(that) book.


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Malay Course
Explanatory Notes
The Linguaphone Institute
Linguaphone Institute Limited
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The L in g u a p h o n e A c a d e m ic A d v is o ry C o m m itte e
C h a irm a n :
P ro fe s so r S ir R a n d o l p h Q u i r k , CBE, DLitt, FBA, Past
P re s id e n t of th e British A ca d e m y ; s o m e tim e Vice-Chancellor,
U niversity of L o n d o n ; form erly Q u a i n Professor of English,
U niversity College L o n d o n ; H o n . Fil. D r (L u n d , U ppsala);
H o n . Doct. d 'U n iv . (Paris, Liège, N ijm egen); H o n . LLD
(Reading); H o n . DLitt (Leicester, Salford, N ew castle,
EXirham, G lasg o w , Bar Llan, S o u th e r n California, Brunei);
H o n . D U (Bath, Essex, O p e n ); Fellow of th e Royal Belgian
A c a d e m y of Sciences, of th e Royal S w e d ish A c a d e m y , a n d of
th e A ca d e m ia E u ro p aea.
M e m b e rs :
D r C lare B urstall, BA, P h D , DSc, FBPsS, FCP, Director,
N atio n a l F o u n d a tio n for E du cation al R esearch in E n gland
a n d Wales.
P ro fe s so r Ian T M G o w , M A , P h D , D ip Jap, Director, Scottish
C e n tr e for Ja p a n e s e S tudies, a n d N a tW e s t Professor of
C o n te m p o r a r y J a p a n e s e S tu d ies, U niv ersity of Stirling;
M em b er; A d v iso ry Board C N A A ; C ouncil, British
A ssociation of Ja p a n e s e Studies; U K-Japan 2000 E du catio n
C o m m ittee.
J a m e s F ailin g , M A (O xon), FBIM, Secretary to th e D elegates,
U niversity of O xford D elegacy of Local E x a m in atio n s, Fellow
of Keble College, O xford.
P ro fesso r N ig e l B R R eev es, OBE, M A , DPhil, FIL, FRSA,
CIEx, G o e th e M édaillé of th e G o e th e Institu te, P ro fesso r of
G e r m a n a n d H e a d of th e D e p a r t m e n t of M o d e r n L a n g u a g e s ,
A sto n U niversity, P re s id e n t, N ational A ssociation of
L a n g u a g e A dv isers, M e m b e r of Board, In stitu te of G erm a n ic
S tudies, U niv ersity of L o n d o n .
P ro fesso r J M S inclair, M A , Professor of M o d e r n English
L a n g u a g e, U niversity of B irm ingham .
P ro fesso r A lb e rt S o n n e n f e l d , A M , P h D (Princeton), Officier,
O r d r e d e s P a lm es A c a d é m iq u e s , Officier, O r d r e d e s A rts et
d e s L ettres, P rofessor of Fren ch a n d C o m p a ra tiv e L iterature,
C h a irm a n , D e p a r tm e n t of French a n d Italian, U niv ersity of
S o u th e r n California; form erly Pro fessor of F ren c h a n d
C h a irm a n , D e p a r tm e n t of R o m an c e L a n g u a g e s a n d
Literatures, P rin ceto n U niversity.
P r o f e s s o r ] C W ells, M A (C an tab ), P h D (L o n d o n ), Professor of
P h o n etics in th e U niv ersity of L o n d o n .
The Bahasa Malaysia Course
Bahasa Malaysia Pronunciation
Introduction; How to make the most of
the Linguaphone Course
Preliminary Advice
Summary of Instructions
Independent Self-Expression
The Sounds, and Pronunciation Generally
Final Note
Translations and Vocabularies
Explanatory Notes
Basic Rules of Grammar
Explanatory Notes (Introduction - Lesson 50)
Malay Vocabulary
Bahasa Malaysia
T h e L ing uaph one Bahasa Malaysia Course can be used equally well by school
children, adults, beginners, or those who have a book knowledge of the
language, b u t wish to become proficient in its oral application.
T h e C ou rse comprises descriptive passages and conversations in natural,
fluent, idiomatic speech which would be used by educated Malaysians in
everyday situations in Malaysia o r Singapore. With the standardisation of
B ahasa Malaysia and Bahasa Indonesia, the Course can also be used with
very m inor modifications throughout the Indonesian territories. The selfcorrecting exercises and m odel answers will be important to those who wish to
check their ow n progress.
G ram m atical points are introduced, as far as possible, incidentally into the
text o f each lesson and can be absorbed naturally by the student as he
progresses through the Course. A lthough gram m ar is essential to the written
language, o f primary importance to every student is a mastery of basic
conversation. T h rough this oral approach Bahasa Malaysia grammar will not
prove a m a jo r obstacle as the student will acquire a ‘feel’ for the language and
be able to recognise w hat is grammatically correct o r incorrect. For purposes
o f referen ce, principal grammatical points are listed in the index.
T h e illustrations in the main textbook have been specially drawn by Malay
artists for this Course. T hey are closely integrated with the text o f each
lesson, providing a visual aid to the text and stimulation for the student to
a tte m p t additional conversations o f his own making.
This handbook
This contains instructions, lesson vocabularies, a sentence-by-sentence trans­
lation o f each lesson and detailed explanations of grammatical points. A
se p a ra te vocabulary list in Malay is provided.
So that the s tu d e n t can follow the spoken te x t easily, the first lessons are
spoken slowly and distinctly. The rate o f speech increases as the Course
progresses, until in the m ore advanced lessons a natural rate o f speech is
The first few lessons are spoken b y the same tw o speakers, so that the
stu d en t can c o n c e n tra te on new sounds in the language rather than being
confused b y the in tro d u c tio n o f different voices. Once familiar w ith the
sounds, he will find the in tro d u c tio n o f new voices, b o th appealing and
challenging to his recognition powers.
As n o tw o speakers o f a language speak exactly alike, differences are found
in p ronu nciation b u t can be accepted as a safe model for the average s t u d e n t .
F o r those w ho m ake a special study o f phonetics, the various differences
o f detail will provide ample scope for stu dy.
New Spelling System
In 1972, the G o v ern m en t o f Malaysia, in agreement w ith the G overnm ent
o f Indonesia, in tro d u ce d a c o m m o n spelling system for Bahasa Malaysia
and Bahasa Indonesia. It is used in this course. Owing to the im plem entation
o f this system , some w ords have changed from the Romanised Malay
spelling dating from British Colonial days in Malaysia,
A Practical Course
The stu d en t w h o masters this Course will have acquired a th o ro u g h practical
knowledge o f Bahasa Malaysia, b o th w ritten and spoken. N ot only should
he have a good grasp o f the gram m ar, b u t he will also have at his co m m a n d
an impressive store o f useful w ords, c o m m o n expressions and idioms. He
will kn o w the official language o f Malaysia, used b y all G o v ern m en t d e p a r t­
m ents. For the serving civil servant and foreign investor a w orking knowledge
o f this language can n o t be un derestim ated.
Bahasa Malaysia P ronunciation
Bahasa Malaysia is not tonal, as is Thai o r Chinese, nor has it guttural or
nasal characteristics as have some European languages.
The formal w ritten language o f Malay literature is standard th ro u g h o u t
Malaysia, b u t there are some spoken dialects peculiar to certain areas which
m ay prove unintelligible to non-native speakers o f Bahasa Malaysia. This is
o f course not u n c o m m o n w ith o th e r languages o f w hich English is no
The Romanised form o f spelling, em ploying all the letters o f the English
alphabet is used for this Course. This is the p o p u lar and official form
ad o p ted for Malaysia and Indonesia. A nother, and the original form o f
w ritten Bahasa Malaysia, is Jawi or Arabic script, w hich was bro u g h t to
Malaysia b y Arab traders along w ith the Moslem religion.
Both the Romanised spelling and Jawi are almost entirely phonic in charac­
ter so that very few w ords, unlike English w ords, create problem s w ith
pronun ciation . E xceptions are usually borrow ed w ords from Arabic and
w ith which even Malays are often inconsistent. T he c o n so n an t ‘k ’ according
to its position in a w o rd is probably the m ost difficult for E uropeans (w ith
the possible exception o f Scots) to master, so a stu d en t should listen care­
fully and practise repeating w o rd s in which this co n so n an t occurs. As a
rough guide the ‘k ’ at the e n d o f a w ord is p ro n o u n ce d as a glottal stop as
in C ockney wo' (what). If the ‘k' is followed by the letter *h' i.e. ‘k h ’ it is
p ro n o u n c ed as in the English w ord loch. O therw ise the ‘k' has a hard sound
as in the English w ord kill. O th e r consonants have standard pronunciations
corresponding to the English consonants.
The vowels follow similar p ro n u n ciatio n s to the E uropean o r rather C o n ti­
nental systems i.e. i = ee as in sweet, a = ¿z// as in father, e = e/i as in say,
o = 0/2 as in 50, u = 00 as in soon and c o m p o u n d vowels ai = as in try,
au = o w as in h o w and oi =
as in boy.
An additional very short vowel is troublesom e as it is represented in the
new Romanised spelling also b y the letter e (b u t k n o w n in Bahasa Malaysia
as e pepet). The e pepet has hardly a sound at all, being little m ore than a
slight grunt o r explosion o f breath as er in the English w ord over. (U n fo r­
tunately American stu d en ts pron ouncin g this English w o rd m ay lengthen
the sound value o f er more than would an English student.) The sound, or
rather lack of sound, is easily recognized when hearing a Malay pronounce
a Bahasa Malaysia word such as perang as it would almost seem to be ‘prang’
to the listener. The letter e, as a very short sound (pepet), can generally be
recognised when it occurs in closed syllables as above i.e. perang, where it
is the next to last syllable. The e in the last syllable is almost invariably
a long sound e.g. leleh where the first e is very short and the second long
and the word is pronounced Hay.
The sounds of Malay, together with the alphabet, have been recorded and
you will find the text of this section (Bunyi perkataan) in your main
textbook. Instructions on how to use the sounds section are given
in the separate Students’ Instructions book.
For students who have had some previous knowledge of the old Romanised
form o f Bahasa Malaysia, two changes for the new spelling system may
appear strange on first acquaintance. They are: c which now has the sound
ch (as in the English word cheese) and sy which is pronounced sh (as in the
English word shall).
H o w to m a k e th e M O ST o f th e L in g u a p h o n e C o urse
Y ou have n o w in y o u r h a n d s o n e o f th e finest m e a n s y e t devised
for th e te a c h in g o f M o d e rn Languages. M any y ears o f e x p e r im e n ta l
w o rk w ith every k n o w n m e t h o d o f language te a c h in g have g o ne
in to th e p r e p a r a tio n o f this L in g u a p h o n e C ourse.
Y ou can n o w c o m m a n d th e services o f s o m e o f th e finest language
teach ers in th e w o r l d - m e n a n d w o m e n w h o c o m b in e all th e
essential e le m e n ts o f th e ideal te a c h e r; th e language th e y are
w aiting to teach y o u is th e ir o w n language, as fam iliar t o th e m as
y o u r o w n language is to y o u .
T h e y are a c k n o w le d g e d e x p e r ts in th e ir language, u n d e r s ta n d in g
every asp ec t o f it, w idely read and w idely versed in the c u ltu r e o f
th e ir o w n n a tio n . A n d , m o s t i m p o r t a n t p e rh a p s o f all, th e y are
e x p e r t teachers, w ith th e skill b o rn o f lo ng e x p e rie n c e in im p a rtin g
th e ir k n o w le d g e to o th e rs , a n d in u n d e r s ta n d in g a n d s m o o th in g o u t
all th e d ifficulties t h a t m ig h t im p e d e y o u r progress.
Y ou are w aitin g to l e a r n - t h e y are w aitin g to teach. T h e se
I n s tr u c tio n s have o n ly o n e p u rp o se : to in tr o d u c e y o u to each
o th e r , and to h e lp y o u o ver th e early stages o f y o u r a c q u a in ta n c e .
Y o u m a y th in k t h a t y o u d o n o t need to be to ld h o w to listen. B ut
when to listen a n d w h e n to s p e a k , w h a t to listen for, a n d h o w to
a b so rb all t h a t th e re is to listen t o —o n all these p o in ts th e se
I n s tr u c tio n s will guide y o u .
T h e y will sh o w y o u at every p o in t o f y o u r d e v elo p in g k n o w le d g e
h o w y o u r ear, eye, lips a n d m e m o r y can best and m o s t e ffec tiv e ly
c o - o p e r a t e - a s th e y did a u to m a tic a lly w h e n y o u learned as a child
to speak y o u r o w n l a n g u a g e - s o as to e n ab le y o u t o m a s te r every
s o u n d a n d every idiom o f th e foreign languages y o u have ch o sen .
If y o u fo llo w th ese I n s tr u c tio n s c are fu lly , even th o u g h a t th e
m o m e n t y o u m a y n o t see th e value o f th e m , y o u will find t h a t at
every s te p o f y o u r progress, as o n a p a th t h a t clim b s fro m a valley
to th e s h o u ld e r o f a hill, y o u are o ffe re d an even w id e r a n d m o re
fascin atin g p r o s p e c t, b u t , u n lik e th e hill-clim ber, y o u will find t h a t
th e n e a re r y o u a p p r o a c h th e s u m m it th e easier a n d m o re a ttra c tiv e
th e c lim b b e co m es. A n d w h e n y o u j e a c h th e s u m m it a new w orld
lies at y o u r feet.
Preliminary Advice
T hese I n s tr u c tio n s are ap p licab le b o t h to th o se s tu d e n ts w h o
alread y have so m e k n o w le d g e o f th e foreign language, a n d to th ose
w h o have n o k n o w le d g e o f it at all.
T h e o b je c t o f th ese I n s tr u c tio n s is to h elp y o u learn, n o t o n ly h o w
to sp e a k th e language, b u t also h o w to read, w rite a n d u n d e r s t a n d
I f y o u a lrea d y have a c e rta in k n o w le d g e o r a s m a tte rin g o f the
s p o k e n language, y o u r a c c e n t m a y n o t be p e rfe c t. We th e r e f o r e
advise y o u t o try a n d fo rg e t as far as possible w h a t y o u have learn­
ed b e fo r e , fo llo w in g th e I n s tr u c tio n s even m o re c arefu lly t h a n if
y o u were a beginner.
I f y o u have n o p rev io u s k n o w le d g e a n d follow th ese I n s tr u c tio n s
c o n s c ie n tio u sly , y o u m u s t in evitably speak th e foreign language
w ith th e sam e a c c e n t and in to n a tio n as th e sp eak ers w h o se voices
y o u have b e e n listen in g to.
T h e first few Lessons are s p o k e n slow ly a n d d e lib e ra te ly , so as to
e n ab le y o u t o c a tc h every w o rd . T h e m o re y o u r e a r gets a ccu s­
t o m e d to th e foreign language, th e c learer a n d m o re d is tin c t th e
foreign w o rd s b e c o m e to y o u , a n d w h a t at first m a y have seem ed
to y o u a j u m b l e o f strange a n d in c o m p re h e n s ib le s o u n d s gradually
assum es th e sh a p e o f d is tin c t a n d intelligible speech.
T h e ra te o f sp eech ad van ces w ith every Lesson as th e c o u rse
progresses, u n til in th e la te r Lessons it reach es th e n o r m a l rate. By
th e n , y o u will have n o d iffic u lty in fo llo w in g th e te x t, b e ca u se in
th e m e a n tim e y o u r e a r will have b e c o m e t h o r o u g h ly tra in e d and
a t t u n e d t o th e foreign language.
A t th e o u t s e t y o u m a y fin d th e d if f e r e n t tu r n s o f sp eech a n d idioms
strange, b u t j u s t ta k e th ese p e c u lia ritie s (p re s e n t in euery language
—in c lu d in g E nglish!) fo r g ra n te d a t first. L a te r o n , w h e n y o u have
th e feel o f th e language, th e y will all b e c o m e p e rfe c tly clear to
y o u , a n d y o u will b e able to ex p re ss y o u r th o u g h ts in th is n e w
m e d iu m j u s t as s p o n ta n e o u s ly as y o u d o in English.
T ry n o t to let a single d a y pass w i t h o u t d o in g so m e s tu d y .
It is b e t t e r to d o a little a t a tim e a t reg ular intervals th a n a g reat
deal at long intervals.
Im p o rtan t
Do not a ttem p t to pronounce the sentences aloud until instructed
to do so.
Summary of Instructions
W e give below a résumé o f the detailed instructions which follow on
pages 18-21.
(c )
L i s te n , fo llo w in g te x t in b o o k .
L i s t e n , w i t h o u t lo o k in g a t th e b o o k .
L i s te n , fo llo w in g w ith t h e b o o k .
M a k e o u t t h e m e a n in g w ith th e h e lp o f p ic tu re s a n d V o c a b u la ry .
C h e c k b y u s in g t h e t r a n s la tio n a n d t h e e x p la n a to r y n o te s .
L i s t e n , first fo llo w in g w ith t h e te x t a n d t h e n o n ly lo o k in g a t th e
p ictu re.
Speaking and Reading
R e a d t h e t e x t a l o u d with t h e s p e a k e r . T h e n r e a d it a lo u d by
y o u r s e lf .
L i s t e n t o t h e q u e s t i o n . L o o k a t t h e te x t a n d s im u lta n e o u s ly with
t h e s p e a k e r give t h e a n s w e r.
Written Exercises
D o t h e w r i t t e n e x e rc is e s a n d c h e c k y o u r a n s w e rs in th e key a t th e
b ack o f th e b o o k .
W h e th e r y o u s tu d y a w hole Lesson at a tim e, o r o n ly a
\\,a ll th e fo llow ing I n s tr u c tio n s Nos. 1 to 1 1 sh o u ld be
o u t for each Lesson o r each p o r tio n o f the Lesson. T h e
sh o u ld be t'ollowed w h e t h e r y o u r C o u rse is on reco rds,
p o r ti o n o f
sam e plan
ta p e o r
1 E ar-training
(D o n o t try at this stage to u n d e r s ta n d th e m e a n in g o f th e tex t.
Y o u r aim s h o u ld be to distinguish each syllable a n d each w ord and
to id e n tify th e s p o k e n w o rd w ith the p rin te d te x t.)
(a) Listen, and at the sam e tim e, follow th e w o rd s in th e
illu strated T e x t b o o k .
(b ) Listen again w i t h o u t lo o k in g at th e T e x t b o o k .
(c) Listen o n c e m o re , this tim e follow in g th e w o rd s in the
T e x tb o o k .
R e p e a t th e above several times.
2 U n d e rs ta n d in g
R ead th ro u g h th e te x t y o u are s tu d y in g a n d refer to the pictures.
T h e y will h e lp to m a k e the m e a n in g o f th e s e n te n c e s clear to y o u
and to fix th e w o rd s in y o u r m in d . W herever a n u m b e r is a tta c h e d
to a w o rd in th e t e x t , refer to th e large p ic tu re illu stratin g th e
Lesson; th e re y o u will see th e sam e n u m b e r a tta c h e d to t h e o b je c t
w h ich th e w o rd rep rese n ts. If th e re are small p ic tu re s as well, th e
w o rd s th e y illu strate will be in d ic a te d by a le tte r in italics.
Having d o n e this, m a k e q u ite sure y o u u n d e r s ta n d th e t e x t by
c o n s u ltin g th e V o c a b u la ry . T o c h e c k t h a t y o u really u n d e r s ta n d
the m e a n in g o f th e t e x t refer to th e tra n s la tio n p ro v id e d . D o this
a s e n te n c e at a tim e, rea d in g first th e Malay s e n te n c e th e n th e
tra n sla tio n o f it.
3 E ar-training in c o n ju n c ti o n w ith T e x t a n d P ictures
Play th e p o r ti o n y o u are s tu d y in g several tim es, first fo llo w in g the
te x t in th e b o o k ; th e n c o n c e n t r a te o n th e p ic tu re s a n d lo o k at th e
various o b je c ts as th e y are m e n tio n e d . By n o w y o u s h o u ld have
q u ite a goo d idea o f th e m ea n in g o f the s e n te n c e s as y o u h e a r
th em .
4 E ar-train in g c o m b i n e d w ith Spelling
Listen again, while follo w ing th e t e x t in th e b o o k , this tim e p a y in g
special a t t e n t i o n to the spelling o f th e w o rd s.
5 W riting
C o p y o u t th e tex t.
6 D etailed Ear-training
Listen to th e t e x t w hile fo llo w in g it in th e b o o k . D o y o u u n d e r ­
sta n d every w o rd ? If n o t, u n d e rlin e in pencil th e w o r d s y o u d o n o t
u n d e rs ta n d .
L o o k u p th e m e a n in g o f th e w o rd s u n d e rlin e d and th e n listen
several tim es w i t h o u t th e b o o k , until y o u are able to u n d e r s ta n d
e v eryth ing.
7 S peaking
If y o u arc to be u n d e r s t o o d easily, y o u m u st speak th e language in
the sam e w ay as th e sp e a k e rs o n th e record. T his m e a n s im ita tin g
th e ir in to n a tio n as well as p r o n u n c ia tio n , so d o n o t be afraid to
c o p y th e rise a n d fall o f th e voice e x a c tly , sp e a k in g in a loud, clear
P ractice as follows: L isten to th e re c o rd in g and read a lo u d from
the T e x t b o o k with th e sp eak er. (Y o u m ay n o t be able to k e e p up
w ith him at first, b u t this will c o m e w ith m o re listening p ra c tic e .)
R e p e a t several tim es u n til y o u are q u ite c e rta in o f y o u r p r o n u n c i a ­
tio n a n d can k e e p u p w ith th e speaker.
8 R ead in g
Listen to th e te x t, at th e sam e tim e follow in g in the b o o k . T h e n
hsten to it w i t h o u t lo o k in g at th e b o o k . F in ally , read it a lo u d
several tim es. Read slowly at first. F lu e n c y will c o m e o f its o w n
acco rd . R ead in g a lo u d is an e x c e lle n t exercise fo r a c q u irin g
flu e n cy in speaking, b u t sh o u ld o n ly be practised w h e n y o u are
sure o f y o u r p r o n u n c ia tio n .
9 Ear T est
W ith o u t lo o k in g at th e b o o k , listen to th e t e x t to satisfy y o u r s e lf
t h a t y o u u n d e r s ta n d every w o rd y o u hear.
10 S p o n t a n e o u s C o n v e rsio n o f Im ages in to S p o k e n W ords
L o o k a t t h e large p ic tu re . T a k e , o n e by o n e , e a c h p e rs o n a n d
o b j e c t n u m b e r e d a n d . b e s id e s giving its n a m e , give a d e sc rip tio n
o f it a n d e x p r e s s th e w h o le id ea r e p r e s e n t e d . A lw a y s say the
w o r d s a lo u d .
A s im ila r e x e rc is e c a n be p ra c tis e d w h e n e v e r th e r e are small
p i c t u r e s in th e text.
1 1 D e ta ile d 1‘n d e r s ta n d in ji o f th e I'ext
C'opv (Hit fro m th e V o c a b u la r y th e m e a n in g s o f th e w o rd s an d
p h r a s e s in y o u r o w n la n g u a g e . C lo s e th e V o c a b u la r y a n d a d d the
fo re ig n e q u iv a le n ts . C h e c k fn^m th e V o c a b u la ry .
M a k e q u i t e s u re y o u u n d e r s t a n d th e g r a m m a tic a l c o n s tru c tio n ot
t h e s e n te n c e s . D o this by re fe rrin g to th e e x p la n a to r y n o te s in this
12 F in a l T est
H a v i n e c a r r ie d o u t all th e a b o v e In s tru c tio n s to r th e whole o\i\
L e s s o n , d o this final lest.
l.is te n to t h e w h o le L e sso n w ith o u t th e b o o k . C a n you u n d e r s ta n d
a n d fo llo w it all? D o you k n o w it so well th a t you d o n o t n e e d to
t h in k o f t h e E n e lish m e a n i n e o f it? If so. vou a re b e u in n in e to
t h in k in t h e fo re ie n lamzuane a n d h av e reallv m a s te r e d the
l.e s s o n . Plav th e L e sso n a e a i n . this tim e readinii it a lo u d t o g e th e r
w ith t h e s p e a k e r to m a k e q u ite s u re y o u r p r o n u n c ia tio n a n d
i n t o n a t i o n a re c o rr e c t.
13 W r i t t e n K xercises ( L a tih a n - L a t i h a n )
Y o u r w r i tt e n e x e rc ise s s e c tio n c o n ta in s t h r e e exercises o n e ac h
le s s o n . Y o u s h o u ld a t t e m p t th e s e ex erc ise s on ly w h e n y o u are
s u r e v o u th o r o u g h l y u n d e r s t a n d th e lesson you have just
c o m p l e t e d . W r ite y o u r a n s w e rs to e a c h ex ercise o n a s e p a r a te
p ie c e o f p a p e r , h a v in g first s tu d ie d th e e x a m p le s w hich show you
w h a t v o u h a v e to d<^ T h e n c h e c k v o u r a n sw e rs w ith th o se eiven in
t h e k e v a t th e b a c k o f th e b o o k .
Where the text consists o f conversation in the fo rm o f questions
and answers, the following additional Instructions should he
carried out:
14 A n sw erin g th e Q u e s tio n s h eard o n th e R e c o rd in g
S ta rt p laying th e Lesson. L o o k at th e t e x t an d listen to th e first
q u e s tio n , th e n s im u lta n e o u s ly with th e s p e a k e r say a lo u d the
answer. D o this several tim es w ith e ac h q u e s tio n in tu r n u n til y o u
feel y o u can an sw e r th e q u e s tio n s from m e m o r y w i t h o u t lo o k in g
at the te x t.
15 A sking Q u e s tio n s a n d H earing th e A nsw ers
L o o k at th e t e x t a n d ask the q u e s tio n with th e s p e a k e r a n d th e n
ju s t listen to th e answ er. D o this several tim es u n til y o u can say it
from m e m o r y w i t h o u t lo o k in g at th e tex t.
I n d e p e n d e n t S elf-E xpression
A f te r y o u have m a ste re d th e first tw o o r th re e Lessons, y o u will
have a c q u ire d q u ite a c o n sid e ra b le v o c ab u la ry .
T h e m aterial th u s learned will n o t o n ly e n ab le y o u to f o r m u la te
such s e n te n c e s as a p p e a r in th e b o o k , b u t y o u will find by degrees
th a t w ith th e w o rd s a n d e x p re ssio n s y o u have a c q u ire d y o u will
also be able to f o rm u la te c o rre c tly y o u r o w n in d e p e n d e n t
s e n te n c e s a n d p hrases as o c ca sio n arises. T h e m o re L essons y o u
m a ster, th e easier y o u will find th e art o f self-expression in th e
foreign language.
T h e m aterial is th e re , th e m e a n s o f a c q u irin g it are th e re ; it is fo r
y o u to m a k e it y o u r o w n b y a little p ersev era n ce and a little w o rk .
The Sounds
T h e te x t o f th e individual w o r d s re c o rd e d to illu strate th e s o u n d s
o f the language will be fo u n d in th e m ain T e x t b o o k . T h is r e c o r d ­
ing is useful fo r re fe re n c e p u rp o se s. L isten in g to the e x a m p le s o f
o n ly o n e o r t w o s o u n d s at a tim e will s h a rp e n y o u r e a r a n d be an
invaluable h e lp in a c q u irin g a g o o d p r o n u n c ia tio n .
R egarding P r o n u n c ia tio n G en erally
T o o m u c h stress c a n n o t be laid o n c o rre c t p r o n u n c ia tio n . Y ou
m ay feel sure t h a t y o u can re p e a t th e first L esson c o rr e c tly , b u t if
y o u go b ack to Lesson I, a f t e r y o u have finished Lessons 2 a n d 3,
y o u r e a r will have b e c o m e s h a rp e r in p ic k in g u p n u a n c e s o f to n e ,
an d y o u will find m a n y little p o in ts to c o rre c t. K eep o n referring,
th e r e f o r e , to Lesson 1 at intervals as a p r o n u n c i a t i o n te st - y o u
can alw ay s learn fro m Lesson 1 in this resp ect.
F in al N o te
W hen y o u have c o m p l e t e d this C o u rse , y o u will, if y o u have
fo llo w e d th e I n s tr u c tio n s c are fu lly , have a c q u ire d a lasting k n o w ­
ledge o f th e language y o u have c h o se n . Y o u can n o w m a k e
y o u r s e lf easily u n d e r s t o o d w h e n y o u speak it; y o u r a c c e n t is goo d
a n d y o u have a s u ffic ie n t v o c a b u la ry fo r all th e o r d in a ry n eeds o f
daily life. M oreo v er, y o u will have n o d iffic u lty in u n d e r s ta n d in g
th e language w h e n o th e r s sp eak it, a n d can converse flu e n tly w ith
natives a n d e n jo y th e b ro a d c a s ts fro m foreign s ta tio n s . M ost
thrilling o f all, p e rh a p s , y o u are w ell-fitted to set o u t o n a voyage
o f e x p lo r a t i o n in th e lite ra tu re o f th e language y o u have m a s te re d .
(W hen y o u d o so, m a k e a h a b it o f re a d in g a lo u d a s h o r t passage fo r
h a lf an h o u r o r so. I f th e re are a n y w o r d s in th e passage y o u d o
n o t u n d e r s ta n d , d o n o t lo o k th e m u p in th e d ic tio n a r y at once.
R ead th e passage a lo u d several tim es, th e n lo o k u p th e m e a n in g o f
th e u n k n o w n w o rd s, a n d finally read th e w h o le passage f o u r o r
five tim es m o re .)
Even a f te r y o u have c o m p l e t e d th e C o u rse , it is a g o o d id e a to
listen o cca sio n a lly to o n e o r o t h e r o f th e L essons in o r d e r to k e e p
y o u r e a r a t t u n e d to th e language a n d to m a in ta in th e p u r it y o f
y o u r a c c e n t. T h e C o u rse is p a rtic u la rly valu ab le fo r e n a b lin g th e
s tu d e n t to m a in ta in his k n o w le d g e o f th e language at a high level
at all tim es, especially in th e i m p o r t a n t m a t t e r o f th e i n t o n a t i o n
to be used in c o n v e rs a tio n o n e v e ry d a y topics.
In a c q u irin g th e language t h a t y o u have a lrea d y m a s te re d y o u have
p re p a re d th e g r o u n d fo r a g rea t h a rv e st o f real a n d lasting e n jo y ­
m e n t, w h ic h y o u are n o w re a d y to reap. B u t y o u have d o n e m o re .
Y o u have p re p a re d a n d tra in e d y o u r s e l f so t h a t w h e n n e x t y o u set
o u t in to n e w fields o f lan g u ag e-stu d y , y o u r la b o u r will be th e
lighter, a n d even m o re a b u n d a n t a n d sa tisfy in g th e rew ard .
T h e c h o ic e o f th e n e x t language y o u s tu d y will d e p e n d o n y o u r
o w n re q u ire m e n ts . Each language h a s its o w n advantages.
Having c o m p l e t e d o n e language, y o u m a y n o w care t o s t u d y tw o
o r m o re languages sim u lta n e o u s ly . By th e L in g u a p h o n e m e t h o d it
is possible t o d o this w ith an e x p e n d i tu r e o f very little m o r e tim e
an d e f f o r t th a n is n e e d e d to learn a single language. M o re o v e r, it is
fascinating t o c o m p a re th e fo rm s o f e x p re ssio n given t o th e sam e
idea in d iff e r e n t languages. T h is a d d e d in te re s t, again, en ab le s rap id
progress t o be m a d e w i t h o u t stra in an d a lm o s t w i t h o u t c o n s c io u s
e f f o r t, b e ca u se a task w h ic h gives p lea su re in itse lf is alw ay s easier
o f a c c o m p l i s h m e n t - i n fa c t, it ceases to be a task and b e c o m e s a
pastim e.
Let's Speak Bahasa Malaysia
G ood morning, sir.
Listen, please.
I’m a teacher.
Y o u ’re a student.
I’m a Malay.
Y ou’re not a Malay.
The Malays speak Bahasa Malaysia.
I’m now speaking Bahasa Malaysia.
This is a table.
This is a gram ophone.
This is a record.
The record is on the gram ophone.
The g ram o p h o n e is on the table.
Y o u ’re holding a b o o k in y o u r hand,
i t ’s open.
Y ou’re looking at the book.
Y ou’re listening to the record.
Y ou’re listening to my voice.
Y ou’re learning to speak, read and write in Bahasa Malaysia.
Wlien 1 speak slowly, surely y o u can understand me.
When I speak fast, y o u can’t.
P e n d a h u lu a n
Vlari k ita b e r c a k a p Bahasa Malaysia
B ahagian satu
native Malays. When Malaya was
re c o n stitu ted as Malaysia the
language becam e k n o w n as Bahasa
Bahasa Malaysia the official
language o f Malaysia (form erly
k n o w n as Bahasa Melayu)
bahagian p art, section, division
satu one
selamat safe
pagi m orning
selamat pagi good m orning
p en d a h u lu an in tro d u c tio n
mari co m e
kita we, us (including th e person
mari kita let us
cakap speak, talk
bercakap to speak, to talk
bahasa language
Melayu Malay; a m e m b e r o f the
Malay race
Bahasa Melayu the Malay Language,
i.e. the language spoken by the
tu an Mr., sir (a polite form of ad ­
sila please
dengar listen
m endengar listening (active)
saya I. me
orang person, h u m a n being, people
seorang one person
guru teacher
pelajar student
b u k a n not (im plying an alternative)
sekarang now
ini this
b u a h num eral coefficient for round
object, fruit
sebuah a. one (of ro u n d object)
meja table
peti box
nyanyi sing
petin y an y i g ra m o p h o n e (lit. singmg
piring saucer, disc
hitam black
pirin^hitam a gramophone record
ada is, are, to exist
atas o n , above, over
di atas o n to p of, o n , over, above
pegang hold
Part II
memegang holding, holds
buku book
di in, at, on (prefix) (preposition of
tangan hand
b u k a to open
te rb u k a o p en (state o f being open)
sedang adverb used to indicate pres­
ent c o n tin u o u s tense
lihat look, see. view
melihat looking, seeing, viewing
itu that
suara voice
belajar to learn, to stu d y
baca read
m em baca reading
tulis write
menulis writing
juga also
bila when
perlahan slow
perlahan-lahan slowly
te n tu sure, surely
boleh can, able, may
faham understand
fast, quick
cepat-cepat quickly
tidak no
Let's Speak Bahasa Malaysia
G ood aftern o o n . How are y o u ?
Very well, than k you.
Now, please answer m y questions.
Am I a teacher?
Yes, y o u are a teacher.
Are y o u a stu d en t?
Yes, I am.
Are y o u a Malay?
No, I’m not.
Wlio is the teacher, y o u or me?
You are the teacher.
And w h o ’s the s tu d e n t?
Tni the student.
Ani I n o w speaking Bahasa Malaysia?
Yes, y o u ’re now speaking Baiiasa Malaysia.
Can y o u speak Baiiasa Malaysia?
Yes, I can, a little.
Wliat’s this.
T h at’s a record.
Where’s the record?
It’s on the gram ophone.
Is this a book?
Yes, it is.
is tins a b o o k ?
No, it isn’t; it’s a record.
Wliere are y o u sitting?
I’m sitting in a chair.
What are y o u listening to?
I’m listening to the voice o n the record.
Whose voice are y o u listening to?
I’m listening to y o u r voice.
What are y o u looking at?
I’m looking at the book.
Is tiie b o o k o p e n or closed?
It’s open.
When I speak slowly can y o u u n derstand me?
Yes, I can.
When I speak fast can y o u u n derstand me?
No, I c a n ’t.
B ahagian d u a
dua tw o
tengah m iddle
hari day
selamat tengah hari good a fte rn o o n
apa w hat
khabar news, tidings
apa khabar? h o w are y o u ?
baik good
khabar baik very well
terim a accept, receive
kasih love, affection
terim a l^asih th a n k you
jaw ab answer
p ertan y aan question
kah interrogative particle used for
expressing question
adakah is there, are there
ya yes, an expression o f agreement
siapa, siapakah who
atau or
d a n and
sedikit a little
a particle which can be affixed
to a word in a sentence to give
mana where
di mana where (indicating place)
d u d u k sit
Lesson 1
kerusi chair
tu tu p close
te r tu tu p closed. T he prefix ter
indicates a state o f com pletio n
yang w hich, w ho. that
yang m ana which one
My Family
This is m y family: m y wife, m y son, m y daughter and I, M u ham m ad. My
wife's nam e is Asmah. I’m her husband. I*m a m an and m y wife is a
w om an. We’ve got tw o children, a boy and a girl. My son’s nam e is Ahmad.
He*s twelve years old. My d au g h ter’s name is Fatim ah. She’s still small.
She’s only eight years old. F atim ah is fo u r years younger than A hm ad, and
Ahmad is four years older than Fatim ah. In m y family Fatim ah is the
youngest, and i’m the oldest. A hm ad is F a tim a h ’s elder b rother, and
Fatim ah is A hm ad’s you n g er sister. A hm ad is m y son. i’m his father and
my wife is his m other. A hm ad and Fatim ah are o u r children. We love them
very much. My wife is sitting in an arm-chair reading a book. Tm standing
near the w indow smoking a pipe. Fatim ah is writing a letter. A hm ad is
kneeling on the floor playing w ith his to y train set. A cat is sitting under­
neath liie table.
Relajaran s a tu ( I )
Keluarga saya
pelajaran lesson
pertam a first
keluarga family
keluarga saya my family
isteri wife
nama name
nya his, hers, its, theirs (an affix
indicating possession)
anak son of, daughter of, child,
lelaki, laki-laki male, man
perem p u an
female, w om an
anak lelaki saya m y son
anak p e re m p u an saya m y daughter
suami husband
kami we. o u r (excluding the person
u m u r age
duabeias twelve
ta h u n year
dia she, he
masih still
kecil small, young
baru only, ju st, new, recent
lapan eight
em pat four
lebih m ore, excess
m u d a young, not ripe
diri self
berdiri standm g (b y oneself)
tingkap w indow
sambil while
hisap sm oke
menghisap smoking, sucking
paip pipe
sedang menulis is writing
surat letter
lu tu t knee
b erlu tu t kneeling
lantai floor
main play
berm ain playing
dengan with
keretapi train
keretapi mainan to y train
ekor tail
kucing cat
di bawah u n d e rn e a th
lebih m u d a younger
daripada than, from
tua old
lebih tu a older
in. inside, deep
term u d a youngest (prefix ter indi­
cates superlative degree)
tertua oldest (prefix ter indicates
superlative degree)
sekali an adverb o f superlative
degree, once
ialah is, are (for emphasis)
abang elder b ro th e r
adik younger b ro th e r or sister
bapa father
b ap a n y a his/her father
ibu m o th e r
ibunya his/her m o th e r
ibu-bapa parents
very, extrem ely
pada to. with
mereka them
kerusi sandar arm chair
Lesson 2
Questions and Answers
Who am 1?
You’re Encik Muhammad.
Whose husband am 1?
Y ou’re Puan Asmali’s husband.
What’s my so n’s name?
His n a m e ’s Ahmad.
What’s y o u r name?
My n a m e ’s Karim.
Have I got one o r tw o children?
Y ou’ve got tw o children.
Is Fatim ah m y daughter?
Yes, she is.
How old is she?
She’s eight years old.
What’s she doing?
She’s writing a letter.
Is she standing or sitting?
She’s sitting.
What’s Ahmad playing witli?
He’s playing with his toy train set.
Has Ahmad got any brothers?
No, he hasn’t.
Have y o u got any brothers?
Yes, I have.
Mow m any?
Only one.
Who’s smoking the pipe?
Y ou are.
Do y o u sm oke cigarettes?
No, I d o n ’t.
Does your father smoke?
Yes, he does.
Are there wonien w ho sm oke cigarettes?
Yes, there are some w ho do while o thers d o n ’t.
P elajaran d u a (2 )
S oalan d a n ja w a p a n
soalan question
jaw apan answer
anda you fnewly-coined word)
Encik Mr.
Puan y o u , Mrs. (polite fo rm of
berapa how m uch, how m any
b u a t do» make
d ib u a tn y a is doing (by)
Lesson 3
u m u rn y a his/her age
p u n y a possess
m em punyai possess, ow n
adik-beradik b rothers and sisters
sahaja only
ro k o k cigarettes
kah an affix indicating question
m ero k o k to smoke
mengajar to teach
Our House
In Malaysia, quite a n u m b e r o f people live in flats, but m ost people live in
low houses in the suburbs. We. too, have a house in the suburbs. We bought
it ab o u t tlftecn years ago when we got married. Most Iiouses in the suburbs
have tw o tloors. the g ro u n d floor and the first lloor. On the ground floor
are the dining ro o m , the hall, the sitting ro o m , and also the kitchen. In one
co rn er o f the hall we can see a coat hanger, a hat and an umbrella. F ro m the
hall there is a staircase leading to the first floor. On this floor there are four
bedrooms, a bathroom and a toilet. In front of our house there is a small
garden. In this garden we plant flowers Uke roses, orchids and other types of
flowers. At the back of the house there is a slightly bigger garden and a
vacant (plot oO land. Here, there are a number of fruit trees like guava,
rambutans and mangosteen trees. There is also a vegetable plot where we
plant vegetables like chillies, cucumber, sweet potatoes and aubergines. There
is a garage by the side o f the house. The garden is fenced and there is a gate.
Pelajaran tiga (3)
R um ah kami
bilik room
tiga three
m akan eat
rum ah house
bilik m akan dining room
rum ah pangsa flat
dewan hall
ramai m any, plenty ( o f people)
te ta m u guests
tinggal Uve
bilik te ta m u sitting-room
tetapi b u t
d ap u r kitchen
k eb an y ak a n most
sud u t corner
b an y ak m uch, m any
n am p ak see
k e b a n y a k a n n y a mostly
p en yang kut hanger
rendah low
baju dress, shirt generally
kawasan area
p en yang kut baju coat hanger
bandar city
topi hat
luar outside
payung umbrella
kawasan luarbandar suburbs,
sekaki an adjective used to describe
rural areas
an object w ith a leg-like shape
bell b u y
kaki foot
lebih more
tangga ladder, steps
kurang less
anak tangga staircase
lebih kurang a b o u t, ap proxim ately
tuju heads for, points at
iaitu th a t is
m enuju leading to, pointing at
lima five
tidur sleep
limabelas fifteen
bilik tid u r b e d ro o m
belas the te n th unit
m andi bathing
du lu , d a h u lu ago, before,
bilik m andi b a th ro o m
previously, first
tandas toilet
apabila w hen
hadapan front
kahw in to m arry
di hadapan in fro n t o f
berk ahw in married
tingkat storeys, floors ( o f buildings) tam an garden
tanam to plant
tingkat baw ah ground floor
m en a n am planting
tingkat atas to p floor, upstairs
p o k o k plant, tree
bunga flower
seperti such as, like
res rose
anggerik orchids
lain-lain o thers
jenis types, kinds, species
belakang back
di belakang at the back o f
pula likewise, also
besar big
tanah land, earth
lapang e m p ty , vacant
sana, di sana there
beberapa a n u m b e r o f
batang stem ( o f trees, flowers etc)
b u a h fruit
p o k o k buah-buahan fruit trees
ja m b u guava
ram b u ta n ram b u tan s
Lesson 4
manggis m angosteen
k e b u n p lan ta tio n , garden
sayur vegetable
k e b u n say u r vegetable garden
lada chillies
tim un cucum ber
keledek sweet p o ta to es
terung aubergine
tepi edge, margin, bo rd e r, b y the
side o f
tem p a t place
sim pan keep
m en yim pan keeping
m o to k a r car
te m p a t m e n y im p an m o to k a r garage
pagar fence
berpagar fenced
pin tu do o r, gate
pin tu pagar the gate itself
Conversation about our House
Now let’s talk about our house. Can you tell me where we live?
Yes, 1 can. You live in a house in the suburbs.
Correct. Now, tell me, is the house big or small?
The house is neither too big nor too small.
When did I buy the house?
You bought it about fifteen years ago.
Is there a garage?
Yes, there is.
H ow m a n y room s are there in the house?
Wait a m o m e n t. Let me c o u n t f i r s t . . . one, tw o , th re e, four, five, six, seven.
A ltog ether there are seven room s, including th e kitchen.
Is the bedroom upstairs or downstairs?
Upstairs, on the top floor.
What rooms are there downstairs, on the ground floor?
The dining room, the sitting room and the kitchen.
Has our house got a garden?
Yes, it has.
Where are the flowers planted?
In front of the house.
Arc there fruit trees in front of tiie house?
No, there aren’t, but there are fruil trees in the garden at the baclc of the
Have we got many fruit trees?
No, not many; only a few.
Do you like eating fruit?
Yes, I like eating fruit such as apples, durians, rambutans and mangosteens.
Pelajaran e m p a t (4 )
P e rb u a la n te n ta n g r u m a h k a m i
perbualan conversation, chat, dia­
berbual having a chat, having a
conversation, having a talk
tentang a b o u t, concerning
rum ah house
sekarang now
beri to give
beritah u to in fo rm , to tell
tinggal stay, live
kawasan area
luarbandar rural, c ountryside (lit.
outside the to w n ), suburbs
betul tru e, correct, right
terlalu very, exceedingly
besar big, huge, large
kecil small
pula also, likewise, to o
beli b u y , purchase
membeli buying, purchasing (suffix
nya refers to th e object house)
lebih m ore, over
kurang less
lebih kurang a b o u t, ap p ro x im ately ,
m ore o r less
tem p a t place
sim pan keep, store away
m o to k a r car
te m p a t sim pan m o to k a r garage
bilik ro o m
di dalam inside, in, within
nanti wait
biar to allow, to perm it, let
biar saya let me
kira co u n t, calculate
tiga three
enam six
tujuh, tujoh seven
kesem uanya altogether
term asuk including
d a p u r k itch en
bilik d a p u r kitchen (lit. kitchen
room )
tidur sleep
bilik tidur b e d ro o m (lit. ro o m for
sleeping in)
tingkat storey o f house, floor
tingkat atas upstairs
tingkat baw ah dow nstairs
bahagian section, part o f
m akan eat
bilik m akan dining room
tetam u , ta m u -tam u guests
bilik te ta m u guest room» sitting
ro o m
tam an garden
p o k o k plant
bunga flower
tanam to plant
m enanam planting
d ita n a m planted with
hadapan in fro n t, o p p o site , ahead
situ. S a n a there
di situ, di Sana there {lit. at there)
buah-buahan fruits
tetapi, tapi but
belakang back, behind
banyak plenty, m any , a lot
b an y ak k ah are there p le n ty , are
there m any etc
Lesson 5
hanya merely, just
sahaja, saja only
suka like, appreciate
epal apple
durian durian
ram b u ta n ram b u tan s
manggis mangosteen
kerusi-meja furniture
Our Sitting Room
our sitting room in this picture. As you e n te r it you can see a
botik-shelf pluccd near the wall. On the left there is a large w indow and
u n d e rn e ath it tliere is a bench, but y o u can ’t see it because it is placed
behind the settee. On the settee there arc tw o cushions. A television set is
placed near the wall o n th e right, and beside it there is an arm-chair. An old
w o m an is seen sitting in this chair, b u t n o b o d y is sitting on the o th e r chairs.
On the television set there is an alarm clock, and there is a painting hanging
on the wall. On its right there is a lamp stand. O pposite the television set
there is a small table. On it there is an ash tray and some newspapers. The
llo<>r is covered w ith a beautiful and expensive carpet. An electric light
hangs from the middle o f the ceiling. At night we switch the light on and
draw the curtain. During the day the sun shines through the window.
Pelajaran lim a (5)
Bilik t e t a m u k a m i
cuba try
gam bar picture, p h o to
apabila, bila when
masuk enter, com e in
dap at get, ob tain
para-para shelf
para-para b u k u book-shelf
letak to place, to locate, to pu t on
terletak placed, located, situated
ham pir near
berham piran nearby
dinding wall
sebelah besides, at the side o f
kiri left
sebelah kiri on the left
bangku bench
kerana because
kerusi panjang settee
biji (a num eral coefficient)
bantal pillow
sandar to lean against
b an ta l sandar cushions
peti talivisyen television set
tepi edge, near, o n th e verge o f
kanan right
kelihatan seen
sedang d u d u k sitting
lain o th e r
jam w atch, clock
jam gerak alarm clock
gantung hang
tergantung hanging, hangs
lukisan painting
lam pu lam p
lam pu b erkaki lam p stand
b e rh a d a p a n dengan o p p o site , facing,
in front o f
habuk ash, dust
r o k o k cigarettes
te m p a t h a b u k ro k o k ash tray
beberapa a^ n u m b e r of, som e, a few
naskhah copies, original m anuscript
suratkhabar newspaper
ben tan g to spread over, laid on
d ib en tangkan are spread
sehelai a piece o f
tikar m at (m ade o f m engkuang o r
p an d an leaves)
Lesson 6
perm aidani carpet
cantik beautiful, p retty
mahal expensive, dear, costly
lam pu letrik electric lights/lamps
siling ceiling
w aktu tim e
malam night
di w aktu m alam at night, during the
nyala alight, as o n fire
nyalakan to light, to sw itch on
tu tu p close
kain cloth
langsir curtain
tu t u p langsir draw the curtain
siang daylight
cahaya light, beam , gleam
m atahari sun
cahaya m atahari sunlight
menerusi thro u g h
tingkap w indow
menerusi tingkap th ro u g h the win­
Conversation between Teacher and Student
Is there a book-shelf in o u r sitting room ?
Yes, there is.
Are there m an y b ook s in it?
Yes, there are.
H ow m any b ooks are there on the shelf?
I d o n ’t know , because I haven’t c o u n te d them .
Wliere’s the w indow ?
It’s o n the left.
Wliat is that thing u nd er th e w indow ?
T h a t’s a bench.
Can y o u see the bench?
No, I can’t.
Why n o t?
Because it’s hidden behind th e settee.
Is there a n y th in g (placed) o n the radiogram?
No, there isn’t.
Isn’t there som ething o n the small table?
Yes, there are an ash tray and some newspapers.
Is there an arm-chair in that room ?
Yes, there is.
Can y o u see th ere’s a person sitting in that chair?
Yes, I can. The p e rso n ’s an old lady.
Is there a n y o n e sitting in the o th e r chairs?
No, th e re ’s n o b o d y sitting on that settee.
Do you like o u r sitting room ?
Yes, I like it very m uch.
I’m so happy. Everyone likes ou r room.
Pelajaran e n a m (6 )
P e rb u a la n a n ta r a g u ru d a n pelajar
antara b etw een
tahu k n o w
mengira coun tin g
benda thing, object
mengapa w hy?
terlindung hidden
suatu o ne
suatu b e n d a som ething
apa-apa b e n d a any thing
sesiapa a n y o n e , a n y b o d y
Lesson 7
p un also
sangat very, extrem ely
suka happy, like
sangat suka very hap py, like very
m uch
sukakan hke, appreciate
begitu in th a t w ay, thus
gembira happy, glad
begitu gembira so happy
sem ua everyone, all
Now let’s com pare our sitting ro o m w ith that o f Encik Lim. Encik Lim and
his wife, Puan Lim, are o u r close friends. T hey live next d o o r to us. O ur
ro o m is slightly bigger than their room and contains m ore furniture. As y ou
can see in Encik L im ’s ro o m there isn’t a radio. My book-shelf is in m y
sitting ro o m whereas his book-shelf is in his study. Encik Lim is interested
in paintings. Most o f liis paintings are the w orks o f well-known local artists.
Although his ro o m is smaller than mine, it is tidier and neater. Encik Lim’s
wife is very good at interior decoration. She is good and well-known in ou r
area for her ability. In Encik Lim’s silting room there are no lam p stands,
benches, tables o r small chairs, b u t there is a piano, there are three a rm ­
chairs and a settee w ith three cushions neatly placed on it. O n the television
set is (placed) a vase o f flowers. O n the wall hangs a beautiful oil painting
and a big expensive batik painting. Like o u r room , Hncik Lini’s room , too,
has large windows. During the day the sun shines thro u g h the w indow s
brightening up the room.
Pelajaran t u ju h (7 )
P e rb a n d in g a n
perbandingan com parison
bandingkan com pare
isterinya his wife
sahabat friend
karib close, good, dear
sahabat karib close friend
sebelah n ex t to , one side
perabut furniture
sebagaimana as, like
radio radio
bilik belajarnya his study
pem inat fans, admirers, a person
w ho is interested in som ething
senilukis the art o f drawing
pelukis-pelukis artists, painters
hasil produce, p ro d u c t, result of
karya w orks o f
te m p a ta n local
hasil karya pelukis-pelukis tem p atan
w orks o f local artists
terkenal well know n
Lesson 8
sungguhpun although
kem as neat, tidy
te ra tu r well arranged, in order
pandai clever, good at som ething,
hias to decorate
menghias decorating
daerah district, area a ro u n d oneself
k e b o le h an n y a his ability
serta as well as
jam bangan a b o u q u e t
jam bangan bunga a vase o f flowers
cat paint
m inyak oil
lukisan cat m inyak oil painting
batik printed cloth , batik
harga price, cost
harganya its price, its cost
di w a k tu during
menerangi brightening, lighting
Another Dialogue
Y o u ’ve learned ab o u t o u r sitting ro o m anU that o f Encik Lim Td now like
to put a few questions to y o u a b o u t o u r sitting room . Please tell me whose
sitting ro o m y o u prefer, Encik Lim’s o r ours?
I d o n ’t think th e re ’s m uch difference betw een the tw o rooms, but on the
wliole I choose y o u r room.
