Introducing Animal Communication


Introducing Animal Communication
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Book and CD art by Rosita Alvarez
Audio production by Stewart McLellan
Interior layout by Susie Ward
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Val Heart
1738 Donerail St
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To all the wonderful animal teachers that have
blessed and enriched my life and taught me so
much, including Maisie, Sunshine, Moonglow,
Ptailor, Peach, TuffyTiger, and Lucy Lu.
Part 1 in a 3-Part Program: Introducing Animal Communication!
3 Simple Steps! Learn How to Talk With Animals
Study Guide Workbook
Dear Fellow Animal Lover,
Learning animal communication is an exciting journey into the Self, the nature and reality of
our world, a behind-the-scenes look at the many complex interconnections between us all,
and the real truth about relationships. It’s also about discovering how to connect at deeper
levels with other beings. My hope is that this course proves very useful to you in many ways.
I’ve worked with thousands of horses, dogs and other animals throughout the world to
improve the quality of their lives using advanced animal communication skills and alternative
healing methods. And now I want to teach you what I know about animal communication so
you can improve the quality of your life and the lives of your animal friends with this critically
important skill all animal lovers need to know.
We all have the ability to communicate without words, but instead to communicate with imagery, focus, energetic flow, intention and feelings. We were born knowing how to do this, but
many of us have simply forgotten how. This Course is designed to be an Introductory tool to
help you get started remembering the lost art of telepathic interspecies communication.
Remember: What Animals Do Always Makes Sense From Their Viewpoint.
Like humans, animals can experience an assortment of emotional and physical challenges
which affect their health, wellbeing and behavior. Unfortunately, since they don’t use the
same spoken language we do, it’s often a guessing game trying to discover the best way to
help them when they are experiencing emotional, mental or physical distress. They need to
be heard, listened to and respected.
How Do You Know What is Really Going On Unless You Communicate Directly
With Them?
That’s why if you go to a vet or trainer before you have a discussion with them, you can actually hurt them! They may wind up being misdiagnosed or mistreated, because they could be
in reaction to an emotional, mental or management problem that has nothing to do with a
physical problem. Animals are exceptional creatures; they are always trying to communicate with you. They are
happy to share how they feel, what works or does not work for them, and whether they are
in pain or confused. They often have messages for you to help you improve your life, sharing
©2009 Val Heart & Friends LLC. All Rights Reserved
Part 1 in a 3-Part Program: Introducing Animal Communication!
3 Simple Steps! Learn How to Talk With Animals
Study Guide Workbook
insightful wisdom from their unique perspective and viewpoint. When things go wrong for
them, they try to tell you that too.
The bad news is that most people are not trained or experienced in receiving these messages, so they are unable to understand how to provide the love, care and optimal health
that their animal deserves.
Step 1: Introducing Animal Communication
In this, Step 1 of a 3-part program on learning how to communicate with animals, you will
simply need an open mind and heart to discover what is possible in terms of communicating
with your animals. The willingness to let go of your preconceived ideas about how the world
of communication actually works is also necessary.
Remember that animals communicate very differently than we humans usually do, so be
open to receiving information in more unexpected ways. Play with the techniques presented
and observe what happens. Be willing to be surprised! And have fun. I guarantee that the
rewards will be worth the effort!
Your learning how to communicate with them directly helps:
♥♥Give you more peace of mind about what your animal really needs and wants
♥♥Give you greater clarity about what is really needed to improve their health, happiness
and wellbeing, and
♥♥ Deepen your relationship and understanding with them, and their understand of you.
This class is designed to get you started right away by learning three of the most basic and
fundamental steps that any animal lover can use with any animal at any time.
Practice the techniques I’ll be teaching you with your animal friends and be open to what
happens. Often their reactions will be subtle, so you must pay attention. Please realize that
you may not hear an animal tell you something in a clear sentence in your spoken language.
That’s because animals communicate telepathically using energy, focus, emotions and
Communicating telepathically with ease and clarity comes with a lot of practice and inner
work, and there is a lot to learn. Don’t expect to receive profound messages or clear answers
©2009 Val Heart & Friends LLC. All Rights Reserved
Part 1 in a 3-Part Program: Introducing Animal Communication!
3 Simple Steps! Learn How to Talk With Animals
Study Guide Workbook
to your questions without putting in the time and effort to really master the skills needed.
And after all, there’s only so much I can teach you in one hour!
Learning how to communicate with animals can change your life in many ways, and is a
priceless experience—once you know how.
If you love this work as much as I do, then consider yourself a serious student of animal communication. You can continue learning in Part 2: The Beginning Workshop, where I’ll take
you much deeper and give you a lot more tools and opportunities to really begin mastering
communicating with animals.
Ready to get started? Let’s start learning.
Wishing you, your family, and your animal companions health, joy, laughter and wellness,
Val Heart
Expert Animal Communicator, Behaviorist, Master Healer & Author
Working with chronic pain, illness, trauma, training, behavior, euthanasia...
Specializing in performance horses: dressage, show jumping, reining, cutting…
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World’s 1st Complete Beginning Animal Communication Home Study Course:
©2009 Val Heart & Friends LLC. All Rights Reserved
Animals are exceptional purveyors of enchantment and
charm. When we are in the company of animals we find ourselves transported out of the hectic world of modern human
existence into a luminous landscape of wonder and possibility.
Animals help us find our deep connection to the earth.
Some find their enchantment in music, art, dance,
religion or writing. Others find it in nature, in animals...
For animals to bring us to the doorway of enchantment
does not require miracles or feats of great effort.
—Susan Chernak McElroy,
Animals as Guides for the Soul
Part 1 in a 3-Part Program: Introducing Animal Communication!
