Purple Poll Coverage_7Feb14


Purple Poll Coverage_7Feb14
 Press Coverage Purple Strategies New England Launch January 2014 1 Publications The Boston Globe “Scott Brown tied with Jeanne Shaheen in N.H. poll” Jim Sullivan “In N.H., GOP weary of waiting for Scott Brown” Joshua Miller The Boston Globe highlights the findings of the polls, focusing on Scott’s lead in the New Hampshire Senate race despite the uncertainty in whether or not he will enter the race against Sen. Shaheen. Associated Press “GOP facing 'food fight' as 2016 debate begins” Steve Peoples Appeared in the WSJ online, Boston.com, Kennebec Journal (Augusta, Maine), Eagle-­‐Tribune (North Andover, MA), The State (South Carolina) The AP discusses the poll’s insights into the 2016 playing field, focusing on Chris Christie’s prospects in the face of the Bridgegate Scandal and Hillary Clinton’s national lead with overwhelming Democratic support. The Hill “Brown ties Shaheen in new poll” Alexandra Jaffe The Hill reports on the Purple Poll’s results for the New Hampshire Senate race, which show Sen. Jeanne Shaheen (D-­‐N.H.) to be tied with former Massachusetts Republican Sen. Scott Brown, even though Brown hasn’t officially declared his intentions for 2014. National Journal “Mitt Romney Is the 2016 Republican Front-­‐Runner: This is not an "Onion" story” Matt Vasilogambros Vasilogambros discusses the Purple Poll’s finding that Romney leads with 25% of the vote in the New Hampshire presidential primary. The Washington Times “Inside the Beltway: Romney is the ‘parking lot’ for GOP voters” Jennifer Harper 2 The Washington Times on January 30 discussed the poll’s finding that Mitt Romney currently holds a lead in the New Hampshire Republican primary with 25 percent of the vote. Boston Herald “Cashman: In N.H., Brown sitting pretty on Senate sidelines” Jaclyn Cashman The Herald reports on Brown’s indecision to enter the Senate race, citing the poll’s results that the undeclared candidate is currently tying Sen. Shaheen. Cashman also quotes Patrick Griffin: “[Brown] should jump in at the start of the next fundraising quarter, which begins in April.” Fitchburg Sentinel & Enterprise (Fitchburg, Massachusetts) “New poll has Brown even with Shaheen in hypothetical N.H. race” Jonathan Riley Riley reports on the poll’s findings, focusing on the New Hampshire Senate race and the presidential primary findings. He quotes Alex Castellanos, Patrick Griffin, James Demers, and Doug Usher. Harvard Crimson “Polling Experts Predict Early Lead for Clinton in New Hampshire” Bryan L. Bu On January 30, the Harvard Crimson reported on the Purple Poll’s results for the New Hampshire presidential primary, breaking down candidate favorability by political party and gender. 3 Television MSNBC Morning Joe Air Time: 01/31/14 07:17 AM Estimated Audience: 462,589 Transcript: a new poll out this week. mitt romney is leading all other hypothetical republican primary candidates in new hampshire. just pointing that out.i'm not sure. in new hampshire. 25% rand paul and 18% chris christie and 13% steve mcmann and alex, their poll they put out there. chuck todd, with chris christie in the situation he's in, this republican party is wide open.>> it is. the thing to do there is add up romney , christie, and jeb together, by the way, in that poll and i know it's an auto poll , but, you know, let's add it together, you notice you get over 50%. that is the new hampshire more moderate independent leaning state that looks for more centrist republicans or more Play Video Up With Steve Kornacki Air Time: 02/01/14 09:56 AM Estimated Audience: 306,462 Transcript: so what i learned this week is there are at least some republicans who really miss mittromney who really -­‐-­‐ there was a poll done of new hampshire republicans in which, you know, they threw out a whole bunch of names for 2016 including chris christie, bobby jindal, mitt romney came in first at 25%. there it is. chris christie, maybe 16%,17%. maybe folks, you know, are kind of pining for the days in which the problem with the candidate was they were too clean cut. romney surging. Play Video Jansing and Co Air Time: 01/31/14 10:34 AM Estimated Audience: 305,092 4 Transcript: now, so you want to keep it. you wouldn't want that to flip and you're talking about, you know, some very difficultstates. they are essentially red or purple states being held by democrats, but, you know, in terms of the house, 17 states is a little bit of a tough hill, especially given redistricting, but i think you got to wait and see how it plays out over the next few months and then make the decision. i think the talk about abandoning the house is a little too early for my sake. has this been done before,though, chris ? well, it's always done in the sense