2013-14 Annual Report - Asbury Woods Nature Center


2013-14 Annual Report - Asbury Woods Nature Center
Spotlight on Learning:
Spotlight on Giving:
Growing Green Leaders
Asbury Woods Partnership Everything is FALLing Into Place
This year Asbury Woods Partnership focused much time and energy on
achieving our mission. We engaged in a thoughtful strategic planning process
which yielded a comprehensive plan to enable AWP to flourish in all areas from
community programming to marketing and financial development. One of the
strategic initiatives, the creation and development of an entirely new website,
will allow our constituents better access to information about our programs and
services. We were also accepted into the Pennsylvania Educational Improvement
Tax Credit Program (EITC) this year. As a result of the support we received from
local businesses, we were able to take our programming on the road to serve
1,400 students at 15 area schools outside of Millcreek Township School District.
Additionally, we saw the completion of construction of Phase I of the Celebration
Garden (located to the east of the Nature Center building.) This beautiful space
serves as an area for peaceful reflection while providing unique opportunities to
celebrate, honor and remember loved ones.
In July of 2013, we introduced our first annual signature event, “Wine and Dine
in the Woods.” The fun filled evening debuted to a sold out crowd and promises
to be a wonderful fund and friend-raiser well into the future. An impressive
expansion of our Winter Wonderland Festival included many new attractions as
well as a rousing lightshow synchronized to some favorite holiday songs. This
year also marked the introduction of Hoot and Holler, a newsletter that highlights
volunteer opportunities for both students and adults, and serves to recognize our
volunteers for their valuable and appreciated service.
Asbury Woods’ importance as a community asset was illustrated this year as
475 community programs and events were attended by more than 12,000
participants; an estimated 100,000 visitors explored the Nature Center and
hiked our trails; and volunteers donated more than 12,400 hours of their time to
community and school programs, special events, and land stewardship activities.
The Partnership’s school programs aim to increase
environmental literacy and awareness. Through handson experiments, customized stewardship projects and
outdoor field studies, students are exposed to content
and experiences not found in the general curriculum. We
encourage them to make real world connections to their
classroom studies, resulting in another step toward citizens
who are engaged in helping to create a sustainable world.
One student who has taken
these lessons to heart is
Stephanie Snyder. Stephanie
has been a volunteer at
Asbury Woods since she
was 12 years old. And while
she’s taken on many tasks
in that time, her dedication
to environmental education
is most impressive. She has
prepared and presented
educational programs to
Girls Scouts and Boy Scouts,
and she has also taught
maple production classes and led geology nature hikes.
Stephanie has been essential in the development and
implementation of programming for the Scouts’ Explorer
Post out of the Nature Center. The Explorers are a coed,
career-oriented division that focuses on giving students
science-based experiences in career fields of their interest.
Most recently, Stephanie represented Asbury Woods and the
NW Pennsylvania Maple Producers Association as the PA
Maple Sweetheart. Her enthusiasm for nature, first instilled
at Asbury Woods, continues to grow as she pursues a degree
in Biology at Penn State Behrend. Stephanie’s ongoing
commitment to learning about the environment as well as
educating others is proof positive of her green leadership.
As we follow our path of continuous improvement, everything really is FALLing
into place.
Asbury Woods Partnership Board of Directors
The Asbury Woods Partnership, Inc. is governed by a dedicated
volunteer board of 15 community members from around the
Erie region.
Leslie Marsden, Chair
Kathryn Raimy, Vice Chair
Chris Elwell, Treasurer
Dr. Verel Salmon, Secretary
Melissa Grimm, Immediate Past Chair
Daniel Franks
Dr. Fred Garnon
Andrew Kloecker
Joseph Mineo
Dr. Joseph Morris
Dr. Daniel Muccio
Dara Murphy
Mark Shaw
Dionne Wallace Oakley
Justin Zona
Rebecah Ford – Naturalist
Melissa Martin – Watershed Environmental Educator
and Community Programs
Kathy Mosier – Office Assistant
Phil and Sally McAfee have been integral in
ensuring the longevity of Asbury Woods.
They are dedicated volunteers and donors,
humbly devoting their time and resources to
guaranteeing the future of Asbury Woods for
residents and visitors alike. Phil and Sally are
valued members of the Asbury Woods team,
helping to maintain the grounds, taking pride
in showcasing the Woods and simultaneously
inspiring others to follow their lead. They truly
value the Woods and are steadfast in their
commitment to its perpetuation. When asked
why they choose to support Asbury Woods in
such a meaningful and substantial way, Sally
responded “I grew up in Asbury Woods and it holds many happy memories for me.”