I’m very pleased to hear it. Encik Lim’s furniture is certainly m ore m odern
than ours. Surely y o u k n o w that th e y ’ve ju st got m arried; th e y ’ve just
bou ght their furniture. We have been married fifteen years; our furniture is
nut as iDodeni as hncik I j i n ’s. Have you seen the beautiful paintings
hanging in [{ncik Lini's room ?
Yes, I saw tliere were an oil painting and a batik painting. I was greatly
impressed by those paintings. I think they must be very expensive.
What d o y o u think o f pianos?
I think a piano is a very good musical instrum ent.
Can y o u play the piano?
I'm afraid I c a n ’t.
What ab o u t y o u r wife?
She plays the violin very well.
Pelajaran lapan (8 )
S atu lagi p e rb u a la h
lagi m ore, yet a n o th e r
telah already, had
m engetahui know
b erk en aan concerning, a b o u t
ingin like, wish, w anting (lit. long­
ing for)
m en g em u k ak an put across, put
harap please, hope
harap b eritah u saya please let me
a ta u p u n or
fikir thin k
perbezaan difference
pada at, on
pada keseluruhannya on the whole
pilih choose
sungguh really, truly
memang certainly, n o d o u b t, o f
Lesson 9
m o d e n m odern
rum ah house
tangga stairs, steps
berum ah-tangga to be married
selama for as long as
sem oden as m o d ern as
tertarik pulled, interested in
hati heart
sungguh tertarik hati greatly im ­
pressed by
percaya believe
bagaimana how , w hat
p e n d ap at opinion , views
b e rp e n d a p a t having the opinion
sejenis a kind o f
alat instrum ent
b u ny i-bu nyian musical
m aaf sorry, please forgive
biola violin
My G u esis
T oday is Saturday, fhere is a knock on tlie door. O ur neighbours, l*ncik
and Puan M uthu are com ing to visit us. O ur servant o pen s the d o o r and
invites th e m in. Having shut the do o r, she invites Encik and Puan Muthu
into the sitting room . We welcome them , shake hands with them and invite
th em to sit d o w n . A few m inutes later we hear the door-bell. This tim e, it is
N orah, m y w ife’s niece, w ho has ju s t arrived from the c o u n try . She is going to
stay with us till the end o f the week. She takes (hold of) niy hand and
kisses it and does the same w ith m y wife. My wife introduces Norah to
Encik and Puan Muthu. Then we sit dow n. The ladies talk abou t l»ouseliold
m atters and the latest fashions in clothes. We, men, talk a bout politics and
the latest news. Our servant com es in with a tray with five cups and a
te a p o t on it. A nd a n o th e r tray contains cakes, a plate o f kuih lapis, a
plate o f kuih keria and a plate o f kuih bingka. There is also a finger bowl.
My wife passes th e cups ro u n d and invites th e m to have tea. We have tea
and cakes and go on w ith o u r conversations.
Pelajaran s e m b ila n (9)
T e t a m u saya
k am p u n g village
akan will, shall
bersama-sama tog ether w ith
hingga till
hujung end
minggu week
salam greetings
bersalam shake hands
cium kiss
m encium kisses
m em p erk en a lk an introduces
kepada to
selepas after
cerita story
bercerita talk a b o u t
rum ah-tangga household
fesyen fashion
pakaian dress, clothes
terbaru latest, m ost recent
berbual-bual talk a b o u t, chat
politik politics
berita-berita news
bawa to carry
m em baw a carries
dulang tray
berisi containing
cawan cup
te k o h p o t, teap ot
sembilan nine
hari S a b tu S aturday
b u n y i so u n d , noise
b erb u n y i having a so u n d , sounded
k e tu k kn ock
d ik e tu k k n o c k a t/o n
jiran neighbour
d ata n g co m e, arrive
gaji wage, salary
orang gaji servant
b u k a to open
m em b u k a opens
m em persilakan to invite
m ereka th e y
setelah after
d itu tu p n y a is shut by
mengalu-alukan w elcom e
berjabat to grasp
tangan hands
berjabat tangan shake hands
sambil while
m init m inutes
kem u d ian afterw ards, later on
loceng bell
kah ini this tim e
saudara relative, relation
anak saudara n ep h ew , niece
tiba arrive, reach
air w ater
air teh tea (drink)
kuih-kuih cakes
piring plate saucer
names o f different
kuih lapis
types o f Malay
kuih keria
kuih bingka
Lesson 10
m angkuk bowl
cuci to wash
m engedarkan pass a ro u n d , circu­
teh tea
m inu m drink
A Visit
(iood a flc rn o o n Hncik Mutlui j n d Puan Muthu. How are you?
Very well, th a n k y o u , and you?
Very well, th a n k you. Please sit dow n. . . . O h, excuse m e, t h a t ’s probably
m y niece k nock ing o n the door. O h , N orita. V m very pleased to see you.
Y ou look fit. I d o n ’t th in k y o u have ever m e t Norita. Let m e in tro d u c e her.
Ihis is my niece, Norita. Ihese are m y friends, Hncik and Puan Muthu.
HtJW are you, Norita?
^ow com c and join us for tea. Hncik and Puan Muthu, w ould y o u like tea
o r ci>ffce?
We arc not clu)osey, but actually we prefer tea.
G ood, we like tea, loo. H ow ’s (y o u r) business, Encik M uthu?
It seems to be progressing quite well, thank you. And how ab out y o u r own
I’m afraid it’s not di>ing to o well. I fear it m ay get worse. In fact this is the
worst year for me.
I’m sorry to hear that. 1 hope the situation will improve soon.
Oh yes, how is y o u r nephew , Zulkiili?
Oh he's well, thank you. At the m o m en t h e’s staying w ith his uncle, Encik
Salim and his cousin, Hncik Osman, in the country.
How long is ho going to stay there?
I’m not very sure, but he’s happy staying there. So, the longer he stays
there, the b e tte r it is for iiim.
Pelajaran s e p u lu h ( 1 0 )
S u a tu law ata n
petang a fte rn o o n , evening
selamat petang good afternoon/evening
barangkali perhaps, m ay be, probab ly
sepuluh ten
suatu a, one
law atan visit
maju progresses
sendiri o w n , self
d u k ac ita I ’m afraid, regret» sorry
k h u a tir fear, apprehensive
b e rta m b a h increase in n u m b e r, size
b u ru k bad, worse
b ertam b a h b u ru k get worse
paling e x trem ely (superlative)
bagi for
k ea d aan n y a its situation
bapa saudara uncle
se p u p u cousin
lama long
berapa lama how long
pasti sure
m engetu k knocks, knocking
ju m p a to m eet
b erju m p a meeting, m eet
k am u you
sihat well, healthy, fit
sekalian all
pernah ever
kenalkan introduces
je m p u t to call u p o n
je m p u tla h bersama-sama please
co m e and join us
k o p i coffee
sebenarnya actually, truly
bagus g ood, splendid
pem iagaan business
n am p a k n y a it seems
Lesson 11
In the Dining Room
We liave breakfast, lunch and dinner in the dining room. Mere you can sec
F.ncik Tan and Encik Bala. T hey have just arrived from Kuala L u m p u r and are
silting at the dining table together with Encik Amin and his wife, Cik Asmah.
Encik Amin, as the host, sits at the head o f the table and his wife sits opposite
him. Encik Tan sits at the e n d o f the table on Encik A m in’s right, while Encik
Bala sits on Encik Amin’s left opposite Encik Tan. The dining table is covered
with a table-cloth. The maid has laid the table as usual and put o u t the knives,
forks, spoons and glasses according to the n u m b e r o f guests. T o the left o f each
person there is (provided) a napkin. T h en the maid brings in the food. First she
places a plate o f rice in fro n t o f them . Then she places the dishes on the table.
The dishes served include fish curry, long-beans, fried fish, praw n sambal, fish
soup and jelly as well as bananas for dessert. Encik Amin and his wife invite
Encik T an and Encik Bala to eat w ith them .
Pelajaran sebelas (1 1 )
Di bilik m a k a n
di sini here
m enghadapi facing
sebagai as, such as
tu a n rum ah host
sebelas eleven
m akan pagi breakfast
m akan tengah hari lunch
m akan m alam dinner
kepala head
kepala meja head o f the table
hadapan o p p o site, in front
sem entara whilst
d it u tu p covered
kain alas meja tablecloth
m enyiapkan to get som ething
m enyiapkan meja laid th e table
biasa usual, norm al
seperti biasa as usual
m eletakkan to place things, etc.
pisau knife
garpu fork
sudu spoon
gelas glass
m engikut according to
ju m iah n u m b e r of, total
tiap-tiap each, every
tiap-tiap seorang each person
sedia ready
disediakan provided
tuaia towel
Lesson 12
m engangkat to bring along
hidangan dishes, food being served
m akanan food
mula-muia first o f all, at first
nasi cooked rice
iauk curries
gulai curries
dihidangkan is served
kuah gravy
kari curry
ikan fish
kari ikan fish curry
kacang beans, nuts
sayur kacang long beans
goreng fry
sambai sambal
udang prawn
sup soup
agar-agar jelly
pisang banana
u n tu k for
m u lu t m o u th
cuci m u lu t dessert
Conversation at the Dinner Tabie
Good evening, i’m very pleased b o th o f y o u could come. L et’s go into the
dining room . Dinner is served. Tonight IVe specially prepared Malay food.
Encik Salim, please sit here and Puan Salmaii, over there ... How many
days have you been here, in Singapore, Encik Salim?
Oh, only a few days, since last Monday. We regret we are going back to
Kuala L u m p u r toinorrow .
Is this y o u r first visit here?
The first time for my wife, but i’ve been iiere several times before. 1 have
to com e here at least once a y ea r on business, and I feel quite at hom e here.
What do you think o f Singapore, Encik Salim?
Oh, I think Singapore has made trem en d o u s progress. There are a lot o f
new buildings and flats being built here and there.
Tliank you, w hat ab o u t the weatiier iiere?
Not very different from Kuala Lumpur.
Do have some more chicken, Encik Salim.
No, thank you. Tm full.
How a b o u t you, Puan Saimah?
Yes, ju st a little bit. Tlie food is indeed deliclDUs.
Please liave som e kuih suji and a banana, Hncik SaHm.
Yes, I Hke kuih suji.
Wliat a bout y o u , Puan Sahnali?
I like it too, tliank you.
Pelajaran d u a b e la s ( 1 2 )
P e rb u a la n di m eja m a k a n
d a p a t can, could
terhidang is served
pada m alam ini tonight
sengaja specially, purposely, delib­
sediakan prepared
cara Melayu Malay style
sudah already (lit. finished)
berada be at a place etc., to exist
sejak since
hari Isnin Monday
yang lalu th a t w hich has just
lalu past
esok, besok to m o rro w
balik to re tu rn , to com e back
p e rta m a kali first tim e
sebelum before
mesti must
sekurang-kurangnya at least
Lesson 13
setahun o n ce a year
urusan to arrange, to deal
urusan perniagaan on business
merasa feel
negeri c o u n try , state
m encapai achieve
k em aju an n y a its progress
pesat rapid, trem endo us
bangunan building
dibina being built
di sana sini here and there
cuaca w eather
tak, tidak no
u b ah n y a difference, change
ambil to take
ayam chicken
kenyang full up (eaten enough)
sedap delicious
kuih suji nam e o f a ty p e o f Malay
My Bedroom
At night, w hen I feel tired and sleepy, I go to m y b e d ro o m and switch on
the light. I take o f f m y clothes and p u t on m y pyjamas. Then I switch o f f
the light and lie dow n on the bed. Several m inutes later I fall asleep and
stay in deep slum ber all th ro u g h the night. A t exactly h a lf past seven in the
m orning the alarm-clock rings and 1 get up. Im m ediately I take a tow el, p u t
o n m y slippers and go straight t o th e b a th r o o m . I tu rn o n th e tap. While
waiting for the bath to fill up I wash m y face, brush m y teeth and have a
shave. I keep m y shaving kit on a shelf in the b a th ro o m . When the bath is
full, I turn o f f the tap and proceed lo have a bath. Having had a bath I dry
m yself with the towel, then p ut on clean clothes. In front o f the mirror, on
the dressing table, y o u ’ll see a brush, a c o m b , a hand mirror, a b ottle o f
perfum e and talcum powder. These things belong to m y wife. My clothes,
such as my shirts, handkerchiefs, socks, ties and others I keep in the
wardrobe. Dirty clothes I p u t in the laundry basket, and f l l send them to
the laundry. Suits and o th e r clothes are p u t o n clothes hangers and I keep
th em in the wardrobe.
Pelajaran tigabelas ( 1 3 )
Bilik tid u r saya
tigabelas thirteen
keringkan to dry up
terasa feel
penat tired
bersih clean
m engantuk sleepy
cerm in mirror
m em asang switching on
meja hias dressing table
tu k ar change
sebatang a, an (fo r a straight object)
m em akai wear, p u t o n (clothes)
berus brush
pakaian tid u r pyjamas
sebilah a, an ffor a knife-like object
pad am k an sw itch off
th a t has a blade)
katil bed
sikat co m b
te rtid u r fall asleep
bertangkai with a stalk» with a stem ,
n y enyak sound sleep, deep slumber
having a handle like a cup
sepanjang all th ro u g h
b o to l b o ttle
sebotol a b o ttle
tep a t sharp, exactly, to the point
setengah half (one half)
wangi sweet smell
bangun to wake up, to get up
m inyak wangi perfum e
k o ta k box
terus straight away
mengambil to take
sekotak a box
pakai to wear
bedak face pow der, talcum pow der
selipar slipper
barang thing
pergi to go
k e p u n y a a n belongs to, o w n ed by
b u k a to tu rn on
kem eja shirt
paip air tap
sapu tangan h andkerchief
m enunggu waiting
setokin sock, stocking
tangki tan k , w ater tan k , b ath
tali leher tie
penuh full
almari cupboard
tu tu p to tu rn o ff
almari pakaian w ardrobe
m uka face
k o to r dirty
menggosok brushing
bakul lau n d ry basket
gigi te e th , to o t h
hantar send
b e rc u k u r having a shave
kedai shop
alat e q u ip m e n t, in stru m e n t
kedai d o b i lau n d ry (shop)
alat p en c u k u r shaving kit
sut suit
Lesson 14
In the M orning and at N ight
What time do you usually get up in liic morning?
Usually at seven-thirty.
Why so e a d y in the morning?
Because I have to catch a bus early in the m orning to go to town.
What time do you get to the office?
Usually at eight-thirty.
Do you work at the office all day?
Som etim es I work at the office all day, som etim es I d o n 't.
Wliat d o y o u do in the evening?
I usually stay at hom e. Once or twice a week we go to the pictures.
Yesterday we w ent to see a film which was most interesting. We seldom go
Do you like dancing?
Yes, I like dancing. I used to go dancing w hen I was young, b u t n o t a n y ­
m ore n o w because I'm already old.
Old! Impossible! Y ou d o n ’t look any older than fifty!
Actually I’m alm ost sixty years old.
Really? But you d o n ’t look old to me.
F m very pleased to hear i t . . .
Have y o u got any im p o rta n t engagement tonight? If y o u haven’t, how
a b o u t com ing w ith me to m y club? There I'll introduce you to m y friends.
I’d hke th a t very m u ch, b u t today is our w edding anniversary.
My heartiest congratulations.
T h an k you. I might m eet y o u to m o rro w evening at eight. Would that be
agreeable to you?
Yes, t h a t ’ll be fine, w e’ll m ee t to m o rro w evening at eight then.
Very good, th a n k you.
Pelajaran e m p a tb e la s ( 1 4 )
Di w a k tu pagi d a n m a la m
m enaiki bas to catch a bus
pejabat office
bekerja w ork
kadang-kadang som etim es
seminggu a week
m e n o n to n to w a tc h ( o f films etc.)
w ayang gam bar picture, films
sem alam yesterday
em patbelas fourteen
pukul to strike, to hit (tim e)
pukul berapa w hat tim e
b en ar tru e, so, correct
pagi-pagi b e n a r early in the
m orning
sebab because
biasanya usually
filem film
m enarik interesting
jarang seldom
majlis tari-menari dancing parties
m enari dancing
m ungkin possible
lim apuluh fifty
en a m p u lu h sixty
is it true?
penting im p o rta n t
jika if (also jikalau o r kalau)
kalau if
Lesson 15
ik u t follow
kelab club
kaw an-kaw an friends
ulangtahun anniversary
ulangtahun perkahw inan wedding
ucapkan wish, convey, say to
setinggi-tinggi the highest
tahniah com plim en ts, congratula­
setujukah tuan?
do you agree?
m olek good, fine, splendid
in Kuaia Lum pur there are m any first class hotels. At any time y o u can get a
room at any one of the hotels there. If you d o not w ant to be disappointed in
getting a room , especially during the holidays, you had b e tte r make a
reservation in advance. You will find the hotels in Kuala L u m p u r the same
as hotels in o th e r cities. Normally y o u go to the reception desk and register
y o u r name there. The p orters will carry y o u r suitcases. A fter confirming
y o u r room and taking the key, the hotel boy will take y o u to y o u r room
using the lilt. The hotel staff are ever willing to help you if you want to
know road directions in the city. T hey will tell you the best places to go
and the best sights to see. T hey will make a reservation for you, if you
want to go to the pictures, and they will do everything they can for your
convenience. If y o u need a driver to take y o u on a sight-seeing tour, or if
you want an interpreter in y o u r business dealings, they will find you one.
If you want to do some business correspondence and require a typew riter
they will lend y o u one. Y ou can also have the services o f a shorthand typist
if y o u want. If y o u r wife a c c o m p a n ies'y o u she will most certainly be
delighted to see new siglus. She can also go shopping in the city while you
are busy with y o u r work.
Pelajaran lim abelas ( 1 5 )
H o tel
hotel hotel
kelas class
bila-bila whenever
masa time
bila-bila masa at any tim e
m endap at to get, to obtain
di salali sebuali at one o f
maiiu w ant, wish
Icecewa disappointed
teru tam a especially
musim season
cuti holiday, leave
musim cuti holiday season
m en em p ah to b o o k (in advance)
sama seperti same as
b an d aray a city
hendak lah should, w ould, ought
dew an hall
sam bu tan reception
m en d afta rk an to register
p e te r p orter
beg bag
m e n e n tu k a n ascertaining
mengam bil taking
anak k unci key
m em baw a take
b u d a k boy
b u d a k hotel hotel boy
bilik tum pangan hotel room
menaiki going up, getting in (car)
Lesson 16
lif lift
sentiasa always
m enolong helping, assisting
jalan road, street
(ber)jalan-jalan strolling, walking
ab o u t, driving around
p a tu t ought to, should
sebaik-baiknya best
tiket ticket
k em u d ah an convenience, facihty
m em erlukan require, need
p em an d u one w ho steers, driver
pergi berjalan-jalan to go sightseeing
jurubahasa interpreter
m enyediakan arrange
menaip to ty p e
m em injam kan to lend
mesin taip ty p ew riter
m enggunakan to use
juruterengkas sh o rth an d typist
sudah te n tu certainly
pem andangan views, scenery
membeli-belah shopping
sibuk busy
Making a Reservation
We’re here! Isn’t this the hotel where w e’re going to check in?
Yes, it’s called the Hotel International.
Shall 1 take care o f the suitcases or will you?
Very well, if y o u want to take care o f the suitcases, (go an d ) pay (ofO the
driver. I w ant to go inside and b o o k the rooms.
Very well. Where shall I meet y o u ?
I’ll wait for y o u in the hall.
IXin’t be to o long.
ril be back as soon as possible.
G ood morning. Can y o u give me a double ro o m w ith a b a th ro o m
(in it)?
Or if you have tw o single, room s, (it’s) b e tte r still.
Our room s with baths have all been taken up. But wait, let me check. How
long d o y ou wish to stay here?
We ex pect to stay at least one week, o r possibly two.
Very well. You can have two rooms on the second floor which have baths.
1 lu)po llic room s arc tiuiei. I dislike noises
1 ih in k those room s arc t|uict. 1hey face the courtyard.
What’s the rate?
ril'ty-fivc dollars per night including hreakl'ast.
All right. We’ll take the rooms.
Please fill in this form.
Name. Nationality. Perm anent Address. Place and date o f birth. Signature.
Is this in order?
Yes, th a t’s all. thank you. Here arc y o u r keys, sir. The hotel boy will show
you It) y o u r ro o m and carry y o u r suitcases.
Pelajaran e n a m b e la s ( 16)
M e n e m p a h bilik
enambelas sixteen
b u k a n k a h ? isn’t?
h en d ak want
sewa check in {lit. re n t), fare
menjaga to take care o f, to look
after, to w atch over
bayarkan please pay
kereta car
tunggu to wait
jangan d o n 't
lewat late, overdue
jangan lewat sangat d o n ’t be too
secepat m ungkin as soon as possible
bilik kelamin double ro o m
bilik perseorangan single room
jangka expect, guess, estim ate
dua tw o
Lesson 17
sunyi quiet
benci hate, dislike
bising noises
halam an courtyard
ringgit dollars
b ersetuju agreed
isikan fill in
borang form
bangsa race, nationality
alam at address
tetap p erm an en t
tarikh date
lahir birth
tanda mark, print
tanda tangan signature
kunci key, lock
m en u n ju k k an show
In a Restaurant
In big tow ns there arc m any restaurants, cafes and bars. All large liotels
have their ow n dining ro om s or restaurants, as in the picture above. Hvery
small group o f custom ers has a table and on each table there is a lamp.
Many o f the custo m ers in this restaurant are seen wearing beautiful clothes;
such clothes are normally w orn in places such as this. In this picture several
couples can be seen dancing near the orchestra. One waiter is standing near
the food tabic and a n o th e r is carrying a tray with a b ottle o f wine and tw o
glasses on it. I'he wine b o ttle will be put in a bucket o f ice to chill. Fhc
food in Malaysia is different from that in Kuropean countries. Rice is the
staple food o f the people here. It is eaten w ith dishes such as gulai, sainbal,
vegetables and gravy prepared w ith spices. We can choose the restaurants
where we can cat Malay, Chinese, Indian or European food according to
o u r taste. People here eat in the morning, as well as at noon and in the
evening. Most people like to eat eggs and bread for breakfast. At four in
the a fte rn o o n they have tea or coffee. For lunch and dinner they have
more o r less the saitie type o f food. Lunch is at one o'clock and dinner at
abo ut eight o’clock. That is the cu sto m for m ost people in Malaysia.
Pelajaran tu ju h b e la s ( 1 7 )
Di s e b u a h re s to rá n
m akanan-m akanan foods
berlainan difference from
Eropah Europe
u ta m a m ain, staple
sayur-sayuran vegetables
masak to cook, ripe
dimasak to be cooked
rem pah-rem pah spices
memilih to choose
T ionghoa Chinese
m e n u ru t according to
selera taste, appetite
telur egg
roti bread
sarapan breakfast
sama same
begitulah such as, thus
kebiasaan the usual case, habitual
sebahagian besar greater part of,
tujuhbelas seventeen
restorán restaurant
setiap every
k u m p u lan group
m e m p u n y a i has, possesses
masing-masing each (o f persons),
seum pam a such as, like
pasangan couples
m enari dancing
berham piran near, close to
pancaragam orchestra
pelayan waiter, waitress
berdiri standing
anggur grapes
d im asuk kan p u t into
balang a type o f co ntainer, a bucket
air b a tu ice
b atu stone
supaya so th a t
sejuk chill, cold
Lesson 18
Ordering Food
Waiter, is this table taken?
Sorry, sir, these tw o tables have just been b o o k ed by telephone, b u t that
table there is available.
What a pity, actually we w ould like to sit near the dance lloor. Never m ind,
we’ll sit t h e r e . . . May we have the m enu, please?
Here it is, sir.
Now let me see. What w ould y o u like to have, Asmah?
Oh, Tm not very hungry. I d o n ’t w ant to eat m u c h . . . I just w ant sateh and
a bow l o f m u tto n soup.
Hm, I’m very hungry. Please bring m e sateli, fried rice and chicken soup.
What would y o u Hke to drink, sir?
Please bring me a glass o f lime juice. What w ould y o u like to drink, Asmah?
r i l have lime juicc, too.
Please bring tw o glasses o f lime juice.
Very w e ll... What sweets would y o u like to have?
We want jelly.
Yes, please bring jellies and tw o cups o f coffee.
Would y o u like milk w ith y o u r coffee?
Yes, w ith milk, b u t not to o much.
What beautiful music the orchestra is playing!
Waiter, may we have the bill, please?
Very well. Here it is, sir.
Here’s the m oney.
T han k you very m uch, sir.
Not at all.
Pelajaran la p a n b e la s ( 1 8 )
M enem pah m akanan
kam bing goat
sop kam bing m u t t o n so u p
nasi goreng fried rice
sop ayam chicken soup
limau lime, orange
manis-manisan sweets, desserts
susu milk
pek at thick
lagu song
dim ain k an oleh played by
m erd u m elodious, sw eet, beautiful,
pleasing to the ear
bil bill
wang m on ey
sama-sama n o t at all
lapanbelas eighteen
kedua-dua b o th
talipun telep h o n e
kosong e m p ty , n o t ta k en , available
sayang a pity, w hat a sham e (lit.
fond of)
tid a k m engapa never m ind
tolon g please (lit. help)
d aftar register, m enu
daftar m ak a n an m enu
lapar hungry
cu m a merely
sateh sateh (specially grilled beef
etc. eaten w ith specially prepared
Lesson 19
Numbers, Times and Dates
If I w ant to kn o w wliat time it is, 1 look at m y watch. I have a gold w atch
w ith a leather strap. It keeps accurate time and is seldom out o f order. If it
is o u t o f o rd er I will take it to the w atch m a k er’s to have it repaired and
cleaned. I d o n ’t think y o u will find it so difficult to tell the time in Bahasa
Malaysia. First o f all let us say “ pukul satu ” or “ja m satu” , “ p ukul tiga”
and so on. Twelve o ’clock can m ean twelve o’clock m idnight or midday.
And to calculate the quarters, we say, for exam ple, a q u a rte r past eight or
fifteen m inutes past eight, h a lf past eight or thirty m in u tes past eight, eiglit
forty-five o r a q u a rte r to nine. O th e r times are said as follows: five past
eight, ten past eight, tw e n ty past eight, twenty-five past eight, fo rty m inutes
past eight, tw e n ty m inutes to nine, ten to nine, five to nine. As for dates,
we say, for instance: Bncik A hm ad was born on the tw e n tie th o f June,
nineteen fifty. When y o u say the num erals y o u m ust do so clearly, for
example: ten, tw e n ty , th irty , forty, fifty, sixty, seventy, eighty, ninety, a
hun d red o r one h u n d re d , a thousand o r one thousand, one million or a
million, and so on.
Pelajaran s e m b ila n b e la s ( 1 9 )
A ngka, m asa d a n ta rik h
sembilanbelas nineteen
jam tangan w atch
emas gold
bertali having a strap of
kulit leather, skin
jalannya its working
te p a t accurate
rosak dam age, o u t o f o rd e r
kedai jam
w atc h m a k e r’s
dibaiki to be repaired
dibersihkan to be cleaned
susah difficult
sebut to say. to u tte r
p u k u l satu, ja m satu o n e o ’clock
bererti means, can m ean
tengah middle
tengah m alam
tengah hari m idday
kiraan suku counting o f quarters
misalnya for exam ple
suku a q u a rte r
kurang suku p u k u l sembilan a
q u a rte r to nine
dilahirkan was b o rn
haribulan th., St., rd. (lit. day and
m o n th )
Jun June
seribu one th o u sa n d
ratus the h u n d r e d th digit
puluh the te n th digit
m e n y e b u t to say, to articulate
terang clear
u m p a m a n y a for exam ple
juta the m illionth digit
Lesson 20
Days and M onths
IX} yt)u kn o w the days o f tlie week?
Yes, they are Sunday, Monday, Tuesday, VVedncsday/I'hursday, Friday and
Now let’s say today is Wednesday, what day is tom orrow ?
What day is the day after to m o rro w ?
What day was yesterday?
What day was the day before yesterday?
It so happens last Monday was m y birthday.
Realiy? Congratulations!
T hank you. N ow let's m ention the nam es o f the m onths.
January , F ebruary, March, April, May, Ju n e, Ju ly , August. Septem ber,
(X;tober, November, December.
Good. . . . O h , yes, can you please tell me w hat the correct time is now?
I can, my w atch says it's a q u a rte r to tw o, but d o n ’t depend on it,
som etim es it’s fast and som etim es it’s slow.
Pelajaran d u a p u l u h ( 2 0 )
N a m a hari d a n b u la n
d u a p u lu h tw e n ty
bulan m o n th
tah ukah? d o you know ?
A had Sunday
Isnin M onday
Selasa Tuesday
R abu Wednesday
Khamis T hursday
J u m a a t Friday
S abtu Saturday
katakanlah let's say, say
lusa day after to m o rro w
kelm arin d a y before yesterday
k eb etu lan it so happens, incident
haryadi b irth d a y
tahniah congratulations, complim ents
Januari Jan u ary
Februari F ebruary
Mac March
April April
Mei May
Julai July
Ogos August
S e p te m b e r S eptem ber
O k to b e r O cto b e r
N o vem b er N ovem ber
Disember D ecem ber
lam bat slow, late
Lesson 21
Singapore and Malaysian Currencies
If y o u go to Singapore or Malaysia, y o u will surely w ant to know a b o u t the
currencies o f the tw o countries. A lthough it m ay be puzzling at first, y o u
will soon understand th e m , for there is very little difference betw een the
currencies o f the tw o countries. The c o p p er coins are w o rth one cen t, while
the o th e r coins are w o rth five cents, ten cents, tw en ty cen ts and fifty cents.
These coins are in circulation quite a lot because they are used by a lot o f
people. O ther th a n coins, there are also no tes to the value o f one dollar,
five dollars, ten dollars, fifty dollars, one h u n d red dollars, five hu n d red
dollars and one thousand dollars. There is also a twenty-five dollar n o te in
circulation in Singapore. If y o u b u y goods w o rth one dollar and seventyfive cents, y o u use a one dollar note, and fifty, tw en ty and five cent coins.
If y o u buy stam ps w orth seventy-five cents and you give the postal clerk a
one dollar note, he will give y o u as change a tw e n ty cent and a five cent
Pelajaran d u a p u l u h s a tu ( 2 1 )
W ang S in g a p u ra d a n M alaysia
m ataw ang currency
m eskip un although
pada m ulanya at first, at the begin­
agak guess, som ew hat
m em bingungkan puzzling
m em ah am in y a u n derstand
duit m o n e y (see also wang)
tem baga c o p p er
bernilai w o rth , valued at
sen cent
syiling coins
peredarannya its circulation
digunakan used by
Lesson 22
ramai m any, p len ty , n u m e ro u s (o f
orang ram ai th e public
kertas paper
wang k ertas notes
m em beli buying
berharga costs, having th e price of,
valued at
stem stam ps
b ay ar to pay
kerani clerk
pos post
kerani p o s postal clerk
kem balikan to return
A t the Bank
Can 1 change som e m oney?
Certainly, What currencies do y o u wish to change?
1 have som e French m o n ey , American dollars and Indonesian Rupiahs.
Please c o u n t y o u r m oney. If y o u can wait a m inute, Til tell y ou its
exchange value. The exchange value o f all y o u r foreign currencies is
S 2 5 3 .0 0 (T w o h u n d red and fifty three dollars). Do you agree?
I agree. Please give m e one h u n d red dollar n o te, one fifty dollar note, five
ten dollar notes, ten five dollar notes and the rest in one dollar notes.
Here y o u are, sir, all o f it.
Can y o u please give me ten ten cent coins? I w ant to use the telephone,
b u t haven’t got ten c e n t coins. T hank you. Excuse me. May I open a
current account here?
Please go to the desk over there mnrked Current Account. The clerk there will
attend to it.
G ood afternoon, sir. actually Td like to open a current account here so that I
can make payments by cheque.
How much do you wish to deposit in your current account, sir?
T here’s tw o th o u sa n d dollars here. I thin k this should last me some time.
May I have y o u r personal particulars, please?
Here’s the ch eque b o ok. If y o u send a cheque thro u g h the post, it m ust be
crossed. Y ou can also use cash cheques.
Pelajaran d u a p u lu h d u a (2 2 )
Di b a n k
Perancis France
A m erika America
rupiah Indonesian currency
sebentar a while
tunggu sebentar w ait a m in u te, wait
a while etc.
nilai value
nilai tu k a ra n n y a its exchange value
asing foreign
wang asing foreign currency
sebanyak for, in the a m o u n t o f
sekeping a sheet of, a piece o f
sekeping wang kertas seratus ringgit
a one h u n d red dollar n o te
baki balance, th e rest
m em b u k a to open
kira-kira account(s)
sim panan th e keeping o f things in a
safe place, deposit
semasa current
kira-kira sim panan semasa current
acco u n t
m en gurusk annya will a tte n d to it
m e m u d a h k a n to m ake easy
m e m b u a t to m ake
pem b ay aran p a y m en ts
melalui b y m eans of, th ro u g h
cek cheque
butir-butir details, particulars
butir-butir mengenai diri personal
mengirim to send, sending
dipalang crossed
tu n ai cash
cek tu n ai cash cheque
Lesson 23
Postal Service
Post Offices are fo und in small and large tow n s all over Malaysia. In the
city o f Kuala L u m p u r there is a General Post Office. If y o u w ant to send a
letter, a postcard o r a small packet, you d o n o t have to go to the post
office. Y ou simply d ro p th e m in to the letter boxes by the roadside. These
letter boxes are red in colour. If y o u w ant to send a telegram y o u should
go to the nearest post office or y o u can d o it by telephone. The letters in the
letter b o xes will be collected several times a day. If y o u w ant y o u r letters
to arrive fast y o u should send th e m b y air mail. Y o u r letters will be
delivered to y o u r house by the po stm an. Telegrams will be delivered by the
telegraph dispatchers from the telegraph office. Here y o u can see w hat it is
like inside a post office. On one side o f the long c o u n te r are several
m em bers o f the public and on the o th e r side are the postal clerks. One o f
the people in the picture is buying stamps, one is registering a letter and
an o th e r one writing o u t a telegram. If you want to buy stamps, y o u should
go to the stam p counter. If y o u go to the w rong c o u n te r y o u will be
wasting y o u r time. If y ou w ant to send a parcel, y o u give it to the postal
clerk to be weiglied. He will inform y o u o f the postal charges necessary
according to the weiglit. In m ost post offices there are public telephone
booths. What y o u should do; first lift the receiver, put a ten cent coin in
the slot provided, then dial the n u m b e r y o u want.
Pelajaran d u a p u lu h tiga ( 2 3 )
P e r k h id m a t a n p o s
p e rk h id m a tan services
pekan to w n
di seluruh all over
Pejabat Pos Besar G eneral Post
poskad postcard
bun g k u san parcel
perlu necessary
petisurat le tte r box
tepi jalan b y th e roadside
tersebut aforesaid
b e rw a m a having the co lo u r of
m erah red
taiigram telegram
m en g h an tarn y a to send it
diam bii ta k en , collected
kali tim es
udara air
pos udara air mail
posm en p o stm an
penghantar taligram telegraphic
pejabat taligram telegraphic office
melihat to see
bahagian p art, section
panjang long
orang aw am public, c o m m o n
m em buang wasting, th ro w away
ditim bang t o weigh, to be weighed,
to consider
angkat lift, pick u p
gagang receiver ( o f telep h o n e)
p u ta r dial
nom bor number
Lesson 24
A t the Post O ffice
Kxcusc me, can y ou please direct me to the nearest post office?
Tin sorry, 1 d o n ’t k n o w myself. I'm not from here. Perhaps that man can
help you.
T hank y o u . . . I’m sorry to trouble you. Can y ou direct me to the nearest
post office, please?
Yes, in Jalan Raja. T here’s a post office there. Actually, I’m going there,
too. If y o u com e with me, I’ll show you.
Y o u ’re very kind.
There it is, that building there.
T han k you, sir.
Y ou’re welcome.
I w ant to send a telegram. Where can I get the form?
Oh, yes, here it is, please write y o u r name and address on the back o f this
form. The charge is one dollar eighty cents.
Can y o u show me where I can b uy stam ps and registered envelopes, please?
At the c o u n te r over theic.
T hank you. ... Please give me a fifty cent stam p and a large registered
Is an envelope o f this size suitable?
Yes, it is, thank you. Please tell me the cost o f the stam ps for this letter?
For ordinary letters fifteen cents and for a registered letter seventy five
Pelajaran d u a p u l u h e m p a t ( 2 4 )
Di p e ja b a t p o s
tu n ju k k a n to show, to p o in t o u t
mengganggu to troub le, to disturb
baik hati kind-hearted
borang form
b ay aranny a its p a y m e n t
seringgit one dollar
sam pul envelope
Lesson 25
sam pul surat envelope (lit. letter
b erd a fta r registered
panjang long
sesuaikah? is it suitable?
b e ru k u ra n having a m e a su re m e n t of
surat biasa ordinary le tte r
surat b erd aftar registered letter
Those who w ant to travel either for pleasure or o n business can use various
means o f transport. For instance, the cheapest is the bicycle. On the o th e r
Imnd, by m o to r cycle you can travel fast and cheaply, but for long
distances it is quite tiring. Those w ho travel by car can travel long distances
in co m fo rt and w ith o u t feeling tired. Large ships sail across the oceans from
one c o u n try to another. Aeroplanes can carry passengers anywhere in the
world in a few hours, while o th e r means o f transport take several days. But
most o f us still prefer to travel by train. Look at the picture o f a busy
railway station. A train is ready to leave. Several passengers can be seen
looking o u t o f the window, watching the passengers w ho arrive late
hurriedly looking for vacant seats. At an o th e r platform can be seen a train
that has ju st arrived. Several passengers are getting o f f and others are
getting on. Those w ho have not purchased tickets in advance have to queue
up to buy tickets. At the b o o k sh o p , many people are buying books,
magazines and newspapers to read during the journey . A restaurant nearby
is full o f people eating hurriedly while others are seen sitting and talking.
Pelajaran d u a p u lu h lima ( 2 5 )
P e lay a ra n
pelayaran travel, voyage
belayar to travel, to go o n a voyage,
to sail
samada w hether
m akan angin for pleasure, for a
holiday or en jo y m en t
berbagai-bagai various
kenderaan transport
m urah cheap, inexpensive
basikal bicycle
selain dari itu o th e r th a n th a t
menunggang to ride, riding
m otosikal m otorcycle
berpergian travel, go a b o u t
jauh far away
perjalanan jauh long distance
jo u rn e y
m enaiki go b y (lit. get in to )
tan p a w ith o u t
kapal ship, liner
m engharungi to cross, to wade
lautan ocean (fro m laut: sea)
kapalterbang aeroplane
penum pang passenger
dunia w orld, universe
jam h o u r
lama long tim e
stesyen station
stesyen keretapi railway station
bersedia in the state o f readiness
berangkat to leave, t o depart
menjenguk looking o u t o f a w indow
m em erhatikan watching
terlew at late (e.g. o n arrival)
tergopoh-gapah hurriedly, hastily
mencari looking for, to find
pelantar platform
keluar com e o u t
terpaksa have to (lit. was forced to)
b e ra tu r to fo rm a line, to queu e u p
majallah magazine, journal
tergesa-gesa hurriedly, hastily
Lesson 26
A t the R ailway Station
Porter, please carry my luggage.
Where do y ou want to go, sir?
Vm going to Kuala Lum pur. Please attac h this label to m y bag, but please
put this suitcase and small bag on the rack. All right.
Wliat class?
First Class. Please get me a seat near the buffet car.
Have y o u boug ht the ticket?
No. Where’s the ticket counter?
Follow me, sir, I’ll show you. Here it is, sir. I’ll wait for y o u here.
Please give me one first class ticket to Kuala Lum pur.
Return ticket?
No. Single ticket. Do I have to change trains afterwards?
No. You d o n ’t have to change trains. This train goes direct to Kuala
Lum pur.
T han k you.
Not at all.
Here’s y o u r seat. I’ve found a seat for y o u near the bu ffet car. When the
steward comes y o u can place y o u r order for food w ith him.
What time will this train arrive in Kuala Lum pur?
You are expected to arrive in Kuala L u m p u r at a q u arter past seven in the
T hank you. H ere’s som e m oney, please take it.
T han k you, sir. I hope y o u ’ll have a pleasant journey.
There’s some time yet, I want to go and buy some novels o r magazines to
read during the jo u rn ey .
Y ou should be careful, sir. This train leaves in ab out ten m in u tes’ time.
I’ll only be ab o u t five m inutes buying the books.
Pelajaran d u a p u l u h e n a m (2 6 )
Di s te s y e n k e re ta p i
ikatkan tie up
kad card
kereta b u fe bu ffet car (in a train)
belum n o t yet
te m p a t jual tiket
ticket c o u n te r
tiket pergi balik
re tu rn tick et
kelak afterw ards, later o n
m em esan to order
sampai arrive, reach
dijangka expected
rehat relax, pleasant
berhati-hati be careful, cautious
Lesson 27
Travelling by Ship and Plane
On Wednesday last week, 1 w ent to the w h arf at Port Klang because 1
w anted to see a friend w ho was travelhng to Perth on a large liner. Mow
beautiful the liner looked seen from the je t ty at the edge oi the pier.
Because I had a pass I was able to go o n to the sliip and look around. I rom
the deck o f the ship I was able to see a huge crane lifting cargo into the
cargo liatch. I saw sailors w orking in various parts o f the ship, and tlieir
captain giving orders from the bridge. I lien the siren sounded and the
visitors came dt)wn by the gangway. At last the liner began to move and
the passengers stood by tlie railings waving (tlieir hands saying) goodbye to
their friends standing dow n below am ong the crow d. The ship moved
slowly leaving the p o rt, passing in front ot the je t ty and gradually
disappeared from sight. A few days later, 1 w ent to Singapore. It was an
urgent trip and I w ent by plane. I w ent to the airport in a car specially
provided by m y c o m p a n y . At the airport I saw several aeroplanes waiting.
I w ent aboard one o f th em and at twelve o’clock sharp the plane to o k off.
In a short while it was airborne. 1 saw the Straights o f Malacca and a little
later I arrived in Singapore. The pilot made a perfect landing and I got off.
Pelajaran d u a p u l u h t u j u h ( 2 7 )
B erlayar d e n g a n k a p a l d a n k a p a lte rb a n g .
arahan orders, directives
bilik ju r u m u d i the bridge
sem b o y an siren
b e rb u n y i sounded
pelawat visitors
tu r u n descend, com e d o w n
anaktangga gangway
akhirnya at last, eventually
bergerak to move, moving
pagar fence
pagar kapal railings
m elam bai waving hands
m engucapkan saying, wishing
selamat safe
tinggal to stay
selamat tinggal goodbye
orang ramai the public
meninggalkan leaving
beransur-ansur moving slowly
menghilang disappear, disappearing
dermaga w harf
pelabuh an port
P elabuhan Kelang Port o f Klang
m enem ui to m eet, to see
b eta p a how (said w ith an expression
o f w o n d er and disbelief)
m anakala w hen, as
manakala dilihat as seen
jeti je t ty
pangkalan pier
pas pass
oleh b y
oleh kerana because
dari from
dek deck
alat pem unggah crane
m u a ta n cargo, luggage
p e ta k h atc h , c o m p a rtm e n t
kelasi sailor
k a p te n captain
pandangan view, opinion
pemergian d ep artu re, trip J o u r n e y
m u stah ak im p o rta n t
lapangan terbang airport
khas special
syarikat c o m p a n y
bertolak to o k o ff (lit. to leave)
seketika a short while
Lesson 28
angkasa airborne, in th e air
selat straits
Selat Melaka Malacca Straits
sejurus in a little while
m e n d a ratk a n to land, landing
cekap efficient, w ith skill
m en d aratk an kapalterbang dengan
cekap m ade a p erfect landing
Travelling by Ship
If y o u w ant to go overseas, either by ship or by plane, y o u m ust first get a
passport and ticket and get y o u rself innoculated. If the ship y o u are
travelling on is an chored outside the h arbour, y o u will have to go by
m o to rb o a t to reach the ship. Before the ship sails, y o u r passport and y o u r
health certificate will be checked by the im migration and health officers.
On b oard the ship there are cabins for first class, second class and third
class passengers. On m y voyage before I was not sea-sick, because the sea
was calm and there were no big waves. If 1 felt tired I sat in my room ,
walked abou t on the deck o r sat resting in a deck chair. 1 was very pleased
indeed because on board I was able to get to kn o w m an y oiiier passengers.
Apart from that I was able to see the great big ocean and po rts in o th er
countries w hen the sliip called to load and unload cargoes. As the ship was
comijig into p o rt, we were inform ed th a t the ship w ould be b erth ed at tlie
pier. If we were carrying dutiable goods, we had to declare them to the
custom s officers. We were advised n o t to try and evade duties, for it was an
offence to d o so. I did not carry any dutiable goods.
Pelajaran d u a p u l u h la p a n (2 8 )
B erlay ar m e n a ik i k a p al
sekiranya if
luar negeri overseas
terlebih d a h u lu first (lit. before p r o ­
ceeding further)
paspo t passport
b ersu n tik to have an innoculation
tum p angi boarding as a passenger
berlabuh anchored
di luar outside
m o t o b o t m o to rb o a t
sebelum before
surat suntik health certificate
diperiksa exam ined, checked
pegawai officers
imigresen im migration
kesihatan health
pegawai imigresen im m igration
pegawai kesihatan h e a lth officer
m ab u k travel sickness, sea-sick (lit.
in to x icated )
laut sea
tenang calm
bergelombang having waves
bersiar-siar walk a b o u t tak in g fresh
berehat resting
berkenalan to get to k n o w people
di samping besides, apart from
luas vast, great, big
lautan luas vast ocean
m enyaksikan to witness, witnessing
Lesson 29
singgah sto p at a place en ro u te ,
called at
m em unggah to load and unload
dib eritah u was inform ed
h im p it berthed
bercukai having tax o n , i.e. w ith
tax, having d u ty on
barang-barang bercukai dutiable
kastam custom s
dinasihatkan was advised
m engelakkan evade
cukai tax, d u ty
perb u a tan action
kesalahan mistake, offence
In the C ity Centre o f Kuala Lumpur
We are now in Jalan T un Perak, w hich is quite a busy road in the centre o f
the city o f Kuala Lum pur. This road is one o f the m ost im p o rtan t shopping
centres. There are offices, com m ercial firms, banks and shops selling various
types o f goods, and n o t far from here is the General Post Oftice. Jalan Tun
Perak is always busy with people doing their shopping; am ong th e m are also
found tourists from overseas. Roads all over the tow n are always busy w ith
traffic such as buses, m otorcars, taxis, lorries, m otorcycles, bicycles and
o th e r vehicles. The pavem ents are full o f pedestrians. In some places it is
very dangerous to cross the road. T o prevent accidents, traffic lights are
placed in some placcs and m em bers o f the police are on d u ty to direct
traffic. Before crossing the road, we m ust first look left and right, then
cross. Such practices can avoid accidents. At night, the roads all over Kuala
L u m p u r are lighted w ith street liglus. You can see lamp posts o n eith e r side
o f the road. A lot o f shops use neon lights to advertise their goods. The
scenes in Kuala L u m p u r streets becom e m ore beautiful.
Pelajaran d u a p u l u h se m b ila n ( 2 9 )
Di p u s a t b a n d a r K u a la L u m p u r
pusat membeli-belah shopping centrt
terpenting m ost im p o rta n t
gedung-gedung perniagaan c o m m e r­
cial firms
pusat centre
jalanraya road, street
ditengah-tengah in the m iddle o f
m eru p ak an forms
menjual selling
beranika various
pelancung tourist
sekitar around
bas bus
teksi taxi
lori lorry
kakilima pavem ent {lit. five feet
berjalan walking
berjalan kaki walking (o n foot)
orang-orang berjalan kaki p e d ­
am at very
m erbahaya dangerous
m enyeberang crossing
m enyeberang jalan crossing the
Lesson 30
kemalangan accidents
m engelakkan to prevent
lam pu light, lamp
isyarat signal
lalulintas traffic
lam pu isyarat lalulintas traffic light
anggota m em ber
anggota polis m e m b e r o f the poUce
bertugas o n d u ty , at work
m engarahkan directing
amalan practices, habits
diterangi lighted with
tiang post
tiang lam pu lamp post
lam pu neon n eo n light
m engiklankan to advertise, adver­
Asking fo r Directions
Excuse me, sir, can y o u please show me the w ay to Jalan T u n Perak?
Yes, y o u follow tliis road straight on till y o u reach a big building in Jalan
T uanku Abdul R ahm an. Y ou walk o n for approxim ately a q u a rte r o f a mile,
then tu rn left. T hat is Jalan T un Perak.
T hank you. H ow long does it take to get there?
If y o u walk it’ll only take a b o u t fifteen minutes.
Are there buses going there?
\ c s . Ikii y o u ’d b e lte r j^k ilic pulicemaii w ho
y o u r quesnoiis.
riiatik you.
over there. He'll answer all
Excuse me. May 1 ask y ou a question?
Yes, you may.
Are there buses Irom here to Jalan l un Perak?
Yes. You can take any o f the buses from this stop to go there. Y ou ask the
c o n d u c to r to d ro p you near Jalan Melayu.
Ihank you.
Is this the bus going to Jalan Melayu?
Yes, sir. (iet on quickly. All seats are taken up. Y ou can stand, but no
standing on the steps. Excuse me, iir, n o sm oking here. ... Please pay your
fare, sir.
IMcjiC Icl inc know wlien wc gcl U> Jalun Mc 1j > u .
All tigiu.
J j i j n Mclu>u, sir. \ o u can gci oil here, sir.
Ihank you.
Pelajaran tig a p u lu h ( 3 0 )
B e rta n y a a ra h ja la n
bertanya asking
arah direction
b atu stone, mile
jau h n y a distance
belok tu rn
m enerangkan to explain
segala all
p e rta n y aa n question
sebarang any
Lesson 31
perhentian bas bus stop
penjaga tiket ticket collector,
c o n d u c to r
m e n u ru n k a n to let o ff (lit. to put
dow n)
bayar to pay
tam bang fare
beritah u inform
tu ru n get d o w n , get o ff
A Visit to Kuala Lumpur
Kuala L u m p u r is siiualcd in tlic ccniral pail ol ihc Malayan Peninsula. In
the course ol its developm ent Kuala l.u m p u r has been expand ing b o th in
area and population. 1all buildings can be found every where and there are
many main mads. I here is a lot ol trallic. because ot its rapid change,
Kuala L um pur has becom e a popular centre K>r tourists from overseas. Here
there are tw o stadiums, namely Stadium Merdeka and Stadium Negara. It is
at tlicbi I wo stadium s that im p o rta n t events are held such as the National
Day Celebration, sportb, the Koran reading contests and o th e r interesting
events. IVtaling Jaya is a new town. I his tow n is a large housing estate.
Besides residential houses, there are also schools, market:>, even factories
which produce all sorts ol goods lo r U>cal needs as well as for e x p o rt to
oilier countries. In Kuala L um pur there are m any institutes o f higher
ed u catio n such as universities, teachers colleges, technical colleges and
institutes o f ed ucation. The Malaysian Parliament building is situated on a
hill and the scenery around it is beautiful and very attractive. Not far tro m
there, there is the National Memorial M onum ent. This m o n u m e n t is often
visited by foreign dignitaries w ho ct>me to Malaysia. Ni>t tar from the city
o f Kuala L um pur there is a lake and a garden called Faman Bunga. I he
area around this lake is exionbive and beautiiul. There arc stalls sellin» luod
and drinks. Because o f the size o f the area, quite a n u m b e r o f people drive
arou nd in cars. Visitors to (his park are able to see and enjoy the beauty o f
trees with thick foliage and the sweet smell o f llowers in full bloom , while
they sit on benches which are provided under the trees there.
Pelajaran tig a p u lu h s a tu (3 1 )
M elaw at k e K uala L u m p u r
melawat to visit, visiting
letaknya is situated
sem enanjung peninsular
saat stage (lit. seconds)
pem b an g u n an developm ent
berkem bang expanding
segi aspect, in respect o f
p e n d u d u k p o pu lation
tinggi tall, high
dim ana-m ana saja everywhere
p eru b ah an change
m enjadi b ecom e
te m p a t tu m p u a n centre o f attra c ­
kerap often
diadakan is held, is staged (//7.
bro u g h t in to existence)
upacara sa m b u ta n celebration
event, recep tion
Hari K ebangsaan N ational Day
sukan sports
pertandingan contests, c o m p e ­
m em baca to read, reading
p eru m ah an housing
kawasan p eru m ah an housing estate
kediam an residential
ru m ah -ru m ah kediam an residential
sekolah school
pasar m arket
kilang factory
kilang-kilang perusahaan industrial
perusahaan industry
m engeluarkan producing, to p ro ­
keperluan necessity
te m p a ta n local
ekspot e x p o rt
pengajian learning
te m p a t-te m p a t pengajian tinggi
places o f higher learning
universiti university
m a k ta b college
perguruan teaching (lit, concerning
teknikal technical
institiut pelajaran in stitu te o f edu ca­
Parlimen Parliament
bu k it hill
indah attractive, beautiful
Tugu Peringatan Kebangsaan
National M onum ent
dikunjungi visited by
te ta m u k eh o rm a t foreign dignitar­
ies (lit. guests w ho are honou rable)
tasik lake
p o n d o k stalls
m ak a n an foods
m in u m a n drinks
pengunjung those w ho visit
m en ik m a ti to enjoy, enjoying
keindahan b eau ty
rendang o f thick foliage
p o h o n tree (see also p o k o k )
kem bang fuli b lo om (o f flowers)
h aru m sweet-smelling
sem erb ak th a t gives o u t scent,
pervasive o f scent
Lesson 32
T in Ore
Malaysia is one o f the tin ex p o rtin g countries. Most ol the tin ore is found
in th e Kinta River Valley in the state o f Perak. This metal has brought
wealth to the co u n try . .Manufacturers o f tin-plated containers use this metal
to prevent rust. Tin is also used in the m anufacture o f o th e r metals such as
welding material, pew ter and bronze. Tin is an expensive metal because o f
its great \ise and because it is in great dem and all over the world. Tin ore is
usually o b tain e d from the ground by means of a tray, a palung and
dredges. The use o f a tray is simple but the result is very little; a tray is
suitable only for a small scale op eration. I rays are used by w om en to sieve
for tin ore mixed in tlic silt on the river banks. A palung is usually used
on hillsides. The soil there is broken up by shooting at it with je ts o f water
from a w ater pum p. The resulting silt is p u m p ed up o n to the “ palung”
which is erccted on a w ooden structure. The tin ore remains at the b o tto m
o f the troughs when the w ater in the sloping troughs flows o u t o f the
“ palung". The dredge is like a ship and a house. It has scooping buckets.
