New nature playground for kindergarten


New nature playground for kindergarten
New nature playground for kindergarten
Students from our kindergarten familiarise
themselves with their new play environment.
Last Saturday a group of very committed volunteer
parents gathered at the kindergarten site to help construct
a nature playground. The work started at 8am and
finished at 5.30pm, with parents coming and going in
between. There was a lot of digging, heavy lifting,
cementing and painting, but at the end of the day the
result was a wonderful new play area for the students of
our kindergarten to enjoy. There are a few finishing
touches to happen including a climbing net and a water
play feature. We sincerely thank all those parents who
came along last weekend to help out, many of whom
have long passed the kindergarten years with their
children. The following message was received from a
grateful parent. “Thank you to everyone that put the kindy
play ground together
on the weekend. If you
could have seen the
kids faces this
morning you’d have
seen how much they
love it. They are all so
excited. Hopefully
kids will enjoy for
many years to come.
Fantastic job.”
From the Principal
Dear WLPS Community,
I’d like to send a great big thank you all of the parents who spent last Saturday creating the wonderful
kindergarten nature playground. It has been on our kindergarten wish list from quite some time and to see it
come to reality is really exciting. It was particularly impressive to see those of you there that don’t have, and
won’t have, kindergarten kids there now or in the future – what fantastic community spirit.
I have quite a few important bits of news and information to share, so I will launch straight in:
ICT information night
Two parent information sessions will be held in our school library on the evening of Wednesday, 14th October to
discuss our way forward with the use of digital technologies in education at West Leederville PS. Further
information is in the letter you will have received earlier today and on the home page of our website. Bookings
are essential as there are 2 sessions being held and can be made via the link on our website.
Out of Hours School Care (OHSC)
For many years,West Leederville PS has leased one classroom and playground space to the Jellybeans OHSC
provider. Recently, the Jellybeans OHSC business was sold to Camp Australia who will soon take over the
lease of these facilities. The schools involvement in the sale of Jellybeans to Camp Australia was minimal as
these two businesses are owned and operated completely independently of the school. Our only involvement
was to transfer the lease of our facilities from one provider to the next once we were informed of the sale. There
are some differences in the provision of service that these 2 companies offer, the details of which are available
from Camp Australia on 1300 105 343. There is no obligation for West Leederville PS families to use this
service, those of you with children at our kindergarten may like to contact Mulberry Tree Childcare who have a
facility on this site on 93837145 or 0429513537.
Please note that Monday 12th October is a pupil free day at WLPS and I would encourage you to confirm with
your regular service provider what arrangements they have available on this day.
Year 5
Due to unforeseen circumstances, Mr Daniel Kaars has decided not to teach the Year 5 class for the remainder
of the year. After much thought and consultation, we have come up with a plan which we believe is the best
solution to this situation. In short, we will be increasing Mr Snook’s time in the classroom across each morning
and for the full day every Friday, and Mr Gavin Bond, will teach the students every Thursday. A meeting will be
held for Year 5 room 1 parents tomorrow morning at 8.15am in the library.
The end of year production is being held on Wednesday, 9th December in our new amphitheatre. We believe
that we will need to restrict tickets to 2 per family, but would like to guage a more accurate picture of each
families' requirements. It would greatly assist us if you answered our 30 second survey that can be found on our
website: Dickens, Disney, Dahl dispute survey.
Education security-1800 177 777
We are asking for the assistance of parents and the wider WLPS community to ring the Education Security on
1800 177 777 free call if they witness people playing roller hockey or any activity that will damage our new
basketball courts, playground or buildings.
I hope you all have an enjoyable time during the end of term 3 break and we look forward to welcoming
students back on Tuesday, 13th October.
Warm regards,
Fiona Kelly
A snapshop from Year 2/3
As part of our studies of the Australian outback, we have been learning how to write reports about
animals from Australia. Students had the opportunity to select an Australian animal that they wanted to
research and publish their findings in a mini book format. These amazing animal books have been on
display in our classroom since open night and have been enjoyed by all. Our assembly item continued
the theme of the outback, with a dramatised version of a poem by C.J. Dennis, The
Triantiwontgongolope. The students were beautifully dressed in real or imaginary insect costumes to
complement a magical and entertaining assembly.
