11/24/1900 - Atlantic County Library System


11/24/1900 - Atlantic County Library System
Bi«hnp Thorhuro, nt a Into rrjcotioc
o f t b u Gciioral Millenary Corntiilttco ol
The only newspaper
Jprmte3 in TTainmnnton
^1.25 a year, post-paid^
gll.OO ia the county.
Well equipped for
in all branches —
Business Cards
ten years the United States would probBettor than a Piano, Organ, or Music £03, for H sings and talks ha well 03 plays, and
ably rule 100.000,000 Chinese. '.
don't cost as much. It reproduces thomusio of any Instrument—band or orchcstru—tells
and sings—the old familiar hymns as well as tho popular songs—It Is al ways ready.
;;:.:;,v',, ,;;':/ JBELIGHOUS
.•*? - T y-- ~~ - Boo that Mr. Edison's signature is on.ovcry machine. Cotal
' BAPTIST. Her n P Iiootnls, paator; Son it was announced, would open per ma
logucs of Ob dealers, o^NATIONAL, PHONOGRAPH CO., 135 Filth Avo., New York.
Jay services :l'ronohlnn 10:30 Sunday-school ncnt headquarters at Washington.
11.45, Junior 0. E. 3.00 p.m., Christian EnIt has buen said that to be perfectly
deavort.OO, Preaching 7 00. Wookdnyprayor
meeting Thursday evening 7.30.
happy wo must hava, something to do,
something to loveT~antT something to
D.D., rootor, '. SunJaj mass 10.36 a. m.
Sunday School 3 30 p.m. ' Vespers at 4 p.m. hope for. , .
"I recommend to future generations," I challenge all forms of
I Treat on Scientific
Alcorn, rector. Celebration of Holy Eucharist
Ut anrl 3rd Sunday n at 16:30 a.m. Other Sun- said Undo Nathan, as be put away his
Principles with
days, 7:30 a.m. Morning Prayer, Litany, und bandanna.handkerchief, "that they en
Spnnon,2Dd and 4th Sundays at 10.30a.m. courage the growtti of two noses,—one
\Bron8CinK 7:"0 p.m. Sunday School 0:30 a.m.
Friday Eveneong, 7. SO. Batata Day Celebra- to take cold in, and tho other for genera!
tion, 7:30 a.m. Special Borvioe; in Atlvcntund uao."
.1 _.
.. .^. .---_:.
-----------Tho nbovo statetnont lir opeff~ttnd~
METHODIST EPISCOPAL. Rev.W.N.Ogborn, "it isn't'enouph to look as if you knew
fear of contradiction. ,
pastor. Sunday services: class 9.30, a. m, n lot, The owl looks wise, but he never
preaching 10. ?o Sunday-school
12.00 noon.
I treat all forms o( chronic diseases
Epworth League .00 p. m., preaching 7.00.
successfully that' have baffled skilled
Class Tuesday and Wednesday evoningsT. 30.
Women realino that their husbands
.profoflsora.-— No-Borcalled—JJoarB-alla^?
IPrayo rfiTetffing 'Thursday T.»0"p'. mv~—BuTToraedioa • prepared for each individ"^
ual case. A full statement of your case
Rev.WIi MoKinnoy, pastor
me by mail will receive prompt .and
Sundayservices:- preaching, 10.30 a .m.,San don't. Tliey clean house.
catoful conBidoration and ndvlse sent
day-sobool 12.00 noon, preaching 7.00 p.m.
Wo love to expect; and when expectprm lit OD receipt, of stamp Office advice
C, Ej prayer meeting Tuesday, 7.30 p.m
ntion is'eitbcrdiBnppoint
Missions otEolsom and Magnolia.
All coircspondonoo in strictly private
Italian Evangelical, Rev. Bilio Contini w"o want to bo again expecting.
Pastor. SnndoySohool at 9 a.m. Preaching at
It's usually the bottom dollar that
and coufldontial.' No matter tho disease
10.30 a.m. Jr. C. E.. 3:30 p.m. C. E. Soo'y
consult .Philadelphia's
at 3-30.
UMITERSALIST. Sandaj School, 12:00 roos -A-nN-ORDINANCE-to allows rebnto
p. m.
TTrmTU.U., 4 p " Trrpro.u.at
Sociables alcor-paco Thursday evoniogs.
using wngons witli tires four inches or
•wider in width....................
Mrs. Charles Smith, president. Miss A
1800 Soulli'.Ilroad Street,
Intrnduc. d Sept. 29, 1800.
Bradbury, cor secretary. Mrs A L Jackson,
.Passed October fl,, 191)0.
Chief i-oti.HuH;iuc uud Mauui>Qr
rec eco'j; Mm P 8 Til ton, treasurer
Bo it_iordalii8i|I by the^Counpil of thejronn
of 7/atrjrnonton—
Sec. 1. That all persona rcalding in tho
Town of 77,imminton owning nnd utinp wairons with tins four inches or broaderin width
shall- be— allowed _a -reba'o of one dollar por
Schedule in effect Oct. 2, i800
wheel per am. urn for each wheel utiod on said
wagooi, Tom the taxes lovlod aud, asscaeod
against tho onnera nnd neora tberorf.
Suu. riun.
Sun .
Soo. 2. Thut^the Collector of tho Town of -Acey.r. Ace.
-STATJON:.} Ace *c»—
to allow the p. m
p.m. p.m. pjn. p.m.
p. ta. p.m hn.m.
POOR. Geo .Bern'shrase. eaid rebates upon proof, .satisfactory to him,
4 SO 8 15 6 W
4 20
2 Of 1060 h (XI
of thei ownership and use of such wagon!.
7 30 8 SS 1U40 1 CO r> as II (15 U 20 <
Niant PO.UCE. J.H.Garton.
82) 60S
4 27
•i 07 1068 8 07
7 22 H27 1082 1 42
8 65 ti 12
Sccl M. That this ordiaanca shall take cfcct 438
ATTOBSF-r. E H Cbnndkr.
7 18 8 17
1 311
* -12 5 69 •
immediafly ujon its passage.
FIRE CHIEFS. C W Austin, II M Phillips
455 8 41 028
4 41
11 1C 805 ,..v...Unddonflold........ 7 W i « 11
1 23 P8 88!) 662.-.
( MictiAEl. K. BOTEH.
VoMJ«rEBR FinE Co. D. 8. Cunningham,
I 5!
505 8 63 088
11 20 N 35
6 47 8 00
1 12 » 6c! 8 -20 5 «
Chuirman of Town Council.
president; Chas. W. Austin, secretary. Meets
5 16 005 6«3
11 88 8 -IS ™!'.!"..:Bcr!ln
8 34 7 48
I f t i 44J 809527
9 1(1 059
5 11
1144 853
A to)
t 62' 7 4 3
J. L. O'DoHSELL, Town Clerk.
11' 55 SS'I H (« » 21
3rd Monday evening of oaon month.
11 W O H
SS'i B1R 70!l
5 1»
d 18 7 .111
1247 4 S6| 7 M S IS .
Independent Fire Co. Meets first Wodbos
1157 «9 1)8"
>53I •922 715
0 12 731
4 Hi 7M »50T
ua'f'cTening in each month.
U 2f> 7 2 1
I™'" 1202 9 10 "viniiiow Jc. (I've)."!! 0 08 7 27
I in 7-J7 02
UBLIC BALE—by order of, heirs 63S
r, 43
645 933 730
2 44 12 01- fl 17 ....Hammonton _... 8 0 0 7 2 0 050 1280 4.03 7 41
Town COUNCIL. Michael K Boyer, Chm.
0 St.
;..KIw «.-!„....-•....:
Estate of William J. Headfam. de- SSG »9 69
7 10
f. 82! 7 ni 4 4 1
E W'BatchoIor, J E Watkis, W D DePny,
0 II
o."n. .. E«R Ilnrhor
70.1 5"no
5 '16 724
G G" Hurley, Andrus 2 Holman. Meets last ceased—ac the "Hotel Royal," Ham- G80:<
•I 84,
2t in 2(1
!27 7 00 4 IT
monton, Atlantic County, N. J., on
Saturday eve each month.
•Ho "i.s'flD
_ 10 08: """Atl-intlcCrtv?"""
035 o'i'5
3 15 0 5 5 4 05.
Thursday, Nov. 22,1900,
* Stops only on notice to conductor or agent, or on signal.
deaf; D. S. Cunningham, clerk; Edwin Adams, at 3 plclook in the 8fternoon_: __.
-J-L O'D'onnell^MTS-J-rf-HamomrMiiis-Anno
i'ho following desoribed__prgperty7rioTb~uf.
Pressey, Mrs7E A Joslyn, Thomas C El'vins, WilliimJ
Dr J AWaas. Moota first Tuesday evening
Z<o. 1. Tract of lund, 20 acres, Basin Rond
each month.
IInmmon on, N. J. >1) thai tract of hind ait' BOADDOF HEALTH, M. L. JncVson, Proai- uutn in Atlantic County, New Jersey, near (he
d e n t ji Dr. Ohnrleif Cunningham, Inspector' Town of Ilamraooton. described ns follow* :
Monday. Oct. 15,1DOO
John 1, French, J. 01 Anderson, Wm. Cun- heginnioir at a point in ibo middle of Basin
ningham, Qeo. Be'nshouse,' Jos. II. Carton.
Hond, 171 perches N E of ita inlermction with hutitl Kuud Miml Ac
i.ni. a.m. A< m. n. DI p.m. p.m n u> p.ci •
Main Ro,,d; thence extending (I) south 45 [i. m. A. in. a. 01. p.m. p.m. p.m p.nt n.m.
______ ____...JFJUTEENAL,..-. '._ __
lnRron-IULuiiDutos.tajt-Sa.porchoa. to.u point.; 'IT 00
TTW) 1TBO S'Sn 5DO 2 00 S'OO
B"2BST>5 IOTT, iins -rrss
•5 B'2!Tr-—r&rth 44 degrees 3f)' minutes en«t 30
8 1« (1 42 s 42 5 10 a
12 ...
U 111 H 44 10 W, in 1:1 0 10 U 44 !>]•! 014
OnDEB OF MDTBAI. PnoTEOTion'- thence (2)
to land of one Beach ; thenc > (3)aloii|; 5a 12
H 0(1
8 S) (I 511 5 51
8 10 ....Writ ColllnpiUoocI
II) 00
II 1'7 0 07
D S Cunningham, M A ; A B Davis, Sco'y. perches
road wen 45 degroen 311 minutes nest 80 5 21
8 32 (I 58 0 OU
827 ..... llnddon Ilrlphtr
N 6H 5 Gl>
Meets Drat Tuesday evening in eaeh month in Mid
~8 Wl 7 11! II U
8 4 2 ...... . I.nurcl 8prlng«H
A 40
A -10
K 4.1 6 41
________ porches to tho middle of Basin Road ; thon-o 5544
s sn
B 1.0 S 40
(4) along'ihe same south 44 degreoa SOminutus SB'l
II 07 7 2(1 II 21)
86fi ...\VllIlnmitown Juno,.. 5 i7
6 '.'8
II '.'h
Wmsiow LonoH, I.O.O.F. Wm. Berns> west 30 perches to the place of beginning;'
honeo,N.G.; A. V. W. Betley, Secretory. containing .16 acres of land strict measure. (I OB
0 21
..... ...Blno Anclmr
8 106
. 18
Meets Wednesday eves. ID Odd Follows Hall. Ali">, all that pnrool of land called Lot 60 In « 13
1)2-'•1 7 B: II 44 5 4 2
112 ..Wlnilow Jnnr. (!'»«).. A l.'i
I) 12
(i 10 (P 14 8 12 514
J M Dlgck 13, in map of town, Town of Hammoi,. U 10 0 4 0 f OHO 7 611 II 40 6 411 2 47 <l)ll ..... Htrnimonton 6 07 H CO H W 0«8 1 6!l 0 Wl 8 IH SOT
•I 'IK
024 »..'.'......HoCMtn.......
7 C!> B 03
Bassntt, Sachem ; Chaa W Austin, Chief ol tun, Atlantic County, described as follows: 0025
0 40
7 (X)
n ,')2 ........... Elwood. ...... ..
4 Jl
7 M 4 65
Records. Meet every Tuosday'tsleep IB lied commencing at a stake on Basin Rond on lino (I till
868 0 M
7 00
0411 ........ KK« Harbor
H ilS II
4 III :, dl 7 J4 4 Sll
. • '
of Wm. llc.idlntn.anj running by said line (1) I) 47
10 IK)
7 III 0 IX
1.48 ..... HrlgiDlli.r Jane
KiM n n 4 iT>
10 10
816 0 HI •I U
s n 1000
M. B. TAYLOH LODGE. F. & A. M. J. S. north 4't dogroo wcit 20 chains to a slake ; U M
7 85 0 18 8'.'6
7 35 805 0 On •I I S
Thaycr, W Master j Alonio B. Davi» r Seo'y. thouco (2; north 46 doRrocn oaat 2 50-10(1 chs. 7 0 1 0 20 III 20
Z n d n n d i t b Friday nights In Masonic Hall. to u rtake, (3) south 44 degrees east 20 chains
tfunjny iilglit oi(ircga up IPKVCB Atlonllc 7:no. 1
iul/iir T:t'l>, lUniinonton Ml, rMfhlng I'lilla. IW.
to n afk« of Basin Road ; thenoo (4) by lino
Jn . OrDEn UNITED AMERICAN MECIIAKICB. on Baain Road • nth 46 degrees win 2 iO-100
W. G. DKSIiKU, Oon.Bupt.
KDKON J. W K K K N . U c n . I'mirngi r ARflJ
F B Wbiltler, Coun, ; A T Lobloy, Secretary. ohniiib to a stake, tho place af beginning;
MoctBovory Friday eve In Mechanics' Hall.
cuii!uinini4 5 acres. To bo sold together as
GBM.I). A.RuB8«.LLPosT, 0. A.B. 0 A cne property. tlOO to bo polil at time of sule.
LconurJ, Commander; W. H. H. Bradbury,
Nit. 2. TWII lota, Ilammonton, N. J, All
Adjutant: H. F. Kdnnll.Q, M. Mootn Island (hut tract of lan'l situate In the Town of IInm~
3ril Saturday nlgbta In Mcchaniix Hall.
mootoh, Atlantic Count?, N.J. described "ns
WUHAN'S UBLIEF OORFH. Presldo.it, Minn follrwa; beginning on the ennt aide of Jacobs
Nnllio UePuy j Secretary, Ullaa Eva Carlaw. Avo., at a state norner to Phobo A. Will er a
lot, nnd being HO feet soutbweit from the aide
2nd anil 4th Saturday evea, Mechanics Hall.
of Maillnon Avenue; Ihenco extending south,
OisM.l). A. RUBBBLI. CAMP Sows or Vetnn- eatt
along suld Wilber'a lot 100 foot to baok
A n a , No. 14. Oopi., WlllinmU Ulffordj Firat linn nf
loia , thence (2) along s/ild bnoh lint,
Hergt., Hurry C Leonard. Meet* 2nd and 4th southwest
100 foot; thence (3) northwest parMonti uy-nvcii, McehanlcaMlall,_______... __________
allel with Oral flue of .Iflu-fwt—to-»ia*J»04.b».
CLERK. J.L.O'Donncll.
JUSTICES. G. W. Preset j. ChnsWoo^dnutt
Jos H Qurtoa, E L Canfman
COKBIABLES. Geo BemshouBO, C C Combes.
E H Shuokloy.
R. B>
prices charged, always
We will not do cheap
to do good work
for.:iiothing -
a specialty. If we
cannot do your w,ork
when you want it done
we'Jl toll you so,
and finish it
• .
wheh we promise to
The Electric Light, Heat & Power Co.
of Hammoriton.
te Tribune
New York, tho weekly
edition, and tho
Republican, for $1.25
A pile of good reading
for a little money
1. H'il» t l « Ha
Wn . ' 2 7 , . P.- of P
Mr* M« Il'iwlee, Pooahontaa j Mrs Carrie A
K i u / , K.oCK. Meota Monday oVonlng In lied
Mou'a Hull.
DOIIIO LOIIOE, No. 12, HniKf.i) of Honon.
\Vnrlliy Man(or, Kinuoln AJoNiimy | U.S., Wm
Smnlt Moot! 2nd und -Kli Thursday nlghtu In
tliolr linll.
Buoinoon Orironlzntlonn.
Iliimiiionton tioan and H'ulldlnfr Aflfloolatloni
W. Il.TlllKii aooiolnry, Moota ovury lot
Tliurlilny In Flromeii'i Hull,
\Vnrklii|Jiilrn'« I.O'in nnd IluildlnfT Amoclutlon,
W. II. llrrnihu.irc, georeiary. Meola over;
l i t Monilny In Firemen'* Hull.
Peolflo'i ilunli, W, 11. Tllton ounlilor.
The Press
Philadelphia, wdokly, nnd
the Republican, a your
. forajl.261
AddrcHH, cull or phonr no—
200-8 Uollovuo Avo. Phono (!-!•
AilvortliiliiK la (hii HKI-UUI.IOAN.
J. H. (Inrlou, Jiinlm.
Jut. T, Taylor, palmar.
J. H. Tliayor, iiioituitirnta.
M. J«irori.in, a'tnrnoy'.
H. (J. Illnnk, tolntlimry nur|{oun.
Ohna. WimlmiK.J.M'li'o,
Hima It Hun, iiini<-rl<iko».
II N lUlnlur,
{4 llovorn|(u, li
Httiiy Mtllo, Imnlwnro und funilliiro.
A I,, fallen, bloyolua.
Cronoll'i I'lmrmnoy.
l«. A, Oimlnry, liloyoloa.
K. I), Arllli, inllllimry, «la,
llu;( A Hun, |iiil>Hil'i>ri, prlnlorn.
1111 II. (Jlmiidlnr, u t t o r i i u y .
Jolm l'rMnlu<f r 'i unilorlakor.
Win. IluVJr, tfllBmlth.
Jaiikion it Non, inout and prmliiot
I., \V. Oo«loy, h u n i ^ i n .
( J . W . l'loi.ny,Jn«tloo.
W. ll.lloninhiiuio, notary, ooni, ilvodi
Or.J. A, \V»»a, lUnllal
John Mn
, "Iry KU(>il«,Krooorloo
ItoMi«rdt, incut »nd produce.
m ,pliyaloUh »n
I .ll.Hm>|],l)»lier nnil oonfcolluner
II. I t , Moliityra,um«( And produne .
.l'. Dlaok, dry goodi, grooorlo«,olc.
eaflt 100 foot to [ilnco at liuf~;ln> }t,^. C'.nt ilrilnj;
2 building lota numbcroil 12, 1:1 nn lil.^h I) rw
plan. Duln^r ttie Bnmo preuiUup wlilrh FAiinla
O Uyrie' et al, by ileoil dali- I Hop! 20. 18(11.
und ruoiirdod In tho Clork'* olUcit of Atlnnlli]'
Cnuntyit May'iLandlnK, In liunh 147 ,,r iltwiU
fi>l!n 201 Ao., | runted nod convoyed iintn Win.
J. lloiiillnin In Ion, Torino oanh. fill to lio
|i»l'l at llrac of «»lo
No. 3. Traot nl lanil 60 aorea, Hammnnt'tii,
N. .1. • AH thru tract of lund tltuato In tlio
Town nf llammnnton, Atlantic Coanty, N. J.,
lnmndi~il nnd ilenorllHul in follows , ho^lnnlni;
nt the nonliwoit corner of John Horn's IIIH
U.lOD nort'Aur>il In u a u n i o r of illvlulon tiulirtinn
John //orn'a lund ajij Tlios. Wo'ovat'i 1!lft
/icrnn Hint Hen iiilj'ilnlnij nn the north
itlilii, uml nun from Ilicnno (I) north 8H ilojj.
21 uliiilnn uml ill llnkn In Ilieiaul'l illvla.on
llnu In thu toiitliwiiiil oiirnur of 6ft »<~rn» aon*
vuyod hy l)onln 1'ctormn and wlfn to William
Ilioncn (~i) north 10 ttogtaat nont '.'.'I
nhiilnn iinil 40 llnlta \ty llm BIIIIIO to thu hoiid
lino ol' (ho Hooluly ifroat r u r v n y ,' thoiioo (11) IIJF
anlil HnnUty lino to Itio nortlitvnnt flornor of
tha Inmln IJint i-nlil Tlion. Woirvnt |iurrliniioil
of thn Wpyininitli Oo ; (tifmm (4) 0ontli 10'dpjf
uunt 21) olui'nn anil •)<) llnlm in ilio plnoo of Im
r. Onnlitlntrii' M) norui iiinru or Icnr.
lio itninn jirinnli'iiH tlmt //nrvny ll> noli
und wll'n liy dinjii dudul thn l l t h ot l'\,\tnmry,
IHU.'I, und ruriiriloil In ilm nlurk'n olHua nf AtI'liillo (Jiiilnty, In Hi.oil 171 of ilnoiln, lollo 167,
nnil t{riiiil<ii| anilflniiv«iyiiilu n l n I l i n m i l l AVIIIln
K. llcnoh In (no, nnd lln> ixil'l tVlllln // llumih
iiuil wlln by ilond ilulnil Ho|il. Ill, IUU4, unit
rniiiiriicil In (lio otorlt'ii < Illno of A t l u n l m oniiniy
nl Muy'n l..in,lln K , In lluuk IH4 ol ill oil,, liillo
•tUi'i, ^luhtnil unil rnnvoyi'd unto Wllllitui J,
//iinilluin In fvii. Tulini imali, $100 lo Im
|iiilil nl. ill"" of inln.
,T<ir furllmr |»rlliiul~ir> apply to u l l n r n o v n
OICOIKIH MoOowAN, Kc«i. t I/»w Ollloo,
i, 1)07-1110 (liniril Illil,;, i-iaiiv.
, No, 7111 Walnut Ht,, I'lilln.
Ilfin. ItOIUCUT H, (J^VMiiit, J,ii>r Olllou,
Woodlinry, N, J.
Anotloiuino, JNo. 1-17 ri. l^uiirth flr.niot,
Rates can ho Jmd on uppliculion.:
The New York Tribune,
Tlio I/cndliiK National Itcpubllcitii N4UVN)>ii|uir, tlioroiiKhly up t»
(Into, and ulwnyn n tttiuinoh mlvnoiilii n n r l nnppoitor of Hii'mlilloan prliiulp rh,
will oontuln thu moot rcllublu IUIWH ol'
ng (UnonunlonH, ooiTOnpondnnon nnd iiprnahon nf tlio iiblcmt politloul Irifldi'H, hi'lllliuit oilltorlnlx, i'(ipoi tu from all ni'i:lloiiH of Uin liuiil Nlinwliif; proKieim
of tho work, rlii., olo,, nnd will (inmimiml 11 mil f to thn oiiinfiil pdruxnl of every
thoughtful, Inttilllifonl voter who linn thn Irno Intortmtii of.IIIH oonntry lit, lionrt.
I'lilillnlitid Monilny.Wii'liiiniilii)' unil.Fi|(iny, In In
nullity n llnu, I'niHh, ov«i-
y l
dliy <l y>
I I w u ( , j v i _ y | " '""'' | , "" .
11){ (ll(1
lltl M I ( ( W H on
tlio iluyii of Innni', »i'i|
oovurlnif n"wn (if thn ollii'r I line. It
oontikliiH all linpoi'lant fonilun wnr and
otln'f calilii IHUVH wlili'li II|>|>«IIIH in Mix
J><liljJ 'J'libtino <if nitind ilnti*, »l>o ilnimm>le und f(iriil|~n iioirotpoliiifi.oii, rlioi't
itorlen, <ilnj;aiii, liitlf-tiino llhihtriM IHIIH,
iiiiniiionn ll()iu«. l .lm)nnt|'lnl lnl'<irnial.lon,
'aiililon iiiitiui, itxHiimltnrnl inatfnrn, iinii
ooiiiprtihnnnlvo und lullnhlu llnniiolul und
innruot rn|ioila.
ltti-[nlur nnhiiurlptnin prlnn, (Jl.fiO n ytmr,
W«> fitrnlnh It with thu Ilfitublinan
for !f- por your.
Hond all ordora, with thu oiiHh, to
I'llhllnli'id nil Tlnm,<l;vy, and
kimvrn((ir Hourly nlxl y yoara
In ovory imi't or thn United
" >ii«llonnl fitmlly
imwii|iiip«r ')f Mm M((li(iut
ulnnn I'm ffirinitrn anil vllhignin. lr. (iiiiitnlnn nil Hid im-ni linjiortiint
al nuwa of Mm Dtiily 'J'riliuiM np UK
hnnr of «olii|( to iD'i'fin, IIHH on t<n livlnln^
I'oiiillng fur iiynry niKinhor of tlm Imnllv,
did und young, nmrldit rn|>'ii'in which
mo nci)0|itcd nmuitlioi Ity hy 1'ui-iiiorn und
country iiH'iolmiiiii, ami In v'nitn, up to
ihiln, Intorontlnu; mill Inntniotlvo.
Ilc|rnlni' mliiiorl|itliin jnl«o, $1 pnrycnr
\Vo fnrnliili It with tho .IlejiitkUciin
for 41 "A pi'i' your,
Hoyt & Son, Publishers, Hammonlon, N. J.
JCU>~ Hulioorlhoni out of AtUntlu Cdnnly will mid H ouiitn to thuubovo.,
W. C.T/U.
NO. 47
'- Reform in Our Schools.
each member and teacher will endorse
what I have stated. The question Is,
EDITOR REPTIBUCAN :—Many of tho how to. improve. Will the' parents We are better equipped
younpor people of llnmmonton go to agree to have more of the "essential"
ever to do' your'
'Pblladulpbia la order to learo advanced and less of tb_eI'^classical"? Every paI ajm a Teetotaler.
and stenography. The rent should coDSider'this matter well.