These buckets scoop silt from the b o tto m o f the ponds and take it into the
dredge. The silted m ud is washed away with w ater and the tin ore will be
left behind and then transferred to some o th e r place. The ore smelters in
Penang will process the ore into fine tin.
Pelajaran tig a p u lu h d u a ( 3 2 )
Bijih tim a h
tem baga putih pew ter
gangsa bronze
besar gunanya its great use
diperlukan is required b y , in great
dem and
diperolehi is obtained
dulang a kind o f co n tain er used to
sieve tin ore
palung a device used in extracting
tin ore
sesuai suitable
usaha effort, w ork
peringkat scale, level
dikerjakan is w orked
tebing sungai river bank
m enapis to sieve, sieving
b ercam p u r mixed w ith
bijih tim ah tin ore
sebahagian besar m ost, a m ajor part
lem bah valley
sungai river
Sungai K inta n am e o f a river in the
state o f Perak
logam metal
kekayaan w ealth
p e m b u a t-p e m b u a t makers
bekas container
disalut dengan bijih tim ah tin ­
m enggunakan use
mencegah to prevent
karat rust
pateri welding material
lu m p u r silted mud
is loosened (lit. is
ta k e n off, is stripped off)
d ip a n c u tk a n air shooting w ith jets
o f w ater
pam air w ater p u m p
dipam is p u m p ed
binaan stru ctu re, building
k ay u wood
binaan kayu w o o d en stru ctu re
tertinggal is left, rem ained
ruang-ruang troughs
m enceru n inclined
Lesson 33
mengalir flows
kapal k o rek dredge
baldi p e n c e d o k scooping b u c k et
dasar . b o t t o m o f
dasar kolam b o tt o m o f pond
kolam pond
m engangkut carrying and conveying
disiram spray w ith w ater, wash
dialih rem oved, transferred
pelebur-pelebur smelters
m em peroses to process, processes
tim ah tin
halus fine
A t a Shopping Centre
I have been to a shopping centre in the city o f Kuala Lum pur. At this
centre there are m any shopkeepers, and tiiey are b o th men and women.
They are very c o u rte o u s and very good at a tten d in g to their customers. All
sorts o f goods are foun d here, namely earllienware, clothes, iiardware,
watclies, cameras, canned food and m any others. I looked a ro u n d from one
section to a n o th e r; from the umbrella section to the glove section and from
the miscellaneous goods section to the section where they only sold lace. I
w ent upstairs using the lift and the escalator. While I was in the section
where they sold books, I was pleasantly surprised to meet an old friend o f
mine. 1 had not met her for a long time, because she now lives overseas and
had just com e here on holiday. We w ent to a restaurant and had lunch together.
She told me that she had got married and she brought along one o f her
sons. Her son w ould go to a school here and live with liis g ra n d m o th e r who
is a widow. His grandfather had ju st died. It was almost tw o o’clock when
we finished lunch. T h en we went shopping, i helped her to choose things
to b u y as presents for her sons. I can n o t describe how h a p p y we were. We
had been friends for a long time and had n o t m et for ten or eleven years.
Pelajaran tig a p u lu h tiga (3 3 )
Di p u s a t m e m b e li-b e la h
penjual seller
peram ah c o u rte o u s and talkative
melayani attending to, entertain
pembeli b uyer
berm acam -m acam all sorts, all
tem b ik a r earthenw are
dibuat is made
best steel
barang-barang dip e rb u at daripada
besi goods m ade from steel
kam era camera
barang-barang m akanan d alam tin
canned foods
sarung tangan glove
beranika jenis various kinds, all
sorts o f
renda laces
eskalator escalator
Lesson 34
terkejut surprised
b ertem u to m eet, meeting
seberang laut overseas
bercuti o n leave
berkahw in married
n e n e k g ran d m o th er
janda widow
d a tu k grand father
meninggal dunia passed away (lit.
left the w orld)
selesai finished, com pleted
hadiah gifts, presents
m enggam barkan to describe (lit. to
p ain t a picture of)
Hxcuse me, can y ou please show me the place where they sell handbags?
There, m adam , next to the place where th ey sell books.
I'hank you. Is this where they sell handbags?
Yes, w hat type d o y o u w ant? Leather or plastic?
Let me see for myself.
Y ou’re welcome, madam. Big o r small bags?
I want a m edium size, white.
I thin k this leather handbag suits you.
I agree, this bag looks nice. H ow m uch?
T w enty-tw o dollars and fifty cents, m adam .
All right, ril take it. Now please show me where they sell shoes.
Please follow me, m adam , I’ll show you. What ty p e o f shoes do y o u w ant?
Soft leather, high heels o r low?
I w ant good q uality leather shoes w ith low heels.
Here’s a pair. Maybe they are the right size for you. Try them o n first.
What d o y o u th in k ? Are th ey all right?
T hey seem to fit b u t are a little bit tight at the heels. I suppose if 1 wear
th em o fte n th e y ’ll stretch a little.
Right. I agree w ith w hat y o u say. Is there a n y th in g else you w ant?
Oh, yes, several pairs o f nylon stockings, some shoe polish, a pair o f scissors
and a few safety pins.
Come, let me show y o u , m adam .
Please w rap all these things, and tell me h o w m u c h th e y cost altogether.
Thirty-one dollars and fifteen cents, m adam .
Here’s the m oney.
T han k you.
Pelajaran tig a p u lu h e m p a t (3 4 )
M em beli-belah
tu m it rendah low heel
k e ta t tight
dipakai is worn
m em besar gets bigger, grows bigger
sarung kaki stockings
penggilap kasut shoe shiner, polisher
gunting scissors
pin baju safety pins
b u ng kus w rap up
beg tangan handbag
kulit leather
plastik plastics
sederhana m edium size
putih white
setuju agree
kasut shoes
lem b u t soft
tu m it heel
tu m it tinggi high heel
Lesson 35
The Tailor
This m orning I w ent to the tailor to have a suit made. I w ould like to have
several pairs o f trousers m ade because the ones I have are already old, but
1 can’t afford to replace th em yet. I have to wait till next year. I can only
afford to buy a shirt. At the tailor’s shop there is a lot o f good material.
We can choose w hat we like from the m an y different types o f cloths. I
chose the clo th th a t w ould suit me. The tailor to o k m y m easurem ents and
I shall have to go again in tw o weeks’ time for a fitting. He will probably
make som e ad ju stm en ts and m ark the places for the pockets, the b u tto n
holes and the b u tto n s themselves. A fter th at, he will ask me to com e once
more to try the co at o n to make sure th a t it will really fit me when I wear
it. Last week, m y wife b o u g h t several new dresses. She b o u g h t one batek
sarong, a short k e b ay a blouse and one pelikat sarong. She w an ted to buy
some silk to m ake some dresses, b ut could not. She w ent to the shop which
sells handbags and b o u g h t one th a t m atch ed her dress. The handbag which
she bought several years ago is n o longer in fashion.
Pelajaran tig a p u lu h lim a ( 3 5 )
T u k a n g j a h i t baju
tukang craftsm an
jahit to sew
baju dress, shirt
tukang jahit baju
pagi tadi this m orning
m en e m p ah to o rd er in advance
sepasang a pair o f
baju k o t coat
seluar trousers
seluar panjang trousers {lit. long
helai pieces
b u ru k old, w orn o u t
m am p u able to pay
belum m a m p u not yet able to pay
m enggantikannya to replace it
kemeja shirt
kesukaan w hat o n e likes, appreciate
u k u ra n m easurem ents
m encuba to try
m ungkin prob ably, might
pem betulan alterations
m en an d ak an to mark
Lesson 36
kocek p o c k e t
lubang hole
butang b u tt o n
m e n y u ru h ask
m e n e n tu k a n to d eterm in e
benar-benar really
pakai to wear
kain batik batik cloth
baju kebaya p en d ek short kebaya
kain sarung pelikat pelikat sarong
sutera silk
berjaya successful
tid ak berjaya unsuccessful
sepadan m atch w ith
fesyen fashion
beberapa ta h u n yang lalu several
years ago
Ordering New Clothes
Good morning. Td like to have a ‘baju kurung* m ade, please. What sorts o f
material d o y o u have? J w an t a light material, the co lo u r not to o dark and
n o t to o bright.
H ow ab o u t this cloth, sir?
The colour is m u ch to o light, it doesn’t suit me. I w ant a slightly darker
and heavier material.
H ow a b o u t this style, sir?
Yes, this looks good. H ow m uch does it cost including labour?
This is a very special ty p e o f cloth, guaranteed genuine silk. The cost o f tiie
material plus labou r will be thirty-five dollars.
The price seems to be rath er m ore th a n I expected. I w anted som ething
slightly cheaper. But never mind.
Very well, please take y o u r coat o f f so th a t I can take y o u r measurem ents.
... Finished, sir, th a n k you. Y ou m ay com e again in tw o weeks’ time. Will
Wednesday be all right?
Yes, 1 agree. Til c o m e at a b o u t tw o o r three o’clock in the aftern o o n .
At a dress shop
May I try this dress on?
You may, please follow me lo the filling room . This is the latest fashion in
I like the style, but I d o n ’l like ihe colour. It’s also a little bit to o big.
How a bout this one, m ad am ? We have this style in green, black and grey.
May I see the blue one? I think this one suits m e, but the sleeves arc a little
bit too long.
Yes, but d o n 't w orry, madam. We will shorten th e m by a b o u t an inch and
reduce the waist slightly, l^eave it to us to do it.
Pelajaran tig a p u lu h e n a m ( 3 6 )
M e n e m p a h baju baru
baju kurung a ty p e o f Malay dress
w ith an opening a ro u n d th e neck
like a ju m p e r
nipis thin, fine
w arnanya its colour
gelap dark
cerah light, bright
m uda young, green
w arn a n y a m u d a sangat th e c o lo u r is
m u ch to o light
tebal thick
u p ah n y a its la b o u r cost
istimewa very special
dijamin guaranteed
asli original, genuine
sutera asli genuine silk
lebih daripada m ore th a n
jangka guess, expected
Lesson 37
m urah sedikit slightly cheaper
tidak m engapa never m in d
b u k a u n d o , take o ff
kira-kira a b o u t, ap p ro x im ate ly
petang a fte rn o o n
kedai baju dress shop
bilik m en cuba fitting ro o m
yang terb ah aru sekali th e latest
saiznya its size
hijau green
kelabu grey
biru blue
khuatir w orry
jangan k h u atir d o n ’t w orry
p en d ek k an shorten
inci inch
pinggang waist
serahkan leave it (to us)
Buying Books
G ood afternoon. I w ant to buy some books.
Please com e in. Wlial books do you want; magazines, novels or o th e r
May I sec th em first?
Y ou m ay, sir, these are novels, those are school text books and over there
are magazines.
Have y o u got a beginner’s b o o k on learning Bahasa Malaysia?
Yes we have. We have m any such books. Y ou can choose which y o u think
is best.
Excuse me, sir, can ! use this b o o k as additional reading in learning Bahasa
Yes, certainly. Where do you learn Bahasa Malaysia?
1 learn at h o m e on my ow n with the help o f a Linguaphone Course. Now
I’ve got a good co m m a n d o f Bahasa Malaysia.
It seems y o u can speak (it) very well. I think y o u ’re learning from a well
organised m ethod.
Yes, t h a t ’s right. ... Please show me a Malay-English dictionary.
There are several types. Please choose.
1 think this book “ An Advanced Malay-English D ictionary” would be good
for me.
Yes, I think so too.
G ood, how m uch do the dictionary and the additional reading books cost?
A ltogether seventeen dollars and fifty cents.
Here’s the m oney. Please wrap the books up.
Very good, sir. T hank you.
Pelajaran tig a p u lu h t u j u h ( 3 7 )
M em beli b u k u
bacaan ta m b a h a n additional reading
b a n tu a n help, assistance
kursus course
Kursus L inguap hone Linguaphone
menguasai to co n tro l, to co m m a n d
sistem system
kam us dictionary
kehendaki w ant
nobel novel
b u k u -b u k u teks sekolah school
te x tb o o k s
perm ulaan beginning
b u k u p erm ulaan beginner’s b o o k
yang m ana which one
ta m b a h a n additional
Lesson 38
The Barber and the Hairdresser
Hairdressers are very im p o rta n t to the public. Everyone, man or woman» old
o r young, always needs their services. Men have their hair cut. If they have
beards o r m oustaches, th e y m ust be trim m ed properly. Those w ho do n ot
shave themselves go to the barber. Women have their hair cut and permed.
Here y o u can see a scene in a barber’s shop. One barber is busy cutting
s o m e b o d y ’s hair and a n o th e r is shaving som eone. There are a n u m b e r o f
otlier custo m ers sitting on the settee waiting for Iheir turn. Some o f them
are reading th e newspapers and there is som eone w ho is a b o u t to leave the
shop. Me has just had his hair cut and washed. The barber is brushing the
liair from the back o f his shirt. I usually shave m yself using a razor. My
cider b ro th e r uses an electric razor. Most people shave every day, but if we
d o n ’t fee! like it we can shave every o th e r day. I suppose you shave
you rself to o , d o n ’t y o u ? In m y opinion m en should shave themselves. I
personally d o n ’t like it if som eone else puts shaving cream on m y cheek
and chin. Besides it’s m ore convenient and cheaper if y o u shave y o u rself at
hom e than going to the barber and wasting time.
Pelajaran tig a p u lu h la p a n (3 8 )
T u k a n g g u n tin g d a n p e n d a n d a n r a m b u t
tukang gunting barber
pen d an d an ra m b u t hairdresser
p e rk h id m a ta n services
bergunting to have a haircut
ra m b u t hair
janggut beards
misai m oustaches
d icu k u r is shaved /trim m ed
d ic u k u r rapi is trim m ed properly
m e m o to n g to c u t, cu ttin g
mengeriting to perm
pelanggan custom ers
giliran tu rn (as in a q u eu e )
meninggalkan leaving, t o leave
m encuci to wash, to sham poo
m em b eru sk an brushing away
Lesson 39
alat p en c u k u r letrik electric razor
malas d o n ’t feel like doing anything,
berselang hari alternate days, every
o th e r day
pipi cheek
dagu chin
dipenuhi spread over w ith , is filled
w ith
busa shaving cream
m enyenangkan convenient
lebih m enyenangk an m ore c o n ­
m em b u an g masa wasting tim e (lit.
throw ing aw ay tim e)
A t the Barber's Shop
G ood afte rn o o n , sir, please com e in.
T hank you. I w ant to have a hair cut and a shave.
Please sit dow n. Please wait a m o m en t. A fter this it’s y o u r turn. Please sit
here. Do y o u w ant to have y o u r hair cut short o r ju st a little?
Er ... N ot to o short.
Y o u r hair is ra th e r dry and o n to p it’s beginning to get rath er thin. It’ll do
it good to wash it w ith sham poo.
All right.
Now let me dry y o u r hair w ith this towel. Do y o u w ant a shave?
Yes, and I h o p e y o u ’ll be very careful because m y skin is rather tender.
D on’t worry, sir. I’ve only cut som eone once before, and it was because lie
jerked his head while I was shaving him. There y o u are, it’s ail over, sir.
T hank you. May I ask, is this the place where ladies have their hair done?
My wife w ants to have her hair done.
Yes, sir, upstairs.
Can m y wife com e here at three o ’clock to m o rro w ?
Wait a m inute, let me find out. Yes, she can com e at any time she hkes.
Good. H ow m u ch do y o u charge for the haircut?
Only tw o dollars and fifty cents.
Well, here’s the m oney.
T han k you, sir.
Pelajaran tig a p u lu h se m b ila n ( 3 9 )
Di k e d ai g u n tin g
k h u atir to be anxious, to be worried,
to be apprehensive
kali tim e (repetition)
sentak to je rk , to pul! back suddenly
ketika while
d an d an to dress hair neatly
m en d a n d a n to have hair d o n e o r set
w anita w o m e n
bahagi divide
b ay aran p a y m e n t, charge, fee
kedai gunting a b arb e r’s shop
pendek short
kering dry
mulai to begin, beginning
jarang thin, scarce, rare, sparse,
widely spaced
syam po sham poo
berhati-hati to be careful, to be
kulit skin, leather
lem but te n d e r, soft, sensitive
Lesson 40
Malaysian Fruits
Fruits such as durian, cem p ed ak , ram b u tan , m angosteen, langsat and ciku
are fo u n d in abu ndance in Malaysia. Most o f these fruits are seasonal. Only
a few ty p es are found at all times o f the year. A m o n g the fruits w hich give
good yields are durian, cem pedak, ra m b u tan , d u k u and langsat. During the
durian season last year, I to o k some leave and w ent to m y father’s house in
the c o u n try . I had an o p p o rtu n ity to eat durians from the trees planted by
my father in his orchard. The durian trees planted by m y father in his
orchard have been leased o u t to a trader. The trader com es w hen the trees
arc ab o u t to bear fruit. A fter coun tin g the n u m b e r o f trees and estimating
tlie fruit on the trees in the orchard he will negotiate the price w ith my
father, until b o th sides agree. I'he trader will build a hut to keep w atch on
the fruit which has dropped. As 1 was a b o u t to return hom e my father gave
me some durians, cem pedak. ram butan and a lot o f o th e r fruit. Many kinds
o f fruit are e x p o rte d from Malaysia such as pineapple and bananas, to o th e r
countries including Singapore. Canned pineapple co m m an d s a good m arket
in countries in Europe and the United States o f America. Every year,
pineapple canning factories in J o h o re e x p o rt millions o f tins o f canned
pineapple to those countries. This brings in a lot o f revenue to Malaysia.
Pelajaran e m p a t p u l u h (4 0 )
B u a h - b u a h a n M alaysia
m en d atan g k an to bring forth, to
peluang o p p o rtu n ity
pajak lease o u t
dagang trade, com m erce
pedagang trader
berb u ah to bear fruit, to have fruit
taw ar m enaw ar to bargain, to haggle
pem ajak person leased o u t to
p o n d o k hut
Lesson 41
jaga to be awake, to w atc h for
menjaga to take care of, to guard
gugur to d ro p to th e ground
balik to c o m e back, to retu rn
bekal provision
m em bek alkan to give som eone
som ething to take aw ay w ith him
tin can
negara c o u n try
In y o u r opinion w hat is the m ost popular sport in Malaysia now?
1 think perhaps football and badm inton.
What about o th e r ty p es o f o u td o o r games?
Games such as tennis, h o ck e y and golf are also popular. Most o f m y friends
like to play football, b u t 1 prefer b a d m in to n .
What ab o u t horse-racing?
I think horse-racing is n o t as p opular here as it is in England. A part from
these, walking, running, swimming and boxing are also popular. Sporting
events in Malaysia are usually held on a large scale at the Stadium Negara
and Stadium Merdeka. The building o f stadium s like these will spread
sporting activities amongst m em bers o f the public. Football m atches,
b ad m in to n and ‘sepal< lalcraw’ c o m p etitio n s liave becom e iavouriie ovoiUs
witli the public. Tlie same witli golf tournam ents. These
usually held on a big golf course in Kuala l.um pur. If y o u 're keen ou these
games, y o u lo o can take part in them . If I have the o p p o rlu n iiy . I'd
certainly like to become a m em b er o f this club.
What ab o u t in d o o r games?
Yes, there are in d o o r games, such as draughts, chess, billiards, cauls and
table tennis.
Are y o u good at playing billiards?
I can play, but I’m not so good at it yet.
Pelajaran e m p a t p u l u h s a tu ( 4 1 )
tu r u t to follow
perm ainan games
bola ball
sepak to kick
lum ba to race
perlum baan racing, race
jalan to walk, to be moving
jalan kaki to walk (lit. to walk o n
lari to run
berenang to swim
tinju boxing
cara w ay, m e th o d , technique
secara besar-besaran in a big way
bina to build, to c o n stru c t
pem binaan c o n stru c tio n , building o f
giat to be active, to be lively
kegiatan activity
bidang scope, area, field
Lesson 42
dikalangan am ong
lawan to oppose, to go against, to
perlawanan co m p etitio n
sepak takraw a ty p e o f game using
a w icker ball
padang playing field, any o p en area
covered w ith grass
cenderung to be inclined, to be
keen, to be interested
m en c e b u rk a n diri to involve o n e ­
self, to plunge
ahli m em b er
d a m draughts
catu r chess
bola meja billiards
kartu cards
bola pingpong table tennis
m ahir to be expert
Holidaying in the Country
If y o u really w ant to have a rest during the holiday at a quiet and restful
place, try and go to the countryside. Last >ear we w ent to Negeri Sembilan
and stayed on a farm belonging to our brother-in-law. We were very happy
to be there. Fhe life o f a farm er is n o t easy altho ugh he appears lo be
healthy because every day there is a lot o f w ork which he must do. He
must take care to keep his farm clean, lie m ust look after his livestock such
as cattle o r goats and clean their pens. If he keeps chickens, he must go to
the chicken coops everyday to collect their eggs. Chickens, ducks, geese and
turkeys must be fed constan tly so as to fatten them . We like to eat chicken,
duck and goose. We w orked very hard while we were at our brother-in-law’s
house. Actually we were very happy particularly if the w eather was fine.
All the work in the ricefield and on the farm in the past used to be done
by manual labo ur or with the help o f buffaloes, but now it is different.
The farmers in Malaysia use tractors quite a lot. The produce from the
c o u n try is n o longer taken to m arkets in small boats o r carried on the
shoulder for miles, b u t taken by lorries. Despite all this, a farm er’s life is
not so easy.
Pelajaran e m p a t p u l u h d u a (4 2 )
B e rc u ti di k a m p u n g
sungguh-sungguh really, truly
rehat rest
sunyi quiet
ladang farm
ipar in-law
h idup to be alive, living
k eh id u p a n life
petani farm er
m u d a h simple, easy
w alaupun although
m em bersihkan to clean
binatang animal
binatang te m a k a n livestock
lem bu cattle
kam bing sheep, goat
kandang pen, stable, yard
m em elihara to rear, to bring up
ay am fowl, p o u ltry , chicken
reban ayam chicken coop
telur egg
itik duck
angsa goose
ayam Belanda tu rk e y
gem uk fat, obese
daging m eat
lebih-Iebih lagi m oreover
sawah rice field
masa d a h u lu before, in the past
dilakukan done
kerb au w ater buffalo
para petani farmers
guna use
sam pan small w o o d en boat
pikul to carry o n th e shoulder
b erb a tu -b a tu mile u p o n mile
malah rath er, b u t
an gkut to carry, to tra n sp o rt
Lesson 43
W ork on the Farm
When y o u ’re on the farm, at w hat time d o y o u usually get up in the
Usually at six o’clock.
Wliy d o y o u get up so early?
Because there’s a lot o f w o rk to be done.
During the next fruit season arc y o u going to the farm again?
Yes, I expect so.
O f course it’ll be a delightful change for y o u after so m any years living in
the tow n.
Yes, it will be. Life on a farm is very peaceful. We d o n ’t have to think
abo ut how we have to run for buses every m orning to go to work.
D on’t y o u have to w ork liard w hen y o u ’re on a farm?
Y ou can if y o u w ant to. But it’s n o t com pulsory. We do w hatever w ork we
think o ug ht to be done. There is, o f course, p lenty o f w ork w hich can ’t be
neglected, so we do w hatever we can do.
I’ve never spent a holiday on a farm. T herefore, I d o n ’t know w h at it’s like.
Is that so? Next year y o u should com e w ith me. Y ou n e e d n ’t worry,
because y o u ’ll not be asked to w ork hard.
Can y o u be sure o f th at?
Certainly. For one or tw o weeks y o u ’ll enjoy the o p en air. Actually, I’d
hke to be a farm er m y s e lf
Is th a t so? But th a t’s not a profitable way for som eone to earn a living.
Oh, I d o n ’t know . I think y o u ’ll find that there are rich and p o o r people in
farming, just as in any o th e r occupation.
Pelajaran e m p a t p u l u h tiga (4 3 )
P e k e rjaa n di ladang
pekerjaan w ork, o cc u p a tio n
m usim b u a h fruit season
ubah to alter, to change
p eru b ah a n a change
aman peaceful
mengejar to ru n after
dim estikan m ade c o m p u lso ry
diabaikan to be neglected
keadaan co n d itio n , situation
harus should, must
pasti sure
pastikan to m ake sure
sudah te n tu certainly
n ik m at pleasure, e n jo y m e n t
m en ik m a ti to enjoy
terb u k a open
peladang farm er (see also petani)
penghidup an living
m e n g u n tu n g k an profitable
saksi witness
kaya rich, w ealthy
miskin p o o r
Lesson 44
Part One
On the Beach
If y o u are in Malaysia and would like to enjoy you rself on th e beach, then
go to Port Dickson beach. Y ou can go there by bus or by car. Y o u ’ll n ot find
it difficult to get a ro o m at an hotel or rest house there. This picture shows
what Port Dickson beach is really like. You can sec a n u m b e r o f people in
bathing suits. One o f them is running tow ards the sea. He looks strong and
lively because he swims every day in the sea. When we were children, we,
too, liked to play w ith sand on the beach, building castles or forts and
m oats on the beach. I believe y ou were like that, too, w hen y o u were
children. This is indeed a great pleasure for cliildren when they go to the
beach. We, too, like playing in the sand on the beach, wading in the water,
and being splashed by waves till som etim es our clothes get w et w ith sea
water. If y o u get bored and tired with cond itio n s in the city o f Kuala
Lum pur, you can go to the beach. Y o u ’ll be able to see people walking on
the sand and the je tty , or d o w hatever you Hke. Y ou can enjoy the sea
breeze and the beautiful scenery, especially the sight o f swaying co co n u t
Pelajaran e m p a t p u l u h e m p a t (4 4 )
B ahagian p e r ta m a
Di te p i p a n ta i
p ertam a first, one
pantai beach, shore
tem asya a jo y o u s occasion
bertem asya to have fun
naik to go up, to ascend
ru m ah tu m p a n g an lodging
baju m andi bathing costum e
cergas active, lively
kanak-kanak child
pasir sand
istana palace, castle
k u b u fort
alur groove
kegem biraan jo y , happiness
dipercik to be splashed
gelombang waves
basah wet
bosan bored
d au n leaf
kelapa c o c o n u t
lambai to wave
Lesson 44 Part Two
Planning a Holiday
During the school holidays this year, where are y o u and y o u r younger
b rothers and sisters going?
Tm going lo lake my younger b rothers and sisters to the blast Coast.
What are you going to do there?
We ex pect a part o f tiic h o h d a y will be spent by the sea. We'll go by car
and w e’ll be there for a week.
Y our cliildren are perhaps not going w ith you?
No, th ey prefer lo stay with their grandparents and play with their friends
than sit for hours in the car during tiie jou rn ey.
Where will you go first?
We’ll stop at a nu m b e r o f tow ns, nam ely, Mersing, K uantan and Kuala
Trengganu. We feel it’s not going to be a p roblem to find suitable
a c co m m o d a tio n . It’s easy to find a c c o m m o d a tio n at governm ent rest-houses,
good hotels which are situated not far from the beach. The charges for
room s and food are quite reasonable.
What are y o u r plans? Are y o u going to stay at an hotel o r at a relative’s
We'll try b o th . But this time we’ll probably stay longer at o u r relative’s
house in Kota Baluu. We’d like to go by train from K ota Bahru to visit
Sungai (iolok. There we can b uy goods made in Thailand such as silk, shoes,
decorative objects for the house, paintings and gems. The scenery on the
east coast is really beautiful. W ouldn’t y ou like to com e along w ith us?
I'd like to very m uch indeed, bu t let me discuss the m a tte r w ith m y elder
sister first.
Go a n d discuss it, and let us k n o w as soon as possible.
All right, r i l let y o u know.
Pelajaran e m p a t p u l u h e m p a t ( 4 4 )
B ahagian k e d u a
M eran can g hari b e r c u ti
m encari to look for
m erancang to plan
rum ah tu m p a n g a n kerajaan govern­
sekolah school
m en t rest house
tim u r east
Pantai T im u r East Coast
elok good
senang easy
habis finish
sewa ren t, charge, tariff
dihabiskan to be spent, to be fin­
raneangan plan
rum ah persinggahan rest house
berjam-jam for hours and hours
pada kali ini this tim e
perjalanan jo u rn e y
singgah to sto p o n the w ay, to call at lebih lama m u c h longer
b u a ta n p ro d u c e of, m ad e in
masaalah problem
perhiasan deco ratio n
cari to seek, to look for
perhiasan ru m a h decorative objects
for th e house
perm ata gem
berunding to consult, to discuss
kakak elder sister
segera quickly
seberapa segera as qu ick ly as possible
Lesson 45 Part One
Travelling by Car
If y o u want to go to Joliore Bahru by car, you should k n o w the highway
code in that state. For exam ple, w hen y o u drive you must drive on the left,
and when y o u want to overtake, do so on the right. In to w ns and in newly
built-up areas, tlie speed limit is tiiirty miles per hour. T herefore, be careful
when driving so that y ou do no t exceed the speed limit, and beware o f the
traffic hghts. If the light is green it m eans y o u m ay go, and if it is red you
must sto p y o u r car quickly. Please take a look at the car in this picture.
This car is a saloon type o f 50 horse power. In the b o o t at the back there
are a spare wheel, tools and a car jack. The fuel tank can take fourteen
gallons, and w ith one gallon this car can travel only tw en ty eight miles.
Now let’s learn the nam es o f some parts o f the car, namely the b o n n et, the
b o d y o f the car, tyre, radiator, engine and steering wheel. The windscreen
is equip ped with wipers. On the in stru m en t panel there are a speedom eter,
a clock, fuel gauge and the starter. Clutch, foot brakes and accelerator are
at the driver’s feet. The gear lever and th e hand brakes are near the driver’s
hand. The driver is n o t visible. He’s in the garage because his car’s engine is
out o f order.
Pelajaran e m p a t p u l u h lim a ( 4 5 )
Bahagian p e r ta m a
Perjalanan d e n g a n m o t o k a r
rules, regulations, conditions
m em a n d u to drive
di sebelah kiri on th e left hand side
m e m o to n g to overtake, to c u t, to
had limit
laju fast
had laju speed limit
sejam per h o u r
melebihi to exceed
kuasa pow er, a u th o rity
te m p a t m e n y im p an barang b o o t o f
the car {lit. place to keep things)
persediaan preparation
tayar persediaan spare ty re
perkakas tools
pengelap wiper
papan b o a rd , plank
tu n ju k to show, to p o in t
papan p e n u n ju k in s tru m e n t panel
jangkalaju sp eed o m eter
penunjuk indicator
p e n u n ju k m in y ak oil indicator
m enghidup to bring into life
alat m enghidup jentera starter
alat penekanlaju accelerator
alat penukar gear gear change lever
kelihatan seen, visible
m inyak oil
m enam pu ng to contain
sejauh as far as, a distance o f
pelajari to learn
alat ap paratu s
alat p e n y e ju k air c o n d itio n e r
jentera engine
kaca glass
depan in front
lengkap com plete
dilengkapi equipped w ith
lap to wipe
Lesson 45 Part Two
Engine Breakdown
Please check m y car. I d o n ’t kn o w w h a t’s w rong with it b u t this car has
given me a lot o f -trouble. The pow er from the b a tte ry is almost gone
because I’ve tried to start the engine w ith the starter. I’ve cleaned the
c a rb u retto rs and the plugs. Can y o u find o u t w h a t’s w rong w ith it?
Certainly. Please park y o u r car here. I’ll call the m echanic and he’ll p ut it
right. If y o u com e back here in ab o u t an h o u r ’s tim e, w e’ll tell y o u where
the tro u b le is.
Have y o u fo u n d o u t w hat the trouble is?
Yes, b u t it’s not to o bad. The pipe from the p u m p is leaking. We’ll replace
it w ith a new one.
All right, in the m eantim e please get the ba ttery charged, the oil changed
and have the car greased. A nd please repair the p u n c tu re in the spare tyre
and check its pressure. T he brakes are n o t effective; please test and adjust
them . Straighten o u t the front bum per. It got d e n te d w hen the car skidded
and hit a lam p post. Oh, yes, please replace th e rear bulbs w ith new ones.
Actually this car needs a m ajor repair. Please let me k n o w w hen y ou can
get th e car ready.
Pelajaran e m p a t p u l u h lima ( 4 5 )
B ahagian k e d u a
K e ro s a k a n j e n t e r a m o t o k a r
kehabisan to be finished, to be run
do w n
tenaga energy, pow er
periksa exam ine, check
m eny u sah k an to give tro u b le, to
cause hardship
sebab cause
m em b etu lk an to p u t right
te ru k to be in a serious c o n d itio n
tidak begitu te ru k n o t so bad, n o t
so serious
pam p u m p
pam m inyak fuel p u m p
b ocor leaking, p u n c tu re d
gantikan to replace
sem entara itu in the m eantim e
caskan to charge (th e b a tte ry )
m inyak selinder oil (lubricant)
b u b u h put
m inyak geris grease
tam p alk an to repair, to m end (of
p u n c tu re )
tek an an pressure
angin air, wind
tek an an angin tayar ty re air pres­
kesan trace, effect
tid ak berkesan not effective
uji test
lurus straight
luruskan straighten
besi steel, iron
penghalang barrier
besi penghalang h ad ap an fro n t
kem ik dented
tergelincir to skid
melanggar to hit against som ething
bal bulb
siap ready
siapkan to get ready
Lesson 46 Part One
Commerce and Industry
Kuala L u m p u r is an im p o rta n t com m ercial and industrial centre in Asia.
A m ong its p ro d u c ts are food, drinks, bricks, medicines, clothes, tyres, steel
and m any others. O th er th a n factories w hich produce these goods, there are
also car assembly plants, and plants for m anufacturin g electrical appliances,
refrigerators, fans, radios and television sets. Som e o f the goods prod uced
by these factories are e x p o r t e d . t o o th e r countries. Malaysia has quite a
large area o f land, b u t some o f it is still thick jungle w hich has n ot yet
been opened u p and adapted for agriculture. Because o f th at, essential
foodstuffs such as rice, sugar, b eef and m u t t o n are still im p o rte d from
o th e r countries. Similarly new factories im port raw materials such as c o tto n
from India and Pakistan, and fro m Iran oil for the refineries at Port
Dickson. Milk and dairy p ro d u c ts are bro u g h t from D enm ark, New Zealand
and Australia. G oods m ade in Malaysia are found quite frequently in o th e r
countries such as Singapore, the U nited States o f America, France, Australia
and o th e r co untries w hich have trade ties w ith Malaysia.
Pelajaran e m p a t p u l u h e n a m ( 4 6 )
B ahagian p e rta m a
P erniagaan d a n p e ru s a h a a n
h u ta n jungle, forest
disesuaikan adapted
b ercu c u k tanam to grow crops
beras rice
gula sugar
bahan materials, ingredients
m en ta h raw , uncooked
kapas c o tto n
kilang penapis m in y ak oil refinery
susu milk
m akanan yang d ib u at daripada susu
dairy p ro d u cts
h u b u n g an perdagangan trade rela­
tio n , business co n tact
perniagaan trade, com m erce
rupa look
m eru p ak an is
barang keluaran p ro d u c ts
b a tu b a ta bricks
ub a t-u b a t medicines
besiwaja steel
bengkel w orksh op
m em asang to p u t to g e th er, to
assemble, to sw itch on
perkakas-perkakas letrik electrical
peti sejuk refrigerator
kipasangin fan
Lesson 4 6
P art T w o
A Business Interview
G ood morning, sir, Vd like to see Encik Leong. Is he busy?
Have y o u m ade an a p p o in tm e n t?
No, b u t here’s my card. I hope y o u w o n ’t m ind showing this card to him.
I’m sure he’ll be qu ite prepared to see me.
Just n o w he was talking on the phone. I hope y o u w o n ’t mind wailing a
little. Please com e in, sir.
G ood m orning Encik Krishnan. Please sit dow n. Is there any thing I can do
to help y o u ?
I’ve got a p ropo sition to put to you. I’m sure y o u kn o w m y com pany,
Syarikat Apex Sdn. Bhd. (Private Limited).
Yes, I d o indeed, b u t I’ve not had the o p p o rtu n ity o f making c o n ta c t with
Very w^ll, Encik Leong. We m ark et a lot o f o u r goods through our
branches in Singapore, Hongkong, Indonesia, Australia and New Zealand.
We w ould like to establish c o n ta c t with an experienced c o m p a n y here, like
y o u r c o m p a n y . T h at being th e case, we hope y o u r c o m p a n y w ould be
willing to be o u r agent here.
I c a n n o t m ake a decision until I’ve discussed the m a tte r w ith m y partner.
r i l try and telep hone him. Hello. Is th a t Encik Lim? I’ve ju st received a
very good business proposition. I’d like to discuss it first w ith you. Can you
com e over to the office right away? I beg y o u r p ard o n , I can’t hear very
clearly w hat y o u s a y . . . Please com e to the office right away. All right.
Pelajaran e m p a t p u l u h e n a m ( 4 6 )
B ahagian k e d u a
T e m u d u g a p e rn iag a a n
te m u d u g a interview
urusan business
perjanjian agreem ent, tre a ty ,
a p p o in tm e n t
keb eratan to be re lu c ta n t, to mind
sedia to be ready, to be prepared
k em u k a k a n to p u t forw ard
sendirian alone, o n o n e ’s o w n ,
cadangan p roposition
berh ad lim ited, limited liability
m em asarkan to m ark et
cawangan branch
berpengalam an experienced, to have
wakil agent, representative
k e te ta p a n decision, resolution
kongsi partner
perkongsian partnership
taw aran offer
Lesson 47 Part One
Doctor and Dentist
If y o u have a to o th a c h e , go to the clinic and see a dentist. He will exam ine
y o u r teeth. If he finds th a t it is n o t to o painful, he will stop the pain. If
the pain is very serious, he will pull y o u r to o t h out. If you are n o t feeling
well y o u should go and see a doctor. But if y o u are so ill th a t you cann ot
walk, y o u can call th e d o c to r to y o u r house. He will inquire ab o u t y o u r
illness. Then he will check y o u r pulse, look at y o u r tongue and exam ine
y o u generally. A fter th a t he will state y o u r illness and give y o u some
prescriptions. At the clinic y o u m ust give the prescriptions to the nurse.
At a clinic like this, y o u can b u y all sorts o f medicines such as liniment,
tonics, aspirins, pills and o in tm en t. Baby foods, bandages, plaster and hot
w ater b o ttles can also be o b tain ed from these clinics. If som eone has m et
w ith a road accident, we can telephone the hospital and ask for help. An
am bulance will com e im m ediately to the scene o f the accident. The
am bulance nurse will exam ine the injured person. A fter being given first
aid, the victim will be rushed to the hospital. D octors at the hospital will
carry o u t fu rth e r exam in atio n s and the injured person will be given p ro p er
treatm en t.
Pelajaran e m p a t p u l u h t u j u h ( 4 7 )
B ahagian p e r ta m a
D o k t o r d a n d o k t o r gigi
d o k to r d o c to r
gigi to o t h
d o k t o r gigi dentist
sakit pain, illness, to be ill
sakit gigi to o th a c h e
m e m b e rh e n tik a n to stop
d ic a b u tn y a pulled o u t, ex tracte d
panggil to call
penyakit sickness, illness
d e n y u ta n pulsation
d e n y u ta n nadi pulse
lidah ton gue
keseluruhannya all over, en tirety
m e n y a ta k a n to state
jururaw at nurse
u b a t sapu linim ent
m inyak u b at o in tm e n t
balut to w rap ro u n d , to bandage
luka w o u n d , a cut
kain balut luka bandages
penam pal m aterial used for patch ing
kain penam pal luka plaster
panas h o t
pertolongan help, aid, assistance
kemalangan accident
am bulan am bulance
cederá to be h u rt, to be w o u n d e d ,
to have suffered injury
raw atan tr e a tm e n t
kecemasan em ergency
kejar to r u n after
dikejarkan rushed
m enjalankan to carry o ut
lanjut further
p e n u h full
Lesson 47 Part Two
Seeing a Doctor
Encik A hm ad, w h a t’s the m a tte r w ith y o u ? Are y o u ill?
Yes, d octor. I have a feeling I’m suffering from all sorts o f illnesses: lack o f
sleep, headache, backache, constipation and stom ach ache. I feel even worse
because I’ve got a cold and a sore th ro a t and am co nstan tly sneezing and
coughing. A part from th a t, yesterday I m et w ith a road accident; I h u rt the
right side o f m y chest, as well as m y foot and m y knee, and 1 alm ost broke
m y neck. If I walk some distance, I find it difficult to breathe. Frankly,
d o cto r, I feel as i f I’m dead already.
Tm very sorry to hear that. But I hope things are not as bad as you
imagine. Let me exam ine you. Y o u r heart, m o u th , chest and lungs are all
right; th ere’s nothing to w orry ab o u t. Now try and breathe in slowly
through the nose. I d o n ’t thin k th ere’s anything w rong w ith you. But you
do appear to be a little bit thin and if y o u are not careful in taking care o f
yourself. I’m afraid y o u may becom e weak and m ay have to be treated at
the hospital. My advice to y ou is not to worry. Take a long rest and eat at
proper times. Eat p lenty o f vegetables and fruit, and eat less meat. Keep
away from alcohol and do not sm oke, at least for the time being. Drink
tw o o r three tahlespoonsful o f tonic every day. If y ou do all this, i'm sure
that y o u ’ll rccover in tw o or three m onths.
Tiiank you, doctor.
Pelajaran e m p a t p u l u h t u ju h ( 4 7 )
Bahagian k e d u a
B e rju m p a d o k t o r
ju m p a to m eet, to find, to com e
berjum pa to see
jadi to beco m e, to c o m e into being,
to co m e into existence
terjadi t o happen
idap to bear to suffer
mengidap to be suffering
sembelit constipation
selsema colds
serak hoarseness, sore th ro a t
bersin sneeze
b a tu k cough, to cough
malang to be u n fo rtu n a te , to be
dada chest
ten g k u k back o f neck
nyaris alm ost, very nearly
p a ta h to break
nafas breath
bernafas to breathe
mat! to die
b u ru k ugly, unsightly, to look old
and soiled
seburuk as bad as
jantung heart
m ulut m o u th
paru-paru lungs
khuatir to be anxious, to be worried
dik h u atirk an
to be w orried a b o u t
tarikh to pull, to b reath e in, to in­
hidung nose
kurus thin, slim
lemah weak
raw at to be given medical a tte n tio n
diraw at to be treated
nasihat advice
susah difficult, hard
m eny u sah k an fikiran to w orry
daging meat
keras hard
m inum an keras alcohol
sem buh to recover, to get well
Lesson 4 8
P art O n e
R ad io a n d Television
O f ail the things ever invented by man, radio and television arc the most
w onderful devices. By these m eans o f co m m u n icatio n y o u can talk to
people in o th e r countries. While resting at hom e, y o u can hear music or
speeches transm itted from places thousands o f miles away. Almost every
night 1 listen to the radio or w atch television. My radio uses o u td o o r
aerials. The reception is very good. It has m edium , long and short waves.
To switch it on, all I d o is turn the k n o b or press a b u tto n . I use my radio
to learn a foreign language. I find this extrem ely useful as a supplem ent lo
my Linguaphone course. For Bahasa Malaysia lessons I tune in to a
Malaysian radio station, for French to a French radio station, for D utch to
a Dutch radio station, for German to a G erm an radio station, for Spanisl»
to a Spanish radio station, for Russian to a Russian radio station, for Italian
to an Italian radio station and for hnglish to London or local radio stations.
Even m ore w onderful than radio is television: it n o t only m akes it possible
for us to hear speeches, plays o r concerts, but it also makes it possible for
us to see what is actually happening. N obody know s w hat o th er things will
be invented in the future. It is possible that there m ay be clever scientists
who might be able to invent a device which can read o th e r people’s thoughts.
If this happens, perliaps there are people w ho may not feel to o com fortable.
Pelajaran e m p a t p u l u h la p a n ( 4 8 )
B ahagian p e rta m a
R ad io d a n talivisyen
talivisyen television
cipta to invent
dicipta to be invented
manusia h u m an being, m an
ajaib w onderful
h u b u n g to c o n n ect, to jo in up
perh u b u n g an c o m m u n ic a tio n
syarahan speech, talk
pancar to beam , to spread
dipancark an beam ed, b ro adcast
t o n t o n to w atch , to see
penerim aan reception
suara voice
m em a in k a n to play som ething
pusing to turn
memusing to tu rn o n som ething, to
p u tar to tu rn
alat p e m u ta r knob
tek an to press dow n
b u tan g b u t t o n
mem pelajari to stu dy, t o learn
faedah ben efit, profit, interest
tam b a h to add
ta m b a h a n a d d itio n , supplem ent
m e m b o leh k an to enable
sandiwara play, concert
bijak clever, brilliant, wise
Lesson 48 Part Two
Television Programmes
How’s y o u r television?
It seems all right, although recently i t ’s been a bit difficult to receive
transmissions from distant stations.
Yes, I find m y television suffers interference too. 1 thin k m aybe it’s the
My television set is an older model com pared with yours.
However, did y o u w atch the opera program m e the night before last?
Yes, 1 did. Personally, 1 d o n ’t care very m uch for opera, b ut it’s m y wife’s
favourite program m e. When she's watching it, I d o n ’t ask my wife to change
to some o th e r program m e. I’m very lucky because som etim es there are
translations o f the w ords given in Bahasa Malaysia. You know , I’m not yet
very proficient in that language. Which program m es do y o u like best?
I like plays and I find the dialogues most interesting. 1 also like to follow
sports programmes. Last Saturday 1 got very excited w hen I listened to the
c o m m e n tary on the football match.
I’m sure you heard the program m e in Bahasa Malaysia, d id n ’t you?
Yes, I did. This has becom e ear training for me. If there is a c o m m e n ta to r
who uses words which are n o t too familiar, the sentences following will
give me some clue as to the meaning. Y o u ’re very lucky indeed to be able
to speak Bahasa Malaysia. I should like to acquire a good co m m a n d o f the
T hat depends on our ow n efforts. Those w ho are prepared to take some
trouble will be able to gain a good c o m m a n d o f the language. Where there’s
a will th ere’s a way.
Pelajaran e m p a t p u l u h la p a n (4 8 )
B ahagian k e d u a
R a n e an g a n siaran talivisyen
siaran broadcast
saluran channel
ganggu to disturb
gangguan d isturb ance
banding to com pare
berbanding com pared w ith
bangsawan Malay stage play
rupa look, appearance
gemar to like, to be fond o f
kegemaran favourite
to translate
terjem ahan translation
senikata dialogue, wordings
m ahir to be experienced, to be
ex p e rt at
percakapan speech, dialogue
terpegun to be m otionless as a
result o f a shock
ulasan c o m m e n ta ry
latih to train
latihan training
telinga ear
bieara trial, to talk
pem bicara speaker
ayat sentence
ikut to follow
b erik u t following
erti meaning
kuasa pow er
menguasai to gain c o m m a n d o f
gantung to hang
bergantung to depend on
barangsiapa whoever
hadap front part
kem ah u an wish, will
Lesson 49
Part One
Places o f E ntertainm ent
In Kuala L u m p u r there are a n u m b e r o f th eatres in w hich plays are staged.
The best seats are in the front, the m edium-priced ones are in the middle
and the cheapest seats are at the back. Shows which are o f high standard are
perform ed in these theatres. You can hear music from well-known
orchestras. Shows like these are very well patronised by the public
particularly by am ateu r actors, dancers, and musicians. There are m any
cinemas in Malaysia and there are several cinemas wliich show popular films
for several weeks. Malay, Indonesian, Tamil, Hindi, Chinese and Western
films are very popular. There are also m any night clubs. The patrons o f
Ihese clubs can enjoy food and drink while listening to soothing music and
songs from p o p u lar bands. When y o u are in Kuala L u m p u r you can choose
the place o f e n te rta in m e n t that you prefer. There are several public parks,
especially in newly developed areas. People can sit on benches in pleasant
spots su rro unded by trees with thick foliage and flowering shrubs. Y ou are
sure to enjoy strolling in such a place. The fresh air is good for the health.
Pelajaran e m p a t p u l u h s e m b ila n (4 9 )
B ahagian p e rta m a
T e m p a t - t e m p a t h ib u r a n
panggung stage, theatre
pentas stage
pem entasan the staging o f
p e rtu n ju k a n show
m u tu q uality
b e r m u tu having quality
m asyhur fam ous
sam but to c a tc h so m eth in g in o n e ’s
arms, to receive
sa m b u ta n reception
m inat interest
pem inat one interested in, fan
senilakun acting
senitari dancing
tayang to hold up for show
m enayangkan to show, to screen
disukai rum ai to be p o p u lar
m engunjung to visit
pengunjung frequenter, client, reg­
ular custom er
nyanyian singing
kugiran pop group, b a n d
tam an orangram ai public park
seronok nice, pleasurable
keliling around
di kelilingi su rrounded
segar fresh, lively
Lesson 49 Part Two
A t the Theatre
Have y o u got any seats left for to m o rro w n ig h t’s show?
Which siiow, sir?
The eight o ’clock show. If y o u have, please give me tw o first class tickets.
We have, sir, seats in the middle row.
Oh, good, thank you. Here’s the m o n ey for tw o tickets.
The tickets cost four dollars, sir.
Can you please show us where our seats are?
In the front row, o n th e right, sir.
Thank you.
Y our seats are here.
Is there a place selling drinks here?
i)ownstairs, not far from here, sir. If y o u w ant to have a drink y o u ’d better
go n o w because this show has no interval.
In th a t case we’d b e tte r go now. What d o y o u think o f the perform ance?
Very good i n d e e d . . . I’ve not had a good laugh for a long time, but when
those com edians perform ed ju s t now , I really laughed a lot and was very
The acting was good and the story was o f a high standard.
The scenery and the background music fit in very well with the plot.
F ro m beginning to end n o faults could be discerned.
The d irec to r and the actors and actresses should be com plim ented.
Pelajaran e m p a t p u l u h s e m b ila n (4 9 )
Bahagian k e d u a
Di p a n g g u n g w a y a n g
te m p a t d u d u k seat
baris line
barisan ro w
m in u m a n drink, refresh m en t
masa rehat interval, interm ission
pendapat o p in io n , view
ketaw a to laugh
pandang to look
pem andangan scenery, scene
latar belakang b ackground
pelakun actor, actress
puji praise
pujian praise
Lesson 50
The Developm ent o f Malay Literature
Studying Malay literature in d e p th will help us to appreciate the b e au ty o f
this language. Apart from that we shall be able to get a w ider understanding
o f the social conditions o f the Malay people. Learning Bahasa Malaysia can
be done in various ways. Learning frotn simple text b ooks for those w ho
are beginning to learn, and reading b ooks which have been w ritten by
language ex p erts and well-known writers for those w h o w ant to learn the
language in greater depth. ‘Sajak’, ‘p a n tu n ’, ‘gurindam ’ and ‘seloka’ are the
various types o f poetry which can reveal the b ea u ty o f Bahasa Malaysia. If
you are a lover o f poetry, y o u will be able to enjoy it by reading verses
com posed b y well-known national poets. Such p o e try b ooks can be bought
in the bookshops. Poems are not only learnt by school children, b ut they
have also becom e favourites for recitation either by children at school or
by adults. Sajak reciting c o m p etitio n s are often held in schools and at
public functions. In Bahasa Malaysia there are to be fo u n d w ords which
came originally from foreign languages such as Arabic, Chinese, Sanskrit,
Portuguese and o th e r E uropean languages, b u t the use o f these w ords does
not spoil it. The English language and especially the Indonesian language
co n tin u e to c o n trib u te to the present developm ent o f Bahasa Malaysia. In
this way the language becom es enriched and develops to m eet the needs o f
a m o d e rn society.
