Library Inventory: Minnesota Resource Center:Deaf/Hard of Hearing


Library Inventory: Minnesota Resource Center:Deaf/Hard of Hearing
Minnesota Use Only
July 2011
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ABC 1-2-3. (2006). Elizabeth Mendoza. Alexandria, VA: Registry of
Interpreters for the Deaf, Inc. Student workbook & Teacher’s guide
provides focused instruction on finger spelling as it is used within ASL.
ABC Sign With Me. (1987). Susan P. Schroyer & Joan G. Kimmel.
Greensboro, NC: Sugar Sign Press. A colorful book using pictures, words
and signs to teach the alphabet in sign.
A Basic Course in American Sign Language. (1980). Tom Humphries,
Carol Padden, Terrance J. O’Rourke. Silver Spring, MD: TJ Publishers.
Twenty-two lessons in American Sign Language, including basic sentence
structure, directional verbs and use of classifiers.
A Basic Course in American Sign Language – Student Study Guide.
(1980). Tom Humphries, Carol Padden, Terrance J. O’Rourke. Silver
Spring, MD: TJ Publishers. Companion guide to A Basic Course in
American Sign Language.
A Basic Vocabulary: American Sign Language for Parents and
Children. (1978). Terrance J. O’Rourke. TJ Publishers.
Academic Acceptance of American Sign Language. (1992). Edited by
Sherman Wilcox. A Sign Language Studies Monograph.
The Acquisition of American Sign Language by Deaf Children. (1994).
Edited by Marina McIntire, PhD. A Sign Language Studies Monograph.
A Dictionary of American Sign Language on Linguistic Principles.
(1976). Silver Spring MD: Linstok Press.
A Show of Hands – Say It In Sign Language. (1980). Mary Beth
Sullivan and Linda Bourke. New York, NY: Harper & Row. For ages 8-12.
Teaches expressive language used in everyday communication.
Alphabet Sign Language Cards. Garlic press. Set of 2-sided cards
suitable for all ages.
ALSTA Evaluation & Certification System. Dawn Sign Press. Book &
videotape set. A how-to course for attaining certification from the American
Sign Language Teachers Association.
American Sign Language: A Comprehensive Dictionary. (1981).
Martin L. Sternberg. New York, NY: Harper & Row, Publ.
American Sign Language: A Look at its History, Structure, and
Community. (1978). Charlotte Baker and Carol Padden. Silver Spring,
MD; TJ Publishers. A pamphlet dealing with the history and structure of
ASL with picture examples of sign usage.
American Sign Language: A Student Text Units 1-9. (1980). Dennis
Cokely and Charlotte Baker. Silver Spring, MD: TJ Publishers. Part of a
total, multi-media package designed for the teacher and student of ASL.
One-hour videotapes are especially designed to accompany these texts.
American Sign Language: A Student Text Units 10-18.
American Sign Language: A Student Text Units 19-27.
American Sign Language: A Student Text Units 1-9. The Original
Green Books. (1981). Dennis Cokely-Charlotte Baker-Shenk.
Washington, DC: Clerc Books. Gallaudet University. Same text as in
American Sign Language: A Student Text Units 1-9 above.
American Sign Language: A Teacher’s Resource Text on Curriculum,
Methods and Evaluation. (1980). Dennis Cokely-Charlotte Baker. Silver
Spring, MD: TJ Publishers. Use as companion help with the American Sign
Language: A Student Text books and videotapes.
American Sign Language: A Teacher’s Resource Text on Grammar
and Culture. (1980). Dennis Cokely-Charlotte Baker. Silver Spring, MD:
TJ Publishers. Use as a companion help with the American Sign
Language: A Student Text books and videotapes.
American Sign Language Basics for Hearing Parents of Deaf Children.
(1995). Jess Freeman King and Jan Kelley-King. Introduces the basics of
ASL in a non-threatening manner to hearing parents of deaf children.
American Sign Language Concise Dictionary. (1990). Martin
Sternberg. New York, NY: Harper & Row.
American Sign Language Dictionary. (1987). Sternberg. New York,
NY: Harper & Row.
American Sign Language Directory. (2005). Peter Adams. Ivy Press.
This directory is a basic introduction to the vocabulary, grammar, and
etiquette of ASL.
American Sign Language Handshape Cards. Dawn Sign Press. 80
cards with instruction booklet.
American Sign Language Handshape Starter. (2002). Tennanat &
Brown. Gallaudet University Press. A beginner’s guide to handshapes
illustrating 840 of the most frequently used signs, arranging them by the 40
standard handshapes used in ASL.
American Sign Language: ‘It’s Not Mouth Stuff – It’s Brain Stuff’. (July
1992). Richard Wolkomir. Research on how deaf people communicate
which gives them a stronger hand in our culture, and casts new light on the
origin of language.
American Sign Language Medical Dictionary. (2000). Elaine Costello.
Random House Webster. Over 1000 essential signs with full-torso
illustrations for clear communication between health professionals and
users of ASL. Each sign fully illustrated, described and defined. Includes
newest treatments.
American Sign Language Phrase Book. (1983). Lou Fant. Chicago, IL:
Contemporary Books, Ind. A reference guide of everyday expressions and
phrases organized by topic.
American Sign Language: The Easy Way. (1998). David Stewart.
Contains information on the use of “facial grammar” as a first step before
learning manual signing.
An Alphabet of Animal Signs. (BOARD BOOK). (2002). Garlic Press.
From the Early Sign Language Series, this book presents A to Z animal
signs, accompanying illustrations and the finger alphabet.
An Alphabet of Animal Signs. (SOFT COVER). (1994). Garlic Press.
From the Beginning Sign Language Series, this soft cover book presents A
to Z animal signs, accompanying illustrations and the finger alphabet.
Animal Signs. (BOARD BOOK). (1995). Debby Slier. Gallaudet
University Press. A first book of sign language for babies and toddlers.
ASL Grammatical Aspects: Comparative Translations. Instruction
books. Cassell & McCaffrey. (1995). Accompanies videotape and CDROM of same title.
ASL/English Idioms and Their Translations. WORKBOOK. Harris
Communications. Provides detailed explanations and definitions to assist
in the review and practice of ASL/English Idioms. ALSO AVAILABLE:
Videotape of same title.
At Grandma’s House. A Talking Fingers Book. (1985). Sue Johnson
and Joni Herigstad. Los Alamitos, CA: Modern Signs Press. A storybook
using colorful pictures, printed words and signs to accompany the words.
Baby’s First Signs. (BOARD BOOK). (2001). Votry and Waller.
Gallaudet University Press. This book offers a selection of ASL signs that
are easy for baby and parent to learn together.
Baby’s First Words. (1999). Meredith Layton. Peek-a-Boo Publ. A Sign
& Say Book. A playful way to teach your child early communication skills.
Book contains fold-out flannel board and cut outs in a zippered pouch.
Words are pictured being signed by children.
Baby Signs. (2002). How to talk to your baby before your baby can talk.
Linda Acredolo, PH.D., and Susan Goodwin, PH.D., with Doug Abrams.
Baby Sign Language Basics. (2006). Includes 60 ASL signs. Early
communication for hearing babies and toddlers.
Back Off. Myra Shulman Auslin. Pro-Ed. Part of the series of books on
idioms. This series is designed to be used in either a group or
individualized setting. Each idiom is presented within the context of a short
story, which is followed by five exercises. This book contains teaching
suggestions, vocabulary, and illustrations.
Basic Sign Communication Curriculum. (7th printing 1992). William
Newell. Silver Spring, MD: NAD. This set includes 5 books: Vocabulary
Book, Student Materials Book and three 3-ring binders entitled Teachers
Guide I, II, and III.
Bird of a Different Feather & For a Decent Living. (1994) Sam Supalla &
Ben Bahan. Student workbook, DVD edition. Tools to enhance students’
ASL comprehension.
Books for Learning Sign Language. (5/98). Washington, DC: NICD. A
pamphlet of listings.
Book of Name Signs: Naming in American Sign Language. (1992).
Samuel Supalla. Discusses the rules for American Sign Language name
sign formation and their appropriate uses, and presents a list of over 400
name signs.
Bravo ASL! Curriculum. (1996). Sign Enhancers. Set includes:
Instructor’s Guide, Student Workbook, The Beginning ASL Video course,
Activities Videotape, Assessment Videotape.
☼Cajun’s Song. (2004). Butte Publications. Beautiful story about a lonely
dog in a shelter who becomes a very special Hearing dog and best friend of
a woman who is deaf.
Can I Help? (1993). Stanley Collins. TJ Publishers. Signs for helping
hearing impaired in emergency situations.
Caring for Young Children. (1993). Stanley Collins. TJ Publishers.
Signing for daycare providers and sitters.
Come Sign With Us. (1990). Jan C. Hafer and Robert M. Wilson.
Washington, DC: Gallaudet University Press. A fully illustrated activities
manual for teaching children sign language using more than 300 drawings.
Communicating in Sign. (A Flying Hands Book.) (1998). Diane P.
Chambers. Creative ways to learn American Sign Language. Fully
illustrated, thorough, and easy-to-use introduction to the third most
common language in the United States.
Complete Idiot’s Guide to Learning Sign Language. (1998). Shelly and
Schneck. Alpha Books. Simple instructions on signing letters and
numbers, valuable tips on understanding signs from another person,
essential signs for handling emergencies, more than 450 clear and easy-tounderstand drawings. Learn how to make introductions, tell time, order
food, celebrate a special occasion, tell a joke, and make small talk.
Conversational Sign Language II. An Intermediate-Advanced Manual
of American Sign Language. (1972). Willard J. Madsen. Washington,
DC: Gallaudet University Press. An illustrated book for the intermediateadvanced student of ASL.
Deaf Tend Your. (1996). Bridges & Metzger. Non-manual signs in
American Sign Language. Videotape of same title available.
DEAFinitions for Signlets. (1986). Ken Glickman. Silver Spring, MD;
DiKen Products. Humorous look at “any word pertaining to the world of the
deaf that isn’t in the dictionary, but should be”.
Dictionary of American Idioms. (1995). Makkai, Boatner & Gates. Third
Edition. Completely revised and updated. Over 8,000 idiomatic words,
expressions, regionalisms, and informal English expressions are defined
and cross-referenced for easy access.
Dictionary of Idioms. (1996). Marvin Terban. Scholastic Books. A book
containing more than 600 phrases, sayings, and expressions.
Discovering Sign Language. (1981). Laura Greene and Eva Barash
Dicker. Washington DC: Kendall Green Publications. Discusses the
development of sign language and describes how it is used in conjunction
with finger spelling, speechreading, and other forms of communication to
help individuals with impaired hearing.
Don’t Be a Grumpy Bear. Michelle Herx. Washington, DC: Kendall
Green Publications. A “how to behave” book using Signed English
accompanied by amusing pictures presented in coloring book format.
Essential ASL. (1996). Sternberg. Fun, fast and simple way to learn
American Sign Language. Soft cover book.
Everyone Here Spoke Sign Language. (1985). Nora Ellen Groce.
Harvard University Press. A book about Martha’s Vineyard Island,
especially the two towns of West Tisbury and Chilmark, which for over 200
years had a high incidence of hereditary deafness. From accounts of
residents who still remember when everyone spoke sign language.
Expanded Songs in Sign. Garlic Press. From the Beginning Sign
Language Series, this book is an expanded version of the Songs in Sign
book and presents 11 songs in Signed English with easy-to-follow
Expressive and Receptive Fingerspelling for Hearing Adults. (1991).
LaVera M. Guillory. Baton Rouge, LA: Claitor’s Publishing Division. A
book specifically developed for teaching hearing persons to fingerspell.
Family and Community. (1999). Stanley Collins. TJ Publishers. People,
pictures and signs chosen to show the relationships which structure the
family and the community for which beginning signers should gain a
Finger Alphabet. (1992). Stanley Collins. Eugene, OR: Garlic Press.
Fun way for children and adults to learn sign language. Easy-to-follow
instructions and activities, ideal for the beginning signer.
Fingerspelling in American Sign Language. (2002). Cartwright &
Bahleda. RID Press. Practical and creative exercises, drills, and activities,
this book is for beginning to intermediate learners.
Fingerspelling, The Real World. (1996). Answers to the frustrations in
the real world of fingerspelling. Contains over 2,000 practice words from
deaf history and culture, names from popular cultures, geographic
locations, terminology from science and nature, history, industry and more.
First Signs. (BOARD BOOK). (2002). Garlic Press. From the Early Sign
Language Series, this book presents some of the very first words for
parents and babies.
First Start in Sign Language. (1994). Amy Stommer. Academic
Communication Associates. Pictures, stories and games to teach sign
language. May be reproduced.
Foods. (1997). Stanley Collins. TJ Publishers. Common foods that
signers of any age might find at breakfast, lunch, dinner, and snack.
Food Signs. (BOARD BOOK). (2002). Garlic Press. From the Early Sign
Language Series, this book presents signs for familiar foods, all
accompanied by photographs.
Four For You Activity Packet: Fables & Fairytales. (1991). Burtonsville,
MD: Sign Media. Set of 5 volumes in binder form containing activity
packets on various fables and fairytales. Accompanying videotape of same
Volume 1: FABLES: The Sun and the Wing; The Mice and the
Weasels; The Bear and the Bees; The Fox and the Crow.
FAIRYTALES: The Tortoise and the Hare; The Three Little Pigs.
Volume 2: FABLES: The Friends & the Wallet; A Raven and a Swan;
The Goose & the Golden Egg; Doctor Toad. FAIRYTALES: Jack &
the Beanstalk; The Three Bears.
Volume 3: FABLES: The Fox and the Grapes; The Birds, the Beasts,
& the Bats; The Cock & the Fox; The Fox Without a Tail;
FAIRYTALES: The Three Billy Goats Gruff; Rapunzel.
Volume 4: FABLES: The Lion & the Mouse; The Wolf & the Jackass;
Three Bullocks & the Lion; The Dog & His Reflection. FAIRYTALES:
Hansel & Gretel; The Frog Prince.
Volume 5: FABLES: The Wolf & the Shepherd Boy; The Fox & the
Stork; The Old Lion & the Fox; The Milkmaid & Her Pail.
FAIRYTALES: Rumplestiltskin; Little Red Riding Hood.
From Mime to Sign. (1989). Gilbert C. Eastman. Silver Spring, MD: TJ
Publishers. An illustrated book teaching the use of body, hands and face to
make your thoughts and emotions visible.
Fruits and Vegetables. (1997). Stanley Collins. TJ Publishers. An easy
way for anyone to learn the signs for the most common fruits and
Functional Signs: A New Approach from Simple to Complex. (1984).
Harry Bornstein and I King Jordan. Austin, TX: PRO-ED. An illustrated
dictionary of 330 American Sign Language signs for the handicapped. The
signs are described in terms of how important each sign characteristic is for
Gallaudet Survival Guide to Signing. (1990). Features more than 500 of
the most commonly used signs, complete with illustrations and descriptions
on how to form each one.
Getting Through: A Guide to Better Understanding of the Hard of
Hearing. Short audiotape from SHHH.
Grandfather Moose. (1988). Harley Hamilton. Rhymes, games, and
chants in sign language.
Handmade Counting Book. (1998). Laura Rankin. Shows how to count
form one to twenty, twenty-five, fifty, seventy-five, and one hundred using
American Sign Language.
Handtalk: An ABC of Finger Spelling & Sign Language. (1974).
Charlip, Miller & Ancona. MacMillan Publ. An illustrated book showing the
picture with the sign for the word as well as the proper fingerspelling of the
word at the bottom of each page. For all ages. Companion to the other
Handtalk books in the series.
Handtalk Birthday: A Number and Story Book in Sign Language.
(1987). Charlip, Miller & Ancona. Macmillan Publ. Colorful, illustrated book
with signs pertaining to a birthday party. Shows the sign for the word as
well as the proper fingerspelling of the word at the bottom of each page.
For all ages. Companion to the other Handtalk books in the series.
Handtalk School. (1991). Charlip, Miller & Ancona. MacMillan Publ.
Colorful, illustrated book with signs pertaining to school. Shows the sign for
the word as well as the proper fingerspelling of the word at the bottom of
each page. For all ages. Companion to the other Handtalk books in the
Have You Ever Seen…? An American Sign Language (ASL)
HANDSHAPE DVD/Book. Adonia K. Smith and E. Lynn Jacobowitz.
Hold Your Horses. (1979). Myra Shulman Auslin. Pro-Ed. Part of the
series of books on idioms. This series is designed to be used in either a
group or individualized setting. Each idiom is presented within the context
of a short story, which is followed by five exercises. This book contains
teaching suggestions, vocabulary, and illustrations.
Holidays & Celebrations. (1999). Stanley Collins. Another in the
Beginning Sign Language Series. TJ Publishers. A collection of pictures
and signs capturing the moments of holidays and special occasions
occurring in an about our daily lives during the calendar year.
Hooray for Harold. (1998). Cute story of Harold the mouse who is deaf.
I Can… (1998). Gallaudet University Press. Illustrated elementary book
about what can be done at school. Each word is pictured as well as the
sign demonstrated.
I Can Sign My ABCs. (1986). Susan Gibbons Chaplin. Gallaudet
University Press. Elementary book with each letter of the alphabet
pictured, illustrated, demonstrated, and each letter shown in conjunction
with its location in the entire alphabet.
I Love ASL. American Sign Language Handshape Cards.
In The Doghouse. (1985). Myra Shulman Auslin. Pro-Ed. Part of the
series of books on idioms. This series is designed to be used in either a
group or individualized setting. Each idiom is presented within the context
of a short story, which is followed by five exercises. This book contains
teaching suggestions, vocabulary, and illustrations.
Interactive Basic Signs. CD Rom from SoundBytes.
In Our House. (1984). Carolyn Norris. Los Alamitos, CA: Modern Signs
Press, Inc. An illustrated book of signed sentences. Extra vocabulary is
given on the picture pages.
Interactive Sign Language: Fingerspelling & Numbers. COMPUTER
PROGRAM. (1994). Salem, OR: Sign Enhancers.
Jean’s Christmas Stocking. (1982). Carolyn Norris. Storybook using
Signed Exact English. Illustrated.
Introduction to Sign Language. (2001). Bloomsburg University. Booklet
and CD-ROM set.
The Joy of Signing. (1978). Lottie Riekehof. Springfield, MO: Gospel
Publ House. Updated manual of signs as used by the adult deaf
The Joy of Signing Puzzle Book. (1989). Linda Laschelle Hillebrand.
Springfield, MO: Gospel Publ. House. An inviting way to learn and review
signs. The signs may be worked alone or in a group.
King Midas. (1990). Nathaniel Hawthorne. Washington, DC: Kendall
Green Publications, Gallaudet University Press. With selected sentences
in American Sign Language. For use with videotape of the same title.
Learn to Sign the Fun Way! (2001). Penny Warner. Prima Publ. This
book goes beyond the manual alphabet. Let your fingers do the talking
with games, puzzles, and fun activities in ASL.
Learn to Talk Around the Clock. AG Bell. Boxed set helps bring
everyday sounds of day-today life and living to children who are deaf or
hard of hearing.
Learning American Sign Language. (1992). Tom Humphries and Carol
Padden. Englewood Cliffs, CA: Prentice-Hall. Lessons are structured
around language needed for common life situations using communicative
examples and instruction. For use with videotape of same title.
Learning Sign Language: Audio Visual/Computer Programs. (10/87).
Washington, DC: NICD. A pamphlet listing media resources for learning
sign language.
Learning To See. (1997). Wilcox. Gallaudet University Press. Revised
and updated book as a practical manual presenting steps necessary to
design a curriculum for teaching ASL as a second language.
Learning to Sign in My Neighborhood. Diane Schmidt and Karen
Cameron. Silver Spring, MD: TJ Publishers. Simple signs presented in the
form of a coloring book.
Lift Up Your Hands. Songs in Sign Language. (1976). Donna Gadling
Weaks. Washington, DC: The National Grange. Inspirational and patriotic
songs in the language of signs; for all people, deaf and hearing.
Lift Up Your Hands Volume 2. Songs in Sign Language. (1980).
Donna Gadling Weaks. Washington, DC: The National Grange. Favorite,
popular songs with sign language interpretation.
Linguistics of American Sign Language: A Resource Text for ASL
Users. (1992). Clayton Valli and Ceil Lucas. Washington, DC: Gallaudet
University Press. Teaching the concepts of linguistics as they pertain to
ASL structure.
Linguistics of American Sign Language: An Introduction. FOURTH
EDITION. (2005). Valli, Lucas, & Mulrooney. Gallaudet University Press.
Book also includes DVD in the back of the book.
Linguistics of American Sign Language: Instructor’s Manual. (1992).
Clayton Valli and Ceil Lucas. Washington, DC: Gallaudet University Press.
To accompany resource text, this manual contains homework, quizzes, and
tests with answers.
Little Book of Sign Language. (2000). Running Press. A miniature book
produced in cooperation with the Pennsylvania School for the Deaf.
Contains the alphabet and numbers, plus 45 common greetings, words and
The Little Green Monster. A Talking Fingers Book. (1985). Sue
Johnson and Joni Herigstad. Los Alamitos, CA: Modern Sign Press. A
colorful storybook using pictures, printed words and signs to accompany
the pictures.
The Manual Alphabet. (1983). Starkey Labs. A coloring book.
Manual Communication Implications for Education. (1990). Harry
Bornstein. Washington, DC: Gallaudet University Press. A description of
manual communication as it is used in the US beginning with a history and
overview. Illustrated.
Medical Sign Language. (1983). W. Joseph Garcia. Easily understood
definitions of commonly used medical, dental and First Aid terms. Health
related terms are accurately defined and precisely translated, through
description and illustration, into ASL.
Metaphor in American Sign Language. (2000). Phyllis Perrin Wilcox.
Presents methods for distinguishing between icon and metaphor.
Metaphor Stories for Deaf Children. (1998). Robert Rittenhouse, PhD.
Butte Publications. Many educators believe that deaf children have a
problem understanding figurative uses of language. This book contains 12
practice stories followed by 26 longer stories which provide a fun and
educational way to teach metaphorical language.
Mike & Sherry Visit the Schools. (2000). Sandra Revoredo. Butte
Publications. Classroom inservices for teachers of deaf and hard of
hearing students based on puppet show scripts. A fresh and exciting new
way of educating teachers, students, principals, and parents about hearing
Monkey Business. (1982). Myra Shulman Auslin. Pro-Ed. Part of the
series of books on idioms. This series is designed to be used in either a
group or individualized setting. Each idiom is presented within the context
of a short story, which is followed by five exercises. This book contains
teaching suggestions, vocabulary, and illustrations.
More Baby’s First Signs. (BOARD BOOK). (2001). Votry & Waller. This
book offers a selection of ASL signs that are easy for baby and parent to
learn together.
More DEAFinitions! (1989). Ken Glickman. Silver Spring, MD: DiKen
Products. Second in a series of humorous books on DEAFinitions.
Mother Goose in Sign. (1994). From the Beginning Sign Language
Series. Presents five Mother Goose rhymes in Signed English. Easy-tofollow illustrations.
Music in Motion. (1983). Michael David Wojcio. Modern Signs Press.
Twenty-two songs in Signing Exact English for children. Contains sign
language pictures and descriptions plus the melody to each son.
My ABC Signs of Animal Friends. (1994). Ben Bahan and Joe Dannis.
Dawn Sign Press. Colorful illustrated book.
My Birthday Party. (2002). Erin McDonald. Talking Hands Press. A
classic tale of a girl’s birthday party where she ultimately learns the true
value of a birthday gift. Designed to teach ASL and English at the same
My First Book of Sign. (1986). Pamela J. Baker. Gallaudet University
Press. Pictures of children demonstrate the forming in sign language of
150 basic alphabetically arranged words, accompanied by illustrations of
the words themselves. Includes a discussion of fingerspelling and rules.
My Signing Book of Numbers. (1986). Patricia Bellan Gillen. Gallaudet
University Press. Teaches in sign language the numbers 0-20, 30-100 by
tens, and 100 and 1,000,000. Beautifully illustrated.
Numbering In American Sign Language. (2002). Brenda E. Carthwright
& Suellen J. Bahleda. Registry of Interpreters for the Deaf, Inc. This new
and comprehensive text features information on numbering uses and
applications in ASL, and how to sign them.
Number & Letter Games. (1995). S.Harold Collins. Gallaudet University
Press. Part of the Beginning Sign Language Series. In this book, the
finger alphabet, sign numbers, and simple, graphic signs combine to
challenge the beginning signer.
Number Sign Language Cards. Garlic press. Set of 2-sided cards
suitable for all ages.
Numbering in American Sign Language. (2002). Cartwright & Bahleda.
RID Press. This text features information on numbering uses and
applications in ASL and how to sign them. Uses citation forms and
common variations.
Numbering in ASL. Dawn Sign Press. Twelve chapters of sign
vocabulary, phrases and their English translations.
Numbering in American Sign Language. (1998). Number signs for
Old W(h)ine in New Bottles. (1960). A pamphlet by Donald Moores
addressing a letter to the campus community of Gallaudet about the
relationship between ASL and Signed English.
Once Upon a Time…Children’s Classics Retold in ASL. (1991). San
Diego, CA: Dawn Sign Press. Series of children’s books for use with
accompanying videotape in the following titles:
Cinderella & Rumpelstiltskin
The Emperor’s New Clothes & Hans Clodhopper
The Fisherman and His Wife, & Hansel & Gretel
The Little Mermaid
The Musicians of Breman, and Rapunzel & Sleeping Beauty
The Princess and the Pea, & Inchilena.
One, Two, Three Sign With Me. (1987). Susan P. Schroyer & Joan
Kimmel. Greensboro, NC: Sugar Sign Press. Colorful picture book
teaches basic skills to sign the numbers 1-10.
Patrick Gets Hearing Aids. (1994). Maureen Cassidy Riski and Nikolas
Klaklow. Phonak Publishers. Storybook promoting better understanding of
the challenges and importance of identifying and managing children with
hearing impairment. A resource for parents, teachers, and children who
want to learn about the process of hearing evaluation and habilitation.
Perigee Visual Dictionary of Signing. (1991). Butterworth and Flodin.
An A-to-Z guide to over 1,250 signs of American Sign Language.
Pets, Animals & Creatures. From the Beginning Sign Language Series.
Presents pictures and signs of pets, animals, and creatures familiar to
signers of all ages.
Picture Plus Dictionary. (1997). Virginia McKinney. Butte Publ. More
than 4500 illustrations and sign drawings; multiple meanings. Each word is
used in a sentence.
Picture Plus Dictionary-2nd edition. Comes in English and Spanish.
(2006). Virginia McKinney, Ph.D. illustrations: Rene Vega. Butte
The Pocket Dictionary of Signing. (1992). Rod. Butterworth and Mickey
Flodin. New York, NY: Perigee Books. Easy-to-use guide to over 600
signs of American Sign Language.
Popsicles Are Cold. A Talking Fingers Book. (1984). Sue Johnson
and Joni Herigstad. Los Alamitos, CA: Modern Sign Press. A colorful
storybook using pictures, printed words and signs to accompany the
Preferred Signs for Instructional Purposes. 3-ring binder which includes
Instructor’s Guide and Supplement.
Raining Cats and Dogs. (1978). Myra Shulman Auslin. Pro-Ed. Part of
the series of books on idioms. This series is designed to be used in either
a group or individualized setting. Each idiom is presented within the
context of a short story, which is followed by five exercises. This book
contains teaching suggestions, vocabulary, and illustrations.
Religious Signing. (1986). Elaine Costello. Toronto, Canada: Bantam
Books. A new comprehensive guide for all faiths including over 500 signs,
prayers, and blessings.
Religious Signing. (1986). NEWLY UPDATED. Elaine Costello. TJ
Publishers. A comprehensive guide for all faiths.
Religious Signs. (1984). Bearden and Potter. Meets the needs of the
religious communities for all denominations.
Say It In Sign. A Workbook of Sign Language Exercises. (1983). Carol
Secret Signing: Grades K-1. (1988). Sign Language activity book
containing puzzles, dot-to-dot, mazes, secret messages.
Secret Signing: Pre-K-1. (1988). Sign Language activity book containing
puzzles, dot-to-dot, mazes, secret messages.
Sign Communication for Everyday Use. (1998). Nanci Sheetz. A
multimedia guide in a 3-ring binder which includes a 2-hour instructional
Sign Language ABC with Linda Bove. (1985). Featuring Jim Henson’s
Sesame Street Muppets. Colorfully illustrated book.
Sign Language Animals. (1985). Dawn Sign Press. An educational
coloring book about animals for elementary and pre-school children. May
be duplicated.
Sign Language Classroom Resource. (1992). Academic
Communication Associates. Pictures to help teach sign language. May be
Sign Language Clowns. (1985). Dawn Sign Press. An educational
coloring book using words pertaining to clowns and their play. For
elementary and pre-school children. May be duplicated.
Sign Language Conversations for Beginning Signers. (2001). Garlic
Press. This book is a fun and easy way to learn how to sign. Each chapter
is organized and illustrated around a topical presentation, and includes a
fun activity to increase your vocabulary.
Sign Language Feelings. (1985). Dawn Sign Press. Duplicating
masters. An educational coloring book about feelings for elementary and
pre-school children. May be duplicated.
Sign Language Flash Cards. (1988). Hoemann. Bowling Green
University Press. Sign words are illustrated on one side and described.
Contained in book form. VOLUMES I and II.
Sign Language Flip Charts. Sign language flip chart to be used as an
introduction to sign language. Each page also has a flip side without the
word labels, for use in learning exercises. Charts in the following titles:
Animal Signs
Beginning Signs
Food Signs
School Signs
Sign Language for Babies. (2002). From the Publishers of Parenting
Magazine. Small box containing a small booklet and flashcards.
Sign Language Fun. (1984). Educational sign language book for
elementary and pre-school children. May be copied and used for a coloring
Sign Language House. (1984). Dawn Sign Press. An educational
coloring book for elementary and pre-school children using words and their
opposites. May be duplicated.
Sign Language Made Simple. (1997). Karen Lewis and Roxanne
Henderson. An overview of how to use ASL. Over 1,000 basic American
Sign Language signs arranged alphabetically and by subject matter. Over
200 more signs for sentences, sayings, humor and more.
Sign Language Opposites. (1985). Dawn Sign Press. An educational
coloring book for elementary and pre-school children using words and their
opposites. May be duplicated.
Sign Language Research Theoretical Issues. (1990). Ceil Lucas.
Gallaudet University Press. This book contains 24 papers presented at the
international conference, Theoretical Issues in Sign Language Research II,
which took place May, 1988 at Gallaudet University.
Sign Language Studies: Academic Acceptance of American Sign
Language. (1998). Sherman Wilcox, editor. Linstok Press. A compilation
of articles written by various authors about sign language studies.
Sign Language Vocabulary for Technical Terminology: English,
Theater, Audiology, Speech & Language, Career Education. (2001).
Frank Caccamise. NTID. Signs fully illustrated.
Sign Me Fine. (1989). Greene & Dicker. Gallaudet University Press.
Shows the interesting differences between American Sign Language and
Sign With Kids!! (1997). Diane Schmidt. Modern Signs Press. Twentyfive lessons for topics that kids need for everyday life. Each lesson comes
with fun games and activities that may be reproduced for classroom use.
Sign With Me: Building Conversations Volume I Birth to Three. (1993).
Mary Pat Moeller & Brenda Schick. Boys Town National Research
Hospital, Omaha, NE. Part of the Sign With Me series. This set includes
two videotapes (Lessons 1-4 and 5-8) with accompanying workbook in
plastic carrying case. This set deals with learning signs and techniques for
everyday conversations with a young deaf child.
Sign With Me: Building Conversations Volume II Birth to Three.
(1993). Part of the Sign With Me series. This set deals with learning to
sign abstract concepts encountered daily by deaf toddlers, such as funny,
soft, and sticky.
Sign With Me: Positive Parenting Volume III Birth to Three. (1996).
Part of the Sign With Me series. This set deals with learning signs to use
for praising and effectively disciplining your young deaf child.
Sign With Me Colors. (1987). Susan Shroyer. Sugar Sign Press. A
color book designed to teach basic colors and the signs for these colors in
sign language. May be duplicated.
Sign With Us. (1997). American Sign Language for all ages. Easy to
learn with over 1000 pictures.
Signed English Dictionary. (1975). Gallaudet University Press. For use
with preschool and elementary levels.
Signed English School Book. (1987). Borstein & Saulnier. Signs for
instructions settings from preschool through high school.
Signed English Starter. (1984). Bornstein & Saulnier. Gallaudet
University Press. A beginning book in the Signed English system. ALSO
AVAILABLE: Videotape of the same title.
Signed Finger Alphabet. Garlic Press. Set of 26 large sturdy 8x11”
Signed Number Cards. Numbers 1-20. From Gallaudet.
Signing at Church. (1998). Stanley Collins. TJ Publishers. For adults
and young adults. Presents a little of everything: phrases, common words,
an index, a Bible passage, and The Lord’s Prayer. Exact English.
Signing at School. (1992). Collins. Garlic Press. Simple signs are
presented and combined to communicate in the school setting. Includes
finger alphabet, asking questions and getting answers, courtesies and
greetings, giving directions, words around school.
Signing at Sunday School. (1998). Stanley Collins. TJ Publishers.
Includes songs, the story of Jesus, and Bible verses. Fully illustrated and
easy to follow.
Signing Avatar. (2000). Three-ring binder including instructions and CDROM. In Signed English and Pidgin Signed English.
Signing English: Exact or Not? (1988). Edited by Gerilee Gustafson.
Modern Sign Press. A collection of articles on Signing Exact English.
Signing Everyday Phrases. (1996). Mickey Flodin. The easy way to
learn basic sign language phrases for everyday life. Illustrated with over
3,100 easy-to-follow signs.
Signing for Dummies. (2003). Penilla & Taylor. Wiley Publ. This book
explains the basics you need to start communicating right away, from
proper handshapes and body language to vocabulary and grammar. Fully
illustrated with accompanying CD-ROM.
Signing for Kids. (1991). The fun way for anyone to learn American Sign
Signing for Reading Success. (1986). Hafer & Wilson. Clerc Books.
Illustrated booklet prepared for teachers of hearing children to help them
use signing in reading and language arts. Booklet contains a drawing of
each sign as well as a description.
Signing: How to Speak With Your Hands. Revised and Updated.
(1995). Elaine Costello. More than 1300 signs and their descriptions, large
upper-torso illustrations that show position and movement of hands, plus
their relation to the face and body.
Signing Is Fun. (1995). Mickey Flodin. Perigee Books Publ. A child’s
introduction to the basics of sign language. Over 150 fully illustrated signs
with complete instructions to form the signs.
Signing Made Easy. (1989). Butterworth & Flodin. Perigee Publ. A
complete program for learning and using sign language in everyday life.
Contains learning exercises for increased comprehension and signing skill.
Large format with clear descriptions and instructions for easy learning.
Signing Naturally 1. (1988). Vista ASL Series. Set includes student
videotext (118 minutes), videotape of Teacher’s Curriculum Guide, Student
Workbook, and Teacher’s Curriculum Guide book.
Signing Naturally 2. (1989). Vista ASL Series. Set includes student
videotext (120 minutes each), videotape Teacher’s Cumulative Review,
videotape Teacher’s Curriculum Orientation, Student Workbook, Teacher’s
Curriculum Guide book, Vocabulary Review book.
Signing Naturally 3. (2001). Vista ASL Series. Set includes student
videotext (96 minutes), stories videotape (40 minutes) with 8 assignments,
and student workbook, student workbook with DVD, and hardcover teacher
curriculum guide with DVD, and 3-ring binder Materials Kit all of same title.
Videotapes contain no audio.
Signs Across America. (1984). Edgar & Susan Shroyer. Gallaudet
Press. A look at regional differences in American Sign Language.
Signs Everywhere. (1981). Nancy Kelly-Jones and Harley Hamilton.
Modern Sign Press. A collection of signs for towns, cities, states and
provinces in the US, Canada, and Mexico.
Signs for Computing Terminology. (1983). Steve Jamison. A sign
reference book for people in the computing field.
Signs for Legal and Social Work Terminology. (1998). Caccamise,
Mitchell & Reeves. NTID. Illustrated.
Signs for Me – Basic Sign Vocabulary for Children. (1990). Bahan and
Dannis. Dawn Sign Press. An illustrated book of basic vocabulary using
pictures, sign illustration and the English word.
Signs for Pets and Animals. (BOARD BOOK). (2002). Garlic Press.
Part of the Early Sign Language series presenting signs for pets and
animals with accompanying photographs.
Signs for Science and Mathematics: A Resource Book for Teachers
and Students. (1992). Caccamise & Lang. NTID. Illustrated
Signs for Sexuality. Second Edition. (1978). Marlyn Minikin and Laurie
Rosen-Ritt. Planned Parenthood of Seattle-King Country. A resource
manual for deaf and hard of hearing individuals, their families and
Sign me Alice and Laurent Clerc: A profile. (1997). A classroom guide of
suggested activities and projects. By Bobbie Allen and Marla Hatrak for
Gilbert C. Eastman’s.