of, you know, when you're talking about big donors or the parties trying to make calculations in terms of where to put the resources, they are going to focus on where they are most vulnerable, and when you look at the senate, it's obvious you've got to keep some of those seats, we don't want to lose the senate. that being said, what i see in the polling is a lot of instability, a lot of an electorate that can switch very quickly, so even though generic ballots favor republicans slightly, depending on the poll right now, that thing can flip very quickly […] is the house unwinnable? yes, based on this hypothesis. what i've seen in the last decade are things people thought impossible happening. when talking about senate seats, the last few cycles, just the senate, for example, republicans should have picked up about seven senate seats because their candidates were too extreme and everyone assumed states like nevada and delaware or missouri or indiana were gone, and that didn't end up being the case. so i think people have to kind of step back, and my perspective, my focus is, what's the message and strategy that we can come up with in order to kind of exploit what is clearly an electorate that is not happy with the status quo. that is not just towards democrats, by the way, that's across politics in general. we have to focus on that before we shift all our resources to the senate […] joe -­‐-­‐ answer the question, you know it's yes […] if you're a moderate centrist republican, you are endangered species. it's really that simple. there is an incentive to retire. Play Video Hardball with Chris Matthews Air Time: 01/31/14 07:54 PM Estimated Audience: 912,186 The bipartisan purple strategies firm released a poll this week that shows romney as the 2016 front-­‐
runner in new hampshire.25% of new hampshire republicans chose romney as their preference for 2016. rand paul next with 18%. governor chris christie at 17% and dropping i assume. jeb at 13%. ted cruz way, way down. think that's a lollipop. he's looking, wait a minute saying, please -­‐-­‐ you and i know, john and the governor, this is name i.d. he's thinking i haven't turned anybody off. i did a classy concession. i walked away.i did it with style. i ain't looking any worse now than i looked after that seconddebate. i'm still up there after the -­‐-­‐ he's not as good as the first debate but looks as good as he did in the second debate. well, you know, i think ann romney said it best. they spent a lot of time in new hampshire , from the next door state. and you're right, chris, there is still a lot of name i.d., and in these type of early kind of contests, if you will, it's really all about name i.d. and everyone knows mitt Romney Play Video 5 CNBC The Kudlow Report Air Time: 01/31/14 07:36 PM Estimated Audience: 173,079 Transcript: we welcome our democratic strategist, cnbc contributor and americans for prosperity. i'll go to jimmie p.. did we hear president walker did you just hear a president walker? i think you're right. i think the door is open and based on your first segment tonight there m be an opening for reformists union busting governor. he fits that slot nicely. we'll go lightning fast. i'll ask you chris the same thing. i know you're a democrat but did you hear a guy, you know, we went through a lot much issues local and national. did you hear president sco walker? i heard a guy who is going to run for president. you don't write a book if you don't run for president. the way he talks about tissues it's clear. i don't know if he has the ability to compete at the general level if he wins the nomination. he has a chance to win the republican nomination. i don't think he has a chance to win the actual presidency? why not. listen to some of his positions when he was talking about growth and growth agenda that sounds good but then what he talked about was very tired old repeated position. anti-­‐union stuff. he wouldn't answer the question on illegal immigration. tax cutting from the top is great. you have a huge deficit you have to deal with. american people will say wait a second more tax cuts? he needs a more bolder vision Play Video we all can have a debate about which party's ideology will appeal more to the hispanics. i think the last few elections have proven which one that is at least right now. it's really simple. the republican party does not embrace this issue, they will not win a general election again in the very near future. it will be almost impossible. the demographic shifts are too clear. what's promising you're seeing movement among the republican membership and the president to find compromise. what i would say to conservatives and to republicans who have doubts is ronald reagan who they hold up as an icon actually did