ICRANet Scientific Report 2012


ICRANet Scientific Report 2012
Introduction by the Director
ICRANet was created by a decision of the Italian Government, ratified unanimously by
the Italian Parliament and signed by the President of the Republic of Italy on February 10 th
2005. The Republic of Armenia, the Republic of Italy, the Vatican State, ICRA, the
University of Arizona and the University of Stanford were the Founding Members. All of
them have ratified the Statute of ICRANet (see Enclosure 1). On September 12 th 2005 the
Board of Governors was established and had its first meeting. Professors Remo Ruffini
and Fang Li-Zhi were appointed respectively Director and Chairman of the Board. On
December 19th 2006 the Scientific Committee was established and had its first meeting in
Washington DC. Prof. Riccardo Giacconi was appointed Chairman and John Mester CoChairman. On September 21st 2005 the Director of ICRANet signed with the Ambassador
of Brazil Dante Coelho De Lima the adhesion of Brazil to ICRANet. The entrance of Brazil,
requested by the President of Brazil Luiz Ignácio Lula Da Silva has been unanimously
ratified by the Brazilian Parliament. On February 2009 the board renewed the position of
Prof. Fang Li-Zhi as the Chairman of the Board. On December 2009 the Scientific
Committee renewed the position of Prof. Riccardo Giacconi as the Chairman of the
Committee. On February 2010 the board renewed the position of Prof. Remo Ruffini as the
Director of the ICRANet. On August 12 th, 2011 the President of Brazil Dilma Rousseff
signed the entrance of Brazil in ICRANet (details in http://www.icranet.org/).
During the 2012, we have:
1) adjourned and recruited the Scientific Staff of ICRANet, including the adjunct
Faculty, Lecturers, Research Scientists, Visiting Scientists; adjourned and recruited
the Administrative Staff of ICRANet;
2) established the Brazilian Science Data Center (BSDC) and signed a memorandum of
Understanding with CAPES (Brazilian Fed. Agency for Support and Evaluation of
Grad. Education) to support the Cesare Lattes Program for exchange of Scientists
(see Enclosure 2);
3) started the operations of the Seat of ICRANet in Nice: Villa Ratti (see Enclosure 3);
4) prepared the proceedings of the meetings of 2011 and organized meetings and PhD
schools (see Enclosure 4);
5) updated and signed co-operation agreements with Universities and Research
Centers, including BSU (Belarusian State University, Belarus), CAPES (Brazilian
Fed. Agency for Support and Evaluation of Grad. Education), CBPF (Brazil), Cearà
State (Brazil), ENEA (National Agency for new technologies, energy and the
economic sustainable development, Italy), ICTP (The Abdus Salam International
Center for Theoretical Physics, Italy), IHEP (Institute of High Energy Physics,
Chinese Academy of Sciences, China), INFN (National Institute for Nuclear
Physics, Italy), ITA (Instituto Tecnológico de Aeronáutica, Brazil), GARR (Italy),
LeCosPa (Leung Center for Cosmology and Particle Astrophysics, Taiwan), NAS
(National Academy of Science, Armenia), Nice University Sophia Antipolis
(France), Pescara University “D’Annunzio” (Italy), Physics Department of
University of Rome “Sapienza” (Italy), UERJ (Rio de Janeiro State University,
Brazil), UFPB (Universidade Federal da Paraíba, Brazil) University of Rome
“Sapienza” (Italy), UNS (Universidad Nacional del Sur, Argentina) (see Enclosure
6) recruited new students, organized the teaching programs and the Thesis works of
the International Relativistic Astrophysics Doctoral program (IRAP-PhD), jointly
sponsored by ICRANet and ICRA in collaboration with AEI – Albert Einstein
Institute – Potsdam (Germany), Berlin Free University (Germany), CBPF – Brazilian
Centre for Physics Research (Brazil), ETH – Zurich (Switzerland), Ferrara
University (Italy), IHES (France), Indian centre for space physics (India), Nice
University Sophia Antipolis (France), Observatory of the Côte d'Azur (France),
Rome University – “Sapienza” (Italy), Savoie University (France), Shanghai
Astronomical Observatory (China), Stockholm University (Sweden), Tartu
Observatory (Estonia) (see Enclosure 6);
7) developed the Erasmus Mundus program of the European Commission and
recruited additional nine students (see Enclosure 7);
8) followed the project for the ICRANet Center at the Casino de Urca in Rio de
Janeiro, Brazil (see Enclosure 8);
9) started the process for adhesion of South Korea to ICRANet;
10) fostered the lines of research and publication activities which are the objects of the
present report.
1) The ICRANet Staff
In the establishment of the ICRANet Scientific Staff we have followed the previously
adopted successful strategy:
1) To appoint talented young scientists, as well as senior scientists who have already
contributed significantly to those areas which led to the establishment of ICRANet.
2) To create an adjunct Faculty containing many renowned scientists who have made
internationally recognized contributions to the field of relativistic astrophysics and
whose research interests are closely related to those of ICRANet. These scientists
spend from one to six months at the Pescara Center, thereby linking it with their
home institutions.
3) To develop a program of Lecturers, Research Scientists and Visiting Scientists,
necessary to the scientific operations of the Center.
This strategy has created an outstanding research institute with strong connections to
some of the most advanced Research Centers in the world. It also promotes the vital
connections between all the ICRANet Member Institutions. The Curricula of the ICRANet
Staff are given in the Accompanying Document “The ICRANet Staff, Visiting Scientists and
Graduate Students at the Pescara Center”
- Belinski Vladimir
- Bianco Carlo Luciano
- Einasto Jaan
- Novello Mario
- Rueda, Jorge A.
- Ruffini Remo
- Vereshchagin Gregory
- Xue She-Sheng
Università di Roma “Sapienza” and ICRANet
Tartu Observatory, Estonia
(Cesare Lattes ICRANet Chair)
CBPF and ICRA-BR, Rio de Janeiro, Brazil
Università di Roma “Sapienza” and ICRANet
Università di Roma “Sapienza” and ICRANet
Typically and Adjunct Professor spends at ICRANet a period varying from one month to
six months every year and keeps ongoing collaborations for the rest of the year.
- Aharonian Felix Albert (Benjamin Jegischewitsch Markarjan ICRANet Chair)
Dublin Institute for Advanced Studies, Dublin, Ireland
Max-Planck-Institut für Kernphysis, Heidelberg, Germany
- Amati Lorenzo
Istituto di Astrofisica Spaziale e Fisica Cosmica, Italy
- Arnett David
(Subrahmanyan Chandrasekhar ICRANet Chair)
University of Arizona, Tucson, USA
- Chakrabarti Sandip K.
Center for Space Physics, India
- Chardonnet Pascal
Université de la Savoie, France and ICRANet
- Chechetkin Valeri
(Mstislav Vsevolodich Keldysh ICRANet Chair)
Keldysh Institute for Applied Mathematics Moscow, Russia
- Damour Thibault
(Joseph-Louis Lagrange ICRANet Chair)
IHES, Bures sur Yvette, France
- Della Valle Massimo
Osservatorio di CapodiMonte, INAF-Napoli, Italy
- Everitt Francis
(William Fairbank ICRANet Chair) Stanford University, USA
- Frontera Filippo
University of Ferrara
- Jantzen Robert
(Abraham Taub ICRANet Chair) Villanova University USA
- Kerr Roy
(Yevgeny Mikhajlovic Lifshitz ICRANet Chair)
University of Canterbury, New Zealand
- Khalatnikov Markovich (Lev Davidovich Landau ICRANet Chair)
Landau Institute for Theoretical Physics, Russia
- Kleinert Hagen
(Richard Feynmann ICRANet Chair) Freie Universität Berlin
- Lee Hyung Won
(Yong Duk Kim ICRANet Chair)
School of Computer Aided Science, Inje, Korea
- Madey John
University of Hawaii
- Misner Charles
(John Archibald Wheeler ICRANet Chair)
University of Maryland, USA
- Nicolai Herman
Albert Einstein Institute – Potsdam, Germany
- Pelster Alex
- Pian Elena
- Piran Tsvi
- Popov Vladimir
- Punsly Brian Matthew
- Quevedo C. Hernando
- Rafelski Johann
- Rosati Piero
- Rosquist Kjell
- ’t Hooft Gerard
- Titarchuk Lev
Institute for Advanced Study, Germany
INAF and Osservatorio Astronomico di Trieste
(Yuval Neeman ICRAnet Chair)
The Hebrew University - Jerusalem
ITEP, Russia
Mathew California University, Los Angeles USA
Institute of Nuclear Science, UNAM
University of Arizona, USA
European Southern Observatory, Germany
(Karl Gustav Jacobi ICRANet Chair)
Stockholm University, Sweden
Institut for Theoretical Physics, Utrecht Universiteit, Holland
(Victor Sobolev ICRANet Chair) US Naval Laboratory, USA
The Lecturers participate in the many schools and meetings organized by ICRANet, as
well as in the International Relativistic Astrophysics Ph.D. program (IRAP-PhD),
sponsored by ICRANet and ICRA (see below). The Lecture series span from a minimum of
a few weeks to the entire year.
- Aksenov Alexey
Institute for CAD, Russian Academy of Sciences
- Alekseev Georgy
Steklov Mathematical Institute – Russian Academy
of Sciences
- Bini Donato
CNR and ICRANet, Italy
- Boccaletti Dino
ICRANet and Università di Roma "Sapienza"
- Chen Pisin
National Taiwan University
Kavli Instit. Particle Astrophysics and Cosmology
- Chieffi Alessandro
INAF, Rome, Italy
- Coullet Pierre
Université de Nice - Sophia Antipolis, France
- Di Castro Carlo
Università di Roma "Sapienza", Italy
- Filippi Simonetta
ICRANet and Campus Biomedico, Italy
- Jing Yi-Peng
Shangai Astronomy Observatory
- Kim Sang Pyo
Kunsan National University, Korea
- Kim Sung-Won
Institute of Theor. Physics for Asia-Pacific, Korea
- Lee Chul Hoon
Hanyang University, Korea
- Lee Hyun Kyu
Department of Physics, Hanyang University, Korea
- Limongi Marco
INAF, Rome, Italy
- Lou You Qing
Tsinghua University, Beijing
- Malheiro Manuel
ITA, Brazil
- Mester John
Stanford University, USA
- Mignard François
Observatoire de la Côte d‘Azur, Nice, France
- Ohanian Hans
Rensselaer Polytechnic Institute, New York, USA
- Pacheco José
Observatoire de la Côte d ‘Azur, Nice, France
- Perez Bergliaffa Santiago
- Pucacco Giuseppe
- Sepulveda Alonso
- Song Doo Jong
- Starobinsky Alexei
- Vissani Francesco
- Wiltshire David
Univesidade do Estado de Rio de Janeiro, Brasil
Università di Tor Vergata Roma
University of Antioquia, Columbia
National Institute of Astronomy Korea
Landau Institute for Theoretical Physics, Russia
Gran Sasso National Laboratory, Italy
University of Canterbury, New Zealand
The research scientists are generally at a post-doctoral level and they are extremely active
in all research topics.