3 Simple Steps! Learn How to Talk With Animals
Study Guide Workbook
Table of Contents
How To Use This Workbook............................................................1
Course Overview.............................................................................5
Workbook Exercises........................................................................12
Remembering Past Communications..........................................16
Becoming an Effective Listener..................................................21
The Powerful Role of Imagination..............................................28
The Visualization Technique.......................................................31
The Secret Key.........................................................................36
Valuable Resources for Further Study................................................38
About Val Heart..............................................................................45
©2009 Val Heart & Friends LLC. All Rights Reserved
Part 1 in a 3-Part Program: Introducing Animal Communication!
3 Simple Steps! Learn How to Talk With Animals
Study Guide Workbook
How To Use This Workbook
You are holding in your hands a wonderful resource designed to teach all animal lovers the first three simple steps in communicating with animals. These books of worksheets, course transcripts, a special bonus interview with Penelope Smith, the founder
of Animal Communication, and other resources are provided to lead you step by step
into the grand and life-changing process of learning how to talk with animals.
First, Listen to the CD recording of the Introduction Course.
To best utilize this resource and teaching tool, first listen to the CD recording of the
Introduction Course. The transcript is provided for those who want to follow along
with the recording.
Listen to Your Bonus: Interview with Penelope Smith.
Next, listen to the bonus interview with Penelope Smith, the founder of Animal Communication and the #1 animal communication teacher of our time! Many attendees of
this recorded live class told me later that listening to this event changed their lives.
This remarkable and rare interview offers an inside viewpoint from Penelope, who
has done this work professionally all over the world for most of her life. You will be
treated to 100-plus minutes of her personal coaching and answering our questions.
She offers guidance and exercises that you can do along with the audience, which will
deepen your understanding of how interspecies telepathic communication works and
how it feels, and also receive answers to many of your questions.
This is a digital audio recording that you will access online. You may download the
audio and burn to your own CD to listen to later if you wish. The transcript is provided for you to follow along as well.
To access the bonus audio digital recording and transcript, click here or go to
©2009 Val Heart & Friends LLC. All Rights Reserved
Part 1 in a 3-Part Program: Introducing Animal Communication!
3 Simple Steps! Learn How to Talk With Animals
Study Guide Workbook
Next, Use This Study Guide Workbook To Take You Deeper
Finally, go through this workbook, taking time to really consider and explore each of
the questions.
When You Are Ready to Continue Your Journey
When you’re ready to continue the journey going deeper into the heart of the animal
world, working toward mastering your innate ability to communicate telepathically,
please continue your coursework with Step 2 of the three-part program, World’s 1st
Complete Beginning Animal Communication Home Study Course.
Take Advantage of the Student Mentoring Program
If you discover that you need more personal assistance in opening up your gifts
and abilities, or find yourself getting confused in any way, please consider using the
remarkable resource of the student mentoring program.
Many times when students undertake this journey of self-awareness and personal discovery, they find themselves getting stuck or feeling disconnected from others. Don’t
be alarmed! This is normal, and a part of the process. If it happens to you, then ask
for help. All of us need assistance when we are learning a new skill.
It simply means that you are beginning to challenge old, limiting beliefs and attitudes; you have
come up against old wounds or traumas; you
may not have enough information yet in your
learning journey; you have come upon a situation for which you have not been properly prepared; or you have some healing and balancing
to do in your own body-mind-spirit.
All smart students, and even professional
practitioners, get the help they deserve when
they need it. The more grounded, aligned,
©2009 Val Heart & Friends LLC. All Rights Reserved
The more grounded,
aligned, congruent
and authentic you
become, the easier
it is to connect and
communicate easily
with animals
Part 1 in a 3-Part Program: Introducing Animal Communication!
3 Simple Steps! Learn How to Talk With Animals
Study Guide Workbook
congruent and authentic you become, the easier it is to connect and communicate
easily with animals.
If you do the work diligently and really do complete all the worksheets to the best
of your ability, you will have an excellent foundation to build on as you continue to
explore and experience the magical world of animal communication.
For more information on these courses and more, visit my website at
Best of luck on your exciting, inward journey toward connection through communicating with understanding!
Val Heart
©2009 Val Heart & Friends LLC. All Rights Reserved
Enchantment is a spell that comes over us, an aura of
fantasy and emotion that can settle on the heart... An
enchanted life has many moments when the heart is
overwhelmed by beauty and the imagination is electrified
by some haunting quality in the world or by a spirit or voice
speaking from deep within a thing, a place or a person… The soul has an absolute unforgiving need for regular
excursions into enchantment. It requires them like the
body needs food and the mind needs thought.
—Thomas Moore,
The Re-Enchantment of Everyday Life
Part 1 in a 3-Part Program: Introducing Animal Communication!
3 Simple Steps! Learn How to Talk With Animals
Study Guide Workbook
Course Overview
Why Learning Animal Communication is Important
Learning how to communicate with your animals is critically important. You can misunderstand your animals when you don’t know how to speak their language or consider
their viewpoints, which gets you into sometimes awful predicaments, and can even
cost your animal its life.
Today, you’ll begin rediscovering your ability
to communicate telepathically with all of creation! I want to acknowledge the courage it
took to step out and take action toward achieving your desire to deepen your connections and
understanding of other species and learn their language, which is also your own innate language.
communication is
the foundation for
all communication
Telepathic communication is the foundation for all communication, whether it’s between
humans and humans, animals and animals, or humans and animals. It is considered the
Universal Language. You were born knowing how to communicate at this level, which
is why I consider this class to be an exercise in re-remembering your own inborn gifts.
In this introductory course, you will learn:
♥♥The three simple steps to communicate with animals
♥♥How to quickly and easily connect with animals
♥♥Why being an effective listener is so important
♥♥The SECRET KEY to animal communication that every animal lover can use
Animals live long lives, and most folks intend to give their animals a forever home…
After all, our pets are like our children! But the fact is that millions of animals are
adopted or purchased every year, and about 40% of them wind up at shelters,
dumped, given away (again), on the street, or are euthanized because, through no
©2009 Val Heart & Friends LLC. All Rights Reserved
Part 1 in a 3-Part Program: Introducing Animal Communication!
