321st Bombardment Group Squadron War Diaries


321st Bombardment Group Squadron War Diaries
12th Air Force, 57th Bombardment Wing
321st Bombardment Group
History: December 1943
For my dad,
Colonel John “Jack” Fitzgerald, U.S. Army (deceased)
“Lil Butch”
John T. Fitzgerald, SMSgt, U.S. Air Force (retired)
12th Air Force, 57th Bombardment Wing
321st Bombardment Group
History: December 1943
The following is a compilation of the 321st Bomb Group’s Headquarters and individual
Squadron War Diaries. They have been transcribed word for word, from the Squadron
Histories provided by the Air Force Historical Research Agency (AFHRA), Maxwell Air
Force Base Alabama. At the end of each Squadron’s daily entry, the individuals cited in
the entry are identified by full name, rank and duty, in alphabetical order. The day’s
entry begins with the Tactical Operations Statement, from the United States Army Air
Forces (USAAF) Chronology, for the Mediterranean Theater of Operations (MTO). The
history also includes mission reports, mission crew rosters, Missing Air Crew Reports
(MACR), personal mission logs, journals, and diaries made available by various sources.
Anyone who has documentation pertaining to the 321st Bomb Group or its members, and
would like to have it included in this history, is welcome to participate. Copies of:
photos (official or personal); orders (promotion, decoration, travel, etc.); Mission
Reports; Missing Air Crew Reports; personal diaries, logs, journals, etc; other
documentation; or information that will help identify hi-lited individuals will be greatly
appreciated, as one of my goals is to correctly identify every man and plane assigned to
the 321st Bomb Group.
My only interest in this project is to honor those who served by perpetuating their story,
and making it available for future generations, particularly the families and friends of
our Great Heroes. If you are interested in helping, or if I may be of assistance in finding
information about your 321st BG Hero, please contact me at: [email protected]
Special Thanks to Very Special Folks
Agostino Alberti: Professor - historian (Soncino, Italy)
Michele Becchi: aviation history - archaeologist (Reggio Emilia, Italy)
Jack Brellenthin, great nephew of: Harold Ray Brellenthin, 2Lt, pilot, 446th BS
Cecile Burandt, daughter of: Charles Lawson “Chuck” Burandt, Capt, pilot, 446th BS
Sally Brown, daughter of: Barnard H. Seegmiller, Sgt, armament, 445th BS
Dave Charville, grandson of: Leighton Daniel “Danny” Charville, 1Lt, pilot, 445th BS
Barbara Connolly, daughter of: Edward Charles “Salvo” Ennis, T/Sgt, radar-radiogunner, 447th BS
1Lt Robert S. Crouse: pilot, 379BS
Ralph “Monguse” Gimenez: Software Architect, IL2-FB Skinner
Bob Haney, son of: Vincent M. Haney, M/Sgt, flight engineer, 341st BG
Ed Haney, cousin of: Gale Monroe Dickson, Capt, pilot, 446th BS
Special Thanks to Very Special Folks (continued)
Jim Hawkins, son of: Frank B. “Pancho” Hawkins, 2Lt, pilot, 381st BS
John Hughes, son of: John Jerome “Jack” Hughes, 1Lt, bombardier, 446th BS
Patti Johnson: genealogist, proofer, and family friend of: James Raymond Orechia,
T/Sgt, radio-gunner, 446th BS
Don Kaiser, son of: Quentin C. Kaiser, T/Sgt, radio-gunner, 489th BS
John Lanza, nephew of: William A. Lanza, Sgt, gunner, 446th BS
Stephanie Lile, daughter of: Keith B. Lile, S/Sgt, gunner, 445th BS
1 Lt Joseph A. Malec: bombardier, 448th BS and friend of: Vernon Curtis Dossey, Capt,
pilot, 448th BS
Vince Mango, son of: Vincent A. “Vince” Mango, S/Sgt, aerial gunner, 447th BS
John J. McCarthy: Sgt, engineer-gunner, bombardier, 447th BS
Lorraine McRae, daughter of: James Arrington McRae, 1Lt, bombardier, 446th BS
T/Sgt Rocco F. “Rocky” Milano & daughter Peggy Chatham: Crew Chief of Peg O' My
Heart, Lil Butch, and Haulin' Ass, 446th BS
Bob Ritger, nephew of: Frederic Charles Ritger, 1Lt, pilot, 446th BS
Irving J. Schaffer: T/Sgt, radio-gunner, photographer, 448th BS
1st Lt Frederick H. Smith: pilot, 447th BS
Marsha Gurnee Suszan, daughter of: Clarence E. “Shine” Gurnee, S/Sgt, gunner,
Dominique Taddei: author, U.S.S. Corsica (Corsica)
S/Sgt George B. Underwood: gunner, 381st BS
David Waldrip, nephew of: Robert Laseter Waldrip, T/Sgt, radio-gunner, 447th BS
Vinny J. White, son of: Joseph P. White, T/Sgt, radio-gunner, 381st BS
S/Sgt, Harry (NMI) Yoa: engineer-gunner, 445th BS
Crew lists
Aircraft information - serial #, name, etc
Cannon Loader (on B-25G)
Sometimes used
Bomb/Nav Bombardier-Navigator
BN Bombardier-Navigator
EG Engineer-gunner
RG Radio-gunner
TG Turret gunner
AG Aerial gunner
PH Photographer
AP Aerial photographer
CC Crew Chief
Acronyms & Abbreviations
A/C: Aircraft
A/D: Aerodrome
AE: Aerial Engineer
A/F: Air Field, also Anti-Flak
AA or AAA: Anti-Aircraft (Artillery)
abs: absent
AGL: Above Ground Level
ALO: Allied Liaison Officer
ALW: Alive and Well
AMGOT: Allied Military Government for
Occupied Territories
A.R.C.: American Red Cross
ASC: Air Support Command
ASN: Army Serial Number (personnel)
Assg: Assigned
ASV: Anti-Surface Vessel (radar)
ATA: Actual Time of Arrival
ATC: Air Transportation Command
ATS: Air Transport Service - also Army
Telegraph Service
Azon: Azimuth only (guided bomb)
BC: Bomber Command
BIC: Bruised in Crash
Bmb: Bombardier
Bn: Battalion
B.R.L.: Ballistic Research Laboratory
BSM: Bomb System Maintenance
CA: Heavy Cruiser
CAVU: Ceiling and Visibility Unlimited
C.B.I.: China-Burma-India Theater
C/D: Coastal Defense
CE: Circular Error
CEP: Circular Error Probable
Chaff (US term): Radar countermeasure:
tiny strips of aluminum, metalized glass
fiber, or plastic. See Window
CL: Cannon Loader
CO: Commanding Officer
CG: Commanding General
CP: Command Post
M/G: Machine Gun
MIA: Missing In Action
M/T: Motor Transport (Truck)
MTB: Motor Torpedo Boat
M/V: Military Vessel, Maritime Vessel
M/Y: Marshalling Yards
MC: Maintenance Crew
NARA: National Archives and Records
NASAF: Northwest African Strategic Air
NATC - Northwest African Training
NATOUSA: North Atlantic Theater of
Operations USA
Nav: Navigator
N.B.S.: National Bureau of Standards
NC: Nurse Corps.
NCO: Non-Commissioned Officer
Nickels: propaganda Leaflets
(NMI): No Middle Initial
NOK: Next Of Kin
NRO: National Reconnaissance Office
OAF: Occupation Air Forces
OD: Officer of the day, also Olive Drab
OLC: Oak Leaf Cluster
OTU: Operational Training Unit
PAX: Passengers
PDI: Pilot Direction Indicator
POE: Point of Embarkation
POW: Prisoner of War (also PW)
PRO-Kit: Individual Chemical
Prophylactic packet
PW: Prisoner of War (also POW)
PWB: Psychological Warfare Branch
PX: Post Exchange
QBB: Base of cloud
QDM: Course to steer
QM: Quarter Master
R/B: Road Bridge
RC: Red Cross
CQ: Charge of Quarters
C/S: Call Sign
CWS: Chemical Warfare Service
D/H: Direct Hit
DD: Destroyer
DED: Declared Dead - no body or remains
Demo: Demolition
DL: Dead List
DNB: Died Non-Battle / Died Not-Battle
DOW: Died Of Wounds.
DOWRIA: Died of Wounds Received in
DS: Detached Service
E/A: Enemy Aircraft
E/F: Enemy Fighter
EM or E/M: Enlisted Men
ETA: Estimated Time of Arrival
ETIR: Estimated Time In Route
EUS: Evacuated to the United States
E/V: Enemy Vessel
F Boat: Flying Boat
F/L: Formation Leader - also Flight Leader
FO or F/O: Flying Officer
FOD: Finding Of Death
Frag: Fragmentation
F.S.: Flight Section
GLO: Ground Liaison Officer (UK)
GO: General Order
GP: General Purpose/Gun Position
GTC: General Time Convention (railroad)
HE: High Explosive
IAS: Indicated Air Speed
I & E: Information & Education
I.F.F.: Identification, Friend or Foe
(i. o.): Initials Only (initial is the name)
IP: Initial Point
KNB: Killed Not Battle
KIA: Killed In Action
L/A: Landing Area
LC: Landing Craft
L/G: Landing Ground
Lox: Liquid Oxygen
L/S: Landing Strip
R/J: Road Junction
R/Y: Railroad Yards
Repl: Replacement
RMC: Returned to Military Control
RON: Remain OverNight
RR/B: Railroad Bridge
RR/J: Railroad Junction
RR: Railroad
RTD: Returned To Duty
R/V: Rendezvous
S-1: Administration
S-2: Intelligence
S-3: Operations
S-4: Supply
SAP: Semi-Armor Piercing
SD: Special Duty
S/E: Single Engine (plane)
S.E.: Special Equipment (Shoran)
S/F: Siebel Ferry
sk: sick
S/M: Submarine
SO: Special Order
SOI: Standard Operating Instructions?
S/P: Sea Plane
Sq: Squadron
Sqdn: Squadron
SWA: Seriously Wounded in Action
T/A: Target Area
T/C: Troop Concentration
T/E: Twin Engine (plane)
TAC: Theater Allied Command
TBF: Tactical Bomber Force
TD: Temporary Duty
TDY: Temporary Duty
TLC: Tactical Landing Craft
TO: Take-Off (time), also Technical
Order, and Transportation Officer
T/O: Table of Organization
TOT: Time Over Target/Time On Target
Trfd: Transferred
TWX: Teletypewriter Message
u/i: Unidentified, also unit of issue
UNRRA: United Nations Relief and
Rehabilitation Administration
L/V: Large Vehicle
LST: Landing Ship Tank
Ltr: Letter
LWA: Lightly Wounded in Action
MACR: Missing Air Crew Report
MATS: Military Air Transport Service
Very Pistol or Verey Pistol: Flare gun
VOCO: Verbal Order of the Commanding
WC: Water closet
W.O.: Warrant Officer
WIA: Wounded In Action
Window (British term): Radar
countermeasure: tiny strips of aluminum,
metalized glass fiber, or plastic. See Chaff
WP: White Phosphorus (bombs)
WT, W/T: Watch Tower
XC: Cross Country
ZI: Zone of Interior (U.S.A.)
Wednesday, 1 December 1943
USAAF Chronology: MTO Tactical Operations (12th AF): B-25's bomb gun positions
in the Sant' Ambrogio area; fighter-bombers, including some Royal Air Force (RAF),
Royal Australian Air Force (RAAF) and South African Air Force (SAAF) aircraft, hit
trucks, gun positions, and other military targets E of Casoli, at Lanciano, near
Guardiagrele, W of Mignano, W of Minturno, and near Chieti. Several of these missions
are in support of the US Fifth and British Eighth Armies. During the month of Dec 43,
HQ XII Bomber Command transfers from Tunis, Tunisia to Bari, Italy. HQ 52nd Fighter
Group and its 5th Fighter Squadron transfer from Boccadifalco and Bo Rizzo, Sicily
respectively to Corsica with Spitfires.
HQ 321st BG War Diary:
No Mission.
445th BS War Diary: There was no mission today. The Squadron personnel were paid
this morning in the Officers’ mess building. It got very cold in the afternoon and many of
the men stayed in their tents to hug the stoves. Most of the men have a good supply of
coal in their tents and this affords them the comfortable heat on these raw days. It was
cold, windy and rainy tonight. The wind at times threatened to blow down some of the
446th BS War Diary: No Missions. Planes arrived here today from Grottaglie bringing
the balance of our men and equipment. Troops were paid which brought up morale and
brought on the poker games. Weather is bad.
446th BS: War Diary of: Walker, Dale F., 2Lt, pilot: “We finally got started moving –
we moved to Foggia today, just about 60 miles from the front line. You can really hear
the fight going on from here; it can shake you in your bed at night. No raids at the home
base yet.”
447th BS War Diary: No mission. Usual squadron duties.
448th BS War Diary: No Entry
Thursday, 2 December 1943
USAAF Chronology: MTO Tactical Operations (12th AF): B-25's, A-20's, and RAF
light bombers support ground forces in the Monte Trocchio area, and other B-25's, A20's, and RAF and SAAF airplanes support ground forces near Sant' Ambrogio; more B25's hit bridge and approaches near Chieti; fighters strafe trucks and trains while fighterbombers blast gun positions along the US Fifth and British Eighth Army fronts, and hit
harbors and shipping along the Yugoslav coast at or near Omis, Drvenicki, Trogir,
Vrbnik, and Ston.
HQ 321st BG War Diary: The first mission of the month was flown today, our planes
taking off to bomb the road bridge northwest Chieti about 25 miles north of the front
lines. The formation was scattered due to the lead ship being hit by flak just before the
target. The east approach was believed to have been hit. Two of our planes failed to
return from this mission; both were shot down by flak at the target. Major Bates was
pilot of the lead ship which was shot down and Lt. Clark was his co-pilot with Captain
Brown, group bombardier, as bombardier. The loss of these men is deeply felt
throughout the Group. It will be difficult to replace them. A second mission was flown
today against the road bridge at Chieti with better results. The east approach was hit and
direct hits were made on the road to the west of the bridge. Numerous near misses were
made on the bridge itself.
Bates, James P. “Jimmy”, Maj, pilot, Commander, 448th BS
Brown, Robert H. “Brownie”, Capt, bombardier, HQ 321st BG
Clark, Paul I., 2Lt, pilot, 448th BS
HQ 321st BG Mission Summary: (Ops Order 162/mission 161) Group Mission # 163:
-----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Mission Report # 163, 2 December 1943
1. 321st Bombardment Group (M), 447th & 448th Squadrons.
2. At 0840 23 B-25s took off to bomb road bridge NW of Chieti. One returned early.
20 dropped 113x500 lb. bombs with 1/10 and .025 second fusing at 0940 hrs. from
8500/9500 ft. 20 returned at 1030. Two lost due to flak. One parachute seen. Axis
of attack 287°.
3. Lead ship was hit by flak and exploded on bomb run, forcing formation to scatter. No
hits on bridge but hits believed made on E approach.
4. Flak--------Heavy, intense, very accurate, tracking, within radius of 4/5 miles of
target. Positions noted 1000 yards N of target and 1000 yards NE in field.
Flak loss intense to N and E of target. One report that after flak burst,
spiral trail of smoke developed. 8 A/C holed.
Ground----Ship appeared to be B-25 on ground N of Ripatta at 41° 54’ N, 15° 14’ E.
5. Enroute and return---4/10 cumulus at 4000 feet.
6. Flight leaders-------Major Bates, Lts. Clark and Beeson.
Thursday, 2 December 1943 (continued)
Number of sorties—22
Photos taken.
Major, Air Corps,
Intelligence Officer
-----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------HQ 321st BG Mission Summary: (Ops Order 163/mission 162) Group Mission # 164:
-----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Mission Report # 164, 2 December 1943
1. 321st Bombardment Group (M), 445th & 446th Squadrons.
2. At 1410 18 B-25’s took off to bomb road bridge NW of Chieti. None returned early.
18 dropped 103 x 500 lb bombs with 1/10 and .025 fusing at 1505 hours from
10.800/12,000 ft. 18 returned at 1535. Axis of attack 218°.
3. One crew reports direct hits on center of bridge. Good concentration on East
approach and hits on road to W. Numerous near misses on bridge.
Air----------2 S/E at coast N of target 3,000’ above formation. Did not attack.
20/25 S/E on Pescara A/D
Marine-----2 cruisers shelling Pescara. 2 E boats heading E. from Pescara.
Flak--------Heavy, moderate, accurate. 4 A/C holed. Heavy positions were generally
in NE/SW line about 5 miles SE of Chieti. Hills to NW were filled with
small arms fire. Heavy positions noted 1 mile NE of bridge on both sides
of Pescara River and 1500 yards S of bridge, ½ mile E of factory, and near
E end of bridge.
6. None.
Flight leaders – Col. Knapp, Capt. Tipton, Lt. Tapper.
Number of sorties – 18
Photos taken.
Major, Air Corps,
Intelligence Officer
-----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------445th BS War Diary: It was very cold this morning and the sight of snow covered
mountains in the distance made it seem all the colder. The rainstorm which we had last
night apparently turned out to be a snowstorm in the mountains. There were several red
alerts sounded this evening which sent some of the men scurrying for their slit trenches.
There was no bombing but some of the men reported seeing glows of fires toward the
Thursday, 2 December 1943 (continued)
445th BS Mission Summary: (Ops Order 162/mission 161) Group Mission # 163:
(445th BS did not participate)
445th BS Mission Summary: (Ops Order 163/mission 162) Group Mission # 164:
A/C No. 42-32333 “Lorelei”
Neumann, Robert H., 2Lt
Carney, James Bernard, 2Lt
Underwood, James H., Jr., 2Lt
None listed
None listed
Orr, William J., S/Sgt
Dillon, James A., Sgt
A/C No. 42-64659
P Lathrop, Gerald T., 2Lt
CP Pamp, Arvid A.,2Lt
N None
B Fitzgerald, Daniel J., Sgt
E None listed
R Lestz, Sidney “Lefty”, S/Sgt
G Henrich, James G., Sgt
F Cheosky, Alexander A., Cpl
A/C No. 41-30550 “Hetties Pride and
P Tipton, Richard Pike “Tip”, Capt,
CP Knapp, Robert Duane, Sr., Col, HQ 321st
BG Commander
N Larson, Harold W., 1Lt
B Greenblatt, Milton H., 2Lt
E Lockwood, Patrick B., M/Sgt
R None listed
G Hannon, Robert P., S/Sgt
F None
A/C No. 42-64575
P Young, William G, 2Lt
CP House, Robert M., 2Lt
N None
B Anderson, Melvin Anders “Andy”, 2Lt
E Rose, J. W., S/Sgt
R None listed
G Ellison, Clyde (NMI), Cpl
F None
A/C No. 42-64508
Jackson, John I., 2Lt
Williamson, Loyd V., F/O
Poranda, Michael A., Cpl
Cross, Vassil W., Jr., S/Sgt
None listed
Beaudware, Leo J., Sgt
Asmus, George D., Sgt
A/C No. 41-13207 “Oh 7”
Kailer, William Frederick “Bill”, 2Lt
Wetherbee, Dana A., Jr., 2Lt
Smith, Paul F., S/Sgt
Donegan, John B., S/Sgt
Boyd, Ewell V., T/Sgt
Smith, James B., S/Sgt
A/C No. 42-32321 “The Big Bear”
(Bear - no lettering)
Ward, James M., 2Lt
Vallery, Dean B., F/O
Stokes, Oliver O., Cpl
Belt, Hunter C., S/Sgt
None listed
Irvin, Ralph D., Sgt
A/C No. 42-64529
Strenger, Marshall C., 1Lt
Knapp, Charles R., 2Lt
Souders, Walter E., 2Lt
Halpin, John J., Sgt
None listed
Forbes, Robert W., Sgt
Thursday, 2 December 1943 (continued)
A/C No. 41-13202 “Idaho Lassie”
P Kaschenbach, Carl E. “Kasch”, 2Lt
CP Walker, Robert S., 2Lt
N None
B Walsh, Frank J., 2Lt
E McKee, Paul L., S/Sgt
R None listed
G Calvert, Murley E., S/Sgt
F None
445th BS: War Diary of: Seegmiller, Barnard H., Sgt, armament:
“The afternoon is unusually bright and sunny. I just brought my blankets
in from airing. Last night when we were loading bombs it was freezing cold and today
the mountains to the north are blanketed in snow. Several miles across the plain, directly
in front of our tent, stretches a long plateau skirted by a narrow bench land dotted with
farmhouses. Up the face of a rugged section of the escarpment winds a road leading to a
monastery, which beckons constantly to my roving nature. The sound of our planes has
just died in the distance. They are on their way to smash a bridge in the way of the Nazi
retreat before the Eighth Army. Two planes were lost by other squadrons of the Group
this morning over the same target, one carrying down the CO of the 48th and the Group
Bombing Officer, Capt. Brown. Everyone is rather tense, except Col. Knapp, who is
leading this afternoon’s mission. A couple of P-47s that belong to a P-40 Group near us
are doing “Lazy Ss” high and off to the left. Being the first of their kind in this area they
attract much attention. A pair of Spits (British Spitfires) just buzzed us.”
446th BS War Diary: Weather cleared up and we had a mission with fairly good results.
There is snow on the hills to the Northwest.
446th BS Mission Summary: (Ops Order 162/mission 161) Group Mission # 163:
(446th BS did not participate)
446th BS Mission Summary: (Ops Order 163/mission 162) Group Mission # 164:
Squadron Mission 129
TARGET: Road Bridge N of Chieti
DATE: 2 Dec.1943
Type of Bombs: 500#
446th Planes: 9
Col. Knapp, Group CO led the formation. 1 crew, Lt. Tapper, reported direct hits on
center of bridge. Good concentration on E approach, and hits on road to west. Numerous
near misses on bridge. Flak was heavy, accurate, and 4 a/c were hit.
Knapp, Robert Duane, Sr., Col, pilot, 321st BG Commander
Tapper, George C., 2Lt, pilot
Thursday, 2 December 1943 (continued)
A/C No. 41-13200
P Davison, William R., 2Lt
CP Brellenthin, Harold Ray, 2Lt
N None
B Plaine, Robert J., S/Sgt
E Wuotila, Benjamin R., S/Sgt
R Valenti, Alfio P., S/Sgt
G Brooks, Gaylen B., S/Sgt
F None
A/C No. 42-64511 “The Madam 2 of
St. Joe”
P Tapper, George G., 2Lt
CP Braswell, Thomas J., 2Lt
N Schad, Harlan C., 2Lt
B Cooper, Lester L., 2Lt
E Hanley, James (NMI), Jr., S/Sgt
R None listed
G Velarde, Servando J., Jr., Sgt
F None
A/C No. 41-13208 (spare)
Elliott, Roger L., 2Lt
Farrell, Joseph R., 2Lt
Pappas, William J., 2Lt
Warner, Harold W., S/Sgt
None listed
Mitchell, John C., Sgt
A/C No. 42-64509 “Arkansas
Traveler II” (later “Enid II, “No
P McClelland, Alva L., 2Lt
CP Porter, Lloyd A., 2Lt
N Springer, Luther B., Jr., 1Lt
B McCabe, Peter T., 2Lt
E Raffloer, Louis A., Jr., S/Sgt
R None listed
G Samsel, John C., Sgt
F None
A/C No. 42-64520 “Duchess”
Fetterly, Orville D., 2Lt
Dickson, Gale Monroe, 2Lt
Anderson, Edward J., Sgt
Carstens, Clarence H. “Rusty”, Pvt
None listed
Schultheis, Thomas R., Sgt
A/C No. 42-64526 “Patches”
Boulton, Richard E., 2Lt
Strom, Ernest M., 2Lt
Bahm, Linston A., PFC
Kemp, Quentin B., S/Sgt
None listed
Skill, Donald H., Sgt
Blake, Charles H., S/Sgt
A/C No. 42-64599 “Old 99 - PLUTO Pee Wee”
Brady, Joseph J., 1Lt
Abraham, Frank W., 2Lt
Mastroianni, Henry L., 2Lt
Brawn, Jean H., Cpl
Spoerl, Harry C., Sgt
Thomas, Patrick (NMI), Sgt
A/C No. 42-64557 “Lady Betty”
Klang, Irving E., 2Lt
Hinderer, Robert H., 2Lt
Brown, Newton E., 2Lt
Pilcher, Byron E., S/Sgt
None listed
Bonacich, Matthew G., Sgt
Thursday, 2 December 1943 (continued)
A/C No. 41-30293
P Cornell, Earl K., F/O
CP Clark, Robert A., 2Lt
N None
B Shepard, Eugene D., 2Lt
E Helisek, Paul A., S/Sgt
R Smith, Roy W., T/Sgt
G DeBari, Dominick R., Sgt
F None
A/C No. 41-13008 (spare)
P Knapp, Theodore A., 2Lt
CP Henson, Gerald J., 2Lt
N None
B Pestalozzi, Rudolph H. “Rudy”, 2Lt
E Hershberger, Ralph G., Jr., Sgt
R Walsh, Thaddeus J., T/Sgt
G Martin, Edward F., Sgt
F None
A/C No. 41-30551 “Pink Lady”
Rigling, Samuel (NMI), Jr., 2Lt
Holt, Robert L., 2Lt
Milner, Walter C., S/Sgt
Rockafellow, Alfred A., S/Sgt
None listed
Lovell, Curtis L., S/Sgt
Guzauskas, Frank (NMI), Cpl
A/C No. 42-32446 “Mascot” (spare)
Wright, Theodore O., 2Lt
Bsharah, Phillip (NMI), 2Lt
Gawrada, Gabriel P., 2Lt
Motika, John F., Sgt
None listed
Bedwell, Joy L., Sgt
446th BS: War Diary of: Walker, Dale F., 2Lt, pilot: “I made another day trip to
Grottaglie today & picked up another plane. I got back late this after noon. I had bad
news awaiting me, my old Radio man John P Sweeney, went down in a plane yesterday
on a mission. I sure feel bad about it but its one of those things, hope there’s no more
like it – Goodnight now!”
Sweeney, John Patrick., S/Sgt, radio-gunner, 486th BS, 340th BG
447th BS War Diary: Cpl. Pat Holland was sent to hospital with an old leg injury.
Surrounding mountains are covered with snow this morning.
Holland, Patrick H., Cpl, engineering
447th BS Mission Summary: (Ops Order 162/mission 161) Group Mission # 163: 12
of our planes took off to bomb a road bridge near CHIETI, Italy. The flak was so terrific
that casualties resulted. One of our planes, piloted by 1st Lt. W.T. Williams who was on
his 52nd mission, was shot down. Other members of the crew were: 2nd Lt. A.C. Drury,
S/Sgt. C.O. Brown, S/Sgt. C.D. Goodwin, S/Sgt. E.V. Boza, and S/Sgt. W.F. Kazar.
S/Sgt. James M. Batteiger, engineer of the plane directly in front of Lt. Williams saw a
direct hit on the right engine. He watched it fall to about 3000 ft, still going down and
out of control. 448th Sq. also lost a plane, which exploded in mid-air. This ship was
flown by no other than the Squadron C.O., Major Bates. Two other planes, piloted by Lt.
Fallone and Lt. Jahraus, each landed with only one engine operating. Both planes had the
oil lines of one of their engines shot out and Lt. Jahrhaus’ plane also had a flat tire. Lt.
Thursday, 2 December 1943 (continued)
Broyles had the tail assembly of his plane shot up. Lt. Beeson had the rudder of his plane
hit. The following men were injured on this mission and will receive Purple Hearts: 2 nd
Lt. D.W. Thomas, pilot; 2nd Lt. G.J. Trevor, co-pilot; S/Sgt. E.F. Bartkus, radio-gunner’
S/Sgt. J.M Batteiger, engineer-gunner’ and S/Sgt. R.A. Lotitio, radio-gunner.
A/C No. 42-64598 (MACR-1619 - shot
Williams, William Thomas, 1Lt
Drury, Alfred Charles, 2Lt
Brown, Charles Orville “Brownie”, Jr.,
Godwin, Charles D., S/Sgt
Boza, Elmer V., S/Sgt
Kazar, William F. ,Sgt
A/C No. 42-64695
Stephenson, Henry W. "Steve", 1Lt
Briskey, John F., Jr., 2Lt
Sattenspiel, Stanley J., 1Lt
Monroe, Delore E., S/Sgt
Boyd, Robert J., S/Sgt
Crowell, James M., Jr., Sgt
A/C No. 42-32450 “Lumber Wagon”
Broyles, Porter A., 2Lt
Dunn, Robert P., 2Lt
Becker, Edward B., “Jalone”, 2Lt
Baringer, Paul S., S/Sgt
Kaufold, Adolph (NMI), S/Sgt
Schrader, Harold F., Sgt
A/C No. 42-64546 “Jessie James”
Fallone, Henry J. “Hank”, 2Lt
Beebe, Harwood (NMI), Jr., 2Lt
Davis, Donald A., S/Sgt
Czabaj, Matthew W., Sgt
Moomaw, Otis W., S/Sgt
Harmer, Harry B., Sgt
A/C No. 41-13210 “Buckeye Cannon
Beeson, Elwood H., 1Lt
Joiner, Harold W., 2Lt
Halloran, Robert F., 2Lt
Mayben, Ernest P., Jr., 2Lt
Cook, Gerritt C., S/Sgt
Dexter, Harold H., S/Sgt
Clausen, Ansgar E., S/Sgt
A/C No. 41-30557
DeMay, Kenneth C., 2Lt
Ryherd, Fred E., 2Lt
Deane, George J., 2Lt
Tudor, Mathew S., S/Sgt
Ennis, Edward Charles “Salvo”, S/Sgt
Armstrong, Robert E., S/Sgt
Hassett, Leo P., Cpl
A/C No. 42-64600 “Lady Luck”
Spingler, Richard H. “Dick”, 2Lt
Vincent, Frederick W., III, 2Lt
Nowakowski, Joseph J., 2Lt
Sheets, Ralph M., S/Sgt
Kordzi, Joseph J., Jr., S/Sgt
Ludtke, Foster R., Pvt
A/C No. 41-12997 “Southern Belle”
Werner, Robert G., Jr., 2Lt
Knodle, Robert A., 2Lt
Franklin, Willie P., S/Sgt
McGrail, Robert J., T/Sgt
O’Mara, Robert M., Sgt
Iverson, Lewis B., S/Sgt
Thursday, 2 December 1943 (continued)
A/C No. 42-64694 “Yankee Girl”
Gill, Paul W., 1Lt
Langston, Everett D., 2Lt
McCormick, Donald Patrick, 2Lt
Mercer, William R., S/Sgt
Kastelic, Frank M., S/Sgt
Manning, Hillard J., Sgt
A/C No. 41-12930 “Snafu”
Jahraus, Alfred B., 1Lt
Haeberle, John H., 2Lt
Alton, David D., S/Sgt
Fiorello, Thomas R. “Tom”, Sgt
Lotito, Rocco A., S/Sgt
Reilly, James M., S/Sgt
A/C No. 41-30538 “Shad Rack You
Done Crapped Again”
Thomas, David W., 2Lt
Trevor, Graham J., 2Lt
Paiton, Harold K., 2Lt
Lanza, Joseph Peter, 2Lt
Batteiger, Norman J., S/Sgt
Bartkus, Ernest F., S/Sgt
Funk, Marvin J., S/Sgt
A/C No. 41-13181 “Sophisticated
Lady” (returned early – engine trouble)
Hanlon, James Augustus, Jr., 1Lt
Anderson, Lloyd G., 2Lt
Blumenfeld, Philip I., 2Lt
Henry, William R., S/Sgt
Wadlow, Verlin L., S/Sgt
Roberts, Herman (NMI), Sgt
Statham, Alvin F., PFC
447th BS: Extracts from Missing Air Crew Report # 1619:
A/C No. 42-64598 (MACR 1619 - shot down)
Williams, William Thomas, 1Lt - KIA
Drury, Alfred Charles, 2Lt - KIA
Brown, Charles Orville “Brownie”, Jr., S/Sgt - KIA
Godwin, Charles D., S/Sgt - KIA
Boza, Elmer V., S/Sgt - KIA
Kazar, William F. ,Sgt - KIA
Thursday, 2 December 1943 (continued)
Eyewitness Accounts: Batteiger, James M., S/Sgt., engineer-gunner, 447th BS
Office of the Operations Officer
A.P.O. 520
December 4, 1943.
SUBJECT: Missing Aircraft Report.
: Headquarters Army Air Forces, Washington, D. C. (Thru Channels)
1. On December 2, 1943, Lt. Williams was flying in the second ship (4264598), fourth element and last flight. I was flying as Tail Gunner in the lead ship (4130538 “Shad Rack You Done Crapped Again”) of the third element of the last flight.
2. Just as we started our bomb-run, I observed a direct hit in the right engine of
Lt. Williams’ plane and smoke and flame issued forth. The plane apparently went out of
control and nosed downward. I continued to watch it descend for about 3000 feet, at
which time it disappeared from my sight due to it passing under the fuselage of our plane.
Staff Sergeant, 35305577,
Tail Gunner.
(Inclosure to MAC Report,
Lt. Williams & Crew, dated
4 December 1943)
-----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Eyewitness Accounts: Cook, Bailey C., Lt Col, pilot, Operations Officer, HQ 321st BG
APO 520
Office of the Operations Officer
U. S. Army,
Dec. 7, 1943
SUBJECT: Conclusions as to use of parachute.
: Whom it may concern.
1. As a result of interrogation of personnel participating in combat mission of
morning of Dec. 2, 1943, it is to be concluded that a parachute was seen to be used by a
member of one of the two aircraft lost on this mission.
Thursday, 2 December 1943 (continued)
2. It is not possible to stat definitely from which of the two aircraft the jump
was mad, due to conflicting reports of eye-witnesses.
Lt. Colonel, Air Corps,
Operations Officer.
(Inclosure to MAC Report,
Lt. Williams & Crew, dated
4 December 1943)
-----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Eyewitness Accounts: Henry, Forrest R. "Steamboat", 1Lt, intelligence, HQ 321st BG
U. S. Army
Dec. 7, 1943.
(Note: photos missing from MACR)
These pictures were taken by the photographer flying off the left wing of the
crashed airplane. See diagram:
A/C # 42-64598.
P. 2nd Lt. W. T.
Photographer -- T
T -- crashed plane.
Photograph W-1 shows an outline of a smoking plane in a diving position.
Photograph W-2 shows the same plane, crashed and burning. This crashed position is
located on the inclosed map by a green circle and the area outlined in green in the area
covered by the photograph. The red circle (approximately 2½ miles away) is the
location, where a few minutes later two planes were reported shot down from a
formation, by an Artillery Flash Spotter of the British 5th Army Corps.
1st Lieutenant, Air Corps,
Group Photo Interpreter.
(Inclosure to MAC Report,
Lt. Williams & Crew, dated
4 December 1943)
Thursday, 2 December 1943 (continued)
447th BS Mission Summary: (Ops Order 163/mission 162) Group Mission # 164:
(447th BS did not participate)
447th BS: War Diary of: Stephenson, Henry W. "Steve", 1Lt, pilot (mission 48)
TARGET: Road Bridge NW Chieti 1:50 500 lbs bombs
Plane 695 (42-64695): Lt. Stephenson, Lt. Briskey, Lt. Sattenspiel, S/Sgt Monroe, S/Sgt,
Boyd, Sgt. Crowell
“This was my first flight as an element leader. Lt. Williams and crew which included Lt.
Williams, Lt. Drury, S/Sgt. Brown, S/Sgt. Godwin, S/Sgt. Boza and Sgt. Kazar in plane
598 went down over target. Lt. Thomas, Lt. Trevor, S/Sgt. Batteiger, S/Sgt. Bart and
S/Sgt. Lotito were all wounded by flak.”
447th BS: War Diary of: Williams, William Thomas, 1Lt, pilot (mission 52)
“Chieti, Italy” Williams shot down: KIA.
447th BS Special Accounts: On December 2, 1943 twelve of the squadron planes were
scheduled to participate in a raid on a road bridge near Chieti, Italy. One of the planes
returned early—eleven took part in the raid.
The plane piloted by Lt. William T. Williams failed to return. The planes piloted
by Lt. Beeson and Lt. Broyles were severely damaged. Several other planes of the
squadron were damaged slightly. Very intense and accurate antiaircraft fire was
responsible for the damage and loss.
Beeson, Ellwood H. “Buck”, 1Lt, pilot
Broyles, Porter A., 2Lt, pilot
Thursday, 2 December 1943 (continued)
The crew lost when Lt. Williams’ ship went down were as follows:
P 1st Lt. William T. Williams
E S/Sgt. Charles D. Godwin
CP 2 Lt. Alfred C. Drury
R S/Sgt. Elmer V. Boza
B S/Sgt. Charles O. Brown
G Sgt. William F. Kazar
Crew members suffering slight injuries during the mission were as follows:
P 2nd Lt. David W. Thomas
E S/Sgt. James M. Batteiger
CP 2nd Lt. Graham J. Trevor
R S/Sgt. Rocco A. Lotito
R S/Sgt. Ernest F. Bartkus
The formation, led by Major Bates of the 448th, took a course roughly up the East
coast of Italy to a point opposite the target and then flew due west to the target. The
course proved to be an unwise one as the planes were within range of the German frontline guns, were subjected to intense antiaircraft fire 30 seconds after their turn to the west
and continued to be under this fire until they broke away after the bombing run. A direct
hit in the gas tank of the lead plane piloted by Major Bates sent it down in flames and left
the formation without a leader. The planes were pretty much scattered and still quite a
distance from the target.
Bates, James P. “Jimmy”, Maj, pilot, Commander
Lt. Williams’ plane was hit at about the same time as the lead ship. S/Sgt. James
M. Batteiger at the tail gun in the plane in front of Lt. Williams saw a direct hit on the
right engine. Smoke and flames poured from the engine and the plane seemed to be out
of control as it went down rapidly. S/Sgt. Batteiger watched the plane as long as he could
and reported that he last saw it at about 3000 ft, still out of control and going down 2nd Lt.
Ryherd reported seeing the plane also at about 3000 ft and it appeared to him that it was
upside down. He was flying co-pilot in one of the planes in Lt. Williams’ flight. No one
in the formation reported seeing the plane hit the ground but a friendly Field Artillery
observation pilot reported later in the day that two planes had been seen to crash and burn
in the locality over which the formation was flying. One man reported seeing a parachute
but his report could not be confirmed by any other members of the formation and was not
confirmed by the observation pilot.
Batteiger, James M., S/Sgt., engineer-gunner
Ryherd, Fred E., 2Lt, pilot
Williams, William Thomas, 1Lt, pilot
Flak fragments cut the oil lines in one engine of Lt. Fallone’s plane and he had to
fly home and land on one engine. The oil lines in one engine of Lt. Jahrhaus’ plane were
cut by flak also and one of his tires shot through. He landed his plane on one engine with
one tire flat. Lt. Broyles’ plane received several hits in the tail section and one of his
engines cut out. He flew for awhile on one engine but got the other one started before he
got back to the base. The damage to the tail of his ship was quite severe. Lt. Beeson’s
plane was hit in the tail section also and damaged severely. Most of the six other
squadron planes in the formation were damaged slightly by flak.
Beeson, Ellwood H. “Buck”, 1Lt, pilot
Broyles, Porter A., 2Lt, pilot
Fallone, Henry J., 1Lt, pilot
Jahraus, Alfred B., 2Lt, pilot
Thursday, 2 December 1943 (continued)
Because of the intensity of the flak and the fact that the leader of the formation
had been shot down the bombing results of this mission were poor. It was a very costly
undertaking for the squadron. Lt. Williams’ crew was the second such loss for the
squadron since the beginning of its participation in combat missions. The mission was
the 52nd for Lt. Williams.
Williams, William Thomas, 1Lt, pilot
448th BS War Diary: (No non-mission information)
448th BS Mission Summary: (Ops Order 162/mission 161) Group Mission # 163:
Mission # 126 (163): At 08:40 twenty three B-25’s off to bomb road bridge NW
CHIETI, Italy. One returned early. 20 dropped 113 x 500 bombs at 09:40 from 5,500 –
9,500 feet. Twenty returned at 10:30. Two planes lost due to flak. Lead ship hit by flak
and exploded on bomb run, forcing formation to scatter. No hits on bridge but some on E
approach. Flak: Heavy, intense and very accurate. 8 A/C hit. Weather: 4/10th cumulus
at 4,000 feet enroute. CAVU at target. No E fighters. F/L: Major Bates and Lt. Clark
A/C No. 41-30326 (MACR-1516 - shot
P Clark, Paul I., 2Lt
CP Bates, James P. “Jimmy”, Maj,
N Abbe, Richard A., 2Lt,
B Brown, Robert H. “Brownie”, Capt, HQ
321st BG
E Terho, Harold V., S/Sgt
R Henry, Lewis F., S/Sgt
G Paschel, John W., S/Sgt
F None
A/C No. 41-13172 “Boyd Toyd”
P Ryan, Phillip A., 2Lt
CP Eddy, Willard B., Jr., 2Lt
N Perry, Lawrence A., 2Lt
B Skeahan, Thomas Joseph, Jr., 2Lt
E Larsen, Fred M., S/Sgt
R Oates, Theodore R., S/Sgt
G Jeffrey, Louis J., PFC
F None
A/C No. 41-30548
Boatwright, John S., 1Lt
Jones, Truman R., 2Lt
Evans, Ivor P., 2Lt
Currie, James L., Sgt
Tanner, James T., S/Sgt
VanCura, Edward W., Sgt
A/C No. 42-64521
Joli, William H., 2Lt
Doyle, Edward J., 2Lt
Reid, Robert L., S/Sgt
Carnathan, J. D. (i.o.), S/Sgt
House, Harry H., S/Sgt
Barry, Robert A., Jr., S/Sgt
Thursday, 2 December 1943 (continued)
A/C No. 41-30352
P Fleming, George B., F/O
CP Sandlin, Raymond H., F/O
N None
B McRee, Malcolm B., 2Lt
E Lambert, Robert P., S/Sgt
R Alexander, Phillip D., Pvt
G Coleman, Seaton L., Sgt
F None
A/C No. 42-64519
Wik, John R., Jr., 2Lt
Hoffman, Albert J., 2Lt
Hammerschmidt, Harry E., S/Sgt
Kerr, Daniel (NMI), S/Sgt
Joubert, Ira W., S/Sgt
Silva, John P., S/Sgt
Buckles, Kenneth L., Sgt
A/C No. 41-30355
P Edmondson, Howard D., 2Lt
CP Coffee, Robert D., 2Lt
N None
B Robert, Maurice L., PFC
E Schmidt, Walter I., S/Sgt
R Marlow, Sterling H., S/Sgt
G Davey, Joseph (NMI), Jr., S/Sgt
F None
A/C No. 42-64514
P Mayer, Brantz (NMI), Jr., 2Lt
CP Tobias, William M., 2Lt
N None
B Feeley, Walter C., Jr., 2Lt
E Gebhardt, Ralph J., T/Sgt
R McEntee, Peter M., PFC
G Irby, Marvin J., S/Sgt
F None
A/C No. 41-29998 “Little Joe”
Ennis, John H., Jr., 2Lt
Bates, Willie L., F/O
Tomerlin, Louis H., S/Sgt
Coleman, Smith B., S/Sgt
Hardy, Alexander A., S/Sgt
Hopkins, Edgar G., S/Sgt
Asbury, Wilburn (NMI), Capt, HQ 321st
BG (observer)
A/C No. 41-12926 “Hawkeye”
Biener, Martin B., 2Lt
Moss, Raymond W., 2Lt
Cain, George S., S/Sgt
Johnson, Roy C., S/Sgt
Robertshaw, David F., S/Sgt
Holguin, Renato (NMI) “Cisco”, S/Sgt
Kepford, Francis R., S/Sgt
A/C No. 41-30005 “The Duck”
Gouge, David J., 2Lt
Freeland, Levi B., Jr., 1Lt
StAubin, Francis (NMI), S/Sgt
Mauder, Charles J., Cpl
Robinson, Jefferson D. “Jeff”, S/Sgt
Bennett, Ross F., S/Sgt
448th BS Mission Summary: (Ops Order 163/mission 162) Group Mission # 164:
(448th BS did not participate)
Thursday, 2 December 1943 (continued)
448th BS: Extracts from Missing Air Crew Report # 1516:
A/C No. 41-30326 (MACR-1516 - shot down)
Clark, Paul I., 2Lt - POW, RMC and EUS
Bates, James P. “Jimmy”, Maj, Commander - POW, RMC and EUS
Abbe, Richard A., 2Lt - KIA
Brown, Robert H. “Brownie”, Capt, HQ 321st BG - KIA
Terho, Harold V., S/Sgt - KIA
Henry, Lewis F., S/Sgt - KIA
Paschel, John W., S/Sgt - KIA
Eyewitness Accounts: Feeley, Walter C., Jr., 2Lt, bombardier, navigator, 448th BS
448th Bombardment Squadron (M) AAF
321st Bombardment Group (M) AAF
APO 520, US Army
We (42-64514) started in on the bomb run - flak increasing very strong and
accurate for about (4) minutes - we were doing evasive action and I happened to glance at
the lead ship in the lead element to see if they were dropping their bombs - I saw the lead
ship hit as the bomb bays had just opened - the plane instantly burst into flames - and slid
off to the left and crashed in front of the primary target Chieti bridge.
