wayne dyer - Healing With The Masters


wayne dyer - Healing With The Masters
 WAYNE DYER APRIL 19 , 2012 HEALINGWITHTHEMASTERS.COM Host Volume 9 | April19, 2012 Jennifer McLean HEALINGWITHTHEMASTERS.COM Guest Wayne Dyer Jennifer: Wayne: Jennifer: Wayne: Welcome, everyone, to Healing With The Masters. I am so excited. This is the first time we have ever done this. We are doing a very special Q & A call where you get to interact directly with Dr. Wayne Dyer. So I’m going to do my normal reminder of talking about masters, Healing With The Masters. Some people ask me why I talk about this, and part of the reason is because everyone is saying, “They’re masters. That’s not —” So anyway, you’ve got some of those kind of conversations. I thought, “I should explain what masters means to me.” We think of masters as the guests that are joining us and sharing their knowledge and experiences with us each week, but I truly consider you to be the master, you in this audience, you the participant. No one knows you better than you, and no one is more uniquely qualified to transform your life than you. Today we will together discover the tools and techniques to heal, to continue to shift your life into love and light and, in the process, truly make a difference on this planet of ours. Together we are truly a powerful community. You really, really matter. You light up the world. Tonight we have a very special guest and a very special process, a very special way of presenting our guest. Dr. Wayne Dyer is an internationally renowned author and speaker in the field of self‐development. He’s the author of over 30 books, has created many audio programs and videos and has appeared on thousands of television and radio shows. His books have hit The New York Times bestseller list many, many times. He’s changed, literally, millions of lives. We have gotten, literally, thousands and thousands of letters and notes from you, sharing about how his powerful new book, Wishes Fulfilled, has changed your life already. The interview that we did with Wayne last week has really made a difference and transformed you energetically. We’ve heard about miracles already, Wayne. It’s been a really wonderful experience, and tonight we are honored and blessed to welcome Dr. Wayne Dyer back to us, again, in a very short order to do a very special question and answer call. We’re going to open the lines and allow you to interact directly with Wayne. Thank you, Dr. Dyer. Welcome back. Thank you. It’s great to be back. I was very pleasantly surprised when you called and asked me to be with you tonight. I just happened to have an opening. The last week or so when we talked, I was in Maui. Tonight I’m in Florida. You’re at the other side of the world from where you were. Yeah. That’s about 6[,000] or 7,000 miles away, but it’s still the same person, same voice. Here we are. Jennifer McLean’s Healing With The Masters: Vol. 9 Guest: Wayne Dyer | Q&A Copyright 2012. All Rights Reserved. Page 2 of 29 April 19, 2012 Jennifer McLean | Healing With The Masters Jennifer: Wayne: I want to go through a few ground rules with everyone on how we’re going to do this. As I said, this is the first time we’ve done this, and we want to make this the best possible experience for everyone. So what we’re looking for is really relevant questions that don’t go too far into your story, unless of course Wayne guides you there. Basically I want everyone right now, who has raised their hand or who has asked a question on the phone, to kind of take a breath and feel the question within yourself. As you’re doing that in this very moment, as you’re feeling that question, that burning question that you really are looking for some guidance from this wonderful man, that you realize that your story really doesn’t matter within the framework of it. We want to make sure that Wayne has — my opinion is that Wayne can hear the energy and the essence of what you’re looking for. So asking a very succinct question will engage us at the level of energy and will benefit all of us as a result. I also want to talk a little bit about entrainment. We have a membership site, and what we’ve discovered is that whoever is chosen tonight — we’re going to use a system of choosing people, so it’s not first‐come first‐served. We’re going to kind of draw names, so to speak, and what we have discovered is the person who is chosen is the soul representative of the group. So the person who is going to get the most answers for all the people who are listening now and into the future, they’re going to guarantee that Wayne is delivering the absolute best answer for the most number of people. We call it entrainment because when you pluck a string in a roomful of violins, you pluck a C‐string, all the C‐strings will be plucked. So that person is kind of plucking the string in all of our energetic, vibrational souls to give us the highest answer. So listen to the answer from the perspective of you are receiving this answer, not from, “Oh, they got chosen,” but more from, “Oh, wow, they got chosen. So this is going to be what I am most — the highest purpose for me is to receive the answer that Wayne shall share.” So that’s how it’s working, and if you’d like to ask a question of Dr. Wayne, press star 2. Star 2 will raise your hand, and star 2 will allow me to unmute the line. So star 2 will raise your hand, and for those of you who are on the webcast, you can use the form. So Dr. Wayne, I’m going to start with my question. I’ve been playing, since our show last week, with I am God. I have been doing it in the morning. I have a little practice in the morning, a gratitude practice that I do every morning and every night before I go to bed, and of course, I do my best work in the tub. So I was playing with it in the tub, and I noticed something really interesting. I noticed that there’s kind of a presence that showed up when I was playing with I am God. I never played with I am God before. It was always I am divine love. I am peace. I am love, but I am God created something different within me. And I noticed at the same time that there’s kind of some dissonance a little bit, a little uncomfortableness of how can I possibly claim I am God. I’m just wondering if you’ve ever had that experience, or what you would say to someone like me who is playing with this notion and feeling a little uncomfortableness and also feeling the expansion within it. Yes. I think the reason for the dissonance when you say I am God is because it conflicts so dramatically with what your training has been from the time that you were a little girl, and then it turns into your subconscious training. Then it turns into the — you used the word entrainment. It is an entrainment that you have. To say the words I am God is really — what you were trained to believe is that is blasphemy, that God is an external concept, it is Jennifer McLean’s Healing With The Masters: Vol. 9 Guest: Wayne Dyer | Q&A Copyright 2012. All Rights Reserved. Page 3 of 29 April 19, 2012 Jennifer McLean | Healing With The Masters something that exists external to us, even though the scriptures, all of the scriptures — I use sort of the Western scriptures, but it’s throughout the Bhagavad Gita, and it’s throughout the Quran as well, this whole idea that we are all pieces of God and that when we begin to think this way, we move beyond ordinary into the extraordinary realm. Jennifer: Wayne: So the extraordinary realm is that realm in which, as God — Jesus put it this way. With God, all things are possible, and as I’ve said so many times, that leaves nothing out. It just literally opens up the door for virtually anything that you can place your attention on, but your training comes right into it. Your subconscious mind begins to take over, and then you begin to remember what your religious organizations have taught you, that, “The only way that you could get to know God is through us, that we have the password, and you can’t get there unless we offer it to you. And that will cost you. Whether it’s money or whether it’s allegiance or going to war to kill the people who don’t believe like we do, this is the price that you have to pay for our giving you a conscious contact with God.” So it’s nothing more, Jennifer, than the same kind of conditioning that has told you, from the time that you were little, that you can’t attract prosperity into your life, or you can’t heal yourself of an illness that comes into your life, or you can’t attract the right person that you would like, or you can’t get the job simply by meditating on it and using this power. You can’t communicate telepathically. There’s so many restrictions that we have on ourselves because we have come to believe in our ordinariness rather than focusing on our extraordinariness. So once you begin to realize that saying I am God — I don’t say to people, “What I want you to do is go out there and say to someone, when they say something to you, “Excuse