Signs of Drug Use. (1980). James Woodward. TJ Publishers. An
introduction of drug and alcohol vocabulary in American Sign Language.
Videotape of same title is also available.
The Signs of Language. (1979). Edward Klima and Ursula Bellugi.
Harvard University Press. An exploration of sign language, the origin and
development of American Sign Language, and its internal structure.
Signs of Life. (2004). Gallaudet University Press. Basic ASL for
everyday conversation. Over 1,000 signs.
Signs of the Times. (1982). Edgar Shroyer. Gallaudet University Press.
Signs are completely illustrated in 41 lessons. A sentence using the sign in
proper context is shown beneath the illustration. Mind Tickler section
follows each lesson explaining methods to remembers signs more easily.
Signs of Sexual Behavior. (1979). James Woodward. TJ Publishers.
An introduction to some sex-related vocabulary in American Sign
Language. Videotape of same title is also available.
Signsation! (1995). Academic Communication Associates. This book
contains games for teaching sign language. Permission is granted to copy
games for use with students. Included are sign language playing cards,
match ‘em up boards, and sign tic-tac-toe.
Simple Signs. (1995). Cindy Wheeler. Gallaudet Press. Colorfully
illustrated book written by the mother of a Down Syndrome boy.
Sing, Dance ‘n Sign Songbook. (1998). Heartsong Communications.
Music, lyrics, and over 132 sign language illustrations and dance
movements for songs. ALSO AVAILABLE: videotape of same title.
Sing ‘n Sign For Fun Songbook with Gaia. (1996). Heartsong
Communications. More songs in sign.
Sing ‘n Sign Holiday Time with Gaia. (2001). Music, chords, lyrics, and
over 180 sign language illustrations for 14 songs for Christmas, Kwanzaa
and Hanukkah.
Sleeping Beauty. (1992). Gallaudet Press. Storybook with selected
sentences in American Sign Language. For use with accompanying
Songs in Sign. Collins. Gallaudet Press. Part of the Beginning Sign
Language Series. This book presents familiar songs fully illustrated in
Sign English.
Sports Signs Series. Modern Sign Press. Six illustrated books on the
following subjects:
Sports Signs – Baseball/Softball
Sports Signs – Basketball
Sports Signs – Football
Sports Signs – General Vocabulary
Sports Signs – Track & Field
Sports Signs – Volleyball
Sticky Fingers. (1983). Myra Shulman Auslin. Pro-Ed. Part of the series
of books on idioms. This series is designed to be used in either a group or
individualized setting. Each idiom is presented within the context of a short
story, which is followed by five exercises. This book contains teaching
suggestions, vocabulary, and illustrations.
Street Signs. (1986). Paul Helm. Gallaudet Press. A book of signs for
driver education of deaf students.
The Tale of Peter Rabbit. Beatrix Potter. A coloring book with Signed
English words to accompany the story.
Talking With Your Hands, Listening With Your Eyes. (2003). Gabriel
Grayson. Square One Publ. A complete photographic guide to American
Sign Language. Over 1700 signed words and phrases. Step-by-step
instructions and useful tips to perfect signing skills. Insets provide insight
into deafness, deaf culture, and significant deaf personalities.
Technical Signs 1 & 2. (1993). NTID. From the Technical Signs Project
at NTID. This manual covers the Project Overview, Reading Technical
Signs and Diagrams.
Technical Signs 4. (1993). NTID. From the Technical Signs Project at
NTID. This manual covers Communication: Audiology and Speech
Technical Signs 5. (1993). NTID. From the Technical Signs Project at
NTID. This manual covers Career Education.
Technical Signs Manual 6: Signs for English Terminology. (1993).
NTID. Caccamise, Outermans, Gustina, Mitchell, et all. From the
Technical Signs Project.
Technical Signs 7. (1993). NTID. From the Technical Signs Project at
NTID. This manual covers Religion/Catholic.
Technical Signs 8. (1993). NTID. From the Technical Signs Project at
NTID. This manual covers Theater.
Thinking Out Loud. (1998). Applied Learning Technologies. Little Planet
Literacy Series. Three-ring binder containing a videotape, CD Rom (for
IBM). The teacher guides the student through the process of listening to
and then retelling stories, asking questions and encouraging where
necessary. Activities for individual, small, or whole group instruction.
Stories include: The Boy Who Cried Wolf; The Grasshopper and the Ants;
Tug of War; Ferdinand the Bull; Brigitte; The Tortoise & The Hare.
Visual Vocabulary Skills. (1981). Kendall Green Publications. A picture
book showing actions, clothing, people, places, recreation, rooms, tools
and appliances, and vehicles.
W*A*S*P: Word Association for Syllable Perception. (2000). Mary E.
Koch. Phoneme perception/production program. Guidelines and
assessment forms. Set also includes picture cards.
Weather Sign With Me. (1987). Shroyer and Kimmel. Sugar Sign Press.
A colorful book that teaches weather words in sign language.
What’s Your Sign for Pizza? (2003). Lucas, Bayley & Valli. Gallaudet
University Press. An introduction to variation in American Sign Language.
Word in the Hand: Book One. (1984). Kitterman and Collins. Garlic
Press. An introduction to sign language. A simple, basic primer to Signed
English containing 15 lessons and over 500 illustrations. Each lesson
provides vocabulary, illustrations, review, exercises and assignments.
Word in the Hand: Book Two. (1991). Kitterman and Collins. Garlic
Press. The second basic primer to Signed English containing 10 lessons
and over 300 illustrations. Each lesson provides vocabulary, illustrations,
review, exercises and assignments
Word Signs. (BOARD BOOK). (1985). Debby Slier. Gallaudet University
Press. A First Book of Sign Language for babies and toddlers.
You Can Sign: A Path to the Deaf Way. (1994). Wyant. Rushmore
House Publishing. Explains the manual language used among deaf people
to communicate.
You Can Learn Sign Language! (1999). Kramer & Ovadia. Three
hundred words in pictures illustrated in sign and described.
You’ve Got A Song. (1979). Gadling and Pokorny. National Association
of the Deaf. A book of selected popular songs with sign language
ABI: Adaptive Behavior Inventory. Pro-Ed.
ACPT: Auditory Continuous Performance Test. (1994). Psychological
Corporation. Set consists of Examiner’s manual and audio CD.
Adaptive Behavior in Classification and Programming with Students
Who Are Handicapped. (1987). Charlotte Ryan. MN Dept. of Ed. A
document of papers written by various authors on adaptive behavior.
Adaptive Behavior: Street Survival Skills Questionnaire. (1993)
McCarron-Dial Systems, Inc. Set includes curriculum guides &
AGS Assist. (2001). Vineland. Social-Emotional Early Childhood series.
Set includes manual and CD.
An Instructional Guide to the Woodcock-Johnson Psycho-Educational
Battery. (1991). Clinical Psychology Publ. Co.
Arizona 3: Arizona Articulation Proficiency Scale, Third
Revision.(2000). Janet B. Fudala, Ph.D.
ASL Development Observation Record. From the Early Childhood
Education Department of California School for the Deaf, Fremont CA.
Assessing Children with Low Incidence Handicaps: A Resource
Guide. (1991). Developed by Project LILY. University of MN. A resource
guide for practitioners who work with persons who have low incidence
Assessing the Reading Abilities and Instructional Needs of Students.
(1987). Pro-Ed. Describes assessment of students’ reading problems,
understanding the nature of reading assessment and techniques for
Assessing the Writing Abilities and Instructional Needs of Students.
(1987). Pro-Ed.
Assessment: Best Practices for Assessing Students With Hearing
Impairment. From MN Resource Center:D/HH.
Assessment of Adolescents with Special Needs: A Guide for
Transition Planning. (1988). Margaret West, editor. University of
Washington Press. Three-ring binder on assessment.
Assessment of Developmental Skills for Young Multihandicapped
Sensory Impaired Children. An Insructional Manual for the INSITE
Development Checklist. Elizabeth Morgan and Sue Watkins. SKI HI
Institute. Dept. of Communicative Disorders. Utah State University.
Assessment: Best Practices for Assessing Deaf and Hard of Hearing
Students. April 1996. 3-ring binder from MN Dept. of Children, Families &
A Resource Handbook for the Assessment and Identification of LEP
Students with Special Educational Needs. (September 1987). MN Dept
of Education. 3-ring binder.
BASC-2: Behavior Assessment System for Children. Second
Edition.(2005). Cecil R. Reynolds, Randy W. Kamphaus.
Beginning Career Exploration System. (1993). American Guidance
Service, Inc. Set includes Leader’s Guide and Participant’s Workbook and
hand-scored answer booklet. For Middle School/Junior High School age.
Companion to Career Exploration System.
Behavior Assessment System for Children. (2003). AGS Publishing.
Set includes manual and CD.
Best Practices for Assessing Students with Impaired Hearing. (1988).
Kyllo, Enfiejian-Hoekstra, Hoekstra. 3-ring binder on assessment.
Beyond Standardized Testing: Assessing Authentic Academic
Achievement in the Secondary School. (1988). Doug Archibald and
Fred Newmann. National Association of Second School Principals.
Reviews use and limitations of standardized testing and offers methods
more helpful to assessment.
Boehm-3. Boehm Test of Basic Concepts – Third Edition. (2001). The
Psychological Corporation. Set includes examiner’s manual, scoring key
for Form E, scoring key for Form F, Directions for Administration (English
and Spanish in the same booklet).
Bracken: Basic Concept Scale Revised. (1998). The Psychological
Corporation. Set includes Stimulus Manual and Examiner’s Manual as well
as record form. For grades K-1. Designed to measure a subset of
children’s receptive vocabulary-basic concepts in the areas of direction,
social/emotional, size, texture, quantity, and time/sequence.
Brigance Diagnostic Test: Comprehensive Inventory of Basic Skills.
Green 3-ring binder. Also available: Brigance Diagnostic Comprehensive
Record Book of same title.
Brigance Diagnostic Test: Inventory of Early Development. Yellow 3ring binder. Also available: Brigance Diagnostic Comprehensive Record
Book of same title, and Kit of Materials in yellow carrying case.
Brigance Diagnostic Test: Life Skills Inventory. 3-ring binder. Also
available: Life Skills Record Book of same title.
Brigance Preschool Screen for Three- and Four-Year Old Children.
Binder. Accompanying colored blocks.
Brigance Prescriptive – Readiness: Strategies & Practice. 3-ring
Brigance Prescriptive – Study Skills: Strategies & Practice. 3-ring
Brigance Prescriptive – Word Analysis: Strategies & Practice. 3-ring
binder. In Volumes I and II
Volume I: Vowels, Consonants, Blends, Consonant Digraphs
Volume II: Endings, Vowel Digraphs, Diphthongs, Irregularities,
Affixes, Syllables
CASLLS: Cottage Acquisition Scales for Listening, Language, and
Speech. (2001). User’s Guide & scales worksheets.
Carolina Picture Vocabulary Test Kit. (1985). Pro-Ed. Picture books,
test book, and score sheets.
Career Exploration System. (1993). American Guidance Service.
Grades 9 and up. Set includes Leader’s Guide, Student Workbook, and
hand-scored booklet. Companion to Beginning Career Exploration System.
C.H.A.P.S. (1998). Children’s Auditory Performance Scale. By Walter J.
Smoski, Ph.D. Michael A. Brunt, Ph.D., J. Curtis Tannahill, Ph.D.
Child Development Inventory. (1992). Harold Ireton. Behavior Science
Systems. For social development, self help, gross motor, fine motor,
expressive language, language comprehension, letters & numbers. For
ages 1-6.
CIBS-R: Standardization and Validation Manual. Brigance.
(Comprehensive Inventory of Basic Skills-Revised). From Curriculum
Associates. (1999).
CID Inventory. (1988). Central Institute for the Deaf. Set includes work
sheets, Phonetic Inventory cards, and SPINE cards (Speech Intelligibility
Comprehensive Test of Adaptive Behavior. (1984). The Psychological
Corporation of HBJ, Inc. Set includes Technical Manual with Updates
Norms, Prescriptive Summary, and Parent/Guardian Survey.
Connors’ Rating Scale. (1990). Keith Connors, PhD. Multi-Health
Systems Publishing.
Cottage Acquisition Scales for Listening, Language & Speech. (2001).
Sunshine Cottage School for Deaf Children, San Antonio TX.
Craig Lipreading Inventory. (1990). 3-ring binder and spiral bound
manual. Resource Point Inc., Publ.
CREVT: Comprehensive Receptive and Expressive Vocabulary Test.
CSAB: Cognitive Skills Assessment Battery.
CSSA: Comprehensive Scales of Student Abilities. Pro-Ed.
Quantifying Academic Skills and School-Related Behavior Through the Use
of Teacher Judgements.
DIBELS. Dynamic Indicators of Basic Early Literacy. This set may also
be downloaded from the Dibels web site.
Dichonics CAPD Diagnosis and Therapy. (2002). Sonido Inc. Set
includes manual and CD.
DTLA: Detroit Tests of Learning Aptitude-3. Kit. Riverside Publ.
DTLA: Detroit Tests of Learning Aptitude-P:2. Complete kit.
Early Speech Perception for Profoundly Hearing Impaired Children.
From Central Institute for the Deaf. Boxed kit.
Ecological Inventory Exemplars. (1987). Dick Sobsey. A collection of
environmental inventories from the Department of Educational Psychology,
University of Alberta; Edmonton, Alberta, Canada.
ERIC Report 70: The Role of Measurement in the Process of
Instruction. (1979). Jeffrey Smith. Educational Testing Services. A
perspective on measurement and the process of instruction.
ERIC Report 74: Intelligence, Intelligence Testing, and School
Practices. American Institutes of Research. A paper intended for parents
and teachers who want to know more about intelligence testing as a
schooling practice.
Expressive One-Word Picture Vocabulary Test. (2000). Academic
Therapy Publications. Obtains a basal estimate of a student’s vocabulary
knowledge by means of the acquired expressive knowledge from home and
formal education. For ages 2-11.
First Grade Screening Test. (1969). American Guidance Service.
Functional Auditrory Performance Indicators (FAPI). (2003). StredlerBrown & Johnson. Permission is granted to copy and distribute this
Fundamentals of Evaluating Sign Language Programs: Checklists for
Program Assessment. (1998). Mike Kemp. Designed to be a guide in
evaluating sign language programs in the United States and in the country
where people have an interest in learning signed language. Main focus:
GAEL-C: Grammatical Analysis of Elicited Language – Complex
Sentence Level.
GAEL-P: Grammatical Analysis of Elicited Language – Simple
Sentence Level.
GAEL-S: Grammatical Analysis of Elicited Language – Simple
Sentence Level.
Getting Through: An Unfair Hearing Test. Portfolio includes audiotape.
Hearing Impairment and Language Disorders: Assessment &
Intervention. (1994). Topics in language disorders series.
Key Math Software. Windows version.
Kindergarten Readiness Test. From Slossen Educational Publications.
KLST-2: Kindergarten Language Screening Test. (1998). PRO-ED.
K-TEA: Kaufman Test of Educational Achievement. (1985).
K-TEA-2: Kaufman Test of Educational Achievement, Second Edition.
(2004). AGS Publishing.
Leiter-R. Nationally standardized revision. Totally nonverbal intelligence
and cognitive abilities test.
The Lips Program. The Lindamood Pheoneme Sequencing Program for
Reading, Spelling, and Speech. Classroom version.
Low-Incidence Children: A Guide to Psychoeducational Assessment.
(1986). Provides extensive information and guidance in the
psychoeducational assessment of most low-incidence handicapped
MacArthur Communicative Development Inventories. (192). Brookes
Publ. This assessment also available in Spanish (MacArthur Inventarios
del Desarrollo de Habilidades Comunicativas.
Matson Evaluation of Social Skills. (1995). (also known as MESSY).
Meadow-Kendall Social/Emotional Assessment. Set includes manual,
pre-school inventory, and school-age inventory.
Meadow –Kendall Social-Emotional Assessment Inventories for Deaf
and Hearing Impaired Students. (Preschool Form for ages 36 months to
83 months. School-age Form for ages 7-21 years.) Results compared with
children in residential and day-school programs.
Meadow-Kendall Social/Emotional Assessment Inventory (SEAI) For
Deaf and Hearing-Impaired. Student’s Manual. (1983). Gallaudet Press.
Measuring Student Progress in the Classroom. A pamphlet on articles
as a guide to testing and evaluating progress of students with disabilities.
Mullens Scales of Early Learning. (2001). American Guidance Service.
Set includes computer software and manual, Item Administration Book,
assessment manual, Stimulus Book, record forms, and test kit.
The Ninth Mental Measurement Yearbook Volumes I & II. University of
Nebraska Press.
Non-Biased Assessment. (1981). National School Training Network,
University of MN. Three-ring binder.
Ounce Scale. (2003). Pearson Education Inc. Set includes User’s Guide,
Standards for the Development Profiles manual and booklets in the
following age ranges:
Babies I: Birth - 4 months
Babies II: 4-8 months
Babies III: 8-12 months
Babies IV: 12-18 months
Toddlers I: 18-24 months
Toddlers II: 24-30 months
Toddlers III: 30-36 months
Preschoolers: 35-42 months
Peabody Individual Achievement Test – Revised (PIAT-R). (1998).
American Guidance Service. Set includes manual and Book of Plates
Volumes 1, 2, 3, 4.
Peabody Language Development Kit – Level P. American Guidance
Service, Inc.
Peabody Picture Vocabulary Test – Form L. Regular edition revised.
American Guidance Service.
Psychoeducational Assessment of Hearing Impaired Students:
Infancy Through High School. Pro-Ed. Includes a comprehensive
presentation of issues and procedures related to the assessment of
students with hearing impairments. Reviews of technical adequacy of
norm- and criterion-referenced tests and use of curriculum-based
measures are presented.
Psychoeducational Evaluation of Children and Adolescents With LowIncidence Handicaps. (1986). Chapters written by contributing authors in
the field of evaluation and education.
Psychoeducational Testing, Sixth Edition. (1988). Macmillan
Publishing. The nature and use of psychological testing.
Psychoeducational Interventions with Sensorially Disabled Persons.
(1987). Biopsychosocial perspective, the identification of special issues
and suggestions for clinical assessment and intervention.
Reading-Free Vocational Interest Inventory. (1988).
Receptive One-Word Picture Vocabulary Test. (2000). Academic
Therapy Publications. Obtains a basal estimate of a child’s receptive
vocabulary knowledge. For ages 1-11.
Report Writer for the WJ-R. (Woodcock-Johnson Psycho-Educational
Battery-Revised). (1995).
Reporting Test Scores to Different Audiences. (1983). Educational
Testing Service. Discusses the issues involved in reporting test scores.
Resource Handbook for the Assessment and Identification of LEP
Students With Special Education Needs. (September 1987). MDE
Rhode Island Test of Language Structure. (1983). Pro-Ed.
The Rossetti Infant-Toddler Language Scale. (1990). Louis Rossetti. A
measure of communication interaction. Skill area: language. Set includes
examiner’s manual and testing sheets.
Scales of Early Communication Skills for Hearing-Impaired Children.
(1975). Central Institute for the Deaf.
Scales of Independent Behavior. Woodcock-Johnson
SCAN-C: Test for Auditory Processing Disorders in Children –
Revised. (2000). The Psychological Corporation. Set includes manual
and CD.
S-CPT: Swanson-Cognitive Processing Test. Pro-Ed.
Semantic Awareness Test Kit. To accompany videotapes of same title.
Sequenced Inventory of Communication Development. Test manual
and instruction manual.
SHIPS: Self-Help Inter-Personal Skills Assessment. CD-ROM
measures interpersonal strengths and weaknesses of students with
physical, visual, or hearing impairments, as well as individuals with no
impairment. For use with both MAC and IBM computers.
☼Sonday System 1. (2007). Winsor Learning Systems. Contains
enhanced fluency practice, more comprehension strategies & improved
progress monitoring skills, rules for the English language, reading/writing
fluency, vocabulary and comprehension. Boxed kit includes plan book,
instructional DVD, word book, reading strips, sound card deck, and much
☼Sonday System 2: (2007). Winsor Learning Systems. The Sonday
System 2 guides the instruction for Intermediate reading, reading
intervention and English language learners. Boxed kit includes Learning
plan book, instructional DVD, word book, blend card deck, prefix card deck,
suffix card deck, root card deck, and much more
Social Skills Rating Systems. (1990). American Guidance Service.
Manual and one preschool level set and one secondary level set.
Speech Perception Instructional Curriculum and Evaluation. For
Children with Cochlear Implants and Hearing Aids. From Central Institute
for the Deaf. Boxed kit.
SRI - Standardized Reading Inventory. Pro-Ed.
SRI-2 – Standardized Reading Inventory. Second Edition. Pro-Ed.
SSD – Scale of Social Development. Pro-Ed.
Staggered Spondaic Word Test (SSW). (2002). Precision Acoustics.
Set includes test manual, analysis sheet, CD and audiotape.
Standards for Educational Psychological Testing. (1985). American
Psychological Association. Addresses issues of test use in a variety of
Stanford Achievement Test (1989) – 8th Edition. Center for Assessment
and Demographic Studies. Set includes:
PRIMARY: sets 1, 2, 3
INTERMEDIATE: sets 1, 2, 3
ADVANCED: sets 1, 2
Each set contains complete batteries, math and reading screenings.
Stanford Achievement Test (1996) – 9th Edition. See description above.
Stanford Achievement Test (2003) – 10th Edition. See description above.
Starting With Assessment: A Developmental Approach to Deaf
Children’s Literacy. (1999). Martha French. Gallaudet University PreCollege National Mission Program. Presents principles to guide
assessment based on current theories about learning. Also discusses the
development of language and literacy, building a developmental picture
that accounts for individual needs and skills while noting where each child
fits within a broad framework for development. Accompanying Appendices
makes up the 2-volume set.
Starting With Assessment: A Developmental Approach to Deaf
Children’s Literacy: The Tool Kit: Appendices. (1999). Martha
French. Gallaudet University Pre-College National Mission Program.
Second part to the two-volume set comprised of appendices that support
each chapter in the book.
Suggested Diagnostic Terminology. (1991). ASI. A listing of
terminology used for providing a diagnostic assessment.
TAGS – Teacher Assessment of Grammatical Structure. Manual
TAPS-3: Test of Auditory-Perceptual Skills. (2005). Morrison Gardner.
Academic Therapy Publications. Set includes manual and test booklet.
TASL: Teacher Assessment of Spoken Language. (1998). Moog
Center for Deaf Education. Manual and rating form.
Test Critiques Compendium. (1987). Test Corporation of America.
Review of major tests from The Test Critique series.
Test for Auditory Processing Disorders in Children – Revised. (2000).
The Psychological Corporation. Set includes CD Rom, manual, and record
Test of Auditory Comprehension. (1980). From Foreworks.
TERA-2: Test of Early Reading Ability. Pro-Ed.
TERA-D/HH: Test of Early Reading Ability-Deaf or Hard of Hearing.
☼TERA-3 Test of Early Reading Ablility - Third Edition
Test of Relational Concepts: Norms for Deaf Children. (1997).
Test of Syntactic Abilities. Test box and guidebook.
TEWL-2:Test of Early Written Language. Profile/Record Booklet, Form A
and B.
The Time-Sample Behavioral Checklist. (1987). Research Press.
TIES – The Instructional Environment Scale. Pro-Ed.
TOAL 2 – Test of Adolescent Language. Pro-Ed.
TOAL 3 – Test of Adolescent and Adult Learning. 3rd Edition.
TOLD 2 – Test of Language Development. Intermediate level. Pro-Ed.
TOLD 2 – Test of Language Development. Primary Level. Pro-Ed.
TOLD – P:3 – Test of Language Development. Primary level. 3rd
Edition. Pro-Ed. This complete kits includes examiner’s manual, picture
book, record forms.
TOMAL – Test of Memory and Learning. Pro-Ed.
TONI – Test of Non-Verbal Intelligence. Pro-Ed.
TONI-3: Test of Non-Verbal Intelligence. Pro-Ed.
TOPL- Test of Pragmatic Language. Pro-Ed.
TORC-3: Test of Reading Comprehension. Pro-Ed.
TOWL-2: Test of Written Language. Pro-Ed.
TOWL-3: Test of Written Language. Pro-Ed. 3rd Edition.
Transition Planning Inventory (TPI). PRO-ED.
Unfair Spelling Test. Portfolio.
Vineland Adaptive Behavior Scales, Assist Software for IBM. (1992).
Vineland Adaptive Behavior Scales. Classroom Edition Manual. (1985).
Vineland Adaptive Behavior Scales. Questionnaire Booklet.
Vineland Adaptive Behavior Scales. Expanded Form, Interview Edition,
Report to Parents.
Vineland Adaptive Behavior Scales. Interview Edition, Survey Form
Manual. American Guidance Service.
Vineland Adaptive Behavior Scales. Interview Edition, Expanded.
Wais-III: Wechsler Adult Intelligence Scale - Third Edition. (1997). The
Psychological Corporation.
Walker-McConnell Social Competence and School Adjustment. Form,
Score Summary and Profile Booklet.
Wide Range Achievement Test. From Wide Range, Wilmington DE.
(1993). Jastak Associates.
Woodcock-Johnson Mastery Test – Revised. Software. DOS version.
Woodcock-Johnson III. Complete Battery.
Word Test: Adolescent. (1989). Pro-Ed. For ages 12-17. Allows the
examiner to assess the subject’s ability to recognize and express the
critical semantic attributes of the student. Categorizing, defining, verbal
reasoning, and choosing appropriate words are all indicators of semantic
attributes tested.
Word Test: Elementary. (1989). Pro-Ed. For ages 7-11.
WRAT-3: Wide-Range Achievement Test-3.
A Speech Guide for Teachers and Clinicians of Hearing Impaired
Children. (1987). Communication Skill Builders. A precise manual
presenting auditory, visual, and tactile strategies for teaching speech.
Applied Phonetics: The Sounds of American English. (2003). Harold
Edwards, PhD. Delmar Learning Publ. Provides an introduction to the field
of phonetics and provides a complete overview of each of the sounds of
American English.
Audio Enhancement: First Quality in Assistive Listening. Audio
Enhancement. A folio of pamphlets on assistive listening devices.
Auditory-Verbal Therapy for Parents and Professionals. (1994).
Warren Estabrooks. AG Bell Association for the Deaf. A guide for parents
and educators in teaching children who are hearing impaired to listen,
process verbal language, and speak.
Becoming a Proficient Cuer. (1992). Metzger & Fleetwood. Silver
Spring, MD: Calliope Press. For use with videotape of same title.
Clues: Speech Reading for Adults. (1982). Feehan, Samuelsen and
Seymore. Tigard, OR: CC Publications, Inc. Illustrated book designed for
use by audiologists and speech-language pathologists or someone of a
similar background and education.
Communication Training for Older Teenagers & Adults: Listening,
Speechreading & Using Conversational Strategies. (1997). Pro-Ed.
Communicating With People Who Have Multiple Sensory
Impairments. (November 1991). Kathleen Stremal. A pamphlet of
articles on communication by people with dual vision and hearing
Cued Language Structure: An Analysis of Cued American English
Based on Linguistic Principles. (1998). Fleetwood & Metzger.
The Cued Language Transliterator in the Educational Setting: The Job
Description. (1997). Produced by Testing, Evaluation & Certification Unit,
Inc. of Silver Spring MD.
Cued Speech ABC Fun ‘n Learning. (1991). Hi I Cue Publications. A
variety of ways to expand language concepts are included in this book.
Cued Speech Curriculum: Acquiring Receptive and Expressive Cued
Speech. (1990). Karen Koehler-Cesa. K-C Publ. This manual provides a
method of instructing Cued Speech to the hearing impaired.
Cued Speech Curriculum: Acquiring Receptive and Expressive Cued
Speech. STUDENT WORKBOOK. (1990). Karen Koehler-Cesa. K-C
Publ. Student workbook to be used with teacher manual of same title.
Cued Speech: Gaining Fluency. (1993). Metzger & Fleetwood. Silver
Spring, MD: Calliope Press. Set of audio-cassettes designed to aid hearing
cuers in developing structured cueing fluency for general American dialect.
Cued Speech Games. (1995). Carol Mauro. Manual describing games to
be used for Cued Speech practice.
Cued Speech Practice Manual A. (1989). Hi I Cue Publications. A
collection of practice materials developed for training seminars, family
instruction and classes for the hearing impaired.
Cued Speech Practice Manual B. (1989). Hi I Cue Publications. The
purpose of this manual is to gain skills in fluent, rhythmic and accurate
The Cued Speech Resource Book for Parents of Deaf Children.
(1992). Cornett & Daisy. Raleigh, NC: National Cued Speech Association.
A fact book about the reality of deafness and how to deal with it.
Cued Speech Transliteration: Theory and Application. (1990).
Fleetwood & Metzger. Silver Spring, MD: Calliope Press. An overview of
considerations related to the profession of Cued Speech Transliteration.
Cumulative Record of Speech Skill Acquisition. (1978). Daniel Ling.
The Alexander Graham Bell Ass’n for the Deaf, Inc. A record book to trace
an individual’s progress throughout the period over which spoken language
is developed (early infancy into school life).
DASL: Developmental Approach to Successful Listening. (1986).
Stout & Windle. Resource Point. For the educator or parent to use as a
tool to enhance auditory training or auditory learning.
DASL II. (1992). Stout & Van Windle. Developmental Approach to
Successful Listening.
Developing Auditory Skills: Program Manual. (1980). Gallaudet
University. An updated text and manufactures’ information which outlines
auditory training methods currently employed at the Model Secondary
School for the Deaf, Gallaudet University, Washington DC.
Developing Auditory Skills: Systematic Lessons. (1986). Mansi &
Gragg. Gallaudet University. Companion book to the Program Manual.
Do You Hear That? (1992). Estabrooks & Samson. AG Bell. Auditory
verbal therapy program as practiced at North York General Hospital,
Toronto Canada. A videotape of the same title should be used with the
booklet. See videotape inventory.
Ear Infections in Your Child: The Comprehensive Parental Guide to
Causes & Treatments. A pamphlet by Kenneth Grundfast & Cynthia
The Education of Audiologists and Speech-Language Pathologists.
(1992). Edited by Rassi & McElroy.
Educational Audiology for the Limited Hearing Infant. (1970). Doreen
Pollack. Charles Thomas Publ. A comprehensive program of educational
audiology for the hearing impaired infant and his/her parents, beginning
with a brief history of the change in philosophy in the last 3 decades as a
result of technological progress.
Educational Audiology for the Limited-Hearing Infant and
Preschooler. Third Edition. (1997). Pollack, Goldberg, and Schenck.
Charles Thomas Publ. An auditory-verbal program. Revised chapters
focuses on current concepts and practices in audiologic screen and
Educational Audiology Handbook. (1997). Johnson, Benson, and
Seaton. Singular Publ. Provides comprehensive information on all aspects
of the practice of audiology in educational settings, focusing on children
from preschool to secondary school level. Also includes computer disk
containing forms, form letters, parent handouts, instruction sheets, and
protocols from the handbook.
FM Auditory Trainers: A Winning Choice for Students, Teachers, &
Parents. (1991). Linda Hammon. Gopher State Lith Corp. Publ.
Foundations of Spoken Language for Hearing-Impaired Children:
(1989). Daniel Ling.
Fricatives and Affricates. (1985). Subtelny and Liebarth.
Communication Skill Builders. An illustrated speech and auditory training
program for adolescents with hearing impairments and language disorders.
Gaining Cued Speech Proficiency: A Manual for Parents, Teachers,
and Clinicians. (1984). Walter Beaupre. A copy of the Basic Cued
Speech Proficiency Rating profile is included in this book.
Guide to the Proper Practice of Cued Language Transliteration.
(1992). Fleetwood & Metzger.
Hearing Better: Understanding Your Hearing and Ear Care Options.
(1999). Burkey, Lippy, Schuring, and Rizer. Universal Publ. An overview
of hearing health alternatives. Introduces the different ear professionals,
explains their qualifications and the services they render. The book also
provides basic ear and hearing information.
Hearing Disorders in Children. (1987). Frederick Martin, editor. Pro-Ed.
A book on pediatric audiology.
Hearing Impairment in Children. (1988). Fred Bess, editor. York Press,
Inc. A book based on papers presented at the Third International
Symposium on Childhood Deafness that reviews current knowledge on
etiology, assessment and management of hearing impairment in children.
Hearing Loss in Childhood: A Primer. (1992). Ross Laboratories. A
report of the 102nd Ross Conference on Pediatric Research.
I Can Cue! Series of computer floppy disks for Windows 95 in the
following titles:
Computer Fingers
Cue Those Phrases
Cue Reading
Cue That Word!
I Can’t Hear You in the Dark: How to Learn and Teach Lipreading.
(1998). Betty Woerner Carter. Lessons focus on integrating the
information into daily life.
I See What You Say: Lipreading Program. (1994). Mary Kleeman.
Hearing Visions Publ. Self-help speech reading instruction and practice for
adults experiencing hearing loss. Accompanies videotape of same title.
Intermediate Conversational Sign Language. (1982). Willard Madsen.
Gallaudet University Press. ASL with English Translations. Designed to
assist students in developing some proficiency in the use of conversational
ASL. Arranged by topics based on everyday occurrences.
Introduction to Audiology. (1975). Frederick Martin. Prentice Hall. A
new approach to the science of audiology with emphasis on the basic skills
required for the diagnosis and rehabilitation of hearing-impaired children
and adults.
Introduction to Communication. (1986). Developed by members of the
Communications Department, Model Secondary School for the Deaf,
Gallaudet University. Developed to help hearing-impaired high school
students understand hearing loss and to find resources for building
communication skills.
Kids Discovering Cued Speech. (1990). North Coast Cued Speech
Services. Fun activities for integrating audition, speech, language, reading,
and Cued Speech for birth through teen age.
Learn To Lipread Manual. (2002). Comes with DVD also.
Letters from Cue Adults. (2001). National Cued Speech Association.
Updates personal stories from individuals, some of whom are featured as
children in the Cued Speech Resource Book.
Lipreading for Children. (1987). George Haspiel. Dragon Press. A
series of lessons in speechreading for the elementary school age child.
Useful for trained therapists as well as parents.
Lipreading Naturally: Practical Lipreading and Communication
Exercises for Everyone. (1993). Frances Mezei. Canadian Hearing
Society Publ. Out of the ordinary ideas and lipreading exercises to help
improve your ability to communicate more effectively with others. Includes
exercises that can be applied to everyday situations such as shopping and
Lively Lipreading Exercises. (1978). Mae Fisher. AG Bell Association.
Sixteen lesson plans presented in their initial, medial and final formation.
Monitoring and Maintaining Hearing Aids, Cochlear Implants and FM
Equipment Used in Schools. Feb. 2007. Minnesota Auditory Learning
Project Audition, Language and Speech The Foundations for Literacy. Jack
De Boer, Educational Audiologist.
Music and You. Teacher’s Guide. (1986). Karen Semanchik. Gallaudet
Pre-College Programs. Designed to train hearing impaired students to
listen to, create and perform music.
My Words: Workbooks for Basic Vocabulary. Sets 1-50. By Dorothy
McCarr. (1984).
New Relections on Speechreading. (1988). DeFilippo and Sims, editors.
Alexander Graham Bell Association for the Deaf. Each chapter by a
different author on speechreading.
No-Glamour Auditory Processing. (1993). LinguiSystems. Skill area:
auditory processing; ages 5-12. Activities range from listening and
responding to listening and paraphrasing, problem solving, and
remembering details with skill levels ranging from easiest to most difficult.
No-Glamour Inferences. (2008). LinguiSystems. Teaches and reinforces
interference-making leads to better outcomes in overall text
comprehension, text engagement, and metacognitive thinking. Includes
workbook & CD.
No-Glamour Question Structure Interrogative Reversals. (2008).
LinguiSystems. Skill area: grammar, discourse structure, and
metalinguistics are connected to reading & writing achievement and are
required for text comprehension. Includes workbook & CD.
On My Own. (1984). Gallaudet University. An illustrated book on
assistive devices for deaf and hard of hearing students. STUDENT
WORKBOOK and TEACHER GUIDE both available.
Picture This: Phrasal Verbs Figurative Language for Beginning
Readers. (2007). Kristin Anderson Di Perri, Ed.D.
Play It By Ear. Auditory Training Games. (1960). Lowell & Stoner.
John Tracy Clinic. A book on auditory training games to develop good
listening habits in your deaf and hard of hearing children.
Selecting and Using FM Systems. (1991). French-St.George and
Davidson. Central Institute for the Deaf. Alexander Graham Bell
Association for the Deaf. A course designed to enable identification and
description of systems used for profoundly hearing-impaired children.
SHHH Information Series #254 on Cued Speech. (1988). Pamphlet.
The Sounds of Speech Communication. A Primer of Acoustic
Phonetics and Speech Perception. (1980). Pickett. University Park
Speech Assessment and Speech Improvement for the Hearing
Impaired. Joanne Subtelny, editor. (1980). Alexander Graham Bell
Association for the Deaf.