First, I believe tbat §ir William Gall book-keeping
to some, arid it occurr- , I favor the school meetings being held
was right when be eald that alcohol
A drop in the price of
Was "the most destructive agent'* ed4p me tbat our High School should at night, as ,it permits those who are haying made extensive addiSeed Eye.
have a-depitrtment-devoted to-teaching-] busy during the dartanttend. I have"
tioiis to .our-.material.-.;. —~
least the first rudiments^Fthose
Owing to the.increase in
' Secondly, I tbjnk that even .one's in- 8tudiea._ JBook-keeping is now taught, for schools because the majority of. vo__TRY US
the quantity of Seed Rye, dividual exampte^so far as l,t goes, may but much of the "higher grade" ednca-' ters could not attend the annual meetwith
order for
s in the daytime.
the price-on it ia
lead ptbfcfs.^to abstain from taking this tlon in"_tJjIf~dIreiSibli~ in Philadelphia
—•—•— -,.Xet-ui-ventilate-tbi8-8ubject,-and jo- a
We" are now selling good
In one of'the western counties, in fair and friendly manner.
Lastly, As I have taken, and will
clean Seed Rye at
take, some part in the attack on the 1885, a coniest between the pupils of
Buaineeg or Name Cards,
Ou ceuls pur LuaLei.
~~ legalized liquor trade, Z think I can do
__ occurred,
__ and'
_ much to
BO. ffiofe eflectiveljTbyihowtng tEaTT ^hB^nrpHse~6rall7"thT~pupila""from a
Democratic Tieket.
Book or Pamphlet Work,
consider alcohol to be ray own enemy, back country village easily carried off
Cards, Posters, Dodgers,
HAHMONTQN. N.jJ., Nov. 10. 1900.
the honors. Of course, the teaclitr was
as well a's the enemy of the nation.
If you are in the market
called upon to explain his method. - I EDITOB REPUBLICAN :— Noticing the
..'•... —StV Wilfrid Laicson.
for eoine fine Mackerel, "I flgnred it out years ago," said a canool now recall hl8~eisact words, but itemiln your issue of last week, that the or anything in the printing
1 '_
1 _._...__
proaperous-farmer,™-"thst-witb~Tery they woro eomuthine like the following : Democrats .pf-tbis town intend to put a
moderate drinking I'd drink an acre of
good laqd every year ; so I quitT*' Here not all the time, thi)Drdurio<* as much of me to state that. while I know nothing
We are handling Sucrene is_a temperance .lecture- in a small par- the time-as-possible.--For instance, I of individual statements, or reports, the
JPrinters of tlie Republican
and The J£cho.\
^ "Dairy Food. It is
cel, convenient for handling.—Four's inform tho children tbat the next "lessod rules of tho Democratic Olub of this
Phone 6-3
. reasonable in price, and Companion^ Are there many farmers Chicago^o St. LimiB, meatinpipg the tbiiig of the kind. Tbe objects of this
Hammonton, : : IT. jr.
around Hamroonton like him ?
——"-makes ~a better quaJity
towus, rivers, etc., pttssed on the jour- association are to bring together all
The result is that each child Democratic voters in the town, the adof milk than does gluten.
Young People's Societies.
must write, will endeavor of himself to vancement of Democratic principles, the
If you are looking for a
spell correctly while writing, will clo'ae- installation into political campaigns,
This spnno IB dgvnled to tho ln!ero«!s ol
tbeYouug Peoples Societies oftliGvurluux
good oat feed-,- it can be
ly examiuu the map, will leara to punc- both National and State, of every honorTHE
Churches. Spi-clal Herns of Interest, und
UDuouocemeuiB are uullclied.
tuate, and gain knowledge, as well as able effort to secure a full vote and pure
had here for
lusiug as little llmu as possible. I take elections.
95 cents per 100 Ibs.
Y. P. S. C. E.,—Prtsbyterian Chuicb : each child, point oni the errors, and
While publishing the above, we disMeets Tuesday evuumi/, at 7:30.
perhaps compel him or her to revise and claim any intention of introducing
"Praise tho Lord.''." Pdalma, rewrite the article. The composition partisanship into local .elections, believWe are selling ."Wheat*— Topic,
147:1-20. Leader, Heury Zietz. combines writing, spelling, reading, ing as we dp that such a couree^wpnjd.
._._':. .-'Jt-is fit for milling— . P. a C.-E,,
not^b^for^the-be8t-interelst8"Lejf this
Meets Sunday.evumi^ral 0:00.
. grammar to -a certain extent. Any community.—-If any individual-speaks
Topic, "Praiee the Lord." Ps. 147: Bubject may be selected, according to for the Crub or party, it is without
(Coubuciatiun.) Leader, the age oi the pupil. Advanced' chil- authority. Party politics in our town
Give me your order for a goof
Miss Marion Gilbert.
dren may be required to give several elections would bo disastrous, we do not
Buggy, Surrey, _
Monthly business meeting nnd compositions, until aoiue historical sub- have too many good men now from
' • semiannual t-luotiou of officers ject, for instance, invasion of England whom to select, bence'should not confine
next Tuesday evening.
by the Spanish Armuda, haa been fully our choice to men ' whose only qualiQca;
vote'witB t¥B"lIoni- JRoad-Wngon, or~Farm-Wagon;r
;"Jr,"Cr:Er,"Sundav:tvfti!rdootFttt"3:dOT reviewed?—Wberr- I-t«ifch"~'hiafory~ T tions'i
Topic, "Praiub God; for what ?» lecture, first reading to the children
Sec'j/ Democratic Club. •
PB. 147 : 1-520. Loader, Mabel from thu book. In teaching of the discovery of America, I go to the board or
map, point out tbo Spanish port of FaEpworth League',—M. E. Church :
On account of a recent redao
Kli H.
lob, and from that starting point show
Meutu Sunday eveninf,', al 0:00.
tion in the price of iron, I
- . • • • --. .
Topic, "Praise thu Lord." l'«. 147 : tbo run to of the voyago, and mention
the occurrences. It Is not tiiun uecoa1-20. Leader, A. L. Juckuon.
will hereafter shoe your
Bury to compel a child to 'study and
Y. P. O. U.,—Unlversnllst Church :
horses at the old prices—
rack its brain, for the whole matter is
Arlitz Building, Haontnonton,
Meets Sunday evening, at 7:00.
Notary Public,
Thanksgiving. Pruiso and thanks
Rooms 25-27 Ronl.Est. &Law B'ld'g, 4 New Shoes
Tho teacher who stated tho above
Atl mtic Oity.
service. •
for $1.00, cash
Commissioner of Deeds,
Oniolal Town Attorney.
demonstrated In public test the cQiciouIn
Office, 101 Bailroad Ave.
Practice In all Coortu of tho Stiito.
tho Hammontou school boards for about
to attend these nicotines.
twelve years, I know something ol tho Mon«y for first mqrtp'ige lourie
schools. Hamraouton, however, dilTura
A Shocking Calamity
Lntely befell a railroad laborer, writes not from other school districts. Tho
Dr. A. Kollctt, of Wllllford, Arkansas. Dumber of "learned' lenommuaca" who
"His foot wiis badly crushed, but Buck- annually graduate from our hl^h school
«S*olm Fvasch,
Only the choicest.
lln's Arnica Hulvo qulolily eurml him.'!
It's nlmp y wondorfnl for liurnB, bollo,' may bo oa!d to bo luKion. They can4io
—i •••• •————
jiiloH, anil nil akin eruptions. ItVtlm seen and hoard at miy Minn nml.
irorht1!' ulmiuilloU unulur: Hiiro unnrnn holrityud by "It ia mo," "Who done StoveH, Stovo Repairs,
toed. 25 o. Sold liy^rowoTR
thin V" "Who dooa hu work for V"
Wood Pumps,
"Dutwcon you and I, "and othor exIron PumpH,
protislonH, while thnlr knowled^o of
JOS.-I.TAYI.oiR niiUlcrH
nnd things In general la very
Twolltn St., botwoon rallronda.
llammonton, N. J.
Nails. Olfisa, Putfj', etc., etc.
Our prcHCtit Board nf Ethical Inn haw
All nrrnngomontn for Imrmln mndo
InnK oonnldttred tlu> nuhjnol of relnrin In
"NVill CUt i',ltt8H t(>
Always the Ix-sl
and oarofullv ojcocutod.
BDiiio luutinnr. Thorn nru too mitnv
atndivH, tmpucially In advitncud nonrxim,
and not ciion~-~h of thn "throe H'H.I'
Denier in Paititrf, Oila,
thin fiuit. Mr. lIolilrliK-ii him
Ofiid to linprnvu AVlitirnviir
Always a Good Stock
Unlorliinutfly for thu hoard, thu princiI hnvo n lurK" ntnak of
pal, nnd tho-pupllH, tho Btuto linnrd,
fho Bost I
tho County ,Sii|i(irlnt«n(l(int, und <ivmi
Cor. Second and Bellovue,
Pure Oil PaintH,
tho pai'diilrt nro lo he ciiiinliliirod. Tho
BhooB made to Order is my which I ijimrantdo to,ho \ _
power of our hoard In Ilinllod, .und the
All IIIIHI'IICMH in Untir lino
Specialty, and full
,..-thu bent pixIntNjyor flnld,, dimlron of pnnintn cannot hn nvorlonktid
without croatlnu; a, Htnrmof oppnnltlou, ,
oatinfuction \» gunrnntced. Heoondd »nrid I'lonnnnt Hirootn,
attcixlcd to.
It In olalmed tliul thn Mold for nUinouTON.
raphern In oviirorowdod, Ho It IB, hut
not with thomt who uro onpiihlo. Any
Enibalmin^j, Specialty
Jflopairing done.
ono OHM , Iniuti nhort hiuid und thn maof nil klnda ilono nt thn
nipulation of n typtiwnhfl-, hut to tnko Ofliot' and HosicJonoo,
Pouoh Street,
I t l C l ' U J I M O A N Olfl'IOIt, dnWn notoi) and triinnnrlhii thn wonln
OoIIovun Avonno,
Into RfuminWlcul lOnulliih, xvllh oorrcot
jij[iiillliiK mid ininnl nation, uro ncnninHammonton. : : N , J ,
by ;"
Lyford Bevorogo
deptiudod upon "taimpnitltlou" nlinont Hi*.
FublSo untlrnly, hu lint Hindu bin piiplln ooinVotorlnary Surgeon
for l^o
potont, (lopoinllnt! upnu, piirloctlon In 1312 Atlantic Avonuo
nnmmonton, N.J.,
tondoru hlu aui-vloun.
tho uionhiimoiil iipplluuitiiiMiitor.
No. afi'Tliird Street,,
reunion vonoliori) uxnoiitnd.
( Justioo of tlio Poaoo,
In wntlii)-; thin, 1 ntu not OriqdomnlriK
nnnwnT tolnphoixt onlln
Ofllon, Hooond and Ohorrv Uta,
our hoard or tuiuihora. I urn niiro that' iinywhoru In thu Comity.
Tlio ladlon !hnvo taken thin npnoo for ono
year, and arc responslblo forjall that It
F. .A.
Carriage & Wagon
Attorney& Counselor
Insurance Agent
At Law,
Second St. Cash Store
and Embalmei
Bread & Cakes
House, £ign,Carriage
Funeral Directors
Oil Stoves
Ultiernble llnHooo Una Already Mu«lB
Qevernl Aerial Tripn In Paris,.
I aeronauts all over the world bnvo
been watching with deepest possible
Interest a Contest conducted In,Paris,
where M. Dontseh offered a prize of
$20,000 to the airship which shall make
the urst successful voyage of four miles
and return. The "course" Is. from Suresnes to'.the Eiffel tdwer and. back, and
the entire journey muot be made In
"Do you believe that one man can half hour. Suresnes Is a suburb of
love two women at the same time?"
"Yes; it neither of them notices HI"—
Cnsere Gesellschaft
A/CleverTurn: "What a pretty felt
bat that is of Mrs. Flypp's." "Yes;
that's her summer hat turned arouud
with the back to the front"—Cleveland
Plain Dealer.
was in Australia I shot the biggest kangaroo the natives said they ever saw!
Gamekeeper—HIndeed, sir!" What was
~you tt-halmln'at?^Tlt-Blts: _!__:-—
Mrs.-CVRea.gan—Did yez ever hov yer.
palm read, Mrs. O'Reilly? Mrs." O'Reilly
"—Ph-Wat a questlo^ JirSi-xyRcagan.
Haven't Ol had ten children an' had. to
•ponk all of thlm?—Judge.
It wlll^bo a bravu huto, who fears limiting." "May—Yes, dear; I am sure you
_wllLnev.er_wed any other kind of a
man.—Philadelphia Bulletin.
"As I came by the kitchen window, Paris fully four miles from the colossal
Jane, I thought I saw-you on a young turning point. This makes the entire
man's kneel" "Well, ma'am, it Is an; distance at least eight miles, and to
artist friend of mine, and I have been, travel BO for In the prescribed time limit
glvlngjjjn^ a few^slttJngs."-::Funi
;' will necessitate a speed of sixteen miles
Barber—Shall I take a little of the an "hour• or"better." This Is a greater
ends of your hair off, sir? Customer- .velocity than has ever, yet been ^attainYes; I think you had better take It off ed, which. Is in Itself of much Imporat thejends, unless you con get It out of tance.- • But the chief thing to p be demthe middle.—Glasgow Evening Times. onstrated by the contest is;the~possibilShe^-If you love me so much, why ity of steering an airship. „
The attention of persons directly Indon't yon prnvo It hy anme not- nf
age. Efe—Great Scott! haven't I been terested In this sort of enterprise is
banging around for two hours when more particularly centered upon the
you were playing golf ?—Brooklyn Life. ship devised by M. Santos-Dumont,
who has been in Paris for several
The Three Degrees: Johnny—Paw, months "with the intention of competwhat do they mean when they say a ing for the $20,000 prize offered by M.
man "takes things easy?" Paw—That Deutsch. .It is said that In one of his
he is either a philosopher, a kodak fiend, experimental voyages M. Santos-Duor a kleptomaniac.—Baltimore Ameri- mont sailed from Suresnes to and
around the Eiffel tower and returned
Mother—Tommy, what makes you so to the starting point But when he was
late? Tommy—Had some words with about to make the attempt one day last
iehool. Mother—You had words with prize judges something went wrong
the teabher? Tommy—Tes. mother. I with his apparatus and; the full trial
couldn't spell 'em.—Tit-Bits. •
was postponed. He ascended for a
A Clever Compliment: Husband- short distance, however, and executed
Ton surely do not Intend to buy that a few maneuvers to show that the ship
magnificent hat—why, people would could be steered. Only a light breeze
think that you wished to distract their i prevailed at the time! nnd hence the
attention from your face!—MeggendorJ
was meant chiefly for exhibition purTeacher—Now, children, suppose this poses and to avoid a complete disapclass-room were suddenly enveloped In pointment to the crowd of spectators.
flames, and escape cut off, what would He will- make a fresh atrinpt In tho
be the best thlng-to-do-to-prevent loss near future, be says. 'If. Sontos-Dnof life? Tommy Tatters—Keep coot— mont is a Brazilian by birth, an enginJudge.
. eer by profession nnd only 25 years old.
When his airship Is in operation MJ
"It has always been my rule," said
sits on a saddle almost;
Mr. Borem, "to spend ns I go." "In-Santos-Dumont
deed," exclaimed Miss Sharpe, glanc- exactly like that generally used by hi-,
ing significantly at the clock. "In that cycle riders. The machine IB provided
way I suppose you have gaved consid- with pedals nnd sprocket fpr starting
the great propeller. But he relies mainerable money."—Philadelphia Press.
ly upon a gasoline engine to drive the
"It's been four years now," said the latter. The propeller'is two-bladed
deserted lad-y, "since he left me and and has a diameter of twelve feet The
his happy home. I remember it just blades arc of steel nnd aluminium, with
as well as yesterday—how ho stood at a cover of silk. The screw makes 180
tho door, holding It open till six (lien
a minute and Is expected
got In the house."—Indianapolis Presa. revolutions
to develop a speed of twenty miles an
Mrs. Hlghblower—How quiet your hour.
little boy IB, Mrs. Sllinson! Ilcally a
In modern experiment)) in navigation
model youth. Willie Sllmson—Well, with a self-propelled nlrwhlp two genermother told mo not to nay anything to al plans have bcon adopted In order to
embarrass you while I waa here, and I sustain tho craft In the atmosphere.
hnvnn'tI^uigley. Maxim, Channte,
Smart Set.
and others relied Holely on tho aeroTho Hurt) Itoad: The OJd-Htnger^- plane, or widely outHtre.tched wings,
Youug man, if you would bo RiicccuHful, but for tho, Inwt two or three yearn lityou must do two tblngH. Klrut, gut tle or nothing .linn been doiio In thin diBonlo enemies. The Aspirant—And nee- rection. The other method wan to
onA'l Tho Old-stager— Kecond, Irrltnto have a bug filled with hydrogen or Iltliom BO that they will nmko you prom- luminating gas and Hhapcd like an 1minent.—Bazar.
menne Hweet potato. Tho longer axis
"Ah, George," Bho sighed, "do you of thin receptnelo WOH kept In u horiromoinbor how wo used to nit on ona Kontal poHltlon, and from It WIIH HUHchair at papa'07" "That wna all right pcmlcd n boat or other mippnrt for the
at papa's," replied tho pructloal George, propelling engine.
"but I'm not agoing to forget (lint them)' With n di»vlce of thin latter kind Kenchnlrn cost mo good inoiioyl"— Cleve- aril and KrebH, of the French army,
land i'liiln Dealer.
were able to develop a Hpeed of four"Do you know," mild hlii confidential teen inllcii nn hour IIH long IIH IHHft, Nuc-le.rk, breaking It to him an dellciilely inrroiui iitlcmptM have been made Miieo
,an be could, "that HOIIKI people IICCIIHO t h a t lime to Improve on the record, but
'you of lending u double life?" "Hy Hum far without HIICCCIIH. Urcat IhliiKi
George, I do!" cxclalnicil Mr. Hpnlcanh, weni exiiectcd of Von Jteppelln'M lilrInn eminent men-haul; "I work twice, Bhlp on Lake ('oiiHtance, l wlilcli, a full
iiti hard an any man In.my employ."- - year after WIIH begun on It, had ItH H i n t
reiil trial early,'hint .Inly. Tin- proChicago Tribune.
"Thin u great idory," nald the new re- leclor'n expeetnlloiiH n't're nut reall/ed,
porter, "lint 1 can't t h i n k of a good lioWHver, nnd rnillml linproveiueiitii
hciid for II. It'll about a minted em- were undertaken.
liloyr, whom' account!! Wore found to be
crooked, and when he WIIH iiccuned of
it dropped dead." "That'll cany," mild
Home Idea of the m a g n i t u d e nf tho
the Hnalio ICdltor, helpfully; "head It idiM'Irle-llghtlng machinery In i h l n eoim'Died from ICxpnmirc.'" riillinlelpldii I r y may lie obtained from the iitnie1'reiiH.
incut Unit the public l i g h t i n g MlnUon/i
Noble 1 Ijllllo Oeorgln: I'ronil M i i m i n a of New York ( i l l y nlolle mi|i|ily liiciin••-WllHll'l (Icol'lill) U liollle l i t t l e gniltlo- dcMCcnt lampii each year In t h e limn
man to ImilMt npnn Nellln'ii helping her- her nf ^,r-'.\IIOO. Thin In Independent
nelf. to a pencil before be (nidi one h i m - of Ihiiiie fiirnliihed by p r i v a t e plnnlri.
iielrV Uiu'ln Henry Oh, yen, very nol>lo. .(Juorgo,.what made yon let Nellie
KJICW tit" Omi.
help lierndr llrid'/ (ienrgle lleciimie
Hympntld/.lliK Krlend Weren't yon
Iliero wniin'l Imt I >ro penclien, n great
big olio and a Hide lilt nf omi. I Idicw awfully nciirrd when yon MII\V Unit thu
Nellie would be Inn iiollte In lake the fellow look aim at you w i t h n gun?
I'luvnlii'idicr'H M a n 1 wan at Hrnt,
Mg one. llonlnii Triiiiacrlpt.
u n t i l 1 iycognl/.cd the weapon an olio I
The talent of inn
nn In inilliliii; moid had iiohl tlie day before. Then I milled
In and knocked tho nltillliitf out of him.
than dolnu u h u t vuu run dn \vull
-Vun Owiiur uf u ItuHroml >Vhlcli I'a;
Him SI.25 a Day.
A young man who, although able to
count his wealth by the millions and to
enjoy the pleasures of . high society,
pusses his time as a tapomau In a
corps of surveyors on an Illinois rail
road, getting for his labors $1.25 a day,
Is rather a'unique character. The young
man Is Bertrnnd'Bell, of Now York,
and lie Is a stockholder In the road
whose grades he Is helping to .establish.-' Young Bell was-reared amid'the
luxury and ^refinement of a' wealthy
.home, having everything which money
could buy showered upon him. Se was
finely educated and given every opportunity which wealth and position could
afford, but all this he pushed asldo to
go West and take his place In the ranks
of tho surveying corpus simply that he
home last.May. John and Henry Prltta
were arrested In October. 1800. but the
old man made his escape, being wouuued In the hoel during his flight by a bullet<from tho revolver of United States
Deputy Marshal Frank Campbell. The
two 'boys stood' trlal'nt the May-term
of court and .the Jury disagreed, ,
"Bill" Prltta first cnme Into prominence with' the Wiling of Tony Hoehstettlor several years ago. Robert Miller, one of tho party Implicated, gave
himself up and served four years In the
penitentiary. The others were never
apprehended. The history of his numerous encounters and escapes has several times been' printed, and romance
has placed famous old "Bill" near the
top of the list of the queer characters
developed In the mountains of westera
Like all men of his class, Prltts had
-many stanch friends among his neighbors and these assisted him frequently
In eluding the officers of the government. Among tho people of the mountain region It Is not regarded as a crime
to cheat Uncle Sum out of the tax on
Young Bell 1ms had an Interesting
career. He was born In New York City
In 1877, where he has since resided save
whartTincThe was abroad. His father
and_ mother jvv.ent .abroad ._cyery., year,
taklng-hlm-Wlth-therri.—In-thlB^way-behas gone to Europe twelve tlmes,~vlslt-'
Ing all the points of Interest there. He paid no. tribute to the government; and
went to Harvard University, where ho those who endeavor to collect It.bav<>
a rocky time of It The moonshiner Is
or revenue oiuceru lu the vicinity
still, and he has ample time to conceal
all evidences ofTiIsnillcltniiccupTitloii.
His patrons can never be Induced to
testify against him, nnd the officers,
though' they may oe morally certain of the guilt of a suspect, have a
hard task to procure the evidence necessary .to. convict
Bill Prltts was fortunate in having
the good -will of his neighbors. He admitted that he drank all'the whisky he
could get and made the admission as
though It were a good Joke and It tickled him. He admitted, however, that he
bad-done so twenty years ngo^-Hc wns
as delighted as a youngster when
remained four years, graduating from United States marshals told of the
that institution only last June. While
in college^ Mr. Bell's particular delight
was found , In the study of languages,
both ancient aud modern, and he- Is
able to use the French, German, Italian
and Spanish tongues, besides having a
good knowledge of Greek, Latin and
Sanskrit. Mr. Bell has pronounced literary tastes and has written for some
of the.lendlng.magazines.
career was 'his participation In the
celebrated. .Peary .....relief ..expedition
which sailed from Nova Scotln last
year. Also he participated In the Spanish-American war, serving as a marine
in the United States service.
Bell Is a man of striking eccentricity
duct. Tho thermometer may register
93. or 00 In the shade, or the mercury
may fall down below the freezing point,
but Bell never wears a hat Then, too,
although he has an abundance of elegant clothing, he seems to care nothing for it. but likes better his blue llnnnol shirt and drilling trousers. Not only
In his work does he go thus, bnt has
been known to go to the cities and pass
do,yH there thus attired.
When he learns the surveying business thoroughly, Mr. Bell will go back
to New York, where he will make hla
homo nnd delvo further Into the mysteries of railroading and enjoy the round
of social pleasures In the exclusive circles which his wealth will give him admittance to.
Tho llrst day horse flesh was served
out lu the olllcera' mess during tho alegu
trouble they had experienced in capturing him. Like many another man Bill
Prltta is a mixture of simplicity and
guile, but the proportions are hard to
He (desperately;—Tell me tho truth.
|Is It not my poverty that stands between us? She (sadly)—Y-o-s. He
(with n rny of hope)—I admit that I am
poor, nnd so, unfortunately, la my fnthjur; but I have an aged uncle who la
very rich, and a bachelor. Ho Is an Invalid and cannot long survive. SheHow kind and thoughtful you arot
Will you Introduce mo to him?—Now
York Weekly.
tlcnlcn, I am sorry to nay that wo wore
unable to get our ration of beef to-day,
nud had to take .part of It lu homo flesh.
This which I am carving In beef; tbu
homo In at thn other eud, and anyone
who prefers It can help himself." Nobody did prefer It, and HO they all nto
beef and had a good dinner. When
they, had tlnlidieil tho ndjiitniit midtlenly
mild: "Ut-ntlcmcu, I Ilnd I liavo innde
u mlHtake In the jolntH. Tula IH thu
hoi-He llenb, nnd thn other l« bcof."
