BIGmagic - Big Brothers Big Sisters


BIGmagic - Big Brothers Big Sisters
The latest news from Big Brothers Big Sisters of the Midlands
Volume 1, Issue 3
Big Brothers Big Sisters of the Midlands is Agency of the Year
Inside this issue:
Fall 2007
Big Brothers Big Sisters of the Midlands
was honored as Agency of the Year in the
mid-sized agency category at the Big Brothers
Big Sisters National Conference in Scottsdale,
Arizona in June.
Letter from our CEO
Friends of Mentoring
Honors Outstanding
Volunteers and
Our agency was recognized for commitment to
mission, revenue growth, quality of
volunteers, long match relationships and
number of children served among our peer
“It is through the hard work and dedication of
our staff, volunteers and supporters that we are
able to have such a big impact in our community.
We truly are making a difference in the lives of
the children we serve and I am extremely proud
of the Big Brothers Big Sisters of the Midlands
family for achieving this level of success,” said
Nancy Thompson, Executive Director and CEO
of Big Brothers Big Sisters of the Midlands.
Match Celebrates
Eight Years of Friendship
When Big Sister
Keely met Little Sister
Larissa in 1999, their
friendship blossomed
slowly. Larissa was
shy but their relationship developed as the
Little Sister Larissa and Big Sister
match spent time
Keely on the day they met in 1999.
doing activities they
enjoyed. Today, Keely and Larissa can’t imagine
life without each other.
Keely and Larissa have done plenty of fun
activities throughout the years including roller
skating, swimming, shopping. Keely is now
married with two young children and Larissa
enjoys spending time with Keely’s family. “She’s
my family,” says Larissa of Keely, “I couldn’t
have picked a better Big Sister.” Larissa’s mom,
Anne Marie, signed her up for Big Brothers Big
Sisters after meeting a neighbor whose daughter
Program Director of the
Year Cindy Reilly
Big Brothers Big Sisters staff and board accept the Agency
of the Year Award. From left: Nichole West, Development
Director; Cindy Reilly, Program Director; Nancy
Thompson, CEO; Ken Mar, Board President.
Service League
is Forming
Big Brothers Big Sisters of the Midlands
celebrated the award on July 31st with a
reception at the W.H. Thompson Alumni Center
on the UNO campus.
was involved in the program. Larissa is one of
four children and Anne Marie is a single
parent. “I am just so thrilled with the program
and what it has done for our family. It also
made me reach out and want to mentor, so I’ve
been a mentor through the school system for
seven years,” says Anne Marie, who mentors
while her children are at
school. Because of the
match, Anne Marie and
Keely have developed a
deep friendship as well.
“Larissa and Keely’s
relationship is a real
example of the benefits
of Big Brothers Big
Sisters in a child’s life,”
says Program Director
Larissa and Keely at the
Cindy Reilly, who has BBBSM Halloween party in 2006
known the match from
the its beginning. “The impact of their
relationship reaches into their families and into
the community.”
Little Moments. Big Magic.
Upcoming Events
November 19 New building open
November 28 Mentoring Magic
A Message from the CEO
Dear Friends of Big Brothers Big Sisters:
Left: Sarah Krambeck
received the
Community-Based Big of
the Year award. From left
are Nebraska First Lady
Sally Ganem, Coach Bill
Callahan, Hailee’s father,
Little Sister Hailee and
Sarah Krambeck.
Fall is always a wonderful time at Big Brothers Big Sisters. Our school-based program goes into full swing. We have been busy reuniting last year’s matches and getting new Littles matched with
Bigs. The children in our traditional
Nancy Thompson
program are also going back to school
and their mentors share the excitement of a new school year.
This school year we have a lot of news to share with you.
First, thanks to the generosity of the community, we are
expanding our school-based program to over fifty schools this
year. We will be serving the largest number of elementaryschool Littles in our history. We are also implementing
year-round school-based mentoring. This is something we
have done on a small scale in the past, but new research from
Big Brothers Big Sisters of America recommends this
program change to strengthen relationships and improve
outcomes. We are also piloting new outcome measures as
one of the sites selected by our national organization for this
project. They will then be implemented nationwide.
We are so grateful to our volunteers, donors, and community
partners who enable us to help children have Bigs in their
lives. Thank you for all you do for Big Brothers Big Sisters.
Right: SchoolBased Big of the
Year Ben Cousino
is seen (from
left) with LaVista
Mayor Doug
Kindig, NE First
Lady Sally Ganem,
Little Brother
Joseph, Coach Bill
Callahan and Ben.
Friends of Mentoring Luncheon Honors
Outstanding Volunteers and Partners
Volunteers were honored, supporters were recognized and the
Head Coach of the Nebraska Cornhuskers was the speaker.
Coach Bill Callahan delivered an inspiring keynote address at
the Friends of Mentoring Luncheon on June 12th. He talked
about the work he does each day with the Husker football
players and at football camps, and commended the Bigs in the
audience for their commitment to their Littles.
Nancy Thompson
CEO/Executive Director
Nebraska First Lady Sally Ganem and Omaha Mayor Mike
Fahey presented the awards. Kevin Kugler, sports announcer
and host of a daily radio show on 1620 the Zone, was the
emcee for the event.
We’ve Moved!
We have moved to a new building. Please note our new
Big Brothers Big Sisters of the Midlands
10831 Old Mill Road, Suite 400
Omaha, NE 68154
Phone, fax and email addresses for our staff have not
changed. The new building provides more space for our
growing program.
Please join us for an Open House
celebration on
Monday, November 19th, from 4-7 pm.
Community-Based Big Sarah Krambeck was recognized as
Big of the Year to Little Sister Hailee. School-Based Big Ben
Cousino was honored for his work with Little Brother Joseph.
Pawnee Elementary School received the School Partner of
the Year Award and Cox Communications was recognized as
Corporate Partner of the Year for their support of Big
Brothers Big Sisters of the Midlands.
The Friends of Mentoring Luncheon raised more than
$64,000 to benefit Big Brothers Big Sisters of the Midlands.
Little Moments. Big Magic.
Cindy Reilly is Program
Director of the Year
Big Brothers Big Sisters of the
Midlands is pleased to announce that
Cindy Reilly, Program Director and
Chief Operating Officer, has been
named Program Director of the
Year for the Midwest Region of Big
Brothers Big Sisters.
CEO Nancy Thompson accepts the AIG check on the
field at Rosenblatt Stadium.
Omaha Royals and AIG Team Up
to Benefit Bigs and Littles
American International Group (AIG) and Triple A/AA
Baseball have teamed with Big Brothers Big Sisters to make a
BIG Impact on the children in our community. AIG made a
$2500 donation to Big Brothers Big Sisters of the Midlands,
and each time an Omaha Royals team member hit a home run
at Rosenblatt Stadium, the AIG and Big Brothers Big Sisters of
the Midlands logos were shown on the scoreboard. The
company also provided a number of game tickets for Bigs and
Littles to enjoy a day at the ballpark.