3 Simple Steps! Learn How to Talk With Animals
Study Guide Workbook
fault of their own, they simply weren’t right for the job or were misunderstood. No
one took the time to communicate with them, to find out what they truly needed or
what the misunderstandings were really about.
So often when we have a problem with our animals, we do a lot of expensive guesswork—asking different professionals, trying different equipment or products, using
various tests and procedures to try and determine what’s going on and what to do to
help. Sometimes we get lucky and find answers, and other times we’re no better off
than when we started. We can even make things worse!
Exploring the Mystery of the Human/Animal BodyMind Connection
Animal communication has become much more mainstream these days as more folks
are aware of telepathic communication between humans and animals, but do you also
realize that animals can mirror you in mind, body and spirit?
Because your animals reflect your own
imbalances, wounds and issues, they are
your best teachers and healers. Learning
how to work with them and connect at
deeper levels helps us all be better people.
It helps us be more balanced, kind and considerate. It helps us be healthier and clearer
about who we really are and what we need
and want. And it can completely transform
the quality of our lives.
Because your animals
reflect your own
imbalances, wounds and
issues, they are your best
teachers and healers
Your recommended homework assignment for this course (Barometers of our Souls:
Exploring The Human Animal BodyMind Connection!) is designed to help you better
understand who your animals really are, where problems may be coming from, and
how they serve you.
©2009 Val Heart & Friends LLC. All Rights Reserved
Part 1 in a 3-Part Program: Introducing Animal Communication!
3 Simple Steps! Learn How to Talk With Animals
Study Guide Workbook
Connecting with Animal Teachers
In every relationship with an animal teacher, they are talking to us. The question is:
Are we listening? Can we hear what they are saying to us?
Many companion animals choose to spend their lives attempting to break through
our barriers, help us heal and become reconnected with all Life. That is why learning
to communicate with our animals is so very important.
As you learned if you did your homework, often our animals reflect back to us our
own imbalances and dysfunctions… which of course drives us crazy! We think it’s
the animal’s fault when all they are doing is mirroring for us, acting as a teacher and
guide for our own soul and life lessons!
Remember that our animals (like our children!) are greatly affected by us, their caregivers. What we do, say, think, decide and
feel can rock their world—or anchor it! The
better balanced we are, the less stressed
they will be. The more informed we are, the
better prepared and able we are to communicate clearly and effectively with them, the
happier we all are.
Many animal companions
choose to spend their
lives attempting to break
through our barriers,
help us heal and become
reconnected with all Life
Start resolving any problem by inviting their participation, giving them a voice so they
can tell you how they feel, when the problem started, what helps, what makes things
worse, and what they really want or need. Often the answers are as simple as learning to listen to their wisdom and see life from their viewpoint.
What animals do makes perfect sense to them! Our job is to listen and communicate
with them so we can learn from them.
This class introduces you to animal communication and helps get you started. If you
truly have a heart’s desire to learn this, I will warn you that it takes practice and
dedicated coaching assistance to learn how to do it well, easily and with confidence.
©2009 Val Heart & Friends LLC. All Rights Reserved
Part 1 in a 3-Part Program: Introducing Animal Communication!
3 Simple Steps! Learn How to Talk With Animals
Study Guide Workbook
You may even have to change your lifestyle! But I promise you, it is well worth the
The beginning workshop goes much more in-depth. It takes you through many exercises and discussions, addresses your limitations and blocks, and teaches you how to
send and receive information telepathically until you have your own experience of
receiving communication from an animal.
Part of the reason we don’t communicate very
well with our animals is because we humans have
forgotten to listen to energy and use imagery
and emotions as a primary form of communication. We were taught the “proper” way to communicate—using spoken language. And when
we bought into that idea, we limited our ability to
communicate at all levels.
The more grounded,
aligned, congruent
and authentic you
become, the easier
it is to connect and
If you apply yourself, you can enjoy a lifetime of
deeper connections with animals and access their
wisdom, seek their assistance resolving problems,
invite their input in different situations. I promise
you, your life will change. I often feel that learning to communicate with animals is in many ways
the first step in being better humans.
communicate easily
with animals
What are Animal Communication and Telepathy?
First, let’s talk about telepathy. A common definition is “the ability to know what is
in someone else’s mind or communicate with them mentally, without using words or
other physical signals.” The word itself is made up of two terms, tele - like telephone,
meaning over a distance, and empathy - meaning feeling someone else’s emotions or
energies. So, literally, it means “distance feeling.”
©2009 Val Heart & Friends LLC. All Rights Reserved
Part 1 in a 3-Part Program: Introducing Animal Communication!
3 Simple Steps! Learn How to Talk With Animals
Study Guide Workbook
I believe we’re all born communicating telepathically. It’s like our first language. All
babies communicate at this level, and all animals do too. We humans usually wind up
shutting down this gift as we grow older because our society doesn’t encourage or
nurture intuition.
Many animal lovers will say they just “know” when something is wrong with their animal. They can’t explain it. It’s just an intuitive kind of feeling they get when they look
at them. That’s what I mean by the term “telepathy.”
What Animal Communication is NOT.
I want to be clear up front about what animal communication is NOT. It is not mind
Communicating with an animal doesn’t make them do what you want them to do.
They always do what makes sense to them from their viewpoint, their experiences,
their background and history. Behavior that persists is being rewarded in some way.
What we do sometimes speaks louder than our words, especially with our animals.
Communicating is the best place to start with any
problem. It helps open up the issues. It brings greater
understanding and clarity. It merges our hearts and
minds. And sometimes it does resolve whatever the
problem was!
What we do
sometimes speaks
louder than our
It’s just like talking with a human friend about an
issue. Sometimes we just need to be heard and work
through whatever is between us, and that’s all that is
needed. And sometimes, it’s just the right place to
start with an issue!
words, especially
with our animals
After we open up the conversation, we may have to go to work resolving the problem.