Speechreading: A Way to Improve Understanding. (1985). Kaplan,
Bally & Garretson. Gallaudet University. A source of information for
hearing impaired adults or all ages and degrees of hearing loss, their
families and friends, and parents of hearing impaired children.
Speechreading Challenges. (1999). Bloomsburg University. Booklet
and CD-ROM set.
Speechreading in Context. (1984). David Deyo. Gallaudet Universtiy.
Functional activities for student practice.
Speechreading in Context: A Guide for Practice in Everyday Settings.
(1997). James Lee. Gallaudet University. A revision of David Deyo’s work.
St. Gabriel’s Curriculum for the Development of Audition, Language,
Speech, Cognition. (2001). From the Trustees of the Christian Brothers
at St. Gabriel’s School for Hearing Impaired Children in Sydney Australia.
Teach me Language (1997). A Language manual for children with autism,
Asperger’s syndrome and related development disorders. Sabrina Freeman
Ph.D. and Lorelei Dake B.A.
Teacher/Clinician’s Planbook and Guide to the Development of
Speech Skills. (1978). Daniel Ling. Alexander Graham Bell Association
for the Deaf. Intended for use in conjunction with the writer’s Cumulative
Record of Speech Skill Acquisition.
Telephone Communication and Hearing Impairment. (1985). Norman
Erber. College-Hill Press. Introduces a variety of new aural rehabilitation
techniques created specifically for instruction in telephone use. Illustrated.
Treasure Chest of Games for Lip Reading Teachers. Samuelson and
Fabregas. AG Bell Association.
Treating Auditory Processing Difficulties in Children. A pamphlet by
Christine Sloan.
We CAN Hear and Speak! (1998). The power of auditory verbal
communication for children who are deaf or hard of hearing. From Parents
and Families of Natural Communication.
When the Brain Can’t Hear. (2002). Teri James Bellis, PH.D. Unraveling
the mystery of auditory processing disorder.
Where Does Speech Fit In? Spoken English in a Bilingual Context.
(1998). Gallaudet University Press. Permission is given to copy and
distribute this booklet.
Ask Me A Question: Activities to improve understanding and use of
Wh-questions. By Amy Strommer.
Audio Worksheets. (1980). Foreworks. Three-ring binders in 4 volumes:
Volumes I, II, III, and IV.
Auditory Discrimination Hierarchy: Minnesota Auditory Learning Project.
Audition, Language, and Speech. The foundations for Literacy.
Presenter: David Sindrey, M.CI.Sc. Cert. AVT. December 2006.
Auditory Skills Curriculum. Developed by the Office of the Los Angeles
County Superintendent of Schools. Foreworks.
Auditory Skills Curriculum – Preschool Supplement. Developed by the
Lexington School for the Deaf. Foreworks.
The Auditory Training Handbook for Good Listeners. (1975). Dhyan
Cassie. Austin, TX: Pro-Ed. The handbook explains amplification and
games to enhance the listening ability of the hearing-impaired child.
BCP Method Cards Book 3 Communication Skills. (1977). VORT
Corp. Method cards to use as a planning and evaluation tool to
individualize the instruction of special educators.
Basics: The Book of Activities and Strategies for Improving
Communication Skills. (2007). Developed by, Academic Communication
Associates, Inc.
Building Blocks for Developing Basic Language. (1977). Barbara
Peterson and Susan Schoenmann. DORMAC. 3-ring binder. Language
curriculum based on the Apple Tree sentence patterns.
Communicate With Me: Conversation Strategies for Deaf Student.
(1988). Gallaudet University Press. Set includes teacher guide and 5
picture/story books. Picture books in units 1, 2, 3, 6, 7 (#4-5 have been
deleted from program).
Communicating With Deaf People: An Introduction. (1987). Gallaudet
University – NICD. Pamphlet on sending and receiving the message when
communicating with deaf people.
Consumer Contact Guide. 3-ring binder from MN Foundation for Better
Hearing and Speech. Comprehensive informational directory of community
services and resources that are available to persons with hearing, speech
and/or language impairments.
Developmental Communication Curriculum. (1982). Merrill Publishing.
Set includes Curriculum Guide and Activity Handbook. Activities to
stimulate and foster language growth in children with communication
Ear Gear. (1986). Carole Bugosh Simko. Kendall Green Publ. A student
workbook on hearing and hearing aids.
Guidelines for Telecommunications in the Deaf Community. (1991).
Cagle. Bowling Green University Press. Illustrated booklet explaining TTY
Kendall Demonstration Elementary School KDES) Auditory and
Speech Training Curriculum. 2nd Edition. (1988). Gallaudet University.
3-ring binder. Incorporates training in both receptive and expressive skills
and includes a detailed teaching philosophy.
Knowing What To Say: Language Activities to Promote Effective Social
Interactions. Larry J. Mattes and Cynthia R. Flowers
Learning to Listen. Discriminating Between Similar Words. (1981).
Educational Insights. Book and cassette tape. Contains reproducible
worksheets, student record sheet and answer key.
Learning to Listen in the Classroom – Following Directions. (1981).
Educational Insights. Book and cassette tape. Contains reproducible
worksheets, student record sheet and answer key.
Learning to Listen in the Classroom – Multiword Phrases. (1981).
Educational Insights. Book and cassette tape. Contains reproducible
worksheets, student record sheet and answer key.
Learning Social Skills for Everyday Situations.(2000). Developed by
Academic Communication Associates, illustrated by Tom Matthews.
The Ling 6 Sound Test: Minnesota Auditory Learning Project. (2006)
Audition, Language and Speech the Foundations for literacy. Presenter:
David Sindrey, M.CI.Sc. Cert AVT
Listen to Me – Auditory Exercises for Adults. (1986). Mary Wood
Whitehurst. Alexander Graham Bell Association for the Deaf. Contains
exercises in listening and concentration that help make the adjustment to
using a hearing aid.
Listening and Following Directions – Using Comparative Size, Shape
and Quantity. (1984). Educational Insights. Book and cassette tape.
Contains reproducible worksheets, student record sheet and answer key.
Listening Skills Curriculum. Utah Schools for the Deaf and Blind. 3-ring
binder. For the development of listening skills and speech and language
Making Inferences: How Can You Read What Isn’t There? From the
New Mexico Resource Center for the Deaf.
Pragmatic Language Intervention Resource. Developed by Acedemic
Communication Associates, illustrated by Sheri L. Ray and Debra Stern.
☼The Itinerant Teacher’s Handbook. (2003) Butte Publications. Provides
information and guidance to itinerant teachers of D/HH students. It covers
the itinerant’s role and responsibilities.
The New Language of Toys: Teaching Communication Skills to
Children with Special Needs. Sue Schwartz and Joan Heller Miller.
Gallaudet University Press. Revised and updated edition describes fun
activities for developing communication skills in disabled children from birth
through age six using everyday toys.
Ring/Flash – Telephone Skills for Deaf and Hard of Hearing Students.
Students. (1984). David Deyol. Pre-College Programs, Gallaudet
University. Illustrated book teaching telephone skills. Available in
The Science of Sound. (1984). Norman Lederman. Pre-College
Programs, Gallaudet University. The study of sounds by vibrations and
moving air. Available in STUDENT WORKBOOK and TEACHER GUIDE.
Sign Communication Proficiency Interview (SCPI) Training DVD. This
DVD contains information about the SCPI interviewing and rating
processes, and video examples to illustrate certain aspects of interviewing.
(SCPI) is also known Sign Language Proficiency Interview (SLPI). National
Technical Institute for the Deaf. June 2006.
The Sound of Learning. (2006). Why Self-Amplification Matters. A Field
Guide, research, applications, and activities.
Staying in Touch. (1993). Sam Trychin & Janet Albright. Gallaudet
University. Suggestions for solving communication problems for hard of
hearing people and those who live or work with them.
Supplement to the Essential Elements for the Hearing Impaired.
Texas Education Agency. A curriculum emphasizing language,
communication and other developmental areas.
Technology for Communication and Cognitive Treatment: The
Clinicians Guide. (2007) Joan L. Green, M.A. CCC-SLP.
Telephone Strategies. (1988). Diane Castle, PhD. SHHH. A technical
and practical guide for hard of hearing people.
☼When the Brain Can’t Hear. (2002). Teri James Bellis, Ph.D. Landmark
book that unravels the mystery of Auditory Processing Disorder.(APD)
Wired for Sound. (1986). Carole Bugosh Simko. Kendall Green
Publications. An advanced student workbook on hearing and hearing aids.
Auditory Speech and Language. Developed by Children’s Hospital,
Oakland, CA. A manual for professionals working with children who have
Cochlear Implants or amplification.
Bionic Buddy. Coloring book that may be copied for student use. From
Advanced Bionics. A child’s story to help children with cochlear implants
succeed in the classroom.
CHATS: The Miami Cochlear Implant, Auditory & Tactile Skills
Curriculum. (1994). From Intelligent Hearing Systems. Edited by
Kathleen Vergara & Lynn Weissler Miskiel.
Children and Cochlear Implants: Is There a Winner? An article from the
Feb/Mar issue of HEARING HEALTH magazine.
Children with Cochlear Implants in Educational Settings. (1996). Mary
Ellen Nevins and Patricia Chute. Singular Publishing Group. Explores the
issues that are seldom addressed elsewhere, such as choice, other
options, etc.
Cochlear. A folder containing informational pamphlets concerning the
Cochlear Implant.
Cochlear Clinical Bulletin. (September 1990). Cochlear Corporation. A
pamphlet on implantation of the Nucleus 22-channel cochlear implant
approved in children.
Cochlear Implant Auditory Training Guidebook. (1997). Wordplay
Publications. For parents and professionals working with children age 4
and up. This book contains games and other activities. Copying and
disseminating of information contained in this guidebook is encouraged.
Cochlear Implants. (May 1988). US Department of Health & Human
Services. A pamphlet addressing questions on advantages and
disadvantages of cochlear implants.
Cochlear Implants: A Handbook. Bonnie Poitras Tucker. (1998).
Stories of successful and unsuccessful implants, perspectives of
audiologists, and changing views.
Cochlear Implants and Children: A Handbook for Parents, Teachers,
and Speech and Hearing Professionals. (1992). Alexander Graham Bell
Association for the Deaf.
Cochlear Implants and Sign Language: Putting It All Together
(Identifying Effective Practices for Educational Settings). April 11-12,
2002 Conference Proceedings from Gallaudet University. Copying and
disseminating of information contained in this publication is encouraged.
Cochlear Implants: Exploring Options. An article in the Jan/Feb 1994
SHHH magazine.
Cochlear Implants for Kids. (1998). Warren Estabrooks. Detailed
therapy plans and guidance in the personal accounts of parents whose
children have benefited from this technology.
Cochlear Implants in Children: Ethics and Choices. (2002). John
Christiansen and Irene Leigh. Gallaudet University Press. Addresses
every facet of the ongoing controversy about implanting cochlear hearing
devices in children as young as 12 months and younger.
Cochlear Implants: Navigating a Forest of Information…One Tree at a
Time. Downloaded from the Clerc National Deaf Education Center. A
listing of assessments and web sites covering Cochlear Implants.
Effects of a Nucleus Multichannel Cochlear Implant Upon Speech
Production in Children. (1991). Emily A. Todey and Suzanne
Hasenstab. Ear and Hearing Supplement. A pamphlet reporting on the
speech production of children participating in the FDA approved clinical
trials for the Nucleus multichannel cochlear implant.
Guide to Cochlear Implants for Parents and Educators. (2003). From
Advanced Bionics Corp. A comprehensive look at the way the cochlear
implant functions. This book also describes how parents and educators
can check the system to ensure it is functional optimally and how to use its
many features effectively in helping a child acquire and use spoken
Hear Again: Back to Life with a Cochlear Implant. (1999). Arlene
Romoff. True story of how a late-deafened adult regained communication
with the hearing world.
How You Hear With a Cochlear Implant! Cochlear Corporation. An
illustrated book in the form of a coloring book describing the implanting of a
cochlear device and how you hear afterwards.
Issues and Answers. Cochlear Corporation. Question and answer
booklet concerning the Mini System 22 Cochlear Implant.
Language Development in Children Receiving Nucleus Multichannel
Cochlear Implants. (1991). Hasenstad and Tobey. A pamphlet dealing
with the evaluation of language development.
The Nucleus 22-Channel Cochlear Implant System. (1991). James F.
Patrick and Graeme M. Clark. A pamphlet on the research conducted on
how to best stimulate the auditory nerve electrically.
Parent’s Guide to Cochlear Implants. (2002). Chute & Nevins.
Gallaudet University Press. This book is written by two eminent
professionals in deaf education. It explains in an easy-to-follow style each
stage of the process of cochlear implantation.
Parents’ Guide: A Handbook for Parents Considering a Nucleus
Cochlear Implant for Their Child. (2002). From Cochlear America.
Contains a history of the cochlear implant as well as a list of organizations
that concern themselves with cochlear implants.
Practical Implications of Cochlear Implants in Children. (1991). A
pamphlet by Boothroyd, Geers and Moog from the Volume 12 Supplement
of Ear and Hearing magazine.
Surgical and Safety Considerations of Multichannel Cochlear Implants
in Children. (1991). A pamphlet by Clark, Cohen, and Shepherd, from
Volume 12 Ear and Hearing Supplement.
Teacher Guide to the Mini System 22 Cochlear Implant. (1991).
Cochlear Corporation. An illustrated book on how the Mini System 22
Cochlear Implant works, how to care for it at school and how to work with
an implanted child.
Tools for Schools. Two folders from Advanced Bionics to help children
with cochlear implants succeed in the classroom.
Wired for Sound: A Journey into Hearing. (1998). Beverly Biderman.
An extensive compilation of resources relating to cochlear implants.
Being in Touch: Communication and Other Issues in the Lives of
People Who Are Deaf-Blind. (1994). Gallaudet College for Continuing
☼Blind Rage: Letters to Helen Keller. (2006). Gallaudet University. Blind
Rage employs an adroit from of creative nonfiction to review the critical
junctures in Keller’s life. An ingenious examination of the life of this
renowned international figure through 21st-century sensibilities.
Communicating with Learners who are Deaf-Blind. (2000). Printed
material in 3-ring binder from CHARGE conference. Handouts include
“Communicating with Learners Who Are Deaf-Blind” by Barbara McLetchie,
PhD. Binder also includes handouts entitled “Managing the Behavior of
Children with CHARGE” by Tim Hartshorne, PhD.
Deaf-Blind Infants and Children. (1982). McInnes & Treffry. University
of Toronto Press. A developmental guide and reference guide for teachers,
parents and professionals. Provides day-to-day guidance and suggestions
about techniques and methods for assessing children with multi-sensory
deprivation, and for devising programs to help them cope.
Deaf-Blind Program Academies. 3-ring binder with informational
pamphlets on deaf-blind issues.
Dimensions of Communication. (1999). Mar and Sall. An instrument to
assess the communication skills and behaviors of individuals with
The Education of Laura Bridgman. (2001). The first Deaf and Blind
person to learn language. Laura became one of the most famous woman in
the world.
A Guide for Students Who Are Deaf-Blind Considering College.
Information from Rochester Institute of Technology including small booklets
and pamphlets.
Guide to Services for Individuals with Deaf-Blindness. (September
1994). Developed by the Advisory Council to the Minnesota Deaf-Blind
Technical Assistance Project. Some recommended guidelines for
individuals planning, developing and implementing service choices for
families and individuals with deaf-blindness.
Guidelines on Interpreting for Deaf-Blind Persons. (1978). Gallaudet
University Press.
Hand in Hand: Essentials of Communication and Orientation &
Mobility for Your Student Who Are Deaf-Blind. (1995). AFB Press.
This set contains 4 books and 1 videotape (HAND IN HAND: WE CAN DO
IT! 70 minutes). Four books entitled: A Trainer’s Manual, Selected Reprints
& Annotated Bibliography, Volume I, and Volume II.
Impact Magazine. Summer 1999 issue. Contains articles on deafblindness and transition programs
Information on Deaf-Blindness. (1988). Gallaudet University NICD. A
pamphlet listing the books and pamphlets available on deaf-blindness.
Interpreting for Deaf-Blind Students: Workshop #2. Metro ECSU 1996.
Lee Clark and Linda Hanke. 3-ring binder.
Minnesota Deaf-Blind Technical Assistance Project Resource Center
Materials List. 3-ring binder from the MN Deaf-Blind Technical Assistance
A Model Service Delivery System for Persons Who Are Deaf-Blind.
(1993). University of Arkansas Rehabilitation Research and Training
Center for Persons who are Deaf or Hard of Hearing. Provides
administrators and service providers with suggestions and tools for the
planning, development, implementation, and coordination of services with
persons who are deaf-blind.
National Curriculum: An Introduction to Working and Socializing with
People Who Are Deaf-Blind. (2001). Dawn Sign Press. From
Northwestern Connecticut Community College. A collection of information
compiled by leaders in the field of deaf-blindness. ALSO AVAILABLE IN
The Psychology of Touch. (1991). Heller and Schiff, editors. Lawrence
Erlbaum Associates, Publ. Philosophical issues related to tactile
Post-Secondary Transition Manual. (2005). A “how-to” manual for
parents of deaf-blind students from the Ohio Center for Deafblind
Remarkable Conversations. (1999). Perkins School for the Blind. A
guide to developing meaningful communication with children and young
adults who are deafblind.
Resource Guide for People in Minnesota with Vision and Hearing
Loss. (September 19, 1994). Vision Screening Project; Sandra
Davenport, Director. Contains information about agencies and services for
people who have vision and hearing loss.
A Resource Manual for Understanding and Interacting with Infants,
Toddlers, and Preschool Age Children with Deaf-Blindness. 3-ring
binder from SKI*HI Institute.
SKI*HI Coactive Tactile Sign Language Video Tape Program
Instruction Booklet. (1990). Accompanies video series of same title.
Students Who Are Deaf-Blind on Campus. A pamphlet from Heath.
Suggestions for Modifying the Home and School Environment.
Perkins School for the Blind. A handbook for parents and teachers of
children with dual sensory impairments.
Tactile Sign Language. (2001). Johanna Mesch. Sigmond Press. The
author is sign language project manager at the Swedish National
Association of the Deaf and lectures on sign language and linguistics. She
has carried out research on tactile sign language of deaf-blind people and
completed her doctorate in linguistics.
Understanding Deafblindness. (2002). SKI*HI. Issues, Perspectives,
and Strategies. In two volumes, Volume 1 and Volume 2. Three-ring
Welcoming Students Who are Deaf-Blind into Typical Classrooms.
(1995). Haring & Romer. Discusses in depth the rationale for including
students who are deaf-blind in typical classrooms and explores the issues
that surround such important areas as behavior, mobility, communication,
and transition to adult life.
Welcoming Students with Visual Impairment To Your School: A Guide
for Training Public School Personnel and Families about the needs of
Students with Vision Loss.
What a Person With Usher Syndrome Sees. Pamphlet. An article about
Deaf-Blindness written by John Clark, a student of the MN Academy for the
Words in My Hands. (2005). Diane Chambers. Ellexa Press. The story
of a teacher and a deaf-blind man. It is an unforgettable journey.
A Child Sacrificed to the Deaf Culture. (1994). Tom Gerling. A critical
self-evaluation of the deaf community concerning residential deaf schools
and the deaf community’s way of life.
A Deaf Artist in Early America. (2004). The worlds of John Brewster Jr.
Harlan Lane. This book will lead to an new understanding not only of John
Brewster Jr. but of the roles of artist and patron in early America.
A Journey Into The Deaf World. (1996). Lane, Hoffmeister & Bahan.
Dawn Sign Press. Insights into the language and culture of the deaf.
A Loss for Words. (1986). Lou Ann Walker. Harper & Row. A moving
and humorous account of what it means to be the hearing child of
profoundly deaf parents.
A Mighty Change. (2000). Christopher Krenz, editor. Anthology of deaf
American writing from 1816-1864.
A Phone of our Own: (2000). The Deaf Insurrection Against Ma Bell.
Gallaudet University Press. Harry G. Lang.
A Place of Their Own. Van Cleve and Crouch. Gallaudet University.
Traces the history of deaf people in America. Brings history to bear on the
reality of deafness and provides fresh and important insight into the lives of
deaf Americans.
American Deaf Culture-An Anthology. (1984). Linstok Press. A
collection of classic articles written by select authors selected to provide a
variety of perspectives on the language and culture of deaf people in
American Sign Language: Shattering the Myth. (1998). Parsons and
Stewart. TJ Publishers. A collection of essays written by respected deaf
scholars. Highlights the internal inconsistencies, absence of scholarship,
and conflict of interest of leaders of the deaf world.
An Altered World: Living With New Deafness. (1998). Helen Sloss
Luey and Loraine DiPietro. Gallaudet. Concerns the issues surrounding
late-deafened people who have become deaf after the development of
speech and language.
An Intellectual Look at American Sign Language. (2001). Tom
Bertling, editor. TJ Publishers. A lively discussion of ASL and its place in
bilingual education of deaf and hard of hearing students.
Another Handful of Stories. (1987). Gallaudet College. Thirty-seven
stories by deaf storytellers.
At Home Among Strangers. (1989). Jerome Schien. Gallaudet
University Press. Exploring the deaf community in the United States.
Ben’s Story: A Deaf Child’s Right to Sign. (1987). Lorraine Fletcher.
Gallaudet University Press. A young British couple battle “the system” to
provide their son with sign language.
Bird of a Different Feather & For a Decent Living. (1992). Ben Behan
and Sam Supalla. Dawn Sign Press. ASL literature series. Set includes
☼BUG Deaf Identity and Internal Revolution. (2007). Christopher Jon
Heuer. Gallaudet University Press. About a man who lost his hearing early
but not before he was able to hear as a child. Receiving education in a
speech-oriented environment and a signing environment.
Bummy’s Basic Parliamentary Guide. Gerald “Bummy” Burstein. An
illustrated step-by-step guide for making meetings work. The only book of
its kind for the deaf community. Includes illustrated signs and simple
Changing the Rules. (1986). Frank Bowe. TJ Publishers. A personal
account of a decades-long struggle against disability. Forward by Senator
Bob Dole, US Senate Majority Leader.
☼Crossing the Divide. (2006). Rachel M. Harwig. Examines the process
b y which tree deaf, French biographers from the 19th & 20th centuries
attempted to cross the cultural divide between deaf and hearing worlds
through their work.
Crying Hands. (1999). Horst Biesold. Eugenics and deaf people in Nazi
Germany. Story of the Nazi era when human beings (men, women and
children) with impaired hearing were sterilized against their will, and many
of the deaf were also murdered.
Damned For Their Differences. (2002). Branson & Miller. Gallaudet
University Press. The Cultural Construction of Deaf People as Disabled.
Provides a sociological understanding of disabling practices that combines
history and biography with the study of social structures.
☼Deaf Again. (2008). Mark Drolsbaugh. A journey of a man who goes
from a hearing toddler, to a hard of hearing child, to deaf adolescent, and
ultimately, to culturally deaf adult.
Deaf & Sober: Journeys Through Recovery. (1998). Betty Miller. An
in-depth look at an often neglected and misunderstood population
enhanced by the use of anonymous personal narratives which bring these
recovery issues to life.
Deaf Artists in America. (2002). Sonnenstrahl. Dawn Sign Press.
Colonial to contemporary biographies.
Deaf Children in Public Schools: Placement, Context and
Consequences. (1997). Claire L. Ramsey. University of Chicago
Distribution Center.
Deaf Communities: A Worldwide Perspective. (1995). Dr. Jack Olson.
Butte Publications. Based on the author’s contracts from personal travel
and intercultural exchanges involving the Theatre of Silence.
Deaf Culture: Our Way. (1994). Holcomb. Dawn Sign Press. Anecdotes
from the Deaf Community.
☼Deafening. (2003). Frances Itani. HarperCollins Publishers, LTD. Set on
the eve of the Great War, spans two continents and the lives of a young
deaf woman and her beloved husband. Magnificent tale of love and war.
Deaf Empowerment: Emergence, Struggle & Rhetoric. (1997).
Katherine Jankowski. University of Chicago Distribution Center.
Deaf Esprit: Inspiration, Humor and Wisdom from the Deaf
Community. (1999). Paris & Drolsbaugh, editors. Written by seasoned
and new writers alike, with the goal of sharing the unique diversity of the
deaf community, this book is a compilation of stories that will provoke a
smile, a tear, and most importantly, a sense of well-being.
Deaf Heritage: A Narrative of Deaf America. (1981). Gannon. NAD.
Documentation of the history of deaf culture and events relating to deaf
people in America.
Deaf Heritage in Canada. (1996). Clifton Carbin. Dawn Sign Press.
Tells the story of deaf Canadians and the impact they have had on our
Deaf History Unveiled. Interpretations from The New Scholarship.
(1993). Gallaudet University. Sixteen essays features by noted historians
in deaf history. First presented at the First International Conference on
Deaf History in 1991.
Deaf Persons in the Arts & Sciences. (1995). Harry Lang and Bonnie
Meath-Lang. Biographies of famous deaf persons including Ludwig Von
Beethoven, Linda Bove, Bernard Bragg, Helen Keller, Laurent Clerc,
Thomas Gallaudet, Gilbert Eastman, and many more.
Deaf Plus: A Multicultural Perspective. (2000). Kathee Christensen,
editor. Insight into the multilingual and multicultural dimensions of the deaf
community. Offers cultural information combined with recommendations
for reform that will enhance the current educational dialogue.
Deaf President Now! The 1988 Revolution at Gallaudet University.
(1995). John Christiansen & Sharon Barnartt. More than 50 interviews of
student leaders, Board of Trustees, and other key figures weave together
this narrative of the initiative calling for a deaf president of Gallaudet.
Deaf Proverbs. (1999). Ken Glickman. Proverbs are universal, hardearned and time-tested truths passed on through generations. Like any
other people and their culture, the deaf community and culture have always
had their own truths. This unique book explores these truths and presents
the deaf perspective in proverb form with wit and a keen eye toward
bridging the gaps of knowledge.
Deaf Sport – The Impact of Sports Within the Deaf Community.
(1991). David A. Stewart. Gallaudet University Press. Each chapter deals
with a specific aspect of deaf sport and its evolution in the deaf community.
Deaf World. (2001). Lois Bragg, editor. New York University Press. A
historical reader and primary sourcebook containing bibliographical
Deafened People. (2000). Woodcock & Aguayo. University of Toronto
Press. This book describes acquired deafness and its impact, and
presents a model of the adjustment process. It outlines different sources of
support: professional help, peer help, and self help.
Deaf Tend Your: Non-Manual Signals in ASL. Byron Bridges and
Melanie Metzger. (1966). Calliope Press.
The Deaf Way: Perspectives From The International Conference on
Deaf Culture. (1994). Carol Erting. Gallaudet University Press. Deals
with deaf cultures around the world, deaf history, the study of sign
language in society, diversity in the deaf community, deaf clubs and sports,
the deaf child in the family, deaf education, deaf/hearing interaction, deaf
people and the arts, and deaf people and human rights issues.
Deaf Women: A Parade Through the Decades. (1989). Holcomb &
Wood. Dawn Sign Press. A compilation of information, history, anecdotes
and research that showcases many deaf women from all walks of life.
Deafness: An Autobiography. (1993). David Wright. Gallaudet
University Press. Story of David Wright who became totally deaf at age 7,
later to become a famous writer.
Deafness: Life & Culture. A Deaf American Monograph. (1994).
Marvin Garretson, editor. National Association of the Deaf.
Dear Dr. Bell…Your Friend, Helen Keller. (1992). Judith St.George..
Harris Communications. The story of the friendship between two of this
century’s most remarkable human beings: Helen Keller and Dr. Alexander
Graham Bell.
Discoveries: Significant Contributions of Deaf Women and Men.
(1996). Davis & Preston. Butte Publications. An overview of successful
men and women who are deaf. Each biographical sketch also contains
vocabulary pages, related activities, and enrichment pages.
Douglas Tilden: Portrait of a Deaf Sculptor. (1980). Mildred Albronda.
TJ Publishers. A look at the life and artistic genius of Douglas Tilden
(1860-1935), the father of sculpture in California.
Edmond Booth: Deaf Pioneer.(2004). Born in 1810, Edmond Booth
epitomized virtually everything that characterized an American legend of
the19th century.
Encyclopedia of Deafness and Hearing Disorders. (1992). Turkington
& Sussman. Reflects the continuing struggle within the deaf community to
maintain its integrity following years of segregation and misunderstanding.
Enforcing Normalcy: Disability, Deafness and the Body. (1995).
Lennard Davis. A highly original study of the cultural assumptions
governing our conception of people with disabilities.
Eyes, Hands and Voices: Communication Issues Among Deaf People.
A Deaf American Monograph. Volume 40, #104. (1990). Mervin
Garretson. National Association of the Deaf. A collection of articles on the
perceptions of communication among deaf persons.
Facing the Challenge. (January 2002). Compiled by Self Help for Hard of
Hearing People of Oregon (SHHHOR). A Survivor’s Manual for Hard of
Hearing People.
The Feel of Silence. (1995). Bonnie Poitras Tucker. Philadelphia, PAL
Temple University Press. Emotional and enlightening autobiography of a
successful deaf lawyer.
Forbidden Signs. (1996). Douglas Baynton. TJ Publishers. Explores
American culture from the mid-nineteenth century to 1920 through the lens
of one striking episode: the campaign led by Alexander Graham Bell and
others to suppress the use of sign language among deaf people.
For Hearing People Only. (1992). Moore & Levitan, editors. Deaf Life
Press. Answers to some of the most commonly asked questions about the
deaf community, its culture, and the “deaf reality”.
Full Face: A Correspondence About Becoming Deaf in Mid-Life.
(1997). Claire Blatchford. Butte Publications. A collection of letters
beginning as a dialogue between strangers, and gradually progressing to a
friendship and intimate exchange.
Great Deaf Americans. Robert and John Panara. TJ Publishers. A look
at the lives of famous deaf Americans, including authors, artists, teachers,
actors and actresses.
Great Deaf Americans: Second Edition. (1996). Matthew Scott Moore
and Robert Panara. Seventy-seven brief biographical profiles of eminent
deaf people, past and contemporary, in a variety of fields, from aviation to
teaching, representing the diversity of deaf people in America.
Have You Heard About the Deaf? (1983). National Association of the
Deaf and Special Education Programs: US Dept. of Education. Teacher’s
Guide in pamphlet form to accompany videotape of same title.
Hear What You’ve Been Missing: How to Cope With Hearing Loss.
(1998). Donna Wayner, PhD. An indispensable guide to better
Hearing Loss & Hearing Aids: A Bridge to Healing. (1998). Richard
Carmen. A consumer handbook that explores the volatile emotions and
issues surrounding hearing loss.
History of Deaf People. (1998). Per Ericksson. Translated from
Swedish. Dawn Sign Press. A comprehensive overview of deaf people’s
history. Helpful for teaching history of the deaf and also for deaf clubs.
History Through Deaf Eyes. Booklet from Gallaudet University.
Gallaudet University is developing a traveling social history exhibition about
deaf Americans. This booklet explains the exhibits.
Hometown Heroes: Successful Deaf Youth in America. (1990). Diane
Robinette. Gallaudet University Press. Offers encouragement to young
deaf people to reach out and aim for what they want in life, and informs
hearing readers about the wide variety of interests and skills that deaf
people possess.
How You Gonna Get to Heaven If You Can’t Talk With Jesus? (1982).
James Woodward. TJ Publishers. Articles relating to topics of concern for
deaf people and the development in research towards understanding deaf
society and culture.
Inside Deaf Culture.(2005). Carol Padden and Tom Humphries shed light
on significant moments in the history of the American Deaf Community.
I See a Voice. (1999). Jonathan Ree. Metropolitan Books. Explores the
dilemmas of the deaf over the centuries. A history of the late 20th century
philosophy, and inspirational for those interested in the education of the
In This Sign. (1984). Joanne Greenberg. Henry Hold & Company Publ.
A novel about a family whose love and courage enable them to survive in
the silent world of the deaf.
Introduction to American Deaf Culture series. (1993). Colonomos &
Bienvenu. Sign Media. A five-part series of workbooks and videotapes in
the following titles:
Group Norms
Language and Traditions
Rules of Social Interaction
Island of Silence. (1983). Carolyn Brimley Norris. Alinda Press. A
suspense-filled novel utilizing a little deaf girl as the central figure.
Kaleidoscope of Deaf America. Features the writings of 30 notable deaf
leaders on their perspectives of life in America. Topics covered include
employment, business, education, the arts, government, sports, and much
Keys to Living With Hearing Loss. (1997). Marcia Dugan. SHHH. A
description of hearing loss and its common early signs, kinds and cause,
and gives information on seeking a professional evaluation. Also described
are technologies, including hearing aids, and advice on dealing with
hearing loss in everyday situations and in times of emergency.
Know That…quotes from deaf women for a positive life. (1999).
Compiled by Tina Jo Breindel. A treasury of quotes from deaf women who
share what they have discovered about life, love, and other good stuff.
Language in Hand: Why Sign Came Before Speech. (2001). Wm
Stokoe. Gallaudet University Press. A book explaining the notion that
humans signed first, then spoke.
Language in Motion: Exploring the Nature of Sign. (1995). Schein &
Stewart. Written in a warm, conversational style, this book offers a history
of sign languages in general, then delves into the structure of ASL.
Lend Me Your Ear: Rhetorical Constructions of Deafness. (1999).
Brenda Jo Brueggemann. Addresses the issues of deafness as a
disability, deafness as pathology, and deafness as culture.
Lessons in Laughter: The Autobiography of a Deaf Actor, Bernard
Bragg. (1989). As signed to Eugene Berman. Gallaudet University Press.
The story of the life of Bernard Bragg, actor, director, playwright, and
Listen with the Heart: Relationships and Hearing Loss. (2001).
Michael Harvey. Ten true stories of how parents, children and spouses are
transformed by helping each other heal and grow. Harvey’s experience
counseling those with hearing loss has given him unique insights into the
consequences of deafness for individuals and their loved ones.
Listening: Ways of Hearing in a Silent World. (1994). Hannah Merker.
Gallaudet University Press. An exploration of the world from a unique
vantage point of deafness.
Living Legends. (1996). Darlene Toole. Butte Publications. Six stories
about successful deaf people. Includes related vocabulary.
Living Legends II. (1998). Darlene Toole. Six stories about incredible
deaf people: Danny Delcambre, Kathy Buckley, Ken Glickman, Bethany
“Buffy” Hummel, Robert Davila, and Laurence Gallimore.
Looking Back: A Reader on the History of Deaf Communities and
Their Sign Languages. (1993). Fischer & Lane, editors. Signum Press.
Man Without Words. (1999). Susan Schaller. A study of a languageless
deaf man named Ildefonso, and of the author’s dedicated efforts to make
contact with him and to introduce him to language.
Many Ways To Be Deaf. (2003). Monaghan, Schmaling, Nakamura, &
Turner, editors. Gallaudet University Press. The international variation in
deaf communities.
The Mask of Benevolence. (1992). Harlan Lane. Alfred Knopf, Publ. A
history of the deaf revealing ways in which the “experts” in the scientific,
medical, and education establishments who purport to serve the deaf
actually do them grievous harm.
Mother Father Deaf. (1994). Paul Preston. Harvard University Press.
Living between sound and silence. Written from interviews of hearing
children of deaf children.
Movers & Shakers: Deaf People Who Changed the World. Cathryn
Carroll. Dawn Sign Press. A collection of deaf success stories to
challenge every reader toward ever-higher confidence and achievement.
Set includes Teacher’s Guide and Student Bilingual Workbook.
Multicultural Aspects of Sociolinguistics in Deaf Communities. Ceil
Lucas, editor. This collection offers a wide variety of studies that consider
multicultural aspects among deaf people worldwide. Topics include
bilingual education in Venezuela, sociolinguistic and educational implication
in comparing ASL and English word definition and more.
Never the Twain Shall Meet: The Communications Debate. (1987).
Richard Winefield. Gallaudet University Press. An examination of the
attitudes, expectations, and personal philosophies of Alexander Graham
Bell and E.M. Gallaudet.
No Dignity for Joshua. (1997). Tom Bertling. TJ Publishers. Follow-up
book to A Child Sacrificed to the Deaf Culture.
No Pity: People With Disabilities Forging a New Civil Rights
Movement. (1993). Joseph Shapiro. Times Books. A sensitive look at
the social and political barriers that deny disabled people their most basic
civil rights.
No Walls of Stone. (1992). Jill Jepson. Washington, DC: Gallaudet
University Press. An anthology of literature by deaf and hard of hearing
Odyssey of Hearing Loss: Tales of Triumph. (1998). Michael Harvey.
Dawn Sign Press. Stories about people who defined themselves from an
audiological perspective as having experienced a reduction or loss of
hearing. All of the people in these stories were confronted, to a different
degree, by stigma, by assaults to their self-esteem and self-determination,
by threatened isolation, and often conflicting professional guidance and
spiritual crisis.
