ECHS Handbook - Edwards County Schools


ECHS Handbook - Edwards County Schools
Edwards County High School
Student Handbook
361 W. MAIN
ALbION, IL 62806
PhONe: 618-445-2325
Table of ConTenTs
Academic Letter............................................... 21
Academic Requirements..................................13
Access to Social Networking .......................... 22
Activity Period ................................................... 5
Additional Instruction.........................................21
American Disabilities Act................................. 21
Asbestos Notification ...................................... 22
Assemblies ....................................................... 5
Athletic & Extra-Curricular Eligibility ................ 5
Athletic Events .................................................. 5
Attendance Policy ............................................. 5
Attendance - Business/College Day................... 6
Attendance - Excessive Absences .................... 6
Attendance - Funeral Days ............................... 6
Attendance - Medical Appointments................... 6
Attendance - Prearranged Absences.................. 6
Authorization to Distribute Materials ................. 22
Bathroom .......................................................... 6
Behavior Intervention Guideline ...................... 22
Book Rent ....................................................... 22
Budget Information.......................................... 22
Bus Rules .......................................................... 7
Bus Rules Discipline ........................................ 7
Cafeteria ........................................................... 8
Calendar .......................................................... 37
Cars, Trucks, and Other Motorized Vehicles..... 8
Cheating........................................................... 8
Child Abuse and Neglect................................ 23
Child Find Responsibility ................................. 23
Class Change Procedure ................................ 23
Classroom Behavior ......................................... 9
Daily Bulletin .................................................... 23
Dinner Theatre ................................................. 24
Disaster Emergency Procedures...................... 24
Discipline Referrals ........................................... 9
Dress Code ....................................................... 9
Drug-Free Schools & Communities Act Policy... 24
Drugs and Alcohol .......................................... 10
Dual Credit ...................................................... 25
ECHS Students Waiting for AGS Dismissal ....10
Election of Class Officers ................................ 11
Electronic Messaging ...................................... 11
Electronic Signaling Devices........................... 11
Expulsion ........................................................ 12
Extra-Curricular Code of Conduct .................. 12
Extra-Curricular Events .................................. 13
Extra-Curricular Events Attendance Policy........ 13
Family Educational Rights And Privacy Act (FERPA) ..... 25
Fighting ............................................................ 14
Fires ................................................................ 14
Food and Beverages....................................... 14
Free Appropriate Public Education (FAPE) ..... 26
Grade Classification ....................................... 26
Grading System ............................................ 26
Graduation Ceremony..................................... 28
Graduation Requirements .............................. 27
Guidance......................................................... 28
Hall Conduct .................................................. 14
Harassment.................................................... 14
Honor Roll .......................................................
IHSA Rules ..................................................... 35
Illinois College Admission Recommendations .... 28
Illinois High School Association Insert ........... 28
Insubordination ............................................... 14
Insurance ........................................................ 28
Internet, E-Mail, and Local Area Network ........15
Laser Pointers ................................................ 15
Library ............................................................. 15
Lockers ........................................................... 15
Lost and Found ............................................... 29
Medicine.......................................................... 29
Misrepresentation by a Student ...................... 16
No Pass/No Play (Student Organizations) ..... 29
Non Discrimination ......................................... 29
Noon Activities ................................................ 16
PARCC Assessment ........................................ 16
Parent Conferences ........................................ 29
Passes ............................................................ 16
Perfect Attendance Award .............................. 30
Personal Property ........................................... 30
Pesticide Notification Registry ........................ 30
Physical and Dental Records ......................... 16
Physical Education Requirements .................. 16
Plagiarism ....................................................... 16
Positive Behavior Intervention System (PBIS) ... 30
Public Display of Affection .............................. 16
Public Relations Photographs ......................... 30
Removal From Class ...................................... 17
Removal of Clothing ....................................... 17
Required Courses to Participate in College
Athletics at NCAA Division 1 Schools ......... 30
Response to Intervention (RTI) ........................ 30
Rules of Conduct for Students ........................ 17
Saturday School ............................................. 17
School Disruption ........................................... 18
School Materials ............................................. 31
School Property .............................................. 18
School Song.................................................... 31
Section 504 of The Rehabilitation Act of 1973 ...31
Semester Exams .............................................. 31
Semester Exams Exemption........................... 31
Severe Weather - School Closing .................. 32
Show Choir ..................................................... 32
Sign Out Sheet................................................. 18
Smoking and Use of Tobacco ......................... 18
Stealing ........................................................... 19
Student Council Eligiblity ................................. 32
Student Directory Information ......................... 32
Student Discipline (End of School Term) ........ 19
Student Reporting of School Safety Issues .... 19
Student Rights Procedure ................................. 32
Student School Conduct ................................ 19
Student Work Habits ....................................... 19
Suspensions ................................................... 19
Tardy Policy..................................................... 19
Teen Dating Violence ...................................... 33
Threat to Employees ....................................... 20
Threatening Conditions ................................... 33
Transfer Students ........................................... 33
Travel ............................................................... 20
Truancy ............................................................ 20
Truancy Interventionist ...................................... 33
Uniform Grievance Procedure ........................ 33
Vandalism ....................................................... 20
Video Cameras ............................................... 34
Visitors and Guests ........................................... 34
Water Bottles .................................................. 20
Weapons, Knives, Firearms ........................... 21
West Parking Lot and Walkway ..................... 21
This handbook is provided for each member of the student body, faculty, and staff of Edwards County
High School as a source of information.
The content of this handbook is comprehensive, but no handbook could cover every incident or give
every bit of information necessary.
The purpose of this handbook is to serve as a guideline for the orderly process of education. It is not
intended to create a contractual relationship with the student; rather, it is intended to describe the school,
its current practices, procedures, rules, and regulations (or code of conduct).
Changes in this handbook can and will be made as we, the school, community, and the Student Advisory
Council, develop better approaches to our endeavor. The Parent/Advisory Board meets once a year to
review the student handbook.
In addition, each principal, within his or her school, may establish certain written rules and regulations
not inconsistent with those established by the Board of Education and the Superintendent of Schools.
Please feel free to contribute any ideas which you feel will improve the education of students.
E.C.C.U.S.D. #1
Students and staff will be provided with an activity period during the week. Class, club and other extracurricular meetings may take place during this time each day.
Students will be required to sign-out at the beginning of the activity period from their homeroom class
and will also be required to sign-in when they have reached their destination for the activity meeting.
Once students have arrived at their meeting location, they are to stay there for the rest of the period.
There is to be no loitering in the restrooms or hallways. If there are any problems, the student may have
activity privileges taken away for the remainder of the school year.
Assemblies are held in the gym and the following standards of conduct must be followed:
1. Be in assigned area.
2. Remain quiet during assemblies.
3. Applaud by hand clapping only. No stamping of feet, shouting, whistling, etc. Pep assemblies, music,
drama, movies, and guests are some of the assemblies to be presented.
Students must maintain a 1.0 GPA and no F’s to be eligible to participate in athletics, cheerleading, and
extra-curricular activities.
Eligibility is reported by teachers weekly. A student declared ineligible will not participate in athletics,
cheerleading, or extra-curricular activities for the week immediately following that declaration. The week
will begin Monday and runs through Sunday.
Students are expected to display good sportsmanship whether a participant or spectator. Students
who are not watching the game or are lingering in the hallway will be asked to leave the athletic event.
Booing of the officials or participants is not permitted. Students must be in attendance at least one half
(1/2) of the day to attend events.
Edwards County High School is committed to the philosophy that all students must attend his/her classes
in order to receive the maximum benefit of a complete education. Regular attendance and promptness
are expected of each student and are essential for the development of responsible behavior which will
be useful throughout life.
Regular attendance is not only required by law, but it is imperative for scholastic progress of the individual.
A student who has an excused absence will be allowed to make up work. The student will be allowed two
days to make up each day missed upon his/her return to school. However, if a student is absent from
class on the day of an announced test, quiz, assignment, or project, he/she shall make up that work on
the same day that he/she returns to school. Upon return to school students will pick up homework
missed from the office. The homework will have an assigned due date recorded on the folder.
Participation in extra-curricular activities is acceptable if a student has been in attendance at least ½ of the
school day. A physician’s excuse, funeral of an immediate family member, or other absences as approved
by the principal will be the only exception. While phone calls are appreciated, a parental or doctor’s
note is required in order for a written record of the absence to be incorporated into the student’s record.
Parents are encouraged to call the office prior to 8:00 a.m. An answering machine is available for
messages. The office will open at 7:45 a.m. If a student is absent, a parental note or doctor’s note is
required on the day the student returns to school in order for the absence to be excused. The note is
required to maintain a paper trail for future inquiries.
Any student who returns to school without a parental or doctor’s note will be marked unexcused.
Students who were absent should report to the office between 8:00 a.m. and 8:15 a.m. on the day they
return to school.
Students who are at least 18 years of age may sign themselves out of school during any part of the
school day, but in order for the absence to be counted as an excused absence, the reason for signing
out must be approved by the principal or his designee.
Business/College Days are the responsibility of the student and parents. Juniors will be allowed one
(1) college visit; seniors will be allowed two (2) college visits. Each college visit must be pre-approved.
The Guidance Office will make arrangements with colleges/businesses for appointments. Students are
required to bring written verification from the college or business upon returning to school.
Attendance and academic performance are closely related. Regular attendance is required everyday
as a student misses an important part of his/her instruction when not in school. The high school
attendance policy is designed to develop student responsibility and to promote the education of each
student. The policy will be on a class by class basis. If a student has more than 5 absences per class
and it’s not one of the listed exemptions in the student handbook, their cumulative grade will be
reduced by 5% for each day above and beyond the 5 days.
Students are expected to be in attendance on a daily basis per Illinois Statue. This policy pertains
only to grade reduction for excessive absences and does not allow for students to miss school for
invalid reasons.
All absences from school will count toward the five (5) allotted days except those listed below.
1. Participation in a school sponsored activity
2. An illness or medical appointment verified by a doctor’s note as soon as returning to school
3. Religious holidays
4. Other absences as approved by the Principal
5. Immediate family member funeral days
aTTenDanCe - fUneRal DaYs
Funeral days do not count toward the five (5) day attendance policy and are restricted to “immediate
family”: parents, spouse, brothers, sisters, children, grandparents, parents-in-law, sister-in-law, brotherin-law, and legal guardians.
aTTenDanCe - MeDICal aPPoInTMenTs
We encourage students to schedule medical appointments so as not to miss regular class periods;
therefore a medical appointment during homeroom does not count toward the semester exam exemption
policy if a note from the doctor is submitted to the high school office on the first day the student returns
to school. Excessive absences due to medical appointments to be determined by the administration may
require a conference with parents. Extended illness requiring a physician’s care must be certified by a
physician in writing. The physician’s certification must indicate which days are excused as an extended
illness. A routine doctor appointment will not count toward the five (5) day maximum if certified. Note
that doctor appointments are excused only for the time of the appointment plus reasonable travel time.
aTTenDanCe - PReaRRanGeD absenCes
When students are going to be gone and know ahead of time, they should collect their work from teachers
and make every effort to have it completed upon return. If the cause of the absence is not one of the
listed exemptions, these days must be cleared ahead of time through the office in order for the absences
not to count towards the excessive absences policy.
Edwards County High School students may use the high school bathrooms only.
Riding a school bus is a privilege extended to students and can be taken away anytime for disruptive or
unsatisfactory conduct. All pupils being transported are under the authority of the school bus driver and
must obey his/her requests. Specific regulations are posted in the buses.