“Each year, minor league baseball attracts millions of families
across the United States looking for an affordable and
wholesome way to enjoy America’s favorite pastime,” said
Nick Ashooh, Senior Vice President, Communications, AIG.
Our biggest thanks to AIG, for helping Bigs and Littles enjoy
another season of minor league baseball.
Cindy Reilly
Ms. Reilly has been with the agency
for more than ten years. She was
promoted to Program Director in 2002 and to Chief
Operating Officer (COO) in 2005. Under her watchful
eye, Big Brothers Big Sisters of the Midlands has increased
the number of new matches by 32% in the past two years,
reduced match turn over and increased the number of
schools which participate in the School-Based mentoring
programs to more than 50 in 2007. Big Brothers Big Sisters
of the Midlands provides mentors in every school district in
the Omaha metro area.
“First, last and always, Cindy is dedicated to serving children
with quality mentoring. She can always be counted on to
ensure the highest standards are adhered to for wonderful
outcomes for children and successful volunteer experiences
for mentors,” says Big Brothers Big Sisters of the Midlands
CEO Nancy Thompson.
Ms. Reilly represents the agency on community groups
working to improve outcomes for children at risk and uses
her vacation time every summer to be a volunteer director
of Camp Coholo, a summer camp for children with cancer.
She has been a Big Sister for several children, beginning as
a college student at Kansas State University. She currently
is a Big Sister to Brittni to whom she has been matched for
six years. Ms. Reilly and her husband Tim live in Papillion.
They are have been matched as a Big Couple since August
2006 to their Little Brother Josh, and they are expecting
their first child in March.
Big Brothers Big Sisters
Service League is Forming
Calling All BBBSM Board Presidents!
Big Brothers Big Sisters has been in Omaha for nearly
50 years! Former board presidents recently got together
for lunch and had the chance to catch up on all the latest
BBBSM buzz. From left to right: Joe Barker, III,
Phil Patterson, Monty Allgood, Erin Murnan, Jim
Rosenquist, Red Thomas and Bill Walker. If you or
someone you know is a former board president of
BBBSM give us a call at 402-330-2449 x101.
The Friends of Mentoring Service League is an
organization of volunteers who support the mission of
Big Brothers Big Sisters of the Midlands through
volunteer fundraising and friendraising efforts. The
League is searching for inaugural members who want to
jump in and help this much-needed organization take
off. The League is a group for young professionals and
community volunteers who have the desire to help
at-risk children in our community - the Friends of
Mentoring Service League might be the place for you!
Contact Jennifer Patten Benson at 402-330-2449 x109
or email [email protected] for more info.
Little Moments. Big Magic.
New Big Brother is Ready to Make a Difference
Left: Jackie White
receives her “top fundraiser”
bowling pin trophy from
Nancy Thompson.
Right: Team Anything
Goes for Hair took the top
fundraising spot in the
special Beauty & the
Bowlers session with
more than $2,100.
Bowl for Kids’ Sake is a Striking Success
2007 was the best year ever for Bowl for Kids’ Sake in the
Omaha area. More than 1,250 bowlers helped raise over
$165,000 at this year’s fundraising event. Bowling sessions
were held throughout April and early May. Participants enjoyed
free bowling, food and beverages at Papio Bowl. All bowlers
who raised $100 received a Bowl for Kids’ Sake t-shirt and all
bowlers who raised $150 or more received a limited edition
Big Brothers Big Sisters hooded sweatshirt. Bowlers were also
eligible for top team and individual fundraiser prizes including
airline tickets, restuarant gift certificates and more.
School-Based Big Tyler says he wanted to be a Big because
he wanted to help a child avoid some of the challenges that
he had when he was growing up. Tyler and his Little Brother
Jacob were matched at Pawnee Elementary this fall.
Tyler is a sophomore at
Bellevue West and says he
and Jacob share similar
interests. They enjoy sports,
especially baseball, and both
love being outside. The
match played some games
and spent time outside at
their first meeting.
Jacob’s mom hopes the
Big Brother Tyler and Little Brother
match will help develop
Jacob. Jacob is in Kindergarten at
Jacob’s social skills and give
Pawnee Elementary School.
him more confidence when
interacting with his peers and she is already seeing a change
in Jacob. “Jacob has not stopped talking about his new Big
Brother,” she says. “He has asked me every day since they met
when he was going to see Tyler again?”
Big News - Happenings at BBBSM this Summer
Jackie White, Big Brothers Big Sisters of the Midlands board
member, was the highest individual fundraiser. She raised more
than $4,000! Big Brothers Big Sisters supporter Jonathan Baker
came in second place with more than $3,400.
The success of Bowl for Kids’ Sake would not have been
possible without our long list of sponsors and participating
companies listed on page 7.
Bowl for Kids’ Sake is the signature fundraiser of
Big Brothers Big Sisters organizations nationwide. Information
on the 2008 Bowl for Kids’ Sake will be available soon. Call
Jennifer Patten Benson at 402-330-2449 x109 or email
[email protected] to register.
Bowl for Kids’ Sake 2008 dates are set!
April 24-26, 2008
May 2-4, 2008
Call Jennifer Patten Benson at
402-330-2449 x109 or email
[email protected] to schedule
your session today.
Camping With the Animals
On September 14th over 50 Bigs, Littles and staff spent the
night at the Henry Doorly Zoo. Matches enjoyed a night
hike through the zoo, a scavenger hunt through Gorilla
Valley and spending time with other Bigs and Littles. After
spending the night in the Hubbard Gorilla Valley
everyone woke up at 6 am for a snack and then a morning
hike through the zoo, where the lions and tigers were the
most awake and entertaining.
Garage Sale Raises $$ for Match Activities
The 6th Annual BBBSM Garage Sale took place on
Saturday, August 25th. A record-breaking $961.96 raised
will be used to help off-set the cost of monthly activities
matches can attend, like the Zoo Overnight and Hayrack
Ride. Channel 6 came out to shoot their morning news on
location and helped encourage even more shoppers to come
out and see what the BBBSM Garage Sale was all about.
Little Moments. Big Magic.
Thank you Big Brothers Big Sisters of the Midlands Donors
Donors of $25 and above, March 2007 through September 2007
We strive to have an accurate and complete donor list and we sincerely apologize for any errors or omissions.
If there is a correction, please call our office at 402-330-2449 x102.
$25 - $99
Ron & Kori Abdouch
Joan Abercrombie
Accurate Heating & Cooling, Inc.
Bryan Adamson
Kara Adamson
Jerald & Reva Aguilar
Kara Albert
Lisa Alfred
Tamara Allman
Jeff & Jane Alseth
Sherri Alvarez
Debra Amato
American Communications
Group, Inc.