- Bernardini Maria Grazia
ICRANet and OAB–Merate, Italy
- Cherubini Christian
Campus Biomedico, Rome, Italy
- Geralico Andrea
ICRANet and Università di Roma “Sapienza”, Italy
- Izzo Luca
ICRANet and Università di Roma “Sapienza”, Italy
- Lattanzi Massimiliano
ICRANet and Università di Roma “Sapienza”, Italy
- Patricelli Barbara
ICRANet and UNAM, México
- Rotondo Michael
ICRANet and Università di Roma “Sapienza”, Italy
They include experts who have given essential contributions in ongoing activities at
- Abishev Medeu
Al-Farabi Kazakh National University, Kazakhstan
- Bittencourt Eduardo
CBPF, Brasil
- Corvino Giovanni
University of Rome La Sapienza, Italy
- Gell-Mann Murray
Sante Fe Institute, USA
- Kim Hyuong Yee
INJE, South Korea
- Mohammadi Rohollah
Isfahan University of Technology, Pakistan
- Mosquera Cuesta Herman
CBPF, Brasil
- Perez Martinez Aurora
Instituto de Cibernetica Matematica Y Fisica, Cuba
- Piechocki Wlodzimierz
Institute for Nuclear Studies, Poland
- Qadir Asgar
National Univ. Of Sciences And Technology, Pakistan
- Raffaelli Bernard
Université de Corse, France
- Romero Gustavo E.
Instituto Argentino de Radioastronomia IARCONICET, Argentina
- Van Putten Maurice
Korean Institute for Advanced Study, South Korea
The administrative and secretarial staff of the Center is:
- Adamo Cristina
Administrative Office (Pescara)
- Barbaro Pina
ICRANet Nice
- Del Beato Annapia
Documentation Office (Pescara)
- Di Berardino Federica
Head of the Secretarial Office (Pescara)
- Latorre Silvia
- London Luzia
- Regi Massimo
Administrative Office (Pescara)
ICRANet BR – Rio de Janeiro
System Manager till September 2012 (Pescara)
2) The Collaboration with Brazil (see Enclosure 2)
During 2012 the Brazilian Science Data Center (BSDC) started its operations, and is
currently being expanded. Prof. Remo Ruffini, Director of ICRANet, also signed a
Memorandum of Understanding with Dr. Jorge Almeida Guimaraes, President of CAPES
(Brazilian Federal Agency for Support and Evaluation of Graduate Education), to support
the Cesare Lattes Program for exchange of Scientists.
3) Inauguration of the Seat in Nice: Villa Ratti (see Enclosure 3)
We have completed the restructuring of Villa Ratti for the ICRANet Seat in Nice. We been
very pleased to receive the invitation by the Municipality of Nice to open ICRANet
activities in France, in order to maximize our contacts with other European Countries and
more generally with Countries all over the world. The appeal for the town of Nice and his
splendid surroundings, the existence of a modern and efficient airport, the electronic
backbones for internet communications are all important elements which add to the
splendid decision of the Nice Municipality to offer the historical Villa Ratti as a seat for
ICRANet in Nice. The first stone for the restructuring of the Villa has been laid down on
November 23rd 2007. Since, an important finding of wall paintings of circa 1750 occurred in
the Villa. A large amount of activities has being carried out in renovating the building and
the park around. The headquarter of the IRAP-PhD program will be in Villa Ratti. We
were very pleased to have, as the first visitor of the freshly opened ICRANet Seat in Villa
Ratti, the Nobel Laureate Murray Gell-Mann.
4) International Meetings (see Enclosure 4)
We are completing the proceedings of:
– IRAP PhD School, Les Houches, France, April 3-8 and October 2-7, 2011.
– 12th Italian-Korean Symposium, Pescara, Italy, July 4-8, 2011.
– 3rd Galileo – Xu Guangqi Meeting, Beijing, China, October 11-15, 2011.
We have also organized the following meetings:
– XIII Marcel Grossmann Meeting, Stockholm, Sweden July 1-7, 2012.
– XXXI ESOP-Clavius fourth centennial meeting, Pescara, Italy, August 24-27, 2012.
– IRAP Ph.D. School, Nice, France, September 3-21, 2012.
– Current Issues on Relativistic Astrophysics 2012, Seoul, South Korea, November 56, 2012.
5) Scientific Agreements (see Enclosure 5)
The following Agreements have been signed, updated and renewed by the Director (see
Fig. 1):
– BSU (Belarusian State University, Belarus),
– CAPES (Brazilian Fed. Agency for Support and Evaluation of Grad. Education),
– CBPF (Brazil),
– Cearà State (Brazil),
– ENEA (National Agency for new technologies, energy and the economic
sustainable development, Italy),
– ICTP (The Abdus Salam International Center for Theoretical Physics, Italy),
– IHEP (Institute of High Energy Physics, Chinese Academy of Sciences, China),
– INFN (National Institute for Nuclear Physics, Italy),
– ITA (Instituto Tecnológico de Aeronáutica, Brazil),
– GARR (Italy),
– LeCosPa (Leung Center for Cosmology and Particle Astrophysics, Taiwan),
– NAS (National Academy of Science, Armenia),
– Nice University Sophia Antipolis (France),
– Pescara University “D’Annunzio” (Italy),
– Physics Department of University of Rome “Sapienza” (Italy),
– UERJ (Rio de Janeiro State University, Brazil),
– UFPB (Universidade Federal da Paraíba, Brazil)
– University of Rome “Sapienza” (Italy),
– UNS (Universidad Nacional del Sur, Argentina).
These collaborations are crucial in order to give ICRANet scientists the possibility to give
courses and lectures in the Universities and, vice versa, to provide to the Faculty of such
Universities the opportunity to spend research periods in ICRANet institutions.
6) The International Relativistic Astrophysics Ph.D. (IRAP-PhD) program
(see Enclosure 6)
One of the major success of ICRANet has been to participate in the International
competition of the Erasmus Mundus Ph.D. program and the starting of this program from
the 2010 (see Fig. 2). The participating institutions are:
– AEI – Albert Einstein Institute – Potsdam (Germany)
– Berlin Free University (Germany)
– CBPF – Brazilian Centre for Physics Research (Brazil)
– ETH Zurich
– Ferrara University (Italy)
– Indian centre for space physics (India)
– Institut Hautes Etudes Scientifiques – IHES (France)
– Nice University Sophia Antipolis (France)
– Observatory of the Côte d'Azur (France)
Phys. Dept.
Univ. Nice
Figure 1
– Rome University – “Sapienza” (Italy)
– Savoie University (France)
– Shanghai Astronomical Observatory (China)
– Stockholm University (Sweden)
– Tartu Observatory (Estonia)
The IRAP PHD program intends to create conditions for high level education in
Astrophysics mainly in Europe to create a new generation of leading scientists in the
region. No single university in Europe today has the expertise required to attain this
ambitious goal by itself. For this reason we have identified universities which offers a very
large complementarity expertise. The students admitted and currently following courses
and doing research in such a program are given in the following:
Figure 2
-Chiappinelli Anna
-Cianfrani Francesco
-Guida Roberto
-Rotondo Michael
-Vereshchagin Gregory
-Yegoryan Gegham
Fourth Cycle 2005-08
-Battisti Marco Valerio
-Dainotti Maria.Giovanna
-Khachatryan Harutyun
-Lecian Orchidea Maria
-Pizzi Marco
-Pompi Francesca
Fifth Cycle
-Caito Letizia
-De Barros Gustavo,
-Minazzoli Olivier,
-Patricelli Barbara,
-Rangel Lemos Luis Juracy,
-Rueda Hernandez Jorge Armando
Sixth Cycle
-Ferroni Valerio
-Izzo Luca
Third Cycle 2004-07
-Kanaan Chadia
-Pugliese Daniela
-Siutsou Ivan
-Sigismondi Costantino
Seventh Cycle 2008-2011
-Belvedere Riccardo
-Ceccobello Chiara
-Ferrara Walter
-Ferrari Francesca
-Han Wenbiao
-Luongo Orlando
-Pandolfi Stefania
-Taj Safia
Eight Cycle 2009-2012
-Boshkayev Kuantay
-Bravetti Alessandro
-Ejlli Damian
-Fermani Paolo
-Haney Maria
-Menegoni Eloisa
-Sahakyan Narek
-Saini Sahil
Ninth Cycle 2010-2013
(including Erasmus
Mundus call)
-Arguelles Carlos
-Benetti Micol
-Muccino Marco
-Baranov Andrey
-Benedetti Alberto
-Dutta Parikshit
-Fleig Philipp
-Gruber Christine
-Liccardo Vincenzo
-Machado De Oliveira Fraga Bernardo
-Martins De Carvalho Sheyse
-Penacchioni Ana Virginia
-Valsan Vineeth
Tenth Cycle 2011-2014
(including Erasmus
Mundus call)
-Cáceres Uribe, Diego Leonardo
-Raponi, Andrea
-Rau, Gioia
-Wang, Yu
-Begue, Damien
-Dereli, Husne
-Gregoris, Daniele
-Iyyani, Shabnam Syamsunder
-Pereira, Jonas Pedro
-Pisani, Giovanni
-Rakshit, Suvendu
-Sversut Arsioli, Bruno
-Wu, Yuanbin
Eleventh Cycle 2012-2015 -Barbarino, Cristina
(including Erasmus
-Bardho, Onelda
Mundus call)
-Cipolletta, Federico
-Enderli, Maxime
-Filina, Anastasia
-Galstyan, Irina
-Gomes De Oliveira, Fernanda
-Khorrami, Zeinab
-Ludwig, Hendrik
-Sawant, Disha
-Strobel, Eckhard
We enclose the Posters of the IRAP-PhD for all the above cycles.
7) The Erasmus Mundus Ph.D. program (see Enclosure 7)
Each student admitted to the Erasmus Mundus program of the IRAP Ph.D. will be part of
a team inside one of the laboratories of the consortium. Each year they will have the
opportunity to visit the other laboratories of the consortium and enlighten themselves
with new topics in the forefront research from world leading experts. In this way the
students will come in direct contact with some of the leading scientists in the world
working in General Relativity, Relativistic Astrophysics and in Quantum Field Theory. In
addition to the theoretical centers, we associate experimental and observational center as
well. This will provide an opportunity to the Ph.D students to obtain a complete education
in theoretical relativistic astrophysics and also an experience on how to carry out a specific
astrophysical mission.
All the institutions participating in IRAP PhD have an extensive experience in
international collaborations including visiting professors, post-doctoral researchers and
training of Ph.D. students. All of our partners have enrolled Ph.D. students inside their
laboratories in various aspects of astrophysics.
8) Project for the ICRANet Center at Casino de Urca (see Enclosure 8)
We have followed the architectural project for the ICRANet Center at the Casino de Urca
in Rio de Janeiro, Brazil.
9) Adhesion of South Korea to ICRANet
We have started the procedure for the adhesion of South Korea to ICRANet, with a Seat at
the EWHA University in Seoul.
10) Lines of research
We turn now to the research activity of ICRANet, which by Statute addresses the
developments of research in Astrophysics in the theoretical framework of Albert Einstein’s
theories of special and general relativity. Thanks to an unprecedented developments of
observational techniques from the ground, from Space, and even in underground
experiments in astroparticle physics, we are today capturing signals never before
conceived and received in all the history of homo sapiens. The Einstein theory of relativity,
for many years relegated to the boundaries of physics and mathematics, has become today
the authentic conceptual and theoretical “backbone” of this exponentially growing field of
relativistic astrophysics.
