N° 70 / Issue 70 - Junho - Esfera Escola Internacional


N° 70 / Issue 70 - Junho - Esfera Escola Internacional
Informativo eletrônico What’s up! Ano 8 - n° 70/June 2016
Electronic newsletter What’s up! Year 8 - Issue 70/June 2016
Tudo sobre aprendizagem e de formas tão distintas... Essa é
All about learning and learning in so many different ways...
a tônica da newsletter que chega a vocês, evidenciando diversas
is the tonic of this edition. We are highlighting the diverse
atividades que nossos alunos de Educação Infantil ao Ensino
activities our students from Preschool to Middle School have
Fundamental II vivenciaram no último mês. Veremos o que chamamos
experienced over the past month. You’ll see life skills being
na escola de life skills desenvolvidas e reforçadas no Challenge Day
reinforced and developed at the Challenge Day Camp for Middle
Camp para alunos de EFII. Ou ainda, o acampamento de imersão em
School students. You will also find Immersion English and Action
inglês no NR English and Action Camp para alunos de EFI. No início do
Camp for Elementary school students at NR. Early last month,
mês passado, nos deliciamos com as lindas apresentações musicais
we were all delighted by the beautiful musical presentations
dos alunos da Educação Infantil e com a apresentação especial do
of our Preschoolers and the very special Saltimbancos musical
musical Saltimbancos, pelos alunos de Y3. Mais cores serão adicionadas
presentation by the Y3 students. Even more vibrant colors are
à newsletter com as fotos das reuniões (conference), entre pais e
added to this edition with the pictures from the teacher-parent
professoras na Educação Infantil e com as student-led conferences em
conferences in Preschool and the student-led conferences in both
preciosos momentos conduzidos pelos alunos de EF I e II. Nossos alunos
Elementary and Middle School. Our students are amazing and so
são incríveis e multi-talentosos! Então, juntem-se a nós apreciando
multi talented! Please join us and appreciate the learning-focused
todos esses momentos, como parte de uma comunidade que, celebra
community we are all part of. Enjoy!
a aprendizagem em suas diversas manifestações. Enjoy!
Esfera Cares
Esfera recebe visita dos alunos da EMEI Olga Franco para assistir a apresentação “Os Saltimbancos”
Esfera invited EMEI Olga Franco students to watch the “Os Saltimbancos” presentation
Alunos fazem prova da Olimpíada Brasileira de Astronomia
Students taking the Brazilian Astronomy Olympics test
Alunos Esfera conquistam primeiro lugar em competições
Esfera students who have won first place in regional competitions
Corrida Track & Field - 5km
“Participar dessa corrida foi
importante porque tive que
sair um pouco do video-game
Campeonato Liga
Valeparaibana de Tênis de Mesa
e fazer coisas novas que vou
“Participar desse campeonato foi
ter poucas chances de fazer
na vida. Para isso tive que ser
um desafio. Eu fui muito bem com
as emoções e me arrisquei muito,
thinker, balanced e risk-taker.”
porque estava muito tenso, mas
Lucas Miglioranza - Y4A
mesmo assim tive que refletir sobre
a técnica dos meus oponentes.”
João Pedro Souza - Y4B
First Term Conferences
The conference was a very exciting
The conference was really nice, because I
I thought it was a nice idea to make a
way to know what I have done in the
had never showed my mother everything
student lead the conference because I
1st term. I liked the way the teachers
inside my folder. I liked it because she
had more freedom to show my parents
talked to us. They told me what I
met some teachers that she didn’t know
my work and to choose the teachers
needed to improve and they talked
before. We talked a lot, I showed her
they should talk to first.
about my goals too.
all of my grades and my goals for the
Luiza Doin - Y8
Thiago Pessoa - Y8
next term. My mom could talk to all the
teachers, and that was good.
Gabriela Zacharias - Y8
NR English and Action Camp - Y3 & Y4
Fazendas do Café - Y5
Middle School Challenge Day Camp
International Lunch - Switzerland (May)
In May we celebrated Switzerland! Here are some curiosities about Swiss food and habits: the Swiss
start the day by eating a hearty breakfast even though their main meal, the Swiss equivalent of dinner,
is eaten at midday. A typical menu would bring to the table vegetable or cheese soup, followed by a
dish of poultry, beef, or fish, served with rosti in the German or French regions but with pasta in the
Italian ones. Swiss cooks had little to work with before the country became a tourist attraction. They had to employ plenty of skill and
imagination to turn the simple garden vegetables -beans, cabbages, carrots, potatoes, turnips - grains - barley, corn, millet, spelt - and
fruits - apples, berries, pears, and other fruit, fresh during the summer and preserved or dried for the winter- into appetizing meals.
Swiss food would turn into casseroles, stews and breads, often in the company of milk, cheese and butter. Our dear teacher Sonja
helped us bringing delicious recipes to make this day even more special! Enjoy the pictures!
“It was great this month to share some Swiss recipes with the Esfera teachers and students. Since Switzerland is a small country in
the middle of Europe, it is actually not so easy to determine which dishes are truly Swiss and which are borrowed from neighboring
nations. I invited Lillian, my mother, as our special guest and we loved the Zürigschnätzlets (chicken with white sauce), the typical
cucumber with dill salad and the potato salad, Swiss style, without the mayo, but lots of greens. The chocolate dessert and the
blackberry juice gave it a nice finishing touch. Thank you, Esfera kitchen staff, we loved it all!”
Ms. Sonja Moll Ferreira
Agenda - Junho • Calendar - June
27 a 30
Middle School
Challenge Day Camp
Book Club EFI e EI
Reunião Cambridge Exams
Cambridge Exams Meeting
Reunião - Field Trip Brasília Y8
Reunião Intercâmbio Y9
Y9 International Trip Meeting
Entrega Reports EI e EFI
Festa Junina
Apresentação Exhibition Y5
Y5 Exhibition Presentation
Teste Mix
Parceiros • Partners
Veja mais fotos no site: www.escolaesfera.com.br
Expediente • What´s Up é uma publicação da Esfera
Expedient • What´s Up is a publication by Esfera Escola
The IGU seeks support for a UN General Assem-
- Phone:
Escola Internacional - Tel: (12) 3322-1255 • Coordenação
bly proclamation
of the International
Year of(12) 3322-1255 • Coordinator: Andrea
Werlen, Executive
Global Understanding
you to • Editorial
Geral: Andrea Andrade e Nara Corrêa • Conselho Editorial:
support this vital initiative with its extensive
Andrea Andrade, Cínthia Lourenço, Cristiana Tolosa, Mara Westin
Cínthia Lourenço, Cristiana Tolosa,
Mara Westin
L. Martin,
IGU Initiative
for an
International Nara Corrêa •
L. Martin, Sonja Moll e Susan Clemesha • Produção: Nara Corrêa •
Sonja Moll and Susan Clemesha. •UN
Year of Global Understanding
Coordenação e Edição de Textos: Nara Corrêa • Fotos: Esfera
Coordinator and Text editor: Nara
Picture editor:
of Jena Nara Corrêa •
Escola Internacional • Diagramação: Nara Corrêa • Revisão:
Esfera Escola Internacional • Graphic
Andrea Andrade, Susan Clemesha e Vera Moraes.
Reviewer: Andrea Andrade, Susan Clemesha
and Vera Moraes.
[email protected]
International Year of
An initiative of
The International Geographical Union (IGU)