me. Do you know who you’re talking to? I’m really God.” I’m saying to substitute the word God — and I had this discussion with Oprah just a couple of weeks ago on her show — to being to say to yourself words — substitute the word God for love. Remember Jesus also said God is love. He’s synonymous with love, and he that dwelleth in love dwelleth in me. Once you get rid of the concept of God, because the word God for so many of us draws into our imagination words of a superior being, someone who’s outside of us, someone who’s pulling all the strings, someone who controls everything and so on. But when you substitute that for the word love, which is the way it was explained to us by the great spiritual masters, then say I am divine love. I am this perfect love. Then it doesn’t become such a matter of conflict, internal conflict within ourselves. Then when you begin to really and truly say and believe that you are God, because the words I Am are the name that God gave to Moses when he asked Him His name. “Who shall I say is sending me?” And He said, there in the book of Exodus, “I Am that I Am, and that shall be my name for all future generations.” So every time you use the term I Am, you are claiming the name of God. Every time you use the term I Am, you are claiming the name of God. Absolutely, and every time you use the word God in a blasphemous way is when you say I am weak. It’s not possible for God to be weak. When you say I am depressed, when you say I am poor, when you say I am sad, when you say I am miserable, try to imagine God saying these kinds of things. That’s exactly what you’re doing. That’s when you blaspheme. In the book of Jennifer McLean’s Healing With The Masters: Vol. 9 Guest: Wayne Dyer | Q&A Copyright 2012. All Rights Reserved. Page 4 of 29 April 19, 2012 Jennifer McLean | Healing With The Masters Joel, in the Old Testament, it says let the weak man say I am strong, and defining God in the Old Testament, He calls things that do not exist as if they did. So even if you don’t feel yourself to be healthy or wealthy or strong or powerful, that’s just because you’ve put all of your faith in your reality identification, with what your senses tell you. Once you begin to realize that your senses are almost lying to you, that truly who you really are is that divine infinite being that is just occupying this sensory body of yours — once you get that, then all things are possible. Jennifer: Wayne: Wow. Thank you. That’s a great way to start the show. I have a question here from the forum, from one of the folks from the webcast. This is Debbie from Akron, Ohio. She says her 22‐year‐old daughter was diagnosed with lung cancer and carcinoma, and she’s spent the past year on a cancer rollercoaster. She was very excited to hear that she had the chance to maybe interact with you. She said her daughter has handled this all beautifully. She has a very positive attitude and truly believes she is going to get this behind her. However, Debbie, her mother, tries very hard but day‐by‐day finds it difficult. She’s really been using the tools and concepts of Wishes Fulfilled and Excuses Begone and manifesting, but on bad days, “The negatives get the best of me.” So the thing that she’s also asking here is can Debbie’s, the mother’s, thinking impact her daughter’s healing, and is that an important part of her daughter’s healing. It’s very much an important part of that. It’s interesting, because just today I gave a talk for my daughter Serena’s group. They’re working on ending child trafficking and child sexual exploitation. We did a fundraiser down in Miami today, and I drove down there and gave a talk. I talked specifically about just this very thing. One of the quotes I used is the time that I saw — I was in the same room with Mother Teresa. The entire energy of the room changed when Mother Teresa was in the room. It is said of Jesus that when He went into a village, just His presence in the village would elevate the consciousness of everyone in the village. When you are around divine people who are steadfast, and this is Patanjali’s response, the father of meditation. He said when you are steadfast — this is really important, Debbie. Steadfast means that you never slip, that this is all you have to give away. When you are steadfast in your abstention of thoughts of harm directed towards yourself and others, that all living creatures will cease to feel fear in your presence, that you can literally impact the living creatures around you, the plants. If you read The Secret Life of Plants or look at some of the work that Luther Burbank did, when you are in the presence — the plants themselves will act differently at the subatomic level to a person, a being of high enlightenment rather than to a being of low energy or a being of hate. When animals are placed into a room where there has been slaughtering taking place prior to that, the animals themselves react to the pheromones, the energy that is in the room. Every thought that you have has not only a chemical reaction on your body and your own physical health, but it is an energy that is poured out. It is an outpouring. You want to keep an outpouring of love within yourself and begin to recognize that what your daughter is going through is all — as you said, your daughter is handling it well. Everything she is going through, if she can remove the fear from her consciousness and substitute that with love, with divine love, she will find herself being able to say, “I am with God. At this moment, I am with God.” When you are living in fear, and of course in Miracles, it says very clearly there are only two Jennifer McLean’s Healing With The Masters: Vol. 9 Guest: Wayne Dyer | Q&A Copyright 2012. All Rights Reserved. Page 5 of 29 April 19, 2012 Jennifer McLean | Healing With The Masters emotional reactions to everything. One is love, and the other is fear. Everything that is love cannot be fear, and everything that is fear cannot be love. Jennifer: Wayne: Jennifer: Shirley: Wayne: Shirley: So when you get to a place of pure, divine love — and divine love is distinct from human love, and it’s even distinct from spiritual love. Let me explain. Divine love is a different kind of love altogether. It’s the love that Patanjali was speaking about, that I just quoted. Human love is a love that changes and varies. So you love someone. You love your daughter. You love your husband. You love your neighbors. You love your cashier, whatever, and it varies. It’ll be stronger some days than others. Some days it’s there, and some days it’s not there. Some days you hate your spouse. Human love changes and varies. Spiritual love is a love that never changes. It’s always there. It’s purely within you, but it does vary. Sometimes it is stronger than other times. Sometimes you don’t feel it as much and sometimes. Divine love is a different kind of love. It’s the love that Paramahansa Yogananda spoke about. It’s the love that Jesus lived and Buddha lived. This is how it’s defined. It’s a love that never changes, and it never varies. It’s all you have to give away. You want to recognize every time you have a thought of fear, which is that upsetness, that sadness, that worry that you’re having towards your daughter, just go within. Get quiet. Get very, very peaceful and substitute the fear for love. You’ve heard me talk, Jennifer, about the healing that I had with John of God down in Brazil. The illness of leukemia, and what I really believed happened for me, when I had that remote healing from John of God and when I saw him in person in New York in September, is that they took away the subconscious fear that I had when I heard that I had been diagnosed with leukemia. By taking away that fear, these entities entered into my body and shifted that fear out and replaced it with a kind of love that I had never known before, a kind of unconditional love, a love for everything, a love for everyone, a love for every human being that is out there, steadfast, no thoughts of harm directed towards anyone else, no judgment, no condemnation, no criticism, no thoughts like that of any kind. Yes, indeed, your thoughts — and if enough of us can shift from a human love to a spiritual love and ultimately to a divine love — because if a person who is living a pure, divine love comes to walk among us, it can transform all of the negative and low energy that exists, not only in the community or in the country or in the planet, but in the universe. That’s how strong the power of love is. Wow, wow. Well, thank you. We’re going to go ahead and go into our next caller. Wayne, would you pick a number from 1 to 51, please? 18. We’re going to go with Arlington, California. The last four digits are 7585, and you are on the air. Hi, Wayne. My name is Shirley. Hi, Shirley. I’m just going to be very crisp with what I’m going through right now, and that’s basically I can’t take this physical pain anymore. I know that sounds selfish and unspiritual. However, Jennifer McLean’s Healing With The Masters: Vol. 9 Guest: Wayne Dyer | Q&A Copyright 2012. All Rights Reserved. Page 6 of 29 April 19, 2012 Jennifer McLean | Healing With The Masters I’ve been on this rollercoaster. I know I created it in order to wake up, and that’s what happened for sure. However, now I’m at the point where it’s neck and shoulder pain. Wayne: Shirley: Wayne: Shirley: Wayne: Shirley: Wayne: Shirley: Wayne: Okay. We’re going to get rid of it for you right now. This is something that I just learned yesterday. I’ve known about it, but it’s something I learned just yesterday. It was taught to me by my beloved woman named Mira Kelley. I was doing a talk up there, right near you in California, in San Jose. There was a fellow on the program there with me, who was doing a 20‐
