The Ten CommandmenTs


The Ten CommandmenTs
The Ten Commandments
Residential Mortgage Financing
An Indiana
Mortgage Lender –
Established in 1992
Loan Originations –
Over 2 Billion
I. Thou shalt buy a home with a payment no more than your maximum
qualifying housing and debt ratios will allow and the payment that
fits within your budget.
II. Thou shalt have six months house payments saved, in addition
to your downpayment, at the time your home is purchased.
III. Thou shalt not consider overtime as a permanent part of your
income before buying a home and deciding how much you
can afford on a monthly basis.
IV. Thou shalt have adequate medical, life, and disability insurance
before buying your home.
V. Thou shalt escrow taxes and insurance with your lender or set up
a saving account to cover those expenses.
Winterw e
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VII. Thou shalt not buy a “fixer up er” without the money to do fixing up.
VIII. Thou shalt use a fixed rate mortgage unless you can afford the highest
possible payment that an adjustable rate mortgage can adjust to.
IX. Thou shalt remember that a co-borrower and a co-signer may not
be capable or willing to pay.
X. Thou shalt not forget future commitments to your children’s education
and your parent’s future support.
FHA, VA and Conventional Lender
843 N. State Rd 135 Suite B Greenwood, IN 46142 • 317-888-1135 • 1-800-421-1135
5378916 1
VI. Thou shalt not owe more on your home than you will net after
selling your home.
12/5/08 3:27:13 PM