On The Edge of Deaf Culture: Hearing Children/Deaf Parents. (1998).
Thomas Bull. Explores the identities of hearing children whose parents are
deaf as they live half their life in the deaf world and half in the hearing
☼On The Fence: The Hidden World of the Hard of Hearing. (2007).
Mark Drolsbaugh. Writers who share their stories and poems of there
experience of somewhere in between the deaf and hearing worlds.
One Day: Our View. (2001). Missy Keast. Webby Nation Publ.
Combines history and photography to document the deaf culture around
the world in a single 24-hour period on May 1, 1997.
☼Open Your Eyes. (2002). H – Dirksen L. Bauman, Gallaudet University
Press. Introduces readers to the key concepts and debates in deaf studies,
offering perspectives on the relevance and richness of deaf ways of being
in the world.
The Other Side of Silence. (1983). Arden Neisser. Gallaudet University
Press. A look at sign language and the deaf community in America.
Original Signs: Gesture, Sign, and the Sources of Language. (1999).
David Armstrong. An interesting work for anyone engaged in the search for
the origin of language.
People of the Eye: Stories from the Deaf World. (2001). Rachel
McKee. Published in New Zealand. Several generations of Deaf voices
speak in this book of their experience in the wider context of New Zealand
Performance Groups. NICD: Gallaudet University. A pamphlet listing
performance groups of and for deaf people in the US.
Perspectives on Deafness: A Deaf American Monograph. Volume 41.
(1991). Mervin Garretson, editor. National Association of the Deaf.
Pictures in the Air: The Story of the National Theatre of the Deaf.
(1993). Stephen Baldwin. Gallaudet University Press. Contains the story
of the theatre featuring many pictures and stories of deaf performers such
as Linda Bove, Bernard Bragg, Phyllis Frelich and Ed Waterstreet.
Politics of Deafness. Owen Wrigley. Attempts to reformulate certain
areas of deafness into a post-modern discourse. The author intends to
disrupt “normal” thoughts about the popularly considered condition of
deafness as a physical deficiency.
Seeds of Disquiet. (1992). Cheryl Heppner. Gallaudet Univesity Press.
The author lost her hearing twice. An account of a remarkable woman’s
Seeing a Need: The first 30 years of CSD. (2005). Communication
Service for the Deaf Publishers. A retrospective look at the first 30 years of
the Communication Service of the Deaf in South Dakota.
Seeing Language in Sign. (1996). Janet Maher. Deafness Gallery.
Tells the story of how William Stockoe completely reversed the critical
assessment of sign by proving that it was true language.
Seeing Voices: A Journey Into the World of the Deaf. (1989). Oliver
Sacks. University of California Press. Begins with the history of deaf
people in the US, the ways they have been seen and treated, and their
continuing struggle for acceptance in a hearing world.
Sign and Culture. (1980). Stockoe, editor. Linstok Press. A reader for
students of American Sign Language.
Signs in Success: Profiles of Deaf Americans. (1995). Ron Podmore.
Butte Publ. Profiles of I. King Jordan, Greg Hlifok, Mary Lou Navitsky,
Philip Bravin, and Marlee Matlin.
Signs Unseen, Sounds Unheard. (1989). Carolyn Brimley Norris. Alinda
Press. A novel that deals with deafness with dignity and humor.
Silence of the Spheres: The Deaf Experience in the History of Science.
(1994). Dr. Harry Lang. Bergin & Garvey, Publ. A historical look at the
interplay between science and deaf scientists. Presents the obstacles to
men and women scientists who are deaf.
The Silents. (1996). Charlotte Abrams. Biography of growing up in
Chicago in the Depression years in a family of hearing sister and deaf
parents. Recreates genuine memories of a tightly knit family that include
natural moments of discord.
The Sociolinguistics of the Deaf Community. (1989). Ceil Lucas,
editor. Academic Press-Harcourt Brace and Javanovich. A collection of
articles on language in the deaf community; each chapter is written by a
different author.
Socio-linguistics in Deaf Communities. (1995). Ceil Lucas, editor.
Gallaudet University Press. Current data-based research on the various
aspects of sociolinguistics in deaf communities.
Speak To Me. (1985). Marcia Calhoun Florecki. Gallaudet College Press.
The author is a single, hearing parent in Iowa. Charlie is her deaf son. The
book is the account of their life together.
Storms and Illuminations: 18 years of Access Theatre. (1988). Cynthia
Wisehart. Emily Publ. Access Theatre is the only national touring
company to create original musicals and plays that blended the talents of
artists who are deaf, hearing, blind, sighted, physically disabled and nondisabled. Offers a glimpse of what a world without barriers might look like.
St. Michael’s Fall. (1996). Raymond Luczak. TJ Publishers. Details
growing up deaf, Catholic, and oral in a small town during the 1960s.
Storytelling & Conversation: Discourse in Deaf Communities. (1999).
Elizabeth Winslow, editor.
Success Stories: Deaf and Hard of Hearing Students Learning With
Technology & Media. A pamphlet with ideas on technology.
Tales From a Clubroom. (1981). Bernard Bragg and Eugene Bergman.
Gallaudet College Press. A play set in a typical deaf club, dramatizing the
reality of the deaf community.
The Chain of Love. (1997). Betty A. Young. Story of Thomas Gallaudet
and Alice Cogswell.
☼The Deaf Way II Reader. (2006).Gallaudet University Press. This book
addresses every facet of the human condition from a Deaf World
perspective in 65 unique papers, including all plenary addresses.
They Grow In Silence: Understanding Deaf Children and Adults.
(1987). Eugene Mindel and Vernon McCay, editors. Boston, MA: College
Hill Publication. A collection of articles by different authors relating to the
data from investigations, ideas, suggestions and conclusions about the
educational process.
☼ Through Deaf Eyes: A Photographic History of an American
Community. This story depicts the story of Deaf America in more than 200
photographs, a tableau that also affords readers the opportunity to learn
about the nations broader history. Also Available in DVD. (2006). Douglas
C. Baynton, Jack R. Gannon and Jean Lindquist Bergey.
Train Go Sorry. (1994). Leah Hager Cohen. Houghton Mifflin. “Train Go
Sorry” is the American Sign Language expression for “missing the boat”. A
story of the human will of the deaf and need to make connections in a
hearing world.
Understanding Deaf Culture: In Search of Deafhood. (2003). Paddy
Ladd. Published in Great Britain. This book assesses the concepts of
Deaf Culture and applies these to Deaf communities.
Viewpoints on Deafness. Volume 42. A Deaf American Monograph.
(1992). Gerretson, editor. National Association of the Deaf. Each chapter
by a different deaf author.
Voyage To The Island. (1990). Raija Nieminen. Gallaudet University
Press. The Finnish author started a new job on the Caribbean Island of St.
Lucia, forsaking the comfort and society of her deaf friends and community.
The book follows her involvement with Alfonso, a deaf orphan whom she
rescued from a life in the streets.
The Week The World Heard Gallaudet. (1989). Jack Gannon. Gallaudet
University Press. Recounts in narrative and photographs the events of the
week that followed the appointment of a hearing President to Gallaudet
What’s That Pig Outdoors? (1990). Henry Kisor. Penguin Books. Story
of deaf author encouraged to participate in the hearing world. Recounts life
of a deaf person in a hearing culture.
When The Mind Hears. (1984). Harlan Lane. Random House. A history
of the deaf.
When the Phone Rings, My Bed Shakes: Memoirs of a Deaf Doctor.
(1993). Philip Zazove. Gallaudet University Press. The remarkable story
of the author’s determination and achievement in realizing his dream of
becoming a doctor.
☼Women and Deafness: Double Visions. (2002). Gallaudet University.
The 14 contributors to this interdisciplinary volume put a skirt on (feminize)
Deaf Studies and give “deaf eyes” to Women’s Studies.
Words From a Deaf Child and other verses. (1984). Merv Garretson.
Fragonard Press. Simple lyrics and song-poems of deafness, love and life.
A First Language: Whose Choice Is It? Shawn Mahsie. (1997).
Gallaudet University Press. This paper looks at some of the issues that
affect decisions about providing language input for a deaf or hard of
hearing child.
A Free Hand: Enfranchising the Education of Deaf Children. (1992).
Walworth, Moores, & O’Rourke, editors. TJ Publishers. Relates issues
discussed at a 3-day symposium on educational uses of American Sign
A Process Approach to Developing Language With Hearing-Impaired
Children. (1985). Richard Reed and Claire Bugen. General Printing
Service. Describes a process in sequential steps for presenting various
language structures to children who lack English skills due to hearing
Advances in Cognition, Education and Deafness. (1991). David S.
Martin, editor. Gallaudet University Press. A collection of articles from the
First International Symposium on Cognition, Education and Deafness.
Research by scholars and teachers in these three fields.
All of Us Together: The Story of Inclusion at the Kinsie School.
(1994). Jeri Banks. Gallaudet University Press. About the John H. Kinsie
Elementary School on the southwest side of Chicago. A school threatened
with closure until the new principal welcomes 15 classes of deaf and hard
of hearing children. At first the hearing and non-hearing populations were
kept in separate parts of the school.
Alone in the Mainstream. (2004). Gina A. Oliva. Gallaudet University
Press. A deaf woman remembers public school.
Alternative Educational Delivery Systems: Enhancing Instructional
Options for all Students. (1989). Gradem, Zins, & Curtis. National
Association of School Psychologists. The book is divided into three parts
corresponding to (1) the need for alternatives, (b) information on possible
alternatives, and (3) means of facilitating the change process.
American Sign Language: Shattering the Myth. (1998). Essays by
several respected deaf scholars focusing light upon the internal
inconsistencies and conflict of interest in the leaders of the deaf world.
Approaching Equality: Education of the Deaf. (1991). Frank Bowe. TJ
Publishers. A report on implementation of the 52 recommendations
presented Congress and the President by the Commission of Education of
the Deaf.
Art of Itinerant Teaching for Teachers of the Deaf & Hard of Hearing.
(1997). Mary Deanne Smith. TJ Publishers. A source of practical and
immediately usable information on the role and responsibilities required of
a competent itinerant teacher of the hearing impaired.
Bilingualism & Identity in Deaf Communities. (2000). Melanie
Metzger. Gallaudet University Press.
Cognition, Education, and Deafness-Directions for Research and
Instruction. (1985). David S. Martin, editor. Gallaudet University Press.
Provides a summary of state-of-the-art information on topics related to
cognition and deafness in articles by several authors.
Communication Options in the Education of Deaf Children. (1994).
Wendy Lynas. Whurr Publications. Examines critically three broad
categories of communication approach: auditory-oral, total communication,
and bilingual.
Community Building: A Positive Approach to Discipline in Schools.
(2002). Jankowski. Gallaudet University Press. Permission is given to
copy and distribute this booklet.
Crossing That Bridge. (2000). Morgan Grayce Willow. A guide to
making literary events accessible to deaf and hard of hearing people.
Dancing With Words. (2001). Marilyn Daniels. Bergin & Garvey, Publ.
The author provides the reader with the benefits of and basic procedures
for incorporating signing into the instructional program. It highlights how
signing helps students retain sight words, extend their vocabulary, and
improve spelling.
Deaf American Literature: From Carnival to the Canon. (2002).
Cynthia L. Peters. Traces the past and predicting the future of American
Sign Language.
Deaf and Disabled, or Deafness Disabled? (1998). Marian Corker.
Attempts to understand deafness and disability.
Deaf and Hard of Hearing Students Educational Service Guidelines.
From the US Department of Education. Provides assistance to education
agencies by describing needed program elements and features.
Deaf Awareness Curriculum. Monroe Boces El, Deaf Education
Department. 3-ring binder.
Deaf Awareness Curriculum: Carver-Scott Cooperative Center
Hearing Impaired Program. (1989). Jan Sutton and Dawn Tanguay.
Draft. Carver-Scott Coop. Center Hearing Impaired Program. Goals and
objectives and suggested activities for preschool and elementary age
Deaf Awareness Kit. Portfolio from the National Association of the Deaf.
Deaf Children in America. (1986). Edited by Schildroth and Karchmer.
College-Hill Press. Fourteen contributing authors who are staff members
or researchers within the Gallaudet community. Information also included
from the Annual Survey of Hearing Impaired Children and Youth.
Deaf Education Curriculum Project: Basic Computer Skills “Let’s Be
Friends” and How To Use The Internet: “A Different Kind of Library”.
Part I and Part II. From Midwest Center for Post-Secondary Outreach. CD
Rom and Instructor’s Manual for each of Part I and Part II.
Deaf Education Today: A State of Emergency. (1997). Jane Kelleher
Fernandes. Gallaudet University Press. A paper about the state of deaf
education in the United States at the time this talk was given and the
starting place for a change that is already well under way.
Declaration of the Basic Needs of Deaf-Blind Persons. A pamphlet of
the declaration taken by the Fourth Helen Keller World Conference,
Stockholm 1989, concerning the basic needs of deaf-blind people.
Demographic Aspects of Hearing Impairment: Questions & Answers.
(1987). David Hotchkiss. Gallaudet University. A pamphlet answering
questions about demographics of hearing impairment using tables and
Developing English Skills and Knowledge. A Program Handbook from
University of TN Knoxville. A program to help students improve their
reading and writing skills.
The Development of Deaf Children. (1995). International Studies of Sign
Language and Communication of the Deaf, Volume 30. Kerstin Heiling.
The development of deaf children: Academic achievement and social
Diagnosis and Treatment of Hearing Impairment in Children. (1998).
Dennis Pappas, MD. Written by the well-known ear specialist with
contributions from leading experts. Includes information on the latest
discoveries that have taken place in the field over the last decade.
Diverse Students, Diverse Stories. (1999). Responses to questions
faxed in during the live tele-class from California State University,
Northridge. Eleven students who are deaf and hard of hearing shared their
experiences during the tele-class.
Educating Deaf Children Bilingually. (1995). Shawn Neal Mahshie.
Gallaudet University Press. With insights and applications from Sweden
and Denmark.
Educating The Deaf – Psychology, Principles and Practices. (1987).
Donald F. Moores. Houghtin Mifflin. Text covers areas such as teaching
speech, language, speechreading and auditory training.
Educational & Communication Needs of Deaf and Hard of Hearing
Children: A Statement of Principle Regarding Fundamental Systemic
Educational Changes. (2000). Lawrence Siegel.
Educational and Developmental Aspects of Deafness. (1990). Moores
& Meadow-Orlans, editors. Gallaudet University Press. Presents the state
of the art in several areas of research on education and human
development in the area of deafness.
The Encyclopedia of Deafness and Hearing Disorders. (1992). Carol
Turkington and Allan Sussman. Gallaudet University Press.
Facilitating Classroom Listening. (1987). Frederick S. Berg. CollegeHill Press. Focuses on how to minimize hearing loss, noise and
reverberation, and how to alleviate the resulting adverse listening and
educational effects.
Focus on Faculty: Effective Pedagogy with Students who are Deaf
and Hard of Hearing. (1998). A panel of 5 faculty members discussed
their successes and challenges of working with deaf and hard of hearing
students. This booklet contains the questions and answers from this live
tele-class at California State University, Northridge.
Folio from “The Teacher Training Workshop”. (1992). SHHH. Set
includes pamphlet entitled “Our Forgotten Children” as well as overhead
transparencies used in the workshop. Also contains audiotape and
pamphlet formerly referred to as “An Unfair Hearing Test”.
For Deaf Mentors: Helping Parents Communicate Enjoyably and
Effectively with Their Child in ASL. (2004). Hope, Inc. Booklet to
accompany videotape and 3-ring binder of same title.
Full Inclusion: Educating Students With Disabilities in the Regular
Classroom. (1994). LRP Publications. Combines some of the best
articles from recent issues of “The Special Educator” and “Inclusive
Education Programs” newsletters with relevant judicial decisions and
federal policy ruling.
Getting Excited About Data. (2004). Edie Holcomb. Corwin Press.
Combining People, Passion, and Proof to Maximize Student Achievement.
Getting There: Update on Recommendations by the Commission on
Education of the Deaf. (1993). American Annals of the Deaf. A
Global Perspectives on the Education of the Deaf in Selected
Countries. (1999). William Brelje. TJ Publishers. Each chapter outlines
a country in the area of deaf education.
Guidelines for Education of Deaf and Hard of Hearing Learners.
(1995). MN Department of Children, Families & Learning.
Hand, Heart, and Mind: The Story of the Education of America’s Deaf
People. (1994). LouAnn Walker. Penguin Books. Tells of a fascinating
civil rights struggle filled with challenges and setbacks.
Hands are the Head of the Mouth. (2001). Braem & Spence, editors.
Signum Books. This book discusses mouth patterns in sign language.
Hearing-Impaired Children in the Mainstream. (1990). Mark Ross,
editor. York Press. An expanded version of the proceedings from the
"Mainstreaming Revisited” conference sponsored by the NY League for
Hard of Hearing, October 1989.
The History of Special Education: From Isolation to Integration.
(1993). Margaret Winzer. Gallaudet University Press.
The Illusion of Full Inclusion: A Comprehensive Critique of a Current
Special Education Bandwagon. (1995). Kauffman and Hallahan, editors.
Implications and Complications for Deaf Students of the Full Inclusion
Movement. (1994). A joint publication by the Conference of Educational
Administrators Serving the Deaf and the Gallaudet Research Institute.
Inner Rhythm: Dance Training for the Deaf. (1995). Naomi Benari.
Harwood Publ. Methods and games devised for deaf children to heighten
their awareness of rhythm, music and dance movement.
Issues Unresolved: New Perspectives on Language and Deaf
Education. (1998). Gallaudet University Press. Selection of papers
presented at the 18th international Congress on Education for the Deaf held
July 16-20, 1995 in Tel Aviv, Israel.
Itinerant Teacher’s Handbook. (2003). Carolyn Bullard, PhD. Butte
Publications. Provides information and guidance to itinerant teachers of
deaf and hard of hearing students. Special materials in the book include indepth information for working with students’ families, sample presentations
for orienting school personnel to the needs of deaf and hard of hearing
students, and handouts for interpreters and classroom teachers.
Keys to Living with Hearing Loss. (1997). Marcia Dugan. Describes
hearing loss and its common early signs, discusses its kinds and cause,
and gives information on seeking a professional evaluation.
KIP – Knowledge is Power Manual. A program from Mississippi Bend
Area Education Agency, Bettendorf IA to help students learn about their
hearing loss.
Language Across the Curriculum: When Students are Deaf or Hard of
Hearing. (1999). Luetke-Stahlman. TJ Publishers. Relates to the daily
issues in education of the deaf child.
Language and Deafness. (1994). Paul & Quigley. Singular Publishing.
Latest theories are discussed.
Language Assessment of Hearing-Impaired School Age Children.
(1987). Thompson, Biro, Bethivelu, Pious and Hatfield. University of
Washington Press. Defines normal language and the language of the
hearing impaired and how to assess language.
Language Issues in Deaf Education. (1999). B. Luetke-Stahlman. TJ
Publishers. Provides a depth and breadth of topics that are essential for
future teachers of deaf and hard-of-hearing children.
Language Learning Practices with Deaf Children. (1994). McAnally,
Rose and Quigley. Little, Brown and Co. Deals with development of
language and reading in deaf children, provides teachers of deaf children
with basic theoretical and research knowledge.
The Least Restrictive Environment: Knowing One When You See It.
(1988). NICHCY. A pamphlet that deals with the appropriateness of
educational placement and the implications.
Least Restrictive Environment: The Paradox of Inclusion. (1994). LRP
Lend Us Your Ears. (2001). Farrell and Vincent. Chameleon Tree Publ,
Kingston, Ontario Canada. A hands-on guide for itinerant teachers of the
deaf and hard of hearing.
Let’s Learn About Deafness – Classroom Activities. (1988).
Developed by Rachel Stone-Harris. Outreach Pre-College Programs,
Gallaudet University. Individual and group activities to help children
recognize the capabilities and special needs of deaf people.
Many Ways of Hearing: 94 Multitasked Lessons in Listening. (1997).
Claire Blatchford. Walch Publ. Increased listening skills through this
hands-on approach. The pages are all reproducible.
Meeting the needs of Students who are Deaf or Hard of Hearing.
(2006). National Association of State Directors of Special Education, Inc.
MENUS. (2002). An educator’s guide and practices to meet the needs of
deaf and hard of hearing students in grades Pre-K to 12. ALSO
AVAIALBLE: practices booklet and videotapes of same title.
Michigan Hearing Impaired Checklists. Levels K-12. A folio of profile
sheets and performance checklists of hearing impaired.
Minnesota Association of Deaf Citizens, Task force on C.O.E.D.
Recommendations. (1989). A pamphlet on recommendations presented
to the State Board members on January 1989.
Misconceptions About Deaf People: Setting the Record Straight. A
pamphlet clarifying misconceptions about deaf people.
Moving Toward the Standards: A National Action Plan for
Mathematics Education Reform. (1995). Gallaudet University Press.
On the Fence: The Hidden World of the Hard of Hearing. (2007). Mark
Drolsbaugh. Talented writers share their stories and poems of what it
means to be on the fence, somewhere in between the deaf and hearing
Open Doors: Options in Communication and Education for Children
Who Are Deaf or Hard of Hearing. (1998). Booklet explaining
communication, literacy, education, and the deaf community.
Our Forgotten Children: Hard-of-Hearing Pupils in the Schools.
(1990). Julia Davis, editor. SHHH. Issues covered include educational
environment, amplification in the classroom and medical issues.
Oxford Handbook of Deaf Studies, Language, and Education. (2003).
Marschark & Spencer, editors. Oxford University Press. Provides an
overview of the state-of-the-art research about hearing loss, its
implications, and about people who are deaf or hard of hearing.
Phonemic Awareness in Young Children. (1998). Mary Jaager Adams.
Brookes Publishing. This book helps educators teach phonemic
awareness to accelerate the reading and writing growth of the entire
classroom as it reduces the incidence of children with reading delay.
Phonological Awareness Handbook for Kindergarten and Primary
Teachers. ((1998). Ericson and Juliebo. Published in Canada. This book
offers a practical and comprehensive means of teaching and monitoring
children’s development of phonological awareness in the classroom.
Pinky Extension, Eye Gaze; Language Use in Deaf Communities.
(1998). Gallaudet University Press. The topics of this study enhance the
understanding of the complexities of sociolinguistics in deaf communities.
Planning for Literacy: Guidelines for Instruction. (1999). Martha
French. Gallaudet University Press.
Program Guidelines for Hearing Impaired Individuals. (1986). CA
State Dep’t of Education. Deals with issues of identification and
assessment of unique educational needs, responsibilities of providers and
support services.
A Prosodic Model of Sign Language Phonology. (1998). Diane
Brentari. Dawn Sign Press. An up-to-date and well-documented synthesis
of current-day theories on the word-level phonological structure of sign
Psychotherapy with Deaf and Hard-of-Hearing Persons-A Systemic
Model. (1989). Michael Harvey. Lawrence Erlbaum Associates. Presents
a systemic model for understanding and treating deaf and hard-of-hearing
persons in the context of their families and larger ecology.
Questions Teachers Ask: A Guide for the Mainstream Classroom
Teacher with a Hearing-Impaired Student. (1998). Otto & Kozak. From
Central Institute for the Deaf.
Raising and Educating a Deaf Child. (1997). Marc Marschark. A
comprehensive guide to the choices, controversies, and decisions faced by
parents and educators. It is a guide through the conflicting suggestions
and programs for raising deaf children, as well as the likely implications of
taking one direction or the other.
Reading and Deafness. (1985). Cynthia King and Stephen Quigley.
College-Hill Press. Deals with pre-reading development, development of
techniques for teaching reading related to the deaf child, and development
of reading materials that match the knowledge and linguistic skills of deaf
Report of the National Task Force on the Integration of HearingImpaired Students. Parent Information Center. Recommendations and
guidelines regarding the supports necessary to enable hearing impaired
students to be successful in the public school system.
Recipes for Creating a Self-Reliant Kid. Printed by MN Department of
Human Services. This book may be copied by downloading from the DHS
web site.
Sexuality Education for Children and Youth With Disabilities. (1992).
NICHCY NEWS DIGEST. A pamphlet that provides an overview of
important points to consider when providing sexuality education.
SHHH (Self Help for Hard of Hearing People). A folio containing several
pamphlets from SHHH.
Simultaneous Communication, ASL, and Other Classroom
Communication Modes. (1992). Edited by William Stokoe. Linstok
Press. A compilation of articles on sign communication.
Sound Hearing or…Hearing What You Miss. (1989). Stanley Collins.
Garlic Press. Set includes booklet and audiotape. Helps distinguish levels
of sound and degrees of hearing loss. Takes an impaired spelling test and
listen to a story that stimulates hearing loss.
Special Education Guidelines for Hearing Impairment. (1987). AnokaHennepin Independent School District #11. 3-ring binder defines
procedures for designing appropriate programs for deaf.
Special Education Program Outcomes Guide: Hearing Impairment.
(1989). Center for Quality Special Education. Designed to facilitate
effective programs and services for hearing impaired students.
Special Education Program Outcomes Guide Supplement: Unique
Educational Needs of Learners with Severe and Profound Hearing
Impairments. (1988). Disability Research Systems. Examines
educational needs of severely hearing impaired students, but whose
educational needs did not accrue because of additional handicaps, i.e.,
retardation, blindness, motor problems.
Staying Focused on the Children. (1994). Society for Developmental
Education. Supports K-6 educators in creating child-centered classrooms
where all children can learn and all children can succeed.
Student Life in the New Millennium: Empowering Education for Deaf
Students. Jankowski. Gallaudet University Press. Permission is given to
copy and distribute this booklet.
Suggestions for Improving Mainstream Programming. Kitri Larson.
MN State Academy for the Deaf. A pamphlet outlining screening
procedures for mainstreaming, issues regarding educational interpreters,
and inservice for regular education teachers.
The Syntax of American Sign Language: Functional Categories and
Hierarchical Structure. (2000). Neidle, Kegl, MacLaughlin, Bahan, and
Lee. Dawn Sign Press. Of great interest to linguists in general and signlanguage scholars in particular. Fresh new arguments and evidence.
Task Force on C.O.E.D. Recommendations. (January 1989). Pamphlet
from the MN Association of Deaf Citizens. A report.
Task Force on Education for Children with Disabilities II: Final Report.
(January 1995). A report from MN Department of Education.
Teacher Tipsheet. (1998). Developed by the Northeast Technical
Assistance Center (NETAC), a part of NTID in Rochester NY.
Teaching Activities for Children Who Are Deaf and Hard of Hearing.
(2003). Moog Center for Deaf Education. A practical guide for teaching
children who are born with a significant hearing loss how to talk.
Teaching English to Deaf and Second Language Students:
Psychological Considerations. (1990). TJ Publishers. Deals with the
topic of improving the quality of education provided to deaf students.
Testing Student With Disabilities. (1998). Thurlow, Elliott, and
Ysseldyke. Corwin Press. Practical strategies for complying with district
and state requirements.
Toward Effective Public School Programs for Deaf Students: Context,
Process and Outcomes. (1992). Kluwin, Moores, and Gaustad, editors.
Gallaudet University Press. Deals with how deaf people have unique
needs, how the family contributes to and makes demands on the school
system, how some deaf children are succeeding and how they lose out.
Toward Equality: Education of the Deaf. (1988). The Commission on
Education of the Deaf. 3-ring binder. A report to the President and the
Congress of the United States.
Unlocking the Curriculum: Principles of Achieving Access in Deaf
Education. (1989). Johnson, Liddell, Erting. Gallaudet Research
Institute. A full working paper 89-3.
What the Hands Reveal About the Brain. (1995). Howard Poizner,
Edward Klima, Ursula Bellugi. Dawn Sign Press. Provides dramatic
evidence that language is not limited to hearing and speech. There are
primary linguistic systems passed down from one generation of deaf people
to the next, which have become languages not derived from spoken
What Works: Research About Teaching and Learning. (1986). US
Department of Education.
The Words They Need: Welcoming Children Who are Deaf and Hard
of Hearing to Literacy. (1997). Jessica Sterling. Written for teachers,
parents, and clinicians that work to overcome the language delays that
prevent children from participating in life to the fullest extent possible.
Examines the teaching and learning of language in the resource room
Access for All: Integrating Deaf, Hard of Hearing, and Hearing
Preschoolers. (1992). Solit, Taylor, and Bednarczyk. Washington, TTY
Advocacy Committee for Early Identification of Hearing Loss. From
The American Academy of Otolaryngology-Head and Neck Surgery, Inc.,
and Alexander Graham Bell Association for the Deaf. Concerning early
identification of hearing loss, screening of newborns, state contracts, etc.
Alaska Early Hearing Detection & Intervention. (2004). From the Alasa
Department of Health & Social Services. Set includes Healthcare Provider
Guide, Parent Resource Manual (3-ring binder), and Hospital Orientation
Guide entitled Implementing Universal Newborn Hearing Screening
Programs (3-ring binder).
Assessment: Best Practices for Assessing Young Children. (1988).
MN Department of Education. 3-ring binder.
Baby is Listening. (2000). Estabrooks & Marlowe. AG Bell. An
educational tool for professionals who work with children who are deaf or
hard of hearing.
Baby Talk: Helping your Hearing-Impaired Baby Listen and Talk. Baby
Talk is an instruction manual parents of children with hearing loss have
been waiting for. Victoria J. Kozak and Betsy Moog Brooks. (2001).
Becoming Bilingual: Facilitating English Literacy Development Using
ASL in Pre-School. Erting & Pfau. (1997). Gallaudet University Press.
The issues discussed in this paper will take a bilingual perspective in which
ASL is the primary language for face-to-face communication and written
English is the second language.
Birth to Five: Early Childhood Special Education. Frank Bowe. (1995).
Delmar Publishers.
Bridging Early Services for Children with Special Needs and Their
Families. (1994). Rosenkoetter, Hains & Fowler. Brookes Publ. A
practical guide for transition planning to ensure that every child and family
receives continuous service.
Children’s Hearing: A Handbook. A handbook intended for parents,
families, friends, hearing health care providers and anyone else interested
in information and issues related to pediatric hearing development and
hearing loss.
Children With Hearing Loss: Developing Listening and Talking, Birth
to six. (2007). Elizabeth B. Cole and Carol Flexer. Plural Publishing.
Child’s Play. (1976). Trencher. Humanics Limited. An activities and
materials handbook.
CHIP Parent Manual. 3-ring binder from Colorado Home Intervention
Program. For families of young deaf and hard of hearing children.
Curriculum Guide-Hearing Impaired Children, Birth to Three Years,
and Their Parents. (1972). Winifred Northcott, editor. Alexander Graham
Bell Association for the Deaf. A guide to developing individual behavioral
objectives for each child.
Curso Por Correspondencia De La Clinica John Tracy Para Los
Padres De Ninos Sordos De Edad Pre Scholar. (1968). John Tracy
Clinic. Illustrated correspondence course for parents of deaf children. In
Developmentally Appropriate Practice in Early Childhood Programs
Serving Children From Birth Through Age 8. (1986). Sue Bredekamp,
editor. National Association for the Education of Young Children. Book of
guidelines to help teachers, parents, program administrators and policy
makers make informed decisions about the education of young children.
Dreams Made Real. (2004). Oral Deaf Federation. Boxed set includes
pamphlets and two videotapes. Also available in Spanish entitled Suenos
Early Childhood Services: A Directory of Services Available to
Children with Disabilities in Minnesota. (2004). Published by MDE.
Early Childhood Education Readings and References for Young
Children Who Are Deaf or Hard of Hearing. (1992). 3-ring binder.
Early Childhood Special Education Assessment Instruments. (1997).
From MN Department of Children, Families & Learning. A selected review
for use in Minnesota.
Early Intervention for Children Birth Through 2 Years. (1988).
NICHCY NEWS DIGEST. Pamphlet helping parents deaf confidentially
with the challenges of helping their child make the most of his/her abilities.
Educational Audiology for the Limited-Hearing Infant and
Preschooler. (1997). Pollack, Goldberg, Caleffe-Schenck. An auditoryverbal program
Facilitating Hearing and Listening in Young Children. (1994). Carol
Flexer. Singular Publishing Group. Includes biographical references and
First Language: Whose Choice Is It? (1997). Mahshie. Gallaudet
University Press. Permission is granted to copy and distribute this booklet.
From Gesture to Language in Hearing and Deaf Children. (1994).
Volterra and Erting. Brings together recent research on the use of
communicative gesturing in the first 2 years of life as an important step in
the child’s transition to a linguistic system.
Getting Your Baby Ready To Talk. (1986). Edgar Lowell. John Tracy
Clinic. A home study plan from the John Tracy Clinic including 12 lessons
which encourage a language-stimulating home environment for children
ages 6 to 18 months.
A Guide for Parents to the Individual Education Program (IEP) Plan.
(1991). State of MN.
Guidebook for Minnesota’s Individualized Family Service Plan (IFSP).
(1991). MN Department of Education. A description and explanation of the
process and recommended IFSP document.
Hablando…nos entendemos los dos. (1995). Manolson. Hanen Books,
Toronto Canada. This is the Spanish version of It Takes Two To Talk.
Written entirely in Spanish, this book is about how people and children
make the connections that lead to communication, learning, and positive
Hands On Literacy. (2007). Trish Peterson. Explains how starting sign
with babies/children helps children learn to read. How sign for children
hearing or deaf helps them pick up on things sooner.
Hawaii Early Learning Profile (H.E.L.P.) Checklists.
The Hearing Impaired: Birth to Six. (1987). June Grant. College-Hill.
Concerns the management of hearing-impaired children age birth to six.
Help for Special Preschoolers Ages 3-6. (1987). VORT Corp. An
activities 3-ring binder. Includes assessment checklist.
HELP: When the Parent is Handicapped. (1984). Stephanie Parks,
editor. VORT Corp. An adapted version of The Hawaii Early Learning
Profile (HELP) Activity Guide. Developed to help insure that parents who
have disabilities are afforded the same opportunities as parents who do not
have disabilities to facilitate and participate in their children’s development.
IFSP Document Printing Master. (1995).
Infant Hearing Resource for Families: A Guidebook. Schuyler and
Sowers. 3-ring binder with information in English and Spanish. A
guidebook for helping your young deaf or hard of hearing child learn to
listen and communicate.
Infants and Toddlers with Hearing Loss. (1994). Roush and Matkin,
editors. York Press. Presents family-centered principles that guide the
reader in focusing on the needs of families and the benefits of parentprofessional collaboration.
Issues in Access: Creating Effective Preschools for Deaf, Hard of
Hearing, and Hearing Children. (1999). Solit & Bednarczyk. This book
discusses issues and practices identified through Project Access – a highly
successful national outreach and training grant that involved parents,
teachers, and administrators.
It Takes Two to Talk. (1992). Ayala Manolson. Hanen Early Learning
Project. This book is about how people and children make the connections
that lead to communication, learning, and positive relationships. Also
available in Spanish, entitled Hablando…nos entendemos los dos.
John Tracy Clinic Correspondence Course for Parents of Young Deaf
Children Part B: Deaf Babies and Supplemental Papers. (1979). John
Tracy Clinic. This correspondence course is one of the services available
at no cost to parents of deaf children anywhere in the world. The clinic was
founded by Mrs. Spencer Tracy and is named after her son, John Tracy,
who was born profoundly deaf.
John Tracy Clinic Correspondence Course for Parents of Young Deaf
Children Part B: Deaf Preschoolers. (1983). John Tracy Clinic. See
description above.
John Tracy Clinic Correspondence Course for Parents of Preschool
Deaf-Blind Children. (1973). John Tracy Clinic. See description above.
John Tracy Clinic Vocabulary List. John Tracy Clinic. 42-page booklet
of vocabulary selected by clinic teachers on basis of common usage.
Listed alphabetically under 27 main headings.
Kentucky School for the Deaf: Rainbows-Guidelines in Linguistic
Education. (1985). 3-ring binder.
Listen Little Star. (2003). Dornan. Auditory-Verbal Learning Institute
(AVLI). A listening program for parents and caregivers of babies who are
deaf or hard of hearing birth to 6 months, and beginning listeners under 12
months of age, and professionals who work with them. Set includes activity
book and program guide.
Listening Games for Littles. Second Edition. (1997). Dave Sindrey.
WordPlay Publ. Fun games, stories, and crafts in reproducible form.
Includes CD-ROM for printing in color.
The Many Hats of Service Coordination. (1995). Interagency Early
Childhood Intervention Project.
Mayo Clinic on Hearing. (2003). Mayo Clinic Health Publishing.
Strategies for managing hearing loss, dizziness and other ear problems.
Minnesota Early Hearing Detection & Intervention Network. Region
manuals are available for check out.
My Baby and Me. (2002). Betsy Moog Brooks. Moog Center for Deaf
Education. A three-ring binder about teaching your child to talk.
Parent-Infant Communication Curriculum. A program of clinical and
home training for parents and hearing impaired infants.
Parent-Infant Communication. (1985). From Hearing & Speech Institute.