minute talk after I gave the keynote. His name was Nick Ortner, and he was talking about something called tapping. Are you familiar with tapping? Yes, very much. So have you ever tried it? Yes, I started with that. Yeah. It’s emotional freedom technique, EMF. If you practice this tapping after you hang up this phone or after this one‐hour that we have together is over with and begin to do this, where you’re hitting the acupuncture points, but while you’re doing it, while you’re tapping away, put your focus, not on ending the pain, Shirley, but on just how you are feeling about the pain. I’m not saying that this is necessarily going to make the pain go away, but remember, all pain — the pain, you said it’s in your neck and in your shoulders, but the truth of it is it’s not in your neck and in your shoulders at all. It’s in your brain. All pain comes from the nervous system that’s in the brain. So this is a way of using the cranial nerves and shifting them around through these acupuncture points and just tapping. There’s nine different tapping points. They start with your hand, and then you move above your eyes and below your eyes, next to your eyes, underneath your mouth. You can find all of this on the Internet if you just look up this emotional freedom. Don’t go into it with the negative attitude that I heard when you answered the phone and said, “I can’t take this pain any longer.” I know. I’m just trying to be up front with what I’m going through. I understand it’s negative, but after a long — I know. I know exactly what you’re saying. I feel intuitively as well that there’s a rewiring — when you mentioned the brain, that there’s a rewiring actually going on in my head, because my left brain has been, in a sense, dominant over the years. Now I feel like there’s a rewiring, and integration is occurring. That’s what I’m visualizing. There’s a figure‐eight as well, just trying to get the brain to — Okay, I don't know. Have you read Wishes Fulfilled? Are you familiar with Wishes Fulfilled or this program that they’re offering here? I have heard of it, yes. I have not read it. I’d like you to read it, but I’m just going to go through it real, real quickly with you. I’d like you to place into your imagination, which is your gift — this is a gift that you have been given. Everything that exists right now was once imagined, which means that everything that is ever going to exist must first be imagined. So I’d like you to just use your imagination in a different Jennifer McLean’s Healing With The Masters: Vol. 9 Guest: Wayne Dyer | Q&A Copyright 2012. All Rights Reserved. Page 7 of 29 April 19, 2012 Jennifer McLean | Healing With The Masters way, perhaps in a way that you’ve never used it before, and that is I’d like you to say to yourself, “I am pain‐free.” I’d like you to say it out loud. I am pain‐free. Shirley: Wayne: Shirley: Wayne: Shirley: Jennifer: Shirley: Jennifer: Shirley: Jennifer: I am pain‐free. So the word I Am is God, and I am free of pain or I am pain‐free. Now, what I’d like you to do is just begin to continuously use this kind of a phrase. As you do this tapping, when it’s over, I am pain‐free. What I’d like you to also do is — I’m going to ask you the question what does it feel like. This is now going to move from an intellectual exercise to a feeling exercise. What does it feel like in your body when you say the words I am pain‐free? It feels like I’m free, what I felt like two and a half years ago. I’m honestly having trouble remembering what that felt like, but I know it’ll come back. I’m so sure that it will. However, in my — There’s no will, sweetheart. This is a now. This is. God didn’t say to Moses, “My name is I will be.” He didn’t say, “I hope things work out.” He said, “My name is I Am that I Am.” So the I Am that I’m asking you to see — I’m asking you, first of all, to intellectually say, “I am pain‐
free.” Secondly, I’m asking you to assume the feeling of that wish already fulfilled, as if it really were your feeling. You’re not going to use your senses. You’re not going to use whatever is going on inside your body as an indication of it. You’re using your imagination, which is where all things are created, and you’re saying to yourself, “I feel great.” You used the word free. “I am free again.” The last five minutes of this day, before you go to sleep tonight, I want you to spend those last five minutes, as you’re about to go into your subconscious mind and marinate there for the next eight hours — I want you to continue to do nothing more than review what you have placed into your imagination as an I am, as an already established fact. You will call this thing as if it already existed. This is right out of the scriptures, and go over that for five continuous minutes. “I am well. I am pain‐free. I am feeling great.” Do your tapping, and then as you go off to sleep tonight, for the next eight hours, you’re going to marinate in this. When you wake up tomorrow morning, the universal subconscious mind, the big ocean that is God, of which you are a bucket, now it will begin to offer you experiences that match up to what it is that you are telling yourself, not only what you’re telling yourself but what you are feeling. You’re going to begin to feel this in your consciousness. You have the power to do this, Shirley. I have the power. I know I do. Thank you. I will. Thank you so much. God bless you. Thank you so much, Shirley. That was a really important and powerful program. Shirley, would you pick a number, please, from 1 to 54? 52. Thank you so much, Shirley. Much appreciate it. That was helpful for all of us. Jennifer McLean’s Healing With The Masters: Vol. 9 Guest: Wayne Dyer | Q&A Copyright 2012. All Rights Reserved. Page 8 of 29 April 19, 2012 Jennifer McLean | Healing With The Masters Wayne: Shirley: Wayne: Shirley: Jennifer: Shirley: Jennifer: Wayne: Jennifer: Shirley, say it one more time. I am — I am pain‐free. Perfect, and you feel free. Yes, I do. I could hear that in your voice this time, Shirley, that it was — it resonated a little higher to me. Yes, it did. Thank you, sweetie. Wayne, I noticed that one of the things you shared is that you’ll start creating matching experiences. When we start claiming this I Am — and it’s a first for us. For many of us, it might be just the first time we’ve ever coined anything in that I Am capacity, in that divine capacity. We’re not necessarily going to wake up tomorrow being pain‐free. We’re going to create matching experiences is kind of what you said. Is that the idea? No. I honestly believe you’re going to wake up tomorrow morning pain‐free, because tomorrow morning is going to be a present moment. You’re not hoping that this is going to happen. This is — the answer to this is in the simple assumption. When you assume the feeling of this wish fulfilled, to make a future dream a present fact, you must assume the feeling of that wish as already being fulfilled, because basically, Jennifer, there is no time. Tomorrow morning is no different than this moment and every other moment. The only difference is now you’ve begun to align yourself with the universal subconscious mind or God or the Tao or the divine mind, whatever you want to call it. A good metaphor for this is to think of yourself as a glass, and the ocean is God. So you take this glass and you dip it into the ocean and say, “What do I have here? I have here a glass of God.” It’s altogether God, and God is altogether this, this glass of God. Now, when you keep this glass of God separate from the ocean, it loses all of its power. It obviously doesn’t have as much power as the ocean, and ultimately, if you pour it on the sidewalk, it’ll just fizzle, and it’ll change form. It’ll return back to its source, to the ocean, in another form. Ultimately it’ll just vaporize, turn into water, again, when it goes into the clouds, come down and rejoin its source. That’s the symbol of your ego or the part of you that has continued to stay separate from your source. What you want to do is realign yourself with your source, and your source of being, from which you originated, to which you return