A1 Travel Log User Guide


A1 Travel Log User Guide
A1 Travel Log User Guide!
A1 Travel Log
The A1 Travel Log is the travel planning and travel companion that is your travel organizer.
This application will help you make your travel itinerary and to select which sightseeing stops
you want to make. You can use the highly organized app to gather information and photos
related to sites you want to visit. The items below will cover the features and functions of the A1
Travel Log application.
Important: This app makes use of internet web sites to do research and the use of photos
gathered from the internet and your travel during sightseeing.
When you plan to travel to either a city or to any special attraction you want to organize the
travel elements to collect and schedule daily events.
The planning includes the mode of travel to the location, and the side trips. The app
manages your reservations for both lodging and access to venues where you will visit and
Here is a sample planning itinerary and how you would use the A1 Travel Log.
• Most travel will involve air and ground travel or both. In this app you will use “Activities” to
plan and schedule each days activity.
• You start the planning by organizing the fixed reservations, like airline and ground travel. Start
by using the built-in calendar to designate air and ground travel dates.
• The initial activity would be air and ground travel scheduling. The first activity would be to
enter the airline reservation information, and hotel or other information regarding lodging.
Include the activity for the round trip.
• The first sightseeing activities can be randomly entered into the application if you do not want
to schedule each day’s activity.
• If you are extremely organized you can add activities in the order in which you plan see them
on a daily basis.
• Once you have activities identified you can use the built-in web browser to visit websites to
gather all of the information required to understand entry fees, hours of operation, seasonal
information about the location, and all information of interest. Using the companion app or the
iPad, you can copy and paste text and graphics directly into this application.
• Using the built-in mapping program, you can copy maps and paste them into this application
this is especially useful if where you’re going you do not have access to Wi-Fi or 3 G services.
A1 Travel Log User Guide!
• This application includes an expense management screen to capture all relevant costs and
budget information. In this way you can have an exact cost for each individual activity in your
• This application includes language tabs that allow you to use your language to localize each
screen in the application. This includes all text on any screen in the application.
• The application also includes user defined fields or UDF’s where you can add your own title
field, and input field for any additional information you want to capture.
This application includes an expense report that is organized by a top level event name that
separates individual travel itineraries in the report.
This application is ideal for retired people who plan to travel extensively around the world.
It also includes a currency conversion tool in the expense screen.
This application includes the ability to sync the iPad to a free computer companion
The developer also provides a user guide for you to learn how to use this app. A free
companion app for the Mac or PC is also available from the developer web site.
Requirements for Use
The application requirements for usage:
• The iTunes app will be loaded onto the iPad for general usage.
• The iTunes app purchase also includes a free Companion app that is used on the Mac or PC
computers. This is a free app that is provided when a proof of purchase is sent to the
developer. This is a snap shoot of the iTunes app icon on the iPad screen. This is done by
using the round and power buttons to make a snap shoot of the screen. The snap shoot is emailed to [email protected]. Detailed instructions are provided on the developer web
• User guides for all applications are available on the developer support site in the user guide
library link.
• The companion app is like a server app allowing one or more iPads to sync to the one
companion app. Detailed information about using the sync process is included on the
developer site, and on the user forum.
• The developer now provides a User Forum online for users to read technical support topics
and to add your own topics and comments. A logon for the user form will be provided with
the e-mail for the companion app.
• iTunes and Bonjour both need to be installed an open to setup the sync process.
A1 Travel Log User Guide!
This application allows importing and exporting of data in several formats. If you need
assistance to import data into the new application access the user form and read the topics
for importing and exporting.
If after reading this user guide you find that there are features you would like to have added
to the basic application, please contact the developer for consultation and a quote for these
additional services.
• The app will provide the data collection, organizational analysis and development tools and
reporting system for accomplishing the items above.
Before You Start
There are some things you need to know before you start adding data.
When you download the app from iTunes the iPad app contains no records. Because there
are no records the main menu will be covered in gray. To start the app use, tap the “+” icon
at the bottom left of the iPad menu bar. This will clear the gray cast on the screen.