Phil added “I love being outdoors. I love Asbury Woods and I hope it remains for
others to enjoy.”
We graciously thank Stephanie Snyder, Phil and Sally McAfee, and all of our
volunteers and donors whose hard work and support assure the future of our
green space and the considerable value it bestows on our region.
Sources of Revenue
Bonnie Barthelmes – Gift Shop and
Craft Festival Coordinator
Kelley Lang – Community Programming Coordinator
Green spaces are not only ecologically important, they are socially important.
Studies have shown that green spaces help to mitigate environmental damage
while also positively affecting the mental health, physical health and spirit of a
community. The maintenance of these public areas is vital in safeguarding their
significant benefits. Additionally, funding for the preservation and stewardship of
green spaces is essential in securing their future for generations to come.
Asbury Woods Partnership 2013-14
Asbury Woods Partnership Staff
Jennifer Herring – Interim Partnership Coordinator
Supporting Green Spaces
for Future Generations
Sheila Nordin – Naturalist
Lisa Susann – Weekend Visitor Services
Deb Testi – Volunteer Coordinator
Benjamin Triscuit - Naturalist
■ Gift Shop & Rentals
Functional Expenses
■ Programs & Camps
■ Programs & Camps
Fiscal Year Financial Position
■ Special Projects & Other
■ Membership
■ Festival & Events
■ Public Support, Corporate
Sponsorships & Grants
■ Gift Shop & Rentals
3% 8%
■ Festival & Events
■ Operating Expenses,
Payroll & Benefits
The Asbury Woods Nature Center is operated through a partnership between Asbury Woods Partnership Inc. and Millcreek
Township School District. The Nature Center is an educational facility owned by Millcreek Township School District.
donor list
This report acknowledges all donors who made a gift
during our past fiscal year, July 1, 2013 through June 30,
2014. If any name has been omitted or listed incorrectly,
please accept our apologies and contact us so we may
correct our records.
Rebecca and Evan Adair
George and Gloria Alex
David and Theresa Aloiz
Dr. John and Karen Alonge
Amy and Rob Alton
AMEC Environment & Infrastructure
Kathleen Ames
Michael and Mary Jane Antoon
Ken and Julie Appletree
Gladys Archacki
Karen and Bob Armour
Arthur J. Curtze Foundation
Robert and Gretchen Bach
Backgammon Circle of Friends
Beth Baldwin
Patty Baldwin
John and Sally Balkovic
Leah Ball
Michael and Lisa Balsan
Marybeth Baran
Nathan R Barber
Bill and Barb Barthelmes
David and Marie Bartlett
Glenna Bartlett
Jim and Leila Bartlett
Walt and Sandy Bartlett
John and Barbara Beatty
Dr. Warren and Christine Beaver
Bill and Dell Becker
Ronald and Julie Benigo
Dr. Kathleen and David Benson
Betty Jo Bergquist
Kristi Bickerstaff
Rep. Ryan Bizzarro
Dorothea Blakely
Richard and Judith Bliley
Robert and Diane Bloom
William and Carol Bloom
Bruce and Jennifer Bloomster
Ed and Dee Dee Bolt
Dr. Ken and Constance Borland
Mark and Lois Borowy
David and Marilyn Boyd
Jacqueline Breakstone
Jeffrey and Amy Brinling
Mike and Michalee Brown
Jennifer Brownlee
Eric Brownlee
Garett and Jennifer Brugger
Jeanne Bruneau
Chuck and Judy Buckeye
John Buffington
Elizabeth Burns
Paul Burroughs
Frances Buseck
C.A. Curtze Company
Anthony and Jo Ann Campanella
Dr. Gerald and Christina Campbell
Capital Wine and Spirits
Charles Card Jr.