American Express Company
Anchor Inn
Bobbi-Jo Andersen
Brandon Andersen
Anderson BP Amoco
Chastin Anderson
David Anderson
Kendra Anderson
Susan Anfinson
Jennifer Arbaugh
Archer-Perdue Suzuki
Jon Armstrong
Mitch Arnold
Gertrude Arthur
Marie Ashbridge
Jackie Austad
Hosea Austin
Doug & Niki Ayer
Gail Backer
Ted Backora
Sangeeta & Vijay Badal
Jeannette Badalucco
Wes Baedke
Philip and Cindy Baird
Christopher Baker
Brian Ball
Nick Barcel
James Barham
Megan Berry Barlow
Joseph & Jeanne Barmettler
Brittany Barrows
Paul & Teresa Barta
Jo Bartikoski & Don Westling
Steve Bartlett
Patrick Barton
Tiffanie Bartunek
Chris Bashus
Page Bassinger
Gina Batten
Diane Battiato
David Baumann
Robert & Janet Baumgart
Roger & Ellen Baumgart
Misti Bausch
Kevin Bayle
Duane & Janet Beck
Paul & Julie Becker
William & Marsha Beedle
Jim Belgrade
Wayne & Lynette Benjamin
Jennifer Patten Benson &
Tim Benson
Amy Berger
Jennifer Bergman
Paige & Scott Berryman
Melissa Bertelsen
Steve & Julie Betts
Dorothy Beutler
Joseph & Mary Beveridge
Mike & Sharon Beverly
Mary Bickels
Connie Bidne
Vicki Bien
Kelly Bigley
David Billings
Richard Billingsley
Jayson Bisbee
David & Mary Bishop
Jim Bishop
Jody Blessen
Heidi Blissenbach
Lori Bloom
Lorraine Blow
Dave Blumel
Karen Bober
Matthew Bock
Michelle Bodensteiner
Deb Boggess
Sandy Bogner
Diane Bognich
Ursula Bohac
Jesseca Bohuslavsky
Catherine Bombere
Joseph & Marilyn Bonaiuto
Michele Bonaiuto
Jean Bond
Michael Booth
Ann Borchers
Tamara Borer
Kristine Born
Rick Bornhoft
Linda Bostick
Connie Bowne
Douglas Boyd
Kevin & Erin Boyer
Mike Brannan
Kermit & Kathleen Brashear
Stacy Braun
Shalene Breci
Maura Brennick
Alan & Mary Kae Brewer
Kelli Brewer
Carrie & Dennis Briles
Cori Brock
Tod Brockley
Kelly Brockman
Greg Brokke
Deb Broomham
Cathy Brown
Colleen Brown
JoDawn Brown
Thomas & Raelynn Buffington
Building Components
Leah Buist
Cori Bumgardner
Kirk Bunch
Valeri Burcham
Drew Burford
Bobbi Burgett
Gloria Burgoin
Peggy Burrows
Kathy Burson
James Buser
Jackie Buttell
Erin Byers
Lynsey Byers
CSG Systems
Janice Cabaltica
Karen Callinan
Dick & Judy Campbell
Jim Carlson
Kim Carlson
Patty Carlson
Ryan Catignani
Denise & Steve Chachere
Amanda Chantiam
Julius Chapman
Ken Chapman
Matthew Charles
Lynn Cheney
John Cherica
Stuart & Amy Chittenden
Gayle Christensen
Phillip Chronister
M. Renee & Jon D. Claborn
Josh Clapper
Brad Clark
Carol Clark
Clair Clark
David & Dawn Clark
John & Taryn Clatanoff
Jennifer Claussen
Richard Cleek
Christina Collett
Curtis Collins
Suzanne Combs-Brown
Craig & Dana Compagnone
The Complete Garage
Bev Conroy
Doug Cook
Mike Cook
Kimmylea Coonrod
Chuck Cooper
Justin & Joan Cooper
Pat Cooper
Theresa Cooper
Lynn Corbeil & Buster Brown
Rick Cornelius
Colette Coschka
Dave Cota
Scott Coul
Kevin Covi
Niesje Covington
Ruby Covington
Bob Cox
Lovell Cox
Patti Craig
Jim Crampton
Cathy Creath
Creative Hair Design
Diana Crismon
Lyndon Cron
Nancy Cronin
Steve Cronkhite
Jamie Crowe
Tony Cummins
Pamela Curry
Cushing Distributing
Angela Cushing
Suzanne Cvetas
Santoro Counseling, Inc.
Adam Dahms
Eric David
Mary Anne David
June Davidson
Phil Davidson
James Davis
Mitchell Davis
Rowena Davis
Stephanie Davis
John Dawkins
David & Anne Day
Joe DeSantis
Brandon DeShaw
Jamie DeWispelare
Julie DeWitt
Cindy Dean
Mary Deichert
Jerome Deichert
Ricardo Delgado
Mike Demkowski
Tom Demory
Debra Denbeck
Melody Denson
Denise Dettman
Carolyn & David Diamond
Don Dickmeyer
Mike Dickmeyer
Nancy Didwell
Adam Dietsch
James Dietsch
Mary Beth Dilda
Terry & Becke Dimon
Deanna Doherty
Sean & Jennifer Donahue
Chris Donlan
Amy Dostal
Jean Douchey
Jeff Douglas
Robert & Diana Doyle
Christine Drake
Tony Dreibus
Charles & Linda Duckworth
Denise Duracinski
Scott & Jodi Durbin
Holly Durow
Christopher Duskin
Shirley & Gerald Dutton
Brad Eckhoff
Duane Eckhoff
Julie Edwards
Jeffrey & Karleen Ehrenfried
Ryan & Courtney Eklund
Joni Ellif
Sue Elliott
Dan Emanuel
Susan Engstrom
Suzanne & Burton Eno
Claudia Erickson
Paul Ernatt
Cory Erspamer
Jan Ervin
Aaron Eusterwiemann
Aaron Evans
Ann Evans
John Evans
Dwight Eveland
Kathleen Fahey
Mike Fahey
Katie Falco
Thomas & Barbara Falconer
Scott Farmer
Jim Farr
Patrick Farrell
Mary & John Fasbender
Shawn Fasbender
Jonathan Fast
Pegeen Fast
Todd & Amy Feltz
Robert Fennell
Louis J. Ferony III
Nancy Feidman
Jerry Finan
Brian & Carol Finley
Michelle Fish
Barbara Fisher
Pauline Fisher
Annelie Fitzgerald
Lynn & Roy Fitzgibbon
Edward & Mary Lee Fitzsimmons
Ellen Fitzsimmons
Kjell Flatoen
Kathleen & Ron Flock
Kerry Flora
Carl Fosco
Joseph Fosenburg
Brent Frahm
Richard & Rosemary Frandeen
Randy Fredericks
David Freel
Jeanine Freeman
Elsie Fricke
Dawn & Todd Fuelberth
Susan & Tim Fuerstenau
Abby Fugleberg
Marc & Cathy Fugleberg
Anthony & Patricia Fynn
Anna Galle
Louise Galloway
Greg Ganow
Steve Ganow
Andrea Gansen
Dan Garber
Sam Garrett
Sheila Garrett
Jodi Gasper
Steve Gasper
Michelle Gauchat
Julie Geiger
Gene Lilly Surety Bonds, Inc.
