May Minute


May Minute
May 3, 2015
A special Youth Camp—Anti-bullying Planning Committee Meeting was held at the Warren Cultural Center,
Green Room at 1:30pm. Members attending were Koy, Heath, Hailey, Haylee, Joey, Ashlyn, Sadie, Sam, Skyler,
Deena and Kelsie Cass-Kralik (Director of Adair County Extension’s Youth Summer Camps). Kelsie asked YC members to come up with a name for their anti-bullying youth camp. Members decided to call it “Fun With Friends” Camp.
Kelsie and members created two sessions for different age groups. The first camp would be on July 31st from 9:30am
-12:00pm for 1st—3rd Graders. The second session will be July 31st from 1:00-3:30pm for 4th-6th Graders. YC will
work with Kelsie and her summer staff (Brad Baudler, Jesse McCann and McKinzie Boes) to create fun and appropriate activities and games supporting their anti-bullying mission. The purpose of this camp is to help build trust, respect,
honesty, fun, better communications and form healthy friendships. They will also learn what it means to be a ‘good
friend’ and how to celebrate others differences while forming long lasting friendships. Hailey, Haylee, Morgan, Caroline, Dakota and Skyler have agreed to be on the Youth Camp ‘Fun with Friends’ Planning Committee. Kelsie will work
on creating a layout for the camp and will communicate with the planning committee about setting up future meetings
to plan and organize activities and games.
The regular monthly meeting of the ADAIR COUNTY YOUTH COUNCIL Officers and Members was held
on Sunday, May 3rd at the Warren Cultural Center, Green Room.
Hailey called the meeting to order at 2:05pm and asked that members, in honor of upcoming Mothers Day,
would each tell their mother’s first name during roll call. She also said for everyone to go home and tell
there mothers ’thank you’ for their love and support.
ROLL CALL: Heath Downing (YC Vice President), took Roll Call. Members present were Tim Beane, Koy
Brandt, Alyssa Christensen, Noah Cooper, Heath Downing, Hailey Gross, Haylee Hunt, Joey Huntington,
Hannah Jorgensen, Ashlyn Kralik, Riley Lonsdale, Sadie Marnin, Sam Marnin, Skyler Rawlings, Brooklyn
Sammons, Beau Weinheimer and Deena Wells.
Absent: Jacob & Jodi Baudler (cousin’s 1st communion in Waukee), Hank Bohling (moving sister),
Matt Clark (had to work), Caroline Doud (Miss Iowa competition in Waterloo), Vince Doud (had to work),
Dakota Hughes (Jr Optimists Trip), Alexis Shelley (family obligations per Billi), Morgan Smith (had to work)
and Shelby Soper (great grandfather passed away).
APPROVE MINUTES: Hailey asked that members read and approve last month’s minutes. Riley moved
to approve April 26th Minutes (Caroline’s hand written minutes). Heath seconded. All were in favor.
Motion carried.
PRESENTER: Deena welcomed Kelsie Cass-Kralik and asked Kelsie to explain about each of the summer youth camps through Adair County Extension. She also reminded YC members that they were to sign
up to help with two full days of youth camps. A sign up sheet was passed around. All YC members who
complete their two full days of mentoring will receive a free Adventureland pass for the August 2nd Fun
Day. Kelsie went over all the youth camp information and asked for sign up commitments. She explained
that this year’s camps theme was based off of super heroes.
COMMITTEE REPORTS: Clover Kids Program Report—Heath reported on the last Clover Kids workshop of the season—May 2nd. Everything went well. They created ’fish in the river’ snacks and did activities all morning. Deena thanked the YC members for their involvement in this year’s Clover Kids program.
Anti-bullying Committee Chair, Caroline, was not able to attend so Hailey reviewed updates from the Anti
-bullying Youth Camp Meeting held at 1:30pm. YC members are encouraged to help out with the “Fun with
Friends” youth camp on 7/31.
