Nine Successful Years of Dow University of Health Sciences Vol.2


Nine Successful Years of Dow University of Health Sciences Vol.2
Highlights ...
Child Development Centre
Thalassemia Care Centre
Faculty Research Day
All Pakistan Inter-University Debate
Child Development Centre
Inter University Table Tennis
Dow College Of Pharmacy
Sales Representative Course
Faculty Research Day
DUHS Health Mela
Dow Bulletin
Thalassemia Care Centre of Dow Uni versity of Healt h
Sciences (D UHS) w as inaugurat ed by H is Excel lency
Governor Sindh and Chancellor, DUHS Dr. Ishrat Ul Ebad
developments at Dow University and also announced the
es t a b l i s h m en t o f ‘D R. IS H R AT U L E B A D K H A N
He said that the establishment of this Centre is indeed a
matter of pride and satisfaction for the DUHS which had
transformed the level of healthcare education and research
and medical services given to the community in recent
Speaking on the occasion, Chief Guest, Governor Dr. Ishrat
Ul Ebad Khan said that Pakistan is amongst 60 countries
having about 20,00,000 Thalassemia patients and
Government is trying to make a legislation to have premarriage blood screening to stop marriages between two
thalassemia minor traits so as to eventually have eradication
of the thalassemia major.
Prof. Akber Agha, Director of t his Instit ute ment ioned
about the services available for research, diagnostics and
transfusion of blood and its products at affordable price
and ment ioned several postgraduates training programs
e.g. MPhil leading to PhD in Haematology, transfusion
He also sai d t hat several t hal assem ia cent res w il l be
est abl i shed at vari ous i n st it u t io ns of Si n dh. O n t hi s
occasion, he also announced grant of Rs. 10 million for
thi s cent re. H e ackno wl edged the effort s of the Vi ce
D r. Z a i n a b M u k h t a r, C o n s u l t a n t T r a n s f u s i o n a n d
Tr a ns p l an t at i o n S c i e n t i s t a n d M a na g er D o w B l o o d
Transfusion Services said that 80% of the people needing
blood transfusion live in under development countries,
which coll ect onl y 45% of t he required bl ood. Hence
transfusion campaign must be strengthened and safe blood
transfusion services must be implemented with dedication.
The inaugural ceremony was attended by eminent citizens
Senator Haseeb Khan and Sardar Yasin Malik besides Prof.
M. Umer Farooq, Pro-VC, D UHS, Dr. Zeenat Ayoob,
Registrar, faculty members of Dow University and other
distinguished guests.
Chancellor Prof. Masood Hameed Khan and his team for
establishing Thalassemia Centre and conducting various
pr og ra m s fo r p u bl i c a w are n es s an d bl o o d d on a t i o n
Governor Sindh, Dr. Ishrat Ul Ebad Khan also donated
blood to be be the brand ambassador of Blood Transfusion
Prof. Masood Hameed Khan, Vice Chancellor, DUHS in
hi s a d d re s s b r i e f ed t he a ud i e nc e ab o u t n i ne y e ar s
Prof. Dr. Rana Qamar Masood
Postal Address:
Dow University of Health Sciences,
Baba-E-Urdu Road,
Karachi 74200- Pakistan
Tel: 99215754-7 & 32715441-466
Email: [email protected]
Dr. Tayyaba Aamir
Nouman Alam Siddiqui
Muhammad Fareed
Dow Bulletin
Dow University of Health Sciences (DUHS) established
Centre for Child Development and Aut ism Clinic wit h
Central integrati on services at it s Inst itute of Physical
Medicine & Rehabilitation (IPM&R).
Dr. Nabeela Soomro, Director, IPM&R on this occasion
said that the Institute has multidisciplinary rehabilitation
Prof. Dr. Masood Hameed Khan, Vice Chancellor, DUHS
in his in augural address said that th e aim of its
establishmen t is to provide assessm ent and early
intervention services at appropriate time for children having
disabilities, enhance child developmental gain & learning
capability, develop family understanding and capabilities
rel a t ed t o t he i r c hi l d de ve l op m en t an d r ai s e p ub l i c
awareness about peopl e and children wit h disabi lit ies.
