Sunspel, Telegraph Mens


Sunspel, Telegraph Mens
Irrtrlryictv tvillt
(lrc t'ttttt;lil't:
teeth into thc ro e of Dracu a
P us the lalest looks and accessor e:
Lul<e Evans s nks his
"lll() firsl
lil I l{}
I \\'as ll{)\Yr)
lo L.\ Ior a
scl o{l r losl
\\'its illl
notl'o rircliill:l
I(I Il{)\1)t'
Irrlutrl lcli tttt
a lrlarrr: in
rny lilt:'
nafl {020 7.195 5897)
1595 3!
lightirg !p the tust of seleral Madboros Wc often gel mistakcn lor cacl ot
Re€lily sc rlpcared aL Conlc Cor rogcther and Orlando looked a1 me
srid. Dudc ihis i\jusL welrdl\Ve could be bnnhes. ll\ a con,plinrenL
e, ol cousc Mrybe $. bul theF s somedring harder, gdtiict and scrie. $
ElaDs tnat di8iEntilts lim from his fresh-hed Hollts'ood couLerl]r
'Sercn tea.s ago Lhere \tas a big ?1 /,s11 'tretty boy' lnnrg goins on
I rcmembe. fie.rsftrg agents sayins. "We've been looking ior der and
look lile d man and lor carlr youseil like a nan. I eucss Lfie.e wa\ a s]]ac
rhc ma,kel at rhar point lor a 30 year oid Inaleland I mlcd ,1 '
Comi,,s oft lne back ol a decade of west End nusicals du,nrg $l,ich r
he st!rcd iD I/,r.. R!,r and ,V,ri .larsd Elads's brcakihoush i,,Lo (
nailc thcaft and llren filh *asn't only a surpise ro hin bul also an cnonn
reliel I thousnt tlat was going 1o be my cd*rr he says Thcn. whcn I s !.
ftis play camc u! ar fte Donmat SnalL Chans about two wel\], bol i
I scn! the casti,rg direclor a lo1e, becgilg hiD ro see me and I sor rhc irib
beoridringlo akngtinetodoadramdliLhnosingingilvohed.$rhrr
a pivotal n,omen L ' By lhe iime S,ral/ Clarse closed. l$o big ascnL' ha! 4.
ln lionr LA holing 10 si$ E ans and hchaddined at dre IIy tvice
For thc Potrtll)ool-bon, only child of a bricklayer a.d a '
Wjtrcscs bn)q{hlup on a di€t of nnNic. Pcrula Cl:._i.:
rhe Dritic$, silging had alwi,s seened the obvious career cloicc I r:: :l
at rhool so I didilr nruch like iL Bnt al hoDre I $ould sing elor-q :r -: :
irlollg 10 nllJ
irtttl trlrctr
l)col)lo (jillllo
o\-cr llloli
s(x:l r)(-'( I 1{)
and Nhcn pcoplecame over they seemcd io like
T::::- l
\i:: C.-.
lncninero m.
ihis supply leacherftrt tue i! io&li *iti a siigins colch ..:
R\"n dfd I cnded up Lxklng sin'sirg clascs vitir her: along
Chulh. $ho al$ays used lo 1um xp jnsl aftcr me'
h l9r? Euns son a schoiaiship to thc London Sntdio Ccnt:
li -
nrt parentsne.e$odedaboultnemolingto LondonaI 1r. he.+' :::i -scc rnar I \ra\nungy to nnd my path. Ard il pobably hclp.d tl:::.:r -,
iuccteding al iL. sloN\ bxl surel,\i he says ol his snalltusl rol: l. :.: --
lili() lislcnins
.\ shj bor who uas neler. he insisn, 'a natural5how-or. [1an: ::j:.'::
lan lo his lerv liln clEer once the US took a! inlere{ He audti!':.::.:
:009 titm rdaptalion of Drli@ Gdr. bnt it wasi't uDlil th. inlllqf,:::-:
la) n l{t'
!e son lis fisi Itoll]ryood .ole, playlng Apollo i,, anofier r.nE:i3.