Pelajaran lim a p u lu h ( 5 0 )
P e rk e m b a n g a n k e s u s a s te ra a n M elayu
dikarang com posed b y , w ritten b y
pengarang w riter, a u th o r
m u k a face
terk em u k a fam ous, well-known,
p a n tu n Malay q uatrain
gurindam a ty p e o f p o e try
seloka a ty p e o f p o e try
puisi p o e try
gambar pictu re, p h o to g r a p h
m enggam barkan to show , to reflect,
to give a picture o f
cinta love
pencinta lover
sajak verse
tanahair hom eland
kem bang to o p e n up, to b lo o m , to
perkem bangan d ev elo p m en t
sastra art
kesusast eraan literature
dalam deep
m endalam in d e p th
m endalam i to stu d y in d e p th
harga price
menghargai to value, to appreciate
indah beautiful
keindah an b e a u ty
pengertian understand ing, in terp re­
tatio n , meaning
m asyarakat society
karang coral; to com pose
baca to read, to recite
m em baca sajak to recite verses
orang dewasa adult
adu to pit one against a n o th e r, to
com plain, to com p ete
peraduan co m p e titio n , contest
kerap o fte n , frequent
ju m p a to m eet, to find
pcrjum paan meeting, gatherin*
kata to say, to speak
p erkataan word
asal origin
berasal to have origin, to be o f the
Tionghoa Chinese
penggunaan the use o f
rosak to be dam aged, spoilt
m erosak kan to cause dam age to
sum bangan c o n trib u tio n
perlu im p o rta n t, necessary
keperluan need
Explanatory Notes
Basic Rules o f G ra m m a r
E x p lan ato ry N otes (In tr o d u c tio n - Lesson 50 )
Basic R ules o f G r a m m a r
As Bahasa Malaysia, b o th in p ro n u n cia tio n and in G ram m ar, varies to some
ex te n t from area to area, these E xplan atory Notes will not be standard for
all areas. The spoken language was, and stUI is in m any places, brief and to
the point w ith o u t e m p lo y m e n t o f non essential words. O f recent years the
language has becom e m ore ornate due to : use by an ever increasing nu m b er
o f educated Malaysians, a widespread usage o f news media, particularly
radio and television, and o f course readily available printed materials.
Bahasa Malaysia is still undergoing change absorbing w ords and even style
and stru ctu re from cultural co n tac ts w ith the outside world. As in the
English language, the origin o f som e w ords can be traced to Malaysia’s his­
torical p a s t : early Eastern influences through Chinese or Hindu traders; from
Arab traders w ho brought Islam to Malaysia; then later influences brought
by the Portuguese, D utch and British from the West. T o remain a living
language this change is essential, if at times a little confusing.
Here are a dozen useful basic grammatical rules to which the stu d en t may
find it useful to refer, or use as an in tro d u c tio n to the finer points of
gram m ar which o ccur later w ith the conversations.
The Noun
The Bahasa Malaysia noun does not change its form from the singular
to the plural e.g,
b u k u : book, a b oo k, b o o k s
The Adjective
The adjective follows the noun in Bahasa Malaysia and does not change
its form to agree with the noun it follows in n um ber, gender or case e.g.
buku besar: a big b o o k or big b o o k s
The D em onstrative Adjectives ‘it u ’ and ‘ini’
itu: that b o o k or those b o o k s
ini: this b o o k o r these b o o k s
w ith a n o th e r adjective ini o r itu appear in this order:besar itu: that big b o o k o r those big b o o k s
besar ini: this big b o o k o r these big b o o k s
T he Copula
The copula in natural conversation is usually not expressed in Bahasa
Malaysia i.e. betw een subject and co m p lem en t e.g.
Itu b u k u : That is a b o o k o r Those are books.
Ini b u k u : This is a b o o k o r These are books.
T here is a slight pause b etw een th e tw o w ords itu and b u k u where the
English word is would co m e in conversation.
It is essential therefore to recognize the difference betw een the
b u k u itu: that b o o k o r those b o o k s
itu b u k u : that is a b o o k o r those are b o o k s
b u k u ini: this b o o k o r these b o o k s
ini b uk u; this is a b o o k or these are b o o k s
b u k u besar itu: that big b o o k or those big b o o k s
itu b u k u besar: that is a big b o o k or those are big b o o k s
b u k u besar ini; this big b o o k o r these big b o o k s
ini buku besar; this is a big b o o k or these are big b o o k s
buku itu besar: that b o o k is big or those b o o k s are big
buku ini besar; this b o o k is big o r these b o o k s are big
BUT in m o d ern Bahasa Malaysia especially in the w ritten form, and
perhaps because o f English structural influence, the words iaiah or
adalah are used to translate the copula.
We shall see this in the notes for the following conversation lessons.
The Article
As there is no article such as a o r the in Bahasa Malaysia the d e m o n ­
strative adjectives ini: this and itu; that are used to indicate a definite
object e.g.
buku ini; this b o o k o r these b o o k s (if not referred to before)
the b o o k here (referred to before)
the b o o k s here (referred to before)
buku itu ^ e a n s that b o o k or these b o o k s (if not referred to before)
the b o o k there (referred to before)
the b o o k s there (referred to before)
T he Personal Pronouns
Personal pronoun s are unchanged for case gram matically, b ut cause
considerable difficulty to stu d en ts learning Bahasa Malaysia as there
are far m ore personal p ro n o u n s to recognize than in the English
language. T he reason for this is — and here we m ay be treading on
sensitive ground - a form o f class distinction, or degree o f politeness
IS em ployed in the selection o f the correct personal p ro n o u n
As this correct selection is difficult. Malays find the easiest solution is
to o p t o u t o f using personal p ro n o u n s wherever possible e.g.
Pergi? A re y o u going?
Pergi. Yes / am going.
The question is asked by an inflection in the voice as in asking a question
in English and the answer is given in a flat tone.
However, it is impossible to keep this up indefinitely so here are one
o r tw o o f the ‘safe’ p ro n o u n s to use.
I: saya
y o u : (i) if you know the p e rs o n ’s name, use his/her name.
(ii) if you d o n ’t know his/her name use:
encik: Mr to a man
cik: Miss to a girl
p uan: Mrs to a married lady
such w ords as haji, d a tu k or tu a n k u if the person has a
(iii) anda — a comparatively m odern Bahasa Malaysia word
which may be used m uch the same way as y o u is used in
h e js h e /it/th e y : dia in speech (ia in written form )
th e y : mereka in speech o r in w ritten form (this avoids any confusion
betw een he o r th ey if dia is used)
Possessive Pronouns (and Possession)
(i) Possession is show n simply by placing the p ro n o u n after the noun.
b u k u saya: m y b o o k
buku encik: y o u r b o o k (w nen addressing a m an)
b u k u cik : y o u r h o o k
( "
" young lady )
b u k u puan : y o u r b o o k (
» married w om an)
b u k u m ereka: their b o o k
BUT in the possessive form dia (o r ia) becom es nya e.g.
b u k u n y a : hislherlits/their b o o k (n o t buku dia)
(ii) Possessive pronou ns standing by themselves are formed by adding
pun ya to the Bahasa Malaysia p ro n o u n e.g. in answer to the question
whose is this? Answer:
Saya p u n y a: mine
Dia p u n y a: hislherslits/theirs
Encik p u n y a: y o u rs
The Verb
(i) T he root w ord and affixes
Verbs d o no t change to indicate m ood, tense, voice, n u m b e r o r person.
Verbs appear either in their simple root form o r are form ed from o th e r
parts o f speech by adding prefixes o r suffixes. In m any instances b o th
suffixes and prefixes are added. By know ing the effect o f a prefix o r
suffix on a word it is o fte n possible to w ork o u t the meanings o f u n ­
k n o w n w ords from an initial identification o f the root e.g.
( ro o tw o r d ) ajar; io feac/j
r u
mengajar: to teach (th ro w in g emphasis on the subject o f the verb)
belajar; to learn (the prefix bel, but usually ber, indicates the reflexive)
pelajar: a stu d en t (th e pe(l) prefix usually indicates an agent or
in stru m ent)
ajarlah: teach! (th e lah suffix here gives emphasis)
pelajaran: a lesson (th e pe(I) prefix com bines w ith the suffix an to
form a noun.)
(ii) The verb and tense
The tense o f a simple verb in root form cannot be determ ined so that
expressions o f tim e o r auxihary verbs are used to form different tenses
if the tense is not obvious from the c o n te x t o f a sentence o r conver­
saya belajar: / learn
sekarang saya belajar; n o w I learn
semalam saya belajar; yesterda y I learned
besok saya belajar; to m o rr o w / shall learn
saya tengah belajar; / am in the middle o f learning
saya ada belajar: / am learning (co n tin u o u s action)
saya sudah belajar; / have finished learning
saya sudah habis belajar; / have q u ite finished learning
saya nanti belajar; / shall learn
(iii) The passive voice
The passive voice can be formed by adding the prefix di to the verb in
its root form e.g.
b u k u dibuka: the h o o k is opened,
b u k u dibuka saya: the b o o k is o p e n e d b y me.
buku dibuka oleh saya
Here buka means to o p e n and oleh means by.
The Adverb
T he Bahasa Malaysia adverb usually has a similar place in a sentence to
that o f an adverb used in an English sentence. There is no adverbial
ending to Bahasa Malaysian words similar to the English ly and the ad­
verb is usually an adjective o r noun com bined o r duplicated with
a n o th e r word e.g. baik: g o o d is m ade into an adverb meaning well or
carefully by repetition in the form o f baik-baik.
The O rder o f Words
T he o rd er o f w ords in Bahasa Malaysia corresponds m uch in the
same way to that o f an English sentence e.g.
(ii) Emphasis o r balance in Bahasa Malaysia may cause the p a tte rn to
be changed. An example o f using emphasis with the above sentence
could be:
b u k u itu
That was the b o o k
lii) Similarly w hen kah is used to indicate a question it can be added
to the word which the speaker intends to emphasise, i.e. Diakah
pergi? Has he gone? Dia pergikah? Has he gone?
(iv) An adverb o f time usually separates a subject from its verb e.g.
Dia belum sampai. He has n o t arrived yet.
Subject - adverb - verb
He - not y e t
Malaysians use classifiers w hen enum erating people, animals, birds,
plants and objects etc. when in English classifiers are only used in rare
instances e.g.
dua buah b u k u : tw o b o o k s (Ht.: tw o fr u its b o o ks)
dua ekor ikan: tw o fish (lit.: tw o tails fish)
The Negative
Tidak is th e word for no or not and this is abbreviated to t a ' o r tak in
conversation, and som etim es in writing, before verbs and adjectives. It
is a simple denial to a sta te m en t o r sentence.
{ Tidak ada: There is n o tlT h e r e are n o t
< tak ada
V ta ’ ada
/tid a k
Dia< tak m ahu b u k u ini. f/e does n o t w a n t this b ook.
M a’
Bukan can be translated as no indeed and qualifies the verb it precedes.
It is an em phatic negative which implies the opposite.
Buku ini besar? Bukan besar, kecil. Is this b o o k big? No, it's small.
B u k an b a ik , día ja h a t . H e isn't good, he's wicked.
Mari k ita b e rc a k a p Bahasa Malaysia
B ahagian satu
Pendahuluan: In tro d u c tio n
Bahagian satu: Part one
Mari kita
Mari kita bercakap Bahasa Malaysia: L e t us speak Bahasa Malaysia
a. (i) Mari kita means let us. (In the spoken language mari may also
mean c o m e here.)
Mari is used as an in tro d u c to ry word to make suggestions
which include the speaker.
(ii) Kita means we, us. (T he synonym for kita is kami but, kita
includes the person ad d re sse d ; kami does not.)
Bercakap means to speak. Bercakap is derived from cakap,
which is the root part o f the verb. Ber is a prefix tacked on in
front o f the ro o t word. Prefixes and suffixes play im p o rtan t
parts in Bahasa Malaysia, as they can alter the meaning and
function o f a word. (See note 8.)
Selamat and forms o f address
Selamat pagi tuan: G o o d m orning sir.
During colonial days, the word tu a n was used when a E uropean was
addressed (and mem for a E uropean lady). T oday it is the equivalent
o f sir o r mister and m ore often reserved for professional people and
people o f status. (A t public gatherings the plural, tuan-tuan refers to
gentlem en.) A lady m ay be addressed as puan for m adam e.g. Puan
Aisyah. Encik o r Cik is a polite form o f address to a Malay man o r
w o m an respectively. It is used as a honorific TITLE only before the
name o f a m an, e.g. Encik A hm ad bin Talib (Mr A h m a d bin Talib) as
when the nam e appears on an envelope.
Cik is a short form o f encik and this shortened fonn m ay be used as a
honorific title only before the name o f a w om an, e.g. Cik Dah: Mrs /
Miss Dah.
Encik is normally used in formal situations betw een individuals.
It is polite to use ju st this address (w ith o u t the n a m e ) when talking to
a stranger and it is the equivalent o f y o u in English e.g. Encik, boleh
saya bertanya? Sir, can I m a k e an enquiry? - Can I ask y o u a question?
O ther greetings are:(i) Selamat tengah hari. G o o d afternoon.
(ii) Selamat petang. G ood evening.
(iii) Selamat malam. G o o d night.
Devout Muslims will always greet one ano ther, irrespective o f the h o u r
o f the day, w ith the traditional Arabic greeting: Assalamu Alaikum*
Peace be u p o n y o u . T he reply will be: Waalaikum salam which means
A n d peace be u p o n y o u , too.
The word selamat which literally means safe, is used for expressing
good wishes e.g.
(a) Selamat belayar. Bon voyage or safe journey.
(b) Selamat tinggal. (said by the guest) Good-bye.
(c) Selamat harijadi. H appy birthday.
(d) Selamat pengantin baru. Congratulations to the new ly wed.
(e) Selamat datang. Welcome.
(f) Selamat maju jaya. Wishing y o u success.
(g) Selamat Tahun Baru. Happy N ew Year.
(h) Sampai berjum pa lagi. Till we m e e t again.
Sila dengar
Sila means please and dengar means to hear, so sila dengar means
please listen.
Saya is the first person singular p ro n o u n meaning A (see note 6).
Seorang is m ade up o f tw o parts: se which is short for satu meanmg
one and orang meaning a m an or person. Orang is the classifier for
people and classifiers m ust be used w ith num bers and nouns (see
n o te 11).
Saya seorang guru. / (am ) a (certain) teacher, (one person)
T u an
We have a fu rth e r illustration o f the use o f the classifier orang m the
following c o n te x t:
T u a n seorang pelajar. Y o u are a (certain) student, (one person)
A lthough T u an means M r o r Sir, it is used here to mean y o u z% Malays
try to avoid the use o f the personal p ro n o u n y a u , by om itting it alto­
gether, or substituting Sir, Mr, Mrs, Miss or the person s rank e.g.
d o c to r (see note 6).
Pelajar comes from th e root word ajar: to teach.
Orang Melayu
(a) Saya orang Melayu. I am a (person) Malay.
(b) Orang Melayu b ercakap Bahasa Malaysia. Malays speak the National
Notice that in (a) above, orang Melayu is singular but m ( b ) orang
Melayu is plural i.e. there is no change to the n o u n o r adjective for
the plural.
Also in (a) above th e copula am is no t translated in to Bahasa
T u a n b u k a n orang Melayu. Y ou aren't a Malay.
The úse o f bu kan here indicates th e con trary (i.e. y o u are a European).
See n o te 12.
Bahasa Malaysia
Bahasa means language and with Malaysia used as an adjective (which
follows the n o u n ) forms Malaysian language o r National language.
Bahasa Inggeris means English (language).
The prefix ‘b e r'
Orang Melayu bercakap Bahasa Malaysia.
In this sentence ber is the prefix for the verb cakap. The prefix her,
as here, usually indicates an intransitive o r reciprocative function.
(See note 8(i).) e.g.
(a) Dia berlari di padang. He runs in the field.
(b) Dia bernyanyi seorang diri. H e/she sings alone.
O th e r usages o f ber will appear later.
Ini sebuah petinyanyi. This is a record player. (Peti: b o x and nyanyi:
to sing.)
Buah is the num eral coefficient applicable to petinyanyi. It precedes
the n o u n it quahfies. Generally the numerical coefficient buah is used
for large objects w ith irregular shapes, e.g. kapal: ship, m o to k a r: car,
rum ah: house, kapalterbang: aeroplane, kerusi: chair, almari: cupboard, b u k u : b ook, sungai: river, and here:- petinyanyi: record player,
and piringhitam: record.
Petinyanyi: a singing box, which aptly describes a record player.
Piringhitam: a black plate; it a tte m p ts to describe a record, bu t a cur­
rent word in use is rekod (from the English word).
Ini and Itu
Ini sebuah meja. This is a table. Ini is used as a dem onstrative p ro n o u n
referring to som ething near. When referring to an object at a distance,
the dem onstrative p ro n o u n Itu, which means that, is used, e.g.
Itu sebuah meja. That is a table. (See notes 2, 3 and 4.)
Ini and itu may be used as dem onstrative adjectives too, e.g.
Meja bulat i n i
This roun d t a b l e ..........
Rumah besar i t u
That big h o u s e ..........
When thus used, ini or itu follows the n o u n o r any o th e r adjective that
follows the noun.
The adjectives ini and itu (particularly itu) are frequently used as the
equivalent o f the E n ^ ish definite article the. There is the im plication
that the object to which the n o u n refers has just
been u n der discussion,
or is already familiar to the listener o r (as in the
last exam ple below ) is
well k n o w n to everybody. (See also note 5.) e.g.
(a) Di atas meja ada b u ku. Buku itu besar.
O n the table is a book. The b o o k is big.
(b) Baju m erah i t u
The red s h i r t ..........
(c) Ikan ini dim akan oleh kucing. The fish was eaten b y a cat.
Di used as a preposition and to indicate passive voice
Piringhitam ada di atas petinyanyi. The record is on th e record player.
Di, a preposition o f place, which may mean at, o n or
placed before a n ou n, but is not joined to it.
Di is also used to transform a sentence into the passive voice but
a p p e a r s as a prefix to the verb. Study the following examples:
(a) Saya tinggal di Singapura (di is a place preposition). / live in
(b) Bola itu disepak oleh Ahmad (a passive sentence using the passive
verb disepak from th e active verb sepak). The ball was k ic k e d b y
Sedang, sudah and p e m a h
Tuan sedang melihat b u k u . You are looking at the book. (Buku here
could be followed by itu as the definite article as it was referred to in
the previous sentence).
The verb melihat alone, like o th e r unqualified Bahasa Malaysia verbs,
could be in any tense. The word sedang is placed before it to indicate
a continuing action. A nother word which could be used for this p u r­
pose is masih.
Ahmad masih suka pergi ke rumah Ani. A h m a d still likes to go to A n i s
The w ords telah o r sudah indicate the c o m p le tio n o f an action.
The short form for sudah is dah which is used mainly in the spoken
language, e.g.
Dia telah pergi or Dia sudah pergi. He has gone.
An action which has already been com pleted is indicated by p em a h or
(a) Saya pernah pergi ke Kuala Lum pur. / have been to Kuala Lum pur.
(b) R um ah ini sudah terbina masa Jepun m e m eren tah . This house had
been built during the Japanese occupation ( o f Malaysia).
Akan denotes a future action.
There is no category o f tense in Bahasa Malaysia. The w ords m en­
tioned above d e n o te the various aspects o f action. (See also note 8.)
R epetition o r reduplication o f words
The word perlahan-lahan is repeated to indicate slowing dow n. O n the
o th e r hand the reduplication of the word cepat indicates an increase
in speed.
In Bahasa Malaysia REPETITIVE WORDS are used in various forms,
but the following notes are provided for reference only. (A student
should not try to c o m m it to m e m o ry all o f these rules as he will learn
them gradually through frequent encounter):
(a) Repetitive w ords which d o not use a prefix o r suffix are divided
(i) Where b o th w ords are identical and increase o r intensify the
meaning o f the first word e.g. orang-orang (plural o f person),
eepat-cepat: quickly, mahal-mahal: expensive and others.
(ii) B oth w ords are identical, b u t to g e th e r tak e o n a new meaning.
T h ey can n o t stand by themselves, and m ake sense. Such
w ords include labi-labi: tortoise, kunang-kunang; fire-flies,
biri-biri: sheep, etc.
(iii) T w o different words, b u t the second word is related in sound
and meaning to the first word e.g. sayur-m ayur: vegetables,
beras-petas: all sorts o f rice, gerak-geri: m o vem ents, saudaramara: relations.
(iv) T w o different words, but the first word is related in sound
and sense to the second w ord, e.g. kelap-kelip: twinkling,
m undar-m andir: to and fro, lekak-lekuk; b u m p y ground, etc.
(b) Repetitive w ords using prefixes and suffixes are divided into
six groups.
(i) The first c o m p o n e n t takes a prefix e.g. berkali-kali: m a n y
times, b e rtu ru t-tu ru t: consecutively, sepanjang-panjang: all
along, meluap-luap: profusely, etc.
(ii) Both c o m p o n e n ts take a prefix e.g. pengikut-pengikut:
followers, sekali-sekali: once in a while, etc.
(iii) Both c o m p o n e n ts have a suffix attached, e.g. makananxx\Qk?ix\2Ln. f o o d s tu f f, bacaan-bacaan: reading, etc.
(iv) O nly the second c o m p o n e n t takes a suffix, e.g. buah-buahan:
all sorts o f fruits, bunga-bungaan: all parts o f flowers, etc.
(v) The first c o m p o n e n t takes a prefix and the second has a
suffix, e.g. berlari-larian: running continuously, kemerahm erahan: reddish, etc.
(vi) O nly the second c o m p o n e n t takes a prefix and the words
d en o te reciprocal action e.g. pukul-m em ukul: hitting each
other, toiong-m enolong: helping each other, etc.
Repetitive w ords can be nouns, verbs, adjectives, adverbs or numerals.
(a) With NOUNS, the purpose o f repetitio n is:
(i) to show q u a n tity o r variety, such as binatang-binatang;
animals, pakaian-pakaian: clothes^ sayur-sayuran: a variety o f
(ii) to show resemblance o r likeness in appearance o r manners:
k u da-kuda: trestles, tupai-tupai: w ooden supports.
(b) With VERBS, the purpose is:
(i) to show that the action is repetitive: m elom pat-lom pat:
jum ping, berlari-lari: running continuously, etc.
(ii) to show an a ttrib u te or q u a h ty such as: menyala-nyala:
burning fiercely, bersinar-sinar: shining brightly.
(iii) to show that the action is repeated and reciprocal: berciumcium : kissing eachother, Xuduh-mtxwxdwh: blaming each other,
( c ) With ADJECTIVES o r ADVERBS th e c o m b i n e d w o r d s i n d i c a t e :
(i) q u a n tity or variety, e.g.
Jalan raya dalam b an d a r itu luas-luas. The roads in th e to w n
are wide.
(ii) an emphasis o f the q u a h ty referred to, e.g.
Buah-buahan itu manis-manis rasanya. The fr u its taste sweet.
(d ) With NUMERALS the co m b in atio n o f words:
(i) state a numerical order: satu-satu: o n e b y one, berpasangpasang: in pairs.
(ii) express q u a n tity (or large numbers) such as: berpuluh-puluh:
in tens, beribu-ribu: in thousands.
B ahagian d u a
Selamat tengah hari: G o o d a ftern o o n (Literally, Safe h a lf day).
Apa khabar: H ow are y o u ? (Literally, What news?) This is the most
frequently used form o f greeting.
K habar baik, terima kasih: Very well, thank y o u . And this the most
frequent form o f reply. It literally means: G o o d news, thank yo u .
Sekarang sila tuan jaw ab p ertany aan
N o w please (sirlyouj answer
m y questions.
Pertanyaan - the root word tan y a means ask and becomes a n o u n by
adding the prefix and suffix.
A d a k a h saya ini seorang g u ru ? A m I a teacher?
Ya. tu an ialah seorang guru. Yes, y o u are a teacher.
N ote: ialah is not necessary, b u t is now used frequently in m odern
In this c o n te x t, ya is an exclam ation (and its sy n o n y m is benar). In
spoken Bahasa Malaysia ya means correct or true. It can be used as a
reply e.g. Ya, Pak Cik. Yes, uncle.
Kah, siapa and adakah
T h e use o f kah can perhaps be illustrated w ith simple examples.
H a s M r. X a b o o k ? A d a k a h Encik X sebuah buku?
Has Mr. X a b o o k ? Ada E ncik X kah sebuah buku?
Has Mr. X a boo k? Ada Encik X sebuah b u k u k a h ?
Kah is an interrogative particle. It is usually attached as a suffix to the
word which is emphasised. It may, however, be o m itte d , as a question
can be indicated by the into n atio n or/and o th e r interrogative words, e.g.
Siapakah guru tu a n o r Siapa guru tuan? Who is y o u r teacher?
C om pare w ith this sentence T u an m em baca b u k u k a h ? A re y o u reading
a b o o k ? Here the word b o o k is emphasised by the a tta c h m e n t o f kah.
T u an orang Melayu? A re y o u a Malay?
This could also translate as: Adakah tuan seorang Melayu? (Here
A dakah tu an means Is it that y o u are?)
Siapakah guru, tuankah atau saya? Who is the teacher, y o u or I?
In Bahasa Malaysia it is the normal practice to m en tio n the first
person (/, We) first before o th e r pro nouns o r p ro p e r nouns, and men
precede w om en e.g. Ladies and g e n tle m en in Bahasa Malaysia be­
com es Tuan-tuan dan puan-puan.
Tuanlah seorang guru. You are th e teacher.
(a) Lah is used as a suffix to emphasise y o u in the above sentence,
but can be attached to a n oun, p ro n o u n , verb or adjective.
(b) Lah Ls also used in c o m m a n d s and warnings to make the com m and
less perem p to ry , e.g.
Janganlah marah. D o n 't (please) be angry.
(c) In print lah occurs frequently after verbs in their root form , giving
the effect o f past tense, or com pleted action, e.g.
(a) la pun matilah. He died.
(b) Pergilah ia. He went.
Bolehkah tuan bercakap (dalam ) Bahasa Malaysia? Can y o u speak (in)
Bahasa Malaysia?
The word dalam meaning in may be used. Its presence o r absence in
the sentence does not make any appreciable difference, e.g.
Bolehkah tuan bercakap Bahasa Malaysia? Can y o u speak Bahasa
Sedang and tengah
Saya sedang m endengar suara piringhitam. ¡ a m listening to the record.
The word sedang here can be translated as in the m iddle o f and so
mdicating a c o n tin u o u s action: is doing, was doing, will be doing. It is
perhaps used m ore in writing than in conversation for the word tengah
which has the same meaning.
The prefix ‘m e ’
T he verbal prefix me turns the root verb dengar (an intransitive verb)
above, in to a transitive verb, which o f course takes a direct object.
You will notice how ever th a t, for the sake o f eu p h o n y , the me prefix
becomes men in fro n t o f the initial letter d o f dengar i.e. dengar becomes mendengar.
This change also takes place w ith o th e r initial letters o f root words e g
(a) me becomes m em where it occurs before b, e.g. (b u k a ) m em b uka
and where it occurs before p, b u t in this instance the p is dro p p ed
e.g. (p u k u l) m em ukul.
(b) me becomes m en before c, d, j or t, b u t in the last instance the t
is dro p p ed e.g.
( c u d ) mencuci: to clean
(dengar) m endengar: to hear
(jual) menjual: to sell
(tulis) menulis: to write (n o te that the t is dro p p ed .)
(c) m e becomes meng before g, h, o r k, b u t in the last instance th e k
is dro p p ed e.g.
(gigit) men ggigit: to bite
( li a n t a r ) i n e n g h a n t a r : to send
( k e n a l ) m e n g e n a i : to recognize
Also m e b e c o m e s m e n g in f r o n t o f a vowel e.g.
( aja r) m e n g a j a r : to teach
(eja ) m e ng eja : to spell
( i k u t ) m e n g i k u t : to fo llo w
( u k u r ) m e n g u k u r : to measure
( d) m e b e c o m e s m e n y b e f o r e s b u t th e s is d r o p p e d e.g.
( s a p u ) m e n y a p u : to sweep
(e ) F o r o t h e r l e tt e rs I, m, n, n y o r r the m e pr efi x r em ai n s u n c h a n g e d .
W h e n th e m e prefix o c c u r s in th e fo llowing c o n v e r s a t i o n s , this list can
be re fer red t o f or t h e i d e n t i f i c a t i o n o f t h e r o o t w o r d , h u t e v e n t u a l l y it
will be advisable to learn o n e e x a m p l e e a c h o f the ab o v e , so that no
d i f f i c u l t y will be e x p e r i e n c e d w i t h a p p l y i n g t h e pr efi x to o t h e r ro ot
T h e pr inc ip al uses o f t h e m e prefix can b e s u m m e d u p as:
(i) d r a w i n g a t t e n t i o n t o t h e s u b je c t e.g.
Dia y a n g m e n d e n g a r . It was he who heard.
(ii) as a part ic ip le a f t e r s u c h w o r d s as p a n d a i an d s u k a e.g.
p a n d a i m e n y a n y i : clever at singing.
suka m e l o m p a t : likes jum ping.
(iii) t o i n d i c a t e a c o n t i n u e d a c t i o n e.g.
saya d u d u k m e m b a c a b u k u : / am sitting reading a book.
(iv) as a verbal n o u n a f t e r s u c h w o r d s as t e m p a t e.g.
t e m p a t m e n c u c i k a i n : a place f o r washing clothes.
T h e m e pr efi x c a n best be use d by a s t u d e n t in c o n v e r s a t i o n by
n o t i n g its c o m m o n usage. S o m e w o r d s s u c h as pergi d o n o t t a k e t h e
m e pr efi x at all. D o n o t t r y t o r e m e m b e r all th e m e a p p l i c a t i o n s at
o n c e , b u t dip i n t o this s e c t i o n w h e n o c c a s i o n arises.
Di m a n a : ' w h e r e ’
Di m a n a t u a n d u d u k ? Where are y o u sitting?
N o t e t h a t this is d i f f e r e n t f r o m t h e p r e fi x di w h i c h is j o i n e d t o th e
f oll o w in g verb and i n d i c a t e s t h e passive e.g. d i b u k a : is opened.
T h e a n s w e r t o Di m a n a t u a n d u d u k ? in this c o n v e r s a t i o n is Saya d u d u k
di kerusi. I am sitting o n a chair. T h e di is a p r e p o s i t i o n o f place a n d
n o t a pr efi x an d can b e t r a n s l a t e d , a c c o r d i n g t o c o n t e x t as: at, o n o r in.
A p a yan g s e d a n g t u a n lih at ? What (is it which) y o u are lo o k m g at?
Y a n g can b e re ga rd ed as t h e Malay f o r t h e English relative p r o n o u n s .
who, which, that. H o w e v e r , it is n o t a l w a y s use d in i d e n ti c a l w a y s and
t h e r e f o r e t h e s t u d e n t s h o u l d n o t e t h e o c c a s i o n s o n w h i c h he hear s o r
sees t h e w o r d . H e re are o n e o r t w o e x a m p l e s :
Y a n g b e s a r saya t a ’m a h u : (w hich are big) The large ones / d o n ’t want.
Ya ng bai k sekali: The best ones
P e r e m p u a n yang c a n t e k : The p re tty w o m a n (i.e. i d e n t i f y i n g o n e f r o m
a g r o u p the p r e tty one.)
Yang teram at mulia tu an X: The honourable Mr X (in formal address)
The prefix *ter’
Buku itu terb u k ak ah atau te rtu tu p ? Is th e b o o k open or closed?
Here the addition o f the prefix ter indicates a com pleted action.
O th e r uses o f the ter prefix are seen in these examples;terbesar: exceedingly large
tiada terlupa: that c a n n o t b e fo r g o tte n
terjatu h: fe ll d o w n (accidentally}
P E L A J A R A N S AT U (1)
K eluarga saya
Ini ialah keluarga saya. This is m y fam ily.
(A sy nony m for keluarga is kelamin or famili)
Isteri and Suami
M y w i f e ..........
Isten is a polite word for wife. A sy n o n y m for isteri is bini. Bini
IS a w o r d w h ic h is used c o llo q u ia lly a lt h o u g h th e use o f this w o rd is
c o n s id e re d im p o lite .
Similarly suami, which means husband, is preferable to laki.
Lelaki and anak laki-laki
Anak lelaki saya, anak perem puan saya dan s a y a
M y son m v
daughter a n d !
Lelaki ( o r Laki-laki) is used to specify the male sex. Anak lelaki (or
laki-laki) means 50«. Translated literaUy, it means a male child.
Mniilarly, anak perem p u an means daughter o r a fem a le child The
stu d en t m ust rem em ber that lelaki (laki-laki) and p erem p u an are used
only w hen referring to h u m an beings. To distinguish the sex o f animals
the words ja n ia n for male, and betina for fem a le are used.
Orang anak: ‘c h ild re n ’
Kami ada dua orang anak. We have tw o children.
(Literally. A ge his
A sy nony m for u m u r is usia, i.e. age. Some c o m m o n phrases with this
word are given below:
dim akan um ur: getting old
panjang u m u r: long life
pendek um ur: short life
seum ur: same age
seum ur hidup: th r o u g h o u t o n e ’s life
separuh um ur: m id dle age (literally h a lf age)
b e ru m u r: o f so m e age
Nama anak perem p u an saya iaiah Fatimah. M y daughter's nam e is
In this co n tex t nam a means name. (N am a also means noun, e.g. Nama
am: c o m m o n no un.)
Baru (b ah a ru )
U m urnya baru lapan ta h u n : S h e is o n ly eight years old.
Literally baru means new. But in this c o n te x t, it means o nly or just.
Baru is also spelt as baharu.
Lebih, daripada and dari
Dia em pat tahun lebih m uda daripada Ahmad. S h e is fo u r years y o u n g e r
than A hm ad.
Where there is a com parison o f tw o things daripada means than. Dari­
pada may also mean m ade o f, as in:
Bola ini dibuat daripada getah. This ball is m ade o f rubber.
Daripada may also m ean fr o m , as for example:
Saya dapat b u k u ini daripada suami saya. / o btain ed this b o o k fr o m
m y husband.
It may be used as fr o m with people (as here) BUT with places the word
dari is used e.g.
Saya datang dari Kuala Lum pur. I came fr o m Kuala l.um pur.
Saya dapat buku ini daripada ibu. / g o t this b o o k fr o m m other.
Fatim ah yang term uda. Fatim ah is the you ng est.
T ertua
Saya yang te rtu a sekali. 1 am the eldest.
T he prefix ter (attached to an adjective) has a superlative function (as
with term u d a above)
(a) R u m ah saya yang terbesar sekali. M y house is the biggest.
(b) Ini yang terkecil sekali. This is the smallest.
Saya yang tertua sekali. I am the oldest.
Sekali here has the meaning o f th em all b u t th e literal meaning is once
(abbreviation for satu kali: one tim e).
Saya yang te rtu a sekali.
There are m any functions o f yang. At this stage it will suffice to say
th a t yang in the above sentence serves to emphasise th e p ro n o u n saya.
It is saya: / w ho am the eldest (and not an yone else).
A hm ad abang Fatim ah. A h m a d is the elder b ro th e r o f Fatimah.
In this co n te x t abang is elder brother. Abang is o fte n used by a Malay
w o m an when she addresses o r refers to her husband. Abang is also
used as a polite form o f address when dealing with elder males or
when addressing a stranger.
Fatimah adik perem puan Ahmad. Fatimah is A h m a d 's y o u n g e r sister.
Adik can also mean y o u n g e r brother. Adik is widely used in the spoken
language to address you ng persons. It is also used by a husband to
address his wife.
Adik-beradik means b rothers and sisters o r relatives.
Saya iaIah bapanya. ! am his father.
(A sy nony m for bapa is ayah)
Isteri saya iaiah ibu mereka. M y w ife is their m other.
K am i sangat kasih p a d a m ereka. We love both o f them very m uch!
We are very f o n d o f them .
Sangai m ea n s very and a synonym for it is amat. It normally follows
the adjective o r adverb to which it refers. W hen it is used with a verb
It norm ally m ean s very much. M ore often sangat occurs before an
a d je c tiv e . Pada can m ean by, at, in, to, near, on, according to d e p e n d ­
ing o n the context.
Tingkap - Jendela
Tingkap is window. (A synonym for tingkap is jendela)
Keretapi is train. It is derived from the words kereta and api which
literally mean fire vehicle.
The name was coined when steam locomotives were in use.
Keretapi m ainan means to y train. Keretapi cepat
express train, and
keretapi mel is mail train.
Berdiri . . . sambil menghisap paip. S i t t i n g . . . (at the sam e tim e)
sm o kin g a pipe.
Sambil here indicates one action going on at the same time as another.
P E L A J A R A N D U A (2)
Soalan dan jawapan
Siapa, siapa-siapa, siapapun
Siapa saya? Who am I?
Siapa is one o f the m any interrogative w ords used to frame questions.
Siapa means who. It is used for persons only. It m a y also m ean w hose
and w hat in (ii) below:
(i) Siapa orang laki-laki itu? Who is that man?
*(ii) Siapa nam a awak? What is y o u r nam e? (Literally: Who is y o u r
nam e?)
(iii) Buku siapa itu? Whose b o o k is that?
(iv) Buku siapa ini? Whose h o o k is this?
(*This is an im p o rta n t exam ple to rem em ber.)
Siapa in reduplicated form or with pun can be used as an indefinite
p ro n o u n , e.g.
(a) Siapa-siapa yang tidak datang: Those w ho d o n o t attend.
(b) Siapapun boleh buat itu. A n y o n e can do that.
Siapapun with the negative tidak: no can be used to express n o b o d y , e.g.
Siapapun tak ada di rum ah. There was n o b o d y in the house.
Forms o f address: T uan. Encik, Cik, Anda
T u a n ialah Encik M uham m ad - A n d a ialah Encik M uham m ad
Y ou are Mr. M u h a m m a d - Y o u are Encik M uham m ad.
T u an is the equivalent o f the English word sir. It i s a co u rteo u s form
o f addressing people. Here are m ore details abou t its usage. It can be
used for the following categories o f people:
(a) a E uropean m an (a ttrib u te d to Malaysia’s colonial past)
(b) a senior officer
(c) gentlem en (in this case it is used in the reduplicated form o f
(d) a Haji (a m an w ho has gone on a pilgrimage to Mecca)
(e) a Sayed (a nam e b o rn e by the descendents o f the Prophet
M uham m ad)
( 0 a c u sto m e r or a client (fo r the sake o f pohteness).
Encik may be used to address any Malay man. It m ay also be ap p ro ­
priately used to address an im m ediate senior officer. T he shortened
form cik is also acceptable, b u t it is generally used to address a lady. It
carries the meaning
and y o u r when a person is addressed.
Encik hendak ke m ana? Where are y o u going?
Encik can also m ean master.
BUT for all purposes one may eventually use:
Anda - this is a com paratively newly in tro d u ce d word into th e Malay
language and is an a tte m p t to have the word accepted nationally to
m ean y o u no m a tte r which sex o r rank o f person is addressed.
Ialah and adalah
A nda ialah Encik M uham m ad. You are Encik M uham m ad.
Ialah is not exactly the equivalent o f the English verbs {to be) are o r w.
although in translation it m ay be convenient to regard it as such. Ialah
is m ade up o f the personal p ro n o u n ia which means he, she o r it, and
the suffix lah. Generally ialah serves to emphasise the im po rtance o f
th e p r o n o u n or n o u n th a t precedes it e.g.
(a) Bijih tim ah ialah ekspot utam a Malaysia. Tin is Malaysia's main
(b) Dia ialah guru saya. He is m y teacher.
Som etim es adalah is used instead o f ialah e.g.
(a) Dia adalah seorang yang baik. He is a g o o d person.
(b) Mereka adalah rakyat yang taat. T h ey are lo ya l citizens.
Anda iaIah Kncik Muhammad. You are Mr. M uham mad.
(Muhammad and Ahmad are common Malay names.)
Form s o f address; Puan
Saya suami siapa? Whose husband am I?
T uan suami Puan Asmah. Y o u are Puan A sm a h 's husband.
Puan is the equivalent o f the English Madam. It is a co u rteo u s form o f
address and m ay be used for three categories o f people:
(a) ladies (in this case it is used in the reduphcated form o f puanpuan.)
(b) for a senior lady officer
(c) a married Malay w om an.
Anak lelaki
Siapa nama anak lelaki saya? W hat is m y son's name?
anak lelaki; son
N am anya Ahmad. His nam e is A hm ad.
The possessive p ro n o u n nya can also mean he, him , she, her, his, they,
th em and their. It must be placed after the noun that it describes e.g. '
(a) O th m a n bermain dengan adiknya. O th m a n is playing w ith his
(b) Fatim ah sedang m enolong ibunya. Fatim ah is helping her m other:
Nya also means its and /f, e.g.
(a) L em bu itu sedang m akan bersama anaknya. The co w and its c a lf
are eating together.
(b) Bukan h e n d a k dim a k an n y a ikan itu. It does n o t w ant to eat the
T u an m e m p u n y ai d u a orang anak. You have tw o children. (M em punyai
meaning to o w n o r possess.)
Notice again the sequence o f numeral + coefficient + noun. (Orang is
always the numeral coefficient ío i people.)
Adakah Fatim ah anak saya? Is Fatim ah m y daughter?
Here ada is tak en to be th e equivalent o f the verb is. However adakah
is not normally used in speech. It m ay be o m itte d entirely; the effec­
tiveness o f the question th en depends entirely o n its in to n a tio n e.g.
(a) Fatim ah anak sayakah? Is Fatim ah m y daughter?
(b) Budin anak awakkah? Is B u d in y o u r son?
Normally ada is used as a transitive verb meaning to have w hen it
shows possession.
(a) T u an ada kereta? D o y o u have a car?
(b) T uan ada sebuah rum ah. Y ou have a house.
Ada is also often used to m ean there is, there was, there were or there
are e.g.
(a) Ada lima b u a h kereta di situ. There are five cars there.
(b ) Ada sebiji b u ah epal di atas meja. There is an apple o n the table.
Ya, dia anak anda. Yes, sh e /h e is y o u r child.
T h e personal p ro n o u n dia is always used in the third person. It is o f
c o m m o n gender and can be used in place o f she, his, he, th ey, it, her,
him , th em , their and they.
Berapa ta h u n u m u rn y a ? H o w old is he?
T he interrogative adverb berapa means h ow ? it may also mean how
m a n y? h o w m u ch ? o r h o w long? e.g.
(a) Berapa harga b u a h ini? H o w m u ch is this fru it?
(b ) Berapa buah kereta sem uanya? H o w m a n y cars are there altogether?
(c) Berapa lam akah dia di rum ah awak? H ow long was he at y o u r
^ I
Apa dia b u at? What is he doing?
Apa may be an interrogative p ro n o u n o r an interrogative adjective
referring to things. It implies w hat things o r w hat sort o f things e.g.
(a) Apa itu? What is that?
(b) Apa yang awak bu at? What are y o u doing?
(c) Apa yang awak tanya? What d id y o u ask?
The prefix ‘p e ’ and suffix ‘a n ’
Dia sedang menulis surat. H e is writing a letter.
T he root w ord o f the verb menulis is tulis. The prefix me stresses the
d o e r dia: he.
N otice how the ro o t verb tulis m ay be converted in to a n o u n by the
addition o f th e prefix p e ( n ) o r the suffix an in th e following examples:
(a) Dia seorang penulis. H e is a writer.
(b ) Tulisannya digemari ramai. His writings are very popular.
(c) Tulisan Karim cantik. Karim '5 handw riting is beautiful.
Berdiri and dudu k
A dakah dia berdiri atau d u d u k ? Is he standing or sitting?
T h e verb d u d u k is peculiar; it is rarely used w ith the prefix bar.
B e rd u d u k -d u d u k m eans to sit around (gossiping).
The prefix ‘b e r ’ and dengan
T here are occasions w hen ber may be prefixed to transitive verbs e.g.
berlari. This is, however, rare. It is d o n e with a special purpose in
mind. Ber is prefixed, in this case to lari to distinguish the meanings o f
th e w ords berlari and lari e.g.
(a) Dia berlari kuat-kuat. He ran fast.
(b) Dia lari dari penjara. H e ran aw ay fr o m prison.
D engan apakah A hm ad berm ain-m ain? With w hat is A h m a d playing?
T he repetitio n o f the main verb in to berm ain-m ain indicates a repeti115
tive prolonged action.
Ahmad bermain-main dengan keretapi niainannya. A h m a d is playing
w ith his to y train.
The preposition dengan here means with. It may however be used to
mean by, w ith or and. N ote the following examples.
(a) Dia pergi dengan keretapi. He w en t b y train.
(b) Saya pergi k e K u ala L um pur dengan k a p a l t e r b a n g . / w a j / / t ; A'Wiz/cr
L u m p u r b y plane.
(c) Dia dengan saya adik-beradik. He and I are brothers.
(d) Saya pergi ke bandar dengan Karim. / w e n t to to w n w ith Karim.
The family and relatives
Here are the m ore co m m o n ly used terms to describe m em bers o f the
family and their close relatives:
brothers and sisters
adik-beradik laki-laki
adik-beradik perem puan
adik laki-laki
y o u n g e r brother
adik perem puan
y o u n g e r sister
elder b rother
elder sister
ibu, emak
m o th e r
ayah, bapa
fa th e r
g ra n d m o th er
d a tu k
m ak cik
pak cik
anak saudara laki-laki
anak saudara perem puan
abang ipar
adik ipar
The w ords kakak and abang m ay be used o u t o f the family context.
You m ay address a m an w ho is slightly older than yourself as abang.
Similarly y o u m ay address a lady w ho is slightly older as kakak. H ow ­
ever, since a lady m ay take offence at the im plication that she is older,
a b e tte r word would be saudari, cik or puan. Originally, the word
saudara m eant a relation. Now it means friend, brethen o r comrade.
Berapa ram aikah dari m e r e k a
H ow m any o f th e m
Ramai and banyak mean m any. Banyak is widely used, especially in
speech. Ramai orang means m an y people, orangramai means the
Seorang sahaja. O nly on e person.
In this co n te x t it means only.
T uan menghisap paip. Y o u are sm o k in g a pipe.
The verb menghisap comes from the roo tw ord hisap, which m eans to
suck. T he a d d itio n o f th e prefix me indicates continuing action.
Menghisap ro k o k m ay be shortened to the verb m e ro k o k b u t it would
be w rong to shorten menghisap paip to m em aip, not that it is gram ­
matically wrong, b u t it will n o t be understood as it has not been in use.
A word or tw o a b o u t smoking. In Malay society, Malay w o m en who
sm oke cigarettes are frow ned upon.
Ada yang . . . . ada yang tidak
Ya, ada yang m e r o k o k d an ada yang tidak. Yes, so m e d o a nd so m e
d o n 't (sm oke).
P E L A J A R A N T I G A (3)
R um ah kam i
R um ah-rum ah pangsa
Literally rum ah pangsa means a house w ith com partm ents. It is now
the equivalent to th e English word flats.
K aw a sa n l u a r b a n d ^ a n d b a n d a ra y a
K aw a sa n lu a r b a n d a r is the suburbs. T h e town area is kawasan b an d a r.
B a n d a r a y a is a n o th e r new w ord which m eans city. It is form ed by
jo in in g the w ords b a n d a r: town and raya: large o r great i.e. a large
T h e preflx ‘m e’ a n d the suffix
K am i ju g a m em punyai sebuah ru m a h di kawasan lu a rb a n d a r. We too
own a house in the suburbs. T h e root w ord o f the verb mempunyai is
p u n y a which m eans to own. T h e prefix me(m) stresses the doer.
N o tice to o th a t the suffix i has b ee n added to the w ord punya. This
suffix has two functions:
(a) it converts n o uns o r adjectives into transitive verbs.
(i) susu: m ilk - m enyusui: to fe e d the baby w ith m ilk b y giving
th e breast; to breast feed.
(ii) baik: g o o d - m em baiki: to repair; to correct.
(b) it is used as a preposition to show place.
(i) m engham piri bandar: approaching th e tow n.
(ii) melalui k e b u n : through th e garden.
Numeral coefficients
Here are a few m ore num eral coefficients:
(a) Helai is used for things which are fou nd in sheets, e.g. sehelai baju:
a shirt; sehelai kain: a sheet o f cloth; sehelai kertas: a sheet o f
paper. There are how ever a few exceptions e.g. sehelai ra m b u t: a
strand o f hair, sehelai bu lu : a feather.
(b) K u n tu m is used for flowers e.g. sekuntu m bunga m aw ar: a rose;
sek u n tu m bunga m atahari: a sunflow er. However, where the
flowers appear along the stalk, the num eral coefficient kaki is
m ore appropriate, e.g. sekaki bunga orkid: a stalk o f orchids.
(c) The numeral coefficient kaki is also used for umbrellas e.g. sekaki
pay u n g : an umbrella.
(d) Batang is used for things which are rod-like in appearance, e.g.
sebatang p ensil: a pencil; sebatang to n g k a t : a walking stick.
R oom s in the house
Familiarise yourself w ith the names o f the different p arts o f the house;
bilik m ak a n
dining room
dew an
bilik d ap u r
kitch en
bilik te ta m u
lounge; sitting room
bUik tid u r
bilik m andi
C om m o n Malaysian fruits
Here are the nam es o f th e co m m o n e st fruits and vegetables found in
Malaysia and Singapore:
Local Fruits
ja m b u air mawar
ja m b u batu
ram b u ta n
gajus, janggus
rose apple
ram butan
m angostene
ja c kfru it
Im p o rted Fruits
limau manis
lada, cili, cabai
tim u n
kacang bender
kacang panjang
cu c u m b e r
sw eet p o ta to e s
ladies' fingers
long beans
labu kuning
p u m p k in
K ebun and tam an
T h e w ords tam an and kebun may be modified to mean som ething
larger than a garden. Examples:
kebun bunga
a botanical garden
k e b u n sayur
a vegetable garden
kebun getah
a rubber p lantation
tam an hiburan
an a m u se m e n t park
tam an haiwan
a zoological park
Tukang k e b u n is a gardener. Som etim es he is also called wak kebun.
Most foreigners, however, o fte n call their gardeners kebun which of
course is wrong.
K e - preposition o f place
A n ak tangga d a rip a d a dewan m enuju ke tingkat atas. From the hall
there is a staircase which leads to the top floor.
K e is a preposition o f place and must therefore be followed by a place
w o rd e.g.
(a) Dia sudah pergi ke Singapura. He has gone to Singapore.
(b) Abang saya sudah pergi ke pejabat. M y elder b ro th e r has g o n e to
the office.
(c) Dia datang ke sini semalam. He cam e here yesterday.
(d) Ayah pergi ke situ. D ad w e n t there.
(e) Ayah pergi ke sana. Dad w e n t over there.
Ke sana indicates a place w hich is far away. Ke situ indicates a place
which is nearby. Ke sini is here.
D i : ‘o n \ ‘a t ’ o r ‘i n ’
T he preposition di m ay m ean on, at, or in and it differs from th e di
used for the passive voice and prefixed to a verb.
S tu d y the following exam ples:
(a) Di tingkat atas ada em p at buah bilik tidur. O n the to p flo o r there
are fo u r bedroom s.
(b ) Di h adapan ru m ah kam i ada sebuah tam an kecil. In fr o n t o f o ur
house there is a sm all garden.
(c) Di belakang rum ah ada sebuah tam an yang lebih besar. A t the
back o f the house there is a bigger garden.
Di situ ada juga kebun sayur. There is also a vegetable garden there.
Juga has m any meanings. In the above co n tex t it means also. Its
meaning varies in different contexts.
Di m ana
Di tepi rum ah ini ada sebuah bangsal di m ana saya m e n y im p an m o t o ­
kar saya. A t th e side o f this house there is a garage w here I keep m y
The preposition di m ana means where.
‘Ber’ prefixed to a n o u n
T am an rum ah saya berpagar dan ada d u a buah pintu. The garden o f
m y house is fe n c e d and there are tw o gates.
The root word o f the verb berpagar; having a fe n c e is the n o u n pagar;
fence. Notice that the addition o f th e prefix ber has converted the
n o u n pagar into a verb.
Belakang and hadapan
Ada sebuah p in tu belakang d a n ada sebuah pintu hadapan. There is a
back gate and there is a fr o n t gate.
Pintu may mean a d o o r or ^ gate. T o differentiate betw een the tw o
the word pintu may be modified e.g.
p in tu : a door; pin tu pagar: a gate; pintu gerbang: a m ain gate
The Malay adjective
In Bahasa Malaysia the ADJECTIVt always follows th e NOUN e g (See
Note 2)
pintu belakang: J back door;
a fr o n t d oor; p'\x\X\xhesax:
a big door; pin tu kecil; a small door; pin tu biru: a blue door.
Se and satu
Se(buah) means one.
T he prefix se comes from the word satu. T herefore the prefix se
normally introduces the meaning one. Besides one, it also has o th er
meanings e.g.
(a) A hm ad seugama dengan AH. A h m a d and A li are o f the same
T he prefix se in the sentence above means same.
(b) Saya d u d u k di rum ah sepanjang hari. I sta yed at h o m e all day.
The prefix se above means throughout.
(c) Setinggi-tinggi yang saya boleh lom pat iaiah enam kaki. The highest
i can ju m p is six fee t.
Here the prefix se expresses th e SUPERLATIVE DEGREE.
In the above c o n te x t th e adjective tinggi is REDUPLICATED.
Perbualan tentang rumah kami
Kami, kita and personal p ro n o u n s
Sekarang marilah kita berbual tentang rum ah kami. N o w let us talk
a b o u t o ur house.
T he first person plural pronoun s kita and kami m ust be carefully dis­
tinguished. In English b o th mean we o r us. However while kita includes
the listener, kami excludes him.
Here is a list o f Malay personal p ro n o u n s which the stu d e n t should not
memorise, b u t be able to recognize. Avoid using them wherever pos­
sible (See n o te 6).
Malay personal
pronou ns
tem an, kawan saya,
aku, ku, patik, ham ba
/, m e
first person singular
kita, kami
we, us
first person plural
engkau, awak, kam u,
encik, cik, tuan, puan,
ta u k e h , nyo n y a, saudara,
engkau, anda
second person singular
dia, ia, dia orang,
m ereka, beliau
she, him,
it, he,
th e y , her,
him , th em
th ird p e rso n singular
a n d plural
Personal p ro n o u n s stand directly for the persons, places o r things they
represent. In Bahasa Malaysia there is a tenden cy to attach various
shades o f meaning to the p ro n o u n s o f the same category and to grade
them according to the degree o f politeness a person is th o u g h t to merit.
