encourager - Graefenburg Baptist church


encourager - Graefenburg Baptist church
May 2015| Monthly Newsletter of Graefenburg Baptist Church
On The Road To Transformation
From Pastor Philip
Who We Are:
We glorify God alone
by transforming lives in Jesus
in order to love more and serve more.
Sunday School
June Academy
One-2-One Bible
Women of Joy Event
Friday Night Softball
New Faces Dinner
Creation Museum
VBS 2015
Children’s Ministry
Homebound Visits
Worship Set Up
Parking Lot Ministry
Send Conference
Sojourn Church
Adopting Unreached
Tell Your Story
Continued on page 2
Continued from page 1
Have you recently looked over the
Strategy for Graefenburg Baptist
Church? We want to help you be
GATHERING as the church,
GROWING as a disciple, SERVING
one another, and GOING to tell the
world about Jesus. Most of us are
stronger in one area and weaker in
another. This newsletter, and the
upcoming summer activities, are
filled with opportunities for you to
engage in all four of those
discipleship areas.
Want to connect closer with our GBC
family and community? Then come
out to a softball game, attend our
“Guest Who’s At Dinner” event, go
to the Creation Museum with us, and
plug into a small group.
Ready to grow deeper in your
relationship with Christ? Then pick
up an IDP at the Guest Welcome
Center and get involved with
Wednesday nights, as well as one-2one discipleship.
Do you need to serve the church? We
have openings in our children’s
ministry, VBS, parking lot ministry,
homebound ministry, worship set up,
and many more.
Ready to get out of your comfort
zone? Then sign up to go on mission
with us to St. Louis this summer and
to the SEND Conference in
Nashville, TN where we will be
challenged to live on mission.
You can learn about all those things
right in this newsletter. The question
is...will you join in?
Pastor Philip
Stay Tuned...
From Pastor Jay
The Marriage of Text and Tune
This month we begin to consider
the synergy of text and tune.
Drs. Eskew and McElrath, in their
seminal textbook
Understanding: An Introduction to
Christian Hymnody, say “For a
happy marriage of hymn text and
tune, they must be compatible in
association” (p. 47, Church Street
Press, 1995). That is to say text and
tune must share the same meter
(i.e., Short, Common, Long, etc)
and the same accent (i.e., iambic or
trochaic, etc.). It also means that the
general mood of majestic and
triumphant text of “All hail the
Power of Jesus’ Name” is not
suitable for the solemn and
reflective mood of the tune NEW
BRITIAN (to which we sing
“Amazing Grace”). Finally, some
texts and tunes are so closely tied to
one another it would be difficult to
pair them with another. For me,
such associations include VILLE
DU HAVRE with “It Is Well” and
O STORE GUD with “How Great
Thou Art.” However, the practice
of interchanging texts and tunes has
a long tradition in Christian
hymnody. I offer three examples.
“When I Survey the Wondrous
“All Hail the Power of Jesus’
Name” has two tunes DIADEM and
CORONATION. We sing “Away
in a Manger” to two tunes:
Until next month, let’s sing with
Holy Week Review
I’ve said before but it bears
repeating. Christmas is physically
draining and Easter is emotionally
draining. Christmas is fun! It’s the
celebration of the birth of our
Savior. We shop, wrap, give,
exchange, cook, carol and worship.
Easter is equally a celebration! But
first we have to get through the
solemn season of Lent. We pray,
repent, deny ourselves, remember
and grieve.
Worship music is important to both
Christmas and Easter. As for the
musical offering for Easter, I want
to acknowledge Sanctuary Choir’s
great job of singing at the
Community Maundy Thursday. In
addition, the combined choir and
instrumental ensemble provided
vocal and choral accompaniment
that was somber and beautiful and
complemented the service.
Speaking of the instrumental
ensemble, wasn’t it awesome! Isn’t
it amazing what a few instruments
can do? In addition to Diana
Woodside, piano, Karen Harrod,
organist, Hailey Wood, viola, and
Lisa Bowman and Bettina Riley,
flute, we were happy to welcome
Joy Bolton, clarinet, and Mary
McGillen, violin to GBC for our
Good Friday service. I am thankful
to all for sharing their talents with
New Grace Notes Musical
I’m working on a new musical
tentatively entitled, “When Hard
Times Come.” It will focus on our
hope and comfort in Christ in life’s
uncertain days. Stay tuned…
Dr. Jay
Mother’s Day
No evening services
5/1 vs. Choateville @ Legends field 8:00 pm
5/8 vs CC Christian @ Williams 8:00 pm
5/15 vs Memorial @ Legends 8:00 pm
5/22 vs Highland @ Williams 7:00 & 8:00 pm
5/29 vs Forks of Elkhorn @ Williams 8:00 pm
6/5 vs Choateville @ Legends 8:00 pm
6/12 vs CC Christian @ Williams 8:00 pm
6/19 vs Memorial @ Williams 7:00 pm
Enjoy the evening with family!