Harry and Carol Card
Jane Carney
Maria Carpenedo
Carrie T. Watson Garden Club
Joy Catania
Ernest Catlin
Alfred Church
Dario and Donna Cipriani
Matthew and Donna Clark
Rodney and Robin Coburn
Regina Cocolin
Dr. Dennis and Barbara Cole
John & Diana Collins
Gene and Anne Connell
Andrew Conner
Bill and Sue Conner
Angela and Tom Cook
Christopher and Kimberly Coughlin
Crotty Insurance Agency
Mehmet and Edith Cultu
Richard Curtiss
Daniel and Kathy Dahlkemper
Dr. Michael and Orysia Dail
James and Kathleen Dammeyer
Deborah and Paul Daniels
Sharon L. Davenport
Steve and Diana Day
Michael Decorte
Dale DeMarco
Dr. Paul and Janet Demjanenko
Gail and Chris Detar
Bill and Sally DeWitt
Christine Diluzio
Deborah DiPlacido
Timothy and Lucia Doyle
Stephen and Susan Drabant
Tom and Charlotte Drobniewski
George and Carolyn Dudas
George and Amy Dufala
Greg and Pam Duffin
Dr. George and Jennifer Dulabon
Ethel Dwyer
Michael and Becky Dzurik
Gary and Brenda Eller
Chris and Greta Elwell
Georgania Ely
John and Bonnie Enders
The Erie Community Foundation
Erie Insurance Group
Dr. Roger Esper
Linda Etter
Burt and Marilyn Euliano
Fair View Garden Club
Ronald Fall
Tom and Jody Farrell
Phil and Kathy Fatica
William and Diana Ferguson
Terry and Tammi Ferrante
Bob and Christie Ferrier
Chris and Mary Fette
Greg and Janis Filbeck
Gregory & Barbara Fischer
Brett and Jennifer Forehand
Daniel and Janet Franks
Tim and Susan Frawley
Robert Frenzel
Marshall and Theresa Fryer
Esther Fucci
Rev. David and Amy Fugate
Beth Fuhrer and Gordon Herbst
Jim and Diane Gallagher
James and Nola Gardner
Fred and Jackie Garnon
William Garvey, Ph.D.
Paul and Michele Gausman
GE Foundation
Meta Gebhardt
Tom and Gloria Gerbracht
Gerlach’s Garden and Power
Glenwood Beer Distributors
Robert and Mary Alice Glowacki
Bob and Barb Goetz
Cynde Goldberg
Thomas Golden
David and Jena Gonzalez
Douglas and Rosanne Green
Robert and Leslie Griffin
Jack and Melissa Grimm
Doug and Kathy Grisier
Elizabeth Guldan
Thomas and Susan Hagen
Don and Judy Halcom
T. Andrew Hanes
Thomas and Mili Hanes
Hanes Erie, Inc.
Dr. Patrick and Renee Hanna
Thomas Hansen
Christopher and Marsha Hardner
Matthew Harland and Renata
Jack Harmon
Jacki Harper
Tim and Betty Healy
Jennifer and Dale Herring
Julie and Kurt Hersch
Gary and Beverly Hershelman
Hertel and Brown Physical
Therapy, PC
Dan and Denise Hesch
Christopher and Victoria Hetz
Mary Beth Heyd
Georgia Heynes
Chris Hilbert
Mike and Carol Hirsch
Laurel Hirt
Mary Hoffman
James and Nancy Holland
Robert Howden
Ed and Sue Hudson
Lynette Hughes
David and Noelle Iadeluca
Mary Imboden
Fred and Bernie Infield
Charles and Emily Ingram
Albert and Nancy Isacks
Dr. Mark and Laura Izzo
Kent Jacoby
Garry Jennings
Tim and Barb Johnson
Jean M. Joyce
Jean and Tom Keegan
Robert Kent
Scott Kern and
Amy Cuzzola Kern
Bruce and Bonnie Kern
Bruce and Nancy Kern
Kern Family Foundation
Nancy Kernin
Jochen and Janice Kindling
Dr. A.P. and Mollie King
Russ King and Laureen
Douglas and Sandra Kitts
Joseph and Jean Kloecker
Peter and Ericka Kloecker
Kohl’s Cares
Timothy and Jill Kolakowski
Ron and Mary Kolb
David and Brenda Kraus
Victor Kraus
Lake Shore Garden Club
Kelley and Nicholas Lang
Sally Lanz
Drew and Mary Larson
Jeffrey and Colleen Leone
Karen Lesher
John and Frances Letterio
Daniel and Marianne Levstek
Bill and Sue Liebel
Howard and Mary Lincoln
Lincoln Recycling
Lord Corporation
Tricia and Kevin Louis
Kay Lynne
James and Jennifer Lyons
MacDonald Illig Attorneys
Frank and Joan Mainzer
Debbie and Paul Malaspina
Photo credit: Christina Rivas
donor list
Message from the Board Chair
Our Heritage
For more than 50 years, Asbury Woods has
provided free, year-round access to the
Nature Center and 205 natural acres that
include 4.5 miles of trails through forests,
fields and streams. Asbury Woods’ origin
stems from the generosity of Dr. Otto
Behrend, co-founder of the Hammermill
Paper Company in Erie, PA. He purchased
the Asbury Farm in 1920, which continued
to be a working farm until 1957.
