Insert - Federated Church


Insert - Federated Church
November 18, 2012
Upcoming Activities and Opportunities at Federated
Ahead At The Fed
Please know you are welcomed in the
Sunday, Nov. 25th
Spirit of Jesus Christ, our Lord, who
Reign of Christ Sunday
always meets people where they are, not
Throckmorton preaches
where they should be.
We are grateful for your presence here 9 am Worship & Church School
Music by Federated Chamber Singers
this morning and hope to meet you later, to
11 am Worship & Church School
enjoy a cup of coffee or tea after worship in
Music by Federated Chamber Singers
Fellowship Hall. CDs of this morning’s
Nov. 25th - Lectionary Readings
service are available there for $4.00
2 Samuel 23:1-7
each. You can also listen online for
Daniel 7:9-10
free at or subscribe to
Revelations 1:4b-8
our iTunes podcasts.
John 18:33-37
If you’re worshiping here for the
Sunday, Dec 2nd
first time, please take a green bag
from our Visitors Welcome Center in
1st Sunday of Advent
the Narthex or Lobby. It contains
useful information about who we are.
Rev. Hamilton Throckmorton preaches
God accepts me just as I am, and loves
me too much to leave me that way.
Federated accepts all people as they
are and supports them in the spiritual
journey. With Christ we offer hope
and healing to change our world.
Our Mission Statement
9 am Worship & KidzChurch
Music by The Ensemble and the Alive360 Band
11 am Worship & KidzChurch
Music by Chancel Choir
Thanks to all of our very talented musicians,
both young and old. The music at
Federated enhances and so enriches our
worship service. We appreciate and value
your time, and that you share
your gifts with us!
We welcome you to The Federated Church, a place to belong and a place to become.
We are people just like you, who hope and love and hurt, and we have found that
Jesus Christ makes a transforming difference in our daily lives. Your presence matters
to us. We open our hearts to you.
Our Staff is Here to Support YOU
We at Federated believe in service. We
think of our congregation as Ministers to
the World and our church staff as Ministers to the Congregation. Should you
have any questions or need information,
please contact us at 440.247.6490. We
look forward to serving you.
*denotes part-time staff
Hamilton Throckmorton, Senior Pastor
Mark Simone, Associate Pastor,
Children & Youth Ministries
* Susi Kawolics, Interim Associate Pastor
* Ruth Garwood, Worship Support
Administration and Staff
* Helen Pointer, Coordinator of Administration
* Trish Rouru, Manager of Finance & Properties
Wendy Pierce, Dir. of Family Life Center
& Marketing
* Bev Krofta, Dir. Children’s Ministries,
* Carol Fishell, Dir. Children’s Ministries,
Gr. K-6
* Marty Culbertson, Dir. Jr High Youth
* Marcia Snavely, Organist
* Bill Foley, Dir. Chancel Choir & Men
of Chagrin
* Pat Haynish, Coordinator Children’s Choir
Amanda Powell, Music Director, Ensemble,
Alive360 Music Team & FORTE
Melinda Smith, Congregational Life
* Brenda Driscoll, Communications Specialist
* Dolly Herschel, Elderlife Coordinator
* Darlene Nichols, Pastoral Care Assistant
* Carrie Liber, Administrative Assistant
Shane Wrench, Properties Manager
* Bryan Kinches, Larry McGurer, * Daniel
Pecchio, * Gordon Vojtech, Custodians
* Tosh Whaley, “God’s House” Keeper
* Bill Cale, Groundskeeper
TODAY’s Ingathering
Each year at Thanksgiving, our
sister church, St. Paul’s Community Church on Cleveland’s
near Westside, packages and
gives away almost 100 food
baskets for families who would not otherwise have a holiday dinner. Many of the
turkeys, canned and boxed goods which fill
those baskets are collected here at Federated as part of our annual Ingathering. The
food that was donated will be brought forth
to the Altar this morning by our Church
School children and receive a blessing.