Rich Geracie
Nick German
Bill & Donna Gess
Brendan Gift
Robert Goff
Dan & Susan Gomez
Kraig Gomon
Jill Goodheart
Kendal Goodheart
Celeste Goodrich
Terri Goodwin
Ron & Jean Gordon
Tiffany Gorman
Jill Govier
Rick & Sara Graeve
Velvet Grandberry
Elizabeth Grazier
Tom Greco
Dana Greger
Richard & Dianne Gregory
Josh Greig
Tony Greig
Bret Griess
Joseph Groat
Melissa & Michael Gryzwa
Nancy Gue
Pat Guinan
Susan & Gary Gumm
Jennifer & Michael Gutschenritter
Thomas Guy
Aimee Guzman-Jones
Stacey Haase
Merlyn Habrock
Katie Hadenfeldt
Crystal Hagelstein
Vickie & Paul Hagen
Diana Hakenson
Elizabeth Haley
Jodi Hall
Timothy Hall
Amy Hallock
Bill Hallock
Jennifer Hamann
Maureen Haney
Elizabeth Hanlon
Annette Hansen
Annie & Scotte Hansen
Mike Hansen
Sharon Hanson
Tiffany Hanus
Stephen Hanway
Sherri Harnisch
Brian Harr
Mark & Debbie Harstick
Jackie Hart
James Hartwig
Anita Haviena
Stacy Hawn
Janet & C.W. Haws
Megan Hayes
Josh Hayman
Sarah Head
Eleanor Heaston
Laura Hefner
Carmine Helig
Rhonda Heineman
Rhonda Heiserman
Michele Heitz
Helen Heller
Bill Hendricks
Kirsten M. Hendrixson
John & Tracy Hensch
Bob Henthorne
Larry Heppelmann
Adrian & Julia Hernandez
Josh Hill
Matthew Hill
Sundee Hill
William Hill
Lynn Hizer
Karen Hobbs
Ana Hodges
Ellen Hoeppner
Michael Hoffman
Martha Hoig
Daniel Hoins
Nikki Hoistman
Audrey Hollis Lewis
Jennifer Hollmann
Tom & JoAnn Holm
Thomas Holmes
Maureen & Richard Holstein
Norma Holtmeyer
Laramie Holton
Paul & Diane Holubeck
Patricia Honeyman
Briana Hooi
David & Mary Anne Hoover
Diana Hopkins
James & Mary Hopkins
Stephanie Hopkins
Gaiana Hopkins-Tapscott
Brian & Carrie Hoppe
Ron Horner
Todd Hosking
Bea Houck
Jacqi Hrabik
Tina Hubbell
Stefanie Huff
Nathan Hughes
Frances Hunter
Katherine Hunter-Blyden
Amy Hurst
Scott & Susan Hutt
Karlene Hylen
IQuest Venture Group, LLC
Christine & David Insinger
Investment Motors
Shane Irish
John Ivester
Kay Ivey
Scott Jacob
Susan Jacques & Gene Dunn
Cassie Janitscheck
Melissa Jarecke
Marquita Jensen
Leroy Jeter
Scott Jewell
Kathy Jewett
Dave Jobeun
Mary Jochim
Ed & Nephi Johanson
Bill Johnson
Chris & Julie Johnson
Gloria Johnson
Leslie Johnson
Michelle Johnson
Mike Johnson
Randy Johnson
Stacey Johnson
Bruce Jones
DiAnn Jones
Jennifer Jones
Patrice Jones
Katherine Joyce
Kevin Joyce
Patrice Joyce
Samantha Julian-Cox
Rick & Frances Juro
Juxtapose Consulting, LLC
Richard Kaczmarczyk
Samantha Kalfut
Andy & Robin Kammerer
Michael Kaplan
Daniel Karnes
Mary Kass-Muckey
Matt Kasselman
Valerie Kasselman
Deborah & Arnold Katt
Matt Kauffman
Rebecca Kaup
Bill Kaye
Gene Kaye
Kevin Kaye
Kevin Keeley
Anne Keifer
Tori Keith
Richard Keller
Alicia Kelley
Ryan & Kori Kelley
Cynthia Kennedy
Janelle Kenny
Brenda Kermoade-Moore
Beth Keyser
Glory Kibbel
Dave King
Mike & Rondi Kinney
Dave Kirchhoefer
Brian Kirchhoff & Tracy Nelson
Rick Kirmis
Virginia M. Kissler
Yoshio Kitanohara
Mark & Vickey Kleinsmith
Luke Klinker
Robert & Debra Klitz
Gary Klopp
Sarah Kneeland
Brenda Knight
Kelly Kniivila
J. Kent Knoll
Dave Koluch
Michelle & Nick Kopchinsky
Eileen & Corey Korth
Thomas Kortisses
June Kowalewski
Kent Krabbenhoft
John & Carlene Kraft
Randy Kraft
Sandra Krebsbach
Julie Krehbiel
Kim Krienert
David Kros
Dean & Pat Krueger
Jinx Kucera
Lawrence Kuharevicz
Lori Kuhlmann
Rick Kutilek
Lynn Kvigne
Shonnie Ladehoff
Bridget Ladely
Jean Ladenburger
Alan Lafollette
Ron & Phyllis Lahm
Mary Lake
Fred J. & Jo A. Lambrecht
Robert Lannin
Greg Lanning
Marie Larchick & Art Haney
Mark Larsen
Sarah Larsen
Mary Larson
Jane Lassek & Mike Smith
Terry Lassek
Eric Laufmann &
Heather Bong-Laufmann
Marissa Laughlin
Mark Laughlin &
Theresa Graham Laughlin
Jason Lauritsen
Diane Lavender
Lisa Laville
Rita Lawler
Bernard & Veronique Le Guillou
Nicolas Le Guillou
Laura Leach
Leading Edge Printing
Bob & Betty Lehner
Frank & Nancy Lemaster
Brenda Lentsch
Donald & Eiko Lentsch
Michael & Lisa Lentsch
Carol Lewis
Charles Lewis
Patrick Lhermette
Nancy Lichtenberg
Kathy & Vern Lienemann
Boris & Lori Liffring
Linda Lindenberg
Jim Linder
Sandy & Kyle Livingston
Rob Logsdon
Vicki Longwell
Amy Lord
Jon Lord
Susan Lord
David Lounsberry
Michelle Luetticke
Deb Lukes
Dan Luneke
Lester Lute
Kim Lynch
Sara Lynn
Brian Lyons
M-K Service
M.A.N. Construction, Inc.