There WIIH a great bowl, but afUir that
no one objected to the hoi-He.
t'rliol I'll ronI.
MotliiT—Iii that all yon have to do on
wiiHh-ilay -nit iiroinid and ri'iid?
Daughter -I—WIIH Jiml refilling about
the hanging gardcim.
"Well, If you are IntereMti'fl In that
K i n d of Htuff there IH a ganU'ii back of
tho IIOIIHO Jim! lovely for hanglim
elolhen." -Indlanapolln I'rcnH.
<M<1 lllll 1'rltU KUII u Mountain I>Ut l l l o r y In l'/eiiil4ylYioilii*
One of tlui nuiiit remnrkntilo i-hiirnot u r n nf t l i o mountain region of wcHh-rn
I'eiiiiiiylvaiilii IH Mill I'ultti. who WIIH
c.onvlctcd of inoirtiirrtlttUig In the United
Hliilen Hidrlct Court lit I'lttHburg recently. II" him long been n reiddent
nf Kayollo County and wan notorloiiH
far nnd wide IIH one of lint ninnt during
men In bin linn of biiHlneilii,
Mhi t w o noun, John M. nml Henry
I'rlllH, wer<i alno Included In llio In foriniitloii, but thity did not appear, The
cane excited great attiMillon on nceolint
nf the inimeiDini idTortii to (-upturn
I'l-lttii In bin mountain home and hlM nn
inoroUH eHcanen from tho roveium olll
. um'ii. IIo wan nnnlly captured at bin
Klfcctlvc Treatment.
Mho—How daro you COIIKI home In t h i n
condition, when you told me you were
only going to thu dootor'H for treatment?
lie—TliilHh a fac', in' ilcur. lie'" been
treatln' me, ever ..idnciv-Metropolitan
'Did they Imvo fniHn veKiitnnicH every day where you bourdcd tliltt HIIIIImer?" "No," Hiild tlio.HiKl-looklng r i l l KIIII, "the fanner w« vlnltcd bought
everything at thn croitH-nmdH grocery
«tor<i. Thuro'M only oni> t h i n g worm.'
than u KI-CCII gooiln mini and tlml'ii n
canned itoodrt man.--WimliliiUloa Htur.
/(obol Leader Collccfco n; jr'rlaual^ UerruriHor Hla Own
Nearly two years ago Agulualdo uud
a compatriot named Alexandra, also a
lieutenant of native- troops, organized
n'revolt In tlie native corps at the Philippines. Agulnaldo's regiment ona
morning, while on parade, shot all the
Spanish officers, except a few lieutenants, and took to. the savannas—great
trackless prairie, swampy, with occasional high bits of land, called
"mattes." Here Agulnaldo made his
.headquarters. At one 'time he'must
have had 4,000 or 5,000 Men under arms
of some sort hidden In these fastnesses,
raiding the rich settlements whenever
they felt like It. The political governor
general of'the Philippines, Senor Don
Baulllo Augustln y Davlla, offered a re.ward of $20,000 for the. head of Agulnaldo. Within a week he received a
note from the Insurgent chief, saying:
"I need the sum you offer very much,,
and will dellvef the bend myselff!'
Ton days later the southeast typhoon
was raging. The hurricane—for It was
tearing things to bits, and It
governor general's gate made the usual
reverent sign as n priest passed In, who
nsked If_ bla excellency was in and unengaged. They answered.yes to both
-Bmilllo did -not turn—
his head ns some one entered. It wns
his secretary, he'supposed, come to help
prepare an eloquent statement upon
the condition of the colonies. It was.,
not the secretary, but the priest, who
said, "Peace be with you, my son."
The cleric locked the door,, and, dropping hls;cloak, said;,— . „.._—
"Do you know me?"Don Bnsillo did not know' him. I t '
was Agulnaldo,&'so a twenty-inch bolp,.. _
a native knife, shflrj) ns a razor, carried by every Malay In time of trouble. They can lop off an arm with one
blow, ns though it were a carrot
nave Drougut tue beau or Agui-"
naldo," the chief said, touching the
edge of'his jewel-hilted bolo to ascertain Its condition, "nnd I claim the reward! Hasten, else I shall have to expedite matters myself."
Don BaBlllo wns trapped. He had to
open the desk and count out the sum
In Spanish gold. Agulnnldo punctiliously wrote a receipt, coolly counted
the money and walked backward to'
ward the door. He suddenly opened it
nn>l dashed out, just abend of a pistol
bullpt^thut^cuf his lockB^bh the-tcmple3;i
(Captain General Polavlcja offered him
Siiid Alexandro n free~pard(m and $200,COO each to quit the colony. They accepted It and got the money, only to
Innrn that they were both to be asmiH.slnnteil the next night at a festa.
The two men who had undortakenjtbe,
~J61> wSFe"fouhll~denlir~8lnni)ed to the
heart In their own beds. On the krlss
handle wns a bit of paper with a line
saying, "Beware of the Malay's vengeance." Polavleja resigned and returned to
Spain, being wicceodcd hy Gen. August! formerly captain general of Barculoun.
urloiin Source at Supply Along the
Peucoast of Holland.
Oonnul Corey, of Amsterdam, In the
Ji^l} Consular Reports, makes tho curiant* Htatuinont that, the water supply
of that city Is being obtained from the
Hand tinned bordering'tho m-ii In the
vicinity. Tho dunes cnnnlHt of Band'
blown up Into rldgcH from tho bench,
having a height near Ilnarlem of about
twenty feet nnd a width nf about two
and a litilf tulle*. Tbu fresh water the;
contain IH Hupposci.l to coino chk'tly.
from tlio rnlnfull. Not only lu the water
In the duneH fri-Hh nbovu sea lt-vj-1, but
|lt IM [ii'l-lei-lly ll'i'Mll UlHU iU U dfplll Of~
iHlxly-Hl.x font In-low tin! H<m lovol. The
wntiT In the liniiii'clliiti! nelglilmrhood
[a Halt. It IH held hypiomu porHoim that
tho sanil In HUIIUI way mutant the BI-II
water fresli, but It IH morn Intelligible
to Iliul the Hcuiree of the fri'Hli water ol
the dtineH In thn rninfiill.
IJc, the cniiiHi« what It"'inny tlio diinea
nro u vimt rtmervolr of fi'i'Mli water,
which la biiliiB ciilli-cteil for Ainsler,(linn by ineuiiH of Mloiiewai'e-pIpi'H tlilrteen feet Ixineatli the Hiirraco and \ty
IIIIMIIIH of open eaiiuls. For Haarlem
the water In collected In \velU llfty-llvi!
feet lii'low Hell level. Them Is HIIIII"
ilniibt, liDWi'ver, iiH ti> the iHiniiuih'iic.v
of tln> iinpiily If (<HI Ini'iti'ly ilniwn ilium.
\VellH HiiiiirllliirN glvii fl'imli water for II
while and nl'lerwiird t u r n Hiilty. The
neeurrnnirii of fresh water on iiiiuill low
lidaiulH nnd on Hiuiily lieuclicH IIIIH IOIIH
lieen a eiirliiiis |in>lileiu iipnu which
the wi|tenvi>rl(« of Anmlerdaiii niny
<lini\v Huinii ll|(ht. IliililiiHii'n Hun.
A Holi-nin Miilijocf.
The Widow -I wonder why erapo li»
Mie emblem of HOITDW?
The Ilachelor •-- I'robiibly becaiiiiu
three fi-el of II n i n l i o a univo yard, ' '
Two I'nhiln ol' Vlnw.
Hlggii Hciiiilor I'OHI-I- iieeiiiH to be a
man orTiTy briiinl vlewii.
HIltK"- Veil, Indeed; I ilon'i lielleve It
In pnmillile In brliiK up n iiiieiitlnii Dial
he can't Hli'inldle,
Hlcltn Mai'lon In Multo iitriicU w i t h
Minn Illrdlliln, lln hail Jnnt Ilidilcd u
c I Kill' lai't evclilni; wlimt "lln bovn In
night. He threw II awny mill wont up
tlui nlri'i.'t w i l l ' her." \Vlului- "And do
A i o u d l n u to liluuloy.
yon know whiit Mho wild l<i h i m ? Him
•"Yon will Inive to pny iixtni for thin,"
told him ( b a t id 10 iipprorliiti'd bin Hi-lfdenial III Ilirowlng Ibn elgnr awiiy, nald the cinilomii nlllccr lo the rnlurnhut Mho nnver could IlilnU of iiuirryliiH lug liiiirltit,
muni I pay e x t r n ' / " untied the
u inn n who WIIH no diwivld of ecntioiny "
—lloiilon TriniHcrlut,
Mcciiiiiic ll'ii your duly," rmdlcd lli«
Talk Inn't clieau when you bird u law' >4 olllclnl.
yer Ui do It tor you-
"How?" asked Ilobcrt. ''-——-^
"We've got him—out there—In the pan- pear/' In each of tlie two spellings
"By owning- to one's blame In the
last" elyeri are ton letters—four, -vowels
try— noor mamma-*
KnoweUi nuugiit of t|OoUn.
and Hlx consonants. (Joroblne these
Who?" I asked. . '
Naught to captivate the wise;
"The burglar. He was hid In the two figures and -we hare:.the number THIS IS THEIR DEPARTMENT OF Inpt one's fault does much to set wrong
But the' soul of goodncKs looks
right. Try it"
dining-room—mamma saw him, and he 40, the key to the mystery.'
Through the quiet pf her eyes.
Robert was very much like! the
ran Into the pantry—and. I locked the Turning to the forty-sixth Psalm In
rest of us—he hated to admit that he
door—and—he's trying to jump out of the revised version It Is found the psalm
She can bake nnd she can kait,
Is divided into three pprtlons, each one
809 Inae and Cute Doings of the was In fault, f'l'm wrong; forgive me,"
the window. " ' . , ' . Cunningly-nho wields the broom.
All her pleasure Is to sjt
• 1 heard a noise OB of some'one trying ending with "selah."- Remember the Llttlo Folka K-rerj-wlicre, Gathered is a hard thins to say. . But the more
In a neatly order'd room.
to push up a window, and opening the number—10.
and Printed Here for All Other Lit- ;he thought the matter,over the more he
felt that he ought to say just that "Iff,
Counting forty-six words from the be- tle Oaca.to lieud.
pantry., door, there he was, a sure
Touchstone, shaping a career,
tlie right tiling to do," he told Himself.
enough burglar, .evil-browed and sullen, ginning of the psalm, one reads the
Shines at eiich exclusive house:
."If I know what's right nud dou't.iii*
who cropped the window and turned to word "shake" In the first portion, and
"Oh, dear, how I do hate work!" said It I'm n moral coward. I'll doit." Bt»
"Sijcb. a clever man, my door,
counting forty-six words from the end
fleil \j>^-just a "country mouse/
Lily.' . ' • • ; . ,
he" went to the one that he had wronged
"You, can't make a Jump from thai of : the- psalm one roaches the word
"I-Inve you got much to do, dearie" and confessed his fault frankly and the
"BlJirricd ere-he dreamed of us,
plainly as letters can moke It.-r-London nsked her grandmother, gently. ,'•'-,
result was that the two boys were :betfire he knew what gifts he'had—
better be quiet."
. "All that!" replied Lily, holding out ter friends than before mid his comrade
•{range that Fate should yoke him thus,
I turned'the lock again, but Mrs, Answers.
a long seaiii with a dismal sigh.—-"Oh, had a greater respect for him.—EnAnd rery, very, very na<ll"
Tralne, divining my. purpose, clung to
'do, granny, tell me aboufyourself when change.
Lfibor Day ins a Holiday.
niy arm. "Don't go," she cried, franlabor day wns celebrated first in you-were little." . ' • ' "
.Touchstone (let him mark It well)—
A ^yo^l or'Fo About Opportunity,
"Well, youif dislike of needlework re;
New.. York City. . The celebration took
.Wlien-.the social round is trod,
minute." Then to my relief that same place on Monday. Sept. 4,'1882. It Is minds me very much of my own child- There' Is nn old saying that opportuniSP/tred by dame and demoiselle—
'-K'Z$ ben home softly, praising God.
npw a legal holiday In thirty-five States hood. You know lit wiis not the fashion ty Is kind, but only to the Industrious,'
professionally appeared on the thresh' and the Dis'trlcf of .Columbia.
—New-.York Tribune.
" then for girls to play games as you.do As an Illustration of this Idea we. may
old, attracted by. the cries'. Off he went
now, and I often got Into tiad scrapes cite the old Perlsau legend that a. poor
to call the police, while I tried to quiet
for running iind climbing with, my man waited a thousand years at the
two hysterical women,
brothers instead of sitting quietly' a_t gates of paradise hoping . that ' they
- Ia..a_:few. minutes~the-.burglar.-was Krroaeona Belief That Frequent Cllp- niy needle. Ouu day my mother siioke would-^pen-and-he-eould-enter; Final-—
handcuffed arid led awayrbnt the-shock
Jy_hj!jniatched one little nni) of a few
had proved too much for Mr^. Tralne's Does cutting promote the growth of be, a useful woman unless I tried to. mlnutes r duratlon, but then rpwat~thal
Invalid mother.-—The fainting spell->va* tttft.ha.Ir?_This guestion IB answered by leara a little more, which innde me cry' the gates opened—nnd shut. . Voa
,HAD been graduated two years, followed by delirium, and her daughter the' Frankfurter "Wochenblatt in this iind promise to do "my. best Finally, Moltke_ the triumphant strategist of
..and had_.a_practlco_8afflclently_ jiud._l_^:atched_by__her_bfidBlile_jimtil wlsc4—l'lt-ls-belie.Eed_by_laymen_and. -slie-klssed-ine-aud-prouilswl-that-when the-Franco-Pnisslnn-war-,-Bttld:-:
large, I deemed, to warrant my morning.
profeisslonal halrdressera,_Unat--<:uttlng TlBfamiM hme HulBllcd a net ot shirts' 'To .win you must be at the right
-taking—apaiteientej—Apartments—aui- —Of-eoutse~_I was Installed as at
tergely~TBcreaie8~Se growth of the which I was then making, she would place at the right time, with a superior
round a young doctor with an air of Ing physician, nnd never failed to coll hair* .* This belief begins with the In- ^.'ive me a gold thimble of her own. I force."
. ' • _ . : .
prosperity which people like to encour-' Tnorning-nnd-evenlngg.—WTien-the-paTeallyydldTry "verj r hardrand at last the " 'The great Napoleon mnfle^that th»
age and add to. A month later I was tleat was able to sit up I sometimes a plant As gross that Is often cut bhlrts were finished and 1 went trium- active principle of his marvelous miliV;
comfortably, almost elegantly, estab- read aloud to her as an. excuse to re- short grows again and becomes thicker, li.iantly to claim my prize.
tary career. The rule holds good; la all
lished oh the first floor of a handsome main longer, watching the daughjer at so, It is believed, the hair should do
'" 'Yes, you deserve It,' said mother, the pursuits of life.
North Side apartment house, with a some household task.
when l.t Is cut. This comparison, hOT»- when I put It on. 'But be careful where
One evening I staid for tea. Mrs. ever, is a false one. A developed L,:r yoi^ keep it.' I promised and fle\y to
careful middle-aged woman to act as
Hi!da'a Dp-sfUh.
Tralne"wor(rardalaty'gowu~of~ white Is^^aT" perfectly 'f6rmed^mass7bf"t^ru tue schoolroom 'to put> away my work,
~my housekeeper "nnd^cobir"":::^"
"Pretty well fixed, old man, eh!" sold and blue, with a great deal of luce. which has nothing further to do with \vbeirone~ of the boys called out that
Jack Winters, my college classmate and There Is no sight so welcome to n bach- the case In which the hair rests than they were going for a walk. Dawn
chum, who had come over that even- elor as a pretty woman at the head of to receive from It from below further xvent my work and new thimble on the
Ing from the West Side to make a a tea table. The next morning I pic- growth and to be held firmly by It. • table and out I ran to join them. We
housewarmlng for me. "All you need tured the pretty widow sitting opposite • • In this moss of: horn, as in the bad a delightful ramble, and on our reto complete your happiness is to get ac- me at niy own breakfast table, wem lug nulls of the.fingersand the toes, -there turn-1 went
, Qllfl JQ{gd. \Vl[il tllO HfCttV \vltlOXV QD ttlO the pretty IIOUHO Jacket I bnd scon-ou- la BO longer any eap-ln-cireulatioaHfaia- my work there, but not tne tnimbie. _ Said a liBherboy.to Hilda,
floor above you. She's John Redmond's my morning calls.
"Once I caught a dogfish, Miss!"
moss, BO to speak, Is a product which Hlyh nnd low I searched, but It was
That afternoon I took Mrs. Tralne cannot be quickened and strengthened gone. In terrible trouble, I went to the And ever since she's wondered
cousin, you know, and a sweeter little
If the creature looked like this.
nnd her mother for a drive, and wn^ re- by new nourishment, because the . lat- boys (not daring to confess to mamma),
woman never—"
"Thank you," I said, checking Jack's warded by another Invitation to ten. ter cannot enter ,11 On the other hand, and we hunted everywhere together,
Mamma's Mistaken Policy.
A reason for such close attention to what happens In a blade of grass Is to- but In vain. Suddenly Alfred looked
enthusiasm—Jack always goes off on a
"Mamma," said 3-year-old FJossle," "i
tangent when a pretty woman IB dis- my patient was no longer apparent I tally different
out of the window. 'Look at old Jack,' guess you don't know much about raiscussed. "I am trying to get patients, was hunting about in my mind for an- "The blade of grass Is a network of he said. 'What has he got there?' We ing children, do you?"
and have no time for social pleasures, other excuse to prolong the dellghtfa' fine ducts In which Is constantly circu- bad' a tame crow, who used, to live In "Why do you think that?" asked theand, besides, I don't mind saying It, calls when Mrs. Tralne knocked at mj lating the nourishment which the blade the garden, and was how hopping over mother.
door one evening. \ .
Jack, I'm not fond of^wldows."
Jra-n's from the root; It presents, In cou- the lawn with something glittering In "Because," replied the little miss,.
"All I have to say to that Is," said - "I havrcome-to see you on business," trast~wlth the dead body of the hair, his beak.
8 .send.ip,e,.tcLbed..wben.I'jtt.,
she suld. taking, the scat I offered her. a living, yegetatlng^substanceJY.blchj
Jack, "you don't know Mrs. Tralne."
me get up when I
-^Xou haye been kind to mother,".she haB"a-yuiost "Intimate connection with through, the window; and we bath notTsIeepy and^make
^veoTbn." "Of course.-werwantTo pay the condition of Jts root and which raced -after the naughty bird,, but too am sleepy."
you for your trbubler Would "you^iilnd dries up infallibly when It Is separated late. With a wicked croak of triumph
A Queer Alaskan FUh.
telling me, please, how much the from Its root, while the hair will re- he flew toward the pond at the bottom In Alaska there Is a queer fish that
amount Is'/"
main unaffected for thousands of years of tho garden and dropped the precious can be used as a candle when dried.
I saw the anxious look growing deep- after Its papilla has withered awny. prize Into the water.
The tall of the fish is stuck in a crack
er In the sweet face opposite me. How We need cite only one irresistible proof
" 'O, you dreadful bird!' I cried, and of a wooden table and Its nose is lightmuch denial and privation pnylug -a of this— the hair on the heads of mum- fairly burst Into tears. 'Never mind, ed. A good-sized flame will burn about
a8 lon as
doctor's bill -meant-to that .little.. .womthree, hours. It gives a good, steady
. . , . .
s _
an^ already burdened with responsi- It' exists can produce a new Hal?' wTTen lug he had tucked
up his trousers and [IgliFbl lliree^cnndle-powcr-and-consld^bility!
the old hair has fallen out, while the waded In. It wns shallow Just there; er'able heat.
"It must be a large bill," she said at root of tunny a plant gives -existence"1 and,"to my relief, he spied the tlilinble,
Ferment In n New 8en«c.
.list, aiy I remained silent, watching-her. to cue sprout only aud then together where it hnd lodged ngaJnst a stone,
A liyle schoolgirl .was told by. her
""You -you've, made so mnny calls."
with it declines nnd dies. .Tlie more a nnd restored it to n\<\
teacher to write the word "ferment" on
"1'cs. It is a lurge bill," I said, Blowly. lialr Is disturbed in Its natural growth
"Dear old boj'! I love It far tlie mem- her slate, together with the definition
There was n quick uplifting of the l>y continually cutting off Its ends the ory
that bit of he.lp!" And granny and a sentence In which the word was
hlne eyes. "1 hope," she mild softly, less rest Its papilla, the real producer drewofthe
thimble from a case,"where It
"that you won't mind If we don't pay of the hair, rinds; the papilla, being rested In company with nn old, faded to be used. The following Is the result:
It quite all nt once; If I could arrange constantly Incited to excessive produc- photograph. "I couldn't part with It "F-e-r-m-e-a-t; a verb, signifying to
to pny you MI much every week until tion, wavers finally In Its activity, de- now; but some dny you shall have It, work. I love to do all kinds of fancy
tin- bill Is nettled."
t-iiy"fi and dies. For this reason a wom"No," I said, In biiHliiess-lIke tones. an -with n bald head is never or soldo in Lily."
A ISrlglit Hojr>« Retort.
I Bliould prefer to have the whole bill M.'i'ii, us the natural and very slow
More Ploy Needed.
"Toll me where the Lord IH, my little
H used to lie that boy» and men who :iwu," said the minister to a bright little
H-ttled for at once."
process of the growth of a WOUIUQ'M
JIIIH. l l ( A I . \ r . C I . U X i . I'd M V .Ml.M.
My heart Biuote me for the nlnrin In lialr IH uot disturbed. The Individual worked had nhortcr vyorklug hours and follow, "and I'll give you a i.'.amy."
tell me where he Isn't," replied
llowover, my profoHMluiiul dutlen the face that wau lifted to mine. 1 hair reac'bcH a definite length; after less work to do In the same time thuu "You
were not so urdoiiH t h a t 1 did not Ilnd leaned forward nnd took her bund. "Do years It falls out of Itself and a new do the men and boys of to-day. Coiise- the youthful philosopher, "nnd I'll give
tlmo to notice a trim llrtlo llguro that you want to know how much my bill hair begins to appear ns soon UK the Hiiemly they bad hotter opporlunllles you two pennies."
Illtted lu and out through the big en- will be? Well, It'H n great (Kill.., Noth- pnpllld 1ms bad time to rest Itself thor- nnd greater Inclination, for recreation
There Wn» 11 1)1 (Terence.
trance door.dresHcd alwayu exquisitely, ing IC«H thnn the giving of your own oughly and to prepare itself for the of the healthiest kind. They felt nble.
•telf to mo, my darling, will satisfy my provost of u new growth. Theso are to rl«o In the morning early enough for Aunt Mary— Now, candidly, Margie,
but quietly.
tlui reasons which lend to the obvi- gymnnHtlcH, their work the day before don't you think you have eaten enough
My Interest In Mrs. Tniluu deepened .-•liilm ngnhiHt you."
'You mean
" wild Mr«. Tnilne, the ously valid conclusion that cutting Uie not being HO Irksome UH to make them pudding?
when 1 heard her Htory. Her husband
dlffiiHlng her pule. face,.
Ji-el they m-eil'-d every
hair la rather
("fi'ed 1)— tt ,
may tlilulc
hnd been killed In a railway
I w u n t you to bo iny_wj
It.-, us Is often thu case nowa- HO, Aunt Mary, but I don't feel so.
brforo;—ITTO insurn
AlVlou In llloh lu Volcanoes.
ilriiwInK nor ueiui down upon my
days, and In the late afternooiiH and
money WIIH almost gone, mid the llttlo
KatUeru Africa i» milil-to have B!X actgn they, could enjoy an Hthlcllc.
widow added ^o tlie Ineoinu that mimt Hhotilder. "!H tlio prico too greatV"— Ivu volcanoes and WeHturu Africa four;
blcagu Trlliune.
game. The glrlH Home yoiiru uco exertHiipport herself nnd limillil mother by
Omni- 111 tin 1 Ciimorooim are. mild to have ed thcniHclvcH mentally and phynlenll,v
giving mtuilc IchKoiiH to u few wealthy
been lu eruption HH late IIH KSItN. The much ICSH than they do now, tho.liTlio Art ol' lj|Ht»iilii|{.
thotiHiuid cotton mill employ.
Would that there, were more, people iHliuulH \vt-Kiwiird are all of volcanic cotii-Mo of Htndy UHtially being mild .In enSeveral
A daintier little nwcluul of u woman
In Aliimmice county, North Carolina,
origin. The ('unary IrlandH are fuiiioun
It would have been hard In Mud.
Koft u'lio know bow to llHten! Wo Home- for tbu fjiviit peak of TtiuerltVe, which comparlmin to tho average of to-day, linvi! been IwUi'd out fur a mouth oil
<if their rcfiiHiil to ulmmlon
In-own linlr, tonM<d In trimnl curls ahout [Imi'H deplore the fact Unit there are HO became utilet Ionic prior to dlKcovery; mil few of them were In IMIH|IU'HM or account
the Textile Win-kern 1 Union. The union
tin) low forehead, a volet) that spoilt1 few good lalkerH; may wo nut rather other ventH In (be IHliuulH havo been In HID profexHlons. Therefori) their need opcratlVfH are viicutliiK the factory
alwaj'H gently, blue eyen full of mirth, regvet Hint, tlnmu who can talk MI HD|- eruption at liitervnlu durliiK the elKlil- wan U-HH for Hlrcnulheiiliig exerclHi-H.
hoiiHi-H I\H rapidly IIH -poHHlblc, and
iiiigh the mental and pbyulcal thon<' who have lieen iiimhln tn Hi-curn
and u complexion that looked like it linn Ilnd people who know bow to hear I'entli century, and hot vapoiii anil
i-l»ewherc are temporarily
hud been bathed In tint niornInK (low, them?
