Communicator - United Society of Baja California


Communicator - United Society of Baja California
The Monthly Newsletter of the
Sociedad Unida de Baja California
United Society of Baja California
October 2016
Vol XXXIV No 10
P.O. Box 439030 #168
San Ysidro, CA 92143
USBC Halloween Potluck
Saturday, October 15th
1:00pm at La Maroma
Costume Parade Treats for
Spooky Food
ries Games!
Each person should bring
enough food for 8 people.
A–I Sides & Salads
J–Q Main Dishes
R–Z Desserts
Your hostess: Kay Anderson
[email protected]
President Judy Westphal
(661) 614-1113
First Vice President Paul Flowers
(661) 613-9355
Second Vice President Tom Goodman
(661) 100-2380
Secretary Julia Prine
(619) 600-4636
Treasurer Milo Goehring
(661) 100-6653
Immediate Past President Paul Weekes
(661) 612-2186
[email protected]
[email protected]
[email protected]
[email protected]
[email protected]
[email protected]
Fred Alarcon
Dave Eliot
Jo Flowers
Kathy Hutzler
Dee Dee Martinson
Anita Olson
Elma Sotomayor
Carmen Valencia
Amy Valenzuela
[email protected] (661) 612-0552
[email protected] (661) 100-6240
[email protected] (661) 613-9355
[email protected] (661) 100-6060
[email protected] (661) 100-6800
[email protected] (661) 100-6800
[email protected] (661) 614-1301
[email protected] (664) 631-3815
[email protected] (664) 631-2092
Nelson Denniston [email protected] (619) 316-4360
Rose Dillon [email protected] (661) 120-4491
Sandy Eddahbi [email protected] (213) 787-5091
Editor Craig Klein
Designer Andrew Lara
Distribution Kathy Hutzler
Education Amy Valenzuela
Greeter Carmen Valencia
Membership Dave Eliot
Nominating Bill Clark
Restaurant Tours Sandy Eddahbi
Sergeant-at-Arms Paul Flowers
Social Dee Dee Martinson
Sunshine Amy Valenzuela
Website Dave Eliot
[email protected] (619) 581-7121
[email protected] (664) 577-4992*
[email protected] (661) 100-6060
[email protected] (664) 631-2092
[email protected] (664) 631-3815
[email protected] (661) 100-6240
[email protected] (661) 110-9047*
[email protected] (213) 787-5091
[email protected] (661) 613-9355
[email protected] (661) 100-6800
[email protected] (664) 631-2092
[email protected] (661) 100-6240
*cell phone
Visit our website:
President’s Message Judy Westphal
pring and Summer have come and gone with Fall now in full swing.
We still have so many wonderful events to look forward to with
USBC: Sandy’s Exquisite Restaurant Tours, Kay’s Spooky Halloween
Party, Dave’s Gastronomical Thanksgiving Dinner, December’s Election of
Board of Directors, Larry’s Phenomenal Fund-raising Cruise, and last but
not least, Rose’s Fabulous Holiday Ball. So keep those calendars and pens
handy to be sure you don’t miss even one exciting moment for the rest of
At the October General Meeting nominations for Board of Directors will be
open to the floor. Please put it in your heart to step forward and keep the
momentum going for this great organization! Our “Superman” Nominating
Committee Chairman Bill Clark needs your cooperation to volunteer to be
a candidate and I know in my heart you all can make this happen with your
service to the Rosarito Beach community. It is so rewarding — trust me!
I hope to see you all at as many functions as possible from now to year’s
end. In the meantime please remember to stay happy, healthy and love
Treasurer’s Report Milo Goehring
Membership Dave Eliot
For the month of August 2016
As of August 31, 2016
Beginning Balance
August Income
August Expense
August Net Loss
Plus Wee Feet Deposit
Ending Balance
$ 7,598
Cash Balances:
$ 1,194
Petty Cash-Admin
Petty Cash-Pesos
Holiday Ball Deposit 100
Ending Balance
$ 7,212
Total membership
New during the month
Welcome new members:
Sean Burns & Jane Alferos
Dick Cadger & Kathy Thompson
Desarae Holladay
Tim Ireland
Andrew Lara
Leonora Lara
Bobby Moreno
Deb Smith
$ 7,212
Abbreviated Minutes Julia Prine
he September 3rd meeting was called to order by
First Vice President Paul Flowers at 10:09am.