3-ring binder. A curriculum for early childhood formulated with the
understanding that young children’s learning occurs in several areas called
“developmental domains”.
Parent-Infant Habilitation Text. Text which can be used with the above
curriculum. A comprehensive approach to working with hearing impaired
infants and toddlers and their families.
Play-Based Speech for Children with Hearing Impairments. (1992).
From Communication Skill Builders. Provides a framework for bringing
speech to the child rather than the child to speech.
☼ Playful Reading. (2005). Carolyn Munson-Benson. Positive, fun ways
to build the bond between Preschoolers, Books, and you.
Sign With Your Baby. (2001). Garcia. Northlight Communications.
Complete learning kit includes book, video and quick reference guide. How
to communicate with infants before they can speak.
Speaking Volumes. (2002). Oral Deaf Federation. 3-ring binder on
effective intervention for children who are deaf and hard of hearing. Also
available in Spanish entitled Hablando Volumenes. Manual included CD
The Transition Process: Early Intervention to Preschool. (2001).
Hope, Inc. SKI*HI. Training Manual 3-ring binder. Also includes CD Rom
and videotape with notebook. This resource is people involved in
transitioning children with special needs from early intervention to
preschool settings. Information is included related specifically to children
with vision loss, hearing loss, and deafblindness.
The Young Deaf Child. (1999). David Luterman. A fascinating review of
how the deaf child has been treated historically, and an outline of what the
evidence shows to be best for the child, early intervention, maximization of
technology, and strong family.
Beginnings: For Parents of Deaf and Hard of Hearing Children.
(1998). 3-ring binder. J. Craig Greene. A parent manual.
Breaking Silence: A Family Grows With Deafness. (1982). Ferne
Pellman Glick and Donald R. Glick. Herald Press. The Glick family deals
with the deafness of their twins, Craig and Carson, as they face the
obstacles of a hearing world.
Can’t Your Child Hear? A Guide for Those Who Care About Deaf
Children. (1985). NICHCY NEWS DIGEST. An article.
Children with Hearing Loss: A Family Guide. (2006). Edited by David
Luterman, D.Ed. This book reflects the new reality facing parents today:
early detection, sophisticated amplication whether by hearing aid or
implant, and integrated school placement.
Choices in Deafness: A Parents Guide. (1987). Sue Schwartz, editor.
Woodbine House, Inc. Provides a balanced view of educational options
that help parents make the best choices for their deaf child.
Choices in Deafness: A Parent’s Guide to Communication Options.
SECOND EDITION. (1996). Sue Schwartz, editor. Woodbine House.
Includes bibliographical references and index.
Counseling Parents of Hearing-Impaired Children. (1979). David
Luterman. Little Brown Publ. Dr. Luterman explains how he has been able
to help parents face the reality of their child’s deafness and then teach
them to cope with and manage their child’s special needs as well as their
Creating a Multicultural School Climate for Deaf Chidlren and Their
Families. Marilyn Sass-Lehrer, Barbara Gerner de Garcia and Michele
Rovins. (1997). Gallaudet University Press. Guidelines designed to help
educators build a multicultural learning environment for students and their
families. Permission is given to copy and distribute this booklet.
The Deaf Child in the Family and at School. (2000). Spencer, Erting,
and Marschark, editors. Lawrence Erlbaum Associates Publishers. This
book brings together chapters from an international group of researchers,
educators, and clinicians, whose work focuses on the development of deaf
and hard of hearing children and adolescents.
Deafness in the Family. (1987). David Luterman, editor. College-Hill
Press. A book about families and how they may be affected by childhood
hearing impairment. May be used for entertainment as well as for
Ear Infections in Your Child: The Comprehensive Parental Guide to
Causes and Treatments. (1987). Grundfast & Carney. Understandable
format using questions and answers.
A Family Weekend: Steps in Planning a Parent Education Program.
(1983). Micky Cokely. Gallaudet College. A booklet providing an
organized approach to planning and implementing a family weekend.
The Father’s Program Handook: How To Organize a Program for
Fathers and Their Handicapped Children. (1985). Meyer, Vadasy,
Fewell and Schell. University of Washington Press. 3-ring binder.
Family-School Relationships: Concepts and Premises. (1999).
Gallaudet University Press. Permission is given to copy and distribute this
Growing Together: Information for Parents of Hearing Impaired
Children. (1988). NICD. Gallaudet University. A handbook that includes
fact sheets on deafness as well as answer sheets that cover various topics
of interest to parents of deaf children.
Helping Your Child Achieve in School: Strategies for Caring Parents.
(1985). Dr. Barbara Johnson. Arena Press. Deals with all aspects of
educating a child with parents being intelligent partners in their child’s
education. Not specifically for deaf.
HIPP: Hearing Impaired Parents Program. St. Paul-Ramsey Medical
Center, St. Paul, MN. A pamphlet explaining the HIPP program.
How Hearing Loss Impacts Relationships.(2005). Richard Carmen,
AU.D. Doctor of Audiology. This book is the first book exclusively for
families that explains how to manage the frustrations of a highly resistant
loved one who won’t seek treatment for hearing loss.
How To Survive a Hearing Loss. (1989). Charlotte Himber. Gallaudet
University Press. Written by an author with a hearing loss with information
on hearing and the ear, hearing aids, audiologists, telephone devices, etc.
IDEA: Advocacy for Children Who Are Deaf or Hard of hearing: A
Question and Answer Book for Parents and Professionals. (1997).
Bonnie Tucker. Singular Publishing. Written primarily for parents who
have children who are deaf or hard-of-hearing, this text offers clear
guidance to assist parents
In Silence: Growing Up Hearing in a Deaf World. (1990). Ruth
Sidansky. St. Martin’s Press. An account of the author’s life with her deaf
Information for Parents. A folio of articles from Perspectives in Education
and Deafness.
Is It Catching? A Book for Children with Hearing Impaired Sisters or
Brothers. (1982). Ellen Hall. An illustrated workbook written for preschool
and elementary school siblings of the hearing impaired.
Keeping Up With Your Deaf Children: A Group Discussion. (1972).
Gallaudet College. A booklet of personal anecdotes shared through
parents of deaf children.
Keys to Raising a Deaf Child. (1999). Frazier-Maiwald & Williams.
Positive advice and encouragement on helping children adapt to deafness.
Kid-Friendly Parenting with Deaf and Hard of Hearing Children.
(1995). Daria Medwig and Denise Chapman Weston. A treasury of fun
activities toward better behavior.
The Language of Toys. (1972). Sue Schwartz and Joan Heller Miller.
Woodbine House Inc. A guide for parents and teachers in teaching
communication skills to special needs children.
Living With a Brother or Sister With Special Needs. (1985). Meyer,
Vadasy and Fewell. University of Washington Press. A book for siblings
that gives information on handicaps and answers questions they may feel
uncomfortable asking their parents.
Make a Joyful Noise. (1999). An information kit for parents of children
who are deaf and hard of hearing. Kit contains booklet, videotape “Dreams
are Spoken Here”, as well as information pamphlets on the subject of oral
deaf education.
☼Making Connections: Support for Families of Newborns and Infants
with Hearing Loss. (2006) Butte Publications. Book & DVD which focuses
on how parents & professionals can promote acquisition of age-appropriate
listening and communication skills in infants with hearing loss during their
first 12 months of life.
Missing Words. (1993). Thomsett & Nickerson. A family handbook on
adult hearing loss featuring medical information on hearing loss, hearing
aids, cochlear implants and communication methods.
My Brother Peter. (1991). Sarah Shanley. Sibling Information Network
Newsletter. University of Connecticut. A pamphlet containing an article on
the author’s autistic brother.
My Child: A Picture Story About Deaf Children. Kay Sanger. John
Tracy Clinic. For relatives and friends of deaf children.
Our Spark of Hope. (1989). Kevin Peterson. The story of how a couple
dealt with the sudden deafness of their two and a half year old daughter, a
pioneer child in the Nucleus Cochlear Implant Program.
A Parent’s Guide-Doctors, Disabilities, and the Family. (1990).
NICHCY. Pamphlet.
Parent’s Helper. For Parents of Children Ages 1-5. (1981). Linda
Shephard. VORT Corp. A workbook to assist parents in making their
child’s everyday activities more interesting to help their total developmental
process. Illustrated.
Parent Information Packet from Foundation for Better Hearing and
Speech. January 1998.
A Parent Partner’s Activity Calendar. (1986). Marian D. Toth. Dale
Seymour Publications. 366 language discovery lessons to send home.
Plan for Mentorship of Minnesota Families with Deaf Children. (2003).
MN Dept of Human Services. This plan is an option for use with families
who want to learn ASL and be exposed to Deaf Culture.
Raising and Educating a Deaf Child: A Comprehensive Guide To The
Choices Controversies, And Decisions Faced By Parents And
Educators. 2nd Edition. (2007) Marc Marschark.
Reducing Stress in Mothers of Children with Special Needs. (1988).
Kirkham, Norelius, Meltzer, Schilling and Schinke. University of
Washington Press. 3-ring binder to be used by a group leader in working
with mothers of children with disabilities.
Serving the Needs of Grandparents and Siblings of Handicapped in
Rural America. (1988). Sally Linton Burton. National Rural Development
Institute. A preservice/inservice curriculum module for preparation of rural
special educators.
SIBSHOPS: A Handbook for Implementing Workshops for Siblings of
Children with Special Needs. (1985). Meyer, Vadasy, and Fewell.
University of Washington Press. 3-ring binder.
Sign Communication: A Family Affair. (1991). Gallaudet University
Press. A curriculum for hearing parents of deaf children.
The Signing Family: What Every Parent Should Know About
Communication. (1998). David Stewart. Shows parents how to create a
set of goals for signing centered around the needs of their deaf child.
Deals with several options including ASL, Signed English, Signed Exact
English and Contact Sign.
Speak Up for Health. (1993). PACER. A handbook for parents in
preparing adolescents with chronic illness or disabilities for independence
in health care.
Starting at Home. (1986). US Dept. of Health and Human Services. A
parent resource book on a family-centered approach to the prevention of
teenage pregnancy.
Staying Healthy-A Family Affair. BOOK I. A curriculum for Parents of
Young Deaf Children. (1991). Gallaudet University Press. Develops a
conducive climate for discussing family health issues.
Staying Healthy-A Family Affair. BOOK II. A Curriculum for Parents
of Preteen and Adolescent Deaf Children. (1991). Gallaudet University.
Includes activities that address goals and objectives, as well as teacher
resource sheets and handouts.
A Tale of Two Sisters – Ten Years Later. (1992). Mimi Weitz. Sibling
Information Network Newsletter. University of Connecticut. A pamphlet
containing a story about two sisters with cerebral palsy.
Talk With Me! (1988). Ellyn Altman. Washington DC: AG Bell
Association for the Deaf, Inc. A first-hand account of the challenges facing
one family with a severely hearing-impaired child, making decisions solving
Tears, Jeers and Fears. (1988). Michael J. Sinnott. American Society for
Deaf Children. A pamphlet containing an article from their Biennial
Two-Way Talking With Parents of Special Children. (1978). Chinn,
Winn, and Walters. Mosby Co. A book about communication in the family
setting, including families with special needs children.
When Your Child is Deaf. (1991). David Luterman. York Press. A guide
for parents containing information about the emotional educational process
of coming to grips with a hearing impairment in their child.
When Your Child is Hearing Impaired – A Parents’ Resource Guide.
(1987). Massachusetts Parents’ Association for the Deaf and Hard of
Hearing. Information of interest to parents of deaf children.
You and Your Deaf Child. (1997). John Adams. A self-help guide for
parents of deaf and hard of hearing children.
You and Your Hearing-Impaired Child: A Self Instructional Guide for
Parents. (1988). John W. Adams. Gallaudet University Press. An
informative guide to help in daily interactions between deaf child and family.
You will Dream new Dreams. (2001). Stanley D. Klein, Ph.D and Kim
Schive. Inspiring Stories by Parents of Children with Disabilities.
ABC Come Sign With Me. Alphabet teaching frieze. Gallaudet University
Alphabet Sign Language Rubber Stamp Set. From SoundBytes. Create
names, words, etc., with 26 rubber stamps. Stamp pad not included.
ASL Flash Cards. (2004). Sign Babies Publishers. Sets include Set One:
First Words; Set Two: Arund the House; Set Three: Animals; Set Four:
Family Life.
Articulation Photo Fun Decks Combo Sets 1 and 2. (2004). Super
Duper Publications.
ASL Folder Games for Families. (2004). From SKI*HI Institute.
Packaged kit of games such as Faces Bingo, Deaf History, Restaurant,
Memory: Deaf/Culture/Hearing Culture, Question/Statement, Colors, Name
That Picture/Name That Sign, Dominoes: Number Signs, Money.
ASLingo. (2004). MJS Creations. Board game for ages 5 and up. Two to
8 players.
Autism & PDD Photo Cards. Verb Tense Questions. (2008). Jennifer
Benoliel. LinguiSystems Publishing.
Basic Signing Vocabulary Cards. Flash cards containing one hundred
signs with words. Designed to teach simple vocabulary and associated
signs. The words have been chosen from basic sign and beginning
vocabulary lists. SET A and SET B.
Book of Reproducible Articulation Games. Academic Communication
Associates. (2001).
Brennan’s Ex-BEARdition. A board game from LinguiSystems using dice
and players to get you around a path. Designed to help student’s listening
skills grow through thinking and discussion. Students will have fun as they
practice listening skills in basic concepts, vocabulary and language. May
be adapted to fit all ages.
Cue in a Flash Cards. (2001). CueRS. Vowel phoneme placements.
Cue It Receptive Cueing. (2001). CueRS. Receptive cueing game for
beginners to practice identifying words when cued without voice.
Cue That Word. (2001). CueRS. Game for expressive cueing practice.
Cued Speech Self Teaching Flash Cards. (1996). Hi I Cue Publ.
Suitable for use with Practice Manual A.
Descriptive Language Activity Kit. (1998) Academic Communication
Find the Phoneme. (2001). CueRS. Vowel phoneme identification game.
Finger Alphabet Lotto. A game used to learn the sign language alphabet.
From Gallaudet.
Fun ‘n Learning Concept Cue Cards. Boxed set.
Games for Cueing Practice. (1999). Balderson & Rupert. Set includes
boxed game kit and folder of instructions and suggestions for use.
Holiday and Seasonal Gameboards for Speech and Language.(1998).
Super Duper Publications.
Just Cue It! (2000). Kovalovich. A unique cueing game for the deaf and
hard of hearing. For 2 to 4 players ages 5 to adult. Boxed game.
Keep Quiet Game. Sign Language crossword cubes game. Kopptronix
Co. Gallaudet University Bookstore.
Keep Quiet Reword Game. Ages 7 to adult. (1981). Kopptronix Co.
Gallaudet University Bookstore.
Language Builder Picture Cards. Mayer-Johnson, Inc. Boxed set of 350
full-color cards for teaching the essentials of language. Cards contain
pictures of animals, foods, vehicles, clothing, furniture, toys, colors, shapes.
Language Learning Cards. From SoundBytes.
Language Shuffle Playing Cards. (1995). Susan Rose Simms.
LinguiSystems. Five decks of playing cards make up games to learn
antonyms, association, categories, exclusion, synonyms. Use these cards
to practice learning skills. Because the cards have traditional playing card
symbols in the corners, just follow the rules of the game you choose. Also
available: Language Shuffle Junior with easier words.
Nouns – Super Set One. For ages 4 and up. Boxed set of 7x5 cards
featuring a single, uncluttered photo. Durable, coated cardboard cards.
Extends children’s early vocabulary development and promotes
understanding. Box contains 105 cards, and teacher’s notes containing
activity ideas. Teacher’s notes in English and Spanish. From LDA
Instructional Fair Group.
Nouns – Super Set Two. For ages 4 and up. Same description as Super
Set one.
Opposites. For ages 2-4. Boxed set includes 20 think and match photo
puzzle pieces made of thick heavy cardboard. Only the correct match will
work to complete the puzzle. Used pictures depicting happy/sad, in/out,
pull/push, etc. From Living and Learning Publishing Group.
PAWS GAME:: Phonological Awareness Word and Sentence Game.
PCS Cards. Set I. A beginning set of cards designed for young children.
The vocabulary includes many foods, entertainment items, animals, and
grooming items. All parts of speech are included as well as common
PCS Cards. Set II. Additional vocabulary in the same categories as Set I,
as well as vocabulary for the classroom.
Pocket Color Cards. Mayer-Johnson, Inc. A handy-sized collection of
cards depicting objects and actions familiar to young children. There are
36 cards to each set of 4”x3” cards. Directions are included with each card
set specifying how to use the cards to help improve children’s language
skills. Sets include:
Early Actions (verbs)
Early Objects (common objects)
Early Opposites (adjectives and prepositions)
Early Sequences (sets of three verb sequences)
Sentence Building for Receptive Expressive Cueing Practice. Game
for 2-4 players to increase the length of utterance either accurately cued by
or received by individuals.
Sign Challenge Game. Board game which includes videotape in box.
Sign It! A fun way to learn and to practice American Sign Language.
Created and produced by Michael R. McCoy.
Sign Language Alphabet. Puzzle board containing 26 pieces
representing the sign for the letter of the alphabet. Pictures are under the
game pieces.
Sign Language Flash Cards: Self checking set of 105 cards for all ages.
Sign Language Pocket Flash Cards. Box includes 26 manual alphabet
cards, 26 basic sign cards and 4 information/ activity cards.
Sign/Word Flash Cards and Activities Booklet. (1987). Kendall Green
Soundtracks and Photo Boards. Ages 3 to 6. The award winning
listening game.
The Sleeping Grump. (1981). A “scary” game for ages 4 to 7. Uses
knowledge of colors and numbers 1-6.
Verbs and More Cards. Set of 512 colorful cards, 8 decks, 64 cards per
deck. Consists of verbs, opposites, sequencing, and prepositions.
What Do You Say? A Pragmatic Language Game.
What Would You Do? For ages 5 and up. Boxed set includes 8 situation
cards, 40 action cards, and teacher’s notes containing activity ideas.
Teacher’s notes in English, Spanish, German and French. From LDA
Instructional Fair Group.
What’s Wrong? For ages 4 and up. Boxed set includes 68 5x4 cards
made from heavy cardboard. Pictures depict absurd situations that
encourage discussion using critical thinking skills. Teacher’s notes
containing activity ideas in English, Spanish, German and French. From
LDA Instructional Fair Group.
Why? Because. For ages 4 and up. Boxed set of 5x5 cards featuring an
activity. Encourages understanding of cause and effect as well as critical
thinking. Box contains 40 cards, and teacher’s notes in English, Spanish,
German and French. From LDA Instructional Fair Group.
Wordburst. A word recall game. From LinguiSystems. Skills: Word
finding and vocabulary; ages 8 and up.
Wordopoly. A play-with-words game. From LinguiSystems. Skills:
Vocabulary and word usage; ages 10 through 15.
Access to the Science and Engineering Laboratory and Classroom.
(1986). HEATH Resource Center. Pamphlet containing resources and
references concerning laboratory and classroom access for disabled
people in the field of science and engineering.
Accessibility for Deaf & Hard of Hearing Individuals. (1996). Resource
Guide and Directory from MN Foundation for Better Hearing and Speech.
Best Practices Guidelines: Services for People Who Are Deaf.
(November 1995). MN Department of Rehab Services.
Best Practices Guidelines: Services for People Who Are Hard of
Hearing or Late Deafened. (November 1995). MN Department of Rehab
Classroom Aide’s Helper. (1979). Linda Shephard. VORT Corporation.
May be used in training classroom aides.
Deafness: A Fact Sheet. (1987). NICD:Gallaudet. Pamphlet fact sheet
on information regarding deafness.
Deafness 1993-2013: A Deaf American Monograph. (1993). Edited by
Mervin Garretson. Gallaudet.
Educating the Hearing Impaired Child: A Legal Perspective. (1987).
NICD: Gallaudet. Pamphlet identifying special needs of deaf children.
Education of Hearing Impaired Students: Selected Annotated
Readings. (1985). NICD: Gallaudet.
Emergency Access Self-Evaluation. (1995). Telecommunications for
the Deaf. A program that helps emergency response centers become
prepared for and confident in conducting TTY communications.
Group Leader’s Handbook: Resources, Techniques and Survival
Skills. (1977). Merritt & Walley. Champaign, IL: Research Press. Help in
developing a group and guiding it from selection of members to final
minutes of the last session.
Have you ever wondered about…The Ear and Hearing. (1986).
Gallaudet University. A booklet of information about the ear and hearing,
as well as illustrations and puzzles to aid learning.
Have you ever wondered about…Growing Up Without Hearing.
(1985). Gallaudet University. A booklet telling about 4 different kinds of
programs for hearing impaired children.
Have you ever wondered about…Hearing Loss and Deafness. (1985).
Deborah Oldman-Brown. Gallaudet University. An annotated bibliography
of children’s books about hearing loss, deafness and hearing impaired
Have you ever wondered about…Hearing Loss and Deafness.
Teacher’s Activity Book. (1989). Loraine J. DiPietro, editor. Gallaudet
University. Activities to accompany the “Have you ever wondered about…”
Have you ever wondered about…How Deaf People Communicate.
(1985). Gallaudet University. A booklet summarizing the different ways
deaf people communicate with each other and ways you can communicate
with deaf people.
Have you ever wondered about…The Ear and the Hearing. (1986).
Gallaudet University. A booklet summarizing the ear.
Just Like You and Me. (1987). Mark Addison. Cleveland, OH: Services
for Independent Living, Inc. A disability awareness curriculum for the 4th
and 5th grade.
National Directory of Alcohol and Other Drugs Prevention and
Treatment Programs Accessible to the Deaf. (1995). From Rochester
Institute for the Deaf.
NICD Directory of National Organizations of and for Deaf and Hard of
Hearing People. (1995 edition). Pamphlet form.
NICD National Information Center on Deafness “Publications from the
National Information Center on Deafness”. Pamphlet form.
Residential Facilities for Deaf Adults. Pamphlet from NICD.
Residential Programs for Deaf/Emotionally Disturbed Children and
Adolescents. NICD. (10.89). Pamphlet form.
A Resource Listing: inexpensive informational brochures on hearing
loss and deafness. (1989). NICD. Pamphlet of resources and
information on ordering copies.
Resource Manual on Disabilities. (1985). PACER Center. Booklet
providing basic information about disabilities, including lists of books and
organizations which provide information about disabilities and about
equipment used by handicapped individuals.
There’s a Hearing Impaired Child in My Class. (1988). Gallaudet. A
learning packet about hearing loss for public school teachers. Contains
book and cassette tape.
We All Come In Different Packages. (1983). Dee Konczal and Loretta
Pesetski. The Learning Works, Inc. Activities for grades 3-6 to increase
handicap awareness.
The Art of Interpreting ASL. (1996). Bennett Borden. TJ Publishers.
Textbook and videotape in this set focuses on the visual and spatial
aspects of ASL.
ASL-to-English Interpretation: Say It Like They Mean It. (2004). From
RID Press. This book attempts to organize and share information out in the
field that relates to the work of how best to convey the signed message to a
hearing consumer.
Becoming a Sign Language Interpreter. (1988). NICD. Pamphlet.
Best Practices in Educational Interpreting. (1998). Brenda Chafin Seal.
Sign Enhancers. A comprehensive guide to educational interpreting.
Charting The Way: A Handbook for Postsecondary Educational
Interpreters. From the University of Minnesota Disability Services.
(2003). Set includes 3-ring binder with CD Rom. Also available: videotape
of same title.
Cognitive Processing Skills in English. (2000). Carol J. Patrie. Dawn
Sign Press. The Effective Interpreting Series Teacher’s Guide. Full of
challenging exercises to deepen students’ skills in a way that improves the
interpretation process. Also available: videotape of same title.
Comprehensive Reference Manual for Signers and Interpreters.
(1988). Third Edition. Cheryl Hoffman. Charles Thomas Publ. Undated
sign descriptions. Contains both vocabulary and idioms with cross
Comprehensive Reference Manual for Signers and Interpreters.
(2003). Fifth Edition. Cheryl Hoffman. Charles Thomas, Publ. Contains
7000 entries, including vocabulary and idioms, with cross-references and
sign descriptions.
Educational Interpreting: A Collection of Articles from VIEWS: 19962000. Articles reprinted from VIEWS Newsletter.
Educational Interpreting: A Practical Approach. 1993-2005. Consumer
Awareness, Rights, and responsibilities series. Rochester Institute of
Educational Interpreting: Into the 1990s. (1989). Gallaudet University.
A report on conference proceedings at the Educational Interpreting
Conference, November 9-11, 1990.
Educational Interpreting: Q & A. A folio of readings pertaining to
Encounters with Reality: 1001 Interpreter Scenarios. (1999). Brenda
Cartwright. Real-life scenarios – sad, funny, perplexing, and sometimes
scary. Also includes a section with suggested best practices from the
perspectives of deaf consumers and experienced hearing interpreters, as
well as hundreds of scenarios for discussion in the classroom or among
English Skills Development. (2000). Carol J. Patrie. Dawn Sign Press.
From the Effective Interpreting Series. Challenging exercises that make
students’ English skills strong and flexible and prepares them to move on to
more advanced skills. Also available: videotape of same title.
Establish a Freelance Interpretation Business. (1998). Butte
Publications. Tammera Fisher. Professional guidance for sign language
Facilitating Manual Communication for Interpreters, Students, and
Teachers. (1978). Leo Dicker. NRID. Manual for use with videotapes
Great Interpreters Don’t Grow on Trees. (2004). 123 Steps to the top of
the sign language interpreting field. Kelley C. Clark. MSW.
Guidelines for Determining and Substantiating the Need for
Interpreter/Transliterator Services for Learners Who are Deaf or Hard
of Hearing. April 2003. Developed by a Task Force of the MN State Deaf
and Hard of Hearing Coordinators Network.
Handbook for Educational Interpreters. (1988). Overland Park, KS:
Jackson County Community College. A booklet for elementary settings,
secondary settings, as well as post-secondary academic settings and postsecondary technical and vocational programs.
How to Use a Sign Language Interpreter: A Guide for Businesses.
(1996). Becky Robinson, editor. Sign Enhancers. Outlines the basic
issues surrounding interpreting and offers tips and suggestions to make the
process as easy as possible.
Hymns for Singing. (1995). Abingdon Press. To be used as a tool to
make the worship service accessible to those who depend on American
Sign Language.
Innovative Practices for Teaching Sign Language Interpreters. (2000).
Cynthia Roy, editor. Gallaudet University Press. This book explores the
social order of real-life interpreter-mediated conversations in which
interpreters process information at several levels and make intentional,
informed choices. Presents six teaching practices to help interpreters
achieve the highest level of skill.
Interpreting for DeafBlind Students. Binder containing handouts from
workshops sponsored by the MN DeafBlind Technical Project, FIND, Inc,
MN DeafBlind Association, Metro SPLISE, and the College of St.
Catherine. Workshop #1 held November 11, 1995; workshop #2 held
January 27, 1996.
Interpreting: An Introduction. (1986). Nancy Frishberg. Registry of
Interpreters for the Deaf. A book about interpreting between people who
do not share the same language.
Interpreting in Insurance Settings. (2002). Carol Patrie. Dawn Sign
Press. This book contains helpful discussion starters and full transcripts of
the interpreted dialogues contained in the videotape. The interpretations
are unscripted and unrehearsed. Book to accompany videotape of same
Interpreting in Legal Settings. (2002). Carol Patrie. Dawn Sign Press.
This book contains helpful discussion starters and full transcripts of the
interpreted dialogues contained in the videotape. The interpretations are
unscripted and unrehearsed. Book to accompany videotape of same title.
Interpreting in Medical Settings. (2002). Carol Patrie. Dawn Sign
Press. This book contains helpful discussion starters and full transcripts of
the interpreted dialogues contained in the videotape. The interpretations
are unscripted and unrehearsed. Book to accompany videotape of same
Journal of Interpretation. (1987). Marina McIntire, editor. Published by
Registry of Interpreters for the Deaf Inc.
Mental Health Interpreting: A Mentored Curriculum. (1998). Robert Q.
Pollard, PhD. University of Rochester NY School of Medicine. Also
available: videotape of same title.
Mentor to Mentor: Tips and Techniques for Deaf Mentors Working
with Interpreters. (2001). Albert Walla.
Oral Interpreting: Selections from Papers by Kirsten Gonzalez. Diane
Castle, editor. AG Bell Publ. A compilation of six articles which discuss
frequently asked questions about speechreading (lipreading) and oral
Our Stories: The Soul of Sign Language Interpreting. (1999).
Marianne Decher, editor. AGO Publications. This book looks at the human
side of interpreting and at the people behind the profession. It is
lighthearted and humorous, with words of wisdom from a deaf consumer, to
an assignment that literally involved a life and death situation. Various
authors share their personal stories of what makes interpreting both
challenging and rewarding.
Plan for Mentorship of Educational Interpreters in Minnesota. (2000).
Gordon & Magler. Produced by SLICES. This plan is a suggested outline
for school districts and mentors to use in order to design, execute and
document mentoring activities with sign language interpreters in K-12
settings in Minnesota.
Pre-Interpreting Survey: Introduction to Interpreting. (1993). LindaLee
Massoud. Booklet to accompany videotape of same title.
Pre-Interpreting Survey: Peer Evaluation Lectures. (1993). LindaLee
Massoud. Booklet to accompany videotape of same title.
Professional Sign language Interpreter’s Handbook. (2004). Linda
Humphreys. Gallaudet University Press. This complete guide covers the
gamut of issues related to interpreting and offers resources that can help
you succeed in an interpreting career.
Reading Between the Signs. (1999). Anna Mindess. TJ Publishers.
Intercultural communication for sign language interpreters.
The Reflector. A Journal for Sign Language Teachers and
Interpreters. (1984). Dennis Cokely, editor. A collection of the magazine
“The Reflector’.
Resource Guide for Professional Development. (2003). From Region V
Interpreter Education Project at the College of St. Catherine in partnership
with SLICES.
Sample Generalist Written Test Questions. (2002). From RID.
Self-Paced Modules for Educational Interpreter Skill Development.
(1996). 3-ring binder from MN Registry of Interpreters for the Deaf.
Self Language Interpreters and Interpreting. (1992). Edited by Dennis
Cockley, PhD. An SLS Monograph with selected articles.
Sign Language Interpreters in the Public Schools. (1991). Madonna
University: Livonia, Michigan. A boxed instructional kit containing 3
videotapes on Administrator Issues, Interpreter Issues, and Teacher
Issues; 3 audio scripts for tapes; 1 Bilingualism and Deafness Bibliography
and 1 Terminology Definitions.
Sign Language Interpreting: A Basic Resource Book. (2000). Revised.
Sharon Newman Solow. Linstock Press. Incorporates many of the
changes that have occurred in the field of interpreting since the publication
of the original text in 1981. It reflects the shifts in philosophy and current
trends in interpreting.
Sign Language Interpreting: Deconstructing the Myth of Neutrality.
(1999). Melanie Metzger. Discusses interpreter issues and interpreter
Sign Language Interpreting: Exploring Its Art and Science. (1998).
Stewart, Schein, Cartwright. Reflects the recent and revolutionary changes
in policy and practices affecting deaf people.
Sign Language Interpreting and Interpreter Education: Directions for
Research and practice. (2005). Edited by: Marc Marschark, Rico Peterson
and Elizabeth A. Winston.
Sign the Speech: An Introduction to Theatrical Interpreting. (1996).
Julie Gebron. Sign Enhancers. Basic information on the art of interpreting
for theatre.
Signs of Development. Interpreters’ Resource for Training &
Development. Materials available include:
• CD ROM: 1000 ASL Faces. Focuses on facial expressions and
body grammar with a number of activities to challenge the
participant to develop a strong lexical English and sign base to
assist in accurately interpret between English and ASL.
• CD ROM: ASL Sentence Types. Introduces you to 20 types of
ASL sentences with accompanying descriptions of the sentence
types in four example sentences with their corresponding English
• CD ROM: 1000 Fingerspelled Words. Comprehensive and
intensive listing of most of the fingerspelled words that are used
in daily living. Also includes a brief history of fingerspelling.
• BOOK: It’s a Matter of $’s and $ense: A Guide to Business
Practices for Sign Language Interpreters. Also included with
book: computer disk.
• CD ROM: K-12 A Deaf Perspective. No description available.
• CD ROM: K-12 A Deaf Perspective. No description available.
• CD ROM: Deaf Childhood Development. No description
Sing Praise! Hymnal for the Deaf. Nashville, TN: Broadman Press.
So You Want To Be An Interpreter? (1994). H&H Publishers. An
introduction to Sign Language Interpreting.
So You Want To Be An Interpreter? Study Guide. (1998). Janice
Humphrey. A Hands-on guided study for the book of the same title.
Teaching Students Who Are Deaf How To Use An Interpreter. (1999).
From Educational Services for the Hearing Impaired, Little Rock AR.
Covers grades 3-6 and 7-12 including teacher’s guide within one book.
Translating from English. (2001). Carol Patrie. Dawn Sign Press.
Challenging exercises to develop students’ translation skills in a way that
also improves the interpretation process. Accompanies videotape of same
Transliterating: Show Me the English. (2001). Jean Kelly. RID Press.
A comprehensive overview of the task of transliterating.
You Might Be A Sign Language Interpreter If… (2001). Miller and
Paris. AGO Publications. Humorous little book showing the human side of
interpreting. Illustrated.
Way to Grow: A Resource Guide for Professional Development.
(2001). College of St. Catherine in Partnership with SLICES, LLC. Federal
Interpreter Education Project.
Worshipping Hands. Carolyn Clark. Clark Publ. Three-ring binder
containing videotape, audio-cassette, and print lessons to learn church
songs in sign.
Communication Skills Curriculum. (1985). Sharon Crawford Hovinga.
Iowa School for the Deaf. Covering subjects such as telecommunication
devices for the deaf, consumer awareness, decoders, hearing ear dogs,
insurance for the deaf, and other timely subjects.
Deaf Awareness Curriculum for Mainstreamed Hearing Impaired
Students. 3-ring binder.
Developing Language Curriculum: Infant to 12 years. University of
Washington. Two folios containing score sheets on language development
in deaf children ages infant to 12 years.
Developmental Language Curriculum. (1988). Helen Cheney, et al.
University of Washington Press. 3-ring binder. A comprehensive guide
and record-keeping system for hearing-impaired students, infants through
12 years.
HELP-1: Handbook of Exercises for Language Processing. (1987).
Lazzari & Peters. LinguiSystems. Covers auditory discrimination, question
comprehension, association, and auditory memory. Skills area: language.
Interest level: grade 1 through adult. Reading level:non-readers thru 1.5.
HELP-2: Handbook of Exercises for Language Processing. (1987).
Lazzari & Peters. LinguiSystems. Covers specific word finding,
categorization, wh-questions, and grammar. Skills area:language. Interest
level:grade 1 through adult. Reading level: grade 1.5 through 2.5.
Kendall Demonstration Elementary School-Preschool Curriculum
Guide. (1989). Gallaudet University. 3-ring binder. A curriculum guide to
support a preschool program for children with hearing impairments.
Language Arts Course of Study CSDR – Making a Difference. (1985).
California School for the Deaf. 3-ring binder. Designed to lead the student
through the acquisition of basic skills and knowledge.
Language Arts Curriculum Guide. 3-ring binder.
Language Curriculum Progress Record. (Revised 2000). From
Minneapolis Public Schools D/HH Program Language Curriculum.
Language Development and Intervention with the Hearing Impaired.
(1978). Richard Gretschmer. University Park Press. A developmental
approach to language learning that takes advantage of the linguistic and
cognitive potentials inherent in every deaf child.
Language Sampling, Analysis, and Training. (1977). A handbook for
teachers and clinicians. Riverside Publishing Company.
☼Lend Us Your Ears. (2001). Terry Farrell and Max Vincent. A hands-on
guide for Itinerant teachers of the D/HH.
No-Glamour Language. (1998). LinguiSystems. Activities that teach
comparing, contrasting, using antonyms, and using synonyms.
Pot of Gold. (1993). DEAF Media. A resource guide containing puzzles,
games, etc.
Problem-Solving Activities for Teaching Daily Living Skills. (1982).
Lucas, Lenix and Amey. Cedars Press Inc. A curriculum handbook
dealing with increasing the quality of life in daily living.
Storybook-Based Curriculum. (1998). Hearing & Speech Institute.
Effectively develops pre-literacy skills with special needs children.
Promotes pre-literacy and language development for children ages 2-6.
Signing The Body Poetic: Essays on American Sign Language
Literature. (includes DVD). Literature/Language and Linguistics/Poetry.
This Collection of essays, accompanied by a pioneering DVD, at last brings
a dazzling view of the literary, social and performative aspects of American
Sign Language to a wide audience. Edited by H-Dirkson L. Bauman,
Jennifer L. Nelson, and Heidi M. Rose. (2007).
Phonics Awareness Kit. McGraw-Hill Company, SRA Division. Large kit
includes the following materials which may be ordered separately.