Hiiioke rlHt- from them at tlui pre.sent generation do IIIIH greatly IncrciiHcd living In teiitM fiirnliibed by the NuThe
OiH'o or twice 1 had held llio big door
Textile Union.
ihoy do not ms-m lo have reall/ed yet llolml
Tin- lilt; IU-IIVCH plnnt of tjie Ainerl<:ui>
open for her to jiui^ out, mid Imwed In IH certainly on the Increiiiie. If one will
Hint n coiiiitvnictlng force IH aliHohile- Mheel Hteel Company, lit l!unul Dover,
n-Hponne to tlid Io\v "ihiuili you," joartH to ri'tninK* nperattonH fit onco,
bo will bo dlmigrccahly
Tho t o t a l muuln'i- of coplcH (>! new'H- ly newHflnry, for tlie number IH growing KOhio,
ly n f l e r my eomliiK to diu Inilldliig a I'linvematlou
v h i K work to <oo men.
mrger every day. We eniinot help oh- l l-'lvc
mirprlHed to Hi'e how few HentenocM (iru
himdri'd men wen- thrown out
boy on the lop Moor had lieen nceoni- illowed to run their Hiiioolh nml even uupi'i'H printed lliroilKliiiut the \forld In Kervlng It oil tbe H t r e e t H and everywork nt NllcH, dhlo, liy the elnHliiK
niiMliitliiK enoiiKli l<> K*'t liurt In tlie ele- wny wltliout Home Interruption. When one year IH T.',(i(H),(HM),0(lO. To p r i n t where of men and wninen who nloncb df
of the foiK'- anil p l a l i > inlllH dcpal tincnt
tliom- i-eiinlrcH "Ml/J-IO tiiim of paper, or
vator, mid I hud been ralli'd In IIH tliu
; will, drooping llgure and driig- of the A n n ' i l c u i i Hliect Hlocl (^ompiuiy'ii
Htory IH In telling by one of a Hiiiull 1.7-III,U77.<KI<> poundH, while It Would
liKint avnllalile phyiUcliin, Luckily, I
ThlM iictlnn IH dint to I H l K u t l u n
HlepH, the plcliire of undeveloped \ nlllH.
fruup It IH bound to be paragraphed by
\ l i l i t h e N a i l i i n a l Tube Ceinpiuiy anil
b r o u K h t ' t h e boy throiiKti i)'» well (Imt mclilliiatlotiH. needleHH qucxtliiiin, or t n k o the riiHtcHl III-CHHI-H 111 I.onddil !>!IM [ih.VHlcal miinliond and womanhood.
u l i l l i ' Iron n m l Hied Company. 3
yeiii-H to p r i n t n KliiKle year'n edftlmi,
IilH piirelllii IIH Well IIH tin- yomiKHter
There hi n o t h i n g more plcamint lo
It In ivpurtcil from Han Franclnco tlmt
JOCOHO HpcecbcH. To IJnh'n wlilcli would prndiice u HtncU of imper.-i
hlmtielf, Mounded my lirilfHW no loudly woiild-bn
null iipnii l i m n n Htrong, graceful, bap-, tho Irl.'iirnnli I H H - I I I I I M - H of tin- .Srnta
that I round i n y t v i r w i t h i j u l l e n rc|ni- properly nne nhonld Ionic at tlio hpenkitr nearly lll'ly mlli-H lilgh.
Vu, Hi'iithi'i-n ('iillfnndu nu.1 Hiintii 1'V
i.Y young man or young woniaii, and and
Nun .!imi|ii!n \'ulley ro.iilii liuve iletntlon mid liielilentnll.v a |ii'iiellci< In |hn
lli-oail K i r e e l H l n lOiu-ope.
Hie hint two i|iialltleH depend on t h e inandoil a i-ciKin-alliin nf wak'cn to the
nolKhliorliiiod, H t l l l , 1 hud nut met MrH,
Ilnd and all three on ph.VHlciil cxcrelMi-H teiile e x I n t h i K prior to 1B92.
hear It nald of n man or
Trillin-, and I wan lici'lnnlng wickedly Hoinittliiu'n
llelwren 1 1 Km nnd IMIO rilif Incci n unit
woman: "That portion brlngn out nil In the broaden! Htreet In any Kit'at city. i ml development.
to hope Home accident ever HO nll|(lil a Hint
It 111 "lf> feel wide. The ltlll|(«lniHHr
Therefore, IIO.VH and glrln, you K n o w llremen nn the <'hlciii;u. MllwiuiK<<e anil
conI'liul hl'nicm hlive IIDIMI notllleil
one, of eoui-Me inl^ht hii|ipeii to her, a
In Vli'iinn IH ISM feet, Hie I'arlH Kriinil u-lnil yoti miiM do to be happy and n|- HI.
t h a t m a d - r i a l CIIIICI>HI'|UIIH In the m a t t e r
hpnilnod anUlii or wrltd, Unit I nilKlit vermitloli." And Hcnernlly tlu> XI'IIHIIH, IxiulevardH 1-- feet and t h e AndniiiH.v ] I n i c t l Y c , and It hi your d u t y to lie all of
pay and wol'lUm; t h n n have Ix'eu
n IH Unit (bin p a r l l c u l a r pVitnin
have the Joy of r u r l i i K for, However, for t h iappreclallvi)
| Ibrce. You can, of cmir»e,. In var.nlng lininl'Mt Hi. -in,
heed to whiit m be- HtniKHc at llnila-l'c'Hlli Iftn feet wide.
tho filled pi-enem-d .Mr», Triilini from
'l^i acquire weatli In illlllcult, to prelU'cldenl, and 1 eoutluuc.d lo^.wiitch for Ill)' mild,
the liemily of I h l H o l d world, whom- l|ne — lly ti-iialiiinnt with (ixllnn unrt imlI'
pfltnii'Dtii, I{. Kru^nioi- him <}<<<oiBlIlnpiieM of her from my fil|ice"wlinlo\V.
men and vninen are Hit mmd Kplcndld llnfl
J|CH of a magn/.liic, or lo glancn over
moHt illlllcult.
mliied that (ho nltornatti luyern in u
1 had bowed t h e lard i n i l l r i i t out I'or
ifriiln ixn) dun \» n uulmtiuieo
Ihn evening, and net lied inyiielf I'or a
rich In eollohlii, but poor In cii-yntivllo)<lii
Hinoke liefore bcdllme. Sly i n e i l l l i i l l n i i H ,
altrrnnrtnit with it mibntimc,, rich lu
' III l l n - hcnl nl' |illM!,|oli Hubert hud cryntnllolilH, hut ixior In eolloldti.
inlllicllliu U'llh I he hliie iiiii'lliig MiiuiUu, diimpnr to the IIIOH! e n t h i l M l l l h U e of
- A linknr In Kniiniiii 1'lty In n-d hut
Were Interrupted by u pUnvhiu nernim,
nl' nnd worry fur ill'lcr the cNclleineiil w i t h uiiKer lit-ciuiue n (cumin patron hint
nnd then iinnllliT. I rimlu'd lulu Ihn
nnnerti-d t h a t he Urn-ailed h!n lircnit
hall. The Hcreinim ciiuiu f n n n Ihn
w i t h llln feet, ll<- Inui commencml till It
In MriaKii|ieari''n name lien t h e key in
li-l my temper gel a w a y w i t h my good for I'iilOO, Mhn dcclmcn her i i h l l l l y to
Tnilne npiirlmeiil iilmvi-, I n a n o t h e r
neiiiie," he iqilil; "but I|'H done and can't lu-oiluci- ik Iniif (if hlii breinl w i t h foolmoment I wiin Unoclilii); on (he dour,
• Tho tnlli'nt man III the winI<1 la
prlntr 'Hi II.
which WIIH opened by .Mm, Tnilne hi-r- "Hliiikcnpcai'c" wan Hie pnel'ii h u m de I.n\vln \Vllhlnn. » yininit fiii-ioei- who be undone."
The JitpuncBo ciiiitomn recelptn for
nelf, white mid breiilhleiin, "Oh," Him
1HIIH l;lve |ho Import nt i ell nod iictroi,
an nvmilflOII uidlonii.
ciilclilni: liold of niy iirui.
cMeul?" aiilivd u voice III Ida hcnrl.
Would •. yoil HIS®
is Founded upon Opinion."
Your power in the business
world depends upon your credit
being above reproach. This can
be largely secured and enhanced
by a Life Insurance Policy in
Insurance Co. of America.
_Iji>HN:P.:PBYDEN, President. ^
, Vice-Prest.
GEO. 8. TBUNCEB, Asst. Supt, Williamstown, N. J.
Philadelphia weekly Press
and the
Spread take Wildfire.
\fhen things are "tho best" tneyT>eoofno—"the-bost—sellibgr"—AbrahamHare, a leading druggist of Belleville,
O.r. writes:- '-Electric Bitters are the
host Belling bitters I havo handled in 20
years. Yon know why 1 Most diseases
begin"irT disorders of stomach, liver,
kidneys, bowels, blood and • noryos.Kle'Clrid" bltteTSPtOHBB up tbd utOuiaOb,
regulates liver, kidneys and bowels,
purifies the blood, strengthens the nerves
honoo cures multitudes of maladies. It
builds up tbe entire system. Puts new
life and-vigor into any weak,'sickly, rundown man or woman.' Price 50 Cents.
Sold by Crowoll, Druggist.
South Jersey Republican
Working Night and Bay.
The busiest and~migbtiest little thing
that ever was made is Dr. King's New
Life Pills. These pills change weakness
to any address in this county, or $1.50 outside.
for One Dollar. This is far superior to any other
pen at the price. Come try them.
• •
. I hav£ added a line of first-class Pocket Knives,
for ladies and gents,—30 cents to $1.50^
Any of above would make u nice Christmas present.
—.R0BEB3 STEE£rJeweler& OpicianT
New stock of
A Word about Books.
and Furniture
Call and see us.
Sewing Machines
• And Supplies,
Haminonton, N. J.
—: --- Now-como8.1ho.tinio-for~___-_
..„,.—Gbod-books-by popular-authorerneatly-bound^ that-usually
sell for 25 cents, we have here at 15; also, paper bound
The Republican and
books at 5 to 10 cents.
Syrup Tar, Wild Cherry
Notions, Fancy Articles, Pocket-books, Tissue Paper,
New York
and Iloarhound
Crepe Paper, Eye Shades, Fancy Crayon, Account
Weekly Tribune
positively cures.
Books, etc.
both papers one year
f you want
of any kind
Millinery and Dry Goods.
for 81.25
como and BOO UH.
Ready-to-wear Hats, trimmed and untrimmed hats; Velvet,
Wo rcoorarrond
Ribbons, Laces, in fact, anything in the Millinery line that
ia necessary. Call and examine for yourself. ) . . / .
Hair Tonic, n]SO
Jockaon's Uall, Ilammonton
Quinine and Grape Sap Are you interested in INFonumental work ? If so, please
for the Hair.
Monday & Friday Evenings
consider the merita of
every week.
White Bronze,'
Coughs and Colds.
Dancing Academy
Sausage, Scrapple, and Saurkrout
Clantf 7 to 8. Party 8 to 11.
Dancing quickly and
Box Pii[>oru a Specialty.
Careful Mnnngnmont.
Thorough Instruction.
Latest and Dent Muslo.
Fine Mince Meat.
309 Bellevuo Avenuo, Hammouton.
la well equipped for any kind of
At llaimer's.
1 pound of Cofl'ce, 15 cents.
For tlie money it cannot
be beaten.
Another for 20 contw, equally
HH good an colleea acrtd for 25 o.
See goodr) in window.
of the Peace,
lliimmonton, N. J.
?re8oriptions receive our onro1'ul and prompt "attention.
A. H. Phillips Go.
und no do we, notwithntanding the kicking wo have
•Intoly received.
If you don't boliovo it, jiiHt'drop into tho little Market
•nt No. 240 Udlovuo Avo. And whilo tlicro don't forgot
to leave your order for Thanksgiving and OhrirttmuH
Small favorn thankfully received.
Fire Insurance.
Mortgage Loans.
CorronpondoncuHolloltod. i
1816 Allnntlo Avomio.
Atlantic City, N. J
m** 'JW-J w, sA ir*^'iR!l! T')'^»!r^?**"ff.'r,'lBWsiffn'l« ?Kr**to*fl«[ %"*!!. ^SfeWf'
Something bnttor in ovorv wny tliixn tbo
boat of nmrblo or Kninitu, nnd muou ^
lonH I'xponalvo. Don't buy a
Monument, Hoiulalono,or Alarkur
until you HOU our doalgnsand prlouu.
J. S. TH4YEB, -Agent,
at nlu Itlcyolo Htoro,
Orowell's Pharmacy
II. Hrtll.l.
O. A. Caiiii»l)dll «\i Co.,
Real Estate & Insuraiioo.
oiioy U) l()iui on inortKiin". I'lirMfn liuvlnu
liottHiifi to roiil, or proixirllOH ror Hiiltt or »xohiui^o, w i l l <lt> woll lo <Mtll, or wrltn UN.
Ofllon. IHa'I AtliinLld A\'«,'., A l l u n t l u City.
Uenltloiioo. • Humntniitoil. N! J.
Ohas. Cunningham, M.D.
Physician and Surgeon.
W. Hmioiicl Ht., lluiiunontoii.
)nioiUI»tiru, 7:M()i,'() 10:00 A.M.
1:1)0 to 11:00und7:00toil:(lOr.»i.*
Ollloo ut UoHldunno, Mlildlo Hoad,
The Eagle still Screams!
Six acresof Inud, with vnrioty ofrrnlt trees, our. Broadway & Vutley
Av'onuo. WHUSO'IS newly reunlrcil. Speclnl
terms to epod fiirmor who will Improve lanU.
Apply to
. M. U. M BAD. tblB office.
C:45 A/M.
9:22- '
0:48 i
-ABRIVE— . I ,
-7i2S 'A.M.
4:08 P.M.
We have on hq.nd some Breech-loading Gruns.—
; /
' Prices range from $8.50 to $25
Quoits, for 5 cents per pound.
Gunning Leggings, 75 to 80 c.
Pocket Knives, a niie line, at all prices.
Secretary pro tern.
KSS~ Next Thursday will bo Thanksgiving Day.. Union services will be
held' i n . the Presbyterian Church, nt
10:80 a.m. Sermon by the Eev. H. F,
Loomis, of the Baptist Church. Lot
all who can possibly do so, respect the
sentiment that prompted the President
and Governor io set apart this day, and
spend one hour, at least, in rendering
thank's to the Giver of all good.
Bgy- J. S. Tbayer has put in a stock
of cigars, smoking and chewing tobat'co,
pipes, etc., in the' room ln,tely occupied
as a bicycle store, noxt to the Bank,
own Council mooting to-nigbt. and solicits your pntronaje.
J5Sy Tho Baptists a'ro arranging for
J£T "Capt. Racket." Thanksgiving
will buy alnrgednnblo Lot,
on East Third Street. 100 x 225
two weeks of special revival meetlngB,
foot. Quiet location, Irj Right or school and
e.y> satisfactory dinner. Tcftvo your ordci
churches, lltipnbllcan oflico.
t? for'n Turkey lit Mo^ntyre's Market.
Dr. Pidge, Mr. S. Pauljefferson, and
JCST" John .fitokea, the eng'iueor in
82?" Lyceum "meeting next Monday Mr. £dw. Drew, all of Philadelphia, charge of the local electric light plant,
will assist Pastor Looun's.' ;
was seriously injured 'on Friday last,
..... JBST-Th Bank will be closed next
OARDJNG. or BOOMS TO «EXT-at229 and 18 still uafible to resamo Ills duties.
- Thursday.
Jle_wa8_adjustirjg_a wlre^ojpjpole, on
0»n FOR, SALE. $3 forohlg two-horfe
upper Bellevue, when the wire broke,
Icmdof J5-fix)l poles— moro than a cord.
Leave orders vlth
an adventure. He thought be saw a
rabbit in a pile of brush, and raised hi? striking on bis feet on the hard. walk.
.jjgy-8. E. Brown and son, Chester,
gun to shoot, bat decided .to-wait a We believe no bones were broken, but
ere in Hammontoa part of tale week.
until thn gama fiamo In sight. the shock and strain proved severe, so
B6T Born, on Monday, Nov. 19tb, to It came ; but proved to be a dog^belong- that he is unable to stand.
"Mr. and Mrs. C. M. Beard, a daughter. og to the party, lie didn't shoot.
BSy Word was received this week
ROF. FRANCIS bus re-oponcd hla nu'noBOr The electric lights failed, lost that Charles Mooro, a well-known
Insr Academy In JOCKBOD'S Hull; Those
<JcBlrli)K to Icaru Bbould join now.
Sunday evening, during Church services, young Haruraontonian, was seriously
__-JJQf. Born, • on-Monday,-November eaving the congregations-io-darkness injured -last-Sunday. — He was-second
19th, to Mr. and Mrs. Geo. B. Wood, for a few minutes until lamps could be mate and engineer on the schooner with
a son.
i^bted. The packing in the pump at Capt. Crowley Loveland, and when
JJQ5" Mr. A. E. Snow has beautiQed ,be power house had worn out, and they entering a Southern port be was in some
Tiis residence, on Mam Road, by artistic couldn't make steam without water.
yet unknown manner struck by. -the.
B SALE. Lot on Third Stteot. 02 x 150 ''spanker boom" or its block, rupturing
feet, wltli uutlnlxhcd IIOUHO. Price. SI5U
E SURE and got your order In for a uqulro of J. A. Uoblusuu or J. B. StnAll, one kidney and paralyzing his stomach.
Turkey, at Mclntyro'B Murltot.
By-direction of -a-physician, be was
Thursday from 7:00 to 10:00 a.m., and ;reatly
disturbed, this week,'by a party the physicians give but slight Hope of
5:00 to 6:00 p.m.
ot_bpj8 whq^persistjn playing^foot-balL .his -recovery._ Later- reports-say—that
jjgy"7rBe~appeararic!6 of Dr. Waas' on an adjoining lot while the schools he is Buffering less pain, and bis
ois stom•residence is very much improved by its are iu session. As they will not cease ach retains a little nourishment.
ttoir-disturbanco^hoo-roquosted-to-do- —BSy A woman (we
know her
T7<OH RALE. The Mlllor Bed Raspberry o, tbe Town Marshal will enforce the. name) wbo had
seper for
JD Finn t « . $ J per 1000, C4mh.
Mr. W. B, Uaker. on 13alin Boad, is
said to have imbibed too much stimulaB§5^Tbe_rjunday_Scboola_are Jilready-.
^ Appointing committees and making Vintor days too short for bis business. ting fluid, Tuesday, and lost control
:ontrol of
le has bad tbe planing mill wired for herself. In-her employer'
senco she
""~preparaltonTf6r Christmas.
men now work decided to call upon her neighbor;
tor', Mrs.
——iS&* Judging bythe number of births- lectrio lighlB, and his
;.,.dnJlammonton the past few weeks, a heluii ten jSourfTper day, and oiTthree' George Blake. The latter | husband
ights per week until ton o'clock. This being absent) evidently eeei her visitnow census should bo taken.
mit her,
OW 18 THE TIME lo order Jamon E. will bo continued until tbo rush of or's condition, declined lo
Oils' Fl«l>8crnps,-iw-llitty will be very
rders is caught up-witb.—
—•- wbiclncmngererl ~ the' "agitated
ted" one
lilgh In I he Spring. Inquire of
Oft S4.LE. -A two-homo wnjffin,
., ... In good that she proceeded to I
>ard the
_ order. Not hvavy. Price, SOT. Cnll at
Tlfl'CIJCTYRK'H U headquarters for Thanks
house with'bricks, breaking nine panes
-of-glasa.—Complaint .waejna'de. to. Jus• MlBB Elsie Potter, Mgr. of the
tice Garton, who issued a warrant, and
particularJx)cal Telephone at.Viaeland, visited
Wednesday morning gave tho accused a
bar friend Mrs. Cbas. Cunningham.
they -wore woreo than useless until after bearing, and held her1 for Court. In
Bgy Fishing season will close Nov. six o'clock. They have been In charge default- of bail, Town Marshal Swank
30lh for black bass, pike porch, yellow of Inexperienced men, who doubtless do escorted her to May's Landing and
porch, white bass, pike, and pickerel.
the best they know how; but tlmt fact placed her in charge of tho Sheriff.
ADIK8. Glenn your KHl Gloves with LJ does not satisfy tho company's patrons.
Bgy-Tho next mooting of tbo Hamlloljo Glove Clcftiier, for Bnlo only hy W.
].. 1! I licit. honilqunrUM'H for lihl ifloveB, In
J58f That foot-ball gamo was ployed monton Lyceum will bo bold in tbo
ilrenau<l mid unuroawd. All tlie new eluidcs.
8Qy Fred Ims created many floe ncones on Saturday, as promised. The West Uniwrsalist Church, on Monday eveon Union Hall slauo, but ho says tho Jersey Aciuluiuy team was much lighter ning nuxl, 7:30. The topic for debate
BCODO for "Capt. Racket" will beat thorn than the Hnromontoh. but tho homo is "Unsolved, that tbo condition of the
team Imd not practiced together eudl- Neijro ban been improved by emanciall.
clontly ; so It was skill vs. wclalit, and pation." Dr. Hoed and Jlov. Mr.
figy- Mr. nnd Mre. Wnylnnd DoPuy
McKlnnoy will eustuin tbo aQlrmativo,
are receiving congratulations upon the neither side scored, It wan not nn ox- and Mr. \Voodnutt nnd Huv. Mr.Loomis
citing game, but will pans for an introblrlh'of a son, on Tuesday last, Nov.
the nugativo. Tlio untorlainmont production,
20th. '
UDERH lufl wllh Win. !•". Ilunaett & Him ccdliiK llu: duhalo will irioludu n reading
HALK OIIKAP. Tlin forty-two nero
Air Out KlowiTH itnil lii'HlKnn, for fund.
fiirm bi'lonijliiK u> ll.Tnylor. All now nUc. wodillnun, ilconiiitliiiiii, "to., will rcculve by Miss A, Wilson, a recitation by Miss
In blualil'urrluii. l>'or inirtlaulinH upnly to
dirnAil ultuntloii.
Clmptnun, and singing by Mr. C. F,
S8f~ Tbo Pennsylvania Clirinlliin Kn- Ongood and bjf tho M. 13. Cliurcli QuixrDSf- New advortlHumoulB this week :
doavor Union mot In Phllndulphia tbiti tattu. Il is hoped that all membors
Jlobort Stool. JnokHon &" Son, Frnncln' wcolc. . For three days tho clly wns
who.huvii not yat slgiiud tliu cuiiHUlurAcaUtiiny, U, J.
Tilled w l l b many thousands ol onthiisl- tion win llupi'ovu tliU mumrtniiliy to
astlo youn^ pnoplo from all parts of the
HO, und Unit lho.su wbo would lilto to
eey TM iiBruuncAN oflico win bo btato, und visitors from othur Stales do
bucoiue niuiuburu will nntify Clitmlnr M.
from HOVUII to ton, TlmnksKivIni; woro wnlcomcd. Quito a mitntinr ol Oroxvull, ol lb« menil»ornlil|i ciiiiimiuuo,
and from three l o n l x in tbo nummontonlans woro among tliu liiltnr, i|r MlbH Oiuhhull', Scciclnry.
|,-V)ll HMNT. Konr IIOIIKVN. In (IrHl-nliiHi.
Gunnirig C6ttts,~price $ 1 up
- - '
We can furnieh you with a
Good 8-day*CJocJ£ for $3^
Call and see them.
109 Bellevue Avenue.
16 finest assortment
in town, of Ladies'Wrappers can be found at. Black's.
The styles are-neat and-prettyrand the prices will
suit everyone,—being 85 c., $1, $1.10, $1.25, #1.50.
A.{uUnBBortmoulof hand and mnohln
iniido, — for work or driving,
Trunks, Valises,
Riding SiwfdloH, N
Next to I'ltoplna Hunk. Ilniniiionton.
Hli'yolo liiuidl'lon and Itti|iulrlni,'.
Bring orders for
Job 1'rintiiiK
to this olllco.
NpOdlflCB euro >>y nntlnn illruotly upon
tliu illiiiuuio, without oii'lllnn illiKinlcr lu
any othur putt of tliu M;
l-l'nvnr«, (lniiiiimlloiKi
•J-\Viirm», Worm I'Vivi*, Wnrni Colin..
.l-lll«rrliri>,<if (Jhllitrniior AJulls
7-<)(ici«h», Oolita, lininnlillU
H-tVniirolala, Toolhnoho, irunoaohn.,,.
O--llon(lnrhii,illnk llonclnc:lio, Vcrl!||0.
lO r IIV«|irp"ln.In'lli;<-all')u,Wi'nUlllinim
I i—Hii(i|irriiO(1 or 1'uliifiil I'nrlciiln,.,
I'^l—\VllllPf, Tnol'ldfnoe 1'orlnd*
lU**41ruu|>, IiNrynullU, lloumonuaa
~14-Hnll llhnuiii, Ki'ynl|>«lw,Krii|illuni,
pcr»oiiio(ft incoii»nl(i*l nr Inviutlva iiilni
trip (o HID Vr»rl« KxpoiiUloit, wltu tfovi
1O—Mnlnrln, (Jlillli,l'u»"rnnd AUIIO.,,, .'JO
lU-Onlurrli, Innuanm, Oold lu tlio lloiul ,'Jft
UO— \Vlio<i|iln«.<)ou(ih
UT-KI4nny Dlwfi.o.