Walter C., Feeley Jr.
2nd Lt., Air Corps
-----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Eyewitness Accounts: Joli, William H., 2Lt, pilot, 448th BS
448th Bombardment Squadron (M) AAF
321st Bombardment Group (M) AAF
APO 520, US Army
On the 2nd of December, 1943, during a combat mission in which our objective
was a road bridge at Chieti, I observed the following -- My position in the formation was
1st Flight, 1st Element, number three ship, placing me (42-64521) on the left wing of ship
# 41-30326.
Thursday, 2 December 1943 (continued)
At approximately 0930, just before our point of release, ship # 41-30326 suddenly
burst into a great sheet of flames. It held its position momentarily and then veered off
towards me. In order to avoid a collision it was necessary for me to pull my ship up
sharply. The ship then passed underneath me and the heat from it was felt in my ship.
The stricken ship was last seen in a steep diving turn enveloped in flames. Evidently the
ship received a direct hit in its left wing gas tanks, spreading ignited gas over the entire
ship and surrounding air. There was a small concussion from the exploding gasoline, but
no parts were seen to disintegrate from the ship.
From what I observed, it is my opinion that it was impossible for any of the crew
members to escape because of the intense heat, and altitude of the ship when last seen.
2nd Lieut., Air Corps,
-----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Eyewitness Accounts: Cook, Bailey C., Lt Col, pilot, Operations Officer, HQ 321st BG
APO 520
Office of the Operations Officer
U. S. Army,
Dec. 7, 1943
SUBJECT: Conclusions as to use of parachute.
: Whom it may concern.
1. As a result of interrogation of personnel participating in combat mission of
morning of Dec. 2, 1943, it is to be concluded that a parachute was seen to be used by a
member of one of the two aircraft lost on this mission.
2. It is not possible to stat definitely from which of the two aircraft the jump
was mad, due to conflicting reports of eye-witnesses.
Lt. Colonel, Air Corps,
Operations Officer.
Thursday, 2 December 1943 (continued)
Eyewitness Accounts: Henry, Forrest R. "Steamboat", 1Lt, intelligence, HQ 321st BG
U. S. Army
Dec. 7, 1943.
(Note: photos missing from MACR)
These pictures were taken by the photographer one element behind the crashed
airplane. See diagram:
T----- crashed plane.
A/C # 41-30326.
P. 2nd Lt. P. I. Clark.
T -- photographer.
The first picture of the aircraft is observed on photo B-2. Photo-graph B-3 shows
the plane in smaller scale and to the right of the target (Road Bridge). A straight line
drawn from these two positions and continuing in the direction of the line of light passes
through a white flash which appears on photograph B-4. This spot (white flash) on photo
B-4 does not appear on any other photograph of this identical area. A line through these
three points converge on an explosion which appears on photograph B-5. The character
of the explosion is much different than the explosions and smoke of the surrounding
bomb bursts. The same explosion which is now a fire appears on photograph B-7 and the
general form and color of this column of smoke indicates something other than bomb
smoke there.
Further proof that this is the burning aircraft is seen on photo B-8. This photo
was taken several hours later, craters can be seen in place of bomb bursts but where the
aircraft exploded no craters are visible. However, an examination of before and after
pictures show a scoring of earth in this area.
What appears to be a parachute is found on photograph B-1. A more definite
outline of a parachute, which was taken by another photographer in the same flight,
appears on photo B-9. A line from one parachute position on photo B-1 to the parachute
position on photo B-9 is in the same direction as the wind. This would indicate it was
one and the same parachute.
1st Lieutenant, Air Corps,
Group Photo Interpreter.
Thursday, 2 December 1943 (continued)
Eyewitness Accounts: Bates, James P. "Jimmy", Maj, pilot, Commander, 448th BS
(Some time after liberation from POW)
Lt. Clark bailed out before myself. The plane was wildly spinning to earth and we each
experienced difficulty leaving through the top hatch.
ABBE, Richard A., 2nd Lt., 0-793082, Navigator: Bailed out - parachute aflame according to German Officer - near Chieti, Italy. The information that I received on
Abbe was that his body was found, badly burned, apart from the wreckage, and that his
rip cord was pulled but his chute was burned up.
BROWN, Robert H., Captain, 0-727308, Bombardier: Body found charred in wreckage Source German Reporting Officer.
TERHO, Harold V., S/Sgt, 37292739, Engineer: Charred body found in wreckage Source German Reporting Officer.
HENRY, Lewis F., S/Sgt, 35330507, Radio Operator: Charred body found in wreckage Source German Reporting Officer.
PASCHAL, John W., S/Sgt, 13066066, Gunner: Charred body found in wreckage Source German Reporting Officer.
-----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Eyewitness Accounts: Clark, Paul I., 2Lt, pilot, 448th BS
(Some time after liberation from POW)
Maj James P. Bates escaped the same as I - through hatch directly overhead. As far as I
know the following were in the plane when it crashed - Brown - Terho - Henry - Paschal.
Brown in nose - rest in rear. The nature of the accident prohibited my seeing any of the
crew, except the co-pilot, following the explosion.
ABBE, Richard A., 2nd Lt., 0-793082, Navigator: German officer informed me that the
body of Lt. Abbe was found with a Burnt parachute away from the plane. I assumed he
jumped and his chute was burned so as to be ineffective. This information came to me
while in a German hospital the same day as the crash.
BROWN, Robert H., Captain, 0-727308, Bombardier: Capt. Brown apparently couldn’t
reach an escape hatch and crashed with the plane. According to a German Officer, Killed
in plane - Wreckage of plane contained 3 or 4 bodies.
Thursday, 2 December 1943 (continued)
TERHO, Harold V., S/Sgt, 37292739, Engineer: My assumption is that Terho crashed
with the plane. The anti-aircraft shell exploded in the rear and may have thrown him out.
He was tail gunner. I believe the 3 men in the rear were killed by the explosion.
HENRY, Lewis F., S/Sgt, 35330507, Radio Operator: I believe Henry was killed by the
PASCHAL, John W., S/Sgt, 13066066, Gunner: I believe Paschal was killed by the
Friday, 3 December 1943
USAAF Chronology: MTO Tactical Operations (12th AF): The Twelfth Air Force
transfers its entire II Air Service Area Command with all of its subordinate units to the
Fifteenth Air Force, where it shortly becomes the XV Air Force Service Command. This
is a major step toward making the Fifteenth a separate, self-sufficient air force. B-25's
bomb harbor and marshalling yard at Sibenik, Yugoslavia.
In Italy, fighter-bombers, along with RAF Desert Air Force (DAF)
airplanes, hit tanks and trucks in the Guardiagrele-Lanciano areas. Other fighter-bombers
attack a vessel at Sibenik, Yugoslavia and vehicles and trains N of Rome. Anzio and
Nettuno, Italy are also bombed. The 2nd Fighter Squadron, 52nd Fighter Group, transfers
from Boccadifalco, Sicily to Corsica with Spitfires.
HQ 321st BG War Diary:
No mission today.
445th BS War Diary: Some of the men are getting the football fever again as evidenced
by a group of the men throwing and kicking a football around in the area. One of our
men who visited Bari yesterday told of the bombing of that port last night by German
raiders. He tells that he was but 8 miles away from the port at the time when the Jerries
dropped their eggs. He reported the terrific confusion caused the explosion of an
ammunition ship and told of the huge, glowing fires started by the bombs. A number of
the men are visiting Foggia each evening for the purpose of attending the nightly shows
in the theatre. The Squadron is not as yet running any trucks in due to the shortage in that
department. Some of the men “bum” rides with another Squadron’s trucks while others
hitchhike their way in.
446th BS War Diary: No Missions. Usual garrison duties. No mission because of
447th BS War Diary: Mission cancelled. Bari docks were bombed last night. The
interest in foxholes has picked up considerably today.
448th BS War Diary: No Entry
Saturday, 4 December 1943
USAAF Chronology: MTO Tactical Operations (12th AF): The Second Cairo
conference, Operation SEXTANT, opens and lasts until 6 Dec. President Franklin D
Roosevelt, Prime Minister Winston S Churchill, and President is met Inonu of Turkey
attend. Churchill discusses the possibility of Turkey entering the war; the plan for the
amphibious assault in the Bay of Bengal is cancelled; a tentative timetable is set up for
Pacific offensive; and a unified Command is established in the Mediterranean effective
10 Dec. Weather grounds Twelfth Air Force elements of Northwest African Tactical Air
Force (NATAF). The 4th Fighter Squadron, 52nd Fighter Group, transfers from
Boccadifalco, Sicily to Corsica with Spitfires.
HQ 321st BG War Diary:
No mission.
445th BS War Diary: The men enjoyed a delicious breakfast of pancakes this morning.
There was more football practice in the afternoon. For supper, the men were treated to a
steak dinner with mashed potatoes and very good gravy. A light rain fell in the evening
and it was rather damp.
445th BS: War Diary of: Seegmiller, Barnard H., Sgt, armament:
“Read “Disaster at Bari,” a Bantam War Book by Glenn Infield, for a
detailed account of this dramatic incident.
Night before last, a force of enemy planes raided the harbor at Bari. Much
damage was done. We could see the AA fire and flash of bombs. The same night the
Allied 5th Army began the heaviest barrage of war on the Germans entrenched in the
mountains. We could hear the thunder of guns all night long. Several days ago, a vapor
trail revealed the presence of an enemy reconnaissance plane at very high altitude. A
pair of Spits roared past in pursuit and soon a couple of P-38s joined them from another
angle. We continued to watch the vapor trails and far in the distance we could see them
mixing it up. Two enemy planes, Ju.88s were reported shot down. We spent the day
wiring the tent for lights and radio. It is very homelike but the rumor is that we will move
again soon.”
446th BS War Diary: No Missions. Bad weather continues keeping planes grounded.
Rations today lifted morale.
447th BS War Diary: Mission cancelled. The following men left for rest camp at Capri.
They will be gone seven days, exclusive of travel: Lt. J.J. Fallone, Lt. R.H. Spingler, Lt.
L.K. McFadden, Lt. R.C. Olson, T/Sgt. Myers, S/Sgt. Harter, S/Sgt. Penson, S/Sgt.
Szczepanski, and Sgt. Dunlop. Lt. H.M. Brinkley transferred to 57th Station Hospital.
S/Sgt. Frank L. Johnson transferred to 46th General Hospital. Morning Report for week
ending Dec. 4th: Officers—59: Enlisted Men: 255.
Brinkley, Hamilton M., 2Lt, pilot
Dunlap, Woodrow, Sgt, gunner
Fallone, Henry J., 1Lt, pilot
Harter, James, E., S/Sgt, bombardier
Saturday, 4 December 1943
Johnson, Frank L., S/Sgt, gunner
Myers, William W., T/Sgt, gunner
Penson, Ralph D., S/Sgt, gunner
Szczepanski, Leonard A., S/Sgt, gunner
448th BS War Diary: No Entry
McFadden, Kenneth L., 2Lt, pilot
Olson, Robert C., 1Lt, pilot
Spingler, Richard H. “Dick”, 1Lt, pilot
Sunday, 5 December 1943
USAAF Chronology: MTO Tactical Operations (12th AF): At the Cairo Conference,
President Roosevelt decides on General Dwight D Eisenhower as the Supreme Allied
Commander for Operation OVERLORD, the invasion of W Europe. The CCS issue a
directive for the organization of the Mediterranean Allied Air Forces (MAAF)
consolidating British and US forces of the Mediterranean Air Command (MAC) and
Northwest African Air Force (NAAF). Weather hampers medium bomber operations,
but B-25's manage to bomb a bridge at Pescara, Italy and marshalling yard and shipyards
at Split, Yugoslavia. In Italy, US fighter-bombers and fighters (and a number of other
Allied airplanes) hit gun positions S of Chieti, Italy, a vessel in Poljud, Yugoslavia harbor
(near Split), trains and trucks W of Aquino, bridges near Mignano and Ladispoli, the
town of Arezzo, airfields at Piombino and Aviano, and building S of Garda Lake. HQ
Twelfth Air Force transfers from Tunisia to Italy.
HQ 321st BG War Diary: None of the ships reported were sighted on today’s mission
against shipping along the Yugoslavian coast and the alternate targets of Split, Solin, and
shipping at Grohote were hit. Bombs made a good pattern across the harbor at Split and
two fires and an explosion were observed. An explosion was also seen at Solin and one
element bombed a small motor vessel in a cove near Grohote on Solta Island but missed.
HQ 321st BG Mission Summary: (Ops Order 164/mission 163) Group Mission # 165:
-----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Mission Report # 165, 5 December 1943
1. 321st Bombardment Group (M).
2. At 1345 36 B-25s took off on shipping sweep to first bomb cruiser near Trojia. None
returned early. 36 dropped 216x500 lb. bombs with 1/10 and .025 fusing at 1505 hrs
from 9500/10,000 ft. on alternate targets of Split, Solin and shipping at Grohote. 36
returned at 1555 hrs. Axis of attack 90°.
3. Bombs were observed (see Map reference S/32 (1) Split N&S Harbors) across neck
S-26 and S-27 also W. of shipyards at U & V 30-31, in M/Ys and in town at V-53,
54, and 55, where two fires and explosion were observed. Hits also just W of Solin
on edge of shore approximately ZP & ZG-18 where there was an explosion. One
element bombed small M/V in cove near Grohote on Solta Island but missed.
4. Air--------- None.
Marine----One burning V/V and two others in Vlaka Harbor W of Hvar with Seibel
ferry coming from Hvar Harbor. Two M/Vs in Hvar Harbor. This
burning boat also placed in Hvarski Channel-S. of Milna. Two M/Vs one
large, reported on N side of Hvar Island, in cove W. of Brac, and in Stari
Grad Harbor. Several medium M/Vs sighted N side of Vis Island one
reported as 400 feet tanker in Vis Harbor. A long slender boat throwing
large wake was seen N of Vis Island heading NE. A warship was reported
anchored in harbor at Vrbovska (Hvar Island) and another large ship
anchored at 15° 34’ E and 43° 38’ N. The cruiser was said to have been
seen by one observer in Sibenik. 2 M/Vs in harbor at Grohote, and one
Sunday, 5 December 1943 (continued)
leaving (Solta Island) and 8/10 medium M/Vs in cove S. of Milna on Brac
Island. Also 1 large ship was seen proceeding W. about 10 miles W and a
little S. of Pelagosa Island and another 4 miles SE of Cajola.
5. Enroute and Return----CAVU
Target--------------------5/10 strato-cumulus at 9500 ft. Visibility: unlimited.
6. None.
Flight leaders---Schwane, Lts. Young, Spikes and Ryan.
Number of sorties---36
Photos taken.
Captain, Air Corps,
Intelligence Officer
-----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------445th BS War Diary: It was a beautiful day with a bright sun shining in a clear sky with
mild weather prevailing. In the afternoon the men watched the antics of the buzzing P47’s with great interest. But their hearts still belong to the B-25’s which they patiently
sweat out today after a “rough” mission. The men enjoyed a delicious fresh port supper
with boiled potatoes, beans, tea and cake. The meals have been decidedly better lately
and the men feel that they are getting their money’s worth – they contribute two dollars
out of their pay each month for these “fresh meat” suppers.
445th BS Mission Summary: (Ops Order 164/mission 163) Group Mission # 165:
A/C No. 42-32321 “The Big Bear”
(Bear - no lettering)
P Vallery, Dean B., F/O
CP Williamson, Loyd V., F/O
N None
B Smith, Paul F., S/Sgt
E None listed
R Garner, Argyle R., T/Sgt
G Hannon, Robert P., S/Sgt
F None
A/C No. 42-64659
P Armbruster, Charles C., 2Lt
CP Strenger, Marshall C., 1Lt
N None
B Anderson, Melvin Anders “Andy”, 2Lt
E Haney, T. J., S/Sgt
R Schuster, S. E., S/Sgt
G None listed
F None
A/C No. 41-30354
Neumann, Robert H., 2Lt
Carney, James Bernard, 2Lt
Underwood, James H., Jr., 2Lt
None listed
Bixby, Jack H., S/Sgt
Forbes, Robert W., Sgt
Asmus, George D., Sgt
A/C No. 42-64529
Wetherbee, Dana A., Jr., 2Lt
Crider, Claude M., Jr., 2Lt
Miller, Robert J., Jr., S/Sgt
None listed
Stein, Louis (NMI), S/Sgt
Beaudware, Leo J., Sgt
Sunday, 5 December 1943 (continued)
A/C No. 42-64575
Young, William G., 2Lt
Lorton, Harold E. “Turk”, 2Lt
Paduana, Joseph A., 2Lt
Nysson, John W., 2Lt
None listed
Woogerd, Warren G., S/Sgt
Ellison, Clyde (NMI), Cpl
A/C No. 42-64667 “Wet Dreams”
P Lathrop, Gerald T., 2Lt
CP Pamp, Arvid A., 2Lt
N None
B Fitzgerald, Daniel J., Sgt
E None listed
R Maddox, Richard L., S/Sgt
G Henrich, James G., Sgt
F None
A/C No. 41-13202 “Idaho Lassie”
House, Robert M., 2Lt
Walker, Robert S., 2Lt
Poranda, Michael A., Cpl
None listed
DiPietrantonio, Joseph N., S/Sgt
Herrman, Byard G., Sgt
A/C No. 42-64508
Jackson, John I., 2Lt
Knapp, Charles R., 2Lt
Stokes, Oliver O., Cpl
None listed
Jones, Robert C., Pvt
Carson, Cecil F., Cpl
Cheosky, Alexander A., Cpl
446th BS War Diary: Weather lifted and we went on a mission. Rumored that we are to
move again to a field about twenty miles from this base. No one likes the idea.
446th BS Mission Summary: (Ops Order 164/mission 163) Group Mission # 165:
Squadron Mission 130
TARGET: Slit, Yugoslavia.
DATE: 5 Dec.1943
Type of Bombs: 500#
446th Planes: 12
MAJOR SCHWANE led the formation. Bombs hit neck of harbor, and W of ship yards
in the marshalling yards. Also in town where fires and explosions were seen. 1 element
bombed a small V/V, but missed. No flak, no fighters. Lt. Klang dropped out and
returned because of low oil pressure.
A/C No. 42-53377 “Flag Ship”
Schwane, Henry H., Maj, Commander
Dickson, Gale Monroe, 2Lt
Springer, Luther B., Jr., 1Lt
Cooper, Lester L., 2Lt
Knapp, Walter E., S/Sgt
Howe, Frank M., Jr., S/Sgt
South, William R., S/Sgt
A/C No. 42-32429 “Flamingo”
Riordan, Roland C., 2Lt
Brellenthin, Harold Ray, 2Lt
McCabe, Peter T., 2Lt
Franc, John A., S/Sgt
Barber, Otis C., T/Sgt
Edwards, David R., Sgt
Sunday, 5 December 1943 (continued)
A/C No. 41-13200
P McClelland, Alva L., 2Lt
CP Holt, Robert L., 2Lt
N Schad, Harlan C., 2Lt
B Brown, Newton E., 2Lt
E Raffloer, Louis A., Jr., S/Sgt
R Haasch, George F., S/Sgt
G Samsel, John C., Sgt
F None
A/C No. 41-13208
Elliott, Roger L., 2Lt
Hinderer, Robert H., 2Lt
Pappas, William J., 2Lt
Warner, Harold W., S/Sgt
McMahon, Francis D., T/Sgt
Mitchell, John C., Sgt
A/C No. 41-30293
Rigling, Samuel (NMI), Jr., 2Lt
Braswell, Thomas J., 2Lt
Plaine, Robert J., S/Sgt
Wuotila, Benjamin R., S/Sgt
Valenti, Alfio P., S/Sgt
Brooks, Gaylen B., S/Sgt
A/C No. 42-32446 “Mascot”
P Wright, Theodore O., 2Lt
CP Bsharah, Phillip (NMI), 2Lt
N None
B Gawrada, Gabriel P., 2Lt
E Motika, John F., Sgt
R Haughom, Milferd O., T/Sgt
G DeBari, Dominick R., Sgt
F None
A/C No. 41-13008
Knapp, Theodore A., 2Lt
Henson, Gerald J., 2Lt
Pestalozzi, Rudolph H. “Rudy”, 2Lt
Hershberger, Ralph G., Jr., S/Sgt
Walsh, Thaddeus, J., T/Sgt
Martin, Edward F., Sgt
A/C No. 42-64599 “Old 99 - PLUTO Pee Wee”
Brady, Joseph J., 1Lt
Abraham, Frank W., 2Lt
Mastrioanni, Henry L., 2Lt
Brown, Jean H., Cpl
Spoerl, Harry C., Sgt
Thomas, Patrick (NMI), Sgt
A/C No. 42-32317 “Pennsylvania
Topham, Arthur H., 2Lt
Ryder, David (NMI), 2Lt
Nicklaus, George Edward “Nick”, 2Lt
Langan, Charles H., S/Sgt
Nieman, John W., Pvt
Holtzclaw, James Ralph, S/Sgt
A/C No. 41-30000 “Ruff Stuff”
Fetterly, Orville D., 2Lt
Clark, Robert A., 2Lt
Parrish, William W., Cpl
Carstens, Clarence H. “Rusty”, S/Sgt
Fontenot, V. L. (i.o.), T/Sgt
Schultheis, Thomas R., Sgt
Guzauskas, Frank (NMI), Cpl
Sunday, 5 December 1943 (continued)
A/C No. 42-64526 “Patches”
Boulton, Richard E., 2Lt
Strom, Ernest M., 2Lt
Green, Harry Marshall, Sgt
Kemp, Quentin B., S/Sgt
Kendall, Charles C. “Spike”, T/Sgt
Skill, Donald H., Sgt
A/C No. 42-64551 (returned early – low
oil pressure in left engine)
Klang, Irving E., 2Lt
Walker, Dale F., 2Lt
Anderson, Edward J., Sgt
Pilcher, Byron E., S/Sgt
Underwood, Ferrell E., T/Sgt
Bonacich, Matthew G., Sgt
Blake, Charles H., S/Sgt
447th BS War Diary: 2nd Lt. Becker and S/Sgt. Fiorello completed their fiftieth mission.
An abandoned German barracks building near Foggia fell under the hammers and
wrecking bars of the officers today. Section by section it was trucked to the area and will
be reassembled and used for officers mess and club. A letter of commendation from Maj.
Gen. Doolittle to 321st Bomb. Gp. Thru 47th Wing appeared on bulletin board today. It
reads: “Headquarters Fifteenth Air Force, 18 Nov. Subject—Commendation. TO:
Commanding Officer 321st Bombardment Group thru 47 Wing. 1. The 321
Bombardment Group has been in this command since 15 March 1943. Within that time
the Group has flown 233 missions totaling 4230 sorties and has successfully dropped
4513 tons of bombs on a wide variety of land and naval targets. 26 of the Group’s
Aircraft were lost in combat against 78 of the enemy aircraft either destroyed, probably
destroyed or damaged. This group has held the lowest record for early returns of any unit
in this command. 2. Every man within this unit should be exceptionally proud of this
record and great credit is reflected upon the Group’s Commanding Officer, especially
since operations were carried out against insuperable difficulties. 3. With the transfer of
the 321st Bombardment Group from this command I express my appreciation to all for the
great work done and wish much success for you in your new organization. Signed—J.H.
Doolittle, Maj. Gen.” “Hdqts. 47 Wing 24 Nov. 1943. TO: C.O. 321 Bomb Gp. 1. It is
with great pleasure that I forward this letter. 2. Every man should take great pride in the
accomplishments of the Group. 3. I regret that the situation necessitated a transfer.
C.H. Ridenour, Brig. Gen.”
Becker, Edward B., 2Lt, bombardier
Fiorello, Thomas R. “Tom”, S/Sgt, gunner
Doolittle, James Harold “Jimmy”, Maj Gen, 15th AF, Commander
Ridenour, Carlyle H., Brig Gen, 47th Wing, Commander
447th BS Mission Summary: (Ops Order 164/mission 163) Group Mission # 165: 9
planes took off—1, Lt. Hanlon pilot, returned early due to mechanical malfunction. 8 of
our planes participated in a sea sweep over the northern part of the Adriatic. The
objective being a German cruiser near Trojia. After failing to find their primary target
they went on and bombed the docks and shipping at Split and Solin in Yugoslavia. N e/a
observed. Results of mission: good.
Sunday, 5 December 1943 (continued)
A/C No. 42-64512 “Scotch & Soda”
P Stephenson, Henry W. "Steve", 1Lt
CP Briskey, John F., Jr., 2Lt
N None
B Nowakowski, Joseph J., 2Lt
E Mays, Jack C., S/Sgt
R Boyd, Robert J., S/Sgt
G Crowell, James M., Jr., Sgt
F None
A/C No. 42-64695
Jahraus, Alfred B., 2Lt
Haeberle, John H., 2Lt
Alton, David D., S/Sgt
Fiorello, Thomas R. “Tom”, Sgt
Lotito, Rocco A., S/Sgt
Reilly, James M., Cpl
A/C No. 41-13181 “The Sophisticated
P Anderson, Lloyd G., 2Lt
CP Beebe, Harwood (NMI), Jr., 2Lt
N None
B McCormick, Donald Patrick, 2Lt
E Mercer, William R., S/Sgt
R Mellado, Ricardo (NMI), S/Sgt
G Manning, Hillard J., Sgt
F Statham, Alvin F., PFC
A/C No. 41-30538 “Shad Rack You
Done Crapped Again”
P Thomas, David W., 2Lt
CP Trevor, Graham J., 2Lt
N None
B Sattenspiel, Stanley J., 2Lt
E Batteiger, James M., S/Sgt
R Bartkus, Ernest F., S/Sgt
G Funk, Marvin J., Sgt
F None
A/C No. 41-30557
Spikes, Robert F. “Bob”, 1Lt
Vincent, Frederick W., III, 2Lt
Saiers, Edward L., 2Lt
Becker, Edward B. “Jalone”, 2Lt
Sheets, Ralph M., S/Sgt
Kordzi, Joseph J., Jr., S/Sgt
Schrader, Harold F., Sgt
A/C No. 41-13175 “The Saint-Myrtle
Werner, Robert G., Jr., 2Lt
Knodle, Robert A., 2Lt
Deane, George J., 2Lt
Iverson, Lewis B., S/Sgt
McGrail, Robert J., T/Sgt
O’Mara, Robert M., Sgt
A/C No. 41-13210 “Buckeye Cannon
Beeson, Elwood H., 1Lt
Langston, Everett D., 2Lt
Halloran, Robert F., 2Lt
Mayben, Ernest P., Jr., 2Lt
Cook, Gerritt C., S/Sgt
Dexter, Harold H., S/Sgt
Clausen, Ansgar E., S/Sgt
A/C No. 42-64600 “Lady Luck”
Joiner, Harold W., 2Lt
Dunn, Robert P., 2Lt
Davis, Donald A., S/Sgt
Czabaj, Matthew W., Sgt
Moomaw, Otis W., S/Sgt
Harmer, Harry B., Sgt
Sunday, 5 December 1943 (continued)
A/C No. 41-12997 “Southern Belle”
(returned early – turret out)
P Hanlon, James Augustus, Jr., 1Lt
CP Ryherd, Fred E., 2Lt
N None
B Blumenfeld, Philip I., 2Lt
E Baringer, Paul S., Sgt
R Wadlow, Verlin L., S/Sgt
G Roberts, Herman (NMI), Sgt
F None
447th BS: War Diary of: Spikes, Robert F. “Bob”, 1Lt, pilot (mission 61)
TARGET: Cruiser near Trojia-Split Solin and shipping at Grohote. 2:10 Plane 557 (4130557) “Alternate target bombed when cruiser not sighted.” Flight leader Lt. Spikes.
447th BS: War Diary of: Stephenson, Henry W. "Steve", 1Lt, pilot (mission 49)
TARGET: Cruiser near Trojia Split, Solin and Shipping
2:10 500 lbs bombs
at Grohote (alternate)
Plane 512 (42-64512 “Scotch & Soda”): Lt. Stephenson, Lt. Briskey, Lt. Nowakowski,
S/Sgt Mays, S/Sgt, Boyd, Sgt. Crowell
“Bombs were observed across ship yards, across M/Y and in town 2 fires were seen.
One element bombed Merchant vessel in cove but miss it.”
448th BS War Diary: (No non-mission information)
448th BS Mission Summary: (Ops Order 164/mission 163) Group Mission # 165:
Mission # 127 (165): At 13:45 thirty-six B-25’s off on shipping sweep to bomb cruiser
near TROIA. None returned early. 36 dropped 216 x 500 bombs at 15:05 from 9,500 –
10,000 feet on alternate target of SPLIT, SOLIN and shipping at GROHOTE. All
returned at 15:55. Hits, two fires and explosion seen on shore of SOLIN. Near misses on
M/Y. One M/V burned in VLAKA harbor W of VLAR. Cruiser not seen. Flak: No flak
or E fighters. Weather: CAVU enroute and 5/10th at 9,500 at target. F/L: Lt. Ryan.
A/C No. 42-64552
Gouge, David J., 2Lt
Freeland, Levi B., Jr., 1Lt
Robert, Maurice L., S/Sgt
Mauder, Charles G., Cpl
Robinson, Jefferson D. “Jeff”, S/Sgt
Bennett, Ross F., S/Sgt
A/C No. 41-30355
Edmondson, Howard D., 2Lt
Coffee, Robert D., 2Lt
Matkins, Marvin F., 2Lt
Schmidt, Walter I. S/Sgt
Marlow, Sterling H., S/Sgt
Davey, Joseph (NMI), Jr., S/Sgt
Sunday, 5 December 1943 (continued)
A/C No. 41-30005 “The Duck”
Fleming, George B., F/O
Sandlin, Raymond H., F/O
McRee, Malcolm B., 2Lt
Kerr, Daniel (NMI), S/Sgt
Joubert, Ira W., S/Sgt
Silva, John P., S/Sgt
A/C No. 41-29967
Boatwright, John S., 1Lt
Crowell, Weymouth (NMI), Jr.,
Evans, Ivor P., 2Lt
Currie, James L., Sgt
Tanner, James T., S/Sgt
VanCura, Edward W., Sgt
A/C No. 41-30343
Ennis, John H., Jr., 2Lt
Bates, Willie L., F/O
Braun, Joseph M., T/Sgt
Coleman, Smith B., S/Sgt
Hardy, Alexander A., S/Sgt
Ritter, Robert E., S/Sgt
Buckles, Kenneth L., Sgt
A/C No. 41-30327
Biener, Martin B., 2Lt
Moss, Raymond W., 2Lt
Blevins, Amos M., S/Sgt
Johnson, Roy C., S/Sgt
Shaw, David S., S/Sgt
Holguin, Renato (NMI) “Cisco”, S/Sgt
A/C No. 41-12995 “Charlie’s Aunt)
McEvoy, John C., 2Lt
Cooper, James W., 2Lt
Parrott, Charles G., S/Sgt
Kessler, Clarence J., S/Sgt
Lard, Claude F., S/Sgt
Deal, Herman L., S/Sgt
A/C No. 42-64514
Mayer, Brantz (NMI), Jr., 2Lt
Tobias, William M., 2Lt
Feeley, Walter C., Jr., 2Lt
Gebhardt, Ralph J., T/Sgt
McEntee, Peter M., PFC
Coleman, Seaton L., Sgt
Kepford, Francis R., S/Sgt
A/C No. 41-30548
Ryan, Phillip A., 2Lt
Eddy, Willard B., Jr., 2Lt
Scopp, Richard W., 2Lt
Skeahan, Thomas Joseph, Jr., 2Lt
Larsen, Fred M., S/Sgt
Alexander, Philip D., Pvt
Jeffrey, Louis J., PFC
Monday, 6 December 1943
USAAF Chronology: MTO Tactical Operations (12th AF):
In Italy, P-40 and A-36 fighter-bombers bomb bridges at Ceprano and
W of Mignano; weather cancels other operations. The 91st Fighter Squadron, 81st Fighter
Group, transfers from Castelvetrano, Sicily to Montecorvino Airfield, Italy with P-39's.
The 347th Fighter Squadron, 350th Fighter Group, transfers from Rerhaia, Algeria to
Corsica with P-39's. A detachment of the 415th Night Fighter Squadron, 64th Fighter
Wing, based at Cantania, Sicily, begins operating from Gaudo Airfield, Italy with
HQ 321st BG War Diary:
No mission.
445th BS War Diary: The morning was cloudy and misty. Luxury rations were
distributed to the men from 11 to 3. A delicious supper of fresh hamburgers and
sauerkraut was served to the men this evening. The men have been receiving quite a bit
of fresh meat lately and of course there is no complaining about that.
446th BS War Diary: No Missions. Eight Army starts push which helps morale. Usual
garrison duties.
446th BS: War Diary of: Walker, Dale F., 2Lt, pilot: (Dec 3-6) “I have been dead tired
and sleepy the last few days, keeping so busy, I hope it slows down. I haven’t had time to
write a better even, I’ll try to do so tonight at least get one off to Enid. I have received 2
Xmas packages & 15 letters since I have been here, Boy was I glad to get them. It sure
makes me feel good to know they have found me at last. I’ll try to write those letters now
– All for now.”
Letter Home: “Tomorrow is Dec. 7 two years so fast. Well, I hope it doesn’t last
too much longer. I’m ready to go home.”
447th BS War Diary: Mission cancelled. T/Sgt Roy Dobbs appointed mess Sgt. 1st Lt.
W.W. Whitton received word of his promotion to Capt. on Nov. 14, 1943.
Dodds, Roy J., T/Sgt, Mess Sergeant
Whitton, Walter H., Jr., Capt, armament
448th BS War Diary: No Entry
Tuesday, 7 December 1943
USAAF Chronology: MTO Tactical Operations (12th AF):
In Italy, B-25's and A-36's bomb the harbor and town of
Civitavecchia; B-25's also attack Pescara, hitting the railroad, road, and town area; A36's, P-40's, and RAF DAF fighters hit a gun position W of Orsogna, the towns of
Viticuso and San Vittoria, and a bridge at Civitella Roveto.
HQ 321st BG War Diary: Civitavecchia was bombed today by our aircraft. Strings
were seen to fall across the outer mole of the harbor and across the end of the ferry house
where fires and one explosion were seen in a grain silo and the warehouse area. Other
strings fell through barracks area and the dock side of town. Near misses were made on
three ships and possible hits or near misses on three others.
HQ 321st BG Mission Summary: (Ops Order 165/mission 164) Group Mission # 166:
-----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Mission Report # 166, 7 December 1943
1. 321st Bombardment Group (M).
2. At 1225 – 36 B-25’s took off to bomb Civitavecchia shipping and docks. 4 returned
early. 32 dropped 176 x 500 lbs. with .10 and .45 second fusing at 1425 hours from
10,000/11,000 ft. 32 returned at 1535 hours. Axis of attack 360°.
3. RESULTS: Ref. TC. 3-111A-NA. Strings observed across outer mole and across end
of ferry terminal where fires and explosion were seen in grain silo and warehouse
area. Other strings fell along dock side of town (20-21F) – others near gas works at
26-H and through barracks area. Near misses on three ships at wide place at mole
with possible hit on the one at 19 G-H. Also near misses or possible hits on two ships
– one very large – at F-20 in harbor entrance – other at F-25.
Air--------- 2 unidentified planes seen just past bomb line. 5 E/A on ground N side of
Tarquinia A/D also unidentified.
Ground----Several fires seen in M/Y and explosion in station area – from previous
groups’ bombing.
Marine----Ship in outer harbor seen on its side.
5. WEATHER: Enroute: Clouds 5/10 cumulus over land. Base at 5,000 ft., tops at
10,000 ft. CAVU over water surface. Visibility: Hazy, 10
Target: CAVU.
Return: Same as en route.
6. None.
Flight leaders: Lts. Bugbee, Boatwright and Armbruster.
Number of sorties---32
Photos taken.
Captain, Air Corps,
Intelligence Officer
Tuesday, 7 December 1943
445th BS War Diary: The second anniversary of America’s entry into the world conflict
was observed quietly here in the Squadron. The enlisted men’s club committee today
raffled off their stock of liquor. The club will not be rebuilt at this base and the
committee gave one and all an equal chance to share in the “spoils”. At night, a siren was
sounded for a test air raid but most of the men failed to hear it. None of the “50-mission
men” have been scheduled as yet.
445th BS Mission Summary: (Ops Order 165/mission 164) Group Mission # 166:
A/C No. 41-30550 “Hetties Pride and
P Neumann, Robert H., 2Lt
CP Carney, James Bernard, 2Lt
N None
B Underwood, James H., Jr., 2Lt
E Jones, Robert C., Pvt
R Bixby, Jack H., S/Sgt
G Orr, William J., S/Sgt
F None
A/C No. 42-64667 “Wet Dreams”
Strenger, Marshall C., 1Lt
Knapp, Charles R., 2Lt
Miller, Robert J., Jr., S/Sgt
Reddy, John E., S/Sgt
Boyd, Ewell V., T/Sgt
Forbes, Robert W., Sgt
A/C No. 41-30354
P Armbruster, Charles C., 2Lt
CP Crider, Claude M., Jr., 2Lt
N Paduana, Joseph A., 2Lt
B Walsh, Frank J., 2Lt
E Haney, T. J. S/Sgt
R Schuster, S. E., S/Sgt
G Carson, Cecil F., Cpl
F None
A/C No. 41-13207 “Oh 7”
Young, William G., 2Lt
House, Robert M., 2Lt
Whittaker, Robert N., 2Lt
Rose, J. W., S/Sgt
Woogerd, Warren G., S/Sgt
Ellison, Clyde (NMI), Cpl
A/C No. 42-32321 “The Big Bear”
(Bear - no lettering)
Williamson, Loyd V., F/O
Vallery, Dean B., F/O
Smith, Paul F., S/Sgt
Belt, Hunter C., S/Sgt
Clark, Thomas J., S/Sgt
Irvin, Ralph D., Sgt
A/C No. 41-13179 “Booger”
McGee, William N., 1Lt
Walker, Robert S., 2Lt
Poranda, Michael A., Cpl
Dillon, James A., Sgt
DiPietrantonio, Joseph N., S/Sgt
Herrman, Byard G., Sgt
Cheosky, Alexander A., Cpl
Tuesday, 7 December 1943 (continued)
A/C No. 2-64508
P Jackson, John I., 2Lt
CP Wetherbee, Dana A., Jr., 2Lt
N None
B Stokes, Oliver O., Cpl
E McKee, Paul L., S/Sgt
R Russell, Clayton B., T/Sgt
G Calvert, Murley E., S/Sgt
F None
A/C No. 41-12924 “Patricia”
Lathrop, Gerald T., 2Lt
Pamp, Arvid A., 2Lt
Fitzgerald, Daniel J., Sgt
Chambers, Jimmie (NMI), Pvt
Maddox, Richard L., S/Sgt
Henrich, James G., Sgt
Carner, Donald E., Cpl
446th BS War Diary: Another good mission today. 2nd Pearl Harbor Anniversary today
and no one has forgotten.
446th BS Mission Summary: (Ops Order 165/mission 164) Group Mission # 166:
Squadron Mission 131
TARGET: Civitavecchia
DATE: 7 Dec.1943
Type of Bombs: 500#
446th Planes: 9
Lt. Bugbee, 447 Sqdn led the formation. Bombs fell across outer mole and into ferry
terminal where fires and explosions were seen in grain silos and the warehouse area.
Some fell on the dock side of town, others near the gas works and through the barracks
area. There were near misses and possible hits on two ships, one very large, at the harbor
entrance. No flak, no fighters. Lt Brady returned early because his turret guns would not
Bugbee, James Metcalf “Jim”, 1Lt, pilot, 447th BS
A/C No. 42-64551
P Klang, Irving E., 2Lt
CP Brellenthin, Harold Ray, 2Lt
N None
B McCabe, Peter T., 2Lt
E Pilcher, Byron E., S/Sgt
R Underwood, Ferrel E., T/Sgt
G Bonacich, Matthew G., Sgt
F None
A/C No. 41-13008
P Knapp, Theodore A., 2Lt
CP Henson, Gerald J., 2Lt
N None
B Pestalozzi, Rudolph H. “Rudy”, 2Lt
E Hershberger, Ralph G., Jr., S/Sgt
R Walsh, Thaddeus J., T/Sgt
G Martin, Edward F., Sgt
F None
A/C No. 42-32429 “Flamingo”
Hinderer, Robert H., 2Lt
Braswell, Thomas J., 2Lt
Anderson, Allen J., Sgt
Franc, John A., S/Sgt
Barber, Otis C., T/Sgt
Edwards, David R., Sgt
A/C No. 41-12963 “Missouri Waltz”
Fetterly, Orville D., 2Lt
Clark, Robert A., 2Lt
Parrish, William W., Cpl
Carstens, Clarence H. “Rusty”, S/Sgt
Fontenot, V. L. (i.o.), T/Sgt
Schultheis, Thomas R., Sgt
Tuesday, 7 December 1943 (continued)
A/C No. 41-13208
Elliott, Roger L., 2Lt
Farrell, Joseph R., 2Lt
Dickerson, Claude M., 2Lt
Pappas, William J., 2Lt
Warner, Harold W., S/Sgt
McMahon, Francis D., T/Sgt
Mitchell, John C., Sgt
A/C No. 42-64511
Wright, Theodore O., 2Lt
Bsharah, Phillip (NMI), 2Lt
Gawrada, Gabriel P., 2Lt
Motika, John F., Sgt
Haughom, Milferd O., T/Sgt
Bedwell, Joy L., Sgt
Blake, Charles H., S/Sgt
A/C No. 41-30551 “Pink Lady”
P Rigling, Samuel (NMI), Jr., 2Lt
CP Holt, Robert L., 2Lt
N None
B Milner, Walter C., Sgt
E Rockafellow, Alfred A., S/Sgt
R Leahy, Richard P. “Dick”, T/Sgt
G Lovell, Curtis L., S/Sgt
F None
A/C No. 42-32317 “Pennsylvania
Boulton, Richard E., 2Lt
Strom, Ernest M., 2Lt
Green, Harry Marshall, Sgt
Kemp, Quentin B., S/Sgt
Orechia, James Raymond “Raymond”,
Skill, Donald H., Sgt
Guzauskas, Frank (NMI), Cpl
A/C No. 42-64599 “Old 99 - PLUTO Pee Wee” (returned early – turret out)
Brady, Joseph J., 1Lt
Abraham, Frank W., 2Lt
Mastroianni, Henry L., 2Lt
Brown, Jean H., Cpl
Spoerl, Harry C., Sgt
Thomas, Patrick (NMI), Sgt
446th BS: War Diary of: Walker, Dale F., 2Lt, pilot: “Another day, I have just finished
a letter to Enid, & have been sitting here by the fire listening to the Radio, one set of a B25. We have been listening to a German program especially for the U.S. boys. The
program consists mostly of songs and the lady in charge is none other than “Midge – the
bitch from Berlin.” What a gal. I guess she tries to make us all home sick. She’s good at
that – she just finished by saying she was feeling like a million – she wished we were too.
Some fun we’re having over here. We have had quite a day for Dec 7 – our 2 yr
anniversary. I guess I’d better stop for now, might write the folks a letter – I’ll give the
diary more news after listening to “Midge – the Bitch” tomorrow night – So Goodnight
for now.”
Tuesday, 7 December 1943 (continued)
447th BS War Diary: Lts. Saiers, Sattenspiel, Stephenson, and S/Sgt. D.D. Alton
completed their fiftieth mission. At 1800 hours today the enlisted men held a meeting in
order to discuss plans for their club. A Pres-Treas. And a council of six men were elected
as governing body. S/Sgt. Jack Yates was re-elected as president and treasurer of the
club. Those chosen for the council were: T/Sgt. Myron Small, T/Sgt. Boyd Tracy, S/Sgt.
D.D. Alton, S/Sgt. Hoskins, Cpl. Gino Franzi, and Cpl. Jerry Oranski. Major Sampson
will act as officer-adviser for the club. Cpl. Storm will have chare of collecting the dues,
auditing the books, etc.