• Activities Workbook Level K
• Phonics Kit Level K
• Pocket Chart Level K
• Phonics CD Rom Level K
• Phonics Readiness
• Phonics Readiness Alphabet
• Phonics Readiness Alphabet
• Phonics readiness Consonants
• Phonics More Readiness Consonants
• Phonics Readiness Short Vowels
• Phonics Readiness Long Vowels
• Phonics Readiness Teacher Idea Book
• Phonics Skill Text Level R Student Edition
• Phonics Skill Text Level R Teacher Edition
• Horizons A Student Textbook Level 1
• Horizons A Student Textbook Level 2
• Horizons A Student Textbook Level 3
• Horizons A Student Workbook Level 1
• Horizons A Student Workbook Level 2
• Horizons A Student Workbook Level 3
• Horizons A Teacher Materials
• Horizons A Literature Collection
• Horizons A Literature Guide
• Reading Mastery I Student Storybook Level 1
• Reading Mastery I Student Storybook Level 2
• Reading Mastery I Student Storybook Level 3
• Reading Mastery I Student Take Home Book A
• Reading Mastery I Student Take Home Book B
• Reading Mastery I Student Take Home Book C
• Reading Mastery I Teaching Set
• Reading Mastery Seatwork I
• Reading Mastery Teaching Behavior Objectives
• Reading Mastery I Teaching Skills Folder
• Reading Mastery I Assessment Manual
• Reading Mastery I Literature Collection Level 1
• Reading Mastery Literature Collection Guide Level 1
Reading Mastery Independent Reading Level 1 Set 2
Language Learning I Take Home Workbook 1
Language Learning I Take Home Workbook 2
Language Learning I Take Home Workbook 3
Language Learning I Take Home Workbook 4
Language Learning I Teacher Materials
Language Learning I Teacher Guide
Language Learning I Behavior Skills
Language Learning Mastery Test
Auditory Familiar Sounds
Sound/Picture Match-ups
Early Childhood Phonics Early Learning
Spatial Relation Picture Cards
Singulars & Plurals Set 1
Singulars & Plurals Set 2
Age 2-6 Instructional Activities
SMILE: Structured Methods in Language Education. (2004).
Alexander Graham Bell Publishers. Set in a black case.
Whole Language for Second Language Learners. (1992). Yvonne
Freeman and David Freeman. Heinemann Publications. Offers
demonstrative proof that the key to success in bilingual students lies within
a whole language approach.
Americans with Disabilities Act: Responsibilities for Postsecondary
Institutions Serving Deaf and Hard of Hearing Students. (1998).
Questions and answers from the video teleconference from the Midwest
Center for Postsecondary Outreach and St. Paul Technical College.
ASL In Schools: Policies and Curriculum. (1992). Gallaudet.
Conference proceedings from the October 1992 conference of the same
Comparison of Key Issues: IDEA. Pamphlet from National Association of
State Directors of Special Education, Inc. March 1996.
Handicapped Students and Special Education. FOURTH EDITION.
(1987). Data Research Co. Provides professional educators and lawyers
with access to important case, statutory and regulatory law in the field of
special education and handicapped student rights.
Handicapped Students and Special Education. FIFTH EDITION.
(1988). Data Research Co. See description above.
Individuals With Disabilities Education Act. (1991). EDLAW, Inc. A
book distributed through the National Association of State Directors of
Special Education. This book lists and defines all portions of the
Individuals with Disabilities Education Act.
Individuals with Disabilities Education Act: Transition Requirements.
A guide for States, Districts, Schools, and Families. (1996). From
National Clearinghouse of Rehabilitation Training Materials, Oklahoma
State University.
Laws, Rights and Responsibilities. (1996). A teaching unit from Law
Advocates of Minnesota.
Legal Rights: The Guide for Deaf and Hard of Hearing People. (1992).
Gallaudet University.
Legal Rights: The Guide for Deaf and Hard of Hearing People. (2000).
Gallaudet University Press. Easy to understand book on the latest state
and federal statutes and administrative procedures that prohibit
discrimination against deaf and hard of hearing people and others with
physical challenges.
Legal Rights of Hearing Impaired People. (1986). Gallaudet University.
National Center for Law and the Deaf.
Legal Rights of Persons With Disabilities: An Analysis of Federal Law.
(1993). Tucker & Goldstein. LRP Publications.
Legalize ASL? Debate Grows Louder, Hotter. (December 1989).
Gallaudet University. A pamphlet. Response to an open letter to the
campus community of Gallaudet University.
A Mandate to Educate – The Law and Handicapped Children. (1987).
Maggie Hume. Capitol Publications. This book synthesizes the history of
special education litigation.
Widening the Courthouse Doors: Linking Citizens with Disabilities
and Courts for Access to Justice. (1998). Published by Court Access
Coalition. Spiral bound practical, comprehensive guide to what assistance
can be offered to people with disabilities in courts.
A Quiet World, Living with Hearing Loss. (2000). David and Carol
Myers Foundation. A psychologist invites us into his life to share his
experiences with hearing loss.
Arizona State School for the Deaf and Blind Career Education
Curriculum. (1981). A Guide for Sensory Impaired Students.
Arizona State School for the Deaf and Blind Community Hour
Curriculum. A thematic approach. (1986). Volumes I & II in one book.
Preschool through elementary hearing impaired and visually handicapped
students. Using community resource people to present information and
Arizona State School for the Deaf and Blind Independent Living
Curriculum. A guide designed to be used as a means to follow progress
while in the Independent Living Program (ILP).
Assistive Listening Technology Protocol. (2006). Developed by Rum
River Special Education Cooperative and St. Croix River Education District.
It is the process to establish need for assistive listening technology and to
determine benefit from trial application of that technology.
The Carolina Curriculum for Handicapped Infants and Infants at Risk.
Johnson-Martin, Jens, and Attermeier. (1986). Paul Brookes Publ.
Provides assistance to teachers and caregivers in optimizing the
handicapped child’s positive interactions with the world and the people in it.
The Circle Time Book. (1982). Wilmes, Wiles, and Dane. A Building
Blocks Publication. A book of activities for holidays and special
occurrences throughout the year.
Communicate. Mayo and Walso. Thinking Publications. An educational
activity (game) to reinforce social-communication skills during adolescence.
Communication Curriculum. (1984). Iowa School for the Deaf. A
curriculum guide for grades K-12.
Creative Math/Art Activities for the Primary Grades. (1984). Sonia
Daleki Forseth. Prentice-Hall, Inc. A complete enrichment package to
supplement your regular mathematics program.
Curriculum Materials Useful for the Hearing Impaired. (1979).
Compiled by Dorothy McCarr & Mary Wilkins Wisser. DORMAC.
Deaf Studies Curriculum Guide. (1993). Kendall Demonstration
Elementary School. Gallaudet University Press.
Developmental Communication Curriculum. 4th printing. Merrill Publ.
E.S.P. Test Kit. Includes Early Speech Perception manual, response
forms, box of toys, full color picture cards, and audiocassette.
FSST. Fundamental Speech Skills Test. Resource Point. 3-ring binder.
Test/scoring and profile forms plus instruction manual.
Growing up Sexually – The Beginnings of Life. (1982). Gallaudet
University. Illustrated book answers questions about the beginnings of life.
Includes vocabulary list and glossary.
Growing Up Sexually – Decisions About Parenthood. (1982).
Gallaudet University. Deals with stages of growth, hormones, social
development, relationships with parents and others, the reproductive
system, etc. Includes vocabulary list and glossary.
Growing Up Sexually – Sexual Behaviors, Sexual Problems. (1982).
Gallaudet University. Deals with ways to express sexuality, and diseases
related to sexual contact.
Growing Up Sexually – Teacher’s Guide. (1982). Gallaudet University.
A guide to accompany all 4 in the Growing Up Sexually series.
Health Curriculum Guide. (1991). Kendall Demonstration Elementary
School. Gallaudet University Press.
Hide a Butterfly – Teacher’s Guide. (1986). Berkeley, CA: University of
CA. Part of the Great Explorations in Math and Science (GEMS) Program.
HIV & AIDS: A Graphic Manual for HIV and AIDS Education. (1995).
From the Southwest Center for Hearing Impaired, San Antonio TX.
Interpersonal Relationship Curriculum. American School for the Deaf.
3-ring binder. Influences students in their daily relationships and promotes
a positive self esteem.
Mathematics Curriculum Guide. (1982). Kendall Demonstration
Elementary School. Gallaudet University Press.
Modern Problems Curriculum Department of Social Studies. (1985).
Iowa School for the Deaf. Course covers one academic school year
(senior year is suggested). Develops an understanding of modern
problems in our society.
P.A.TH.S. (Promoting Alternative Thinking Skills). (1994). Kusche &
Greenberg. Developmental Research Programs Inc. Kit containing
volumes 1, 2, 3, 4, 5; Instructor’s Manual; Turtle Kit; Turtle Rubber Stamp;
Turtle stuffed animal; cards on Feelings and Faces.
Preschool Curriculum Guide. (1989). Kendall Demonstration
Elementary School. Gallaudet University Press.
Science Curriculum Guide. (1988). Kendall Demonstration Elementary
School. Gallaudet University Press.
A Teacher’s Guide to Teaching TTY Skills. By Mary Bauer on behalf of
US West Communications Deaf/Deaf-Blind/Hard of Hearing Consumer
Advisory Panel.
The Telecommunication Relay Service Handbook. (1999). Franklin
Silverman. This easy-to-understand handbook will help both impaired and
non-impaired people communicate with one another for the benefit of both.
Telephone Instruction. 3-ring binder with copied information on use of
telephone. Specifically for ESL students.
Telephone Training for Hearing Impaired Persons. (1980). NTID:RIT.
3-ring binder contains three books: amplified telephones-TDD’s-Codes; lab
and homework sheets; and out-of-text and teacher materials.
A Book About Me. (1973). Karen Luczak Saulnier. Gallaudet University
Press. This level 1 book is about a little girl. Colorfully illustrated, It gives
the sign words for her family, house, furniture, yard, toys, room, food, and
animals. In Signed English.
A Button in Her Ear. (1976). Ada Litchfield. Whitman & Company. A
story about Angela who is hard of hearing, the discovery of her hearing loss
and the appointment to get a hearing aid.
A Case About Amy. (1996). R.C. Smith. TJ Publishers. The concerned
and loving parents of Amy, a very expressive deaf child, must fight to have
a sign language interpreter in Amy’s classroom.
A Chair for My Mother. (1982). Vera Williams, Wm Morrow Publ. A
child, her waitress mother, and her grandmother save dimes to buy
comfortable armchair after all their furniture is lost in a fire. (Accompanies
videotape of same title.)
A Christmas Carol. The story of miserly Ebenezer Scrooge and his stingy
ways, his fearful repentance at the hands of ghosts, and his miraculous
transformation. (Accompanies videotape of same title.)
A Quiet World: Living with Hearing Loss. (2000). David Myers. The
author shares his experiences with hearing loss.
A Screaming Kind of Day. (2001). Winner of the 1999 Governor General’s
Literature, Text.
A Weekend With Wendell. (1986). Kevin Henkes. Wm Morrow Publ.
Sophie does not enjoy energetic, assertive Wendell’s weekend visit until
the very end, when she learns to assert herself and finds out Wendell can
be fun to play with after all. (Accompanies videotape of same title.)
Activities for the Classroom and Beyond. (1998). A collection of ideas
and activities to help extend learning and make it more relevant to students’
everyday lives.
Aida. (1990). Illustrated by Leo and Diane Dillon. Story of unforgettable
courage, honor, and passion. Read-Along book to accompany videotape
of same title.
Alan and The Baron. (1983). Ron Hamilton. NAD. A story using words,
pictures, and signs, about a boy named Alan and a horse named The
Alandra’s Lilacs: The Story of a Mother and Her Deaf Daughter.
(1999). Tressa Bowers. A story about the resiliency and achievements of
determined, loving people no matter what their circumstances might be.
Alexander Graham Bell: The Life and Times of the Man Who Invented
the Telephone. (1997). Edwin Grosvenor and Morgan Wesson. Abrams
Amelia Bedelia. She is the hard working charming housekeeper who does
exactly what the Rogers family asks her to do. (Accompanies videotape of
same title.)
Annie’s World. (1990). Nancy Smiler Levinson. Kendall Green
Publications. Novel about 16 year old Annie Meredith who must adjust to
being mainstreamed into a public high school.
Anything But Silent.(2004). Anything but silent is a compilation of the
most thought provoking articles by renowned deaf writer Mark Drolsbaugh.
Are You My Mother? (1960). P.D. Eastman. Read-Along book to
accompany Read to Me videotape series located in videotape inventory.
Balancing Act. (1997). Virginia Scott. Butte Publications. A young
woman who is hard of hearing and has trouble balancing has a dream trip
to Egypt jeopardized by warring divorced parents, an undertain boyfriend,
and a stepsister who despises her.
Be Careful: A What-Will-Happen-Next Book of Safety. (1976). Michelle
Herx. Gallaudet College Press. This is a book of cautions that shows the
child in an amusing and dramatics manner just what can happen to a
careless or thoughtless child. In Signed English.
Be Cool, Play It Safe! (1999). EMP America Inc. A children’s safety book
to accompany the videotape of the same title.
Belonging. (1986). Virginia M. Scott. Kendall Green Publications. A
novel about a 15 year old girl who had it all until at age 15 she contracts an
illness that leaves her deaf.
Best Books for Building Literacy for Elementary School Children.
(2000). Gunning. Arranges more than 900 children’s books, both fiction
and nonfiction, by school grade 1-6 and by difficulty.
Black Beauty. (1989). Anna Sewell. DORMAC, Inc. Illustrated English
classic also contains vocabulary and definitions.
Black Beauty Workbook. (1989). DiSomma and McTiernan. DORMAC.
Accompanies storybook.
Books for Disabled Young People. (1991). An annotated bibliography
compiled by Nina Reiderson. From The Norwegian Institute for Special
Education, Hosle, Norway: IBBY Documentation Centre of Books for
Disabled Young People.
Boy of the Three-Year Nap. Grade 5-6 reading level (age 11-12). A poor
Japanese woman maneuvers events to change the lazy habits of her son.
(Accompanies videotape of same title.)
Brain Games: Ready-to-Use Activities That Make Thinking Fun.
Games for Grades 6-12. Jack Umstatter.
Bremen Town Musicians. In this classic comic rale by the Brothers
Grimm, a donkey, a dog, a cat, and a rooster who have all outgrown their
usefulness to ungrateful masters embark on unlikely new careers as
musicians. (Accompanies videotape of same title.)
Building a House. (1981). Byron Barton. Greenwillow Books. Briefly
describes the steps in building a house. (Accompanies videotape of same
Caps for Sale. The peddler walks carefully up and down the streets selling
the caps as he balances a huge pile of caps on top of his head.
(Accompanies videotape of same title.)
Chelsea: The Story of a Signal Dog. (1992). Paul Ogden. Little, Brown
& Co., Publ. The heartwarming, humorous, inspirational love story of a
young deaf couple and the beautiful Belgian Sheepdog who acts as their
Chessie – A Chesapeake Bay Story. (1986). US Gov’t Printing Office.
Story in color book form about Chessie, a “sea monster” who depends on
the Bay for food and habitat.
Chicken Little. (1985). Steven Kellogg. Wm Morrow Publ. Chicken Little
and his feathered friend, alarmed that the sky seems to be falling, are easy
prey to hungry Foxy Loxy when he poses as a police officer in hopes of
tricking them into his truck.
Chicken Sunday. (1992). Patricia Polacco. To thank old Eula for her
wonderful Sunday chicken dinners, the children sell decorated eggs and
buy her a beautiful Easter hat. Read-Along story to accompany videotape
of same title.
Children of a Lesser God. (1980). Mark Medoff. Westmark Productions.
A play.
Chris Gets Ear Tubes. (1987). Betty Page. Kendall Green Publ.
Describes the experience of a young boy whose chronic ear infections are
affecting his hearing, until he goes into the hospital for a simple operation.
Christmas With Teddy Bear. Teddy Bear is so eager for Christmas to
come he’s counting down the days. And there’s so much to do before the
big day arrives. From writing to Santa and decorating the tree to caroling
with Mom and Dad, Teddy’s holiday season is filled with tradition and
warmth. (Accompanies videotape of same title.)
Circus Time. (1976). Karen Luczak Saulnier. Gallaudet College Press.
This level 1 book is all about a circus – the clowns, the acrobats, and the
animals. In Signed English.
Cleft Palate: Middle Ear Disease and Hearing Loss. (1978). Malcolm
Graham, editor. Charles Thomas Publ. This text focuses on the effect that
cleft palate has on the speech, hearing and education of a child with a
hearing loss.
Clifford’s Puppy Days. Adventures of Clifford’s puppy days when he was
so tiny he could ride on a bar of soap and get lost inside Emily Elizabeth’s
woolen cap. Even then Clifford managed to get into big trouble.
(Accompanies videotape of same title.
Clock Book. (1975). Karen Luczak Saulnier. Gallaudet College Press.
This book presents the vocabulary of time in sequence while describing the
usual happenings of a day from beginning to end. In Signed English.
Coping With Hearing Loss: Plain Talk for Adults About Losing Your
Hearing. Revised and Updated Edition. (2000). Susan Rezen and Carl
Hausman. Barricade Books, Inc. Having a hearing loss means more than
just not being able to hear well. It can bring on a wide range of problems
which at first glance seem unrelated to the actual hearing loss: isolation
from family and friends, a feeling of inadequacy in social situations, and a
decline of self-image. Designed to inform and aid those with slight to
extreme hearing loss.
Corduroy. Story of a bear who has been on the department store shelf for
a long time. A childhood classic as basic and appealing as a small bear’s
desire for a home and a friend and the perfect fulfillment found in the
devotion of a young girl. (Accompanies videotape of same title.)
Cosmo Gets an Ear. (1994). Gary Clemente. Modern Sign Press. Story
of a little deaf boy as written by his brother.
Count and Color. (1973). Karen Luczak Saulnier. Gallaudet University
Press. A level 1 book that gives the signs for numbers, colors, and objects.
In Signed English.
Cranberry Thanksgiving. Book to accompany videotape of same title.
Grade 1-2 reading level (age 7-8). Grandmother almost loses her secret
recipe for cranberry bread to one of the guests she and Maggie invite for
Thanksgiving dinner. Includes the secret recipe.
Creative Training Technique Handbook. (1988). Robert Pike. Lakewood
Books. Tips, tactics and how-to’s for delivering effective training.
The Cry of the Gull. (1998). Emmanuelle Laborit. Autobiography of the
little girl with her seagull-voiced screaming fits and no conception of time or
chronology, to the rebellious social misfit, to the voracious reader with an
unquenchable thirst for knowledge to the European star of stage and
Dad and Me in the Morning. (1994). Patricia Lakin. Illustrated by Robert
Steele. Gallaudet University Press. A deaf boy and his father share a
special time as they watch the sunrise at the beach.
David Copperfield. (1995). Charles Dickens. Michael Neugebauer Book
Company, North-South Books. (No videotape to accompany this book.)
Dawn. (1983). Molly Bang. Wm Morrow Publ. In this adaptation of The
Crane Wife, a shipbuilder marries a mysterious woman who makes him
promise never to look at her while she weaves. (Accompanies videotape of
same title.)
Dead Body Language. (1997). Penny Warner. Mystery of deaf
newspaper reporter Connor Westphal as she investigates the death of a
woman who placed an ad looking for her long-lost sister. (Fiction).
Deaf Again. (1997). Mark Drolsbaugh. Handwave Publ. The author was
born hearing to deaf parents; however, he later developed a hearing loss of
his own. This is the story of rediscovering the joys of deafness.
Deaf Child Crossing. (2002). Marlee Matlin. Sim & Schuster Publ. A
novel about Megan, who is deaf, and her friend Cindy, who can hear. The
girls become friends when Cindy moves into Megan’s neighborhood, but
when they go away to camp, their friendship is put to the test.
Deaf Children in China. (2000). Alison Callaway. Extensive research in
Nanjing, China, provides the information collected by the author, a medical
Deaf Girls Rule. (2001). Wendy Tiefenbacher, editor. Gallaudet
University Press. A photographic essay of the 1999 champion Gallaudet
University women’s basketball team. Intended to show that deafness is not
a handicap or a disability. It is a look at strong and talented women who
are completely in control.
The Deaf Mute Howls. (1998). Albert Ballin. This book challenges the
practice of teaching deaf children to speak and read lips while prohibiting
the use of sign language.
Deaf Peddler: Confessions of an Inside Man. (2000). Dennis Buck.
The author unveils all of the ins and outs of exploiting his “disabilities” to
earn easy money. He details the day-to-day life of a deaf peddler including
where to make the most money in the least time. He abandoned peddling
after realizing it reinforces deaf stereotypes, but explains why it still exists
Deafening. (2003). Frances Itani. Atlantic Monthly Press. A novel which
moves from the silence of the deaf to the cacophony of “the front” during
World War II.
Dictionary of Idioms. (1996). Marvin Terban. Scholastic Books. A book
containing more than 600 phrases, sayings, and expressions.
Dina the Deaf Dinosaur. (1996). Carole Addabbo. Hannacroix Creek
Books. The story of a deaf dinosaur who has run away from home
because her parents would not learn sign language. She befriends an owl,
a mole, and a chipmunk.
Dinosaur Bob and His Adventures with Family Lazardo. While
vacationing in Africa, the Lazardo family finds and brings back to America a
friendly dinosaur that becomes the talk of the town. (Accompanies
videotape of same title.)
The Doorbell Rang. (1986). Pat Hutchins. Each time the doorbell rings,
there are more people who have come to share Ma’s wonderful cookies.
(Accompanies videotape of same title.)
Elana’s Ears or How I Became The Best Big Sister in the World.
(2000). Gloria Roth Lowell. American Psychological Assn. Publ. Lacey
the family dog is jealous of the new baby that her human parents brought
home, until she discovers that the baby cannot hear.
Elephants. (1989). Barbara Taylor Cork. Viking Penguin Inc. Colorful
book on elephants.
Everyone Can Win. (1988). Anne and George Allen. EPM Publications
Inc. A book of opportunities and programs in the arts for the disabled.
Farmer Duck. When a kind and hard working duck nearly collapses from
overwork while taking care of a farm because the owner is too lazy to do
so, the rest of the animals get together and chase the farmer out of town.
(Accompanies videotape of same title.)
Favorite Fables in Our Lives. (1989). Paris and Tracy. Dormac.
Aesop’s fables and original application stories.
Feelings Illustrated. Series from New Readers Press. (1987). Contains
the following titles:
Feelings Illustrated: Laughing
Feelings Illustrated: Playing
Feelings Illustrated: Working
Finding Abby. (2000). Virginia M. Scott. A young woman must answer
compelling questions after she is summoned home following her sister’s
Finding a Common Language – Children Living With Deafness.
(1989). Thomas German. Gareth Stevens Publ, Inc. Children with
disabilities are highlighted, showing that illness and disability can inspire us
to reach out to share our lives.
Fire Fighter Brown. (1976). Karen Luczak Saulnier. Gallaudet College
Press. This level 1 book tells about Fire Fighter Brown and how he works,
the clothes he wears, and the equipment he uses in rescuing a little boy
from a burning building. In Signed English.
The First Strawberries. A quarrel between the first man and the first
woman is reconciled when the Sun causes strawberries to grow out of the
earth. (Accompanies videotape of same title.)
Flight of the Gin Fizz. (1997). Henry Kisor. Harper Collins Publ. Story of
a deaf pilot.
Flute Song Magic. (1990). Andrea Shettle. Avon Books. Story of Flutirr,
born to High Nobleness, and how he meets a creature from the lower class.
The Frog Prince Continued. After the frog turns into a prince, he and the
Princess do not live happily ever after and the Prince decides to look for a
witch to help him remedy the situation. (Accompanies videotape of same
From Pity to Pride: Growing up Deaf in the Old South. (2004). Hannah
Joyner from pity to pride is an important contribution to the history of deaf
people in America.
Getting the Words on the Screen: A Guide to Low-Cost Captioning.
(1996). SoundOff! Productions. Set includes videotape and booklet.
The Ghost of Tomahawk Creek. A Flying Fingers Club book. (1993).
Jean F. Andrews. A delightfully scary story.
The Giant Jam Sandwich. Townspeople from Itching Down create a giant
jam sandwich to trap the wasps and keep them away from the picnickers.
(Accompanies videotape of same title.)
The Gift of the Girls Who Couldn’t Hear. (1991). Susan Shreve. Beech
Tree Books. Delightful fiction about Eliza, a gifted singer, and her best
friend, Lucy, who has been deaf since birth.
The Gift of the Magi. (1994). O. Henry. A simplified version of the wellknown tale in which a husband and wife sacrifice treasured possessions so
that they may buy each other Christmas presents. Read-Along book to
accompany videotape of the same story.
Goldilocks and the Three Bears. The classic story with full-color
illustrations and Signed English sign drawings.
Going With The Flow. (1988). Claire Blatchford. Carolrhoda Books Inc.
When Mark changes schools in mid-year, he is angry, lonely, and
embarrassed by his deafness, but he soon begins to adjust. Includes
information about deafness and illustrations of signs.
Good Morning Me! (2006) Lisa Eberlein. This whimsical book
incorporates speech exercises to encourage your child’s verbal
Hannie. (1996). Barbara Luetke-Stahlman. Butte Publications. A novel
featuring a hearing girl, Hannah, who has two deaf siblings.
Harold the Magic Hearing Aid. (1995). Tami Chiovari. It used to be hard
for Johnny to understand what people around him were saying. Everyone
mumbled all the time. Then Johnny got a new hearing aid and suddenly
everyone around him started talking better and making more sense! There
could only be one reasonable explanation for this trick, his hearing aid must
Hasta Luego, San Diego. The Flying Fingers Club series. (1991).
Kendall Green Publications. Learning-disabled Donald and his deaf friend
Matt are kidnapped by crooks who have stolen rare cockatoos from the
San Diego Zoo, while his older sister is involved in a Hispanic boy’s abuse
by his father.
Hear. (1997). Anne Pope. DK Publisher. Solutions, skills, and sources
for people with hearing loss.
Hearing Aids for You and the Zoo. (1984). Alexander Graham Bell
Association for the Deaf. A colorful book about George the Gorilla and his
new hearing aid. Teaches children how to like and care for their hearing
Heckedy Peg. (1987). Audrey Wood. A mother saves her seven children
from Heckedy Peg, a witch who has changed them into different kinds of
food. A Read-Along story to accompany videotape of same title.
Helen Keller. (1969). Margaret Davidson. A Scholastic Biography.
Helen Keller: A Life. (1998). Dorothy Herrmann. Story of the life of this
remarkable deaf-blind woman.
Helen Keller, Public Speaker: Sighless But Seen, Deaf But Heard.
(1998). Lois Einhorn. A work on Helen Keller the orator.
Helen Keller’s Teacher. (1965). Margaret Davidson. A Scholastic
Biography about Annie Sullivan. Annie grew up in a poorhouse with only
her pride and determination to sustain her. Then she met Helen Keller.
This is a true story of courage and determination.
Herbie Hears the Horn. (2001). Susan Chorost. AG Bell Publ. Colorfully
illustrated story of Herbie, a young deaf child, who goes from silence to
sound after he is fitted with a hearing aid.
Hidden Frustrations. (2004). Maureen Mann. Boys Town Press. This
autobiography chronicles a young woman’s remarkable journey of
determination. She shares her history as a hard-of-hearing student,
striving to learn in mainstream educational settings.
Holiday Book. (1974). Karen Luczak Saulnier. Gallaudet University
Press. This book is about holidays, their meanings, and how they are
celebrated. Helps teach about the activities associated with each holiday.
In Signed English.
How Do I Feel? (1970). Norma Simon. Albert Whitman & Co. A
beginning book about feelings. Illustrated book about Carol and his twin
brother Eddie.
How Many Speech-Language Pathologists Does It Take to Change an
Audiologist? (1993). Marcia Reiss Franklin. Willard Publications. A
book of humor about deafness and all that deafness means to individuals.
How My Parents Learned to Eat. Grade 7-8 reading level (age 13-14).
An American sailor courts a Japanese girl and each tries, in secret, to learn
the other’s way of eating. (Accompanies videotape of same title.)
I Have a Sister, My Sister is Deaf. (1977). Jeanne Whitehouse Peterson.
Harper Collins Publ. The story of a very special sister who is deaf.
Explains the world of the totally deaf to very young children.
I Want To Be a Farmer. (1973). Karen Luczak Saulnier. Gallaudet
College Press. This book contains words that are used on the farm and in
daily life. Presented in the form of a poem in Signed English.
I Was #87. (2000). Anne Bolander. True story of a deaf woman’s ordeal
of misdiagnosis, institutionalization, and abuse. The story begins as she is
six years old and no one knew she was deaf, so she was placed in a
boarding facility for retarded and unwanted children. They lived robotic
existences and were known by numbers instead of their names.
I’m Deaf and It’s Okay. (1986). Lorraine Aseltine. Albert Whitman Publ.
A young deaf boy describes the frustrations caused by his deafness and
the encouragement he receives from a deaf teenager that he can lead an
active life.
I’m the Boss of My Hearing Loss! (2004). Amy Kroll. Cool Gal
Publications. A handbook for children with hearing loss and their parents.
It shows kids how to manage challenging listening situations and also
teaches important concepts about hearing loss.
The Imprisoned Guest. (2001). Elisabeth Gitter. Picador Press. True
story of Samuel Howe and Laura Bridgman as he teaches the deaf-blind
girl to fingerspell, read raised letters, to write legibly and even eloquently.
Inner Lives of Deaf Children. (2001). Martha Sheridan. The author
conducted interviews with seven deaf children between the ages of seven
and ten. This book offers a fresh look at the private thoughts and feelings
of deaf children.
Inside Captioning. (1997). Gary D. Robson. CyberDawg Publ.
Everything you’ve ever wanted to know about closed captioning and related
technologies. Takes you through the history of captioning, the technology,
the laws, the social issues, and case studies. The author also has a World
Wide Web site (http:\\
Invisible Inc Mysteries. Series of five Scholastic books written by
Elizabeth Levy featuring the same characters including Chip, the invisible
boy and his school friends. Grade 2-3 reading level. Books in the series
The Schoolyard Mystery. (1994). Chip, the invisible boy, and
his friends solve the mystery of who took the school ball from the
The Mystery of the Missing Dog. (1995). Chip intends to
enter his invisible dog, Max, in the dog show; but when Max is lost,
Chip and his Invisible Inc friends suspect foul play.
The Snack Attack Mystery. (1995). Chip and his friends
investigate the mysterious disappearance of yogurt-covered raisins,
mixed nuts, and ginger snaps from their classroom.
The Creepy Computer Mystery. (1996). When the Invisible
Inc gang makes computer greeting cards to raise money to invite an
author to school, they solve the mystery of the author’s real name.
The Karate Class Mystery. (1996). When someone takes
Justin’s karate belt, his friends in Invisible Inc try to determine a
motive as they investigate the mystery.
Is Your Mama a Llama? (1989). Steven Kellogg. Scholastic Inc. A
young Llama asks his friends if their mamas are Llamas and finds out, in
rhyme, that their mothers are other types of animals. (Accompanies
videotape of same title.)
Ivanhoe. (1987). Sir Walter Scott. Dormac, Inc. Simple English Class
Ivanhoe – Workbook. (1987). Accompanies story book.
Jack and the Beanstalk. (1975). Michelle Herx. Gallaudet College
Press. Colorfully illustrated folktale told in Signed English.
Jake’s the Name, Sixth Grade’s the Game. (2001). Deb Piper. Royal
Fireworks Press. Jake has a way of getting into trouble. Call it
adolescence or perhaps it’s his sense of humor or the fact that he gets
along so well with his classmates. Jake is deaf, but that has nothing to do
with it.
Jessi’s Secret Language. (1988). Ann Martin. Scholastic Books. A
Baby-Sitters Club book. Jessi knows a secret language. She learned it
from Matt Braddock, the new boy she is babysitting. Matt has been deaf
since birth. Soon all the kids in her town want to learn sign. Now Jessi has
a secret to keep!
Johnny Guitar Comix. From Sertoma International. This comic is
produced to encourage hearing safety.
Just a DEAF Person’s Thoughts. (2000). Gil Eastman. Sign Media. Gil
Eastman presents his latest thoughts and observations on life as a deaf
person. It will raise your eyebrows, challenge your thinking, change your
opinions, and make you laugh.
Just a Little Bit. Preschool reading level (age 3-4). (Accompanies
videotape of same title.)
The Karate Class Mystery. (1996). Elizabeth Levy. Story written for the
second-third grade level. When someone takes Justin’s karate belt, his
friends in Invisible Inc. try to determine a motive as they investigate the
Keith Edward’s Different Day. (1992). Karin Melberg Schwier. Keith
Edward had a feeling that this day would be special. It’s a day filled with
new and “different” people; friendly people with developmental or other
disabilities. His amazing day helps Keith discover that everyone, including
himself, is unique. He is delighted to learn that “different is not
bad…different is just different!”
The King’s Equal. In order to wear the crown of the kingdom, an arrogant
young prince must find an equal in his bride. Instead, he finds someone far
better than he. (Accompanies videotape of same title.)
KoKo Bear’s Big Earache: Preparing your child for Ear Tube Surgery.
(1990). By Vicki Lansky
The Lady and the Spider. (1986). Faith McNulty. A spider who lived in
the head of lettuce is saved when the lady who finds her puts her back into
the garden. A Read-Along book to accompany the videotape of the same
The Kissing Hand. (1993). Audrey Penn. Child & Family Press. The
story of Chester Racoon and his love for his mother and fear of separation
from her.
The Last of the Mohicans. (1983). James Fenimore Cooper. Dormac
Inc. Simple English Class series.
The Last of the Mohicans – Workbook. (1983). Dormac. Accompanies
story book.
Laurent Clerc: The Story of His Early Years. (1991). Cathryn Carroll.
The story of Laurent Clerc, a deaf teacher who helped Thomas Gallaudet
establish schools to educate deaf Americans. A biographical novel.
Lester’s Dog. (1993). Karen Hesse. Novel about a little boy whose
friend, Corey, is deaf and can’t hear the mean barking of Lester’s dog. The
boy triumphs over his fears and the resulting story of an extraordinary
friendship tugs at the heart.
Let’s Hear a Story. Cassette tape and book set. (1985). Bettie WaddySmith. Gallaudet . Teacher’s Guide included. Includes “The Three Little
Pigs”, “The Little Red Hen”, “The Ugly Duckling”, “Jack and the Beanstalk”,
“Frosty The Snowman”, Goldilocks and the Three Bears”.
Liang and the Magic Paintbrush. (1980). Demi. A poor boy who longs
to paint is given a magic brush that brings to life whatever he paints. ReadAlong book to accompany the videotape of the same title.
Lily and the Wooden Bowl. A young girl who wears a wooden bowl over
her face to hide her beauty overcomes a variety of trials and eventually
finds love, riches, and happiness. (Accompanies videotape of same title.)
Listening With My Heart. (1997). Heather Whitestone. The first
physically handicapped woman to win the Miss America Pageant tells the
story of her deafness, love of ballet, education, and challenge to fulfill her
God-given potential.
A Little Book of Humor: The Funny Side of Being A Hard of Hearing
Kid. (2000). Compiled and edited by the Metro Regional Service Center
for Deaf and Hard of Hearing People. Permission is given to make copies
of this booklet for hard of hearing students and their parents.
The Little Engine That Could. (1983). Watty Piper. Gallaudet.
Illustrated story adapted for primary age hearing impaired children.
Little Fingers: Creative Ideas for the Young at Art. (1987). Sandy
Cosgrove and Carol Welllein. Dale Seymore Publ. Art project ideas for
ages preschool to grade 3.
The Little Red Ant & Big Crumb. The little red ant finds a crumb in a
Mexican cornfield, but she is afraid that she lacks the strength to move it
herself and goes off to find an animal that can. (Accompanies videotape of
same title.)
Little Poems for Little People. (1974). Lillian Hamilton. Gallaudet
College Press. In Signed English.
Little Red Riding Hood. (1990). Harry Bornstein and Karen Saulnier.
Kendall Green Publ. Gallaudet. Well-known fairytale accompanied by
diagrams showing how to form the Signed English signs for each word of
Little Women. (1989). Louisa May Alcott. Dormac, Inc. Simple English
Little Women – Workbook. (1989). DiSomma and McTiernan. Dormac.
Accompanies text.
Living With Hearing Loss. (2003). Gallaudet University Press. This
book features complete information on common early signs of hearing loss,
causes and kinds of hearing loss, hearing aids and other technology,
cochlear implants and their potential, speechreading, tinnitus and how to
deal with it, internet resources.
Love You Forever. Kindergarten reading level (age 5-6). Story of a
mother and her baby who becomes a grown-up man. (Accompanies
videotape of same title.