Year 2/3 Assembly
I’m in my line. Darcy finally says that our item will
start. We all go into our arch. The first group
steps out.
When they finish it’s the 2nd group’s turn. Finally,
they finish so I confidently step out. We act out
our verse. I step back with great pride.
The 4th group steps out and with a great ending
finishes our assembly item.
I can hear everyone clapping and cheering. My
Mum says it’s the best assembly she’s ever
Oliver Cresp – Year 2
I go to Miss Samsa’s room. I feel nervous but
happy at the same time. Miss Samsa puts a song
on the radio. All of a sudden, I feel calm and
ready to go in my starting place. Mrs. Murphy
gives us a hand signal. I get in my line to go. I
feel like my heart is going to explode.
I walk to my starting place near the canteen. I am
thinking what I should do while I am walking and
doing my actions.
Finally, the music starts. I walk out once I hear
the creepy music. I sway my arms to and fro
pretending to be a bee. Everybody is looking at
me but now I feel calm.
Now the music is slowly stopping. I get into my
line. I slowly put my hands down. The assembly
is ready to begin.
Caryn Yaba – Year 3
Our Assembly – The Triantiwontigongolope
I am now waiting with Miss Samsa in the music
room to calm my body.
I am walking to the canteen waiting for our
assembly to begin. I hear the voices of the
chattering crowd talking as my legs are trembling
with fear. I am waiting anxiously for Mrs Murphy
who is slowly starting the music.
Finally the crowd stops chattering and I can hear
the music. My trembling legs carry me onto the
stage in front of the whole school. I do my
butterfly actions and slowly get into the arch.
It is such a fun part of the magical assembly that
we are about to start.
Sienna Hathrill – Year 2
I’m waiting in the music room with my friends.
Mrs Murphy gives us the thumbs up.
I walk to my starting position nervously. I hear
everyone in the audience chatting. Finally, I hear
the music playing so I tip-toe onto the stage like a
beautiful butterfly.
I go to my place and the class assembles. I see
my Mum and everyone else looking at my sparkly
costume. I am thinking that I will do a good job
for the rest of the assembly.
Olivia Butler – Year 3
Dates for your
Pre-primary visit AQWA
25 September
Last day of Term 3.
Wear your footy colours
12 October
PD for staff. Students do not attend
13 October
Term 4 commences for students
14 October
ICT parent information evening,
session 1 from 5pm to 6.15pm and
session 2 from 6.30pm to 7.45pm
15 October
Science excursion- select students
from years 4 to 6
16 October
Science excursion- select students
from years 4 to 6
16 October
Bunnings incursion
20 October
Music assembly, Undercover area,
22 October
Assembly,Year 1 Blue. Undercover
area, 2.15pm
27 October
PALS Kings Park naturescape
excursion,Year 4 students, 9.20am
to 1pm
28 October
PALS Kings Park naturescape
excursion,Years 2/3 & 3 students,
9.20am to 1pm
29 October
Science excursion- select students
from years 4 to 6
29 October
WLPS student art exhibition/ wine
and cheese night.
9 December
Disney, Dahl, Dickens dispute
Please check the West
Leederville Primary School
Website or Mobile App for
regular updates to the
school planner.
Pre-primary students enjoy the ‘touch pools’ above and bottom and experience
being surrounded by fish in the aquarium below.
Last Thursday the pre-primary children enjoyed a fun filled day at
AQWA. The children loved exploring the unique marine life of Western
Australia. Highlights were the touch pool, underwater aquarium and the
curiosity cabinet. The children had lots to talk about on the bus ride
'There were glow in
the dark jelly fish.'Will G.
'I love AQWA
because you can
touch Port Jackson
Sharks.'- Indigo C.
'There were big
turtles swimming
above us.'- Jaime M.