That may mean lifestyle changes, diet changes, training or management modification,
behavior modification - yours as well as theirs!! There could be negotiating - I’ll do this
©2009 Val Heart & Friends LLC. All Rights Reserved
Part 1 in a 3-Part Program: Introducing Animal Communication!
3 Simple Steps! Learn How to Talk With Animals
Study Guide Workbook
if you’ll do that. Most problems in my experience stem from the human’s behavior,
lack of leadership or clarity, and confusion.
What about skeptics?
I encourage people and my students
to be skeptical. You should listen and
observe with your heart, but not be so
open that your common sense falls out!
You should listen and
observe with your heart, but
It’s not wishful thinking or just our
imagination, which we’ll talk about later.
When we’re first learning, it’s important
to check in with the animal’s person to
see if what we’re getting makes sense to
them, and for confirmation that we’re
receiving accurately.
©2009 Val Heart & Friends LLC. All Rights Reserved
not be so open that your
common sense falls out!
If you talk with the animals, they will talk with you,
and you will know each other.
If you do not talk to them, you will not know them,
and what you do not know, you will fear.
What one fears, one destroys.
—Chief Dan George
Part 1 in a 3-Part Program: Introducing Animal Communication!
3 Simple Steps! Learn How to Talk With Animals
Study Guide Workbook
Workbook Exercises
To help you get started, begin this work by asking yourself some general questions
about your current and past relationships with animals.
First, let’s set your intention as clearly as possible. Setting your intention helps to
focus your bodymind in a specific direction so you can more easily achieve your goal
of learning how to communicate with animals.
Here’s the first question I’d like you to consider:
Why do you want to learn to communicate with your animals?
This may seem obvious to you, but write all your reasons down anyway. I encourage
you to write down at least 20 answers to this question. That will motivate you to dig
deeper, and going deeper is what this course is all about!
Most folks tell me:
♥♥I want to know what my animals
need and want from me. How
they are feeling, if there is something physically wrong, or if they
can help me in some way.
♥♥My animals matter to me! I want
to be more aware of them and
how they think. I just really love
and admire animals!
Setting your intention helps to
focus your bodymind in a specific
direction so you can more easily
achieve your goal of learning how
to communicate with animals
♥♥I think they understand us more than we understand them! They seem to have a
wisdom that I wish they would share with me. Sometimes I feel that they want to
tell me something, but I just can't seem to get it.
♥♥Animals are fascinating! I love hanging out with them. I want to better understand
them and improve the quality of my relationship with them.
♥♥I want to be closer to my animals, to be able to connect at a deeper, richer level
and add a whole extra dimension to life!
©2009 Val Heart & Friends LLC. All Rights Reserved
Part 1 in a 3-Part Program: Introducing Animal Communication!
3 Simple Steps! Learn How to Talk With Animals
Study Guide Workbook
All these things are true and happen naturally when we are able to connect at a
deeper level with the fellow beings who inhabit our world.
Why do YOU want to learn how to communicate with animals?
©2009 Val Heart & Friends LLC. All Rights Reserved
Part 1 in a 3-Part Program: Introducing Animal Communication!
3 Simple Steps! Learn How to Talk With Animals
Study Guide Workbook
What would be different in your life and your relationships with animals if
you could easily communicate with animals? This question is important because
it helps illuminate your expectations. Some may be realistic and achievable, and some
may not be. Some of the differences you want may also be addressed in other ways as
well as by communicating.
When you are clear about what you really want to have happen, it will lead you to ask
yourself and others, including animals, the right questions.
How would it look if you could communicate easily and clearly with any
animal? Would they act in a different way? If so, what would that look or feel like?
Would you act in a different way? If so, how? Can you imagine how it would feel to
connect with an animal telepathically?
©2009 Val Heart & Friends LLC. All Rights Reserved
What is man without the beasts? If all the beasts were
gone, man would die from great loneliness of spirit. For
whatever happens to the beasts, soon happens to man.
All things are connected.
—Chief Seattle
Part 1 in a 3-Part Program: Introducing Animal Communication!
3 Simple Steps! Learn How to Talk With Animals
Study Guide Workbook
Remembering Past Communications
Animals have been communicating with you all the time! Spend a few minutes letting
yourself remember how it feels to receive information from them.
You may not immediately think of answers to all
these questions. Write down those that come to
you right away, then take the others into meditation and be open to what comes to you.
Animals communicate with all their senses. So to
be open to receiving their communication to you,
be aware of your senses as well. Hearing, sight,
touch, taste and smell are the basic five. If you
develop your senses, you’ll be much closer to your
goal of connecting and communicating with animals in a deeper way.
If you develop your
senses, you’ll be much
closer to your goal
of connecting and
communicating with
animals in a deeper way
Remember a time when an animal shared love and affection with you, and
how that felt. Write it down.
©2009 Val Heart & Friends LLC. All Rights Reserved
Part 1 in a 3-Part Program: Introducing Animal Communication!
3 Simple Steps! Learn How to Talk With Animals
Study Guide Workbook
Remember a time when an animal seemed to sense your mood and how
they responded to you. Write it down.
Remember a time when an animal shared something with you. Write it down.
©2009 Val Heart & Friends LLC. All Rights Reserved
Part 1 in a 3-Part Program: Introducing Animal Communication!
3 Simple Steps! Learn How to Talk With Animals
Study Guide Workbook
Remember a time when an animal really connected with you. Write it down.
Remember a time when an animal wanted to tell you something. Write it
©2009 Val Heart & Friends LLC. All Rights Reserved
Part 1 in a 3-Part Program: Introducing Animal Communication!
3 Simple Steps! Learn How to Talk With Animals
Study Guide Workbook
Remember a time when an animal got your attention. How did they do
that? Write it down.
©2009 Val Heart & Friends LLC. All Rights Reserved
But ask the animals and they will teach you,
or the birds of the air, and they will tell you,
or speak to the earth, and it will teach you,
or let the fish of the sea inform you...