President Judy Westphal introduced the Officers
and Board members.
Greeter Carmen Valencia welcomed our guests.
Treasurer Milo Goehring gave his report (see page
3). The IRS has approved our filing as a 501(c)(3)nonprofit exempt organiztion. California state exemption
forms have been filed.
Restaurant Tour Chairperson Sandy Eddahbi
reported that Rancho Los Illusiones will be our location
on September 24 (Sat) at 10AM for breakfast.
Dee Dee Martinson passed around the 2017
Potluck signup sheet.
Judy Westphal introduced the day’s guest speakers,
Rosy Torres President and Gil Sperry Vice President of
Club de Niños y Niñas Rosarito (Boys & Girls Club of
Rosarito). Rosy emphasized the great impact the club is
on the future of the children, being part of the National
and International organization, local success with kids in
track & field and an international orchestra, involvement
of parents and neighbors. The club is currently serving
150 per day and have a goal of 600. Gil’s highlights
included, the festival is for the kids, sponsors are
needed, instruments are being donated from all over, the
talleres are for the kids to learn to play music for some in
as little as 3 days, the festival line up will be a tribute to
the recently passed Juan Gabriel and his songs,
volunteers are needed for the talleres (See Mavourneen
“Baja” O'Brien). Judy Westphal was presented a 2016
Festival purple shirt.
NOMINATING: Bill Clark, Chair, reminded us the
election is in December, October the slate of candidates
is presented and general members can now nominate
any member in good standing to be added to the ballot.
Ballots will be out in November. Judy Westphal
encouraged running.
SUNSHINE AND EDUCATION: Chair of Education and
Sunshine, Amy Valenzuela, displayed a primary pencil (a
really fat yellow one) donated by a gentleman from
Sacramento along with 99 more and 100 sharpeners and
a “whole pile of stuff” and a large cash donation he
collected through his facebook contacts. She is closing
the clothing drive as she has already received tons of
items. Amy gave the Sunshine report. Judy Westphal is
hoping the Operation Adopt Wee Feet program that she
and Julia Prine started will continue under the new board.
Membership Chair Dave Eliot gave his report (See
page 3). (Arietta Hays has moved to Omaha.)
Editor Craig Klein announced the Communicator
deadline the 15th of the month prior to publication.
SPEAKERS: Judy Westphal has a lineup of – October
Jose Navarro from the Casa Hogar Jazmin Elizabeth
Orphanage, November Les Widd holding a Q & A session
on computer problems, issues, etc.
POTLUCKS & EVENTS: Aug BBQ hosted by Judy
Westphal saw 58 or 59 attending for a great day. Sep 17
will be Milo & Cary Goehring & Paul & Jo Flowers with a
Mexican theme. Oct 15th is Kay Anderson with her
Halloween Party. Nov 19 Dave Eliot will host the
Thanksgiving Feast with Chef Lorenzo back to cook for us
at La Maroma. Dec 3 Rose Dillon is on again. Cruise
leader Larry Norman reported we are now at 72 plus 2
from today. A committee has been formed to allocate the
raised funds.
NON-PROFITS: Sister Cities & Friends of the
Library-Rene Drake-Hill; Cruz Roja-Paul Flowers; Flying
Sam-Dee Dee Martinson; -Rosarito Theater Guild-Irene
O'Brien; Hearts of Baja Children's Homes Network-Leticia
Castro de Halverson; Boys & Girls Club-Rosy Torres & Gil
Sperry; Diamond Chorale & MS Walk- Mavourneen “Baja”
Dave Eliot announced the water would be off from
9-8 to 9-11.