Dr. Behrend had a passion for horticulture
and experimented with different plantings
throughout the property. He planted
trees and shrubs that are non-native to
Pennsylvania, including Douglas Fir Trees
and Mountain Laurel. When Dr. Behrend
died, his estate donated the Asbury Woods
property to the Millcreek Township School
District for preservation, education and
recreation. Soon after, the Asbury Woods
Nature Center opened and has since
provided our region with opportunities to
experience, study and enjoy nature.
Initially, Asbury Woods Partnership
(formerly the Friends of Asbury Woods)
served as a fundraising entity, supporting
the Nature Center and its community
programs. In 2009, the Partnership and the
School District entered into an Agreement
under which the Partnership assumed
full responsibility for the community
programming at Asbury Woods. In 2012,
the Partnership and the School District
modified their Agreement, and the
Partnership became a fully independent
operating organization, assuming several
of the positions previously maintained by
the School District. Equipped with our
own dedicated staff, the Partnership is
well positioned to serve the community
through innovative educational programs,
festivals and events.
As we look to the future, Asbury Woods Partnership has
never been better positioned to achieve our mission and
fulfill our vision of ensuring the long term sustainability of
Asbury Woods and its legacy. Building upon our success in
community outreach through educational and recreational
programming, as well as recognizing our ongoing
commitment to organizational development and fiscal
responsibility, I am happy to report the Partnership is in a
growth mode, stronger today than it’s ever been.
We are truly grateful for your support as we continue to
implement the objectives outlined in our Strategic Plan,
further strengthening the Partnership and solidifying our
place as one of Erie’s most beloved community assets.
It is a direct result of the generous donations made by
caring friends of the Woods that the Partnership is able
to deliver our world class programs, festivals and events
while promoting environmental awareness and acting
as a steward for the Woods we love. I invite you to visit
the Nature Center, walk our plentiful trails, engage in our
exceptional programming or simply relax and contemplate
in the charming Celebration Garden. I know when you do,
you too will FALL in love with Asbury Woods.
Leslie Marsden, Board Chair
Asbury Woods Partnership, Inc.
The Mission of Asbury Woods Partnership is to preserve Asbury
Woods and provide all members of the community with meaningful
environmental, educational and recreational experiences that inspire
a greater sense of awareness, stewardship and sustainability.
Asbury Woods will be the Northwest Pennsylvania region’s premier
destination of choice for nature education, exploration, recreation
and environmental stewardship. Ensuring its long term sustainability
through community support, volunteers, programming and
fundraising, Asbury Woods Partnership is the guardian of Asbury
Woods and its legacy.
Joe and Penny Maloney
Mark and Carol Mancuso
Jeff and Leslie Marsden
Michael P. Martin
Bob and Joan Martter
Dale Massing
Charles and Ellinor Matts
Phil and Sally McAfee
Frank and Mary McBride
Kathleen McCarthy
Matt and Daren McCullough
Ann McCune
James and Mary Lou McDonald
Sally McIlvried
Laura McIntosh
Brain and Daria McKay
Jeffrey McKeon and
Nancy Weissbach
Brenda McMahon
Charles McMahon
Mercedes and Robert McNutt
Don and Chris McRae
Marnie Mead
Michael and Adele Mead
Ludwik and Krystyna Medeksza
Rose Metrik
Dan and Jennifer Miano
David and Mary Anne Michalak
Paul and Judy Mihalak
Millcreek Township
Millcreek Township School District
Millcreek Township Water Authority
Elizabeth Miller
Robert Miller
Wendy Miller
Joe and Joyce Mineo
Joe and Pamela Monaco
Carl and Barbara Moore
Mark and Dara Murphy
Richard and Beverly Narvett
National Fuel Gas Company
Sue Neth
Tom Nickou
Paul and Alice Niebauer
Robert and Nancy Nielsen
Gerald Oakley and
Dionne Wallace Oakley
Steve and Mary Oas
James and Susan Ohrn
Jay and Anita Patel
John Patton
Patton Scalise Fund of The Erie
Community Foundation
Max Peaster
Michael and Jeanne Peck
Penn State Master Gardeners
Thomas and Jennifer Person
John and Gertrude Peterson
Kay Lynne Nordberg Picheco
Mark Pietrusinski and Kathy Felong
Joseph and Carol Pillitteri
Joan Plonski
PNC Bank
Eileen and Kevin Polito
Larry and Julia Pollock
Chuck and Pattie Pora
Steve and Penny Porter
Melody Potratz
Presque Isle Tent and Table
Louis and Barbara Presta
Chris and Jennifer Prince
Bruce and K.D. Raimy Fund of The
Erie Community Foundation
Mark and Kathryn Raimy
Charles G. “Chuck” Rapp Fund of
The Erie Community Foundation
James and Mary Ray
Mike and Sandy Reed
Maxine Reinsel
Geraldine Restifo
Phillip and Denise Rewers
Al and Peggy Richardson
Mark and Patricia Rickloff
Chip and Betsy Riehl
Michael and Lisa Robie
Robert and Jacquelyn Roddy
The Shawn and Sharon Rooney
Fund of The Erie Community
Steve Ropski and
Melanie Gustafson Ropski
Mary J. Rosiak
Olivia Rutkowski
Dr. Ravinder Sabherwal
Dr. Verel and Sandy Salmon
Dr. Eric and Gina Sandberg
Sandcille Spa
Jeff and Janine Sanner
Bob and Peggy Scarpitti
Mark Scheve
Leon and Susan Schierer
Mike and Dotty Schloss
Keith Schloss, D.M.D.