UH-Ncrvou. Uobllllv<
nO-llrlnnrv Wimhu«ii», WutlluglM
77-Orlp, UujrlToVor
Dr. II iimithrnyu' Mnnunl ef nil IIIIWIU^H At your
UutH (tr ilriijHUIn. or «<iu( on reoolptof llrlcn.
Iium^ii^yV tloa, OIK, Oor, \VlUlam A Julm UM,,,
10—IllinilliinlUin, llhutiiiuitlii I'alim
llainmonton. N . J .
is complete.
FW~ Llnl ol mu-uUnd-loi |iii,ti>rn In tlio
I1 onlur.—finn Ill'riiOniml nt JI'J |>«r i n i i n i l i •
throe Hlx-KJoiniil, with front iiiiriilicn, nt til lluinniontdii l'oJt-()ll,oi', on tliiiiinlay
|iur inniiih. A|i|ilv to
Nov. li-l, 1000.
1). HI1OUUD.S, (lni|io HI,
Stir Hiulmrd J. Driilco In no\r »un"
1)H Adlntlirn
Jlowkor KurtlllKnr (Jo
etaf A strong wind from tho south
A Ihirlnllnii
for Blnuur sowing maclilncu, nnd IHUI an and wvnt prevailed on Wodnoeduy all J II llonil
I'N'nlli'.Kiiil Ouniitto
UIOHO ntniuliknl housohold ovor tliu country. In Homo Htivten, groat .l<ine|ili t'rulK
W.I IIi-iliuiii
i to ehow you.
Howunl Jlcivoy
dumngu was donu, Inoltidlng liunv.y Ions
M r Win A PlllH
• Tho Law und Ordor (Mmnilttoo of lifo in Ml»Hl«Blpiil nnd TinintiBHoo. /. MallliowH
A H I'liiinloy
.1 M I'imoiiiiU
ol Town (Jo n i) ell huvo proinlHud that Ooo man wan killed In Paturnon, N. J.
H I'Hwalii
M A Twiit
Billet ordor elmll lio iimlntnlnud at all In Ilniiiinonton, loono proporty und imml H Till
"We have one excellent value,—a
• t.
We can give you' this skirt in Cardinal, Blue, and
Also, good, serviceable, and stylish
Black Skirts at 75 c., $1, $1.35, and $1.60.
At -W r• fJLj. Black's Store.
Let us fix you up.
Orders for hand-loaded Shells will be carefully- filled,
"Black and Smoke-lees Powder Shells
always on hand.
Gunning Implements of every description.
.. Cordery.
ItOOM IloiIHlt liirrcnt, on Ilellovun Avellllo, l i u i l l l r e i > f
onturtiilinnontH In Union Hull.
niovud ubout Indliiorlmliiiitoly, anil BIIVuluotrlu ll|[lil poluti had to l)ii
I Q A V I C your ordinn for -Thivft|(ti|{lvliif{ (irul
A Tiirluiyilnl Molniyro'n,
«sirTo[)k;H at tho Duptlnl Obnrch
l K H I.O'I'M III iniii liirmilii, iVl x I'll fi,
to-inorrow will bo : Mornlim, "Tim ^1.p l l lrur,
Tltlnl nnd I'rnlI. HIM., l l u i i i i n n i i i n n ,
Inoullnii f u r u I'I'N|I|MMIO. /\ liMrunlit
liooaonnlonii wtioutfhl toluko forUlirliit." AInrlinn
MOIIHMIIH'. Aililn-t-H o, M. ro( i|\, M.li.
Kvunltig, "A pOnttlCt lor nurriuo."
lll'.j M y r t l i i Avu., Ihilllintil•«, Mil,
Mm. lOlciinor I'lloluir I'liy-WiiolSidy Our thoiUro nours will bn ploaeod
to luui1!! that UuiiiiuiKbiiiu, who ban le.y dloil ul 11or Immn on Vino Hlruot,.
liomi ubnanl from tho Bliiyo for unviirul yontorduy moriimu, Nov, ",'lnl.
Woolloy wnii, with Imr hnnhiiixl,
yvuru, will uplioar In "Uitpl. Itaakot."
tho uarly nuttlorH In llaininiintdii, comli, Tonuhur nf I'lnno.
Hi HI,, Illllllllllllltnll,
lilu lu'ro from WiinlilnKlon, lown, In tbo
Hummer ol IHOfi, Him \vun born In
J'iiTJohn A. Tell (omul thn
buniiiuun unprolltnblo lit llninuioiiinn, Dover, Knidunil, .Inly 'J4Ui, ltU7, and
nnil duoldod tlml Troulon would liti n wnu marrlud to Mr. Klllot.1. Woolluy ut
|)uttor locution ; banco lino moved bin Watortown, N. Y.. Juno ,i!'Jnd, 1B45.
Fuuorul survlcon will bn buld nL tbo
uloiiK tbltbor, Ibo drat ol thin wcolc.
fttmlly ruDldonoo on Monday nlturnoon,
Iiuuro wltli I ho A. H. riillllim Co., "ilih Innt. nt two o'clock. All frlendu
laift Allnutlo Avu,, Atloutl^ City.
aru Invltou.
o»r own make.
Doinciilini (Jla(U)i>pn
Dun 10 rnnli «tioli —
KruiKitmtMi (Jtiluvllu Antontilll ICinillo
I 'urlo Ktjriirro
Hun 5 iinniH— A i i l u u o l l l I'Miillli)
I'IHMOHH o u l l l n j ; for liny of tlui uliovo
lottoru w i l l plcmui iituto tliul It him
llOllll UdVIH tJlHXl.
ur own make—
If you try it you will UHO no other.
M. Ii. JAOKNON, I', M.
Qivon Away.
U. In « i i i u i n l j uiinll'yinK to HKI
(o It'iow of MID oiiiioiiin wliloli iu not
nfmUl to I in ((iiMin'imii. 'I'lm |irii|)rlut.orii
of Dr. Klnn'«"Nhvt Dlaiiuy.|iry for 0011
niiiiipllon, ooiiKhn anil ooldn, luivo Htvon
ovor ton million Ulul liottloii uiul
liuvo tlio flatlufnutlou of )uunvlii(( It him
tliounnmln of hdlioliino ouno~.
Anlhnm, bronoliltln, liiKrlppo itiul nil
tlirout, oliont Mid lunu illmmnon u o miroly oiuod bf It, Cull ut Urownll'a I'lmrinnny, nnd not n frco trlnl hot tin. UORulru dluo AOo. ivrul $1.00, Kvory botUo
will. soon open, and you want to he prepared
when it comes.
••"";. - - - • _ - - .
. -\-\
Our Stoek-of Underskirts
Drop me a postal card, and I will
cnll at your house.
7:10 A.M.
Is Agent for
Our stock of Fine Stationery is complete—
National Bond-- at 18 c.
Belfast and other favorites at reasonable rate B
! tfP
10,000 loaded Shells on hand.
Carpets, Mattings,
braln-fae into mental power. They're
wonderful in building np the health.
Only 25 ots per box. Sold by Orowell.
9:07 A.M.
0:21 P.M.
ero will bo a meeting of tbo
Alumni Association on/Frlday evening,
Nov. SOtb.-utB o'clockr Jti tho Central
Sclioul Auditorium.—All KradUules of
tbo Hammonton High School or County
Course arc requested to bo present, as
there will be an election of permanent
Mails will close, at the' Hammonton
Post Office as follows: • '
,-LEAVE- '
Into Htrnnfth. HutlVnmimiii into energy
(two papers each week), for $1.25 afyear
ICail Time.
A Guaranteed Fountain Pen
Active man of good character
to deliver and collect In New Jersey
for old established manufacturing wholesale
bouse. 5900 n year, sure pay. Honesty more
than experience required. Our reference,
any bank in any city. Enclose ecir-addroBsea
stamped envelope. Manufacturers, 3rd floor.
&M Djorborn 8t..Chlcaeo.
what the weather is to^be ? This question can be
reliably answered by having one of our Aneroid
Barometers—$2.50 and $3. They must be seea
to be appreciated.^
/SATUKDAY, NOV. 24, 1000
It some yonng men would work onehalf as bard OB they .try to get oat o
work, they would be rich beforo they get
to bo thirty.
A witness before tho Industrial Com
mission declared that because of .police
protection it was impossible to stamp
oat immorality on tbe East Side of New
When a man agrees with you ia eve
rytbing, he will bear watching when
your back is turned.
BA.TUBDAT, NO.V. 24, 1000
. B©" Unusually warm weather this
•week, beginning on Sunc'ny. Fires nnd
overcoats were at a discount. • There
were clouds anrfindiciUlont) Of tain,' but
not moro than a slight eprlnklo.
B©- A special meeting of the McKinley and Itoosevelt Club will bo held at
their headquarters this (Saturday) eve.,
at eight o'clock. Important business. ^
V. S.
Don't forpot to order your
Turkey for ThnnkHgiving.
for any high military position lie would to pass, not one word, thereof has failed."
then ho turns to hia family,'aa a qynnf. Itnvo.-received many votcn.; JoBlma'«
stock was !t
Subject: Tlio FnltU i>f Ralinb—Thoro If
Mercy For All Slnnern — Chocr For All
Who Aro Knumfeil In Life's liilttlci—
DIcanliiK of tho Sun'» Standing Ktlll.
WASHINGTON, D. C.—In this discourse
Dr. Talmage follows Joshua on his triumphal mnrch and speaks encouraging
words to all who nre engaged in the battlea of this life; text, Joshua i, 5, "There
shall not any man be able,to stand before
> thee all the dnys of thy life."
Moseg was dead. A beautiful tradition
Bays the Lord kissed him and in that act
drew forth the soul of the dying lawgiver.
He had been buried; only one person nt
the funeral—the same One who kissed him.
But -God never takes a man away from
any place of usefulness until He has Rome
one ready to replace Kim. The lyord doea
not go looking around amid a great variety of candidates to find some one especially fitted,for the vacated position. He
makes a maji_for that place. Moses has
passed' off the sf5geTan<l~J6shllS,~tlYB hero;
so solidly tharairiKe~aKes-«chirTvirh-thetread. He was a maRnin'cent-fiRhter, but
he always fought on the right aide, and he
never fought unless God told him to
who gave him the promise at the start,
"There shall not any man b« able to
stand before thee all the days of thy life."
God fulfilled this promise, although Joshua's first battle was with the spring freshet, the next with a stone wall, the next
leading on a regiment of whipped cowards and the next battling ngaint darkness, wheeling the-suirand the moon info
his battalion and the last against the king
of terrors.'death—five great victories...
•r As o rule, when the general of an army
- starts out imi war he would like to have
a email battle in order that he _nmy^KCt
his own courage up and rally his troops
nnd get them drilled for greater conflict*,
but the first undertaking of Joshua was
greater than the leveling of Fort Pulaski
or - the-assault of Gibraltar or the over^
- throwrof the Bastille. It was the crossing
of the Jordan at the time of the spring
freshet. The snows of Mount Lebanon had
——just-been-meltingrand-they poured-down
,- the valley, "and the whole valley was n
' raging torrent. So the Canaanites stand
__on one bank, and they look across and see
.Joshua and the Israelites, and they laugh
and say: "Aha! They cannot disturb
us until the freshets- fall. It is impossible
for them to reach us." But after awhile
they look across the water, and they see
a movement in the army of Joshua. They
say: "What is the matter now? Why,
there mnst be a panic among thosS troops,
.and-they, are going-tOjfly, or perhaps_thcy
are going fo march across the river Jordan. Joshua is a lunatic." But Joshua,'
the chieftain, looks at his army and cries,
"Forward, march!'' and they start for. the
"bank of the'Jordan. One mile ahead go
— two-pries ts-carrying-a-glitterini? - box four
feet long nnd two feet wide. It is the ark
of the covenant. And they come down,
and.no soonir_do_tbey just touch the rim
of the water with their feet than, by an
Almighty fiat, Jordan parts. The army
ot Joshux.marchea_right, oiLJwitbDUt get-,.
. ting their feet wet over the bottom of
the river, a path of chalk nnd broken
shells and pebbles, until they get to the
other bank. Then they lay hold of the olenndera and tamarisks and willows and pull
themselves up a bank thirty or forty feet
high, nnd, hayinR gained the other bank,
they clap their shields .and their cymbals
and sing the praises of the God of Jonhun.
But no sooner have they reached the bank
thnn the waters begin to dash and ronr,
.and with a terrific runh they break loose
from their ntrange anchorage. An the
hand of the Lord God JB taken nwny from
the -thus uplifted waters—waters perhaps
uplifted half a mile—they rush down, and
eome of the unbelieving laraelitca nay:
"Alas, alas, what a misfortune! Why
could not not those waters have staid
parted, becaime, perhaps, we may want
to P.O back? 0 Lord, we nre engaged in
a risky business! Those Cannnnitcn may
cat ii» up. How if we want to go buck?
Would it not have been a more complete
miracle if the Lord had parted the waters
to let us come through and kept them
parted to let us go back If we are defeated?"
Hut~tliin is no place for the host to
etorn—iTtmlnm given the' eunimimdi "I''or
wnrd, i.nrcli!" In the distance there in
n long grove of trees, nnd nt the end of the
grove in n city. It in n city with nrborw,
n city with walln incoming tt> rcnch to the
heavens, to buttreHH the very Hky. It i*
the great inctropoliH thnt.rnminnndti tho
mountain piiBn. It lu Jericho. That city
was afterward captured by I'ompi-y and
once, by Herod tlni (Ircat nnd once ii^iiin
by thn Mfllinrnini'ilnnH, hut t h i n rnnipaiirn
tlie Lord plaim, Them nlinll lie no invoi-dn.
no'tlileldn, no battering ram; (here Hlmll
bo only one'weurion of war. and tliatf/ u
rnm'a horn. Thn horn of tin' nluin nun
WUH aometimoH tukt'n, and holeH wrro
punctured in It, nnd tliiin llm muitlciiin
would put tho iiiHtriinicut to hin )i|m, und
he would run hin lingcrn ovrr thin rude
Qjniiicnl iimtnimrnt nnd make it areut denl
of dwect harmony for thn people.. That
Wftfl tlif only kind of weapon. Hewn
prlcstii wcro to tnlio thi-ao rutle, runt in
nuinlcnl Inntvuiiu-iitn, nnd they were, to
go around tlni city every day fur nix ilnyn 1•
once n dny for NIX d n y u — a n d t h r u on tin
nuvi-nth dny they werii to «o iiiniiii.l blowIntf thi'nti 1'iiilr iniiNlrnl ii)Htnmii'iitn rm en
tlnifH, nnil then i\t tin- rlomi "f tin- m-veiitli
lilmviui{ nl' the rnn/H linrn on t h i - m-vei
day tin- prrorntliin of ||n- wholti nei
W.IH to In- a n h n i i t , nt whirh llmite un
Will* plinulil Illiulile fl'inii rii|iHtiitn- ID IIM
' I l l l l III'Vi'll p I ' l l - H l M W J l l l I I I I ) null! lllllr.lr.l
| n n l » ' n t n « : i i t H IIH™ nil III'IIIIIH| III,, r i t y \Vill
mi t i n ' f i r n l . ilny n i u l wore it f n i l i i r r . N o
en ii'i|.''i MH n piece of p l i i i l i T |>riilte loii.i.
I'roni t i n - w n l l , hot MO n n i r l i il-i M l i i i i H i ' i i e i
r n i - K . not H I I miii-li n- n IIH-I-I- ol in'm'tiir'nnt
f r i M i i l t n plnri'. " T l i i - i i - , " hiiy l l m mil
Ill-vim? lii'iii-liti'M. "did I not It'll veil mi"
W h y . t l i o m - m l l l i M r l i l lire l.mli«, 'I lie -dm
ot K"H'K M l ' i i i i n i l t i n ' I ' i l V w i l l l ||MI«M' i i u t n l
cnl j i m l r i i i i i i ' i i U I M U | ex|irrtiii|{ i n I l i n l
w n y t n i l i ' H l l ' o v l l . , l . , r « l i t m him l i r r n M | i n k l e i l
H e I l l i l l l i n I n l l m - Ini I I I I N o v n l l i r m v n M l n
Clilll|lirn'll t i n
« | ' l l l > ' < llrnlli'l
Mil llW'r
l i i r i n v I I I " i-lnii" w n l l .
W h y , l l i« no
p l l l l i ' i o p l l i r , I I I , V"H ll'il „••«' I l i r l - n i» III
ri'lnl lo'l l n ' l w r i ' i i (In- liliiwlhi; o f | tlii-m
iniiHJi'iil i i i i l m i i i i ' i i l x M i n i ' f i x - liniii'ldni
down ol' Mi.- m i l l ? ll In not i i h i l i i n u p l i i , - , '
A m i I r t i n i p ' 1 - . i - t l i r i r wi-iV N i n n y wl-eiii'iTM
wlm nliiiiil wllli Ilirlr I I I I I W K l.nllli'il nn,
l l m l i i i i ' l l i i K i ' i ' oi lln- li'll l i i i n i l , iii||iiini; i
n i l mil niul tiliovviniB l l u i l II \viui not IIIIN
I l l l i l l ' I l l l l l H I I I ' l l l> .1111-,' n i l l l i l | i n n l l l i ' i < /,nr|
nil I ' l l r r l , A n i l I K l l p p u n i ' I l i n l I l l i d l l III I lin
<.|i.mnp nt llU'n' wnn p l r n l y of 'eni'li-nt ' n * . ami if Jiiiiliiin l i n < l IM'VII iiointnnti-d
priests blowing tho musical instnimcnta
po around the city, and again a .failure.
The third day, and a failure; the fourth
day, and a failure; fifth day, and a failure;
sixth day, and a failure. The seventh
day comes, the climacteric day. Joshua
is up early in the morning and examines
the troops, walks all about and looks at
the city wall. The priests start to make
the circuit of the city. They go all round
once, all around twice, three times, > four
times, fiY° times, six times, seven times,
and a failure. There is' only one more
thing to do, and that is to utter a great
shout. I see tho Israelitisb army straightening t ' maelvos up, filling tiicir lungs for
. vociferation such as never was heard beore and never heard after. Joshua, feels
hat the hour has come, and he cries out
o his host, "Shout, for the Lord hath giv•n you the city!" All together the troops
hout: "Down, Jericho! Down, Jericho!"
ind-the long line of solid masonry begins
o, quiver and to move' and to rock. Stand
rom under! She falls! Crash go tho
vails .and temples, the tower*, the palaces, the air blackened .with dust.
The huzza of the victorious Israelites
ind the"groan of the conquered Canaantcs commingle, and Joshua. , standing
here in the debris of the walls, hears a
•oice saying, "There shall not any man
M able-to- stand -before'-theo-all-the-days
Onlv-oneJioiise spared. Who lives there?
~!ome grent king? No. Some woman rtin^
ingnished for great, kindly deeds? _ No,
She had been conspicuous for her-crimes.
t-fs-the-hoiiso'-of-Rahab.—Why^-wng her
iqusi spared? Hecnuse she hod been a
reat sinner? No. but because she reicnted. demonstrating to all the aires
hat there is mercy for the chief of sinters,
/i .
The red cord of divine injunction reachng from her window to the ground, so
hat when the people saw the red .«:»r_J
hat they shouM not disturb the premses, making, us think of the divine cord
if a Saviours' deliverance, tho red" cord
if a Saviour's kindness, the red cord of
. {Saviour's _ mercy, _the red cord of our
escye. Mercy for the chief of sinners,
hit your trust in that God, ami no dnmgp shall .befall you.
When our world shall be more terribly
urrounded-thnn-waa-Jericho. even by the
nimpeta of the judgmenf~day. anrt tlie~
lills nnd the mountains, the metal bones
nd ribfl of nature, shall break, they ^10
Vhen wrapped in fire the realms of ether
And heaven's last thunder shakes the
earth below,
?hou, undismayed, shalt o'er the ruins
And 1ieht thy torch at nature's funeral
pile. But Joshua's troops
may not ha1t_ here.
?he command-i"/!Forwardrmarch!" There,
B the-fity of Ai. It must be taken. A
couting party comes back nnd says:
'Joshua, we can do that without you. It
s going to be a very easy job, You must
lay here while-we. go- and capture it."
They—march—with a—small ^regiment—in
ron't of that city. The men of Ai look nt
hem and give one yell, nnd the Israelites
un like reindeer.
Look out when n good mnn makes the
'/ord hifl ally. Joshua raises hifl face, ralinnt with praycr.-nnd-looks''nt' the iieF"
ending sun over Gibeon. and nt the faint
ji-csccnt of the moon, for yon know the
lueen of the night sometimes will linecr
iround the pnlncen of the day. Pointing
one hand at the descending sun and the
otlier at the fnint crescent of the moon,
n the name of that God who shaped the
vorlds and moves the worlds he cries;
'Sun, stand thnu still upon Oibcon. nnd
hou, moon, in the valley of Ajnlon." They
liiltccl. Whether it was by refraction of
.he film's rays or by the stopping of thi>
vhole planetary system I do not know and
lo not care. I leave it to the Christian
Scientista and the infidel scientists to nettle that question white I tell you 1 hnve
seen tlie name thinB. "What!" nay you.
'Not the aim Blnnding still?" Yea, T'.ic
name miracle is performed nownilays.
The wicked do not live, out half their
day, nnd their nun nct« nt noon. Hut let
n man start out in buttle for Ood nnd the
truth nnd against Bin, and the day of hln
iHcfiilnesH in prolonged and prolonged nml
I!ut Joshua wan not quite tlirouah.
There wnn time for five funerals liefnir the,
mm of that 'prolonged day set. Who will
[ire.nch their, funeral nernion? Mnsnillon
niearliril the—fmKrnl—muromi—ovof- r ""'"
Who will preaeh the funeral eerinon of thoHC five ilend kini;n—king of
JeriiHiilein, king of Hebron, king of Jnrninth, hiiiB of Lnrlilnh. king of Kulon?
1/et It lie bv JoHhiia. What in hin text?
What nhnll be the epitn|ih nut on the door
if tlie tomb? "There Hliall not any mnn
lie nlile to fltand before then nil tho dnyn
of thy life."
Ilefure you Tauten on the door I want
five innro kini;i hi'lirndi'tl and tlirunt in-—
K i n g Ali-ohnl, K i n g Fraud, King Lnnt.
K i n g K u n r m l i t i l i o n , King Infiilelity. !/<•{
(hem he liehendi-d mid hurl them in. Tliun
fnHlen ii[> t h e door forever,
Wlint n l i n l l the iimerintion nnd what
nlinll the enilaph lie? I'm- nil C h r i n t i a n
p h i l n n t l i r o p i « t H nf all ni:ei are aning
lo enine und look nt. it, W h n l nhull f l i c
Inci-ri'ition be? "Tlierr nh|ill not aiiv"
(nun In* nltle lo N t n n i l liefovr tlu'r nil the
ilnvn of t h y life,"
Hill il in Ilini' fur Jo'ihiin In i;o home,
Me in 110 vrnni old. \V'ailiiili;!oii wnnt
ilown ( I n - Pntoinii'' nnd nt M n u n t Vei'iion
I'limeil h i n iln.VH, Wi'llinidon ilii-il peari'fulIv at ApuK'V llon|.e. Now, \vljeri; nhnll
.loilliihi renl.'f Why/ he In In linVi' hi»
u n - n t ' N t l i n t t l e itnw^ A f t n r 110 yearn h«
linn In inert a 'ting who hnH more nultJI-I-IH tliiin all the pri'm-ut. piipiilntinn nf
tho 1'iirlh, hin tliron" a pyrniiild of nluilln,
h J H pm'lei'i'i, the ^rnvt-ynfdH and thi} rrnirlei'leii nf llm world, hin ehnrlnt t h e wni-lit'n
liem-Hi-- the Iting of ti-i'i'iini. Milt, if thin in
.l.inliuli'ii gri-ntent j i n t t l e It. In noinn to tin
• lonhnn'ii grentent. victory, f i n gittherit hiit
fririi.ln nrniind Inin niul nivi'n l i l « , valeilli'lnry, anil It IH full of reinliiiHeinii-i-.
\ i n i n g men (ell vrlml t h o y nrn [inlnn lo
do| old men tell f\'hnt they hnve ilnni', Anil
IIH yon Imve hertrd n i j r a n i l f n t h e r or grentn r ' H i i l T ' i l l i e r united liv the eviiiilnit llro
tell of M i i n i n i n i t h or \'oi'Ktovvn n n i l t hei
Ill'l I I I " eriiti'li or n t n l T nn I h i i U K l i ll were
n mniil(i-t (o IlKhl. nnil nhow hoxv the old
l i n l l l i ' i i were u
nn .Ionium ilulli.'in hln
fri.'inlM iiroiinil hln ilvliw cnili'h. nnd tin
I'-IU llii'iii I)"' (ilnry of ivhnt he linn ln'ua
I l i n i i i i i l i . Ami nn he llrH I here, liln whit
lo<'Kn r<nii\vlii | r ilmvn on liln ivriokli-d forelieml, I unit If Ooil linn Imp), I l l x i.rnniln
nil the wiiv t h r u n ^ h . An he lien I l i r r n )1<
t r l l n ill" n l u r y one, t w o nr threi- t l n i e n
yon hnve heitnt old peoplti tell 'n n l o i y
t w o or lln-en Ilini-n over nnd lie nngwepn,
"1 K« l i l n vt'nv nf nil thn rnl'lll, Ilinl lint
one word of the nininli"! hnn fulkil. nof
onn word Ilieri-nf linn fullii<h nil I'"" mini.