1. Pupils being transported are under the authority of the bus driver.
2. Be on time for the bus both morning and evening.
3. Wait patiently for the school bus.
4. Stand a safe distance from the curb or highway.
5. Get in line when the school bus is approaching.
6. Always use the steps and handrails.
7. Sit in seats as assigned by the driver.
8. Never crowd or push.
9. Take seats quietly and quickly.
10. Remain seated while bus is in motion.
11. Never walk or stand in aisle while bus is in motion.
12. Do not extend hands, arms, head or objects through bus windows.
13. Never throw anything while on bus.
14. Have written permission from the principal or designee to leave the bus other than at home or at
15. Talk in normal tones; loud or vulgar language is prohibited.
16. Do not open or close windows without permission of the driver.
17. Keep the bus clean; never place books, pencils, etc. in aisle.
18. Be courteous to the driver, to fellow pupils, and to passers-by.
19. Never talk to the bus driver when the bus is in motion.
20. Remain seated until the bus comes to a complete stop.
21. Always face the front when getting off the bus.
22. Always walk in front of the stopped bus if it is necessary to cross the street or highway.
23. Always use steps when leaving the bus - never jump.
24. No animals are permitted on the bus.
25. Be absolutely quiet when approaching a railroad crossing.
26. Treat bus equipment as valuable furniture in your home. Never tamper with bus equipment. Any
damage incurred will be paid for by the offender in addition to any other action deemed necessary
by the principal.
27. Upon exiting the school bus in the morning all students must immediately enter the school building.
No loitering in the bus unloading area.
28. Pupils who refuse to obey regulations shall forfeit their right to ride the buses.
1st warning - Conference held with the student. Parents are notified and need to discuss the problem
with their child.
2nd warning - The student will not be allowed to ride the bus until conference with a parent is held.
3rd warning - The student will be suspended from riding the bus for a period of time and another
conference is required. Formal legal notification follows.
The principal may bypass the 1st and 2nd warnings in situations involving gross misconduct or gross
disobedience which warrant more severe disciplinary measures. Detentions, Saturday school, bus
suspension, or recommendation for school expulsion may also be used in school bus disciplinary matters.
Lunches are available at Edwards County High School. Extra milk will be available for purchase. No food
shall be ordered or delivered during the school day. Students must abide by the rules in the cafeteria.
Students who arrive in the cafeteria before the bell may receive a detention. Students may bring their
lunch and eat in the cafeteria. Each student must accept the responsibility of keeping the cafeteria clean
and pleasant. When a student leaves the cafeteria, they must sign out and receive a pass from one of
the lunch supervisors.
Driving to school is a privilege, not a right!
1. Motor vehicles are to be parked in the student parking lot.
2. Automobiles or any other motor vehicles are not to be entered, driven, or ridden during the school
day. (Students will not be allowed to go to their cars during the school day without permission from
the office.)
3. A student must have a valid driver’s license in order to drive a motor vehicle to school. Vehicles must
be operated in a safe manner at all times. If in the judgment of an administrator, a student operates
a motor vehicle in an unsafe manner around the school grounds, either before or after school, the
student may be denied the privilege of driving to school or required to remain in school until other
students have left the area.
4. Before the end of the first week of school, students are to register vehicles which they may drive
to school. To register the vehicle the student is to give the following information to the high school
(1) make;
(2) model;
(3) year;
(4) color;
(5) license plate number.
If a student should drive an un-registered vehicle to school on a given day that student must come to
the high school office and inform office personnel. Students should notify the office of any changes
in vehicle ownership on or before the first day a vehicle is driven to school.
5. Vehicles driven to school may be inspected by school personnel at any time. If questionable items
are found, the police may be notified.
Any student disobeying these rules will be subject to disciplinary action.
Cheating is defined as any participation in a fraudulent or deceitful act by a student or students in order
to gain classroom credit for themselves or for another student.
Students are not permitted to cheat. Students are subject to the following:
1. First offense (daily assignment, quiz, test) - a detention and “0” on the assignment.
2. Second offense (daily assignment, quiz, test)- a day suspension and a “0” on the assignment.
3. Third offense (daily assignment, quiz, test) - a three day suspension and a “0” on the assignment.
4. Fourth offense (daily assignment, quiz, test) - 3 to 10 day suspension with a recommendation for
Each grade is considered a daily assignment and each grade will be considered a separate offense.
When offenses involve more than one assignment, each grade will be considered a separate offense.
Offenses which involve more than one assignment, large project assignments, or comprehensive
tests which count as a greater percentage of a semester grade will result in suspensions from 2 to 10
days and a “0” for all grades involved. A repeat of such an offense will result in a suspension and a
recommendation for expulsion.
Given the easy accessibility of information through the use of technology, plagiarism has become an
increasing problem. Plagiarism is a form of cheating. (See Plagiarism)
Each individual teacher is responsible for student classroom behavior and will determine what constitutes
improper classroom behavior. Behavior that is considered inappropriate for the classroom includes the
following but is not limited to the following:
1. Use of profane language
2. Failure to carry out requests of teachers
3. Failure to bring necessary equipment to a class
4. Gross disobedience
5. General disruptive behavior
6. Students are not to engage in physical horseplay with staff
7. Food or beverages other than water in classrooms and assemblies
8. Use of profanity toward a school employee will result in school suspension
Any student removed from a class is subject to disciplinary action.
Examples of items warranting the issuing of detentions:
1. Accumulation of two or more tardies in a class
2. Disruption of class
3. Engagement in activities leading to the possible injury of others
a. The teacher issuing the discipline referral will complete a summary report describing the student’s
b. The teacher should send the student with the discipline referral to the office during that class period.
c. A referral copy will be given to the student when he/she is sent to the office and informed of the day
he/she will need to serve the detention.
d. Also detentions and disciplinary action by teachers take precedence over extra-curricular activities,
including sports practices, games, field trips etc.
e. Detentions will be held on Tuesday and Thursday from 3:20 to 4:05 p.m. in the assigned detention
room. No talking, communicating, or sleeping will be allowed in the detention area.
f. Students will be required to bring school supplies and to work on homework assignments.
g. Unsuitable behavior while serving a detention will result in the assignment of a Saturday School by
the principal.
h. Students are expected to arrive on time to serve the detention. Failure to do so will cause an additional
detention to be assigned.
i. Skipping detention will result in the assignment of one Saturday School per detention skipped.
The only excuses for not serving detention would be sickness with a doctor’s note, death or funeral of
an immediate family member, severe weather in which school was dismissed or canceled, or a student
not in attendance on the day detention is scheduled.
All other exceptions must be approved by the office.
Edwards County High School has a legitimate interest in maintaining an orderly and productive educational
program in the school district.
Proper clothing is a part of self-discipline. When you come to school you must use good judgment in
selecting neat, clean, appropriate clothing.
For the purpose of ensuring neatness and cleanliness of its students, eliminating or reducing distractions
and disruptions to the educational process, protecting and maintaining the health and safety of the
students and employees of the School District, and respecting the rights of students and employees,
the Board of Education finds it necessary and in the best interest of the School District to establish and
enforce a Dress Code applicable to all students in the district.
1. All clothing worn by students must be clean, in good condition, and safe.
2. Clothing that may contribute to the substantial disruption of the orderly operation of the school
or classroom is prohibited. Clothing such as shorts, skirts, pants, dresses, yoga pants, etc.
should be of modest length (end of fingertips will be the guideline for modest length). Physical
education clothing is not acceptable for the classroom wear other than P.E. class. Yoga pants
may only be worn with a shirt that is untucked and provides adequate coverage.
3. All shirts, tops, and blouses worn by boys and girls are required to have a sleeve that is attached
at the entire sleeve armhole. The sleeve should be at least one inch in length. Shirts and blouses
which cover the torso of the body are required. Bare midriff clothing, low cut tops, low riding pants,
“see-through” attire, undershirts, half shirts, tank tops, spaghetti straps, and open split-side shirts
cannot be worn by either boys or girls. Halters are not acceptable. Underwear should not be visible.
4. No Crack Front or Back! (no cleavage or buttocks showing)
5. Clothing, jewelry, belt buckles, long chains, etc., that include emblems or printing that is obscene,
profane, libelous, slanderous, or that may incite students to disrupt the educational process is
prohibited. Clothing that depicts or promotes any illegal substance is prohibited. (This includes
tobacco and alcohol products.)
6. No hats, caps, scarves, handkerchiefs, or plastic hair covering may be worn in the building between
8:15 a.m. and 3:15 p.m. Hats or other headgear which may be deemed inappropriate at any school
activity may require removal.
7. Shoes must be worn by students at all times.
8. All students enrolled in physical education classes must secure proper P.E. clothes. For physical
education classes clothing must be clean and intact. Clothing designated for physical education are
the following: plain white t-shirts for boys, plain red t-shirts for girls and black shorts for both. Clothing
must be whole and intact, including the sleeves in shirts. School emblems on shirts are permitted.
9. No sunglasses or dark glasses, unless they are prescription glasses, may be worn in the building.
10. In the interest of student safety, baggy pants and oversize coats and jackets are not permitted. Clothes
must be whole and intact. Only clear book bags and see through mesh book bags are permitted.
11. Athletic bags are to be housed in the boy’s varsity locker room for male athletes and in the gym #1
stage office for female athletes.
Staff is required to report any unusual dress situations to the school office. The principal or his designee
shall screen any unusual dress violations. Students who are in violation of the dress standards will be
given the opportunity to correct the violation at school.
A student found to be illicitly using, possessing, distributing drugs/alcohol or found to be in possession
of drug paraphernalia is in violation of school policy. Students using any mind altering substances
irresponsibly, illegal or legal, will also be in violation of school policy. The student will be given due process,
authorities may be contacted promptly, and parents will be notified as soon as possible.
An administrative review team will determine the appropriate action to be taken. For each occurrence
a suspension of up to ten (10) days may be administered. Any student found to be in possession of,
distributing or using alcohol, a controlled substance, or illegal drug may receive a ten (10) day suspension.
Other measures may include but not limited to: A) recommendation to the school board for expulsion;
B) recommendation for counseling at parent expenses; C) recommendation for administrative advisory
meetings with the student upon his/her return to school to assure compliance with current school rules
concerning drugs.
ECHS students waiting to transport grade school students should wait in the west high school hallway
by the office windows.
Class officers for sophomores, juniors, and seniors will be elected in the spring of the previous year.
Freshmen class officers will be elected in the fall. The following are the required criteria for being placed
on the election ballot.
1. Must have class standing for the office you are seeking.
2. Must have a GPA of 2.0.
3. Sophomores, juniors, and seniors must file a petition with the head class sponsor which includes
the signature of 15 students and 5 teachers from ECHS.
4. Freshmen must also file a petition with the head class sponsor. This petition must include the
signatures of 15 students and 2 teachers. The teachers’ signatures may include teachers from Albion
Grade School, West Salem Grade School, and Edwards County High School.
5. Class officers may be impeached by action of the principal and class sponsors. A class officer who
is removed from office will not be allowed to hold a class officer position again for the remainder of
their high school career.
Sending, receiving, or possessing harassing, threatening, intimidating, endangering, or otherwise
inappropriate messages, pictures, or images at school or at any school function is against school policy.
This includes sexually explicit messages, commonly known as “sexting”. Students participating in such
actions or activities will be disciplined within the school’s guidelines. Any student found in violation of
this policy may be turned over to authorities.
The personal use of electronic devices or possession of electronic devices by a student shall be
prohibited in the school building while school is in session, during detention, or during Saturday School
(calculators are acceptable). Students must place all electronic devices in their hallway lockers from
8:15 a.m. until 3:15 p.m. and devices should be silenced. Devices with photo or video capabilities are
not allowed in the locker room or restrooms at any time during the school day. Photo or video images
taken during the school day and surface after the fact may still be disciplined. Exceptions to this policy
are the following:
1. Cell phones and iPod type devices may be carried during the RTI period, but are not to be used
during the RTI period.