Robert Mackie
Todd Madsen
Diane Mahoney
Donna Mahoney
Justin & Adriana Mahoney
David Mainelli
Gayle Malmquist
Mark Malousek
Brandon Maly
$25-$99 continued
Russell Mammoser
Mike Mannarino
John & Pamela Marchant
Don & Sharon Marek
Kathy Marek
Adam Marsh
Jerry & Cathy Martin
Rick Martin
Lynn & Ron Massey
Dean Matter
Joe & Melina Matthes
Roderick & Brenda Matthews
Tim & Ann Mausbach
Andy May
Vicki Mayhan
Julie McLaughlin
Patti McAtee
Debra McClung
Kelly McColgan
Keith McCormick
J.K. McElligott
Richard McFayden
Arthur McGill
James & Jeanne McGowan
Carol & Bob McHugh
Aletha McIntosh
Amy McIntosh
John McIntosh
Sue & Ken McKamely
John McKernan
Barry & Judy McLaughlin
Daniel McLaughlin
Bartholomew & Jane McLeay
Gary & Nancy McMahon
Jen McMahon
Kevin McMahon
Louis & MaryAnn McMahon
James McNeil
Jeffrey McPherson
John McVaney
Jim McWilliams
Marsha Mcpheron
Renee Meek
Meier Masonry, Inc.
Arnie Meister
Lynne Mejstrik
Kathy Menke
Ken Merchant
Richard & Linda Meredith
Jessica Merrill
Amy Merryweather
Joe Messany
Michael & Gina Metschke
Marci Metzger
Jill Meyer
Jo Ann Meyer
Judy Meyer
Michelle Meyer
Nicole Meyer
Patti Meyer
Phil & Jane Meyer
Valerie Meyer
Jim & Sharon Michaelis
Berta Michalski
Diane Michalski
MidAmerican Energy Foundation
John & Kimberly Miksich
Amanda Miller
Mary Miller
Michael Miller
Sara Miller
Scott Miller
Ruth Milliken
Nadine Mills
Margaret & David Mitchell
Tory Moeller
John & Lola Molacek
Mike Molacek
Troy Molstad
Dennis Moore
Kathryn Moore
Lisa Moore
Roddy Moore
Scott D. Moore & Danene J. Tushar
Shad Moore
Terry & Debbie Moore
Kathleen Moorhead
Don Moray & Beth Ryan
Nancy Moreland
Doug Morey
Elizabeth Morey
Carrie Moritz
Karen Morphew
Deanna Morrical
Jeremy Morris
Ann Morrison
Steve Morton
Sharon Mosley
Tabitha Mountain
Mike Moylan
Ruth Muchemore
Donna & Jim Mueller
Denny Mulqueen
Aaron Mumper
Deb Munger
Tami Murdock
Deborah & Lawrence Murphy
Stephen Murphy
Sherry Murray
Karen & Eric Musgjerd
Curt ‘Bud’ Mushlitz
Mutual of Omaha
Julie Nadrachal
Dee Nakonechny
Tim Naprstek
Patrick & Amanda Nastase
Ira Nathan
Nicole Naurath
Rolf Naurath
Navarro Enterprise Construction
Matt Nebel
Dee & Daphne Nedrow
Roger Nedrow
Nedrows, Inc.
Peter & Linda Neenan
Marcia Nelsen
Ashley Nelson
James Nelson
Jenny Nelson
Sandy Nelson
Steve Nelson
Larry & Wendy Neppl
Neil Newcomb
Mike & Pam Newlun
Shawn Newlun
Richard Newman
Lori Nicholson
Heidi Nielsen
Molly & Matthew Noon
Jim Noonan
Keith Nordbrock
John Nordmeyer
Dorothy Norton
Nancy Novak
Dave Nugen
Jack O’Brien
Courtney O’Connor
Joe O’Connor
Andy & Becky O’Leary
Alison O’Neill
Sandy Oamek
Lynette Oberdorfer
Tara Odegaard
Heidi Oettel
Thomas Oettel
Nikki Okun
Jim Olafson
Kathleen & Terry Olin
Becky Olson
Tracy Olson
Luis Olvera, Jr.
Jack & Mary Ann Opet
Lisa Orr
Kathi Ortmeier
Peter & Sheryl Osentoski
Don Ostdiek
Bob & Danielle Ostronic
Bridget Ostronic
Andrea & Ryan Oswald
Kate Ott
Raymond & Sally Otter
Judy Owens
Zachary & Jodie Owens
Jim & Jeri Packer
Vorace Packer
Melissa Paladino
Laurel Palmer
Rubens & Michelle Pamies
Jon Panzer
John & Laura Parr
Rita Parriott
Max Parriott
John Passarelli
Georgia Patrick
Anne Patten
Melissa Patterson
John Pavlik
Anna Payne
Juliann Peacock
Richard & Catherine Pedersen
Bob Pelshaw
Andrew Perez
Susan Perkins
Ed & Nancy Perkons
Nick Perkons
Tammy Perry
Matt & Jennifer Peter
Sallie Peters
Ann Petersen
Lynne Petersen
Bitsy Peterson
Russ Peterson
Mike Petrini
Steve & Jennifer Peterson
Melodie Petty
Michael & Annika Phillips
Speelman & Brenda Phillips
Ryan Pichler
Mary Pilant
Susan Pine
Julie Piper
William Pitcher
Deb Plettner
Greg Pohl
Richard Pohl
Steve & Deb Pollard
Robert Polson
Scott Pope
Robert Poppen
David & Nancy Post
Jacqueline Powell
Powers Foot & Ankle, P.C.
Diana Prauner
Susan & Jerry Prazan
Dr. Laurel & Twila Preheim
Ila Preister
Marla Prenzlow
John & Leigh Prescott
Catherine Price
Pulverente Monument Co.
David Purcell
Thomas & Cindy Quedensley
Christina Quindt
Curtis Raber
Paul Rabinovitz
Linda Rafael
Melinda Rape
Nancy & Mark Rase
Michael Rastetter
Kelsey Ratigan
Chris Rau
Liz & Roger Rea
Kameisha Reaves
Denise Reed
James Reed
Michele Reed
James Rehrig
Laurie Reid
Tom Reilly
William D. Reilly, III
William D. Reilly, Jr.
Linda Reimer
Kerri Rein
Michelle Reinke
Gabriela Renderos
Lisa Revord
Joanne Rhiger
Latrice Rice
Douglas ‘Spider’ Richardson
Heidi Richardson
Sara Richardson
Edward & Stacey Richter
Rick Young Financial Services
Justine Riedy
James Rieker
Mary Rieschl
Bryce & Sue Riessland
Stephanie Riessland
Mary L. Riggs
Ruth Riggs
Wade Riggs
Aaron Ripley
Teri Roberts
Kenny Rocker
Nicole Rodwell
Eric Rogge
Betty Rohe
Carroll Rolf
Conni Roseland
Margo Rosen
Tom Rosencrans
Tony Rosso
Pat & Tom Rowland
Richard Rozgay
Julie Rudol
Karen Ruff
Nancy K. Ruffcorn
Danielle Ruffin
Tom Ruhlman
Matt Rumery
Julie Rush
Matthew Rusmussen
Diane Russell
John & Mary Ruzicka
Steve Ryan
Karen Ryan
Julee Sage
Craig & Molly Sall
Julie Samson
Olivia Sanchez-Hodges
Shane Sandberg
Judith & Frank Sandeen
Terry Sanford
Carmen & Elizabeth Santoro
Jim & Arlee Shaefer
Ashley Scheel
Kevin & Heather Scheiding
Roger & Rita Scheiding
Martin Schiano
Bob Schilling
Jay Schmidt
Diane Schmielau
Linda & Thomas Schmitt
Amanda Schmitz
Enid Schonewise
Jody Schott
Barbara Schramm
Sara Schroeder
Michael Schulte
Mason & Nancy Schultz
Alice Schumaker
Elaine Schurr
Christine Scruggs
Donnie & Kelly Sears
Katie Sears
Lisa Seemann
Kevin & Amber Seidl
John Selix
Ray Sena
Steve Senft
Jeffrey Shanahan
Liz Shanahan
Larry Shanks
Alan & Janey Sharpee
Brian Shaw
Cindy Shea
Charles Shelton, III
Dulce & Allen Sherman
Elvin Shew, Jr.