**..« — — -
whom you will serve, tho God of Israel or
the God of the Amoritea. An for me and
my house, -wo .Will serve the Lord." A
'dying parent cannot bo reckless or
tnoughtless o f , hie children. Consent to
InnrC with them forever nt the door of
'the tomb we cannot. By the cradle'in
which their infancy was rocked, by the
bosom on which they first lay, Jby; tho
blood of the covenant, by the God of
Joshua It shall not be. Wo will not part,
we cannot part. Jehovah-Jireh, we take
Thee nt Thy promise. "I will be n God to
thee nnd thy seed after thee."
Dead, the old chieftain must be laid
Handle him very gently. That
sacred body is over 110 years of age. . Lay
him out,' stretch out those feet that
walked dry shod the parted Jordiin. Close
those lips which helned blow tho blast
nt Which ihe wnlln of Jericho fell.. Fold
the arm that lifted the sncsr toward'the
doomed city of.Ai. Fold it right over the
heart that exulted when the five kingo
fell. But whore nhnll we get the burnished granite for-, the headstone. and the
footutone? I bcthih<z myself now. I imagine thnt for the head it shall be the
sun' that otood still upon Gibeon-and for
the foot the moon that utood still in tho
'valley oi Aiakm.
Household Recipes^I
How tlio Old Chapel at I)e Pauw Wa»
"M'rccUed." . .
The late Dv. tttdpath, historian anil
essaylBt, was a brilliant and popular
lecturer on a great variety of subjects
In history"/ .literature and socla| llfo.
Prof. H. M. Skinner, of Chicago, contributes to a recent volume of the
Mirage some Interesting reminiscences
of college life at Dcpanw In a previous
decade, when Hldpath was a central
figure In the faculty of that old university. Amonte these occurs the following:
'The pews In tlie old chapel were
strongly made of hard wood and pansled, yet It was not. In the craft of the
:arpenter to construct seats that Would
stand the wear and'tear of Dr. Hld[>ath's lectures, "The doctor was a devout worshiper of all things Saxon; and
yet, as a'lecturer and thinker, he was
French—not like i3te. Beuve,- but like
Victor Hugo* Ills were the scintillations, the blinding Hash and the rapid
Qro of,the author of "Les Mlserables."
At times, whmijL thought was riveted
forever by an Incandescent" mental
Prophecy Fulfilled.
In fulfillment o£ a stranger's propb>
NoOpa Calling tno Wlcneii KO
T Is- possible te
know a great deal
of Christ and yer
not to. know Him.
•Demon" possession has i)ot disappeared so long
as men go mad
for money.
It IB better to
have your bank in.
your heart than.
your heart In tb.fr .
Meekness with God leads to might
with men.
No prattle Is so purpopless'as that of
prayerless preaching. '
• sYou may measure a man by thethings that move him.
Religion Is not a scheme to get good;
crops from poor sowing.
It IB only as long as God's sun shines..
on this world that It Is fair.
in Illustration or allusion, -couio pedra- rustsrond that Is In the heart. ^
ln en ojo de botlcarlo, the speaker's
TChe> worst Christian watchers are
Creole Cakes.—Beat^aauarter of a
.was. drowned.In ^screams of-apr those who are taking cat-naps. ---------1
"cupful ot bUUiii tu u creamf-aod-tne.
nie man wuo renecis di'euly will BUUU
well-beaten yolks of four eggs, ana
gradually one cunful of sugar; sift a ind groaned and . uncontrollable feet be a light Instead of a reflector,.
cupful of flour'with a teasroonful of
baking powder;.add half a cupful of their grooves. Perhaps no other such ~He who-drlnks to drown hlg-despalr
milk to the mixture and then the flour; lectures—at once so humorous, so bril- Is trying to extinguish hell with fuel.
gently fold In the beaten whites, and liant, so novel and So full of thought—
Heaven Is our'hoine, but.there are a.
Just before baklnc stir In small bits or
candled xsltrpn >nv a teaspoonful of n-erif ever delivered In any American good many'of the.family here on earth.
vanlla; bake In Uriy pans and-ice with •iollcge,— and-tlifey-covcrcd— the—whola.
plain Icing.
. r
Held of history and literature. Why I solo people would have him In heaven.
Candled Fruit.— Boil peaches, pears, save they notjbeen published among Diligence In business Is religious only
plums, apricots, cherries, grapes or any :he voluminous works of Rldpath?" - when the business becomes divine aer-.
frultMrra thick syrup -made-of- one-cup — Heferrlng-to the days-of-the old "lec- vice.
water to each pound of sugar, until :ure bureau," Professor Skinner relates
The fellowship of His Bufferings;
tender; leave In syrup for two days; two Incidents which Illustrate the dbcthen drain,, sorlnkle. with granulated
makes possible the sympathy with,
sugar and dry slowly In the oven. De- tor's readiness to adapt himself to exl- others.
-- -jeuetes-pf— the-moa>enfe
drcn In the winter months.
:liat Anna Dickinson nnd Vice Presl- The distillery would .be a blessing ~if~
the devils they bottle up only stayed!
Sardine Relish.— Beat four eggs well ient Colfas both addressed the stu—=—---..
together, add saltsuoonful of salt and lents under " peculfiTr clrcumsfances, that--way,
dash of paprika; place In warm spot on which were adroitly managed by the A man's life never'rises above its
stove; add four tableapoonfuls .of cM\source, hence the need of being bora
ney sauce- and—two— dozens -sardlnea_ Joctor. The writer says:
'Once when AnnnTJlcklhsoa was to Jrom-above.
which have been skinned and washed;
then add cracker crumbs until the mix-' lecture we assembled "very early In the It Is better to let your family wreck.
tuse can be molded Into small cakes: jld chapel—at 7 In the evening. The the house than to allow fashion to rulrt
cook till thick: cool and. make into fair termagant came not We waited your home. ,,
cakes; roll In cracker crumbs and fry
Only the life that has . mountain
brown In butter. Serve very hot on Mil I); then word came that she had Just
irrlved In Indianapolis and would come heights to tap the clouds can have
Very thin rounds of toasted bread.
jut on a special engine If It would not
• -Pepper- Sauce_;tEttst rjdnlan).— Take -be- -too-latci^-'-- It- would- nbt-.bc -toojlatei fruitful valleys. •
— The-hopVtif -salvation from' the BlnS":
the smallest deep-red peppers, fully"
ripe, clip off the stalks and put them In We still tarried, while a solitary loco- of society depends on our own personal
a bottle, along with whole celery seed, notlve. with a pressure of steam lenslblllty to sin.
coriander seed and black mustard seed, gauged to the temper of one of Its oc-.
nlsp^ the_scraped pulp__pr a sour
Only the'..man. wliojcan. say ."all my
nil the bottle three parts full, rthen add jupfints. sped like—a—cannon—ball- springs are In thee" can go through the
a teaspoonful of sugar, mixed with the
name amount of tumerlc powder; fill pralrlcK. At about 11 Miss Dickinson Iry und thirsty land.
up with pure elder vinegar -and keep •tppenred.-niid ascended the platform In There are too many Christians too,
In a warm place for a week, shaking .acr..'lrftvclliiB-UlrcaiL-'._Aitcr-beniUng_ayet can
- day.
rallwny employe for her delay, she »lwnys rake together enough""to go't5
Cauliflower Pickle.—Clean, pick off poured forth a vitriolic diatribe upon ;ho circus.
leaves and tear the flowers apart; stand :he organizers of labor, holding her auIn strong.brmc two days; then drain ilence captive till long after midnight.
and steam 10 minutes; put In Jars white
"W n Vice I'rcBldent Colfax came to
hot, with whole black peppers, allspice ad stick cinnamon: mix a table- ipcali ii the afternoon he found the old [inanity In Of ten Caaied by n Too Libspoonful of mustard (dry) to a quart :lmpel crowded almost to suffocation,
'cjral Indulgence in .Food.
of vinegar; pour over flowers while hot; ind perhapH three times as large an auIt
well known to the-few medlctil
Jleneo without as there was within the mcu that many, cases of Insanity are
Pumpkin Fanchonettes.—Mix one building. With tlie lightning move of directly due to ovcrvatliig and the concupful ot stewed. sifted pump- genius Dr. Uldpath removed the sash
iu'nt absorption 'Qto the circulation,
with half teaspoonful of ginger,
quarter teaspoonful of cinnamon, n-ilt- wholly from one of tho east windows, of toxic matters from the Intestinal
spoonful of salt and half CUD of sugar. ind from the window sill the great Iii- ,ruot; and iiivlnncholla, whether lu inlld
Add one cupful milk, one egg and one 3lanlan spoke, bin profiles presented or Hi'vere form.jlH geiU'rally due to this
tableBpoonful of melted butter; line equally to both bin audiences. It was •iiiiNc. Vlnlcnt pafoxyHiiiB of ti'tupi'iv
small, (luted patty cans with a rich a great feat. The window lift* been
\vlicther lu children or adulLH, arc often
pic crUBt, flll with the mixture nnd
bake half an hour; serve cold. A very transformed Into n niche. I think lome liroperly refornblc to a bn<l stjite of the
dainty change from the common pump- appropriate Inscription should be writ- blood from thin aulo-toxcnilu, IIH In, Inkin plo of every day!
ten within It to commemorate the dued, this rxo'i'tllugly exuberant Hplrltn
unique event, for the loynl ovntlon to of old or young at HIIICH; Just n» wii obI'olfax poHHCstied peculiar Hlffiililcnncc
'vc lu alcoliollc polKonlng, HOIUU Inillnt tho time. It WHH Indiana's answer vliluo,lR nru. Hindu tcmpiiriirlly Jolly and
lo hla detractors."
i;ood imuiri'd; olhorH mv Hindu ugly and
uurciiwiiinlili'. In view of this condlMnst of the Orltlnh re^lmcntn In
R,,uth A f r l r n )mve thp|r own
jlou of uffulrH Imi't ll riitlicr a wise plan
pers which luo iiublhitii-il once n month,
via all lo COIIH|«I<'I' rallii'l" tlio
papers umiort Hint the llrut
to nee how many valuable
un to enter the Forbidden things a mnn etui buy It he Hlmply econ- of thi> oi'KanlHin for fonil t h a n tho inoro
City nt 1'ckln wan Mr. Henry HnvnHe
i|lli'Hlloll of pulllN'-tlckllllK; to Him to
Liindor, with wlioue rumarkiilile ad- omizes In little
"1 oiK-e made up my mind I would lie- cut good liiNlrml of liad food and
ventured In Tibet the world IIIIH nuen
niaili' fumlllnr. Mr. Lundor went to eome the poHKeHHiir nf n good gold 1'iioUKh <>f It - t h a t In, not KK'I miioh; to
Northern China In Hcitrph of adventure wiiteh. I Hiivod up the money for It In luivo tho coiKlltlium abiinl right when
Junt before tlni wur hrgiul. Hit vvltwe take our mcata; In l i r l r f , id try inul
nciinril nil tho prlnrlpnl IlKhtn, and took thin way: Whim 1 felt like cat Ing a rio- trciit our liodli'x dt'i'i-nily, cvi'ii though
u liiru<> iniiiibiT or 4nti:r<'HtliiK pli»t"- ri'iil luncheon, IIH I often did, I ate a wo net from n purely MMIHIIII! point uf
KniphH of Hid iianie.
uri-ccnt one Instead, nnd put the other view? In no oilier way r u n we Hfi'tire
Tim c i t y of Hern, Hwltxerliiml, IH
ninkbiK tlie iioi'lalhitli: expei'lnuint of iliuirtei- iiHlde for my watch fund. You :!ie lil(?l»'Ht poHHllile degrt'e of pleiiHiinInilldliiK .free—or
frcfl— will hardly believe It, but In IOHH t h a n in the avernge, while li.v nclliiR lliiui
wiirkHbiipu for iirtlHunn.
nix inoiitliH I had Kiivt-d money enough fiiHlhly we inny enjoy prnetlral ImA iiitnltitry Ti-ntiiinent for UHO In tbu to pm-rhiiNu the watch."
iiilinliilHtriillnn of n u t h n bun linen put
u n i t y fniiu dlHi'tine.
"Itut you don't ueem to Imvii lioitKlit m The
nn Hit- i n i u h r l . It IH hound w i t h white
more exei'i'lHC \ve t a k e nniliT
i-i-lluhild, liiHtciid of leather, unil It can, It," Hiild hlH friend, oliHervliiK Hint Ilierti proper coiidltloiiH, Ilic inure we an: exIburiifori', bo wniihcil and dlnlnfeated were no outward Hlgim of Hiieb a- pur]ioHe<l to cold and Ui<' deafer \ye keep
fi'nln t l n i i - to (Inii'.
Tho old Iinine of "Htonowull" Juck- eliane.
from exei'HH III e l i i l h l U K Hie mure we
MOII, In l.i'XliiKliin, Vit,, In now u t«nomay eiil; henc' 1 , In unler to enjoy t l i i f
nient liniinn, und Hin (Iwi'lllmt wlili'h I could K<'t nli'iiK w i t h o u t (Hl-rent IliliehHiiro nlii-ltiTi'il nne f a m i l y iMinifnrtitbly OH, I coneluded I ronlil get illoiiK J""1 fnlli'Kt ini'MHiire of lalili' |il<t|iHiir<<H wi^
nn\v n\viu'iiin w i t h n lur^u nilinlier of an eiuilly w i t h o u t (lie »;old watch, and iniiHl live aellvely, iveai' IIH l l l l l e elolhr i i m l t l i - H oi-owilcd hi uiieoinfiirtiibly.
Ilig IIH IH cuiiHlHli-nt w i t h ronlfoi't unit
The fiiiniMiH H n i i d i i y ncliunl In wlilrli the watch fund IH growing Into n IIOIIMO o eoiiHlilenilili' "|'IIUI;|I|IIK"- Miilile|!iin<H
( ) r n r i i i l .liirUiinn I n i i K h t iii'i;i'"i'« '" «"H IIIK! lot fund now."
•iillcil lianli'lilliK. \\'ltll all I l i l n \ve
Current Topics.
An I n t i - i r n l l i i K I'.-Mii of Hit' Marl nf
IItmrniiHllcld ciiine u n d e r thti iLU<:tlnneer'ii liiiinmiT nt u ri'i'iiiit niil« In Hitp n r l n l i nf 11 il|{h"inl<'ii, HiieliM, lOiiKlanil.
It wiin I hi' Hvn-wlii'd pnuy ebalnii In
whli'b tin, I ' i n i i ) r r v a l l v , i limder wan n r ruiitoinril In talc" hln <'niiiitry -Irlvi-n
)li ciiintiiiny w i t h I.iuly |li'iir<ui^llu{il
wliuii ho WIIH iinjiiornliiK at lluii;h<>nni<il
iiiiiiini'. Tho v r l i l i ' l n won knorlii'.l i'..avn
Tin' Hi.' i n i i n l l iinin of 2!l H l i l l l l i i K " , ' Ih'i
\iHirliuii.T lii'lnu u Ini'itl i n i i l i ' M i n n i i ,
The value of your n a l v a t l o n IH on ac<oimt of what It eiiiil Cln'lHl and IIH
ivnrtli lo llm worlil ilependii on w h a t It
•imlH yon.
Had ,l|^«,|j,wimmii who Kavo llm t w o
inllea bts'n Vvlnti like Hdino of Hie chllli-en of HilH world who now ItelonK I"
•lim-eh, nlio would h n v e kept hi'i 1 mini<y nnd ht'KKcd HIIIIID Hour to bake a
All Hi.' Hi.\vrni i,f iiio A i r t l i : ir/(lon -alie, lo be'Hold to Ihe lilghent bidder
n i r I ' l t l n T w h l t o or yi'lluw, und Hieni for .Icinni' mike.
ni'i' 70^ v i i f l n t l i ' M .
Act wull lit tho mnimmt aui| yim will
buve i»u formal u it«od notion to all
YIMI may liiko tlm Ki'imtont troiiblu
iin.l by I i i i i i i n i ; It around IInil joyii on
Hin nl IH'I' nlili'.
Tim |irlvlln|(ii nf luliiirlnir In to nm
inoro nnd iiioi'o iiK'.'li.nn. 1 would not
eh.iimn llm iniol; I would not nlinniio
tint "liTiniiiilalM'.iri, To Ilo ablo |o dn
niiiiiiitbliiir In a inlvlloifi, of \vhlcih I ivin
ult.iUiitlii'i' unworthy.
If you want to inako a plilliLiittiroplm
of youniiilf, iluii'l jitinly liuninn nnluio
t<io clniKily, pilch rlfflit In,
We aro nnver nf) rldloiiloun l>y Hie
( | > m l l ! l i n we lujT.i uti by thonu wo »ffect t'i have.
- KIVii hundl'ed inlnlntorii who renldo
w i t h i n un ni'eit of t w e n t y inllon InelonInif1 London lielluvn llmt (n-iir l« »tood
fin t h e i r iioekelN, If not for Ihi'li- n l o i n achii. They nil liDhl ntoek hi bniwei-li-ii.
t l l l f e Ollf
tint liodjr. or linilii IH not overilreii am|
wlK'ii we "have It-Inure to dlgi'Nl." And;,
of nil IhliiK*, we H l i o n l d never nil mileMJ'
wo life ImiHd'.v; to eilt w l l l i o u l an npp"-''
t i l e IH Hi'lf-lililIHe 'if I lie must ntiipli^
'nort, Milieu It iifl'ofilH no pleamire a n i l l» !
proiluellve of illHeilHi',
An lllllei'iilo Ciiilnlry.
ItoviiilMlilu wonlil appt'iir In lie t i n inoHt I l l l t e n i l i ' 1'inililf.v III lOiirope. The
laHl reiiHiiM iiliiiwn H i n t , In n |iii|iiilalluii
of iilioiil H,<I(I<MHMI n e a r l y 'l.ddii.iiiiii r u n
lioltlier 1'i'inl HIM' w f l l e , anil H u l l unl.v a
l l l l l e over 1,11011,1111(1 Inn i' ail.V r i l l l i ' M l l n i f
at all.
A iiliynli'liiti KII.VII a mini nlumlil never
do any \\ork lii'Tore lireaKI'ant, ( i f
eoilI'Me Iliiii iliieiiii'l apply lo Ilie I r a i n p
who In eimipelleil to'woj'U Aomo nun I'or,
hln bfciikfaiit.
James B. Campbell & Bros.' restaur
ant, 414 West Madison street, has rue HUMOROUS SAYJNQS AND DOhis cousin, Edward Hall, 04 Elizabeth
street Neither knew the other was on
.earth until recently. The mothers o
the two had not heard from each other Jokes and Jokelota'tbat Are 8upRO«cd
to HQTO Been Recently Born—fiaylnga
since before the war. .
'.- ••
and DoincB thut Are Odd, Curloiu and
' The other night a young man entered
the "reotaurant, and while Young was Laughable—Tlie Week'* Ilnmor. '
..•waiting on him the stranger askee
Her Cup of Bliss Was Fall.
YoUng If he had not seen him some
Sue—Nell, If you were a man what
where before.
1 would you do? '
A conversation developed the fnc
Nell (who has worn an engagement
that Young has an uncle, Joseph Eves
field, a hardware dealer, In Mattoori ring for three days)—Why, I'd want to
111., who was also an uncle of the be a girl again.
stranger- '
""What Is your name?" asked Young „ Mr.' Slowboy—Did you know that I
"Hall," replied tho young man.
was a member of the PressjCIub?
"And your mother's name?"
Miss Willing—Certainly hot How
X.. Lizzie Heron."
waa~I to know?
"* "" ^ my mother's name was Matll
da Heron," replied Young. "Did yoii . N. B.—Miss Willing told her chum
ever hear of any one by the nanjc ol next day that Slowboy had a perfecting
press for printing kisses;
"Yes, yes," answered Hall; "my moth• Quick Compliance.
. «r told.nie. beforp_she died 'that. / liaO
^cousin, pun Joe Young, biit~iia siip —"Of -course, iilr,-I need scarcely-Bay.
had not heard from his -.nether for ove:
jtnirty-yoars, snp oia not know-whethev pect her to^be surrounded with .all the
'.ie was dend or alive. I guess you ajjd luxuries to which sho has been accus'._.
a are flrat cousins. Shake." nnd Il'iil'l tomed."
"Certalnlyrslr." If rhad~nny~prefeT•festended his bund toward his UQV
for n Immp of nnr own T wmilrt fool
found cousin.
Then; Young related an experience of eoiistralued to yield It. Your wish, sir,
three months ago that sounds like a U law with me."—Detroit Journal.
tale from the "Arabian Nights."
Arublan Horses.
. ;. . Three months earlier, to tlie. hour, n
A good Arabian horse can canter I
«trahgcr Imd stopped In the •restaurant the desert for twenty-four hours 1;
and asked for n glass of water. Porne- summer and forty-eight hours In win
---- thI:!g-projniite(LYoung-to-glve the-man ter without drinking.
« n:cui, which he ate with avidity. Then
I:e' astonished the restaurant man by
Some artists know as little about :
jtuldro.salng him bj- name and_telllng work of art as th'ey_do_about the art o
him stories from Young's family hls- work.
tory. At last he told Young that with3n three dnys, thrca weeks or three
The Boat PrMcrlptlon for ChlllJ
nipiitlia he would meet a relative of and PoTet u a bot«l« ot GROTS'* TASTBLFSB
TPMO. It U-tlmplr-lron-and-qnlntno-lo.
_ --- whom ho had -never-hoard. _
a tastolats form.-No euro—no pay. PrtoaBOo.
licjiranco fulfills the prophecy.
Tlio stranger refused to divulge hla
Is no readier way for a man
Identity, and, although penniless, ex- toThere
bring: hla'own worth Into question,
lillilteil n. Jeweled' rosary and cruclfli ban by endeavoring to detract from
Sn'gold «nd illamonds, given him, he :he worth of other men.
.itdrby-hlirSpnTilRlrmothcr, and prob
ably worth ?10.000.-Chlcngo Tribune PTAT» or Omo, Cnrr OF TownxJ, I _
(lo Spends More Money on His ..Table
than Any Other Man In tlio World.
" If you send me anything
'just as good as Ayer's,' I shail
send it right back.
" I might afford to experiment witlr-shoe polish, but I
can't and won't experiment
with the medicine which means
sickness or health to me."
Practical Chemists,
Lowell, Miu
arwparillj-Ayer'iPilU-,—Aycr'ii Ague Cure
Ayer'i Cherry ..Pectoral
Aycr't Coihitone
Sultan Abdul Hainld's table expenses
are $5,000 a dny. For the. 3U5 day s laat
year he spent $1,002,000.
If you aro dangerously sick what in
No human bellig of modern times Is the first duty of your physician ? Ha
accredited with -spending one-fifth of quiets tho nervous system,' he deadens
pain, arid you sleep well.
this enormous amount. It docs not in- j. theFriends
ask, **wlin,t is tho cause?1*
clude grand state dliuiers or other elab- and tho answer
comes in pitylngf
orate functions. It 4«. simply for His tones, nervous-prostration. ' I t came
Majesty's regular every dny meals; . I upon you so^letly in,the.beginning-,
A strange feature of the Sultan's din- ' that you' were not" alarmed, nnd when
Ing la that no one enjoys the food with sleep deserted you night after night
him. He eata alone. Never, upon any until yx>ur eyes fairly burned in tho
then you tossed in nervdus
Ptetext whatever, docs he have a com- darkness,
agony praying for sleep.
panion at his mi'fllB. Hi! does not even
ItaySAa dlnlng^ooin, or a dlnlng-hiill,
pat takes his dlBper wherfiver he may
happen TO be. .She menliUB ( at the dinner hour SCftreff out His Majesty, ami
then In a long procession bring the banquet to him,' table, trays,~'dlshesTand
He may be In tho palace, or In the
garden, or any part oMils great private
park. It makes no.difference; he takes
his meal right on the spot. All tho
morning- the large corps of imperfiil
cqoks prepare the dinner. As the noon
hour arrives slaves are sent in vilrious
directions to discover the~wnereaCoTit3~
of His Majesty. Having done "tb'is,'
they report his exact location to the
caloulntes the time required to trausMBS. JL HABTLEI-.•port the mrn>erou3-<U8he6-to-mn wlth^
out their getting cooled.
You ought to have known:
The chamberlain Ufen stands beside when you ceased to be regular In your
the chief server and supervises the lourses, and you grew irritable withtransferring of the different kinds ol out cause, that there was serious
food from the kettles Into the silver trouble somewhere.
ought .to know that indigestion,
tureens. These vessels are elaborate e xYou
h a u s t i o n , womb displacements,
They consist of-many-shapes,-sizesan( fainting, dizziness; headache,—anddesigns, and are beautifully chased am backache send the nerves wild with
engraved. They are BO constructed thn affright,, and you cannot sleep.