2. Personal reading devices and Chromebook type devices may be allowed with teacher approval
when used tor instructional purposes.
3. Cell phones or similar communicating devices may be used during passing periods only,
however photos or videos are not allowed at any time.
Unauthorized usage of such devices will result in confiscation of the device by the building principal,
authorized designee, or staff member. The parent or guardian of the student will be required to pick
up the device. The device will not be released to the student. The following discipline will result
when a device in confiscated:
1. First offense: After-school detention
2. Second offense: Saturday School
3. Third offense: 2 day suspension
Administration or their designees may grant permission to use cell phones in the case of emergencies.
Cell phones or camera phones are not to be used while on a school bus unless permission has been
granted by the responsible school employee in charge.
Sponsors, coaches, and teachers have the descretion of permitting electronic devices on trips. If
electronic devices are permitted on a field trip, the school is not responsible for any damage or loss of
The School Board is authorized to expel students guilty of gross disobedience or misconduct for the
remainder of the school term or for a shorter period as determined by the School Board. The student
and/or parents or guardian shall be due procedural protection as described in school board Policy No.
Gross disobedience or misconduct of students shall include, but not be limited to, instances of the following:
1. Disobedience of directives from staff members or school officials and/or rules and regulations
governing student conduct.
2. Possession, use, distribution, purchase, sale, or if found to be under the influence of controlled
substances and look-alike substances and/or alcoholic beverages. Look-alike substances are a
substance not containing an illegal drug or controlled substance but one that a student believes to
be or represents to be an illegal drug or controlled substance.
3. Injury or threat of injury to any school district employee, officials, or student.
4. Destruction and/or defacement of any school property.
5. Possession, use, or distribution of a dangerous weapon.
6. Other such conduct that poses a danger to persons or property or disrupts the educational process.
The general conduct of all the students involved in extracurricular activities (athletics, student council, show
choir, Alpha, etc.) shall set an example which is beneficial to all students in Edwards County Unit #1. The
conduct of these students is also a direct reflection on our School and Community. Individual sponsors/
coaches may set their own policies that may be stricter than these policies, but in no way less in severity.
Non-athletic competition - any activity involving public competition with another school district or state
level competitions - Examples: FBLA, FFA, etc.
Leadership roles - any position a student is elected or appointed to that involves public service to
an organization or activity where the student is seen by the public as a leader in the organization or
activity - Examples: Class officers, club officers, Student Council, etc.
Interscholastic Teams: Scholastic Bowl, Football, Volleyball, Girls and Boys Basketball, Baseball, Softball,
Cheerleading, Dance Squad.
The following infractions will result in disciplinary actions. Conviction is not a prerequisite for discipline.
To consume, purchase, sell or possess any alcoholic beverage, tobacco, narcotic, illegal drug,
controlled substance, look-alike drug, prescription medication for which a prescription is not
possessed, any other substance that is mind-altering, possess any drug paraphernalia, regardless
of criminal prosecution or conviction:
First Offense:
Students will lose 20% of extracurricular activity/team regular season competition.
Second Offense:
The student will automatically be removed from any/all activities/teams/clubs for the remainder
of the school year.
First Offense:
The student will restore/replace the items and be suspended for one competition.
Second Offense:
The student will automatically be removed from the activity/team/club.
• Tocommitanyacttherebyconstitutingacriminaloffense(felony,misdemeanor,juvenile)nototherwise
specifically covered by this Code, regardless of criminal prosecution or conviction (excluding traffic
violations or curfew):
First Offense:
Student will lose 50% of extracurricular activity/team regular season competition.
Second Offense:
The student will automatically be removed from the activity/team/club.
is involved:
First Offense:
The student will be removed from the remainder of the competition and could be subject to
an additional game suspension.
Second Offense:
The student will receive suspension from the next 2 competitions.
Third Offense:
The student will receive suspension from the next 5 competitions and subject to removal
from the club/team/activity.
Membership in a non-competitive club or organization - a student may be restricted or removed from
a club or organization by the sponsor or membership of the club or organization according to club or
organization rules.
These rules are in effect anytime during the year/season which begins with the organizational meeting
and is effective until the activity/season/year is complete.
The student will serve the suspension when he/she is academically eligible. (The participant may be
ineligible because of grades. He/She will not be able to serve this rule and academically ineligible rule
at the same time.)
Students may be reported for a violation of the Code of Conduct rules by Edwards County Unit #1 staff,
faculty, administration, or police that have observed the violation.
Academic Requirements
All students are expected to achieve passing grades in all classes, but students who participate in
interscholastic athletic and non-athletic competition or in a leadership role are expected to maintain
academic eligibility standards. Refer to Athletic and Extra-Curricular Activities Eligibility policy in handbook.
Students are not to leave the building or premises at dances, Prom related activities, or other
designated events. Re-admittance will not be allowed. No grade school student is allowed at a high
school dance nor may a guest be 21 years or older. Students wishing to bring a guest from another
district must have the Guest Request Form completed prior to the event and student identification
shall be provided at the event.
Prom is sponsored by the Junior class. A great amount of time, money, and energy is expended on
this event. Dress clothes are required to attend Prom.
A student must be present for half of the day to be eligible to participate or attend an extracurricular
activity that evening. Half a day constitutes clock time. If a student is absent in the a.m., he/she must
arrive by 11:45 (the latest) to be able to compete that evening. If a student is present 1st and 2nd hours
and then goes home, he/she is eligible to play that evening.
Fighting will not be tolerated on school grounds or at any school related activities.
1. First offense - conference with students and a minimum of 1-3 days suspension
2. Second offense - minimum of three to five days suspension and conference with parents
3. Third offense - up to ten days suspension and recommendation for expulsion
These steps may be skipped at the discretion of administration.
No open flames are permitted on campus except under the direct supervision and direction of a teacher
such as in welding or science class. No lighters or matches are permitted in the building.
fooD anD beVeRaGes
Food and beverages other than water are not permitted in any area other than the cafeteria. Opened,
resealable beverage containers and bottles are not permitted outside the cafeteria. Once opened,
these bottles or containers and their contents must be disposed of in the cafeteria. Each teacher may,
under their own classroom rules, allow or disallow students to chew gum or eat hard candy in any class
under their supervision. Students who refuse to remove gum or candy upon the teacher’s request may
receive a detention.
Hall ConDUCT
Hallways are to be used for passage from one classroom or one area of instruction to another academic
or service area. The time allowed between periods is for passage from one area to another. This time is
not free time or the student’s own. There are therefore, certain rules which should be followed such as:
1. Public display of affection between students will not be allowed
2. Students should keep hands, feet, and body to themselves, and should not be pushing,
tripping, or blocking the passage of other students.
4. Students should talk in soft conversational tones between classes and not yell to
someone at the other end of the hallway.
5. During regular class time, any student in the hallway should have a pass from the class
he/she is attending.
6. No student should enter the office during school hours (8:00 a.m.-3:15 p.m.) without a
written pass.
7. All hall passes are to be written passes for the individual(s). No generic hall passes are
to be used.
The Edwards County School District neither condones nor tolerates harassment of students or staff by
anyone. Harassment is defined as denigrating verbal attacks, physical attacks, and sexual attacks (both
verbal and physical); continuous stalking; bullying and harassment via technological vehicles. The District
expresses the belief that a student is to be free from harm perpetrated by solitary anti-social acts, or
repeated exposure over time to negative actions by one or more persons. Any student who feels that he or
she has been or is being harassed should contact a staff member or administrator per Board Policy 7.20.
A student being disobedient to school authority in a direct, outright manner after being given the opportunity
to correct his or her disobedient behavior will be considered insubordinate and may be considered for
The District has developed an extensive local area network for the purpose of promoting educational
opportunities, including access to the Internet. Use of the network, including access to the Internet, will
require signing the Electronic Network Access Authorization Form that will be provided to each student.
The authorization form addresses use of the school network in relation to the following; acceptable use,
privileges, unacceptable use, network etiquette, warranties, indemnification, security, vandalism, and
telephone charges.
Students who abuse the use of the district network or use of the internet jeopardize their access to the
district system and usage of the internet at school. Deliberate attempts to compromise the security of
the district network and/or hacking to gain access to areas of the network not for student use may result
in suspension or expulsion in addition to losing computer privileges at school.
E-mail usage will be allowed by students within the context of instruction and under the direct teacher
supervision. No personal e-mail will be allowed. Internet messenger services/chat rooms/net send, etc.
are not to be used in the school setting unless under the direct supervision of a teacher and within the
context of instruction.
Students will not engage in any activity, on or off campus, including without limitation, the use of any
computer or other device whether such computer or other device is located on or off campus, that (a)
poses a threat or danger to the safety of the other students, staff or school property (b) constitutes an
interference with school purposes or an education function; or (c) is disruptive to the school environment.
Occurrences will be dealt with on an individual basis.
laseR PoInTeRs
Laser pointers are prohibited at school and will be confiscated if found.
We encourage the use of the library at every opportunity. Certain rules must be made to provide maximum
use by all students.
1. Return all books promptly. Don’t ignore library notices.
2. Do not cut articles or order forms from books or magazines.
3. Appropriate behavior is expected at all times. You are welcome as long as you cooperate.
4. Know how to use the library. Your teachers and the librarian will help.
5. The rule for lost or damaged library books is the same as regards textbooks.
6. A pass from your teacher is necessary if you wish to use the library during school hours.
7. Encyclopedias, reference books, and magazines can be checked out after school for over-night use.
8. Library use is a privilege.
9. Late fines will be charged or detentions issued for overdue library materials.
10. High school students should use the east doors to enter and leave the library.
11. Students should not go through the library to go to the cafeteria or other classrooms.
Students will be issued hall and P.E. lockers. Students will not share lockers. Lockers must be kept
clean and orderly. Students may stop at hall lockers between classes. Students are encouraged to go to
their lockers between 8:00 and 8:15 a.m. and before and after lunch. KEEP YOUR LOCKER LOCKED!
The school is not responsible for lost or stolen articles. It is the responsibility of the student to use the
lockers/locks for storage of property. Lockers are not to be jammed for quick access. No permanent
decoration may be placed on lockers. Only masking tape may be used to stick objects inside of lockers.
P.E. lockers are NOT to be used to store books, coats, electronic devices, and other materials. Therefore,
students are only to be in P.E. locker rooms when dressing as necessary for P.E. class or athletic contest.
Lockers are the property of the school district. Therefore, school officials have the right and authority to
search any student locker if they deem such to be necessary.
MIsRePResenTaTIon bY a sTUDenT
Any student who misrepresents himself/herself, written or verbal, to administration, substitute teachers,
faculty, staff, college representatives, coaches, police officers or any other authorized school official by
using a false name, address, or phone number, or giving a false report, will receive a school suspension
as determined by the administration.
noon aCTIVITIes
Staff have been assigned to supervise students during the noon hours. Roaming or loitering in the halls
cannot be tolerated as it tends to disrupt other classes that are in session. Designated restroom passes will
be available during lunch. If a pass is not available, the student must wait for a restroom usage pass until
one is available. During the last 5 minutes of each lunch period, all students are to remain in the cafeteria.
Students in ELA III and either Algebra II or Integrated Math 3 will be required to take the PARCC
assessment (Partnership for Assessment of Readiness for College and Careers). Students who will
take these assessments should be enrolled in a course that teaches the standards contained in the
Algebra II/Integrated Math 3 framework and the 11th grade ELA framework. Participation in PARCC
ELA and math tests are not grade-based but instead are end-of-course assessments. The PARCC
assessments will be replacing the PSAE as the accountability measure in schools.