Phil and Debbie Schmalzried
Susan Schuette
Richard and Marsha Schwanbeck
Frank and Marie Scicchitano
Janice and Richard Scolio
Mary Scolio
Scott Enterprises, Inc.
Gary and Lisa Seib
James and Laura Semple
Greg and Beth Sesler
Brent and Janet Sesler
Scott and Autumn Sexauer
Doug and Dana Shaffer
Mark and Prudence Shaw
Nancy Shea
Jerry and Alice Sheldon
Paul and Vicki Shields
Melissa and Matthew Shimek
Ruth Shindledecker
Paul Sieber
Kenneth and Deborah Simkowski
Jerome Simon
David and Frances Skellie
Jack and Jacqueline Smith
Kelly Ann Southworth
Kathleen Spafford
Richard and Susan Spear
Sportsmen’s Athletic Club
Dr. Barry and Carol Stamm
Gordon and Nancy Starr
Dr. James and Kathleen Steele
Thomas and Marlene Steinmiller
Tim and Cheryl Stewart
Edward and Elizabeth Stone
Robert and Sherri Stout
Robert and Susan Strayer
David Stuller
Benjamin and Colleen Stumpf
Virginia Sundberg
Leo and Linda Swantek
David and Jan Sweny
Tom and Linda Szkotnicki
Karen Szymanski
Roger and Laurel Taft
Vivian Tamburello
Dr. Joao and Delores Tavares
Scott and Karol Taylor
Greg and Carmella Tellers
Freda Tepfer
Neil and Lois Teufel
Ron and Cheryl Till
Edward and Deborah Tonkin
James and Mary Ann Toohey
Rod and Judith Troester
Don and Marilyn Tuberson
Tungsten Creative Group
Robert and Lauren Unger
Dr. Randall and Amy Valentine
Tom and Cheryl Vicary
Joe Villella
Randall E. Wagner
Bob and Donna Walkow
Mark and Johanna Waltz
Eugene and Nancy Ware
Ann Jo Warick
Rahul and Nisha Warrier
Wayside Presbyterian Church
Rose Weber
William and Dawn Weborg
Gerard and Shirley Weis
Welders Supply
Barbara J. Welton and
Jason L. Williams
Robert and Karen Welton
Harold Wesmiller
Scott and Linda Whalen
Cassandra Whitmer
Don and Jean Wisniewski
Rena Wierbinski
Linda Williams
Patricia Williams
Suzanne Williams
George and Cindy Willis
Anita Wilson
Brian and Carrie Winslow
Thomas and Joan Witosky
Bruce and Janice Wittmershaus
Ted and Diana Wood
Steven Woytek
Scott Wright and
Carla Picardo Wright
Kim and Charlotte Wurzbach
Douglas Yarbenet
Dale and Patti Yashinski
Dr. Ann Marie Yezzi-Shareef
Elizabeth Yount
George and Betty Zehner
Salvatore and Carmela Zeolla
Craig and Katherine Zonna
Roger Zurn
Photo credit: Christina Rivas
FALL in Love with Asbury Woods
The Asbury Woods Partnership, Inc. is a 501(c)3 nonprofit organization- contributions to which are tax deductible to the fullest extent permitted by law. The official registration and
financial information may be obtained from the Pennsylvania Department of State by calling,1-800-732-0999 or at www.dos.state.pa.us/char. Registration does not imply endorsement.
Asbury Woods Partnership Inc.
4105 Asbury Rd. • Erie, PA 16506
Phone: 814.835.5356 • www.asburywoods.org
Asbury Woods Partnership Inc.
Annual Report 2013-14