—The Bible, Job 12:7-8
Part 1 in a 3-Part Program: Introducing Animal Communication!
3 Simple Steps! Learn How to Talk With Animals
Study Guide Workbook
Becoming an Effective Listener
After spending my life learning from and working directly with animals, I can tell you
that ONLY your animal can tell you certain things, like:
♥♥If they are happy and what could make them
♥♥What is working for them and what isn’t, or
What they tell you
how best to spend
what just makes things worse.
they like and don’t like, and may in
fact detest or cause them to react or respond
♥♥How they actually feel in their body, if they
are in pain and if so, where, what kind of
pain, when it started, and what helps or hurts
or even makes it worse.
will help determine
your time, energy and
money to achieve the
best result possible
♥♥Whether their saddle, bit, bridle, or other equipment is truly comfortable or if it actually hinders their movement, making it harder for them to perform, and causes
soreness and a bad attitude that they then get blamed for.
♥♥Whether your cues, signals and directions are understood or if they are simply
confusing, causing your horse or dog to decide to ignore you.
♥♥If they actually enjoy what they are doing or if they hate their job, or even wind up
missing what their job is entirely.
I always suggest talking with your animals first to learn ‘from the horse’s mouth’ what
they think the problems actually are, how they’re feeling or what they are experiencing, what they need or want, what’s helping or what’s not, and what they really want
to tell you.
What they tell you will help determine how best to spend your time, energy and money
to achieve the best result possible by enlisting their cooperation and participation.
©2009 Val Heart & Friends LLC. All Rights Reserved
Part 1 in a 3-Part Program: Introducing Animal Communication!
3 Simple Steps! Learn How to Talk With Animals
Study Guide Workbook
The problem is that most of us want our animals to listen to US. We seldom
take the time or trouble to really listen to them. This is a big mistake.
Your animals want to be heard, and they want to help you. They do NOT want or
need to be fixed! There is nothing wrong with them! They DO need you to listen and
acknowledge them.
You don’t have to have all the answers. In many cases, only they have the answers
you’re seeking.
What you do have to do is open up, listen, be present with them, and be
willing to ask them for help or answers.
They remind us of who we are, and the more connected we are with them the better
humans we become. This level of communication brings enlivenment and enlightenment into our lives and hearts, as you will discover for yourself!
First, what sort of things would you like to tell your animal, or discuss with them? It’s helpful sometimes to get this out of your head and
onto paper so you can focus on and open up to something else. (Do one set of
answers for each animal in your life, and list in the order of priority for you.)
©2009 Val Heart & Friends LLC. All Rights Reserved
Part 1 in a 3-Part Program: Introducing Animal Communication!
3 Simple Steps! Learn How to Talk With Animals
Study Guide Workbook
Next, what do you think your animal might want to tell you? (Sit quietly,
focus toward your animal, and give yourself permission to use your imagination. Pretend you are them talking to you. Write down whatever comes to you in exactly the
way you hear or see or feel it.)
What are the biggest problems you are experiencing with your animal friend?
(Do one set of answers for each animal in your life, and list in the order of priority for you.)
©2009 Val Heart & Friends LLC. All Rights Reserved
Part 1 in a 3-Part Program: Introducing Animal Communication!
3 Simple Steps! Learn How to Talk With Animals
Study Guide Workbook
What do you think YOUR driving emotional need might be in resolving these
problems? (Why is resolving this problem important to how you feel about yourself and
how you feel about them? What would be different if this problem was resolved?)
What do you think their driving emotional need might be underlying these
problems? (Why might it be important to them to resolve this with you? Is it actually
important to them at all? How would it serve them to not experience this problem?)
©2009 Val Heart & Friends LLC. All Rights Reserved
Part 1 in a 3-Part Program: Introducing Animal Communication!
3 Simple Steps! Learn How to Talk With Animals
Study Guide Workbook
Now let’s look at this again from your animal’s viewpoint. Start by simply
imagining that you are them, in their body, feeling what they feel and thinking what
they might be thinking.
What are the 3 biggest problems you think your animal friend might be
experiencing with you? (Do one set of answers for each animal in your life. List
them in the order of priority for you.)
What do you think THEIR driving emotional need(s) might be in resolving
these problems? (Why is it important to how you feel about yourself and them?)
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Part 1 in a 3-Part Program: Introducing Animal Communication!
3 Simple Steps! Learn How to Talk With Animals
Study Guide Workbook
What do you think their driving emotional need might be that is underlying
these problems? (Why might it be important to them to resolve this… or, is it important
to them at all?)
©2009 Val Heart & Friends LLC. All Rights Reserved
Make it up as you go along. Hey, when you are trying to
stay creative, too many rules can drive you loopy. Improvise.
Let loose. Allow your mind to soar, your heart to leap, and
your imagination to do backflips. Because, after all, you can’t
amaze the world until you first surprise yourself.
—from Before You Leap by Kermit the Frog
Part 1 in a 3-Part Program: Introducing Animal Communication!
3 Simple Steps! Learn How to Talk With Animals
Study Guide Workbook
The Powerful Role of Imagination
This is the fastest and easiest way to communicate with animals that every animal
lover can do.
It is the most direct and complete method of communication.
Simply become ___________ with the animal. (If you’ve listened to the Introduction
audio, you’ll know the answer to this question by now!)
This helps you understand animals from their perspectives, with minimum interference and misinterpretation. It fosters communion, compassion, understanding, harmony and oneness with other beings, whatever their species.
Practice it often to deepen the experience and
your connection.
Someone might ask: but isn’t that just my imagination? No! It starts that way, it feels like it at
first... but I promise that if you stay with it, breathing with the animal, and do it right, there will be
a shift where you will begin to have a real, true
knowing of that animal—their viewpoint, their
wisdom and their thoughts.