In the next section the sync setup will be described. The new language editing apps need to
be synced prior to editing on the iPad. This will be covered so you can sync the example
records to to the iPad.
The app has buttons, and icons that link screens to move around the app. Before you use the
app you need to read the user guide and learn the use of the app. You should start by
working in the companion app where there are sample records and data entries to review for
assistance in learning.
The app you’re using is a fully relational database, and it requires a specific data entry
sequence. A relational database has two types of screens “Parent & Child” screens. A parent
screen is the main screen and child screens are linked from the parent. When you create a
parent record several of the fields you ad data to will be used in child screens. Later in this
guide the definition of a parent screen and child screen are important. You do not create
child screen by adding new records. When the parent record is created it may have one or
more child screens that are created at the same time as the parent record. A lock icon
(locked) on the child screen is used to tell you not to create new records in the child screen.
An unlocked lock or statement is used to tell you that new records may be added to the
screen your viewing. A parent record is the screen with the unlocked lock icon.
If you start adding data and do not follow the user guide instructions you will have issues in
the data on the screens. So follow the user guide to learn the input requirements of this app.
The companion app that is provided free needs to have the operating system for (Mac or
PC) designated in the request e-mail for requesting the companion app.
The companion app is a Runtime app meaning it has all of the components needed to run
the app in the app folder. No installation is required. NOTE: do not add or remove any
items from this runtime folder or it will no longer function. The app will take about 45
seconds to open the first time it is opened. The app is setting the computer permissions
A1 Travel Log User Guide!
during the first opening and will request the computer name during the first opening
sequence. Do not change the computer name in the dialogue that is displayed during the
startup process.
About This App (Special Notes “UDF optional fields”)
• This app uses a special set of fields called UDF (User Defined Fields). UDF fields are used
as follows;
• When you see an area where there are UDF fields there are two fields that are used together.
The top field is a Title field that is used to describe the contents of the Input field below the
title field. The title and input field set is used for optional entries where the normal fields do
not offer a field selection for the data you want to add. This approach allows you to add any
type of text data for the data you need. This is not restricted in any way in the current record
or between other optional field areas.
Before You Start
The use of the user guide is very important to get the most out of the app. Please use the guide in
the process of learning the use of this app. When I get support e-mail or calls I immediately know
when you describe the issue if you have read the user guide.
Getting Started
Start by opening the zip file for the companion app. The zip file needs to be extracted using a zip
unpack program. If you need to locate the zip unpack program, look on www.cnet/downloads
and enter a search word “zip” to find a program for Mac or PC.
What to do first
You should not start adding data to the iPad or Companion app until you setup and sync the
iPad to the companion app. This will sync the sample records to the iPad from the companion
app. After reading the user guide you should overwrite the sample records by adding your own
data to replace any data in the current record data. Do not delete the example records because it
will leave orphaned records. Orphan records are caused when a parent record is deleted and the
child records remain.
Setting up the sync process:
Detailed information is found on the form in topic 13 and 14 for setting up the sync process.
Make sure you connect the USB cable during the INITIAL sync setup. You also need to have
iTunes installed and running anytime you perform a sync.
Once you have the iPad synced to the companion app you will be ready to start the tour of the
companion app with the use of the user guide. If you have issues with setting up the sync, please
contact support for assistance. Use Skype to call the developer using this caller id
A1 Travel Log User Guide!
This application uses language editing were language tab is available in the screen that includes
each text item and field name on that screen. In addition if the screen has a portal record the
portal field names are included on the language tab. The language editing allows you to use your
local language to modify the current screen text. On the language tab, each field has a description
and to the right of the description as an input field that you can edit to enter your local language
to replace the default text.
The language fields use what is called a variable is a placeholder for the text on the screen. If you
do not sync the example record the variables will show on the screen instead of the normal text.
Therefore you need to sync the example record which will set the variables to the default text.
The following are the steps for setting up the iPad to sync to the companion app.
Before you start you need to attach the cable from the iPad to your computer USB port. This is
only needed for the initial sync so that the computer can establish the link to the file folder
location of the companion app.