Poverty Committee Chair, Hailey, researched prices of meal packages for “Meals for the Heartland” - they
will run $1.25 each. Hannah made the motion that YC utilize $400 from their ‘Share the Warmth’ fund to
purchase food to package as meals in Des Moines. Joey seconded. All were in favor. Motion passed.
Adair County Youth Council May 3rd, 2015 Meeting Minutes…… 1
Healthy Living Committee Chair, Vince, was not able to attend. Hailey reported that this committee was
responsible for brainstorming ideas for creating an ’anti-tobacco’ message for county fair. YC members
were encouraged to help out with youth camps such as Super Chefs 1 & 2 that were promoting healthy
living education.
Scholarships Committee Chair, Heath, both West Central Valley and Nodaway Valley Schools High
School Awards Nights are being held on May 12th at 7pm. Riley volunteered to present the Kelly
Laughery Community Service Scholarship awards to three individuals at NV. Morgan agreed to present
the scholarship awards to two individuals at WCV. Deena will email scripts they can use to present that
Literacy Committee Chair, Joey, talked about YC helping out at the Library Camps in Greenfield, Stuart,
Fontanelle, Orient and Adair which promote reading to youth. He also mentioned the ‘Wild Reading’ Camp
would be another option to promote literacy.
Promote 4-H Committee Chair, Shelby, was not able to attend. Hannah mentioned that this committee
was working on several ideas for county fair activities and the YC booth. They would like to have a Scavenger Hunt activity during the fair for youth. Committee members selected cinch bags as the gifts for the
Senior 4-H’ers to be presented on Wednesday night of the fair. Members will talk to Shelby and report
back at the next meeting.
County Fair Board Representatives Report nothing to report at this time.
OLD BUSINESS: Hailey explained that painting at the fairgrounds has been cancelled for today. Deena
contacted Jerry Meisenheimer (Fair Board Grounds Keeper) and allowed him to make the call. Due to it
raining several days before and several days after, the paint would not have a chance to cure properly.
The next paining date is set for 7/31 at 2pm—meet at the fairgrounds and wear old clothes.
Hailey asked for volunteers to sign up for her Herbert Hoover Project, “County-wide Community Veterans Benefit Meal Event” on 6/6 from 12:00-2:30pm at the First Congregational Church, 224 N. Division
St., Stuart. Tentative volunteers are Alyssa, Heath, Tim, Noah, Hannah, Haylee, Sadie, Riley, Brooklyn,
Ashlyn and Deena.
Hailey asked all YC members to turn in their 6 Month Survey Form to Deena.
Hailey reminded members again to use Adair County Extension website and Facebook page for constant
updates on important information regarding Youth Council. It’s the member’s responsibility to check the
website for past meeting minutes.
NEW BUSINESS: Hailey announced the next YC Meeting will be June 7th at Warren Cultural Center,
Green Room, 2:00pm. After the meeting is over, everyone will go to the Tiger Drive In for ice cream.
The YC’s July Meeting date of 7/5 needed to be changed to a different day due to the holiday weekend.
Members voted to schedule it for 7/12 (right before county fair). It will be at 3:30pm at WCC, Green Room.
It will give YC a chance to review all the county fair activities and scheduled tasks.
YC was asked to mark their calendars for August 2nd—YC Fun Day at Adventureland. More information would be available at the upcoming meetings.
Friendly reminder, all 4-H Enrollment Forms and ID Sheets are due to Adair County Extension Office
by May 15th.
Adair County 4-H T-shirts orders are due to Extension Office by June 1st.
Adair County Youth Council May 3rd, 2015 Meeting Minutes…… 2
Riley made the Motion to adjourn the meeting. Joey seconded. All were in favor. Motion passed. The meeting was adjourned at 3:10pm.
Members enjoyed snacks.
Painting at the Adair County Fairgrounds on 5-31-15. Afterwards they enjoyed some creative
painting of wooden blocks for Hailey’s County Fair Display board project. It was a fun and
beautiful day
I apologize I did not get a
photo of Ashlyn and
Brooklyn painting the
Livestock Photo Board!!
So sorry girls!
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