Animals often don’t
respond the way you
think they will, or the
way you expect
Remember that you may not hear a voice. Animals often don’t respond the way you
think they will, or the way you expect.
Animals also want to be heard, respected, and listened to like they are important and
wise… just like we do.
The hardest part for most of us is to get out of our own viewpoint and see beyond
our needs and wants so we can be open to others’ needs and wants.
©2009 Val Heart & Friends LLC. All Rights Reserved
Part 1 in a 3-Part Program: Introducing Animal Communication!
3 Simple Steps! Learn How to Talk With Animals
Study Guide Workbook
So, try it now. Choose an animal to focus on, ask them to help you, and then imagine that you are them.
Just imagine you can feel how it feels to be them. See how things look from their
viewpoint. What is it like to play... walk… run… jump like they do? How does it feel
to sit like they sit? Or eat like they eat? Use your senses and allow the information
to come to you, the experience to unfold for you. Then write in detail about your
©2009 Val Heart & Friends LLC. All Rights Reserved
May the love of animals bless you,
inspire you, teach you, heal you...
reconnect you to the Circle of Life. ”
—Val Heart
Part 1 in a 3-Part Program: Introducing Animal Communication!
3 Simple Steps! Learn How to Talk With Animals
Study Guide Workbook
The Visualization Technique
This easy technique is amazing and fun to learn to do. Anyone who loves animals
can do this if they want to and are willing to spend some time practicing and learning
Using this technique, we can explore the worst-case
scenarios as well as the best case and the consequences of their choices and actions. We can also
explain what we want and be clear about what we
don’t want.
It can be used in so many different areas: training,
behavior, health, to discuss changes in routine, handlers, trainers, or even veterinarians or caretakers. It
is only limited by your own imagination and thought
Your job is to offer
the information
and then observe
how they respond
This exercise starts out as a one-way communication, from your heart and mind to
theirs. What they choose to do with your communication is up to them. Your job is to
offer the information and then observe how they respond.
Now, try it out for yourself:
First, prepare by deciding what exact story you want to share with your animal friends.
Be very clear and specific about the details, paying attention to how it would look if it
was actually happening, how it would feel to you if that was actually happening, and
also how you would want them to feel about the story.
Start with a positive story with a happy ending. For example, how about telling them a story about coming to you at a certain time and in a specific way and if
they do that, they get a treat? Or tell them that you want to go do something fun
together, show them what it would look like, and ask them to show you a specific sign
if they want to do it.
©2009 Val Heart & Friends LLC. All Rights Reserved
Part 1 in a 3-Part Program: Introducing Animal Communication!
3 Simple Steps! Learn How to Talk With Animals
Study Guide Workbook
You can work your way up to more difficult stories, including those with negative consequences, as you gain more confidence.
Write down your positive story in as much detail as you can:
©2009 Val Heart & Friends LLC. All Rights Reserved
Part 1 in a 3-Part Program: Introducing Animal Communication!
3 Simple Steps! Learn How to Talk With Animals
Study Guide Workbook
Okay, are you ready to begin?
A. Sit quietly and focus. Start by getting __________________________. Every
communication should start here, whether it’s with our animals or other humans.
B. Remember, your animals see ____________________________________ and
feel _______________________.
C. Tell your story using your mind’s monitor by visualizing it as clearly as possible.
Tell it from start to finish, in linear fashion. Pause occasionally to check in with yourself and see how you’re actually feeling in your own body about the story. How you
feel about what you’re telling them is important because it gives them context. How
should THEY feel about this story? If you’re happy, then it’s probably a good thing. If
you’re upset, then it’s not.
D. Observe exactly what they do in response and write it down in the space below.
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Part 1 in a 3-Part Program: Introducing Animal Communication!
3 Simple Steps! Learn How to Talk With Animals
Study Guide Workbook
Don’t get discouraged if your first attempts don’t work exactly like you had hoped.
They also need time to process the information and make a decision that works for
Sometimes their seeming lack of feedback is in fact their vote or answer to what
you’re sharing with them.
Animal responses can include anything from a flick
of an ear, a bob of the head, a blink of the eye, or
a direct intense stare. They might look away from
you, come over to you, smell you, or show other
interest in you. Or they may not demonstrate anything overt, wanting to consider what you’re saying. They could decide to respond later.
They might simply soften their energy and relax
more. They could also respond with tension or
upset or take on a hard energy, depending on how
they feel about what you’re sharing with them.
They could also change their emotional state in
other ways; for instance, becoming more curious
or inquisitive.
Give yourself
permission to play,
explore and try new
things while always
being a watchful
observer, open to a
deeper connection
They may also become energized and playful in their exuberance and joy at your
attempts to communicate. Here they were thinking you were remarkably dense and
couldn’t hear them very well, and now you are amazing them by beginning to tune
into their telepathic channel!
So, what is your animal sharing with you?
Keep trying and give yourself permission to play, explore and try new things while
always being a watchful observer, open to a deeper connection.
©2009 Val Heart & Friends LLC. All Rights Reserved
Remember, it’s not what we teach our animals,
it’s what we learn from them.
Part 1 in a 3-Part Program: Introducing Animal Communication!
3 Simple Steps! Learn How to Talk With Animals
Study Guide Workbook
The Secret Key
I promised I’d tell you the SECRET KEY to animal communication that every animal
lover can use.
This is the surefire way to quickly and easily connect with any animal at any time!
In a word, ______________________! As you
do this, you will begin to merge your energies,
your thoughts, mind and body with theirs.
This is a subtle but very powerful and effective way to synchronize your energies and your
bodymind with theirs.
As you do this deeply and fully, you will find
yourself relaxing and your nervous system settling down. And as you do that, you’ll notice that
your animal friends will also settle and calm.
If you practice this
together on a daily
basis, you’ll discover
that you will begin
harmonizing your
activities and thoughts
After five minutes of doing this together, you’ll notice yourselves more in sync.