is well‐being. You didn’t come into this world with neck and shoulder pains. You came into this world from a place of well‐being. You want to reconnect to that place of well‐being and stay in the arms of God, the universal God, the oneness. As long as you’re connected, you have the same power as it is. That’s the way you do it. So assume the feeling. Jennifer McLean’s Healing With The Masters: Vol. 9 Guest: Wayne Dyer | Q&A Copyright 2012. All Rights Reserved. Page 9 of 29 April 19, 2012 Jennifer McLean | Healing With The Masters Wayne: Jennifer: Shirley: Wayne: Shirley: Wayne: Jennifer: Shirley: Wayne: Go around feeling it and act as if this thing were already a present fact. Just act that way, no matter what your senses tell you. Your senses are lying to you, and you can change. I saw this happening to myself with this tapping. That’s why I’m so enthusiastic about it tonight, because I’ve been living with back pain for the last two months, severe back pain that has kept me from walking. I can do yoga. I can swim, but I’ve had trouble with just walking. I did a one‐hour session with this Nick Ortner on this emotional freedom technique and this tapping, and I stood up from that in less than an hour, and I went for a walk for 40 minutes for the first time in over two months, pain‐free. Pain‐free. That’s how quickly — Removing neck and shoulder pain from you is like curing a hangnail for God. This is nothing. This is a source that creates world. This is a source that raises the dead. This is a source that can take from nothing and create a rose. Try that sometime. This is an amazing thing. That is what you are. Look inside yourself and realize the life that you call your life is this divine, invisible intelligence that you can’t touch, you can’t feel. It’s beyond your senses. Your senses are just puny, little nothings compared to that invisibleness that you are connected to that is called your life. Reconnect to it from a place of well‐being and feel it and then begin to retrain your subconscious mind to say, “I am free. I am pain‐free.” Beautiful. We’re going to go to caller number 52. This looks like it’s Shirley in Austin, Texas. Last four digits are 5582, and you’re on the air. Well, good evening. Hi, Shirley. This must be Shirley night. That’s two in a row. This is two in a row. Shirley you’re joking. Get rid of her. That’s it. Go on to the next one. Shirley number two, what can we do for you? Well, I just — gosh, I’m blown away. I’m wanting to feel more connected, I guess. Nowadays everyone is so busy and doing 20,000 things. We’ve got the Twitter and social media and all that, and it just seems like, to be able to really connect with people on a deeper level seems to be harder to come by. So I think there’s — I guess for me it’s like — that’s just something I really feel I need, and it seems to be harder to come by. I wanted to get your feedback on that. Yeah. Good question really. People ask me about my most important relationship in my life. It isn’t to anybody else. It isn’t to my beloved. It isn’t to my children. It isn’t to my work. It isn’t to — if you make your number one relationship and begin to practice this I Am presence, begin to be in a state of gratitude for who you are, for who you really, really are, this infinite being that you are — you’ve been in so many bodies. I’m 71. My body is 71 years old, and it’s been in so many different bodies just since I’ve shown up here this time around, back in 1940. And every time it’s in one of those bodies, I really think it’s real. When I was in a 20‐year‐old body, I was absolutely convinced that this is who I am, this body I’m in and whatever I’m experiencing. Then ten years go by, and you’re in a 30‐year‐old body, Jennifer McLean’s Healing With The Masters: Vol. 9 Guest: Wayne Dyer | Q&A Copyright 2012. All Rights Reserved. Page 10 of 29 April 19, 2012 Jennifer McLean | Healing With The Masters and you say, “Where’s that 20‐year‐old body?” Now at 71, I look back. I can’t find one cell of it. So who I am is — so every single day, begin to go into a state of gratitude for the I Am‐ness that you are. I’d say make your number one relationship in life not to your Twitter account, not to your iPad, not to your job, not to your family, not to any of that. Make your number one relationship your relationship to your source, to God, to whatever you want to call that invisible, divine and organizing intelligence from which all things originate, to which all things return. Be in a state of — Roomy [phonetic] said it better than anyone else. He said, “Sell your cleverness and purchase bewilderment.” Get into that state of awe. I’m sitting here right now, and I’m looking out this window where I am in Florida, visiting all my children. I’m looking at a bush that’s right out here, and then there’s a tree over to the left over there. There’s clouds that I’m looking at up in the sky, and, “Every single cubic‐inch of space,” said Walt Whitman, “Is a miracle.” Be in that state, and then the Twitters and the tweeters and the Facebooks and the social media and all of those things, they begin to take a backseat to your true consciousness. Your true consciousness is a state of divine, perfect, pure love. Be in a state of love for everything that you encounter. Sell your cleverness. Sell all of that intellectual stuff that you think is what is so important to you and all of those worries about your stuff and your accomplishments and your jobs and what people think of you and so on. Just be in a continuous state of love. You look at a miser. A miser is someone who loves his gold, and they collect as much gold — many of us are like that. We’re like misers. We love all of our stuff. We love our automobiles and our jewelry and our clothes and our stuff and all of these things. I’m not saying there’s anything wrong with any of these things, but the fact is that your stuff, your gold cannot give you any love. It’s just a metal. It’s just an object. Your car is just an inert thing. Your jewelry is just an inert thing that sits on your wrist or around your neck. The reason that you get such a good feeling about your gold or about your iPad or about any of the stuff in your life, the reason that you feel so loving toward it is because of the outpouring of love that you have for that gold or for that stuff that you have. That’s what makes you feel good. Now take that — instead of having to have that outpouring of love be directed at or focused on something out there, instead, let that outpouring of love go toward seeing the unfolding of God in everything and everyone that you encounter, every person that you encounter. The other day I was in Atlanta. I gave a talk in Atlanta the other day. There were about 15 of us, and we were walking to this restaurant to have a nice dinner after this long day. My friend Louise Hay was with us and my friend Reed Tracey and Cheryl Richardson, so many. We were all just walking, going to this restaurant, and on the corner, as we were waiting for a red light, to walk toward this restaurant, was a homeless man. This was more than a homeless man. This was a man that was crippled, and he was more than crippled. He was unable to speak, so he talked so that he could barely get a word out. He was all hunched over, and he was obviously very much disfigured in many ways. He was very dirty, and he smelled bad. His Jennifer McLean’s Healing With The Masters: Vol. 9 Guest: Wayne Dyer | Q&A Copyright 2012. All Rights Reserved. Page 11 of 29 April 19, 2012 Jennifer McLean | Healing With The Masters clothes had been — he was living on the streets, just sort of hobbling around out there, even unable to speak. Shirley: Wayne: I stopped, and all those people stopped at the light. Something called me to this man, and I walked over to this man. I reached into my pocket, and all I had in my pocket was a $20 bill. I took the $20 bill, and I just went over, and I put it in his hand. But it wasn’t the giving of money to him that I thought made him change in that moment, and his eyes changed. What happened is something inside of me said, “Put your arms around this man. He needs human contact. He doesn’t get any of that at all.” All day long people were shunning him. You could just tell that. This was an unclean person. I think of what Mother Teresa’s comment was when she said, “Every day I see Jesus Christ in all of His distressing disguises.” I reached out, and I put my arms around this man, and I hugged him. He put the $20 — with his twisted up hand, he reached down, and he managed to get it inside of his front pocket. As I walked back to the light, I was forced to turn back and look at him. He was looking right into my eyes, and he mumbled the words, “Th‐th‐th‐th‐th‐
