July 10, 2016 - Franciscan Renewal Center


July 10, 2016 - Franciscan Renewal Center
Church of Our Lady of the Angels Pastoral Staff
[email protected]
Fr. Peter Kirwin, ofm
Church vicar
What Does It Mean to be a Neighbor?
(Luke 10:25-37)
The law scholar’s question to Jesus is
posed in the midst of a conflict-ridden
Church Vicar
Fr. Bill Bried, ofm
[email protected] x124
society and a culture which presumes
that an outsider is hostile until proven
Dcn. Hervé Lemire
[email protected]
is careful in answering by asking another
liturgy and music Norbert Zwickl
[email protected]
question rather than directly answering the question posed
Jaime Gonzalez
[email protected] x127
to him. “How do you read it?” The lawyer’s answer goes
executive assistant to the liturgy office
right to the heart of the Law of Moses: love your neighbor
Rosa Rodriguez
[email protected]
catechesis and sacraments as yourself. As we know, that leads to another question
Patty Tafolla
[email protected]
which Jesus again does not answer directly but rather tells
youth minister a story, thereby inviting the lawyer to answer the question
James Whitaker
[email protected]
himself. And that second answer; “…the one who showed
faith in action ministry (social action)
Patti Sills-Trausch
[email protected]
mercy” means he has to admit that a despised foreigner
Bonnie Wasniewski
[email protected]
and heretic is that one who deserves the title of neighbor,
Laura Libertore
[email protected]
not the fellow Jews who passed by the suffering man.
wedding scheduling
Since Jesus tells us to do the same, this means that no
Nellie Castro
[email protected]
is to be excluded from receiving the love of another.
Franciscan Renewal Center Administrative Staff
a neighbor? Have I become so used to seeing media
executive director
Fr. Joseph Schwab, ofm
[email protected]
events of persecution, violence, immigrants, refugees, the
general manager and chief administrator officer
homeless, mass shootings, etc. that I’ve become immune to
Charles Brown
[email protected]
the sight? Do I consider spirituality to be so personal that
there is no room for the community of believers (religion),
Mike Slivers
[email protected]
not to mention those suffering thousands here and abroad?
adult education, programs and retreats
Rick Hardy
[email protected]
Is spirituality a closed system, involving only me and God
meetings and conferences
or is it also expansive, embracing many, many others? Faith
Sue Force
[email protected]
must be lived.
Indra Tilgass-Rodney
[email protected]
I need to recognize that living faith is not just for
counseling and support groups
Judith McHale
[email protected]
specialists. I also have a role to play in helping make the
spiritual direction
Kingdom of God present here and now, even though my
Sharon Taszarek
[email protected]
role might be small. I need to do more than just feel sorry
for the plight of others. I need to help in practical ways.
Kristine M. Cook, CPA
[email protected]
Lora Nelson
[email protected]
God encourages us to put our hands into action so that we
volunteer opportunities
help others and ourselves by caring for the earth and other
Pat Bennier
[email protected]
people through our commitment to peace and justice. Why
not challenge myself to read something this week like a
Sarah Privée
[email protected]
Allison Brown
[email protected] document from Vatican II or perhaps Pope Francis’ Amoris
philanthropic initiatives
Laetitia or Laudato Si? After reading, how will I put it into
Rachel Oesterle
[email protected]
practice? That’s what it means to be a neighbor. It’s time to
get moving. In fact, it’s past time!
Adam Stein
[email protected]
Fr. Joseph Schwab, ofm
Patricia Lee
[email protected]
[email protected]
Officers of the FRC Board
Doug Olesen, Chair
Alanna M. Mack, CPA Treasurer
William Anger, Esq., Vice Chair
Allen Vaughan, Secretary
Phone 480.948.7460 | Fax 480.948.2325 | Website thecasa.org
Peace and good to you,
Fr. Joseph Schwab, O.F.M.