In the Report of 2009, as a testimonial of this developments, I enclosed the paper “The
Ergosphere and Dyadosphere of Black Holes” which has appeared in “The Kerr
spacetime”, edited by David L. Wiltshire, Matt Visser and Susan M. Scott (Cambridge
University Press, 2009). In it, I traced the exciting developments, which started with the
understanding on the nuclear evolutions of stars, and had then led to the discovery of
neutron stars, and through the splendid work of Riccardo Giacconi and colleagues, to the
first identification of a black hole in our galaxy. I also enclosed the paper “Moments with
Yakov Borisovich Zeldovich” (appeared in the Proceedings of the International
Conference “The Sun, the Stars, the Universe, and General Relativity” in honor of Ya.B.
Zeldovich's 95th Anniversary, Editors R. Ruffini and G.V. Vereshchagin, AIP Conference
Proceedings, Vol. 1205 (2010) p. 1-10), recalling some of the crucial moments in the
developments of relativistic astrophysics in Soviet Union around the historical figure of
Ya.B. Zeldovich. I recalled how the initial activities of ICRANet were guided by three
major scientific components (see Fig. 3), which have indeed seen, in recent times, further
important developments:
The knowledge made possible by general relativity and especially by the
Kerr solution and its electrodynamical generalization in the Kerr-Newman black hole (see
e.g. the recent development of the dyadotorus concept, Fig. 4).
The great knowledge gained in relativistic quantum field theories originating
from particle accelerators, colliders and nuclear reactors from laboratories distributed
worldwide (see e.g. the recent developments at CERN, Fig. 5).
The splendid facilities orbiting in space, from the Chandra to the XMM, to
the Swift and Fermi missions as well as many other satellites, the VLT and Keck telescopes
on the ground, as well as the radio telescope arrays offer us the possibility, for the first
time, of the observations of the most transient and energetic sources in the universe: the
Gamma-Ray Bursts (GRBs) (see e.g. the recent developments thanks to additional
scientific missions, Fig. 6).
In the 2009 report I have shown that, thanks to a fortunate number of events and
conceptual and scientific resonances, a marked evolution of these topics had occurred.
New fields of research had sprouted up from the previous ones at the ICRANet Center in
Pescara, at ICRA in Rome and at the other Member Institutions. The synergy created by
the theoretical developments and the new astrophysical observations had stimulated
novel and important results in a vast range of theoretical topics (see Fig. 7).
The topic about the Kerr-Newman Black Holes had been sprouting up in three
new fields: The Kerr-Newman Black holes (L, M, Q); The solitonic equations of GR; GR solutions
with L, M, Q, X.
Kerr-Newman Black Holes (L, M, Q): We had and we have the opportunity of the
presence in Pescara of Prof. Roy Kerr as ICRANet Adjunct Professor and discussed the
fundamental issues of the uniqueness of the Kerr-Newman Black Hole. A distinct progress
in this collaboration has appeared in the paper by D. Bini, A. Geralico, R. Kerr, “The KerrShild ansatz revised”, International Journal of Geometric Methods in Modern Physics
(IJGMMP) 7 (2010), 693-703.
The solitonic equations of GR: An alternative derivation of the Kerr solution had
been advanced in a classical paper of 1978 by V. Belinski and V. Zakharov using inverse
scattering method. The generalization of this method to the presence of electromagnetic
field was constructed in 1980 by G. Alekseev and Kerr-Newman solution has been derived
by him in analogous way at the same year. Prof. V. Belinski is now an ICRANet Faculty
Member and has further developed this research with the effective collaboration of Prof.
G. Alekseev which is an ICRANet Lecturer. This activity was presented at the 12 th Marcel
Grossmann Meeting and at number of other conferences and has reached a new maturity.
GR solutions with L, M, Q, X: The unsolved problem of a physical solution in
general relativity of an astrophysical object which must be characterized necessarily by
four parameters, mass, charge, angular momentum and quadrupole moment, has also
been debated for years and it is yet not satisfactorily solved. The presence of ICRANet of
Prof. Quevedo as an Adjunct Professor has shown an important result published by Bini,
Geralico, Longo, Quevedo [Class. Quant. Grav., 26 (2009), 225006]. This result has been
obtained for the special case of a Mashhooon-Quevedo solution characterized only by
mass, angular momentum and quadrupole moment. It has been shown that indeed such a
Mashhoon-Quevedo solution can be matched to an internal solution solved in the postNewtonian approximation by Hartle and Thorne for a rotating star.
Similarly, the Gamma-Ray Bursts topic had been sprouting up two additional new
fields: Ultra high energy sources and Supernovae.
Figure 4
Figure 3
Figure 6
Figure 5
Figure 7
Gamma-Ray Bursts: The research on GRBs in ICRANet is wide and has been
participated by many Members of the Faculty and of the Adjunct Faculty, as well as by
many Lecturers, Research Scientists and graduate students. Traditionally, GRBs are
divided into two classes, “short” GRBs and “long” GRBs, arranged in a bimodal
distribution with a separation around a duration of 2s. In 2001 we proposed that both
short and long GRBs are created by the same process of gravitational collapse to a black
hole. The energy source is the e+e- plasma created in the process of the black hole
formation. The two parameters characterizing the GRB are the total energy E e±tot of such an
e+e- plasma and its baryon loading B defined as B=MBc2/Ee±tot, where MB is the mass of the
baryon loading. The e+e- plasma evolves as a self-accelerating optically thick fireshell up to
when it become transparent, hence we refer to our theoretical model as the “fireshell
model”. We have defined a “canonical GRB” light curve with two sharply different
components. The first one is the Proper-GRB (P-GRB), which is emitted when the optically
thick fireshell becomes transparent and consequently has a very well defined time scale
determined by the transparency condition. The second component is the emission due to
the collision between the accelerated baryonic matter and the CircumBurst Medium
(CBM). This comprises what is usually called the “afterglow”. The relative energetics of
the two components is a function of B. For B < 10 -5 the GRB is “P-GRB dominated”, since
the P-GRB is energetically dominant over the second component. The contrary is true for B
larger than such a critical value. Since 2001 it has been a major point of our theoretical
model that the long GRBs are simply identified with the peak of this second component.
As such, they don’t have an intrinsic time scale: their duration is just a function of the
instrumental noise threshold. This prediction has been strongly supported by the
observations of Swift and now of Fermi and Agile satellites. It is now clear, therefore, that
the duration usually quoted as characterizing the so-called long GRB class is not related to
intrinsic properties of the source but it only depends on the instrumental noise threshold.
This is quite different from the case of the short GRBs. In the last year report we have
strengthen our aim to identify different families of GRBs originating from different
Ultra high energy sources: This additional topic was motivated by the interaction
with Brian Punsly and was well documented in his volume “Black hole
gravitohydromagnetics” (Springer) as well as in the joining of ICRANet by Prof. Felix
Aharonian as representative of Armenia in the Scientific Committee and by his
appointment as the Adjunct Professor of ICRANet. Many of the observational work done
by Prof. Aharonian are crucial for the theoretical understanding of the ultra high energy
sources. Prof. Aharonian started also his collaboration with the IRAP PhD program where
he is following the thesis of graduate students as thesis advisor.
Supernovae: GRBs have broaden the existing problematic of the study of
Supernovae. In some models, e.g. the “collapsar” one, all GRBs are assumed to originate
from supernovae. Within our approach, we assume that core-collapse supernovae can
only lead to neutron stars, and we also assume that GRBs are exclusively generated in the
collapse to a black hole. Within this framework, supernovae and GRBs do necessarily
originate in a binary system composed by an evolved main sequence star and a neutron
star. The concept of induced gravitational collapse leads to the temporal coincidence between
the transition from the neutron star to the black hole and the concurrent transition of the
late evolved star into a supernova. Support to our model was given in last year report by
GRB 0606014. The above mentioned binary systems are expected to be by far the most
frequent, but they are the less energetics and they are observable only up to redshifts z <
0.5. We gave reason in the lat year report that the most energetic GRBs do originate from
the merging of binary systems formed by two neutron stars or a neutron star and a white
dwarf, not giving rise to a supernova. This very wide topic has been promoted by the
collaboration with Prof. Massimo Della Valle, who is an Adjunct Professor at ICRANet.
This kind of research is particularly important for trying to find a coincidence between
electromagnetic radiation, high-energy particles, ultra high-energy cosmic rays and
gravitational radiation, possible observable for existing or future detectors.
Similarly, the Relativistic Quantum Field Theory topic has been sprouting up two
additional new fields: “Von Kerner Zum Sterner” and Plasma Thermalization.
“Von Kerner Zum Sterner”: A multi-year study in ICRA and ICRANet has been
devoted to the relativistic Thomas-Fermi equations. The early work was directed to the
analysis of superheavy nuclei. In the last years, a special attention has been given to
formulate a unified approach which, on one side, describes the superheavy nuclei and, on
the other, what we have called “Massive Nuclear Cores”. These last ones are systems of
about 1057 nucleons, kept together in beta equilibrium and at nuclear density due to the
effect of self gravity. The most surprising result has been that the analytic treatment used
by Prof. Popov and his group in their classical work on superheavy nuclei can be scaled to
the Massive Nuclear Core regime in presence of gravity. The consequences of this is that
an electric field close to the critical value Ec = me2c3/(e) can be found on the surface layer of
such Massive Nuclear Cores. This fortunate result has triggered a great interest and has
opened what it can be considered a new approach to the electrodynamics of neutron stars
within ICRANet.
Relativistic Quantum Field Theory: A major effort in the last years has been to
review the electron-positron creation and annihilation processes in physics and
astrophysics. Particularly in the paper by Ruffini, Vereshchagin, Xue [Phys. Rep. 487
(2010) 1-140] there are reviewed the conceptual developments which led Dirac to describe
the system e+e-  2g, Breit Wheeler to describe the system 2g  e+e- and the classical papers
of Sauter, Euler, Heisenberg and Schwinger to the analysis of vacuum polarization and
pair creation in an overcritical electric field Ec = me2c3/(e). In addition three ultrarelativistic
processes have been in depth reviewed. They deal with (1) the vacuum polarization
process in the field of a Kerr-Newman black hole; (2) the feedback of the electron-positron
pair creation on the overcritical electric field; and (3) the thermalization process of the
created e+e- plasma. This reports, with more than 500 references, gives the background
Figure 8
necessary to initiate the study of the quantum field theory description of the
electrodynamical approach in the process of gravitational collapse.
Plasma thermalization: The physics of electron-positron plasma has appeared to be
relevant for GRBs, but also for the Early Universe, in laboratory experiments with
ultraintense lasers etc. We study both nonequilibrium effects such as thermalization and
associated timescales, as well as dynamical effects such as accelerated expansion in the
optically thick regime. Relativistic numerical codes are designed and widely implemented
in this research. The basic outcomes include: determination from the first principles of
relaxation timescales of optically thick electron-positron plasma with baryonic loading in
the wide range of plasma parameters; conclusion that deviations from a simple "frozen
radial profile" in spatial distributions of energy and matter densities of expanding
electron-positron plasma with baryonic loading are possible. The last conclusion imply in
particular the possibility to recover the spatial distribution of matter and energy in the
process of collapse of a GRB progenitor to a black hole.