In speech Malays use only those p ro n o u n s which do not offend people.
We should restrict ourselves in th eir use as they are necessary only for
the sake o f clarity.
Pronouns in Bahasa Malaysia d o n o t change their form w hen used
either as the subject or th e object. This also applies to the possessive
case. O nly th e order o f th e w ords is changed, e.g.
/ am rich, (as subject)
Saya orang kaya.
Is it m e? (an object)
M y pen (as possessive)
Pen saya.
When expressing possession, the p ro n o u n takes its weak form e.g..
Weak form
b u k u dia
his b o o k
pen engkau
y o u r p en
baju aku
rny shirt
beg kam u
begm u
y o u r bag
Boleh anda beritahu saya di m ana kami tinggal? Can y o u tell m e where
we live?
Tinggal means live at. It is sy n o n y m o u s w ith the w ords diam and dudu k.
Betul. Sekarang beritahu saya, rum ah itu besarkah atau kecil. Right.
N o w tell m e, is it a large house o r a small one ?
Pun and pula
R um ah itu tidak terlalu besar dan tidak pula terlalu kecU. The house is
n eith er very large n or very small.
Like the word juga it is not possible to give definite Enghsh equivalents
to the w ords pun and pula. They have different meanings according to
their con texts. Some o f the meanings for pun are; also, even, y e t, too,
or. Pun is also used for emphasis e.g. sungguhpun: even if.
T he same principle applies to pula and som e o f its meanings are again,
also, m oreover, etc.
(a) The functions o f pun are as follows:
(i) T o indicate an action which is sequential to an action, e.g.
Apabila malam, hari p u n sejuk. When night falls, it b eco m es
(ii) T o affirm or emphasise that which is co n trad icto ry , e.g.
Sungguhpun dia tak pandai, tetapi dia baik. A lth o u g h he is
n o t clever, he is good.
(iii) To in trod uce a new subject, e.g. Malaysia pun m a k m u r kerana
perkem bangan ekonom inya. Malaysia prospers because o f its
developing e c o n o m y .
(iv) T o indicate similarities in condition o r action, e.g. Dia p u n
pandai. He to o is clever.
(v) In w ritten Bahasa Malaysia when pun is co n n ected to the
subject it is used w ith lah to express an action which is over,
e.g. A hm ad pun matilah. A h m a d died.
(b) T he functions o f pula are as follows:
(i) T o d e n o te repetition and com parison, e.g. Mengapa pula
Ahmad tak datang hari ini? Why has A h m a d n o t co m e today?
(ii) T o show a com parison which is contrad ictory, e.g. Tadi kita
m inu m susu, ini m inum kopi pula. A while ago, we drank
m ilk, n o w w e d rin k c o ffe e (also).
(iii) T o express surprise or a protest, e.g. Kenapa pula bersetuju?
B ukankah b ayaran nya kurang? Why have y o u agreed? I s n ’t
his p a y m e n t poor?
The prefix ter
R um ah itu tid ak terlalu besar dan tidak pula terlalu kecil. The house
is n eith er very big n or very small.
Terlalu means too, e xtre m e ly . Terlalu besar means to o big.
The word terlam pau may be used in place o f terlalu.
There are four main functions o f the prefix ter.
T h ey are:
(a) T o show th a t an action is accidental, e.g.
Dia te rm a k a n racun. He to o k p o iso n accidentally.
(b) T o show ABILITY o r CAPABILITY.
Saya terangkat meja besar ini. / m anaged to carry th e big table.
(c) T o show COMPLETION o f an action.
Kursus-kursus Linguaphone ini terpakai di sekolah-sekolah. The
L ing u ap ho n e courses have been used in schools.
(d) To express the SUPERLATIVE DEGREE.
Dalam b an d ar ini Ah Chong yang terpandai sekali. A h C hong is
the cleverest in this tow n.
Numbers 0-10
Biar saya k ira, d a h u l u
satu, dua, tiga, empat, lima, enam, tujuh.
L e t m e c o u n t first. . . . one, two, three, fo u r, fiv e , six, seven.
Here are the num bers 0 to 10 in Bahasa Malaysia. The cardinals will
be dealt w ith separately.
zero, n o u g h t
tw o
fo u r
em pat
fiv e
Term asuk: including
Ya, ada tuju h buah bilik sem uanya. term asuk bilik dapur. Yes,
altogether there are seven room s, including the kitchen.
T he roo tw ord o f th e verb term asuk is m asuk: to enter.
In this co n te x t te rm a su k means including.
Tidak and tak
Tidak ada. There aren 7 any.
This could appear as Т ак ada where Так is an abbreviation o f tidak.
It is o fte n used in th e spoken language. Please n o te the following
expressions as well:
(a) takkan: will not, n o t possible.
(b) tak apa: nothing o r / d o n o t mind.
The co n ju n c tio n dan
bilik te ta m u dan bilik d a p u r; sitting room and kitchen.
T he conjunction dan is used less in Bahasa Malaysia th a n in English.
It is not used in the following circumstances:
(a) When expressing a fraction, e.g. (1%) satu tiga suku.
(b) When expressing a num ber, e.g. (2 5 6 ) d u aratu s limapuluh enam .
(c) When expressing com m ands, e.g. Pergi b u a t keija itu. CfO and do
the work.
(d) With certain pairs o f words which go together, e.g. siang m a l a m :
day and night.
P E L A J A R A N LI MA ( 5 )
Bilik tetam u kam i
Lihat, tengok, n am p ak
Cuba lihat bilik te ta m u kam i dalam gam bar ini. L o o k at th e picture
o f o ur sitting room.
Lihat means look. People tend to confuse the w ords lihat, tengok
and nam pak. T engok and lihat mean to lo o k at o r to see w ith delib­
eration as in the case o f seeing a film. But n am pak is see in the sense
o f catching sight o f by accident or noticing.
e.g. Saya n am p ak Ah Chong beli ikan — I saw A h C hong was bu yin g
fish , (y o u noticed him by chance).
Apabila and bila
apabila: w hen/w henever; bila: when
The adjective besar
Di sebelah kiri ada sebuah tingkap besar. On the left there is a big
w indow .
Notice again the position o f the adjective besar: big which follows
the n o u n tingkap: w indow .
The coefficient biji
Di atas kerusi panjang ada d u a biji bantal sandar. On the sofa there
are tw o pillows.
Biji is usually used as the num eral coefficient for fruits. It is also
used for things which are small and round such as eggs and chinaware e.g. sebiji pinggan: a plate; sebiji tekoh: a tea p o t; sebiji telur:
an egg.
The coeffkrient buah
Literally peti talivisyen means a television box. T he num eral co ­
efficient for television is buah e.g. sebuah peti talivisyen: a television
Sedang and o rd er o f adjectives
Seorang p erem p u an tua kelihatan sedang d u d u k di atas sebuah kerusi
itu. A n old lady is sittin g on th e chair.
(a) Notice again the position o f the adjective behind the noun i.e.
seorang p erem p u an tua: an old lady.
(b) N otice to o th e use o f the word sedang to show the present tense.
Jam gerak
Literally jam gerak: an alarm clock means a clock w hich wakes y o u
Lampu berkaki
Lam pu berkaki is a lam p stand. Literally it means a lam p having its
o w n leg to sta n d on.
Here the prefix ber denotes possession.
B e r h a d a p a n a n d bertentang
B e r h a d a p a n dengan peti talivisyen, ada sebuah m eja kecil. Di atasnya
a d a seb uah te m p a t h a b u k rokok. In fr o n t o f the television set there
is a sm a ll table. O n it there is an ash tray,
B e r d h a d a p a n could be replaced by bertentang. T he root word for
b e rte n ta n g : o pposite is tentang which m eans facing.
Literally h a b u k rokok is cigarette ash. T em pat habuk rokok is th e re ­
fore a container f o r cigarette ashy i.e. ash tray.
The coefficient naskhah
Naskhah is the numeral coefficient for newspapers o r magazines.
Pada with expressions o f time and w aktu w ith expressions o f time
Pada in the following examples means izr, in or on,
(a) pada malam hari; at night
(b) pada siang hari: in daylight
(c) p a d a h a ri Sabtu: o n Saturday
W aktu in these examples denotes a period o f time.
(a) di w aktu malam : at night tim e
(b) di w aktu siang cahaya; in d a y tim e
(c) di w a ktu m akan: at eating tim e
T e rg a n tu n g a n d di tengah-tengah
S e b u a h lam p u letrik te rg a n tu n g di tengah-tengah. A lam p hanging
(o r h u n g ) fr o m the centre.
T h e te r prefix here d e n o te s a com pleted action.
P E L A J A R A N E NAM (6)
Perbualan aniara guru dan pelajar
The prefix *pe’
Perbualan antara guru dan pelajar. Conversation b etw een a teacher
and a p u p il
(a) T h e ro o t w ord o f the verbal noun perbualan: conversation is
bual: to converse. N otice that the verb root bual has been con­
v erted into a n o u n by the addition o f the prefix pe(r) and the
suffix an.
More examples
(i) rasa: /ее/; perasaan; feeling
(ii) \ahuh: to anchor; pelabuhan: p o rt
Similarly th e n o u n pelayaran has its root in the n o u n layar: to sail.
T he addition o f pe and an has changed it in to a noun. Pelayaran
means voyage.
Again the word pelajaran means lesson w ith its root word in th e verb
ajar: to teach
When a d a k a h : are there is used to frame a question the answer has to
be ada o r tidak ada (tak ada): there are n o t any e.g.
(a) Adakah b u k u di dalam nya? A re there an y b o o k s in it?
(b) Ada b anyak b u k u di dalam nya. There are m a n y b o o k s in it.
(c) Tidak ada, tidak ada b u k u di dalam nya. There aren 7, there aren V
any b o o k s in it.
OR Т ак ada the abbreviated form o f tidak ada.
The p r e f i x ‘m e ’
Mengira is derived from the verb kira: to count. The prefix me is
usually added to simple verbs, e.g.
buka: open; m e m b u k a : to open; kejar: chase; mengejar: to chase.
A sy non ym for mengira is m enghitung from the verb h i t u n g : to count.
Di sebelah
di sebelah
di sebelah
di sebelah
di sebelah
kiri: o n th e le ft
kanan: on th e right
belakang; at th e back
hadapan: in fr o n t
Absorbing English w ords into Bahasa Malaysia
Notice the influence o f English w ords in Bahasa Malaysia.
Bahasa Malaysia
am bulan
am bulance
Expressions with nya
N am pak nya means it seems th a t or it appears that.
R u p an y a is a s y n o n y m for nam paknya.
Lain orang is a n o th e r person. Som etim es it is w ritten orang lain
which means o th e r persons; a d iffe r e n t person or an outsider.
d u d u k di kerusi yang lainnya; sitting on a n o th er chair
(a) A dakah lain orang di situ? Is there a n o th er person there?
(b ) Orang lain jangan m asu k cam pur. O utsiders (o th e r persons) do
n o t interfere.
Sesiapa pun
Tidak ada sesiapa p u n yang duduk. There is no o n e at all sitting (on
the sofa).
(a) Here p u n is the equivalent o f the English also or too. Here it
serves to emphasise the fact that n o one is sitting (on th e sofa).
(b) Yang d u d u k m eans seated, sitting.
Begitu means in th a t way or this. Saya begitu gembira therefore
means literally; / in th e sam e mariner am happy.
Sem ua orang means all p eo p le o r everyone.
Banyak and sedikit
B anyakkah b u k u ? ; A re there m a n y b o oks?
T he word banyak means m a n y, b ut it can also m ean m u ch and the
a n to n y m for it is sedikit. It also precedes the n o u n and may be clas­
sified as an indefinite numeral, e.g. kebanyakan orang: m o st people
or the m ajority.
Suka, h en d ak and mahu
Sukakah anda bilik te ta m u kami ini? D o y o u like o u r sitting-room ?
(i) Saya dengan Ahmad hendak pergi ke sana. A h m a d and I wish to
go there.
(ii) Saya m ahu buah pisang. I want bananas.
P E L A J A R A N T U J U H (7)
T h e prefix ‘p e ’ and suffix ‘a n ’
T h e n o u n p erb an d in g an : com parison is derived from the root verb
b an d in g : to com pare. T h e use of the prefix pc(r) and the suffix an
transform s the verb into a noun.
The suffix ‘k a n ’
Bandingkan. The addition o f the suffix kan to the root verb banding:
to compare, has the effect o f turning an intransitive verb into a transi­
tive verb.
It can also form verbs from adjectives e.g.
besar: big; besarkan: to enlarge
kecil: small; kecilkan: to reduce
Comparison and use o f daripada
Bilik kami besar sedikit daripada bilik mereka. O ur room is a little
larger than their room.
Perabut and para-para b uku . Pun and juga
Perabut is an Indonesian word m eaning furniture.
Para-para b u k u p u n tidak ada juga. There is also no bookcase (literal
Notice that pun and juga are often found in the same sentence; pun
in the centre and juga at the end.
Here juga means also and pun is used as a negative meaning even i.e.
there is n o t even a bookcase in the room.
Peminat senilukis
(a) The noun pem inat: an admirer; a fa n is derived from the verb
minat : having a liking fo r
e.g. pem inat bola sepak: a soccer fan.
(b) Senilukis is the art o f drawing. SenI m eans the art of.
senidrama: the art o f drama
senitari: the art o f dancing; ballet
senim uzik: th e art o f m usic
scnipahat : th e art o f sculpture
senisilat : th e art o f Malay s e l f d efen ce
The prefix ‘k e ’ plus s u f f i x ‘a n ’
Keadaan is co n d itio n o r state. This is ada plus the prefix ke and the
suffix an.
K eadaanya kem as dan teratur. Its state is neat and orderly.
S a h a ja
sa h a ja : only; b u k a n sahaja pandai: n o t only clever.
T h e w o rd sa h a ja is often p ro n o u n c e d saja.
The p r e f i x ‘se’
Serupa m eans same as or alike. This is formed by placing the prefix
se in front o f rupa meaning appearance.
C o m p ariso n lebih . . . d a rip a d a
Biliknya lebih kecil daripad a bilik saya. H is room is smaller than mine.
Pandai me. . .
Isteri Encik Lim pandai menghias rum ah. Mrs L im is clever at decorating a house.
This is a c o m m o n co n stru c tio n e.g. pandai menari; clever at dancing;
pandai melukis: clever at drawing.
suka m em beli: like buying; jem u m elihat: sick o f seeing.
Literally m atahari: th e sun is th e e y e o f the day.
Similarly m a ta jaru m : eye o f a needle; m atak a y u : k n o t in w ood.
The verb menerangi: to th ro w light o n ; to shine on is from the adjec­
tive terang: bright.
T he prefix me and the suffix i have transform ed th e adjective in to a
transitive verb. Similarly menerusi: to go through, from terus. And
m en d ek ati: to approach from dekat.
sebagaimana bilik kam i: similar to o u r room.
The root o f this is the interrogative adverb bagaimana meaning how ?
It is frequently translated as about. An example o f this: Bagaimana
pendapat Encik tentang Singapura? H ow a b o u t y o u r o pin io n o f
Singapore? i.e. What d o y o u th in k o f Singapore?
P E L A J A R A N L AP AN ( 8)
Satu lagi perbualan
T he verb m engetahui: to k n o w is from the ro o t word tahu: to k n o w
w ith the addition o f the prefix menge and the suffix i.
Beritahu is to tell o r to inform . This from beri: to give and ta h u : to
kn o w .
Beza and seluruh
Saya tidak fikir ada banyak perbezaan di antara . . . . tetapi pada
keseluruhannya saya pilih bilik anda.
I d o n o t th in k there are m a n y differences between . . . . but on the
w hole I choose y o u r room .
(a) Perbezaan means difference. It comes from the word beza:
(b) Pada keseluruhannya means on th e whole. The word keselu­
ruhannya comes from the word seluruh: all: throughout.
Lebih suka
yang anda lebih suka means which y o u like m o re (prefer).
Lebih : m ore is o ften used for comparisons, cf.
lebih besar: bigger
lebih kecil: smaller
lebih l e m a h : w eaker
Saya sungguh gembira m endengarnya. / am very h a p p y to hear it.
T he word sungguh means true/truly.
Memang lebih m oden means o f course is m ore m odern.
Notice that the word m oden is derived from the Enghsh word
m odern.
Berkahwin and berum ah-tangga
(a) Berkahwin is to get married. It comes from the word kahwin.
Perkahw inan is marriage.
(b) Instead o f berkahw in, th e w ords bernikah or berumah-tangga
may also be used e.g.
Dia sudah berkahw in/D ia sudah b e m ik a h /D ia sudah b e m m ah tangga. He is married.
Literally berumah-tangga means to have a house and stairs. Idi­
om atically, it means to have a fa m ily i.e. to g e t married.
T ertarik hati
T ertarik hati means to be attracted b y o r to be charm ed b y or
interested in.
Dibelinya: The passive voice
P erab utnya baru sahaja dibelinya. Their fu r n itu re has o n ly ju s t been
b o u g h t by them .
The addition o f di in fro n t o f a verb turns it in to the passive e.g.
dibeli: was b o ug h t; d'lben: was given.
If the agent was he, she, it o r th ey , th en nya is added after the verb,
e.g. dibelinya: was b o u g h t b y h im /h e r /th e m ; d'xh^xxnyz: was given by
h im /her/it.
T h e passive in idiomatic form using di is very c o m m o n in literature
in narrative form and is translated in to English in the active voice e.g.
D ipukulnya anjing itu. H e /sh e /th e y h it th e dog.
Dibelinya buah itu. H e jsh e lth e y b o u g h t the fruit.
Bagaimana pendapat anda tentang piano? H ow a b o u t y o u r opinion
concerning the piano?
K edua-duanya
kedua-dua bilik; b o th o f th e room s; kedua-duanya: b o th o f them ;
b u k u n y a : his boo k. Nya, a third person p ro n o u n , is the most useful
o f all the short or weak forms o f pronouns. It also takes the place o f
dia, mereka, beliau and dia orang. Nya cannot be used as a subject; as
an object it m ay mean, h im , her, it o r th em .
As a possessive it can mean, his, her, its or their.
Nya also has o th e r functions apart from being a pronoun.
S u n g g u h , b e n a r, sangat, a m a t, betui
Saya sungguh te r ta rik hati melihat lukisan-lukisan itu. I was greatly
im pressed (on) seeing the drawings.
B esides very m u ch , sungguh also m eans true or truly.
T h e re are several ways o f rendering very: sangat in Bahasa Malaysia.
T h e synonym s include a m a t, b e n a r and betul. Examples:
sa n g at cantik: very beautiful; a m at kecil: very small; besar benar:
very big; k a s a r betul: very rough.
1 52
Telah, selama and Hmabelas
Kami telah berum ah tangga selama limbelas tahun. We have been
married fo r fifte e n years.
(a) Telah: haslhadjdid is used to show past tense, b u t is not used as
often in conversation as in literature.
O ther exam ples are setelah: w hen and setelah itu: a fte r that.
(b) lama: long ( o f tim e) selama: f o r (a length o f time).
(c) limabelas: fifte e n from lima
and belas added on to indicate
teen in English.
P E L A J A R A N S E MB I L AN (9)
T etam u saya
Di . . . orang
Bunyi pintu d ik e tu k orang. S o u n d o f so m e o n e k n o c k in g at the door.
This is the same form o f th e idiomatic passive use o f the verb as
m entioned in N ote 148.
Here d ik e tu k orang means is struck b y a person, b u t is translated in
the active voice a person knocking.
Days o f the week and lalu
(a) Hari ini hari Sabtu. Today is Saturday.
The o th e r days of the week are:
hari Isnin
M o nd ay
hari Selasa
hari Rabu
hari Khamis
hari Jum aat
hari Sabtu
hari Ahad/Minggu
(b) Lalu is equivalent to the EngHsh last i.e.
Hari Ahad lalu is last S u n d a y. Hari Ahad depan is n e x t S u n d a y
1 55
Dengar and the prefix ‘t e r ’
Kami dengar loceng pintu berbunyi. We hear th e d o o r bell ring.
Terdengar means heard. The prefix ter has four main functions and
to remind you o f them , here are some examples;
(a) T o indicate an accidental action
K eretanya terlanggar tiang lampu. His car ran in to (accidentally)
a lam p post.
(b) T o indicate ability in com pleting an action
Dia terangkat juga piano itu. He was able to lift the piano.
(c) T o express the superlative degree
Dialah yang term asy u r sekali. He w ho is th e m o st fam o us.
(d) T o indicate a state o f com pletion
Surat itu sudah pun tertulis. The letter has been w ritten.
Buka and sila with the p r e f i x ‘m e ’
(a) T he verb m em b uka: to o p en comes from the root word buka
buka pintu: to o p en th e d o o r
buka kasut; to take o f f the shoes
buka rahsia: to reveal a secret
(b) The verb m em persilakan: to invite comes from the word sila. It
is used to express a polite invitation to d o som ething and corre­
sponds to the English word please. It m ay be substituted by the
verb m en jem p u t: invite e.g.
Dia m em persilakan saya m asuk/D ia m e n je m p u t saya m asuk: He
invited m e in.
Mengalu-alukan: to w elcom e comes from th e word alu-alu. The
word m e n y a m b u t: to w elcom e may be used in place o f mengalualukan.
Beijabat and bersalam
berjabat tangan: to shake hands. Bersalam o r bersalam-salam m ay be
used in place o f berjabat tangan.
(a) Bersalam; to shake hands is derived from the Arabic word salam:
peace. The act o f shaking hands bersalam is c o m m o n practice
am ong the Malays. It is d o n e betw een males (o r females) o f
ab o u t the same age. A female Muslim does n o t shake hands with
a male Muslim because it is considered im m odest and goes
against the teachings o f their religion. In cases where tw o gener­
ations m eet, the handshake takes the traditional form o f the
younger person kissing the hand o f the older as in th e case o f
N orah and her uncle and aunt. T he handshake is m ore o f a touch,
th an a grip o f the hands.
(b) m encium tangan: to kiss the hand.
Cerita and cuaca
Orang-orang perempuan bercerita tentang rumah tangga dan fesyenfesyen pakaian yang terbaru. The ladies talk a bout the household and
a b o u t the latest fa sh io n s in clothing.
(a) The word bercerita: to rec o u n t could have been reduplicated to
convey th e idea o f a prolonged talk. The words berbual: to
ch a tter and bercakap could be used.
(b) Cuaca: weather. N ote the following phrases to describe the
(i) cuaca hari ini m uram (dull)
(ii) cuaca hari ini cerah (clear)
(iii) cuaca hari ini panas (h o t)
(iv) cuaca hari ini m endung (cloudy; i t ’s going to rain)
(v) cuaca hari ini n y am an (cool, co m fo rta b le)
(vi) cuaca hari ini hujan (raining)
(vii) cuaca hari ini ribut (sto rm y)
Sebuah, o th e r coefficients and serta
(a) N ote these numeral coefficients:
sebuah dulang
a tray
lima biji cawan
fiv e cups
sebiji te k o h
a teapot
sebiji piring
a plate
sebuah m angkuk a b o w l f o r w ashing the right h a n d before eating
cuci tangan
(b) Serta
Lima biji cawan di atasnya serta sebuah tekoh air teh. Five cups
o n to p o f it along w ith a p o t o f tea.
Mangkuk cuci tangan
Mangkuk cuci tangan (a sm all b o w l f o r washing th e h a n d ) is usually
served to g e th er w ith the food because most Malays use the fingers o f
the right hand to eat. Before eating, it is polite to wash the fingertips
by dipping them in to the bow l o f water.
Tetam u
T etam u is a very polite word (от g uest o r visitor and used m ore in
writing. In speech we could also use orang datang fox guests. Ruangtam u means reception room от guest room.
Edar and sedia
Isteri saya mengedarkan cawan-cawan teh. M y wife passes the cups
H e r e the ro o t o f the verb is edar. M ore often we would encou nter
menyediakan; m a k e ready o r prepare, from the root sedia: ready.
See note 159 (a).
P E L A J A R A N S E P U L U H ( 10)
Suatu lawatan
Melawat: to visit com es from the word lawat. Pelawat is a visitor;
lawatan is a visit.
Sila m asuk: Please c o m e in, cf.
sila d u d u k : please sit d o w n ; sila m akan: please eat (th e meal); silakan
m in u m : please d rin k; silakan datang lagi: please c o m e again.
T here is very little difference betw een sila and silakan.
Apa k h ab a r and terim a kasih
(a) Apa khabar: w hat new s? is equivalent to the English h o w are y o u ?
A suitable reply would be khabar baik: g o o d news.
(b ) Terim a kasih means th a n k y o u , literally, receive (m y ) love. This
expression is used m uch less by Malays th an by foreigners. N o r­
mally Malays would say terima kasih only to som eone for a
special favour. Malays indicate than ks m ore often w ith a gesture
o r a smile th a n w ith words. At times baiklah is substituted for
terim a kasih.
M a a fk a n s a y a
Maafkan saya could m ean please forgive m e if one has d o n e some­
thing wrong. It could also mean please excuse m e as in this case.
Barangkali and barang siapa
Barangkali means perhaps ox probably, cf. barang siapa: whosoever.
Barang on its ow n means things.
Pernah and b erju m p a dengan
Saya tidak fikir anda sekalian pernah berjum pa d e n g a n
th in k y o u have ever m e t ( w i t h ) .............
Mari saya kenalkan. A llo w m e to in tro d uce (you).
T he root o f the verb is kenal: to recognise.
Tak and tidak
Tak is the weak form o f tidak.
T h e prefix ‘s e \ b e rta m b a h and paling
(a) D ukacita sekali: very sad o r u n fo rtu n a tely.
( b ) Dari sehari ke sehari: fr o m da y to day, cf.
dari sebulan ke sebulan: fr o m m o n th to m o n th .
/ d on 7
dari setah u n kc setahun: fr o m y e a r to year.
(c) Semakin b u ru k may be translated as b ecom ing worse, cf.
semakin baik: b eco m in g better\
semakin pandai: becom ing cleverer.
Semakin is interchangeable with b e rta m b a h as in this lesson.
Sehabis b u ru k : the worst. The prefix se is used in a superlative
sense, e.g sejahat-jahat orang: th e m o st evil m a n \ sepandaipandai b u d ak : the cleverest child.
Instead o f the prefix se, the word paling m ay be used to indicate
the superlative. Paling should then be placed before the adjective
e.g. paling b u ru k : the worst; paling berani: th e bravest,
Saya harap keadaan tuan akan b e rtam b ah baik dalam sedikit
h a ri lagi. I h o p e y o u r condition will im prove in a short time.
b e rta m b a h baik: will im prove o r becom e better.
sedikit h a ri lagi: in a short time.
Saya kurang pasti pula. l a m n o t so sure.
Kurang pasti means n o t so sure. Som etim es the phrase kurang periksa
is used.
P a k C ik a n d k am u
M a rila h m a s u k , P a k Cik gem bira b e rju m p a dengan kam u. Please
c o m e in, P a k C ik (I am ) pleased to m eet yo u .
(a) P a k Cik: uncle. In this context P ak Cik is used by the speaker to
refer to himself. T h e use o f the third person in this m a n n e r is
c o m m o n . O u t o f m odesty Malays prefer not to use the first
p erso n p ro n o u n , saya.
(b) K am u m eans y o u and y o u r and is a second person singular p ro ­
n o u n . It is a form o f address which is used only betw een close
friends a n d by senior o r elder persons w hen speaking to junior
o r y o u n g e r persons.
Berapa lama? and berapa panjang?
Berapa lama? H ow long? (o f time).
Berapa panjang?: H o w long? (o f m easurem ent)
P E L A J A R A N S E B EL AS (11)
Di b i l i k makan
Kami m akan pagi, m ak an tengah hari dan m akan m alam , d i dalam
bilik makan. !n the dining room w e have o ur breakfast, lunch and
A M alay family*s daily m eals consist o f m akan pagi: breakfast, m akan
tenga hari: lunch, and m akan malam: dinner. The family with Western
habits may have tea (m in u m teh petang) as well. The traditional
Malay family usually has separate meals for the men and the w om en.
The men have their meals first, only then will the w om en have theirs.
Menjadi: becom es is derived from the verb jadi: to becom e. Jadi is
co m m o n ly used in the spoken language e.g. sudah jadi: ready or c o m ­
pleted; jadi kerani: to b e c o m e a clerk; h a r i j a d i : birthday;
sebelah kiri: o n the left side: sebelah kanan: on th e right side: di
hadapan: in fr o n t of.
Tense in Bahasa Malaysia
Sedang m enghadapi (meja makan): A re facing. The word sedang indi­
cates the incom pleteness o f an action and relates to the present tense.
Dia sedang berlari: He is running.
(a) The tense o f the verb can be gauged from the context.
The simple verb w ith o u t auxiliary w ords or affixes is in the
Saya baca b uku. / read a b o o k ox I am reading a book.
(b) The PAST TENSE is expressed b y using any o f the following
auxiliary w ords; sudah, telah and habis, e.g. Saya sudah m a k a n /
Saya telah m akan. I have eaten.
Saya habis makan. / ate.
(c) T h e FUTURE TENSE is indicated b y the use o f the w ords akan
and hendak and m ay be rendered in English by th e words i/ia//
and will, e.g.
Saya hendak m akan. I shall eat.
Saya akan makan. / will eat.
T he word m ahu is often used in the colloquial language to
express the fu tu re tense.
The word m ahu means w a n t and should be confined to ex ­
pressing this meaning.
Saya m ah u m akan. / w a n t to eat.
N anti to o , can be used fo r expressing the future tense.
N anti saya m akan. / shall eat.
(d) A c o m m o n m e th o d o f expressing tense is by the use o f adverbial
expressions o f time, e.g.
pagi tadi: this m orning; semalam: last night; esok: to m o rro w ;
sekarang: n o w etc.
(i) Pagi tadi saya m a k an roti. This m orning I ate bread.
(ii) Semalam saya m akan di rum ah. L a st night / ate at hom e.
(iii) Esok saya m akan kuih-kuih. T o m o rro w I will eat cakes.
(iv) Sekarang saya m akan buah-buahan. I am n o w eating fruits.
Sehelai kain and colours
Sehelai kain. N otice th a t the num eral coefficient for cloth is sehelai
and sehelai kain putih is a piece o f w h ite cloth. Putih is white. The
o th e r main colours are listed below.
yello w
m erah jam bu
p in k
brow n
The darker shades o f a colo ur are indicated by the word tua e.g. biru
tua: dark blue and the lighter hues by the word muda e.g. biru m uda:
light blue.
Orang gaji
Orang gaji is the term for servant. It is a general term and is applicable
to a male as well as a female em ployee. Gaji itself means salary.
Malay dishes
Here are a few typical Malay dishes:
kari ikan
fish curry
kari daging
m eat curry
ikan goreng
frie d fish
ayam goreng
fried chicken
sambal udang
praw ns c o o k e d in chilli
sup kambing
m u tto n soup
sayur lemak
vegetables c o o k e d in c o c o n u t m ix
asam pedas
fish c o o k e d in chilli a nd tam arind
d au n ulam
B ersam a-sam a
................ m em persilakan Encik T an dan Encik Bala m akan bersamas a m a ...................invite M r Tan a n d M r Bala to dine with them fhttogether).
Perbualan di meja makan
Selamat petang: g o o d evening is a Westernised form o f greeting. It is
used generally by Malays w h o have had Western (English) education.
T h e traditional greeting by Muslims irrespective o f the tim e o f day is
still As salam alaikum (see n o te 16).
Sila: please. In Bahasa Malaysia th ere are three equivalents o f please
namely tolong, sila and harap. Each is used for a particular purpose,
(a) Tolong is used when a favour is asked e.g.
(i) Tolong buangkan sam pah ini. Please th r o w a w a y this rubbish.
(ii) Tolong pa d am k a n lampu. Please sw itch o f f th e light.
(b) Sila is used in invitations, e.g.
(i) Sila d u d u k . Please sit.
(ii) Sila masuk. Please c o m e in.
(iii) Sila ja m a h kuih-kuih itu. Please eat th e cakes.
(c) Harap is used to express a wish or a hope, e.g.
Harap datang cepat. Please com e quickly.
The p r e f i x ‘te r ’
Terhidang: served. The prefix ter indicates a state o f c o m p letio n , cf.
(a) Surat itu sudah pun tertulis. The letter has been w ritten.
(b) Pintu itu te r tu tu p . The d o o r is closed.
The prefix ‘p e ' and the suffix ‘a n ’
(a) Lawatan: a visit is derived from the root word lawat. Pelawat is
a visitor.
(b) Ke mari: here. It may also mean com e here, e.g.
(i) Ke mari, saya h e n d ak bercakap dengan awak. C om e here, !
wish to talk to y o u .
(ii) Dia tidak datang ke mari semalam. He did n o t co m e here
last night.
Cardinal num bers
Pertam a kali: fo r th e firs t tim e; pertam a: first.
It frequently occurs in the form Kali yang pertam a: The first tim e
(th e tim e w hich is first).
Saya sengaja sediakan m akanan. / intentionally prepared fo o d .
tidak sengaja: unintentionally.
Так ada u b ah n y a dengan Kuala L u m p u r ini. There is no d ifferen ce
w hen com pared to Kuala Lum pur.
Т ак ada u b a h n y a: There isn 't any difference.
ubah: change or alteration.
Masakan is fo o d o r a style o f cooking. It is a derivative o f the word
masak: to cook.
Saya sungguh gembira tuan dan puan dap at datang. / am very glad
y o u were able to com e.
In this co n te x t dap at is able o r could come.
Pada hari Isnin: on M onday. Pada is a preposition meaning on от at.
It precedes the expression of time. Pada is usually used in th e w ritten
language and often o m itte d in speech.
Pertam a kali bagi isteri saya . . . : First tim e f o r m y w ife . , ,
In this co n te x t bagi means for. In the spoken language bagi means
give. Besides that it also means to divide. It is som etim es spelt as
bahagi. Do not substitute kasi for bagi. Avoid using the word kasi
either in speech o r in writing because it is ‘coarse’.
Sana sini
. . . d t b i n a d i Sana s i n i ; . . . are built here a nd there ( l i t e r a l l y , there
and here).
Notice to o dibina where di denotes the passive and is prefixed to the
verb and d i sana where di denotes place o r direction (at, on, in).
Bilik tid u r saya
Pasang and padam
memasang lam pu letrik; to sw itch on the electric light.
Notice that the Malay word letrik is derived from the English word
electric. T he root word o f memasang is pasang: to light o r cause to
burn o r shine.
Padam kan lam pu means to p u t o u t th e lam p or extinguish th e lamp.
h id u p k a n lam pu/pasang lam pu: to light th e lamp.
The p r e f i x ‘te r ’
Selepas beberapa m init saya te r tid u r dengan nyenyak. A f t e r a fe w
m in u tes I slept soundly. Tertidur: to fa ll asleep is derived from the
word tidur. T he prefix ter suggests a state o f com pletion. It can also
be used to state an action which occurs accidentally, e.g. Saya terge­
lincir dan ja tu h . / slipped (accidentally) a n d fell.
tid u r sepanjang m alam : to sleep through the w hole night.
Alat-alat: tools, utensils, in strum ents, equipm ent.
N ote the following uses o f the word;
alat bunyi-bunyian: m usical instrum ents: alat perang: m ilitary hard­
ware; alat pesolek: cosm etics; alat bercu k u r: shaving gear; alat bertukang kayu: tools f o r carpentry; alat tulis: stationery.
The s u f f i x ‘k a n ’
Keringkan badan: d ry the bod y. Notice th a t th e root word o f
keringkan is the adjective kering: dry. T he addition o f kan has
transform ed the adjective kering into a verb. Keringkan b a d a n may
also be w ritten as mengeringkan badan.
O th e r examples:
w et
m em b asahkan
to w et
gembira h ap py
m enggem birakan to m a ke (a person) happy
d iffic u lt
m enyusahkan
m endalam kan
to m a ke (it) d iffic u lt
to deepen
Punya and kep u n y aan
The word k epun yaan: belongs to is derived from the word punya: to
Barang-barang ini b u k a n kepunyaan saya. These things are n o t mine.
Barang-barang ini kep u n y aan isteri saya. These things belong to m y
Clothes (pakaian)
(a) Almari pakaian is a wardrobe.
(b) Here are som e useful w ords to describe articles o f clothing:
sehelai kemeja
a shirt
sehelai kemeja tangan pendek
a short-sleeved shirt
sehelai sapu tangan
a h a n d k e rc h ief
sepasang setokin
a pair o f socks (from sto ckin g )
(c) Notice th a t the word sapu: to wipe tangan: hand literally means
to w ipe the hand. The co m b in atio n o f verb and noun results in
sapu tangan: a h a n d k e rc h ie f Literally tali leher: a tie is a rope
fo r the neck.
Ambil a n d pergi
Saya te ru s mengambil tuala dan teru s pergi ke. . . Im m ediately I take
a to w el a n d g o straight to . . .
N o tice th a t ambil takes the me prefix in this sentence construction
b u t pergi is a verb lo which no prefix o r suffix is attached. It always
a p p e a rs in the root form
Shops (kedai)
T he word dobi is derived from Indian sources.
Kedai dobi: a laundry; kedai; shop o r store. (T he synon ym s are gerai
and to k o , and used m ore in Indonesia).
N ote the following: rum ah kedai: a shop-house; kedai kasut: a shoe
store; kedai b u ku: a b o o k shop; kedai m ak a n /re sto ran : a restaurant;
kedai kopi: a co ffe e shop; kedai roti: a b a kery o r a shop w hich sells
bread; kedai m inyak: a p e tro l station; kedai bar: a bar; kedai pajak:
a paw n shop; kedai runcit: a retail ¡sundry store.
The prefix ‘p e ’
Penyangkut is derived from the verb sangkut: to hang. P enyangkut
baju is therefore j coat-hanger. When applying the pe prefix to sangkut
th e s is dro p p ed and replaced by ny so becom ing penyangkut.
Setelah m an di saya keringkan badan. A fte r bathing I dry m y body.
Setelah m eans after, b u t is m ore frequently used in written Bahasa
P E L A J A R A N E M P A T B E L A S (14)
Di w aktu pagi dan malam
The time
There are several ways o f telling the time in Bahasa Malaysia. Two
standard m e th o d s are:(a) F o r tim e th a t is PAST the hour, begin with the word pukul.
(b ) For time that is TO the hour, begin with the word kurang.
Literally pukul means to strike (w hen the clock strikes by the hour).
However, it is used to o for indicating the h o u r o f the day. In this case
pukul is equivalent to the English o ’clock. The w ord jam : h our can
also be substituted for the word p ukul in the examples below.
(a) for th e exact h o u r
pukul sebelas
eleven o ’clock
pukul tiga
three o ’clock
(b) for half past
p uku l sebelas setengah
eleven th irty
pukul tiga setengah
three th irty
(c) for a q u a rte r past
pukul sebelas suku
eleven fifte e n
p uku l tiga suku
three fifte e n
(d) for a q u a rte r to
kurang suku pukul sebelas
a quarter to eleven
kurang suku p ukul tiga
a quarter to three
(e) for odd m inutes
pukul tiga sepuluh
ten m in u te s past three
kurang sepuluh minit pukul tiga
ten m in u te s to three
( 0 a.m. \s expressed b y pagi
p.m . is expressed by petang (in the evening) o r malam (at night).
n o o n : tengah hari
a ftern o o n : petang
m idnight: tengah malam
evening: petang
m orning: pagi
night: m alam
F u r th e r examples:
1 1.00 a.m. pukul sebelas pagi
12 m id n ig h t p ukul d u a belas
LOO a.m. pukul satu pagi
tengah malam
4 .00 p.m . pukul em pat petang
exactly m id d a y p ukul dua
9.00 p.m . p u k u l sem bilan malam
belas tengah hari tepat
12 n o o n p uku l d u a belas tengah hari
Here are som e o th e r c o m m o n expressions o f time:
Pukul berapa sekarang?
What tim e is it n ow ?
Tiap-tiap pagi
every m orning
D ua kali seminggu
tw ice a w eek
Tiap-tiap hari
every day
Dalam d u a hari
in tw o d a y s ’ tim e
Minggu lepas
last w eek
Minggu depan
n e x t w eek
Lain kali
n e x t tim e
Beberapa hari yang lepas
Sepanjang malam
Berapa lama lagi
Lepas beberapa lama
Bila-bila masa
Masa akan datang
several days ago
all night long
h o w m u ch longer
a fter so m e tim e
any tim e
in fu tu r e
Mengapa, sebab apa, apa fasal, kenapa
Mengapa pagi-pagi benar? W hy so early?
Mengapa?: W hy? For w hat reason? Syn onym s for this are: kenapa.
sebab apa and fasal apa.
Pagi-pagi benar
Pagi-pagi benar: so early o r too early. Literally benar means true or
(a) Mengapa awak lam bat benar? Why are y o u so late?
(b) Mengapa cepat benar? W hy so fast?
(c) Lambat benar awak berjalan. Y ou walk to o slow ly.
(d) Cepat benar awak bercakap. You speak to o fast.
Jabat, pejabat and jab atan
Pejabat: office. Som etim es th e word opis, which is derived from the
English word o ffic e , is used. It is how ever b e tt e r to use the word
pejabat. T he root word o f pejabat is ja b a t: to grasp, to hold. A nothei
derivative o f jabat is ja b a ta n : departm ent.
M a s u k , tiba and sampai
E xam ples:
P u k u l b e ra p a tuan m asuk p ejabat?/P uku l b e ra p a tuan tiba di
p e ja b a t? /P u k u l b erap a tu a n sampai di pejabat? A t what time did y o u
arrive at the office?
Waktu m alam : night.
The word w aktu: tim e o fte n precedes words like w ak tu pagi: m orning;
w aktu tengah hari: a fte rn o o n : w aktu petang: evening: w aktu malam :
night. Waktu means a period o f tim e (see note 115).
M enonton and p e n o n to n
T he verb m e n o n to n : to view: to w atch: to see is derived from the
ro o t word to n to n . T h e n o u n form o f t o n t o n is p e n o n to n : spectator
which is form ed b y the simple addition o f the prefix pe. Examples:
(ro o t word dengar)
para pendengar
audience (ro o t word dengar)
(ro o t w ord tari)
(ro o t word rusuh)
p em erhati
observer (ro o t word perhati)
Malam, sem alam , besok, kelm arin
N ote these additional expressions o f time
Malam semalam: last night\ m alam esok (besok): to m o rro w night;
malam ini: tonight; malam V.e\mzT\n: y e ste rd a y night.
Menarik hati
Literally sebuah filem yang sangat m enarik hati means a /z /w th a t is
very attractive to the heart, i.e. a g o o d film , an interesting film .
Notice that the word filem is o f English origin.
Jarang and kadang-kadang
Jarang-jarang sekali: very rarely, seldom o i n o t o fte n ;
\ rarely:
kadang-kadang: once in a while or som etim es. Examples:
Jarang-jarang sekali kami pergi m e n o n to n wayang gambar. Very rarely
d o w e go to th e cinema.
Kadang-kadang kami pergi m e n o n to n wayang gambar. S o m e tim e s we
go to the cinema.
M ajlis and repetition of words
Majlis tari-menari is a dance (a social gathering for a dance).
The word majlis usually means an official assem bly or a social fu n c '
tion, e.g.
majlis perk ah w in an : a w edding cerem o ny; majlis berk h atan : a
circum cision cerem o ny; majlis bahas: a debate; majlis un d an g an : a
legislative assembly.
Tari-menari is a n o th e r form o f repetition to indicate a variety o f
dances. Notice that the verb menari: to dance is derived from the
word tari. A n o th er derivative o f tari is tarian: a dance. Penari is a
dancer (see also note 217).
Benar and derivative words.
Sebenarnya means th e tru th is, actually o r in fact.
Its root word is benar: true, correct. O th e r derivatives o f the word
benar are; m e m b en ark a n : toallow , to a p p ro ve , to perm it: kebenaran:
assent, approval, permission.
N am pak and n am pakny a
Tetapi tuan masih nam pak m uda lagi. B u t y o u still lo o k yo u n g . (Here
it means appearance. )
Dia n am p ak saya di bandar. He saw m e in tow n. (Here it means saw
b y chance.)
In the following co n te x t however n am p ak means to appear to b e .t.g .
N am paknya awak tak kenal saya lagi. It appears th a t y o u d o n o t
recognise m e any more. This is an impersonal statem en t.
Kenal and akan
Berkenalan: to g e t acquainted with.
Its ro o t word is kenal: to g e t to kn o w . O th e r derivatives o f kenal are:
mengenalkan: to introduce; akan kenalkan: will introduce; perkenalan:
acquaintance (akan is a word used for emphasis).
Hati and derivatives
The word hati means the liver, which was th o u g h t to be the source
o f all em otions. Also primitive tribes have long regarded the liver as
the m ost vital part o f the b ody. So here are som e idiom atic uses o f
expressions including hati.
patah hati
sagu hati
m akan hati
puas hati
putih hati
taw ar hati
berdebar hati
belas hati
besar hati
b u a h hati
p u tu s hati
b roken hearted
com pensation, allowance
to brood, to eat the heart o u t
to be satisfied
to be sincere
to be discouraged
to be excited
to be com passionate
to be proud, a feeling o f conceit
a loved one
to be in despair
Saya ucapkan setinggi-tinggi tahniah. / wish (y o u ) congratulations. M y
heartiest congratulations,
Setinggi-tinggi here expresses the superlative i.e. th e heartiest or
literally th e highest.
ucap takziah: to express condolence.
Saya telah m engucapkan takziah kapada Ahmad. / expressed c o n d o l­
ence to A hm ad.
H otel
T he word hotel is o f English origin. The Bahasa Malaysia word rum ah
tum pangan is rarely used.
M usim cuti
J i k a tu a n tidak m ahu m erasa kecewa, te ru ta m a pada musim cuti,
lebih baik tu an m enem pah bilik-bilik itu d ah u lu . I f y o u do n o t wish
to b e disappointed, especially during the holiday season, it w ould be
better f o r y o u to b o o k y o u r room s beforehand.
(a ) T h e following phrases are often used:
te ru ta m a : especially; musim cuti: holiday season; dahulu: p re­
viously, beforehand.
(b) kecewa: disappointed.
(c) T h e verb m enem pah is derived from the root w ord tem pah: to
b o o k , T e m p ah an is b oo kin g. T h e addition of the suffix an has
co nverted the verb into a noun.
S u d a h k a h awak m en em pah tiket kap alterb an g awak? H ave y o u
b o o k e d y o u r air ticket?
S u d a h k a h tem p ah a n aw ak disahkan? H as y o u r b o oking been
confirm ed?
D apati
T u a n a k a n dapati hotel-hotel di K uala L u m p u r sama seperti hotelhotel di Iain-lain b a n d a ra y a . Y o u will f i n d that the hotels in Kuala
L u m p u r are sim ilar to the hotels in other cities.
T h e verb d a p ati is derived from the root word dap at which m eans to
obtain, to get o r to fin d .
L a h , ke, m e plus kan
. . . H en d ak lah pergi ke dewan sa m b u tan dan m en d aftark an nama.
. . . O u g h t to g o to the reception desk a nd register.
T he enclitic participle lah emphasises th e word to which it is attached,
pergi ke Ke indicates m o tio n tow ards a place, kepada indicates
m o tio n tow ards a person.
m en d afta rk an Here the root word is daftar: a list to which is added
the m e(n ) prefix and kan suffix to form a transitive verb.
P em andu and forming w ords with (he prefix ‘p e ’
Pem andu means a guide, from the word pandu: to guide. Many verbs
and adjectives can be changed into nouns by the addition o f the pe
prefix in this way. The pe resulting new word expresses either an
AGENT (th e doer) o r an INSTRUMENT, e.g. pelaw at: visitor from
lawat: to visit o r pem buka: o pen er from buka: to op en .
T he pe prefix corresponds to the English suffix er in pairs o f words
such as do and doer, advise and adviser.
The root c o nso nants indicated in brackets are dro p p ed w hen the pre­
fix pe is attached to them.
Adjectives and Verbs
R oot consonants
to draw
to entertain.
to serve
to sing
to su lk
to b u y
pem beli
to hit
p em ukul
to steal
to deceive
to gam ble
to carry on
th e hips
an artist
a waiter.
a waitress
a singer
o ne w ho is lazy
an adviser
a buyer,
a cu sto m er
a bat, an
in stru m en t fo r
h ittin g
a th ie f
a trickster.
a cheater.
a deceiver,
a gam bler
p en d u k u n g o n e w h o carries
im pot
(s)im pan
to instigate
to disturb
fair, just
to cheat
to im port
to measure
to keep
pengim pot
p en yim pan
a terrorist
an instigator
a disturber
a referee
a cheater
an im p o rter
a measurer
a keeper
The root word o f the verb m engangkat: to lift is angkat.
Beg p ak aian
Beg(-beg) pakaian: suitcase(s). T he word beg is of English origin. The
ro o t w o rd for pakaian: clothing is pakai: to use, to wear. Notice that
th e suffix an has co nverted the verb into a noun. Literally beg(-beg)
p a k a ia n m ean s bag(s) f o r clothing i.e. suitcase(s).
The verb m enguruskan: to arrange is derived from th e ro o t word
urus. In a n o th e r c o n te x t it may m ean to manage. Pengurus is th e re ­
fore a manager. Pehak pengurus is th e m anagem ent and urusan:
business, affairs, m anagem ent.
T h e verb mengambil: to ta k e is derived from the verb ambil. Ambil
is o fte n idiomatically used as in the following examples:to ta k e a walk
ambil angin
to take pains; to care a b o u t
ambil berat
to ta ke to heart; to fe e l hurt
ambil hati
to take as an exam ple
am bil ta u la d a n
to sit f o r an exam ina tio n or test
ambil ujian
to ta k e as an exam ple
ambil c o n to h
to ta ke a decision
ambil k ep u tu san
to ta ke it easy
ambil senang/m udah
to ta ke action
ambil tindakan
Literally orang-orang di dalam pejabat hotel means th e p eo p le in th e
o ffic e o f th e h o te l i.e. th e receptionists, th e clerks, etc.
P atu t
Yang p a tu t tu an lihat means w hich y o u o u g h t to see.
p a tu t: should, fair o r proper.
Dia yang p a tu t m enerim a hadiah itu. H e is the o n e w h o should receive
the prize.
Ju ru
Juru bahasa: interpreter. Literally it means o n e w h o is skilled in a
language. Juru usually describes a person w h o is skilled in some trade
o r is an expert. T he sy n o n y m for ju ru is ahli.
Here is a useful list o f words:
ju ru cak ap
jururaw at
ju ru te ra
jurugam b ar
jurutulis (kerani)
ju ru h eb ah
ju ru ta ip
a sh o rth a n d typist
a spokesm an
a nurse
a diver
an engineer
a photographer
a clerk
an announcer
a ty p ist
Urusan perniagaan
Urusan perniagaan: business. The noun urusan: business is derived
from the verb urus: to manage. The noun perniagaan: trade is derived
from the verb niaga: to trade. Peniaga is a trader.
P E L A J A R A N E N A M B E L A S ( 16)
M enem pah bilik
Kita sudah (sampai) di sini. Here we are. (W e have (arrived) here).
Sudah indicates past tense. Sampai means arrive. Its sy n o n y m s are
tiba and datang. Some phrases w ith sampai are: sampai ajal: to pass
aw ay ( o f dea th ); sampai hati: have th e heart to.
Ini hotel yang h en d a k kita sewa? We can also say, Hotel ini yang
hendak kita sewa? Is this th e h o te l w e are going to rent (live in)?
H endak here indicates intention, sewa: hire or rent; kereta-sewa: a
hired car; rumah-sewa: a rented house; but when we say sewa rum ah
ini sangat m urah, it means th a t th e rent o f the house is very cheap.
Baiklah, in this c o n te x t, means all right (or O K ) and is often used in
the colloquial form , especially w hen a person gives an o rd er and the
reply is one o f agreement.
Pem andu
Pem andu kereta: driver o r chauffeur. The sy nonym is drebar. The
ro o t word for p em an d u is pandu. The prefix pe can be added to the
verbs, n ou ns and adjectives. T he following sentences illustrate the
functions o f th e prefix pe.
Peladang itu bekerja sangat kuat. The fa rm er w o rk s very hard.
Penulis b u k u ini terkenal di Malaysia. The w riter o f this b o o k is well
k n o w n in Malaysia.
In the above sentences, the prefbc pe has converted a n o u n , ladang: a
fie ld and a verb, tulis: to write into w ords describing AGENTS pela­
dang: a fa rm e r and penulis: a writer.
Harga p enyapu itu iaiah seringgit. The broom costs a dollar.
P em buka tin susu sudah hilang. The m ilk tin o p en er ca n n o t be fo u n d .
In these sentences th e prefix pe has been affixed to verbs, sapu: to
sw eep and buka; to open resulting in n oun s describing INSTRU­
G uru itu seorang peram ah. The teacher is an affable person.
Dia tidak suka orang pemalas. He does n o t like lazy persons.
In these sentences th e prefix pe has been affixed to adjectives, ram ah:
affable and malas: lazy. The resulting w ords describe attributes o f
persons. This is n o t a general rule as w ith all the above examples.
However these illustrations show the general effect o f using this
Saya akan tunggu anda di dew an. / will wait f o r y o u in th e hall.
A sy no nym for dew an is balai. Dewan also means a council o f state
e.g. Dewan R akyat: parliament.