Students are not to be in the hallway during class without a teacher’s pass. Students who do not have a
pass will be considered in an unauthorized area and will be subject to disciplinary action.
PHYsICal anD DenTal ReCoRDs
All ninth grade students are required by law to have a physical examination and an up-to-date immunization
record before being allowed to enter school. Immunization records must be kept up-to-date. Although
not required, dental exams are recommended. This should be done prior to registration. All students
will be responsible for obtaining and paying for their annual physical. Physicals must be completed
prior to tryouts or participation in any athletic activity. (Football, basketball, baseball, volleyball, softball,
cheerleading, dance, and weightlifting). Physicals must be on file at the school.
Persistent medical absences from P.E. for more than 1 day may require that a doctor’s excuse be
submitted to the P.E. teacher. Failure to comply with a request for a doctor’s excuse will result in the
student receiving a grade of zero (0) for work required on the day of non-participation. The school nurse
may excuse students from physical education class. Participation in P.E. is required of all students who
are registered for the class. Students who participate in Physical Education classes will receive graduation
credit at ½ credit per semester.
Plagiarism - The act of using the words, ideas, or works of another person and passing them off as
your own.
Paraphrasing is an act of plagiarism if not properly cited. It is defined as changing a few words in a
sentence or paragraph, but still having the same idea of the original work. If paraphrasing, all information
used should have a proper citation.
Examples include but are not limited to:
using photographs taken by newspaper staff in the yearbook without giving proper credit
copying material from other sources and writing P.E., science, history, etc. papers
using pictures, words, graphs, charts, etc. from internet sources without giving credit
copying words or paragraphs from an encyclopedia
copying and pasting anything from the internet
Public displays and demonstrations of affection (kissing, embracing, hugging) other than hand holding
at school during the day or while attending school activities will not be permitted.
1. First offense
- conference with students and/or one detention
2. Second offense - Saturday School
3. Third offense - Suspension
Whenever a student is sent from the classroom to the office for disruptive behavior, due process will be
given the student. Disciplinary procedures will be applied strictly since previous teacher interventions
to correct the behavior have failed.
1. First offense - to be determined by the administrator/parent(s) conference
2. Second offense - suspension or Saturday school to be determined by the Principal
3. Third offense - suspension
4. Withdrawal from class
More serious infractions of school rules that result in a student being sent from class such as gross
disrespect, fighting, etc., will generally receive more severe punishments.
Students should keep in mind that the school’s primary obligation is to try to help all students learn and
that we will not permit the thoughtlessness and irresponsible behavior of one or two students spoil the
learning atmosphere for other students in the classroom.
Removal of clothing by another student or by the student himself or herself (i.e. “shucking” “mooning”,
“flashing”, etc.) will result in disciplinary action which may include, but is not limited to suspension.
Edwards County High School can assume the responsibility for a student’s off campus conduct at
school functions and/or on property adjacent to the school or for knowingly unsafe conditions to or from
school. Students can be held accountable for negative behavior in violation of the discipline code in
these instances on or off campus.
Saturday School will be administered as a disciplinary measure to students at ECHS. Saturday School will
be held from 8:00 a.m. to 11:00 a.m. on assigned Saturdays. Students will be given advance notification
of when they are to serve their Saturday School. During the month of May, extra Saturday Schools or
specially assigned times in lieu of Saturday may be scheduled in order to accommodate students who
need to serve this disciplinary procedure. Saturday Schools assigned at the end of the school term may
be assigned for Saturdays in the following school term.
1. Transportation to Saturday School is the responsibility of the parent and student.
2. Tardiness or a student leaving early will not be tolerated during Saturday School. If a student is late
or leaves early, the Saturday School will be marked void and the student will be subject to further
disciplinary action. If a student misbehaves during Saturday School the Saturday School served will
be considered void and the student will be assigned another Saturday School.
3. The only excuses which will be accepted for not serving a Saturday School are sickness with a
doctor’s note, death or funeral of an immediate family member; or severe weather in which Saturday
School was canceled. Listen to WFIW, Fairfield radio. If a Saturday School is missed for any of these
reasons, it will be rescheduled for the next regularly scheduled Saturday School.
4. Should a student not attend Saturday School, that student will receive an out-of-school suspension.
5. Students are expected to bring needed study materials to Saturday School for their usage during
the time period. No unauthorized magazines.
6. No eating, drinking, sleeping, or talking permitted during Saturday School.
7. Saturday School will be held in a designated area. Students should enter the west doors (junior high
entrance). Only one door will be opened so try all doors before you decide that they are locked. That
entrance door will be locked at 8:00 a.m. Students who are serving Saturday School will need to be
here before 8:00 a.m. The doors will not be opened for tardy students.
8. No cards, games, or radios are permitted.
Threatening activities by individual students or groups of students which may endanger the well being
of the student body or jeopardize the educational process may result in students receiving disciplinary
measures which may include detention, Saturday School, suspension, or expulsion. This may include
displaying of signs, symbols, or clothing.
Citizens of the district pay vast sums of money to operate schools. Our school system expects to maintain
an ultra-clean building. Students must accept their share of the responsibility for keeping the building
neat; otherwise, funds destined for improvement or instruction will have to be re-channeled for building
upkeep. The following policies pertaining to building care will be in effect at all times.
1. No foreign objects will be attached to plastered walls, woodwork, or lockers. Authorized posters and
advertisements may be fixed to glass, clock or brick surfaces by masking tape only. All posters must
have the authorization of the Principal.
2. Cleats and/or taps will not be worn on shoes. These tend to damage and mar the floor.
3. Students wearing any shoes other than athletic type tennis shoes in the gym are to remain on the
4. Wastepaper baskets are conveniently placed for their usage.
5. Other regulations concerning building cleanliness and safety will be required in special areas of the
Any student who needs to leave the school during the school day must sign out in the main office with
the permission of the office. Students who are to sign out with the purpose of leaving school grounds
must follow this procedure.
1. You MUST allow the office to call your parents, guardian, doctor, or dentist to verify the necessity of
leaving the school grounds, or;
2. You MUST have special administrative permission in order to sign out.
Any student who does not follow this procedure will be given a truancy or absence admit and/or detention.
Valid reasons for signing out include illness verified by the school nurse or for medical appointments. If
a student feels ill during the day, he or she should go to the nurse’s office. If the nurse is not in, students
are to go to the main office and contact will be made with the home in order for the student to be picked
up at school. If no contact can be made with the home, doctor, or dentist, the student will not be allowed
to leave the school. No open parental notes will be accepted by the administration.
Students who do not follow the above procedures will not be allowed to sign out. Upon leaving the
building, they will be classified as truant and subject to disciplinary action.
Going to the car for any purpose is not a valid reason to sign out unless approved by the administration.
Pupils will not be permitted to possess, smoke, or use tobacco, including cigarettes, e-cigarettes
(including paraphernalia), cigars, snuff, etc., in any way on the school grounds, including parking
areas, the corner property which sits northeast of ECHS, in the school building, and in school-owned
vehicles during school time or at school activities. Any pupil disobeying these rules will be punished
as follows:
1. First offense: 1 day suspension and letter to parents
2. Second offense: 2 days suspension and parent conference
3. Third and following offenses: 3-10 day suspension
Students who take property not belonging to them, or are in possession of stolen property will be subject
to disciplinary action.
1. First offense
- return or replacement of item and one day suspension with parent conference
2. Second offense - return or replacement of item and 3 to 10 day suspension
3. Third offense
- a possible recommendation for expulsion
Students who are subject to disciplinary measures at the end of the school term (May/June) may be
assigned those appropriate measures at the beginning of the following school term (August/September).
Carryover discipline will not affect the following year.
Students are required to report issues relative to school safety to school personnel. This includes
knowledge of weapons, drugs, threats to do harm to staff, students, or the school or its property. School
personnel are instructed to report any information they receive immediately to school officials.
To assure all students an opportunity to experience an optimum educational environment, students and
their parents are responsible for student behavior, dress, attitude, and attendance. Students will not be
allowed to disrupt normal routines of the educational process or function of the school. Students will
not be allowed to engage in any activity, on or off campus, including without limitation, the use of any
computer or other device whether such computer or other device is located on or off campus, that: (a)
poses a threat or danger to the safety of the other students, staff, or school property; (b) constitutes an
interference with school purposes or an educational function; or (c) is disruptive to the school environment.
Students are to be aware of and observe the rules their teachers set for classroom procedures and
behavior. A teacher can, and is expected to, correct a student for misbehavior even if the teacher does
not have that student in class.
Suspensions will be administered only in case of severe breach of school regulations as outlined in
Board policy and/or the student handbook. Suspensions will be administered only by the school principal,
superintendent, or the school board. Any students suspended will receive a 2% reduction per date of
suspension due to lack of participation from their semester grade in each class missed.
Out-of-school suspensions will be administered by the administration when it is determined that the
student’s presence endangers the health and safety of those in the school community; that previous
disciplinary actions (talks, detentions) have not had the desired effect upon the student’s behavior; that
the student’s behavior was a serious breach of conduct and/or was a deliberate act of gross misconduct.
A student on out-of-school suspension is not permitted to attend school activities, or be on the school
campus for the duration of the suspension.
The school reserves the right to enforce in-school suspension as deemed necessary and/or appropriate
on an individual case by case basis.
Tardiness is defined as not being in the designated area at the designated time. Students who are tardy
should report to their regularly scheduled class. Students who arrive more than 25 minutes late will
be counted absent that period. Students who were detained by a faculty member and arrive with a
signed note will not be counted tardy or absent.
Students who are tardy to class during a semester will receive a warning the first time they are tardy and
will receive a detention for every tardy thereafter.
Students deemed as chronically tardy will be subject to Saturday School.
A student who threatens a school employee’s person or property will be suspended from school and will
be recommended for expulsion.
All Edwards County students are to use the transportation provided by the school district when traveling
to and from any extra curricular/classroom activities. However, upon chaperone’s approval, students may
be allowed to ride home with their parent/guardians, grandparents, or spouse if the appropriate club or
class sponsor/coach has received the parent(s) guardian(s) signature at the activity. In the event the
parent/guardian needs or wishes for their child to be signed out with another adult, they must get prior
approval through the high school office.
In addition, rural students, when the situation arises, will be picked up and/or dropped off the bus at the
appropriate pick-up point (West Salem/130 Crossroad, Bone Gap/130 Crossroad, Ditchbank Road/HWY
15, etc.) in order for them to be able to save time and get home as soon as possible. Under extreme
circumstances and with prior approval (not at the extra-curricular activity), the principal may give approval
to alternative transportation.
Truancy is in no way beneficial to the school, parents, or students, and is in violation of state law.
Any student leaving the school building during school hours or skipping school or classes without permission from the school administrators shall be regarded as truant and may be subject to such discipline as
the administrators may direct, including Saturday school and suspension.
Students with excessive truancy may be referred to the ROE 20 Truancy Officer and/or States Attorney
where other options may be considered including police intervention. Services may be provided to
students including: WIA, Southeastern Illinois Counseling, and the Alternative School. This is not meant
to be an all-inclusive list.
Students are not to destroy, damage, or deface school, student, faculty, staff, or guest property. Students
will restore or pay replacement costs for the damaged property and shall be subject to the following
disciplinary procedures:
1. First offense -minimum of one day suspension
2. Second offense-minimum of three to ten day suspension and parent conference
3. Third offense -review of case by principal to determine what further disciplinary action is necessary
When the principal determines that the vandalism is gross, expulsion may be recommended at any
step of the process.
The following directives need to be followed:
1. The use of bottled water will be left up to the discretion of each instructor.
2. Bottled water is not to be taken into the computer labs or media center.
3. Students are not to share.
4. Water bottles may be refilled only at the sink in the dining area of the cafeteria.
5. Students should use common sense when drinking water and should pace themselves so that extra
bathroom breaks are not required.