Out of these developments twelve scientific presentation were presented in the last
meeting of the Scientific Committee. In Fig. 8 there are presented in blue the topics of
selected oral presentations to the Scientific Committee on December 14th–15th, 2009.
In 2010 report all the topics have further developed and strengthened and
additional topics have sprouted, as it is shown in Fig. 9a, where the projection of these
researches are represented. This has led to a deeper understanding of the initial field of
research, but has led as well to a wider number of fundamental topics covered by the
scientific programs developed at ICRANet.
In the 2011 report and in this 2012 report I report the consolidation of this program,
also thanks to the involvement of all the IRAP-PhD students (see Fig. 9b). I will review
here just a few topics, which will also be presented in the oral contributions of this
Scientific Meeting.
The topic of BKL cosmology is one of the most important and classical
contributions of Einstein theory to the study of cosmology. This classic work, developed
by Belinski, Kalatnikov and Lifshitz, has already been reviewed in all the major treaties on
general relativity, but only recently a new insight has come from the impressive
discoveries made by Thibault Damour at the IHES in Paris, by Prof. Mark Henneaux at the
University of Bruxelles, and by Herman Nicolai at the Albert Einstein Institute in
Potsdam, on the way to generalize the BKL theory of cosmological singularity to the string
theories. The new results can be of essential importance for understanding the problem of
cosmological singularity and for the identification of hidden internal symmetries in
fundamental physics. Prof. Belinski has already finished his part of a new book on
“Cosmological singularities” which will written in co-authorship with Prof. Damour. The
book has planned to be published by Cambridge University Press. A shortened and
adapted version of this book has already been presented in the AIP conference
proceedings of XIV Brazilian School of Cosmology and Gravitation (V. Belinski “On the
Singularity Phenomenon in Cosmology”, in: Chapter 2, Cosmology and Gravitation: XIV
Brazilian School of Cosmology and Gravitation, Cambridge Scientific Publishers, 2011).
Three graduate students of the IRAP PhD program are actually working on this topic for
their theses with Profs. Hagen Kleinert and Hermann Nicolai in Berlin (Dutta, Fleig, and
On a different topic, during the last year the solitonic solutions of GR has received
new interest in respect of the exact solutions of Einstein and Einstein-Maxwell equations:
a) The old problem how to generate the exact stationary axisymmetric solutions
corresponding to the charged masses with horizons in the framework of Inverse Scattering
Method (ISM) was investigated. It was shown that applicability of the ISM in presence of
electromagnetic field is not restricted only to the cases with naked singularities (as it have
been erroneously stated by some authors). In fact solutions of Einstein-Maxwell equations
with horizon also follows from ISM and they are of the same solitonic character. The
mathematical procedure of analytical continuations of the naked-singularity solitonic
solutions in the space of their parameters which procedure results in solitonic solutions
with horizon has been described (G. Alekseev and V. Belinski “Soliton Nature of
Equilibrium State of Two Charged Masses in General Relativity”, arXiv:gr-qc/1103.0582,
IJMP(D) in press, 2011); b) It was found the new way of derivation of the Kerr solution by
adding to the Schwarzchild black hole the solitonic vortex made from the pure
gravitational field. With this method, one can figure out how rotational energy can
contribute to the mass of the resulting Kerr black hole. Also the relation of the HansonRegge type between the mass and angular momentum of a Kerr black hole has been
established and its connection with the Christodoulou-Ruffini concept of irreducible mass
was analyzed (V. Belinski and H. W. Lee “Kerr rotation as solitonic whirl around
Schwarzschild black hole”, Nuovo Cimento, submitted, 2011). The report is on Page 1.
The report on Gamma-Ray Bursts starts on page 15. Major progresses have been
accomplished this years in the following aspects: 1) We evidenced a broadening of the
spectral energy distribution within the fireshell model for highly energetic GRBs (~10 53-1054
ergs). 2) We identified a new family of very energetic sources (GRB 080319B and GRB
050904); both these sources are at an energy of 10 54 ergs and they offer unprecedented
opportunities since one is located at z ~ 1 and the other at z ~ 6.3: the nearby source allow a
most significant high-quality data on very short time scale which has allowed to reach a
deeper understanding of the instantaneous spectrum vs. the average one. Both of them
appear to originate from a collapse of a black hole of 10 solar masses. Still members of this
family appears to be GRB 090423 at z ~ 8. New outlook has been brought to this field by
the Fermi and AGILE satellites and the very exciting preliminary results have been
obtained on GRB 080916C and GRB 090902B. 3) We analyzed the P-GRB observed spectra.
Particularly exciting is the new possibility of having components yet to be observed in
GRB sources. In fact, we have shown that it is not possible to interpret GRB 090618 and
GRB 101023 within the framework of the traditional single component GRB model. We
argue that the observation of the first episode of duration of around 50s could not be a
part of a canonical GRB, while the residual emission could be modeled easily with the
models existing in literature. This led to the definition of the novel concept of “proto-black
hole emission”. 4) Thanks to this new understanding, we studied the X-ray emission
shown by GRBs associated to SNe as due to the newly born neutron star, introducing the
concept of the “neo neutron stars” and further developing the Induced Gravitational
Collapse (IGC) scenario. 5) We identified the first example of genuine short GRBs. 6) The
new developments of the IGC scenario led us to explore the possibility to introduce a new
redshift estimator for members of the subclass of IGC-GRBs (see Figs. 10-18). Particularly
interesting is also the possible collaboration with Brazil on space projects (see the report
on page 493).
Figure 10: A candidate Genuine Short GRB
Figure 11: Spectrum of the genuine short
Figure 12: GRB 090618 light curve
Figure 13: GRB 101023 light curve
Figure 14: Temperature evolution in Episode 1 of Figure 15: Radius evolution in Episode 1 of GRB
GRB 090618
Figure 16: Comparison between X-Ray
Figure 17: Comparison between X-Ray
afterglows of GRB 090618 at z = 0.54 and GRB afterglows of GRB 090618 at z = 0.54 and GRB
101023 for selected z values.
101023 assuming z = 0.9.
Figure 18: Arnett and Meakin 2D computations of core collapse.
In the report “Relativistic effects in Physics and Astrophysics” (see page 431) it is
studied the distribution of the GRB bolometric luminosity over the EQTSs, with special
attention to the prompt emission phase. We analyze as well the temporal evolution of the
EQTS apparent size in the sky. We use the analytic solutions of the equations of motion of
the fireshell and the corresponding analytic expressions of the EQTSs which have been
presented in recent works and which are valid for both the fully radiative and the
adiabatic dynamics. We find the novel result that at the beginning of the prompt emission
the most luminous regions of the EQTSs are the ones closest to the line of sight. On the
contrary, in the late prompt emission and in the early afterglow phases the most luminous
EQTS regions are the ones closest to the boundary of the visible region (see Fig. 19). We
find as well an expression for the apparent radius of the EQTS in the sky, valid in both the
fully radiative and the adiabatic regimes. Such considerations are essential for the
theoretical interpretation of the prompt emission phase of GRBs.
The collaboration on Supernovae is mainly centered from almost daily scientific
contact with Prof. Massimo Della Valle, who is currently PI of a VLT proposal “A
spectroscopic study of the supernova/GRB connection”. A short summary of the
internationally well-known activities of Prof. Della Valle, who is an Adjunct Professor at
ICRANet, is given in the report on page 1795, which contains the many publications in
international journals. Prof. Della Valle is also very active following one graduate student
of the IRAP PhD program.
Figure 19: Evolution of luminosity over the EQTSs
The Report on “Cosmology and Large Scale Structures” on page 497 manifests the
progress made by the ICRANet group at the University of Arizona. It deals with three
different topics. A. Turbulence behavior of cosmic baryon gas. With hydrodynamic simulation
sample of the LCDM universe produced by the WENO algorithm, we show that the
intermittency of the velocity field of cosmic baryon fluid at redshift z=0 in the scale range
from the Jeans length to about 16h-1 Mpc can be extremely well described by the SheLévĕque's scaling formula, which is used to describe a fully developed turbulence. We also
found that the non-Gaussian features of the cosmic baryon fluid and Ly-a transmitted flux
of quasar absorption spectrum can be well described by a log-Poisson hierarchy. B.
Wouthuysen-Field coupling. With a state-of-the-art numerical method, we show that the
resonant scattering of Ly-a photons with neutral hydrogen atoms will lock the color
temperature of the photon spectrum around the Ly-a frequency to be equal to the kinetic
temperature of hydrogen gas. The time scales of the onset of Wouthuysen-Field coupling,
the profile of frequency distribution of photons in the state of local thermal equilibrium,
the effects of the expansion of the universe on the Wouthuysen-Field coupling in a optical
thick halos have also been found. These results are essential for studying the 21 cm signal
from high redshift sources. C. Time-dependent behavior of Lya photon transfer. Lya photons
have been widely applied to study cosmological problems in high redshifts. Since the time
scales of high redshift sources, such as GRBs, generally are short, time-dependent
solutions of Lya photon transfer becomes serious. However, no reliable numerical solvers
of the time-dependent problem of radiative transfer equation with resonant scattering
have been developed till 2006. The time-dependent solver (Meiksin, MN, 370, (2006), 20252037) still cannot pass the test of analytical solutions (Field, ApJ, 129, (1959), 551). The
solver based on the WENO scheme has been established. It can very well pass various
tests (Roy et al ApJ, 716, 2010, 604). It reveals many interesting features of the time
evolution of resonant photons Lya in optical thick medium. It provides the solutions of
studying the time-dependent effect of resonant scattering on the profile of red damping
wing of GRBs. It is crucial to understand the halos of GRBs.
The Report “Theoretical Astroparticle Physics” on page 547 represents the
summary of activities during the last year on this topic by the group including: Carlo
Luciano Bianco, Massimiliano Lattanzi, Remo Ruffini, Gregory Vereshchagin, She-Sheng
Xue. Students working within the group include: Micol Benetti, Alberto Benedetti, Damien
Begue, Eloisa Menegoni, Stefania Pandolfi, Ivan Siutsou. Astroparticle physics is a new
field of research emerging at the intersection of particle physics, astrophysics and
cosmology. We focused on several topics with three major directions of research: a)
electron-positron plasma, b) photospheric emission from ultrarelativistic outflows, c)
correlation dynamics in cosmology, d) neutrinos and large scale structure formation in
cosmology, e) semidegenerate self-gravitating systems of fermions as a model for dark
matter halos and f) constraining cosmological models with CMB observations.
Electron-positron plasma appear relevant for GRBs and also for the Early Universe,
in laboratory experiments with ultraintense lasers, etc. We study nonequilibrium effects
such as thermalization and associated timescales, dynamical effects such as accelerated
expansion in the optically thick regime and the photospheric emission from relativistic
plasma. Relativistic kinetic and hydrodynamic numerical codes are designed and widely
implemented in this research. We examine the quantum corrections to the collision
integrals and determine the timescales of relaxation towards thermal equilibrium for high
temperature electron-positron-photon plasma. Since in such case the characteristic
timescales of two-body and three-body interactions are no longer different, the collision
integrals for three-particle interactions have to be computed directly from the QED matrix
elements, similar to the two-body interactions. We point out that unlike classical
Boltzmann equation for binary interactions such as scattering, more general interactions
are typically described by four collision integrals for each particle that appears both
among incoming and outgoing particles (A.G. Aksenov, R. Ruffini. I.A. Siutsou and G.V.
