Hotter Than a Scorned Woman


Hotter Than a Scorned Woman
Volume 2, Issue 1
February 2009
Hotter Than a Scorned Woman
(Queen) Mum’s the Word
Hello Ladies!
Happy February! We have 3 exciting activities planned for this month. Check out the events and calendar on pages 2 &3.
Your input is always welcomed. Please participate in our wonderful group of ladies.
The Mayonnaise Jar and 2 Cups of Coffee
When things in your lives seem almost too much to handle, when 24 hours in a day are not enough, remember
the mayonnaise jar and the 2 cups of coffee.
A professor stood before his philosophy class and had
some items in front of him. When the class began, he
wordlessly picked up a very large and empty mayonnaise
jar and proceeded t o fill it with golf balls. He then asked
the students if the jar was full. They agreed that it was.
The professor then picked up a box o f pebbles and
poured them into the jar. He shook the jar lightly. The
pebbles rolled into the open areas between the golf balls.
He then asked the students again if the jar was full. They
agreed it was.
The professor next picked up a box of sand and poured it
into the jar. Of course, the sand filled up everything else.
He asked once more if the jar was full. The students responded with an unanimous "yes."
The professor then produced two cups of coffee from
under the table and poured the entire contents into the jar
effectively filling the empty space between the sand. The
students laughed.
"Now," said the professor as the laughter subsided, "I
want you to recognize that this jar represents your life.
The golf balls are the important things--your family,
your children, your health, your friends and your favorite
passions--and if everything else was lost and only they
remained, your life would still be full.
The pebbles are the other things that matter like your
job, your house and your car.
The sand is everything else--the small stuff. "If you put
the sand into the jar first," he continued, "there is no
room for the pebbles or the golf balls. The same goes for
life. If you spend all your time and energy on the small
stuff you will never have room for the things that are
important to you. Continued on page 4
"Pay attention to the things that are critical to your happiness. Play with your children. Take time to get medical
checkups. Take your spouse out to dinner. Play another
Hotter Than A Scorned Woman
Page 2
Upcoming Red Hat Events
Game ight, 2/7/09,
Maria’s house, Byram, NJ, 7:00 pm
The Second "Crown Jewels"
Queens' Council, 9/26/09, 11:00 AM, Atten-
CAbi Carol Anderson by invitation,
dees are: Queens, former Queens, and Vice Queens.
Dimmick Inn's Jorgenson Restaurant,
Spring 09 “PRE-VIEW” Brunch, Thursday, Feb.
19th,,11:00 AM, 1 Farm Creek Road, Fredon,
Scrabble Scrimmage, 2/28/09, Sussex
County Community College. Hosted by: Literacy
Volunteers of America—Sussex County.
The Fourth "Brass Button" Queens'
Council Brunch, 11/8/09, 10:30 AM, Attendees are: Queens, former Queens, and Vice
Queens, /Meeting will be held on Sunday, 8 November 2009 at 10:30 AM. The Thayer Hotel on the
grounds of West Point Military Academy.,
Springfest Flower and Garden Show,
3/7/09, Sussex County Fairgrounds, Augusta.
Hosted by: Hotter Than a Scorned Woman.
Complete Works of William Shakespeare, Abridged, 4/24/09, Pax Amicus Theatre, Budd Lake. Hosted by: Hotter Than a Scorned
Jamming in Your Jammies Festival,
5/2/09, Regency House, Pompton Plains. Hosted by:
The Marlo-Modhatters Queens Marlene Clements
and Barbara Laufnick.
Red Hat Society, “DOLLY DAY”,
8/20/09, Lafayette House, Hosted by: Val and Ken.
Page 3
February Newsletter
February 2009
Hog Day
Washington’s Birthday
from 1/31
Hotter Than A Scorned Woman
Page 4
Scrabble Scrimmage
Event: Scrabble Scrimmage
Place: Hampton Diner—
Sussex County Community College—
Date: February 28th, 2009
Time: 12:00 oon—Lunch
2:00—4:00 —Scrabble
Price: Separate Checks (Lunch)
$25.00 (Scrabble) sign up sheet pg 10-11
Host: Literacy Volunteers of Sussex County
otes: Let’s meet at Hampton Diner at 12 noon for
lunch. We will then drive over to Sussex County
Community College for an afternoon of Scrabble.