RENEWAL is published weekly by the Franciscan Renewal Center, a 501(c)(3) non-profit organization
5802 E. Lincoln Dr., Scottsdale, AZ 85253. Federal Tax ID 86-0720036
Printed by J.S. Paluch Company Inc. | Copyright 2014. All rights reserved.
Page 2 • RENEWAL • thecasa.org
Special Collection Next Week
participating in the annual
appeal for the Black and Native
American Missions. Established
in 1884, the Black and Indian
Mission Office supervises the
collection and distributes these funds as diocesan
grants. The support they receive makes it possible to
provide much needed assistance and resources to our
Native American brothers and sisters. Through the
years, the funds from the annual appeal have been
responsible for continuing the Church’s faithful in
supporting the evangelization needs of the Black and
Native American communities in the United States and
its territories.
For those of you who have opted to use the collection
envelope boxes, you will find an extra envelope for this
special collection in your box. There will be only one
collection during Mass, so please drop both envelopes
(your weekly Casa gift & special collection gift) in the
collection basket. In case you forget them, you can
always request an extra envelope at the Front Desk.
Concept of the new Conventual Church of Our Lady of the Angels
at the Franciscan Renewal Center as of Oct. 2013. Subject to change.
The construction of our new church is underway.
As we continue to build our new place of worship, we
invite you to keep this process, and the workers, in your
prayers. Together, we share the work of RENEWING
LIVES now and for generations to come.
Simple Thoughts...
The law of God is written in our heart. ~
If you have ever had a conversation about faith
with someone who does not share the same belief
system, you have most likely heard a phrase similar
to, “there are just so many rules,” or maybe, “I don’t
like organized religion because there are just too
many out-of-date rules and regulations.” These
questions, comments and criticism appear to be
as old as time (or at least as old as Biblical times).
In one way or another, each one of our readings
addresses these questions.
In the first reading, Moses is encouraging
the Israelites to follow the rules. He does so by
reminding them that the law is not far off, but
a written expression of something very near—
something already living in their hearts. Saint Paul
continues and deepens this theme in the second
reading. He writes that Christ is the image of the
invisible God, and more than just an image, He
is the beginning and end of all things, the one in
whom all things came to be, including the law. We
are all created through God and for God. It is part
of who we are. Again, the law is not far, it is a part
of us and it is lived through love. In the Gospel,
Jesus clearly points this out. A Samaritan, someone
viewed as “outside” Jewish law, is the one who lived
the law. Jesus is showing us that the way of the law
is not far, but again, it is in all of our hearts.
We come to Mass to receive Christ in the
Eucharist so that we can be Christ to the world,
to continue to make visible our invisible God. We
receive the strength to live out the law, God’s law,
the law of love. When we love our neighbor, we live
the law, we image Christ. This leaves us to ask again
a very important question: Who is our neighbor? ~
Everyone. ~The Church Staff
The 15th Sunday in Ordinary Time ~ Cycle C
July 9 & 10, 2016
Church Rendering by WRL
thec asa.org • RENEWAL • Page 3
Franciscan Feast Day!
July 15
Saint Bonaventure
Bonaventure was born about 1221 in
Italy and was baptized “John." When
he was about 4-years old he became
deathly ill. His mother begged
Francis of Assisi to come and cure him. When St.
Francis touched the boy he was instantly cured.
As an adult, Bonaventure entered the Franciscan
Order. He studied at the University of Paris with
Thomas Aquinas, eventually becoming a doctor of
the Church and the head of the Franciscan Order.
He wrote the story of St. Francis and explained the
ideals and way of life of the order to others. Just
before he died Bonaventure became a cardinal.
He was a great preacher and teacher whose works
continue to teach and inspire Franciscans today.
Family Faith Activities
July 10
Summer Acts of Kindness for Kids!
Leave chalk messages for others to find.
Write a letter to your sibling telling them why
you love them.
• Make a bookmark then leave in a library book
for someone else to find.
• Donate 3 of your toys to charity.
• Make a care package for someone in the
• Leave out water for the birds.
• Write a thank you note to the postman and
garbage collector.
• Walk someone else's dog.
• Help make dinner.
