chie enomoto, love, light and angel blessings, ronna


chie enomoto, love, light and angel blessings, ronna
Beloved:The Ane'laorBlue Crystalis attunedtothe Galactic Prosperiけ Gatewayandthe Galactic
Heart Center.Huttnity ttldthe Earth are swittlymoving into anewera ofLigtt and expttlded awareness
which takes place approxilnately every 13,000 years. You have heard ofthe Processlon ofthe Equinox,
whereby every 2,160 years the Earth's axis moves into a new constellation.The Earth's axisis now at 27
degrees Sagittarius,which isthe Hcart Center ofthe Galaxy andbyyour calendaryear date,lDec.21,2012,
the Earth's axis will move into the Age ofAquarius.;the new Golden Age.This will allow a direct beam
ofLight containing the Adamantine Pを配icles ofCrettor Consciousness to b刺陀 the E釘仇 and humanity,
and will speed up the process ofascenslon.This powerful crystal can be used to anchorthis E)ivine Lig
on Earth in the ttea where itis placed(muCh like the asccnslon stones that we have asked Light Workers
to placein a diamond shape withinthe Earthto anchorthis powerttlincoming Creator Light).ThiS crystal
does not have to be buried in the Earth,but placed in a Sacred place where it canradiate its Light
Also,the more Light,via the sacred breath,the owner ofthe crystal rLlrlS throughthe
or one will activate the other.
more powerttllthe crystal will become,責
The Browll Andara Crystals are anchoring stones which will beneflt both the Earth and the person
who owlls the crystal.You must stay fHInly anchored to the Earth's energy as you strive to become multiロ
dilnensional,and as you leam to consciously live in an enviroment consisting of many different
ize the higher frequencies ofLightthatyo
f r e q u e n c y l e v e l s . T h e A n d t t a C r y s t a l s w i l l m a g n i t t剛n
a n dohnを
ic that you hav9 a sa景
integrate and share with your Mother plを
met and,in return,she w11l assl】
ち protected
space around you,as long as you tte centered wlthin yollr Sacred]Hcart and yoll are sending forth
hattnonlous frequency patterns.
The Red Andtta Crystalis attuned to the Root Chakra where the Kundalini Sacred Fire is stored.
This Sacred Fire is composed ofAdamantine Particles of Creator Light,which is a reserve awaiting the
awakening of each individual so that this Sacred Fire can ignite cach chakra as it is balanced and
h例既nonized to a certttn degree,until all chakras become a blt"zing rod ofLight along the spine from the
Rootto the CroMttl Chakra. This is part ofthe initiation process and is called Opening the Seven Seals to
HigherConsclousnessKthiSprocess isexpttnedfullyttdthereisaceremonialmeditationwhichtakesthe
spirittal secker through the process in the Sttdy Manual Scripting Yollr Destiny
The Green Andara Crystal will assistthc owller in the process ofopening their Sacred Hcart both
the front and backportals.This also is an importantpart ofthe ascenslonprocess,foritisthroughthe back
portal ofthe heartthatyou will access the Cities ofLight andbeginto draw forththe Adalnantine Particles
e , h剛n
をonyand abllndance.This,
o f C r e a t o r C o n s c l o u s n e s s s o t h t t y O u m a y b e c o m e c o c r e aotyo,rpse tot句
too,has been exp比
江ned in detan in our past rnessages which are avallable in your language.
The Blue Andara Crystalis attmed to the First Ray ofDivine Will and Power,the will to create
s the Ray that l bear and radiate to humanity,
a n e w i n h a r m O n y w i t h t h e D i v.iTnhci sP li加
great pleasure to make this powerful tool avallable again to those who have achieved a certain degree o
mastery. This powernュl cryStal will enhance your abilities to draw forth the attributes,qualities a
virtucs ofthe First Ray;however,beloved,rememberto use this gitt forthe greatest good ofall,forwewill
not allow itto ever again be used in a negative way.
Beloved,we honor you for your dedication to yourIIlission,an d we wish youto know that we are
ever near to assistゎ
guide and protect you. I AM Archangel Michael