Sign up information is on pages 10-11 of this newsletter.
Continued from page 1
18. There will always be time to clean the house and fix
the disposal. Take care of the golf balls first--the things
that really matter. Set your priorities. The rest is just
One of the students raised her hand and inquired what
the coffee represented. The professor smiled. "I'm glad
you asked."
It just goes to show you that no matter how full your life
may seem, there's always room for a couple of cups of
coffee with a friend."
Springfest Flower & Garden Show
Event: Spring Fest Flower & Garden Show
Place: Sussex County Fairgrounds, Augusta
Date: March 7th
Time: TBD
Price: TBD
Host: Queen Maria, Hotter Than a Scorned
otes: We will meet for lunch before attending the show. Please check upcoming emails
for additional information.
Complete Works of William Shakespeare, Abridged
Event: Complete Works of William Shakespeare, Abridged
Place: Pax Amicus Theatre
Budd Lake
Date: April 24th
Time: 8:00 PM
Price: TBD
Host: Hotter Than a Scorned Woman
otes: We will meet for dinner before the show.
More details to follow.
Page 5
February Newsletter
LadiesHere are some potential outings and activities for
you to ponder. We may choose to do some of these
as a group or there may be something of interest to
you to do with a friend.
If you’d like for me to organize this as a group activity, please let me know. Your opinion is important and always welcome.
play readings at the Black River Theater in
Ballet, opera,
Black Maria film festival at Sussex County
Community College (whose events generally go
for about $20-$22, or less).
The Bickford Theatre is located at the Morris
Museum in Morristown. It is a nice venue, with
quality events, at a reasonable price and commute.
The Papermill Playhouse is always a good time.
Hikes enjoying some of NJ’s beautiful state
parks “Red Hat Style”.
Dutch Apple Dinner Theatre, Lancaster, PA,
Pax Amicus Theatre, Budd Lake,
If you learn about something that might be of interest to the group, please let me know. This list will
be updated regularly.
Event: Pajama Party
Place: Regency House Hotel
Pompton Plains
Date: May 2nd
Time: Noon until 4 PM
Price: $38 pp
Host: Queens Barbara & Marlene of the Mod Hatters & Marlo Chapters
RSVP: 2/28/09 to Maria
For those wanting to stay the night and party,
Queens Barbara & Marlene reserved a block of
rooms for Friday OR Saturday night. The rate for
either night is $89.99 (does %OT include tax). Make
sure you book under the Red Hat Ladies for your
stay at Regency House Best Western Hotel. The Hotel offers a complimentary Hot buffet breakfast
which includes: scrambled eggs, sausage, French
Toast, waffles, home fries, fresh fruit, and a variety
of hot and cold cereals accompanied with juices,
coffees, and teas.
Hours: 8:00am - 11:00am weekends.
Hotter Than A Scorned Woman
MEETING will be held on Sunday, 8 November
2009 at 10:30 AM.
This Queens' Council is always on the Sunday before
Veteran's Day at The Thayer Hotel on the grounds of
West Point Military Academy.
The Thayer Hotel at West Point (Dining Room)
674 Thayer Road
West Point, New York 10996
Toll Free: 800-247-5047 (outside of 845 area code)
Phone: 845-446-4731
Details of the "Brass Button" Queens' Council will
be sent to you and listed on the NJ QMB.
Page 6
The Second "Crown Jewels" Queens'
Saturday, 26 September 2009 at 11:00 AM
Attendees are: Queens, former Queens, and Vice
This was the original multistate Queens' Council in
2007 and included attendees from three States: New
York, New Jersey, and Pennsylvania. It was first
called the Tristate Queens' Council. In 2008 the
name was changed to "Crown Jewels" Queens'
In 2009 Connecticut will also be represented.
The Council will meet annually in Milford, Pike
County, Pennsylvania, near the border of Port
Jervis, Orange County,
New York, and Sussex County, New Jersey.
It will be held at:
Dimmick Inn's Jorgenson Restaurant
101 E. Harford Street
Broad & Harford Streets
Milford, Pike County, Pa 18337
(570) 296-4021
The historic Dimmick Inn, a place as historic as the
town that is its home, a stopping place that has been
in the heart of Milford since 1828.