50-50: Anita Olson collected $106 with the split of
$53 going to Cari Bryant & USBC.
The meeting was adjourned by Paul Flowers at
The Galeon Restaurant at Hotel Calafia
Traditional Mexican Buffet Brunch
Sunday, October 9 at 11AM
Reservations with paid tickets. $13 — Cash only
Contact Sandy Eddahbi for tickets
[email protected]
The lavish buffet includes lots of fresh fruits,
three salads, 10 mexican dishes that alternate
weekly, an omelet station, handmade tortillas, a
quesadilla bar, a grill station that makes bbq beef
and chicken for tacos, and, of course, a dessert
station. Unlimited coffee, juices, and aqua frescas
are included. Also, for the USBC, one regular
margarita or glass of wine will be included.
he Galeon Restaurant at Hotel Calafia is the
reincarnation of the original restaurant in
Calafia that opened in 1982. It started as a
fresh seafood and authentic Mexican cuisine
restaurant and that is still what it is today. This is a
great place to eat fresh lobster on the outside cliff
of the Pacific. Why go all the way to Puerto
There is a great story to tell about the new chef
here. He is Chef Felipe Fernandez. He originally
started in this very restaurant 30 years ago as a
dishwasher. Since then he spent a number of years
in central Mexico learning his craft. He returned to
Baja and worked as a chef at the Rosarito Beach
Hotel. Now he has relocated to the Galeon and
has made the Sunday brunch another shining star
at Hotel Calafia.
The Acevedo family also has a rich history in
Rosarito and Tijuana. Of course, they still own all
the property and restaurants at Hotel Calafia. They
are one of the founding families of Rosarito. There
have been three generations of attorneys, among
the men. Conrado, Sr. worked as the legal counsel
for the U.S. Consulate in Tijuana for many years
and was also President of the Tijuana Chamber of
Commerce for 30 years. He is still winning awards
for his years of service to the community. He is in
his 80’s and still puts on a business suit daily.
The current head of the property and restaurants
at Hotel Calafia is Conrado Acevedo, Jr. He is
working hard to make these restaurants the best
they can be and has instituted a monthly 6 course
and wine pairing dinner at his Cocina Sylvestre.
He calls Hotel Calafia a "rebirth of a Baja icon."
Please join me for what will be a perfect start to
your Sunday. I understand there will be a Art Mart
at the new CEART following this. The brunch will
be held outside and under a tent. I am having it
early in the month before the weather chills down.
So come and enjoy all that Baja has to offer. The
beautiful outside, oceanside setting and a great
Sunday brunch.
Sunshine Amy Valenzuela
United Society
of Baja California
Saturday, Dec. 3, 2016
Rosarito Beach Hotel
$40.00 per person
No Host Bar 6:00PM
Dinner 7:00PM
Dancing 8:00PM
eceived a note from Tom Maher in New
Orleans. He is healing nicely and able to
walk on his right foot again. He doesn’t have
to see his doctor for 6 months; that is great
news, indeed. Tom and Linda sold their
house at Popotla and will miss their friends
down here. We will miss their friendly faces
and wish them well.
Jack Westphal has had a setback and is
recovering slowly but surely. We send love
and continued prayers. Card was sent.
I also sent a card to Joni Brotherton who
was having more health issues. She has
moved away, so we send our best wishes for
a speedy recovery.
All of you—stay well
Education Amy Valenzuela
e have not yet posted a date to start
Operation Adopt Wee Feet for new
shoes for Christmas. Information will be in
the Communicator next month .
Tickets available from:
Rose 661-120-4491 [email protected]
Anita 661-100-6800 US 612-332-3533
[email protected]
We’re looking for someone to
take over the USBC website.
Contact Dave Eliot (see page 2).
I have taken enormous amounts of clothing
down. For the time being, that is plenty.
Thank you all for your generosity in sharing
with the less fortunate.
It’s never too early for the candy drive, even
though the stores are loaded with it. When
it is on sale, pick up a bag for our babies
who get a big kick out of American candy.