You need to find a location to place the companion app where it will remain. If you move the
companion app folder after you have set up the sync, the link will be broken to the iPad and will
require to re setup of the sync once again. It is important to designate Mac or PC for the
companion app. You should be aware that if your iPad is set up for Mac or PC the companion
app should use the same operating system as the iPad is currently set up under.
The application sync uses iTunes to manage the sync set up process. Therefore you need to have
iTunes open and running on your computer, and minimized from the desktop. In addition to
iTunes Safari has one element called Bonjour that needs to be installed. Bonjour is used by
iTunes to provide the computer name that is used during the sync to identify the computer. If
during the process of setting up the sync the iPad cannot find the computer name then you need
to verify that Bonjour is installed. You may get a message during the set up to install the FMsync
plug-in, this is normally not an error and is not required. If you have questions contact developer
Starting the sync process:
When you open the iTunes app there are no records currently in the application. The main menu
screen will have a gray cast over the screen. You need to create one new record on the main menu
to remove this gray cast. This is done by tapping on the + in the lower left corner of the iPad
A1 Travel Log User Guide!
• Start by tapping on the “Sync to Computer” button on the main screen.
A1 Travel Log User Guide!
• On your desktop computer you need to have the application open and the main menu screen
display. The iPad needs to establish a link with a companion app, to establish this link the
companion app needs to be the active screen on your desktop. The active screen is the
frontmost screen. To ensure that it is the active screen place the cursor over the screen and tap
to make it active.
• The initial connect screen will display a dialog that shows the requirements for Wi-Fi or 3 G to
be used for the sync. Click the continue button on this dialogue to continue. Note: in the upper
left-hand corner the name you used for your computer should be displayed as you see my name
currently shown on the screen.
• If you do not see a name, or the word scanning is shown after tapping continue check to see if
the companion app is the active screen on your desktop.
• If you do not see your name at this point you need to ensure that the Wi-Fi IP address on the
iPad is the same on your computer. The IP address on the computer can be found using the
network icon on the Mac, or on the PC you will have to use the command window to find the
IP address. For the PC, go to the start on the programs and type CMD in the program
command line. The DOS window will appear on your screen. Type ipconfig on the DOS line
and press enter. When the data for the IP is shown you should see text string with 1 9 2.1 6
8.0.X. The X should be replaced with the number shown in the IP address. The IP address
needs to be entered using the manual connection settings when the scanning fails to find your
computer. In the manual settings screen enter the IP address in the field shown, then dismiss
A1 Travel Log User Guide!
the keyboard before tapping the connect button. If you do not dismiss the keyboard the
connection will fail.
• As shown on the left upper corner, and the connect button is shown on the upper right corner.
Do not Tap the server sync button or the get sync plug-in.
• Now look at your computer screen where you will see a dialog that asks you to allow the sync
connection. on this dialog click the Always Allow button.
• Now a new dialog will appear on the computer where it will display a 4 digit number. Copy
the number down. Now click the OK button
A1 Travel Log User Guide!
• Now look on your iPad screen and you will see a dialog there with the field for you to
add the 4 digit code you just copied from the companion app screen. After entering this
number tap OK button on the iPad screen.
• The iPad will display the sync screen.
A1 Travel Log User Guide!
• Prior to tapping the start sync, ensure that the companion app screen is the active
screen on the computer. If you fail to do this the word scanning will appear and
continue until it times out. This is the last step to completing the sync process, so you
do not want to have to do it all over again. So ensure that the companion app is the
active screen before submitting to the sync.
• The sync should take about 30 to 45 seconds to complete for the initial set up.
• The next time you do a sync after the setup is completed, you will only do the first few
screens in the sync screen will appear.
• The final step is to check the booking screen to see the data from the example record.
The booking screen is the parent record or main record for the booking reservation.
There are child screens and portals that now contain example data that you can browse.
• This completes the sync setup process.
Where to start after the tour
You will learn many of the features and the entry process during the tour using the user guide.