• Bring your parents breakfast in bed.
• Bring up the neighbor’s trash can!
Smile all day!
15h Sunday in Ordinary Time
“Won’t you be my neighbor?" Most of us remember watching Mr. Rogers on TV. Each day he invited all
of us— no matter who we were, what we looked like, where we lived or what we believed—to be his
neighbors. Today in the Gospel we hear the story of the Good Samaritan. In teaching us about neighbors,
Jesus has done away with boundary expectations. A neighbor is a person who acts with compassion
toward another. The world is full of people in desperate need of a neighbor. Jesus tells us to go out and
do the same as the Good Samaritan. Won’t we be their neighbor? Gather your family and discuss what it
means to be a good neighbor. Read Luke 10:25-37 and discuss:
• Who is the neighbor in the Gospel?
• Why does Jesus tell us this story?
• What does Jesus teach about how we should treat others?
Loving Hearts Part 1: Discuss which people need help in today’s world, especially those who you come
into contact with. Talk about ways that you can help. Then pray for all the people mentioned and that you
will always have a loving heart.
Loving Hearts Part 2: As a family, make cut-out cookies in the shape of a heart
and decorate them. Share the cookies with your neighbor.
Concluding Prayer: Dear God, help us to love You with all our heart and to love
and care for one another. In the name of Jesus we pray. Amen.
For more information about Baptisms, Sacramental Preparation and Family Catechesis,
please contact Patty Tafolla at 480.948.7460, ext. 154 or [email protected]
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coming soon
July 27
In Presenza Di – 7:00 pm in the Church
Praise. Worship. Adoration.
Know a teen who would make a great Lector, Hospitality Minister or Eucharistic Minister?
What about music or dance? The Casa has many opportunities for teens to get involved in
liturgy. Contact James for more information.
Casa Cares Ministry—You may have read about the new ministry where caring Casa
volunteers come together and serve the community by maintaining the beautiful home we
share. Teens can serve with this ministry as well. For more information, inquire at the front
desk or contact James.
For information on upcoming events, the latest news and forms, visit us at
CasaYouth.org or call James Whitaker at 480.948.7460 ext. 122
Are you tired of living at the mercy of the
fluctuating stock and real estate markets? One
solution is a charitable gift annuity (CGA) through the
Catholic Community Foundation. By making a gift for
a CGA, you receive an income tax deduction and fixed
annuity payments for life. Plus, part of each payment is
tax-free. At the end of your life, the remainder can create
a perpetual fund in your name to support the Casa and
charitable organizations you love. If you are interested in
this gift opportunity, please call the Catholic Community
Foundation at 602.354.2400, or visit www.ccfgift.org.
La Verna
Contact Rachel Oesterle to learn more
about the La Verna Legacy Society and
estate planning with the Franciscan
Renewal Center. Call 480.948.7460,
ext. 161, or visit thecasa.org/give/
Helping to ensure the continuity of the Casa.
Spiritual Direction
How is God present or absent in your life?
In the midst of a busy life, many people find it difficult
to notice God’s action in their daily affairs. Yet, at the
deepest level, many of us long for a more conscious
experience of God’s presence and love.
A spiritual director/companion is trained to listen
and encourage you to explore a closer relationship
with God through conversation, listening and prayer.
If you are curious about spiritual direction at the
Casa, or would like to make an appointment, please
contact Sharon Taszarek at 480.948.7460, ext. 162 or
[email protected]
For the latest news and general information, visit us
at thecasa.org or call the Front Desk at 480.948.7460
• RENEWAL • Page 5
The Signs of Our Times
Modern Catholic Social Teaching
Documents that continue and expand
on the contributions of 1891’s Rerum Novarum in
shaping our Gospel-lived faith.
Laboren Exercens: On Human Work (1981), written 35
years ago by Pope (Saint) John Paul II commemorates
the 90th anniversary of Rerum Novarum.
Written almost entirely by the Pope himself, the
encyclical reflects statements made while he was a
Polish prelate and those made during the first years of
his pontificate. The document:
• affirms the dignity of work and places
work at the center of the social question.