Details of the "Crown Jewels" Queens' Council will
be sent to you and listed on the NJ QMB.
Click the following URL of a Queen Mother Board
2 Photo Gallery:
Page 7
February Newsletter
Aretha Franklin's inaugural hat
is tip o' the cap to black culture
The 'church hat' has long been a statement
for women seeking respect
By Dahleen Glanton
Tribune correspondent
January 28, 2009
ATLANTA—To many African-American women, the
gray felt hat with the oversized bow trimmed with
Swarovski crystals was the perfect crown for the "Queen
of Soul."
And days after the presidential inauguration of Barack
Obama, it was not Aretha Franklin's rendition of "My
Country 'Tis of Thee" that had many people still talking.
It was the hat.
Elaborate hats have long adorned the heads of welldressed women around the globe, but for AfricanAmericans, the so-called church hat is deeply rooted in
their culture. Hats are a statement about who black
women are, and often, the bigger and the more flamboyant, the greater the statement being made.
"That was a bad hat," said Jean Price, 66, of Atlanta. "She
looked elegant in it, and that is something black women
really understand. Hats tell a story, and when a black
woman puts on a hat like that, it tells the world that she is
a serious black woman who knows where she is coming
from. It defines who she is."
Price knows the importance of getting the right hat for an
occasion. It took days for her to find the perfect accessory
to wear to the funeral of her husband of 43 years. When
she laid eyes on an oversized black straw hat with a 12inch brim, she knew instantly that it was the one.
"A hat says that this is an important occasion, and I am
dressed for the occasion," she said.
While hats have flowed in and out of style over the years,
they have always been a staple of good fashion sense for
many women. Queen Elizabeth II is rarely seen in public
without her signature headgear. Neither is former Chicago
Ald. Dorothy Tillman. Former First Lady Jacqueline Ken-
nedy brought the pillbox hat into prominence in the
1960s, a style that was promptly adopted by black women
who added their own flair to it. Thousands of women
across the country belong to the Red Hat Society, a social
group whose red hats are a trademark.
But throughout history, black women, more than many
other groups, have used dressy hats as a statement of
identity and religious tribute, said Michael Cunningham,
author of the pictorial book, "Crowns." Dressing up, said
Cunningham, is how black women historically have
shown their respect to God, from the field workers who
adorned a straw hat with a ribbon or flower to the women
who shell out up to $1,000 for the perfect Sunday hat.
"Hats have always had significance to women who had
menial jobs, worked around the home and did not have
the opportunity to put their best attire on during the
week," said Cunningham. "So on Sunday, they could
dress up and cap off the attire with a crown, the hat. They
could show the world that this is how God has blessed me
in spite of the hardships. It was always a mix of faith and
Despite mocking by comedians like Ellen DeGeneres and
Jon Stewart, Franklin's hat is moderate by "church hat"
standards, according to milliners.
The designer, Luke Song, of Mr. Song Millinery in Detroit, said he collaborated with Franklin on the hat, a
structured beret that took him a day and a half to mold
into shape by hand.
"She knew what she wanted and it was something to
frame her face. She already had the jacket with her, so we
went around our showroom and began negating and adding what would become the hat itself," Song said.
He said that since the inauguration he has received about
3,000 requests for the one-of-a kind hat that would retail
for about $500. He is working on a replica made of satin
with a satin bow that will sell for $179.
[email protected]
Copyright © 2009, Chicago Tribune,,0,4492263.story
Hotter Than A Scorned Woman
A Little ews
The Blog For Small Town, But Not Small Time
20 Moments - Red Hat Ladies
leave a comment »
Several years ago I shot my very first Red Hat Society photo assignment. I had no idea what I was
walking into. That is the craziest group of women
on the planet and they readily admit it and revel in
it. Now I relish those assignments like a glass of
perfectly aged wine that has great flavor and a lot
character because that is a great description of the
Red Hat Society. To be a member you have to be
50 years old and come up with the most outlandish
red hat and purple dress possible. Already you can
see the possibilities for photos are endless. Top all
that glitz off with the idea that these ladies are there
to have fun, and that really is about all they do, and
you have a photo assignment where you would have
to be dead not to get a great photo.