Student Ministry
The Personnel Committee is excited to welcome Philip and Andi Coleman to Graefenburg Baptist Church.
Philip was called to serve as Student Pastor in a special business meeting April 26, 2015. Please join us as we
pray for our students and Philip and Andi as they begin their ministry. We are so grateful for Peggy Murphy
and Todd Jennings who have given their time to lead our students during this interim period since Drew's
resignation last August. We are also thankful for the other volunteers who have helped in student ministry in
so many ways during Drew's tenure as well as the interim period.
Thanks to those who came out to the "get acquainted" gathering on Saturday. A special thanks to Lydia
Roberts, Linda Robinson, and Kathy Roberts for bringing salad and to Jadey for entertaining the children
during the adult and student question and answer period.
News from our Child Care Department
A special "thank you" to Lisa Bowman who has been serving as interim Child Care Coordinator. Brittany
Charlton is assuming this position. We are thankful for Brittany's love for children and her experience in this
field. The transition is in process. We are actively seeking volunteers willing to help in Child Care. We are so
thankful for our growing children's department. What a wonderful opportunity to serve in this ministry. Kim
Johnson has served as a paid child care worker for many years. We are thankful for Kim.
Personnel Committee: Chris England, Teresa Perry, Robin Roberts, Joyce Jennings
Contact Pastor Phil
[email protected]
@Philip_Coleman (Twitter)
Journey Off the Map
July 5-9
Take the journey! This summer, GBC takes your
kids to uncharted territory where they will begin to
understand that obedience to God can lead them
beyond the expected. So, toss the map, stick close
to your guide, and prepare to listen for God’s
direction that is unknown to us, but known by Him.
VBS Motto: This is the way. Walk in it.
VBS Scripture: And whenever you turn to the right
or to the left, your ears will hear this command
behind you: “This is the way. Walk in it.”
- Isaiah 30:21, HCSB
“You will be my witnesses in Jerusalem, in all Judea and Samaria, and to the end of the earth.” Acts 1:8
Bring your aluminum cans in and deposit them in
the receptacle (currently located in the old kitchen)
for recycling. The proceeds go into the “mission
trips” fund. In 2014 $157 was collected.
Our Community
Banquet of Hope
The 2nd Annual Banquet of Hope benefiting the
Open Door of Hope (men's homeless shelter in
Shelbyville) will be Thursday, May 14, at 7 p.m.
Tickets are $25. A speaker from the Healing Place
Recovery Center in Louisville will be sharing, the
past year will be reviewed and sharing about the
future of Open Door of Hope. If you would like to
attend and be a part of a GBC table, please contact
Susan Bryant by Wednesday, May 6.
Soup Kitchen Service
We need volunteers for the Frankfort Soup Kitchen
for Monday, May 11 and June 8. Please sign up on
the sheet located on the table entering the MAC.
North America
WMU Celebration
The Annual Shelby Baptist Association WMU
Celebration will be Thursday, May 21, at Highland
Baptist Church. Dinner will be at 6:30 followed by
the guest speaker, a representative from Sunrise
Children's Services. Because many of the children
who come into the care of Sunrise normally come
with their belongings in a garbage bag, we want to
shower them with small suitcases and duffle bags.
The cost is $15 for the dinner (payable to the Shelby
Baptist Association). Please let Susan Bryant know
by Sunday, May 10, if you would like to participate.
Both men and women are encouraged to attend.
Mile of Pennies
May 31 is the next collection date for the Mile of
Pennies Campaign for Sunshine Children’s Home.
Last 5th Sunday, $80.00 was collected.
Send Conference
We are looking to take 25 people to the Send North
America Conference in Nashville, TN on August 34. If we can get 25 folks to attend, the cost is only
$65. Please speak with Pastor Philip if you would
like to attend.
CompassionNet App for Unreached People
Ends of the Earth
With the IMB’s CompassionNet app, you will be just
a tap away from knowing how best to pray for
unreached people groups.
IMB Missionary Appointment Service
We will celebrate the power of God at work by
attending an International Missionary Appointment
Service on Wednesday, May 13 at 6:30 pm at the
Highview Baptist Church in Louisville, KY. IMB
President David Platt will be speaking. You can either
meet us at Highview Baptist or ride with us down to
Louisville. We will be leaving the church at 5:00 pm.
For more information, please see Susan Bryant.
Unreached People Group
Please pray for your Acts 1:8 Team as they will soon
be leading the church through a process of embracing
and adopting an unreached people group. Christ’s
command is for the gospel to be spoken to every
people group in the world, and there are still
thousands who have never been engaged for the cause
of Christ. We want GBC to be actively involved in
this process, coming alongside a missionary who is
working towards making contact with an UPG.