Prof. Masood Hameed said taht the Autism Clinic will deal
with learning disorders in children.
team, which i ncl udes Physi atri sts, Physical Therapist s,
Occupational Therapists, Vocational Therapists, Orthotists
and Prosthet ist s, Language & Swallowing Pathol ogist,
Clinical Nutritionist, Clinical Neurophysiologist, Speech
t herapi st and speci al educat i onist . T he Inst it ut e al so
provides outpatient and community-based rehabilitation
The Dow University Artifi cial Li mb Centre (DUAL), a
part of IPM& R besides hospit al servi ces cat ers evergrow ing disabili ties caused by traffi c accidents, bomb
bl ast s, vi olence, nat ural disasters such as earthquakes,
amputations due to diabetes and congenital abnormalities,
besides other problems. It is the first ever institute of its
kind in publi c sect or providing comprehensi ve m ul ti disciplinary rehabilitation services with facilities to help
patients in Cardiac rehabilitation, Neurological
rehabilitation, Musculoskeletal rehabilitation, Pediat ric
re h ab i l i t a t i on , Sp e ec h a nd L a ng u ag e re h ab i l i t at i o n
fo r an a ct i ve a nd he al t hy l i fe st y l e o f t h e pa t i e nt s .
H e a l so m en t i o ne d a bo ut t h e d ev el o pm e nt s at D ow
University since its inception and said that initially there
were only two postgraduate programs i.e. FCPS & DTCT
an d n ow Al ha md o llila h DUHS is co nd uc ting 4 4
postgraduates programs. Similarly, Dow University started
with only 2500 students and now there are more than 6500
Prof. Syed Jamal Raza, Di rect or, Nat ional Inst itute of
C hi l d H e al t h (N I CH ) a l s o s p ok e on t hi s o c ca si on .
The Research Department of Dow Universi ty of Heal th
Sciences (DUHS) organized Fourth Faculty Research Day
at Dow Medical College.
Prof. Dr. Irshad Waheed, Advisor, College of Physicians
& Surgeons Pakistan (CPSP) & (Retd.) Professor of Dow
Medical College was the chief guest.
Prof. Masood Hameed Khan, Vice Chancellor, DUHS in
his address said that the aim of research day is to motivate
and enhance the enthusiasm towards performance of quality
researches as the research creates knowledge. He further
sai d t hat t he vi si on at DU HS i s t o creat e knowledge.
Dow Bulletin
Prof. Dr. Irshad Waheed speaking on the occasion said that
there is a need to provide platform for research enhancement
in devel opi ng cou nt ri es. H e st ressed on al l medi cal
universities to facilitate research work of their students
and facult y mem bers. He congrat ulat ed Prof. Masood
Hameed K han and Research D epartm ent for regul arl y
h o l d i n g r e s e a r c h a c t i v i t i e s a t u n d e rg r a d u a t e a n d
postgraduate level.
Prof. Nazeer Khan, Director, Research Department, DUHS
gave a brief overview of compiled books of publications
by th e fa c ul ty m em b e rs o f D o w U n iv er s ity.
In the end, the prizes for the best poster presentation were
awarded to Dr. Ehmer Al Abrar, DUHS, Ms. Afsheen Arif,
University of Karachi and Dr. Masood Javaid, DUHS. Later
on shields were also presented. The function was attended
by large number of senior faculty members, students of
DUHS and doctors f rom other medical colleges.
Prof. Dr. M. Umer Farooq, Pro VC, DUHS congratulated
t he w i nn ers and sai d t hat “di fferent i nst i t ut i o ns are
recognized by their research work here at Dow University,
we have allocated special funds for research activities”.
The Sixth batch of Pharm D started it s session 2013 at
Dow College of Pharmacy (DCOP), Dow University Ojha
Campus. An Ori entation Sessi on was held to welcom e
ne w c o m er s a nd t o g i v e i nt ro d u ct i o n r eg a rd i n g t h e
curri cul um and it s t eachi ng met hodol ogy to t he new
Mr. Javed Akhai , Chairm an, Pakistan Pharmaceut ical s
Manufacturing Association (PPMA) was the Chief Guest
whereas Dr. Kaiser Waheed, Former Chairman, PPMA was
the Guest of Honor.
Mr. Javed Akhai said that Dow University has introduced
new teaching and learning methodologies which facilitates
students to be skilled life long learners. He also appreciated
the efforts of Vice Chancellor DUHS Prof. Masood Hameed
one gold medal for the top position holder of Dow College
of Pharmacy every year and one scholarship to the needy
Pro f. M . Um er Faro oq, P ro Vi ce Ch ancel l o r, D U HS
welcomed the students of new batch. He informed them
about the progress of the University saying that since its
inception, the University has established number of high
standard educational and research institutes. He encouraged
students to take keen interest in academics and also stressed
to follow the rules and regulations of the University and
to be punctual and regular.