Sharon Beach helps new Red Hat Society member
Kathy Taylor inther her purple robe outside Cafe
113 in Decatur Wednesday. Taylor had a
"Reduation" which signified her move from being a
Pink Hatter to a full member of the Red Hat Society.
photo by Gary Cosby Jr. 8/20/08
This Red Hat assignment was a little different for
me. The club was welcoming a new member on her
50th birthday. This is called a “Reduation” because
the new member had been coming to the club but
could not be a full member. So the club assembled
in front of Cafe 113 in Decatur with kazoos in hand
to welcome the newbie. Then they put her in a purple robe and gave her a multiple kazoo salute. If
you have never heard women tooting on kazoos on a
public sidewalk, well, you have just missed out on
one of life’s great moments. Kitty Taylor, the new
Red Hat member, said it was her life’s goal to become a full fledged member of the Red Hat Society
and she really wasn’t joking. It was just a cool moment to share.
Page 8
One of the greatest privileges we have as photojournalists is to be part of some of the greatest moments
in a person’s life. We get a lot more pub for being
there in the darkest moments and that is part of the
job. What people don’t remember is that we are
also there in some of the peak moments. Graduations, election victories, sports championships,
plays, awards and yes, reduations, are all documented and celebrated in the media. Sometimes we
take these moments for granted. Don’t! It may not
be a big deal to you but it is certainly a big deal to
the person in the picture. Remember that next time
you are out there shooting another award, graduation or retirement.
Photo copyright Gary Cosby Jr., The Decatur
Daily. The opinions expressed in this blog are my
own and do not necessarily reflect those of my employer.
Written by Gary Cosby Jr
December 28, 2008 at 11:45 pm
Posted in 20 Moments
Page 9
February Newsletter
Hotter Than a Scorned Woman
Chapter Dues
Yearly dues have been decreased from $24 per year
to $20 per year. Dues are payable in January and are
Being a chapterette of Hotter Than a Scorned
Woman offers the following membership benefits:
• Membership as a registered member of the Red
Hat Society
• Prizes and trinkets at activities
• Free business card advertising in our monthly
• Free link to your website from our website
Membership dues are used for printing of our newsletter to be sent to those members and advertisers
requesting a printed, rather than an electronic, copy.
We also use our dues to defray the cost of activities,
outings, and gifts.
Chapter membership is required to attend “official”
Red Hat Activities (such as Jammin in your Jammies). Our chapter activities are open to all.
We currently have 2 paid members. Please consider
joining our exciting chapter.
Traveling Vase
Our Traveling Vase will soon begin its journey. A
Vase is filled with a beautiful flower or two, and is
passed from friend to friend with the following
poem to accompany it on its journey:
This vase should have no owner, for its journey
never ends. It travels in a circle of our family and
our friends. It carries love from home to home for
everyone to share. The gift that’s placed within is
filled with love and care. So please enjoy this vase,
then fill it up again, and pass along the love it
holds to family and friends.
Hotter Than a Scorned Woman
Wants You!
Hotter Than a Scorned Woman is seeking ladies to
fill the following posts:
Lady of the Garter (or Vice Queen) - Queens right
hand person
Damsel of Dialing Responsible for phoning members and potential members for chapter information
and upcoming events.
Baroness of Birthdays Responsible for keeping
track of members birthdays and planning a recognition during that month’s activity.
Contessa of Song - Responsible for leading us in
song & kazoo. Looks for music appropriate for our
station in life.
Goddess of Goodwill - Responsible for sending
cards to members for illness or special recognition.
Governess of Gatherings - Responsible for contacting other Red Hat Chapters for joint get togethers.
Fair Maiden Twinkle Toes - Responsible for
teaching the ladies the official Red Hat line dance
and other dances.
Ladies must be an official member of the Hotter
Than A Scorned Woman Red Hat Society to hold a
Hotter Than A Scorned Woman
Please save __________ places at the Scrabble scrimmage for:
Player name__________________________________________
Address______________ City ______ Zip ____ Phone# ________
Player name __________________________________________
Address _____________ City ______ Zip ____ Phone# ________
Player name __________________________________________
Address _____________ City ______ Zip ____ Phone# ________
Player name __________________________________________
Please circle age range:
Junior 10-13
Adult 14 & above
Circle: Scrabble Player Level:
If you do not wish to sit with players listed above please notify us.