Download it today and know that your prayers are
strategic in nature and considered high priority
by field missionaries.
Your Acts 1:8 Team are: Glen Alexander, Susan
Bryant, Bonnie Gibbs, Robin Hill, Tabitha Lipps,
and Jacob Roberts
Timely priority prayer requests
Inspiring video clips
Missionary blog excerpts
mp3 prayer guides
Download the app at http://imbresources.org/
From Our Library
Marriage and the Gospel
Check out our window display for these resources and more supporting the current the current Sunday morning sermon
Are you and your spouse struggling to keep your marriage alive? You'll welcome Pastor Keller's wise
insights about love and commitment. Drawing from his sermons, he and his wife frankly discuss
difficulties couples experience and show how God's Word can provide a blueprint for a healthy, loving
lifelong relationship. This book is highly recommended by Pastor Philip.
Dr. Emerson Eggerichs' book, Love & Respect: The Love She Most Desires, the Respect He
Desperately Needs, is based on the biblical passage from Ephesians 5:33 (But every husband must love
his wife as he loves himself, and wives should respect their husbands - GODS WORD® translation).
His premise is that communication between a husband and wife is often frustrated because of the vastly
different ways in which men and women perceive love. Women are wired to need unconditional love
and men need to feel unconditionally respected. Revitalize the love in your marriage!
Internationally known speaker, pastor, teacher, and author calls engaged and married couples to a grace
-based lifestyle of daily reconciliation, marked by six practical commitments. Discover how to grow a
thriving, grace-based marriage in all circumstances and seasons of your relationship.
Summer, winter, spring, fall - which season of marriage are you in? Looking at relationships in terms
of passages of the heart, Chapman guides couples through the joys, struggles, and changes that can
come at any point during their lifelong journey. His fresh insights will help you and your spouse
deepen your love and strengthen your communication.
Business Meeting
Wednesday, May 20
Crusade for Children at GBC
Members of the East 60 Volunteer
Fire Department will be at each door
following the 10:30 Worship Service
on Sunday, June 7 to collect for the
Crusade for Children. Everyone is
encouraged to come prepared to give
and to give generously in order to help the children of
Kentucky and Southern Indiana. This is the only
charity where all monies collected are given to help
children. Due to the many volunteers, all expenses
come from interest earned during the year. Thanks!
Church Office Closed
Monday, May 25
GBC Children’s Choirs present
Wednesday, May 20
Down by the Creek Bank
Please get all articles in by this date so
the newsletter can be finished on time.
Sunday, May 3 at 6:00 pm
We Get Mail
On Tuesday, April 14 the Good Timers enjoyed a
tour of the Georgetown Toyota Plant. There were 20
Good Timers making the trip. We learned many
things about the makings of a Toyota vehicle. They
are building more onto the plant and in the near future
will be making the Lexus in Georgetown.
After the tour we ate at Golden Corral and as always we were over full on the trip back to Graefenburg. While we were there we saw some sights that
we would rather have not seen. We need to once again
thank Louis and Janet Hammonds for getting us to
Georgetown and back to Graefenburg safely.
Our next trip will be on Wednesday May 13th to
White Hall Historic Site in Richmond, Ky. Nestled in
rolling farmland, the home was built in the late
1700’s, with a major addition constructed in the
1860’s. The mansion, built in Georgian and Italianate
styles, boasts nearly ten thousand square feet with
modern innovations of the time such as central heating and indoor plumbing. We will leave GBC at 9:30
am. The cost will be $4.00 per person and we will
stop at Halls on the River for lunch, so be sure to have
money for that. Hope to see you there.
I apologize for this being so late. I want to thank
my GBC family for your visits to the funeral home
when Phil passed away, your cards, phone calls and
your wonderfully comforting words then and still
now. Thank you to the Joy class for sponsoring a meal
for our family and friends. A special thanks to those
who were there to love me through that last day of
Phil's life, Bro. Philip, Bro. Jay, Doug Smith, Judy
Dawson, Judy New and Regina Morgan. I do not
know what I would do without my GBC family to
help and love me through the valleys of life. I love
and appreciate each of you more than I can say.
In Christ, Kathy Bland
Our Homebound members and the ones in Nursing
Homes would like to say a special thanks to the
church for the fruit baskets they received for Easter.