Mrs. Hartley, of 231 W. Congress St.,
they can be entirely sealed up, leav
Ing no chance for any one to drop any- Chicago, 111., whose portrait we publish, 'suffered all these agonies, and
thing Into the food.1
entirely cured by Lydia E. PinkAs fast as each vessel Is filled, the was
ham's Vegetable Compound; Her case
chamberlain seals It and puts on It bla should bo a warning—to—others,-andofficial Stamp. This Is a guarantee of her cure corry_coimetion-ta the-m'indsIts Inspection, and that It contains no of every nufferlng1 wpman of the unNew Ifiiw Needed.
poisonous substances. Over each tu failing efficiency of Lydia E. Pinkhad'a
The bicyclist"WiisllTfipIngT
"I wish you'd call a special meeting reen a bell-shaped felt cover Is clapped Vegetable Compound.
of the bicycle club to discuss a very 1m- down tightly to retain the warmth.
portant matter," he said to the prosl. Over these felt covers magnificent veldent of the club.
vet covers, embroidered" with gold and
silver threads and pearl, coral or tur"Why? What's happened?1-'
FIIANK J. CHKNKT nuikee onth thathetede
"Well, I tried to run down a pedes- quoise ueads, are spread.
nlor partner of thf Brra of F. J. i;n>NKT .V
KEITH'S THEATRE, PHILADEL- •o,,doincbuslne88lntheCltyofToledo,Coiinty trian to-day and he stuck his cane Into The dinner procession, consisting of
»nd State aforesnld. and tlintsnld arm will i«ky my wheel and threw me- I think we over a hundred persons, is then formed.
the sam of ONB HUNDRED DOLIJIUS for each
The renl Tvorth of W.
md every cnso of OATAitnn that cannot bo ought to petition the council to pass >, ijTrst come ten slaves, bearing the great Ii. Douglas S3.0O nnd
ured by tha nsoof HAI.L'B CATARRH < mm.
83.SO Dhocs compared
- - - r . . says, the- Philadelphia InFIIANK J. CIIUNBY.
•with 'other maKes is
qulivr. "was thp= viilue- of cleanliness Sworn to boforo ma and subscribed In- my
most exquisite table that has over been 84.OO,to S5.OO.
more strikingly exemplified than In the BBAI.V X'D. 18si
S4Gllt£dee tine
mader The legs" and 'sides' are richly —Our
cannot bo equalled at
success which has rewarded the efforts —
No Safety in Numbers.
.— J
Notary PiMie,
polishnny price. Overl.OOO,^~
-of Henjnmln Fi-nnklln Keith. No pro- Hull's
Catarrh Ourela taken Internally, and
Father (severely)—My son, this Is n ed that It looks like a mirror. Then OOO Batlsllccl wcarors.
vider ot theatrical amusements has ftcta dlri otljr on the blnod and cannoaB surfaces
•clone so much, no other man In the of the ayiteta. Bend for testimonials, free.
disgraceful state of affairs. This re- come a long line of Jublnklars, or "first
T. J. I 'imxur <te L'o^ Tolodo. O.
business has been so powerful in eleport says you are the last boy in tht assistants of the chief cook," each bearby Drugglstn. Tte.
-vatinu the HtaKe In general. He has B«ld
ily Plllaaro thabe»t.,
class of twenty-two.ing on his head a tray, upon• ^whffh
.-.. of W. L. OouglM
demonstrated that the good In theat$3or$3.50eho«swill
Henry—It might have been worse, rests one of the silver vessels. These
ricals Is not nlwayn the most enjoyable, If men would consider not so much
potltlvtly outyMir
-lull-the_masL_renmuQratlvo, -Ho-hus -whereln-they-dlirer.—fla—wherein—they lather.
two pun of ordinary
revolutionized the branch of the busl- agree, there would be far leas of unFather—I can't see how.
the art of head balancing that no accl
TICSH to which hla houses are devoted eharltnblenesB nnd angry feeling in
Henry—There might have been more dents—not even the Jarring of a dishSixteen years ngo the variety theatre the
•vvtia ahunneil by women: to-day wo
boys In the class.—Boston Traveler.
has ever been known. Following eome
men nnd children constitute 00 per
moro slaves, bearlng.on their heads an- . "We are tho larffoat mnkera of men's 03
•cent, of thi> patronage of hla Philadel- .^ <5:LB.pcpt,lf l B " e v er on good terms
A man Is apt to suffer less from a cold
83.BO shoes in tho world. We moke
phia House.
with himself. Something la always than ho IB from Innumerable remedies other course, and after them come HtlH and
Boll more 83 nnd 83.BO Bho«> than any
other detachments with other courses. and
His motto has doubtless ever been' wrong. Get It right by chewing Beeother
two mnnnfaeturors 1^) tho V- 8. '
suggested by his friends.
«lve the people more than they expect mun'u Pepsin Ouni.
In 'the rear follow tho slaves who are to
'1'he r«putntl<m of W. L.
for the money exacted. Those who have
Douglu 93,00 and W.W ihoct for
•lyla,comfort, and Vecrli known BEST
It la often n great disadvantage for n wait on His' Majesty.
Avatchcd hla career have' been ImBEST
W nt Vcr
u n j u s t la
throughout I he world.
£. ,° will;
m" and from this
to young man to begin a career with su- The procession moves up to where the
pressed by the unremitting progress .v, divine
TheyhMOto xtve b«ttcr •ttlifu*
It followa
tlon than otbcr m»kM t»ctuir $3.00
To-day no more enjoyable entertnln- the
th* lUndird hfl* alwKja betn
tnonta urn provided anywhere nnd the that no true and abiding happlnesa
pUced to htgh that tha wtaren
forward with a silken rug, which fa SHOE. •zpict
audiences that nmiemlilo In his play- can bo gained Dy those who are unjuut.
mor« for fliflr mono/ SHOE.
than they can get ctMwbcrt.
•»ouai>a Include the foremost people of
To Our* a Cold In On* Dajr.
•our city, nn well na the most discrimiT«k» LiriTiTji BROMO QDIMINB TABIBTB. AU [i-a.se may be. Ou. this divan Is placed,
•hoc* «r« .old thta any other mako Is be^»uM TltK
nating theatre-goers.
Jru»Kl«t« refund Uie roiinnjr If It fallitooura. ,aiid the Sultan reclines'. The table IH
AUK VHK HKH'f. Your dnttr ihould k«£l
b.itof •llnudtUattoCurlBr'aInk.
II. W. Guori'l •Ijnaturo u on each box. SSo.
i wa fin on« dealer exclu.tr* .ale In each town.
[placed lu front of him, and tlie tureens th.m
Take no •ubatttutel ln»UI on haYlnf AV. b.
.hoH with nama and pile* •tamp«d on botlom.
are brought up. As each is set down j X>ouglaa
This ixHiulrementB nre HO many and
PrlTea to
II your dealer will nnlget them for you, .end d-rtetta
An Inquisitive man Is a. creature nat- the Chamberlain steps forward nnd factory. tneloalDff prlc« and 24c. extra lot cuirla(«.
the examination IH HO mi-let that a muu 'Did you rend alKtiit that Iown» urally
8tate kind otlealher, .lae, and width, plain or cap to*.
very vacant of thought Itself,
BhcMB will r«ach you anywh.n. Catalog** /V«^
•\vhaJoliiH the reciilar army of the OnJ. preachm- who wan engaged to seven- nnd therefore forced to apply to for- .breaks tho seal. .On each side of him Our
tV. X. llounUu Oboe Co. ilrockton, BliiM,
MnndH nn Imperial tiiwtcr. The Chnm4ixl HtiiteH niiiHt be, phyrilcally, an.al- teen clrls?"
"Yes; I prasnmo tho poor mnn writlierlaln hands a ladleful from each vcsnioHt jierft'ct mnn. It IH the govern1
MTH permanently culcd. N<J (lt'» or nertoui. iiel llrst to one tauter and then to tho
nit'iit'H Interval, of courNu, to keep hlui trying to keep his choir togotlh-! neu
alter Am .Uy'i me ol lit. Kllne'i (Ircal
so. In time of nctiml \viir ho may have through tho hot weather."
N«vc McBtorer. f l trial boiilo iml (rentl.a ucu otlier. After It has been swallowed the
<o. bear Nome depi'lvatloiiH n» well ua
himself, the Knltiui meanwhile watchfnco the ever-pix-Nt-nt .rlrtka of battle;
A shlftlesfl fellow snya It is a conso- Ing tho operation. • lOverythlng being
t>ut. ordlniirlly lie. In vi-ell alieltered, Haven tho llvon of (
1604 LUDLOW ST.",
it now tb.nt (i» ciinnot bo aucd HtitlHfaetory, the Icettle.s one after tin
•clotliwl iiiiil f<Ml, mid If thu Kuueroua"
for, the debt of nature.
ilu-r aro arrniiKfil iK'fore HlH Majont.v,
army ration doeo i>ot Hiitlnfy him, he
who ruiiH hlH eye over tlu> miiny vlundri.
•can buy u ^rent nmiiy lnxurle« for n
India Rubber Nnlln.
PUTNAM PAUKI.KHH DVKN »n> tint to BUII- 'I'liiMi ho pldCH und I'hixiHi'.H, fating a
•very little money. The miliHlHtenee buIndia rubber inillH am n novelty In
wii»lilng nnil rubbing. . Hold liy nil plw IKTO and u i>kx:o tliirro, n aioiithful
reau of tluMViir 'Deimrlmt'iit does not (liiriiinny. They are UHII| In | l .,'H
( a(
of llK'llt,«a HIXMHlfUl Of Wll-tW i('<', II
often Dmire In print, but tbe. enllnted wluw mt'tiilllf nnllB would be llnble
muu, at lennt,, IIIIOWH Hint It doeo inui-li rorrodr.
In nil depiirtmentH of activity, to
/or the uriny'ti health nnil eontentmeiit.
have one thing to do, nnd then ilo It, Kiiltan nover UHOS a p]Jit<i. ilo lakt-H
nil hlH food directly from the llttlo Hll\ piece of pot-try about n Hbattercd In til" Mci'l'rt of Hliccriin.
Virtually It coiuliietH u depiirtiiieni
Htori- for Nolillei-H, Helling everythliiK ul Idol NceniH to ajipi'iil parllonliirly to 1 nin mire I'tno'if Cute for Cnnnuinittlou laTCd ver ko-ttlo« that lire arrnaig«xl In a cirlinn rrM'ii lifwl r»y inlllloimaf mother! for
fur ov«r l-'Kty
<-ont |)i-|ee. I'rlvnli) .loni-H of the Koi
my l i f e three yctun « K « . — M w » , THOU, HGUBIHa,
U NMitlH-a ihu tilitld. nufiau* tha
knlfo or fork, btrt a nixx>n, htn bri'iul
leenlli nil! buy n line nm>r, for Inluyn nil (mill. r\irvn wlntl collo, ituj
A. pollto liiK-liolnr nlwayH K'VI-H up hln Mitpla Hi,. N u i w l c h , N V., 1'cli, 17, IIXX1.
t rutniMly for dlurrhiuu.
mid hlH llnKern, Which lire (•onntantly
«l)uie«-, elieiiiirr Ilinn !I|M brother In New neat In a crowded cur to u widow of
Twenty-tlvo Centa a Qottln.
\Vboev(!r In mean In II|H youth run« wlixsl liy an attendant,—Now York
"York ran, anil If the private IIIIH a faney loiui Huindtnu.
a (treat rink of hecomliiK iv ncoundrul Journal.
for toilet minim Mini Milk liniiilkeri'lilefH,
In riper yeai-ii; nn'iinnenM liiailn to vilotliiiilly KOOI! hiii'KiiliiM nre oiM'ii to him,
lainy wllb fatal attraction.
To mipiileinent l l n > riitloii« hi, however,
To the youth In loro there nro nut
air». Wliinlown ttoollilno Hymp lor rhllilrtn two phu-eH In Urn world- one whero hla
the prlii.'lpnl ItiiNlneHH of ih» H iiliHlHl- Cure* » rough or t'oM nt oucc.
K liillnnuim.
ii"»|i. lironu-hllU,
.MII.O II. NTHVKNM .V <* .. Kitiil>
omv bureiiii, It |i rn -,:,lrH iilnioHt every- Coni|iicr<
lion, «ll« y« | . i-uic< wluil i-nllo.
iweotheiu-t IH and the other where iiho I'lv. P.
Mi. -mi, Hiivrr. W A M i l l
irl|i|>a ""'I c<m>uiu|>tloii. DJC.
tbltiK Hull IH I'lilnlil.' i'lindeimed milk,
Jiimri unil Jellied,-.pleltlen, dried I|M|I, nmA n x l - nn tc» Moot H i m .
within. W i t h i n IH thn fouiitulu
I>le nyniji, ollVeii. erat^kei'H anil nild'H,
elKh- You iiinnt oxrimv me, M| H « of I.oolt
Kooil; anil U will over bnbbli up, KIDDER'S PASTILLES. W'Z\
uinl a bewllilei'liiK variety of enmie<!
.I. « CO.
, I'm not i|iillo niym'lf to-nhrht, If t h n u wilt ilkf.
lown. MUM
ifooilH, InelndliiK HiMtpN, ineiitH, vi'KeluC u t l h i K How d i ' l l K h l f t i l how
An riidowninit' policy Is »
• l)Km and HM|I. Keeenily nunly \VI.H
liilroiliii'o inn to tint t>||ii<r
••iVlded to Hie HH|, iiin! iiltlioiiKh our boy« help In thn nutter <>t living. 'Hit- prob- fellow, will 3-011 V
In llhlnii an. out of the l a t i t u d e of el
ol dying anyway.. Hcml our
An Otllorn Hco |IB.
4>lut«' i'1-eaiiiM, limy ran buy eiilni elioi'n- nroblniii
lUtln, Irri', Icrria hooUlct, " I'lic llowauil
Mm. Teller.-! HI.....t n,,, afternoon
tile ami all the KiiindropH, lemon tab- The Why." II l» tliccilul, noldolrful.
"Ii'lH nnd Hlnillar l i u r d - e i u i d l e N ' i l m t they
l n k very miirli of her.
i\vlHh. Oni- u n n y linn no ,. X ael eijulvaPENN MUTUAL LIFE INSURANCE CO, t l iMr.
,'li'tlMifl ^tfjur the "lleld Imlturli-H" ein- aai-013-DlB Choilnul JI.
_.,Mi'M. Teller-. Him Ink,.,, | I H I im,,.|, ,]„.
,Hli>yi,sl by tho Kreiirli | UII | O t| l o r rorelKn
I l K h l In llHliuiliiK lo neimdalj I never
urinlni. willed f u n i l n b fn-tili lii-eud ovKIIW
nnd nm-d by Hie inont prominent liliynlclium
i'1'.V niorilliiK lo Mir troopH In the Held.
In tho world an t lin beat, nnd nafcnt roim-dy for dig.
Tvvo of u Kim),
Hut on Mm wlmlo, Unlleil Hlnten m,lonlorod nloiiuuili, bllloumicua. Hror troubloa, uout nnil
lie -Why iloe« it \voiiiiin wenr anill<M-itni-opn>lml,|y heller curetl foi- t h a n
"liter \vi ....... I'M Imlr on her lienil?
'.tliomi of any other eoiiiilry, a |,, u
It Cures ColasHpntlon!
Hlie \Vhy doi'.-i u niiiii \yeiir niiothoi'
li'iilum that tlmy (hmervo Hie euro, Th«
nilf'M iililn nil liln fenl?
Tnkoonu.lia.ir Klunnfiil on nrlnlnR 111 tho nionunu mill
'unny IH m> n i i m l l , eninpitred lo Hie ll(fhlyou will fo<d t lu> rciimrliiibbuilinotn In ha.lt nit liour.
Ini? I'oireH of illliei- null,HIM, (lint lh.<
\Vlli.t lln l(o,|i,l, r ,|.
(•oiinlry linn boon nlili. |() ,m( H 1,^1,
a label.
(Inrilinin'" Mitvii you an ui'lltitlt! /I
•Htiindnril, and enllHl men who are an,
worthy to enjoy limii-leH ml they (lro
V° " 'Hilok r.ll.l. nil on,., »„,.,
r, IJOI'ullun.tl.,N.Y,
u.tluioiilali ami IO ilnya* ti*«tin*nl
l>tiitler -WliiK ilo you nieitii?
lo endiini hafdiililnn,
I .*«•«.
puiltoiner -WIU'. ono thut dvaw« wall, I
Wholesale Florists
Dr. Bull's Cough
Thanksgiving Day.
Rev. W.N.Ogborn
pastor. Sunday services: alms 9.30,a.to
proaohing 10.SO Sunday-school 12.00 noon
Bpworth Loagno «.00 p. m.,preaching 7.00
31asB Tuesday and Wednesday evenings 7.36
Prayer meeting Thursday 7.80 p.m
filiation at Pint Road.
PnEBBYTisniXH. Rev.WK MoKiimey^pastor
Sunday sorvicon: preaching, 10.30n ,m.,Sun"day-sohobT'lOirirobn, prenoQinB"7.00 p; m
0. E^prayor- mooting. Tuesday, T:30 p.mv
Chnroh prayer mooting'ThuVaday 7.30 p.m.Missions atFolanm and Magnolia.
Italian Evangelical. Rev. Silio Contin
•PftBtofr—SandaySobftol at 9 a.
10.30 a.m. Jr. C. E., 3:30 p.m. 0. K.'Soo'y
at 3-30.,
" UWIVERSALIST. Sunday Softool."n2:~0ff Dobo
Jr.T.P.O.U., 4p.ro. 'Y.KC.U. at 7:00 p.m
Sociablca altornato Thursday evenings.
Mm. Charles Smith, president, Ml>s A M
Bradbury, oor neoretari. Mrs'A L Jackson,
reo soo'v; Mrs P 8 Tilton, treasurer
The only newspaper
printed in Hammonton
$1.25 a; year, post-paid ;-
Business Cards
. Popters
—- -Eetter-headsNote-heads •
, Envelopes
prices charged, always,
We will not do: cheap
work, andTcaifffafford
to do good work
for nothing
BAPTIST. HOT H P Loomls, pastor; Suii
dftyaorviooB iProaohin/; 1(1:30 Stmdpy-nchoo
11.45, Junior 0. B. 3.0U p.m., Christian En
doavor6.00, ProaoblngT.OO. Weekday pray e
mooting Thursday oveninc 7.30.
D.D., rootor.
Sun.lay trasa 10.30 u. m
Sunday School 3 30.p.m. Vcopore at 4 p.m.
Alcorn,rector. Celebration of Uolj Euobailn
let und 3rd Sundnyt at 10:30 n.m. Other Sun
days.7:30 a.m. Murniog 1'rayer, Litany,an
Sermun,2Dd and 4th Sunday n at 10.30 a.m
Evonnonjr 7:00 p. in. Sunday School 9:30n.m
Friday Evensong,_7.80._-SaintaDay Colobra
tlon,7:30 n.m. Spo'oiaUorviccsin AJvcnton
a specialty. If we
cannot do youj work
when you want it done
we'll tell you so,
and finish it
when wo promise to
The Tribune
New York, the weekly
edition, and the
Republican, for $1.25
A pilo of good rending
for a little money
CLERK. J.L.O'bonnnll.
MARSHAL. George TV Swank, Jr
JUSTICES. Q. W. Prnspoy. ChntWoodnutt
Jos H Garton, E L Caufman
CONSTABLES. Goo Bernihonso,C C Combes,
E II ShBokloy,
OVERSEER H I G H W A Y S . Elins A . T oslyn.
OvEBSEEROPTnE POOR. Goo.Bornehiuse.
NIOHT POLICE. J . U . a a r t o n . ---------ATTORNEY. E H Chandler,
PIBE CBIEPS. C W Austin, H M Phillips
VOLUNTEER FIRE Co. D. S.Cunnii£ham,
president; Chns.W. Austin, secretary. Meets
3rd Mondny evening ot each month.
Independent Fire Co. Meets first WednesBY THE GOVERNOR.
day evening in each month.
Governor Vo.orhees sa3-s to the peoTown COUNCIL. Micbnol K Boyer, Ohm.
E W Bntoholor, J E Watkis, W D DePuy, )le of New Jersey :
The century draws near to its close.
G G Hurley, Anclrua E Holman. Moots last
Saturday eve each month.
We aw.ait the beginning of tbe era to
-.BOARD up EDCCiTiOH. C.-F. Osgood, prosi- come., As a people we have been :
^ ~ - - dont; DrS. CaDninghnm, clerk; Edwin Adams,
J L O'Donnoll, Sirs J h Ransom, Miss Anna lafety through imminent peril. We
Prossoy, Mrs K A Joslyn, Tbon>a> C Blvins, mve found atreugth in times of trial.
Dr J A Waas. -Sleets, first Tuesday orening Ye have averted, dangers that tbreateach montbr---------------•-------------------------- neil. Governments- nave" com o nnd
BOARD OP HEALTD. M. L. JooVeon, Pros!"
one since the duwning of Uie mornd e n t ; Dr. Chnrlos Cuaninghom, Inspector; ng of ita .birth, yet our nation still
John T. French, J. C. Anderson, Wm. Cun
ives. Its people have broadened
, Oeo. Be nshouso, Jo«. Il.OartOD.
jower and in influence. :
D S Cunningham, M A j A B Davis, Seo'y'
Meets Drat Tuesday evening in each month in
Mechanics' Hall.
WIMSLOW lonoE, I.O.O.F. Win. Bomshouse, N . Q . j A. V, W. Petloy. Secretary.
Meets Wednesilay^ovee. in Odd Follows Hall.
EnAWiiuiiKiif TniDK Imp 0 R M.
liniaott, Suchcm ; Chas W Austin, Chief ol
Records. Meetovory Tuesdny'tiloepln Red
Mens' Hall.
M. B. TAYLOR LODOH, F. 4 A. M. J. B.
Thajor, W Mn«ter ; Alonzoli. Davis, Seo'y,
Jnilund Itb Friday nights in Masnnio Hall.
F K Whittior, Coun.; A T Lobley, Secretary.
Mootsavery Friday evo In Meehaplen' Hall.
O B N . D. A.BueatibL POHT, O . A . R . C A
onuri), Gomniandor; W . H . H. llradbury,
Adjutant: II. F. Udaoll.Q. M. M e o t u l a t a n d
8ril .Suiurdiiy nights in Mcchanlci Hall.
WI.UAN'H HsLiEr Cuiirs. President, Mlsi
Nulllo Uol'uy ; H o r r n t n r y , Mlna Kvo Carlan.
2n>l ur.il -I tli Saturday ovoa, lleoliunlcs Hail.
O K N . D. A. HHBBKI.I. CAIIP fiunfl nr VETKR
H , No. U. Cnpi., W i l l l n m C (lllTord; F l i n t
Hcr(?(.,'II'iI ry G Leonard. Mootu t!nd and 4th
nilny ovMJ, .Muoliiliilus' Hull.
I, l u l u lln Ha Oouncll, No. .27, I), of P.
Mr* Mu ll.iwlca, 1'uculiontnu i Mri Uarrlo A
Kliu 1 , 1C. o I It. Atoota Monday oTonlng In Hod
M«M'K H u l l .
(tonic IJ'IIIOK, Mo. 12, HIIICMI at Honon.
\Viirlliy MiiHl'ir, I1' null-In McNiuny ; H. H., Win
.-,1111.11 M . O ' H ~;(t mid -llh Xhiirniluy nlRMa In
I l i u i r li»ll.
H i i ' r i n n n i i '» I. "im ii'nl Hulldln).' Aminolntlon,
W, II .Tllliiii moi«liiry. M.ict« ovtiry lit
Tliurmliiy In Klruiuon'ii Hull.
\VnrhiM^nidi'« I.iiun n-id I)iiildln« AnooUtlon,
\V, II. II, rii'li'Mnn, inoro nry. Mcotn every
\,\ Moo'liiy In I'lniimn'i H u l l ,
I'flot'ln'u l l n i i K , W. It. '1'tlton onnlllrr.
Mattliow Jefferson
-The- Press,
iiii, weekly, and
the Koptibliumv'a year
N. K. our. Third itnu Mnrlcot HtH,
( N o w Joieoy Triiti. linllil'n)
Tnloiihonu 1111.
i'uitulon, N..-J.
Attorney j'or lluiniuoulon.
Chas. Woadnutt
(dliilniM (iiilli-i'li'it.)
Oommlonlonor ol' Doocln
Iiuiuranao & Html li'iituto Aftt.
Olllotmt riinlilniioi), '10^ llrtlluviiu Av«.-jl--...
, cull or phono UH
200-0 Bolloviio Avo. Phono <)-!»
The following IB tho President's proc
laumtion :
' ' - . ' .
It has pleased Almighty Rod to
bring our Nation In safety nnd honor
through another yenr. Tho works o
religion nnd charity have everywhere
been mui'ifeet. Our country, through
all Its extent, bus been blessed with
abundant. harvests. Labor and tho
'grent Industries ot the people have prospered bejond all precedent.- Our com
merco- bos spread over the world.' Our
power and influence in the cause o!
fiuedcni uud enlightenment bave extended over distant seas and lands.
The Iivtsof our official representatives
and many of our people in China have
been iimrvolouely preserved. • "We have
-been- generally exempt-from pestilence
arid other great calamities; and ever
the tragic visitation which overwhelmed
the city of Galveat'on made evident the
sentiments of sympathy and Christian
charity by virtue of which we are oab
.united-people. ,
Now therefore I, William McKinley,
President of the United States, do here
by appoint and set apart Thursday, tjio
29tb _of Novf mber next, to be observed
by-all the-people ofrlbe-Unitort States^
at home and abroad, as a d,ny of-thank*
and prnisu to Hiai who holds tho
nations in tho hollow of his bnnd. I
d thnt Itifiy gather in ti
several places of worship and devoutly
give Him luanks for tho prosperity
wherewith he hn8 endowed us, lor seed
time and harvest, for the valor, devotion and humanity of our aimiesand
navies, and for all bis benefits to us fta
individuals mid as a Nation ; and that
they humbiypray :for the continuance
of-his divine- favor,—for-coneord- uud
amity with other nations, «nd .for
righteousness and peace- in all our ways.