Please make checks payable to: Literacy Volunteers of Sussex County LVSC
PO Box 453 %ewton, %J 07860
Questions? Call 973 300-9444 or email to [email protected]
Page 10
Page 11
February Newsletter
Literacy Volunteers of Sussex County
Letters for Literacy
Please join us on Saturday February 28th , 2009
2:00-4:00 pm
Sussex County Community College
Building D - Cafeteria
One College Hill, Newton
All proceeds to benefit Literacy Volunteers of Sussex County
Cost $25 per person Senior/Student discount ($15 per person)
Play the game where “every word counts” for Literacy Volunteers of Sussex County, a not-for-profit organization that provides one-on-one tutoring in Basic Literacy and English as a Second Language to adults in Sussex County. Students meet with a tutor weekly, for a minimum of one year. There is no cost to the student for
Competition Rules:
1. Individuals will compete for highest score.
2. Competition is limited. Early reservations are STRONGLY recommended.
3. Walk-ins will be accommodated per available space.
4. This is NOT a sanctioned SCRABBLE® tournament, strictly for fun and prizes.
5. No children under 10 please.
Players can only be awarded one prize
For more information or reservations please call or email
Literacy Volunteers of Sussex County
PO Box 453 =ewton, =J 07860
973 300-9444
[email protected]
Hotter Than A Scorned Woman
Carol Anderson by invitation
Spring 09 “PRE-VIEW” Brunch!
Thursday, Feb. 19th
11:00 AM
1 Farm Creek Road
Fredon, J 07860
RSVP to April by 2/16
[email protected]
Carol Anderson is a nationally recognized fashion designer. For 25 years
her designs were sold in the finest stores throughout the country. Her designs re now sold exclusively through CAbi Fashion Consultants!
Imagine….a personal invitation to view Carol’s
latest Collection in a relaxed and fun home environment in the company
of your friends!
Fashion, Friends and Fun…
That’s the heart of CAbi
Page 12
Page 13
February Newsletter
August 20th
RSVP to Val By August 1st, 2009
Page 14
Hotter Than A Scorned Woman
oah’s Ark Animal Shelter
Noah’s Ark animal Shelter is a private shelter. They
do not receive any state or municipal funding for the
care that they provide for the animals awaiting
adoption. Noah’s Ark relies solely on generous
businesses, foundations and individuals to keep their
programs afloat. Noah’s Ark has proudly served the
community for 40 years.
Lauren R. Swern
Development Director
Noah's Ark Animal Welfare Association
Tel: (973) 347-4499
Be a Pet Pal. Send Money to the Cobi Fund, for animals in need of extraordinary veterinary care. Save
your spare change and help us pay the bills to keep
the animals warm, safe and healthy during this season. Next time you are at the grocery store, take our
wish list located on our website with you and pick
up a little extra for our furry friends. Log on to for more information.
Noah’s Ark Animal Welfare Association inc. Events
February 7th , 2009 on site adoption at Roxbury Public Library 103 Main Street Succasunna, NJ from 10AM-Noon
February 15 from 12-3pm Supply Drive at
Sam’s Club in ITC Budd Lake
February 25th, 2009 Applebee’s in Mt.
Olive, Donate to Dine from 5PM-9PM.
Bring your appetite and the Dining to Donate flyer. Log on to
to download a copy of the flyer.
March 15 from 12-3pm Supply Drive at A&P
on Rte 46 in Budd Lake
Noah’s Ark Adoption Hours
Tuesday, Thursday & Friday 11am-5:00pm
Wednesday 11am-7pm
Saturday & Sunday 11am-3:30pm
Closed on Mondays and all major holidays
Noah’s Ark Animal Welfare Association,
1915 Route 46 West
Ledgewood, NJ 07852
Shelter: 973-347-0378
Spay/Neuter Hotline: 973-347-5469
Page 15
February Newsletter
2009 Resolutions to Help Homeless
Animals at oah's Ark
#1) Adopt A Furry Friend
#6) Fill a Bowl
Share your adoption story here and help Noah's Ark earn
points for food donations from Purina!