If you haven’t brought in food but would
still like to participate, monetary donations
are also needed to complete the baskets.
Please make checks payable to Federated
Church with “Ingathering” in the memo line
and place in the offering plate or send to
the church. Thank you for sharing your
blessings to brighten many Thanksgiving
The staff of Federated Church
wishes you bountiful blessings
on Thanksgiving and always.
In order to observe the
Thanksgiving holiday, the church
will be closed
Thursday, Nov. 22nd
and Friday, Nov. 23rd.
Happy Thanksgiving!
Elderlife Holiday Dinner
Wednesday, Dec. 12th
Doors open at the Family Life Center at
5:00 pm, Dinner at 5:30 pm and the
Program at 6:30 pm
Chicken with mushrooms and Muenster cheese
Baked Rice, Peas, Salad, and
Pumpkin Roll with caramel sauce
Entertainment by Show Stoppers
COST: $10. Please register by calling the
church at 440.247.6490 (mentioning van
needs at this time) by Wednesday, Dec.
5th. After that date, names will go on a
waiting list. Hamlet residents, please let
Hamlet know if you want to ride the Hamlet Van to this event. If you need to cancel, do so by Dec. 5th. The expectation is
that you will pay for the meal if you register and do not cancel by the 5th.
Meals on Wheels
You CAN make
a difference!
Chagrin Falls Meals-on-Wheels
is looking for volunteers to deliver meals from
the Family Life Center to the Chagrin area.
The time commitment is one weekday each
week for about 1 to 1 1/2 hours from approximately 11:45 am.
For more information, please contact Kris
DuBois, Driver Coordinator, at 440.543.0849
or [email protected]. Please consider helping
to keep this vital service to homebound folks
up and running. Thank you.
Koinonia Hike Outing TODAY
The Federated’s Hiking Club will set out
this afternoon for a local hike. We will
meet in the church parking lot outside
the door downstairs by the Reception
Desk at 1:30 pm and walk for about an
hour around town.
Monthly Book Group Meeting Monday, Nov. 26th
No December meeting, January meeting will be on the 28th
All are welcome to join us at noon Monday, Nov. 26th at Bell St, Rm 350 for
our monthly book group. We will discuss the book Still: Notes on a MidFaith Crisis by Lauren Winner.
Here is a review of this book: In the critically acclaimed memoir Girl Meets God, Lauren F.
Winner chronicled her sojourn from Judaism to Christianity. Now, in Still: Notes on a Mid-Faith
Crisis, Winner describes how experiences of loss and failure unexpectedly slam her into a wall of
doubt and spiritual despair. Witty, relatable, and fiercely honest, Winner lays bare her experience
of what she calls the “middle” of the spiritual life. In elegant and spare prose, she explores why—in
the midst of the overwhelming anxiety, loneliness, and boredom of her deepest questioning about
where (or if) God is - the Christian story still explains who she is better than any other story she’s
ever known.
You can buy a copy of the book, but there are also copies available at the local libraries.
Anyone is welcome to join us. We meet for about an hour and we discuss one book at each of
our gatherings. Please contact Susi Kawolics if you have any questions or are interested in
participating at 440.247.6490 or [email protected].
Nov 18th - Mid-hour
Nov 25th - Mid-hour
What Do Progressive Christians
Believe About The Bible?
The City Dark: a search for night on a
planet that never sleeps
Perhaps nothing is more perplexing to those of us
in the progressive tradition than trying to
determine what role the Bible should play in the
church, society and our individual lives. We know
that its use is vital to our faith, but it often seems
to be employed as a straitjacket rather than a path
of liberation. What should terms like “authority”,
“sacred” and “inspired” mean for progressive Christians when referring to the Bible? Is there some
sensible middle ground between viewing it as infallible, inerrant Divine revelation or solely as a human product? We will discuss briefly how we might
view the origin of the Bible, how it should be interpreted, its function, and, finally, what role it should
play in Christian thought and practice.
