Elgin Coin Club Newsletter


Elgin Coin Club Newsletter
Coin Club Newsletter
October, 2013
Year 20, Issue 10
ECC Meeting 664
October Meeting
Meeting: 7:30pm October 2
Trading: 7:00–7:30pm
Location: VFW Post 1307
1601 Weld Road
Elgin, IL
Opened: 7:30
Members: 26
Guests: 2
Beginning: $1,686.68
Member: 2004-S Iowa 25 c. ICG PR70 Dcam
YN: 1983-S 50 c.
Raffle: 1936-S 1 c.
1960-D 1c. Small Date
1943-D 5 C. MS66
1838 10 c.
1905-S 10 c.
1939-D 10 c.
1940-D 10 c.
1943-S 10 c.
1988-S 50 c.
1994-S 50 c.
10 Prizes, 6 Silver coins
Not a member?
Come anyway and join the fun!
Give your spouse a break and bring your children to
the club.
Expenses: $270.12
Closed: 9:00
YNs: 1
50/50: $2,074.16
Income: $657.60
Cur. balance: $2,074.16
October program
This month’s program will be a white elephant
auction. The funds from this auction go to the club.
Everyone who brings in at least one item for the
auction will receive three tickets to this month’s
raffle. Also, bring in something for show and tell.
There will also be a silent auction.
September minutes
Eagle called the meeting to order at 7:30. The
Treasurers and Secretaries reports were read and
accepted. Old and new businesses were discussed.
Show and tells were presented. The program was a
member’s coin auction. Raffle prizes were then
drawn and the Members, YN and 50/50 prizes were
selected. The meeting adjourned at 9:00 pm.
October 2013
Award Winning Elgin Coin Club Newsletter
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Local coin shows
Secretary's Report
The members in attendance accepted the secretary’s
report as published in the September newsletter.
Treasurer’s report
Balance: $2,302.09
The members in attendance accepted the Treasurers
report as published in the September newsletter.
Old Business
In September, there were fewer raffle prizes due to
low ticket sales in August. The club spends about
the same for coins the following month what we
took in the current month.
New Business
Harold was at the August board meeting. Dave S.
suggested publishing the business cards of dealers
at the fall show.
Winners of the monthly raffle were Gavin, Kevin,
Gavin, Dave S., Al M., Gavin, Dave S., Vonelle
and Roger.
Member: Dave C.
YN: Gavin
50/50: Char $20.00
Submitted by Jim D.
Board Meeting
On September 18, Eagle, Harold, Doug, Tim and
Jim met to discuss club business for the October
meeting. There are 10 raffle prizes and 1 member’s
prize. This month six prizes are silver coins. With
all these good prizes the more tickets you buy the
better your chances to win.
The Elgin Coin club sends out get well soon wishes
to Bob B.
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October 6 -- New coin show, Holiday Inn
Express, 1550 Dundee rd. Palatine, Il
October 13 — West Suburban Coin &
Collectible Expo, Park Place Banquet Hall,
6200 Joliet Rd., Countryside, IL
October 20 – NOISE Coin Show, Holiday
Inn, 860 Irving Park Rd (2 blocks E. of IL
53), Itasca, IL.
October 27 — D’Atri Auctions, Double
Tree Guest Suites, 2111 Butterfield Rd.,
Downers Grove, IL.
October 27, 2013 --- Elgin coin club 51st.
Fall coin show. VFW post 1307, 1601 Weld
Rd., Elgin, IL
Show and Tell
Jim D. Showed a medal issued by both the Chicago
coin club and the New York Numismatic club and a
bronze medal earned from exhibiting at the 2013
ANA convention.
Don D. showed a series of medals for his ANA
convention exhibits from 1999, 2006, 2007, 2011
and 2013.
Mac showed a $10 bill with shifted third printing.
Al M. brought in a German medal and ribbon
showing the cartoon version of the Roadrunner.
Dave S. showed an 1888 Canadian cent with clash
marks and a coin dispenser from the Netherlands
that included two silver 10 cent coins dated 1925
and 1927.
Roger related some stories from the ANA
convention and the purchase of large cents a dealer
in Alabama bought for $17 thousand.
Cheryl showed a $1 silver certificate received in
change at a garage sale and a Nemaha Valley,
Nebraska obsolete note.
Tim T brought in a 1954 dime showing a die clash.
Harold showed notes signed by Rosie Rios, Mike
and Matt from coin talk radio and Q. David
Award Winning Elgin Coin Club Newsletter
October 2013
Gavin brought in a pair of Boy Scout tokens, one
from 1910.
Vonelle showed a copper token from the Coin
Community Family.
Mike M. brought in some pictures from a recent
trip to Hawaii.
Kevin showed some Austrian Niobium coins in
different colors.
Elgin Coin club fall 2013 coin show. Summer is
gone, baseball is winding down, the Bears are
doing well, for now, and soon it will be time for our
fall coin show. After a slow start, only 3-4 tables
remain unsold. As usual, we will have a raffle of
Gold and Silver coins and perhaps a 50/50 raffle or
two. Each guest will be given a collectable token
and a door prize ticket. Several times during the
show door prize tickets will be drawn and a prize
given out. A caterer will be there to provide food
and drink. There will also be an exhibit of the
Illinois sesquicentennial medals from 1968.