•states that human beings are the proper
subject of work. Work expresses and
increases human dignity.
• maintains that labor takes precedence
over capital.
•asserts that people are more important than things [12].
Voter Information Table
on July 16 & 17 in Hospitality area
brought to you by Valley Interfaith Project Casa Core Team
You will be able to:
• learn your legislative district and
state representatives.
• get information on the Arizona
Primary Election for State and Congressional offices
on August 30.
• understand the special requirements for registered
Independents on how they vote in the primary.
• register to vote or update address on voter record.
We need to participate for the common good. Sometimes
we hear: "a good Catholic is not interested in politics." This
is not true: good Catholics immerse themselves in politics
by offering the best of themselves so that the leader can
govern.” — Pope Francis, 9/16/13
Our Christian faith invites us to become agents of
God’s compassion in a wounded world. I have called you by name, you are mine (Isaiah 43:1)
What is God calling you to? Consider seeking your life’s
purpose through JustFaith, a rich spiritual journey
focused on connecting compassion with the needs of
the world. JustFaith is designed for people to take this
journey of discovery in small faith communities. Visit us
in the Hospitality Area after Masses in August. JustFaith
begins in mid-to-late September 2016. Check the bulletin
for dates and more information.
We give thanks for the
20 members of our Casa
Community who were
inspired this year (201516) to answer the call and
participate in JustFaith.
JustFaith participants serving
at Saint Joseph the Worker.
St. Joseph’s Baskets
The Casa Veterans Ministry assists the Arizona
Coalition to End Homelessness with Project H3 VETS
by supplying veterans
with St. Joseph's Baskets
filled with items needed
on the first day in their
new home.
The cost for each basket
is approximately $125,
providing more than 70 baskets over the last two years.
We need your help with shopping, delivery or funding for
these baskets. Contact Rebecca for more information:
[email protected]
"The St. Joseph Basket not only gives a vet a new start on
life; it gives him or her dignity and self-respect." —Basket
Contact us at 480.948.7460 or email Patti Sills-Trausch at [email protected], Laura
Libertore at [email protected] or Bonnie Wasniewski at [email protected]
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July 16 & 17
The Faith and Action Ministry has created a rare opportunity for our Community to assist two different
populations in need: Catholic Charities’ Foster Care Families and André Houses’ homeless population.
Catholic Charities hopes to help their Foster Care
Families by providing school backpacks. There are
more than 100 foster families with anywhere from
one to multiple foster kids in their homes. The
backpack collection drive has been a tremendous
help for foster parents and the children they serve.
They also can use any of the following school
•1–3" binders
spiral notebooks
Fr. Tom Doyle, CSC, of André House is hoping to
replace with backpacks the plastic garbage bags that
guests use to carry their belongings. This option
would be more convenient, more durable, keep
personal items safer and offer more dignity.
The DRIVE-UP drop-off station for all donations
will be located near the WEST parking lot, next to
the Capistrano Building.
Please keep all “school supplies” separate. Do not
put them in the Backpacks. Thank you!
We’d love to have more ANGELS helping during our collection weekend, July 16th & 17th.
Stop by the Front Desk and sign up for the Mass and time of your choice.
Be the change
you want to see in the world!
5802 East Lincoln Drive
480.948.7460 phone
Scottsdale, Arizona 85253
800.356.3247 toll free or visit thecasa.org
Peace. Renewal. Good.
Franciscan Renewal Center
thecasa.org • RENEWAL • Page 7
Men's Retreat
Get Out of the Boat and Discover What God Wants You to Do
Friday, July 15—Sunday, July 17
Deacon Thomas
Winninger, CSMA
This men’s retreat will explore the following questions:
What is the purpose of my life really?
Why do I feel stuck?
How can I get back on track?
Where is the peace Jesus talks about in Scripture?
What does God want from me?
The answers to these questions are centuries old and they
were handed down to us by the saints in the Church who
first asked them.
Come and be part of the answers.