this. he actually did this. so the notion that this is -­‐-­‐ let's not forget the democrats hate reagan. i'm saying -­‐-­‐ as long as this is an issue we're not going to get a high skilled immigration -­‐-­‐ my point is to the republican base. jimmy let me pursue that. it is your view the gop should not go after immigration reform? listen. i think you should always do the right thing? you know whether you want to wait until 2015, it becomes part of the presidential race. doing the right thing there's always time for that. if you do that it's pro growth. let's get the brainiacs in the country. Play Video CNN 6 Transcript: CNN Newsroom Air Time: 02/04/14 09:41 AM Estimated Audience: 340,936 some republican donors worried about christie's troubles a rumored to look toward mitt romney as a possible alternative. the former candidate says that likely won't happen. my time on the stage is over guys. i'm happy for time i had.my time is over. but get this, if romney were to run, he holds the lead in the new hampshire republican primary with 25% of the vote. joining me now, cnn political analyst and editor in chief, on, political commentator and consultant alex and cnn political reporter, peter hamby. welcome gentleman. good morning carol. alex , mitt romney, seriously? no. not seriously. mitt romney right now is the best known republican candidate because he ran last time. the democratic field, hillary clinton is well developed. people know hillary. within the democratic party, she's beloved. the republican candidates are the folks that didn't run last time, most of them. scott walker's, jeb bush's, chris christie's. our fruit is not as ripe as the democratic candidate. what does that mean? mitt romney is a parking lot. republican voters are in that parking lot now idling in their cars waiting until our candidates develop more. then they're probably going togo somewhere else. the republican party knows it can't go backwards. we've had enough losingelections. not because mitt romney was the losing candidate. we have to explain how our principles are a better way to grow an economy for example. going backwards is not what republicans are looking for. they'll get out of that parkinglot. speaking of ripened fruit, but mark huckabee is ripenedfruit. he's run before. yeah. Play Video Transcript: The Lead with Jake Tapper Air Time: 02/03/14 04:46 PM Estimated Audience: 413,245 So Peter, Romney's already running ahead. He's a front-­‐runner in New Hampshire , according to a poll conducted by Purple Strategies, a bipartisan firm. 25% of the voters in that poll, and then you have the documentary on Mitt, netflix, it shows a human side of him. Here's a part of the documentary. My time on the stage is over, guys. I'm happy the time I had there but my time is over. Play Video 7 The Situation Room Air Time: 02/05/14 05:34 PM Estimated Audience: 431,465 Transcript: look at some of these recent polls in new hampshire. these are republicans. poll came out who would be your choice for the 2016 republican presidential nominee, romney 25%, rand paul 18%, chris christie, 17%, jeb bush 13%, jebbu bush, 7 %. there was a poll that came out earlier in november and this was a "washington post"/abc ne poll , registered voters nationwide, if the election were today, this was a year after the election, would you vote for obama, 45%, romney, 49%. so you see those numbers, you see some of the folks out there Play Video AC360 Later Air Time: 02/03/14 10:24 PM Estimated Audience: 260,872 Transcript: There is another topic besides the poll numbers does it leave an opening for Mitt Romney? a new poll has Romney leading the Republican pack for 2016 by 25%. Sources close to Romney say he does not intend to make a third run for the nomination. Purple Strategies is a Democratic firm. I don't know what their motives are here. I love it. I love it. It's absurd Play Video Margaret Hoover said that Purple Strategies is a left-­‐leaning group. It is not. They say they are bipartisan Play Video Fox America’s Newsroom Air Time: 01/31/14 09:10 AM Estimated Audience: 1,042,332 8 Transcript: mitt romney tops the list with25%. chris chris the i 17%, and former florida governor jeb bush at 13%. people just got another look at mitt richmond any in a new documentary. check this out. mitt romney the flip-­‐flopper. that's like trying to convince people that dan quayle is smart. i think i'm a flawed candidate. in a moment today, ann romney will weigh in on all of this. she is live with us today. we are looking forward to speaking with her. listen to that poll in new hampshire and she has a great new cause with a great new book. reporter: would she want her husband to run again. Play Video New England CBS WBZ News (Boston) Air Time: 01/30/14 05:53 PM Estimated