December 10, 2014 - Broad Street Church of Christ
December 10, 2014 - Broad Street Church of Christ
BROAD STREET BANNER December 10, 2014 BROAD STREET CHURCH OF CHRIST VOL. XXIX NO. 49 WITH EYES WIDE OPEN The apostle Paul, in Romans the twelfth chapter, makes an appeal based on “the mercies of God.” The NIV puts it like this: “Therefore, I urge you, brothers, in view of God’s mercy, to offer your bodies as living sacrifices, holy and pleasing to God - this is your spiritual act of worship.” The action urged is “In view of God’s mercy.” I like Phillip’s translation which says, “With eyes wide open to the mercies of God.” Are my eyes wide open to all the mercies God extends, or do they seem like pictures on the wall which I see every day, but don’t really see at all? Visit any hospital and you will come away with a new perspective. Do you have eyes to see? Lungs with which to breathe? A heart which functions properly? It’s so easy to take all of these things for granted. G.K Chesterton has commented on our passing over the great mercies to which we are blind. He says we thank God for the presents in our stockings at Christmas, but we ought to thank God we have legs in our stockings! The old adage is true. We don’t appreciate the water until the well runs dry. “ Nothing raises the price of a blessing like its removal; whereas, it was its continuance which should have taught us its value.” - H. Moore Consider what God has done in giving us life, sustaining us through the years, granting the blessing of family and friends, saving us from our sins, granting us the privilege of prayer, preparing for us an eternal home. And the list goes on and on. Do we have eyes wide open to the mercies of God? Hannah Moore has a word in season for all of us. “There are three requisites to the proper enjoyment of earthly blessings: a thankful reflection, on the goodness of the giver; a deep sense of our own unworthiness; and a recollection of the uncertainty of our long possessing them - the first will make us grateful; the second, humble; and the third, moderate.” It’s a challenge, but we all need eyes wide open to the mercies of God. Then we will present ourselves as living sacrifices to God. John Gipson December 10, 2014 BROAD STREET CHURCH OF CHRIST Please pray for our sick and remember them with cards, calls and visits.— Martha Nan Baker came home today from the rehab facility. Let’s welcome her home with a card or a call. Her address is 6925 Scottsboro Hwy., Scottsboro, AL 35769. Jeremy Paschel will undergo surgery soon to remove obstructions which are pressing on nerves in his back. His doctor thinks this will stop the pain. Remember him in your prayers. Eli Woods had surgery today at Children’s Hospital in B’ham to clean out a large infection in his leg. He will now have several rounds of IV antibiotics. Please keep him in your prayers. Terry Broome will undergo knee replacement surgery on December 23rd. Please remember him in your prayers. Faye Henderson had surgery Dec. 9th at Huntsville Hospital to receive a new pacemaker and came through well. Buzz Alley was prepped for his heart ablation procedure yesterday, but they found a small blood clot and had to postpone the surgery about 4 to 6 wks. They also increased his blood thinner to try and dissolve the clot. He feels fine but is very weak. Keep him in your prayers. Alan Harris, father of Chris, will be having surgery on Dec. 17th. Please pray for him. Kay Peake received results from her scans which showed that the chemo she had taken was successful in shrinking the tumor. She will have surgery soon (possibly Dec. 18th.) Her address is 6758 Co. Rd. 8, Woodville, AL 35776. Taylor Whitmire, teenage granddaughter of Robin Taylor, has a fluid deposit in her eye and doctors are trying to determine what it is. Further tests are planned. Also, the father of Robins’ son-in-law has stage 4 cancer. Please keep these individuals in your prayers. Wanda Logan, a former member here, remains in UAB Hospital. She is now off of the ventilator and doctors are seeing some very small improvements. LONG-TERM PRAYER LIST Judy Roberts Harold Reynolds Peg Gough Johnny McCrary Cleo Williamson Euyless Holcomb Lucille Jones Nell & Jim Anderson Lorene McClendon Ruth Gray Tangie Grant Earl Hargrave, 90 Bradley St, 35769. Eli