6. Water is the only liquid allowed outside of the cafeteria. Don’t push the issue and ruin it for everyone.
7. Do not kick, throw, pass, etc. water bottles, empty or full.
8. Students need to be mindful that staff has the authority to check the contents of a water bottle at
any time. Only clear bottles are allowed.
9. Students are not to add substances to water bottles other than refilling the bottle with water.
Section 10.22.6 of the School Code defines “weapons” as follows:
Possession, use, control, or transfer of (1) any gun, rifle, shotgun; (2) any object if used or attempted
to be used to cause bodily harm, including but not limited to knives, brass knuckles, or billy clubs;
(3) a “look alike” of any weapon as defined in this Section.
A student who has been determined to have brought a weapon to school, any school-sponsored
activity or event, or any activity or event which bears a reasonable relationship to school shall be
expelled for a period of not less than one year and not to exceed two years. The Superintendent
may modify the expulsion period, and the board of education may modify the superintendent’s
determination on a case by case basis.
Students are not allowed to bring knives or other sharp objects to schools. If a student is found in
possession of a knife or other sharp object, the knife or other sharp object will be confiscated and released
only to the parent or guardian of the student. The intended use of the knife or other sharp object will be
considered when disciplinary action is determined. Repeated offenses will result in disciplinary action
for insubordination as determined by the administration.
Students are not to park in the west parking lot. This lot is reserved for faculty and for guests. Students
who have a parent or guardian on staff may park in the west lot only if their parent or guardian is riding
to and from school in the same vehicle with that student.
Students walking to the auto building, agriculture building, or to the weight room are not to walk among
the cars in the west parking lot. Students going to the agriculture building are to walk on the sidewalk
or walk in the gravel in the designated walkway, between the yellow posts or in the gravel area west
of the cars. Students going to the weight room are to walk in the gravel area north of the “north light
pole.” Students not walking in the designated areas may be assigned detentions, Saturday Schools, or
suspensions. Students not riding buses should not be in the west parking lot area after school. Students
riding the bus should be on the bus no later than 3:25 p.m.
In an effort to recognize academic excellence among students at Edwards County High School an
“Academic Letter” will be issued to students who meet the following criteria:
1. Students must maintain a 3.3 (B+) average for each of the first three consecutive quarters within a
single year.
2. Students may not have been assigned a Saturday School, suspension, or more than two detentions,
within the first three quarters of a single year.
3. Students will be issued a numeral their freshman year and only their freshman year.
4. Students will be issued a junior varsity letter their sophomore year and only their sophomore year.
5. Students will be issued a varsity letter their junior and senior year and only their junior and senior
6. Academic letters are the same size and shape as athletic letters, but the fields will be “Black on
For those students who desire additional help because they need additional instruction due to a lack of
knowledge or wish to progress beyond the normal class routine, instructors will be available in the morning
before school starts, during their preparation periods, and after school if prior arrangements are made.
Information regarding the self-evaluation, responsible employee and complain procedure regarding Title
II of the Americans Disabilities Act and the Edwards County School District #1 is available at the Edwards
County High School office during regular business hours.
State law requires school authorities to notify you that your child may be asked to provide his or her
password for social networking accounts to school officials in certain circumstances. Social
Networking Website means an Internet based service that allows students to: (1) construct a public or
semi-public profile within a bounded system created by the service; (2) create a list of other users
with whom they share a connection within the system; and (3) view and navigate their list of
connections and those made by others in the system.
School authorities may require a student or his/her parent/gardian to provide a password or other
related account information in order to gain access to his/her account or profile on a social networking
website if school authorities have a reasonable cause to believe that a student's account on a social
networking website contains evidence that a student has violated a school disciplinary rule or
asbesTos noTIfICaTIon
In accordance with the Asbestos Hazard Emergency Response Act (AHERA Public Law 99-519), the
Edwards County Community Unit School District #1 has developed and is maintaining an asbestos
management plan. The management plan contains current information concerning past and present
state asbestos inspections. This management plan is available during normal working hours in the
administrative offices at each attendance center and the central office located at the K-12 building.
The reports state that asbestos containing materials have not been found at the Edwards County K-12
Building. The reports do mention that asbestos containing materials have been located at the West
Salem Grade School. The asbestos containing materials are located under the wood floor and bleachers
in the gymnasium. The condition and type of asbestos are shown in the individual reports
The Edwards County Community School District #1 contact person trained to oversee asbestos and ensure
compliance is Jim Ballard. Mr. Ballard is the single contact for the public to obtain information concerning
asbestos related activities. You may reach him at the Edwards County K-12 office at (618) 445-2328 #5).
Except for authorized instructional materials, literature or materials of any kind shall not be distributed
to School District #1 students on the school grounds or within the school building without the specific
prior approval of the superintendent and/or principal.
Notes, letters, pamphlets, etc., for general distribution to children from outside school organizations,
individuals, or agencies must be cleared by the high school principal before being distributed to students.
Adequate time should be given for approval.
beHaVIoR InTeRVenTIon GUIDelIne
Edwards County Unit School District #1 has developed a Behavior Intervention Procedure for students
with disabilities guideline in accordance with Board Policy 7.200. The information will be made available
to any student and parent upon request at the Edwards County High School Office.
booK RenT
All bound books and workbooks are to be included in the book rental fee. When a child withdraws
from school, all books and workbooks are to be returned to the school. Book rent is determined by the
Board of Education. These rental charges will be published prior to the beginning of school and school
registration. A list of textbooks is available on request.
bUDGeT InfoRMaTIon
The district has the annual budget posted on the Edwards County School website
CHIlD abUse anD neGleCT
The Board of Education directs teachers and administrative personnel to take immediate and appropriate
action on all suspected child abuse and neglect cases.
All certified personnel are required to report any suspected cases of child abuse or neglect to the building
principal. The building principal or a designee (i.e. social worker, psychologist, guidance counselor) will
immediately notify the nearest office or the Department of Children and Family Services.
The principal or a designee will report the name and the address of the child and his/her parents or
other persons having his/her custody; the child’s age, the nature of the child’s condition and any other
information that the principal believes might be helpful in establishing the cause of such abuse or neglect
and the identity of the person believed to have caused such abuse or neglect.
“Abuse means any physical injury, sexual abuse, or mental injury inflicted on a child other than by
accidental means by a person responsible for the child’s health or welfare.
“Neglect” means a failure to provide by those responsible for the care and maintenance of the child, the
proper and necessary support, education as required by law, or medical care necessary for the child’s
well-being or abandonment by his parent, guardian, or custodian, or subjecting a child to an environment
injurious to the child’s welfare.
The Board of Education authorizes the superintendent or a designee to release personal information to
any law enforcement official or designated official of the Department of Children and Family Services
concerning any child who is the subject of child abuse or neglect complaint. It is the duty of the
Superintendent or a designee to ascertain the authority of the requesting official.
The Board of Education further authorizes the superintendent or a designee to allow police enforcement
officials or representatives of the Department of Children and Family Services to interview students at
the school district who are suspected of being subject to child abuse or neglect. This information and
interview may be granted without obtaining the consent of the student or the parent. The superintendent
or a designee shall have the discretion to be present during the interview and the superintendent further
has the discretion to dictate the manner in which the interview is conducted.
All persons not reporting suspected child abuse or neglect cases will be in direct violation of school
policy, and appropriate action will be taken.
Each school district shall be responsible for actively seeking out and identifying all children from birth
through age 21 within the district, including children not enrolled in the public schools, who may be eligible
for special education and related services.
Class CHanGe PRoCeDURe
Students will be given the opportunity to try to make schedule changes the first three days of each
semester. In order to make a change, the student must first obtain a Schedule Change Form from the
guidance counselor. This form includes a space for the student to write an explanation for requesting
a change and places for the student and parent(s)/guardian(s) to sign. The completed form should be
returned to the counselor no later than 3:15 p.m. on the third day of each semester. Changes will be
made in the student’s schedule if there is room in the requested class, if the parent(s)/guardian(s) and
student have signed the Schedule Change Form, and if the reason(s) for making the change is/are valid.
The counselor, the principal, and the curriculum director will decide whether the reason(s) for changing
a schedule are valid.
DaIlY bUlleTIn
The announcements will be read each day.
DInneR THeaTRe
The Music Department’s Dinner Theater production involves all members of the Choir and Band. Each
member helps each night of the performance by greeting and seating guests, serving the meal from
appetizers to desserts, and also entertaining the guests with music during the evening.
The show that follows the meal features the Show Choir and Combo, but also involves the entire choir
and band, so every member of the Music Department performs as a part of the curriculum.
To be eligible for the spring trip, a member must have participated in each night of Dinner Theater unless
excused by the director and must meet the extra-curricular requirements of maintaining a 1.0 GPA with
no F’s. Music department trips center around seeing a professional production of a Broadway musical.
Follow the procedures as outlined in the student registration packet and as is posted in each room.
DRUG-fRee sCHools anD
I. Definitions
A. The term “student” includes any child who is attending any classes in the District.
B. The term “employee” is defined as any full or part-time employee of the District.
C. The term “controlled substances” or “drugs” is defined in Schedules I-V of Section 202 of the
Federal Controlled Substances Act (21 U.S.C. Section 812).
D. The term “school property” shall include the school’s buildings and grounds and off-campus
sites leased or controlled by the school.
E. The term “illicit alcohol” is defined as alcohol which is possessed, used, or distributed in violation
of federal, state, or local law.
II. Standards of Conduct
No student or employee shall possess, use, or distribute illicit drugs, look alike drugs, or alcohol on
school premises or as part of any of its activities.
III. State of Sanctions
Students: Discipline for violating the standards of conduct set out in Section 11 will be governed
by the District’s student and disciplinary policies and rules. Consistent with local, state, and federal
law, the District will impose sanctions on students who violate the standards of conduct, up to and
including, expulsion and referral for prosecution.
IV. Drug and Alcohol Education and Prevention Programs
The District will develop and maintain age appropriate, developmentally based drug and alcohol
education, and prevention programs (which address the legal, social, and health consequences
of drug and alcohol use and which provide information about effective techniques for resisting
peer pressure to use illicit drugs or alcohol) for students in all grades of the District. Through these
programs and in other appropriate settings, the District will convey to students that the use of illicit
drugs and the unlawful possession and use of alcohol is wrong and harmful.
V. Available Drug and Alcohol Rehabilitation Programs
For information about drug and alcohol counseling, treatment, or rehabilitation or re-entry programs
available to employees and students, contact The Family Counseling Center; 254 S. 5th Street,
Albion, IL 62806 618-445-3559.
VI. Distribution of Information
Every school year parents, students, and employees will be given information containing the standards
of conduct, statement of sanctions, and information about local drug and alcohol counseling, treatment, and rehabilitation or re-entry programs available to students and employees. This information
shall also notify parents, students, and employees that compliance with the District’s drug and alcohol
policy is mandatory.
VII. Biennial Review
The district will conduct a biennial review of this policy to (a) determine its effectiveness and implement
changes to the policy or program if they are needed; and (b) insure that the sanctions required under
the policy and rules are consistently enforced.
In cooperation with the Illinois Eastern Community College, junior and senior students may receive
both high school and college credit for certain designated courses. Inquiries should be directed to
the guidance office. Eligibility for Dual Credit is contingent upon meeting the cut scores as set by the
Illinois Eastern Community College.
The Family Educational Rights and Privacy Act (FERPA) afford students certain rights with respect to
their education records. They are:
1. The right to inspect and review the student’s education records within 15 days of the day the district
receives a request for access.