When you complete the tour, you may start adding data. I suggest that you over write the current
records “sample records” by adding data in the sample records to replace the current data. If you
have questions about editing records please use the user forum to find answers.
Step by step data entry descriptions (Tour)
A1 Travel Log User Guide!
The companion app is a Runtime program that is started from the folder sent to you in a zip file.
When you extract the file there is an icon with a folder show above. This will be used to start the
app. The iPad has its own app icon that will be used to display the new empty app. The iPad will
need to be synced to the companion app to add the example records. The first time the app is
opened on the computer it takes about 45 seconds to register and open on the computer. DO
NOT change the name dialog that is show during the opening just click the OK button. DO
NOT remove or add anything to or from the app folder. This folder DOES NOT need to be
installed it is ready to run after it is extracted.
Entry procedures
One of the first things to be aware of is to not add new records in screens with a locked icon:
The “new record” icon is not active on the screen menu, but you could add records using the
program menu. Please do not add new records on a screen where the locked lock is shown.
This is the unlocked icon.
The Main Menu Screen
The app needs to have data added in a specific sequence:
The main screen uses touch tabs to move between screen elements. The current tab will be a
lighter color that the other tabs. The Travel Activity is the first tab that will be covered in the
The top menu item:
• When the app opens on the computer you will see the runtime menu at the top of the screen,
and just below the dark bar is the A1 Travel Log app.
A1 Travel Log User Guide!
• The runtime menu you be commented upon as the need to use it is discussed in the app tour.
• The user forum has additional information related to technical questions on the runtime app.
You can also request answers from the developer by email.
• The Travel Log button bar:
• The first two arrow icons on the top left of the bar are used to move forward and backward
through the screen records.
• The New button will add a new record. The new record button on the runtime does the same
thing. The runtime menus can be hidden so the app duplicates some buttons.
• The Find button is also a copy of the main menu Find mode button.
• The Show All is used when you have done a Find and then want to change back to showing all
of the records again.
• The Show Hide button hides the runtime or iPad menus to allow you to have a better view of
the app screen elements.
• The Sort button is used on the companion app to set a special sort of your choice to display
• CAUTION: do not use the delete record unless you also delete all portal records for the record
you are deleting first! If you fail to do this it will effect the sync from the iPad. It will Cause the
iPad to stop during the sync as it looks for the missing parent record.
• TIP: delete portal records from the individual record screen this will be covered again in the
following section.
• At the right of the delete button is the Expense report icon found on the companion app only.
This icon is used to run the expense report once you have added records to the expense portal.
• The support in the right corner will open the developer site on the browser.
The Main App screen:
The companion app includes screens not available on the iPad. The List Views and Reports
on the iPad will be inactive or removed on the iPad.
Understanding the screen input steps:
When you open the main screen the example records are organized by “Events” first and then
by activities.
A1 Travel Log User Guide!
The Event Name at the top of the screen groups the records by the main event. This is the
name of the trip you’re taking. If you want to separate the trip into different events you can
do this. But, the expense report would be separated by the Events you define.
Activities are things you want to do while on your trip. You can add records for each activity
you want to attend.
TIP: activities are added even if you might not get to go to that activity. You add them so if
you change your mind and want to see something different you have alternate activities
available. For example on my trip to Paris I will add many more things to see than I can
attend. If for some reason the activity is not open or the weather makes it impossible to
attend, I can choose an alternate activity to attend.
Important: the top area of the screen is used to add all of the information you can about the
place you want to visit.
On the next page you will see the important data for the activity.
10. The activity name is a description of the travel process, or the actual place to be visited for
the activity.
11. The address data is the place to be visited. If you add this information it makes it easier to
ask for assistance, or to load the address into a GPS device.
12. The next fields in this area are used to add data related to the place being visited for
operation hours, fees, booking, reservations, and any other data that is required for the
activity. The notes field is also used to add other data that is not covered in the supplied
13. The photo field is used to display an image you copy from the internet or a picture you take
at the activity site, or from your iPad photo library.
Important: DO NOT add photos over 300 Kb to the app. The iPad has to load these images
and if they are to large the iPad will stall or crash. The available RAM on the iPad is the
problem. Note the field next to the photo that displays the Kb size.