Woods Eva Latham, 982 N Ormewood Park Dr., Atlanta, GA 30316 Scott Maples, nephew of Faye Henderson. Ken Lawrence Jr., son of Ken & Mary, 4117 Woods Cove Rd., Scottsboro, AL 35768. Robert Thedford, brother-in-law of Ernie Brockway. Hudson Colwell, grandson of Martha Pendley. VOL. XXIX NO. 49 Johnny Breccia, brother of Aurora Holcomb & Elane Bagley, 903 Co. Rd. 25, Crossville, AL 35962. Billy Cameron, friend of James Rice. Mary Pioli, friend of Jacob & Debra Kime. John Weldon, father-in-law of Beth Parks Weldon. Roy Guess, brother-in-law of Harold & Linda Reynolds, 986 Co. Rd. 258, Stevenson, AL 35772. Dee Streck, 2729 Co. Rd. 43, Section, Al 35771. Kathie Streck, 2383 Co. Rd. 37, Section, Al. 35771. Truman Roberts, brother of Roxie Wright, is 5942 Co. Rd. 83, Pisgah, AL 35765. Ruth Melton, mother of Mary Lawrence, Highlands Rehab. Johnny Stanley, son-in-law of Julia Suchorski, 5502 Hickory Dr., Fort Pierce, FL 34982. John Palmer, brother of Barbara, 113 Nutcracker Ct., Eagleville, TN 37060. Jo Ray, Belmont Village, 6605 Quail Hollow Rd., Room 251, Memphis, TN 38120. Evelyn Hicks, sister of Roxie Wright, 3597 Co. Rd. 177, Henagar, AL 35978. Peggy Ivey, 97 Thomas Ave., Fyffe, AL 35971. Candace Brown, sister of Jeremy Paschal. Tom Worst, Libby Crona’s brother, 215 Walnut St., Sistersville, WV 26175. Shula Newton, friend of a neighbor of Bob & Marge Rice, 314 Holly Springs Rd., Madison, AL 35758. Fountain Walker, friend of Ernie & Paula Foster, his address is 611 Carlisle Cutoff, Boaz, Al. 35495. Zack Laney, 1703 North College St., Apt. 2, Killeen, TX 76541 LT Jordan Holt, VP5, PSC 480 Box 1113, FPO AP 96370-0012 NURSING HOME RESIDENTS & HOMEBOUND: Sue Grider, Jean Hancock, Bob & Ruth Harrington, Earl Hargrave, Virginia Saint, Mary Sheppard, Red & Edna Stricklan d , Joan Willard, Betty Williamson Calendar of Upcoming Events— December 11 — Ladies’ Cookie & Ornament Swap, MPR, 6:30 p.m. December 12 — Congregational Holiday Party & Ornament Swap, MPR, 6:30 p.m. December 14 — Holiday Party for the residents of the VOA Group Home, MPR, after p.m. service December 20 — Christmas Charities delivery, 9 a.m. December 21 — Elders/Deacons meeting, chapel, 4:45 p.m. One Measure Of Our Love Wed. Bible Study. . . . . . . . . . . . . . 166 Sunday Bible Study. . . . . . . . . . . . 152 Sun. A.M. Worship .. . . . . . . . . . . 246 Sun. Night Worship.. . . . . . . . . . . 182 Contribution. . . . . . . . . . . . $9634.52 Budget.. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . $6953.00 December 10, 2014 BROAD STREET CHURCH OF CHRIST December (11) Charlotte Vinson (13) Phillip Chaney, Joan Jackson (14) Bob Rice, Ragan Myers (15) Mary Ellen Thornton (17) Ralph Cook (20) Joyce Alley, Holly Cobb (24) Labron Phillips (27) Tommy Bellomy, Joseph Graham, Ruth Gray (28) Ken Lawrence (29) Jenna Bagley (30) Austin Barnes, Betty Hughes, Tom Hancock, Sallie Kennamer (31) Ruth Spurgeon Holiday Happenings The Leaderettes are hosting the Ladies Cookie & Ornament Swap on Thursday, Dec. 11th at 6:30 p.m. Bring a wrapped ornament and plate of cookies to share. Holiday Party Everyone is invited to the Congregational Holiday Party and Ornament Swap on December 12th at 6:30 p.m. in the MPR. Bring a wrapped ornament for each individual in your family that is attending and your favorite finger foods and drinks. Holiday Party for VOA Group Home Residents The Holiday Party for the residents of the VOA Group Home will be on Sunday, December 14th after the evening worship service. Please come, bring your favorite finger foods and share in this special time of fellowship. If you would like to make a donation toward the purchase of gifts for the residents, you may give your money to one of the elders or Jim Brown. CHRISTMAS CHARITIES Gifts should be wrapped with the card securely attached to the outside of the package. Return them to the church building no later than December 17th. Deliveries will be made on December 20th. If you would like to help with the deliveries, be in the MPR by 9 a.m. The Ladies’ Retreat Committee needs your material scraps. Any size will do since it will be cut for a craft project. Look for the container in the east foyer. VOL. XXIX NO. 49 PUPPET PROGRAM - December 14, 2014 Patience - Luke 15:11-24 Narrator Teachers Puppets - Trey Russell - 2-3 Years - Chantel