falado cultura DATA 20/03/2014
NOTA** ==> SINAL OFF A VARIAS SEMANAS, Daniel Wyllyans Nova Xavantina MT Brazil ==> ***14/05/2014 ***
5.035 Radio Aparecida -SP as 01:26 utc sinpo 45344 Oraçao, por locutor //OM PX Catolico. 13/05
******4.785 Khz Radio brazil campinas estou com dificuldades em captar. *******
Receptor: Tecsun PL 660 Antena LONG Wire 10 meters Dexista e Radio Escuta PT 9008 SWL
Asociacion Diexman Uruguay [52]
Arnaldo Slaen
1550 Radio La Amistad, transmite desde alguna localidad aun no identificada del Conurbano Norte (AMBA) y escuchada desde el KM 33 de la Ruta
Nacional No. 8 y hasta el KM 54 inclusive (zona por la cual transite hasta hace un rato en direccion a Pilar). Fue sintonizada con muy buena senal y
difundiendo chamame (exclusivamente) e identificaciones. (Arnaldo Slaen, Argentina)
Caputo Floyd
Por acaso os amigos sabem se a rádio DZRJ Voice of Phillipinas responde relatórios de recepção e enviam QSL? Se sim, sabem informar o e-mail
deles? Enviei uma msg no facebook deles mas até agora nada.
Robert Wilkner
4716.65 Bolivia Radio Yatun Ayllu Yura, Yura 2344 to 0008 with two long music selection then on to yl and om back to music. Excellent signal
tonight may indicate a good opening to America Latina
Rubens Ferraz Pedroso
Recebi amigos, mais algumas confirmaçoes QSL de Ham e de emissoras de rádio.
As imagens estão em emu blog: 73!, Rubens Ferraz Pedroso (PY5-007SWL). Bandeirantes - PR.
1.280 Super Rádio Tupi - Rio de Janeiro - RJ - B - Recebido PPC assinado e carimbado. 11 dias. V/S: Alfredo Raymundo Filho (Diretor Vice
Presidente Excutivo). Emissora escutada em Itapoá/SC. QTH: Rua do Livramento, 189 - 8° andar - Saúde - Rio de Janeiro/RJ - CEP:
20.221-194 - RFP
9.325, 9.335, 9.400, 9.690, 9.875, 11.945 Radio Free Asia - Saipan Island - MRA, Tinian Island - MRA, Relay Siktunai - LTU, Relay Kwait - KWT,
Relay Dushambe-Orzu - TJK, Saipan Island - MRA. 14 dias, 21 dias, 16 dias, 21 dias, 21 dias e 21 dias. Informes enviados pelo e-mail:
[email protected] . QTH: Radio Free Asia, 2025 M Street NW, Suite 300 - Washington, DC - 20036 – USA - RFP
9.830 11.730, 11.750, 15.260, 15.495 Adventist World Radio - Relay Moosbrunn - AUT, Agat - GUM, Agat Gum, Relay Nauen - D, Agat - GUM. 69
dias, 178 dias, 26 dias, 157 dias e 191 dias. Informes enviados pelo e-mail: [email protected] . QTH: Adventist World Radio,
International Relations, Box 29235, Indianapolis, Indiana - 46229 – USA - RFP
7 MHz PY3AAV - Garibaldi - RS - B - Recebido cartão QSL
28 MHz PY4BQ - Barbacena - MG - B - Recebido cartão QSL
7 MHz PY1UA - Rio de Janeiro - RJ - B - Recebido eQSL
Babul Gupta
Indian DX Report on AWR Wavescan: via Agat, Guam - 15660 kHz, 1600 to 1628 hrs UTC long on 29th December, 2013 and f/d QSL card (World
smallest QSL card size: 5.5cm x 3cm) arrived on 21st May, 2014. v/s Prithwiraj Purkayastha.
Asociacion Diexman Uruguay [53]
Robert S. Ross
Hi Guys: A nice E-Skip opening last night after 2100 EDT bagged me 4 New FMers from Missouri, Kansas and Oklahoma. MUF got up to 107.9+ but
didn't stay there very long. Hoping that things are going to bust loose any day now!!!
FM TOTALS are now…………………….2,407 Stations TUNER is…………….SANGEAN HDT-1X
ANTENNA is……….. APS-14 14 Element Beam @ 50 Feet - 73……….ROB VA3SW
Robert S. Ross - London, Ontario CANADA - Grid Square - EN92jw
104.3 KBEQ Kansas City, MO. May/21/14 2123 EDT EE VG RDS Capture as "KBEQ - COUNTRY". C/W Music. NEW STN 99 KW ROSS, ONT.
106.1 KXKU Lyons, KS. May/21/14 2127 EDT EE VG C/W Music. ID as "KIX - COUNTRY 106 (Something)??? Best Country". RDS Capture
107.1 KNID North Enid. OK. May/21/14 2138 EDT EE VG (Hello Glenn Hauser!!) Ad for "Enid Shrine Club Poker Run". Spot for "Jobs here at
Chisholm Broadcasting". Gave Address on East Willow. Local Weather. ID sung out as "KNID - 107-1". Into C/W Music. NEW STN 14.1 KW
89.7 KWJP Paola, KS. May/21/14 2147 EDT EE VG ID by Male DJ as "89.7 KWJP" Promo for a show "Here on KWJP Paola". Male DJ with
89.1 KMUW Wichita, KS. May/21/14 2113 EDT EE VGv RDS Capture as "KMTV - KMUW - PUBLIC". Music. RELOG 100 KW ROSS, ONT.
90.9 KTBG Warrensburg, MO. May/21/14 2115 EDT EE VG RDS Capture as "KTBG - PUBLIC" and Talk by Male DJ RELOG 90 KW ROSS, ONT.