Fees: $130 Commuter; $215 Single; $165.00
Double per person. Pre-registration required
For more information or to register for any of these programs
please visit thecasa.org/programs-and-activities or call 480.948.7460
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Deacon Thomas
is a retreat guide
and international
speaker. He shows
others how to
discover their gifts
and talents as well
as their purpose
and their call with
a process he calls
“Pathing.” Deacon
Thomas is also an
author published by
Liguori Press.
The Faces of Mary
The Truth Concerning Islam
Heavenly Mother and Queen
Saturday, July 30
9:00 am—1:00 pm
Cutting Through the Myths and Bias
Saturday, August 6
9:00 am—1:00 pm
Pope Francis asks, “Do we allow ourselves to be
illumined by the faith of Mary, who is our Mother?"
Or do we think of her as someone distant from us?
You will hear a highly informative presentation
from a Muslim woman in this timely workshop. Ms.
Hussain will separate myths from facts and present
the real foundations and practices of Islam. Fr. John
McDonough, pastor of Church of the Ascension in
Fountain Hills, will also facilitate. This session will
be hosted and moderated by Deacon Phil LoCascio.
There will be time dedicated for you to ask questions.
In this workshop, you will rediscover Mary as the
model and figure of the Church in the faith that she
See Mary’s life through sacred art, learn about flower
legends associated with Mary, and come to better
understand Mary’s role as our heavenly Mother and
Barbara Gowan is an award-winning children’s
author and teaching artist. Her children’s books
have inspired her to delve further into the life of
the Blessed Mother and write The Faces of Mary
for adults. She is a graduate of the University
of Notre Dame, and co-founder of the Catholic
Kids Book Club. Her books will be available for
purchase at the workshop.
Fee: $40 includes lunch.
Pre-registration required
Azra Hussain is the President, founder and
director of the Islamic Speakers Bureau of
Arizona, a non-profit, educational organization
founded in 1999.
Deacon Phil LoCascio is a business leader,
Catholic homilist, parish mission director and
Casa retreat presenter. He was ordained to the
Permanent Diaconate in 1986 and has been
active in all aspects of pastoral ministry.
Fee: $40 includes lunch.
Pre-registration required
For more information or to register for any of these programs
please visit thecasa.org/programs-and-activites or call 480.948.7460
thecasa.org • RENEWAL • Page 9
Casa community brings joy to her day
MaryKate was first introduced
to the Casa by her mother, Jane, in
2003. “My mother was affiliated with
the Franciscans from the ages of
13-19, and she loves coming to the
Casa,” MaryKate says. Last year, her
sons both received the sacrament
of Confirmation here, and her
two daughters, ages 3 and 6, are preparing to
begin their faith formation through the Family
Catechesis program.
In September 2015, MaryKate joined the
Casa’s staff as a Guest Services Specialist—
she is one of the friendly faces you see when
visiting the Front Desk. As someone who
homeschools her four children, she appreciates
the serene atmosphere and enjoys connecting
with community members, guests and coworkers. “I especially like working during Mass
and seeing how the
community interacts
Since 1951, the Casa has been
with each other,” she
renewing lives through spiritual
growth, healing and transformation,
says. “Everyone is so
and serving others.
happy to be here.”
Quiet afternoons are
also a special time. “I love looking outside and
seeing the beautiful grounds; it’s very peaceful.”
One of MaryKate’s joys as a Casa staff
member is hearing about the great experiences
people have when they come here and “the
satisfaction that guests on retreat have when
they leave.”
Do not neglect hospitality, for through it some have unknowingly entertained angels.
—Hebrews 13:2
Discover the Casa in One Hour and See What You've Been Missing
Is it a church...a retreat center......a place to
learn, heal and grow? The Casa is all that and
Let our friars and staff give you a behind–
the–scenes tour of all that happens here on
our 25-acre campus.
Discover the Vision Tours are held
twice a month, morning and evening, to
accommodate even the busiest schedules.