Alton, David D., S/Sgt, bombardier
Franzi, Gino C., Cpl, intelligence
Hoskins, Raymond C., S/Sgt, communication Oransky, Jarrold S., Cpl, communications
Saiers, Edward L., 1Lt, navigator
Sampson, Raymond D. “Sammy”, Maj, pilot
Sattenspiel, Stanly J., 1Lt, bombardier
Small, Myron R., T/Sgt, communication
Stephenson, Henry W. "Steve", 1Lt, pilot
Storm, Carson W., Cpl, engineering
Tracy, Boyd F., T/Sgt, gunner
Yates, Jack, S/Sgt, intelligence
447th BS Mission Summary: (Ops Order 165/mission 164) Group Mission # 166: 10
of our planes participated in a raid over CIVITAVECCHIA Harbor, Italy. No flak, no
enemy fighters. Results: very good.
A/C No. 42-64512 “Scotch & Soda”
P Stephenson, Henry W. "Steve", 1Lt
CP Briskey, John F., Jr., 2Lt
N None
B Nowakowski, Joseph J., 2Lt
E Mays, Jack C., S/Sgt
R Boyd, Robert J., S/Sgt
G Crowell, James M., Jr., Sgt
F None
A/C No. 42-32498 “Dumbo”
P Bugbee, James Metcalf “Jim”, 1Lt
CP Sampson, Raymond D. “Sammy”, Maj,
N Halloran, Robert F., 2Lt
B Mayben, Ernest P., Jr., 2Lt
E Sheets, Ralph M., S/Sgt
R Kordzi, Joseph J., Jr., S/Sgt
G Iverson, Lewis B., S/Sgt
F None
A/C No. 42-32450 “Lumber Wagon”
Trevor, Graham J., 2Lt
Langston, Everett D. 2Lt
Johnston, William M., 2Lt
McGrail, Robert J., S/Sgt
Ennis, Edward Charles “Salvo”, S/Sgt
Ludtke, Foster R., Pvt
A/C No. 41-12997 “Southern Belle”
Hanlon, James Augustus, Jr., 1Lt
Ryherd, Fred E., 2Lt
Blumenfeld, Philip I., 2Lt
Baringer, Paul S., Sgt
Kaufold, Adolph (NMI), S/Sgt
Schrader, Harold F., Sgt
Lamoureau, Archille D., Sgt
Tuesday, 7 December 1943 (continued)
A/C No. 42-64694 “Yankee Girl”
Jahraus, Alfred B., 2Lt
Haeberle, John H., 2Lt
Alton, David D., S/Sgt
Tudor, Mathew S., S/Sgt
Lotito, Rocco A., S/Sgt
Reilly, James M., Cpl
A/C No. 41-13210 “Buckeye Cannon
P Beeson, Elwood H., 1Lt
CP Davies, Robert G., 2Lt
N Saiers, Edward L., 2Lt
B McCormick, Donald Patrick, 2Lt
E Cook, Gerritt C., S/Sgt
R Dexter, Harold H., S/Sgt
G Clausen, Ansgar E., S/Sgt
F None
A/C No. 41-13181 “The Sophisticated
P Anderson, Lloyd G., 2Lt
CP Beebe, Harwood (NMI), Jr., 2Lt
N None
B Deane, George J., 2Lt
E Mercer, William R., S/Sgt
R Mellado, Ricardo (NMI), S/Sgt
G Manning, Hillard J., Sgt
F None
A/C No. 41-30538 “Shad Rack You
Done Crapped Again”
Thomas, David W., 2Lt
Sholund, John D., 2Lt
Sattenspiel, Stanley J., 2Lt
Batteiger, James M., S/Sgt
Bartkus, Ernest F., S/Sgt
Funk, Marvin J., S/Sgt
A/C No. 41-30557
Joiner, Harold W., 2Lt
Dunn, Robert P., 2Lt
Davis, Donald A., S/Sgt
Czabaj, Matthew W., Sgt
Moomaw, Otis W., S/Sgt
Harmer, Harry B., Sgt
Statham, Alvin F., PFC
A/C No. 42-64600 “Lady Luck”
Fraser, Harry A. “Fearless”, Jr., 1Lt
Vincent, Frederick W., III, 2Lt
Kinsley, Andrew L., 2Lt
Henry, William R., S/Sgt
Wadlow, Verlin L., S/Sgt
Roberts, Herman (NMI), Sgt
447th BS: War Diary of: Stephenson, Henry W. "Steve", 1Lt, pilot (mission 50)
TARGET: Civitavecchia shipping
3:05 500 lbs bombs
Plane 512 (42-64512 “Scotch & Soda”): Lt. Stephenson, Lt. Briskey, Lt. Nowakowski,
S/Sgt Mays, S/Sgt, Boyd, Sgt. Crowell
“Strings observed across after Mole and across end of ferry terminal, where fires and
explosions were seen in grain silos and warehouses. Near missed on three ships and
possible hits on tow boats. No flak.”
Tuesday, 7 December 1943 (continued)
448th BS War Diary: (No non-mission information)
448th BS Mission Summary: (Ops Order 165/mission 164) Group Mission # 166:
Mission # 128 (166): At 12:25 thirty six B-25’s off to Bomb CIRITAVECCHIA
shipping and docks. Four planes returned early. 32 dropped 176 x 500 bombs at 14:35
from 10,000 – 11,000 feet. 32 returned at 15:35. Strings observed across outer mole and
across end of ferry terminal, explosion and fire in grain silo and warehouse area. Strings
through gas works and barracks area. Possible hits on two ships near misses on three.
Flak: No flak and no E/fighters. Weather: 5/10th Cumulus enroute. CAVU at target.
F/L: Lt. Boatwright.
A/C No. 41-29967 (returned early)
P Mayer, Brantz (NMI), Jr., 2Lt
CP Tobias, William M., 2Lt
N None
B Blake, Thomas L., 2Lt
E Gebhardt, Ralph J., T/Sgt
R McEntee, Peter M., PFC
G Coleman, Seaton L., Sgt
F None
A/C No. 41-12995 “Charlie’s Aunt”
(returned early)
P McEvoy, John C., 2Lt
CP Cooper, James W., 2Lt
N None
B Braun, Joseph M., T/Sgt
E Kessler, Clarence J., S/Sgt
R Lard, Claude F., S/Sgt
G Deal, Herman L., S/Sgt
F Kepford, Francis R., S/Sgt
A/C No. 42-64552
P Gouge, David J., 2Lt
CP Doyle, Edward J., 2Lt
N None
B Blevins, Amos M., S/Sgt
E Mauder, Charles J., Cpl
R Alexander, Phillip D., Pvt
G Bennett, Ross F., S/Sgt
F None
A/C No. 41-30355 (returned early)
Edmondson, Howard D., 2Lt
Hicks, John T., 2Lt
Hammerschmidt, Harry E., S/Sgt
Schmidt, Walter I., S/Sgt
Marlow, Sterling H., S/Sgt
Davey, Joseph (NMI), Jr., S/Sgt
A/C No. 41-30327
Freeland, Levi B., Jr., 1Lt
Hoffman, Albert J., 2Lt
Robert, Maurice L., PFC
Carnathan, J. D. (i.o.), S/Sgt
Robertshaw, David F., S/Sgt
Holguin, Renato (NMI) “Cisco”, S/Sgt
Buckles, Kenneth L., S/Sgt
A/C No. 42-64519
Sowder, Tony R., Jr., F/O
Crowell, Weymouth (NMI), Jr., 2Lt
McRee, Malcolm B., 2Lt
Daniels, John (NMI), Sgt
Lyons, Paul E., S/Sgt
Tudor, Owen M., Sgt
Tuesday, 7 December 1943 (continued)
A/C No. 41-30005 “The Duck”
P Fleming, George B., F/O
CP Sandlin, Raymond H., F/O
N None
B Johnson, Robert E., 2Lt
E Kerr, Daniel (NMI), S/Sgt
R Joubert, Ira W., S/Sgt
G Jeffrey, Louis J., PFC
F None
A/C No. 41-30548
P Boatwright, John S., 1Lt
CP Eddy, Willard B., Jr., 2Lt
N Perry, Lawrence A., 2Lt
B Elkins, Stanley A., 2Lt
E Currie, James L., Sgt
R Tanner, James T., S/Sgt
G VanCura, Edward W., Sgt
F None
A/C No. 41-30352
Ennis, John H., Jr., 2Lt
Bates, Willie L., F/O
Feeley, Walter C., Jr., 2Lt
Coleman, Smith B., S/Sgt
Hardy, Alexander A., S/Sgt
Ritter, Robert E., S/Sgt
Wednesday, 8 December 1943
USAAF Chronology: MTO Tactical Operations (12th AF):
Italy, B-25's bomb bridges, industrial targets, marshalling yard, and
town areas of Pescara, Ancona, and Aquila; A-20's hit gun emplacements and bivouac
area near Sant' Elia Fiumerapido; other A-20's, operating with RAF and SAAF aircraft
attack troop concentration and gun positions near Miplinnico; fighter-bombers of the
AAF, RAF, RAAF, and SAAF bomb targets in support of ground troops near Orsogna;
A-36's and P-40's hit communications targets (roads, railroads, bridges) at Avezzano,
Frosinone, Viticuso, Gaeta, and Sant' Elia Fiumerapido. HQ 3rd Photographic Group
(Reconnaissance) and its 12th Photographic Reconnaissance Squadron transfer from La
Marsa, Tunisia to San Severo, Italy with F-4's and F-5's. HQ 5th Photographic
Reconnaissance Group transfers from La Marsa, Tunisia to San Severo, Italy.
HQ 321st BG War Diary: High layers of clouds caused the bombing of the alternate
target of Pescara bridges today instead of Zara, the primary. Bombs fell through
warehouses and industrial plant north of the river and into the town. Hits were made on
the approaches to both the railroad and road bridges and a few direct hits were made on
each. Other bombs started in the middle of the bridges and went through the marshalling
yards. A building was seen to explode south of the railroad bridge and a large fire from
the industrial plant.
HQ 321st BG Mission Summary: (Ops Order 166/mission 165) Group Mission # 167:
-----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Mission Report # 167, 8 December 1943
1. 321st Bombardment Group (M). 445th, 446th, 447th, 448th Squadrons.
2. At 1100 – 35 B-25’s off to bomb shipping and harbor facilities at Zara. None
returned early. 35 dropped 209x500lb bombs with 1/10 nose fusing at 1300 hrs. from
10,000/11,000 ft. on alternate target of Pescara bridges. 35 returned at 1335 hrs.
None mission, lost, or at friendly field. Axis of attack 175°--130°.
3. Reference TC. 3-31-NA. Bombs widely placed with strings starting in water and
through probable warehouses. Through industrial plant N of river and into town to S
and across both ends of bridges 5 and 5A with a few direct hits on both. Other bombs
started in middle of bridge (5) and went SW across northerly end of M/Ys. Building
seen to explode SE of RR bridge and large fire observed near industrial plant E of
bridge (5A) and No of river.
4. Air--------- None
Ground----Truck convoy parked along Pescara/Francavilla al Mare road.
Marine----Three medium M/Vs-200/300 feet in harbor of Francavilla al Mare.
Flak--------Heavy, intense to moderate accurate----8 A/C holed.
Positions: 4 heavy guns seen 42° 30’ N, 14° 10’ E just W of RR.
Positions: Just N of Pescara and at town of Francavilla al Mare and
another at Ortona A Mare.
5. Enroute----6/10 altostratus at estimated 15,000ft. As formation approached target
they encountered layers of strato cumulus at 7000 up to 12,000 ft. which
caused bombing of alternate.
Wednesday, 8 December 1943 (continued)
Target------6/10 altostratus at 15,000. Visibility—unlimited
Return------5/10 altostratus at 15,000 ft. Visibility--unlimited.
6. None.
Flight leaders----Lts. Boatwright, Young, and Tapper.
Number of sorties---35
Photos taken.
Captain, Air Corps,
Intelligence Officer
-----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------445th BS War Diary: The turkeys, which were constantly taunted by the men and who
gained revenge for it by “roosting” on the enlisted men’s mess hall, were finally killed
today. There was a very ugly rumor circulating to the effect that 30,000 bags of mail and
packages were sunk in Bari where the Germans raided last week. This didn’t help the
men’s morale a bit. Another rumor has it that this Squadron and the Group will move
shortly to a new base near Naples. Both of these rumors are as yet unconfirmed. Lt.
Triplett, Lt. Lorton and several enlisted men were placed on DS and will tour some
airfields in Italy and Sicily taking pictures of enemy planes. A double feature movie was
shown in camp tonight. “Charley’s Aunt” and “Sweater Girl” were both enjoyed greatly
by the men who welcomed the idea of not having to ride all the way to Foggia to see a
Lorton, Harold E., 2Lt, pilot
Triplett, Walter A., 2Lt, pilot
445th BS Mission Summary: (Ops Order 166/mission 165) Group Mission # 167:
A/C No. 42-64659
Neumann, Robert H., 2Lt
Carney, James Bernard, 2Lt
Castle, Roy V., Cpl
Schaviak, Willis M., Sgt
Bixby, Jack H., S/Sgt
Orr, William J., S/Sgt
A/C No. 42-64527 “Sycamore 1½
P Wetherbee, Dana A., Jr., 2Lt
CP Crider, Claude M., Jr., 2Lt
N None
B O’Toole, Francis X., 2Lt
E Cross, Vassil W., Jr., S/Sgt
R Stein, Louis (NMI), S/Sgt
G Beaudware, Leo J., Sgt
F None
A/C No. 42-64575
Young, William G., 2Lt
Strenger, Marshall C., 1Lt
Larson, Harold W., 1Lt, HQ 321st BG
Whitaker, Robert N., 2Lt
Rose, J. W., S/Sgt
Woogerd, Warren G., S/Sgt
Ellison, Clyde (NMI), Cpl
A/C No. 42-64667 “Wet Dreams”
Vallery, Dean B., F/O
Williamson, Loyd V., F/O
Souders, Walter E., 2Lt
Belt, Hunter C., S/Sgt
Clark, Thomas J., T/Sgt
Hannon, Robert P., S/Sgt
Carner, Donald E., Cpl
Wednesday, 8 December 1943 (continued)
A/C No. 41-12924 “Patricia”
Lathrop, Gerald T., 2Lt
Pamp, Arvid A., 2Lt
Anderson, Melvin Anders “Andy”, 2Lt
Chambers, Jimmie (NMI), Pvt
Maddox, Richard L., S/Sgt
Henrich, James G., Sgt
A/C No. 41-13202 “Idaho Lassie”
P House, Robert M., 2Lt
CP Walker, Robert S., 2Lt
N None
B Miller, Robert J., Jr., S/Sgt
E Dillon, James A., Sgt
R DiPietrantonio, Joseph N., S/Sgt
G Herrman, Byard G., Sgt
F Cheosky, Alexander A., Cpl
A/C No. 42-64508
Jackson, John I., 2Lt
Knapp, Charles R., 2Lt
Poranda, Michael A., Cpl
McKee, Paul L., S/Sgt
Russell, Clayton B., T/Sgt
Calvert, Murley E., S/Sgt
A/C No. 41-30354
Armbruster, Charles C., 2Lt
Lorton, Harold E. “Turk”, 2Lt
Greenblatt, Milton H., 2Lt
Haney, T. J., S/Sgt
Schuster, S. E., S/Sgt
Carson, Cecil F., Cpl
446th BS War Diary: Good weather continues so another mission. Major Schwane
promoted to Lt. Col. Boys who were left in North Africa began arriving on this date.
Schwane, Henry H., Lt Col, pilot, Commander
446th BS Mission Summary: (Ops Order 166/mission 165) Group Mission # 167:
Squadron Mission 132
TARGET: Pescara Bridges
DATE: 8 Dec.1943
Type of Bombs: 500#
446th Planes: 10
Lt. Boatwright, 448 Sqdn, led the formation. Bombs were widely placed and some
probable hits on warehouse. Strings went through the industrial plant, into the town, and
across both ends of bridges with a few direct hits. Some bombs started in the middle of
the bridges and went across the M/Y. A building was seen to explode and a large fire
was observed. No fighters, flak was heavy and intense and eight of our a/c were hit.
Boatwright, John S., 2Lt, pilot, 448th BS
A/C No. 42-64511
Tapper, George G., 2Lt
Dickson, Gale Monroe, 2Lt
Dickerson, Claude M., 2Lt
Cooper, Lester L., 2Lt
Hanley, James (NMI), Jr., S/Sgt
Ramirez, Zenon (NMI), Jr., S/Sgt
Velarde, Servando J., Jr., Sgt
A/C No. 42-64557 “Lady Betty”
Klang, Irving E., 2Lt
Brellenthin, Harold Ray, 2Lt
McCabe, Peter T., 2Lt
Pilcher, Byron E., S/Sgt
Underwood, Ferrell E., T/Sgt
Bonacich, Matthew G., Sgt
Wednesday, 8 December 1943 (continued)
A/C No. 42-32317 “Pennsylvania
Topham, Arthur H., 2Lt
Ryder, David (NMI), 2Lt
Nicklaus, George Edward “Nick”, 2Lt
Carstens, Clarence H. “Rusty”, S/Sgt
Nieman, John W., Pvt
Holtzclaw, James Ralph, Sgt
A/C No. 42-64520 “Duchess”
Braswell, Thomas J., 2Lt
Hinderer, Robert H., 2Lt
Turner, Allen B., S/Sgt
Langan, Charles H., S/Sgt
Cohen, George (NMI), S/Sgt
Osterman, Raymond (NMI), Sgt
A/C No. 42-64526 “Patches”
Boulton, Richard E., 2Lt
Strom, Ernest M., 2Lt
Green, Harry Marshall, Sgt
Kemp, Quentin B., S/Sgt
Orechia, James Raymond “Raymond”,
Skill, Donald H., Sgt
A/C No. 41-30551 “Pink Lady”
Rigling, Samuel (NMI), Jr., 2Lt
Holt, Robert L., 2Lt
Parrish, William W., Cpl
Rockafellow, Alfred A., S/Sgt
Leahy, Richard P. “Dick”, T/Sgt
Lovell, Curtis L., S/Sgt
Blake, Charles H., S/Sgt
A/C No. 42-64599 “Old 99 - PLUTO Pee Wee”
Brady, Joseph H., 1Lt
Abraham, Frank W., 2Lt
Mastroianni, Henry L., 2Lt
Brawn, Jean H., Cpl
Spoerl, Harry C., Sgt
Thomas, Patrick (NMI), Sgt
A/C No. 42-32429 “Flamingo”
Riordan, Roland C., 2Lt
Farrell, Joseph R., 2Lt
Anderson, Edward J., Sgt
Franc, John A., S/Sgt
Barber, Otis C., T/Sgt
Edwards, David R., Sgt
Guzauskas, Frank (NMI), Cpl
A/C No. 41-13008
Knapp, Theodore A., 2Lt
Henson, Gerald J., 2Lt
Pestalozzi, Rudolph H. “Rudy”, 2Lt
Hershberger, Ralph G., Jr., S/Sgt
Leary, Edward M., S/Sgt
Martin, Edward F., Sgt
A/C No. 42-32446 “Mascot”
Wright, Theodore O., 2Lt
Bsharah, Phillip (NMI), 2Lt
Gawrada, Gabriel P., 2Lt
Motika, John F., Sgt
Haughom, Milferd O., T/Sgt
Bedwell, Joy L., Sgt
Wednesday, 8 December 1943 (continued)
446th BS: War Diary of: Walker, Dale F., 2Lt, pilot: “Midge just finished her program
for tonight, & wished us well by playing Home Sweet Home. Some gal – I guess
Germany wants to keep us happy. I spent this afternoon rewiring our electrical system
here in our camp area. “No 3 way switches” I guess my father would remember about
that. I received 2 letters today – from Enid & Mom & Dad. Sure glad to get them, so I’ll
try and answer them tonight. Still no more word of John Sweeney. I have another
mission to fly tomorrow & hope we have no trouble. Things are going along OK but
wish it was going faster – it can’t get over too soon for me. Bye now.”
Letter Home: “I haven’t wrote to Mrs. Sweeney. It’s too bad about John.”
Sweeney, John Patrick., S/Sgt, radio-gunner, 486th BS, 340th BG
447th BS War Diary: S/Sgt. Jack Yates and T/Sgt. Myron Small and Cpl Jerry Oransky
made a trip to Bari to purchase whiskey and electrical fixtures for the enlisted men’s club.
By Special Order #206 dated 6 Dec. From 321 Bomb Gp., the following men of this
organization were promoted: to be Corporals: P.F.Cs A.F. Statham, D.W. Allender, T.P.
Doyle, C.J. Sexton, J.P. Biel, F.J. Corbo, A. Zacharya, B.A. Yager, F.R. Haley, Jr, E.S.
Florio, to be Sergeants: Cpls J.M. Reilly and L.P. Hassett. To be Staff Sergeants: Sgts
P.S. Baringer, J.H. Kellner, J.M. Crowell, H.B. Harmer, H.F. Schrader, G.P. Werner. To
be Tech. Sergeants: S/Sgts Boyd Tracy and Frank M. Kastelic. By Special Order #33
dated 7 Dec. and signed by Maj. R.D. Sampson, Pvt D.O. Ericson is promoted to P.F.C.
D.O. Erickson. For the first time at this base, movies were shown at Group last night.
The show-house was a granary and the picture (double-feature) “Sweater Girl” and
“Charley’s Aunt.”
Allender, Darrel W., Cpl, engineering
Baringer, Paul S., S/Sgt, engineer-gunner
Biel, John P., Cpl, armament
Corbo, Fred J., Cpl, transportation
Crowell, James M., Jr., S/Sgt, gunner
Doyle, Thomas P., Cpl, engineering
Erickson, David O., PFC, engineering
Florio, Edward S., Cpl, armament
Haley, Francis R., Jr., Cpl, armament
Harmer, Harry B., S/Sgt, armor-gunner
Hassett, Leo P., Sgt, photographer
Kastelic, Frank M., T/Sgt, gunner
Kellner, Joseph H., S/Sgt, gunner
Oransky, Jarrold S., Cpl, communications
Reilly, James M., Sgt, turret gunner
Schrader, Harold F., S/Sgt, turret gunner
Sexton, Cornelius J., Cpl, operations
Small, Myron R., T/Sgt, communication
Statham, Alvin F., Cpl, photographer
Tracy, Boyd F., T/Sgt, gunner
Werner, George P., S/Sgt, gunner
Yager, Basil A., Cpl, engineering
Yates, Jack, S/Sgt, intelligence
Zacharya, Andrew, Cpl, gunner
447th BS Mission Summary: (Ops Order 166/mission 165) Group Mission # 167: 9
of our planes participated in a raid over Pescara, the target being a bridge. Flak: heavy,
intense and accurate. Results: good. S/Sgt. J.J. Kordzi and S/Sgt. L.B. Iverson received
injuries from flak. They will be awarded the Purple Heart.
Wednesday, 8 December 1943 (continued)
A/C No. 42-64512 “Scotch & Soda”
Stephenson, Henry W. "Steve", 1Lt
Briskey, John F., Jr., 2Lt
Nowakowski, Joseph J., 2Lt
Mays, Jack C., S/Sgt
Boyd, Robert J., S/Sgt
per Mission Crew List: Harmer, Harry
B., Sgt, but per Lt Stephenson’s war
diary is: Crowell, James M., Jr., Sgt
F None
A/C No. 41-30557
P Joiner, Harold W., 2Lt
CP Dunn, Robert P., 2Lt
N None
B Tudor, Mathew S., S/Sgt
E Baringer, Paul S., Sgt
R Czaja, Marion L., S/Sgt
G Manning, Hillard J., Sgt
F None
A/C No. 42-32450 “Lumber Wagon”
Vincent, Frederick W., III, 2Lt
Langston, Everett D., 2Lt
McCormick, Donald Patrick, 2Lt
McGrail, Robert J., S/Sgt
Moomaw, Otis W., S/Sgt
Ludtke, Foster R., Pvt
A/C No. 41-30538 “Shad Rack You
Done Crapped Again”
P Thomas, David W., 2Lt
CP Sholund, John D., 2Lt
N None
B Blumenfeld, Philip I., 2Lt
E Batteiger, James M., S/Sgt
R Bartkus, Ernest F., S/Sgt
G Funk, Marvin J., Sgt
F None
A/C No. 41-13210 “Buckeye Cannon
Beeson, Elwood H., 1Lt
Davies, Robert G., 2Lt
Halloran, Robert F., 2Lt
Mayben, Ernest P., Jr., 2Lt
Cook, Gerritt C., S/Sgt
Dexter, Harold H., S/Sgt
Clausen, Ansgar E., S/Sgt
A/C No. 42-64694 “Yankee Girl”
Jahraus, Alfred B., 2Lt
Haeberle, John H., 2Lt
Zacharya, Andrew (NMI), PFC
Henry, William R., S/Sgt
Lotito, Rocco A., S/Sgt
Reilly, James M., Cpl
Lamoureau, Archille D., Sgt
A/C No. 41-13181 “The Sophisticated
Anderson, Lloyd G., 2Lt
Beebe, Harwood (NMI), Jr., 2Lt
Franklin, Willie P., S/Sgt
Mercer, William R., S/Sgt
Mellado, Ricardo (NMI), S/Sgt
Schrader, Harold F., Sgt
Statham, Alvin F., PFC
A/C No. 42-64695
Hanlon, James Augustus, Jr., 1Lt
Ryherd, Fred E., 2Lt
Davis, Donald A., S/Sgt
Czabaj, Matthew W., Sgt
Kaufold, Adolph (NMI), S/Sgt
Roberts, Herman (NMI), Sgt
Wednesday, 8 December 1943 (continued)
A/C No. 41-13175 “The Saint Myrtle
P Knodle, Robert A., 2Lt
CP Trevor, Graham J., 2Lt
N None
B Deane, George J., 2Lt
E Kordzi, Joseph J., Jr., S/Sgt
R Sheets, Ralph M., S/Sgt
G Iverson, Lewis B., S/Sgt
F None
447th BS: War Diary of: Stephenson, Henry W. "Steve", 1Lt, pilot (mission 51)
TARGET: Shipping at Zara Alt. Pescara bridges 2:35 500 lbs bombs
Plane 512 (42-64512 “Scotch & Soda”) : Lt. Stephenson, Lt. Briskey, Lt. Nowakowski,
S/Sgt Mays, S/Sgt, Boyd, Sgt. Crowell
“Bombs widely placed with strings starting in water and through warehouses, industrial
plants N of river and into town to S across both ends of bridges with direct hits on both.
Buildings on SE of RR exploded. Flak heavy, medium and accurate.”
448th BS War Diary: (No non-mission information)
448th BS Mission Summary: (Ops Order 166/mission 165) Group Mission # 167:
Mission # 129 (167): At 11:00 thirty-five B-25’s off to bomb shipping and harbor
facilities at Zara. None returned early. 35 dropped 209 x 500 bombs at 13:00 from
10,000 – 11,000 feet on alternate target of Pescara bridges. 35 returned 13:35. Bombs
widely placed thru warehouses, industrial plant N of river and across both ends of
bridges, direct hits on both. Other bombs across M/Y and buildings; explosion seen. No
E/A. Flak: Heavy, intense to moderate, accurate. 8 planes holed. Weather: 6/10th
altostratus at 15,000 enroute and layers stratocumulus 7,000 – 12,000 feet at target. F/L:
Lt. Boatwright.
A/C No. 41-30548
Boatwright, John S., 1Lt
Eddy, Willard B., Jr., 2Lt
Perry, Lawrence A., 2Lt
Matkins, Marvin F., 2Lt
Currie, James L., Sgt
Tanner, James T., S/Sgt
VanCura, Edward W., Sgt
A/C No. 2-64521
Joli, William H., 2Lt
Moss, Raymond W., 2Lt
Robert, Maurice L., PFC
Carnathan, J. D. (i.o.), S/Sgt
House, Harry H., S/Sgt
Barry, Robert A., Jr., S/Sgt
Wednesday, 8 December 1943 (continued)
A/C No. 41-30343
Ennis, John H., Jr., 2Lt
Bates, Willie L., F/O
Kreutz, Alfred W., Sgt
Coleman, Smith B., S/Sgt
Hardy, Alexander A., S/Sgt
Ritter, Robert E., S/Sgt
Buckles, Kenneth L., Sgt
A/C No. 42-64655
Fleming, George B., F/O
Sandlin, Raymond H., F/O
McRee, Malcolm B., 2Lt
Kerr, Daniel (NMI), S/Sgt
Vizzacco, Rocco (NMI), Sgt
Jeffrey, Louis J., PFC
A/C No. 41-30355
McEvoy, John C., 2Lt
Cooper, James W., 2Lt
Braun, Joseph M., T/Sgt
Kessler, Clarence J., S/Sgt
Lard, Claude F., S/Sgt
Deal, Herman L., S/Sgt
A/C No. 42-64514 (returned early)
Mayer, Brantz (NMI), Jr., 2Lt
Tobias, William M., 2Lt
Evans, Ivor P., 2Lt
Gebhardt, Ralph J., T/Sgt
McEntee, Peter M., Pvt
Coleman, Seaton L., Sgt
A/C No. 42-64552
Gouge, David J., 2Lt
Doyle, Edward J., 2Lt
Blevins, Amos M., S/Sgt
Mauder, Charles J., Cpl
Alexander, Phillip D., Pvt
Bennett, Ross F., S/Sgt
A/C No. 41-12926 “Hawkeye”
Crowell, Weymouth (NMI), Jr., 2Lt
Hicks, John T., 2Lt
Hammerschmidt, Harry E., S/Sgt
Johnson, Joe Morris, Sgt
Joubert, Ira W., S/Sgt
Holguin, Renato (NMI) “Cisco”, S/Sgt
Kepford, Francis R., S/Sgt
A/C No. 41-30352
Sowder, Tony R., Jr., F/O
Coffee, Robert D., 2Lt
Feeley, Walter C., Jr., 2Lt
Daniels, John (NMI), Sgt
Lyons, Paul E., S/Sgt
Tudor, Owen M., Sgt
Thursday, 9 December 1943
USAAF Chronology: MTO Tactical Operations (12th AF):
Italy, B-25's bomb railway and road bridges at Giulianova, tracks at
Pescara and Teramo, and a marshalling yard and ironworks at Terni; A-20's hit gun
positions and bivouac area at Sant' Elia Fiumerapido; A-36's and P-40's attack Orsogna
and coastal targets in support of the British Eighth Army, Avezzano marshalling yard and
villages along the US Fifth Army front, troops at San Pietro Infine and Viticuso and
nearby gun positions, viaduct and railway bridge E of Guidonia airfield, crossing at
Furbara, and trains and trucks in the Rome area. Brigadier General George H Beverley
takes over as the new Commanding General, XII Troop Carrier Command (Provisional).
HQ 321st BG War Diary: Today the entire group was honored by a visit of General
Arnold. General Spaatz and General Cannon accompanied him on his inspection of the
Group Headquarters and the four squadrons in formation in front of the granary. General
Arnold made presentations to Lt. Colonel Cook (Silver Star), Captain Bradley (DFC),
and Master Sergeant Horne (Legion of Merit). Due to 10/10 cloud cover over the
primary target of Ancona, the alternate target, Giulianova bridges was bombed. Bombs
were seen to hit both bridges and on the road and railroad junctions north of the bridges.
Possible hits were made on a flak position just south of the target area.
Arnold, Henry H. "Hap", General, Chief of the Army Air Forces
Bradley, James L. “Jungle Jim”, Jr., Capt, pilot, 446th BS
Cannon, John K., General, 12th AF Commander
Cook, Bailey C., Lt Col, pilot, Commander, 445th BS
Horne, Wendell C., MSgt, engineering, 447th BS
Spaatz, Carl Andrew “Tooey”, Lt Gen, Commander, Strategic Air Forces
HQ 321st BG Mission Summary: (Ops Order 167/mission 166) Group Mission # 168:
-----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Mission Report # 168, 9 December 1943
1. 321st Bombardment Group (M).
2. At 0910 36 B-25’s took off to bomb shipping and/or harbor facilities and areas in
town of Ancona. Due to 10/10 cover at 500 ft. none returned early. 36 dropped 212x
500 lbs bombs with .01 nose fusing at 1050 hours from 10,000/11,000 ft on alternate
target of Giulianova bridges. 36 returned at 1130. Axis of attack 180°.
3. RESULTS: (Ref TC-3-221-NA) Bombs were seen to hit across both bridges on road
and RR junction north of bridges, across S mole of harbor and along beach at mouth
of river. Some bombs in water. Possible hits on flak position just S of target area and
some bombs seemed to walk down RR tracks S. of bridges.
Air--------- Possible flight of 20 E/A seen in distance. Did not attack. Strange
looking discs seen falling in clusters 4 mi N of target – 3 mi E of shore
line to E of formation. Orange colored objects observed ½ mile off
Giulianova appeared floating just off water and one red balloon (weather?)
seen at 10,000 ft., also near Giulianova.
Thursday, 9 December 1943 (continued)
Marine----One medium M/V (200-350 ft) in Giulianova harbor – approx. (I-21).
Another smaller boat along N jetty. 8/12 small boats at Tortoreto harbor.
5 small boats – single mast – clumsy in appearance – heading north seen –
15 miles E of Giulianova.
Flak--------Heavy, moderate to intense, accurate – at target – both N and S
of town. Positions observed 18 to 20 F to G. Elsewhere – Position seen at
1:100,000 map – B-9764. – also some heavy moderate and inaccurate
from Ancona and Tortoreto.
5. WEATHER: Enroute – Clouds 9/10 alto cumulus at 15,000 ft. Visibility, hazy, 15
Target – 9/10 alto cumulus at 15,000 with 10/10 strato cumulus at 500
over target prevented bombing. Vis. Hazy, 15 mi.
Return - same as enroute.
6. None.
Flight leaders – Capt. Tipton, Chappell and Lt. Beeson.
Number of sorties---36
Photos taken.
Captain, Air Corps,
Intelligence Officer
-----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------445th BS War Diary: The men “spruced up” today for the first time in quite a while.
The order read “Class A’s” and it sent many of the men to the bottom of their barracks
bags to pull out wrinkled blouses and pants. In the afternoon, the Squadron together with
the entire Group stood inspection and were honor guard for the presentation of several
awards. General “Hap” Arnold, chief of the Army Air Forces, was there in person to pin
the medals on and to exchange some banter with some of the men. Lt. Gen. Spaatz was
also on hand. Afterward, the men enjoyed a fine beef dinner.
445th BS Mission Summary: (Ops Order 167/mission 166) Group Mission # 168:
A/C No. 42-30550 “Hetties Pride and
P Tipton, Richard Pike “Tip”, Capt,
CP Asbury, Wilburn (NMI), Capt, HQ 321st
N Paduana, Joseph A., 2Lt
B Walsh, Frank J., 2Lt
E Hetland, Arthur M., Jr., Pvt
R Townsend, Charles A., S/Sgt
G Smith, James B., S/Sgt
F None
A/C No. 41-13179 “Booger”
McGee, William N., 1Lt
Walker, Robert S., 2Lt
Nysson, John W., 2Lt
Reddy, John E., S/Sgt
Bixby, Jack H., S/Sgt
Schaviak, Willis M., Sgt
Thursday, 9 December 1943 (continued)
A/C No. 42-32321 “The Big Bear”
(Bear - no lettering)
P Vallery, Dean B., F/O
CP Williamson, Loyd V., F/O
N None
B Souders, Walter E., 2Lt
E Belt, Hunter C., S/Sgt
R Tarr, Charles F., Jr., Sgt
G Irvin, Ralph D., Sgt
F Cheosky, Alexander A., Cpl
A/C No. 42-64659
P Strenger, Marshall C., 1Lt
CP Knapp, Charles R., 2Lt
N None
B Miller, Robert J., Jr., Sgt
E Donegan, John B., S/Sgt
R Boyd, Ewell V., S/Sgt
G Forbes, Robert W., Sgt
F None
A/C No. 41-30354
P Armbruster, Charles C., 2Lt
CP House, Robert M., 2Lt
N None
B Greenblatt, Milton H., 2Lt
E Haney, T. J., S/Sgt
R Schuster, S. E., S/Sgt
G Carson, Cecil F., Cpl
F None
A/C No. 42-64527 “Sycamore 1½
Wetherbee, Dana A., Jr., 2Lt
Crider, Claude M., Jr., 2Lt
O’Toole, Francis X., 2Lt
Cross, Vassil W., Jr., S/Sgt
Stein, Louis (NMI), S/Sgt
Beaudware, Leo J., Sgt
A/C No. 41-12924 “Patricia”
Lathrop, Gerald T., 2Lt
Pamp, Arvid A., 2Lt
Smith, Paul F., S/Sgt
Chambers, Jimmie (NMI), Pvt
Maddox, Richard L., S/Sgt
Orr, William J., Sgt
445th BS: War Diary of: Seegmiller, Barnard H., Sgt, armament:
12/09/43 20:30 hours:
“Just returned from loading bombs. Moonlit night.
December 7th, I caught a B-25 to Tunis, where I have longed to return ever since we
came across to Italy. Jack Beasley also went along to look about a bomb sight. We
landed at Bizerte where we ate dinner at the transient mess. We then took off for Elouine
near Tunis, but as we were about to land, I heard over the intercom that the field was
closed and we were ordered to proceed to Foch Field five miles away. Upon inquiring,
we learned that President Roosevelt and his party, returning from the Cairo conference,
were expected at any moment. While we were talking, three C-54s with a large P-38
escort appeared over the field and landed at Elouine. We missed seeing the President, as
he had been taken to La Marcia before we arrived there.
I was much impressed with Tunis this time, particularly by the palm trees and
buildings. Being away seemed to cause them to be more striking than ever before. I
shall always want to return there. The shops have been reopened and stocked with goods
that two months ago could not be found anywhere. The war appears to be over for those
people and everyone is smiling and happy. The girls on the streets were a pleasant relief
Thursday, 9 December 1943 (continued)
from the uncomely characters one sees over here (Italy). The French women are indeed
lovely. Our time was spent mostly at the shops where I bought some books and a
hammered copper plate with silver inlay, which I intend to send to Margaret. Saw
several shows and ate at a very nice restaurant. We came home the same route we had
taken going down. As we approached the coast of Italy just south of the Isle of Capri,
which looked so very peaceful in the sunlight, I had to meditate upon the contrast of our
being there with the last time I had approached the coast over a practically identical
course. Then, we were being shot at all the while and threatened by fighters. After two
and a half hours flight we were back at Foggia and just in time to stand in formation for
two hours waiting for General Arnold and two other Generals to come and pin silver
stars on Col. Cook and the Legion of Merit on Pat Lockwood. Now I understand we are
moving to a field near Naples, which means building a new home. I am much better for
my trip to Africa.”
446th BS War Diary: Group formation reviewed by Generals Arnold, Spaatz, and
Cannon. Capt. Bradley received D.F.C. presented to him by General Arnold. Lt. Fox
arrived here from Africa. Another mission.
Bradley, James L. “Jungle Jim”, Jr., Capt, pilot
Fox, David F., 2Lt, bombardier or Fox, Richard F., 2Lt, supply
Arnold, Henry H. "Hap", General, Chief of the Army Air Forces
Cannon, John K., General, 12th AF Commander
Spaatz, Carl Andrew “Tooey”, Lt Gen, Commander, Strategic Air Forces
446th BS Mission Summary: (Ops Order 167/mission 166) Group Mission # 168:
Squadron Mission 133
TARGET: Giulianova Bridges, Italy
DATE: 9 Dec.1943
Type of Bombs: 500#
446th Planes: 11
Capt. Tipton, 445 Sqdn, led the formation. Bombs hit across both bridges, on the road
and RR junctions, and across the mole in the harbor. Some bombs walked down RR
tracks and possible hits were made on flak positions south of the target. No fighters
attacked, but 20 were seen in the distance. Flak was heavy and accurate.
Tipton, Richard Pike "Tip", Capt, pilot, 445th BS
A/C No. 42-64509 “Arkansas
Traveler II” (later “Enid II, “No
P Chappell, Howard L., Capt
CP Dickson, Gale Monroe, 2Lt
N Caldwell, Herman B., Jr., Capt
B Brown, Newton E., 2Lt
E Raffloer, Louis A., Jr., S/Sgt
R Haasch, George F., T/Sgt
G Samsel, John C., Sgt
F None
A/C No. 42-64551
Klang, Irving E., 2Lt
Brellenthin, Harold Ray, 2Lt
McCabe, Peter T., 2Lt
Pilcher, Byron E., S/Sgt
Underwood, Ferrell E., T/Sgt
Bonacich, Matthew G., Sgt
Thursday, 9 December 1943 (continued)
A/C No. 42-32446 “Mascot”
P Wright, Theodore O., 2Lt
CP Bsharah, Phillip (NMI), 2Lt
N None
B Gawrada, Gabriel P., 2Lt
E Motika, John F., Sgt
R Haughom, Milferd O., T/Sgt
Bedwell, Joy L., Sgt
A/C No. 41-12963 “Missouri Waltz”
P Fetterly, Orville D., 2Lt
CP Clark, Robert A., 2Lt
N None
B Parrish, William W., Cpl
E Carstens, Clarence H. “Rusty”, S/Sgt
R Fontenot, V. L. (i.o.), T/Sgt
G Schultheis, Thomas R., Sgt
F Guzauskas, Frank (NMI), Cpl
A/C No. 41-13208
P Elliott, Roger L., 2Lt
CP Farrell, Joseph R., 2Lt
N None
B Pappas, William J., 2Lt
E Warner, Harold W., S/Sgt
R McMahon, Francis D., T/Sgt
G Fiebelkorn, Earl C., Sgt
F None
A/C No. 42-64599 “Old 99 - PLUTO Pee Wee”
P Brady, Joseph J., 2Lt
CP Abraham, Frank W., 2Lt
N None
B Mastrioanni, Henry L., 2Lt
E Brawn, Jean H., Cpl
R Spoerl, Harry C., Sgt
G Thomas, Patrick (NMI), Sgt
F None
A/C No. 42-64526 “Patches”
Boulton, Richard E., 2Lt
Strom, Ernest M., 2Lt
Green, Harry Marshall, Sgt
Wuotila, Benjamin R., S/Sgt
Orechia, James Raymond “Raymond”,
Skill, Donald H., Sgt
A/C No. 41-13008
Knapp, Theodore A., 2Lt
Henson, Gerald J., 2Lt
Dickerson, Claude M., 2Lt
Cooper, Lester L., 2Lt
Helisek, Paul A., S/Sgt
Howe, Frank M., Jr., S/Sgt
Martin, Edward F., Sgt
Graham, Robert W., 1Lt (observer)
A/C No. 42-64520 “Duchess”
Braswell, Thomas J., 2Lt
Walker, Dale F., 2Lt
Turner, Allen B., S/Sgt
Langan, Charles H., S/Sgt
Cohen, George (NMI), S/Sgt
Osterman, Raymond (NMI), Sgt
A/C No. 42-32317 “Pennsylvania
Topham, Arthur H., 2Lt
Ryder, David (NMI), 2Lt
Nicklaus, George Edward “Nick”, 2Lt
Kaney, Oscar John, Jr., S/Sgt
Nieman, John W., Pvt
Holtzclaw, James Ralph, S/Sgt
Thursday, 9 December 1943 (continued)
A/C No. 41-30551 “Pink Lady”
P Rigling, Samuel (NMI), Jr., 2Lt
CP Holt, Robert L., 2Lt
N None
B Milner, Walter C., Sgt
E Rockafellow, Alfred A., S/Sgt
R Leahy, Richard P. “Dick”, T/Sgt
G Lovell, Curtis L., S/Sgt
F Blake, Charles H., S/Sgt
446th BS: War Diary of: Kaney, Oscar John, Jr., S/Sgt, engineer-gunner (mission 42)
“# 42 Dec. 9, 1943
Time 3:00 Sqdn Mission # 133 Gr. Mission # 168
500# demo
Giulianova Bridges, Italy
Formation Leader - Capt. Tipton
Results - Bombs seen to hit bridges on road & railroad junctions N of bridges. Possible
hits on flak positions.
Remarks - No fighters attacked formation although a possible 20 enemy A/C were seen.
Flak heavy, moderate to intense, accurate.
Ship number - 42-32317 “Pennsylvania Polka”
P- Topham, CP - Ryder, B- Nicklaus, E - Kaney, RG- Nieman, G -Holtzclaw”
Holtzclaw, James Ralph, S/Sgt, gunner
Kaney, Oscar John, Jr., S/Sgt, engineer-gunner
Nicklaus, George Edward “Nick”, 2Lt, bombardier
Nieman, John W., Pvt, radio-gunner
Ryder, David (NMI), 2Lt, pilot
Tipton, Richard Pike “Tip”, Capt, pilot, Commander, 445th BS
Topham, Arthur H., 2Lt, pilot
446th BS: War Diary of: Walker, Dale F., 2Lt, pilot (mission 10)
“We finished a mission today in Northern Italy, blew hell out of some Road Bridges &
railroad junctions. Braswell & I flew together. We have a mission tomorrow, where I
don’t know. This afternoon we dressed up in our full dress, & General H.H. Arnold was
here to give citations of Merit to 3 fellows. We had steak for supper tonight, was pretty
good Italian meat. I guess we have 3 hogs we’ve bought – We will have them ate up soon
– What I would give for some eggs – I guess this is all for today, so until tomorrow.”