Vereshchagin, “Bose enhancement and Pauli blocking in the pair plasma”, in preparation).
These results extend the previous results obtained in A.G. Aksenov, R. Ruffini and G.V.
Vereshchagin, Physical Review D, Vol. 79 (2009) 043008; Physical Review Letters, Vol. 99
(2007) No 12, 125003, and oral report on this topic will be made by I.A. Siutsou. Using
relativistic Boltzmann equations we study microphysical interactions and photon emission
from optically thick relativistic electron-positron plasma initially energy-dominated and
confined to a spherical region. Due to numerical limitations we cannot consider very high
optical depths relevant for GRBs. However we may follow the process of self acceleration
and formation of the shell which reaches mildly relativistic bulk velocity of expansion
before it becomes transparent for radiation, similarly to electron-positron plasma in GRB
sources. We follow dynamical evolution of particle number density, optical depth,
hydrodynamic velocity, luminosity and spectra. We find unexpectedly that the spectrum
of emission near its peak is different from pure thermal one, and contains more power in
the low energy part of the spectrum (A.G. Aksenov, R. Ruffini. I.A. Siutsou and G.V.
Vereshchagin, “Dynamics and emission ofmildly relativistic plasma”, to appear in
proceedings of the 2nd Galileo-XuGuangqi meeting, 12-17 July 2010, Hanbury Gardens,
Ventimiglia, Italy). The oral report on this topic will be made by G.V. Vereshchagin. We
investigate the behavior of the electron-positron pairs created by a strong electric field.
This problem has been studied in our previous work (A. Benedetti, W.-B. Han, R. Ruffini
and G.V. Vereshchagin, Physics Letters B, Vol. 698 (2011) 75-79.) using simple formalism
based on continuity and energy-momentum conservation equations. Now we extend that
work using the more general kinetic approach (A.G. Aksenov, R. Ruffini and G.V.
Vereshchagin, Physical Review D, Vol. 79 (2009) 043008). It allows us to obtain some new
results. Simultaneous creation and acceleration of electron-positron pairs in an external
electric field creates a peculiar distribution of pairs in momentum space. After few
oscillations this distribution relaxes to a certain equilibrium which may be characterized
by two “temperatures”: orthogonal and parallel to the direction of electric field. The
orthogonal temperature is much smaller than the parallel one. The internal energy
intrinsic to this peculiar distribution of pairs in the momentum space after few oscillations
dominates the energy budget of the system, thus damping oscillations significantly,
compared to the simple above mentioned treatment. The effects of interactions with
photons are also under investigation (A. Benedetti, R. Ruffini and G.V. Vereshchagin,
“Evolution of the pair plasma generated by a strong electric field”, in preparation). The
oral report on this topic will be made by A. Benedetti. We consider analogies and
differences of physical conditions of electron-positron plasma in GRBs and in cosmology.
In particular, we derive the basic conservation equations which are valid for electronpositron plasma both in GRBs and in the early Universe. We show that the range of
number densities and temperatures for both cases are similar, and consequently nuclear
reprocessing should take place in GRB sources, similarly to the cosmological
nucleosynthesis. Finally, we obtain the lower limit on the temperature in GRB plasma
before it reaches the transparency condition. This lower limit turns out to be extremely
insensitive to the basic parameters and initial conditions, being always higher than the
ionization potential of hydrogen. It implies that hydrogen recombination does not occur in
GRB plasma, unlike the early Universe (R. Ruffini and G.V. Vereshchagin, ”Electronpositron plasma in GRBs and in cosmology”, in preparation (2011)). The oral report on this
topic will be made by G.V. Vereshchagin.
We study the photospheric emission from ultrarelativistic outflows, focusing on
dynamics of photospheres and relativistic effects (see Figs. 20-21). It is our main finding
that the photospheric emission appears non thermal, and may be described by the Band
function well known in the GRB literature, when time integrated spectra are analyzed. We
also find that only time integrated spectra may be observed from energetic GRBs (R.
Ruffni, I. A. Siutsou and G. V. Vereshchagin, “Theory of photospheric emission from
relativistic outflows”, submitted to the Astrophysical Journal (2011)). The oral report on
this topic will be made by G.V. Vereshchagin.In the framework of cosmology two
fundamental processes are known to occur in a self-gravitating system of collisionless
massive particles: gravitational instability and violent relaxation. A new analytic approach
is aimed in describing these two apparently distinct phenomena as different
manifestations of essentially the same physical process: gravitational structure formation.
This approach is based on application of two averaging schemes: spatial averaging and
coarse-graining. A master equation for spatially averaged coarse grained distribution
function of dark matter is constructed and its limiting cases are analyzed. Discussion of
the related works, such as the recent work of J. Einasto et al., (A&A, 531, A75, 2011)
discussing phase synchronization in the large scale structure is presented (R. Ruffini and
G.V. Vereshchagin and R. Zalaletdinov, ”Correlation dynamics in cosmology”, in
preparation (2011)). The oral report on this topic will be made by G.V. Vereshchagin. We
show how the distribution of Dark Matter (DM) in galaxies can be explained within a
model based on a semidegenerate self-gravitating system of fermions in General
Relativity. We reproduce the observed properties of galaxies as the core, the halo, as well
as the flattening of the rotation curves. In order to account for the evaporation phenomena
(the escape velocity) we introduced a cut-off in the fermion momentum space. The model
provides physical interpretation of phenomenological pseudo-isothermal sphere and
Burkert DM profiles. It is consistent with a mass of the DM particle of the order of 14 KeV,
compatible with a possible sterile neutrino interpretation. The oral report on this topic will
be made by I.A. Siutsou.
Figure 20: Evolution of the photospheric EQTS
and the light curve of photospheric emission
(thick red curve) from the photon thin coasting
outflow. Observed temperature of photospheric
emission is illustrated by color, see legend.
Figure 21: Evolution of the photospheric EQTS
and the light curve of photospheric emission
(thick red curve) from the photon thick coasting
outflow. Observed temperature of photospheric
emission is illustrated by color, see legend.
Constraining cosmological models with Cosmic Microwave Background
observations: Precision measurement of the cosmological observables have led to believe
that we leave in a flat Friedmann Universe, seeded by nearly scale-invariant adiabatic
primordial fluctuations. The majority (∼ 70%) of the energy density of the Universe is in
the form of a fluid with a cosmological constant-like equation of state (w ∼ −1), dubbed
dark energy, that is responsible for the observed acceleration of the Universe. This socalled concordance model is adequately described by just six parameters, namely the baryon
density, the cold dark matter density, the Hubble constant, the reionization optical depth,
the amplitude and the spectral index of the primordial spectrum of density fluctuations.
These parameters are measured to a very high precision. However, even if the
concordance model gives a very satisfactory fit of all available data, it is worth to consider
extended models and to constraint their parameters. In some cases these extended models
simply arise when considering properties that, to a first approximation, can be neglected
when interpreting cosmological data. This is the case for parameters like the neutrino mass
and the curvature of the Universe. Both are very small and can be put to zero as a first
approximation; however, allowing them to vary allows to put useful constraints on their
Cosmology can set bounds on both the active and sterile neutrino masses, as well
as on the number of sterile neutrino species. Indeed, neutrino oscillation experiments have
brought to light the first departure from the standard model of particle physics, indicating
that neutrinos have nonzero masses and opening the possibility for a number of extra
sterile neutrinos. We find that models with two massive sub-eV sterile neutrinos plus
three sub-eV active states are perfectly allowed at the 95% CL by current cosmic
microwave background, galaxy clustering, and Supernova Ia data (Giusarma et al. Phys.
Rev. D., Vol 83 (2011) 115023). This bounds have been obtained in the context of a ΛCDM
cosmology, and other scenarios with a dark energy component could allow for larger
neutrino masses and/or abundances. We have also shown that big bang nucleosynthesis
helium-4 and deuterium abundances exclude (3+2) models at the 95% CL. However, the
extra sterile states do not necessarily need to feature thermal abundances at decoupling.
Their precise abundances are related to their mixings with the active neutrinos in the early
Universe. Moreover, we have found that future cosmological data like those from the
Planck satellite are expected to measure sub-eV active and sterile neutrino masses and
sterile abundances with 10-30% precision, for sub-eV (0.5 eV> mν >0.1 eV) sterile neutrino
masses (E. Giusarma et al. Phys. Rev. D., Vol 83 (2011) 115023). We have also shown that
the presence of massive sterile neutrinos in the Universe could be inferred from
inconsistencies among the values of H0 obtained from cosmic microwave and galaxy
clustering probes and those arising from independent measurements of the Hubble
constant over the next decade. Comparing cosmological measurements of the active
neutrino mass with those obtained from tritium beta-decay experiments could also test the
validity of the cosmological assumptions. The oral report on this topic will be made by S.
In the concordance model, reionization is assumed to happen instantaneously.
Indeed, details of the reionization processes in the late universe are not very well known
and thus a more realistic description is definetely in order. We have explored the imprints
of general reionization histories on the CMB spectra. Making use of the parameterization
of reionization based on a principal component approach we have deduced information
about tensor modes, and explored how the inflation constraints are modified when the
standard reionization assumption is relaxed (S. Pandolfi et al, Phys. Rev. D Vol 82 (2010),
123527). The tensor-to-scalar ratio bounds are largely unmodified under more general
reionization scenarios. Therefore, present (future) primordial gravitational wave searches
are (will be) unaffected by the precise details of reionization processes. Hybrid models,
ruled out in the standard reionization scheme, are still allowed at the 95% c.l. by WMAP7
data. The constraints on other inflationary models, such as large-field or small-field
models, do not change. With the aim of constraining the evolution of cosmic reionization,
we also have extended the previous work based on the use of Principal Components
analysis (Pandolfi et al., accepted for publication in Phys. Rev. D). The main novelty of our
analysis is represented on one hand by complementing available CMB data with
additional astrophysical results from quasar absorption line experiments, as the GunnPeterson test and the redshift evolution of Lyman Limit Systems. In addition, we have for
the first time explored the effects of a joint variation of both the cosmological and
astrophysical parameters. We have concluded that inclusion of astrophysical datasets,
allowing to robustly constrain the reionization history, in the extraction procedure of
cosmological parameters leads to relatively important differences in the final
determination of their values.
There is ample experimental evidence showing that fundamental couplings run
with energy, and many particle physics and cosmology models suggest that they should
also roll with time. In fact, both the European Space Agency (ESA) and the European
Southern Observatory (ESO) now list varying fundamental constants among their key
science drivers for the next generation of facilities. In particular the presence of a scalar
field at recombination could induce variations in the fine structure constant. While the
effects of a cosmological constant at recombination are completely negligible, dynamical
scalar fields could track the dominant energy component, be present at the recombination
and induce variations in α if coupled to the electromagnetic sector. Searching for relations
in the variations of the fine structure constant and a non-negligible scalar field at
recombination, it is possible to describe the scalar field with a Early Dark Energy. We have
modified the CAMB code for early dark energy including the variations of the fine
structure constant and, using WMAP-7 years data and HST data, constrained the variation
of  and the coupling between the scalar field and the electromagnetic sector. Moreover,
we have performed a Fisher matrix analysis in order to assess the future sensitivity to
these parameters from CMB data, in particular from Planck and CMBPol. (E. Calabrese et
al., Phys. Rev. D Vol. 84 (2011) 023518). The oral report on this topic will be made by E.