We use it for the Christmas party and
stocking stuffers for each child. More on that
next month also.
1 USBC General Meeting at RBH, Salon Casa Blanca, 10am
2 Tootie and the Gals (Flash & Glam) Fundraiser for Spay and Neuter Clinics,
Gary's La Fonda, 5pm, $25
Wed 5 Flying Samaritans Luncheon at Las Rocas, 1:00pm, $15
Wed 5 Volunteer Meeting for Mariachi Festival at RBH, Salon Maya, 4pm
7 Food & Wine Pairing Luncheon at Susanna’s Restaurant to benefit Baja Scholarship
Foundation, 1pm, $40
Sun 9 USBC Restaurant Tour at Galeon Restaurant in Hotel Calafia, 11am, $13
Tue 11 Rosarito Theatre Guild Board Meeting at the Theatre, 10am
Wed 12 Mariachi Festival Workshops at RBH, 9am-4pm
Wed 12 Cruz Roja Primo Tapia Bingo at El Pescador, 1pm
Wed 12 Friends of the Library Board Meeting at IMAC Public Library, 9:15am
Wed 12 Play, Sing and Dance for Food, various locations, 6pm
Thur 13 Mariachi Festival Workshops at RBH, 9am–4pm
Thur 13 Cruz Roja Rosarito General Meeting at RBH, Salon Maya, 10am
Thur 13 Mariachi Festival Hall of Fame Induction at RBH, Salon Chabert, 5:30pm, FREE
Thur 13 Mariachi Festival Cocktails with the Stars at RBH, Salon Quijote, 6pm, $25
Fri 14 Mariachi Festival Workshops at RBH, 9am–4pm
Fri 14 Mariachi Festival International Concert at RBH, 7pm, $15
Sat 15 Mariachi Festival Ballet Folklorico Competitions at RBH, 10am, $10
Sat 15 USBC Potluck (Halloween Theme) at La Maroma, 1pm
Sat 15 Mariachi Festival Extravaganza Concert at RBH, 7pm
Wed 19 Flying Samaritans Meeting at Villas del Mar Clubhouse, 10am
Wed 19 Flying Samaritans Bingo at California Fresh, 1pm
Thur 20 FRAO Meeting at RBH, Salon Maya, 10am
Fri 21 Arsenic and Old Lace at Rosarito Theatre Guild, 7pm
Sat 22 Cruz Roja Primo Tapia Oktoberfest Benefit at Mission Viejo Clubhouse, 2pm, $10
Sat 22 Arsenic and Old Lace at Rosarito Theatre Guild, 2pm
Sun 23 Arsenic and Old Lace at Rosarito Theatre Guild, 2pm
Wed 26 Cruz Roja Primo Tapia Bingo at El Pescador, 1pm
Thur 27 Sister Cities Committee meets in Room 212 at City Hall, 10am
Fri 28 Arsenic and Old Lace at Rosarito Theatre Guild, 7pm
Sat 29 Arsenic and Old Lace at Rosarito Theatre Guild, 2pm
Sun 30 Arsenic and Old Lace at Rosarito Theatre Guild, 2pm
For those 70 plus folks that are now paid in
full, it’s time to start signing up for our
NEW INFORMATION for Friends of
USBC on the Mexican Rivera Cruise
e still have room for the friends of USBC
on our First Fundraising Cruise on Holland
America’s Ms Westerdam, from San Diego
Dec 10th to 17th 2016.
We are down to only a couple of Inside Cabins and
a couple of Balcony Cabins left. Holland. America
has offered us a NEW low rate. Contact Larry
Norman for more information.
We have reserved private air conditioned
buses for city tours in Cabo San Lucas,
Mazatlán and Puerto Vallarta. Each of these
tours is for FOUR to FIVE hours and they cover
the best spots at each port, with plenty of time
to shop with your friends.
Each bus holds 40 people, so contact Larry to
reserve your seats, as they will sell out fast!