Arnold, Henry H. “Hap”, General, Chief of the Army Air Forces
Braswell, Thomas J., 2Lt, pilot
Thursday, 9 December 1943 (continued)
447th BS War Diary: Results: very good. S/Sgt. Paul Lutchesky and P.F.C. Lewis
Weiher had an accident while taking Italian K.P’s home to S. Giovanni last night.
Outside limits of S. Giovanni Sgt. Lutchesky lost control of the weapons carrier, which
he was driving, and it crashed into a low stone wall and turned completely over, landing
on its wheels. One of the Italians was killed and another seriously wounded. Lt. M.T.
Holloway has been appointed investigating officer. Cpl Gino Franzi will act as
interpreter. About noon today a notice appeared on the bulletin board which read that all
men, except area guards would fall out in front of the orderly room at 1330 dressed in
Class A. At 1330 a fine bunch of men, all shyly displaying the famous “barracks bag
press” left the area and marched to Group. There we lined up with the other Squadrons
into a Group formation. Even now the purpose of the occasion was a mystery to most
everyone. Finally, after a wait that any enlisted man would gladly have traded for a shift
of guard, the “stars” arrived. None other than General Arnold, Lt. Gen Spaatz and Maj.
Gen. Cannon. They were met by Col. Knapp. Gen. Arnold presented several medals,
one—The Legion of Merit—was presented to M/Sgt. W.C. Horne. Gen. Arnold then
made a hasty review of the squadrons and departed.
Franzi, Gino C., Cpl, intelligence
Holloway, McGlon T., 2Lt, intelligence
Horne, Wendell C., M/Sgt, engineering
Lutchesky, Paul, S/Sgt, mess
Weiher, Lewis E., PFC, transportation
Arnold, Henry H. "Hap", General, Chief of the Army Air Forces
Cannon, John K., General, 12th AF Commander
Knapp, Robert Duane, Sr., Brigadier General, 57th BW Commander
Spaatz, Carl Andrew “Tooey”, Lt Gen, Commander, Strategic Air Forces
447th BS Mission Summary: (Ops Order 167/mission 166) Group Mission # 168: 9 of
our planes participated in a raid on some bridges at Giulianova, Italy.
A/C No. 42-53371 “Death Wind”
Spikes, Robert F. “Bob”, 1Lt
Beebe, Harwood (NMI), Jr., 2Lt
Holloway, Arthur M., 2Lt
McCormick, Donald Patrick, 2Lt
Mays, Jack C., S/Sgt
Ennis, Edward Charles “Salvo”, S/Sgt
Armstrong, Robert E., S/Sgt
A/C No. 42-64695
Thomas, David W., 2Lt
Sholund, John D., 2Lt
Blumenfeld, Philip I., 2Lt
Batteiger, James M., S/Sgt
Bartkus, Ernest F., S/Sgt
Funk, Marvin J., S/Sgt
Thursday, 9 December 1943 (continued)
A/C No. 42-64600 “Lady Luck”
P Miller, Benjamin Bartow, Jr., 2Lt
CP Vincent, Frederick W., III, 2Lt
N None
B Nowakowski, Joseph J., 2Lt
E McGrail, Robert J., S/Sgt
R O’Mara, Robert M., T/Sgt
G Roberts, Herman (NMI), Sgt
F Statham, Alvin F., Cpl
A/C No. 42-32498 “Dumbo”
Hanlon, James Augustus, Jr., 1Lt
Ryherd, Fred E., 2Lt
Davis, Donald A., S/Sgt
Czabaj, Matthew W., S/Sgt
Kaufold, Adolph (NMI), S/Sgt
Ludtke, Foster R., Cpl
A/C No. 41-29775 “Double Trouble”
P Joiner, Harold W., 2Lt
CP Dunn, Robert P., 2Lt
N None
B Tudor, Mathew S., S/Sgt
E Manning, Hillard J., S/Sgt
R Baringer, Paul S., S/Sgt
G Czaja, Marion L., S/Sgt
F None
A/C No. 41-12930 “SNAFU”
P Jahraus, Alfred B., 2Lt
CP Haeberle, John H., 2Lt
N None
B Zacharya, Andrew (NMI), Cpl
E Henry, William R., S/Sgt
R Lotito, Rocco A., S/Sgt
G Reilly, James M., Sgt
F None
A/C No. 42-32450 “Lumber Wagon”
Beeson, Elwood H., 1Lt
Davies, Robert G., 2Lt
Halloran, Robert F., 2Lt
Mayben, Ernest P. Jr., 2Lt
Cook, Gerritt C., S/Sgt
Dexter, Harold H., S/Sgt
Clausen, Ansgar E., S/Sgt
A/C No. 41-13181 “The Sophisticated
Anderson, Lloyd G., 2Lt
Briskey, John F., Jr., 2Lt
Franklin, Willie P., S/Sgt
Mercer, William R., S/Sgt
Mellado, Ricardo (NMI), S/Sgt
Schrader, Harold F., S/Sgt
A/C No. 42-64512 “Scotch & Soda”
Knodle, Robert A., 2Lt
Trevor, Graham J., 2Lt
Deane, George J., 2Lt
Sheets, Ralph M., S/Sgt
Kordzi, Joseph J., Jr., S/Sgt
Iverson, Lewis B., S/Sgt
Lamoureau, Archille D., Sgt
447th BS: War Diary of: Spikes, Robert F. “Bob”, 1Lt, pilot (mission 62)
TARGET: Shipping at Ancona-Giulianova Bridge.
2:20 Plane 371 (42-53371
“Death Wind”)
“Bombs hitting bridge and RR junction. Possible hits on flak position.”
Thursday, 9 December 1943 (continued)
448th BS War Diary: (No non-mission information)
448th BS Mission Summary: (Ops Order 167/mission 166) Group Mission # 168:
Mission # 130 (168): At 09:10 thirty-six B-25’s off to bomb shipping and harbor
facilities at ANCONA, Italy. None returned early. 36 dropped 212 x 500 bombs at 10:50
from 10,000 – 11,000 feet on alternate target of Giulianova bridges. Some bombs down
RR tracks south of bridges. Flak: Heavy, intense and accurate at target. Flight of 20
E/A did not attack. Weather: 9/10th – 10/10th stratocumulus with hazy visibility at target.
A/C No. 42-29967
P Mayer, Brantz (NMI), Jr., 2Lt
CP Tobias, William M., 2Lt
N Scopp, Richard W., 2Lt
B Blake, Thomas L., 2Lt
E Gebhardt, Ralph J., T/Sgt
R McEntee, Peter M., Pvt
G Coleman, Seaton L., Sgt
F None
A/C No. 41-13172 “Boyd Toyd”
P Ennis, John H., Jr., 2Lt
CP Coffee, Robert D., 2Lt
N None
B Patterson, L. J. (i.o.), Pvt
E Coleman, Smith B., S/Sgt
R Riss, Royal C., S/Sgt
G Ritter, Robert E., S/Sgt
F None
A/C No. 41-30352
P Joli, William H., 2Lt
CP Doyle, Edward J., 2Lt
N None
B Robert, Maurice L. PFC
E Carnathan, J. D. (i.o.), S/Sgt
R House, Harry H., S/Sgt
G Barry, Robert A., Jr., S/Sgt
F None
A/C No. 41-29998 “Little Joe”
McEvoy, John C., 2Lt
Cooper, James W., 2Lt
Braun, Joseph M., T/Sgt
Kessler, Clarence J., S/Sgt
Lard, Claude F., S/Sgt
Deal, Herman L., S/Sgt
Kepford, Francis R., S/Sgt
A/C No. 41-30327
Hicks, John T., 2Lt
Crowell, Weymouth (NMI), Jr., 2Lt
Hammerschmidt, Henry E., S/Sgt
Johnson, Joe Morris, S/Sgt
Joubert, Ira W., S/Sgt
Holguin, Renato (NMI) “Cisco”, S/Sgt
A/C No. 42-64655
Sowder, Tony R., Jr., F/O
Eddy, Willard B., Jr., 2Lt
Johnson, Robert E., 2Lt
Daniels, John (NMI), Sgt
Lyons, Paul E., S/Sgt
Tudor, Owen M., Sgt
Thursday, 9 December 1943 (continued)
A/C No. 42-64552
P Gouge, David J., 2Lt
CP Moss, Raymond W., 2Lt
N None
B Blevins, Amos M., S/Sgt
E Mauder, Charles J., Cpl
R Alexander, Phillip D., Pvt
G Bennett, Ross F., S/Sgt
F None
A/C No. 41-30548
P Fleming, George B., F/O
CP Sandlin, Raymond H., F/O
N None
B Elkins, Stanley A., 2Lt
E Kerr, Daniel (NMI), S/Sgt
R Vizzacco, Rocco (NMI), Sgt
G Jeffrey, Louis J., PFC
F None
A/C No. 41-12926 “Hawkeye”
King, James L., 2Lt
Bates, Willie L., F/O
Feeley, Walter C., Jr., 2Lt
Schmidt, Walter I., S/Sgt
Marlow, Sterling H., S/Sgt
Davey, Joseph (NMI), Jr., S/Sgt
Friday, 10 December 1943
USAAF Chronology: MTO Tactical Operations (12th AF):
In Italy, P-40's and A-36's attack oil tanks, warehouses, railroads, and
vessel at Civitavecchia, the town of Acquafondata, and with RAF, SAAF, and RAAF
airplanes, hit tactical targets along the British Eighth Army front, and later strafe road
traffic in the Canosa Sannita-Chieti area. Fighters also bomb a vessel in the harbor at
Split, Yugoslavia. HQ 310th Bombardment Group (Medium) transfers from Philippeville,
Algeria to Corsica. The 23rd Photographic Reconnaissance Squadron, 5th Photographic
Reconnaissance Group, transfers from Foggia to San Severo, Italy with P-38's and F-5's.
HQ 321st BG War Diary:
No mission.
445th BS War Diary: A large number of packages and a great deal of mail arrived this
morning and there were the usual happy faces to go with it. A “short arm” inspection
was held just after chow in the Medical tent. Several of the men erected a goal post in the
area yesterday and this afternoon, a number of the men were kicking a football through
and around those goal posts. The men enjoyed the movie “Coney Island” starring the
glamorous Betty Grable in enriching Technicolor. The movie was held at the farmhouse
across the road where Group Headquarters is located. It was announced that there would
be a movie every other night besides occasional stage shows. The men are very happy
over this schedule. The night was very cold and rainy.
446th BS War Diary: No Missions. Usual garrison duties. Enlisted Men are building a
mess hall out of salvaged lumber. Large mail call resulted in many Christmas packages.
Morale unusually high. Group Officer’s club opened with great success.
446th BS: War Diary of: Walker, Dale F., 2Lt, pilot: “We were up early this morning
for our mission but bad weather stopped us, its 8:45 PM now & its raining pretty good.
We have lots of targets to bomb if we just have the weather to get off the ground. Since
its winter I guess we’ll have lots of wet and muddy weather here. Our radio reception is
bad tonight so we’re spending our time having a bull session. One of the fellows here
bought a ham from a Wop today – its not very good looking but he’s trying make it
eatable now. I’ll tell you tomorrow how it turned out. So long.”
447th BS War Diary: Mission cancelled. Late last night the balance of our men left in
Africa caught up with us. These late arrivals are: Lt. James F. McGill, T/Sgt. A.R.
Kammerlohr, Pvts Erickson, Hatcher, Scarchilli, Kracher, Stagnitta, and Johnson. A
Group of B-17’s landed on our field this afternoon. Weather or not they will operate
from here has not been announced as yet. The B-17’s are using the hardstands which we
had our ships on and our ships were more or less bunched and moved to other spaces.
Everyone seems to be planning to attend the movies at Group tonight which will feature
non other than Betty “Pin-up” Grable in “Cooney Island.” A goodly supply of Christmas
Friday, 10 December 1943 (continued)
packages arrived today. More promotions: Sgt. W.W. Dunlop to S/Sgt., Cpl. A.
Zacharya to Sgt., P.F.C. J.H. Erickson to Cpl., and P.F.C. J.J. Smith to Cpl.
Dunlap, Woodrow, S/Sgt, gunner
Erickson, David O., Pvt, engineering
Erickson, John H., Cpl, decontamination
Hatcher, James H., Pvt, armament
Johnson, Eldon F., Pvt, medical
Kammerlohr, Arthur R., T/Sgt, personnel
Kracher, Robert E., Pvt, engineering
McGill, James F., 1Lt, Adjutant
Scarchilli, William A., Pvt, mess
Smith, John J., Jr., Cpl, armament
Stagnitta, Salvatore, Pvt, medical
Zacharya, Andrew, Sgt, gunner
448th BS War Diary: No Entry
Saturday, 11 December 1943
USAAF Chronology: MTO Tactical Operations (12th AF):
In Italy, P-40's and A-36's attack Anzio, Nettuno, Viticuso, San
Vittore del Lazio, Pontecorvo, Acquafondata, the railway siding at Arce, tracks and
junction N of Ostia, and railway between Ostia and Lido di Roma. Weather causes
abandonment of B-25 operations.
HQ 321st BG War Diary:
No mission.
445th BS War Diary: A large number of letters and packages arrived this morning. The
combat crews voiced unanimous approval of the notice on the board today to the effect
that each combat crew member would receive two ounces of whisky after he returned
from each mission. The whisky is supposed to settle the nerves and as the boys say, they
are mighty “nervous” after missions. Lt. Larson, formerly the Squadron Navigation
Officer, and now the Group Navigation Officer, was promoted to Captain today.
Practically all the Squadron transportation was sent out to the line at night to shine
headlights on the runway to guide several B-17’s in to a safe landing.
Larson, Harold W., Capt, navigator
446th BS War Diary: No Missions. Enlisted men’s mess hall opened today. Fair
weather and no mission. Two mail calls.
446th BS: War Diary of: Walker, Dale F., 2Lt, pilot (mission 11)
“Believe it or not, the ham turned out good. We fried it in a mess kit & ate it by the hand
to mouth method. No bread to go with it so used H2O for a chaser. We made a mission
today to Northern Italy, everything O.K. The mission wasn’t so hot. The Red Cross had
doughnuts for us, they’re pretty good. That’s about all for today, now news, no letters or
mail of any kind. I’ll finish by writing a few letters, I always write to the Wife ever day if
I can, So this is all for today.”
Letter Home: “We have moved to another place here in Italy. I’m still flying the
same plane. I’m well satisfied with them. I like them and I’m glad it was them I got my
last training in. Nick and Dickson are all well. So are McDonough and Cobbett. There
are 5 men of my crew here. Cobbett and McDonough are stationed near by here. They
say to tell you Hello. Mom, I told them you have heard from their homes. All were glad
to hear you had. Mom, if you have an extra picture or two of the crew pictures made up,
I sure wish you would send me a couple. One of each.
Three other fellows and I in this tent bought a ham from a Wop here yesterday.
It’s gone already, but it sure was good. We fired it in our wood stove in a mess kit. I ate
ham and ham alone. Boy, was it ever a treat.
I’m sending a 5 Lire note (5 cents) for you. It’s military currency.”
Cobbett, Stanley W., Sgt, engineer-gunner, 486th BS, 340th BG
Dickson, Gale M., 2Lt, pilot
McDonough, John F., S/Sgt, gunner, 486th BS, 340th BG
Nicklaus, George Edward "Nick", 2Lt, bombardier
Saturday, 11 December 1943 (continued)
447th BS War Diary: Mission cancelled. Ten bags of squadron mail were brought in
today. The E.M’s meals and mess hall in general have shown marked improvement
under the leadership to T/Sgt. Roy Dodds, the former griping about the food has not only
been erased but compliments have sprung up instead. Morning report for week ending
Dec. 11: Officers---58: Enlisted Men---254.
Dodds, Roy J., T/Sgt, Mess Sergeant
448th BS War Diary: No Entry
Sunday, 12 December 1943
USAAF Chronology: MTO Tactical Operations (12th AF):
Weather curtails
In Italy, B-25's bomb the road, railroad, and landing ground at
Terracina; P-40 and A-36 fighter-bombers hit trucks along roads in the Chieti-Francavilla
area and bomb the town of Itri; fighters fly patrols and reconnaissance over the battle
area. The 10th Troop Carrier Squadron, 60th Troop Carrier Group, transfers from Gerbini,
Sicily to Pomigliano, Italy with C-47's.
HQ 321st BG War Diary:
Our target today was the Roccasecca Road Bridges.
Extensive cloud cover prevented observation but bombs were believed to have hit on the
alternate targets of Terracina landing ground and others were seen to hit on the road near
the landing ground.
HQ 321st BG Mission Summary: (Ops Order 168/mission 167) Group Mission # 169:
-----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Mission Report # 169, 12 December 1943
1. 321st Bombardment Group (M) AAF.
2. At 1050 24 B-25’s took off to bomb bridges at Roccasecca. None returned. 14
dropped 84x500 lb bombs with .o1 nose fusing at 1200 hours from 11,500/13,500 ft.
on road and railroad and landing ground at Terracina – due to heavy cloud cover
inland over both primary and alternate target area. 24 returned at 1255 hours. Axis
of attack 290°
3. RESULTS: Due to extensive cloud cover a few hits only were seen on road near
Terracina L/G where RR is nearest to road. Some bombs possible on RR and on L/G.
Air--------- None.
Flak--------A few bursts along coast and slight heavy inaccurate from Terracina.
Batteries observed along main road to Rome past L/G – about 2 miles NW of town.
5. WEATHER: Enroute: 6/10 towering cumulus, base 4,000, tops 15,000. Visibility:
Target: 8/10 towering cumulus, base 4,000, tops 18,000: formation
turned away at initial point due to cloud formations on bomb run.
Return: same as enroute.
6. None.
Flight leaders: Lts. Tapper and Bugbee.
Number of sorties---24
Photos taken.
Captain, Air Corps,
Intelligence Officer
Sunday, 12 December 1943 (continued)
-----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------132/12 IDTW V IDJM HR 22 IMMEDIATE
T 12 BG 321BG
L 12 BG 340 BG 321 BG 47 BG
AO399 12/12 GR --- ET
DT 121930
-----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------445th BS War Diary: A beautiful sunshiny, war day today. A number of the men were
sent to rest camp today to the historic Isle of Capri. The Squadron today expressed its
deep sympathy to Sgt. William R. Hayes, a mechanic, whose father died recently. Our
returning combat crews welcomed the Red Cross girl serving doughnuts and coffee today
for the first time in over a month. A delicious steak supper was enjoyed by all the men.
Several alerts were sounded at night, announced by the weird moan of the siren. Many of
the men hit the slit trenches but no bombing resulted.
Hayes, William R., Jr., Sgt, engineering
445th BS Mission Summary: (Ops Order 168/mission 167) Group Mission # 169:
A/C No. 41-30550 “Hetties Pride and
P Strenger, Marshall C., 1Lt
CP Knapp, Charles R., 2Lt
N None
B Castle, Roy V., Cpl
E Donegan, John B., S/Sgt
R Boyd, Ewell V., T/Sgt
G Forbes, Robert W., Sgt
F None
A/C No. 41-12924 “Patricia”
Lathrop, Gerald T., 2Lt
Pamp, Arvid A., 2Lt
Anderson, Melvin Anders “Andy”, 2Lt
McKee, Paul L., S/Sgt
Russell, Clayton B., T/Sgt
Hannon, Robert P., S/Sgt
Sunday, 12 December 1943 (continued)
A/C No. 41-13202 “Idaho Lassie”
House, Robert M., 2Lt
Walker, Robert S., 2Lt
Poranda, Michael A., Cpl
Dillon, James A., Sgt
DiPietrantonio, Joseph N., S/Sgt
Herrman, Byard G., Sgt
446th BS War Diary: Mission today. Large mail call and rations raised morale.
446th BS Mission Summary: (Ops Order 168/mission 167) Group Mission # 169:
Squadron Mission 134
TARGET: RR and L/G, Terracina
DATE: 12 Dec.1943
Type of Bombs: 500#
446th Planes: 9
Lt. Tapper, 446 Sqdn, led the formation. Extensive cloud cover made accurate
observation impossible. A few hits were seen on road near L/G. There were no fighters
and only a few bursts of flak. Lt. Rigling returned early because the radio was not
A/C No. 42-53377 “Flag Ship”
Tapper, George G., 2Lt
Dickson, Gale Monroe, 2Lt
Caldwell, Herman B., Jr., Capt
Cooper, Lester L., 2Lt
Hanley, James (NMI), Jr., S/Sgt
Ramirez, Zenon (NMI), Jr., S/Sgt
Velarde, Servando J., Jr., Sgt
A/C No. 42-64551
Klang, Irving E., 2Lt
Strom, Ernest M., 2Lt
Gawrada, Gabriel P., 2Lt
Pilcher, Byron E., S/Sgt
Underwood, Ferrell E., T/Sgt
Bonacich, Matthew G., Sgt
A/C No. 42-64520 “Duchess”
Fetterly, Orville D., 2Lt
Brellenthin, Harold Ray 2Lt
Lantz, David W., S/Sgt
Carstens, Clarence H. “Rusty”, S/Sgt
Fontenot, V. L. (i.o.), T/Sgt
Schultheis, Thomas R., Sgt
Blake, Charles H., S/Sgt
A/C No. 42-64599 “Old 99 - PLUTO Pee Wee”
Brady, Joseph J., 1Lt
Abraham, Frank W., 2Lt
Green, Harry Marshall, Sgt
Brawn, Jean H., Cpl
Spoerl, Harry C., Sgt
Thomas, Patrick (NMI), Sgt
Guzauskas, Frank (NMI), Cpl
Sunday, 12 December 1943 (continued)
A/C No. 41-30000 “Ruff Stuff”
P McClelland, Alva L., 2Lt
CP Braswell, Thomas J., 2Lt
N None
B Brown, Newton E., 2Lt
E Raffloer, Louis A., JR., S/Sgt
R Haasch, George F., T/Sgt
G Samsel, John C., S/Sgt
F None
A/C No. 42-32446 “Mascot”
P Wright, Theodore O., 2Lt
CP Bsharah, Phillip (NMI), 2Lt
N None
B Turner, Allen B., S/Sgt
E Motika, John F., Sgt
R Higgins, Thomas T., T/Sgt
G Bedwell, Joy L., Sgt
F None
A/C No. 41-30551 “Pink Lady”
(returned early – radio not working) only
pilot listed – likely crew is:
P Rigling, Samuel (NMI), Jr., 2Lt
CP Holt, Robert L., 2Lt
N None
B Milner, Walter C., S/Sgt
E Rockafellow, Alfred A., S/Sgt
R Leahy, Richard P. “Dick”, T/Sgt
G Lovell, Curtis L., S/Sgt
F None
A/C No. 41-13208
Elliott, Douglas A., 2Lt
Farrell, Joseph R., 2Lt
Shepard, Eugene D., 2Lt
Warner, Harold W., S/Sgt
McMahon, Francis D., T/Sgt
Fiebelkorn, Earl C., Sgt
A/C No. 41-30293
Chappell, Howard L., Capt
Walker, Dale F., 2Lt
Dickerson, Claude M., 2Lt
Pappas, William J., 2Lt
Kaney, Oscar John, Jr., S/Sgt
Roulier, Edward T., S/Sgt
Osterman, Raymond (NMI), Sgt
446th BS: War Diary of: Kaney, Oscar John, Jr., S/Sgt, engineer-gunner (mission 43)
“# 43 Dec. 12, 1943
Time 2:30 Sqdn Mission # 134 Gr. Mission # 169
500# demo
RR & L/G Terracina
Formation Leader - Lt Tapper
Results - Possible hits on R.R. & L/G - heavy cloud cover.
Remarks - No fighters, few bursts of flak along coast & slight heavy inaccurate from
Sunday, 12 December 1943 (continued)
Ship number - 41-30293
P- Chappell, CP - Walker, N- Dickerson, B- Pappas, E - Kaney, RG- Roulier, G Osterman”
Chappell, Howard L., Capt, pilot
Dickerson, Claude M., 2Lt, navigator
Kaney, Oscar John, Jr., S/Sgt, engineer-gunner
Osterman, Raymond (NMI), Sgt, gunner
Pappas, William J., 2Lt, bombardier
Roulier, Edward T., S/Sgt, radio-gunner
Tapper, George G., 2Lt, pilot
Walker, Dale F., 2Lt, pilot
446th BS: War Diary of: Walker, Dale F., 2Lt, pilot (mission 12)
“I got out of the sack early this morning, had two eggs for breakfast, we bought some
from a Wop. We went on a mission today North of Rome, was kinda tough but we all
returned safe. I received a letter each from Mom & Dad. & Enid also a Xmas package
from the folks. Boy, was the candy bars ever good. I got a shot in the arm for typhus and
have written the folks & Enid a letter each – So now I’m ready for the sack again. We
have been damned busy lately & I’m kinda tired & needing sleep. Guess I’m getting old
– That’s all, Diary.”
Letter Home: “No, Mom, I am not on patrol duty. I’m in the real thing but o.k.
Still in B-25s…I’m o.k. and all the crew are with me except John Sweeney. He sure was
a swell kid.”
Sweeney, John Patrick., S/Sgt, radio-gunner, 486th BS, 340th BG
447th BS War Diary: The following left today for rest camp at Capri: Lts. H.A. Fraser,
W.M. Johnston, P.W. Gill, B.B. Miller, T/Sgts. Boyd Tracy, F.M. Kastelic, S/Sgts. F.X.
Early, F.F. McGrail, and R.D. Hoskins. S/Sgt. W.R. Mercer completed his fiftieth
mission today. Message of Congratulations to the 321st B.G. from 12th Air Support
Command dated Dec. 7th, appeared on bulletin board today: “Congratulations: Saw
photos of bombing of Civitavecchia. They show beautiful work.”
Early, Frank X., S/Sgt, gunner
Fraser, Harry A. “Fearless”, Jr, 1Lt, pilot
Gill, Paul W., 2Lt, pilot
Hoskins, Raymond C., S/Sgt, communication
Johnston, William M., 1Lt, bombardier
Kastelic, Frank M., S/Sgt, gunner
McGrail, Robert J., S/Sgt, gunner
Mercer, William R., S/Sgt, gunner
Miller, Benjamin Bartow, 1Lt, pilot
Tracy, Boyd F., T/Sgt, gunner
447th BS Mission Summary: (Ops Order 168/mission 167) Group Mission # 169:
Mission today was to bomb the railroad at Terracina, Italy. The target was partially
closed and no bombs were dropped by this squadron. This was an alternate target, the
primary one having been Roccasecca, Italy. 6 of our ships participated.
Sunday, 12 December 1943 (continued)
A/C No. 41-29759 “Kentucky Ridge
P Anderson, Lloyd G., 2Lt
CP Briskey, John F., Jr., 2Lt
N None
B Nowakowski, Joseph J., 2Lt
E Mercer, William R., S/Sgt
R Mellado, Ricardo (NMI), S/Sgt
G Schrader, Harold F., S/Sgt
F None
A/C No. 42-64694 “Yankee Girl”
Knodle, Robert A., 2Lt
Sholund, John D., 2Lt
Deane, George J., 2Lt
Mays, Jack C., S/Sgt
Iverson, Lewis B., S/Sgt
Moomaw, Otis W., S/Sgt
A/C No. 41-13210 “Buckeye Cannon
P Beeson, Elwood H., 1Lt
CP Haeberle, John H., 2Lt
N None
B Mayben, Ernest P., Jr., 2Lt
E Cook, Gerritt C., S/Sgt
R Clausen, Ansgar E., S/Sgt
G Dexter, Harold H., S/Sgt
F None
A/C No. 41-12997 “Southern Belle”
Dunn, Robert P., 2Lt
Langston, Everett D., 2Lt
Davis, Donald A., S/Sgt
Roever, George W., Jr., S/Sgt
Kaufold, Adolph (NMI), S/Sgt
Ludtke, Foster R., Cpl
A/C No. 41-13175 “The Saint Myrtle
Bugbee, James Metcalf “Jim”, 1Lt
Beebe, Harwood (NMI), Jr., 2Lt
Halloran, Robert F., 2Lt
Blumenfeld, Philip I., 2Lt
Sheets, Ralph M., S/Sgt
Kordzi, Joseph J., Jr., S/Sgt
Harmer, Harry B, S/Sgt
A/C No. 41-29775 “Double Trouble”
Joiner, Harold W., 2Lt
Trevor, Graham J., 2Lt
McCormick, Donald Patrick, 2Lt
Baringer, Paul S., S/Sgt
Czaja, Marion L., S/Sgt
Manning, Hillard J., Sgt
Statham, Alvin F., Cpl
448th BS War Diary: (No non-mission information)
448th BS Mission Summary: (Ops Order 168/mission 167) Group Mission # 169:
Mission # 131 (169): At 10:50 twenty-four B-25’s off to bomb bridges at Roccasecca.
14 dropped 84 x 500 bombs at 12:00 from 11,500 – 13,500 feet on road and RR and
landing Ground at TERRACINA. All planes returned at 12:55. Heavy cloud over
primary and alternate targets; 10 did not drop bombs. Few hits observed on road near
TERRACINA L/G where RR is nearest to road, clouds obscured observations. Flak: No
flak or E/A. Weather: 6/10th towering cumulus 4,000 – 15,000 feet enroute, 4,000 –
18,000 feet at target.
Sunday, 12 December 1943 (continued)
A/C No. 41-30548
Fleming, George B., F/O
Sandlin, Raymond H., F/O
Boland, Chester H., Capt
Matkins, Marvin F., 2Lt
Kerr, Daniel (NMI), S/Sgt
Joubert, Ira W., S/Sgt
Jeffrey, Louis J., Cpl
A/C No. 42-64655
Sowder, Tony R., Jr., 1Lt
Hicks, John T., 2Lt
Kreutz, Alfred W., 2Lt
Daniels, John (NMI), Sgt
Allen, Clifford N., S/Sgt
Tudor, Owen M., Sgt
A/C No. 41-30355
Joli, William H., 2Lt
Eddy, Willard B., Jr., 2Lt
Robert, Maurice L., S/Sgt
Coleman, Smith B., S/Sgt
House, Harry H., S/Sgt
VanCura, Edward W., Sgt
A/C No. 41-12926 “Hawkeye”
Bates, Willie L., F/O
Cooper, James W., 2Lt
Braun, Joseph M., T/Sgt
Johnson, Joe Morris, S/Sgt
McEntee, Peter M., Pvt
Holguin, Renato (NMI) “Cisco”, S/Sgt
A/C No. 41-30352
Freeland, Levi B., Jr., 1Lt
Tobias, William M., 2Lt
Patterson, L. J. (i.o.), Pvt
Kessler, Clarence J., S/Sgt
Riss, Royal C., S/Sgt
Sipos, Paul A., S/Sgt
Kepford, Francis R., S/Sgt
A/C No. 42-64552
Gouge, David J., 2Lt
Moss, Raymond W., 2Lt
Blevins, Amos M., S/Sgt
Gebhardt, Ralph J., T/Sgt
Pitts, Donald W., Sgt
Bennett, Ross F., S/Sgt
A/C No. 41-30327
King, James L., 2Lt
Coffee, Robert D., 2Lt
Evans, Ivor P., 2Lt
Schmidt, Walter I., S/Sgt
Marlow, Sterling H., S/Sgt
Davey, Joseph (NMI), Jr., S/Sgt
Monday, 13 December 1943
USAAF Chronology: MTO Tactical Operations (12th AF):
In Yugoslavia, B-25's bomb an oil depot, harbor, warehouses, and
railway yard at Sibenik and Split.
In Italy, P-40 and A-36 fighter-bombers attack defended points in the
Miglionico area; quays, roads, railway yard, and gun emplacements at Terracina; and
bridges at Pontecorvo and W of Isolella; town areas and bridges at and near Atina and
Acquafondata are also hit. The 91st Fighter Squadron, 81st Fighter Group, based at
Montecorvino Airfield, Italy with P-38's and P-39's, begins operating from Capodichino,
HQ 321st BG War Diary: Shipping facilities in Split was the target hit today. Hits
were observed throughout the target area causing a huge cloud of black smoke and an
explosion. A large fire was observed as the planes left the target.
HQ 321st BG Mission Summary: (Ops Order 169/mission 168) Group Mission # 170:
-----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Mission Report # 170, 13 December 1943
1. 321st Bombardment Group (M).
2. At 1030 24 B-25’s took off to bomb target “C” and “F” in Split. None returned early.
24 dropped 130x500 lb bombs with .10 and .025 second fusing at 1240 hours from
11,000/12,000 ft. 24 returned at 1340 hours. Axis of attack 120°.
3. RESULTS: Ref. Illustration No. S. 153/2. Target “F” covered by string of bombs,
where “huge black smoke” and “explosion” were observed. Hits on mole South of
“F”. Large fire observed near shore half way between “C” and “D”. Generally
believed “C” not hit. Observation impaired by reason of clouds.
Air--------- None.
Ground----Concentration of rolling stock in Drnis RR M/Yds. 43° 52’, 16° 10’.
Marine-----1 large M/V from 350’ to 400’, 05/06. 2 medium M/V at 07/08. 1 naval
craft, destroyer or U boat 08/07. 1-400’ M/V, 2 small boats, in harbor E of Split at
43° 30’, 16° 32’.
5. WEATHER: Enroute: 7/10 stratocumulus at 5,000’, tops at 8,000’ clearing over
Adriatic then becoming 8/10 over Yugoslavia. Cloud
coverage prevented bombing of primary and first alternate
target. Visibility, unlimited.
Target: 5/10 stratocumulus at 5,000’ tops 8,000; Clouds caused
formation to change axis of attack. Visibility unlimited.
Return: Same as enroute.
Monday, 13 December 1943 (continued)
6. None.
Flight leaders: Lts. Beeson, Haegle.
Number of sorties---24
Photos taken.
Capt., Air Corps,
Intelligence Officer
-----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------445th BS War Diary: The food situation continues to be very good thanks to the two
heifers which were purchased by Lt. Malek out of the Squadron mess fund. The men
enjoyed fresh beef stew for dinner and supper. The men witnessed one of the
headquarters tents burned to the ground. Some of the men who had suffered the same
fate shook knowing heads with that “we know how somebody feels” attitude. Our
combat crews attended a meeting in the granary together with the combat crews from the
other three Squadrons. They heard Lt. Col. Olmsted tell them that they would have to
“stick it out” over here until replacements arrived. He stated that he didn’t look for
replacements until next Spring. Col. Knapp gave a “farewell speech”. He is leaving the
Group. After the meeting the men enjoyed “They Got Me Covered” a movie with Bob
Hope and Dorothy Lamour.
Malek, Stanley J., 2Lt, intelligence
Olmstead, Charles T., Lt Col, pilot, HQ 321st BG
Knapp, Robert Duane, Sr., Col, pilot, 321st BG Commander
445th BS Mission Summary: (Ops Order 169/mission 168) Group Mission # 170:
A/C No. 42-64575
Haegele, Frederick G., 1Lt
Carney, James Bernard, 2Lt
Paduana, Joseph A., 2Lt
Greenblatt, Milton H., 2Lt
Hetland, Arthur M., Jr., Pvt
Townsend, Charles A., S/Sgt
Smith, James B., S/Sgt
A/C No. 42-64659
P Williamson, Loyd V., F/O
CP House, Robert M., 2Lt
N None
B Smith, Paul F., S/Sgt
E Jones, Robert C., Pvt
R Clark, Thomas J., T/Sgt
G Hannon, Robert P., S/Sgt
F None
A/C No. 42-32321 “The Big Bear”
(Bear - no lettering)
Vallery, Dean B., F/O
Walker, James O., Jr., 2Lt
Stokes, Oliver O., Cpl
Belt, Hunter C., S/Sgt
Marcoulier, William A., Sgt
Irvin, Ralph D., S/Sgt
A/C No. 41-12924 “Patricia”
Lathrop, Gerald T., 2Lt
Pamp, Arvid A., 2Lt
Nysson, John W., 2Lt
Schaviak, Willis M., Sgt
Maddox, Richard L., S/Sgt
Carson, Cecil F., Cpl
Monday, 13 December 1943 (continued)
A/C No. 41-30354
Strenger, Marshall C., 1Lt
Knapp, Charles R., 2Lt
Castle, Roy V., Cpl
Donegan, John B., S/Sgt
Boyd, Ewell V., T/Sgt
Forbes, Robert W., S/Sgt
Asmus, George D., Sgt
A/C No. 42-64508
Wetherbee, Dana A., Jr., 2Lt
Crider, Claude M., Jr., 2Lt
O’Toole, Francis X., 2Lt
McKee, Paul L., S/Sgt
Ehler, Leon J. H., S/Sgt
Tarr, Charles F., Jr., Sgt
446th BS War Diary: Mission today. Two large mail calls today. Lt. Col. Olmstead
took command of Group today.
Olmstead, Charles T., Lt Col, pilot, HQ 321st BG
446th BS Mission Summary: (Ops Order 169/mission 168) Group Mission # 170:
Squadron Mission 135
TARGET: Split, Yugoslavia.
DATE: 13 Dec.1943
Type of Bombs: 500#
446th Planes: 6
Lt. Beeson, 447th Sqdn, led the formation. Target was well covered and explosions and
black smoke were observed. Hits were made on mole and fire was seen on the shore.
Observation was impaired by cloud. No flak and no fighters. Lt. Wright was forced to
return because of low oil pressure.
Beeson, Ellwood H. “Buck”, 1Lt, pilot, 447th BS
A/C No. 41-30551 “Pink Lady”
Braswell, Thomas J., 2Lt
Holt, Robert L., 2Lt
Milner, Walter C., S/Sgt
Rockafellow, Alfred A., S/Sgt
Leahy, Richard P. “Dick”, T/Sgt
Martin, Edward F., Sgt
A/C No. 42-64599 “Old 99 - PLUTO Pee Wee”
P Brady, Joseph J., 1Lt
CP Abraham, Frank W., 2Lt
N None
B Mastroianni, Henry L., 2Lt
E Brawn, Jean H., Cpl
R Spoerl, Harry C., Sgt
G Thomas, Patrick (NMI), Sgt
F None
A/C No. 41-12963 “Missouri Waltz”
Fetterly, Orville D., 2Lt
Clark, Robert A., 2Lt
Plaine, Robert J., S/Sgt
Carstens, Clarence H. “Rusty”, S/Sgt
Fontenot, V. L. (i.o.) T/Sgt
Schultheis, Thomas R., Sgt
Blake, Charles H., S/Sgt
A/C No. 42-64526 “Patches” (returned
early – low oil pressure)
Wright, Theodore O., 2Lt
Bsharah, Phillip (NMI), 2Lt
Gawrada, Gabriel P., 2Lt
Motika, John F., Sgt
Higgins, Thomas T., T/Sgt
Bonacich, Matthew G., Sgt
Monday, 13 December 1943 (continued)
A/C No. 41-13200
Elliott, Roger L., 2Lt
Farrell, Joseph R., 2Lt
Pappas, William J., 2Lt
Warner, Harold W., S/Sgt
McMahon, Francis D., T/Sgt
Mitchell, John C., Sgt
A/C No. 42-32317 “Pennsylvania
Topham, Arthur H., 2Lt
Ryder, David (NMI), 2Lt
Nicklaus, George Edward “Nick”, 2Lt
Pilcher, Byron E., S/Sgt
Nieman, John W., Pvt
Holtzclaw, James Ralph, PFC
446th BS: War Diary of: Walker, Dale F., 2Lt, pilot: “This has been more or less a day
of rest. We ate took it easy – we cleaned up the tent this morning, took a shower &
washed my head. We then ate dinner and then another pilot – Brellenthin & I went into
Foggia. We went to a show – Johny Apales, then to the Red Cross to try to find Watkins
& some of the old gang, but no luck – So until tomorrow.”
Brellenthin, Harold R., 2Lt, pilot
447th BS War Diary: Last night, around twelve o’clock we had two short alerts. The
sound of the siren and the shots by the area guards brought the boys out of their bed into
the foxholes. Last night Lt. Haeberle had an accident while driving a jeep from here to
Manfredonia. A piece of toilet-paper blew up against his face from the floor of the jeep
thereby shutting off his vision just as he was approaching a G.I. truck. He lost control of
the jeep and ran into the truck, knocking off the right front wheel of the jeep. Lt.
Haeberle was taken to the hospital but injuries sustained were not serious. Three femmes
of the Army N.C. graced the officers mess for a roast-beef feed at supper. The gals were
guests of Lt. Becker.
Beeson, Ellwood H. “Buck”, 1Lt, pilot
Haeberle, John H., 1Lt, pilot
447th BS Mission Summary: (Ops Order 169/mission 168) Group Mission # 170: The
target bombed today was Split, Italy—a third alternate. 6 of our ships participated.
Results: fair. Our ships led the formation, Lt. Beeson leading.
A/C No. 41-13175 “The Saint Myrtle
P Hanlon, James Augustus, Jr., 1Lt
CP Davies, Robert G., 2Lt
N None
B Zacharya, Andrew (NMI), Sgt
E Fiorello, Thomas R. “Tom”, S/Sgt
R Wadlow, Verlin L., S/Sgt
G Reilly, James M., Sgt
F None
A/C No. 41-29775 “Double Trouble”
Joiner, Harold W., 2Lt
Trevor, Graham J., 2Lt
McCormick, Donald Patrick, 2Lt
Baringer, Paul S., S/Sgt
Czaja, Marion L., S/Sgt
Manning, Hillard J., S/Sgt
Monday, 13 December 1943 (continued)
A/C No. 41-12997 “Southern Belle”
P Dunn, Robert P., 2Lt
CP Langston, Everett D., 2Lt
N None
B Davis, Donald A., S/Sgt
E Batteiger, James M., S/Sgt
R Kaufold, Adolph (NMI), S/Sgt
G Ludtke, Foster R., Cpl
F Lamoureau, Archille D., Sgt
A/C No. 41-13210 “Buckeye Cannon
P Beeson, Elwood H., 1Lt
CP Sampson, Raymond D. “Sammy”, Maj,
N Halloran, Robert F., 2Lt
B Mayben, Ernest P., Jr., 2Lt
E Cook, Gerritt C., S/Sgt
R Dexter, Harold H., S/Sgt
G Clausen, Ansgar E., S/Sgt
F None
A/C No. 41-29759 “Kentucky Ridge
Runner (returned early)
P Anderson, Lloyd G., 2Lt
CP Briskey, John F., Jr., 2Lt
N None
B Kingsley, Andrew L., 1Lt
E Tudor, Mathew S., S/Sgt
R Mellado, Ricardo (NMI), S/Sgt
G Schrader, Harold F., S/Sgt
F None
A/C No. 42-53371 “Death Wind”
Spikes, Robert F. “Bob”, 1Lt
Beebe, Harwood (NMI), Jr., 2Lt
Nowakowski, Joseph J., 2Lt
Iverson, Lewis B., S/Sgt
Kordzi, Joseph J., Jr., S/Sgt
Harmer, Harry B., S/Sgt
A/C No. 42-64694 “Yankee Girl”
Knodle, Robert A., 2Lt
Sholund, John D., 2Lt
Deane, George J., 2Lt
Mays, Jack C., S/Sgt
Moomaw, Otis W., S/Sgt
Roberts, Herman (NMI), S/Sgt
447th BS: War Diary of: Spikes, Robert F. “Bob”, 1Lt, pilot (mission 64)
TARGET: Shipping at Ancona-Giulianova Bridge. 2:20 Plane 371 (42-53371 “Death
Wind”) “Large fires seen on shore but observation impaired by clouds.” Flight leader
Lt. Beeson.
448th BS War Diary: (No non-mission information)
Monday, 13 December 1943 (continued)
448th BS Mission Summary: (Ops Order 169/mission 168) Group Mission # 170:
Mission 132 (170): At 10:30 twenty four B-25’s off to bomb target “O” & “F” in SPLIT,
Yugoslavia, none returned early. 24 dropped 130 x 500 bombs at 12:40 from 11,000 –
12,000 feet. All returned 13:40. Target “F” covered by string resulting in explosions and
several fires. “C” target not hit. Flak: No flak or E/F. Weather: 7/10th stratocumulus at
5,000 -8,000 preventing bombing of primary target and 1st alternate. Visibility unlimited
with 5/10 stratocumulus.