Once again we need the help of the members to
make the show a success. We need help with
setting up the tables and sitting at the front table
and greeting our guests. We also ask the members
to help by selling raffle tickets. Tickets cost $1 or 6
for $5. If you still have tickets, please turn them in
either at the regular meeting or at the show.
I am Superman. About a month ago the Canadian
mint released a series of seven coins honoring the
75th anniversary of the creation of Superman by
Schuster and Siegel. The denominations range
from 50 cents to $75 Canadian. The 50 cent coin is
copper-nickel and shows a lenticular image of an
early image or a current image of Superman
depending on haw the coin is viewed. There are
five silver coins weighing ¼ , ½ and three different
full ounces. All coins show a different aspect of
Superman, some colorized and one has an almost
3-D effect. Lastly there is a 14 karat gold coin
showing a colorized image from the late 1930’s.
One common element on all the reverses is the use
of the Kryptonian language. The Canadian mint
says the translation is 75 years of Superman in
both English and French, but unless you are a
October 2013
serious Superman geek, you can’t tell the
difference. The obverse of all the coins feature the
current effigy of Queen Elizabeth.
As with most Canadian mint collector issues,
mintages of the silver and gold coins are very
limited and come with premium prices. As of this
writing, three issues are already sold out at the
mint. To check on the status of the remaining
issued log on to the Canadian mint website,
And the number one counterfeiter is… Where is
the source of the most counterfeit US currency? Is
it China? No. Is it North Korea? No. Survey says…
Peru. Over the last ten years, authorities in Peru
seized over 100 million in fake US currency. That’s
just what they caught, who knows how much got
through. The bad news id each bill is carefully
printed and finished by hand. The good news is
they are using the wrong paper and fakes are easily
spotted. More bad news, If they ever get the correct
paper we could be in trouble. To fight this the BEP
may need to change bills more often to keep ahead
of the counterfeiters.
Coins of the month
2008 Gold Buffalo Fractionals
This month’s coins of the month are the 2008
American Buffalo fractional gold coins. For over
25 years the mint has used classic coin designs
from the early 20th century for precious metal
bullion coins. First were the silver coins featuring
the obverse design of the walking liberty half and
gold coins using the obverse of the St. Gaudens
$20. In 2006 the mint added James Fraser’s Indian
head-Buffalo reverse to the bullion family. For the
Award Winning Elgin Coin Club Newsletter
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first two years, only full ounces were made. In 2008
the mint experimented with fractional ounces for
this series. The fractions are 1/10 ounce, ¼ ounce
and ½ ounce with denominations of $5, $10 and
$25. The reverse was changed slightly from the
nickel to make it more like other modern bullion
As a one year issue, the coins have gained a
collector value over the actual bullion value. Struck
in both Proof and burnished Mint State, mintages
range from 9,949 for the $10 in mint state to 18,884
for the $5 in Proof. Since these are gold coins,
collecting these requires a healthy bank account.
Current values are $600 and $660 for the $5 in
Mint state and Proof. The $10 values are $1,375
and $1,550 and the $25 goes for $1,350 and $1,850.
Certified Mint state and Proof 70 coins can sell for
even higher prices. All American Buffalo fractional
coins were struck at the West Point mint.
You can have your business card
displayed in this newsletter for only $10
per year.
Please visit the following dealers at our
fall coin
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Award Winning Elgin Coin Club Newsletter
October 2013
Coin Club
A.N.A. 28457
P.O. Box 561
C.S.N.S. R6906
I.N.A. 1299
South Elgin, IL 60177
[email protected]
President — Eagle McMahon
Vice President — Harold Eckardt
Regular Meeting:
First Wednesday
Treasurer— Tim Tvrdik
Secretary —Jim Davis
VFW Post 1307
1601 Weld Road
Elgin, IL
Visitors are always welcome. Weld Road is a frontage road between
McLean and Randall Roads just south of US 20 on the south side of
Board Meeting: We have a board meeting about two weeks after the
regular meeting. We get together at one of the officer or board
member's houses or at a location otherwise determined by the officers.
This is an open meeting. Members are welcome to all board
meetings. If you want to attend, contact an officer for the time of and
directions to the meeting place.
Internet: The club has a home page on the internet at
www.worksandwords.com. You can view the monthly newsletter
there about three or four days after it is sent out to the members.
Club Dues: Membership dues in the Elgin Coin Club, payable by the
end of February each year, are:
• $15 full member
• $5 junior member (YNs) under 18
• $20 family membership (all adults and children in the family)
Newsletter editor: Jim Davis. Contact me at P.O. Box561, South
Elgin. IL 60177 or at the above email address.
Submit all items for publication to the editor or any officer at any club
meeting or send them to the above address. If you compose on a
computer, please include an electronic copy of the item. That really
This Newsletter is the informal mouthpiece of the Elgin Coin Club.
This Newsletter and its contents are copyrighted but you may use
anything herein (accept as noted below) for non-commercial use as
long as you give credit to the Elgin Coin Club Newsletter. This
blanket permission does not extend to articles specifically marked as
copyrighted by the author of the article. In the latter case, you must
get explicit written permission from the author either directly or
through the Newsletter to use that material.
To get back copies of the Elgin Coin Club Newsletter ask the secretary
at the meeting, send a letter to the club post office box, or send an
email. You can also print them from the Internet.
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Award Winning Elgin Coin Club Newsletter
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