'There was a diver
that waved to us.'Alexander P.
Interschool athletics
The interschool athletics carnival was
held last Thursday at Kapinara PS,
hosted by West Leederville PS. There
were 6 schools competing and
Woodlands PS emerged winners once
again, with WLPS finishing fifth.
Congratulations to all the students
chosen for the interschool team and in
particular to Lily who won the Champion
Year 6 girl medal, Jack who won the
Runner Up year 4 boy medal and Bella
Pictured are Jack, Lily and Bella who all won
medals at the interschool athletics carnival.
who was the Runner Up year 4 girl.
Thank you also to the parents who went
along to support the team and baked
cakes for the camp fundraising stall.
Christian (centre) running in the year 5 boys relay
for WLPS.
The following students received Merit Certificates at the recent assembly.
Pre-primary Red class
Maebh Dhepnorrarat
Kai Harkess
Ottilie Nash
Zachary Watkins
Year 1
Ruby Bellantoni
Ali Zein
Thea Mandin
Rocco Zampogna
Flynn Ross
Emma Sommerfield
Year 2
Jordi Slater
Morgane Flynn
Etienne Pontre Gibson
Ayla Rotzer
James McDonnell
Matilda Williams
Joshua Maxwell
Year 3
Ruby Daby
Archer Smith
Jack Wood
Year 4
MacGregor Watson
Jemma Warren
Oliver Mawle
Qi Hang Gao
Year 5
Hua Hsu
Toby Maxwell
Year 6
Charlie Williams
Ailish Beckwith
Angus Finch
Isabella Pether
Congratulations to our Star
Haiku in Year 4 Blue
Autumn by Amaya Garwood-Blue,
Year 4
Autumn by Bella Love, Year 4
Winter by Sophie Lim, Year 4
... and recounts about the athletics carnival
I hear Mrs Schofield call, “Year 4 girls tactic ball!”
I run up with my heart beating 1000/kilometres
per hour. “I’m the leader”, I call out. A feeling of
confidence washes through me.
Mr Snook tells me to go and stand in the hoop,
sounds the horn and my team are off and
running fast as cheetahs, pass the ball to me and
I pass it back.
“Finally the race is over”, I cried. My team came
second with me as the leader. I feel like
someone was splashing a bucket of water on my
face as the crowd has cheered us on.
Sophie Lim, Year 4
“Why me?”, I’m the worst at leaderball. I mean
why choose me, of all people, why me? If
Kimberley needs a person for leaderball, a preprimary with a broken wrist and sprained ankle
will be better than me. “That annoying voice in
my head is so right”, I sigh.
“What did you say? Is sounds like
‘Tatnoyvoyinyeadzrye’” Sophie questioned. “Oh,
nothing, I am just worrying that’s all”, I reply.
I have one last bite of my apple and tell myself to
be less pessimistic. “Year 4 girls leaderball’, Mrs
Schofield says. “Quick, quick”, I nervously walk
out briskly.
Oh gosh!
Amaya Garwood-Blue, Year 4
It is so loud, I can barely hear myself think. I join in
cheering for my faction, then my stomach does a
flip, if feels like a jungle inside of me. I am so
nervous, Mr Snook just called out my name for the
‘A’ division 75 metre sprint.
Finally, it’s our turn. I hear Mrs Munday saying
“Here come the year 4 girls ‘A’ division 75 metre
sprint”. I have a good feeling about this race, I
don’t know why but I just do. It feels like a swarm
of butterflies just entered my stomach as Mr
Snook tells us to put our toes on the line and look
straight ahead. “On your marks”, he is saying. “Get
set”, oh no it’s about to start. “GO”, Mr Snook
blows the horn and we’re off. The end seems so
far away but soon the race will be over and done
with, then I won’t have anything to worry about
any more. i’ve been so deep in my thoughts that I
haven’t realised how close the end is until just
then. I’m counting down the seconds 5,4,3 ,oh my
goodness I’m almost there, 2, one more step, 1,
I’m finished and oh my , I’ve come first. As I go up
to receive my ribbon I have realised something
else, i’m in the interschool.