A parent/guardian or eligible student should submit to the Records Custodian, Principal, or other
appropriate official, written requests that identify the record(s) they wish to inspect. The District
official will make arrangements for access and notify the parent/guardian or eligible student of the
time and place where the records may be inspected. If the records are not maintained by the District
official to whom the request was submitted, that official shall advise the parent/guardian or eligible
students of the correct official to whom the request should be addressed.
2. The right to request the amendment of the student’s education records that the parent/guardian or
eligible student believes are inaccurate or misleading.
A parent/guardian of eligible student may ask the District to amend a record that they believe is
inaccurate or misleading. They should write the District official responsible for the record, clearly
identify the part of the record they want changed, and specify why it is inaccurate or misleading.
If the District decides not to amend the record as requested by the parent/guardian or eligible
student, the District will notify the parent/guardian or eligible student of the decision and advise the
parent/guardian or eligible student of their right to a hearing regarding the request for amendment.
Additional information regarding the hearing procedures will be provided to the parent/guardian or
eligible student when notified of the right to a hearing.
3. The right to consent to disclosures of personally identifiable information contained in the parent/
guardian or eligible student’s education records, except to the extent that FERPA authorized disclosure
without consent.
One exception which permits disclosure without consent is disclosure to school officials with legitimate
educational interests. A school official is a person employed by the District in an administrative,
supervisory, academic, or support staff position (including law enforcement, unit personnel and health
staff; a person or company with whom the district has contracted (such as an attorney, auditor, or
collection agent), or a person serving on the Board of Education, A school official has a legitimate
educational interest if the official needs to review an education record in order to fulfill his or her
professional responsibilities.
Upon request, the District discloses education records without consent to officials of another school
in which a student seeks or intends to enroll.
4. The right to file a complaint with the U.S. Department of Education concerning alleged failures by
the District to comply with the requirements of FERPA. The name and address of the office that
administers FERPA is:
Family Policy Compliance Office
U.S. Department of Education
400 Maryland Avenue, S.W.
Washington, D.C. 20202-4605
Directory information may be disclosed without prior notice or consent unless the parent/guardian or
eligible student notifies the Records Custodian or other official in writing before October of the current
school year, that he does not want any or all of the directory information enclosed. Directory information
includes the student’s name, parent/guardian’s name, address, telephone listing, date and place of
birth, major field of study, participation in officially recognized activities and sports, weight and height
of members of athletic teams, dates of attendance, degrees and awards received, and the most recent
previous educational agency or institution attended.
Each local school district shall ensure that a free appropriate public education (FAPE) is available to
each child with a disability who is between the ages of 3 and 21, resides in the state and is enrolled in
the district, and requires special education and related services to address the adverse effect of the
disability on his or her education. The special education and related services must be provided according
to the child’s individualized education program (IEP) at no cost to the parent.
As required under State Guidelines student grade classification will be solely based upon
credits earned. Since credits are awarded after the first semester, students may change
grade classification midyear. In order to move to the next grade classification, students must earn the
credits listed below:
Sophomore -
5.5 credits
13.5 credits
21.5 credits
Credit is issued to students only once a semester. Students will receive three progress reports and a
semester exam report with a final grade being given each semester. Grades will be computed using
a cumulative point system. The semester exam will be worth 20% of the cumulative point total for the
semester. Percentages will be used to compute a semester grade which will be converted to points for
the purpose of calculating class rank and GPA at the end of each semester.
Point value for averaging final grades are:
00-00 Incomplete work, 0 pts.
00-00 Student withdrawn, 0 pts.
00-00 Failure to complete 75% of class work
An “FI” grade indicates that a student completed less than 75% of the total assigned work during the
semester. An “FI” may also be given for a 9 week, semester or final exam, when it is evident that the
student made little or no effort to demonstrate his/her comprehension of the material covered in the
course. If a student has been suspended during finals, the grade will be an “FI”. An “I” grade denotes that
no grade is given. The principal shall determine the amount of time given to complete the work. Unless
unusual circumstances arise, only two weeks following the term will be granted. A grade will be issued
at the end of the designated time period. The “I” will be changed to a passing, failing, or “FI” grade after
the determined amount of time expires.
Grade point average shall be determined on a 4.00 basis. All classes except those listed below shall
carry a weight of four (4).
Spanish IV
Comp II
Advanced Biology 5
Chemistry II
Accounting 1
British Lit
The total of the weighted grades will be divided as though the classes had a weight of four (4). This could
mean that a student could possibly have an average higher than four (4).
1. In the best interest of social as well as the intellectual well-being of the pupil, the number of courses
and activities which he or she carries each year shall be determined on the basis of his or her needs
and capacity.
2. The standard load required is 7 academic subjects and physical education.
3. Credit may be earned in all subjects.
4. Graduation ceremonies will include just students that have passed the complete graduation requirements at Edwards County High School.
5. Students Must take the PARCC Assessment as determined by the State of Illinois.
The minimum number of credits required for graduation is 29.5
One half credit is given for the completion of a course one semester in length.
Specific Course Requirements
4 units of English
2 units of social studies including 1 unit of U.S. History and ½ unit of Government
½ unit of economics or ½ unit of resource management or 1 unit of agriculture IV
½ unit of health
¼ unit of driver education
1 unit selected from the following: art, music, vocational education, foreign language
½ unit of Computer Concepts and Computer Applications
2 units of science
3 units of math
4 units of physical education with 3.75 earned units
The graduation ceremony will be conducted with dignity. Graduating seniors should dress appropriately.
Caps and gowns are purchased through the school. Caps may be decorated if pre-approved by the
principal. No individual paraphernalia will be allowed anywhere including under or on the graduating
attire or chairs.
The Valedictorian Award is given to the graduating senior with the highest GPA in the class. The
Salutatorian Award is given to each graduating senior with a GPA of 4.07 or higher. In the event that no
student has achieved a GPA of 4.07 or above, the student with the second highest GPA in the class will
be named Salutatorian.
Academic awards issued during the graduation ceremony are: valedictorian, salutatorian, and the
top 10 GPA’s.
Guidance services are available to asist students through the many transitions they will encounter in
their high school career. Services offered include college and career counseling, information and
administration of college entrance exams, and scheduling of academic classes. The office also
maintains a current list of scholarships and other academic opportunities available to students. The
counselor is also available to consult with students, parents, and staff to identify and address other
student needs.
All courses will be counted toward the honor roll. Students who receive an incomplete will not be eligible
for the honor roll until the incomplete is removed. The honor roll will be divided into four categories:
1. Superintendent’s Honors
2. High Honors
3.75 - 3.99
3. Honors
3.33 - 3.74
4. Honorable Mention
3.0 - 3.32
4 units of English
3 units of mathematics (including trigonometry)
3 units of social studies
3 units of laboratory science
2 units of foreign language or 2 units of music, or 2 units of art
IllInoIs HIGH sCHool assoCIaTIon InseRT
In compliance with IHSA rules and regulations, the new IHSA insert will be placed in the high school
The school assumes no responsibility for any accident. Student insurance is available from area
insurance companies.
Students may not participate in inter-scholastic activities or shop courses without school insurance or a
waiver of insurance signed by his/her parent or guardian. Students who are enrolled in the STEP program
and Service Learning Program and work off-campus are required to show proof of insurance or have a
waiver of insurance on file in the high school office. Students should report all injuries to the teacher in
charge when the accident occurs.
A lost and found department is maintained in the school office. Students who find articles should turn
them in to the office immediately. All unclaimed articles are held for a reasonable length of time and are
then given to a charitable organization.
Students who require medication during the school day (including over the counter medications such as
aspirin or Tylenol) may bring the medication to school following these guidelines:
1. A written statement from the student’s physician, indicating the necessity for the medication and
proper dosage, time and duration SHALL BE REQUIRED.
2. A written request and permission from the parent to administer the medication SHALL BE REQUIRED.
3. Medication shall be brought to school in appropriately labeled containers. The name of the student
and the names and phone numbers of the physician and pharmacy SHALL BE INDICATED ON THE
Medication shall be administered by the Superintendent or a designee.
A student may possess an epinephrine auto-injector (EpiPen) and/or medication prescribed for asthma
for immediate use at the student’s discretion, provided the student’s parent/guardian has completed and
signed a School Medication Authorization Form.
Should a student require a continuing program of medication and it can be demonstrated that the student
is of responsible age, arrangements may be made for self-administration of the medicine. This procedure
shall be allowed after the following conditions have been met:
1. A written release of liability from the parent/guardian
2. Written permission from the Superintendent or a designee
3. Written permission from the doctor
A form is available in the office for the above guidelines.
In all cases, the school retains the discretion to reject a request for administering medicine.
no Pass/no PlaY (sTUDenT oRGanIZaTIons)
Edwards County High School will be in compliance with the new law ISC 10-2030 requiring a policy for
grades 9-12 to meet academic requirements for extra curricular activities. High schools are to maintain
a uniform and consistent policy under which a student in grades 9-12 who fails to maintain a passing
grade in each course in which the student is enrolled is suspended from participation in any school
sponsored or school supported athletic or extra curricular activity until the failing grade is improved to a
passing level. All athletic and extra curricular activities will be monitored in the same manner. Eligibility
will be checked weekly. A student declared ineligible will not participate in athletics, cheerleading, or
extra curricular activities for the week immediately following that declaration. Student eligibility will be
determined each week. The week will begin Monday and runs through Sunday.
non DIsCRIMInaTIon
The district provides equal opportunities for all persons regardless of their race, color, religion, creed,
national origin, sex, age, ancestry, marital status, and other legally protected rights. This is covered
by board policy 5.10. The district contact persons for anyone believing they have not received equal
opportunities are Dawn Skillman and David Cowger.
PaRenT ConfeRenCes
Parents are welcomed and encouraged to come and talk with their child’s teacher and counselor.
Appointments must be made to coincide with the teacher’s schedule. This should be done by calling
the office (445-2325).
PeRfeCT aTTenDanCe aWaRD
This award will be given at graduation each year to seniors that have perfect attendance as follows:
1. Four years of perfect attancence:
Senior, Junior, Sophomore, Freshman
2. Three years of perfect attendance:
Senior, Junior, Sophomore
3. Two years of perfect attendance:
Senior, Junior
4. One year of perfect attendance:
There will be no excused absences for the purpose of this award. The criteria for the awarding of this
honor are very stringent. College days do not count against the Perfect Attendance Award.
Students are discouraged from bringing valuable personal items or large sums of money to school. Items
brought to school should be labeled for identification purposes.
In 1999 the Illinois General Assembly passed laws requiring that public schools notify parents/guardians
and school employees at least 48 hours prior to any pesticide applications on school property. The term
“pesticide” includes insecticides, herbicides, rodenticides and fungicides. The notification requirement
extends to both indoor and outdoor pesticide applications. Excluded from the notification requirement are
antimicrobial agents (such as disinfectants, sanitizers or deodorizers), insecticide baits, and rodenticide
The Edwards County School District has therefore established a registry of people who wish to be notified.
To be included in this registry or if you have any questions regarding the district’s pest management
practices, contact Jim Ballard at 618-445-2268.
PosITIVe beHaVIoR InTeRVenTIon sYsTeM
PBIS is a positive reinforcement program used to address behavioral issues in schools. This program
will be used at ECHS to address the behavioral component of the State mandated RtI initiative.
PUblIC RelaTIons PHoToGRaPHs
Students and parents are advised that due to public relations, photographs are taken of students in
extra-curricular activities, at social events, during academic activities and other school events and
activities. The photographs are printed and/or displayed in various publications and other locations,
including yearbook, press releases, bulletin boards, newsletters, brochures, calendars, hallway posters
and the District’s web site. Photographs may be provided to local newspapers for publication. The District
reserves all rights to the photographs, which are used for school and community relations purposes.
