St. Aedan St. Brendan


St. Aedan St. Brendan
Welcome to the Parishes of
St. Aedan
St. Brendan
March ₉, ₂₀₁₄
First Sunday
Of Lent
St. Aedan Church
112 Fountain St.
New Haven, CT 06515
St. Brendan Church
455 Whalley Ave.
New Haven, CT 06511
Saturday Vigil
St. Brendan
St. Aedan
St. Brendan
St. Aedan
No Mass
St. Aedan
St. Aedan
St. Brendan
St. Aedan
St. Brendan
7:30 a.m.
7:30 a.m.
7:30 a.m.
7:30 a.m
8:00 a.m.
4:30 p.m.
9:00 a.m.
10:30 a.m.
12:00 p.m.
St. Brendan
11:00-11:30 a.m.
St. Aedan
3:15-4:15 p.m.
Or by Appointment
-Call the Parish Office
for arrangements-
Six months notice
St Aedan: 1st Sunday
St. Brendan: 2nd Sunday
Gregory Czerkawski, Music Director
Joseph Ryzewski, Deacon
Rev. Thomas B. Shepard, Pastor
Sr. Jeanne Marie Vonder Haar, ASCJ
Pastoral Associate
Michael J. Votto, Principal
203- 387-5693
351 McKinley Avenue
New Haven, CT 06515
Betsy Maloney, Office Administrator
Monday - Friday: 9:00 - 2:30
Tel: (203) 389-2619
Fax: (203) 389-1235
Email: [email protected]
Rindy Garcia, Office Administrator
Monday - Friday: 9:00 - 1:00
Tel: (203) 865-0561
Fax: (203) 865-0562
Email: [email protected]
This Week’s Mass Intentions
Sƒãçٗƒù: MƒÙ‘« 8, 2014: F®ÙÝã Sçėƒù Ê¥ L›Äã
4:30p St. A (Vigil)
Joseph & Chris ne Farricielli: Requested by the Family
Sçėƒù: MƒÙ‘« 9, 2014: F®ÙÝã Sçėƒù Ê¥ L›Äã R›ƒ—®Ä¦Ý: G›Ä 2:7-9, 3:1-7; PÝ 51; RÊà 5:12-19 ÊÙ 5:12, 17-19; Mƒãã 4:1-11
9:00a St. B
Anna C. Baselice: Requested by David Rapuano, Jr.
10:30a St. A
Eileen Manning and Christopher Manning: Requested by the Family
12:00p St. B
For Members of Our Armed Forces & Their Families
MÊėƒù: MƒÙ‘« 10, 2014: L›Äã›Ä W››»—ƒù
7:30a St. B
The Sick and Infirmed of St. Aedan and St. Brendan
Tç›Ý—ƒù: MƒÙ‘« 11, 2014: L›Äã›Ä W››»—ƒù
7:30a St. A
The Deceased Members of the William Fitzgibbons Family
W›—ěݗƒù: MƒÙ‘« 12, 2014: L›Äã›Ä W››»—ƒù
7:30a St. B
Rev. Joseph McCann
T«çÙݗƒù: MƒÙ‘« 13, 2014: L›Äã›Ä W››»—ƒù
7:30a St. A
Angelina Rosselli Taddei: Requested by Her Husband and Children
FÙ®—ƒù: MƒÙ‘« 14, 2014: L›Äã›Ä W››»—ƒù NO MASS
Sƒãçٗƒù: MƒÙ‘« 15, 2014: L›Äã›Ä W››»—ƒù
8:00a St. A
Antonio Rosselli: Requested by Edward Taddei, Sr.
4:30p St. A (Vigil)
Mario and Connie Vitelli, Requested by Their Children and Grandchildren
Sçėƒù: MƒÙ‘« 16, 2014: S›‘Êė Sçėƒù Ê¥ L›Äã R›ƒ—®Ä¦Ý: G›Ä 12:1-4ƒ; PÝ 33; 2 T®Ã 1:8-10; Mƒãã 17:1-9
9:00a St. B
Deceased Members of St. Brendan & St. Aedan Parishes
10:30a St. A
Rev. Joseph McCann
12:00p St. B
Keith Allen Da lo: Requested by Marion & Salvatore Da lo and Sally & David Katz
MĔē-WĊĉ, AĕėĎđ 7-9, 7:00ĕĒ-9:00ĕĒ, Sę. AĊĉĆē
Three evenings of music, prayer and reflection where we
explore nonviolent courage and love
Presented by Deacon Arthur Miller, Director of the
Office for Black Catholic Ministries,
Archdiocese of Hartford.
April 7—Dehumaniza on: Blaming the Vic m
April 8—Forming Community through the Lens of Suffering,
Hope and Abundance
April 9—Commitment to Conversion and Discussion of
“What’s Next?”
Register by calling St. Aedan’s Parish Office (203-389-2619)
Suggested offering: $5.00/session with pre-registra on,
$6.00 at the door.