thank you.” I could see a lightness in his eyes, and I thought of my guru, this teacher of mine, Swami Yukteswar, who was Paramahansa Yogananda’s teacher, who was born the same date that I was born, only he was born in 1855, 85 years to the day before I was born. I saw Swani Yukteswar’s face in this man, and I thought, “Nothing else matters.” It was almost as if he was directing me to reach out and understand love and contentment and peace, not as something that comes from anything else, but it’s in the outpouring of love. It was the outpouring of love that I felt for this man, who I probably will never see again, but when I looked at his face, with the beard on his face and his twisted‐up body, he had a smile inside of him, just saying, “Thank you.” I don’t think it was for the $20. I think it was for the extension of human love, where probably he hadn’t had any of that, perhaps, in years. That’s how we overcome our addiction to our Twitters and our tweets and so many of the other things. I know that’s a long answer, but that was a very profound experience for me. I understand really what you say, because it’s amazing. Where I live, on the street, there’s always people begging on the street. It’s amazing how I will stop, and I’ll have an apple or an orange. I will give them that, and it’s amazing how they light up. It’s not the apple or the orange. It’s the fact that, “I see you. I see you as another human being, and I’m just giving love and acknowledgement as a human being to a human being.” So many people drive by them as if they don’t even exist. They call them the invisibles. Yes, or they have a judgment about them, and they say they shouldn’t be there. What I say, you can’t give money to every single person who’s asking you for it if you’re in an area where there’s a lot of that, but you can always say a silent prayer. You can always say a silent prayer and a prayer of gratitude, not only for who you are and your own sense of well‐being but a gratitude that this is a reminder that it is — what Mother Teresa said, what all the great spiritual teachers said. I see. I see God. I see consciousness coming from that, and that outpouring of love, it’s everything that you love in your life. Everything that you love in your life, the reason that you love it has nothing to do with the thing. It’s the outpouring of love toward that thing. That’s what you want to keep your focus on. Once you have that — Jennifer McLean’s Healing With The Masters: Vol. 9 Guest: Wayne Dyer | Q&A Copyright 2012. All Rights Reserved. Page 12 of 29 April 19, 2012 Jennifer McLean | Healing With The Masters Jennifer: Shirley: Jennifer: Shirley: Wayne: Shirley: Jennifer: Wayne: People ask me, “What is divine love? How does it get defined?” On my last PBS special, I used a little poem from Hafiz. He said, “Even after all this time, the sun never says to the Earth, you owe me. Just think what a love like that can do. It lights up the whole world.” It lights up the whole world, that kind of love where I give wanting nothing in return. There was a film made about it many years ago, back in the ‘50s, called The Magnificent Obsession. It was like being obsessed with giving and having no recognition of it in return. That’s how God thinks. That’s what Einstein said when he was studying quantum physics. He said, “All of it is details. I just want to learn to think like God thinks.” That’s how God thinks, and every single person on this line with me right now, you are God, but you have forgotten it in the establishment of your ego, which is EGO. You’ve edged God out. Return to your source. Return to your source. Take the glass of water that you are and throw it back into the ocean and reconnect to it and live as God lives. If enough of us can do this — that’s why I did a film called The Shift. We can shift the entire consciousness of this planet with that kind of awareness. Goodness gracious. Thank you, Shirley, so much for eliciting that powerful response. For those of you who would like to talk to Dr. Wayne tonight, star 2 will raise your hand. I’m going to go to the forum here, but in the meantime, Shirley, would you pick a number from 1 to 60? Number 5. Thank you so much, Shirley. Much love to you. Yes, much love to you. Thank you, Shirley, for a wonderful call. God bless you. Thank you. So we’re going to go to caller number 5, but first we’re going to go online, again. We have an interesting question from Lisa Schwartz. Lisa said she’s playing with this notion of who am I. She’s read your book, and she heard the show last week. She said, “How do I embrace the feeling of deserving to have my wishes fulfilled? What does it feel like to be lean and healthy? What does it feel like to be wealthy and successful? How do I visualize my wishes fulfilled if I’ve never known what it feels like?” The interesting part of that question is to ask the question how does it feel to be worthy of it, to be worth it. You’re a creation of God. You came from an infinite universal source that has no form. Even quantum physics teaches us that particles themselves do not originate with particles. Jesus put it this way. He said, “It’s the spirit that gives life. The flesh counts for nothing.” So the spirit that brought you into this world of form is, just for lack of a better word for it — in the Tao Te Ching — I spent a whole year living the Tao. I wrote an entire book about each one of the 81 verses, and the opening line of the Tao Te Ching, which is a translation, which means the Book of Living the Virtue of the Great Way, says, “The Tao that can be named is not the Tao.” So as soon as you call it something, you’ve lost it, because the Tao is oneness, and the name for it is a symbol of it. So now you’ve got twoness. You’ve got the thing that it’s naming, and Jennifer McLean’s Healing With The Masters: Vol. 9 Guest: Wayne Dyer | Q&A Copyright 2012. All Rights Reserved. Page 13 of 29 April 19, 2012 Jennifer McLean | Healing With The Masters you’ve got the name. So you can’t even call this thing, but because we have to have something of a word, we call it God. So you came from that. You absolutely came from that. What does it feel like, you asked, to feel worthy. This is your blessing. This is your life. Jennifer: Wayne: The moment that you die, if they weigh your body — let’s say your body weighs 150 pounds, and they weigh your body. Then they declare you dead, and they weigh your body again. It still weighs the same as it did, alive or dead. So your life is weightless. You can’t weigh your life. The body is exactly the same, dead or alive, but your soul, your spirit — and all that wants to do is expand and to give and to serve. That’s our original nature, to give and to serve and to be in a state of gentleness and kindness and extending love towards others. That’s our original nature. That is perfect, divine love. That’s all you have to know. All the rest of this stuff is just details. It’s just details. You are deserving of all of the love because you already are God. God doesn’t need us. God does not need us to love God. God is already perfect, pure love. He’s not going around saying, “Please love me. Love me.” God just wants us to love each other, just to love each other, just to be God in that sense and to extend that kind of kindness and decency and love toward each other. Once we do that, we’ll have eliminated all of the violence and the hatred and the division and the things that separate us and moved into another state, another level of consciousness, which I believe we’re in the process of doing right now. I think I’m one of the people that’s been chosen to help bring that about. Thank you for hearing that voice, that calling and bringing this to us. I want to share, too, that — I couldn’t get it out last time, because I was weeping inconsolably with your beautiful, beautiful story of the man on the street. It’s modeling for us something incredibly important, to just be in that moment and see the divine in the eyes of another, no matter who they are, what they’re doing and how they’re responding to you. And not only to each other, to the planet as well. We’re just borrowing this planet from our children. The Native Americans always said that when we walk upon the Earth, we always plant our feet very carefully, because we know the faces of our future generations are looking up at us from beneath the ground, and we never forget them. I think we’ve forgotten them in many ways on our planet. We’ve forgotten them by raping the land and poisoning the atmosphere and creating so much pollution in our world. We need to have this kind of consciousness towards everything and everyone, and when you’re filled with that, when you have that love I just described as divine love, the love that Peter Deunov, the great Bulgarian spiritual master, spoke of — when you have that divine love that never changes and never varies, you have it towards everything and everyone. Before you know it — I’ve been boycotting simple little things like plastic water bottles. I just look at them. There are billions of them. There are plastic bags in the ocean the size of the state of Texas, a floating mess of plastic