In witness whereof I have hereunto
set my han>l and caused the seal ot tbe
United States to be aQixvd.
Done in the;Cily of .Washington, this
29tb day of- October, in tbe year of our
Lord one tboueand nine hundred, and
of the independence ol tbe United
.be one hundred and iwenty-Qftb.
3y tbe President :
JOHN HAY, Sec'y of Stale.
Miillliln (I. (lii|(o, AiliillillntriitrlK oT.f o«
I'. lli>K«, ilnnnniinil, liy illroiitiim n( Ilic Hilrro, ( i l o n f (ha Diiunty ol' Alliuilln, Imrliy (tin'"
iM'ilun In Iliu nroillliim of tin «nM ,lniim> (I.
I/IK^ I" '"'"ft '" ''"'If <l«l>li, iluiiinti'lii, nnil
nil lln I nKiilnnt Ilio i»t nto of llm »lil lUonilnnl,
iiii'lnr nnili, nltlilii lilno iiiiintlin fniui tliln
ilnin, nr llm.y "III li« fnravor liniroil of nny
miiliin llii-rrl.ir nititlnit until inliiiliililriilrU.
|l,,lo.l July ntllli. A.u. IVOO,
M A T I L D A 0. < I A < 1 K ,
They have increased in knowledge.
nd-itirhappincss, "ThC'y'ylelcrto none
n comforta enjoyed. Their toil is
ewarded. Opportunity is not . wlthreld. They are better ill thought und
n deed. The claims of felloW-riien
are respected. For tho poor, the unortuuute, and thodepentlL-iit tlierols
i deeper regard. The Christina «plr't
noro abounds. All havo been blessed
n mind, in body, and in Htore.
The watchful cure und guttling hand
fthoAViHO Kuler of NatloiiH has ut^
entled UH. His mercies und blcHsings
invo not been withheld in tbo yeur
hat ends the" century. For those of
ho past, und for thow which woitiow
njoy, we Hliould give thanku nud
raiHO to the Giver of every good und
-Therefore I,- Foster M. Voorhees,
"jovernor of the State of Now Jersey,
lo hereby dewlgiiato Thuroday, the
ilth (luy of Noveintier, umlaut, for
itibllc tfiuiikHgiving anil prulHo. I do
ccoinniond to the people of tliln State
hat thoy abutaln, HO fur us ]>onHlhli',
roin their iiHiial labor, anil iiHMemble'
n tlu'lr hoiniiH anil plnoi'H of rcllgloim
Wol'xlllp, llu'iu U) ui;lviii)wlf>lKC and
etiirn thankH to Almighty (lod for
I!H goodneHH ami !I!H mercy, anil to
nvoho II!H coiitliuicil favor1 In l.clnill
f our Nation,' our Stall , und lt«
A N'l'K.D. Anllvo limn of Kixxl clinriidti'r
in iliillviii-noil uillt'iit In Ni-w Jurhvy
ir olil uHtiilillnlii-d niniiiifaoliirliiK wlinli'milti
.IMIHII. lIHKHiyriir, mir«|>uy. Iliinuaiy umru
luui iix|inrluiiii« rv(|iilri»l. Our riiiuruii«i<.
ny tiniili In ivny n l t y . I'liuUii" ncll-inlilri-KHid
luinprd i-iivclii|i<i. MniiiiliioltiriirH, Ilril lloor
II Iii-iirhorn HI., l'hl(-ii«n.
J. B.
)flloo Dnyn,— Kvory wook-dny.
r Dxti'iioUiip, with KUI»,
urn orddm). /
N O I M M N A N O K to ullow n r«lmto
of liixcH t.ti 11 I purnoiiN ownlii(i iiixl
UK WHKOIIM wltli llnm four Inchon or
wiilnr I n will.li.
Inlrniliii'iiil H ' l ' l - '">, I1"10'
I'liKMiil lli'inl'iir n, HIOII.
Iln It iit'liiliin'l liy tlm Oiiilniill of Ilia TIIWH
, i-ua * «S *. ,'mjf, *«»TOf^1isa«#tAwj£^'4*S!r*K«^^
An Unexpected Deliverance.
I challenge all forma of
Disease, Acute or
IM in;, AI:I, K llnricn,
^tlllrlnnil nf Tnvril Ouillioll.
;VOJG. 38.
I Treat on Scientific
, , Principles with
Dr. K. H. JONES,
; No. 1300 South Broad Street,
Philadelphia, Pa.
Chief Consultant and Manager.
Bchedulo in effect Oct. 2,1000
7 30 B SB 1040
1050 bOO ..-.PhllaJclphla
7 22827
10 32
jo a! K07 .........Camdcn
5 'a 8 65 8 12
7 (8 8 17
5 1 4 S 12 5 Efr
II 10 8 17
11 1C S25 .....Ilnddonflold
70(i 8 11
fS K US 5 6*
B 47 8 00
I 51
fill 8 20 Ml
8 53 |fl S8
a :<4 7 48
ii a> 8 48 .... Berlin
4 41 80952T
U OillO 53
$~F T431
1141 8~63 ;..:
b 18 Sll
3 18
12 {7
7 GO 5 18
11 'M 0 01
9 »l!7 0(1
•7M *507
'534 •9 22 J7 Iflj
1237 4 1U 47 502
12 OS 9 10 Wlrnlow Jc.(rr«). .. 8 OX •a
6 -7
6 :« 92b 1721
•II 65r,
!7 3(1
5 K 731 4 44
a 67
5 SO. •950
4 86
3 27 7 0 0 4 IT
a 40
10 2i;|
15 II K 4 05
..CT.. 10 (IS "."^Atlantic Cltv..~"
"• -Jo
0351 10 TOI
« aiop.H only on iioilco to. conductor or agent, or on
J B HUTCH IN8ON. Gon'l Manbgcr. "-'•
J B WOOD, ben'i TOBST jyctr
p. in.
•1 30
4 48
4 55
8 15 SCO
S23 008
83! 020
8 41 ,
p.m. p.m. p.m.
. m.
6 12 0 12
6 ID
6 40
0 02
8 OM
U 18
U ID inn
n iiu 858
n n
n «i
701; n'jn
«,«). n.ra.
8 on c an i
6 IB S55
u 1:1 ,
10 •212 H 12
K 111 ....Writ Colllngl»oi)(l."... 14 Wl
llnildon Hi'ljlil
8 SC (I B li Oil
fiiO tit.,:
li 42
K Ml 7. IB
._ II 14
6 8(1
8 B3 7 1(1 0 IS
ft 'Zl ......
1107 2(1
Cf Jar Ilrook...... r-2i ......
U 111
(I If. 7 HI
B17 ......
B 21 7 BS (i .19
>)". f> K M...
U 12 ..Wlnilow Junr. (1'TO)
2tl 7 W (I 41 5 42
H 09
Bommonton ...
u:n 7 6U fl
5 40 2 « 010
f 0.111
(I f>4
II .T/
li -K;
n 411 , KgK nubor
7 0(1
llrlffftntlne Janr.,.,
7 lit 0 U1
7 i'S
T 1(1 I ««l
10 10
7 !15. (1 1H I ""i 1010 ".....Atlantic Clly_. ....
10 20
<tO 6 00
"WTio is Eesponaible P
• Who is the drunkard maker? the
saloon keeper V ' The crusaders thought
. A drop in the price of
BO whoD, twenty-six: sears ago, they
•'Seed Eye. .. . ,
started out to close up the drunkard
Owing to the increase ir^ factories by appealing to the men behind
the'tafsT^TheylBOOD learned, however,
the qu antity j>f Seed Rye, thai-there,.was-apower behind :the.
the price dn it is lower.— drink-seller.'—They discovered that the
, We are now Belling good government was the senior partner in
the dram business; that for every glass
toned" saloon o.r tbe basement "dive,"
65 cents-per-bushel.
the ' government received the larger
share of the proBt.
If you toe in the market
The women then' turned tbeir attenfor some fine Mackerel, tion to the government, aa tbe responai.bjelnarty._ _ThSy_^wentin|oLpolitic8,ll
but found there was still a power.-.bubiod
the power which was bohinj the ealpon,
was tbe ageut of the
We are handling Sucrene people—government
men people,— and represented
Dairy Food. It is
the sober as well as the drninben voter.
reason able in price, arid Every American citizen who by vote or
supports the license system
' makes A betterijuality influence
is helping to produce drunkards. Then
—of^milk-than does gluten. let not the sober man of 'Boston or any
other city, who does not vote prohibiIf you are looking for a
tion, complaiu. that ha has to bear the
drnnben man's burden. It is hit) own
had here for
burden.' Let him uot bo so unfair and
unreasonable as to try to sbift it ouio
95 cents per 100 Ibs.
tbo shoulders of bta weaker brother.—
Boston Journal.
— We are selling Wheat—
__ ^iitjs^fltfpr jmilling^-^
at $1.40 peor 100 pounds
s •
r 11 (<
». Dl.
n. in I'.ni. p. in it Hi p.n
10 55 HI 25 - I I M II 55 iTsr, 1)2!
B i n (I 14 U l! U 1
10 (X>
H (17 6 f f
U 62 ...i.. J&fi ..... S6» 56
8 ni* ,....• MO ...... K 48 5 4
N Jill 54
'» an
8 1.7 S S1
0 82
(21 ..... 8 »1 82
111 51
« 610 HH 11!
U 11!
S10 U 14
SCO U J» 4 K I H O t l H t U n o1
8 45
7 EH 60
R 8»
4 4 1 ... 7 M 4 6
H M u"J51 4114 554 7 '4 4 i
7!T, 4 ?
H 24 0 17 425
im 10 01! iu, ia
8 IS (H2 ft 42 5
8 21 (I fil) 5 fll
r> 07
n in
4 14 •••• T "R 4 I
II (Kl 4 05 ft 80 7 Ifi < 0.
The Electric Light, Eeat& Power Co*
of Eammoijtoii,
. H»
Insurance Agent
Notary Public,
Commissioner of Deeds.
101 Railroad Ave.
and Embalmei
Twolltn Bt., between railroads.
KaU'6 can bo hnd on npplioation.
the test;
A heart thnt Is willing to labor and
In the tussle of life overcomes nut tho
best. _
It puts_tlio..blUBjmps of ctepresslon_ta
seem plain ;
It tuouuls. over obstacles, dlnslpates
- -And nnravels- fclnKs In life's curious
> to-
i« ,«'miitf
ilntu nnil ulvvnjH u fctuunoh ndvociito null Huiiportoi-ol Koinuillonn ji
wilt 'dniitiilii tlio inont, rullnbln IKIWB of
InoliiilliiK dlboiiHnloiifi, oorrnnpondenoo mid Hpncolioii of tlio iibloBt polltlna) I
«im, brilliant mMorlnlH, roporU from nil suotlon* of tlio Inml Miowhifc
of t'lio worlc, p(«., «to., mill will notmmmd Itself to tliu ouroful piiru«i\l of iwnry
i of IIIH ooinUry ut lioivrt,
thoUKlitful, liiHiHlK" 1 " 1 v«t«r wlio
I'liMlflicil nn Tluiii'ili'y, anil
liiiiivrii for lumrly nlxty yourii
In nvory imrt nf tlio Unltcil
iinwi)|)npnr of tin'
o'mi" for rnrmam imtl vllli»KIt floiitiiliin nil tliu mirnf, Importniit
IIIIVVM of llni JWlu TrihuiM up to
liiiur <if n>}\i\n to jirdni 1 , Ima cutiM'tiilulnpr
rondltiK for uycry mumborof t l m lAinlly,
old nml yoiuiKi nutrkflt ropurin whloli
mo aofla|itu(l itn mitlioi-lty liy furinoiii mill
oon n try ni«>ipliitiili<, nml In olonn, up to
(Into, liitorimtlUK itiul limtvuotlvo.
nli"' nuliHoi'lptlon prlnn,
Topic,' "Short cuts to success." Prv.
A cordial Invitation Is extended to all
to attend tlmao mootlnua.
>fl pur yflm-
\Vo furnliili It yvlth tliu llejiutilienn
for *1 iift PIT y«»r.
AH arrnngomontB for burials made
' oud onrcfull v oxooutod.
Always a Good Stock
A Shocking Calamity
Lutulv bnl'cll n nillroiid litbornr, writes
Dr. A. Kiilletr, of Wllllfonl, Arlci»n»a».
"llm fiiot \vn» badly omnlicil, but liuolclln'a Arnloa tialvti ijulokly enroll htm."
It's Blmp y wonderful for hurrm, bulls,
pllOH, nnil all «kln oruptlunu, It'll tho
WorldV clmtnplou licnliir, Ouro
toed. Srio Bold liy (Jrowoll,
W H llormilioum', liitntiur
W 1. Illiu-lt, liiinlwuro
V I) Cllnnonm
1) 1> lp«o
John Moiilllu
'lony D'Aunnllllo
House, Bign,0arriage
Eopairing dono.
Donlor in PuintH, Oila,
and Vurniuliou.
Hollo vuoAvouuo,
Hammonton. : : N. J.
• ' Hammonton, XT. J.,
Hoyt & Son, Publishers, Hammonton, N. J-
•Justloo of tho Poaoo,
Bay- Hiilihorlhiiri. out of Atlxiitlo C.'omity will mid W oontit to tho above.,
Ofllao.Boooud and Olierry Uto.
I hnvo n lurgo otoolc of
John T. I'ronoh'H
Pure Oil PaintH,
Second St. Gash Store
Wood Pumps,
Iron PumpH,
Pump Repairs,
Nails, Glass, Putty, etc., ettf.
Will cut t'ltfHB to nizo.
On account of a recent redaction in the price of iron, I
will hereafter shoe your
horses at the old prices—
4 New Shoes
for •$ 1.00, cask.
Confectionerythe choicest.
Bread & Cake®
Alwaya the bosl
91 Ifi
Ifi (Kl
'.'I IA
U (K)
11 IHI
S ja
lu 60— 77 71
$7iS IH
Shocd mado to Order io my
Specialty, und full
eatiufaction is guaranteed.
with aa order for
Bill Heads, Envelopes,
Letter or Nor.p^
Business or Name Cards,
Book or Pamphlet Work',
Cards, Posters, Dodgere
or anything in the printing
Carriage & Wagon
At Law,
Vital Htutlntloa ........ 17 lo
A II Mlllor,' Janitor,............... ......... a oo.
W Ij UlnoK, illnlnfootiintH ............... . 50
W II Huru»)8», moving Biifo ............... a 00
Mm lluiluill, ulluwnnoo .................... 8 BU
Mm KlnnurdH, bonrdtuir poor .......... 13 00
J O JohnHOn, goodH to poor, ............ 6 flo
" .......... .. la oil
W II IK'riiHluniNO, ooul .................... 10 50
Kli'olrlo IjlRiit 0<)., lor Nov .............. 01 U<
duo W Hwulilt, Itlllliig <li)K». oto ..... a no
Town Miirnhul ...... 25 oo
H H lluluen, on tiiwn map .............. j)7l) 00
Mid Cotiluy, «imp« lor Klro I)upl ... 'J oo
J W I>yHliiKtir, huullnu llni onglno
'J M
having made extensive additions to our'material.
"I'll do what I can" keeps the progress
1 In good working order as centuries roll,
And cTvTTIzaUon wTTulil perrsb, I weeo"7
Were thpse words
' not written on many
They fell the great forests, they furrow
the noil,
_They-_seolc— new-Jnvcntlons-to-beneflt
man ;
They fear no exertion, make posltlmeof
We are better equipped
-than ever to do your
and aa many other^ Illustrators supply
its pictorial features.- Apart from the
articles havine special holiday timeliness -. iPrintors of the £epv6lican
, and ThtEcho.\
of interest, the notable features include
~ Phone ft-S
"The Innkeepers Daughter Who DisBOlVBa a PresiiJen.i'8 Cabinet," "WhatMay"Happen "in the Next Hundred
Jrear8,y_iilero8alem as We See it
TjwJay.v "Two Women's Gifts ^of
-Twenty Millions." "The'Little Men'
Play," a-dramatizatlon of XoulsaTMT
Alcott's delightful story : "Where Children See Saint Nick," "The Fourteenth
Man," "Two Christmas Days at Bock
Farm,"and "The Successors of Mary
the First," "The Story of a Young
Man," and "The Blue Eiver Bear
Stories," which: aro~'cbntlnued."-^EdwT
Bok has a thoughtful article on Xmas
celebration, and there are various articlea on women's wear, Xmas presents Give me your order for a
and edibles, while various other practic. Buggy, Surrey,
al helplul themes are ably presented.
By The Curtis Publishing Company,
Philadelphia—One dollai^a-year-}-tea
cents a copy.
Attorney& Counselor
Hammonton, N. J.
The New York Tribune,
B®"Th'e Christmas Ladies' Home
Journal offers a superabundance of lit-erary-nnd-artiBtic fcntnr..n
attractive- form.
Among its nearly
two-score contributors are Mrs. Lew
Wallace, Elizabeth Stuart Pbelps,Cha8.
Major, .William Pcmne, Clifford Howard, and EliEabetli'Lincola Gouldr"wbile
• ~ ~
W. i
do what I can" IB a challenge to
Oh, great Is Earth's debt to "I'll do what
lean!" ' •--.-••-• ............. : - :
— Ella. Wheeler Wilcox,
- Regular meetlne; 'Saturday evening,
Nov. 24lh. All presout except Mr.
. ' . . " . ' •
Fire, Water and Light Committee
T. P. S. O. E.,— Presbyterian Cbuich: reported electric lighting uneatieluctory
___ daring llia-aiuutb—Numerous, cases-af.
Topic/ "Spending time and taking uullgbtud street lamps, also, mauy poles
pains for Christ." Matt. 25: down. Repairs made as promptly as
1-18, (Consecration.) Leader, possible. One Die alarm during month;
Miss Anna Lpble'y. '*"
ttlljjut damage.
Y. P, S. 0. B.,— Baptist Church :
License Committee reported back to
Meets Stiudiiy ovoninc, at 6:00.
Couucil the application of B. Foglietta
Topic, "Spending tiiuu ami taking for liquor license. Canant recommend
palne for Chrlet." Matt. 25: lha,t It bo granted,- because of guueral
1 - 13. .Leader, Mlb3 Gracu protest of property owners in tbat
Arlltz Building, Hamrnonton,
vicinity. Reported favorably on appli- Rooms 25~27 Heal But. & Law B'ld'g,
AlUutlo Oily,
-Jr. C. E,, Sunday afternoon a
cation of N. P. Bowkor for renewal of y
Ofllolal Town Attorney.
Topic, "Spending time und taking llccnno.
In Haumiontou ovory Friday
pains fur Christ. Matt. 25 : 1-13.
Overseer of the Poor reported
Praotioe in all Courts of the Statfi.
Leader, Ella Stokos.
tho loRol papers on Bacborla, a
Judge Endlcott would hear tbo case on- Jftoney for first mortp^ge lonnp
Epworth League,— M. E. Church :\
Tuesday. 27th lost.
Moots tiunday ovonlnp, at 0:00,
Topic, "Spending time and taking
Bills ordered paid :
_________ pains .for Christ. » . Matt.H 2C
J Monfori,
Ai«eii»or.v....;.....v..;7.7.:~l50ro~ 1-13. Leader, Miss Laura Da y Goo IInriiHlinuau. Ovoruecr of I'oor.. 10 Ol)
J L O'Dommll, oiurlt, salary........... 21 23
AlCuth oUuiui^ uvuulu^, ut TiOl/:
»"'i"y« "'''
„, .,
«''<' i"'-'1;11M'WH °"
..r ^«, iu.<
oovui'lnu IIMWB <il llm olln'r tliivn. It
--Young People's Societies; ; -
Y. P. 0. U.,—Di)lvorai\li6t Church:
•M .m
WUo taken for his raot.to, "I'll do .what I
. can."
Shall bettor tho world ua be goes down
. ' lire's h i l l ;
Tbe willing; young hear I makes tbo capable man.
And who docs what ho can oft caa do
what h o will. . . ' • ' • . '
There's a strenKth )u tbo Impulse
to help
^ %
And forces. uudreatned_of_wlll-ComGto_
the aid
Of one who, tho'weak, yet believes he IB
And offers himself to task unafraid.
NO. 48
safety gntPB, as per ordinance passed In
May, 1899. Passed first reading and
laid over.
'. ' , .
- H. M; -Phillips, acting Fire Chief.
reported the hose now In use worthless,
nearly all leaking badly._ Part of this is
eleven years old ; the balance, seven
Council decided to attend next fire
8 Irt
fc'nncliiy nl^lit oxprcoit up IPUYCH Atlantic7:3(1, V.\tK Ilmbor 7:V>, llniiiinonlon 8:11, rraclilng I'hlla. O.W.
W. 0, HKSI-KIl, aon.Silpt.
I'nlillitliml Moniluy.Wcdiiimiliiy nnil
(|1 Krliluy, IH I"
"fll Do what I Can."
The ladles bave tntcen this space for one
year, and are responsible for Jail that It
may contain.
. This »pano IB devoted to the Interests ol
the Young Peoples Nacletl»s of tUe various
Cburches. Bpiclui IU-IQU ol luioresi, uud
aimouncemeuta are
Monday, Got. 16,1000
• The above Statement is open and.
frank, without fear of contradiction.
I treat ell forms of cbroalo diseases
successfully that have baffled akillod
professors. No. so-called' "cure-alls,"
bat remedies prepared for each individual case. - A fall statement of your caso
sent me by "mail will, receive prompt and
careful_con8id:orationl".and advise sent
vrntiiron rocoiptrofutafop— Offico-advico- FliEB. Medicine; 25 c. Specials,'50 or
All coirespondonoo is strictly private
ond confidential. No matter the disease
oontftlim oil lni|it«riiuil. forolun vnr mid
ntliur ijnlilw nowri wliloli it|>|i«urn 1" tho
Daily Ttttunt of »»iii'' iliv'«'i
S i u i k l . 'Unit (illy |iiirnniiv rnnl'll'iK I'1 ,*'H> Htorlcu; oliiKimt liulf-iiiiii>mnl'ill / / i i l n l i i HU'ill i l f f h l l l K nil I lihllllT W i l U ' liuliinlrliil Infuriiiui.loii.
K w l i l i ilri.n I'-iiir iniilii'ii or lirunilnr III w l i l l l i '
hull Im ull.inn.l a inliitin nl (inn i l i i l l u r |i"r fmilllon IIOUIH, iiKiliuiltiirul ninMorn, nud
Tlinnl |"H iiiiniiiii fur annli wlmnl limul <m i"l'l ooiuiiroliniiiilvi'Hint iolliiliUillniinoli*l i>nu
innruut io|iomi.
HfC 1 " 1 "* r i ' H I llm llllr« I n v l f l Itlill HKAUilllll'l
;uliir( llm nwiiiin ntiil uion Ihuri'iT.
lt»|{iilnr niitinarl|ill(in prior, Jl.ftO » yt-nr.
him. 'I Tin.!. Ilio tliilUntnr Dl'ilui TIIWII of
\V<> fiirnlali It *HU Ilio "
/iiiiiiiiniitiMi In luirtliy iin(liuil»'»l lu n l l n w tli"
u M i n l n t r n npiui jiriMii, rnlUlnoiiiry lu him,
f Ihi <>nli"rnlr|> u n i t Hi * uf ffiinll f*ilK "<
HOIK} nil oi'ilwii,, with tlio flimli, to
I'.-c. It. Tlint t h i n 1111111111100 nliull lulio ill'.Mit
^W^S^^^H^ffisM^HjEi^w SllB^^^Ka^^^SS^^^E
Better than a Piano, Organ, or Mtislo Box, for It alnga and talka as \vell as plays, and
don't coat as much. It reproduces themusloof any Instrument—band ororclicstra—tella
B toricq and sings-^-tho old familiar hymns as well as tbo popular songs—it fa al ways ready.
"„•*'-. T *"•- -'"
Sco that Mr. Edlaon'a algnaturo is on every jnachino. Catalogaea df ah dealers, or NATIONAL, PaONOOHAPHfiO., issPUth Ave., New York.
1). FoullGtta'H llconso application waa
withdrawn, llowkur't was riiiiuwnd lor
onu your,—his bond, nlu.nod by Kiimuol
Anilurtiou und Jos, H.
1'ropilrty Ooinmlltaa roportoil that
Mr. II. B, llulium luul cnnipliiUid tbo
town limp und trui'ln^n. niu) that tho
Biiniti had boon nliicod In tlio vault of
tlio 1,'uople'n Hunk,— It bulng too largo
for tliu town eafu, >
Law nud Onlor Couji^|j,l|ip ruportud
tbat (iwlnit to frequent coinpIulntH, tho
Marnbul IIUH hoim Inutriioluil to uulorco
the hltmilo liuup onhniunni, und han
nuido Hiwcritl urruiitn In
Funeral Directors
All IniHinOfH in their lino
promptly and ciuciiilly
iittondod to.
Embalming a Specialty
Oflice and Hooidonco,
208 Peuoh Stroot,
Cor. Second and Hellevue,
Oil Stoves
Veterinary Surgoon
wlilnh I {{iinruiitoii to bo
tlio boat paint over uolil.
IDl'J Atlnntlo AVOHUH
AtUirnoy (Jhaiidlor lo apply to tho
Hooond nml I'luanunt Htre'ntn,
Court of Ohiuicury for nu orilur ooinpol- Will IUIHWOT tolflpliono oulln
uiiyvrlioio lit tlio Uoiinty.
u tlio Kitllroud Ooinpitnlon to cruet
No. 2f> Third Stroot,