Audience: 95,235 Transcript: in new hampshire say they are growing impatient with scott brown. they want to snow if he's going to run. he established residency in new hampshire . "the globe" reports republican are pushing brown to make his decision sooner rather than later. if he does join the race a new poll out shows he and jeanne shaheen are tied at 44%. this is according to purple strategy, the bipartisan public affairs firm Play Video Fox 25 News (Boston) Air Time: 01/31/14 06:52 PM Estimated Audience: 36,193 Transcript: you take it from here. scott brown jean chaheen? what do the polls say? the poll says who do they like for senate? we have a dead heat and tie. you know we've been talking about this for a while. we have a incumbent senator a third-­‐term governor who is quite popular in new hampshire suddenly tied. no statistically this was a dead-­‐heat poll and this isn't a guy who is even in the race yet. millions are going to be spent have been spent already against chaheen and those have taken their toll. voters in a sour mood they don't like people in office. right. think senator claheen hurts that and grumpy dependence hurts her. and she leads long women no surprise with the gender gap. at the end of the day he leads with men. if scott brown can 9 consolidate his base and get independence to come his day we will see enormous and an incredible senate race in new hampshire as you and i have discused. many, many times. now we are out of time because we brought chris kristi into this discussion. and you have an interesting thing and what is the website? purplestrategies.com. just say it. is scott brown in or out of the race? i ask you every time and you never answer. if he isn't in i'm not sure this opportunity ever presents it again. scott, if you're watching, come on. we're counting on you. all right. pat griffin with purple strategies new England Play Video NewsCenter 5 Eyeopener (Boston) Air Time: 01/31/14 05:36 AM Estimated Audience: 59,169 Transcript: he's not even officially in the race yet, but former senator scott brown is in a dead heat for that seat in new hampshire . it's a new poll , and it gives scott brown and democratic senator jean shaheen 44% in a potential showdown. the former republican senator recently moved full-­‐time to rye and has been flirting with a possible senate run in the state of new Hampshire Play Video NECN Sunday (Boston) Air Time: 02/02/14 05:06 PM Estimated Audience: 11,391 Transcript: a recent poll by a bi-­‐partisan public affairs company found brown and shaheen were tied Play Video NECN Newsroom (Boston) Air Time: 01/30/14 10:36 AM Estimated Audience: 5,694 Transcript: scott brown is tied in a race he hasn't even entered yet. the former senator from massachusetts is considering a run for a us senate seat in new hampshire . and new polling shows he is neck and neck 10 with democratic senator jeanne shaheen. the two are knotted at 44 percent apiece in a poll conducted by purple strategies , a bipartisan public affairs firm. the poll carries an error margin of 3 percent Play Video NECN’s The Only News at 9 (Boston) Air Time: 01/30/14 09:38 PM Estimated Audience: 7,339 Transcript: scott brown is tied in a race he hasn't even entered yet. the former senator from massachusetts is considering a run for a us senate seat in new hampshire . and new polling shows he is neck and neck with democratic senator jeanne shaheen. the two are knotted at 44 percent apiece in a poll conducted by purple strategies, a bipartisan public affairs firm. the poll carries an error margin of 3 percent. Play Video Remote WCCB News Edge (Charlotte) Air Time: 01/30/14 10:52 PM Estimated Audience: 22,539 Transcript: we think that recent survey of new hampshire voters says mitt romney should be the tock you'll be toys to run for president in twenty sixteen a ronald reagan ran t7hree times why not mitt Romney Play Video Fox 13 (Tampa) Air Time: 01/31/14 05:37 AM Estimated Audience: 27,878 Transcript: 11 a recent survey in new hampshire found mitt romney leading the pack -­‐ with 25 percent support. the 20-­‐12 nominiee was ahead of rand paul with 18 percent -­‐ and chris christie with 17 percent Play Video Radio WRKO (Boston), WBZAM (Boston) and WBUR (Boston) discussed the Purple Poll’s findings for the New Hampshire presidential primary on January 30 and 31, while WGBH (Southern New England) featured the poll on February 3. KKZN (Colorado) and WCPT (Chicago) all discussed the poll’s findings for hypothetical 2016 presidential candidates on January 30. On January 31, WJRAM (Detroit), WBT (Charlotte) and WIND (Chicago) discussed the Purple Poll’s finding that Mitt Romney is the Republican primary frontrunner. On February 1, KSL (Utah) and WMAL (D.C.) also discussed Romney’s lead. 12