out there in the ocean, a thousand miles across out there because we just keep consuming these kinds of things and building all this plastic and filling it with water. It just seems so absurd to me. So I’ve just stopped with that and doing it from a different perspective. All of us can do these kinds of things. They may seem small, but when enough of us begin to make these kinds of shifts, suddenly we begin to realize that this planet doesn’t just belong to Jennifer McLean’s Healing With The Masters: Vol. 9 Guest: Wayne Dyer | Q&A Copyright 2012. All Rights Reserved. Page 14 of 29 April 19, 2012 Jennifer McLean | Healing With The Masters us and our children and their children and their children, but the children who are going to be here 10,000 years from now. What’s this planet going to look like if we just continue to behave in the ways that we are? We have to make the shift, because we’re all infinite beings, as Pierre Teilhard, the great theologian, who was excommunicated from the Catholic Church, once said. We’re not here as human beings having a spiritual experience. It’s the other way around. We’re all infinite spiritual beings having just a temporary human experience. Find your spirit. Find your spirit. Jennifer: Wayne: Jennifer: Linda: Jennifer: Wayne: Jennifer: Linda: Wayne: Linda: Wayne: Linda: Wayne: Jennifer: And bring consciousness in every moment. Yes, in every moment, to everything, to everyone. We’re going to go to caller number 5 now. It looks like we’re going to Shelburne, Ontario, Canada, and the last four digits are 2293. You’re on the air. Hi. It’s Linda. Hey, Linda. Oh, no, no. This is Shirley. We only take Shirleys. We only take Shirleys on this show. That’s not even my middle name, so I can’t even go there. Well, just lie to us. It’s okay. You’d know if I was lying, Wayne. I would. How are you, dear? I’m pretty good actually. The question I have, and the first caller kind of alluded to it, but my situation is with my father, who was diagnosed with liver cancer. He’s not coping well with it. He’s very bitter. Metaphysically, I totally understand, from that perspective, why the cancer found its way to that particular organ. He’s been very bitter and angry about the way a few things have played out in his life. He’s 78. He’s asking me why I feel this happened in this particular organ, and I’m really hesitant to talk about what I believe about it, because he’s not in this place. I’m just feeling there has to be a way, other than showing him love and — I do know Regi [phonetic]. I’ve got my Regi 3 and all of that. He’s just not into any of this, and for me to approach it from that perspective, I don’t think he’s open to it. Why not honor his feelings about it? If he wants to be bitter about it, instead of trying to get him to change, just ask him, “What do you think about it? What do you think this is about? Where does this cancer come from?” There’s a wonderful book that’s just come out. I’m encouraging you to have her on one of your programs, Jennifer. Her name is Anita Moorjani. She’s going to be on the series in the fall. Jennifer McLean’s Healing With The Masters: Vol. 9 Guest: Wayne Dyer | Q&A Copyright 2012. All Rights Reserved. Page 15 of 29 April 19, 2012 Jennifer McLean | Healing With The Masters Wayne: Linda: Wayne: Linda: Wayne: Oh, that’s so wonderful. The book is called Dying to Be Me, and if there’s any favor that you could do your father, find that book. You can download it, or you can just get it from most bookstores. You can certainly get it through Hay House. It’s out there. It’s been on The New York Times bestseller list. It’s just gone off. Ask your father to just read it, to read that, because the big thing is — almost every question here is about cancer. I’m sitting here, and I’ve been diagnosed with it myself. Anita looks at it from a very different perspective and what she experienced in her near‐death experience, in that cancer feeds on two things. It feeds on fear. It really feeds big time on fear and anger. It also feeds on sugar, which is something we need to really become aware of as well, but that’s a topic for another time. Instead of trying to get your father to agree with you or to feel better about it and so on — he probably knows. Deep within him, he knows what attracted this cancer into his life, but I don’t think of just your father or myself or anybody else who’s been diagnosed with this cancer. I think about what cancer itself is a symbol of and how much of it there is in our world. There are more people making a living off of cancer than have cancer. It becomes larger and larger and larger, and when we get back to a state of pure, unconditional love, the kind of love that this show seems to have revolved around, this concept of being in a space of divine love, I think we’re going to see the amount of people attracting this cancer moving away. I think we’re also going to see people who do have it beginning to shift it, because Anita was a person who had stage 4 lymphoma throughout her entire body and was ready to give her last breath. No one who’s ever been at that end‐stage of cancer has ever returned to talk about it, and she is completely cancer‐free today. It all came from going within and finding a place of unconditional love and realizing the only thing we have to do is to come back, is to treasure our magnificence. That’s her message, to treasure the magnificence that we are. We don’t have to please anyone. We don’t have to be angry at anyone. We don’t have to be right. We don’t have to win. We just have to be ourselves, the divine beings that we are. If your father can get that message, if he is going to leave — and she said, from that stage where she was, when she was really in a coma, watching them, all of this stuff take place in her life, getting back into her body was the hardest decision that she ever had to make, because she was in a place of pure divine love with no body to have cancer in the first place. Uh‐huh. I’ve heard you mention this. He’s actually not much of a book reader, but what I’m sensing is maybe I need to get the book for me. Yes, and it’s also on tape. I wrote the forward to this book. Maybe he can listen to it if he doesn’t want to read it, but you know what? Even if he’s not, if this is being recorded, just ask him to listen to this and ask him — what is his name? What is his first name? Don. Don, if you will just do one favor for me, just one favor, this whole call, this entire hour that we’ve spent here was directed toward you. Just do me one favor. I know you’re not much of a reader. Just read this book with an open mind. Have a mind that’s open to reading it and attached to nothing. Just let yourself have that experience. So you’ve got it on tape. Well, it’s no longer on tape. I’m dating myself, but it’s recorded. Jennifer McLean’s Healing With The Masters: Vol. 9 Guest: Wayne Dyer | Q&A Copyright 2012. All Rights Reserved. Page 16 of 29 April 19, 2012 Jennifer McLean | Healing With The Masters Jennifer: Wayne: Linda: Jennifer: Wayne: Jennifer: Wayne: Jennifer: Wayne: Jennifer: Linda: Jennifer: Linda: Jennifer: Linda: Jennifer: Karen: Jennifer: Karen: Wayne: Karen: Wayne: Karen: Jennifer: Yes. This is recorded, and it’ll be available for a little while, so get this to Don. Okay? Dying to Be Me, it’s called. Thank you so much. Thank you. Thank you, Linda. Thanks for a wonderful call. Do we have time for one more, Dr. Wayne? I have time. I’ve got an infinite amount of time. Excellent. It was Linda, I believe, wasn’t it? Right. Linda, would you pick a number, please, from 1 to 64? 47. Awesome. Thank you so much. You’re welcome. Much love. Bye‐bye. Okay, caller number 47, and that is Toronto, Ontario. It’s now Canada week. We went from Shirleys to Canada. So the last digits are 6470, and you’re on the air. Is that me? It is you. Oh, my gosh. Hi. I’m in exquisite bliss at this moment. Well, great. You got the last call, and it better be good, or you’re going to be punished. Jennifer — what a gift she is to the universe by just being who she is. Thank you. Jennifer McLean’s Healing With The Masters: Vol. 9 Guest: Wayne Dyer | Q&A Copyright 2012. All Rights Reserved. Page 17 of 29 April 19, 2012 Jennifer McLean | Healing With The Masters Karen: Wayne: Jennifer: Karen: Jennifer: Karen: Jennifer: Karen: Wayne: Karen: Wayne: But I get to sit at the feet of the source of so much joy and synchronicity and guidance and love for me. I cannot begin to tell you, Dr. Dyer, how you have rocked my life, and you did it again. Thank you for that. Who are we speaking with? My name is Karen. I’m sorry. No worries, Karen. Lovely. Thank you. Or bliss on wheels, which is probably going to be my name for the next 48 hours at least. Fantastic. There is a question. What is that? Now that you’ve brought me to Neville, after my mother was for me what your father was for you with her presence and years of emotional abuse and voting me out of the human