A/C No. 41-29967
Sowder, Tony R., Jr., F/O
Culp, Merle H., Capt
Kreutz, Alfred W., 2Lt
Daniels, John (NMI), Sgt
Allen, Clifford N., S/Sgt
Tudor, Owen M., Sgt
A/C No. 42-64519
King, James L., 2Lt
Crowell, Weymouth (NMI), Jr., 2Lt
Hammerschmidt, Harry E., S/Sgt
Schmidt, Walter I., S/Sgt
Marlow, Sterling H., S/Sgt
Davey, Joseph (NMI), Jr., S/Sgt
A/C No. 41-30327
Ennis, John H., Jr., 2Lt
Coffee, Robert D., 2Lt
Robert, Maurice L., S/Sgt
Coleman, Smith B., S/Sgt
McEntee, Peter M., S/Sgt
VanCura, Edward W., S/Sgt
A/C No. 41-30005 “The Duck”
Freeland, Levi B., Jr., 1Lt
Hicks, John T., 2Lt
Patterson, L. J. (i.o.), Pvt
Mauder, Charles J., Cpl
Riss, Royal C., S/Sgt
Sipos, Paul A., S/Sgt
Buckles, Kenneth L., Sgt
A/C No. 42-64655
Boatwright, John S., 1Lt
Eddy, Willard B., Jr., 2Lt
Scopp, Richard W., 2Lt
Skeahan, Thomas Joseph, Jr., 2Lt
Currie, James L., S/Sgt
House, Harry H., S/Sgt
Jeffrey, Louis J., Cpl
A/C No. 41-30355
Gouge, David J., 2Lt
Moss, Raymond W., 2Lt
Braun, Joseph M., T/Sgt
Gebhardt, Ralph J., T/Sgt
Pitts, Donald W., S/Sgt
Bennett, Ross F., S/Sgt
A/C No. 41-12926 “Hawkeye”
Bates, Willie L., F/O
Cooper, James W., 2Lt
Blevins, Amos M., S/Sgt
Johnson, Joe Morris, Sgt
Coleman, Seaton L., Sgt
Holguin, Renato (NMI) “Cisco”, S/Sgt
Tuesday, 14 December 1943
321st Bomb Group Headlines:
Tuesday, 14 December 1943 (continued)
USAAF Chronology: MTO Tactical Operations (12th AF):
In Italy, medium bombers hit Orte, concentrating on the marshalling
yard; light bombers attack road bridge SW of Pontecorvo in front of US Fifth Army lines;
P-40 fighter-bombers hit bridges S of Roccasecca and E of Atina; A-36's destroy a bridge
at Ceprano and bomb railroad yards, the town area, and highway at Sora, and docks and
town area of Civitavecchia.
HQ 321st BG War Diary:
No mission.
445th BS War Diary: The roar of many B-17’s taking off woke the men this morning.
Mail that had come in late last night, was available for distribution right after breakfast
this morning. Luxury rations were distributed to the men from 11 to 3 today. They were
free of charge. More mail arrived in the afternoon. At long last it appears that the
Christmas mail is starting to come in and the men look forward to each day in the hope of
“cashing in” on their Xmas packages. It rained on and off in early afternoon. The night
was very dark and cold.
446th BS War Diary: No Missions. Good weather here but mission cancelled. Shows
almost every night at group helps morale greatly.
446th BS: War Diary of: Walker, Dale F., 2Lt, pilot: “We have had bad weather today.
It seems that we might have lots of rainy weather from now on. We got as far as in the
planes and ready to take off before the mission was ordered closed. We certainly have a
lot of missions & bombing to do to finish this affair of ours here. The sooner the quicker
for me. We certainly have enough flying groups here so I hope its over soon. So long.”
447th BS War Diary: Mission cancelled. At 1700 yesterday Col. Knapp called together
all combat men in the Group. They met in the granary-movie house. Col. Knap bid
farewell to the 321st Bomb Group as he was about to leave for another position.
Knapp, Robert Duane, Sr., Col, 321st BG Commander
447th BS Special Accounts: The eve of December 14 marked the opening of our
squadron N.C.O. club. This club is an independent and self-supporting organization. The
club room is truly one of which every member is proud. The interior has an appearance
of a present-day U.S. bar which might easily have been sprinkled with a dash of a
sixteenth century drawing room. The oil paintings, upholstered furniture, full-length
mirrors etc, all tend to give the impression that this is not just another Sloppy Joe affair.
A wide variety of wines, rum, brandy and whiskey is on sale. No money is handled
across the bar but each customer presents a ticket, good for five dollars in trade, which is
punched in accordance with the price of the drink. Bartenders are chosen from an
alphabetical roster. Two men work per night. Everything has gotten off to a grand start
and everyone feels certain man a long winter evening will pass quickly and pleasantly for
those who patronize the club.
448th BS War Diary: No Entry
Wednesday, 15 December 1943
USAAF Chronology: MTO Tactical Operations (12th AF):
In Yugoslavia, B-25's bomb the airfield at Mostar and A-36 and P-40
fighter-bombers attack vessels, vehicles, and parked aircraft N and E of the Peljesac
Peninsula, near Mostar, and at the Zemonico landing ground. In Italy, B-25's and A-20's
bomb roads at Pontecorvo and N of Frosinone; fighter-bombers blast gun positions along
the US Fifth Army front.
HQ 321st BG War Diary: Most of the bombs fell south of the target with one possible
hit and several near misses on today’s mission to Pontecorvo road bridge. Several strings
of bombs fell across the road.
HQ 321st BG Communications Log:
0800 Asbury to BBF. “Check Alternate targets—O.K.”
0810 TBF to Asbury. “Do not brief, Stand-by—weather.”
0810 Col. Knapp to Asbury. “Wants A/C with CP and E for 0930 take off to Naples.”
0825 A.C.C. to Asbury. “Hit target, climb above weather to get there.”
0900 TBF to Asbury. “Change rendezvous time to 1145.”
0930 TBF to Asbury. “Check rendezvous time and “flare system”—O.K.”
1045 Operator to Bradley. “Yellow Alert.”
1050 Operator to Bradley. “Alert off.”
1305 Bradley to TBF. “Bombed primary. TBF wants to know whether or not Flight
Leader received call from Bomber Control on “C” Channel.”
1317 Tower to Toohey. “All 24 mission A/C down, first one in at 1245.”
1335 Bradley to TBF. “Hits along road and near bridge, no hits on bridge.”
1400 2nd B.G. to Asbury. “B-17’s will return at 1515.”
1425 Cann to Asbury. “How about weather around target area—Army reports that we
bombed 5 miles W of target.”
1500 Asbury to Cann. “Save weather report. Cann asked how many 1000’s we can
get. Explained situation as regards target.”
1515 TBF to Asbury. “Probably 24 A/C with 1000’s.”
1520 Asbury to Jamison (Ordnance). “Check with TBF and get some 1000’s.”
1535 Asbury to Sqdns. “Notified of A/C desired.”
1540 Cann (TBF) to Asbury. “Load 24 A/C with 500’s—Ordnance notified.”
1800 TBF to Larson. “2 formations of 12 A/C with 500’s .1 and .025. Stand-By for
0830 briefing.”
Primary: German Troops and Store in town of BIHAC. 44° 49’ N 15° 53’ E. No
photo coverage.
1st Alternate: SIBENIK. Shipping or Wharf. Warf from S38 to V41 and ZC 46
to ZC 48 on target chart S-39 (1).
Forecast: Favorable after midday. May move to Italy.
Alt. (1). Station DIORTE. M/Y’s photo # 4073 sortie #NA 762. 12 A/C on N.
end and 12 A/C on the S end.
Wednesday, 15 December 1943 (continued)
HQ 321st BG Mission Summary: (Ops Order 170/mission 169) Group Mission # 171:
-----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Mission Report # 171, 15 December 1943
1. 321st Bombardment Group (M).
2. At 1055 - 24 B-25’s took off to bomb road bridge at Pontecorvo. One returned early.
At 1210 hours 23 planes dropped 62x1000 lb bombs with .01 nose fusing from
10,500/11,500 ft. 23 returned at 1245 hours. Axis of attack 50°. 8 A/C holed.
3. RESULTS: Most hits S of target area with one possible hit on bridge and several
near misses. Strings fell across roads running SE and SW from town with on string
about a mile over into NE part of town.
Air--------- 2 S/S E/A seen near target – engaged by escort.
Air-Ground-6/8 S/E and 5 large E/A on L/G Aquino.
Flak--------H.I to moderate – around target area – mostly from SE and SW of town.
Elsewhere: Some heavy from coast going in just NE of lake at Terracina,
near Fondi, and gun emplacement observed ½ mile N of Sperlonga M5296 – along road. Also in valley between Cassino and Cervaro – heavy,
Enroute: Clouds: 6/10 cumulus at 5,000 ft. Visibility: unlimited.
Target: Clouds none, Visibility: Hazy, 8 miles.
Return: Same as enroute.
6. None.
Flight leaders: Lts. Brosnan, Captain Chappell.
Number of sorties---23
Photos taken.
Capt., Air Corps,
Ass’t Intelligence Officer
-----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------445th BS War Diary: The men enjoyed delicious French toast for breakfast this
morning. There was a yellow alert this morning but it only lasted for three minutes.
There were no enemy planes seen. The various “Do What’s Right” signs in the area are
being noted with some curiosity by the men in the Squadron. A truck loaded down with
plenty of bags of mail backed up to the mail room this morning and unloaded its precious
burden. The packages were distributed in the afternoon from 4 to 5. There were rigid
inspections of all aircraft machine guns on the line today. Due to a faulty energizer, there
were no lights in the area tonight.
Wednesday, 15 December 1943 (continued)
445th BS Mission Summary: (Ops Order 170/mission 169) Group Mission # 171:
A/C No. 42-64659
Williamson, Loyd V., F/O
Crider, Claude M., Jr., 2Lt
Poranda, Michael A., Cpl
Cross, Vassil W., S/Sgt
Stein, Louis (NMI), S/Sgt
Beaudware, Leo J., Sgt
A/C No. 42-64575
Haegele, Frederick G., 1Lt
Carney, James Bernard, 2Lt
Paduana, Joseph A., 2Lt
Whittaker, Robert N., 2Lt
Hetland, Arthur M., Jr., Pvt
Townsend, Charles A., S/Sgt
Smith, James B., S/Sgt
A/C No. 41-12924 “Patricia”
P House, Robert M., 2Lt
CP Walker, Robert S., 2Lt
N None
B Miller, Robert J., Jr., S/Sgt
E Dillon, James A., Sgt
R DiPietrantonio, Joseph N., S/Sgt
G Herrman, Byard G., Sgt
F None
A/C No. 41-30550 “Hetties Pride and
Kailer, William Frederick “Bill”, 2Lt
Pamp, Arvid A., 2Lt
Underwood, James H., Jr., 2Lt
Chambers, Jimmie (NMI), Pvt
Clark, Thomas J., T/Sgt
Hannon, Robert P., S/Sgt
A/C No. 42-64527 “Sycamore 1½
Vallery, Dean B., F/O
Wetherbee, Dana A., Jr., 2Lt
O’Toole, Francis X., 2Lt
Belt, Hunter C., S/Sgt
Maddox, Richard L., S/Sgt
Irvin, Ralph D., Sgt
A/C No. 41-13179 “Booger”
Strenger, Marshall C., 1Lt
Knapp, Charles R., 2Lt
Castle, Roy V., Cpl
Donegan, John B., S/Sgt
Stone, Donald R., S/Sgt
Forbes, Robert W., Sgt
Cheosky, Alexander A., Cpl
446th BS War Diary: Another mission today. Twenty bags of mail today satisfied
almost everyone.
446th BS Mission Summary: (Ops Order 170/mission 169) Group Mission # 171:
Squadron Mission 136
TARGET: Pontecorvo, Italy
DATE: 15 Dec.1943
Type of Bombs: 1000#
446th Planes: 6
Lt. Brosnan, 448th Sqdn, led the formation. Most bombs hit south of target area, with
possible hit on bridge and several near misses. Some fell across roads outside of town,
and northeastern part of town. Flak was heavy, intense, and 8 a/c were hit. 2 enemy
fighters were engaged by escort.
Brosnan, Cornelius C., 1Lt, pilot, 448th BS
Wednesday, 15 December 1943 (continued)
A/C No. 42-64551
P Klang, Irving E., 2Lt
CP Brellenthin, Harold Ray, 2Lt
N None
B McCabe, Patrick T., 2Lt
E Pilcher, Byron E., S/Sgt
R Underwood, Ferrell E., T/Sgt
G Bonacich, Matthew G., Sgt
F None
A/C No. 41-30551 “Pink Lady”
P Rigling, Samuel (NMI), Jr., 2Lt
CP Holt, Robert L., 2Lt
N None
B Milner, Walter C., Sgt
E Rockafellow, Alfred A., S/Sgt
R Higgins, Thomas T., T/Sgt
G Martin, Edward F., Sgt
F Guzauskas, Frank (NMI), Cpl
A/C No. 41-13208
Elliott, Roger L., 2Lt
Farrell, Joseph R., 2Lt
Nicklaus, George Edward “Nick”, 2Lt
Warner, Harold W., S/Sgt
McMahon, Francis D., T/Sgt
DeBari, Dominick R., Sgt
A/C No. 41-12963 “Missouri Waltz”
Brady, Joseph J., 1Lt
Abraham, Frank W., 2Lt
Mastroianni, Henry L., 2Lt
Brawn, Jean H., Cpl
Spoerl, Harry C., Sgt
Thomas, Patrick (NMI), Sgt
A/C No. 42-64557 “Lady Betty”
Fetterly, Orville D., 2Lt
Clark, Robert A., 2Lt
Lantz, Daniel W., S/Sgt
Carstens, Clarence H. “Rusty”, S/Sgt
Fontenot, V. L. (i.o.), T/Sgt
Schultheis, Thomas R., Sgt
A/C No. 42-64599 “Old 99 - PLUTO Pee Wee”
Chappell, Howard L., Capt
Walker, Dale F., 2Lt
Schad, Harlan C., 2Lt
Brown, Newton E., 2Lt
Kaney, Oscar John, Jr., S/Sgt
Roulier, Edward T., S/Sgt
Fiebelkorn, Earl C., Sgt
446th BS: War Diary of: Kaney, Oscar John, Jr., S/Sgt, engineer-gunner (mission 44)
“# 44 Dec. 15, 1943
Time 2:30 Sqdn Mission # 136 Gr. Mission # 171
1000# demo
Pontecorvo, Italy
Formation Leader - Lt Brosnan
Results - Most hits S of target with 1 possible hit on bridge.
Remarks - Heavy intense to moderate flak. 2 E/A aircraft seen near target & engaged by
escort. 8 aircraft received flak holes.
Ship number - 42-64599 “Old 99 - PLUTO - Pee Wee”
P- Chappell, CP - Walker, N- Schad, B- Brown, E - Kaney, RG- Roulier, G -Fiebelkorn”
Brosnan, Cornelius C., 1Lt, pilot, 448th BS
Brown, Newton E., 2Lt, bombardier
Chappell, Howard L., Capt, pilot
Fiebelkorn, Earl C., Sgt, gunner
Kaney, Oscar John, Jr., S/Sgt, engineer-gunner Roulier, Edward T., S/Sgt, radio-gunner
Schad, Harlan C., 2Lt, navigator
Walker, Dale F., 2Lt, pilot
Wednesday, 15 December 1943 (continued)
446th BS: War Diary of: Walker, Dale F., 2Lt, pilot (mission 13)
“I flew another mission today – we carried this one on just above the line on the west
coast of Italy, we flew almost 12 minutes just 2 to 5 miles behind the line. We got an
important bridge out of the way – we used 1000 lb. bombs. There was lots of flak & 3
enemy fighters were supposed to have been seen – We all got back safe – all for now.”
447th BS War Diary: Last night at 1800 began the official opening of the N.C.O. club.
The furnishings of the club—chippendale furniture, oil paintings by Italian masters, fulllength mirrors etc. would be the envy of every night-club owner to say nothing of the
goodly variety of drinks. S/Sgt. J.H. Kellner returned form hospital. Cpl. J.F. Siebert
was taken to the hospital to be treated for and infection on leg resulting from a burn.
Kellner, Joseph H., S/Sgt, gunner
Siebert, Harold F., Cpl, mess
447th BS Mission Summary: (Ops Order 170/mission 169) Group Mission # 171: 6
of our ships participated in a raid on a railroad bridge at Pontecorvo, Italy. Results: Fair.
A/C No. 42-64600 “Lady Luck”
P Dunn, Robert P., 2Lt
CP Langston, Everett D., 2Lt
N None
B Davis, Donald A., S/Sgt
E Batteiger, James M., S/Sgt
R Kaufold, Adolph (NMI), S/Sgt
G Ludtke, Foster R., Cpl
F None
A/C No. 42-64546 “Jessie James”
P Beeson, Elwood H., 1Lt
CP Trevor, Graham J., 2Lt
N None
B Mayben, Ernest P., Jr., 2Lt
E Cook, Gerritt C., S/Sgt
R Dexter, Harold H., S/Sgt
G Clausen, Ansgar E., S/Sgt
F Hassett, Leo P., Sgt
A/C No. 42-64512 “Scotch & Soda”
P Knodle, Robert A., 2Lt
CP Sholund, John D., 2Lt
N None
B Deane, George J., 2Lt
E Mays, Jack C., S/Sgt
R Moomaw, Otis W., S/Sgt
G Roberts, Herman (NMI), S/Sgt
F None
A/C No. 42-64695
Joiner, Harold W., 2Lt
Vincent, Frederick W., III, 2Lt
McCormick, Donald Patrick, 2Lt
Baringer, Paul S., S/Sgt
Czaja, Marion L., S/Sgt
Manning, Hillard J., S/Sgt
A/C No. 42-32498 “Dumbo”
Bugbee, James Metcalf “Jim”, 1Lt
Briskey, John F., Jr., 2Lt
Halloran, Robert F., 2Lt
Nowakowski, Joseph J., 2Lt
Iverson, Lewis B., S/Sgt
O’Mara, Robert M., S/Sgt
Harmer, Harry B., S/Sgt
A/C No. 42-53371 “Death Wind”
Jahraus, Alfred B., 2Lt
Beebe, Harwood (NMI), Jr., 2Lt
Zacharya, Andrew (NMI), Sgt
Tudor, Mathew S., S/Sgt
Mellado, Ricardo (NMI), S/Sgt
Schrader, Harold F., Sgt
Wednesday, 15 December 1943 (continued)
448th BS War Diary: (No non-mission information)
448th BS Mission Summary: (Ops Order 170/mission 169) Group Mission # 171:
Mission # 133 (171): At 10:55 twenty-four B-25’s off to bomb road bridge at
Pontecorvo. One returned early. 23 planes dropped 62 x 1000 bombs from 10,500 –
11,500 feet at 12:10. All returned at 12:45. Most hits S of target area with 1 possible hit
on bridge and several near misses. Strings fell across roads running SE and SW from
town. 2 S/E E/A seen near target and engaged by escort. Flak: Heavy, intense to
moderate at target area and moderate elsewhere, fairly accurate. 8 ships hit. Weather:
6/10th coverage at 5,000 feet with visibility unlimited enroute. Hazy at target. F/L: Lt.
A/C No. 41-30005 “The Duck”
(returned early – bombsight out)
P Edmondson, Howard D., 2Lt
CP Tobias, William M., 2Lt
N None
B Bell, Robert C., 2Lt
E Schmidt, Walter I., S/Sgt
R Marlow, Sterling H., S/Sgt
G Davey, Joseph (NMI), Jr., S/Sgt
F Silver, George A., III, Capt (observer)
A/C No. 41-30343 (returned early –
pilot sick)
P McEvoy, John C., 2Lt
CP Jones, Truman R., 2Lt
N None
B McRee, Malcolm B., 2Lt
E Kerr, Daniel (NMI), S/Sgt
R Vizzacco, Rocco (NMI), Sgt
G Gately, Joseph A., Sgt
F None
A/C No. 42-64552
P Gouge, David J., 2Lt
CP Moss, Raymond W., 2Lt
N None
B Hammerschmidt, Harry E., S/Sgt
E Gebhardt, Ralph J., T/Sgt
R Pitts, Donald W., S/Sgt
G Bennett, Ross F., S/Sgt
F Kepford, Francis R., S/Sgt
A/C No. 41-30355 (returned early – copilot sick)
King, James L., 2Lt
Sandlin, Raymond H., F/O
Braun, Joseph M., T/Sgt
Carnathan, J. D. (i.o.), S/Sgt
House, Harry H., S/Sgt
Barry, Robert A., Jr., S/Sgt
A/C No. 41-12995 “Charlie’s Aunt”
Eddy, Willard B., Jr., 2Lt
Crowell, Weymouth (NMI), Jr., 2lt
Robert, Maurice L., S/Sgt
Daniels, John (NMI), Sgt
Allen, Clifford N., S/Sgt
Tudor, Owen M., Sgt
A/C No. 41-30352
Freeland, Levi B., Jr., 1Lt
Hicks, John T., 2Lt
Patterson, L. J. (i.o.), Pvt
Mauder, Charles J., Cpl
Mauder, Charles J., Cpl
Sipos, Paul A., S/Sgt
Wednesday, 15 December 1943 (continued)
A/C No. 42-64655
P Brosnan, Cornelius G., 2Lt
CP Bell, Albert R., Commander
N Perry, Lawrence A., 2Lt
B Blake, Thomas L., 2Lt
E Rude, Norman J., S/Sgt
R Lard, Claude F., S/Sgt
G Jeffrey, Louis J., Cpl
F None
A/C No. 41-30327
Bates, Willie L., F/O
Cooper, Richard J., 2Lt
Blevins, Amos M., S/Sgt
Johnson, Joe Morris, Sgt
Coleman, Seaton L., Sgt
VanCura, Edward W., S/Sgt
Thursday, 16 December 1943
USAAF Chronology: MTO Tactical Operations (12th AF):
In Yugoslavia, B-25's bomb shipping at Zara and the harbor and
marshalling yard at Sibenik; P-40's and P-47's hit a vessel S of Zara and strafe targets of
opportunity on the Peljesac Peninsula.
In Italy, A-20's attack gun positions near Mignano; P-40's and A-36's
hit gun batteries and strongpoints along the British Eighth Army front S and E of Chieti,
gun emplacements and troop concentrations all along the US Fifth Army front, especially
NE and S of Cassino, and also bomb Roccasecca and docks at Civitavecchia.
HQ 321st BG War Diary: Today’s mission was aimed at troop concentrations in the
town of Bihac. The target area was well covered with several direct hits seen on the
assigned target, the east quay. A string of bombs fell along the south edge of town and
probable hits were made on marshalling yards, and highway with one large fire seen near
the marshalling yards. The west quay was also hit and the highway running along the
waterfront was hit near and to the right of the dock target. It was announced today that
Lt. Colonel Olmsted assumed command of the Group, effective as of December 6, 1943
and that Colonel Knapp was transferred to Tactical Bomber Forces as of the same date to
assume the duties of Deputy Commander.
Knapp, Robert Duane, Sr., Col, pilot, Commander
Olmstead, Charles T., Lt Col, pilot, Commander
HQ 321st BG Mission Summary: (Ops Order 171/mission 170) Group Mission # 172:
-----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Mission Report # 172, 16 December 1943
1. 321st Bombardment Group (M).
2. At 1130 - 24 B-25’s took off to bomb troop concentrations in town of Bihac. None
returned early. 24 dropped 132x500 lb and 3x1000 lb bombs with .025 nose fusing at
1315 from 11,500 ft on alternate target of Sibenik. 24 returned at 1400. Axis of
attack 130°.
3. RESULTS: Target area well covered. Several direct hits on East quay (assigned
target) from ZC 45 to ZP 48. String of bombs along S edge of town from Q 37 to Z
47. Probable hits on M/Yds and highway Q 37 to W 44. 1 large fire reported near
RR M/Yd. West quay also hit. Highway running along waterfront hit to right of
dock target at ZC 49.
Air--------- None.
Marine-----1 M/V 300’ long stationary at mouth of River Krka, north of Sibenik. 1
medium M/V anchored off Murter Island, on fire, 6 miles north of
Sibenik. 1 M/V medium at ZE 42. I M/V at ZN 42 part of harbor. 3 M/V
small anchored between east and west quays. 1 ship burning south of
Vodice. 1 tanker 200’ anchored off M/Yd to the south.
Thursday, 16 December 1943 (continued)
Flak--------Heavy, moderate, intense, inaccurate.
5. Weather Enroute:
Clouds: 5/10 stratocumulus over water at 3,000 becoming 7/10 stratocumulus as
formation proceeded inland. This overcast prevented bombing of primary
target. Visibility: Hazy, 10 miles.
Weather over alternate Target:
Visibility: Hazy, 10 miles.
Weather on route back:
Clouds: 5/10 cirrostratus at 20,000 feet.
Visibility: Hazy, 10 miles.
6. Flight leaders: Lieutenants Haegele, Spikes.
Number of sorties: 24
Photos taken. Six ships per Squadron
Capt., Air Corps,
Intelligence Officer
-----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------445th BS War Diary: There was a technical inspector looking over the engineering
section today and more inspections were held concerning the aircraft machine guns. A
plane was sent to Grottaglie today to bring back old 434, a Squadron plane whose right
landing gear had crumpled after one of the Athens Eleusis missions. The American Red
Cross distributed doughnuts and coffee this afternoon. More mail and packages arrived
in late afternoon. The men enjoyed a delicious supper of boiled ham. A number of the
combat crews are receiving three day passes lately. The night was cold and very clear
with a bright moon illuminating the area.
445th BS Mission Summary: (Ops Order 171/mission 170) Group Mission # 172:
A/C No. 42-64659
Strenger, Marshall C., 1Lt
Crider, Claude M., Jr., 2Lt
Poranda, Michael A., Cpl
Cross, Vassil W., Jr., S/Sgt
Stein, Louis (NMI), Jr., S/Sgt
Beaudware, Leo J., S/Sgt
A/C No. 41-30550 “Hetties Pride and
Haegele, Frederick G., 1Lt
Pamp, Arvid A., 2Lt
Paduana, Joseph A., 2Lt
Walsh, Frank J., 2Lt
Laird, Ellsworth A., Jr. S/Sgt
Gallaher, Dewitt C., T/Sgt
Boyette, Roy E., S/Sgt
Thursday, 16 December 1943 (continued)
A/C No. 41-13202 “Idaho Lassie”
P House, Robert M., 2Lt
CP Walker, Robert S., 2Lt
N None
B Castle, Roy V., Cpl
E Dillon, James A., Sgt
R DiPietrantonio, Joseph N., S/Sgt
G Calvert, Murley E., S/Sgt
F Cheosky, Alexander A., Cpl
A/C No. 41-13207 “Oh 7”
P Williamson, Loyd V., F/O
CP Knapp, Charles R., 2Lt
N None
B Anderson, Melvin Anders “Andy”, 2Lt
E Donegan, John B., S/Sgt
R Bixby, Jack H., S/Sgt
G Orr, William J., Sgt
F None
A/C No. 41-13179 “Booger”
Vallery, Dean B., F/O
Carney, James Bernard, 2Lt
Stokes, Oliver O., Cpl
Belt, Hunter C., S/Sgt
Stone, Donald R., S/Sgt
Irvin, Ralph D., Sgt
446th BS War Diary: And still more mail. Mission again today. Very good results.
446th BS Mission Summary: (Ops Order 171/mission 170) Group Mission # 172:
Squadron Mission 137
TARGET: Sibenik, Yugoslavia.
DATE: 16 Dec.1943
Type of Bombs: 500 #
446th Planes: 6
Lt. Haegele, 445 Sqdn, led the formation. Target was well covered. Several direct hits
on E quay and also on W quay. Probable hits on M/Y, and S edge of town. Waterfront
highway was also hit. Flak was heavy and intense, no fighters.
Haegele, Frederick G., 2Lt, pilot, 445th BS
A/C No. 42-64511 “The Madam 2 of
St. Joe”
P Tapper, George G., 2Lt
CP Dickson, Gale Monroe, 2Lt
N Phillips, Lowell G., 2Lt
B Cooper, Lester L., 2Lt
E Hanley, James (NMI), Jr., S/Sgt
R Ramirez, Zenon (NMI), Jr., S/Sgt
G Velarde, Servando J., Jr., Sgt
F None
A/C No. 41-13200
Davison, William R., 2Lt
Brellenthin, Harold Ray, 2Lt
Nicklaus, George Edward “Nick”, 2lt
Wuotila, Benjamin R., S/Sgt
Valenti, Alfio P., S/Sgt
Brooks, Gaylen B., S/Sgt
Thursday, 16 December 1943 (continued)
A/C No. 42-64551
P Klang, Irving E., 2Lt
CP Holt, Robert L., 2Lt
N None
B Mastrioanni, Henry L., 2Lt
E Pilcher, Byron E., S/Sgt
R Underwood, Ferrel E., T/Sgt
G Bonacich, Matthew G., Sgt
F None
A/C No. 42-32317 “Pennsylvania
P Topham, Arthur H., 2Lt
CP Ryder, David (NMI), 2Lt
N None
B Plaine, Robert J., S/Sgt
E Brawn, Jean H., Cpl
R Nieman, John W., Pvt
G Holtzclaw, James Ralph, PFC
F Blake, Charles H., S/Sgt
A/C No. 42-64520 “Duchess” (spare –
not completed)
P Russell, Burton E., 2Lt
CP Walker, Dale F., 2Lt
N None
B Shepard, Eugene D., 2Lt
E Langan, Charles H., S/Sgt
R Cohen, George (NMI), S/Sgt
G DeBari, Dominick R., Sgt
F None
A/C No. 42-32446 “Mascot”
Wright, Theodore O., 2Lt
Bsharah, Phillip (NMI), 2Lt
Parrish, William W., Cpl
Motika, John F., Sgt
Kendall, Charles C. “Spike”, T/Sgt
Brandoff, Daniel (NMI), Pvt
A/C No. 41-13208
Elliott, Roger L., 2Lt
Farrell, Joseph R., 2Lt
Gawrada, Gabriel P., 2Lt
Warner, Harold W., S/Sgt
McMahon, Francis D., T/Sgt
Samsel, John C., Sgt
446th BS: War Diary of: Walker, Dale F., 2Lt, pilot: “We barely got started on a
mission today, in Yugoslavia – but we had to return back, all the rest of the planes got
through O.K. We are working quite hard between work and air raids keeping us awake
at night we’re getting along OK. So Good night.”
447th BS War Diary: First Lieutenants R.F. Spikes, J.M. Bugbee, E.H. Beeson received
word of their being promoted to Captain. Today the ship flown by Capt. Beeson had one
engine to cut out on it about ten minutes off shore on the trip home. However, this did
not cause injury to any member of the crew as Capt. Beeson had no trouble in bringing
the ship back and landing it with only one engine functioning. Spec. Order #13 dated
Dec. 6 appeared on bulletin board today reading: “The undersigned hereby assumes
command.” Charles T. Olmstead, Lt. Col., A.C.
Beeson, Ellwood H. “Buck”, Capt, pilot
Bugbee, James Metcalf “Jim”, Capt, pilot
Olmstead, Charles T., Lt Col, pilot, 321 BG Commander
Spikes, Robert F. “Bob”, Capt, pilot
Thursday, 16 December 1943 (continued)
447th BS Mission Summary: (Ops Order 171/mission 170) Group Mission # 172: 7
of our ships participated in a raid over Sibenik Harbor, Yugoslavia. Results: Fair.
A/C No. 42-53371 “Death Wind”
Spikes, Robert F. “Bob”, 1Lt
Beebe, Harwood (NMI), Jr., 2Lt
Halloran, Robert F., 2Lt
Mayben, Ernest P., Jr., 2Lt
Penson, Ralph D., S/Sgt
Ennis, Edward Charles “Salvo”, S/Sgt
Armstrong, Robert E., S/Sgt
A/C No. 41-13181 “The Sophisticated
Bugbee, James Metcalf “Jim”, 1Lt
Briskey, John F., Jr., 2Lt
Zacharya, Andrew (NMI), Sgt
Tudor, Mathew S., S/Sgt
Mellado, Ricardo (NMI), S/Sgt
Schrader, Harold F., S/Sgt
A/C No. 41-30557
Dunn, Robert P., 2Lt
Langston, Everett D., 2Lt
Davis, Delbert D., S/Sgt
Monroe, Delore E., S/Sgt
Kaufold, Adolph (NMI), S/Sgt
Harmer, Harry B., S/Sgt
A/C No. 41-30538 “Shad Rack You
Done Crapped Again” (spare – not
Anderson, Lloyd G., 2Lt
Davies, Robert G., 2Lt
Blumenfeld, Philip I., 2Lt
Iverson, Lewis B., S/Sgt
Wadlow, Verlin L., S/Sgt
Reilly, James M., Sgt
A/C No. 42-64694 “Yankee Girl”
Knodle, Robert A., 2Lt
Sholund, John D., 2Lt
Deane, George J., 2Lt
Mays, Jack C. S/Sgt
Moomaw, Otis W., S/Sgt,
Roberts, Herman (NMI), S/Sgt
A/C No. 41-29775 “Double Trouble”
Joiner, Harold W., 2Lt
Vincent, Frederick W., III, 2Lt
McCormick, Donald Patrick, 2Lt
Baringer, Paul S., S/Sgt
Kellner, Joseph H., S/Sgt
Manning, Hillard J., S/Sgt
A/C No. 42-64546 “Jessie James”
Beeson, Elwood H., 1Lt
Trevor, Graham J., 2Lt
Nowakowski, Joseph J., 2Lt
Cook, Gerritt C., S/Sgt
Dexter, Harold H., S/Sgt
Clausen, Ansgar E., S/Sgt
Statham, Alvin F., Cpl
Thursday, 16 December 1943 (continued)
447th BS: War Diary of: Spikes, Robert F. “Bob”, 1Lt, pilot (mission 64)
TARGET: Troops at Bihac-Alternate Sibenik
2:30 Plane 371 (42-53371 “Death
Wind”) “Sibenik bombed. Target well covered. Probable hits on M/Y and highway.
One large fire near M/Y. W quay hit.” Flight leader Captain Spikes.
448th BS War Diary: (No non-mission information)
448th BS Mission Summary: (Ops Order 171/mission 170) Group Mission # 172:
Mission # 134 (172): At 11:30 twenty four planes off to bomb troop concentration in
town of Bihac. None returned early and all dropped 132 x 500 bombs and 3 x 1000
bombs at 13:50 from 11,500 feet on alternate target of SIBENIK. All returned at 14:00.
Target well covered, several direct hits on E quay probable hits on M/Y, one large fire
reported. Highway along water front and W quay hit. Flak: Heavy, intense accurate.
Weather: 7/10th Cumulus prevented bombing of primary target, hazy at alternate.
A/C No. 41-30355
P King, James L., 2Lt
CP Hicks, John T., 2Lt
N None
B Braun, Joseph M., T/Sgt
E Carnathan, J. D. (i.o.), S/Sgt
R House, Harry H., S/Sgt
G Barry, Robert A., Jr., S/Sgt
F Buckles, Kenneth L., Sgt
A/C No. 42-64552
P Cassels, Richard E., 2Lt
CP Sowder, Tony R., Jr., F/O
N Scopp, Richard W., 2Lt
B Evans, Ivor P., 2Lt
E Schmidt, Walter I., S/Sgt
R Marlow, Sterling H., S/Sgt
G Davey, Joseph (NMI), Jr., S/Sgt
F None
A/C No. 41-30343
P Jones, Truman R., 2Lt
CP Cooper, James W., 2Lt
N None
B Bell, Robert C., 2Lt
E Johnson, Roy C., S/Sgt
R Vizzacco, Rocco (NMI), Sgt
G Coleman, Seaton L., Sgt
F None
A/C No. 41-30005 “The Duck”
Eddy, Willard B., Jr., 2Lt
Coffee, Robert D., 2Lt
Robert, Maurice L., PFC
Daniels, John (NMI), Sgt
Allen, Clifford N., S/Sgt
Tudor, Owen M., Sgt
A/C No. 41-30352
Bates, Willie L., F/O
Moss, Raymond W., 2Lt
Blevins, Amos M., S/Sgt
Johnson, Joe Morris, Sgt
Robertshaw, David F., S/Sgt
VanCura, Edward W., Sgt
A/C No. 41-30327
Freeland, Levi B., Jr., 1Lt
Tobias, William M., 2Lt
Patterson, L. J. (i.o.), Pvt
Mauder, Charles J., Cpl
Riss, Royal C., S/Sgt
Sipos, Paul A., S/Sgt
Thursday, 16 December 1943 (continued)
A/C No. 42-64655
Boatwright, John S., 1Lt
Crowell, Weymouth (NMI), Jr., 2Lt
Kreutz, Alfred W., 2Lt
Kerr, Daniel (NMI), S/Sgt
Pitts, Donald W., S/Sgt
Gately, Joseph A., Sgt
Friday, 17 December 1943
USAAF Chronology: MTO Tactical Operations (12th AF):
In Italy, A-20's strike an artillery concentration near Sant' Elia
Fiumerapido; All B-25 missions are abortive; A-36's and P-40 fighter-bombers bomb
positions at Monte Trocchio, Cervaro, and Cardito, and the marshalling yard, barracks,
warehouses, and docks at Nettuno and Anzio.
In Yugoslavia, P-40's and P-51's, with SAAF escort, strafe a vessel
near Trpanj.
HQ 321st BG War Diary: Today’s mission was a “dry-run”. The planes took off to
bomb Roccasecca road bridge but turned back without dropping bombs due to bad
HQ 321st BG Mission Summary: (Ops Order 172/mission 171) Group Mission # 173:
-----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Mission Report # 173, 17 December 1943
1. 321st Bombardment Group (M).
2. At 1150 hrs. 24 B-25’s took off to bomb road bridge at Roccasecca. None returned
early. None dropped their bombs. 24 A/C returned at 1350, due to weather over
coast of Italy.
3. None.
4. None.
5. Enroute----6/10 stratocumulus at 4000 feet with 8/10 alto cumulus at 11,000. Clouds
on bomb run at 9000 feet. Visibility hazy—6 miles.
Return-----5/10 strato at 4000 feet with 7/10 alto at 11,000 feet.
6. Flight leaders: Captain Sinclair and Lt. Tapper.
Number of sorties--------24.
No Photos taken.
Capt., Air Corps,
Intelligence Officer
-----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------445th BS War Diary: Captain Tipton returned to camp with six stitches in his nose
received yesterday when the jeep in which he and Lt. Craig were riding in collided with a
medium tank that had gone out of control. Lt. Craig jumped clear of the collision and
was unhurt. There was a flight to Cairo today which took 5 men from the 47th Fighter
Group to rest camp. Five of our men also went along. Another flight went to Algiers
taking Lt. McGee and Sgt. Garner on their way home. The air raid siren sounded at
12:30 but it was just a “dry run”. Christmas packages continue to flow in and more were
given out between 4 and 5. The men enjoyed a delicious beef supper tonight. It was an
exceptionally dark night tonight and very chilly.
Craig, Harry W., 2Lt, armament
Garner, Argyle R., T/Sgt, radio-gunner
McGee, William N., 2Lt, pilot
Tipton, Richard Pike "Tip", Capt, pilot
Friday, 17 December 1943 (continued)
445th BS Mission Summary: (Ops Order 172/mission 171) Group Mission # 173:
A/C No. 41-13202 “Idaho Lassie”
Kaschenback, Carl E. “Kasch”, Jr., 2Lt
Strenger, Marshall C., 1Lt
Greenblatt, Milton H., 2Lt
Haney, T. J., S/Sgt
Schuster, S. E., S/Sgt
Calvert, Murley E., S/Sgt
A/C No. 41-30354
Williamson, Loyd V., F/O
Knapp, Charles R., 2Lt
Poranda, Michael A., Cpl
Hetland, Arthur M., Jr., PFC
Bixby, Jack H., S/Sgt
Tarr, Charles F., Jr., Sgt
Cheosky, Alexander A., Cpl
A/C No. 41-13179 “Booger”
P Carney, James Bernard, 2Lt
CP Vallery, Dean B., F/O
N None
B Stokes, Oliver O., Cpl
E Jones, Robert C., Pvt
R Ehler, Leon J. H., S/Sgt
G Reddy, John E., S/Sgt
F None
A/C No. 41-13207 “Oh 7”
Neumann, Robert H., 2Lt
Lorton, Harold E. “Turk”, 2Lt
Underwood, James H., Jr., 2Lt
Rose, J. W., S/Sgt
Marcoulier, William A., Sgt
Ellison, Clyde (NMI), Cpl
A/C No. 42-64527 “Sycamore 1½
Wetherbee, Dana A., Jr., 2Lt
Crider, Claude M., Jr. 2Lt
O’Toole, Francis X., 2Lt
Cross, Vassil W., Jr., S/Sgt
Stein, Phillip (NMI), S/Sgt
Beaudware, Leo J., Sgt
A/C No. 42-64667 “Wet Dreams”
House, Robert M., 2Lt
Walker, Robert S., 2Lt
Castle, Roy V., Cpl
Schaviak, Willis M., Sgt
Carner, Donald E., Cpl
Hannon, Robert P., S/Sgt
445th BS: War Diary of: Seegmiller, Barnard H., Sgt, armament:
“Took my first flight in a B-17 this afternoon and enjoyed it greatly.
Found a Christmas package from Mother when I got down. It contained her picture and
I was depressed to see that she has aged greatly since I left. Still that same brave look in
her eyes. Loaded bomb tonight. Night is moonlit. Cold but no frost. Today I picked a
beautiful rose at a farmhouse and have it on the table in my canteen cup, but I see it is
wilting. I hate to have to throw it away.”
446th BS War Diary: Lt. Chas. McGuire left for Isle of Capri to assume another
position. He was formerly asst. operations officer. Lt. Owen Dwyer took over his
duties. More mail. Planes failed to reach target because of weather.
Dwyer, Owen V., 1Lt, armament
McGuire, Charles W., 2Lt, operations
Friday, 17 December 1943 (continued)
446th BS Mission Summary: (Ops Order 172/mission 171) Group Mission # 173:
Squadron Mission 138
TARGET: Roccasecca, Italy
DATE: 17 Dec.1943
Type of Bombs: 500#
446th Planes: 12
Lt. Tapper, 446 Sqdn, led the formation. Due to weather over the coast of Italy all
planes returned without reaching the target or dropping their bombs. No fighters or flak
and Lt. Topham returned because of a rough engine.
A/C No. 42-64557 “Lady Betty”
A/C No. 42-64526 “Patches”
McClelland, Alva L., 2Lt
P Bettinger, Howard P., 1Lt
Dickson, Gale Monroe, 2Lt
CP Brellenthin, Harold Ray 2Lt
N None
Brown, Newton E., 2Lt
B Plaine, Robert J., S/Sgt
Raffloer, Louis A., Jr., S/Sgt
E Wuotila, Benjamin R., S/Sgt
Haasch, George F., T/Sgt
R Valenti, Alfio P., S/Sgt
Samsel, John C., Sgt
G Brooks, Galen B., S/Sgt
F Guzauskas, Frank (NMI), Cpl
A/C No. 42-64599 “Old 99 - PLUTO - A/C No. 41-12963 “Missouri Waltz”
Pee Wee”
Fetterly, Orville D., 2Lt
P Brady, Joseph J., 1Lt
Clark, Robert A., 2Lt
CP Abraham, Frank W., 2Lt
N None
Rice, Sumner W., 2Lt
B Mastroianni, Henry L., 2Lt
Carstens, Clarence H. “Rusty”, S/Sgt
E Brawn, Jean H., Cpl
Fontenot, V. L. (i.o.), T/Sgt
R Spoerl, Harry C., Sgt
Schultheis, Thomas R., Sgt
Fiebelkorn, Earl C., Sgt
F None
A/C No. 42-32429 “Flamingo”
A/C No. 42-53377 “Flag Ship”
Tapper, George G., 1Lt
P Russell, Burton E., 2Lt
Davison, William R., 2Lt
CP Walker, Dale F., 2Lt
Springer, Luther B., Jr., 1Lt
N None
Robertson, Charles W., 2Lt
B Gawrada, Gabriel P., 2Lt
Knapp, Walter E., S/Sgt
E Langan, Charles H., S/Sgt
Beach, Louis A., T/Sgt
R Kent, Carl Hugh, T/Sgt
South, William R., S/Sgt
G DeBari, Dominick R., Sgt
F None
A/C No. 41-13208
A/C No. 42-32446 “Mascot”
Wright, Theodore O., 2Lt
P Elliott, Roger L., 1Lt
Bsharah, Phillip (NMI), 2Lt
CP Farrell, Joseph R., 2Lt
N None
Bahm, Linton A., PFC
B Pappas, William J., 2Lt
Motika, John F., Sgt
E Warner, Harold W., S/Sgt
Cohen, George (NMI), S/Sgt
R McMahon, Francis D., T/Sgt
Velarde, Servando J., Jr., Sgt
G Mitchell, John C., Sgt
F None
Friday, 17 December 1943 (continued)
A/C No. 41-30551 “Pink Lady”
Rigling, Samuel (NMI), Jr., 2Lt
Holt, Robert L., 2Lt
McCabe, Peter T., 2Lt
Rockafellow, Alfred A., S/Sgt
Kendall, Charles C. “Spike”, T/Sgt
Brandoff, Daniel (NMI), Pvt
A/C No. 41-13008
Knapp, Theodore A., 1Lt
Henson, Gerald J., 2Lt
Pestalozzi, Rudolph H. “Rudy”, 2Lt
Franc, John A., S/Sgt
Howe, Frank M., Jr., T/Sgt
Martin, Edward F., S/Sgt
A/C No. 41-30293
Klang, Irving E., 2Lt
Strom, Ernest M., 2Lt
Milner, Walter C., Sgt
Pilcher, Byron E., S/Sgt
Underwood, Ferrell E., T/Sgt
Bonacich, Matthew G., Sgt
A/C No. 41-30000 “Ruff Stuff”
(returned early – engine trouble)
Topham, Arthur H., 2Lt
Ryder, David (NMI), 2Lt
Nicklaus, George Edward “Nick”, 2Lt
Helisek, Paul A., S/Sgt
Nieman, John W., Cpl
Holtzclaw, James Ralph, PFC
446th BS: War Diary of: Walker, Dale F., 2Lt, pilot (mission 14)
“Another trip north of the line here in Italy, between Naples & Rome, we were trying for
an important bridge there, important to the Germans for supplies. The mission wasn’t
very complete but tomorrow is another day. Two of the fellows are over at the Bar. Rudy
& I have stayed here in the tent, fried us a couple of eggs apiece. & how we did enjoy it.