ColleGe aTHleTICs aT
Refer to Core Credits Required for NCAA Certification in the registration handbook.
ResPonse To InTeRVenTIon (RTI)
Response to Intervention is a state regular education initiative that provides interventions matched to students’
areas of weaknesses. It uses levels of performance on universal screenings and looks at learning rates over
time to make data-driven decisions about the child’s education. Differentiated instruction is one form of RtI.
Small group instruction and learning centers that continuously measure student performance are also means of
accomplishing RtI. Progress monitoring and the use of scientifically researched-based materials are components
of RtI. Further decisions about the student’s education are based on his/her response to interventions.
RtI has three essentials: a) uses a three tier model of support, b) uses a problem-solving approach to
decision making, and c) uses an integrated data system that guides instruction.
Textbooks, library books, and other educational materials are the property of the school and must be kept in good
condition. Care should be taken when using school materials. Damage done to any school materials must be
paid for by those to whom they are charged. Administrators will deal with each situation on an individual basis.
sCHool sonG
Oh! Edward’s High School, Oh! Edwards High School
You know we’re always loyal to thee.
Come on and cheer now, the gang’s all here now
And we will raise a mighty cry.
And now with one voice, let’s make a big noise
And cheer our team to victory.
For Edwards High will fight, fight, fight tonight
So hail, to Edwards, hail to thee!!
Section 504 is a civil rights law to prohibit discrimination on the basis of a disability in any program receiving
federal funds. A student is eligible if he/she has a physical or mental impairment that substantially limits
one or more major life activities or has a record of or is regarded as handicapped by others. Our district
special education coordinator also serves as the district’s 504 coordinator.
seMesTeR eXaMs
Semester exams will be given the last two to four school days each semester. Semester grades will be
averaged numerically. Each semester exam will count as 20% of the final course grade. If a student is
exempted from semester exams, the final grade will be based upon the cumulative point total for the
Students who do not attempt to complete at least 75% of a semester exam will receive a grade of FI
on the exam.
seMesTeR eXaMS eXeMPTIon
All students in high school are required to take final exams. However, students in grades 9-12 may earn the
privilege of being exempt from certain final exams the second semester if they meet the following criteria:
1. The student has achieved an average of 83% or above in each class for which they are exempt and
does not have more than 10 dates of absences throughout the year
2. The student has achieved an average of 76% or above in each class for which they are exempt and
does not have more than 5 dates of absences throughout the year. (All absences, including doctor’s
excuses, etc., count as a date of absence).
A date of absence is counted if any part of the day is missed. Dates will be prorated for the number of
days that a student is enrolled in Edwards County High School. We encourage students to schedule
medical appointment so as not to miss regular class periods. A medical appointment during RtI does
not count toward the semester exam exemption policy if a note from the doctor is submitted to the
high school office on the first day the student returns to school.
3. The student has received no more than two detentions and no Saturday School detentions, or
suspensions for the year.
All students will be required to be in attendance and to take all exams for the first semester. If a student
is required to take all exams second semester, that student is required to be in attendance all day on the test
and review days. Those students that are not required to take all exams may sign in to school upon arrival
for the exam, and sign out after the exam is completed at the decretion of the teacher.
Students who are exempt from exams during the second semester will not be required to attend during
the semester exam days. A student could be exempt from required attendance at the end of the second
semester for one or more days.
Failure to comply with the attendance policy will result in an “FI” assigned to the semester exams for
that day. Exceptions to this policy may only be made by the principal and the teachers involved in giving
the individual exams.
In case of severe weather or possible school closing, a Global Connect call will be made. It is suggested
that students listen to the local radio stations: WFIW 104.9 F.M.; WVJC 89.1 F.M.; WVLN 92.9 F.M.
No decision will be made prior to the radio announcements. Therefore, please do not contact school administrators. For game and other extra curricular activity cancellations, students should listen to WFIW radio in Fairfield.
The Show Choir is organized specifically for the Dinner Theater show and is selected from interested
choir members who audition both as singers and as dancers. Selection is based on ATTITUDE, energy,
cooperation, and desire for excellence; based on SINGING ability and skill as has been observed during
audition; and based on DANCING skills as has been observed during the group choreography session.
Show choir members must meet the extra-curricular activity requirement of maintaining a 1.0 GPA with no F’s.
The least important of the criteria is dancing proficiency; the most important is attitude. With the proper
attitude, one will do one’s best as a singer, dancer, entertainer, and will be concerned with the success
of the group as a team. Working together, we will succeed.
A student must maintain a grade point average of 2.0 to continue membership in student council.
As per State Law, Student Directory Information may be released to the general public without parental
consent unless the parent/guardian notifies the school that they do not want this information released.
Information designated as directory information shall be limited to the following:
1. Identifying information: name, address, gender, grade level, birth date and place, phone
number, and parent’s name and address
2. Academic awards, degrees and honors
3. Information in relation to school sponsored activities
4. Major field of study
5. Period of attendance in school
A grievance is a difference of opinion raised by a student or group of students involving: (1) the meaning,
interpretation or application of established policies; (2) difference of treatment; or (3) application of the
legal requirements of civil rights legislation.
This procedure is not intended to limit the option of the district and a grievant(s) to resolve any grievance
mutually and informally. Hearings and conferences under this procedure shall be conducted at a time
and place which will afford a fair and equitable opportunity for all persons.
The grievance procedure is not required if the grievant(s) prefers other alternatives such as the Office
of Civil Rights (OCR) or the courts. Due process shall exist throughout the procedure with the right to:
(1) representation; (2) present witnesses and evidence; (3) confidentiality; (4) review relevant records;
and (5) proceed without harassment and/or retaliation.
More detailed information is available in the offices of the Superintendent and Building Principal. Time
limits refer to days when school is in session.
The student(s) and/or parent(s) should discuss the matter with the person(s) directly responsible for
the grievance issue within fourteen (14) days of the time when a reasonable alert person should have
been aware of the event giving rise to a grievance. An oral response must be made within five (5) days.
If the grievance is still not resolved, it should be submitted in writing within ten (10) days to the high school
principal. The grievance should be described as specifically and completely as possible. A thorough
investigation of the issue will be documented. Extra time, if needed, can be mutually agreed upon. A
meeting must be held between the grievant and district representative within ten (10) days and a written
response made within five (5) days.
If a satisfactory solution is not reached, the grievant(s) may appeal the issue in writing to the Superintendent, within ten (10) days from the receipt of the response on STEP II. A meeting between parties
will be held within ten (10) days and a written response made within five (5) days. A complete record of
this meeting shall be kept and signed by both parties for possible future reference.
If the issue is not satisfactorily resolved on STEP III, the grievant(s) may appeal the grievance in writing
to the School Board within five (5) days from the receipt of the written response. The Board shall consider
the appeal within sixty (60) days and a written response shall be given within five (5) days.
Teen dating violence is unacceptable. We are committed to providing our students with a school
environment where students can learn free from worries about school violence. School Board policy
7:185, Tean Dating Violence Prohibited, is a component of the District's anti-bullying program.
Students in grades 7 through 12 will receive age-appropriate instruction on teen dating violence
including warning signs and prevention. School staff will also receive training on handling signs and
incidents of teen dating violence.
THReaTenInG ConDITIons
During threatening conditions, students will not be released from the building until the threatening
conditions are past unless a parent (or person on their emergency contact list) physically comes to the
building to remove the student.
TRansfeR sTUDenTs
Transfer students who transfer to Edwards County High School before the end of a semester will be
placed into classes which match as closely as possible the classes which they were taking at their
previous school.
Students enrolled in the Edwards County School System are expected to attend school each day. Any
student who is absent from school without valid cause from such attendance for a school day or portion
thereof is considered truant. Attendance records will be monitored regularly for excessive absences,
which include excused, unexcused and tardiness for students K-12. Those students who accumulate
excessive absences may be referred to the truancy interventionist. The truancy interventionist will work
with the student and their family to devise a plan of action. This plan will address specific academic and
non-academic goals that will assist in improving the student’s attendance.
Students, parents/guardians, employees or community members should notify either complaint manager
if they believe they have had their rights violated as guaranteed by the state or federal constitution or
statute or board policy. The complaint managers are Dawn Skillman and David Cowger.
VIDeo CaMeRas
The Board of Education authorizes the use of video cameras to identify disruptive students and
to document the activities of students.
VIsIToRs anD GUesTs
Parents are encouraged to visit classes as observers. Appointments for such visits are a courtesy to
the teacher and will result in less disruption of the education program. If a parent wishes to confer
with the teacher, an appointment should be made for a time outside of school hours. Children not
assigned to the Edwards County High School building are not permitted to visit classes. All visitors
are expected to check in at the school office and receive a badge before proceeding to their
Illinois High School Association
(For 2015-16 School Term)
This summary is for the purpose of assisting
in the understanding of IHSA By-laws and
Policies. In case of a conflict between this
publication and the constitution and by-laws
of the IHSA, the constitution and by-laws
shall control.
Key Provisions Regarding IHSA Rules
Eligibility Rules
When you become a member of an
interscholastic team at your high school, you
will find that both your school and the IHSA
will have rules you must follow in order to be
eligible for interscholastic participation. The
IHSA’s rules have been adopted by the high
schools which are members of IHSA as part of
the Association’s constitution and by-laws.
They must be followed as minimum standards
for all interscholastic athletic competition in any
member high school. Your high school may
have additional requirements, but they may not
be less stringent than these statewide minimums.
The principal/official representative of
your school is responsible to see that only
eligible students represent the school in
interscholastic competition. Any question
concerning your eligibility should be referred to
your principal/official representative, who has a
complete copy of all IHSA eligibility rules,
including the Association’s due process
procedure. Only the IHSA Executive Director is
authorized to make formal rulings on eligibility,
so if your principal/official representative has
questions or wishes assistance in answering your
questions, the principal/official representative
should contact the IHSA Office.
Information contained here highlights
some of the most important features of the IHSA
by-laws regarding interscholastic eligibility. It is
designed to make you aware of major
requirements you must meet to be eligible to
compete in interscholastic competition. The
information here is only a general description of
major by-law provisions and does not contain
the statement of the by-laws in their entirety.
You can review the by-laws at
You may lose eligibility for interscholastic
competition if you are not in compliance with
IHSA by-laws. Remember, if you have any
questions regarding IHSA rules, please contact
your principal/official representative.
You may represent only the school you
attend. Participation on a cooperative team
of which your school is a member is
You must be enrolled and attending classes
in your high school no later than the
beginning of the 11th school day of the
If you attend school for ten (10) or more
days during any one semester, it will count
as one of the eight (8) semesters of high
school attendance during which you may
possibly have eligibility.
If you have a lapse in school connection
for ten (10) or more consecutive school
days during a semester, you are subject to
ineligibility for the rest of the semester.
The specific terms of your extended
absence must be reviewed by the Executive
Director to determine if it is “lapse in
school connection” or not.
Scholastic Standing
You attend the public high school in the
district in which you live full time with
both of your parents, custodial parent or
court appointed guardian; or
In the case of a multiple school district,
you attend the public high school in the
attendance area where you live full time
with your parents, custodial parent or court
appointed guardian; or
You have paid tuition to attend a public
school for a minimum of 7th and 8th
grades in a district other than the one
where you live with your parents, custodial
parent or court appointed guardian and you
continue to pay tuition as a high school
student in that same district; or
You attend a private/parochial school
located within the boundaries of the public
school district where you live with your
parents, custodial parent or court appointed
guardian; or
You attend a private/parochial high school
and have attended a private/parochial
school for 7th and 8th grades, or for any
four (4) grades from kindergarten through
eighth grades; or
You attend the private/parochial high
school which one or both of your parents
attended; or
You attend a private/parochial high school
located within a thirty (30) mile radius of
the residence where you live with your
parents, custodial parent or court appointed
In all transfer cases, both the principal of
the school from which you transfer and the
principal of the school into which you
transfer must concur with the transfer in
writing on a form provided by the IHSA
Office. You cannot be eligible when you
transfer until this form is fully executed
and on file in the school office.