Bella Love, Year 4
2016 student requirement lists
Our student requirement lists for 2016 have arrived and been distributed to the students. The supplier we
have chosen is Campion, although parents are free to choose to purchase the items from wherever they
wish. Orders may be placed online at using ‘SR5K’ as the code. Alternatively,
orders may be mailed to Campion directly. No orders will be accepted at the school. Orders placed
before Friday 17th October, 2014 will receive a $4 home delivery. The facility to pay for the school
voluntary contribution and P&C voluntary contribution is available on the student requirement list and we
would encourage parents to take full advantage of this opportunity. Please note that these are separate
contributions. We ask that parents ensure that they place their orders for the requirements list well
before the start of the 2015 school year. This will ensure that their children commence the year with a
smooth start and are not disadvantaged by not having the necessary equipment for their learning.
Library News
Production tickets
The library has recently received a large supply of
new books and there are quite a few more books
arriving soon. Before the books can reach the
shelves, they all need to be covered. We are
looking for help with this. Parents, if you ever have
some time to spare on a Monday, Tuesday,
Wednesday or Thursday, please pop into the
library to offer your time. Mrs Etheridge and Mrs
Lanigan will be delighted to see you.
One of our greatly anticipated events for next term
is our school production, The Disney, Dahl,
Dickens dispute. It is to be staged on Wednesday,
9th December. Rehearsals are well underway with
Mrs Munday and Ms Samsa, who continue to be
impressed by our talented students, and the
logistics of holding the event are now in focus. To
help guage the demand for tickets to the event, we
have placed a small survey which links from our
WLPS home page. At this stage we may be
restricted to allocating 2
tickets per family for the
performance.The production
will include students from
pre-primary to year 6 and
will be held in our new amphitheatre.
Disney, Dahl, Dickens dispute ticket survey
Music Assembly
We will be holding an informal music assembly at
2.15pm on Tuesday, 20th October (not Thursday)
to celebrate and support the hard work of the
School of Instrumental Music students. The
assembly will be in the undercover area and the
violin, viola and cello students who learn their
instruments at school in the SIM programme will
play compositions in their groups. The String
Ensemble and the Super Choir will also be
performing. Parents and extended families are
welcome to come and hear these talented
musicians perform.
Out of School Hours Care
We were recently notified that our Out of School
Hours Care (OSHC) provider would transfer from
Jellybeans to Camp Australia from Tuesday, 13th
October. As these businesses operate
independently of the school, we would ask that
parents liaise directly with them. Mulberry Tree,
the OSHC provider at Lake Monger PS where our
kindergarten is located, is currently assessing the
viability of a bus service to shuttle students from
the West Leederville PS site. If families wish to
explore this option we would ask them to contact
Mulberry Tree directly. Please clarify care for the
PD day on Monday 12th October with your chosen
Contact details are:
Wembley Jellybeans- 9284 9955
Camp Australia- 1300 105 343
Mulberry Tree Childcare Wembley- 93837145 or
Shenton dog’s refuge
After listening to a presentation by
Miss Nathan from the Shenton
Park Dogs' Refuge the preprimary children decided to give
back to the refuge by donating
toys, treats, blankets and towels.
Jack, Maebh, Ottilie, Scout and
Bonnie went down to the refuge
with Miss Mulgrew to present the
donations to the refuge. Everyone
at the refuge was very grateful for
the donations, especially the dogs! Slithers and slides
The kindergarten students recently
had an exciting incursion when
some snakes and lizards came to
visit. The students have been
learning about Australia and
Australian animals in their
kindergarten sessions. They
embraced the opportunity to
handle the reptiles and learn what
steps they should take if they
encounter a snake in the wild.
Pictured left, Stanley examines a lizard
closely and right, Juliette makes friends with
a snake.
Computers in Year 1
The computers skills of our junior students are developing quickly and pictured here are Year 1 Blue
students who recently enjoyed having the computers incorporated into a mathematics session.