I’m going to write a letter or two, then to bed, I’m kinda tired. – OK?”
Letter Home: “We bought us some eggs from an Italian today so Rudy and I
stayed here at the tent tonight and fried us a couple of eggs apiece. Boy, what a treat!
That makes 4 eggs I have had in 3 months. They cost us 10 cents apiece.
The guns on the front don’t make too much noise tonight. Maybe I can get some
Pestalozzi, Rudolph H. "Rudy", 1Lt, bombardier
447th BS War Diary: Cpl. Fred Corbo promoted to Sgt.
Corbo, Fred J., Sgt, transportation
447th BS Mission Summary: (Ops Order 172/mission 171) Group Mission # 173: 2
of our planes were scheduled as spares today. One returned early as it was not needed.
The other completed the mission which was over road bridge near Roccasecca. Results:
very poor.
Friday, 17 December 1943 (continued)
A/C No. 41-12930 “SNAFU”
Trevor, Graham J., 2Lt
Langston, Everett D., 2Lt
Davis, Donald A., S/Sgt
Monroe, Delore E., S/Sgt
Moomaw, Otis W., S/Sgt
Crowell, James M., Jr., S/Sgt
A/C No. 41-13175 “The Saint Myrtle
Anderson, Lloyd G., 2Lt
Davies, Robert G., 2Lt
Paiton, Harold K., 2Lt
Blumenfeld, Philip I., 2Lt
Iverson, Lewis B., S/Sgt
Wadlow, Verlin L., S/Sgt
Reilly, James M., Sgt
448th BS War Diary: (No non-mission information)
448th BS Mission Summary: (Ops Order 172/mission 171) Group Mission # 173:
Mission # 135 (173): At 11:50 twenty four planes off to bomb road bridge at
ROCCASECCA. All dropped 57 x 1000 bombs and 12 x 500 bombs at 12:00 from
11,000 feet. All returned at 12:40. Bombs widely scattered with two hits on road bridge
and several on RR bridge, bombs fell on road of both sides of bridge. Flak: Intense,
heavy and accurate. Weather: 5/10th at 3,000 feet, visibility hazy. F/L: Capt. Culp.
Culp, Merle H., Capt, pilot
A/C No. 41-30327
P Ennis, John H., Jr., 2Lt
CP Sandlin, Raymond H., F/O
N None
B Braun, Joseph M., T/Sgt
E Johnson, Joe Morris, Sgt
R Riss, Royal C., S/Sgt
G VanCura, Edward W., Sgt
F Kepford, Francis R., S/Sgt
A/C No. 41-30352
P Jones, Truman R., 2Lt
CP Cooper, James W., 2Lt
N None
B Patterson, L. J. (i.o.), Pvt
E Johnson, Roy C., S/Sgt
R Vizzacco, Rocco (NMI), Sgt
G Coleman, Seaton L., S/Sgt
F None
A/C No. 41-30005 “The Duck”
Sowder, Tony R., Jr., F/O
Coffee, Robert D., 2Lt
McRee, Malcolm B., 2Lt
Daniels, John (NMI), Sgt
Allen, Clifford N., S/Sgt
Tudor, Owen M., Sgt
A/C No. 41-30355
Crowell, Weymouth (NMI), Jr., 2Lt
Doyle, Edward J., 2Lt
Blevins, Amos M., S/Sgt
Carnathan, J. D. (i.o.), S/Sgt
House, Harry H., S/Sgt
Barry, Robert A., Jr., S/Sgt
Friday, 17 December 1943 (continued)
A/C No. 41-30343
McEvoy, John C., 2Lt
Hicks, John T., 2Lt
Robert, Maurice L., Cpl
Kerr, Daniel (NMI), Sgt
Robertshaw, David F., S/Sgt
Gately, Joseph A., Sgt
Saturday, 18 December 1943
USAAF Chronology: MTO Tactical Operations (12th AF): Weather limits operations.
In Italy, P-40 fighter-bombers attack positions in Tollo, Canosa
Sannita, and Orsogna, and strafe a schooner off Trogir; A-36's hit defended areas near
Cassino and at Viticuso, a supply dump and gun emplacement near Tenacina, and
positions at Monte Trocchio.
HQ 321st BG War Diary:
No mission.
445th BS War Diary: The Christmas mail is at last coming in very regularly. Practically
every day, the mail Sergeant is flooded with a large number of Christmas packages. Due
to the large influx of these packages, a great deal of candy, cookies and fruit cake is
going the rounds. Appetites are varying inversely with the packages. The more
packages, the less appetite. The corned beef and cabbage for dinner, however, was
enjoyed by one and all. Very dull day with nothing of interest happening.
446th BS War Diary: No Missions. No mission but lots more mail.
446th BS: War Diary of: Walker, Dale F., 2Lt, pilot: “Just had another egg made into a
sandwich – what a treat, as now I’m ready to write a letter or two. We have had bad
weather today, so no mission, but if weather permits, will have one tomorrow. Wells &
Burns were over from the 340 Gp. Today, went to Foggia today, nothing there – all blew
up. So until tomorrow, Goodnight now.”
447th BS War Diary: Mission cancelled. Decoration of the officers club for the dance
tomorrow night is reaching completion. A Xmas tree with trimmings ranging from
cotton balls to beer bottles holds the lime light. Artist A.M. Holloway contributed a
masterpiece for the wall. Morning report for week ending Dec. 18: Officers—68;
Enlisted Men—254.
Holloway, Arthur M., 1Lt, navigator
448th BS War Diary: No Entry
Sunday, 19 December 1943
USAAF Chronology: MTO Tactical Operations (12th AF):
In Italy, B-25's bomb the Terni marshalling yard and the Orte
marshalling yard and airfield; A-20's attack road, bridge, and the town of Orte and hit
Cassino; P-40's bomb Orsogna, Sant' Elia Fiumerapido, and dump near Arce, and hit
shipping at Split, Trogir, and Solin, Yugoslavia. A-36's hit railroad and harbor area at
Civitavecchia, Italy.
HQ 321st BG War Diary: Roccasecca road bridge was again the target for today. The
bombs were widely scattered with hits reported on the railroad bridge and possible hits on
the road bridge. Bombs were observed to fall on the road at both ends of the road bridge,
and on southern approach to the railroad bridge.
HQ 321st BG Mission Summary: (Ops Order 173/mission 172) Group Mission # 174:
-----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Mission Report # 174, 19 December 1943
1. 321st Bombardment Group (M).
2. At 1050 hrs 24 B-25’s took off to bomb bridge at G-706260 at Roccasecca. None
returned early. 24 dropped 57x1000 lb bombs and 12x500 lb bombs at 1200 hrs from
11,000/12,000 feet. 24 returned at 1240. Axis of attack---60°
3. Bombs were widely scattered with two hits on road bridge and several on railroad
bridge reported. Bombs were observed to fall on road at both ends of road bridge, to
the NE over bridge and along southern approach to railroad bridge.
4. Air----------None.
Flak--------AT TARGET--Heavy, intense and trailing from around bridge. Also
some from 3-4 miles N. of Fondi---from around W of
Isoletta and from NW side of lake NE of Terracina.
White flashes observed 2000’ below formation and some
above formation observed while near Settefrati (41° 41’ N,
13° 51’ E). Little or no flak (other than Settefrati) observed
after leaving target area.
5. Enroute and return------5/10 cumulus at 3000’ tops at 5000’. Visibility: Hazy—10mi.
Target---------------------Visibility: Hazy---10 miles.
6. None.
Flight leaders-------Lt Tapper and Captain Culp.
Number of sorties--------24
Photos taken.
Capt., Air Corps,
Intelligence Officer
Sunday, 19 December 1943
445th BS War Diary: The Squadron motor pool supplied a truck which took the
Catholic men to Mass at the 57th Fighter Group. The Protestant members were able to
attend services at the Group chapel. The day was clear and bright with a warm sun
making it very pleasant all day. Lt. Thornburn returned from Algiers where he took Lt.
McGee and Sgt. Garner en route to the United States. More Christmas packages arrived
in the afternoon. A delicious spaghetti supper was enjoyed by all the men. The night
was damp and very cold.
Garner, Argyle R., T/Sgt, radio gunner
McGee, William N., 2Lt, pilot
Thornburn, Thomas H., 2Lt, pilot
445th BS Mission Summary: (Ops Order 173/mission 172) Group Mission # 174:
A/C No. 41-13207 “Oh 7”
P Neumann, Robert H., 2Lt
CP Crider, Claude M., Jr., 2Lt
N None
B Anderson, Melvin Anders “Andy”, 2Lt
E Rose, J. W., S/Sgt
R Marcoulier, William A., Sgt
G Ellison, Clyde (NMI), Cpl
F None
A/C No. 41-30354
P Williamson, Loyd V., F/O
CP Walker, Robert S., 2Lt
N None
B Miller, Robert J., Jr., S/Sgt
E Dillon, James A., Sgt
R DiPietrantonio, Joseph N., S/Sgt
G Herrman, Byard G., Sgt
F Cheosky, Alexander A., Cpl
A/C No. 42-64527 “Sycamore 1½
P Wetherbee, Dana A., Jr., 2Lt
CP House, Robert M., 2Lt
N None
B O’Toole, Francis X., 2Lt
E Cross, Vassil W., Jr., S/Sgt
R Stein, Louis (NMI), S/Sgt
G Reddy, John E., S/Sgt
F None
A/C No. 42-64667 “Wet Dreams”
Strenger, Marshall C., 1Lt
Knapp, Charles R., 2Lt
Castle, Roy V., Cpl
Donegan, John B., S/Sgt
Stone, Donald R., S/Sgt
Forbes, Robert W., Sgt
A/C No. 41-13179 “Booger”
Carney, James Bernard, 2Lt
Vallery, Dean B., F/O
Stokes, Oliver O., Cpl
Belt, Hunter C., S/Sgt
Maddox, Richard L., S/Sgt
Irvin, Ralph D., Sgt
A/C No. 41-13202 “Idaho Lassie”
Latremore, Fred S., 2Lt
Lorton, Harold E. “Turk”, 2Lt
Underwood, James H., Jr., 2Lt
Jones, Robert C., Pvt
Bixby, Jack H., S/Sgt
Orr, William J., S/Sgt
Sunday, 19 December 1943 (continued)
445th BS: War Diary of: Seegmiller, Barnard H., Sgt, armament:
12/19/43: Sunday afternoon, warm and sunny
“I had a bath and then watched the boys play some sandlot football. Their
enthusiasm was great. The B-17s came in from a raid over Germany around four o’clock
and I walked over to see their wounds. Three planes failed to return and several others I
saw were shot up pretty badly. Our planes could not get the target on account of clouds.
Many Christmas packages are arriving and everyone is in good spirits. Guard tonight.
Went to church.”
446th BS War Diary: Mission today. Three mail calls took care of almost everyone.
446th BS Mission Summary: (Ops Order 173/mission 172) Group Mission # 174:
Squadron Mission 139
TARGET: Roccasecca
DATE: 19 Dec.1943
Type of Bombs: 1000#
446th Planes: 10
Lt. Tapper, 446 Sqdn, led the formation. Bombs were widely scattered with two hits on
road bridge and several on RR bridge. Bombs fell on road at both ends of bridge and
along southern approach to RR bridge. Flak was heavy, intense, but no fighters.
A/C No. 42-64509 “Arkansas
Traveler II” (later “Enid II, “No
P McClelland, Alva L., 1Lt
CP Brellenthin, Harold Ray, 2Lt
N None
B Brown, Newton E., 2Lt
E Raffloer, Louis A., Jr., S/Sgt
R Haasch, George F., T/Sgt
G Samsel, John C., Sgt
F None
A/C No. 41-13208
P Elliott, Roger L., 1Lt
CP Farrell, Joseph R., 2Lt
N None
B Cleveland, William C., Sgt
E Warner, Harold W., S/Sgt
R McMahon, Francis D., T/Sgt
G Mitchell, John C., Sgt
F None
A/C No. 42-32429 “Flamingo”
Russell, Burton E., 2Lt
Walker, Dale F., 2Lt
Gawrada, Gabriel P., 2Lt
Langan, Charles H., S/Sgt
Kent, Carl Hugh, T/Sgt
DeBari, Dominick R., Sgt
Guzauskas, Frank (NMI), Cpl
A/C No. 41-30551 “Pink Lady”
Rigling, Samsel (NMI), Jr., 2Lt
Holt, Robert L., 2Lt
McCabe, Peter T., 2Lt
Rockafellow, Alfred A., S/Sgt
Kendall, Charles C. “Spike”, T/Sgt
Brandoff, Daniel (NMI), Pvt
Sunday, 19 December 1943 (continued)
A/C No. 42-32446 “Mascot”
Wright, Theodore O., 2Lt
Bsharah, Phillip (NMI), 2Lt
Bahm, Linston A., PFC
Motika, John F., Sgt
Cohen, George (NMI), S/Sgt
Velarde, Servando J., Jr., Sgt
A/C No. 41-13008
P Knapp, Theodore A., 1Lt
CP Strom, Ernest M., 2Lt
N None
B Pestalozzi, Rudolph H. “Rudy”, 2Lt
E Franc, John A., S/Sgt
R Howe, Frank M., Jr., T/Sgt
G Martin, Edward F., S/Sgt
F None
A/C No. 42-64599 “Old 99 - PLUTO Pee Wee”
P Brady, Joseph J., 1Lt
CP Abraham, Frank W., 2Lt
N None
B Mastroianni, Henry L., 2Lt
E Hanley, James (NMI), Jr., 2Lt
R Spoerl, Harry C., Sgt
G Thomas, Patrick (NMI), Sgt
F None
A/C No. 42-53377 “Flag Ship”
Tapper, George G., 2Lt
Davison, William R., 2Lt
Springer, Luther B., Jr., 1Lt
Robertson, Charles W., 2Lt
Knapp, Walter E., S/Sgt
Smith, Roy W., T/Sgt
South, William R., S/Sgt
A/C No. 42-62526
Braswell, Thomas J., 2Lt
Ryder, David (NMI), 2Lt
Nicklaus, George Edward “Nick”, 2Lt
Helisek, Paul A., S/Sgt
Nieman, John W., Cpl
Holtzclaw, James Ralph, PFC
A/C No. 41-12963 “Missouri Waltz”
Fetterly, Orville D., 2Lt
Clark, Robert A., 2Lt
Rice, Sumner W., 2Lt
Carstens, Clarence H. “Rusty”, S/Sgt
Fontenot, V. L. (i.o.), T/Sgt
Schultheis, Thomas R., Sgt
Fiebelkorn, Earl C., Sgt
446th BS: War Diary of: Walker, Dale F., 2Lt, pilot (mission 14?)
“We got off on another mission today, we were scheduled to get a bridge just north of the
line – North of Naples near Cassino – one thing for sure that bridge isn’t there tonight.
It was rather a rough mission, lots of flak, & accurate. Also some new rocket flak we
couldn’t learn much about. Don’t know for sure if we’ll have a mission tomorrow or not
– so until tomorrow, so long Diary.”
447th BS War Diary: Fourteen nurses from the 55th and 61st hospital attended the dinner
and dance given by the officers tonight. Music was provided by a six piece band from an
ordnance company. The affair was held in the squadron officer’s mess hall and a good
time was had by all. S/Sgt. A.H. Smith completed his 50th combat mission today. 2nd Lt.
J.D. Sholund transferred to Hq. MATS per SO 116 Hq. XII AF 30 Oct. 1943. Another
change in the guard set-up. The way it stands now a man scheduled for guard will stand
Sunday, 19 December 1943 (continued)
2 hour shifts per night, being off 4 hours between shifts. Combat men are also pulling
guard now. As it stands now guard comes around about once every five nights. Sgt.
Verlin Rowley has been chosen the new treasurer for the Enlisted Men’s mess fund and
N.C.O. club. He replaces Cpl. Storm
Rowley, Verlin B., Sgt, intelligence
Sholund, John D., 2Lt, pilot
Smith, Argyle H., Cpl, turret gunner
Storm, Carson W., Cpl, engineering
447th BS Mission Summary: (Ops Order 173/mission 172) Group Mission # 174: 3 of
our ships participated in a raid over Roccasecca road bridge, Italy. Two of these planes
flew with the 446th Squadron, the other went as a spare.
A/C No. 42-64695
Jahraus, Alfred B., 2Lt
Briskey, John F., Jr., 2Lt
Zacharya, Andrew (NMI), Sgt
Baringer, Paul S., S/Sgt
Mellado, Ricardo (NMI), S/Sgt
Harmer, Harry B., S/Sgt
A/C No. 41-12930 “SNAFU”
P Trevor, Graham J., 2Lt
CP Langston, Everett D., 2Lt
N None
B Davis, Donald A., S/Sgt
E Monroe, Delore E., S/Sgt
R Moomaw, Otis W., S/Sgt
G Smith, Argyle H., S/Sgt
F None
A/C No. 41-30557
Werner, Robert G., Jr., 2Lt
Vincent, Frederick W., III, 2Lt
Franklin, Willie P., S/Sgt
Mays, Jack C., S/Sgt
Czaja, Marion L., S/Sgt
Armstrong, Robert E., S/Sgt
A/C No. 41-13176 “Alley Cat” (spare)
Hanlon, James Augustus, Jr., 1Lt
Sholund, John D., 2Lt
Blumenfeld, Philip I., 2Lt
Paiton, Harold K., 2Lt
Tudor, Mathew S., S/Sgt
Wadlow, Verlin L., S/Sgt
Reilly, James M., Sgt
448th BS War Diary: (No non-mission information)
448th BS Mission Summary: (Ops Order 173/mission 172) Group Mission # 174:
Mission # 136 (174): At 10:50 twenty four planes off to bomb road bridge at
ROCCASECCA. All dropped 57 x 1000 bombs and 12 x 500 bombs at 12:00 from
11,000 feet. All returned at 12:40. Bombs widely scattered with two hits on road bridge
and several on RR bridge, bombs fell on road of both sides of bridge. Flak: Intense,
heavy and accurate. Weather: 5/10th at 3,000 feet, visibility hazy. F/L: Capt. Culp.
Culp, Merle H., Capt, pilot
Sunday, 19 December 1943 (continued)
A/C No. 41-30343
McEvoy, John C., 2Lt
Eddy, Willard B., Jr., 2Lt
Robert, Maurice L., Cpl
Kerr, Daniel (NMI), S/Sgt
Brisco, Albert S., M/Sgt
Gately, Joseph A., Sgt
Kepford, Francis R., S/Sgt
A/C No. 42-64552
P Culp, Merle H., Capt
CP Wik, John R., Jr., 2Lt
N Scopp, Richard W., 2Lt
B Gibbons, James (NMI), Jr., 1Lt
E Poynter, Robert A., S/Sgt
R Watrous, Roger T., Pvt
G Irby, Marvin J., S/Sgt
F None
A/C No. 41-30352
Jones, Truman R., 2Lt
Cooper, James W., 2Lt
Patterson, L. J. (i.o.), Pvt
Johnson, Roy C., S/Sgt
Alexander, Phillip D., Pvt
Coleman, Seaton L., Sgt
A/C No. 41-30005 “The Duck”
Sowder, Tony R., Jr., F/O
Coffee, Robert D., 2Lt
Bell, Robert C., 2Lt
Daniels, John (NMI), Sgt
Allen, Clifford N., S/Sgt
Ritter, Robert E., S/Sgt
A/C No. 41-30355
Doyle, Edward J., 2Lt
Crowell, Weymouth (NMI), Jr., 2Lt
Blevins, Amos M., S/Sgt
Schmidt, Walter I., S/Sgt
Marlow, Sterling H., S/Sgt
Davey, Joseph (NMI), Jr., S/Sgt
A/C No. 42-64655 (early return – gas
Ennis, John H., Jr., 2Lt
Sandlin, Raymond H., F/O
Braun, Joseph M., T/Sgt
Johnson, Joe Morris, Sgt
Riss, Royal C., S/Sgt
VanCura, Edward W., Sgt
447th BS Special Accounts: On December 19 the squadron officers gave a dinner and
dance to which girls of the Nurses Corps were invited. This was the second such social
event to break the monotony of routine operations since our arrival overseas. The dance
was held in the officers mess in the area and in this respect it was different from our only
other squadron dance which was held at the Red Cross Officers Club in Ain M’Lila,
Tunisia, early in the Spring of this year.
The party was a bit success. The cold buffet dinner was laid out in such a manner
as to be the envy of any hostess in the “know”, a six piece half-colored-half white band
gave out with that inimitable American jive, fourteen comely members of the gentler sex
were present, the bar did a rushing business, and the work of the self-appointed interior
decorators won sighs and “ahs” from all the guests.
Orchids for the fine dinner which consisted of cold cuts of roast beef, potato
salad, cheese, fruit salad, cake and all the accessories go to Capt. Myron Gale who again
demonstrated his virtues in the arts culinary. The good captain also arranged for the
band, six enlisted men of an Ordnance Company, and the service.
Sunday, 19 December 1943 (continued)
Gale, Myron, Capt, Executive
Lt. E. (Jalone) Becker with his winning ways played a major role in luring the fair
damsels to our den. The gals, done up in their natty navy blues, were from the 55th and
61st hospitals.
Becker, Edward B. "Jalone", Capt, bombardier
Our C.O., Maj. R.D. Sampson conceived the idea for stocking up a bit of the
amber fluid—namely, Rye—for the party. Each night after a mission all participating
officers signed a roster as having received two shots of combat liquor. The drinks were
not consumed, however, and by the time the night for the party rolled around—seven
quarts of Rye were available for the block. This, supplemented by our goodly stock of
brandies, cognac and other varieties of thirst-quenchers left no one wanting for a drink.
Dispensers of the poison for the night were Capt. R.W. (Horse) Manly, Lt. Don Chinnock
and your reporter.
Manly, Robert W. "Horse”, Capt, intelligence
Chinnock, Donald R., 1Lt, communication
Holloway, McGlon T., 2Lt, intelligence “your reporter”
Sampson, Raymond D. “Sammy”, Maj, pilot, Commander
The artful brush of Lt. A.M. Holloway did some master work to help put the party
over. His classy invitation cards which were planted in the two hospitals no doubt did
much to convince the gals that this party was something they couldn’t afford to miss.
Also the choicy Christmas greeting placard displaying a scantily-clad beauty which he
made for the west wall of our shack adds infinitely to the atmosphere.
Holloway, Arthur M., 1Lt, navigator
A goodly number of the officers had a hand in putting up the Xmas tree, and
tacking bits of foliage about the rafters and ceiling. The tree was trimmed with cotton,
bits of red paper, beer bottles and given a red-lighted effect by covering a light shade
with red paper and focusing it on the tree. A baseball hat, a football and a pile of empty
boxes wrapped with the Xmas wrappers from home under the tree make it look
amazingly like what we might see if we could be home this year.
One of the nurses turned out to be a warbler and she did two or three favorites for
us near the end of the party. The affair broke up about midnight after quite a few of the
gals had raided the kitchen and stocked up on roast beef sandwiches to take home with
them. Our gallant men saw that none of them went home unescorted.
Monday, 20 December 1943
USAAF Chronology: MTO Tactical Operations (12th AF): The MAAF is established,
retroactive to 10 Dec 43. Commanded by Air Chief Marshall Sir Arthur Tedder (RAF),
MAAF is comprised of all Allied air elements (RAF, USAAF, French, and other) which
are operating in the Mediterranean Theater of Operations (MTO). These elements
previously were part of the Mediterranean Air Command (MAC) and Northwest African
Air Force (NAAF), which are disbanded. US Army Air Forces, North African Theater of
Operations (USAAFNATO) is established with General Carl Spaatz as commander, to
facilitate administration of AAF units of the Twelfth and Fifteenth Air Forces.
In Italy, P-40's and RAF, SAAF, and RAAF fighter-bombers blast
vehicles and heavily defended areas near Chieti and Orsogna, and hit a fuel dump near
Manoppello. A-36's bomb Terracina and hit water towers, a train, and a railway station S
of Rome.
HQ 321st BG War Diary:
No mission.
445th BS War Diary: There was an inspection of all small arms in the Squadron today
conducted by armament personnel. Once again more Christmas packages arrived in the
afternoon. This marks the seventh straight day that packages have arrived. A plane took
off for Naples today taking combat crews to rest camp. A truck left for Naples taking
ground crews to rest camp. Supper consisted delicious fried chicken, mashed potatoes
and luscious chicken gravy. Needless to say, it was enjoyed by all. “G.I. Patter”, a new
column on the S-2 bulletin board written by Sgt. McIntosh, is making a big hit with the
men. The column consists of humorous poems, jokes, small skits and the like all very
cleverly written by the former radio gunner who is definitely talented along those lines.
McIntosh, Sgt, radio-gunner, S-2
446th BS War Diary: No Missions. Enlisted men are receiving three day passes to visit
Naples. More mail.
446th BS: War Diary of: Walker, Dale F., 2Lt, pilot: “Today was quite a day of rest.
Jumped out of the sack – ate breakfast, cleaned my 45 pistol, then went into Foggia. I
went to the Hospital (Nick went with me) to see Dickson who has yellow jaundice. Then
we went to the Red Cross & found some fellows to talk with, came home, ate fried
chicken & so have written letters tonight & I’ ready for the sack. Will probably have a
big day tomorrow. So until then.”
Dickson, Gale M., 2Lt, pilot
Nicklaus, George Edward "Nick", 2Lt, bombardier
447th BS War Diary: Mission cancelled. One of our Italian K.P’s was hit by an English
truck while crossing the highway directly behind the motor pool. He was rushed to the
hospital by an ambulance from 448 sq. which due to the proximity of the 448th
dispensary, arrived at the scene of the accident ahead of our medics. 1 st Sgt. Vishy,
M/Sgt. Horne and Cpl. Franzi left to-day for Naples in order to purchase fruits,
vegetables etc for our Christmas Dinner. The following left for rest camp today: Lt.
Monday, 20 December 1943 (continued)
D.W. Thomas, Lt. J.G. Boyle, Lt. DeMay, Lt. J.P. Lanza, Lt. S.I. Sattenspiel, S/Sgts.
G.W. Roever, G.P. Werner, W.R. Henry, R.A. Lotito, and D.D. Alton.
Alton, David D., S/Sgt, bombardier
Boyle, Joseph G., Jr., 2Lt, bombardier
DeMay, Kenneth C., 1Lt, pilot
Franzi, Gino C., Cpl, intelligence
Henry, William R., S/Sgt, gunner
Horne, Wendell C., M/Sgt, engineering
Lanza, Joseph Peter, 1Lt, bombardier
Lotito, Rocco A., T/Sgt, radio-gunner
Roever, George W., Jr., S/Sgt, radio-gunner Sattenspiel, Stanly J., 1Lt, bombardier
Thomas, David W., 1Lt, pilot
Vishy, Joseph J., Jr., Sgt, personnel, 1st Sgt
Werner, George P., S/Sgt, gunner
448th BS War Diary: No Entry
Tuesday, 21 December 1943
USAAF Chronology: MTO Tactical Operations (12th AF): Lieutenant General John
K Cannon takes command. In Italy, B-25's bomb Terracina; P-40's hit the same target and
also bomb positions and munitions factory S of Sant' Elia Fiumerapido; A-36's bomb
positions, a fuel dump, and munitions factory in the Cervaro area, and hit trains, a
seaplane base, a radar station, trucks, and other targets in the Rome-Civitavecchia area.
HQ 321st BG War Diary: Roccasecca road bridge was covered by clouds preventing
bombing of the primary target so the alternate of Peneciua was hit. The target a road east
of the town, was hit on a bend just east of town. Bombs were seen to fall on a cliff above
the road block. Over the target Sgt. Cleveland of the 446th Squadron became excited
when his ship was hit by flak, bailed out, and was believed to have landed north of town.
Cleveland, William C., Sgt, gunner, 446th BS
HQ 321st BG Mission Summary: (Ops Order 174/mission 173) Group Mission # 175:
-----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Mission Report # 175, 21 December 1943
1. 321st Bombardment Group (M).
2. At 1300 - 24 B-25’s took off to bomb Roccasecca road bridge G-706260. None
returned early. 24 dropped 64x1000 and 1x500 lb. bombs with .10 and .025 fusing at
1415 hours from 10,000/11,500 ft. on alternate target of road east of Terracina. 24
returned at 1515. 16 ships holed. Axis of attack 250°
3. RESULTS: Road believed hit on bend just E of town and also across town to south.
Bombs were seen to fall on cliffs above road – across road between road and sea and
some in sea. Just at target bombardier Sgt. Cleveland of Ship 293 of 446th Squadron
bailed out, believed to have landed NE of town.
Air----------4/5 E/A seen 12 miles from Naples – unidentified – no attack.
Ground-----Much traffic both directions Fondi-Itri road.
Flak--------At target: Heavy, intense and accurate, also from along road FondiTerracina and from along shore Terracina to Sperlonga. Some colored
flak – red and blue flashes from Terracina with streamer effect. Had
appearance of tracers. From 3 miles W of Fondi – bursts below formation
of light flak had appearance of incendiaries.
Enroute - 8/10 alto stratus at 17,000. 6/10 stratocumulus at 3,000 in valleys with
towering cumulus base at 6,000; low stratocumulus kept formation from
bombing primary. Off shore there was an overcast at 8,000’. Visibility:
Slight haze, 10 miles.
At target - 5/10 Stratocumulus at 8,000’. Visibility: Slight haze, 10 miles.
Return - 8/10 altostratus at 17,000. 8/10 stratocumulus at 7,000. Visibility: Slight
haze, 10 miles.
Tuesday, 21 December 1943 (continued)
6. None
Flight leaders - Lts. Tapper, Beeson, Neuman and Captain Culp.
Number of sorties - 24
Photos taken.
Capt., Air Corps,
Acting Intelligence Officer
-----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------445th BS War Diary: A plane was sent to Naples today to pick up combat crews at rest
camp there. This ship returned today as did the plane which was sent to Naples yesterday
for the same purpose. Training classes in various phases of aerial gunnery were held
behind the S-2 tent today for the benefit of the newer combat crews. At an impressive
ceremony, which included a color guard of Squadron combat crews, Col. Knapp
presented Capt. Tipton and Lt. Kailer with the Purple Heart this afternoon for wounds
received in action. For the 8th straight day, Christmas packages arrived in the Squadron.
This time there was some mail to go along with them. This was the first mail received in
quite some time as lately practically all that came in were packages. A good number of
armament men and crew chiefs were limping around the area today. The game of two
hand touch in football was always known as a grueling game. The supper tonight
consisted of delicious beef with fresh potatoes. The meals continue to be of high caliber
lately and the men seem more than satisfied. There was a slight drizzle that lasted most
of the evening.
Kailer, William Frederick “Bill”, 2Lt, pilot
Knapp, Robert Duane, Sr., Col, 321st BG Commander
Tipton, Richard Pike "Tip", Capt, pilot
445th BS Mission Summary: (Ops Order 174/mission 173) Group Mission # 175:
A/C No. 42-64529 (spare)
A/C No. 42-64527 “Sycamore 1½
Judy” (spare)
Vallery, Dean B., F/O
P Wetherbee, Dana A., Jr., 2Lt
Waterman, LeRoy R., 2Lt
CP Crider, Claude M., Jr., 2Lt
N None
Anderson, Melvin Anders “Andy”, 2Lt
B Miller, Robert J., Jr., S/Sgt
Jones, Robert C., Pvt
E Cross, Vassil W., Jr., S/Sgt
Maddox, Richard L., S/Sgt
R Stein, Louis (NMI), S/Sgt
Irvin, Ralph D., Sgt
G Beaudware, Leo J., Sgt
F None
A/C No. 41-30354
A/C No. 41-13207 “Oh 7”
Neumann, Robert H., 2Lt
P Strenger, Marshall C., 1Lt
Walker, Robert S., 2Lt
CP Knapp, Charles R., 2Lt
Paduana, Joseph A., 2Lt
N None
Underwood, James H., Jr., 2Lt
B Fitzgerald, Daniel J., Sgt
Schaviak, Willis M., Sgt
E Donegan, John B., S/Sgt
Ehler, Leon J. H., S/Sgt
R Stone, Donald R., S/Sgt
Carson, Cecil F., Cpl
G Ellison, Clyde (NMI), Cpl
F Cheosky, Alexander A., Cpl
Tuesday, 21 December 1943 (continued)
A/C No. 42-32333 “Lorelei”
P House, Robert M., 2Lt
CP Carney, James Bernard, 2Lt
N None
B Stokes, Oliver O., S/Sgt
E Dillon, James A., Sgt
R DiPietrantonio, Joseph N., S/Sgt
G Herrman, Byard G., Sgt
F None
445th BS: War Diary of: Seegmiller, Barnard H., Sgt, armament:
12/21/43: 23:00 hours
“Wrote three letters. Got a package from Kay Simpson
and four letters in tonight’s mail. We are all in at home, no guard duty. The Dutchman
(Clifford Weidler) is lying half-asleep in his homemade bunk and Rucker is writing
letters. Louie is playing the radio. T.J. is at rest camp in Naples. The BBC is
broadcasting a Christmas program, which like so much else they do strikes me as being
very genuine. The program has changed to “Mail Call” and now it’s “Pistol Packin’
Mamma.” Rain is falling on the tent. Rough mission today. 46 had a ship crash land.
No one hurt.”
446th BS War Diary: Mission today with plenty of flak. Lt Brady’s ship so badly shot
up he had to crash land at home base. No one injured in landing but Lt. Mastroianni got
slight cut from flak. Sgt. Cleveland bailed out of Lt. Fetterly’s plane over target.
Because of steep dive he evidently thought the plane out of control.
Brady, Joseph J., 2Lt, pilot
Cleveland, William C., Sgt, gunner
Fetterly, Orville D., 1Lt, pilot
Mastroianni, Henry L., 2Lt, bombardier
446th BS Mission Summary: (Ops Order 174/mission 173) Group Mission # 175:
Squadron Mission 140
TARGET: Terracina
DATE: 21 Dec.1943
Type of Bombs: 1000#
446th Planes: 6
Lt. Tapper, 446th Sqdn, led the formation. Road believed hit just E of town and across
town to the south. Bombs fell on cliffs above road and between road and the sea. Sgt.
Cleveland of plane 293 (Lt. Fetterly pilot) baled out at the target and believed to have
landed NE of town. Flak was heavy, intense, and accurate. Lt. Brady crash landed at his
home base because his hydraulic system was shot out, Lt. Mastroianni, his bombardier
was slightly injured by flak. All others were OK. (See story in Special Events Section)
Tuesday, 21 December 1943 (continued)
A/C No. 42-32429 “Flamingo”
Braswell, Thomas J., 2Lt
Farrell, Joseph R., 2Lt
Anderson, Edward J., Sgt
Franc, John A., S/Sgt
Cohen, George (NMI), S/Sgt
Martin, Edward F., Sgt
A/C No. 42-64511 “The Madam II of
St. Joe”
Tapper, George G., 1Lt
P Wright, Theodore O., 2Lt
Born, Walter E., Jr., 1Lt
CP Bsharah, Phillip (NMI), 2Lt
Schad, Harlan C., 2Lt
N None
Robertson, Charles W., 2Lt
B Gawrada, Gabriel P., 2Lt
Hanley, James (NMI), Jr., S/Sgt
E Motika, John F., Sgt
Smith, Roy W., T/Sgt
R Kendall, Charles C. “Spike”, T/Sgt
Velarde, Servando J., Jr., Sgt
G Bedwell, Joy L., Sgt
F None
A/C No. 42-64599 “Old 99 - PLUTO - A/C No. 41-30293(MACR-1513 - hit
Pee Wee” (crash landed at base)
by flak over target - landed safely at
home base)
Fetterly, Orville D., 2Lt
P Brady, Joseph J., 1Lt
Clark, Robert A., 2Lt
CP Abraham, Frank W., 2Lt
Cleveland, William C., Sgt
B Mastroianni, Henry L., 2Lt
Carstens, Clarence H. “Rusty”, S/Sgt
E Brawn, Jean H., Cpl
Fontenot, V. L. (i.o.), T/Sgt
R Spoerl, Harry C., Sgt
Schultheis, Thomas R., Sgt
G Thomas, Patrick (NMI), Sgt
Guzauskas, Frank (NMI), Cpl
F None
A/C No. 41-13200
Davison, William R., 2Lt
Brellenthin, Harold Ray, 2Lt
Rice, Sumner W., 2Lt
Wuotila, Benjamin R., S/Sgt
Valenti, Alfio P., S/Sgt
Brooks, Gaylen B., S/Sgt
A/C No. 42-32446 “Mascot”
446th BS: Extracts from Missing Air Crew Report # 1513:
A/C No. 41-30293 (MACR-1513 - hit by flak over target - landed safely at
home base)
Fetterly, Orville D., 2Lt - stayed with plane
Clark, Robert A., 2Lt - stayed with plane
Cleveland, William C., Sgt - bailed out over target, POW
Carstens, Clarence H. “Rusty”, S/Sgt - stayed with plane
Fontenot, V. L. (i.o.), T/Sgt - stayed with plane
Schultheis, Thomas R., Sgt - stayed with plane
Guzauskas, Frank (NMI), Cpl - stayed with plane
Tuesday, 21 December 1943 (continued)
Eyewitness Accounts: Fetterly, Orville D., 1Lt, pilot, 446th BS
446th Bombardment Squadron (M) AAF
321st Bombardment Group (M) AAF
APO 520, New York, N. Y.
23 December 1943
SUBJECT: Missing Combat Crew Member.
: Whom it may concern.
I was pilot on airplane no. 42-30293 from which Sergeant William C.
Cleveland, 38121729, bombardier, parachuted out over the target at Terracina, Italy on 21
December 1943. Our altitude was approximately 10,000 feet when we reached the target
and the flak was heavy, intense, and accurate. Just after Sergeant Cleveland informed me
by interphone that the bombs were released and the bomb-bay doors were closed the ship
was hit by flak. The flak had bursts so close that the airplane shuttered from the
explosions. The formation immediately went into a steep dive and violent evasive action.
After we were out of the flak and had resumed normal flight my Co-Pilot
went back to the navigator’s compartment and closed the top part of the escape hatch. I
called the crew members to see if everything was alright but got no response from my
bombardier so, while the co-pilot took over the controls, I went up in the bombardier’s
compartment to investigate. Sergeant Cleveland was not there nor was he anyplace else
in the airplane.
In My opinion, Sergeant Cleveland, as soon as the bomb-bay doors were
closed, crawled back into the navigator’s compartment, and, in extreme fright thinking
that the airplane was badly damaged by the flak hits and out of control, jumped while we
were still in the dive. None of my crew saw him leave the airplane.
2nd Lt., Air Corps,
(Inclosure to MAC Report, Sgt William C. Cleveland, 446th Sq, dated 23 Dec 43)
Tuesday, 21 December 1943 (continued)
447th BS War Diary: At 1345 today a small formation from each squadron marched to
Group where Col. Knapp made presentations of the Purple Heart. The men from this
squadron to receive the award were: Lts. Broyles, Becker, and Paiton; S/Sgts. Harter,
Kordzi, and Sheets. In a letter of Dec. 21 the following men were promoted from 2 nd Lt.
to 1st Lt. as of Dec 10th: A.M. Holloway, A.B. Jahraus, W.M. Johnston, F.F. Becker, R.F.
Halloran, G.J. Deane, J.H. Haeberle, H.J. Fallone, R.G. Davies, H.K. Paiton, J.F. Briskey,
Jr., P.A. Broyles, E.P. Mayben, Jr., H.W. Joiner, R.C. Olson, J.J. Nowakowski, B.B.
Miller, Jr., R.H. Spingler, E.L. Saiers, F.W. Vincent, K.C. McFadden, K.C. DeMay, J.P.
Lanza, D.P. McCormick, H.W. Stephenson, G.J. Trevor, F.E Ryherd, S.I. Sattenspiel,
J.G. Boyle, Jr., and D.W. Thomas.
Becker, Edward B. "Jalone", 1Lt, bombardier
Boyle, Joseph G., Jr., 1Lt, bombardier
Briskey, John F., Jr., 1Lt, pilot
Broyles, Porter A., 1Lt, pilot
Davies, Robert G., 1Lt, pilot
Deane, George J., 1Lt, bombardier
DeMay, Kenneth C., 1Lt, pilot
Fallone, Henry J., 1Lt, pilot
Haeberle, John H., 1Lt, pilot
Harter, James, E., S/Sgt, bombardier
Holloway, Arthur M., 1Lt, navigator
Jahraus, Alfred B., 1Lt, pilot
Johnston, William M., 1Lt, bombardier
Joiner, Harold W., 1Lt, pilot
Knapp, Robert Duane, Sr., Col, 321st BG Commander
Kordzi, Joseph J., Jr., S/Sgt, communication
Lanza, Joseph Peter, 1Lt, bombardier
Mayben, Ernest P., Jr., 1Lt, bombardier
Tuesday, 21 December 1943 (continued)
McCormick, Donald Patrick, 1Lt, bombardier
Miller, Benjamin Bartow, Jr., 1Lt, pilot
Nowakowski, Joseph J., 1Lt, bombardier
Paiton, Harold K., 1Lt, navigator
Ryherd, Fred E., 1Lt, pilot
Sattenspiel, Stanly J., 1Lt, bombardier
Spingler, Richard H. “Dick”, 1Lt, pilot
Stephenson, Henry W. "Steve", 1Lt, pilot
Trevor, Graham J., 1Lt, pilot
McFadden, Kenneth L., 1Lt, pilot
Olson, Robert C., 1Lt, pilot
Paiton, Harold K., 2Lt, navigator
Saiers, Edward L., 1Lt, navigator
Sheets, Ralph M., S/Sgt, gunner
Thomas, David W., 1Lt, pilot
Vincent, Frederick W., III, 1Lt, pilot
447th BS Mission Summary: (Ops Order 174/mission 173) Group Mission # 175: 9
of our ships participated in a raid on a road bridge near Terracina, Italy.