If you practice this together on a daily basis, you’ll discover that you will begin harmonizing your activities and thoughts. You may also begin noticing other thoughts and
impressions easily coming into your mind.
This is the perfect time to try the other exercises, and supports you in being more
successful in sharing communication with each other.
Of course, it’s also a very healthy thing to do, for both of you!
©2009 Val Heart & Friends LLC. All Rights Reserved
Are you ready to take a pro-active approach to
improving your relationships with yourself and your animals
through improved communication, energy medicine,
health & balance for body, mind & spirit?
Part 1 in a 3-Part Program: Introducing Animal Communication!
3 Simple Steps! Learn How to Talk With Animals
Study Guide Workbook
Valuable Resources for Further Study
For those of you interested in going to the next level of training in communicating
with your animals I invite you to join me in What’s Next:
Step 2 of this 3 Part Program, World’s 1st Complete Beginning Animal
Communication Home Study Course
If you really want to transform your relationship with your animals by learning to
speak their language, and if you want to open the doors to heart centered communication and bonding with them, then I want to help you.
Your next step in learning animal communication is to get my world’s first complete Beginning
AC Home Study Course! This is a 16 CD set with special bonuses and will take you much
deeper, faster and quicker into learning how to communicate telepathically with animals.
The BACHSC is ideal for you if:
♥♥You are enlightened and willing to consider that animals truly do have wisdom and
knowing worth exploring.
♥♥You want to better understand and improve your relationship with your animal.
♥♥You are willing to open your mind and heart, and work toward discovering and
mastering your own innate ability to connect and communicate with animals
♥♥You and your animal are struggling with health or behavior problems and you’re
wondering what in the world to try next.
The BACHSC was recorded from a live course so you will get to experience it like
you were there in person. It includes 16 CDs, a study guide workbook, meditation
CD, a recording of a live consultation I did with Puttie the dog and her owner, and
more special bonuses.
You will learn to communicate directly with your animal so that both of you understand each
other, and you can experience what it feels like to send and receive telepathic communication.
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Part 1 in a 3-Part Program: Introducing Animal Communication!
3 Simple Steps! Learn How to Talk With Animals
Study Guide Workbook
In this Course I reveal the EXACT same strategies that I use when working with animals and their humans that open the flood gates on two way communication.
You’ll learn phenomenal tips, tried and true techniques and the hidden secrets of animal communication. This class is broken down into manageable steps that are easy to
understand. It’s interactive, entertaining, filled with inspiring stories, and you’ll learn
how to communicate telepathically with your animals so that you FINALLY understand each other.
When you and your animal are connected at a deep level, you can get to
the root of behavioral issues together. You smooth the troubled waters so
there’s less stress - which also means less illness.
You know, you can even save yourself some hefty vet bills by learning to
communicate with animals! Because you will find out if your animal is experiencing emotional or physical discomfort before you resort to a trip to the vet and spend a
lot of unnecessary energy, time and money.
And if your animal is ill, you’ll know much sooner by talking with them, and you’ll
know what action to take.
You’ll learn how to ultimately tap into your natural in-born telepathic power
so you can connect with your animal friend at any time. In a remarkably
short period of time you’ll learn how to send and receive messages with
your animal friends.
You’ll begin enjoying results very quickly… even after listening to the very
first Class! But it doesn’t stop there.
Day by day as you practice the incredible and practical strategies and techniques
revealed in this program, you’ll find yourself more connected to your animal. It’s simply a matter of time before your telepathic abilities are reborn. Until one day, you will
find yourself talking to your animals and delighting in what they say back to you!
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Part 1 in a 3-Part Program: Introducing Animal Communication!
3 Simple Steps! Learn How to Talk With Animals
Study Guide Workbook
Have you ever gone to a live event and then later tried desperately to remember what
was said, and wished you could listen again? One of the great things about getting a
home study course is that you can listen to it over and over so you can go deeper.
Just think: You know how expensive vet visits are? If you can avoid even 1 unnecessary
vet visit by learning how to talk their language, then this course will have paid for itself.
As a final incentive and to help this be even easier for you, I’m also offering a easy
payment option
Don’t wait. This is a gift you will give yourself and every animal you connect with for
the rest of your life.
Go to: to find out more.
Remember, your investment learning animal communication is the most important
step you could ever take in understanding what your animal is trying to tell you about
their wants, needs and emotional and physical health. This course can change your
life and you’ll reap the benefits from your experience for the rest of your life!
Step 3 of this 3 Part Program: Communicating With Heart Mentoring
For animal communication students, the Mentoring Program series is designed to
help you improve your skills, practice working with many different situations and
animals, introduce different topics and skills, get your real life questions answered,
receive personal guidance and coaching, and much more… so you build your
confidence and benefit from a lot more real life experience.
The Mentoring Program is a must for all serious students who want to get support at
all levels, body, mind and spirit, in removing your personal blocks, limitations, receive
healing from wounds and traumas so that you can be the best you can be when you
connect with animals.
Go to to find out more.
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Part 1 in a 3-Part Program: Introducing Animal Communication!
3 Simple Steps! Learn How to Talk With Animals
Study Guide Workbook
Other Great Classes for Animal Lovers:
10 Serious Mistakes Animal Lovers Make – and how to avoid them! For anyone who finds themselves frustrated with their animals or experiencing problems with
their behavior, difficulty with training, or worries their animals are unhappy. These
are sure signs that mistakes are being made. And if you don’t correct them, you’ll
doom yourselves to ongoing challenging relationships.
Barometers of our Souls: Exploring the mysteries of the Human Animal
BodyMind Connection! Did you know that your animals mirror your own energy
by reflecting it back to you? There are many reasons why this is so. If you’re experiencing any difficulty personally or with your animals, you can be assured that you are
a significant part of the problem. Animals often carry their owner’s wounds, diseases
and illnesses in their own bodies as well. Find out how your animal could be mirroring you, how you may be mirroring them, and what you can do about it.