Shelton - 4-5 Years - Teri Matthews - K-2nd - Chantel Shelton - 3rd-6th - Cynthia Nance - Holly Cobb, Marty Cobb - Bandy Staton, Tim Allen The Challenge Youth Conference will be February 27-March 1, 2015 in Pigeon Forge. Early Bird registration is now going on. The cost is $30 and is due to Chris when you sign up. After early registration, the cost goes to $40 per person. The deadline to sign up is December 14th. SAVE THE DATE The 12th Annual Men’s Retreat will be February 6-7, 2015 at Paint Rock Valley Lodge. All men, young and old, are encouraged to attend. Mark your calendars and save the date! We want to express our heartfelt condolences to Euyless Holcomb in the loss of his mother, Annie Lou Holcomb. She passed away on December 7th after a long battle with cancer. Her funeral was held today at Harmony Baptist Church in Macedonia. Those of us who were given recognition and appreciation at the dinner for The Learning Center staff and Board of Directors, would like to convey our sincere thanks for all the thought and effort that went into such a nice evening. The food was delicious, and we thank any and all who helped to prepare it. The MPR was decorated beautifully, helping to make a holiday atmosphere that we all enjoyed. We pray that much good will continue to be carried our at TLC, and that what is done will be pleasing to the Lord. In Christian Love, The Board of Directors and Staff at The Learning Center JACK CAUDLE BRAD WILHELM 574-5185 574-2793 DEACONS Russell Alley Ernie Brockway David Crawford Tom Hancock Roger Kime David Precise William Underwood Dave Bagley Jo Reed Brumley David Dover Earl Hargrave Joe Manning Lee Rice Russell Wilhelm Rick Baird Marty Cobb Joel Gardner Euyless Holcomb Bill Parks Scott Roberts TERRY BROOME, Minister. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 575-2454 E-mail address. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . [email protected] Chris Harris, Youth Minister. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 931-242-9297 E-mail address. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . [email protected] OFFICE PHONES. . . . . . . 574-2489 & 259-6162 Fax 259-5057 E-mail address . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . [email protected] Our Web Site:. . . . . . . . SCHEDULE OF SERVICES WORSHIP. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Sunday 9:55 A.M. and 6:00 P.M. BIBLE STUDY. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Sunday 9:00 A.M. and Wednesday 7:00P.M. LADIES BIBLE CLASS. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Tuesday 10:00 A.M. Requires First Class Stamp Here 574-3573 259-0800 The Word of God (the Bible) never changes. If you go to worship to hear something other than His Word, You have gone for the wrong reason. If you hear something other, You are at the wrong place. ELDERS TOMMY BELLOMY PAT RUSSELL CONTACT ELDER: Tommy Bellomy OPEN & CLOSE BUILDING FOR THE MONTH: Scott Roberts COMMUNION TO SHUT-INS John D. Porch If you are unable to serve, please call: Euyless Holcomb 609-0057 -or- Dave Bagley 609-6468 The Learning Center Pre-School (Infants - 4 yrs.) Debra Wilhelm, Director " 259-0005 — Isaac Watts So let our lips and lives express The holy gospel we profess; So let our works and virtues shine, To prove the doctrine all divine. SUNDAY, December 14, 2014 Announcements: Mark Price Song Leader: Chris Harris Prayer: Ben Farmer Serve at the Lord’s Table: Presiding: Joe Manning 1W- Jim Brown 1E- Robin Shelton 2W- Tim Allen 2E- Jo Reed Brumley 3W- Dave Precise 3E- Roger Kime 4W- Marty Cobb 4E- Trent McCormack 5W- Nelson Page 5E- Trey Russell Closing Prayer: John A. Porch Nursery: Meghan Cornelison Ushers: Thomas Norwood Ernest Brockway *Vince Laney Russell Wilhelm *Assist Scott Roberts with Building Security during AM & PM Elders in library after A.M.: Jack Caudle & Pat Russell P.M. SERVICE: Song Leader: Elijah Reed Scripture: Jack Caudle Prayer: Grady Gattis Lord's Supper: Dave Precise & Jim Brown Closing Prayer: Vince Laney WEDNESDAY BIBLE STUDY: Scripture: Robin Shelton Song Leader: Chris Harris Invitation: Prayer: Ernest Brockway BROAD STREET BANNER Published Weekly By The Church of Christ 613 S. Broad Street Scottsboro, AL 35768-1709 Those to Serve. . .
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