St. Aedan 2014 Weekly Budget needs: $3,500
Weekly Avg. Collected to date:
2014 Monthly Budget Needs: $15,158
Total Collected in Feb. 2014:
$ 8,745* Avg: $10,547
Last Week’s CollecƟon:
March 2
Weekly Collec on
Sę AĊĉĆē-Sę. BėĊēĉĆē CĆęčĔđĎĈ SĈčĔĔđ
AÄÄ烽 KÄ®¦«ãÝ Ê¥ CʽçÐçÝ P«ÊÄ-ƒ-ã«ÊÄ:
Wed, March 12, 6-8 pm: please call the school if you would like
to volunteer
Bçãã›Ù Bك®—Ý/M®ø›— Bƒ¦Ý: Students will be taking orders
a er all Masses the weekend of March 16th.
AÖÖ½®‘ƒã®ÊÄÝ are being accepted for Pre K—8th grade.
Call the school, 203-387-5693 or visit for more informa on and the latest events.
AėĈčćĎĘčĔĕ’Ę AēēĚĆđ AĕĕĊĆđ 2014
This year’s Annual Appeal is underway and your support ensures that essen al charitable, educa onal, and pastoral ministries of our Archdiocese are con nued and carried forward.
We hope you will be able to help us meet our Parishes’ goals.
Please send your pledge card today.
St. Brendan 2014 Weekly Budget needs: $1,250
Weekly Avg. Collected to date:
2014 Monthly Budget Needs:
$ 5,417
Total Collected in Feb. 2014:
$ 5,714 * Avg. $5,357
Last Week’s CollecƟon:
March 2
Weekly Collec on
$ 805**
U lity/Fuel
$ 495
*Amount includes Weekly, Monthly, and Holy Days of ObligaƟon collecƟons
**includes Online Giving
LĊēę 2014
SĚēĉĆĞ, MĆėĈč 9
7:00pm @ St. Aedan Church
“The style of Christian worship practiced by the ecumenical Taizé community in France, characterized by the repetitive singing
of simple harmonized tunes, often in various languages, interspersed with readings, prayers, and periods of silence. “
Every Friday at 7:00pm During Lent
This Friday at St. Aedan Church
CĔēċĊĘĘĎĔēĘ MĔēĉĆĞ ĊěĊēĎēČĘ 6:00PM ęĔ 7:00PM
Sę. AĊĉĆē CčĚėĈč
During the Season of Lent every Catholic Church in the Archdiocese of Hartford will Schedule confessions on Monday evenings. St. Aedan & St. Brendan confessions will be held in St. Aedan Church. This is a grace-filled opportunity to renew our
souls in this Year of Faith.
4ęč AēēĚĆđ LĊēęĊē WĔĒĊē’Ę DĆĞ Ĕċ PėĆĞĊė ƭ RĊċđĊĈęĎĔē
Saturday, March 15 at the Caritas Christi Center: 9:00-3:00 pm Cost: $25.00 (includes Breakfast, lunch, and snacks)
Spend a day filled with quiet prayer and relaxa on with your fellow sisters in Christ. A day of quality me connec ng with the
Lord and preparing for the Resurrec on.
Rides can be provided if needed. Financial aid available. Call Sr. Jeanne Marie at 203-865-0561 to register for this special day.
Registra on deadline is March 9th.
Men’s Twilight Lenten Retreat: For All Our Communities’ Men, Young and Old
18-19, 2014
The annual retreat starts at 6:00pm with a simple supper on Tuesday in St. Aedan Church Hall and reconvenes Wednesday at
the 7:30am Mass at St. Brendan followed by bagels, Coffee and discussion. Cost is $20.00 (scholarships available).
Registra on deadline is March 14.
To register contact Don Paglia, 203-397-8906 or 203-671-2211 or Joe Pa on, 203-589-3752
AćĘęĎēĊēĈĊ from meat is observed for Ash Wednesday, Good Friday and all the Fridays of Lent by all Catholics 14 years
and older.
FĆĘęĎēČ is observed on Ash Wednesday and Good Friday by all Catholics ages 18 through 59 years of age.
One full meal and
two smaller meals are permi ed as necessary to maintain strength according to one’s needs. But ea ng solid foods between
meals is not permi ed.
Sun., Apr. 6: 12:00pm, Anoin ng of the Sick, St. Brendan
Apr 7-9: 7:00pm, “The Beloved Community”, St. Aedan
Mon., Apr. 14: 7:00pm, Communal Penance Service, St. Aedan
Fri., Apr 18: 10:00am, Morning Prayer, St. Aedan
Sat., Apr 19: 10:00am, Morning Prayer, St. Aedan
St. Patrick—St. Joseph Family Party
Saturday, March 15, 5:30pm
In the New St. Aedan Church Hall
Designed especially for Families with Small Children
Pot Luck SupperRaffles, Pizza Contest,
Irish Soda Bread Contest
Please call Norma Proto (203-389-4097)
or Mary Bridget Bohan (203-387-4244)
to bring a main dish, appetizer, salad or dessert.
ęčĊ HĚēČėĞ
It has been an unusually hard winter,
and it is even harder when
you are hungry.
Please Help
We will be filling grocery bags again to
benefit FISH during the Lenten Season.
Please get a bag, fill it with as many items
from the list as you can and return the
bag to church. The Community Ac on
Commi ee will deliver your bags to FISH.