Barangkali; m ay be, possible o r perhaps is often m ispronounced by
users o f the bazaar language.
H adapan and the suffix *an'
H adapan; in fro n t. The root word is hadap.
T he suffix is an. Hadap means p o sitio n in fr o n t o f to fa ce o r fro n t.
The colloquial form is depan. T he suffix an w hen suffixed to verbs
( t h a t o fte n take a prefix as well) forms nouns which are connected
in som e way o r o th e r w ith the action o r state expressed by the verb.
laut: sea
lau ta n : ocean
aku: to a d m it
akuan: confession
ukur; to measure
u kuran; m easurem ent
jual; to sell
jualan; g o o d s fo r sale
Saya akan datang secepat mungkin. ¡ w ill co m e as q u ic k ly as possible.
This is a useful expression and co n stru ctio n to memorise.
Di sebuah restorán
Sebuah restorán
Di sebuah restorán; in a restaurant. This w ord is from English and
an o th e r word for restorán is kedai m akan. The word kedai means
T erdapat
Di bandar-bandar besar terdapat banyak restorán, kedai kopi dan
kedai bar. ¡n big to w n s are f o u n d m an y restaurants, c o ffe e shops and
In this tex t, terd ap at can be translated are fo u n d .
Minuman and the suffix ‘a n ’
M inuman: drin ks is form ed from the root word mi n u m: to drink.
The following sentences give examples o f the functions o f the
suffix an.
(a) Makanan ini sedap. The fo o d is delicious.
(b ) Galian yang boleh didapati di Malaysia iaiah emas dan besi. Tw o
minerals fo u n d in Malaysia are g o ld and iron.
(c) Bacaan murid ini sangat baik. The s t u d e n t ’s reading is very good.
(d) Lawatan saya ke Kuala L u m p u r sangat pendek. M y visit to Kuala
L u m p u r is very short.
In the above four sentences, verbs were converted to n ouns by the
ad ditio n o f the suffix an.
Words used frequently and used incorrectly.
Banyak restorán: m an y restaurants. The word banyak is often used
incorrectly in bazaar Malay, e.g. banyak baik for very good. It should
be baik betul o r baik sungguh.
Here are examples o f bazaar Bahasa Malaysia which should be avoided:
(a) Punya, which is rarely heard in good Bahasa Malaysia, is often
used in the bazaar language to indicate possession e.g.
Saya pun ya kereta.
M y car.
Kereta saya.
A hm ad pun ya bapa A h m a d ’s fa th e r's
R um ah bapa Ahmad,
pun ya rum ah.
Munah p u n y a baju.
M u n a h s shirt.
Baju Munah.
(b) Kasi colloquially means to give. The preferred word is beri or bagi.
Kasi dia.
Give him.
Beri dia.
Saya p u n y a bapa
M y fa th e r gave me
Bapa saya beri
kasi saya d u a ringgit, tw o dollars.
saya dua ringgit.
Kasi saya m akanan. Give m e fo o d .
Beri saya makanan.
(c) Sama in bazaar language is used for expressing a direct or in­
direct object, e.g.
Saya te n g o k sama dia.
/ saw him.
Saya n am p a k dia.
Saya kasi duit sama dia.
I give him
Saya beri dia wang.
m on ey.
(d) Bikin in bazaar Bahasa Malaysia is used incorrectly a sa synonym
for b u at, e.g.
Baju ini dia bikin.
He m ade this shirt. Dia buat baju ini.
Bukan senang bikin. It's n o t easy to d o it. Susah h en d a k m em buatnya.
T ak tahu bikin.
I d o n o t k n o w h o w Tak tahu buat.
to do it.
Begini and begitu
Begini: this way originates from the words bagai ini. Begitu is the
a n to n y m for begini and its synonym s are dem ik ian, macam itu.
Begitu also m eans very\ e.g. Mereka hidup begitu mewah.
The prefix ‘ke* and the suffix ‘a n ’
K ebanyakan: m ajority. The prefix ke and suffix an have been added
to th e root word banyak.
At times affixes are used w ith repetitive words, e.g.
kebudak-budakan: childish, naive;
kegila-gilaan: to behave like a m a d man.
Words form ed w ith the affixes ke. . . an fall into three categories.
(a) Words denoting state o r condition, e.g.
jah at: w icked
kejahatan: w ickedness
manusia: man
kem anusiaan: h um an e
te n tu : certain
k e te n tu a n : certainty
(b) Words denotin g place, e.g.
d i a m : d w ell
k e d ia m a n : dw elling place
(c) Adjectives derived from verbal roots, e.g.
dengar: hear
kedengaran: being heard
V.tV\\\2i i 2in: being seen
curi: steal
kecurian: th e ft
Coefficients used in Bahasa Malaysia
for h u m a n beings, e.g. clerk, teacher, officer, etc.
for o th e r living creatures, e.g. animals, fishes, insects, birds,
for large things o r things w ith irregular shapes, e.g. houses,
ships, rivers, book s, classrooms, etc.
for small things, such as fruits, cooking utensils, e.g. bowls,
plates and round things which are small, etc.
batang for ro d -lik e things and things which are long, e.g. trees,
pencils, walking sticks, etc.
fo r things that o ccu r in thin layers o r sheets, e.g. paper,
cloth, feathers, hair, etc.
for letters, firearms, needles, etc.
keping for pieces, slabs, fragments, e.g. w ood, paper, bread, land, etc.
for articles w ith (m etal) blades, e.g. knives, spears,
b e n tu k for rings and fishing hooks.
Jenis m akanan tengah hari dan m akan malam lebih-kurang sama. The
ty p e o f fo o d f o r m id d a y and evening meals is m ore o r less identical.
P E L A J A R A N L A P A N B E L A S (1 8 )
M enem pah makanan
Layan and pelayan
Pelayan, adakah meja ini kosong? Is this table free (waitress or waiter)?
Pelayan which means waiter or waitress and d \so a tten d a n t, is derived
from la y a n : to serve.
O th e r co n n ected words
pelayan hotel: a waiter o r waitress in a h o te l
pelayan laki-laki: a waiter
pelayan kapalterbang: a flig h t stew ard o r air hostess
Kah and adakah
When the interrogative article kah is used as a suffix to a word in a
clause, it imphes a question.
In conversation the suffix kah is usually o m itte d as th e to n e o f the
voice (w ith its rising inflection and the questioning to n e ) is sufficient,
e.g. apa itu? apa kata dia? (A dakah means w hether,)
C om pare the following questions and statem ents.
Statem ents
Dia sudah m akan nasi.
Dia sudah m akan nasikah?
Baju awak itu besar.
Baju awak itu besarkah?
Lim yang m elukis gam bar ini.
Limkah yang melukis gam bar ini?
In the above three sentences th e suffix kah is used to m ake the state­
m ents into questions. Also n o te that it emphasises the word to which
it is a tta ch ed , i.e. nasikah, besarkah, Limkah.
Manis-manisan and the suffix *an*
Manis-manisan means a variety o f sw eet dishes. We already know a
little a b o u t the suffix an.
Given below are m ore examples for your guidance. They are explained
u nder four categories.
(a) T he suffix an forms collective nouns expressing ex ten t o r variety.
T he idea o f variety being som etim es reinforced by the dupli­
cation o f the ro o t word.
masak-masakan: c o o k e d dishes o f various kinds
buah-buahan: fr u its o f m an y kind s
tan am -tan am an : agricultural crops o f m a n y kin d s
puji-pujian: conventional c o m p lim e n ts at the beginning o f a fo r ­
m al letter.
(b) It forms nouns, standing for co ncrete things o n which an action
is perform ed o r abstract nouns.
tujuan: th a t w hich is aim ed at; cetakan: th a t w hich has been
printed; kasihan: p ity; pinjaman: loan,
(c) It forms adjectives which arc som etim es purposive and sometimes
passive. These are nouns, b ut their placinggives th e m an adjectival
sekolah latihan: a training school; surat kenalan: a le tte r o f in tro ­
The dem onstratives ini and itu
Ini tuan. Here y o u are sir.
Dan setepas itu tuan? A n d a fter th a t sir?
T he dem onstratives ini and itu (particularly itu) are the equivalent o f
the English definite article the. T here is the im plication (hat the
thing to which the n o u n refers has been u n d e r discussion, or is
familiar to the speaker o r well know n to everybody, e.g. dan selepas
itu tuan.
Here are examples to guide you o n the use o f ini and itu.
(a) Adjectival o r p ronom inal use. When they are ADJECTIVES they
follow the noun.
burun g itu: th a t bird; kasut ini: this shoe.
When they are PRONOUNS th ey precede the noun,
itu harimau: that is a tiger; ini b u k u : this is a book.
(b ) When used adjectivally they com e after any o th e r attributive
adjective or adjectival phrase which qualifies the noun.
b u k u tebal itu: th a t th ic k b o o k ; hzju yang baru itu: th e n ew shirt.
(c) Any adjective which com es after ini o r itu is predicative,
kuih ini sudah basi: this cake is n o t fresh.
(d) Ini is som etim es used as an intensive adjective.
aku ini: I m yself; m ak ini: m o ther, y o u are unfair (n o te the c o n ­
versational use o f ini w ith a note o f protest).
(e) Ini and itu may be used for qualifying phrases o r sentences.
D atangnya awak berdu a ini sangat sukakan hati saya. The arrival
o f th e tw o o f y o u has m ade m e very happy.
N ote that ini qualifies the whole clause.
Tolong, sila and cu b a
Tolong baw akan dua gelas m in u m a n itu. Please bring tw o glasses
o f th e drink.
Tolong is a polite request o r please. Besides tolong, one o f the fol­
lowing w ords m ay be used,
sila: literally w elcom e. Sila d u d u k . Please sit.
cuba: literally to try. C uba b u k a p in tu ini. Please open the door.
This is the stock answer to terim a kasih; th a n k y o u and is the equiv­
alent o iy o u * re w elcom e.
Saya juga ingin m in u m air limau. I too long fo r a lime drink.
Ingin means to desire o r long f o r and is a little m ore intense than
m ahu: to want.
Merdu and manis
L agu-lagu
sungguh m erdu. The tunes are very sw eet (sounding).
T eh ini manis sangat. The tea is very sw eet (to the taste).
Angka, masa dan tarikh
Numbers and telling the time
Angka: masa dan tarikh. N um erals: tim e s a nd dates.
In Bahasa Malaysia the system o f num bering is straightforward,
(a) Cardinal Numbers
(i) O ne to ten (1 to 10)
1. se, satu, suatu
8. lapan or delapan (lapan is
2. dua
more c o m m o n ly used)
3. tiga
9. sembilan
4. em pat
10. sepuluh (this always appears
5. lima
in this form and never in the
6. enam
co m b in atio n o f satu and
7. tujuh
(Ü) T he English suffix teen is denoted by belas, from eleven to nineteen ( 1 1 to 19).
11. sebelas
16. enambelas
12. duabelas
17. tujuhbelas
13. tigabelas
18. lapanbelas
14. em pat belas
19. sembilanbelas
15. hmabelas
Tens are d en o ted by puluh.
10. sepuluh
60. enam puluh
20. daupuluh
70. tujuhpuluh
30. tigapuluh
80. lapanpuluh
40. em patpuluh
90. sembilanpuluh
50. limapuluh
O th e r examples:
d u ap u lu h satu
enam puluh tiga
tigapuluh dua
sembilanpuluh em pat
iapanpulu lima
(iv) H undreds are d e n o te d by ratus.
tu ju h ratus
em pat ratus
lapan ratus dua p u lu h satu
(v) Thousands are den o ted by ribu.
tiga ribu
i a p a n r ib u
d u ap u lu h tiga ribu
(vi) T he remaining multiples are:
10.000 sepuluh ribu.
100.000 seratus ribu o r seketi.
1,000,000 satu juta.
8,821,462 will be read like this —lapan ju ta lapan ratus duapuluh
satu rib u , em pat ratus enampuluh dua.
N ote that the English c o n ju n c tio n a nd is not used in c o m p o u n d
n u m b ers as show n above.
In the same way the conjunction or should be o m itte d betw een
num bers, e.g.
three or fo u r
tiga em pat
thirteen o r fo u rte e n
tiga em pat belas
th irty o r fo r ty
tiga em pat puluh
six or seven h undred enam tujuh ratus
eight or nine th o u sa n d lapan sembilan ribu
However you may find m any well-known writers and gram marians
using atau for or, e.g. three or fo u r children: tiga atau em pat orang
(b) Ordinal Numbers
In Bahasa Malaysia the ordinals are form ed from the cardinals.
Except ÍOX the firsts all o th e r cardinals are form ed by adding the pre­
fix ke to the ordinals with the word yang before them , e.g.
yang pertam a o r yang kesatu: first. (Pertam a is from the Sanskrit
word p rath am a which also means first.) yang kedua: second; yang
ketiga: third; yang keem pat: fo u r th ; yang kesepuluh: tenth.
N ote that the ordinal num bers, being true adjectives, always follow
the n o u n to which they are attached, e.g.
pelu m ba yang pertam a: th e first runner.
(c) Fractions
suku (satu suku)
tiga suku ^/a (tiga suku as an idiomatic expression means insane
or m en ta lly unbalanced).
O ther th a n the above, fractions are expressed by per meaning u p o n ,
dua pértiga
em pat p ertu ju h
tiga perlapan
tujuh persem bilan
(d ) Percentage is d en o ted by peratus, e.g.
limapuluh peratus 50% ; tigapuluh dua peratus 32%; sembilanpuluh
peratus 90%
(e) D ecim al p o in t is den o ted by perpuluhan.
e.g. 3.2 tiga p e rp u lu h an dua.
Dates and days o f the week
(a) T erikh: date. The days o f the m o n th are d e n o te d by cardinal
numerals BEFORE the word hari.
e.g. Hari ini berapa haribulan? What is the date today?
Tiga haribulan tiga/Mac. The third o f March.
(b ) The days o f the week are as follows:
hari Isnin
M onday
hari Ju m a a t
hari Selasa
hari Sabtu
hari Rabu
W ednesday
hari A had
hari Khamis Thursday
(c) The Malay m e th o d o f dating A.D. is the abbreviated form M, for
Masehi: **The y ea r o f th e Messiah The Malay equivalent o f The
Christian Era is Terikh Masehi.
The c o m m o n abbreviation o f H. stands for Hyrah — the flight o f
the Prophet M oham med from Mecca in A.D. 622, Muslim
Phrases using the w ord satu
Pukul satu: o ne o'clock. From the word satu the following phrases
are formed.
satu-satu; o ne b y o ne; lepas satu» satu: o n e a fter th e other; lepas
seorang, seorang: o ne (person) a fter another; seseorang: a n y b o d y ,
everyb o d y; tak satu, satu: i f it is n o t o n e thing it's another.
Phrases using the word jam
Jam tangan: wrist watch. O th e r meanings for jam are clock, tim e,
m eter, an hour, during th e tim e, cf.
jam dinding. a wall clock; jam kerja: w orking hours; jam satu: one
o clock; satu jam : o n e hour; jam pelajaran: teaching hour; berjamjam : fo r m a n y hours.
Pukul d u a belas: tw elve o 'clock. Belas also meansp/Yx have sy m p a th y ,
usually in the form o f belas kasihan.
Minit means m in u te from the English word.
Kadang-kadang and selalu.
Kadang-kadang in this c o n te x t means som etim es. The a n to n y m is
Pada d u a p u lu h haribulan bulan enam means on 2 0 th June. In corre­
spondence haribulan is abbreviated as hb.
U n tu k m eaning 'f o r ’
U n tu k dibaiki dan dibersihkan. For repair and cleaning.
P E L A J A R A N D U A P U L U H (20)
Nama hari dan bulan
The division o f the day
T ahukah tuan nam a-nam a hari dalam seminggu? D o y o u k n o w the
days o f the w eek?
Hari: day. The following conn ected w ords are o f interest,
siang hari: during th e day, daylight; setengah hari: h a lf a day; tengah
hari: noon, a ftern o o n ; malam hari: night; petang hari: evening; hari­
bulan: date.
Seminggu means o n e w eek. When we say hari minggu, it means
Sunday. Mingguan means w eekly, e.g. majallah mingguan: w eekly
magazine. Seminggu-mingguan means th ro u g h o u t th e week.
Days o f the week
Ya iaitu hari Ahad, Isnin, Selasa, Rabu, Khamis, Ju m a a t dan Sabtu.
Yes, th e y are S u n d a y, M onday, Tuesday, W ednesday, Thursday,
Friday a nd Saturday.
Hari Ahad, Isnin, Rabu etc. are the Arabic names for the days o f the
week. The stu d en t should know a b o u t hari Ju m a a t which means
assem bly day. O n that day Mushms assemble at the Mosque to pray.
It is a religious obligation.
Besok and esok
Jadi besok hari apa? So, w hat will to m o rro w be?
Besok/esok: tom orrow .
esok lusa: near fu tu r e {liXcrsiWy to m o rro w and th e d a y a fter to m o rr o w )
esoknya: the day after.
Dan lusa hari apa? A n d what is the day a fter to m o rro w ?
Lusa: th e da y a fter tom orrow .
Semalam hari apa? What day was it yesterd a y?
Dan kelmarin hari apa? A n d what was the d ay before yesterd ay? In
speech, th e I in kelmarin is usually silent. It is often so w ritten. Apart
from being the day before y este rd a y , it also m eans yesterd a y, a fe w
days OT a w eek ago. Be guided by the c o n te x t in which it is used.
Malam Sabtu and the Muslim day
Malam Sabtu means Friday evening and not Saturday evening.
The Muslim day begins at 6 p.m. and not at midnight. This means
that the period o f darkness goes entirely with the following period
o f daylight and is not divided betw een the preceding and following
daylight periods. Pukul tujuh malam Rabu means seven p.m . o n Tues­
day (n o t Wednesday). As a rough guide, subtract one day from the
day m entioned in the expression.
The Muslim year
In Malaysia the Western calendar is used by all races. T he Muslim
calendar is used only by the Muslims. The Muslim year, a lunar year,
is eleven days sh o rter than the solar year. The m o n th s are k n o w n by
their Arabic names and are o f 30 days and 29 days alternately.
9. R am adan (o r Bulan Puasa —
30 days
I. Maharram
the m o n th o f the fast)
29 days
2. Safar
10. Syawal (or Bulan Hari Raya
3. Ribi ul awal (or Bulan
the m o n th o f the great
Maulud - the m o n th o f the
feast, Hari Raya Puasa)
P ro p h e t’s Birthday)
1 1. Zul-kaedah
Rabi ul-akhir
12. Zul-hejjah the m o n th o f pil­
5. Jamadil-awal
grimage to Mecca, Saudi
6. Jamadil-akhir
8. Shaaban
pukul dua. Certainly, m y watch says (less) fifte e n m in u te s to tw o
(o 'clock).
This is the standard way o f indicating m inutes to the hour. Notice
that in this case the m inutes precede the h o u r whereas in the case of
half hours, q u a rte r hours and m inutes past the hour, it is th e hour
which com es first, followed by the minutes, e.g.
p uku l lima setengah petang
fiv e th irty in the evening.
pukul lima suku petang
quarter past fiv e in th e evening.
pukul lima sepuluh m init petang
ten m in u tes past fiv e in the
a.m. and p.m . in Bahasa Malaysia
The h o u r o f the day is specifically indicated by the use o f the words
pagi and petang, as a.m. and p.m . are used in English.
Wang Singapura dan Malaysia
Jika, anda, awak, engkau and kam u
Jika anda pergi ke Singapura . . . / / y o u go to Singapore . . .
Anda here means
in an impersonal manner. T uan is a politer word.
A wak is also used and is m ore respectful than engkau.
Engkau is used by a superior to a su b o rd in a te o r one o f equal status.
Awak and kam u can be used singularly as well as plurally. K am u: y o u
is used (abbreviated to m u) only b y close associates o r close friends.
Mata and derivatives
Matawang: currency; m ata: literally, eye; wang: m oney.
Some w ords coined from the word m ata are:
m atajarum : th e e y e o f a needle; m ataikan: a wart; m ataair: a spring;
th e source o f a river; m atapisau: the blade o f a knife; m ata-m ata
gelap: a d etective; mataangin: th e p o in ts o f a compass: m atabenda:
valuable things like jewels.
K edua and kedua-kedua
K edua-kedua: b o th , but kedua: secon d (ordinal n u m b er).
Meskipun p a d a m ulanya agak m em bingungkan, tetapi dengan c e p a t . . .
A lth o u g h at the start it m a y be confusing, b u t q u ic k ly . . .
Meskipun has a n u m b e r o f sy n o n y m s including: sungguhpun, walaup u n , biarpun.
Malaysian currency
Wang-wang: m o n e y o r currencies: Duit tem baga: cop p er m o n e y ;
Bernilai: to have value; Siling: small silver, coins.
Jika and m em beli stem berharga tujuh puluh lima sen.
I f y o u b u y sta m p s w o rth 75 cents.
Here we have the co m b in atio n o f the me prefix w ith the root word
beli and ber prefix with the root word harga: price.
Akan kem balikan
Dia akan kem balikan kepada anda. He will give back to yo u .
P E L A J A R A N D U A P U L U H DUA (22)
Di bank
Order o f w ords in a sentence
Boleh saya tu k u r sedikit wang? Can I change so m e m o n e y ?
In Bahasa Malaysia the order o f w ords is roughly the same as English.
The subject is followed by the verb and the object.
A word receives emphasis by its position in the sentence. O ften the
object is brought to the beginning o f a sentence for this reason.
Dia saya panggil. I called him . (Literally, Him I called).
T h e subject must come immediately before or after the verb. T here­
fore when tw o p ro nouns precede a verb, the first is th e object, the
second the subject.
An auxiliary verb is often placed before the main verb. It can also be
placed (in m atters o f style) before the subject.
(a) Sudah ia datang. He has come.
(b) Boleh saya buat. / can d o it.
An adverbial phrase o f time usually precedes the verb, e.g.
Tiga ta h u n saya tinggal di sini. I lived here fo r three years.
Ada, as a verb o f existence, usually precedes its subject, e.g. Ada
lima b u ah b u k u di atas meja. There are fiv e b o o k s o n the table.
Negara and negeri
The word negara now m eans in d e p e n d e n tc o u n tr y , or /laiiOM, whereas
negeri means state.
Dalam Malaysia ada 14 buah negeri. In Malaysia there are 14 states.
Malaysia ialah sebuah negara yang kaya. Malaysia is a rich nation.
Sudah te n tu boleh: certainly.
Sudah is o fte n used for expressing the past and perfect tenses. As an
auxiliary verb sudah means over, d o n e and finished, e.g. Dia sudah
datang: H e has com e. It is also used as a verb {to c o m p le te ) in con­
ju n c tio n with the verb habis to m Q a n u se d up^
c o m p le te ly fin ished :
sudah habis.
N anti sebentar; Wait f o r a while
The use and misuse o f ya
Ya, tolong berikan saya sehelai wang kertas. Yes, please give m e a
bank note.
The direct affirmative ya: y e s in answer to a query, is considered
abrupt. It IS generally avoided by the use o f an abbreviated reply
containing either the auxiliary o r some o th e r em phatic word from
the question.
e.g. Mai sudah datang kah? //as Mat co m e? Sudah. Yes, he has.
Kerani: clerk; kerani besar: c h ie f clerk; kerani pos: p o sta l clerk;
kerani sem entara: tem p ora ry clerk.
Jika tuan mengirim cek melalui pos, cek itu hendaklah dipalang. I f
y o u sen d a ch equ e through the post, the cheque sh o u ld be crossed
Note mengirim from the root word kirim.
P E L A J A R A N D U A P U L U H TI GA ( 23)
Perkhidmatan pos
More classifiers
Sebuah Pejabat Pos Besar terletak di b an d a r raya Kuala Lumpur. The
General Post O ffice is located in the city o f Kuala Lum pur.
Apart from buah, the c o m m o n e st o f classifiers, there are others of
im portance.
b e n tu k :
for rings and hooks.
for rope, chain and thread.
po to n g :
for slices o f bread, cakes, m eat, etc.
for w idths o f cloth, mats, pieces o f land, e.g. padi fields,
k u n tu m :
for flowers.
for long stem m ed flowers,
for thread,
p intu:
for houses.
for words, phrases and certain expressions.
b u tir or
for things which are small and roun d, e.g. onion, co co n u t
seeds, etc.
for things such as flowers, leaves, fruits etc
for fishing nets,
for paper, thread, etc.
for shots from a pistol, rifle, c an n o n etc.
Jika tuan h en d ak m e n g h a n ta r surat-surat biasa . . . ! f y o u w ant to
send ordinary letters . . .
H endak Uterally means w ant o r desire, e.g. Wang h en d a k m e m b u a t
belanja sesen pun tiada. T h e r e ’s n o t even a single cen t to spend.
H endaklah may be used at the beginning o f a sentence to express a
polite c o m m a n d o r wish. It is used in this sense in public notices.
Here are som e phrases form ed with the word hendak.
hendak tak hendak: n o t willingly: hendaklah: m ust, should (its o th e r
meanings); h e n d a k n y a : i7C/wa//>'; h e n d a k p u n : even though; kehendak
hat i ; one's wishes or liking,
Tidak perlu
T uan tidak perlu pergi ke pejabat pos. It is n o t necessary f o r y o u to
go to the p o st office.
Literally tidak means no and not. The synonym s for tidak are tak,
tiada and bukan. Tidak is com m o nly used in conversation before
adjectives and verbs. In its simple direct form , tidak negates the whole
statem ent. Even tho ugh bukan and tidak m ean no, there is a distinc­
tion betw een them , e.g.
Adakah tidak bapa anda di rum ah? Is y o u r fa th e r at h om e?
B ukankah A hm ad yang membaling batu? Was it n o t A h m a d w ho
th rew th e stone?
Expressions using tidak
Some expressions using tidak are:
tidak apa: it's all right, never m ind; tidak apa-apa: i t ’s n o th in g at all;
tak dap at tidak: m ust, w ith o u t fail; kalau tidak: otherwise, unless;
baik tidaknya: th e advantage and disadvantage o f; dengan tidak
(berkata): w ith o u t (speaking).
Peti and derivatives
Peti surat: p o st box. Many new words may be form ed w ith the word
sebuah peti jenazah: a coffin; sebuah peti nyanyi: a record player;
sebuah peti sejuk: a refrigerator; sebuah peti besi: an iron safe.
Possession in Bahasa Malaysia
Di rum ah tuan tidak ada orang. There is no one at y o u r hom e.
(a) Personal possession can be show n by using a p ro n o u n after a
n o u n as in the genitive case, e.g.
kawan saya: m y friend; kereta dia: his car; T u an m ereka: their
(b) A n o th er m e th o d o f expressing possession is by placing two
nouns one a fte r anoth er. The second o f the tw o shows pos­
session. e.g.
wang to w k ay : th e to w k a y 's m o n e y ; p in tu bilik: th e d o o r o f the
room ; kereta A hm ad: A h m a d 's car;
(c) Possession m ay also be show n by using nya, i.e. the third person
p ro n o u n , singular and plural, masculine, feminine and neuter, e.g.
Bapanya kaya: (H islher/their) fa th e r is rich.
Anjing ini can tik dan bulunya warna hitam . The d og is b e a u tifu l
and its f u r is black.
This is a safe way o f expressing the English possessive adjectives,
his, her, their, etc.
The word p u n y a is used incorrectly in the bazaar language to express
possession. The correct and incorrect ways o f expressing possession
are illustrated below;
Saya p u n y a b u k u (incorrect) Buku saya (correct): M y book.
Ahmad p u n y a kawan (incorrect) Kawan Ahmad (correct): A h m a d 's
Mereka p u n y a kepandaian (incorrect) K epandaian m ereka (correct):
Their cleverness.
These incorrect expressions are given because you will hear them
being used.
Punya can be used correctly when the English equivalent is a possessive
p ro n o u n , (yours, mine, theirs, w h ose) e.g.
Buku itu awak punya. It s y o u r book.
Kereta itu saya punya. It's m y car.
Wang itu mereka punya. It's their m o n ey.
Surat itu siapa punya? Whose le tte r is it?
P E L A J A R A N D U A P U L U H EMPAT (24)
Di pejabat pos
Maaf, tuan. Please excuse me, sir.
Maaf is used b o th in the spoken and written language.
The superlative yang and sekali
Bolehkah tuan tu n ju k k a n saya di m ana letakny a pejabat pos yang
h am p ir sekali? Can y o u sh o w m e th e nearest p o st o ffice?
Similarly the superlative can be expressed as follows:
yang besar sekali ://ie biggest: yang k o to r sekali ://ie dirtiest; yang
senang sekali: th e easiest; yang mahal sekali; th e dearest.
The suffix ‘k a n ’
The following uses o f th e suffix kan should be n o ted :
(a) It m ay be attached to any transitive verb w ith o u t changing the
original meaning, to mean fo r o r to cause.
e.g. T u tu p k a n saya tingkap itu. Close th e w in d o w f o r me.
Tolong am bilkan saya b u k u itu. Please fe tc h m e th a t bo o k.
Tuliskan saya surat ini dengan cepat. Please write this letter
f o r m e q uickly.
(b) T o change intransitive verbs into transitive verbs, e.g.
Tiap-tiap malam saya tidurkan adik saya. E very n ig h t I p u t m y
y o u n g e r b ro th er to sleep.
Jangan d u d u k k a n dia di atas katil. D o n o t seat h im o n th e bed.
(c) T o form causative verbs from n ouns and adjectives to express
the verb m a ke , e.g.
Tolong besarkan lubang ini. Please m a ke this hole larger.
Tolong p en d e k k an kayu ini. Please shorten th e stick.
Orang and derivatives
Maaf tu an , saya tidak dapat m enu n ju k k an jalan itu; saya sendiri pun
orang dagang di sini.
Sorry sir, I c a n ’t sfiow y o u the way; I am a fo reig n er here m y s e lf
Orang: a person.
Many phrases have been form ed from the word orang, e.g.
orang tah u : everyb o d y kn ow s; orang kata: people say that; orang
kaya: a rich man, the rich; orang baru: a person n ew to this place;
orang miskin: a p o o r man, th e poor; orang ramai: the public; orang
p u tih : an Englishman, a European, Europeans.
The preposition ‘k e ’
Ke pejabat pos yang ham pir sekali: To the nearest p o st office.
Ke is a preposition o f place. It cann ot stand alone and m ust be
attached to the word which follows it. When the following word is
not a place w ord, it is replaced by kepada, e.g. kepada A hm ad: to
A h m a d . Sometimes kepada is shortened to pada. W hen ke replaces di
it expresses MOTION TOWARDS and is usually rendered by the
word to,
Saya pergi ke Singapura. I am going to Singapore.
Prepositions of place.
Ya, ada sebuah pejabat pos di Jalan Raja. Yes, there is a p o st office
at Jalan Raja.
Di is used with nouns, e.g. di Perak: in Pera/:, di jalan itu: at the road-,
it is also used with adverbs, e.g. di sini, di s i t u , d i sana and n o u n s of
position such as di atas: on to p and di baw ah: at the b o tto m .
Di and pada b o th mean at. But di only means at (within the precincts
of); pada means at (before w ords o th e r th an n o uns o f place). It may
also mean on, in, and according to.
C om m on prepositions
Here are som e c o m m o n prepositions or w ords used prepositionaiiy
in daily life.
dengan: w ith (used as b y and
sebab: because
and )
o*eh: b y (agent); because o f
daripada: than (a fte r a comhanya: o n ly, e x c e p t
melainkan: except^ b u t (a fte r a
h a m p ir/d e k a t: near (n o rm ally
used w ith dengan)
di: at
sekeliking: around
ke: to
tentang: concerning, a b o u t
di atas: on; at the to p
berten tan g dengan: o p p o site to
di baw ah: under; at th e b o tto m
(used often w ith dengan)
di belakang: behind
hingga/sampai: until, u p to , as
di antara. b etw een
far as
dari: fr o m
sebelum : before
antara: am ong
lep as/setelah/kem udian: a /i e r
dalam : in
b a g i/u n tu k : fo r
hingga: till
selama: fo r duration o f tim e;
V erbs n o t requiring prepositions
The stu d e n t should not rely totally on vocabularies for the trans­
lation o f English prepositions into Bahasa Malaysia. Many English
prepositional verbs are rendered by Bahasa Malaysia verbs which
require no preposition, e.g. naik: to go u p , to c o m e u p ; masuk: to
com e in, to go in; turun: to go d o w n , to co m e d o w n ; keluar: to go
o u t; minta: to ask for; nantikan: to wait for; m asukkan: to p u t in.
P E L A J A R A N D U A P U L U H LI MA ( 25)
More o f the prefix ‘m e ’
Menggunakan: to use. Meng is the prefix, guna th e root word and
kan the sufOx. In an earlier lesson we learnt how to use the prefix
me. In this lesson we shall note its different uses.
(a) When affixed to a verb the prefix me indicates that work is being
done o r an action is taking place. Such an action is implied by
th e root w ord, e.g.
Saya menulis surat (th e task o f writing). I am writing a letter.
Dia m em baca b u k u cerita (th e act o f reading). He is reading a
sto ry book.
(b) When m e is joined to the names o f foodstuffs, it implies that the
food is co oked or has been prepared.
Hari ini em ak saya menggulai ikan. Today, m y m o th e r m ade fish
Menggoreng adalah kerja yang senang (to prepare f o o d w ith liquid
curry). Frying (fo o d ) is sim ple work.
(c) When me is affixed to a noun, the noun becom es a verb, e.g.
Di panggung wayang kita tidak boleh m ero k o k (to sm o k e ciga­
rettes). In th e cinem a we cannot sm o k e cigarettes.
M em b u k u k an karangan-karangan itu mengambil masa yang p a n ­
jang. T o b in d th e essays in to a b o o k-fo rm will ta ke a long time.
(d) Me can indicate that an object o r apparatus is being utilised, e.g.
G uru akan m e ro ta n budak-budak yang nakal (to beat w ith a
cane). The teacher will cane n a ug hty boys.
Memahat papan ini susah (to use a chisel or gouge). Chiselling
this p la n k is difficult.
(e) With certain w ords me indicates direction; it implies th e act o f
moving tow ards th a t direction, e.g.
Kalau awak h en d ak m enyeberang jalan itu. gunakanlah jejatas
(to cross). I f y o u w ant to cross the road, use the overhead bridge.
(f) Me is used in a sentence in the active voice, e.g.
Dia m em u kul budak itu (th e act o f beating). He beats the boy.
Kerana, sebab, and oleh sebab
T etapi sebahagian besar orang suka m engem bara dengan menaiki
keretapi kerana keretapi cepat. B u t a large n u m b e r o f p eo p le like to
travel b y train because it is fast.
T h e following w ords may be used for expressing the co n ju n c tio n
because in Bahasa Malaysia: kerana, sebab, oleh sebab and oleh itu.
At times kerana and sebab o ccu r with the words oleh itu in fro n t o f
them . T he words oleh itu do not change.
Dia selalu m enipu orang; sebab itu orang tidak percaya lagi padanya.
He o fte n deceives people: because o f this th e y d o n 't believe h im an y
Dia ditangkap kerana mencuri. He was taken in to c u sto d y because o f
3 11
Jalan and berjalan
Beberapa orang p e n u m p a n g kelihatan keluar, yang lain berjalan
m enuju masuk. Several passengers are g ettin g out, oth ers are g ettin g in.
Strictly speaking jalan is a n o u n meaning road or way. The correct
verb form is berjalan. T he stu d en t is advised to use jalan as a n o u n
and berjalan as the corresponding verb.
The prefix ‘b e r ’ (co n tin u o u s action)
dan yang lainnya d u d u k berb ual-bual: and others sit chattin g to each
Here the prefix ber. although reflexive in character, also indicates
c o n tin u o u s action.
P E L A J A R A N D U A P U L U H ENAM ( 2 6 )
Di stesyen keretapi
Poter, to long angkat beg-beg pakaian saya. Porter, please carry m y
The p arts o f speech
T he five parts o f speech are referred to in Bahasa Malaysia b y the
following words.
nam a: noun; p e rb u a tan : verb; sifatnama dan sifatkata: adjective and
adverb; sendinama dan sendikata: p reposition a nd conjunction;
seruan: exclam ation.
Angkat and berangkat
In this lesson we have the ro o t word angkat.
Poter tolong angkat beg-beg pakaian saya. Porter, please carry m y
Also th e verb appears w ith th e ber prefix.
K eretapi ini akan berangkat lebih kurang sepuluh m init lagi. The train
will m o ve o f f in a b o u t ten m inutes.
Berangkat creates the fanciful idea o f a train picking itself up and
moving off. Berangkat appears frequently in Malay literature, where
a Raja does n ot w alk, but (berangkat) moves o ff majestically.
Lah and berhati-hati
Tuan hendak lah berhati-hati. You should take care.
T he suffix lah has tw o main functions:
It emphasises a word at the beginning o f a clause.
Hilanglah duit saya. / lost m y m oney.
It makes an order less p e re m p to ry in co m m an d s and prohibitions.
Janganlah bising. Please d o n o t m a k e a noise.
Pelantar yang m ana? Which p la tfo rm is it?
Yang corresponds to the English relative pron ouns who, w hich and
Di as preposition o f place
T uan dijangka tiba di Kuala L u m p u r lebih kurang jam tujuh suku
pagi. You are d u e to arrive in Kuala l.u m p u r at 7.15 a.m.
Di is a place preposition which may be translated by the w o r d s />? ovat.
Jangan sampai
Baik-baik tuan, jangan sampai tuan ketinggalan keretapi. B e careful
sir, d o n o t miss the train.
Saya akan b e rtu k a r keretapi lain kelak? Afust J change trains later?
Kelak: later^ in th e fu tu re , afterw ards appears more in the written
form than in conversation.
Jangka and jangkanya
T uan dijanka tiba di Kuala Lumpur. Y o u are e x p e c te d to arrive in
Kuala l.u m p u r.
jangka: to measure, assess, guess.
jangkanya: it is estim a ted t h a t . . .
Hampir and berham piran dengan
Hampir meaning near o r close to is usually followed by dengan as is
berham piran w ith the same meaning.
. . . te m p a t d u d u k berham piran dengan kereta b u f e : . . . a place situ ­
a ted close to the b u ffe t car.
L etak kan di atas and giving instructions/orders
Beg kecil ini letakkan di atas para-para barang. Place this sm all bag
on to p o f th e luggage rack.
There are m an y ways o f giving orders in Bahasa Malaysia.
The simplest way to do so is to use the verb w ith o u t any affixes,
pergi: go; buat ini: do this; pergi sana: g o there; Bawa barang itu ke
sini. Bring th a t thing here.
The negative d o n o t is form ed by placing jangan before the verb.
Jangan buat itu. DOn V d o it; Jangan beri dia. D o n V give him ; Jangan
m in u m . D o n 't d rin k; Jangan datang petang ini. Don*t co m e this
T o soften a c o m m an d , lah is used.
Pergilah. D o go away.
Marilah ke pejabat saya. D o com e to m y o ffice..
Janganlah lam bat. D o n 't he late.
It is politer still when the word baik is used with the verb. The negative
o f this would be baik jangan.
Baik aw ak baUk. Y o u 'd b e tte r go hom e.
Baik jangan buat kerja ini. Y o u ’d b e tte r n o t to d o this work.
Marilah kita
A friendly way of giving orders like the English com e on, let’s do such
a n d such is by using m arilah kita.
Marilah kita belajar Bahasa Malaysia. L e t's learn Bahasa Malaysia.
T he politest way o f giving orders is to use boleh which literally means
Boleh belikan saya rokok. Please b u y m e cigarettes.
Boleh awak datang esok. Can y o u please com e tom orrow .
Tak payah
Tak payah ; There is no need to.
It is a polite way o f telling o r asking som eone not to d o something.
T ak payah datang esok. There's no need (fo r y o u ) to co m e tom orrow .
Tak payah ke sana. There's no need (fo r y o u ) to go there.
P E L A J A R A N D U A P U L U H T U J U H ( 27)
B erlayar d e n g a n k a p a l d a n k a p a lte rb a n g .
Adjectives and adverbs
Words which qualify nouns, pronou ns and verbs are divided into tw o
groups, sifatnam a o r rupanam a; adjectives; sifatkata o r rupakata;
Cantik means b ea u tifu l and it is an adjective.
Adjectives are w ords w hich qualify a noun o r o th e r substantive e.g.
panjang: long, ta ll; baik: g o o d ; msLnts: sw eet.
In Bahasa Malaysia adjectival phrases may be form ed by attaching
affixes toVERBAL ROOTS.
Nasi berkuah: rice w ith gravy
Menyinga: like a lion
Pintu te r tu tu p : a closed d o o r
Dia kelaparan: he is starving
Besides adjectival roots, e.g. tua; old, m ud a: yo u n g , senang: easy,
there are INDEFINITE ADJECTIVES e.g. sem ua: all, lain: other,
beberapa: som e, ban y ak : m a n y, c u k u p : enough.
T here are also adjectives for expressing degrees o f com parison e.g.
lebih htsax. greater, besar sekali: th e greatest.
Adverbs are w ords which m odify a verb, adjective o r o th e r adverbs
e.g. lam bat:
s e l a l u b a r u : new etc.
B eiayar
B elayar pergi ke P e rth . Sail to Perth.
B eiayar m eans to sail and has the prefix be.
Salah and derivatives
Dalam salah sebuah kapal besar . . .
In o ne o f the big ships . . .
M any useful phrases have been formed by the use of the word salah.
salah adat: to infringe custo m ; salah kira: inaccurate calculations;
salah ambil: taken w rongly; salah bantal: to have a s t i f f n eck; apa
salahnya?: w ha t's wrong a b o u t it?: salah faham: m isunderstand;
orang salah: <he accused.
N am p a k n y a and impersonal expressions
N am pak nya kawasan kapal itu sangat besar. It appears that the area
o f th e ship is very great.
O ut o f politeness Malays o fte n use impersonal expressions in the
w ritten and spoken language to avoid asserting a personal opinion.
These expressions are placed at the beginning o r at the end o f a
sentence, n a m p a k n y a /k h a b a rn y a /ru p a n y a : apparently, according to
reports, it appears that; agaknya/rasanya: a p p a ren tly.
B ahawa/bahw a
Tuan R ah m an b erk ata bahaw a dia pergi ke Singapura.
Mr. R ah m a n said th a t he w o uld go to Singapore.
The word bahawa is being used now adays with increasing frequency:
and in direct and indirect speech is the equivalent o f the English c o n ­
ju n c tio n that. T he original meanings o f bahawa are the fa c ts are, the
tru th is and thus.
Betapa ca n tik n y a kapal itu. H ow p r e tty the ship is. Betapa is a
sy n o n y m for bagaimana.
Manakala dilihat daripadi jeti. When it is seen fr o m the je tty .
m anakala: w hen, whenever.
P E L A J A R A N D U A P U L U H L AP AN ( 28)
Ber l ayar me n a i k i kapal
The suffix *i*
Beriayar menaiki kapal: To travel by ship
T he suffix i like the suffix kan is o ften used to form transitive verbs
from o th e r parts o f speech. The suffix i is not used as freely as kan
to form new words. Most o f the verbs using this suffix are now recog­
nised as fixed, in d e p en d e n t words. Usually the suffix i implies that
the action den o ted by the verb takes place in, on, or near the thing
(or person) denoted by the direct object. For exam ple, from the intran­
sitive verb naik: to go up, we get the corresponding transitive form
m enaiki which also means to go up but it m ust take an object, e.g.
menaiki kapal. At times the suffix i is different in meaning from kan
b u t often there is no difference.
T h e su ffix i c a n c h a n g e NOUNS, ADJECTIVES and INTRANSITIVE
D udukilah kerusi itu. 5/7 o n the chair.
Dia kirim surat menerusi pos. He despatched the letter through the
A hm ad m em b aiki rum ahnya. A h m a d repairs his house.
Ibu saya m enyusui adik perem p u an saya. M y m o th e r fe e d s m y
y o u n g e r sister w ith milk.
Kalau anda h en d ak berlayar . . . I f y o u w a n t to s a i l . . .
Anda is an Indonesian word for y o u . Its use is now c o m m o n and it is
c o n s id e r e d p o l i t e r t h a n awak.
Sekiranya anda h e n d a k berlayar. In case y o u w a n t to sail.
Sekiranya is derived from the root word kira and means: i f b y chance,
in case.
Membeli tiket dan juga , . . To b u y a tic k e t a nd also . . .
Juga m ay be used in the following ways:
(a) T o express exactness.
Hari ini juga saya pergi. I ’ll go this very day.
(b) T o indicate a non-com m ittal answer or be indefinite.
Sukakah awak m em baca b u k u ini? Would y o u like to read this
Suka juga. / suppose so,
(c) T o indicate a comparison.
Bapanya m enasihatkan dia« tetapi dia begitu juga. His fa th e r
advised him , b u t he is ju s t the same.
(d) T o indicate only one particular thing.
Apa juga d ik a ta k a n kapadanya. ia tid ak m ahu ikut. N o m a tte r
w hat is said, he does n o t wish to obey.
Jika saya merasa pen at. saya d u d u k di dalam bilik . . . I f I fe e l tired,
I will sit in th e ro o m . . .
The Bahasa Malaysia term s for preposition and co n ju n c tio n are:
p reposition: sendinama; co n ju n ctio n : sendikata.
Some prepositions are di: at, kepada: to and daripada: fro m .
R um ah saya di tepi laut. M y house is b y the sea.
Saya m em beri b u k u itu kepada dia. I have the b o o k f o r him.
Buah-buahan itu di beli daripada mereka. The fr u its were b o u g h t
fr o m them .
Here are som e o f the m ost frequently used conjunctions:
atau: or, jika: i f bahawa; that, supaya; so that, sebab; because, e.g.
Saya atau dia awak panggil? A re y o u calling m e or him ?
Hai! Saya tidak p e m a h berlayar menaiki kapal. H u h ! I have never
sailed in a ship.
Seruan is the word for exclam ations and interjections. T hey express
em otions such as sadness, fear, jo y and regret. Exam ples from Bahasa
Malaysia include aduh, wah, cheh , am boi, ayohai, hai, ha, ah and
nah. The following exclam ations are derived from Arabic and o th e r
sources: celaka, bangsat, Allah mak etc.
Akan and bahwa
Kami di beri tahu bahw a kapal akan him pit di pangkalan. We were
to ld th a t the ship will go alongside th e pier.
Akan is at tim es used to single o u t the subject o f a PASSIVE V tR B .
Bahwa m eans th a t (see n o te 333 Bahaw a/bahw a). Dituliskan oleh
Kassim akan butir-butir itu. Kassim w ro te o u t the details.
Akan can also be used like u n tu k to introduce a clause expressing
Minah pergi ke kedai u n t u k membeli garam. Minah w e n t to th e shop
to b u y salt.
P E L A JA R A N D U A P U L U H S E M B IL A N (2 9 )
Di pusat bandar Kuala Lumpur
Kecuali and m elainkan
Berbagai-bagai jenis barang kecuali barang-barang m asakan . . . M any
kin d s o f things e x c e p t c o o k e d fo o d . . .
Kecuali is a co n ju n c tio n which m eans except. The following expres­
sions illustrate its usage:
tidak berkecuali: w ith o u t e x c e p tio n ; m engecualikan; to treat as an
excep tio n, exclude; negara-negara b erk ecu a h ; non-aligned nations.
Melainkan also m eans e x c e p t, e.g. melainkan dia: e x c e p t h im .
The suffix ‘a n ’
Minuman dan m akanan. D rinks and fo o d .
Here the suffix an indicates that there is a variety o f drinks and food
and in each case converts a verb in to a collective noun.
Dan and tetapi
Dan and tetapi: b u t are co-ordinating conjunctions. T etapi is less used
in Bahasa Malaysia th an in English. It is frequently o m itted as in the
following exam ple: Saya pukul, tak kena juga. / hit him b u t missed.
Dan also is frequently o m itted where in English w'e would use the
word and e.g. pergi mari: going and com ing; bolak balik: backw ards
and forw ards: pergi m e n d a p a t: go and get. Alternative w ords such as
lalu, serta and langsong are used to join sentences.
C onjunctions
Here is a list of subordinating co njunctio ns for reference. Many o f
them are used only in the w ritten form or in formal speeches,
sebab ( o r oleh seb ab)/kerana (or jikalau tidak: i f not, unless
oleh kerana)/fasal (or pasal): seperti/seum pam a/seolah-olah:
as, as if, like
hingga/sehingga/sampai: u ntil
w alaupun/soingguhpun/tetapi:
sebelum : before
even i f even though
lepas/sudah/setelah ( o r telah):
sedangkan/m eskipun: although
a fter
supaya: so that
bila-bila/bila masa: w henever
bahkan: in fa c t
sem en tara/sedang/ten gah: while
m aka/p ula: then
serta/dem i/setelah: as soon as, supaya jangan: in order that . . .
w hen
riot, lest
asalkan (colloquially asal);
nescaya: m a y be, it is m o s t
provided th a t
dengan sharat: on co n d itio n
ta k u t / t a k u t kalau: fo r fe a r that,
bila (used in questions)/apabila lest
(as a co n ju n ctio n o n ly )/a p ak a la
semoga: it is hoped, m ay
(as a conjunction o n ly )/ta tk a la
kalau-kalau: fo r fe a r that
(as a conjun ction only o f past
selagi/selama: as long as, during
tim e) w hen
th e tim e that
jikalau/jika/kalau: if, w h e th e r
Here is a list o f co-ordinating conjunctions,
dan/lagi/serta/seraya/sam bil: and
akan te ta p i/te ta p i: but
atau: or
sam aada . . . atau: e i t h e r . . . or
Selain dari te m p at ini ada lagi beberapa b u a h pusat . . . O ther than
this place, there are several o th e r centres . . .
N orm ally lagi is used to separate tw o attributive adjectives, e.g.
gam bar yang elok lagi besar: a fin e large picture.
Lagi is also a co-ordinating co n ju n c tio n to m ean a nd o r m oreover,
e.g. tinggi lagi besar: tall a nd thin.
Repetition of words - sedap
S ed ap-sedap: delicious is a rep>etitive w ord which is used to stress
Kakilima and derivatives o f kaki
Kakilima: p avem ent. T he following phrases are form ed with th e
word kaki.
kaki judi: a h abitual gambler; kaki p e re m p u an : a womaniser; kaki
b otol: a h a bitual drinker; kaki ayam : so m eo n e w ith o u t shoes; kaki
tangan: assistants, staff.
P E L A JA R A N T IG A P U L U H (3 0 )
Bertanya arah jalan
Arah and derivatives
Arah ke Jalan M o u n tb atten . Towards Jalan M o u n tb a tten .
Arah also m eans direction or course. From this word we get pengarah:
a director and arahan: guidance, directions.
Sudah te n tu boleh: Certainly, o f course
This is a c o m m o n phrase and is used in the spoken language in reply
to a question.
Ik u t and derivatives
Tuan ikut jalan ini . . . (Sir, y o u ) fo llo w this road . . .
A sy nonym o f ikut is turut. Some c o m m o n phrases formed from
ikut are: ikut angin: to accept p u b lic o p in io n (fo llo w th e wind); ikut
suka: o n e's wishes; seperti berik u t: as fo llo w s; m engikuti: to partici­
pate; m engikut jejak: to fo llo w th e exa m p le o f a predecessor.
Ya and c o m m o n interjections
Ya! is used for expressing agreement (m engakan: to agree).
Ah! is used for expressing dislike, disagreement.
Oh! is used for expressing disapp ointm ent.
Hai! is used for calling a tte n tio n to som ething o r for expressing joy,
w o n d er or interrogation.
A duh! is used for expressing pain o r pity. Also aduhai! for sorrow.
Masakan! is used fo r expressing d o u b t.
Celaka! is used for expressing irritation or dissatisfaction.
Wah! is used for expressing surprise, astonishm ent o r fear.
Kasihan! and Sayang! are used for expressing regret and pity.
Nah! is used in giving (Here, take this!)
Amboi! is used for expressing surprise.
Cis! is used for expressing hatred.
Allah mak! is used for expressing regret o r w hen one has forgo tten
Ja u h n y a
lebih-kurang su k u b atu j a u h n y a : a b o u t (a distance o f) a quarter o f a
Notice this co n stru c tio n in the sentence.
K em udian and Jangan
Tuan jalan lagi lebih-kurang suku b a tu ja u h n y a , kem udian belok ke
kiri. Go o n a b o u t (a distance o f) a quarter o f a mile, then bear left.
K em udian means a fter ox afterw ards but o ften , as in this exam ple, it
is more translatable as th en or next.
tetapi jangan berdiri di tangga. b u t d o n ’t stand o n th e steps.
N ote supaya jangan means lest.
P E L A JA R A N T IG A P U L U H SA TU (31)
Melawat ke Kuala Lumpur
Iaitu and ialah
Iaitu and ialah are apt to becom e confused b u t: Kuala L um pur ialah
ibu Negeri Selangor. Kuala L u m p u r is the capital o f the S ta te o f
Selangor. Ialah may be rendered by any o f the following verbs
ap propriate to the c o n te x t: is, are, was, were. Iaitu is a different
word th a t means: w hich are, th a t is, as, Le. In this lesson: Di sini
terd ap at dua buah stadiu m , iaitu Stadium Merdeka, dan Stadium
Negara. In English this could read: Tw o stadium s w hich are
Sta d iu m M erdeka and S ta d iu m Negara, or tw o stadium s i.e.
S ta d iu m M erdeka a nd Stad iu m Negara, o r tw o stadium s S ta d iu m
M erdeka and S ta d iu m Negara.