race because I experienced a couple of disabilities. My family, out of love for her, perpetuate her beliefs even now. My father transitioned almost a year ago in May, and he was, for me, the unconditional love, regardless of conditions, personifying that dying connection that you’re talking about tonight. What I learned from Jennifer just this week, our desire is to reconnect physically, or to transfer life, is how God wants to experience things through us. So I know that my wanting to change what I have chosen in my disabilities experience is God’s guidance to me to do that. However, there is a question. When you are faced with that, which we want to not distract us from our state of wish fulfilled, when you want to stay in that place that you’re talking about, but what we’re dealing with is really pervasive, I don’t remember what it’s like to hear silence, because of the way my ears work. My vision hasn’t worked physically for many, many years. It’s kind of hard to ignore if you know what I’m saying. Now, don’t get me wrong. My imagination is to die for, but how do you ignore or not be distracted by that which is so obvious? When you ask me that question, for me, it’s like I wonder why you would let yourself be distracted, because I’m so connected to what is so obvious for me, which is the state of bliss, that you’ve used the word several times. That state of peace, that state of joy, that internal, which is the silence that I experience every time I meditate, every time I get quiet, every time I make conscious contact with God, every time I have an encounter like this for the past hour, I just wonder why do people allow themselves to be so distracted. Driving from Boca Raton to Miami today, I was just shocked at how much in a hurry everyone is. I live on an island. I live on Maui, and it’s so much quieter and so much slower. Nobody is in a rush, and if things take a little longer, they just take a little longer. To me, the Jennifer McLean’s Healing With The Masters: Vol. 9 Guest: Wayne Dyer | Q&A Copyright 2012. All Rights Reserved. Page 18 of 29 April 19, 2012 Jennifer McLean | Healing With The Masters disturbances that are bothering so many other people are so trivial to me when I think about the power of just making an impact in one person’s life, let alone talking to thousands of people like we’re doing tonight. There are so many opportunities to just reach out and impact someone else. Every time I reach out and send love to someone, especially someone who’s acting in ways that are the opposite of that, especially someone who’s acting in sort of a crass way or an unhealthy way, a waiter or waitress, someone working in the hotel who’s a little bit short with you and so on, reaching out, extending to them, asking their name, giving them $20, whatever it might be, these are just such powerful things that all the rest of the stuff that occupies our lives — it really just trivializes our lives and doesn’t really recognize the incredibly great power that rests in just being able to send divine love every place that you go. Karen: Wayne: Karen: Wayne: Karen: Jennifer: Karen: Jennifer: Karen: Wayne: Jennifer: Wayne: Jennifer: Wayne: That’s an amazing answer because it is a choice. Yes, it is, and when you become conscious of it, what you’re doing is reprogramming your subconscious mind to be in a state of love. Once you’re in that state of love, that’s when saying the words, “I am God,” meaning I am love, is — you’ll then know the healing. You’ll know the abundance. You’ll know the prosperity. You’ll know the kindness. You’ll see it happening in every encounter that you have. But my mind is so stubborn, Dr. Dyer. It won’t listen to me. Just observe it and stop being connected to it. Just become the observer to it. Just watch it. Just watch those thoughts come and go. Just step outside of it and just watch it, and after a while, you’ll no longer identify it as who you are. Who you are is infinite and always expanding. Don’t think of it as your mind or your body. That’s just the condition you’re in. That’s what I’ve been waiting for. I love that. Yeah. Thank you so much, Karen. Thank you, Jennifer. That was beautiful. Much love to you. Thank you, Dr. Dyer. You’re so welcome. Thank you. God bless you. It comes back to bringing consciousness to everything. Yes. Notice everything. Pay attention, notice, honor. Honor everything. Yeah. Mary Oliver, the great poet who lives out in Cape Cod, she said there are three things to do if you really want to understand a life lived. She said, number one, pay attention. Just pay attention. She said, number two, be astonished, and three, share it with others. That’s all you Jennifer McLean’s Healing With The Masters: Vol. 9 Guest: Wayne Dyer | Q&A Copyright 2012. All Rights Reserved. Page 19 of 29 April 19, 2012 Jennifer McLean | Healing With The Masters have to do. Pay attention, be astonished, share it with others. That’s it. That’s the simple lesson. Leave it to the poet to say it so succinctly. Jennifer: Wayne: Jennifer: Wayne: Jennifer: Wayne: Jennifer: Guess what our phrase that pays is tonight. What? Pay attention, be astonished and share it with others. There you go. So the phrase that pays for tonight’s call is pay attention, be astonished, share it with others. Go to: healingwiththemasters.com/contest To enter the phrase that pays, and you can win the special package that Wayne is offering tonight. I’m just going to remind everyone about the special package. We had someone on the pre‐call, I believe, talk about what an incredible offer it was and what an incredible deal it is. This is the package that was offered on Dr. Wayne’s PBS special just a couple of weeks ago at more than double the price. It’s a powerful program. If you guys are feeling — I talked about this last week. There’s a very high frequency of energy that has been moving me for this show and the previous show, and as I’m starting now to listen to the package, that I got a sneak preview on, there’s a vibrational frequency that is moving me as I’m listening. It’s like Dr. Wayne was saying. When he is practicing this place of love, and when you are in the presence of that, even on audio, you feel it. It changes you. So if you’re ready to be changed by this beautiful man — I’m going to get emotional again. I apologize. If you are ready to be changed, then this offer is for you. If you are ready to move into that place of I am this perfect love, if you are ready to be steadfast in that, if you are ready to immerse yourself in this beautiful content, this is the offer. The first one is The Wish Is Fulfilled. It’s the audio book. It is the audio version of the book that you can listen to, and again, you get to hear his voice, which I believe has energy. I love this second one. It is I Am Fulfilled, which is meditation. This is the meditation music that Dr. Wayne Dyer personally uses every day for his meditations. It is the name of God. It is I Am. It is the vibration of I Am. Dr. Dyer discovered it reading James Twyman’s book, The Moses Code. It was created by Jonathan — was it Jonathan Goldman? Yes. Yes. So it’s a powerful, powerful high‐vibrating frequency that Dr. Wayne uses every day. That’s the second item. The third item is the Secrets of Manifesting. This is a workshop that Dr. Dyer did. It’s a live seminar recording. You can be a fly on the wall to hear a weekend of this beautiful information really set forth. He brings the pages to life in a very powerful way through this six‐audio set. Jennifer McLean’s Healing With The Masters: Vol. 9 Guest: Wayne Dyer | Q&A Copyright 2012. All Rights Reserved. Page 20 of 29 April 19, 2012 Jennifer McLean | Healing With The Masters Wayne: Jennifer: Wayne: Jennifer: Wayne: Jennifer: Then there’s the Secrets of Manifesting. This is the most amazing product. This is the spiritual journey to Assisi, Lourdes and Medjugorje. That’s a four‐DVD set. For these different places, there was a two‐hour program, and it was a powerful experience for everyone. So if you didn’t get a chance to travel the world or don’t think you’re going to go to these sacred spaces, even if you have gone to them, experience it directly with Dr. Wayne Dyer. In the middle of his book, there’s pictures of orbs. They’re sacred. From my perspective, they felt like sacred energies and entities that were there guiding everyone, and that energy is available on these powerful DVDs. Then there’s the Tales of Everyday Magic. This is a beautiful story of Dr. Wayne’s greatest teacher as he explored. It’s a movie, and it’s a movie about exploring forgiveness. The story is based on Dr. Wayne’s life and his exploration with his own father. That’s the basis of it, is it not? Yes, it is. Yes, it is. It was the greatest teacher I had when I was able to forgive my father, who was already dead. It tells that story, sort of in an updated version. It’s a beautiful, beautiful DVD. All of these are packaged together for this one