Choose a date that works for you, bring a
friend and make new ones while you're here!
guests attended retreats,
workshops and classes at the
Casa in FY2015
Thursday, 21 July 2016, 6:00 pm
Thursday, 4 August 2016, 11:00 am
Thursday, 18 August 2016, 6:00 pm
Thursday, 1 September 2016, 11:00 am
Three ways to reserve your spot today:
online: thecasa.org/discover-vision/
hone: 480.355.0357
email: [email protected]
Ourselves. Our Communities. Our World.
For more information regarding the RENEWING LIVES initiative, please call 480.355.0357.
To share your Casa story, please call 480.355.0355.
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We Are Here for YOU…
We welcome all who are interested in attending.
Counseling Support Groups
No appointments required for groups listed below
Monday: 6:30 - 8:00 pm: Divorce & Separation/Relationship Endings
Tuesday: 5:30 - 7:00 pm: Grief Support Group
6:30 - 8:30 pm: Depression Support Group
Individual Sessions
Individual sessions are available mornings, afternoons and evenings,
Monday - Friday, and require an appointment.
To make an appointment, please call the Counseling
Ministry at 480.948.7460 ext. 133, 8:30 am - Noon.
If you know someone who is looking for help, answers,
guidance or just needs someone to listen, please suggest
our counseling ministry.
Judith McHale, MA, LPC, Director of Counseling Ministry
For more information about our Counseling Ministry,
please call 480.948.7460, ext. 134 or email: [email protected]
Sue Force
We offer non-profit organizations an exclusively serene gathering place for meetings,
conferences and special events. With spaces and lodging designed to inspire the mind
and soothe the spirit, as well as exceptional food to nourish the body, the Franciscan
Renewal Center is a wellness plan for non-profits that allows them to renew and recharge.
Take a Google Virtual Tour of the campus at CasaMeetings.org. We appreciate referrals
of churches, non-profits or government entities.
Comfortable conference rooms of various sizes
Private guest rooms with individual baths
A/V equipment and high speed internet
Full-service dining room featuring
buffet-style meals
• Poolside and courtyard area for relaxing
under the sun or stars
• Quiet places for reflection including the
Meditation Chapel and Healing Garden
• Views of Camelback and Mummy Mountains
For more information about hosting your next non-profit event at the Casa, contact
Sue Force, Director of Meetings & Conferences at 480.948.7460, ext. 173 or [email protected].
thecasa.org • RENEWAL • Page 11
July 11 –Sept. 5
Cornerstone at the Casa has moved from the Casita to
the Spiritual Direction Center across the driveway due
east of the Tekakwitha meeting room. Meditation times:
Monday 6:00 pm and Wednesday, 11:30 am in the Spiritual
Direction Center; Friday 11:30 am in the Meditation
Chapel. Intro for beginners meditation is contemplative
prayer in the Christian tradition, honoring the Year of
The Casa Prayer Partners Ministry petitions prayers
and prays for our human family. Send requests to:
[email protected]
Men in Spirit Our purpose is to help further spirituality
and the responsibilities of Christian men. We do this
through discussion, study, lectures and guidance. We
meet on the first Saturday of the month for Mass at 7:00
am, followed by breakfast and our meeting. Contact: Al
Sapia-Bosch or Chuck Jirauch: [email protected]
AZ Males On the last Wednesday of each month from
5:30 - 8:00 pm, men gather to sit in a circle we call
"Illuman Men's Council" for growing the work of Illuman,
reflection, contemplation, sharing and fellowship. Join us,
meet other men on the spiritual journey, and learn about
Arizona Males Spirituality, a licensed affiliate of Illuman.
About the Franciscan Renewal Center
The Franciscan Renewal Center began in 1951 as a
place for retreat programs. Affectionately known as
the “Casa de Paz y Bien” or simply “the Casa,” it is today
a Catholic renewal center in Paradise Valley, Ariz.,
offering spiritual growth, healing and transformation
that moves lives into the service of others.
