Gatehouse Property Sediment Basin


Gatehouse Property Sediment Basin
Lake Saving Project Summary Sheet
Gatehouse Property: Sediment Retention Pond - 2006
The Gatehouse property in-stream
sediment pond, after being delayed a
year due to wet weather, was completed in September of 2006 and is
located on the Gatehouse property adjacent to the Melody Manor Resort off
of Rt. 9N along Huddle Brook.
It is an in-stream basin and was designed with a storage capacity of approximately 350 cubic yards. The
new basin has dimensions of 45 feet in
width and about 100 feet in length.
The entry and discharge transition
zones are stone lined to connect the
basin with the gravel bed of the original stream. The bottom of the pond is
unlined to allow for periodic dredging
of the pond. Both sides are lined with
riprap with the south bank built up
higher to take on high velocity flows
from large storm events.
Pre-construction Photos:
- View looking toward the mouth of
Huddle Brook and location of the
pond prior to construction.
Construction Photos:
- View looking upstream.
- Normal stream flow is
diverted around pond
construction area using
sandbag dam and a culvert.
- Excavation of the basin and
stabilization of the banks
with riprap.
Downstream work being completed.
Project Partners:
• Property Owners: Gatehouse
Homeowners Association &
Melody Manor Resort
• Myers Engineering
• Kingsley Construction
Completed Photos:
Completed pond. View is looking
toward the mouth of the stream.
Project Completed in September 2006
As per conditions listed in the NYS DEC permit issued to LGA, 4 large rocks were placed in
the stream to help establish fish habitat.
Project Cost:
$27,000 - Basin Construction including Engineering, surveying, legal, and
project oversight.
Construction costs were split 50/50
with Gatehouse Homeowners Assoc.
Funding Sources:
Helen V. Froehlich Foundation
NYS Environmental Protection Fund
Grass lined floodplain during normal flow.
Water flowing over grass lined floodplain
during spring runoff.