beautiful, powerful price and is yours for the taking. That’s at: specials.healingwiththemasters.com/wayne For those of you who are wondering, yes, we have extended the offer based on tonight’s powerful call. We thought you might want a chance to get this again. So we have opened it back up again. It is available, again, for you to take advantage of at: specials.healingwiththemasters.com/wayne Thank you, Dr. Wayne Dyer for spending so much time with us, with my special community. I call them mine even though I know they’re not mine. I just adore them as these beautiful beings of light that bless my life so profoundly, and thank you for sharing your wisdom, your knowledge, your heart, your love, your energy with us in these two really remarkable shows. You’re very welcome. I enjoyed doing it very much. It was great. Thank you, thank you, and thanks everyone so much for being part of today’s show. It seems we always come to these calls as individuals, and in the end, we wind up a united community once again and united in our intention. There is a wave of love that I’m feeling on this show that is so powerful. I do believe we’ve made a little shift in our planet here tonight together. We make the difference. We matter. You all matter. I love you all so very much, and until the next time, good night, everyone. Good night, Dr. Wayne. Good night, dear. God bless you. Bye now. [End of Discussion] Jennifer McLean’s Healing With The Masters: Vol. 9 Guest: Wayne Dyer | Q&A Copyright 2012. All Rights Reserved. Page 21 of 29 April 19, 2012 Jennifer McLean | Healing With The Masters Host Volume 9 | March 6, 2012 – June 7, 2012 McLeanMasterWorks.com HealingWithTheMasters.com MasterWorksHealing.com BigBookOfYouBlog.com Jennifer McLean Wayne Dyer | Featured Guest | April 19, 2012 Internationally Renowned Self‐Development Author and Speaker DrWayneDyer.com Wayne W. Dyer, PhD, is an internationally renowned author and speaker in the field of self‐development. He’s the author of over 30 books, has created many audio programs and videos, and has appeared on thousands of television and radio shows. His books Manifest Your Destiny, Wisdom of the Ages, There’s a Spiritual Solution to Every Problem, and The New York Times bestsellers 10 Secrets for Success and Inner Peace, The Power of Intention, Inspiration, Change Your Thoughts—
Change Your Life, Excuses Begone, and now Wishes Fulfilled have all been featured as National Public Television specials. Dyer holds a Doctorate in Educational Counseling from Wayne State University and was an associate professor at St. John’s University in New York. Dr. Wayne Dyer is affectionately called the “father of motivation” by his fans. Despite his childhood spent in orphanages and foster homes, Dr. Dyer has overcome many obstacles to make his dreams come true. Today he spends much of his time showing others how to do the same. When he’s not traveling the globe delivering his uplifting message, Wayne is writing from his home in Maui. Jennifer McLean’s Healing With The Masters: Vol. 9 Guest: Wayne Dyer | Q&A Copyright 2012. All Rights Reserved. Page 22 of 29 April 19, 2012 Jennifer McLean | Healing With The Masters Host Volume 9 | March 6, 2012 – June 9, 2012 McLeanMasterWorks.com HealingWithTheMasters.com MasterWorksHealing.com BigBookOfYouBlog.com Jennifer McLean Guest Speakers | Further Information March 6, 2012 Chris Cade March 8, 2012 Marisa Russo March 13, 2012 Colin Tipping March 15, 2012 Jennifer McLean March 20, 2012 Donna Eden Martial Arts Champion Spiritual Healer and Teacher ChrisCade.com Renowned Teacher Author, Speaker and Healer MarisaRusso.com Internationally Known Speaker Radical Forgiveness Healer RadicalForgiveness.com Internationally Acclaimed Entrepreneur Author and Creator of The Body Dialog System of Healing McLeanMasterWorks.com One Of The World’s Most Joyous and Authoritative Spokespersons for Energy Medicine InnerSource.net Jennifer McLean’s Healing With The Masters: Vol. 9 Guest: Wayne Dyer | Q&A Copyright 2012. All Rights Reserved. Page 23 of 29 April 19, 2012 Jennifer McLean | Healing With The Masters Healing With the Masters: Volume 9 | Guest Speakers | Further Information (cont’d) March 22, 2012 Jo Dunning March 27, 2012 Sonia Choquette March 29, 2012 Noah St. John April 3, 2012 Susann Taylor Shier April 4, 2012 Jon Griffin "The Miracle Worker" World Renowned Spiritual Teacher Author and Master of Energy JoDunning.com International Bestselling Hay House Author Spiritual Teacher Distinguished Intuitive Advisor SoniaChoquette.com “The Accelerated Results Guy” Bestselling Author Inventor of Afformations® NoahStJohn.com Dynamic and Gifted Author Teacher Intuitive Counselor SoulMastery.net Awakening the soul through music. How has sound transformed you? JonGriffin.com Jennifer McLean’s Healing With The Masters: Vol. 9 Guest: Wayne Dyer | Q&A Copyright 2012. All Rights Reserved. Page 24 of 29 April 19, 2012 Jennifer McLean | Healing With The Masters Healing With the Masters: Volume 9 | Guest Speakers | Further Information (cont’d) April 5, 2012 Gregg Braden April 10, 2012 New York Times Bestselling Author Scientific‐Spiritualty Pioneer GreggBraden.com Internationally Renowned Self‐Development Author and Speaker DrWayneDyer.com Wayne Dyer April 12, 2012 Mark Romero April 17, 2012 David Neagle April 19, 2012 Artist Sound Vibration Healer Personal‐Development Coach MarkRomeroMusic.com World‐Class Speaker Leading Authority on Personal Mastery DavidNeagle.com Internationally Renowned Self‐Development Author and Speaker DrWayneDyer.com Wayne Dyer Live Q&A Jennifer McLean’s Healing With The Masters: Vol. 9 Guest: Wayne Dyer | Q&A Copyright 2012. All Rights Reserved. Page 25 of 29 April 19, 2012 Jennifer McLean | Healing With The Masters Healing With the Masters: Volume 9 | Guest Speakers | Further Information (cont’d) April 24, 2012 World Renowned Author and Speaker Drunvalo.net Drunvalo Melchizedek April 25, 2012 Healing Coach For People From All Backgrounds LifeCoachMary.com Mary Allen April 26, 2012 Isha Judd May 1, 2012 Rikka Zimmerman May 3, 2012 Sarah McLean International Speaker Ambassador for Peace IshaJudd.com Spreading the seeds of Consciousness around the world. “Life comes to me with ease, joy and glory!” RikkaZimmerman.com Hay House Author, Teacher, and The New Face of Mainstream Meditation SedonaMeditation.com Jennifer McLean’s Healing With The Masters: Vol. 9 Guest: Wayne Dyer | Q&A Copyright 2012. All Rights Reserved. Page 26 of 29 April 19, 2012 Jennifer McLean | Healing With The Masters Healing With the Masters: Volume 9 | Guest Speakers | Further Information (cont’d) May 8, 2012 Denise Linn May 9, 2012 Elizabeth Jones May 10, 2012 Panache Desai May 15, 2012 Carol Look May 17, 2012 Jim Kwik Internationally Respected Healer, Writer and Teacher DeniseLinn.com Astrologer Extraordinaire Gifted Intuitive ‐ Revealing the Nature of Powerful 2012 Transitions AstrologyofLight.com Inspirational Visionary Contemporary Spiritual Master PanacheDesai.com Internationally Known Author Energy Practitioner Success and Abundance Coach AttractingAbundance.com Expert on speed‐reading, memory improvement, and accelerated learning for over 18 years. JimKwik.com Jennifer McLean’s Healing With The Masters: Vol. 9 Guest: Wayne Dyer | Q&A Copyright 2012. All Rights Reserved. Page 27 of 29 April 19, 2012 Jennifer McLean | Healing With The Masters Healing With the Masters: Volume 9 | Guest Speakers | Further Information (cont’d) May 22, 2012 Neale Donald Walsch May 23, 2012 Emmanuel Dagher May 24, 2012 Laurie Reyon May 29, 2012 Mary A. Hall May 31, 2012 William Linville Internationally Recognized Spiritual Messenger Best Selling Author of the Conversations With God book series NealeDonaldWalsch.com Human Transformation Specialist Holistic Health Practitioner and Teacher MagnifiedManifesting.com Internationally Known Interspecies Communicator and Soul Healer LaurieReyon.com Recognized & Profound Healer Popular Abundance Coach Author and Speaker MaryAHall.com Instrument of the Universal and Creator Consciousness – Here to Assist You WilliamLinville.com Jennifer McLean’s Healing With The Masters: Vol. 9 Guest: Wayne Dyer | Q&A Copyright 2012. All Rights Reserved. Page 28 of 29 April 19, 2012 Jennifer McLean | Healing With The Masters Healing With the Masters: Volume 9 | Guest Speakers | Further Information (cont’d) June 5, 2012 Author Intuitive Life Coach Transformation Expert LoveorAbove.com Christie Marie Sheldon June 7, 2012 Author of Evolve Your Brain Featured International Speaker Scientist DrJoeDispenza.com Dr. Joe Dispenza Conversation Transcription Specialists Electronic Publishing | Broadcast & Mass Media | Marketing Research Business Communications | Closed Captioning PremierTranscription.com [email protected] Jennifer McLean’s Healing With The Masters: Vol. 9 Guest: Wayne Dyer | Q&A Copyright 2012. All Rights Reserved. Page 29 of 29 April 19, 2012 Jennifer McLean | Healing With The Masters