104.5 KXFJ Augusta, KS. May/21/14 2119 EDT EE VG Ad for Walmart. RDS Capture as "104.5 The Fox - WDJ - Classic Rock". Ad for "Select
Homes Team Real Estate in Wichita". Spot for "THE FOX on Facebook". ID as "104.5 The Fox". RELOG 45 KW ROSS, ONT.
90.1 KHCC Hutchinson, KS. May/21/14 2133 EDT EE VG In HD with Capture as "KHCC". Classical Music. RELOG 100 KW ROSS, ONT.
89.7 KJTH Ponca City, OK. May/21/14 2147 EDT EE VG RDS Capture as "KJTH - Religious Music". Christian Talk and Music. RELOG 100 KW
Esimados amigos, hace ya un buen rato que no me comunico con utedes por este medio, y arovechando esta oportunidad quisiera estar
dándoles algnos puntos de vista sobre la publicación, y esto respeto algunos comentarios que me han llegado y es para dar a conocer una realidad
que no debe ser ajena a ninguno de ustedes.
En primer lugar hay amigos que aducen que cierta información la reciben por otros medios, dígase email, facebook u otros, y es cierto que
lo reciben, se que es asi, pero bueno, la aclaraciones veben estar a la orden del dia para que ustedes la evalúen, en primer lugar de aclaración
decirles que esta publicación la reciben por intermedio de email (donde ubicarla mediante link) mas de 4000 destinatarios,y esto a su vez es una
primera instancia, pues la información después se ve aumentada su existencia que ya la reciben radio, grupos de escuchas, diferentes grupos de
facebook y otros, lo que hace que relamente no se pueda saber a quien llega y como, tenemos intercambios de información con países tan
diastantes como Rusia. Dinamarca, Inglaterra, Italia, España, Francia, Hungria, Bulgaria, y alguno mas que en forma inderecta desconozco, ni que
hablar que en America Latina la gran cantidad de amigos, entonces todo ello nos lleva a que es verdad que hay amigos que conocen las
informaciones antes, pero sinceramente creo que no es una mayoría, además como siempre, la publicación esta abierta a todo los amigos.
En segundo lugar, decirles que la publicación al contener sus informaciones, y ser libre, gratuita y se puede bajar cuando uno quiera, hace
que la información este mas concentrada, no es lo mismo recibir un email, o que se pubique en facebook o en otros ámbitos, sino que aquí y de esta
forma que permanentemente para que puedan disfrutar de las informaciones, se que por facebook por ejemplo se puede estar l dia, pero es una
realidad que deberíamos estar casi todo el dia conectados, al menos para saber casi todo lo que se publica del diexismo, y siendo conciente que en
la gran mayoría no es asi, considero que se debe publicar todo lo que nos acercan.
En tercer lugar también esta el aspecto del idioma, en los email que se envían (mas de 4000), mas la mitad no son de lengua española,
claro están dlos de lenga portuguesa, pero igual, las informaciones en españoles no les llega a ellos, como asimismo, muchas informaciones no nos
llega a nosotros en diferentes idiomas, como en el caso de la revista del DX de Rusia, entonces, se trata de hacer una mezcla de cosas y que cada
uno pueda tener algo que en si por si solos les costaría mas.
En cuarto lugar un tema pequeño, es porque la revista sale en diferentes idiomas en su interior, bueno traducir todo lo que llega la verdad
quitaría mucho tiempo y esa no es la idea, además se respeta como llega la información, también la hace mas internacional, y entonces todos
debemos poner un oquito de nuestra parte ara disfrutar la revista, y no solo de nuestra parte latina, sino quienes reciben la misma y le cuesta el
español, asi que es para las dos caras, es una publicación para poderla disfrutar cuando y como se quiera, y teniendo en cuenta que el nuecleo
participativo de la misma no tiene fronteras.
Bueno, al menos eso hasta aquí, son cosas que en realidad no son demasiadas grandes pero si vale aclararlas, porque el tema es que todos
puedamos tener la recista al alcance y la podmos disfrutar lo mas posible, además siempre se esta sumando amigos nuevos, cosas nuevas, en
general es una manera de publicar que no tiene estilo único, y a su vez tiene un estilo excluyente, la verdad es contradictorio pero es asi.
Sera entonces amigos hasta la próxima edición, y para que tengan claro este trabajo, se va mas o menos 20 dias atrasados, pero sin lugar a
dudas es la velocidad de cómo y cuanto va llegando las informaciones, por eso lo único que me queda es decirles a cada uno muchas gracias, por
colaborar, opinar, irar y bajar la revista, asi que nada, muchas gracias nuevamente.
Asociacion Diexman Uruguay [54]