JoAnne Shimonek
Rodney Shkolnik
Nadia Shotkoski
Mark Sibbernsen
Sandy Sidebottom
Jason Siffring
SilverStone Group
George Simmons
Kieth Simmons & Mary McNamee
Pam Simonsen
Mike Sindelar
Suzanne Singer
Angie Size
Caroline Skipper
Andrew & April Smith
Bob Smith
Brian Smith
Donald & Raeann Smith
Douglas & Kathryn Smith
John Smith
Nick Smith
Ren & Stacie Smith
Robin & Tim Smith
Scott Smith
Tim & Magan Smith
Gary Smollen
Diane Snider
Lyle Snider
Michael Sobczyk
Adam Sortino
William Soukup
Tracy Spath
John & Cecelia Specht
Anne Spence
Seth Spratt
Raghavan Srinivasan
Lon & Stacie Saucier
Sheila Staiert
Marilyn Standerford
Jared Stanek & Alica Ward
Wesley Steele
Sandie Steffen
Brooke Steppat
Carolyn Stern
Gregory Stevens
Lynne & Ward Stevens
Andrea Stine
Brad Stock
George & Mary Stockdale
Chris Stockman
Jennifer Stoural
Nick & Cindy Stoysich
Ann Stratton
Paul Strawhecker
Ted Stricklett
John Stringer
Jeff & Lisa Strohmyer
Susan Strong
Studio 360 Architecture
Paul & Mary Stultz
Randy & Cheryl Stutzman
Robert & Jane Stutzman
Subwayne, Inc.
Amanda Sucha
Alva Lynn Sugg
Robert Sullivan
Summy Foot and Ankle, PC
Brandon Suponchick
Shaw Sutter
Sophie Swagler
Daniel Swanson
Keith Swanson
Gary Swartz
Cheryl Sweet
Les & Pamela Swick
Joe Sykora
Todd Tasich
Karen & Chris Tatten
Larry & Phyllis Tennison
Angela Tewfik
Tim Thalken
Willy Theisen
Carol & Marcellus Thomas
David Thomas
Rebecca Thomas
Denly Thompson
Joseph & Michelle Thompson
Kathy Thompson
Jane & Larry Thornton
Richard & Lynda Thorpe
Glen & Marsha Tiessen
Nancy Tingwald
Jeff & Barb Titus
Tyree & Alecia Tolbert
Michael Toohey
Michael Torres
Wendy Townley
Eve Tran
Brandon Traudt
John & Ruth Tresemer
Loyd & Bernice Trimpey
Lynn Trimpey
Elroy Trotty
Doug Troupe
Mike Troxell
John Tucker
Lara Turco
Kathleen Ueding
Dave Ulferts
Lori Umstead
Angela Upton
VIP Lounge
Karen Van Dyke
Steven Vander Plaats
Austin Vandeveer
Richard Vasy
Michael S. Vaughn
Mike Vaughnwilliams
Bob Veitch
Scott VerBracken
Joyce Verley
Pete & Judy Vidito
Michelle Vonderfecht
Tim & Char Vonderfecht
Connie Voyles
Rick Vroman
Debby & Delph Wafer
Matt Wafer
Debbie & Deon Wagner
John Wagner
John & Linda Wainionpaa
Dan Walkewicz
Linda Waller
Jon Wallwey
Kelly & Kara Walters
Jim & Margaret Walz
Jessica Ward
Michaela Ward
Tammy Ward
Edward & Colleen Warin
Roger & Diane Warin
Shannon Waszgis
Josh Watchorn
Kathy Watchorn
Laura Watts
Bryan & Julie Waugh
Terry Waugh
Heidi Weaklend
Megan Weatherwax
Cami Webb
Pam Weekly
Sarah Weigel
Stephanie Weigel
Kevin Weir
Melissa Welch
Rose Welindt
Terry & Chris Wendlandt
Kevin & Kathy Wenzl
Lori Wenzl
Charles & Barbara West
Mike Westcott
Kay Weston
Lisa Whalen
Wendy & Ted Whalen
Mark Wharton
Kelly Whelan
James Whitaker
Rose & Michael White
Bob & Kim Whitehouse
Leonard & Mary Whiteing
Philip Whiteman
Janice Whitley
Jenn Whyman
Abby Wilkinson
Shelli Wilcoxon
Angie Williams
Lou Annette Williams
Tyrone Williams
Sherman Willis
Annasue Wilson
Jessica Wilson
Konn Wilson
Bill Wimmer
Susan Wimmer
Connie & Terry Winkler
Kristopher Winningham
Willis & Sydney Winstrom
Marc Wisdom
Conrad Wiser
Stephen Wisnieski
Kathryn Wittman
Mary Rae Wolf
Ryan & Staci Wolf
Sibby & Bob Wolfson
Jane Wood
Nadine Wood
Timothy Wood
Robert Woodard
Sara Woods
Eric Wright
Angie Wroblewski
Jeff Yarbrough
Betty Jean Yeargain
Vickie Zeigler
Rachel Zemp
Julie & Steven Zeplin
Randy Zerzan
Jenny & Chris Zimmers
Joe Ziskey
Mary Jo Ziskey
Matt Ziskey
Michael Ziskey
$100 - $250
ADC Homes
Mike & Sandy Albers
Alex Anderson
Lisa Anderson
Rick & Ann Anderson
Anything Goes for Hair
Michael & Becky App
Armored Knights, Inc.
James & Seressa Austad
Scott Baker
Toni Baker
Anthony Balzano
Barbara Banks
Ryan & Nancy Barwick
David A. & Betty T. Baxter, Jr.
Jim Bazata
Michael Behle, DDS
Belgrade Company
Bob Bertrand
Best Trucking Co., Inc.