Cosmological observations are in excellent agreement with the inflationary
prediction of adiabatic primordial perturbations with a nearly scale-invariant power
spectrum. In its simplest implementation, inflation is driven by the potential energy of a
single scalar field, the inflaton, slowly rolling down towards a minimum of its potential
and in more general inflationary models, there is the possibility that slow roll is briefly
violated. A violation of slow-roll (due for example to phase transitions occurring during
the slow roll in multi-field inflationary model) will possibly lead to detectable effects on
the cosmological observables, or at least to the opportunity to constraint these models by
the absence of such effects. In particular, step-like features in the primordial power
spectrum have been shown to lead to characteristic localized oscillations in the power
spectrum of the primordial curvature perturbation. Such oscillations have been considered
as a possible explanation to the “glitches” observed by WMAP in the temperature
anisotropy spectrum of the CMB. We have updated the constraints on possible features in
the primordial inflationary density perturbation spectrum using the latest data from
WMAP7 and ACT Cosmic Microwave Background experiments (Benetti et al., Phys. Rev.
D Vol 84 (2011) 063509). In particular, we have compared the theoretical predictions of a
specific model, i.e., chaotic inflation, and of a more general phenomenological model to
the WMAP7 and ACT data, in order to find constraints on the parameter describing the
model. We have found that models with features can improve the fit to the WMAP7 data
when the step in the potential is placed in way to produce oscillations in the region 20 < l <
60, i.e., in correspondence of the WMAP glitches. Increasing the dataset with ACT data, we
found confirmation but not further evidence for small scales glitches; however, models
with too high step are excluded by the data. We can conclude that models with a step
provide a significantly better fit than standard featureless power-law spectra, even if there
is not a clear statistical evidence in the data for extensions to the simplest inflationary
model. We have also found that forthcoming temperature and polarization data from
Planck will allow to measure the model parameters with remarkable precision, possibly
confirming the glitches presence in the region 20 < l < 60. The oral report on this topic will
be made by M. Benetti.
The most important metrics in general relativity is the Kerr-Newman solution
which describes the gravitational and electromagnetic fields of a rotating charged mass,
characterized by its mass M, charge Q and angular momentum L in geometrical units. This
solution characterizes the field of a black hole. For astrophysical purposes, however, it is
necessary to take into account the effects due to the moment of inertia of the object. To
attack this problem, an exact solution of the Einstein-Maxwell equations have been
proposed by Mashhoon and Quevedo which posses an infinite set of gravitational and
electromagnetic multipole moments. It is not clear, however, how this external solution to
an astrophysical object can be matched to a physical internal solution corresponding to a
physically acceptable rotating mass. The report “Generalization of the Kerr-Newman
solution” on page 805 reports on current progresses in using an explicit solution of the
Hartle-Thorne equation to an eternal solution with N independent quadrupole moments.
The report on “Cosmology and non linear relativistic field theories” on page 899
covered a wide range thematic in cosmology and non linear relativistic field theory
studied by Prof. M. Novello and his group. This include the geometrical description of
quantum mechanics where it is shown that quantum mechanics could be interpreted as a
modification of the euclidean nature of a 3D space into a particular affine space. In this
formulation, deformation of physical distances are in the core of quantum effects allowing
a geometrical formulation of the uncertainty principle. Prof. Novello also studied the
Higgs mechanism without Higgs boson. The purpose of this work is to show that the
gravitational interaction is able to generate mass for all body. It is extremely important
with the LHC experiment which soon will enlight us about the existing or not of the Higgs
particle. A main part of his activity is related to bouncing cosmology
The report on Black Holes and Quasars refers to the activity of Prof. Brian Punsly
(see page 985), who is actively participating within ICRANet with the publication of his
internationally recognized book on “Black hole gravitohydromagnetics”, the first and
second edition (2010) being published with Springer. In addition, Prof. Punsly have been
interested in observational properties of quasars such as broad line emission excess in
radio loud quasars accentuated for polar line of sight and excess narrow line widths of
broad emission lines in broad absorption line quasars, showing that this is best explained
by polar lines of sight.
The problem “The electron-positron pairs in physics and astrophysics: from
heavy nuclei to black holes” has been the subject of a physics reports of more than 500
references, which is inserted on page 1107, by Ruffini, Vereshchagin and Xue. There, all
the different aspects of the field has been reviewed: The fundamental contributions to the
electron-positron pair creation and annihilation and the concept of critical electric field;
Nonlinear electrodynamics and rate of pair creation; Pair production and annihilation in
QED; Semi-classical description of pair production in a general electric field;
Phenomenology of electron-positron pair creation and annihilation; The extraction of
blackholic energy from a black hole by vacuum polarization processes; Plasma oscillations
in electric fields; Thermalization of the mildly relativistic pair plasma. Due to the
interaction of physics and astrophysics we are witnessing in these years a splendid
synthesis of theoretical, experimental and observational results originating from three
fundamental physical processes. They were originally proposed by Dirac, by Breit and
Wheeler and by Sauter, Heisenberg, Euler and Schwinger. For almost seventy years they
have all three been followed by a continued effort of experimental verification on Earthbased experiments. The Dirac process, e +e- → g, has been by far the most successful. It has
obtained extremely accurate experimental verification and has led as well to an enormous
number of new physics in possibly one of the most fruitful experimental avenues by
introduction of storage rings in Frascati and followed by the largest accelerators
worldwide: DESY, SLAC etc. The Breit-Wheeler process, 2g → e+e-, although conceptually
simple, being the inverse process of the Dirac one, has been by far one of the most difficult
to be verified experimentally. Only recently, through the technology based on free electron
X-ray laser and its numerous applications in Earth-based experiments, some first
indications of its possible verification have been reached. The vacuum polarization process
in strong electromagnetic field, pioneered by Sauter, Heisenberg, Euler and Schwinger,
introduced the concept of critical electric field. It has been searched without success for
more than forty years by heavy-ion collisions in many of the leading particle accelerators
worldwide. In view of the recent developments in the free electron lasers, we have invited
at ICRANet Prof. John Madey, the inventor of the free electron lasers, to give a set of
lectures (see enclosure 9) and to explore the possibility to have, by focusing the free
electron laser signals, the realization in the laboratory of the Breit-Wheeler process. Prof.
Madey has also accepted the position of Adjunct Professor at ICRANet, and he is planning
a collaboration with us in the forthcoming years.
In the report on page 991, using the formula obtained for the rate of pair production
in spatially varying external electric field dynamical equations describing the space and
time evolutions of pair-induced electric charges, currents and fields bounded within a
given spatial region are solved. These results imply the wave propagation of the pairinduced electric field and wave-transportation of the electromagnetic energy in the strong
field region. Analogously to the electromagnetic radiation emitted from an alternating
electric current, the space and time variations of pair-induced electric currents and charges
emit an electromagnetic radiation. We show that this radiation has a peculiar energyspectrum that is clearly distinguishable from the energy-spectra of the bremsstrahlung
radiation, electron–positron annihilation and other possible background events. This
possibly provides a distinctive way to detect the radiative signatures for the production
and oscillation of electron–positron pairs in ultra-strong electric fields that can be realized
in either ground laboratories or astrophysical environments. (Wen-Biao Han, Remo
Ruffini, She-Sheng Xue “Electron–positron pair oscillation in spatially inhomogeneous
electric fields and radiation” Physics Letters B 691 (2010) 99). We study the frequency of
the plasma oscillations of electrons-positron pairs created by the vacuum polarization in
an uniform electric field in the range 0.2E c < E < 10Ec. We work out one second order
ordinary differential equation for the velocity from which we can recover the plasma
oscillation equation as a limiting case with vanishing E. For this reason, we focus our
attention on its evolution in time studying how this oscillation frequency approaches the
plasma frequency. Also the time scale needed to approach the plasma frequency and the
power spectrum of these oscillations are computed. The spectrum of this dipole radiation
shows a unique line-like feature, as discussed above. The position of this feature, is
determined as a function of the initial value of electric field strength. (A. Benedetti , W.-B.
Han, R. Ruffini, G.V. Vereshchagin, “On the frequency of oscillations in the pair plasma
generated by a strong electric field”, Physics Letters B6 98 (2011) 75).
The e+e− pairs generated by the vacuum polarization process around a
gravitationally collapsing charged core are entangled in the electromagnetic field (R.
Ruffini, L. Vitagliano, S.-S. Xue, Phys. Lett. B 573, (2003) 33), and thermalize in an electron–
positron–photon plasma on a time scale ~ 10 4 tC (R. Ruffini, L. Vitagliano, S.-S. Xue, Phys.
Lett. B 559, (2003) 12). As soon as the thermalization has occurred, the hydrodynamic
expansion of this electrically neutral plasma starts (R. Ruffini, J. Salmonson, J. Wilson, S.-S.
Xue, Astronomy and Astrophysics Vol. 335 (1999) 334; Vol. 359 (2000) 855). While the
temporal evolution of the e+e− gravitationally collapsing core moves inwards, giving rise to
a further amplified supercritical field, which in turn generates a larger amount of e+e− pairs
leading to a yet higher temperature in the newly formed e+e−g plasma. We study this
theoretically challenging process, which is marked by distinctive and precise quantum and
general relativistic effects, and follow the dynamical phase of the formation of
Dyadosphere and of the asymptotic approach to the horizon by examining the time
varying process at the surface of the gravitationally collapsing core. We conclude that the
core is not discharged or, in other words, the electric charge of the core is stable against
vacuum polarization and electric field is amplified during the gravitational collapse. As a
consequence, an enormous amount of pairs is left behind the collapsing core and
Dyadosphere (G. Preparata, R. Ruffini, S.-S. Xue, Astronomy and Astrophysics Vol. 338
(1998) L87) is formed. Recently, we study this pair-production process in a neutral
collapsing core, rather than a charged collapsing core, as described above. Neutral stellar
cores at or over nuclear densities are described by positive charged baryon cores and
negative charged electron gas since they possess different masses and interactions
(equations of state). In static case, the equilibrium configuration of positive charged
baryon cores and negative charged electron gas described by Thomas-Fermi equation
shows an overcritical electric field on the surface of baryon core. Based on such an initial
configuration and a simplified model of spherically collapsing cores, we approximately
integrate the Einstein-Maxwell equations and the equations for the particle number and
energy-momentum conservations. It is shown that in gravitational core-collapse, such an
electric field dynamically evolves in the space-time and electron-positron pairs are
produced and gravitational energy is converted to electron-positron energy, leading to the
Dyadosphere of electron-positron pairs. This important result has been submitted to
Physics Review Letter for publication (W. B. Han, R. Ruffini, S.-S. Xue). The oral report on
this topic will be made by S.-S. Xue (see Figs. 22-23).
Figure 22: The space and time evolution of the
electric field for vp=0.1c
Figure 23: The space and time evolution of the
charge-separation for vp=0.1c
We turn now to the report From nuclei to compact stars on page 1407. This activity
has been carried out by a collaboration between D. Arnett, H. Kleinert, V. Popov, M.