If you are looking for a loving companion to add to your family,
we encourage you to come and visit us!
ew Hours!
oah's Ark Adoption Hours
Tuesdays, Thursdays, & Fridays 11AM-5PM
Wednesdays 11AM-7PM
Saturdays & Sundays 11AM-3:30PM
We are closed on Mondays and all major holidays
#7) Read a Book
Ordering Diana Tuorto animal novels, please mention
oah's Ark and she will donate 50% of each book's proceeds, email Diana at [email protected] (payment
can then be sent via check or money order). FREE SHIPPIG and PERSOALIZED AUTOGRAPHS are included! For more information on Diana's novels, please
visit or email her at [email protected].
#2) Get in Shape and Meet People: Volunteer
walk dogs, cuddle cats, run a supply drive,
or collect canisters. Sign up today at http://
#8) Donate your car
CAR PROGRAM will donate 70% of the proceeds
of the auction of your car!
#3) Save Money
Noah’s Ark Online Auctions!
We have joined with MissionFish and eBay
to allow our supporters to sell items on
eBay and have all or part of the sale price
go to Noah’s Ark as donation! You not only
can help Noah’s Ark by bidding on the auctions listed on our MissionFish page, but you
can also sell items on eBay to help us!
Please look at our auctions often. Every sale
helps our animals. In 2008 $612 was raised
#4) Search the Web
Help raise money for =oah's Ark just by surfing the web
using Go to GoodSearch and type in
"oah's Ark Animal Welfare Association" in the box under "Who do you search for?" We've raised $112.21 in
#5) Lifting Spirits
Noah's Ark has created a “wish list” registry
at of items that the
dogs and cats awaiting adoption need. You
can purchase these items and have them
shipped directly to Noah’s Ark. View the
registry at
noahsark We will also receive 2% profit on
all items purchased at
#9) Get Involved
Attend a fundraiser! Click on http:// for all
the wonderful fundraisers!
# 10) Help Noah's Ark Win a Shelter Make
Click Here Click on everyday to vote for Noah's
Ark on Don’t forget to spread the
word to your friends, family, and co-workers
Lauren R. Swern
Development Director
Noah's Ark Animal Welfare Association Inc.
Tel: (973) 347-4499
1915 Route 46 West
Ledgewood, NJ 07852
Page 16
Hotter Than A Scorned Woman
Our Advertisers
Ben Colaneri
Professional DJ Services
[email protected]
216 Woodside Ave
ewton, J 07860
(973) 579-6966
Page 17
February Newsletter
Our Advertisers
Let me help you learn
to avoid composition
problems in your Emails, letters, and
Mary Kay can answer. . .
The need for
better skin care
The desire for a
different look
The desire to earn
money while helping
other people
Fran Applequist
Independent Consultant in Hackettstown
Mary Kay Skin Care and Makeup
Cell: 908-403-3467
E-mail: [email protected]
Shop Online:
Customized Photo Montages
DVD/Digital Scrapbooking
Digital Photo Albums
Customized DVD Videos
In-Home Photo Shoots
Writing should not be
Frances Applequist
Writing Composition Tutor
Hackettstown, NJ
Cell No.: 908-403-3467
E-Mail: [email protected]
Web Page:
Privacy is important. We will not sell, rent, or
give your name, address, phone number, or email
address to anyone. At any point, you can send an
email to [email protected] to stop
receiving emails.
Birthday Celebrations * Life Celebrations
Memorial Services * Holiday News DVDs
Advertising Rates
Digitize Photos & Electronic Photo Preservation
[email protected]
1/4 Page/Business Card
1/2 Page
Whole Page
Rates are per month.
Yearly Rates discounted.
$ 5.00
$ 10.00
$ 20.00
Free 1/4 page
Red Hat Society
Maria Montana
Chapter Queen
Hotter Than a Scorned Woman Website:
Phone: 973-903-3261
Red Hat Society Website:
E-mail: [email protected]
Chapter Dues are $20 per year. The pro-rated dues are used for chapter materials, trinkets, monthly door prizes, and events.
Ain’t nothin’ hotter than a scorned woman except . . .
Members of the
“Hotter Than a Scorn Woman” RHS Chapter