Kain berguna kepada orang, iaitu dijadikan pakaian. C loth is u sefu l
to people, (th a t is) as it can be m ade into clothes, or (n a m ely) it can
be m ade . . .
Negara and negeri
Negara: nation; negeri: state.
Negarawan : statesm an.
Bandar, p ek an , k o ta
Bandar Kuala L u m p u r: Kuala L u m p u r tow n.
The synonym for b a n d ar is k o ta: fo r t o r pekan. bandaraya: city;
p erb an d aran : to w n council.
Baru, baharu
Baru is also spelt baharu. The syllable ha is often o m itte d in conver­
sation and in formal language. N owadays the use o f baru is m ore
co m m on.
The prefix ‘p e ’
Pelancung-pelancung: visitors.
Many nouns are form ed by adding the prefix pe to verbs and adjec­
tives. T he prefix pe brings a b o u t the same consonan tal changes to
the root word as the prefix me.
This prefix may be used in the following ways:(i) When the root word is a verb, pe denotes:
(a) the perform er o f the action,
lari: run
pelari: runner
tulis: write
penuiis: writer
(b) th e means by which an action is perform ed. In this case
the root word m ay also be a noun.
hapus: eradicate
penghapus: eradicator
garis: line
penggaris: ruler
(ii) When the root w ord is a noun, pe d en o tes the person w ho works
o r lives at the place indicated in the root w ord, e.g.
laut: sea
pelaut: seaman
kebun: garden
p e k eb u n : gardener
(iii) When the ro o t word is an adjective, pe denotes:
(a) a person having a quality (o fte n an abstract quality),
malas: lazy
pemalas: o n e w h o is lazy
(b ) w hat causes a person o r a n o th e r thing to have the q u a h ty
indicated in the root word.
rosak: spoilt
perosak: destroyer, destructive agent
s a k i t: sick o r ill
p e n y a k it: disease
P E L A J A R A N T I G A P U L U H DUA ( 32)
Bijih timah
Salah satu (salah sebuah)
Malaysia iaiah salah sebuah negeri pengekspot bijih timah. Malaysia
is o n e o f the tin e xp o rtin g countries.
Salah satu means o ne o f and has the same meaning as salah seorang.
However, salah seorang qualifies a PERSON while salah sebuah is gen­
erally used w ith THINGS as in the above c o n te x t (according to the
correct classifier for the noun).
Dengan m enggunakan
Timah dikorek dengan m enggunakan tiga cara. Tin is m in e d b y the
use o f three m etho ds.
m enggunakan: to use.
Pancutan, the prefix ‘p e ' and suffix *an’
Puncutan air: water hose
Besides the prefix pe, a great n u m b e r o f nouns are form ed by adding
the suffix an to th e root word. Nouns can also be form ed by the
sim ultaneous use o f the prefix pe and the suffix an especially with
abstract nouns o r nouns indicating place.
te m u : to m eet
p e rte m u a n : m eeting
terbit: to publish p e n erb itan : publication (of books)
The com b ination o f per + an Ls used instead o f pe + an when the root
word can take th e prefix ber.
b erjalan : to walk
p e rja la n a n ; jo u rn ey
b e r k u m p u l: to group
p e r k u m p u la n : gathering
Nouns are also form ed by the sim ultaneous use o f the prefix ke and
the suffix an as in the co m b in atio n ke + an. It should be noted that
ke does not bring about any initial letter changes to the root word as
with the pe and me prefixes.
The co m binatio n o f ke + an makes:
(a) abstract nouns.
b o d o h : stu p id
k e b o d o h an : stu p id ity
curang: d ishonest
kecurangan: d ish o n esty
(b ) nouns indicating places.
diam : stay
kediam an: residence
raja: king
keraiaan: g o vern m en t
T here are only three n oun s with the prefix ke, i.e. ketua: head,
kehendak: wish, and kekasih: lover.
T he suffixes ‘m an ', *wan' and *wati*
There are o th e r rare nouns which use the suffixes man, wan and wati.
T hey d e n o te persons having the quality indicated in the root word.
Man and wan are used for masculine and wa(i for feminine. A few
examples are given below:
harta: wealth
hartaw an: a w ealthy man
sen'i: art
seniman: an artiste (seniwati: a fem ale
peraga: a sh o w y person
peragawati: a m odel, m annequin
This is an exam ple o f taking an English word and changing it into
one in Bahasa Malaysia. T he English word process becom es phonicaily
proses and then, to tu rn it in to a transitive verb, the m e(m ) prefix is
added. It may not be attractive, but it is at least a practical solution
to m anufacturing a new word.
P E L A J A R A N T I G A P U L U H TI GA ( 33)
Di pusat m em beli-belah
Pusat and derivatives
Pusat membeli-belah: S h o p p in g centre.
Literally pusat means the nayel bu t in this c o n te x t it means a centre
or an in stitu te cf.
pusat belia: y o u th centre: pusat kesihatan: a health centre: pusat
latihan: training centre: pusat pengajian: an in stitu te o f higher
learning: pusat perusahaan: an industrial centre.
Membeli-belah and repetitive w ords
Membeli-belah means shopping o r literally b u yin g things.
T he slight change to the second w ord comes a b o u t through usage.
Such com binations should be n oted when seen or heard. O ther
exam ples include:
hina dina: c o m m o n people, sanak-saudara: relatives, ulang alik: to
a nd fro, gunung-ganang: m ounta in o us, koyak-rabak: torn and tattered.
Pun and pula
K em udian kami pun membeli-belah. N e x t we w e n t shopping.
Here p u n emphasises the subject kami. (See note 99.)
The word pula is also a balance word which may be rendered in
English by the w ords a t o , again and moreover.
C o m m o n uses o f pula:
It d en o tes repetition and com parison.
Mengapa pula dia tak datang hari ini? W hy has he n o t co m e today?
It show s a com parison which is c ontradicto ry .
Tadi kita m in u m kopi, sekarang m inum teh pula. J u s t n o w w e drank
co ffee, n o w w e are drinking tea.
W aktu saya sedang melihat-Iihat . . . While ! was w atching . . .
Generally sedang indicates the incompletive aspect (as in this example)
o f the verb that comes after it. Its synonym s are masih and ketika. It
also means m ed iu m in size and m oderate ox in d iffe re n t as in answer
to a question. Is it good, bad or in d ifferen t?
Forming adverbial phrases
T here is no adverbial term ination in Bahasa Malaysia (ly in English)
b u t there are ways o f form ing adverbial phrases.
T he basic word is usually a n o u n or an adjective. It is frequently
duplicated and com bined with either dengan, se or nya.
dengan sebaik-baiknya: p erfectly, we//, dengan sia-sia: in vain; dengan
secukup-cukupnya: sufficiently; dengan sebenarnya: actually;
selam bat-lam batnya: at th e very latest; dengan secepat m ungkin: as
q u ic k ly as possible; dengan m u d a h n y a : easily; dengan segaranya:
im m ed ia tely ; rupa-rupanya: seem ingly.
Lebih-kurang, kira-kira. agaknya
Lebih-kurang: about, a p p ro xim a te ly is used m ore in conversation
th an in writing. T he sy n o n y m s are kira-kira and agaknya. The
a n to n y m is tepat.
T a h u n and derivatives
T ah u n : y ea r o r period o f tw elve m o n th s
ta h u n baru: new year; ta h u n hadapan: n e x t year; ta h u n panjang: a
long year.
Dari satu . . . kesatu lain
Saya melihat-Iihat dari satu bahagian ke satu bahagian Uin. I lo o k e d
fr o m o n e asso rtm ent to another.
Sudah lam a tidak . . .
Saya sudah lama tidak m enem uinya. It was (is) a long tim e since I
m e t him (her). Notice th e constnaction which runs literally, a long
tim e I have n o t m e t him.
P E L A J A R A N T I G A P U L U H EMPAT ( 3 4 )
Me mbel i - bel ah
Biarlah saya lihat sendiri. A llo w m e to see (for) m y s e lf
In this co n tex t sendiri is used to strengthen the subject like the
English reflexive p ro n o u n , m yself, h im s e lf
Sendiri can also be used to express possession.
Kita h endak pergi dengan kereta sendiri. We are going in o u r o w n car.
dengan sendirinya: on its o w n accord, autom atically.
Tingkap itu terb u k a dengan sendirinya. The w in d o w o p en e d o f its
o w n accord.
Barang-barang and repetitio n o f words
Barang-barang means g o o d s or articles. R epetition o f a root word
m ay either be com p lete repetition o r partial. In co m plete repetition,
th e whole word o r the stem is repeated. In partial repetition only the
first syllable o f the word is repeated. C om p lete repetition o f w ords
usually indicates plurality, intensity o r c o n tin u ity . It may occur with
nouns, verbs or adjectives. (See note 348.)
Baiklah, saya akan membelinya. A ll right, I will b u y it.
Baiklah means all right and can also be a good translation for O.K.
Notice the use o f akan indicating intention.
Saya m ah u
a synonym
E c o n o m y in use of w ords
In villages y o u will find th a t the Malays econom ise with words, e.g.
in this lesson:
kulit atau plastik? leather or plastic?
Biar saya lihat sendiri. The literal translation is: A llo w m e see s e lf
A lthough verbs can be derived by a system o f affixation through the
use o f di, me, ber, pe, ter, kan and i, we have already com e across
verbs w ith o u t affixes. Words with affixes are used far m ore frequently
in the w ritten language th a n in day-to-day conversations.
beg sederhana besarnya. / w a n t a m ed iu m sized bag.
m oderate, average, m ed iu m , sim ple is in many instances
for sedang.
SUa, silakan
Sila ikut saya. Please fo llo w me. Sila: please is a politer word than
marilah o r tolong. The use o f this word suggests hum ility and a help­
ful nature. Silakan puan. Please do m adam. Silakan, silalah, silakanlah
can all be used to m ean please o r indicate a polite request.
P E L A J A R A N T I G A P U L U H LI MA ( 35)
Tukang jahit baju
Tadi and idiomatic expressions
Pagi tadi: this m orning: tadi: ju st now , recently, past. It would be
wrong if no m en tio n were m ade o f the Malay habit o f using indirect
allusive phrases, idiom atic expressions, maxims, m etaphors, similes
and proverbs. Colourful speech is c o m m o n with the older generation
o f Malays w ho much appreciate the stu d e n t w ho can q u o te a proverb
on the a p p ro p ria te occasion.
There are a nu m b er o f idiomatic expressions centring aroun d the
word hati, e.g.
ada hati: to have an in ten tio n : besar hati: p ro u d of: sakit hati: jealous
of: senang hati: happy.
Proverbs, m etap h o rs and maxims are used widely in letters, news­
papers and essays. Picturesque phrases o f this nature em b o d y the
spirit o f the language and every effort should be m ade to use them .
Malay equivalents for proverbs, similes, m etaphors, and idiomatic
expressions are given below.
proverbs: peribahasa; idiom atic expression: simpulan bahasa;
and m etaphors: peru m p am aan yang m em akai perbandingziw sayings:
kata orang tua-tua; aphorism s: bidalan o r p em ata h ; colloquialism :
There are m any idiomatic expressions consisting o f tw o words. The
beginner is often at a loss as their meanings are seldom given in a
dictionary. Some o f the c o m m o n ones are given below:
b u ta huruf: illiterate: telinga nipis: sensitive: cepat tangan: given to
stealing: cakap angin: rum our: keras kepala: obstinate: kaki judi:
habitual gambler; gila urat: a flirt; kaki b o to l: a habitual drinker;
panjang tangan: given to stealing; tahi lalat: a m ole; m akan gaji:
w ork f o r wages: manis m u lu t: gen tle talk; nyawa ikan: at th e p o in t
o f death; a n a k d ara: a virgin, spinster; anak tin: a step-child.
Terpaksa and the Bahasa Malaysia verb
Saya terpaksa menunggu hingga tahun hadapan. / have to wait till
n e x t year.
terpaksa: to have to.
(a) Person and N um ber
In Bahasa Malaysia, the verb does not change in form to indicate
person o r num ber.
Kassim m akan roti. Kassim eats bread, (third person singular)
Saya m akan kuih. / am eating cakes, (first person singular)
Budak-budak itu m ak an nasi. The children are eating rice, (third
person plural)
(b) Mood
There is no change in the form o f the verb to show a change of
m ood.
E m ak nya datang. His m o th e r came, (indicative)
Sungguhpun ia datang. A lth o u g h he came, (possible subjunctive)
Biar ia datang. L e t h im com e, (imperative)
(c) Tense
The Bahasa Malaysia verbs can be in any tense.
Dia pergi: He goes o r is going, he w e n t o r was going; he will go.
Tense can be indicated by one o f a n u m b e r o f w ords which act
as auxiliaries.
T o show Present Tense
sedang/m asih/tengah: still, is
T o show Past Tense
telah: has; sudah: have; habis: had
T o show Future Time
k e la k /n a n ti/h e n d a k /a k a n /m a h u : shall, will
(d ) Voice
In the Bahasa Malaysia verb, there is som etim es no clear distinc­
tion betw een the active voice and the passive voice. The simple
root form o f the verb is m ore o fte n active th an passive.
Ali m enendang bola. AH kicks th e ball.
T he passive is used in writing (and som etim es in the spoken
language) by th e use o f di prefixed to the simple root form o f
the verb.
Bola ditendang oleh Ali. The ball was k ic k e d b y Ali.
T he idiomatic passive form w ith di appears frequently in narra­
tive literary passages and often in conversation and should be
translated into English as the active voice. This sounds confusing
b u t here are examples:
D itu tu p n y a pin tu itu. H e sh u t the door. Diambilnya suratkhabar. H e p ic k e d up a newspaper. Diagakkan orang, Langkasuka tertletak di sebelah utara. People th o u g h t Langkasuka
was in th e north.
Saya akan datang dalam masa dua minggu lagi
I shall c o m e in tw o w eeks*tim e. (Literally, w tim e tw o w e e k s ’ more).
U n tu k m encub a baju itu . . . F or trying o n the s h i r t . . .
It is reiterated that in Bahasa Malaysia there is no article equivalent
to the English the o r a. T o indicate a definite object the d e m o n s tra ­
tives ini: this and itu: th e or that are used.
Beg tangan yang dibelinya. The handbag which was bought.
Basically nya is a p ro n o u n for ia or dia and may be used for expres­
sing the plural as well. It may therefore stand iox he, she, it ox th ey
o r any forms o f those English words.
(a) Nya m ay be used for expressing the possessive p ro n o u n meaning
his, her, its or their.
Lim dan Ahmad m em baca b u k u m ereka b u k u n y a. L im and
A h m a d read their books.
T ony sedang menulis surat kepada ayahnya. T o n y is writing a
letter to his father.
(b ) Nya m ay also be the object o f a verb.
Tadi saya m elihatnya di pasar. J u s t n o w I saw him (or Лег ox th e m )
in the market.
(c) Nya is often added to o th e r p arts o f speech, especially to verbs
o r adjectives to form a kind o f n o u n (abstract o r verbal).
Besarnya rum ah itu! What a big house it is!
(d) Nya is used in constructions such as the following exam ple where
th e o rd er o f the w ords appears to be reversed.
R um ah ini w arnanya hitam . This house is black (in colour). (L it­
erally: H ouse this co lo u r its (is) black.)
(e) Nya is used in the same way as the.
Semua te ta m u n y a akan d u d u k di situ. A ll the guests will be
seated there.
Selepas itu keretanya tiba, kam i pun naiklah. Then the car cam e
and w e g o t in.
Serba sedikit
akan m em b u at serba sedikit p e m b e tu la n : will carry o u t all sorts o f
im provem ents.
serba: all.
Tidak berjaya
tetapi tidak berjaya: b u t w ith o u t success.
P E L A J A R A N T I G A P U L U H ENAM ( 3 6 )
M enem pah baju baru
Warnanya terlalu m uda. The colour is to o light.
O th e r meanings o f m uda are yo u n g , e.g. orang m u d a : y o u n g person;
kelapa m uda: y o u n g (unripe) co co n u t; negara m uda: a new State;
malam masih m uda: th e night is still yo u n g .
N am paknya
Harga ini n am p ak n y a lebih daripada harga yang saya jangkakan. / /
appears th a t th e price is m ore than I expected.
T he sy no nym for n am p ak n y a is rupa-rupanya. N am pak by itself
means to see, beh o ld o r com e into view.
Terlalu and the prefix ‘te r ’
Jangan yang gelap dan tid ak pula terlalu cerah. N o t dark and also n o t
to o bright.
There are also adjectives form ed by th e prefix ter joined to verbal
roots. T h ey correspond to the English past participle. In Bahasa
Malaysia this co n stru c tio n is regarded as an adjective as it d en o tes a
tingkap te r tu tu p : closed w in d o w ; Pencuri itu tergantung: The th ie f
was hung.
The com parative and superlative degrees
There are a n u m b e r o f ways o f expressing th e com parative and the
superlative degrees. T he com parative degree m ay be dealt w ith in
tw o ways:
(a) by the arrangem ent o f words w hereby the things or persons
com pared are positioned one after the o th e r in antithesis. This
m eth o d is used in the spoken language.
Buku, kertas, mahal buku. The b o o k is m o re expensive than the
A hm ad, Mamat, p andi Mamat. B etw een A h m a d and Mamat,
Mam at is cleverer.
(b ) by the use o f lebih: m ore and daripada: than.
B u k u lebih mahal daripada kertas. A b o o k is m ore expensive
than paper.
Mamat lebih pandai daripada A hm ad. M am at is cleverer than
T h e superlative degree m ay be dealt with as follows:
(a) by the arrangem ent o f words and the op tio nal use o f yang for
Di antara b uku , pensel d a n pen, p e n yang paling mahal. O f b o o k,
p en cil a nd pen, p e n is th e m o st expensive.
Di antara A hm ad, Mamat. Ali. Ali yang paling pandai. O f A h m a d ,
Mamat, Ali, A li is the cleverest.
(b ) th e prefix ter can be used with certain adjectives.
besar: big; lebih besar: bigger; terbesar: biggest; baik: good; \th ih
baik: better; terbaik: best.
(c) by the use o f yang before the adjective and sekali after it.
yang besar sekali: th e biggest
yang pandai sekali: th e cleverest
yang mahal sekali: th e m o st expensive.
Equality o f degree may be expressed in tw o ways:
(a) by the arrangem ent o f words w ith th e repetition o f the adjective.
Kayu ini berat. seberat besi. The w o o d is as heavy as iron.
Binatang itu besar. sebesar kereta saya. The anim al is large, as
large as m y car.
(b ) b y the use o f se (or sama) with dengan.
Pagar rum ah dia setinggi p o k o k ini. The fe n c e o f his house is as
high as this tree.
A hm ad sam a tingginya dengan Mamat. A h m a d is as tall as Mamat.
A hm ad sama tingginya Mamat. A h m a d is as tall as Mamat.
Ascending and descending degrees
The words m akin . . . . m akin o r semakin . . . . semakin can be used.
Makan tua, makin kaya/Sem akin tua, semakin kaya. The older he
grows, th e richer he becom es.
Semakin malas, sem akin miskin. The lazier he grew, the p o o rer he
Makin lama, makin jahat. The o ld er he grew, the m ore m ischievous
he became.
Saiz is derived from the Enghsh word size and means the same. Do
not confuse it with sais which means a g room ox chauffeur.
The suffix ‘k a n ’. Making verbs from adjectives.
Notice the last b ut one sentence in this lesson and the use o f the suffix
kan. Kami akan pen d ek k an lebih kurang satu inci dan pinggangnya
akan dikecilkan sedikit. W e’ll shorten it a b o u t an inch and reduce
th e waist a little.
M em beli buku
C o m p o u n d verbs
(a) T he prefix o f a c o m p o u n d verb is attached to the first element,
m em babi-buta: to act blindly; berpegang tangan: to ho ld hands.
(b) The prefix o f a c o m p o u n d verb is attached to the first elem ent
and the suffix to the second.
menghancur-Ieburkan: to d estro y com pletely; m en y atu -p ad u k an :
to unite.
C o m p o u n d adjectives
(a) T he co m b in a tio n o f adjective and adjective. Both elem ents have
the same meaning and are p u t together to form a c o m p o u n d
lem ah-lem but: so ft a nd gentle; hancur-lebur: c o m p le tely d e ­
(b) The second elem ent qualifies the first.
hijau tua: dark green; merah ja m b u : p in k (guava red).
(c) A co m b in a tio n o f adjective and noun.
kaki judi: a habitual gam bler; senang hati: happy.
Pada masa ini: at this m o m e n t. O ther useful sy n o n y m s fo r masa
m clude te m p o h , saat, w aktu and ketika.
Seorang and useful indefinite p ro n o u n s
seorang: a person or so m eo n e
segala, sekalian: all
tiap-tiap: each
masing-masing: each on e
semua sekali: everyone
siapa-siapa: w hoever
apa-apa: w hatever
lain: a n o th er
Bangsa when used for people means race. When used w ith animals and
fishes it means species. Fo r o th e r things we use the w ords jenis or
macam, to translate k in d (species).
Ibu bapa
Ibu bapa means parents and it is a c o m p o u n d noun. C om p o u n d
nouns usually consist o f tw o different elements, b o th o f which are
for the most part root words. The tw o elem ents are som etim es joined
together; som etim es they are separate w ords as in English, e.g. bed­
ridden, prim e minister. C o m p o u n d nouns are the co m b in atio n of
NOUN + NOUN. Here are som e interesting examples.
(a) The elem ents are oppo site in meaning to one another,
siang-malam: night and day; tua-m uda: old and young.
(b) The elem ents o f similar species.
kerusi-meja: tables a nd chairs; sanak-saudara: relatives.
(c) T he first elem ent is an a ttrib u te o f the second,
lengan-baju: sleeve (arm o f shirt}; tali se p a tu /k a su t: shoe-lace.
(d) The co m b in atio n o f n o u n + adjective.
The second elem ent qualifies the first.
orang tua: parent; orang rum ah: wife; anak emas: fa vo u rite child
(golden child).
(e) T he co m b in atio n o f n o u n + verb.
The second elem ent d en o tes the use or purpose o f the first,
kertas tulis: writing paper; meja m akan : dining table.
Yang m an a
Yang m an a tuan fikir bagus: which y o u th in k are good; yang mana:
w hich, where, how ; bagas: g o o d o r fine.
Buku ini ada berm acam -m acam . These b o o k s are o f assorted kinds.
Buku ini sebagai bacaan. This b o o k , like reading.
sebagai: as i f like (in the co n te x t o f this lesson: for).
Nobel, teks» sistem.
Nobel teks and sistem are derived from the English w ords novel,
te x ts and system .
Sekarang saya dap at menguasai Bahasa Malaysia. N o w / k n o w h o w
to use Bahasa Malaysia.
Menguasai is built up from kuasa meaning power, strength, ability to
d o som ething.
Dapat has a variety o f meanings: to be able, k n o w h o w to, com e
across, fin d , receive, etc., according to con text.
P E L A JA R A N T IG A P U L U H LA PA N (3 8 )
Tukang gunting dan pendanda n r ambut
Tua, m u d a
Tua atau m ud a
y o u n g or old. Tua-m uda m ta n s y o u n g a nd old.
In Bahasa Malaysia it is incorrect to say muda-tua. Similarly, for dress
we say seluar-baju and not baju seluar; for clothing: kain baju and not
baju kain.
N ote the difference in meaning betw een the following pairs o f words:
tua: old
tu ah : lu c k y
paya: sw am p
payah: d iffic u lt
sawa: p y th o n
sawah: rice fie ld
raja: king
rajah: plan, diagram.
M em erlukan: necessary. The prefix me and th e suffix kan have been
used to form a transitive verb. Transitive verbs are also formed from
verbs with the prefix me and the suffix i. The following uses may be
(a) (i) When the root word is a verb, the co m b in atio n o f m e and i
shows the o ccu pation o f a seat, a place o r a position;
K om unis telah m e n d u d u k i kam pung ini. The C o m m u n ists
have o ccup ied th e village.
(ii) repetition o f an action.
Suri m enendangi kucingnya. S u ri k ic k e d her cat.
(b) (i) When the root word is a noun, m e and i d e n o te the disposal
o f the thing indicated in the root word:
Em ak menyisiki ikan dengan pisau. M o th e r d e g u tte d (to o k
th e inside fr o m ) th e fish w ith a knife.
(ii) the provision o f the thing indicated in th e root word.
Buruh itu menggentingi atap. The labourer is laying tiles on
th e roof.
Lelaki atau p erem p u an
lelaki atau perem puan: lady ox gentlem an BUT in Bahasa Malaysia
gentlem an comes first. Similarly speeches open w ith Tuan-tuan.
Encik-encik, Puan-puan, i.e. addressing m en first. See n o te 63.
Diri, sendiri
Mereka yang tidak b e rc u k u r sendiri. Those w h o d o n 't sham e th e m ­
As explained eariier sendiri is used to strengthen the subject as in the
English non-reflexive, m y s e l f h im s e lf etc.
Diri is used in the reflexive form and may be used for any person or
num ber. It may, therefore, have a n u m b e r o f alternative translations.
Ah Chong telah m e m b u n u h diri. A h C hong has killed h im s e lf
If it is for any reason im p o rta n t to distinguish a pereon, th e n the suf­
fixed short forms o f the personal p ro n o u n s m ay be added, thus:
dirimu: y o u r s e lf ox yourselves; dmVw: m y s e lf;d \n i\y a \ h im s e lf h e rse lf
o n e se lf o r themselves.
la telah m e m b u n u h dirinya. He has killed h im s e lf
Aku tidak akan m en y erah k an diriku. / will n o t surrender (m y person).
Menggunakan alat pencukur. Use a razor.
Alat is a useful w ord meaning instru m en t, or piece o f eq u ip m en t.
Membuang masa: to " th r o w a w a y " tim e. i.e. waste.
This is the idiomatic expression in use although there is a verb,
m em bazirkan: to waste. The example below will give you an idea o f
its use.
Jangan m em bazirkan air. D o n ’t waste water.
P E L A J A R A N T I G A P U L U H S E MB I L AN ( 3 9 )
Di kedai gunting
Bergunting dan b e rc u k u r
Saya hendak bergunting d a n bercukur. / w ou ld like a haircut and shave.
The use o f ber here in the reflexive sense o f to be w ith haircut and
shave avoids a clumsy sentence co n stru ctio n using the di prefix or
the me prefix where th e literal translation would be / w ou ld like to
have m y hair c u t a nd be shaved b y y o u or I w ou ld like y o u to cut
m y hair and shave me.
The p r e f i x ‘di*
Dicuci dengan syam po . Is cleaned w ith sham poo.
The passive di with the simple root form o f the verb may be used.
The d o er o f th e action in th e sentence (the agent) is less im p o rtan t
than the action that is stressed. The agent is therefore placed after
the verb. Should the agent be a third person p ro n o u n (/i/m, her, th e m )
it is rendered as nya after the verb. T he preposition oleh is used for
expressing the word by. It is placed after the verb and before the
agent as show n in the following examples:
Ali dipereksa oleh d o k t o r gigi. A li was treated b y th e dentist.
Ayam itu dibu n u h oleh Ahmad. The chicken was killed by A hm ad.
However, in dicuci dengan syam po: is cleaned w ith sh a m p oo the
agent is not a person b u t sham poo and the word dengan: w/f/i is used.
Jangan terlalu pendek. D o n ’t (cut it) to o short.
Jangan is normally used o n its own, e.g. Jangan: D o n ’t (do n o t d o it)
o r with a n o th e r verb, b u t no t with an adjective o r adverb. In this
c o n te x t th e w ord gunting is u nderstood.
Hendak gunting
Tuan hendak gunting pendekkah atau sedikit sahaja. Would y o u like
it short or ju s t a little (o ff)?
The word gunting means scissors and is a n o u n and as an active verb
to cut so m eth in g w ith scissors would be menggunting.
Hendak: w ant can also be used to indicate the future tense. Although
m ahu also means to want, it does not indicate the future tense, e.g.
Saya m ahu melawat Perak. / w ant to visit Perak.
Bila-bila and time.
Bolehlah dia datang bila-bila masa. S he can com e a ny time.
Waktu, masa, jam , kala, all refer to tim e b u t they can be used in
different ways.
(a) Waktu: a b r ie f period e.g. Waktu dia m andi cu m a enam minit
(b) Masa (tim e longer than a brief period), e.g. Sekarang masa rehat.
N o w it is break time.
(c) Jam : h o u r e.g. Dia ada di sini selama tiga jam.
Saya harap berhati-hati sedikit. I hope y o u will be a little careful.
berhati-hati: careful, cautious o r wary.
Wanita. w om an, fe m a le is a sy n onym for orang p erem puan, b u t is
possibly m ore polite and literary. Hence kew anitaan: w om anhood.
P E L A JA R A N E M P A T P U L U H (40)
Buah-buahan Malaysia
Seperti and sebagai
Buah-buahan seperti durian: Fruit(s) like durians
Seperti: like, as if, according to
Malays are fond o f using m etapho rs and similes in th eir daily conver­
sations and writing. These expressions often begin w ith w ords such
as seperti, sebagai. seum pam a and m acam . e.g.
(a) seperti cincin dengan p e r m a ta : as fittin g as th e je w e l a n d th e ring
encasing it, i.e. when referring to a couple w ho m atch each o th e r
in appearance.
(b) seperti api dalam sekam: like sm ouldering rice husk, i.e. when
referring to som ething burning slowly and u n n oticed, o r o f
smouldering anger.
(c) seperti isi dengan k u ku: as th e flesh a nd th e nail, i.e. closely
(d) seperti rusa masuk kampung: like a deer entering a village, i.e. a
person in a new experience.
(e) seperti si b u ta baru celik: like a blind person regaining sight, i.e.
a person w ho has just obtained untold wealth.
(f) sebagai anjing dengan kucing: like a cat and a dog, i.e. tw o people
w ho ca n n o t agree.
Some proverbs and maxims
A m ong the older generation proverbs and maxims are m uch used and
appreciated in Malaysia. Some o f them are very easy to learn (and
apt), e.g. Buang garam ke dalam laut: T h ro w salt in to the sea, which
is the Malay equivalent o f Taking coals to N ew castle o r Throwing
pearls before swine. Sedikit-sedikit jadi b u k it: L ittle (by) little b e­
com es a m ountain.
Here are one or tw o more:
(a) Besar periu k besar keraknya: th e bigger th e p o t, th e greater th e
crust (sticking to it), i.e. the greater the incom e, the greater the
(b) Nasi sudah menjadi b u b u r: th e rice has b ec o m e porridge, i.e. a
m istake that ca n n o t be rectified.
(c) Diberi betis hendak paha; give a c a lf ( o f y o u r leg) and w ant a
thigh, i.e. give an inch and w ant an ell.
(d) Bahasa m en u n ju k k an bengsa: m anners sh o w breeding, i.e. o ne is
judged b y o n e's behaviour.
(e) L em bu p u n y a susu sapi punya nam a: it's the cow 's m ilk b u t the
sapi g ets the name, i.e. a person getting praise f o r so m eo n e else's
In Bahasa Malaysia g/iee is m inyak sapi: c o w B u t it is not referred
to as m inyak lembu (lem bu being the word m ore in use for cow ).
Hence the proverb.
Saya berpeluang dapat m akan durian. / h a d jto o k the o p p o r tu n ity to
eat durians.
Peluang; o p p o r tu n ity o r chance, and berpeluang: to have)take the
o p p o rtu n ity .
See N ote 413.
Malaysian fruits
Some o f th e fruits m en tio n ed in this lesson are strange to Westerners,
e.g. durian, ram b u tan , langsat, manggis and cem pedak. Some o f these
are canned and e x p o rted as exotic fruit and are qu ite costly. But, if
you are in Malaysia do not miss the o p p o rtu n ity o f visiting the local
o p e n m arkets and tasting (and identifying) the fruits for yourself.
Ke negeri-negeri tersebut: To th e countries m e n tio n e d (before).
The root o f the word is sebut: to speak, say o r m ention. T he ter
indicates com p leted action.
P E L A J A R A N E M P A T P U L U H S A T U ( 41)
K ebanyakan kawan saya suka berm ain bolak sepak. M ost o f m y
frien ds like to play fo o tb a ll
K eban yakan: q u a n tity , m ajority, m ost, mainly.
The prefix si is freq u en tly attached to names to indicate familiarity.
It corresponds fairly well to the English words, the fellow . Here is an
exam ple which is applicable to the above:
Si Amin sangat suka berm ain bola sepak. That fe llo w A m in likes to
play soccer.
Si bo doh itu!: th a t silly fe llo w !
When attached to an adjective si forms a slightly c o n te m p tu o u s noun.
Si gem uk: the fa t one: si kurus: the s k in n y one.
At times si acts as the English the. Perkataan-perkataan ini diarahkan
kepada si pem bacha. These words are addressed to the reader. Si can
also refer to a person w ho possesses the thing denoted by the noun.
Mana si janggut itu?: W here’s the fe llo w w ith a beard?
Saya suka berm ain bola sepak tetapi saya lebih suka badm inton. I
to o like to play fo o tb a ll b u t prefer b a dm inton.
T he most c o m m o n word for b u t is tetapi. Colloquially we say tapi for
tetapi. Som etim es we use akan tetapi. This is a c o m m o n practice with
Indonesians. However, when b u t is used w ith a negative to d e n o te a
strong co ntrast, the usual construction is, b u k a n . , . m elainkan . . . e.g.
Bukan Muthu m elainkan Jo h n yang m e n u tu p tingkap itu. I t w asn't
M u th u b u t J o h n w ho closed the w indow .
Dia b u k a n ahli ubat m elainkan ahli kimia. He is n o t a pharm acist
b u t a chemist.
Dan, serta and sambil
Berenang dan tinju. S w im m in g a nd boxing.
As in English dan is a conjunction. At times dan and lalu are used
synonym ously. la m em buka b u ku nya lalu dibacanya. He o p en ed his
b o o k and read it. Serta is a n o th e r synonym for dan. Dia serta budak
itu pergi ke sana: He and th e b o y w en t there.
Sambil and lagi are often used instead o f dan if the c o n te x t perm its it.
Saya berjalan sambil m em baw a b e g ./ w alked and b rou g ht along m y bag.
Dia pandai lagi cerdik pula. He is clever and cunning.
Bagaimana pula, ada juga and adapun
(a) Bagaimana pula dengan perm ainan dalam rum ah? H ow a b o u t
in d o o r gam es?
Bagaimana: h o w is a conjunctive or an interrogative adverb.
(b) Ya, ada juga p erm ainanan dalam rum ah iaitu . . . Yes, there are
also in d o o r gam es n a m ely . . .
(c) A dapun is o fte n used to introduce an ex p la n ato ry statem ent.
It m ay show a return to a subject after a brief digression or may
be concerned w ith a new topic.
A dapun bangunan itu d ibuat oleh orang Melayu. (N o w ) the
building was built b y the Malays.
A dapun negeri itu di atas bukit. (N o w ) this to w n was o n a h ill
Berpendapat and p o p u ler
Saya berp e n d ap at perlum baan kuda di sini tidak begitu p o p u ler
sebagaimana di England. / am o f th e opinion that horse racing here is
n o t so p op u la r as in England.
N ote: The word p o p u ler (taken from the English w ord), although
easy to rem em ber, would be m ore Malaysian in character if it were
substituted by digemari o r disukai ramai.
Bercuti di kam pung
Jika . . . lah
Jika anda sungguh-sungguh ingin . . . cubalah anda pergi ke kam pung.
I f y o u really w a n t . . . then try to go to a village.
N otice the constru ction here beginning with jika; i f Lah is a ttach ed
to the key verb as a suffix to give emphasis and is here translatable as
th e n .
K epunyaan
Sebuah ladang k ep u n y aa n abang ipar kami. A n estate o w n e d b y our
uncle, (Literally: A n estate p ro p erty (of) o u r uncle.)
Notice the eco nom y o f w ords here and the balancing o f words against
each other.
Petani and place names
K ehidupan seorang petani. The life (livelihood) o f a farmer.
T here is also a to w n named Sungei Petani. which m eans literaUy A
fa r m e r ’s river. This is m en tio n ed because a stu d e n t may find an
interesting and profitable way to spend a jo u rn e y is to look up
names o f Malaysian tow ns and geographical term s o n route, o r idle
away an h o u r with nam es from a map. T o name one or tw o as starters:
Perak. Negeri. Sembilan. Pulau Pinang. Tanjung Malim. Sungei Besi.
Batu Arang. Pasir Panjang etc.
Supaya and sentiasa
Dia mesti menjaga dan m em bersihkan k e b u n n y a su paya sentiasa
bersih. He m u st lo o k a fter and clean his garden so that (it is) always
Similarly in this lesson there occurs; Ayam Belanda hendaklah sentiasa
diberi m akan supaya menjadi gemuk. T u rkeys should always be given
fo o d so th a t (th e y ) will b eco m e fat.
N ote: Ayam Belanda; tu r k e y (lit. D u tch ch icken ), relates to the
D utch
in n u en ce,
w ere p r o b a b l y
Malaysia during the D utch o c c u p atio n o f Malacca in the
Segala and dengan (tangan)
Segala kerja-kerja di sawah atau ladang pada masa dahulu biasanya
dilakukan dengan tangan. A ll w ork in the rice fie ld s o r clearings in
o lden days was carried o u t usually b y hand.
segala: j//, whole; dengan tangan: b y hand.
Malah diangkut dengan lori. F urtherm ore is/are carried b y lorry.
Malah: rather, fu r th e rm o re is used m ore frequently in literature than
Some no tes on writing letters in Bahasa Malaysia
Letter-writing in Bahasa Malaysia still retains a h ttle o f the old
Malay style w ith its Arabic influence. There is a ten dency to ad opt
the m o d e rn (English) style, although the traditional style and layou t
are still qu ite acceptable and b o th give pleasure and satisfaction to
the addressee. An English style is adopted w hen applying for a jo b or
in business correspondence, i.e. to com ply with international business
etiq uette. Traditional letter-writing in Bahasa Malaysia takes into
account the sta tu s o f b o th w riter and addressee o f the letter. Love
letters are often concluded in extrem ely decorative and poetic
language, while letters to a king or a sultan have to be couched in
co u rteo u s and dignified language, often involving Arabic terms. It
IS w o rth the trouble to learn those term s which are in current use.
T hey are mainly used at the beginning and at the end o f a letter.
T he body o f the leUer is w ritten in the simplest and clearest language
possible. T he opening and closing phrases o f the le tte r are usually
statem en ts o f poHteness o r friendliness according to the relationship
betw een the w riter and the addressee. Here are som e useful terms.
(a) Opening Terms
(i) Saudaraku Rama M y dear Rama,
This is a c o m m o n way o f opening a letter to a close friend.
(ii) Saudaraku yang di ingati . . . M y very d e a r .
This is a m ore affectionate form than the one given above
(iii) T uan Dear Sir,
T he safest way to address som eone officially is to use the
w ord tu a n all by itself. T he feminine equivalent is Puan
which corresponds to M adam o r Dear Madam.
(b) Q o sin g Terms
(i) Dengan h o rm a tn y a ; w ith d u e respect.
(ii) Yang benar: y o u rs fa ith fu lly , y o u r s sincerely.
This phrase is ideal for ending official o r friendly letters
(c) O th e r Terms
O th e r form s o f address are as follows:
(i) A friend o r acquaintance is referred to as saudara.
(ii) An elder b r o th e r o r sister is referred to as kekanda.
(iii) A you n g er b ro th e r o r sister is referred to as adinda o rd in d a .
(iv) A m o th e r o r au n t is referred to as bunda.
(v) A father o r u n d e is referred to as ayahanda.
(vi) A son o r d a u g h ter is referred to as anakanda.
(vii) A grandfath er o r g ra n d m o th e r is referred to as nenda.
(viii) Between lovers the girl is referred to as adinda and the man
as kekanda.
(a) T he correct form o f address should be used.
(b) Do not use the 2nd person p ro n o u n , such as kam u, awak,
engkau, kau, etc. The addressee should be addressed by
nam e (if he is a close friend) or b y the use o f his title, e.g.
D atuk, tuan, encik etc.
(c) T he le tte r could be concluded w ith o n e o f the following
polite endings:
sekian sahaja dahulu
disudahi surat ini dengan ucapan selamat
sekianlah di m ak alu m k an
had inilah sahaja
(d) Write yang benar, yang ikhlas o r yang kasih as required before
th e space fo r the signature.
Here is an exam ple o f a le tte r to a friend.
Kassim Bin Baba,
34, Jalan Hang Jebat,
Kuala Lum pur.
lO h b . J u n , 1984*
Yang diingati saudaraku Jo h n di Kuala L um pur, dengan
Sungguh lama saya tidak m end apat berita daripada saudara,
barangkali saudara ada banyak urusan atau p u n sibuk dengan
kerja-keija lain.
Saya menulis surat ini dengan hajat h e n d ak melawat ke
Kuala L u m p u r dalam masa bercuti. Oleh itu b o le h k ah saudara
m enunggu saya di perh en tian keretapi. Saya tidak berapa
biasa dengan jalan-jalan di b a n d ar Kuala Lum pur. Berkenaan
dengan masa dan tarikh saya serahkan kepada saudara bila-bila
masa yang sesuai bagi saudara.
Sekian sahaja dahulu. saya sudahi dengan ucapan salam bahagia
k ep ad a saudara dan seisi rumah.
Y ang benar,
Kassim Baba
* N ote: hb. is the abbreviation for haribulan.
P E L A J A R A N E MP A T P U L U H TI GA ( 43)
Pekeijaan di ladang
Pukul and kira
Pukul: strike, stroke. It refers to the striking o f a gong by which the
tim e o f the day was announced by the police station in a small to w n
in days gone by. T he word also describes the action o f beating som e­
one. The following exam ples will indicate how this word is used for
expressing time.
(a) Pukul berapa sekarang? What is th e tim e n ow ?
(b) Pukul lima petang saya pergi ke kedai. A t fiv e (o 'c lo c k) in the
evening I w e n t to th e shop.
(c) Esok pada pukul lapan malam saya akan berjum pa tuan. / will
m eet y o u at eight o 'c lo c k to m o rro w night.
Kira: reckon, calculate. In its duplicated form kira-kira, it means
a b o u t {i.e. roughly). It also meansaccow/jfj. O th e r derivatives include:
(a) kira-kira pukul enam : a b o u t six o ’clock.
(b) juruk ira: a cco u n ta n t (th e word a k au n tan is also used.)
(c) ilmu kira-kira: arithm etic.
Pagi and malam
Enam pagi: six o 'c lo c k in th e morning. The precise tim e o f day is
custom arily indicated by the use o f such w ords as pagi and malam.
In the expression enam pagi we kn o w that the tim e referred to is
six o ’clock in the m orning and n o t in the evening. The effect o f the
use o f pagi and malam is similar to the use o f the English abbreviations,
a.m. and p.m .
Pada musim buah. The word pada is used w ith expressions o f time,
even w hen a season is referred to as in the above expression. Here it
can be rendered in English by the word during. Pada can mean at, on
and in, according t o t h e co n tex t. T he following examples are relevant:
(a) pada musim b uah: duringjin the fr u it season
(b) pada masa itu: on th a t occasion
(c) pada tarikh itu: at that date
(d) pada fikiran saya: in m y opinion
Perubaan keadaan; change in conditions. O th e r connected expressions
include keadaan baik; g o o d condition, keadaan b u ru k : bad conditions.
Beberapa and berapa
Beberapa and berapa are tw o different words. T he form er means
several and the la tte r asks a q uestion - h o w m a n y?
(a) Beberapa orang b u d a k n a k a l . . . Several na u gh ty b o ys . . .
(b) Berapa orang datang? H ow m a n y people cam e?
Bekerja is a co m b in atio n o f the prefix ber and the n o u n kerja: work.
N o te th a t the letter r is o m itte d in the verb bekerja: to work.
P em ah, tidak p e m a h and belum p e m a h
Pernah meaning ever is o fte n used with the negatives, tidak and belum
to express a query.
(a) P ernahkah anda m ak a n buah ini? Have y o u ever eaten this fr u it
(b) Saya tidak pernah m a k an b u ah itu. / have never eaten that fruit.
Sebagaimana juga dengan
A nda akan saksikan bahwa ada juga orang yang kaya dan miskin
kerana berladang, sebagaimana juga dengan lain-lain perkerjaan.
Y o u will agree (confess) that there are rich and p o o r landowners. It*s
ju s t the sam e w ith o th e r occupations.
P E L A J A R A N E M P A T P U L U H EMPAT ( 44)
Di tepi pantai
Menaiki bas
Pergi ke sana dengan m enaiki bas. Go there b y bus. (m enaiki: to
clim b o n )
An alternative expression is pergi dengan bas.
T he word sebagai may be rendered by the English equivalent as. It is
a very useful word to learn as it lends flexibility to th e language.
Here are som e examples.
A hm ad telah dilantik sebagai Pengurus. A h m a d was a p p o in te d as
th e Manager.
Dia telah d ih a n ta r ke Singapura. sebagai wakil syarikat kami. He was
se n t to Singapore as o u r c o m p a n y *s representative.
A lthough th e word keadaan is derived from the root word ada: to
have, there is its meaning is qu ite different. It m eans conditions. The
following translation will m ake this po in t clear.
T u an dap at lihat keadaan di tepi p antai Port Dickson. Y o u can see
th e co n d itio n s a t th e beach in Port D ickson.
Sangat and banyak
N ote the difference in the use o f the adjectives sangat: very and
banyak: m any. There should be no difficulty with sangat and the use
o f banyak should be confined to th e adjective many.
Kami sangat gembira (n o t banyak). We were very happy.
Ada banyak b u k u di atas meja. There are m a ny h o o k s o n the table.
Sepanjang perjalanan kami itu . . . The word originates from panjang:
long and may be rendered in English by the w ords th ro u g h o u t and
along as in these examples:
Sepanjang perjalanan kam i itu . . .
T h ro u g h o u t o ur jo u rn e y . . .
Ada beberapa m m a h elok sepanjang jalan ini.
There are several b e a u tifu l houses along this road,
Merasa susah
Anda tidak akan merasa susah u n t u k m e n d a p a tk a n hotel. Y ou w o n ’t
experience d iffic u lty in obtaining a hotel.
The root o f merasa is rasa: to feel.
Seorang dari m ereka sedang berlari m enuju ke tepi laut. One fr o m
(am ong) th e m was running in the direction o f th e sea-shore.
Bosan and penat
Jika anda merasa bosan dan penat dengan bandar Kuala Lum pur. / /
y o u fe e l b o red a nd tired w ith Kuala L u m p u r tow n.
daun-daun kelapa yang melambai-lambai: c o c o n u t fr o n d s which
flu tte r to a n d fro.
Here melambai-lambai means to flu tte r to and fr o and the sound o f
the words has an o n o m a to p o e tic effect o f suggesting the action.
P E L A J A R A N E M P A T P U L U H LI MA ( 45)
Perjalanan dengan m otokar
Masa c u ti and adverbial phrases o f time
Adverbial phrases such as dalam masa cuti: in holiday tim e, tah un
depan: n e x t year, etc. are placed at the beginning or at the end o f
T ahu n depan saya akan pergi ke Jepun. N e x t y e a r I will go to Japan.
Adverbs and adverbial phrases o f indefinite time are placed after the
subject o f the sentence o r at the beginning o f the sentences. The
c o m m o n ones are:
sebentar lagi
baru-baru ini
dengan segera
ju st
ju s t n o w
fo r a m o m e n t
im m ediately, at
Sungguh and adverbs o f degree
Adverbs that express degree and belong to a sta te m e n t are used either
after the subject o r at the beginning o f the sentence.
ham pir
pasti, ten tu
sangat, amat
very, to o
n am p a k n y a
c o m p letely
sem uanya
e x tre m e ly
buk an main
Adverbial phrases o f m an n e r
Adverbial phrases o f m an n e r are formed from nouns/adjectives pre­
ceded by dengan, or from verbs preceded by dengan or sambil. They
are used after the word they qualify.
Mereka sem ua m enyanyi dengan gembira. T h ey sang happily (w ith
Interrogative w ords
In Bahasa Malaysia we often use ‘interrogative w ords’ either at the
m ana
apa sebabnya
ke mana
dari m ana
yang mana
w hat
w hy
when (spoken)
w hen (w ritten)
where to
fr o m where
Awak cuba cari: (y o u ) please search. In fact the word cuba means
try b u t in the above sentence expresses a request politely. It can be
rendered by the word please. It is a sy nonym for tolong.
In sebanyak em patbelas gelen: fo u rte e n gallons the word sebanyak is
used because q u a n tity is expressed. Examples;
Sebanyak lima orang laki-laki datang. Five m en came.
Saya m ak an sebanyak tiga biji manggis. I ate three m angosteens.
This is a co n stru ctio n w hich one does not use in English so that it
is im p o rta n t to rem em b er it.
P E L A J A R A N E MP A T P U L U H ENAM ( 46)
Perniagaan dan perusahaan
Barang-barang: things.
The article in Bahasa Malaysia.
In Bahasa Malaysia we do not have articles that correspond with the
English a and the. Instead we use se to n u m b e r and itu and ini which
are actually demonstratives. There are o th e r w ords such as yang,
kaum , para and si which are used in the form o f an article before the
nouns they define.
Yang as an article
Yang can be described as a relative p ro n o u n and is often used to
express the words, who, th a t and which. However d o not translate
yang as //la i.w h e n it is used as a co n ju n c tio n in English. The correct
word to use would be bahawa. However yang m ay be used for de­
noting an individual o r thing o r a group o f persons.
(a) Di b erk ata bahawa A hm ad telah meninggal dunia. He said that
A h m a d was dead.
(b) Yang kuat h am s m enolong yang lemah. The strong (w ho are
strong) sh o u ld help the w eak (w ho are weak).
(c) Yang is used as an indefinite article.
Ali m inta yang lebih kecil. A li wants a smaller one.
(d) Ya^g is used as a definite article.
A hm ad yang te rtu a di sini. A h m a d is the oldest here.
(e) Yang m ay be used w ith ordinal numbers, e.g.
Siapa yang kedua? Who was th e second?
Si as an article
Exam ple o f si used as an article.
si sakit: the sick m an o r th e patient; si kaya: the rich man.
Kaum as an a r tk le
Exam ple o f kaum used as an article.
kaum miskin: th e p o o r
kaum cerdik pandai: th e intellectuals
Para as an article
E xam ple o f para used as an article.
para orang tua: th e parents; para hazirin: ladies and g en tlem en
A ntara and derivatives
Di antara barang-barang keluarannya. A m o n g th e g o o d s going out.
antara: betw een, half-way; d i antara: among;
tiada berapa lama an ta ran y a: a fter a sh o rt interval;
berantara: having space betw een ; m en gantara: to mediate.
Pasang and perlu
T em pat m em asang kereta: a place f o r assembling cars.
Here pasang is th e root and means to assemble, b u t it is used in a
variety o f ways, e.g.
pasang ayer;
the incom ing
pasang pakaian: o u tfit o f
dua pasang
tw o pairs o f
pasang lam pu:
light the lam p
Barang-barang m akanan yang perlu: necessities o f life
yang p e r lu : which are necessary.
Yang ada hubungan perdagangan dengan Malaysia. Which have trade
links w ith Malaysia.
Hubung is the root word meaning to join, unite, p u t to g e th e r
Kurang dengar
Maaf, saya kurang dengar apa yang anda cakapkan. Frn sorry, 1 c a n ’t
hear clearly w hat y o u are saying.
T h e use o f kurang meaning less, or n o t enough, can be applied to
o th e r Malay words in a similar way, e.g. kurang baik: n o t g o o d
P E L A J A R A N E MP A T P U L U H T U J U H ( 47)
D o k tor dan d o k to r gigi
Jadi and kena
The w ords jadi: co m ing into existence and kena: to experience are
c o m m o n b u t usually confined to the spok en language.
A yahnya jadi penterjem ah di pejabat itu. His fa th e r w orks as a trans­
lator in the office.
Ahmad kena p ukul kerana ia jahat. A h m a d was beaten because he
was naughty.
T h e s u f f b c ‘la h ’
T he suffix lah sometimes denotes an expression o f defeat or dejection.
Normally it is used w ith the word apa.
Apalah h e n d ak dikata, nasi sudah menjadi bubu r. What can I say, the
rice has b e c o m e porridge (things have n o t tu rn ed o u t as expected).
Some c o m m o n abbreviations o f Bahasa Malaysian w o /d s
In conversation abbreviated w ords are used:
kam u
dah for
kau for
nak for
Di indicating th e passive voice
A part from its prepositional use to indicate location, di is used as
the prec ed en t o f a verb:
dibawa: was brought; dim akan: was eaten; ditulis: was w ritten;
d ihitun g: was calculated; ditendang: was kicked.
T he use o f th e prefix di as the p recedent o f a verb is show n b y the
following examples:
(a) T o d e n o te the passive voice.
Ayam itu d ib u n u h oleh adik saya. The chicken was killed b y m y
(b) T o give m ore emphasis o r significance to a verb.
D iingatkannya saya supaya belajar sungguh-sungguh. I was a d ­
m o n ish e d b y him to s tu d y diligently.
(c) To indicate a verb, the p erfo rm er o f which action is n o t m en­
Baju-baju itu p u n dijualkan kepada orang ramai. The shirts were
sold to tjie public.
Direct and indirect speech
Bahasa Malaysia has no tenses and reported speech is not as c o m ­
plicated as in English. The verb in direct speech undergoes no change
w hen converted to indirect speech. However the change in the person
(first person to third person) should be noted. The clause is always
introduced by the c o n ju n c tio n bahawa: that.
Dia berkata, “ Saya sa k it” . S h e jh e said '*I am ilV\
Dia berkata bahaw a ia sakit. S h e /h e said that sh e/h e was ill.