Don’t forget to ask about the special discount
if you book all three tours! Plus, Larry can book
your tours for you, with no payment until we
reach 30 Passengers on each tour.
Don’t miss the boat. Email our Event Chairman
Larry Norman at [email protected]
We’re still looking for someone
with computer skills to take over
as USBC membership chair.
Contact Dave Eliot (see page 2).
& Associates
Juan Carlos Gutiérrez S.
(661) 612-6474
(619) 752-9047
(664) 693-1438
[email protected]
• Legal Advice
• Real Estate Assistance
• Insurance
• Translations & Apostille
• Immigration
AA Rosarito Group Sun Mon Thur 10:00AM, Tue Wed Fri 6:00PM, Sat 3:00PM; Al-Anon meetings Tues 10:00AM
Ave. Mar Mediterranco #16 (2 blocks east of Las Brisas Hotel) AA Closed Meeting, Wed 12:00noon, at Flying Sams
clinic, Calle Chihuahua #488, Colonia Constitución Contact: 661-614-1678
Al-Anon meetings Tues 10:00AM & Thur 4:00PM, Ave. Mar Mediterranco #16 (2 blocks east of Las Brisas Hotel)
Contact: 661-614-1678
Baja Animal Sanctuary Provides help for abused, abandoned and needy animals by spaying/neutering and finding
homes. Contact: Sunny Benedict [email protected]
Baja California Spay Neuter Foundation Providing low cost spay and neuter clinics in Baja. Volunteers
always welcome. Contact: Robin Gunther, President, 661-123-3619, 619-906-7294 [email protected],
Facebook:Baja California Spay Neuter Foundation, website
Baja Dog Rescue is an American-run 501(c)(3) non-profit organization operated by volunteers in the Baja California
area. We are a no-kill shelter that rescues and rehabilitates unwanted, abandoned, and neglected dogs and finds
them loving homes. 619-407-9372 664-636-2997 [email protected]
Baja Gold Coast Bridge Club Mondays 11:00AM, at Rosarito Beach Christian Church, Km 42.6, TJ–Ens, ACBL
duplicate game. Contact: Gwen Castelda 646-155-4036 [email protected]
Baja Scholarship Foundation Provides financial support to superior Mexican students at risk of dropping out of
school due to financial hardship. Contact: Judie Desson 661-613-2359 /
760-208-2840 [email protected]
Bajavurah Meets the last Sunday of the month. A Jewish social group whose members live part or full-time in the
Rosarito Beach area. Contact: Marsha Baker, President, 602-819-4993 / 664-631-3586
[email protected]
Club de Niños y Niñas Rosarito Affiliated with the Boys & Girls Club of America. Provides positive programs,
services and activities for school-age children. Contact: Rosy Torres, President at [email protected]
Cruz Roja Primo Tapia Supporting ambulance service from Popotla to Bajamar, Bingo is on the 2nd and last
Wednesdays of the month,1:00 at El Pescador. Their Thrift Store is open Tuesday–Saturday, 10:00–2:00. Contact:
Val Valle, Director, [email protected]; Melody Lawson, Store Manager, 661-119-3439 store cell.
Cruz Roja Voluntarios Americanos de Rosarito General Meetings 2nd Thursday 10:00AM, Rosarito Beach
Hotel. Board meets Monday prior to 2nd Thursday 10:00AM, in Hospital Board Room. Thrift Store, located behind
Waldos, open Mon–Sat, 9:00–5:00, Contact: Paul Flowers, President, 661-613-9355 [email protected]
Diamond Chorale Contact: Mavourneen O’Brien 664-631-3428 / 619-955-6100 [email protected]
Desarrollo Integral de la Familia, a social service agency, provides help for the neediest members of the community.