Gloria A. Billingsley
Dorothy & Duane Birginal
Kim Bishop
Joe Bonaiuto
Ronnie Bounds
Andy Bradfield
Ronald Brasel
Jessica & Brian Barnes
Sherry Brown
Thomas Brown
Matt & Penny Bruns
Dave & Jill Budler
Melissa Burdette
Brian Burns
Scott Cahow
Tom Carney
Cassius Carter
Matt Carter
Mark Casteel
Patience Caughlin
John & Kate Cavanaugh
Millard Children’s Academy
Corey Childress
Gordon Clark
Trish Clary
Michael & Amy Coleman
Kresha Connolly
Darrin Cook
Kim Coonrod
Richard & Terry Lee Cowell
Christina Craig
Jerry Crouse
Mike D’Alfonso
Kelly Dahl
DavDen, Inc
Jan Davis
Richard DeWitt
Glen Dirkschneider
Cindy Doerr
Faith & Ron Doerr
Mark Drackley
Ronald Eggers
Rochelle Eigst
Sheila Estes
Jerry & Jill Feilmeier
Adrian & Kim Ferguson
Fire Investigation Specialists, Inc.
Warren & Marisa Fish
Tate & Denise Fitzgerald
Gayla Fletcher
Molly Flodman
Kevin Ford
Jessica Freeman
Roz Friedman
James Garrett
Jonathan & Heidi Gass
Ronald Gatzke
Larry Gendler & Tami Field
Corrine & John Giggee
Martha Gilchrist
Charles Gleckler
Gary Gotsdiner
Michael & Michelle Greenwood
Hair Technology, Inc
Stan & Susan Hallock
Jon & Beth Hansen
Daniel Harley
John Hartigan
Tom Hartlieb
David Hartman
Paul & Marge Hartnett
Jerome Heppelmann
Jeff Hershey
David Hilal
John Hilson
Mark Himler
Scott & Kathy Hoyt
$100-$249 continued
Steven & Annette Huff
Neal Hughes
Milan Iricanin
Ralph Jackson, Jr
Dennis Jacobson
Amanda Jedlicka
Robert & Karen Joyce
Joe Juarez
Carole Kamper
Kathy Kennedy
Steven & Lori Kathol
Michael Kearney
Katie Kelly
William Kincade
Thomas & Melissa King
Marvin Kipp
Dale Koester
Joseph Konen
Steven & Kelly Kontz
Greg Kroll & Cynthia Driscoll
Travis Kwallek
LaVista FOP Lodge #28
Mike Lane
Jon & Nora Langenfeld
Clark Lauritzen
Robert & Pamela Lentz
Bob & Karen Lepp
Barbara Lepper
Liberty Social Hall
Phyllis Lord
Lindsay Lundholm
David & Katie Mack
Martin & Pam Malley
Mammel Family Foundation
Lauren Manhart
Marcia Murray
Marcotte Insurance
Thomas Marfisi
Sasha Markovic
Allan Marques
Marsh Creek Concrete, Inc
Myra Marsh
Karen Martin
Monnique Masumori
Jeanne Matthes
David McCann
James McMahon
Stan McWilliams
Phil Mcleod
Kim Mcpheron-Kreitter
Summer Miller Widhalm &
Steven Widhalm
Karen Miller
Steve & Jeanne Miller
Mary Sue Milliken
Frank E. Mitchell III
Brad Moore
Dian Moore
Jamie & F. Joe Morrison
Ric Mortensen
Tina Mruz
Karen Mulder
Brian Muldrew
Tim & Karen Munderloh
Larry & Lisa Murray
Laura Mussman
Rodney Neal
Nebraska State AFL-CIO
James Nekuda
David Nelson
Adam North
Olsson Associates
Rene Orosco
Roxy Ann Orr
Ada Ortiz-Bianchi
Dan Pansing
Mike Parker
Joshua & Shannon Peacher
Elishia Petersen
Pheasant Bonanza Hunt Club
& Kennel
Troy Pohl
Pat & Rich Porter
Karl & Arlene Porzelt
Roger Powell
John Powers
Eric Preister
Carolyn Prindle
David & Julie Propp
Timothy & Jan Pugh
Nick & Lisa Radloff
Barry & Gretchen Reid
Mary Reilly
Paul Remmereid
Mike & Renae Rensch
Daniel Renouard
Steve Rippe
Tim & Beckie Rosenthal
Phil Ruhlman
Fred & Sarah Rusche
Joshua Rybin
Ronald & Jeanette Schacht
Ronald & Barbara Schaefer
Schering Plough Workplace Giving
Randy Schmidt
Steve Schmitz
Big Difference Committee
Dian Moore - Chair
Mary Joy Anderson
Cindy Bay
Nancy Behringer
Pam Berry
Patty Bradford
Deanne Fairfield
Mary Focht
Ann Hancock
Kathy Lewis
Wendy Moore
Karen Prewitt
Carol Russell
Lin Simmonds
Macaela Smith
Debbie Trowbridge
Susie Wagner
Gifts in Honor of:
Nancy Barwick from Ann Petersen
Austin Muchemore from Ruth Muchemore
Gifts in Memory of:
Pearl Bertrand
From Lynn Corbeil and Buster Brown
Liz and Roger Rea
Mary Heeren
From Mutual of Omaha
Clifford Olson
From American Communications
Group, Inc.
Merle Thrasher
From Mark and Vickey Kleinsmith
Rosemarie Schwartz
Marc Scott
Cindy Scoville
Diane Sczepaniak
Holly Seifert
Corrine Seitner
Lisa Shkolnick
Thomas & Jacqueline Shotkoski
Alan & Anne Simon
Fred & Eve Simon
Mark Simon
Patrick Simon
Rashawn Smarr
Terry Smith
Janet Sorensen
Rick Spicka
Dennis Stackhouse
M. David Steier
Margaret Stein
Chuck & Christine Stevens
Doralu & Douglas Streeter
Mindi Struck
Bob Sutton
David Sylvester
Tammy Teten
Phyllis Thagard
The Home Depot Political Action
Kevin Thompson
Gerald & Rosemarie Tomka
Bob & Maureen Toy
Daren Trammell
Tim & Terri Traudt
Joshua Tresemer
Cuba Tucker
Robert Turner
United Seeds, Inc
Valmont Industries
Travis Vanderpool
Dee Vaughn
Cindy Vendetti
Chris Vincentini
Tom & Beverly Vitamvas
Krista Volzke
Jihad Wade
Erik & Susie Wagner
Dave & Rose Wallman
Michael & Margaret Wallner
Karen Watson
Wade Watts
Spencer Wedberg
Tony Weigel
David Weist
Philip & Christine Welch
Nancy West
Nichole West & Kevin Turgeon
Thomas R. Westlund
Byron Wheeler
Ed & Jackie White
Elizabeth Whited
Lori Wies
Dave Wilcox
Brad & Mari Wildeman
Lori Jane Wildhagen
Danny Willars
Stephen & Lori Williams
John Wilmers
Wendy Wilson
Rodney & Karen Wise
Ron & Diane Withem
Eric & Audrey Wood
Lynn & Walter Woodford
Kent Yoder
eBay Foundation
$250 - $499
Baldwin Hackett & Meeks, Inc
Roger Blauwet
Kate Bradley
Continental Fire Sprinkler
Dennis Duffy
Dave & Diane Flynn
Dale & Mary Gubbels
Dan & Kaylie Guinan
Aimee Haley
Mary Hamilton & Jack White
Heritage Financial Services
Douglas & Faith Himberger
Candace & William Huey
Ike & Roz Friedman Foundation
William Joyce
Percy Kirk
Bobby Kotick
David & Jan Madsen
Knolls Management
Tim Marion
Nebraska State Fraternal Order
of Police
No Frills Supermarkets
Paragon Construction
Jeff Parriott
Jamie “Jon” & Kristin Peck
Dean Peterson
Special Thanks
Bowl for Kids’ Sake
Participating Companies
Presenting Sponsor
Cox Communications*
Gold Sponsor
Omaha Steaks*
Silver Sponsors
Booz Allen Hamilton*
Pinnacle Bank*
First Data*
Tier One Bank*
Lockheed Martin*
Lane Sponsors
Baldwin, Hackett &
Meeks, Inc.