Bahawa is usually left out w hen the introducing w ord o f the clause is
an interrogative word.
Orang itu m enyoal pada ku, “ Di m ana rum ah k a m u ? ” That man
asked me, **Where d o y o u live? ’’
Orang itu m enyoal di m ana rum ah ku. That m a n asked w here I lived.
Imperatives are reported b y verbs o f c o m m a n d , e.g. m en y erah : to
order, m e m e re n ta h k a n : to com m and.
Pergilah! G o! la m e n y u ru h saya pergi. He ordered m e to go.
R equests are re p o rted by verbs like mempersilakan: to request; m inta:
to ask. Masuklah! Please c o m e in!
la m em persilakan kami. H e asked us to c o m e in.
Hendaklah and pergi berju m pa
H endaklah tu a n pergi berjum pa d o k to r. Y o u sh o u ld go and see the
N otice the position in th e sentence o f hendaklah and also note pergi
berjum pa, go a n d see (m eet): the and in English is n o t translated.
Serta juga
Dada sebelah kanan saya luka serta juga k a k i . . . The right hand side
o f m y chest was injured as well as
Yang h a m s
tidak ada apa-apa yang h am s d ik h u a tirk an ; isn't a n yth in g (w hich is
right) to be nervous about.
H am s means right or proper гпА in the translation into English in this
lesson these w ords can be ignored.
P E L A J A R A N E MP A T P U L U H L AP AN ( 48)
Radio dan talivisyen
Interrogative w ords in Bahasa Malaysia
Apa? What?
Apakah nama lorong itu?
Siapa? Who?
Siapa orang itu?
Berapa? H ow m a n y? H o w m uch?
Berapa orang b u d a k itu?
Di m ana? Where?
Di m ana dia tinggal?
Ke m ana? Where to?
Ke m ana awak pergi?
Bagaimana? H ow ?
Bagaimana awak buat?
Bila? When?
Bila awak datang?
A dahkah? Is it?
A dahkah perkara ini betul?
Mengapa? Why?
Mengapa Ali datang?
Sudahkah aw ak m akan? Have y o u eaten (y o u r meal)?
U ntuk
The word u n tu k may be translated in to English by the w ords to or
f o r When it is used before a verb, the fo rm e r m eaning applies,
u n tu k m em beli: to bu y; u n tu k m em baca: to read; u n t u k m encar: to
In all o th e r cases, u n tu k can be safely translated b y the word for,
u n tu k ini: f o r this; u n t u k saya: fo r m e; u n tu k Ali: f o r Ali.
T he word lebih is placed before an adjective o r adverb to d e n o te
the degree o f com parison.
Pen saya lebih panjang daripada pensel itu. M y p en is longer than the
p e n c il
Tu and ni
In spoken Bahasa Malaysia the w ord itu, if it functions as a modifier,
is normally shortened to tu. Similarly ini may be shortened to ni.
In the expression beribu-ribu: thousands, one o f th e uses o f the prefix
ber is apparent. It is used in similar expressions to state q u a n tity , for
beratus-ratus: hundreds: berpuluh-puluh: tens; berjuta-juta: millions.
Penerimaan suaranya sangat baik. The reception is very good.
A w ord by word English translation is given to help you to appreciate
the style o f expression. It is literally, th e receipt o f its voice is very
M em bolehkan
M em bolehkan: to enable is derived from boleh: can and the form er
meaning is 'expressed in the words, ia bukan hanya m em b o leh k an
kita m endengar syarahan . . . tetapi dap at melihat apa yang berlaku.
n o t o n ly enables us to hear the n e w s . . . b u t to see w hat happened.
Saya perlu hanya memusing alat p e m u ta r atau tekan sebuah butang.
/ n eed o n ly to turn a k n o b or press a b u tto n , hanya: o nly
Berbanding dengan
Talivisyen saya m o d eln y a agak lama berbanding dengan talivisyen
andu. T he m o d e l o f m y television is regarded as o ld in com parison
w ith yours.
Latihan and bagi
Ini telah m enjadi satu latihan telinga bagi saya.
This has b e c o m e an oral exercise f o r me. latihan: exercise, practice
P E L A JA R A N E M P A T P U L U H S E M B IL A N (4 9 )
T em pat-tem pat hiburan
H adapan and dep an
D epan is th e sh o rten ed form o f hadapan. In speech depan is the
form norm ally used.
E ntah is used in answ er to a question w hen d o u b t is implied, e.g. Di
m anakah adik p e re m p u a n awak? Entahlah, ke m ana dia pergi. Where
is y o u r y o u n g e r sister? I d o n 7 k n o w w here she has gone.
Baik sekali, sederhana
Tem pat d u d u k n y a yang baik sekali ialah di bahagian hadapan, yang
sederhana di tengah. The best seats are th ose in th e fr o n t section, the
average ones in the centre.
sederhana: m oderate, average, m edium .
Udara yang segar adalah baik u n tu k kesihatan. Invigorating air is g o o d
f o r th e health.
Segar also means f i t o r h ealthy ( o f people).
T unjuk di m ana
Tolong tu n ju k k an di m ana tem pat d u d u k kami. Please sh o w (us)
w here we are seated.
T u n ju k is the root word meaning to show .
Jangan: D on't. When it is intended to forbid so m eon e from doing
something, jangan should be placed before the verb.
Sekali and paling
Sekali is the word used to d en o te the highest degree o f comparison.
A similar word is paling.
b u d a k yang tinggi sekali/budak yang paling tinggi: the tallest boy.
Latar, sesuai and amat
Pem andangan dan m uzik latar belakang amat sesuai dengan jalan
ceritanya. The scenery a nd background m usic f i t in very well w ith
th e plot.
latar: background, level, colour; sesuai: suitable, harm onious, fittin g ,
Amat is a sy nonym for sangat: very.
P E L A JA R A N L IM A P U L U H (50)
P e rk e m b a n g a n k e su sa ste ra a n M elayu
Malay p o e try
Bahasa Malaysia can be appreciated by reading Malay p o etry . Malay
verses take different forms and are know n as p an tu n , syair, gurindam ,
seloka and sajak. A few w ords ab o u t their characteristics m ay be o f
The p a n tu n is a poem w ith the last tw o lines in a four-line stanza
expressing the intended meaning. The first line rhym es w ith the third
and the second w ith the fourth. In the syair all the fo u r lines in the
stanza rhym e. The gurindam is a proverbial m axim . This rugged and
rhythm ical verse is n ot necessarily in quatrains. T he seloka is a quatrain
consisting o f fo u r rhym ing lines. It is usually sung. The sajak is
m o d ern Bahasa Malaysia free verse, not necessarily in quatrains. Syair
and p a n tu n are tw o types of verses which are c o m m o n ; sajak, which
is w ritten in m o d e rn verse, is becom ing increasingly popular. The
syair is m ade up o f four lines w ith the end w ords o f the fo u r lines
rhyming. Som e old tales were narrated in syair form and the reader
o f the syair usually sang the lines in a particular m elody. The four
lines are interrelated in meaning and the c o n tin u ity o f the sto ry is
preserved b y the succession o f verses. The story is concluded in the
last verse. T he syair was used for im parting ideas and advice as show n
in the exam ples below.
(a) Bangun tid u r hendaklah pagi
Segeralah kam u tuju ke perigi
Mandi serta m enggosok gigi
Badan segar akal p u n tinggi.
A Broad Translation
R ising fr o m bed b y early m orning
A n d on to th e w ell w ith o u t daw dling
B athing and brushing the te e th
M aking a b o d y h ea lth y a nd the m in d deep.
T he last tw o lines o f th e p a n tu n describe the feelings and th o u g h ts
described in the pantun.
(b ) Pisang emas dibaw a belayar
Masak sebiji di atas peti
H utang em as dapat dibayar
H utang b u d i dibaw a mati.
A Broad Translation
G olden plantains ta ken sailing
O ne ripens o n a chest w ith o u t fading
A d e b t o f g o ld can be repaid
A d e b t o f kindness is carried to th e grave.
This is a m o d e rn p a n tu n and a m a n m ay q u o te it to express his grati­
tu d e for any generosity and kindness show n to him. The first tw o
lines create a form o f imagery and th e last tw o a h o m e s p u n saying.
T h e y should not be translated w ord by w ord b u t taken as a whole.
T ionghoa is a term for Chinese which is considered rather politer
th a n Cina.
Dengan ini, bahasa ini sem akin b e rta m b a h kaya. Through this the
language will increase a nd grow rich.
Makin is th e root w ord meaning increase, b eco m e more.
Makin baik, m akin kaya: The better, th e richer.
I N D E X ( T h e n u m b e r s r e f e r t o th e n u m b e r e d s e c tio n s .)
ada juga
3 5 ,69,118,
3 7 0 ,4 5 1 ,4 5 3
9 ,3 29
2 2 1 ,2 8 6 ,3 4 2
2 0 0 ,408
204, 232
7 3 ,1 2 9 ,1 3 4 ,
2 4 7 ,2 5 0 ,2 5 5 .
3 4 4 ,363
6 3 ,2 8 0 ,3 3 7
4 6 1 ,462
bagaimana pula
ada yang
ada yang tidak
a d d r e s s - f o r m s of
. . . compound
. . . dem onstrative
. . . o rd e r o f
adverbial phrases
adverbs o f degree
an — suffix
anak laki-laki
antara - derivatives
apa fasal
apa khabar
arah — derivatives
b a h a m /b a ru
b ahaw a/bahw a
baik sekali
barang siapa
bela y ar
ber prefix
berapa lama
berapa panjang
berbanding dengan
berkahw in
berm acam -m acam
berp endapat
b ertam b ah
3 3 3 ,342
151 ,21 0,21 9
2 4 ,7 5 ,9 2 .1 1 2 .
3 1 2 ,4 0 0 ,4 1 0
4 00
2 1 5 ,272
buk an
di preposition
di sebelah
di tengah-tangah
direct speech
divisions o f the day
2 9 ,89 ,306 ,
com parison in
Bahasa Malaysia
congratulations in
Bahasa Malaysia
conjunctions in
Bahasa Malaysia
copula in Bahasa
days o f week
di m ana
di passive voice
ec o n o m y in use o f
English w ords in
Bahasa Malaysia
8 4 ,1 0 8 ,1 0 9 .
4 4 V «4 4 4
greetings in Bahasa
49.3 73
4 9 ,1 3 1 ,1 3 7
7 5 ,3 6 2 .4 1 0 .
154, 486
ham pir
m enarik hati
2 9 ,1 4 8 .4 1 1 ,
2 3 0 .3 6 5 .3 9 1 .
4 0 2 ,4 2 6
9 3 .2 4 3 ,4 8 6
kut - derivatives
m direct speech
instructions in
Bahasa Malaysia
interrogative words
jab a t
jab atan
jau h
kaki - derivatives
kam u
kan suffix
8 3 ,336.405
4 5 4 .4 7 6
3 1 9 ,3 2 3 ,3 5 5 ,
2 8 0 ,3 4 0 .4 2 7
9 0 .1 3 2 ,3 3 9
ke prefix
ke preposition
kem balikan
kem udian
kep u n y aan
law atan
lebih kurang
letters in Bahasa
2 1 7 ,2 6 6
3 5 ,2 5 4
3 0 3 ,3 9 2 .4 0 5
134 ,22 7.25 0
4 3 7 ,4 4 4
3 6 .2 2 7 ,3 2 4 ,
4 2 7 ,4 6 8
44,40 6
m aaf
m akan
Malay clothes
Malay dishes
Malaysian currency
Malaysian fruits
Malaysian place
Malaysian poetry
m angkuk
mari kita
m ata
m atahari
me prefix
m em b o leh k an
m em buang
m em persilakan
m em punyai
m en d ap ati
m e n o n to n
m erdu
m eskipun
m inum an
Muslim day
Muslim year
negative tidak
nouns “ c o m p o u n d
num bers
num bers — cardinal
num eral coefficients
oleh sebab
orang anak
orang — derivatives
orang gaji
orang melayu
227 ,30 9,40 5
pak cik
parts o f speech
p a tu t
pe prefix
67,122,220 ,
73,1 17,129,
2 2 8 ,2 4 0 ,3 6 0 ,
21 1
pem inat
p endahu luan
penerim aan
perem puan
p e m a h belum
possession in
Bahasa Malaysia
prefix ber
prefix di
3 0 ,1 7 0 .4 4 0
sana sini
se prefix
sebab apa
See u n d e r ber
See u n d e r di
See u n d e r ke
prefix ke
See u n d e r me
prefix me
See u n d e r pe
prefix pe
See u n d e r se
prefix se
See u nder ter
prefix ter
p ro n o u n s — indefinite 396
p ro n o u n s — personal 6,96
p ro n o u n s — possessive?
proverbs and maxims 417
9 9 ,3 6 8
9 9 ,1 3 2 ,3 6 8
2 0 2 ,300
pusat derivatives
room s — house
root words
rum ah-rum ah
serta juga
sesiapa pun
3 1 ,2 1 8 ,3 4 8 .
3 6 7 ,4 5 0 ,4 8 0
9 5 ,1 3 6 ,1 7 3 .
4 0 1 ,4 1 6 ,4 4 3
3 0 .3 8 ,1 1 0 ,
3 6 9 ,378
5 2 .302.492
4 2 2 .4 6 0
suffix an
suffix i
suffix kan
suffix lah
suffix man
suffix wan
suffix wati
superlative in
Bahasa Malaysia
ta h u n
tak apa
tak kan
tam an
tan y a
tense in Bahasa
te r — prefix
terim ah kasih
term asuk
term u d a
3 0 ,2 3 7 ,2 8 9 ,
7 3 ,1 2 9 ,1 3 4 ,
255 ,34 4,36 3
227 ,31 6,46 8
30 2 ,3 9 0 ,4 8 7
4 2 ,1 0 0 ,1 5 5 ,
tertarek hati
te rtu a
te ta m u
time in Bahasa
tunju k
u n tu k
verb — c o m p o u n d
verb — m ood
verb n ot requiring
verb — ro o t
verb — tense
verb — voice
w aktu
week days
word order
w o r d s - a b b r e v i a ti o n s
w o r d s —incorrect use
ya — misuse o f
ya — use o f
yang m ana
4 1 ,5 3 ,3 0 2 ,
3 1 7 ,3 9 0 ,4 5 9
Malay Vocabulary
N o te to the student
The n u m b ers following the Malay w ords in th e alphabetical vocabulary refer
to the lesson (or lessons) in w hich the w ord first appears w ith a particular
meaning (or meai\ings).
Malay V ocabulary
abang 1
ada Int. 1
adakah Int. 2
adik 1
adik-beradik 2
adu 50
agak 21
agar-agar 11
Ahad 20
ahli 41
air 9. 13
air b atu 17
air teh 9
ajaib 48
akan 9
a k h im y a 27
alam at 16
alat 8, 13, 45
alat b u nyi-bun yian 8
alat m enghidup jen te ra
alat pemunggah 27
alat p e m u ta r 48
alat p e n c u k u r 13
alat p e n c u k u r letrik 38
alat penekan laju 45
alat p e n u k a r gear 45
alat peny ejuk 45
almari 13
alur 44
amalan 29
aman 43
ambil 12
am bulan 47
A m erika 22
am a t 29
anak 1
anak kunci 15
anak lelaki saya 1
anak p e re m p u an saya 1
anak saudara 9
anak tangga 3, 27
anda 2
anggerik 3
anggota 29
anggota polis 29
anggur 17
angin 45
tekanan angin tayar
angka 19
angkasa 27
angkat 23
angk ut 42
angsa 42
an tara 6
apa Int. 2
apa k h ab a r Int. 2
apa-apa benda 6
apabila 3. 5
April 20
arah 30
arahan 27
asal 50
asing 22
w ang asing 22
ash 36
sutera asli 36
atas Int. 1
di atas Int. 1
atau Int. 2
a ta u p u n I
ayam 12, 42
reban ayam 42
sop ayam 11
ayam Belanda 42
ayat 48
baca Int. I, 50
m em baca Int. 1
m em baca sajak 50
badan 13
bagaimana t
bagi 10
bagitu 6
bagus 10
bahagi 39
bahagian Int. 1, 4, 23
bahan 46
bahasa Int. 1
Bahasa Malaysia Int. 1
Bahasa Melayu Int. 1
baik Int. 2
baik hati 24
baju 3, 35
baju kebaya p e n d e k 35
baju kot 35
baju kurung 36
baju m andi 20, 44
baki 22
bakul 13
bal 45
balang 17
baldi p e n c e d o k 32
balik 1 2 ,4 0
balut 47
b an d ar 3
b an darraya 15
banding 7, 4Í
berbanding 48
bangku 5
bangsa 16
bangsawan 48
bangun 13
bangunan 12
bantal 5
bantal sandar 5
b a n tu a n 37
b an y ak 3, 4
kebanyakannya 3
banyakkah 4
bapa I
bapa saudara 10
b ap a n y a I
barang 13
barang keluaran 46
barang-barang d ip e rb u a t
daripada besi 33
barang-barang m akanan
dalam tin 33
barangkali 10
barangsiapa 48
baris 49
barisan 49
baru 1
bas 14
basah 44
basikal 25
batang 3
batik 7
b a tu 17, 30
b a tu b a ta 46
b a tu k 47
bayar 21, 30
bayaran 39
b ay a ra n n y a 24
bayarkan 16
bawa 9
baw ah 1
di bawah 1
beberapa 3, 5
beberapa ta h u n yang
lalu 35
bedak 13
beg 15
beg tangan 34
begitu 6
begitulah 17
bekal 40
bekas 4, 32
bekerja 14
belajar Int. 1
belakang 3, 4
di belakang 3
belas 3
belayar 25
beli 3, 4
belok 30
belu m 26
b en ar 14
pagi-pagi benar 14
benar-benar 35
b en ark ah ? 14
benci 16
benda 6
bengkel 46
bentang 5
ber- 1
berada 12
bera n g k at 25
beranika 29
beranika jenis 33
beransur-ansur 27
berapa 2
berapa lam a 10
beras 46
berasal 50
b e ra tu r 25
berbagai'bagai 25
b erb a tu -b a tu 42
berb u ah 40
berbual 4
berbual-bual 9
b e rc a m p u r 32
bercerita 9
bercucuk tanam 46
bercukai 28
b ercu k u r 1 3
bercuti 33
berd a ftar 24
berdiri 1
bereh a t 28
berenang 41
bererti 19
bergantung 22
bergelom bang
bergerak 27
bergunting 38
bergunting ra m b u t 38
berh ad 46
b erh am p iran 17
berharga 21
berhati-hati 26, 39
beri 4
b e rik u t 4i
berisi 9
berita-berita 9
b eritah u 4, 30
berjabat 9
berjab at tangan 9
berjalan 29
berjam-jam 44
berjaya 35
tidak berjaya 35
b erju m p a 10, 47
berk ahw in 33
berkem bang 31
b erk en aan 8
berkenalan 28
berlabuh 28
berlainan 17
berm acam -m acam 33
b e rm u tu 49
b e m a fas 47
bem ilai 21
berp e n d ap a t 8
berpengalam an 46
berpergian 25
bersalam 9
bersama-sama 9
bersedia 25
berselang hari 38
bersetuju 16
bersiar-siar 28
bersih 13
bersin 47
b ersu n tik 28
bertali 19
b ertam b a h 10
b ertam b ah b u ru k 10
bertangkai 5
b ertan y a 30
bertem asya 4 4
b e rte m u 33
bertolak 27
bertugas 29
beruku ran 24
b erum ah tangga 8
berunding 44
berus 13
berw arna 23
besar gunanya 32
besi 33, 45
besi penghalang dep an
besiwaja 46
b etapa 27
betul 4
biar 4
biar saya 4
biasa 11
biasanya 14
bicara 48
pembicara 48
bidang 41
b ij a k 4 8
biji 5
bijih tim ah 32
bil 18
bila Int. 1
bila-bila 15
bilik 3 , 4
bilik belajarnya 7
bilik ju ru m u d i 27
bilik kelamin 16
bilik m akan 3, 4
bilik m andi 3
bilik m encuba 36
bilik perseorangan 16
bilik te ta m u 3
bilik tidur 3
bilik tu m p a n g an 5
bina 41
binaan 32
binaan kayu 32
binatang 42
binatang te rn a k a n 42
biola 8
biru 36
b o c o r 45
bola 41
bola meja 41
bola pingpong 41
boleh Int. 1
borang 16, 24
bosan 44
b o to l 13
buah Int. 1, 3
sebuah Int. 1
buah-buah an 4
p o k o k buah-buahan
b u at 2
b u a ta n 44
d ib u a tn y a 2
b u b u h 45
b u d a k 15
b u d a k h o tel 15
b u k a Int. 1 , 9 , 13, 36
m em b u k a 9
terb u k a Int. 1
buk an Int. 1
b u k a n k a h ? 16
bukit 31
b u k u Int. 1
b u k u -b u k u tek s sekolah
bulan 20
bunga 3, 4
bungkus 34
bungkusan 23
b uny i 9
b erb u n y i 9
bun yi-bunyian 8
b u ru k 10, 35, 47
seburuk 47
busa 38
butang 35, 48
butir-butir 22
butir-butir mengenai
diri 22
cadangan 46
cahaya 5
cahaya m atahari 5
cakap Int. 1
bercakap Int. 1
percakapan 48
cantik 5
cara 41
cara Melayu 12
cari 44
mencari 44
caskan 45
cat 7
cat m in y ak 7
catur 41
cawan 9
cawangan 46
cederá 47
сек 22
сек tunai 22
cekap 27
cenderong 41
cepat Int. 1
cerah 36
cergas 44
cerita 9
cermin 13
cinta 50
pencinta 50
cipta 48
dicipta 48
cium 9
m encium 9
cuaca 12
cuba 5
cuci 9
cukai 2Í
bercukai 28
cum a 18
cuti 15
dada 47
daerah 7
daftar \ l
daftar m a k an an \ i
dagang 40
daging 42, 47
dagu 38
dalam 1, 50
di dalam 4
m endalam 50
m endalam i 50
dam 41
dan Int. 2
d an d an 39
d a p a t 5, 12
dapur 3 ,4
bilik d ap u r 4
dari 27
daripada 1
dasar 32
dasar kolam 32
datang 9
d a tu k 33
d a u n 44
dek 27
dekat 1
dengan 1
dengar Int. 1
m endengar Int. 1
d e n y u ta n 47
d e n y u ta n nadi 47
depan 45
dermaga 27
dew an 3, 1 5
di- Int. 1
dia 1
diabaikan 43
diadakan 31
dialih 32
diam bil 23
dibaiki 19
dib eritah u 28
dibersihkan 19
dibina 12
dibu at 33
d ic a b u tn y a 47
dicipta 48
d icu k u r 38
d icu k u r rapi 3 i
digunakan 21
dihabiskan 44
dihidangkan 11
dijamin 36
dijangka 26
dikalangan 41
dikarang 50
dikejarkan 47
di kelilingi 49
dikerjakan 32
d ik h u a tirk an 47
dikunjungi 31
dilakukan 42
dilengkapi 45
di luar 28
dim ainkan o leh 18
dim ana-m ana saja 31
dim asukkan 17
dim estikan 43
dinasihatkan 28
dinding 5
dipakai 34
dipalang 22
dipam 32
dipancark an 48
d ip a n c u tk a n air 32
dipenuhi 3i
dipercik 44
diperiksa 28
diperlukan 32
diperolehi 32
dirawat 47
diri 1
di salah sebuah 15
disalut dengan bijih
tim ah 32
di samping 21
di sebelah kiri 45
disediakan 11
di seluruh 23
D isem ber 20
disesuaikan 46
di sana sini 12
di sini 11
disiram 32
di situ, di sana 4
disukai ramai 49
ditanggalkan 32
ditengah-tengah 29
diterangi 29
ditim b an g 23
d itu tu p ( n y a ) 9, 11
di w a k tu 7
d o k t o r , d o k t o r gigi 47
d u a Int. 2, 16
duabelas 1
d u a p u lu h 20
d u d u k Int. 2
d u it 21
d u k ac ita 10
dulang 9 , 32
du lu , d a h u lu 3
d u n ia 25
durian 4
ek o r 1
ek sp o t 31
elok 44
emas 19
empat 1
em patbelas 14
en am 4
enam belas 16
en a m p u lu h 14
Encik 2
epal 4
E ro p ah 17
erti 48
eskalator 33
esok 12
faedah 48
faham Int. 1
Februari 25
fesyen 9, 35
fikir 8
filem 14
gagang 23
gaji 9
gambar 5, 50
m enggam barkan 5.
ganggu 48
gangguan 48
gangsa 32
gantikan 45
gantung 5, 48
bergantung 48
tergantung 5
garpu 11
gedung-gedung pemiagaan 29
gelap 36
gelas 11
gelombang 44
gemar 48
kegemaran 4 i
gembira 6
begitu gembira 6
gem uk 42
giat 41
gigi 1 3 ,4 7
giliran 38
goreng 11
gugur 40
gula 46
gulai 11
guna 42
gunting 34
gurindam 50
guru Int. 1
habis 44
dihabiskan 44
habuk 5
had 45
had laju 45
h a d a p 48
h a d a p a n 3, 4 , 11
b erh ad ap an dengan 5
di h a d ap an 3
hadiah 33
halam an 16
halus 32
h am p ir 5
b erh am p iran 5
h an ta r 13
hanya 4
harap 8
harap beritah u 8
harga 7, 50
menghargai 50
hari Int. 2
selamat tengah hari
Int. 2
haribulan 19
harijadi 20
Hari Kebangsaan 31
h aru m 31
haru s 43
hasil 7
hasil karya pelukís-pelukis te m p a ta n 7
hati 8
sungguh tertarik hati
helai 35
hendak 16
hendaklah 15
hias 7
menghias 7
hidangan 11
hidung 47
h id u p 42
kehidupan 42
hijau 36
him pit 2Í
hingga 9
hisap 1
menghisap 1
h ita m Int. 1
piring h ita m Int. 1
h o tel 15
h u b u n g 41
h u b u n g an perdagangan
p erh u b u n g an 4^
huju ng 9
h u ta n 46
ia 1
iaitu 3
ialah 1
ibu 1
ibunya 1
idap 47
mengidap 47
ikan 11
ikatkan 26
ikut 14, 48
b erik u t 48
imigresen 28
pegawai imigresen 28
inci 36
indah 31, 50
keindahan 50
ingin 8
ini Int. 1
Institiut Pelajaran 31
ipar 42
isikan 16
Isnin 12, 20
istana 44
isteri 1
isterinya 7
istimewa 36
isyarat 29
itik 4 2
itu Int. 1
jauh 25
perjalanan jauh 25
ja u h n y a 30
jaw ab Int. 2
jaw apan 2
jem p u tlah 10
jem p u tiah bersama-sama
jenis 3
jentera 45
jeti 27
jika 14
jiran 9
juga Int. 1
Julai 20
J u m a 'a t 20
jum lah 11
ju m p a 10, 14, 50
berjum pa 10, 47
perjum paan 50
J u n 19
jurubahasa 15
ju ru raw a t 47
ju ru tren g k as 15
juta 19
jadi 47
terjadi 47
jaga 40
menjaga 40
jahit 35
jalan 1 5 ,4 1
berjalan-jalan 15
jalan kaki 41
jalannya 19
jalanraya 29
jam 5, 25
jam gerak 5
jam tangan 19
jam bangan 7
jam bangan bunga 7
jam b u 3
jangan 16
janggut 38
jangka 16
jangkalaju 45
jan tu n g 47
Januari 20
jarang 4 , 39
kaca 45
kacang 11
kad 26
kadang-kadang 14
-kah Int. 2, 2
kahwin 3
berk ahw in 3
kain 5
kain alas meja 11
kain b alu t luka 47
kain b a tik 35
kain p e n am p a l luka 47
kain sarong pelikat 35
kakak 4 4
kaki 3
sekaki 3
kakilima 29
kalau 14
kali 23, 39
kali ini 9
kambing 18, 42
sop kam bing 18
kamera 33
kami I
k am pung 9
kam u 10
kam us 37
kanak-kanak 44
kanan 5
kandang 42
kapal 25
kapal korek 32
kapalterbang 25
kapas 46
kapten 27
karang 50
dikarang 50
pengarang 50
karat 32
kari 11
kari ikan 11
karib 7
sahabat karib 7
kartu 41
karya 7
hasil karya 7
kasih Int. 2
kastam 28
kasut 34
kata 50
perk a taan 50
katakanlah 20
katil 13
kawan-kawan 14
kawasan 3, 4
kawasan luarbandar 3
keadaan 43
keadaannya 10
k e b a n y a k a n (n y a ) 3
keb eratan 46
kebetulan 20
kebiasaan 17
k e b o le h an n y a 7
kebun 3
k e b u n sayur 3
kecemasan 47
kecewa 15
kecil 1, 4
kedai 13
kedai baju 36
kedai d o b i 13
kedai gunting 39
kedai jam 19
kediam an 31
ru m ah -ru m ah kedia­
man 31
kedua-dua 18
kegem aran 48
kegembiraan 44
kegiatan 41
kehabisan 45
kehend aki 37
kehidupan 42
keindahan 31. 50
kejar 47
dikejarkan 47
kekayaan 32
kelab 14
kelabu 36
kelak 26
kelam in 20
kelapa 44
kelas 15
kelas satu 14
kelasi 27
keledek 3
kelihatan 5, 45
keliling 49
dikelilingi 49
keluar 25
keluarga 1
keluarga saya 1
k e m a h u a n 48
kem ajuan 12
kem alangan 29, 47
kem as 7
kem as te ra tu r 7
kem balikan 21
k em b an g 13, 50
kem eja 13, 35
kem ik 45
k e m u d a h a n 15
kem u d ian 9
k e m u k a k a n 46
kenalkan 10
kenderaan 25
k en yang 12
k ep ad a 9
kepala 11
kepala meja 1 1
keperluan 3 1. 50
k ep u n y aan 13
kerana 5
kerani 21
kerani pos 21
kerap 31, 50
keras 47
m in u m a n keras 47
kerbau 42
kereta 16
kereta bufe 26
keretapi 1
keretapi m ainan 1
kering 39
keringkan 13
kertas 21
wang k ertas 21
kerusi Int. 2
kerusi-meja 4
kerusi panjang 5
kerusi sandar 1
kesalahan 2 t
kesan 45
tidak berkesan 45
k eselu ru hann ya 47
kesem uany a 4
pegawai kesihatan 2^
kesukaan 35
k e ta t 34
ketaw a 49
k e te ta p a n 46
k etik a 29
k e tu k 9
d ik e tu k 9
m engetu k 10
k h ab ar Int. 2
k h ab ar baik Int. 2
kham is 20
khas 27
k h u a tir 10, 36, 39, 47
d ik h u a tirk a n 47
jangan k h u a tir 36
kilang 31
kilang penapis m in y a k 46
kilang-kilang perusahaan
kipasangin 46
kira 4
kira kira sim pan an se­
masa 22
mengira 4
kiraan su k u 19
kiri 5
kita Int. 1
kocek 35
kolam 32
kongsi 46
perkongsian 46
kopi 10
kosong 18
k o ta k 13
k o to r 13
kuah 11
kuasa 45, 48
menguasai 48
kubu 44
kucing 1
kuda 45
kugiran 49
kuih bingka 9
kuih keria 9
kuih-kuih 9
kuih lapis 9
kuih suji 12
kulit 19, 34 , 39
k u m p u lan 17
kunci 16
kurang 3, 4
lebih kurang 3, 4
kursus 37
K ursus L in guaph one 37
kurus 47
lada 3
ladang 42
lagi 8
lagu 18
-lah Int. 2
lahir 16
di dilahirkan 19
lain 5
lain-lain 3
laju 45
had laju 45
laki-laki, lelaki 1
lak u n an 49
lalu 12
lalulintas 29
lam a 10, 25
lam bai 44
lam b a t 20
lam pu 5, 29
lam pu berkaki 5
lam pu isyarat lalulintas
lam p u letrik 3
lam pu n e o n 29
lanjut 47
langsir 5
lantai 1
lap 45
lapan 1
lapanbelas 1^
lapang 3
lapangan terb an g 27
lapar 18
lari 41
latar belakang 49
latih 48
latihan 48
lauk 11
laut 28
lautan 25
lautan luas 28
lawan 41
lawatan 10
lebih 1, 3 , 4
lebih daripada 36
lebih kurang 3
lebih lam a 44
lebih-lebih lagi 42
lebih m u d a 1
lebih tu a 1
lemah 47
lem bah 32
lem bu 42
lem b u t 34, 39
lengkap 45
dilengkapi 45
letak 5
terletak 5
letaknya 31
lewat 16
jangan lew at sangat
lidah 46
lif 15
lihat Int. 1
melihat Int. 1
lima 3
limabelas 3
lim apuluh 14
limau 18
loceng 9
logam 32
lori 29
luar 3
luarbandar 3, 4
kawasan luarbandar 3
luar negeri 28
luas 28
lubang 35
luka 47
kain balut luka 47
lukisan 5
lum ba 41
lu m p u r 32
lurus 45
luruskan 45
lusa 20
lu tu t 1
b e rlu tu t 1
m aaf i
m a b o k 28
Mac 20
mahal 5
m ahir 41, 48
m ahu 5
main 1
m ainan 1
berm ain 1
m em a in k a n 48
majallah 25
majlis tari-menari 14
m aju 10
m akan 3, 4
bilik m akan 3
m akanan 11
m ak an an -m ak an an 17
m akan angin 25
m ak a n m alam 11
m akan pagi 11
m akan tengah hari 11
m akanan yang dibuat
daripada susu 46
m a k ta b 31
malah 42
malam 5
w ak tu m alam 5
malang 47
malas 38
m a m p u 35
belum m a m p u 35
m ana Int. 2
di m an a Int. 2
m anakala 27
m anakala dilihat 27
m andi 3
bilik m a n d i 3
manggis 3, 4
m angkuk 9
manis-manisan 18
m anusia 48
mari Int. 1
mari kita Int. 1
masa 15
masa d a h u lu 4 2
masa reh at 49
masaalah 44
m asak 17
dimasak 17
maseh 1
masing-masing 17
m asuk 5
m asyarakat 50
m asyhu r 49
m atahari 5
cahaya m atahari 5
m ataw ang 21
m ati 47
M e i2 0
meja Int. 1
melalui 22
m elam bai 27
melanggar 45
m elawat 3 1
m elayani 33
Melayu Int. 1
melebihi 45
m eletakkan 11
m elihat Int. 1, 23
m e m a h a m in y a 21
m em akai 13
m e m a n d u 45
m em ang 8
m em asangkan 46
memasang lam pu 13
m em baca 3 1
m em baca sajak 50
m em baw a 9
m em b ay an g k an 49
m em b ek alk an 40
m em beli 4
mem beli-belah 1 5
m e m b e rh e n tik a n 47
m em bersih kan 4 2
m em b eru sk an 38
m em besar 34
m e m b e tu lk a n 45
m em bingu ngkan 21
m e m b o leh k an 48
m em b u an g 23
m em b u an g masa 23
m e m b u a t 22
m e m b u k a 9 , 22
m em elihara 4 2
m em erh atik an 25
m em esan 26
memilih 17
m em in ja m k an 15
m e m o to n g 38 , 45
m em pelajari 4 8
m em p e rk e n alk an 9
m em peroses 32
m em persilakan 9
m e m p u n y a i 2, 17
m e m u d a h k a n 22
m em unggah 28
memusing 48
m enaiki bas 14, 15, 25
m enaip 15
m en am p o n g 45
m en a n am 3
m e n a n d a k a n 35
m enapis 1
m enari 14, 17
m enarik 13
m encapai 12
m encari 25, 44
m en c e b u rk a n diri 41
mencegah 32
m en ceru n 32
m encium 9
m encuba 35
m encuci 38
m en d aftar 1 5
m endalam 50
m endalam i 50
m en d an d an 39
m en d ap at 15
m en d aratk an 27
m en d atan g k an 40
m en em p ah 1 5 ,3 5
m enem ui 27
m e n e n tu k a n 1 5 , 3 5
menerangi 7
m enerangkan 30
m enerusi 5
m enerusi tingkap 5
meng- 1
mengalir 32
m engalu-alukan 9
m engam bil 13
m engangkat 11
m engangkut 32
m en gantuk 13
m engapa 6
mengarah 29
mengejar 43
m engelakkan 28, 29
m engeluarkan 31
m en g em u k ak a n Í
mengeriting 3Í
m engetahui S
m e n g etu k 10
m enggam barkan 33, 50
mengganggu 24
m enggantikan 35
m enggosok 13
m enggunakan 15, 32
m enghadapi 11
m e n g h a n ta rn y a 23
menghargai 50
m engharungi 25
m en ghidup 45
menghilang 27
m engidap 47
m engiklankan 29
m engikut 11
mengira 6
m engirim kan 22
menguasai 37
m engucapkan 27
m engunjung 4 9
m e n g u n tu n g k a n 43
m enguruskan nya 22
m en ik m a ti 31, 43
meninggal dunia 33
meninggalkan 27, 38
menjadi 3 1
menjaga 16, 40
m enjalankan 47
m enjengok 25
menjual 29
m enolong 15
m e n o n to n 14
m en ta h 46
m enuju 3
m enunggang 25
menunggu 13
m e n u n ju k k a n 16
m e n u ru n k a n 30
m en u ru t 17
m e n y a ta k a n 47
m en y eb eran g 29
m enyeberang jalan 29
m e n y e b u t 19
m en y ed ark an 5
m enyediakan 15
m enyelesaikan 21
m enyenangkan 38
lebih m en yenangkan
m enyiapkan 11
m e n y u ru h 35
m eny u sah k an 45
m eny u sah k an fikiran 45
m erah 23
merancang 44
merasa 12
m erb ahaya 29
m erd u 18
m ereka 1, 9
m e ro k o k 2
m erosakkan 50
mesin taip 15
mesti 12
m inat 49
minggu 9
minit 9
m inu m 9
m in u m a n 31, 49
m inum an keras 47
m inyak 7, 45
cat m inyak 7
m inyak geris 45
m in y a k u b a t 47
m inyak wangi 13
misai 38
misalnya 19
miskin 43
m iskipun 21
m od en 8
m o t o b o t 2Í
m o to k a r 3, 4
m otosikal 25
m olek 14
m u a ta n 27
m u d a 1, 36
term u d a 1
w arna m u d a sangat
mudah \ l
m u k a 13, 50
terk em u k a 50
mula-mula 11
mulai 39
m u lu t 11, 47
m ungkin 14, 35
m urah 25
m urah sedikit 36
musim 15
musim buah 43
musim cuti 15
m u tu 49
b e rm u tu 4 9
nafas 47
bernafas 47
naik 44
nam a 1
n am p ak 3
n am p a k n y a 10
nanti 4
nasi 11
nasi goreng 18
nasihat 47
naskhah 5
negara 40
negeri 12
nenek 33
n ik m at 43
nilai 22
nilai tu k a ra n n y a 22
nipis 36
nobel 37
n o m b o r 23
N ovem ber 20
nya 1
nyala 5
nyalakan 5
nyanyi Int. 1
nyanyian 49
nyaris 47
n y en y ak 13
Ofios 20
O k to b e r 20
oleh 27
oleh kerana 27
oranfi Int. 1
seorang Int. I
orang awam 23
orang dewasa 50
orang gaji 9
orang-orang berjalan
kaki 29
orang ramai 27
pada 1, 8
pada kali ini 44
pada keseluruhannya I
pada malam ini 12
pada m ulanya 21
pad am k an 13
padang 41
pagar 3, 27
berpagar 3
pagar kapal 27
pagi Int. 1
pagi tadi 35
paip 1
paip air 13
pajak 40
pem ajak 40
pakai 13, 35
pakaian 9
pakaian tidur 13
paling 10, 32
pam 45
pam air 32
pam m inyak 45
panas 47
pancar 48
pancaragam 17
pandai 7
pandang 49
pandangan 27
pem an d an g an 49
panggii 47
panggong 49
panjang 23, 24
pantai 44
pantas 23
p a n tu n 50
papan 45
papan p e n u n ju k 45
para-para 5
para-para b u k u 5
Parlimen 31
paru-paru 47
pas 27
pasang 13
pasangan 17
pasar 31
pasir 44
paspot 28
pasti 10
pastikan 43
patah 47
pateri 32
p a tu t 15
payung 3
pedagang 40
pegang Int. 1
m em egang Int. 1
pegawai 28
pejabat 14
Pejabat Pos Besar 23
Pejabat Taligram 23
pékan 23
pekat 18
pekerjaan 43
p elab o h an 27
P elabohan Kelang 27
peladang 43
pelajar Int. 1
pelajaran 1
pelajari 45
pelakun 49
pelancung 29
pelanggan 38
pelantar 25
pelawat 27
pelayan 17
pelayaran 25
pelebur 32
peluang 40
pelukis 7
pem and angan 15
p e m a n d u 15
pem b an g u n an 31
p e m b a y a ra n 22
pembeli 33
p em b etu lan 35
pem bicara 48
pem binaan 41
p e m b u a t'p e m b u a t 32
pemergian 27
pem inat 7, 49
penam pal 47
kain penam pal luka
penat 13
pencinta 50
p endahu luan Int. 1
p e n d a n d a n ra m b u t 31
p e n d ap at 8, 49
b e rp e n d a p a t 8
p en d e k 39
pen d ek k an 36
p e n d u d u k 31
penerim aan 48
pengajian 31
tem p at pengajian
tinggi 31
pengarang 50
pengelap 45
pengelap kasut 34
pengertian 50
penggunaan 50
penghalang 45
besi penghalang depan
penghantar taligram 23
penghidupan 43
pengkalan 27
pengunjung 31, 49
penjaga tiket 30
penjual 33
pentas 49
pem entasan 49
penting 14
penuh 3. 47
p en um pan g 25
p e n u n ju k 45
p e n u n ju k m in y a k 45
penyakit 47
p en yang kut 3
p en yang kut baju 3
p erab u t 7
peraduan 50
peram ah 33
Perancis 22
pera tu ra n 45
perbandingan 7
bandingkan 7
perbezaan 8
perbualan 4
berbual 4
p e rb u a tan 28
percaya 8
peredaran 21
perem p u an 1
pergi 13
perguruan 31
perhentian bas 30
perhiasan 44
perhiasan rum ah 44
p e rk h id m a ta n 23
perh u b u n g an 48
periksa 45
peringkat 32
perjalanan jau h 25
perjanjian 46
perjum paan 50
perkakas 45
perkakas letrik 46
perkataan 50
perkem bangan 50
perlahan Int. 1
perlahan-lahan Int. 1
perlawanan 41
perlu 23, 50
perlum baan 41
perm aidani 5
perm ainan 41
p erm ata 44
perm ulaan 37
b u k u perm ulaan 37
p e m a h 10
perniagaan 10, 46
persediaan 45
tay ar persediaan 45
p ertam a 1, 44
p ertam a kali 12
pertandingan 31
p ertan y aan Int. 2, 30
pertolongan 47
p e rtu n ju k k a n 49
p eru b ah an 31, 43
peru m ah an 31
kawasan peru m ah an
pesat 12
petak 27
petang 10
petani 42
para petani 42
peti Int. 1
petin y an y i Int. 1
petisejuk 46
petisurat 23
peti talivisyen 5
pikul 42
pilih t
pin baju 34
pinggang 36
pin tu 3
pin tu pagar 3
pipi 38
piring Int. 1» 9
piringhitam Int. I
pisang 11
pisau 11
plastik 34
p o h o n 31
p o k o k 3, 4
p o k o k bu ah-buahan 3
politik 9
p o n d o k 31, 40
posm en 23
pos udara 23
p o ter 15
puan 2
puisi 50
puji 49
pujian 49
p u k u l 14
p u k u l berapa 14
p uku l satu, ja m satu 19
pula 3, 4
puluh 19
pun 6
pun ya 2
mem punyai 2
pusat 29
pusat m em beli belah 29
pusing 48
m em using 48
putar 48
putih 34
Rabu 20
radio 7
ramai 3, 21
o ra n g ra m a i 21
ra m b u t 38
ram b u ta n 3, 4
rancangan 44
ratus 19
rawat 47
raw atan 47
dirawat 47
reban ayam 42
rehat 2 6 , 4 2
rem p ah-rem pah 17
renda 33
rendah 3
rendang 31
restorán 17
ringgit 16
ro k o k 2, 5
tem p a t h a b o k ro kok
ros 3
rosak 19, 50
m erosak kan 50
roti 17
ruang-ruang 32
rum ah 3, 4, 8
ru m ah pangsa 3
rum ah persinggahan 44
rum ah tangga 8, 9
rum ah tu m p an g a n 44
rum ah tu m pang an kerajaan 44
rundingkan 4 6
rupa 46
m eru p ak an 46
rupiah 22
saat 31
S abtu 9, 20
sahabat 7
sahabat karib 7
sahaja, saja 2
saiznya 36
sajak 50
sakit 47
sakit gigi 47
saksi 43
salam 9
bersalam 9
saluran 48
sam ada 25
sama-sama 18
sama seperti I 5
sambil 1, 9, 11
sam but 49
sam bu tan 15, 49
sampai 26, 42
sam pul 24
sam pul surat 24
sandar 5
bantal sandar 5
sandiwara 48
sangat 1, 6
sapu tangan 13
sarapan 17
sarung kaki 34
sarung tangan 33
sastra 50
kesusastraan 50
sateh 18
satu Int. 1
saudara 9
anak saudara 9
sawah 42
saya Int. 1
sayang 10
sayur 3
sebab 14, 45
sebagai 11
sebagaimana 7
sebahagian 32
sebahagian besar 17
sebanyak 22
sebatang 13
sebelah 5, 7
sebelah kiri 5
sebelas 1 1 ,3 3
sebelum 12, 28
sebenarnya 10
sebentar 22
tunggu sebentar 22
seberang 30
seberang laut 33
sebilah 13
sebotol 13
seb u ru k 47
sebut 19
secara besar-besaran 41
secepat m ungkin 16
sedang Int. 1
sedang d u d u k 5
sedap 12
sederhana 34
sedia 11
sediakan 12
sedikit Int. 2
segala 30
segar 49
segera 44
seberapa segera 44
segi 31
sehelai 5
se jam 45
sejauh 45
sejenis 8
sejuk 17
sejurus 27
sekali 1, 3
sekalian 10
sekarang Int. 1, 14
sekeping 22
sekeping w ang kertas
seratus ringgit 22
seketika 27
sekiranya 28
sekitar 29
sekolah 31, 44
sek o tak 13
sekurang-kurangnya 12
selain dari itu 25
selama ^
selamat Int. 1, 27
selamat pagi Int. 1
selamat petang 10
selamat tinggal 27
Selasa 20
Selat Melaka 27
selepas 9
selera 17
selipar 13
seloka 50
selsema 47
seluar 35
seluar panjang 35
semalam 14
semasa 22
kira-kira simpanan
semasa 22
sembilan 9
sembilan belas 19
sem boh 47
sem b o y an 27
sem enanjung 31
sem entara 11
sem entara itu 45
sem erbak 31
seminggu 14
sem oden 8
sem ua 6
sen 21
senang 44
sendiri 10
sendirian 46
sengaja 12
senikata 48
senilakun 49
senilukis 7
pelukis 7
senitari 49
sentak 39
sentiasa 15
sepadan 35
sepak 41
sepak takraw 41
sepanjang 13
sepasang 35
seperti 3, 4, 1 1
S ep tem b e r 20
sepuluh 10
se p u p u 10
sepup u-sep upunya 10
serah 47
serahkan 36
seribu 19
seringgit 24
seronok 49
serta 7
sesiapa 6
sesuai 32
sesuaikah 24
setah u n 12
setelah 9
setengah 13
setiap 17
setinggi 2, 14
setokin 13
setuju 34
setujukah tu an 14
seum pam a 17
sewa 16, 44
siang 5
siap 45
siapkan 45
siapa Int. 2
siapakah Int. 2
siaran 48
sibuk 15
sihat 10
sikat 13
siia Int. 1
siling 5
sim pan 3. 4
sim panan 22
m e n y im p a n 3
singgah 44
sistem 37
situ, Sana 4
soalan 2
stem 21
stesyen 25
stesyen keretapi 25
suami I
suara 1, 48
suatu 6
sudah 12
sudah tahu 43
sudah te n tu 15
sudu 11
sudut 13
suka 4, 6
sangat suka 6
sukan 31
suku 19
kurang su k u pukul
sembilan 19
sulit 13
sum bangan 50
sungai 32
Sungai Kinta 32
sungguh 8
sungguhpun 7
sungguh-sungguh 42
sunyi 16, 42
sup 11
sup kam bing 18
sup ayam 18
supaya 1 7
surat 1
surat berdaftar 24
surat biasa 24
surat khabar 5
surat suntik 28
susah 19, 47
m e n y u sa h k a n 47
susu 18, 46
syam po 39
syarahan 48
syarikat 27
syiling 20
tahniah 14, 20
tahu 6
tah u k ah 20
tahu n 1
tak, tidak 12
taligram 23
tali leher 13
talipun 18
talivisyen 6
tam an 3. 4
tam an orang ram ai 49
tam bah 48
tam b a h an 37, 48
bacaan ta m b a h a n 37
tam bang 30
tam palkan 45
tanah 3
tanahair 50
tanam 3. 4
tanam an 3, 4
ditan am 4
m enanam 3, 4
tanda 16
tan d a tangan 16
tandas 3
tangan Int. 1 , 9 , 13
tangga 3, 8
anak tangga 8
b erum ah tangga 8
tangki 13, 45
ta n p a 25
tarik 16
tarikh 16
tasek 3 1
taw ar m enaw ar 40
taw aran 46
tayang 49
m enayang 49
tayar 45
tayar persediaan 45
tebal 36
tebing sungai 32
teh 9
tekan 48
tekanan 45
tekanan angin tayar 45
teknikal 3 1
teksi 29
teku n 9
telah 8
telinga 48
telur 17, 42
tem asya 44
bertem asya 44
tem baga 21
tembaga p u te h 32
tem bikar 33
te m p a t 3, 4
tem p a t d u d u k 49
tem pat habuk ro k o k 5
te m p a t m enyim pan
barang 45
te m p a t m enyim pan
m o to k a r 3
te m p a t tu m p u a n 31
te m p a ta n 7, 3 1
tem uduga 46
tenaga 45
tengah Int. 2, 19
tengah hari 19
tengah malam 19
ten g k u k 47
tentang 4
te n tu Int. 1
tep a t 13, 19
tepi 3, 5
tepi jalan 23
ter- 1
terang 19
terasa 13
teratu r 7
terbaru 9
terbuka 43
tergantung 5
tergelincir 45
tergesa-gesa 25
tergopoh-gapah 25
terhidang 12
terim a Int. 2
terim a kasih Int. 2
terjadi 47
terjem ah 48
terjem ahan 48
terk eju t 33
te rk e m u k a 50
terkenal 7
terlalu 4
terlebih dahulu 28
terlew at 25
terlindung 6
term asuk 4
terpaksa 25
terpegun 48
terpenting 29
tersebut 9
tertarik ?
sungguh tertarik 8
te ta m u 3, 31
bilik te ta m u 3
te ta m u k e h o rm a t 31
te ta p 16
tetapi 3 . 4
teruk 45
tidak begitu teruk 45
terung 3
terus 13
terutam a 15
tiang 29
tiang lam pu 29
tiap-tiap 11
tiap-tiap seorang 11
tiba 9
tidak Int. 1
tidak berkesan 45
tidak mengapa 18, 36
tid u r 3. 4
bilik tidur 3
te rtid u r 13
tiga 3. 4
tigabelas 1 3
tikar 5
tiket 15
te m p a t jual tiket 26
tiket pergi balek 26
tim ah 32
tim u n 3
tim ur 44
pantai tim u r 44
tin 40
tinggal 3, 4, 27
selamat tinggal 27
tertinggal 32
tinggi 31
tingkap 1> 5
tingkat 3, 4
tingkat atas 3. 4
tingkat bawah 3, 4
tinju 41
T ionghoa 50
tolong 18
t o n t o n 48
topi 3
tua 1
tertua 1
tuala 1 1
tuan Int. 1. 11
tuan rum ah 1 1
tuang 28
tugu peringatan kebang­
saan 7
tuju 3
m enuju 3
tujuh. tujoh 4
tujuhbelas 10
tukang 35
tukang gunting 38
tukang jahit baju 35
tukar 13
tulis Int. 1
menulis Int. 1
sedang menulis 1
tu m it 34
tu m it rendah 34
tu m it tinggi 34
tum pangi 28
tunai 22
cek tunai 22
tunggu 16
tu n ju k 48
tu n ju k k an 24
papan p e n u n ju k 45
tu r u n 27, 30
tu r u t 41
tu t u p Int. 2 , 5 , 13
te r tu t u p Int. 2
t u t u p langsir 5
ubah 43
p eru b ah a n 43
ubahnya 12
ubat sapu 47
ubat-ubat 46
ucapkan 14
udang 11
udara 23
pos udara 23
uji 45
u k u ran 35
ulangtahun 14
ulangtahun perkahw inan
ulasan 48
u m p a m a n y a 19
umur 1
u m u rn y a 2
universiti 31
u n tu k 11
upacara sam b u tan 31
u p ah n y a 36
urusan 12. 46
urusan perniagaan 1 2
usaha 32
u ta m a 17
wakil 46
w aktu 5
w alaupun 42
wang 18
wangi 13
w anita 39
w arnanya 36
wayang gam bar 14
ya Int. 2
yang Int. 2
yang lalu 12
yang m ana Int. 2, 37
yang te rb a h a ru sekali 36