Meetings in English: 2nd Tuesday, 9:00AM, Salon Maya, Rosarito Beach Hotel Contact: Linda Munoz, 661-612-6082
or 661-612-6077 [email protected]
Flying Samaritans Meets the 3rd Wednesday of the month at Villas del Mar, 10:00AM. They conduct free clinics for
people of Mexico who have no other resources. Medical clinics are on the 2nd & 4th Saturdays, and a hearing clinic
is on the 3rd Saturday. The clinic is located at Calle Chihuahua #488, Colonia Constitución. Contact: Susan Smith,
President, 858-240-2360, 661-100-6066, [email protected]
FRAO The Foreign Residents Attention Office, located in Suite 107 on the first floor of City Hall, provides information and
assistance to international residents. Breakfast meeting on the 3rd Thursday of the month 10:00AM. Rosarito Beach
Hotel Contact: Oscar Lozano, 661-614-9600 ext 1080 [email protected]
Friends of the Library Meets the 2nd Wednesday of the month at the IMAC central library. FOL promotes reading
& literacy & works to improve the conditions and collections of the 5 library branches.
Contact: Susan Shea, President, [email protected].
Hand & Foot Cards Fridays 11:00AM at Oceana Bar & Grill. All are welcome, men & women, come join the fun.
For more information Contact:: Michele Torchia 858 432-3938, [email protected]
Hearts of Baja Children’s Homes Network To coordinate the needs and resources of the 109 registered and
additional non-registered group homes for the nearly 6000 children, orphaned or not, living in our own backyard.
Contact: Marilyn Widd, [email protected], 442-400-2309, 760-936-3772
Rosarito Sister Cities Committee Meets the last Thursday of the month, 10:00AM in Room 212 at City Hall.
Aims to increase international trade, economic development, and exchanges of culture, educational and social
services. Contact: Oscar Lozano, 661-614-9600 ext 1080 [email protected]
Rosarito Theatre Guild Board of Directors meets on the 2nd Tuesday, 10:00AM at their Theatre in the CINES RIO
building, #76 Benito Juarez Boulevard, Rosarito (one block south of Elektra) Contact: Sylvia Dombrosky, President
664-631-3320 [email protected]
Square Dancing Thursdays, 5:00PM at La Costa Clubhouse Contact: Maggi Wagner 619-997-0824
[email protected]
United Society of Baja California (USBC) General Meetings 1st Saturday of the month, 10:00AM, Rosarito
Beach Hotel. Board meets Wednesday prior to the 1st Saturday, 10:00AM, at La Maroma. USBC is primarily a social
group serving as the hub of information for the English speaking community in the Rosarito area.
Contact: Judy Westphal, President 661-614-1113 [email protected]
Catholic Church Rosarito Centro, English Mass Sunday 9:30AM Fr. John McCormick, Fr. Oscar Villalpando Ramirez
Calvary Chapel Rosarito Pastor Mike Vincent. Meets at Aqua Calientes #2978. Services: Sunday 9:00 & 11:00AM,
Saturday 6:30PM and Wednesday 6:30PM. Info: 661-612-7915 [email protected]
Hope Chapel Rosarito Located in Baja Malibu, right next to Baja Storage at KM 23.5 along the Tijuana-Ensenada
free road. Services: Sunday 11:30AM and Wednesday at 6:00PM Info: 664-609-3557
Fundamental Church of Jesus Christ of Latter Day Saints In La Misión, we will be bilingual. Info: Jason Caruth
646-155-0539, 619-591-8009
Latter-day Saints (Mormon) English service Sunday 9:00AM–12:00, Rosarito Chapel, 20 Calle Cantil, 5 blocks
west of Benito Juárez off Av. Del Mar. Info: Craig Klein 619-581-7121, [email protected]
Rosarito Beach Christian Church Km 42.6 on Tijuana-Ensenada free road. Sunday Worship Service 9:45AM,
Info: 661-614-0009 Pastor: Dr. Tom Ward. [email protected]
Rosarito Church of the Nazarene Pastor Gary Tucker. Meets at Calle Abeto & Mediterraneo, 2 blocks east of
Crown Plaza Hotel. Services: Sunday 10:00AM, Wednesday 6:30PM. Info: 619-504-9611 [email protected]