Led by Bill Kenneweg
Join us for this award winning documentary on the
implications of light pollution on the planet and all
of us living on it.
Led by Thea Mozingo
Pilgrims Travel to Holy Land
Some 40 Federated members
and friends are on a 12-day
pilgrimage to the Holy Land
and Turkey. Led by Hamilton
Throckmorton, the group will
visit and worship at sites
prominent in the life of Jesus,
as well as get a sense of what The Upper Room. Site of the
Last Supper.
life is like there today, from
both Israeli and Palestinian perspectives. Some will
return Nov. 17, and others Nov. 20.
May we hold the following pilgrims, who only seven
hours earlier worshipped with Christians in Turkey, in our
prayers: Kathie Biggin, Deanne and Dennis Blackburn,
Carolyn and Jim Cunningham, Jane and Marty Eble, Jan
Fitts, Jacqueline and John Hallack, Robin and Katie Harbage, Judy Kramer, Gay and Michael Quintin, Shirley
Schuster, Peggie Jo and Alan Shinagawa, Linda and
David Steinbuhler, Mary and Hamilton Throckmorton,
Diane Tuuri, and Mary Kay Walch (MAGI Guide).
Don’t panic, but
Christmas is less than
5 weeks away!
If you’re still searching for a Christmas gift, a hostess gift, or a stocking
stuffer, remember that the Elderlife
Cookbook is still available! It also
makes a wonderful gift for the cleaning lady, masseuse, a caregiver,
manicurist, mail carrier, paper carrier,
or anyone else special in your life. It’s
only $15 and $10 is tax deductable!
It’s a donation to the Clyde Transportation Fund for the purchase of the
next Elderlife Van. So it’s a win-win!
You can purchase your cookbooks after the services on
Sundays, in the church office during the week, or
contact Kathie Biggin at
"I Need Your Love - Is that True?"
Book Study
by Byron Katie
Evening Book Study
4 Monday Nights from 7:30 pm to 9 pm
Nov 26th, Dec 3rd, 10th, 17th in Rm 350
Daytime group
3rd Friday of the Month
from noon to 2 pm
Dec 21st - Conference Rm
To RSVP, please call the Reception desk
at 440.247.6490.
Help Hurricane Sandy Victims
Contributions to Hurricane Sandy relief can
be made two ways:
• A check made out of Federated Church
with “Hurricane Sandy Relief “ in the memo
line which we will forward to the United
Church of Christ.
• Mail a check made out to Wider Church
Ministries with “Hurricane Sandy Relief” in
the memo line to: Financial Services,
United Church of Christ, 700 Prospect
Avenue, Cleveland, OH 44115.
Justice Class
December 8th 9-3
Bell Street, Fellowship Hall
How are the issues of the environment and justice part of our
faith? Join Federated’s Green Committee and
find out in this one day program. Lunch will
be provided with a Freewill offering
taken. Please let us know about any special
dietary concerns. Register by contacting
Thea Mozingo at 440.343.1375 or
[email protected].
Join Rev. Hamilton Throckmorton for a fourweek Bible study throughout the season of
Advent. The study begins Friday, Nov. 30th,
and meets for four consecutive Fridays from
noon-1:00 pm at Bell St, Lounge. We will use
the lectio divina style of study and look at the
lectionary passage from which Hamilton will
be preaching the following Sunday. Bring
your lunch and enjoy a lively study. No need
to sign-up or attend all four sessions. Drop in
when you can.
Monday, Dec. 3rd
5 pm to 7 pm
Federated Church,
Fellowship Hall
Sassy designer silks that are perfect for
travel & gifts at closeout prices!
Original creations in fine fabrics,
paint, paper, jewelry, wood, chocolate,
soaps, and more!
Gifts for the guys, too!
Questions? Cathy Watterson at
The next Faith Club gathering is TODAY at
5 pm at TASO (the Turkish American Society
of Ohio), 360 Alpha Dr, Highland Hts. Please
feel free to bring writings or scripture on
Christian views of charity.