Activity Name Portal:
A1 Travel Log User Guide!
As you add an activity to the new record the activity name will be added for you to the activity
• The portal is used to view, and change the current screens available. The blue book icon in
each row is used to change to the activity listed in that row. This is very useful on the iPad
because the Table View is not sorted to show the data in an easy way to find records.
Activity tab: Air and Ground Travel Portals.
• The travel log uses the two portals to show any travel related to the current activity. In the
sample records, the air travel to Paris is shown with the booking data.
• The activity includes ground travel to the place where we will stay in Paris during the vacation
• There are two parts to a portal record. The portal is a scrolling area where you can add an
unlimited number of records. The portal has a second part where the individual records can be
viewed and used in a Find (search) to locate or group records.
• The page and arrow icon in the row will display the individual portal record.
• As stated above if you delete a portal record you would use the row icon to access the individual
record to delete the portal record.
A1 Travel Log User Guide!
• To delete a portal record use the red X icon to remove the record. The double arrow icon will
take you back the the main screen. Use the lock icon on any screen to go to the main screen.
• A Find is available on the companion app and the iPad. You will see the find button at the top
of the main screen.
• The travel portals can be edited by tapping or clicking in the first field in the top left of the
portal rows.
• When you add a new record a new blank record is also added for the next record input.
• In the travel portals you will add the air and ground travel related to the event and activity you
are adding. You do not repeat the same entry on new activities.
• The Ground portal works in the same way as the air portal.
The icon in the lower left of the screen of the box and right facing arrow is the icon to use when
you want to display an unformatted table in the iPad.
Be aware that the screens in this section may be from different applications.
On the next page you will see the dialog that is shown when you tap the icon to show the table
view dialog.
Tap the table view to see the table on the iPad.
A1 Travel Log User Guide!
Next Page ( this is an example screen and is not from this app.)
A1 Travel Log User Guide!
Tap the table view and the unsorted table will be shown.
On the next page the table is shown. If you scroll the table with your finger you can select a
record in the table. Once selected (highlighted) if you tap the detail button at the top right of the
screen the record selected will be shown. The table view will close as the record is viewed.
The UDF Data Tab:
The Activity UDF fields;
• This is the ideal situation for UDF fields to be used in the screen where many possible data
items may be created..
A1 Travel Log User Guide!
• This UDF field screen is a portal where you can have an infinite number of entries. The
purpose of UDF field is to allow the user to define the field title and the input field. In addition
to have the flexibility to create any necessary field set to enhance the management of the travel
log. This information can include travel specific items and UDF fields were you want to track
pricing, scheduling, travel rates you want to compare, menbership air miles etc.
• If you go to the UDF individual portal records for the activity were the individual records are
stored, you can use a find mode to search for specific information related to entries made in the
UDF portal.
• It is worth repeating before you leave the screen, to remind you that you never delete the
parent record without deleting the portal record first
• TIP: the UDF user defined field is a two field set with a title field and an input field. The snap
shot above shows the initial field with the fields marked.
• Once you consider the possibilities that a UDF field offers you will see the benefits of using
• The + icon at the end of the row will open the individual portal records for the row where you
click the icon. Portal rows can be deleted without any problem to the main record.
• Note the record ID at the top of all portals. This is the linking ID back to the parent records.
Please do not change these id numbers. I leave them unlocked in case I need to do service on a
app when the user has introduced orphaned record to due to the deletion of a parent record.
Using the Calendar Tab:
A1 Travel Log User Guide!
• The calendar uses Google calendar to provide a way to assist you to plan daily activities. If you
already have a free calendar account with Gmail you can add a new travel log calendar to the
current calendars.
• Google Calendar is always improving and adding new features. The best way to learn about
the changes is to review the calendar help where new features are listed.
Using the Maps Tab:
• The Google Maps app is incorporated into the app to supplement the planning of the travel
• You have a opportunity to search, view, and copy maps from this tab.