Rotondo, J. Rueda, R. Ruffini and S.-S. Xue. One of the most active field of research has
been to analyze a general approach to Compact Stars like White-Dwarfs and Neutron
Stars, based on the Thomas-Fermi ultrarelativistic equations amply adopted in the study
of superheavy nuclei. The analysis of superheavy nuclei has historically represented a
major field of research, developed by Prof. V. Popov and Prof. W. Greiner and their
schools. In 2007 the ICRANet group found the welcome result that all the analytic work
developed by Prof. V. Popov and the Russian school can be applied using scaling laws
satisfied by the relativistic Thomas-Fermi equation to the case of nuclear matter cores of
stellar dimensions, if the beta equilibrium condition is properly taken into account. Since
then, a large variety of problems has emerged, which have seen the direct participation of
the above mentioned ICRANet Faculty and Adjunct Faculty staff. In a set of seven
appendixes, they have been presented the recent progresses made in the intervening
years. First, the consideration made for an isolated core with constant proton density
whose boundary has been sharply defined by a step function. No external forces are
exerted. Then when the assumption of a sharp proton density profile has been relaxed
and, consequently, a smooth surface modeled by a Woods-Saxon-like proton distribution
has been introduced. The analysis of globally neutral and compressed configurations
composed by a relativistic fluid of degenerate neutrons, protons, and electrons in beta
equilibrium has been recently accomplished. It has been generalized the FeynmanMetropolis-Teller treatment of compressed atoms to relativistic regimes, and the concept
of compressed nuclear matter cores of stellar dimensions has been introduced. Finally we
studied the construction of neutron star configurations within a fully consistent
formulation of the equations of equilibrium in general relativity and strong interactions,
which is being covered currently in the Ph. D. thesis of D. Pugliese, R. Belvedere and S.
Martins de Carvalho (see Fig. 24). This entire program has been developed in order to
identify the initial boundary conditions for the electrodynamical process occurring at the
onset of gravitational collapse leading to a black hole. An oral presentation of these topics
will be made by J. Rueda.
Figure 24: The core-crust transition in a fully general relativistic treatment of a neutron star
considering strong, weak, electromagnetic and gravitational interactions
In parallel to this work on the neutron star, the introduction of the techniques for
solving a compressed atom in a Wigner-Seitz cell has allowed to give a new approach to
the study of degenerate matter in white dwarfs. This problem presents, still today, open
issues of great interest such as the equilibrium of the electron gas and the associated
nuclear component, taking into account the electromagnetic, the gravitational and the
weak interactions formulated in a correct special and general relativistic framework. A
complete analysis of the properties of such configurations as a function of the compression
can be duly done through the relativistic generalization of the Feynman-Metropolis-Teller
approach. It is then possible to derive a consistent equation of state for compressed matter
which generalizes both the uniform free-electron fluid approximation, adopted for
instance by Chandrasekhar in his famous treatment of white-dwarfs, and the well-known
work of Salpeter which describes the electrodynamical and relativistic effects by a
sequence of approximations. Apart from taking into account all possible electromagnetic
and special relativistic corrections to the equation of state of white-dwarf matter, the new
equation of state, which incorporates the beta equilibrium condition, leads to a selfconsistent calculation of the onset for inverse beta-decay of a given nuclear composition as
function of the Fermi energy of electrons or equivalently, as a function of the density of the
system. This important achievement, leads to a self-consistent calculation of the critical
mass of white-dwarfs with heavy nuclear composition. In addition, the numerical value of
the mass, of the radius, and of the critical mass of white-dwarfs turn to be smaller with
respect to the ones obtained with approximate equations of state. Therefore, the analysis of
compressed atoms following the relativistic Feynman-Metropolis-Teller treatment has
important consequences in the determination of the mass-radius relation of white dwarfs,
leading to the possibility of a direct confrontation of these results with observations, in
view of the current great interest for the cosmological implications of the type Ia
supernovae. These two topics are leading to the preparation of a new book with Springer
with the title “Von Kerner zum Sterner”.
The generalization of the general relativistic theory of white dwarfs to the rotating
case is part of the thesis work of K. Boshkayev. The entire family of uniformly rotating
stable white dwarfs has been already obtained by studying the mass-shedding, the inverse
b-decay, as well as the axisymmetric instabilities. The maximum mass and the minimum
(maximum) rotation period (frequency) have been obtained for selected nuclear
compositions. These results are relevant both for the theory of type Ia supernovae as well
as for the recent work of M. Malheiro, J. Rueda and R. Ruffini on the description of SoftGamma-Ray Repeaters (SGRs) and Anomalous X-Ray Pulsars (AXPs) as rotation powered
white dwarfs, following a pioneer idea of M. Morini et al. (1988) and of B. Paczynski (1990)
on the AXP 1E 2259+586. The recent observation of SGR 0418+5729 promises to be an
authentic Rosetta Stone, a powerful discriminant for alternative models of SGRs and
AXPs. The loss of rotational energy of a neutron star cannot explain the X-ray luminosity
of SGR 0418+5729, excluding the possibility of identifying this source as an ordinary spindown powered neutron star. The inferred upper limit of the surface magnetic field of SGR
0418+5729 B < 7.5x1012 G, describing it as a neutron star within the magnetic braking
scenario, is well below the critical magnetic field Bc=2pm2ec3/(he) ~ 4.4x1013 Gauss,
challenging the power mechanism based on magnetic field decay purported in the
magnetar scenario. We have shown that the observed upper limit on the spin-down rate of
SGR 0418+5729 is, instead, perfectly in line with a model based on a massive fast rotating
highly magnetized white dwarf of fiducial mass M=1.4MSun, radius R=103 km, and moment
of inertia I ~ 1049 g cm2. We have analyzed the energetics of all SGRs and AXPs including
their steady emission, the glitches and their subsequent outburst activities. It can be then
shown that the occurrence of the glitch, the associated sudden shortening of the period, as
well as the corresponding gain of rotational energy, can be explained by the release of
gravitational energy associated to a sudden contraction and decrease of the moment of
inertia of the white dwarfs, consistent with the conservation of their angular momentum.
The energetics of the steady emission as well as the one of the outbursts following the
glitch can be simply explained in term of the loss of the rotational energy in view of the
moment of inertia of the white dwarfs, much larger than the one of neutron stars. There is
no need here to invoke the decay of ultrastrong magnetic fields of the magnetar model
(see Figs. 25,27).
Figure 26: Thermal evolution of neo-neutron
Figure 25: Rotation period derivative versus
stars for selected values of the heating source
the rotation period of SGRs and AXPs (red,
H0=1012, 5x1012, 1015$ erg/g/s and for an
blue and green). The dashed curves are
initial temperature of the atmosphere
contours of constant magnetic field, for a
T0=8.7x106 K. The observed data represents
model based on white dwarfs.
the X-ray light curve of the GRB-SN.
S. Martins de Carvalho is working on the influence of the temperature on the
properties of the core and the crust of the novel globally neutral neutron star equilibrium
configurations. The traditional study of neutron star cooling has been generally applied to
quite old objects as the Crab Pulsar (957 years) or the Central Compact Object in
Cassiopeia A (330 years) with an observed surface temperature ~ 10 6 K. However, recent
observations of the late (t=108-109 s) emission of Supernovae associated to GRBs (GRB-SN)
show a distinctive emission in the X-ray regime consistent with temperatures ~ 10 7-108 K.
Similar features have been also observed in two Type Ic Supernova SN 2002ap and SN
1994I not associated to GRBs. We have recently advanced the possibility that such a late
(t=108-109 s) X-ray emission observed in GRB-SN and in isolated SN is associated to a hot
neutron star just formed in the Supernova event, what we have defined as a neo-neutron
star. The major role played by the neutrino emissions from the crust of a neo-neutron star
at the initial stages of the object is illustrated in Fig. 26. We have shown that the presence
of an additional heating source H0 ~ 1012-1015 erg/g/s (or H0 ~ 10-6-10-3 MeV/Nucleon/s) in
the evolution of the neo-neutron star at early times, is enough to match the late X-ray
emission of the GRB-SN. Particularly interesting in this respect are the processes of e+e- pair
creation expected to occur in the interface between the core and the crust during the
neutron star formation leading to the appearance of critical fields. It is also worth to
mention that the above numerical value of H0, is in striking agreement with the heat
released from nuclear fusion reactions, radiative neutron captures and
photodisintegrations that take place e.g. in the early stages of neutron star mergers. All
this suggests the exciting possibility that we are, for the first time, observing a nascent hot
neutron star. This possibility alone warrants further studies on this subject, so we might
obtain a more concrete picture of the thermal evolution of neo-neutron stars. An oral
presentation of these specific results will be made by R. Negreiros.
Figure 27: Glitch in AXPs and SGRs
The topic about Symmetries in General Relativity (the full report is on page 1813)
has been developed as an intense collaboration between various research groups. Profs.
R.T. Jantzen, L. Stella (Observatory of Monte Porzio, Rome), O. Semerak (Czech Republic),
D. Bini and Dr. A. Geralico have studied the problem of motion of test particles in black
hole spacetimes, in presence of a superposed radiation field. The scattering of radiation by
the test particles causes a friction-like drag force which forces particles on certain
equilibrium orbits outside the black hole horizon. This interesting effect, known as
Poynting-Robertson effect, has been deeply investigated in many different contexts:
besides the Schwarzschild and Kerr black hole, novel results have been published for the
case of a Vaidya radiation metric. In the latter case, in fact, one takes the advantages of
having an exact solution of the Einstein’s field equations whose source is a null field.
Among the various consequences we mention that while a unique equilibrium circular
orbit exists if the photon flux has zero angular momentum, multiple such orbits appear if
the photon angular momentum is sufficiently high. Furthermore other solutions of the
Weyl class with cylindrical symmetry as well as solutions within the class of exact
gravitational plane waves and electromagnetic plane waves have been examined in the
context of Poynting-Robertson like effects obtaining a number of physically relevant
situations. Bini and Geralico have also considered the motion of spinning test particles in
Kerr spacetime in full generality with the aim to study deviations between the world lines
of spinning objects in comparison with those of geodesic test particles, generalizing some
recent works on the same topic where motion were but constrained on the equatorial
plane. Bini, Geralico and Jantzen have been able to obtain new foliations in spacetimes
admitting separable geodesics. These “separable geodesic action slicing” have been used
then to explore certain geometrical properties of horizon penetrating coordinates in black
hole spacetimes. Other collaborations, again for what concerns the topics included in
symmetries in General Relativity, have been started with Profs. A. Ortolan (INFN
Legnaro, Padova, Italy) and P. Fortini (University of Ferrara, Italy) to study of the
interaction of electromagnetic waves with gravitational waves, with the gravitational
waves considered in the exact theory and not in its linear approximation.
In collaboration with Campus Bio-Medico in Rome there are ongoing researches on
galactic structures. The Reports “Self Gravitating Systems, Galactic Structures and
Galactic Dynamics” on page 1923 is focused on analytical and numerical methods for the
study of classical self-gravitating fluid/gaseous masses. A series of papers of this group
have been devoted in the past to the generalization of the classical theory of ellipsoidal
figures of equilibrium using virial methods. The research activities of the group have
focused subsequently on functional methods for obtaining equilibrium solutions for
polytropic self-gravitating systems that rotate and have a non uniform vorticity. The
group has recently published a novel and important result in the context of analogous
geometry theory. It is well known that the wave equation for the perturbations of given a
perfect barotropic and irrotational Newtonian fluid can be rewritten as an “effective
General Relativity”. They have extended this result including the possibility for the fluid
to be self-gravitating. This work opens the path for a new interpretation of classical whiteXL
dwarf theory in terms of curved space-time techniques. The group has also studied the
perturbations of classical compressible rotating but not gravitating fluids as occurring in
generalized acoustic black holes. It has also analyzed the Analog Gravity formalism at full
nonlinear level through Von Mises’ Wave Equation for irrotational configurations.