Lunchtime for a Purple Snake. (2003). Harriet Ziefert. Houghton-Mifflin
Publishers. The story of Jessica and her grandpa, the painter. She visits
him in his studio and teaches her about color and composition.
Madeline. Madeline is the smallest and naughtiest of the twelve little
charges of Miss Clavel. One night Madeline wakes up with an attack of
appendicitis. (Accompanies videotape of same title.)
Mainstreaming Visually Impaired/Hearing Impaired/Orthapedically
Impaired and Equipment/Material. (1984). Sylvia Kottler. Purdue
Research Foundation. Booklets containing viewing notes accompanying a
videotape of the same title.
Make-n-Takes. (2003). Christi and Edward Gansen. Thinking
Publications. Patterns to photocopy for making eight great storybooks for
sound and language play. Suitable for ages 3-9. Story titles include:
Diving Down Deep in Our New Submarine; The King of the Forest; Strange
Stuff We Spot on the Way to School; The Brown Pups Are Missing; What’s
in the Big Closet?; Our Parade With Two Blue Bikes; Leapin’ Lizards Big
Zoo Hullabaloo; Train, Truck, Tractor. CD-ROM of same title also available
to print out colored pictures.
Mandy. (1991). Booth. Lothrop, Lee & Shepherd Books. Beautiful text
and luminescent paintings give readers a rare insight into the world of a
very special deaf child.
Matthew Pinkowski’s Special Summer. (1991). Patrick J. Quinn.
Kendall Green Publ. The story of Matthew who saves a neighborhood in a
runaway car. Set in Stillwater MN.
Messy Monsters, Jungle Joggers and Bubble Baths. (1986). Rochelle
Sobel and Nehama Pluznik. Elan Publishing House. A workbook using
poetry, illustrations and other exercises designed to force the child to think.
Metaphor Stories for Deaf Children. (1998). Robert Rittenhouse, PhD.
Butte Publications. Many educators believe that deaf children have a
problem understanding figurative uses of language. This book contains 12
practice stories followed by 26 longer stories which provide a fun and
educational way to teach metaphorical language.
Michael the Explorer. (1981). Jo Israelson. Gallaudet. Simple storybook
in coloring book form which may be used to make transparencies for
classroom use.
Mike & Sherry Visit the Schools. (2000). Sandra Revoredo. Butte
Publications. Classroom inservices for teachers of deaf and hard of
hearing students based on puppet show scripts. A fresh and exciting new
way of educating teachers, students, principals, and parents about hearing
Mindfield: (2006) John F. Egbert. A Novel. Mindfield is a fast paced, plot
driven suspense novel with a pleasant surprising, and incredible potent
message about the way we might live our lives if we all had to listen with
our eyes and hearts, and how the world might be a much better place for it.
Min-Yo and the Moon Dragon. Grade 3-4 reading level (age 9-10).
When the moon suddenly appears to be approaching the earth, young MinYo climbs the cobweb staircase between the earth and moon to ask the
moon dragon for help. (No videotape to accompany this book.)
Miss Nelson is Missing. Grade 1-2 reading level (age 7-8). The kids in
Room 207 take advantage of their teacher’s good nature until she
disappears and they are faced with a vile substitute.
Missed Connections: Hard of Hearing in a Hearing World. (1999).
Barbara Stenross. An important contribution to the literature on the
experiences of hard of hearing people, providing insights and information
for deaf and hard of hearing people, their families, teachers, friends,
employers, and counselors.
The Mitten. (1989). Jan Brett. Several animals sleep snugly in Nicki’s lost
mitten until the bear sneezes. (Accompanies videotape of same title.)
Mollie Whuppie and the Giant. Grade 3-4 reading level (age 9-10). (No
videotape to accompany this book.)
More Bunny Trouble. (1989). Hans Wilhelm. Read-Along book to
accompany the Read With Me videotape series.
More Myths. (1989). Judy Paris and Sandra Tracy. Dormac, Inc. A
sequel to Myths, this workbook provides students an opportunity to learn
Greek and Roman cultural heritage. Study questions and enrichment
activities included.
Moses Goes to a Concert. (1998). Isaac Millman. Willard Publications.
Moses and his schoolmates, all deaf, attend a concert where the
orchestra’s percussionist is also deaf. Includes illustrations in sign
language and a page showing the manual alphabet.
Moses Goes to School. (2000). Moses goes to a special school, a public
school for the Deaf. Includes illustrations in sign language and a page
showing the manual alphabet.
Moses Goes to the Circus.(2003). Isaac Millman. Moses and his family
are going to the circus. Includes illustrations in sign language and a page
showing the manual alphabet.
Moses Sees a Play.(2004). Isaac Millman. Actors from the little theatre of
the Deaf are coming to Moses School and Moses and his classmates are
going to see a play for the first time.
Mother Goose. (1992). Gallaudet University Press. In Signed English.
Mouse’s Christmas Eve. (1974). Karen Luczak Saulnier. Gallaudet
College Press. This book is about a little Mouse at Christmastime. His
adventures in a Christmas stocking will provide a child with many of the
words and signed use to describe Christmas Eve. In Signed English.
My Animal Book. (1973). Karen Luczak Saulnier. Gallaudet University
Press. This book gives the sign words for common animals. In Signed
My Friend is Deaf. (1996). Dana Pride. Butte Publ. Short illustrated
booklet about best friends Ricky and Kelly.
My Friend Leslie: The Story of a Handicapped Child. (1983). Maxine
Rosenberg. Lothrop, Le and Shepherds Books. The story presents a
multi-handicapped kindergarten child, who is well accepted by her
classmates, in various situations within the school setting.
My Friend Rabbit. (2004). Eric Rohmann. Roaring Brook Press. The
story of Mouse and his friend Rabbit, who get into trouble with a brand-new
My Hearing Loss and Me: We get along Most of the Time. (2003). By
John F. Anderson, Jr. Illustrated by William Bushell.
My Rotten Redheaded Older Brother. Grades 3-4 reading level (age 910). After losing running, climbing, throwing, and burping competitions to
her obnoxious older brother, a young girl makes a wish on a falling star.
(Accompanies videotape of same title.)
My Sense of Silence. (2000). Lennard Davis. University of Illinois Press.
Touching memoirs of a childhood growing up hearing with deaf parents.
My Toy Book. (1973). Karen Luczak Saulnier. Gallaudet University
Press. This book gives the sign words for common toys. In Signed
Mystery of the Totems. (2001). By Jean F. Andrews. Illustrated by Joseph
Henderson. On a cruise ship going up the Inside Passage of Alaska,
Donald, Susan and Matt meet a new friend, whit, a thirteen-year old boy
who believes he is being kidnapped.
The Mystery of the Disappearing Newspapers. A Flying Fingers Club
book. (1988). Jean F. Andrews. Gallaudet University Press. Entering a
new school, Donald struggles with his learning disability and makes friends
with a deaf boy who teaches him sign language and joins Donald in a
search for a newspaper thief.
Myths. (1983). Judy Paris and Sandra Tracy. Dormac, Inc. Workbook
form which provides students an opportunity to learn Greek and Roman
cultural heritage. Study questions and enrichments activities included.
Nick’s Mission. (1995). Claire Blatchford. Nick, a deaf sixth grader, is
upset about having to go to speech therapy over the summer, until he and
his dog stumble on some dangerous smugglers and he learns the
importance of being able to communicate.
The Night Before Christmas. (1994). Told in Signed English. Gallaudet
University Press.
Nine-in One Grr! Grr! (1989). Cathy Spagnoli. A folktale from the Hmong
people of Laos. When the great god Shao promises Tiger nine cubs each
year, Bird comes up with a clever trick to prevent the land from being
overrun by tigers. (Accompanies videotape of same title.)
Nobody’s Perfect. (2006). Marlee Matlin and Doug Cooney. Marlee Matlin
draws on experiences from her own childhood to tell Megan’s story. In this
story readers will root for Megan, a spirited young girl who doesn’t let
anything stand in her way.
No Jumping on the Bed! (1987). Tedd Arnold. Walter lives near the top
floor of a tall apartment building. He took a tumultuous fall through floor
after floor, collecting occupants all the way down. (Accompanies videotape
of the same title.)
No Sound. (1980). Julius Wiggins. Silent News Publ. The moving, highly
informative autobiography of the publisher of an internationally distributed
newspaper. Deaf and speechless from infancy, he takes the reader on an
often humorous journey of experiences unique to those who do not hear.
Life in a Canadian institution for deaf children, coping with cutthroat
business practices while learning a trade as a mink furrier, travel and
courtship before arriving at publishing are described.
Not Deaf Enough: Raising a Child Who is Hard of Hearing with Hugs,
Humor and Imagination. (1996). Patricia Ann Morgan Candlish. AGBell
Publ. This book shows what a remarkable difference a dedicated,
informed, imaginative, and loving parent can make in the life and the future
of a child who is hard of hearing.
Now I Understand. (1986). Gregory LaMore. Gallaudet. A classroom
teacher explains to the students how it feels to be hearing impaired, how
the ear hears, and ways the hearing impaired accommodate for their loss.
Occupational Therapy and Physical Therapy Services in the Schools.
(1997). Minnesota State Guidelines for Practice. From the MN
Department of Children, Families & Learning.
Of Sound Mind. (2001). Jean Ferris. Sunburst Books. A novel for young
adults. The story surrounds a high school senior who is the only hearing
member of his family who has acted as family interpreter, and sometimes
caretaker. His life changes when he meets Ivy, who can hear and sign.
Officer Buckle and Gloria. (1995). Peggy Rathmann. Putnam Books.
The story of a safety officer and his police dog Gloria. Soon all the children
only want Gloria, and Officer Buckle feels upstaged.
Oh Where Oh Where Has My Little Dog Gone? An expanded version of
the well-known song in which the dog runs away from home and explores
the desert, mountains, oceans before deciding that home is best.
(Accompanies videotape of same title.)
Old Henry. (1987). Joan Blos. Wm Morrow Publ. Henry’s neighbors are
scandalized that he ignores them and lets his property get run down, until
they drive him away and find themselves missing him. (Accompanies
videotape of same title.)
Oliver Gets Hearing Aids. (2000). Maureen Cassidy Riski and Nikolas
Klakow. Phonak Corp. Story of Oliver the elephant as experiences
apprehension at the thought of getting a hearing aid. Ideal for newly
diagnosed children experiencing anxiety in getting a hearing aid. ALSO
AVAILABLE IN SPANISH Oliver Y Sus Audifonos Con FM.
On Our Own Terms: Children Living with Physical Disabilities. (1989).
Thomas Bergman. Gareth Stevens Inc. Story about three children with
disabilities. Designed to show us that illness and disability should not
cause separation, embarrassment and fear, but inspire us to reach out to
share our lives. Also contains glossary and index as well as a list of
organizations and books with more information on a particular disability,
and a question and answer section on disabilities.
One Day at a Time: Children living With Leukemia. (1989). Thomas
Bergman. Gareth Stevens Inc. Story focusing on children with leukemia
which follows them as they are treated for their illness.
One TV Blasting and a Pig Outdoors. (1994). Deborah Abbott and
Henry Kisor. Based on fact, the story is about a deaf father who reads lips.
Orchid of the Bayou: A Deaf Woman Faces Blindness. (2001).
Cathryn Carroll and Catherine Hoffpauir Fischer. Lively story of Kitty
Fischer who was born deaf. Her parents initially turned to folk healers to try
to “cure” their daughter’s deafness. Her aunt discovered the Louisiana
School for the Deaf where Kitty was educated, then on to Gallaudet and
finally a job in Washington DC. While in college she married Lance, a
Jewish deaf man, and they faced more prejudice. After the birth of their
first child, Kitty was diagnosed with Usher Syndrome, and the long journey
began to come to terms with her condition.
Orphan Boy. Grades 5-6 reading level (age 11-12). Though delighted
that an orphan boy has come into his life, an old man becomes insatiably
curious about the boy’s mysterious powers. (Accompanies videotape of
same title.)
Our Father Abe: The Story of a Deaf Shoe Repairman. (1991). Harvey
Barash, MD, and Eva Barash Dicker, MS. ABAR Press. An absorbing true
story of a man written by his son and daughter.
Our Forgotten Children: Hard of Hearing Pupils in the Schools. Third
Edition revised and updated. (1997). Julia Davis. SHHH Publ. This
book provides up-to-date information on the education of children who are
hard of hearing. Key topics include definitions, early intervention, medical
aspects of hearing loss, classroom acoustics, the latest technology in
hearing assistance technologies and cochlear implants, federal regulations
including IDEA, and other resources.
Our New Puppy. When the puppy Floyd joins the family, Eliza and
Isabelle see how Rosie the family dog reacts and learn what it is like having
and being a younger sibling. (Accompanies videotape of same title.)
Out of This World. (1978). Myra Shulman Auslin. Pro-Ed. Part of the
series of books on idioms. This series is designed to be used in either a
group or individualized setting. Each idiom is presented within the context
of a short story, which is followed by five exercises. This book contains
teaching suggestions, vocabulary, and illustrations.
Overcoming hearing Aid Fears: The hearing road to better hearing.
(2003).John M. Burkey. This book will be very useful for hearing aid users
and their families.
Parents in the Pigpen, Pigs in the Tub. Tired of their usual routine, the
farm animals insist on moving into the house, so the family decides to
move into the barn. But eventually everyone tires of this new arrangement.
(Accompanies videotape of same title.)
Patrick Gets Hearing Aids. (1994). Maureen Cassidy Riski and Nickolas
Klakow. Phonak Publishers. Storybook promoting better understanding of
the challenges and importance of identifying and managing children with
hearing impairment. A resource for parents, teachers, and children who
want to learn about the process of hearing evaluation and habilitation.
Paul Bunyan. Recounts the life of the extraordinary lumberjack whose
unusual size and strength brought him many fantastic adventures.
(Accompanies videotape of same title.)
The Pet Shop. (1976). Karen Luczak Saulnier. Gallaudet College Press.
This level 1 book describes the pets found in a pet shop. In Signed
Philip and the Boy Who Said, “Huh?”. (2000). John Paultis. Mayhaven
Publ. The story of Philip and how he helped his friend Eugene face his
hearing loss. Illustrated.
Pink and Say. (1994). Patricia Polacco. Putnam Books. Say Curtis
describes his meeting with Pinkus Aylee, a black soldier, during the Civil
War, and their capture by Southern troops. (Accompanies videotape of
same title.)
A Place for Grace. (1993). Jean Davis Okomoto. Sasquatch Books.
Story of Grace the little dog with big dreams of becoming a seeing-eye dog,
but is disappointed to find out to find out that she is too small for guide dog
school. She is soon discovered by Charlie, a deaf man.
Police Officer Jones. (1976). Karen Luczak Saulnier. Gallaudet College
Press. A beginner book describing a police officer and his exciting job. In
Signed English.
Possum Magic. Grade 1-2 reading level (age 7-8). When Grandma
Poss’s magic turns Hush invisible, the two possums take a culinary tour of
Australia to find the food that will make her visible once more.
(Accompanies videotape of same title.)
The Prince and the Pauper. (1989). Mark Twain. Dormac, Inc. A simple
English Classic story. Contains helpful glossary of terms.
The Prince and the Pauper – Workbook. (1989). DiSomma and
McTiernan. Dormac, Inc. Workbook to accompany storybook.
Prince Cinders. (1987). Babette Cole. A fairy grants a small, skinny
prince a change in appearance and the chance to go to the Palace Disco.
(Accompanies videotape of the same title.)
Princess Furball. (1989). Charlotte Huck. Greenwillow Books. A
princess in a coat of a thousand furs hides her identity from a king who falls
in love with her. (Accompanies videotape of same title.)
Professional and Consumer Resource Guide for People Who Are Deaf
or Hard of Hearing. (August 1993). A pamphlet from Metropolitan
Regional Service Center for Deaf and Hard of Hearing.
Pulling the Lion’s Tail. Grade 5-6 reading level (age 11-12). Her
grandfather finds a clever way to help an impatient young Ethiopian girl get
to know her father’s new wife. (Accompanies videotape of same title.)
The Rainbabies. (1992). Laura Melmed and Jim LaMarche. Lothrop, Lee
& Shepherd Books. When the moon gives twelve tiny babies to a childless
couple, the new parents take great care of their charges and eventually
receive an unexpected reward. (Accompanies videotape of same title.)
The Rainbow Fish. Kindergarten reading level (age 5-6). Very colorful
storybook. (Accompanies videotape of same title.)
The Rainbow Fish to the Rescue. Grade 1-2 reading level (age 7-8).
The most beautiful fish in the entire ocean discovers the real value of
personal beauty and friendship. (Accompanies videotape of same title.)
The Rag Coat. Grade 3-4 reading level (age 9-10). Minna proudly wears
her new coat made of clothing scraps to school, where the other children
laugh at her until she tells them the stories behind the scraps.
Reasonable Doubt. (1985). Steven Barish. Hybar Publ. Fiction. Bob
Brewer is deaf and eternally grateful to his friend, Tom, for saving him
years ago. Now Tom is charged with murder and no one thinks he’s
innocent except Bob. Bob has no choice but to solve the murder and prove
Tom innocent.
Right to Remain Silent. (1998). Penny Warner. Another story of deaf
journalist Connor Westphal as she works for a California newspaper.
Connor is investigating the murder of Sparkle Bodie. Sparkle’s deaf son is
accused of her murder, but Connor is determined to find the real killer.
Roar of Silence: Trial and Triumph Through Deafness. (1999). Bob
Schaller. Story of Kenny Walker who became deaf at age 2 and went on to
become an All-American at the University of Nebraska before playing five
years of professional football, including two with the Denver Broncos in the
Rose Blanche. (1985). Roberto Innocenti. During World War II, a young
German girl’s curiosity leads her to discover something far more terrible
than the day-to-day hardships and privations that she and her neighbors
have experienced. (Accompanies videotape of same title.)
Rosie’s Walk. Preschool reading level (age 3-4). The Fox is after Rosie,
but Rosie doesn’t know it. Unwittingly, she leads him into one disaster after
the other, each funnier than the last. (No videotape to accompany this
The Royal Raven. (1996). Hans Wilhelm. Scholastic Inc. Crawford the
raven is determined to be noticed. But what can he do when he’s just an
ordinary-looking raven like all the rest? It takes a bit of nerve and a smidge
of magic for Crawford to get his wish and then the surprises begin.
(Accompanies videotape of same title.)
Rumpelstiltskin. (1981). Jacob Grimm. Gallaudet. Storybook in coloring
book format which allows teachers to make transparencies to use in class.
The Runaway Bunny. A little bunny keeps running away from his mother
in an imaginative and imaginary game of verbal hide-and-seek. Children
will be profoundly comforted by this lovingly steadfast mother who finds her
child every time. (Accompanies videotape of same title.) ALSO
Say That Again, Please! (1991). Thomas Bradford. Bradford Publ. This
book was written for the layman and contains no technical terms. Its
purpose is to enlighten those who are interested in learning more about the
world of the hearing impaired.
Season of Change. (1987). Gallaudet. Story of a 13-year-old Biney
Richmond who is hard of hearing. Her parents treat her as though she
can’t do anything.
The Secret in the Dorm Attic. A Flying Fingers Club book. (1990). Jean
F. Andrews. Kendall Green Publ. While visiting his friend Matt on the
campus of his special school for the deaf, Donald discovers something
strange going on in the attic of Matt’s dorm and becomes involved in the
theft of a priceless necklace from a nearby museum.
Shall I Say a Kiss? (1999). Lennard Davis. Courtship letters of a deaf
couple from 1936-38.
A Sign To Remember. (2002). Ron Podmore. Puget Sound Publ.
Fictional book about Joseph who is facing hearing loss and Usher
Syndrome. Simply written with humor to bring about more understanding
of Usher Syndrome.
Signs of Spring. (1995). Patrick J. Quinn. Gallaudet University Press.
Deep in the north woods of Minnesota, a 12-year-old hard of hearing boy
learns the true meaning of home and the Native American Ojibwa culture
from Gray Eyes, his great-grandfather.
The Silent Cry: Lost Among the Hearing. (2003). Margaret Pitts. First
Books Publishers. Autobiography of a deaf woman and her epic journey of
hope, strength, justice and overcoming a multitude of adversities.
Silent Dances: Star Bridge, Book Two. (1990). A.C. Crispin and
Kathleen O’Malley. Ace Books. A space adventure containing diverse and
fascinating aliens.
Silent Ears, Silent Heart. (2003). Blair LaCrosse & Michelle LaCrosse.
Deaf Understanding Publ. The story of Jack and Margaret, a happy young
couple awaiting the birth of their first child, Christopher. When Christopher
was a young child he was diagnosed as deaf, a situation his father would
have trouble accepting all his life. It is a story of missed opportunities
between father and son, as well as a look at a world that pressures the
deaf to conform to the language and culture of the hearing.
Silent Observer. (1993). Inez MacKinnon Simmeone. Gallaudet
University Press. The story of a little girl, Christy MacKinnon, written by her
niece. Christy was born in Nova Scotia in 1889 and lost her hearing at age
2 from whooping cough.
Silent Alarm: On the Edge with a Deaf EMT. (1995). Steve Schrader.
Gallaudet University Press.
Snow Angel. (1995). Jean Marzollo. Scholatcis Inc. Accidentally left
behind in a snowstorm, a young girl is befriended by a snow angel who
takes the girl on a magical flight in search of her mother. (Accompanies
videotape of same title.)
Snow White in New York. (1986). Fiona French. (Accompanies
videotape of the same title.)
The Snowchild. Katie knows lots of good games, but no one wants to play
with her. As hard as she tries, she never quite fits in, until one day she
builds her own playmate, a snowman so small she calls it a snowchild.
(Accompanies videotape of same title.)
Solo. When her parents Floe and Fin leave her to search for food, Solo
the baby penguin tries to follow and loses her way. (Accompanies
videotape of same title.)
Something Good. Grade 1-2 reading level (age 7-8). Story of a father
and his children who go grocery shopping. (Accompanies videotape of
same title.)
Sometimes I Like to Cry. (1978). Elizabeth Stanton. Albert Whitman Co.
A child recalls different occasions when he has cried, concluding that there
are many appropriate times for tears.
Sometimes I Talk, Sometimes I Sign. (2000). Anne McIntosh. Quality
Publ. Sara Ana talks about her daily life and her birthday party plans with
her hearing mother in spoken English and her deaf father in sign language.
This book is written in English as well as Spanish with sign language
illustrations on each page.
The Sound of Colors. (2006). Jimmie Liao. Little, Brown Publishers.
The story of a young blind girl as she sets out on a journey down into the
tunnels of the subway.
Sounds Like Home. (1999). Mary Herring Wright. Story of growing up
black and deaf in the south.
A Special Picture Cookbook. (1977). Freida Reed Steed. Pro-Ed.
Written to help parents and teachers teach children to prepare their own
meals. The recipes are separated into well-defined steps using standard
drawings of ingredients and utensils.
Spotlight on Movie Stars. (1989). Randal Hill. National Education
Corporation. Biographical information on Michael J. Fox, Arnold
Schwarzenegger, Whoopi Goldberg, Eddie Murphy, Emilio Estevez, Oprah
Winfrey, Tom Cruise and Alley Sheedy. Includes crossword puzzles and
workbook exercises.
Spotlight on Rock Stars. (1989). Randal Hill. National Education
Corporation. Biographical information on Whitney Houston, John Cougar
Mellencamp, Bruce Springsteen, Janet Jackson, The Bangles, Los Lobos,
Madonna and Bon Jovi. Includes crossword puzzles and workbook
Spotlight on Sports Stars. (1989). Randal Hill. National Education
Corporation. Biographical information on Roger Clemens, Magic Johnson,
Nancy Lopez, John Elway, Debi Thomas, Julie Krone, Mike Tyson, Steffi
Stormy Night Stories. (1988). New Readers Press. A boxed collection
of individual storybooks adapted from Ellery Queen and Alfred Hitchcock
mystery magazines. For those reading at the third/fourth grade level.
Teacher’s guide included. Stories are: Mini-Scam, Line of Fire, A Dash of
Murder, The Problem of the Pink Post Office, The Stolen Romney, Toasted
Onions, The Crystal Set, New Orleans Getaway, Mr. Strang Picks Up The
Pieces, Who Can You Trust?
The Story of Blue Elk. (1998). Gerald Hausman. A boy is born who
could not utter sound. A magnificent elk casting a blue shadow visits him
on the day of his birth, then disappears. The link between the silent boy
and his elk brother runs deep and the spirit of the elk guides him in finding
his true voice and fulfilling his destiny. Richly illustrated.
Superstars in Action: Auto Racing. (1989). Randal Hill. National
Education Corporation. Biographical information on Mario Andretti, Al
Unser Jr., Cale Yarborough, Don Garlits, A.J. Foyt, Bob Glidden, Kenny
Bernstein, Shirley Muldowney, Richard Petty, Bobby Rahal, Darrell Waltrip,
Bill Elliot.
Superstars in Action: Courage and Daring. (1989). Randal Hill.
Nantional Education Corporation. Biographical information on ordinary
people who did extraordinary things. Some were disabled, some were not.
Those featured include Rick Hansen, wheelchair athlete, Lynne Cox, who
completed the longest cold-water swim in history, and Grandma Fuji, who
began mountain climbing at age 66 and jogging at 70.
Surviving in Silence. (2002). Eleanor Dunai. Gallaudet University Press.
Biography of Harry Dunai as told by his daughter Eleanor Dunai. It is a
poignant story of a deaf Jewish boy in the Holocaust.
Sylvester and the Magic Pebble. In a moment of fright, Sylvester the
donkey asks his magic pebble to turn him into a rock but then cannot hold
the pebble to wish himself back to normal again. (Accompanies videotape
of same title.)
Tacky the Penguin. Preschool reading level (age 3-4). Tacky the penguin
does not fit in with hi sleek and graceful companions, but his odd behavior
comes in handy when hunters come with maps and traps. (Accompanies
videotape of same title.)
The Tale of Rabbit and Coyote. (1994). Tony Johnston. Putnam Books.
Rabbit outwits Coyote in this Zapotec Indian tale which explains why
coyotes howl at the moon. (Accompanies videotape of same title.)
Target Practice: Student’s Games and Activities. (1998). Lynn
Woolsey. Games and other fun activities to learn ASL.
Target Practice: A teacher’s resource for ASL games and activities.
(1998). Lynn Woolsey.
Teddy Bear, Teddy Bear. (1988). Illustrated by Sheila Somerville.
Resources for Creative Teaching. A Nellie Edge I Can Read Book.
Thanks a Lot! (1995). Lucille Kraiman. Willard Publications. Jordan is
used to going to school where he uses sign language instead of speech.
Now that he is in a new school, how can he make friends? Will he have a
part in the Thanksgiving play? What role does the class bully, Max, play in
Jordan’s life?
Thinking Out Loud. (1998). Applied Learning Technologies. Little Planet
Literacy Series. Three-ring binder containing a videotape, CD Rom (for
IBM). The teacher guides the student through the process of listening to
and then retelling stories, asking questions and encouraging where
necessary. Activities for individual, small, or whole group instruction.
Stories include: The Boy Who Cried Wolf; The Grasshopper and the Ants;
Tug of War; Ferdinand the Bull; Brigitte; The Tortoise & The Hare.
Those Sevy Blues. (2001). Deb Piper. Royal Fireworks Press. The story
of Jake Zulinski, a deaf boy, as he enters seventh grade.
Three Little Pigs. (1972). Gallaudet University Press. In Signed English.
Thrifty Nifty Stuff for Little Kids. (1995). Blose and Smith.
Developmental play using home resources.
Tinnitus: Treatment and Relief. (1998). Jack Vernon. With the baffling
array of possible causes as background, the author describes a number of
promising treatments and the conditions under which they seem to provide
the best results.
Tips for Friends. (2002). Stein and Gustus. Moog Center for Deaf
Education. Illustrated booklet designed to be a guide for friends of children
who are deaf and hard or hearing.
Tips for Kids. (2002). Frigo and Stein. Moog Center for Deaf Education.
Illustrated booklet designed to be a guide for students in the mainstream
who are deaf and hard of hearing.
Tips for Telling Stories to Hearing Impaired Children. (1987).
Pamphlet from Awareness Project, Jacksonville, IL.
Tom Thumb. (1989). Richard Jesse Watson. After many adventures, a
tiny boy, no bigger than his father’s thumb, earns a place as the smallest
Knight of the Round Table. (Accompanies videotape of same title.)
Town Mouse, Country Mouse. (1994). Jan Brett. After trading houses,
the country mice and the town mice discover there’s no place like home.
(Accompanies videotape of same title.)
Traveling Totes: Carryover Kits You Create. (1996). O’Dell and Frank.
Pages may be reproduced for use.
Treasure Island. (1988). Robert Louis Stevenson. Dormac Inc. Simple
English Classics series.
Treasure Island – Workbook. (1987). DiSomma and McTiernan.
Accompanies storybook.
Troll in a Bowl. (1999). Wordplay Publications. Games manual for
articulation and vocabulary. Master copies of games can be used for
copying. Also includes CD-ROM to print games and cards in black and
white or color.
The True Story of the 3 Little Pigs! The wolf gives his own outlandish
version of what really happened when he tangled with the three little pigs.
(Accompanies videotape of same title.)
Tuck Everlasting. (1975). Natalie Babbitt. Gallaudet University Press.
Set includes book and videotapes #1 through #5. Blessed with eternal life
after drinking from a magic spring, the Tuck family wanders about trying to
live as inconspicuously and comfortably as they can. When 10-year-old
Winnie Foster stumbles on their secret, the Tucks take her home and
explain why living forever at one age is less a blessing than it might seem.
Complications arise when Winnie is followed by a stranger who wants to
market the spring water for a fortune.
The Twelve Dancing Princesses. Grade 5-6 reading level (age 11-12).
Retelling of a favorite Grimm tale. (Accompanies videotape of same title.)
Underwater Communication. (1994). Jess Freeman King. Butte
Publications. A guide for scuba and commercial divers using American
Sign Language. The author is Coordinator of Language Studies in the
Education of the Deaf Teacher Training Program at Utah State University,
and is a certified scuba diver.
The Velveteen Rabbit. (1997). Don Dailey. Grade 3-4 reading level (age
9-10). By the time the velveteen rabbit is dirty, worn out, and about to be
burned, he has almost given up hope of ever finding the magic called Real.
(No videotape available for this title.)
Very Hungry Caterpillar. Preschool reading level (age 3-4). Follows the
progress of a hungry little caterpillar as he eats his way through a varied
and very large quantity of food until, full at last, he forms a cocoon around
himself and goes to sleep.
A Very Special Friend. (1989). Dorothy Levi. Kendall Green
Publications. In search of a friend her own age, 6-year-old Frannie meets
Laura, who is deaf, and learns sign language from her.
Washing the Willow Tree Loon. Grade 3-4 reading level (age 9-10). A
loon is rescued from an oil spill, cleaned, and cared for before being
returned to the wild. Includes information on cleaning birds. (Accompanies
videotape of same title.)
Water From the Moon. Gathered by Jeanette Frederickson. A collection
of poetry from 4 seniors in the Hearing Impaired English class at St. Louis
Park Minnesota High School.
We Laugh, We Love, We Cry – Children Living With Mental
Retardation. (1989). Thomas Bergman. Gareth Stevens Inc. Describes
the home life, physiotherapy and schooling of two mentally retarded sisters.
We’re Going to the Doctor. (1974). Howard Roy. Gallaudet College
Press. This book describes many of the things that happen when a child
visits the doctor for a check-up. In Signed English.
What Am I Scared Of? (2002). Erin McDonald. Talking Hands
Publishers. A journey through the world of childhood fears, this book
teaches English and ASL.
When I Grow Up. (1982). Candri Hodges. Turtle Books. The beginner
story of Jimmy who is deaf who wonders if he will be able to hear and
speak when he grows up. Jimmy and his mother attend Career Day with
other deaf children and they learn something very important about their
possibilities as a grown-up deaf person.
When the Hearing Gets Hard. (1993). Elaine Suss. Insight Books Publ.
Winning the battle against hearing impairment. Includes vital information
on medications causing deafness, harmful noise pollution, reversing
hearing impairment, and aids for the deaf ear.
Where the Wild Things Are. (1963). Read-Along Book to accompany
the Read With Me videotape series.
Where’s Spot? Preschool reading level (age 3-4). Simple story of a dog
named Spot. (Accompanies videotape of same title.)
Why Am I Different? (1976). Norma Simon. Albert Whitman Co.
Portrays everyday situations in which children see themselves as “different”
in family life, preferences, and aptitudes, and yet, feel that being different is
all right.
William’s Doll. (1972). Charlotte Zolotow. A book about a boy named
William who wants the forbidden – a doll. The long-awaited realistic
handling of this theme makes it a landmark book. (Accompanies videotape
of same title.)
Winnie-the-Pooh’s ABC. (2001). Gallaudet University Press. Illustrated
Sign Language edition featuring the sign as well as a description of how to
produce the sign.
With My Legs. (1975). Karen Luczak Saulnier. Gallaudet College Press.
This level 1 book gives sign words for different parts of the body and their
functions. In Signed English.
Wolf’s Chicken Stew. (1987). Keiko Kaszo. Read-Along Book to
accompany the Read With Me videotape series.
Words In Our Hands. (1980). Ada Litchfield. Albert Whitman Co. Nineyear-old Michael explains the facts and feelings of family life with deaf
A World of Knowing. (1995). Andy Russell Bowen. Lerner Publishing.
Biography of Thomas Hopkins Gallaudet. He had a sharp mind and a great
determination to make a difference in the world. When he met Alice
Cogswell, a little girl who was deaf, he decided to go to Europe to study
deaf education and become a teacher. The signs he learned developed
into American Sign Language and helped his students to leave their
isolation behind and enter a world of knowing.
You Don’t Need Words. (1991). Ruth Gross. A beautifully illustrated
book about ways people talk without words.
Cognitive-Behavior Therapy with ADHD Children: Child, Family and
School Interventions. (1991). Braswell and Bloomquist. State of the art
description of interventions.
Decreasing Behaviors of Persons With Severe Retardation and
Autism. (1982). Richard Foxx. Research Press. Covers decreasing the
behaviors of severely and profoundly retarded and autistic individuals.
Encyclopedia of Mental and Physical Handicaps. (1991). Betty and
David Tver. Pro-Ed.
Human Services?…That Must Be So Rewarding. (1989). Bernstein and
Halaszyn. Brookes Publishing. An easy to use resource for practical
insights and personal guidance in human services.
Increasing Behaviors of Persons With Severe Retardation and Autism.
(1982). Richard Foxx. Research Press. Covers increasing the behaviors
of severely and profoundly retarded and autistic individuals.
The Multi-Handicapped Hearing Impaired: Identification and
Instruction. (1982). Tweede and Shroyer, editors. Gallaudet.
Multi-Handicapped Material. A folio containing articles from NICHCY on
The Multi-Handicapped Hearing Impaired: Identification and
Instruction. (1982). Tweede and Shroyer, editors. Gallaudet.
Multi-Handicapped Material. A folio containing articles from NICHCY on
Acronyms & Definitions Associated with Autism Spectrum Disorder.
(2001). Pamphlet prepared by Metro SPLISE Northeast Area Autism
Attention Deficit Disorders. A pamphlet by Gardinkle & Wender.
Autism and Related Pervasive Developmental Disorders: Early
Identification and Intervention – The Most Critical Years Birth-5.
(1996). From MN Department of Children, Families and Learning.
Autism: Task Force Report. 3-ring binder dated March 1999 published
by MN Department of Children, Families & Learning.
Behavior Intervention. A 3-ring binder containing a series of articles on
the subject.
Blind and Visually Impaired Students: Educational Guidelines. (1999).
National Association of State Directors of Special Education.
Bound for Good Health: A Collection of Age Pages. Book from National
Institute on Aging. Chapters on such topics as arthritis, osteoporosis,
sexuality in later life, prostate problems, preventing falls, estrogen, etc.
Children in Need of Surrogate Parents: Program Rules and
Procedures in Minnesota. A handbook for administrators. (1997).
Folio of Articles on ADHD. From the Broward County Public Schools in
Florida and reproduced by MN Department of Children, Families &
A Guide to State Programs for People With Disabilities. From MN
Department of Trade and Economic Development.
Guide to State Programs for People With Disabilities. From MN
Department of Trade and Economic Development.
Guidelines for Educational Assessment and Services for Students
With Traumatic Brain Injury. (1995). 3-ring binder from MN Department
of Children, Families & Learning.
Hopes & Dreams: Promising Strategies for Fetal Alcohol Syndrome
and Fetal Alcohol Effects. (1998). Folder of information.
Minnesota Paraprofessional Guide. (1999). University of MN; Dept of
NECTAS Resource Collection on Autism Spectrum Disorders. (July
1999). From National Early Childhood Technical Assistance System of
Chapel Hill, NC. Five pieces to this collection include manual, resource list,
project materials list, and annotated bibliography.