Dr. Sumbul Shamim, Principal, Dow College of Pharmacy
in her wel come address gave a bri ef overview of Dow
College of Pharmacy and its courses.
Khan for his dynamic leadership and congratulated him
and his team for the fast developments of the University
in a very short span of time. He also announced to sponsor
D r. Q a i s e r Wa h e e d , F o r m e r C h a i r m a n , P a k i s t a n
Pharmaceuticals Manufacturing Association (PPMA) also
spoke on the occasion.
Dow Bulletin
In t he end, P rof. D r. U mer Faroo q pre sent ed DU H S
m om en t o s t o t h e C hi ef G u es t an d G u es t o f ho n or.
The sessi on was l argely att ended by t he senior facult y
m em b ers , em i n en t gu es t s D r. H ar oo n Q as i m , C E O ,
PharmEvo and Mr. M uneer Anwar, CEO M arti n Dow
besides parents of new students.
Institute of Physical Medici ne & Rehabi litat ion started
new academic bat ches for Doctor of Physical Therapy
(DPT), BS Prosthetics & Orthotics and BS Occupational
Therapy (Session 2013).
education. He also informed them about the strictness on
class attendance.
Dr. N abeel a So om ro, D i rect o r, Inst i t ut e of P hys i cal
Medicine & Rehabilitation gave a brief overview of the
Institute and the teaching plan and assured full cooperation
from the teachers.
The new st udents were bri efed about t he curri cul um,
teachi ng methodologies and the exami nat ion schedul e
besides DUHS rules & regulations.
She also addressed the queries of the students and parents.
The Session was attended by the senior faculty members
and parents/ guardians of the new students.
Pro f. M . U m er Faro oq, Pro Vi ce C han cel l or, D U H S
welcomed the students and stressed to be focused on their
Professi onal Developm ent Cent re, D ow U niversi t y of
He al t h S ci en ces as a p art of i t s C on t i nue d M edi c al
Educat ion Program organi zed a l ecture on “Hi gh Risk
Pregnancy” at Professional Development Centre (PDC),
DMC. Dr. Ghulam Quadi r Khan MD, FACOG, Bapt ist
Hospital & Memorial Hospital, Jacksonville, Florida, USA
was the guest speaker.
He said that a high-risk pregnancy is one in which the
mother or child has a greater chance of injury or death.
About 5-10% of al l pregnancies in the U. S. fit in t hi s
category. Prenatal care for women in this situation need
more extensive testi ng, more frequent prenat al vi si ts,
medications, and bed rest.
He was of the view that, every pregnancy has some risk
or problems specially incase of twins, triplets, ill-health
of mothers or age of mother about 35 years. He also talked
about the care of newborns with various types of disabilities
and c om pl i c at i on s du ri ng p reg nan cy an d chi l dbi r t h,
The lecture was followed by queries from the participants.
I t w a s l a rg e l y a t t e n d e d b y g e n e r a l p r a c t i t i o n e r s ,
gynaecologists, students and faculty m embers.
Dow Bulletin
“Neuromuscular Junction Disorder”
Videoconferencing Sessions are regularl y held at Dow
University of Health Sciences (DUHS). It also conduct
regu l ar p rogra ms i n c ol l abo rat i on w i t h A l l P aki st a n
Physi cians of N orth Am eri ca (AP PNA ) t hrough t hei r
program of “APPNA M eri t net Grand Rounds” i n t he
Digital Library, DMC, DUHS.
The facilitator of “Neuromuscular Junction Disorder and
its management” was Dr. Arif Ali Jaffery. He sai d that
muscular disorders hinder the production, release, or uptake
of acet yl choline havi ng various presentati ons. He also
mentioned different studies with respect to Neuromuscular
session. It was attended by house officers, postgraduates
students and doctors including the faculty members of
The present at io n was fol l owed by a qu esti on an sw er
“Cranial Nerve Monitoring”
Another Videoconferencing was held on “Cranial Nerve
Monitoring: Preventing facial nerve injuries and hearing
pre se rva t i o n d ur i ng hi gh ri s k b rai n s urge ri e s” wi t h
APPNA MERIT which is the Medical Education & Research
Int ernati onal Trai ning i nit iati ve of t he Associat ion of
Physicians of Pakistani-descent of North America (APPNA).