Bass Pro Shops
Fraternal Order of Police
Hearthstone Homes
Midlands Community
No Frills Supermarkets
AAA Nebraska
Hilton Omaha
American Eagle Outfitters
JB’s Salon & Day Spa
Anything Goes for Hair
Joe & Company
Bank of the West
Medical Solutions
Omaha City Weekly
City of Omaha - Mayor’s Office
Renaissance Financial
Community Rehab
Salon Platinum
Embassy Suites
Salon Tino
First National Bank
Security National Bank
Garbo’s Eagle Run
Seven Salon
Garbo’s Regency
Union Pacific
The Grove Salon
Hair Tech
Wells Fargo
The Harry A. Koch Co.
*Employees also participated in bowling
Tim and Cindy Reilly
Jim and Pat Rosenquist
Robert Rosse
Salon Tino
Michael J. Scherr
Anne Johnson Steinhoff and
Dan Steinhoff
Ken Stoll
Steve and Rhonda Stratman
Jane Huerter Weekly
Derek Williams
$500 - $999
AAA Nebraska
Alan and Marcia Baer Foundation
Jonathan Baker
Brian & Janet Clark
Travis Clemens
Frank Cristelli
Degussa Corporation
HearthStone Homes
Dan & Sharon Irvin
Jim & Joan Jensen
Kutak Rock LLP
Bill & Jodie Mackintosh
Ken & Lisa Mar
Tyler McLeod
Douglas & Joan Murray
Mark Pace
Platinum Blondz, Inc
Red & Jana Thomas
Jim & Nancy Thompson
Rick Turner
Wells Fargo Bank
Werner Enterprises
$1,000 - $1,999
Abrahams Kaslow & Cassman LLP
Tal & Mary Joy Anderson
Aquila, Inc.
Baird Holm LLP
Borsheim’s Fine Jewelry and Gifts
Coach Callahan Charities, Inc
Charles & Margaret Eisele
Election Systems & Software
Fullenkamp Doyle & Jobeun
Jamie Gutierrez
Hawks Foundation
Jelecos - Data Media Solutions
Lincoln Financial Group
Lockheed Martin, Nova
MarketSphere Consulting
Nebraska Furniture Mart
TierOne Foundation
The Valmont Foundation
Woodmen of the World
Bank of the West
Big Brothers Big Sisters of America
City of Omaha
ConAgra Foods
First National Bank
Fraser Stryker PC LLO
The Nebraska Medical Center
Pinnacle Bank
ReRuns R Fun
Wal-Mart Stores Inc
eBay Foundation’s Champion a
Charity Program
Booz Allen Hamilton
Cox Communications
First Data
The Gallup Organization
Iowa West Foundation
Peter Kiewit Sons’, Inc.
Precision Industries
Union Pacific Railroad
Alegent Health Community
Benefit Trust
Douglas County
Lozier Foundation
Midlands Community Foundation
Nebraska Crime Commission
Region 6 - State Incentive
Cooperative Agreement
The Sherwood Foundation
Todd & Betiana Simon
Paul & Annette Smith
United Way of the Midlands
Little Moments Big Magic Giving Society
Dream Maker
Paul & Annette Smith
Memory Maker
Mike & Susan Lebens
Precision Industries
Match Maker
James & Lynette Bohan
Eric & Cynthia Butler
Jamie Gutierrez
Paul & Marge Hartnett
Susan Henricks
Steve Kros
Ken & Lisa Mar
Michael & Erin Murnan
Douglas & Joan Murray
Omaha Standard, Inc.
Tim & Cindy Reilly
Mike & Anna Sortino
James & Deborah Suttle
James & Nancy Thompson
Ed & Jackie White
Williams & Bullocks, LLC
InKind Donors
Alegent Health
Baird Holm, LLP
Dennis Christianson
Jacqueline Lorince Photography
Kathy Kennedy and Bob Bertrand
Knights of Aksarben
Lawlor’s Custom Sportswear
David and Jan Madsen
National Associates of
Insurance & Financial
OCI Insurance & Financial
Omaha Beef Football
Omaha Community Playhouse
Omaha Steaks
Pinnacle Bank
Jim and Pat Rosenquist
David and Peggy Sokol
Staged and Rearranged
Spectrum Salon Systems
Terry Watanabe Charitable Trust
Red and Jana Thomas
Jim and Nancy Thompson
Union Pacific
Big Brothers Big Sisters of the Midlands
10831 Old Mill Road, Suite 400
Omaha, NE 68154
BBBS is Agency of the Year
Match celebrates 8 years
Friends of Mentoring
Award Winners
Board of Directors:
Ken Mar
You Don’t Have to Change Your Life to Change His.
The Gallup Organization
Erin Murnan
Big Brothers Big Sisters of the Midlands is
looking for a FEW GOOD MEN! You can
give just a few hours each month and have a
profound impact on the life of a child.
Bank of the West
Trevor Barton
Deloitte & Touche, LLP
Doug Ayer
Pinnacle Bank
James R. Bohan
You don’t need any special skills, just the desire
to be a friend to a child who needs one. Littles
range in age from 7 to 15 years old and they
have all sorts of interests and favorite
activities. There is a Little waiting for you!
Omaha Steaks
David Budler
Booz Allen Hamilton
Travis Clemens
ConAgra Foods
Barry Gideon
First National Bank
Daniel Guinan
Call us today at 402-330-2449 x100 or email
[email protected]. Let us show you
how rewarding being a Big Brother can be.
Fraser, Stryker, Attorneys at Law
Steve Kontz
Renaissance Financial
Tyler McLeod
Abrahams, Kaslow & Cassman, LLP
Jan Madsen
First Data Resources
Doug Murray
Baird Holm, Attorneys at Law
Jeff Parriott
MarketSphere Consulting
Kristin Peck
Cox Communications
Jacqueline White
Union Pacific
Nancy Thompson
Executive Director
Cindy Reilly
Chief Operating Officer
Nichole West
Development Director