• This approach has the advantage over a GPS which routes to a location but does not offer the
ability to copy maps and allow you to add them as copied maps to this app.
• YouTube videos are a great way to see Google maps in action. These videos can show you all
of the features of the great online mapping tool.
A1 Travel Log User Guide!
• The second tab on the maps screen is used to copy and paste the directions from the maps app,
and to add any other notes you want for the map directions.
Using the Copied Maps Tab:
• When you need a map for walking in a city, or to visit sightseeing venues this tab is where you
would go.
• The screen capture tool like Grab on the Mac or Snip it on the PC windows is just the way to
get the right area of the maps for you travel.
• TIP: I found that it is a good idea to set the screen so that the point of interest on the map fits
in the open area of the map where you can snap a image.
• TIP: The iPad is limited to images under 300 Kb in size because the memory slows or will
crash the app if you add images larger than 300Kb. The image area for the maps has a
calculation that will show the size of the image you paste into the photo field.
• If the Kb size exceeds the 300Kb limit try to retake the snap shot with less area in the rectangle
area on the map.
A1 Travel Log User Guide!
• The copied maps screen above lists the current maps for the activity for this screen.
• To add a map to this portal first add a description of the map in the blank record at the bottom
of the portal rows.
• Next click on the icon at the right side of the row where you added the description.
• The portal record will appear on the screen. Here you will Paste the snap shot from the maps
• Use the icons on the portal screen to view the maps in the activity.
• The two black X icons are used to move between records. The circle with the two arrows icon
will take you back to the maps tab. The red X icon is used to delete a map you don’t want to
• When you return to the maps copied tab you will see a small version of the map snap shot you
• There is a help text field for direction below the portal.
A1 Travel Log User Guide!
Using the Web Sites Tab:
• This is the first to have this feature and it is so useful I will be using this in future apps.
• There are several ways to use this tab:
• The tab uses a URL (web site address) to select web site like a web browser. Because it is a
small web object it is very fast for viewing.
• IMPORTANT: you don’t add URL in the GoToURL field directly. You click on the icon of
the blue and white arrow. This will take you to a portal screen. In the portal you will add a new
URL record for all web sites you want to use in the GoToURL field.
• The portal will have a current URL record, don’t change this record add a new record for the
new URL.
Using the Web Sites Tab:
A1 Travel Log User Guide!
• This is the first to have this feature and it is so useful I will be using this in future apps.
• If you want to open a browser instead of using the drop down list, click on the globe icon to
open Google search.
• TIP: you have access to most web sites with the http:// prefix. If the web site has a https://
prefix a login will be required or a cookie in the system will need to be available to directly
access the web site. A cookie is created when the browser asks you to save the login
• NOTE: that Picasa is used to demonstrate a feature that will allow you to add, edit, and
upload your photos to the Picasa web site.
• TIP: if you copy the “Share” web address from Picasa and add it to your URL portal it can be
used to run a slide show from the Web Library at Picasa. You can also use this web address to
view photos and now videos without the need to copy them to the device you are using.
• There are other web sites where you can use the features for direct access to the usage of the
many remote web sites.
• IMPORTANT: the iPad will display the web portal like the computer, but because the iPad
cannot multi task like the computer, it will popup a browser for the selected URL you select.
This is NOT all that bad because when you close the browser and tap the app icon, it will open
to the screen where you were when you left to open the browser.
A1 Travel Log User Guide!
• With a little testing you can use this app browser to search and copy text to this app.
• If you need to or want to copy additional snap shoots to this app consider using the maps
copied portal to store photos.
Using the Expense Tab:
The purpose of the expense tab is to collect all activity costs and later you can use the expense
report to pick the event and activities to summarize. This will be covered in the description of the
• The Expense Track Portal is used to add expenses as they occur or when you add them at the
end of an activity.
• TIP: make sure that you’re are in the same activity where the expense occurred.
• The expense that is added to the activity makes it easy to see what costs were a part of that days
travel. This is a good way to confirm hotel, cruise ship or other travel where a summary billing
is presented at the end of the activity.
• The expense tab also allows you to add other expenses where gifts, clothing, food, or other
purchases are made.