We recall the successful attempt of applying methodologies developed in
Relativistic Astrophysics and Theoretical Physics to researches in the medicine domain.
The Report “Interdisciplinary Complex Systems” on page 1953 adopts analytical and
numerical methods for the study of problems of nonlinear dynamics focusing on
biological systems and using a theoretical physics approach. It is well established both
numerically and experimentally that nonlinear systems involving diffusion, chemotaxis,
and/or convection mechanisms can generate complicated time-dependent spiral waves, as
in happens in chemical reactions, slime molds, brain and in the heart. Because this
phenomenon is global in Nature and arises also in astrophysics with spiral galaxies, the
goal of this research activity has been to clarify the role of this universal spiraling pattern.
The group has studied numerically the nonlinear partial differential equations of the
theory (Reaction-Diffusion) using finite element methods. The group has recently
published moreover a novel and important result: an electromechanical model of cardiac
tissue, on which spiral moves and causes the domain to deform in space and time (see Fig.
28). This model is a real breakthrough in the context of theoretical biophysics, leading to
new scenarios in the context of computational cardiology. In 2011 the group has focused
its research on classical hydrodynamics, evaluating the stress exerted by the fluid on the
domain walls and introducing an indicator of risk for their damage. Such a methodology,
named as “three-band decomposition analysis of wall shear stress in pulsatile flows”, has
been immediately applied to hemodynamical problems which have been numerically
integrated (see Fig. 29), but results promising also for other problems of physical and
biological sciences and for engineering.
Figure 28: Electrical activity map of an
electro-elastic deformed patch of cardiac-type
Figure 29: Turbulent flow structure
(specifically the velocity amplitude) in a
deformed vessel, obtained by numerical
integration through finite elements of the
incompressible Navier-Stokes equations.
The next contribution is the one by Jaan Einasto of the Tartu Astronomical
Observatory. Prof. Einasto has been collaborating in the previous year intensively within
ICRA about the large scale structure of the Universe and its possible fractal structure. With
Prof. Einasto there is also the collaboration of Prof. G. Hutsi. Since two years Prof. Einasto
is an Adjunct Professor of ICRANet and an active member of the Faculty of the IRAP PhD.
In this role Prof. Einasto has delivered a set of lectures in the months of February and
September 2010 on “The large scale structure of the universe: a powerful probe for
fundamental physics”. This topic was covered with a quantitative analysis of the
distribution of galaxies, on dark matter, on the cosmological parameters and dark energy.
At the moment, Prof. Einasto has been invited to prepare a book reviewing the status of
the dark matter and the large scale structure of the universe by World scientific. This book
is going to cover the material of the lectures delivered in the IRAP PhD program as well as
an historical perspective between the different approaches to the study of the dark matter
content of the universe in the west and in the former Soviet union. The full report is on
page 989, which is followed by the lecture delivered at the 12 th Marcel Grossmann Meeting
in the occasion of the presentation to him of the Marcel Grossmann award.
An important fundamental research topic is the investigation of “analogue models
of gravity”. Such models have been used to understand many aspect of gravitational
phenomena, in particular the mechanism of Hawking- and Unruh-Radiation, by studying
in supersonic flow nozzles. These were of great help in dispersing criticism of these
radiations based on our ignorance of the divergences of local quantum field theory at
ultrashort distances. Another important analogy is bases on the relation between EinsteinCartan Physics and the theory of defects in solids, worked out in detail in the textbook by
<http://users.physik.fuberlin.de/~kleinert/kleinert/?p=booklist&details=1>. This analogy has recently allowed to
understand the equivalence of Einstein's theory of gravitation with his Teleparallel Theory
of Gravitation as a result of a novel gauge symmetry. The first uses only the curvature of
spacetime to explain gravitational forces, while the second uses only torsion. The
equivalence relies on the fact that crystalline defects of rotation and translation
(disclinations and dislocations, respectively) are not independent of each other, but the
ones can be understood as superpositions of the other. Moreover, the analogy has allowed
to set up an infinite family of intermediate theories in which curvature and torsion appear
both <http://klnrt.de/385/385.pdf>. Finally, all geometries relevant in gravitational physics
has been derived from a completely new theory of multivalued fields
A volume dedicated to Fermi and Astrophysics has been edited in the recent years
and has been finally completed (“Fermi and Astrophysics”, edited by D. Boccaletti and R.
Ruffini, World Scientific, 2011). This book has some different goals: 1) to present some
papers which were published at ICRA in the occasion of the centenary of the birth of
Enrico Fermi; 2) to translate into English a set of papers by Fermi which were available
only in Italian; 3) to try to understand the reason why, having been one of the greatest
experts on Einstein theory in the earliest years of his life, after his transfer to Rome and
later on to the United States Fermi never published anything on Einstein theory. In the
latest part of his life Fermi realized that astrophysics offers a great future to physics. The
only paper by Fermi mastering general relativity and cosmology was to prove George
Gamow work being wrong. On the contrary, he managed in matter of fact to give one of
the greatest contribution to cosmology and to Gamow theory and to Einstein theory of
general relativity.
Other books which are currently in preparation are:
1. J. Einasto, “Dark Matter and Large Scale Structure Story”, World Scientific,
expected in 2013.
2. M. Rotondo, J. Rueda and R. Ruffini, “White Dwarfs”, World Scientific, expected
in 2013.
3. J. Rueda and R. Ruffini, “Neutron Stars”, Springer, expected in 2013.
4. R. Ruffini, G.V. Vereshchagin and S.-S. Xue, “Oscillations and radiation from
electron-positron plasma”, World Scientific, expected in 2013.
5. V. Belinski and E. Verdaguer, “Gravitational Solitons”, Second Edition,
Cambridge University Press, expected in 2013.
6. V. Belinski, “Cosmological Singularity”, Cambridge University Press, expected
in 2013.
7. D. Bini, S. Filippi and R. Ruffini, “Rotating Physical Solutions”, Springer,
expected in 2013.
8. C.L. Bianco, L. Izzo, R. Ruffini and S.-S. Xue, “The Canonical GRBs”, World
Scientific, expected in 2013.
9. H.C. Ohanian, R. Ruffini, “Gravitation and Spacetime”, Third Edition, Norton
and Company, expected in 2013.
Finally, there will be an oral presentation by Pascal Chardonnet of the current
situation of the IRAP PhD and the Erasmus Mundus program co-sponsored by the
European Commission, as well as a report on the first 28 graduate students enrolled in the
program (see enclosure 7).
I am very happy to express, on behalf of all the Members of ICRANet and myself,
our profound gratitude to the Minister of Foreign Affairs, to the Minister of Economy and
Finances of Italy. Gratitude as well is expresses to the Minister of University and Research
of Italy for the support of ICRA, which collaborates with ICRANet on all activities within
Italy. Special gratitude to Prof. Immacolata Pannone for her continuous attention to the
ICRANet activities since their beginning, as well as to the Ragioneria Generale of the
Ministry of Economy and Finances, for their attention in the activities of ICRANet. A
special recognition goes to the activities of the many Ambassadors and Consuls who have
greatly helped in the intense series of activities carried out by ICRANet in Belarus, Brazil,
France, China, Korea and New Zealand. Special gratitude to Minister Gherardo La
Francesca who first signed the Seat Agreement of ICRANet in Pescara, then unanimously
ratified by the Italian Parliament and signed by the Italian President, for following our
activities in Brazil where he is currently Ambassador of Italy.
This year has been marked by an intense series of lectures organized by ICRANet at
the University of Nice Sofia Antipolis for the graduate students and by the completion of
the seat of Villa Ratti in Nice. We are grateful for this common effort to the President,
Albert Marouani, and the Vice President, Pierre Coullet, of the University of Nice Sofia
Antipolis. We are grateful to the Mayor of Pescara, Luigi Albore-Mascia, to the Mayor of
Nice, Christian Estrosi, to the Adjunct for Science, Research and Culture, Dr. Agnes
Rampal, and to the President of the Conseil Général des Alpes-Maritimes, Eric Ciotti, for their
generous support in granting to ICRANet the logistics of the Centers in their respective
We are equally very grateful to the Brazilian Institutions, the Foreign Minister of
Brazil, the Minister of Science of Brazil, the Governor of the State of Cearà, the Mayor of
Rio for their essential support in the establishment of the ICRANet seat in Brazil. All this
has been made possible thanks to the very effective presence of Mario Novello and Joao
Braga in the board and in the Scientific Committee of ICRANet. A special sign of gratitude
goes to Minister Roberto Amaral and to Prof. Francisco José Amaral Vieira for their
continuous support. All this work could not have been achieved without the help of all
Members institutions of ICRANet.
Clearly, a special mention of satisfaction goes to all the Scientific Institutions and
Research Centers which have signed with us a collaboration agreement which include
BSU (Belarusian State University, Belarus), CAPES (Brazilian Fed. Agency for Support and
Evaluation of Grad. Education), CBPF (Brazil), Cearà State (Brazil), ENEA (National
Agency for new technologies, energy and the economic sustainable development, Italy),
ICTP (The Abdus Salam International Center for Theoretical Physics, Italy), IHEP
(Institute of High Energy Physics, Chinese Academy of Sciences, China), INFN (National
Institute for Nuclear Physics, Italy), ITA (Instituto Tecnológico de Aeronáutica, Brazil),
GARR (Italy), LeCosPa (Leung Center for Cosmology and Particle Astrophysics, Taiwan),
NAS (National Academy of Science, Armenia), Nice University Sophia Antipolis (France),
Pescara University “D’Annunzio” (Italy), Physics Department of University of Rome
“Sapienza” (Italy), UERJ (Rio de Janeiro State University, Brazil), UFPB (Universidade
Federal da Paraíba, Brazil) University of Rome “Sapienza” (Italy), UNS (Universidad
Nacional del Sur, Argentina).
ICRANet, as sponsor of the IRAP-PhD program, expresses its gratitude to AEI –
Albert Einstein Institute – Potsdam (Germany), Berlin Free University (Germany), CBPF –
Brazilian Centre for Physics Research (Brazil), ETH – Zurich (Switzerland), Ferrara
University (Italy), IHES (France), Indian centre for space physics (India), Nice University
Sophia Antipolis (France), Observatory of the Côte d'Azur (France), Rome University –
“Sapienza” (Italy), Savoie University (France), Shanghai Astronomical Observatory
(China), Stockholm University (Sweden), Tartu Observatory (Estonia), for their joint effort
in creating and activating this first European Ph.D. program in Relativistic Astrophysics
which has obtained the official recognition of the Erasmus Mundus program of the
European Community. All these activities were achieved thanks to the dedicated work of
Prof. Pascal Chardonnet.
Finally, thanks goes to the Physics Department and to the Rector of the University
of Rome “Sapienza” for all the collaboration in the teaching, in the electronic links and in
the common research. A special mention of gratitude, of course, goes to the
administrative, secretarial and technical staff of ICRANet and ICRA for their essential and
efficient daily support.