The Casa is an active religious community of the Order
of Friars Minor — part of the worldwide Franciscan
family, following in the footsteps of Sts. Francis and
Clare of Assisi. The Casa is a wholly owned entity of
the Franciscan Province of Saint Barbara, based in
Oakland, Calif., that works cooperatively with the
Roman Catholic Diocese of Phoenix.
Activities at the Casa include daily and Sunday
Mass, retreats, gathering space for non-profit groups,
licensed behavioral health counseling, as well as more
than 50 volunteer ministries that give aid to the poor
or vulnerable, empower individuals to improve their
circumstances, and build community fellowship.
Discover more at TheCasa.org
Readings & Mass Intentions
July 10–16, 2016
Dt 30:10-14; Ps 69:14, 17, 30-31, 33-34, 36-
37; or Ps 19:8-11; Col 1:15-20; Lk 10:25-37
Is 1:10-17; Ps 50:8-9, 16bc-17, 21, 23;
Mt 10:34 –11:1
Frank Sevola
Is 7:1-9; Ps 48:2-8; Mt 11:20-24 Robert Wagner
Anita Galvin
Reba Coffman
Nouha Sayklay
7:30 am
9:15 am
11:00 am
7:00 pm
7:00 am
7:00 am
Wednesday Is 10:5-7, 13b-16; Ps 94:5-10, 14-15;
Mt 11:25-27 Vittoria Bandiera
7:00 am
Is 26:7-9, 12, 16-19; Ps 102:13-14ab, 15-21; Mt 11:28-30
Daniel Castro
7:00 am
Is 38:1-6, 21-22, 7-8; Is 38:10-12abcd, 16;
Mt 12:1-8
Larry Schwertz
7:00 am
Saturday Mi 2:1-5; Ps 10:1-4, 7-8, 14; Mt 12:14-21
Kelly O'Leary
7:00 am
Jim Taszarek
5:00 pm
Gen 18:1-10a; Ps 15:2-5; Col 1:24-28; Lk Sunday
The intentions listed here will be the intentions of the priest and will not be
announced to the gathered assembly.
Mass Intentions for Next Week: July 17–23
Pro-Populo; James F. Taszarek;
Lillian Mayer; Jean Antil
Monday: Jim Taszarek
Tuesday: Jeanne Joyce
Wednesday: John Williams
Daniel Castro
Friday: Modzelewski Family
Saturday: Jim Taszarek; Tony and Lucy Machometa For the latest news and general information, visit us
at thecasa.org or call the Front Desk at 480.948.7460
thecasa.org • RENEWAL • Page 13
July 10, 2016 • Fifteenth Sunday in Ordinary Time
This Week at the Casa
July 10—16, 2016
8:45 am Just Scripture
5:00 pm Hogan's Heroes
6:00 pm Divorce, Separation & Significant Relationship Ending Support Group
5:30 pm Grief Support Group
6:00 pm Rosary
6:30 pm Depression Support Group
6:30 pm Baptism Orientation Meeting
7:45 am Contemplative Prayer
8:30 am Casa Champion Coffee Hour
6:30 pm Mindfulness Drop in Gathering
6:00 pm Men's Retreat with Thomas Winninger
9:00 am The Joy of Journaling
9:00 am AZ Males Faithsharing
Some of these events require advance registration. Please visit
thecasa.org or call 480.948.7460 for more information.
Check here each week for the latest progress on the
Casa's Master Plan for improvements and expansion.
Progress of constuction projects in front of the
administration building continues, including
creating a new water detention basin, installing
a new entry drive, preparing for landscaping
and realigning some of the utilities. The work is
expected to be completed by the end of August.
Installation of underground ductwork for the new
church is flowing along; the main trunks that will
carry air through the system are installed and
being covered.
It is an exciting time at the Casa. Thank you for
being part of this historic journey and our shared
vision for the future!
A welder for JV Driver Group (l) and Gary Amfahr, a thirdparty inspector for Cass Cura and Protex, work with steel
columns for the new church at JV Driver's fabrication facility
in South Phoenix on June 30, 2016. (photo by Rita Smith)
thecasa.org • RENEWAL

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