It was established in 2007 to collaborate with Pakistan’s
medical teaching institutions to help them develop 21st
century medi cal educat ion, research and practi ce. The
APPNA group has formulated a scientific subgroup APPNA
MERIT to conduct various CME programs in Pakistan and
outside by video conferencing. The Dow University has
collaborated with APPNA merit for various CME program
including video conferences at it s Digital li brary, Dow
Medical College.
The Speaker of the above topic was Dr. Faisal R. Jahangiri,
Consultant Neurophysiologist & Neurologist, King Fahad
National Guard Hospital, King Abdulaziz Medical City,
Saudia Arabia. In his presentation he clearly elaborated
the Cranial Nerves Monitoring with respect to prevention
o f f a ci a l n e r ve i n j u r i e s an d h e ar i n g p r e s er v a t i o n .
The present at i on was fo ll ow ed by a q uesti on answer
sessions. The video-conferencing was attended by house
officers, postgraduate students and doctors including the
faculty members of DUHS.
The Inter University Table Tennis (Girls) Championship
was organi zed by Dow Universit y of H eal th Sci ences
(DUHS). Ten (10) Universities who participated in this
event were University of Lahore, Kinnaird College Lahore,
Bal ochi st an U ni versit y of IT (Qu ett a), U ni versi ty of
Karachi, Virtual University, Karachi, Institute of Business
A d m i n i s t r a t i o n , K a ra ch i , Iq ra U n i v er s i t y an d D ow
University of Health Sciences, Karachi.
Th i s Tou rn am en t w as co n du ct e d i n t h e st a t e of a rt
gym n asi u m of D o w U n i ver si t y a t i t s O j h a C am pu s.
The Tournament was inaugurat ed by Prof. Dr. Masood
Hameed Khan (Tamgha-e-Imtiaz), Vice Chancellor, DUHS.
Al l t he t eam pa rti ci p at ed wi t h great ent h usi asm an d
sportsman spirit. The Chief Guest for the closing ceremony
was Dr. Muhammad Ali Shah, Advisor for Sports to the
Chief Minister Sindh who died recently.
Kinnaird College, Lahore got the first position and won
champions trophy. The second and third position went to
University of Lahore and Karachi University, respectively.
Dow Bulletin
OF FRACTURES (CME Series Lecture)
Do w U n i vers i t y of H ea l t h S ci en ces a s a par t o f i t s
Continued Medical Education (CME) series organized a
l ec t ur e o n “R ec en t a dv an ce s i n t he m an ag em en t o f
Fractures” at Professi onal Devel opm ent Cent re, DMC
The lecture was given to update concepts and fundamental
principles in the treatment of fractures including the latest
techniques in operative fracture management. The Course
Director was Prof. Hasan Dost Afridi. The speakers include,
Prof. Anis Bhatti, Dr. Yasir Mustafa, Dr. Intikhab Tofique,
Dr. Zaki Idress, Dr. Tayab Asim and Dr. Mujahid Humail.
Dr. Mujahid Humail in his address said that Fractures are
commonly encountered and are of variable types depending
upon its location presenting with pain and limitation of
movements. Required splinting prevents movement in the
joints and bones above and below the fracture site, which
prevents bone edges from moving and creating additional
inj uri es by cut ti ng t i ssue, muscl e, vessel s or nerves,
potentially converting closed fractures into open fractures
and creating open wounds. For splinting to be effective,
adj acent joints and bone ends shoul d be i mmobili zed.
sources of contamination before reducing fractures. This
will optimize the conditions for fracture union and minimize
potential complications.
Dr. Intikhab Tofique speaking on the same topic said that
the goal in managing fractures is to ensure that after healing
it should have maximal possible function.
Later on, Dr. Yasir Mustafa, Dr. Zaki Idress, Dr. Tayab
Asim also shared their views on recent advances in the
management of fractures. Lecture was attended by senior
facult y m embers of t he U ni versit y, Post graduat e and
undergraduate students.
Prof. Anis Bhatti said that the general aim of early fracture
management is to control hemorrhage, provide pain relief,
prevent ischemia, reperfusion injury, and remove potential
The Dow University of Health Sciences (DUHS) hosted
all Pakistan Inter University Debate Contest bot h Urdu
and English organized by Higher Education Commission
(HEC) for awarding Allama Iqbal Shield to the winners
amongst participants from every region i.e. Sindh, Punjab,
Baluchistan, KPK, FATA and Gilgit etc.