Children & Youth Ministries
TODAY - Nov. 18th
JOY (Jr. High Youth Group) regular meeting at
4:30 pm to 6:15ish at Family Life Center. Bring $5
For any family who does not already have an for a Feast of Thanksgiving. Invite a friend to
advent wreath, we will have wreaths available share the JOY.
Bring $5 for pizza. Invite a friend
to decorate as a family in Fellowship Hall
during the Nov. 25th Mid-hour! To ensure we GROUP (Sr. High Youth Group) meet at 6:30 pm
at the Family Life Center. Q and A game, as well
have enough supplies, please let us know if
as Sundaes.
you and your family would like to
make one. Email Carol Fishell at
Next Week - Nov. 25th
[email protected] or call
JOY (Jr. High Youth Group) regular meeting at
440.247.6490 x214 to reserve a
4:30 pm to 6:15ish at Family Life Center . Bring
$5 for pizza. Invite a friend!
Confirmation TODAY
10 am at the Family Life Center
The Children’s Choir Presents
GROUP (Sr. High Youth Group) meet at 6:30 pm
at the Family Life Center. Stories that Matter.
Sweatshirt game and pizza night!
Church School Bake Sale Nov. 25th
“The Legend of the Christmas King” Our Church School classes are
Sunday, Dec. 16 at 10:15 am
(in between worship services)
at the Bell St, Sanctuary.
Mark your calendar now and plan
to attend this special Christmas
having a bake sale Nov. 25th in
Fellowship Hall after both services to benefit our mission partner, Blue Planet Network. Plan to
stop down and purchase some
tasty treats in support of this worthwhile
2012/2013 Church School Mission
Last week during Church School we kicked off our 2012/2013 Church
School Mission. During the course of the morning, we “Skped” with
Katie Spotz who is currently doing graduate work in London. Katie told the kids about her
challenge of rowing solo across the Atlantic Ocean to raise money and awareness about Blue
Planet Network, this year’s mission partner. She in fact holds the world record as the youngest person ever to do so.
The classes were able to ask Katie questions and she was able to inspire them to see the
power of one person! Think what a whole church school can do! For more information about
Katie, please see her website, and for information about our mission
partner, As always, the Helping House at the bottom of the
stairwell is waiting to accept your extra coins (and bills!).
Weekly Calendar
Activities in bold italics take place at the Family Life Center. Rentals, Scout and non-Church related community events are not listed.
SUNDAY November 18
THURSDAY November 22
9:00 am
9:00 am
10:00 am
10:00 am
10:00 am
Happy Thanksgiving!
All Church Facilities Closed
Men of Chagrin Rehearsal
Worship & Church School
Employment Connections
Mid-hour - What Do Progressives Believe
About the Bible
11:00 am Worship & Church School
12:15 pm Sangha Meditation Group
1:00 pm Koinonia Young Families Get Together
4:30 pm JOY (Jr. High Youth Group) Mtg
6:30 pm GROUP (Sr. High Youth Group) Mtg
8:15 pm Open Hearth AA Meeting
MONDAY November 19
8:00 am
9:30 am
10:00 am
4:oo pm
6:30 pm
7:00 pm
7:00 pm
7:00 pm
7:00 pm
Spirit Walk & Roll
Monday Morning Miracles
Elderlife Tai Chi - The Movement of Life
Children’s Choir
Stephen Ministry Training
Chancel Choir Rehearsal
FWN Mary-Martha Circle
Augustine Fellowship
Men’s Open Gym Basketball
FRIDAY November 23
12:00 pm Friday Noon Big Book AA Mtg
8:00 pm Chagrin Falls Friday AA Mtg