A/C No. 41-12930 “SNAFU”
Jahraus, Alfred B., 2Lt
Davies, Robert G., 2lt
Zacharya, Andrew (NMI), Sgt
Penson, Ralph D., S/Sgt
Ennis, Edward Charles “Salvo”, S/Sgt
Armstrong, Robert E., S/Sgt
A/C No. 42-32498 “Dumbo
James Metcalf “Jim”, Capt
CP Ryherd, Fred E., 2Lt
N None
B Kingsley, Andrew L., S/Sgt
E Tudor, Mathew S., S/Sgt
R Bartkus, Ernest F., S/Sgt
G Funk, Marvin J., S/Sgt
F None
A/C No. 41-29759 “Kentucky Ridge
P Knodle, Robert A., 2Lt
CP Trevor, Graham J., 2Lt
N None
B Davis, Donald A., S/Sgt
E Mays, Jack C., S/Sgt
R Moomaw, Otis W., S/Sgt
G Roberts, Herman (NMI), S/Sgt
F None
A/C No. 42-64600 “Lady Luck”
Werner, Robert G., Jr., 2Lt
Vincent, Frederick W., III, 2Lt
Szczepanski, Leonard A., S/Sgt
Batteiger, James M., S/Sgt
Kellner, Joseph H., S/Sgt
Iverson, Lewis B., S/Sgt
Hassett, Leo P., Sgt
A/C No. 41-12997 “Southern Belle”
Hanlon, James Augustus, Jr., 1Lt
Haeberle, John H., 2Lt
Blumenfeld, Philip I., 2Lt
Mercer, William R., S/Sgt
Boyd, Robert J., S/Sgt
Jeffrey, James H., PFC
A/C No. 42-32450 “Lumber Wagon”
Beeson, Elwood H., Capt
Dunn, Robert P., 2Lt
Halloran, Robert F., 2Lt
Mayben, Ernest P., Jr., 2Lt
Cook, Gerritt C., S/Sgt
Dexter, Harold H., S/Sgt
Clausen, Ansgar E., S/Sgt
Tuesday, 21 December 1943 (continued)
A/C No. 41-13175 “The Saint Myrtle
P Spingler, Richard H. “Dick”, 2Lt
CP Briskey, John F., Jr., 2Lt
N None
B McCormick, Donald Patrick, 2Lt
E Monroe, Delore E., S/Sgt
R Kaufold, Adolph (NMI), S/Sgt
G Harmer, Harry B., S/Sgt
F None
A/C No. 41-30557
P Joiner, Harold W., 2Lt
CP Langston, Everett D., 2Lt
N None
B Nowakowski, Joseph J., 2Lt
E Baringer, Paul S., S/Sgt
R Mellado, Ricardo (NMI), S/Sgt
G Manning, Hillard J., S/Sgt
F None
A/C No. 41-13181 “The Sophisticated
Olson, Robert C. “Ollie”, 2Lt
Anderson, Lloyd G., 2Lt
Deane, George J., 2Lt
Fiorello, Thomas R. “Tom”, S/Sgt
Wadlow, Verlin L., S/Sgt
Reilly, James M., Sgt
448th BS War Diary: (No non-mission information)
448th BS Mission Summary: (Ops Order 174/mission 173) Group Mission # 175:
Mission # 137 (175): At 13:00 twenty four planes off to bomb ROCCASECCA road
bridge. All dropped 64 x 1000 bombs and 1 x 500 bomb at 14:15 from 10,000 feet on
alternate target of road E of Terracina. All planes returned at 15:50. Road hit on bend
just E of town and also across town to S, some bombs on cliff and into sea. Just at target
bombardier Sgt. Cleveland (ship # 293-446th Sq) bailed out and believed to have landed
NE of town. Four or five E/A seen 12 miles from NAPLES but did not attack. Much
ground traffic seen. Flak: Heavy, intense and accurate. Incendiary and tracer type.
Weather: Low cumulus kept formation from bombing primary target, at alternate 5/10th
cover at 8,000 feet. L/L: Capt. Culp.
Cleveland, William C., Sgt, gunner, 446th BS
A/C No. 41-30343
McEvoy, John C., 2Lt
Doyle, Edward J., 2Lt
Robert, Maurice L., Cpl
Kerr, Daniel (NMI), S/Sgt
Riss, Royal C., S/Sgt
Penhale, Walter B., Pvt
A/C No. 41-12926 “Hawkeye”
Gouge, David J., 2Lt
Moss, Raymond W., 2Lt
Hammerschmidt, Harry E., S/Sgt
Currie, James L., Sgt
Alexander, Phillip D., Pvt
Coleman, Seaton L., Sgt
Tuesday, 21 December 1943 (continued)
A/C No. 42-64514
Sowder, Tony R., Jr., F/O
Eddy, Willard B., Jr., 2Lt
Bell, Robert C., 2Lt
Johnson, Joe Morris, Sgt
McEntee, Peter M., Cpl
Sipos, Paul A., S/Sgt
A/C No. 42-64521
P Edmondson, Howard D., 2Lt
CP Coffee, Robert D., 2Lt
N None
B Braun, Joseph M., T/Sgt
E Daniels, John (NMI), Sgt
R Marlow, Sterling H., S/Sgt
G Tudor, Owen M., Sgt
F Buckles, Kenneth L., Sgt
A/C No. 42-64519
King, James L., 2Lt
Sandlin, Raymond H., F/O
Blevins, Amos M., S/Sgt
Johnson, Roy C., S/Sgt
Allen, Clifford N., S/Sgt
Holguin, Renato (NMI) “Cisco”, S/Sgt
Silver, George A., III, Capt (observer)
A/C No. 42-64655
Culp, Merle H., Capt
Jones, Truman R., 2Lt
Scopp, Richard W., 2Lt
Gibbons, James (NMI), Jr., 1Lt
Mauder, Charles J., Cpl
Pitts, Donald W., S/Sgt
Jeffrey, Louis J., PFC
Wednesday, 22 December 1943
USAAF Chronology: MTO Tactical Operations (12th AF): Major General Paul L
Williams reassumes command of the XII Troop Carrier Command (Provisional).
In Italy, P-40's and Spitfires of the Twelfth Air Force, RAF, SAAF,
and RAAF hit strong points in the Tollo-Miglianico-Chieti areas; P-40's blast bridge,
locomotives, trucks, and railroad tracks at and near Tortoreto and Benedello; P-47's strafe
targets of opportunity in the area around Zara, Yugoslavia.
HQ 321st BG War Diary:
No mission.
HQ 321st BG Mission Summary: (Ops Order xxx/mission xxx) Cancelled:
445th BS War Diary: Luxury rations were distributed to the men from 12 to 2 today. It
was a slim ration this week, consisting of 3 packs of cigarettes. Weather conditions
forced a cancellation of the mission. Some packages arrived but the men were more
interested in the large number of letters which came in with the packages. Delicious
fresh ham and potatoes were greatly enjoyed by the men. There was a large attendance at
the Christmas show at the granary. An Italian magician entertained with the assistance of
a small but corny Italian band and a buxom Italian lass who graced the stage with her
presence. The movie shown after the stage show was “The Sky’s the Limit”, a new one
in the States, staring Fred Astaire and twinke-toes Joan Leslie.
445th BS Mission Summary: (Ops Order xxx/mission xxx) Cancelled:
Scheduled planes and pilots:
A/C No. 42-64575
Haegele, Frederick G., 2Lt
A/C No. 42-32321 “The Big Bear”
(Bear - no lettering)
Vallery, Dean B., F/O
A/C No. 41-12924 “Patricia”
House, Robert M., 2Lt
A/C No. 42-64529
Wetherbee, Dana A., Jr., 2Lt
A/C No. 41-30550 “Hetties Pride and
Neumann, Robert H., 2Lt
A/C No. 42-64508
Strenger, Marshall C., 1Lt
446th BS War Diary: Usual garrison duties and heavy mail call.
446th BS Mission Summary: (Ops Order xxx/mission xxx) Cancelled:
Scheduled planes and pilots:
A/C No. 42-64511
Tapper, George G., 1Lt
A/C No. 42-64557 “Lady Betty”
Bettinger, Howard P., 1Lt
A/C No. 41-30551 “Pink Lady”
Riordan, Roland C., 2Lt
A/C No. 41-13208
Elliott, Roger L., 1Lt
Wednesday, 22 December 1943 (continued)
A/C No. 42-32317 “Pennsylvania
Topham, Arthur H., 2Lt
A/C No. 41-13000 (spare)
Russell, Burton E.,
A/C No. 41-13008
Cornell, Earl K., F/O
447th BS War Diary: Mission cancelled. Usual squadron duties.
447th BS Mission Summary: (Ops Order xxx/mission xxx) Cancelled:
Scheduled planes and pilots:
A/C No. 41-13210 “Buckeye Cannon
Beeson, Elwood H., Capt
A/C No. 42-64695
Hanlon, James Augustus, Jr., 1Lt
A/C No. 42-64694 “Yankee Girl”
Jahraus, Alfred B., 2Lt
A/C No. 41-30557
Joiner, Harold W., 2Lt
A/C No. 42-64600 “Lady Luck”
Fraser, Harry A. “Fearless”, Jr., 1Lt
A/C No. 41-29759 “Kentucky Ridge
Knodle, Robert A., 2Lt
448th BS War Diary: No Entry
448th BS Mission Summary: (Ops Order xxx/mission xxx) Cancelled:
Scheduled planes and pilots:
A/C No. 42-64655
Fleming, George B., F/O
A/C No. 41-30343
McEvoy, John C., 2Lt
A/C No. 42-64519
Gouge, David J., 2Lt
A/C No. 41-29967 (spare)
Boatwright, John S., 1Lt
A/C No. 41-12926 “Hawkeye”
Ennis, John H., Jr., 2Lt
A/C No. 42-64514
Wilt, Richard H., 2Lt
A/C No. 42-64521
Freeland, Levi B., Jr., 1Lt
Thursday, 23 December 1943
USAAF Chronology: MTO Tactical Operations (12th AF): P-40's and P-47's attempt
to support Yugoslav partisans resisting the German invasion of Korcula Island off the
Peljesac Peninsula, but bad weather prevents location of targets.
HQ 321st BG War Diary:
No mission.
445th BS War Diary: Today is the 321st Bomb Group’s “Christmas”. By arrangement
with the other Groups, our boys celebrated the holiday today and will hang out the
“business as usual” sing on the regular Xmas on the 25th. There were no flights today
and nearly everyone took off for the neighboring towns and villages for a good time.
Some mail and packages arrived today. The delicacy of the day was huckleberry pie for
446th BS War Diary: No Missions. Usual garrison duties.
447th BS War Diary: No mission scheduled. Squadron operations ceased today in order
to take advantage of a holiday while the opportunity presents itself.
448th BS War Diary: No Entry
Friday, 24 December 1943
USAAF Chronology: MTO Tactical Operations (12th AF): Weather severely hampers
operations. P-40's fail to locate the target, a vessel at Ugljan Island, Yugoslavia, but shoot
down 1 airplane in the Adriatic Sea.
HQ 321st BG War Diary:
Lt. Colonel Cook was relieved of duties of Group
Operations Officer and appointed Group Deputy Commander. Captain Asbury was made
Group Operations officer. No mission today.
Asbury, Wilburn, Capt, pilot
Cook, Bailey C., Lt Col, pilot
445th BS War Diary: Christmas Eve. An order for a two-day “stand-down” mad it three
days off in a row for the boys and permitted many of them to take off for the Christmas
“holidays”. Some of the men, full of the traditional “Christmas spirit”, have decorated
their tents with Christmas trimmings obtained in packages from home. One tent even
went so far as procuring a Christmas tree and trimming it in the tent. A delicious supper
of fresh pork chops was enjoyed by all the men. Ella Logan appeared in person tonight to
entertain the men on Christmas Eve. She was very good. Some of the men managed to
attend the midnight Mass at the 57th Fighter Group.
445th BS: War Diary of: Seegmiller, Barnard H., Sgt, armament:
12/24/43: 08:05 hours
“Yesterday I went to Foggia Main and visited Steve
Ronyetz. Also saw a boy named Thomas from SLC whom I knew at Sheppard field. Steve
is a good boy. Was impressed with the spirit of their squadron. Was depressed by the
sight of filth and poverty in the town of Foggia.”
12/24/43: 21:00 hours Christmas Eve
“I have spent the evening in the tent
and am about to retire. A spirit of cheerfulness prevails throughout the camp but there is
little else than packages from home to suggest the Yuletide season. Some of the boys are
getting right handy with their bottles. This evening Ellen Logan was late for an
engagement at the granary where picture shows are held. I didn’t go on account of I was
in a more meditative mood. Enjoyed the BBC programs, “Force’s Favorites” and
“Radio Newsreel.” British programs are so genuine. Heard most of F.D.R.’s talk
announcing the appointment of General Eisenhower to lead the Western offensive which I
expect to break about March 1st. Have received many packages, today one from
Margaret and one from Sally. Mostly candy. No mission for our Group tomorrow,
though I think the B-17s were being readied. They have had a couple of very rough
missions lately. The Dutchman is trying to sleep in spite of the lights and radio and is
doing a lot of good-natured bitching about it. Rucker is writing letters. Tom, George
and Louie have gone on guard. Something of a big meal is being planned for tomorrow.
GIs and Red Cross gave a party for the kids of Foggia this morning. If I had known of it
sooner, I would have gone to it. Weather mostly cloudy, but very little rain. Gets cold,
rather, at nights. Do quite a lot of reading lately.”
Friday, 24 December 1943 (continued)
446th BS War Diary: No Missions. Ella Logan and cast entertained at Group. Officers
had party at their club. Not much sign of Christmas here but morale not too low.
446th BS: Extracts from Missing Air Crew Report # ?:
A/C No. unknown (MACR-? - crashed into Lion Mountain, near La Senia Air
Base, in Africa - due to poor visibility)
Klang, Irving E., 2Lt - KIA
Henson, Gerald J., 2Lt - KIA
Graham, Robert W., 2Lt - KIA
Carnes, James B., Sgt - KIA
Bonacich, Matthew G., Sgt - KIA
447th BS War Diary: Mission cancelled. Nothing unusual happened today except that
the EM’s bar did a rushing business. The fact that the Christmas tree wasn’t lit up didn’t
prevent a lot of the boys from doing so. Ella (Loch Lomond) Logan put in a personal
appearance at the Group Movie House tonight. After her performance she was the quest
of our officers who in turn entertained her at our squadron officers club.
448th BS War Diary: No Entry
Saturday, 25 December 1943
USAAF Chronology: MTO Tactical Operations (12th AF): A-36's bomb road, trucks,
and the town area at Pontecorvo, Italy. P-40's, with a few SAAF Spitfires, hit a motor
launch in Peljesac Channel of Yugoslavia.
HQ 321st BG War Diary: A vote of thanks goes to Lt. Kneisle and his staff for the
delicious Christmas dinner served today. We were served Turkey with all the “fixins”
and as much as we could eat. No mission today.
Kneisle, Herman N., 2Lt, communications
445th BS War Diary: “Merry Christmas”. This gala phrase was on the lips of all the
“G.Is” today as the big holiday was observed quietly. There was no aerial activity
whatsoever. Some packages and letters arrived this morning. The big meal was held at
2:30. Feature attraction was roast turkey with a supporting cast of giblet dressing and
gravy, mashed potatoes, beans, bread with fresh butter, apple pie, fruit salad and coffee.
Needless to say the men were in hearty approval of such a sumptuous repast. A liquor
raffle was held immediately after the big meal and some of the men saw fit for some
“celebrating”. It rained this evening.
446th BS War Diary: No Missions. Lt. Porter, Sgts Didiwick and Shields received their
orders to go home. Nice turkey dinner helps out a lot as far as morale was concerned.
Didiwick, Claudius T., Sgt, gunner
Shields, James A., Sgt, gunner
Porter, Lloyd A., 2Lt, pilot
446th BS: War Diary of: Walker, Dale F., 2Lt, pilot: (21-22-23-24-24-25 Dec) “It
seems I have failed to enter anything in my little book, the last few days. There hasn’t
been much going on, have flown one mission in the last five days, this time on the other
side of Rome. It wasn’t too bad, but we picked up just a few holes. Yesterday, 24th Slim
& I went to a town near by “Rignano Garganico”, a small town on top of a hill near by,
we drank quite a few bottles of wine, ate bread, pine cones, cheese, & last but not least,
‘roasted Cat’. I really believe the cat was the best meat I have eaten since I left the
States. Yes – including the turkey we had for Xmas today. Nothing like a cat sandwich.
Today we had our turkey dinner, dressing & everything. I had a good leg. Tonight we
have listened to “Midge the bitch from Berlin”. A very good program. No mail today,
but I have to write my usual letters so I’ll stop for tonight. Its cold here today, seems like
Xmas but wish I was home. Merry Xmas to everyone.”
Letter Home: “This is Xmas day and it’s really the coldest day we have had here
in Italy. The cold is the only thing that makes it seem like Xmas. Oh, yes, we had a
turkey dinner today all the fixins.
Yesterday Slim and I went visiting in a town nearby. We drank some wine with
some Italians, ate Xmas bread, cheese, nuts, roasted pine cones, and the best of all they
gave us plenty of roasted cat. Really, the cat wasn’t bad. I’ll have it as a regular diet.
Anyway, it was a good experience. So much for cat.”
Saturday, 25 December 1943 (continued)
447th BS War Diary: No mission scheduled. Squadron operations shut down for the
day. Once more turkey was the main attraction at the dinner. The meal was very
excellent. In addition to the servings at the chow line, each table was well stocked with
cigarettes, assorted nuts, oranges, candy etc. With the meal also went a rather potent
punch, containing a goodly amount of gin. Uncle Sam did a splendid job of “timing” this
year in regards to our Christmas packages. For about ten days prior to Christmas,
packages have been flowing in steadily. Naturally many others will arrive late but all in
all everyone seem well satisfied with the Christmas mail situation. Morning Report for
week ending Dec. 25: Officers---68: Enlisted Men—254.
448th BS War Diary: No Entry
Sunday, 26 December 1943
USAAF Chronology: MTO Tactical Operations (12th AF): Weather limits operations
to uneventful reconnaissance flights. The 415th Night Fighter Squadron, 64th Fighter
Wing, transfers from Cantania, Sicily to Montecorvino, Italy with Beaufighters. A
detachment is operating from Gaudo Airfield, Italy.
HQ 321st BG War Diary:
No mission.
445th BS War Diary: Heavy clouds and almost a continual rain curtailed plans for the
mission and kept most of the men hugging their stoves in their tents. Some first-class
mail arrived in the afternoon. A delicious turkey noodle soup was enjoyed by all the men
in the evening. The feature movie in the evening was “Tarzan Triumphs”. A rumor went
the rounds that this outfit would move to a spot 7 miles from Naples within a few weeks.
446th BS War Diary: No Missions. Mail call and rations help brighten an otherwise
gloomy day.
446th BS: War Diary of: Walker, Dale F., 2Lt, pilot: “God – what a windy, rainy, &
cold day. Weather was so bad a person could not get off the field without making an
instrument take-off. I stayed around camp until after dinner then went into Foggia in
Mike’s jeep on out to the 2 Bb Gp to see Watkins & Club. They’re all well & good. We
have a mission for tomorrow, its clearing up so it might be that we’ll go. Its 8:30 PM –
so had better write to my wife. ‘That’s all’.”
447th BS War Diary: Mission cancelled due to much rain.
448th BS War Diary: No Entry
Monday, 27 December 1943
USAAF Chronology: MTO Tactical Operations (12th AF): B-25’s attack a vessel near
Zara, Yugoslavia. A-36’s attack targets in Italy, hitting a factory and railroad at Anagni,
harbor and railroad facilities at Civitavecchia, a bridge at Pontecorvo, and several gun
positions and vehicles. A detachment of the 416th Night Fighter Squadron, Twelfth Air
Force, based at Grottaglie, Italy with Beaufighters begins operating at Rerhaia, Algeria.
HQ 321st BG War Diary: A formation took off to bomb Roccasecca road bridge but
turned back short of Naples due to very poor weather.
HQ 321st BG Mission Summary: (Ops Order xxx/mission xxx) Abortive:
-----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Memo )
27 December 1943
) S-1, S-3, Group Statistical.
Summary of Today’s Mission,
1. 321st Bombardment Group (M).
2. At 1040 hrs 24 B-25’s took off to bomb bridge at G-706260 near Roccasecca. 24
A/C returned early at 1150 hrs.—having turned back just north of Naples—at San
Maria Capua---because of weather. No bombs dropped.
3. Weather over Italy, broken overcast at 10,000/12,000 feet, over coast from Naples,
north to Gaeta and out to sea. Solid overcast from 14,000’ to 6000 feet.
4. No observations.
5. None.
Flight leaders – Captains Culp, Beeson; Lts. McClelland and Neumann.
Major, Air Corps,
Intelligence Officer
-----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------445th BS War Diary: Cold weather with high winds prevailed today and rain, snow and
hail fell at various times of the day. This inclement weather forced the mission back
before the target was reached. Most of the men hugged their stoves today as it was very
chilly. Enlisted men from the ground crew were sent to the rest camp at Naples. 2nd Lts.
Young, Thornburn and Kaschenbach became 1st Lts. today.
Kaschenback, Carl E. “Kasch”, 1Lt, pilot
Thornburn, Thomas H., 2Lt, pilot
Young, William G, 1Lt, pilot
445th BS Mission Summary: (Ops Order xxx/mission xxx) Abortive:
Scheduled planes and pilots:
A/C No. 41-30550 “Hetties Pride and
Neumann, Robert H., 2Lt
A/C No. 42-64508
Strenger, Marshall C., 1Lt
Monday, 27 December 1943 (continued)
A/C No. 41-12924 “Patricia”
House, Robert M., 2Lt
A/C No. 42-32321 “The Big Bear”
(Bear - no lettering)
Carney, James Bernard, 2Lt
A/C No. 42-64575
Vallery, Dean B., F/O
A/C No. 42-64527 “Sycamore 1½
Wetherbee, Dana A., Jr., 2Lt
446th BS War Diary: Bad weather and no mission.
446th BS Mission Summary: (Ops Order xxx/mission xxx) Abortive:
Scheduled planes and pilots:
A/C No. 42-64511
McClelland, Alva L., 1Lt
A/C No. 42-64557 “Lady Betty”
Bettinger, Howard P., 1Lt
A/C No. 42-32317 “Pennsylvania
Topham, Arthur H., 2Lt
A/C No. 41-13000 (spare)
Russell, Burton E.,
A/C No. 41-30551 “Pink Lady”
Riordan, Roland C., 2Lt
A/C No. 41-13208
Elliott, Roger L., 1Lt
A/C No. 41-13008
Cornell, Earl K., F/O
446th BS: War Diary of: Walker, Dale F., 2Lt, pilot: “I started out on a mission today,
but when I got to the target, the weather was so bad we had to turn back. Clouds were so
heavy & completely covering the ground that we couldn’t see a thing. Its been cold all
day so after supper tonight some of the boys & I went to the bar & had a few stiff drinks.
So now I’ll write a couple of letters & hit the sack, maybe I’ll keep warm enough tonight
– so until tomorrow.”
447th BS War Diary: Mission cancelled. Usual squadron duties.
447th BS Mission Summary: (Ops Order xxx/mission xxx) Abortive:
Scheduled planes and pilots:
A/C No. 41-13210 “Buckeye Cannon
Beeson, Elwood H., Capt
A/C No. 42-64695
Hanlon, James Augustus, Jr., 1Lt
A/C No. 42-64694 “Yankee Girl”
Jahraus, Alfred B., 2Lt
A/C No. 41-30557
Joiner, Harold W., 2Lt
A/C No. 42-53371 “Death Wind”
Fraser, Harry A. “Fearless”, Jr., 1Lt
A/C No. 41-29759 “Kentucky Ridge
Knodle, Robert A., 2Lt
Monday, 27 December 1943 (continued)
448th BS War Diary: No Entry
448th BS Mission Summary: (Ops Order xxx/mission xxx) Abortive:
Scheduled planes and pilots:
A/C No. 42-64655
Culp, Merle H., Capt
A/C No. 41-30343
McEvoy, John C., 2Lt
A/C No. 42-64519
Boatwright, John S., 1Lt
A/C No. 41-30327 (spare)
Freeland, Levi B., Jr., 1Lt
A/C No. 41-12926 “Hawkeye”
Gouge, David J., 2Lt
A/C No. 42-64514
Wilt, Richard H., 2Lt
A/C No. 42-64521
Ennis, John H., Jr., 2Lt
Tuesday, 28 December 1943
USAAF Chronology: MTO Tactical Operations (12th AF): B-25’s, A-20’s, and A36’s, in coordination with Mediterranean Allied Strategic Air Force (MASAF) heavy and
medium bombers operating against targets in the Rome area, bomb landing grounds at
Ciampino, a bridge at Roccasecca and a road and railway to the E of town, ships and
harbor at Civitavecchia, and railway sidings W of Frosinone; and P-40’s hit the harbor at
Anzio and communications in the Pontecorvo and Atina areas. The 486th and 487th
Bombardment Squadrons (Medium), 340th Bombardment Group (Medium), transfer from
Foggia to Pompeii, Italy with B-25’s.
HQ 321st BG War Diary:
Our bombs were aimed at the Rome/Ciampino south
airdrome today. One string of bombs fell through the hangars and another through
dispersal area and dispersed aircraft. The southern portion of the housing area was hit;
two or three fires were seen in dispersal areas and two or three in the hangar area. An
explosion was seen near the road west of the airdrome.
HQ 321st BG Mission Summary: (Ops Order 175/mission 174) Group Mission # 176:
-----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Mission Report # 176, 28 December 1943
1. 321st Bombardment Group (M).
2. At 1054 – 33 B-25’s took off to bomb Rome/Ciampino South A/D. 5 returned early.
28 dropped 1896x20 lb. frags with instantaneous fusing at 1237 from 10,500/11,500
feet. 28 returned at 1355. Axis of attack 75°.
3. Crews report excellent coverage with concentration of bombs in S and E dispersal
areas. 3 hangars in W perimeter also believed hit as were the buildings to N of A/D
between hangars and housing area. S. portion of housing area hit. 3/4 fires seen in
dispersal areas as well as 2/3 fires in hangar area. Explosion seen near road W of
Air-------------B-26 seen to crash land in water just off San Felice Circeo Point. E/A
sighted, low, S of Rome heading 300°.
Air-Ground---10 S/E A/C in SE dispersal area. 2/3 T/E bombers in SW corner,
appeared wrecked. One large transport seen between 2 revetments in E
dispersal area; ¾ A/C on N. Ciampino near race track; 7/8 T/E bombers
on N edge of Practica di Mare which was partially inundated.
Flak-----------Slight, heavy and moderate light – both inaccurate. Concentrated heavy
flak from Valmontone area seen directed at B-26 formation.
5. WEATHER: Weather enroute: Clouds: 7/10 to 8/10 at 5,000 feet. Tops 10,000 feet.
Visibility Unlimited.
Target: CAVU
Return: Same as enroute.
Tuesday, 28 December 1943 (continued)
6. None
Flight leaders: Capt. Beeson, Lts. Cassels and McClelland.
Number of sorties - 28
Photos taken.
Major, Air Corps,
Intelligence Officer
-----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------445th BS War Diary: Very cold and windy today. The high winds ripped many tents
but the only real casualty was the enlisted men’s mess tent which blew down. Some firstclass mail arrived today. Lt. Carmine, co-pilot who went down with Lt. Fisher on Oct. 8,
was reported in German hands. Trucks took combat crews to rest camp today. The
Ciampino airdrome was bombed today with good results. The returning planes had quite
a time landing what with violent cross winds and hordes of B-17’s landing around the
field. Old 373 was obtained from Grottaglie. Its landing gear had buckled after one of
the missions at that base and a service unit was taking care of it. The men enjoyed a fine
USO stage show in the evening.
Carmine, John W., 2Lt, pilot
Fisher, James B., Jr., 2Lt, pilot
445th BS Mission Summary: (Ops Order 175/mission 174) Group Mission # 176:
A/C No. 42-64527 “Sycamore 1½
H., 1Lt
CP Pamp, Arvid A., 2Lt
N None
B Miller, Robert J., Jr., S/Sgt
E Cross, Vassil W., Jr., S/Sgt
R Stein, Louis (NMI), S/Sgt
G Beaudware, Leo J., Sgt
F None
A/C No. 41-13202 “Idaho Lassie”
P Kaschenbach, Carl E., Jr., “Kasch”, 1Lt
CP Lorton, Harold E. “Turk”, 2Lt
N None
B Nysson, John W., 2Lt
E Reddy, John E., S/Sgt
R Marcoulier, William A., Sgt
G Callister, Jack R., PFC
F Cotter, Jack M., Sgt
A/C No. 41-13179 “Booger”
Strenger, Marshall C., 1Lt
Knapp, Charles R., 2Lt
Souders, Walter E., 2Lt
Donegan, John B., S/Sgt
Stone, Donald R., S/Sgt
Forbes, Robert W., Sgt
A/C No. 41-13207 “Oh 7”
Wetherbee, Dana A., Jr., 2Lt
Crider, Claude M., Jr., 2Lt
Stokes, Oliver O., Cpl
Jones, Robert C., Cpl
Boyd, Ewell V., T/Sgt
Herrman, Byard G., Sgt
Tuesday, 28 December 1943 (continued)
A/C No. 42-64575
Haegele, Frederick G., 1Lt
Waterman, LeRoy R., 2Lt
Paduana, Joseph A., 2Lt
Czapski, Bernard S., 2Lt
Merrill, Joseph H., S/Sgt
Ehler, Leon J. H., S/Sgt
Carson, Cecil F., Cpl
A/C No. 42-32434 “Mississippi
Gambler II”
P Young, William G., 1Lt
CP House, Robert M., 2Lt
N None
B Anderson, Melvin Anders “Andy”, 2Lt
E Vance, Chester L., S/Sgt
R Johnson, John E., S/Sgt
G Andrews, Lamar C., S/Sgt
F None
A/C No. 42-64667 “Wet Dreams”
Jackson, John I., 2Lt
Walker, Robert S., 2Lt
Monk, William (NMI), 2Lt
Chambers, Jimmie (NMI), Cpl
Clark, Thomas J., T/Sgt
Hanna, R. J., S/Sgt
A/C No. 41-30354
Vallery, Dean B., F/O
Noel, William Honoree, 2Lt
Fitzgerald, Daniel J., Sgt
Schaviak, Willis M., Sgt
Carner, Donald E., Cpl
Isbell, Everett N., PFC
Cheosky, Alexander A., Cpl
446th BS War Diary: Mission to Rome as weather clears. No fighters and no flak.
Very successful.
446th BS Mission Summary: (Ops Order 175/mission 174) Group Mission # 176:
Squadron Mission 141
TARGET: Rome, Ciampino A/D
DATE: 28 Dec.1943
Type of Bombs: Frags
446th Planes: 9
Capt. Beeson, 447 Sqdn, led the formation. Excellent coverage with concentrations in S
and E dispersal areas. Three hangars in W perimeter believed hit. Also buildings hit N
of A/D between hangars and housing area. S portion of housing area hit. 3 or 4 fires
seen in dispersal area as well as 2 or 3 fires in hanger area. Explosions seen near road W
of A/D. Five a/c were destroyed on the ground. Enemy aircraft sighted but did not
attack. Flak was heavy, but slight. Lt. Brady returned early because Sgt. Spoerl, his
radio-gunner became sick.
Beeson, Ellwood H. “Buck”, Capt, pilot, 447th BS
A/C No. 42-64557 “Lady Betty”
A/C No. 42-64520 “Duchess”
Russell, Burton E., 2Lt
P Bettinger, Howard P., 1Lt
Walker, Dale F., 2Lt
CP Brellenthin, Harold Ray, 2Lt
N None
Pestalozzi, Rudolph H. “Rudy”, 2Lt
B Parrish, William W., Cpl
Kaney, Oscar John, Jr., S/Sgt
E Wuotila, Benjamin R., S/Sgt
Kent, Carl Hugh, S/Sgt
R Howe, Frank M., Jr., S/Sgt
Skill, Donald H., Sgt
G Fiebelkorn, Earl C., Sgt
F None
Tuesday, 28 December 1943 (continued)
A/C No. 42-32429 “Flamingo”
Riordan, Roland C., 2Lt
Holt, Robert L., 2lt
Anderson, Edward J., Sgt
Franc, John A., S/Sgt
Barber, Otis C., T/Sgt
Brooks, Gaylen B., S/Sgt
A/C No. 42-64526 “Patches”
P Cornell, Earl K., F/O
CP Strom, Ernest M., 2Lt
N None
B Bahm, Linston A., PFC
E Helisek, Paul A., S/Sgt
R Smith, Roy W., T/Sgt
G Schultheis, Thomas R., Sgt
F None
A/C No. 42-32446 “Mascot”
Wright, Theodore O., 2Lt
Bsharah, Phillip (NMI), 2Lt
Gawrada, Gabriel P., 2Lt
Motika, John F., Sgt
Haughom, Milferd O., T/Sgt
Bedwell, Joy L., Sgt
A/C No. 41-13200 (returned early – sick
P Brady, Joseph J.,
CP Abraham, Frank W., 2Lt
N None
B Mastroianni, Henry L., 2Lt
E Brawn, Jean H., Cpl
R Spoerl, Harry C., Sgt
G Velarde, Servando J., Jr., Sgt
F Fontenot, V. L. (i.o.), T/Sgt
A/C No. 42-32317 “Pennsylvania
Topham, Arthur H., 2Lt
Ryder, David (NMI), 2Lt
Nicklaus, George Edward “Nick”, 2Lt
Hanley, James (NMI), Jr., S/Sgt
Orechia, James Raymond “Raymond”,
Holtzclaw, James Ralph, PFC
Tissier, Rene G., Cpl
A/C No. 41-13208
Elliott, Roger L., 1Lt
Farrell, Joseph R., 2Lt
Pappas, William J., 2Lt
Warner, Harold W., S/Sgt
Leary, Edward M., S/Sgt
Mitchell, John C., Sgt
A/C No. 42-64509 “Arkansas
Traveler II” (later “Enid II, “No
McClelland, Alva L., 1Lt
Davison, William R., 2Lt
Dickerson, Claude M., 2Lt
McCabe, Peter T., 2Lt
Raffloer, Louis A., Jr., S/Sgt
Haasch, George F., T/Sgt
Samsel, John C., Sgt
Tuesday, 28 December 1943 (continued)
446th BS: War Diary of: Kaney, Oscar John, Jr., S/Sgt, engineer-gunner (mission 45)
“# 45 Dec. 28, 1943
Time 3:45 Sqdn Mission # 141 Gr. Mission # 176
Rome, Ciampino South A/D Italy
Formation Leader - Capt. Beeson
Results - Excellent coverage - 3 or 4 fires seen in dispersal areas - 2 or 3 fires in hangar
area. Explosion seen near road W of A/D. 16 A/C on field - 5 destroyed.
Remarks - A B-26 made a crash landing in water just off San Felice Circle Point. E/A
seen but did not attack. Flak was slight, heavy & moderate - light & inaccurate.
Concentrated heavy flak from Valmontone area - seem directed on B-26 formation.
Ship number - 42-64520 “Duchess”
P- Russell, CP - Walker, B- Pestalozzi, E - Kaney, RG- Kent, G -Skill”
Beeson, Ellwood H. “Buck”, Capt, pilot, 447th BS
Kaney, Oscar John, Jr., S/Sgt, engineer-gunner
Kent, Carl Hugh, S/Sgt, radio-gunner
Pestalozzi, Rudolph H. “Rudy”, 2Lt, bombardier Russell, Burton E., 2Lt, pilot
Skill, Donald H., Sgt, gunner
Walker, Dale F., 2Lt, pilot
446th BS: War Diary of: Walker, Dale F., 2Lt, pilot (mission 16?)
“Cold again – we had a good mission, we went to Rome & bombed a couple of airfields
there, we certainly did a good job. Sure had a large no. of planes. I wish we were seeing
Rome from the ground though, that would be better. There was lots of flak, & a few
fighters today but everyone arrived home safe. I sure hope everything continues as well
as it has, I’m sure wanting to get home – O.K. for now?”
Letter Home: “It has been awfully cold today and we have had a busy one too.
Sure wish I could tell you all we’re doing here but I guess I’ll have to wait or maybe you
will read abut our Group in the papers over there. Have you read any lately?”
447th BS War Diary: About 8:30 this morning one of the tents in the area literally went
down in flames. The fire was started by the wind blowing sparks from a near-by trash
pile against the tent. The tent itself was a complete loss as well as the greater part of the
personal equipment within. The members of the tent, none of whom were at home when
the fire broke out, were: T/Sgt. Bruns, T/Sgt. Coursen, T/Sgt. Nieman, S/Sgt. Brandt,
and Cpl. Holland. All the personal possessions of Cpl. Holland, who was in the hospital
at the time, were totally burned. The following left for rest camp at Capri: 1st Lts. E.P.
Mayben, R.P. Dunn, H.W. Stephenson, S/Sgts. W.P. Franklin, N.J. Batteiger, R.R.
Fiorello, E.C. Ennis, and Sgt. A. Zacharya.
Batteiger, Norman J., S/Sgt, gunner
Brandt, George F., S/Sgt, engineering
Bruns, Robert E., T/Sgt, engineering
Coursen, William C., T/Sgt, engineer-gunner
Dunn, Robert P., 2Lt, pilot
Ennis, Edward C., T/Sgt, radio-gunner
Fiorello, Thomas R. “Tom”, S/Sgt, gunner
Franklin, Willie P., S/Sgt, bombardier-gunner
Holland, Patrick H., Cpl, engineering
Mayben, Ernest P., Jr., 1Lt, bombardier
Niemann, Harry C., T/Sgt, engineering
Stephenson, Henry W. “Steve”, 1Lt, pilot
Zacharya, Andrew, S/Sgt, gunner
Tuesday, 28 December 1943 (continued)
447th BS Mission Summary: (Ops Order 175/mission 174) Group Mission # 176: 7
of our planes were scheduled to participate in a raid over the Rome/Ciampino Airdrome.
4 of the ships completed the mission which turned out to be somewhat of a milk-run. The
other 3 ships were forced to return early due to mechanical malfunction.
A/C No. 42-64600 “Lady Luck”
P Fraser, Harry A. “Fearless”, Jr., 1Lt
CP Haeberle, John H., 1Lt
N None
B Blumenfeld, Philip I., 2Lt
E Mays, Jack C., S/Sgt
R Bartkus, Ernest F., S/Sgt
G Reilly, James M., Sgt
F None
A/C No. 42-64512 “Scotch & Soda”
Jahraus, Alfred B., 1Lt
Ryherd, Fred E., 1Lt
Davis, Donald A., S/Sgt
O’Loughlin, William M., Sgt
Myers, William W., T/Sgt
Armstrong, Robert E., S/Sgt
A/C No. 41-30557
Joiner, Harold W., 1Lt
Langston, Everett D., 2Lt
McCormick, Donald Patrick, 1Lt
Baringer, Paul S., S/Sgt
Moomaw, Otis W., S/Sgt
Funk, Marvin J., S/Sgt
A/C No. 42-64695 (returned early)
P Knodle, Robert A., 2Lt
CP Davies, Robert G., 1Lt
N None
B Kingsley, Andrew L., 1Lt
E Monroe, Delore E., S/Sgt
R Boyd, Robert J., S/Sgt
G Roberts, Herman (NMI), S/Sgt
F Lamoureau, Archille D., Sgt
A/C No. 42-32498 “Dumbo”
Hanlon, James Augustus, Jr., 1Lt
Trevor, Graham J., 1Lt
Nowakowski, Joseph J., 1Lt
Jeffrey, James H., PFC
Kellner, Joseph H., S/Sgt
Iverson, Lewis B., S/Sgt
A/C No. 41-13210 “Buckeye Cannon
Beeson, Ellwood H. “Buck”, Capt
Briskey, John F., Jr., 1Lt
Paiton, Harold K., 1Lt
Becker, Edward B. “Jalone”, 1Lt
Cook, Gerritt C., S/Sgt
Kaufold, Adolph (NMI), S/Sgt
Clausen, Ansgar E., S/Sgt
A/C No. 42-32450 “Lumber Wagon”
(returned early)
Broyles, Porter A., 1Lt
Vincent, Frederick W., III, 1Lt
Harter, James E., S/Sgt
Czabaj, Matthew W., S/Sgt
Wadlow, Verlin L., S/Sgt
Schrader, Harold F., S/Sgt
Tuesday, 28 December 1943 (continued)
448th BS War Diary: (No non-mission information)
448th BS Mission Summary: (Ops Order 175/mission 174) Group Mission # 176:
Mission 138 (176): At 10:54 33 planes off to bomb Rome Ciampino A/D S. 5 returned
early and 28 dropped 1896 frags at 12:37 from 10,500 feet and returned at 13:55.
Excellent coverage with concentration of bombs in S and E dispersal area, 3 to 5 fires in
dispersal area and 2 in hangar area, explosion near road W of A/D. Flak: Slight, heavy
and inaccurate. Weather: Target CAVU. F/L: Lt. Cassels.
A/C No. 42-64521
P Biener, Martin B., 2Lt
CP Sandlin, Raymond H., F/O
N None
B Kreutz, Alfred W., 2Lt
E Coleman, Smith B., Sgt
R Wilkerson, John J., S/Sgt
G VanCura, Edward W., S/Sgt
F None
A/C No. 41-13172 “Boyd Toyd”
P Shutt, Ervin F., 2Lt
CP Wilt, Richard H., 2Lt
N None
B Evans, Ivor P., 1Lt
E Brisco, Albert S., M/Sgt
R Allen, Clifford N., S/Sgt
G Barry, Robert A., Jr., Sgt
F None
A/C No. 41-30548
P Cassels, Richard E., 2Lt
CP Haskell, John D., 2Lt
N Scopp, Richard W., 2Lt
B Skeahan, Thomas Joseph, Jr., 2Lt,
E Polinsky, Marvin J., T/Sgt
R McEntee, Peter M., Cpl
G Irby, Marvin J., S/Sgt
F None
F None
A/C No. 41-30355
Kille, Wesley G., 2Lt
Moss, Raymond W., 2Lt
Robert, Maurice L., Cpl
Johnson, Roy C., S/Sgt
Doss, Charles W., Jr., S/Sgt
Davey, Joseph (NMI), Jr., S/Sgt
France, Charles E., Jr., Sgt
A/C No. 42-64519
Barton, Thomas M., F/O
Doyle, Edward J., 2Lt
Ally, George B., S/Sgt
Riss, Royal C., S/Sgt
Pitts, Donald W., S/Sgt
Deal, Herman L., Sgt
A/C No. 41-30327
Freeland, Levi B., Jr., 1Lt
Hoffman, Albert J., 2Lt
Patterson, L. J. (i.o.), Pvt
Johnson, Joe Morris, Sgt
Alexander, Phillip D., Pvt
Penhale, Walter B., Pvt
Buckles, Kenneth L., S/Sgt
Tuesday, 28 December 1943 (continued)
Sowder, Tony R., Jr., F/O
Eddy, Willard B., Jr., 2Lt
Silva, John P., S/Sgt
Currie, James L., Sgt
Lord, Wilson E., S/Sgt
Ritter, Robert E., S/Sgt
A/C No. 42-64552 (returned early)
P Driver, William J., F/O
CP Hicks, John T., 2Lt
N None
B Lambert, Robert P., S/Sgt
E Robertshaw, David F., S/Sgt
R Everhart, Clifford R., Sgt
G Jeffrey, Louis J., Cpl
F None
Brosnan, Cornelius G., 2Lt
Crowell, Weymouth (NMI), Jr., 2Lt
Bell, Robert C., 2Lt
Spencer, John S., S/Sgt
Vizzacco, Rocco (NMI), Sgt
Holguin, Renato (NMI) “Cisco”, S/Sgt
Wednesday, 29 December 1943
USAAF Chronology: MTO Tactical Operations (12th AF): P-40’s hit a vessel on the
N side of the Peljesac Peninsula in Yugoslavia and a railway station at Anagni, Italy. In
Italy, A-36’s attack the railway station at Ferentino, harbor and railroad yard at
Civitavecchia, and truck park near Aquino.
HQ 321st BG War Diary:
AOC Sinclair, commanding the Tactical Bomber Force,
talked to the combat crews and intelligence officers in the granary today. He gave a
summary of his activities in the war and went on to tell us why we had been hitting
certain targets and what our operations would consist of in the future. We were all
greatly interested in what he had to tell us and hope for another such enlightening talk in
the near future. No mission today.
Sinclair, Laurence Frank, AOC, Tactical Bomber Force Commander
HQ 321st BG Communications Log:
0820 Bradley to TBF. “Cleared A/C to Termini—Griffing to call TBF about weather.”
0910 Knapp to Asbury. “Stand-down for today. Have Combat crews and S-2
personnel assembled for meeting at 1300.”
1020 A/C Sinclaire to Olmsted. “Discussed possibility of having Fighter Group on
same A/D with us. It was agreed that it would not be a satisfactory arrangement.
He will investigate the situation.
1535 Toohey to TBF. “Local flight granted from 1430 to 1500 per request 446th
1340 Tower to Toohey. “P-38 crash-landed (right main landing gear would not come
down). Pilot O.K. Aircraft is clear of runway.”
1410 Bradley to TBF. “Asked them to notify P-38’s Pilot’s Organization that he is
here. 15th AF will send transportation for him.”
1720 TBF to Asbury. “Target for 30 December 1943.
Primary: BIHAC, Town and Troop Concentrations.
1st Alternate: SEBINIK, wharves S-38 to V-41, target chart S/39 (1) Lake
N of SEBINIK—Boat in Lake has priority over 1st Alternate.
Squadrons notified.”