T h e t o p i c fo r b o t h U rd u a n d E n g l i s h D e b a t e w a s
“Education is the most effective weapon against rising
tide of extremetism”. About 86 contestants of twenty four
Universi ti es of Si ndh, both publi c and private sect or,
participated in this Debate contest.
The top three positions in English debate were grabbed by
Ms. Asma Bilal of Iqra University, Karachi, Abdul Rehman,
Quaid-e-Awam University Nawabshah and Pirbhat Shams
of Li quat U ni versi t y of M edi cal & H eal t h Sci en ces,
Jamshoro. In Urdu debate, the top t hree positions were
secured by Sayed Bilal Zohaib, of University of Karachi,
Soban Baig of University of Karachi and Umer Khan Ufaq
of Sir Syed University, Karachi.
English Debate and Prof. Dr. Syed Altaf Hussain, Rector
Dadabhoy Inst it ute was the Guest of Honor for Urdu
Ateeque Rehaman, Director-Academies, HEC Islamabad
and Zahid Hussain Dharej o, Regi onal D irector, HEC,
Isl amabad were also present on 15th All Pakist an Inter
University Allama Iqbal Shield debate Contest held at Dow
University of Health Sciences.
All the winners were awarded cash pri zes, shield and
certificates by the Chief Guest Ms. Sharmila Farooqi. The
top scoring t eam and overall top winner amongst the 6
wi nners will be awarded Allama Ibqal Shield at Higher
Education Commission, this year in Islamabad.
T h e p r o gr a m w a s h e l d i n t h e A u d i t o r i u m o f D ow
Int ernat io nal M edi cal C ol leg e, Do w Uni versi t y O j ha
Prof. Muhammad Masroor, Principal, Dow International
Medical Col lege (DIMC) was t he Guest of H onor for
Dow Bulletin
The Clinical Trial Unit (CTU) of Dow University of Health
Sciences successfully com pleted second “Sales
R e p re s e n t a t i v e C o u r s e ( S R C )” . F o r t y ( 4 0 ) S a l e s
Representatives were certified.
The Inaugural Ceremony of 3rd SRC batch was also held
simultaneously. This course is conducted through webinar
all over Pakistan. This program is also designed for Sales
representatives. The Course Director, CTU briefed about
the overall educational activities held in the department.
Prof. Masood Hameed Khan, Vice Chancellor, DUHS said
on the occasion that there is a need for the technology and
skills training for the improvement in health care system.
He said t hat the professional degrees of doctors and
engineers should not be focused solely on theoritical but
also on technical skills to provide job opportunities as well
as fill the gaps in health care system.
The learni ng needs of nursing st udents at Insti tute of
Nursing, DUHS are fulfilled by knowledgeable and skilled
teachers and managers in nursing profession at DUHS and
d i ff e r e n t i n s t i t u t e s / h o s p i t a l s K a r a c h i i n r o t a t i o n .
The student nurses are also provided with Community and
hospital work to enhance their learning and practical skills.
Various Seminars are also conducted in this connection.
The recent seminars were on:
1. Advancement, Challenges and Professional Growth in
Nursing in New Era.
2. Motivational Approaches Towards the Enhancement of
Nursing Professionals.
3. Significant Advances, Challenges and Trends in Nursing
in New Millennium.
4. Evidence Based Practices in Nursing.
Besides, this Institute of Nursing, DUHS also organized a
“H eal t h M el a 201 3” for t h e c om mu ni t y me mb ers of
Bhat t i abad. In t he He alt h M el a prev ent iv e, curat i ve,
screening and health primitive activities were carried out
to cater the needs of community. The facilities provided
at were BMI checkup, Blood Pressure Monitoring, Random
Blood Sugar Monitoring (RBS), Anemia Screening, Body
Mass Density (BMD), Vaccinat ion Desk, Doctors Desk,
Face Painting, Health Education Desks, M edicine
Arrangements, Family Planning Counter. Different games
were also organi zed for t he chil dren on t his occasi on.
The Co-Curricular Committee of DUHS organised Annual
Co-Curricular activities including all possible indoor and
outdoor games i ncluding Naat & Qirat, English & Urdu
Debates, Gymnasim tournaments, atheletics & field events.
Prize Distribution Function at Dow University will soon
be held followed by publication of special sport brochure.