If you transfer after classes begin for the
current school term, you will definitely be
ineligible for thirty days from the date you
start attending classes at the new high
school. In addition, you will be ineligible
for that entire school term in any sport in
which you engaged in any team activity,
including but not limited to tryouts, drills,
physical practice sessions, team meetings,
playing in a contest, etc. at the school from
which you transferred. For example, if you
were out for cross country at the school
from which you transfer and transfer after
the IHSA sport season has begun, you
will be ineligible for cross country that
entire school term at the new school.
If you transfer attendance from one high
school to another high school, you will be
ineligible unless:
1. Your transfer is in conjunction with a
change in residence by both you and
your parents, custodial parent or court
appointed guardian from one public
school district to a different public
school district;
2. Your transfer is between high schools
within a public school district and both
you and your parents, custodial parent
or court appointed guardian change
residence to the district attendance area
for the school to which you transfer;
3. Your parents are divorced or legally
separated; you transfer to a new school
in conjunction with a modification or
other change in legal custody between
your parents by action of a judge; and
required court documents are on file at
the school into which you transfer;
If you transfer in conjunction with a
change in legal guardianship, a ruling on
your eligibility must be obtained from the
IHSA Office.
If you transfer attendance from one school
to another while you are ineligible for any
reason, the period of ineligibility imposed
prior to your transfer or the period of
ineligibility that would have been imposed
had you stayed at the school, will be
enforced at the school to which you
transfer, even if you are otherwise in
compliance with the by-laws.
Any questions about your eligibility in any
of these instances must be resolved by a
formal ruling from the IHSA Executive
You must pass twenty-five (25) credit
hours of high school work per week.
Generally, twenty-five (25) credit hours is
the equivalent of five (5) .5 credit courses
(2.5 full credits).
You must have passed and received credit
toward graduation for twenty-five (25)
credit hours of high school work for the
entire previous semester to be eligible at all
during the ensuing semester.
Your eligibility is dependent on the
location of the residence where you live
full time with your parents, parent who has
been assigned custody by the court, or
court appointed legal guardian.
You may be eligible if you are entering
high school as a freshman and:
Athletic Eligibility Rules—Page 2
In all other transfer situations, a ruling by
the IHSA Executive Director is necessary
to determine your eligibility. This ruling
must be obtained in writing by the
principal/official representative of the
school into which you transfer before you
participate in an interscholastic athletic
You will become ineligible on the date you
become twenty (20) years of age, unless
your twentieth (20th) birthday occurs
during a sport season. In that case, you
will become ineligible in regard to age at
the beginning of the sport season during
which your twentieth (20th) birthday
Physical Examination
Amateur Status
If you win or place in actual competition,
you may accept a medal or trophy for that
accomplishment, without limit to its cost.
Your school may provide IHSA state
For participating in competition in an
interscholastic sport, or for athletic honors
or recognition in a sport, you may receive
any type of award (except cash, check or
legal tender) that does not exceed $75 fair
market value. There is no limitation on the
value of your school letter.
The amateur rule does not prohibit you
from being paid to referee, receiving pay
for teaching lessons or coaching in a little
kids league, etc. It only applies to your
own competition in an athletic contest.
If you violate the amateur rule, you
become ineligible in the sport in which you
violate. You must be reinstated by the
Executive Director before you may
compete again.
Recruiting of Athletes
The by-laws prohibit recruiting of high
school students for athletics. If you are
solicited to enroll in or transfer to a school
to participate in athletics, you are being
illegally recruited and your eligibility is in
You must have placed on file with your
principal/official representative a
certificate of physical fitness, signed by a
licensed physician, physician’s assistant or
nurse practioner in order to practice or
participate. Your physical examination is
good for 395 days from the date of the
exam. The physician’s report must be on
file with your high school principal/official
You will lose your eligibility if you enroll
in or transfer to a school in response to
recruiting efforts by any person or group of
persons, connected with or not connected
with the school, related to athletic
You will lose your eligibility if you receive
special benefits or privileges as a
prospective student-athlete which are not
uniformly made available to all students
who attend your school.
You may not receive an “athletic
scholarship” or any other special benefit
from your school because you participate
in athletics.
It is a violation for any student-athlete to
receive or be offered remuneration or any
special inducement which is not made
available to all applicants who apply to or
enroll in the school.
It is also a violation to induce or attempt to
induce or encourage any prospective
student to attend any member school for
the purpose of participating in athletics,
even when special remuneration or
inducement is not given. Please remember
that you may not be offered or receive any
benefit, service, privilege or opportunity
which is not also provided or made
available to all prospective students at that
Note: If you are interested in finding out
more information about a school, contact
the principal/official representative or an
administrator at the school, not a member
of the coaching staff.
School Team Sports Seasons
Each sport conducted by IHSA member
schools has a starting and ending date.
Your school may not organize a team,
begin practice or participate in contests in a
given sport until the authorized starting
date. Your school may not continue to
practice or participate in contests after the
authorized ending date. This means that:
1. During the school year, you may not
participate on a non-school team
coached by any member of your
school’s coaching staff unless it meets
specific criteria established by the bylaws.
2. No school coach may require you to
participate in an out-of-season sport
program as a requirement for being a
member of a school team.
Violation of the sport season by-laws will
result in penalty to you and/or to your
school’s coaching personnel.
10. Playing in Non-School Competition
During the time you are participating on a
school team in a sport at your high school,
you may neither play on a non-school team
nor compete in non-school competition as
an individual in that same sport or in any
skill of that sport.
If you participate in non-school
competition during a sport season and
subsequently wish to join the school team
in the same sport, you will not be eligible.
If you wish to participate in a competition
sanctioned by the National Governing
Body, or its official Illinois affiliate for the
sport, your principal/official representative
must request approval in writing from the
IHSA Office prior to any such
You may try out for a non-school team
while you are on your school’s team in that
same sport, but you may not practice,
receive instruction, participate in workouts,
or participate in competition with a nonschool team in that same sport until you
cease being a member of your school’s
team. You cease being a member of your
school’s team when the team(s) of which
you are a member terminates for the school
You will become ineligible if you
participate on, practice with or compete
against any junior college, college or
university team during your high school
11. All-Star Participation
After you have completed your high school
eligibility in the sport of football,
basketball, soccer or volleyball, you may
participate in three (3) all-star contests in
any of these sports and still play for other
school teams, provided the high school
season in that sport has been completed.
You may lose your eligibility for other
interscholastic sports if you play in all-star
competition in any of these sports under
any other conditions.
You are not restricted from participating in
all-star competition in sports other than
football, basketball soccer or volleyball,
except that you may not do so during the
school season for the sport.
12. Misbehavior During Contests
If you violate the ethics of competition or
the principles of good sportsmanship, you
may be barred from interscholastic athletic
contests, either as a participant or spectator
or both.
If you are ejected from a contest for
unsportsmanlike conduct, you will be
ineligible for your team’s next contest.
You are also subject to other penalties.
PERIOD COVERED: Thursday, August 13, 2015 through Thursday, May 26, 2016
AUGUST 2015 - 13 Attendance Days
JANUARY 2016 - 19 Attendance Days
Aug. 13
Aug. 14
Jan. 1
Jan. 4
Jan. 15
Jan. 18
Jan. 29
Not in Attendance - Teachers Institute
First Day of Attendance
1:15 Dismissal - Remainder Teacher
Meeting/Work Day
Not in Attendance - New Year's Day
School Resumes for Students
Not in Attendance - Teacher Institute
Not in Attendance - Martin Luther King Day
School Improvement Day 12:15 Dismissal
SEPTEMBER 2015 - 21 Attendance Days
FEBRUARY 2016 - 20 Attendance Days
Sept. 7
Sept. 25
Feb. 15
Feb. 26
Not in Attendance - Labor Day
School Improvement Day 12:15 Dismissal
Not in Attendance - Presidents' Day
School Improvement Day 12:15 Dismissal
OCTOBER 2015 - 21 Attendance Days
MARCH 2016 - 21 Attendance Days
Oct. 12
Oct. 16
Oct. 20
Oct. 21
Oct. 23
Oct. 30
March 11
March 21
March 22
March 23
March 24
March 25
March 28
Not in Attendance - Columbus Day
End of First Quarter
Evening P/T Conferences 2:15 Dismissal
Evening P/T Conferences 2:15 Dismissal
Not in Attendance
Not in Attendance - Teacher Institute
NOVEMBER 2015 - 16 Attendance Days
Nov. 6
Nov. 11
Nov. 20
Nov. 25
Nov. 26
Nov. 27
End of Third Quarter
Evening P/T Conferences 2:15 Dismissal
Evening P/T Conferences 2:15 Dismissal
School Improvement Day 12:15 Dismissal
Not in Attendance
Not in Attendance - Easter Break
Not in Attendance - Easter Break
APRIL 2016 - 21 Attendance Days
School Improvement Day 12:15 Dismissal
Not in Attendance - Veterans Day
Not in Attendance
Not in Attendance - Thanksgiving Break
Not in Attendance - Thanksgiving
Not in Attendance - Thanksgiving Break
DECEMBER 2015 - 14 Attendance Days
MAY 2016 - 19 Attendance Days
Dec. 17
Dec. 18
Dec. 21
Dec. 22
Dec. 23
Dec. 24
Dec. 25
Dec. 28
Dec. 29
Dec. 30
Dec. 31
May 13
May 25
May 26
2:00 Dismissal
2:00 Dismissal - End of 2nd Quarter
Not in Attendance - Christmas Break
Not in Attendance - Christmas Break
Not in Attendance - Christmas Break
Not in Attendance - Christmas Break
Not in Attendance - Christmas
Not in Attendance - Christmas Break
Not in Attendance - Christmas Break
Not in Attendance - Christmas Break
Not in Attendance - Christmas Break
High School Graduation
Not in Attendance - Teacher Institute
Last Day of School - Report Card Day
1:30 Dismissal for students
* Last Day of School is Subject to Change Due to 5 Built In Emergency Days
Last Day of School Could be as Early as May 19, 2016.
If this occurs, May 18, 2016 will be a Teachers Institute/Non-Attendance Day
Amended Calendar will be finalized at March 2016 School Board Meeting.
August 13, 2015 - District Institute
October 30, 2015 - District Institute
January 15, 2016 - District Institute
May 26, 2016 - District Institute (12:30 pm - 3:30 pm)
First Quarter
Second Quarter
Third Quarter
Fourth Quarter
Grading Periods
First Quarter
Second Quarter
Third Quarter
Fourth Quarter
August 14 - October 16
October 19 - December 18
January 4 - March 11
March 14 - May 26
Grade Card Issue Dates
October 22, 2015 (or at P/T Conferences)
January 5, 2016
March 16, 2016
May 26, 2016
Payroll Dates
Sept. 4 & Sept. 21
Oct. 7 & Oct. 21
Nov. 6 & Nov. 20
Dec. 7 & Dec. 18
Jan. 7 & Jan. 21
Feb. 5 and Feb. 19
March 7 & March 21
April 7 & April 21
September 11, 2015
November 13, 2015
February 5, 2016
April 15, 2016
May 6 & May 20
June 7 & June 21
July 7 & July 21
Aug. 5 & Aug. 19
This Calendar Includes: 180 Attendance Days (including 5 SIP Days and 5 Emergency Days), 2 Parent/Teacher Conference Days and 3 Institute Days for a
Total of 185 Days