Events for Single Adults - Lawndale Baptist Church


Events for Single Adults - Lawndale Baptist Church
Lawndale Baptist Church
3505 Lawndale Dr.
Greensboro, NC 27408
Phone: 336.288.3824
Fax: 336.545.8354
Events for Single Adults
Life Journey Groups Meet
Sunday @ 9:15 a.m.
(Ages 21-25) - White House
Directors/Teachers: Jeremy &
Misty Hood
August Events
Volume 10, Issue 8
(Ages 26-31) and
(Ages 32-42) - White House
Directors/Teachers: Jeff &
Nancy Carey
Sunday, August 19
If you have not picked up your
Spiritual Gifts survey, please come
by the office before Aug. 19.
5:30 p.m. Shelters #4
Pool 7-9 p.m.
$3 per person-pay in LJG by Aug. 5
(Ages 43-54) - White House
Directors/Teachers: Harrell &
PokSun King, Holly Brown
(Ages 55+) - Room 361
Directors/Teachers: Charles &
Taine Nolan, Sheryl Hairston,
Doris Brown
Life Journey Groups Meet
Sunday @ 10:45 a.m.
(Ages 22-54) - White House
Directors/Teacher: Nelda
(Ages 55+) - Room 264
Directors/Teachers: Shelba
Forrest, Cindi Douglas
(Ages 55+) - Room 312
Directors/Teachers: Mike &
Karen Ennis
Sunday Morning Schedule:
9:15 a.m.—Bible Study in the
Fellowship Hall
10:45 a.m.—Contemporary
Worship Service
Sunday Evening:
5:55 p.m. Bible Study/Food/
Fellowship in the White House
Directors/Teachers: Dave &
Debbie Clemens, Jonathan &
Tessa Going, Matt & Natalie
Hicks, Jason & Dana Nicoletta,
Greg & Teresa Hampson
August, 2012
We will provide Hot Dogs &
Hamburgers, buns, and toppings.
Wednesdays @
6:15 p.m. In the White House
Bring Side Dishes & Desserts
to share.
Nov. 16-17
Caraway Conference Center
If you are a member of the
Single Adult Leadership Team
and have not emailed Judy to
RSVP to the SALT Retreat,
please do so by August 15.
@ the Bonclarken Retreat Center in Flat Rock, NC
If you have registered to attend the Labor Day Retreat weekend at Bonclarken
Conference Center, your balance of $100 is due to the office by Sunday, August 5.
Make checks payable to Lawndale, note “Singles Labor Day Retreat” on the memo line.
Aug. 3
Tareea Goodson
Aug. 16 Andy Tse
Aug. 4
Chelsie Stinson
Aug. 23 Helen Davis
Aug. 5
Jeanie Williams
Aug. 24 Elizabeth Sapp
Aug. 5
Laurie Pless
Aug. 24 Janice Sapp
Aug. 6
Joy Marsh
Aug. 24 Emmanuel Braswell
Aug. 7
Sarah Foster
Aug. 26 John Russell
Aug. 11 Leslie Highfill
Aug. 26 Stephanie Parnell
Aug. 12 Jackie Mason
Aug. 27 Marian Rizza
Aug. 12 Charles Parker
Aug. 29 Taylor Darland
Aug. 13 Roy Larsen
Aug. 31 Ethan Coates
Associate Pastor of Single Adult
Ministries: Dr. Curt Dean
Phone: 336.288.3824 ext. 308
Email: [email protected]
Single Adult Ministry Assistant:
Judy Faust
Phone: 336.288.3824 ext. 310
Email: [email protected]
We’re on the web:
College Ministry Sunday Schedule:
9:15 a.m.—Bible Study in the Fellowship Hall
10:45 a.m. — Contemporary Worship Service
5:55 p.m.— Food, Fellowship & Bible Study in the White House
Wednesdays: Bible Study @ 7 p.m. at the home of Matt & Natalie Hicks
Mark your calendar for these Upcoming Events
Using God’s Word for the World’s Questions
Sunday, September 30
Sundays @ 5 pm
Begins Sept. 16
Tuesdays @ 7 pm
All Begin Sept. 18
Tickets $5 per person, go on sale Sept. 2.
Lunch will be in the Fellowship Hall.
For more information go to:
In two separate, 3-hour seminars, those who
are separated or divorced, or grieving the loss
of a loved one, this video, discussion group and
devotional material will help you not only to
survive the holidays, but to find strength,
healing and tools to move forward. Call the
College News…
Wednesday Bible Study meets at the home of
Matt & Natalie Hicks. Contact Jonathan Going for
more information (919-452-9408) or email him at
[email protected].
church office, 288-3824, to register for either
seminar before Oct. 22.
Saturday, August 4—Meet at LBC @ 6 pm to ride bus
Sunday, August 26—8 p.m.
Fri., Sept. 14-Sat., Sept. 15
Please email [email protected]
if your email address changes.