To find out more about these and other classes, please click here:
To find out more about these and other products, please click here:
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Part 1 in a 3-Part Program: Introducing Animal Communication!
3 Simple Steps! Learn How to Talk With Animals
Study Guide Workbook
Other Resources
Our family of students, clients and subscribers have found these resources to be very
♥♥ Halo Vacuum: The only vacuum cleaner that kills viruses, bacteria and parasites
while cleaning up pet hair too! Using ultraviolet light, this is a safe, highly effective way
to keep your home clean without adding toxic chemicals that can harm you, your family and your animal friends.
♥♥Quickcare Pet Insurance: Pet insurance for those times when caring for your
pets gets very costly. As you know the cost for surgery has skyrocketed. Check
out to see how affordable pet care insurance
really is.
Horse: An online directory for horse lovers of all kinds. Loaded with all
kinds of great information!
♥♥Equine Affaire: Equine Affaire, Inc. was established in 1993 with the following
mission: To create a first-class, education-oriented horsemen’s convention that
would be second-to-none.
♥♥MicroHydrin Anti-Oxidant Power for healthy bodies and dental health
too! You can use to improve your health, and works great for cleaning your and
your animal’s teeth and gums too. From Royal Body Care
©2009 Val Heart & Friends LLC. All Rights Reserved
Part 1 in a 3-Part Program: Introducing Animal Communication!
3 Simple Steps! Learn How to Talk With Animals
Study Guide Workbook
♥♥Val’s Recommended Animal Books can be found at
€€ Animal Talk: Interspecies Telepathic Communication by Penelope Smith
€€ Animals as Healers and Teachers: True Stories and Reflections by Susan
Chernak McElroy
€€ How to Think Like a Horse: The Essential Handbook for Understanding
Why Horses Do What They Do by Cherry Hill
€€ Dr. Pitcairn’s New complete Guide to Natural Health for Dogs and Cats
by Richard H. Pitcairn and Susan Hubble Pitcairn
€€ Dogs Behaving Badly: An A-Z Guide to Understanding and Curing
Behavorial Problems in Dogs by Nicholas Dodman
€€ Blessing of the Animals: A Guide to Prayers & Ceremonies Celebrating
Pets & Other Creatures by Diana L. Guerrero
€€ Animals as Teachers and Healers by Susan Chernak Mcelroy
€€ Parasite Rex: Inside the Bizarre World of Nature’s Most Dangerous
Creatures by Carl Zimmer
€€ Animals: Our Return to Wholeness by Penelope Smith
€€ Are You Poisoning Your Pets: A Guidebook to Pet Health and Sanity by
Nina Anderson and Howard Peiper
€€ Horse Sense: How to Develop Your Horse’s Intelligence by Henry Blake
€€ The Tellington TTouch: A Revolutionary Natural Method to Train and
Care for Your Favorite Animal by Linda Tellington-Jones and Sybil Taylor
€€ Horse and Pony Body Language Phrasebook by Susan McBane
©2009 Val Heart & Friends LLC. All Rights Reserved
When you listen deeply there is only one sound.
It reverberates through the Universe the cause and being of all.
And you who are one with all can hear that sound
In your sleep,
In your waking,
In the night of your life,
And the height of your life,
For it pulses through the heart of all.
—Jenny Dove
Part 1 in a 3-Part Program: Introducing Animal Communication!
3 Simple Steps! Learn How to Talk With Animals
Study Guide Workbook
About Val Heart
Val Heart is no ordinary animal communicator.
Val fell in love with horses when she was five years old
and began her long term relationship getting to know
and understand animals. Her work with horses, dogs,
cats and many other animals led to intensive study in
developing her gifts with animal communication and
other supporting healing techniques.
She is internationally recognized as an Expert Animal
Communicator, Behaviorist, Master Healer for people
and their animals. She works with chronic pain, illness, trauma, training, behavior,
euthanasia... and specializes in working with dogs and performance (competitive)
sport horses: dressage, hunter jumper, reining, cutting.
Val is a recognized authority on the mysteries of The Human Animal BodyMind Connection. Early on in her work, Val discovered that much of what goes wrong with
animals is a reflection of, or a reaction to, their caretaker’s personality imbalances,
wounds, energy, neurochemistry and emotions.
Highly trained in advanced, state-of-the-art alternative healing and life-changing
coaching modalities, Val specializes in helping animals and their people rebalance in
body, mind & spirit.
Val helps you with not only your animals, but also your life. She takes you deeper into
your own personal best – a space of well-being, peace, balance, clarity and greater
consciousness awareness.
©2009 Val Heart & Friends LLC. All Rights Reserved
Part 1 in a 3-Part Program: Introducing Animal Communication!
3 Simple Steps! Learn How to Talk With Animals
Study Guide Workbook
Val is the author of the following 6 books:
♥♥12 Mistakes People Make With Their Horses, The Essential Handbook
for Novice & Amateur Riders
♥♥What Your Horse is Trying To Tell You
♥♥The 12 Most Common Mistakes People Make With Their Dogs: Why
you have an unhappy dog and what you can do about it.
♥♥What Your Dog is Trying To Tell You
♥♥10 Deadly Myths Endangering Your Dog’s Life
♥♥Heart’s Wisdom, a collection of inspiring and heartwarming stories (no longer
in print)
Val is a contributing writer to Penelope Smith’s book, Animals in Spirit
She has also most recently contributed to Jenny Smedley’s soon-to-be-published Hay
House book, Animal Souls
For more information about setting up a personal consultation and to learn
how you can resolve the issues with your animals, contact us by calling
210-863-7928 or visiting our website:
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Part 1 in a 3-Part Program: Introducing Animal Communication!
3 Simple Steps! Learn How to Talk With Animals
Study Guide Workbook
Other helpful links:
Get Your Free Report: 10 Things You Must Know Before Hiring an Animal
Communicator at
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Get Val’s Expert Animal Communication eTips & Animal HeartTalk eNewsletter at
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