Darlene Smith
Earn Kroger Community Rewards for GBC
Kroger Plus Card holders can
enroll their card online at
rewards. Once you have
successfully enrolled, GBC
will earn rewards on all
eligible purchases you make using your Kroger Plus
6:00 pm - Children’s Musical, “Down By The Creek
6:30 pm - Deacons’ Meeting
6:30 pm - Academy Classes
10:00 am - Grace Notes Rehearsal
Mother’s Day - No Evening Service
9:30 am - Soup Kitchen
9:30 am—Good Timers leave for White Hall State
Historic Site at Richmond
10:00 am - Grace Notes Rehearsal
6:30 pm - Business Meeting
10:00 am Grace Notes Rehearsal
No Evening Services
Memorial Day—Office Closed
6:30 pm - Academy Classes
10:00 am - Grace Notes Rehearsal
Chris & Ginger Barton
Richard & Linda Thomas
Doug & Kathy Satterley, Glen & Dora Alexander
Lindsay & Elaine Sibert
Darryl & Janice Devers, Terry & Linda Renfrow
Caleb & Terra Young
Ushers & Greeters
Jim & Nancy McIver, Chris England, Lindsay
Sibert, Travis Cabell, Carrie Padgett
Kevin & Robin Hill, Henry & Annette Mitchell,
Adam Hyatt, Rick Woodside, Mike Hedges,
Harold Moore
Christopher England, Mike Robinson, Wayman
Bartlett, Larry Austin, Kenny Jones, Bud &
Phyllis Shely
John Rhea, David Harrod, Connie Page,
Jeremy Roberts, Don Richardson, John Clay
Gabbard, Donna Langley
Jerry Roberts, Dan Nall, John Morrow, Tim
Roberts, Jeremy Gaertner, Brenda Richardson,
Lane Burdette
Sound, Video & Power Point
Daniel Nation, Jeffrey Roberts, Billy Rice
David Brooks, Jared Hawkins, Martha Smith,
David Spencer
Louis Hammonds, Eugene McKinney
Kristen Kincaid
Judy Roederer, Matthew Varble
Teresa Moore, Doug Smith
Elaine Sibert, Cassie Edinger
Angela Lewis, Brittany Charlton, Rhonda
Bonita Slattery, Carrie Padgett
Robin Nation
Matthew Lee
Gary Shouse, Glen Kosick
Bobby Gordon, Rubie Roberts, Sarandon
Woodson, Kaylyn Hopkins, Leslie Dent
Josh Slattery
Jana Grugin, Hannah Roberts
Audrey Tipton, John T. Mattox, Pat Hensley
James Johnson, Lisa Matthews, Joey Lewis
Emily Zimmerman
Mary Ann Hammond, Ruby Rice
Annette Mitchell, Mary Jane Bolin, Jimmy
McIver, Regina Smith
Brenna Tipton
Stacy Nall, John Clay Gabbard
Tommy Bowman, Dennis Thompson
Kelly Boone, Aiden Bowman
Jeanette Miller, Richard Brooks, Jack Hopkins
Jordan, Adam, Helen
Louis, R. W., Janet
Kurt, Janet, Jessica
Glen, Rick, Dora
Jordan, Adam, Helen
Budget Update
Total Yearly Offering Goal
Weekly Goal
Monthly Offering Goal
Monthly Offering Received
March 2015
LCpl John Myles
3DMAW-Box 555841
Camp Pendleton, CA 92055-5841
Sunday, May 31, 2015
The Encourager is published monthly by
Graefenburg Baptist Church
11288 Frankfort Road
Waddy, Kentucky 40076
829-5324 or 223-5325
Pastors: Philip Meade, Jay Padgett, Philip Coleman
Saturday, June 6
All Ages
$19.95 - Adult
$15.95 - Senior (60+)
$11.95 - Child (5-12)
Free - (under 5)
Leave at 9:00 AM
Baby Bottle Boomerang
Mother’s Day—Father’s Day
May 14—June 21, 2015
A Loving Choice Pregnancy Resource Center, Inc. of Shelbyville will be starting their Annual Baby Bottle
Boomerang fund raising campaign during the weeks between Mother’s Day, Sunday, May 10, through
Father’s Day, Sunday, June 21, 2015.
Baby bottles will be available in our church for members and friends of our congregation. Please
consider taking one or more bottles and filling them with loose change, cash or checks, if you prefer.
Monies raised will fund the ministry of ALC which is a 501c3 non-profit offering services free of charge
to anyone experiencing an unplanned pregnancy and/or who needs peer counseling, pregnancy tests, baby
clothing and items, food and formula, diapers, classes in parenting, Bible study, homemaking, abstinence
information, adoption referrals, male mentoring or post-abortion recovery. New services include limited
ultrasound scans for clients upon approval by their nurse sonographer.
Please take as many bottles as you like, fill them, and return them to the church on Father’s Day,
Sunday, June 21. You may also drop them off at ALC if you’d prefer, located at 711 Henry Clay Street, in the
back of the same building as Operation Care. Hours of operation are: Tuesdays 10-6, Wednesdays 2-6, and
Thursdays 10-6, or you may call at (502) 647-0300.