SATURDAY November 24
7:45 am Gathering of Men
10:30 am Tributaries - Praise Yoga
SUNDAY November 25
9:00 am
9:00 am
10:00 am
10:00 am
10:00 am
Men of Chagrin Rehearsal
Worship & Church School
Employment Connections
Family Advent Wreath Making
Mid-hour - The City Dark: A Search for
Night on a Planet that Never Sleeps
11:00 am Worship & Church School
12:15 pm Sangha Meditation Group
4:30 pm JOY (Jr. High Youth Group) Mtg
6:30 pm GROUP (Sr. High Youth Group) Mtg
8:15 pm Open Hearth AA Meeting
TUESDAY November 20
8:00 am
9:00 am
9:30 am
11:00 am
1:00 pm
4:30 pm
6:30 pm
7:00 pm
7:00 pm
7:30 pm
Spirit Walk & Roll
Tributaries - In the Spirit of Gentleness
Pastoral Care Mtg
Tributaries - Yoga for “Every Body”
Elderlife Bridge
FORTE Rehearsal
Worship & Music Commission Mtg
Federated Chamber Singers Rehearsal
Fireside Big Book Study
Ensemble Rehearsal
WEDNESDAY November 21
7:30 am
8:00 am
8:45 am
9:00 am
10:00 am
11:30 am
12:00 pm
12:30 pm
3:30 pm
6:30 pm
7:30 pm
7:30 pm
8:00 pm
Contemplative Prayer
Spirit Walk & Roll
Yoga for “Every Body”
Wednesday am Prayer Group
Tributaries - Tender Loving Yoga
Worship Planning Mtg
Twelve to One AA Mtg
Staff Lunch Mtg
Guitar Choir
CoDA Mtg
Augustine Fellowship
Alanon - Beginner’s Mtg
Alanon Regular Mtg
Turn the water off when you brush you will save 4 gallons of water doing
this alone.
A Green Committee Tip
P.O. BOX 60
OHIO 44022
ph 440.247.6490
FELLOWSHIP OF PRAYER Please include in your prayers this week….
Mary Lou Baker, 17550 Stockton Lane, Chagrin Falls, 44023-5742, whose 90-year-old mother,
Joan Matilo, will be having surgery at Hillcrest Hospital Monday, Nov. 19th
Those from Federated who are traveling in the Holy Land.
Each week, we ask your prayers for two of our staff members. This week please pray for
Wendy Pierce and Bev Krofta.
The Fellowship of Prayer Note Writers for this week are:
Norma Burrows 330.562.2196, Jack Henry, Elsie Lutman, Karen Perry, Helen Pointer,
Sonja Solar, and Myia Sterling.
Altar Flowers
The altar flowers this morning are given by Dana Kachurchak and David and Connor Mustin in
honor of daughter and sister, Kara's fourth birthday.
Donors Needed for Altar Flowers
There are three opportunities in December to donate a floral arrangement for our Sunday
services: Dec. 2nd, Dec. 9th and Dec. 30th. This is a wonderful way to honor or memorialize
loved ones, as well as to help make the altar look beautiful. You are welcome to take the arrangement home with you after the 11 am worship service or our Angel Flower Ministry will be
happy to rearrange the flowers into smaller bouquets and deliver them to members of Federated’s faith community who may need a bit of cheer. Please contact Sue Mansour at
440.893.0756 or [email protected] if you are interested. Thank you!
At the 9 am worship service: Randy Fusco, Heather Gayelit, Mike Gayelit, Bill Johannisson, Eric
Johannisson, Jim Newell, Janet O'Hara, Jim O’Hara and Doug Yaecker.
At the 11 am worship service: Christine Cantlay, Doug Cantlay, Catherine Dolohanty, Cheryl
Dolohanty, Mike Dolohanty, Sean Dolohanty, Betty Pugh, Dave Pugh, Kimberly Schmittel
and Michael Schmittel.
Fellowship Treats
Thank you to the members of the members of the congregation who generously provided
our Fellowship treats today. A signup board is in Fellowship Hall for anyone who is
interested in keeping the food on the table! Come and enjoy the fellowship!