Packet on Autism. Handouts from the 2000 Deaf-Hard of Hearing
Physician Directory for Children With Special Health Care Needs and
Disabilities. (1993). Published by the MN Chapter of American Academy
of Pediatrics, MN Academy of Family Physicians, and the MN Department
of Health.
Practical Ideas that really work for students with Autism Spectrum
Disorders. (2005). Kathleen McConnell, Gail Ryser. Pro-Ed.
Promising Practices for the Identification of Individuals with Autism
Spectrum Disorders. (2000). A 3-ring binder from MN Autism Project,
part of the MN Department of Children, Families, & Learning.
Roger’s Journey: The First Year. (2000). Chronicles the path Roger
Joblinske took from traumatic brain injury in a motorcycle accident into
Special Education: What Decision Makers Need to Know. (January
1995). A curriculum for School Board members. Prepared by MN
Department of Children, Families & Learning. (Also available videotape of
same title.)
Students With Other Health Impairments: Guidelines for Educational
Assessment and Services. (1995). Brandstaetter, Spain, Azar, Ringe,
Adams, and Anderson.
Support: Community Based Children’s Mental Health Services. Folio
on informational pamphlets from Department of Special Education on EBD,
mental health, emotional or behavioral disorders, etc.
Survival Guide for the First-Year Special Education Teacher. (1994).
Council for Exceptional Children. Contains preparation to teach, tips for the
classroom, building rapport with co-workers, and more.
Taking Charge of ADHD. (1995). Russell Barkley. Guilford Press.
Complete, authoritative guide for parents on becoming an empowered
parent. How to help your child and yourself.
Teach Me Language: A Language Manual for children with Autism,
Asperger’s syndrome and related developmental disorders.(1996).
Sabrina Freeman Ph.D. Lori Dake B.A. Foreword by: Shelley Davis
Trimming Special Education’s Sails. September 21, 1995
Teleconference notes in 3-ring binder. (Also available videotape of same
Using Visual Supports to Improve Work Skills and Reduce Unwanted
Behavior on the Job. June 2000. MN Autism Project. A resource for
people who support individuals with autism spectrum disorders.
What Every Special Educator Must Know. (2000). Council for
Exceptional Children. Explains the standards for the preparation and
licensure of special educators.
Language, Learning and Otitis Media. (1987). M. Suzanne Hasenstad,
PhD. Little, Brown and Company. The management of speech-language
deficits from otitis media.
Otitis Media and Child Development. (1986). James F. Kavanaugh,
editor. York Press, Inc. Contains papers presented at the Third
International Symposium on Childhood Diseases, reviews current
knowledge on etiology, assessment, and management.
Otitis Media: Coping With The Effects in the Classroom. (1989).
Dorinne S. Davis. A curriculum adaptation that can be a valuable aid to the
classroom teacher in enhancing the classroom environment for children
affected by otitis media.
Some Facts About Otitis Media. (1987). A Gallaudet pamphlet.
Portage Classroom Curriculum. Instructional kit includes 3-ring binder,
checklist, and manual
Portage Guide to Early Education. Instruction cards in carrying case,
Manual included.
Portage Guide to Early Education: A Parent’s Guide to Early
Education. A guide to help you identify those skills your child already has
developed and those that he/she has yet to learn, as well as an on-going
record of skills your child has. Contains cards, checklists and manual
Portage Project Readings. Anniversary Edition.
A Spelling Dictionary for Beginning Writers. (1987). Gregory Hurray.
Educators Publication Service.
Amazing Ants. (2000). Butte Publications. Antonina Cardinalli and
Beverly Klingborg. Developed for deaf and hard of hearing children
kindergarten through the elementary grades, but also useful for students
learning English and/or communicatively handicapped. Reproducible
pages for lessons in math, language development, science, and much
An Anthology of Figurative Language Stories for Deaf and Hard of
Hearing Children. (1987). Sheffield Publishing. Illustrated.
Becoming a Nation of Readers – What Parents Can Do. (1988).
Marilyn R. Binkley. D.C. Heath & Co. Booklet on ideas and sources of
information for home activities that will improve reading achievement.
Children’s Comprehension of Text – Research into Practice. (1989).
K. Denise Muth, editor. International Reading Association. Defines and
provides examples of narrative and expository text and describes research
based strategies for helping children comprehend.
Comics to Classics – A Parent’s Guide to Books for Teens and
Preteens. (1988). Arthea Reed. International Reading Association.
Discusses a wide variety of books of interest to adolescents.
Competency Tests for Basic Reading Skills. (1978). Barbe, Allen and
Thornton. The Center for Applied Research in Education, Inc. A sequence
of quick informal tests for assessing individual and group reading needs at
grade level…
First Level, Second Level, Fourth Level, Fifth Level,
Advanced Level, Readiness Level.
Continuing to Learn. A Guidebook for Teacher Development. (1987).
Susan Loucks-Horsley, The Regional Laboratory for Educational
Improvement of the Northeast & Islands. Explains professional
development resources for teachers.
Creative Approaches to Sentence Combining. (1985). William Strong.
ERIC Clearinghouse on Reading and Communication Skills. Designed to
meet the educational needs by providing teachers with a review of the best
educational theory and research on the subject of sentence combining.
DOLCH SET. From Fairview Learning Corporation. Each Dolch word list is
adapted from pre-primer through third grade to demonstrate commonly
used meanings with their appropriate ASL concepts.
Set includes:
3 videotapes:
ASL Stories
Adapted Words
Word Card sets:
Preprimer Student
PrePrimer Teacher
Primer Student
Primer Teacher
1st Student
1st Teacher
2nd Student
2nd Teacher
3rd Student
3rd Teacher
Adapted Words
Same titles as for Bridging
Teacher Workbooks
Adapted Words
Student Workbooks
Adapted Words
ASL Stories
Language Experience Stories
Student Progress
Emerging Literacy: Young Children Learn to Read and Write. (1989).
Strickland and Morrow. International reading Association. Ideas about
different ways to approach and support emerging literacy.
The English Program at the Model Secondary School for the Deaf: A
Closer Look. (1991). Gallaudet University. Guideline provides closer
look at the formal and informal evaluation tools used to determine course
Explorations: Introductory Activities for Literature and Composition,
7-12. (1987). Smagorinsky, McCann and Kern. ERIC and the National
Council of Teachers of English. Provides teachers with a review of the best
educational theory and research followed by descriptions of classroom
First Color Words. From English Skills Series. Computer floppy disk for
Windows 95/98.
Focus Units in Literature: A Handbook for Elementary School
Teachers. (1984). Joy Moss. National Council of Teachers of English.
Describes an instructional model used as a framework for building a
literature curriculum.
Fun To Grow On. (1999). Morin. Magnolia Street Publ. Engaging play
activities for kids with teachers, parents and grandparents. This book
contains 167 spontaneous, creative and playful ways to connect with
High Interest Easy Reading for Junior and Senior High School
Students. (1988). Dorothy Matthews. National Council of Teachers of
English. Annotates approximately 400 recommended books of interest to
reluctant junior or senior high school readers, arranged in 22 categories
including adventure, fantasy and history.
How To Write and Caption for Deaf People. (1986). Ruth Verline and
Peter Schragle. TJ Publishers. Illustrated.
It’s Your Turn Now – Using Dialogue Journals with Deaf Students.
(1986). Bailes, Searls, Slogodzian and Staton. Gallaudet University.
Using a natural way to involve students in functional, meaningful reading
and writing.
Listening for Basic Concepts: An Active Listening Program for
Teaching Basic Concepts. (1990). Brumbaugh & Thompson.
LinguiSystems. Problem/skill area: auditory. Developmental age: 5-8
years. Interest level: K-3.
Listening for Language: An Active Listening Program for Teaching
Semantics. (1993). Brumbaugh & Thompson. LinguiSystems. Skill area:
language, listening. Interest level: grades 2-5.
Listening for Vocabulary: An Active Listening Program for Teaching
Vocabulary. (1992). Brumbaugh & Thompson. LinguiSystems. Skill
area: language. Interest level: K-3.
The Literature Journal. (1991). Charles C. Welsh-Charrier. Gallaudet
University. From the Sharing Ideas: Reading and Writing Series. Describes
strategies in teaching language using whole language principles.
Magazines for Children. (1990). Donald R. Stoll, editor. Educational
Press Association of America. Annotated listing of magazines of interest to
children including ordering addresses.
Material on Reading. David Schleper. A folio containing handouts from
his workshops.
New Policy Guidelines for Reading – Connecting Research and
Practice. (1989). Jerome Harste. National Council of Teachers of
English. Clarifies important educational issues and helps improve
classroom practice.
Once Upon a Time… (1986). Putnam & Sons. An illustrated collection of
true and fictional anecdotes, stories and reminiscences by well-known
children’s authors and illustrators about books and the experience of
100% Grammar: Skills & Guidelines to Develop Clear Communication.
(1997). Mike & Carolyn LoGiudice. LinguiSystems. Skill: grammar and
punctuation; grades 4-9.
100% Punctuation: Skills & Guidelines to Essential Writing
Mechanics. (1998). Mike & Carolyn LoGiudice. LinguiSystems. Skill:
grammar and punctuation; grades 4-9.
100% Story Writing: Fortified to Stimulate Young Imatinations and
Build Strong Writers. (1997). Dave Wisniewski & Katharine Hempstead.
LinguiSystems. Skill: writing; grades 3-6.
100% Vocabulary: Fortified with Essential Strategies to Enrich
Vocabulary Skills. PRIMARY LEVEL. (1997). Vicki Rothstein & Rhonda
Termansen. LinguiSystems. Skill: vocabulary; ages 6-9.
100% Vocabulary: Fortified with Essential Strategies to Enrich
Vocabulary Skills. INTERMEDIATE LEVEL. (1997). Vicki Rothstein &
Rhonda Termansen. LinguiSystems. Skill: vocabulary; ages 9-14.
100% Writing: Fortified with Essential Strategies to Develop Serious
Writing Skills. NARRATION. (1996). Dave Wisniewski. LinguiSystems.
Skill: writing; grades 6-8.
100% Writing: Fortified with Essential Strategies to Develop Serious
Writing Skills. EXPOSITION. (1996). Dave Wisniewski. LinguiSystems.
Skill: writing; grades 6-8.
100% Writing: Fortified with Essential Strategies to Develop Serious
Writing Skills. PERSUASION. (1996). Dave Wisniewski.
LinguiSystems. Skill: writing; grades 6-8.
Parents and Children Together: Linking Reading and Writing. (1990).
ERIC/RCS. Book and cassette tape containing 3 read-along stories.
The Power of Reading. Lawrence Erlbaum Associates, Inc., Publishers.
A listing of reading materials on educational issues, basic research on
reading, narratives, journals, etc.
Pre-reading Activities for Content Area, Reading and Learning.
(1989). David Moore, John Readence, Robert Rickelman. International
Reading Association. A practical guide to activities that are applicable in a
busy classroom situation.
Pre-Reading Strategies. (1992). David Schleper. Gallaudet. Describes
in detail an aspect of teachers’ practical application of whole language
principles, complete with commentary by each teacher/author and
extensive examples of the work of their deaf students.
Questioning: A Path to Critical Thinking. (1983). Christenbury and
Kelly. ERIC Clearinghouse and National Council of Teachers of English.
Bridges the gap between educational theory and classroom practice.
Raising Readers. Three-ring binder from the 2001 Parent-Child Institute
sponsored by the MN Resource Center:D/HH and MN State Academy for
the Deaf, June 15-17, 2001.
Reading Bridge Mosaic. Level 1; Book 1. (1989). Quigley, Paul,
McAnally, Rose and Payne. Dormac. A collection of stories which also
include word lists, glossaries, and questions.
Reading Bridge Mosaic. Level 1; Book 1. WORKBOOK. (1998).
Reading Bridge Mosaic. Level 1; Book 2 PATTERNS. (1990).
Reading Skills Competency Tests. (1978). Center for Applied Research
in Education. Competency Tests for Basic Reading Skills:
Level A – Advanced
Level R – Readiness
Level 1 – First Level
Level 2 – Second Level
Level 4 – Fourth Level
Level 5 – Fifth Level
Reading Practices With Deaf Learners. (1999). Pro-Ed. McAnally,
Rose, and Quigley. Covers the foundations, instructional management,
and applications.
Reexamining Reading Diagnosis. (1988). Glazer, Searfoss, and
Gentile. International Reading Association. A series of articles by experts
in the field of diagnosis and remediation of reading disabilities.
Report Card of Basal Readers. (1987). Goodman, Shannon, Freeman,
and Murphy. Richard C. Owen Publishing Company. Examines the nature
of the modern basal, its economics and use, and recommendations for
progress in reading instruction within and without the basals.
Response Guides for Teaching Children’s Books. (1979). Somers and
Worthington. National Council of Teachers of English. Twenty-seven
response guides consisting of suggested activities and questions that a
teacher might use as determined by the needs, abilities, interests, and
concerns of the class reading the book. Focuses on active, participative
interaction of children with the books to promote insight and enthusiasm for
Roots in the Sawdust: Writing to Learn Across the Disciplines.
(1985). Anne Ruggles Gere, editor. National Council of Teachers of
English. Individual chapters by teachers in the field of using writing as a
way of learning math, science, English, social studies, foreign language,
philosophy, psychology and art.
Six-Sound Song. (2003). Estabrooks. AG Bell. Hard cover book
explaining the six sounds (ah, oo, ee, sh, s, m) used with children who are
deaf or hard of hearing. Lyrics and music notes included as well as CD
Sources. Using personal journal entries to generate academic and
creative writings. (1978). Mark Hanson. Booklet and 3-ring binder both of
the same title. Instructions for the beginning journal writer.
Strategic Teaching and Learning: Cognitive Instruction in the Content
Areas. (1987). Focuses on concepts in strategic learning, the importance
of organizational patterns and strategic teaching.
Talking into Writing – Exercises for Basic Writers. (1987). National
Council of Teachers of English, ERIC. Provides teachers with a review of
the best educational practices on exercises for writing.
Teach Your Child to Read in 100 Easy Lessons. (1983). Engelmann,
Haddox, and Bruner. Simon & Schuster Publ. A step-by-step program to
teach your child to read. This set includes manual, videotape, audiotape,
and practice word cards.
Teacher’s Handbook on Diagnosis and Remediation in Reading.
Second Edition. (1986). Eldon Ekwall. Allyn and Bacon, Publ.
Designed to be used by teachers who are working with disabled
readers at any grade level.
Teaching Competence in Written Language – A Systematic Program
for Developing Writing Skills. (1988). Diana Phelps-Terasaki and Trisha
Phelps-Gunn. A highly structured program for use by teachers or clinicians
in providing a sound remedial system. TEACHER’S GUIDE, STUDENT
LESSON BOOK, and STUDENT TABLET all separate with the same title.
Teaching Reading Skills Through the Newspaper. Third Edition.
(1992). Arnold Cheyney. R.C. Anderson Publ. Suggests specific
strategies for using the newspaper to bridge the gap between classroom
lessons and the world outside the classroom. Includes bibliographical
Understanding Reading – A Psycholinguistic Analysis of Reading and
Learning to Read. Fourth Edition. (1998). Frank Smith. Lawrence
Erlbaum Associates Publ. Attempts to shed light on the fundamental
aspects of the complex human act of reading and on what is involved in
learning to read.
☼Understanding Math Story Problems. Second Edition. (2003).
PRO-ED, Inc.
Voices of Readers: How We Come to Love Books. (1988). G.Robert
Carlsen and Anne Sherrill. National Council of Teachers of English. The
teacher in search of assignments can simply glance down any page of a
desired category of writing and get countless ideas.
What Can I Write About? 700 Topics for High School Students. (1981).
David Powell. National Council of Teachers of English. The teacher in
search of assignments can simply glance down any page of a desired
category of writing and get countless ideas.
Whole Language: A folio from Perspectives in Education and
Deafness. (1991). Gallaudet University.
Word Stories. (1988). Pamela Brooke. The Radio Road Gang, Inc. A
series of six family radio shows dramatizing the entertaining facts and lore
behind ordinary words. An introduction to the storyline, characters and
songs on the series.
Write More, Learn More, Preschool – Grade 6. (1988). Bob Furnish.
Monroe County Community School Corporation. 3-ring binder.
Write More, Learn More, Writing Across the Curriculum, Grades 6-12.
(1988). Bob Furnish. Monroe County Community School Corporation. 3ring binder.
The Writer’s Workshop. (1994). Sandy Fisher. Gallaudet. Sharing
ideas in reading and writing.
Writing About Literature. (1984). Kahn, National Council of
Teachers of English.
Writing is Reading: 26 Ways to Connect. (1985). Tway. ERIC and the
National Council of Teachers of English.
The Writing Process in Action: A Handbook for Teachers. (1986).
Proett. National Council of Teachers of English.
Written & Illustrated By…A Revolutionary two-brain approach for
teaching students how to write and illustrate amazing books. (1985).
Melton. Landmark Editions, Inc. Publ.
You Can Encourage Your Child to Read. A pamphlet from the
International Reading Association; Newark, Delaware.
Assessment of Developmental Skills for Young Multihandicapped
Sensory Impaired Children. (1989). Elizabeth Morgan and Sue Watkins.
SKI*HI. An Instruction Manual for the INSITE Developmental Checklist.
Cuaderno DeLos Padres. SKI*HI Institute. Spanish.
Cued Speech: Another Option. (1989). Scarlett Horning & Marybeth
Walworth. SKI*HI Institute. A monograph for development of early
language showing the essential elements of spoken English visually.
Developing Cognition in Young Hearing Impaired Children. (1994).
SKI*HI. This handbook presents information on the importance of early
cognition development in young children who are deaf. It contains ideas for
ways to promote early thinking skills, especially cognitive skills that
promote early communication and language development. Fully illustrated,
easy to read, and contains practical and fun activity ideas for the family.
Developing Sign Communication with the Multi-Handicapped Sensory
Impaired Child. Handbook for accompany the INSITE Communication
Program on the Development of Primitive, Co-Active and Interactive
Historial Del Desarrollo Del Nino. SKI*HI Institute. Spanish.
Home-Based Programming for Families of Handicapped Infants and
Young Children. (1989). Thomas C. Clark. A manual for parent advisors
and other home interveners.
INSITE Curriculum. Second Edition. (1989). Set of 2 volumes. Contains
Developmental Checklists 0-6 yrs. (long form); Developmental Checklist 02 yrs. (short form); Developmental Checklist 0-5 yrs.
The Management of Home-Based Programs for Infant, Toddler and
Pre-School Aged Handicapped Children. (1989). Management manual
to assist new and veteran administrators in providing administrative
direction and support necessary for the establishment, implementation, and
on-going operation of quality home intervention programs.
Para La Familia. Spanish.
Sign Language for the Family. (1989). SKI*HI. Hope, Inc. A sign
activity and reference booklet to accompany the SKI*HI Total
Communication Videotapes.
SKI*HI Binder. Spanish.
SKI*HI Curriculum. (2004). Hope, Inc. Volumes 1 and 2 in 3-ring
binders. Each volume contains 2200 pages. The curriculum contains
friendly, easy-to-use topics for families with delightful accompanying
visuals, handouts, and activity sheets.
VOLUME 1: The Basics and Getting Started; Special Needs.
VOLUME 2: Early Communication, Language, and Literacy.
SKI*HI Graphics to Accompany SKI*HI Resource Manual. (1993).
Three ring binder.
SKI*HI Home Intervention Program Adaptation. (1984). 3-ring binder is
a model for the delivery of services to hearing impaired infants and their
SKI*HI Home Visit Curriculum. (1985). Thomas Clark and Susan
Watkins. 3-ring binder on programming for hearing impaired infants
through home intervention.
SKI*HI Home Total Communication Videotape Program Instruction
Booklet. (1986). SKI*HI. Hope, Inc.
SKI*HI Instructional Manual for the SKI*HI Language Development
Scale. (1979). Steve Tonelson & Susan Watkins.
SKI*HI Language Development Scale – Instruction Manual.
Assessment of Language Skills for Hearing Impaired Children from Infancy
to Five Years of Age. (1979). Susan Watkins.
SKI*HI Language Development Scale – Test Form. Assessment of
Language Skills for Hearing Impaired Children from Infancy to Five Years
of Age. (1979). Susan Watkins.
SKI*HI Model: A Resource Manual for Family Centered Home Based
Programming for Infants, Toddlers, and Preschool-aged Children with
Hearing Impairments. 3-ring binder.
SKI*HI Receptive Language Test. (1975). Thomas M. Longhurst, Deb
Briery and Mary Emery.
Alternative Teaching Strategies. (1975). Research Press. A guide for
teachers and psychologists in helping behaviorally troubled children
Assessing Adolescents. (1988). Oster, Caro, Eagen, and Lillo.
Pergamon Press. A guide to assessing adolescents which includes a stepby-step approach to interviewing, testing and formulating diagnoses.
Behavior Assessment for School Psychologists. (1983). Galen J.
Alessi and James H. Kaye. National Association of School Psychologists.
Companion manual to videotape. Demonstrates the use of behavior
assessment methods by following a school psychologist through the entire
Behavior Problems. (1976). Baker, Brightman, Heifetz, and Murphy.
(1976). Research Press. A book for parents to help in dealing with
behavior problems in their children.
Building Self-Esteem. (1982). Robert Reasoner. Consulting
Psychologists Press. 3-ring binder. Teacher’s guide and classroom
materials – elementary edition.
Chemical Abuse & Dependency: A Resource Guide to Facilitate
Services to the Hearing Impaired. (1988). St. Paul Ramsey Medical
Chemical Abuse & Dependency: An Information Book for the Hearing
Impaired. (1988). St. Paul Ramsey Medical Center.
Choices. (1993). Linda Oberg. From MN Chemical Dependency Program
for Deaf and Hard of Hearing Individuals. Divided into six units of eighteen
lessons. Contains discussion, lectures, role-play, and games used to teach
Communicate With Me, Picture Book, Unit 1. (1988). David Deyo.
National Information Center on Deafness. Conversation strategies for deaf
students. Also available. . .
Communicate With Me, Picture Book, Unit 2
Communicate With Me, Picture Book, Unit 3
Communicate With Me, Picture Book, Unit 4
Communicate With Me, Picture Book, Unit 6
Communicate With Me, Picture Book, Unit 7
Communicate With Me, Role Play Cards
Communicate With Me, Teacher Guide
Coping With Hearing Loss and Hearing Aids. (1992). Debra Shimon.
Part of the Coping With Aging Series.
Counseling the Communicatively Disordered and Their Family.
(1984). David Luterman. Pro-Ed. Helps speech-language pathologists
and audiologists incorporate some of the knowledge and skills of trained
counselors into their work.
Decisions, Decisions. (1981). Gallaudet. A student resource packet on
decision making process.
Developing Prosocial Communication Skills. Elizabeth H. Wiig. A
Communication Intents Package.
Did I Do That? (1987). Samuel Trychin,PhD. Gallaudet University Press.
Manual to accompany videotape of same title.
Enhancing Children’s Social Skills. (1988). Johnny Matson and
Thomas Ollendick. Pergamon Press. A thorough account of the rapidly
developing field of social skills assessment and training with children.
Getting Along With Others; Teaching Social Effectiveness to Children.
(1983). Jackson, Jackson, and Monroe. Research Press.
I Am Special. (1978). Linda Schwartz. The Learning Works Publ. A
motivating way for primary children to keep a journal about themselves
throughout the year. The book is divided into 12 sections, with two
exercises in each section. Children can complete the sections at their own
pace according to age and ability level.
Improving Social Skills: A Guide for Teenagers, Young Adults, and
Parents. (1989). Interstate Research Associates, Learning Disabilities
Project. A book designed for learners and teachers which provides a
curriculum for social skills improvement for students with learning
In The Shadows: Living and Coping with a Loved One’s Chronic
Illness. (1995). David Luterman. Jade Press. A compendium of the pain
and tempered joy, of the guilt and anger, of dilemmas and despair that
accompanies a family with chronic illness.
Let’s Talk! INTERMEDIATE LEVEL. (1984). Merrill Publishing Co. 3ring binder contains: Professional’s Guide, Communication Activity Cards,
Communication Situation Cards A-J.
Making New Friends. (1994). A pamphlet from NICD listing resources for
deaf and hard of hearing people to correspond with or meet other people
throughout the world.
Marvelous Me. A Learning Works Skill Builder. Ages 5-8. (1987). Linda
Schwartz. The Learning Works. In coloring book form, a book to help
children ages 5-8 learn about themselves.
Mental Health Assessment of Deaf Clients: A Practical Manual.
(1987). Edited by Elliott, Glass and Evans.
Mental Health Services for Deaf People. (1992). Gallaudet.
Modifying Classroom Behavior. Revised. (1978). Nancy K. Buckley
and Hill M. Walker. Research Press. A manual of procedure for classroom
Nonaversive Intervention for Behavior Problems: A Manual for Home
Community. (1989). Luanna H. Meyer. Paul Brookes, Publ. Applies the
principles and practices of learning and behavior theory to daily living at
home, work, and in the community.
Physical Abuse: What Is It? (1995). St. Paul Ramsey Medical Center.
An information book for people who are deaf or hard of hearing.
Self-Esteem Enhancement with Children and Adolescents. (1988).
Pope, McHale, and Craighead. Pergamon Press. The authors describe a
cognitive-behavioral approach to self-esteem enhancement with children
and adolescents.
Sexual Abuse: What Is It? (1995). St. Paul Ramsey Medical Center. An
information book for people who are deaf or hard of hearing.
Sexual Harassment: It’s Not Fun/It’s Illegal. This set includes: a
videotape, books entitled Girls and Boys Getting Along (a curriculum for K6 Teaching Sexual Harassment Prevention) and Sexual Harassment to
Teenagers: It’s Not Fun/It’s Illegal. (This will be loaned out as a set.)
Skill-Streaming the Adolescent. (1980). Goldstein, Strafkin, Gershaw, &
Klein. Research Press.
Skill-Streaming the Adolescent, SKILL CARDS. Research Press.
Social Skills in the Classroom. (1978). Thomas M. Stephens. Cedars
Press. Contains suggestions for teaching social skills in ways children
learn in their natural environments.
Teaching Social Skills to Hearing Impaired Students. (1990). Patrick J.
Schloss and Maureen A. Smith. A.G. Bell Association for the Deaf. Written
for teachers and parents of hearing impaired children and provides a
systematic framework for teaching and modifying social behavior in their
Thinking, Feeling, Behaving: Grades 1-6. (1989). Ann Vernon.
Research Press.
Thinking Feeling, Behaving: Grades 7-12. (1989). Ann Vernon.
Research Press. An emotional education curriculum for children grades 16.
Using Behavioral Interventions with Hearing Impaired Persons.
(1987). Stephen E. Boone, PhD. University of Arkansas. A resource
guide for practitioners.
The Walker Social Skills Curriculum. The ACCESS Program:
Adolescent Curriculum for Communication and Effective Social Skills
(1988). Walker, McConnell, Holmes, Todis, Walker, and Golden. Pro-Ed.
Designed to improve the social competence levels of adolescent students
in middle and high school settings.
The Walker Social Skills Curriculum. STUDENT STUDY GUIDE. The
ACCESS Program: Adolescent Curriculum for Communication and
Effective Social Skills (1988). Walker, McConnell, Holmes, Todis, Walker,
and Golden. Pro-Ed. Student study guide to accompany book of same
The Walker Social Skills Curriculum. The ACCEPTS Program. (1988).
Walker, McConnell, Holmes, Todis, Walker, and Golden. Pro-Ed.
Designed to prepare handicapped children to enter and perform
satisfactorily within less restrictive settings, and directly teach skills that
facilitate classroom adjustment and contribute to peer acceptance.
Achieving Outcomes: A Guide to Interagency Training in Transition
and Supported Employment. (1987). Everson, Barcus, Moon, and
Martin, editors. Virginia Commonwealth University.
Advocating Culture Through Communication, Support Through
Community Networking. A pamphlet with information about Portland
residence, a unique living arrangement for the hearing impaired in
Minneapolis MN.
Barrier-Free Educational Environments for Hearing Impaired
Individuals. (1987). A pamphlet from Gallaudet.
Become Your own Expert! Self-Advocacy Curriculum for individuals with
Learning Disabilities. January 1995. From MDE Transition.
Begin the Between. (1992). PACER CENTER. Planning for transition
from high school to adult life.
Career Planning and Placement Strategies for Postsecondary
Students with Disabilities. Heath Resource Center pamphlet.
College & Career Programs for Deaf Students. 8th Edition. (1991).
Rawlings,, editors. Gallaudet University. A guide to nation-wide
postsecondary programs that offer special services for deaf and hard of
hearing students.
College & Career Programs for Deaf Students. (1995). Gallaudet.
Deaf Students and the School-to-Work Transition. (1989). Allen,
Rawlings, and Schildroth. Paul H. Brookes Publ. Discusses laws and
regulations, reviews available services, examines existing relationships
between educational programs and vocational rehabilitation agencies.
Education for Employment: A Guide to Postsecondary Vocational
Education for Students with Disabilities. (1986-87 edition). Heath
Resource Center. A pamphlet with articles on vocational education of the
disabled, including legislative perspectives.
Essentials of College Living. (2002). Carol Kelley. University of TN
Press. Topics in this book can be adapted to meet the needs of the college
chosen. This guide offers a broad range of activities rather than reading
assignments and lecture. Some activities include role play, small group
discussion, and skits. The purpose of this book is to assist students who
are deaf and hard of hearing experience a smoother transition and
persistence to graduation.
Financial Aid for Student with Disabilities. Heath Resource Center. A
pamphlet with information about financial aid, including addresses for
additional scholarship information.
Financial Aid Update. (Jan-Feb 1991). National Clearinghouse on
Postsecondary Education for Individuals with Disabilities. A pamphlet with
information on financial aid, work study abroad, high school diploma
alternatives, computer access projects, and more.
Getting Employed, Staying Employed. (1987). McLoughlin, Garner &
Callahan. Paul H.Brookes Publ. Job development and training for persons
with severe handicaps.
Getting Ready for College: Advising High School Students with
Learning Disabilities. A pamphlet from Heath Resource Center. A
checklist for parents, counselors, teachers, program coordinators, and
students themselves to consider well before senior year decision time.
Getting Ready for College: The Where, When and How of Succeeding.
Grace E. Olmstead. A pamphlet on the common sense of college
Graduating to Independence. A 3-ring binder from the Department of
Health & Human Services. Information for young people with disabilities.
Guidelines for Teacher Tutors of Hearing Handicapped Children.
(1971). From U of MN Department of Special Education.
The Habilitation and Rehabilitation of Deaf Adolescents. (1984).
Anderson and Watson. Gallaudet. Highlights the proceedings of the first
National Conference on the Habilitation and Rehabilitation of Deaf
The Head Injury Survivor on Campus: Issues and Resources. Heath
Resource Center. A pamphlet that includes articles relating to students who
have survived head trauma.
Hearing Impaired Students in Postsecondary Education-1988 Edition.
Heath Resource Center. A pamphlet with information and facts about
hearing loss, communication methods, postsecondary options, tips for
students and teachers, and more.
How the Student with Hearing Loss Can Succeed in College: A
Handook for Students, Families, and Professionals. (1990). Flexer,
Wray and Leavitt, editors. A.G. Bell Association for the Deaf. Step-by-step
chapter format presents technical information in a practical, logical manner.
Information for Parents of High School Students with Disabilities in
Transition to Adult Life. (1993). PACER Center. A transition planning
Innovations in the Habilitation and Rehabilitation of Deaf Adolescents.
(1987). Anderson and Watson. University of AR: National Deaf
Adolescent Conference. Highlights the proceedings of the second National
Learning Disabled Adults in Postsecondary Education. (Spring 1987).
Heath Resource Center. A pamphlet with information on learning disabled
adults including options for education after high school, locating the
appropriate school, types of programs for learning disabled, and more.
Make the Most of Your Opportunities: A Guide to Postsecondary
Education for Adults with Handicaps. Heath Resource Center. A
pamphlet with helpful information for handicapped adults on looking for the
best school, admissions, services available, notetakers, special help,
interpreter services, and more.
Making the Transition Team Work. (January 1984). A guide from the
Minnesota Department of Education.
Minnesota’s Post Secondary Education Options for Students with
Disabilities. A pamphlet from MN Department of Education.
Minnesota Transition Training Manual. (1985). MN Department of
Education. 3-ring binder of helpful information on such topics as workshop
planning, agency descriptions, group process, etc.
MN Educational Services Resource Library Loan Listing for
Transition. (1993). MN Ed. Services.
News Digest: Information from the national Information Center for
Handicapped Children and Youth. Number 8. (1987). A pamphlet from
NICHCY with articles on vocational education for students with disabilities.
NICHCY Transition Summary. Pamphlet. Volume 3, Number 1. March
1993 issue.
NICHCY Transition Summary. Number 7. (1991). A pamphlet from
NICHCY with articles on options after high school for youth with disabilities.
The Notetaker. The Mainstream Center, Clarke School. A 3-ring binder
on organizing a notetaking system.
Notetaking: An Essential Service. A pamphlet from NTID.
Opportunity Knocking. (1988). PACER. The story of supported
Parent Connection Guide. (1994). A manual for starting and maintaining
a Parent Connection Group. MN Department of Ed.
Planning Your Dreams. Booklet from MDE Transition Services. A
roadmap for life after high school for students with disabilities and their
Promising Practices in Transition. (1996). 3-ring binder from MN
Department of Children, Families & Learning.
Providing Services for Students Who Are Hard of Hearing in
Postsecondary Education. (2001). This booklet contains questions and
answers from a videoconference at the Midwest Center for Postsecondary
Read My Lips: It’s My Choice. (1989). William T. Allen. Governor’s
Planning Council of Developmental Disabilities. A resource guide to help
increase the freedom of choice for people with developmental disabilities.
School to What? Transition packet from the University of Minnesota.
Self-Advocacy for Students Who are Deaf or Hard of Hearing. (1997).
Kristina M. English. Pro-Ed. Addresses concerns such as legal rights,
transition, personal and interpersonal skills, post high school support
Self-Advocacy Instruction for Secondary LD Students: Empowering
Students. Wendy Dover. Manhattan High School, Manhattan, KS. A
pamphlet on how high school can empower learned disabled high school
students to act as their own advocates in various educational, vocational
and community settings.
Strategies for Advising Disabled Students for Postsecondary
Education. Heath Resource Center. A pamphlet with information for
providing career counseling for students with disabilities.
Students in Transition Using Planning. Teacher’s Manual for students
with hearing impairments. (1989). PACER Center, Inc. Helps develop a
training program on self advocacy for special education students to prepare
others to duplicate the student training program.
Students Who Are Deaf or Hard of Hearing in Postsecondary
Education. Heath Resource Center. A pamphlet with helpful information
options in postsecondary setting, specially funded programs, interpreter
services, and more.
Supported Employment: A Step-by-Step Guide. (1992). PACER. A
guide to obtaining or improving supported employment.
Tomorrow We’re Taking a Test… D.J. Roppelt and M.F. Arrington Mowl.
T.J. Publishers. A pamphlet containing information to help prepare
students for psychological testing. Includes transparency masters for
lower-elementary school deaf students, ages 5-10.
Transition Packet. A folio with information on transition including
pamphlets from the Minnesota Department of Education, State Transition
Interagency Committee, Interagency Office on Transition Services, and
Minnesota Higher Education Systems.
Transition: Identifying Individual Transition Needs. (1993). MDE.
Transition in Action: A Personal Transition Information Management
System (PTIMS). (May 1990). A pamphlet from Hennepin Technical
Transition Planning and Programming: Empowerment Through
Partnership. (1999). Danek & Busby. Gallaudet University Press.
The Tutor/Notetaker – Providing Academic Support to Mainstreamed
Deaf Students. (1980). MANAGER’S GUIDE. Osguthorpe, Wilson,
Goldmann and Panara. Companion to manual of same title. A guide for
establishing quality support services for mainstreamed deaf students.
Unlocking the Doors: How to Enter Post-Secondary Education from
High School, A Manual for Students with Learning Disabilities. (1991).
From Learning Disabilities Association.
Vocational Evaluation of Hearing Impaired Persons. (1983). NAD. A
report on the research symposium which examined innovative research
and practices in evaluation, adjustment training, and employment services
for hearing-impaired persons.
Vocational Evaluation Report for Sally Starstudent. (March 1990). St.
Paul Technical College. A pamphlet discussing Sally’s performance in the
vocational evaluation laboratories of St. Paul Technical College.
Vocational Rehabilitation Services: A Postsecondary Student
Consumer’s Guide. A pamphlet from Heath.
We Can Do It! A curriculum for teaching self-determination. (November
1994). Produced by Wilderness Inquiry and the Institute on Community
Integration for the MN Department of Education.
What’s Happening to Young Adults with Disabilities? (1994).
Published by the College of Education, University of MN.
Young Adults with Learning Disabilities and Other Special Needs:
Guide for Selecting Postsecondary Transition Programs. Heath
Resource Center. A pamphlet with information on transition programs in
postsecondary education including articles on preparing for independent
living, preparing for training and employment, and a list of campus-related
programs as well as transitional residential programs.