2232 TBF to ODO. “Reference to target for 30 December 1943.
6000 Ton Ship reported as being in Lake North of DEBINIK has been confirmed
as being at U535705. This Ship will be the 1st Alternate instead of Sebinik, in the
event that weather conditions prevent our A/C from attacking the Primary
th nd
448 2 Lt. THOMAS L. BLAKE, 0-733134
37 Missions.
445th 2nd Lt. MELVIN A. ANDERSON, 0-741322
20 Missions.
447 Sgt. JAMES M. REILLY, 32177752
31 Missions
446th Sgt. DONALD H. SKILL, 19076761
35 Missions
Wednesday, 29 December 1943 (continued)
445th BS War Diary: Some packages arrived this morning. Cloudy weather forced a
cancellation of the mission. There was a combat crew meeting in the granary at 1 P.M.
and a gunnery class was held in the evening behind the Operations-S-2 tent. One of the
men in the Squadron procured a large load of coal which proved to be a valuable
acquisition. The men were badly in need of coal as it is needed in the cold, blustery
weather. The meal of the day was a delicious beef stew for supper. The men enjoyed the
fresh meat immensely. In the evening, some of the men had a chance to see themselves
in a movie. It was in “Bombers over North Africa” a film depicting the activities of the
321st Bomb Group as it operated in North Africa. Needless to say, the men were
delighted in the show.
446th BS War Diary: No Missions. Lt. Malone promoted to Captain. No mission
because of weather.
Malone, Robert C., Capt, personnel, Adjutant
446th BS: Pilot Log: Fitzgerald, John (NMI) “Jack”, 2Lt, pilot (Co-Pilot)
Pilot: Cooper
A/C B-26B-50-MA Marauder: 42-95880
Savannah, GA to Morrison Field, NC: Ferry
Flying Time: 5:15
A/C No. B-26B-50-MA 42-65880
HQ Army Air Base,
P Cooper, Paul T., Capt
Barksdale Field, Shreveport, Louisiana:
CP Fitzgerald, John (NMI) “Jack”, 2Lt
Special Order Number 354, 20 Dec 43:
N None
Crew relieved from assignment to the
B Mayo, Jack D., 2Lt
476th BS, 335th BG (M), and proceed to
the MTO, on Shipment No. FE-485-ATR Miles, Walter J., S/Sgt
5. Capt Paul T. Cooper designated
G Sharen, Robert L., S/Sgt
Provisional Leader for the movement.
F None
447th BS War Diary: Mission cancelled. Usual squadron duties.
Blumenfeld promoted to 1st Lt. as of Nov. 24, 1943.
Blumenfeld, Philip I., 1Lt, bombardier
448th BS War Diary: No Entry
2nd Lt. P.I.
Thursday, 30 December 1943
USAAF Chronology: MTO Tactical Operations (12th AF): B-25's bomb Zara,
Yugoslavia, hitting a junction, railway station, repair shops, warehouse, and harbor. In
Italy, A-20's hit Atina; P-40's and A-36's support ground forces, hitting targets in the
Chieti-Miglianico area; vessels are hit at Crkvice, Yugoslavia, railway sidings near
Frosinone, gun positions near Arce and W of Minturno, and the town areas of Sant' Elia
Fiumerapido, Ferentino, and Atina are bombed.
HQ 321st BG War Diary:
The target was well covered on today’s mission to
Falconara marshalling yards. Many of the crews reported direct hits on the junction, one
warehouse was left on fire and three large explosions were seen in the yards. Repair
shed, railway station and a road were hit by strings of bombs and buildings on both sides
of the junction were hit.
HQ 321st BG Communications Log:
0830 Asbury to TBF (Cann). “A/C cleared for Naples & Manduria. It is not necessary
to clear ships as long as they fly West of Foggia
0930 Asbury to Ferrel. “Informed them of names of personnel selected for Gunnery
0955 TBF to Asbury. “#23, Alternative #94. Weather is bad over Yugoslavia. Brief
Crews and they are to be in the planes at 1145, ready to start up and take off at a
signal from the Very Pistol (Green). Another weather Recce is out now. Aiming
points on target #23. RR Yards to Junction. Aiming points on target #94. RR
Station and Yards. 340 BG will be over same target. We have right of way.”
1530 TBF T Bradley. “Load 24 A/C with 500’s .1 and .025 fuzing.”
1630 Bradley to Squadrons. “All notified of loading.”
1730 TBF to Asbury. “Target later--Stand-by for 0900 tomorrow. Squadrons notified.”
446th to ODO.
446th to ODO.
448th to ODO.
448th to ODO.
447th to ODO.
447th to ODO.
“Guards checked.”
“Guards checked.”
“Guards checked.”
“Guards checked.” 31/12/43
“Guards checked.”
“Guards checked.” 31/12/43
1st Falconara
2nd San Benedetto
350° --25.
270 ---2° R.
270 ---1° L.
First 6 of Flight 1 – Railroad Station.
Second 6 of Flight 1 – Junction Point to Freight Yard and M/Y.
First 6 of Flight 2 – Freight Yard.
Second 6 of Flight 2 – M/Y.
Thursday, 30 December 1943 (continued)
HQ 321st BG Mission Summary: (Ops Order 176/mission 175) Group Mission # 177:
-----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Mission Report # 177, 30 December 1943
1. 321st Bombardment Group (M).
At 1205 24 B-25’s took off to bomb Falconara M/Yds. None returned early. 24
dropped 136x500 lb. bombs with 1/10 and .025 fusing at 1400 hours from
10,000/11,000 feet. 24 returned at 1500. Axis of attack 145°.
2. RESUKTS: Ref TC 3-52 NA: Target coverage excellent. Many reports of direct hits
on junction. 1 Warehouse left on fire and 3 large explosions in yards. Repair shed at
M22 hit. R.R. Station at J-27 hit. Road hit at 25 J & I. Buildings on both sides of
junction hit. Some bombs in water may have been from 340th group which bombed
Air------------2 S/E A/C, 2 miles S of target. Made no passes.
Ground-------1 train, 15 cars, heading N from Senigallia. 1 train, 50 cars heading N
on main line N of target. 1 report of much rolling stock in M/Yds at
Marine--------At Senigallia harbor 1 barge, heading 125°, and 1 small possible naval
craft or M/V heading N.
Flak-----------At target Heavy, moderate intensity, inaccurate, light calibre up to
6,000’ – Inaccurate. At Ancona, Heavy, inaccurate. Along road at
Pinocchio Heavy, inaccurate. 1 battery of heavy at target ½ mile S of
junction at F-24.
4. WEATHER: Enroute. 8/10 base at 5,000 feet, tops at 10,000 on first half of route.
Visibility: Hazy, 15 miles.
At Target: Clouds- None. Visibility: Hazy, 15 miles.
Return: Scattered clouds at 5,000 feet on route from target becoming
6/10 as approached base. Visibility, Hazy-15 miles.
5. Flight leaders: Lt. Wilt and Tapper.
Number of sorties - 24
Photos taken.
Capt., Air Corps,
Intelligence Officer
-----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------445th BS War Diary: Lts. Ward, Shaw, Triplett; F/O Jones; Sgts. Baird, Boyette and
Pierce all received their orders to return to the United States. Lts. Ward and Shaw were
promoted to 1st Lt. which gave them added cause for rejoicing. Lt. Kailer flew Lt.
Armbruster to the hospital at Naples where the latter will undergo a physical checkup. A
new enlisted men’s mess is now erected. Two heifers were cut up this afternoon and will
be eaten tomorrow. Large number of packages arrived in the evening. It is very cold
Thursday, 30 December 1943 (continued)
Armbruster, Charles C., 2Lt, pilot
Boyette, Roy E., Sgt, gunner
Kailer, William Frederick “Bill”, 2Lt, pilot
Shaw, William H., 1Lt, pilot
Ward, James M., 1Lt, pilot
Baird, Marvin G., Sgt, engineering
Jones, William E., F/O, pilot
Pierce, Richard H., T/Sgt, engineer-gunner
Triplett, Walter A., 2Lt, pilot
445th BS Mission Summary: (Ops Order 176/mission 175) Group Mission # 177:
A/C No. 41-13179 “Booger”
P Strenger, Marshall C., 1Lt
CP Knapp, Charles R., 2Lt
N None
B Smith, Paul F., S/Sgt
E Donegan, John B., S/Sgt
R Stone, Donald R., S/Sgt
G Forbes, Robert W., Sgt
F None
A/C No. 42-64659
P Williamson, Loyd V., F/O
CP Waterman, LeRoy R., 2Lt
N None
B Monk, William (NMI), 2Lt
E Rose, J. W., S/Sgt
R Ehler, Leon J. H., S/Sgt
G Herrman, Byard G., Sgt
F None
A/C No. 42-64575
Haegele, Frederick G., 1Lt
Pamp, Arvid A., 2Lt
Paduana, Joseph A., 2Lt
Nysson, John W., 2Lt
Schaviak, Willis M., Sgt
Woogerd, Warren G., T/Sgt
Carson, Cecil F., Cpl
A/C No. 41-13202 “Idaho Lassie”
Vallery, Dean B., F/O
Noel, William Honoree, 2Lt
Souders, Walter E., 2Lt
Vance, Chester L., S/Sgt
Johnson, John E., S/Sgt
Andrews, Lamar C., S/Sgt
A/C No. 41-13207 “Oh 7”
House, Robert M., 2Lt
Walker, Robert S., 2Lt
Fitzgerald, Daniel J., Sgt
Chambers, Jimmie (NMI), Cpl
Clark, Thomas J., T/Sgt
Hannon, Robert P., S/Sgt
A/C No. 42-64529 (returned early –
guns out)
Wetherbee, Dana A., Jr., 2Lt
Crider, Claude M., Jr., 2Lt
Miller, Robert J., Jr., S/Sgt
Cross, Vassil W., Jr., S/Sgt
Stein, Louis (NMI), T/Sgt
Beaudware, Leo J., Sgt
Cheosky, Alexander A., Cpl
446th BS War Diary: Another successful mission. And still more mail. Usual garrison
Thursday, 30 December 1943 (continued)
446th BS Mission Summary: (Ops Order 176/mission 175) Group Mission # 177:
Squadron Mission 142
TARGET: Falconara M/Y
DATE: 30 Dec.1943
Type of Bombs: 500#
446th Planes: 6
Lt. Wilt, 448 Sqdn, led the formation. Target coverage was excellent. Many direct hits
on junction, one warehouse left on fire, and three large explosions were seen in the yards.
The repair shed, RR stations, roads, and buildings on both sides of the junction were hit.
Two enemy a/c were seen but did not attack. Flak was heavy, Inaccurate.
Wilt, Richard H., 1Lt, pilot, 448th BS
A/C No. 42-64526 “Patches”
P Davison, William R., 2Lt
CP Brellenthin, Harold Ray, 2Lt
N None
B Plaine, Robert J., S/Sgt
E Wuotila, Benjamin R., S/Sgt
R Kendall, Charles C. “Spike”, T/Sgt
G Brooks, Gaylen B., S/Sgt
F None
A/C No. 42-64557 “Lady Betty”
Cornell, Earl K., F/O
Farrell, Joseph R., 2Lt
Bahm, Linston A., PFC
Helisek, Paul A., S/Sgt
Smith, Roy W., T/Sgt
Fiebelkorn, Earl C., Sgt
A/C No. 42-32429 “Flamingo”
Riordan, Roland C., 2Lt
Strom, Ernest M., 2Lt
Anderson, Edward J., S/Sgt
Franc, John A., S/Sgt
Barber, Otis C., T/Sgt
Samsel, John C., Sgt
A/C No. 42-64520 “Duchess”
Russell, Burton E., 2Lt
Walker, Dale F., 2Lt
Nicklaus, George Edward “Nick”, 2Lt
Kaney, Oscar John, Jr., S/Sgt
Howe, Frank M., Jr., S/Sgt
Schultheis, Thomas R., Sgt
A/C No. 42-64511 “The Madam 2 of
St. Joe”
Tapper, George G., 1Lt
Holt, Robert L., 2Lt
Dickerson, Claude M., 2Lt
Cooper, Lester L., 2Lt
Hanley, James (NMI), Jr., S/Sgt
Leary, Edward M., S/Sgt
Velarde, Servando J., Jr., Sgt
A/C No. 42-32317 “Pennsylvania
Topham, Arthur H., 2Lt
Ryder, David (NMI), 2Lt
Green, Harry Marshall, Sgt
Underwood, Ferrell E., T/Sgt
Holtzclaw, James Ralph, PFC
Tissier, Rene G., Cpl
Thursday, 30 December 1943 (continued)
A/C No. 42-32446 “Mascot” (spare)
P Wright, Theodore O., 2Lt
CP Bsharah, Phillip (NMI), 2Lt
N None
B Gawrada, Gabriel P., 2Lt
E Motika, John F., Sgt
R Haughom, Milferd O., T/Sgt
G Bedwell, Joy L., Sgt
F None
446th BS: War Diary of: Kaney, Oscar John, Jr., S/Sgt, engineer-gunner (mission 46)
“# 46 Dec. 30, 1943
Time 3:15 Sqdn Mission # 142 Gr. Mission # 177
500# demo
Falconara M/Y, Italy
Formation Leader - Lt Wilt
Results - Target coverage excellent - 3 large explosions in yards.
Remarks - 2 E/A seen but did not attack. Flak was heavy moderate to intense &
Ship number - 42-64520 “Duchess”
P- Russell, CP - Walker, B- Nicklaus, E - Kaney, RG- Howe, G -Schultheis”
Howe, Frank M., Jr., S/Sgt, radio-gunner
Kaney, Oscar John, Jr., S/Sgt, engineer-gunner
Nicklaus, George Edward “Nick”, 2Lt, bombardier
Russell, Burton E., 2Lt, pilot
Schultheis, Thomas R., Sgt, gunner
Walker, Dale F., 2Lt, pilot
Wilt, Richard H., 2Lt, pilot, 448th BS
446th BS: War Diary of: Walker, Dale F., 2Lt, pilot: (29-30-31 Dec) “Since I have been
busy the last three days my Diary has been neglected. We have had a few good missions
& because of weather one was almost a cross country so couldn’t drop any bombs. Its
been darn cold, real nasty weather. I’m starting to pace what floor we have in our tent,
wondering & worrying about my wife & the baby I’m supposed to have Jan 3. Sure hope
they both will be OK and hope I hear from them soon. Hope the way we’re working &
living that this will soon be over.”
447th BS War Diary: (No non-mission information)
447th BS Mission Summary: (Ops Order 176/mission 175) Group Mission # 177:
7 of our ships participated in a raid on Falconara, Italy Marshalling Yards. Bombing
results good.
Thursday, 30 December 1943 (continued)
A/C No. 41-13210 “Buckeye Cannon
P Beeson, Elwood H., Capt
CP Briskey, John F., Jr., 1Lt
N Paiton, Harold K., 1Lt
B Lanza, Joseph Peter, 1Lt
E Cook, Gerritt C., S/Sgt
R Dexter, Harold H., S/Sgt
G Clausen, Ansgar E., S/Sgt
F None
A/C No. 41-30557
Joiner, Harold W., 1Lt
Langston, Everett D., 2Lt
Tudor, Mathew S., S/Sgt
Baringer, Paul S., S/Sgt
Moomaw, Otis W., S/Sgt
Funk, Marvin J., S/Sgt
A/C No. 41-30538 “Shad Rack You
Done Crapped Again”
P Gill, Paul W., 1Lt
CP Haeberle, John H., 1Lt
N None
B Blumenfeld, Philip I., 1Lt
E Sheets, Ralph M., S/Sgt
R Bartkus, Ernest F., S/Sgt
G Reilly, James M., Sgt
F None
A/C No. 42-32450 “Lumber Wagon”
(returned early – engine trouble)
P Broyles, Porter A., 1Lt
CP Vincent, Frederick W., III, 1Lt
N None
B McCormick, Donald Patrick, 1Lt
E Czabaj, Matthew W., S/Sgt
R Wadlow, Verlin L., S/Sgt
G Schrader, Harold F., S/Sgt
F None
A/C No. 42-32498 “Dumbo”
Hanlon, James Augustus, Jr., 1Lt
Trevor, Graham J., 1Lt
Nowakowski, Joseph J., 1Lt
Jeffrey, James H., PFC
Mellado, Ricardo (NMI), S/Sgt
Iverson, Lewis B., S/Sgt
Hassett, Leo P., Sgt
A/C No. 41-13181 “The Sophisticated
Jahraus, Alfred B., 1Lt
Ryherd, Fred E., 1Lt
Davis, Donald A., S/Sgt
O’Loughlin, William M., Sgt
Kaufold, Adolph (NMI), S/Sgt
Armstrong, Robert E., S/Sgt
A/C No. 41-12997 “Southern Belle”
Knodle, Robert A., 2Lt
Davies, Robert G., 1Lt
Kingsley, Andrew L., 1Lt
Monroe, Delore E., S/Sgt
Boyd, Robert J., S/Sgt
Roberts, Herman (NMI), S/Sgt
Thursday, 30 December 1943 (continued)
448th BS War Diary: (No non-mission information)
448th BS Mission Summary: (Ops Order 176/mission 175) Group Mission # 177:
Mission 139 (177): At 12:05 24 planes off to bomb Falconara M/Y and 24 dropped 136
x 500 bombs at 14:00 from 10,000 feet, all returned at 15:00. Target coverage excellent,
many direct hits on junction, 1 warehouse left on fire, 3 large explosions in yards, repair
shed, RR shed and buildings on both side of junction hit. 2 S/E fighters seen 2 miles S of
target but did not attack. Flak: Moderate, heavy, inaccurate. Weather: Hazy at target.
F/L: Lt. Wilt.
A/C No. 41-13172 “Boyd Toyd”
Wilt, Richard H., 2Lt
Shutt, Ervin F., 2Lt
Perry, Lawrence A., 2Lt
Blake, Thomas L., 2Lt
Brisco, Albert S., M/Sgt
McEntee, Peter M., Cpl
Holguin, Renato (NMI) “Cisco”, S/Sgt
Olmsted, Charles T., Lt Col, HQ 321st
BG Commander (Mission Commander)
A/C No. 41-30352
P Eddy, Willard B., Jr., 2Lt
CP Sandlin, Raymond H., F/O
N None
B Ally, George B., S/Sgt
E Daniels, John (NMI), S/Sgt
R Pitts, Donald W., S/Sgt
G Griffin, Pink C., S/Sgt
F None
A/C No. 42-64552
P Coffee, Robert D., 2Lt
CP Hoffman, Albert J., 2Lt
N None
B Bird, Robert G., Cpl
E Johnson, Roy C., S/Sgt
R Vizzacco, Rocco (NMI), Sgt
G Lord, Wilson E., S/Sgt
F None
A/C No. 42-64519
McEvoy, John C., 2Lt
Jones, Truman R., 2Lt
Carr, Randal C., S/Sgt
Polinsky, Marvin J., T/Sgt
Doss, Charles W., Jr., S/Sgt
Wilkerson, John J., Cpl
A/C No. 41-30005 “The Duck”
Sowder, Tony R., Jr., F/O
Cooper, James W., 2Lt
Matkins, Marvin F., 2Lt
Ritter, Robert E., S/Sgt
Alexander, Phillip D., Pvt
Penhale, Walter B., Pvt
A/C No. 41-12995 “Charlie’s Aunt”
Driver, William J., F/O
Hicks, John T., 2Lt
Patterson, L. J. (i.o.), Pvt
Johnson, Joe Morris, Sgt
Robertshaw, David F., S/Sgt
Jeffrey, Louis J., Cpl
Thursday, 30 December 1943 (continued)
A/C No. 41-30355
P Crowell, Weymouth (NMI), Jr., 2Lt
CP Doyle, Edward J., 2Lt
N None
B Braun, Joseph M., T/Sgt
E Spencer, John S., T/Sgt
R Everhart, Clifford R., Sgt
G Tudor, Owen M., Sgt
F France, Charles E., Jr., Sgt
Friday, 31 December 1943
USAAF Chronology: MTO Tactical Operations (12th AF):
In Italy, P-40's and Spitfires of the AAF, RAF, RAAF, and SAAF,
strike infantry and heavy artillery around Tollo, Orsogna, Miglianico, Ripa, and Teatina
in support of the British Eighth Army. A-36's bomb the town of Formia and hit gun
HQ 321st BG War Diary:
No mission.
HQ 321st BG Communications Log:
Rendezvous with 12th B.G. at 2000 ft at 1130 at San Severo. Their calls are
BIGBOY & FLAVOR on 6440. There will be fighter cover at Target.
0845 Bradley to TBF. Cleared 995, (Shutt) for Naples.
0930 TBF to Bradley. Mission # 725. 24 A/C. Primary, Shipping off islands near
Zara. If no shipping attack docks at Sibenik at 91, S38 to V41 on chart S39 (1).
Any shipping over 150 ft. may be taken as enemy and may be attacked. Want
T.O.T. as soon as possible.
TBF to Larson. “Have crews briefed on San Benedetto (#38) as last resort.”
1115 TBF to Bradley. “Stand down for the day.”
1140 TBF to Bradley. “Col Olmsted, Col. Cook and Capt. Asbury to attend meeting at
TBF at 1800 tonite, for tactical discussion.”
1600 Matthews to Larson. “Crews available: 445th, 7; 446th, 11; 447th, 7; 448th, 7.”
1650 TBF to Larson. “Middle East Bombing School cancelled for this month—
Squadrons notified.”
1700 Olmsted to Col Farrell (TBF). “Capt. Jaenicke to report to Col Neely at A-3, 12
A.F. (Foggia) for 4 days plus. Jaenicke to provide technical advice on B-25
445th BS War Diary: The Squadron personnel were paid today. Three training flights
were flown. There was not too much work accomplished today as the men were warming
up for the big New Year’s Eve celebration. Roast beef was thoroughly enjoyed for
supper. A festive, “wet” time was had during the evening, culminated by a “fireworks”
display at 12 o’clock when all or a large number of the men fired their firearms to “ring
out the old, ring in the new”. Happy New Year to all.
446th BS War Diary: No Missions. News reached here today that Lts. Klang, Henson,
Graham, and Sgts. Carnes and Bonacich were killed in a plane crash near La Senia air
base in Africa. This is not official yet. What a terrible way to end the month. The
accident occurred on December 24, 1943.
Bonacich, Matthew G., Sgt, gunner
Carnes, James B., Sgt, engineering
Graham, Robert W., 2Lt, engineering
Henson, Gerald J., 2Lt, pilot
Klang, Irving E., 2Lt, pilot
Friday, 31 December 1943
446th BS: Pilot Log: Fitzgerald, John (NMI) “Jack”, 2Lt, pilot (Co-Pilot)
Pilot: Cooper
A/C B-26B-50-MA Marauder: 42-95880
Morrison Field, NC to USCG Air Station, Borinquen, Puerto Rico: Ferry
Flying Time: 5:15
Cooper, Paul T., Capt, pilot
447th BS War Diary: Mission cancelled. Usual work program.
448th BS War Diary: No Entry
December 1943
HQ 321st BG War Diary: Additional Narrative for December 1943
December brought many days of bad weather causing the cancellation of some
scheduled missions and in other cases complete cloud coverage prevented primary targets
from being attacked. Despite the handicap offered by the weather the group carried on
and performed many successful raids.
During the earlier part of the month, Colonel Knapp was transferred to Tactical
Bomber Force and Lt. Colonel Olmsted assumed command of the Group.
A Group Officers Club was organized consisting of Group Headquarters and the
445th and 446th Squadrons. The clubroom was located n the building used for
administrative offices. Many evening hours of relaxation were spent in the club by the
officers as they enjoyed liquors purchased in Cairo and Naples. A poker game was in full
swing each evening and many other games were enjoyed as well. The club was
decorated by the hanging of two parachutes from the ceiling, indirect lighting and murals
on the walls. Italian boys were hired as bartenders and although we were doubtful as to
their value at first, they proved to be very satisfactory. Movies and stage show were
enjoyed by all in the granary nearly every night of the week. Many of the movies we
have seen lately are recent releases.
The Podesta in Foggia was the scene of the first Group Officer’s dance on St.
Vincent’s Night, December 22nd. The 21st Engineer’s Band supplied the music and the
Squadron’s supplied the liquors. Red Cross girls and the fairest of the Army Nurse Corps
added the feminine touch. The liquor was fine, the music superb, and all adjudged the
affair a raising success.
On December 9, 1943 the Group was honored by a flying visit from General
Arnold just back from his epoch-making conference with the four power Heads at Cairo.
The Group turned out on masse in Class “A” uniforms to see the General make three
award-presentations. The photographs tell the story.
December 1943 (continued)
December 1943 (continued)
December 1943 (continued)
445th BS War Diary: Additional Narrative for December 1943: None
446th BS War Diary: Additional Narrative for December 1943
APO 650
1 January 1944
A. Original unit
1. 446th Bomb Sqdn (M), 321st Bomb Group (M), AAF .
2. Organized 1 August 1942
3. Columbia Army Air Base, Columbia, S.C.
4. Activated at Barksdale Field, La., 23 June 1942
5. Personnel obtained by transfer from other units, training schools and replacement
B. Strength, commissioned and enlisted
1. 1 December 1943
64 Officers, 275 Enlisted Men
2. Net Increase
3. Net Decrease
2 Officers, 8 Enlisted Men
4. 31 December 1943
62 Officers, 267 Enlisted Men
C. Stations permanent or temporary of unit or parts thereof:
There were six enlisted men and one officer on DS in North Africa who arrived at this
Base on 8 December 1943
D. Commanding Officer in important engagements:
1. Engagement; Split, Yugoslavia.
2. LT. COL. HENRY H. SCHWANE (pilot).
E. Losses in action:
1. Sgt. William C. Cleveland (gunner) missing in action over Italy.
F. Former or present members of the Squadron who have distinguished themselves in
Captain James L. Bradley (pilot) was awarded the D.F.C. by General Arnold on Dec.
9, 1943.
G. Campaigns
1. Complete data in attached mission summaries.
December 1943 (continued)
447th BS War Diary: Additional Narrative for December 1943
Tragedy struck early in the month when Lt. William Williams and crew were shot
down Dec. 2---Squadron Weapons Carrier driven by S/Sgt. Luchetsky flipped over a
stone wall near San Giovanni killing on Italian passenger Dec. 8---The officers mess and
club was ready for occupation Dec. 9---Lt. Haeberle soloing in a jeep Dec 12 tangled
with a two-and-a-half-ton truck (missing one jeep)---Enlisted men’s club opened Dec. 13
with gala festivities---Col. Knapp relinquished the group to Lt. Col. Olmstead at a
meeting of combat crews Dec. 13---Officers gave a dinner and dance Dec. 19 in the
squadron club. Fourteen gals-in-blue (61st and 55th hospital talent) attended---Mass
promotion of officers Dec. 21---Ella Logan and troupe were Christmas eve guests at the
squadron officers club---The Yule feast featured turkeys from the states, GI and fat--Deluge of Christmas packages from home poured in all month---The old year passed out
rather quietly with both the officers and the enlisted men’s bars doing a landslide
business New Years Eve. Details appear in the War Diary and Special Accounts
Haeberle, John H., 1Lt, pilot
Knapp, Robert Duane, Sr., Col, pilot, 321st BG
Luchetsky, Paul, S/Sgt, mess
Olmstead, Charles T., Col, pilot, 321st BG Commander
Williams, William Thomas, 1Lt, pilot
Despite the large number of missions which had to be cancelled during the month
because of bad weather—the squadron chalked up a goodly number totaling fourteen for
the month. The raids were about equally divided between the Balkans and northern Italy.
The raids over northern Italy just above the battle line were the toughest ones and it was
on one of those that heavy flak accounted for one of our planes.
The biggest morale booster of the month came Dec. 21 promotion orders came
through for thirty 2nd Lts. in the squadron. Some of the promoted officers joined the
squadron last June, others last October.
By the end of the month rumors were being circulated that we would soon move
again. Our field is being shared now with B-17s of the 2nd Bomb. Group and is quite
Missions Flown: 14
Sorties Flown: 94
Bombs dropped (weight): 246,760
Planes lost: 1
Enemy Aircraft Destroyed: None
Enemy Aircraft Damaged (in air): None
Squadron’s 150th mission flown during the month.
December 1943 (continued)
447th BS Special Accounts: The following is a “plane-performance” report sent in to
North American by their representative here. The record of “The Sophisticated Lady” is
outstanding but a similar record is being chalked up by most of the other planes and
crews in the squadron.
“The Sophisticated Lady”, bearing the official Air Corps Identification Number
AC 41-13181, is a B-25 airplane, which, when combined with her combat crew members
and ground personnel, provides an illustrious example of the superior types of machines
and men the United States can produce. During her nine months in combat, she has
achieved the distinction of having participated in ninety bombing missions during three
hundred and twenty hours of combat flying time, and dropped more than one hundred
eighty-eight thousand pounds of destruction on enemy objectives. She has created this
combat record, not by spectacular stabs at the enemy, but many deliberate and successful
bombing runs over enemy targets while under the skilful control of the pilot, First
Lieutenant Jack M. DeMoss, and the present pilot, Second Lieutenant Robert Olson.
Lieutenant Olson and his crew were assigned to “The Sophisticated Lady” on October
4th, 1943, after Lieutenant DeMoss’s crew had completed its combat tour and returned to
the United States. The “lady” has retained an almost perfect maintenance record, failing
to qualify for a mission only once due to a double engine-change, which was made after
her original engines had incurred 460 hours flying time. This maintenance was not due to
critical malfunctioning of the engines but to insure the peak performance which is
essential in a combat airplane. She has had no occasion to utilize her many emergency
operating systems, since she has never experienced a hydraulic failure. She still retains
one of her original main landing gear tires after 570 hours operation. The “Lady’s” pink
skin has been marred only seven times by enemy gunfire and the resultant holes were
nothing that could not be covered by tin from a tobacco can. On only three occasions did
damages approach a serious nature. The first occurred when a small caliber bullet
pierced the outer wing trailing edge and narrowly missed severing the aileron control
cables, the second when a bullet from an enemy fighter entered the upper turret dome and
amputated the lower section of the turret operator’s left ear. All other damages inflicted
by enemy gunfire were of no consequences, with the exception of a small piece of
shrapnel which entered the nose gun ammunition box and exploded a few rounds of
ammunition at the bombardier’s side. Although the “Lady” has accrued ninety combat
missions with rather an uneventful career, it is a mistake to assume that she has shirked
her duty as a topnotch worker, because she has definitely played a superb part in the
drama to gain air superiority over the Axis in this theater.
DeMoss, Jack M., 1Lt, pilot
Olson, Robert C., 2Lt, pilot
The “Sophisticated Lady” was assigned her original crew in February, 1943, prior
to the flight overseas. The crew consisted of: Pilot, First Lieutenant Jack M. DeMoss,
Kansas City, Missouri; Co-Pilot, Second Lieutenant Chas Hoffman, Newport, Kentucky;
Bombardier, Second Lieutenant Andy K. Garrett, Abilene, Texas; Engineer-Gunner, Staff
Sergeant Edward Joseph, Hammonton, New Jersey; Turret Gunner, Private First Class,
December 1943 (continued)
Robert Smith, Macon, Georgia; and Radio-Gunner, Technical Sergeant John Hofstedt,
Milwaukee, Wisconsin. Lieutenant DeMoss and his crew escorted the “Sophisticated
Lady” on an uneventful flight overseas to her first combat Base in North Africa via the
southern ferry route along the east coast of South America and across the South Atlantic,
landing at an airbase near Oran, Algeria.
DeMoss, Jack M., 1Lt, pilot
Garrett, Andy K., 2Lt, bombardier
Hammonton, Edward Joseph, S/Sgt, engineer-gunner
Hoffman, Charles W., 2Lt, pilot
Hofstedt, John H., T/Sgt, radio-gunner
Smith, Robert J., PFC, turret gunner
The Bombardment Group to which the “Sophisticated Lady” was assigned was
then consolidated and moved to a Base nearer the North African combat area. From this
Base, the “Lady” initiated her combat career by participating in bombing missions over
various enemy airfields in North Africa. These missions were succeeded by raids on
Sardinian harbors at Carloforte, Olbia and Cagliari, Missions within the next few weeks
included seven low sea sweeps over the Mediterranean Sea in search of enemy shipping.
These missions proved extremely dangerous, since they were executed at deck level
against boats which invariably carried an abundance of armament manned by
experienced gunners. After two raids on the marshalling yards at Mateur, in North
Africa, and attacks on airports at Villacidro, Sardinia, the “Sophisticated Lady” then flew
seven missions over the island of Pantelleria to share in the annihilation of the island by
air power. Succeeding missions were aimed at the Sicilian targets of Licata, Bo Rizzo,
Sciacca, Gerbini, Biscari, San Pietro, Caltanissetta, Palazzolo, Messina and Milo
During the foregoing raids, the “Lady’s” home Base was advanced periodically,
so to permit closer co-ordination with Allied Forces and shorten the striking distance to
enemy objectives. The mass bombing of Rome on July 19th marked the beginning of
large-scale raids on Italy by the ‘Sophisticated Lady” and her associates. During the
following weeks, Lieutenant DeMoss and his crew flew through flak and fighters to
bomb the Italian targets of Naples, Monte Corvino, Crotone, the marshalling yards at
Catanzaro Marine, Marina di Paolo, Benevento, Cancello, Lauria, and road junctions at
Potenza, Ariano Irpino, Baronissi and Isernia, Airdromes at Minturno and Practica di
Mare were also hit by the “Lady”. The Practica di Mare raid completed fifty combat
missions for Lieutenant DeMoss and his crew and they were replaced by: Pilot, Second
Lieutenant Robert Olson, Waterloo, Iowa; Co-Pilot, Second Lieutenant Alfred Drury,
Marquette, Michigan; Bombardier, Second Lieutenant George Deane, Lincoln Illinois;
Navigator, Second Lieutenant Arthur Holloway, Joliet, Illinois; Radio-Gunner, Staff
Sergeant George Roever, Longview, Texas; and Turret Gunner, Sergeant Argyle Smith,
Fulton, Massachusetts. Lieutenant Olson and his crew continued operations by bombing
Grecian airdromes at Argos, Salonika, Athens-Eleusis and Athens-Kalamaki Airdromes.
December 1943 (continued)
On the Kalamaki raid, Sergeant Smith was credited with dropping an enemy ME-109 by
fire from the “Lady’s” upper gun turret. The “Sophisticated Lady”, under the guidance of
her new crew, also executed missions over Tirana Airdrome, in Albania. Targets at
Skoplje, Nis, Sarajevo, Podgorica and Sibenik were also hit by the unrelenting and yet
sophisticated “Lady”.
Deane, George J., 2Lt, bombardier
DeMoss, Jack M., 1Lt, pilot
Drury, Alfred Charles, 2Lt, pilot
Holloway, Arthur M., 2Lt, navigator
Olson, Robert C., 2Lt, pilot
Roever, George W., Jr., S/Sgt, radio-gunner
Smith, Argyle H., Cpl, turret gunner
And so, “The Sophisticated Lady” continues to fulfill here required assignments
of combat routine from the Home Base, which is now located in Italy. Technical
Sergeant Arthur Hasler, known as “Sitting Bull” by is buddies, has served as the
“Lady’s” crew chief since she entered combat. He is very proud of the “Sophisticated
Lady’s” maintenance record and states that she is as good as the day she was born and
just as eager.
Hasler, Arthur R. "Sitting Bull", T/Sgt, engineering
December 1943 (continued)
448th BS War Diary: Additional Narrative for December 1943:
On December 2, 1943, while on a mission over CHIETI Road Bridge, Major
Bates and his crew were shot down in flames. This accident overshadowed by far any
other event during the month. The airplane received a direct flak hit in one gas tank and
was immediately enveloped in flames. There is a possibility that one of the crew bailed
out as photographs taken during the raid show what is believed to be a parachute in the
air. Members of the crew were; Major Bates, Pilot, Lt. Clark, Co-Pilot, Captain Brown,
Bombardier, Lt. Abbe, Navigator, S/SGTS: Henry, Engineer, Terho, Radio Gunner, and
Paschel, Turret Gunner. The loss of these men was felt keenly by all members of the
Abbe, Richard A., 2Lt, navigator
Bates, James P. “Jimmy”, Maj, pilot
Brown, Robert H. “Brownie”, Capt, bombardier
Clark, Paul I., 2Lt, pilot
Henry, Lewis F., S/Sgt, engineer-gunner
Paschel, John W., S/Sgt, turret gunner
Terho, Harold V., S/Sgt, radio-gunner
On the afternoon of December 3, 1943, Captain Bell assumed command and made
a brief address to the Officers and men in which he stated that he would do his utmost to
carry on the best traditions of the 448 and expected the cooperation of all personnel
Captain Culp was appointed Operations Officer and Lt. Eddy was appointed Assistant
Operations Officer. In the absence of Captain Culp who was in Cairo, Lt. Eddy
performed the necessary duties pertaining to that office. The remainder of the week
passed with little excitement, targets continue to be in Northern Italy and Yugoslavia.
Bell, Albert R., Capt, pilot, Commander
Culp, Merle H., Capt, pilot
Eddy, Willard B., Jr., 2Lt, pilot
On December 10 following a mysterious order to appear in class A uniforms the
squadron marched to Group Headquarters and there witnessed the award of several
medals to personnel of the Group by General Arnold who was accompanied by Lt.
General Spaatz and Major General Cannon. T/Sgts: Karabinos and Braun received the
Legion of Merit for their work in modifying the B-25’s.
Braun, Joseph M., T/Sgt, gunner
Karabinos, Joseph M., T/Sgt, engineering
Arnold, Henry H. "Hap", Gen, Chief of the Army Air Forces
Cannon, John K., Maj Gen, 12th AF Commander
Spaatz, Carl Andrew "Tooey", Lt Gen, Commander, Strategic Air Forces
By December 9 the Enlisted Mens Mess Hall and Club with bar attached was
completed and good use was made of this facility. The Officer’s Mess was also
completed and operating with great success. Due to some unknown cause the Bill of Fare
did not improve during the early part of the month.
December 1943 (continued)
As cold weather and rain became the order of the day the huge coal pile soon
dwindled and the camp area began to resemble to resemble Pittsburgh with black coal
smoke pouring from many chimneys. Of course many strange gadgets and inventions
were used to burn gasoline and oil. As was the case of last winter a steady flow of
chickens, eggs and etc came in to supplement the GI chow. Although strict instructions
from home ordered that Xmas packages were not to be opened until December 25, many
men found the urge irresistible or the pile of packages growing so great that they had to
investigate the contents.
Shortly after the move to Amendola it was discovered that shows were a nightly
affair in Foggia and by December 2 a truck was sent nightly carrying all personnel who
desired to attend. It was discovered that sunny Italy was extremely cold after the sun
went down. On December 9 through the efforts of the Group Special Service Officer
movies were shown nightly at Group Headquarters, which were enjoyed by all. Early in
the month Lt. Jantz started building a show room but as it was soon discovered that hot
showers were available in Foggia work was discontinued in the squadron.
Jantz, Lawrence E., 2Lt, supply
The weather continued to be inclement and hampered operations on the Line and
in the squadron area. Few missions were flown and these had three or four alternate
targets which were to be bombed if the primary target was covered. On December 23 the
Group was given a day off in which to celebrate Xmas as a mission was scheduled on
Xmas day, full advantage was taken of this holiday and everyone reported a Good Time.
As December 25 approached the holiday spirit permeated the squadron, homesickness was prevalent but no cases proved fatal. On December 24 the cooks announced
that turkey would again be in order for the Xmas dinner. All Personnel mentally licked
their chops as they recalled the bountiful feast of Thanksgiving Day. The dinner left
nothing to be desired. The men ate their fill of the copious servings which ranged from
turkey to nuts. Both the officers and men enjoyed a Xmas Eve party in Foggia and at
Group Headquarters. Christmas Cheer was obtainable at the bars of both clubs.
During the month Lts: Hayes and Wonnacott received their promotions to the
rank of Captain and several Enlisted Men were promoted in grade.
Hayes, Elzie N., Jr., Capt, armament
Wonnacott, Robert C., Capt, engineering
Late in the month the system of three day passes for all enlisted personnel was
inaugurated and several men spent three enjoyable days in Naples. However an epidemic
of typhus in that city effectually put a stop to the passes. Combat crews continued to go
to the Isle of Capri for a seven day rest throughout the month and they reported that the
island was beautiful, service was excellent and the rest very beneficial.
December 1943 (continued)
As the month wore on all personnel became more acquired with their
surroundings and frequent trips to Manfredonia and Foggia as well as to small towns in
the nearby mountains proved that Italy was not as desolate and war stricken as first
impressions made it seem.
All personnel who had completed fifty missions were still sweating out their
orders that would send them back to good old U.S.A. Letters from former members of
the squadron who had returned home did not help the situation.
On December 15 Colonel Knapp bid a fond adieu to his Group and left for higher
headquarters. Lt. Colonel Olmsted assumed command. At about the same time the 2 nd
Bomb Group (H), moved on the same field and crowded B-25’s off the hard stands into
the mud temporarily. Rumors were abound that this condition would not long endure
shortly the Group would again be on the move. Perhaps to Naples but no one knew
Knapp, Robert Duane, Sr., Col, pilot, 321st BG Commander
Olmstead, Charles T., Lt Col, pilot, 321st BG Commander
As the year drew to a close thoughts of home became very evident in the
squadron, the censors found more and more evidence of that longing to return home.
Peddlers became frequent visitors and cried their wares of chickens, almonds,
oranges and Italian vino and needless to say the squadron personnel made many
purchases of the wares they offered for sale. Prices ranged from ten cents for a hair cut to
twenty cents for an egg. Food was at a premium, but the rich American soldier paid the
price and the Italian Co-Belligerents reaped the harvest just as the French Allies had in
North Africa.
December 1 – 7 – 43: Squadron strength December 1, 1943, 70 Officers and 278
Enlisted Men. Major Bates, 2nd Lts: Abbe, Clark, S/Sgts: Henry, Paschal, and Terho,
Missing in action as of December 2, 1943, while on raid over CHIETI road bridge.
Captain Bell assigned and joined and assumed command as of December 2, 1943. 1st Lt.
Hayes promoted to Captain. S/Sgt. Moore transferred to 37th General Hospital. The loss
of Major Bates and crew was a severe shock to the squadron. Despite unfavorable
weather three missions were flown during the week. Cold rains and mud hampered
operations in the area and on the line. Morale was low but everyone determined to give
Captain Bell their fullest cooperation.
Abbe, Richard A., 2Lt, navigator
Bates, James P. “Jimmy”, Maj, pilot
Bell, Albert R., Capt, pilot, Commander
Clark, Paul I., 2Lt, pilot
Hayes, Elzie N., Jr., Capt, armament
Henry, Lewis F., S/Sgt, engineer-gunner
Moore, Gordon E., S/Sgt, gunner
Paschel, John W., S/Sgt, turret gunner
Terho, Harold V., S/Sgt, radio-gunner
December 1943 (continued)
December 8 – 14 – 43: No Officers or Enlisted Men assigned or joined during this
period. Lt. Wallnau transferred to the 322nd Service Group. Lt. Tolton transferred to the
U.S.A. All remaining men in North Africa returned to the squadron with the remainder
of vehicles this week. Several Officers and Enlisted Men, combat crews members
departed for a weeks rest on the Island of Capri. Four missions were flown during the
week against Italian tactical targets. Weather continued cold and the usual camp duties
were performed. On December 10, Generals Arnold, Spaatz, Cannon reviewed the
Group and awarded the Legion of Merit T/Sgts: Braun and Karabinos. The Enlisted
Mens Club and Bar opened. The Officers Club continued with noteworthy success.
Braun, Joseph M., T/Sgt, gunner
Karabinos, Joseph M., T/Sgt, engineering
Tolton, Justin C., 2Lt, pilot
Wallnau, Carl N., Jr., 2Lt, engineering
Arnold, Henry H. "Hap", Gen, Chief of the Army Air Forces
Cannon, John K., Maj Gen, 12th AF Commander
Spaatz, Carl Andrew "Tooey", Lt Gen, Commander, Strategic Air Forces
December 15 – 21 – 43: The following Enlisted Men were assigned and joined S/Sgts:
Lord, Sgt. Everhart; Corporal Bird and Carr. Many Officers and Enlisted Men departed
for a weeks rest on the Isle of Capri. The weather continued cold and rainy but despite
this handicap five missions were flown over Yugoslavia and northern Italian targets. The
Mess succeeded in purchasing fresh vegetables which added much to the Bill of Fare.
Packages poured in to all personnel in the squadron. The usual camp duties were
performed during this period.
Carr, Randal C., Cpl, gunner
Everhart, Clifford R., Sgt, gunner
Lord, Wilson E., S/Sgt, gunner
December 22 – 31 - 43: S/Sgt. Doss assigned and joined. Lt. Evans promoted to 1st
Lieutenant. Lt. Wonnacott promoted to Captain. Due to holiday only two missions were
flown. Christmas dinner was very successful with turkey for all with all the trimmings.
Usual camp duties performed while celebrating the holidays. More Officers and Enlisted
men departed for the Isle of Capri.
Doss, Charles W., Jr., S/Sgt, engineer-gunner
Evans, Ivor P., 1Lt, bombardier
Wonnacott, Robert C., Capt, engineering