• NOTE: the air travel and ground travel portal are shown in the activity so that you can account
for the expense for the activity where air and ground travel were involved.
A1 Travel Log User Guide!
• The gray box at the right of the air and ground portals is used to convert foreign currency. You
enter the foreign currency amount to be expensed in the top field. Next enter the days exchange
rate in the middle field. Banks, hotels, and restaurants post the days exchange rates.
• The green field will display the converted cost for the item you want to purchase or will be
billed to you.
• If you need to delete a portal row that is not wanted you will click on the icon in the row for the
item to be deleted. Then in the individual portal record, delete that record.
• This is an example of an individual portal record. Use the red X icon to delete the record. Use
the circle and two arrow icon to return to the portal where you clicked on the row record.
The Expense Report:
• At the top of the Expense Tab screen the icon shown is used to access the expense report.
• Note: the expense report is not available on the iPad.
• The expense report is used as follows:
• Access the report from the main screen.
• The report should display all records unless you see a green ball on the companion main menu
at the top of the app. The green ball indicates that a group of records or subset of the records
were selected. If you want to start a Find (search) for specific records, then click the “show all
records” icon or button on the app screen. This will return all records so that they can be
searched using the Find Mode.
A1 Travel Log User Guide!
• The expense report displays the individual expense row records.
• You might want to display all of the records, but most of the time you will want to see a group
of records by the “EVENT” where the expenses were collected.
• On the first tab for the Travel Activity you added an activity that included the EVENT for that
• To group the expense records you will use the Event field in a Find to collect the records in the
• Start a Find by clicking the Find button or icon. The current report screen will empty the fields
and be ready for the event to be entered in the event field. Type the event name in the field. It
can be typed in part or the full text will both work.
• The next step is to click on the Perform Find button. On the main menu or app screen there are
Find icons.
• The report will display the records that you asked the search text to find. The records will
display the individual record subtotals, and at the end of the records all records will be
• If you do not see the summarized report total, run the “sort” on the records to force the report to
summarize the records.
• To return to the main screen click on the small paper icon in any record to see that record.
A1 Travel Log User Guide!
• When you print the report the icons will not be included in the print screen.
• Depending upon the type of printer you use the dialog will show different options. The one
important setting is for all screen printing and reports:
• Look for this print selection where you tell the computer to print all record in the current
group, or the current record only.
• Some people get confused because this is a different step than normal printing.
The Language Tab:
If you live in a country where English is not the local language, you can edit this app to your local
First you must have the computer language set to the local language to allow the text characters
to be typed into fields.
A1 Travel Log User Guide!
The language tab displays the field headers, list view, report and text from the screens. It will not
include the app tab buttons because they cannot be changed from outside of the app structure.
The first field shows the standard text used in the app, you can use the second field to edit the
text to the local language. The text will update as the cursor leaves the field edited.
You can also add the local money symbol in the field description for currency fields and the right
side of the text. You can see this in the sample records.
• This concludes the user guide tour information. If you need additional support, please contact
us on the developers web site.
App License:
I have provided a low cost version of this app that would sell for much more as a
custom app. I feel that the person who has purchased this app will take the time to
A1 Travel Log User Guide!
read the user guide to best understand the usage of this app. This app at this price
offers an exceptional value.
User options, this app may be updated without notice and the current version may
be deleted from the iTunes store. The app for iTunes is a compiled version of the
code and is NOT upgradable on the iTunes store. The companion app although
being a free app is a copyright protected application and it will not be distributed,
sold, or traded in any way. A law suite will be tendered in the state of Arizona for
anyone who breaches these terms.
Misuse; the developer will be help harmless from the users use of this app. You do
not have the right to bring suite for an inability to use this app or for any costs
related to the loss or damages from the use of this app. If you do not want to
continue the use of this app, remove it from your computer or iPad and seek a
refund from the iTunes store. The refund is available for a specific time from
iTunes by clicking on the “Problem” link on the original invoice for the purchase of
this app.
Using this app constitutes acceptance of the license terms.